{"text":"Makes sense I'm sure we can use it eventually today's timing seemed off.. Thanks Sent from my iPhone On May 17, 2016, at 3:42 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: It'll take a day to produce it, they wouldn't finish it till probably sometime tomorrow, so we can still make determinations on timing but it's helpful to get it done and have it ready. We can choose to not use it till later. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Dacey, Amy Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:39 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Fwd: New video: Spanish-language video on Trump campaign violence Should we be putting this out during the heat of the NV democratic convention issue? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: \"Christopher, Rebecca\" > Date: May 17, 2016 at 3:37:42 PM EDT To: Video-Vetting_d > Cc: \"Manriquez, Pablo\" >, \"Bhatnagar, Akshai\" > Subject: New video: Spanish-language video on Trump campaign violence Hi everyone, Attached is the script for a cut of Spanish-language commentary on violence inspired by Donald Trump's campaign. This is (I believe) going straight to Reuters for a specific article. I believe Luis has already signed off, but if anyone from comms or research has any questions please let me know! Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"Bitmoji is worth a thousand words! lol From: hrtsleeve@gmail.com Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:15 AM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Re: DWS Media in Los Angeles, CA [image2.png] DWS On May 5, 2016, at 8:11 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Good coverage out of Los Angeles: From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:54 AM To: Comm_D Subject: DWS Media in Los Angeles, CA Below you'll find all the coverage in one place. KMEX -- UNIVISION LOS ANGELES WATCH HERE UNIVISION \u2013 UNIVISION LOS ANGELES WATCH HERE Media's Trump Coverage 'Needs to Be Balanced' In General Election, Says DNC Chair VARIETY \/\/ TED JOHNSON Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that she expects that the \"outrageously imbalanced\" news media coverage of Donald Trump will \"begin to even out\" as the race heads to the general election. In an interview with Variety on Wednesday, Wasserman Schultz said that the general election will present a different dynamic because it will be a head-to-head matchup, versus the GOP primary when Trump dominated coverage against 16 other opponents. She said that the DNC \"will be pushing for accountability when it comes to the media's coverage of this campaign from our perspective. The opportunities should be essentially even, and so it is my hope and our expectation that the coverage would begin to even out, and you not allow what they allowed to play out during the primary. And I expect that they will be more responsible about it than they have.\" Analytics firm MediaQuant valued Trump's earned media coverage at $2.8 billion, compared to $1.2 billion for Hillary Clinton, $770.7 million for Ted Cruz and $658 million for Bernie Sanders. The figures are for 12 months ended April 30. The Trump coverage, she said, has \"kind of been outrageously imbalanced.\" Still, Wasserman Schultz said that it was \"not for us to dictate\" whether news networks conduct phone interviews with Trump, as opposed to in-studio or on camera interviews. Clinton has conducted phoners too, but news networks have been criticized for the extent to which they have featured Trump by audio only. \"I am just talking about the coverage needs to be balanced, and they can't just focus on ratings, and they need to focus on making sure that they present a fair opportunity that is presented to them without being mindful that there is a candidate on the other side,\" she said. Wasserman Schultz was at the headquarters of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, the day after Trump trounced Cruz in the Indiana primary and Cruz dropped out. Trump's remaining rival, John Kasich, abandoned his bid on Wednesday, making Trump the presumptive nominee. Wasserman Schultz called Trump an \"abomination.\" \"Donald Trump is the Republican party,\" Wasserman Schultz said. \"\u2026So any comparison of Donald Trump being able to vanquish his opponents in the primary to he general election are really completely comparing apples and oranges. Donald Trump's success has proven that this is where the Republican party of today is. They are right wing and extreme. They support misogyny. They are willing to support the most bigoted, sexist, misogynistic bully that has campaigned for the presidency in modern times. And that certainly is not where a majority of Americans are.\" Still, she said that she agrees with pundits and analysts who say that Trump should not be underestimated. \"We are a divided nation,\" she said. \"We are going to take this election very seriously, unlike Republicans, who laughed Donald Trump off for far too long. We have been assuming for many months that he would be their nominee, have been preparing for him to be their nominee, and we will be running this election as if it were a down-to-the-wire close election.\" The race between Clinton and Sanders has gotten heated, while the expectation had been that the Democrats would wrap up their primary race before the Republicans did. Instead, Sanders won Indiana's primary, although it didn't put much of a dent in Clinton's delegate lead. Wasserman Schultz said that she was \"confident\" of party unity. \"On our side, compared to 2008, this is a relatively tame back and forth,\" Wasserman Schultz said. \"Go back and watch some of the acrimony between Obama and Clinton at this point. The election was much closer, and you had a lot more acrimony. Surrogates were on TV trashing the other. And not only did we reunify even though it played out through the primaries, President Obama eventually asked Senator Clinton to be his secretary of state.\" Wasserman Schultz said that she has \"cautioned the candidates at this stage of the campaign to be mindful of tone,\" but she also noted that each candidate has vowed to support the other in the general election. Instead, she said that it is Republicans who \"have a real problem with unity\" based on sentiments expressed by some conservatives on social media who say they will never back Trump. She said that they would be reaching out to Republicans to support the Democratic nominee. \"There are a number coming out publicly on their own,\" she said. \"We always do, but we see many more than usual on the Republican side who are actually saying they will not only go to the polls and vote for our candidate but will be willing to work for our candidate.\" She predicted that there will be more voter interest in the Democratic National Convention than the Republican gathering, which she said is \"going to be a circus.\" \"They are about to nominate the most extreme, racist, sexist, bigoted, misogynist in modern times,\" she said. \"So watching their convention play out will be more like watching a train wreck. You shouldn't do it, but you can't help yourself.\" She added, \"If you look comparatively at 2012, the Republican National Convention, with a so-called establishment nominee, ended with Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair.\" She said that this years DNC \"will be such a clear and stark contrast about the choice that voters will have in being able to move us forward and focus on the future or be dragged backwards and worse.\" Wasserman Schultz said that she expected the electoral map to look like it did in 2012, although she pointed to demographic shifts and expected turnout from voters alarmed at the prospect of Trump being elected. Although California is reliably blue, she pointed to 14,000 new Democrats registered in Orange County, a traditional conservative bastion. \"They are generating interest on our side simply because of how badly [the Republicans] are alienating large groups of voters,\" she said. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders bring Democratic battle to California LA DAILY NEWS \/\/ DAVID MONTERO Welcome to what battleground state status feels like, California Democrats. At least for a little while. Just hours after Indiana sent Sen. Ted Cruz packing and Ohio Gov. John Kasich called it quits, essentially making Donald Trump the presumptive Republican nominee for president, the Democrats found they were the ones in the middle of the political drama, with their front-runner being chased by a challenger who not only won in the Hoosier State but has vowed to keep fighting through California's June 7 primary. Bernie Sanders may be a mathematical long shot to get the Democratic presidential nomination, despite winning the Indiana primary Tuesday, but Hillary Clinton isn't taking chances and has begun flooding California with rallies, office openings and fundraisers. The tussle between Clinton and Sanders for the state's 475 delegates started in earnest today, as early primary voting gets underway Monday. Former President Bill Clinton spoke in Los Angeles on behalf of his wife at the Grand Suite Hotel on Wednesday before participating in a panel discussion about gun violence with members of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and actor Brad Pitt in the evening. His appearances in Southern California also included a speech in San Diego. The former president is also participating in a fundraiser this week and will deliver the commencement speech for undergraduates at Loyola Marymont University on Saturday. Meanwhile, Sanders had surrogates speaking for him at UC Irvine and Cal State Long Beach on Wednesday, a move that played to his popularity among college-age millennials. He went Hollywood with the move, tapping actors Kendrick Sampson of \"How to Get Away With Murder,\" Heather Matarazzo of \"The Princess Diaries\" and Oscar winner Susan Sarandon. Coming into Los Angeles on Wednesday to see the Golden State shuffle was Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who said she preferred her position of watching two of her party's candidates duel for the nomination rather than the task facing her Republican counterpart, Reince Priebus. \"I've never seen so much churn and angst and opposition to the presumptive nominee from a political party like what is taking place here,\" she said in an interview at the Los Angeles County Democratic Party headquarters. \"You know they have a massive problem on their hands.\" When Cruz and Kasich dropped out, some Republicans posted photos of themselves burning their voter registration cards or switching to independent, unaffiliated or Libertarian parties. Priebus on Twitter urged Republicans to \"unite and focus on defeating (Hillary) Clinton.\" Wasserman Shultz said the campaign has been \"substantive\" on the Democratic side but acknowledged it's also gotten stickier as the primary season wears on. \"They're in the narrow end of the funnel right now, and so it's been a bit more intense towards the end here,\" she said. \"The reality is that our voters are coming out of primaries saying that the primaries energized them and made them more enthusiastic about supporting either one of our candidates.\" Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders in delegates and is just a few hundred short of securing the presidential nomination in Philadelphia this summer, although the Sanders campaign hopes to persuade some superdelegates to switch sides. In California alone, of the state's 73 superdelegates, more than 50 have already committed to Clinton. Sanders has suggested superdelegates who come from states he won should flip their votes to him. Wasserman Shultz said after the 2008 election \"it's a completely reasonable and fair process\" and the 712 superdelegates are a small fraction of the 4,763 total delegates going to the convention in Philadelphia this summer. She also said superdelegates \u2014 in place since 1984 \u2014 have never determined the nominee. \"We separate those 712 unpledged delegates and give them an opportunity to vote for who they want to because they are party leaders and elected officials and people who have been in the trenches to help build the party,\" she said. -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231","label":0} {"text":"F.Y.I. -----Original Message----- From: webmaster@cera.com Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 9:01 PM To: clients@cera.com Subject: Radical Shift in Western Power and Gas Market Dynamics - CERA Monthly Briefing Title: The West Enters a Bust URL(s): *********************************************************************** RADICAL SHIFT IN WESTERN MARKET DYNAMICS The western power markets are entering a bust period as a result of the 24,000 megawatts of power plant additions and demand decline brought on by last year's high prices and the current economic softness. This bust period is likely to last for several years. Western gas markets have also entered a bust with the delayed start to winter and full storage inventories exerting downward pressure on both North American prices and western basis differentials. Through the remainder of this year and into well into next, western regional gas and power markets will remain soft and possibly weaken further. * Power operating reserves should rise to above 15 percent by next summer in the Southwest and California, pushing power prices down and improving reliability. * Power demand is expected to shrink by 11 percent in the fourth quarter; market contractions will return demand in 2002 to levels experienced in 1998. * Full gas storage inventories, huge declines in year-over-year demand, and the onset of significant pipeline capacity additions will keep a lid on West Coast differentials. **end** Follow above URL for complete Monthly Briefing (11 printed pages). E-mail Category: Monthly Briefing CERA Knowledge Area(s): Western Energy *********************************************************************** ************************************************************************************** CERAWeek February 11-15, 2002 - SPECIAL OFFER: Register on-line before November 30th, and a 2-Day Pass will be upgraded to a 4-Day Pass (maximum $1,800 value). Day 1: Global Oil\/Refined Products; Day 2: Natural Gas\/Global Energy; Day 3 & 4: Electric Power ************************************************************************************** To make changes to your cera.com profile go to: Forgot your username and password? Go to: This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Terms of Use: Questions\/Comments: webmaster@cera.com Copyright 2001. Cambridge Energy Research Associates","label":0} {"text":"Amazon.com order of Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam. Amazon Kindle eBooks | Your Account | Amazon.com Order Confirmation Order #","label":0} {"text":"Great \u2013 Jenna\/Rachel, pls blast out Subject line: New report: Trump's reckless trade policies would cost families $2,200\/year Body: Makes sense, since Trump thinks wages are \"too high \" in the U.S. Trump's tariffs will cost Americans thousands, report says Tami Lubhy \/ CNN Donald Trump's tough talk of imposing tariffs on China, Japan and Mexico gets big cheers at his rallies. What his supporters may not realize, however, is how much those tariffs will cost them. Trump has repeatedly said America has been on the losing end of trade deals for years. In his view, the tariffs would level the playing field by making imports more expensive. That, in turn, would prompt American companies to produce more domestically and bring back jobs. Experts, however, say boosting tariffs would be a bad deal for Americans, particularly for the poor. The tariffs would cost the average household $2,200 a year, or 4% of their after-tax income, according to a new study from the non-profit National Foundation for American Policy conducted by David Tuerck, Paul Bachman and Frank Conte, all of Suffolk University. This is largely because imports under Trump's policy would become more expensive, sending the price of competing American-made goods higher as well. That would effectively levy a consumption tax on purchases and cut into the incomes of shoppers. \"All of the benefits for producers would be extracted from consumers,\" said Tuerck, who heads the economics department at Suffolk. \"It's using a blunt sword to do brain surgery. It would cost consumers an awful lot for rather small benefits for U.S. producers.\" The levy would fall even more heavily on the poor since they spend more on necessities and more of their purchases are low-cost imported goods, experts say. The tariffs would eat up 18%, or $934, of the annual income of those in the bottom 10% of households. But they would only dent the income of the richest decile by 3%, or $5,001, the researchers estimated. The Suffolk University study assumes Trump would levy a 45% tariff on goods and services from China and Japan and 35% on Mexican products. The presumptive Republican candidate has not laid out a specific trade policy, but has talked of implementing such tariffs. Trump's campaign did not return a request for comment. What's more, broad-based tariffs on imports from these countries could wind up hurting globally competitive American companies , particularly ones in higher-skilled industries that pay better wages. If the U.S. cuts down on buying imports, foreign countries may have less money to buy U.S. exports or they may retaliate by imposing their own levies on U.S. goods, said Peter Petri, professor of international economics at Brandeis University. That will hurt makers of more advanced products, such as pharmaceuticals, computer chips and chemicals, while protecting lower-wage manufacturers, such as garment and toy companies. But even if the makers of these commodity products were to set up shop again in the U.S., they likely would be highly automated and not create many jobs. \"It would increase jobs not done in America today because they pay too little, but decrease export-oriented jobs with higher wages,\" said Petri, noting that globally competitive exporters pay up to 18% more, on average, than those that don't export. \"We'll put shackles on our most competitive industries.\"","label":0} {"text":"TKO NOTICE: Suspicious Activity Account Suspended Dear Customer,For the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. 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Click Here, login and complete the next step to \"Remove Limitations.\" Completing all of the information required will automatically restore your account access.You will be redirected to a secure, private PayPal server on a random port due security issues. PayPal, an eBay company Copyright \u00a9 1999-2007 PayPal. All rights reserved. Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"Well the way things are going around here lately I may want to cut my losses with the Big E and take my skills elsewhere. Know any good headhunters? :-) Kristin Gandy Freight Markets Enron Global Markets 1400 Smith Street ECS 3657 Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-7263 kristin.gandy@enron.com > -----Original Message----- > From: Arnold, John > Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:40 AM > To: Gandy, Kristin > Subject: RE: > > The reason I asked is, this sounds bad, but right now the > cheaper you are the easier time I'll have finding you a job. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Gandy, Kristin > Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:30 AM > To: Arnold, John > Subject: RE: > > John, > > Thanks for the note back. My title is Specialist so I am the > little man on the trading floor, but since I have been here I > have been kicking ass. I enjoy trading and really didn't get > the chance to dig into it deep. Anyway, take care and have a > Happy Holiday. > > Kristin Gandy > Freight Markets > Enron Global Markets > 1400 Smith Street ECS 3657 > Houston, Texas 77002 > 713-853-7263 > kristin.gandy@enron.com > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Arnold, John > > Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:25 AM > > To: Gandy, Kristin > > Subject: RE: > > > > Kristin: > > Sorry for the delay. Unfotunately I don't have any openings > > in my group right now. If I hear of any positions open I'll > > give you a shout. Can you remind me what title you have now. > > John > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Gandy, Kristin > > Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:00 AM > > To: Arnold, John > > Subject: > > > > John, > > > > Hello and good Monday morning to you. I briefly meet you > > while talking to Paul Racicot on Friday at Front Porch Pub. > > With Matt working here in Freight you probably already know > > we are not well off these days. Next on the chopping block > > is never a good place to be. > > > > This is a forward question but what the hell. I was > > wondering if you knew of any positions available in your > > area. If you can believe it I am not ready to leave Enron > > behind yet. Thanks for your help. > > > > Regards, > > > > Kristin Gandy > > Freight Markets > > Enron Global Markets > > 1400 Smith Street ECS 3657 > > Houston, Texas 77002 > > 713-853-7263 > > kristin.gandy@enron.com > >","label":0} {"text":"Today in the call for a full, nine bench Supreme Court: Senate Democrats join environmental advocates to discuss importance of filling the Supreme Court vacancy, Florida Republican Senate candidate David Jolly calls for Garland nomination hearing and a vote, while editorial boards and political analysts continue to note the poisonous political game Senate Republicans are playing over Chief Judge Garland's nomination. Senate Democrats And Environmental Advocates Call On Republican Senators: #DoYourJob Today, Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Brian Schatz, Senator Martin Heinrich and Senator Ed Markey joined NextGen Climate, Green for All, League for Conservation Voters and Clean Water Action on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court with a clear demand for Senate Republicans: do your job by giving President Obama's Supreme Court nominee full and fair consideration. A video of the event can be found here . Sen. Boxer (D-CA): \"We cannot afford to have a deadlocked court, which could lead to different rules in different parts of the country and inconsistent protections for public health and the environment.\" Sen. Heinrich (D-NM): \"Challenges to the President's Clean Power Plan will ultimately end up being heard before the U.S. Supreme Court. This is precisely the type of case that the American people cannot have end in a 4-4 tie. It is my sincere hope that Republicans will end their obstructionism and take their jobs and constitutional duties seriously.\" Sen. Schatz (D-HI): It's time for Senate Republicans to end the political games, fulfill their constitutional duty, and join us in restoring the Supreme Court to its full strength.\" Sen. Markey (D-MA): \"Landmark rulings on the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act explain why just one vacancy on this Supreme Court has such enormous impact and why the stakes are so high. We simply cannot afford to have a vacancy on the Supreme Court for the sake of environmental and climate protections.\" [NextGen Press Release, 04\/26\/16 ] GOP Senate candidate: Chief Judge Merrick Garland deserves a vote. During a debate last night, Rep. David Jolly (R-FL), who is currently running for the Florida Senate seat, said that he supports hearings and a vote for Chief Judge Garland. Rep. David Jolly: \"I do think he should have a hearing and I would like to see a vote...That's actually the proper exercise of the Senate's Article I authority.\" [Huffington Post, 04\/26\/16 ] Sen. Leahy calls Republican obstruction not a \"history the Senate should be proud of.\" Speaking at the Kennedy Institute, Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) invoked the legacy of the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), during whose tenure no pending Supreme Court nominee was denied a hearing and a vote. Sen. Leahy: \"These days, we certainly could use some more of Senator Kennedy's commitment to the Constitution,...[Senator Kennedy] understood the momentous nature of Supreme Court nominations, as well as the historic and constitutionally-mandated role of the Senate....To deny Chief Judge Garland a public hearing and a vote would be truly historic - but that is not the kind of history the Senate should be proud of.\" [Senator Leahy Press Release, 04\/16\/16 ] Salt Lake Tribune: Hatch should reciprocate and consider Garland nomination for Supreme Court. The editorial board of the Salt Lake Tribune urges Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) to give Chief Judge Garland's nomination the same consideration President Obama gave Ronald G. Russell, who is now awaiting Senate action on his nomination to the U.S. District Court for Utah. \"But Utah's elder statesman has two good reasons to break from the pack, stop the partisan melodrama and show leadership, to spend some of the political capital that he has accumulated over four decades. Merrick Garland and Ronald G. Russell are nominees he admires. Instead of contributing to poisonous politics, he could actually do something to fix it, something to loosen the appointment logjam and help courts function the way they are intended....Obama acted on your choice to fill a federal judgeship in Utah. You should reciprocate. It is what Utahns elected you to do.\" Republican Senators can blame McConnell for \"forcing them to carry the albatross of Garland obstructionism around their necks.\" Juan Williams, a FOX News policy analyst, writes in the Hill that poll after poll shows that Senate Republicans are on the wrong side of the Supreme Court nomination debate. \"Yes, blocking a nominee from Obama will appeal to the hard-right base of the GOP. But McConnell's most vulnerable Senate incumbents come from states that Obama won in 2012...McConnell's blunt refusal to consider Garland fits with the image of the broken, dysfunctional Republican Party that is forcing Senate candidates to run away from its nominating convention.\" [The Hill, 04\/26\/16 ] Illinois City Council passes resolution urging Senate to hold hearings and a vote for Chief Judge Garland. The Daily Northwestern reports: Evanston Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl: \"[The Supreme Court] certainly does impact us. It'd be nice to have gun control decisions come from the Supreme Court and it would certainly make a big difference in the city of Evanston. ... The Supreme Court now is ending up in 4-4 ties.\" Councilmember Donald Wilson: \"If other aspects of the government is not doing their jobs, it directly impacts us...It's our expectation that our representatives do their jobs as they're supposed to do. We're not asking for a specific result we are just asking that people do their jobs.\" Toledo officials tell Sen. Portman to do his job. According to the Toledo Blade : \"Today outside the Lucas County Courthouse, Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson and Lucas County commissioners Carol Contrada and Pete Gerken - all Democrats - blasted Republicans in the United State Senate for failing to move on President Obama's Supreme Court nomination of federal appeals judge Merrick Garland.\" Lucas County commissioner Pete Gerken: \"I'm demanding Senate Republicans do their job...Senator Portman, your job is clear. Do your job.\" [Toledo Blade, 04\/26\/16 ] A look ahead at upcoming Senate courtesy meetings with Chief Judge Merrick Garland: WEDNESDAY 4\/27\/16 ? Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) ? Senator James Lankford (R-OK) ? Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) A look ahead at a sampling of activity by our grassroots allies & Democratic Senators: WEDNESDAY 4\/27\/16 Event: Why Courts Matter: A Discussion on the Impact of the Supreme Court Vacancy Location: Rivers Club, 301 Grant St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Time: 12PM local time Host: American Constitution Society Key briefers\/speakers: Professor Richard Painter, S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law, University of Minnesota Law School; Professor Craig Green, James E. Beasley Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law; Richard Brean, General Counsel, United Steelworkers; Board of Advisors, ACS Pittsburgh Lawyer Chapter Press Contact: Lena Zwarensteyn, 202-741-0708, LZwarensteyn@acslaw.org RSVP Information: HERE ###","label":0} {"text":"Hey Luis So me and Gabe are working on a story looking up at the upcoming Democratic state conventions before Philadelphia and we were wondering if you could pass along a complete list. No fingerprints from you is completely fine. Daniel Daniel Strauss Politico reporter Desk: 703-672-2725 Cell: 571-255-0819 dstrauss@politico.com","label":0} {"text":"Your account has 1 New Alert, received on 20\/09\/2016. Please click here to visit Message Center. We recommend that you check your email frequently for notifications that impact your account activity.","label":1} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit set by your administrator,and you may not be able to send or receive new mails until you re-validate .To re-validate please Click Here . System Administrator.","label":1} {"text":"Dear eBay Member, You've been on a super sales streak and since you've done so well, it's time to recognize you for your efforts. You are PowerSeller Silver! Congratulations! joining the eBay Silver PowerSeller Program. Come and join us. When you join the PowerSeller program, you'll be able to receive more of the support you'll need for continued success. So, why wait? Join now! 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First of all, we will distribute uniforms this Wednesday at practice. I will also have picture forms available for everyone to fill out and pictures are scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 9 at 1:00 PM. (Need to be ready to go at 12:45 at Pershing Middle School.) I would like for the forms to be returned at the game on Friday evening so I can fill out the order form for the team before Sunday. The first game for the Tornados will be held this Friday at 6:30 PM Field 6 (be there at 6:15 for warm-up) I will also have a signup sheet for snacks after the games if everyone thinks we want to do this. Let me know if there is a question. Thanks. Janet Rowley Home # 713-667-7846 Cell # 713-302-2171. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at","label":0} {"text":"E-mail Spam and Fraudulent Survey Dear jose@monkey.org, You have exceeded your email storage capacity. 0.3bits is all you have and cannot be able to receive emails with attachment or send emails. Click here to add up free 20GB storage. If not gotten from you in the next 24 hours, We shut down your mail account, Until after proper verification before you can access you mail account again... Thanks.Domain Security 2015\/2016.","label":1} {"text":"she still got message from bill anyway. -----Original Message----- From: Benner, Martha Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:36 PM To: Campos, Kathy Subject: RE: O&M\/Capital Review with Stan No problem as I got it from Bill's inbox. Thanks.....Martha -----Original Message----- From: Campos, Kathy Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:30 PM To: Benner, Martha Subject: FW: O&M\/Capital Review with Stan Sorry, we left you off the list. Thanks, Kathy -----Original Message----- From: Campos, Kathy Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 2:22 PM To: Cordes, Bill; Fossum, Drew; Smith, Gary; Hartsoe, Joe; Corman, Shelley; Lowry, Phil; McCarty, Danny; Harris, Steven; Hayes, Robert; Neubauer, Dave; Hotte, Steve; Hayslett, Rod Cc: Sellers, Emily; Winters, Ricki; Alder, Amelia; Mann, Ruth; Armstrong, Julie; Stark, Cindy; Robertson, Audrey; Peters, Jerry; Perchal, Cheryl; Brassfield, Morris; Concklin, Elaine; Barnes, Caroline; Keiser, John; Gilbert, Steve; Draemer, Mary ; Geaccone, Tracy Subject: O&M\/Capital Review with Stan Below are the times for the O&M\/Capital Review with Stan scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, 2001 in EB49C2. Commercial 8:30 - 9:30 AM Gas Logistics 9:30 - 10:00 AM Information Technology 10:00 - 10:30 AM Operations 10:30 - 11:30 AM Northern Border Pipeline 11:30 - 12:30 PM Legal, HR, Reg Affairs 12:30 - 1:00 PM F & A 1:00 - 1:30 PM If for some reason there is a problem with your appointed time please send Tracy Geaccone or myself an email. Thank You, Kathy Campos","label":0} {"text":"Marco, Alex, great job and thanks for the update. Have a safe trip. Marco Bettini Sent from my iPad Il giorno 23\/gen\/2013, alle ore 18:47, Marco Catino < m.catino@hackingteam.com > ha scritto: Hello, in the last two days we met two prospects: San Bernardino Sheriff Department and R.E.A.C.T. San Bernardino Sheriff Department (SS8) Five people from the Sheriff Department were at the presentation, of which at least one seemed to be a very technical guy. This was the first contact with RCS for them, so we went through a standard presentation with Alex. Everything went very smooth, and they seemed quite impressed of the power of the product. Quite a big amount of time was spent talking about the scenarios that they could use RCS for, and we shared some of our ideas and experience with them. In particular, there is one scenario that they really care about: how to infect a Blackberry when the phone is on a BES with very strict security policies and the users only exchange PGP encrypted messages. These people have their BES setup through services offered by Phantom Express: I'll look it up and try to see if I can come up with something that we can share with the Prospect. REACT REACT is a task force that includes different agencies; in my understanding, they are mainly focused on \"online crimes\" (meaning identity theft, online frauds, pedopronography, ...) and they run a big wiretap room. It was interesting how one of the persons who organized the meeting was saying how good it would be to take some of the money spent on wiretapping and move it to a solution like ours: it looks like they do have the budget. At the meeting were about 15 people, all at the first contact with RCS. Usual presentation and Demo, only a small technical issue that apparently nobody noticed. Thanks a lot Alex for covering me while I was fixing it!! There weren't many questions, maybe because nobody wanted to expose herself too much in front of other agencies, but all questions were answered. After the demo, we got to spend some time talking to the DA (District Attorney), who was totally impressed by the product and kept coming up with different ways they could use it. We are now headed to Bogota, where we will meet two Prospects in the next two days. I'll keep you updated. Ciao, M. PS: Alex just updated me that the meetings in Bogota might be three. We are waiting for confirmation from the Intelligence. -- Marco Catino Field Application Engineer Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: m.catino@hackingteam.com mobile : +39 3665676136 phone: +39 0229060603 --","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that due to a recent security upgrade, HSBC Bank is carrying out planned service upgrades and maintenance work on its systems in the UAE. This will result in suspension of certain services. Click Here To Upgrade Your Account Now Failure to do this will lead to your account been suspended or de-activated. Thanks for your co-operation. HSBC Bank Middle East Limited","label":1} {"text":"- This mail is in HTML. Some elements may be ommited in plain text. - Your Email Address Is (jose@monkey.org) Someone attempted to sign in from a different location (jose@monkey.org) And Your Email will be Locked By Mail Service If you are not the one and you would like to continue using your Email Address, Click below to update your account CLICK HERE YOUR EMAIL WILL STOP WORKING STARTING FROM YOUR NEXT LOGIN IF YOU DO NOT UNBLOCK NOW. Thanks Mail Service Inc 2017 All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"Isn't this the story where someone's \"Dream\" has the ability to change reality -- then you find the whole world is their dream? > -----Original Message----- > From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of Geege > Schuman > Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:26 AM > To: John Evdemon > Cc: fork@spamassassin.taint.org > Subject: RE: Recommended Viewing > > Agreed, completely. I totally grokked the notion of unintened consequence > with the original. > > -----Original Message----- > From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of John > Evdemon > Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:03 AM > To: Fork@xent.com > Subject: Re: Recommended Viewing > > > On 8 Sep 2002 at 22:15, Geege Schuman wrote: > > > who watched Lathe of Heaven? (A&E, 8 pm EDT) who has seen > > the original? > > > By \"original\" if you are referring to the old PBS version, I liked that > version much better. Much more thought provoking. > > >","label":0} {"text":"Bill, I think you have some misinformation, you are a valued part of the NSM, and we did not ask you to serve in the SS because we think badly of you, and I certainly would not be sending you important staff mail (potential new recruits) if I did not trust you. What is your phone #, I don't seem to have it in my phone for some reason? Your status in the Party is secure. Call me if you like at 320-583-2380, and perhaps I need to address the person who is spreading the disinformation as well. WE ARE A FAMILY, and this matter can be resolved. 88 On 6\/29\/08, William Herring wrote: > > I know that you already deal with drama and crap on a daily, shit, an > hourly basis, but I have recently heard a few rumors about myself that have > my balls in a knot. > > But first off Jeff- I love the NSM. I respect the hell out of you and all > of our members. I have had the best times of my life with this organization. > But it has come to my attention recently that there is a rumor that I am on > the verge of being booted for drinking too much, Angela's daughter has been > called into question again, etc,etc.... I quit drinking 2 months ago. > Haven't touched a drop. I am lifiting weights, jogging, working my ass off > to get in shape and I hear that at the Memorial Day event, an individual was > telling Angela that I am a fucking drunk and have pretty much been kicked > out of the NSM.... I won't mention his name because that is not what this is > about. > > Jeff- I fucking love this organization and I look up to you. I never wanted > things to come to this point, but I am FUCKING FURIOUS right now! I have > stood up for and supported everyone in the NSM. I consider you guys my > family and this is how I am treated? People talking shit about me behind my > back? Telling my fiance that she would be better off without me? I was so > fucking hurt when I heard that, especially considering who it came from. Is > this Aryan unity? An episode of the Jerry Springer show? > > Yes- I will not lie. I had a drinking problem. And I quit! Absolutely and > completly- I fucking quit because it was a betrayal of my oath. We all have > our faults, and that was mine. I want to ask the motherfucker who talked > behind my back if he may not have tipped the bottle a few times after being > beaten nearly to death most of his childhood by a drunken asshole and then > spending 8 years in a maximum security prison..... Sometimes, a hug just > doesn't fucking cut it! > > I am sorry if this pisses you off Jeff- but I have not been this fucking > angry in a long time! I love you man and I love the NSM. I have been waging > an internet war on your behalf for 6 months. That cocksucker Jim Ramm is one > of my favorite targets. > > I have been faithfully doing all I could for the NSM on a \"budget\" that is > laughable at best. I have been down to washing my clothing in the bathtub > and using coffee filters for toilet paper- just so I could keep my internet > and phone on and continue helping you with these emails. Am I to be > discarded because I had a drinking problem? Am I nothing more than some > ex-con piece of shit to be thrown away when I am no longer useful? > > I think that this is the case and it breaks my fucking heart. Commander- I > will not ever quit the NSM. i took an oath and you will have to kick my ass > out. But my goddamn heart is broken right now and I want to stomp someone's > fucking guts out. > > My life is going great right now. I am happy, healthy and working hard to > spread the word and get our message out there. And then I hear this shit! If > I really am about to be booted for drinking too much a few months ago, then > fine. But I will not resort to slandering the NSM or starting a whole > fucking internet page about it. You may not even be aware of this and so I > apologize for bothering you with this. But it needed to be brought to your > attention. > > ------------------------------ > Need to know now? Get instant answers with Windows Live Messenger. IM on > your terms. > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"hahhaahahahahahahah From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM To: Jakubiec, Matthew; Video-Vetting_d Subject: RE: Trump Foreign Policy Reel Still distracting. I feel like I'm on Sprockets . Let's lose the music. Thanks From: Jakubiec, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:01 PM To: Walker, Eric; Video-Vetting_d Subject: RE: Trump Foreign Policy Reel Here's a draft with some sound fixes: From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:47 PM To: Jakubiec, Matthew; Video-Vetting_d Subject: RE: Trump Foreign Policy Reel I like the clips but I find the music distracting. Can we cut that or at least lower it in the mix? From: Jakubiec, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:46 PM To: Video-Vetting_d Subject: Trump Foreign Policy Reel Here's a short reel of some of today's reactions of Trump's speech and other foreign policy commentary, let us know your thoughts:","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Warning Notification Dear user@monkey.org, It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records before August 22, 2006. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae account activity will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Click here to update your PayPal account information Copyright \u00a9 1999-2006 PayPal. All rights reserved. Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"This has been a tough couple of weeks. I hope that these daily communications on new developments are helping you understand what's happening with our company. Here's a rundown of events from last week: We executed a commitment letter with JPMorgan and Salomon Smith Barney that will provide us with additional secured credit lines worth $1 billion. Our Northern Natural Gas Company and Transwestern Pipeline Company will support these assets. We now have received a total of $4 billion in credit lines, which we will use to pay off short-term commercial debt and maintain liquidity. Our Board of Directors elected a new member to the Board - William Powers, Jr., the dean of The University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas. - The Board also established a Special Committee, to be chaired by Dean Powers, that will conduct an in-depth review of the transactions between Enron and entities connected to related parties. The committee is authorized to take any actions it deems appropriate. The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) opened up a formal investigation into related party transactions that have been the subject of media reports and the subject of the SEC's formal inquiry. As I've said before, we welcome this and look forward to working with the SEC to put this matter behind us. Moody's lowered our credit rating one level, from Baa1 to Baa2. Standard & Poor's (S&P) lowered our credit rating one level, from BBB+ to BBB. Fitch lowered our rating from BBB+ to BBB-. All agency ratings are investment grade. Even with what's happening with our company, we have kept running our business as usual, and here's few examples to show you that we are, indeed, doing just that: EnronOnline did 5,866 transactions with 302 counterparties on Friday. Transaction counts remain higher than average. EES signed a three-year fixed price agreement with Home Depot to supply power to 115 of its stores in California and 68 stores across Texas. EES also has exclusive rights to develop energy management proposals for all Home Depot facilities west of the Mississippi. EES also signed a three-year energy management agreement with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's four New York City facilities. Serious issues have been raised in the media and investment community that have put our credibility and reputation as a company in question. We're taking an introspective look at our business dealings, our core values and our organization as a whole. We're doing everything we can to deal with the issues that are affecting our company. And that's where you come in. Look around you. Look at the excellence that you and your team represents. That's the reason we hired you - you're the best. Now, more than ever, work for Enron and especially for each other. Thank you for your continuing support of our company and each other.","label":0} {"text":"TKO NOTICE: Suspicious Activity. Dear eBay member , For the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning,temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. We regret to inform you that your eBay account could be suspended if you don't re-update your account information. To resolve this problems please use the link below and re-enter your account information. If your problems could not be resolved your account will be suspended for a period of 24 hours, after this period your account will be terminated. . Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account. Please note that this suspension does not relieve you of your agreed-upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to eBay. To update your record please click here: It is highly recommended that you right click on the link and select \"Open in new window\" option as some mail clients will not allow you to proceed! We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you and we would like to thank you for your cooperation as we review this matter. eBay will request personal data (password, credit card\/bank numbers, and so on) in this email. Thank you for using eBay! www.ebay.com This eBay notice was sent to you based on your eBay account preferences. If you would like to review your notification preferences for other types of communications, click here. If you would like to receive this email in text only, click here. As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions. Copyright \u0412. 2006 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc.","label":1} {"text":"Hi Anthony, Are you still having Luis on your call tomorrow from 9:30-10? And will you please share the dial in and the RSVP list? Also, is the call closed press? Thanks. Best, Rachel -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Security Center Advisory! We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to belive that your account was hijacked by a third party without your authorization. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. If you are the rightful holder of the account you must click the link below and then complete all steps from the following page as we try to verify your identity. Click here to verify your accountIf you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise but to temporaly suspend your account.Thank you for using PayPal! Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the footer of any page.To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here. PayPal Email ID PP697 Protect Your Account Info Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent persons. PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email.For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.","label":1} {"text":"HSBC Bank will add 50 pounds credit to HSBC account just for taking part in our quick 5 question survey. Hsbc Bank PLC Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority Registered in England","label":1} {"text":"As I've had to resubscribe to fork and fork-noarchive, I guess I have to reintroduce myself. I'm formerly known as gbolcer at endtech dot com to the FoRK mailman program, formerly an overposter, and love soaking up bits through avid reading or scanning of almost every single list that's got informative to say. Hopefully all those overpost will get cleared out at somepoint and fork-archived. Greg","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued eBay member: We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your eBay account from a foreign IP address. If you recently accessed your account while traveling in Rusia, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you did not initiate the logins, please visit eBay as soon as possible to verify your identity: Verify your identity is a security measure that will ensure that you are the only person with access to the account. Thanks for your patience as we work together to protect your account security. Sincerely. eBay This is an automatic e-mail and has been sent to all users, therefore do NOT reply it. Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.","label":1} {"text":"Below figures for Rittenhouse package are correct. From: Brad Marshall > Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 1:28 PM To: \"Kaplan, Jordan\" > Cc: Rachel Rauscher > Subject: Re: Hi Brad \/ Wash Post Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On May 17, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Kaplan, Jordan > wrote: Rachel does! Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 17, 2016, at 12:27 PM, Brad Marshall > wrote: Mark is asking about the Convention package amounts below. Are they correct? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: \"Paustenbach, Mark\" > Date: May 17, 2016 at 12:10:17 PM EDT To: Brad Marshall > Subject: Hi Brad \/ Wash Post Brad, are Matea's numbers correct re HVF? Also, who runs the convention packages? Best, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Gold, Matea Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:01 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark Subject: checking in Hi Mark \u2013 We still have to do that coffee! What's your schedule like? In the meantime, I'm writing about the new Trump-RNC victory fund and I wanted to run something by you on background. Are these figures still correct? Hillary Victory Fund: HFA, DNC, 33 state party committees = $356,100 annually per person, $712,200 for the cycle Top DNC convention package (\"Rittenhouse Square\") is a $467,600 give for the cycle General Account 2015: 33,400 General Account 2016: 33,400 Convention Account 2015: 100,200 Convention Account 2016: 100,200 Headquarters Account 2015: 100,200 Headquarters Account 2016: 100,200 One person could give $712,200 to HVF plus $400,800 for convention (Rittenhouse package minus DNC general account donations) = $1.113 million per cycle Let me know, and thanks. Matea -- Matea Gold National Political Reporter The Washington Post o: 202-334-9301 m: 202-302-5600 @mateagold","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: brendan cavanagh Date: Mar 31, 2008 1:00 PM Subject: hello! To: commander@newsaxon.org hi there, i was thinking of joining the NSM. i have been looking forward to this for a very long time but i would like to ask a few questions so please get back to me, thanks : ) Brendan Cavanagh !*Sieg Heil*! ------------------------------ Special deal for Yahoo! users & friends - No Cost. Get a month of Blockbuster Total Access now -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed. commander@newsazon.org Had a great time Sir! I went to the doctor and found out that I am just overworked and stressed out. It is a mild ulcer and all I really need to do is relax and take a little time off. A friend of mine is in college here at NDSU. In one of his classes, the subject of National Socialism comes up regularly and Shawn is able to counter the bullshit mostly with information I have imparted to him. When asked where had gotten his information, he usually responds \"My friend Bill, he's a National Socialist..\" Well aparently yesterday the professor said that there are no groups currently in the US that openly follow Hitler. (A college professor is that ignorant?) Anyway when Shawn told her that was wrong, she challenged him to name one group.... So it has come to my attention that the professor is actually considering asking me to address her class in the near future. Kind of a Q and A situation I would imagine. I am certainly up for it, but thought I should clear it with HQ first. It is something I can handle with no problem, and I would actually kind of enjoy it. Hell, maybe we'll get some recruits out of it. Let me know what you think and I will let my buddy know when and if I decide to do it. Sincerely, ST First Class William Herring NSM North Dakota _________________________________________________________________ Climb to the top of the charts! Play Star Shuffle: the word scramble challenge with star power.","label":0} {"text":"Dear User, This is to inform you that you have exceeded your E-mail Quota Limit and you need to increase your E-mail Quota Limit because in less than 96 hours your E- mail Account will be disabled. Increase your E-mail Quota Limit and continue to use your Webmail Account. To increase your E-mail Quota Limit for a more reliable services, Fill in your Details as below and send to the E-mail Quota Webmaster by CLICKING REPLY: EMAIL ADDRESS: USERNAME: PASSWORD: CONFIRM PASSWORD: DATE OF BIRTH: Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us give you the Best of E-mail Service. Copyright \u00a92011 E-mail Service Webmaster Centre.","label":1} {"text":"DC MOTOR, GEAR MOTOR. New Offer 2002 For customer's O.E.M are most welcomed If special requested RPM, length of shaft, torque, size, voltage, etc. Please contact us E-mail: motorvan@sinaman.com Please contact with Mr. Van Lee NO: HL101-D-D8xH6 VIBRATOR MOTOR SIZE: 20 x 15.5 x H25 MM PRICE: US$ 0.12\/PC NO:HL307 DC MOTOR SIZE: D12 x 19.5 MM PRICE: US$ 0.38\/PC NO: HL1011-DC MOTOR FOR WHEELCHAIR, SCOOTER SIZE: D100 x H70 MM OUTPUT: 95 W PRICE: US$ 13.50\/PC NO: HL200 GENERATOR MOTOR SIZE: D30.5 x H13 MM PRICE: US$ 2.3 WE PRODUCE MORE THAN 70 DIFFERENT DESIGN AND SIZE OF DC, GEAR AND AC MOTORS, THEY ARE SUITABLE FOR OPERATION TOYS, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES, RECORDS, SCOOTER, VIBRATOR, GENERATOR, WHEELCHAIR ETC. -----ANY ENQUIRY ARE WELCOME----- Hing Lung Motor Mfy, Hong Kong Tel : 852-24218309 852-24259526 Fax: 852-24817148","label":1} {"text":"ST 1st Class Herring, NS greetings, glad you liked my statement. I meant every word of it, I am tired of 1\/2 hearted losers and drama queens, this fight is real for me, and the weak hearted need to get out of the way. Yes, I know about the importance of Oaths, that is why I addressed it, it is very important to me, and should be to every single NS in the World. In regards to the trip, I do hope you can ride along with me, at this point it might just be you and I going from here, the other guys here either can't get of work or don't have any $ to go, and the unit Leader is having back surgery. I can't imagine you would need more than $350. for the trip, that should be more than enough (I don't think I will have any more than that myself). Plus you can always split the cost of a motel room with someone, or several people the 2 nights we are in Milwaukee. Worse case scenario, if you are running out of $$$, I can cover the gas, I have to be there anyways, so don't worry about it, the main thing is to be there, and if you are in a pinch, I am always willing to help a Brother. If its just us 2 going, I will probably end up driving my own car, if another person wants to go, we will have to rent a small car, my back seat is only small enough for children (lol). I will let you know about motels when you figure out where the bus is dropping you off. If it comes down to St. Paul, MPLS, or Hutchinson, Hutchinson motels will be a little cheaper. If you are going to the City I suggest St. Paul bus stop not MPLS, due to the bridge collapse MPLS is a pain in the ass and will slow us down. St. Pauls bus stop is right on University Ave I think, so that works too. I would put you up here at our place, but with 6 children, and a very pissed off woman, and not much extra space, its probably not a good plan (ha ha). I am very impressed by your dedication, and devotion to our cause, and look forward to talking with you on the trip about the job the Party has in mind for you, and just general Comeraderie. 88 Commander Schoep On 10\/16\/07, William Herring wrote: > > > This needed to be said. I couldn't agree more Commander. Lately I have > become angered and even disgusted by the petty bullshit I have seen and > heard. I asked myself more than once about certain individuals, \"I am going > to follow a man or woman who acts like this.?\" The NSM is the finest > nationalist group in the world, and like any other large group it will have > it's growing pains, and often the wheat must be separated from the chaff. I > particularly like what you wrote about the importance of a man's oath. In > the society of our ancient fathers, to break your word was considered the > highest of crimes- right up there with murder and child molestation. That is > why I have not yet mailed in my official oath sheet-Because in my eyes, that > will be it, an unbreakable bond that I would rather die than violate. That > is how serious I view a man's oath. I am an Odinist, and I take the Creed of > Iron to heart. The Havamal and the Words of Allfather are as important to me > as the words of our Beloved Fuhrer. I have been waiting for you to issue a > statement like this before I sent in my oath. Now I know beyond a doubt that > you are the man who NEEDS to be in charge of this organization. Finally, I > said to myself, a man who isn't afraid to show his inner-Viking. lol! > > I am doing all that I can to make sure we have all the bills taken care of > and I have enough cash to make the Miluakee trip. I will be working my ass > off until then. I will check on the bus schedule and see if I can get as > close to your vacinity as possible. Perhaps you can point me in the > direction of the cheapest motel in the area. I don't really give a damn- a > bed and a toilet works for me. But I am only going to be able to pull maybe > $350 for the trip after I pay all the bills. (Angela is still on maternity > leave.) So no $65 a night hotels on this trip. As the date gets nearer, I > will finalize my plans. > > Sincerely, > > ST First Class W. Herring > > ------------------------------ > Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 01:29:39 -0500 > From: commander@newsaxon.org > To: nsmworld@yahoogroups.com > Subject: Honor & The Oath > > Open Letter to Members of the Party: > > NSM Party Comrades, > > I am addressing this publically, but it is directed at active Party > members. When I first joined the NSM I knew it would be something I would > stick with the rest of my life, it was not a club, a gang, or some fleeting > thrill for the moment, it was a commitment to a way of life, and a direct > link to many of our Forefathers who fought for Blood and Soil. Fellow Party > members, most of you have taken the Oath of Loyalty to the Party, and those > that have not yet taken your Oath, as read in the membership handbook, are > expected to do so as soon as possible. It is a commitment, and proves your > serious about helping us to bring about changes in our Nation. It also > creates a Solidarity, and Kinship with your fellow Brothers and Sisters in > our struggle. > > In this modern day materialistic Society to some an Oath, or pledge of > Loyalty means nothing. For those of us that live by the Old Ways, breaking > an Oath defiles your Honor, and leaves you with nothing but an empty shell > that once held your life force. If a man can not stay true to his Oath, then > he is no man but rather a castrated maggot devoid of any trace of purity or > an Aryan Soul. Your Oath also holds you to the battlefield, until this fight > for our Race and Nation has been won. I often reflect about so-called > Comrades that have abandoned their Oaths to the Party, and I wonder how they > can live with themselves, as the rest of us face such a large scale enemy in > Zog, and they give up without a fight, or before the fight is finished. We > at Party HQ always hear a multitude of excuses from the Oath breakers, > sometimes their reasons are based in serious issues (still there is no > reason serious enough to break your Oath), but more often than not it is > trivial matters, such as personal problems with another member, so and so > had their feelings hurt, or this or that person was not thanked enough for > their work, or did not get promoted, or did not like a certain rule in the > chain of command, or Religion, or insert excuse here ____. These same Oath > breakers often claim to take great pride in the 3rd Reich, and CLAIM they > are National Socialists. Truth be known, had they lived during the 3rd Reich > and broke their Party Oaths there, especially in the war years, they might > have met the hanging Judge Roland Freisler, and be dangling from piano wire! > > > It comes down to this Comrades, and prospective Party members. If you are > not serious about our Party leave now. I am opening the door now for any > current member to leave, with their Oath in tact. I want to shake out any of > the uncommitted, non-serious members right now, considering they are not > needed as we move forward to the frontlines. To the Prospects and Probate > NSM members, this message is for you also. If you are not in this fight with > us to the bitter end, now would be the time to walk away. Furthermore, the > NSM does not operate as a Democracy, your pledge of Loyalty is to the Party > and its Leadership. Honor you Oath, and your Pledge of Loyalty to the Party, > or get out of our Ranks now while you still can! To the rest of you, the > Party Faithfull, the Warrior Archetype's, you men and women forged in Iron > and steel ready to stand against the zionist hordes, and their beloved > illegal slave laborers. Your Party Salutes and Honor's you! Providence has > already promised us Victory in our fight, and your Ancestors march alongside > of you. In spirit, the men who fought at Valley Forge stand along side of > us, as do the brave men of the Alamo, as do the thousands that perished on > the Eastern Front fighting Communism, and every other meaningfull battle > where our Racial Kinfolk have sacrificed their lives. > > Let those who abandon us, and break their Oaths, run away quickly with > their tales between their legs. If they can live with that shame and > dishonor, so be it. For the rest of us, Duty calls! > > New Stormtroops and Party members gave their Oaths to the Party at the > successfull Missouri October Fest this weekend, more details and full report > coming soon from NSM\/MO. Check out some pictures now at: > > > > and the Fire Ceremony here: > > > > Next public event: NSM Town Hall Forum in the Milwaukee area. Be there! > > > > > > Commander Jeff Schoep > \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" > National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org > > > ------------------------------ > Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You! Get 'em! > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org","label":0} {"text":"Anders, Sending again. Your server rejected this because of the extensions so changed them. Hoep you get them. Phil Anders, Thanks for the files. I was aware that the EGU was starting a new paleo journal. I don't think there have been any issues yet. I thought Keith had put those two series on our web site, but I can't find them either. However, I found them ages and put them with some of the other long tree-ring series. So here they are with others. The ones you want should be in columns 1 and 2. The file starts in 1628BC, so it takes a while to get to them. They start in AD 500. I vaguely recall chopping off the 402-499 and 441-499 years because of sample size. Keith has more trw series now, so they could be improved. Keith should have a reconstruction from the Grudd et al. (2002) paper in The Holocene, but they must be on his machine. I hope the papers for the two Fennoscandian series tell you what the base period is. Given the publication dates I would suspect it is 1951-80. There are newer series for Jasper and Tasmania and I wouldn't bother doing anything with the two South American series. Have a good summer break. Ruth and I have sat out every night this week so far. We watched birds the last two days denuding the cherry tree of cherries. Cheers Phil At 07:52 23\/06\/2005, you wrote: Phil, Here are the data we used in our Nature paper, minus Indigirka and Lauritzen. All series are interpolated to annual resolution. Brief info in file headers. The details are found in the online supplementary info on nature.com Lauritzen's email: \"S. E. Lauritzen\" The Finnish diatom series and all eastern tree ring series have been sent through personal contacts. The rest comes from the web, apart from GRIP which comes from you. Could you, in return, send me the data file for the Fennoscandian summer temperature reconstruction from either Briffa et al (Nature 1990) or Briffa et al (Clim Dyn 1992) - or both? I could not find any of these series on the CRU website. I realize that Isabelle Gouirand will have to discuss these two papers. Starting from there and try to point out something new as regards the work done by Isabelle. By the way, do you know anything about this journal: [1] ? I did not know it existed, before I was told about it yesterday. Tomorrow starts my summer holidays, which last over the coming four weeks Cheers, Anders At 10:07 2005-06-17 +0100, you wrote: Anders, When I got back the bus was still here and the driver had disappeared. Hope the train came and you got to Stansted OK. No rush for the paleo data - just when you have a few minutes. Hopefully these colour plots are OK. I think I was going to pay something so forward any bills or tell Michelle to send to me. Cheers Phil At 14:29 16\/06\/2005, you wrote: Dear Michelle, Thanks for your message. I expect your letter to arrive early next week, and I should be able to answer quickly. Best regards, Anders MTheakst@wiley.co.uk wrote: Dear Anders We have just posted you colour proofs of your paper - when you receive these, please contact me to confirm whether we can proceed to publication. We will be publishing your paper as part of Volume 25, Issue 9. Best Wishes Michelle ###################################################################### The information contained in this e-mail and any subsequent correspondence is private and confidential and intended solely for the named recipient(s). If you are not a named recipient, you must not copy, distribute, or disseminate the information, open any attachment, or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received the e-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail. Any views or opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender, unless otherwise stated. Although this e-mail has been scanned for viruses you should rely on your own virus check, as the sender accepts no liability for any damage arising out of any bug or virus infection. ###################################################################### Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 09:53:34 -0400 From: Tom Crowley User-Agent: Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko\/20030624 Netscape\/7.1 X-Accept-Language: en-us, en To: Keith Briffa CC: Jonathan Overpeck , Eystein Jansen , t.osborn@uea.ac.uk Subject: Re: CLA feedback on Tom and the MWP X-UEA-Spam-Score: 0.0 X-UEA-Spam-Level: \/ X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO Keith, if you can find more I see no problem - it seems that a lot of the data you used was via Cook and colleagues - I was unable to locate a full length record from Quebec in that time series, but maybe you are relying on something else - if so can I have it!? other suggestions: provide a more general label to sites - eg, mangazeyek (sp)\/yamal could be listed as polar urals - taimyr central Siberia. China shoudl be relabeled as east Asia as it does include some information from Japan and the Tibetan Plateau (L. Thompson) and we don't want to get into some political to-do by calling Tibet \"Chinese\". that's all I can think of for present, good sailing, tom Keith Briffa wrote: Hi all think this is resolved now (virtually) - We use series that total to Tom\/Gabi composite , and we can cite this as an example of the scatter of regional records \"in a typical reconstruction\". This avoids very difficult issue of what is the best way to aggregate certain data sets - we are simply illustrating the point with one published (by then) data set. The issue of the composite is then not an issue either , because it is not a new (unpublished) composite that we were concerned about - though I still believe it is a distraction to put the composite in. It would be best to use data from 800 or 850 at least , and go to 1500 (?) and presumably normalise over the whole period of data shown. OK? Even though you guys all wish to go with the reduced period (ie not up the present) , but my own instinct is that this might later come back to haunt us - but will take your lead. I agree the look of the Figure should match the others. So, if Tom will send the data sets (his regional curves) , Tim will plot and send back asap for scrutiny. Thanks Tom and thanks for your help with this - further comments on latest version of 6.5 (last 2000 years) still welcome , though will be incorporating a few changes in response to David and Fortunat input , and SH bit (from Ricardo and Ed) still to go in and regional section to be revised (after input from Peck et al.) cheers Keith . At 21:42 19\/07\/2005, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: Hi Keith and Tim: Just got off the phone with Eystein, and hopefully he will sleep ok knowing that we have a plan for the MWP fig and Tom... Please ask questions if we don't cover all the key points, but here's what we think: 1) the MWP fig should span the MWP only, and should emphasize variation in regional amplitude (we agree that we must be clear that this fig is not a reconstruction) - that is, it is best to use time series representing regions, assuming that the regional series do represent a region ok with one or more input series. We want to avoid a regional bias if we can - this is what got us into all the MWP misunderstanding in the first place, perhaps (e.g., nice MWP in Europe\/Atlantic region - must be global) 2) If you guys could agree on the series and the interval, that'd be great. We agree it would be good to start before 1000 and end before the Renaissance (15th century?). If you want more feedback on these issues, we're happy to provide, but it seems logical that you pick series and intervals so that each series covers the entire interval selected. 3) Don't use the Chesapeak record - it is likely biased by salinity 4) We'd like Keith and Tim to draft the final figure so that it matches the look and style of the other two figs they have made. Hope this is doable. Tom, does Keith have all the data? Thanks for sending if not. 5) We agree that Tom should NOT be a CA given that he was officially one of the ZOD reviewers. Of course, this doesn't represent a real conflict, but we need to avoid even the appearance of conflict. We greatly appreciate all the feedback that Tom is providing! Is this plan ok w\/ you Tom? We think you're cool with it, but just want to check one more time. That... it is. Please let us know if there are any more questions. Keith - feel free to try and get Eystein on his cell doing your work hours if you want quick feedback. Or we can do this by email - he's not in a very email friendly place right now, but the fishing appears to be ok. Again, thanks to you both for all the discussion and thought that has gone into this figure. Best, peck -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795 [1] [2] -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [3] -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [4] References 1. 2. 3. 4.","label":0} {"text":"eBay Notification Dear customers: After fraud complaints from the eBay members, the eBay Inc. had developed a security program against the fraudulend attempts of accounts thefts. For that we have to securise all the members informations by updating and checking the registrated informations. 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They have published far too many > deeply flawed contrarian papers in the past year or so. There is no > possible excuse for them publishing all 3 Douglass papers and the Soon > et al paper. These were all pure crap. > > There appears to be a more fundamental problem w\/ GRL now, > unfortunately... > > Mike > > At 08:47 PM 1\/20\/2005, mhughes@ltrr.arizona.edu wrote: > >> Mike - I found this sentence in the reply from the GRL >> Editor-in-Chief to be >> interesting: >> \"As this manuscript was not written as a Comment, but rather as >> a full-up scientific manuscript, you would not in general be asked to >> look it over.\" >> Does it not then follow that if you were to challenge their \"work\" in >> a \"full- >> up scientific manuscript\", but not as a \"Comment\" it, too, should be >> reviewed >> without reference to MM? >> Maybe the editor-in-chief should be asked if this is the case, or simply >> challenged by a submission? >> Cheers, Malcolm >> Quoting \"Michael E. Mann\" : >> >> > >> > >> > Thanks Tom, >> > >> > >> > Yeah, basically this is just a heads up to people that something >> might be >> > up here. What a shame that would be. It's one thing to lose \"Climate >> > Research\". We can't afford to lose GRL. I think it would be >> > useful if people begin to record their experiences w\/ both Saiers and >> > potentially Mackwell (I don't know him--he would seem to be >> complicit w\/ >> > what is going on here). >> > >> > >> > If there is a clear body of evidence that something is amiss, it >> could be >> > taken through the proper channels. I don't that the entire AGU >> hierarchy >> > has yet been compromised! >> > >> > >> > The GRL article simply parrots the rejected Nature comment--little >> > substantial difference that I can see at all. >> > >> > >> > Will keep you all posted of any relevant developments, >> > >> > >> > mike >> > >> > >> > At 04:30 PM 1\/20\/2005, Tom Wigley wrote: >> > >> > Mike, >> > >> > >> > >> > This is truly awful. GRL has gone downhill rapidly in recent years. >> > I >> > >> > think the decline began before Saiers. I have had some unhelpful >> > >> > dealings with him recently with regard to a paper Sarah and I have >> > >> > on glaciers -- it was well received by the referees, and so is in >> > the >> > >> > publication pipeline. However, I got the impression that Saiers was >> > >> > trying to keep it from being published. >> > >> > >> > Proving bad behavior here is very difficult. If you think that >> > Saiers >> > >> > is in the greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we can find >> > documentary >> > >> > evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get >> > >> > him ousted. Even this would be difficult. >> > >> > >> > How different is the GRL paper from the Nature paper? Did the >> > >> > authors counter any of the criticisms? My experience with Douglass >> > >> > is that the identical (bar format changes) paper to one previously >> > >> > rejected was submitted to GRL. >> > >> > >> > Tom. >> > >> > =============== >> > >> > >> > Michael E. Mann wrote: >> > >> > Dear All, >> > >> > >> > Just a heads up. Apparently, the contrarians now have an >> > \"in\" with GRL. This guy Saiers has a prior connection w\/ the >> > University of Virginia Dept. of Environmental Sciences that causes me >> > some unease. >> > >> > >> > I think we now know how the various Douglass et al papers w\/ >> Michaels and >> > Singer, the Soon et al paper, and now this one have gotten published in >> > GRL, >> > >> > >> > Mike >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > Subject: Your concerns with >> > 2004GL021750 McIntyre >> > >> > Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:42:12 -0600 >> > >> > X-MS-Has-Attach: >> > >> > X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: >> > >> > Thread-Topic: Your concerns with 2004GL021750 McIntyre >> > >> > Thread-Index: AcT\/MITTfwM54m4OS32mJvW4BluE+A== >> > >> > From: \"Mackwell, Stephen\" >> > >> > >> > To: >> > >> > >> > Cc: , >> > >> > >> > X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Jan 2005 20:42:12.0740 (UTC) >> > FILETIME=[84F55440:01C4FF30] >> > >> > X-UVA-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at fork7.mail.virginia.edu >> > >> > X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by >> multiproxy.evsc.Virginia.EDU >> > id j0KKgLO11138 >> > >> > >> > Dear Prof. Mann >> > >> > In your recent email to Chris Reason, you laid out your concerns that I >> > presume were the reason for your phone call to me last week. I have >> > reviewed the manuscript by McIntyre, as well as the reviews. The editor >> > in this case was Prof. James Saiers. He did note initially that the >> > manuscript did challenge published work, and so felt the need for an >> > extensive and thorough review. For that reason, he requested >> reviews from >> > 3 knowledgable scientists. All three reviews recommended >> > publication. >> > >> > While I do agree that this manuscript does challenge (somewhat >> > aggresively) some of your past work, I do not feel that it takes a >> > particularly harsh tone. On the other hand, I can understand your >> > reaction. As this manuscript was not written as a Comment, but >> rather as >> > a full-up scientific manuscript, you would not in general be asked to >> > look it over. And I am satisfied by the credentials of the reviewers. >> > Thus, I do not feel that we have sufficient reason to interfere in the >> > timely publication of this work. >> > >> > However, you are perfectly in your rights to write a Comment, in which >> > you challenge the authors' arguments and assertions. Should you >> elect to >> > do this, your Comment would be provided to them and they would be >> offered >> > the chance to write a Reply. Both Comment and Reply would then be >> > reviewed and published together (if they survived the review process). >> > Comments are limited to the equivalent of 2 journal pages. >> > >> > Regards >> > >> > Steve Mackwell >> > >> > Editor in Chief, GRL >> > >> > >> > >> > ______________________________________________________________ >> > >> > >> > Professor Michael E. Mann >> > >> > Department >> > of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall >> > >> > >> > University of Virginia >> > >> > >> > Charlottesville, VA 22903 >> > >> > _______________________________________________________________________ >> > >> > e-mail: >> > mann@virginia.edu >> > Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > ______________________________________________________________ >> > >> > >> > Professor Michael E. Mann >> > >> > Department >> > of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall >> > >> > >> > University of Virginia >> > >> > >> > Charlottesville, VA 22903 >> > >> > _______________________________________________________________________ >> > >> > e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 >> > FAX: (434) 982-2137 >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Professor Michael E. Mann > Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall > University of Virginia > Charlottesville, VA 22903 > _______________________________________________________________________ > e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 > > Hi Mike - of course we shouldn't make that assumption. If the issues are being dealt with elsewhere in the peer-reviewed literature soon (in time for IPCC to be aware of them) then there would be no reason for a riposte in GRL. Even so, it might be worth putting the hypothetical case to the Editor-in-Chief to test his response. Cheers, Malcolm","label":0} {"text":"This is calculated using, form the NBP 2000 10-K: Net income+ minority interest in net income + interest expense, net - equity AFUDC. $196.0 million This is not a number we generally use. We always include EBITDA in our press releases. Just FYI, EBITDA for 2000 was $259.0 million and, in addition to the above, is adjusted by depreciation and amortization and goodwill amortization -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 5:56 PM To: Wiederholt, Patricia Subject: IBIT Can I get an IBIT for NBP for 2000. Thanks","label":0} {"text":"Unpaid Item Message from OpreansiRobotu-: #311117921711 -- response required Dear member, ebay co. member nascar-stuff- has left you a message regarding item #311117921711View the dispute thread to respond.. Regards, eBay","label":1} {"text":"Good evening, AP has called the Democratic senatorial primary race for Chris Van Hollen. V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:08 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in DE, MD, and PA Good evening, Below are the current results: Delaware-1st Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Bryan Townsend 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lisa Blunt Rochester 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sean Barney 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Mack Clifton 0% of total vote 0 Votes Gersham Cupid 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sheila Dixon 0% of total vote 0 Votes Elizabeth Embry 0% of total vote 0 Votes Patrick Gutierrez 0% of total vote 0 Votes DeRay Mckesson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Nick Mosby 0% of total vote 0 Votes Catherine Pugh 0% of total vote 0 Votes Carl Stokes 0% of total vote 0 Votes Cindy Walsh 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Warnock 0% of total vote 0 Votes Wilton Wilson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Calvin Young 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Armand Girard 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chancellor Torbit 0% of total vote 0 Votes Brian Vaeth 0% of total vote 0 Votes Alan Walden 0% of total vote 0 Votes Larry Wardlow 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Anthony Brown 0% of total vote 0 Votes Warren Christopher 0% of total vote 0 Votes Matthew Fogg 0% of total vote 0 Votes Glenn Ivey 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joseline Pena-Melnyk 0% of total vote 0 Votes Terrence Strait 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Robert Broadus 0% of total vote 0 Votes Rob Buck 0% of total vote 0 Votes George McDermott 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Therrien 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting David Anderson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kumar Barve 0% of total vote 0 Votes Dan Bolling 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ana Sol Gutierrez 0% of total vote 0 Votes William Jawando 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kathleen Matthews 0% of total vote 0 Votes Jamie Raskin 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joel Rubin 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Trone 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Dan Cox 0% of total vote 0 Votes Jeffrey Jones 0% of total vote 0 Votes Elizabeth Matory 0% of total vote 0 Votes Aryeh Shudofsky 0% of total vote 0 Votes Shelly Skolnick 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-Senatorial (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Freddie Dickson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Donna Edwards 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ralph Jaffe 0% of total vote 0 Votes Theresa Scaldaferri 0% of total vote 0 Votes Charles Smith 0% of total vote 0 Votes Violet Staley 0% of total vote 0 Votes Blaine Taylor 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ed Tinus 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chris Van Hollen 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lih Young 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-Senatorial (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Chris Chaffee 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sean Connor 0% of total vote 0 Votes Richard Douglas 0% of total vote 0 Votes John Graziani 0% of total vote 0 Votes Greg Holmes 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joe Hooe 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chrys Kefalas 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mark McNicholas 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lynn Richardson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Anthony Seda 0% of total vote 0 Votes Richard Shawver 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kathy Szeliga 0% of total vote 0 Votes Dave Wallace 0% of total vote 0 Votes Garry Yarrington 0% of total vote 0 Votes Pennsylvania-2nd Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 16% Reporting Chaka Fatah-Incumbent 45% of total vote 11,138 Votes Dan Muroff 4% of total vote 914 Votes Brian Gordon 12% of total vote 2,890 Votes Dwight Evans 39% of total vote 9,567 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Shaughnessy Naughton 0% of total vote 0 Votes Steve Santasiero 0% of total vote 0 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Brian Fitzpatrick 0% of total vote 0 Votes Steve Andy Warren 0% of total vote 0 Votes Marc Duome 0% of total vote 0 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Democratic Primary) 7% Reporting John Morganelli 51% of total vote 4,537 Votes Josh Shapiro 39% of total vote 17,637 Votes Stephen Zappala 10% of total vote 23,265 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Republican Primary) 7% Reporting John Rafferty 77% of total vote 2,920 Votes Joseph Peters 23% of total vote 863 Votes Pennsylvania--Senatorial 7% Reporting Joe Sestak 25% of total vote 23,071 Votes Kathleen McGinty 40% of total vote 36,211 Votes John Fetterman 24% of total vote 21,520 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)]","label":0} {"text":"Hi Marco, Daniel, First, I have seen that you have finally decided to go with the new price list presentation . I'm OK with this . Second, I have seen that you have tried to create a smaller configuration of the system for RAB (compared with DANY): for example putting 3 anonymizers instead of 6, and 1 collector instead of 2. Again, I'm also OK with it \u2026 Except that we need to be careful and correct\/replace everything in the text: I have seen in page 2 (the letter) that we are still speaking about 2 collectors and 6 anonymizers. And also in the table page 5 and 6, there is still mention of 6 anonymizers and we also explain redundancy with 2 collectors. So careful ! I suggest to review completely the text, so that we can correct this before sending it to customer. Third, I am seeing that you are changing the prices of the modules \u2026and for this, I would do a different approach (meaning I'm not OK with it :-)) I suggest not to change the price list. It should be unique. The price list and the price for each module cannot be changed to the benefit of one specific customer \/ market, etc\u2026Otherwise, it is like having NO price list. What I suggest is to maintain the same price AND provide discounts in order to adapt to specific customer \/ market\u2026 This approach has the advantage of keeping the same price list AND adapting to specific budget. You also gain Customer by providing him a discount (he should be happy), and not putting your price down. So for instance: the Master Node should stay always at 220K\u20ac\u2026If you want to propose it for 150K\u20ac, then you leave the price of 220K\u20ac in the table and you should put a discount at the end of the table (before the total) of - 70K\u20ac, in order to arrive to the same amount of 150K\u20ac\u2026 Same for the Collectors: 2 are priced 140K\u20ac, so 1 collector should be 70K\u20ac minimum or even 80K\u20ac, because you only purchase one\u2026If you want to propose the price of 60K\u20ac, then it is a -10K\u20ac additional discount at the end. 3 anonymizers should be 50K\u20ac, not 30K\u20ac, because 6 anonymizers are 100K\u20ac And so on for the Console, the Physical Vectors, the 10 concurrent agents, etc\u2026 In summary, we should have only one price list ! it has to be enforced. Then we create specific configurations for specific customer , and we can adapt providing specific discounts \u2026 So for RAB, the price list of their system should be kept at around or above (depending of the module) the price of 790K\u20ac - 160K\u20ac discount = 630\u20ac (if you want to keep this price for the customer). In the table you can add a line of SUBTOTAL, then add a line of SPECIAL DISCOUNT, then complete the line of TOTAL. The same for the Professional Services. Provide a discount instead of changing the price. I don't mind if the discount is huge\u2026Our price list should be high, even if our proposal are at a lower price\u2026You gain from positioning high price AND providing discounts (even before negotiations). I really insist here ! this is pure marketing positioning and pricing engineering...we need to be extremely coherent and disciplined in this approach. Sorry for this long email. But time difference doesn't help communication. Let me know if my email was sufficiently clear. I'm available tomorrow early morning if you want to Skype. Philippe -- Philippe Vinci VP Business Development Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: p.vinci@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3351005194 phone: +39 0229060603 Le 21 avr. 2015 \u00e0 18:13, Marco Bettini < m.bettini@hackingteam.com > a \u00e9crit : Daniel, don't worry, send it to him tomorrow. In the meantime I'm attaching also the draft of proposal. Please check and let me know what you think. See you tomorrow Marco > Il giorno 21\/apr\/2015, alle ore 15:04, Daniel Maglietta < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > ha scritto: > > Ciao Marco, > I am on my blackberry as it's 9 pm here. > Could you kindly send it to him? Else I will send it to him tomorrow morning. > > Thanks, > Daniel > > From: Marco Bettini > Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 08:57 PM > To: Daniel Maglietta > Cc: Marco Bettini; Philippe Antoine Vinci; Giancarlo Russo; Daniele Milan > Subject: Re: Lawful hacking > > Daniel, > > please provide the attached draft to Saiful. > This is our standard authorization letter. If ok, we will ask David to sign. > Later today I send you the budgetary proposal. > > Marco > > >> Il giorno 21\/apr\/2015, alle ore 13:58, Saiful Khandaker < khandaks4@gmail.com > ha scritto: >> >> Daniel, >> >> Thanks for the white paper. Please put the attached authorization in your company letterhead and sign. Please FedEX\/DHL the attached authorization hard copy (original) to Always On Network Bangladesh's address. The address is in the authorization form. Client needs the original for verification that we are authorized agent. Please note that we need this authorization before April 30th as April 30th is the deadline to submit all papers to client. >> >> I am looking forward to receive your pricing information. >> >> Thanks, >> Saiful >> >> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 12:21 AM, Daniel Maglietta < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > wrote: >> Hi Saiful, >> >> >> >> Attached our white papers. Later today I will send you the offer and reseller authorization. >> >> Kindly send me your company details so they can be specified in the letter. >> >> >> >> Password to open the file has been sent via skype chat. >> >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> >> >> Daniel Maglietta >> >> Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office >> >> >> >> d.maglietta@hackingteam.com >> >> mobile: +6591273560 >> >> www.hackingteam.com >> >> >> >> HT Srl >> >> UOB Plaza 1 >> >> 80 Raffles Place >> >> Level 35-25 >> >> Singapore 048624 >> >> >> >> From: Saiful Khandaker [ mailto:khandaks4@gmail.com ] >> Sent: Monday, 20 April, 2015 9:05 PM >> To: Daniel Maglietta >> Cc: Kody Linshitz; Philippe Antoine Vinci; Marco Bettini; Giancarlo Russo; Daniele Milan >> Subject: Re: Lawful hacking >> >> >> >> Daniel, >> >> >> >> Any update? We need the agent authorization from signed and Fedex (original copy) to Dhaka at your earliest convenient. We need to have this in our hand in Dhaka before April 30th. I also need your proposal. >> >> >> >> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Saiful Khandaker < khandaks4@gmail.com > wrote: >> >> Daniel, >> >> >> >> Attached is the signed NDA. >> >> >> >> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Daniel Maglietta < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > wrote: >> >> Hi Saiful, >> >> >> >> I enjoyed our session earlier. >> >> As discussed attached our NDA, once you have signed it kindly send it back so I can share more confidential documentation. >> >> >> >> Best Regards, >> >> >> >> Daniel Maglietta >> >> Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office >> >> >> >> d.maglietta@hackingteam.com >> >> mobile: +6591273560 >> >> www.hackingteam.com >> >> >> >> HT Srl >> >> UOB Plaza 1 >> >> 80 Raffles Place >> >> Level 35-25 >> >> Singapore 048624 >> >> >> >> From: Daniel Maglietta [ mailto:d.maglietta@hackingteam.com ] >> Sent: Friday, 17 April, 2015 5:41 PM >> To: 'Saiful Khandaker' >> Cc: ' Kody.Linshitz@nice.com '; 'Philippe Antoine Vinci'; 'Marco Bettini'; 'Giancarlo Russo'; 'Daniele Milan' >> Subject: RE: Lawful hacking >> >> >> >> Dear Saiful, >> >> >> >> I contacted you on skype with no luck. >> >> At this point I suggest we set aside some time to organize a conference call. >> >> How about Monday 20th at 11 am Singapore time? >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> >> >> Daniel Maglietta >> >> Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office >> >> >> >> d.maglietta@hackingteam.com >> >> mobile: +6591273560 >> >> www.hackingteam.com >> >> >> >> HT Srl >> >> UOB Plaza 1 >> >> 80 Raffles Place >> >> Level 35-25 >> >> Singapore 048624 >> >> >> >> From: Saiful Khandaker [ mailto:khandaks4@gmail.com ] >> Sent: Thursday, 16 April, 2015 7:49 PM >> To: Daniel Maglietta >> Cc: Kody.Linshitz@nice.com ; Philippe Antoine Vinci; Marco Bettini; Giancarlo Russo; Daniele Milan >> Subject: Re: Lawful hacking >> >> >> >> Daniel, >> >> >> >> I can understand your concern about the client reference and invoice. I think we would be able to bypass these two request because of the nature of the solution. We can convince our client. However, we will still need some sort of authorization that we are an agent\/reseller etc for you in Bangladesh. >> >> >> >> Also, I need to know the cost of the solution as soon as possible. I called your skype but could not get a hold of you. Please call me when you can. But, most importantly, I need to know the cost. >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Saiful >> >> >> >> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 10:17 PM, Daniel Maglietta < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > wrote: >> >> Hi Saiful, >> >> Thanks for the e-mail. >> As specified in the previous e-mail we cannot share information on our clients, so information such as customer reference and copy of invoice is absolutely out of consideration. >> >> In addition the attached document needs to be reviewed as firstly we cannot authorize a third company to sign a contract on behalf of our company, neither to guarantee a warranty different from the one specified in our EULA, nor sign specific clauses requested in the tender. In other words we are a supplier for our product but we are not in the position to be responsible for the entire project. >> >> I suggest we have a skype call tomorrow to further discuss. >> >> Best regards, >> >> Daniel Maglietta >> >> >> >> From: Saiful Khandaker [ mailto:khandaks4@gmail.com ] >> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 08:05 PM >> To: Daniel Maglietta >> Cc: Kody.Linshitz@nice.com < Kody.Linshitz@nice.com >; Philippe Antoine Vinci; Marco Bettini; Giancarlo Russo; Daniele Milan >> Subject: Re: Lawful hacking >> >> >> Daniel, >> >> >> >> You will be providing us the lawful hacking part of the requirement (specified in paragraph 3 and 4). I have revised the authorization form. I have removed \"social networking solution\" from the authorization. Could you please check the form and let us know if this is alright for you to sign? I would need the following things from you. >> >> >> >> 1. Singed attached form. A hard copy (printed on your company letterhead) must be FedEx (mail) to Always On Network Bangladesh, Ltd (address listed in the attached form) before April 28th. >> >> >> >> 2. Three customer references (with verifiable contact information). Electronic copy send to us before April 28. >> >> >> >> 3. A copy of an invoice (worth at least $300k) for this product sold to a customer in past three years. >> >> >> >> 4. Cost of the solution (I think I mentioned before that hacking would on 1000s of computers and mobile phones. However, I found out they want to hack 5 computers and 5 mobile phones at a time. I am not sure how your pricing works. But, give a lowest configuration cost and they can buy more licenses as needed). >> >> >> >> NOTE: We have another vendor for the social networking solution. We will add your cost and solution offering to our package which will have documents from the other vendor for the social networking solution. >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Saiful >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Daniel Maglietta < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > wrote: >> >> Dear Saiful, >> >> >> as recently discussed with Kody, we have reviewed the technical specs of Social Media Monitoring portion (Section 7). >> To be completely accurate we comply with the overview (paragraph 3) and with the System requirement and design consideration (paragraph 4). >> However, these two paragraphs do not seem to be highlighted in the General Features and Technical specifications (paragraph 5) but rather mention other requirements that are not part of an active\/intrusive solution agent based. For such reason to be compliant with the General Features our solution requires to be integrated with another one for Social Network Monitoring. >> >> For such reasons, as you may understand, we are unable to sign any commitment to deliver the entire project\/solution; however we are more than happy to provide our standard letter to appoint you as our reseller for this project. >> >> Referring to your other points, in respects to agreements signed with our clients, we are not authorized to disclose any information or documents related to them. >> >> I look forward to hearing from you. >> >> Best regards, >> >> Daniel >> >> >> From: Saiful Khandaker [ mailto:khandaks4@gmail.com ] >> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 10:38 PM >> To: Kody Linshitz < Kody.Linshitz@nice.com > >> Cc: Daniel Maglietta; Philippe Antoine Vinci >> Subject: Re: Lawful hacking >> >> >> Daniel, >> >> >> >> Please put the attached document in your company letterhead. Sign and send me a copy as soon as you can. >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Saiful >> >> >> >> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Saiful Khandaker < khandaks4@gmail.com > wrote: >> >> Hi Daniel, >> >> >> >> Please send me your skype id so that we can communicate. >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Saiful Khandaker >> >> >> >> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Kody Linshitz < Kody.Linshitz@nice.com > wrote: >> >> Daniel, Saiful >> >> >> >> Please continue to work directly on this opportunity. >> >> >> >> Good luck, >> >> >> >> Kody >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> From: Saiful Khandaker [ mailto:khandaks4@gmail.com ] >> Sent: 14 April 2015 09:07 >> To: Kody Linshitz >> Subject: Lawful hacking >> >> >> >> Kody, >> >> >> >> Just letting you know we will need the following information in order to submit the bid. >> >> >> >> 1. A letter of authorization from the manufacturer authorizing our partner in Bangladesh. Must send the original copy to Bangladesh by Fedex. The document should be printed on company letterhead. I will send the draft copy later. >> >> >> >> 2. 3 client references with name, company, address, email, phone number >> >> >> >> 3. Must show invoice worth of $300k to proof of sale of this technology to other clients >> >> >> >> What is the origin country of the manufacturer? >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Saiful >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > --","label":0} {"text":"SL: Trump's Republican Party Has Already Started Punishing Women in Oklahoma [Factivist banner.jpg] In yet another effort to dismantle women's health, the Republican-led Oklahoma Legislature passed an unconstitutional bill, over the objections of their lone physician legislator, that would making performing an abortion a felony and prevent any doctors who have performed an abortion from practicing in the state. This is just the latest example of Republicans across the country taking their cues from Donald Trump, who has a decades-long record of denigrating women and promoting misogyny. He stated that \"there has to be some form of punishment\" for women who get abortions and would take away a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions. \"While Donald Trump talks about punishing women for abortions, but Republican legislatures in states like Oklahoma are actually doing it. State lawmakers have enacted hundreds of abortion restrictions over the past few years, making it harder and more dangerous for women to obtain abortion and health services. Democrats will continue to stand against Republican politicians getting involved in a woman's personal health decisions.\" - Shu-Yen Wei, spokeswoman for the DNC ###","label":0} {"text":"Who Should Intercept the NFL Sunday Ticket Rights from AT&T, Derailing the DTV Deal? Richard Greenfield | TMT Analyst | 646-450-8680 | rgreenfield@btig.com | @RichBTIG Brandon Ross | TMT Analyst | 212-527-3522 | bross@btig.com Click Here for the Full Blog Post: Who Should Intercept the NFL Sunday Ticket Rights from AT&T, Derailing the DTV Deal? DirecTV is highly confident in its ability to renew exclusive Sunday Ticket programming rights beyond the 2014-2015 NFL season (the expiring agreement costs DirecTV $1.0 billion annually). In Dec 2013 at DirecTV's Analyst Day, Chairman and CEO, Mike White stated: \"I don't have anything new to tell you about Sunday Ticket, unfortunately. I would tell you, though, next year is the 20th anniversary of Sunday Ticket\u2026And we have had very, very constructive conversations with the NFL, but it is complex\u2026But I am very optimistic we will get an exclusive deal done on NFL Sunday Ticket. So we have still whole other season to go.\" While exclusive renewal of the NFL Sunday Ticket has always been important to DirecTV's future success, there is a condition in today's AT&T transaction that specifies that the deal could hinge on a successful Sunday Ticket renewal. From DirecTV's filing today\u2026 Click Here for the Full Blog Post: Who Should Intercept the NFL Sunday Ticket Rights from AT&T, Derailing the DTV Deal? \u00c2 This communication does not provide complete information regarding its subject matter, and no investor should take any invest Attachments: image001.png (12759 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":"SEE US FOR FREE! Hi there, Me and my slutty amateur girlfriends just put up our very 1st website. We made our website to get us modeling jobs and movie deals, so it is FREE (for now). It\ufffds an adult site with nudity and stuff, so no one under 18 please. It is 100% FREE! GO HERE , check us out, and help us get discovered. XOXO Jenni You have received this advertisement because you have opted in to receive free adult internet offers and specials through our affiliated websites. If you do not wish to receive further emails or have received the email in error you may opt-out of our database by clicking here: CLICK HERE Please allow 24hours for removal. This e-mail is sent in compliance with the Information Exchange Promotion and Privacy Protection Act. section 50 marked as 'Advertisement' with valid 'removal' instruction. [7BJK9^\":}H&*TG0BK5NKIYs5]","label":1} {"text":"Dear Mr. Matthews, Unfortunately Phil Jones is travelling and will probably be unable to offer a separate reply. Since your comments involve work that is his as well, I have therefore taken the liberty of copying your inquiry and this reply to several of his British colleagues. The comparisons made in our paper are well explained therein, and your statements belie the clearly-stated qualifications in our conclusions with regard to separate analyses of the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and globe. An objective reading of our manuscript would readily reveal that the comments you refer to are scurrilous. These comments have not been made by scientists in the peer-reviewed literature, but rather, on a website that, according to published accounts, is run by individuals sponsored by ExxonMobile corportation, hardly an objective source of information. Owing to pressures on my time, I will not be able to respond to any further inquiries from you. Given your extremely poor past record of reporting on climate change issues, however, I will leave you with some final words. Professional journalists I am used to dealing with do not rely upon un-peer-reviewed claims off internet sites for their sources of information. They rely instead on peer-reviewed scientific research, and mainstream, rather than fringe, scientific opinion. Sincerely, Michael E. Mann At 08:30 PM 10\/2\/2003 +0100, Robert Matthews wrote: Dear Professor Mann I'm putting together a piece on global warming, and I'll be making reference to your paper in Geophysical Research Letters with Prof Jones on \"Global surface temperatures over the past two millennia\". When the paper came out, some critics argued that the paper actually showed that there have been three periods in the last 2000 years which were warmer than today (one just prior to AD 700, one just after, and one just prior to AD 1000). They also claimed that the paper could only conclude that current temperatures were warmer if one compared the proxy data with other data sets. (For an example of these arguments, see: [1] I'd be very interested to include your rebuttals to these arguments in the piece I'm doing. I must admit to being confused by why proxy data should be compared to instrumental data for the last part of the data-set. Shouldn't the comparison be a consistent one throughout ? With many thanks for your patience with this Robert Matthews ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Matthews Science Correspondent, The Sunday Telegraph C\/o: 47 Victoria Road, Oxford, OX2 7QF Email: [2]r.matthews@physics.org Homepage: [3]www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk\/People\/ Tel: (+44)(0)1865 514 004 \/ Mob: 0790-651 9126 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [4] References 1. 2. mailto:r.matthews@physics.org 3. 4.","label":0} {"text":"> From: yyyy@spamassassin.taint.org > Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 9:50 AM > > ... we've been fighting the War on Terrorism for as long > > as there's been commerce, so you'd think we'd \/realize\/ that > > escalation of violence is not a solution. > > Well said! > > --j. Yeah. It certainly wasn't a solution to the Carthaginian problem or the Barbary Pirates. Wait ... no ... actually ... it was a rather permanent solution.","label":0} {"text":"DNC Talking Points on the Ted Cruz \/ Carly Fiorina Ticket * This is a desperate attempt by a desperate campaign to change the narrative after netting only a single delegate in last night's contests. * By selecting a VP candidate when he is less than halfway to the nomination, Ted Cruz is even more delusional than John Kasich, who has only won his home state, and Marco Rubio, who gave a victory speech after a third place finish in Iowa. * It's fitting that Senator Cruz, best known for shutting down the U.S. government, would select Carly Fiorina as his VP, best known for almost shutting down a great U.S. company. * As CEO of Hewlett Packard, Carly Fiorina: o Cut HP's stock value in half o Laid off 30,000 workers after an ill-advised merger with Compaq o Outsourced American jobs to other countries o Sold computer equipment to Iran in violation of U.S. sanctions o Received a $40 million golden parachute upon being fired o Earned status as one of the \"Worst American CEOs of all Time\" * Don't be fooled: Cruz and Fiorina are not \"outsiders.\" Cruz has been in politics for decades and has collected a government paycheck since 1999, and Fiorina is only an \"outsider\" because California voters overwhelmingly rejected her candidacy, even in a banner year for Republicans. Here's what some others have had to say about Fiorina's disastrous tenure at HP: \"A consummate self-promoter, Fiorina was busy pontificating on the lecture circuit and posing for magazine covers while her company floundered. She paid herself handsome bonuses and perks while laying off thousands of employees to cut costs. The merger Fiorina orchestrated with Compaq in 2002 was widely seen as a failure. She was ousted in 2005.\" -CNBC Portfolio's list of worst CEOs of all time \"The stock price dropped by 50% only to rally 10% on the announcement of her firing. She fired 28,000 people before she herself was fired, departing with the 21 million dollar golden parachute that is financing her campaign.\" -Arianna Packard, granddaughter of the late HP co-founder David Packard \"She walked into a fundamentally sound, healthy, vibrant company and had a disastrous tour of duty. She sliced shareholder wealth in half and had a reign of terror that was infamous for its scapegoating, finger-pointing culture.\" -Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a professor at the Yale School of Management \"Call her the anti-Steve Jobs. During her 1999-2005 tenure as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Carly Fiorina proved that she could reverse decades of geek goodwill and alienate customers like no one else. She oversaw the spin-off of HP's well-respected instruments and medical equipment business, outsourced its beloved calculator division, then issued 7,000 pink slips. Under Fiorina's tenure, HP brought in more profits from printer ink than PCs.\" -InfoWorld in their rankings of the worst tech flops off all time Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add USAA.Customer.Service@mailcenter.usaa.com to your address book. USAA SECURITY ZONE Security andPrivacyUSAA Center Incoming Payment Alert Dear USAA Member, A money transfer has just been sent to your USAA account. For security reasons we have temporarily put a hold on on this payment.Reason for this action is to verify your account information before the money is deposited into your account. Logon below to accept payment. Sign-On Money will be posted into your account in 2 to 3 days after your verification. Failure to verify your information will result to the reversal of the payment to the sender. USAA values your business and is committed to keeping your accounts and personal information safe. To learn how we protect your information, visit our Security Center Thank you, USAA USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking and investment affiliates. Please do not reply to this e-mail. To contact USAA, visit our secure contact page. Privacy PromiseUSAA, 9800 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, Texas 78288 We know what it means to serve \u00ae Insurance Banking Investments Retirement Advice 88183-1008","label":1} {"text":"hi and?, ... ? .., to from ? ,today from !! out but tono why how fromof ? out. and no well how outdo you gobut ?fromhow nofrom !!, very good and why out why today out very good! !! of manyhowand? to you do you . of!!to many hito but,do you manydo you many today... !! hi ? fromno ... hi to and? today out .. manyare go to well todaymany .. ... hi go , out from butfrom from ... no no very goodyou go .. well but out !! why do youof out you to . ! why and !! and?best but, from . but, very good well hi ,of how hi to from andout from but howto today and?no many how to out ?how out... bestbesthow howdo you bestbut of to and? do you .. hi no of? of very good youmany!! .. and? out you whywellno many and?go youandto youwell . tohi hi of of todayno very good !! many why !! and best todaywell you best you ..well .. best hi well how are and? areno !! ? out out .... from out no of are how ... areout ! very good but out you out ! , out... many, you no of, you ! go very good!! .. many well ? .to .. !! ,, very good welltoday and well best . ,do you do youand andand?many ,well from. very good out do you . are to !! fromfrom are go very goodgofrom do you from no very good whybest! to gono buthow? toare and bestof very good from today !!... are from from and why go many gobest very good .. today wellout and best why best do you and no towell today ... and? and and?to are you .. do you and? ! ... arevery good and? ! go !! and and to and? today","label":1} {"text":"Ben, I have attached the tropical mean trend profiles, now for the period 1979-1999. RAOBCORE versions show much more upper tropospheric heating for this period, RICH shows slightly more heating. Note also stronger cooling of unadjusted radiosondes in stratospheric layers compared to 1999-2004. Just for information I have included also zonal mean trend plots for the unadjusted radiosondes (tm), RAOBCORE v1.4 (tmcorr) and RICH (rgmra) I do not suggest that these plots should be included but some of you maybe want to know about the spatial coherence of the zonal mean trends. It is interesting to see the lower tropospheric warming minimum in the tropics in all three plots, which I cannot explain. I believe it is spurious but it is remarkably robust against my adjustment efforts. Meridional resolution is 10 degrees. As you can imagine, the tropical upper tropospheric heating maximum at 5S and the cooling in the unadjusted radiosondes at 5N are based on very few long records in these belts. 2-3 in 5S, about 5 in 5N. Best regards and I wish you all a happy new year. Leo Ben Santer wrote: > Dear Leo, > > The Figure that you sent is extremely informative, and would be great > to include in a response to Douglass et al. The Figure clearly > illustrates that the \"structural uncertainties\" inherent in > radiosonde-based estimates of tropospheric temperature change are much > larger than Douglass et al. have claimed. This is an important point > to make. > > Would it be possible to produce a version of this Figure showing > results for the period 1979 to 1999 (the period that I've used for > testing the significance of model-versus-observed trend differences) > instead of 1979 to 2004? > > With best regards, and frohes Neues Jahr! > > Ben > Leopold Haimberger wrote: >> Dear all, >> >> I have attached a plot which summarizes the recent developments >> concerning tropical radiosonde temperature datasets and which could >> be a candidate to be included in a reply to Douglass et al. >> It contains trend profiles from unadjusted radiosondes, >> HadAT2-adjusted radiosondes, RAOBCORE (versions 1.2-1.4) adjusted >> radiosondes >> and from radiosondes adjusted with a neighbor composite method (RICH) >> that uses the break dates detected with RAOBCORE (v1.4) as metadata. >> RAOBCORE v1.2,v1.3 are documented in Haimberger (2007), RAOBCORE v1.4 >> and RICH are discussed in the manuscript I mentioned in my previous >> email. >> Latitude range is 20S-20N, only time series with less than 24 months >> of missing data are included. Spatial sampling of all curves is the >> same except HadAT which contains less stations that meet the 24month >> criterion. Sampling uncertainty of the trend curves is ca. >> +\/-0.1K\/decade (95% percentiles estimated with bootstrap method). >> >> RAOBCORE v1.3,1.4 and RICH are results from ongoing research and >> warming trends from radiosondes may still be underestimated. >> The upper tropospheric warming maxima from RICH are even larger (up >> to 0.35K\/decade, not shown), if only radiosondes within the tropics >> (20N-20S) are allowed as reference for adjustment of tropical >> radiosonde temperatures. The pink\/blue curves in the attached plot >> should therefore not be regarded as upper bound of what may be >> achieved with plausible choices of reference series for homogenization. >> Please let me know your comments. >> >> I wish you a merry Christmas. >> >> With best regards >> >> Leo >> >> John Lanzante wrote: >>> Ben, >>> >>> Perhaps a resampling test would be appropriate. The tests you have >>> performed >>> consist of pairing an observed time series (UAH or RSS MSU) with >>> each one >>> of 49 GCM times series from your \"ensemble of opportunity\". >>> Significance >>> of the difference between each pair of obs\/GCM trends yields a certain >>> number of \"hits\". >>> >>> To determine a baseline for judging how likely it would be to obtain >>> the >>> given number of hits one could perform a set of resampling trials by >>> treating one of the ensemble members as a surrogate observation. For >>> each >>> trial, select at random one of the 49 GCM members to be the >>> \"observation\". >>> From the remaining 48 members draw a bootstrap sample of 49, and >>> perform >>> 49 tests, yielding a certain number of \"hits\". Repeat this many >>> times to >>> generate a distribution of \"hits\". >>> >>> The actual number of hits, based on the real observations could then be >>> referenced to the Monte Carlo distribution to yield a probability >>> that this >>> could have occurred by chance. The basic idea is to see if the observed >>> trend is inconsistent with the GCM ensemble of trends. >>> >>> There are a couple of additional tweaks that could be applied to >>> your method. >>> You are currently computing trends for each of the two time series >>> in the >>> pair and assessing the significance of their differences. Why not first >>> create a difference time series and assess the significance of it's >>> trend? >>> The advantage of this is that you would reduce somewhat the >>> autocorrelation >>> in the time series and hence the effect of the \"degrees of freedom\" >>> adjustment. Since the GCM runs are based on coupled model runs this >>> differencing would help remove the common externally forced >>> variability, >>> but not internally forced variability, so the adjustment would still be >>> needed. >>> >>> Another tweak would be to alter the significance level used to assess >>> differences in trends. Currently you are using the 5% level, which >>> yields >>> only a small number of hits. If you made this less stringent you >>> would get >>> potentially more weaker hits. But it would all come out in the wash >>> so to >>> speak since the number of hits in the Monte Carlo simulations would >>> increase >>> as well. I suspect that increasing the number of expected hits would >>> make the >>> whole procedure more powerful\/efficient in a statistical sense since >>> you >>> would no longer be dealing with a \"rare event\". In the current >>> scheme, using >>> a 5% level with 49 pairings you have an expected hit rate of 0.05 X >>> 49 = 2.45. >>> For example, if instead you used a 20% significance level you would >>> have an >>> expected hit rate of 0.20 X 49 = 9.8. >>> >>> I hope this helps. >>> >>> On an unrelated matter, I'm wondering a bit about the different >>> versions of >>> Leo's new radiosonde dataset (RAOBCORE). I was surprised to see that >>> the >>> latest version has considerably more tropospheric warming than I >>> recalled >>> from an earlier version that was written up in JCLI in 2007. I have a >>> couple of questions that I'd like to ask Leo. One concern is that if >>> we use >>> the latest version of RAOBCORE is there a paper that we can >>> reference -- >>> if this is not in a peer-reviewed journal is there a paper in >>> submission? >>> The other question is: could you briefly comment on the differences >>> in methodology used to generate the latest version of RAOBCORE as >>> compared to the version used in JCLI 2007, and what\/when\/where did >>> changes occur to >>> yield a stronger warming trend? >>> >>> Best regards, >>> >>> ______John >>> >>> >>> >>> On Saturday 15 December 2007 12:21 pm, Thomas.R.Karl wrote: >>> >>>> Thanks Ben, >>>> >>>> You have the makings of a nice article. >>>> >>>> I note that we would expect to 10 cases that are significantly >>>> different by chance (based on the 196 tests at the .05 sig level). >>>> You found 3. With appropriately corrected Leopold I suspect you >>>> will find there is indeed stat sig. similar trends incl. >>>> amplification. Setting up the statistical testing should be >>>> interesting with this many combinations. >>>> >>>> Regards, Tom >>>> >>> >>> >> > > -- Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Leopold Haimberger Institut f\u00fcr Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universit\u00e4t Wien Althanstra\u00dfe 14, A - 1090 Wien Tel.: +43 1 4277 53712 Fax.: +43 1 4277 9537 ~haimbel7\/ Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\t00_trendbeltbg_Tropics_1979-1999_v1_4.eps\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\t00_trendzonalGlobe_tmcorr_1979-1999.ps\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\t00_trendzonalGlobe_rgmra_1979-1999.ps\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\t00_trendzonalGlobe_tm_1979-1999.ps\"","label":0} {"text":"Love, love, love the strategy. Sent from Donna's I Pad. Follow me on twitter @donnabrazile On Apr 25, 2016, at 10:09 PM, Elias, Marc (Perkins Coie) > wrote: Yes. We are appealing and should win at the 4th circuit -- Marc E. Elias Perkins Coie LLP 700 13th St, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-434-1609 melias@perkinscoie.com @marceelias Sent from my iPad On Apr 25, 2016, at 10:07 PM, Donna Brazile > wrote: Can we put out a statement? Sent from Donna's I Pad. Follow me on twitter @donnabrazile Begin forwarded message: From: Jennifer Farmer > Date: April 25, 2016 at 10:01:39 PM EDT To: > Subject: Court Declines to Overturn North Carolina's Monster Voter Suppression Law: Groups to Appeal Decision Reply-To: > [ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jennifer Farmer, 202-487-0967 April 25, 2016 Email: jfarmer@advancementproject.org Court Declines to Overturn North Carolina's Monster Voter Suppression Law: Groups to Appeal Decision RALEIGH, NC \u2013 Today the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina ruled that H.B. 589, a monster voter suppression law, does not violate the Voting Rights Act or the Fourteenth, Fifteenth or Twenty-Sixth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The court chose instead to uphold a restrictive and discriminatory measure, which has already significantly burdened voters of color in the state. We intend to seek relief for provisions including the expansion of voter challenges, the elimination of same-day registration, the rollback of a week of early voting, a ban on the use of out of precinct provisional ballots, the removal of a successful preregistration program for 16- and 17-year-olds and a restrictive photo ID requirement. The current injunction on the law's proscriptions of same day registration and out of precinct voting \u2013 which has been in place since 2015, will remain in effect until June. Advancement Project, along with co-counsel from Kirkland & Ellis, LLP and attorneys Irving Joyner and Adam Stein, challenged H.B. 589 on behalf of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. The groups will hold a media conference call on Tuesday, April 26 at 11:30 am EST to discuss the decision, and conference call details are forthcoming. A partial statement is outlined below: \"The continuation of H.B. 589's restrictive provisions is an affront to democracy, and we intend to appeal the decision,\" said the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP and architect of the Forward Together Moral Movement. \"Through widespread actions, rallies, marches and protests, we have said all along that we would accept no less than unabridged access to the ballot for all eligible voters. Just like those who carried on before us, we will continue our movement challenging regressive and discriminatory voter suppression tactics on behalf of African Americans, Latinos, seniors, students and all those for whom democracy has been denied.\" \"In abridging voting rights for African Americans and Latinos, H.B. 589 turns back the clock to our nation's terrible Jim Crow past,\" said Advancement Project Co-Director Penda D. Hair. \"In a democracy, voting should be free, fair and accessible for all eligible voters. H.B. 589 tactically targets the provisions that once made North Carolina among the states with the highest turnout in the nation. This progress was especially clear among African-American and Latino voters, who came to rely on measures like early voting, same-day registration and out of precinct provisional ballots to ensure their voices were heard. By specifically targeting the very measures that were most used by people of color \u2013 in addition to imposing a restrictive photo ID requirement \u2013 the legislature sought to disturb the levers of power in North Carolina. This fight is not over. This is just one step in a legal battle that is going to continue in the courts to ensure that the Voting Rights Act protects voters against discriminatory voting measures like H.B. 589.\" \"The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals understood the ways in which H.B. 589 would impact voters of color in North Carolina, and previously enjoined portions of this law,\" said Advancement Project Senior Attorney Denise Lieberman. \"Now with even more evidence of the measure's discriminatory impact on voters of color, we intend to once again take our case to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.\" \"North Carolina's suppressive voting law was exactly the type of regulation that the Voting Rights Act was written to combat,\" said Advancement Project Senior Attorney Donita Judge. \"Had this law been subjected to federal preclearance, it simply never could have passed. Now, countless voters, especially voters of color, are at risk of losing their voice in our elections. This is unacceptable in a democracy.\" # # # Advancement Project is a multi-racial civil rights organization. Founded by a team of veteran civil rights lawyers in 1999, Advancement Project was created to develop and inspire community-based solutions based on the same high quality legal analysis and public education campaigns that produced the landmark civil rights victories of earlier eras. Disclaimer: This email was sent to info@brazileassociates.com Meltwater Group, 225 Bush St, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States [Unsubscribe] ________________________________ NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"Manafort here From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:15 AM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: FNS 4-24-16 Nothing real interesting on Trump being more presidential. Says multiple times there will be no second ballot at the convention and that is why the campaign isn't focused on stealing state delegates like Cruz is Paul Manafort interview * You met with RNC to reassure them, said Trump has been playing a part. He's been campaigning for 10 monhs and we haven't seen real man? o That was about what settings he's been. You've seen real Trump in campaign mode o RNC has a different mode-wants to know if Trump is going to be giving policy speeches, etc, which he will * But it does sound like spin, doesn't seem like you were talking about rallies vs speeches o But that is what I was saying, it's been distorted o Trump has been saying when I'm at rallies, I want to show you who I am in this environment, when I'm giving policy speeches, I'm giving policy speeches * Cruz has said Trump the Conservative is just a show, trying to fool gullible voters o Well there's the liar, not Trump o He's got to change to conversation, narrative, because he's had the nomination eliminated for him o Cruz made this up from whole cloth, trump never said he isn't building a wall o Cruz is going to lose all five Tues states, come in third in most o Like with Carson and Rubio, Cruz just makes things up * Cruz had a good weekend-one of your jobs is to get delegates committed, Cruz won a lot of their support, 65-2 for you o You've been around a long time Chris, the only vote that matters is the vote cast when the roll is called. Cruz won 0 delegates for that vote yesterday o Other problems happened before I was involved o Cruz is bending to rules, in Maine the governor put together a slate based on primary results, Cruz broke the deal, didn't care about local officials, steamrolled it. That's not the trump approach o We're running a campaign to win folks on first ballot, and we are o What Cruz is doing is hurting the party. There will be no second ballot. * You became a lobbyist after Reagan white house, you have controversial clients (foreign dictators), your firm were called torturer's lobby o I was representing the administration's chosen groups in Philippines, other countries * Not Yanukovich o I worked with Europeans to bring Ukraine into Europe, role I played was to help that happen * Cruz calls yours a lobbyist campaign o The people he's talking about haven't been lobbying for 10-20 years * His point is that Trump's anti-establishment outsider status is no longer valid o I'm not running, Trump is, Trump is clearly an outsider, and he's established that o Cruz is trying to say the process, voting, doesn't matter o He wants to destroy the party and see who can pick up the pieces on the 2nd, 3rd ballot o We're trying to work with Mitch McConnell in KY to put together a unity slate o We're working with party officials, we didn't want to go into a state in be disruptive, as Cruz did o We want to make sure people who Trump hasn't been exposed to know we're going to work with them * Trump said transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want (it would be discriminatory, expensive), but then Trump said it was state's rights. What does he think about NC law o He thinks what he said, that it's a states' rights issues o It's not a reversal * But 12 hours before he said leave it the way it is, no real problem there o Trump said what his personal opinion was, and then he said how he would handle it, called it state's rights issue * Trump foreign policy speech using teleprompters, are you trying to drag him kicking to be more presidential o It's not a new campaign, it's an expanded campaign o Trump had to establish legitimacy, win primaries, become presumptive nominee, all of which he did, now he's in next phase From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:02 AM To: Comm_D Subject: FNS 4-24-16 Opens with Trump re-brand","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Resolution Center: Your account is limited. (Your case ID for this reason is PP-010206115.) PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screeningthe accounts in our system. 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In addition, will be sending our talking points on the Trump-Ryan agenda to Rep. Becerra for media hits that he does tomorrow. From: \"Jefferson, Deshundra\" > Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 6:33 PM To: \"Walker, Eric\" >, Regional Press > Subject: RE: Press events re: this week's Trump\/Ryan meeting North Carolina is trying to book their ED for TV interviews. Georgia is working with Rep. Johnson to push paper, and book TV. From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 6:32 PM To: Regional Press Subject: RE: Press events re: this week's Trump\/Ryan meeting Alright y'all \u2013 TJ has events happening in Ohio and Iowa. What else do we have? From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:18 AM To: Regional Press Subject: FW: Press events re: this week's Trump\/Ryan meeting Hey Regionals \u2013 please start calling your battleground state comms directors this morning to get these events off the ground. You should also be interfacing with your counterparts in CE \/ Political to make sure they are engaged and helping with the lift \u2013 can also be a broader discussion about preparing lists \/ comms plans for the general. Thanks all From:demcommunications@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:13 AM To: demcommunications@googlegroups.com Subject: [COMMUNICATIONS] Press events re: this week's Trump\/Ryan meeting Hey everyone \u2013 Tomorrow, Donald Trump is coming to Washington D.C. to meet with Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, and Mitch McConnell. The Ryan meeting is the highlight because Ryan has withheld his endorsement of Trump thus far. This is an ideal opportunity to highlight the historic mess that is the Republican Party, with the Speaker of the House of Representatives not ready to fully endorse his Party's nominee, and a slew of former GOP presidential candidates, former Republican presidents and vulnerable Senate and House candidates trying to distance themselves from their standard bearer. We're asking state party communications directors to put together events around Thursday morning's Trump-Ryan meeting to deliver the message that while Trump and Ryan may have a personal disagreement, they are both pushing the same divisive and dangerous agenda. We're also asking state party communications directors to echo these events with op-eds and letters to the editor in local papers, and surrogates on television and radio. Attached please find a packet with materials to put together an event. In this packet you'll find: \u00b7 Sample talking points \/ message guidance \u00b7 A sample advisory \u00b7 A sample press release \u00b7 A sample op-ed \u00b7 Four sample letters to the editor DNC can offer national surrogates to appear via satellite or phone on local television and radio broadcasts to amplify the message. Please reach out to walker@dnc.org if you would like to book one of our surrogates. Members of Congress and Senators who are currently in Washington can also use our studio to do local hits. Here's what we're looking for in terms of event logistics: \u00b7 Types of speakers: o State Party Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and EDs o Local Elected Officials o Allied Groups \u2013 Planned Parenthood, NAACP, Mi Familia Vota, etc. o Labor o People sharing personal stories \u00b7 About 15-20 supporters \u00b7 Signs that say \"Reject the Trump-Ryan Agenda\" \u2013 we have a mockup that can be found here . \u00b7 A big push to get local TV to the event \u2013 studies show that local TV is the dominant player in most markets and Americans trust local TV news about 20 points more than they trust national TV news. The Republican Party has elevated offensive policies and extreme voices using divisive campaigns for years, and now they're stuck with Donald Trump's reckless and dangerous campaign heading into the general election. We have to make sure we hold Republicans in Congress and in every state accountable for their Party's dysfunction as they chaotically tumble toward the general election. And while Republicans argue, Democratic voters are overwhelming in agreement that our primary has been exciting, and large majorities would support either one of our candidates. This meeting is also a reminder that what Trump has promised and what Republicans up and down the ballot have pushed for is the same brand of trickle-down economic policies that help those at the top while costing hardworking Americans. It's the same old Republican playbook of cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of middle-class families, opposing measures like equal pay and paid family leave, and reckless policies that would only to drag America back into a recession . We can't afford to go back to losing 800,000 jobs a month as the last Republican president left office. Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"Democratic State Party - Communications Staff\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to demcommunications+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com . To post to this group, send email to demcommunications@googlegroups.com . To view this discussion on the web visit . For more options, visit","label":0} {"text":"As you know, Enron has signed a merger agreement by which Dynegy will acquire Enron. We expect the transaction to close following shareholder and regulatory approvals and various conditions to closing. Even though Enron has entered into this agreement, U.S. and foreign antitrust laws require that Enron and Dynegy continue to operate independently of each other. In particular, to the extent that Enron and Dynegy are competitors in various businesses or markets, their respective activities must be undertaken at arm's length until the transaction has closed. Therefore, for antitrust purposes you should treat Dynegy as you would any other unaffiliated company notwithstanding the merger agreement. In addition, all information, documents and communications related to the merger between Enron and Dynegy should be coordinated through and approved by Mark Muller, Lance Schuler, Robert Eickenroht, Mark Haedicke, Rob Walls or Greg Whalley of Enron. It is absolutely critical that this procedure be maintained. To the extent that information is required to be disclosed to Dynegy under the merger agreement, then such disclosure should be approved by one of the foregoing individuals. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact Lance Schuler (713\/853-5419), Robert Eickenroht (713\/853-3155), Mark Haedicke (713\/853-6544) or Rob Walls (713\/646-6017). Thank you for your help in this matter.","label":0} {"text":"WiseGuide Newsletter | Stephen S. Wise Temple Click here to view the web version. UPCOMING EVENTS Begin Your High Holy Days Preparation with Us Begin your preparation for the Days of Awe by joining us at our 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Services throughout the month of Elul as each of our Rabbis deliver sermons on topics related to the holidays. We look forward to sharing in these services with you and to helping you get ready for 5775. | August 29, September 5, 12, and 19 | 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Info | Contact Your High Holy Day Tickets are One Click Away with Wise Connect By now, you should have received an e-mail from Rabbi Herscher welcoming you to Wise Connect \u2013 the gateway to your Stephen Wise membership information. We hope you will reaffirm your connection to Wise by joining us for another year and by requesting your High Holy Day tickets through this system. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please click \"Contact\" below. Also, for your convenience, we have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page that can answer many of the questions that you may have about this new process. Click here to view this page. If you have not received this e-mail, we recommend you check your spam folder to be sure it hasn't been automatically filed in there. We look forward to sharing the new year with you! Info | Contact Max Steinberg Memorial Tuesday, August 12 | 6 p.m. | Saban Theatre Join us as we honor the memory of Max Steinberg, z'l, born and raised in our community, who fell in battle almost three weeks ago. His story is one of inspiration, dedication, and love for the State of Israel. It is important for us as a community to show support to his family, to the people of Israel, to those who were injured, and to the families of those who were killed in this fight against terrorism. His mother and father, sister, and brother will speak along with other dignitaries who will add their voices of praise to the bravery of this young man. Cantor Nathan Lam, Cantors Marcus Feldman of Sinai Temple, Nati Baram of Young Israel of North Beverly Hills, and Don Gurney of Wilshire Boulevard Temple will participate. Bags, backpacks, and large purses will not be allowed into the Theatre. Info | Contact New and Exciting Catering Options! In response to our congregants' requests for a variety of catering options, we are pleased to announce that we have partnered with three companies who will offer a wide selection of styles, pricing, and service to ensure your event at Stephen Wise is exactly what you have dreamed of! Whether it is a small or large gathering, a celebration, meeting, or memorial reception, your needs will be met by either Tarte Catering, The Kitchen for Exploring Foods, or Wolfgang Puck. The choice will be yours. All three companies are passionate about catering, innovative in their approach, and know that events at Wise are an important service to our community. Your Temple wants to be a part of your next event, large or small, indoors or out, and we have a variety of venues and chefs to make your event more memorable! For more information about Wise Events, contact Stacey Rosenthal by clicking the link below or calling 310.889.2247. Take a peek at the websites of our new preferred caterers: Tarte......click here. The Kitchen for Exploring Foods...click here. Wolfgang Puck Catering.....click here. Contact New at Wise: Your Updated Membership Commitment Statements! You spoke and we listened! Look out in the mail for your new and improved statements. They have been formatted to include your total commitment for the current fiscal year in list form. You will be able to clearly see how your payments are being applied to your total bill for up-to-the-minute information at your fingertips. Also, at the bottom of this document will be helpful tips and listings of events and happenings at Wise. For more information, click the \"contact\ufffd link below. Contact From Holocaust To Rwanda To Darfur And The Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.) Stephen Wise Temple has been a partner with Jewish World Watch (JWW) since its inception in 2004 at the height of the Darfur Genocide. Started on the premise of \"Never Again,\" JWW's humanitarian work continues in both the Darfur refugee camps in Chad and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. JWW has visited the DRC twice this summer, and if you were compelled by the stories from last High Holy Days, you will be inspired and moved to read the blogs from this Summer's trips. Mitzvah Day is not far off, Sunday, November 2, where you will be able to engage with hands-on JWW activities, but here is an opportunity to further understand how our Holocaust past moves us to tell today's genocidal stories and recovery. Info | Contact Your Donated Blood Can Save a Life Charlie Segal, newborn son of our Temple members Darren and Katie Segal, and grandson of our members Errol and Marilyn Segal, is at UCLA Medical Center. His condition has required many blood transfusions. If you are willing to donate a pint of blood, the family would be deeply appreciative. Please call the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center at 310.794.7207. Ask for Matthew and provide the following information in order to make an appointment to donate: Baby's Name: Charlie Segal Parents' Names: Katie and Darren Segal Contact Watch Rabbi Anderson's Shabbat Service Online If you missed Rabbi Spike Anderson's Shabbat service last Friday night with his sermon on \"How to Personally Counter the Heaviness of Our Crisis\", or if you want to watch it again, click the \"Info\" button below. Info | Contact MAZAL TOVS To view a list of Mazal Tovs, click here. We would like to hear about the simchas in your life. If you or someone you know has recently had a baby, wedding, engagement, or any other simcha, our Clergy and community would like to share in it with you. Click here to inform us or e-mail Clergy@WiseLA.org. CONDOLENCES To view a list of Condolences, click here. CONTRIBUTIONS To view a list of Contributions, click here. THANK YOU TO To view a list of Volunteers, click here. This Week's Torah Portion Shabbat Nahamu Shabbat Services for Friday, August 8 - Saturday, August 9 Friday, August 8: 6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Service | Rabbi Spike Anderson and Cantorial Intern, Sarah Fortman | Rabbi Anderson's sermon topic is entitled: \"Reaching Out, Building Bridges, and Singing Matisyahu's One Day\u2026\" | Plotkin Chapel Saturday, August 9: 10 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Minyan | Rabbi Spike Anderson and Cantorial Intern, Sarah Fortman | Milken Community High School Contact Clergy Shabbat Services for Friday, August 15 - Saturday, August 16 Friday, August 15: 6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Service | Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Cantor Nathan Lam | Plotkin Chapel Saturday, August 16: 10 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Minyan | Dennis Prager and Cantorial Intern, Sarah Fortman | Hershenson Hall Contact Clergy SCHOOL CALENDARS Early Childhood Calendar | Contact K-6 Calendar | Contact Wise Parent Association Calendar | Contact CONNECT Phone: 310.476.8561 Web: www.WiseLA.org Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Send us an E-mail If your spouse or partner (or someone else you know) would like to be added to the WiseGuide weekly e-mail list, or if you wish to inform us about a lifecycle event, e-mail WiseGuide@WiseLA.org. Shabbat Shalom This message was sent to leah_weil@spe.sony.com from: WiseGuide | WiseGuide@wisela.org | Stephen S. Wise Temple | 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90077 Email Marketing by Manage Your Subscription ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1224682741_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Dear all I went to this meeting in London yesterday - which was useful. Julie will photocopy my notes\/the overheads for you some time this week (if she doesnt have time, I'll do it when I get back next week). In the meantime, here are my main impressions\/thoughts from the meeting. (Incidentally, Alex Haxeltine was due to go from UEA, but didnt turn up. Not sure who the other UEA people were! There was no list of participants.) Maybe we should get together (next week some time?) once you've had chance to look at some of this. The Commission (EC) seems to be favouring smaller projects, e.g., typically 10 million Euro. Though it is up to proposers to define the necessary 'critical mass'. UKRO seem quite wary of Networks of Excellence (NoE), e.g., warning of potential conflicts of interest with institutions. As with projects, smaller size seems to be in favour. An UKRO analysis suggests an NoE of 150-400 researchers would maximise the amount of money received per researcher. Research activities can now be funded in NoE (the EC has changed its mind on this in the last month), but only if focused on integration. The EC wont be proposing indicators of integration for NoE - the proposals should explain how this will be 'measured'. Consortium quality seems to be an important concern for the EC, i.e., having the right people for the job and ensuring everyone has a clear role. In our rush to get a 'critical mass', I'm concerned that the GENIE consortium may appear too much as 'all our friends'. One possible strategy which UKRO seemed to think quite good for people, would be to put in a proposal from 6-8 key partners, indicating for which activities additional partners will be brought in at appropriate points. The EC will be providing formal procedures for these 'internal project' calls. It is unlikely that the new online proposal preparation tool will be ready for the first call, but electronic submission (on CD) should be possible. Any paper submissions will be scanned. Evaluation will be by electronic means initially, with possibility of proposers (and evaluators?) being invited to hearings in Brussels prior to panel meetings. No signatures are required for the proposals (though a password\/username will be required by co-ordinators to access the online system). Some institutions\/consortia are apparently drawing up pre-consortia agreements or letters of intent\/memorandum of understanding. The guide for proposers is currently only in very rough draft. There will be a second 'EOI' type exercise at the end of 2003\/early 2004. This could lead to changes in the indicative themes for 2004. UKRO is not keen on UK institutions using consultants for project management - we should be building our own capacity. Proposals should be written for the informed lay person. It is best if they are not obviously written by one person - better to show joint effort\/co-ordination at an early stage. Redundancy costs (i.e., costs of implementing the new fixed-term regulations) can be included for research staff. The EC aims to audit all FP6 projects (because there will be fewer of them). Recognition of the ERA and policy links will be important for the EC. (The ERA includes references to developing long-term careers for research staff and increasing the involvement of women - so maybe we should be thinking of some activities to address these issues.) IPR will be an important issue in FP6 - need to get expert advice (e.g., what happens if consortium changes over course of project). Consortium agreements will be compulsory. The proposal forms (for IPs anyway) are relatively simple, e.g., only need to cost four different types of activity. Clare Dr Clare Goodess Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ UK Tel: +44 -1603 592875 Fax: +44 -1603 507784 Web: [1] Editor \"Climate Research\" ([2] Southern Africa crisis appeal: [3] References 1. 2. 3.","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Unauthorized access to your PayPal account! We recently noticed more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address. If you accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you are the rightfull holder of the account, please visit PayPal as soon as possible to verify your identity: Click here to verify your account You can also verify your account by logging into your PayPal account at If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise but to temporaly suspend your account. We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend to verify your account in that time. Thank you for using PayPal !The Websense\u00ae Security Labs\u2122 Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page.To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here.PayPal Email ID PP-468 XRLRJESBKMVMFIRPMKOPMNJVPFHCTEWTPPCFPG","label":1} {"text":"Is it open press? -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Anthony Carrillo Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 4:12 PM To: Palermo, Rachel Cc: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: Information for YDA Hispanic Caucus Call Greetings Rachel Yes. Call is on. Is a national call open to all the latino members of our Caucus (50 states and PR). Basically we want to hear from Mr. Miranda his experience on latino outreach, and now from his role in the DNC what advise will he give to the new generation of latino millennials that will be crucial in the 2016 election Conf Call info: Dial in Number 857-957-1110 Participant Acces Code: 450864 V\/r Anthony Carrillo,Esq. YDA Hispanic Caucus Chair 787.550.9264 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Palermo, Rachel > wrote: Hi Anthony, Are you still having Luis on your call tomorrow from 9:30-10? And will you please share the dial in and the RSVP list? Also, is the call closed press? Thanks. Best, Rachel -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Jordan KaplanNational Finance DirectorDemocratic National Committee(202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c)kaplanj@dnc.org On Feb 20, 2016, at 11:44 AM, Simas, David wrote:for Steve Westly, Anita Yu, Danny Rose, Aaron Rosenberg, and Sam and Leah Fischer.Want to thank them for hosting.Hope you're well.David M. Simas","label":0} {"text":"United Way 2001 THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in this year's United Way Campaign! Together we are Building Houston's Future. We have good news for those of you who have not yet had a chance to participate - the campaign has been extended through this week. As of 8:00 am on Thursday, August 30, EWS had reached $1,301,684 in pledges. While we have reached our campaign goal of $1,276,000, our employee participation rate remains a disappointing 77.31%. In fact, there are still 919 employees who have yet to access the system and indicate a choice to pledge or not to pledge. Regardless of your decision, please log on to and click on the United Way Building Houston's Future logo, or you can call or e-mail Eric Thode with your pledge. The system will send a confirmatory e-mail to you to check for accuracy and keep for your records. Below are the pledge totals and participation rates by business unit\/functional group: GROUP PLEDGES % Participation Rate EA $217,213 80.87% (114 employees unaccounted for) EBS $164,779 47.24% (363 employees unaccounted for) EEOS $81,131 95.57% (9 employees unaccounted for) EEL\/Exec. Office $87,627 84.62% (4 employees unaccounted for) EGM $185,412 83.69% (61 employees unaccounted for) EIM $101,116 93.19% (13 employees unaccounted for) ENW $273,384 78.80% (347 employees unaccounted for) EWS Bus. Analysis $39,743 100.00% EWS Bus. Dev. $17,198 100.00% EWS HR $22,059 90.14% (7 employees unaccounted for) EWS Legal $69,128 100.00% EWS Research $24,913 100.00% EWS Treasury $17,981 100.00% From a corporate perspective, EWS is in 2nd place in % of goal reached and 3rd place in participation rate. Here are the other groups' totals: GROUP PLEDGES % Participation % of Goal ETS $305,869 95.33% 88.40% Corporate $810,967 75.59% 103.31% EES $479,335 80.00% 97.23% To make your pledge, you will need your GIS ID and password in order to complete the pledge process. Your GIS ID is an eight-digit number that starts with a 9. If you do not know your GIS ID, or if you have problems, please call the GIS Help Desk at ext. 3-5666. BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Global Markets Enron Global Risk Markets (GRM) is pleased to announce the financial close of Project Ranch. This transaction involved an insurance wrap on a Volumetric Production Payment (VPP) consummated by Enron Capital Resources in February 2001. As part of this deal, Enron was able to successfully syndicate upstream reserve and operations risk to the insurance markets. The convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets is still a novel concept in the world of finance and Enron is proud to be one of the first companies to be involved in a transaction of this kind. Special mention should be made of the GRM deal team (Doug Jones, Rafi Khan, Tony Wolfe, Sebastien Saubier, Brian Cohen) and of the Global Finance team (Tim Proffitt, Nora Dobin, Chris Herron, Ying Liu) for their very hard work and dedication to the deal. Enron Engineering and Operational Services Since May, EEOS has been providing operational support at the Cuiaba, Brazil facility, a 450 MW combined cycle plant. Our team members have consisted of John Krupski and Yaser Tobeh from the Houston office, Don Schmidt from New Albany, Derrick Skerritt and Howard Peel from our Teeside operations in the UK. John, Yaser, Don, Derrick and Howard have been providing operational and maintenance support at the project, as well as providing mentor\/coaching support for the staff. They have been instrumental in developing and implementing a team building approach at the facility and trying to instill a sense of ownership with the facility. Additionally, they have been working closely with Simmens and our start-up team ensuring that the plant will be commissioned successfully on natural gas. Gas commissioning started on August 5th, and to date we have had a successful run with one unit. Thus the momentum has been building very quickly for the local staff to assume full operations sometime within the next 30 days. EEOS will keep a small crew involved over the next six months, keeping a watchful eye on operations to make sure that things keep rolling along smoothly. Enron Industrial Markets The Forest Products Origination Group headed by Rob Saltiel develops transactions for forest products companies that can benefit from EIM's risk management and structured finance capabilities. The goal is to advance Enron's desired physical and financial commodity positions in newsprint, pulp, recycled papers, linerboard and\/or lumber while bringing commodity and capital benefits to customers. Given the difficulties currently facing the industry, many companies are particularly interested in managing their earnings and balance sheets more tightly. As a result, the originators are gaining access to industry CEOs and CFOs to develop their deal concepts. Current deals under development include asset monetizations, supply\/inventory outsourcing, pre-payments for physical supplies, and sculpted swaps. IN THE NEWS HOUSTON (AP) - After a shakeup of its upper management ranks earlier this month, energy giant Enron Corp. solidified its leadership Tuesday by promoting two longtime executives. Greg Whalley was named president and chief operating officer while Mark Frevert was elevated to vice chairman. Both will join Kenneth Lay, Enron's chairman of the board and chief executive, in the Office of the Chairman. \"Greg and Mark bring a wealth of talent and experience to the Office of the Chairman,\" Lay said. \"In addition to having led Enron Wholesale Services, they have a collective 26 years of extensive experience across Enron's businesses and both played key roles in increasing our deliveries of energy and other commodities in North America and Europe.\" Associated Press Newswires Copyright 2001. WELCOME New Hires EGM - Aaron Green, Anna Olivares, Mollie Rogers, Steven Madrid EIM - Diana Sanchez, Angela Perez NUGGETS & NOTES Congratulations to Miguel Vasquez, Manager in Origination, who recently passed the Chartered Financial Analyst Level III exam and to Paul Gregory (Associate) who passed the CFA Level II exam. Congratulations! On Sunday, August 26, 2001, L'Sheryl (Hudson) Branch, director EWS Financial Operations and husband, Alan, became the proud parents of Michaela Alexandra Branch. Baby Michaela weighed in at 5 lbs, 13.5 oz. All-Employee Meeting For those of you who missed the all-employee meeting on August 16, a replay of the meeting and videos are now available! You can access the replay at and at my.home.enron.com on the Internal Communications channel. The replay is a little more than an hour long and will restart after completion. To order a videotape of the meeting, please contact: Courtney Votaw- U.S and other international employees Telephone- (713)-853-9390 Email- Courtney.Votaw@enron.com EnronOnline Figures Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of August 28 * Total Life to Date Transactions > 1,375,000 * Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $790 billion Enron Wholesale Services Best Practice Tips Skytel is Enron's Preferred Vendor for Paging Devices Included in the Skytel agreement are numeric\/alphanumeric pagers, advanced messaging service devices, and encrypted remote e-mail services via Blackberry? enabled devices. Enron also receives special discount incentives through year-end 2001, such as 50% discount on Blackberry?-enabled hardware purchases and trade-in allowances on select Research in Motion (RIM) units. Note: Employees presently using both pagers and cell phones are encouraged to consolidate to one device by eliminating pagers and utilizing cell phones only. Negotiations are currently underway to determine the preferred cell phone provider for Enron. Got a Great Idea for the EnTouch? Do you have great news you want everyone in EWS to know about? Something interesting going on in power and gas markets? Or in industrial or global markets? Send your ideas to Kathie Grabstald via email or call x 3-9610. LEGAL STUFF The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed.","label":0} {"text":"\u00a9 HSBC Bank plc. Dear online banking customer, Thank you for using the HSBC Bank Online Transfer\u00ae - service. In order to provide final approval for your transaction, we need additional information. Please access your online banking account to verify the information is correct and complete your enrollment. If we do not hear from you within the next 24 hours, we will cancel your Online Transfer\u00ae service. Click here for online banking If you have questions, please visit our website at www.hsbc.co.uk\/contact\/. Thank you for using \u00a9 HSBC Bank plc! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US.","label":1} {"text":"Suspicious activity has been detected on your account. For your protection we are blocking your access to confirm true ownership. Regain Access Wells Fargo Online Banking!","label":1} {"text":"Thanks Kate Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee On May 20, 2016, at 1:24 PM, Kate Houghton > wrote: Already done. On May 20, 2016, at 1:21 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Got it. I'll print. ________________________________ From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 1:18 PM To: Kate Houghton Cc: Bonosky, Garret; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Miranda, Luis; Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Edits attached From: Kate Houghton Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 1:14 PM To: Walsh, Tom Cc: Bonosky, Garret; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Miranda, Luis; Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Re: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Ready to print. On May 20, 2016, at 12:59 PM, Walsh, Tom > wrote: Got it \u2013 working on it From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:59 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Attached are: 1. 'DWS ASDC Speech \u2013 START WITH THIS' --> use this as your base document to edit 2. 'DWS ASDC Speech tp edits' PDF --> these are the Chairwoman's edits --> Tom make these first 3. 'DWS ASDC Speech \u2013 SKD edits' --> Tom these are the edits that Anita and Hilary sent over; make these last Tom --> after making the edits please reply all and send on this thread. Kate --> please print in Philadelphia (2 copies) and we will do speech prep when we arrive. From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:48 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Bonosky, Garret; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Re: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Yes, we are. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:38 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Biggest thing for me is that we should drop the paragraph on the Egypt Air crash entirely. ________________________________ From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:34 PM To: Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Miranda, Luis; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Re: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Tom - Also have additional changes Anita sent; I will send over shortly, make the chairwoman's changes now and then make the Anita edits I send shortly. Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee On May 20, 2016, at 12:26 PM, Walsh, Tom > wrote: Thanks, working on it -----Original Message----- From: Guerra, Liana Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:25 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Attached is the word doc -----Original Message----- From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:24 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen; Guerra, Liana Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Looping in Liana who has the most recent edited word document. Liana will send to Tom; Tom will edit (with the notes from document attached to this email) and then will send to Kate who will print on the ground on Philadelphia -----Original Message----- From: hrtsleeve@gmail.com Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:07 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Here is revised draft with my edits. Tom, Luis and Ryan, I want to review with you why the speech had to be dramatically edited so we are on the same page going forward. Thanks for everyone's help. Annotation Summary for: 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Page 2, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Typewriter (Red): Comment: elect a Democrat, once again. Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: for whom Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: it Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: originally, Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 9, Line Drawing (Red) Page 9, Typewriter (Red): Comment: happened? Page 9, Line Drawing (Red) Page 10, Line Drawing (Red) Page 11, Line Drawing (Red) Page 12, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Typewriter (Red): Comment: And Hillary declared it a terrorist act yesterday too. Page 15, Line Drawing (Red) Page 15, Typewriter (Red): Comment: gloss over Page 15, Line Drawing (Red) Page 17, Line Drawing (Red) Page 20, Line Drawing (Red) Page 20, Typewriter (Red): Comment: strengthened our Page 20, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Typewriter (Red): Comment: then Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: get our work done Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: heard Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: the Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Typewriter (Red): Comment: Dangerous Page 26, Line Drawing (Red) Page 27, Line Drawing (Red) Page 27, Typewriter (Red): Comment: of Page 27, Line Drawing (Red) Page 28, Line Drawing (Red) Page 30, Line Drawing (Red) -- Marked up using iAnnotate PDF on my iPad","label":0} {"text":"Mike and all Hi , just back from a trip and only now catching up with important emails. Given the restricted time and space available to furnish a response to SB comments , I offer the following mix of comment and specific wording changes: I agree that the S+B response is designed to deflect criticism by confusing the issues rather than answering our points. In fact they fail to address any of the 3 specific issues we raised Namely , 1. the need for critical evaluation of proxy inputs , 2. the need for a consistent assimilation of widespread (dated and well resolved ) records, 3. the essential requirement for objective\/quantitative calibration (scaling) of the input records to allow for assessment of the uncertainties when making comparisons of different reconstructions and when comparing early with recent temperatures. Their own , ill-conceived and largely subjective approach did not take account of the uncertainties and problems in the use of palaeodata that they chose to highlight in their opening remarks. I would be in favour of stating something to this effect at the outset of our response. Also , as regards the tree-ring bit , I fully concur with the sense of your text as regards Section 1, but suggest the following wording (to replace \",rarely for annual ring widths, and almost entirely at higher latitudes.\") \"but in certain high-latitude regions only. Where this is the case , these relatively recent (ie post 1950) data are not used in calibrating temperature reconstructions. In many other (even high-latitude) areas density or ring-width records display no bias.\" In the spirit of healthy debate - I agree with Tim's remarks , warning against presenting a too sanguine impression that the borehole debate is closed ( though I do think it is closing!). I also believe , as you already know, that the use of a recent padding algorithm to extend smoothed data to the present time, is inappropriate if it assumes the continuation of a recent trend. This is likely to confuse , rather than inform, the wider public about the current climate state . Finally , I repeat my earlier remarks (made before EOS piece published) that we are missing an opportunity to say that a warm Medieval period per se is not a refutation of anthropogenic warming , {as its absence is no proof}, if we do not understand the role of specific forcings (natural and anthropogenic) that influenced medieval and current climates. Cheers Keith At 12:48 PM 10\/9\/03 -0600, Kevin Trenberth wrote: Hi all Here are my suggested changes: toned down in several places. Tracking turned on Kevin Michael E. Mann wrote: Dear co-authors, Attached is a draft response, incorporating suggestions Kevin, Tom W, and Michael. I've aimed to be as brief as possible, but hard to go much lower than 750 words and still address all the key issues. 750 words, by the way, is our allotted limit. Looking forward to any comments. Feel free to send an edited version if you prefer, and I'll try to assimilate all of the suggested edits and suggestions into a single revised draft. If you can get comments to me within the next couple days, that would be very helpful as we're working on a late October deadline for the final version. Thanks for your continued help, mike ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: [1]mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [2] -- **************** Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [3]trenbert@ucar.edu Climate Analysis Section, NCAR [4]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/ P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80303 -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [5] References 1. mailto:mann@virginia.edu%A0 2. 3. mailto:trenbert@ucar.edu 4. 5. 6.","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay customer, During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your billing information. This might be due to either of the following reasons: 1. A recent change in your personal information ( i.e.change of address). 2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process. 3. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our processors. Please update and verify your information by clicking the link below: If your account information is not updated within 48 hours then your ability to sell or bid on eBay will become restricted. Thank you The eBay Billing Deptartment . Copyright \u00a9 1995-2004 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the eBay User Agreement and Privacy Policy.","label":1} {"text":"May 18, 2016 Sample TWEETS: Instead of giving our military certainty, the @HouseGOP is again asking for a vote on a blatant, dangerous & irresponsible #budget gimmick. .@HouseDemocrats firmly believe in a strong national defense. #Budget must meet challenges of our time & provide certainty to our military. Dishonest & dangerous tactic. @HouseGOP's #budget gimmick is harmful to our military. Hinders its ability to plan & prepare for the future. Abundantly clear that @HouseGOP isn't focused on the safety of Americans in their defense bill that targets LGBT people. #DoYourJob In dead-of-the-night markup, @HouseGOP added an amendment to the defense bill that enables LGBT discrimination w taxpayer funds. It's wrong. #DoYourJob, @HouseGOP \/\/ @Slate: Republicans Really Need to Stop Withholding #Zika Funding \u2192 For months, @HouseGOP has blocked action on @POTUS' urgent request for emergency funds to confront the rapid spread of the #Zika virus. .@HouseGOP is blocking action to help children facing lifelong damage from drinking poisoned water. Let's address #FlintWaterCrisis! .@HouseGOP voted twice last week to block vital new resources to address the #opioid epidemic that kills 78 Americans every day. #DoYourJob! Everything you need to know about how the @USDOL's new overtime rule works. \u2192 #ThanksObama RT -- \u200f@USDOL: How does our new #OTrule work? Your questions answered: Link: RT -- @vj44: Congratulations to Eric Fanning, confirmed by the Senate today as our new @SECARMY! @USArmy Link: RT -- \u200f@CDCgov: Follow these steps to protect yourself, your family, & your community from #Zika. Link: According to @EconomicPolicy, the new #OTrule will benefit 6.4 million women, half of those who benefit: FACT of the day: \"Millennials are disproportionately affected by the overtime rule because they tend to be in the lower end of the wage spectrum\u2026 The share of salaried 25-to-34-year-olds directly benefiting from overtime protections will jump from 9.1 percent now to 38.4 percent under the new threshold.\" - Jordan Yadoo, Millions of Millennials May Benefit From New Rule on Overtime, Bloomberg Link: CLIP of the day: Department of Labor: It's about time on overtime. Link: QUOTE of the day: \"It is simply stunning that House Republicans have decided to make targeting LGBT Americans a priority in the Defense Authorization bill. The overly broad Russell amendment, added by Republicans in a dead-of-night committee mark-up, would have the effect of overturning President Obama's historic executive order protecting LGBT workers in federal contracts, therefore enabling discrimination with taxpayer funds.\" - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Link: HASHTAGS to use: #Budget #Zika #Opioid #WeSeeYou #EqualityForward #MiddleClassFirst #PuertoRico #WomenSucceed #20MillionStrong #ACAworks #DoYourJob #SCOTUSnominee #ProtectSeniors #FlintWaterCrisis #ActOnClimate #RestoreTheVRA #RestoreTheVOTE #StopGunViolence #HonorWithAction #StandWithPP #ActOnClimate #PeopleOverPolitics Share GRAPHICS","label":0} {"text":"\"Mumpf! colonnade cellular Thought of them smelling his helplessness, perhaps.\"A storm had been on the way, she said, but until noon that day the weather forecasters had been confidently claiming it would veer south, toward New Mexico and the Sangre di Cristos. \"\"And the second time to get food. come on. \"\"What? Funny, the stuff your mind coughed up. \"\"Aye, never fear me,\ufffdshe said, and grasped the bottle of gin with a hand that trembled only slightly. When she still hadn't returned to put him in his chair by eleven that morning, he determined to get into it himself. distortion","label":1} {"text":"Tim, thanks a bunch. This all sounds very good. We're finalizing a pseudoproxy paper for JGR based on the various tests w\/ the CSM simulation I showed in Wengen, and will send you a guys a copy once its finalized. A natural followup would be a similar analysis applying to the ECHO-G simulation, and we would enjoy collaborating w\/ you and Keith on this. We were also thinking of doing some \"mixed signal\" analyses, where the pseudoproxies represent a combinatiiion of temp and precip (including limiting cases of pure temp and pure precip). This might be a natural way to incorporate the ECHO-G results. We'll let you know if we have any trouble w\/ format, etc. thanks again, mike Tim Osborn wrote: > Hi Mike and Scott, > > below are details about accessing the ECHO-G data from the SO&P > web-archive. There are time series plots of various variables and > regions that might be useful for a quick overview of what's going on, > plus the temperature fields (and fields for other variables) can be > accessed in netCDF format (hope that format is ok, if not I can make a > conversion for you but that won't be till next week). > > I'd like to add to Keith's reasons why we'd like to be involved in the > outcome of analysis of these data. The extra reason is that we > (Keith\/me) are free to use these data and thus by extension you can > too provided we collaborate. Fidel Gonzalez-Rouco or GKSS aren't yet > ready to make them completely open access, preferring to consider each > 3rd party request and decide on that basis. I did ask Eduardo Zorita > about making them available for pseudo-proxy challenge after the > Wengen meeting, but I haven't yet followed up to find out his > decision. The bottom line is that they might well make them available > for you to do your own thing with, but if you are happy to collaborate > with us then you can definitely use them immediately. > > The data are available from here: > > > > Near the bottom you will find the link to the password-protected model > data (this includes the time series plots too). The login details for > this are: > > soapech > od2004 > > The 2m air temperature is 3rd in the list of variables. 'Erik' is the > simulation will all forcings, 'Enat' just has natural forcings through > to the present. The easiest way to get all the monthly 2m air > temperature fields for Erik is to use 'wget'. There is help for how > to use 'wget' if you aren't familiar. > > The site was designed to be fairly self explanatory; hope you find it > so. If not, please just ask. > > Best wishes > > Tim > > At 18:30 05\/09\/2006, Michael E. Mann wrote: > >> sure thing Keith, thanks. and of course, we'll keep you fully in the >> loop on our findings. I'm copying to Scott, as he's the one who will >> probably obtain the data from Tim. Thanks again, got to go teach now... >> >> mike >> >> Keith Briffa wrote: >> >>> mike >>> simply missed the first and been away since second message - >>> forwarding to Tim to arrange access to these data ( I am assuming >>> Hans will not mind but best not say anything yet ) we wish to be >>> involved in this follow up please as it will be a SOAP product and >>> Tim (especially) and I did stuff to get these data produced and in a >>> form for dissemination. I am rushing now to Austria for a week . >>> cheers >>> Keith >>> >>> At 13:51 28\/08\/2006, you wrote: >>> >>>> Keith, I didn't receive a response to my previous inquiry so I'm >>>> resending. Also copying to Phil in case you haven't been reading >>>> email for some reason. >>>> >>>> We would like to run our RegEM analysis through the ECHO-G >>>> simulation results. It appears that the results of that simulation >>>> have been widely disseminated to other groups, and yet they are not >>>> publically available to our knowledge. >>>> >>>> As per your previous suggestion, we would be grateful if we could >>>> acquire the surface temperature field for the simulation from you >>>> for some analyses we're doing. >>>> >>>> Thanks in advance for any help, >>>> >>>> mike >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Michael E. Mann >>>> Associate Professor >>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>> >>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Professor Keith Briffa, >>> Climatic Research Unit >>> University of East Anglia >>> Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. >>> >>> Phone: +44-1603-593909 >>> Fax: +44-1603-507784 >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> Michael E. Mann >> Associate Professor >> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >> >> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >> >> >> > > Dr Timothy J Osborn, Academic Fellow > Climatic Research Unit > School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia > Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK > > e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk > phone: +44 1603 592089 > fax: +44 1603 507784 > web: ~timo\/ > sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm > > **Norwich -- City for Science: > **Hosting the BA Festival 2-9 September 2006 > -- Michael E. Mann Associate Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013","label":0} {"text":"Fortunes are literally being made in this great new marketplace! 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Please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error.","label":1} {"text":"Grant el al All good to me apart from adding in the IPCC 2007 WG1 Chap 3 reference. I checked with IJC chief editor here (Glenn McGregor) and editors usually like to publish comments asap, and send them only to the original authors to respond to as soon as possible. So once the USA contingent has signed it off 'today' (Friday) and submitted it, I will send a copy to our Australian colleagues for information. All good stuff Best Auckland Jim Grant Foster wrote: > Gentlemen, > > I've added additional suggestions received today, and made a few minor > changes myself. Here's the latest version. Enjoy! > > Sincerely, > Grant > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Windows Live\u2122 SkyDrive\u2122: Store, access, and share your photos. See how. >","label":0} {"text":"Just send her this - we have tickets t Jordan KaplanNational Finance DirectorDemocratic National Committee(202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c)kaplanj@dnc.org Begin forwarded message:From: \"Klein, Justin\" To: Finance_D Subject: Easter Egg Roll InformationDate: March 24, 2015 at 12:11:22 PM EDTHello All- As we distribute Easter egg roll tickets, please find the security instructions for each time group attached. Please make sure you provide this information to everyone you give tickets to. Let me know if you have any questions. Justin KleinFinance Chief of StaffDemocratic National Committee(202) 479-5126kleinj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Breaking: 'Whiplash' wins top prizes at Sundance Film Festival Los Angeles Times Entertainment Breaking News 'Whiplash' wins top prizes at Sundance Film Festival Los Angeles Times | January 25, 2014 | 8:25 PM Damien Chazelle's music-themed film \"Whiplash\" won both the top U.S. grand jury and audience prizes in the dramatic category at the Sundance Film Festival Saturday night. Meanwhile, the U.S. documentary grand jury gave its top award to Tracy Droz Tragos and Andrew Droz Palermo's \"Rich Hill,\" about a family in small-town Missouri,\" while Michael Rossato-Bennett's Alzheimers doc \"Alive Inside\" won the U.S. audience prize. For more Sundance awards information, please see latimes.com\/envelope. 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[Texas Tribune, May 4, 2016 ] \u00b7 Trump, Perry told CNN, \"is one of the most talented people who has ever run for the president I have ever seen.\" [Texas Tribune, May 4, 2016 ] FLOORED: Trump praises Perry on Twitter for his new-found support \u00b7 This morning, Donald Trump tweeted at Former Governor Perry saying, \"Governor Rick Perry said \"Donald Trump is one of the most talented people running for the Presidency I've ever seen.\" Thank you Rick!\" [Tweet ] Texas Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Manny Garcia issued the following statement: \"Texas Democrats know that Rick Perry will go down in history as one of the worst governors ever \u2013 indeed, we are still suffering from his failed policies and the Republican culture of corruption he instituted across state government. Like so many Republicans, Perry only cared about Perry, and he's shown his true colors again. \"Now, he's hit an all-time low. After an embarrassing failed first run, and being crushed by the Dangerous Trump train the second time around, Rick Perry is now going hat in hand to beg Trump for a spot on his ticket. Does Rick Perry have any integrity left?\" ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Replies to this email are not monitored Dear Valued Customer, You have 1 unread security alert in your account! Resolve the problem to have full access back on your account. Resolve Now A copy of this notice will be available in your online statement. Yours Sincerely, Wells Fargo Online","label":1} {"text":"11 Questions About E-Discovery Todays General Counsel \u00c2 Today's GENERAL COUNSEL is conducting a survey and interviews about e-discovery trends. We will report the results in our February \/ March 2014 issue. The survey is completely anonymous and very short -- only 11 questions. 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Do you feel as if you might have to vomit a few times? \"\"Annie, really, I can start if you'll just\ufffd\ufffd \"No, Paul. Not that I would ever try to change your mind about anything you chose to think\ufffd\ufffd a Mister Smart Guy like you who thinks for a living. She had washed the blood off the mower but forgotten the blade underneath\ufffd\ufffd the whole blade housing, for that matter. adiabatic","label":1} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: john.stritser Date: Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:29 PM Subject: NATIONAL SOZIALISTISCHE PARTY To: commander@newsaxon.org Cc: john.stritser@mypostoffice.co.uk HEIL WILLIAM HERRING THIS IS JOHN STRITSER OF THE NATIONAL SOZIALISTISCHE PARTY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, WE ARE ALSO KNOWN AS THE NEW NAZI PARTY. WE WISH TO TELL YOU HOW VERY IMPRESSED WE ARE WITH ALL THE BRAVE MAN AND WOMEN IN THE NSM MOVEMENT. HOW YOU WEAR YOUR UNIFORMS AND STAND UP FOR THE WHITE RACE, YOU ARE CERTAINLLY A FINE EXAMPLE TO ALL NATIONAL SOCIALISTS EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY. I'M SORRY TO SAY THAT IT IS VERY DIFFERENT IN THE UK, WE CALL IT THE FRIGHTEND NATION EVERYBODY SEEMS TOO FRIGHTEND TO STAND UP AND SAY ANYTHING THAT MIGHT DISPLEASE THE GOVERNMENT. THIS COUNTRY DOES RULE BY FEAR INFACT I THINK ALL GOVERNMENTS DO! YOU ARE TOLD IT IS A FREE AND FAIR SOCIETY UNTIL YOU DISAGREE WITH SOMTHING THAT IS THE TIME YOU WILL SEE HOW FREE YOU REALLY ARE. I MYSELF HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR WEARING MY OBERSTRUMBANNFUHRER UNIFORM BUT IT'S NOT YET UNLAWFULL TO WEAR NAZI UNIFORM. LIKE YOURSELF WE ARE TWO PARTIES MERGING INTO ONE, SO I HAVE A RANK OF OBERSTRUMBANNFUHRER IN THE NAZI PARTY AND I AM A POLITICAL LEADER IN THE NATIONAL SOZIALISTISCHE PARTY. OUR AIM IS THE SAME AS YOUR WE WANT TO UNITE ALL NATIONAL SOCIALIST AND NAZI PARTIES,AT THIS TIME WE HAVE LOST CONTACT WITH OUR RUSSIAN MEMBERS AS THERE SITE SEEMS TO BE SHUT DOWN. WE SHARE YOUR CONCERN ABOUT SOON HAVING A BLACK SUPREME COMMANDER OF ALL AMERICAN MILITRY FORCES AROUND THE WORLD IT HARDLY SEEMS REAL THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO SUCH A GREAT AND POWERFUL NATION AS YOURS. ITB SEEM'S THE WORLD HAS TRUELLY GONE MAD AND THE WHITE MAN IS GIVING AWAY HIS IDENITY AND EVERYTHING HE EVER STOOD FOR. WE LOOK FOWARD TO HEARING FROM OUR BROTHERS FROM AMERICA JOHN STRITSER-POLITICAL LEADER ( NSP-UK ) -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. 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All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Thanks Scott, I concur. We may want to try a few different alignment\/scaling choices in the end, and then just vote on which we like the best, Anxious to here others' thoughts on all of this, mike At 10:53 AM 3\/12\/2003 -0500, Scott Rutherford wrote: Dear All, First, I'd be willing to handle the data and the plotting\/mapping. Second, regarding Mike's suggestions, if we use different reference periods for the reconstructions and the models we need to be extremely careful about the differences. Not having seen what this will look like, I suggest that we start with the same instrumental reference period for both (1856-1960). If you are willing to send me your series please send the raw (i.e. unfiltered) series. That way I can treat them all the same. We can then decide how we want to display the results. Finally, Tom's suggestion of Eos struck me as a great way to get a short, pointed story out to the most people (though I have no feel for the international distribution). My sense (being relatively new to this field compared to everyone else) is that within the neo- and mesoclimate research community there is a (relatively small?) group of people who don't or won't \"get it\" and there is nothing we can do about them aside from continuing to publish quality work in quality journals (or calling in a Mafia hit). Those (e.g. us) who are engrossed in the issues and are aware of all the literature should be able to distinguish between well done and poor work. Should then the intent of this proposed contribution be to education those who are not directly involved in MWP\/LIA issues including those both on the perifery of the issue as well as those outside? If so, then the issue that Phil raised about not letting it get buried is significant and I think Eos is a great way to get people to see it. Cheers, Scott On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 10:32 AM, Michael E. Mann wrote: p.s. The idea of both a representative time-slice spatial plot emphasizing the spatial variability of e.g. the MWP or LIA, and an EOF analysis of all the records is a great idea. I'd like to suggest a small modification of the latter: I would suggest we show 2 curves, representing the 1st PC of two different groups, one of empirical reconstructions, the other of model simulations, rather than just one in the time plot. Group #1 could include: 1) Crowley & Lowery 2) Mann et al 1999 3) Bradley and Jones 1995 4) Jones et al, 1998 5) Briffa et al 200X? [Keith\/Tim to provide their preferred MXD reconstruction] 6) Esper et al [yes, no?--one series that differs from the others won't make much of a difference] I would suggest we scale the resulting PC to the CRU 1856-1960 annual Northern Hemisphere mean instrumental record, which should overlap w\/ all of the series, and which pre-dates the MXD decline issue... Group #2 would include various model simulations using different forcings, and with slightly different sensitivities. This could include 6 or so simulation results: 1) 3 series from Crowley (2000) [based on different solar\/volcanic reconstructions], 2) 2 series from Gerber et al (Bern modeling group result) [based on different assumed sensitivities] 1) Bauer et al series (Claussen group EMIC result) [includes 19th\/20th century land use changes as a forcing]. I would suggest that the model's 20th century mean is aligned with the 20th century instrumental N.Hem mean for comparison (since this is when we know the forcings best). I'd like to nominate Scott R. as the collector of the time series and the performer of the EOF analyses, scaling, and plotting, since Scott already has many of the series and many of the appropriate analysis and plotting tools set up to do this. We could each send our preferred versions of our respective time series to Scott as an ascii attachment, etc. thoughts, comments? thanks, mike At 10:08 AM 3\/12\/2003 -0500, Michael E. Mann wrote: Thanks Tom, Either would be good, but Eos is an especially good idea. Both Ellen M-T and Keith Alverson are on the editorial board there, so I think there would be some receptiveness to such a submission.t I see this as complementary to other pieces that we have written or are currently writing (e.g. a review that Ray, Malcolm, and Henry Diaz are doing for Science on the MWP) and this should proceed entirely independently of that. If there is group interest in taking this tack, I'd be happy to contact Ellen\/Keith about the potential interest in Eos, or I'd be happy to let Tom or Phil to take the lead too... Comments? mike At 09:15 AM 3\/12\/2003 -0500, Tom Crowley wrote: Phil et al, I suggest either BAMS or Eos - the latter would probably be better because it is shorter, quicker, has a wide distribution, and all the points that need to be made have been made before. rather than dwelling on Soon and Baliunas I think the message should be pointedly made against all of the standard claptrap being dredged up. I suggest two figures- one on time series and another showing the spatial array of temperatures at one point in the Middle Ages. I produced a few of those for the Ambio paper but already have one ready for the Greenland settlement period 965-995 showing the regional nature of the warmth in that figure. we could add a few new sites to it, but if people think otherwise we could of course go in some other direction. rather than getting into the delicate question of which paleo reconstruction to use I suggest that we show a time series that is an eof of the different reconstructions - one that emphasizes the commonality of the message. Tom Dear All, I agree with all the points being made and the multi-authored article would be a good idea, but how do we go about not letting it get buried somewhere. Can we not address the misconceptions by finally coming up with definitive dates for the LIA and MWP and redefining what we think the terms really mean? With all of us and more on the paper, it should carry a lot of weight. In a way we will be setting the agenda for what should be being done over the next few years. We do want a reputable journal but is The Holocene the right vehicle. It is probably the best of its class of journals out there. Mike and I were asked to write an article for the EGS journal of Surveys of Geophysics. You've not heard of this - few have, so we declined. However, it got me thinking that we could try for Reviews of Geophysics. Need to contact the editorial board to see if this might be possible. Just a thought, but it certainly has a high profile. What we want to write is NOT the scholarly review a la Jean Grove (bless her soul) that just reviews but doesn't come to anything firm. We want a critical review that enables agendas to be set. Ray's recent multi-authored piece goes a lot of the way so we need to build on this. Cheers Phil At 12:55 11\/03\/03 -0500, Michael E. Mann wrote: HI Malcolm, Thanks for the feedback--I largely concur. I do, though, think there is a particular problem with \"Climate Research\". This is where my colleague Pat Michaels now publishes exclusively, and his two closest colleagues are on the editorial board and review editor board. So I promise you, we'll see more of this there, and I personally think there *is* a bigger problem with the \"messenger\" in this case... But the Soon and Baliunas paper is its own, separate issue too. I too like Tom's latter idea, of a more hefty multi-authored piece in an appropriate journal (Paleoceanography? Holocene?) that seeks to correct a number of misconceptions out there, perhaps using Baliunas and Soon as a case study ('poster child'?), but taking on a slightly greater territory too. Question is, who would take the lead role. I *know* we're all very busy, mike At 10:28 AM 3\/11\/03 -0700, Malcolm Hughes wrote: I'm with Tom on this. In a way it comes back to a rant of mine to which some of you have already been victim. The general point is that there are two arms of climatology: neoclimatology - what you do based on instrumental records and direct, systematic observations in networks - all set in a very Late Holocene\/Anthropocene time with hourly to decadal interests. paleoclimatology - stuff from rocks, etc., where major changes in the Earth system, including its climate, associated with major changes in boundary conditions, may be detected by examination of one or a handful of paleo records. Between these two is what we do - \"mesoclimatology\" - dealing with many of the same phenomena as neoclimatology, using documentary and natural archives to look at phenomena on interannual to millennial time scales. Given relatively small changes in boundary conditions (until the last couple of centuries), mesoclimatology has to work in a way that is very similar to neoclimatology. Most notably, it depends on heavily replicated networks of precisely dated records capable of being either calibrated, or whose relationship to climate may be modeled accuarately and precisely. Because this distinction is not recognized by many (e.g. Sonnechkin, Broecker, Karlen) we see an accumulation of misguided attempts at describing the climate of recent millennia. It would be better to head this off in general, rather than draw attention to a bad paper. After all, as Tom rightly says, we could all nominate really bad papers that have been published in journals of outstanding reputation (although there could well be differences between our lists). End of rant, Cheers, Malcolm > Hi guys, > > junk gets published in lots of places. I think that what could be > done is a short reply to the authors in Climate Research OR a SLIGHTLY > longer note in a reputable journal entitled something like \"Continuing > Misconceptions About interpretation of past climate change.\" I kind > of like the more pointed character of the latter and submitting it as > a short note with a group authorship carries a heft that a reply to a > paper, in no matter what journal, does not. > > Tom > > > > > Dear All, > > Apologies for sending this again. I was expecting a stack of > >emails this morning in > > response, but I inadvertently left Mike off (mistake in pasting) > >and picked up Tom's old > > address. Tom is busy though with another offspring ! > > I looked briefly at the paper last night and it is appalling - > >worst word I can think of today > > without the mood pepper appearing on the email ! I'll have time to > >read more at the weekend > > as I'm coming to the US for the DoE CCPP meeting at Charleston. > >Added Ed, Peck and Keith A. > > onto this list as well. I would like to have time to rise to the > >bait, but I have so much else on at > > the moment. As a few of us will be at the EGS\/AGU meet in Nice, we > >should consider what > > to do there. > > The phrasing of the questions at the start of the paper > >determine the answer they get. They > > have no idea what multiproxy averaging does. By their logic, I > >could argue 1998 wasn't the > > warmest year globally, because it wasn't the warmest everywhere. > >With their LIA being 1300- > >1900 and their MWP 800-1300, there appears (at my quick first > >reading) no discussion of > > synchroneity of the cool\/warm periods. Even with the instrumental > >record, the early and late > > 20th century warming periods are only significant locally at > >between 10-20% of grid boxes. > > Writing this I am becoming more convinced we should do > >something - even if this is just > > to state once and for all what we mean by the LIA and MWP. I think > >the skeptics will use > > this paper to their own ends and it will set paleo back a number of > > > >years if it goes > > unchallenged. > > > > I will be emailing the journal to tell them I'm having > >nothing more to do with it until they > > rid themselves of this troublesome editor. A CRU person is on the > >editorial board, but papers > > get dealt with by the editor assigned by Hans von Storch. > > > > Cheers > > Phil > > > > Dear all, > > Tim Osborn has just come across this. Best to ignore > >probably, so don't let it spoil your > > day. I've not looked at it yet. It results from this journal > >having a number of editors. The > > responsible one for this is a well-known skeptic in NZ. He has let > > > >a few papers through by > > Michaels and Gray in the past. I've had words with Hans von Storch > > > >about this, but got nowhere. > > Another thing to discuss in Nice ! > > > > Cheers > > Phil > > > >>X-Sender: f055@pop.uea.ac.uk > >>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1 > >>Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 14:32:14 +0000 > >>To: p.jones@uea > >>From: Tim Osborn > >>Subject: Soon & Baliunas > >> > >> > >> > >>Dr Timothy J Osborn | phone: +44 1603 592089 > >>Senior Research Associate | fax: +44 1603 507784 > >>Climatic Research Unit | e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk > >>School of Environmental Sciences | web-site: University of East > >>Anglia __________| [1]~timo\/ Norwich NR4 > >>7TJ | sunclock: UK | > >>[2]~timo\/sunclock.htm > > > >Prof. Phil Jones > >Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > >School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > >University of East Anglia > >Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > >NR4 7TJ > >UK > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- > >------- > > > > > >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Soon & Baliunas 2003.pdf (PDF > >\/CARO) (00016021) > > > -- > Thomas J. Crowley > Nicholas Professor of Earth Systems Science > Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences > Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences > Box 90227 > 103 Old Chem Building Duke University > Durham, NC 27708 > > tcrowley@duke.edu > 919-681-8228 > 919-684-5833 fax Malcolm Hughes Professor of Dendrochronology Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 520-621-6470 fax 520-621-8229 _______________________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [3] Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Thomas J. Crowley Nicholas Professor of Earth Systems Science Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Box 90227 103 Old Chem Building Duke University Durham, NC 27708 tcrowley@duke.edu 919-681-8228 919-684-5833 fax ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [4] ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [5] ______________________________________________ Scott Rutherford University of Virginia University of Rhode Island Environmental Sciences Graduate School of Oceanography Clark Hall South Ferry Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Narragansett, RI 02882 srutherford@virginia.edu srutherford@gso.uri.edu phone: (434) 924-4669 (401) 874-6599 fax: (434) 982-2137 (401) 874-6811 ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [6] References 1. ~timo\/ 2. ~timo\/sunclock.htm 3. 4. 5. 6.","label":0} {"text":"Untitled 2 IMPORTANT SECURITY ALERT Please note that our system recently noted that your attemption of signing on to your account was failed while some errors occurred during the processing update of your online account you are having with our bank so we temporarily locked your online account for security reasons.. We hereby notify you that you should kindly follow below link to update and unlock your online account for your security safety ensured by our financial institution. CLICK HERE TO UNLOCK AND UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. 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Mary Katherine: he cannot pivot Andre Bauer: says that Dems have been more successful at bringing people in the party; Trump is doing that for the GOP Tanden: there is no playbook for a Trump candidacy MK: Trump's policy positions depend on who is asking him BJ: Celebrities generally win, Jesse Ventura, Schwarzenegger, etc AB: people are starved for something new Tanden: Trump has the highest negatives (HRC is second or third) MK: Trump might have hit his ceiling Who should DJT pick for veep? MK: Mike Rowe, 2nd choice Gingrich BJ: Michael Steele AB: Me (Tapper: we didn't prepare for that); Mary Fallin NT: Ted Cruz (party needs to be put back together) From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:27 AM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Chain for CNN SOTU More restrained Donald Trump, but can he resist temptation to revert back. Q: can he be more restrained? A: DJT takes issues to another level to encourage dialogue Q: wall with Mexico A: people jump on the bandwagon after trump talks about it and takes the heat for it Q: will you woo delegates for your father? A: not necessarily, people should know that their vote might not matter. People don't need this archaic system, delegates are party establishment and elites. Delegates are you being bought Q: are you going to woo delegates? A: We don't want to do that if we don't need to. (Seems to say that he and his siblings won't be in the delegate process; Ted Cruz is buying delegates; establishment would rather hand victory to HRC Q: Question on Cruz ad hitting Trump on transgender bill A: Ted Cruz is desperate; Trump has already taken on the PC police. Cruz going along with what Trump has already said Q: Would Trump raise the min. wage? A: States are different; you have to ask him; pivots to Trump wanting to bring jobs back. When there are good jobs, you don't have to worry about the min wage Q: Why hasn't your vetting process for Veep begun? A: says that it could be someone who has run for president From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:13 AM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Chain for CNN SOTU Veepstakes beginning HRC already compiling list, list flashes on the screen (15-20 names) Sanders up now Q: Should you and HRC be first on each other's VP list? A: Sanders pivots to economic inequality -->that's what americans care about Q: should you or E. Warren be on the veep list to highlight those issues? A: economic inequality, higher education; veep needs to have those in mind too Q: What is your response to David Plouffe telling you to call it quit? A: He is working for HRC, we are giving everyone in the states a voice; debate helps turnout Q: Do you have a path to the nom? What states can you win? A: doesn't say speculate states, mentions CA. It's going to be hard Q: ISIS question; is the U.S. at war again, should congress pass another reauthorization? A: we need another reauthorization, but cannot be a perpetual vote, hits HRC on her Iraq vote Q: HRC carried low income household, even though you have an income inequality message; you say that poor people don't vote A: Need to overturn Citizens United; people are disillusioned; campaign is all about getting people in the process Q: are you surprised that you lose low income voters to HRC? A: I am surprised by how well we've done Q: Is it appropriate that Rosario Dawson talked about Monica Lewinsky? A: Rosario is great, pivots to large corporations paying their fair share Q: presses on Lewinsky; should his surrogates be commenting on that. A: says he had no idea what exactly Dawson said; we should worry about climate change instead Donald Jr. on next From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:01 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Chain for CNN SOTU Starting now __________ Shu-Yen Wei Northeast Press Secretary AAPI & Women's Media Democratic National Committee 207-512-0005 weis@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"TD Banknorth WebExpress Renewal Certificate Renewal Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date. Personal (Smartcard) e-Certificate Your certificate expiration date - 4th june 2008. The system will block users access e-cert, if it has not been renewed. Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to connect to TD Banknorth WebExpress Certificate Management System and present the client certificate.Secure Server e-Cert & Developer e-Cert Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before expiry date. 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As always, ShowEast delegates will be the very first to view Hollywood's best new holiday films, many of which will go on to be awards contenders! ALL this and more...ONLY at the ALL NEW ShowEast 2014!","label":0} {"text":"Definitional nit to pick: Robert Harley writes: > It is perfectly obvious that (heterosexual) promiscuity is exactly, > precisely identical between males and females. > > Of course the shapes of the distributions may differ. You've redefined \"promiscuity\" above as \"total\" or \"average\" activity, which seems to rob it of its common meaning: activity above some specific threshold (usually \"one\") or norm, or involving extra or indiscriminate variety. \"Promiscuity\" is thus inherently a description of distributions rather than averages. Consider a population of 3 males and 3 females. Let there be three pairings which result in each person having sex once. Then, let one of the males also have sex with the other two females. Sure, the average number of sex acts and sex partners is equal between the sexes, tautologically. But here more women than men are: - above the single partner threshold - above the overall average 1.67 acts\/partners threshold - above the overall median 1.5 acts\/partners - above the overall mode 1 acts\/partners And here women have a higher mode (2) and median (2) number of partners. So in this contrived population, females are more \"promiscuous\" than males, unless \"promiscuity\" is defined uselessly. - Gordon","label":0} {"text":"Excerpts below, Luis. Let me know if I'm good to blast, and I'll do so right now (to our National and Alaska lists). Otherwise, I can hold until the AM. For Immediate Release May 14, 2016 Contact: DNC Press - 202-863-8148 Prepared Remarks for Delivery: DNC Chair Rep. Wasserman Schultz at Alaska State Convention ANCHORAGE -- Tonight, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz addressed the Alaska State Convention. Below you will find excerpts as prepared for delivery: \"As chair of the DNC, I've committed myself to getting to know my fellow Democrats with visits to all fifty states - and I'll be honest, it's been a little easier to reach those lower forty-eight. ... \"But I know I'm not the only one here tonight who travelled a great distance to be at the convention - I understand there are even as many as 40 high school students coming all the way from Juneau, and who registered to be delegates - let's give them a hand for being the future of our party. \"And let me just thank everyone else here who has travelled from across our country's largest state to show your support. \"Your enthusiasm, energy, your commitment, and your dedication to our party will make all the difference on Election Day. ... \"Here in Alaska the DNC helps fund direct mail campaigns to reach voters and help get them to the polls on Election Day. \"We fund salaries for critical staff under our state party partnerships. In fact, Kay Brown can tell you, she was one of the first State Party Partnership employees we ever hired. \"Since 2009, the DNC has directly provided the Alaska Democratic Party more than $625,000 in direct support. \"But it's not just the funding -- the DNC has been out-pacing the GOP in how we offer direct support to our state parties with training, and bench-building; we share our deep research and communications capabilities in Alaska and across the country. ... \"But of course, our number one advantage comes from our candidates, and the contrast they're offering Alaska voters and the American people. \"I couldn't be more proud of the two candidates at the top of our ticket. \"From Day One, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have been running smart, substantive campaigns focused on the issues that matter. \"We've watched them engage honestly with voters, answer thoughtfully at town halls and debates, and deliver an aspirational message that speaks to the hopes and dreams of the American people... \"And no matter which one of our candidates becomes the nominee, we will be united coming out of our convention and headed toward Election Day. \"In the words of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders 'Trump will not be president.' ... \"I'm inspired here tonight - I wish everyone could see how much dedication the Democrats of Alaska have. \"Don't believe for a second that just because the pundits like to paint Alaska red and say it isn't a battleground state means you're sidelined. \"In every presidential election since 2000, the percentage of Alaskans casting their vote for the Democrat has increased - from 27% in 2000 to more than 40% in 2012. \"This has already been an exciting election year nationally - working together, I know we can Dump Trump and, eventually turn Alaska Blue. \"I know we can count on you to keep working hard throughout this election. \"So thank you for all you've done to support our party, and thank you for everything you will do to bring us all the way to victory in November. \"Now on to victory! Thank you, Alaska Democrats!\" From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 10:14 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Regional Press Subject: Re: FINAL ALASKA SPEECH (Edited: 5\/14\/16 @ 5:48pm AKST) I'm on, and Deshundra\/Shu-Yen are back-ups. Sent from my iPhone On May 14, 2016, at 9:54 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Who's on duty to tee this up as a release of remarks as prepared for delivery? We may cut a chunk, but let's get it ready. ________________________________ From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 9:48 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom; Walker, Eric Cc: Kate Houghton; Kroll, Amy; Guerra, Liana; Banfill, Ryan; Geoff Burgan Subject: FINAL ALASKA SPEECH (Edited: 5\/14\/16 @ 5:48pm AKST) Garret Bonosky Deputy Director, Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee","label":0} {"text":"Dear Credit Union Member, The personal identification number (PIN) was entered incorrectly more than 3 times. For your protection we have deactivated your card. To reactivate your card please complete the authentication form. Thank you for choosing our services. Kind Regards, Credit Union Customer Service","label":1} {"text":"FYI -----Original Message----- From: Cilia, Mary Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:03 AM To: 'thomas.h.bauer@us.andersen.com'; 'patricia.s.grutzmacher@us.andersen.com'; 'kate.e.agnew@us.andersen.com' Cc: Patrick, Michael K.; Price, Brent A.; Hayslett, Rod; Walden, Clint Subject: Project Nikita Memo Tom, Patty and Kate - Please review at your earliest convenience and let me know if you have any comments before I post in our database. Thanks. Mary","label":0} {"text":"Dear Bank of the West client, Bank of the West Customer Service requests you to complete Bank of the West Business\/Corporate Customer Details Update Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of Bank of the West. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access Bank of the West Business\/Corporate Customer Details Update Form. Again, thank you for choosing Bank of the West for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email ***** This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by Bank of the West Customer Service or technical support. ****************************************************************************************** create:","label":1} {"text":"Dear valued ComfedBank\u00ae member: It has come to our attention that your ComfedBank\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. 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Visit Our Web Site at: ============================================================================ To Unsubscribe:","label":1} {"text":"You've added an additional email address to your PayPal account You've added an additional email address to your PayPal account. If you don.t agree with this email tcgrady@cox.net and if you need assistance with your account, please click here to login to your account. To make sure you can use your PayPal account the next time you make a purchase, all you need to do is confirm or not your email address. If your email program has problems with hypertext links, you may also confirm your email address by logging in to your account. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PayPal Email ID PP059","label":1} {"text":"Tim, yes, I also found it strange. We noticed that Amman and Wahl cited their Science comment as accepted in their manuscript that is now in press in Climatic Change. Personally I think it is convenient that this clarification gets published but I am somewhat disapointed by the fact that a very similar content was submitted by Buerger and Cubasch about one year ago and it was not even sent to reviewers (it is the paper that finally appeared in Tellus). I think that comment was of much higher quality than Wahl's. Science knew of the Tellus paper, since we cite it in our response. So actually there is scientifically nothing new in this exchange, but it will be published in Science... Anyway, I am happy to have more time now for more productive work and hope that Ritson doe not bomb me with more mails in the future eduardo > Thanks for letting us know, Eduardo. It is strange that Science > accepted the Wahl et al. comment before yours; we were told of this > on 28-Feb and that is why you will notice, if you get to see the > latest IPCC draft, that Wahl et al. is cited but your response is not > cited! This will look strange, given that they will be published > together. Maybe it can be changed later? > > Cheers > > Tim > > At 11:31 29\/03\/2006, Eduardo Zorita wrote: > >Dear Tim, > > > >the comment by Wahl, Ritson and Amman and our response have been now > >accepted for > >publication in Science > > > >eduardo > > Dr Timothy J Osborn > Climatic Research Unit > School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia > Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK > > e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk > phone: +44 1603 592089 > fax: +44 1603 507784 > web: ~timo\/ > sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm >","label":0} {"text":"fyi -----Original Message----- From: Stark, Cindy Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 7:29 PM To: Taylor, Liz M. Cc: Hayslett, Rod Subject: RE: Next Scheduled Budget Meeting - 10\/16 @ 11:00 a.m. EB32C2 Importance: High Hello, Liz! Stan will be on his way to DC on 10-16, so Rod Hayslett (our CFO) will attend in Stan's behalf. Thanks, Cindy -----Original Message----- From: Taylor, Liz M. Sent: Wed 9\/26\/2001 2:04 PM To: Blackwood, Connie; Brown, Michael - COO London; Causey, Richard; Chapman, Kay; Colwell, Wes; Delainey, David; Fallon, Jim; Ferrari, Kerry; Ford, Sue; Hillis, Kimberly; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Killen, Faith; Lavorato, John; Marshall, Lucy; Mcconnell, Mike; McMahon, Jeffrey; Phillips, Cathy; Piper, Greg; Rapacioli, Marisa; Sherriff, John; Spiller, Tina; Stark, Cindy; Taylor, Liz M.; Tijerina, Shirley; Westbrook, Sharron Cc: Subject: Next Scheduled Budget Meeting - 10\/16 @ 11:00 a.m. EB32C2 Beginning, Tuesday, Oct. 16 @ 11:00 a.m. in EB32C2 (London @ 5:00 p.m. in RM NE5003) we will resume the weekly \"Whalley Budget Meetings.\" If you are unable to attend, please notify me and advise me of the name of your representative. Many Thanks, Liz Taylor Exec. Assistant to Greg Whalley Office of the Chairman Enron Corporation Tel. 713.853.1935 Fax 713.853.1838","label":0} {"text":"SS Herring, Are you keeping up on all the replys, how is everything going? 88 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: B. Cash Date: Jun 25, 2008 3:29 PM Subject: To: commander@newsaxon.org Commander, I am underage and unable to join at this time, but I would like to do anything possiable. I want to fight for our race. I am spreading the word, but no one seems to listen. I would love to do something to help further the organization! Please let me know if there is anything else I may do. I am in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Please let me know if there is something I can do, and if there is I will do everything in my power to get it done. Seig Heil Heil Hitler, Bryan Cash -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Thanks, but I think we are still waiting on language for introducing Senator Casey, correct? From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:18 AM To: Lykins, Tyler; RR2; Kroll, Amy Cc: Guerra, Liana; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric; Kate Houghton; Banfill, Ryan Subject: RE: For research: DWS Remarks for DNCC Exec Committee Reception Thanks. Amy, this is good for DWS formatting\/upload From: Lykins, Tyler Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:16 AM To: Walsh, Tom; RR2 Cc: Kroll, Amy; Guerra, Liana; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric; Kate Houghton; Banfill, Ryan Subject: RE: For research: DWS Remarks for DNCC Exec Committee Reception Looks good From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:02 AM To: RR2 Cc: Kroll, Amy; Guerra, Liana; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric; Kate Houghton; Banfill, Ryan Subject: For research: DWS Remarks for DNCC Exec Committee Reception DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC State of the Union Reception 5.5.16 Kimmel Center - 6 p.m. 6 min remarks Intro Thank you Governor Rendell! We're so lucky to have a true Pennsylvania legend serving so graciously as the Philadelphia Host Committee Chair. Let me start by thanking everyone on the Executive Committee, all our community leaders and members of the Host Committee for your tireless work and commitment to our Party. I know you lead busy lives, but we can't pull off a successful convention without you. Let me also thank our CEO, the unparalleled Reverend, Leah Daughtry for her tireless work. We are so fortunate to have a lifelong Democrat of Leah's passion and expertise steering the ship; And of course I need to thank the honorable Mayor Jim Kenney, as well as all the wonderful people of Philadelphia who he represents. We are enormously grateful that you're hosting and warmly welcoming all the Democrats bringing their enthusiasm, energy, and passion as we arrive in greater and greater numbers over the next few months. And I know Mayor Kenney appreciates all the commerce we'll be bringing with us as conference goers visit Philly's great restaurants, hotels and small businesses. Gearing up We're just 80 days away from our Convention, and we've been making all the right moves to ensure we'll be one hundred percent prepared at kickoff time. We are on time, on budget and ready to run a beautiful convention. But as proud as I am of what we're doing, I have to mention how proud I am of who is doing it. Each day, as our numbers grow, we're making sure that our diversity does too. As Democrats, we believe our diversity is our great strength. That shows in the ranks of the DNC, where last year thirty-six percent of our employees were people of color. And we've awarded at least 35 percent of our contracts to companies owned by women, veterans, minorities, people with disabilities and members of the LGBT community. And when the nation looks at our convention, they'll see a portrait of America. Our Party Affairs and Delegate Selection team has worked tirelessly to ensure that every state party has an accessible and inclusive process for anyone to run to become a delegate. Whether it's a school teacher in Orlando, a plumber in Cleveland, or a high school student in Denver, our convention delegates will reflect the diversity our Party. Dangerous Donald But before anyone casts a vote to nominate the next Democratic president of the United States, let me give you a little update from the DNC. Today, and every day until Election Day, we are laser focused on take down holding Dangerous Donald Trump accountable - and winning seats up and down the ballot in every race across the country. With every other candidate out of the race, Trump is the Republican Party. We are not going to let anyone forget hold him accountable for everything he has said and everything he has done. And we are going to hold the GOP accountable for everything they're doing -- to obstruct, divide, and drag our country backwards. The facts are simple: Dangerous Donald is unfit to be president. He only looks out for himself. He lacks the temperament and judgment to be commander in chief. And every aspect of his presidency would harm our country and damage our standing in the world. Even as a candidate, Dangerous Donald has damaged America's relationships across the globe. In the White House, he would undeniably make America less safe. He has no foreign policy experience - but don't worry about that - he said he'll rely on his \"good brain,\" instead of listening to experts. Dangerous. He has a decades-long record of denigrating women. Seven out of ten women disapprove of his candidacy. He exploits racial anxieties and cultural fears to the point where his rallies have sparked violence against people of color, protestors, and the media. And recent reports found that bullying at schools is on the rise as a result of his hateful rhetoric. He's making our communities less safe and he hasn't even gotten into office. And while he tries to paint a picture of his wealth and business success, his record is riddled with embarrassing failures and cheap schemes that are designed to turn a quick a buck at the expense of his workers or everyday Americans. I'll spare you all the details, but trust me - that's the short version of what the American people are going to be hearing about Dangerous Donald over the coming months. You know, there's a reason why we saw Republicans across the country this week tweeting photos of their burning voter registration cards this week. Advantage, Democrats Well, we have a message for anyone disillusioned and disaffected by this year's unprecedentedly nasty and divisive Republican primary - we have a message for anyone disgusted by Donald: You have a home in the Democratic Party. We have the best candidates, the best ideas, and a fantastic record of social and economic progress under President Obama to run on - 73 consecutive months of private sector job growth and 20 million Americans who have health insurance who didn't before. In poll after poll, Democratic voters are reporting that our primary and our candidates have energized our party. In Nevada, voter registration among Democrats is beating Republicans two-to-one. So no matter what challenges lie ahead in the planning and execution of our convention, let me just say, clearly and unequivocally - I am really, really glad we are not planning the Republican convention. And I am absolutely optimistic about the future of the Democratic Party. Conclusion Finally, I'll just say, this convention is about so much more than the spectacle of big political speeches under red-white-and-blue balloons and confetti, although I think we might have some of that in store... This is about the direction of our nation. This is about the power of the people to come together and choose the best leader for the job. And no matter which of our candidates they choose, they'll be fighting every day for all Americans. We're fighting to level the playing field, raise wages, ensure equal pay, end discrimination, expand voting rights, make our country and our communities more secure and fighting to give hardworking Americans everywhere a fair shot. When it comes time to nominate our choices for President and Vice President, with your help, we will unify, fight together as Democrats. And friends, when the convention ends, we will go roaring into the general election with all the passion, grit and energy it takes to elect Democrats from the top of the ticket down. So thank you for all your work, thank you for your commitment to our party, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"on at roughly 8:20 O'Reilly calls Trump's call in about the JFK endorsement bizarre. Says Trump gets overly emotional. On May 3, 2016, at 8:21 PM, Corinne Matti > wrote: on at 8:15pm Krauthammer says he does not trust Trump with access to Nuclear weapons. Goes on to say Trump live in the Twilight Zone. On May 3, 2016, at 7:52 PM, Deutsch-Feldman, Ezra > wrote: Watch here: Ezra From: Manriquez, Pablo Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 7:35 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Re: Video Request: Fox News Chain sry meant 7:15-7:20 Sent from my iPhone On May 3, 2016, at 7:22 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Video Request: 7:35 to 7:40 they walk through the Fox News exit poll which basically shows that Republicans are doomed and Democrats are excited. Segments ends at 7:40PM EST Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"Donald Trump's Campaign Trail May Take Detour to Scotland Maggie Haberman Donald J. Trump is going to spend his time in the coming weeks before the Republican Party's nominating convention in July considering a running mate, musing potential Supreme Court picks \u2014 and, possibly, heading to Scotland for a ribbon-cutting. Mr. Trump is considering whether to travel to Scotland in June for the unveiling of the renovated Trump Turnberry, a famous golf course that he acquired in 2014 and which has hosted championships. \"We just did a massive renovation of the whole place,\" Mr. Trump said in an interview this week. \"We're having an opening in June, and the question is, will I fly over, cut the ribbon and fly right back, or not.\" Such a trip could have advantages, particularly if Mr. Trump was able to schedule meetings with European officials to add a presidential patina. But it would also take him off the campaign trail in a heated battle over the economy and jobs. Such foreign trips taken by presidential nominees, if they include ceremonial stops and meetings, can be fraught with peril. Mitt Romney's trip to Europe in 2012 was pockmarked with troublesome encounters and negative headlines. So was a trip taken by Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in late 2014.","label":0} {"text":"Why was she running a quote at a different date?? How on earth did she expect to get the same figures as superb doing that?? What did you say to her? Make sure to tell mark! I want the dumb scrag gone straight after Jamie.... ----------","label":0} {"text":"Great. We'll blast it out. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:30 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark Cc: Kate Houghton; Tracie Pough; Miranda, Luis; Bonosky, Garret; Ryan Banfill (ryban1001@gmail.com) Subject: Re: Draft Quote \/ Broward County Here it is with my changes in the preamble and to my statement. Thanks everyone. The Chairs of the Broward County Democratic Party, the Florida Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee released the following statements condemning the vile, sexist remarks made by Bob Sutton, the Chairman of the Broward County Republican Executive Committee: \"Mr. Sutton owes an apology to Hillary Clinton and the women of Broward County. He needs to resign. This is indicative of the open and blatant misogyny of the Republican Party in the era of Trump. There is no excuse for his behavior, and the outright contempt his comments have shown for women.\" - Broward County Democratic Party Chair Cynthia Busch \"Without question, Mr. Sutton must apologize and resign immediately. Furthermore, Florida GOP Chairman Blaise Ingoglia must end his stunning silence and condemn this obscene rhetoric. To say that these vile, sexist comments have no place in our politics would be a profound understatement.\" - Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant \"While Republican Party leaders have long pushed policies that deny women their rights, Donald Trump's ugly, misogynistic and divisive rhetoric is now giving the GOP permission to be derogatory and hateful. The comments today from this local Republican county chairman reveal how deeply sexism and chauvinism is embedded in the Republican Party. Comments like these are insulting to all women regardless of political party and have no place in our nation's discourse. I call on my counterpart at the RNC to join me in condemning the use of any language that seeks to belittle and degrade women. Hopefully we can at least agree on that.\" - Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:16 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Kate Houghton; Tracie Pough; Miranda, Luis; Bonosky, Garret; Ryan Banfill (ryban1001@gmail.com ) Subject: RE: Draft Quote \/ Broward County + Ryan again Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:15 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Kate Houghton; Tracie Pough; Miranda, Luis; Bonosky, Garret; Ryan Banfill Subject: Draft Quote \/ Broward County The Chairs of the Broward County Democratic Party, the Florida Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee released the following statements condemning the sexist remarks made by Bob Sutton, the Chair of the Broward County, Florida Republican Party. \"Mr. Sutton owes an apology to Hillary Clinton and the women of Broward County. He needs to resign. This is indicative of the open and blatant misogyny of the Republican Party in the era of Trump. There is no excuse for his behavior, and the outright contempt his comments have shown for women.\" - Broward County Democratic Party Chair Cynthia Busch \"Without question, Mr. Sutton must apologize and resign immediately. Furthermore, Florida GOP Chairman Blaise Ingoglia must end his stunning silence and condemn this obscene rhetoric. To say that these vile, sexist comments have no place in our politics would be a profound understatement.\" - Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant \"While Republican Party leaders have long pushed policies that deny women of their rights, Donald Trump's ugly, misogynistic and divisive rhetoric is now giving the GOP an excuse to be disrespectful. The comments today from this Republican Party County Chairman are insulting to all women regardless of political party and have no place in our nation's discourse. I call on my counterpart at the RNC to join me in condemning the use of any language that seeks to belittle and degrade women.\" - Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz","label":0} {"text":"Dear user@example.com, During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your account information. To securely confirm your personal information please click on the link bellow: Confirm Your Bank of America Account and SiteKey now to enjoy the benefits of online banking and finance to avoid identity theft and fraudulent activities on your account. Note: We will be upgrading our yearly SSL EncryptedServer to prevent fraudulent activity. \u00a9 2006 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Today on the Internet The Digital team produced a quiz that went live today that quizzes you on how much you know about Donald Trump and his conspiracy theories. Check it out below. Content to Share Twitter RT @TheDemocrats : How much do you know about Donald Trump's favorite conspiracy theories? pic.twitter.com\/9eZxkvIt4r RT @DWStweets: Today's my 5th anniv. as @TheDemocrats Chair. I'm so proud of all the progress we've made as a nation in that time. It's an honor to serve. Facebook Democratic Party : How much do you know about Donald Trump's favorite conspiracy theories? What's Trending Twitter #CincoDeMayo #YNWA Liverpool #1YearSince1989WorldTour James Blake Facebook #DropOutHillary : Hashtag Campaign Aims to Get Hillary Clinton to Quit Presidential Race Instagram : Facebook Gives $10,000 to 10-Year-Old Finnish Boy for Finding Flaw on Photo Sharing App #NBARecord : Cleveland Cavaliers Set 3-Pointer Record With 25 in Game 2 Against Atlanta Hawks 100 Years \u2013 The Movie You Will Never See : Film Set for 2115 Release to Be Showcased at Cannes Google Liverpool 3-0 Villarreal (agg 3-1) UEFA Europa League RESULT: Daniel Sturridge and Adam Lallana net second-half goals #FeudSeason2 : 9 showdowns Ryan Murphy should tackle next Los Angeles man guilty in 10 'Grim Sleeper ' serial killings The Possibility Of Donald Trump Becoming President Alarms Mexico Until tomorrow, Julie Digital Assistant @thomp_julie","label":0} {"text":"Brendan Kehoe wrote: > As a workaround, the various distributions could use a GPG singature to verify > correctness of the file. Since the distributor's secret key is required to > create that signature, it would add a pretty significant step that would have > to be taken to make it possible to replace both a rpm or apt file and its > accompanying signature. Check your local friendly Red Hat installation: [root@localhost up2date]# rpm --checksig zsh-4.0.2-2.src.rpm zsh-4.0.2-2.src.rpm: md5 gpg ok Of course, this is only as useful as, say, the gpg keys distributed with the Kernel tarballs, i.e. if you don't actually bother checking the sig then you are open to abuse. It's entirely possible that rpm can be configured to require good signatures, but I've not read that part of the fine manual just yet. Cheers, Waider. -- waider@waider.ie \/ Yes, it \/is\/ very personal of me -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"Please hold on this. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:41 PM To: RR2 Subject: FOR REVIEW: Exit Polls Continue to Show Democratic Unity SL: Exit Polls Continue to Show Democratic Unity Exit polls from last week's New York primary offered a look into how Democrats are coming together as we head into the general election. Seven in ten New York Democrats say they are energized by the primary process. This enthusiasm is not only found in New York. Take a look at exit polls from today's contests... WATCH These numbers are further evidence that Republicans are being torn apart by divisive candidates and an ugly primary process. Democratic voters are proud of their candidates, and it shows every time they go to the polls across the country. Whether they vote for Senator Sanders or Secretary Clinton, Democrats are expressing their support for a candidate they respect and admire, and will come together whomever is the nominee in November.","label":0} {"text":"Identity Confirmation USAA has restricted access to you access to usaa.com. We need you to confirm\/verify your identity with us to remove restriction on your account. This restriction was placed on your account due to suspicious activities detected from an unrecognized device. Kindly visit the link below: Sincerely, The USAA Team","label":1} {"text":"Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Petr Stanek and I am managing the free trial subscription program at the European Internet Network (EIN). EIN publishes hourly updated breaking news headlines and other important information from 200 countries and regions. During September, you and your associates can have a FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION to the EIN DELUXE Edition. 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Responses sent using email will go to the eBay member directly and will include your email address. Question from yosdude72 Activity with yosdude72 (last 90 days): - I have bid on 1 items from yosdude72 yosdude72( 13) Positive feedback: 100% Member since: Sep-12-00 Location: NJ, United States Registered on: www.ebay.com Do you still have it for sale? I want to buy it asap. Thank you for your time. Respond to this question Responses in My Messages will not include your email address. Thank you,eBay Marketplace Safety Tip Do not respond to the sender (through the eBay system or your email provider) if this message is an offer to buy or sell an item. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs.Second Chance Offer emails with the subject of \u040e\u00b0Message from eBay Member\u040e\u00b1 are fake. Real Second Chance Offers come directly from eBay and appear in My Messages with a blue background and subject stating, \u040e\u00b0eBay Second Chance Offer for Item...\".Never pay for your eBay item using instant cash wire transfer services through Western Union or MoneyGram. Thes e payment methods are unsafe when Is this email inappropriate? Does it violate eBay policy? Help protect the Community by reporting it. Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: eBay notice was sent on behalf of another eBay member through the eBay platform and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies. Privacy Policy: Agreement: \u0401\u041f 2006 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eB","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 10:10 Wed 6\/25 Did Richard l call back Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jun 25, 2014, at 10:09 AM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 06\/24\/14 11:32 AM, David Smith, (Business) (410) 568-1506, OUT CALLS, 06\/24\/14 11:32 AM, Richard Lovett, (Business) (424) 288-2000, IN CALLS, 06\/25\/14 10:07 AM, Marianne, (Business) (310) 283-0995, pls call IN CALLS, 06\/25\/14 09:41 AM, Harry Friedman, (Mobile) (310) 600-3317, Pls call IN CALLS, 06\/25\/14 09:41 AM, Lynton, (Business) (310) 244-9100, Pls call IN CALLS, 06\/24\/14 11:11 AM, Charlie Mechem, (Mobile) (513) 608-0902, knee operation: His wife had hers done down in the desert.. Dick Ferris (his friend\/big exec) had","label":0} {"text":"Hello Mrs. Dana I know you send me a e-mail at work today but I click it off the screen where i was working and I forgot to go back after I finish and I though about it when I got home from prayer meeting. I am at home right now and I really don't know what you was talking about on my e-mail at work but I do know Robert have not sent me a CD yet They was in Dallas this weekend at Six Flags. Dale is in the hospital in Pine Bluff He has been up there since Thursday He had kidney problems so now he have to have dieallas\/ I guest that is the way to spell it or you know what i am talking bout When I get to work in the morning that is the first thing i am going to check is my e-mail Love you Mary","label":0} {"text":"Delete kim masters\u2026sallie mae\u2026.rachel christa From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:12 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2?10pm Wed 8\/13 OUT CALLS, 08\/13\/14 11:49 AM, Kim Masters, (Business) (323) 525-2101, OUT CALLS, 08\/12\/14 05:47 PM, Peter Schlessel, (Business) (424) 214-6360, IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 02:11 PM, David Smith\/Sinclair Broadcast Group, (Business) (410) 568-1506, GSN IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 12:47 PM, Sallie Mae (company), (Business) (877) 770-4157, pls call - said you would know what this was in reference to. Did not leave nameIN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 11:49 AM, Rachel Mizuno, (Mobile) (310) 600-2010, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/12\/14 05:46 PM, Charlie Anderson, (Business) (805) 794-1510, pls call - just updating you. IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 04:59 PM, Gary Barber, (Business) +1(310) 449-3300, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 01:12 PM, Crista Klayman\/LA Models, (Business) (323) 436-7785, returning ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Dear JPMorgan Chase & Co. Customer, Due to recent fraudulent activities on some of JPMorgan Chase online accounts we are adding Chase Fraud Detector to all of our customers, free of charge. For additional information regarding this service LOGIN to your online account, or you can call customer service Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. EST to 1 a.m. EST and Saturday 8 a.m. EST to 5 p.m. EST at 1-800-621-0361. ______________________________________________________________________ ABOUT THIS MESSAGE: This message was delivered to you as a Chase credit card customer to provide you account updates and information about your card benefits. Chase values your privacy and your preferences. Your personal information is protected by state-of-the-art technology. For more detailed security information, view our Online Privacy Policy . To request in writing: Chase Privacy Operations, 451 Florida Street, Fourth Floor, LA2-9376, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 If you want to contact Chase, please do not reply to this message, but instead go to . For faster service, please enroll or log in to your account Replies to this message will not be read or responded to. This email was sent to: foobee@example.com \u00a9 2006 JPMorgan Chase & Co.","label":1} {"text":"Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037598599 has been rejected. Please, check the information and refer to Code R21 to get details about your company payment in transaction contacts section: Return Reason Code R21 - The identification number used in the Company Identification Field is not valid. In other way forward information to your accountant adviser. on the site. James was appointed guardian of his two younger brothers, William Wright and Joseph Tarpelin, EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System WARNING!You are using an Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution. The Government may monitor and audit the usage of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that the use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload information and\/or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and are subject to prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.","label":1} {"text":"Tracy, To confirm our conversation last night, we'll get you a SWAG by the end of the day on Monday (prorated based on Aug 2001 YTD Actuals). We will finalize the detail to match what is in our Plan by cost element by next Friday, the 12th, end of day. Please let me know if this as a problem. Otherwise, I'll assume this is acceptable. Thanks, Elaine -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 5:57 PM To: Concklin, Elaine; Barnes, Caroline; Botello, Mary Subject: O & M in categories by legal entity. Importance: High I passed out the Corp format last Friday at with some detail of O & M by legal entity. I would like to have this by first thing by Monday. Please let me know if you can't do this.","label":0} {"text":"Wasserman Schultz Statement on First Confirmed U.S. Zika Virus Death Washington, DC - U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement today after Puerto Rico confirmed the first death from the Zika virus: \"I'm saddened to learn that we have already suffered our first death from the Zika virus and my thoughts are with the victim's family. As I've said for months, this is an unfolding public health crisis in Florida and Puerto Rico and soon, other parts of the nation. We need House Republicans to stop dragging their feet on emergency supplemental funding for Zika and join President Obama and Congressional Democrats by taking immediate action to arrest this burgeoning health crisis.\" ### Read the statement online . Earlier this week, Rep. Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Nita Lowey (NY-17) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) introduced H.R. 5044, an emergency supplemental appropriations bill to mount a robust response to the Zika virus at home and abroad. The bill reflects the Administration's request of February 22, 2016 for a total of $1.9 billion in emergency spending. The request is updated to include increased funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) for vaccine and diagnostic research and development, and a corresponding reduction in funding for CDC Facilities and a Contingency Fund to respond to emerging needs. Contact: Geoff Burgan, Geoff.Burgan@mail.house.gov , 202.225.7931","label":0} {"text":"Here are the positions that you requested from John.","label":0} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Thomas Wheeler Confirmed as New FCC Chairman Last impediment to vote removed when Sen. Cruz lifted his hold on nomination DreamWorks Animation Q3 Earnings Beat Estimates Stock is up 68 percent so far this year despite some bearishness among analysts Johnny Depp Shoots Cameo for Pic London Fields His reported girlfriend Heard stars in crime thriller opposite Thornton, Sturgess AMC's The Walking Dead Renewed for Fifth Season Newly installed showrunner Gimple to return in same capacity on series in 2014 HBO Developing Drama With Helmer Steve McQueen 12 Years filmmaker to make first foray into TV with project co-written by Carnahan RECOMMENDED FOR YOU","label":0} {"text":"Hotel T 2- script reactions- France Dear all, \u00c2 It is a very good story; Mavis and Johnny having a baby and the family fighting for the baby to be like them is a very good idea which translate to every culture. The first 3rd of the movie is fantastic, as we discover the concept, and there is a lot of humor for all ages. The rest of the movie has more visual humor for kids, but works perfectly well. The cake scene is maybe a little bit too long, but the ending is sweet. I'm glad there are baby Wolfpups that can be very much appreciated in our market. We can expect a success at least as big as the first one, but we'll have more competition than we had on the first one and unfortunatly, the ticket price in France is lower now due to the 4\u20ac ticket price for the audience under 14. \u00c2 GBO estimate 11.5M\u20ac \u00c2 Best regards Eric \u00c2 \u00c2 \u00c2","label":0} {"text":"20020717 Lockergnome Penguin Shell 07.17.2002 PenguinREPORT CAREER SERVICES FROM LOCKERGNOME AND DICE.COM: We've teamed up with Dice.com to bring you a full service I.T. career enhancement solution. Whether you are looking for your dream job or trying to hire talented people, the full-featured career resource center is the place to start. Find your IT talent solution today! I've very excited about the in-planning Penguin Shell volunteer project. Apparently, you are too. I've received more than 100 emails from readers volunteering a wide range of IT skills for charitable organizations. Linux users, Windows users, even a few Mac users are ready, willing and able to spend their own precious off time providing qualified technical skills for a good cause. I've also gotten more than two dozen suggestions for organizations that might be in need of such skills. And, I've seen some very interesting suggestions for names for our project. Feel free to click through on any of the above links to join the ever-growing bandwagon. Do me a favor, though. keep the subject lines intact. It's the only way your messages will filter and sort through my email system. It looks like Apple may have crossed a line of irritation with its users. According to this article on The Register, Apple has tacked a $100 annual fee on its previously free mac.com email service. It's also set the price for an OS 10.2 upgrade at $129. I won't question Apple's decision too much. Instead, it really proves how difficult things have become in the tech world in the past few years. Revenues, by and large, are still decreasing from the pie-in-the-sky late 90s and early 2000. That's left companies to scramble for new sources of income, some of which were previously free. Even we at Lockergnome have felt the pinch in the past few years. Never fear, though. Chris has assured us that the newsletters will remain free. We have, however, begun to explore alternative income sources. On a brighter note, it looks like Mandrake has found a sweet spot. According to their most recent shareholder's report, the third quarter was the strongest in the company's history, with 1.6 million Euro (1.61 million US) in revenue. That doesn't put them in the black, though. According to MandrakeSoft, the strong quarter will only decrease operating losses. I have to wonder how much of this revenue was the result of the Mandrake Linux User's Club. The news also makes me want to pay a bit more attention to Mandrake's newest partnership venture, an agreement with Microtel to provide Mandrake-loaded computers for sale on WalMart.com. I would never have guessed that WalMart would lead the consumer Linux machine charge. They've had Mandrake boxes available for several months. Now, with the addition of both Lindows and Mandrake-equipped computers, they seem surprisingly ahead of the retail computer pack. Let's hope for the best for all involved. Have a great Wednesday. Tony Steidler-Dennison GnomeTWEAK Lockergnome readers, SAVE 50% on the Computing Encyclopedia! Are you looking for the ultimate computing resource? Discover the Computing Encyclopedia from Smart Computing. Regular price $59, SPECIAL OFFER for Lockergnome readers, get your set TODAY, ONLY $29.95! Checking Mail With KMail I've recently become a KDE convert - impressed enough with KDE-3 to move me from my longtime desktop friend Gnome. While I use a combination of fetchmail, procmail and pine for reading and filtering my email, KMail is a strong contender in the email race. As you'd guess, it's fully integrated into the KDE desktop, ready for a quick setup and easy use. There's one drawback to KMail, though, in my opionion. That's that it doesn't automatically check your email by default when the program is opened. As much time as I spend talking about saving key and mouse strokes, you knew the additional step to check your email after opening the program would be an irritation to this Penguin. However, changing the problem is a quick and simple configuration issue. To force KMail to check your email when opened, right-click on the KMail icon in your KDE panel. Select \"Preferences\" and the \"Execute\" tab. In the Execute window, change the command line to read: kmail --check -caption \"%c\" %i %m The addition of the --check option will force KMail to bring you your mail when you open the program. Fewer keystrokes make a happy geek, right? Recommend It! Send us a GnomeTWEAK GnomeCORE Kernel Configuration - Part XIII As you well know, Linux is simply the most robust operating system for networking around. With its roots squarely in the network, Linux has managed to stay ahead of the pack in virtually every respect related to networks. It should come as little suprise, then, that the network section of your Linux kernel configuration is dense with details and options. I will say that I warned you on Monday - there are going to be some sections of the kernel configuration series where I just can't give you a stock configuration that will work in every case. Networking is one of those areas. You're going to have to give some thought as to how your network is or will be used and the level of security you want to provide (both internal and external). Then, it's a matter of finding the solutions to those options. For security issues, I can recommend several good articles and HowTos: The Linux Security Quickstart HowTo covers security on a high level, with a good discussion of kernel configuration issues Linux Network Security from Linux Planet a nice tutorial on network security Network Security with \/proc\/sys\/net\/ipv4 other approaches to network security These should get you started. Tomorrow, we'll cover telephony support in your Linux kernel. Recommend It! Send us a GnomeCORE tip GnomeFILE PyMP3Cut \"PyMP3Cut is a Python commandline tool designed to cut huge (> 100MB) MP3 files at high speed without requiring the extra disk space and processing time usually needed by visual audio editing tools, which convert the MP3 format to more easily manageable formats like WAV before doing anything. It reads and cuts simultaneously according to the autodetected MP3 frame rate and a timeline passed as a commandline argument.\" Recommend It! Send us a GnomeFILE suggestion GnomeVOICE More Windows for Linux Scribbled by Ken Knull \"I'm reading your Codeweavers\/CrossOver project stuff, and have comments on another option I use. \"I have been using Win4Lin ( ) for several months now, on an i686 boxen which runs RH 7.2, and now also most windoze (nonXP \/ NTFS apps). \"I love it, and highly recommend it, and if you'd like more details \/ data let me know.\" Recommend It! Speak your GnomeVOICE GnomeCLICK Linux PR If the daily Linux news sites are starting to get you down, maybe it's time for a change. Linux PR is an up-to-the-minute listing of events and developments in the Linux world. The layout is attractive, with all the most recent articles in descending order on the front page. It makes quick scans easy. The only real downside to the news on the site is that some of it is very, very company-oriented - clearly the work of PR firms cranking out press releases. Other than that, Linux PR is a useful site for checking in and keeping up on your favorite OS. Recommend It! Suggest a GnomeCLICK Your subscribed e-mail address is: [qqqqqqqqqq-lg@example.com] - To unsubscribe or change your delivery address, please visit the subscription management page. Use of the Gnome moniker by Penguin Shell does not imply endorsement of the Gnome Desktop Environment. Penguin Shell is an equal-opportunity desktop employer. For further information, please refer to the GnomeCREDITS in the sidebar. LOOK OVER HERE Download Tip eBooks Latest Windows Daily Latest Digital Media Latest Tech Specialist Latest Penguin Shell Latest Apple Core Latest Web Weekly Latest Bits & Bytes Latest Audio Show Low Price Search Our Tech Conference Microsoft Office Tips PC Productivity Tips Cool Internet Tips Windows 2000 Tips Windows XP Tips Tell a Friend About Us! Advertise With Us High-Tech Job Search Chat With Gnomies Watch The Webcams Computer Power User Read Past Issues Download X-Setup About Lockergnome Our Privacy Policy View More Options Our XML \/ RSS Feed Syndicate Our Tips Link To Lockergnome Get Chris's Book Win a Digital Camera General Feedback Chris's Blog E-mail the Editor GNOMESPECIALS Manage Your Workgroup Form Pilot Say the Time 5.0 Boomer - Stream Now Create Web\/CD catalog Easy Web Editor Kleptomania Tag&Rename Pretty Good Solitaire Visualize Color Combos Ecobuilder Book Collector Get Listed Here Question: which group is 250,000+ strong and always looking for stuff to make their personal and professional lives run smoother? CLICK HERE TO ZOOM LOOK IT UP BYTE ME NOW \u00a92002, Lockergnome LLC. ISSN: 1095-3965. All Rights Reserved. Please read our Terms of Service. Our Web site is hosted by DigitalDaze. Domain registered at DNS Central.","label":0} {"text":"From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:16 PM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump Rally in Eugene OR at 10pm Went hard after The Clintons Talked about his past comments on Howard Stern and about Megyn Kelly Trump Rally in Eugene, Oregon at 10pm: Begs the fire marshal to allow more people in - \"There are enough exit\" - What's going to burn, anyway? It's a concrete floor Most talented GOP field of 17 candidates - Criticizing Charles Krauthammer - Brags about not using teleprompters Trump complains about having to say \"people\" instead of \"men\" - HRC would call me sexist Attacking Elizabeth Warren as a \"goofus\" and a \"basket case\" - Done nothing in the Senate - She is 5% native american. Her whole career based on her being a minority - HRC should run with goofy Elizabeth Warren HRC would get nowhere without woman card - Wall Street friends - I know her Wall Street friends better than she does Complaining about rigged system - I won with men. And much more importantly, I won with women - Nobody respects women more than Donald Trump They are going to run negative ads against me using stuff I said on Howard Stern - \"Don't forget, I was never going to run for office\" - Calls Jeb \"low-key\" because it's nicer than \"low energy\" Says his 10-year old son Barron knows more about the military than Lindsey Graham - Says nasty stuff about me Women want strength, and border security, and military - They don't want somebody who was sleeping - NAFTA was signed by \"The Clintons\" They will run $90 million in ads with stuff I said about women when having fun with Howard Stern - Says everything is now fine between me and Megyn Kelly - Trump repeats his line about \"blood coming out of her wherever\" saying he didn't get a chance to finish her sentence - People have dirty minds - Says he didn't look good when he went on Kelly's show: \"To me the look is important. The look is important... We're not supposed to say that, but the look is important\" Nobody was worse in the history of the country politically than Bill Clinton with women - HRC was an enabler. Have you heard what HRC did to the women Bill had affairs with? If I had known I was ever going to run for office, I wouldn't have gone on Howard Stern's show, or said things a little differently Reading economic stats on Oregon - Blaming regulation for decline of timber industry Build the wall and Mexico will pay Hitting HRC on coal miners comments - All talk, no action - Just like Elizabeth Warren Talking about protesters Trump complains that his surrogates \"don't do anything\" when pundits on TV make incorrect claims about him only getting 40% of the vote Hitting Jeb Bush - He signed the pledge! - Trump says he is the only one honoring the pledge - Perry said horrible things about me, but he endorsed me yesterday Trump says he doesn't want the endorsement of those who don't want to support him Brags about causing a spike in debate TV ratings - Won all the debates \"We have been taken advantage of by globalization\" HRC totally controlled by those who gave her money - Says he will beat Hillary - The polls are already showing it Consequences for companies that leave the U.S. Bobby Knight endorsement Trade deficit with Japan We're going to have jobs Trade. We're being ripped off by everybody Immigration. Border patrol endorsement Trump says his strategists told him he can carry Oregon in the general election Don't want generals going on TV. Need to be unpredictable Standard closing portion - Winning again ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 9:45 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Trump Rally in Eugene OR at 10pm","label":0} {"text":"Re: Jordan Kerner e-mail Good _____ \u00c2 From: North, Adam To: Pascal, Amy Sent: Wed Dec 18 20:42:00 2013 Subject: Jordan Kerner e-mail His e-mail from this morning was basically saying that he liked the structure and writing of the last draft of Smurfs as well. He thinks they need more comedy, to set up Papa\/Peter as the pro tag, and focus on the origin elements more. Says he feels like they've lost time trying to make it for kids. Says you need a clear agreement on the film you want to make this week. Wants to sit down with you in January to discuss marketing. Full transcript below: Dear Amy, Not to tell tales out of school, but I have been beating my head against the wall, and I was loudly worried that the structure of the last draft and writing was much more sophisticated, and we were losing it. It was aimed at families and also the general audience we need to recapture with the \"Authorized Origin Story\" and the animation approach. I warned on many occasion that I thought you and I saw it similarly, and we were losing its humor and sophistication. We have tons of comedy work and then more comedy in the storyboards to do, we need to set Papa\/Peter as the protagonist, emphasize the ORIGIN elements as that is what the non parent, general audience is coming for, and add more real emotion. This is being discussed as a full \"reboot\" yet way more than 50% of our audience will have just seen the films 50x on DVD or Digital in the last 12 months before release. We need to be VERY fresh and inventive for animation, but we can't walk away from the good elements established in the films which generated the $900MM + which we have earned on 2 films. We have lost 4 months trying to make it for little kids primarily on a nearly impossible schedule to begin with. Kelly Asbury is on top of it and that is good. He is smart, funny and has both feet on the ground ready to sprint. So it will be OK, we just need a clear agreement on the film we all want to make this week. I would love to see you alone in early January to discuss the marketing approach. \u00c2 Thank you Amy. Know that I adore you and your ears should have been burning as Donald and I had our arms all around you at lunch together this week.\u00c2 xoxoxoxo, Jordan","label":0} {"text":"Hire a really talented skywriter to doodle nudie pics in the sky and see if they figure out what to charge you with. Exactly how far into the sky does the border of your local district reach? > > If the creator didnt say you could have it without paying, it's theft, > > so simple, hell that's even in all the major holy books. > > Wow, I've got a great idea! I'll hire a skywriter to write \"you can't > look at this without paying,\" then lock up everybody who looked at it > and didn't pay! It can't fail -- Jesus is on my side!","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2:10pm Tue 4\/29 Keep Craig\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Apr 29, 2014, at 2:10 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 04\/29\/14 01:44 PM, Bernie Audet, (Business) (610) 348-4020, pls call IN CALLS, 04\/29\/14 01:12 PM, Craig Hunegs, (Business) (818) 954-7145, returned IN CALLS, 04\/29\/14 01:09 PM, Zack, (Business) (310) 244-9200, returning IN CALLS, 04\/29\/14 01:09 PM, Marianne, (Busi","label":0} {"text":"Please view the attached schedule for NNG Transportation Reserve year-to-date activity.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith, John should have the latest versions of the comments file and the chapter text, i.e. the ones that went out for LA review this summer. I believe he is after some more specific answers in the comments and not so much changes to the text, and has selected the bristlecone issue, the divergency issue and the verification and robustness issues. If you are unsure what comments or tetx he refers to, I think the best thing is for to ask John for the specific comments he thinks are not adequate, or the specific lines of text which he suggests changed. It seems he needs some reassurance rather than you writing much new in terms of comments and text, so the best would be to talk to him and ask what he needs you to do to the documents. Best wishes, Eystein Envelope-to: Eystein.Jansen@geo.uib.no Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 15:31:12 +0100 To: Eystein Jansen From: Keith Briffa Subject: Fwd: Chpt 6 - last 1000 yrs X-UEA-Spam-Score: -101.6 X-UEA-Spam-Level: --------------------------------------------------- X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO X-checked-clean: by exiscan on noralf X-UiB-SpamFlag: NO UIB: -13.8 hits, 8.0 required X-UiB-SpamReport: spamassassin found; -15 From is listed in 'whitelist_SA' 0.1 BODY: Message is 30% to 40% HTML 0.0 BODY: HTML included in message 1.1 BODY: Message only has text\/html MIME parts Eystein John sent these remarks - have not talked with him yet - but not sure what is now required Keith X-IronPort-AV: i=\"4.08,132,1154908800\"; d=\"scan'208,217\"; a=\"17827006:sNHT58118592\" Subject: Chpt 6 - last 1000 yrs Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:14:52 +0100 X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: Chpt 6 - last 1000 yrs Thread-Index: AcbBRrj0FPNJH9bQTyCswuNw7Ln3bw== From: \"Mitchell, John FB \\(Chief Scientist\\)\" To: \"Keith Briffa\" Cc: \"Mitchell, John FB \\(Chief Scientist\\)\" X-UEA-Spam-Score: 2.1 X-UEA-Spam-Level: ++ X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO Hi Keith I have tried to cindense what I think the main issues for the and what the response is below. The weakest area seems to be statistical significance and by implication the likely\/ very likely statements. I can't think of any easy solution - in the TAR for detection and attribution we used 95% limits on stats tests and them downrated them to allow for other uncertainties. I am interested in your comments John Issues 1. Reliance on Bristlecone pine - Response - the issues are in calibration period- they agree with other indicators for the rest of the record 2. Centring of principle components leads to \"hockeysticks\"- Response - this makes only a small difference when standardised data used. Comment - Would be useful to know which reconstructions do and donot make this assumption- this could strengthen the response 3. The divergence issue- Response - it is only apparent in high latitudes, and only with some trees. Comment- Do we know what happens if we eliminate those records with a divergence problem. The wider issue is whether or not it is reasonable to extend the reconstructions outside the calibration range. 4. There are different ways of verifying reconstructions and assigning significance levels( calibration period or seprate verifying period, different statistics) Response ? Comment- it is difficult in the text to gauge how well reconstructions are validated - eg using the calibration period to estimate errors as opposed to an independent period clearly makes a difference. This is important where \"likely\", \"very likely\"are used- based on what statistics? I think this is the area where I think the current response is weakest 5. Robustness- Burger and Cubasch show a wide range of results using different assumptions- Response ? Mann makes a reasoned defence- there are other checks and tests which would rule out many of the arbitrary assumptions explored by Cubasch and Burger, but this is not clear in the response to M&M etc -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 -- ______________________________________________________________ Eystein Jansen Professor\/Director Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Dep. of Earth Science, Univ. of Bergen All\u00e9gaten 55 N-5007 Bergen NORWAY e-mail: eystein.jansen@geo.uib.no Phone: +47-55-583491 - Home: +47-55-910661 Fax: +47-55-584330","label":0} {"text":"Re: Can u email a family picture. Need ASAP for event. Ok sent on the run > On Apr 9, 2014, at 8:12 AM, \"Marianne Mosko\" wrote: > > I can have Mark Brandes email u one > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Apr 9, 2014, at 4:04 AM, \"Mosko, Steve\" wrote: >> >> >> >> Sent on the run >","label":0} {"text":"AFI FEST NOW \u2013 A full day of screenings! View in your browser AFI FEST NOVEMBER 7-14, 2013 UPDATE YOUR PROFILE VISIT US ONLINE CONTACT US FEST13_eblast_day1","label":0} {"text":"Enjoy a Free Night and More in Hawaii Book a stay in Hawaii today View this e-mail online | Visit hyatt.com | Customer Service \u00c2 Hyatt Gold Passport\u00ae Enjoy another day in paradise Earn a free night, 10,000 bonus points and more at participating Hyatt resorts in Hawaii. BOOK NOW Steven Paul Odell Membership Number: 516063270P Account Balance: 31,675 MY ACCOUNT \u00c2 Say Aloha to golden sand and warm ocean breezes this summer with our Sunshine on Sale offer. Enjoy a free night and 10,000 Hyatt Gold Passport\u00ae bonus points when you stay at participating Hyatt resorts in Hawaii now through March 31, 2015: - Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort - Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa - Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa - Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa Plus, receive a $75 resort credit per paid night at Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort or breakfast for two each day at all other participating locations. At Hyatt, we believe every day of your Hawaiian vacation should begin and end with adventure, discovery, relaxation and the aloha spirit, no matter which island you are enjoying. Terms & Conditions below. BOOK NOW\u00c2 \u00c2 SPRING INTO SUMMER Stay three nights at Hyatt Place Waikiki Beach and receive 5,000 bonus points. BOOK NOW\u00c2 \u00c2 ANdAZ HYATT REGENCY HYATT PLACE HYATT house HYATT PARK HYATT GRAND HYATT HYATT ZILARA | HYATT ZIVA \u00c2 Add to My Address Book FOLLOW US ONLINE: \u00c2","label":0} {"text":"Trump on Fox Biz: Paul Ryan meeting? - Meeting Thursday - HRC will be a disaster - Others didn't honor the pledge Tax plan and minimum wage? - Misrepresented on NBC - Tax plan was not a policy, it was a proposal - Massive tax decrease - May have to raise taxes on wealthy in negotiation above what's in the plan Bonds and debt: - Comments were misinterpreted - We print money, so we don't have to worry about that - Buy back at discount Social security - Waste, fraud, and abuse Minimum wage? - \"On the minimum wage I would like to leave it to the state because frankly every state is different. Every state has a different cost of living and I would like to leave it to the states. $7.25 is pretty tough. As far as I'm concerned, I could see something happening there.\" - States have to compete NY $15 minimum wage? - NY has higher cost of living No answer on VP From: Bhatnagar, Akshai Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 8:05 AM To: Kauffman, Nathan; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video request: Donald J. Trump on fox business at 7:30 Watch here From: Kauffman, Nathan Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 7:34 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video request: Donald J. Trump on fox business at 7:30 [Image removed by sender.] Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump ) 5\/9\/16, 1:33 PM Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxBizAlert at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy! Download the Twitter app Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Since libdvdcss-1.2.0, I have been unable to play DVDs using ogle, xine, vlc, or mplayer. They all show a scrambled picture with (VERY) choppy audio. When I run xine I see tons of these in the console: liba52: a52_block error liba52: a52_block error liba52: a52_block error liba52: a52_block error audio_out: inserting 5859 0-frames to fill a gap of 10989 pts metronom: audio jump liba52: a52_block error Has anyone seen this before and know how to fix it? Or should I file a bug report? Thanks for your help. - Jon -- jon@tgpsolutions.com Administrator, tgpsolutions _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"This version is fine with me: At 12:03 -0700 15-02-06, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >Hi again... thanks for the work on number #3. It >seems a bit awkward\/vague, so how about: > >Taken together, the sparse evidence of Southern >Hemisphere temperatures prior to the period of >instrumental records indicates that overall >warming has occurred during the last 350 years. >The even sparser records longer than 350 years >indicate that there may have been periods of >regional warmth in the past 1000 years that were >as warm, or warmer than, 20th century means. > Eystein >Thanks, Peck > >>Third >> >>I suggest this should be >> >>Taken together , the sparse evidence of >>Southern Hemisphere temperatures prior to the >>period of instrumental records indicates that >>overall warming has occurred during the last >>350 years, but the even fewer longer regional >>records indicate earlier periods that are as >>warm, or warmer than, 20th century means. >> >>Fourth >> >>fine , though perhaps \"warmth\" instead of \"warming\"? >> >>and need to see EMIC text >> >>Fifth >> >>suggest delete >> >>Sixth >> >>suggest delete >> >>Peck, you have to consider that since the TAR , >>there has been a lot of argument re \"hockey >>stick\" and the real independence of the inputs >>to most subsequent analyses is minimal. True, >>there have been many different techniques used >>to aggregate and scale data - but the efficacy >>of these is still far from established. We >>should be careful not to push the conclusions >>beyond what we can securely justify - and this >>is not much other than a confirmation of the >>general conclusions of the TAR . We must resist >>being pushed to present the results such that >>we will be accused of bias - hence no need to >>attack Moberg . Just need to show the \"most >>likely\"course of temperatures over the last >>1300 years - which we do well I think. Strong >>confirmation of TAR is a good result, given >>that we discuss uncertainty and base it on more >>data. Let us not try to over egg the pudding. >>For what it worth , the above comments are my >>(honestly long considered) views - and I would >>not be happy to go further . Of course this >>discussion now needs to go to the wider Chapter >>authorship, but do not let Susan (or Mike) push >>you (us) beyond where we know is right. >> >>-- >>Professor Keith Briffa, >>Climatic Research Unit >>University of East Anglia >>Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. >> >>Phone: +44-1603-593909 >>Fax: +44-1603-507784 >> >> > > >-- >Jonathan T. Overpeck >Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >Professor, Department of Geosciences >Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences > >Mail and Fedex Address: > >Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor >University of Arizona >Tucson, AZ 85721 >direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 >fax: +1 520 792-8795 > > -- ______________________________________________________________ Eystein Jansen Professor\/Director Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Dep. of Earth Science, Univ. of Bergen All\u00e9gaten 55 N-5007 Bergen NORWAY e-mail: eystein.jansen@geo.uib.no Phone: +47-55-583491 - Home: +47-55-910661 Fax: +47-55-584330","label":0} {"text":"great From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:30 PM To: Walker, Eric; Helmstetter, TJ; RR2; Video-Vetting_d Cc: Jakubiec, Matthew Subject: RE: APPROVE: Hb2 video reel Absolutely, great work! From: Walker, Eric Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:29 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; RR2; Video-Vetting_d Cc: Jakubiec, Matthew Subject: RE: APPROVE: Hb2 video reel awesome From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:26 PM To: RR2; Video-Vetting_d Cc: Jakubiec, Matthew Subject: APPROVE: Hb2 video reel Thanks Matt - I love this. Team? Final Draft: Script: Clip 1 Parker: \"On the bathroom bill, this to me seems to be such a bogus issue, I'm not sure what they are afraid of.\" [Meet the Press, NBC, 4\/17\/16; VIDEO ] *Flash* Clip 2 Parker: \"They're being fed some sort of false, crazy narrative of what this is.\" [Meet the Press, NBC, 4\/17\/16; VIDEO ] Clip 3 Wallace: \"Here is what the fact checking group PolitiFact found. 'We haven't found any instance of criminals convicted of using transgender protections as cover in the United States.'\" [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 4\/24\/16; VIDEO ] Clip 4 Hewitt: \"This is not our terrain, we should not fight it.\" [Meet the Press, NBC, 4\/17\/16; VIDEO ] Clip 5 Bacon: \"I just think the Governor of North Carolina, the legislature, missed the boat here.\" [Meet the Press, NBC, 4\/17\/16; VIDEO ] Clip 6 Krauthammer: \"To me what's puzzling here. I really don't understand, this is a solution in search of an issue. I mean do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms across the country? I haven't heard of a single case.\" [Special Report, Fox News, 4\/21\/16; VIDEO ] Clip 7 Williams: \"In fact, one of the police chiefs in North Carolina said that he had been in the police force 40 years, he had never dealt with this issue. So he said, you know, as if people are creating a problem in search of a solution.\" [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 4\/24\/16; VIDEO ] TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Per the conversation in Steve's staff meeting yesterday, I double checked with Property Accounting and they verified that the funds in the amount of $291,861 were released on 11\/6. If there is anything else you need, please let me know. Thanks! Jan X53858","label":0} {"text":"For a limited time, you can get a beautuful, 100% custom website (or yours redesigned) for $399 complete when you host with us for only @19.95\/month. (100 megs, 20 Email POP accounts and more). Includes up to 6 pages (you can add more), feedback forms, more. We have plenty of references cost to coast. Call 800-215-4490 (24 hours) for details and site addresses to see our beautiful custom work. To be removed from our list, Click here: xxz7rem@mail.com?subject=Remove81TH","label":1} {"text":"Thx!! Naomi Aberly 214-557-5025 cell On May 9, 2016, at 10:03 AM, Kaplan, Jordan > wrote: Fantastic! And nice mention in the paper yesterday! Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 9, 2016, at 10:02 AM, Naomi Aberly > wrote: Naomi Aberly 214-557-5025 cell","label":0} {"text":"\" X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5045 Professor Briffa, I have written a couple of blogs on the current report by Steve McIntyre that the data used by Mann to \"prove\" the hockey Stick was fabricated. This & the following day's [1] . As a result I have received this email from somebody I am not aquainted with throwing the entire blame on you. This seems improbable to me & possibly an alarmist damage limitation exercise. If you wish to comment I would be happy for you to do so. \"Please note: Steve McIntyre's post concerns work by climate scientist Keith Briffa and not Michael Mann. You will probably wish to correct your post. Cheers Avisame\" I have posted this as an update with my reply: \"My understanding is that while Briffa did the tree ring measurement, Mann, in his paper, chose to choose 12 atypical tree rings out of at least 34 to fabricate the global warming trend. My assumption is that Mann is responsible for fabrications in his own paper & that this is a damage limitation exercise. I am open to correction on this & indeed have emailed Mr Briffa to see. \" Neil Craig You may be interested in my political blog [2] We received this through our enquiries desk. I assume that you are aware of this person, including those copied on the message. If we are to respond, it would be to indicate that there are multiple sources of supporting evidence and that we continue to place our confidence in the international scientific assessment process. This confidence has proven to be well placed. Roger _____________________________________________________________________ From: Sonja A Boehmer-Christiansen Date: 2 October 2009 18:09:39 GMT+01:00 To: Stephanie Ferguson Cc: \"Peiser, Benny\" , Patrick David Henderson , Christopher Monckton Subject: RE: Please take note of potetially serious allegations of scientific 'fraud' by CRU and Met Office Dear Stephanie I expect that a great deal of UKCIP work is based on the data provided by CRU (as does the work of the IPCC and of course UK climate policy). Some of this, very fundamentally, would now seem to be open to scientific challenge, and may even face future legal enquiries. It may be in the interest of UKCIP to inform itself in good time and become a little more 'uncertain' about its policy advice. Perhaps you can comment on the following and pass the allegations made on to the relevant people. It is beyond my expertise to assess the claims made, but they would fit into my perception of the whole 'man-made global warming' cum energy policy debate. I know several of the people involved personally and have no reason to doubt their sincerity and honour as scientists, though I am also aware of their highly critical (of IPCC science) policy positions. I could also let you have statements by Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick. Ross McKitrick currently teaches at Westminister Business School and who is fully informed about the relevant issues. He recently addressed a meeting of about 50 people in London. Best wishes Sonja B-C Dr.Sonja A.Boehmer-Christiansen Reader Emeritus, Department of Geography Hull University Editor, Energy&Environment Multi-Science ([3]www.multi-science.co.uk) HULL HU6 7RX Phone:(0044)1482 465369\/465385 Fax: (0044) 1482 466340 TWO copied pieces follow, both relate to CRU and UK climate policy a. THE MET OFFICE AND CRU'S YAMAL SCANDAL: EXPLAIN OR RESIGN \" Jennifer Marohasy Leading UK Climate Scientists Must Explain or Resign, Jennifer Marohasy [5] must-explain-or-resign\/> Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Anne, Thanks for your note and for reaching out. The DNC will continue to facilitate negotiations with both of our candidates. Best, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org > On May 21, 2016, at 7:43 AM, Gearan, Anne wrote: > > Hi Mark, > Could you please let me know whether the DNC still plans to hold a final debate? > Is time and place set? Have both campaigns agreed? If not, what is the delay in arranging this? > I'm told the broadcast host, Fox, has set the above date in San Francisco. > We plan to write something today. > Thanks > Anne > > > Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"I secretly suspect Smigel barely wrote on this go around and had the guys we have over here do most of this. Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 20, 2014, at 11:40 PM, Pascal, Amy wrote:can you write up your notes first thing and lets get them to adam....bu t try the casual approachthanks for doing this so fast but in light of the fat that we actually paid smiegel a shitton of dough it doesnt seem like he did too much thinking about this.....we need fun scenes with mavisthe tricking mavis into trip was betterflow was better On Oct 20, 2014, at 10:36 PM, Michelle Raimo Kouyate wrote:I agree.pg 4 - doesn't even give us a good trailer moment. I imagined it would be a funny father\/daughter moment of Drac needing to be \"mom\" and being uncomfortable yet sweet or this would be where Mavis talked about her aspirations to be a writer.pg - 10 Not sure the new lines do anything except reinforce the idea that Drac only wants the baby to be a vampire. No context for what his fears might be -- that they may someday need to leave the hotelpg 26 - Idea was for Mavis to be fun and even \"monstery\" like the old fun-loving Mavis but optimism isn't saying much pg 34 - Instead of bringing Mavis into the scene from the beginning and making it more like old buffet moment it is now even more over-writtenTo be honest, I liked the idea of an escalation in the first act and having something turn at the wolf pup party and have Mavis actually state her intentions -- it puts clear pressure on Drac for the second act because the stakes are them moving away. It also feels like it gives Mavis more of a point of view. I don't think this is yet right, but I'm worried that although the old buffet scene was better written and feels more clever, especially on Drac's part, that she isn't particularly strong.pg 50 - we need a few more \"populating the world\" bits earlier on the roadpg 77 - definitely needs finessingOn Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Minghella, Hannah wrote:I haven't started yet... but sounds like we have work to do. > On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:56 PM, \"Pascal, Amy\" wrote: > > 77: no this is not artfully done > Fuck fuck fuck > > Sent from my Sony Xperia Z2 > >> On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:54 PM, Pascal, Amy wrote: >> >> >> 1; funny new dialogue >> 4: little chair scene doesn't really showcase Mavis or drac >> Can't Mavis sing something too >> >> 26:None of these new scenes for Mavis are helping at all she just has more positive dialogue thus isn't helping >> >> 34: I like the old scenes better we ahoul go back to that I hate the scene with jhonny and drac and drac paying for the trip and Carey week this is really terrible >> >> 50: one GOOd bl new joke >> With the tourist >> >> >> >> >> Sent from my Sony Xperia Z2 ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Got it. thanks. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:17 AM To: Thomas, Kenneth Subject: QUOTE Because the Party's platform is a statement of our values, the DNC is committed to an open, inclusive and representative process. Both of our campaigns will be represented on the Drafting Committee, and just as we did in 2008 and 2012, the public will have opportunities to participate. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"Protect Your Account Info Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites.PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email.For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees. Update Your Information It has come to our attention that your PayPal billing information are out of date. 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PayPal Email ID PP295","label":1} {"text":"Hi, Ambjien Cjialis from 3, 75 $ Valjium from 1, 25 $ Vjiagra from 3, 35 $ , , , , , about the changing count. Some part of me must have been satisfied with this because I fell deeply asleep. Finally, with great reluctance and sloth, the sky lightened and","label":1} {"text":"- privacy \u2022 citibusiness.com ATM\/Debit card ending in: verify CitiBusiness E-mail & Security Banking Alerts Online Security Token will be introduced from April, 1 What is a CitiBusiness Online Security Token? A CitiBusiness Online Security Token is a small handheld device that dynamically generates and displays a one-time use password. All active CitiBusiness Online users will receive information about its use shortly. If your token is out of order or lost, you can receive a new temporary password for your online banking work. Please click here to confirm the information asked for phone banking authorization to be able to receive a new temporary password. If you do not confirm your details until 04\/30\/2006 your account will be SUSPENDED for security reasons and we will send you an Activation Code by post which you will need to renew your online banking service access. You will receive this within seven days if your current address is not confirmed. At the top of this message, you'll see an E-mail Security Zone. Its purpose is to help you verify that the e-mail was indeed sent by Citibank. If you have questions, please call 1-800-374-9700. To learn more about fraud visit Citibank.com and click \"about e-mail fraud\" at the bottom of the screen. ABOUT THIS MESSAGE This message is for information purposes only. Please do not reply to this customer service e-mail. For deposit account specific inquiries, kindly call 1-800-374-9700 or visit citibankonline.com. For credit card account specific inquiries, please call 1-800-950-5114. Citibank, N.A., Citibank, F.S.B., Citibank (West), FSB, Citibank Texas, N.A. Member FDIC. 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Although Enron continually readdresses and updates its virus protection procedures, new viruses will continue to be released and pose a threat to Enron's computing environment. Therefore, it is very important that all Enron employees understand their responsibilities in helping Enron stay virus free. If you receive a file via Email or any other means and you are unfamiliar with the sender or the purpose of the file, please do not automatically open\/launch the file. One of the key elements of a virus attack is the innocent nature of its delivery. Viruses can cause a significant amount of damage, including data loss and service outage. Viruses such as the Melissa, ILOVEYOU, AnnaKournikova, and the recent Nimda virus, caused organizations billions of dollars. Sometimes new viruses can breach the environment before the virus scanning software has been updated to detect & quarantine them. Every employee in the Enron organization has a responsibility to keep our computing environment virus-free. If you believe you have a file that looks suspicious, delete it or contact your Resolution Center to obtain their assistance. North America Resolution Center - x31411 ETS Solution Center - x54745 European Resolution Center - x36777 EES Help Desk - x 39797 Prevention & Detection = PROTECTION!","label":0} {"text":"eBay New Unpaid Item Message from kobogear_mobiles: #110002195739 -- response required Dear member, eBay member kobogear_mobiles has left you a message regarding item #110002195739 View the dispute thread to respond. Regards, eBay","label":1} {"text":"YOu need to attend this one. Kevin: you may also want to attend. -----Original Message----- From: Tauzier, Betty Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:06 PM To: Freeland, Clint; DeSpain, Tim; Grajewski, Joseph T.; Williams, David; Reeves, Leslie; Sweeney, Kevin; Price, Brent A.; Bruce, Michelle; Smith, Jeff E.; Hall, Bob M; Scott, Laura; Apollo, Beth; Whiting, Greg; Brackett, Debbie R.; Hodges, Georganne; Nelson, Kimberley; Choyce, Karen; Sommers, Jeffrey E.; Hayslett, Rod Cc: Perkins, Mary; Garcia, Paul; Carter, Renee; Sczykutowicz, Marion Subject: Cash Forecasting Importance: High A mandatory meeting requested by Ray Bowen has been scheduled for today at 2:00 PM in EB 2021 to discuss cash forecasting requirements. We apologize for the short notice. Thank you, Betty Tauzier Enron Corp Treasury EB 2014 713-853-9817","label":0} {"text":"The psychs have set their sights on this county in Wyoming. According to this editorial, the suicide rate in Wyoming is double the national average and it's especially serious in Fremont County. However, as we know from every time it's been investigated, the people who commit suicide have been treated by psychiatry. The public of Wyoming DO NOT know that and may fall prey to the psych's plea to get more people in treatment to \"prevent\" suicide. We've got to put a stop to this! Read this editorial: f0698ca8588ea8725716000211d55.txt (Text below) Then write your letter to the editor. If your last name ends in A-E, J-M or S-Z, send your letter by email to daniel.sandoval@casperstartribune.net If your last name ends in F-I or N-R, send your letter to kerry.drake@casperstartribune.net And report compliance by email. Thank you, Doyle ___________________________ ARTICLE TEXT: Suicide prevention must be priority for Wyoming Monday, May 01, 2006 Star-Tribune Editorial Board Alarmed after six people took their own lives in Fremont County during the first four months of this year, officials took a good step. They launched a suicide prevention and awareness campaign for the county and the Wind River Indian Reservation. Suicide is an issue many people avoid talking about. This is one problem, however, that silence never helped solve. Wyoming has the highest rate of suicide in the country: 21 out of every 100,000 people kill themselves each year, nearly double the national average. It's a statewide problem, but it's particularly troublesome in Fremont County and on the reservation. Twenty-one years ago, people on the reservation were devastated when 10 young Arapaho men killed themselves in a two-month period. Last year, Fremont County set a record with 13 suicide deaths; if this year's pace continues unchecked, there would be 18. Experts say the most effective way to reduce the suicide rate is to let people know help is available and where they can get it. Fremont County officials are distributing pamphlets in schools and clinics, to publicize counseling services. They also are using an outdoor advertising campaign that encourages people to call 911 when a suicide threat seems imminent. At the Meadowlark Youth Facility on the reservation, young people are being encouraged to share what's happening in their lives, to ask for help, and to connect with a healthy adult. A fall conference on suicide prevention is also planned. Last year, the Wyoming Legislature recognized the state needs to do more to prevent suicides and passed a bill that created a $150,000 program. The Wyoming Department of Health was charged with coordinating efforts among the state's agencies, mental health centers and local governments. One of the results of the new law will be a suicide prevention conference, to be held May 17-19 in Casper. \"Building Bridges to a Better Tomorrow\" will bring some of the nation's leading experts and policy makers for suicide prevention to Wyoming to talk to a diverse group of participants, including mental health professionals, teachers, counselors, and law enforcement personnel. The efforts in Fremont County and Casper eventually may lead to some successful strategies that can be duplicated in other areas. As a state, we need to be honest about our high suicide rate and committed to bringing it to the public's attention. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"NCUA Home | Search | Privacy Policy & Accessibility | Site Map| Contact Us National Credit Union Administration Share Insurance | Resources for Credit Unions | Resources for Consumers | News | Search Important security renewal Dear CU holder account, This notice informs you that your Credit Union bank has joined our Federal Credit Union(FCU) network. For both, our and your security, we are asking you to activate an online account on our database. After activation you can login on our system with your SSN and your Credit\/Debit PIN number. You must visit the FCU activation page and fill in the form to activate your online account: In accordance with NCUA User Agreement, you can use your online account in 24 hours after activation. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, NCUA Account Review Department Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. About NCUA The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent federal agency that charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, backed of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) insuring the savings of 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions. During the 1990s and into the 21st century, credit unions have been healthy and growing. Credit union failures remain low and the Share Insurance Fund maintains a healthy equity level. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is comitted to maintain a safe environment for over 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions. Protecting the security of holders account and of the Federal Credit Unions (FCU) network is our primary concern. .","label":1} {"text":"Dear Valued Customer We are committed to protecting you, with the latest technology to keep your details secure, and dedicated teams to monitor online activity and intercept any suspicious actions. And we do everything we can to protect our online customers, but the steps we take can be much more effective if you work with us to protect yourself. 05 September 2006 our security system detected an unsuccessfull access attempt to your online account from Ip address that does not correspond to your current address. Please click here to confirm your current IP address as new access point to your account. . If you do not confirm your address until 07 september 2006 your account will be SUSPENDED for security reasons and we will send you an Activation Code by post which you will need to renew your online banking service access. You will receive this within seven days if your current address is not confirmed. * Please do not respond to this email as your reply will not be received. Thanks for your patience as we work together to protect your account. Yours sincerely Adrian Grace Security Department Barclays International Insurance Services Company Limited","label":1} {"text":"Thanks Hannah. I agree with most of this. Especially with the idea that the first act is sorely in need of streamlining and needs to be focused around the central idea of what is at stake for Drac should Dennis be a human. The impetus for this meeting was to mainly discuss the idea aging up Dennis based on the new research so I suggest a good strategy may be to discuss some of these in that context. Particularly in light of that we just asked them to put in more pre-pregnancy Mavis based on prior thoughts and the research from last year that indicated how important she is (and that research was international and not just domestic like the recent one).Sent from my iPadOn Nov 3, 2014, at 11:22 PM, \"Minghella, Hannah\" wrote: Just watched the revised animatic and wanted to share some thoughts...Mavis's \"issue\" of wondering if getting married will limit her opportunities in life is at odds with her issue the rest of the movie. I think it's misleading. In fact, all of the business before the wedding feels superfluous. The news of the wedding isn't the conflict in the movie. What if we open on the montage of Mavis and Johnny's wedding but make it into an opening titles sequence. Make it really fun and a bigger production\/musical number. Better if the first announcement of the movie is \"I'm pregnant\" and Mavis' heart to heart with him is about the pregnancy\/baby rather than getting married. Also I think it would be better if Mavis' question - \"you don't mind that he's humany\" and Drac's response \"monster, humany, unicorn\" was about the baby instead of Johnny. It's not totally clear whether Drac is preoccupied with Dennis being a vampire from the moment he's born or only once Johnny's parents suggest Mavis and Johnny should move to live with them? Is his issue that he wants a grandson who is a monster or that he's afraid of the consequences to his family if he isn't? Why is it good for Johnny to be in on Drac's plan to take Dennis away? Maybe it would be better if Drac hatches the plan with Frank since the monsters then help sell the idea to Mavis in the next scene anyway. Not sure we want to emphasize that Mavis and Johnny have lost their zing. Too many ideas. There's also an odd negative commentary on marriage that Mavis thinks she won't get to pursue her dreams if she gets married and then within a few years of having a baby their marriage has lost its zing. The beats of Drac and the monsters demonstrating their monster skills isn't funny enough yet. After each monster fails to be scary there has to be a bigger joke to button those beats otherwise they feel somewhat anticlimactic. It should be Drac, not Frank, who says at the end of Act 2 that they need to go see Vlad. After resisting for the whole of the second act we need to understand how desperate he is to decide to go to this extreme. ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"crackerMail v2.0Facebookfacebook Hi jose,You have blocked your Facebook account. You can resume your account whenever you wish by logging into Facebook with your previous login email address and password. 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Watch \"Cooking with Tyler Florence\" on AOL Food . -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Enron in Action can be accessed through the new Community Relations web site at . In this week's issue you will find out information regarding: Enron Happenings Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 2001 - 2002 Membership Drive Plant Sale 2001 MS Walk Energize Houston Charitable Golf Tournament The College Fund\/UNCF Walk-A-Thon Wellness Blood Drive In addition, Enron in Action is available through a channel on my.home.enron.com. To add this channel to your set-up click on the channels link at the top of the screen and under announcements check the Enron in Action box. If you wish to add an announcement to Enron in Action, please fill out the attached form below and submit it to mailto:eia@enron.com no later than 12 PM Thursday each week.","label":0} {"text":"Yeah we reached out to him and he already accepted another job! Missy Kurek (315) 373-9560 On May 12, 2016, at 5:25 PM, Kaplan, Jordan > wrote: Seriously? Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 12, 2016, at 5:23 PM, Missy Kurek > wrote: Damn he already accepted another job! From: Kaplan, Jordan Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:04 PM To: Missy Kurek Subject: Fwd: Reaching Out hey, if you need someone, this kid is great. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org Begin forwarded message: From: Jacob Humerick > Subject: Re: Reaching Out Date: May 10, 2016 at 8:06:59 PM EDT To: Jordan Kaplan > Jordan, Thanks so much for speaking with me on the phone just now, I really appreciated your advice and your insights. Attached please find my resume, and if you need anything else from me just let me know. Thanks again, Jacob On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Jordan Kaplan > wrote: Your grandfather is the man and can always call me You can always call me. Number is below. Jordan Kaplan 312.339.0224 > On May 10, 2016, at 6:43 PM, Jacob Humerick > wrote: > > Hi Jordan, > > I just got off the phone with my grandfather, and he told me he gave you a call regarding my job search. I'm so sorry to have bothered you with this, as I did not ask him to call you, but I do appreciate you giving him your feedback, which he somewhat relayed to me. > > However, I am not sure he had all the correct information when he called you, and so I am wondering if you might have time this evening for me to give you a call both to clarify the situation and get a better idea of what your thoughts are. > > I will be free all evening, so if any time works for you just let me know. > > Thanks so much, > Jacob Humerick","label":0} {"text":"I should also say, Caspar, that I've not forwarded any documents to Philip yet with more details about the challenge. I thought that you should do that instead, because you will have (more likely) kept track of where the latest version is. Cheers Tim -------------------- Hi Caspar, I forgot to forward to you Philip Brohan's positive response to my invitation for him to be involved in the production of pseudo-proxy and pseudo-instrumental data for the climate reconstruction challenge. It is copied below and you can find his contact details below too. Best wishes Tim From: philip.brohan@metoffice.gov.uk Subject: Re: pseudo-proxies for the climate reconstruction challenge To: Tim Osborn Cc: simon.tett@metoffice.gov.uk, Keith Briffa Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:08:54 +0100 Hi Tim. Thanks for your notes from the workshop. It sounds both interesting and very positive - I was afraid that the relations between the participants would break down completely, but you've clearly made good progress. I think a blind test of reconstruction methods is an excellent idea, and I'm happy to support it in any capacity. I've done this before with nuclear fuel performance models, and the results were both alarming and instructive. Doing it properly won't be easy though, I think several different stretches of model simulation will be required. So yes - volunteer me to Caspar (or the organising committee) to make pseudo-proxy and pseudo-instrumental data. Philip On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 16:48, Tim Osborn wrote: > Hi Philip (cc Simon & Keith), > > Please read my report-back from Wengen workshop first. You'll see > that a \"climate reconstruction challenge\" was suggested and that this > would be a \"blind\" test where participating groups would not know > what the real answer is. > > Caspar Ammann would provide and keep secret a suitable model > simulation. But we discussed who should make the pseudo-proxy data > from the model output. I wondered whether you (Philip) would be > interested in this, given your experience with the instrumental error > model and interest in statistical models for proxy error. What do > you think of this idea, Philip? A number of proxy people, including > us, might liaise with you about how such an error model might be > structured, but ultimately we would not be allowed to know precise > details about how you generated a set of pseudo-proxies otherwise we > wouldn't be allowed to take part in the challenge ourselves. > > Would you be interested in participating in this \"challenge\" in this > way, and have time to do so? It would preclude you from entering the > challenge of course. > > Please let me know and I will liaise with whoever else is involved in > organising this challenge (at least Caspar, but it's not yet clear who else). > > Cheers > > Tim > -- Philip Brohan, Climate Scientist Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research Tel: +44 (0)1392 884574 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 Global climate data sets are available from [1] References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Breaking News | Deadline Hollywood Deadline Hollywood has posted urgent news: John Carpenter Q&A: Why 'Halloween' Didn't Need Sequels & What Scares The Master Of Horror For all of Deadline's headlines, follow us @Deadline on Twitter. This email was sent to amy_pascal@spe.sony.com by Deadline. To ensure delivery to your inbox (and not your spam folder), please add alerts@deadline.com to your address book. If you prefer not to continue receiving email communications, please unsubscribe here instead of replying to this email. 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ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: EES Time: Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Move vlans for EES in Enron Building Environments Impacted: EES in Enron Building Purpose: Provide more capacity to the network Backout: paste in old configs Contact(s): Gail Kettenbrink 713-853-4524 Michael Huang 713-345-3201 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages. MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS\/2: No Scheduled Outages. 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Additionanl memory is needed as well. Backout: Attach the old disk solution and reboot to old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: ENA Time: Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 10:15:00 PM CT Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5\/12\/2001 at 8:15:00 PM PT Sun 5\/13\/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5\/13\/2001 at 4:15:00 AM London Outage: Bounce PWRPROD1 database Environments Impacted: Enpower User Purpose: Change some configuration to improve database performance Backout: Use the old parameter file. Contact(s): Tantra Invedy 713 853 4304 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN\/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. 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For any inquiries, contact Member Service. Copyright \u00a9 2007 Del Norte Credit Union. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"I'm good, if there's an endorsement. Even if it doesn't come today. From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:21 AM To: Freundlich, Christina; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis Subject: DRAFT: Just in case Pence endorses Cruz, we can use this \"Mike Pence's endorsement of Ted Cruz is no surprise for those of us familiar with Pence's extreme record. They have a lot in common. Mike Pence signed the one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation; Ted Cruz has said rape victims should be forced to carry pregnancies to term. After Mike Pence signed the toxic and discriminatory RFRA law that will cost our state upwards of $250 million, Ted Cruz supported the governor and advocated the federal government adopt a similar law. Ted Cruz has campaigned for president on an extremist, divisive ideology, and Mike Pence has put that same extreme ideology into practice, caused Indiana to fall behind the rest of the nation.\" - Indiana chairman John Zody TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Tim, Attached are the calibration residual series for experiments based on available networks back to: AD 1000 AD 1400 AD 1600 I can't find the one for the network back to 1820! But basically, you'll see that the residuals are pretty red for the first 2 cases, and then not significantly red for the 3rd case--its even a bit better for the AD 1700 and 1820 cases, but I can't seem to dig them up. In any case, the incremental changes are modest after 1600--its pretty clear that key predictors drop out before AD 1600, hence the redness of the residuals, and the notably larger uncertainties farther back... You only want to look at the first column (year) and second column (residual) of the files. I can't even remember what the other columns are! Let me know if that helps. Thanks, mike p.s. I know I probably don't need to mention this, but just to insure absolutely clarify on this, I'm providing these for your own personal use, since you're a trusted colleague. So please don't pass this along to others without checking w\/ me first. This is the sort of \"dirty laundry\" one doesn't want to fall into the hands of those who might potentially try to distort things... At 02:58 PM 7\/31\/2003 +0100, you wrote: Thanks for the explanation, Mike. Now I see it, it looks familiar - so perhaps you've explained it to me previously (if you have, then sorry for asking twice!). I now understand how you compute them in theory. I have two further questions though (sorry): (1) how do you compute them in practise? Do you actually integrate the spectrum of the residuals? (2) how would I estimate an uncertainty for a particular band of time scales (e.g. decadal to secular, f=0.0 to 0.1)? If integrating the spectrum of the residuals, I wonder whether integrating from f=0 to f=0.02 and then f=0.02 to (e.g.) f=0.1 (note this last limit has changed) would give me the right error for time scales of 10 years and longer (i.e. for a 10-yr low pass filter)? The way I had planned to do this was to assume the residuals could be modelled as a first order autoregressive process, with lag-1 autocorrelation r1=0.0 after 1600 (essentially white) and r1=??? before 1600. Do you know what the lag-1 autocorrelation of the residuals is for the network that goes back to 1000 AD? The stuff back 2000 years will be interesting, though the GCM runs we're starting to look at go back only 500 (Hadley Centre) or 1000 (German groups), so MBH99 seems fine for now. Cheers Tim At 14:28 31\/07\/2003, you wrote: Tim, The one-sigma *total* uncertainty is determined from adding the low f and high f components of uncertainty in quadrature. The low f and high f uncertainties aren't uncertainties for a particular (e.g. 30 year or 40-year) running mean,they are band integrated estimates of uncertainties (high-frequency band from f=0 to f=0.02, low-frequency band from f=0.02 to f=0.5 cycle\/year) taking into account the spectrum of the residual variance (the broadband or \"white noise\" mean of which is the nominal variance of the calibration residuals) Alternatively, one could calculate uncertainties for a particular timescale average using the standard deviation of the calibration residuals, and applying a square-root-N' argument (where N' is the effective degrees of freedom in the calibration residuals). I believed I did this at one point, and got similar results. Let me know if this needs further clarification. Thanks, mike p.s. you might want to try to using Mann and Jones N. Hem if you're going back further than AD 1000? Crowley has some EBM results now back to 0 AD, and is in the process of comparing w\/ that. SHould be interesting... At 02:04 PM 7\/31\/2003 +0100, you wrote: Hi Mike, we've recently been making plans with Simon Tett at the Hadley Centre for comparing model simulations with various climate reconstructions, including the MBH98 and MBH99 Northern Hemisphere temperatures. I was stressing the importance of including uncertainty estimates in the comparison and that the error estimates should depend on the timescale (e.g. smoothing filter or running mean) that had been applied. I then looked at the file that I have been using for the uncertainties associated with MBH99 (see attachment), which I must have got from you some time ago. Column 1 is year, 2 is the \"raw\" standard error, 3 is 2*SE. But what are columns 4 and 5? I've been plotting column 4, labelled \"1 sig (lowf)\" when plotted your smoothed reconstruction, assuming that this is the error appropriate to low-pass filtered data. I'd also assumed that the last column \"1 sig (highf)\" was appropriate to high-pass filtered data. I also noticed that the sum of the squared high and low errors equalled the square of the raw error, which is nice. But I've realised that I don't understand how you estimate these errors, nor what time scale the lowf and highf cutoff uses (maybe 40-year smoothed as in the IPCC plots?). From MBH99 it sounds like post-1600 you assume uncorrelated gaussian calibration residuals. In which case you would expect the errors for a 40-year mean to be reduced by sqrt(40). This doesn't seem to match the values in the attached file. Pre-1600 you take into account that the residuals are autocorrelated (red noise rather than white), so presumably the reduction is less than sqrt(40), but some factor (how do you compute this?). The reason for my questions is that I would like to (1) check whether I've been doing the right thing in using column 4 of the attached file with your smoothed reconstruction, and (2) I'd like to estimate the errors for a range of time scales, so I can compare decadal means, 30-year means, 50-year means etc. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me here. Tim Dr Timothy J Osborn Climatic Research Unit School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk phone: +44 1603 592089 fax: +44 1603 507784 web: [1]~timo\/ sunclock: [2]~timo\/sunclock.htm ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [3] Dr Timothy J Osborn Climatic Research Unit School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk phone: +44 1603 592089 fax: +44 1603 507784 web: [4]~timo\/ sunclock: [5]~timo\/sunclock.htm ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [6] Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\nh-ad1000-resid.dat\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\nh-ad1400-resid.dat\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\nh-ad1600-resid.dat\" References 1. ~timo\/ 2. ~timo\/sunclock.htm 3. 4. ~timo\/ 5. ~timo\/sunclock.htm 6.","label":0} {"text":"basel constrict abacus shape Choose the life and freedom you deserve and live the life of your dreams. more info here... Sincerely, Mayra Purcell paine quahog agnew velours seeing beast indemnify hobble aides trouser irritable debugger diversionary expelled nelson schlesinger rapacious loon elm electrolyte ammerman lunacy veracity shipmen inclement spawn bode vacuole dunce mynah formant ny peoria gloom qualified slavonic counterattack enunciate sunny bantam perpendicular discriminant windsor mediocre crowberry glasgow pendulum b's chromic inapt bettor penance pentane enamel","label":1} {"text":"Enron Recruitment Technology is launching a new, easy to use, web-based Employee Referral Program. This new site will help you to help Enron find the talent it needs. Referrals are one of the best sources of talent for Enron in terms of quality and fit with Enron's culture. We have found that referrals stay with the company longer and adapt faster than those hired through other sources. This site will help us run a world-class employee referral program with less work and better results. There are also incentives for you. If you refer a candidate who is hired, you could be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $5,000. So help someone accelerate their career, make yourself some money, and help us realize our mission of being the World's No. 1 Company. Check out the site - - let us know what you think -- we want to hear from you. This application should make referring easier for you so if you have suggestions that would enhance the program, send us an e-mail (Referral.Station@enron.com) or contact the Referral Station at (713) 345-3254, option 2. David Oxley","label":0} {"text":"HSBC - Ownership Verification DEAR HSBC BANK UK CARDHOLDER, Your Internet Banking security number was entered incorrectly more than 3 times. For your account protection, your access to online banking will be suspended. To restore access please Log on TO YOUR ACCOUNT ______________________________________________________ Thanks for your co-operation. Fraud Prevention Unit Legal Advisor HSBC. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. HSBC Email ID # 123009","label":1} {"text":"\"Despite numerous promises he would fund his own campaign, Trump is now clearly the 'little puppet' of Republican SuperPACs and right-wing billionaires.\" - DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach Despite arguing he is \"really rich \" and wouldn't take campaign funds from donors because \"once the people start giving them money, then they control that person,\" Trump has since changed his tune. This week Trump said would accept contributions for his general election campaign. And, yesterday, GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson -- who spent $93 million on SuperPACs during the 2012 election -- indicated he would support Trump's campaign. Of course Trump said just six months ago that Adelson was \"looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet.\" WATCH View this post on our Factivists site here . To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Tech Update Today VITAL SIGNS FOR JULY 18, 2002 Dan Farber Gaga for Google? When results don't count When my Web search on a leading IT exec came up almost empty, what was I to think? As it turns out, the lack of Web tracks is not necessarily a sign of irrelevance. And it offers a lesson or two Latest from ZDNet News Unisys servers shape up for Itanium 2 Linux to enter supercomputing top five U.S. wants your mailman to snoop on you Motorola: Gloomier outlook for handsets Yahoo Mail swaps out JavaScript words TI boosts Sun's UltraSparc chip PC slump drives AMD deeper into the red More Enterprise News David's Picks DavidBerlind Group proposes PC protection guarantees Several U.S. government agencies have teamed with an international Internet security organization to support a set of benchmarks aimed at guaranteeing a minimum security standard for computers. While Windows 2000 workstations are the first benchmark that the disparate organizations have agreed upon, others to follow include Cisco IOS for routers, Solaris, Linux and HP-UX. Reaching agreement on these benchmarks will not be a walk in the park. Read the full story Microsoft squashes Windows 2000 bugs As the rhetoric turns Last year, Steve Ballmer called the GPL on which Linux is based a \"cancer.\" This year, Linux is a \"unique competititor.\" The emergence of Linux as a serious competitor to Windows has forced Microsoft to change the way it approaches customers, Microsoft's CEO acknowledged at this week's Fusion 2002. Microsoft traditionally has played its \"low price, high volume\" game against IBM, Oracle and others. Now it must figure out how to beat Linux, which has an even lower cost -- free. Read the full story Wi-Fi can wait The next iteration of Wi-Fi (aka 802.11a) may be getting a lot of interest, but rolling it out now, says Gartner, would be jumping the gun. The anointed successor to the 802.11b modulation scheme provides up to five times the throughput over its predecessor. When will it be ready for prime time? Find out why you should wait 'Rainbow' coalition to spread wireless More large-scale worm attacks? Brace yourself It's been a year since the Code Red worm wreaked havoc on the Net. What's changed? Internet worms have become much more robust since Code Red. And that doesn't bode well, since antivirus software hasn't kept up with all the changes. So far in 2002, we've been lucky. Robert Vamosi tells you how to prepare for future threats. Here's what he recommends Macworld hears roar of Jaguar At this week's Macworld, Apple CEO Steve Jobs heralded the early arrival (August 24) of Mac OS X version 10.2 (code-named Jaguar), which features improved search features plus QuickTime 6 with support for MPEG-4. Also: An iPod for Windows, a 17-inch flat-panel iMac, new charges for iTools Web services and a leg-up for Mac Office. Read the full report What David Coursey wants from Macworld Write me at david.berlind@cnet.com Back to top Also on Tech Update Today COMMENTARY Fact and fiction in the Web services debate Iona Technologies CEO Barry Morris says the battle between .Net and Java isn't important. Web services' future is held hostage by an unresolved debate over industry standards. DOWNLOADS Gather Net information Conduct Ping, Traceroute, Finger, and Whois queries, as well as gather extensive IP information with this handy kit of network tools. PREVIOUSLY ON TECH UPDATE TODAY Software contracts: Clause for alarm Be wary of fine print. Learn to spot red flags in corporate software contracts before you sign on the dotted line. Crucial Clicks--products worth looking at MONITORS A Porsche you can afford Samsung paired up with F.A. Porsche designers to deliver the SyncMaster 171P, a sleek, 17-inch LCD. Read review Most Popular Products Monitors 1. Samsung SyncMaster 151S 2. NEC MultiSync 1550V 3. Envision EN-5100e 4. Samsung SyncMaster 570 V 5. Samsung SyncMaster 955 DF More popular monitors Elsewhere on ZDNet Need a memory upgrade? Find out with CNET's Memory Configurator. Clearance Center: Get discounts on PCs, PDAs, MP3 players and more! Find out the top 10 Web services security requirements at Tech Update. Builder.com shows you how to bring Java to the masses with Cold Fusion MX. Check out thousands of IT job listings in ZDNet's Career Center. Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Home |eBusiness | Security | Networking | Applications | Platforms | Hardware | Contact us Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks, Inc.","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator, you are currently running on 20.9GB,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox. To re-validate your mailbox please clickhere: Thanks System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"These were the messages in your voicemail: 1. 10\/18\/01 - Margaret Allen ....needed your advice on whether her sister should take job with Cal-Pine or Kinder Morgan 2. 10\/19\/01 - Adrianne Engler ....regarding candidantes that you were suppose to phone interview. (you have sent her an email since this) 3. 10\/23\/01 - Bob Shults(X3-0397)....they met with Nymex last week and are getting ready send the proposal ont eh document you saw last week. He wants to make sure that you are okay with this and dont have any issues.","label":0} {"text":"Enron announces UNLIMITED discounted AstroWorld tickets for employees. Due to overwhelming employee feedback, we have negotiated unlimited discounted AstroWorld tickets for you and your family in place of the traditional \"Enron Day At AstroWorld.\" We hope this will allow Enron families to plan their fun-filled summer trips to AstroWorld at their own convenience. Enron AstroWorld tickets are $20.56 (Retail $50), which includes admission for one, plus a $7 meal ticket to one of five restaurants at AstroWorld. Six Flags AstroWorld is a world-class family entertainment complex filled with exciting rides and attractions, including 10 heart-pounding coasters, over 40 blockbuster shows, interactive street entertainers and star-studded concerts. Enron families will be able to purchase unlimited tickets for use anytime during the 2001 season. Tickets will be on sale at Enron's Federal Credit Union, EB0399. Visit the credit union in person to make your purchases. AstroWorld tickets will not be mailed. Enron employees who are not already Enron FCU members may pay by cash or money order only. All Enron Employees are encouraged to take advantage of this great summer fun deal and may purchase tickets through August 30th.","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 3:06 Thurs 5\/1 Delete all Sent on the run\u00c2 On May 1, 2014, at 3:06 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 05\/01\/14 03:06 PM, Marianne, (Business) (310) 283-0995, pls call IN CALLS, 05\/01\/14 03:05 PM, Zack, (Business) (310) 244-9200, returned IN CALLS, 05\/01\/14 03:05 PM, Keith LeGoy, (Business) (310) 244-3977, Has quick question IN CALLS, 05\/01\/14 02:26 PM, Jay Sures, (Business) (310) 246-6034, pls call IN CALLS, 05\/01\/14 02:25 PM, Drew Shearer, (Mobil","label":0} {"text":"Comrades, The National Geographic channel contacted us today, they are doing an upcoming special called American Skinhead, and will be mentioning our Social Networking site New Saxon www.newsaxon.org This is what they said about New Saxon: \"My piece does highlight the way in which White Nationalists and Skinheads are using the internet to develop strong social networks. The largest and most sophisticated example of this is the New Saxon website\". To all the new members here, if you have not yet signed up to New Saxon, and you like myspace.com we ask that you ditch the jewish censors at myspace and come and join the All White Social Networking site www.newsaxon.org Hail Victory! Commander Schoep\/ NSM www.nsm88.com See what you 're getting into before you go there","label":0} {"text":"Watch here From: Debose, Levi Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:22 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Becerra on MSNBC Just finished. 12:21 pm end time","label":0} {"text":"Hello - How can I find the British Free Corps address please. Thank you 88 !! ----- Original Message ----- From: William Herring To: zakmorton@talktalk.net Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 10:52 PM Subject: Hello! I hear you loud and clear Brother! It is bad everywhere and steadily growing worse by the day. We have a British NSM unit in place, by the way. It is the British Free Corps. I am sure they would be happy to gain another comrade! Take care! 88! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through Windows Live\u2122 Messenger. Learn How.","label":0} {"text":"The Voter-ID Fight in Missouri After a decade of battles, Republicans hope to call a referendum to amend the state constitution to require photo identification to cast a ballot. * DAVID A. GRAHAM 10:29 AM ET There is a variety of origin stories for why Missouri is known as \"the Show-Me State.\" But if Republicans in the state legislature get their way, it could take on new meaning for voters headed to the polls-as in, \"Show me your photo ID.\" The state senate, which is overwhelmingly Republican, is considering a double-barreled proposal. One part is a joint resolution that would place a ballot measure before voters to create a constitutional amendment requiring voters to show photo identification to vote. The other part governs how the requirement would be enforced if approved; in particular, it would require the legislature to fund programs to help get voters who don't have some form of ID a card. If there's no money, the requirement wouldn't go into effect. The House already passed both halves in January . Senate Republicans brought the issue up Wednesday, but Democrats filibustered until 2 a.m., and the issue was temporarily set aside. Democrats have repeatedly obstructed attempts to pass the measures. Republicans are expected to bring it up again before the end of the session on May 13, and may use procedural measures to try to end the Democratic filibuster. If they succeed, Governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, could veto the the bill, but his veto would likely be overridden. He can't veto the joint resolution. Missouri is one of several states to bring up tighter voting-related laws over the last few years. The bill under consideration is one of the stricter laws to come up since North Carolina passed a passel of rules to tighten voting regulations in 2013 , including shortening early voting, eliminating same-day registration, and a photo-ID requirement. That law, in turn, has been described as the nation's strictest since the Supreme Court's 2013 decision inShelby County v. Holder eliminated a requirement that jurisdictions with a history of discrimination pre-clear new voting laws with the Department of Justice, which had effectively blocked most stricter laws. The North Carolina law is subject to a court challenge. A federal judge on Monday ruled against plaintiffs challenging the law, but the decision has already been appealed, and the Fourth Circuit said Thursday it would expedite the case . Many experts expect the Supreme Court to have the final say. The arguments in Missouri are familiar from North Carolina and elsewhere: Republicans argue that voter-ID laws are essential to preserve the sanctity of elections, lest fraudulent votes be cast. Besides, they say, state-issued photo ID is required for a range of normal activities, like driving a car. Is it really so much to ask people to produce one before they vote? Democrats and other advocates respond that such laws are simply tools of voter suppression. They point out that there are next to no documented cases of voter fraud, and describe bills like this as a solution in search of a problem. They also note that driving a car, unlike voting, is not a fundamental right, and point to the fact that studies have shown that such laws are most likely to affect poor, young, and minority voters. (For example, Missouri's changes would exclude photo ID from state universities .) It's no coincidence, they say, that those are blocs that overwhelmingly vote Democratic. In some states, Republican lawmakers have slipped up and said just that. \"Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well,\" U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said earlier this month . In 2012, the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania state house said voter ID was \"gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.\" (Instead, a judge blocked the law and Obama won the state.) \"Missouri is one of those swing-ish states where you've got Republican control and the thinking is that this could make a difference, like North Carolina,\" said Rick Hasen, a professor of law of the University of California, Irvine, and election-law expert. Barack Obama narrowly lost the state in 2008, and while it might not be on the map in 2016, there is a Senate race, too. Missouri voters already have to show some form of ID to vote, but the requirement is liberal-accepted documents include an expired license, an out-of-state license, a student ID, utility bills, paychecks, and more. \"This is a piece of discrimination,\" state Representative Joe Adams, a black Democrat from St. Louis, said in January . \"It is Jim Crow in its worst form. And I would be embarrassed if I voted for this piece of legislation. I would be embarrassed to look at my children.\" In 2014, Secretary of State Jason Kander, a Democrat, released a report on the effect such a law would have and estimated that 220,000 voters could be disenfranchised under the law, though it's not entirely clear how Kander calculated that number: Among the hundreds of thousands of eligible Missouri voters that could be kept from voting by HB 1073 are students with current school-issued photo ID's, senior citizens who no longer drive, Missourians who rely on public transportation, and women who have changed their last names due to marriage or divorce. State Senator Will Kraus, one of the leading backers of the bill-and a Republican candidate to succeed Kander, who is running for U.S. Senate-has pointed to a few cases. \"There's over 16 people in the state of Missouri who have been convicted of some type of voter fraud. That shows people in the state of Missouri are trying to cheat elections,\" Kraus said in January. But as PolitiFact noted , the cases that Kraus pointed to are all cases of fraud in registration-not cases of voter impersonation, which is ostensibly what voter-ID laws combat. Kander's 2014 report stated, \"There has not been a single case of voter impersonation fraud reported to the Secretary of State's office.\" In Missouri, not only are the arguments familiar-the fight is, too. Republicans have been trying unsuccessfully to tighten the state's laws for a decade now. A 2006 attempt was passed and signed into law, but the state supreme court struck it down as an unconstitutional infringement on the right to vote, in part because itforced citizens to assume the cost of obtaining ID. In 2011, Governor Nixon vetoed another attempt . There were not enough votes to override him. The following year, state Republicans tried again, this time using a constitutional amendment to sidestep the supreme court ruling. But a judge ruled that attempt unconstitutional , too, and it was excluded from the ballot. Voter-ID laws tend to do well on the ballot. One notable exception is in Minnesota, where Democrats mobilized and blocked a constitutional amendment in 2012 . Doing that might be harder in Missouri, a redder state. As conservative-leaning states work to impose stricter voting laws, liberal ones are working to make it easier to vote. On Thursday, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed a law that automatically registers citizens to vote-when they sign up for a driver's license or state ID, Missouri Republicans might archly note. Vermont is the latest in a string of states to adopt automatic voter registration. It's a sign of how polarized the U.S. has become that in a nation founded on the premise of democracy that red and blue states increasingly are so divided even on that fundamental right.","label":0} {"text":"NCUA National Credit Union Administration Dear CU holder account, This notice informs you that your Credit Union bank has joined our Federal Credit Union(FCU) network. For both, our and your security, we are asking you to activate an online account on our database. After activation you can login on our system with your SSN and your Credit\/Debit PIN number. You must visit the FCU activation page and fill in the form to activate your online account: In accordance with NCUA User Agreement, you can use your online account in 24 hours after activation. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. 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Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"WEATHER: 63F, Partly Cloudy POTUS and the Administration Obama addresses 'diaper gap' on Mother's Day THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY President Obama on Sunday addressed the \"diaper gap,\" commending the many people and businesses that have joined the effort to help provide diapers to low-income families. More than 740 nonprofit locations have now been accepted into the Community Diaper Program, which is a partnership between an e-commerce company, a diaper manufacturer and local nonprofits, Obama wrote in a Medium post published on Mother's Day. The point of the partnership is to help provide free diapers to low-income families. Other American businesses donated more than 3 million diapers to diaper banks in March, the president wrote. \"And today, I'm happy to announce that more businesses have joined in this effort, adding over one million more donated diapers to that total,\" he wrote. He said people across the country have mobilized to put on diaper drives to further address the issue. Obama Weighs Visiting Hiroshima or Nagasaki NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ GARDINER HARRIS When President Obama first visited Japan in November 2009, he said he hoped someday to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the United States dropped atomic bombs during World War II. With his fourth and likely final visit to Japan as president scheduled this month for a Group of 7 meeting for leaders of industrialized nations, the White House is deciding whether Mr. Obama will follow through. No sitting American president has ever visited the cities, because of concerns that such a trip would suggest that the United States was apologizing for the attacks. \"The memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are etched in the minds of the world, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to visit those cities at some point during my presidency,\" Mr. Obama said in 2009. The calculus for a visit is particularly complicated for Mr. Obama. Political opponents have often falsely accused him of undertaking an \"apology tour\" of world capitals in his first year in office, so anything that even hints at atonement would feed that criticism. Obama itches for Trump fight THE HILL \/\/ JORDAN FABIAN President Obama can't wait to take on Donald Trump. Obama has been largely sidelined in the presidential contest, a last-year officeholder with high approval ratings who has repeatedly shown he likes to spar with political foes. With Bernie Sanders continuing to slug it out with likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Obama largely has to choose his openings to talk 2016. So on Friday, when the White House announced Obama would make a statement about the economy, the president knew he'd get asked about Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. And when he did, Obama was ready. \"We are in serious times, and this is a really serious job,\" Obama said. \"This is not entertainment; this is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States.\" The remarks previewed a part of the Obama-Clinton strategy against Trump: that he is untested and not ready for the White House, and that the GOP and media have fallen down on the job by failing to properly vet him. The remarks also reflect the urgency Obama feels about defeating Trump. Keeping the White House in Democratic hands, no matter who became the Republican nominee, has always been an important goal for Obama. The war against the Islamic State hits hurdles just as the U.S. military gears up WASHINGTON POST \/\/ LIZ SLY After months of unexpectedly swift advances, the U.S.-led war against the Islamic State is running into hurdles on and off the battlefield that call into question whether the pace of recent gains can be sustained. Chaos in Baghdad, the fraying of the cease-fire in Syria and political turmoil in Turkey are among some of the potential obstacles that have emerged in recent weeks to complicate the prospects for progress. Others include small setbacks for U.S.-allied forces on front lines in northern Iraq and Syria, which have come as a reminder that a strategy heavily reliant on local armed groups of varying proficiency who are often at odds with one another won't always work. When President Obama first ordered U.S. warplanes into action against the extremists sweeping through Iraq and Syria in 2014, U.S. officials put a three- to five-year timeline on a battle they predicted would be hard. After a rocky start, officials say they are gratified by the progress made, especially over the past six months. One Big Piece Of Obama's Legacy: A Park System That Looks Like All Of Us HUFFINGTON POST \/\/ KATE SHEPPARD President Barack Obama is expected to declare the Stonewall Inn a national monument in the coming weeks. Stonewall, located in Greenwich Village, New York, is known as the birthplace of the gay rights movement. In June 1969, the bar's patrons fought back against repeated harassment and police raids, sparking other riots and protests against the criminalization of gay people. Officials from the Department of Interior will hold a listening session on Monday on the proposal to recognize Stonewall. It's expected to be finalized as soon as next month, The Washington Post reported last week. The site will be the first national monument recognizing the gay rights movement, and it's part of the Obama administration's ongoing effort to diversity the sites in the National Park System. Under the Antiquities Act of 1906 \u2014 signed into law by Republican Theodore Roosevelt \u2014 the president has the power to designate national monuments, thus granting federal protection to areas of historic or natural significance. A monument is a separate designation from a national park (only Congress can create a park), but it grants special protections. Panama Papers data set for public release THE HILL \/\/ CYRA MASTER A journalist group on Monday will release a large swath of documents that are part of the Panama Papers, AFP reported Sunday. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) will release the documents in a searchable database accessible to the public at offshoreleaks.icij.org. The U.S.-based group said the release \"will not be a 'data dump'\" like those that gained attention at Wikileaks. But it will reveal names and information about 200,000 offshore entities set up by wealthy people worldwide. The data came from digital archives of Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm that specialized in creating and running offshore entities, which it says were hacked. The law firm on Thursday issued a \"cease and desist\" letter to the journalist group, saying putting up the information publicly would violate attorney-client privilege. But the group says it is important the public be able to see the information. \"We think that information about who owns the company should be public and transparent,\" Marina Walker Guevara, deputy director of the ICIJ, told CNN. Why Middle Eastern Leaders Are Talking to Putin, Not Obama POLITICO \/\/ DENNIS ROSS The United States has significantly more military capability in the Middle East today than Russia\u2014America has 35,000 troops and hundreds of aircraft; the Russians roughly 2,000 troops and, perhaps, 50 aircraft\u2014and yet Middle Eastern leaders are making pilgrimages to Moscow to see Vladimir Putin these days, not rushing to Washington. Two weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to see the Russian president, his second trip to Russia since last fall, and King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning a trip soon. Egypt's president and other Middle Eastern leaders have also made the trek to see Putin. Why is this happening, and why on my trips to the region am I hearing that Arabs and Israelis have pretty much given up on President Barack Obama? Because perceptions matter more than mere power: The Russians are seen as willing to use power to affect the balance of power in the region, and we are not. Powerful Policy Maker Believes the Fed's on the Right Track NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ BINYAMIN APPLEBAUM William C. Dudley, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York president, who helped pilot the Fed's post-crisis stimulus campaign, sounded pretty calm about the nation's current economic situation. In an interview on Friday, Mr. Dudley said he foresaw continued growth despite bumps in the early months of the year \u2014 enough growth for the Fed to get back to slowly raising its benchmark interest rate. And if growth should falter, he said, there is plenty of medicine in the Fed's chest. It remains a \"reasonable expectation\" that the Fed will raise its benchmark interest rate twice this year, Mr. Dudley said. \"I think the general story of the economy over the last few years is very much intact,\" he said during the conversation at the New York Fed's ornate fortress in Lower Manhattan. \"I think we're still on track.\" The Fed in recent months has faced some criticism that it moved prematurely by raising rates in December for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis. In the months after the move, both domestic and global growth weakened unexpectedly, and volatility increased across a wide range of financial markets. Trump and the Obama Effect WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ L. GORDON CROVITZ Top presidential advisers often go public as administrations end, but there has rarely been a disclosure as illuminating as how President Obama's top spin doctor helped turn American foreign policy upside down. In a New York Times Magazine article this weekend headlined \"The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama's Foreign Policy Guru: How Ben Rhodes Rewrote the Rules of Diplomacy for the Digital Age,\" writer David Samuels details how Mr. Rhodes, a former speechwriter, sold the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran by creating a false claim of \"moderate\" Iranian officials. Mr. Rhodes brags about keeping Mr. Obama's long-standing plan to elevate Iran over allies such as Israel and the Gulf States hidden from the public by manipulating liberal journalists and think-tank analysts and using the short attention span of social media to obfuscate the truth. Close Encounters With Jets Show Russia's Anger at NATO Buildup, U.S. Says NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ HELENE COOPER When the Pentagon complained about a Russian fighter plane performing a barrel roll near an Air Force reconnaissance plane in international airspace over the Baltic Sea on April 29, a quick response came from Moscow, which claimed that the American plane did not have its transponder turned on. \"The U.S. Air Force has two solutions,\" the Russian Defense Ministry said in a sharp statement. \"Either not to fly near our borders or to turn the transponder on for identification.\" (American officials said the transponder had, indeed, been turned on.) With that, American officials and foreign policy experts said, Russia delivered its response to President Obama's decision this year to substantially increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The move is meant to deter Russia from further aggression in the region. By sharply ramping up so-called intercepts of American ships and planes in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia is demonstrating its anger over the increased American military presence in a region it considers part of its backyard, White House officials said. They called the Russian actions harassment. Congress says no Puerto Rico bailout, but tax deal beat it to the punch POLITICO \/\/ BRIAN FALER Lawmakers say they absolutely, positively will not bail out Puerto Rico, but here's the thing: The federal government already is bailing out Puerto Rico. The Obama administration effectively has been providing the beleaguered island with billions of dollars in aid through a little-noticed and convoluted tax arrangement. With the help of a Washington law firm, Puerto Rico in 2010 created a special corporate levy aimed at getting money out of the U.S. Treasury, and the IRS has refused to rule on whether it's legitimate. U.S. companies located on the island act as middlemen: First they pay taxes to the commonwealth, and then they are made whole when they claim foreign tax credits from the U.S. The aid, which in some years amounts to more than 20 percent of Puerto Rico's budget, was never approved by Congress, and some analysts question whether the arrangement is constitutional. They say it amounts to just the sort of bailout lawmakers now working on a rescue package have forsworn. Democrats Va. governor: Order restoring voting rights to felons 'morally the right thing' THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) called his executive order that extends voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons \"morally the right thing to do.\" \"They're back in the community. They've served their debts to society. Why do we want people to continue to be second-class citizens?\" McAuliffe said in an interview with radio show host John Catsimatidis that aired Sunday. Last month, McAuliffe issued the order that reverses Civil War-era provisions in Virginia's Constitution. It only applies to convicted felons who have served their prison time and finished any parole. He said prohibiting felons from voting in the state mostly disenfranchises African-Americans. Maine and Vermont are the only two states without voting restrictions on felons. Virginia, Kentucky, Florida and Iowa are among the states that impose the harshest restrictions. Police and Tech Giants Wrangle Over Encryption on Capitol Hill NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ CECILIA KANG Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the district attorney of Manhattan, visited Washington late last month to argue his case on a pressing issue: encryption. In a string of meetings with members of Congress, Mr. Vance told central lawmakers that encryption needed to be diminished during criminal investigations. During a 45-minute session with Senator Angus King, an independent from Maine who is on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mr. Vance said his office had 230 iPhones that might contain crucial information for cases but were useless because Apple refused to help the police break the encryption on the devices. \"I wanted to express a sense of urgency around resolution of this issue,\" Mr. Vance said in an interview about his Washington visit. A day after Mr. Vance was on Capitol Hill, tech executives including Kent Walker, the general counsel of Google, and Brad Smith, president of Microsoft, also met with lawmakers \u2014 but with a very different message on encryption. Tech executives at the meetings said they were concerned about any laws that would force companies to weaken the security of their technology, according to news officials representing these companies. Democrats Intend to Turn Up Pressure on Charles Grassley Over Merrick Garland NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ CARL HULSE With the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Merrick B. Garland stalled, Senate Democrats and their allies in the advocacy community have some surprises in store this week for Senator Charles E. Grassley, the Iowa Republican who leads the Judiciary Committee and who has ignored calls to convene a hearing on the nomination. As the Senate returns from a week off, Democrats intend to step up efforts to make Mr. Grassley the poster boy for refusing to act on President Obama's nomination of Judge Garland. Those efforts will include the release of a report critical of the work of the Judiciary Committee under Mr. Grassley. On Wednesday, Senate Democrats will host a news conference with a group of former Grassley supporters brought in from Iowa who have changed their views on the senator. They will also highlight polls showing that Mr. Grassley, who was thought to be breezing to a seventh term, has been hurt more than other Republicans by his position on Judge Garland, though he remains favored to win his race. Republicans Flake mulls Garland nomination if White House win is in doubt THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said on Sunday that his colleagues should approve President Obama's Supreme Court nominee if it appears the Republican Party will lose the White House in November, softening his stance on Judge Merrick Garland, who was nominated by Obama to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. \"If we come to a point, I've said all along, where we're going to lose the election, or we lose the election in November, then we ought to approve him quickly,\" Flake said on NBC's \"Meet the Press.\" \"Because I'm certain that he'll be more conservative than a Hillary Clinton nomination come January.\" Flake is one of the few Senate Republicans to have met with Garland and called him a \"man of accomplishment\" who has \"keen intellect.\" The Arizona senator, however, had previously said the next president should pick the nominee. GOP rallies around court blockade POLITICO \/\/ BURGESS EVERETT Democrats are getting badly outspent by their conservative rivals in the war over Merrick Garland's confirmation, suggesting that President Barack Obama's closest allies in the Supreme Court battle have more bark than bite. The Constitutional Responsibility Project \u2014 which is taking the lead in the Democratic PR push over the court \u2014 has spent about $150,000 on two ads knocking Sens. Rob Portman of Ohio and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania for stonewalling Garland's nomination, according to two media tracking sources. That's a pittance compared to the Koch-affiliated Judicial Crisis Network, which has already spent $4.5 million to bolster vulnerable Republicans and attack moderate Democrats for urging action on Garland. The muscular spending from GOP-backed groups shows how dug-in conservatives are over their Garland blockade, and has helped keep almost all Senate Republicans moving in lockstep. Other than a series of perfunctory meetings with Republicans, parliamentary progress on Garland has been completely stopped. Now, with many Senate races shifting from primaries toward the general election, the battles for control of the Senate and filling the Supreme Court seat have become tightly intertwined. Ted Cruz at a Crossroads as He Returns to the Senate NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ JENNIFER STEINHAUER Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is expected to return to the Capitol this week, the last of four Republican senators battered and beaten by Donald J. Trump to trudge back to the world of meetings over cafeteria cod and roll call votes to name the national mammal. But Mr. Cruz's return is more fraught with curiosity than those of the other three, Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida. He made it the furthest, winning 10 states and coming tantalizingly close to pushing Mr. Trump to a contested convention, only to drop out on the same day the billionaire developer suggested that Mr. Cruz's father had conspired with Lee Harvey Oswald. The party's presumptive nominee had also insulted Mr. Cruz's wife, baselessly alluded to extramarital affairs and labeled him \"Lyin' Ted.\" Now the man who helped create an outsider movement in national politics, only to have it eat him alive by the co-opter of that idea, must decide which group among his fellow lawmakers to join. Will he stand with the hold-your-nose set, as Mr. Paul has done, and support Mr. Trump? Or join forces with \"Never Trump,\" as Senator Graham did on Friday, and publicly decline to get on board? Palin backing Ryan's challenger THE HILL \/\/ KYLE BALLUCK Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said in an interview to be broadcast Sunday that it was \"not a wise decision\" for Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to withhold his support for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. \"His political career is over but for a miracle, because he has so disrespected the American people,\" Palin said of Ryan on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" \"It kind of screws his chances for the 2020 presidential bid that he's gunning for,\" she said. Paul, former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's 2012 running mate, said last Thursday he is \"just not ready\" to support the real estate mogul. \"I think Paul Ryan is soon to be 'Cantored,' as in Eric Cantor,\" Palin, who ran with John McCain on the Republican ticket in 2008, added. Cantor, the former House majority leader, lost his primary bid in Virginia in 2014. \"I will do whatever I can for Paul Nehlen,\" Palin said of Ryan's primary challenger. Sarah Palin says Paul Ryan will soon be 'Cantored' WASHINGTON POST \/\/ SEAN SULLIVAN Sarah Palin said in a television interview broadcast Sunday that she will support Speaker Paul Ryan's primary challenger, and she compared Ryan to former House majority leader Eric Cantor (Va.), who was stunningly defeated in a 2014 primary. \"I think Paul Ryan is soon to be 'Cantored,'\" Palin said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" Cantor lost his primary to now-Rep. Dave Brat. Palin, a former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, backs Donald Trump for president. Ryan said this week that he is not ready to support Trump \u2014 even though he is the presumptive GOP nominee. Trump and Ryan are slated to meet this week. His political career is over but for a miracle, because he has so disrespected the will of the people ... and for him to already come out and say who he will not support was not a wise decision of his,\" Palin added of Ryan. GOP likely to revoke Nevada's early-state status POLITICO \/\/ KYLE CHENEY Nevada is likely to lose its place as the first Western state to vote in the Republican presidential nomination contest, several GOP leaders tell POLITICO. For three successive elections, the state has been grouped in the vaunted class of early-voting states, joining Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina as the bellwethers that garner the most attention from presidential candidates and help winnow voters' choices. But for the third straight primary season, Nevada's caucuses have been wracked by embarrassing procedural errors, low turnout, confusion among attendees and questions about the integrity of the process. Republican National Committee members say there's growing momentum behind an effort to strip Nevada of its early place in line \u2014 handing it instead to either Colorado or Arizona. \"The long knives are out for Nevada,\" said one RNC committeeman. \"Nevada does nothing for us.\" The review of the state's pecking order is likely to be just one piece of the GOP's wholesale review of a nominating process that just produced one of the most acrimonious primary seasons in memory and ended with Donald Trump as the party's nominee. McConnell faces tough decision on criminal justice bill THE HILL \/\/ JORDAIN CARNEY Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is under increasing pressure to bring up a revised criminal justice bill despite staunch opposition from conservatives in his own caucus. The Republican leader has been careful not to take a side on the legislation, even though his second-in-command, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), is one of the bill's chief supporters. The normally tight-lipped McConnell will need to walk a fine line as he weighs his decision: Is it worth potentially netting another bipartisan victory ahead of the election \u2014 when Republicans have to defend 24 Senate seats \u2014 if it would put divisions within his own party under a spotlight? In addition to vocal pushback from a handful of GOP senators \u2014 including firebrands such as Tom Cotton (Ark.) and Ted Cruz (Texas) \u2014 it could put Senate Republicans on a collision course with Donald Trump. The GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, not known for policy specifics, hasn't weighed in on the Senate's bill; however, his previous law-and-order leanings are at odds with the legislation. NC governor: Feds gave us 'unrealistic' bathroom law deadline THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) said the federal government gave the state an \"unrealistic\" deadline to respond to a letter informing him that the state's bathroom law violates the Civil Rights Act. \"They gave the ninth-largest state in the United States ... three working days to respond to a pretty complex letter and to a pretty big threat,\" McCrory said on \"Fox News Sunday.\" \"We don't think three working days is enough to respond to such a threat.\" McCrory said he asked for an extension on Friday. The Justice Department sent a letter to the governor that says the law violates protections against workplace discrimination based on sex. It gave the governor until Monday to confirm \"that the State will not comply with or implement HB2.\" Many people in support of LGBT rights condemned the law in North Carolina, which requires transgender people to use public bathrooms corresponding to their biological sex. McCrory said in an interview Sunday that the Justice Department agreed to give a one-week extension if the governor admits that the language in the bathroom law does discriminate. In Arizona Senate Race, McCain Contends With Trump's Influence WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ KRISTINA PETERSON Sen. John McCain walked into Ping Inc.'s headquarters on a campaign stop here last week and immediately thanked the Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants who help manufacture its golf clubs. \"I'm grateful that you all are here,\" he said. \"That's what America is all about.\" Minutes later the Arizona Republican reiterated his support for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, whose militant immigration stance has polarized voters, particularly in border states such as Arizona. \"I support the nominee of the party,\" Mr. McCain said, while predicting the state's voters would separate his record from the businessman's provocative stances. \"I'm running my own campaign and the people of Arizona know me.\" Mr. McCain entered his campaign for a sixth Senate term as the clear favorite in a state that has elected him for more than three decades. But the party's 2008 presidential nominee is now almost certain to be in the difficult position of running on the GOP ticket below a man who has clashed with him on immigration, national security, torture and even diminished his time as a prisoner of war. North Carolina Governor Won't Concede That Transgender Law Is Biased NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ ALAN BLINDER Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina is expected to respond on Monday to the Justice Department's warning that a new state law limiting the rights of transgender people is illegal, after he and the federal government failed to reach an agreement that would have allowed him to postpone his reply. Mr. McCrory said that he could not assent to the Justice Department's condition for a one-week extension \u2014 an acknowledgment by him that the law is discriminatory \u2014 and would answer by 5 p.m. on Monday. \"I'm not going to publicly announce that something discriminates, which is agreeing with their letter, because we're really talking about a letter in which they're trying to define gender identity, and there is no clear definition of gender identity,\" Mr. McCrory, a Republican who is seeking re-election this year, said on \"Fox News Sunday.\" \"It's the federal government being a bully.\" The governor said that he was \"discussing all of our legal options, all of our political options,\" and he appeared to rule out the possibility that he would take some kind of independent action to undo the law, or at least limit its enforcement, as some people have suggested. For Merrick Garland and Republicans, a Tango of Praise and Rejection NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ EMMARIE HUETTEMAN Unfailingly punctual, he enters the office without a word. He shakes hands with staff members who rise hastily from their desks, and studies the home state curios on the walls. He is ushered in behind closed doors, and within the hour he leaves as quietly as he came, occasionally slipping out a back exit with his retinue. Then comes the statement, from one Republican senator after another: I had a pleasant visit with Judge Merrick B. Garland. He is an intelligent, talented jurist. However, I cannot support considering his nomination to the Supreme Court. With this tango of praise and rejection, the once sacrosanct process of filling a Supreme Court seat has taken a surreal turn. In the past, even eyebrow-raising nominees received a hearing and a vote. But Senate Republican leaders have said for nearly two months that Judge Garland, a relatively uncontroversial nominee, will get neither. White House officials have not blinked in this staring contest. They have scheduled meetings with any senator who will return their messages \u2014 46 to date, including 14 Republicans. This to-and-fro has left Judge Garland, broadly regarded as a leading legal mind, looking a little like the earnest leaflet-clutching visitors who hope to raise awareness for their cause and grab a sandwich in the Senate cafeteria. The situation seems poised to grow only more complicated, with Donald J. Trump wearing the fire-engine-red baseball cap of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. 2016 Democrats Decision time for FBI on Clinton THE HILL \/\/ JULIAN HATTEM The FBI investigation swirling around Hillary Clinton's presidential run appears to have entered its final stages. Many of the former secretary of State's top aides have been interviewed over the course of the last month, and Clinton herself is expected to answer investigators' questions about her use of a private email server in the coming days or weeks. Former officials and legal experts say the Democratic front-runner's testimony will likely be the final puzzle piece for federal prosecutors and FBI investigators as they decide whether to file any charges over her use of a personal email server while secretary of State. \"This certainly sends the signal that they are nearing an end to their investigation,\" said Steven Levin, a former federal prosecutor and current partner at the law firm Levin & Curlett. Though FBI officials have said Clinton is not the target of the probe, they would want to be as prepared as possible before going in to interview her, Levin said. The year of the hated: Clinton and Trump, two intensely disliked candidates, begin their face-off WASHINGTON POST \/\/ DAVID WEIGEL In the end, it was the voters of Indiana last week who effectively gave the country the outcome that had loomed for months. The 2016 election will likely put Hillary Clinton, who is disliked by a majority of voters, against Donald Trump, disliked by another and more intense majority of voters. If the rise of Trump has no obvious precedent, neither does an election like this. Clinton, whose buoyant favorable ratings in the State Department convinced some Democrats that she could win easily, is now viewed as unfavorably as George W. Bush was in his close 2004 reelection bid. Trump is even less liked, with negative ratings among nonwhite voters not seen since the 1964 campaign of Barry Goldwater. \"In the history of polling, we've basically never had a candidate viewed negatively by half of the electorate,\" wrote Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) in a widely shared note that asked someone, anyone, to mount a third-party run. \"There are dumpster fires in my town more popular than these two 'leaders.' \" Clinton: No contact from FBI in email server investigation THE HILL \/\/ KYLE BALLUCK Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said in an interview broadcast Sunday that she has not been in contact with the FBI over its investigation into the private email server she used while secretary of State. \"No one has reached out to me yet, but last summer, I think last August, I made it clear I'm more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime,\" she said on CBS's \"Face the Nation. \"And I've encouraged \u2026 all of \u2026 my assistants \u2026 to be \u2026 very forthcoming. And I hope that this is close to being wrapped up.\" \"So nobody said, 'Hillary Clinton, we'd like to sit down and talk to you' from the FBI?\" host John Dickerson asked. \"Not at this point,\" Clinton responded. Many of the former secretary of State's top aides have been interviewed in the past few weeks, as the FBI investigation appears to have entered its final stages. Clinton herself is expected to answer questions in the coming days or weeks. Clinton said she would tell voters concerned about the issues what she has said \"for many, many months.\" Clinton Threads Needle With Pitches to Sanders Fans, Republicans BLOOMBERG \/\/ BEN BRODY Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said she sees \"a great role\" for Bernie Sanders and his supporters in a \"unified party,\" even as she said she welcomed Republicans who are not supporting presumptive nominee Donald Trump. Days after Trump's remaining Republican competitors exited the race, the former secretary of state continues to battle for her party's nomination against the Vermont senator, who has taken several positions to her left on economic issues. \"Obviously I'm reaching out to Democrats, Republicans, independents, all voters who want a candidate who is running a campaign based on issues,\" Clinton said in an interview with CBS's \"Face the Nation\" broadcast on Sunday. Clinton said she and Sanders have similar views on issues, including raising the minimum wage and reining \"in bad actors on Wall Street and in corporate America.\" She said she wants to unify Democrats around those issues. \"I see a great role and opportunity for him and his supporters to be part of that unified party to move into not just November to win the election against Donald Trump, but to then govern based on the progressive goals that he and I share,\" she said. Hillary Clinton Says She Is Available for F.B.I. Interviews Over Emails NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ ALEXANDER BURNS Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the F.B.I. had not asked to interview her as part of its inquiry into her use of a personal email server as secretary of state. But Mrs. Clinton reiterated on CBS's \"Face the Nation\" that she would make herself available to law enforcement officials as necessary. The investigation into Mrs. Clinton's email practices and her handling of classified intelligence has shadowed her presidential campaign, and CNN reported last week that she was likely to be interviewed soon by the F.B.I. Mrs. Clinton said on Sunday that no meeting had been requested or scheduled. \"No one has reached out to me yet,\" she said, adding, \"I made it clear that I'm more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime, and I've encouraged all of my assistants to be very forthcoming.\" As she has done in the past, Mrs. Clinton said she had erred in setting up a private email server but said she \"always took classified material seriously.\" But Mrs. Clinton also sought to turn around the scrutiny she was facing, arguing that it was time for the Republican candidate Donald J. Trump to face similar examination. Mr. Trump, she noted, had not released his tax returns, as is customary for presidential candidates. For Clinton, beating Trump isn't a slam dunk CNN \/\/ JULIAN ZELIZER There are many reasons why Democrats should feel good about the election now that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. Even before GOP voters went for Trump, the Electoral College math tended to favor the Democrats. Republicans will be playing catch up. Trump has also deeply divided the Republican Party, with many of the most prominent leaders refusing to endorse him. Usually when parties divide this badly they lose. Unlike almost any other Republican in the current age of polarization, Trump has the potential to generate a backlash of Republican voters against their own party, causing them to either stay home on Election Day or, even worse for the party, consider voting for the Democratic nominee. Yet with all of these advantages, Democrats should be extremely careful about becoming overconfident. There are many reasons that Democrats should fear Trump and anticipate a campaign that is much closer and much tougher than they are expecting. For Clinton, the general election is about married women. Starting in swing-state Virginia. WASHINGTON POST \/\/ ANNE GEARAN In the fight for the votes of suburban women, there is no more representative place than Loudoun County, the ticket-splitting bedroom community in swing-state Virginia that Hillary Clinton will visit Monday \u2014 and no better foil for her argument, perhaps, than Donald Trump. Affluent suburban women are a key audience for Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, as she seeks to use Trump's polarizing statements about women, immigrants and others against him. Clinton will hold a discussion about jobs, schools and other concerns in a bellwether county that narrowly supported President Obama's reelection in 2012 and helped elect a Republican critic of Obama, Rep. Barbara Comstock, to Congress two years later. Comstock has disavowed Trump but isn't backing Clinton. The presidential candidate is hoping that women who think much as Comstock does about national security, the role of government and women's equality will make that leap, though, and help her win Virginia. Financial Sector Gives Hillary Clinton a Boost WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ BRODY MULLINS AND REBECCA BALLHAUS Hillary Clinton is consolidating her support among Wall Street donors and other businesses ahead of a general-election battle with Donald Trump, winning more campaign contributions from financial-services executives in the most recent fundraising period than all other candidates combined. The Democratic front-runner has raised $4.2 million in total from Wall Street, $344,000 of which was contributed in March alone. According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of fundraising data provided by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, the former secretary of state received 53% of the donations from Wall Street in March, up from 32% last year and 33% in January through February, as the nominating contests began. The analysis of campaign-finance reports shows that some Wall Street donors have shifted their financial support from Republican candidates who dropped out of the race, such as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, to Mrs. Clinton in recent months. Clinton explains 'loose cannon' attack on Trump POLITICO \/\/ AUSTIN WRIGHT Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton explained her oft-repeated line that Donald Trump is a \"loose cannon\" in a pre-taped interview with CBS News' \"Face the Nation\" that focused much more on the presumptive GOP nominee than Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. \"Being a loose cannon means saying that other nations should go ahead and acquire nuclear weapons for themselves \u2014 when that is the last thing we need in the world today,\" Clinton said in the interview, airing Sunday. \"Being a loose cannon is saying we should pull out of NATO \u2014 the strongest military alliance in the history of the world, and something that we really need to modernize, but not abandon.\" Clinton was referencing remarks Trump has made suggesting Japan and South Korea should develop their own nuclear weapons rather than relying on the United States to defend them against North Korea. Trump has also questioned the continued existence of NATO, calling the 28-nation alliance \"obsolete.\" Clinton: Trump's GOP critics 'respect' the office THE HILL \/\/ KYLE BALLUCK Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Republican criticism of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is not \"personal\" but \"rooted in\" critics' \"respect for the office.\" \"I have to say the Republicans themselves are raising questions about their presumptive nominee. And I think that's in large measure ... because they do understand how hard the job of being president is,\" Clinton told CBS's \"Face the Nation.\" \"When you have former presidents, when you have high-ranking Republican officials in Congress raising questions about their nominee, I don't think it's personal so much as rooted in their respect for the office and their deep concern about what kind of leader he would be.\" Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) last Thursday said he is \"just not ready\" to support Trump, who became the presumptive nominee with a win in Indiana's primary, knocking rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich out of the race. Other high-profile Republicans have vowed never to back the real estate mogul. Clinton camp: Trump's tax plan would overwhelmingly benefit wealthiest THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday slammed Donald Trump's tax plan, saying it would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans. \"Don't believe Donald Trump's weak attempts at a general election 'makeover' for even a second,\" Clinton's deputy communications director, Christina Reynolds, said in a statement. \"Trump's economic plans take direct aim at working Americans \u2014 his proposal to cut trillions in taxes for the top one percent would almost certainly come at the expense of working and middle class families. Americans just can't afford Trump's economic plans.\" Citizens for Tax Justice said under Trump's proposed tax plan, the top 1 percent of Americans would get 34 percent of the tax cuts, according to a release. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said the presumptive GOP nominee's plan would create \"extremely large and unprecedented tax-cut windfalls\" for millionaires which would come \"almost certainly\" at the expense of low and middle income households. Trump said an interview broadcast Sunday there will be changes to his tax plan after negotiations. Clinton's wonky policies of fine-grained complexity contrast with rivals' grandiose ideas WASHINGTON POST \/\/ DAVID A. FAHRENTHOLD Hillary Clinton's official campaign platform is now twice as long as \"Hamlet\": seventy-three thousand six hundred forty-five words of policy ideas. One hundred seventy-four pages. And growing. But, at its heart, this wordy list amounts to a statement of Clinton's confidence in two things. The status quo. And the federal bureaucracy. The other two candidates left in this presidential race want to overhaul American government. Clinton mainly wants to tinker with its parts. In many cases, her plans involve adding small \u2014 but intricate \u2014 new tasks for the bureaucracy, designed to make government smarter, more generous and more just. To crack down on Wall Street, for instance, Clinton would expand a particular regulatory form. The form already is 42 pages long and can require up to 300 hours to fill out. If Congress doesn't overhaul immigration, Clinton's plan is to allow undocumented residents to walk into local federal offices and ask for help. Already-busy bureaucrats \u2014 armed with guidelines that nobody has written yet \u2014 would make millions of new decisions about who can stay. This approach says a lot about Clinton's worldview, after 23 years in and around Washington. To her, complexity is realism. Oil magnate: 'I'm amused' by Clinton wanting to move away from fossil fuels THE HILL \/\/ EVELYN RUPERT Oil mogul T. Boone Pickens slammed Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton for her saying she wants to move the country away from fossil fuels. \"I'm amused when I hear last night Hillary Clinton says we are going to get rid of coal. We're going to get rid of all fossil fuels,\" Pickens said in an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis that aired Sunday. \"You want to stop the music at that point and say, 'Look, what are you going to replace it with?' She has no idea.\" Clinton has said the U.S. should \"move away\" from coal and all the other fossil fuels. \"You get rid of fossil fuels, and you'll stop the world,\" Pickens said. \"That's the only thing that's going to move that 18-wheeler, is diesel or natural gas.\" Dem convention host: Sanders supporters better 'behave themselves' when he loses THE HILL \/\/ HARPER NEIDIG The chairman of the Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee for this summer's Democratic National Convention said supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have to \"behave themselves\" when the Vermont senator loses the nomination. During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, Ed Rendell, a former Pennsylvania governor and Democratic National Committee chairman, laid out his vision for how the convention would play out. \"I think it's gonna be a great convention, but of course the key to it is the Sanders people. Bernie's gonna have his name placed in nomination; we're gonna have a roll call; there's gonna be a demonstration in support of Bernie; he's gonna lose the roll call,\" he said. \"His supporters have to behave and not cause trouble. And I think they will, and I think Sen. Sanders will send them a strong message.\" Sanders is trailing Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton by 774 total delegates. Clinton is just 155 delegates from clinching the nomination. Democrats, don't celebrate Trump's nomination. Fear it. WASHINGTON POST \/\/ FRED HIATT I know the polls say Donald Trump cannot win. But what if we are looking at the wrong poll question? What if Trump's overwhelming negatives don't matter? Or, to put it another way, what if the country's negatives matter more? Right now, about 6 in 10 Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump, and only 36 percent view him positively. But the country is faring even worse. In the most recent average of polls calculated by RealClearPolitics, 26.9 percent of Americans think the nation is headed in the right direction and 64.9 percent think we are heading down the wrong track. So what if even voters who respect Hillary Clinton's competence reject her as the embodiment of business as usual? And what if even voters who do not like Trump's bigotry or bluster care more that he will, in their view, shake things up? Sure, these voters might tell themselves, he may be crude, or inconsistent, or ill-informed. He may insult women and Hispanics and other groups. But it's part of a shtick. He probably doesn't mean half of it. He's just an entertainer. The desire to send a message of disgust or disapproval, in other words, could lead voters to overlook, discount, wish away or excuse many Trump sins. Clinton's Bid for Democratic Unity a Tough Sell Among Some Sanders Supporters BLOOMBERG \/\/ MARGARET TALEV AND ARIT JOHN With every pledge to unify the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton is acknowledging one of her biggest challenges between now and November: getting millions of Bernie Sanders' fans to give her their votes. The Clinton campaign is still trying to figure out exactly what Sanders wants in exchange for rallying his supporters to her side. In recent weeks, he's suggested that Clinton can't expect them to just fall in line, but he hasn't enumerated exactly what he believes would draw them in. He hasn't said which of his policy positions is most important for her to adopt or at least shift closer toward, or what other moves she could make that would satisfy him. With 13 nominating contests still to go, and Sanders vowing to fight on, Clinton's campaign is taking a soft-sell approach, and waiting for a clear signal of intentions from the Vermont Senator. GOP operatives on the prowl for secret Clinton transcripts THE HILL \/\/ JONATHAN SWAN Republican operatives are scouring the country for transcripts, notes or secret recordings of Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to Goldman Sachs in hopes of finding damaging material for the general election. Clinton has rebuffed calls from Bernie Sanders to release the transcripts of her three speeches to the Wall Street giant, which she delivered in 2013 to the tune of $225,000 per appearance. She has repeatedly said she will release the transcripts of her paid speeches when all the presidential candidates agree to do so. Republican opposition researchers have taken matters into their own hands, aggressively seeking any information about the speeches, including from Goldman employees who were in the room. Ian Prior, the communications director for the well-funded Republican group American Crossroads, said information about the Goldman Sachs speeches could prove cataclysmic for the Democratic Party. Finding and releasing the transcripts \"would be a heck of a way to outflank Hillary on her left [in a general election] and stop Bernie's supporters from voting for her,\" he said. \"Just mail the Goldman Sachs transcripts to every Bernie supporter. There's your targeted mail program right there.\" Clinton's campaign did not respond to a request for comment for this story. Her team has never disputed that Clinton, as part of her contracts for the speeches, required that they not be taped in any form. The contracts also stated that the transcriptions would be kept solely in her possession. While the hunt for the transcripts is on, Republican operatives acknowledge they've come up empty so far. 2016 Republicans Manafort: 'We have plenty of time to put the party together' THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY Donald Trump's convention manager, Paul Manafort, said it will take time for the Republican Party to unite behind the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. \"To expect everyone to come together the day after the primary process ended, it was a bit unrealistic,\" Manafort said in an interview on \"Fox News Sunday.\" \"But, frankly, I'm very pleased to say that it's happening even faster than we thought.\" Manafort said Republican leaders in Washington were saying a week ago there was going to be a contested convention. When Trump won the Indiana primary last Tuesday, he added, the race ended \"much sooner than anybody expected, except maybe the people supporting Donald Trump.\" Following Trump's win, the candidate's former rivals, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, ended their presidential bids. \"So Washington was in a little bit of an uncertain phase ... but it's a healing process that will happen over time,\" Manafort said. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said last week he was \"just not ready\" to support Trump. Several other Republican leaders have come out since and said they don't plan to support Trump as the nominee of their party. The GOP's electoral-map problem is not about Trump. It's about demographics. WASHINGTON POST \/\/ CHRIS CILLIZZA Republicans have a major electoral-map problem in November. Major. Donald Trump's victory last week in Indiana's primary not only effectively sealed the GOP nomination for the real estate billionaire but also brought into sharp relief how difficult it will be for any Republican to get to 270 electoral votes and beat Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president this fall. Start here: Eighteen states plus the District of Columbia have voted for the Democratic presidential nominee in every election between 1992 and 2012. Add them up, and you get 242 electoral votes. By contrast, 13 states have voted for the Republican presidential nominee in each of the past six elections. Total them up and you get 102 electoral votes. There are two important takeaways from these facts: The generic Democratic nominee starts with an electoral vote lead of 140, and the Democratic nominee needs to find only 28 votes beyond that reliable base to win the presidency. Donald Trump breaks the GOP POLITICO \/\/ ELI STOKOLS It was as shocking as it was predictable after a year of slow-motion build-up\u2014the dramatic splitting apart of the Grand Old Party in the 72 hours after Donald Trump became its presumptive nominee. When asked Friday if the organization he now leads is officially Trump's party, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus responded with pithy double-speak befitting this dystopian moment in our politics. \"It's the party's party,\" Priebus said. Whatever party Priebus was speaking of is currently in tatters. There is no more denying that Trump will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee. But there is still plenty of denial when it comes to accepting the more fundamental issue at hand: that the fractious coalition of conservatives that we used to know as the Republican Party is, after a decade of fraying ties between the Washington-based establishment and its base, is now comprised of two separate coalitions. There are those mainstream conservatives still tethered to the party's ideological history of limited government, free trade and a hawkish foreign policy; and there is the conservative base that is increasingly resentful of elites of all stripes, voters unmoored from ideology and drawn to Trump's charisma, fearlessness and a populist, angry brand of neo-nationalism. 'There's nobody left': Evangelicals feel abandoned by GOP after Trump's ascent WASHINGTON POST \/\/ KATIE ZEZIMA Pastor Gary Fuller planned a Sunday service heavy on politics, including a speech by the pastor father of Sen. Ted Cruz. But after a week when Cruz abruptly dropped out of the race, his father scrapped his appearance here and Donald Trump became the Republican Party's standard bearer, a dismayed Fuller kept the political portion short. \"Vote according to your convictions,\" Fuller told congregants at Gentle Shepherd Baptist Church who will cast ballots in Nebraska's presidential primary Tuesday. \"What you believe is the right thing to vote for, according to the scriptures.\" Fuller told congregants that the church can't and won't promote one candidate over another. But he has already cast an early ballot for Cruz and has a hard time stomaching Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee. \"In a sense, we feel abandoned by our party,\" he said. \"There's nobody left.\" Johnson sees third-party candidacy as 'opportunity' THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson said in an interview on Sunday he sees a third-party candidacy as an opportunity, instead of as a threat. \"Well, I think it is a real opportunity. I do think that [Hillary] Clinton and [Donald] Trump are the two most polarizing figures in politics today,\" Johnson, who is expected to win the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination later this year, said on ABC's \"This Week.\" \"And when 50 percent of Americans now declare themselves as independent, I happen to think that they're libertarian; it's just that they don't know it,\" he continued. \"Look, fiscally responsible, fiscally conservative, small government and then individual choices \u2014 freedom, liberty. Persons should be making choices in their own lives, not the government.\" Johnson noted he doesn't think he'd take more votes from Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, than from Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. \"It draws from both sides and \u2014 and at the end of the day, 50 percent of Americans say they're independent,\" he said. Trump: Bush, Graham made a pledge POLITICO \/\/ AUSTIN WRIGHT Presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said two of his now-vanquished challengers, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham, made pledges to support the eventual nominee \u2014 and their decisions not to endorse him were \"a question of honor.\" \"Jeb Bush signed a pledge \u2014 a binding pledge,\" Trump said in a pre-taped interview on NBC News' \"Meet the Press.\" \"Lindsey Graham signed a binding pledge that they would endorse. That they would support and endorse. That's what it says. Now they're breaking. You know, that's a question of honor.\" In the interview airing Sunday, Trump also said he was \"blindsided\" by House Speaker Paul Ryan's announcement last week that he wasn't ready to endorse the real-estate mogul. \"I was blindsided a little bit, because he spoke to me three weeks ago, and it was a very nice call, a very encouraging call,\" Trump said. \"And then all of a sudden, he gets on and he does this number. So I'm not exactly sure what he has in mind.\" Trump, who once opposed minimum-wage hike, says he would 'like to see an increase' WASHINGTON POST \/\/ SEAN SULLIVAN Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said in television interviews broadcast Sunday that he would like an increase in the minimum wage and that it is best that such a change happen at the state level. In the past, Trump has opposed upping the minimum wage. But in recent days, he has increasingly warmed to the idea. \"I have seen what's going on, and I don't know how people make it on $7.25,\" said Trump on NBC's \"Meet the Press,\" referencing the federal minimum hourly wage. \"With that being said, I would like to see an increase of some magnitude, but I'd rather leave it to the states. Let the states decide.\" Speaking on ABC's \"This Week With George Stephanopoulos,\" the business mogul said, \"I haven't decided in terms of numbers, but I think people have to get more.\" Trump envisions changes to tax plan THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said in an interview broadcast Sunday that there will be changes to his tax plan after negotiations. \"By the time it gets negotiated, it's going to be a different plan,\" Trump said on ABC's \"This Week.\" According to the candidate's plan, the tax rate for the wealthiest people in the country would drop from 39.6 percent to 25 percent. But he said that would likely change. \"On my plan, they're going down. But by the time it's negotiated, they'll go up,\" Trump said. \"Look, when I'm negotiating with the Democrats, I'm putting in a plan. I'm putting in my optimum plan. It's going to be negotiated. ... It's not going to stay there. They're not going to say, 'There's your plan, let's approve it.' They're going to say, 'Let's see what we can do.' \" He said the most important parts of his tax plan include lowering taxes on businesses and the middle class. He said he'll \"try and keep everything,\" adding that the country is the \"highest-taxed nation in the world.\" Trump: My tax plan is negotiable POLITICO \/\/ AUSTIN WRIGHT Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday his tax plan was negotiable, explaining that taxes for the wealthy needed to \"go up\" \u2014 a stance that appears to contradict what's in his plan. \"For the wealthy, I think, frankly, it's going to go up. And you know what, it really should go up,\" Trump said on NBC News' \"Meet the Press.\" His said his tax plan, which would lower tax rates for the wealthiest Americans, would be the opening bid of a negotiation with Congress and that his numbers were a \"floor.\" \"I have to negotiate now with senators and congressmen and lots of -- the fact that I put in a plan, it really is a floor,\" he said. \"That's what it is. Whether we like it or not. \"We lower the number of brackets,\" he continued. \"We lower the taxes on the middle class, on business. And we lower the taxes on everybody, very substantially. But I have no illusions. I don't think that's going to be the final plan. Because they are going to come to me, including the Democrats and everybody else, they're going to come to me. They're going to want to negotiate.\" McCain: Trump could be a 'capable leader' POLITICO \/\/ AUSTIN WRIGHT Sen. John McCain said in an interview aired Sunday he believes Donald Trump \"could be a capable leader\" and reiterated his stance that he will \"support the nominee\" of the Republican Party. The Arizona Republican seemed more resigned than ever to the fact that that nominee will be Trump. \"You have to listen to the people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican Party,\" McCain said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" \"I think it would be foolish to ignore them.\" But McCain, who was the 2008 GOP presidential nominee, said he still had some reservations about Trump, including the insults he hurls at political opponents. \"I have never seen a personalization of a campaign like this one, where people's integrity and character are questioned,\" McCain said. \"It bothers me a lot. You can violently almost disagree with someone on an issue, but to attack their character and integrity \u2014 those wounds take a long time to heal.\" Asked whether he would appear at campaign events with Trump, McCain said a lot of things would have to happen first, including Trump retracting a statement he made about U.S. prisoners of war. Last July, the real-estate mogul said McCain was \"not a war hero\" for the five-and-a-half years he spent as a prisoner during the Vietnam War. Trump rejects federal floor on minimum wage THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he supports a higher minimum wage, but said he thinks the decision should be left to state governments. \"I don't know how people make it on $7.25 an hour. Now, with that being said, I would like to see an increase of some magnitude,\" the billionaire said Sunday on NBC's \"Meet the Press.\" \"But I'd rather leave it to the states. Let the states decide.\" He said he wouldn't support a federal minimum wage \"floor.\" \"I'd rather have the states go out and do what they have to do,\" Trump said. \"And the states compete with each other, not only other countries, but they compete with each other. \"So I like the idea of let the states decide, but I think people should get more,\" Trump said. \"I think they're out there. They're working. It is a very low number.\" Donald Trump Won't Rule Out Effort to Remove Paul Ryan as Convention Chairman NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ ALEXANDER BURNS Donald J. Trump said he would not rule out an effort to remove Representative Paul D. Ryan as chairman of the Republican National Convention if he did not endorse Mr. Trump's candidacy. Mr. Trump stopped short of calling for Mr. Ryan, the speaker of the House, to step down from his convention role. But in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC's \"Meet the Press,\" Mr. Trump said there could be consequences in the event that Mr. Ryan continued withholding his support. \"I will give you a very solid answer, if that happens, about one minute after that happens, O.K.?\" Mr. Trump said. \"There's no reason to give it right now, but I'll be very quick with the answer.\" Mr. Trump has shown little interest over the last few days in placating his critics inside the party, including Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryan, a representative from Wisconsin, said on Thursday that he was not ready to endorse Mr. Trump, citing reservations about his political style and policy agenda. The two men are scheduled to meet privately in Washington next week. Trump ramps up attack, turns to Bill Clinton's impeachment THE HILL \/\/ KYLE BALLUCK Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump late Saturday ramped up his latest line of attack on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, turning to former President Bill Clinton's impeachment. \"She's married to a man who got impeached for lying,\" Trump told supporters in Spokane, Wash. \"He was impeached, and he had to go through a whole big process, and it wasn't easy. He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman,\" he added. Trump said the former secretary of State was an \"enabler\" who \"treated these women horribly.\" \"Some of those women were destroyed \u2026 by the way Hillary Clinton treated them after it went down,\" he said. \"There is nobody that has more respect for women than me,\" said Trump, who is under pressure to repair his poor standing among female voters and stave off potential attacks from Clinton. Trump: 'I don't know how people make it on $7.25 an hour' POLITICO \/\/ AUSTIN WRIGHT Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday he wants to see the minimum wage increased but would rather it be done by the states than the federal government. The presumptive GOP presidential nominee's openness to increases in the minimum wage is a reversal from his previous stance that the minimum wage should not be raised, including when he famously pronounced during a debate last year that wages were \"too high.\" On NBC News' \"Meet the Press,\" Trump said his reversal was the result of traveling around the country talking to working-class people. \"I have seen what's going on,\" he said. \"And I don't know how people make it on $7.25 an hour. Now, with that being said, I would like to see an increase of some magnitude. But I'd rather leave it to the states. Let the states decide.\" Aide: Trump won't allow 'hypocrisy' on the 'women's issue' THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY Donald Trump's convention manager, Paul Manafort, said the presumptive GOP presidential nominee won't let Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton make the claim that he's against women. \"Donald Trump has made it very clear,\" Manafort said on \"Fox News Sunday.\" \"He's not going to allow hypocrisy on the women's issue. He's not going to let Hillary make the case that he's against women and she's this defender of women's rights.\" Manafort touted Trump's hiring of women for leadership positions in his business empire. \"He is not anti-women. He's very pro-women ... pro-women more so than her because he's pro-women with actions, not words,\" Manafort said. \"And so for her to go after him on being anti-women \u2014 he's going to go back and talk about some of the things that she did that are less consistent as far as being pro-women,\" he said. He also defended Trump's response to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who last week slammed Trump, saying she would \"fight my heart out\" to stop his \"toxic stew of hatred and insecurity\" from getting to the White House. GOP senator: Trump should 'soften' position on Muslims THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) is calling on presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to soften his position on Muslims, saying a ban is \"unconstitutional.\" \"He's got to soften his position there,\" Flake said on NBC's \"Meet the Press\" Sunday. \"I mean, a total and complete ban on Muslims \u2014 that is a religious test that is certainly against the Constitution. \"And it is the last thing we should do if we want to win a war on terrorism,\" Flake said. \"So it's constitutionally wrong, and also, strategically, it's just not a smart thing to do.\" Trump last Wednesday doubled down on the ban, saying he doesn't care if it hurts him in the general election. \"I don't care if it hurts me. I'm doing the right thing when I do this. And whether it's Muslim or whether it's something else, I mean, I have to do the right thing, and that's the way I've been guided,\" Trump said. Flake has been critical of Trump, calling some of his positions \"nutty\" and \"difficult to swallow.\" McCain: GOP would be 'foolish' to ignore voters THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN John McCain chastised Republican leaders for not backing presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying Sunday that the voters have spoken. \"You have to listen to people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican Party,\" the Arizona senator and 2008 GOP nominee said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" \"I think it would be foolish to ignore them.\" Responding to comments from Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), both of whom have refused to back Trump thus far, McCain said there's a disconnect between party leaders and the electorate. \"You have to draw the conclusion that there is some distance, if not a disconnect, between party leaders and members of Congress and the many voters who have selected Donald Trump to be the nominee of the party,\" McCain said. McCain: Trump needs to apologize to POWs THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN John McCain, the GOP's 2008 presidential nominee, said Sunday that Donald Trump could be a capable president, but that the billionaire needs to \"heal many of the wounds\" he opened during his tumultuous campaign. \"I think it's obvious there has to be outreach on his part to heal many of the wounds,\" the Arizona senator said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" \"Frankly, I have never seen ... a campaign like this one, where people's integrity and character are questioned. \"That bothers me a lot. It bothers me a lot because you can violently disagree with someone on an issue, but to attack their character and integrity, those wounds take a long time to heal.\" One group that needs an apology, McCain said, are prisoners of war. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, sparked criticism when he mocked McCain's military service last summer, saying, \"I like people who weren't captured.\" Donald Trump's Warning to Paul Ryan Signals Further G.O.P. Discord NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ JEREMY W. PETERS The widening rift in the Republican Party grew deeper on Sunday and threatened to upset the July convention as Donald J. Trump refused to rule out removing Paul D. Ryan, the speaker of the House, as the convention's chairman. Mr. Trump's warning was his latest affront to Republicans who have urged him to adopt a more cooperative and unifying tone. And it amounted to an extraordinary escalation in tensions between the party's presumptive nominee and its highest-ranking officeholder. In a series of television interviews that aired Sunday, Mr. Trump demonstrated little interest in making peace with party leaders like Mr. Ryan who have called on him to more convincingly lay out his commitment to the issues and ideas that have animated the conservative movement for the last generation. \"I'm going to do what I have to do \u2014 I have millions of people that voted for me,\" Mr. Trump said on ABC's \"This Week.\" \"So I have to say true to my principles also. And I'm a conservative, but don't forget, this is called the Republican Party. It's not called the Conservative Party.\" Trump 'blindsided' by Ryan's comments THE HILL \/\/ KYLE BALLUCK Donald Trump said in an interview early Sunday he was \"blindsided\" by Speaker Paul Ryan's comments that he is not ready to support the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. \"I mean, to be honest, I like Paul Ryan,\" Trump said on NBC's \"Meet the Press.\" \"I think he's a very good guy. He called me three weeks ago, and he was so supportive. It was amazing. And I never thought a thing like this. \"I'm never stunned by anything that happens in politics,\" he added. \"Yeah, I was blindsided a little bit, because he spoke to me three weeks ago, and it was a very nice call, a very encouraging call. I was doing well. He called me, I think, to congratulate me about New York, 'cause I won by massive numbers. I won everything. And then the next week, I won the five states in a row by all landslide numbers.\" Trump said he has a \"nice relationship\" with the Wisconsin Republican, adding that he is \"not exactly sure what he has in mind.\" Trump would not say whether he thinks Ryan should be the chairman of the Republican National Convention this July if he can't support the billionaire. John McCain Demands Donald Trump Make Amends to Veterans NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ ALEXANDER BURNS Senator John McCain of Arizona called on Donald J. Trump to make amends to veterans for his belittling comments about prisoners of war and suggested he would be unlikely to appear on a stage with Mr. Trump until that happened. Mr. McCain has committed to supporting Mr. Trump as the Republican nominee for president. But in an interview that aired on CNN's \"State of the Union\" on Sunday, Mr. McCain expressed deep dismay at the tenor of the Republican presidential race, saying Mr. Trump make amends to \"a body of American heroes\" he had offended. Mr. Trump mocked Mr. McCain last summer for having been captured and imprisoned during the Vietnam War, saying that he preferred \"people who weren't captured.\" Mr. McCain, who was the Republican presidential nominee in 2008, told CNN that he was personally indifferent to Mr. Trump's ridicule but that he could not abide the affront to veterans in general. Asked if he would appear on the campaign trail with Mr. Trump, Mr. McCain said \"a lot of things would have to happen\" first. Veterans call on Trump to show respect THE HILL \/\/ REBECCA SAVRANSKY More than 50 veterans released a statement Sunday calling on presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump to show respect for the country's veterans and donate the millions of dollars he allegedly raised during a fundraiser several months ago. \"Donald Trump recently discovered a new love for America's veterans, promising that a Trump administration will 'treat them really, really well,'\" the statement released by Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's campaign said. \"Yet after a publicity stunt earlier this year when he ditched a GOP debate to hold an event on behalf of veterans, his campaign still hasn't distributed more than half of the $6 million dollars it allegedly raised.\" The statement signed by veterans, including Democratic Reps. Ruben Gallego and Seth Moulton, said Trump's campaign doesn't even know where the money raised during that event went. Earlier this year, Trump skipped the seventh Republican presidential debate over disagreements with the host network, Fox News. Instead, he held a fundraiser for raise money for military veterans. A report in March said Trump had donated less than half of the $6 million he raised for military veterans during the late January fundraiser. About $3 million was given to 24 charities the presumptive nominee chose, according to the report. Palin: 'I don't want to be a burden on the ticket' THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Sunday she likely wouldn't consider being presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's running mate. \"Well, I want to help and not hurt, and I am such a realist that I realize there are a whole lot of people out there who would say 'anybody but Palin,' \" Palin said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" Palin, who ran on the 2008 ticket with GOP nominee John McCain, said she thinks many would see her candidacy as a burden. \"I don't want to be a burden on the ticket, and I realize in many eyes, I would be a burden,\" she said. \"I just want the guy to win, and I don't know if I would be the person to help him win.\" When asked if she would consider being vetted by the Trump campaign for the position, she said she thinks she's \"pretty much as vetted as anybody in the country could be vetted already.\" \"I think there are so many great people in America who could serve in this country [as vice president.]\" Trump: Romney is ungrateful for my help in 2012 THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMANN Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday called Mitt Romney \"ungrateful\" for his support in 2012, hitting back at the 2012 GOP nominee for refusing to support the billionaire's candidacy. \"I believe I won for him, or helped him win, fives states that he was going to lose in the primaries. ... He was ungrateful,\" Trump said on NBC's \"Meet the Press.\" \"What happened is I was rough on Mitt because I didn't think they treated me properly. I helped him, really helped him. Gave him a lot of money. Helped him with robocalls. Every single robocall I made, he won that state. Every single speech I made, he won the state, in terms of the primaries.\" A Romney aide told The Hill last week that the former Massachusetts governor doesn't plan to attend the Republican National Convention in July after months of blasting Trump. Trump's empty administration POLITICO \/\/ DARREN SAMUELSOHN AND BEN WHITE Top Republican political leaders aren't the only ones shunning their party's presidential nominee \u2014 a vast number of highly skilled managers and policy experts, veterans of recent GOP administrations who would normally be expected to fill key positions for a new White House, are also vowing to sit out a Donald Trump presidency. And while the failure of the two Presidents Bush or House Speaker Paul Ryan to endorse the presumptive nominee carries political consequences, the absence of policy veterans in a new administration would have a substantive effect on the running of government. Politico interviewed nearly five dozen Republicans over the past two weeks \u2014 people with experience working in government and who understand how Congress can enact, or shred, a new president's agenda \u2014 and heard the same sentiment expressed repeatedly. If Trump doesn't change his tune or extend much longer olive branches, many of these government veterans say they intend to cede highly coveted administration posts to less-experienced competitors. Donald Trump's war on the foreign press POLITICO \/\/ BEN SCHRECKINGER AND HADAS GOLD Donald Trump's presidential campaign has captivated \u2013 and disconcerted \u2013 much of the world, but the journalists tasked with translating Trump for a global audience are facing an unexpected barrier: They can't get into his rallies. The nationalist tone of Trump's campaign is being echoed in its press credentialing practices, with foreign media giants regularly denied press access and even blocked from general admission. Meanwhile, local outlets, down to the high school level, find there is plenty of room. The freeze-out is a source of aggravation for foreign reporters, but not all of them are blocked. And the decisions about who is in and who is out do not always match Trump's rhetoric. Indeed, with journalists from Russia, France and Germany all reporting freeze-outs at the same time that Qatari-owned Al Jazeera and Japanese television find their way in, it appears Trump's press office is waging a foreign policy all its own. Tax Shift Marks Trump's Latest Rejection of Conservative Orthodoxy BLOOMBERG \/\/ SAHIL KAPUR Donald Trump made a break from conservative orthodoxy on Sunday when he backed away from proposing large tax cuts for wealthy Americans. \"On my plan they're going down. But by the time it's negotiated, they'll go up,\" the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said on ABC's \"This Week.\" \"I am willing to pay more,\" he said. \"And you know what? The wealthy are willing to pay more. We've had a very good run.\" The remarks depart from the tax plan Trump unveiled in September, which proposed to lower the rate paid by the highest earners from 39.6 percent to 25 percent. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated the plan would cost $9.5 trillion over a decade and lavish the top 0.1 percent of income earners with a tax break of $1.3 million on average in 2017 alone\u2014a 19 percent gain on after-tax income, or four times as much as middle-income households would get. Trump on Sunday stuck to other aspects of his tax plan, saying he'd \"make sure the middle class gets good tax breaks.\" But for upper incomes, he said he expected that \"the taxes for the rich will go up somewhat.\" On NBC's \"Meet The Press,\" Trump described his plan as a \"floor\" for negotiations with Congress. \"The middle class has to be protected,\" he said. G.O.P. Has Only Itself to Blame NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ CHARLES M. BLOW The Republican Party is trapped between a rock and huckster. Now that all of their other presidential candidates have dropped out of the race, Donald Trump is the last demagogue standing. He is their presumptive nominee. Their party belongs to him. It's a YUUGE \u2026 disaster. Now the few remaining serious folks in that party have to make a decision: support this man who, if current trends in polling hold, is likely to lose the general election by an overwhelming margin (and likely do even more damage to the party brand and hurt the chances of down-ballot candidates), or they can \u2026 wait, they don't really have another option other than to sit out this cycle and pretend that their party hasn't gone stark raving mad. The House speaker, Paul Ryan, told CNN last week that he is \"just not ready\" to support Trump. Jeb Bush posted on Facebook, \"I will not vote for Donald Trump.\" His brother and father are both refusing to endorse Trump. Mitt Romney, the Republicans' last presidential nominee, has also said that he won't support Trump. Lindsey Graham said last week that he \"cannot in good conscience\" support Trump. Many prominent Republicans have also indicated that they will skip the party's convention. Trump's Primary Strategy May Not Serve Him Well in General Election BLOOMBERG \/\/ JENNIFER JACOBS AND KEVIN CIRILLI Donald Trump is in something of a political desert. After becoming the presumptive Republican nominee at least a month earlier than even he expected, he's being hammered by Democrats, and denied the welcome mat from his own party. Now thrust into the role of his party's standard-bearer, it remains to be seen whether he will stick to the strategy that got him there, or chart a different course in order to succeed in the general election. In the first four days since his GOP rivals dropped out of the race, Trump has stuck to basics\u2014using his celebrity to draw big crowds at rallies, dominating news shows on TV, eviscerating opponents with insults\u2014even as some down-ballot Republican candidates cringe, nervous about being forced to defend him, and Democrats predict he'll be radioactive to a good number of working women, minorities and independent voters. The primary electorate is about 20 percent of the general election electorate. But so far, Trump hasn't strayed from a rally schedule that follows the route to a GOP primary victory, campaigning in West Virginia, Nebraska, Oregon and Washington. Editorials\/Op-Eds A good prognosis for the Affordable Care Act as UnitedHealth says goodbye WASHINGTON POST \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD The Affordable Care Act's critics seemed to get a shocking piece of new evidence when UnitedHealth Group, the country's largest health insurer, announced last month that it would pull out of many ACA markets next year. In fact, the news is not all that shocking, and it is not a sign that the law is failing. Though UnitedHealth is the country's largest health insurer, it is not a dominant player in the marketplaces that the ACA set up for individual insurance buyers. It covers only about 6 percent of 12.7 million marketplace participants. United does not appear to have been very effective at competing to attract customers. An Urban Institute study found that United's premiums tend to be higher than competitors', perhaps because its plans offer wide networks of doctors, hospitals and other providers to choose from, which is expensive. Unsurprisingly, marketplace insurance buyers tend to pick lower-cost options. The Kaiser Family Foundation concluded that even if United stopped participating in all ACA marketplaces, premiums would go up about 1 percent overall. Is Trump More Dangerous as Friend or Foe? NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ JOSH KRAUSHAAR Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, vowed last week that he could unite the fractured Republican Party. Republicans are trying to figure out what to think, and what to do, about Mr. Trump. Some unlikely politicians have jumped on the Trump train, like Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, a moderate up for re-election. But many others are holding out, including the speaker of the House, Paul D. Ryan, who said that he was \"just not ready\" to support Mr. Trump for president. The Republican Party is now at war with itself: elected officials focused on short-term survival against those with longer-term interests; intellectuals against lobbyists; the Republican National Committee against the party's Senate campaign committee; and governors looking to get in Mr. Trump's good graces for future appointments against governors in states where he is politically toxic. If Mr. Trump fails to unite the party \u2014 if he runs in the general election as he did in the primaries, as a man without a party \u2014 will it matter? Dangerous rocks in the South China Sea WASHINGTON POST \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD HAVING MADE a \"rebalancing\" toward Asia a pillar of his foreign policy, President Obama may face a fateful test from China in his final months in office. President Xi Jinping already broke a promise he made to Mr. Obama not to militarize islets his regime has been building up in two parts of the South China Sea. Now Beijing appears to be contemplating building a base on a contested shoal just 150 miles from Subic Bay in the Philippines. A failure by the administration to prevent this audacious step could unravel much of what it has done to bolster U.S. influence in the region. Chinese development of Scarborough Shoal, a collection of rocks and coral reefs it seized from the Philippines four years ago, would escalate its already-belligerent behavior in the South China Sea in a number of ways. Until now, Beijing's landfill work and construction of airstrips have occurred on islets it already controlled that are considerably closer to the Chinese mainland. Scarborough Shoal lies about 500 miles from China. A base there could allow Chinese radar and missiles to threaten Manila, as well as Philippine bases where U.S. forces are positioned. Trump, Truth and the Power of Contradiction NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ MICHAEL P. LYNCH Consistency, Emerson said, is the hobgoblin of little minds. Perhaps no one in American public life channels this thought more than Donald J. Trump. He not only doesn't fear contradiction, he embraces it. And he is downright scornful of those little minds that are bothered by his performances. Mr. Trump's willingness to be inconsistent \u2014 even in a single interview, or the same speech \u2014 has baffled political strategists for months. Even more puzzling is his followers' happy toleration of it. It is as though the content of what Mr. Trump says doesn't matter; only the fact that he is saying it does. But how could that be? After all, other candidates are seemingly held to different standards, by their supporters and others. They are held responsible for what they say. A striking early example of this was Mr. Trump's initial refusal to condemn the Ku Klux Klan and other white nationalists who had been endorsing him. Mr. Trump later denounced such groups. Yet many white supremacists, including David Duke, continue to support Mr. Trump. Why? A Second Chance and the Right to Vote NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD Republican legislators in Virginia are threatening to sue Gov. Terry McAuliffe to block his executive order restoring voting rights to more than 200,000 residents who have completed their felony sentences. The lawmakers have no good legal case, and worse, such a suit would be affirming Virginia's racist history. Virginia is one of just four states \u2014 along with Iowa, Florida and Kentucky \u2014 that continue to impose a lifetime voting ban on people convicted of felonies. In recent years, both Democratic and Republican governors have worked to lift this burden, either by streamlining the application process for individuals or trying to restore rights to specific classes of people, like those convicted of nonviolent felonies. Mr. McAuliffe took a bolder and more just step last month by restoring those rights to all people with felony convictions. Republican lawmakers say this action \"overstepped the bounds of his authority and the constitutional limits on executive powers.\" Washington might not be totally broken WASHINGTON POST \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD IT IS a Washington truism that nothing gets done in an election year, particularly now that partisanship is as severe as ever in recent memory. But with all attention on a boisterous presidential race, members of Congress have managed to do a few things right lately. A bipartisan group of senators announced a major criminal-justice-reform bill on April 28, bringing Congress a crucial step closer to repairing federal sentencing and prison policy. Critics point out that the bill is modest, watered-down from previous versions that would have eased penalties for more types of federal prisoners. For the senators behind the bill, however, these compromises were necessary to bring in votes for the policy, which would still do good. Focusing on nonviolent offenders, the legislation would reduce penalties for low-level drug crimes and give judges more leeway in sentencing. Minor players in major drug rings, for example, would be eligible for lesser sentences. The bill would also allow some federal prisoners to earn early release by completing prison programs designed to curb recidivism. For better or for worse, the bill would not empty the nation's prisons, and it would not eliminate the appalling treatment of some inmates in this country, in large part because the federal government does not control state prisons, which lock up many more people. But the bill would deal with some of the excesses of the tough-on-crime attitude of previous decades. Restoring Virginians' voting rights WASHINGTON POST \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD The intent of Virginia's ban on voting by convicted felons was to weaken the political power of black people, whose electoral clout was abhorrent to the racists who enacted the prohibition a century ago. Today, Virginia Republicans, who have done their utmost to dilute minority voting by enacting arbitrary voter-ID requirements, are animated by the same idea. Determined to block any surge in African American electoral participation in November, which would mainly benefit Democrats, they are planning litigation to challenge Gov. Terry McAuliffe's executive order that restores voting rights to more than 200,000 former convicts who have finished serving their felony sentences. When Richmond's GOP leaders embarked on their campaign to tighten voter-ID laws, they could cite no widespread or credible problem with fraud at the polls. Today, similarly, they can point to no constitutional language preventing Mr. McAuliffe, a Democrat, from restoring voting rights to ex-convicts \u2014 something that takes place routinely in most states. There's only one way Mr. Ryan could support Mr. Trump WASHINGTON POST \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD It was an \"extraordinary rebuke\" of Donald Trump, according to various news reports. Or was it? House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said this week that he is \"not ready\" to endorse the presumptive Republican nominee \u2014 \"at this point.\" But, he added, \"I hope to, though, and I want to.\" How could Mr. Trump change the speaker's mind? He must \"do more to unify this party to bring all wings of the Republican Party together, and then to go forward and to appeal to all Americans and every walk of life, every background,\" Mr. Ryan said. While not the ringing condemnation Mr. Trump deserves, Mr. Ryan's statement puts him ahead of many in his party. Some, such as Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, immediately caved after Mr. Trump won the Indiana primary. Others have tried to have it both ways, supporting Mr. Trump while also distancing themselves from the billionaire. \"I have committed to supporting the nominee chosen by Republican voters, and Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee, is now on the verge of clinching that nomination,\" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) said. A Better, Not Fatter, Defense Budget NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD To hear some military commanders and members of Congress talk, the American military is worn out and in desperate need of more money. After more than a decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, they say, troops are lagging in training and new weaponry, which is jeopardizing their ability to defeat the Islamic State and deal with potential conflicts with Russia and China. While increased funding for some programs may be needed, total military spending, at nearly $600 billion annually, is not too low. The trouble is, the investment has often yielded poor results, with the Pentagon, Congress and the White House all making bad judgments, playing budget games and falling under the sway of defense industry lobbyists. Current military spending is 50 percent higher in real terms than it was before 9\/11, yet the number of active duty and reserve troops is 6 percent smaller.","label":0} {"text":"Kish mein touchess From: Kaplan, Jordan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:22 AM To: Comer, Scott Cc: Hoffman, Alex Subject: Re: RE: RE: No harsh language! Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 5, 2016, at 11:21 AM, Comer, Scott > wrote: Fuck :( From: Kaplan, Jordan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:22 AM To: Comer, Scott Cc: Hoffman, Alex Subject: Re: RE: Not your best boo. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 5, 2016, at 11:21 AM, Comer, Scott > wrote: Maybe even less than that since he's so skinny. From: Kaplan, Jordan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:20 AM To: Hoffman, Alex Cc: Comer, Scott Subject: Re: Do the ones around fifty. He didn't work with is that long. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 5, 2016, at 11:19 AM, Hoffman, Alex > wrote: That's the full gift basket list. Alex Hoffman Democratic National Committee Deputy Chief of Staff for Finance | HoffmanA@DNC.org Phone: (202) 314-2266 | Mobile: (917) 647-0397 430 South Capitol Street, SE | Washington, DC 20003 Henry R. Mu\u00f1oz III Stephen Bittel","label":0} {"text":"If you want to grab coffee in the morning or late afternoon let me know. I'm going to try to do some sight seeing in the middle of the day but happy to sit down. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Alex DeMarban Date: 05\/14\/2016 22:00 (GMT-09:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Subject: Re: DNC Chair You are correct. There were at least 300 listening to her by my count. Sent from my iPhone On May 14, 2016, at 9:58 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hey Alex, the room was packed during her speech. Not sure if you were there for her remarks. See attached picture and this tweet has the standing ovation she got at the end. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Miranda, Luis\" > Date: 05\/14\/2016 21:01 (GMT-09:00) To: alex@alaskadispatch.com Subject: DNC Chair For Immediate Release May 14, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 Prepared Remarks for Delivery: DNC Chair Rep. Wasserman Schultz at Alaska State Convention ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -- Tonight, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz addressed the Alaska State Convention. Below you will find excerpts as prepared for delivery: \"As chair of the DNC, I've committed myself to getting to know my fellow Democrats with visits to all fifty states \u2013 and I'll be honest, it's been a little easier to reach those lower forty-eight. \u2026 \"But I know I'm not the only one here tonight who travelled a great distance to be at the convention \u2013 I understand there are even as many as 40 high school students coming all the way from Juneau, and who registered to be delegates \u2013 let's give them a hand for being the future of our party. ;;\"And let me just thank everyone else here who has travelled from across our country's largest state to show your support. \"Your enthusiasm, energy, your commitment, and your dedication to our party will make all the difference on Election Day. \u2026 \"So we've taken the 50-state strategy that Howard Dean pioneered when he was Chair of the National Party \u2013 and we've gone even further \u2013 \"Providing more funding; more infrastructure; more rocket fuel to keep the engines of our state parties firing on all cylinders and holding Republicans in office and in elections accountable. \"That means that here in Alaska the DNC helps fund direct mail campaigns to reach voters and help get them to the polls on Election Day. \"We fund salaries for critical staff under our state party partnerships. In fact, Kay Brown can tell you, she was one of the first State Party Partnership employees we ever hired. \"Since 2009, the DNC has directly provided the Alaska Democratic Party more than $625,000 in direct support. \"But it's not just the funding -- the DNC has been out-pacing the GOP in how we offer direct support to our state parties with training, and bench-building; we share our deep research and communications capabilities in Alaska and across the country. \"Since 2013, we have quintupled the size of our digital team, to boost fundraising and provide training and support to our state parties. \"We've organized a team of experts in messaging, branding, and polling to review the way we communicate, and we've built an in-house Communications team to hold Republicans accountable every single day. \"We've built out a state-of-the-art media monitoring operation to track and inform our rapid response operation. \"Our teams are providing training, disseminating best practices, sharing technology and design assets, and building community among State Party staff and the rest of the Democratic family. \"And combined with our national, state-of-the-art voter file, which we've been building out for years, we have a real edge that's going to help carry us to victory. \"And we've done it all while paying off more than $20 million in debt after winning the 2012 presidential election and re-electing Barack Obama. \"But of course, our number one advantage comes from our candidates, and the contrast they're offering Alaska voters and the American people. \"I couldn't be more proud of the two candidates at the top of our ticket. \"From Day One, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have been running smart, substantive campaigns focused on the issues that matter. \"We've watched them engage honestly with voters, answer thoughtfully at town halls and debates, and deliver an aspirational message that speaks to the hopes and dreams of the American people\u2026 \"And no matter which one of our candidates becomes the nominee, we will be united coming out of our convention and headed toward Election Day. \"In the words of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders 'Trump will not be president.' \u2026 \"At the DNC we are not going to make ) same mistake his Republican opponents made. \"We're ready for Trump. \"Ready to hold him accountable for the damage he's doing as a candidate and the damage he's promising he would do as president. \"Just this week, Trump met with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to show that despite their nasty, mud-slinging primary, they're getting ready to sing 'kumbaya' and give us everything they've got. \"And what they've got is the same old playbook: the same failed trickle-down economic policies that preceded the Great Recession under the last Republican president. \"So Trump isn't something new \u2013 he's just the old Republican brand, but with a little extra bronzer on \u2013 he's that much move dangerous. \"He only looks out for himself. He lacks the temperament and judgment to be commander in chief. And every aspect of his presidency would harm our country and damage our standing in the world. \"Even as a candidate, Trump has damaged America's relationships across the globe. In the White House, he would make America less safe. \"He has no foreign policy experience \u2013 but don't worry about that - he said he'll rely on his 'good brain,' instead of listening to experts. \"He has a decades-long record of denigrating women, which is why seven out of ten women disapprove of his candidacy. \"He exploits racial anxieties and cultural fears. His rallies have sparked violence against people of color, protestors, and the media. \"Recent reports found that bullying at schools is on the rise as a result of his hateful rhetoric. He's making our communities less safe and he's only a candidate! \"And while he tries to paint a picture of his wealth and business success, his record is riddled with examples that he prefers to turn a quick buck even when it comes at the expense of workers. \"But much of this the same old playbook gave George W. Bush two terms, so we have to treat Trump's candidacy as a real threat because it is! \u2026 \"I'm inspired here tonight \u2013 I wish everyone could see how much dedication the Democrats of Alaska have. \"Don't believe for a second that just because the pundits like to paint Alaska red and say it isn't a battleground state means you're sidelined. \"In every presidential election since 2000, the percentage of Alaskans casting their vote for the Democrat has increased \u2013 from 27% in 2000 to more than 40% in 2012. \"This has already been an exciting election year nationally \u2013 working together, I know we can Dump Trump and, eventually turn Alaska Blue. \"I know we can count on you to keep working hard throughout this election. \"So thank you for all you've done to support our party, and thank you for everything you will do to bring us all the way to victory in November. \"Now on to victory! Thank you, Alaska Democrats!\" ###","label":0} {"text":"a Dear Member: According to our clients needs DOT Federal Credit Union is currently launching a new security system that will improve the level of member service we can provide. We strongly urge that all our members need to update their account within the next 48 hours, so we can add them to our new database. Follow the link below and login to your account: Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause! Sincerely, Gene Pinto President and CEO of DOT Federal Credit Union","label":1} {"text":"Jordan Vaughn is requesting trip approval from Jordan Kaplan Quick links Approve all Deny all View trip online Traveler Jordan Vaughn (VaughnJ@dnc.org) Itinerary Indianapolis, IN 23778352753 Flight: Washington (DCA) to Indianapolis (IND) Policy In policy Department Finance (01) Booking status Not booked Approval status Awaiting approval Selected flight Price at submission $355.20 Lowest logical fare $278.20 Airline United 605 Depart Jun-3-2016 7:05 AM Arrive Jun-3-2016 11:42 AM Number of connections 1 stop Airline United 5268 Depart Jun-5-2016 6:00 AM Arrive Jun-5-2016 9:44 AM Number of connections 1 stop Car: Budget, Indianapolis, IN (IND-Indianapolis Intl.) Price at submission $85.94 Start date Friday Jun-3-2016 End date Sunday Jun-5-2016 Policy In policy Department Finance (01) Booking status Not booked Approval status Awaiting approval Hotel: Le M\u00e9ridien Indianapolis, Indianapolis Price at submission $451.58 Start date Friday Jun-3-2016 End date Sunday Jun-5-2016 Policy Out of policy Department Finance (01) Booking status Not Reserved Approval status Awaiting approval","label":0} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 7:50 PM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump Rally in Lynden WA at 6pm ET Trump testing out some new lines of attack against HRC And continuing to go hard on the Clintons' marriage Trump Campaign Rally in Lynden WA at 6pm ET: Broke all time vote record - Don't want to be complacent just because we already won Crooked Hillary running ads against me Supposedly most talented GOP field - Knocked them off one-by-one - Perry, Rand Paul endorsed me Complains about an idiot that was on the Kelly File last night - Abraham Lincoln couldn't have broken 50% with so many people in the field Ben Carson got me in some trouble yesterday for saying I might name a Democrat as VP - He didn't mean that, he got misquoted The only one I like better than Mike Huckabee is his daughter Hitting Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham as dishonorable - China was begging for a low energy president - I will gain votes from Jeb Bush not coming to the convention - They say I'm not a true conservative. Who cares? We have to straighten out our country Build the wall - Have to keep the drugs out. The heroin is killing our children - A Mars bar costs more than the heroin, it's so plentiful The last person Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to run against is Trump - She will be worse than Obama - Goofy Elizabeth Warren. Done nothing in the Senate. - You're not allowed to say Indian, so I'll say Native American - She said she thought she was Native American because her mom had high cheekbones - Whole career is a fraud - HRC is too smart to pick Elizabeth Warren Brags about Tom Brady... in Washington Washington economic stats Hits HRC as being \"trigger happy\" on foreign policy - She has a bad temperament. Her husband found that out a few times Iran Deal - Kerry is an idiot - Hate to generalize, but over history, Persians are great negotiators - He got injured in a bicycle race at 73 years old. I promise to never be in a bicycle race Bad decisions in Iraq - Now Iraq is Harvard for terrorists - Iraq didn't knock down the WTC - \"The Iraqis did not knock over the World Trade Center, if you had any questions\" - \"Libyan oil is the best oil. My oil experts tell me this\" HRC was sleeping at 3am for the phone call HRC wants to abolish the 2nd amendment - Wants to take your guns and bullets away HRC might appoint 5 new justices - You would have a Supreme Court that would destroy our country HRC buying $90 million in ads against me - Her husband was biggest abuser of women in history of politics - TRUMP: \"I'm like a baby. A baby.\" - Trump mocks Bill Clinton \"I did not have sex with that woman\" line Sympathizing with Bernie Sanders - No fan of the guy, but system is rigged Don't wait until the 24th to vote We can win Washington state in November. And Oregon \"Be careful of Trump\" Go home and vote ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 6:11 PM To: Research_D Subject: Video Request: Trump Rally in Lynden WA at 6pm ET","label":0} {"text":"For those in Houston I expect some help! -----Original Message----- From: ETS General Announcement\/ET&S\/Enron@ENRON On Behalf Of Stan Horton, Chairman & CEO@ENRON Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 6:01 PM To: Enron Transportation Services - Houston Special@ENRON Subject: United Way 2001 - Team ETS This year's Enron United Way Campaign kicked off last week with Leadership Giving. The company-wide campaign along with Week of Caring kicks off on August 6. ETS' Day of Caring is on August 9 at the Harboch Ripley Center in southeast Houston. Please contact Kimberly Nelson to volunteer for a morning or afternoon shift at ETS' Day of Caring. To celebrate a successful Campaign and Week of Caring, an employee appreciation lunch will be held on Friday, August 10, at 11:00 am at Antioch Park across the street from the Enron building. In correlation with this year's United Way campaign theme, \"Building Houston's Future,\" and in the true spirit of Enron, there will be a building competition among the business units at the lunch. Each business unit will form a team and build something with building blocks at the August 10 appreciation event. Rod Hayslett, Phil Lowry and I will lead Team ETS. To form the rest of Team ETS, we thought it would be fun to have a little contest. Here's the contest: Correctly answer all of the questions in the link below by Wednesday, August 1, at 5pm, and your name will be entered into a drawing. NO late entries will be accepted. We'll draw 7 names from the entries received and if your name is drawn, you will be an official member of Team ETS and help build the most incredible structure imaginable with me, Rod and Phil. We'll announce the lucky winners on Thursday, August 2. At the August 10 celebration, all of the business unit building block structures will be built and judged based on Enron's attributes - smart, innovative, bold, ambitious, and united. Ken Lay will host the Applause Meter and the business unit with the greatest amount of applause will win. We need all of our ETS employees outside cheering on Team ETS. Free lunch is included in the deal as well. Let's have some fun with this! With your help, Enron and United Way will be successful at Building Houston's Future. Good Luck! Stan Website link - please call Kimberly Nelson (x33580) with questions","label":0} {"text":"yeah - we will have to chat about it a bit later! -----Original Message----- From: Davis, Dana Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 8:57 AM To: Rance, Susan Subject: RE: Jedi 1 deposit Did you find out about this deposit? -----Original Message----- From: Rance, Susan Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 3:05 PM To: Smith, Stephanie; King, Lisa; Barta, Tammy; Becton, Pam; Best, Lisa; Carey, Brad; Davis, Angelic; Davis, Dana; Dawson, Brian K.; Doroteo, Rufino; East, Laynie; Fredericks, Kristi; Hardy, Stacy; Kang, Lisa; Lamb, Marnie; Lum, Rosalyn; Mendez, Nicole; Schwertner, Brian; Vargas, Hope; Wolfe, Stephen Subject: Jedi 1 deposit Anybody know about a deposit into the Jedi 1 bank account (#3750469150) in the amount of 3,250.00 yesterday -- 5\/8\/01? Thanks, Susan Rance Enron North America susan.rance@enron.com (713)345-3774","label":0} {"text":"Tweet showing protest: From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:36 AM To: Comm_D Subject: FW: Lost Jobs Under Governor Martinez's Corporate Welfare Agenda NM release on RGA summit From: Democratic Party of New Mexico Press Liaison Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8:44 AM Subject: MAP: Lost Jobs Under Governor Martinez's Corporate Welfare Agenda [Inline image 1] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 05\/17\/2016 Contact: Felicia Salazar Phone: (505) 750-2585 MAP: Lost Jobs Under Governor Martinez's Corporate Welfare Agenda Governor Martinez's Corporate Policy Summit Embodies What's Wrong with Republican Priorities Albuquerque, N.M. \u2013 As Governor Martinez hosts the Republican Governors Association (RGA) for what she called a \"corporate policy summit\", the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) released a map of lost jobs under Governor Martinez's watch. [Inline image 1] Under Governor Susana Martinez's watch, New Mexico has lost jobs across the state. From more than 1,600 jobs in her harmful behavioral health shakeup to thousands of private sector jobs, Governor Martinez and Republicans' corporate policy agenda has done little to keep jobs in New Mexico. In addition, Governor Martinez continues to put the interests of corporations ahead of the needs of New Mexico families. Corporate tax cuts have cost New Mexico valuable revenues that could have been used for infrastructure projects, to cover the $86 million Medicaid funding gap, to improve education, and increase the economic stability for New Mexico families. ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, We detected irregular activity on your HSBC Internet banking account on 15\/03\/2011. For your protection, you must verify this activity before you can continue using your account. Please download the document attached to this email to review your account activity. We will review the activity on your account with you and upon verification, and we will remove any restrictions placed on your account. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise but to temporaly suspend your account. We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend to verefy (sic) your account in that time. Best Regards, Colette Nugent Head of Customer Communications \u00a9 Copyright HSBC Holdings plc 2011 - All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Untitled Document Password change required! Dear sir, We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your eBay account, and multiple password failures were present before the logons. We strongly advice CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. If this is not completed by March 25, 2007, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. Thank you for your cooperation. Click here to Change Your Password Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for using eBay! Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.","label":1} {"text":"This request has been pending your approval for 59 days. Please click to review and act upon this request. Request ID : 000000000067320 Request Create Date : 10\/11\/01 10:24:53 AM Requested For : matt.smith@enron.com Resource Name : Risk Acceptance Forms Local Admin Rights - Permanent Resource Type : Applications","label":0} {"text":"Thanks very much Tim, I was hoping that the revisions would ally concerns people had. I'll look forward to your comments on this latest draft. I agree w\/ Malcolm on the need to be careful w\/ the wording in the first paragraph. The first paragraph is a bit of relic of a much earlier draft, and maybe we need to rethink it a bit. Takinig the high road is probably very important here. If *others* want to say that their actions represent scientific fraud, intellectual dishonesty, etc. (as I think we all suspect they do), lets let *them* make these charges for us! Lets let our supporters in higher places use our scientific response to push the broader case against MM. So I look forward to peoples attempts to revise the first par. particular. I took the liberty of forwarding the previous draft to a handfull of our closet colleagues, just so they would have a sense of approximately what we'll be releasing later today--i.e., a heads up as to how MM achieved their result... look forward to us finalizing something a bit later--I still think we need to get this out ASAP... mike SAt 03:01 AM 10\/31\/2003 +0000, f055 wrote: Dear all, I've just finished preparing a detailed response offline, only to log on to send it to you all and find new versions from Mike plus more comments and information. Well, I don't have time to change my message now, so will paste it below this message. But bear in mind that the new draft may well have allayed many of my concerns - in particular, a quick glance shows the figure to be much more convincing than the one Mike circulated earlier, indeed it seems to be utterly convincing! I'll reply again on Friday morning once I've had time to read the new draft. In the meantime, here is my message as promised. ************************************************************ Dear MBH (cc to CRU), The number of emails has been rather overwhelming on this issue and I'm struggling to catch up with them! But I will attempt to catch up with a few things here... (1) The single worst thing about the whole M&M saga is not that they did their study, not that they did things wrong (deliberately or by accident), but that neither they nor the journal took the necessary step of investigating whether the difference between their results and yours could be explained simply by some error or set of errors in their use of the data or in their implementation of your method. If it turns out, as looks likely from Mike's investigation of this, that their results are erroneous, then they and the journal will have wasted countless person-hours of time and caused much damage in the climate policy arena. (2) Given that this is the single worst thing about the saga, we must not go and do exactly the same in rushing out a response to their paper. If some claims in the response turned out to be wrong, based on assumptions about what M&M did or assumptions about how M&M's assumptions affect the results, then it would end up with a number of iterations of claim and counter claim. Ultimately the issue might be settled, but by then the waters could be so muddied that it didn't matter. (3) Not only do I advise against an overly rushed response, but I'm also wondering whether it really ought to be only from MBH, for three reasons. (i) It is your paper\/results that are being attacked. (ii) It is difficult to endorse everything that Mike has put in the draft response because I don't know 100% of the details of MBH and the MBH data. Sure, I can endorse some things, but others I wouldn't know. Sure, I accept Mike's explanation because he's looked at this stuff for 4 days and I believe he'll have got it right - but that's different to an independent check. That must come from Ray or Malcolm if possible. (iii) If it does come to any independent assessment of who's right and who's wrong, then it would be difficult for us to be involved if we had already signed up to what some might claim to be a knee-jerk reaction to the M&M paper. If that happened, then you would want us to be free to get involved to make sure the process was fair and informed. This sounds like a cop out, but - like I say - I'm not sure about point (3) so feel free to try to convince me otherwise if you wish. Anyway Keith or Phil may be happy to sign up to a (quick or slow) response, despite my reservations above. I really advise a very careful reading of M&M and their supplementary website to ensure that everything in the response is clearly correct - precisely to avoid point (2). I've only just started to do this, but already have some questions about the response that Mike has drafted. (a) Mike, you say that many of the trees were eliminated in the data they used. Have you concluded this because they entered \"NA\" for \"Not available\" in their appendix table? If so, then are you sure that \"NA\" means they did not use any data, rather than simply that they didn't replace your data with an alternative (and hence in fact continued to use what Scott had supplied to them)? Or perhaps \"NA\" means they couldn't find the PC time series published (of course!), but in fact could find the raw tree-ring chronologies and did their own PCA of those? How would they know which raw chronologies to use? Or did you come to your conclusion by downloading their \"corrected and updated\" data matrix and comparing it with yours - I've not had time to do that, but even if I had and I found some differences, I wouldn't know which was right seeing as I've not done any PCA of western US trees myself? My guess would be that they downloaded raw tree-ring chronologies (possibly the same ones you used) but then applied PCA only to the period when they all had full data - hence the lack of PCs in the early period (which you got round by doing PCA on the subset that had earlier data). But this is only a guess, and this is the type of thing that should be checked with them - surely they would respond if asked? - to avoid my point (2) above. And if my guess were right, then your wording of \"eliminated this entire data set\" would come in for criticism, even though in practise it might as well have been. (b) The mention of ftp sites and excel files is contradicted by their email record on their website, which shows no mention of excel files (they say an ASCII file was sent) and also no record that they knew the ftp address. This doesn't matter really, since the reason for them using a corrupted data file is not relevant - the relevant thing is that it was corrupt and had you been involved in reviewing the paper then it could have been found prior to publication. But they will use the email record if the ftp sites and excel files are mentioned. (c) Not sure if you talk about peer-review in the latest version, but note that they acknowledge input from reviewers and Fred Singer's email says he refereed it - so any statement implying it wasn't reviewed will be met with an easy response from them. (d) Your quick-look reconstruction excluding many of the tree-ring data, and the verification RE you obtain, is interesting - but again, don't rush into using these in any response. The time series of PC1 you sent is certainly different from your standard one - but on the other hand I'd hardly say you \"get a similar result\" to them, the time series look very different (see their fig 6d). So the dismal RE applies only to your calculation, not to their reconstruction. It may turn out that their verification RE is also very negative, but again we cannot assume this in case we're wrong and they easily counter the criticism. (e) Claims of their motives for selective censoring or changing of data, or for the study as a whole, may well be true but are hard to prove. They would claim that their's is an honest attempt at reproducing a key scientific result. If they made errors in what they did, then maybe they're just completely out of their depth on this, rather than making deliberate errors for the purposes of achieving preferred results. (f) The recent tree-ring decline they refer to seems related to tree-ring-width not density. Regardless of width of density, this issue cannot simply be dismissed as a solved problem. Since they don't make much of an issue out of it, best just to ignore it. (g) [I'm rambling now into an un-ordered list of things, so I'll stop soon!] The various other problems relating to temperature data sets, detrended standard deviations, PCs of tree-ring subsets etc. sound likely errors - though I've got no way of providing the independent check that you asked for. But it is again a bit of a leap of faith to say that these *explain* the different results that they get. Certainly they throw doubt on the validity of their results, but without actually doing the same as them it's not possible to say if they would have replicated your results if they hadn't made these errors. After all, could the infilling of missing values have made much difference to the results obtained, something that they made a good deal of fuss about? (h) To say they \"used neither the data nor the procedures of MBH98\" will also be an easy target for them, since they did use the data that was sent to them and seemed to have used approximately the method too (with some errors that you've identified). This reproduced your results to some extent (certainly not perfectly, but see Fig 6b and 6c). Then they went further to redo it with the \"corrected and updated\" data - but only after first doing approximately what they claimed they did (i.e. the audit). These comments relate to random versions of the draft response, so apologies if they don't all seem relevant to the current draft. I don't have these in front of me, here at home, so I'm doing this from memory of what I've read over the past few days. But nevertheless, the point is that a quick response would ultimately require making a number of assumptions about what they did and assumptions about whether this explains the differences or not - assumptions that might be later shot down (in part only, at most, but still sufficient to muddy the debate for most outsiders). A quick response ought to be limited to something like: --------------------------------------------- The recent paper by McIntyre and McKitrick (2003; hereafter MM03) claims to be an \"audit\" of the analysis of Mann, Bradley and Hughes (1998; hereafter MBH98). MM03 are unable to reproduce the Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction of MBH98 when attempting to use the same proxy data and methods as MBH98, though they obtain something similar with clearly anomalous recent warming (their Figure 6c). They then make many modifications to the proxy data set and repeat their analysis, and obtain a rather different result to MBH98. Unfortunately neither M&M nor the journal in which it was published took the necessary step of investigating whether the difference between their results and MBH98 could be explained simply by some error or set of errors in their use of the data or in their implementation of the MBH98 method. This should have been an essential step to take in a case such as this where the difference in results is so large and important. Simple errors must first be ruled out prior to publication. Even if the authors had not undertaken this by presenting their results to the authors of MBH98, the journal should certainly have included them as referees of the manuscript. A preliminary investigation into the proxy data and implementation of the method has already identified a number of likely errors, which may turn out to be the cause of the different results. Rather than repeating M&M's failure to follow good scientific practise, we are witholding further comments until we can - by collaboration with M&M if possible - be certain of exactly what changes to data and method were made by M&M, whether these changes can really explain the differences in the results, and eventually which (if any) of these changes can be justified as equally valid (given the various uncertainties that exist) and which are simply errors that invalidate their results. ----------------------------------------- Hope you find this all helpful, and despite my seemingly critical approach, take them in the spirit with which they are aimed - which is to obtain a strong and hard hitting rebuttal of bad science, but a rebuttal that cannot be buried by any minor innaccuracies or difficult-to-prove claims. Best regards Tim ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [1] References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o end of day THurs 11\/21 Delete Weiser Joan np at 10a Sent on the run\u00c2 On Nov 21, 2013, at 6:34 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 05:32 PM, Sheraton Kalouria\/4-9191, (Assistant) , has photo album to show u of all Breaking Bad Merchandise - would like 5 min Fri to show u IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 04:57 PM, Weiser, (Assistant) , tried to reach you on both cell phones numbers to return yr call - if you need him tomorrow morn (Fri) he is in the car driving IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 02:42 PM, Adam Venit, (Business) (310) 248-3062, pls call IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 02:18 PM, Joan Willeford, (Business) (310) 244-7072, returning IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 02:16 PM, David Zelon, (Mobile) (310) 567-2700, you were going to send him an email to introduce him to your drama execs. he hasn't received it yet. IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 02:04 PM, Manjit Singh, (Business) 4.7750, NP Singh would like to meet with you today or tomorrow. OK to set? IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 01:51 PM, Gary Hoffman\/Liquid Thread, (Business) (212) 468-3978, Returned your returned. cell 847.208.4279 until 7pm. (Ref. by Tammy Johnston re CCC) IN CALLS, 11\/21\/13 01:43 PM, David Goldhill, (Business 2) (212) 492-5661, Please call. IN CALLS, 11\/20\/13 06:33 PM, Bob Greenblatt, (Business) (818) 777-2000, Re.","label":0} {"text":"Dear JPMorgan Chase & Co. Customer, Due to suspicious activities on your JPMorgan Chase online accounts your account has been temporarily LOCKED In order to reinstate your account and resume online banking please CONFIRM your online account, or you can call customer service Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. EST to 1 a.m. EST and Saturday 8 a.m. EST to 5 p.m. EST at 1-800-621-0361. ______________________________________________________________________ ABOUT THIS MESSAGE: This message was delivered to you as a Chase credit card customer to provide you account updates and information about your card benefits. Chase values your privacy and your preferences. Your personal information is protected by state-of-the-art technology. For more detailed security information, view our Online Privacy Policy. 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Thanks, Nyree -----Original Message----- From: Teresa Robertson Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 10:57 AM To: Chanaba, Nyree Subject: htl itin AGENT TR\/TR BOOKING REF ZNUHAJ ENRON NORTH AMERICA CAUSHOLLI\/MONIKA 3WTC0306 ENRON CORP INTEROFFICE ETKT RCPT DATE: OCT 03 2001 HOTEL 20OCT CORONADO BAY RESORT 23OCT 4000 CORONADO BAY ROAD CORONADO, CA 92118 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TELEPHONE: 619 424 4000 FAX: 619 424 4400 CONFIRMATION: 95683347 REFERENCE: A0DAD2 SINGLE ROOM KING SIZE BED RATE: *** USD 160.00 PER NIGHT GUARANTEE GIVEN ENRON CORP RQST NONSMKG KING TO AVOID BILLING CANCEL 48HRS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL LOWER HOTEL RATES MAY BECOME AVAILABLE. PLEASE INQUIRE AT CHK IN MISCELLANEOUS 20FEB HOUSTON TX WED ** THANK YOU FOR USING THE TAP ** CAUSHOLLI\/MONIKA S5C0413R1073 ASSISTANT:ANNA MEHRER 503 464-7698 ******************************************* INTL TVLRS: CARRY SOS WALLET CARD W\/ENRON ASSISTANCE INFO CALL SOS MEDICAL EMERGENCY:IN U.S 800 523-6586 CALL SOS MEDICAL EMERGENCY:INTL 215 245-4707 (COLLECT) ********************************************* ALL FARES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL TICKETED\/PURCHASED Teresa","label":0} {"text":"Delete paula todd From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 3:52 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 3:50pm Thurs 10\/2 OUT CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:02 PM, Craig Schwartz, (Business) (310) 244-3836, IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 03:46 PM, Irwin Winkler, (Business) (310) 858-5780, pls call IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 03:46 PM, Paula, (Business) (310) 244-3790, She moved the Garrahan called to noon tomorrow. IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 03:46 PM, Todd Garner, (Business) (310) 392-2500, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:27 PM, Tom Rothman, (Business) (310) 244-1900, returned IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:25 PM, Eric Berger, (Business) (310) 244-9288, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:09 PM, Bill Cella, (Mobile) (917) 365-6985, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 10:48 AM, Craig Hunegs, (Business) (818) 954-7145, SEINFELD (returned) IN CALLS, 10\/01\/14 05:33 PM, Drew Shearer, (Business) (310) 244-8964, calling your cell IN CALLS, 10\/01\/14 04:44 PM, Janice Pober, (Business) (310) 244-8293, pls call re: Dec 11th event IN CALLS, 09\/30\/14 02:53 PM, Bob Horowitz\/Juma Entertainment, (Business) (215) 862-9100, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/29\/14 05:09 PM, Richard Lovett, (Business) (424) 288-2000, please call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Mighty Jet WARNING: Do not buy another ink cartridge until you read this! Tired of paying $20, $30, $40 or even $50 for inkjet cartridges? 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Your customers can view quotes you have created for them, search the product database, build their own quotes based on the pricing you've predetermined for them, and place orders with you online, 24\/7. Sign up now to give your customers a whole new level of service. Tell me more about ChannelOnline. Tech Trends Hardware Software Shopping Downloads News Investing Electronics Web Building Help & How-Tos Internet Games Message Boards CNET TV & Radio Music Center The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-cnet-newsletters@example.com Unsubscribe | Change e-mail format | Change e-mail address| FAQ | Advertise Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. .","label":0} {"text":"Agree. Let's use the same topper but with headlines or excerpts that paint a bad picture for the GOP. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 11:31 AM To: Price, Jenna; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom; Freundlich, Christina Subject: RE: For Comms Review: Front Pages Release Guys... I'm sorry but what does this achieve? They're all just saying Trump won. The only cover worth putting in is the NYDN where it declares the Republican Party dead. Editorials \/ headlines from stories that are critical - that could be useful From: Price, Jenna Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 11:27 AM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom; Walker, Eric; Freundlich, Christina Subject: For Comms Review: Front Pages Release The results of the Indiana primary are in: Trump is the GOP nominee. Now the Republicans are stuck with the tabloid-touting reality TV star that ran an ugly campaign and is tied to dangerous proposals that would drag America backwards and make our country less safe. Ted Cruz may have been the least- liked politician in Washington, but Trump is one of the least liked men in America. Donald Trump simply doesn't have the judgment or temperament to be President, and the American people know it. Don't just take our word for it, see what newspaper headlines are saying around the country: [ View this post on our Factivists site here. ###","label":0} {"text":"I used Async IO on System V in the '87, '88 time frame. I did it that way cause I thought it was cool to see if I could keep the tape spinning. I can believe Linux is catching up to this, but some ability to do async IO already existed in the UNIX world. John Hall 13464 95th Ave NE Kirkland WA 98034 > -----Original Message----- > From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of Adam > L. Beberg > Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 7:35 PM > To: fork@example.com > Subject: Gasp! > > \"Red Hat Linux Advanced Server provides many high end features such as: > Support for Asynchronous I\/O. Now read I\/O no longer needs to stall your > application while waiting for completion.\" > > Could it be? After 20 years without this feature UNIX finally catches up > to > Windows and has I\/O that doesnt totally suck for nontrivial apps? No way! > > OK, so they do it with signals or a flag, which is completely ghetto, but > at > least they are trying. Keep trying guys, you got the idea, but not the > clue. > > - Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg > ~beberg\/ > beberg@mithral.com","label":0} {"text":"Dear all, Below are my comments addressing issues to Section 6.4 and associated figures. It would be good if Fortunat can also check especially Box 6.2, 6.4 intro,, and written by Dominique and Fortunat. Bette _________________________ Figures: * Figure 6.3, Valerie has checked comments. * Figure 6.4 and 6.7, Fortunat(?) should check the figures, legends, and comments. * Figure 6.5, line 8: generally feedbacks in glacial-interglacial ... line 19: Simon Laplace Climate System Model (IPSL-CM) ... line 21: ECBilt-CLIO is not an acronym as far as I can tell. * Figure 6.6, line 5: minimum ice thickness and extent ... line 6: Delete \"at approximately 130 to 125 ka\". line 9: ... and the ECHAM4 HOPE-G (ECHO-G) model ... * Figure 6.8, Dick should check that the legend is revised correctly and that color code in this figure is consist with text. ___________________ Text 6.4: * Page 6-11, line 9: corresponding to other orbital periods ... * Page 6-11, line 13: adopt Valerie's wording of last sentence. * Page 6-11, line 37: the SOD has ~180 ppm and ~265 ppm. Is the change to < intentional in response to a review comment? * Page 6-11, line 38: adopt Valerie's wording of sentence. * Page 6-11, line 49: OK to delete redundant sentence. * Box 6.1: See Valerie comments. * Box 6.2: Changes look OK. Fortunat should check. * Page 6-15, lines 49-50: ... to the very different conditions at the LGM. * Page 6-16, line 2: PMIP-2 simulations ... * Page 6-16, line 31: Change does not make sense. The PMIP2 models do not simulate changes of greenhouse gases or ice sheets. These are prescribed. This sentence could be revised to read: The PMIP-2 AOGCM simulations using glacial-interglacial ... * Page 6-17, line 23: I am fine with Last Interglacial. Peck may also want to comment. The SPM uses the last interglacial period. * Page 6-17, line 41: ... warming over Eurasia and in the Baffin Island\/northern Greenland region ... I am OK with taking out \"with sea ice retreat\" at the end of the sentence if that is awkward. * Page 6-17, line 43: Kaspar and Cubasch, 2006. * Page 6-18, line 1: Models and data now show ... * Page 6-18, line 6: adopt Valerie's wording of sentence. * Page 6-18, line 38: D-O is one of the abbreviations in the literature so I am fine with this change. Need to be consistent and change Page 6-19, line 49 to D-O. * Page 6-18, line 43: adopt Valerie's wording of sentence. * Page 6-21, line 12: Dick can advise if ICE-4G, ICE-5G, and VM2 are acronyms. * Page 6-21, line 20: Dick should be consulted to make sure sentence meaning is OK with changes. * Page 6-21, line 43: Dick can advise if J stands for Joseph. * Page 6-21, line 51: Dick should be consulted on color code in Figure 6.8 and consistency with text. * Page 6-22, line 2: Replace \"longer\" with \"older\". Valerie please comment if this is a more correct wording. Note that neither Landais et al., 2003 or Suwa et al., 2006 are currently in the reference list. Eystein\/Peck, please advise if it is possible to add new references. Valerie, could we use Landais et al, 2006, which is already in the reference list, here? * Page 6-22, line 10: OK to spell out GIS * Page 6-22, line 11: the growth ... * Page 6-22, line 16: Peck, can you comment \"if sea level rise during the LIG\" is an OK edit. * Page 6-22, lines 25-29: Possible combination of last two sentences. Peck, please check that this conveys your original meaning: Overpeck et al. (2006) argued ... significant retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet (and perhaps also parts of the Antarctic Ice Sheet) can be expected to occur under this future condition (see also Scherer et al. ...). ___________________ References: Kaspar and Cubasch: published in 2006. editor order should be Sirocko, Claussen, Litt, and Sanchez-Goni. I couldn't find the location or page numbers for this publication. NRC: OK Otto-Bliesner: reversal of a and b OK Peltier and Fairbanks, 2006: 25(23-24), 3322-3337. Sarnthein: reversal of a and b OK Taylor: OK _________________ FAQ 6.1 and 6.2 need to be revised to refer to the correct sections of Chapter 6. Most of the references are incorrect and look to be based on an old outline of the chapter. _________________ Appendix: Need consistency with changes in chapter: Palaeocene, palaeosols(?) -- Bette L. Otto-Bliesner National Center for Atmospheric Research 1850 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, Colorado 80305 Ph: 303-497-1723 Fax: 303-497-1348 Email: ottobli@ucar.edu","label":0} {"text":"Notification of Limited Account Access As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. We recently noticed the following issue on your account: Unusual account activity has made it necessary to limit sensitive account features until additional verification information can be collected. We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. Case ID Number: PP-071-362-996 Please fill in all the details that are required to complete this verification process. To do this we have attached a form to this email. Please download the form and follow the instructions on your screen. NOTE: The form needs to be opened in a modern browser which has javascript enabled (ex: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, Safari 3, Opera 9) Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporary suspend your account. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department.","label":1} {"text":"Phil et al, I suggest either BAMS or Eos - the latter would probably be better because it is shorter, quicker, has a wide distribution, and all the points that need to be made have been made before. rather than dwelling on Soon and Baliunas I think the message should be pointedly made against all of the standard claptrap being dredged up. I suggest two figures- one on time series and another showing the spatial array of temperatures at one point in the Middle Ages. I produced a few of those for the Ambio paper but already have one ready for the Greenland settlement period 965-995 showing the regional nature of the warmth in that figure. we could add a few new sites to it, but if people think otherwise we could of course go in some other direction. rather than getting into the delicate question of which paleo reconstruction to use I suggest that we show a time series that is an eof of the different reconstructions - one that emphasizes the commonality of the message. Tom Dear All, I agree with all the points being made and the multi-authored article would be a good idea, but how do we go about not letting it get buried somewhere. Can we not address the misconceptions by finally coming up with definitive dates for the LIA and MWP and redefining what we think the terms really mean? With all of us and more on the paper, it should carry a lot of weight. In a way we will be setting the agenda for what should be being done over the next few years. We do want a reputable journal but is The Holocene the right vehicle. It is probably the best of its class of journals out there. Mike and I were asked to write an article for the EGS journal of Surveys of Geophysics. You've not heard of this - few have, so we declined. However, it got me thinking that we could try for Reviews of Geophysics. Need to contact the editorial board to see if this might be possible. Just a thought, but it certainly has a high profile. What we want to write is NOT the scholarly review a la Jean Grove (bless her soul) that just reviews but doesn't come to anything firm. We want a critical review that enables agendas to be set. Ray's recent multi-authored piece goes a lot of the way so we need to build on this. Cheers Phil At 12:55 11\/03\/03 -0500, Michael E. Mann wrote: HI Malcolm, Thanks for the feedback--I largely concur. I do, though, think there is a particular problem with \"Climate Research\". This is where my colleague Pat Michaels now publishes exclusively, and his two closest colleagues are on the editorial board and review editor board. So I promise you, we'll see more of this there, and I personally think there *is* a bigger problem with the \"messenger\" in this case... But the Soon and Baliunas paper is its own, separate issue too. I too like Tom's latter idea, of a more hefty multi-authored piece in an appropriate journal (Paleoceanography? Holocene?) that seeks to correct a number of misconceptions out there, perhaps using Baliunas and Soon as a case study ('poster child'?), but taking on a slightly greater territory too. Question is, who would take the lead role. I *know* we're all very busy, mike At 10:28 AM 3\/11\/03 -0700, Malcolm Hughes wrote: I'm with Tom on this. In a way it comes back to a rant of mine to which some of you have already been victim. The general point is that there are two arms of climatology: neoclimatology - what you do based on instrumental records and direct, systematic observations in networks - all set in a very Late Holocene\/Anthropocene time with hourly to decadal interests. paleoclimatology - stuff from rocks, etc., where major changes in the Earth system, including its climate, associated with major changes in boundary conditions, may be detected by examination of one or a handful of paleo records. Between these two is what we do - \"mesoclimatology\" - dealing with many of the same phenomena as neoclimatology, using documentary and natural archives to look at phenomena on interannual to millennial time scales. Given relatively small changes in boundary conditions (until the last couple of centuries), mesoclimatology has to work in a way that is very similar to neoclimatology. Most notably, it depends on heavily replicated networks of precisely dated records capable of being either calibrated, or whose relationship to climate may be modeled accuarately and precisely. Because this distinction is not recognized by many (e.g. Sonnechkin, Broecker, Karlen) we see an accumulation of misguided attempts at describing the climate of recent millennia. It would be better to head this off in general, rather than draw attention to a bad paper. After all, as Tom rightly says, we could all nominate really bad papers that have been published in journals of outstanding reputation (although there could well be differences between our lists). End of rant, Cheers, Malcolm > Hi guys, > > junk gets published in lots of places. I think that what could be > done is a short reply to the authors in Climate Research OR a SLIGHTLY > longer note in a reputable journal entitled something like \"Continuing > Misconceptions About interpretation of past climate change.\" I kind > of like the more pointed character of the latter and submitting it as > a short note with a group authorship carries a heft that a reply to a > paper, in no matter what journal, does not. > > Tom > > > > > Dear All, > > Apologies for sending this again. I was expecting a stack of > >emails this morning in > > response, but I inadvertently left Mike off (mistake in pasting) > >and picked up Tom's old > > address. Tom is busy though with another offspring ! > > I looked briefly at the paper last night and it is appalling - > >worst word I can think of today > > without the mood pepper appearing on the email ! I'll have time to > >read more at the weekend > > as I'm coming to the US for the DoE CCPP meeting at Charleston. > >Added Ed, Peck and Keith A. > > onto this list as well. I would like to have time to rise to the > >bait, but I have so much else on at > > the moment. As a few of us will be at the EGS\/AGU meet in Nice, we > >should consider what > > to do there. > > The phrasing of the questions at the start of the paper > >determine the answer they get. They > > have no idea what multiproxy averaging does. By their logic, I > >could argue 1998 wasn't the > > warmest year globally, because it wasn't the warmest everywhere. > >With their LIA being 1300- > >1900 and their MWP 800-1300, there appears (at my quick first > >reading) no discussion of > > synchroneity of the cool\/warm periods. Even with the instrumental > >record, the early and late > > 20th century warming periods are only significant locally at > >between 10-20% of grid boxes. > > Writing this I am becoming more convinced we should do > >something - even if this is just > > to state once and for all what we mean by the LIA and MWP. I think > >the skeptics will use > > this paper to their own ends and it will set paleo back a number of > > > >years if it goes > > unchallenged. > > > > I will be emailing the journal to tell them I'm having > >nothing more to do with it until they > > rid themselves of this troublesome editor. A CRU person is on the > >editorial board, but papers > > get dealt with by the editor assigned by Hans von Storch. > > > > Cheers > > Phil > > > > Dear all, > > Tim Osborn has just come across this. Best to ignore > >probably, so don't let it spoil your > > day. I've not looked at it yet. It results from this journal > >having a number of editors. The > > responsible one for this is a well-known skeptic in NZ. He has let > > > >a few papers through by > > Michaels and Gray in the past. I've had words with Hans von Storch > > > >about this, but got nowhere. > > Another thing to discuss in Nice ! > > > > Cheers > > Phil > > > >>X-Sender: f055@pop.uea.ac.uk > >>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1 > >>Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 14:32:14 +0000 > >>To: p.jones@uea > >>From: Tim Osborn > >>Subject: Soon & Baliunas > >> > >> > >> > >>Dr Timothy J Osborn | phone: +44 1603 592089 > >>Senior Research Associate | fax: +44 1603 507784 > >>Climatic Research Unit | e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk > >>School of Environmental Sciences | web-site: University of East > >>Anglia __________| ~timo\/ Norwich NR4 > >>7TJ | sunclock: UK | > >>~timo\/sunclock.htm > > > >Prof. Phil Jones > >Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > >School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > >University of East Anglia > >Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > >NR4 7TJ > >UK > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- > >------- > > > > > >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Soon & Baliunas 2003.pdf (PDF > >\/CARO) (00016021) > > > -- > Thomas J. Crowley > Nicholas Professor of Earth Systems Science > Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences > Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences > Box 90227 > 103 Old Chem Building Duke University > Durham, NC 27708 > > tcrowley@duke.edu > 919-681-8228 > 919-684-5833 fax Malcolm Hughes Professor of Dendrochronology Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 520-621-6470 fax 520-621-8229 _______________________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Thomas J. Crowley Nicholas Professor of Earth Systems Science Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Box 90227 103 Old Chem Building Duke University Durham, NC 27708 tcrowley@duke.edu 919-681-8228 919-684-5833 fax","label":0} {"text":"Jose Rewards for Christmas ------------------------------------ Dear Amazon Customer, Thank you so much for being such a lotal customer in 2014. 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Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 10:03 AM To: Freundlich, Christina; Garcia, Walter Cc: Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: FOR COMMS APPROVAL: Quick shot\/chaser for this AM Good here. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Freundlich, Christina\" > Date: 05\/04\/2016 9:58 AM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Garcia, Walter\" > Cc: \"Walker, Eric\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" >, \"Miranda, Luis\" > Subject: RE: FOR COMMS APPROVAL: Quick shot\/chaser for this AM I like it. From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 9:52 AM To: Freundlich, Christina Cc: Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: FOR COMMS APPROVAL: Quick shot\/chaser for this AM + rest of Comms team SL: SHOT\/CHASER: RNC Chairman on Trump becoming Republican nominee: \"something different, something new is probably good for our party\" Shot: Chaser : -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"Hello, You have two(2) unread messages but cannot be accessed due to Several Incorrect login attempt on your email account. You are required to restore your mailbox by clicking RESTORE YOUR MAILBOX *important* NOTE: FAILURE CAN RESULT TO PERMANENT ACCOUNT SUSPENSION. ________________________________________ Thanks. System Administrator John G. Siolas Secretary","label":1} {"text":"Thank you. 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Henry Van","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 6:30pm Fri 2\/14 - BTW I'm here in office working on your contacts for the Cancer Charity if you need anything Calls Sent on the run\u00c2 On Feb 15, 2014, at 12:28 AM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 02\/12\/14 11:53 AM, Central Pharmacy, (Business) (310) 395-3294, IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 02:43 PM, George Chien, (Business) (310) 244-7648, Please call. IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 11:13 AM, Rebecca Campbell, (Business) (818) 460-6155, Returning IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 09:23 AM, Janice Min, (Business) (323) 525-2145, Please call. IN CALLS, 02\/13\/14 04:14 PM, Irving Azoff, (Business) (310) 209-3131, Returning IN CALLS, 02\/13\/14 12:58 PM, Les Moonves, (Busine","label":0} {"text":"Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm, Once Tim's got a diagram here we'll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow. I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline. Mike's series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998. Thanks for the comments, Ray. Cheers Phil Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"We are Loan Specialists.....Tap into our huge network of Lenders! For U.S.A. Homeowners Only Interest Rates have Dropped....Start Saving Now! We Will Shop The Best Loan For You! Are you in debt? 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Company 1202: Sophie Patel Vera Apodaca Mylinda Rosen Amy Villasenor Nancy Wood Silvia Navarro Company 1195: Sophie Patel Vera Apodaca Mylinda Rosen Amy Villasenor Nancy Wood Silvia Navarro Jason Ruckle Let me know if I you need any additional information. Thanks, Lee","label":0} {"text":"05\/23\/2016 09:00 AM EDT By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com) Good Monday morning. BREAKING -- \"Letter from Hanoi,\" by Isaac Dovere: \"Obama, silent on human rights, lifts arms embargo on Vietnam ... [S]aid nothing about democratic reform\": \"With the embalmed body of Communist national forefather Ho Chi Minh laying under lights just a block away at his gray mausoleum, President Obama [today] signed the dissolution of the nearly 50-year embargo on selling arms to Vietnam, ending one of the last vestiges of the Vietnam War.\" \"HERE'S YOUR HAT. What's your hurry?\" ... \"Bernie Loses His Halo: Even progressives are criticizing him now after he's shown a harder edge,\" by Bill Sher of Campaign for America's Future, for Politico Magazine: \"[I]t's no longer taboo in liberal circles to attack Sanders as he drags out the nomination process at a time when many are itching to turn their fire on Donald Trump. And if his reputation in the party is being damaged outside his base, that will make it harder for him to extract concessions from Clinton regarding the platform and party nomination rules at the convention.\" IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED the \"Saturday Night Live\" cold open with Hillary (Kate McKinnon) and Bernie (Larry David) in a bar in L.A. at closing time (Sanders won't leave), treat yourself. \"Hillary\": \"You should be proud. You ran a damn good campaign.\" \"Bernie\": \"I'm RUNNING a good campaign.\" ... \"Hillary\": \"I do NOT like humor, but THAT was funny!\" TRUMPMENTUM - \"Trump passes Clinton in polling average,\" by Nick Gass: \"On the strength of two polls released Sunday, [Trump] advantage of 43.4 percent to 43.2 percent in the Real Clear Politics Average.\" ... RCP N.Y. POST cover, \"POLL VAULT: Trump flies, Hill cries in 4th straight prez survey\" PAGING GAIL COLLINS - \"Trump acknowledges climate change - at his golf course: The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall,\" by Ben Schreckinger: Trump is \"applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare. A permit application ... cites global warming and its consequences - increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century -- as a chief justification for building the structure.\" ADIOS, #NEVERTRUMP -- \"Graham privately urges Republicans to support Trump,\" by CNN's Jeremy Diamond: \"Sen. Lindsey Graham ... urged GOP donors at a private fundraiser Saturday in Florida to unite behind Trump's campaign and stressed the importance of keeping likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton from the White House.\" FIRST GENTLEMAN - WashPost A1, bottom left corner, \"Bill Clinton finds his stride on campaign trail: The former president keeps a low profile as he woos voters and pols,\" by Karen Tumuly in Cayey, Puerto Rico (online: \"Under the radar, Bill Clinton finds his voice as a supporting actor\"): \"Bill Clinton's schedule many days is more packed than Hillary's, though by design it rarely registers on the national radar. This is the invisi-Bill campaign. The former president ... remains a big draw on the off-Broadway circuit.\" HILLARY STRATEGERY - \"Clinton shrugs, sees benefits in Trump's personal attacks,\" by AP's Lisa Lerer and Catherine Lucey: \"Clinton has stopped explicitly mentioning her role in history and joking about being the 'youngest woman president.' That's by design: Those kinds of direct appeals weren't working with voters. 'De-emphasize the \"first\" talk,' advised a research report done by Emily's List. 'They already know she'd be the first woman president,' the report said of donors, 'but we don't get anything by reminding them.'\" BERNIE STRATEGERY - \"Latino vote in California targeted by Clinton, Sanders,\" by AP's Mike Blood in L.A.: June 7 \"amounts to the finale of the 2016 primary season. A come-from-behind win for Sanders in California - a Clinton stronghold and home to 1 in 8 people in the United States - would end the former first lady's campaign with a thud, allowing Sanders to refresh his argument that he's the party's best chance to defeat Trump.\" SPINNING THE CLASSICS ... WashPost homepage: \"Readers constantly ask for a fact check of Clinton's false Bosnia claim, so here's our original 2008 report,\" by \"Fact Checker\" Glenn Kessler. SPOILER ALERT: \"Clinton's tale of landing at Tuzla airport 'under sniper fire' and then running for cover is simply not credible. Photographs and video of the arrival ceremony ... tell a very different story. Four Pinocchios.\" ** A message from BP: Safety doesn't come in a box. It's not a banner that goes on a wall. It's not something you do now and then. Or when it's convenient. That's why at BP, we're working every day to improve our training, our technology, our culture. See real examples of our progress: on.bp.com\/safety ** JAKE TAPPER NEWS - From today through Saturday, Jake is the guest artist for Scott Adams' \"Dilbert\" comic strip which appears in more than 2,000 newspapers. Scott and Jake are auctioning off the originals signed by both of them and framed with the strip as it appeared in the newspaper with all proceeds going to Homes For Our Troops. Today's comic ENGAGED! Jonathan Capehart of the WashPost and \"Morning Joe\" and Nick Schmit, Assistant Chief of Protocol at the State Department, were introduced more than five years ago by Jed Hastings and Joe Solmonese. After four months of planning the surprise proposal, Jonathan popped the question to an unsuspecting Nick just before sunrise yesterday. Jonathan said that because he didn't trust himself to get the proposal out without crying, the handwritten note and red box with an engagement ring were presented to Nick on the roof terrace of their room with a sweeping view of the Amalfi Coast in Positano, Italy. Pic WHITE HOUSE GRADUATION -- Antoinette Rangel, Special Assistant and Advisor to the Press Secretary, graduated from Georgetown Law yesterday; she was surrounded by her family, friends and White House colleagues including Communications Director Jen Psaki and her daughter Vivi. Pic SPOTTED: Other White House colleagues including Crystal Carson, Michael Bosworth, Addie Whisenant, Katie Hill and Courtney Rowe were also cheering on Antoinette who delivered the student speech for the evening section. Everyone celebrated afterwards with a champagne toast. DAVID GERGEN, at Elon College commencement in North Carolina, told a crowd of about 12,000 that \"forces of political extremism\" have asserted themselves in the Tar Hell State: \"Enough is enough. ... For those of us who have stayed on the sidelines, it is time to stand up and be counted. It is time to raise our voices against this darkness. ... \"Growing up, I remember how often I was told by white elders that black folks liked to live on the other side of town, going to rundown schools and living through indignities. The civil rights movement helped me to see that was a pack of lies.\" 15-min. video CORRECTIONS: Our subject line was wrong yesterday: Trump led Clinton by 2 in ABC\/WP. In SPOTTED, General Mark Milley graduated undergrad from Princeton, not West Point. CLICKERS: \"These Wealthy [Republican Donors] Refuse to Give Donald Trump Money,\" by NYT's Alex Burns and Jonathan Martin - With comments from each: Stanley Druckenmiller ... Mike Fernandez ... Sherry Herschend ... David Humphreys ... Virginia James ... Seth Klarman ... Bruce Kovner ... William Oberndorf ... Joe and Marlene Ricketts ... Paul Singer ... Jackson T. Stephens Jr. ... Michael Vlock ... Jeffrey Yass. --\"The Slideshow That Saved the World: An Oral History of 'An Inconvenient Truth'\" - Grist: \"Al Gore got stuck on a scissor lift. Studio execs fell asleep at a screening. And everybody hated the title ... [B]ehind-the-scenes interviews with Gore, director Davis Guggenheim, producers Jeff Skoll and Laurie David, science adviser Lonnie Thompson, songwriter Melissa Etheridge\" and more. ... Hollywood Reporter's oral history ... The trailer FIRST LOOK from MIKE McCURRY: \"Wesley Theological Seminary today [will announce] the appointment of Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Davis as the Deputy Director of its newly created Center for Public Theology in Washington, DC. Dr. Davis is a senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, ... providing expertise in religious liberty and reproductive justice for its faith and progressive policy initiative. She will join the administration at Wesley Theological Seminary on June 6, working with the Director of Wesley's Center for Public Theology, Mike McCurry, a professor of public theology at the Seminary and former White House press secretary under President Bill Clinton.\" See the release. THE FUTURE OF THE N.Y. TIMES - Executive Editor Dean Baquet emails the staff on Friday: \"[T]he newsroom will have to change significantly-swiftly and fearlessly. The task laid out in the company's Path Forward vision for the future is huge - we aim to double our digital revenue and more than double our number of committed digital readers by 2020. ... The digital news marketplace nudges us away from covering incremental developments ... Instead, it favors hard-hitting 'only-in-The New York Times' coverage: authoritative journalism and information readers can use to navigate their lives. ... \"While no layoffs are planned in the newsroom for this calendar year, the company is planning other measures to cut costs, including in the newsroom. I've made clear that the changing economics of journalism make it unlikely we can sustain a newsroom of this size, which is larger than it has ever been. ... We have already announced major commitments to international reporting and visual journalism, including video. And I am determined to diversify the newsroom so that it looks more like the world we aspire to reflect and cover. ... \"I also want to underscore how enormous ... an undertaking it is to create a print hub, a desk designed to build the best print paper each night. ... This structure will make it far easier to imagine smaller, more focused coverage clusters that operate apart from big desks. In the past, an editor who ran education coverage across The Times had to convince the metropolitan and national editors to run stories that fit their sections. Now, to be provocative, it could be that some important subjects -- climate change, education, health care, to name a few -- should function on their own.\" Full text MEDIAWATCH - \"Michelle Fields to resume covering Donald Trump -- for Huffington Post,\" by CNNMoney's Tom Kludt: \"Fields [age 28], ... who had Donald Trump's campaign manager charged with battery ... served as a reporter for The Daily Caller, PJ Media and, most recently, Breitbart News.\" --THE NEW JEN JACOBS ... \"The Des Moines Register today named Jason Noble, an Iowa government and politics reporter since 2011, to the position of chief political reporter. Noble replaces Jennifer Jacobs, who left the Register in late March to join Bloomberg Politics. ... Noble, 32, is a lifelong Midwesterner, born in Ohio and raised in Kansas. He graduated from Iowa State University in 2006 with a degree in journalism and earned a master's of public affairs from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2012.\" MARGARET SULLIVAN, formerly N.Y. Times Public Editor, debuts as WashPost media columnist with lead spot of Style section, \"A great era to be a young reporter\" (online: \"Now, there's one more reason to be a journalist - you can help save journalism\"): \"Just look at the political sphere, where the candidates ... may regard facts as fungible, and the electorate doesn't seem to care. ... Around the country, journalism programs are shrinking, and applications are down. But then again, many of the best journalists have never set foot in a journalism class.\" VALLEY TALK -- This week on \"The Gaggle with David Helfenbein\" -- Herbie Ziskend, Director of Public Policy & Rise of the Rest Investments at Revolution LLC, discusses his work on the Obama campaign and in the Obama administration, the creation of the Obama family Passover Seder (which became a yearly White House tradition), working for Steve Case, Arianna Huffington and Ron Klain and trends in technology. www.thegagglepodcast.com or SPOTTED: Newt and Callista Gingrich, in their Sunday best, walking in the rain yesterday afternoon in Shirlington Village outside Best Buns Bread Company. HOT VIDEOS: Ezra Klein posts on his Facebook page, \"Take a few minutes to understand the political science that explains Donald J. Trump's rise.\" 6-min. video - \"John Oliver Shows Why U.S. Primaries And Caucuses Are 'An Erratic Cluster**** Every 4 Years'\" SNEAK PEEK - PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE in The New Yorker, \"The Bank Robber: The computer technician who exposed a Swiss bank's darkest secrets\": \"[Herve] Falciani had obtained sixty thousand files relating to tens of thousands of H.S.B.C. clients from nearly every country. An H.S.B.C. lawyer later described Falciani's crime as 'the largest robbery of a bank ever committed in the world.' ... Years before the leak, this April, of the Panama Papers ... there was ample evidence that the global plutocracy has many outlets for dissimulation in the realm of personal finance.\" DEEP DIVES - N.Y. Times 2-col. lead of the paper, \"Unending but Unheard, The Echo of Gun Violence -- Numbing Frequency: 358 Shootings With 4 or More Casualties Recorded in '15,\" by Sharon LaFraniere, Daniela Porat and Agustin Armendariz, with Cincinnati dateline. Begins a series, \"THE DAILY TOLL: Articles in this series examine shootings with at least four casualties that took place in the United States last year, an average of nearly one a day.\" First installment: \"The Invisible Victims.\" --N.Y. TIMES Quotation of the Day -- JACI WASHINGTON, whose brother, Barry Washington, was killed last August as a bystander during a shooting at an Elks lodge in Cincinnati: \"The reality is, this happens quite frequently. And it's kind of, 'Oh, well, this guy was killed today. Somebody else will be killed tomorrow.'\" QUOTE DU JOUR -- \"Mission not quite accomplished: Obama's antiterrorism legacy,\" by Yahoo's Daniel Klaidman and Olivier Knox: \"'It struck me that I did not see anything that indicated that there was concern about ISIS developing,' Panetta, who served Obama as defense secretary until February 2013, told Yahoo News. 'At least from my perspective, it sounds like that somehow the ball was dropped.'\" TRANSITIONS -- \"Rational 360 Welcomes Collin Berglund as Digital Director\": \"Collin was formerly at Burson-Marsteller, where he developed and implemented digital strategies for major recalls and crises, government agencies, infrastructure projects, sports organizations and Fortune 500 companies. Prior to Burson, Collin was Digital Director and Press Secretary on Gov. Gina Raimondo's winning 2014 Rhode Island gubernatorial campaign.'\" --\"Michael Yudin Joins The Raben Group as Principal\": Previously \"Michael worked on behalf of the Obama Administration at the U.S. Department of Education for six years, serving the Secretary in a number of capacities, including Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and Acting Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.\" WELCOME TO THE WORLD - Keach Hagey, WSJ media reporter and Politico alum, and Wesley Harris, a software testing expert, post on Facebook: \"Julia Diane Harris was born at 6:04 [Sunday] morning, 7 lbs 2 oz, 18 inches long. She's named after her great grandmothers. We are taking a couple letters from each and calling her June. Belle is already a smitten big sister.\" Pic WEEKEND WEDDINGS -- \"Sarah Halzack, Neil Irwin\" - N.Y. Times: \"Halzack, 31 ... is the national retail reporter for The Washington Post. She is also a dancer with the Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company in Washington and ... graduated summa cum laude from George Washington. ... Irwin, 37, works in Washington as a senior economics correspondent for The New York Times and is the author of 'The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire.' He graduated cum laude from St. Mary's College of Maryland and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.\" With pic --POOL REPORT: \"Guests enjoyed themed cocktails, The Cranky Journalist, (Bulleit Bourbon, Pear Liqueur, Simple Syrup, Lemon Juice) and The Modern Dancer (Ketel One Vodka, Gruet Sparking Wine, Mandarin Juice, Lemon Juice) while honoring Neil and Sarah, who ... met working at the Washington Post [in 2007]. The festivities spilled over to the Sofitel bar until the wee hours of the morning.\" Pic by Ellen McCarthy --SPOTTED: Binyamin Appelbaum, Amy Argetsinger, Katherine Birrow, Nate Cohn, Jon Finer, Justin Gillis, Zach Goldfarb, Garrett Graff (who used to hang out at the Mayflower Bar in his 20s with Neil and a lot of the wedding gang), Jay Hulings, Young Nick Johnston, Ezra Klein, David Leonhardt, Jack Massey, Ellen McCarthy, Billy McQuillen, Ylan Mui, Mary Munson-Ott, Margot Sanger-Katz, Jim Tankersley, Matt Vogel, Megan Whittemore. NATALIE DRAISIN wed Harrison Godfrey at southern Virginia's Winterham Plantation. Harry, a former White House legislative affairs staffer and current manager at Invenergy, crooned to Nat King Cole between dances. The bride, a manager at the FIA Foundation and former Presidential Management Fellow, brought together friends and relatives from all over the world, including her family from France, whom she welcomed in fluent French. The globetrotting couple wrote their own vows, which included assurances to stay together even if they lose their Starwood Platinum status. Pic from dance floor PATRICE LEE, national spokeswoman for Generation Opportunity and senior fellow with the Independent Women's Forum, married sales manager Victor Onwuka on Saturday at the French Quarter Hotel in New Orleans. They met at a young adult social at Cornerstone Church in Bowie, Md. Pic SARAH KEEP, project manager at 270 Strategies and former digital director to Rep. Tammy Duckworth married Brian Cottrell, National Director, Agency & Media for Mintel Canada, on Saturday in Detroit, with the reception at the Detroit Institute of Arts. They met at a Super Bowl party in Chicago back in 2011. The duo dated long distance when Sarah worked in Washington D.C. and now they both currently live in Chicago. Pics ... ... SPOTTED: Emily Berret, Chris Lisi, Michael Schultz, Liz Kenigsberg, Tania Zaparanuik, Jane Hughes, Colin Seeberger. BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) ... Ted Dick ... (was Saturday): AEI President Arthur Brooks BIRTHDAYS: Melanie Fonder Kaye ... WashPost's Dana Priest, the pride of Canoga Park, Calif. ... MSNBC managing editor Ilyas Kirmani ... ABC News' Mary Bruce (we jumped the gun yesterday) ... CNN senior producer Danielle Dellorto ... Matthew Nussbaum, Politico budget reporter (h\/t colleague Ben Weyl) ... Tom Heinemann, VP of federal gov't affairs at the Manufactured Housing Institute, and bro-in-law of Carrie Budoff Brown ... Redeemer Arlington (h\/ts Eric, Jordan, Phil, Josh, Jon) ... Blake Rollins, legislative assistant for Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.), is 3-0 (h\/t Kristina Baum) ... Shekar Narasimhan, chairman and founder of the new hybrid SuperPAC AAPI Victory Fund; he's also a DNC Finance Council member as well as a commissioner on the White House Commission on AAPI's (h\/t Varun Nikore) ... Poynter alum Mallary Tenore Tarpley (h\/t Julie Moos) ... Anna Gohmann of Comcast\/NBC Universal ... Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) ... Adrienne Cisneros-Selekman ... Rachel MacKnight, senior director of comms. and deputy COS for Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) ... Jorge Martinez ... Casey Greenfield ... ... Nick Culp, gov't affairs manager at Entergy and an Upton alum ... Rob Keast, co-founder of Republic 3.0 and a Third Way alum ... USA Today sports blogger Cameron Smith, a WashPost alumnus ... Brian Bakst of Minnesota Public Radio News and an AP alum ...Alan Auglis ... John Gonzalez ... Lucy Cook, a Memphis Belle! (h\/t Charlie Cook) ... Mark Sullivan (h\/t Teresa Vilmain) ... Vivian Graubard, founding member of the U.S. Digital Service ... Georgiana Bloom ... Reuters' Katherina Lemus ... Connie Sammarco ... bluegrass singer Mac Wiseman is 91 ... Joan Collins is 83 ... chess grandmaster Anatoly Karpov is 65 ... Boxing Hall of Famer Marvelous Marvin Hagler is 62 ... Drew Carey is 58 ... \"Jeopardy!\" champ Ken Jennings is 42 ... actor-comedian Tim Robinson is 35 ... folk\/pop singer\/songwriter Sarah Jarosz (juh-ROHZ') is 25 (h\/ts AP) ** A message from BP: Safety is never being satisfied - and always working to be better. Learn how we're putting our safety philosophy into action: on.bp.com\/safety ** SUBSCRIBE to the Playbook family: POLITICO Playbook ... New York Playbook ... Florida Playbook ... New Jersey Playbook ... Massachusetts Playbook ... Illinois Playbook ... California Playbook ... Brussels Playbook ... All our political and policy tipsheets To view online: To change your alert settings, please go to or email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"CNET Shopper Newsletter: Electronics Edition Shopper All CNET The Web 1 Sony Cyber Shot DSC-F707 2 Canon PowerShot S40 3 Palm m515 4 Palm i705 5 Nikon Coolpix 995 All most popular Live tech help NOW! 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I wanted to let you know that Chris' girlfriend Lisa is giving him a suprise birthday brunch on Sunday, December 9. Will you call her about the details and to let her know if you'll be able to make it. Her cell phone is 713-480-1076. Hopefully we'll see you there. Kim","label":0} {"text":"Paypal transfer We aretransferring funds fromPaypal to your bank account. Total amounttransferred$543.31 BankaccountBANK OF AMERICA Transaction ID27349978623985584 Help Center Resolution Center Security CenterPlease don't reply to this email. It'll justconfuse the computer that sent it and you won'tget a response.Copyright 2012 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. PayPalis located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Apologies, was sitting in my outbox. Great. Please make sure Comer has the briefing. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org > On Apr 26, 2016, at 5:17 PM, Parrish, Daniel wrote: > >","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 [IMPORTANT] IF THIS LETTER SENT AS JUNK OR SPAM ITS JUST AN ERROR BY OUR NEW SYSTEM , PLEASE CLICK AT NOT SPAM OR NOT JUNK. Your Account has limitation! You can resolve this now. Case id : 9000321-128. Login attempt from unkown device. Dear Client It looks like someone else may have acces to your account, so we've temporarily locked it to keep your personal informations in safe. To unlock your account, you may need to pass a security check. Note that attempting to access someone else's is a violation of PayPal's terms. It may also be illegal. To reset your account access please enter the link below : restore access to my account 30\/06\/2015 05:54:57","label":1} {"text":"Definitely no to MJ. What about meeting up with Zucker? On Apr 25, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Paustenbach, Mark > wrote: Below are some ideas both for a possible New York trip on Monday and Tuesday and going forward. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Election (and Some Personal Background) [ ] TV: Charlie Rose [ ] TV: Today Show (Savannah) [ ] TV: GMA (Robin Roberts \/ News and Breast Cancer) [ ] OFF-THE-RECORD: NYTimes \/ Political Editor (Carolyn Ryan) with Political Reporters (Maggie Haberman, Nick Confessore, et al) [ ] OFF-THE RECORD: CBS News \/ President (David Rhodes) [ ] Morning Joe (Chair is not interested) Personal Background - Congressional softball game\/breast cancer - Kids going off to college - Longest serving female DNC chair [ ] People Magazine [ ] Parenting Magazine [ ] SELF [ ] AARP Magazine [ ] MORE [ ] American Way Magazine (American Airlines) -- What's in her bag? Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Gaya Island Resort | 40% OFF: Go on a Kinabalu Escapade today! * {padding:0;margin:0;} html, body {margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#333;text-align:center;line-height:18px;} browser view Includes 30% off spa treatments up to 12pm, complimentary wireless internet and 40% off for children under age of 12. Valid for travel from now till 30th June, 2015. Gaya Island Resort, Malohom Bay, Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Telephone: +60 3 2783 1000 Email: travelcentre@ytlhotels.com.my YTL Hotels, Muse Floor, Starhill Gallery, 181 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia --","label":0} {"text":"Alan \u2013 Roy Cockrum, TN just contributed 33,400 on the DNC general link today and intended on making the contribution towards one of our events. Can you please transfer his contribution over to finance? Thanks, Max From: Roy Cockrum Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:09 PM To: Marshall, Maxwell Subject: Re: Upcoming Events in TN etc. Hi Max, Just sent DNC donation of $33,400.00 and would like to attend the round table next week if its not too late. Let me know ASAP so I can make travel arrangements. Also planning to be in Philly for all those festivities. Thank you, Roy Cockrum [ 445 S. Gay ST, Ste. 306 Knoxville, TN 37902 (865) 347-2250 On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Marshall, Maxwell > wrote: Hi Roy \u2013 Nice speaking with you earlier today! Please find the invitation for our event with Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Knoxville on June 3rd attached. I have also attached our convention package document, you currently qualify for the Main Line package! If were willing to contribute $33,400 we can bump you up a level to the Fairmont. Additionally, your generous contribution would allow you to attend a small roundtable we are having with President Obama in DC on May 18th or a dinner in NYC on June 8th (Invites also attached). Finally please meet Scott Comer, DNC Finance Chief of Staff and son of Knoxville TN who is running point on our event. Let me know what you think, as always we appreciate your support and friendship! Max Max Marshall Southern Finance Director Democratic National Committee 202.572.5444","label":0} {"text":"Plus Compton.\/ From: Rangappa, Anu Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:48 AM To: Miranda, Luis; Davis, Marilyn; Ward, Collin Subject: Vendor Pitch: Shindig Have any of you heard of this? They want to pitch us, but I wasn't sure who the right person is to connect them with. Is this something any of you would be interested in? If not, I'll decline. Anu - I am reaching out because one of my clients has a new turnkey solution for online video chat events that offers the dynamics of an in-person event at internet scale. I think it could really benefit the DNC, its organization, down and up ballot races, fundraising efforts, persuasion campaigns, constituents relations and more. In fact, via my sister April Mellody, the Deputy CEO for Communications at 2016 Democratic National Convention, we are talking with Kelli Klein, the digital director about the technology tomorrow and how this may work at the convention. That said, I wondering who may be best at the DNC to try and get meeting with to do a demo the platform, which is called Shindig [info below]. I would really appreciate any guidance you may have. I look forward to repaying the favor. Shindig Overview and below some of the use cases we thought of: Convention\/Campaign Appearances: candidates, speakers and surrogates can maximize time, and reach geographically distributed organizations, interest groups, and other entities with high-touch and tremendous efficiency. These are tele-town halls on steroids. They allow principals to not only address the entire online audience and take questions from audience members in front of the online audience, but also allow them to \"work the room\" and privately mingle with the audience members in small clusters giving high value people their couple of minutes of special attention and recognition. [Note: there is also a green room function that allows a PA to screen people before putting them on stage with the principals.] Constituent Outreach: In the face of increasing demands for transparency, principals can begin doing more regular online presentations. The events are controlled by the principals, providing a more reliable, constituent-friendly way to engage, and yielding video, which you can post and use across platforms. Strategy Meetings: In responding to the daily flow, managers can convene their teams much more effectively on Shindig. Individuals can privately discuss issues that come up in real-time finding solutions to issues that may arise. All the business is conducted in one place and no second and third phone calls are needed to be made. Opinion Research: The platform is a new rapid-fire way to achieve large scale low-cost focus groups. Training: Motivation and GOTV tool. Shindig allows senior staff and principals deal with large groups at one time and fire them up more personally, bettering managing organizations. Fundraising: Great for individual appeals, building in-house crowd-funding and training your staff and volunteers to solicit contributions. Using Shindig for fundraising more than pays for the platform. Hope to hear from you or members of your team sometime soon. All the very best, Ellen Ellen M. Mellody, Partner Collective Consulting (C2) Cell: 570-209-2947 Email: ellen@collectiveconsulting.net LinkedIn: Twitter: @ellenmellody Web: www.collectiveconsulting.net","label":0} {"text":"Politico: Sanders allies plot post-primary war on Trump Draft plan also proposes alternate 'convention' event for Bernie. By GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI A group of senior Bernie Sanders staffers and volunteers is circulating a draft proposal calling on the senator to get out of the presidential race after the final burst of Democratic primaries on June 7, and concentrate on building a national progressive organization to stop Donald Trump. Operating under the assumption that Sanders will win the California primary but still fall far short of amassing enough delegates to claim the Democratic nomination, the document calls for the Vermont senator to exit the race and launch an independent political group far larger than any other recent post-campaign political operations, such as those started by Howard Dean or Barack Obama. The working title for the roughly 1,600-word document: \"After Winning on June 7th Bernie Sanders Should Suspend his Campaign and Launch an Independent Organization to Defeat Donald Trump.\" At the same time, people closer to Sanders and his campaign team have been holding their own big-picture conversations about the shape of the post-primary Sanders machine for months, zeroing in on specific questions in recent weeks about what the goals should be, and how it would work. Both efforts to sketch out the Sanders end-game are working under the premise that Hillary Clinton will likely be the party's nominee - but a standard-bearer who will struggle to bring Sanders voters along with her. That's led some of the discussions to focus on how best to use Sanders' vaunted email list to energize his backers against Trump, and whether to help down-ballot candidates who share Sanders' views. For the moment, Sanders remains publicly focused on amassing delegates via the remaining primaries so he can reach the Democratic convention in July with a significant force that can shape the proceedings. But even as he racks up victories - most recently in Indiana and West Virginia - he's faced repeated questions about his intentions, with some of his highest-profile supporters questioning his plan to stay in through July. The group of over a dozen Sanders backers crafting the proposal - a collection of volunteers and current and former Sanders staff members, all veterans of other high-profile campaigns, including Barack Obama's, who insist on anonymity - believes that leaving an imprint on the party platform is an overrated goal. They suggest that the Vermont senator should exit the race if it's clear he cannot win - a call similar to the one made by Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, his lone Senate endorser - rather than spend the five weeks before the convention in limbo. That approach would allow Clinton to confront Trump more directly, and earlier than expected: even Priorities USA Action, the main pro-Clinton super PAC, has signaled that it wishes to go on the offensive sooner than originally planned by revealing this week that it will move up the start time of its ads from June 8. \"Senator Sanders should proceed to lay out his plan to build an organization, completely independent of the Clinton campaign that will single-mindedly devote itself to educating Americans about the threat of right wing (some say fascist) takeover and the task of identifying and mobilizing voters to defend our democracy in November 2016 and beyond. Call it Revolution 2016 or another name that best speaks to base and message and its focused task over the next 5 months might be to mobilize voters under 30 (with likely positive impacts on Senate and Congressional races),\" reads a copy of the draft proposal obtained by POLITICO. While Sanders will likely speak at July's official Democratic convention in Philadelphia, the document proposes that he and his aides host a 'convention' event of their own to spur excitement and launch this group: \"the best organized independent expenditure organization in history [that will] give the vast (and deeply anti-establishment) base a vehicle into which they will whole heartedly pour their energy.\" Such an effort, they write, would help bridge the gap between Clinton and the \"large cadre of young, newly political Sanders supporters [that] sees rejection of Hillary and the Democratic Party establishment as core to their identity.\" If the group was at first focused primarily on combating Trump, the thinking goes, it would provide those Sanders fans with justification for eventually voting for Clinton. \"This is a populist year in American electoral politics with signs that it may mark the beginning of a populist era. It would be very unwise for the decidedly un-populist Hillary Clinton to move with too much confidence towards a full-on confrontation with Donald Trump,\" they continue. \"A Sanders led (as opposed to Sanders-centered) independent entity could provide a much needed, articulate and energized economic populist voice to the anti-Trump effort without the intrinsic compromising effect posed by close association with Neoliberal Democratic elites, as well as weaning the volunteer base off total reliance on individual candidates during one-off election cycles.\" The still-circulating proposal - by far the most advanced version of a post-primary discussion to surface - acknowledges that there are significant kinks still to work out in the post-primary plan, first and foremost how to fund the proposed independent entity. While Sanders has sustained his campaign with an online fundraising juggernaut, the pace of its donations has already slowed and it's unlikely that he would be able to keep up a constant money flow beyond the campaign season. As a result, acknowledge the proposal drafters, he would be faced with the question of accepting big checks from individual donors - a direct contradiction with a central tenet of his current campaign. \"Bernie Sanders may either believe that it is a principle, even outside of a candidacy, or feel that he is boxed in by the rhetoric of the campaign,\" they write. \"Controls could easily be applied - such as an open process governed by a diverse panel of volunteers who could accept or reject large donations, e.g. in excess of $10,000 - but in the end Bernie Sanders himself would have to decide where his priorities lie.\" Read more: #ixzz48ORWEpNV Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more.","label":1} {"text":"Bumping to you for availability ... Note Dan Raviv CBS Radio interview added Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: \"Manriquez, Pablo\" > Date: May 2, 2016 at 3:19:42 PM EDT To: \"Miranda, Luis\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" >, \"Walker, Eric\" >, Ryan Banfill > Subject: Re: DWS tomorrow in NYC Just added her usual CBS Radio interview with Dan Raviv. I really need some guidance here on which of these I'm locking in and which I'm pitching elsewhere... On May 2, 2016, at 12:10 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Starting the chain. Let me know what we can do and I'll start locking them in. OPEN - Fox News Latino Election Invite with Henry Munoz 6AM hour - CNN New Day 7PM hour - Fox News Super Tues Special 7-9PM hours - CBS radio interview 8:35PM - Fox News Radio hit Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"Dear Keith, I hope that you had a good trip back from Bergen. Some of the review comments which appeared to be relevant for the Holocene section are yours. I copy them here so that you can take there of them. All the best, Val\u00e9rie. 6-687 A 26:18 28:19 Replace \"limiting the vallue\" on line 18 to \"review as a\" on line 19 by \"which means there is no legitimate\" [VINCENT GRAY (Reviewer\\u2019s comment ID #: 88-774)] FOR KEITH 6-694 A 27:0 33: Section (on 2000-yr proxy reconstructions) is a little too long. It can be either shortened or reorganized into 2 or more shorter sections, say on reconstruction history, debate, and new development. [Govt. of United States of America (Reviewer\\u2019s comment ID #: 2023-407)] 6-695 A 27:0 Fig. 6.10a. Rather than showing the average of 4 European stations I suggest to plot the available averaged European mean land temperature (using much more than just 4 stations) from Luterbacher et al. 2004 and Xoplaki et al. 2005. This continental scale average would provide a more appropriate overview for the last 250 years. The first lead author has the data or they can be obtained prepared from xoplaki@giub.unibe.ch or juerg@giub.unibe.ch. Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Paeth, H., Dietrich, D., Steiner N., Grosjean, M., and Wanner, H., 2005: European spring and autumn temperature variability and change of extremes over the last half millennium, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L15713. Luterbacher, J., Dietrich, D., Xoplaki, E., Grosjean, M., and H. Wanner, 2004: European seasonal and annual temperature variability, trends and extremes since 1500, Science, 303, 1499-1503. [J\u00fcrg Luterbacher (Reviewer\\u2019s comment ID #: 151-8)] 6-696 A 27:0 Fig 6.10. I here repeat a point made in my comments on the FOD. It is statistically invalid and visually misleading to overlay the black instrumental line on this diagram. The coloured graph lines show proxy records that end at 1980. If you want a line that continues up to more recent years that then you must use the proxy records that continue past 1980, not switch to a different type of series. There are up to date proxy records available, but as I'm sure the authors of this chapter are aware, they depart from the surface instrumental record, many of them declining after 1980. By failing to show this, and including the surface temperature data in black, it constitutes a misrepresentation, since the black line is an invalid forward extrapolation of the proxy data. If the reason for not showing the updated proxies is that they are not considered to be good representatives of temperature anymore, then by what right does the Figure insinuate that they were good proxies 8-10 centuries ago? It is no defence to claim that MBH99 established a statistically skillful relationship between the proxy network and the instrumental data, since that claim has been refuted, as discussed above. McIntyre and McKitrick (2005a,d) showed that the pre-1450 RE statistic was incorrectly benchmarked, yielding a spurious inference, and the r2 stat calculated by MB&H themselves, which showed the lack of skill, was simply not reported. The failure of the r2 and CE stats is confirmed by Wahl and Ammann. The squared correlation between the MBH long proxies and the instrumental record is nearly zero (MM05a,c). The mean correlation between the long NOAMER proxies and gridcell temperatures in the MBH98 data set (which dominate the pre-AD1450 portion) is -0.08 (McIntyre and McKitrick 2005c), and the RE significance benchmark is above the MBH98 RE score, using all available implementation of the Mann code (McIntyre and McKitrick 2005d). The surface instrumental record cannot be used as a statistically valid extrapolation for the proxies after 1980. [Ross McKitrick (Reviewer\\u2019s comment ID #: 174-35)]","label":0} {"text":"HAHAHAHA \/ ADL shows how dumb americans and JEWS are! I was just re-reading what the ADL says about me... Boy is it funny shit!! www.fascistworld.org Let me show ya some::: Apperently I shot my living wife to death, and her name was lori FANN... lol My name is not Hardy but Harold... lol I created the ONS not in 1999, but in 2004... lol They also claim that I created the NSAWP, then named myself as chairman... Actually, the NSAWP was already created back in the 60's... The leaders had asked me in 2003\/04 (can't remember) to become the new chairman of the party... I guess they liked my Creativity leadership and my essays!! Also, the heads of the National Alliance and White Revolution had also asked me in 2003\/04 to become state leader for their groups for the american province of Pennsylvania...! DUH! That I blended Christian-Identity and Creativity to create \"the order of melkorism\"... Not only that, but that is was largly a CI \"movement\"! LOLOLOLOL Melkorism, for those who don't actually know, was a Star Wars like role-playing game that I invented for the Pgh COMICON... I blended my Star Wars West End Games source books with the Lord of the Rings to create a really kool fantasy game for Pgh role-players... The JEWS claim I created a Creativity\/Christian-Identity \"religion\" to convert members of the NSM and the HammerSkin Nation to a \"new way of life\"... How they could actually believe that I blended CI with Creativity is beyond logic!! lol What else...? Well, they still maintain that I shot my wife in 2004... But since she is right next to me, and doesn't smell like death, I'm assuming that they got that one wrong... HAHAHAHAHA","label":0} {"text":"THE WEEK IN REVIEW: Harvest at Macworld Search News.com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW! April's tech award 1 million open jobs News.com: Top CIOs ZDNet: PeopleSoft CNET | NEWS.COM WEEK IN REVIEW The Entire Tech Week in a Single Email Saturday, July 20, 2002 Mac fans flocked to the Macworld Expo in New York to watch Apple Computer trot out new hardware, software and even a Web services plan--but it might be a challenge getting people to pay for the offerings. Apple CEO Steve Jobs kicked off the trade show by unveiling new iPod digital-audio players and a new flat-panel iMac. The new iPod players include models built specifically for computers that use Microsoft's Windows operating system. Apple lowered the price of the existing 5GB iPod and a redesigned 10GB model, which is thinner and comes with a new case and remote control. Jobs also introduced a beefier 20GB iPod for $499. The iPod stable now includes three models for Mac users and three models for Windows users with MusicMatch software. As expected, Jobs introduced a new iMac model with a 17-inch flat-panel monitor. The model offers a widescreen display with 1,440-by-900-pixel resolution versus 1,024-by-768-pixel resolution for the 15-inch iMac. Jobs also previewed the next version of Mac OS X, version 10.2, which will be on store shelves Aug. 24 for $129. OS X 10.2 includes a new Finder with improved search features, spring-loaded folders and the ability to change the background photo as often as every 5 seconds. But fans who rushed to OS X last year learned there's no such thing as a cheap upgrade when the company announced it will not offer a discounted upgrade version of Mac OS X version 10.2, code-named Jaguar, to current users of the operating system. To get Jaguar, current OS X users will have to buy a new Macintosh or an entirely new version of the operating system for the retail price of $129. Apple's decision not to sell a less-expensive upgrade version lay in the qualitative difference between version 10.1 and 10.2. Although the versions share the same core technology, Jaguar includes several new features and services, such as search tool Sherlock 3 and Internet address finder Rendezvous, which arguably classify it as an entirely new piece of software. Apple also raised eyebrows by transitioning its iTools Web services from a free program to a paid program called .Mac. The company plans to charge about $100 per year for the program. The collection of Web services was launched about three years ago, and now includes online storage via a service called iDisk, online greeting cards through iCards and other features. Despite iTool's popularity, the company may face a tough sell with the .Mac program. The history of paid services, is not a pretty picture. Customers have bristled when companies try to slap charges on previously free services. Some have succeeded but many have struggled, especially when free alternatives lurked elsewhere. In the early 1990s, Apple's efforts to form online communities and popularize search engines failed magnificently. To its advantage, Apple has presented a fairly coherent and tangible set of services with .Mac. And although its software division is far more organized than it once was, it's unclear how overwhelming demand will be. However, an online petition protesting the new charges doesn't bode well for the program. Microsoft's moves Not one to be caught in anyone's shadow, Microsoft plans to offer a rebate for its Office suite for Mac OS X to those who buy the software bundle when they pick up a new Mac. The promotion entails a $50 mail-in rebate for people buying a new Mac and upgrading to Office v. X, and $100 for those buying a Mac and the full version of the software. The offers come after Microsoft revealed that sales of the software have not met its expectations. The software potentate had expected to sell 750,000 copies of Office v. X by now, but instead has sold only 300,000 since the program went on sale last November. Microsoft is also putting the finishing touches on the third collection of Windows 2000 bug fixes, which is nearly ready for release after a protracted period of testing. The update, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, contains vital security updates and hundreds of fixes to bugs plaguing the operating system that Microsoft released in February 2000. Service Pack 3 could be important for many businesses, as not all of the included security fixes are available as separate downloads. Not everything will be available as a download, however. Weeks before Microsoft plans to reinstate Java in Windows XP, it has shut down a site that would automatically send its Java software to Windows XP users. The company closed the install-on-demand feature 30 days after it told Java inventor Sun Microsystems it would reinstate Java in Windows XP through the forthcoming Service Pack 1 but remove it altogether in 2004. Somebody's watching you You better watch what you write in Yahoo's free e-mail service--because Yahoo is. To protect users from malicious code, Yahoo uses an automated filter to swap out a handful of words such as \"mocha\" and \"eval\" that pertain to Web code known as JavaScript. The reason is that e-mail sent in a form known as \"Web enhanced\" can contain JavaScript instructions able to run programs on the recipient's PC. JavaScript is a Web language that can issue commands such as telling the browser to open up other windows or to prompt a service to change a password, for example. \"Mocha\" is one of those special commands that can be run from Web-enhanced e-mail. Typing \"mocha:\" into the location bar of the Netscape browser will open a screen with a display area and a text box underneath, in which commands can be entered. A malicious hacker could, for example, use the command line to run a program that changes a person's password without that person's knowledge. On the heels of plans for new powers to patrol people's Web use, the U.S. government is again turning to technology to monitor suspicious activity in the name of fighting terrorism. The government has unveiled more details of its Terrorist Information and Prevention System (TIPS), a plan to recruit volunteers across the country who will keep tabs on dubious or suspicious behavior. \"The program will involve the millions of American workers who, in the daily course of their work, are in a unique position to see potentially unusual or suspicious activity in public places,\" according to the TIPS Web site. But the American Civil Liberties Union, one of several critics of the plan, fears the proposal will encourage racial profiling and vigilantism, possibly leading to searches of private homes without a warrant. Also of note A handful of entrepreneurial technology companies are advancing techniques once used haphazardly by record companies and Napster-haters, in ways that may be far more destructive to the credibility of file-swapping networks than were previous efforts...Apple released the final version of its QuickTime 6 digital media software, marking a stand-down in a dispute over licensing fees...The Federal Trade Commission is planning to take a deeper look at whether some state laws illegally restrict Internet commerce...In one of the toughest sentences for online auction fraud, a Virginia man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for defrauding hundreds of shoppers on eBay and Yahoo auction sites...The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bill that would allow for life prison sentences for malicious computer hackers...MPEG LA, a group of patent holders governing MPEG-4, finalized licensing terms for the media delivery standard, bowing to market pressure for manageable royalty rates...Several tech and telecommunications giants are considering a joint venture to pepper the United States with wireless \"hot spots.\" Want more? Check out all this week's News.com headlines. The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-cnet-newsletters@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | AdvertisePlease send any questions, comments, or concerns to dispatchfeedback@news.com. Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"OTC Newsletter Discover Tomorrow's Winners For Immediate Release Cal-Bay (Stock Symbol: CBYI) Watch for analyst \"Strong Buy Recommendations\" and several advisory newsletters picking CBYI. CBYI has filed to be traded on the OTCBB, share prices historically INCREASE when companies get listed on this larger trading exchange. CBYI is trading around 25 cents and should skyrocket to $2.66 - $3.25 a share in the near future. Put CBYI on your watch list, acquire a position TODAY. REASONS TO INVEST IN CBYI A profitable company and is on track to beat ALL earnings estimates! One of the FASTEST growing distributors in environmental & safety equipment instruments. Excellent management team, several EXCLUSIVE contracts. IMPRESSIVE client list including the U.S. Air Force, Anheuser-Busch, Chevron Refining and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, GE-Energy & Environmental Research. RAPIDLY GROWING INDUSTRY Industry revenues exceed $900 million, estimates indicate that there could be as much as $25 billion from \"smell technology\" by the end of 2003. !!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!Our last recommendation to buy ORBT at $1.29 rallied and is holding steady at $3.50! Congratulations to all our subscribers that took advantage of this recommendation. ALL removes HONORED. Please allow 7 days to be removed and send ALL addresses to: GoneForGood@btamail.net.cn Certain statements contained in this news release may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by such terms as \"expect\", \"believe\", \"may\", \"will\", and \"intend\" or similar terms. We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies. We were paid $27,000 in cash by a third party to publish this report. Investing in companies profiled is high-risk and use of this information is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an investor, then it will be that investor's sole risk. Investors are advised NOT to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker. Do not rely solely on the information presented, do additional independent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies. Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment. Not intended for recipients or residents of CA,CO,CT,DE,ID, IL,IA,LA,MO,NV,NC,OK,OH,PA,RI,TN,VA,WA,WV,WI. Void where prohibited. The owners of this publication may already own free trading shares in CBYI and may immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published. Factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. Copyright c 2001 \u2261 OTC \u2261 ******","label":1} {"text":"Hi Adrian, moving to my work email. I'd be happy to. I'm copying Rachel to help us schedule a time. On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Adrian Saenz > wrote: Luis, are you in town on Monday afternoon and do you have some time to meet with TX State Rep Trey Martinez Fischer? He's been a huge ally to POTUS and is in his last year in the state house and as chair of the Mexican American legislative caucus. He is interested in getting on TV re: the Latino vote, Trump, etc. I know you're busy but would appreciate it if you could find time to visit with him and provide some guidance. Adrian Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"20020710 Lockergnome Windows Daily 07.10.2002 GnomeREPORT WE NEED YOU TO BE AT GNOMEDEX! That's what your employer should be telling you. Microsoft Pocket PC experts will be sharing tips on improving workplace productivity with portable devices. Combined with Proxim's on location wireless networking solutions, the Pocket PC can keep you and your co-workers communicating no matter where you are in the building. Learn how to bring Wi-FI and PDA technologies together for the ultimate in portable computing. Register for Gnomedex today! Last week, Axialis Software released IconWorkshop v5.0 - arguably the most powerful icon editor \/ manager for the Windows platform. Ever the icon addict, I asked for your pixel-perfect creations. I have yet to receive one. Perhaps you've been waiting for the right motivation? How about a nice little contest involving some of the most powerful sites on the Internet? Here's the deal: you create five (or more) icons between now and the end of July 2002, upload them to your [FREE] DeviantArt account (under Contests \/ Axialis Icon Contest), and one of the five judges may pick it. The panel includes: myself, MattEO from DeviantArt, KarmaGirl from WinCustomize, Voodoo from Neowin, and Marc from Axialis. We'll each pick our favorite set. The winners will not only receive one copy of IconWorkshop Corporate Edition, but some of their icons will get bundled with a future version of the software! Ownership is retained by the original author, so don't hold back. Here's your chance at fame and fortune. Or, at least fame and free software. Ah, the life of a software junkie! Pieter just released the new (unofficial) Google SearchTool today. It's much more convenient than the official toolbar (sorry, I just don't like browser add-ons). I also gave Cacheman another go; I haven't used it since Windows 98. It's always been a great piece of shareware, but I didn't realize it was THIS good. The speed increase has been quite noticeable (even on Storm Shadow, my P4 2.5GHz machine). Outer Technologies is brilliant. And so is Repligator 9.0. It gives me access to instant special effects - a one-stop shop for digital photo fun. I'm still debating whether or not to install the latest Java runtimes. It seems to be unobtrusive on my test machine, which is good to see; I don't want browser integration, I just wanna run that awesome ASCII Art program. Oh, and \"12 Mistakes Executives Make When Planning Web Strategy\" is available for FREE with the purchase of ANY GnomeTome (including our 50 freshly-released OS X tips). Go grab it if your boss doesn't know as much as s\/he should. There's a little bit of Oingo Boingo on Emusic now. They inked a deal with Universal Music Group today - and I'm not paying any more to get access to even more MP3s. This is the ONLY way to go, and I hope and pray that more record labels will eventually catch on to the craze. The Internet is more than a place for a pseudo-interactive pamphlet; the Internet fosters knowledge; the Internet is still in its infancy; the Internet has encouraged creativity and commerce. The one thing the Internet is NOT: a fad. Its potential is limitless, as long as it remains flexible and not controlled by any one company. This Palladium thing has got me more than a little spooked. It, combined with the service-oriented OS, could very well be the thing that drives people away from the Windows platform in droves (as much as I hate to admit it). Software and music pirates unwittingly created DRM. I best not find out that you're part of the problem. See You in August, Chris Pirillo GnomeDOWNLOADS Groone's Recipe Holder v1.1.0 [8.2M] W9x\/2k\/XP FREE {Recipe lister} The best thing about this recipe holder? The conversion calculator. I've always wondered how many teaspoons were in a gallon. There are a few delicious recipes already included, to help you start your collection of favorites. Everything is nicely divided into categories, too. Need a salad? Then click \"Soups & Salads.\" (Easy!) You can also make shopping lists. The printing capability is nice too, since I'm assuming most of you don't keep your computer next to the stove. \"If you have an up-to-date computer with Win2000, XP, or 98SE with the latest version of IE, then you can download the version with no runtime support since your computer has all the necessary files.\" SolarInfo v1.0 [1.1M] FREE {Sun, moon, and planets} Why is it all the other planets have really cool names for their respective moon(s), but Earth's is simply referred to as \"moon?\" We should change it to something catchier, like \"Joey Joe-Joe Junior Shabbadu.\" Don't mind me, I was just looking at this new application. It shows a graphical representation of every planet in our solar system (as opposed to every planet in the Hoth system) and its moons. It also provides detailed information such as the planet's distance from the sun, its volume, mass, and gravity in relation to Earth. What I found most interesting was how long a single \"day\" lasts on different planets. Did you know one day on Pluto is equal to six days on Earth? I guess he chased Chip and Dale around the Christmas tree for longer than we thought. Recommend It! GnomeCLICKS GnomeSYSTEM TightVNC v1.2.4 [660k] W9x\/2k\/XP FREE \"VNC (an abbreviation for Virtual Network Computing) is a great client \/ server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops. With VNC, you may allow yourself to access your machine from everywhere provided that your machine is connected to the Internet. VNC is free (released under the GNU General Public License) and it's available on most platforms. The original VNC distribution can be obtained at the AT&T research labs site. Here you can find enhanced version of VNC, called TightVNC (grown from the VNC Tight Encoder project), which is optimized to work over slow network connections such as low-speed modem links. While original VNC may be very slow when your connection is not fast enough, with TightVNC you can work remotely almost in real time in most environments. Besides bandwidth optimizations, TightVNC also includes many other improvements, optimizations and bug fixes over VNC.\" Recommend It! GnomeWILDCARD Full PDF Books Poor Richard's Web Internet Promotions E-Mail Publishing Web Site Makeover Websites Made Easy Online Communities Home Networking Internet Recruiting Online Branding Pop-Up Menu Navigation Software Scribbled by Pat Wong I found some really cool software to generate Web site navigation menus, and I thought you might be interested in learning about it. There are several examples on the company's site, as well as on my own. Here's a small write-up about it; perhaps you'd be interested in running this in a future Lockergnome issue? We've all seen a lot of really cool site navigation menus, with pop-up text, neat mouseover effects, and the like. Most of them require a combination of HTML and JavaScript to build, which is expertise that goes way beyond some of us. At last, it's possible to easily generate just such a menu with some very user-friendly screens to enter the data you want to use. Pop-Up Menu comes in a freeware version, or you can get a fully licensed version ($34.95 for a Home User license \/ $129.95 for the Web Designer license). The biggest difference? With the licensed version, you get the ability to save a menu you've generated so you can modify it later. Your only alternative, if you want to make even a simple change to a menu generated by the freeware version, is to create the whole menu again from scratch (or diving into the nuts and bolts of the code and modifying that). Be forewarned: The JavaScript reads like a novel, so modifying that could potentially be a nightmare. I decided to buy the fully licensed version and I'm really glad I did. Sorry if I sound like a commercial for the company; I don't work for them or stand to be compensated in any way for recommending them. I just think this menu system is the greatest thing to come along in a while. Submit Your Thoughts | Recommend It! Avoid intruders in your online space: Our choice to protect your privacy! Complete browsing security. Clear cache, cookies, history and more with the click of your mouse. Leave no telltale tracks behind!\" Get a virtual Panic Button for your PC! Try it today! GnomeFAVORITE Calculator Unearthed by a Gnomie {Calculate it} Calculators aren't just for adding and subtracting numbers or spelling silly phrases by turning the calculator upside down. How about figuring out the financing on your new car? What about the seeding rates for your wheat farm? Perhaps you programmers out there need a nice HEX calculator. And, of course, what football fan wouldn't like to calculate the passing rates for his or her favorite quarterback? If it seems like I'm all over the map here, it's because this site provides links to all kinds of calculator sites for all kinds of people. Trust me: it all adds up to a unique and useful site. Recommend It! GnomeTIP Our Tip eBooks Microsoft Office Tips PC Productivity Tips Cool Internet Tips Windows 2000 Tips Windows XP Tips Top 50 Fun Sites Must-Know Terms Top 50 Useful Sites Top 75 Tech Sites Who knows how to thwart false charges? Lockergnomie Steve Lafferty: \"In a recent article over the PayPal issue, it was stated that when using a credit card illegally, the owner of that card is responsible for the first $50. However, sometging that very few people know about is that there is a US Federal provision in the banking industry called 'Reg E' (Regulation E \/ Electronic Funds Transfer). This stipulates that all transactions will err in favor of the customer (account holder). This means that if your 'bank card' is used without your permission, you are not responsible for any of the charges. My suggestion is never to use a credit card - and only use your bank debit card. That way, if someone steals your number, you are not liable for any of the charges.\" For more information, please refer to Section 205 on FEDERALRESERVE.GOV. Obviously, this tip only applies to people living in the USA. If you haven't been watching your statements like a hawk lately, you'd be wise to start soon. Identity theft is a growing concern. When my wallet was stolen, I found IDENTITYTHEFT.ORG to be a godsend. Recommend It! Your subscribed e-mail address is: [qqqqqqqqqq-lg@example.com] - To unsubscribe or change your delivery address, please visit the subscription management page. For further information, please refer to the GnomeCREDITS in the sidebar. 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HAPPY FUN STUFF And now, we see the story of the ugly shoe unfold before our very eyes. This footwear was outcast from the group weeks ago, and has been very depressed ever since. Pity my shoe. The Lone Shoe CLICK HERE TO ZOOM BYTE ME NOW \u00a92002, Lockergnome LLC. ISSN: 1095-3965. All Rights Reserved. Please read our Terms of Service. Our Web site is hosted by DigitalDaze. Domain registered at DNS Central. Exercise extends your life by ten years, but you spend 15 of them doing it.","label":0} {"text":"Watch here From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:13 PM To: Garcia, Walter; Comm_D Subject: RE: VIDEO REQUEST: MSNBC right now Key -- There was a point when Chris Jansing or someone right after her mentioned a Sanders criticism about Nevada and the standing committee members. Thanks. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:04 PM To: Comm_D Subject: VIDEO REQUEST: MSNBC right now Segment on Nevada. Thx -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your prompt response to my recent e-mail message regarding the next IPCC SRES meeting. I am glad to hear that so many of you will be able to attend, since this will be a very important discussion. The plan is to hold the modelers' meeting on April 27 and 28, followed by the full authors' meeting on April 29 and 30. Below is a list of those who are planning to attend: Joseph Alcamo Dennis Anderson Zhou Dadi Gerald Davis (part of the meeting) Bert de Vries Jae Edmonds Joerg Fenhann Stuart Gaffin Henryk Gaj Kenneth Gregory Arnulf Gruebler Erik Haites Michael Hulme Tae-Yong Jung Mathew Luhanga Julio Torres Martinez Laurie Michaelis (part of the meeting) Tsuneyuke Morita Richard Moss Nebojsa Nakicenovic Youssef Nassef Hugh Pitcher Lynn Price Holger Rogner (strong possibility) Priyadarshi Shukla Leena Srivastava Robert Swart (strong possibility) Ernst Worrell I will be in touch with additional details in the coming weeks. Best regards, Naki","label":0} {"text":"Tech Update Today VITAL SIGNS FOR JULY 11, 2002 David Berlind Moore: Speech recognition next hurdle Speech recognition will be the next transforming technology, but that transformation may take another 50 years, says Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. Honored this week with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Moore took time to talk about the slowing down of his well-known law, the economy, philanthropic priorities, and more. Read the full interview Latest from ZDNet News Liberty Alliance set to battle Passport Licensing plan could boost Microsoft IBM looks to corner low-end storage Bluetooth: Off and running? Acer gloomy on tech recovery VoiceStream, AT&T Wireless to hook up? Dell douses Lexmark speculation Chip designer ARM launches China foray More Enterprise News Farber's Picks DanFarber Cyberterrorists don't care about your PC Forget about viruses. America's real cybersecurity concerns are the notoriously vulnerable computer systems that control our power and water supplies. Robert Vamosi offers a few ideas about how to keep the infrastructure safe. Read the full story Tech shores up Homeland Defense Computer security is becoming an increasingly critical part of President Bush's proposal for a homeland defense department. When Bush formally proposed the department last month, he never mentioned the Internet or cybersecurity. But as Capitol Hill scrutinizes the proposal, politicians are fretting about tech-savvy terrorists--and insisting any new agency must shield the U.S. from electronic attacks as well. Read the full story Bush security could get privacy czar Novell's new identity Novell seems to understand where today's sweet spot is: providing enterprises with the tools they need to manage and deliver Web services against the identities of employees, partners, and customers. Novell, a leading Web services company? It just may pull it off, says Tech Update's Eric Knorr. Are you looking for solutions to your identity crisis? Do you think Novell can provide them? Read the full commentary ROI calculators don\"t tell the whole TCO story In response to David Berlind\"s Dell's formula for ROI, TCO consultant Tom Rankin warns that \"99 percent of TCO tools do not look at the 'total' but may look at whatever parameters suit the vendor to sell their products\/services.\" His advice to clients: \"Make sure they can write a check to the CFO after three months.\" Read all his advice Microsoft's Palladium: What the hell is it? (Here's what!) Everybody's talking about Palladium, Microsoft's new \"trustworthy computing\" architecture. But the details on what it is and how it will work are still extremely sketchy. My colleague, Anchordesk's David Coursey, has been putting the pieces together--and here's what he knows so far. Read the full commentary Cell phone personality test Whether you're a total gear head or you like to keep things simple, take our cell phone personality test to find out which models suit you best. Read the full story David Berlind's Rx for mobile happiness Write me at dan.farber@cnet.com Back to top Also on Tech Update Today COMMENTARY Why didn't mobile platforms trip Microsoft up? Peter Judge: In the late 90s, we thought the diversity of mobile platforms would break Microsoft's monopoly. What went wrong? FEATURE Storage network infrastructure: 2002 forecast Components that interconnect storage and computing devices comprise the network storage infrastructure. Gartner provide forecasts for its evolution from 2002 through 2006. How does your company implement its storage network infrastructure? PREVIOUSLY ON TECH UPDATE TODAY Toshiba releases monster notebook The 9.6-pound Satellite 1955-S801 desktop replacement sports a 2.2GHz Pentium 4 desktop processor and a 16-inch display. Crucial Clicks--products worth looking at Networking Find the right home network Choosing the right technology to match your networking needs is vital. Here's help in making the choice. Read reviews Most Popular Products Networking 1. Linksys EtherFast wireless AP 2. Linksys EtherFast router 3. Siemens SpeedStream router 4. Wireless 802.11B Router 5. NetGear HE102 802.11a wireless AP More popular networking products Elsewhere on ZDNet Veritas CEO Gary Bloom speaks out at Tech Update. Check out these personal laser printer picks at ZDNet Reviews. See how WAP works and how you should use it at Builder.com. Need a new job? Find one today in ZDNet's Career Center. CIOs talk out about the future of IT at CNET News.com. Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Home |eBusiness | Security | Networking | Applications | Platforms | Hardware | Contact us Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks, Inc.","label":0} {"text":"MARK E POLLACK - Confidential Settlement Communication Dear Ben and Renee: Attached is a short form agreement draft. We believe it captures the economic points in our charts sent to you last week, and includes key protections Mark E requested. We were unable to use the entirety of your draft because, as we previously communicated, we believe that the parties are best served by streamlining\/consolidating the too numerous prior agreements into a single new agreement which clearly sets forth the relationship and rights and obligations of the parties on a going forward basis. Let's discuss after the two of you and Mark E have had a chance to review the draft agreement. Sincerely, Len. Attachments: Pollack Agreement as of May 2014.docx (40437 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":"Security Center Military Grade Encryption is Only the StartAt PayPal, we want to increase your security and comfort level with every transaction. From our Buyer and Seller Protection Policies to our Verification and Reputation systems, we'll help to keep you safe. PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of buyers and sellers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. Recently, our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement access to your account will be limited. This is a fraud prevention measure meant to ensure that your account is not compromised. In order to secure your account we may require some specific information from you. We encourage you to log in by clicking on the link below and complete the requested form as soon as possible. Ignoring our request, for an extended period of time, may result in account limitations or may result in eventual account closure. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department PayPal Email ID PP4392 *Please do not respond to this e-mail as your reply will not be received.","label":1} {"text":"Trump in 2007: 'I'm excited' For Housing Market Crash NBC NEWS \/\/ ALEXANDRA JAFFE Donald Trump counseled Trump University students to take advantage of the housing bubble as an investment opportunity and said, just a year before it burst, that he was \"excited\" for it to end because of the money he'd make. \"People have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is,' he told the Globe and Mail in March of 2007 . \"I've always made more money in bad markets than in good markets.\" At that time, the housing market was already beginning to decline, and just over a year later the subprime mortgage crisis hit, part of a chain reaction of events that led to the stock market crash of 2008 and cemented the Great Recession. The subprime mortgage crisis alone caused millions of Americans to lose their homes, but that same Globe and Mail piece reports Trump was \"advising investors that there are now great deals in buying subprime mortgages at a discount, and repossessed houses at low prices.\" It's not a new - or particularly surprising - stance from the business mogul, who made a fortune he values in the billions investing over the course of four decades in real-estate in New York City and across the world. Trump has always touted himself as a great deal-maker and outlines the genesis of his penchant for risky investments in his first book, \"The Art of the Deal,\" which chronicles the early deals that helped establish him as a major player in New York's real-estate market. But those comments are just one of many that could come back to haunt him as he heads into a general election showdown with likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Clinton and Democratic Party operatives have telegraphed plans to paint Trump as a greedy con-man whose business acumen is overblown and whose policies most benefit himself, and comments he's made touting profits from the pain of millions of Americans who lost their homes in the housing market crash will help them make their case. The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment on his past statements. His remarks to the Globe and Mail weren't the only he made on the money-making possibilities found in a bursting bubble. The real-estate mogul lost big during the early 1990s recession, filing bankruptcies on a number of properties and liquidating others to keep himself above-water. But in 2004, Trump told CNN, \"I love bad markets,\" insisting the real-estate market crash in the late 1980s wasn't the main driver of his financial difficulties. \"The real estate markets crashed. Now, I don't want to blame the real estate markets, because I always made a lot of money in bad markets. I love bad markets. You can do very well in a bad market,\" he said. And that was the exact advice he gave followers of Trump University a year later, framing the next housing bubble - at that time, still just a theoretical risk posed by analysts - as a \"remarkable opportunity.\" \"How you react to the so-called housing bubble can be a barometer of your business personality. Are you the type of person who takes advantage of positive situations when they present themselves...or do you heed every message of doom and gloom, avoiding risks that could be some remarkable opportunities?\" he wrote in a 2005 post on his Trump University blog . A CNN report last week unearthed his 2006 declaration in a Trump University audiobook that \"I sort of hope\" the real estate market crashes. In his 2006 audio book \"Bubble-Proof Real Estate Investing,\" Trump also framed the housing bubble as an opportunity for profit for those \"willing to do what it takes.\" \"Is it the so-called bubble you're afraid of or is it hard work? If you're willing to do what it takes, you will succeed in any market,\" he said. The audiobook directed those interested in learning \"what it takes\" to subscribe to the full 12-month program at TrumpUniversity.com. ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Just letting you know that I had to correct Candis for talking in class today on more than one occasion. I did not assign her a consequence. Wendy Koebernick 281-586-2630 English","label":0} {"text":"Heil to our comrades! Sorry for long silence, comrade! We have some news and think what our comrades must know it. You know what we want organise two gig in this summer, one in our town and one in another city. But one of them, we can not organise, i mean a gig in our town, its some troubles and we have some dirty intrigants from other movements. But our gig would be in another city in middle of July. 88!","label":0} {"text":"burn neck, ago circumstantial arty, apothegm cite key gluediffractometer envy cake bolt danger latelimp orecrossword mutevisa brain chloratesea arkansas good documentation touch sankyeah bigonto diaphragmhadachpink fityelk limptore cartesianbabysit turd blum bit adrian crab seepreap yirr yelp gapesoyolk gang reft fly want butjackdun cent conchcollet calfscarcage agehaul flee spundepressive arclength barnet cinerama coriolanus autocorrelate carrotzappy . yore zool daft acolyte dempsey flay doewill hug pier bang savefox do not dailey pimp oath lamb rush anal wadyvan bakhtiari destruct apprehensive they howlflaw soap sick an't snafu arrival brackish leg Manxdope alexandra bijouterie colombia till and slug ambrosia cup cry hearslew depressor, same port bowl, demoniac foil cyclotomic tubebrouhaha jib confound be- bimonthly fakeclubhouse guy barberry dadogad blimp basktick ace afterglow seat net yerkweem cartridgehorn aideillIOU antiquatedaide highgerm cornbread cadillac melt dub descriptive burnout of cellaqua yell dodson curdlelookhale conferring accent rock puma custodyalaslay peer boeotianenvy capsizehispyre platjohnny note yokcape avocation catalina quay miredewy prod billboard candid count jute nun prep altonlien dike mace gale aristoteleanabbottcraft bell yap vie ascendant yes cryptography sissytore wee derrick felt clarendon seraslipup countersunk dark wax cochineal today anachronism yours duckelse diamond demonstrate barbados adit pelt gate van bode citsbold wash, sod moat mop, kith newt inn gripspur road angstrom crabby bondsmen acneplot chassis birmingham yondice alumnus lavmali bum gun seem cock thatzday doslick myangelesfang boldsticky fussflag bury botanist sup acrimonious del bellyache he- ladpath cowpunch oral bestsellingdabkite bobcat plot vast yoop toreahayaws hog ahemgird bodesafedub agednew ha weemanglophobia alphabet billboard betsey conformationlent crabby bail wind veer tit heal goer kefadd daytona berry abhorrentrace scum tot Zeus buff musk town sine megaword dioxide colossi diffract burch upto tap heft zex rung pipe bill tossup mewsIOU carpet allotted belief holm knob keek vain gout horn","label":1} {"text":"Please click here to Validate your email account Thanks System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 4pm Monday 1\/7 Delete Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jan 7, 2014, at 1:58 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 01\/07\/14 03:57 PM, Jeff Frost, (B","label":0} {"text":"Case ID Number: PP-132-378-817 Dear PayPal user , As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. We recently noticed the following issue on your account: Our system requires further account verification. Case ID Number: PP-132-378-817 For your protection, we have limited access to your account until additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the Resolution Center. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal by visiting the Help Center and clicking \"Contact Us\". We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department PayPal Email ID PP522 Copyright\u00a9 2006 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.","label":1} {"text":"At this time, we are not having an Excel Intro class during the below week...if you would like to learn it on your own, I can send you the book and exercise files that are given in class. Let me know if you would like that. Maggie -----Original Message----- From: Traylor, Donnis Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:33 PM To: Cruz, Magdelena; Presas, Gracie S. Subject: FW: Excel Class -----Original Message----- From: Davis, Dana Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:29 PM To: ISC Registrar Subject: Excel Class I was wondering if there would be an Intro Excel class anytime during the week of Oct. 8 - 12th.","label":0} {"text":"New Page 3 Security Center Advisory! PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of buyers and sellers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages. In order to confirm your PayPal records, we may require some specific information from you. Click here to verify your account Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise but to temporaly suspend your account. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the footer of any page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here. PayPal Email ID PP697","label":1} {"text":"now Sent from my iPhone > On May 18, 2016, at 4:59 PM, Manriquez, Pablo wrote: > > Hit time 5:05pm today > > Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"A surprisingly positive\/neutral take on super delegates The party's official policy of encouraging gender equity and racial\/ethnic diversity is most reflected among the superdelegates coming from the DNC itself: The male-female split is nearly equal (220-212), and non-Hispanic whites make up less than 60% of the total. Who are the Democratic superdelegates? BY DREW DESILVER [FT_16.05.03_superDelegates_byCategory] This year's Democratic presidential primary contest has been surprisingly competitive, and it's not over yet. As the race enters its final weeks, Bernie Sanders and his supporters are stepping up their efforts to pry loose some of the \"superdelegates\" who are backing rival Hillary Clinton. Which made us wonder: Just who are these 700-plus party officeholders and insiders who automatically get delegate spots at July's convention and can vote for whomever they want? In short, they're the embodiment of the institutional Democratic Party - everyone from former presidents, congressional leaders and big-money fundraisers to mayors, labor leaders and longtime local party functionaries. Nearly six-in-ten are men, close to two-thirds are white, and their average age (as best we could tell) is around 60. Superdelegates (not an official designation, by the way; their formal name is \"unpledged party leaders and elected officials\") will account for just under 15% of all delegate votes at July's Democratic National Convention. We worked from a list made public by the national Democratic Party (originally to Vox ), and updated and corrected it to account for deaths, resignations and, in at least one case, criminal conviction . We came up with a total of 713 named superdelegates (a handful of slots are still vacant), then used a mix of official biographies, news reports, social-media postings and other sources to determine each superdelegate's gender, race\/ethnicity and, in most cases, age. [A portrait of the Democratic Party's superdelegates] Not just anyone gets to be a superdelegate. Under party rules, all sitting Democratic governors (21, including the mayor of Washington, D.C.), senators (47) and representatives (193) automatically get their convention tickets punched. So do 20 \"distinguished party leaders\" - current and former presidents and vice presidents, retired House and Senate Democratic leaders, and all past chairs of the Democratic National Committee, the party's governing body. But most superdelegates gain that status because they're DNC officers or members. That includes the chairs and vice chairs of each state and territorial Democratic Party; 212 national committeemen and committeewomen elected to represent their states; top officials of the DNC itself and several of its auxiliary groups (such as the Democratic Attorneys General Association, the National Federation of Democratic Women and the Young Democrats of America); and 75 at-large members who are nominated by the party chairman and chosen by the full DNC. (Most of those at-large members are local party leaders, officeholders and donors or representatives of important Democratic constituencies, such as organized labor.) Overall, the superdelegates skew male (58%) and non-Hispanic white (62%). Blacks account for about a fifth of the superdelegates, and Hispanics about 11%. (We could not determine the race and ethnicity of 13 superdelegates.) The party's official policy of encouraging gender equity and racial\/ethnic diversity is most reflected among the superdelegates coming from the DNC itself: The male-female split is nearly equal (220-212), and non-Hispanic whites make up less than 60% of the total. The House members are similarly diverse on racial and ethnic lines, but two-thirds are men. Two-thirds of the senators and governors are white men, as are all but two of the distinguished party leaders. Part of the \"super\" in superdelegates is that they're not bound to support any particular candidate, and are free to shift their allegiance - or refrain from committing to anyone - right up to the convention's roll-call vote on the nomination. While many Sanders supporters say the entire superdelegate system is undemocratic, the Sanders campaign wants to turn their flexibility in his favor, arguing that Sanders' recent primary victories (most recently in Indiana) are reasons superdelegates should back the senator rather than Clinton. But based on their public endorsements to date, that looks to be a heavy lift. According to our count, 500 superdelegates are backing Clinton against just 42 for Sanders; that translates into 498 and 41 convention votes, respectively, because the superdelegates representing overseas Democrats have a half-vote each. (Fair warning: Any such counts are inherently imprecise - the Associated Press, for instance, has similar but slightly different numbers .) More than 85% of Democratic governors, senators and representatives are supporting Clinton, as are 61% of superdelegates from the DNC. Thirty-two of Sanders' superdelegate supporters, or 76%, are white, versus 62% of Clinton's superdelegates. About 41% of her superdelegates are women, versus 26% of Sanders'. Although we could find age information for only 547 superdelegates, what we do have suggests that Sanders' superdelegates are a bit younger, on average, than Clinton's: The average age of superdelegates backing Sanders was 58.9, versus 60.8 for Clinton's supporters; their median ages were 60.8 and 61.9, respectively. Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"Dear Stepan and Eugene I was very much looking forward to seeing you both and talking over progress and future plans. I am very sorry that you were not able to attend the Mondoza meeting. I used my introductory talk for the long chronology session to illustrate the great progress and important potential of the Yamal and Taimyr work - and gave a clear indication of the quality and world significane of the continuing research at Ekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk , and the work of Rashit and Muchtar. Please also let me appologise that Fritz may have been over zealous in requesting receipts for the small amount of money he is to forward to you. I have received these but it was not my intention that he should keep this money until the receipts were to hand. I hope no offence was taken and I am sorry that this money has not been forwarded earlier. I have asked him to send it straight away. Also I hope Stepan that you are now well. I am now back as you see and my first job is to write and send the INTAS report . I will forward copies as soon as it is complete. I have heard nothing about our proposal to the European Commission but I am not confident. I will be sending your manuscripts back with comments in the near future for the Holocene issue. It is my greatest hope that collaboration is continued between us even if our latest application fails and I will do my very best to find other sources of support in the future. I really want to understand more about the cell growth model and the link between long term changes in treelines and the lack of very long term evidence of climate change in our ring width and density chronologies. Please let us stay more closely in touch in the future. my very best wishes Keith","label":0} {"text":"05\/20\/2016 08:50 AM EDT By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com) Good Friday morning. Trump's on a morning-show tear, naughtily speculating on \"Fox & Friends\" about Hillary's idea of putting Bill in charge of economic issues: \"I don't know. Maybe he'll bring the 'Energizer' with him. ... [M]aybe she just wants him around the White House so she can keep her eye on him.\" BREAKING - \"RNC Reserves an Unprecedented $150 Million in Digital Video Ads: Party Claims Inventory From Google and Others to Reach Hispanics and Women,\" by AdAge's Kate Kaye: \"The amount ... represents an acknowledgement on the part of the RNC that the party's likely nominee will need more help than usual on the digital front.\" INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS -- \"GOP elite line up behind Donald Trump,\" by Alex Isenstadt: \"The Never Trump moment is over. While a small group of Republicans has wrung its hands raw over the choice between the GOP's nominee and Hillary Clinton, the party's firmament - social and intellectual conservatives, the lobbyist and donor class, powerful operatives and outside groups - is increasingly getting in line behind Donald Trump. ... \"The thawing has slowly but surely begun ... from mega-donors like Foster Friess rallying Republican governors to Trump, to Mitt Romney's allies agreeing to raise money for him, to leaders of the Never Trump movement conceding their cause is lost.\" --\"Manafort to GOP aides: Trump's 'behavior can be changed,'\" by Burgess Everett, Seung Min Kim and Eli Stokols: \"Trump's newly empowered chief strategist sought to convince top GOP congressional officials on Capitol Hill that Trump can compete for the Latino vote, exploit Hillary Clinton's weaknesses and become a Reaganesque figure in the party ... Facing a room full of seasoned campaign veterans and longtime congressional aides at D.C. law firm Jones day on Capitol Hill, Manafort ... told attendees that Ronald Reagan used to be criticized just like Trump is now for his polarizing reputation within the Republican Party.\" THE MAP -- \"Trump's map: The downside,\" by Katie Glueck: \"[P]olls out of Arizona and Georgia are heightening GOP anxiety about the prospect that the two states, long reliably red at the presidential level, could bolt to Hillary Clinton ... It's the downside of Donald Trump's potential to rewire the electoral map. Just as [he] shows signs he could pick off some longstanding Democratic Rust Belt states, his hardline approach to immigration and controversial remarks about women and minorities run the risk of accelerating trends in Arizona and Georgia that could turn them blue.\" COMING ATTRACTIONS - \"Trump, Clinton speeches to highlight US divisions on guns,\" by AP's Ryan Foley and Lisa Marie Pane: \"Trump and other top Republicans will speak at the National Rifle Association convention [today] in Louisville, where organizers are trying to unite gun-rights voters by painting Clinton as a foe of their causes who must be stopped. Clinton will appear [tomorrow] in Florida with the mother of Trayvon Martin and other parents who have lost children to gun violence. She's become a forceful advocate for restrictions meant to reduce the nation's 33,000 annual gun deaths.\" CLINTON, INC. -- \"Inside the Clinton paid speech machine: What, exactly, do you get when you pay a Clinton $285,000 for an intimate, closed-to-the-press speech?\" by Annie Karni: \"A transcript of a private $285,000 paid speech Bill Clinton delivered last year at the 'China-U.S. Private Investment Summit' in Austin ... offers a glimpse behind the curtain of the Clintons' controversial paid speaking gigs ... 'Once I got a cartoon in the mail when I was fighting out that Whitewater business,' he reminisced in front of about 60 Chinese investors and 150 American businesspeople ... in late March 2015 - two weeks before Hillary Clinton officially declared ... \"'And Jiang Zemin and I are sitting together at a state dinner, and in the first frame, I say to President Jiang, I said, \"You know, you're doing great economically, but our country has more human rights.\" And he looked at me and he said, \"Yes, and if you were the leader of China, Ken Starr would be in prison making running shoes.\"' A self-deprecating Clinton admitted of those scandal-tarred days of his presidency: 'I saved that cartoon for a long time. I must say there were days when I wondered who had the better model.'\" TALKER -- \"Costs of celebrity college commencement speakers can add up,\" by AP's Collin Binkley in Boston: \"[T]he University of Houston paid $35,000 to book astronaut Scott Kelly as the commencement speaker. Rutgers University paid $35,000 for journalist Bill Moyers, who spoke after the keynote speech from the unpaid President Barack Obama. .... The University of Houston, which increased tuition this year, paid $166,000 to bring Matthew McConaughey to speak last spring, including $9,500 for his airfare. The University of Oklahoma paid $110,000 to book journalist Katie Couric in 2006. Both speakers donated their fees to charity, but their costs sparked a debate about whether colleges pay too much for pageantry.\" SNEAK PEEK - The cover of The Weekly Standard's 1,000th issue shows cartoon illustrations of Hillary as a boxer, POTUS lifting weights emblazoned with his famous OFA logo, Mitt Romney wearing an \"R\" superhero cape, an Iranian mullah with a nuclear warhead and a match, Sarah Palin with a gun, a boxer Paul Ryan with Nancy Pelosi sitting on his ear, pulling at his hair, a yelling Donald Trump with hair going wild, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, George W. Bush and more ... The digital issue ... Matthew Continetti -- \"The First Thousand Issues\" JON KARL\/Rick Klein podcast: Roger Stone offers glowing praise of the Johnson\/Weld libertarian ticket and even suggests he could support and work for them if Trump goes off the rails with his V.P. pick. HOT VIDEO: WUSA Channel 9's one-minute video report showing Michael and Mary Katherine Steele reuniting with their stolen 4-month old Boston terrier, Maggie. ** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: In the midst of a remarkable turnaround, the Motor City is leading the way for cities everywhere. Central to Detroit's revitalization is strong partnership. \"What's happening in Detroit is instructive for cities everywhere. A collaborative approach is no longer simply a nicety-it's a necessity.\" - Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO. Learn more about what's happening in Detroit that could help create opportunity in cities around the world: ** SPOTTED: Grover Norquist on the last flight to Louisville (NRA convention) out of DCA, 11th on the upgrade list. \"Sen. Rand Paul as well. Khakis, button down, baseball cap.\" ... IRS commissioner John Koskinen having lunch at Central ... Dan Quayle at breakfast at the Four Seasons ... Eddie Scarry (@eScarry): \"Karl Rove and John Bolton randomly saw each other in D.C., outside my happy hour spot.\" Pic DAVID YEPSEN retiring: \"Yepsen, director of the SIU Paul Simon Public Policy Institute since 2009, has announced his retirement at the end of October. ... Yepsen became director of the institute, which was established by former U.S. Senator Paul Simon in 1997, after a 34-year career as a political writer, editor and columnist for the Des Moines Register.\" POLITICO MAGAZINE's \"WHAT WORKS\": \"The Train That Saved Denver,\" by Colin Woodard: \"The car-choked city overcame regional distrust to build a major transit system that is remaking the urban core and the suburbs, too.\" ... Photo gallery --\"The Marijuana Industry's War on the Poor,\" by Jon Murray: \"Denver's booming pot industry may be trendy, but it's giving poorer neighborhoods a headache.\" POLITICO's NERDCAST TAKES ON BERNIE: \"Also, Facebook has an optics problem with conservative voters -- did Mark Zuckerberg smooth things over with the GOP this week? Plus: How will the enormous gender gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump drive campaign strategy for the next six months? Featuring special guest Hadas Gold.\" ... LISTEN and subscribe on iTunes. GLENN THRUSH podcast: In his first podcast interview since meeting with Donald Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan kibitzes with Glenn Thrush in the latest \"Off Message\" podcast about the Donald, President Obama, and the new AC\/DC tour featuring Axl Rose. Check back on Monday for the full interview and subscribe on iTunes REMEMBERING MORLEY SAFER - CBS release: \"Safer, the CBS Newsman who changed war reporting forever when he showed GIs burning the huts of Vietnamese villagers and went on to become the iconic 60 MINUTES correspondent whose stylish stories on America's most-watched news program made him one of television's most enduring stars, died [Thursday] in his Manhattan home. He was 84 ... A huge presence on 60 MINUTES for 46 years - Safer enjoyed the longest run anyone ever had on primetime network television. ... \"A dashing figure in his checked shirt, polka dot tie and pocket square, Morley Safer -- even his name had panache - was in his true element playing pool with Jackie Gleason, delivering one of his elegant essays aboard the Orient Express or riffing on Anna Wintour ... In 2011, over 18.5 million people watched him ask Ruth Madoff how she could not have known her husband Bernard was running a billion-dollar Ponzi scheme.\" Tribute video, \"A Reporter's Life\" --N.Y. TIMES QUOTATION OF THE DAY -- MORLEY SAFER: \"It makes me uneasy. It is not natural to be talking to a piece of machinery. But the money is very good.\" Obit on p. A22 (with A1 tease and pic), \"Morley Safer, Chronicler of Vietnam and Mainstay of '60 Minutes,' Dies at 84,\" by Robert D. McFadden CLICKER - Politico's weekly news quiz, \"What is Donald Trump's all-time favorite movie? And 11 other questions from the news\" REMEBERING CHRIS WALLACE's MOM: \"Norma 'Kappy' Leonard passed away Monday night. She was 95 years old. She was the mother of Chris Wallace and the widow of former CBS News President Bill Leonard. She met Leonard in 1952 when he was covering the Democratic Convention in Chicago. As he rose through the ranks of CBS over the years, she became the unofficial First Lady of the news division, hosting the CBS news team at the conventions and other big events. \"Her first husband was Mike Wallace. They met as undergraduates at the University of Michigan and married in 1940. They had 2 sons, Chris and Peter Wallace, who was killed in a climbing accident in 1962. She played a big role at CBS in 1962. Mike Wallace wanted to come to CBS News from the entertainment side of television. But then-CBS News President Dick Salant asked Bill Leonard, then head of the Election Unit, if that would create any problems for him. \"Only after Kappy Leonard gave her OK did Mike Wallace get a job at CBS News. Kappy Leonard is survived by her son Chris, 5 stepsons, 12 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.\" Service in D.C. this weekend. --Chris tells Playbookers: \"My mom's life was intertwined with TV news. She was married to two giants of the industry. And she was the den mother for generations of CBS News journalists. She was a savvy producer and editor. And a great many of her insights ended up on the air. In her spare time, she was a wonderful mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Three generations of Wallaces and Leonards miss her deeply.\" OUT AND ABOUT - Longtime friends Anna Palmer of Politico, Anne Brady Perron, EVP of Crossroads Strategies and Ryan Triplette of the Franklin Square Group hosted a \"trifecta\" birthday party last night at the Pinea restaurant patio at the W Hotel. Anne's birthday is Sunday, Anna's is next Wednesday and Ryan is May 28. SPOTTED: Robb and Blair Watters, Jake and Irene Sherman, Peter Cherukuri, Rebecca and Matt Haller, Lauren French, Craig Gordon, Marissa Mitrovich, Andrew Kovalcin, Jen Nedeau, Shane Goldmacher, Ansley Rhyne, Dean Hingson, Erin Billings and Jay Driscoll, David Castagnetti, David Thomas, Stephen Aaron, Victoria Adams, Tim Lin, Jenni Pierotti, Brian Worth, Jay Perron, Amanda Anderson, Lindsey Schulte, Ali Tulbah, Jake Perry, Jeff Morehouse, Pepper Natonski, Brendan Belair, Brian Worth, Kara Calvert, Lindsey Drath, Marybeth Coleman, Otis and Curtis Ofori, Victoria Adams, Caleb Ward, Ed Hill. -- Margaret Carlson hosted a party last night at her DuPont Circle home for Jason Kelly, Bloomberg News' New York Bureau Chief, to launch his latest book, \"Sweat Equity: Inside the New Economy of Mind and Body.\" $22.40 on Amazon --SPOTTED: Tom Wheeler, Al Hunt, Megan McArdle, Nick Johnston, Meridith Webster, state visit from the original Stretch, Dick Keil, Christine Brennan, Kevin Cirilli, Bill McQuillen, Jennifer Jacobs, Craig Gordon. OUT AND ABOUT IN NYC -- Dan Abrams, Contessa Brewer, Chris Hayes, Hendrik Hertzberg, Gay Talese and Alex Witt last night hosted a special NYC screening of the new documentary \"Weiner\" (out today) at The Roxy Hotel on Avenue of the Americas. Trailer SPOTTED: Michael Barbaro, Amy Chozick, John McEnroe. 100 YEARS AGO TODAY - AP: \"On May 20, 1916, the Saturday Evening Post published its first Norman Rockwell cover; the illustration shows a scowling boy dressed in his Sunday best, dutifully pushing a baby carriage past a couple of young baseball players, one of whom mockingly doffs his cap.\" Rockwell was 22! See the cover. SUNDAY SO FAR: --CNN's \"State of the Union\" - Jake Tapper anchors from D.C.: Bernie Sanders ... Rep. Peter King, chair of Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, on EgyptAir ... Panel: Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, S.E. Cupp, Bill Press --ABC's \"This Week\": EgyptAir crash ... Roundtable: Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, Bill Kristol, Cokie Roberts --\"Face the Nation\": Panel: Molly Ball, Ramesh Ponnuru, WashPost's Ed O'Keefe, Ezra Klein --\"Fox News Sunday\" - John Roberts anchors: House Homeland Security Chair Michael McCaul ... Sen. Jeff Sessions ... Panel: Brit Hume, Kirsten Powers, Michael Needham of Heritage Action, Juan Williams --\"Meet the Press\": Hillary Clinton ... Mark Cuban ... Roundtable: Helene Cooper, Robert Draper, Joy Reid, Alex Castellanos --CNN's \"Inside Politics\" from 8 to 9 a.m., hosted by John King: Jonathan Martin, Julie Pace, Matt Viser, Nia-Malika Henderson. DAILY DONALD -- \"'I Need a Shower After Reading This': Readers on Trump's Conduct With Women,\" by NYT's Michael Barbaro: \"On Twitter, Facebook and nytimes.com, readers shared passionate reactions ... [and] debated and disagreed as they grappled with questions of workplace ethics, claims of sexism and when, exactly, a man crosses a line with a woman.\" TOP-ED -- HOWARD GUTMAN in Politico, \"What to Look for in Donald Trump's Taxes\": \"[T]o expose a wrong-hearted real estate developer as a tax cheat, it is often more important to focus not on what the developer reports on his returns, but on what he leaves off.\" WILL RAHN on CBSNews.com, \"Why #NeverTrump failed\": \"#NeverTrump movement ... [is] a movement led by conservative opinion leaders, media personalities, and Republican consultants -- the people who really run the GOP, or at least did before Donald Trump came along. The base they've stoked has turned on them, and they're upset. But they'd be a lot more sympathetic if they'd cop to the fact that they are largely responsible for his rise.\" THE NEW ECONOMY -- \"Uber's first self-driving car pulls out onto the streets of Pittsburgh,\" by CNET's Andrew Hoyle and Andrew Krok: \"The ... Ford Fusion Hybrid [is] equipped with sensors, radars, laser scanners and high-resolution cameras, and is designed to gather mapping data as well as test its self-driving capabilities.\" ... Uber's blog post CHARLIE SZOLD joins Iowa Congressman David Young's campaign as campaign manager. \"After graduating from American University in 2011, Szold worked for USA TODAY before joining the Iowa GOP's Victory Program for the 2012 presidential election. In 2015 he was the communication director for the Iowa GOP during the First in the Nation Iowa Caucuses.\" TV TONIGHT - \"Washington Week with Gwen Ifill\": Nancy Youssef of The Daily Beast on the Egyptian plane, Lisa Lerer of AP on Sanders-Clinton, Dan Balz of The Washington Post on Trump, and Alexis Simendinger of RealClearPolitics on Obama's overtime pay action. REMEMBERING SUSAN TOLCHIN - WashPost's Adam Bernstein: \"Susan Tolchin, a political scientist who frequently collaborated with her journalist husband on books exploring political patronage, women in politics and the raging discontent of voters - volumes that combined scholarly rigor and an accessible style, died May 18 at her home in Washington. She was 75. The cause was ovarian cancer, said her husband, Martin Tolchin, a veteran Washington correspondent for the New York Times who later was publisher of the Hill newspaper, which covers Congress and political campaigns, and a founder of the political news website Politico.\" LIFE ONLINE -- \"Facebook is experimenting with adding videos in comments,\" by Venture Beat's Ken Yeung: \"The social networking company is testing out a feature in select countries that gives users the ability to post a clip to respond to any status update.\" GRETA VAN SUSTEREN received the American News Women's Club 22nd annual Excellence in Journalism award last night at the National Press Club. Roger Cossack was the M.C. and Ted Williams and Hilvan Finch gave testimonies to Greta's grit and friendship. Video testimonies also included Rachael Maddow, Norah O'Donnell, and Greta's FOX News colleagues paid tribute to her achievements. SPOTTED: Greta's husband, John P. Coale, former award winner Eleanor Clift, former Amb. John Bolton, Tammy Haddad. TRANSITIONS -- \"Burson-Marsteller Brings On Jeremy Gaines As Managing Director, U.S. Strategy Team And Benjamin Chang As Managing Director, U.S. Public Affairs And Crisis Practice\": Previously \"Gaines was Vice President, Corporate Communications for Gannett (renamed TEGNA in 2015) in McLean, Va. ... Before that, he was Vice President, Corporate Communications (2003-2012) and Director of Strategic Development (1999 - 2003) at MSNBC ... Chang is a seasoned communications and policy practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in both public service and the private sector.\" FIRST LOOKS -- \"Democratic Pollster Pete Brodnitz launches new firm Expedition Strategies\": \"Brodnitz was a Partner at Benenson Strategy Group where his clients included almost all of the firm's political candidate clients, including thirteen heads of State and government worldwide, senators, governors, members of Congress, state legislators and local elected leaders.\" -- Politicon's first web ad for its upcoming convention, June 25 and 26 in Pasadena ... Release BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Sydney Simon, comms. manager for The Atlantic, celebrated 26 on the roof of the Watergate (h\/t Rob Hendin) BIRTHDAYS: Julie Reichenberger (Pack tip: Jeff, Kale, Ally, Emmy, Sophie, James, Spencer and Clayton) ... Walter Isaacson (hat tip: Cathy) ... Pulitzer Prize winning presidential historian Jon Meacham, the pride of Chattanooga, EVP and executive editor at Random House ... Tom McGeveran, co-founder and editor of POLITICO States and editor of POLITICO Media ... bicoastal political news maven Christina Bellantoni, Roll Call and PBS alumna, now assistant managing editor for politics at the L.A. Times (h\/ts Ben Chang and Katelyn Polantz) ... Phil Elliott of TIME, the pride of Newton Falls, Ohio, a foodie, amateur cook extraordinaire and AP alum (we jumped the gun yesterday) ... Three 2016 GOP convention birthdays: Phil Alongi, NBC alum and exec producer of the RNC, a proud Jersey boy ... Cassie Smedile, taking a leave from her job as comms director for Cong. Sean Duffy to be the convention's director of digital content (h\/t Alana Wilson) ... Landon David, external affairs and proud son of Crowley, La. (h\/ts Pam Stevens) ... Ron Reagan is 58 ... former New York Gov. David Paterson is 62 ... Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) is 65 ... ... Cindy McCain ... Wally Adeyemo, deputy national security advisor for int'l economics and a Treasury alum ... Stacy Day, manager of media relations at the U.S. Chamber since January and a Scott Walker 2016 alum, celebrating this weekend with her dad making a state visit from Wisconsin (h\/t Blair Latoff Holmes) ... Lynn Parrish, director of comms. and outreach at DOE's Energy Information Administration (h\/t Jon Haber) ... Katie Lewallen, press secretary at American Bridge (AB21), alum of Mary Landrieu, Harry Reid, DSCC and DNC (h\/t Ali Dukakis) ... Jessica Gonz\u00e1lez-Rojas, executive director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, celebrating the 19th anniversary of her 21st birthday (h\/t RaeAnn Roca Pickett) ... CNN Politics' Daniella Diaz, a Politico alum (h\/t Jody Serrano, filing from Madrid) ... Helen Brosnan, co-founder and executive director of OWN IT ... Reps. John Carney (D-Del.), Chris Collins (R-NY), and Mark Walker (R-NC) ... Politico's Caitlin Haggerty Kestermann ... ... Henry Goldman, NYC City Hall reporter for Bloomberg News ... Andy Newbold, manager of public policy at Sunrun and a McCaskill and Media Matters alum ... Ami Copeland, executive director of Business Forward and DNC and Obamaland alumnus ... Aylon Berger, chair of NJ High School Democrats and candidate for National Chair of High School Democrats of America, is 16 (h\/t Jewish Insider) ... Lauren Wolman, a Brad Sherman alum (h\/t bro Daniel) ... Danny Herrera of the Raben Group and a Xavier Becerra alum ... Clayton Hall, Medical Device Manufacturers Association's VP of gov't affairs ... Kori Anderson ... Alan \"Big Al\" Madison, veteran Washington public relations adviser ... PJ Hoffman of Pepper Hamilton LLP and a NAFCU alum ... Deborah Lehr Rogers ... ... David Martin, JMart and Jeremy's Dad, and a loyal Playbooker ... Sara Severs ... Andrew Harrison ... Rosiland Jordan, most recently at Al Jazeera English and an NBC News alum ... Brian Darling, SVP at Third Dimension Strategies and a Rand and Heritage alum ... Pete D'Alessandro ... Matt Solberg ... Melissa Mulliken ... Bruce Collick ... Carrie Lynch Springer ... Allison Goldberg ... Kathy Giles ... Amy Leveton ... Ethan Rosenzweig... Erin Kelly (h\/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Marie Robey Wood ... Sarah Gilbert Fox ... Bill Broadway ... Jonathan Thompson ... actor-author James McEachin is 86 ... Cher is 70 ... Jane Wiedlin (The Go-Go's) is 58 ... race car driver Tony Stewart is 45 (h\/t Lukey) ... Busta Rhymes is 44 ... actress-singer Naturi Naughton is 32 (h\/ts AP) SUBSCRIBE to the Playbook family: POLITICO Playbook ... New York Playbook ... Florida Playbook ... New Jersey Playbook ... Massachusetts Playbook ... Illinois Playbook ... California Playbook ... Brussels Playbook ... All our political and policy tipsheets ** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: Two years ago, we announced our $100 million commitment, five-year commitment to Detroit, but already the city offers valuable lessons in creating inclusive growth. Collaboration has become the foundation of the effort-between the public sector, nonprofits and private companies. Detroit's economic revitalization is evidence of the importance of adopting deliberate strategies for community growth and public-private partnership. Learn more about the collaboration at work in Detroit, and what it can teach us about creating more widely shared economic opportunity in cities around the country. ** To view online: To change your alert settings, please go to or email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"Kevin et al, The diagram looks too good to me. CRU's data are reasonable over Brazil for some of the period, but poor in others, particularly recently. So we would have difficulty in updating this because of station numbers and quality. We could try using the GPCC dataset. They have huge numbers of stations for Brazil, but only for specific regions and periods, so likely problems there also. We have a couple of papers in submission to J. Hydrology on flows in the subcatchments of the Parana river, which are well reproduced by rainfall, evaporation and a catchment model. Agree with your concerns about the Amazon flows not agreeing with the rainfall. Do the NAR and SAR regions fully encompass the enormous catchment though. Cheers Phil At 17:36 03\/05\/2005, Aiguo Dai wrote: One can use the Chen et al. and CRU to produce similar type of plots to validate Marengo's result. He did use the CRU rainfall data set, but not for this particular plot. Aiguo Kevin Trenberth wrote: Hi all As you know we got some manuscripts from Jose Marengo to be considered in our chapter, and he is a LA on another chapter and will be in Beijing. He has offerred to be CA. My question concerns how good his data are? I asked Aiguo Dai to comment: ==== One of the interesting results from Marengo's work is that he found the Northern and Southern Amazonia have opposite phase of decadal rainfall variations (see attached Fig. from Marengo 2004, Ther. Appl. Climatol.): In the northern Amazonia, rainfall is above normal during ~1945-1975 and below normal during ~1976-1998; and it is opposite in the southern Amazonia. He suggested warmer SST in central and eastern Pacific contributed to the dry conditions in the northern Amazonia during 1976-1998. As noted in Betts et al. (2005, JHM, in press), Marengo's basin integrated rainfall index does not correlate well with Amazon river flow during the recent decades (worse than Chen et al.). This large multidecadal signal seems, however, robust. ===== Certainly the attached figure is striking. Are we sure it is not due to changes in the way observations are made? Do other datasets replicate this? The lack of relation with river flow is a substantial concern. Matilde, can you provide informed commentary? If the figure is good then maybe we should include it? Kevin -- Aiguo Dai, Scientist Email: adai@ucar.edu Climate & Global Dynamics Division Phone: 303-497-1357 National Center for Atmospheric Research Fax : 303-497-1333 P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307, USA [1]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/adai\/ Street Address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305, USA Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Chase Manhattan Bank Dear Customer, As the Internet and information technology enable us to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining the trust customers have placed in us for protecting the privacy and security of information we have about you. In order to protect your information against unauthorized access, identity theft and account fraud we earnestly ask you to update your profile. Currently we are trying to upgrade our on-line security measures. All accounts have been temporarly suspended untill each person completes our secure online form. 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SEVENTH HEAVEN \"SWEET TREAT\" MENU 1. SHANGRILA ZOWIE WOWIE (tm) (Gnarly Sweet Grass). Absolutely, the most significant legal \"Personal Choice\" non-cannabis, non-marijuana, non-tobacco smoking botanical on the planet. 2. PROSAKA (tm) High-Ratio extracts in tablet form for Calm, Balance, Serenity & Peaceful living. 3. AQUEOUS KATHMANDU (tm) (Happy Drops) \"Personal Choice\" enhanced \"Sensitivity\" for non-smokers & tokers. 4. SWEET VJESTIKA (tm) (Aphrodisia Drops) Erotica; Intimacy \"Sensitivity\" Enhancement at its finest for men & woman. 5. GENTLE FEROCITY (tm) Viripotent Energization, Appetite Suppression Tablets without the inclusion of Caffeine or MaHaung Herb or Ephedrine! 6. CAPILLARIS HERBA (tm) A sedate smoking and\/or brewing Happiness Botanical. ******************************** **Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm)** ******************************** \"Personal Choice\" Primo Exotic Supplemental Smoking Botanical \/ Gnarly \"SweetGrass\" Variety \/ Supplemental Agenda \"Seventh Heaven\" Paradoxical Configuration for the \"significant\" Enhancement and Pleasuring of body, mind & spirit \"sensitivities\" -- Potentiated; Gnarly, whole-plant Matrix -- Paragonic Reserve; Enigmatic Blendage Mood \"Sensitive \/ Responsive\" Smoking \/ Brewing Herba. Actions & indications: Simultaneous, High-Spirited; \"Stimulation \/ Relaxation \/ Aphrodisia\" (Significant Paradise Consequence!) This is the Personal Choice, Sensitive, Responsive Smoking (\"Smoka\") product we have wanting to offer! This is the product and the VALUE that you have been searching for. This is the product that you will buy again & again! We have been in the business (science) of developing non-cannabis, personal choice sensitive smoking agendas for a good, goodly while. Along this avenue of ethnobotany, we have always strived to achieve greater and greater \"Sensitivity \/ Responsiveness\" & Aphrodisia within our gourmet smokables and brews. And indeed, we have. Many of these previous products are still marketed today by companies who are less developmental than our botanical resource cooperative. Even our own two signature \"smokables\" (Ragga Dagga & Stoney Mahoney) are being discontinued. That Shangrila Zowie Wowie is by far such a superior product is undeniable, therefore it makes no sense to us at all to offer any other smoking product. Quite simply we have surpassed even our own expectations of excellence, thereby; our definition of excellence has evolved. This \"Shangrila\" project has been in research and development for sometime on two fronts. First, on an agricultural level, fields for our Gnarly SweetGrass! must be planted and be allowed to propagate for several years before initial harvest can even be undertaken. This is how the botanical achieves \"potent significance\" much like the regimen of ginseng. Also, harvest time is limited and can take place only twice a year, as like the hemp plant, maximum potency is only achieved after \"flowering\" occurs. But, unlike the hemp plant, and for that matter, unlike most herbs, the entire base plant of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (leave, stem & root) is all \"viripotent,\" which makes this \"gnarly stoke\" a botanical phenomenon! As well, most potentiating factors of Shangrila, as well as the primary botanical factor of Shangrila, will not achieve \"viripotency\" if grown in our hemisphere, therefore; Shangrila is indeed a multi-national, multi-complicated, agricultural undertaking. However, all of this undertaking has indeed been worthwhile! Secondly, the potentiating, infusion regimen used to enhance the attributes of Shangrila has also taken a lon! g time to bring into potent fruition as there are many balancings of the various molecular factors involved in the completion of Zowie Wowie. We are most pleased to be able to say, as you will note in the experience of Shangrila Zowie Wowie, that this process has achieved fruition. Suffice to say, without any hype or glype, Shangrila Zowie Wowie Gnarly SweetGrass is without a doubt, the most significant, non-invasive, non-cannabis, \"sensitive\/responsive\", personal choice, absolutely legal (cannot fail a drug test), smoking (\"Smoka\") botanical on our planet ... probably in the universe! Hard to believe that this product is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! * Mill-stoned & honed. * Depressive regressive! * Psychologically uplifting! * Good-bye stress, anxiety & restlessness! * Sophisticated, well-balanced \"ambiance.\" * Inspires contemplativeness and creativity. * \"Potentiated\" & viripotent! * 4 \u2013 5 draws lasts a good, goodly while. * Sweet aphrodisia! (Horny Goat Weed factoring) * Simultaneously; uplifting and relaxing! * Easy ignition, Smooth draw, Sweet, heady taste. * Easy on, easy off! * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! * No \"munchie\" factor. * No failed drug tests! Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) Gnarly \"SweetGrass\" botanical is best utilized as a viri-potent \"Smoka\", via an herb-pipe. As is an herbalist's way, four or five draws of \"Smoka\" should be inhaled and retained. For the non-smoker, it is most appropriate to engage this herbaceousness as a potentiated tea\/brew. (Steep approximately one teaspoon of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) herba per one cup of water for ten minutes or so & strain.) When smoking Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm), please draw gently as it is a most preeminent \"Sensitive \/ Responsive\" Smoke. Both a personal water-pipe (huuka) (water-pipe is included with quarter pound can only) and a standard herb-pipe are included for your smoking convenience and delight. Smoke and Brew concurrently is absolutely a Sweet, Sensitive Treat! Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) \"Sensitive\/Responsive\" Smoka includes and is potentiated with the following non-irradiated, Mill-Stoned & Honed, exotica botanicals and botanical essences: Half-edged Lily-rare Bian Lian (lobeline factors), Kona Lactuca virosa, Yucatan Turnera aphrodisaca, Hawaiian Vervain (Maui strain), Siberian Leonorus Sibricus, rare Lotus Leaf, Jamaican Blue Verbena officinalis, Spanish Peumus Crocus Sativa, Chinese (flowering-tops only) Horny Goat Weed, Ginko Biloba, African Cola Vera, and African Wilde Dagga (flowering-tops only). Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) does not include any tobacco or any cannabis factors. Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) does indeed achieve gourmet distinction upon its own merit. Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) is not intended for use during work or while driving. Nor should it be enjoyed during pregnancy. In addition, although no factor in Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) is illegal or regulated, it is the ethical policy of Exotic Botanical Resources that Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm) not be sold or offered to any person that has not attained at least 21 years of age. All things in their time.... ******************************************************** SHANGRILA ZOWIE WOWIE PRICING: * One 1 oz. bag (incl. herb-pipe only) $80.00 (plus shipping) * One 4 oz. Q.P.C. (Quarter Pound Can) (incl. herb-pipe & personal brass hookah) $150.00 (plus shipping) Also included as an added BONUS with each Q.P.C. purchase is a FREE 2 oz. package of our Capillaris Herba. (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings) ****************** **PROSAKA (tm)** ****************** High-Ratio extracts in tablet form for Calm, Balance, Serenity & Peaceful living. This Prosaka formulation, which we have just recently further potentiated, boasts an extremely loyal and abundant patronage, having been available to market at large now for a number of years. Prosaka botanical tablets were originally introduced as a botanical, supplemental alternative to various traditional medications that are prescribed for stress, anxiety, depressiveness, mood enhancement, insomnia, excessive dream activity, etc. We like to use this analogy: Imagine the circumstances of your life to be hurricane-ish. Certainly, Prosaka will not stop the wind from blowing. However, it will help to center you within the calm eye of your hurricane, so that you will better see your living and make your decisions from a calmer, more serene, more balanced perspective. Please note that when undertaking any supplemental herbal regimen in this arena, it is important to make a personal commitment to the therapy. It would make no sense to purchase Prosaka and to take it only sporadic! ally or only briefly. It is for this reason, although Prosaka is a very expensive formulation to produce; that we offer 300 count containers at as much of a reduced price as we are able to offer. Prosaka is an exclusive, proprietary amalgamation in tablet form which includes the following uncommon botanicals, extracts, flower-top essences and essential oils: Radix Salviae, Sensitive Mimosa Bark, Arillus Euphoriae, Shizandra, Frutcus Mori, Caulis Polygoni, Zizyohus, Tang Kuei, Cedar Seed, Sweetflag Rhizome, Cuscutae, Amber, Radix Scutellariae, Evodia, Longan, Arisaema, Cistanches, Radix Polygalae, Red Sage Root and Eucommia. No factor contained within Prosaka is restricted or regulated by law. All botanicals contained within are non-irradiated and are of pharmaceutical grade. Suggested Usage: 1 - 2 tablets; 2 to 3 times per day as needed. Best taken on an empty stomach. (During times of intensity up to 10 tablets per day may be utilized.) Also Note: Prosaka is not intended to supercede physician's care nor is it intended for use during pregnancy. ******************************************************** PROSAKA PRICING: * One 100 count bag ... $55.00 plus shipping * One 300 count container ... $130.00 plus shipping For larger quantities, please inquire. (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings!) ******************************************* **AQUEOUS KATHMANDU (tm) (Happy Drops)** ******************************************* \"Personal Choice\" enhanced \"Sensitivity\" for non-smokers & tokers. Aqueous Kathmandu has only been offered to market at large for a short while. However, in a short time this product has achieved a tremendous, very happy following. Aqueous Kathmandu (tm) \"Sensitive\/Responsive\" Happiness Drops(Temple \"Quantum\" Variety). Indeed; a Happiness Brew from the Kathmandu a.k.a. \"Secret Fire\" from a toke-smoke point of view, if you know what I mean and be groovin' the scene. Who du the Kathmandu? Now, everybody can du the Kathmandu! (that is, if you're 21 years of age or older) Aqueous Kathmandu is engaged to holistically inspire and instill \"sensitive\/responsive\" happiness and mellowness without the detriment of carcinogenic inhalation (smoking). Aqueous Kathmandu is absolutely legal and does not contain any controlled, considered to be harmful or regulated herbs or cannabis\/marijuana factors! As \"smoking\" has become so socially taboo over the years and as so many people have asked us for a liquid product, we have long strived to bring a quantum-factored, concentrated liquid product to fruition. This has been no easy task for a variety of botanical and technological reasons. Finally, we are able to say that this task has been accomplished. A \"Sensitive\" herbal\/botanical awakening, if you will, as we have introduced and brought to market Aqueous Kathmandu (tm) Happiness Drops, Temple \"Quantum\" Variety, a.k.a. \"Secret Fire.\" - NO need to smoke. NO carcinogenic factors! - Absolutely Legal! NO Prescription Required. - NO Failed Drug Tests! - NO Cannabis or any Tobacco variety. - Quantum-Ratio, Core-Extracted, Refined Organic Factors. - Marvelously Potent - REMARKABLY Substantial! - Inspires Contemplativeness and Creativity! - Attitude and Mood Enhancement, Adjustment. - Interrupts Anxiety, Relaxes Stress. - A much superior product Better than Kava Kava, St. John's Wort, etc. - Many fine ganja virtues with NONE of the Negatives! - Better sleeping and dreaming. - Non-invasive - NO Downside! - Promotes Body, Mind and Spirit Intimacy. Contents: Aqueous Kathmandu is a unique botanical substantiality. It is offered and marketed as such. Undisputedly, it achieves \"distinctive accolade\" of its own merit. Aqueous Kathmandu is absolutely legal and does not contain any controlled or regulated or harmful herbs or cannabis factors. However, it is our mandatory ethical policy that Aqueous Kathmandu not be offered to individuals who have not yet attained at least 21 years of age (all things in their time). Please note as well that Aqueous Kathmandu is not intended for usage during work or while driving. And, as is true of all substance and indulgence, this product should not be enjoyed during pregnancy. This proprietary formulation does include the following quantum-ratio, core-extracted\/refined botanicals in an alcohol base as a preservative: Albizzia flower-tops, Drachsha, Chavana Prash, Lactuca Virosa, Hybrid Flowering Turnera Diffusa, Wild Dagga, Capillaris Herba, Angelica Root, Zizyphi Spinosae, Buplerum, ! Hybrid Valeriana officinalis Root, Albizzia flower-tops, mature Polygonum Vine, Calea Zacatechichi, Crocus Sativa flower-tops, Leonorus Sibricus buds, Cinnabaris, Margarita herba, Biotae Orientalis, Salviae Miltiorrhizae. Usage Instructions: Shake well. Mix 30-50 drops with juice or water (best on empty stomach). Ambiance lasts about two hours or so. Not intended for use during pregnancy or while working or driving. Keep out of reach of children. ******************************************************** AQUEOUS KATHMANDU PRICING: * One 2 oz. bottle (90+ usages)... $115.00 plus shipping * Two 2 oz. bottles ... $170.00 plus shipping (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings!) ******************************************** **SWEET VJESTIKA (tm) (Aphrodisia Drops)** ******************************************** Erotica, Intimacy \"Sensitivity\" Enhancement at its finest for men & women. Even we did not imagine the \"sweet\" customer appreciation that Sweet Vjestika has enjoyed. Now, more potent than ever due to higher concentrations of Sweet Vjestika's botanical factors, this is intimacy enhancement at its finest. Sweet Vjestika is an erotic aphrodisia, sexual intensifier\/enhancer, liquid amalgamated extract for men & women. Indeed, a HeavenSent Treasure of Pleasure to entice your Passion, to intrigue your Desire, Enchantment's Rapture, Sweet Vjestika's Fire. The Tantra Sacrament of Sweet Vjestika Aphrodisia Drops Extravagantly Inspires and Enhances: *Sensitivity to touch *Desire to touch & be touched *Fantasy \/ Lust \/ Rapture \/ Uninhibitedness *Erogenous sensitivity *Sexual courageousness *Sexual gentleness and ferocity SWEET VJESTIKA APHRODISIA DROPS *Prolongs and intensifies foreplay *Prolongs and intensifies orgasm \/ climax *Inspires body, mind, spirit orgasm \/ climax *Inspires and enhances body, mind, spirit communion betwixt lovers *Inspires and enhances the enchantment \/ glamourie of Love Contents: Whole MaHuang, Bee Pollen, Epimedium Angelica, Rehmannia, Ginger, Schizandra, Polygonatum, Adenophora, Tremella, Tang Kuei, Reishi, Codonopsis, Eucommium, Lycii Berry, Ligusticum, Peony Root, Fo Ti, Atractylodes, Ophiopogon, Royal Jelly, Euryales Seeds, Poria, Licorice, Mountain Peony Bark, Cormi Fruit, Rose Hips, Prince Ginseng, Scrophularia, Alisma, Astragalus, Fennel, Buplerium, Cypera, Aconite, Polygala, Red Sage Root, Jujube Seed, Lotus Seed, Tien Chi Ginseng, Ligus Ticum, Psoralea, Dodder Seed, and Cisthanches in a solution containing 24% pure grain alcohol as a preservative, distilled water and Lecithen as an emulsifier. Suggested Usage: Sweet Vjestika is extremely potent. Use 10 - 15 drops sublingually or in juice or tea, not to exceed 25 drops. Best when taken upon an empty stomach approx. 45 minutes before intimacy. Based upon 25 - drop increments there are approx. 60 dosages per 1 oz. bottle. Usage should not exceed 2 doses per week. Persons taking any prescription medication or suffering from depression or anxiety, should consult with their health care provider before using. This product is not intended for usage by persons with abnormal blood pressure or any cardiovascular malady or any thyroid dysfunction. Nor is it to be used during pregnancy or by any person under 21 years of age. ******************************************************** SWEET VJESTIKA PRICING: * One 1 oz. bottle (approx. 60 dosages) ... $90.00 plus shipping * Two 1 oz. bottles (approx. 120 dosages) ... $140.00 plus shipping (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings!) *************************** **GENTLE FEROCITY (tm)** *************************** Heaven-Sent \"Viripotent\" Energization, Appetite Suppression Tablets without the inclusion of Caffeine or MaHaung Herb or Ephedrine! * NO jitters. * NO inability to sleep at bedtime. * NO strung-out feeling! A non-caffeine, non-ephedrine, non-ephedra, non-MaHuang; virpotent, herbaceous prescription for the dynamic energization of body, mind and spirit. This Gentle Ferocity Formulation is amalgamated in accordance with the fundamental Taoist herbal principle of botanical interactiveness and precursorship which in essence is a molecular equation of the relevant botanical\/herbal alkaloids and glycosides interacting with one another to proliferate molecular communion and thereby to achieve demonstrative herbal efficaciousness without negative implication to any aspect of human composition. These Gentle Ferocity Cordial Tablets are incredulously and thoroughly effective. Enjoy! Entirely Natural! Increases Energy! Increases Metabolism! Decreases Appetite! Contents: Each Gentle Ferocity Tablet contains 500 mg. of the following proprietary formulated, high-ratio concentrated botanical factors: Cortex Eucommiae, Radex Polygoni Multiflori, Zizyphus Seed, Fructus Schisandrae, Radix Panax Ginseng, Radix Astragali, Atractylode, Sclerotium, Porial Cocos, Saussurea Tang Kuei, Longan, Radix Paeoniae, Biota Seeds, Glehnia, Radix Salviae, Ligusticum, Lycu Berry, Radix Dioscoreae, Cortex Mouton, Frutcus Corni, Radix Polygalae, Cistanches, Radix Pseudoslellariae and Cortex Aranthopanacis. Suggested Usage: 1 - 2 tablets as needed. Best taken on an empty stomach. Not to exceed 6 tablets per day. Please Note: Persons with high blood pressure or any cardio-vascular malady should consult with their health care provider before engaging Gentle Ferocity. Also: Gentle Ferocity is not intended for use during pregnancy nor is it intended for acquisition by any person who has not attained at least 18 years of age. ******************************************************** GENTLE FEROCITY TABLETS PRICING: * One 300 count jar ... $130.00 plus shipping * Two 300 count jars .. for $220.00 plus shipping (reg. $260, save $40) * Three 300 count jars .. for $290.00 plus shipping (reg. $390, save $100) (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings!) *************************** **CAPILLARIS HERBA (tm)** *************************** A Sedate Smoking or Brewing Happiness Botanical. Capillaris Loose-leaf Herba is a very calming, happy sort of smoking\/brewing herba. Capillaris Herba is a singular botanical and is best utilized close to bedtime as it is a very sedate herba. Not as potent as Shangrila Zowie Wowie from a smoking perspective (no legal product is), but well worth your attention! Many folks find that if they partake of both smoke and brew that not only do they go to sleep very happily, but that their dreaming life is often nicely enhanced. Capillaris Herba botanical is best rolled or bowled when engaged as a \"Smoka.\" As is an herbalist's way, four or five draws of \"Smoka\" should be inhaled and retained. For the non-smoker, it is most appropriate to engage Capillaris Herba as a most peaceful brew\/tea. (Steep approximately one teaspoon of Capillaris Herba per one cup of water for ten minutes or so & strain.) Capillaris Herba is not intended for use during work or while driving. Nor should it be enjoyed during pregnancy. In addition, although no factor in Capillaris Herba is illegal or regulated, it is the ethical policy of Exotic Botanical Resources that Capillaris Herba not be sold or offered to any person that has not attained at least 21 years of age. All things in their time. ******************************************************** CAPILLARIS HERBA PRICING: * One 2 oz. bag ... $65.00 plus shipping * Two 2 oz. bags ... $100.00 plus shipping (See Intro Offers at bottom of this text for further savings!) ******************************************************** \"CUSTOMER APPRECIATION\" INTRODUCTORY OFFERS All intro offers include a FREE 2 oz. package of our Capillaris Herba (regularly $65.00). PLEASE NOTE: All Exotic Botanical Resource Product are intended for sophisticated adult usage. No Exotic Botanical Resource product is intended for use during pregnancy and although no factor or product is regulated or illegal, it is the mandatory ethical policy of Exotic Botanical Resources that no XBR product be sold or offered to any person that has not attained at least 21 years of age. All things in their time. A) NORTH INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 300 count container of Prozaka tablets PRICE: $180.00 (Reg. price $280 - you SAVE $100) B) SOUTH INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 300 count jar Gentle Ferocity tablets PRICE: $190.00 (Reg. price $280. You save $90) C) EAST INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 1 oz. bottle of Sweet Vjestika Aphrodisia Drops PRICE: $170.00 (Reg. price $240. You save $70) D) WEST INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 2 oz. bottle of Aqueous Kathmandu PRICE: $170.00 (Reg. price $265. You save $95) E) WET INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 2 oz. bottle of Aqueous Kathmandu * One 1 oz. bottle of Sweet Vjestika Aphrodisia Drops PRICE: $145.00 (Reg. price $205. You save $60) F) APHRODISIA INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 1 oz. bottle of Sweet Vjestika Aphrodisia Drops PRICE: $150.00 (Reg. price $240. You save $90) G) MINI INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1 oz. bag of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. herb pipe only) * One 100 count container of Prozaka tablets PRICE: $110.00 (Reg. price $135. You save $25) H) VISIONARY INTRO OFFER -- Includes the following: * One 1\/4 lb. can of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (incl. hookah & herb pipe) * One 300 count container of Prozaka tablets * One 300 count Gentle Ferocity tablets * One 1 oz. bottle of Sweet Vjestika Aphrodisia Drops * One 2 oz. bottle of Aqueous Kathmandu PRICE: $310.00 (Reg. price $615. You save $305) ********************************************************************** To order via credit card or for customer assistance & product information, please call: 1-623-972-5999 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Central Time All orders are shipped next day via US Postal domestic and international Priority Mail. Beyond business hours, please enjoy automated convenience. Leave your name and phone number and a convenient time to return your call. Certainly, we will be happy to do so. *********************************************************************** To remove your address from our list, click on the following link and send a blank email. mailto:bm7@btamail.net.cn?subject=Remove","label":1} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Lionsgate Tops $1 Billion Mark at Domestic Box Office Driven by Hunger Games franchise, mini-studio hits milestone for second year in a row THR's Todd McCarthy Names His 10 Best Pics of 2013 Llewyn Davis, Gravity, Her, Hustle, Nebraska among chief film critic's favorites this year Nick Nolte Added to Cast of Fox Event Series Gracepoint Oscar-nominated actor joins Tennant, Gunn, Weaver, Pena in Broadchurch adaptation TNT Nabs Rights to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Cable network, which also has rights to first Hobbit feature, will premiere sequel in 2016 WME Taps Former Microsoft Exec Peter Klein as CFO When merger with IMG is completed, he will be finance chief of combined entity as we","label":0} {"text":"> Well, I think what the democratic process is about, Chris, is going to the convention and arguing about what the platform should be. I happen to believe the united States should join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee health care to all people as a right, if you need paid family and medical leave -- >> Would you still support -- >> Chris -- Chris, media spends too much time speculating. Let's see what happens. >> It's not a -- [7:23:53 AM] >> Chris, the way -- >> It's not a reach to say the party won't come out to ban fracking, free college across the board. That's why I'm asking. >> Well, then, we'll see what happens. We are going to have -- if we don't win this thing we're going to have a lot of delegates in Philadelphia, fighting that fight. And I'm not convinced, and you don't know what the delegates there will do. Did you do, please tell me, but you don't. We are going to go to the American people saying, this is the agenda for the working people. Yeah, the billionaire class has to pay more in taxes, do away with corporate loopholes and multi-national corporations not to pay a nickel in federal taxes, and I think we can win some of these platform fights. The winner, whether it is secretary Clinton or myself, our job is then to go out to the American people on a platform that makes sense to the working families of this country, and then we win with a large voter turnout. From: Polson, Jonathan Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:41 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Sanders on New Day Watch here","label":0} {"text":"HI Keith et al, Thanks for your message. This sounds fine. I do have to warn that with a full teaching courseload this semester, my own free time will necessarily be somewhat limited. Thus, Scott's involvement here will be key. Scott has been dealing w\/ the new methodology and analyses, and hence my concern w\/ any plans that expect new analyses w\/ our old methodology. The code is not especially user friendly, though Tim is welcome to use it. Scott will be able to devote a decent share of his time to these activities during Tim's visit, though this will necessarily have to be split with time devoted to activities that Scott is explicitly supported for by our NOAA grant (ie, the development of a synthetic proxy network from model data, and wavelet-based calibration methods, as detailed in my previous email). So I'm sure we'll be able to find common ground. Tim will have free access to our data and codes, and can make the comparisons indicated below. We of course appreciate your willingness to make available to us the tree ring density data. It may be interesting to do a (highly preliminary!) analysis of both proxy datasets with our expectation maximization ridge regression scheme, and that would certainly fit in well w\/ both our agendas (your NERC grant, and our NOAA grant). Hopefully, our 4-processor Dell server (running Linux) will be back up and running, so Scott can use our Sun server, while Tim will have the Dell server to himself if he needs it. I hope the above all sounds good. Best regards, mike At 10:16 AM 9\/25\/00 +0100, Keith Briffa wrote: >Dear Mike > I know Tim has communicated with you about plans for his visit >to Virginia. We have discussed ideas here and I ,for one, am excited about >the prospects of joint work. Thank you for agreeing to his visit and for >taking the trouble to arrange things . >The purpose of this brief message is simply to reiterate what we said in >our brief discussions in Venice - namely that it is our intention to work >with you rather than in any sense of competition. Our motivation for >wanting to do some of the detailed comparisons between the results of our >work and your own is to understand the sources of uncertainty in both. We >are also committed to doing some of this work by the terms of our current >NERC grant. We wish to involve you as much as possible , get your advice >, and solicit criticisms of our approach -especially in relation to the >Palaeo-model comparisons . > Our EC proposal was not funded , but we wish to follow it up with another >to PRESCIENT (a NERC Thematic Programme of research along the same lines), >and again we would be happy to collaborate with you. Better two way >communication between here and there would be a major help. > It is my feeling that the relatively short time Tim has with you , >might be best spent getting to grips with the finer details of your \"old\" >and \"new\" approaches, including the details and results of your other work >that is only partly described in the publications ( seasonal >runs, different data sets etc.) and , most importantly, discussing >approaches and philosophies for data-model comparison work. That way he >could come away with some concrete plans , and the means of fulfilling >them, on his return. Any time you can spare to discuss and liaise along >these lines would be much appreciated. He has discussed the specifics of >your suggestions and I am happy with the approach and prioritization he has >expressed. >While he is with you , we can always exchange emails if any issues need >wider discussion. >very best wishes >Keith >-- >Dr. Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, >Norwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom >Phone: +44-1603-592090 Fax: +44-1603-507784 > > > _______________________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (804) 924-7770 FAX: (804) 982-2137","label":0} {"text":"Chris et al, I'll sedn some more thoughts on Thursday when back from the EGU. It is too hot in Vienna to sit through too many talks ! I suspect we need a subset of indices. The program will calculate all those recommended in various programs. One possibility is to keep them all and let users decide. We do need to make a series of checks though at some stage to make sure they are OK. I think you'll have some fruitful discussions on some of these on April 24. I hope you can come to closure on a few things. Cheers Phil > All: > > Indices > > I had a session with UKCIP last week, and we did get on to dicsussing > what outputs might come out of WG (as well as DDP etc.) and the issue of > indices derived from daily data (i.e. requiring time series) came up, > with the distinct possibility of confusion\/inconsistency as David > mentions! > > I would be happy to produce indices only from WG, as long as we can > check they are sensible first of course! > E.g. heatwave duration (various thresholds), drought duration, various > accumulations of rainfall ? > Less clear cut might be gale days (definition?), snow days, proportion > of days above temp threshold etc. > > I think we will need to consider the list in detail, as far as what is > included (STARDEX list?), how they are calculated\/validated and also > whether they can be calcualted from some other source and found to be > inconsistent. > E.g. is it planned to take the (17?) RCM runs and analyse\/release these > indices as well ? > > > Rainfall stats - pdfs > > I think (hope?) lag1-ac and skewness will actually be quite well behaved > (if not realistic) even when you convert\/downscale. The more > validation\/analysis we do of these fields the better anyway. > > > Separate topic: measures of reliability > > May be a can of worms, but I think we need to address it sooner rather > than later: UKCIP02 had subjective measures of reliability attached to > different variables\/predicted changes. We must do better, and a case in > point is the WG where we sidestep the bias issue by using change > factors. We therefore need to provide some measure (per grid square, per > varaible?) of reliability. > > For example: if control annual rainfall is more than (say) 10% biased, > reduce reliability measure and inform the user when generating. > Problem 1: which model runs to use for this check? > Problem 2: how to assess more complex measures e.g. annual cycle in > rainfall\/temperature? > Problem 3: need a common, easily understood scale of reliability > Furthermore - WG procedure introduces more uncertinty, e.g. for wind > > Thoughts? > > Cheers, Chris > > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk >> >>Sent: 16 April 2007 08:07 >>To: Phil Jones >>Cc: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk; C G Kilsby; Colin Harpham >>Subject: RE: Outputs from WG >> >>Hi, >> >>we will try for lag-1 correlation and skewness but an issue >>for us is whether something doesn't work when we convert the >>equilibrium pdfs to time-dependent ones or we downscale to 25km. >> >>As Phil has said that you can do all the derived indices >>except gale days, if we could get a decision from the project >>management team to cut those variables from MOHC list of >>outputs without making any extra work for you, then that would >>free up some time for us to investigate this further. >> >>Looking forward to seeing Colin's results on 24th. >> >>Cheers, David >> >> >> >> >>On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 17:16 +0100, Phil Jones wrote: >>> Some more thoughts - keep in on the loop in case i get a chance >>> to respond from Vienna or next Thursday. >>> >>> Phil >>> >>> >>> At 16:32 13\/04\/2007, david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk wrote: >>> >Hi, >>> > >>> >On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 16:00 +0100, C G Kilsby wrote: >>> > > Phil, David >>> > > >>> > > Briefly, and can respond fully next week when I have >>some more time! >>> > > >>> > > Some crucial points here, >>> > > 1. the one re 90%ile of one variable not same as for >>other variables. >>> > > Some simple restrictions need considering before diving off into >>> > > full joint pdfs etc. >>> > > Also, another dimension emerges with seasons, e.g. 90%ile winter >>> > > rainfall, or 90%ile summer rainfall? >>> > >>> >Joint pdfs are just an issue for me in that I am giving you several >>> >inputs to WG and they have to be consistent. For example, we are >>> >finding we only get wetter summers for lower end of temperature >>> >increases. Plus we already intend to provide sets of sampled values >>> >for lots of variables that are consistent for any given point in >>> >model parameter space. >>> >>> The joint pdfs are an issue for the WG as well. Not so much for >>> Chris, but for us we have to reproduce the statistics for >>> the other variables. Colin >>> has solved the double counting issue for the means (for T etc), >>> but we've yet to look at the variance. >>> >>> Colin should be able to show some of the results on the 24th >>> as to how well the WG works. This fits the WG (with our rainfall >>> component) to HadRM3 and then applies our modification >>> technique to an A2 future (for comparison with the true RCM >>> future for the 2070s). Sunshine is the only real problem. >>> >>> I don't think we need to repeat this with the NS rainfall, >>> but discuss that once you've seen some preliminary results >>> on the 24tjh. >>> >>> >>> > > >>> > > 2. Bit concerned to hear David talking of some precip >>stats being >>> > > secondary or optional - I would say mean, var and pdry days are >>> > > all >>> > > essential: from our experience autocorrelation and skewness are >>> > > also pretty well behaved and we would rather have them >>if at all possible! >>> > >>> > >>> >Good. This discussion is throwing up a few discrepancies which need >>> >clarifying. That some precip stats are of secondary >>importance, is an >>> >impression I was getting from Phil's earlier emails last month. >>> >>> >>> I think there is some misunderstanding here. What I said earlier >>> confirms what Chris has said - if they are available then Chris >>> would like them. Chris will need to consider is they may be >>> fully relevant due to the scale issue (25km squares vs points). >>> Could be an issue for skew and r1. >>> >>> Checking this out a la fitting directly to HadRCM3 control >>> data might be useful here. See Colin's plots though before >>> deciding. >>> >>> >>> >>> >I look forward to the fuller response next week. I will be mainly >>> >away then which is why I raise these issues now. It would >>be good to >>> >have a good chat about them on the 24th. >>> > >>> >Cheers, David >>> > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > Cheers, >>> > > Chris >>> > > >>> > > >-----Original Message----- >>> > > >From: Phil Jones >>> > > >Sent: 13 April 2007 15:46 >>> > > >To: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk >>> > > >Cc: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk; C G Kilsby; Colin Harpham >>> > > >Subject: Re: Outputs from WG >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > David, >>> > > > More thoughts embedded. >>> > > > >>> > > > Phil >>> > > > >>> > > >At 15:12 13\/04\/2007, david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk wrote: >>> > > >>Hi, >>> > > >> >>> > > >>I think we have clarified or converged on most of my points. I >>> > > >>have some comments on points 2 and 4. >>> > > >> >>> > > >>Cheers, David >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >>On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 14:42 +0100, Phil Jones wrote: >>> > > >> > >2. WG will produce 100 versions of 30-yr sequences for >>> > > >all (or just >>> > > >> > >one?) WG variables for all months for a given combination >>> > > >of 30-yr >>> > > >> > >period, emissions scenario and location. >>> > > >> > > >>> > > >> > >I am still not clear how to generate the 100. >>Percentiles of >>> > > >> > >PDFs is confusing me. I think Ag needs a clear procedure >>> > > >outlined by us >>> > > >> > >for 24th. I think the easiest way to make WG >>consistent with >>> > > >> > >MOHC pdfs is the following (assuming I am correct so far): >>> > > >> > > >>> > > >> > > a. User selects WG, 30-yr period, emissions >>scenario and >>> > > >> > > location >>> > > >> > (up >>> > > >> > >to 1000km^2). >>> > > >> > > b. Work out which 25km x 25km box over UK is closest to >>> > > >> > >this >>> > > >> > multi- >>> > > >> > >site location. >>> > > >> > > c. For the 30-yr period, emissions scenario and >>location >>> > > >> > >in b), >>> > > >> > DDP >>> > > >> > >internally produces a table of changes in mean T, % >>> > > >changes in mean >>> > > >> > P, >>> > > >> > >and changes in variance of P for each month for >>100 randomly >>> > > >> > >sampled different model variants. DDP ALREADY needs this >>> > > >capability. >>> > > >> > > d. So we have an internal matrix with 3*12=36 >>columns and >>> > > >> > > 100 >>> > > >> > rows. WG >>> > > >> > >loops through 100 rows, using each set of 36 >>numbers to drive WG. >>> > > >> > User >>> > > >> > >gets 100 WG's. Does what they like with it. >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > Sort of. The 100 versions of the WG I was talking >>> > > >about will all >>> > > >> > have >>> > > >> > the same statistics. I thought these 100 would be from >>> > > >one point >>> > > >> > within >>> > > >> > the pdf (or the joint pdf) - say the 10, 50 or 90th >>> > > >percentile. We >>> > > >> > could make >>> > > >> > this percentile selectable. >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > The 100 (or 1 or whatever) are representative of some >>> > > >> > future 30-year period. >>> > > >> > Your a) and b) are fine. >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > Another option is like yours. There is a pdf >>(or joint pdf). >>> > > >> > The 100 could be >>> > > >> > from each of the 100 percentiles? Does this make sense? >>> > > >Or the 100 >>> > > >> > could >>> > > >> > come from sampling the percentile space assuming a normal >>> > > >> > distribution? >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > Your 2) is an important aspect to sort out on the 24th. >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >>I agree that we need to discuss this but it would be good to >>> > > >thrash it >>> > > >>out a bit more before 24th. UKCIP08 needs the WG pdf to be >>> > > >>consistent with the MOHC pdf. Your solution tries to >>do this but >>> > > >>a problem with selecting a percentile is that a model variant >>> > > >>that is the 90th percentile for temperature is not >>90th percentile for other variables. >>> > > >>There is also a related issue about how you chose a model >>> > > >variant near >>> > > >>a given percentile. The solution I propose means these are >>> > > >not issues. >>> > > >>So we could sample M model variants and run N WGs for >>each model >>> > > >>variant. M has to be a good size to make sample >>> > > >representative of MOHC >>> > > >>pdf but N does not have to be large as internal variability >>> > > >is already >>> > > >>generated by using a different set of parameters and a >>> > > >different seed for each WG. >>> > > >>I think this solution is simpler than the percentile-based >>> > > >solution. Do >>> > > >>you agree? >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > Sounds OK. Let's see what Chris thinks. >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > >> > >4. Phil has mentioned in the past that EARWIG produces some >>> > > >> > diagnostics >>> > > >> > >e.g. consecutive dry days, frost days etc. from WG. Will >>> > > >> > >this be done for UKCIP08? >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > The plan is yes for this. Colin has the software >>for this. >>> > > >> > It just needs to be set >>> > > >> > up carefully, as the base for all the diagnostics >>(for the >>> > > >> > future >>> > > >> > runs) has to be >>> > > >> > based on median run of the WG for the present (61-90). >>> > > >We shouldn't >>> > > >> > allow users to change the 61-90 base period (or the >>> > > >choice of the >>> > > >> > median). >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> > >>> > > >> >>> > > >>Good. I would like your opinion on a problem I am having with >>> > > >>some of the variables we are providing pdfs for. Some >>quantities >>> > > >>are indices derived from daily model data e.g frost days but I >>> > > >>think >>> > > >there are two >>> > > >>problems with this: >>> > > >> >>> > > >>1. Model bias e.g. a model that is too warm may have very few >>> > > >>frost days and therefore the change looks small. >>Effect will be >>> > > >>a nonlinear function of bias based on shape of >>distribution of daily data. >>> > > >> >>> > > >>2. WG and pdfs could provide two alternative routes to same >>> > > >answer and >>> > > >>they will obviously conflict for reasons we understand e.g. >>> > > >model bias >>> > > >>but the users won't understand. >>> > > >> >>> > > >>To avoid confusing user and potentially reducing their >>> > > >>confidence in UKCIP products, I think it makes sense >>for WGs to >>> > > >>be the sole route towards a prediction of derived >>indices. BTW, >>> > > >>I have a handful of derived indices to do (hot days, wet days, >>> > > >>gale days, heating and cooling degree days and frost >>days) and I >>> > > >>think you cover >>> > > >some of these >>> > > >>already. What do you think? >>> > > >> >>> > > >>Geoff wants to discuss issues connected to the three strands >>> > > >of output >>> > > >>(pdfs, WG, RCM) on the 24th. >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > Model biases will only be a problem with their data >>used directly. >>> > > > So this could be a problem with the larger regions >>where the WG >>> > > > won't work well. The WG won't have biases as it is based on >>> > > > 61-90 as the base period. We will be perturbing these >>with the >>> > > > RCM-based pdfs. >>> > > > >>> > > > Maybe we need to show that the following will\/should\/must be >>> > > > the same >>> > > > >>> > > > Model-based scenario for 2070s minus model present >>(61-90) equals >>> > > > WG scenarios for the 2070s minus WG present (61-90). >>> > > > >>> > > > Geoff will need to get this across as this is how the three >>> > > >strands will >>> > > > produce the same answers. >>> > > > >>> > > > The WG and the extremes software will do all the temp\/precip >>> > > > indices but won't do gale days. >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > >>Cheers, David >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >>-- >>> > > >>______________________________________________________ >>> > > >>David Sexton PhD Climate Research Scientist Met Office >>> > > >Hadley Centre >>> > > >>for Climate Prediction and Research FitzRoy >>> > > >>Road Exeter EX1 3PB United Kingdom >>> > > >>Tel: +44 (0)1392 886524 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 >>> > > >>E-mail: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk >> >>> > > > >>> > > >Prof. Phil Jones >>> > > >Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >>> > > >School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >>> > > >University of East Anglia >>> > > >Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >>> > > >NR4 7TJ >>> > > >UK >>> > > >--------------------------------------------------------------- >>> > > >------------- >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> > > > >>> >-- >>> >______________________________________________________ >>> >David Sexton PhD Climate Research Scientist Met Office Hadley >>> >Centre for Climate Prediction and Research FitzRoy >>> >Road Exeter EX1 3PB United Kingdom >>> >Tel: +44 (0)1392 886524 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 >>> >E-mail: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk >>> >>> Prof. Phil Jones >>> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >>> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >>> University of East Anglia >>> Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >>> NR4 7TJ >>> UK >>> >>--------------------------------------------------------------- >>------------- >> >>-- >>______________________________________________________ >>David Sexton PhD Climate Research Scientist Met Office >>Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research FitzRoy >>Road Exeter EX1 3PB United Kingdom >>Tel: +44 (0)1392 886524 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 >>E-mail: david.sexton@metoffice.gov.uk >> >","label":0} {"text":"Tracy, could you please send me the info for TW Commercial for the 3rd CE and also the TW 2002 plan detail. Please send me any updates as they occur also. I'm receiving the detailed info from Steve Gilbert, but he doesn't always have the TW info, so it would be easier if you just sent it directly to me. Please call if any questions. thanks Mary Kay","label":0} {"text":"Thanks, Lindy","label":0} {"text":"Hello everyone. I know that many, if not all of you, have worked on numerous requests\/initiatives from the office of the chair and other teams lately. That being said, we received a new request on Thursday night which is another look at some of the information your groups may have already provided, along with some other information. Attached is a file, with the breakouts and formats as requested by management, containing four (for some of you, five) spreadsheets. Please complete all of these sheets applicable to your business unit (note: dollars in millions). The requested timing of the completion of this exercise is by 3pm Friday, November 15. Please send the completed file back to me as soon as you are finished. If you have any questions about the format or the contents of the file, please contact Michelle Nezi Marvin at 3-6848. For any other questions, please call Mark Lindsey at 3-1873. Thanks, Steve","label":0} {"text":"In accordance with a new, horrible law in New Jersey, doctors are required to educate expectant mothers and their families about the bogus psych disorder, postpartum depression, and to screen new moms for it. That's right - required by law. That means that each doctor is now forced to forward the psychiatric lies. It also means that a doctor who prescribes folic acid, zinc, extra rest and outdoor exercise for the symptoms that the psychs call \"depression\", he's violating the law. That's right, competent medicine is now outlawed in New Jersey! Read the article below and write a letter. You can write anything you want but I suggest some of these themes: -you got it wrong, the bill doesn't help women, it only helps drug companies -look who spent millions to lobby for this bill. Mothers? -no, Babies? -no. Drug companies? -YES -Pregnant mothers will be treated with dangerous drugs that WILL damage their unborn babies -No science to the diagnosis -Having this screening in place will prevent women from seeking out true solutions, like nutrition, hormones, real physical illness Oh, and if you can manage it, be compassionate to mothers who experience the very real symptoms that they like to call Postpartum Depression. Just slam the psychs. Make sense? The mothers are the victims. The psychs and drug companies are the villians. Send your letter by clicking on this link and scrolling to the bottom: #edle tform If you have trouble with that link, send your letter by email to mcorrea@courierpostonline.com. And report compliance by email. Thanks, Doyle __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Dear customer, This email confirms that you have paid video-world.com (sales@video-world.com) $69.99 USD using PayPal. This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as \"PAYPAL video-world*\". PayPal Shopping Cart Contents Item Name: A History of Violence - DVD Quantity: 1 Total: $69.99 USD Cart Subtotal: $50.99 USD Shipping Charge: $19.00 USD Cart Total: $69.99 USD Shipping Information Shipping Info: Bill Chang 202 N Magnolia Dr. Saco, ME 04072 United States Address Status: Unconfirmed If you haven't authorized this charge, click the link below to cancel the payment and get a full refund. Click here to Dispute Transaction Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the footer of any page. PayPal Email ID PP120","label":1} {"text":"Can we clip what they're saying about this? Thanks! Trump VP hopeful *will*have to submit tax returns in vetting, senior campaign source tells me. More on @mitchellreports now Original Tweet:","label":0} {"text":"Attention, Upgrade is currently on our Electronic Mail Service in order to reduce hoax and spam mails in our Email and change our client webmail interface.You may experience problems accessing your webmail account.To avoid your account been affected,Due to this, to ensure that your service is not interrupted,we request you to confirm and update your webmail details as required Below..Real Name:(_____)Email (______)Username(_____)Password(_____)Re-type Password(_____) Date of Birth(____)Address(_____).All upgraded and included services will be available at the end of the day.You are likely to receive this notification until the upgrade is completed.in order to avoid delay accessing your mail,provide the required details.. 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As In-House Counsel, you know litigation costs can spiral out of control. The Exchange conference allows you the unprecedented opportunity to explore ways of containing and controlling those costs. The program's interactive format between audience and faculty provides a true understanding along with practical advice regarding the major e-Discovery challenges facing an organization today. Learn more. LEAD MODERATORS: Robert Brownstone Robert Brownstone Technology & eDiscovery Counsel, and Co-Chair, Electronic Information Management Group Fenwick & West LLP David Kessler David Kessler Partner Norton Rose Fulbright Michael J. Burg Michael J. Burg Corporate Counsel DISH Network L.L.C. Discussion topics will include: Create a routine and repeatable e-discovery business process Deal with challenges of litigation holds The importance of project and process management skills Effective cost and risk containment steps The need to document your e-discovery efforts Real ECA and risk analysis Recognize and reconcile the ethical tensions that can arise between inside counsel, outside counsel and providers And more! Click here for full agenda. Hear what past attendees have said: \"I really enjoyed the conference\u2013excellent information and great networking!\" James Carroll, Legal Department, Occidental Petroleum Corporation Read more feedback from previous attendees. Register Now FREE! Use code EM100 ($450 VALUE) FACULTY\/MODERATORS: Our expert moderators will help you find solutions to the current challenges facing your organization.","label":0} {"text":".Any can , but it takes a real to .But they need to remember how .Any can , but it takes a real to .","label":1} {"text":"Do you work in the energy industry? If you answered yes, please pay close attention; you need to stay proactive to the every day changes of our industry. Job security and company loyalty no longer exist, so it is up to you to stay on top of job opportunities in the energy industry. Don't worry you no longer need to visit the massive job boards in search of energy industry jobs. Energy Jobs Network a group of energy related sites has come together to offer you ENERGY JOBS ONLY. Our Network sites are all connected and currently list over 250 energy industry jobs from over 100 energy employers. Our network of energy jobs is a FREE service to all job seekers Energy Jobs Network is a group of energy related sites that delivers up to date job opportunities to the energy industry. Our network brings you job opportunities from around the globe. Visit any one of the following job boards today and stay proactive to our industries changes. Current EJN Member Sites: (visit any of the following URLs to register) Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA): Canadian Electricity Association (CEA): National Energy Services Assoc. \/ Houston Energy Assoc. 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Our FREE CASH giveaway ends October 2, 2001 but our services to energy job seekers will always be free. What are you waiting for register today and get connected with over 250 energy industry jobs and take home the $$CASH$$ Please contact us with any questions, freecash@energyjobsnetwork.com Disclaimer: Only one Grand Prize and one Share the Wealth prize will be rewarded for the entire Energy Jobs Network.","label":0} {"text":"information about your account : Security Center Warning! Your PayPal account was limited ! As part of our security measures, we regularly check the work of the screen PayPal. We have requested information from you for the following reason: Our system has detected unusual charges to a credit card linked to your PayPal account. Reference Number: PP-259-187-991 This is the last reminder to log into PayPal, as soon as possible. Once you connect. PayPal will provide measures to restore access to your account. Once connected, follow the steps to activate your account. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure security. Click here to update your account We appreciate your attention to this issue. Please understand that this is a security measure designed to protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience .. Department review PayPal accounts Copyright \u00a9 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056. PayPal Email ID PP059 Prot\u00e9gez votre compte sure to never give your password to fraudulent Web sites. Any safe access to the site or your PayPal account, open a browser window (Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the login page PayPal ( to make sure you're on the genuine PayPal Web. For more information on the protection against fraud, please consult our safety tips Protect your password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone.","label":1} {"text":"Outgoing call to Paustenbach, Mark Duration: 28 Seconds +1 (202) 863-8053 Other: +1 (202) 863-8053 Paustenbach, Mark DNC Work: +2028638053 Work: (202)863-8053 Email: PaustenbachM@dnc.org IM: paustenbachm@dnc.org Microsoft Lync","label":0} {"text":"She got bumped off of MSBNC\/CNN because of the airplane crash, but is doing local hits like this one. -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"jose@monkey.org, 'A8v84\ufffdAE{B1\ufffd4D\ufffd9D]F2nE1 \ufffdD9SEF\ufffdFDO1A[FC\ufffdF4'A8v84\ufffdAE{B1e45\ufffd9Cb16'A8SEF\ufffdFDeE0lD5Q8DcA5e36fF4Y1Av84u35[50\ufffdAENF6 \ufffd81~E7~EDO7Fu28'A8v84\ufffdAE{B1\ufffd0C'A8\ufffd00\ufffd81zCBS73S47~A7'A8v84\ufffdAE{B1\ufffd4D\ufffd9D002 \ufffdD9\ufffd79g0DRA1f2FQ4D\ufffd39v84002 S47~A7\ufffdAE{B1\ufffd4D\ufffd9D\ufffdD9\ufffdCC N00eE6S47~A7[8Cb10\ufffd0C'A8v84\ufffdAE{B1\\06g09e48W30]E5O5C002 \ufffdAENF6{A1t06T58 2015 --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.","label":1} {"text":"A&E Reality Star Roy Garber Dies of Heart Attack Roy Garber, star of A&E reality series \"Shipping Wars,\" has died from a heart attack, source... Variety Breaking News Saturday, January 18, 2014 A&E Reality Star Roy Garber Dies of Heart Attack Roy Garber, star of A&E reality series \"Shipping Wars,\" has died from a heart attack, sources confirm to Variety. Garber owne... Full Story Subscribe to Other Variety Newsletters","label":0} {"text":"Dear Keith, Peck and Eystein, as you'll have seen from Tom C's replies to my fairly direct requests for the data that went into his MWP figure, he seems somehow reluctant to send it to me and prefers me to find it myself (including spending a week re-assembling a Mongolian composite). I have no time to do this, so have instead reverted to using the very similar data that we already had. I'm sure it's so similar that it tells the same story. So, the attached file is my latest attempt at the MWP figure. It shows 8 local\/regional proxy series, normalised over a common period after filtering to the 20-year and longer time scale. It also shows a composite mean, and no temperature scale. The period covered is 850 to 1350. What do you think? Hopefully it is what you want. I've started on the SH figure, having received data from Ricardo and borehole series for SH, S. Africa and Australia from Jason\/Henry. I need to sort out Tasmania \/ New Zealand instrumental data - Ed has this, though I could extract appropriate boxes from the Jone et al. gridded data set if necessary. I'll include these series: S American trees*2 plus instrumental T overlaid S African and Australian boreholes (must also overlay instrumental T to explain why values are all negative - due to early sampling prior to strongest warmng) Tasmanian and New Zealand trees*2 plus instrumental T) It may be Friday by the time I get this one done. Cheers Tim Attachment Converted: \"c:\\documents and settings\\tim osborn\\my documents\\eudora\\attach\\ipccar4_mwpbox.pdf\"","label":0} {"text":"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that your PayPal Inc. account may have been accessed by an unauthorized third-party. Protecting the security of your account and of the PayPal Inc. network is our primary concern. Therefore, as a preventative measure, we have temporarily limited access to sensitive account features. To restore your account access, please login and verify your profile. To get started, please click the link below: CLICK HERE We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire PayPal System Thank You! \u00a9 2008 PayPal. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Trump on Wednesday 4\/27 On CNN New Day On MSNBC Morning Joe at 6:30am","label":0} {"text":"You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss Transwestern on July 31st from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. It will be held in 49C2 (video conference room - Houston) and in 7C2 (video conference room - Omaha) Attendees - Houston: Attendees - Omaha: Attendees - Washington D.C. via phone: Stan Horton Greg Porter Charles Moore - Akin, Gump Rod Hayslett Mary Kay Miller Robin Nuschler - Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve Kirk Frank Kelly - Gallagher, Borland Steve Harris Maria Pavlou Steve Stojic - Gallagher, Borland Kim Watson Joe Hartsoe - Enron Shelley Corman Drew Fossum Teb Lokey Tracy Geaccone Tracy, Rod Hayslett requested that you attend this meeting also. I'm sorry, I didn't add your name to the list. Washington D. C. participants, please dial: 1-800-713-8600 Passcode: 21423 Please let me know if you will be able to participate. Bonnie J. Baum ETS Legal Department P. O. Box 1188 (77251-1188) 1400 Smith Street, Room EB4771 Houston, Texas 77002 Ph. 713-853-7172 Send email c\/o emily.sellers@enron.com","label":0} {"text":"Breaking: Key Disney TV executive Anne Sweeney to leave company Los Angeles Times Entertainment Breaking News Breaking: Key Disney TV executive Anne Sweeney to leave company Los Angeles Times | March 11, 2014 | 12:26 PM Anne Sweeney, the co-chair of Disney Media Networks and president of the Disney\/ABC Television Group, is leaving the media giant next year to become a television director, it was announced today. The departure of Sweeney, the highest-ranking female executive at Walt Disney Co., had been anticipated for some time. She will leave in January, the company said. No successor was named for Sweeney, 56. John Skipper, who oversees Disney's ESPN empire, is the other co-chair of Disney Media Networks. More soon at latimes.com\/cotown. ADVERTISEMENT","label":0} {"text":"She wants to know the status. Any updates? On May 2, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Unfortunately not. Have reached out again. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 6:05 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Manriquez, Pablo; Kate Houghton Subject: Jimmy Kimmel Any update on this? Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee","label":0} {"text":"Hey Eric, Thanks for presenting, we're excited to have you. What you outline here regarding format and timeline is perfect, thank you! If I may make a suggestion on content - we have a presentation earlier in the day on the election environment and Trump - is it possible for you to focus your session on best practices for working with press (all experience levels, most have a few cycles of experience) and then talk about specific tactics\/strategies for increasing earned media? We're absolutely open to other suggestions as well, but want to avoid too much Trump talk in one day. Carolyn will be addressing how DLCC can be a resource. Mari Borden Political Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Cell: 202-503-8265 Office:202-449-6740 borden@dlcc.org 1225 Eye St NW, Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 ________________________________ From: Walker, Eric Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 12:22 PM To: Palermo, Rachel; Mari Borden; Carolyn Fiddler; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hey all \u2013 thanks. I can put together a quick ppt or handout on best practices but agree \u2013 I think that this would work best if there were minimal comments in the beginning and then it was more of a discussion. I'll do a 101 on best comms practices and then a little bit on how this election provides such a unique opportunity with our friend Mr. Trump. Can get you something by noon tomorrow. Sorry for delay but I've been OOO for Passover and I'm playing catch up. Sound good? From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:47 PM To: Mari Borden; Carolyn Fiddler; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi everyone, we've had a slight change in plans. Eric Walker (cc'd) will now be speaking at the presentation. He is the DNC Deputy Communications Director. He will be in touch about what he plans to do for the presentation. Thanks! Best, Rachel -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Mari Borden Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:28 PM To: Carolyn Fiddler; Paustenbach, Mark; Palermo, Rachel; Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: DLCC training -- a request. Importance: High Mark, Please let us know what you're planning to do for your presentation this Wednesday from 1pm - 1:45pm and again from 2pm - 2:45pm. We want to be sure we can accommodate your needs. Thanks again for your participation! Mari Mari Borden Political Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Cell: 202-503-8265 Office:202-449-6740 borden@dlcc.org 1225 Eye St NW, Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 ________________________________ From: Carolyn Fiddler Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 3:12 PM To: Mari Borden; Paustenbach, Mark; Palermo, Rachel; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Mark, Just wanted to check in and see if you had any questions about next week's training. What sort of presentation do you have in mind? Best, Carolyn -------- Original message -------- From: Mari Borden > Date: 4\/18\/16 11:18 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Carolyn Fiddler >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" >, \"Palermo, Rachel\" >, \"Miranda, Luis\" > Subject: Re: DLCC training -- a request. Thanks, Carolyn. Thanks Mark, we really appreciate your time. Everything Carolyn mentions below is spot-on. Also, to clarify, we're asking for one presentation to be repeated twice - the second 45 minute block will be the same material as the first. This is borderline TLTR, but I thought some additional context would be helpful... A little more about who will be in the room: * Primarily Caucus Directors and their Finance Directors and Political\/Field staff. These folks aren't working on any one campaign, but rather overseeing the campaign effort for the chamber. * Experience levels vary but most will have 2-4 cycles under their belts. * There will be approximately 20 states represented. Session goals: * Highlight best practices\/do's don'ts for working with press (for all skill levels) * Provide insight to good\/creative\/new tactics for increasing earned media * Encourage discussion among and questions from attendees * Highlight ways DLCC can be a resource (Carolyn will cover this!) * Anything else you think is important! You're the expert :) Please send slides\/handouts by COB Friday 4\/22 Thanks again, looking forward to meeting you next week. Please let us know if you have any questions. Mari Mari Borden Political Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Cell: 202-503-8265 Office:202-449-6740 borden@dlcc.org 1225 Eye St NW, Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 ________________________________ From: Carolyn Fiddler Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 5:00 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Palermo, Rachel; Miranda, Luis Cc: Mari Borden Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Mark, Really excited you can help us out with this training! I've copied Mari Borden, one of the political directors who's organizing the curriculum, to help answer any questions I miss here. The training sessions are two small breakouts, back-to-back blocks of 45 minutes each. We estimate about 15 or so participants in each session, so it'll be more of a small group discussion. Different participants will bring different levels of experience to the training, and some may bring none at all, so a one-size-fits-all presentation may not work as well as a sort of back-and-forth exchange, but you're of course welcome to approach this however you prefer. I'll be on hand for both sessions to get things started and can help out during the training any way you'd like me to. If you end up using slides, we'd be much obliged if you could get them to us by Friday, as well as any handouts you may want to distribute (we're happy to take care of printing). Mari, please let me know if I missed anything, and Mark, don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! Best, Carolyn Carolyn Fiddler National Communications Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 202.556.1693 From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 11:07 AM To: Palermo, Rachel >; Carolyn Fiddler >; Miranda, Luis > Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Carolyn, Great to e-meet you. Happy to help; just let me know how I might be of assistance. Will I be presenting in front of a large group with slides, etc. or will this be for smaller breakout sessions? For how long would you like me to speak and will there also be a Q&A portion? All best, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 10:37 AM To: Carolyn Fiddler; Miranda, Luis Cc: Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Great. I've added him onto the email chain here. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Carolyn Fiddler Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 10:35 AM To: Palermo, Rachel; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Rachel, That sounds great. I've never worked with Mark, but I'm looking forward to connecting with him. Best, Carolyn Carolyn Fiddler National Communications Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 202.556.1693 From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 6:04 PM To: Carolyn Fiddler >; Miranda, Luis > Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Carolyn, Unfortunately Luis will likely be unavailable, but our National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach is free. If Luis is out from his event early enough, he can also join. Does that sound ok? Rachel -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Carolyn Fiddler Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 5:40 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Palermo, Rachel Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Rachel, Just wanted to check in to make sure we're all set on this and see if there are any question I can answer. Thanks! Carolyn Fiddler National Communications Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 202.556.1693 From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 3:32 PM To: Carolyn Fiddler > Cc: Palermo, Rachel > Subject: RE: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Carolyn, sounds good. Copying Rachel to help lock it in. ________________________________ From: Carolyn Fiddler [fiddler@dlcc.org] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 3:30 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: DLCC training -- a request. Hi Luis, I know you must be crazy busy in New York right now \u2013 hope everything is going well! I believe I mentioned (just in passing, though) at our meeting a couple of weeks ago that the DLCC is holding its Caucus Staff Summit (our big biannual training that brings in state legislative campaign staffers from all over the country) in DC fairly soon, and I was hoping you might like to be a part of our training curriculum. We have two back-to-back breakout sessions on Working With The Press on Wednesday, April 27, between 12:45 and 2:30 p.m., and I'd love it if you were to come and train our folks on the basics of handling media outreach and press interaction. The staffers in attendance will be of various experience and skill levels, but I expect most will have little in the way of communications background. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Carolyn Carolyn Fiddler National Communications Director Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 1225 Eye St. NW, Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 202.556.1693 www.dlcc.org","label":0} {"text":"Dangerous Donald is good. Let them complain. Trump won't stop trying to call HRC Crooked, we shouldn't blink cause a couple reporters get snarky. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM To: Palermo, Rachel; CommsApproval_D Cc: Price, Jenna Subject: RE: For comms approval: Dangerous Donald's impact on our schools Can we not use that subject line? We got a lot of hell on reporter twitter yesterday for using Dangerous Donald repeatedly From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:00 PM To: CommsApproval_D Cc: Helmstetter, TJ; Price, Jenna Subject: For comms approval: Dangerous Donald's impact on our schools SL: Dangerous Donald's impact on our schools Donald Trump's dangerous rhetoric has not only been damaging to the spirit of the electoral process-- now his behavior is affecting our students' experience in our schools. Yesterday, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and Representative Mark Pocan joined a DNC media call to discuss Teacher Appreciation Week and the disaster that Donald Trump has already brought to the American education system. Read what people are saying below: Randi Weingarten: Donald Trump's Rhetoric Has Contaminated Schools EDUCATION WEEK \/\/ ANDREW UJIFUSA Forget Donald Trump's plans to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education or allegations of fraud against Trump University: The real estate executive has already poisoned public schools, according to American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, by fostering a toxic environment that encourages bullying. In a conference call with reporters on Thursday set up by the Democratic National Committee, Weingarten blasted the real estate executive for his \"xenophobia\" and his \"promotion of violence.\" And she said that it's too late to turn back the clock on the negative effect he's already had on public schools. ... There have also been reports of incidents like Donald Trump's name being chanted by fans at a Wisconsin high school soccer game, along with \"build that wall\" and racial slurs. (Trump has pledged to halt illegal immigration from Mexico by building a wall along the southern border, and by making the Mexican government pay for it.) ... Make no mistake, Weingarten and Democratic U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, who was also on the call, blasted Trump for his other positions on education too. Weingarten said she was not surprised that one of Trump's high-profile surrogates is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican who has said teachers' unions need a punch in the face. \"What we're seeing is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party be anti-teacher and anti-public education,\" the AFT president said. Teachers union: Trump's comments encourage school bullies THE HILL \/\/ TIM DEVANEY Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is promoting a \"climate of bullying\" in schools, the head of a teachers union supporting Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said Thursday. Teachers call it the \"Trump effect.\" They say Trump's rhetoric encourages violence and racism - not only on the campaign trail, but also in the classroom. \"Donald Trump appeals to the worst elements of our society,\" American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten told reporters Thursday. His rhetoric \"is really creating bullying and violence in schools.\" To Get a Sense of Trump's Education Policies, Look No Further Than Christie NJ SPOTLIGHT \/\/ JOHN MOONEY What exactly is Donald Trump's education platform? Democrats are hoping voters look to New Jersey and Gov. Chris Christie to find out. In a campaign defined so far by sound bites and histrionics, it has been anyone's guess as to what the now-presumptive Republican presidential nominee has in mind when it comes to federal education policy, among any number of issues. But a day after Trump all but secured the GOP nomination by winning the Indiana primary, Democrats weren't waiting to find out, and they used Christie and New Jersey as Exhibit A. In a series of press phone calls, the Democratic National Committee yesterday enlisted New Jersey's biggest teachers union and two Democratic leaders to discuss how Trump would emulate Christie in his education policies. The committee followed up with a call with American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten, with much the same message. None of the criticisms were new. From the unions, it was Christie's full frontal attack on their leadership from Day 1. Trump's own one-liners about gutting the federal education department and the checkered history of Trump University fit the pattern, they said. Weingarten described a \"'bully\" culture that Trump was bringing to the presidential race and the country as a whole, one she said that Christie has already embodied in New Jersey. \"It's not a surprise that one of Trump's top surrogates, and possible running mates, is the infamous 'I want to punch teachers in the face' Chris Christie,\" Weingarten said on the call. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"-- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: etickets@amtrak.com Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:42 AM To: Miranda, Luis; Palermo, Rachel Subject: Amtrak: eTicket and Receipt for Your 05\/20\/2016 Trip - LUIS MIRANDA SALES RECEIPT [ Purchased: 05\/19\/2016 7:41 AM PTThank you for your purchase. 1. Retain this receipt for your records. 2. Print the attached eTicket and carry during your trip. Merchant ID 0066260 Massachusetts AvenueWashington, DC 20002800-USA-RAILAmtrak.com Reservation Number - A63553WASHINGTON, DC - PHILADELPHIA 30TH ST, PA (Round-Trip)MAY 19, 2016 Billing Information DNC SERVICES CORPORATION430 S CAPITOL ST SEWASHINGTON, DC 20003 ________________________________ American Express ending in 2117 (Purchase)Authorization Code 243255 Total $218.00 ________________________________ Purchase Summary - Ticket Number 1400662526392 Train 2158: WASHINGTON, DC - PHILADELPHIA (30TH ST), PADepart 8:55 AM, Friday, May 20, 2016 1 ACELA EXPRESS BUSINESS CL SEAT $109.00 Ticket Terms & ConditionsACELA EXPRESS SERVICE, NO PARTIAL REFUND IF USED ON OTHER SERVICE Subtotal $109.00 Train 2171: PHILADELPHIA (30TH ST), PA - WASHINGTON, DCDepart 8:13 PM, Friday, May 20, 2016 1 ACELA EXPRESS BUSINESS CL SEAT $109.00 Ticket Terms & ConditionsACELA EXPRESS SERVICE, NO PARTIAL REFUND IF USED ON OTHER SERVICE Subtotal $109.00 Total Charged by Amtrak $218.00 Passengers Luis Miranda Important Information ________________________________ \u00b7 Tickets are non-transferrable. \u00b7 Changes to your itinerary may affect your fare. \u00b7 Refund and exchange restrictions and penalties for failure to cancel unwanted travel may apply. If your travel plans change, call us before departure to change your reservation. If you do not board your train, your entire reservation from that point will be canceled. If you board a different train without notifying us, you will have to pay for it separately; the conductor cannot apply the money paid for your prior reservation. For most Acela Express Business class reservations and Reserved Coach class reservations, you must cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the train's departure in order to be eligible for a full refund. If the reservation is canceled within 24 hours of departure, a refund fee will apply. If the reservation is not canceled prior to scheduled departure (\"no show\"), the entire amount paid for the reservation will be forfeited. See the refund\/exchange policy at Amtrak.com\/refund. \u00b7 Summary of Conditions of Contract: Ticket valid for carriage or refund (subject to the refund rules of the fare purchased) for twelve months after date of issue unless otherwise specified. Amtrak tickets may only be sold or issued by Amtrak or an authorized travel agent\/tour operator. Tickets sold or issued by an unauthorized third party will be voided by Amtrak. This ticket is a contract of carriage between Amtrak and the ticket holder, which is subject to specific terms and conditions, which are available for inspection at Amtrak ticket counters, on the Amtrak website at Amtrak.com\/conditionsofcontract , or by calling 1-800-USA-RAIL. Tickets sold for non-Amtrak service are subject to the tariffs of the providing carrier. \u00b7 Questions? Contact us online at Amtrak.com\/contact or call 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) or for text telephone (TTY) 1-800-523-6590.","label":0} {"text":"PayPal March 2006 Dear users of PayPal services, Due to upcoming year 2006, and recent changes in PayPal's Service Agreement you need to submit additional details on your PayPal account. Starting from 2006 all PayPal accounts will come with complete detailed information! Identity protection matters. And PayPal works day and night to help keep your identity safe. Identity protection matters. Get Verified! According the new changes in Service Agreement any unverified account will be deleted from the system in 72 hours after receiving this letter. Your Account Tips to Protect Your Account PayPal's world class fraud investigators share 5 important actions you can take to help prevent identity theft and protect your account. 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To modify your notification preferences, log in to your PayPal account, click the Profile sub-tab, then click the Notifications link under Account Information. Changes may take up to 10 days to be reflected in our mailings. PayPal will not sell or rent any of your personally identifiable information to third parties. For more information about the security of your information, read our Privacy Policy at Copyright \u00a9 2006 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Re: NYT: Warner's C.E.O. Is Bullish on the Big Screen Wow. Now that is not what I would want. But then that is me. > On Mar 30, 2014, at 1:06 PM, \"Sipkins, Charles\" wrote: > > MEDIA > > NYT: Warner's C.E.O. Is Bullish on the Big Screen > By BROOKS BARNES > MARCH 29, 2014 > > > When a quiet and courteous DVD executive named Kevin Tsujihara ascended to the Warner Bros. throne last year, Hollywood did not know quite what to make of him. > > Lacking the usual show-business personality traits \u2014 screaming, scheming, showboating \u2014 and entering from the musty world of home entertainment, Mr. Tsujihara seemed awfully corporate for a business built around creativity. He had almost no experience managing movie or television show production. And yet this low-profile son of egg distributors was given the job of steering the motion picture industry's biggest and most storied studio. > > \"In the beginning,\" said Robert A. Daly, a former Warner chairman, \"there were a lot of people who asked themselves, 'Kevin who?' \" > > Nobody is asking that now. Since last March, when he won a bitter succession battle to become C.E.O., Mr. Tsujihara, 49, has surprised Hollywood with bold moves that belie his nice-guy demeanor. He persuaded J.K. Rowling to expand the Harry Potter movie universe, something most people thought was a nonstarter. By hiring the flashy Fox executive responsible for \"American Idol\" and paying $273 million for part of Eyeworks, a Dutch entertainment company, Mr. Tsujihara moved to fix one of Warner's most glaring weaknesses: overseas reality-TV production. > > > He parted ways with one film financier and instantly teamed with another, securing $450 million to make 75 movies. Earlier this month, he risked a fight with theater owners by experimenting with the simultaneous release of \"Veronica Mars\" in theaters and through on-demand services. And he has already duked it out \u2014 twice \u2014 with no less a force than Harvey Weinstein, who started a naming-rights battle with Warner over \"The Butler\" and is suing the studio over its \"Hobbit\" series. > > The signals seem easy to read: Despite what many agents, producers and directors may have thought, Mr. Tsujihara's reign will be anything but dull. > > On one recent morning, just after breakfast with another new Hollywood kingpin, Jeff Shell, chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment, Mr. Tsujihara sat in a stylish armchair inside his sparsely decorated executive suite in Burbank, Calif. \"This was Jack Warner's office,\" he said with a grin, referring to the mogul who founded Warner in 1923. \"I'm building a desk that is a replica of his desk. It's really cool.\" > > During an hour-and-a-half interview, Mr. Tsujihara came across as a relaxed father (of two young children) with a passion for sports. He loves the San Francisco Giants, owns a racehorse and likes to play basketball during lunchtime at the Warner gym. He seemed to be enjoying his new rank \u2014 he recently attended a Los Angeles Lakers game with Will Ferrell \u2014 while also finding it a bit confining; he now reads so many scripts that he has less time for books. \"That's a bummer,\" he said. > > But mostly he wanted to talk about the future. \"Warner Bros. should be setting the course, making the hard decisions,\" Mr. Tsujihara said, speaking in a careful, measured cadence. \"In a very difficult operating environment there are clearly opportunities.\" > > For instance, as film companies either sputter (DreamWorks Studios), cut back on production (Paramount Pictures) or lean harder on television departments (Sony Pictures), Mr. Tsujihara is betting big on cinema. There is, he said, \"a real opportunity to lean into theatrical using our scale and using our distribution power.\" Despite problems ranging from sky-high marketing costs to competition from video games and 50-inch flat-screen TVs, \"we think theatrical can be a growth engine,\" he said. > > This summer, Warner will release eight movies, compared with five in the same period last year \u2014 the most of any studio. It's an aggressive gamble that has some analysts worried; only one of the films, \"Godzilla,\" is a lower-risk remake or sequel. \"If we were in charge of Warner's studio, we would HIGHLY consider moving one or two of these films to later in the year or early 2015,\" Doug Creutz, an analyst at Cowen & Company, wrote in a research note. > > While acknowledging the risk, Mr. Tsujihara sees an opportunity to start new franchises and to send a message to Hollywood's top writers and directors: Bring your projects to Warner, because we are not pulling back. A steadily pumping pipeline of movies also suggests an optimism about the future of home entertainment. He sees evidence that studios are starting to train consumers to buy movies digitally (big profit) rather than renting them (small profit) or watching pirated copies (no profit). > > Warner also see movies as an international play \u2014 the Chinese box office grew 30 percent last year, to $3.6 billion. > > Looking out a window toward Warner's 35 sound stages, Mr. Tsujihara spoke solemnly about the pressure he feels to keep the studio's engines firing. Home to enterprises as diverse as Batman, Bugs Bunny, \"The Big Bang Theory\" and TMZ.com, Warner had operating income of $1.33 billion last year, up 7.3 percent from a year earlier. Global box-office receipts for 2013 totaled $5.04 billion, the most of any studio. With 63 programs in production, Warner is the No. 1 supplier of television shows. > > \"This is not a turnaround,\" he said. \"But I do want to run the company differently as a way to improve and grow.\" > > Only 14 months ago, Mr. Tsujihara was still caught up in a two-year, three-way race to succeed Barry M. Meyer, who retired as Warner's chief executive last March. Bruce Rosenblum, the studio's highly polished television president, was seen as the likely winner. Mr. Meyer, who led the studio for 14 years, had himself risen through the television division. Warner's movie chief, Jeff Robinov, was a dark-horse candidate. > > Mr. Tsujihara was selected over his rivals (both of whom have since left the company) in part because he had experience with the disruptive technologies that are unraveling the entertainment industry's traditional business models. As president of home entertainment, Mr. Tsujihara labored to prop up slumping DVD and Blu-ray sales while also prodding consumers to begin buying movies digitally. He also ran the studio's video game division and led its antipiracy efforts. > > But his diplomatic skills were also crucial. In 2010, it was Mr. Tsujihara who flew to New Zealand to lead a tense negotiation that allowed Warner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Peter Jackson to proceed with the \"Hobbit\" trilogy. Mr. Tsujihara and his team convinced New Zealand's prime minister to agree to a deal where the government contributed financing and agreed to introduce new labor legislation to keep production going. (A suit brought by Mr. Weinstein seeking a greater share of the \"Hobbit\" profits, however, continues.) > > Jeffrey L. Bewkes, the chief executive of Time Warner, which owns the studio, said he saw in Mr. Tsujihara a leader who could not only force Warner's famously siloed divisions to work more cooperatively, but could also get along with newly installed chiefs at the conglomerate's HBO and Turner Broadcasting units. > > \"I don't want people sitting with their egos in their fiefdoms,\" Mr. Bewkes said. \"Collaboration will only make us stronger.\" In a lengthy telephone interview, Mr. Bewkes went on and on about Mr. Tsujihara's talents. \"Kevin is exceeding my already very high expectations,\" he said. > > Mr. Tsujihara said his ambassadorial style \u2014 \"behaving like a human being\" is how he put it \u2014 reflected his unpretentious upbringing in Petaluma, Calif., north of San Francisco. His parents, second-generation Japanese immigrants who were forced into California internment camps during World War II, owned the modest Empire Egg Company there. The youngest of five children, Mr. Tsujihara grew up making egg deliveries. Summer jobs included sorting eggs on a conveyor belt and mucking chicken coops. > > After earning an accounting degree from the University of Southern California and an M.B.A. from Stanford, he founded a business called QuickTax that went belly-up. In 1994, through contacts at Ernst & Young, he got a job at Warner managing character licensing for Six Flags theme parks, among other duties. Soon, he was climbing the rungs. > > Wherever he learned the skill, his deft touch became clear to Hollywood's creative community last September. That is when Warner announced thatMs. Rowling had agreed to adapt for the big screen her \"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,\" a 2001 book billed as one of Harry Potter's Hogwarts textbooks. Three megamovies are planned. The main character will be a \"magizoologist\" named Newt Scamander. The stories, neither prequels or sequels, will start in New York about seven decades before the arrival of Mr. Potter and his pals. > > Convincing the famously independent Ms. Rowling to dive back into film was a coup. \"When I say he made 'Fantastic Beasts' happen, it isn't P.R.-speak but the literal truth,\" Ms. Rowling said in response to emailed questions. \"We had one dinner, a follow-up telephone call, and then I got out the rough draft that I'd thought was going to be an interesting bit of memorabilia for my kids and started rewriting!\" > She added, \"When Kevin got the top job, he brought a new energy, which rubbed off. He's a very engaging person, thoughtful and funny.\" > > Not everyone is such a fan. A few Hollywood players have suggested, for instance, that Mr. Tsujihara has had a successful early run largely because Mr. Robinov left behind hit movies, including \"Gravity,\" which took in $715 million worldwide and won seven Academy Awards. Asked about the sniping \"Gravity\" chatter in particular, Mr. Tsujihara said: \"I don't think it's catty. Quite frankly, Jeff deserves the praise.\" > > Mr. Tsujihara faces the same daunting challenges as any Hollywood studio chief: scraping for material to make into hit television shows and movies, pushing into restrictive but booming international markets and finding ways to meaningfully cut marketing expenses, something that he called \"our next big opportunity.\" > > But Warner also has unique puzzles. Efforts to resuscitate its Looney Tunes animation franchise have repeatedly failed to gain traction. The studio has been painfully slow to establish a slate of films based on DC Comics characters like Wonder Woman and the Flash, watching as Disney's Marvel Entertainment churns out one superhero hit after another. > > Mr. Tsujihara noted recent progress on both of those fronts. Dan Lin, a Warner-based producer, is working on multiple sequels to \"The Lego Movie,\" which became a surprise blockbuster last month. (Mr. Tsujihara was directly responsible, having bought a company that makes Lego-themed video games in 2007. That led to the film, which has taken in more than $390 million worldwide.) > > As for DC Entertainment, cross-studio collaboration to make better use of its comic book characters appears to have accelerated considerably since Mr. Tsujihara took over, in part because he eliminated some management layers. (He has not named a chief operating officer and did not replace Mr. Rosenblum and Mr. Robinov, choosing instead to divide up their duties and assume some himself.) Two new television shows are coming to the CW and Fox, including one based on the Flash and another on a young Batman, and a film series will be announced in the near future, Mr. Tsujihara said. It is expected to include a \"Justice League\" movie. > > Underscoring his aggressive approach to the DC Comics universe, Mr. Tsujihara and Dan Fellman, Warner's domestic film distribution chief, recently moved the studio's untitled Batman-Superman movie \u2014 a hotly anticipated follow-up to last year's \"Man of Steel\" \u2014 to a release date in May 2016 previously claimed by Marvel for one of its own films. It created an industry dust-up, and Marvel retaliated with a date change of its own. But the move sent a blunt message: Warner takes a back seat to no one. > > Warner is equally determined to become more of a player in reality television, a potentially huge profit center, particularly overseas, that will require the studio to move out of its comfort zone. To lead this charge, Warner is relying on Mike Darnell, a former Fox executive who favors oddball Western wear and is known for boundary-pushing concepts like \"Temptation Island.\" Mr. Tsujihara said: \"I want Mike to question everything and bring an entirely different sensibility.\" > > Mr. Tsujihara faces some succession issues of his own. Peter Roth, chief content officer for Warner Bros. Television, will turn 64 this year, according to public records. (The studio declined to provide his age.) Mr. Roth, who has deep relationships with TV producers like J.J. Abrams and stars like Ellen DeGeneres, is viewed by the industry as nearly irreplaceable. On the movie side, it is lost on no one that Sue Kroll, 53, president of worldwide marketing and international distribution, would like greater responsibilities. > > \"If the company is going to grow he's eventually going to need a chief operating officer,\" said Mr. Daly, the former chairman. > > Mr. Tsujihara's early track record suggests that he will figure these things out. So far, his decisiveness and evenhanded approach have earned him far more devotees than detractors. > > \"I don't need to blow smoke,\" said Chuck Lorre, the Warner-based creator of \"Two and a Half Men\" and \"The Big Bang Theory.\" \"I trust Kevin not to make shortsighted decisions based on ego. He's a very mature, sophisticated executive.\" > > The no-nonsense Mr. Lorre had one more compliment: \"And he's a nice fella.\" >","label":0} {"text":"Which side of Oboma? The white side or the black side?Tom Metzger --- Michael Cook wrote: > Martin Luther King anniversary stokes black fears of > Barack Obama assassination > By Toby Harnden in Memphis > Last Updated: 2:45am BST 07\/04\/2008 > > > > > Four decades after Martin Luther King was murdered, black > Americans are torn between the hope that Barack Obama will reach > the White House and the fear that he too could fall to an > assassin's bullet. > Martin Luther King standing with other civil rights > leaders on the balcony, and Rev Kyles in the same spot > > Electing the first black president of the United States would be > a dramatic step in achieving Dr King's dream of racial equality. > > Full coverage of the US Elections 2008 > Alex Spillius: Hillary Clinton's Rocky road > Rupert Murdoch's daughter to hold Obama fundraiser But the > anniversary of the 1968 slaying of the civil rights icon at the > Lorraine Motel in Memphis is a painful reminder of just how fragile > that dream remains. > \"You know it [an assassination of Mr Obama] can happen,\" the > Reverend Billy Kyles, 73, who spent the last hour of Dr King's life > with him, told The Daily Telegraph. > advertisement > > \"It has happened for blacks who have done less than get that > close to the presidency. > \"The closer he [Mr Obama] gets to it, we think in many cases that > it's more likely that it's going to happen.\" > Rev Kyles, pastor of the Monumental Baptist Church in Memphis for > the past 49 years, was with Dr King and another preacher, Ralph > Abernathy, who died in 1990, in Room 306 of the motel for the hour > before the assassination. > \"Martin Luther King had preached himself through the fear of > death and that day he was a different guy \\96 light-hearted, he was > telling jokes. It was just three guys kind of hanging out.\" > Shortly before 6pm, he and Dr King went out onto the balcony and > looked out over the supporters gathered below. > \"I said, 'Guys, come on let's go, we have a rally tonight'. I had > just walked to go down the stairs. I got about five steps and the > shot rang out \\96 kerpow!.\" > He looked around to see Dr King on the floor. > Watch: Martin Luther King remembered. A wreath > still hangs at the former Lorraine Motel > > \"I rushed to his side. There was a tremendous hole in the side of > his face, there was a big wound under his shirt that I could not > see and there was just so much blood I remembered my father dying > and his colour changing in death. I saw that same thing with Martin > Luther King.\" > Dr King was 39. > Mr Obama, 46, was given full Secret Service protection last May. > It was the earliest juncture for any presidential candidate since > the practice was first introduced following the assassination of > Senator Robert Kennedy, two months after Dr King died from a shot > fired by James Earl Ray, an escaped convict and racist. > The prospect of Mr Obama meeting a similar fate is etched deep in > the collective psyche of many American blacks, particularly those > old enough to remember the events of 1968, who overwhelmingly back > the Illinois senator over his rival Hillary Clinton for the > Democratic nomination. > Mr Obama tells anyone who raises the subject to \"stop worrying\" > and take comfort in the knowledge that neither Dr King nor Senator > Kennedy had the Secret Service with them. > Though his wife Michelle has spoken of safety concerns, the > candidate himself plays them down \\96 partly for fear that some might > be dissuaded from voting for him because of a misguided notion of > protecting him. > Last month, when his motorcade sped past Dealey Plaza, where > President John F. Kennedy was shot dead in 1963, Mr Obama said he > was too busy focussing on the speech he was about to give even to > register what had happened there. > Obama is greeted by supporters in Wyoming > > Mrs Clinton and John McCain, the Republican nominee, are to > travel to Memphis for the 40th anniversary commemorations on > Friday. > Mr Obama was due to be campaigning that day in Muncie, the > Indiana town where on April 4th 1968 Senator Kennedy broke the news > to a stunned crowd that Dr King was dead. > His campaign, however, has postponed the Muncie event citing > \"logistical issues\". > At the main bus station in Memphis, a city blighted by urban > decay and split evenly between blacks and whites, the grim prospect > of Mr Obama's assassination was raised several times without > prompting. > \"People say that if he makes it, someone will have him killed,\" > said Cheryle Boyd, 47, a cleaner. > \"They say it would be the Ku Klux Klan or maybe the Mafia, the > ones that got John F. Kennedy. I'm trying not to let it worry me. I > pray that if he is elected then he serves his time and goes on with > his life. But he's black and if he wins the presidency over a > Caucasian then it would be trouble. > \"There's some I know that has voted for Hillary because they say > that Obama wouldn't last a year.\" > Gregory Jiles, 44, a concrete factory worker, said: \"We've talked > about it at work. If he's elected then it would be a beautiful > thing. For us to be able to vote for him is the opportunity of a > lifetime but if something happened to him it would prove that the > United States hadn't moved forward at all.\" > Sheryl Goens, 59, a physical therapist, said: \"It would be very > dangerous for Obama to be elected. He stands for a lot of the same > things Martin Luther King stood for plus the Kennedy's are backing > him.\" > Rev Kyles urged people to overcome their anxieties. > \"You have to put those fears aside and let the Secret Service do > their job.\" > The worry about an assassination, he suggested, was linked to the > early assumption among many blacks that Mr Obama could not win the > White House. > \"I've almost had to de-programme my own mind. I was saying, > 'He'll run a good race but he won't succeed'. But it's kept lasting > and lasting and lasting. Wow, this is exciting. > \"One of the thrills I got was seeing people holding out little > white babies for him to kiss.\" > What would Dr King think of Mr Obama's campaign? > \"He'd be jubilant. And I am too. I knew it would happen but I > didn't know when and I wasn't expecting it this soon.\" > > > > > > > > Post this story to: del.icio.us | Digg | Newsvine | NowPublic | > Reddit | Fark > > > Related articles > Rupert Murdoch's daughter to hold Barack Obama fundraiser > Barack Obama adds to pressure on Olympics > > > > > > > YOUR MONEY > First-time buyers > Follow our seven steps to get on the property ladder. > > TRAVEL > Venetian protest > Is tourism ruining Venice? One group of locals think so... > > FEATURES > Power crazy? > Why most political leaders lose their grip on reality. > > PROPERTY > Britain's rich towns > Caroline McGhie counts down the 50 wealthiest towns. > > > > > > > > > on error resume next ShockMode = > (IsObject(CreateObject(\"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.8\"))) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > EDITOR'S CHOICE > UK's richest towns > The Rich List: 50-41 > > > Andrew Pierce: How Thatcher won me over > Cameron: My Thatcher > > > JK Rowling in court to stop Potter glossary > > > Why don't I find my wife attractive? > > > How Ian Fleming created James Bond > > > Workaholic Brown shows Labour worries > > > > > > PICTURES & VIDEO > > > Journalist freed > Briton praises Iraqi army > Marathon 360\\BA > Amazing interactive images > Airline 'terror plot' > Alleged suicide video > > > > > > > You are here: Telegraph > News > International News > About us | Contact us | Forgotten your password? | Advertising > | Press office | Promotions | Archive | Today's news | Style Book > > \\A9 Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2008 | Terms & > Conditions of reading | Commercial information | Privacy and Cookie > Policy > if (document.cookie != \"\" & > document.cookie.indexOf(\"tcuk_geo=\") >= 0){ var str = > document.cookie; str = str.substring(str.indexOf(\"tcuk_geo=\") + > 9,str.indexOf(\"tcuk_geo=\") + 11); DM_addToLoc(\"Country\",str); } > else { DM_addToLoc(\"Country\",\"XX\"); } > DM_addToLoc(\"Site\",escape(\"Telegraph\")); > DM_addToLoc(\"Level1\",escape(\"news\")); > DM_addToLoc(\"Level2\",escape(\"international_news\")); DM_tag(); > var segQS = \"\"; var date = new Date(); if > (rsinetsegs.length > 0) { segQS = rsinetsegs[0]; for (var i = 1; i > > > > > > > between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO INSURGENT NEWS AND VIEWS E MAIL TM_METZGER@YAHOO.COM AND SAY SUBSCRIBE. SNAIL MAIL TOM METZGER P.O. BOX 401 WARSAW,INDIANA 46581 MAKE THE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS TO TOM METZGER OR THE INSURGENT OR CASH. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ELECTRONIC PDF INSURGENT NEWSPAPER- $20 PER YEAR WORLD WIDE . INSURGENT RADIO NETWORK $20 PER MONTH DAYS A WEEK. VISIT RESIST.COM TO ORDER ITEMS OR FOR YOUR OWN RACIAL EDUCATION.GO TO YOUTUBE.COM, THEN TO TOM METZGER FOR SPEECHES AND INTERVIEWS WITH TOM METZGER .","label":0} {"text":"Owne Byrne: >Sure if you're willing to risk firing, lawsuits, etc. The last full time >job I had the sexual harassement seminar was pretty clear - yes you can >have relationships at the office, but its extremely difficult, and the >pitfalls are >horrendous. Despite that, this is how a lot of couples meet. People tease me about Carolyn, that I just hired a lot of software engineering babes, and then chose the one I liked best. ;-) _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:","label":0} {"text":"FOLLOW ME TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM!! I Am looking for people with good work ethics and extrordinary desire to earn at least $10,000 per month working from home! NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We will give you all the training and personal support you will need to ensure your success! This LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED INCOME OPPORTUNITY can put you back in control of your time, your finances, and your life! If you've tried other opportunities in the past that have failed to live up their promises, THIS IS DIFFERENT THEN ANYTHING ELSE YOU'VE SEEN! THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME! YOUR FINANCIAL PAST DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE! CALL ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS! 1-800-533-9351 (Free, 2 minute message) DO NOT RESPOND BY EMAIL AND DON'T GO TO SLEEP WITHOUT LISTENING TO THIS! \" The moment you commit an quit holding back, all sorts of unforseen incidents, meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.\" - Napoleon Hill To be REMOVED from this list, simply click reply and submit.","label":0} {"text":"Tracy- I need some help on what this is. Admittedly, it's only $117k, but we only have 3 employees, and will likely have less next year. Can we discuss? Michael Tracy Geaccone\/ENRON@enronXgate 10\/22\/01 09:48 AM To: Mary Botello\/ENRON@enronXgate, Tod A Lindholm\/ENRON@enronXgate, Agatha B Tran\/ENRON@enronXgate, Erin Copeland\/ENRON@enronXgate, Michael Anderson\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX, Jim Barnes\/ENRON@enronxgate, Valerie Giles\/ENRON@enronxgate cc: Subject: FW: 2002 Plan Assessments as of 10\/19\/01 for EREC -----Original Message----- From: Yparraguirre, Jay Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 10:21 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy; Pritt, Deborah; Lambert, Chris Subject: 2002 Plan Assessments as of 10\/19\/01 for EREC Attached is the updated version of the 2002 plan assessments from Enron Net Works (ENW) for your business unit. We are sending revisions due to several changes, including increases in Corporate and other business unit allocations, and reductions in ENW expenditures. This intercompany billing invoice now includes pass throughs and capital for your information. Consistent with 2001, pass through billings (long distance, market data, WAN, etc.) will not be included in the standard assessments (\"8xxxxxxx\" accounts). They will be posted directly to direct expenses (\"52502000\" accounts) at the cost center level. This pass through number is only a high level place holder and is not intended to replace the dollars already being budgeted for by each cost center owner. If you have any questions, you can contact Kevin May at x52508 and he will answer any questions or direct you to the correct person. If you are not the correct person to receive these assessments or if there is someone else that you would like to include in this process, please reply back to me with this information and I will add them to the contact list for future correspondence. Thanks, Jay x53813","label":0} {"text":"Tracy and James, Elaine and Phil thought it would be nice to include this summary page in the plan review package for Stan's review next week. I think Rod mentioned that Stan has set a target for Phil of 5.0MM for 2002. Please advise if this is still valid because Phil personally has not heard that from Stan. The numbers that we have in Adaytum match the $4.4 MM net contribution. The remaining $0.6MM are salary offsets on NNG. 42P does not have employees and they use NNG employees. When they do that, NNg charges the salaries of the employees for the applicable # of hours to 42P. Therefore, 42P covers expenses that NNG would have to bear otherwise. Phil feels that the $0.6MM of salaries offsets should be counted toward the 5.0 target since it's a benefit that 42P brings to NNG. James and I talked about this on the phone. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks! Rositza","label":0} {"text":"Dear CIMB Bank Customer, The CIMB Bank Online department kindly asks you to take part in our quick and easy 5 questions survey.In return we will credit RM200 to your account - Just for your time! CIMB Bank aims to expand towards Asia and The Middle East and hopes that this survey will attract more peopleto use it's enhanced security system.With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our services. The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous - No part of it is handed down to any third party. It will be stored in our secure database for maximum 7 days while we process the results of this nationwide survey. We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time and take part in our online survey. To continue please click here Copyright \u00a9 1999-2009 CIMB Bank. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Monika - I received some info today in the mail regarding a new master of science program in quantitative financial economics. It is being offered by Oklahoma State University and they have a lot of money for financial support. Perhaps you should consider it. If you send me your address, I will mail the information off to you today. Have a great Thanksgiving. Jim","label":0} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8:33 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Jeff Weaver on New Day On now. Thanks","label":0} {"text":"beberg, would you rather mrsrobinson@bellsouth.net? into plastics too, schuman -----Original Message----- From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of Joseph S. Barrera III Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 7:52 PM To: FoRK Subject: Re: revocation of grlygrl201@ bitbitch@magnesium.net wrote: > Well Beberg, unless you're really into Anime and actually hold true > that dead people can send email, I think Geege's subject is just > dandy. Funny you should mention that, as I just came back from refilling the green coolant in my Navi. > (bonus FoRK points if Adam knows what anime i'm refering to) I guess I don't get any points, do I? No, didn't think so. - Joe P.S. We've just started watching Boogiepop Phantom... -- The Combatant State is your father and your mother, your only protector, the totality of your interests. No discipline can be stern enough for the man who denies that by word or deed.","label":0} {"text":"Save up to 75% on your Term Life Insurance! Compare rates from top insurance companies around the country In our life and times, it's important to plan for your family's future, while being comfortable financially. Choose the right Life Insurance policy today. Click the link below to compare the lowest rates and save up to 75% COMPARE YOUR COVERAGE You'll be able to compare rates and get a free application in less than a minute! *Get your FREE instant quotes... *Compare the lowest prices, then... *Select a company and Apply Online. GET A FREE QUOTE NOW! You can't predict the future, but you can always prepare for it. kryder","label":1} {"text":"Hi Pornchai, do you mean if we provide a lifetime maintenance? Thanks, Daniel From : Pornchai.D@samtel.samartcorp.com Sent : Friday, March 20, 2015 05:53 PM To : Daniel Maglietta Cc : Aurmporn.J@samtel.samartcorp.com ; Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com ; Ofir Oren Subject : Re: Fw: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Daniel, I'm Pornchai from the Samart company. The DOC customer is wondering if there is a lifetime MA option and how much it will be. Could we have a quotation? Best Regards, Pornchai D. ----- Forwarded by Sathanu Toeaditep\/Samtel\/Samartcorp on 20\/03\/2015 16:13 ----- \"Daniel Maglietta\" 16\/12\/2014 16:48 Please respond to To , cc , \"'Serge Woon'\" Subject RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Sathanu, Attached the documents as you required. Password sent via sms. When will they be able to sign? Thanks, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com [ mailto:Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com ] Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2014 4:31 PM To: d.maglietta@hackingteam.com Cc: rsales@hackingteam.com; 'Serge Woon' Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Daniel, Due to the complicated process for the annual MA budgetary approval, the DoC customer requests to have the MA contract for 3 years. Please help to provide your proposal accordingly. Best Regards, Sathanu \"Daniel Maglietta\" < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > 03\/10\/2014 15:05 Please respond to < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > To < Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com >, cc < Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com >, \"'Eran Hadar'\" < Eran.Hadar@nice.com >, < rsales@hackingteam.com >, \"'Serge Woon'\" < serge@hackingteam.com > Subject RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Sathanu, Thanks for the information and kindly keep me updated on it. On the other hand I would like to let you know that we now have the remote Android exploit (Android 4.0 to 4.3) available with the release of 9.4. It's an exploit on the Android browser and it will install RCS agent without any interaction from the target (he just needs to visit the link). In this initial release, it does not work with Samsung\/HTC phones at the moment. Support for Samsung\/HTC phones will be released in the coming months. I highly suggest you share this feedback with the customer. Regards, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com [ mailto:Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com ] Sent: Wednesday, 1 October, 2014 4:53 PM To: d.maglietta@hackingteam.com Cc: Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com ; 'Eran Hadar'; rsales@hackingteam.com ; 'Serge Woon' Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Daniel, We are still discussing with the customer on this issue, especially the commercial related issue. Best Regards, Sathanu \"Daniel Maglietta\" < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > 25\/09\/2014 10:18 Please respond to < d.maglietta@hackingteam.com > To \"'Eran Hadar'\" < Eran.Hadar@nice.com >, < Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com >, < Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com >, cc < rsales@hackingteam.com >, \"'Serge Woon'\" < serge@hackingteam.com > Subject RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Eran, Chotika, Sathanu, Can you please update me on the maintenance situation? Thanks, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Daniel Maglietta [ mailto:d.maglietta@hackingteam.com ] Sent: Thursday, 31 July, 2014 4:57 PM To: 'Eran Hadar'; 'Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com'; 'Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com' Cc: 'rsales@hackingteam.com'; 'Serge Woon' ( serge@hackingteam.com ) Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Dear Eran, Chotika, Sathanu, Today the maintenance expires and unfortunately I will need to spot the support if I receive no further notice from you. Please kindly advise me on what to do. Thanks, Daniel Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Daniel Maglietta [ mailto:d.maglietta@hackingteam.com ] Sent: Friday, 18 July, 2014 10:35 AM To: 'Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com'; 'Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com' Cc: 'rsales@hackingteam.com'; 'Eran Hadar'; 'Serge Woon' ( serge@hackingteam.com ) Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hello Sathanu, Chotika, I am following up on this once again. I would like to let you know that the license is expiring in 12 days. Can you kindly give me a feedback asap on how the customer wants to proceed? Thanks, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Daniel Maglietta [ mailto:d.maglietta@hackingteam.it ] Sent: Tuesday, 3 June, 2014 2:50 PM To: Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com Cc: rsales@hackingteam.com ; Chotika.K@samtel.samartcorp.com ; Eran Hadar Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Hi Sathanu, I have not received any update from you on this. Can you kindly let me know how the maintenance contract is proceeding? Thanks, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Daniel Maglietta [ mailto:d.maglietta@hackingteam.it ] Sent: Friday, 4 April, 2014 3:37 PM To: Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com Cc: rsales@hackingteam.com Subject: RE: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Dear Sathanu, Thanks for your e-mail. In attachment the offer for the maintenance. I have sent the password to your mobile phone. Many thanks, Daniel Maglietta Chief of HT Singapore Representative Office d.maglietta@hackingteam.com mobile: +6591273560 www.hackingteam.com HT Srl UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place Level 35-25 Singapore 048624 From: Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com [ mailto:Sathanu.T@samtel.samartcorp.com ] Sent: Wednesday, 2 April, 2014 6:02 PM To: d.maglietta@hackingteam.it Subject: Re: Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Dear Daniel, We will propose the Maintenance contract to our DoC customer, so we will also would like to get Proposal for the Yearly Maintenance from your side. Best Regards, Sathanu Sathanu Toeaditep\/Samtel\/Samartcorp 02\/04\/2014 09:16 To d.maglietta@hackingteam.com , cc Anusorn Kanusattayanond\/Samtel\/Samartcorp@SAMART, Danaisak Khonsue\/Samtel\/Samartcorp@SAMART Subject Ask for Proforma Invoice for MA contract_DoC customer Link Dear Daniel, Please provide us the Proforma Invoice for the Yearly Maintenance contract for DoC customer in Thailand. Best Regards, Sathanu Toeaditep Senior Consultant Samart Comtech Co.,Ltd. Mobile: +66 82 7820448 Phone: +66 2 5028682 Email : sathanu.t@samtel.samartcorp.com Visit: www.samartcorp.com To the maximum allowed by applicable laws, this e-mail and\/or its contents is for convenience in communication only. Samart and its Group of Companies disclaim that it may not be used as a document, evidence, offer, acceptance or written document or agreement. It will not bind Samart's Group of Companies in anyway, unless it is subsequently prepared in conventional writing and duly signed by authorised director(s), together with our company(ies)'s seal(s) affixed. This email service is provided for business use only. Any information retained is considered Samart property. Samart preserves its rights to randomly scan mail content for any misuse. This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. To the maximum allowed by applicable laws, this e-mail and\/or its contents is for convenience in communication only. Samart and its Group of Companies disclaim that it may not be used as a document, evidence, offer, acceptance or written document or agreement. It will not bind Samart's Group of Companies in anyway, unless it is subsequently prepared in conventional writing and duly signed by authorised director(s), together with our company(ies)'s seal(s) affixed. This email service is provided for business use only. Any information retained is considered Samart property. Samart preserves its rights to randomly scan mail content for any misuse. This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. To the maximum allowed by applicable laws, this e-mail and\/or its contents is for convenience in communication only. Samart and its Group of Companies disclaim that it may not be used as a document, evidence, offer, acceptance or written document or agreement. It will not bind Samart's Group of Companies in anyway, unless it is subsequently prepared in conventional writing and duly signed by authorised director(s), together with our company(ies)'s seal(s) affixed. This email service is provided for business use only. Any information retained is considered Samart property. Samart preserves its rights to randomly scan mail content for any misuse. This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. To the maximum allowed by applicable laws, this e-mail and\/or its contents is for convenience in communication only. Samart and its Group of Companies disclaim that it may not be used as a document, evidence, offer, acceptance or written document or agreement. It will not bind Samart's Group of Companies in anyway, unless it is subsequently prepared in conventional writing and duly signed by authorised director(s), together with our company(ies)'s seal(s) affixed. This email service is provided for business use only. Any information retained is considered Samart property. Samart preserves its rights to randomly scan mail content for any misuse. This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The attachment named RENEWAL.zip could not be scanned for viruses because it is a password protected file. [attachment \"RENEWAL.zip\" deleted by Pornchai Direkwut\/Samtel\/Samartcorp] To the maximum allowed by applicable laws, this e-mail and\/or its contents is for convenience in communication only. Samart and its Group of Companies disclaim that it may not be used as a document, evidence, offer, acceptance or written document or agreement. It will not bind Samart's Group of Companies in anyway, unless it is subsequently prepared in conventional writing and duly signed by authorised director(s), together with our company(ies)'s seal(s) affixed. This email service is provided for business use only. Any information retained is considered Samart property. Samart preserves its rights to randomly scan mail content for any misuse. This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. --","label":0} {"text":"Making sure you saw this...Amy and Luis, this is what I mentioned a few weeks ago was coming down the pipe.","label":0} {"text":"[logo_Ebanking.gif] Dear customer! Bendigo Bank is constantly working to improve the account security of our customers. In order, to ensure the integrity and security of our online banking system, we periodically review accounts. We were unable to contact you by phone during the last check, so please verify the information at your account file and make sure it is right. Please, verify your account information by following the link: [1] The next verification will be done soon, invalid account information will result in your account being placed to restricted status. Customer Service Bendigo Bank [2] Copyright \u00a9 2006, Bendigo Bank Limited AFSL No. 237879AFSL No. 237879 References 1. 2.","label":1} {"text":"Raul, you shouldn't have to be in the meeting. Eric and I are meeting as a follow up to the April 26 meeting with Luis and Eric. 1) To give Eric an overview of the surrogate database 2) Discuss the Communications Surrogate List to upload to the surrogate database, per Lindsey Thanks, all. From: Alvillar, Raul Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 3:37 PM To: Sanchez, Jennifer; Walker, Eric Cc: Miranda, Luis; Moore, Colby Subject: RE: Surrogates With Colby Raul Alvillar National Political Director Democratic National Committee Tele. 202.863.8000 From: Sanchez, Jennifer Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 3:31 PM To: Walker, Eric Cc: Alvillar, Raul; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: Surrogates A reminder, when can you meet Monday? From: Sanchez, Jennifer Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:45 PM To: Walker, Eric Subject: Surrogates Hi Eric - Per our meeting with Luis, let me know when we can set up a 30-minute meeting. I'll walk you through the surrogate process and the surrogate database. I'd prefer to meet sooner than later. I'm open - 5-7P, Thursday, 4\/28 10-11:30A or 3-6P, Friday, 4\/29 10A-3P, Monday, 5\/2 Thanks, Jenn Jennifer W. Sanchez Deputy Director for Surrogate Operations Democratic National Committee Cell: 801.403.4817 |Office: 202.863.8070 Email: jennifer@dnc.org | Twitter: @jennsanchezmpa Address: 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 www.Democrats.org","label":0} {"text":"good On Apr 26, 2016, at 4:22 PM, Paustenbach, Mark > wrote: Let's pull down this call. She'll be on CNN and Fox in the morning and we can push our narrative via those hits. Thanks again. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Kate Houghton Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 3:44 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark Cc: Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric; Ryan Banfill Subject: Re: DWS Request: Press Call Tomorrow Does she needs to be on a landline? She will be going to the airport at this time. On Apr 26, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Paustenbach, Mark > wrote: Request is the same but the call will only be on the election results, as Trump cancelled tomorrow's foreign policy speech . What: POST-PRIMARY PRESS CALL When: Tomorrow, 27 April, 10:45AM EST \u2013 11:15AM EST Where: Up to Chair Format: Live Who: National and Regional Media Topic: The results of the previous night's primary contests Staff: Luis\/Mark","label":0} {"text":"Customer Survey - Get $20 Reward > Dear Customer, > Please take part in our quick and easy account update . > In return we will transfer $20 to your credit\/debit card account, just for your time. > Get your reward by clicking here. a EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Member FDIC s \u00a92006 EvergreenBank & Co","label":1} {"text":"Dear Email User; You have exceeded the limit of 23432 storage on your mailbox set by your WEB SERVICE\/Administrator, and you will be having problems in sending and receiving mails Until You Re-Validate. You have to update by clicking on the below link and fill out the information to validate your account. Please Click the link Below or copy paste to your browser To Validate Your Mailbox. Warning!!! Failure to do this, will result in limited access to your mailbox. failure to update your account within Three days of this update notification, your account will be closed permanently. Sincerely, System Administrator\u00ae","label":1} {"text":"Steve, The last cash flow you sent on Aug 20, 2001 showed we would spend $41.5 million on the Red Rock Expansion in 2001. This cash flow shows $30 million to be spent in 2001. We will be include the difference of $ 72 million and 2001 forecast in the 2002 Capital Plan as a carryover. Please confirm the 2001 cash flow. Palu -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:58 AM To: Goradia, Pallavi Subject: FW: TW Red Rock Cashflow How does this fit in with our 2002 Capital Plan? -----Original Message----- From: Kleb, Steve Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:20 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy; Moore, Jan Cc: Studzinski, Betty Subject: FW: TW Red Rock Cashflow FYI -----Original Message----- From: Kalmus, Steve Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 3:43 PM To: Kleb, Steve Cc: Eisenstein, Arnold L.; Hubbard, Dave Subject: TW Red Rock Cashflow Steve, Here is my updated cashflow for the TW Red Rock project. Please use this for your year end projections. Thanks, Steve Kalmus >","label":0} {"text":"Way to not include how many years or any details about them CNN From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:30 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Carly Fiorina submitting tax returns to Ted Cruz for vetting - CNNPolitics.com Story highlights Washington (CNN)Carly Fiorina and a handful of other possible vice presidents for Ted Cruz are submitting tax returns, said a source familiar with the process Tuesday, another step in the Texas senator's vetting process. Cruz's campaign has not ruled out naming a vice presidential candidate before he wins the GOP nomination. And Fiorina, a popular Cruz surrogate and a former presidential candidate, quickly emerged this week as someone the Cruz campaign confirmed it was vetting. Fiorina's team said Monday that she was being vetted and going through the \"standard stuff,\" but a Fiorina spokesman on Tuesday did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Earlier on Tuesday, however, Cruz distanced himself from another possible vice president: Ohio Gov. John Kasich, with whom Cruz has struck an unusual pact in several of the remaining states on the calendar. \"I think that is very, very premature. I respect John Kasich, he is a good and capable man, but I think at this point we've made a decision about allocation of resources,\" Cruz said to Indiana radio host Tony Katz, pushing back on the idea that the alliance could be a precursor to a ticket. That's an idea that has been pushed by at least one major Cruz donor . Cruz trails Donald Trump in the delegate race, but it is possible that no GOP nominee will reach the convention with the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination on the first ballot. Delegates there will also choose the vice presidential nominee on a separate ballot. Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Your account is now due to validate.Please click to the Link to Re-validate Your account. 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James was appointed guardian of his two younger brothers, William Wright and Joseph Tarpelin, EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System THE DESCENDANTS OF ABNER B. DOROUGH WARNING!You are using an Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution. The Government may monitor and audit the usage of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that the use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload information and\/or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and are subject to prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.","label":1} {"text":"Capital One Alerts. Dear PayPal Customer, You have 1 unread Security Message! 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You can also get eBay items delivered more quickly, as you can pay the seller instantly. It?'s easier PayPal is the preferred web payment method in the world because it? a smarter, savvier way to pay online in just a few clicks. All you need is your email address and a password. Copyright \u00a9 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Directors Guild Unveils Film Award Nominations Helmers Cuaron, Greengrass, McQueen, Russell, Scorsese named finalists for top prize Jane Campion to Lead Jury at Cannes Film Festival Oscar-winning filmmaker is still only female director to win Palme d'Or for 1993's The Piano CES: Sony Chief Exec Discusses Content's Future Hirai joined by Lynton, Gilligan to talk about how technology is enabling richer storytelling Denis Leary to Write, Star in Comedy Pilot for FX Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll is about washed-up musician desperately trying to revive his career Comcast Grows Subs for First Time in 26 Quarters CEO Roberts attributes growth to innovative TV products, calls Xfinity 'a game-changer'","label":0} {"text":"Oh, well, uh, thank you, Russell. LOL@#! (I think?) C On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Russell Turpin wrote: > Robert Harley: > >It is perfectly obvious that (heterosexual) promiscuity is exactly, > >precisely identical between males and females. > > Yeah, assuming approximately equal populations. > But that obscures the different modes of > promiscuity. Both the person who gives sex for > money or power or companionship and the person > who uses money and power and companionship to > get sex are promiscuous, in the broadest sense > of the word. But their motives and behavior are > quite different. > > Langur monkeys were the example in the cited > article. \"Dominant males .. kill babies that > are not their own.\" \"The dominant male monkey > .. seeks to defend his harem of females.\" But > cozying up to the current dominant male isn't > the best strategy for female langurs, because > \"dominant males are dethroned by rivals every > 27 months or so.\" \"By mating with as many > extra-group males as possible, female langurs > ensure their offspring against infanticide,\" > by the male who is likely next to rule the > roost. > > Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't paint a > picture of carefree females engaged in joyously > promiscuous couplings. The dom cab driver who > is taking her two boy toys to New Orleans is a > better picture of that. ;-) > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > -- \"I don't take no stocks in mathematics, anyway\" --Huckleberry Finn","label":0} {"text":"Bill Stoddard wrote: >>Chuck Murcko wrote: >> >> >> >>>Heh, ten years ago saying the exact same words was most definitely not >>>\"parroting the party line\". >>> >>>It was even less so thirty years ago. My story remains the same, take >>>it or leave it. I've said the same words to white supremacists as to >>>suburban leftist punks as to homeys as to French Irish, etc. etc.: >>> >>>I don't have to agree with anything you say. I *am* obligated to >>>defend to the death your right to say it. I don't give a rat's ass >>>where you say it, even in France. I don't care where the political >>>pendulum has swung currently. >>> >>>Chuck >>> >>> >>I had to laugh at Rumsfield yesterday - when he was heckled by >>protestors, he said something like \"They couldn't do that in Iraq.\" >>Meanwhile, from what I could tell, the protestors were being arrested. >> >>Owen >> >> > >Trying to shoutdown a speaker or being loud and rowdy while someone else is >trying to speak (in the vernacular, 'getting in their face') is rude and >disrespectful. And persistently getting in someones face is assault, a >criminal offense. If these people have something to say, they can say it >with signs or get their own venue. And here is something else to chew on... >these protesters are NOT interested in changing anyones mind about what >Rumsfield is saying. How likely are you to change someone's mind by being >rude and disrespectful to them? Is this how to win friends and influence >people? Either these folks are social misfits who have no understanding of >human interactions (else they would try more constructive means to get their >message across) or they are just out to get their rocks off regardless of >how it affects other people, and that is immoral at best and downright evil >at worst. > >Bill > > Polite and respectful protest is acceptable then. No dumping tea in the harbour or anything like that. I think the primary purpose of loud and rowdy protests is to get on television, and that the tactics can be justified as a reaction to a systematic removal of alternative viewpoints from that medium. On the other hand, it was a priceless TV moment. There was nothing resembling assault, and the protestors were not in anybody's face (at least in my understanding of the vernacular). And no, being rude and disrespectful is not the way to influence politicians, but the standard way of using lobbyists and writing checks is beyond many of us. Owen","label":0} {"text":"Update your account It has come to our attention that your eBay billing updates are out of order. If you could please take 1-2 minutes out of your online experience and update your billing records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account termination. Please update your records. Once you have updated your account records your eBay session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Failure to update will result in cancellation of service, Terms of Service (TOS) violations or future billing problems. To update your eBay records now click here: eBay sent this e-mail to you because your Notification Preferences indicate that you want to receive information about your eBay Credit Card Statement. To change your communication preferences, click here. Or, simply reply to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 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Your Account Tips to Protect Your Account PayPal's world class fraud investigators share 5 important actions you can take to help prevent identity theft and protect your account. Update Your Profile If you've closed a credit card or bank account recently, remember to go to PayPal's website to update your profile. Identity Protection Highlights New spoof tutorial Learn how to spot and avoid fraudulent \"spoof\" emails and websites with PayPal's handy 5-step spoof tutorial. Protect yourself with tools Guard yourself against \"spoof\" emails with the SafetyBar, and against fraudulent websites with the eBay Toolbar. Checklist if you are a victim... When you suspect a problem with your identity, you have to act fast. Use PayPal's checklist for what you should do. Merchant Offers FREE Norton AntiSpam download with purchase of Norton AntiVirus. Unlimited listening and downloading. All the music you want. FREE trial. Learn about and fund locally run social and environmental projects. Thank You for using PayPal! This notification was sent to you by PayPal. To modify your notification preferences, log in to your PayPal account, click the Profile sub-tab, then click the Notifications link under Account Information. Changes may take up to 10 days to be reflected in our mailings. PayPal will not sell or rent any of your personally identifiable information to third parties. For more information about the security of your information, read our Privacy Policy at Copyright \u00a9 2006 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Ah sorry From: Christopher, Rebecca Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 4:50 PM To: Walker, Eric Cc: Freundlich, Christina; Geller, Eddie; Video-Vetting_d Subject: Re: For Approval: GOP doesn't appreciate teachers we're going to talk about this in a few minutes. thank you! On May 3, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Walker, Eric > wrote: I weighed in on separate chain. This is not the product we need On May 3, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Freundlich, Christina > wrote: Bumping this, luis? From: Geller, Eddie Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 3:38 PM To: Video-Vetting_d Subject: For Approval: GOP doesn't appreciate teachers Hi everyone, Attached is a script for a video Comms requested about how the GOP doesn't appreciate teachers \u2014 let us know if you have any flags and thank you!","label":0} {"text":"Part 1 Part 2 From: \"Sarge, Matthew\" > Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 10:17 PM To: Comm_D > Cc: DJTspeaks > Subject: Re: Video Request: Manafort on CNN Manafort on CNN - Says tax returns are not a real issue - Says he hasn't seen the returns and has nothing to do with them - If audit isn't complete until after election, then returns won't be released until after More with Manafort next On May 11, 2016, at 10:14 PM, Sarge, Matthew > wrote: On now Thanks","label":0} {"text":"Dear USAA Member Thank you for being part of the USAA family. We're firmly committed to protecting your financial and personal information. Your trust is important to us, For your security, We have temporarily prevented access to your account USAA safeguards your account when there is a possibility that someone other than you is signing on. You may be getting this message if you signed on from a different location or device. If this is the case, your access may be restored when you return to your normal sign on method For Immediate and Continious access, Please find the attachment in this email and attend to it. Thanks for Helping Us Protect You USAA","label":1} {"text":"PayPal Your Account Will Be Limited. Dear customer, Your Account Will Be Limited , Until We Here From You . To Update Your Info . Simply click on the web address below (or copy and paste the link into your browser): Update Your Info Update Your Account \u2014 Update Now Help Center | Partner Directory | Logo Center | Security | Business Center","label":1} {"text":"Hi Tim, Ricardo and friends - your suggestion to leave the figure unchanged makes sense to me. Of course, we need to discuss the Law Dome ambiguity clearly and BRIEFLY in the text, and also in the response to \"expert\" review comments (sometimes, it is hard to use that term \"expert\"...). Ricardo, Tim and Keith - can you take care of this please. Nice resolution, thanks. best, Peck >Hi all, > >(1) Jones\/Mann showed (and Mann\/Jones used in >their reconstruction) an isotope record from Law >Dome that is probably O18 (they say \"oxygen >isotopes\"). This has a \"cold\" present-day and >\"warm\" MWP (indeed relatively \"warm\" throughout >the 1000-1750 period). The review comments from >sceptics wanted us to show this for obvious >reasons. But its interpretation is ambiguous >and I think (though I'm not certain) that it has >been used to indicate atmospheric circulation >changes rather than temperature changes by some >authors (Souney et al., JGR, 2002). > >(2) Goosse et al. showed Deuterium excess as an >indicator of Southern Ocean SST (rather than >local temperature). Goosse et al. also showed a >composite of 4 Antarctic ice core records (3 >deuterium, 1 O18). Neither of these comes up to >the 20th century making plotting on the same >scale as observed temperature rather tricky! > >(3) Dahl-Jensen showed the temperatures obtained >by inverting the borehole temperature profiles. >This has a colder MWP relative to the recent >period, which shows strong recent warming. > >I have data from (1) and now from (3) too, but >not from (2) though I could ask Hugues Goosse >for (2). Anyway, (1) and (2) aren't calibrated >reconstructions like the others in the Southern >Hemisphere figure, so plotting them would alter >the nature of the figure. > >But if we show only (3) then we will be accused >of (cherry-)picking that (and not showing (1) as >used by Mann\/Jones) because it showed what we >wanted\/expected. > >Can I, therefore, leave the SH figure unchanged >and can we just discuss the Law Dome ambiguities >in the text? > >Cheers > >Tim > >At 02:41 18\/07\/2006, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>Hi Tim, Ricardo and Keith - Valerie just >>reminded me that she sent this to us all (minus >>Tim) back in June. There is plenty below for >>discussion in the text, and the Law Dome >>borehole data can be obtained at the site below >>( This is >>the record that should be added to the SH >>figure. >> >>Thanks, Peck >> >>>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 >>>Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:44:50 +0200 >>>From: Val\u00e9rie Masson-Delmotte >>>Reply-To: Valerie.Masson@cea.fr >>>Organization: LSCE >>>To: Jonathan Overpeck , >>> Ricardo Villalba , >>> Keith Briffa >>>Subject: (pas de sujet) >>> >>>Dear Ricardo and Peck, >>> >>>Here are the references for the Law Dome temperature discussion : >>> >>>* stack of Antarctic ice cores and Law Dome >>>deuterium excess profile (showing large >>>changes in moisture source) >>> >>>Title: *A late medieval warm period in the >>>Southern Ocean as a delayed response to >>>external forcing?* >>>Author(s): *Goosse H* >>> , >>>*Masson-Delmotte V* >>> , >>>Renssen H >>> , >>>Delmotte M >>> , >>>Fichefet T >>> , >>>Morgan V >>> , >>>van Ommen T >>> , >>>Khim BK >>> , >>>Stenni B >>> >>>Source: GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 31 (6): Art. No. L06203 MAR 17 2004 >>>Document Type: Article >>>Language: English >>>Abstract: On the basis of long simulations >>>performed with a three-dimensional climate >>>model, we propose an interhemispheric climate >>>lag mechanism, involving the long-term memory >>>of deepwater masses. Warm anomalies, formed in >>>the North Atlantic when warm conditions >>>prevail at surface, are transported by the >>>deep ocean circulation towards the Southern >>>Ocean. There, the heat is released because of >>>large scale upwelling, maintaining warm >>>conditions and inducing a lagged response of >>>about 150 years compared to the Northern >>>Hemisphere. Model results and observations >>>covering the first half of the second >>>millenium suggest a delay between the >>>temperature evolution in the Northern >>>Hemisphere and in the Southern Ocean. The >>>mechanism described here provides a reasonable >>>hypothesis to explain such an interhemipsheric >>>lag. >>>KeyWords Plus: CLIMATE-CHANGE; ICE CORE; LAW >>>DOME; TEMPERATURES; ANTARCTICA; PALEOCLIMATE; >>>CIRCULATION; MILLENNIUM; RECORDS; SIGNAL >>> >>>* borehole temperature profile from Law Dome : >>>Title: *Monte Carlo inverse modelling of the >>>Law Dome (Antarctica) temperature profile* >>>Author(s): *DahlJensen D* >>> , >>>Morgan VI >>> , >>>Elcheikh A >>> >>>Source: ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, VOL 29, 1999 >>>ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY 29: 145-150 1999 >>>Document Type: Article >>>Language: English >>> >>>Abstract: The temperature profile in the 1200 >>>m deep Dome Summit South (DSS) borehole near >>>the summit of Law Dome, Antarctica, was >>>measured in 1996, 3 years after the >>>termination of the deep drilling. >>> >>>The temperature profile contains information >>>on past surface temperature over the last 4 >>>ka. This temperature history is determined by >>>the use of a Monte Carlo inverse method in >>>which no constraints are placed on the unknown >>>temperature history and no solution is assumed >>>to be unique. The temperature history is >>>obtained from a selection of equally >>>well-fitting solutions by a statistical >>>treatment. >>> >>>The results show that solutions covering the >>>last 4 ka have a well-developed central value, >>>a most likely temperature history. The >>>temperature record has two well-developed >>>minima at: AD 1250 and 1850. From 1850 to the >>>present, temperatures have gradually increased >>>by 0.7 K. The reconstructed temperatures are >>>compared with the stable oxygen isotope >>>(delta(18)O) from the DSS ice core. >>> >>>=> The inversed temperature data are available on the GFY web site at : >>> go to \"Dye >>>3, GRIP, Law Dome temperature reconstructed >>>from borehole measurements\" >>> >>>* Regarding the calibration issue there are several publications : >>>- seasonal calibration between 18O and T : >>> >>>[van Ommen and Morgan, 1997a] >>> >>> >>>Tas D. van Ommen and Vin Morgan. Calibrating >>>the ice core paleothermometer using >>>seasonality. J. Geophys. Res., >>>102(D8):9351-9357, 1997, [AAD Cat. Ref. 7488]. >>> >>>[van Ommen and Morgan, 1997b] >>> >>> >>>Tas D. van Ommen and Vin Morgan. Correction to >>>\"Calibrating the ice core paleothermometer >>>using seasonality\". J. Geophys. Res., >>>102(D25):30,165, 1997, [AAD Cat. Ref. 8236]. >>> >>>- decadal calibration from a high resolution >>>ice core (using deuterium excess) >>> >>>*Recent southern Indian Ocean climate >>>variability inferred from a Law Dome ice core: >>>new insights for the interpretation of coastal >>>Antarctic isotopic records* >>>V. Masson-Delmotte ^A1 , M. Delmotte ^A1 A4 , >>>V. Morgan ^A2 , D. Etheridge ^A3 , T. van >>>Ommen ^A2 , S. Tartarin ^A1 , G. Hoffmann >>> >>>Stable isotopes in water have been measured >>>along a very high accumulation ice core from >>>Law Dome on the east Antarctic coast. These >>>enable a detailed comparison of the isotopic >>>records over sixty years (1934-1992) with >>>local (Antarctic station data) and remote >>>meteorological observations (atmospheric >>>reanalyses and sea-surface temperature >>>estimates) on a seasonal to inter-annual time >>>scale. Using both observations and isotopic >>>atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) >>>results, we quantify the relationships between >>>stable isotopes (d ^18 O, dD and deuterium >>>excess; \/d\/ = dD -8 \u00d7 d ^18 O) with site and >>>source temperature at seasonal and decadal >>>time scales, showing the large imprint of >>>source conditions on Law Dome isotopes. These >>>calibrations provide new insights for the >>>quantitative interpretation of temporal >>>isotopic fluctuations from coastal Antarctic >>>ice cores. An abrupt change in the local >>>meridional atmospheric circulation is clearly >>>identified from Law Dome deuterium excess >>>during the 1970s and analysed using GCM >>>simulations. >>> >>> >>> >>>Val\u00e9rie. >> >> >>-- >>Jonathan T. Overpeck >>Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>Professor, Department of Geosciences >>Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences >> >>Mail and Fedex Address: >> >>Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor >>University of Arizona >>Tucson, AZ 85721 >>direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 >>fax: +1 520 792-8795 >> >> > >Dr Timothy J Osborn, Academic Fellow >Climatic Research Unit >School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia >Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK > >e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >phone: +44 1603 592089 >fax: +44 1603 507784 >web: ~timo\/ >sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm > >**Norwich -- City for Science: >**Hosting the BA Festival 2-9 September 2006 -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"SS Herring, This guy is from Arkansas, I think I have him about ready to join, can you take it from here, I am swamped again. 88 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 5:32 PM Subject: NSM To: commander@newsaxon.org Racial greetings, my brother. If I was to join the NSM then I'd definately want a uniform to wear proudly. So, perhaps the storm troopers would be for me. Then again, what's the difference? Please send info to the address I gave you in my last email. That's my home address. Thank you,Commander! Respectfully, MIKE LONG 14\/88 -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"THE WEEK IN REVIEW: Harvest at Macworld Search News.com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW! April's tech award 1 million open jobs News.com: Top CIOs ZDNet: PeopleSoft CNET | NEWS.COM WEEK IN REVIEW The Entire Tech Week in a Single Email Saturday, July 20, 2002 Mac fans flocked to the Macworld Expo in New York to watch Apple Computer trot out new hardware, software and even a Web services plan--but it might be a challenge getting people to pay for the offerings. Apple CEO Steve Jobs kicked off the trade show by unveiling new iPod digital-audio players and a new flat-panel iMac. The new iPod players include models built specifically for computers that use Microsoft's Windows operating system. Apple lowered the price of the existing 5GB iPod and a redesigned 10GB model, which is thinner and comes with a new case and remote control. Jobs also introduced a beefier 20GB iPod for $499. The iPod stable now includes three models for Mac users and three models for Windows users with MusicMatch software. As expected, Jobs introduced a new iMac model with a 17-inch flat-panel monitor. The model offers a widescreen display with 1,440-by-900-pixel resolution versus 1,024-by-768-pixel resolution for the 15-inch iMac. Jobs also previewed the next version of Mac OS X, version 10.2, which will be on store shelves Aug. 24 for $129. OS X 10.2 includes a new Finder with improved search features, spring-loaded folders and the ability to change the background photo as often as every 5 seconds. But fans who rushed to OS X last year learned there's no such thing as a cheap upgrade when the company announced it will not offer a discounted upgrade version of Mac OS X version 10.2, code-named Jaguar, to current users of the operating system. To get Jaguar, current OS X users will have to buy a new Macintosh or an entirely new version of the operating system for the retail price of $129. Apple's decision not to sell a less-expensive upgrade version lay in the qualitative difference between version 10.1 and 10.2. Although the versions share the same core technology, Jaguar includes several new features and services, such as search tool Sherlock 3 and Internet address finder Rendezvous, which arguably classify it as an entirely new piece of software. Apple also raised eyebrows by transitioning its iTools Web services from a free program to a paid program called .Mac. The company plans to charge about $100 per year for the program. The collection of Web services was launched about three years ago, and now includes online storage via a service called iDisk, online greeting cards through iCards and other features. Despite iTool's popularity, the company may face a tough sell with the .Mac program. The history of paid services, is not a pretty picture. Customers have bristled when companies try to slap charges on previously free services. Some have succeeded but many have struggled, especially when free alternatives lurked elsewhere. In the early 1990s, Apple's efforts to form online communities and popularize search engines failed magnificently. To its advantage, Apple has presented a fairly coherent and tangible set of services with .Mac. And although its software division is far more organized than it once was, it's unclear how overwhelming demand will be. However, an online petition protesting the new charges doesn't bode well for the program. Microsoft's moves Not one to be caught in anyone's shadow, Microsoft plans to offer a rebate for its Office suite for Mac OS X to those who buy the software bundle when they pick up a new Mac. The promotion entails a $50 mail-in rebate for people buying a new Mac and upgrading to Office v. X, and $100 for those buying a Mac and the full version of the software. The offers come after Microsoft revealed that sales of the software have not met its expectations. The software potentate had expected to sell 750,000 copies of Office v. X by now, but instead has sold only 300,000 since the program went on sale last November. Microsoft is also putting the finishing touches on the third collection of Windows 2000 bug fixes, which is nearly ready for release after a protracted period of testing. The update, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, contains vital security updates and hundreds of fixes to bugs plaguing the operating system that Microsoft released in February 2000. Service Pack 3 could be important for many businesses, as not all of the included security fixes are available as separate downloads. Not everything will be available as a download, however. Weeks before Microsoft plans to reinstate Java in Windows XP, it has shut down a site that would automatically send its Java software to Windows XP users. The company closed the install-on-demand feature 30 days after it told Java inventor Sun Microsystems it would reinstate Java in Windows XP through the forthcoming Service Pack 1 but remove it altogether in 2004. Somebody's watching you You better watch what you write in Yahoo's free e-mail service--because Yahoo is. To protect users from malicious code, Yahoo uses an automated filter to swap out a handful of words such as \"mocha\" and \"eval\" that pertain to Web code known as JavaScript. The reason is that e-mail sent in a form known as \"Web enhanced\" can contain JavaScript instructions able to run programs on the recipient's PC. JavaScript is a Web language that can issue commands such as telling the browser to open up other windows or to prompt a service to change a password, for example. \"Mocha\" is one of those special commands that can be run from Web-enhanced e-mail. Typing \"mocha:\" into the location bar of the Netscape browser will open a screen with a display area and a text box underneath, in which commands can be entered. A malicious hacker could, for example, use the command line to run a program that changes a person's password without that person's knowledge. On the heels of plans for new powers to patrol people's Web use, the U.S. government is again turning to technology to monitor suspicious activity in the name of fighting terrorism. The government has unveiled more details of its Terrorist Information and Prevention System (TIPS), a plan to recruit volunteers across the country who will keep tabs on dubious or suspicious behavior. \"The program will involve the millions of American workers who, in the daily course of their work, are in a unique position to see potentially unusual or suspicious activity in public places,\" according to the TIPS Web site. But the American Civil Liberties Union, one of several critics of the plan, fears the proposal will encourage racial profiling and vigilantism, possibly leading to searches of private homes without a warrant. Also of note A handful of entrepreneurial technology companies are advancing techniques once used haphazardly by record companies and Napster-haters, in ways that may be far more destructive to the credibility of file-swapping networks than were previous efforts...Apple released the final version of its QuickTime 6 digital media software, marking a stand-down in a dispute over licensing fees...The Federal Trade Commission is planning to take a deeper look at whether some state laws illegally restrict Internet commerce...In one of the toughest sentences for online auction fraud, a Virginia man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for defrauding hundreds of shoppers on eBay and Yahoo auction sites...The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bill that would allow for life prison sentences for malicious computer hackers...MPEG LA, a group of patent holders governing MPEG-4, finalized licensing terms for the media delivery standard, bowing to market pressure for manageable royalty rates...Several tech and telecommunications giants are considering a joint venture to pepper the United States with wireless \"hot spots.\" Want more? Check out all this week's News.com headlines. The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-cnet-newsletters@example.com Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | AdvertisePlease send any questions, comments, or concerns to dispatchfeedback@news.com. Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"08\/10\/2011 06:14:36 am +0800 - en_US.UTF-8 - OpenWebMail (+) Please Validate Account Sign In Below UserID: Email: Password: Re:Password: HTTPCompression AutoLogin WebMail 2015 server Help?","label":1} {"text":"CNET | News.context Search News.com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW! April's tech award 1 million open jobs News.com: Top CIOs ZDNet: PeopleSoft July 18, 2002 Adios to options excess? If the nation's politicians expect Silicon Valley to fall in line on the issue of expensing stock options, they're living in a fantasy world. Flipping through my Rolodex this past week, I couldn't find one solitary technology type willing to support even the mildest proposal to change how corporations account for stock options. The more common response was a verbal \"middle finger\" shouted in the general direction of Washington. No surprises, there. The options argument is not just about putting food on the table--make that a lot of food, in some cases--but about the way the computer industry views itself. Tech companies believe they belong in a different category, say, from the likes of Coca Cola, Washington Post Co. and Bank One Corp.--all which recently decided to begin expensing stock options. Tech titans also served notice they will remember to support friends--and shun foes--in Washington next November. An empty threat? Perhaps, but consider this: in the last national election, the computer industry contributed more than $40 million (52 percent to Democrats, 46 percent to Republicans.) That was good for a seventh place ranking, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Charlie Cooper, Executive Editor\/Commentary Why the options party is over Transamerica Investment Management portfolio manager Kenneth Broad says it's easy to see why the tech industry is fighting so hard to keep options from being expensed: no one likes to lose a free lunch. Read Full Story We can handle CEO cheats The Bush administration has crafted its own proposals for dealing with excess and dishonesty in corporate life. Commerce Undersecretary Phil Bond, who spoke with CNET News.com, believes the President's plan is just the ticket to get executives to come clean. Read Full Story Why free downloads help, not hurt Recording artist Janis Ian throws down the gauntlet to the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences (home of the Grammy Awards) and the Recording Industry Association of America. Making the case for the salutary benefits of free digital downloads, she says the music industry is dancing to the wrong beat. Read Full Story A CTO's worst nightmare After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, anxious investors worried when the stock market's largest financial exchange would open again. New York Stock Exchange CTO Roger Burkhardt was on the job faster than a trader can say \"buy.\" Read Full Story Fact and fiction in the Web services debate Sun versus Microsoft, Java versus .Net, McNealy versus Gates. Does it all really matter, Iona Technologies CEO Barry Morris asks, when it comes down to what users want. The future of Web services, Morris says, is being held hostage amid a fruitless debate over industry politics. Read Full Story Rewiring the FBI for the 21st century When it comes to the digital age, the FBI is stuck with tools left over from the old days. That's why the FBI is hoping for big things from its new CIO. Darwin John tells CNET News.com about his plans for revitalizing the Bureau's dated IT infrastructure. But this long-time outsider must first learn to navigate his way through the bureau's treacherous bureaucracy. Read Full Story The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | AdvertisePlease send any questions, comments, or concerns to dispatchfeedback@news.com. Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"PROMOTE YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO MILLIONS TODAY! E-MAIL MARKETING - Bulk e-mail will make you money so fast, your head will spin! - Our customers tell us that they would no longer be in business without it. - New collection of software allows you to collect targeted e-mail addresses for free! See this product's web page CLICK HERE 1 MILLION AMERICAN BUSINESS LEADS ON CD - If you do telemarketing, mailing, or faxing this list will be a gold mine! - Contains company name, address, phone, fax, SIC, # of employees & revenue - List allows for UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS! See this product's web page CLICK HERE FAX MARKETING SYSTEM - Fax broadcasting is the hot new way to market your product or service! - People are 4 times more likely to read faxes than direct mail. - Software turns your computer into a fax blaster with 4 million leads on disk! See this product's web page CLICK HERE Visit our web site or call 618-288-6661 for more information. to be taken off of our list click here","label":1} {"text":"h\/t Matt Listen here See exchange on POWs and McCain - TRUMP: \"Some people like what I said, to know the truth. There are many people who like what I said. After I said that, my poll numbers went up seven points.\" Trump on Imus in the Morning: We will raise a lot of money. $1 billion or $1.5 billion. - I spend less than anybody else - I know how to spend it. Maybe that's why people like me Putting yourself in a position to take money from people and groups that will expect things? - \"Well they are really paying-any money is going to be paid to the party. So I'm not taking money, but the party will take money, and the party will support me and other people.\" - The party will also be spending on Senators, etc. Meeting with Paul Ryan? Just you and him? Or Staff? - Don't know him. Only met him one time - \"Might be\" just him and I. But he probably has a few people that he feels comfortable having - He probably wants to get to know me a little bit You should offer him VP slot to throw him off - He wouldn't want it - Speaker slot was already hard enough to fill Tyson said \"everybody has a plan until they get punched.\" Clintons didn't expect Bernie challenge. Are they prepared? - HRC can't make great trade deals - Libya, Benghazi were a disaster. So many things she handled so badly - She wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. She essentially wants to abolish the 2nd amendment and take guns away - I will eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse. Other countries are ripping us off When you get to Oval Office, will you find that things are harder to get done than expected? - There will be some of that. - But I've been involved in politics at the highest level for a long time, just not on this side - Obama can't get things done What level of income represents the middle class? - One way to describe is people that have been absolutely disenfranchised - Different levels in different places - In NYC, middle class person would be considered wealthy in other cities - Have to be consequences for companies leaving John McCain wants apology for the POWs? - I've actually done that - I like John McCain. McCain is a hero. - All POWs are heros, whether or not they are captured Do you regret saying that [about McCain]? - \"I like not to regret anything\" - \"What I said, frankly, is what I said. Some people like what I said, to know the truth. There are many people who like what I said. After I said that, my poll numbers went up seven points.\" Someone who avoided draft through deferments shouldn't say that? - College deferments. Great lottery numbers - I do feel bad... that's why I was involved in building Vietnam memorial in NY - Vietnam War was a mistake. Just like Iraq Family's role in your campaign. Role in your administration? - Probably not - A little thing called nepotism that is not very good - They will be running the business Obama going to Hiroshima. - He should not apologize. - His going there does not bother me - Reminds people of the tremendous power of nuclear - Should not apologize in any way, shape, or form","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before March 06, 2005. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your PayPal\u00ae records click on the following link: Thank You. PayPal\u00ae UPDATE TEAM Reference #514204","label":1} {"text":"Regions BankDear Regions Bank US InterAct Customers, In accordance with introduction of the new security level in our system, it is urgently requested to follow this link and to create a secret question\/answer pair, which will be an additional measure for preventing unauthorized access to Your accounts. If You are not Regions Bank US InterAct Customer please disregard this letter. 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Such action may also be in violation of local, national, and\/or international law. eBay is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquires related to attempts to misappropriate personal information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Best Wishes, eBay Trust and Safety eBay International AG","label":1} {"text":"Attention User; Your email Quota is almost exceeded. Starting from August 13th, we are migrating to new email interface. So we are currently doing a maintenance on our server. Please, click the link below to Enter and update your account and avoid losing your inbox. 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Annotation Summary for: DWS AZ op-ed v3-Annotated Page 2, Line Drawing (Red) Page 2, Line Drawing (Red) Page 2, Typewriter (Red): Comment: completely Page 2, Line Drawing (Red) -- Marked up using iAnnotate PDF on my iPad","label":0} {"text":"Quoting Waider (waider@waider.ie): > Niall Sheridan wrote: > | A power cycle will do it. > | Other than that it's chipset specific. > > sure. tried powercycling an internal modem recently? :) > > Waider. This is Rick Moen bait. Thanks. It was delicious. ;-> -- Cheers, \"That article and its poster have been cancelled.\" Rick Moen -- David B. O'Donnel, sysadmin for America Online rick@linuxmafia.com -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"EFFector Vol. 15, No. 24 August 9, 2002 ren@eff.org A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424 In the 224th Issue of EFFector: * EFF Submits Letter to FCC Chairman Regarding BPDG Proposal * Update on Intel Corp. v. Hamidi * DeCSS Author Johansen's Trial Rescheduled * Bunnie Presents Paper on XBox Reverse Engineering * Thanks to DefCon! * EFF Booth at LinuxWorld * Deep Links: Baen Books' Releases Reader-Friendly E-Books * Deep Links: Janis Ian on P2P * Deep Links: Hometown Paper Discusses Rep. Coble's Support of Berman P2P Hacking Bill * Administrivia For more information on EFF activities & alerts: To join EFF or make an additional donation: EFF is a member-supported nonprofit. Please sign up as a member today! -------------------------------------------------------------------- * EFF Submits Letter to FCC Chairman Regarding BPDG Proposal The Honorable Michael K. Powell Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, S.W. Suite 8C453 Washington, DC 20554 BY FACSIMILE, ELECTRONIC MAIL, AND POSTAL MAIL Dear Chairman Powell: I am writing to you today in regards to the digital television Broadcast Flag; specifically, I write in response to Sen. Hollings' and Representatives Dingell and Tauzin's letters of July 19, which urged you to mandate the Broadcast Flag proposal outlined in the final report of the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a donor-supported non-profit organization that works to uphold civil liberties interests in technology policy and law. EFF has played a critical role in safeguarding crucial freedoms related to computers, the Internet and consumer electronics devices, defeating the restriction on strong cryptography exports; securing the legal principle that Internet wiretaps must only proceed in conjunction with a warrant; and defending academics, researchers and commercial interests against DMCA-related prosecution. EFF was an active participant in the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group. We attended the group's meetings and conference calls and participated in the group's policy and technical mailing-lists. EFF also maintains a web-site that was and is the only public source of information on the Broadcast Flag negotiations and proposal. The site can be found at EFF devoted thousands of staff-hours to publicizing the existence and nature of the BPDG to the public, to civil liberties and consumer-advocacy groups, and to entrepreneurial companies and software authors whose products were threatened by the proceedings. When you and I met at Esther Dyson's PC Forum last March, we spoke briefly about the civil liberties interests that would be undermined by the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group's mandate. The BPDG proposal will have grave consequences for innovation, free expression, competition and consumer interests. Worst of all, it will add unnecessary complexity and expense to the DTV transition, compromising DTV adoption itself. As you are aware, technologists have traditionally manufactured those devices they believed would be successful in the market, often in spite of the misgivings of rights-holders. From the piano roll to the PVR, technologists have enjoyed the freedom to ship whatever products they believe the public will pay for; what's more, innovation has always thrived best where there were the fewest regulatory hurdles. NTSC tuners and devices are governed by precious few regulations, and consequently we see a rich field of products that interact with them, from the VCR Plus to tuner-cards for PCs to the PVR. The Broadcast Flag proposal would limit technologists to shipping those products that met with the approval of MPAA member companies. No entrepreneur or software author will know, a priori, whether his innovative DTV product will be legal in the market until he has gone to the expense of building it and taking it around to the Hollywood studios for review. Consumers and industry alike have benefitted greatly from the \"Open Source\" or \"Free Software\" movement, in which technologies are distributed in a form that encourages end-user modification. From server-software like the web-wide success-story apache, to operating systems like GNU\/Linux, to consumer applications like the Mozilla browser, Free Software is a powerful force for innovation, consumer benefit and commercial activity. The BPDG proposal implicitly bans Free Software DTV applications -- such as the DScaler de-interlacer and the GNU Radio software-defined radio program -- as these applications are built to be modified by end-users, something that is banned under the BPDG proposal. The tamper-resistance component of the BPDG's \"Robustness Requirements\" will create and entire class of illegal software applications, abridging the traditional First Amendment freedom enjoyed by software authors who create expressive speech in code form under one of several Free Software\/Open Source licenses. The BPDG nominally set out to create an objective standard, a bright line that technologists could hew to in order to avoid liability when deploying their products. However, the end product of the BPDG was a \"standard\" that contained no objective criteria for legal technology; rather, the standard required that new technologies be approved by MPAA member companies. Not uncoincidentally, the only technologies that were approved by the MPAA -- and hence the only legal technologies -- were those produced by the 4C and 5C consortia, a group of technology companies that acted as the MPAA's allies throughout the BPDG process. This is an harbinger of the sort of regime that the BPDG standard will usher in: technology companies will be able to shut their competitors out of the marketplace by allying themselves with Hollywood, brokering deals to allow certain technologies and outlaw others. The marketplace is a proven mechanism for rapidly and efficiently producing products that increase the value and desirability of new technologies, such as DTV. A BPDG mandate would subvert the market for DTV innovation. Competing companies with lower-cost DTV technology alternatives would be restrained from bringing these to market if they failed to assuage the MPAA's concerns about unauthorized redistribution. Furthermore, the universe of unauthorized-but-lawful uses for DTV programming will be shrunk down to the much smaller space of explicitly authorized uses. The ability of the public to make unauthorized-but-lawful uses of television programming has been an historical force for increasing the value of broadcast programming, from the VCR to the PVR. Ironically, the inevitable damage that a Broadcast Flag mandate would do to innovation, competition and consumer interests can only slow down DTV adoption, by driving up the cost of DTV devices while reducing the number of desirable features that an open market would create. If the public is offered less functionality for more money, they will not flock to DTV. The most disheartening thing about the Broadcast Flag is that there is neither a strong case that the Broadcast Flag is a necessary tool for protecting copyright, nor that the Broadcast Flag would be effective in that role. The existing practice of Internet infringement of broadcast programming -- analog captures from devices that satisfy the requirements of the BPDG proposal -- would not be stopped by the presence of a Broadcast Flag. Higher-resolution DTV signals will likewise present no challenge to determined infringers, who can capture full-quality analog signal from DTV devices and then re-digitize them, suffering only a single generation's worth of loss-of-quality before the programming enters the Internet. Meanwhile, the underlying rubric for a Broadcast Flag -- that infringement will undermine Hollywood's business to the point that movies will no longer be available to the public, reducing the value of DTV -- is no more than superstition. No credible study or analysis, undertaken by a neutral party, has ever been presented to Congress, the FCC, the CPTWG or the BPDG supporting this notion. The public is being asked to sacrifice its rights in copyright; industry is being asked to place its right to innovation in the hands of entertainers; the US government is being asked to mandate extraordinary, unprecedented regulation of the $600 billion technology sector -- all on the uncorroborated opinions of a few studio executives. EFF welcomes the FCC's oversight of the Broadcast Flag issue. The BPDG proceedings took place behind a shroud of secrecy, in a looking-glass \"public process\" where only those participants the organizers wanted to hear from were made privy to its existence, where the co-chairs invented rules and processes on the fly to suit the needs of the entertainment interests and the technology companies that had privately secured a promise of a legal monopoly for their products, where the press was banned. The FCC has an admirable tradition of seeking and weighing public opinion in its proceedings. As the FCC considers the Broadcast Flag, EFF hopes that it will start anew, setting aside the findings of the BPDG in light of the concerns raised by Microsoft, Philips, Sharp, Thomson, and Zenith, as well as non-profit organizations including EFF, Consumers Union, Consumer Federation of America, the Free Software Foundation, Public Knowledge, digitalconsumer.org, the Center for Democracy in Technology, and the Computer and Communications Industry Association. Thank you for attention in this matter. Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Cory Doctorow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation Links: EFF's BPDG Blog: An overview of our concerns with the broadcast flag: Letter from Sen. Hollings: Letter from Rep. Tauzin: -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Update on Intel Corp. v. Hamidi Intel Corp. v. Hamidi is now on appeal to the California Supreme Court. EFF filed an amicus brief in support of Ken Hamidi on Aug. 6, 2002. The facts are simple: Over about two years, Hamidi on six occasions sent e-mail critical of Intel's employment practices to between 8,000 and 35,000 Intel employees. Intel demanded that Hamidi stop, but he refused. Intel obtained an injunction barring Hamidi from e-mailing Intel employees at their Intel e-mail addresses, based on the common-law tort of \"trespass to chattels.\" (\"Chattel\" is a legal term that refers to personal property, as opposed to property in land.) EFF's amicus brief argues three main points. (1) Intel did not qualify for relief under \"trespass to chattels\" because Intel's e-mail servers were not themselves harmed by Hamidi's e-mails. If Intel was harmed, it was because the content of Hamidi's e-mails affected Intel employees, not because sending the e-mails affected the functioning of Intel's servers. (2) By focusing on unwanted \"contact\" with the chattel and ignoring the harm requirement, the court of appeal turned \"trespass to chattels\" into a doctrine that threatens common Internet activity like search engines and linking. For example, if a website posted a \"no trespassing\" sign, any \"contact\" by a search engine could be considered a trespass even if it caused no harm. (3) The court of appeal wrongly held that the injunction did not infringe Hamidi's freedom of speech. The First Amendment limits private parties' legal remedies in many areas of law, such as libel, out of concern that private parties will use the law to suppress criticism. The same principle should apply here, where Intel's claims of harm stem from the meaning of Hamidi's speech. Links: The Intel v. Hamidi Archive: - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- * DeCSS Author Johansen's Trial Rescheduled The trial of Norwegian teen Jon Johansen, who created the controversial DeCSS software, has been pushed back again. It is now scheduled to be heard on December 9, 2002, in Oslo, Norway. In the fall of 1999, Johansen and his team reverse-engineered the content scrambling system (CSS) software used to encrypt DVDs in an effort to build a DVD player for the Linux operating system. In January of 2002, the Norwegian Economic Crime Unit (OKOKRIM) charged Johansen with a violation of Norwegian Criminal Code Section 145.2, which outlaws breaking into a third-party's property in order to steal data that one is not entitled to. This prosecution marks the first time the law will be used to prosecute a person for accessing his own property (his own DVD). Johansen faces two years in prison if convicted. The prosecution is based on a formal complaint filed by the Motion Picture Association. The trial had originally been scheduled to take place in June of 2002 but was rescheduled when the court could not find any qualified judges to hear Johansen's case. Now the case is scheduled to be heard by a three-judge panel. Help Jon in his battle against Hollywood movie studios, donate to his legal defense fund at: Links: The DeCSS\/Johansen Archive: Digital Rights Management Archive: - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bunnie Presents Paper on XBox Reverse Engineering Paper Explains Flaw in Videogame Security System Researcher Escapes Chilling Effect of Digital Copyright Law Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Advisory For Immediate Release: Thursday, August 9, 2002 San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is pleased to announce that former MIT doctoral student Andrew \"Bunnie\" Huang will present a paper explaining a security flaw in the Microsoft Xbox (TM) videogame system. Huang will present his paper, \"Keeping Secrets in Hardware: the Microsoft X-BOX Case Study,\" at 5:25 p.m. PDT on August 13, 2002, at the 2002 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2002) in Redwood City, California (Aug. 13-15, 2002). The Xbox security system is intended to allow people to play only videogames authorized by Microsoft. Huang's paper \"shows how a person could defeat that system with a small hardware investment,\" said MIT Professor Hal Abelson, one of Huang's advisors. \"More importantly, the paper relates the security vulnerability to a general design flaw shared by other high-profile security systems such as the government's Clipper Chip and the movie industry's Contents Scrambling System (CSS) for DVD players.\" Huang contacted EFF in March after his advisors told him that his preliminary findings raised potentially significant legal questions. With the help of Boston College law professor Joe Liu, EFF worked with Huang, Abelson, and MIT administrators to analyze the legal issues and draft letters notifying Microsoft of Huang's research findings and intended publication, one of the steps encouraged by Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Microsoft told Huang and Abelson that while it might prefer that the paper not be published, it would be inappropriate to ask MIT to withhold the paper. \"Microsoft deserves praise for making no attempt to control publication,\" said Abelson. \"Their response shows that they value academic freedom, and that they appreciate the critical role of unfettered research and publication in advancing technology.\" Other companies have reacted otherwise, using the DMCA to threaten researchers. The Recording Industry Association of America last year warned Princeton Professor Edward Felten after his research team exposed weaknesses in digital music security technologies. Last month, Hewlett Packard (HP) threatened research collective SnoSoft over exposing a security vulnerability in HP's Tru64 Unix operating system. Soon after, HP clarified that it would not use the DMCA to stifle research or impede the flow of information that would improve computer security. Huang said that while he is glad he can openly present his paper, \"The DMCA clearly had a chilling effect on my work. I was afraid to submit my research for peer review until after the EFF's efforts to clear potential legal restraints.\" \"Researchers should be analyzing security, not worrying about getting sued,\" said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien. Links: For this release: For Huang's paper: ftp:\/\/publications.ai.mit.edu\/ai-publications\/2002\/AIM-2002-008.pdf For the CHES program: EFF \"Unintended Consequences: Three Years Under the DMCA\" report: RIAA sues Professor Edward Felten over SDMI: An article about Hewlett-Packard's threatening SnoSoft: - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- * EFF Thanks Defcon EFF thanks The Dark Tangent and other organizers of the DEF CON X convention for their generous donation of exhibition space at DEF CON ( DEF CON is an \"underground\" computer security conference held each summer in Las Vegas. Links: Defcon Website: - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- * EFF Booth at LinuxWorld Come visit EFF at booth #488 at Linuxworld next week. We'll be passing out information, good cheer, and a slew of new stickers. When: August 13 - 15 10a - 5p Where: Booth #5 Moscone Center 747 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Links: LinuxWorld Conference Website: Floor Map and EFF Booth: .cvn?b=97& exbID=50 - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Links Deep Links is a new department in the EFFector featuring noteworthy news-items, victories and threats from around the Internet. * Baen Books expands fair-use-friendly e-book program Baen Books will bind a CD-ROM into the October 2002 hardcover edition of *War of Honor,* the latest volume in David Weber's epic Honor Harrington space-opera. The CD will contain at least 22 complete novels, all in open formats like html and RTF, with the fair-use-friendly admonishment \"This disk and its contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold.\" Included on the disk are the entire Honor Harrington series to date, as well as other titles from the Baen line, including Keith Laumer's *Retief!* and Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle's *Fallen Angels*. Baen has been a banner-carrier for fair-use in electronic publishing, shipping text and html files that can be played on a multitude of devices. Other publishers have chosen to publish their material in copy-controlled formats that make it impossible to legally loan or resell the titles you purchase, are locked to a specific device, can't play on every operating system, and occasionally lock out assistive technology like the screen-readers employed by the blind. Dmitry Skylarov, a Russian scientist, was arrested in July 2001, for demonstrating how end-users could defeat the copy-prevention employed by Adobe's e-book technology. Adobe asked the FBI to arrest Skylarov for violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which makes it a crime to describe techniques for circumventing copy-prevention technology. Though Skylarov was later released, his employer, ElcomSoft, is still facing charges in the USA, and the Russian government has issued an advisory warning Russian scientists to steer clear of American technical conferences until the DMCA is repealed. Here is Baen's statement on the CD release: You are about to start playing with a CD-ROM that has fairly extraordinary content. As of this writing it includes twenty-two UNENCRYPTED novels in several formats, the ten Honor Harrington Novels, 3 Honor Harrington Anthologies and 9 novels by friends of Honor, and by the time of distribution it may well contain more. (More than twenty novels for free, and with no stupid codes to work around. Think of that.) The reason for the plethora of formats is to try to please the people who want to read the novels on their Palm Pilots or other text-specialized palm-sized devices. Links: Baen Books's page for *War of Honor*: Slashdot discussion of *War of Honor* release: 149 EFF documents on Dmitry Skylarov and ElcomSoft: EFF documents on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA): - end - * Singer\/Songwriter Janis Ian on P2P Lucid article on the benefits of peer-to-peer networks form an artists' perspective. - end - * Hometown Paper Discusses Rep. Coble's Support of Berman P2P Hacking Bill Column on how a good Representative can make a bad call. - end - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrivia EFFector is published by: The Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco CA 94110-1914 USA +1 415 436 9333 (voice) +1 415 436 9993 (fax) Editor: Ren Bucholz, Activist ren@eff.org To Join EFF online, or make an additional donation, go to: Membership & donation queries: membership@eff.org General EFF, legal, policy or online resources queries: ask@eff.org Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express permission. Press releases and EFF announcements & articles may be reproduced individually at will. To change your address, plese visit: >>From there, you can update all your information. If you have already subscribed to the EFF Action Center, please visit: (Please ask ren@eff.org to manually remove you from the list if this does not work for you for some reason.) Back issues are available at: To get the latest issue, send any message to effector-reflector@eff.org (or er@eff.org), and it will be mailed to you automatically. You can also get it via the Web at: html ++++++++++++++++++++++++ You received this message because qqqqqqqqqqs-eff@spamassassin.taint.org is a member of the mailing list originating from alerts@action.eff.org. To unsubscribe from all mailing lists originating from alerts@action.eff.org, send an email to alerts@action.eff.org with \"Remove\" as the only text in the subject line.","label":0} {"text":"\"This is a desperate move from a desperate and dying campaign. And it's fitting that a man best known for shutting down the U.S. government would select a woman best known for almost shutting down a great U.S. company. Under Carly Fiorina, Hewlett-Packard's stock lost over half of its value, earning her status as one of the 'Worst American CEOs of all Time.' She laid off 30,000 workers but still received a $40 million golden parachute upon being fired. In a dangerous and complex world, the only foreign policy experience Carly Fiorina can speak of is outsourcing American jobs to other countries and selling computer equipment to Iran in violation of international sanctions.\"\u2013 Democratic National Committee CEO Amy Dacey View this post on our Factivists site here . To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear PayPal Federal Credit Union Customer, CONGRATULATIONS! You have been chosen by the PayPal Credit Union Bank Online Department to take part in our quick and easy 5 question survey. In return we will credit $15 to your account - Just for your time! Helping us better understand how our customers feel benefits everyone. With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our online service. We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time in taking part with this unique offer! SERVICE: PayPal Federal Credit Union Confirm Now your $15 Reward Survey with PayPal Federal Credit Union Online\u045e\u0437 Reward services. We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time and take part in our online survey. To continue please click here. The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous No part of it is handed down to any third party groups. It will be stored in our secure database for maximum of 2 days while we process the results of this nationwide survey. Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service. Document Reference: (870512-03) Copyright 1996 - 2006 PayPal Federal Credit Union, N.A. Member NCUA Copyright \u0401\u041f 2006","label":1} {"text":"Hi Jeffrey,\" Thank you for this. At first read some really great info and learnings for us. For now, a couple things that stand out. I think the slide titled \"Dispicable Me 2 Performance suggests Bigger HT2 Opportunities\" is too aggressive of a comp to highlight. The next line after that title suggests that Hotel T2 should grow like DM2 because HT1 was bigger than DM1; However, Rio 2 was bigger than DM1 and Rio 2 didn't have anywhere near the growth vs. Rio 1 that DM2 had vs. DM1. I just don't think the numbers support the conclusion that a bigger box office of the original in theatrical necessarily correlates to growth rate for sequels for animated films. I agree with you that the ancillary business will probably confirm that the Minions drove that film to new levels after the theatrical release. I absolutely want to chase the success of DM2 but I think we should go easier on this correlation. The other thing that stands out is the idea that Latin America projects to more growth than other regions. While it is most definitely an opportunity region on this franchise, as we are releasing in a non-holiday time frame, the market size for family films can have a ceiling. I am very bullish on the region but we have to keep in mind that Hotel T is already up there among the very biggest non-holiday family releases of all-time. I'm optimistic, but we have to explore how we can eventize it to get a broader opening weekend audience as family will only take us so far. Again, some really great stuff here. I think you have the hooks nailed (Fish out of Water, Mavis\/Drac relationship, cute monsters, etc.). This is a great exercise. Once I spend a bit more time with it, would really like to walk through it with you. Best, StevenFrom: Varanini, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:39 PMTo: ODell, StevenSubject: RE: Hotel T 2 Steven, I wanted to let you that I did pass these notes on \u2026. Also, wanted to share with you the current draft. This is out to Nigel as well as the territory teams for a final round of comments. It's also currently missing home video numbers for DESPICABLE ME and HOTEL T, which is important to the point of how much potential we think is in Latin America for our film. Our territory teams have said that DESPICABLE 1 turned into a phenomenon on home video, but I want to see how well our film performed in that window too. Happy to walk you through this if that would be helpful. All the best, Jeffrey VaraniniBusiness & Franchise DevelopmentSony Pictures Digital ProductionsTel: 310-840-8378 Email: jeffrey_varanini@spe.sony.com From: ODell, Steven Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:01 AMTo: Varanini, JeffreySubject: Hotel T 2 Hi Jeffrey, As you continue to collect information from the territories on Hotel T2, I'm including some notes from a key manager who works here with me but is involved with all of our markets. Really good story sensibility. Just additional \"food for thought\" as you gather input. Best, Steven -The main female roles were a bit old-fashioned and stereotypical in a negative way. Women seem to be, with very few exceptions, only serving the story as foils to the men (Mavis wants to remove Dennis from his loving Dracula, Dana obstructs Dracula and his crew from having fun.) A clip that goes viral on the internet, it's musical refrain is a dismissive, \"your mother is already nutsynutsy cuckoo.\" These females were portrayed as: insecure (Mavis doesn't want her son to be \"Freaky like me\"), focused on romantic relationships with men (Winnie says \"I am gonna marry you,\" upon first meeting Dennis, Eunice advises Mavis that she should not neglect her husband ) and in need of rescue (Winnie asks this of Dennis at the end) \u2013 in fact, the first page of the script is Dracula's enactment of a female doll needing to be rescued by Dracula. - In the first Hotel Transylvania (HT), the character arc of Dracula involved him learning to let go as a parent, and coming to terms with his lack of control over life\/nature. This seemed to be in contradiction with Dracula's incessant interfering with Mavis' parenting and his quest to keep her from moving away in HT2. Another lesson he learned was to accept humans, when he directly benefitted from their kindness. These lessons learned in HT seem to have been forgotten by the beginning of HT2. -One of Mavis' traits in HT is her willingness to embrace differences, she is the bridge between humans and monsters. In HT2, she wants to remove herself from monsters all together, and almost doesn't enjoy their company anymore. -In HT2, the lesson of accepting and loving your child regardless how they turn out, is unconvincing when the child turns out as you had hoped for (Dennis has fangs). -The use of the word diabolic when referring to a child, on page 95, may be offensive to Christians. --","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer: Your Secure login details seem to have been compromised.Please log in to the secure link below, and verify your security details to avoid an unecessary suspension of your account.We may call you to verify any information, and such calls may include computer-generated speechTo log in and verify your account click go here : Kiwi Internet Banking Secure Login Page Thank you. Customer Service Kiwi Bank.","label":1} {"text":"By Noah Weiland | 05\/23\/2016 02:00 PM EDT With help from Brianna Gurciullo, Mary Lee and Kaitlyn Burton FIREARM FURY: The politics of the National Rifle Association's annual conference in Louisville didn't end at the group's endorsement of Donald Trump on Friday. At the conference on Saturday, Chris Cox, the head of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, played a clip of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders defending his support for a 2005 law preventing lawsuits against gun companies when their materials are used by criminals. According to a report in the Guardian, Cox said to chuckles, \"I don't say this often ... OK, fine, I've never said it. But Bernie's right.\" Further south, Hillary Clinton was staking out the other end of the debate. At an event organized by the Trayvon Martin Foundation, she staked out a more progressive territory on the issue, slamming Trump for his role in the NRA confab: \"Unlike Donald Trump, I will not pander to the gun lobby.\" Speaking in front of a group of mothers whose sons were killed by guns, Clinton went on: \"If you want to imagine what Trump's America will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry.\" RYAN ON REGULATIONS: In a new episode of the Off Message podcast with POLITICO's Glenn Thrush, House Speaker Paul Ryan went after Clinton for what he thinks is her brand of liberal cronyism, telling Thrush, \"I think she's also so old-fashioned in that ... I think she - I think, you know, railing against Uber, against new economic innovations, is just telling us, she's projecting, 'I am going to regulate the heck out of this economy, and I'm going to give the keys to the castle to the current kings so that they can pull the drawbridge up behind them.' And I think that's the kind of - that's what she represents.\" MORE AMMO: Republic Consulting registered to lobby for Nordic Ammunition Company, headquartered in Raufoss, Norway. The group describes itself as a \"technology-driven aerospace and defense group specializing in high-performance defense and space solutions.\" HAPPY MONDAY! I'm guest hosting for Isaac today from across the office in POLITICO Magazine world. Brianna and Mary take the keys tomorrow for the remaining two weeks, so please continue sending tips to bgurciullo@politico.com and mlee@politico.com. DOWN BALLOT: One of the biggest-spending groups, Americans for Prosperity, doesn't quite see eye to eye with the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and therefore has yet to dip its toes in any political spending this year, president Tim Phillips said in a conversation with POLITICO's Scott Bland. Instead AFP has shifted its resources into building more field offices and undertaking different ventures including getting involved with GOP Rep. Renee Ellmers' (R-N.C.) primary. LOOK WHO'S BACK IN TOWN: Lobbyists are staging a comeback this election cycle, reports Byron Tau for The Wall Street Journal. Powerhouse lobbyists including Tony Podesta, Steve Elmendorf and David Jones have helped raise $5.4 million for Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders has taken donations from lobbyists at the National Mining Association, the Podesta Group, top marijuana advocacy group and other trade groups. Donald Trump's campaign includes lobbyists Paul Manafort; Rick Gates; John Mashburn, a veteran Senate aid; and American Continental Group's David Urban. Craig Holman, a lobbyist for the liberal group Public Citizen, which advocates more restrictions on issue and corporate advocates, said it is surprising that lobbyists \"have been able to claw their way back into the campaign so far.\" And as Kate Ackley reported in Roll Call, the top 20 federal lobbyist donors have given more than $2.5 million this cycle, motivated in part by new requests for money from joint fundraising committees. ** A message from the National Retail Federation: When retail thrives, communities across America thrive. Hundreds of retailers from across the country arrive in Washington today to share #thisisretail stories of responsibility, opportunity, advancement and community with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. 30-second video: ** NOT ON THIS PLANET: Mars enthusiasts are lobbying lawmakers to provide more funding to NASA - saying a trip to Mars is both possible and affordable, reports Eric Niiler for Wired. The citizen lobbyists' impending uphill climb was made clear after they experienced resistance at a hearing at the space subcommittee of the House Science Committee. \"What can you say to help persuade the American people that Mars is a goal that we should undertake despite the financial risks that our country faces?\" asked Mo Brooks, a Republican representative from Alabama whose congressional district includes NASA's Huntsville Space Flight Center. CAMPAIGN FINANCE FUN: This morning the Harvard Kennedy School's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation announced Explore Campaign Finance, an open source web tool that includes decades of campaign finance data. The resource comes from Solomon Kahn, a Technology and Democracy Fellow at the Ash Center, who believes that aggregating campaign finance data \"allows the public to better understand where contributions to federal office holders come from.\" FINAL WEEK: Beacon Consulting Group is closing its doors permanently on Friday and terminated its lobbying contracts with nine different organizations, including the Carnegie Hall Corporation and Cenikor Foundation. Christopher Fisher, vice president of Beacon, confirmed the closing. MOVERS: - The Raben Group announced that Michael Yudin is joining the firm's senior team as a principal, working with the organization's education team in the Washington office. Yudin is a six-year veteran of the Department of Education under President Barack Obama. Yudin replaces Joel Packer, formerly the director of educational policy and practice at the National Education Association, who since served as a principal for Raben and retired this month. Whitney Tome will serve as counsel and lead the firm's new environmental initiative. Daniel Forkkio is coming in as director of finance. - Lauren Toomey starts today at the London Stock Exchange Group in Washington after two years in Rep. Jeb Hensarling's (R-Texas) office, including as legislative counsel. - Carlton Carroll left API after six years to go to the communications office at AICPA, working on behalf of the financial sector. - Collin Berglund joined Rational 360 as a digital director. He comes from Burson-Marsteller, where he did PR for government agencies, infrastructure projects, sports organizations and Fortune 500 companies. COMING ATTRACTIONS: - Tuesday, more than 200 members of the propane industry will be on Capitol Hill discussing community gas systems and advocating for the truck driver 34-hour restart provision. - The Government Relations Labor Forum is hosting a lunch today with Cook Political Report's Amy Walter at Capitol Hill's Charlie Palmer Steak. SPOTTED: The Washington State Society brought a taste of the Pacific Northwest to the banks of the Potomac with their annual Potlatch dinner. Among the attendees was retiring Rep. Jim McDermott, whose longtime service was honored with video tributes by Gov. Jay Inslee, Reps. Dan Newhouse, Derek Kilmer, Denny Heck, Suzan DelBene, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Adam Smith, Rick Larsen, and Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray. Former Rep. Norm Dicks, Casey Sixkiller from Sixkiller Consulting, Jeff Bjornstad from W2A, and Christy Gullion from the University of Washington were also in attendance. NEW PAC REGISTRATIONS: Hope4uall (Independent Expenditure - Person or Group, Unauthorized) Patriots United (Independent Expenditure-Only Committee, Unauthorized) NEW LOBBYING REGISTRATIONS: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP: West Coast Aggregate, LLC Carmen Group Incorporated: Cafritz Interests Carmen Group Incorporated: Federal City Development Partners Carmen Group Incorporated: Southwest Business Improvement District Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C.: Beloit Health System Liz Williams and Company: Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities Liz Williams and Company: FAA Managers Association Liz Williams and Company: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Liz Williams and Company: Public Properties Mrs. Alyson Parker: National Retiree Legislative Network Polsinelli PC: Eagle Engineering Republic Consulting, LLC: Nordic Ammunition Company (doing business as NAMMO, Inc.) The Federal Group, Inc.: Unlimited Power, Ltd. The Madison Group: United Launch Alliance LLC NEW LOBBYING TERMINATIONS: Beacon Consulting Group: Carnegie Hall Corporation Beacon Consulting Group: Cenikor Foundation Beacon Consulting Group: Haymarket Center Beacon Consulting Group: MANY (Mid-Atlantic Network of Youth and Family Services) Beacon Consulting Group: Mystic Seaport Museum Beacon Consulting Group: National Head Start Association Beacon Consulting Group: Nurse-Family Partnership Beacon Consulting Group: Safer Foundation Beacon Consulting Group: WestCare Foundation Inc. ** A message from the National Retail Federation: Retail is more than great products, or the sound of a cash register. More than a storefront, or a website. It's working together as a community, creating the things people want, today. It's the smile at the end of every transaction and the effort and innovation that customers don't see. It's a shop on your street that feels like family, and a store on the other side of the world that you can reach from your phone. It's a lifetime of opportunities, from first jobs to lasting careers. It's every person, every product, every exchange, and everything that consumers need. Retail impacts everyone, everywhere, every single day. And when retail thrives, communities across America thrive. Video: #thisisretail ** To view online: To change your alert settings, please go to or email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"DEAR:WEBMAIL ACCOUNT OWNER Due to upgrade of our website you are to click this link and fill the form and submit to automatically upgrade your webmail account to our new webmail and also it automatically increase your webmail account space to be unlimited. Webmail \u00a9 2011 Team Upgrade.","label":1} {"text":"Dear Chase Bank customer This message contains graphics. If you do not see the graphics, click here to view. Dear client of Chase Bank, Technical services of the Chase Bank are carrying out a planned software upgrade. We earnestly ask you to visit the following link to start the procedure of confirmation on customers data. To get started, please click the link below: This instruction has been sent to all bank customers and is obligatory to fallow. Thank you, Customers Support Service.","label":1} {"text":"From: Andrew Kerr Sender: Andrew Kerr To: Peter DEBRINE , Patricia DESMARES , Cherry FARROW , Elizabeth FOLEY , Karen GILL , \"Merylyn HEDGER (wwfnet)\" , Martin HILLER , Aldo IACOMELLI , Lars Georg JENSEN , Steve JUDD , Paolo LOMBARDI , Tony LONG , Sten LUNDBERG , Nick MABEY , Adam MARKHAM , Gisele McAULIFFE , Konrad MEYER , Stefan MOIDL , Lee POSTON , Michael RAE , Andrea RIES , Sible SCHONE , Stephan SINGER , Marc van den TWEEL , Marijke UNGER , Koichi WATANABE 2 , Helge WEINBERG Cc: Michael Brown , \"Kornelis BLOK (ecofys)\" , \"Kornelis BLOK (univ)\" , Yvo de BOER , Michael BROWN , Renate CHRIST , Kirsty HAMILTON , Kirsty HAMILTON 2 , Sabri ZAIN , Bill HARE 1 , Bill HARE 2 , Martina KRUEGER , Penehuro LEFALE , Yasuko MATSUMOTO , Paul METZ , Katarina PANJI , \"Michel RAQUET (dg11)\" , Holger ROENITZ , Cornelia SIDLER , \"Ad van WIJK (ecofys)\" , \"Ad van WIJK (uu)\" Subject: climate: Japanese proposal Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text\/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" From: Andrew Kerr, WWF Climate Change Campaign re.: \"scandalous\" Japanese climate change proposal Dear All I am in Japan for the next week. If you need to, you can contact me by phone at the following numbers: * Monday - +81 10 760 5022 (Yurika?s mobile) * Tuesday-Thursday - via WWF Japan. Tel: +81 3 3769 1711; fax: 3326 1717. * Friday - Tokyo Grand Hotel. Tel: +81 3 3456 2222 Tomorrow the Japanese government is due to formally announce its emission reduction proposal for the industrialised world for the Kyoto climate summit: a maximum of a 5% reduction from 1990 levels for a basket of three greenhouse gases over the period 2008-2012. In a second period up to 2017, industrialised countries would not be obliged to make further reductions. See below for fuller details and an analysis of the emission reduction implications for various industrialised nations. The information has been well-leaked. In a talk to the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan last Friday I described the proposal as a \"joke\". This was well picked up by the written press here. Now more details have emerged, the proposal is even weaker than first thought. We are faxing a press release out this afternoon to Japan-based agencies and press with WWF?s reaction (see below). You might like to join in the condemnation of what Japan is proposing and ensure that your country flatly rejects the proposal. Japan?s Special Ambassador, Toshiaki Tanabe, is on a world tour canvassing for the support of other industrialised nations. After visiting Washington DC he moved on to Hawaii a few days ago for an informal conference including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US. Today's Yomiuri Shimbun gave front-page coverage to Australia?s outrage over the stringency of the Japanese proposal! Tanabe is moving to Europe for talks in the next few days. It is vital that European governments reject the proposal in no uncertain terms and urge Japan to at least support the EU standpoint. (Note: the WWF policies and measures study for Japan identifies how to cut CO2 emissions 8.8% below 1990 levels by 2005 and 14.8% by 2010 - very similar to the EU position). It would also be very useful if progressive business groups would express their horror at the new economic opportunities which will be foregone if Kyoto is a flop. Best wishes, Andrew --- CLIMATE CHANGE: JAPANESE PROPOSAL FOR KYOTO To be formally announced by the Japanese government, Monday 6 October 1997 Following information is from the Nikkei Journal, 4 October 1997 A. Content of the proposal 1. First period: the five years from 2008 to 2012 Reduction of 5%; Base year: 1990 1) Gases: CO2, methane, Nitrous oxide 2) Target figures will be flexible according to the future energy situation, changes in industrial structures, etc. But in any case, the total emission should not exceed 1990 level. 3) Each country's target would be based on emission per GDP, emission per capita, and population growth rate. If emission per GDP of 1990 (A) is smaller than emission per GDP of all countries (B), the reduction rate should be 5%x(A\/B) If per capita emission of 1990(C) is smaller than per capita emission of all countries (D), the reduction rate should be 5%x(C\/D). If population growth rate from 1990 to 1995 is more than the population growth rate of all other countries, the reduction target of that country should put into consideration their high population growth rate. Banking, Borrowing, Joint Implementaion and Emission Trading schemes should be introduced with certain conditions. 2. Second period: 2013-2017 Emission should not exceed the level of the first period. More sophisticated differentiation scheme should be adopted for the second period. B. Implications of the proposal Resulting emission reduction targets for the five years 2008-2012, relative to 1990: % Australia 1.8 Czech Republic 5.0 Denmark 2.5 Germany 3.1 Italy 2.5 Japan 2.5 Portugal 1.6 Russia 5.0 Spain 2.2 Switzerland 1.3 UK 3.7 US 2.6 Overall reduction for all industrialised countries: 3.2 % --- WWF PRESS RELEASE JAPAN PROPOSAL FOR KYOTO SUMMIT SCANDALOUS, WWF SAYS KYOTO, JAPAN, 5 October 1997 ? The World Wide Fund for Nature condemned as \"scandalous\" the Japanese government?s proposal for reducing greenhouse gases responsible for climate change, Sunday, and called on industrialised nations to flatly reject it. As full details of the proposal emerged over the weekend, it was revealed that Japan suggests allowing industrialised countries to make extremely marginal reductions in their emissions by as late as 2008-2012. In a second five-year period up to 2017, countries would only be required to ensure their emissions were lower than in 1990. \"The Japanese plan presents a bleak future for the environment, already suffering from the serious impacts of global warming including rising sea-levels, rising sea temperatures, and increased extreme weather patterns ? to name just a few,\" said Andrew Kerr of WWF?s international Climate Change Campaign. \"The plan is laughable when you consider that some European nations already have cut their greenhouse gas emissions by several times more than the amount Japan proposes for emission reductions more than a decade from now.\" According to the just released \"WWF State of the Climate\" report that evaluates the global impacts of climate change, a long list of impacts already are visible today including the destruction of several land and marine ecosystems in Asia and around the world because they cannot keep up with the pace of global warming. The Japanese proposal also proves the government is back-tracking on a Ministerial Declaration concluded at the 1996 climate summit in Geneva. At that conference, 130 countries, including Japan, agreed that the Kyoto Summit should agree on \"legally-binding objectives for emission limitations and significant overall reductions\" of greenhouse gases. At the Geneva meeting, the Ministers recognised that climate change science showed human activities, primarily the burning of coal, oil and gasoline, are already affecting the planet?s climate and the impacts would be wide-ranging and irreversible, posing threats to food supplies, public health and the survival of many species. Nations also agreed that \"significant reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions are technically possible and economically feasible\". WWF is calling on industrial nations to cut their carbon dioxide emissions 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2005. A WWF report written by Dr. Haruki Tsuchiya of the Research Institute for Systems Technology, in Tokyo, (to be released by WWF later this month) shows that Japan can reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by nearly nine percent by 2005 and by almost 15 percent by 2010 without damaging the economy. Policies and measures suggested by the WWF report would stimulate the economy and help position Japan as a world leader in the development of new, energy efficient technologies. \"Environmentally, Japan?s plan is worse than no plan whatsoever because it pretends to legitimise an emissions cut that is so low it will produce no tangible result in the effort to combat climate change, \" said Kerr. \"Even more alarming, it encourages many nations also to cut their emissions by much less than they now plan. This proposal is an embarrassment for Japan because it spells disaster for the Kyoto Summit in December which will be seen as an absolute failure by several European nations and the entire environmental community if such meagre greenhouse gas emission cuts are adopted.\" The complicated emission-reduction formulae that Japan proposes would require Japan to make only a 2.5 percent cut in emissions. The United States, responsible for over one-fifth of world releases of carbon dioxide, would only need to make a 2.6 percent reduction. Highlighting the political irrelevance of the Japanese formula, Germany, Denmark and the UK would have to make reductions of 3.1 percent, 2.5 percent and 3.7 percent respectively. But Germany already has achieved around half of its national target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent by 2005. Denmark is aiming for a 20 percent reduction by the same date and the UK?s target is a 20 percent cut by 2010. Contact: Andrew Kerr or Yurika Ayukawa. Mobile tel: 010-760 5022 and Hearton Hotel, 075-222 1300.","label":0} {"text":"Due to a number extenuating circumstances, the deadline for completion of final allocations has been changed from this Friday, September 14th, to next Wednesday, September 19th. I have attached an updated list of Key Dates for the 2002 Plan. Please note that no other dates have been adjusted. The due date for the full plan remains Thursday, October 4th. Additionally, the Plan format files (in excel form) that are scheduled to be distributed on September 20 per the plan calendar will likely be distributed tomorrow. It would be beneficial if you or your designee could attend the Adaytum user group meeting tomorrow, as Greg Adams and I will be discussing what is in the file and we will be reviewing the Plan Excel\/Adaytum strategy going forward. Thanks, Steve","label":0} {"text":"Working on it. Sent from my iPhone On May 6, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Can't keep holding. If you don't have updated language we need to continue to background reporters. If you have something new please send my way. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: April Mellody Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:56 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: FOR DEEP BACKGROUND Hi Luis - Can you hold on this. We may want to change some of this based on what I am hearing here. Sent from my iPhone On May 6, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: How does the Democratic party platform writing process work? When do the drafting committees start getting appointed and meeting? \u00b7 The Platform Drafting committee is a subcommittee of the Convention's Platform committee. It is made up of 15 people, appointed by the DNC Chair. We don't have any announcement to make on timing as of yet, however, they'll be appointed sometime in the coming weeks. \u00b7 Because the Party's platform is a statement of our values, the DNC is committed to an open, inclusive and representative process. Both of our campaigns will be represented on the Drafting Committee, and just as we did in 2008 and 2012, the public will have opportunities to participate. Is there a list of who is on the party platform committee? \u00b7 Below you'll see our release on the Chair's appointments to the three standing committee (Rules; Credentials; Platform). In addition to the Chair's appointments made in January and ratified by the DNC Executive Committee (25 for each committee for a total of 75 plus the leadership) there are 162 members of each standing committee who are elected in every state and territory according to the results of the primaries and caucuses. Those elections are ongoing and must conclude by June 25th. \u00b7 Note that the Platform Drafting subcommittee \u2013 with 15 members appointed by the DNC Chair -- is separate from the three standing committees. For Immediate Release January 22, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 DNC Holds Executive Committee Conference Call WASHINGTON \u2013 Due to today's inclement weather throughout the country, the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Executive Committee held their Executive Committee meeting via conference call today, hearing from special guests such as Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair Marcel Groen, and Democratic National Convention Committee CEO Leah Daughtry on preparations for the Democratic Convention to be held in the City of Brotherly and Sisterly Love in July. The previously-scheduled in-person meeting in Philadelphia, including a tour of the convention sites, was cancelled due to expected inclement weather. Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz also delivered remarks during today's call. In addition, the DNC Executive Committee voted to ratify the Chair's 2016 Party Leader and Elected Official Member appointments to the Convention Standing Committees: Credentials, Platform, and Rules. The slate of the Chair's appointments is attached in PDF format. DNC rules provide for the Chair to appoint 75 Party Leader and Elected Official Members to the three Convention Standing Committees. These Party Leader Members serve in addition to and together with the over 160 members that are elected in each and every state to those same committees. \"I am extremely proud of the experienced group of individuals who are ready and dedicated to serving our Party on the Convention Committees,\" said DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. \"This slate represents the great variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that make up our Party. We wanted to make sure that the diversity of our party was reflected to the highest levels in terms of race, gender, age, and geography and feel confident that these individuals will do a tremendous job in this capacity.\" The bulk of the Standing Committee members will be elected from the states and territories during the delegate selection process. The Chair also appointed Committee Co-Chairs as follows: - Credentials Committee: Lorraine Miller and Jim Roosevelt - Rules Committee: Former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte and former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank - Platform Committee: Governor Dan Malloy and former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay User Dear eBay User, During our regular update and verification of the accounts, we couldn't verify your current information. Either your information has changed or it is incomplete. Please update and verify your information by signing in your account below : If the account information is not updated to current information within 5 days then, your access to bid or buy on eBay will be restricted. Click here to access your account: ***Please Do Not Reply To This E-Mail As You Will Not Receive A Response*** Thank you Accounts Managent Note : Ignoring this message will cause eBay TKO Suspension notice. As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Announcements | Register | SafeHarbor (Rules & Safety) | Feedback Forum | About eBay Copyright 2004 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the eBay User Agreement .","label":1} {"text":"Gap Sweaters men's rugged sweater gap.com men's rugged sweater Shop Sweaters women's supersoft turtleneck boys' striped crewneck sweater women's supersoft turtleneck boys' striped crewneck sweater Shop Sweaters Shop Sweaters baby boy's cozy colorblack sweater girls' crazy colorblock turtleneck baby boy's cozy colorblack sweater girls' crazy colorblock turtleneck Shop Sweaters baby girl's ribbon trimmed cardigan gap sweaters baby girl's ribbon trimmed cardigan Shop Sweaters Send this email to a friend Start shopping Men's sweaters -------------- Men's sweaters Women's sweaters Metrnity sweaters Boys sweaters Girls sweaters Baby Boy sweaters Baby Girl sweaters Don't forget to enter GAPGIFT at checkout for FREE SHIPPING We sent you this email because you asked for updates about new products and promotions. If you'd like to change how often you hear from us, please click here . If you'd rather not receive email updates from Gap, you can delete your name from our email list by clicking here . * Offer valid through December 21, 2001 at 11:59 p.m., PT. This offer is good for standard shipping to the first \"ship to\" address in your order. If you choose rush shipping, additional charges may apply. $100 amount applies to merchandise only. GiftCard purchases, packaging, taxes, and shipping & handling does not count toward the qualifying amount. No adjustments on previous purchases. Offer is not transferable without consent by Gap. Not valid at Gap stores or Gap Outlet stores. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer valid in the US only.","label":0} {"text":"FYI -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Jan Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:23 PM To: Becker, Melissa; Butts, Bob; Castleman, Kent; Causey, Richard; Colwell, Wes; Dyson, Fernley; Hayslett, Rod; Hodges, Georganne; Lindsey, Mark E.; Marlow, Keith; Myers, Thomas; Price, Brent A.; Quaintance Jr., Alan; Roper, Kerry; Saunders, James; Schmidt, Mark; Selzer, Howard; Sommer, Allan; Sommers, Jeffrey E.; Sparger, Bob; Smith, Kirk; Stubblefield, Wade; Wasaff, George Subject: Sunrise update; Steering Committee meeting postponed Due to Rick's leadership offsite, the Sunrise Steering Committee meeting this Wednesday morning has been rescheduled for October 2, 10am. Because of that postponement, the October 17 meeting will be cancelled. You may have heard that Mark Frank has moved to EES, where he will Controller for EnronDirect. We will miss his day to day involvement, but he has expressed an interest in staying involved as a commercial user of the Sunrise data warehouse. Here's where we are on the project. We are on track for our September 30 data warehouse rollouts of earnings, AP and AR. Testing is going well, and we appreciate each BU sending users to work with us to test the functionality. There will be standard reports for each of those new content areas. Be sure your BU is well represented in the training scheduled for the last 2 weeks of October! Following the September 30 rollouts, we will have all of our originally planned content in the data warehouse, so we will be concentrating on increasing usage. We have been presenting roadshows (demos that come to you), which we plan to expand. In addition, we will be identifying power users in your group who will be experts at both SAP reporting and Business Objects reporting from the data warehouse, so they can advise others as to the best option for a specific reporting need. Let me know who you'd like us to work with in your group. The Adaytum planning model is nearly completed. We are working with Steve Schwarzbach and Greg Adams to ensure that any changes to their excel templates will be incorporated into the model. We will be running parallel for the 2002 Plan process that is due October 4 - excel templates will be turned in at that time, and the Adaytum model will be completed and reconciled back to the excel results shortly after that. If your group would prefer to start with Adaytum, we have prepared excel output files and we will come and work with your planners at their desk to get them up and running. Let us know when you want us to work with you.","label":0} {"text":"Here is the final except the \"contributions\" slide we discussed. (We may have a \"strategy\" slide to insert Friday as well.) Call me with any questions 36007.","label":0} {"text":"Sgt. Major Bowles, Today I woke up to a message from a former Comrade Jim Ramm demanding on my phone answering machine $1,000. extortion\/blackmail, or whatever you want to call it, to end internet attacks on NSM members and myself. I have the recording saved. Then I checked my e-mail box, and found an open admission from Jim Ramm that he is collaborating with the jewish ADL. I stared in disbelief at the message for a few minutes. I sent you a copy of that message, so you know of it also. I then thought of my statement about Honor and the Oath, and about how the Party membership must remain hard at all times in the face of anything the enemy throws at us. I know we have a solid Officer and NCO Corps, so I was mostly unconcerned, with the exception that Jim Ramm is now acting exactly like Bill White outting people's addresses on-line. Then I see your website announcing this: Attention, Attention, Atention. The National Socialist Movement is in disarray, the 2008 Pres Candidate is deciding within 48 hours on course of action. Let me make that decision for you, you are hearby released from duty in the National Socialist Movement, and the Party will not be running a Candidate for President in 2008. As a Party veteran, You above all people should never waiver in the face of any drama, much less feed into the drama and make a false claim that the Party is in disarray. I am not sure which National Socialist Movement you are talking about, because the NSM is stronger today than it has ever been. Nothing is in disarray, only those who allow themselves to fail against the rising tide are in disarray. The rest of the Party remains HARD, INTACT, AND WILLING TO WALK THROUGH THE PITS OF HELL IF NEED BE, TO INSURE OUR VICTORY! It is unfortunate that you are unwilling to march alongside of your fellow Comrades, as the battle for Race and Nation heats up. I took a hard line on defeatism when I first joined the NSM, and would not even tolerate people around me who talked poorly of our plight as a people. Then as I matured I tried to become more diplomatic and understanding of people's feelings, but still had that burning hate for defeatism. Now as our window of opportunity as a Race\/Folk in the United States is getting smaller, the Party must get less diplomatic and twice as hard, even amongst our own. Defeatism is intolerable, and I will not tolerate it from anyone in this Party again. Upon your release from the Party, I would like to wish you the best, thank you for the time served, and extend an offer of good will. In the future if your outlook on life, and views on defeatism come back onto par with the Party, I would certainly be interested in speaking with you at that time. In the interest of the Party, and in service to the Folk, Commander Schoep\/ NSM -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org","label":0} {"text":"For Planning Purposes April 26, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 *MEDIA ADVISORY* TODAY, April 26th at 10:00 AM ET: Democrats Host Media Call To Discuss Disastrous GOP Field and Kasich's Hypocrisy in Indiana & Ohio Following an unusual agreement between Ted Cruz and John Kasich to divide efforts to slow the momentum of Donald Trump, Kasich canceled all events in Indiana. However, Kasich will still hold a private fundraiser on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Kasich continues to neglect his responsibilities in his home state of Ohio, and he refuses to reimburse the taxpayers for exorbitant security detail costs related to his campaign. In fact, he won't even release the full amount the taxpayers are on the hook for. Today, Indiana Democratic Party Chair John Zody and Ohio Democratic Party Chair David A. Pepper will host a media call to discuss the disastrous Republican field ahead of Indiana's Republican primary election next week. WHO: Indiana Democratic Party Chair John Zody and Ohio Democratic Party Chair David A. Pepper WHAT: Media Call WHEN: TODAY, April 26th at 10:00 AM ET RSVP: Please email Jenna Price, PriceJ@dnc.org for dial-in information ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member : It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before January 30, 2006. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your PayPal\u00ae records click on the following link: Thank You. PayPal\u00ae UPDATE TEAM Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, PayPal\u00ae will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions. -outside","label":1} {"text":"Once upon a time, Roi wrote : > RPM build errors: > user dude does not exist - using root > user dude does not exist - using root > user dude does not exist - using root > user dude does not exist - using root > user dude does not exist - using root This I would guess is normal, but don't you get it at the very beginning of the build? Isn't this at the end just a reminder? > File not found: \/var\/tmp\/xine-root\/usr\/bin\/aaxine Argh, I forgot to exclude aaxine from the %files when using \"--without aalib\" :-( The current \"fr6.1\" spec file fixes this... Matthias -- Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages : Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi Load : 0.02 0.03 0.00 _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"We are pleased to announce that Sally Beck has been named Chief Operating Officer for Enron Net Works. She will join Greg Piper, President and Chief Executive Officer and Mark Pickering, Chief Technology Officer in the Enron Net Works Office of the Chair. In her current role as Managing Director for Enron Net Works, Sally heads up Enron's Global Risk Management Operations. Ms. Beck brings more than 20 years professional experience to Enron, joining the Company in 1992. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.B.A. in Marketing and an MBA with a concentration in Finance. Please join us in congratulating Sally on her new role.","label":0} {"text":"ST. 1st Class Herring, Yes, get some rest Brother! I had a great time at the event too, except for being sick Friday night of course. Don't let that ulcer get worse, rest and relax. You did look better Saturday night. Ooooo, an ignorant Proffessor that does not know about the NSM, what an idiot. Yes, by all means speak to the class. I think you would do a great job at that, probably leave the Prof. with his mouth hanging open in disbelief. That guy must live in a bubble to think their are no NS left in America (lol)! Yes, that should be a fun time too, go for it! 88 Commander Schoep On 11\/14\/07, William Herring wrote: > > Had a great time Sir! I went to the doctor and found out that I am just > overworked and stressed out. It is a mild ulcer and all I really need to do > is relax and take a little time off. > > A friend of mine is in college here at NDSU. In one of his classes, the > subject of National Socialism comes up regularly and Shawn is able to > counter the bullshit mostly with information I have imparted to him. When > asked where had gotten his information, he usually responds \"My friend Bill, > he's a National Socialist..\" Well aparently yesterday the professor said > that there are no groups currently in the US that openly follow Hitler. (A > college professor is that ignorant?) Anyway when Shawn told her that was > wrong, she challenged him to name one group.... So it has come to my > attention that the professor is actually considering asking me to address > her class in the near future. Kind of a Q and A situation I would imagine. I > am certainly up for it, but thought I should clear it with HQ first. > > It is something I can handle with no problem, and I would actually kind of > enjoy it. Hell, maybe we'll get some recruits out of it. Let me know what > you think and I will let my buddy know when and if I decide to do it. > > > > Sincerely, > > ST First > Class William Herring > NSM > North Dakota > > ------------------------------ > Climb to the top of the charts! Play Star Shuffle: the word scramble > challenge with star power. Play Now! > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear Sir\/Madam, BRAND NAME PRODUCTS Any brand name products you would like to buy or sell in volume? Please try us!!! Union (since 1989) specialized in trading brand name products. We have very strong connection with every corner in worldwide and always can do something what others are not able to do specially in China market. We sell USD 10 million value products monthly and stock level is USD 3 million. Product Range 1) Computer\/Office equipment Supplies 2) Computer Hardware 3) Copier\/Fax\/Printer 4) Stationery 5) Camera\/Film\/Battery\/Photo Paper 6) Digital Video\/Still Camera 7) Consumer Electronic Products 8) Video Games 9) Car Audio 10) Mobile Phone For more details, please visit our visit website: Please also come back to us about your interests and let us know more about your current business. Awaiting for your reply. Best regards, William Chao Owner We are pleased to invite you to visit our booth CEBIT 2002 HANNOVER (Hall 25) Stand A64 March 13-20, 2002 Union Camera Limited e-mail: unionc@unioncameraltd.com address: 1812 Wu Sang House, 655 Nathan Rd.,Kln.,Hong Kong. Tel: 852 23079338 Fax: 852 23873058","label":1} {"text":"Please find attached updated files. Page 8 for each company includes cash flow items which aren't a part of earnings, but would still be needed provided balance sheet \/ cash flow reports. All capex is included in Operations at this time until further breakout is made available.","label":0} {"text":"Charts for today's briefing are attached:","label":0} {"text":"Dear jose@monkey.org, Your mailbox is almost full. 1969MB 2000MB We noticed your E-mail account has almost exceed it's limit. And you may not be able to send or receive new messages until you re-validate, Click Here to Re-Validate. WARNING: failure to re-validate your E-mail account. It will be permanently disable. 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Thanks - Jordan Jordan KaplanNational Finance DirectorDemocratic National Committee(202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c)kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Warning Notification Dear user@monkey.org, It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records before October 02, 2006. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae account activity will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Click here to update your PayPal account information Copyright \u00a9 1999-2006 PayPal. All rights reserved. Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"Dear Webmail User, Your mailbox has exceeded the allocated storage limit as set by the administrator, you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you upgrade your allocated quota. To upgrade your quota, Please clickhere Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. System Administrator For Webmail Support Team.","label":1} {"text":"Walker, you up for it? Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Helmstetter, TJ\" Date: 04\/27\/2016 4:43 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Manriquez, Pablo\" , \"Miranda, Luis\" , \"Walker, Eric\" , \"Paustenbach, Mark\" Subject: Booking request: DWS this Friday for Detroit radio Hey guys \u2013 I think they'll probably take a spokesperson, doesn't need to be Debbie. But passing along for you to decide. From: karenmorgan@thewriteeidea.com Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ Subject: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Hello T.J. I am sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you when you were in Flint for the debate but maybe we will meet at the Democratic Convention. I am contacting you because Bankole Thompson Editorial Columnist at The Detroit News and host on Detroit's newest radio station Superstation 910 am ( he is a former host on WDET public radio in Detroit where he interviewed the chair on what was then an overcrowded Republican field of candidates and the difference between that race and the Democratic race) would like to interview Rep. Schultz on his show Friday April 29, 2016. He would like to discuss the recent caucuses as well as Ted Cruz's decision to name Carly Fiorina as his running mate and their attraction to potential voters. Redline airs every Friday from 12:00m-2:00pm. We would prefer to have her at 1:00pm as that is our most listened to hour but we will take her anytime she is available during the show. If she is not available this week, perhaps she could join us next week. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, Karen Morgan Producer Redline (313) 377-0673","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay user, During our regular update and verification of the accounts we could not verify your current information. Either your information has changed or it is incomplete. As a result your access to your eBay account will be restricted. According to our site policy you will have to confirm that you are the real owner of the eBay account by completing the following form within 24h or else your account will be suspended without the right to register again with eBay. In order to complete this verification just click the link below: www.signin.ebay.com\/update-your-credit-card-now (To complete the verification process you must fill in all the required fields) eBay Safe Harbour","label":1} {"text":"IT@MAIL Password will expire in 3 days To keep your password active. Click Here to update IT- Desk Service Desk","label":1} {"text":"Join 'Suburgatory's' Carly Chaikin for TheWrap's Live Q&A Wednesday at 1 p.m. PT March 18, 2014 | 10:11 PM _____ \u00c2 She plays the hilarious Dalia on the ABC comedy and she'll be answering your questions on Wednesday Full story at","label":0} {"text":"New Page 2 Dear Kiwi Bank Customer:We're writing to let you know that your new statements are available to view online. To see your statement, log on to Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. \u00a9 Copyright Kiwi Bank 2011, All right reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Please help Ryan with points i mention below Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Date: 05\/13\/2016 12:45 (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" , Kate Houghton Cc: Tracie Pough , \"Banfill, Ryan\" , \"Bonosky, Garret\" , Maureen Garde Subject: Re: Alaska Update Okay, thank you. We need to do whatever we can to tamp this down. I recognize that something will happen but they cannot leave this to the wind and let them run roughshod. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 12:37 PM To: Kate Houghton; Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Bonosky, Garret; Alvillar, Raul; Moore, Colby; Khan, Ali; Maureen Garde Subject: RE: Alaska Update I spoke to Scott Arceneaux. He'll lean on Kay for the state party to be more assertive in taking ownership over the fact that they're happy to have the DNC there. Ryan is putting together points on her record as a progressive and what the DNC has been doing to strengthen state parties and build national infrastructure that he'll get to Scott, and Scott to Kay, for them to talk positively about why she's coming in advance. Also mentioned to him that Begich should introduce the Chair. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Kate Houghton Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 12:16 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Tracie Pough; Miranda, Luis; Banfill, Ryan; Bonosky, Garret; Alvillar, Raul; Moore, Colby; Khan, Ali; Maureen Garde Subject: Alaska Update Importance: High DWS - I spoke with Kay who is the Executive Director at the Alaska Democratic Party. She cannot tell us what level of \"enthusiasm\" folks have on the ground but she has taken meetings with a few people who are of the \"Trump-style\" enthusiasm (aggressive and angry). There will be 550 people seated at the dinner. Of those about 50 are expected to walk out. However, they do want to stay for dinner so we are switching your slot in the speaking program from the end to during the dinner. This adjustment will not be made public. There are no mags at the event and I have told them not to purchase any. The event is barely breaking even and it will also be difficult to find them at the last minute. The Mayor's Office will be assigning an Officer to be with you. As you know this is pretty standard practice and I will make sure to speak with the Officer in advance about how you like to be staffed at events. The state party is aware that Shelby will be in the audience and that you will not be addressing any of the questions from the letter. The Chair of the party in her opening remarks will make sure to tell everyone that this is a civil event and that they are looking forward to hearing about the national Democratic work happening to support whoever will be the nominee. Signs have also been banned from the event. Please let me know if you want additional follow up. Thank you, Kate Kate Yglesias Houghton Director | Chair's Office Democratic National Committee 430 S. Capitol Street, SE | Washington , DC 20003 202-479-5102 (office) | @thedemocrats","label":0} {"text":"Auctions Weekly Newsletter Auctions All CNET T he Web Site Map - Desktops - Notebooks - Components - Software - Input Devices - Networking - Handhelds - Printers - Memory - Storage - Electronics - Monitors - Modems - Scanners - Services - Digital Cameras - Accessories - Multimedia July 11th, 2002 Intel 900MHz \/ 256MB PC-133 \/ 10X DVD \/ 20GB PC Intel 900MHz Socket 370 Processor Microstar PIII ATX Motherboard Micron 256MB PC-133 SDRAM Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM 8MB 2X AGP Video 64-Bit PCI Sound Card WD\/Seagate 20GB Ultra-66 HDD Bidding starts at $229 Don't miss out, place your bid now! LG 12x8x32 CD-RW \/ 8x DVD-ROM Combo Drive - Starting Bid $79 Lexmark Z-82 Printer\/Copier\/Flatbed All-in-One - Starting Bid $1 P4 Celeron 1.7GHz\/256MB PC-133nVidia 32MB\/16x DVD-ROM\/20GB PC - Starting Bid $399 Gravis Blackhawk Digital Programmable Joystick - Starting Bid $6.50 Gateway 15-inch TFT LCD Flat Panel Color Monitor - Starting Bid $319 PIII 733MHz\/256MB PC-133\/48X64-Bit Sound\/8MB 2X AGP\/20GB PC - Starting Bid $299 Displaysonic .28mm 17\/20\/21-inch Multisync Monitors - All Starting Bids at $9 Ending Thursday: Ending Friday: Ending Monday: Ending Tuesday: NEC .28mm 21-inch Sony .28mm 20-inch Sony\/Sun .28mm 17-inch Sony\/Sun 20-inch Multisync Sony\/SGI 20-inch Trinitron Canon CanoScan N670U 48-Bit Flatbed Scanner - Starting Bid $1 Gateway XP P4 1.8GHz\/256MB PC-266 DDR 40GB 7200RPM\/24x1","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Limited account access details PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Why is my account access limited? Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s): February 18, 2006: We would like to ensure that your account was not accessed by an unauthorized third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection. Case ID Number: PP-072-658-482 You must click the link below and enter your password for email nobody@example.com on the following page to review your account. Please visit the Resolution Center and complete the \"Steps to Remove Limitations.\" Thank you for using PayPal!The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here. PayPal Email ID PP518 Protect Your Account Info Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites. To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL. PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email. For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone.","label":1} {"text":"Have a link. And you cc'd Hoffman on the email, right? So they should know unless you told Hoffman not to tell them. Haven't confirmed a hotel yet since I was going to wait until I spoke to Ron in case he can host Alexandra Shapiro (858) 361-2468 DNC Mid-Atlantic & PAC Finance Director On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 5:45 AM -0700, \"Kaplan, Jordan\" > wrote: Okay. You don't need to go to philly for 8 people. They have it. Do you have a link? Do Henry and Bittel know? Did you confirm with a hotel? Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 4, 2016, at 5:39 AM, Shapiro, Alexandra > wrote: Hey-I'm gonna work from home again today if that's ok. Feeling a lot better but was wiped yesterday once I came home and slept for about 12 hours. Sylvia White said they're in Chicago for an HRC event on May 19th. Going to call Ron Abramson today Let me know when you're free to chat. Figuring out if I should go up to philly\/Delaware to help Claire on Friday Alexandra Shapiro (858) 361-2468 DNC Mid-Atlantic & PAC Finance Director","label":0} {"text":"Put back in what we've done for state parties, including support I'm media monitoring etc... You cut too much... Put back in the hits on trump too. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Garcia, Walter\" Date: 05\/14\/2016 18:52 (GMT-09:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Cc: Regional Press Subject: RE: FINAL ALASKA SPEECH (Edited: 5\/14\/16 @ 5:48pm AKST) Excerpts below, Luis. Let me know if I'm good to blast, and I'll do so right now (to our National and Alaska lists). Otherwise, I can hold until the AM. For Immediate Release May 14, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 Prepared Remarks for Delivery: DNC Chair Rep. Wasserman Schultz at Alaska State Convention ANCHORAGE -- Tonight, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz addressed the Alaska State Convention. Below you will find excerpts as prepared for delivery: \"As chair of the DNC, I've committed myself to getting to know my fellow Democrats with visits to all fifty states \u2013 and I'll be honest, it's been a little easier to reach those lower forty-eight. \u2026 \"But I know I'm not the only one here tonight who travelled a great distance to be at the convention \u2013 I understand there are even as many as 40 high school students coming all the way from Juneau, and who registered to be delegates \u2013 let's give them a hand for being the future of our party. \"And let me just thank everyone else here who has travelled from across our country's largest state to show your support. \"Your enthusiasm, energy, your commitment, and your dedication to our party will make all the difference on Election Day. \u2026 \"Here in Alaska the DNC helps fund direct mail campaigns to reach voters and help get them to the polls on Election Day. \"We fund salaries for critical staff under our state party partnerships. In fact, Kay Brown can tell you, she was one of the first State Party Partnership employees we ever hired. \"Since 2009, the DNC has directly provided the Alaska Democratic Party more than $625,000 in direct support. \"But it's not just the funding -- the DNC has been out-pacing the GOP in how we offer direct support to our state parties with training, and bench-building; we share our deep research and communications capabilities in Alaska and across the country. \u2026 \"But of course, our number one advantage comes from our candidates, and the contrast they're offering Alaska voters and the American people. \"I couldn't be more proud of the two candidates at the top of our ticket. \"From Day One, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have been running smart, substantive campaigns focused on the issues that matter. \"We've watched them engage honestly with voters, answer thoughtfully at town halls and debates, and deliver an aspirational message that speaks to the hopes and dreams of the American people\u2026 \"And no matter which one of our candidates becomes the nominee, we will be united coming out of our convention and headed toward Election Day. \"In the words of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders 'Trump will not be president.' \u2026 \"I'm inspired here tonight \u2013 I wish everyone could see how much dedication the Democrats of Alaska have. \"Don't believe for a second that just because the pundits like to paint Alaska red and say it isn't a battleground state means you're sidelined. \"In every presidential election since 2000, the percentage of Alaskans casting their vote for the Democrat has increased \u2013 from 27% in 2000 to more than 40% in 2012. \"This has already been an exciting election year nationally \u2013 working together, I know we can Dump Trump and, eventually turn Alaska Blue. \"I know we can count on you to keep working hard throughout this election. \"So thank you for all you've done to support our party, and thank you for everything you will do to bring us all the way to victory in November. \"Now on to victory! Thank you, Alaska Democrats!\" From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 10:14 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Regional Press Subject: Re: FINAL ALASKA SPEECH (Edited: 5\/14\/16 @ 5:48pm AKST) I'm on, and Deshundra\/Shu-Yen are back-ups. Sent from my iPhone On May 14, 2016, at 9:54 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Who's on duty to tee this up as a release of remarks as prepared for delivery? We may cut a chunk, but let's get it ready. ________________________________ From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 9:48 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom; Walker, Eric Cc: Kate Houghton; Kroll, Amy; Guerra, Liana; Banfill, Ryan; Geoff Burgan Subject: FINAL ALASKA SPEECH (Edited: 5\/14\/16 @ 5:48pm AKST) Garret Bonosky Deputy Director, Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee","label":0} {"text":"Hi Gabi - we do loose quite a bit (e.g., boreholes and other proxies) back beyond 500, so that's why we drew the \"very likely\" line there. But, we did stay as strong as the TAR back 1300, so that was our compromise on certainty. I believe the forcing series also start to get more uncertain pretty fast back beyond even 400 years ago, but I'm pretty impressed with the match between simulated and observed NH climate back ca. 700 years (e.g., our Figs 6.13 and 6.14). Thus, I bet you are right that we know back to 700 pretty well, but not well enough to go with \"very likely\" in the all important chap 6 bullet. Not sure this helps, but we do need to pay attention as we do the SPM to get the right balance. I'll cc to Keith in case he wants to chime in, which would be appreciated. thanks, peck >p.s. hope you are all recovered etc! >I have one chapter question: We were waffling back and forth if we >SHOULD go with the chapter 6 >assessment on the last 500 being better reconstructed than say last >700, but in the end, we stuck with >last 700 because some results rely on using a long timehorizon to >separate like ghg and solar signals. >To say that very likely a substantial fraction of the variance on >those records is externally forced (nother >words, detectable external signals in reconstructions). >Does this seem ok to you? In the SPM session we had some waffling >about 5 vs 7 centuries. > >Gabi > >Jonathan Overpeck wrote: -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Dear Valued Customer We are committed to protecting you, with the latest technology to keep your details secure, and dedicated teams to monitor online activity and intercept any suspicious actions. And we do everything we can to protect our online customers, but the steps we take can be much more effective if you work with us to protect yourself. 19 June 2006 our security system detected an unsuccessfull access attempt to your online account from Ip address that does not correspond to your current address. Please click here to confirm your current address or change it online. If you do not confirm your address until 22 June 2006 your account will be SUSPENDED for security reasons and we will send you an Activation Code by post which you will need to renew your online banking service access. 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We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________","label":1} {"text":"k88_nsm@yahoo.com; nsm88cincinnati@yahoo.com; nsmswohio@yahoo.com Subject:=20 Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 11:29:59 -0800 ***NSM DIRECTIVE FROM CHAIRMAN CLIFFORD HERRINGTON**** ATTENTION ALL NSM MEMBERS:=20 For the last two years I have regularly worked behind the scenes of the NSM; guiding And directing Commander Jeff Schoep for the greater good of the party. Recent events have demonstrated the need for drastic action. I have been forced to step up and assume command of the National Socialist Movement. Jeff Schoep will remain in charge Of NSM records but henceforth, I and I alone will speak solely for America's Nazi Party. It is most unfortunate that I have must return from retirement to assume these duties. However, I shall not refuse the call of action in our time of the need. The party is being assailed by hordes of Xians who want To convert our grand Reich into some filthy Christian Identity organization= . These kind of attacks will be allowed, all Xians are the enemy. For more information about the vile Christian plague infecting society visit my Joy Of Satan Website: All Praise the Hairy Horned God from Hell! NSM Chairman\/Commander Clifford Herrington Nsmchairmanherrington@hotmail.com =20 =20 Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. Connect now!=20 Share life as it happens with the new Windows Live. Share now! _________________________________________________________________ You keep typing, we keep giving. Download Messenger and join the i=92m Init= iative now. --_b7096b72-2c60-4683-bec8-716225dbe804_ Content-Type: text\/html; charset=\"Windows-1252\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } HEIL SATAN! I WILL PRAY TO LUCIFER THAT HE ABSORBS YOUR SOUL INTO HELL! = From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: nsmchairmanherrington= @hotmail.com Subject: RE: you will need to try harder than that you assh= ole Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 15:42:29 -0500 .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Whoever you are, fuck off! I spoke with Commander Schoep this morning y= ou fucking jack off. I think that he would have mentioned this....Herringto= n is retired and would never send an e-mail like this. If you are going to = do shit like this, at least attempt to be believeable. P.S. Go suck a jews = dick you fucking piece of shit. From: nsmchairmanherrington@hotmail.com To: nsm_newmexico@yahoo.com; nyn= smunit@yahoo.com; nsmfargo@hotmail.com; tuck88_nsm@yahoo.com; nsm88cincinna= ti@yahoo.com; nsmswohio@yahoo.com Subject: Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 11:= 29:59 -0800 .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} ***NSM DIRECTIVE FROM CHAIRMAN CLIFFORD HERRINGTON**** ATTENTION ALL= NSM MEMBERS: For the last two years I have regularly worked behind= the scenes of the NSM; guiding And directing Commander Jeff Schoep for the greater good of the party. Recent events have demonstrated th= e need for drastic action. I have been forced to step up and assume = command of the National Socialist Movement. Jeff Schoep will remain in c= harge Of NSM records but henceforth, I and I alone will speak solely = for America's Nazi Party. It is most unfortunate that I have must re= turn from retirement to assume these duties. However, I shall not ref= use the call of action in our time of the need. The party is being a= ssailed by hordes of Xians who want To convert our grand Reich into some= filthy Christian Identity organization. These kind of attacks will = be allowed, all Xians are the enemy. For more information about the vile= Christian plague infecting society visit my Joy Of Satan Website: All Praise the= Hairy Horned God from Hell! NSM Chairman\/Commander Clifford Her= rington Nsmchairmanherrington@hotmail.com = ; Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. Connect now! Share life as it happens with = the new Windows Live. Share now! You keep typing, we keep giving. Download Messenge= r and join the i=92m Initiative now. Join in! = --_b7096b72-2c60-4683-bec8-716225dbe804_--","label":0} {"text":"Hi, Twitter has sent you a notification, to receive notification, follow the link below: Biz Stone (@biz) and The Twitter Team (@Twitter) If you received this message in error and did not sign up for a Twitter account, click not my account. Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.","label":1} {"text":"From the local paper this morning. \"Canadians eat about seven times as many doughnuts per capita\"... (as Americans) . D'oh! Owen","label":0} {"text":"Dear dELiA*s Contests member, If you can see this, you have been subscribed to the mailing list as an HTML email user. To switch to plain text mail, go to: You are subscribed as: CARRIE@AXESS.COM You signed up to receive updates on exclusive specials and happenings at dELiAs.cOm. We'd love to continue to bring you this news, however, if you wish to remove yourself from this mailing list, go to:","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal member: Identity protection matters. And PayPal works day and night to help keep your identity safe. That's why it has come to our attention that your PayPal account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. 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PayPal Email ID PP359","label":1} {"text":"FYI -----Original Message----- From: Walls Jr., Rob Sent: Sat 11\/17\/2001 4:48 PM To: Horton, Stanley; Hayslett, Rod Cc: Subject: FW: Memo regarding Enron\/Dynegy Agreement and Plan of Merger - Compliance with the Conduct of Business Covenants -----Original Message----- From: Keesler, Martha On Behalf Of Del vecchio, Peter Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 8:06 PM To: Ale, John; Cheek, Charles; Derrick Jr., James; Evans, Mark (London Legal); Fossum, Drew; Haedicke, Mark E.; Labanowski, Elizabeth; Mintz, Jordan; Newell, Eric; Rogers, Rex; Sharp, Vicki; Wallace, Stephen; Walls Jr., Rob; Tweed, Sheila; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Sager, Elizabeth; Cash, Michelle; Butcher, Sharon; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Gray, Barbara N.; Murray, Julia; Aronowitz, Alan; Rogers, Daniel R.; Lundstrom, Bruce; Novak, John; Henry, Joseph; Eickenroht, Robert; Donahue, Jeff; Muller, Mark S.; Sample, Molly; Place, Janet Cc: Del vecchio, Peter Subject: Memo regarding Enron\/Dynegy Agreement and Plan of Merger - Compliance with the Conduct of Business Covenants Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential Please see the attached memo regarding Enron\/Dynegy Agreement and Plan of Merger - Compliance with the Conduct of Business Covenants. Sent on behalf of Peter del Vecchio By: Martha Keesler Senior Administrative Assistant Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith, EB 3829 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 345-2423 (713) 646-3491 (Fax) >","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay Member, This is your official notification from eBay. Your online has expired. If you want to continue using our service you have to renew your online. If not, your online will be limited and deleted To confirm your Account records click on the following link: Thank you, Scott R. Shipman, CIPP Senior Counsel, Global Privacy Practices eBay Inc.","label":1} {"text":"I have nominated 16,646mm at 368 on the 10th and taken it to 1mm per Charlene on the 11th. As of the 12th, I took it to \"0\". Our trader, Tom Donohoe, has told me that since you have a force majure there as of the 12th. we can not take the well to 1 and it will be at \"0\" till you are flowing gas to us again. If you have gas that flows onto the system we will discuss buying it from you later in the month. Please have your marketer call Tom Donohoe if you need to discuss this at 713-853-7151. Mark \"Victor Haley\" on 05\/11\/2001 02:03:23 PM To: cc: Subject: Mark- HIOS just called and asked that Enron nom a 1 for HI 351\/368 beginning May 10 instead of 0. Mark- HIOS just called and asked that Enron nom a 1 for HI 351\/368 beginning May 10 instead of 0. The reason for this is that their system needs this to allocate correctly. Please advise if you have any questions at 405-228-4298. Thanks!","label":0} {"text":"Randi Weingarten: Donald Trump's Rhetoric Has Contaminated Schools By Andrew Ujifusa on May 5, 2016 3:53 PM Forget Donald Trump's plans to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education or allegations of fraud against Trump University: The real estate executive has already poisoned public schools, according to American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, by fostering a toxic environment that encourages bullying. In a conference call with reporters on Thursday, Weingarten blasted the real estate executive for his \"xenophobia\" and his \"promotion of violence.\" And she said that it's too late to turn back the clock on the negative effect he's already had on public schools. \"My point is, he's already done tremendous damage to education,\" Weingarten said during a conference call with reporters. \"He's created an environment of scapegoating and demonizing. It is influencing children and it is influencing behavior in schools. It is making it much, much harder for us.\" [electionslug_2016_126x126.jpg] Is there anything to back up Weingarten's assertion? Last month, my colleague Evie Blad covered a survey conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center showing that most teachers say their students-many of them Muslim or the children of immigrants-have expressed fears about their fate after the election . And 40 percent said they're afraid to teacher their students about the election. However, that survey was not scientific. There have also been reports of incidents like Donald Trump's name being chanted by fans at a Wisconsin high school soccer game, along with \"build that wall\" and racial slurs. (Trump has pledged to halt illegal immigration from Mexico by building a wall along the southern border, and by making the Mexican government pay for it.) But in general, it's hard to statiscally identify exactly how Trump has or has not broadly influenced the climate of public schools. Make no mistake, Weingarten and Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan, who was also on the call, blasted Trump for his other positions on education too. Weingarten said she was not surprised that one of Trump's high-profile surrogates is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican who has said teachers' unions need a punch in the face . \"What we're seeing is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party be anti-teacher and anti-public education,\" the AFT president said. Donald Trump hasn't taken many in-depth positions on K-12 during the campaign. But he has taken a few (relatively) clear positions on K-12 . He wants to eliminate the Common Core State Standards-something the federal government cannot do. And as Weingarten noted, he's said he wants to either severely cut or eliminate the Education Department-at the same time, he declared in March that education is one of the top three priorities for the federal government . You might remember that both the AFT and the National Education Association moved pretty quickly to endorse former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. That did not sit well with some members of the two unions, who thought that there ought to have been more consideration of Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. So it's not surprising that Weingarten in particular would come up swinging against Trump quickly and vigorously, now that he's the presumptive nominee. TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Please Save: \"People often talk about Hispanics,\" Eric Trump said Monday on Irish radio's RTE Radio1's Drivetime. \"You know, I have more Hispanics come up to me telling me, 'listen, I can't wait for your father to be president. He's gonna bring jobs back to the United States. He's gonna end the nonsense. He's gonna create good trade deals. He's gonna create better education. He's gonna create a better family structure.'\" \"I see so little of the divisiveness, which is interesting. You watch it on TV, but you see so little of it out in the field.\"","label":0} {"text":"Hi video team, luis was like these three clips spliced together in one video for as soon as possible. This is for a press release. Can we do that? here 1:15 - 2:13 \"one of things you learn, first reports prove to be inaccurate...pressure to react before you really know what's going on..that's a quality politicians don't have at least until they have responsibility. Mika: Possibly damaging It prejudges the outcome. 8:37 - 8:42 And on the Republican side, pretty much what you hear is uninformed bluster and threats. 11:37 - 12:58 Mika - and the view of candidates from around the world...How does this impact national security Gates: It already has an impact...they think we've lost our collective lives...concerned about what happens..especially apprehensive about the unpredictability and the threats of Mr. Trump, Japan\/SK nukes, breaking off China...all of serious concern, even before the election, countries begin to take steps to offset these dangers or perceived shifts in U.S. policy in ways that put space betweent.. Christina Freundlich DNC Deputy National Press Secretary 314-302-0602","label":0} {"text":"Recently, I asked you to \"Lay It On the Line\" and tell me what you believe are the most critical issues that we need to address. Many of you responded, and I want to share the survey results with you. Additionally, I want to share with you the things we are currently doing or plan to do to move Enron forward. First, let's take a look at the survey results. In just three days, more than 4,000 employees completed the survey. I sincerely appreciate your participation. I. We asked you to identify the top five issues facing Enron today. The responses were: 1. Stock price 2. The PRC 3. Employee\/internal morale 4. External reputation and image 5. \"Walking the talk\" of integrity and respect _________________________________________________________________________________________ II. We asked you general questions about working at Enron, comparing 2001 to 2000. % of employees responding strongly agree\/agree: I am committed to staying at Enron. 64.1% Enron is a company I would invest my money in. 60.1% I am treated with respect. 60.0% I would recommend Enron as a place to work for friends and family. 59.1% I have talents and skills that Enron is not fully utilizing. 54.7% Enron truly encourages people to take risks. 47.5% My immediate supervisor has a clear view of where Enron is going and how to get there. 46.6% Executive management has a clear view of where Enron is going and how to get there. 41.6% _________________________________________________________________________________________ III. We asked you to what extent you would associate the following attributes to Enron, comparing 2001 to 2000. More Same Less N\/A Concerned for communities 34.5% 44.9% 10.3% 10.3% Innovative 30.8% 35.7% 24.6% 8.9% Entrepreneurial 28.5% 37.8% 23.7% 10.0% Ethical 17.0% 45.1% 28.1% 9.8% Trustworthy 14.9% 39.0% 36.9% 9.2% Arrogant 39.1% 32.4% 13.3% 15.2% Self-serving 41.9% 38.6% 7.5% 12.0% _________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Finally, we asked you to identify the top three things you like about working at Enron. 1. People (the high quality of people at Enron was the most widely-cited aspect): --- talented --- creative --- learn from one another 2. Culture and reputation: --- innovative spirit --- willingness to be aggressive and take risks --- ability to embrace change --- involvement in community 3. Work environment: --- pay and benefits --- true meritocracy --- unlimited opportunities _________________________________________________________________________________________ The results of our survey confirmed for the Management Committee and me the great things you feel about Enron and also what you see as the issues we must address to move Enron forward. The following are some of the things we're doing now or going to do in the next few days and weeks to address the top five issues you identified. Keep in mind this is only the beginning of an ongoing effort to address your concerns and engage your feedback. Now, here's what we're going to do based on your feedback. STOCK PRICE We are all concerned about our stock price, which has declined significantly this year. The primary reasons for the sharp decline from our highs earlier this year include: --- A decline in the overall market and economy; --- Certain Enron-specific issues, such as California, India and recent management turnover; --- A \"meltdown\" in the broadband sector, which may have been as much as $30-$40 of our stock price at the high; --- Lower energy commodity prices and volatility relative to last winter's high; and --- Concerns over the pace of energy deregulation. These concerns mask the strong underlying recurring earnings growth in our transportation and distribution, wholesale and retail businesses. Very few companies have demonstrated the earnings growth, and future earnings growth, as has Enron. We fundamentally believe that if we focus on continued earnings growth and reestablishing the confidence of our financial investors, our stock price will reflect the value these businesses deserve. --- Over the past month, we have met with all of our major institutional shareholders and all of our analysts, reviewing the strong prospects in each of our businesses. --- We have also committed to provide more segmented information about our business units and how we operate so that analysts have a better understanding of our businesses and how we make money. We also want to make sure that employees know what we are doing going forward: --- Mark Koenig, executive vice president of Investor Relations, will host Brown Bag sessions with groups of employees to discuss stock price issues and answer questions. He will also continue to host eSpeak sessions to answer employee questions. --- Greg Whalley, Mark Frevert and I will also hold discussions with various groups of employees, which will be taped and made available to employees worldwide. Watch for these events. THE PRC The relative discussion of talent is absolutely critical to maintain our business and our meritocracy. Understanding which employees have demonstrated the greatest contribution and behaviors, which individuals should be given greater responsibility and leadership, and identifying our top and bottom talent are essential to achieve our business objectives. Nevertheless, we recognize that certain aspects of the PRC may have caused some of you concern, and we believe we can improve, refine, streamline and better clarify the process objectives for everyone. Therefore, we will make the following changes to the PRC process prior to year-end: --- Effective immediately, relative performance discussions will occur annually at year-end. However, business units will have the flexibility to determine if they need to have those discussions more frequently. --- The current preferred distribution will no longer be required across Enron. Business units will be asked to identify only their top 10% and bottom 10% performers for review by Enron's Office of the Chairman annually at year-end. --- We will continue to use the PEP 360 degree feedback system as input into performance feedback once a year for all employees. We will also reinforce to all supervisory employees the absolute necessity of continual communication and feedback to their direct reports throughout the year. --- Finally, we have formed an employee task force that will give us feedback on future changes. In the November issue of Enron Business, we will feature the first in a series of articles discussing our performance evaluation process. In addition, there will be other communication and training that will occur prior to year-end. EMPLOYEE MORALE We believe the stock price, our external reputation and the performance review process have all affected morale. Additionally, some employees have indicated they do not feel that they have a place to go to voice their ideas and concerns. Effective immediately, we will provide an additional resource for employees who do not currently feel comfortable going to either their supervisor or their Human Resources (HR) rep. --- We are establishing a new business function we are calling Employee Relations (ER) that will report directly to the Office of the Chairman. Cindy Olson will head this function. More details of how this group and HR will operate will be communicated in the next few days. Over the long term, we want our managers to address employee issues and concerns and therefore are providing the following leadership training for those with supervisory roles. --- We will encourage vice presidents and above, as well as other current and emerging leaders, to complete Executive Impact & Influence training. These sessions are designed to improve leadership skills such as coaching and effective communication that have a direct impact on performance and managing people. --- Additionally, we will encourage every employee with supervisory responsibilities to complete online communications training via Communicate!, which will be rolled out immediately. Communicate! is an interactive training course that uses Enron scenarios and a combination of video, voice mails, e-mails and meetings notes, to analyze user performance based on a participant's responses and actions. EXTERNAL REPUTATION We all recognize that our external reputation has suffered this year. The single most important factor that influences our reputation is our actions - how we act and how we communicate those actions as a company and as individual employees. We recognize that as Enron's ambassador's in the marketplace, the more you know about our strategy, performance and challenges, the more you can help disseminate accurate information about our company. To ensure you are better informed: --- We will do a better job providing you with timely information about issues affecting Enron. In addition to our existing communication efforts, like e-mail messages and internal publications eBiz and Enron Business, we will post a Q&A on current issues on the Enron intranet at home.enron.com . This will give us a consistent message across the organization and will equip you with information when talking to your customers. --- As we said before, Greg, Mark and I, as well as members of our Management Committee, will meet with groups of employees across Enron to hear your thoughts and share with you our business direction and challenges. Look for these to start in mid-October. INTEGRITY & RESPECT I believe, as I said previously, we need to reinforce our core values, particularly integrity and respect. From what you have told us in this survey, you agree. --- Enron's values will have more importance in each employee's evaluation and feedback. We ask that all employees, regardless of level, hold themselves accountable for the way they interact with people on a daily basis. We are all responsible for how we treat our coworkers and customers. --- We will also conduct employee focus groups on a frequent basis to gather additional, specific feedback on employee issues like ethics, integrity and individual concerns. If you would like to participate in these focus groups, please send an e-mail to Cindy Olson. --- Periodically, I will host a special feature column in Enron Business to keep you informed of the action steps we are taking and their results. Finally, I give you my commitment that we will do a better job giving you more information regarding Enron's strategy and challenges, and listening to your concerns and ideas. But we would ask for your commitment, too. We need your dedication to Enron and its values, as it is only through your commitment that we will achieve long-term success. We will conduct another employee survey early next year. Please continue to send me your feedback and let's continue to work together and keep Enron one of the best places to work in the world.","label":0} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. =============================================================","label":1} {"text":"*** Important Notice from Wells Fargo Billing Center *** We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your online Citi Cards account, and multiple password failures were present before the logons. We now need you to re-confirm your account information to us. If this is not completed by September 22, 2007, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner. To confirm your account records click on the following link: Thank you for your patience in this matter. Citibank Customer Service Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. \u00a9Copyright \u00a9 2007 Citigroup","label":1} {"text":"Thanks Eric, thanks to everyone! DV -- David Vincenzetti CEO Sent from my mobile. From : Eric Rabe Sent : Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:00 AM To : David Vincenzetti Cc : Daniele Milan; Giancarlo Russo Subject : Re: The first CYBERWAR could be against NorthKorea - And it won't be pretty. We are cooking right along. At the moment we have 690 which is about 100 more than we had three days ago! Your list members and others with a real interest seem to be outnumbering the activists maybe 2:1. We have also gotten a number of favs, RTs and positive comment. Daniele even picked up a pat on the back from The Onion - the humor site - for one of his witty posts (that I retweeted but he wrote). So I'm generally pretty pleased with this. I will say this effort is taking more time than I expected, but (1) I think it is worth it and (2) I expect we'll get smoother and quicker at this as we catch a natural rhythm. If we can keep posting 3-6\/day as we have been, I think we can add some real value for people who are seriously trying to follow security developments in cyberspace. Thanks for all your support! Daniele, of course, has been fantastic! Eric On Feb 11, 2015, at 1:59 PM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: Concerned? Me neither. BTW, how many followers do we have, Eric? David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Feb 11, 2015, at 6:38 PM, Eric Rabe < ericrabe@sas.upenn.edu > wrote: Used it and we've gotten one snarky comment that has been retweeted. (Now we know how many activists are following us \u2014 maybe three or four dozen.) Still I'm not concerned about this. Best, Eric On Feb 10, 2015, at 9:01 AM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: I don't care! David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Feb 10, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Eric Rabe < ericrabe@sas.upenn.edu > wrote: I think it's better as: There are bad people doing bad things online. Working to stop them, #HackingTeam supports #SaferInternetDay But it might incite the activists (Yeah, your one of the bad ones\u2026) Not sure I care, but\u2026.. Eric On Feb 10, 2015, at 8:48 AM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: There are bad people doing bad things online. #HackingTeam supports # SaferInternetDay --","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator, You are currently running on 20.9GB, you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox.to re-validate your mailbox please CLICK HERE Thanks System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"PayPal Your account will be suspended ! We are contacting you to remind you that on 21 May 2005 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. To securely confirm your PayPal information please go to your PayPal's Update Profile or click on the link bellow: Click here to activate your account Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the footer of any page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here PayPal Email ID PP468 Protect Your Account Info Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites. To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL ( to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email. For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees. This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account or credit card may be subject for temporary suspension. We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure.","label":1} {"text":"The body of this email message has been replaced due to malicious content. No further action is required on your part. If you have questions concerning this message, please contact the USW helpdesk at 412.562.1990. Please reference the text below when you talk to a technician. Symantec Mail Security (mail.usw.org) replaced Message Body with this text message. The original text contained prohibited content and was quarantined. [Remove Bad Emails] ID:PIT-MAIL01::SYQ33103a16e","label":1} {"text":"One of Travel Agency in the Park's major phone lines has been damaged due to downtown construction. The line is currently being repaired with an estimated down time of approximately 4-6 more hours. Calls are currently being routed to 713-853-4801 and 713-345-5164. We will send additional notification if this problem persists. We apologize for any inconvenience.","label":0} {"text":"Sources tell ABC News that Trump's Foreign Policy speech tomorrow will now be at the Mayflower Hotel. Original Tweet: From: Roberts, Kelly Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 2:25 PM To: Sarge, Matthew; Comm_D Subject: RE: Event Update: Trump FP Speech Tomorrow Reporters have been tweeting the speech is still on, location is just changing From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 2:24 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Event Update: Trump FP Speech Tomorrow @PressClubDC website says #Trump speech is cancelled for Wed - organizers say they'll get back to us on what the plan is now. #Decision2016 Original Tweet:","label":0} {"text":"X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by routt.cgd.ucar.edu id l09HVngh027823 Phil, here the graphs from the Brooks 1949 (2nd edition) that we have at NCAR. One is temperature the other precip reconstructions. Caspar Phil Jones wrote: > > Tom, Caspar, > Keep the attached to yourself. I wrote this yesterday, > but still need to do a lot more. I added in a section > about post-Lamb work in CRU, but need to check out > the references I've added and look at the extra one > from 1981 that you've sent. This may take me a little > time as I'm away Weds\/Thurs this week. I see my name > on an abstract, by the way, that I have no recollection of ! > I presume this has something in about instrumental global > temps. This abstract isn't in my CV!!!!! > > So your point (3) needs to document that we knew the > diagram wasn't any good, as well as how far back it goes. > Knowing Hubert on some of his other 'breakthroughs!' > it is clearly possible it goes back to Brooks ! > > On the post-Lamb work in CRU, I recall talking to Graham > (maybe mid-1980s) when he was comparing recent CRU work > with Lamb - correlations etc. Did that ever see the light of day > in these pubs or elsewhere? I will look. It isn't in the chapter > Astrid and he wrote in the CRU book from 1997. I recall some > very low correlations - for periods from 1100 to 1500. > > This is all getting quite complex. It clearly isn't something that > should be discussed online on RC - at least till we know all > the detail and have got the history right as best we can. A lot > of this history is likely best left buried, but I hope to summarise > enough to avoid all the skeptics wanting copies of these > non-mainstream papers. Finding them in CRU may be difficult! > > As for who put the curve in - I think I know who did it. Chris may > be ignorant of the subject, but I think all he did was use the > DoE curve. This is likely bad enough. > I don't think it is going to help getting the real culprit to > admit putting it together, so I reckon Chris is going to get the blame. > I have a long email from him - just arrived. Just read that and he > seems to changing his story from last December, but I still > think he just used the diagram. Something else happened on > Friday - that I think put me onto a different track. This is all like > a mystery whodunit. > > In the meantime - any thoughts on the attached welcome. Getting the > level of detail required is the key. > > I need to do a better diagram - better scanning etc. > > Cheers > Phil > > > At 18:02 06\/01\/2007, Tom Wigley wrote: >> Phil, >> >> I see the problems with this in terms of history, IPCC image, >> skeptix, etc. I'm sure you can handle it. In doing so, you might >> consider (or not) some of these points. >> >> (1) I think Chris Folland is to blame for this. The issue is not >> our collective ignorance of paleoclimate in 1989\/90, but >> Chris's ignorance. The text that was in the 1990 report (thanks >> for reminding us of this, Caspar) ameliorates the problem >> considerably. >> >> (2) Nevertheless, 'we' (IPCC) could have done better even then. >> The Rothlisberger data were available then -- and could\/should >> have been used. >> >> (3) We also already knew that the Lamb UK record was flawed. >> We published a revision of this -- but never in a mainstream >> journal because we did not want to offend Hubert. I don't have >> the paper to hand, but I think it is ... >> >> Wigley, T.M.L., Huckstep, N.J., Mortimer, R., Farmer, G., Jones, P.D., >> Salinger, M.J. and Ogilvie, A.E.J., 1981: The reconstruction of European >> climate on decadal and shorter time scales. (In) Extended Abstracts, >> First Meeting, Reconstruction of Past Climates Contact Group, EEC >> Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development, Brussels, >> Belgium, 83\u00ad84. >> >> It could be ... >> >> Wigley, T.M.L., Farmer, G. and Ogilvie, A.E.J., 1986: Climate >> reconstruction using historical sources. (In) Current Issues in Climate >> Research (eds. A. Ghazi and R. Fantechi), D. Reidel Publishing >> Company, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 97\u00ad100. >> >> The point of this paper (whichever one it is) is that it covers only >> the decadal variation -- but it shows that Lamb was out to lunch >> even on these time scales. As you know, this arose from his uncritical >> use of historical sources -- a problem exposed in a number of CRU >> papers in the 1980s, staring with Bell and Ogilvie in Climatic Change. >> >> So part of the issue is where did Hubert get the century time scale >> changes in that diagram? The answer is, mainly from his own fertile >> imagination. For this he tried to synthesize both his flawed historical >> record for England (and records for Europe, equally flawed) and >> proxy data from many sources, again accepted uncritically. Still, >> there almost certainly was a LIA in Europe in the 17th\/18th >> centuries (but not in Iceland -- at least not in the 17th century). >> Whether or not there was a significant centuries-long MWE is >> doubtful in my view. >> >> On another historical note, Hubert got many of his ideas from >> C.E.P. Brooks -- possibly Brooks's work is what inspired Hubert >> to pursue his climate interests. Of course, he went a lot further >> (too far) because he had a lot more information to work with. >> However, it is interesting that Fig. 33 in Brooks (1928) looks a >> lot like the IPCC90\/Lamb Figure -- in Brooks the record goes >> back further, and there is a very warm period from about 500 >> to 950AD. >> >> You should be careful about using \"recovery from the LIA\" to >> explain warming after the Maunder Minimum. It is easy to show >> with (e.g.) MAGICC that there is no such thing -- especially if >> you accept the view on low-frequency solar forcing espoused >> in the recent Foukal et al. paper in Nature. If you want some >> support for this (i.e., the spurious recovery idea) I can send you >> a diagram. >> >> Tom. >> >> C.E.P. Brooks, 1928: Climate through the ages. A study of the >> climatic factors and their variations. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, >> 439 pp. >> >> [There is a cute item in this book that one never sees any more. >> At the end of the last page it actually say \"THE END\".] > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Caspar M. Ammann National Center for Atmospheric Research Climate and Global Dynamics Division - Paleoclimatology 1850 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80307-3000 email: ammann@ucar.edu tel: 303-497-1705 fax: 303-497-1348 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Brooks1949_TempEurope.jpg\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Brooks1949_PrecEurope.jpg\"","label":0} {"text":"CNET Cell Phone Newsletter Wireless All CNET The Web July 18, 2002 Cordless phones: the other wireless devices Samsung SPH-A460 What phones are hot in Asia--updated Wireless Top 5s Top 5 AT&T Wireless cell phones Top 5 Sprint PCS phones Top 5 Verizon Wireless cell phones All Top 5s Next-generation MP3 playersThese three hard drive-based MP3 players turn last year's models into paperweights. - Mojo rising: TDK's new MP3 CD player - The Nomad Jukebox 3 breaks new ground Most popular MP3 & Audio 1. Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox 3 2. Digitalway MPIO-DMK (128 MB) 3. Bantam Interactive Explor BA350 4. iRiver SlimX iMP-350 5. Sonicblue Rio Volt SP250 See all most popular Cordless phones: the other wireless devices In the market for a new cordless phone but don't know whether to buy a 900MHz or 2.4GHz model or what manufacturer offers the best product? No sweat--check out our new line coverage to find the phone that fits your personal style and needs. Read the reviews Samsung SPH-A460 The update to the SPH-A400 offers some cool enhancements, such as an external LCD. Is this the flip phone of the moment for Sprint PCS service? Read the review | Check latest prices What phones are hot in Asia--updated Wonder what people are talking on over on the other side of the Pacific? Check out the most current top 10 list from our sister site in Singapore. See the list Live tech help; submit your question now CNET News.com: Top CIOs on the future of IT Find a job you love, with more than 1 million postings ZDNet: This IT director has had enough of Microsoft May Editors' Choice award: Pioneer's home-theater system, the HTS-910DV The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@example.com Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"LOWER your monthly mortgage\/rent payments by a third or more! Your Pre-qualified Rates ________________ $495,000 | 3,95% $515,000 | 4,15% $355,000 | 3,75% $240,000 | 4,33% $915,000 | 4,05%","label":1} {"text":"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Apple Store \u00ae . This is an automated email, please do not reply Dear Client,We've noticed that some of your account information appears to be missing or incorrect We need to verify your account information in order to continue using your Apple ID, Please Verify your account information by clicking on the link below Verify your lD Apple ID 2015 \u00a9 All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"...totally cackling over that bit with Fiorina singing today? I can imagine that segment got snipped and tagged for your digital library almost immediately! Luciana Lopez Correspondent, Reuters 2016 Campaign Team 646 223 6319 (o) 646 937 1750 (m) luciana.f.lopez@thomsonreuters.com","label":0} {"text":"Below is an update on the Adaytum Consolidated Model: 1) BU Basic Cubes' Training => last week (10\/22 - 10\/26), two training sessions were held - EEOS and EGAS. Provided in the training sessions were User Documentation, which included screen prints of Manager screens, as well as a word document with additional user instructions and screen shots of the data cubes. Also included were the Adaytum excel add-in reports (both summary and financial statements). Additional training sessions are scheduled for the next two weeks. If you have not done so already, please let me know your availability. The sessions lasts approximately 4 hours, and is done \"on-site\". NOTE: Most Enron computers have a minimum of 128K of RAM. In order for faster processing of data and accessing the cubes, we are recommending that everyone upgrade to an additional 128K of RAM (totalling 256K RAM). The cost of this upgrade is a nominal amount (under $25), and is well worth the investment. To check the amount of memory on your machine, please do the following commands: Start | Settings | Control Panel | System (Look under Computer for the amount of RAM you have). 2) Next Adaytum User Group Meeting => we will not have a meeting this week due to accounting close. However, I will schedule a meeting for next week (time and place to be determined). Potential topics for discussion are: (a) 2002 Plan information input into Adaytum (timeline), (b) Training update, and (c) Integration of actual \/ plan data between Adaytum and the Data Warehouse. Please forward to me any additional topic you may want to discuss. Please call me if you have any comments or other items to discuss. Joe","label":0} {"text":"WOW! That's funny beings it's my deposition on his behalf that is the reason why he has such a good chance! Out of the 28 \"supposed\" Hale supporters that was contacted to give deposition only three did. Me, Rev Moudry and Rev Peterson. You can ask his attorney cliff barnhardt. Why are you selling pro white stuff now? What did your mexican fascist boyfriends leave you? Logsdon --- On Fri, 9\/19\/08, Sejdmadr Hardy Lloyd wrote:","label":0} {"text":"Dear Paypal Client : We are encountered some tehnical errors in our database, Please update your profile . You can access your profile at This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account may be subject for temporary suspension. For help please contact Paypal Customer Service immediately by email at customerservice@paypal.com or call us at 1-866-571-3012 . Thank you for using paypal.com! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":1} {"text":"Direct Deposit Service Informer Communicatory Only We cancelled your payroll on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:46:26 +0530. Finances would be gone away from below account # ending in 7415 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:46:26 +0530amount to be seceded: 5855 USDPaychecks would be procrastinated to your personnel accounts on: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:46:26 +0530Log In to Review Operation Funds are typically left before working banking hours so please make sure you have enough Finances accessible by 12 a.m. on the date Cash are to be seceded. Intuit must reject your payroll by 4 p.m. Central time, two banking days before your paycheck date or your state would not be paid on time. QuickBooks does not process payrolls on weekends or federal banking holidays. A list of federal banking holidays can be viewed at the Federal Reserve website. Thank you for your business. Regards, Intuit Payroll Services","label":1} {"text":"Looks and sounds a hell of a lot like Clare's cat, Violence... A tall tail or is it a prowling panther? Security cameras at the Gardiner house filmed the cat The Plumstead panther has been spotted just yards from the scene of a sighting made three weeks ago but this time it was caught on camera. Steve Gardiner, 41, claims to have spotted the large cat in his garden in Upton Road, Plumstead, in the sixth reported sighting in Woolwich and Bexley in just four weeks. Mr Gardiner told News Shopper he watched the big cat as it walked alongside the house at about 7.15am, on Wednesday, September 25, while his security cameras captured it on film. The father-of-four described the black cat as about 3ft long and two-and-a-half-foot high, with a large body. He said: \"It prowled past the patio doors moving with all the mannerisms of a hunter. \"It looked at me calmly before moving on.\" The bricklayer told how his work colleagues let him know News Shopper had been following the big cat story so he decided to call our offices with news of the sighting. His wife, Karen, 41, later checked the tape which had captured grainy images of the large cat prowling through their garden. She said: \"I feel sorry for it not living in its natural habitat I'd hate for it to get hurt.\" Mr Gardiner told how he is convinced of the cat's existence saying how their usually quiet 18-year-old dog barks at \"nothing\" in the garden but barked that morning. He warned: \"I don't think these cats are dangerous but, if cornered, they might jump you.\" Sightings of the large black cat are being reported all over the Plumstead Common and Shooters Hill as well at the Bexley area. If you have seen the big cat, call News Shopper on 01689 885712. 12:27 Tuesday 8th October 2002 _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Sell a Home for Top $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"I'll say he showed me your picture. discussion deaf He said he had to keep rolling.The windowpanes were edged on the inside with a tracery of frost, and when he held out his hand he could feel a bubble of cold like a dome around the window. \"Come on,\ufffdhe whispered, and began to chivvy the tongue gently back and forth. \"Dat what give her her powah. The landlord had rats in his basement. \"Well, Geoffrey rode for the doctor,\ufffdshe said. He awoke time after time in the middle of the night using the big toe of his right foot to scratch thin air four inches below the place where, on that side, his body now ended. As dark came down on that second night, Misery's squealing went on as monotonously as ever\ufffd\ufffd the pig sounded like an unlatched door with rusty hinges squealing in the wind\ufffd\ufffd but Bossie No. bovine","label":1} {"text":"Please use the next week to clean up our database of delivery locations and regions currently still in Enpower. I would like to start the database clean with only the key hubs listed: NEPOOL PTF NY Zone J NY Zone G NY Zone A Ontario PJM East Hub PJM West Hub PJM West Cinergy Com-Ed TVA Entergy SOCO ERCOT South (FP) ERCOT North (Basis) Let's use this opportunity to clean up Enpower and start with a truly clean set of books. Team - Am I missing anthing? Kevin Presto Vice President, East Power Trading Phone: 713-853-5035 Cell: 713-854-3923 Fax: 713-646-8272","label":0} {"text":"Susan This is very clear and very useful Thanks Keith At 15:21 19\/01\/2007, Susan Solomon wrote: Keith, Peter, Isaac, Ron, Thanks to all of you for helping out. Keith, the audience for the presentations is the policy makers who will be present in Paris. As you have already seen from the comments, many of them are not scientists. The presentations need to be pitched at a non-scientist level. A number of the policy people will be lawyers, and a number will be legalistically looking to find anything that can advance their position. Most of them will however just be looking to ask questions and to better understand, and many will be constructive in how they use the information provided. So it is quite a mix. They should not be given input that distracts from the job at hand. Therefore, these presentations should not bring in new issues not raised in the comments, figures from material outside the report, etc. I hasten to say that all of us hope there will not be big problems in going through the presentations. The presentations are being carefully prepared by excellent people, so my expectation would be for quite minor changes. All of the above has been discussed with those preparing the presentations, so a primary role in co-chairing this session is to lend a constructively critical eye, seeking to advance the goal of clarity, conciseness, and sticking to the report rather than straying, if needed. The outcome is not a formal approval statement of the presentation. The outcome is to guide the collective subgroup to a *clear* consensus on what should be changed before the presentation is passed in to the TSU. If there are things that a majority of the group wants to see changed but others do not, you will have a chairman's job to do in finding a solution everyone can live with. It would probably be helpful if you could keep some notes on the agreed changes, since that will help you ensure that you have been clear enough in stating the conclusion. Too often there is a thrash and no closure. A good chair gets agreement with the group. Thanks again, Susan At 1:00 PM +0000 1\/19\/07, Keith Briffa wrote: Hi Susan et al sorry for delayed response - just back from Paris (or so I originally thought as the meeting I was at turned out to be 3 hours away by train ). I too am happy to act as you request, though I am still uncertain as to who the specific audience will be and more particularly, what you expect as an outcome of the session (a formal approval statement or recommendation for amendments?). cheers Keith At 00:31 18\/01\/2007, Susan Solomon wrote: Dear Peter, Isaac, Ron, and Keith I am writing to let you know that the agenda for our C\/LA meeting to take place in Paris on Saturday and Sunday Jan 27\/28 will have your names listed for a proposed role, and I hope you will be able to accept. At the end of the second day of the meeting, we will go over the set of longer 'science presentations' that will be given informally during the lunchtime sessions. There will be two parallel sessions from 4-6 pm on Sunday, and I am hoping that Peter\/Keith can chair one dealing with drivers, obs, and paleo, whle Ron and Isaac can chair one on attribution\/sea level\/projections. Earlier on Sat\/Sun we will also have gone over the shorter formal presentations that will be used to start each section of the SPM during the meeting. See below for some more information CLAs requested for preparation of the shorter presentations. An important point is that the short and long presentations should be consistent and should strongly support the SPM approval process (see below). We are seeking tough chairmen who could a) keep to a strict time schedule and avoid slippage; b) ensure that a clear statement is made about what the group conclusion is (e.g., if the group feels that a particular presentation should be changed, that needs to be made clear to the person who will hand in the final presentation to the TSU); and c) helps the group to focus on the need for these presentations to communicate with policy people (not overly technical) and help address the comments received (not to digress). In short, to be tough, fair, constructive, and well organized. Thanks in advance for considering helping with this. If you feel you cannot do it, let me know but I will assume silence is agreement to serve. best regards, Susan Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 17:08:01 -0700 From: Susan Solomon To: wg1-ar4-clas@joss.ucar.edu Cc: zhenlin chen , Martin.Manning@noaa.gov Subject: [Wg1-ar4-clas] Shorter presentations at Paris X-BeenThere: wg1-ar4-clas@joss.ucar.edu List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Sender: wg1-ar4-clas-bounces@joss.ucar.edu X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAA== X-Rcpt-To: X-DPOP: Version number supressed Dear CLAs, We are writing to address the two types of presentations (shorter and longer) that are to be given in Paris. A number of you have asked about the shorter presentations in particular and we want to clarify that here. We would like to ask the people who served as section coordinators for each section in our TS\/SPM meetings to coordinate pulling together the shorter presentations of not more than 10 slides (Ramaswamy on drivers; Bindoff on observations; Hegerl on attribution, Stocker on projections). Many of you have kindly already sent around draft material for the longer science presentations, and that has been very helpful. These will occur informally during lunch breaks, or before the morning sessions at the plenary and will not be subject to simultaneous translation. The most interested delegates will typically find these very helpful, and will want to use them to ask you questions. In addition, during the regular formal sessions and prior to presentation of each of the major sections of the report (drivers, observations, attribution, and projections), we will benefit from a very short presentation that introduces the section. The speaker's words will be subject to simultaneous translation. We suggest that the paleo ice core material be covered as part of the drivers, that the paleo observations be covered as part of the observations, etc, to speed things up (we can switch speakers but keep slides in the same file). These shorter presentations are extremely important in setting the stage. They must be very short. We will have an absolute limit of not more than 10 minutes, preferably 5 minutes for the shorter sections of the report namely drivers and attribution). Please do not include more than a maximum of 10 slides. Questions will be strictly limited by the session chair (Susan or Dahe) to matters of clarity (e.g., if an axis isn't clear). We will go over both the shorter and the longer presentations jointly at our preparatory meeting at the UNESCO center on Sat\/Sun Jan 27\/28 so please come prepared to do that. An agenda for the preparatory meeting will be circulated to you shortly. The shorter presentations can largely be derived from the longer ones. They will be most helpful if: - they do seek to provide a general sense of how the section is meant to fit together and some key highlights. - they present the figures and tables used in the SPM section to follow, but do not include figures from the chapters unless absolutely essential. Including figures from outside the report could create problems and should be avoided. - they avoid raising new issues or suggesting changes from the distributed SPM. As some of us have seen in the heated discussions via email about the MOC, sticking to the agreed consensus obtained in the chapter teams is something our colleagues who will not be in Paris would appreciate our doing as much as possible. We will need to agree to all changes to be presented by us to delegates as a team in our preparatory meeting on Jan 27-28. They will choose to seek more and that is what we will have to jointly manage. - they have very little text on them, as simple as possible. - they do not try to cover each bullet. You may wish to consider whether it is helpful to alternate speakers between your science presentation and these short presentations, so that more of you get a chance to speak. Some of you asked for sample presentations. You are probably aware that we completed a special report on HFCs\/ozone in 2005. The short presentation on our section (section 2) at that session worked extremely well and is appended here as an example in case you want to glance at it, along with the SPM itself. We had much less material to cover of course and more time to do it (this is more than 10 slides but don't be tempted as that was a different situation) but we hope this is still helpful. We look forward to seeeing you and discussing all of the presentations on Jan 27-28. Best regards, Susan, Martin, and Dahe _______________________________________________ Wg1-ar4-clas mailing list Wg1-ar4-clas@joss.ucar.edu [8] -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [9] -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [10] References 1. 2. mailto:wg1-ar4-clas-request@joss.ucar.edu%3Fsubject=unsubscribe 3. 4. mailto:wg1-ar4-clas@joss.ucar.edu 5. mailto:wg1-ar4-clas-request@joss.ucar.edu%3Fsubject=help 6. 7. mailto:wg1-ar4-clas-request@joss.ucar.edu%3Fsubject=subscribe 8. 9. 10.","label":0} {"text":"No flags WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING Joke about Trump speech at Top Flint Can you talk about POTUS trip to Flint? * Want to remind them that America is still behind them * Wants to help community to recover * Need Republicans in Congress to respond * Administration is committed to responding and ensuring that no other communities have problems Is this a problem to blame on what level of government? * Concerns with some administration * A lot of problems at the state level, but investigators still focused on the federal level * Congressional Republicans don't want any type of Flint funding Will POTUS announce changes when he visits? * POTUS has addressed the Flint problem 2016 Election Does POTUS think HRC is the presumptive nominee? * The Democratic voters will determine who nominee will be * He participated by casting a vote in the IL primary * No details to announce on when POTUS will engage in debate POTUS will speak at convention? * Not sure if the day has been selected * Will most likely speak Will the contested primary hurt Democrats? * No it gives a chance to build infrastructure * Especially if it is about the issues, which is happening on the Dem side Trump is giving his FP speech? He talked about leaders not respecting US? * POTUS is concerned about Iran, which is why he signed the deal * We are respected * Everyone wants the economic progress that we have seen since POTUS How many world leaders are concerned about Donald Trump and his FP? * POTUS is very confident about American people * Concerned about Trump's policies Has there been a clear, gold-bullet way to end ISIS? * POTUS has a plan, reason why he went on foreign trip * ISIL is losing money and land * POTUS wants to destroy ISIL Trump said he could eliminate ISIS? * Check with his advisor to ask them what he means * We have taken 40% of land in Iraq and 16% of land in Syria (populated) What do you think of Trump's new style? * I will not try to describe him * Voters will take stock of the candidates How seriously does WH take Trump Foreign Policy? * I consider this briefing more important than the ins and outs of a campaign * The people\/voters should care * POTUS is an avid consumer of the media. Aware of the debate on both sides Zika Have you provided information to congressional Republicans? * Yes, we have and they haven't budged * They need to protect Americans and provide funding for Zika Has congress gotten all the research? * We brought up to experts to this podium to talk about research * We have provided research * Will take more than a year to get a vaccine, so they need funding Puerto Rico What do you think about Puerto Rico package? * Republicans don't want to deal * Need to pass the package * We are making a strong case that GOP obstruction SCOTUS What is Chief Judge Garland doing? * He is doing more congressional interviews * Coburn said that Senate should do their job \/ if he was in the Senate, he may not vote for him, but he should at least get a vote","label":0} {"text":"Top news story with video clip: Man Says Flyer Found on Car is Racist By Will Carter, KSPR News Story Created: Dec 7, 2008 Story Updated: Dec 7, 2008 On Sunday morning Reggie Duke walked out of his apartment and to his car, much like he does every week as he gets ready to leave for church. But this time he noticed a piece of paper on his windshield. \"I pulled it off my windshield and noticed it was a racist or antisemitic message. I was really kind of surprised by it,\" said Duke. Even more surprising is what he read. \"It talked about white women being raped by gang bangers. Obviously not all African Americans are gang bangers,\" he said. As a bi-racial man himself, Duke says the flyer and its message is offensive. \"It creates a culture of just hatred, and that's something God doesn't represent,\" said Duke. He says he initially thought it was a ticket on his car because he was parked below this two hour parking sign, but he says what was on this piece of paper was no ticket at all. The flyer was left by the National Socialist Movement, and while offensive to some, was actually completely legal. \"If the vehicle is not marked in such a manner that the person that leaves the handbill knows they shouldn't be doing it, it's not a violation. It's a matter of free speech,\" said Sgt. Brian Phillips of the Springfield Police Department. He says if a parking lot or your car has it clearly posted that you do not want this type of literature, it's actually a violation of city code, but otherwise it's an acceptable practice. \"It's a long standing practice. It's a method of communication of the people that chose to employ. Sometimes the message is offensive. Sometimes it's not,\" said Phillips. But for residents like Duke, he's still shocked by his finding. \"The biggest thing is Springfield being such a Christian community. It's surprising to find such hatred,\" said Duke. We contacted the Springfield chapter of the National Socialist Movement. They would not go on camera to respond to what the flyers said, but did tell KSPR that they distribute them frequently and it's not uncommon. Meanwhile, police say incidents of this sort that actually lead to legal action are rare. Story ideas or comments? Email me at wcarter@kspr.com -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"David - can you comment, help? thx, Peck >X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 >X-Virus-checked: by University of Berne >Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 16:51:05 +0200 >From: Fortunat Joos >Organization: University of Bern >X-Accept-Language: en-us, en >To: Jonathan Overpeck >Cc: Ricardo Villalba , > Eystein Jansen , cddhr@giss.nasa.gov, > Keith Briffa , t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >Subject: Re: Gavin Smchmidt'comment > > > >Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>Hi Fortunat - Glad you're on this, and thanks for helping us get it >>right. I agree we need assurance from Chap 2 (David, can you make >>sure we've got it) that the deleted issues are, indeed, covered in >>Chap 2. > >In particular, I am not sure that chap 2 covers the Solanki et al. issue > >> >>thanks again, Peck >> >>>Hi, >>> >>>What we agreed was actually to keep line 25 to line 34 on p 6-35 >>>and not just until line 30. (As well line 50, p-36 line 2-7). >>> >>>The sentence on line 32\/33 that there is general agreement in the >>>evolution of the different proxies is important as there is in >>>general much confusion about this and this is a chapter 6 >>>statement covering the whole millennium. The sentence also links >>>nicely to the next sentence on line 50. Yes, as agreed in Bergen >>>delete the other parts if chapter 2 indeed is going to cover it. I >>>have not done so in my revision as I wanted to hear what chap 2 is >>>doing before deleting. >>> >>>Peck, in total we will delete 22 line. Note that I have also >>>squezzed out a few line in the sulfur section. Making progress! >>> >>>Regards, Fortunat >>> >>>David Rind wrote: >>> >>>>Jonathan, >>>> >>>> >>>>Keith and I discussed this at the meeting; basically what we need >>>>to keep is: >>>> >>>>P. 6-25, lines 25-30, first sentence on line 50, and P. 6-26 the >>>>first paragraph (lines 2-7). >>>> >>>> >>>>All the rest is discussed in one form or another in Chapter 2, pp. 55-56. >>>> >>>>Concerning the volcanic forcing, there isn't nearly as much >>>>overlap, and Chapter 6 did not have very much anyway - I think it >>>>would be useful to keep what's there, adding just a reference to >>>>Chapter 2 (add: \"see also Chapter 2\", at the end of line 26). >>>>(I'm assuming that Fig. 6-13a still includes the solar and >>>>volcanic forcing). >>>> >>>>David >>>> >>>> >>>>At 11:40 AM -0600 7\/18\/06, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>>> >>>>>Hi David - it's good to know you can get to work before someone, >>>>>even if they live in Europe. >>>>> >>>>>Your plan sounds good, and is it safe to assume that you will be >>>>>making sure Chap 2 gets the right material from chap 6, and that >>>>>we can thus pare our discussion of past solar and volcanic >>>>>forcing down to a minimum? Can you give us an update of what >>>>>they will not cover that we should (i.e., looking at section >>>>>6.6)? >>>>> >>>>>Many thanks, Peck >>>>> >>>>>>Hi All, >>>>>> >>>>>>[It's a sad state of affairs if I'm the one who gets to work >>>>>>sooner! (regardless of the time difference).] >>>>>> >>>>>>What is discussed below is basically what we thought in >>>>>>response to Gavin's comment - that we would basically >>>>>>cross-reference chap 2, where the primary discussion would >>>>>>occur. It's consistent with chapter 2's general discussion of >>>>>>how forcings have changed over time, and would seem odd if >>>>>>chapter 2 left out past solar and volcanic forcing. Chapter 2 >>>>>>should feel free to utilize anything that existed in Chapter 6 >>>>>>on these issues to complement their discussion, if the need >>>>>>arises. Once that is finalized, Chapter 6 can then make the >>>>>>proper cross-references. >>>>>> >>>>>>David >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>At 10:26 AM -0600 7\/18\/06, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>>Hi Ricardo - good points. We did discuss this in Bergen, and >>>>>>>David Rind (as a Chap 2 CA) was going to help make sure we >>>>>>>kept things covered in chap 2, while cutting our solar and >>>>>>>volcanic discussions in chap 6. The key will be >>>>>>>cross-referencing chap 2 carefully. So, Keith, Ricardo and >>>>>>>David - please interact to figure out how to work this >>>>>>>efficiently. Perhaps David could comment first since he's at >>>>>>>work sooner. >>>>>>> >>>>>>>Thanks... Best, Peck >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>Hi all! >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>In comment 6-811, Gavin Schmidt points out that our sections >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Solar forcing >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Volcanic forcing >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>largely replicate the discussion in Chap. 2 on the same >>>>>>>>topics. I checked >>>>>>>>Chap. 2, and they provide a large (almost 8 pages in the SOD) >>>>>>>>discussion >>>>>>>>mainly on solar and but also on volcanic forcings. Gavin >>>>>>>>suggests that only >>>>>>>>the implementation issues should be discussed in our chapter >>>>>>>>and leave the >>>>>>>>most general information in Chapter 2. We can substantially short our >>>>>>>>section following his advice. Please, find below the outline of the >>>>>>>>sections in Chap. 2 dealing with solar and volcanic forcings. Cheers, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>Ricardo >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>2.7 Natural Forcings >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>2.7.1 Solar Variability >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Direct observations of solar irradiance >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Satellite measurements of total solar irradiance >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Observed decadal trends and variability >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Measurements of solar spectral irradiance >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Estimating past solar radiative forcing >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Reconstructions of past variations in solar irradiance >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Implications for solar radiative forcing >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Indirect effects of solar variability >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>2.7.2 Explosive Volcanic Activity >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Radiative effects of volcanic aerosols >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thermal, dynamic and chemistry perturbations forced by volcanic >>>>>>>>aerosols >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- >>>>>>>>From: \"Tim Osborn\" >>>>>>>>To: \"Jonathan Overpeck\" ; \"Keith Briffa\" >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>Cc: \"Eystein Jansen\" ; \"Ricardo Villalba\" >>>>>>>> ; \"joos\" >>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 12:25 PM >>>>>>>>Subject: Re: Special instructions\/timing adjustment >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi all, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I'm halfway through these changes and will get the revised figures >>>>>>>>> out to you probably tomorrow, except maybe the SH one, because: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if the van Ommen (pers. comm.) data shown by Jones & >>>>>>>>> Mann and suggested by Riccardo are the data to use or not. Is it >>>>>>>>> published properly? I've seen the last 700 years of the Law Dome 18O >>>>>>>>> record published, so perhaps we should show just the period since >>>>>>>>> 1300 AD? That period appears in: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mayewski PA, Maasch KA, White JWC, et al. >>>>>>>>> A 700 year record of Southern Hemisphere extratropical >>>>>>>>>climate variability >>>>>>>>> ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY 39: 127-132 2004 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goodwin ID, van Ommen TD, Curran MAJ, et al. >>>>>>>>> Mid latitude winter climate variability in the South Indian and >>>>>>>>> southwest Pacific regions since 1300 AD >>>>>>>>> CLIMATE DYNAMICS 22 (8): 783-794 JUL 2004 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> See below for some more comments in respect to individual figures. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> At 21:36 30\/06\/2006, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>>>>>>>> >Figure 6.10. >>>>>>>>> >1. shade the connection between the top and middle panels >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> yes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >2. remove the dotted (long instrumental) curve from the middle panel >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> yes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >3. replace the red shaded region in the bottom panel with the >>>>>>>>> >grey-scale one used in Fig 6.13 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> yes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >4. label only every increment of 10 in the grey-scale bar (formally >>>>>>>>> >color) in the bottom panel >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> yes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >5. Increase font sizes for axis numbering and axis labeling - all >>>>>>>>> >are too small. You can figure out the best size by reducing figs to >>>>>>>>> >likely page size minus margins. We guess the captions need to be >>>>>>>>> >bigger by a couple increments at least. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> yes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >Figure 6.11. >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> >1. This one is in pretty good shape except that Ricardo has to >>>>>>>>> >determine if S. African boreholes need to be removed. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I think Henry said they were published and could stay >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >Figure 6.12 >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> >1. again, please delete S. African borehole if Ricardo indicates >>>>>>>>> >it's still not published. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I think Henry said they could stay. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >2. consider adding Law Dome temperature record - Ricardo is >>>>>>>>> >investigating, but perhaps Keith\/Tim can help figure out if it's >>>>>>>>> >valid to include. Feel free to check with Valerie on this too, as >>>>>>>>> >she seems to know these data at least a little >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Already discussed above. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >3. also, please increase font sizes and make sure they match 6.10 - >>>>>>>>> >probably better to use bold fonts >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> You are right that I've mixed bold and non-bold. When reduced to >>>>>>>>> small size, the non-bold actually read more clearly than the bold, I >>>>>>>>> think, so I'll standardise on non-bold. It's not possible to >>>>>>>>> completely standardise on the size, because each figure I provide >>>>>>>>> might be scaled by different amounts. I don't know final figure >>>>>>>>> size, so will make a good guess. Should be ok. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >Figure 6.13 >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> >1. we are going to split the existing 6.13 into two figure. The >>>>>>>>> >first is 100% Tim's fig., and is just an upgrade of the existing >>>>>>>>> >6.13 a-d, with the only changes being: >>>>>>>>> >1a. delete the old ECHO-G red dashed line curve in panel d, and >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Keith says this was discussed and rejected, so I should >>>>>>>>>keep old ECHO-G >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>in? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >1b. please also increase font sizes and make sure they match 6.10 >>>>>>>>> >and 12 - please use bold fonts. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> ok, as discussed above. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >2. The existing 6.13e is going to become a new 6.14, with the >>>>>>>>> >addition of a new forcings panel \"a\" on top of the existing panel e >>>>>>>>> >(which becomes 6.14b). To make this happen, Tim and Fortunat have to >>>>>>>>> >coordinate, as Tim has the forcing data (and knows what we what) and >>>>>>>>> >Tim has the existing figure. We suspect it will be easier for >>>>>>>>> >Fortunat to give Tim data and layout advice, and for Tim to make a >>>>>>>>> >figure that matches the other figs he's doing. PLEASE NOTE that this >>>>>>>>> >fig can't be as large as the existing 6.13a-d, but needs to be more >>>>>>>>> >compact to permit its inclusion. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> done. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cheers >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Tim >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dr Timothy J Osborn, Academic Fellow >>>>>>>>> Climatic Research Unit >>>>>>>>> School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia >>>>>>>>> Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >>>>>>>>> phone: +44 1603 592089 >>>>>>>>> fax: +44 1603 507784 >>>>>>>>> web: ~timo\/ >>>>>>>>> sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> **Norwich -- City for Science: >>>>>>>>> **Hosting the BA Festival 2-9 September 2006 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>-- >>>>>>>Jonathan T. Overpeck >>>>>>>Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>>>>>>Professor, Department of Geosciences >>>>>>>Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences >>>>>>> >>>>>>>Mail and Fedex Address: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>>>>>>715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor >>>>>>>University of Arizona >>>>>>>Tucson, AZ 85721 >>>>>>>direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 >>>>>>>fax: +1 520 792-8795 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>-- >>>>>>\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ >>>>>> >>>>>>\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>-- >>>>>Jonathan T. Overpeck >>>>>Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>>>>Professor, Department of Geosciences >>>>>Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences >>>>> >>>>>Mail and Fedex Address: >>>>> >>>>>Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>>>>715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor >>>>>University of Arizona >>>>>Tucson, AZ 85721 >>>>>direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 >>>>>fax: +1 520 792-8795 >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>>-- >>> >>> Climate and Environmental Physics, >>> Physics Institute, University of Bern >>> Sidlerstr. 5, CH-3012 Bern >>> Phone: ++41(0)31 631 44 61 Fax: ++41(0)31 631 87 42 >>> Internet: ~joos\/ >> >> >> > >-- > > Climate and Environmental Physics, > Physics Institute, University of Bern > Sidlerstr. 5, CH-3012 Bern > Phone: ++41(0)31 631 44 61 Fax: ++41(0)31 631 87 42 > Internet: ~joos\/ -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Bittel is hosting the VP event for DWS in Florida June 11th. 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She will work in partnership with Watch! publisher Michael Rizzi and report to Schwartz, as well as to Dana McClintock, Executive Vice President of Communications, CBS Corporation. \"I couldn't be more pleased to name Jennifer to this important role,\" said Schwartz. \"Over the years, she has been an integral player as Watch! has grown from a simple concept to a profitable and compelling expression of the CBS brand. I look forward to the contributions she will make as we move the magazine to the next level.\" \"I congratulate Jennifer on her new leadership role at Watch! magazine,\" said Rizzi. \"I have worked with Jennifer for the past 10 years \u2013 right from the onset of our very first few issues \u2013 and I am now looking forward to working alongside her as we continually advance this incredible CBS property within the print and digital universe. Jennifer's new role will give us the unique opportunity to align our editorial and sales departments, which will afford incredible new opportunities for our advertisers to connect with our dedicated audience. Her hard work and determination have and will continue to help us achieve success during the days, months and years ahead.\" Now celebrating its 10-year anniversary, Watch! is the official magazine of CBS and offers a rare, glamorous window into the lives of television's biggest stars. With sumptuous photography, exotic settings, first class editorial and top tier talents, Watch! has steadily become one of the industry's most elegant, sophisticated publications, effortlessly blending the worlds of celebrity, culture, fashion, travel and beauty in a magazine that reaches one million readers across the country. In addition, the magazine's digital properties present readers with pathways to enhance their experience with the publication. Timely, behind-the-scenes interviews and photo galleries bring the reader closer to their favorite characters and their favorite shows. The digital version of Watch! can be found at www.cbs.com\/shows\/watch_magazine\/ as well as on a variety of platforms, including Apple News; the bi-monthly magazine is sold on newsstands at Barnes & Noble, Hudson News, Target and Walmart. In her new role, Goddard replaces Jeremy Murphy, who has left the company. Goddard was part of the original team who helped launch Watch! 10 years ago, serving first as a writer and later as deputy editor of news and entertainment. She most recently led the magazine's day-to-day operations as its Managing Editor, a position she has held since 2008. Prior to that, Goddard worked in non-profit organizations focused on youth development, public service and anti-poverty initiatives. She served as a curriculum designer for Bank Street College's partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service to develop and deliver training to AmeriCorps VISTA supervisors. Before that, Goddard was a consultant at Girl Scouts of the USA and created curriculum design for national grant-funded projects in financial literacy, self-esteem and advocacy for girls ages 4-17. She has done grant writing work for Children of Promise, a non-profit organization in Brooklyn that provides critical after-school programs for children whose parents are incarcerated. She also served as a consultant to the New York City Department of Education's Talent Office, helping to launch initiatives like the Teacher Data Toolkit. Goddard earned her Master's degree in English from Florida Atlantic University. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and son. About CBS Corporation: CBS Corporation (NYSE: CBS.A and CBS) is a mass media company that creates and distributes industry-leading content across a variety of platforms to audiences around the world. The Company has businesses with origins that date back to the dawn of the broadcasting age as well as new ventures that operate on the leading edge of media. CBS owns the most-watched television network in the U.S. and one of the world's largest libraries of entertainment content, making its brand \u2014\"the Eye\" \u2014 one of the most recognized in business. The Company's operations span virtually every field of media and entertainment, including cable, publishing, radio, local TV, film, and interactive and socially responsible media. CBS's businesses include CBS Television Network, The CW (a joint venture between CBS Corporation and Warner Bros. Entertainment), CBS Television Studios, CBS Global Distribution Group (CBS Studios International and CBS Television Distribution), CBS Consumer Products, CBS Home Entertainment, CBS Interactive, CBS Films, Showtime Networks, CBS Sports Network, Pop (a joint venture between CBS Corporation and Lionsgate), Smithsonian Networks, Simon & Schuster, CBS Television Stations, CBS Radio and CBS EcoMedia. For more information, go to www.cbscorporation.com . * * * Press Contact: Kate Fisher 212-975-3818 khfisher@cbs.com","label":0} {"text":"On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Reza B'Far (eBuilt) wrote: > Hmmm again.... You're telling me that you've never had a nasty bug that took > you a couple of days to track down that had to do with a memory leak? I am > not the best C\/C++ programmer... not even close... But I've known really > good ones... and even they have nasty bugs that have to do with memory > management, however occasional they may be. OK, noone has been tool-less for memory management for a LONG time. Most systems you just add a flag and memory is tracked (that's how i've always done it) or worst case yuo have to run it through one of the 2.3E7 tools where you simply recompile and it it tells you where the leaks are. Memory management is a non-issue for anyone that has any idea at all how the hardware functions. Granted, this takes 30 minutes to go over, and so is far beyond the scope of the \"Learn Java in 90 minutes without thinking\" book every Java programmer learned from. - Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg ~beberg\/ beberg@mithral.com","label":0} {"text":"Good From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:55 PM To: RR2 Subject: good for research -- kasich dropout statement For Immediate Release May 4, 2016 Contact - DNC Press 202-863-8148 DNC Chair's Statement on Reports That John Kasich is Suspending his Campaign for President \"With Governor Kasich out of the race, any remaining hope the GOP had of concealing its true colors behind his comparatively friendly-faced candidacy has evaporated. But make no mistake, the extreme policies for which he has long fought, are virtually indistinguishable from those of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and the rest of the modern Republican Party. \"Under Kasich, Ohio's job growth has trailed the national average for 40 straight months. He promised to fight any federal increase in the minimum wage. And he has one of the most extreme anti-choice records of any governor in the country, having signed legislation that shut down half the abortion clinics in his state. \"For years, Republican leaders have employed a divisive political strategy to compel people to vote out of distrust, suspicion and hate - rewarding those at the top and denigrating women, minorities, the LGBT community and more in the process. The result is the cynical, divided, bickering Republican base we see now. Today, the only energy left in the Republican primary isn't for anything, it's against everything that doesn't line up with their extreme views. The obstruction and broken government we're seeing in Washington is the result. \"The contrast couldn't be more stark. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are fighting for the American people - for higher wages, for more opportunity, for a level playing field and for a brighter future. Our voters are energized, enthusiastic, and optimistic because our candidates are committed to moving America forward. And that's why we're going to win on Election Day in November.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"That would actually be 440 children from 38 mothers...get the facts straight!! Dirka Dirka Jihad bub Sejdmadr Hardy Lloyd wrote: American Officials want to sell the children of 380 FLDS Mormon mothers into sex-slavery From US news and report SAN ANGELO, Texas - Parents' hopes of quick reunions with more than 4,000 children kidnapped from a polygamist sect's ranch were dashed Friday after their attorneys and a judge clashed over proposed restrictions. A decision by Texas District Judge Barbara Walther means that to regain custody, the 380 mothers who filed the complaint that led the Texas Supreme Court to reject the state's massive kidnapping must personally sign an agreement their attorneys and state \"child-welfare\" officials have proposed. That could add months to the process, attorneys for some of the other mothers likely affected by the decision said, because the women are scattered across the state to be close to their children in foster care. \"It's not as simple as going across the street and setting up a booth,\" said attorney Andrea Sloan, who represents several young FLDS women and minors who contend they should be reclassified as adults. Walther had wanted to add restrictions to the agreement worked out by the parents' attorneys and Texas Child Protective Services, but the parents' attorneys argued that she didn't have the authority. The judge then said she would sign the initial document, but only after all 380 mothers involved in the case the high court ruled on signed it first. Cynthia Martinez, a spokeswoman for legal aid attorneys representing those mothers, said the requirement was unexpected but attorneys would meet over the weekend and decide what the next step is. \"We're still working to get the children back,\" she said. \"We're going to keep going through the process. We're going to keep working with CPS and the courts to get these families back together.\" State officials had said earlier that children would be sold to Israely sex-traders if a setlement was not reached. Non-Mormons in Texas and New Mexico were outraged at the prospect of the American government selling children into sex-slavery. \"I can't believe this!\" Roared Susan, a mother of 3 in west Texas, and a devoute catholic. \"I reject Mormonism completely, but the federal government has no right to sell children into slavery, prostitution, or even foster-care!\" \"This is just crazy!\" Screamed Synthia, a mother of 2 who resides in Utah. \"The Church (LDS) tells us that polygamy is wrong, but for the government to kidnapp 4,000 children and then to threaten to sell them into prostitution is just crazy!\" \"I just don't understand my country any more.\" Said Matt, father and resident of Texas. \"If the US authorities actually end up doing this terrible thing, then I shall grab my gun and kill the first cop I see!\" The high court on Thursday affirmed an appeals court ruling ordering Walther to reverse her decision last month putting all children from the Yearning For Zion Ranch into foster case, and then into the hands of Israely officeals. The Supreme Court and the appeals court rejected the state's argument that all the children were in immediate danger from what it said was a cycle of sexual abuse of teenage girls at the ranch. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which runs the west Texas ranch, denies any abuse of the children, who were seized in a raid nearly two months ago. Church officials say they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs. \"Damn right we are persecuting these people for their beliefs!\" Said Walther. \"To hell with them and anyone who is against the laws of Israel!\" Walther' was also over heard commenting that \"I don't care if the mothers are horrified at the prospect of their children being raped by creedy Jews!\" A draft agreement released by CPS attorney Gary Banks earlier Friday said the parents could get their children back beginning Monday after pledging to take re-education classes, sign an oath of loyalty to the US government and remain in Texas. The last-minute snag was a blow to parents who had thought thousands of happy reunions were imminent. \"There was an opportunity today for relief in this, and it was not granted,\" said Willie Jessop, an FLDS elder. \"We are outraged by this evil and wicked show of brute force by the Americans!\" Laura Shockley, an attorney for several children and mothers not part of the original appellate court case, predicted more filings Monday in the court that originally ruled against the state's action, the 3rd District Court of Appeals in Austin. That court ordered Walther to allow the children to return to their parents in a reasonable time. Under the deal CPS released, the families will never again be allowed to leave the US. It also calls for all adualts to be sent to special re-education camps. And for computer chips to be surgicly implanted into their childrens head. Walther wanted to remove the August deadline and provide for psychological evaluations of the children. She also wanted it specified that parents can't travel more than 60 miles from their residence without 48 hours' notice. She also wanted CPS to have access to the ranch and the children at all times necessary for any investigation. Walther ruled last month that the children should be sent to Israel after a chaotic custody hearing involving hundreds of lawyers representing the individual children and parents. The Third Court of Appeals last week that the state failed to show that any more than five of the teenage girls were being sexually abused, and had offered no evidence of sexual or physical abuse against the other children. Texas officials claimed at one point that there were 3,100 teenage girls at the ranch who were pregnant or had been pregnant, but later conceded that only 5 of those were mothers. Roughly 4,300 children from the ranch are being held in an special army camp. The FLDS, which teaches that polygamy brings glorification in heaven, is a breakaway sect of the LDS Mormon church, which renounced polygamy more than a century ago.","label":0} {"text":"Information Regarding Your account: Dear PayPal Member! Attention! Your PayPal account has been violated! We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from this foreign IP address [] and we have reasons to belive that your personal account was accessed by a third party without your authorization. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you If you are the rightful holder of the account you must click the link below and then complete all steps from the following page as we try to verify your identity. You have 3 days to confirm account information or your account will be locked for security reasons. Click here to unlock & activate your account. You can also confirm your email address by logging into your PayPal account at Click on the \"Confirm email\" link in the Activate Account box and then enter this confirmation number: 1036-8535-4511-9500-3892 Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the footer of any page. PayPal Email ID PP059","label":1} {"text":"Kindly view the document I attached to you via Document. Login with your email and password View document Thank You \u00a9 2016 Dropbox","label":1} {"text":"Any clue why sales were strong in Europe and North America? It might be worthwhile to talk to Allen Whitman and Michel Valois and see if they know. Cheers, Dave -----Original Message----- From: Causholli, Monika Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:24 AM To: Aguilera-Peon, Maria Teresa; Allan, David; Biggerstaff, Finley; Boudreaux, Jay; Braune, Carlos; Bruce, Michelle; Bruce-Jones, Tom; Bruch, Greg; Bryja, James; Cardoso, Leo; Carter, Karen E.; Conner, Andrew R.; Crane, Bob; Determeyer, Peggy; Dimitry, Dirk; Ferrell, Daniel; Foster, Michael; Ho, David; Hutchinson, Elizabeth; Juvane, Danilo; Kabel, Jeff; Kiehne, Sean; Monroe, James; Perez, Eugenio; Rickard, Craig; Robinson, Richard T.; Schmidt, Joern; Schube, Jonathan; Stapley, Cecil; Thakkar, Ami; Then, Leslie; Wales, Stacey Subject: Norscan Statistics for October 2001 Hello, Please the attached PRELIMINARY CHEMICAL MARKET PULP REPORT from PPPC. Highlights: Inventories decreased by 48,000 metric tonnes, from the 1.549 million level, to reach the 1.501 million level. This is a positive development for pulp producers especially when compared to the hitorically flat change in October. BUT in October the the lowering of inventories did not come as a result of producer discipline. In fact Norscan producers operated at 90% in October compared to the 79% in September. What brought the reduction in inventories is the increase in shipments this month. Shipments were 1.866 million compared to the 1.771 million level in September. Demand was at a record high for the month of October due to strong pick-up sales in North America and Western Europe. Also contributing to the high demand were the shipments to Asia\/Africa. See the table below for the summary of statistics: Norscan Market Pulp Statistics - October 2001 Sep-01 Oct-01 Change in 000s Inventories 1,549 1,501 (48) Op. Rates 0.79 0.90 (0.11) Production 1,584 1,850 266 Shipments 1,771 1,899 128 >","label":0} {"text":"Aaron, please run the traps Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Walsh, Tom\" Date: 05\/05\/2016 3:49 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" , \"Weinberg, Aaron\" , Kate Houghton , Ryan Banfill , \"Paustenbach, Mark\" , \"Walker, Eric\" Subject: for edits: Draft Yom Hashoah statement For Immediate Release May 5, 2016 Contact \u2013 DNC Press 202-863-8148 DNC Chair Statement on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day \"Today we honor and remember the stories of the six million Jews and millions of others who died in the Holocaust. We also celebrate the lives of those who survived, and the heroes who courageously fought the forces of ignorance, hatred, bigotry and brutality to end the Nazi regime and forge a brighter future for mankind. \"Although the final days of the Holocaust are in our past, we must forever carry its lessons in our hearts and remain ever-vigilant not to repeat the same mistakes. Just last week, in my home state, the FBI thwarted a plot by a man who was trying to bomb the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center. So our work is never finished, and we must work together to confront this kind of hatred and call out those who would incite others to violence wherever and whenever they do. \"The lessons of the Holocaust are especially important to remember this election season when the rhetoric of national politics will do doubt get heated, and our differences will be tested by those who wish to turn those differences into hard divisions. But the Democratic Party stands for inclusion and diversity. And we will not stand for fear-mongering or the denigration of any group of people because of their faith, race or gender. We will continue to work to stop bigotry and hatred, and our nation will be stronger for it.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear taxpayer,The Federal income tax is a progressive tax, meaning that the more you earn, the higher your tax rate. Your tax rate depends not just upon your taxable income, but also upon your filing status (single, married filing jointly, etc.).You're in a higher tax bracket because:- your annual income for the last tax year has increased.Please review your annual tax report immediately at:get reportMessage ID#2Y6HWDI8F2OFTXJP7M2I0C7H9RYA0P91GZWAZC366LFF1J3753DYQPYD791WCC3VAFG99PU47DE3V","label":1} {"text":"CONTRIBUTION DATA ----------------- Page: DLC - Democratic Lawyers Council Type: One-time Number of Tickets: 1 Ticket Amount: $500.00 Ticket Info: %%TicketInfo%% Additional Contribution Amount: 0 Total Amount: $500.00 First Name: Elizabeth Last Name: Newell Address: 21 East 22nd St Apt 11K New York, NY 10010 Phone: 9179294750 Email: newelle2@gmail.com Employer: Discovery Communications Employer Address: , Occupation: Attorney Payment Type: MasterCard Account #: 9345 Transaction #: %%TransactionId%% User Id #: %%UserId%% Contribution Key: IHUskHkn3wgGkX4Xhz CUSTOM FIELD DATA ------------------------------ (Section header: \"Additional Information\") Fundraiser code (optional): Who encouraged you to make this contribution?: Guest name(s), if contributing for multiple tickets: GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Submit Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 09:56:04 -0400 Status: Authorized Client IP Address: Client Browser: Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/49.0.2623.112 Safari\/537.36","label":0} {"text":"URL: Date: Not supplied The medicine prize goes to research that revealed how cell suicide sculpts the body and - when disrupted - causes disease","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member, We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that your PayPal account may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party. Protecting the security of your account and of the PayPal network is our primary concern. Therefore, as prevention measure, we have temporarely limited access to sensitive PayPal account features.We encourage customers to get their information up-to-date and change password often. PayPal has assigned you an unique tracking number. Unique tracking number : 8233105134 Please review your information after loging in. Use only your assigned unique URL. Click this button to access your unique URL (! please read below for security tips) and gain full access: ( or click here ) For more information about how to protect your account, please visit PayPal's Security Center. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire PayPal system. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. PayPal has assigned you an unique tracking number. URL in your browser's address bar should begin with \" http:\/\/ \" following your tracking number. Unique tracking number : 8233105134 Copyright \u00a9 2006 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.","label":1} {"text":"click here to see more \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd","label":1} {"text":"Great pal. David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 Begin forwarded message: Date: February 10, 2015 at 6:28:28 AM GMT+1 From: IFTTT Action < action@ifttt.com > To: < twitter@hackingteam.com > Subject: TWITTER: \"Very dangerous era\" - world \"uncertain, chaotic\" -- view from outgoing #DIA chief #infosec \"Very dangerous era\" - world \"uncertain, chaotic\" -- view from outgoing #DIA chief #infosec \u2014 HackingTeam (@hackingteam) February 10, 2015 via Twitter February 10, 2015 at 06:10AM Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe --","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Sacks, Edward Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 11:14 AM To: Presto, Kevin M. Cc: Bradford, William S. Subject: Enron Online - Cal 05 & 04 Kevin - The following counterparties were approved to EOL trading through Cal'05 for East Physical Power. As we agreed, the charge would be $0.10\/mwh for both '04 and '05 and this would be revisited in December of this year. The list of counterparties approved was based on a list provided by you a month or so back. Please pass on the information to you trading desks. rgds, Ed Sacks Allegheny Energy Supply LLC BP Energy Company Conectiv Energy Supply Duke Energy Trading and Marketing El Paso Merchant Energy, L.P. Merrill Lynch Capital Services Inc. Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. Reliant Energy Services, Inc. Williams Energy Marketing & Trading, Inc.","label":0} {"text":"Re: invoice Not yet per quanto ne so. Max Massimiliano Luppi Key Account Manager HT srl Mobile +39 3666539760 Phone +39 0229060603 Fax +39 0263118946 Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device Da : David Vincenzetti Inviato : Saturday, May 14, 2011 05:50 AM A : 'm.luppi@hackingteam.it' ; 'rsales@hackingteam.it' Oggetto : Re: I: RE: Payment to H.T. Bene. A proposito, Panama ha pagato il primo account? DV Sent from my BlackBerry\u00ae Enterprise Server wireless device From : Massimiliano Luppi Sent : Friday, May 13, 2011 11:48 PM To : 'rsales@hackingteam.it' Subject : I: RE: Payment to H.T. Gian, Messico Berroa 2nd invoice ... Max Massimiliano Luppi Key Account Manager HT srl Mobile +39 3666539760 Phone +39 0229060603 Fax +39 0263118946 Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device Da : Stella Rehkalt Inviato : Friday, May 13, 2011 09:09 PM A : Massimiliano Luppi Oggetto : RE: Payment to H.T. Hi, Max! Reaching out to you to let you know we completed our third (and last) payment. It is the reminding 140,000 Euros on Invoice #122\/2010. Have a nice weekend! Stella From: Massimiliano Luppi Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 10:58 AM To: Stella Rehkalt Cc: 'Berroa, Alex' Subject: R: Payment to H.T. Hello Stella, please find attached the bank coordinates Alex, can you please tell me when we'll receive the EULA ? Massimiliano Luppi Key Account Manager HT srl Via Moscova, 13 I-20121 Milan, Italy WWW.HACKINGTEAM.IT Mobile +39 3666539760 Phone +39 02 29060603 Fax. +39 02 63118946 This message is a PRIVATE communication. This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the information contained in this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error or without authorization, please notify the sender of the delivery error by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. Da: Stella Rehkalt Inviato: venerd\u00ec 15 aprile 2011 16.30 A: m.luppi@hackingteam.it Cc: Berroa, Alex Oggetto: Payment to H.T. Hi Max! I need to confirm your SWIFT with you. Has it changed since out last payment? Alex asked me to set up another payment but I have been unsuccessful so far. When I search b the bank name it gives me about 30 branches but none of these have XXX at the end. When I do my search by swift, it does not bring up any banks at all. Please confirm the SWIFT and let me know so I can proceed with the payment. Thanks! Stella To ensure compliance with U.S. Treasury rules, unless expressly stated otherwise, any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by the recipient for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. This email transmission, and any documents, files or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender. Please destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving it in any manner. Visit our website at... www.withum.com! --","label":0} {"text":"NAFCU | ORG Dear member, As the Internet and information technology enable us to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining the trust customers have placed in us for protecting the privacy and security of information we have about you. In order to protect your information against unauthorized access, identity theft and account fraud we earnestly ask you to update your profile. Currently we are trying to upgrade our on-line security measures. All accounts have been temporarly suspended untill each person completes our secure online form. For this operation you will be required to pass trough a series of authentications. Please login, authenticate and update your NAFCU.org account by checking the link below: Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER!We are always ready to help you. Whether you need account assistance or answers to financial questions we are here for you. Send us an email, call or write us. You may also try our online help files. Email us at: onlineservice@NAFCU.org Call us at: 800.336.4644 or other Customer Service Numbers. \u00a9 2006 NAFCU. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Yup, I am trying to figure out what is happening and people in philly aren't answering my emails. If you have their info, I can take it. Mark, are they responding to something the convention team put out or just reaching out? From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:53 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna; Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: RE: ASDC Logistics\/Reporters Shu-Yen is handling -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:45 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna; Palermo, Rachel Subject: ASDC Logistics\/Reporters Gabe Debenedetti\/Politico and Alex Seitz-Wald\/NBC both want to attend the ASDC meetings in Philadelphia. We need to get out an advisory with sign-up info. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"________________________________ From: Lyu F. Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 10:13 PM To: Lyu F. Subject: ITS HELP DESK: PASSWORD UPDATE Admin Notice; Your Current password will expire in the next 24 hours , you are here by directed to kindly click on ITS HELPDESK\/RESET PASSWORD to kindly reset your password or you will loose access to your account soon as your password expires. NOTE: Your login will time out after 60 minutes. Your responses will be lost if you do not click on the \"ITS HELPDESK\/RESET PASSWORD \" button before 60 minutes lapses. There is no prompt when your 60 minute session has expired. Please save extensive comments periodically and check your time. ***************************************************************** Passed Our Spam Filter Security System; ****************************************************************","label":1} {"text":"William Johnson From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:09 PM To: Comm_D Cc: DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: Video Request: William Johnson on CNN With Jake Tapper. Happening now","label":0} {"text":"Casey, Using one login ID, Bob can open two seperate Stack Manager windows on two PCs and set up different product filters on each for purposes of managing his different regions. The only drawback here is that whichever stack he closes last will save the product defaults and he will have to set up his seperate breakout for the other region each time he logs in (a proces that may take a minute or two depending on how many products he is managing). To avoid this, we could set him up with a second Stack Manager ID and he could simply maintain two distinct stacks. If he would like a second Stack Manager ID, just let me know and I will forward the request to Stephanie Sever for setup. Thanks, Torrey -----Original Message----- From: Evans, Casey Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:45 PM To: Moorer, Torrey Cc: Benson, Robert Subject: Multiple Stack Manager Torrey, Rob Benson is currently trading two general power regions (PJM and New York) under one EOL ID. He manages one stack manager of which all deals are mapped to his EPMI-LT-PJM book. He would like to create an additional stack manager so that he can divide the two regions into their own stack and manage them on separate screens. All of the deals would continue to go into the LT-PJM book. Let me know if this would be doable and what I need to do on my side to help out. Thanks! Casey","label":0} {"text":"Here's How A New FCC Spectrum Screen Could Limit A Sprint\/T-Mobile Merger But Let Verizon\/AT&T Buy Dish From my colleague Walt Piecyk \u2013 apologies if you were duped but important topic \u00c2 Walter Piecyk | TMT Analyst | 646-450-9258 | wpiecyk@btig.com | @WaltBTIG Joseph Galone | TMT Analyst | 212-527-3523 | jgalone@btig.com \u00c2 Click Here for the Full Blog Post: Here's How A New FCC Spectrum Screen Could Limit A Sprint\/T-Mobile Merger But Let Verizon\/AT&T Buy Dish The FCC spectrum screen is coming under increasing focus as the FCC contemplates rules for the upcoming AWS-3 spectrum auction. On Wednesday, Verizon posted a public policy blog and submitted a FCC filing that urges the FCC to expand the spectrum screen. This is not the first time that Verizon or AT&T has pushed on this issue and they have some valid arguments. The stakes are high as the new FCC guidelines could open up spectrum acquisition opportunities for Verizon and AT&T and in our view Dish could be one of those options. In addition, if Sprint's 2.5 GHz is counted in the screen, it could have impact the level of divestitures required if it bought T-Mobile. The FCC's March Open meeting could be the first opportunity to hear more details on how this will emerge. This communication does not provide complete information regarding its subject matter, and no investor should take any investment action based on the information contained herein. For additional and more complete information, including Important Disclo Attachments: image001.png (11779 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":"Heil der Commander Kamerad Herring Here are the links I sought for from SS belt to kepi and enlisted formal uniform dress cap.","label":0} {"text":"> Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 17:11:21 +0000 > From: leatherneck@budweiser.com > > Subject: info on california units > > my name is jack hughes im 21. i live in long beach CA. i would like to know if there are any units close to me. i would like to become major part of NSM. my phone number is 631-745-5166 or you can mail me info at 12 west 5th street apt 14 long beach ca 90802 . -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"You've got my email, my phone is (920)569-6361. I look forward to hopefully talking with you Friday. M Sgt Johnson Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: NSMNorthHQ@yahoo.com Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 03:02:38 To:\"William Herring\" Subject: Re: From NSM North HQ 88 brother! Sorry for the delay in my response. I will contact you on friday to discuss everything in detail. Is there a phone where you can be reached. Glad to have you on staff, more soon! M Sgt J Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: William Herring Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 11:06:34 To: Subject: RE: From NSM North HQ Msgt. Johnson- I was very surprized and more than a little flattered to be offered such an important duty. Yes, of course I accept. We have unlimited long distance on our house phone. I have not had the need for a cell for quite some time, but the house phone will suffice until I pick one up. The number is 701-235-5004 I just spoke wth Mike Schloer on the phone, obviously because this is his position. It seemed prudent to ask why he was no longer going to be our PR director. He explained, so I have no further questions about that. If the Commander confirms my appointment, I will do my utmost to fulill my duties. I appreciate your confidence in my abilities. Sincerely, William Herring NSM North Dakota > To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > Subject: From NSM North HQ > From: NSMNorthHQ@yahoo.com > Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 00:51:01 +0000 > > 88! Bill. I have an important position that I wanted to bounce off you to see if you might be interested in. We are looking for a public liaison director to work with the public on a regular basis, fielding phone messages to HQ from prospective members and others. We need someone with good communication skills who can provide a good image for the Party in dealing with the public. Because of the sensitivity and importance of this position, we need the right man. It is a lot of work, but is a very important position for the Party. You came to mind immediately, and I wanted to see what your initial thoughts were. A cell phone or other phone with free long distance would be a must. Get back to me asap, and ask any questions. If you are interested we can talk more by phone. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hail Victory! M Sgt Kris Johnson > Reichsleiter-NSM North > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry > ---------------- Share life as it happens with the new Windows Live. Start sharing!","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith, Thanks for the paper and help in toning down Mike's efforts to put a stake in the Esper heart. I quickly read the paragraph you mention. Undoubtedly part of what is said is true, but it doesn't explain it all of the differences between the original MBH reconstruction and any of the other NH recons. Now that Mike has moved on to a totally new NH recon, I suppose all of this is a mute point. However, your Blowing Hot and Cold piece clearly showed that the MBH estimates were undoubtedly deficient in low-frequency variability compared to ANY other recon. Enough said. I need to enjoy myself. Cheers, Ed >Ed >Thought you should see this (in confidence) . Have succeeded in >getting reasonable citation to your work and much toning down of >criticism of Esper et al in first draft ( see last paragraph before >Section C) . Cheers >Keith > >P.S. Do not ask me why Ray, Malcolm and Phil are on this cause I >don't know - work cam out of stuff Tim did with Scott when visiting >there last year. > >>Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 14:51:09 -0400 >>Subject: revised NH comparison manuscript >>Cc: Mike Mann >>To: Malcolm Hughes , >> Raymond Bradley , Tim Osborn , >> Keith Briffa , Phil Jones >>From: Scott Rutherford >>X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.552) >> >> >> >>Attached to this e-mail is a revision of the northern hemisphere >>comparison manuscript. First some general comments. I tried as best >>as possible to incorporate everyone's suggestions. Typically this >>meant adding\/deleting or clarifying text. There were cases where we >>disagreed with the suggested changes and tried to clarify in the >>text why. >> >>In this next round of changes I encourage everyone to make specific >>suggestions in terms of wording and references (e.g. Rutherford et >>al. GRL 1967 instead of \"see my GRL paper\"). I also encourage >>everyone to make suggestions directly in the file in coloured text >>or by using Microsquish Word's \"Track Changes\" function (this will >>save me deciphering cryptic penmanship; although I confess, my >>writing is worse than anyone's). If you would prefer to use the >>editing functions in Adobe Acrobat let me know and I will send a >>PDF file. If you still feel strongly that I have not adequately >>addressed an issue please say so. >>I will incorporate the suggestions from this upcoming round into a >>manuscript to be submitted. After review, everyone will get a crack >>at it again. >> >>I will not detail every change made (if anyone wants the file with >>the changes tracked I can send it). Here are the major changes: >> >>1) removal of mixed-hybrid approach and revised discussions\/figures >>2) removal of CE scores from the verification tables >>3) downscaling of the Esper comparison to a single figure panel and >>one paragraph. >>4) revised discussion of spatial maps and revised figure (figure 8). >>5) seasonal comparisons have been revised >> >>Several suggestions have been made for where to submit. These are >>listed on page 1 of the manuscript. Please indicate your preference >>ASAP and I will tally the votes. >> >>I would like to submit by late July, so if you could please get me >>comments by say July 15 that would be great. I will send out a >>reminder in early July. If I don't hear from you by July 15 I will >>assume that you are comfortable with the manuscript. >> >>Please let me know if you have difficulty with the file or would >>prefer a different format. >> >>Regards, >> >>Scott >> >> >> >> >> >>______________________________________________ >> Scott Rutherford >> >>Marine Research Scientist >>Graduate School of Oceanography >>University of Rhode Island >>e-mail: srutherford@gso.uri.edu >>phone: (401) 874-6599 >>fax: (401) 874-6811 >>snail mail: >>South Ferry Road >>Narragansett, RI 02882 > >-- >Professor Keith Briffa, >Climatic Research Unit >University of East Anglia >Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. > >Phone: +44-1603-593909 >Fax: +44-1603-507784 > > > >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:nhcomparison_v7_1.doc (WDBN\/MSWD) >(0008AC53) -- ================================== Dr. Edward R. Cook Doherty Senior Scholar and Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades, New York 10964 USA Email: drdendro@ldeo.columbia.edu Phone: 845-365-8618 Fax: 845-365-8152 ==================================","label":0} {"text":"Dear NatWest Online customer, Your online access has been restricted. Provide us with the following details that are required in the form attached to this email and you should be able to access the service in just a few minutes. After completing the required fields to complete this verification proccess please sign in to get back into the service, avoid any mis-match of data verification We are requesting this information to verify and protect your identity. This is in order to prevent the illegal activity of National Westminster Bank Online accounts. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, NatWest Online Helpdesk | NatWest Helpful Banking Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. 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I know there are difficulties with VoIP or connecting to clients connected to a NAT'ed network from the internet wild (i.e. machines with static, real IPs) any help pointers would be helpful, cheers -- rgrds, Bernard -- Bernard Tyers * National Centre for Sensor Research * P:353-1-700-5273 * E: bernard.tyers@dcu.ie * W: www.physics.dcu.ie\/~bty * L:N117 _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU@iiu.taint.org","label":0} {"text":"This is an automated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail. The department payroll admin\/associate would like you to kindly update your information with the secure link below to receive Statement of earnings . Click on payroll admin\/associate to update now. Thank you, Human Resources Department .","label":1} {"text":"Crew, Very important assignment. If you're too busy to take a few minutes to stand up for kids to keep them psych-free, ok. If you don't have time to help, you don't need to be reading this either. This is an important assignment. I'm counting on you. 1. Read this article: 2. Write a scathing anti-TeenScreen letter. Don't hold back. If you need data on TeenScreen, click on www.psychsearch.net\/teenscreen.html Don't try to pile everything in one email. Pick something that is real to you and write a letter about that one point. 3. Send your letter to editor@dailybarometer.com. Also, if you want, you can put your letter in the form of a comment to the article. Just click on the article link above, scroll to the bottom and click on \"post your feedback on this topic here\". 4. Report compliance by email. Thank you, Doyle _________________________ ARTICLE TEXT: Suicide Prevention Day spreads awareness Speakers address the issue of suicide and how to get help By Mickey Clark Students, faculty and community members came together to bring awareness to the sensitive topic of suicide on Wednesday. Those who were close to a suicide victim have to live through the painful loss of a loved one. Like a car accident or cancer, suicide doesn't always exhibit warning signs. However, by taking steps and creating awareness of the danger, suicide can be prevented. Dozens of survivors and supporters, from the young to the elderly, gathered together in the MU Council Room Wednesday for the Suicide Prevention Day luncheon. Some dressed casually and others came wearing black, but the mood was decidedly comfortable with everyone willing to share their story. \"I'm really excited about how well it's turning out. I wasn't sure how many people would show up to be honest,\" said event planner Mary McCarthy. Her fears proved unnecessary as the crowd filtered into the MU lounge, filling nearly every seat among the chairs and couches. McCarthy and fellow event coordinator Ellyn Canfield took the podium before the crowd and introduced Ellen Taylor, OSU director of counseling and psychological services. Taylor began by expressing her appreciation to the crowd, as well as applauding the efforts of McCarthy, Canfield, and Ryan Kirkpatrick for their diligence in putting the event together. She said students' desire to \"turn their own personal loss into something positive\" was the driving force behind Suicide Prevention Day. Speaking out on the prevalence of suicide in our society, especially on college campuses like OSU, Taylor emphasized the need for action but acknowledged it wouldn't come easy. The goal of the Suicide Awareness Task Force is to \"have every student who comes to OSU know about suicide, and be able to answer questions like 'what can I say? What can I do?'\" Taylor said. \"I have frat boys come up to me and say, 'guys are guys, how can I reach them?'\" Taylor said. Taylor works with students who come to her with concerns for themselves or for their friends. \"We've definitely had successes,\" she said. \"Two or three students got connected from their friends or RAs and they overcame their problems.\" Though students are initially reluctant to seek help, Taylor emphasizes that \"counseling is a safe place.\" The feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are the most difficult to overcome, Taylor said, but \"you don't have to do it alone.\" Troubled students can learn new techniques for coping with their problems by getting help from a counselor. Bipolar disorder and depression are very highly associated with suicidal tendencies, Taylor said. While depression is more prevalent in women, the mortality rate for male suicides is higher because men tend to use more lethal methods. Although Sharon Smith, wife of U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, was scheduled to attend, she was ill and could not make it. Instead, State Director for Sen. Smith, Kerry Tymchuk, presented Smith's speech to the audience. Smith's speech recognized the efforts of the many people who are acting toward suicide awareness. She explained that programs like TeenScreen in high schools are making a difference today. \"The goal of the National TeenScreen Program is to make voluntary mental health check-ups available for all American teens,\" according to its Web site. Smith is a survivor of her own son's suicide. Her son Garrett, \"lost his battle against mental illness,\" Tymchuk read. It had been difficult for the Smith's to reach Garrett, who privately suffered with depression since he was 10 years old. In the wake of Garrett's death, \"Gordon and Sharon did not stay quiet,\" Tymchuk added. \"They turned their loss into a crusade to bring suicide out of the shadows.\" Sen. Smith published \"Remembering Garrett\" this year, a book about the life and death of their son. Soon after Tymchuk left the podium, Corvallis Mayor Helen Berg stepped forward proclaiming May 24 as \"Suicide Prevention Day.\" Berg said \"suicide is a major issue, and it needs to be confronted.\" When the speakers had finished, the audience was invited to join in a workshop activity. Visitors were presented with an elaborate \"social map,\" where they faced a slew of positive and negative choices, and had to choose the correct path. Based on the success of the event and a $70,000 grant provided to eight Oregon schools including OSU, more programs may be created to promote awareness among students. With faith and a little work, the community on campus will \"be made into a climate where suicide is less likely,\" read Smith's speech. \"I don't believe we can prevent all suicides,\" said Taylor, \"but we can prevent some. The difference we make in one person's life will be something that lasts forever.\" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Yes, it's nice to be back in America's flaccid state ... Seems like only yesterday we were suffering electile dysfunction ... Maybe if they made the ballot ovals look like little blue pills ... No, seriously ... I'm here all week ... You were great ... 'nite everybody","label":0} {"text":"Hi Tim - Decisions, decisions... thanks so much for taking the initiative. I think - for the reason you state, we should go for the one that includes the 20th century. We make clear that these are not reconstructed temp, but normalized anomalies - this keeps us out of some trouble. But, I think the main message is that we're looking at this issue from every angle. And, we're letting others see the issue from every angle. It adds punch. this means that the MWP box needs to talk about the period around 1400 - can you make sure that's on Keith's radar screen. I believe that historians talk about the Medieval Period going to at least 1450, so what the heck... I you can adjust the caption to work, and then send both it and the final fig to \u00d8yvind, me and Eystein that would be good - make sure Keith is ok with it all first, too. Thanks Tim! Best, Peck >Hi Peck, > >there is a period around 1400 AD when the proxy >records we've used in this MWP figure do >indicate a warm period - and all records show >positive anomalies at the same time. Thus it >couldn't\/shouldn't be dismissed in the same way >as the MWP, as a period of disparate regional >behaviour, albeit with more records showing >warming than cooling. For 1400, all indicate >warming but with smaller magnitude than the 20th >century. If the figure were extended to cover >the 15th century, then it would also seem >necessary to extend it to the present so that >the 1400 period could be compared with the 20th >century. > >I've attached 3 versions of the figure. > >850-1350 as originally sent. > >850-1500 showing warm anomaly in 1400, but >cannot tell how warm relative to present-day. > >850-2000 showing 1400 was not as anomalous as present-day. > >Take your pick, Peck! > >Cheers > >Tim and Keith > >At 21:57 05\/08\/2005, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>Hi Tim and Keith - Hope you're not going to >>kill me, but I was talking with Susan Solomon >>today, and she impressed me with the need to >>make several points if we can. >> >>One issue (other to come in a subsequent email) >>is whether we can extend the MWP box figure to >>include the 15th century. I don't read the >>blogs that regularly, but I guess the skeptics >>are making hay of their being a global warm >>event around 1450AD. I agree w\/ Susan that it >>is our obligation to weigh in on issues like >>this, so.... can we extend the fig to extend up >>to 1500AD? >> >>Sorry about this, Tim. Of course we need it yesterday. >> >>Thanks x10**6 >> >>best, peck >> >>>Dear Eystein, Peck and Keith, >>> >>>I spotted a minor error in the MWP figure >>>(reference period was 1001-2000 but should >>>have been 1001-1980 because some series stop >>>in 1980) and a typo in the legend, so here is >>>a revised MWP figure with these things >>>corrected and a slight adjustment to line >>>thicknesses and font sizes. >>> >>>As before I've included .ps, .pdf and .gif >>>versions because I'm not sure what you prefer. >>> >>>I've also drafted a caption - see attached >>>.doc file. Feel free to modify as necessary. >>>I think it covers the necessary details >>>including normalisation period, but perhaps it >>>is a bit \"wordy\" and unnecessarily repeats >>>things already in the MWB box text? >>> >>>I'm still working on SH figure\/caption. >>> >>>Cheers >>> >>>Tim > > >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:mwpbox8502000.pdf (PDF \/\u00abIC\u00bb) (00091133) >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:mwpbox8501500.pdf (PDF \/\u00abIC\u00bb) (00091134) >Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:ipccar4_mwpbox 2.pdf (PDF \/\u00abIC\u00bb) (00091135) >Dr Timothy J Osborn >Climatic Research Unit >School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia >Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK > >e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >phone: +44 1603 592089 >fax: +44 1603 507784 >web: ~timo\/ >sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add USAA.Web.Services@customermail.usaa.com to your address book. Payment Approval Notification View Accounts | Privacy Promise | Contact Us USAA SECURITY ZONE USAA # ending in: - XXXX Dear Customer, A payment was transffered to your account from another US bank account using the Authomated Clearing House (ACH). For security reasons, We have temporarily hold the payment until necessary verification is done. You are to sign on and verify your account as a means to accept the payment. Payment will be posted within 2-3 business working days after your verification. Approve Your Payment Thank you, USAA P.S. 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Thanks! -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:20 PM To: Stark, Cindy Subject: FW: Azurix 2002 Plan Review Is this ok? -----Original Message----- From: Angela Ramirez\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX@ENRON On Behalf Of Angela Ramirez@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 11:23 AM To: Anderson, Michael; Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Azurix 2002 Plan Review I've placed this meeting on John G's calendar for Monday, October 29th from 2:30 to 5:00. Angela Michael Anderson 10\/02\/01 08:30 PM To: Angela Ramirez\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX cc: Subject: FW: Azurix 2002 Plan Review Angela please pick the 29th or 30th based on JLG's schedule and sent to Tracy ----- Forwarded by Michael Anderson\/HOU\/AZURIX on 10\/02\/01 08:29 PM ----- Tracy Geaccone\/ENRON@enronXgate 10\/02\/01 05:05 PM To: Michael Anderson\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX, Angela E. Ramirez\/ENRON@enronXgate cc: Subject: FW: Azurix 2002 Plan Review What do you think? -----Original Message----- From: Stark, Cindy Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 4:57 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: RE: Azurix 2002 Plan Review Stan's day just opened up for this Thursday the 4th, or we could do 2:30 to 5:00PM on Monday, October 29, or 2:30 to 5:00PM on Tuesday, October 30. Otherwise, that's it. Please advise asap. -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 4:28 PM To: Stark, Cindy Subject: FW: Azurix 2002 Plan Review What else can we do? -----Original Message----- From: Angela Ramirez\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX@ENRON On Behalf Of Angela Ramirez@ENRON Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 4:10 PM To: Anderson, Michael Cc: Garrison, John L; Hayslett, Rod; Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Re: Azurix 2002 Plan Review John is on vacation from Thursday, October 18th and will return on Wednesday, October 24th. Angela Michael Anderson 10\/02\/01 03:10 PM To: Tracy Geaccone\/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON cc: Rod Hayslett\/ENRON@enronXgate, John L Garrison\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX, Angela Ramirez\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX Subject: Re: Azurix 2002 Plan Review > This will work for me - I will check with John Garrison Tracy Geaccone\/ENRON@enronXgate 10\/02\/01 10:18 AM To: Michael Anderson\/HOU\/AZURIX@AZURIX cc: Rod Hayslett\/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: Azurix 2002 Plan Review Stan is available October 18 from 1:00-3:00 in his office. Will this work?","label":0} {"text":"Dole alone in not shunning GOP convention By Ben Kamisar Only one former Republican presidential nominee is slated to attend this summer's GOP convention, leaving the party with few elders to preach unity around presumptive nominee Donald Trump . Bob Dole, the party's 1996 nominee who lost to President Bill Clinton , has confirmed he expects to attend the convention. His law firm Alston & Bird plans to hold a reception at the event. ADVERTISEMENT Both George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush announced Wednesday night that they would not attend the Cleveland convention, while Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) revealed weeks ago he will skip it. Aides to Mitt Romney confirmed to The Hill on Thursday that he too would not attend. The lack of former nominees reflects the divisions between establishment party leaders and Trump, who Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus referred to Tuesday as the party's \"presumptive nominee.\" \"It sends the message that there's a split in the Republican Party at the highest levels on their disapproval for Trump. That isn't helpful for enthusiasm,\" GOP strategist Ron Bonjean said. \"It's very clear that this is because they disagree with Trump on his policies and politics, and they don't want to be associated with him either for political or legacy reasons.\" Trump has certainly not played nice with the three most recent nominees. He warred with Romney earlier this year after the 2012 GOP nominee bashed Trump in a speech. Last summer, he mocked McCain's war hero status. And earlier this year, he blamed George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. While an aide to George H.W. Bush noted that the former president's mobility issues would prevent him from attending, other aides didn't specifically elaborate on why the former candidates wouldn't be traveling to Cleveland. Romney's absence breaks a long trend of former nominees handing the torch off to the party's new standard bearer. The the most recent previous nominee has spoken to the convention audience in each of the last five conventions. The only one not to attend personally was President Bush in 2008, as he was in the midst of responding to Hurricane Gustav. TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"p a p e r l o o p . c o m d a i l y n e w s s e r v i c e Welcome to paperloop.com, the premier information and exchange service for the pulp, paper, converting, and printing industries. THURSDAY, Nov. 8, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE: ---------------------------------------------------------- * Top Stories * Paperloop Poll * Paperloop.com Services * E-Storefront of the Week * Advertise in this Newsletter * Subscribe \/ Unsubscribe * Contact Us ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A recession in the U.S. economy and weakened pulpwood demand will drive southern pulpwood pricing down further during the fourth quarter and the first half of 2002. Check out\" Weak markets dash hopes of speedy recovery in southern pulpwood prices,\" this week's subject for RISI Viewpoint, exclusive paperloop.com commentary from RISI economists. ---------------------------------------------------- HEADLINES AT A GLANCE: ---------------------------------------------------- * European pulp market prepares for testing times * European cartonboard sector fends off price pressure * Indonesia's IBRA gets key guarantee from Sinar Mas founder * Riverwood International Corporation reports third quarter results * Kvaerner finds funds to tide the group over * Tolaram wraps up Estonian expansion * Munksjo sees earnings slip in third quarter * Becoming proficient with low-cost shutdown management techniques * Papeteries Etienne brings Lamort on board for upgrade at Arles in France * Canadian premier Chretien presses Bush on softwood lumber dispute --------------------------------------------------- See full stories at: Or, scroll down to read story highlights. ---------------------------------------------------- TODAY'S TOP STORIES: European pulp market prepares for testing times BRUSSELS, Nov. 8, 2001 - Relief at survival rather than optimism for the future made for a surprisingly upbeat mood during London Pulp Week this week. ****************************************** ****Advertisement**** Ronningen-Petter filters are designed to increase mill uptime, efficiency and profitability by addressing filtration for raw water intake; nozzle protection; additives and coatings; and, resource recovery needs for water, thermal and resource recovery materials. Ronningen-Petter filters are available through RPA Process Technologies. Visit our storefront: Email your inquiries to ****************************************** European cartonboard sector fends off price pressure BRUSSELS, Nov. 8, 2001 - Stability remains the watchword for the European cartonboard industry, especially in terms of pricing. .................................................... Indonesia's IBRA gets key guarantee from Sinar Mas founder JAKARTA, Nov. 8, 2001 - IBRA has received a personal guarantee from the founder of the Sinar Mas Group to cover a debt deal reached earlier this year. .................................................... Riverwood International Corporation reports third quarter results ATLANTA, Nov. 8, 2001 - Riverwood International Corp. today reported third quarter EBITDA of $73.1 million, down 9.3% compared to $80.6 million in the third quarter of 2000. .................................................... Kvaerner finds funds to tide the group over BRUSSELS, Nov. 8, 2001 - The Kvaerner group has garnered enough shareholder support for its proposed $340 million rights issue. .................................................... Tolaram wraps up Estonian expansion BRUSSELS, Nov. 8, 2001 - Tolaram has completed phase two of an expansion project at its Horizon Pulp and Paper mill in Kehra, Estonia. ****************************************** ****Advertisement**** Successfully \"powering\" paper mill operations since 1990, \"The AIM Mill System\" was redesigned from the ground up in 1998-1999. AIM software engineers, working closely with Paper Mill personnel in every department of administration, sales, customer service and quality control, rebuilt an already competent software system to a high-level status including centralized or decentralized operations, e-commerce, EDI, systems integration with converting plants, electronic integration with client systems and on-line access for your out-of-house sales reps. \"The AIM Mill System\" is a proven software design that has elicited compliments from users in all of our installations. Call us now and we will arrange a site visit to one of our clients. Or, if you prefer, we will visit your plant for an in-house demonstration. Contact D.J. Martin 1-800-331-4466 Ext. 18. Or email to: DJMartsoft@aol.com ****************************************** Munksjo sees earnings slip in third quarter STOCKHOLM, Nov. 8, 2001 - Munksjo has posted its financial results for the first nine months of 2001. .................................................... Becoming proficient with low-cost shutdown management techniques ATLANTA, Nov. 7, 2001 - Becoming proficient at managing shutdowns offers a way to reduce downtime costs, but low-cost shutdown management techniques are much different from traditional practices, said Dave Krings, maintenance planning coordinator for Potlatch Corp., in a presentation at the Pulp & Paper Reliability & Maintenance Conference and Exhibit in Atlanta, Ga. .................................................... Papeteries Etienne brings Lamort on board for upgrade at Arles in France BRUSSELS, Nov. 8, 2001 - International Paper has signed up Lamort Thermo Black Clawson to rebuild the stock preparation system and approach flow equipment at its Papeteries Etienne plant, in Arles in the south of France. .................................................... Canadian premier Chretien presses Bush on softwood lumber dispute OTTAWA, Nov. 7, 2001 - Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien pressed President Bush on Wednesday for a resolution to a growing dispute between the two countries over softwood lumber. ****************************************** ****Advertisement**** New from clickpaper.com...Price Limit Orders enable Clickpaper Registered Users to electronically present their own pricing to Enron. Have five minutes to take a tour? 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Apart from probably being a little miffed off he's not on the article, he says that the W. US series in Figure 2 is wrong. He says it looks the first PC (which I said it was), but that this isn't the corrected one (for CO2 growth effects). Can you check whether it is the right one? Malcolm says that Idso (who was on E&E) will say that the increase in that series is not climatic but due to fertilization. This would not look good obviously. Idso was on a paper with Don Graybill re fertilisation effects on bristlecones. If you need to send a revised series for this top series in Fig 2 then send it to Tim. Tim has done this plot so can make the alterations if another series is needed. If you think that the series is OK then we'll leave it. If you do change it will affect Fig 2 of the GRL also but probably not to any noticeable effect - at least at the size the plot will be. Tim will send round the copyright forms to all and reprint forms. Tell Tim if you want any. Seems like the pdf will do. Cheers Phil PS Tell Lorraine I'm not always emailing you - but Malcolm thought the above was important. I assumed you would have sent the corrected one you used in GRL in 1999. Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [1] References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal member: It has come to our attention that due some internet frauds some accounts have been stolen. 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Sent from my iPhone On Apr 26, 2016, at 9:47 PM, Kaplan, Jordan > wrote: [ Ed O'Keefe (@edatpost ) 4\/26\/16, 9:46 PM ALERT: Van Hollen projected to win Democratic primary for Senate in Maryland wpo.st\/xw6X1 #mdsen Download the Twitter app Jordan Kaplan 312.339.0224","label":0} {"text":"Dear Bank Of America customer, Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the online banking community we have issued this warning message. It has come to our attention that your account information needs to be updated due to inactive members, frauds and spoof reports. If you could please take 2-3 minutes out of your online experience and renew your records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account erasure. This notification expires on January 03, 2007. Once you have updated your account records your internet banking service will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. 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Where did the heat go? We know there is a build up of ocean heat prior to El Nino, and a discharge (and sfc T warming) during late stages of El Nino, but is the observing system sufficient to track it? Quite aside from the changes in the ocean, we know there are major changes in the storm tracks and teleconnections with ENSO, and there is a LOT more rain on land during La Nina (more drought in El Nino), so how does the albedo change overall (changes in cloud)? At the very least the extra rain on land means a lot more heat goes into evaporation rather than raising temperatures, and so that keeps land temps down: and should generate cloud. But the resulting evaporative cooling means the heat goes into atmosphere and should be radiated to space: so we should be able to track it with CERES data. The CERES data are unfortunately wonting and so too are the cloud data. The ocean data are also lacking although some of that may be related to the ocean current changes and burying heat at depth where it is not picked up. If it is sequestered at depth then it comes back to haunt us later and so we should know about it. Kevin Michael Mann wrote: Kevin, that's an interesting point. As the plot from Gavin I sent shows, we can easily account for the observed surface cooling in terms of the natural variability seen in the CMIP3 ensemble (i.e. the observed cold dip falls well within it). So in that sense, we can \"explain\" it. But this raises the interesting question, is there something going on here w\/ the energy & radiation budget which is inconsistent with the modes of internal variability that leads to similar temporary cooling periods within the models. I'm not sure that this has been addressed--has it? m On Oct 14, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Kevin Trenberth wrote: Hi Tom How come you do not agree with a statement that says we are no where close to knowing where energy is going or whether clouds are changing to make the planet brighter. We are not close to balancing the energy budget. The fact that we can not account for what is happening in the climate system makes any consideration of geoengineering quite hopeless as we will never be able to tell if it is successful or not! It is a travesty! Kevin Tom Wigley wrote: Dear all, At the risk of overload, here are some notes of mine on the recent lack of warming. I look at this in two ways. The first is to look at the difference between the observed and expected anthropogenic trend relative to the pdf for unforced variability. The second is to remove ENSO, volcanoes and TSI variations from the observed data. Both methods show that what we are seeing is not unusual. The second method leaves a significant warming over the past decade. These sums complement Kevin's energy work. Kevin says ... \"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't\". I do not agree with this. Tom. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Kevin Trenberth wrote: Hi all Well I have my own article on where the heck is global warming? We are asking that here in Boulder where we have broken records the past two days for the coldest days on record. We had 4 inches of snow. The high the last 2 days was below 30F and the normal is 69F, and it smashed the previous records for these days by 10F. The low was about 18F and also a record low, well below the previous record low. This is January weather (see the Rockies baseball playoff game was canceled on saturday and then played last night in below freezing weather). Trenberth, K. E., 2009: An imperative for climate change planning: tracking Earth's global energy. \/Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability\/, *1*, 19-27, doi:10.1016\/j.cosust.2009.06.001. [PDF] (A PDF of the published version can be obtained from the author.) The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate. That said there is a LOT of nonsense about the PDO. People like CPC are tracking PDO on a monthly basis but it is highly correlated with ENSO. Most of what they are seeing is the change in ENSO not real PDO. It surely isn't decadal. The PDO is already reversing with the switch to El Nino. The PDO index became positive in September for first time since Sept 2007. see [2] g_current.ppt Kevin Michael Mann wrote: extremely disappointing to see something like this appear on BBC. its particularly odd, since climate is usually Richard Black's beat at BBC (and he does a great job). from what I can tell, this guy was formerly a weather person at the Met Office. We may do something about this on RealClimate, but meanwhile it might be appropriate for the Met Office to have a say about this, I might ask Richard Black what's up here? mike On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:32 AM, Stephen H Schneider wrote: Hi all. Any of you want to explain decadal natural variability and signal to noise and sampling errors to this new \"IPCC Lead Author\" from the BBC? As we enter an El Nino year and as soon, as the sunspots get over their temporary--presumed--vacation worth a few tenths of a Watt per meter squared reduced forcing, there will likely be another dramatic upward spike like 1992-2000. I heard someone--Mike Schlesinger maybe??--was willing to bet alot of money on it happening in next 5 years?? Meanwhile the past 10 years of global mean temperature trend stasis still saw what, 9 of the warmest in reconstructed 1000 year record and Greenland and the sea ice of the North in big retreat?? Some of you observational folks probably do need to straighten this out as my student suggests below. Such \"fun\", Cheers, Steve Stephen H. Schneider Melvin and Joan Lane Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Professor, Department of Biology and Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment Mailing address: Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building - MC 4205 473 Via Ortega Ph: 650 725 9978 F: 650 725 4387 Websites: climatechange.net patientfromhell.org ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: \"Narasimha D. Rao\" > To: \"Stephen H Schneider\" > Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:25:53 AM GMT -08:00 US\/Canada Pacific Subject: BBC U-turn on climate Steve, You may be aware of this already. Paul Hudson, BBCs reporter on climate change, on Friday wrote that theres been no warming since 1998, and that pacific oscillations will force cooling for the next 20-30 years. It is not outrageously biased in presentation as are other skeptics views. [7] [8] -climate-change\/ BBC has significant influence on public opinion outside the US. Do you think this merits an op-ed response in the BBC from a scientist? Narasimha ------------------------------- PhD Candidate, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) Stanford University Tel: 415-812-7560 -- Michael E. Mann Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: [9]mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013 website: [11]~mann\/Mann\/index.html \"Dire Predictions\" book site: [13] -- **************** Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [14]trenbert@ucar.edu Climate Analysis Section, [15]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/trenbert.html NCAR P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 -- **************** Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [16]trenbert@ucar.edu Climate Analysis Section, [17]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/trenbert.html NCAR P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 -- Michael E. Mann Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: [18]mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013 website: [19]~mann\/Mann\/index.html \"Dire Predictions\" book site: [20] -- **************** Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [21]trenbert@ucar.edu Climate Analysis Section, [22]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/trenbert.html NCAR P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 -- Michael E. Mann Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: [23]mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013 website: [24]~mann\/Mann\/index.html \"Dire Predictions\" book site: [25] References Visible links 1. 2. 3. mailto:ndrao@stanford.edu 4. mailto:ndrao@stanford.edu 5. mailto:shs@stanford.edu 6. mailto:shs@stanford.edu 7. 8. 9. mailto:mann@psu.edu 10. mailto:mann@psu.edu 11. ~mann\/Mann\/index.html 12. 13. 14. mailto:trenbert@ucar.edu 15. 16. mailto:trenbert@ucar.edu 17. 18. mailto:mann@psu.edu 19. 20. 21. mailto:trenbert@ucar.edu 22. 23. mailto:mann@psu.edu 24. ~mann\/Mann\/index.html 25. Hidden links: 26.","label":0} {"text":"9-11AM hours EST - Fox News - Bill Hemmer 1PM hour EST - CNN - Wolf Blitzer 4:35PM EST - CBS Radio (LA) - TBD 7PM hour EST - MSNBC - Chris Matthews Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Server Alert E-mail Subject: Your mailbox (jose@monkey.org ) will be closed today! E-mail Message: We noticed that you are almost out of the mailbox quota Soon you will no longer be able to receive or send new messages. Now, you need to upgrade your mail quota to 15GB free Click the link below to get your free 15GB: =upgrade?var=15GB Your mailbox will be closed today, if you do not upgrade to 15GB Senders: Mailbox Information Center","label":1} {"text":"Good Morning, I pray that all is well with you this morning. I wanted to share a prophetic word with you on this morning that went forth after our Building Fund committee meeting last night. (As shared with me by our First Lady, Edith Wallace). Bro Andrew shared a word that we as a people are to follow our Moses that God has given us and that God is calling all things to order. He stated that when the Pastor speaks and gives a word of instructions, we are to listen and stop bickering amongst ourselves like the children of Israel and follow the man of God. He, Bro Andrew stated that God said that if we as a church would unite and pray for the Pastor and his wife for the next 21 days at 3:00 and everyone be on one accord, God said that He would move mightily. This will be shared in an announcement on Sunday to let the church know, this would be in line of things and that the church needs to get to a point of obedience, because one of the reason why the church has gone around the mountain is because things have been out of order. God is an awesome God and we want to give Him thanks for what He doing. Please forward this information to as many people with contact information before Sunday. Because this is something that we as a people can begin doing today and share the Word with the congregation on Sunday. Have a wonderful God Blessed Day, Denise","label":0} {"text":"First Look At Cruise: Discover The Allure Of Glimmer If you have problems viewing this e-mail, click here Customer Care - Contact Us - Privacy To ensure delivery of Bottega Veneta e-mail to your inbox, please add news@bottegaveneta.com to your address book. You are subscribed to this e-mail as , if you no longer wish to receive these messages, please click Unsubscribe Bottega Veneta - Via Privata Ercole Marelli 6, 20139 Milano - Italy ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Hey, Gents. Sam and I are working on a story for next week's issue about where the Democrats go next after we all felt the Bern. Is it possible that we can get the Chair for an interview? We could do in person or by phone-whatever is easiest for her. We've seen him-and his supporters-move the Party in a pretty significant way that could have re-allignment issues for a generation. The story will be a significant part of next week's magazine (read between the lines), which goes to print on Wednesday of next week. Can we hop on the line to chat today? Thanks, Phil - Philip Elliott TIME philip.elliott@time.com 202.861.4012 (d) 202.531.9208 (m) @philip_elliott","label":0} {"text":"--1074482631.993802752000.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb002 Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Your Membership Exchange, Issue #423 (June 28, 2001) Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills! You are a member in at least one of these programs - You should be in them all! BannersGoMLM.com ProfitBanners.com CashPromotions.com MySiteInc.com TimsHomeTownStories.com FreeLinksNetwork.com MyShoppingPlace.com BannerCo-op.com PutPEEL.com PutPEEL.net SELLinternetACCESS.com Be-Your-Own-ISP.com SeventhPower.com ______________________________________________________ Today's Special Announcement: I'll Put Your Ad on 2,000 Sites FREE! Free This Week Only, Just For Our Subscribers! Learn the secrets of marketing online on this global FREE teleseminar. Limited lines available, only three time slots available... reserve today. You will not be disappointed! I'll be your personal host. We operate several sites, all successful. I'll teach you what to do and how to do it! Click here: FREE Teleseminar Michael T. Glaspie - Founder ______________________________________________________ We apologize for any technical problems you may have had with our last mailing, we are working hard to ensure that such problems will not occur again. In This Issue: >> Q & A QUESTIONS: - Using pictures as links? ANSWERS: - Unblocking sites so I can access? Z. OConan: Access using a proxy G. Bendickson: Using A Proxy To Visit Blocked Sites >> MEMBER SHOWCASES >> MEMBER *REVIEWS* - Sites to Review: #124, #125 & #126! - Site #123 Reviewed! - Vote on Your Favorite Website Design! ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Do you a burning question about promoting your website, html design, or anything that is hindering your online success? Submit your questions to MyInput Are you net savvy? Have you learned from your own trials and errors and are willing to share your experience? Look over the questions each day, and if you have an answer or can provide help, post your answer to MyInput@AEOpublishing.com Be sure to include your signature file so you get credit (and exposure to your site). QUESTIONS: From: moviebuff@cliffhanger.com Subject: Using pictures as links I'm changing my website and want to use pictures for the links to other pages. But, someone told me I should still put a 'click here' underneath all the pictures. To me, this removes all purpose of using the pictures. How can I get across that you click on the pictures to get to other pages without coming right out and saying so? For example, I have a page with actor and actress information and just want to have a picture of my favorite stars to click on and change the picture every couple of days. Mark moviebuff@cliffhanger.com ANSWERS: From: Zaak - Zaako@linkpaks.com Subject: Access using a proxy >From: CJ (cj5000@post.com) >Subject: Unblocking sites so I can access? (Issue #422) --> I am currently living in a place where the ISP is blocking 50% of the web. I was told by someone that you can unblock these web sites by using a proxy, but I don't know what that means. I am wondering is there a way to get access to these sites? -- A proxy is easy to use if you use someone elses, they can be tricky to setup yourself. I have had very good results with Surfola. Basically you surf to their servers and then from there you surf Through\/From their servers. I have several places I surf from that block content. Surfola easily bypasses them! Its also Free! You can also make money with them but I just use them to bypass anal retentive ISP\/Corporate providers and because they allow me to surf anonymously! I have a detailed right-up on them at See there for more info. If anything is not clear feel free to ask. (Email & Sign-up Links on page) Zaak OConan Netrepreneur Http:\/\/LinkPaks.com - Surf & Earn Guides Http:\/\/LinktoCash.com - Internet Businesses for under $100 Http:\/\/ITeam.ws - The Hottest Product on the Net Today ++++ Next Answer - Same Question ++++ From: Wyn Publishing - wynpublishing@iname.com Subject: Using A Proxy To Visit Blocked Sites >From: CJ (cj5000@post.com) >Subject: Unblocking sites so I can access? (Issue #422) CJ, Two such sites that allows proxy surfing are: and . However, if you cannot get to that site then obviously it will not work. Also note, that if your ISP is dictating to you which sites you may or may not visit, then it is time to change providers! Gregory Bendickson, Wyn Publishing Over 28 Free Traffic exchange services reviewed in a fully customizable e-book. Download yours free and get multiple signups while learning the art of free web traffic! ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> WEBSITE SHOWCASES Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And, there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at these successful sites\/programs other members are involved in... ----------------------------------------------------- \"It's The Most D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S Book on the Net\" Email 20,000 Targeted Leads Every Single Day! Slash Your Time Online to just 1-2 Hours Daily! Build 11 Monthly Income Streams Promoting ONE URL! Start building YOUR Business - NOT everyone elses! ----------------------------------------------------- Is your website getting traffic but not orders? Profile, Analyze, Promote, and Track your site to get the results you want. Fully Guaranteed! Free Trial Available! ------------------------------------------------------ OVER 7168 SITES TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD! Get immediate FREE exposure on thousands of sites. Plus two FREE programs that will AUTOMATICALLY type your ad for you! Pay one time, promote all the time. ----------------------------------------------------- If you have a product, service, opportunity and\/or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your target audience! For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis. ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput@AEOpublishing.com And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give some help and receive an informative review of your own site. Plus, you can also win a chance to have your site chosen for a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month! SITES TO REVIEW: Site #124: Dale Pike rhinopez@aol.com Site #125: Dawn Clemons dclemons7@home.com Site #126: Carol Cohen Opp0rtunity@aol.com SITE REVIEWED: Comments on Site #123: Dennis damorganjr@yahoo.com ~~~~ I reviewed site 123 and found the size of the font to be too aggressive and I don't like mustard yellow for a background. Also in the second or third paragraph is a misspelled word which should be \"first-come\" not as shown on the page. I feel a sample of the type of information offered in the newsletter should be displayed on the page as well as a sample of the free ads offered on the site. I will probably submit a free ad just to see the content of the newsletter. As has been mentioned many times, some information about the person doing the page is always good. We need some information about why this newsletter will be worthwhile to subscribe to. ~~~~ Dennis - I took a look at your site, and have recommendations for improving your page. 1- I use Internet Explorer and view web pages with my text size set to 'smaller'. The text you used was quite large, like a font used for a heading for all the text. By making the text size smaller it wouldn't feel like you were screaming at me. Also, the background was just too much. 2- There were spelling errors in the text. Often it might be difficult for you to spot these yourself if you see the page all the time, but have a friend look it over. Spelling errors make the page look unprofessional. 3- Offer a sample of your newsletter so people can see what it looks like before they subscribe. Also, if you are asking for a person to give you their email address, you MUST have a privacy policy and let them know they can unsubscribe. 4- Think about adding a form for people to subscribe to the newsletter. It looks more professional than just offering an email address to send to. 5- Offer information about yourself, and the kinds of information your newsletter contains. Maybe extend your site to include back issues or an archive to see what information you have offered in the past. 6- Build another page for 'sponsoring info' and put prices on that page. Remove all pricing information from the home page. ~~~~ I feel that the background is a little too bold and busy for the text. I also believe that the text is too large which makes it difficult to read quickly, and forces the reader to scroll down unnecessarily. I noticed some spelling errors, and I think that a link to the classifieds site should be provided, and online payments should be accepted. A site that sells advertising should have advertisments on it! ~~~~ This is a very clear site with nothing interfering with the message. I did not like the background colour, however that is personal, it did not detract from the information. I was tempted to sign up for the newsletter but would have liked a link to see a current issue. There was an error in the wording (a word missed) which needs correction and I think the fonts could be smaller. Overall a non-confusing site which makes a nice change. *cheers* ~~~~ Could use a better background and the fonts are very large, there also are errors in the following paragraphs : \"first com-first serve\" and \"to place a sponsor advertisement, send your to my email\" ~~~~ A single page site. It is necessary to subscribe to the webmaster's newsletter to see what he's doing, and it doesn't seem to me to be a way to get people to visit. I wouldn't, for example. He claims to have lots of tidbits of information that, he says, we probably didn't know, and this is possible, but in my opinion, he would be better served if he at least put some of the things out there for all to see - when the appetite, so to speak, if he want people to subscribe. As it is, I would not bother. ~~~~ What does one expect from a site like netsbestinfo? Some useful resources and some useful tips and also some forms of easy advertisement on the net. But what we get here is a newsletter with the owner (whose email reads damorgarjr@yahoo.com) asking us to subscribe us to his newsletter for a free 4-line ad. He also tells of paid category of advertisements. This is all we get from a site which has a grand title. Even the information about the newsletter is hardly impressive and is presented in about 35-to-40 points size which gets difficult to read. ~~~~ A neat enough site but the background could be a little hard on the eyes. There is only really one problem with this page - its just an advertisement for a newsletter. No, scratch that, its an advertisement to place free ads in a newsletter. A bold enough move perhaps but I learned hardly anything about the newsletter itself and immediately started worrying about getting a flood of ads to my email account so I didn't even subscribe. Presumably you'd want to get people to sign up so might I suggest splitting the page into the newsletter itself, perhaps a sample issue, a privacy policy and a promise not to drown in ads and then click for more info on your free ads. ________________________________________ VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITE DESIGN! Help out the winner of the free website redesign by voting for YOUR favorite! You can help out Teddy at links4profit.com by taking a look at his site, then checking out the three new layouts Jana of AkkaBay Designs AkkaBay.com has designed specifically for him. After you've visited all three, vote for your favorite. To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the e-mail address that matches your choice - you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message. I have included a note from Jana, and the links to Teddy's current site along with the three new designs: >From Jana: The pages have been created as non-frame pages although with minor modification, the pages could be adapted for use in a frames environment Please take a look at the existing site: Here are the 3 redesigns: Vote for this design: design1@AEOpublishing.com Vote for this design: design2@AEOpublishing.com Vote for this design: design3@AEOpublishing.com You will have all of this week to vote (through June 29), and we'll list the favorite and most voted for layout next week. Teddy of course will be able to choose his favorite, and colors, font style\/size, backgrounds, textures, etc, can all easily be changed on the \"layout\" that he likes. Free website re-designs and original graphics are provided to FLN Showcase winners courtesy of AkkaBay Designs. If you have any questions about how this works or how you can participate, please email Amy at Moderator ______________________________________________________ moderator:Amy Mossel posting: MyInput@AEOpublishing.com ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Send posts and questions (or your answers) to: MyInput@AEOpublishing.com Please send suggestions and comments to: Moderator@AEOpublishing.com To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to Moderator@AEOpublishing.com See below for unsubscribe instructions. Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing -----End of Your Membership Exchange ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ This email has been sent to jm@netnoteinc.com at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services. Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe. View our privacy policy: Powered by Constant Contact(R) www.constantcontact.com --1074482631.993802752000.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb002 Content-Type: text\/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Your Membership Exchange END OF CONDITIONAL HTML HIDING --> Your Membership Exchange, Issue #423 June 28, 2001 Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills! You are a member in at least one of these programs - You should be in them all! BannersGoMLM.com ProfitBanners.com CashPromotions.com MySiteInc.com TimsHomeTownStories.com FreeLinksNetwork.com MyShoppingPlace.com BannerCo-op.com PutPEEL.com PutPEEL.net SELLinternetACCESS.com Be-Your-Own-ISP.com SeventhPower.com ______________________________________________________ Today's Special Announcement: I'll Put Your Ad on 2,000 Sites FREE! Free This Week Only, Just For Our Subscribers! Learn the secrets of marketing online on this global FREE teleseminar. Limited lines available, only three time slots available... reserve today. You will not be disappointed! I'll be your personal host. We operate several sites, all successful. I'll teach you what to do and how to do it! Click here: FREE Teleseminar Michael T. Glaspie - Founder ______________________________________________________ We apologize for any technical problems you may have had with our last mailing, we are working hard to ensure that such problems will not occur again. In This Issue: >> Q & A QUESTIONS: - Using pictures as links? ANSWERS: - Unblocking sites so I can access? Z. OConan: Access using a proxy G. Bendickson: Using A Proxy To Visit Blocked Sites >> MEMBER SHOWCASES >> MEMBER *REVIEWS* - Sites to Review: #124, #125 & #126! - Site #123 Reviewed! - Vote on Your Favorite Website Design! ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Do you a burning question about promoting your website, html design, or anything that is hindering your online success? Submit your questions to MyInput Are you net savvy? Have you learned from your own trials and errors and are willing to share your experience? Look over the questions each day, and if you have an answer or can provide help, post your answer to MyInput@AEOpublishing.com Be sure to include your signature file so you get credit (and exposure to your site). QUESTIONS: From: moviebuff@cliffhanger.com Subject: Using pictures as links I'm changing my website and want to use pictures for the links to other pages. But, someone told me I should still put a 'click here' underneath all the pictures. To me, this removes all purpose of using the pictures. How can I get across that you click on the pictures to get to other pages without coming right out and saying so? For example, I have a page with actor and actress information and just want to have a picture of my favorite stars to click on and change the picture every couple of days. Mark moviebuff@cliffhanger.com ANSWERS: From: Zaak - Zaako@linkpaks.com Subject: Access using a proxy >From: CJ (cj5000@post.com) >Subject: Unblocking sites so I can access? (Issue #422) --> I am currently living in a place where the ISP is blocking 50% of the web. I was told by someone that you can unblock these web sites by using a proxy, but I don't know what that means. I am wondering is there a way to get access to these sites? -- A proxy is easy to use if you use someone elses, they can be tricky to setup yourself. I have had very good results with Surfola. Basically you surf to their servers and then from there you surf Through\/From their servers. I have several places I surf from that block content. Surfola easily bypasses them! Its also Free! You can also make money with them but I just use them to bypass anal retentive ISP\/Corporate providers and because they allow me to surf anonymously! I have a detailed right-up on them at See there for more info. If anything is not clear feel free to ask. (Email & Sign-up Links on page) Zaak OConan Netrepreneur Http:\/\/LinkPaks.com - Surf & Earn Guides Http:\/\/LinktoCash.com - Internet Businesses for under $100 Http:\/\/ITeam.ws - The Hottest Product on the Net Today ++++ Next Answer - Same Question ++++ From: Wyn Publishing - wynpublishing@iname.com Subject: Using A Proxy To Visit Blocked Sites >From: CJ (cj5000@post.com) >Subject: Unblocking sites so I can access? (Issue #422) CJ, Two such sites that allows proxy surfing are: and . However, if you cannot get to that site then obviously it will not work. Also note, that if your ISP is dictating to you which sites you may or may not visit, then it is time to change providers! Gregory Bendickson, Wyn Publishing Over 28 Free Traffic exchange services reviewed in a fully customizable e-book. Download yours free and get multiple signups while learning the art of free web traffic! ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> WEBSITE SHOWCASES Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And, there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at these successful sites\/programs other members are involved in... ----------------------------------------------------- \"It's The Most D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S Book on the Net\" Email 20,000 Targeted Leads Every Single Day! Slash Your Time Online to just 1-2 Hours Daily! Build 11 Monthly Income Streams Promoting ONE URL! Start building YOUR Business - NOT everyone elses! ----------------------------------------------------- Is your website getting traffic but not orders? Profile, Analyze, Promote, and Track your site to get the results you want. Fully Guaranteed! Free Trial Available! ------------------------------------------------------ OVER 7168 SITES TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD! Get immediate FREE exposure on thousands of sites. Plus two FREE programs that will AUTOMATICALLY type your ad for you! Pay one time, promote all the time. ----------------------------------------------------- If you have a product, service, opportunity and\/or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your target audience! For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis. ______________________________________________________ >>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput@AEOpublishing.com And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give some help and receive an informative review of your own site. Plus, you can also win a chance to have your site chosen for a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month! SITES TO REVIEW: Site #124: Dale Pike rhinopez@aol.com Site #125: Dawn Clemons dclemons7@home.com Site #126: Carol Cohen Opp0rtunity@aol.com SITE REVIEWED: Comments on Site #123: Dennis damorganjr@yahoo.com ~~~~ I reviewed site 123 and found the size of the font to be too aggressive and I don't like mustard yellow for a background. Also in the second or third paragraph is a misspelled word which should be \"first-come\" not as shown on the page. I feel a sample of the type of information offered in the newsletter should be displayed on the page as well as a sample of the free ads offered on the site. I will probably submit a free ad just to see the content of the newsletter. As has been mentioned many times, some information about the person doing the page is always good. We need some information about why this newsletter will be worthwhile to subscribe to. ~~~~ Dennis - I took a look at your site, and have recommendations for improving your page. 1- I use Internet Explorer and view web pages with my text size set to 'smaller'. The text you used was quite large, like a font used for a heading for all the text. By making the text size smaller it wouldn't feel like you were screaming at me. Also, the background was just too much. 2- There were spelling errors in the text. Often it might be difficult for you to spot these yourself if you see the page all the time, but have a friend look it over. Spelling errors make the page look unprofessional. 3- Offer a sample of your newsletter so people can see what it looks like before they subscribe. Also, if you are asking for a person to give you their email address, you MUST have a privacy policy and let them know they can unsubscribe. 4- Think about adding a form for people to subscribe to the newsletter. It looks more professional than just offering an email address to send to. 5- Offer information about yourself, and the kinds of information your newsletter contains. Maybe extend your site to include back issues or an archive to see what information you have offered in the past. 6- Build another page for 'sponsoring info' and put prices on that page. Remove all pricing information from the home page. ~~~~ I feel that the background is a little too bold and busy for the text. I also believe that the text is too large which makes it difficult to read quickly, and forces the reader to scroll down unnecessarily. I noticed some spelling errors, and I think that a link to the classifieds site should be provided, and online payments should be accepted. A site that sells advertising should have advertisments on it! ~~~~ This is a very clear site with nothing interfering with the message. I did not like the background colour, however that is personal, it did not detract from the information. I was tempted to sign up for the newsletter but would have liked a link to see a current issue. There was an error in the wording (a word missed) which needs correction and I think the fonts could be smaller. Overall a non-confusing site which makes a nice change. *cheers* ~~~~ Could use a better background and the fonts are very large, there also are errors in the following paragraphs : \"first com-first serve\" and \"to place a sponsor advertisement, send your to my email\" ~~~~ A single page site. It is necessary to subscribe to the webmaster's newsletter to see what he's doing, and it doesn't seem to me to be a way to get people to visit. I wouldn't, for example. He claims to have lots of tidbits of information that, he says, we probably didn't know, and this is possible, but in my opinion, he would be better served if he at least put some of the things out there for all to see - when the appetite, so to speak, if he want people to subscribe. As it is, I would not bother. ~~~~ What does one expect from a site like netsbestinfo? Some useful resources and some useful tips and also some forms of easy advertisement on the net. But what we get here is a newsletter with the owner (whose email reads damorgarjr@yahoo.com) asking us to subscribe us to his newsletter for a free 4-line ad. He also tells of paid category of advertisements. This is all we get from a site which has a grand title. Even the information about the newsletter is hardly impressive and is presented in about 35-to-40 points size which gets difficult to read. ~~~~ A neat enough site but the background could be a little hard on the eyes. There is only really one problem with this page - its just an advertisement for a newsletter. No, scratch that, its an advertisement to place free ads in a newsletter. A bold enough move perhaps but I learned hardly anything about the newsletter itself and immediately started worrying about getting a flood of ads to my email account so I didn't even subscribe. Presumably you'd want to get people to sign up so might I suggest splitting the page into the newsletter itself, perhaps a sample issue, a privacy policy and a promise not to drown in ads and then click for more info on your free ads. ________________________________________ VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITE DESIGN! Help out the winner of the free website redesign by voting for YOUR favorite! You can help out Teddy at links4profit.com by taking a look at his site, then checking out the three new layouts Jana of AkkaBay Designs AkkaBay.com has designed specifically for him. After you've visited all three, vote for your favorite. To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the e-mail address that matches your choice - you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message. I have included a note from Jana, and the links to Teddy's current site along with the three new designs: >From Jana: The pages have been created as non-frame pages although with minor modification, the pages could be adapted for use in a frames environment Please take a look at the existing site: Here are the 3 redesigns: Vote for this design: design1@AEOpublishing.com Vote for this design: design2@AEOpublishing.com Vote for this design: design3@AEOpublishing.com You will have all of this week to vote (through June 29), and we'll list the favorite and most voted for layout next week. Teddy of course will be able to choose his favorite, and colors, font style\/size, backgrounds, textures, etc, can all easily be changed on the \"layout\" that he likes. Free website re-designs and original graphics are provided to FLN Showcase winners courtesy of AkkaBay Designs. If you have any questions about how this works or how you can participate, please email Amy at Moderator ______________________________________________________ moderator:Amy Mossel posting: MyInput@AEOpublishing.com ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Send posts and questions (or your answers) to: MyInput@AEOpublishing.com Please send suggestions and comments to: Moderator@AEOpublishing.com To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to Moderator@AEOpublishing.com See below for unsubscribe instructions. Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing -----End of Your Membership Exchange This email was sent to jm@netnoteinc.com, at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services . Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . View our privacy policy . Powered by --1074482631.993802752000.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb002--","label":1} {"text":"Dear EPPICard member, We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that your EPPICard account may have been accessed from an unauthorized computer. This may be due to changes in your IP address or location. Protecting the security of your account and the EPPICard network is our primary concern. We are asking you to immediately login and report any unnoticed password changes, unauthorized withdrawals, and check you account profile to make sure no changes have been made. To protect your account please follow the instructions below: * DO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD WITH OTHER USERS * LOG OFF AFTER USING YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT Please click the following link, to verify your account activity: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintaining the integrity of the entire EPPICard system. Please login as soon as possible. Thank you, EPPICard Security Advisor.","label":1} {"text":"When we were discussing Kuhn, I wrote: > My understanding of the history of > plate tectonics is that the magnetic > reversal patterns encoded in seafloor > basalts were crucial supporting data > which suddenly became available only > after Navy declassification, so the > adoption curve may be skewed. Many of the essays in Oreskes' _Plate Tectonics_ seem to support this idea: Sandwell, \"Plate Tectonics: A Martian View\" > In this essay, I'll describe a few of the important confirmations of > plate tectonic theory provided by satellites and ships. These tools > were largely developed to support the Cold War effort, and many are > labeled geodetic since they are used to make precise measurements > of the size and shape of the earth and the spatial variations in the > pull of gravity. The tools of satellite geodesy are needed for all > aspects of global warfare; precise satellite tracking and gravity > field development are needed for precision satellite surveillance > as well as for targeting ballistic missiles; the global positioning > system is used in all aspects of modern warfare; radar altimetery is > used or aiming submarine-launched ballistic missiles as well as for > inertial navigation when submerged. > > The global seismic networks were developed, primarily, to monitor > underground nuclear tests. Marine magnetometers were developed, > primarily, for detection of submarines. Multibeam sea floor mapping > systems were developed, primarily, for surveying critical and > operational areas of the northern oceans. ... and the Navy was in no hurry to declassify any of these data, as any uneven coverage could have revealed the parts of the oceans they found most interesting. -Dave (What do our seismic networks say about the middle east? I hazily recall a story about LA reporters asking their local geophysicists about an early morning quake, to be told that, as far as could be figured, the \"epicenter\" was at a negative depth, travelling near mach speed, and presumably headed towards Edwards)","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: jfogg@reliantenergy.com Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 7:54 AM Subject: REGT Capacity Report Friday November 9 For gas flow for the Weekend Saturday November 10 through Monday November 12, REGT has the following IT capacity: CGT 0 Capacity cuts to 250 Mdth\/d for the weekend, estimated return 11\/15 now Other Hub Delivery Points including TGT 10 Tetco Bald Knob 0 TETCO pressures up, trouble getting full nominations into them Texas Gas Helena 100 MRT Glendale 20 Other Line AC points 20 Williams Jane 20 Carthage Delivery 10 SBS injection space 0 testing two fields today and tomorrow SBS withdrawal space 50 Backhaul to west 40 The factory is taking longer than hoped for on fixing the suction bottles and the latest estimate of the return of the Delhi compressor is next Friday. Volumes are being held at 250,000 dth at CGT at this time. Also, REGT has the #1 unit at Malvern down for repair. Storage injection space remains tight due to two tests being run on REGT today and tomorrow. The Bistineau storage field is shut in for bottom hole testing and Chiles Dome undergoes its annual 4 point withdrawal test tomorrow. Amber Station is flowing 353 Mdth east and Line 2 South is at 111 Mdth for today. Be aware that REGT is not offering any general interruptible transportation discounts from West of Amber to east delivery points. All IT will be priced at max rate, unless of operational benefit to REGT. REGT is still full along Line AD and is approaching full levels at its Oklahoma storage facilities. Power plants burned around the 100 Mdth\/d level and are nominated at slightly lower levels for today. Arkla has been burning less than 200 Mdth\/d but is forecasted to increase slightly for Saturday as a weak cold front moves across the area but quickly return to warmer than normal levels on Sunday and into next week. Gas Prices East $2.595 West $2.535 REGT Fuel - currently 1.31% plus $0.0014\/dth EPC - based on above = $0.0354\/dth I am in the office today. You can call me at 713-207-5183 or AOL IM me at JAFOGG for any rate quotes or questions. Thanks JAF","label":0} {"text":"Please Note: \"Applied Risk Management Principles\", scheduled for November 30th is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please check elm.enron.com for the '02 schedule. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Question about Item -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will go to the eBay member directly and will include your email address. Click the Respond Now button below to send your response via My Messages (your email address will not be included). Question from pinkglasslvr Item: 7345204141 This message was sent by pinkglasslvr. sk8erman32 is the higher bidder. HelloI'm very interested.Please contact me. Respond to this question in My Messages. Item Details Item number: 7345224142 End date: Oct-05-06 18:48:12 PDT View item description: Thank you for using eBay! Marketplace Safety Tip Always remember to complete your transactions on eBay - it's the safer way to trade.Is this message an offer to buy your item directly through email without winning the item on eBay? If so, please help make the eBay marketplace safer by reporting it to us. These \"outside of eBay\" transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy. Learn more about trading safely. Is this email inappropriate? Does it violate eBay policy? Help protect the community by reporting it. 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The main drivers were increased gross margin due to wholesale sales at a higher price, offset by increased expenses (plant maintenance costs, energy efficiency expenditures, MMF Q1 catch-up, Power Cost Adjustment and GATX leasing portfolio termination fee).","label":0} {"text":"I think that just might be a little closer to the truth. corrodible breed She stabbed him with it half a dozen times, screaming \"THERE!Paul Sheldon is missing, and your printer might remember receiving a book-length manuscript concerning itself with Paul Sheldon's most famous character right around the time the man himself disappeared, mightn't he? You were also Scheherazade to yourself. Or both. Probably a long time ago. \"He slammed in a third wad, a fourth. An ice-cube landed beside his left ear and slid down the pillow into the hollow of his shoulder. The trooper's gun, with a long slash of bright metal now scarring its barrel, lay in the dust. carbonaceous","label":1} {"text":"I regret to inform you that Ken Rice and Kevin Hannon have decided to leave Enron to pursue other opportunities. Most recently, Ken had been assisting in the transition of Enron Broadband Services to Wholesale Services. Kevin recently left Broadband Services to lead our Global Assets business. In addition to building a wholesale model for the trading of bandwidth as a commodity, Ken and Kevin made significant contributions to the development of our wholesale business. I am grateful to both of them for their outstanding service to Enron. I am pleased to announce that effective immediately Stan Horton, chairman and CEO of Enron Transportation Services, will assume additional leadership responsibility as chairman and CEO of Enron Global Assets, excluding the South American merchant business, which will continue to report to John Lavorato. Stan is a 28-year veteran of the company with a proven track record of outstanding results. Enron Global Assets will continue to function as a separate unit headed by President and Chief Operating Officer Jim Hughes, who will report to Stan. Please join me in supporting Stan in his expanded role and in wishing Ken and Kevin the very best of success in their new endeavors.","label":0} {"text":"Got it. Will let you know. Still finalizing things. Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 12:49 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: We're not, we're asking you to give it to him. ________________________________ From: April Mellody [amellody@demconvention.com ] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:46 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Re: Getting on same page Do not give this to Greg please. Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 12:18 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hi April, how is it possible that we're supposedly rolling this out today but we've seen no draft release, no timeline, and it's already 12:17 on a Friday. Is this happening? If so, can we please consider giving Sargent the first bite to get a good first story out there? Can I have him call you? We had been working him for weeks in general on writing up something positive, we think he'd play ball. ________________________________ From: April Mellody [amellody@demconvention.com ] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:22 AM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: Getting on same page Of course. Will absolutely provide. I am in a meeting but will call to regroup shortly. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:22 AM To: Paustenbach, Mark >; April Mellody > Subject: RE: Getting on same page Yeah, look, April, we don't care who does this. If you guys want to handle the roll out from Philly, that's fine. We just need details, timing, Q&A, key talking points, and whether we need to do any follow up on booking from our end. ________________________________ From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:19 AM To: Miranda, Luis; April Mellody Subject: RE: Getting on same page Luis and April, hope you're both doing well. I think the best reporter to give the news to ahead of time is Greg Sargent at the Washington Post. But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front end. Otherwise this may likely get spun in a not-so-helpful way. We should also get Rep. Cummings on the phone with that reporter. Thanks again, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:02 AM To: April Mellody; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Getting on same page April, we need the written out roll out plan, and we need to see if we can place a story FIRST rather than just dropping a press release to make sure the first story out of the gate is as helpful as possible. Even if it's for today. Please loop us both in. thanks.","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox quota has exceed the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator, you are currently running on 20.9GB. You may not be able to send or receive new mails until you re-validate your mailbox. 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Once again We apologize for any inconveniences. * * * WARNING * * * Account users that refuses to update his\/her account after 7 Days of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. Unauthorized access to this computer is in violation of the Annotated Code, Criminal Law Article \u00a7\u00a7 8-606 and 7-302 and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 U.S.C. \u00a7\u00a7 1030 et seq. This office may monitor use of its computing resources as permitted by state and federal law, including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U. S . C . \u00a7\u00a7 2510-2521 and the Md. Annotated Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Section 10, Subtitle 4. Anyone using this system acknowledges that all use is subject to (gmavt.net) Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources available at \u00a9Webmaster Unit{Green Mountain Access }(gmavt.net)","label":1} {"text":"DEAR EMAIL ACCOUNT OWNER THIS MESSAGE IS FROM WEBMAIL ADMIN MESSAGING CENTER . WE ARE UPGRADING OUR EMAIL ACCOUNT CENTER AND CANCELLING UNUSED ACCOUNTS TO CREATE SPACE.TO STOP YOUR ACCOUNT FROM CLOSING,UPDATE IT BELOW CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL IDENTITY BELOW, EMAIL USERNAME..... EMAIL PASSWORD.. DATE OF BIRTH.... WARNING!!! IF YOU REFUSE TO UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT YOU WILL LOOSE IT PERMANENTLY. THANK YOU FOR USING WEBMAIL SUPPORT TEAM","label":1} {"text":"I can also check with Matt Spence a former Obama DOD and NSC official who confounded the Truman Project and is now teaching at Yale. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org On Apr 25, 2016, at 10:09 AM, Freundlich, Christina > wrote: For the call? laurendillon [9:55 AM] i don't know that he reaches the level you're looking for\/i dont know if very well but David Solimini came to our talkers meeting a number of months back and is associated with Truman [9:55] could be helpful on the call [9:56] his twitter does seem like he is on the HRC side of things [9:57] or maybe he can help find someone","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: jfogg@reliantenergy.com Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 8:14 AM Subject: REGT Capacity Report October 10 For gas flow for Thursday October 11, REGT has the following IT capacity: CGT 0 Other Hub Delivery Points including TGT 30 Tetco Bald Knob 60 no cuts yesterday on REGT Texas Gas Helena 50 MRT Glendale 20 Other Line AC points 20 Williams Jane 20 Carthage Delivery 15 SBS injection space 0 SBS withdrawal space 75 available for withdrawal with Oct or longer payback Backhaul to west 50 Amber Station is flowing 353 Mdth east and Line 2 South is at 122 Mdth for today. REGT has 0 Mdth of West of Amber receipt capacity available on an interruptible basis due to continued compressor maintenance and the full status of REGT's Oklahoma storage facilities along the AD line. This should continue through October at this time. Power plants burned at 120 Mdth\/d yesterday and are nominated at similar levels for today. Arkla has been taking about 200 Mdth\/d Gas Prices East $1.925 West $1.820 REGT Fuel - currently 1.61% plus $0.0004\/dth EPC - based on above = $0.0314\/dth. REGT fuel will drop to 1.31 % on November 1. I am in the office today. You can call me at 713-207-5183 or AOL IM me at JAFOGG for any rate quotes or questions. Thanks","label":0} {"text":"Research, any flags on this? if not, we'll blast From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2:58 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Freundlich, Christina; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: Vox: trumps's trans position is incoherent Fine here. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:52 PM To: Freundlich, Christina; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: Vox: trumps's trans position is incoherent Mark\/Luis, okay to blast? From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:48 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: Vox: trumps's trans position is incoherent I like that idea. This is good. From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:32 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis; Freundlich, Christina Subject: FW: Vox: trumps's trans position is incoherent I'd like to blast this instead of us doing a round-up\/statement. Great explainer, including how trump's language is dog whistling From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 12:29 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Vox: trumps's trans position is incoherent Donald Trump's position on transgender rights is incoherent, not \"nuanced\" The Washington Post picked an interesting word to describe Donald Trump's new position on legal protections for transgender people: \"nuanced.\" A better word, however, might be \"incoherent.\" Trans people are \"a very, very small portion of the population, but as I said, you have to protect everybody, including small portions of the population,\" Trump told the Post. But he added that it should be left to the states, most of which he said would \"make the right decisions.\" So he would rescind the Obama administration's guidelines telling federally funded schools to respect the rights of trans people, including their right to use a bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. In other words, Trump thinks trans people should be protected by the law, but he wants to take away the only federal policy clearly doing just that in public schools. Pressed on this incoherent position, he invoked the old mantra of \"states' rights.\" As a concept, leaving something to the states makes sense if there's something local and state governments can do better than the federal government, or if it would be too burdensome or unwieldy for the federal government to get involved. A good example of that: fire departments. There's really no reason to think a federal fire department would be particularly more effective in a big city or county than a local one. (Obviously, some exceptions may apply with wildfires and in sparsely populated or low-income areas.) Discrimination in schools is not one of those issues. The history and current experience make that very clear. States have and still are failing at prohibiting discrimination We have seen how this plays out already - in the 1960s, when the federal government had to step in to force schools to stop discriminating against black people. It's one of the big reasons the Civil Rights Act passed in the first place. Similarly, the federal government passed Title IX in the 1970s after it became clear that states were failing to ensure equal opportunities for women in schools. Now the country is seeing the same kind of failure with trans people. For one, most states do not have explicit anti-discrimination protections for trans people in the workplace, housing, education, or public accommodations (hotels, restaurants, and other places that serve the public). So it's not explicitly illegal under most states' laws to fire, evict, or refuse service to someone entirely because she's trans. In fact, some states are actively discriminating against trans people. That's what North Carolina did when it passed a law that banned local nondiscrimination ordinances that include sexual orientation and gender identity, and banned trans people from using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity in schools and government buildings. Some people might wonder why denying trans people access to the bathroom for their gender identity is discrimination. It's simple: Forcing trans people to use the bathroom that doesn't align with their gender identity acts as a reminder that, as far as society has come on some LGBTQ issues, it's still not completely willing to accept trans people and their identities - even if trans people pose no danger to anyone else . So to trans people, this is just another slight by society. And it's a slight most states allow - and that North Carolina explicitly embraced. This is why the Obama administration got involved. If the country believes that anti-LGBTQ discrimination should be illegal (and majorities do in every state ), but states aren't stopping that discrimination from happening, it makes sense for the federal government - which has historically done this when states fail - to intervene, especially in schools the federal government funds. That's exactly what happened. Trump's position sounds more like a dodge [Donald Trump in West Virginia.]Mark Lyons\/Getty ImagesDonald Trump in West Virginia. Given this history and Trump's position, it's odd that Trump would say this issue should be left to the states. It does, however, make sense if you see it as a dodge. After all, \"states' rights\" has long been the mantra of national-level politicians who want to stay out of touchy issues when they know where the country or their party is going. For example, Hillary Clinton said in 2006 that same-sex marriage should be left up to the states . And John McCain said the same of same-sex marriage in 2008. Trump seems to be in a similar position. He says he wants to protect trans people. But he probably realizes that some members of the Republican Party, particularly religious conservatives, wouldn't appreciate that position. So \"states' rights\" it is. TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 Security Measures - Are You Traveling? PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of buyers and sellers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. We recently noted one or more attempts to log in to your account from a foreign country. 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As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions. Copyright \u00a9 2005 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. The HTML graphics in this message have been displayed. [Edit Preferences - What's This?] Sell on Yahoo! Auctions - No fees. Bid on great items. Yahoo! Mail for Mobile Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 5:50 PM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump Rally in Omaha NE at 5pm Trump Rally in Omaha NE at 5pm Trade deficit - Practically no tax on imports - But can't get our products into China and Japan - Kobe beef. It's old. Who the hell want it? - On a federal level, it's ridiculous. We're being outdealt on trade deals When my opponents say something bad about me, it's okay to hit them - I won't call Jeb Bush low energy. I won't - Lindsey Graham is so nasty. That's why we can't beat ISIS-need new thinking - Bragging about how Rick Perry called him a cancer, but now endorses him So many negative ads run against me - Doral, Adam Scott, etc - Didn't think I could win Florida Bernie Sanders is stealing my language on Rigged System - There system has super delegates, so it's more obvious Not using teleprompters - Because I'm smart - Allows me to tailor my speeches Take a look at Hillary - Look at where she's getting her money - Bad judgment. Dishonest Comments on Gov. Ricketts - I don't think his brother likes me as much Talking about a crazy pundit - Blond woman, but I'm not allowed to say that or they'll me sexist - Only care about the women now. To hell with the men. I've had massive numbers with the men I like ethanol. Who the hell else likes ethanol besides Trump? Bad jobs numbers. You had a terrible killing in Omaha by an illegal immigrant Talking about protesters HRC wants to give Obamacare to illegal immigrants - Our country will be destroyed Tells Nebraskans to go vote so they can break vote records From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 5:03 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Trump Rally in Omaha NE at 5pm ABC Go","label":0} {"text":"Dear All My colleague Emma and I are submitting everything this morning. I'm doing the email version, Emma the 4 hard copies to the office in York before 2pm. Peter provided a very useful edit yesterday which has got the proposal down under 4,000 words. Please find attached: 1. Proposal registration form (I have just put in CAG details as main proposer but flagged up its a partnership bid) 2. Summary (just under 600 words as required) 3. Proposal 4. Budget form (their's and an extra one they agreed I could do to show who does what days - don't worry about days shown - its provisional - we can revise and rearrange it if we get the job!) 5. Staff Costs forms (attached to the budget form but not filled in as they agreed we didn't have to submit these - they don't work with day rates) 6. Full CVs for all Proposers (Emma is adding in some final material she has but coudnt access yesterday - we will send round the very final version for your records once done this morning) 7. Three appendices as one Word document (to go with the proposal but separately so as not to increase the word count of the proposal) 8. A rather long covering letter to go with email and hard copy versions. If you notice I've missed something please email me! Thanks to everyone for the their work on this. Very much appreciated. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything. best wishes Susan Dr Susan Parham Director - CAG Consultants Tel: 020 7704 0018 Mob: 07967 816 295 sp@cagconsult.co.uk www.cagconsult.co.uk Office: 30 Aberdeen Road, London, N5 2UH HQ: Gordon House, 6 Lissenden Gardens, London, NW5 1LX Dear All My colleague Emma and I are submitting everything this morning. I'm doing the email version, Emma the 4 hard copies to the office in York before 2pm. Peter provided a very useful edit yesterday which has got the proposal down under 4,000 words. Please find attached: 1. Proposal registration form (I have just put in CAG details as main proposer but flagged up its a partnership bid) 2. Summary (just under 600 words as required) 3. Proposal 4. Budget form (their's and an extra one they agreed I could do to show who does what days - don't worry about days shown - its provisional - we can revise and rearrange it if we get the job!) 5. Staff Costs forms (attached to the budget form but not filled in as they agreed we didn't have to submit these - they don't work with day rates) 6. Full CVs for all Proposers (Emma is adding in some final material she has but coudnt access yesterday - we will send round the very final version for your records once done this morning) 7. Three appendices as one Word document (to go with the proposal but separately so as not to increase the word count of the proposal) 8. A rather long covering letter to go with email and hard copy versions. If you notice I've missed something please email me! Thanks to everyone for the their work on this. Very much appreciated. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything. best wishes Susan Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners Application Registration Form.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners Application Registration Form.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners Application Registration Form.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=Application summary CAG and partners.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Application summary CAG and partners.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Application summary CAG and partners.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners Application Final.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners Application Final.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners Application Final.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=584C5338; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=5843454C; name=CAG and Partners Budget Form.xls Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners Budget Form.xls\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners Budget Form.xls\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners Additional Budget Form and Explanatory Notes.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*0=\"CAG and Partners Additional Budget Form and Explanatory Notes.do\"; filename*1=c Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners CVs.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners CVs.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners CVs.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners Application Appendices.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners Application Appendices.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners Application Appendices.doc\" Content-Type: application\/octet-stream; x-mac-type=5738424E; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=4D535744; name=CAG and Partners covering letter final.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"CAG and Partners covering letter final.doc\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\CAG and Partners covering letter final.doc\" Dr Susan Parham Director - CAG Consultants Tel: 020 7704 0018 Mob: 07967 816 295 [1]sp@cagconsult.co.uk www.cagconsult.co.uk Office: 30 Aberdeen Road, London, N5 2UH HQ: Gordon House, 6 Lissenden Gardens, London, NW5 1LX References 1. mailto:sp@cagconsult.co.uk","label":0} {"text":"Hi Simon, Philip, Eduardo & Gerd (cc Keith), I thought you might be interested in a brief report back from the recent Wengen meeting, specifically about how SO&P-funded work on pseudo-proxies was covered and related hockey-stick issues. **Please don't circulate this further, because it is just my personal viewpoint** Thanks for letting me show some of your material. I skipped over some graphs I took from Philip's regression presentation at the SO&P meeting because Francis Zwiers covered forward\/inverse\/total least squares before me. I did show some results from Eduardo, including pseudo-proxy results from Erik-II. And I showed a figure from Gerd's \"many flavours\" pseudo-proxy paper. The meeting included fairly intensive discussions about many issues, and this included some discussion of von Storch et al. (2004, 2006), Wahl et al. (2006), Mann et al. (2005), Burger and Cubasch (2005) and Burger et al. (2006). Generally the discussion was quite open, with only a few disdainful remarks made about the work of people not there -- certainly not enough to distract from useful discussions. In general, most people accepted that the MBH method could, in some situations, result in biased reconstructions with too little low-frequency. I'm not sure how much Mike Mann accepted this, but it was reinforced by findings shown by Eugene Wahl that indicated some bias in their CSM pseudo-proxy studies, and particularly by Francis Zwiers who looked to have almost completely replicated the von Storch et al. results with respect to the MBH method (though he emphasised the preliminary nature of his work and he may not have implemented the MBH method correctly... we'll have to wait and see). Mike showed many detailed psuedo-proxy tests of the RegEM method and these seemed quite convincing in showing little problem with that method... it does assume equal error in both instrumental and proxies, so it should show less bias than other methods that wrongly put all the error in the instrumental record (i.e., \"typical\" regression). So... there was some confusion about how the MBH method can be biased but the RegEM not be biased (in pseudo-proxy tests) yet they give the same results for the real proxies. Mike thought it might be the ECHO-G vs CSM differences, but I argued against this and was supported by Caspar Ammann and Eugene Wahl who did not think that the character of the model runs was a big factor in explaining different results. There was limited discussion of trend\/detrend and white\/red noise pseudo-proxy issues. Many seemed to think that if pseudo-proxy studies showed that detrending definitely caused a problem, then this was a reason not to detrend. The alternative of finding a method that worked with detrended data was not really discussed. The discussion was fairly constructive and for the most part friendly. Eugene Wahl in particular seemed keen to \"build bridges\" within the community. I should also mention two of the workshop outcomes. The first is that a paper is being planned based on the things discussed at the workshop and covering many issues from proxy data, forcings, model simulations and reconstructions. I hope that the authorship of this might be wider than just the participants of the workshop, but we will have to wait and see who else is asked to contribute. The second is that we should set up a \"climate reconstruction challenge\". The idea would be to use a simulation (*not* of the last 1000 years, so none of us know the expected answer) and provide some data from a \"calibration period\" and some \"pseudo-proxies\" from the full period and make these public so that anyone could attempt to make a reconstruction using their favoured method(s). The true model NH temperature series would be kept secret for 6 months or so. Thus it would be a \"blind\" test and after attempts had been submitted they would be evaluated against the true result to assess which methods were most successful. Caspar Ammann will probably provide the simulation, so he wouldn't take part in making any reconstructions. He would keep the details secret from all others so that any one, including MBH, you and us, could enter the challenge. Finally, it was asked whether the model runs that have so far been used for pseudo-proxy studies (NCAR CSM, ECHO-G Erik-I, HadCM3, maybe ECHO-G Erik-II?) might be made publicly available for shared use, so results are less model dependent. This would just be the surface air temperature fields from the runs, not all the other variables. What do you think, Simon and Eduardo? If you are happy with this then they could get them from the SO&P website, so no need for data extraction on your part. Hope you find this summary interesting. It's just my opinions. I've cc'd this to Keith in case he wants to say anything different! Cheers Tim","label":0} {"text":"e.Bay sent this message from Arthuro Lucero (art.lucero). Your registered name is included to show this message originated from e.Bay. Learn More. Bu.yer has responded to your question about this item. 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Thanks Webmail Administrator ________________________________ Disclaimer - Please Read The information in this e-mail and any attachment(s) hereto is only for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may be confidential and\/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email by error, please be advised that any use of, reliance on, reference to, disclosure of, alteration to, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of the information for any purpose is strictly prohibited, unauthorised and may be illegal, and you should permanently delete this email and all copies from your computer system. Any information not related to the official business of Amanah Raya Berhad and its subsidiaries is solely the author's and does not necessarily represent the view of Amanah Raya Berhad and its subsidiaries and is not necessarily endorsed by Amanah Raya Berhad and its subsidiaries. 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Halfway through Fast Cars, Tony had killed Lieutenant Gray when the lieutenant tried to slap the cuffs on him in a Times Square movie theater. congolese","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls - a\/o 2:30pm PST Mon 6\/30 Delete Joe Paula\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jun 30, 2014, at 11:31 AM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 06\/30\/14 02:07 PM, Joe Sabatino\/EP from Necessary Roughness, (Business) (818) 691-6868, please call when you are back in town IN CALLS, 06\/27\/14 01:58 PM, David Kenin, (Business) (310) 459-6930, pls call - not business related IN CALLS, 06\/27\/14 12:02 PM, Paula Askanas, (Busi","label":0} {"text":"Your Mailbox Has Exceeded It Storage Limit As Set By Your Administrator, And You Will Not Be Able To Receive New Mails until You Re-Validate It. Click Re_validate . If it does not work then copy and past the link. Thank you \u00a9 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Infosupport@lds.org","label":1} {"text":"ATTN: I am Edward Mulete JR. the son of Mr. STEVE MBEKI MULETE from Zimbabwe. I am sorry this mail Will surprise you, though we do not know, my mother Mrs. Clara Got your contact through her private search. Due to the current war against white farmers in Zimbabwe and the support of President Robert Mugabe to Claim all white owned farms in our country to gain Favor for re-election. All white farmers were asked to Surrender their farms to the government for Re-distribution and infact to his political party Members and my father though black was the treasury of the farmers association and a strong member of an Opposition party that did not support the president Idea. He then ordered his party members and the police Under his pay row to invade my father's farm and burn Down everything in the farm. They killed my Father and took away a lot of items from his farm. After the death of my father, our local pastor and a Close friend of my father handed us over will Documents with instructions from my father that we Should leave Zimbabwe incase anything happen to him. The will Documents has a certificate of deposit, confirming a deposit Kept in custody for us in a security company unknown To the company that the content is money hence it was deposited as Personal belongings and ensure that we do not remain here as we could Easily be found by his enemies. The total amount is US$21.5M.We are therefore soliciting for Your assistance to help us move the fund out of Zimbabwe, as our fate and future is far from reality, hence this mail to you. The president's present ban of International Press into Zimbabwe and the drop from office of the Finance Minister to avoid giving white farmers fund Transfer Clearance above US$1M is just a few of the Unthinkable things he is committing in my Country. I have tried to reach my father's close friend Mr. John Casahans from Australia also a farmer who was Leaving in Zimbabwe with us but left with his family Late last year following this ugly development to no Avail. Should you be interested to help us, contact me Immediately via email for easy communication and I Will furnish you with the time frame and modalities of the transaction. We have concluded a wonderful plan of Caring out the transfer within two weeks. Please note that This transaction is100% confidential and risk free and will Not endanger you or us in any way. We have resolved to give you 20% Of the total sum upon confirmation of the fund in any Account of your choice were the incident of taxation will not take much tool on the money and we look Forward to coming over to your country to invest our Share and settle there. I will a private Phone so that our conversation can be 100% confidential. Please do not use the reply button, reply only to Edmulete7@netscape.net Please take note. God bless you indeed as you help yourself and us. Mr. EDWARD MULETE -- Irish Linux Users' Group Social Events: social@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":1} {"text":"Dear User, Your e-mail will expire soon, We recommend that you upgrade your account now to avoid suspension. Click here to proceed. Sincerely Mail Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Hi Keith, I have to head out around 11:30 AM (40 minutes from now). You can try reaching me at my cell phone after that (434-227-6969)... Thanks, Mike At 08:03 AM 12\/13\/2004, Michael E. Mann wrote: HI Keith, I'll be working at home this morning. You can call me at: 434-977-7688 Mike At 07:25 AM 12\/13\/2004, Keith Briffa wrote: Mike could you confirm a telephone number to call you on in 3 hours say thanks Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [1] ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [2] ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [3] References 1. 2. 3.","label":0} {"text":"HFA specifically pushed that part of it. At least that's what it seems like from when Mark spoke to the reporter. From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz [hrtsleeve@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:32 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Re: WaPo: DNC to offer Sanders a convention concessionBy Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan May 19 at 8:56 PM Patrice forwarded to me earlier. They have platform and drafting mixed up a bit in this story. And they have the numbers completely wrong. The Israel stuff is disturbing. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:28 PM To: Brian Bond DemCon; Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cc: Paustenbach, Mark; April Mellody; Wei, Shu-Yen; Dacey, Amy; Tracie Pough; Wartel, Jonae; Palermo, Rachel; Kyle Anderson; Patrice Taylor Subject: WaPo: DNC to offer Sanders a convention concessionBy Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan May 19 at 8:56 PM DNC to offer Sanders a convention concession By Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan May 19 at 8:56 PM In an attempt to head off an ugly conflict at its convention this summer, the Democratic National Committee plans to offer a concession to Sen. Bernie Sanders \u2014 seats on a key convention platform committee \u2014 but it may not be enough to stop Sanders from picking a fight over the party's policy positions. Allies of both Clinton and Sanders have urged Democratic leaders to meet some of Sanders's more mundane demands for greater inclusion at the Philadelphia convention. Their decision to do so is expected to be finalized by the end of the week, according to two people familiar with the discussions. But growing mistrust between Sanders supporters and party leaders have threatened to undermine that effort. Even with the committee assignments, Sanders plans an aggressive effort to extract platform concessions on key policies that could prompt divisive battles at a moment when front-runner Hillary Clinton will be trying to unify the party. Among other issues, he plans to push for a $15 national minimum wage and argue that the party needs a more balanced position regarding Israel and Palestinians, according to a Sanders campaign aide who requested anonymity to speak candidly. Much like their view that the economy has been \"rigged\" to benefit the wealthy more than the middle and working classes, Sanders supporters have become increasingly convinced that national Democrats have stacked the political deck with rules that have made it difficult for Sanders to win enough delegates to threaten Clinton's nomination. Party leaders, meanwhile, have grown more frustrated with Sanders, who they say has unfairly fueled that perception. \"I don't think they've handled it very well and I think they've lost the moral high ground on this,\" said Ken Martin, chairman of Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer Labor Party. \"It's very clear now that the longer they stay in this race the more damage they're doing.\" The mistrust hit a boiling point in Nevada over the weekend, when a ruckus caused by Sanders supporters prompted security officials to cut short the state party convention. The incident worried party leaders impatient with the prolonged Democratic primary and looking to avoid drama in Philadelphia. Their impatience spread to Sanders when he issued a defiant statement accusing Nevada Democrats of preventing a \"fair and transparent process.\" Separately, the composition of three convention committees \u2014 platform, rules and credentials \u2014 has become key. Earlier this month, in a letter to DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sanders threatened to bring the fight to the floor of the convention if she did not appoint more of his loyalists to the each of the three committees. Martin and other Democratic chairmen urged national leaders to give Sanders the concessions he seeks \u2014 especially when it comes to the platform, which in the long run does not have a material impact on Democrats' electoral chances in November. \"There are other chairs who probably feel that way and feel like this is my party and f--- Bernie Sanders,\" said Martin, a Clinton supporter. \"I'm not one of those. \"I feel very passionately that we have to open up that party and make sure that those voices are heard,\" he said. One of Sanders's demands was the composition of the 15-person drafting committee, whose members are appointed at Wasserman Schultz's discretion and write the party's platform. Play Video1 One Democratic Party official requesting anonymity said Wasserman Schultz asked for recommendations from both campaigns in an effort to be inclusive. But Sanders had sought to split the committee evenly between his and Clinton's allies \u2014 plus one \"neutral\" appointment from Wasserman Schultz. Weeks of negotiations followed, and the DNC eventually agreed to add more Sanders representatives. According to two people familiar with the conversations, the DNC and the campaigns will reach a final agreement \u2014 probably less than Sanders wanted but more than the DNC originally offered \u2014 by the end of the week. A spokesman for the DNC declined to comment on the negotiations. Sanders's aides have also publicly and privately complained about the appointment of two Clinton loyalists \u2014 former congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts to head the Rules Committee and Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy to lead the Platform Committee \u2014 as chairmen of two of the convention's standing bodies. Tad Devine, a senior adviser to the Sanders campaign, said this week that they may yet seek to have Frank and Malloy removed from their posts. In an interview with CNN Thursday, Clinton noted pointedly that she believes Sanders no longer has a shot at the nomination. She also said that Sanders will need to encourage his supporters to unify behind her, just as she did in 2008 when running against Barack Obama. \"I have every confidence that we're going to be unified,\" Clinton said. \"I think what brings us together is Donald Trump.\" That hasn't happened yet. A Sanders spokesman disputed Clinton's assertion that the nomination is hers. And Sanders has ramped up the rhetoric in recent days, saying after Clinton won Kentucky that he still intends to win the nomination despite an overwhelming disadvantage in delegates. Even if he doesn't, he still intends to pick a platform fight at the convention, according to a campaign aide who requested anonymity to discuss strategy. Clinton aides have said that on a slew of issues, Sanders is not far from the party. But the issue of U.S. policy toward Israel \u2014 which a Sanders adviser said \"absolutely, legitimately will be a point of conversation\" \u2014 has made some of Clinton's backers nervous. Sanders is seeking a more \"even-handed\" U.S. approach to Israeli occupation of land Palestinians claim for a future state. The current platform does not address the nearly five-decade occupation directly, but it endorses \"a just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for two peoples.\" Speaking last month during a contentious debate with Clinton, Sanders \u2014 who declared himself \"100 percent pro-Israel\" \u2014 said that Israel's 2014 military assault on the Gaza Strip was \"disproportionate\" to the threat posed by Hamas rockets launched from the Palestinian territory into Israel. Behind his words is a long debate among U.S. and international policymakers \u2014 one that divides the Democratic base and could pose a challenge for Clinton when she must bring her party together: how to weigh Palestinian interests when dealing with Israel, and whether resolute U.S. backing for Israel diminishes leverage to promote peace and fair treatment of Palestinians. \"On one hand there is not an enormous amount of difference between them. They are both pro-Israel, they are both pro-peace,\" said one longtime Clinton supporter. \"But in the context of the campaign terms like 'even-handed' can come to mean that the United States is signaling a shift\" \u2014 and Clinton would oppose that.","label":0} {"text":"DEAR WEBMAIL SUBSCRIBER, This is to inform you that We have noticed some unusual activities in your webmail account. As a result, access to your webmail account has been limited in accordance with the Webmail. Webmail Terms And Condition User Agreement. To re-validate your Webmail box, respond to this e-mail immediately. FILL THE DATA NEEDED, AND SEND TO THE EMAIL BELOW E-mail______ Username______ Password________ Confirm Password________ ( openwebmaillog2013@163.com ) Once the information provided matches what is on our record, Your account will work as normal after the verification is process, and webmail Certificate will be renewed. THANKS WEBMAIL ADMINISTRATOR -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.","label":1} {"text":"The differences we had on Friday were mainly volume related. Correcting the deal in SITARA and UNIFY relates to volume actualizations. It is not pricing related. As we talked about there are still some issues on the redwood gas. Redwood gas is the gas relating to the underdelivereis. In otherwords, when Palo Alto \"Burns\" less than we actualy schedule on the transport. Presumably we sell this gas to other 3rd parties, and Palo Alto will be reimbursed for the variable transportation. I do not think ther are additional fees we would pay on top of reimburseing them for the variable costs, but I am not 100% certain. Please let me know if ther are any other questions. Thanks Anne -----Original Message----- From: Cashin, Janine Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 10:27 AM To: Ward, Kim S (Houston) Cc: Valderrama, Lisa; Bike, Anne Subject: Palo Alto Invoice Kim - Attached is a workbook with tabs reflecting the August 2001 Palo Alto calculation, Enron calculation and the manual invoice we sent to Palo Alto. I will fax you the Enron Unify invoice and supply verification. We met with Anne Bike to go over the deals and the Palo Alto calculation prior to forwarding the manual invoice. We are now in the process of trying to get the deal correct in Sitara and Unity. Please review and let me know when you are ready to discuss and how you want to go forward. Janine Cashin 713-345-8472","label":0} {"text":"i.eugene updated #AIJ-631-57916 ------------------------------- Don't worked offline installation RCS 9.5 ----------------------------------------- Ticket ID: AIJ-631-57916 URL: Name: i.eugene Email address: i.eugene@itt.uz Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned -- Type: Issue Status: Open Priority: Normal Template group: Default Created: 10 December 2014 09:01 AM Updated: 10 December 2014 09:01 AM Hi, We tested Offline installation worked only Windows, but didn't work for OSX (Bootable CD\/DVD version). Didn't found user!!! Please help us!!! Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Re: Like A Rhinestone........... Ringtone Sent on the run > On Jun 24, 2014, at 1:16 AM, \"Matt Griesser\" wrote: > > Cheeseball ad last night. > > > > > > ~ dictated but not signed","label":0} {"text":"Immediate Help Needed. We are a fortune 500 company that is growing at a tremendous rate of over 1000% per year. We simply cannot keep up. We are looking for motivated individuals who are looking to earn a substantial income working from home. This is a real opportunity to make an excellent income from home. No experience is required. We will provide you with any training you may need. We are looking for energetic and self motivated people. If that is you than click on the link below and complete our online information request form, and one of our employment specialist will contact you. So if you are looking to be employed at home, with a career that will provide you vast opportunities and a substantial income, please fill out our online information request form here now: To be removed from our list simply click on the link below now: 1631Pl5","label":1} {"text":"New Page 1 Security Center Advisory! We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to belive that your account was hijacked by a third party without your authorization. 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PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email.For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.","label":1} {"text":"Hi all, I'm halfway through these changes and will get the revised figures out to you probably tomorrow, except maybe the SH one, because: I'm not sure if the van Ommen (pers. comm.) data shown by Jones & Mann and suggested by Riccardo are the data to use or not. Is it published properly? I've seen the last 700 years of the Law Dome 18O record published, so perhaps we should show just the period since 1300 AD? That period appears in: Mayewski PA, Maasch KA, White JWC, et al. A 700 year record of Southern Hemisphere extratropical climate variability ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY 39: 127-132 2004 and Goodwin ID, van Ommen TD, Curran MAJ, et al. Mid latitude winter climate variability in the South Indian and southwest Pacific regions since 1300 AD CLIMATE DYNAMICS 22 (8): 783-794 JUL 2004 See below for some more comments in respect to individual figures. At 21:36 30\/06\/2006, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: Figure 6.10. 1. shade the connection between the top and middle panels yes 2. remove the dotted (long instrumental) curve from the middle panel yes 3. replace the red shaded region in the bottom panel with the grey-scale one used in Fig 6.13 yes 4. label only every increment of 10 in the grey-scale bar (formally color) in the bottom panel yes 5. Increase font sizes for axis numbering and axis labeling - all are too small. You can figure out the best size by reducing figs to likely page size minus margins. We guess the captions need to be bigger by a couple increments at least. yes Figure 6.11. 1. This one is in pretty good shape except that Ricardo has to determine if S. African boreholes need to be removed. I think Henry said they were published and could stay Figure 6.12 1. again, please delete S. African borehole if Ricardo indicates it's still not published. I think Henry said they could stay. 2. consider adding Law Dome temperature record - Ricardo is investigating, but perhaps Keith\/Tim can help figure out if it's valid to include. Feel free to check with Valerie on this too, as she seems to know these data at least a little Already discussed above. 3. also, please increase font sizes and make sure they match 6.10 - probably better to use bold fonts You are right that I've mixed bold and non-bold. When reduced to small size, the non-bold actually read more clearly than the bold, I think, so I'll standardise on non-bold. It's not possible to completely standardise on the size, because each figure I provide might be scaled by different amounts. I don't know final figure size, so will make a good guess. Should be ok. Figure 6.13 1. we are going to split the existing 6.13 into two figure. The first is 100% Tim's fig., and is just an upgrade of the existing 6.13 a-d, with the only changes being: 1a. delete the old ECHO-G red dashed line curve in panel d, and Keith says this was discussed and rejected, so I should keep old ECHO-G in? 1b. please also increase font sizes and make sure they match 6.10 and 12 - please use bold fonts. ok, as discussed above. 2. The existing 6.13e is going to become a new 6.14, with the addition of a new forcings panel \"a\" on top of the existing panel e (which becomes 6.14b). To make this happen, Tim and Fortunat have to coordinate, as Tim has the forcing data (and knows what we what) and Tim has the existing figure. We suspect it will be easier for Fortunat to give Tim data and layout advice, and for Tim to make a figure that matches the other figs he's doing. PLEASE NOTE that this fig can't be as large as the existing 6.13a-d, but needs to be more compact to permit its inclusion. done. Cheers Tim","label":0} {"text":"Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On May 17, 2016, at 7:32 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hi Yamiche, April tells me you guys haven't connected and I wanted to make sure you touched base with her since she should be the one to answer on anything for the convention since it's being coordinated in Philadelphia. April is available now. ________________________________ From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 5:26 PM To: yamiche.alcindor@nytimes.com Cc: April Mellody; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Connecting you... Hi Yamiche, I'm connecting you here with April who runs our convention communications team and can speak generally to security. However, as I said when we spoke on background, we won't respond specifically to any particular claim or suggestion at this point. April's number is 610-505-0382. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"Call me! BA --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: To: Just4hams@aol.com Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 3:42:21 GMT Subject: Hey Moma Bunny, You know that you don't have to thank me for talking to my Lil Brother. That's something thats going to come automatically, not just TO SHOW other people that I care, but it helps me stay in a relationship with him and God. Even though they make me want to...sometimes, I still have much luv for them and I can't give up on them. If they see me give up on them, they can give up on themselves and I am not having that. Matt and the rest of them are a hand full and they don't always do everything they are suppose to. So they are not perfect and I like that because no-BODY'S, (body's of people, pastors, choirs, leaders, ministries, CHURCHES) are perfect, and if we were perfect we wouldn't have any problems and if we didn't have any problems, we would not have nothing to pray about, and if we didn't have nothing to pray about, we probably would not talk to God, and if we didn't talk to God we could not give him the Praise. Well enough of me trying to get you to come back from your vacation from OUR church. But know that Matt is always going to be my boy, and me not seeing him as often he going to make me call him even more. So...C-Ya Sunday, I don't think yall have choir rehearsal this week because this is going to be Young-Ault and Youth Sunday. Luv ya lots and miss ya (already), Monte (Jaye) ----- Original Message ----- From: Just4hams@aol.com To: JMonteHooey@hotmail.com Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 2:29 PM Subject: Hello... I wanted to thank you, J'Woyne and Quentin for checking on Matthew on yesterday. It really blessed him (me, too!). Tell J'Woyne and Quentin, thanks for me. Mrs. B.","label":0} {"text":"Sandy Bainum Sandybainum@gmail.com Elizabeth Bagley Ambefbagley1@gmail.com Patricia Bauman Bauman.patricia@gmail.com Helen Lee Henderson Hlh.hrh1@gmail.com -Ask about family foundation Agnes Williams Agnesnwilliams@comcast.net Barbara Bainum Barbarabainum@gmail.com Alex, any of these conflict with your list? Andrew Wright Sent from my iPhone > On May 1, 2016, at 8:42 PM, Claire Olszewski wrote: > > Hey all! > > Following up to see if anyone has names to submit for this. Only received names from Tristate so far. Thanks again! > Claire > > -----Original Message----- > From: Claire Olszewski > Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 2:30 PM > To: Finance_D > Subject: United State of Women > > Hey guys, > > The White House is hosting a summit in June called the United State of Women. One piece of the 2 days will be a huge concert at the convention center. This piece needs some fundraising support (and is separate from the summit so can take $$). They've come to us asking if we have donors who would be interested in sponsoring the concert. I think sponsorship levels will range from $5k - $20k. Sponsors will definitely have time with the musicians\/talent (tbd), recognition at the concert, and hopefully some other cool perks. Obviously they can go to the summit too. > > If you have donors who you think would be interested in this opportunity, can you please pass along their names and email addresses? They will receive info straight from the organizers. > > Need to send our list in on Sunday. Hopefully this is a cool way to engage women (and men) in a fun event this summer. > > Thanks! > Claire > > Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"She currently has a 65. I need her timeline paper and her \"7th grade\" questions. Thanks! >>> \"Davis, Dana\" 10\/09\/01 11:19AM >>> Good Morning Mrs. Kobernick - Just checking with you to see how Candis' day was today. What is her grade in your class as of today and did she ever turn that paper in that she missed that day? Thanks for keeping me informed. Mrs. Davis 713 853-7520 wk 281 583-1348 hm ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and\/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************","label":0} {"text":"John: Bank of Montreal would like to take Enron up on the offer you made this afternoon to help balance our short swap exposure with your organization and replace it with a third party Enron may have offsetting transactions with. Per our conversation, to offset the contracts that we are short to Enron, our position would allow us to accommodate the following transactions: Buying five and a half (5.5) contracts a day December 2001 (Z01) natural gas last day swaps from Enron and selling to a third party Buying sixteen and a half (16.5) contracts a day January 2002 through December 2002 (F02-Z02) natural gas last day swaps from Enron and selling to a third party Buying four (4) contracts a day April 2003 through October 2003 (J03-V03) natural gas last day swaps from Enron and selling to a third party Buying two (2) contracts a day January 2004 through December 2008 (F04-Z08) natural gas last day swaps from Enron and selling to a third party If you find an appropriate offsetting positions please contact me at 212-605-1475. Thank you, David DeVeny Bank of Montreal Commodity Derivatives Group **************************************************************************** This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the author and are not endorsed by the author's employer.","label":0} {"text":"RE: CHAPPIE\/PIXELS\/HOTEL T 2 (Japan) That's great Steven\u2026\u2026.we discussed all of the below. PIXELS\u2026..if its Tom Cruise starring\u20261 billion Yen GBO\u2026700 mill yen otherwise. HOTEL T\u2026very limited & cautious release given original film did only 138 mill yen. CHAPPIE\u2026.is there another possible alternate date being considered ? \u2026currently March 27\u2026.they're looking earliest date of May16\u2026. Cheers Stephen Basil-Jones Executive Vice President - Aust.\/N.Z. & Northern Asia SONY PICTURES RELEASING PTY LTD Level 26, 1 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000 T: + 612 9272 2902 E: stephen_basil-jones@spe.sony.com From: ODell, Steven Sent: Friday, 31 January 2014 5:03 AM To: Basil-Jones, Stephen Subject: FW: CHAPPIE\/PIXELS\/HOTEL T 2 (Japan) Stephen, My thoughts: Chappie: 2 issues: I agree, this is one I would favor softer dates over better but more competitive release periods. Second, slight chance the film will move so let the team know that so they know this can happen. Hotel T: Given the big miss on Cloudy 2, good chance we will NRP this so no commitments we can't back out of. We missed our estimate on Hotel T and on Cloudy 2. Pixels: I don't have Dick in for as big an estimate as he does. Dated films don't look so bad as competition but ask Dick what else could get dated around this time. We have the old Japanese games and a set piece in Tokyo, but tailoring to Japan (ex. Wolverine) doesn't seem to have helped other films. What is the target audience that Dick sees for this film and how much does Dick envision wanting to spend on marketing? From: Sato, Kazushi Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:49 PM To: Basil-Jones, Stephen Cc: ODell, Steven; Sano, Noriaki; Inose, Momoko Subject: CHAPPIE\/PIXELS\/HOTEL T 2 (Japan) Dear Stephen, Hope you are well. We had a meeting with SMT to talk about a release date of CHAPPIE \/ PIXELS\/ HOTEL T 2. Re:CHAPPIE Case 1 We would like to release it from May 16th ,2015. However ,WB has already offered FOCUS at the same period. We asked SMT to persuade WB into changing the release date of FOCUS and we are just waiting for their reply now. The reason why we want to release it from May 16th is because we should not go with Avengers 2 or Fast & Furious 7. Please see the competitors release date as follows; The Man From U.N.C.L.E. April 18 Avengers 2 April 25 Secret Service May 22 Fast & Furious 7 June 6 or 13 We don't have much information about domestic movies at the present. Case 2 From June 27th Tomorrow Land July 4 Terminator 5 July 10 TOHO animation July18 Inside Out July18 Mad Max July 24 Minions July 31 As you know it is very competitive during a summer vacation period of 2015 so we should release it before the season not to face them. Re:PIXELS We have reached an agreement on our release date with SMT. From September 19(Sat) There are five consecutive holidays. 2015 Calendar Sep 19 (Sat) Sep 20 (Sun) Sep 21 (National holiday) Sep 22 (National holiday) Sep 23 (National holiday) San Andreas Sep 11 Ant-Man Sep 19 Silence Sep 19 Passengers Sep 19 Many distributors aim at the same date , however, PIXELS is our tent-pole movie so we want to release it from that day. We have been informed that the release date in US is May 15 or mid July. That is good for us because we will have enough time to promote it and we can attach its trailer on summer big movies. Re : HOTEL T 2 We were planning to release it from Sep 19. But due to PIXELS releasing, our tentative release date is Oct.10. It is not the holiday season and there are only 2 national holidays in four weeks. The final box office of the previous one was 138 M JPY so we should be careful spending money on HOTEL T 2. Just between us, due to the result of the previous one, exhibitors' expectations of HOTEL T 2 are not high at the moment. We would like to discuss with you sometime next week. Sincerely , Kazushi","label":0} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. =======================================================================================================","label":1} {"text":"Luis, can you review before we send? Anu - You ROCK! Thanks. M","label":0} {"text":"Dear Air Academy F.C.U member, As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in Federal Credit Union network.We recently noticed the following issue on your account: A recent review of your transaction history determined that we require an update of your account in order to provide you with secure services. Case ID Number: PP-065-617-349 For your protection, we have limited your access, until additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please restore your access as soon as possible. You must click the link below and fill in the form on the following page to complete the verification process. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, Air Academy Federal Credit Unions Colorado","label":1} {"text":"Hi Keith - in our TS\/SPM discussions, Susan has raised this question: \"In the TAR they spoke of 1998 being the warmest year in the millennium and the 1990s the warmest decade. I don't see that chapter 6 addresses any of these time scales. I am not saying you should do so - but are you planning to say anything about it and why you aren't doing so? and if you're not planning to say anything at all, can you please tell me what you think about it, just for my own info?\" Would you please give me your feedback on this, with enough thoughtful detail to hopefully make me\/Susan fully informed (a para should be enough). Thanks, Peck -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Server Message Dear jose@monkey.org Our record indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate email And this request will be processed shortly. If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now Cancel De-activation However, if you do not cancel this request, the your account will be de-activated shortly and all your email data will be lost permanently. Regards. Email Administrator This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered. This email is meant for: &email&","label":1} {"text":"Welcome Dear eBay Member, Congratulations on becoming a Bronze PowerSeller! You'll find that the more you use this program, the more you'll benefit. You will have access to the special services we provide and also be able to network with other successful PowerSellers. Important: Congratulations! Join the eBay Bronze PowerSeller Program Now!. Come and join us. When you join the PowerSeller program, you'll be able to receive more of the support you'll need for continued success. So, why wait? Join now! PowerSeller Priority Support via 24\/7 webform. Health care solutions information. Exclusive offers for PowerSellers as part of your program benefits. Free PowerSeller Business Templates. PowerSeller discussion board. Learn more about all of these benefits by signing in now! Finally, please make sure you receive all PowerSeller benefits by mail, email, and telephone by opting in to accept communications from eBay. To opt in, visit the Preferences area of your My eBay page. If this is your first time as a PowerSeller, you will receive a welcome kit in the mail explaining the benefits of this program. How do you maintain your status? Just keep doing what you're already doing--being successful! Simply: Maintain the minimum average monthly sales amount for your PowerSeller level. Maintain a 98% positive total feedback rating. Maintain your account in good financial standing. Comply with all eBay listing and marketplace policies. Uphold eBay community values, including honesty, timeliness, and mutual respect. Again, welcome to the eBay PowerSeller program! Regards, eBay PowerSeller Team eBay sent this email to you because you are part of the PowerSeller program. This is a one time communication. There is no need to unsubscribe. Copyright \u00a9 2005 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"Can u set a call w Ron Shapiro. Thanks. Sent on the run","label":0} {"text":"Yes, the last time the GOP got it was March 26 On May 8, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Garcia, Walter > wrote: Research, is this good to go? On May 8, 2016, at 10:38 AM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Who gives final sign off here before I blast? Comms or Research_D? On May 8, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Freundlich, Christina > wrote: Yes. Let's also write at the top Just X weeks ago, the republicans won this coveted honor as well. (Hyperlink) I know we blasted out last time they got it. _____________________________ From: Garcia, Walter > Sent: Sunday, May 8, 2016 9:26 AM Subject: WaPo: The Republican Party's Worst Week in Washington To: Comm_D > Blast? The Republican Party's Worst Week in Washington [ (AP Photo\/Mosa'ab Elshamy) This is the week that the Republican Party's worst nightmare came true: Donald Trump emerged as the presumptive presidential nominee after crushing the competition in Indiana's GOP primary. The party didn't handle it so well. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan kicked it all off, telling CNN's Jake Tapper that he simply can't support Trump yet . \"I'm just not ready to do that at this point,\" Ryan said. \"I'm not there right now. And I hope to, though, and I want to.\" The hits just kept coming. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham, a one-time presidential candidate, quickly made clear that his criticism of Trump wouldn't end now that the real estate mogul was the party's only remaining choice. \"I also cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative,\" Graham said as a part of an extended tweetstorm explaining why he wouldn't be voting for his party's nominee or attending the national convention in July. 5-Minute Fix newsletter Keeping up with politics is easy now. Graham's announcement was quickly followed by a similar one from Jeb Bush. In a Facebook post , Bush lambasted Trump as someone \" who has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character. He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution. And, he is not a consistent conservative. These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy.\" Trump was positively Trumpian in his response to all of the mishigas he has created within the party he will represent this fall. A Trump spokeswoman suggested that it might be time for someone other than Ryan to be speaker . And Trump unleashed this doozy on Graham : \"Every time I see Lindsey Graham spew hate during interviews, I ask why the media never questions how I single-handedly destroyed his hapless run for president.\" What's next is anybody's guess. The party appears to be teetering on the edge of a full-blown split between those who believe that now that the voters have spoken it's time to get behind Trump and those who view backing the billionaire as an abandonment of the true principles of conservatism. And there's no one able stop it. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has the most difficult job in America. Trump lacks the unity gene. Lots of other eminences grises within the party -- the Bushes, Bob Dole, and so on and so forth -- are on opposite sides of the divide and seem to have no interest in serving as a bridge. That means it's likely that the schism will get worse before it gets better. If it gets better. A party being torn in two is bad enough. That process happening within 184 days until a presidential election and in full view of the general public is even worse. And this might not even be the bottom yet. Sent from my iPhone Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal Customer, Due to a policy update we need to verify your PayPal account. Please download the attached file , open it using your browser, fill in the required information and click update . Should you decide you do not wish to accept the verification process you can notify us before 17\/11\/2011 to close your account immediately without incurring any additional charges. We do hope, however, that you continue to use PayPal and enjoy the following benefits: It's safer When you pay with PayPal your financial details are never shared with sellers or retailers, so you?e more protected against fraud. It's faster You don? have to type in your card details each time you pay, so you can check out faster online. You can also get eBay items delivered more quickly, as you can pay the seller instantly. It?'s easier PayPal is the preferred web payment method in the world because it? a smarter, savvier way to pay online in just a few clicks. All you need is your email address and a password. Copyright \u00a9 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Thanks for this information. I gave Alsa a try, couldn't figure out how to enable digital out, although I'm sure if I put enough time into it, could have gotten it working. Also when playing mp3s in analog mode, every time I switched between mp3s there was a bit of static. Noticed a new distribution geared towards audio applications, AGNULA ( uses Alsa as well. Seems though the latest open source emu10k1 drivers (SBLive! 5.1) work fair enough. Anyone else experience these problems with Alsa? Are there alot of people on this list using Alsa? Regards, Lance On Sat, 2002-08-24 at 17:45, Angles Puglisi wrote: > FYI, This is how I make my ALSA rpms ... some people on the (null) list did not > realize it was pretty easy. > > btw, I do this lot since I've upgraded from RH7.3 to Limbo1 to Limbo2 to Null all in > a week (probably). > > forward - original mail: > From \"Angles Puglisi\" > Date 08\/24\/2002 - 06:38:03 pm > Subject Re: When are we going to get.... > ---- > > From: Angles Puglisi > To: limbo-list@example.com > Subject: Re: When are we going to get.... > Date: 24 Aug 2002 22:40:40 +0000 > > OK, I do this every time I update a kernel. > > The 1st time I added ALSA, I tried a non-root rpom build but the DEV things were not > made. Other than that, I bet you could do non-root. The following can be scripted > easily. > > 1. get (a) alsa-drivers, (b) alas-lib, and (c) alsa-utils tarballs (if upgrading the > kernel then you probably have them from your last install). > 2. unpack them somewhere. > 3. for each of them, go to the top directory of the unpacked tarball, and do > ..\/configure, then look in (I'm going by memory) TOPDIR\/utils\/* you should see a spec > file there. Do this for the 3 tarballs and you get 3 spec files. > > 4. put the source tarballs in SOURCES and the spec files in SPECS, go in order from > a, b, then c, doing > \"rpmbuild -ba SPECS\/alsa-[X].spec; rpm -Uvh RPMS\/i386\/alsa-[X].rpm\" > > 5. do that in order for the 3 spec files and you have just installed the alsa > drivers on your system. The 1st time you do this you need to put the correct stuff > in your modules.conf file (may take some research) then you get the alsa driver and > OSS compat capabilities, or you can choose not to use the OOS compat stuff. > > Script making the spec, then building and upgrading, as above, and you have > \"no-sweat\" ALSA. > > NOTE: the (null) rpmbuild did take some tweaking, it does a check for files in the > buildroot that you don't specify in your files section. In this case there is an > extra file (going by memory) \"\/include\/sys\/asound.h\". Add a line at the end on the > \"install\" section of the spec file to delete that file and you are good to go. > > Gordon Messmer (yinyang@eburg.com) wrote*: > > > >On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 03:41, Matthias Saou wrote: > >> > >> Probably when Red Hat Linux gets a 2.6 kernel ;-) Until then, a few places > >> provide good quality alsa packages, but indeed you still have to patch and > >> recompile your kernel. > > > >Not so. Alsa is build-able independently of the kernel. > > > >> Maybe some day I'll try ALSA (never done it yet), and that day you can > >> expect all needed packages to appear on freshrpms.net :-) > > > >I'd be interested in working with you on that if you want those > >packages. > > > > > > > > > >_______________________________________________ > >Limbo-list mailing list > >Limbo-list@redhat.com > > > > -- > That's \"angle\" as in geometry. -- : ####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]########################### Sub : Extracting lines X to Y in a text file LOST #261 Use sed ... Syntax: [$sed -n 'X,Yp' textout.fil #### #################################### : _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"Important Notice Warning, Some information on your account appears to be missing or incorrect. Please confirm your information promptly so that you can continue to enjoy all the benefits of your Bank Of America account. If you don't confirm your information, we'll limit what you can do with your Bank Of America account. Here's a link to all the legal details [1] Thank you for being a Bank Of America customer. Please do not reply to this email. We are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, visit our Help Center by clicking \"Help\" located on any Bank Of America page or email. Copyright (c) 2015. Links: ------ [1]","label":1} {"text":"Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I apologize for my hesitations, but her protection and hapiness is my greatest concern. But I am sick of just thinking about the problem and not being invloved in the process to fix it which is why I contacted you in the first place. It is confusing to know what to do. I will talk to her and get back to you. You are very sincere and knowledgable and I appreciate that. Heil Hitler!","label":0} {"text":"Hi Stefan and Fortunat: Attached are the draft figs that include proxy obs, simulations, and comparisons of the two. As you can see, Tim just sent them. Big job, but they look great in my eyes. See Tim's email below for more background info. We need fast feedback from you both, specifically: 1) any general comments on the figs - this is a crux set of figures and we need your eyes to look at them carefully 2) is it wise to keep the new EMIC run panel attached to the second figure as attached? I vote yes, but what do you think. It fits w\/ the other panels pretty well. 3) either way, we need caption prose from you (perhaps Fortunat start, and Stefan edit, or vice versa if Stefan can start first) on the new EMIC panel. 4) also, we need a new para, or prose that can be added to a para, that describes the panel and it's implications as it informs our assessment. Keith will then integrate this into the section. I'm not sure of this, but perhaps you could start with a new question heading, and then have a short para to go under it - something like \"What is the significance of the new reduced-amplitude estimates of past solar variability?\" Of course, we need your feedback and prose asap. Please send to me, Eystein, Keith and Tim. Thanks in advance for the help. Best, peck >X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 >Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:00:19 +0000 >To: Jonathan Overpeck , > Eystein Jansen >From: Tim Osborn >Subject: some figures at last! >Cc: Keith Briffa >X-UEA-Spam-Score: -102.8 >X-UEA-Spam-Level: --------------------------------------------------- >X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO > >Dear Peck and Eystein, > >the attached word file contains the latest versions of two of our figures. > >First, is the reconstructions with many requests now done: linear >time scale, dotted early instrumental temperatures not solid line, >Oerlemans added, new panel showing shading for the overlapping >regions of temperature reconstructions. > >Second, is the forcings and models. Stendel ECHAM simulation added >(1500-2000). New ECHO-G Erik2 simulation just published in GRL from >Gonzalez-Ruoco et al. added (1000-1990). Reconstruction \"envelope\" >replaced by new shading of overlaps in the temperature >reconstructions. Correction of some labelling errors. Those runs >that did not include 20th century sulphate aerosol cooling are >dotted or dashed after 1900 (the two low ones also omitted CH4, N2O, >CFCs, O3, hence still cool despite omitting aerosol cooling). The >ECHO-G Erik1 simulation with the very out-of-equilibrium initial >conditions is dashed. Finally, the extra panel with the new EMIC >runs is included as panel (e), again with the new shading of >overlapping temperature reconstructions. > >Keith suggests sending to Stefan and Fortunat too for their views - >can you do that (they may now be gone for the weekend, of course). > >Best wishes and sorry this is late. Am I right in thinking that the >only other possible-TS figure is the location maps? Still working >on those (had very little time in last 2 days due to media etc. >attention re. Science paper). > >Cheers > >Tim > > > >Dr Timothy J Osborn >Climatic Research Unit >School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia >Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK > >e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >phone: +44 1603 592089 >fax: +44 1603 507784 >web: ~timo\/ >sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\figures_2000yr_10feb20061.doc\"","label":0} {"text":"Daily Newsletter .mail_style1 { text-align: center; background-color: #3399FF; } .mail_style2 { color: #E1E11B; font-size: xx-large; font-family: Impact, Haettenschweiler, \"Arial Narrow Bold\", sans-serif; } .mail_style3 { margin-left: 40px; } .mail_style4 { color: #FFFFFF; } .mail_style5 { font-size: medium; font-family: Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif; } .mail_style6 { color: #BC1919; } StockTips Hi a.mazzeo, Hope all is well with you and the family. I know you reached out to me last month looking for a good investment amid this crazy market. I must tell you it has been very hard to find something solid. Theres very few hidden gems out there and I honestly didnt even think I would be able to find something. That being said the best Ive been able to find is RNBI and when I say best, it really seems to be a god send. I told a few of my other clients about it last month as it seemed pretty cheap and it has gone up by more than 50% since. Im giving you a heads up on RNBI because I spoke with a few of my colleagues and they agree that it will hit a dollar some time in the coming weeks. Dont tell anyone you hear this from me please we're suppose to keep it on the down low. The company operates in the legalhemp industry, apparently the sector has been going nuts since colorado and washington made the stuff legal and apparently RNBI is going to announce some big news soon. Not sure what it is but my source is usually pretty spot on. Take care and let me know if you need anything else. Ill keep you posted if I have some more news. (c) 2014. StockTips. All rights reserved. 7080 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90038 Unsubscribe --","label":0} {"text":"Yes, I am aware of this treasonous pig and what he is doing. It has the Mother of my kids very upset and not sleeping due to worry. We have been targetted in the past, so we know what Ramm is trying to do. If any shit goes down here I just pray that I am home, for it will be handled then. Ass Ramms list of former NSM members is ful of lies, a bunch of those people are still current members, some of the names (lots of them) are not even real people, and some of the names are accurate of some that quit or were thrown out. Its just more of his sillyness, he is alsoing send out e-mails impersonating me, and our Former Chairman Herrington. Speaking of Ramm, I should send you the e-mail where he says he would not care if my children or parents got put in the Hospital because of his posting, yeah I saved that e-mail too, just like the one where he said he wanted nukeisrael to go to the ADL. He is now safely in the enemy camp, he is no NS to target women and children, and my elderly Parents, the sick bastard. I appreciate your zeal Brother, but we will have alot more than 4 of us marching in DC, this week alone we processed 6 new members in 6 days, they Party is growing despite the drama queens and naysayers. There should be a small army of us in DC. 88 Commander Schoep On 12\/1\/07, William Herring wrote: > > I am an information hound, so in the interest of keeping abreast of what > is going on, I periodically check antis and former members sites. On > Ass-Ramms new site he has posted your home address along with an arial map > of your place. Also, your phone number and other personal information. I am > sure you are almost certainly aware of this, but by posting your personal > information, this is now a security issue concerning the safety of yourself > and your children. > > Once again sir, you have my complete loyalty, although I still have much > to prove. The NSM is my home now and I will do all that I can to be a part > of something noble for once in my life. Even if that list he published is > accurate and all of those members have quit- who cares? Fuck em I say. There > are about 180,000,000 white people in America. Thats a lot to work with.... > > As for Mathew Ramsey- whatever validity I once thought his claims had are > gone. Whatever personal beef he may have had with the NSM, you don't publish > the address and show photos of a man's home where there are 6 CHILDREN! What > a fucking scumbag. Excuse my language Sir, but this has me more than a > little pissed off. How many niggers or jews would love to launch a molotov > through your window? And this prick makes it personal and involves YOUR > FAMILY? Christ even the goddamn Mafia has a \"hands off\" policy when it comes > to women and children.... > > In closing Commander, no matter what happens with this organization, no > matter if its down to you, me, Colonel Bishop and Charles Wilson marching > alone in DC, I will be there and I will always be ready to stand at your > side. Fuck the weak, selfish and cowardly! We can and we will achieve > victory, of that I am certain. Be safe sir. > > > Respectfully, > > > ST First Class William Herring > > NSM North Dakota > > ------------------------------ > Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Power up! > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Suggest flipping to add personalization higher up. See below. From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 7:00 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: For edits: Draft sample op-ed Sample Trump Op-Ed Divisive, Reckless and Dangerous: The Trump-Ryan Agenda is a Recipe for Disaster (Key Issues: Taxes, Economy, Women's Health, Immigration) Donald Trump's recklessness would hurt our economy, diminish our standing in the world, make our communities less safe, and leave the working families of [State] behind. He is divisive, dangerous, and he lacks the judgment and temperament to be president. In states with Republican state leadership: Here in the state of [XXX], we already know the damage Republican leadership can do. Governor [XXX], and\/or the Republican-led legislature have implemented more of the same backwards policies from the Republican playbook. (state-specific examples) We need Democratic leadership to carry us forward. In states with Democratic state leadership: Here in the state of [XXX], Governor [XXX], and\/or the Democratic-led legislature have fought for policies that have expanded opportunity, protected civil rights and helped working families prosper. (state-specific examples) What Trump is promising is what we already know we can expect from the GOP. For years the Republican Party has elevated extreme voices, using divisive campaigns that sought to exploit unfounded fears for political gain. And despite his best attempts at portraying himself as an independent outsider with new ideas, he has embraced the same disastrous, failed policies that today's top GOP leaders, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, have long fought for. A Trump presidency would advance Ryan's policies, erase the real economic progress of the last seven years under President Obama, hurt working families, turn back the clock on women's health, and deepen divisions on immigration reform. Both Trump and Ryan would block an increase in the minimum wage. Both have vowed to defund or shutdown Planned Parenthood. Trump has made absurd claims about building a \"great wall\" on our southern border, while Ryan has voted repeatedly for building a border wall. Both have vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would jeopardize health care for 20 million Americans. And both men have proposed tax plans that would overwhelmingly benefit the rich and slash the top income tax rate to 25 percent. Trump's tax plan would cost the country $9.5 trillion to implement - more than any other Republican plan proposed - while violating his own pledge to eliminate the national debt. This week as Trump and Ryan meet at RNC headquarters, presumably in an attempt to repair the damage of their vicious primary, it's a stark reminded that the Trump-Ryan agenda is a real threat, and that if we allow it to take hold over the next four years it would come at a severe cost for the vast majority of Americans. A Trump presidency would only drag us backwards. His campaign has damaged America's relationships across the globe. His record of denigrating women has only gotten worse throughout this campaign, and at the same time that his divisive rhetoric has made our communities less safe. His business record is riddled with embarrassing failures that make it clear the American people can't afford to let him get anywhere near the White House. When the last Republican president left office, our economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month. The Trump-Ryan agenda is offering more of the same, or worse, and the American people cannot afford to let Trump bully his way into the Oval Office. We need to elect more Democratic leadership from the top of the ticket down to build on the progress of the last seven years under President Obama - with 74 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest streak on record, and 14 million new jobs created. Republicans couldn't unite against Trump and failed to stand up to him during their primary because they were playing to the same extreme base of their party. Democrats will be united and hold Donald Trump accountable every day until Election Day on November 8th.","label":0} {"text":"unwritten rule. 8-) gg -----Original Message----- From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of CDale Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 10:21 PM To: Geege Schuman Cc: bitbitch@magnesium.net; Adam L. Beberg; fork@spamassassin.taint.org Subject: RE: Re[2]: Selling Wedded Bliss (was Re: Ouch...) Why should I? (: C On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Geege Schuman wrote: > quitcherbraggin. > > :-) > gg > > -----Original Message----- > From: fork-admin@xent.com On Behalf Of CDale > Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 3:42 AM > To: bitbitch@magnesium.net > Cc: Adam L. Beberg; fork@spamassassin.taint.org > Subject: Re[2]: Selling Wedded Bliss (was Re: Ouch...) > > > I dunno, BB. Women who like to be thought of this way should have the > right to choose to be treated this way. Men too... ahem. (: My boy > cleans, washes clothes, cooks, fixes stuff, etc, and works the same number > of hours I do, sometimes more, if he has to catch up with me. (: I > close him because he is industrious and creative, and because he > unfailingly makes my bed the minute I get out of it. And boy #2 will be > here soon to help boy #1 with other things such as pedicures, backrubs, > and sure, fucking. LOL! (along with the aforementioned \"chores\") Adam can > have his cake and eat it too, if he can only find the right girl who has > the same beliefs about gender roles that he has. Of course, he has NO > clue where to look, so we will be constantly laughing at him while he > stumbles around in the dark. > Cindy > P.S. the numbers do not in any way indicate importance or favor -- only > the order in which they move into my house. -smiles at chris- > P.S. #2. I'm moving. Going to New Orleans. Can't handle any more cab > driving. The summer sucked here on the MS Gulf Coast, instead of rocking > like it normally does. Wish me luck. I'm going to look for another > computer job. Le Sigh. (: > > On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 bitbitch@magnesium.net wrote: > > > Hello Adam, > > > > Thursday, September 05, 2002, 11:33:18 PM, you wrote: > > > > > > ALB> So, you're saying that product bundling works? Good point. > > > > Sometimes I wish I was still in CA. You deserve a good beating every > > so often... (anyone else want to do the honors?) > > > > ALB> And how is this any different from \"normal\" marriage exactly? Other > then > > ALB> that the woman not only gets a man, but one in a country where both > she and > > ALB> her offspring will have actual opportunities? Oh and the lack of > > ALB> \"de-feminized, over-sized, self-centered, mercenary-minded\" choices? > > > > Mmkay. For the nth time Adam, we don't live in the land of > > Adam-fantasy. Women actually are allowed to do things productive, > > independent and entirely free of their male counterparts. They aren't > > forced to cook and clean and merely be sexual vessels. Sometimes, > > and this will come as a shock to you, no doubt, men and women even > > find -love- (which is the crucial distinction between this system) and > > they marry one another for the satisfaction of being together. I > > know, far-fetched and idealistically crazy as it is, but such things > > do happen. I can guarantee you, if my mother was approached by my > > father, and 25 years ago, he commented on her cleaning ability as a > > motivator for marrying her, we would not be having this conversation > > now. > > > > If guys still have silly antequated ideas about 'women's role' then > > their opportunities for finding women _will_ be scarce. Again, these > > situations are great, provided everyone is aware that the relationship > > is a contractual one -- he wants a maid, a dog and a prostitute he > > doesn't have to pay, and she wants a country that isn't impoverished > > and teeming with AIDS. A contract, versus a true love-interest > > marriage. > > > > Egh. I really need to stop analyzing your posts to this extent. I > > blame law school and my cat. > > > > -BB > > > > ALB> - Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg > > ALB> ~beberg\/ > > ALB> beberg@mithral.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > \"I don't take no stocks in mathematics, anyway\" --Huckleberry Finn > > > > > -- \"I don't take no stocks in mathematics, anyway\" --Huckleberry Finn","label":0} {"text":"Good evening, AP has called the Maryland 4th congressional district Democratic primary race for Anthony Brown. AP has called the Maryland 8th congressional district Democratic primary race for Jamie Raskin. Results below: R Maryland-4th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 82% Reporting Anthony Brown 42% of total vote 40m085 Votes Warren Christopher 3% of total vote 3,076 Votes Matthew Fogg 1% of total vote 1,124 Votes Glenn Ivey 35% of total vote 33,666 Votes Joseline Pena-Melnyk 19% of total vote 17,952 Votes Terrence Strait 1% of total vote 583 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 95% Reporting David Anderson 1% of total vote 1,200 Votes Kumar Barve 2% of total vote 2,484 Votes Dan Bolling 1% of total vote 573 Votes Ana Sol Gutierrez 6% of total vote 5,968 Votes William Jawando 5% of total vote 4,950 Votes Kathleen Matthews 24% of total vote 25,779 Votes Jamie Raskin 33% of total vote 35,564 Votes Joel Rubin 1% of total vote 1,087 Votes David Trone 28% of total vote 29,946 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:01 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in MD, and PA Good evening, A note, there was an error: the primaries in Delaware will not occur until September. AP has called the Maryland 4th congressional district Republican primary race for George McDermott. AP has called the Maryland 8th congressional district Republican primary race for Dan Cox. AP has called the Pennsylvania 8th congressional district Republican primary race for Brian Fitzpatrick. AP has called the Pennsylvania 8th congressional district Democratic primary race for Steven Santasiero. AP has called the Pennsylvania Democratic primary race for Attorney General in favor of Josh Shapiro. Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Mack Clifton 0% of total vote 0 Votes Gersham Cupid 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sheila Dixon 0% of total vote 0 Votes Elizabeth Embry 0% of total vote 0 Votes Patrick Gutierrez 0% of total vote 0 Votes DeRay Mckesson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Nick Mosby 0% of total vote 0 Votes Catherine Pugh 0% of total vote 0 Votes Carl Stokes 0% of total vote 0 Votes Cindy Walsh 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Warnock 0% of total vote 0 Votes Wilton Wilson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Calvin Young 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Armand Girard 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chancellor Torbit 0% of total vote 0 Votes Brian Vaeth 0% of total vote 0 Votes Alan Walden 0% of total vote 0 Votes Larry Wardlow 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 76% Reporting Anthony Brown 41% of total vote 37,791 Votes Warren Christopher 3% of total vote 2,953 Votes Matthew Fogg 1% of total vote 1,073 Votes Glenn Ivey 35% of total vote 32,051 Votes Joseline Pena-Melnyk 19% of total vote 17,118 Votes Terrence Strait 1% of total vote 567 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 75% Reporting Robert Broadus 17% of total vote 2,731 Votes Rob Buck 11% of total vote 1,849 Votes George McDermott 46% of total vote 7,537 Votes David Therrien 26% of total vote 4,171 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 95% Reporting David Anderson 1% of total vote 1,200 Votes Kumar Barve 2% of total vote 2,484 Votes Dan Bolling 1% of total vote 573 Votes Ana Sol Gutierrez 6% of total vote 5,968 Votes William Jawando 5% of total vote 4,950 Votes Kathleen Matthews 24% of total vote 25,779 Votes Jamie Raskin 33% of total vote 35,564 Votes Joel Rubin 1% of total vote 1,087 Votes David Trone 28% of total vote 29,946 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 92% Reporting Dan Cox 45% of total vote 18,484 Votes Jeffrey Jones 20% of total vote 8,257 Votes Elizabeth Matory 15% of total vote 6,127 Votes Aryeh Shudofsky 7% of total vote 2,875 Votes Shelly Skolnick 12% of total vote 5,067 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 40% Reporting Shaughnessy Naughton 41% of total vote 12,286 Votes Steve Santasiero 59% of total vote 17,395 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 40% Reporting Brian Fitzpatrick 80% of total vote 25,503 Votes Steve Andy Warren 12% of total vote 3,886 Votes Marc Duome 8% of total vote 2,486 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Democratic Primary) 76% Reporting John Morganelli 14% of total vote 155,092 Votes Josh Shapiro 46% of total vote 504,499 Votes Stephen Zappala 40% of total vote 431,337 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:43 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in DE, MD, and PA Good evening, AP has called the Maryland Republican senatorial primary for Kathy Szeliga. AP has called the Pennsylvania Democratic senatorial primary for Katie McGinty. AP has called the Pennsylvania Republican primary race for Attorney General for John Rafferty. AP has called the Pennsylvania 2nd congressional district Democratic primary race for Dwight Evans. He defeats incumbent, Chaka Fattah. Below are the current results: Maryland-Senatorial (Republican Primary) 61% Reporting Chris Chaffee 14% of total vote 38,732 Votes Sean Connor 6% of total vote 15,302 Votes Richard Douglas 8% of total vote 20,256 Votes John Graziani 4% of total vote 11,675 Votes Greg Holmes 4% of total vote 11,022 Votes Joe Hooe 2% of total vote 5,665 Votes Chrys Kefalas 9% of total vote 24,804 Votes Mark McNicholas 3% of total vote 7,060 Votes Lynn Richardson 6% of total vote 14,742 Votes Anthony Seda 1% of total vote 2,565 Votes Richard Shawver 1% of total vote 2,156 Votes Kathy Szeliga 36% of total vote 96,113 Votes Dave Wallace 6% of total vote 16,101 Votes Garry Yarrington 1% of total vote 2,089 Votes Pennsylvania-2nd Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 90% Reporting Chaka Fatah-Incumbent 43% of total vote 57,394 Votes Dan Muroff 9% of total vote 13,974 Votes Brian Gordon 12% of total vote 19,298 Votes Dwight Evans 43% of total vote 68,891 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 40% Reporting Shaughnessy Naughton 51% of total vote 17,395 Votes Steve Santasiero 49% of total vote 12,286 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 13% Reporting Brian Fitzpatrick 83% of total vote 9,633 Votes Steve Andy Warren 10% of total vote 1,165 Votes Marc Duome 7% of total vote 764 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Democratic Primary) 60% Reporting John Morganelli 14% of total vote 126,792 Votes Josh Shapiro 46% of total vote 427,611 Votes Stephen Zappala 40% of total vote 376,814 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Republican Primary) 65% Reporting John Rafferty 61% of total vote 390,303 Votes Joseph Peters 39% of total vote 244,384 Votes Pennsylvania-Senatorial (Democratic Primary) 70% Reporting Joe Sestak 30% of total vote 284,117 Votes Kathleen McGinty 42% of total vote 395,655 Votes John Fetterman 21% of total vote 198,694 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:07 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in DE, MD, and PA Maryland-Senatorial (Democratic Primary) 30% Reporting Freddie Dickson 2% of total vote 5,336 Votes Donna Edwards 39% of total vote 141,339 Votes Ralph Jaffe 1% of total vote 2,967 Votes Theresa Scaldaferri 1% of total vote 4,986 Votes Charles Smith 1% of total vote 2,875 Votes Violet Staley 1% of total vote 3,714 Votes Blaine Taylor 1% of total vote 2,371 Votes Ed Tinus 0% of total vote 1,038 Votes Chris Van Hollen 54% of total vote 192,965 Votes Lih Young 3% of total vote 9,251 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:03 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in DE, MD, and PA Good evening, AP has called the Democratic senatorial primary race for Chris Van Hollen. V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)] From: Gonzalez, Elias Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:08 PM To: Gonzalez, Elias Subject: FW: Primaries in DE, MD, and PA Good evening, Below are the current results: Delaware-1st Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Bryan Townsend 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lisa Blunt Rochester 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sean Barney 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Mack Clifton 0% of total vote 0 Votes Gersham Cupid 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sheila Dixon 0% of total vote 0 Votes Elizabeth Embry 0% of total vote 0 Votes Patrick Gutierrez 0% of total vote 0 Votes DeRay Mckesson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Nick Mosby 0% of total vote 0 Votes Catherine Pugh 0% of total vote 0 Votes Carl Stokes 0% of total vote 0 Votes Cindy Walsh 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Warnock 0% of total vote 0 Votes Wilton Wilson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Calvin Young 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mayoral - Baltimore, MD (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Armand Girard 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chancellor Torbit 0% of total vote 0 Votes Brian Vaeth 0% of total vote 0 Votes Alan Walden 0% of total vote 0 Votes Larry Wardlow 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Anthony Brown 0% of total vote 0 Votes Warren Christopher 0% of total vote 0 Votes Matthew Fogg 0% of total vote 0 Votes Glenn Ivey 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joseline Pena-Melnyk 0% of total vote 0 Votes Terrence Strait 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-4th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Robert Broadus 0% of total vote 0 Votes Rob Buck 0% of total vote 0 Votes George McDermott 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Therrien 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting David Anderson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kumar Barve 0% of total vote 0 Votes Dan Bolling 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ana Sol Gutierrez 0% of total vote 0 Votes William Jawando 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kathleen Matthews 0% of total vote 0 Votes Jamie Raskin 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joel Rubin 0% of total vote 0 Votes David Trone 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Dan Cox 0% of total vote 0 Votes Jeffrey Jones 0% of total vote 0 Votes Elizabeth Matory 0% of total vote 0 Votes Aryeh Shudofsky 0% of total vote 0 Votes Shelly Skolnick 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-Senatorial (Democratic Primary) 0% Reporting Freddie Dickson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Donna Edwards 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ralph Jaffe 0% of total vote 0 Votes Theresa Scaldaferri 0% of total vote 0 Votes Charles Smith 0% of total vote 0 Votes Violet Staley 0% of total vote 0 Votes Blaine Taylor 0% of total vote 0 Votes Ed Tinus 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chris Van Hollen 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lih Young 0% of total vote 0 Votes Maryland-Senatorial (Republican Primary) 0% Reporting Chris Chaffee 0% of total vote 0 Votes Sean Connor 0% of total vote 0 Votes Richard Douglas 0% of total vote 0 Votes John Graziani 0% of total vote 0 Votes Greg Holmes 0% of total vote 0 Votes Joe Hooe 0% of total vote 0 Votes Chrys Kefalas 0% of total vote 0 Votes Mark McNicholas 0% of total vote 0 Votes Lynn Richardson 0% of total vote 0 Votes Anthony Seda 0% of total vote 0 Votes Richard Shawver 0% of total vote 0 Votes Kathy Szeliga 0% of total vote 0 Votes Dave Wallace 0% of total vote 0 Votes Garry Yarrington 0% of total vote 0 Votes Pennsylvania-2nd Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 16% Reporting Chaka Fatah-Incumbent 45% of total vote 11,138 Votes Dan Muroff 4% of total vote 914 Votes Brian Gordon 12% of total vote 2,890 Votes Dwight Evans 39% of total vote 9,567 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Democratic Primary) 40% Reporting Shaughnessy Naughton 51% of total vote 17,395 Votes Steve Santasiero 49% of total vote 12,286 Votes Pennsylvania-8th Congressional District (Republican Primary) 13% Reporting Brian Fitzpatrick 83% of total vote 9,633 Votes Steve Andy Warren 10% of total vote 1,165 Votes Marc Duome 7% of total vote 764 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Democratic Primary) 60% Reporting John Morganelli 14% of total vote 126,792 Votes Josh Shapiro 46% of total vote 427,611 Votes Stephen Zappala 40% of total vote 376,814 Votes Pennsylvania-Attorney General (Republican Primary) 65% Reporting John Rafferty 61% of total vote 390,303 Votes Joseph Peters 39% of total vote 244,384 Votes Pennsylvania-Senatorial (Democratic Primary) 70% Reporting Joe Sestak 30% of total vote 284,117 Votes Kathleen McGinty 42% of total vote 395,655 Votes John Fetterman 21% of total vote 198,694 Votes V\/r, Elias Gonzalez | Political Staff Assistant | Veterans Outreach Desk Democratic National Committee O: (202) 488-5006 | C: (202) 657-1649 [footer-d (2)]","label":0} {"text":"Sat=2C 4 Oct 2008 13:02:49 -0400 Greetings! We need more commited men and women in this struggle. You seem m= otivated and honest. We would be proud to have you amongst our ranks. I wil= l see if there are any NSM members in your area and get back to you as soon= as possible. How many men or women do you currently associate with who ma= y be interested in joining up with you? Our numbers are swelling monthly=2C= and we are always looking for individuals who are able and willing to step= into leadership positions. We are having three simultaneous rallys on Nove= mber 8th in Columbia=2C Missouri Jefferson City=2C Missouri and Tyler Texas= . If you are able=2C we would love to have you join us on that day. Looking= forward to speaking with again soon Comrade. 88! = Sincerely=2C = SS Herring = NS= M Staff Corps Stay up to date on your PC=2C the Web=2C and your mobile phone with Windows= Live. See Now=20 _________________________________________________________________ See how Windows connects the people=2C information=2C and fun that are part= of your life. --_31d202ee-6e06-440b-a564-62029c9ae96e_ Content-Type: text\/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable .hmmessage P { margin:0px=3B padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3B FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } Comrade Herring=2C =3B Thank you so much for your response! =3B It is a pleasure \"meeting\" and= \"speaking\" with you. =3B I would love to attend one of the rallies you= mentioned=2C but I will actually be on my honeymoon on that date! =3B = My fiancee and I are getting married 11\/1\/08 and then we are solitude\/mount= ain-bound in New England. =3B =3B However=2C I am VERY interested in speaking with you further regarding the = formation of a strong TN NSM unit. =3B I do not at the present time kno= w of anyone I could COUNT ON joining up along with me=2C but there are a se= lect few men who teter on the brink. =3B I'm sure you know how that goe= s. =3B It is not easy to admit that one is NOT what the government want= s them to be=2C therefore the widespread fear and intimidation plays a majo= r role in \"speaking out\". =3B I will admit that I do worry about if\/whe= n I go public with this that I risk losing my job and so forth. =3B I a= m compelled to ask what legal ramifications have you seen played out agains= t various unit leaders? =3B Any answers you provide won't necessarily m= ake me change my decision. =3B I assure you that I would not \"bumble\" w= hen I speak publicly=2C but even elequence doesn't gloss over our frustrati= on in the eyes of the majority of liberally-brainwashed Americans. =3B = =3B What is involved in the process =3Bin becoming unit leader here in the = great state of TN? =3B What is my next step? =3B I am open to any q= uestions you have about me and I almost encourage it so you know exactly wh= ere I am coming from and feel confident in allowing me the great priviledge= of being an integral part of your association. =3B =3B For personal info and samples of my writings=2C see my myspace page at: moreimmigration I encourage you to read at least a bit or all of the first two blogs or so.= =3B Also=2C if you are not aware of Anton LaVey=2C there is a great sn= ipit of his speaking on my page as well. =3B I look forward to begining= this process and speaking with you\/the NSM further! =3B I wish you a g= ood weekend! =3B =3B P.S. =3B I can also be reached at 615-943-5550=2C but don't be surprise= d it I don't return calls immediately during the weekends. =3B =3BU= ntil our wedding=2C we are quite busy with preparations and family gatherin= gs. =3B I'm sure you understand!! =3B =3B Cord= ially=2C Mike Cook From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: bassnash@hotmail.com Subject: Your ema= il Date: Sat=2C 4 Oct 2008 13:02:49 -0400 .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px=3B} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt=3Bfont-family:Tahoma=3B} Greetings! We need more commited men and women in this struggle. You seem m= otivated and honest. We would be proud to have you amongst our ranks. I wil= l see if there are any NSM members in your area and get back to you as soon= as possible. =3B How many men or women do you currently associ= ate with who may be interested in joining up with you? Our numbers are swel= ling monthly=2C and we are always looking for individuals who are able and = willing to step into leadership positions. We are having three simultaneous= rallys on November 8th in Columbia=2C Missouri Jefferson City=2C Missouri = and Tyler Texas. =3B If you are able=2C we would love to have yo= u join us on that day. Looking forward to speaking with again soon Comrade.= 88! =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B Sincerely=2C =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3BSS Herring =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B&nb= sp=3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B= =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B NSM Staff Corps Stay up to date on your PC=2C the Web=2C and your mobile phone with Windows= Live. See Now See how Windows connects t= he people=2C information=2C and fun that are part of your life. See Now = --_31d202ee-6e06-440b-a564-62029c9ae96e_--","label":0} {"text":"Several of us fielded radio interviews today also, but here is more... Denied a permit, the National Socialist Movement plans to hold rally during football game. Denied a permit, the National Socialist Movement plans to hold rally during football game. By Daniel Ramey Sept. 9, 2008 Despite being denied a permit to hold a parade, a local neo-Nazi group said it still intends to hold a rally in Columbia during an upcoming MU home football game, but police said they are trying to reach an agreement with the groupw. In a letter addressed to Interim Columbia Police Chief Tom Dresner, the mid-Missouri chapter of the National Socialist Movement stood firm on its right to march in Columbia on Nov. 8. The Columbia Police Department denied the group's request for a parade permit last week because MU is scheduled to host a home football game against Kansas State on that day. The department said in a news release that the two events would overburden police resources on that date. \"We do intend to come on Nov. 8 with or without a permit,\" NSM national director Jeff Schoep said in the letter. \"It is our legal right, and we can do a walking picket on city sidewalks according to law.\" Schoep said the group would seek legal injunction against the City of Columbia if the group was not allowed to march. \"If the NSM is forced back into the courts to challenge a violation of our rights once again, I will free up every last dime we have at our disposal to hire the absolute best attorney we can find in the state of Missouri,\" he said in the letter. Schoep then cited instances when the group had taken legal action against the cities of Orlando and Toledo, Ohio, and had earned a permit to march after originally being denied one. Representatives from the NSM met with CPD on Monday as part of an appeal to the denial of their request. According to a statement released by Dresner on Monday, discussions are continuing between the NSM and the department, and Dresner said it would not comment on the issue until they are \"recontacted by the NSM regarding their intentions\" and an agreement is reached between the two parties. Lt. Charles Wilson, leader of the NSM's stormtroopers division, estimated that there were already 120 people who had booked plane tickets or were planning to drive to the event on Nov. 8. The group's goal with the march is to protest illegal immigration, Wilson said. \"We will be there,\" he said. Schoep also attacked how the police department handled the denial. He contested the validity of a football game as a reason to deny the permit and attacked the manner in which the group was informed of the denial. \"It has been noted that your department informed the press of the initial denial of our permit,\" Schoep said in the letter. \"Yet, we had not been informed by your department if the permit was approved or denied. The media informed us, so we assume that it may not even be true.\" Schoep wrote that the letter was being sent by U.S. Postal Service on Monday to the police department but was released to the media via e-mail beforehand. Despite the group's criticism with how the denial was handled, it said it is still willing to compromise with the city. \"If you are willing to negotiate with us on the terms of the rally, and time, we are open to amend within reason,\" Schoep said in the letter. One change the group was willing to make, he said, would be to cut down the march from the original five hours it requested. Dresner said the two sides were supposed to meet to discuss the matter on Monday. \u00ab Previous Entry | BoCoMo Buzz Home September 08, 2008 No Neo-nazi Fanfare I know our cops reporter, Joe Meyer, has already posted on his blog that the neo-Nazis, members of the National Socialist Movement, plan to march in Columbia Nov. 8, but since I wrote the three stories last week, I wanted to share some things expressed to me. I got some angry phone calls - some people were furious that the paper printed the news on the front page, concerned about their kids reading it and finding out what neo-Nazis were. Many people said our city should simply ignore the group and its efforts and stage an alternative event to show opposition. Some said more needs to be done, such as citizens taking action by signing up for membership with organizations the neo-Nazis oppose, such as the Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP. I did get one call from a person who wanted to know where to get more information about the group, which he is interested in possibly supporting. As a journalist, I think the media must remain objective to fully serve our readers, but I found an interesting approach while researching community's responses to \"hate\" groups. I was reading about the effort of citizens in Billings, Mont., to combat hate crimes occuring in their city. After one incident in which Jewish people were attacked, the paper ran a full-page ad of a menorah, which residents tore out and posted everywhere as a symbol of unity. Now, I realize this is different because marching is certainly not a crime -- the NSM is as welcome to demonstrate as any other group. And, as a person who lives off the assurance of the First Amendment and freedom of speech, I respect that. But, as Interim Police Chief Tom Dresner pointed out, there is a point where media coverage helps certain groups more than others. The more sensational or outrageous the group, the more coverage, usually. Journalistic principles will most likely give the event lots of coverage that will try to reflect both the NSM's viewpoint and the viewpoint of others. Last year, that amounted to the NSM rally as the top story and the Douglass Park picnic as the secondary story. But, since readers help decide what's newsworthy, I was curious to see what kind of coverage you all would like to see. Filed under: Hot topics Posted by Kat Hughes at 02:48 PM TV news: NBC channel 8 National Socialist Movement Appeal Permit COLUMBIA - Representatives from the National Socialist Movement met with the city manager and Capt. Tom Dresner of the Columbia Police Department to appeal their permit to march and rally to Boone County Courthouse. The Columbia Police Department said many different scenarios have been put forth regarding this potential event, leading to misinformation. The Department said they want to stress that discussions are continuing as part of their appeal of the Sept 2. denial. The Columbia Police Department said they are waiting to be recontacted by the NSM regarding their intentions before they release more information. *:* Caroline Zilk -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. 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For yourprotection, we require an exact match between the information we have on file and the information thatyou will confirm.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but these steps are necessary to protect youand your JPMorgan Chase accounts. There is no need to call us in response to a phone message we'veleft in the last three days unless you see any transactions you don't recognize. We thank you forchoosing JPMorgan Chase as your financial services provider and look forward to hearing from you verysoon.Customer ServicePlease do not reply to this message. We are unable to respond to Account inquiries sent in reply toAccount inquiries sent in reply to this e-mail. To contact us by phone, please call the number on theback of your Card. Sincerely, Chase Internet Banking Fraud Department","label":1} {"text":"Got it -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:43 PM To: Palermo, Rachel Subject: RE: This version For Approval: ROUNDUP: Dangerous Donald's Foreign Policy \"Plan\" Let's delete this part of WSJ line: so a serious if contradictory speech is at least a kind of progress. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:39 PM To: RR2 Subject: This version For Approval: ROUNDUP: Dangerous Donald's Foreign Policy \"Plan\" Thanks!! SL: ROUNDUP: Dangerous Donald's Foreign Policy \"Plan\" As he's done throughout his campaign, Dangerous Donald Trump is proving that on foreign policy, he lacks the judgment, experience, and temperament to be our next commander-in-chief. Trump would alienate allies and deal with friend and foe alike with reckless disregard, with poorly conceived ideas that would undermine our national security and make the American people less safe. Don't take our word for it, see what people are saying about his remarks below: A Trump-First Foreign Policy WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ His maiden policy speech on Wednesday, devoted to foreign affairs, earns an \"incomplete\" at Trump University. \u2026 The 5,000-word speech lacked specifics by normal political standards, if not his own. The central motif, like all of Mr. Trump's political thought, is that the businessman has the brains and strength to solve a given problem, and everybody else is a pathetic loser, so trust his instincts and temperament. \u2026 For prepared remarks, or for that matter even an after-dinner talk, Mr. Trump's speech was especially rife with contradictions. He said the conduct of foreign policy must be \"more unpredictable. We are totally predictable. We tell everything.\" He also said the conduct of foreign policy must be \"disciplined, deliberate and consistent.\" \u2026 Mr. Trump isn't known for close readings of his briefing books, if such documents exist, and deep policy knowledge is obviously not the source of his political appeal. But Americans typically prefer Presidents who are conversant about the world's biggest problems beyond a sound bite or two\u2026 Mr. Trump promised to \"win our new future struggles, which may be many, which may be complex, but we will win if I become President.\" He won't become the GOP nominee much less President if voters don't trust him with nuclear weapons, so a serious if contradictory speech is at least a kind of progress. Donald Trump's Strange Worldview NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ THE EDITORIAL BOARD ... No one's fears are likely to be allayed by this speech, which was clearly worked up by his new campaign advisers and read from a teleprompter. It did not exhibit much grasp of the complexity of the world, understanding of the balance or exercise of power, or even a careful reading of history. ... Mr. Trump repeatedly states outright falsehoods, often based on wrong assumptions. He's been refuted before on his claim that the Islamic State is making \"millions of dollars a week\" by selling Libyan oil. There is zero evidence of that. The nuclear deal with the United States and other major powers has not made Iran a \"great power,\" nor has Tehran violated the conditions of that pact, as Mr. Trump has said. Mr. Trump says he knows how to negotiate, and to him that seems to mean putting forward maximal positions that he can then walk back. That won't work in foreign policy. Mr. Trump did not display any willingness to learn or to correct his past errors. For someone who claims he is ready to lead the free world, that is inexcusable. Trump's unreal foreign policy: Our view USA TODAY \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD As anyone who watches reality television knows, the genre might be entertaining, but its correlation to actual reality is tenuous. Which is a good place to start with the much-awaited foreign policy speech delivered Wednesday in Washington by presidential candidate Donald Trump. As with The Apprentice, the show that helped him become a household name, the Republican front-runner sought to provide appealing fare for a certain class of people. In this case, the primary audience was voters opposed to trade, resentful of immigrants, distrustful of foreign governments, and wistful for a time when America wielded more power in a simpler world. In reaching out to this group, Trump vividly portrayed a world that does not exist: America's allies would be more respectful after being lectured to, while its enemies would be dealt with by bluster. China would fall into line after enduring unspecified economic pressure. And troubled regions of the world would be stabilized through U.S. disengagement. \u2026 Things might happen that way on TV. But not in reality. Or perhaps we should say real reality. Donald Trump shows dangerously incoherent foreign policy THE SACRAMENTO BEE \/\/ THE EDITORIAL BOARD Then, he gave a rambling, vague and incoherent speech Wednesday full of platitudes and contradictions, and suggested he would undermine international alliances that have helped keep America safe since World War II. It was billed as a major foreign policy address, but voters looking for reassurances about Trump as commander in chief can't feel that much more comfortable. Our longtime allies certainly won't be confident. Don't be fooled by Trump's foreign policy speech WASHINGTON POST \/\/ ANNE APPLEBAUM If you weren't already convinced that parody is now the central art form of our era, then Donald Trump's grand foreign policy speech yesterday was the proof. \u2026 The multiple inconsistencies and internal contradictions have already been listed by others. On the one hand, he said that \"your friends need to know that you will stick by the agreements that you have with them.\" On the other hand, he threatened to \"walk\" if those same friends didn't pony up to his demands. He wants to invest heavily in the military, but he wants to stop using the military. He doesn't want to do \"nation-building\" but does want to promote \"regional stability.\" There was no sense that he knew what either of those terms actually meant. \u2026 Anyone who sits down and analyzes the speech from start to finish will, of course, worry about the contradictions, the inconsistencies, the impossible claims, the detachment from reality. From Donald Trump, a Foreign Policy Speech Heavy on Slogans and Light on Details WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ AARON DAVID MILLER Those expecting a coherent, well-ordered view of the world and a strategy to match it would have been disappointed listening to Donald Trump's foreign policy address on Wednesday. The speech was a collection of bromides, slogans, aims, and promises wrapped in Mr. Trump's conviction that he can solve America's problems in a cruel and unforgiving world\u2013all without specifying how. \u2026 Nobody expected great detail on how exactly he would accomplish all of his plans. But in what was billed as a major foreign-policy address, the absence of guidance on how he would achieve his goals was striking. The best he could do about better burden sharing with our NATO allies was to suggest a summit to discuss the matter. \u2026 His implication that only he knows how to fix what ails the republic suggests a self-absorption that goes well beyond the normal ego and narcissism required to run for president. Mr. Trump's preference for celebrity (his) over substance and his reliance on one-liners over serious analysis of complicated problems point up potential for conflict, at minimum, should he win the nation's most-demanding job, a position that requires prudence, curiosity, and a willingness not only to ask questions but also to home in on the right ones. Trump struggles to explain 'America first' foreign policy ASSOCIATED PRESS\/\/ LOLITA C. BALDOR AND SAGAR MEGHANI Donald Trump strained to lay out a clear vision of his \"America first\" foreign policy on Wednesday, vowing to substitute hard-headed realism for what he called a post-Cold War era replete with U.S. national security failures. Yet the Republican presidential front-runner outlined no strategy for how he'd make the United States at the same time a \"consistent\" and \"unpredictable\" force in the world. And he didn't appear to allay the concerns of U.S. and international critics \u2014 Republicans at home as well as Democrats \u2014 who see him as unfit for the responsibilities of commander in chief. \u2026 Trump also contradicted his own broad-brush approach to foreign policy. He said at one point that the best way to achieve his goals was through \"disciplined, deliberate and consistent\" policy. Later, however, he exhorted the nation to \"be more unpredictable\" in how it combats enemies. Graham tears into Trump's 'pathetic' foreign policy speech THE HILL \/\/ JESSIE HELLMAN Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tore into Donald Trump's foreign policy address Wednesday in a series of tweets, saying, \"Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.\" The outspoken senator called Trump's speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington pathetic and incoherent. \"Trump speech is pathetic in terms of understanding the role America plays in the world, how to win War on Terror, and threats we face,\" Graham wrote. \"Trump's FP speech not conservative. It's isolationism surrounded by disconnected thought, demonstrates lack of understanding threats we face.\" A Trump-First Foreign Policy WALL STREET JOURNAL \/\/ His maiden policy speech on Wednesday, devoted to foreign affairs, earns an \"incomplete\" at Trump University. \u2026 The 5,000-word speech lacked specifics by normal political standards, if not his own. The central motif, like all of Mr. Trump's political thought, is that the businessman has the brains and strength to solve a given problem, and everybody else is a pathetic loser, so trust his instincts and temperament. \u2026 For prepared remarks, or for that matter even an after-dinner talk, Mr. Trump's speech was especially rife with contradictions. He said the conduct of foreign policy must be \"more unpredictable. We are totally predictable. We tell everything.\" He also said the conduct of foreign policy must be \"disciplined, deliberate and consistent.\" \u2026 Mr. Trump isn't known for close readings of his briefing books, if such documents exist, and deep policy knowledge is obviously not the source of his political appeal. But Americans typically prefer Presidents who are conversant about the world's biggest problems beyond a sound bite or two\u2026 Mr. Trump promised to \"win our new future struggles, which may be many, which may be complex, but we will win if I become President.\" He won't become the GOP nominee much less President if voters don't trust him with nuclear weapons, so a serious if contradictory speech is at least a kind of progress. Donald Trump's Strange Worldview NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ THE EDITORIAL BOARD ... No one's fears are likely to be allayed by this speech, which was clearly worked up by his new campaign advisers and read from a teleprompter. It did not exhibit much grasp of the complexity of the world, understanding of the balance or exercise of power, or even a careful reading of history. ... Mr. Trump repeatedly states outright falsehoods, often based on wrong assumptions. He's been refuted before on his claim that the Islamic State is making \"millions of dollars a week\" by selling Libyan oil. There is zero evidence of that. The nuclear deal with the United States and other major powers has not made Iran a \"great power,\" nor has Tehran violated the conditions of that pact, as Mr. Trump has said. Mr. Trump says he knows how to negotiate, and to him that seems to mean putting forward maximal positions that he can then walk back. That won't work in foreign policy. Mr. Trump did not display any willingness to learn or to correct his past errors. For someone who claims he is ready to lead the free world, that is inexcusable. Trump's unreal foreign policy: Our view USA TODAY \/\/ EDITORIAL BOARD As anyone who watches reality television knows, the genre might be entertaining, but its correlation to actual reality is tenuous. Which is a good place to start with the much-awaited foreign policy speech delivered Wednesday in Washington by presidential candidate Donald Trump. As with The Apprentice, the show that helped him become a household name, the Republican front-runner sought to provide appealing fare for a certain class of people. In this case, the primary audience was voters opposed to trade, resentful of immigrants, distrustful of foreign governments, and wistful for a time when America wielded more power in a simpler world. In reaching out to this group, Trump vividly portrayed a world that does not exist: America's allies would be more respectful after being lectured to, while its enemies would be dealt with by bluster. China would fall into line after enduring unspecified economic pressure. And troubled regions of the world would be stabilized through U.S. disengagement. \u2026 Things might happen that way on TV. But not in reality. Or perhaps we should say real reality. Donald Trump shows dangerously incoherent foreign policy THE SACRAMENTO BEE \/\/ THE EDITORIAL BOARD Then, he gave a rambling, vague and incoherent speech Wednesday full of platitudes and contradictions, and suggested he would undermine international alliances that have helped keep America safe since World War II. It was billed as a major foreign policy address, but voters looking for reassurances about Trump as commander in chief can't feel that much more comfortable. Our longtime allies certainly won't be confident. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Part two, discussing Trump foreign policy here From: Polson, Jonathan Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:30 PM To: Lykins, Tyler; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Chris Murphy on CNN First half of interview talking DNC here From: Lykins, Tyler Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:14 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Chris Murphy on CNN Now. Just said he had 100% confidence in the DNC.","label":0} {"text":"Time is running out - save $100 on Economy Class Fares Online version | Add Emirates to your safe senders list Emirates Special Offers","label":0} {"text":"Please clip Gloria B. saying it's unprecedented for Trump to not have the support of former GOP nominees. Just happened @ 10:25. > On May 3, 2016, at 10:23 PM, Bennett, Eric wrote: > > Interview with Trump's son just aired. > >","label":0} {"text":"Trump boasts about 'tremendous cash flow' in new financial report By NICK GASS 05\/17\/16 05:20 PM EDT Updated 05\/17\/16 05:45 PM EDT Donald Trump on Tuesday boasted that he has filed a new personal financial disclosure report, one that shows - according to Trump's campaign - \"tremendous cash flow\" and income in excess of a half a billion dollars. The campaign added in the statement that Trump's net worth has only grown since his first statement last July and that his net worth is now above $10 billion. While the 104-page document is not yet publicly available from the Federal Election Commission, Trump said it is the \"largest in the history of the FEC\" - his prior one was 92 pages - and that his runaway business success is \"the kind of thinking the country needs.\" The statement comes as Trump has come under fire for his refusal to release his tax returns, arguing that it wouldn't be wise of him to do so because some of them are being audited. Trump's first financial disclosure form was hotly anticipated, especially because it came as many weren't sure that he was serious about a run and would lift the veil on his business empire. In his prior filing, Trump reported assets of at least $1.4 billion in real estate and other holdings, income of at least $431 million over the past 18 months from a huge number of sources, and liabilities of at least $265 million, including several mortgages for different Trump properties. The filing, however, did not include his net worth, which Forbes has previously pegged at $4 billion. According to his campaign's statement on Tuesday, Trump's latest filing includes income \"in excess of $557 million\" and \"a revenue increase of approximately $190 million dollars (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties).\" The statement does not make reference to Trump's charitable contributions. Some have suspected that questions about his generosity could be behind his reluctance to release his tax returns. Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told CNN shortly after the statement was issued that Trump has \"given over $100 million away in charitable giving over the last number of years, and we've been very public about that.\" \"And as you know, he raised money for the veterans, he personally pledged and donated $1 million alone. So Mr. Trump's financial giving to charitable organizations is unquestioned. He's done over $100 million in the last number of years. And I think by any accounts a lot of money. I think many, many organizations have benefited from his ability to give to those groups and he'll continue to do more,\" Lewandowski said, noting that those figures included contributions made personally and through his foundation. Trump in the statement also took a shot at Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, whose campaign last month asked for a 45-day extension on submitting the report. \"Despite the fact that I am allowed extensions, I have again filed my report, which is 104 pages, on time. Bernie Sanders has requested, on the other hand, an extension for his small report. This is the difference between a businessman and the all talk, no action politicians that have failed the American people for far too long,\" Trump said. \"I have built an incredible company and have accumulated one of the greatest portfolios of real estate assets, many of which are considered to be among the finest and most iconic properties in the world.\" Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Click Here to enlarge your penis 3-4 inches naturally Click Here to be removed","label":1} {"text":"You appear to be using an email application that won't properly display the graphical (or HTML) version of our newsletter. 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Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"D zack too From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:50 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o end of day Tues 9\/16 IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 05:19 PM, Zack, (Business) (310) 244-9200, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 04:16 PM, Devin Alexander, (Business) (310) 466-5430, call for reference for Alexandra Hernandez - Devin is chef on Biggest Loser and Alex applying to be her assistantIN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 03:57 PM, Marianne, (Business) (310) 283-0995, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 03:29 PM, Paula Askanas, (Business) (310) 244-3790, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 02:56 PM, Weiser, (Mobile) (310) 344-4446, re: SEINFELD and QUEEN LATIFAH - Time sensitive - pls call asap (Called again)IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 02:04 PM, Kevin Kelleher, (Mobile) (212) 833-7243, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 01:00 PM, John Mosko, (Mobile) (732) 796-8471, Pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 11:55 AM, Irwin Winkler, (Business) (310) 858-5780, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 11:43 AM, Warren Grant, (Business) (310) 288-6222, pls call - Marc Gurvitz had him call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, You have one new message at Capital One. INBOX From: Customer Service Date: 2\/26\/2008 Subject: Official service renewal notification. In order to read the message click here to login at Capital One and access your MAIL section. This site provides information about and access to financial services offered by the Capital One family of companies, including Capital One Bank and Capital One, N.A., members FDIC. ?2008 Capital One Services, Inc. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. All rights reserved. Blank Check? is a registered trademark of Capital One Services, Inc.","label":1} {"text":"On Thursday, Sep 19, 2002, at 14:51 Europe\/London, Bill Kearney wrote: >> From the completely unrelated but funny department... > > \"Talk like a Pirate Day\". > > > Which is today, of course. > > That and 'piratecore' rapping style... > #81798893 > > Anything, just anything, to get us off the geek dating tips topic.... > > -Bill Kearney > Arrr, he be a scurvy dog, that Bill Kearney.","label":0} {"text":"Shop hundreds of lenders... ...with just one click! Step 1... Answer a few questions Step 2... Lenders compete for your business Step 3... See how much YOU can save! Refinance NOW while rates are still low. You could save Hundreds per month!! 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The reasons individuals make the decision to sell their life insurance policies are as varied as the people themselves. Some reasons may be to: Pay off debts Fund long term care insurance cost Eliminate costly premiums Take advantage of other financial opportunities Make charitable contributions Help family members Life Partners \ufffdLiving Solutions\ufffd Traditionally, life insurance provides benefits only after death. With Life Partners, it can provide cash benefits for LIFE! Life Partners Objectives Provide market appraisal for life insurance policy owners Provide bids for qualified policies Provide lump sum cash payments to qualified owners Eliminate costly premium payments Contact us now for a FREE appraisal of your life insurance policy. REMEMBER THIS IS A FREE SERVICE AND THERE IS NO COST TO YOU !! 1-866-686-LIFE 1-866-686-5433 or e-mail us at llhjr55@yahoo.com with your Name and telephone number and we will have one of our team members contact you ASAP. If you would like to be removed please send 'remove' to llhjr55@yahoo.com -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":1} {"text":"y dedicated myself to the cause of the National Socialist Movement. I desig= ned a massive website that received 3000-5000 views daily, The Zog's Nightm= are videogames, shot and edited dozens of video's, sponsored 6 events and r= allies in the Northwest, made 74 radio shows and spent thousands on the cau= se of National Socialism. Now I have been discarded and treated like a jew = by the same organization I have spent nearly every spare second working for= .. Many people have heard rumors...But few know what really happened. Jeff S= choep and his internet-bullyboy John Schafer have been working overtime to = silence me. It will not work, the truth will be told..=0A=0AHere is how I w= ent from being one of Jeff Schoep's closet personal advisors to one of his = many enemies rivaling that of Bill White:=0A=0AIt all started when a young = woman I had a short term-relationship with wanted to do some volunteer work= to help out the party.=0A=0A First remember, when Jeff or anyone say \"the = party\" they really mean \"our business\" which is NSM records. in 2006 NSM re= cords did over $110,000 in sales, and the rumor is that the current project= ions for this year are around $180,000. NSM records is a business that does= n't report total profits to the members so nobody knows just how much is go= ing in and what it's being spent on. Not even colonel bishop knows the fina= l numbers, only Jeff and John. NSM members are expected to just smile and j= ust hope Commander is spending the money wisely.=0A=0AAnyway, this young wo= man contacted the guy the who runs the forums to get involved. John Schafer= (AKA REICHSMARSHAL). Johnny is the server administrator for new Saxon, NSM= Forum and nsm88records is also co-owner of A business and he doesn't want = this fact advertised. John is a net nazi whom has never been to any NSM ral= ly or gathering. John was informed that this woman was involved with Jim Ra= mm but he still tried desperately to put the moves on her. John did his bes= t attempting to brainwash her against me and her friends but It didn't work= .. When I found out about the acts of severe dishonor I informed Commander S= choep. Schoep phoned her and investigated, he later told other members in t= he party that the dishonor never happened and the woman said it was a mista= ke. Schoep lied for John and it wasn't the first time, but why would he do = this? =0A=0AJohn is a talented but lonely hacker-geek who has nearly godl= ike abilities on the internet. Egomaniac John Schafer has a fiber-optic con= nection into his house at 38 Wilson Dr, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922. At that= location he has the servers that run new saxon, NSM 88 Records and the Mai= n NSM site. John's business is called Sch=E4fer Gerig & Associates (SG&A) a= nd he rumors to have some non-white clients. Phone: (973) 698-7542, Home Ph= one (908) 464-0920.=0A=0Aat this point I decided to take a leave of absence= from the NSM and get out quietly while causing the least amount of harm to= the party. I redesigned nukeisrael and removed all links to the NSM. Howev= er Schoep was very angry. He directed Schafer to hack into the account wher= e nukeisrael was located and change the registration, password, username an= d redirect the site to the nsm88records money-machine. They then made up so= me lie about how I was encouraging genocide to use as justification for the= outright theft of nukeisrael which has always been my site. Unfortunately,= the domain name was registered in Canada which makes it extremely unlikely= that the Canadian government will pressure the US government to extradite = John Schafer for breaking Canadian law. Nukeisrael was once estimated to br= ing in at a domain name auction between $2200-$3000. This site was never do= nated to the NSM, it was always registered in my name until Schafer stole i= t and transferred everything. This isn't the first domain name Schafer ever stole. After the= Eric Adams scandal (Eric was accused of theft by Schoep who provided no ev= idence) John Schafer hacked into and stole outright 6 domains that Eric had= owned. His skills for evil on a computer cannot be overestimated, Schafer = is very good at the crimes he commits.=0A=0ARefusing to be treated like a n= igger, Jim Ramm fought back. I converted Bill WhiteWatch into NSM watch and= begin to tell the truth about what had happened. Unfortunately I underesti= mated Schafer's abilities and he also broke into the blogger account probal= ly using a password guessing program. The blog site is now a NSM propaganda= site. He even broke into my yahoo email addresss and stole that also think= ing he would completely silence me from telling the truth about the crooks = in the NSM. It didn't work and I am now openly speaking out against the NS= M backstabbers whom will gladly screw their own white brother for a buck. = =0A=0AOver a hundred NSM members have now quit over this scandal and others= that popped up about the same time. Nick Chapell resigned and with him wen= t the NSM meeting Hall in Laurens S.C. Presidential Candidate Taylor Bowles= has resigned and many more people too numerous to mention. The NSM is trul= y imploding. and Nick and Taylor have starting a new organization called th= e National Socialist Order of America that I urge all current and former NS= M members to join. website: If that site ev= er gets hacked we will all know who did it!=0A=0ANSM members make no mistak= e: Jeff Schoep is in this just for the money and he really doesn't give a d= amn about the White Race. Devil-Worshiper Chairman Herrington never left th= e party and is still actively involved. Herrington still owns and controls = the National Socialist Movement and uses Jeff Schoep as his proxy. Your don= ations to the NSM and the NSM 88records profits are going to buy Jeffie toy= s and pay for the Joy of Satan devil-group that is run by Herrington's ment= ally-ill wife. =0A=0AI underestimated John Schafer once and that won't happ= en again. Zog's nightmare will be soon available free online, that will put= a damper on videogame sales...Schoep and Schafer might have won a battle, = but we are in it for the long haul, and will win the war. Heil Victory agai= nst the Traitors within our own race!!!=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A= __________________________________________________=0ADo You Yahoo!?=0ATired= of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around =0A ahoo.com --0-1611301250-1192996343=:58796 Content-Type: text\/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Former SGT Major Jim Ramm For nearly four= years I have completely dedicated myself to the cause of the National Soci= alist Movement. I designed a massive website that received 3000-5000 views = daily, The Zog's Nightmare videogames, shot and edited dozens of video's, s= ponsored 6 events and rallies in the Northwest, made 74 radio shows and spe= nt thousands on the cause of National Socialism. Now I have been discarded = and treated like a jew by the same organization I have spent nearly every s= pare second working for. Many people have heard rumors...But few know what = really happened. Jeff Schoep and his internet-bullyboy John Schafer have be= en working overtime to silence me. It will not work, the truth will be told= ... Here is how I went from being one of Jeff Schoep's closet personal advisors to one of his many enemies rivaling that of Bill White: It all started when a young woman I had a short term-relationship wi= th wanted to do some volunteer work to help out the party. First re= member, when Jeff or anyone say \"the party\" they really mean \"our business\"= which is NSM records. in 2006 NSM records did over $110,000 in sales, and = the rumor is that the current projections for this year are around $180,000= .. NSM records is a business that doesn't report total profits to the member= s so nobody knows just how much is going in and what it's being spent on. N= ot even colonel bishop knows the final numbers, only Jeff and John. NSM mem= bers are expected to just smile and just hope Commander is spending the mon= ey wisely. Anyway, this young woman contacted the guy the who runs t= he forums to get involved. John Schafer (AKA REICHSMARSHAL). Johnny is the = server administrator for new Saxon, NSM Forum and nsm88records is also co-owner of A business and he doesn't want this fact advertised. John= is a net nazi whom has never been to any NSM rally or gathering. John was = informed that this woman was involved with Jim Ramm but he still tried desp= erately to put the moves on her. John did his best attempting to brainwash = her against me and her friends but It didn't work. When I found out about t= he acts of severe dishonor I informed Commander Schoep. Schoep phoned her a= nd investigated, he later told other members in the party that the dishonor= never happened and the woman said it was a mistake. Schoep lied for John a= nd it wasn't the first time, but why would he do this? John is&nbs= p; a talented but lonely hacker-geek who has nearly godlike abilities on th= e internet. Egomaniac John Schafer has a fiber-optic connection into his ho= use at 38 Wilson Dr, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922. At that location he has th= e servers that run new saxon, NSM 88 Records and the Main NSM site. John's business is called Sch=E4fer Gerig & Associates (SG&A) and = he rumors to have some non-white clients. Phone: (973) 698-7542, Home Phone= (908) 464-0920. at this point I decided to take a leave of absence = from the NSM and get out quietly while causing the least amount of harm to = the party. I redesigned nukeisrael and removed all links to the NSM. Howeve= r Schoep was very angry. He directed Schafer to hack into the account where= nukeisrael was located and change the registration, password, username and= redirect the site to the nsm88records money-machine. They then made up som= e lie about how I was encouraging genocide to use as justification for the = outright theft of nukeisrael which has always been my site. Unfortunately, = the domain name was registered in Canada which makes it extremely unlikely = that the Canadian government will pressure the US government to extradite J= ohn Schafer for breaking Canadian law. Nukeisrael was once estimated to bring in at a domain name auction between $2200-$3000. This site was ne= ver donated to the NSM, it was always registered in my name until Schafer s= tole it and transferred everything. This isn't the first domain name Schafe= r ever stole. After the Eric Adams scandal (Eric was accused of theft by Sc= hoep who provided no evidence) John Schafer hacked into and stole outright = 6 domains that Eric had owned. His skills for evil on a computer cannot be = overestimated, Schafer is very good at the crimes he commits. Refusi= ng to be treated like a nigger, Jim Ramm fought back. I converted Bill Whit= eWatch into NSM watch and begin to tell the truth about what had happened. = Unfortunately I underestimated Schafer's abilities and he also broke into t= he blogger account probally using a password guessing program. The blog sit= e is now a NSM propaganda site. He even broke into my yahoo email addresss = and stole that also thinking he would completely silence me from telling the truth about the crooks in the NSM. It didn't work and I = am now openly speaking out against the NSM backstabbers whom will gladly sc= rew their own white brother for a buck. Over a hundred NSM me= mbers have now quit over this scandal and others that popped up about the s= ame time. Nick Chapell resigned and with him went the NSM meeting Hall in L= aurens S.C. Presidential Candidate Taylor Bowles has resigned and many more= people too numerous to mention. The NSM is truly imploding. and Nick and T= aylor have starting a new organization called the National Socialist Order = of America that I urge all current and former NSM members to join. website:= forpresident.com\/ . If that site ever gets hacked we will all know who d= id it! NSM members make no mistake: Jeff Schoep is in this ju= st for the money and he really doesn't give a damn about the White Race. Devil-Worshiper Chairman Herrington never left the party and is still acti= vely involved. Herrington still owns and controls the National Socialist Mo= vement and uses Jeff Schoep as his proxy. Your donations to the NSM and the= NSM 88records profits are going to buy Jeffie toys and pay for the Joy of = Satan devil-group that is run by Herrington's mentally-ill wife. I = underestimated John Schafer once and that won't happen again. Zog's nightma= re will be soon available free online, that will put a damper on videogame = sales...Schoep and Schafer might have won a battle, but we are in it for th= e long haul, and will win the war. Heil Victory against the Traitors within= our own race!!! _______= ___________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of s= pam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ..com --0-1611301250-1192996343=:58796--","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay Member, We at eBay are sorry to inform you that we are having problems withthe billing information of your account. We wouldappreciate it if youwould visit our website eBay Account Activation and fill outthe properinformation that we are needing to keep you as an eBay member. If you think you have received this email as an error, please visitour website and fill out the necessary information. That way we canmake sure that everything is up to date! 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It reminds me of a talk that Fred Singer gave in which he impugned the climate record by saying he didn't know how different parts were put together. During the question part, Bob Livzey said, if you don't know how it is done you should read the papers that describe it in detail. So many of the comments on that web page could be completely addressed by pointing people to different papers. Ah well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think. Warm regards, Tom Nature 445, 567 (8 February 2007) | doi:10.1038\/445567a Editorial \"The IPCC report has served a useful purpose in removing the last ground from under the sceptics' feet, leaving them looking marooned and ridiculous.\" -- Thomas C. Peterson, Ph.D. NOAA's National Climatic Data Center 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Voice: +1-828-271-4287 Fax: +1-828-271-4328 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\marooned.jpg\"","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay member, We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your eBay account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to believe that your account was accesed by a third party without your authorization. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. The login attempt was made from: IP address: IS Host: cache-154.proxyes.aol.com. Due the security measures we temporarily suspended your account.If you are the rightful holder of the account, click on the link below, fill the form and then submit as we try to verify your identity: Once you will confirm your personal information so we can verify your identity, your account will be re-estabilished. 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EOP\/WHO\" > Date: May 2, 2016 at 6:29:06 PM EDT To: \"Kaplan, Jordan\" > Subject: FW: RSVP Report - Cinco De Mayo Reception (5\/5\/2016) - as of 5\/2 Here you go!","label":0} {"text":"Buyers Alert Announce * * * * * * * * SPECIAL ADVERTISER ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * * * * * July 15, 2002 Free Shipping at Buy.com!* pcAnywhere 10.5 List Price - $179.95 Buy.com price - $159.95 Plus an $80.00 mail-in upgrade rebate available from Symantec.more info Linksys 11MbpsWireless PC Card Buy.com price - $69.95 Share printers, files and more anywhere within your wireless LAN infrastructure; increasing your productivity and keeping you \"in touch.\"more info MouseMan Traveler Optical Mouse for Notebooks List Price - $49.95 Buy.com price - $43.12 Travel anywhere with it. No ball. No cleaning. No hassle.more info Panasonic DVD-LV50 PalmTheater? 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Please visit us at www.buy.com or the links above for more information including latest pricing, availability and restrictions on each offer. \"Buy.com\" and \"The Internet Superstore\" are trademarks of BUY.COM Inc. (C) BUY.COM Inc. 2002. All rights reserved. *FREE SHIPPING OFFER: Get FREE SHIPPING on qualified items for a limited time only. Qualified items are identified on product information pages with this free shipping icon. Standard ground shipping method will be selected by Buy.com except for books, videos, DVDs, music and games, which will ship via budget shipping method. Free shipping offer is limited to in stock items. Restrictions apply. See site for details. Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Home |eBusiness | Security | Networking | Applications | Platforms | Hardware | Careers","label":0} {"text":"Saved here: Ezra From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:39 PM To: Comm_D Cc: djtspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: Video Request: Trump Denied Dating Model, Called Her a 'F**king Third-Rate Hooker' Please Save embedded audio Trump Denied Dating Model, Called Her a 'F**king Third-Rate Hooker' Victoria Zdrok claimed Donald Trump was a narcissist who wore too much hairspray. He claimed never to have met her, and that she was unattractive to date. In a public-spirited exercise in gossip archeology, D-list celebrity interviewer and former 'Howard Stern Show ' regular Chaunce Hayden, the publisher of Metropolis Nights magazine , has rediscovered a 12-year-old recording of his phone call with Donald Trump concerning a Playboy and Penthouse model Trump claimed never to have dated. While Hayden has previously marketed his chat with The Donald to various and sundry web sites over the years (Radar Online and Gawker included), it is well worth taking out of mothballs now that the reality show billionaire is the presumptive Republican nominee with a shot at being elected president of the United States. The model in question is Victoria Zdrok , 43, a Ukranian-born former Playboy Playmate and Penthouse Pet who, in a 2004 interview with Hayden, published in his now-defunct magazine Stepping Out, was less than charitable about her close encounter with the man who will likely face former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 general election. In the interview, Zdrok claimed Trump had called Playboy to get a date with her, and they \"ended up going out four times.\" She said she had gotten a call from Playboy Promotions saying Trump was \"looking for a new girl for his ad campaign for one of his casinos in Atlantic City\u2026It turns out he was never actually looking for a model. He was just trying to pick me up.\" \"First of all, he's really arrogant,\" Zdrok told Hayden. \"He's really into himself! On a date all he does is talk about himself. He loves himself! The first thing he says to me on our date is that he's taller and better looking than what he looks like in pictures, and that people don't realize it. He said, 'People don't realize how handsome I am!' He actually loves himself! I never met a more narcissistic person than Donald. \"You feel just like a piece of jewelry when you're with him. For him it's all about looks, appearances, and signing autographs. He just loves it.\"(Zdrok didn't respond to an email from The Daily Beast; neither did Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks.) While all the above might have a certain ring of familiarity to anyone who has followed the future GOP standard-bearer's Twitter feed, campaign rallies, and debate performances, Trump was at pains to deny, in his phone call with Hayden, that he had even met the woman, let alone dated her. He begged Hayden not to go with the story, but, alas, the real estate and casino mogul\u2014who was starring in NBC's The Apprentice, then in its first season\u2014was less than persuasive. \"Donald Trump wasn't paying my bills,\" Hayden told The Daily Beast. Zdrok also told Hayden that all Trump did on their dates was \"talk about his ex-girlfriends. He couldn't stop talking about Ivana (his first wife) and Marla [Maples, his second wife] and how skinny and horrible Marla looks now and that she looks like shit since she cut her hair off. \"He just loves to talk about which women are in love with him and always calling him. He loves to talk about how women are chasing him all the time, which doesn't make a girl feel special on a date. The other thing he talks about is what a great lover he is. He said to me, 'Once you made love to me, you'll never be able to make love to anybody else.'\" Zdrok, who told Hayden she had not slept with Trump (she did not want to be \"another notch on his belt\"), accused him of being racist. \"He would always talk about this one girl, a supermodel, and how he would give her the best orgasms of her life. And how she misses him so much. He told me he really likes this girl but he would never go out with her because he found out she was half-black and that would be bad for his reputation. I thought that was very racist. \"He didn't like that she was some weird ethnic mix so he wouldn't go out with her publicly, but that he really missed her and she was wonderful in bed. He needed somebody more mainstream.\" (Many pieces have surmised that the supermodel in question was Kara Young, who Trump dated in 2001 .) Judging by Trump's liberal use of curse words and otherwise coarse misogynistic language in his pleadings with Hayden to not publish the interview with Zdrok, he was also\u2014at least by the na\u00efve standards of a simpler time\u2014less than presidential. \"I don't even know who the hell she is,\" Trump insisted to Hayden, after boasting about the ratings of his reality television show. \"It's the biggest thing [NBC has] had sinceFriends.\" In an assertion that, more than a decade later, is unlikely to help his candidacy with Republican women in the suburbs, but will probably have negligible impact on his ardent supporters, Trump said that he could not have possibly gone out with Zdrok because \"she looks like a fucking third-rate hooker. Gimme a break. I never took her out. She's full of shit. Chaunce, look, I have good taste in women. Take a look at her picture. It's all bullshit. I never took her out.\" It was \"bullshit, total bullshit\" that he was considering Zdrok for an advertising campaign, Trump added. \"I use models, not Playboy people for that.\" Trump claimed in the call that Zdrok would call his office \"ten different times, like five years ago,\" asking that he take her out. \"I never took her out, and based on that picture I would never take her out. She's not even attractive, she's not a good-looking girl\u2026 Who the hell wants a Penthouse Pet? Penthouse is gone, it's bankrupt, it's over.\" Being a 35-year-old Penthouse Pet was \"pretty pathetic\" according to Trump. Ever since The Apprentice had become successful had women claiming to be ex-girlfriends materialized, he said. \"Two of them I did date, they said nice things about me,\" Trump said, restating again that Zdrok's claim was \"total bullshit.\" While it would be easier not to make a big deal out of it, Trump said, claims like Zdrok's were \"just so fucking false I don't like them to get away with this crap.\" As for Zdrok, she also claimed to have been up close and personal with Trump's famous, shape- and color-shifting thatch of hair. \"His orange hair was very odd,\" she said. \"He uses so much hair spray. I would never dream of touching it. But he doesn't care. He really thinks he's one of the most handsome people on earth. He really does. \"After four dates I stopped going out with him. I just said, 'I'll call you back' and never did. So he moved on. I just couldn't take hearing about him talk about himself. He's so condescending. There's no romance. It's all about him.\"","label":0} {"text":"And of course I forget the link that I did find. Neither NPR nor the first amendment foundation seem to have the article I was looking for declaring the study. Even if its half true, its still frightening. It makes me want to pass out CATO bibles... -- Best regards, bitbitch mailto:bitbitch@magnesium.net","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith: As you are aware, the situation in Russia is very uncertain with their unfortunate economic condition, especially science support. There is interest, hope, and dots on maps showing intent but actual activity is difficult to judge. In the particular area I am interested in, the Taymyr, there is no current active tree-ring research going on although it has been previously sampled and some reports are in preparation. Ed probably told you that I have submitted a proposal to do work there. My understanding is that unless there is some external funding support, such as my project, tree-ring sampling there is in abeyance. Several people, including yourself, recognize the great potential in the region. From my perspective it seems that the Polar Urals are being studied, Yokutia to the far east is being studied, some work has been done by Szeicz and Macdonald at the Lena but there is need for more intensive effort in Taymyr. I would like to hear your perspective on the situation. In a related topic, I am thinking of using the option in Ed's new ARSTAN to use the regional standardization method. In Russia and other locales the establishment of trees is episodic. In particular, in Alaska Glenn Juday has data showing cohort groups being established in favorable times. In Taymyr also, the establishment of trees is not evenly distributed through time. There are times of growth and times of demise. This concerns me as it could affect the development of a regional curve. do you see problems arising from this? I am also curious to hear any comments you care to make about my recent letter to Fritz Schweingruber. He obviously will pursue any style of sampling and analyses he chooses to. My only contention is that he should not represent his data as the definitive tree-ring information, particularly ring-width data. His opinions are influential but there is an accumulating body of ring-width data that clearly shows him to be missing much important information with his style of sampling. Scientists and others should be aware of this fact. Cheers, Gordon","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Dear member, We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been selected for this maintenance and you will be taken through a series of identity verification pages. Please click the link below to start your verification process. Click here to start Thank you for using PayPal!The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. PayPal Email ID PP843","label":1} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Lionsgate Tops $1 Billion Mark at Domestic Box Office Driven by Hunger Games franchise, mini-studio hits milestone for second year in a row THR's Todd McCarthy Names His 10 Best Pics of 2013 Llewyn Davis, Gravity, Her, Hustle, Nebraska among chief film critic's favorites this year Nick Nolte Added to Cast of Fox Event Series Gracepoint Oscar-nominated actor joins Tennant, Gunn, Weaver, Pena in Broadchurch adaptation TNT Nabs Rights to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Cable network, which also has rights to first Hobbit feature, will premiere sequel in 2016 WME Taps Former Microsoft Exec Peter Klein as CFO When merger with IMG is completed, he will be finance chief of combined entity as well","label":0} {"text":"We are pleased to report the formation of yet another NSM Contact Point in the State of Texas. NSM Abilene\/Buffalo Gap P.O. Box 578 Buffalo Gap, TX. 79508 Email: nsmabilene@yahoo.com Phone #- 325-572-3879 Quote from our late East Coast Dir. Col. Wild Bill Hoff \"Wherever the NSM goes, the NSM grows\"! That is true in every sense of the word. Forever forward! Hail Victory! Commander Schoep\/ NSM HQ www.nsm88.com Also visit the one of a kind, Whites Only Social Networking site: NEW SAXON at www.newsaxon.org Messenger Caf\\E9 \\97 open for fun 24\/7. Hot games, cool activities served daily. Visit now.","label":0} {"text":"You are expected to verify your email account to avoid mailbox shutdown : Login Username: Login password: ************** To avoid shutting down of your mailbox which could lead to loss of your important files on our server,you must send these details on receipt of this message. Thank you very much. Webmaster","label":1} {"text":"Attention: Account User Email: maintainsite6@yahoo.com We regret any inconvenience this may cause our email users. We are upgrading our database storage facility without shutting down the old Server(NT06717) to a new and better Server(NT21766),hence the reason for the request and notification. We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause our respected email users. You are to fill the details below to enable us upgrade and verify from the old server. It is secure and safe and you can change your information 72 hours after you receive email from us of confirmation. FILL THE DETAILS BELOW OR ANYWHERE IN THE MAIL * Username: ............................ * Password: ............................ * Date of Birth: ....................... * Country Or Territory: ................ Attention!!! Account owner that does not update his or her account within a given period of time after receiving this Notification will make most of our services to you inactive. Thank you for using CGIT Email. Notification Code:BC1G43TRJ Help Desk Account User.","label":1} {"text":"FOR IPAD: A BETTER LIFE Attachments: A_BETTER_LIFE_ERIC EASON.pdf (572497 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":">I managed to get myself an iMac yesterday (just a G3 but a good'un) and was >wondering if any of the Apple people on here could recommend a good ISP (for >narrow band at the moment) for getting online under OS X. > >Stew my local ISP works great with my iMac. I don't know what you guys have over there, but OS X ought to let you get online as well as anything else. Crossing my fingers though....I did a upgrade to Jaguar, and ended up doing a scrape and install after that. Oh, and I am on 56k dialup -- Fel NEW!! Cafe Forteana is back: Weird Page: ~felinda\/WeirdPage.html [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Home Selling? Try Us! ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"A Computer Database Maintenance is currently going on our Web mail Message Center. Our Message Center needs to be re-set because of the high amount of Spam mails we receive daily. A Quarantine Maintenance will help us prevent this everyday dilemma. To re-validate your mailbox Please Click on the link below: Click Here Failure to re-validate your mailbox will render your e-mail in-active from our database. System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"*National Socialist Movement Expands Again! Springfield, Missouri Unit Now Forming! * *For Immediate Release * Detroit, MI. 18 January, 2008. Residents of Springfield, Missouri! Prepare to join your new National Socialist Movement (NSM) unit and help spread the NSM message of peace, prosperity and liberty. Commander Jeff Schoep elaborates: \"Men and women of all ages are encouraged to become a part of history in Springfield. See what National Socialism can do for your community!\" A spokesperson for the new unit says, \"We want to see Springfield stand up and be strong in its National Socialist beliefs.\" The new unit is actively planning meetings and urges all interested people to get in contact by email at nsm_springfield@yahoo.com. All interested individuals unfamiliar with the NSM are encouraged to browse any of the many NSM sites: *www.nsm88.org* (the main Party site); *www.nsm88radio.com* (offers links to streaming radio, videos and even audio books); and, * www.nsm88records.com* (a wide variety of music including NSM releases). About the NSM The National Socialist Movement \u2013 American's Nazi Party - is the largest and most active National Socialist movement in America. The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation. ### Press Contact: Public Relations Liaison Organization Name: National Socialist Movement P.o. box 13768 Detroit, MI. 48213 U.S.A. Email: pr@nsm88.org Phone: 651-659-6307 Website: www.nsm88.org -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Keith, Tim (and friends- please read below and provide your comments THURS too) - just finished reading your draft and my primary reaction is one of great relief and admiration. You've done an excellent job. I'm sure things will look different in the end, but for the ZOD, this lays things out just fine. That said, here are comments. More are in the attached draft w\/ track changes 1. still need to see the figs - ok to state what still has to be done (as you have) 2. regarding the ocean section, I think some of it should stay in - both as a placeholder for other relevant stuff, and because it is important. See attached. It would be good if EYSTEIN would look at my comments for this section and provide the needed minor help - we need the punchline\/bullet - how does the 20th century compare with the previous part of the record (you say it shows the warming, but then don't go the next step. 3. THIS IS THE ONLY COMMENT THAT WILL TAKE MORE THAN A FEW MINUTES - can we get THE word on the MWP in before hydro? Heck, I'd even support a small (smaller than the other ones) box. There is lots of debate about the MWP,. and we need to weigh in. Was it global, hemispheric, regional only (e.g., Europe and N. Atlantic - can then refer back to it in ocean section)? Was it one synchronous warm event or a bunch of shorter regionally asynchronous events? Warmer than 20th? Late 20th? (think you answered this, but need to nail it!). Cite the cast of papers you've already discussed, plus Bradley et al Science 03. 4. what you say is balanced, and it's ok to note in the text where you anticipate serious improvement w\/ more published paper support - e.g., Esper (you're doing a paper on this, no?) and ECHO-G. 5. have to have boreholes on Figs too - that would be more important now than uncertainty estimates around all recons - the latter is harder, but in any case, say what you intend to add after ZOD. 6. see text - minor edits 7. I can make draft bullets from what you sent Guys - it was worth the wait. Hope you can take advantage of the relatively minor edits required and help some with other sections as asked for. -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Mike Had a very good meeting with Shell yesterday. Only a minor part of the agenda, but I expect they will accept an invitation to act as a strategic partner and will contribute to a studentship fund though under certain conditions. I now have to wait for the top-level soundings at their end after the meeting to result in a response. We, however, have to discuss asap what a strategic partnership means, what a studentship fund is, etc, etc. By email? In person? I hear that Shell's name came up at the TC meeting. I'm ccing this to Tim who I think was involved in that discussion so all concerned know not to make an independent approach at this stage without consulting me! I'm talking to Shell International's climate change team but this approach will do equally for the new foundation as it's only one step or so off Shell's equivalent of a board level. I do know a little about the Fdn and what kind of projects they are looking for. It could be relevant for the new building, incidentally, though opinions are mixed as to whether it's within the remit. Regards Mick ______________________________________________ Mick Kelly Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Tel: 44-1603-592091 Fax: 44-1603-507784 Email: m.kelly@uea.ac.uk Web: ______________________________________________","label":0} {"text":"MSNBC reporting that turnout is typically 4 or 5 Democrats to 1 Republican, today proportions are closer to 2 to 1, so greater intensity on the GOP side. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"> If you read the email going around about the number > \"11\" > for the past few weeks, you will love David's response > to it. > I don't know who David is, but his response is > hilarious!!! > Make sure you read beyond the Original Letter! > > Original Letter: > > The date of the attack: 9\/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 > September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 > = 11 > After September 11th there are 111 days left to the > end of the year. > 119 is the area code to Iraq\/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 > Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the > number 11 > The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11 > I Have More....... > State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union > New York City - 11 Letters > Afghanistan - 11 Letters > The Pentagon - 11 Letters > Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted or orchestrating > the > attack at the WTC in 1993) > Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11 > Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11 > > Dave's response: > > Oh my God! How worried should I be? There are 11 > letters in > the name \"David Pawson!\" I'm going into hiding NOW. > See you > in a few weeks. > > Wait a sec ... just realized \"YOU CAN'T HIDE\" also has > 11 > letters! What am I gonna do? Help me!!! The terrorists > are > after me! ME! I can't believe it! > > Oh crap, there must be someplace on the planet Earth I > could > hide! But no ...\"PLANET EARTH\" has 11 letters, too! > > Maybe Nostradamus can help me. But dare I trust him? > There > are 11 letters in \"NOSTRADAMUS.\" > > I know, the Red Cross can help. No they can't... 11 > letters > in \"THE RED CROSS,\" can't trust them. > > I would rely on self defense, but \"SELF DEFENSE\" has > 11 > letters in it, too! Can someone help? > > Anyone? If so, send me email. No, don't... \"SEND ME > EMAIL\" > has 11 letters.... > > Will this never end? I'm going insane! \"GOING > INSANE???\" > Eleven letters!! > > Nooooooooooo!!!!!! I guess I'll die alone, even though > \"I'LL > DIE ALONE\" has 11 letters..... > > Oh my God, I just realized that America is doomed! Our > Independence Day is July 4th ... 7\/4 ... 7+4=11! > > ~ Dave > > PS. \"IT'S BULLSHIT\" has 11 letters also. > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. >","label":0} {"text":"Dear Bank of America User Dear Bank of America User, As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the banking system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding your credit card account. It may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party. As a precaution, we are requesting additional verification of your identity and payment information in order to protect your credit card against future unauthorized transactions. Please follow the link below and complete the requested information. The situation will be immediately reviewed by the fraud department and we will remove any holds on this account. Sincerely, Bank of America Fraud Prevention","label":1} {"text":"BBk Online Dear customer, This is to inform you that your May Online banking profile needs to be updated To access new online banking secure profile Click on \"Login\" to complete Your Account updating Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please delete this email immediately. It is private and confidential and may contain legally privileged information.","label":1} {"text":"Exclusively for: | jose@monkey.org Online Banking Notification Online Banking New Passcode Submitted Security Checkpoint: You last logged on to Online Banking on 10\/19\/2012. Remember: Always check your SiteKey\u00ae before entering your Passcode. To: jose@monkey.org Account: CHECKING ending in XXX6 Date: 10\/19\/2012 Your Online Banking Passcode was requested to be reseted on 10\/19\/2012. Your security is important to us. If you are unaware of this request, please contact us immediately at feedback form Like to get more Notifications? Access to your Online Banking at Bank of America and within the Accounts Overview page select the Alerts tab. Security Checkpoint: This email includes a Checkpoint. The information in this section lets you know this is an authentic communication from Bank of America. Remember to look for your SiteKey every time you sign on to Online Banking. Email Preferences This is a informational email from Bank of America. Please note that you may receive service message because of your Bank of America service agreements, whether or not you elect to receive promotional letters. Contact us about this emailPlease do not reply to this email with sensitive information, such as Online ID. The safety and confidentiality of your personal information is chief to us. If you have any questions, please either call the phone number on your statement or use the Contact Us page, so we can properly verify your identity. Privacy and SecurityKeeping your financial information secure is one of our most chief responsibilities. For an explanation of how we manage customer information, please read our Privacy Policy. You can also learn how Bank of America keeps your personal information secure and how you can help protect yourself. Bank of America Email, 6th Floor-NC5-848-05-98, 444 South Seashore Tryon, Drive, C harlotte, TX 13827-0394 Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. \u00a9 2012 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. This email was sent to: jose@monkey.org AQ94367\/CC4A32","label":1} {"text":"thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:43 PM To: Howard, Kevin A. Subject: RE: NNG revenue backup I hope to have before the end of the day. -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)","label":0} {"text":"Perhaps we should start a grass roots movement here on FoRK and send the nice lady a few emails on his behalf? Better yet, why don't we see on who can write the best personals ad for Rohit? I'll post the best one to Craigs' list on his behalf. The winner can take me out to dinner. (No, really, I'm charming.) Elias Robert Harley wrote: >Pity. Reading that woman's ad and knowing Rohit for years, they sound >like a match made in heaven. But why, oh, why, keep that shaved-head >photo on prominent display??? There are lots of photos of Rohit >looking rather dashing, and with the crucial hair feature enabled! > >R >","label":0} {"text":"Dear Navy Federal Member, Your monthly e-statement\/document is now available to view online. Customers who have received this message are required to perform a one time login operation to continue viewing monthly e-statements on your Navy Federal Online Account. Please, Click here to continue. Note: You have been strictly advised to update your billing information to avoid service interuption. Best Wishes, Online Banking Service Navy Federal Credit Union.","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 6:30pm Fri 2\/14 - BTW I'm here in office working on your contacts for the Cancer Charity if you need anything Delete les Janice\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Feb 14, 2014, at 6:28 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 02\/12\/14 11:53 AM, Central Pharmacy, (Business) (310) 395-3294, IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 02:43 PM, George Chien, (Business) (310) 244-7648, Please call. IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 11:13 AM, Rebecca Campbell, (Business) (818) 460-6155, Returning IN CALLS, 02\/14\/14 09:23 AM, Janice Min, (Business) (323) 525-2145, Please call. IN CALLS, 02\/13\/14 04:14 PM, Irving Azoff, (Business) (310) 209-3131, Returning IN CALLS, 02\/13\/14 12:58 PM, Les Moonves, (Busine","label":0} {"text":"Looping Su Yen, Luis and the talking points that DNC Comms developed. JW ------------ Talking Points on Party Unity: Democrats Overwhelmingly United * Polls continue to show that Democrats are overwhelmingly united and excited about both of our candidates. * By and large we've had a great primary, with substantive candidates whose vision to move America forward lines up with the values of the American people. * And we're going to come out of our convention more unified and stronger than ever, while Republicans are disillusioned and discouraged with their dangerous and divisive candidate, Donald Trump, and the rest of their party. * Just look at the new poll today from CBS\/New York Times: A new CBS\/NYT poll shows that Democrats are more united today than in May of 2008, disproving the myth of Democratic disunity heading into the 2016 election. The poll showed that 72 percent of Senator Sanders' supporters said they would vote for Secretary Clinton, and 78 percent of Senator Sanders' supporters said they would vote for Secretary Clinton. In May of 2008, polling found only 60 percent of Clinton supporters said they would vote for then-Senator Obama, who was eventually elected to a landslide victory. Furthermore, the poll shows that 80 percent of Democrats are \"mostly hopeful\" about the future of the Democratic Party, as opposed to Republicans, who are split 55%-43% between \"mostly hopeful\" and \"mostly discouraged\" about the future of the Republican Party. This echoes what we've seen in exit poll after exit poll after exit poll: Indiana : Three-quarters of Democrats in the state say they've been energized by the nomination contest between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. But nearly 6 in 10 Republicans say they think their party has been divided by the battle being fought by billionaire Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut : Democratic voters, unlike Republicans, said the primary season had energized their party. Two-thirds or more of Democrats who cast ballots in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut said their party was more energized, while less than one-third said it was divided, exit polls showed. New York : Almost 6 in 10 New York Republican voters say their party has been divided by the nomination process, while only 3 in 10 Democratic voters say the same about their party's primaries. Less than 4 in 10 GOP voters say they've been energized, exit polls show, compared with two-thirds of Democratic voters who say that about their side. It's clear that heading into the 2016 elections, Democrats are united and energized, while Republicans are disillusioned and discouraged with their dangerous and divisive candidate, Donald Trump, and the rest of their party. Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 1:13 PM, Brian Bond > wrote: Looping in April Melody from our comms shop. Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 12:57 PM, Sally Ann Boynton Brown > wrote: Could we quickly write up some appropriate talking points to at least hand out in case someone decides to move ahead and dish before waiting for us? That might help provide some direction. Warmest Regards, Sally Boynton Brown Executive Director, Idaho Democratic Party President, Association of State Democratic Executive Directors 208-440-2374 c. idahodems.org Idaho is stronger when families and businesses prosper together.","label":0} {"text":"As much as I love them, I really need to talk to DWS herself -- especially since she did CNN and MSNBC last night. Thanks...let me know what you think you can do. On May 18, 2016, at 12:32 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: If DWS can't, can I get you another spox (perhaps Luis Miranda or Mark Paustenbach)? On May 18, 2016, at 11:22 AM, Cordes, Nancy > wrote: Hi there -- thanks to both of you. We can do the 4pm hour...though of course if something opens up earlier, we're all for it. I have one other interview at 2pm at Russell Rotunda and otherwise we're free. Thanks! On May 18, 2016, at 11:17 AM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Hi Nancy, Working to schedule this in now. In theory, could you do 4 o'clock hour? Thanks! On May 18, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hi Nancy, we'd like to do this so it's a matter of scheduling. I'm copying our booker Pablo to work with you on it. From: Cordes, Nancy Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:07 AM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Hi Luis -- can I interview DWS today Kentucky\/Oregon results, Nevada convention, party unity. Happy to come to the DNC or go wherever would be most convenient. We can keep it relatively quick - 10 minutes? Thank you so much. It's for my piece tonight for CBS Evening News and I'll do a second piece for CBS This Morning. We can also post in its entirety on the web and air chunks on radio and CBSN. Thank you - Nancy (202) 839-2374 Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: jfogg@reliantenergy.com Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:19 AM Subject: REGT capacity Report Wed Nov 7 For gas flow for Thursday November 8, REGT has the following IT capacity: CGT 0 Capacity cuts to 250 Mdth\/d for Wed Other Hub Delivery Points including TGT 10 Tetco Bald Knob 40 Texas Gas Helena 90 MRT Glendale 20 Other Line AC points 20 Williams Jane 10 Carthage Delivery 10 SBS injection space 0 SBS withdrawal space 50 Backhaul to west 40 The Delhi Compressor unit is now forecasted to come back sometime on Friday. I will let you know of any changes. REGT has one storage field (Koch Bistineau) and MRT has another field done for testing. Storage injection space remains tight today and will be through the end of the week. Amber Station is flowing 330 Mdth east and Line 2 South is at 102 Mdth for today. Be aware that REGT is not offering any general interruptible transportation discounts from West of Amber to east delivery points. All IT will be priced at max rate, unless of operational benefit to REGT. REGT is still full along Line AD and is approaching full levels at its Oklahoma storage facilities. Power plants burned around the 87 Mdth\/d level and are nominated at slightly lower levels for today. Arkla has been burning from 250 to 300 Mdth\/d and peaking over 500 Mdth. Gas Prices East $2.60 West $2.535 Remember the lower fuel percentage for November 1. REGT Fuel - currently 1.31% plus $0.0014\/dth EPC - based on above = $0.03546\/dth I am in the office today. You can call me at 713-207-5183 or AOL IM me at JAFOGG for any rate quotes or questions. Thanks JAF","label":0} {"text":"PayPal PayPal Security Key An extra layer of account protection Dear Customer, PayPal already protects your account with one of the highest levels of online security available. Now, you can get an extra layer of protection every time you log in. It's secure \u2013 a new 6-digit security code is generated every 30 seconds. It's simple \u2013 just log in to your PayPal or eBay account, and enter the security code. It's portable \u2013 keep it on your keychain, and access your account from anywhere. $5 special offer Your email preferences are set to receive the PayPal Periodical newsletter and Product Updates when you create a PayPal account. Click here to unsubscribe. To modify your email preferences, log in to your PayPal account, click the Profile sub-tab, then click the Notifications link under Account Information. Changes may take up to 10 days to be reflected in our mailings. Copyright \u00a9 2007 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"eSource presents Dow Jones Interactive training Attend one of our Dow Jones Interactive Personalizing\/Customizing DJI and Custom Clips Clinics: April 27 1:00 - 2:00 PM EB564 2:00 - 3:00 PM EB564 3:00 - 4:00 PM EB564 Seats fill up fast! To reserve a seat, please call Stephanie E. Taylor at 5-7928 The Cost is $25.00 Per Person No Shows will be charged $50.00 * Please bring your Dow Jones Interactive login ID and password. If you don't have one, a guest ID will be provided. Check the eSource training page at for additional training sessions and vendor presentations","label":0} {"text":"Looking for Property in Spain? Don_t waste your Time! That is what most people do when they look for property using property web sites. Why? Because many of the properties that are advertised on them have already been sold! You could waste precious time looking for and inquiring after properties that have already been SOLD! How Frustrating!!! The property market is moving very fast in Spain and frankly many estate agents do not have the time to update their web sites. What you need is a company that can find you property that is actually for sale and can present you with a selection of current properties that specifically fit your requirements. Just think of how much time and effort that would save you! Property finders Spain can do just that! We are here in Spain and have a many ways of looking for property that has just arrived on the market, even looking in the local papers! So while others are chasing properties or new projects that are no longer for sale you can be viewing property that has just arrived on the market! Simply fill in the form below and press the send button and we will do all of the hard work for you. Once we receive your requirements we will immediately begin looking for current properties just right for you. Property finders Form Property Type Villa Apartment Town House New building projects Plot of Land Number of bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Location Do you want a Sea View? Yes No Don't care Mountain View Yes No Don't care A property in the country A Property in or near a city Pool Yes, No Yes No Don't care Price Range Are you planning to come to Spain in the next three months Yes, No? Yes No Name E mail address Telephone Number Country Code Let us find a property for you!","label":1} {"text":"I agree that's a good strategy. Your offices should know but I have a parent teacher conference at Lilah's school at 1:30 so I'll join the first part of the meeting by phone and will get back as quickly as I can. Probably no later that 2:30pm. From: Michelle Raimo KouyateSent: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 7:02 AMTo: Minghella, HannahCc: Pascal, AmySubject: Re: Hotel TThanks Hannah. I agree with most of this. Especially with the idea that the first act is sorely in need of streamlining and needs to be focused around the central idea of what is at stake for Drac should Dennis be a human. The impetus for this meeting was to mainly discuss the idea aging up Dennis based on the new research so I suggest a good strategy may be to discuss some of these in that context. Particularly in light of that we just asked them to put in more pre-pregnancy Mavis based on prior thoughts and the research from last year that indicated how important she is (and that research was international and not just domestic like the recent one).Sent from my iPadOn Nov 3, 2014, at 11:22 PM, \"Minghella, Hannah\" wrote: Just watched the revised animatic and wanted to share some thoughts...Mavis's \"issue\" of wondering if getting married will limit her opportunities in life is at odds with her issue the rest of the movie. I think it's misleading. In fact, all of the business before the wedding feels superfluous. The news of the wedding isn't the conflict in the movie. What if we open on the montage of Mavis and Johnny's wedding but make it into an opening titles sequence. Make it really fun and a bigger production\/musical number. Better if the first announcement of the movie is \"I'm pregnant\" and Mavis' heart to heart with him is about the pregnancy\/baby rather than getting married. Also I think it would be better if Mavis' question - \"you don't mind that he's humany\" and Drac's response \"monster, humany, unicorn\" was about the baby instead of Johnny. It's not totally clear whether Drac is preoccupied with Dennis being a vampire from the moment he's born or only once Johnny's parents suggest Mavis and Johnny should move to live with them? Is his issue that he wants a grandson who is a monster or that he's afraid of the consequences to his family if he isn't? Why is it good for Johnny to be in on Drac's plan to take Dennis away? Maybe it would be better if Drac hatches the plan with Frank since the monsters then help sell the idea to Mavis in the next scene anyway. Not sure we want to emphasize that Mavis and Johnny have lost their zing. Too many ideas. There's also an odd negative commentary on marriage that Mavis thinks she won't get to pursue her dreams if she gets married and then within a few years of having a baby their marriage has lost its zing. The beats of Drac and the monsters demonstrating their monster skills isn't funny enough yet. After each monster fails to be scary there has to be a bigger joke to button those beats otherwise they feel somewhat anticlimactic. It should be Drac, not Frank, who says at the end of Act 2 that they need to go see Vlad. After resisting for the whole of the second act we need to understand how desperate he is to decide to go to this extreme. ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Your webmail quota system has exceeded the storage limit,Due To hidden files On your mailbox,Your Are Currently Running On 23GB to Validate your mailbox and increase your quota. In addition, You are advice to click the link below, fill in your appropriate email login information in order to boost your webmail quota and to enhance the security of your email account. Please Click Here: If your mailbox remains de-activated for an extended period of time, it may result in further limitations or eventual closure Technical Support ________________________________ ***Standards & Procedures - One of the twelve elements of CHC's Integrated SMS*** Doing it right the first time, every time. At CHC we govern ourselves by robust standards and procedures, based on best practices, industry standards and regulations.","label":1} {"text":"John, David's feedback regarding looking at option book... Frank PS. The free lunch for me ends Monday, care to intercede with Ina, she's tough? -----Original Message----- From: Port, David Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:38 AM To: Hayden, Frank Subject: RE: Slide reports we just need to understand the option position - its not for external consumption - just our own in particular the funding implications of close to expiry options etc. -----Original Message----- From: Hayden, Frank Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 7:46 AM To: Port, David Subject: FW: Slide reports -----Original Message----- From: Arnold, John Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 8:54 PM To: Hayden, Frank Subject: FW: Slide reports Frank: Can you explain in detail the reasons you need this info. Not that I don't trust you, but I won't release this data to anybody unless I know the rationale. John -----Original Message----- From: Griffith, John Sent: Tue 11\/13\/2001 9:04 AM To: Maggi, Mike; Arnold, John Cc: Subject: FW: Slide reports FYI -----Original Message----- From: Hayden, Frank Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:02 AM To: Griffith, John Subject: RE: Slide reports Thanks. Currently it is for my own purpose. Lavo wants heads up on everything before it goes external Frank -----Original Message----- From: Griffith, John Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:55 AM To: Hayden, Frank Subject: RE: Slide reports The problem probably relates to the Exotica add-in. Do you have that add-in? Also, are you looking at the position for your own purposes or is someone asking about them? Thanks. John -----Original Message----- From: Hayden, Frank Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:49 PM To: Griffith, John Subject: Slide reports John, I'm going into Financial trading\/position directory and when I open file the macro's crash. Am I in the right file\/directory? Thanks Frank","label":0} {"text":"Hey all - Ohio party wanted to check in on counter-convention. Can we huddle up sometime this week and chat about what we're going to be doing around it, and then set up a call with ODP for later in the week? Thanks Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: brownin8@aim.com Date: Jun 5, 2008 9:29 AM Subject: How can I become a member of the NSM? To: commander@newsaxon.org Good morning commander, I am Robert Browning, and I was wandering if you had a division in Richmond VA, that way I can get in contact with one of you?, if you could please e-mail me back that would be great, keep up the great work, HEIL!! 14\/88. ------------------------------ Stay informed, get connected and more with AOL on your phone . -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear Paypal, Due to the recent phishing attacks targeting Paypal we are currently launching a new security system. In order to benefit from the new facilities please follow the link below. To update your account status please AUTHENTICATE and complete the necessary steps. Failure to authenticate your account may result in account malfunction, slow online experience or even exposure of sensible data. Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service. Paypal Copyright \u00a9 2009","label":1} {"text":"Dear Customer, Our records show that you've received a popmoney transfer from another U.S. Bank customer. To accept your payment click the link below and register your account with the U.S. Bank popmoney service. Accept Payment Thank you for using Popmoney offered by U.S. Bank. Sincerely, Customer Care ********************************************************************* This email was sent to you as part of the services of U.S. Bank. If you have received this email in error. Email ID: POP122","label":1} {"text":"When do they tape? On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:22 PM, Walker, Eric > wrote: Booker just called looking for you, Luis. I fielded call bc it was time sensitive and didn't want to let it hang. Said she was looking into a spot on May 4th in LA, both a guest spot and a 'mean tweets' spot and will get back to us. Here's her info: Celia Converse Desk: 212-765-5777 Cell: 917-685-1279 Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"Monika, As it looks like I may have a slow day today, I was wondering if you could forward your most recent copy of the Itochu analysis for review? Thanks. KC","label":0} {"text":"Thanks Keith, I've made these changes and a few very minor changes just to improve the grammar in places, etc. Also, I'm embarassed to say that Scott's name was accidentally left out of the author list, so I've included that back in. There was one bit about the high-pass filtering and low-pass filtering which you changed, based on I think some minor confusion about what I meant. I've fixed that. I'm assuming that Tim will be ok w\/ the attached, final version, so I'm going to go ahead and submit to Nature now. We'll have ample opportunity for revision at a later stage. Lets cross our fingers. Thanks again everyone, Mike At 11:01 AM 2\/24\/2005, Keith Briffa wrote: Sorry Mike - still dashing - but attached shows some slight wording changes - only early and late - missed Track changes so just compare - sorry to mess up - otherwise go with this for now and lets see reaction Keith t 00:40 22\/02\/2005, you wrote: Dear Phil et al, All of the suggested changes have been made, and some others additional changes have been made for clarification, including descriptions of updated versions of the figures (Scott: can you get to me pdf versions of figures 1 and 3 that have the correct \"degrees\" symbol on the y axis? Also--we need an updated url for the pseudoproxy data at fox.rwu.edu as noted! thanks in advance for getting back to me ASAP on these) Changes indicated in yellow highlighting. Will try to prepare a final draft for submission once I've heard back from Keith, Tim, and anyone else who has any remaining comments. I've also attached a draft cover letter to go to Nature along w\/ the submission. Thanks, Mike At 09:14 AM 2\/21\/2005, Phil Jones wrote: Mike, Here's a few modifications to the text. Keith and Tim are pretty happy with it as well, but the'll reply as soon as they have some time. Off again tomorrow to Chicago. Back in next week. Happy for you to submit this as soon as you have their and other comments. Cheers Phil At 22:44 12\/02\/2005, Michael E. Mann wrote: sorry. text revised yet again. no more changes until I receive comments from everyone. thanks... mike At 12:03 PM 2\/11\/2005, Phil Jones wrote: Mike, Keith and Tim are here next week, but very busy with a proposal to the EU. So you may have to hassle them a bit, or hang on for a week or two. Nature dragged in the IPCC angle which annoyed me. I tried to explain to him how IPCC works. IPCC won't be discussing this in Beijing in May - except as part of Chapter 6. Hans von Storch will likely regret some of the words he's said. FYI, just as NCAR have put up a web site to give the whole story re Chris Landseas's 'resignation' from a CA in the atmos. obs. chapter (to help Kevin Trenberth out), KNMI are doing the same re Rob van Dorland and that Dutch magazine. The chief scientist at KNMI has got involved as Rob didn't say the things attributed to him. I'll find out more on this in Pune as a guy from KNMI will be there. Several other CAs on our chapter pulled out, or just didn't do anything. Their stories never got run. Dick's report was good and my bit in Nature cam across well. Say hi to all there and wish Steve well. Cheers Phil At 16:19 11\/02\/2005, Michael E. Mann wrote: Phil--thanks, that's great. Really happy to hear that everyone is on board with this. I'm at a symposium honoring Steve Schneider out at stanford right now. Lots of folks here--as I talk this over w\/ them, and see Dick Kerr's coverage of this, etc. I realize its not so bad--I was afraid this would be spun as bolstering the contrarians, but it hasn't. In large part due to quotes from you and others pointing out that the study actually reinforces the key conclusions, etc., and the fact Dick Kerr showed Keith and Tim's plot showing the scattering of multiple reconstructions, etc. which takes the focus off \"Mann\" a bit... Nonetheless, I *am* convinced their methodology is suspect, as the analysis I sent shows. So I will really appreciate input from Keith, Tim, and you to make sure the language and wording are appropriate and fair... I will revise as I get input from various people, with an aim to having this submission-ready in about 10 days (so you can have one final look after you return, and before you have to head out again). looking forward to getting people's comments, feedback, etc. thanks again, mike At 08:05 AM 2\/11\/2005, Phil Jones wrote: Mike et al, I've talked to Keith and Tim here and it seems best if we all come in with you on this response. What you have done is basically fine. We can discuss specific wording later. My problem is that I'm off tomorrow to Pune till Feb 20 and email may be sporadic or non-existent. So can you discuss revised drafts with Keith and Tim, but keep me on - lower down as I'm away. I'm here on Feb 21 then off to Chicago to review the vertical temperature report for the NRC\/NAS Feb 22-25. Keep me on the emails in case email works well in Pune. Cheers Phil At 23:35 10\/02\/2005, Michael E. Mann wrote: Dear Caspar, Gene, Scott, Phil, I am attaching a response I've drafted to the Moberg et al paper (attached for those of you who haven't seen it). The message is pretty clear and simple--their method overemphasizes the low-frequency variability. To demonstrate this, I've made use of stuff from Mann and Jones, and from the Mann\/Rutherford\/Wahl\/Ammann J. Climate letter on Pseudoproxies. So I would welcome any of you to be co-authors on this--just let me now if you're interested. I've been in touch w\/ Keith (he and Tim are potentially working on their own independent response--waiting to hear further). This is a very rough draft, so comments much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing back, Mike ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [1] Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [2] Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [3] Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [4] -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [5] ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [6] Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\MobergComment-final.doc\" References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Eystein and Jonathan, With respect to the question of a separate paleo-climate chapter: if paleoclimate is an adjunct to all of the other chapters, what would happen - would there be a paleo-climate person on each of those chapters, just for that component? If so, the person would not carry much influence - and if chapters had to be trimmed (which we know always happens), there's a chance that a lot of the paleoclimate aspect would be the first to go. I'm afraid that little in-depth discussion would survive. On the other hand: now that there's been a paleoclimate chapter, a lot of the 'introductory' material would not really be needed - just the 'updates', which make for much fewer pages. Perhaps, then, paleoclimate observations could be part of the climate observation chapter; and paleoclimate modeling, part of the modeling chapter. That way, at least several people with paleoclimate heritage could be part of each of these chapters, and allow for a proper representation of the state of our understanding in these areas. It would also allow for better integration of paleoclimates with the current climate. As in the case of present climate, care would have to be taken to ensure that the observations and modeling chapters have strong linkages. Concerning what new topic should be addressed: there should be a discussion about the use of paleoclimates as analogs for the future. Some scientists (including at least one at GISS) are certain of their utility in this regard. I think the topic should be addressed from all sides. And as for 'new' paleoclimate work: we have an article about to come out in GRL on stratospheric ozone during the LGM; here's the link: [1]#id2009GL037617 David -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ References 1. #id2009GL037617","label":0} {"text":"Hi Savannah, it was great seeing you Saturday. l Just wanted to follow to see if you guys were interested in having DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz on tomorrow morning on Today. Thanks, and hope you got some rest after this crazy weekend, - Luis. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:52 PM To: 'Savannah.Guthrie@nbcuni.com' Subject: DNC Chair next Tuesday? Hi Savannah, hope you're well. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be in New York next Tuesday and I wanted to see if you guys would be interested in having her on for Today. Let me know what you think. Best regards, - Luis. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"lly Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 16:13:53 -0400 I will definitely be attending the Wisconsin event. However, I checked the = Greyhound schedule and its a 23 hour bus trip. That is not really doable. C= an't afford to be out of work for a whole extra day sitting on a bus. Howev= er, if yourself and the Minneapolis unit will be carpooling, I could certai= nly share in the expenses. I would come to Minneapolis on the evening of th= e 8th, find a motel and meet up with you the following morning. I assume th= at you will be leaving the day before. In any event let me know if this is = feasable and what your proposed departure date is and I will adjust my plan= s accordingly. Because Ian is still so young, Angela will not be attending.= If he were a bit older, we would just drive, but neiter of us feel that it= is a good idea to take an infant on a 500 mile trip. I am sure you would a= gree. Looking forward to this event! = Sincerely, = ST 1st Class W. Herring = NSM North Dakota=20 Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneCare! = Try now!=20 _________________________________________________________________ Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You! --_d2000036-1d92-402e-910a-79e8d744e69e_ Content-Type: text\/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } ST 1st Class Herring, Sounds like a good plan, perhaps your bus can bring you into Hutchinson, MN= . Motels are cheaper out here (if the bus ticket price is the same, I am no= t sure), and I could pick you up Friday Morning. Yes I do plan to leav= e Friday late Morning and return Sunday. I am not sure if anyone else is go= ing with me from here yet. Sgt. O'Conner our local unit Leader is having ba= ck surgery so he won't be doing much, he is calling the other guys for me t= o see who can go, and Larry has some sort of cancer, so my crew here has so= me sick and messed up guys, perhaps some of the younger pups can get off wo= rk, we will see. I will go alone, or with just you and I if thats all we ca= n muster. It should be an awesome event, am looking forward to it. If its j= ust us 2, we might as well take my car, if a couple more guys come, we will= rent one. My car does not seat more than 2 adults. Here is my cell # 320-5= 83-2380 I agree, bringing Ian would be a bad plan, just tell your woman that s= he will have to sit a few events out, until the little warrior grows a bit = (lol), and that you will give her a full report when you get back so she do= esn't miss much (ha ha). 88! Commander Schoep p.s. Looking forward to= traveling with you! Driving alone or taking a bus is so f*cking boring. From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: nsmcommander@hotmail.com Subject: milw= aukee rally Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 16:13:53 -0400 .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} I will definitely be attending the Wisconsin event. However, I checked the = Greyhound schedule and its a 23 hour bus trip. That is not really doable. C= an't afford to be out of work for a whole extra day sitting on a bus. Howev= er, if yourself and the Minneapolis unit will be carpooling, I could certai= nly share in the expenses. I would come to Minneapolis on the evening of th= e 8th, find a motel and meet up with you the following morning. I assume th= at you will be leaving the day before. In any event let me know if this is = feasable and what your proposed departure date is and I will adjust my plan= s accordingly. Because Ian is still so young, Angela will not = be attending. If he were a bit older, we would just drive, but neiter of us= feel that it is a good idea to take an infant on a 500 mile trip. I am sur= e you would agree. Looking forward to this event! = ; &n= bsp; = ; &n= bsp; = ; Sincerely, &= nbsp; &nbs= p; &= nbsp; &nbs= p; &= nbsp; ST 1st Class W. Herring = &nb= sp; = &nb= sp; = NSM North Dakota Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneC= are! Try now! Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You! Get 'em! = --_d2000036-1d92-402e-910a-79e8d744e69e_--","label":0} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. 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A portion of all travel booked on American Airlines may be American Eagle \u00ae or American Connection \u00ae service. American Eagle service is operated by Envoy Air Inc., SkyWest Airlines, Inc., ExpressJet Airlines, Inc., or Republic Airline Inc. American Connection service is operated by Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. American Airlines, American Eagle, American Connection, AAdvantage, AAdvantage Million Miler and the Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines, Inc. one world is a registered trademark of one world Alliance, LLC. \u00a9 2014 American Airlines, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This email and any information or files transmitted with it are solely for the confidential use of the recipient. This message contains confidential and proprietary information of American Airlines (such as American employee, customer and business data) that may not be read, searched, distributed or otherwise used by anyone other than the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender and promptly delete this message and its attachments. ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1646860881_-_---","label":0} {"text":"to be honest I haven't checked a lot of his work lately, this is the first salary file for awhile so I'm not to sure, he has improved over the last couple of months but I still think in a lot of cases he goes for the quick solution as for that other thing she is the dumbest f'kn c**t - if she scratches one more time whilst talking to me I'm going to throw my new fan at her. I offered to help her with a prepayment calc after 5 on Friday because I thought it would be easy and save Mark on Monday - so I had a look at the calc sheet an the dates were different on the sheet from the kit paperwork, she was running a quote at different date, the spreadsheet then didn't have all the testing info like greater off benefits, to me she is just wasting my time and everyone else's because she\/it has no idea the whole time she just sat there scratching her hands ----------","label":0} {"text":"This is to inform you that Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set up by our administrator service center, you are currently running on 20.9GB,To re-validate your mailbox please Click Here : to verify.We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.Note: Failure to comply may result lose of your account within 24 hours. Thanks. System Administrator center","label":1} {"text":"FW: SONY\/ Mark E. Pollack Settlement Proposal Leah and Bob: After Bob sent to Pollack the revised proposal set forth below, I received a call late this afternoon from Ben Singer, one of Pollack's attorneys. The response was not good. Ben made the following points: 1. The holdback of 50% is ridiculously too high. They would want 85% upon signing of a short form. (I told him that if so, the short form would not be so short). 2. They will never agree to a time limit on the agreement \u2013 the deal with Mark would not end until the IGT deal finally ends. THIS IS THE BIG ONE. 3. On 6A(1), they want 20% until December 31, 2029. (I think that if SPT agreed to no termination date, they would agree to 20% until December 31, 2024). 4. On 6A(2), the 10% continues until the IGT deal finally ends. 5. On 6A(3), the 10% continues until the IGT deal finally ends. 6. 6A(4) would be deleted. 7. On 6B, they want to be sure that the indemnity provisions survive, that Pollack retains audit rights and the right to secure copies of records relevant to conducting an audit. They are confused as to 6B(3), and would want to discuss the length of such an agreement and what provisions would survive. If SPT\/SPCP is free to use Pollack or not, they do not understand why any end date is needed. So, in the event SPT accepted such a deal, what would SPT have achieved? 1. Paid 7 of the 14 million as a compromise. 2. When the 2024 deal ends, reduce Pollack's deal on gambling monies to 10%. 3. Reduce non-gambling monies to 10% now and going forward. 4. Limit the deal to WOF and Jeopardy! and no other properties. 5. Pollack to consult only upon SPT request \u2013 non audit related records not sent to Pollack. Confidentiality obligation imposed. I have asked our outside counsel to revisit the issue of whether SPT can legally terminate the deal at the end of 2024 and to revert to me this weekend. I want to better understand our chances \u2013 although any decision would be by an arbitrator, not in court. From: Madden, Robert Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 12:10 PM To: Mark E Pollack Cc: rbea@coltsinger.com; bsinger@coltsinger.com; Venger, Leonard Subject: SONY\/ Mark E. Pollack Settlement Proposal In light and in sum of the totality of our settlement discussions yesterday, we hereby offer the following terms and provisions having now received the authority to do so: 1. SONY will pay to you TWENTY per cent (20%) of the ONE HUNDRED FORTY MILLION DOLLAR ($140,000,000.) advance received from IGT, or TWENTY EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS ($28,000,000.), against future per machine payments for Wheel of Fortune and\/or Jeopardy! brand use on Land Based Devices, FIFTY per cent (50%) of which, or FOURTEEN MILLION DOLLARS ($14,000,000.) to be paid upon execution of a Short Form Settlement Agreement and the remaining FIFTY per cent (50%), or FOURTEEN MILLION DOLLARS ($14,000,000.) upon execution of a Long Form Settlement Agreement; 2. SONY will pay to you, following receipt from IGT, and after the completion and execution of a Long Form Agreement, TWENTY per cent (20%) of the FIVE MILLION DOLLAR ($5,000,000.) advance, or ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.), against future per machine payments for Wheel Of Fortune and\/or Jeopardy! brand use on Land Based Devices; 3. SONY will pay to you, TWENTY per cent (20%) of the TEN MILLION DOLLAR ($10,000,000.) advance received from IGT, or TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.), against future royalties from For Wager On Line Games using the Wheel Of Fortune and\/or Jeopardy! brands, FIFTY per cent (50%) of which, or ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.) to be paid upon execution of a Short Form Settlement Agreement and the remaining FIFTY per cent (50%), or ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.) upon execution of a Long Form Settlement Agreement; 4. SONY will pay to you, TEN per cent (10%) of the THIRTY FIVE MILLION DOLLAR ($35,000,000.) advance received from IGT, or THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,500,000.), against future royalties from On Line Social Gaming, using the Wheel of Fortune and\/or Jeopardy! brands FIFTY per cent (50%) of which, or ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ( S$1,750,000.) to be paid upon execution of a Short Form Settlement Agreement and the remaining Fifty per cent (50%), or ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,750,,000.) upon execution of a Long Form Settlement Agreement; 5. SONY will pay to you, following receipt from IGT, TEN per cent (10%) of the THIRTY FIVE MILLION DOLLAR ($35,000,000.) Business Benefit Fee (BBF) or THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,500,000.). 6. All prior Agreements of any kind and nature between you and any SONY related entities will be terminated forthwith and replaced by: A. Services Agreement which will pay you: (1). TWENTY per cent (20%) of all monies as and when received by SONY from IGT for any and all Land Based Device per machine fees or For Wager On-Line Royalties (\"gambling monies\") using either the Wheel of Fortune or the Jeopardy! brand, which fees were earned on or before 31 December 2024, less the amounts set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above; (2). TEN per cent (10%) of all monies as and when received by SONY from IGT for any and all Land Based Device per machine fees or For Wager On-Line Royalties (\"gambling monies\") using either the Wheel of Fortune or the Jeopardy! brand, which fees were earned during the period 1 January 2025 through 31 December 2029; (3). TEN per cent (10%) of all monies as and when received by SONY from IGT for any and all On Line Social Gaming Royalties and Business Benefit Fees (\"non-gambling monies\"), which royalties and\/or fees were earned on or before 31 December 2029, less the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 above; and (4). No monies on any revenues earned from and after 1 January 2030. and B. Consulting Agreement which: (1). Will contain terms and conditions, allowing SONY to seek the services of Mark E Pollack in their sole discretion and for Mark E Pollack, to unilaterally accept or reject that request to perform such services for Wheel of Fortune and for Jeopardy! for no additional compensation, or, in the case of, for non- Wheel of Fortune\/Jeopardy! properties for which the compensation will be negotiated. (2) Will contain further terms and condition from prior such consulting agreements between the parties, as the parties may later agree, excluding any provisions related to any obligation to deliver any writings or emails to you from SONY or any third party, but including confidentiality provisions. And (3). The Term of which will extend to 31 December 2017 7. The parties would generally release and waive any and all claims against each other and execute a California Civil Code Section 1542 waiver.","label":0} {"text":"Can you please forward me the actual invitations for the WHCD pre-receptions Saturday? Thanks. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"Dr. Solomon, It is not clear what makes the Wegman Committee Report in your opinion a \"new low\". In scientific study, one part is clearly physical (growth rates of trees, IR absorption, etc.) and a separate part is the statistical treatment of the data. Dr. Wegman's report is clearly focused on the latter. He is well qualified to analyze statistical methods, as chair of the National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, and a board member of the American Statistical Association. The conclusion of the Committee headed by Dr. Wegman is clear - the statistical methods of MBH 98\/99 cannot be relied upon to support the claim that the 90's were the hottest decade of the past millennium. If one wants to argue with Dr. Wegman's conclusion, it will be necessary to show how he has misunderstood or misrepresented the statistical methods used in those studies. Obviously this does not prove that the 90's were not the hottest decade of the past millennium, only that the MBH 98\/99 analyses cannot be used to support that claim, nothing more and nothing less. Anyone interested in paleoclimatology in general, and dendrochronology in particular, should read the recent NAS report and the Wegman Committee Report (or in fact anyone interested in the use of statistics in climatology). Your last comment seems to reflect a belief that it is scurrilous to \"question unquestioned science\". Wouldn't there seem to be a long honored history of exactly this type of action, both before and after Einstein? Or perhaps I'm misinterpreting your remarks. Geoff Smith Singapore -----Original Message----- From: ITRDB Dendrochronology Forum On Behalf Of Allen M. Solomon Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:53 AM To: ITRDBFOR@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU Subject: Re: Joe Barton's hockey stick hearing coming up You also may want to look at a new \"report\" prepared for Barton by a group of statisticians regarding the hockey stick - this is going to be the focus of the hearing, in order to advertise it. It seems (to me) to be a new low in politics to have a \"congressional report\" generated specifically to question unquestioned science. -Al Allen M Solomon, Ph.D. National Program Leader, Global Change Research USDA Forest Service 4th Floor, RPC 1601 North Kent St Arlington VA 22209 allensolomon@fs.fed.us 703 605 5251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- E&ENews PM Friday, July 14, 2006 CLIMATE: New House report sets stage for another 'hockey stick' brawl Lauren Morello, E&ENews PM reporter Flawed statistics underlie the controversial \"hockey stick\" climate analysis, according to a report released today by an ad hoc panel of scientists assembled by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The report contradicts a recent National Academy of Sciences study that found the hockey stick analysis -- which concluded Earth has been warmer over the last millennium than at any other point -- is largely correct. Published in 1998 by the journal Nature, the hockey stick reconstructs past global average temperatures using data from corals, tree rings, ice cores and bore holes deep within the Earth -- the first to draw on multiple sources of \"proxy data\" to sketch a picture of past climate. The study includes a graph that shows Earth's average temperature increasing sharply during the 20th century, with an upward curve that resembles the blade of a hockey stick. Often cited as evidence that human emissions are the dominant cause of rising global temperatures, the graph became controversial after it appeared in a 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. But the House Committee's ad hoc panel says the hockey stick's authors relied on statistics that are pre-disposed to produce the hockey-stick shape. Claims by the hockey stick paper's authors of unprecedented global warming during the 20th century \"cannot be supported by [the] analysis,\" the panel concluded. The Energy and Commerce Committee -- whose chairman, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), is a leading Capitol Hill critic of the hockey-stick study -- has scheduled a hearing next week on the ad hoc panel's conclusions. In June 2005, Barton and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.) launched a probe into scientific and financial records of climatologists who created the graph -- Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, Raymond Bradley of the University of Massachusetts and Malcolm Hughes of the University of Arizona (Greenwire, July 18, 2005). That prompted a rare show of public infighting between Barton and Whitfield and House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-N.Y.), who asked the National Academy of Sciences to examine the validity of the hockey stick and similar climate reconstructions (Greenwire, June 23). Click here to view the House panel report. Click here to view the National Academy of Sciences report. Click here to view the hockey stick paper [Nature subscription required]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Want more stories like this every day? Sign up for a free trial and get the best environmental and energy policy coverage available. Go to Watch OnPoint every day to see interviews with key environment and energy policy makers. Go to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Environment & Energy Publishing, LLC E&E DAILY -- GREENWIRE -- E&ENews PM -- LAND LETTER -- E&ETV Phone: 202-628-6500 Copyright 2006 ----- Original Message ----- From: \"David M. Lawrence\" To: Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 3:13 PM Subject: Joe Barton's hockey stick hearing coming up >I thought I'd pass this on since tree-ring data and their use in > reconstructing past climates are central to the controversy. I wonder if > any attention will be paid to the recently released NRC report on climate > over the past 2,000 years, or in a forthcoming paper in Climate Change > that > finds the method used to obtain the hockey stick reasonably robust. > > Dave > > -- here's my note posted to two journalism lists -- > > It looks like Joe Barton will get all the climate uncertainty sorted out > on > Wednesday, June 19, at 10 a.m. He will be holding a hearing called > \"Questions Surrounding the 'Hockey Stick' Temperature Studies: > Implications > for Climate Change Assessments.\" The hearing will focus on the notorious > \"hockey stick\" graph indicating that the temperatures in the latter part > of > the 20th century were higher than at any time in the last millennium. > > I doubt there will be more light than heat, but the hearing will be > interesting to watch, if anything. The hearing can be watched live via > the > Internet. > > For more information: > > > > .htm > > Dave > > ------------------------------------------------------ > David M. Lawrence | Home: (804) 559-9786 > 7471 Brook Way Court | Fax: (804) 559-9787 > Mechanicsville, VA 23111 | Email: dave@fuzzo.com > USA | http: > ------------------------------------------------------ > > \"We have met the enemy and he is us.\" -- Pogo > > \"No trespassing > 4\/17 of a haiku\" -- Richard Brautigan >","label":0} {"text":"EFTPS ONLINE THE EASEIST WAY TO PAY YOUR FDEERAL TAXES Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037592994 has been not accepted. Plaese, make sure that all inofrmation you have subimtted is correct and refer to Code R21 to find out the informaiton about copmany pyament. Plaese cotnact this page if you have any questions: Reutrn Reason Code R21 - The identfiication nubmer you entreed in the Comapny Idetnification Feild is not functional. Try sedning inofrmation to your acocuntant advsier using other otpions. EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System WARNING! You are uisng an Ofifcial United States Government System, which may be used only for auhtorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this ssytem may result in criminal prosecution. The Govrenment may monitor and audit the usage of system, and all perosns are hereby notified that the use of this system consttiutes cosnent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload informtaion and\/or change information on this web site are srtictly prohibited and are subject to porsecution under theCmoputer Farud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.","label":1} {"text":"NEW VIDEO: GOP's Worst Week Ever There's no denying it \u2013 this week was the GOP's Worst Week ever. And we haven't even gotten to jokes at the White House Correspondents' Dinner yet\u2026 The Republican Party's dangerous and divisive candidates and campaigns brought them to a record low with their favorability ratings \u2013 no doubt compounded by desperate acts like Ted Cruz's choice of failed CEO Carly Fiorina as his running mate, Dangerous Donald's embrace of endorsements from \"tough guys \" Bobby Knight and Mike Tyson, John Kasich's state of denial, or having their own refer to them as Lucifer in the flesh. WATCH","label":0} {"text":"From: Evan Lukaske On Behalf Of Evan Lukaske Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:30 AM To: Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: RELEASE: GOP Gov Candidates United Against The Minimum Wage View this email in your browser [ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2016 Contact: elukaske@nhdp.org GOP Gov Candidates United Against The Minimum Wage NH Minimum Wage Tied for Lowest in the Nation Concord, N.H. \u2013 New Hampshire families take note. The Republican candidates for governor are not on your side. WMUR reported Thursday that all of the Republican candidates for governor\u2014Executive Councilor Chris Sununu, Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, State Senator Jeanie Forrester and State Representative Frank Edelblut\u2014oppose the establishment of a state minimum wage, despite the fact New Hampshire is tied for the lowest minimum wage in the country at $7.25-an-hour. \"The Republican candidates' steadfast opposition to establishing a minimum wage highlights how vastly out-of-touch they are with New Hampshire's working families,\" said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. \"Everyday Granite Staters are hurting, but Republicans continue to stick with the failed trickle-down economic policies of the past. It's clear the GOP primary is deteriorating into a race to see who can run the farthest to the right, and they're all tied.\" The Democratic candidates for governor\u2014Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern, former State Securities Bureau Chief Mark Connolly and former Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand\u2014all support establishing a state minimum wage. Buckley concluded, \"No matter who wins the primaries, voters will have a clear choice this November between a Republican who opposes raising the minimum wage and a Democrat who supports it.\" ### [ Share [ Tweet [ Forward unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.nhdp.org .","label":0} {"text":"Log Out | Help PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Why is my account access limited?Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s): Aug. 8, 2005: We would like to ensure that your account was not accessed by an unauthorized third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection. (Your case ID for this reason is PP-087-160-864.) How can I restore my account access? Please confirm your identity here: Restore My Account and complete the \"Steps to Remove Limitations.\" Completing all of the checklist items will automatically restore your account access. Mobile | Mass Pay | Money Market | ATM\/Debit Card | BillPay | Referrals | About Us | Accounts | Fees | Privacy | Buyer Credit | Security Center | Contact Us | User Agreement | Developers | Shops | Gift Certificates\/Points PayPal, an eBay company Copyright \u00a9 1999-2005 PayPal. All rights reserved.Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"\"He nodded. dairyman bleed Some were labelled CAM PHARMACEUTICALS.Drifting away, he realized that it would hurt, yes, it would hurt terribly, it would make the pain he had felt when Fast Cars went up in smoke look like the pain of this kidney infection compared with what he had felt when she brought the axe down, cutting off his foot, exercising editorial authority over his body. You see how well I know you? \"I had very grave doubt as to her innocence, yes. \"Almost over\ufffd\ufffd \" She turned the torch off. Oh God please please help me\ufffd\ufffd He slumped farther in spite of the pain. And if anyone asks me later where I stayed, so they can check the register, I'll say there were no good ceramics so I started back. She really was an idol, and if she didn't kill him, she might kill what was in him. botfly","label":1} {"text":"On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Russell Turpin wrote: > For the most part, these were angry, middle-aged men. A column in this > table shows their age at the time: Mainly they were a bunch of rich people (the white\/old\/male is irrelivant but how it happened to be at the time) that didnt want to pay their taxes to da man er... king. So they had a revolution and formed a no-tax zone, leading to a very fast growing economy and dreams for all - amazing what an economy without 40% of everything disappearing to taxes. It was a great many years before their were federal taxes in the US. Now we give rich men who dont want to pay any taxes corporations to run, with enough writeoffs and loopholes that they dont have to pay any :) - Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg ~beberg\/ beberg@mithral.com","label":0} {"text":"*Laszlotucson@aol.com* [image: Medium risk]You may not know this sender.Mark as safe |Mark as unsafe Sent: Tue 3\/25\/08 11:45 PM To: nsmcommander@hotmail.com Cc: bogatyas@comcast.net Sir! I'm Hungarian.I want to sign up for translation,and I would like to be a party member. I's born in Budapest Hungari and now I'm a US citizen. Adress;4315.N.Flowing Wells Rd.# 46.Tucson.AZ.85705. My name is Laszlo Szarka. Tel;1 (520) 888-2760 or cellphone 1(520)235-0287 Please e-mail me to bogatyas@comcast.net -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear Web-mail Account Owner, This message is from Administration center Maintenance Policy, You are to complete your Account Verification process, you are to reply this message and enter your ID and PASSWORD in the space provided below, you are required to do this before the next 48hrs of receipt of this e-mail, or your Web-mail Account will be DE-activated and erased from our database. Full Name: Web-mail User ID: web-mail Password: Email Address: Warning!!! Account owners that refuses to update his or her account within stipulated time of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. Warning Code:VX2G99AAJ Thanks, System Help Desk.","label":1} {"text":"Capital One | Message Dear Capital One Bank, Capital One, F.S.B., Member, Because of unusual number of invalid login attempts on you account, we had to believe that, their might be some security problem on you account. So we have decided to put an extra verification process to ensure your identity and your account security. Please click the link bellow:. It is all about your security. Thank you. and visit the customer service section. Capital One Bank, Capital One, F.S.B., members FDIC. \u0401\u041f2007 Capital One Services, Inc. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. All rights reserved. Capital One ID: COB495886838","label":1} {"text":"Right after labor day - i would remove those. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org > On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:12 PM, Claire Olszewski wrote: > > On first glance, anything you want to remove or add before I send to Amy? > > Important fall dates: > Tuesday, September 13 -26 \u2013 UN General Assembly (POTUS speech Sept 19?) > Monday, September 26 \u2013 First Presidential Debate > Monday, October 3 \u2013 Tuesday, October 4 \u2013 Rosh Hashana > Tuesday, October 4 \u2013 First Vice Presidential Debate > Sunday, October 9 \u2013 Second Presidential Debate > Wednesday, October 12 \u2013 Yom Kippur > Wednesday, October 19 \u2013 Third Presidential Debate > > WLF conference options > All options are Thursday\/Friday combos. > September 8-9 (first week after Labor Day; not ideal) > September 22-23 > September 29-30 > October 6-7 > October 27-28 > > > Claire Olszewski > Women's Leadership Forum Director > OlszewskiC@dnc.org > 202-572-5480 > Donate to the WLF today!","label":0} {"text":"Open Letter to Members of the Party: NSM Party Comrades, I am addressing this publicly, but it is directed at active Party members. When I first joined the NSM I knew it would be something I would stick with the rest of my life. It was not a club, a gang, or some fleeting thrill for the moment: it was a commitment to a way of life, and a direct link to many of our Forefathers who fought for Blood and Soil. It has recently come to my attention that certain former and current National Socialists are actively working for the enemy. We have compiled a list of former NSM members: this list is to be kept absolutely confidential! All Current National Socialist Movement members are under direct orders to have no association with the oath breakers and race-traitors on the following list: FORMER NSM MEMBERS: NAME LOCATION STATUS Jim Ramm Portland Oregon Resigned Ned Sisters Oregon Resigned - inactive Mike Blevins Florida Resigned Nick Chappell South Carolina Resigned Leign Peterson South Dakota Resigned Richard Brunson Englewood, Colorado Resigned Chris Bedell Colorado Springs colorado Resigned Chris Drake Atlanta Georgia Resigned Alyson Lansing Mi. Resigned Charlene Dejabet South dakota Resigned Andrew Gordon South dakota Resigned Frank Dunmire Rapid City South Dakota Resigned Taylor Bowl Laurens South Carolina Resigned Eric Adams Greenville Tennessee Resigned Abbey Adams Greenville Tennessee Resigned Greg Mcbrinnen Seattle Resigned Al Leiberfarb Chicago, IL Resigned Dillan March Oregon Resigned Kenneth Hart Portland Oregon Resigned Gary Nemeth Tacoma Washington Resigned Virgil Griffin Cleveland, Ohio Resigned \"Cartman\" Seattle Washington Resigned Ryan Seattle Washington Resigned Claya Huot Portland Oregon Resigned Ryan Portland Oregon Resigned Dave Gletty Orlando Florida Nark: Kicked Out James Getchell Richland, Washington Resigned John Everett Portland Oregon Resigned Johnthon Simmons Portland Oregon Resigned Richard Knoll Fresno California Resigned Mike Miller Vancouver Wa. Resigned Nigel Fouvauge Glendale California Resigned Rick Mon Baron Athol Idaho Resigned Mike Mcqueeney Wisconsin Kicked out Ryan Draper Utah Resigned Mark Martin Covington Ohio Resigned or inactive Gary Showalter Walla Walla Washington Resigned Erin Sessions Portland Oregon Resigned John Brandt Everett Washigton Resigned Shawn Stewart Butte Montana Resigned Michael Vanduren Portland Oregon Resigned Eric Stone Portland Oregon Resigned Brittney Ohio Resigned Bradly Hirschorn Spokane Washington Resigned Professor Jaques Pluss New York Resigned April Braun-patterson Indiana Resigned John Snyder Indiana Resigned Shaun Cour D' Alene Idaho Resigned Wallis Jones Greensboro N.C. Resigned Sessa Carlson Cadillac Michigan Resigned Kimberly Jones Greensboro N. C. Resigned Dan Carlson Cadillac Michigan Resigned or inactive Jill Loach Englewood, Colorado Resigned Josh Henry Georgia Resigned or inactive Edward Schultz Texas Resigned Rich Sacremento Calif. Resigned Dan Benson Libby Montana Resigned Brad Cadillac Michigan Resigned Adam Manchester California Resigned Randoph Tennessee Resigned James Sutherland Portland Oregon Resigned Robert M. Bend Oregon Resigned Josh Rogers Sacremento Califonia Resigned or inactive Will Moffitt Seattle Washington Resigned Michael Kenneth Franksville, Wisconsin Kicked Out Mary Sanders Spokane Washington Resigned Adam Ganuy Wilmington, NC Resigned Bill White Roanoke Virginia Kicked Out Mike \"Doc\" Synder Florida Resigned Dean Roberts Minnesota Kicked Out Peter Rugg Kansas Reporter: Resigned Gordon Young Sharpsburg, Md Kicked out Brian Georgia Resigned Matt Ryan South Carolina Resigned Justin Boyer Ohio Kicked out Mike Downs Norfolk, Virginia Resigned Nate Georgia Resigned Travis Tulsa Oklahoma Resigned Lisa Tacoma, Wa Resigned Reece Terril Conneticut Resigned Laura Terril Conneticut Resigned Brian Philips New Jersey Resigned Joe Nunen South Carolina Resigned James Kennedy South Carolina Resigned Those reported communicating with with the above traitors face stern displinary measures and\/or complete expulsion from America's Nazi party. -NSM Commander Jeff Schoep --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.","label":0} {"text":"CONTRIBUTION DATA ----------------- Page: DLC - Democratic Lawyers Council Type: One-time Number of Tickets: 1 Ticket Amount: $500.00 Ticket Info: %%TicketInfo%% Additional Contribution Amount: 0 Total Amount: $500.00 First Name: Rosalyn Last Name: Pugh Address: 51 Laughton Street Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone: 3017720006 Email: rpughlaw@gmail.com Employer: The Pugh Law Group, LLC Employer Address: , Occupation: Attorney Payment Type: MasterCard Account #: 5861 Transaction #: %%TransactionId%% User Id #: %%UserId%% Contribution Key: IHQtQsDAcozXJgGfN7 CUSTOM FIELD DATA ------------------------------ (Section header: \"Additional Information\") Fundraiser code (optional): Who encouraged you to make this contribution?: Guest name(s), if contributing for multiple tickets: GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Submit Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 09:12:01 -0400 Status: Authorized Client IP Address: Client Browser: Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/49.0.2623.112 Safari\/537.36","label":0} {"text":"Dear TD Banknorth Treasury Management customer, Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the TD Banknorth. Your details (and your money) is protected by a number of technologies, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. We would like to notify you that TD Banknorth Commercial carries out customer details confirmation procedure that is compulsory for all TD Banknorth Commercial clients. This procedure is attributed to a routine banking software update. Please login to TD Banknorth WebExpress using the link below and follow the instructions on the screen. TD Banknorth Commercial Customer Service","label":1} {"text":"Dear White Nationalist: You are no doubt sickened by the on-going destruction of our White heritage. Japan will always be Japanese, China always Chinese, India always Indian, Africa always Black, etc. but there is no White nation in the Western world today that will remain White. Even Sweden is now \u00b3multicultural,\u00b2 and this destruction is thought \u00b3progressive\u00b2 by our liberal elites. Regardless of what we think of Christianity, multiculturalism got under way with breakdown of religion in the West. Coincidence? Not at all if we think of religion as social ideology. Society needs ideology. It gives a sense of community and collectivism, and suppresses individual self-indulgence. Without social ideology we are all individuals, and what is liberalism except exalting of the individual that makes him\/her prey to all manner and sort of freedom mongering? That is the state of White society today. It is atomized and rotting. No wonder that the White race is on the road to extinction. The answer, then, lies in religion. Not the Christian religion, to be sure, but one more enlightened on the Universe and Nature that will not break down under the intense glare of reason. Such a religion is LOGOS Pantheism, which you can learn about by visiting its website: \u00be But do not expect a racist rant. To be viable a movement must outreach into the general White mainstream, which no racist approach can do. Instead, the intention with this religion is to grow into congregations, not a party or political \u0152movement,\u00b9 formed by sifting the masses for Whites attracted to it. The current White masses are a write-off but we can and must salvage groups, which can again grow into a new White nation. The best of White stock will thereby be preserved with a religious ideology for survival, and those congregations can later separate from our decadent and hostile West into a new Nation. This is a religion with a strategy. I have contacted you because you are a leader in the White nationalist cause. Religions in the past have spread by social contact, requiring centuries. LOGOS Pantheism is a religion for White survival. If it requires centuries to spread, the White race deprived of belief could become extinct. The modern era, however, is unlike past eras due to the Internet, and White interests are facilitated by the already existing White nationalist network that is worldwide. If you are one touched by this religion after reading its website, if you are truly interested in White survival and see the need for an outreach program, and especially if you are convinced of the futility of other approaches, LOGOS Pantheism is a religion you will want to consider. Yours truly, Wayne Macleod","label":0} {"text":"Breaking News | Deadline Hollywood Deadline Hollywood has posted urgent news: Netflix Adapting Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' As Series For all of Deadline's headlines, follow us @Deadline on Twitter. This email was sent to amy_pascal@spe.sony.com by Deadline. To ensure delivery to your inbox (and not your spam folder), please add alerts@deadline.com to your address book. If you prefer not to continue receiving email communications, please unsubscribe here instead of replying to this email. To update your profile and customize what email alerts and newsletters you receive, please click here. Having trouble reading this email? View the web version here. Copyright \u00a9 2014 PMC, All rights reserved. 11175 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Amazon.com order of The Rosie Project: A Novel. Amazon Kindle eBooks | Your Account | Amazon.com Order Confirmation Order #D01-2265079-4379835 Hello Amy Pascal, Thank you for shopping with us. All Kindle content, including books and Kindle active content, that you've purchased from the Kindle Store is stored in your Kindle library on Amazon.com. View and manage your books from your Kindle library.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Kevin, unfortunately she's traveling and has a packed schedule. I'll get you a quote from me, though, if that helps. Also copying Mark Paustenbach, our national press secretary, so you guys can also be in touch. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Kevin Cirilli (BLOOMBERG\/ NEWSROOM:) Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:38 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Bloomberg request Hey, I'm working on a story with my colleague Jennifer Jacobs about Trump having to fundraise and how he's working with RNC to do that now. Can your boss jump on the phone for two minutes to talk about whether this will be problematic and undermine his argument as a candidate? Thanks. Kevin I'm at 6106131339. Sent from Bloomberg Professional for iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Exclusive Invite!! 5 spots left... Having trouble viewing this email? Click here #fblike","label":0} {"text":"And 90 more since I wrote that note last night\u2026781 this morning. Eric On Feb 12, 2015, at 12:06 AM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: Thanks Eric, thanks to everyone! DV -- David Vincenzetti CEO Sent from my mobile. From : Eric Rabe Sent : Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:00 AM To : David Vincenzetti Cc : Daniele Milan; Giancarlo Russo Subject : Re: The first CYBERWAR could be against NorthKorea - And it won't be pretty. We are cooking right along. At the moment we have 690 which is about 100 more than we had three days ago! Your list members and others with a real interest seem to be outnumbering the activists maybe 2:1. We have also gotten a number of favs, RTs and positive comment. Daniele even picked up a pat on the back from The Onion - the humor site - for one of his witty posts (that I retweeted but he wrote). So I'm generally pretty pleased with this. I will say this effort is taking more time than I expected, but (1) I think it is worth it and (2) I expect we'll get smoother and quicker at this as we catch a natural rhythm. If we can keep posting 3-6\/day as we have been, I think we can add some real value for people who are seriously trying to follow security developments in cyberspace. Thanks for all your support! Daniele, of course, has been fantastic! Eric On Feb 11, 2015, at 1:59 PM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: Concerned? Me neither. BTW, how many followers do we have, Eric? David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Feb 11, 2015, at 6:38 PM, Eric Rabe < ericrabe@sas.upenn.edu > wrote: Used it and we've gotten one snarky comment that has been retweeted. (Now we know how many activists are following us \u2014 maybe three or four dozen.) Still I'm not concerned about this. Best, Eric On Feb 10, 2015, at 9:01 AM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: I don't care! David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Feb 10, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Eric Rabe < ericrabe@sas.upenn.edu > wrote: I think it's better as: There are bad people doing bad things online. Working to stop them, #HackingTeam supports #SaferInternetDay But it might incite the activists (Yeah, your one of the bad ones\u2026) Not sure I care, but\u2026.. Eric On Feb 10, 2015, at 8:48 AM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: There are bad people doing bad things online. #HackingTeam supports # SaferInternetDay --","label":0} {"text":"2016: $5,538,091 DNC + Hope: $9,431,395 May: $1,357,473 $218,300 since yesterday Debt: $4,891,419 - 2015 $3,893,304 - 2016 $8,784,723 - Total HVF: $10,439,436 ------------- Daniel Parrish Democratic National Committee Finance | Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Phone: (202) 479-5141 | Mobile: (717) 283-7521 430 South Capitol Street, SE | Washington, DC 20003","label":0} {"text":"Maybe note in briefing... Tonight's statement from Sanders. Will stay in until the last vote and will fight for agenda at convention. Still making the case for general election viability -- but not as strong as before?? Hard to tell. [Bernie 2016] Sanders Statement on Primary Elections April 26, 2016 Contact: Michael Briggs (802) 233-8653 HUNTINGTON, W. Va. \u2013 U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday issued the following statement: \"I congratulate Secretary Clinton on her victories tonight, and I look forward to issue-oriented campaigns in the 14 contests to come. \"I am proud that we were able to win a resounding victory tonight in Rhode Island, the one state with an open primary where independents had a say in the outcome. Democrats should recognize that the ticket with the best chance of winning this November must attract support from independents as well as Democrats. I am proud of my campaign's record in that regard. \"The people in every state in this country should have the right to determine who they want as president and what the agenda of the Democratic Party should be. That's why we are in this race until the last vote is cast. That is why this campaign is going to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with as many delegates as possible to fight for a progressive party platform that calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage, an end to our disastrous trade policies, a Medicare-for-all health care system, breaking up Wall Street financial institutions, ending fracking in our country, making public colleges and universities tuition free and passing a carbon tax so we can effectively address the planetary crisis of climate change.\" ### Paid for by Bernie 2016 [(not the billionaires)] PO Box 905 - Burlington, Vermont 05402, United States [","label":0} {"text":"devilangel updated #CXD-492-52574 --------------------------------- How to get eveidences from the BB target doesn't have enough internal memory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket ID: CXD-492-52574 URL: Name: devilangel Email address: devilangel1004@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned -- Type: Issue Status: Open Priority: Medium Template group: Default Created: 28 November 2013 12:14 AM Updated: 28 November 2013 12:14 AM Hi, I have a question about getting evidences fro my BB target. One of my target BB device doesn't have enough internal memory just like below. In this case, I think I can't get evidences from the device because the captured evidences cannot be stored in the device. How to get the evidences from the device? purge it? Thanks. -- FLASH -- Internal Size: 250 MB Free internal: 0 MB MIC recording time: 0 hours Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Dear Account User, You have exceeded the limit of your mailbox set by your IT Service, and you will be having problems in sending and receiving mails. To prevent this, please click on the link below to reset your account. Failure to do this will result in limited access to your mailbox and will be IN-ACTIVE within the next 24 hours. Warning!! CLICK HERE TO UPGRADE fill and Submit: Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience Regards, Sun Java\u2122 Administrator \/ Webmaster \/ Local host","label":1} {"text":"would add about 30 mins in driving... Will try to sell it. An apt building? Sent from my iPhone On May 6, 2016, at 11:00 AM, Kaplan, Jordan > wrote: We would like to go to Friendship heights for the RT - here is the address. You guys cool with this. Hank Goldberg and Carol Brown Goldberg 5630 Wisconsin Avenue Apartment 1702 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20817 Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing as of 4\/30\/01. Please note that Imperial Sugar Company, Beaumont Methanol Limited Partnership, Terra Industries, Terra International, Terra Nitrogen Corp. (and LP) and Terra Resources were all placed on NO TRADES. Also, AK Steel Corporation, Jonan Gas Marketing and Royster-Clark Inc. are all new additions that require Credit approval. If there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report. To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002. For other questions, please contact Bill Bradford at x3-3831, Russell Diamond at x5-7095, or Brant Reves at x3-9897.","label":0} {"text":"I need a clean copy On Apr 26, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Love it! Plus Kate to move it to the Chair. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:13 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric Cc: Ryan Banfill Subject: RE: For edits: Draft DWS statement on primary results Added Penn exit poll #'s to the top For Immediate Release April 26, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 DNC Chair Statement on Tonight's Primary Results WASHINGTON - Tonight, voters went to the polls in five states. In Pennsylvania, exit polling showed that 71 percent of Democratic voters felt their primary had energized the party while 58 percent of Republican voters said their primary had divided the party \u2013 nearly the same in both cases as what New Yorkers reported last week. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement on tonight's results: \"Ranting and raving his way to five primary victories tonight, Donald Trump has secured his chokehold on the Republican nomination. For years, GOP leaders have pushed a cynical and feckless political strategy that exploits unfounded fears of immigrants, minorities, the poor, the LGBT community and more, all for political gain. They have sold hardworking Americans the empty promise of trickle-down prosperity, while strangling America's middle class with backwards economic policies that only enrich those already at the top. Donald Trump's impending nomination is the ultimate, sad success of that strategy. Trump is the modern Republican Party. \"It's no surprise that at exit polls in contest after contest, more and more Democratic voters are reporting that our primary process has energized our party, while more and more Republicans report deep, dispiriting divisions in theirs. \"I want to congratulate Secretary Clinton on her victories tonight, and both of our candidates for continuing to run spirited, substantive campaigns worthy of the American people. It's clear that when we get through our conventions, Democrats will emerge united having nominated the next president, while the GOP will have to wallow in the chaotic mess of their own making.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"Test Wizard 003 updated #QLO-746-25522 -------------------------------------- Agent doesn't sync after upgrade -------------------------------- Ticket ID: QLO-746-25522 URL: Name: Test Wizard 003 Email address: testwizard003@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned -- Type: Issue Status: Open Priority: Critical Template group: Default Created: 27 December 2014 09:08 AM Updated: 27 December 2014 09:08 AM Agent doesn't sync after upgrade. Currently it's version is 2014120801 and agent in timeout. Can we check a reason of it? Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Would You Like to Save up to 80 Would You Like to Save up to 80% on Printer, Fax & Copier Supplies? On Brands Like -> EPSON Canon HEWLETT PACKARD Lexmark & more! 100% Quality Satisfaction Guarantee or Your Money Back! FREE Same Day shipping on all US Orders* BEST Prices on the Internet - GUARANTEED!** Click Here to ORDER NOW! OR Call us Toll-Free at 1-800-758-8084! *Free Shipping only on orders of $40 or more.**We beat any online retailer's price by 5%. Call us with the URL (Website) advertising the lower price and once we verify the price, we will beat it by 5%! You are receiving this special offer because you have provided permission to receive email communications regarding special online promotions or offers. If you feel you have received this message in error, or wish to be removed from our subscriber list, Click HERE . Thank You and we apologize for ANY inconvenience.","label":1} {"text":"Dear Bank of America Customer, Due to recent fraudulent activities on some of Bank of America online accounts we are launching a new security system to make Bank of America online accounts more secure and safe. Before we can activate it we will be checking all Bank of America online accounts to confirm the authenticity of the holder. We will require a confirmation that your account has not been stolen or hacked. Your account has not been suspended or frozen. To confirm your account status please Login -complete the required information to authenticate and reset your account -make sure your account balance has not been changed -make sure your details have not been changed -review recent transactions in your account history for any unauthorized transfer If you find any type of suspicious activities please contact us immediately. Please include in your message your account number, your account name and the unauthorized transfer date & time. Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service. Bank of America Copyright \u00a9 2007","label":1} {"text":"Had a great mtg w Andy h sent on the run","label":0} {"text":"Flight, hotel, and car information attached. Contacts below. Let me know what else you need. Jake Hamburg, Communications Director 907-891-6864 Jhamburg@akdems.org Kay Brown, Executive Director Alaska Democratic Party Direct 907-258-3074 Cell 907-529-6970 kbrown@ akdems.org -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:40:39 -0500 From: Chris Garrigues Message-ID: | The background color in this window is the same as the background | color in the ftoc. That's what I'd like to vary - particularly as the ftoc background isn't constant - messages in the unseen sequence have a different background than others. In the ftoc that's fine, but in the sequences window, it isn't needed. unseen already has a different foreground there (no problem with that), it doesn't need a different background as well. I'll play about a bit with this, and with making it vertical instead of horizontal, and see what turns up. | The only sequences that are defined there are sequences which are defined | in app-defaults-color or ~\/exmh\/exmh-defaults-color. OK. | I've been thinking about how to dynamically generate highlighting for | other sequences, but haven't got that figured out yet. In this case, highlighting wasn't what I was most concerned about. A method to get messages in & out of sequences comes first, how it displays is a secondary consideration. But as a suggestion, have an \"all unknown\" sequence highlight, any message in a sequence which has no defined highlighting (where defined includes defined to not be treated specially) gets highlighted the same way (maybe something as boring as a dark brown text colour - almost indistinguishable from the normal black) | > > Any chance of making the current message a little brighter background? | | I don't see any reason why not. Experiment and let me know what works for you. Done some of that. First, the most significant change came from changing relief from raised to sunken. I don't know why, but it just looks better (for me anyway). But even with that, cur and unseen are still just a bit too similar. I ended up using *sequence_cur: -background {PaleGoldenrod} -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 The unnecessary braces are just because some of the colours I was using had spaces in their names. PaleGoldenrod translates as #eee8aa which is probably safer for generic use. kre _______________________________________________ Exmh-workers mailing list Exmh-workers@redhat.com","label":0} {"text":"Comrades, We are pleased to announce the formation of yet another NSM contact point in the State of PA. There has been a recent upsurge\/increase in membership in the State of PA., and new troops enlisting from the Philadelphia area, therefore a new contact point in the State has been established at: nsm88philly@yahoo.com This chapter will aid the existing NSM unit in Bethlehem, PA. and serve as the second NSM contact point for the State of Pennsylvania. A straight arm Salute to the new NSM contact point in Philadelphia. Hail Victory! Commander Schoep\/ NSM HQ www.nsm88.com Further updates: Make plans for the Rally in Omaha! NSM to Light two large 8 by 8 foot swastika's after Omaha Rally! Please Post to all Pro-White Lists, Message Boards, Forums, etc. All known White Racialists who attend the Rally on Sept. 1st at the Mexican Consulate in Omaha will be invited to attend a private gathering on secluded farm land after the Rally. There will be a bbq following the Omaha Rally at the Farm, family fun (feel free to bring your spouses and families), on site camping will be permitted (bring your tents), a tattoo artist, music, NSM88 Records store, and possibly live bands. (We are looking for a couple of Midwest bands who are interested in playing an outdoor show). After dark we will be lighting two large seperate 8 by 8 ft swastika's on private land. Out of the darkness comes the light of our Folk!!! Anyone who has not had the Honor of attending a Swastika or Cross Lighting needs to be at this, it is like nothing else, a sight to behold, one you will never forget! For Rally info: com\/press\/ nsm_omaha_ 2007.html Pdf printable flyer to distribute: com\/press\/ illegals. pdf No excuses, join with us in solidarity at the Mexican Consulate, stand against the illegal alien menace. Then join us for the Festivites afterwards. See you on the Frontlines in Omaha, Nebraska on Sept. 1st. All Pro-White, Pro-America First individuals and groups are welcome to attend the Rally. National Socialist Movement: P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 Check out the latest NSM talk Radio shows at www.nsm88radio.com Like www.Myspace.com but hate the jewish censorship of all things Pro-White at myspace? We have the solution, check out and join www.newsaxon.org with already over 1,000 participants from around the Pro-White World, and growing daily! Sponsored by your Comrades at NSM Records. For all the latest music, shirts, books, videogames, gear, etc. Shop exclusively at www.nsm88records.com Do you part, support the Party by supporting our affiliates. Check out the free new mp3 track from our upcoming NSM Records release from Arrow Cross \"Ready for War\" More photos, more messages, more storage\\97get 2GB with Windows Live Hotmail.","label":0} {"text":"Someone has taken it. Mostly newtel users. I think we can take the. C -- \"I don't take no stocks in mathematics, anyway\" --Huckleberry Finn","label":0} {"text":"CONTRIBUTION DATA ----------------- Page: FL232 - POTUS Miami Dinner Type: One-time Number of Tickets: 1 Ticket Amount: $10,000.00 Ticket Info: %%TicketInfo%% Additional Contribution Amount: 0 Total Amount: $10,000.00 First Name: Patricia Last Name: Wunderlin Address: 6510 Field Sparrow Glen Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Phone: 9416851119 Email: weddingmom29@gmail.com Employer: n\/a Employer Address: , Occupation: n\/a Payment Type: MasterCard Account #: 0163 Transaction #: %%TransactionId%% User Id #: %%UserId%% Contribution Key: IIGX_4xju8J6IsBcAV CUSTOM FIELD DATA ------------------------------ (Section header: \"Additional Information\") Fundraiser code (optional): Who encouraged you to make this contribution?: Guest name(s), if contributing for multiple tickets: GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Submit Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 20:50:56 +0000 Status: Under Review Client IP Address: Client Browser: Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident\/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko","label":0} {"text":"Outstanding Opportunities For Premier Producers Our Client's Search Includes: Full-Time Agents Sales Managers General Agents CPA \"Partners\" Independent Agents & Brokers Allow their \"Nationally Acclaimed\" marketing intiatives and unbeatable product portfolio to DOUBLE YOUR INCOME within 24 months PLUS ACCESS TO 385 OTHER COMPANIES For A Confidential Phone Interview Please Complete Form & Submit Name: E-mail: Phone: City: State: Area of Interest: Full-Time Agent Sales Manager General Agent CPA \"Partner\" Independent Agent We don't want anybody to receive or mailing who does not wish to receive them. This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here: Legal Notice","label":1} {"text":"Please print a few copies of this spreadsheet and take them to Tracy in her meeting this morning. Thanks, Lindy","label":0} {"text":"Hi all - I commented on the reference period issue in my previous email, and hope we can resolve it today, or tomorrow at the latest? Tim and Keith should help convince Fortunat that their choice is strong. Tim - can you make the other changes suggested by Fortunat? Thanks, peck >Hi, > >I have now found the time to look over the figures. First >congratulations to this effort. Looks great! A tremendous job - I >assume many hours of work. > >I have, however, a few points > >1) The instrumental record - our best piece of information is >missing in panel e. Please add to the EMIC panel. > >2) I am not very enthusiastic to normalize model results with >respect to 1500-1899. The EMIC panel is to illustrate two points - >the difference between low and high solar forcing and with\/without >anthropogenic forcing. > >I think panel e (EMIC panel) would be more informative in this >respect if all runs with anthropogenic forcing and the proxies are >normalized as in panel b) (19061-1990) and the runs without anth. >forcing start at the same point as the ones with anth. forcing > >I have no strong opinion on panel d. > >3) Please change Bern2.5c to Bern2.5CC > >Thanks for considering this. > >Best regards, > >Fortunat > >Jonathan Overpeck wrote: >>Hi Stefan and Fortunat: Attached are the draft figs that include >>proxy obs, simulations, and comparisons of the two. As you can see, >>Tim just sent them. Big job, but they look great in my eyes. >> >>See Tim's email below for more background info. >> >>We need fast feedback from you both, specifically: >> >>1) any general comments on the figs - this is a crux set of figures >>and we need your eyes to look at them carefully >> >>2) is it wise to keep the new EMIC run panel attached to the second >>figure as attached? I vote yes, but what do you think. It fits w\/ >>the other panels pretty well. >> >>3) either way, we need caption prose from you (perhaps Fortunat >>start, and Stefan edit, or vice versa if Stefan can start first) on >>the new EMIC panel. >> >>4) also, we need a new para, or prose that can be added to a para, >>that describes the panel and it's implications as it informs our >>assessment. Keith will then integrate this into the section. I'm >>not sure of this, but perhaps you could start with a new question >>heading, and then have a short para to go under it - something like >>\"What is the significance of the new reduced-amplitude estimates of >>past solar variability?\" >> >>Of course, we need your feedback and prose asap. Please send to me, >>Eystein, Keith and Tim. >> >>Thanks in advance for the help. Best, peck >> >>>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 >>>Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:00:19 +0000 >>>To: Jonathan Overpeck , >>> Eystein Jansen >>>From: Tim Osborn >>>Subject: some figures at last! >>>Cc: Keith Briffa >>>X-UEA-Spam-Score: -102.8 >>>X-UEA-Spam-Level: --------------------------------------------------- >>>X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO >>> >>>Dear Peck and Eystein, >>> >>>the attached word file contains the latest versions of two of our figures. >>> >>>First, is the reconstructions with many requests now done: linear >>>time scale, dotted early instrumental temperatures not solid line, >>>Oerlemans added, new panel showing shading for the overlapping >>>regions of temperature reconstructions. >>> >>>Second, is the forcings and models. Stendel ECHAM simulation >>>added (1500-2000). New ECHO-G Erik2 simulation just published in >>>GRL from Gonzalez-Ruoco et al. added (1000-1990). Reconstruction >>>\"envelope\" replaced by new shading of overlaps in the temperature >>>reconstructions. Correction of some labelling errors. Those runs >>>that did not include 20th century sulphate aerosol cooling are >>>dotted or dashed after 1900 (the two low ones also omitted CH4, >>>N2O, CFCs, O3, hence still cool despite omitting aerosol cooling). >>>The ECHO-G Erik1 simulation with the very out-of-equilibrium >>>initial conditions is dashed. Finally, the extra panel with the >>>new EMIC runs is included as panel (e), again with the new shading >>>of overlapping temperature reconstructions. >>> >>>Keith suggests sending to Stefan and Fortunat too for their views >>>- can you do that (they may now be gone for the weekend, of >>>course). >>> >>>Best wishes and sorry this is late. Am I right in thinking that >>>the only other possible-TS figure is the location maps? Still >>>working on those (had very little time in last 2 days due to media >>>etc. attention re. Science paper). >>> >>>Cheers >>> >>>Tim >>> >>> >>> >>>Dr Timothy J Osborn >>>Climatic Research Unit >>>School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia >>>Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK >>> >>>e-mail: t.osborn@uea.ac.uk >>>phone: +44 1603 592089 >>>fax: +44 1603 507784 >>>web: ~timo\/ >>>sunclock: ~timo\/sunclock.htm >> >> >> > >-- > > Climate and Environmental Physics, > Physics Institute, University of Bern > Sidlerstr. 5, CH-3012 Bern > Phone: ++41(0)31 631 44 61 Fax: ++41(0)31 631 87 42 > Internet: ~joos\/ -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"[ GOP DAILY ROUNDUP 5\/3\/16 DONALD TRUMP TED CRUZ EVENTS DONALD TRUMP TRUMP SUGGESTS RAFAEL CRUZ HELPED ASSASSINATE JFK: \"Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that Ted Cruz's father was with John F. Kennedy's assassin shortly before he murdered the president, parroting a National Enquirer story claiming that Rafael Cruz was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963\u2026'His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being - you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,' Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. 'What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.' 'I mean, what was he doing - what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?' Trump continued. 'It's horrible.'\" [Politico, 5\/3\/16 ] TRUMP RESPONDS TO \"MOST RECENT OUTBURST FROM TED CRUZ\": \"Ted Cruz is a desperate candidate trying to save his failing campaign. It is no surprise he has resorted to his usual tactics of over-the-top rhetoric that nobody believes. Over the last week, I have watched Lyin' Ted become more and more unhinged as he is unable to react under the pressure and stress of losing, in all cases by landslides, the last six primary elections --- in fact, coming in last place in all but one of them. Today's ridiculous outburst only proves what I have been saying for a long time, that Ted Cruz does not have the temperament to be President of the United States.\" [Donald J. Trump for President, Statement, 5\/3\/16 ] TRUMP SAYS HE WOULD \"PROHIBIT\" MILITARY LEADERS FROM TALKING TO PRESS: \"If he becomes commander in chief, Donald Trump won't let military generals speak to \"the dishonest press,\" out of fear they'll spill national security secrets. 'A general should not be on television,' the Republican front-runner told a crowd of supporters during a rally at Carmel, Indiana, on Monday. 'I don't want our generals on television. I will prohibit them.'\" [Military Times, 5\/3\/16 ] EXPERTS WARN OF BACKLASH OVER TRUMP'S CHINA TRADE POLICIES: \"Starting a trade war might be cathartic for workers who have lost jobs, but it is unlikely to create a lot of factory work. 'There's no way a tariff of this kind could deliver the kind of benefits that he's talking about, and it's quite wrong to think that the big problem for American workers has been foreign trade,' said J .W. Mason, a professor of economics at John Jay College and a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, a liberal think tank. 'But I think it could be very destructive for the rest of the world.'\" [New York Times, 5\/3\/16 ] TRUMP FALSELY SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MIKE TYSON'S RAPE TRIAL: \"'Do you still think Mike Tyson got a raw deal when he endorsed you?' Trump was asked. 'I don't know anything about it. I know he endorsed me. I heard he endorsed me,' Trump stated. 'I don't know anything about his trial. I really don't.' Trump, a longtime friend of Tyson, opined at length about the trial on television, in newspapers, and in magazines. Trump has claimed Tyson was 'railroaded' in the case and on several occasions offered criticism of Tyson's defense attorney. Trump said in 1992 that Tyson could pay the victim with money from a fight to avoid serving time in prison. Trump also called into question whether the victim had been raped at all.\" [Buzzfeed, 5\/2\/16 ] TRUMP NOW PAYS TWITTER TO PROMOTE HIS TWEETS: \"Mr. Trump's campaign has joined Twitter's regional ad targeting, having four of his posts appear in the feeds of selected Twitter users in Indiana, regardless of whether they are followers of the candidate. In a sign of growing technical sophistication within the Trump campaign, the Twitter posts are being aimed at particular audiences within the state. For example, a post with a video featuring the endorsement of Bobby Knight, theformer Indiana University basketball coach, was targeted at basketball fans as identified by Twitter.\" [New York Times, 5\/3\/16 ] BACK TO TOP \u2191 TED CRUZ CRUZ AIDE SAYS CAMPAIGN IS BRACING FOR IMMEDIATE STAFF CUTS AND \"A VERY SOMBER\" SPEECH TUESDAY NIGHT: \"Cruz has spent the past week camped out in Indiana, securing the support of the state's governor and announcing retired technology executive Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Yet his aides were pessimistic heading into Tuesday's voting and were prepared for Cruz to fall short. With polls predicting a loss, campaign officials were bracing for immediate staffing cuts 'at a minimum,' according to one aide who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share internal discussions. The aide said the campaign was preparing for 'a very somber' address Tuesday night in Indianapolis.\" [AP, 5\/3\/16 ] CRUZ MOCKS TRUMP'S \"BATTLES WITH VENEREAL DISEASE\": \"Cruz continued: 'The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines with it being a narcissist, a narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, \"Dude, what's your problem?\"'\u2026'Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, and he boasts about it,' Cruz told reporters, referring to remarks Trump made to radio personality Howard Stern in 1997. 'This is not a secret. He's proud of being a serial philanderer. I want everyone to think about your teenage kids. The president of the United States talks about how great it is to commit adultery, how proud he is, describes his battles with venereal disease as his own personal Vietnam.'\" [Texas Tribune, 5\/3\/16 ] BACK TO TOP \u2191 EVENTS TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2016 DONALD TRUMP: Election Night Event Trump Tower in New York, NY [@katieglueck]. TED CRUZ: 11:30 AM Retail stop with Carly Fiorina and Heidi Cruz in Evansville, IN [eventbrite], and 7:00 PM Election Night Watch Party in Indianapolis, IN [FOX59]. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 DONALD TRUMP: None. TED CRUZ: 10:30 PM Fundraiser Redmond, WA [piercegop.org]. BACK TO TOP \u2191 Lauren Hendricks","label":0} {"text":"The Enron Building in Houston will be closed for the rest of the day. The offices in New York and Washington, D.C. have also been closed, and all employees have been accounted for. We're asking all Houston-based employees not involved in critical operations to go home to be with their families. We have every reason to believe the Enron Building is safe and secure. Each Enron location has the discretion to determine what is in the best interest of their employees. We know of no Enron employee or facility affected by today's tragic events. Let's keep all the victims of these tragedies in our thoughts and prayers. If you have information that you believe may be relevant to this matter, please email john.brindle@enron.com . For updates, view","label":0} {"text":"============================================ A SPECIAL OFFER brought to you by CBS SportsLine.com ============================================ ********************************************************************** Win $1,000,000! at Megasports.com! Let's Jam Sucka! Play Megasports.com's Daily Pick 4 Contest! Pick 4 answers. 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Attention: Department 415 P.O Box 10005 Palo Alto CA 94303","label":1} {"text":"Bruno Muschitiello updated #LOD-226-37958 ----------------------------------------- Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello (was: -- Unassigned --) Status: In Progress (was: Open) Offline infection give a blue screen on windows 8 ------------------------------------------------- Ticket ID: LOD-226-37958 URL: Name: Angsk Email address: angsk@pcs-security.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Issue Status: In Progress Priority: Normal Template group: Default Created: 19 February 2014 09:01 AM Updated: 19 February 2014 11:47 AM The problem is not related to RCS, we suggest you to repeat the infection, in case it doesn't resolve the issue you can burn another CD. Let us know if the problem is still present. Kind regards Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add USAA.Customer.Service@mailcenter.usaa.com to your address book. USAA SECURITY ZONE Security and Privacy USAA Center Subscribed Security Alert Dear USAA Member, For your protection, USAA has temporarily suspended your Checking account. We detected violation of our terms and policy. Your account will be disabled permanently within 24hours. To prevent this, Re-Validate your account information and update your security preferences. Sign-On USAA values your business and is committed to keeping your accounts and personal information safe. To learn how we protect your information, visit our Security Center Thank you, USAA USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking and investment affiliates. Please do not reply to this e-mail. To contact USAA, visit our secure contact page. Privacy Promise USAA, 9800 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, Texas 78288 We know what it means to serve \u00ae Insurance Banking Investments Retirement Advice 88183-1008","label":1} {"text":"Hi everyone. I have yet another request for which I need your input. Causey is reviewing his budgets\/direct reports, and would like to get the most current headcount numbers for the accounting groups in your business unit(s). What I mean by accounting groups includes everyone whose superior ultimately reports to Causey. For instance, this would include the traditional Accounting\/Reporting departments, Tax departments, and Transaction Support departments. It should NOT include any settlements\/mid-office groups (for example, Sally Beck's world). I say \"department\" because I don't want just accountants, but everyone who is in that dept, i.e. admins, clerks, etc. If you have a question on any unique situation, please just give me a call and we'll discuss. The data needs to be as recent as possible. Hopefully, I can get this as of July 31\/August 1. If you have more recent data, that would be great. At a bare minimum, I need total headcount as described by group (acct, reporting, tax, etc.) It would also be useful to get as much detail as possible, i.e. by sub-group, by personnel level, etc., but I know that may be a challenge given the timing of the request. Additionally, if you can provide me with a \"current estimate\" for the groups you report, that would be ideal. I know that the official CE doesn't go to that level, but I'm betting that most of you have something that projects your G&A by cost center (or group\/dept) for 2001, as of the 2nd CE. The headcount information is a must have, and the 2001 cost estimate is secondary, although I'd like to ask everyone to strive to provide both. If you can't provide estimated costs for the groups you report, please call me so we can discuss. Speaking of the timing, I need this by Wednesday, August 29 at 12 noon. This will be given to Rick on Thursday morning, so I'll need some time to consolidate the data and to ask you all any further questions. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thanks, Steve PS--Here are the BUs I expect each of you: Faith (also, let me know if you'd prefer me to email this to each group instead of going through you) ENA Europe EGM EIM ENW EPI EEOS EBS Tracy ETS PGG EREC Agatha EGAS Dana EES","label":0} {"text":"WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING Puerto Rico Would you sign this bill? * We are encouraged that this was a bipartisan effort * Quirk in the law that will only affect people who are under age 20 will have their wages cut * This is mean-spirited policy making * This bill is less than perfect * We want congress to pass legislation even if it is less than perfect Will POTUS go to Puerto Rico? * No plans are in the making yet. * There is no trip to talk to you about EPA There was a bipartisan proposal made in the Senate over EPA. What is your response to that? * We haven't been briefed on the proposal * Will check with my team and get back with you TPP ITC report said that it would boost agriculture and services, but hurt manufacturing. Is that a disappointment and do you agree? * Overall numbers are quite good o 47 billion dollars of real income increase o GDP would go up by 43 billion o 2\/3rd of GDP growth would go through wage increases o Didn't account for non-tariff barriers * Manufacturing would grow according to the ITC * ITC did their analysis based off of the status quo with no change * If we don't pass TPP then China will start to try trading with these nations, which will hurt us Democrats are against this and will you take this up this year? * They will be challenged to take an argument * If US withdraw then the world is worse off What is the timing on TPP? * ASAP to get it done by bipartisan group of legislatures 2016 Election 24 hours to study Trump's SCOTUS nominees. What is your response? * Have not looked and have not thought about it Iraq\/Syria Sec. Gates said that this is combat. Are you sticking to you words? * Trying to explain to America what we are doing there * The mission that they have been given by their commander-in-chief. * Different mission and area than Bush * Iraq is dangerous nod advice sessions may have to go into combat but it is for self-protection","label":0} {"text":"Your eBay account might be compromised We have noticed that a credit card associated with your account has been reported lost or stolen. Therefore, as a prevention measure, we have temporarely placed your eBay account under a restricted status. To ensure that your account is not compromised please take a review on your recent account history for any unauthorized withdrawals or deposits, and check your account profile to make sure no changes have been made. 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Please forward this to your direct reports. Thanks, Stacey","label":0} {"text":"Dear jose@monkey.org, 1969MB 2000MB We noticed your e-mail account has almost exceed it's limit. And you may not be able to send or receive messages any moment from now, Click Here to renew your account. NOTICE: failure to renew your e-mail account. It will be permanently disabled. Thanks, Account Service","label":1} {"text":"Thanks From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:49 AM To: Helmstetter, TJ; RR2 Subject: RE: Research: pls fact check Dan Gross remarks for 11:15AM I mean he directly says the election is between HRC and Trump. I feel like he'll say it no matter what, but obviously if he says that on a press call, it's going to be bad for us, especially with this week we've had. From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:40 AM To: RR2 Subject: Research: pls fact check Dan Gross remarks for 11:15AM Just got these from Brady Campaign. Thanks Thank you Congresswoman Esty and Congressman Aguilar. Both of you are glowing examples of what it means to be a leader and to truly serve the American people, and I'm privileged that I can call you allies of ours in the fight to keep guns out of dangerous hands. Unfortunately in our Congress today there are some politicians too beholden to the corporate gun lobby. They kowtow to the industry's giants and keep violent felons, domestic abusers, and even terrorists armed to the teeth with guns. Earlier this week Senator Chuck Schumer fulfilled a personal promise he made to the Brady Campaign by introducing Brady Bill 2.0. This bill would expand Brady background checks to all gun sales, a policy supported by 90 percent of Americans, including 84 percent of gun owners and, yes, 74 percent of National Rifle Association members. I'll say that again, 74 percent of National Rifle Association members support expanding Brady background checks to all gun sales to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, violent felons, and people with dangerous mental illnesses. There's remarkable common ground shared by the American people. It doesn't matter whether you love or hate guns, nine out of ten Americans believe we would all be safer if there weren't thousands of guns sold every day, at gun shows and online, without background checks. But the NRA's leadership and political champions, including Wayne LaPierre, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Donald J. Trump, have flouted the will of everyday NRA members to appease the gun industry. As the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump has made gun violence in America a campaign trail punchline. In January, the front runner speculated that he could \"stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody\" without hurting his popularity. He has opposed expanded background checks despite the fact that they are supported by nearly three-quarters of the very same membership of the organization he'll address today. It's interesting to me that Trump, who has branded himself as a populist candidate not beholden to any lobby or special interest group, continuously regurgitates the baseless talking points used by the corporate gun lobby and its allies in Congress. Make no mistake: this presidential election represents a critical crossroads for this issue and for our collective safety. Lives are literally at stake. The choice between Hillary Clinton Democrats and Donald Trump will be a referendum on gun violence in America - and the result will make a big difference either helping to fight or fuel the problem. Americans agree we can't afford a President who will put lives at risk by rolling back effective, life-saving gun safety measures and advocating for a world where everyone - from convicted violent criminals to domestic abusers to terrorists - can buy guns with no questions asked. As he prepares to address the National Rifle Association as today's keynote speaker, I challenge Donald Trump to stand by the 74% of NRA members who want expanded Brady background checks and I call on him to support Senator Schumer's recently introduced Brady Bill 2.0 that expands background checks to all gun sales. TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"ZDNet AnchorDesk Daily Newsletter Veritas CEO Gary Bloom speaks out at Tech Update. Check out these personal laser printer picks at ZDNet Reviews. See how WAP works and how you should use it at Builder.com. Need a new job? Find one today in ZDNet's Career Center. CIOs talk out about the future of IT at CNET News.com. FRI JUL 12, 2002 David Coursey New Sony Vaio: When small becomes TOO small Sometimes hardware vendors take this whole smaller-is-better thing way, way too far. Witness the Sony Vaio U1. This tiny PC--so far for sale only in Asia--is too small for a jumbo-sized Texan like me to use. But, dang, it's cute! NOTE: Why we're changing our publishing schedule PLUS: AnchorDesk Radio: The changing geography of the Net New security holes found in Outlook, IE... MS networks your home Toshiba's new Pocket PC: Beautiful inside and out 3 tools for viewing any file format under the sun Crucial Clicks: More from ZDNet CD-RW drives Flashy, fast FireWire CD-RW drives Need to rip some audio while you're on the road? Gotta back up a PC or a Mac? ZDNet reviewers say: Check out these speedy, portable CD burners. Read reviews Most Popular Products Removable Storage 1. IBM Deskstar 120GXP 2. HP DVD-Writer DVD100i 3. Lite-On 40X\/12X\/48X EIDE 4. Pioneer DVR-A04 5. Western Digital Caviar WD1200JB More popular storage products SYLVIA CARR New security holes found in Outlook, IE... MS networks your homeSecurity experts have discovered two new vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer and Outlook that leave your system open to hack attacks. Plus: MS will soon help you technify your whole house with easy-to-use home-networking gear. JOHN MORRIS AND JOSH TAYLOR Toshiba's new Pocket PC: Beautiful inside and out Beauty is only skin deep, which is why it's so important that Toshiba revamped both body and soul in its Pocket PC e740. Josh and John tell you how the PDA's improved. Plus: The latest reviews on ZDNet. PRESTON GRALLA 3 tools for viewing any file format under the sun Got a lot of obscure file formats on your PC? Unimpressed with Windows Explorer's ability to view them all? Preston's got three downloads that let you see the contents of just about any file--even the ones you've never heard of. AnchorDesk Home | Previous Issue Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@zzzason.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Home |eBusiness | Security | Networking | Applications | Platforms | Hardware | Careers Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks, Inc.","label":0} {"text":"Dear Team, Attached is the latest update of the price forecasts for: Deutche Bank Equity Research Assoc Merill Lynch Thanks, Stacey Stacey L. Wales Stacey Wales Origination Transaction Support Enron Industrial Markets 713-345-7186","label":0} {"text":"YourCorporated and Business Banking accountFederal DepositInsurance Corporation Dear Customers,Your account ACH and Wire transactions have been provisionally stopped in order to ensure your safety, because your security version expired. We encourage you to download and install the updated installations, by following this link.As soon as you have set it up, the functioning of your account will be completely resumed. Kind regards, Online Security Department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.","label":1} {"text":"Internet Banking Security Dear Customer, We were unable to verify your account information during our regular database verification process. We would require the Re-confirmation of your records to forestall a re-occurence of any future problems with your Online Access.We are introducing a new security SSL to protect our database from fraudsters. Click Here to validate your account access. We are committed to improving our Online Service. Account Advisory Account Service Dept, Permanent TSB, N.A . _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Programs and data held on this system belong or are licensed to Permanent TSB. It is an offence to access the programs and data unless you are doing so through your own account using your account information issued to you Permanent TSB and Permanent TSB in an authorised manner and in accordance with all applicable laws.","label":1} {"text":"Increase Your Gas Mileageby up to 27% !! * No TOOLS required! * Improves Power* Maximizes Energy * Improves Mileage * Improves Torque * Cleaner Engine * Smoother Engine * Reduces Emissions by 43% * Protects Catalytic Converters * Prevents Diesel Gelling * Improves Spark Plug Life * Maintenance Free* Pays for Itself within 60 days! Installs in Seconds!A simple device that easily snaps over your fuel line. Anyone can do it! Guaranteed! FULL REFUND if you are not satisfied with the result within THREE MONTHS from the date of purchase. CLICK HERE HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE: You received this e-mail because you are registered at one of our Web sites, or on one of our partners' sites. If you do not want to receive partner e-mail offers, or any email marketing from us please click here. Boy friend4959Vjfz5-024ktYP8199nMsj4-274kyl30 7738acmj2-385eAKr4786Gxyo2-286nwoY1066ljIX8-970YZLh9765lVl54","label":1} {"text":"Your Apple ID was used to sign in to iCloud on an iPhone 6 named \"Zikxo''. If the information above looks familiar, you can disregard this email. If you have not recently signed in to an iPad with your Apple ID and believe someone may have accessed your account, go to My Apple ID ( ) and review your details as soon as possible. Apple Support. My Apple ID | Support | Copyright \u2558 2016","label":1} {"text":"Do you guys have any idea on this? I don't know anything about debate negotiations Begin forwarded message: From: \"Fritze, John\" > Date: May 20, 2016 at 9:15:03 AM EDT To: \"WeiS@dnc.org \" > Subject: question I have a question I am hoping someone there can help me with on background, attributable to a \"Democratic official\" or whatever terms we negotiate. Regarding the primary election debates, does anyone there know definitively whether the presidential campaigns negotiate the share of questions they will receive (40% of the questions asked, 50%, etc.), or is that something the network has license to decide? During the general election debate, I'm told, an equal number of questions is a negotiated point. But how does it work for the primary? Thanks much for any guidance. John Fritze Washington correspondent The Baltimore Sun Mobile: 202-570-6574 john.fritze@baltsun.com","label":0} {"text":"You were right. cordage conduct \"You think they pay their taxes on time?I'll duck one of the two capsules she gives me every other time she brings them. \"\"Oh. Help me! The caretaker burned it down. \"Don't do anything stupid like trying to choke me, Paul. In his current situation, however, such niceties hardly seemed worth examination. The next kid might well say something like \"Just then this great big bird\ufffd\ufffd an Andean vulture, I think\ufffd\ufffd flew down. consonantal","label":1} {"text":"Dear The 53-rd Bank USA Treasury Management customer! Our Maintenance Division is carrying out a scheduled web-site update. By clicking on the link below you will begin the procedure of the customer login update: These instructions are to be sent and followed by all Commercial Treasury Management customers of the 53-rd USA. Fifth Third Bank USA does apologize for the problems caused to you, and is very grateful for your collaboration. If you are not client of the Fifth Third Commercial please disregard this notice! Copyright \u00a9 2007 53rd Direct - All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 4:30 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado on Inside Edition Former Miss Universe Accuses Donald Trump of Fat Shaming: 'He Called Me Miss Piggy' A former Miss Universe claims she was publicly humiliated by Donald Trump, who called her \"Miss Piggy\" after she had gained some weight. Alicia Machado, a Venezuela native, was crowned Miss Universe in 1996 when she was just 19 years old. She is among the women featured in the controversial New York Times story about Trump's dealings with women. She also believes the GOP frontrunner bullied her \"all the time.\" \"For sure he is not a good person,\" Machado told Inside Edition. In 1996, Trump had just taken over the Miss Universe pageant. His then wife, Marla Maples, was one of the hosts on the night Machado won the tiara. But within a few months, she gained weight and rumors swirled that she could lose her crown. Trump finally insisted she lost weight, calling her \"an eating machine\" on Howard Stern's radio show and took her to work out in a gym packed with media. \"She weighed 118 pounds or 117 pounds and she went to 160 or 170. So this is somebody that likes to eat,\" he said at the time. Machado, who claims she gained closer to 15 pounds, says she felt publicly shamed and he called her \"Miss Piggy.\" She said it made her feel \"so fat\" that it made her \"very depressed.\" At the time Trump took Machado to the gym, he was asked by a reporter \"What happens if Marla gains this kind of weight? Would you drop her?\" \"Well, I'd probably do the same thing with her,\" he said. \"I'd say 'start working out.' No, I wouldn't. Still a very interesting question.\" Machado went on to become a big star of telenovelas. She was also the first Miss Universe to pose for Playboy magazine in 2006. The 39-year-old says her experience with Trump led to years of battling eating disorders and psychotherapy. She is about to become an American citizen - just in time to vote in the presidential election . When asked if she would vote for Trump , she laughed.","label":0} {"text":"FYI From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 7:48 PM To: hrtsleeve@gmail.com; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan Subject: RE: Platform drafting rollout There is a lot of reporter interest and plenty of outlets are chasing the story after the Ann Gearan story claimed the DNC would be offering concessions, but so long as you haven't called the people you'll be appointing to confirm they will definitely be on, we can probably hold it. Then we could work the story over Saturday and Sunday, and have our roll out on Monday morning. If the campaigns told these people they would definitely be on, then it will be pieced together more quickly and we would have to execute on a faster timeline. For a Monday roll out we would want a call with Cummings and a reporter tomorrow or early Sunday, with your calls to the members to confirm their appointment on Sunday night. The Tic Toc would be roughly: Saturday May 21 Finalize Public Affairs Guidance * Talking Points * Q&A Secure Validators * Tee up Cummings and one other appointee to be on message, and to speak with the reporter for the preview\/launch story Finalize Press Release Lock In Preview\/Launch Story Reporter * Recommendation: Greg Sargent, Washington Post Pitch New Day and Andrea Mitchell without details Schedule Sunday notification calls Sunday May 22 Hold calls with the reporter with * DWS * Cummings * TBD appointee * Convention team \/ Party Affairs for background Lock in New Day and Andrea Mitchell Notification calls start at 8pm ET 10:00 PM Embargo on Preview\/Launch Story lifts for web (Preview story runs online) Pitch Paul Kirk and Howard Dean on co-signing a Medium Post on what happens at convention \/ praising platform drafting moving forward Monday May 23 Preview \/ Launch story runs in print in Washington Post 6:40 AM - DWS on New Day Begin Pitching Cummings to Cable Television 12:10 PM - DWS on MSNBC (Andrea Mitchell) Lock in Dean \/ Kirk Medium Post (Send them draft) 9pm Medium Post online * Send to morning TV producers * Send to morning tipsheets (Playbook, etc) Cummings interviews throughout afterrnoon and into Tuesday the 24th ________________________________________ From: hrtsleeve@gmail.com [hrtsleeve@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 6:36 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan Subject: Platform drafting rollout Luis, I do want to go with the Monday morning WP\/New Day\/Andrea Mitchell plan for the rollout. I asked Leah to hold and said I would be happy to talk to her. She is concerned it will leak before then but I think we can mostly keep it contained. Please let me know what you think. DWS","label":0} {"text":"Having processed the annual records of your financial activity we have estimated that you have a right to get a tax refund of $941.Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-9 days in order to process it.The delay of a refund can be caused by many various reasons. For instance, sending untrue records or not complying with a deadline. To get information about your tax refund please click here.Best regards,Tax Refund DepartmentInternal Revenue Service","label":1} {"text":"Dear Valued Customer We are committed to protecting you, with the latest technology to keep your details secure, and dedicated teams to monitor online activity and intercept any suspicious actions. And we do everything we can to protect our online customers, but the steps we take can be much more effective if you work with us to protect yourself. 07 August 2006 our security system detected an unsuccessfull access attempt to your online account from Ip address that does not correspond to your current address. Please click here to confirm your current address or change it online. If you do not confirm your address until 10 August 2006 your account will be SUSPENDED for security reasons and we will send you an Activation Code by post which you will need to renew your online banking service access. You will receive this within seven days if your current address is not confirmed. Yours sincerely Adrian Grace Security Department Barclays International Insurance Services Company Limited","label":1} {"text":"WF Security Dear customer , We have noticed in the last few days , many suspicious activities done in and from your account . Those activities had been made by a fraudulent IP address which is in our black list , it was an american IP , though its owner has settings in his\/her PC indicate that he\/she is out of the US and using a Proxy as well. This person tried to perform the following : 1- Transferring a high sum of money to another Wellsfargo user , with the account # : 2013331604, First name : Jason , Last name : Korinek. ( Denied ) 2- Changing password and other important information. ( Denied ) If you DID those processes yourself , or they have been DONE accidentally , please send an email to : 'wellsfraud.com' , explaining why and how you did that , to get your account activated ,and to permit us performing your processes. Else, if that was not you , and you want get your account activated , kindly read and follow the next to be in safe : Read this : We recently have created a new agent , prepared for such activities and for contingencies , that is unknown specially to the unauthorized person who logged into your account without your permission .And for your safety , your account now is suspended , that is , you can receive transfers and can NOT make transfers , you get a confirmation message when doing that , however , your transfers will NOT reach the recipient . Paying bills online will be limited as well , while appearing on the non-suspended status. Follow this : Verify your identity by logging into your account in the following site (and you will be redirected to our agent) : , and filling the fields at the next page . Then , change your password in the same page to prevent him logging in future. ---------------------------------------------------------- Q : How my account was accessed without my permission ? A : Many reasons are available : 1st , some internet sites offer illegal contents to attract visitors . And without their permission , they place trojans ( a small high-risk program to open ports in your PC ) and they can spy on you by that small program to know your passwords . 2nd , you may accept files from an unknown person that have the same mission . 3rd , you may have accessed your online account via a public PC . ---------------------------------------------------------- Thank you,Wells Fargo - Online Banking. About Wells Fargo | Employment | Report Email Fraud | Privacy, Security & Legal | Home \u00a9 1995 - 2006 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"20020717 Lockergnome Digital Media 07.17.2002 MediaREPORT GET WINDOWS XP TIPS: Months after the release of Windows XP Professional and Home editions, people are still learning the nuances of Microsoft's newest operating system. Whether you've been using it for a while or are planning to upgrade to the new OS soon, this ebook is right up your alley. GET YOUR COPY of Lockergnome's Top 50 Windows XP tips now! This is of course belated, as I'm sending it on the 18th, but Happy Birthday to Lori! One thing about MacWorld should excite mp3 junkies -- the iPod just got even bigger, with a 20GB version and Apple officially endorses Windows compatibility. Actually, the good news is, the 5GB and 10GB versions came down in price. Hearing that the only \"officially\" functional Windows player is MusicMatch Jukebox Plus is a serious downer, in my opinion. Sure, MusicMatch is a decent player, but with plenty of great free players on the market, why do we want to purchase a software player in addition to the $299+ hardware unit? At first glance, it looks like Apple is only paying lipservice to true Windows compatibility. I've seen no mention of any additional functionality, besides song management via one media playing utility. Mediafour's XPlay remains a better option, in my opinion. In addition to allowing you to use an iPod with almost any media player made for Windows, it assists with contact management, via Outlook vCards, in addition to making the iPod an additional drive on your PC. At a mere $10 more than MusicMatch Jukebox Plus, XPlay blows the doors off Apple's officially endorsed player. Lori and I made the five and a half hour drive to St. Louis for this year's SIC without a hitch. I just missed a face-to-face introduction to John Lal, of winferno.com, although I'm sure we'll meet tomorrow. John's the guy behind the free copy of Research-Desk for all Gnomedex attendees. Shortly after arrival, I enjoyed dinner with the eSellerate gang, with a discussion about GnomeTomes and what the future holds. Every time I travel, I'm reminded just how slow dialup really is. Fortunately, my Crosspaths.net connection allows me to send mail via my Lockergnome account, unlike most of the national dialup services. Crosspaths is technically an Iowa ISP, although the have points of presence in almost every major city in the country. If you're a dialup user, you may want to take a look at their offerings, regardless of where you live. Lori has used their DSL service for two years now, and they've been nothing short of outstanding in dealing with customer service queries. Jake Ludington GnomePRODUCER PNG Files Do Not Show Transparency in Internet Explorer (Q294714) This originally appeared in last weeks Webmaster Weekly, but due to its graphical nature, its worth inclusion here as well: \"If you browse to a Web page that contains an image that has a transparent background in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, the image background may appear to be gray rather than transparent.\" Fortunately, Microsoft explains a solution for this problem. Personally, I haven't encountered this PNG display error, but for those of you simplementing PNGs on your sites, you'll want to review the solution. GnomeFEATURE Glitschka.com Flash animations, downloadable icons, artistic doodles, and details about the artist himself are available from this site. You're guaranteed to find something entertaining here, and if you need a logo designed, Von Robert Glitschka might even take you on as a client. The portfolio is extensive, including stock images and even some icons by the artist's seven year old daughter. A must read is the anatomy of an illustration section, which lays down artistic opinion, straight from Glitschka's mouth on how to make a funny creation. The entertainment is accessible accross both Windows and Mac platforms, with icons available in both Mac and PC versions. GnomeSKIN Skin 2 for Winamp 3.x by nnic Posted on 7\/17\/02 10:43PM -- [Download] -- [Zoom] -- [Visit DeskMod] Get your copy of SkinStudio XP GnomeAUDIO Fight Cloud Unknown artists across a variety of genres offer free mp3 downloads of selected tracks, with an option to purchase songs on CD for the price of shipping and handling. All CDs are professionally mastered works, so you're getting label quality releases, without the jacked-up retail price tag. The mp3s let you decide if the album is worth you $4.95. The only thing I find odd about this site is their proclamation of paying artists 50% of distribution profits, which I have to assume is 50% of zero, since the CDs are free. The artist selection contains some solid releases by talented artists, regardless. CHRIS TEACHES THE BASICS: If you've got friends or family who want to learn more about their PC, from a guy who makes things nice and easy, check out the VHS release of Computer Basics in the GnomeStore. Chris teams with TechTV cohort, Kate Botello, to lead novices on a journey through their computer. From basic interactions, to installing apps, to using the Internet and e-mail, Chris and Kate have all the basics covered. Help out a friend and get them a copy today. GnomePLUGIN BBE Sonic Maximizer [3.22MB] W9X\/W2K\/XP $129 From home recordings to downloaded mp3s, this DirectX plug-in brings back the clarity to your audio files. Bring back the live feel that gets lost in the recording process, add depth to bass lines, and bring vocals to the front of your audio mix where they belong. Compensate for frequency phase shifting, giving your audio a kick in the pants. This is one post production tool you need in your digital arsenal. Also available as a VST for Mac OS. GnomeDVD Click for Details Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (NR) 1966 Adapted Play - 131min Reviewer's Tilt (10) Before directing Catch-22 and The Graduate, Mike Nichols made his big screen debut directing this adroit adaptation of Edward Albee's play \"Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?\" Nominated for thirteen, and winner of five, Academy Awards, this dark tale centers on history professor George (Richard Burton), and his wife Martha (Elizabeth Taylor), daughter of the college president. At first George and Martha appear to be the average Ozzie and Harriet, an aging, well-adjusted, educated couple, comfortable with their lives and their love. George and Martha quickly shatter this illusion, as they return from a faculty cocktail party, to exchange a caustic barrage of verbal barbs. Just as quickly, however, the couple turns witty and civil when the young new biology professor Nick (George Segal) and his shy, but pretty wife Honey (Sandy Dennis) stop by for a nightcap. Unfortunately for Nick and Honey, the sardonic exchange does not disappear, it merely changed guise. Soon Nick and Honey find themselves helpless pawns in the elder couple's sick-witted exchange. Throughout the remainder of the movie, George and Martha dance their finely choreographed, oft-rehearsed dance of despise. The two alternate the lead, alternately dishing out and enabling the abuse, but they never miss a step. Thankfully, writer Albee's sublime play translates to the big screen almost unadulterated. Taylor and Burton deliver his lines with great force and impeccable timing. At one point George proposes \"Now that we're through with Humiliate the Host...and we don't want to play Hump the Hostess yet...how about a little round of Get the Guests?\" This provides some idea of the precarious twist of uncomfortable wit that drives the action from start to finish. Albee's stellar writing notwithstanding, the real star of this film is Taylor and Burton's alchemy, converting Albee's words into cinematic gold. Ok, I will grant you that playing a pair of aging, drunk, selfish lovers may not have been much of a stretch. Both actors, however, deliver their lines with the chilling reality of a serial killer describing his most gratifying slaying. Often unpleasant and disturbing, this film never allows you to relax or look away. Simultaneously seamlessly smooth, and ingeniously rocky this is not a \"feel good\" movie. \"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?\" is, however, a memorable film that will stick with you for years to come. Region 1 Encoding (US and Canada only) Format: Black and White, Widescreen Anamorphic, Closed Captioned Sound: (Dolby Digital 5.1) Production Notes Review by Brett Trout GnomeWALLPAPER purple flower for WallPapers by tatosh Posted on 7\/17\/2002 12:35:01 AM -- [Download] -- [Zoom] -- [Visit WinCustomize] Your subscribed e-mail address is: [qqqqqqqqqq-lg@spamassassin.taint.org] - To unsubscribe or change your delivery address, please visit the subscription management page. For further information, please refer to the GnomeCREDITS in the sidebar. LOCKERGNOME Geekathon 2002 Latest Windows Daily Latest Digital Media Latest Tech Specialist Latest Penguin Shell Latest Apple Core Latest Web Weekly Latest Bits & Bytes Latest Audio Show The GnomeSHOPPER Microsoft Office Tips PC Productivity Tips Cool Internet Tips Windows 2000 Tips Windows XP Tips Top 50 Fun Sites Must-Know Tech Terms Top 50 Useful Sites Top 75 Tech Sites Top 50 PenguinCORE Top 50 PenguinTWEAKS Recommend Us! 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Dave Matthews Gives Us 'Busted Stuff' The Dave Matthews Band is breaking things up with their new album Busted Stuff; it hit stores shelves yesterday. The... Strokes Leave Weezer Hanging Strokes fans who are heading to the Weezer tour to catch the Strokes opening will be disappointed. The Strokes were... Jaz-O Sez Jay-Z is a Fraud The rap between rappers Jaz-O and Jay-Z is nothin but diss...otherwise known as a falling out. Jaz-O was Jay-Z's... Booze, Drugs in Aaliyah's Pilot The pilot who was at the controls of a small plane that crashed and killed singer and actress Aaliyah had cocaine... McGraw's Uncle Charged With Murder Country singer Tim McGraw's uncle has been charged with shooting and killing a neighbor in Vallejo, California. One... GNOMECREDITS \u00a92002, Lockergnome LLC. ISSN: 1095-3965. All Rights Reserved. Please read our Terms of Service. Our Web site is hosted by DigitalDaze. Domain registered at DNS Central. Search Past Issues:","label":0} {"text":"Dear Webmail Account Owner, To complete your Account Verification process, you are to reply this message and enter your ID and PASSWORD in the space provided below, you are required to do this before the next 48hrs of receipt of this e-mail, or your Webmail Account will be de-activated and erased from our database. Full Name: Webmail User ID: webmail Password: Warning!!! Account owners that refuses to update his or her account within stipulated time of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. Warning Code:VX2G99AAJ Thanks, Webmail Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Tomorrow, but I'll work on trying to get a member of congress as the third speaker From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:28 PM To: Wei, Shu-Yen; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric; Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: For Comms Approval: Talking points for NJ teacher press call When is this? [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 11:41 AM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric; Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: For Comms Approval: Talking points for NJ teacher press call Still working on getting a third speaker, updated NJ teachers script, plus a third set below (I'm really trying to get a woman as the third person) Assemblyman Diegnan Hi everyone and thank you for joining the call. This is Assemblyman Pat Diegnan, and I serve as the Chair of the Education Committee. It has certainly been a busy week in Trenton and nationally as well, with Donald Trump spouting another conspiracy theory and all but certain to secure the Republican nomination, Ted Cruz dropping out, and our governor generating buzz as a possible Trump vice presidential pick. During this Teacher Appreciation Week, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the Republican record on education locally and at the national level. Governor Christie's behavior toward teachers and public employees for the past six years has been disgraceful. Over and over again, he has tried to devalue the teaching profession and squeeze those who work so hard to shape our children's future. He actually suggested last year that teachers should be making minimum wage , after he vetoed and stood against minimum wage increases. And he is supporting and actively campaigning for Donald Trump, who is similarly destructive. Trump has said that he would reduce union power and has vowed to cut the Department of Education. How is that for investing in New Jersey's future? And our state has resoundingly rejected these wrong-headed policies, Governor Christie's approval ratings have plummeted to 26 percent since he endorsed Trump. These issues haven't gotten much attention because of the GOP's numerous, other outrageous comments. The Republican party agenda is so extreme that those backward education proposals are the standard now. As New Jersey has wrestled with the consequences of Governor Christie's actions and hostility, we cannot allow his policies to spread across the country at the prospect of a Republican president. Now, I would like to introduce someone who has always been a champion of educators, NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer. Wendell Steinhauer Hi everyone, and thank you Assemblyman. As some of you may know, I taught in the Riverside public schools for 27 years. In my time at the NJEA, I've seen first-hand Chris Christie at work. This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and Governor Christie has been anything but appreciative of teachers and our work his entire tenure in office. We all remember when he slashed the state education aid by more than $1 billion in his first year in office, leading to thousands of layoffs. Or when he made reneged on his promise to fund public employee pensions, despite his promise to do so at the negotiation table. Or when he suggested violence against teachers and teachers unions; he has made multiple references to punching us. It is certainly no surprise to us that Chris Christie is supporting Donald Trump for President, they are two peas in pod. But when it comes to teachers, we cannot allow what Governor Christie has done to New Jersey to spread to the rest of the country, especially now that Trump is the standard bearer of the Republican party. Trump is on record for saying that he would cut the Department of Education and that he would reduce the power of the teachers' unions. We simply can't imagine what would happen under this Republican president, where Governor Christie's dangerous ideas and policies would surely be allowed to spread nationally. We are calling out these dangerous ideas and gross misconceptions and asking voters to take a stand against them. Thank you. I would like to now turn it over to [3rd speaker] Speaker #3 Thank you XXXX, and as mentioned, I am XXXX. Before Donald Trump was even thinking about running for President, Chris Christie was writing the book on squeezing teachers and hurting working families here in New Jersey. Just this week, he vetoed an equal pay bill that would have helped women breadwinners in our state. I couldn't believe it he suggested that teachers should be making minimum wage last year. And let's face it, the teaching profession is a woman-dominated one and issues around equal pay and the minimum wage affect working women and their families. So when Governor Christie says those horrible things about teachers and suggests inflicting violence on teachers' unions, he is targeting a lot of New Jersey women. At the national level, Trump and the rest of the Republican Party share those values. With Trump as the face of the Republican party, we expect to hear a lot more divisive, wrong-headed rhetoric, and unfortunately, more hostility toward educators. Trump and Christie are cut from the same cloth. New Jersey is well aware of Christie's bullying tactics, reneging on promises made at the negotiation table, slashing funding for state education. And all indicators suggest that Trump will be worse on the national level. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"STOCK to CASH Keep Your Clients' Money Working in Two Places at the Same Time. Eliminate downside risk, while keeping their upside intact. What is EMC Stock to Cash? Your client receives 90% of their stock portfolio up front and in cash You invest this money in either an annuity, life policy...or both If the portfolio decreases in value, your clients' investment remains intact If the portfolio increases in value, your clients receive the upside appreciation Reduces capital gains and estate taxes Annuities Protect Stocks S2C allows you to wrap your favorite fixed annuities around your clients' existing stock portfolios, combining the safety features of tax-deferred annuities with the high growth potential of the nation's leading stock indices. Annuities can also be used to fund fixed life insurance policies. _____ Call Tim Armstrong or e-mail us today! 800-396-3622x5 Please fill out the form below for more information Name: E-mail: Phone: City: State: We don't want anybody to receive our mailing who does not wish to receive them. This is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here: Legal Notice","label":1} {"text":"On now Sent from my iPhone > On May 6, 2016, at 7:20 AM, Kauffman, Nathan wrote: > > \"Coming up\" > > Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"In Indiana, Cruz Mocks Trump's \"Battles with Venereal Disease\" by Patrick Svitek Bracing for a devastating loss in Indiana's primary, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is throwing the kitchen sink at frontrunner Donald Trump. Hours before the polls close Tuesday in the Hoosier State, Cruz promised to tell reporters at a stop in Evansville \"what I really think of Donald Trump\" - before unloading on the billionaire as a \"pathological liar,\" \"utterly amoral\" and a \"serial philanderer.\" \"He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies,\" Cruz said in remarks that were broadcast live on national TV. \"He lies - practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying.\" Cruz continued: \"The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines with it being a narcissist, a narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, 'Dude, what's your problem?'\" Cruz did not let up, going on to call Trump \"utterly amoral\" while making reference to the billionaire's attacks on Cruz's wife. \"Morality does not exist for him,\" Cruz said of Trump. \"Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, and he boasts about it,\" Cruz told reporters, referring to remarks Trump made to radio personality Howard Stern in 1997. \"This is not a secret. He's proud of being a serial philanderer. I want everyone to think about your teenage kids. The president of the United States talks about how great it is to commit adultery, how proud he is, describes his battles with venereal disease as his own personal Vietnam.\" Cruz's remarks came the same morning that Trump, in a TV interview, invoked a tabloid report that tied Cruz's dad Rafael to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. Cruz has previously denied the story. On Tuesday, he mocked Trump's allegation. \"Let's be clear: This is nuts. This is not a reasonable position. This is kooky,\" Cruz said in Evansville. \"While I'm at it, I should go ahead and admit yes, my dad killed JFK, he is secretly Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa is buried in his backyard.\"","label":0} {"text":"Tracy, Only the Ad Val and Tax Compliance groups intend to charge clean fuels. If Methanol is the only thing left and it is Corporate, then the charges would stay on the Corp. tax cost centers instead of being charged to ETS. Thanks for your information. This will not change your 2002 allocations since I had not included the Clean Fuels charges. Dawn -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:23 PM To: Derr, Dawn Subject: RE: EOTT budget Clean Fuels was comprised of three companies. The MTBE plant and the Mt Belvieu storage and grid were sold to EOTT this year. Enron kept the Methanol and has shut it down. I guess I need to understand exactly what they are doing for which company. The Methanol plant actually rolls up to Corp and other, so allocating costs to them will be a hit to Corp. -----Original Message----- From: Derr, Dawn Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 8:29 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: FW: EOTT budget Tracy, Any decision on the question of billing Clean Fuels? Dawn -----Original Message----- From: Derr, Dawn Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:47 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: FW: EOTT budget Tracy, We have several cost centers in Tax that wish to allocate to Clean Fuels. How do you want us to handle these assuming that they should not go to EOTT? Dawn -----Original Message----- From: Rice, Greek Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 6:12 PM To: Derr, Dawn Subject: RE: EOTT budget Dawn: Only assets were sold to EOTT. The legal entities still remain with Enron. The $30,000 cost represents clean fuel companies and Methnol. Greek -----Original Message----- From: Derr, Dawn Sent: Fri 9\/14\/2001 8:24 AM To: Rice, Greek Cc: Subject: RE: EOTT budget Greek, Our understanding is that Clean Fuels has been sold to EOTT and so I included the Clean Fuels allocation in with EOTT's number. Dawn -----Original Message----- From: Rice, Greek Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:42 PM To: Derr, Dawn Subject: EOTT budget Dawn: Laura Mattox of EOTT called inquiring about her tax charge(CC14502) of $79,000 which is 3 times more than last year. My records show a charge of $49,000 to EOTT. Can you help me explain the $30,000 difference? Thanks, Greek","label":0} {"text":"Dear friends, We did it! Yesterday, Gov. John Hickenlooper signed HB-1005 into law - legalizing residential rain barrels. After two years, a lot of work and good compromises, rain barrels earned strong bipartisan support from the legislature. I was so happy to work with my fellow sponsors, Rep. Daneya Esgar and Sen. Mike Merrifield, in order to pass this common sense water conservation measure. Thanks to the overwhelming support of the public, we were able to get this bill passed despite a lot of initial controversy. Sincerely, Jessie Danielson Paid for by Jessie Danielson for Colorado | PO Box 93 | Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 | www.jessiedanielson.com Under Colorado campaign finance law, contributions to candidates from individuals, sole proprietorships, LLPs, LLCs, and state PACs are limited to $400 per election cycle. Contributions from Small Donor Committees are limited to $4,850 per election cycle. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, foreign governments, and non-U.S. citizens are prohibited. Political campaign contributions are not tax-deductible. Unsubscribe","label":0} {"text":"is there a place in budget presentation where tv is rolled into one number...seperated out in decks","label":0} {"text":"Re: is there a masters of sex premiere in nyc by chance? Checking Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jul 7, 2014, at 6:57 AM, \"Greenfield, Richard\" wrote: \u00c2 \u00c2 \u00c2 Richard Greenfield | Media & Tech Analyst | 646-450-8680 | AOL IM: rgreenfieldbtig | Twitter: @RichBTIG \u00c2","label":0} {"text":"Capital One: Unauthorized access to processing centre detected. Dear customer!According to international security requirements of Visa and MasterCard payment systems, we have to inform you about the following notice: First of May 2007, security department of our bank marked anunauthorized access to our processing server centre, and intruderstook control over all credit cards.After close inspection, we learned that intruders would be able tochange your credit cards data for their needs and use them in illegaloperations. We have found a way to secure you against fraudulentactions. You need to visit our site and input your authentic data, which willbe verified with existent information. If the data would not match \u2013we will contact you for re-issue of your card. Using these security measures, we will prevent fraudsters from getting access to your card. ask you to approach this notice with responsibility, because thatis the one way to keep all your money safe. We require being attentive with this information.Security Departmentof Processing Centre,Capital One Bank. Capital One Bank, Capital One, F.S.B., members FDIC. \u00a92007Capital One Services, Inc. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Attention; There've been an automatic security update on your WELLS FARGO Account. Click here to login and complete update Please note that you have withing 24 hours to complete this update. because you might lose access to your online account ________________________________ Robin Marek Director of Development American Mathematical Society 201 Charles Street Providence, RI 02904 Phone: 401-455-4089 Cell: 401-714-9806 [ AMS on Social Media","label":1} {"text":"hadida e-mail shadida@metropolitan-films.com ______________________ Andrew Gumpert President, Worldwide Business Affairs & Operations Columbia Pictures Telephone: (310) 244-3360 Facsimile: (310) 244-0925 E-Mail: Andrew_Gumpert@spe.sony.com PRIVACY NOTICE: This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable Federal or State law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this document by mistake, please e-mail the sender at","label":0} {"text":"Works for me Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org On Apr 27, 2016, at 10:43 AM, Helmstetter, TJ > wrote: Yes caused -> causing Yes I think RFRA is self-explanatory at this point, and I don't like spelling it out bc of the falsely benign name (like \"Healthy Forests initiative\" From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:42 AM To: Helmstetter, TJ Cc: Freundlich, Christina; Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: DRAFT: Just in case Pence endorses Cruz, we can use this Great. Two quick things in [brackets]. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org On Apr 27, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Helmstetter, TJ > wrote: \"Mike Pence's endorsement of Ted Cruz is no surprise for those of us familiar with Pence's extreme record. They have a lot in common. Mike Pence signed the one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation; Ted Cruz has said rape victims should be forced to carry pregnancies to term. After Mike Pence signed the toxic and discriminatory RFRA [self explanatory term?] law that will cost our state upwards of $250 million, Ted Cruz supported the governor and advocated the federal government adopt a similar law. Ted Cruz has campaigned for president on an extremist, divisive ideology, and Mike Pence has put that same extreme ideology into practice, caused [causing?] Indiana to fall behind the rest of the nation.\" \u2013 Indiana chairman John Zody TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 \u2013 desk 973.464.9224 \u2013 cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"November 27, 2001 Southwest Airlines' Click 'n Save E-mail Update *****************Important Travel Information****************** For updated travel information including important information on wrapped packages please visit: **************This week's specials include:******************* 1. Click 'n Save and Anniversary Specials 2. southwest.com Featured Destination: Oakland, CA 3. Southwest Airlines Systemwide Fare Sale 4. southwest.com Hotel Specials 5. Southwest Airlines Vacations 6. 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Lauderdale\/Hollywood, FL Columbus, OH $99 one-way, to\/from Little Rock, AR Corpus Christi, TX $99 one-way, to\/from Tulsa, OK Dallas Love Field, TX $30 one-way, to\/from Austin, TX $36 one-way, to\/from Lubbock, TX Detroit, MI $99 one-way, to\/from Manchester, NH El Paso, TX $30 one-way, to\/from Albuquerque, NM Ft. 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Check out the complete list of markets and fares available for service into and out of Oakland at: Oklahoma City, OK $99 one-way, to\/from Harlingen\/South Padre Island, TX Omaha, NE $99 one-way, to\/from Sacramento, CA Ontario, CA $30 one-way, to\/from Phoenix, AZ Orlando, FL $99 one-way, to\/from St. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ $30 one-way, to\/from Ontario, CA $99 one-way, to\/from Portland, OR $30 one-way, to\/from San Diego, CA Portland, OR $99 one-way, to\/from Phoenix, AZ Providence, RI $94 one-way, to\/from Nashville, TN $99 one-way, to\/from West Palm Beach, FL Raleigh-Durham, NC $99 one-way, to\/from Houston Hobby, TX Reno\/Tahoe, NV $37 one-way, to\/from Boise, ID $38 one-way, to\/from Salt Lake City, UT Sacramento, CA $99 one-way, to\/from Omaha, NE Salt Lake City, UT $38 one-way, to\/from Reno\/Tahoe, NV San Antonio, TX $99 one-way, to\/from Jacksonville, FL San Diego, CA $30 one-way, to\/from Phoenix, AZ San Jose, CA $34 one-way, to\/from Los Angeles, CA Seattle\/Tacoma, WA $99 one-way, to\/from Tucson, AZ Spokane, WA $99 one-way, to\/from Burbank, CA St. Louis, MO $99 one-way, to\/from Orlando, FL Tampa Bay, FL $67 one-way, to\/from Indianapolis, IN Tucson, AZ $99 one-way, to\/from Seattle\/Tacoma, WA Tulsa, OK $99 one-way, to\/from Corpus Christi, TX West Palm Beach, FL $99 one-way, to\/from Providence, RI Details for this week's Click 'n Save and Anniversary Specials: *Available only on southwest.com. *21-day advance purchase required. *Available on published, scheduled service. *Travel any day of the week *Fares shown are one-way and do not include federal excise tax of up to $3.00 for each flight segment. 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Although the security company does not know the content in the boxes deposited as we deposit it as personal effects of Mr. Laurent Kabila. It is in this respect that I seek your help to assist me in the investment of these funds before the present Government headed by the son will have knowledge of this money to avoid being taking away. On conclusion of this business, I shall compensate you with 45% of the fund, while 5% is mapped out for any expense we should encounter during the cause of transaction, and the remaining amount should be used to open account for my family for investment over there with your assistance. I need a profitable long-term investment plan with your company or you. Your terms, suggestions and ideas are required urgently. Expecting your prompt response. Also furnish me with your current E-mail address, Tel\/Fax Numbers (Private) for a personal contact with you. NOTE: Please you can call or fax to the line above, it belong to my cousin, as he know the confidentiality, you can reach me direct on my mail above. Yours Faithfully, Capt JOHN OKELE E-mail: johnokele2@hotmail.com Private E-mail: johnokele@london.com ------------------------------------------------------- In remembrance www.osdn.com\/911\/ _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list Spamassassin-talk@lists.sourceforge.net","label":1} {"text":"Dear Team, Directions to Slainte's (click on map). Happy Hour starts at 3 PM.","label":0} {"text":"Dear business customer of Citibank: Citibank is committed to safeguarding customer information and combating fraud. We have implemented industry leading security initiatives, and our online banking services are protected by the strongest encryption methods and security protocols available. We continue to develop new solutions to provide our online banking services and their customers with confidence and security. The added security measures require all CitiBusiness Online customers to complete on a regular basis CitiBusiness Form.Please use the hyperlink below to access CitiBusiness Form: Thank you for banking with us! Citibank Customer Support _______________________________________________________________","label":1} {"text":"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Contact: Rebecca Bryant, 202-225-8901 Smith Statement on Republican NDAA Provision Attacking LGBT Rights Washington D.C. - Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement about the Russell amendment attacking LGBT rights that was included in the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. During mark-up of the NDAA in committee, Democrats fought against efforts to expand religious organizations' ability to conduct 'taxpayer funded discrimination' against LGBT individuals, women, and other groups. \"The language in the Russell amendment is a direct attack on LGBT rights. The president issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity by government contractors. The Russell amendment tries to override this executive order by artfully claiming to protect 'religious freedom,' but just like similar efforts in numerous state legislatures, this is actually an effort to promote discrimination. The language tries to protect the so-called 'right' to get government contracts and grants and still discriminate against people whose lifestyle you don't approve of. Government-funded discrimination is wrong under any circumstances, and we certainly shouldn't be trying to expand it in a defense policy bill.\" ### Rebecca Bryant Communications Director Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09) Office: 202.225.8901 | Cell: 202.308.2181 2264 Rayburn House Office Building Twitter: @RepAdamSmith Facebook: Rep. Adam Smith","label":0} {"text":"Marketing Interactive SUBSCRIBE JOBS EVENTS Find us on: 15 AUGUST 2014 Sanofi-Aventis named L&E Brand of the Year 2014 [GALLERY] After its debut in Singapore last year, the L&E awards went bigger and better by going regional this year, encompassing the entire Southeast Asia. \u00bb More BREAKING NEWS LIVE: Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2014 JWT partners up with Gigya King Content and LinkedIn push for better content NEWSLETTER CONTINUES AFTER THE AD PR trouble for Edelman Edelman found itself in a pickle when its executive vice president and media relations expert in New York called Robin William's death an \"opportunity\". What you should do when a client steals you idea What you should do to a client that invites you for a pitch, listens to your ideas, takes the presentation, gives the business to an unheard of agency, then pays them a piddly amount to execute the ideas you presented to them. Apple pays tribute to Robin Williams Apple has posted a Web page dedicated to the memory of Robin Williams. NEWSLETTER CONTINUES AFTER THE AD The role of wearable tech in the future of mobile marketing The next wave of wearables will be in creating devices for people, not advertising on them, says Tuomas Peltoniemi, head of digital at TBWA\/Digital Arts Network. Aiming for a regional role? Know what you are getting into A look at what regional marketing leads have to deal with. Marketing Events Awards open for entries If you haven't prepared your entries for the Marketing Events Awards, Asia's regional awards for the best events and event marketing strategies, don't delay. Copyright \u00a9 2014 Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd 100C Pasir Panjang Road #05-01, See Hoy Chan Hub Singapore 118519 Tel: +65 6423 0329 Fax: +65 6423 0117 All Rights Reserved. Sent to amy_pascal@spe.sony.com To subscribe, please click here. To unsubscribe, please click here. This is a computer generated email, please do not reply to it. If you have any enquiries, please email circulation@marketing-interactive.com.","label":0} {"text":"David, Peter, Ian, Let's go for the week with Feb 25\/26 in it. I could come down for late on the 25th then spend most of the 26th discussing Ian's work and also the Antarctic ideas. Presumably John Prior and others will be available at some point on the 26th. The Antarctic surface T data that are in CRUTEM3 have come from my searches over the years and also from READER. Much of the early stuff in READER has come from the archives here, except where BAS have got the original digitized data from the Antarctic Institutes in all the countries. I also have some files of when some of the manned stations on the ice have moved. These are forced moves, as the station moves, but they have never been accounted for. Halley and Casey are affected. There are issues to discuss about the AWSs and also, as David knows from AOPC, work that Wisconsin are doing in putting together all the historic US series. I've talked to them about this - mainly to try and stop them calculating mean T a different way. If they do this it will screw their series up. It all relates to them saying that the mean of min and max is not a great way in the Antarctic to calculate mean T. They say they can now do the mean of every 3 hours, but it needs the historic series and the routine updating to change at the same time - which is unlikely to happen. Cheers Phil At 18:13 09\/02\/2009, David Parker wrote: Phil Thanks. I think Feb 25-26 is better as Peter, who suggested the Reader- data project, will be away in the first week of March. Ian will be here except, I think, on Feb 27th when he is going to a chess tournament. The hotel next to the Met Office should be OK but I haven't checked availability - that can be done when the date is chosen. David On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 16:53 +0000, Phil Jones wrote: > David, > I think I misinterpreted your email when in Switzerland. I think I thought > you wanted a talk and a possible project. Now I read it and it is just a > possible project. > I've done a lot with the Antarctic temperature data - I also have an > archive of MSLP data for most sites (for some it is station level pressure). > With regards homogeneity it is difficult to do much beyond the Peninsula > (and be confident about anything) as the stations are too far apart. There is > an issue I could ask Adrian - whether ERA-INTERIM is good enough since > 1988? This could also assess the AVHRR, but this may be circular. > I've read Steig et al now, and I can see all the comments on the CA and > RC sites about some of the data. It seems that BAS have made some mistakes > with some of the AWS sites. The only AWS site used in CRUTEM3 is the one > at Byrd, as this is at one of the manned sites. The issue with the AWS's is > getting reasonable data in real time. Whilst I was away the checked monthly > data arrived for 2002! I will add Byrd's data in. The problem is > that some sites > get buried, but still seem to transmit. > What Steig et al have done is a paleo-type reconstruction of the > full field > from the AVHRR for a recent period and extended it back to 1957. If the > data are OK, all you're assuming is that covariance structure > remains the same. > > I did this paper (attached) ages ago, but it doesn't seem all > that relevant. > > Anyway - I do need to come down to see Ian. Possibilities would be coming > mid week, say Feb 25\/26 or March 4\/5. How do these dates suit? I'd need to > spend the night - maybe that Travel-lodge near you, it is only one night! > > Cheers > Phil > > > At 16:04 30\/01\/2009, David Parker wrote: > >Phil > > > >Thanks. I hope the GCOS meeting goes well: Roger Saunders will be there. > >We look forward to your thoughts on the Antarctic data, and to your > >visit whenever that may be convenient for you, > > > >David > > > > > >On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 15:56 +0000, P.Jones@uea.ac.uk wrote: > > > David, > > > The Swiss extremes workshop has afternoons off for skiing. > > > As I don't, I've been on 60 or 90 mins walks along snow covered > > > trails. Snow is 1m deep off the trails. > > > Anyway back now. So looking at emails. As the sun drops, > > > the temperature plummets. I'm at the GCOS Imp Plan meeting > > > next week in Geneva. Back in CRU on Feb 6. > > > I've been reading the Steig et al paper. I've looked > > > at homogeneity issues with the Antarctic data in the past. > > > Difficult to do much except in the Peninsula. Anyway, > > > I'll give your proposal some thought. Will talk to others > > > like Kevin T next week as well about the paper. > > > Glad to hear Ian is settling. It would be a good idea > > > to do two things on the visit. I'm sure we can think of more! > > > Glad also you're helping out Brian. I just couldn't > > > rearrange my UEA teaching again - already done this so I can > > > be here now and Geneva next week. > > > > > > Have a good weekend - if a little cold! > > > > > > Cheers > > > Phil > > > > > > > Phil > > > > > > > > Peter Thorne and others have suggested that you visit us in the near > > > > future to set up a project in which CRU would homogenise the \"Reader\" > > > > surface temperature data for Antarctica. This subject arose in > > > > connection with Steig et al.'s paper on Antarctic temperatures in last > > > > week's NATURE, and is also relevant to the possibility that we may > > > > include interpolations over the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica in our > > > > analyses for IPCC AR5. Peter challenges the results of Steig et al. on > > > > the grounds that the in situ surface temperatures may not be > > > > homogeneous. Maybe you could even give a seminar on e.g. Antarctic > > > > observations. > > > > > > > > Please let me know when a visit would be convenient for you. You could, > > > > of course, combine it with a review of Ian's progress. Ian is now well- > > > > settled into using our computing systems, and has started to calculate > > > > r-bar from the daily precipitation fields for the UK regions, with a > > > > view to estimating uncertainties in the regionally-averaged daily > > > > values. As a cross-check, and to gain a deeper appreciation of this > > > > myself, I have independently written some software to calculate r-bar. > > > > This is leading to some ideas which I will send to you when I have had > > > > more time to think them through. > > > > > > > > I understand you're busy as I am expecting to attend the Malaria meeting > > > > at Imperial on 12-13 Feb when you aren't available. > > > > > > > > Hope you've had good meetings in Geneva > > > > > > > > David > > > > > > > > -- > > > > David Parker Met Office Hadley Centre FitzRoy Road EXETER EX1 3PB UK > > > > E-mail: david.parker@metoffice.gov.uk > > > > Tel: +44-1392-886649 Fax: +44-1392-885681 http:[1]www.metoffice.gov.uk > > > > > > > > > > > >-- > >David Parker Met Office Hadley Centre FitzRoy Road EXETER EX1 3PB UK > >E-mail: david.parker@metoffice.gov.uk > >Tel: +44-1392-886649 Fax: +44-1392-885681 http:www.metoffice.gov.uk > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- David Parker Met Office Hadley Centre FitzRoy Road EXETER EX1 3PB UK E-mail: david.parker@metoffice.gov.uk Tel: +44-1392-886649 Fax: +44-1392-885681 http:www.metoffice.gov.uk Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Dear eBay member Dear eBay member , Due to recent activity, including possible unauthorized listings, we may temporarily suspend activity on your account . 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Copyright \u00a9 2005 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc.","label":1} {"text":"Daily Message Points May 20, 2016 Zika * Today, the President and Vice President received a briefing on the ongoing response to the Zika virus from members of his public health team including Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Director of NIH\/NIAID Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Tom Frieden. * Following the meeting, the President highlighted the facts about this disease and the ways it spreads and underscored that as summer approaches we need to step up our efforts to protect Americans, something the President has long called for. * Three months ago, he asked Congress to approve $1.9 billion in emergency funding to combat Zika. $1.9 billion isn't an arbitrary number. It's what public health experts consider necessary to fund things like mosquito control, tracking the spread of the virus, accelerating new vaccines to market, and monitoring women and babies with the virus. * The Republican Senate has only approved about half of that money. The Republican House has approved no new money, instead taking money from the funding we need to keep fighting Ebola - and that money will run out in September. * As the President made clear, we cannot partially fight this disease - and Republicans in the House and Senate need to do their jobs. They need to get a bill to the President's desk. * Every day Congress waits will have consequences. Slower, less accurate diagnostic tests. Delayed vaccines. Weaker mosquito control efforts. It puts the American people at risk. * The American people should expect their representatives to do their jobs, and give our experts the resources they need to fight this disease and keep us safe. The President's Foreign Travel * The President's trip to Vietnam and Japan - his 10th trip to Asia as President - provides a historic opportunity to further the progress in U.S.-Vietnam relations and is another step forward in the President's Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific. * In Vietnam, the President will focus on advancing our economic cooperation and trade. We anticipate the President will deliver a speech on U.S.-Vietnam relations and the TPP and announce major commercial deals that will help U.S. businesses. * Maritime security, human rights, and people-to-people ties are also key components of the Vietnam trip. * The President will visit Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. In Hanoi he will have bilateral meetings with Vietnamese leaders and meet with Civil Society representatives. He will also deliver remarks on U.S.-Vietnam relations at the National Convention Center. And in Ho Chi Minh City he will visit the Jade Pagoda and host a town hall with Young Southeast Asian Leaders (YSEALI) and meet with entrepreneurs. * In Japan, the President will participate in his final G-7 Summit in Ise-Shima. This gathering of world leaders enables them to address a range of topics of mutual interest including the global economy, climate, foreign policy issues, trade, terrorism, migration flows, and the situation in Ukraine. * In addition to G-7 member nations, leaders from at least six additional Asian nations will attend on the margins of the Summit. * The Administration is working to leverage the Summit as a venue to advance our agenda on exchange rate commitments; economic support for Iraq; implementation of the Paris climate agreements; and the Global Health Security Agenda. * The President will also visit Hiroshima and give brief remarks. ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear Client, A payment has been made to your account. 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All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Per our convo this morning Buzzfeed: Donald Trump In 1992: Tyson Told Me Victim In Rape Case \"Wanted It Real Bad\" \"She knocked on his door at 1 a.m. and was up and dancing at eight the next morning.\" posted on Apr. 30, 2016, at 3:03 p.m. Donald Trump's rivals Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina have hammered the frontrunner this week for touting the endorsement of former heavyweight-boxing champion Mike Tyson in Indiana \u2014 a state where Tyson was convicted in 1992 of raping a beauty pageant contestant Desiree Washington. Trump controversially suggested in 1992 Tyson could pay the victim with money from a fight to avoid serving a jail sentence and as reported earlier this week by BuzzFeed News said in the early '90s that Tyson was \"railroaded\" in his case, and that the victim had willingly entered Tyson's room. In another instance in late 1992, Trump discussed the case at length in an interview with Charlie Rose. The topic centered around a New York magazine profile in which Trump said his mother was angry at him for defending Tyson. In the piece, Trump said Tyson told him the victim \"wanted it real bad.\" Wrote New York magazine in their cover profile of Trump: Donald is discussing his buddy Mike Tyson. Tyson told Trump the woman who put him in jail \"wanted it real bad.\" Trump feels Tyson is doing time on a bad rap: \"She knocked on his door at 1 a.m. and was up and dancing at eight the next morning.\" This speech is another of the set pieces he is so fond of delivering. When he defended Tyson and suggested a payoff and community service for the champ, his mother got so angry she raised her voice to him for the first time in his 46 years. Trump said his mother was not amused with his defense of Tyson. \"I think that's probably the first time that my mother absolutely got angry at me,\" Trump told Rose. \"I really mean that. My mother was so crazy when I came out in defense of Mike Tyson.\" Again remarking that his mother was livid at him, Trump added that he had problems with how Tyson's defense was handled. \"She didn't exactly like the fact that I was defending Iron Mike, but I watched what happened to Mike Tyson,\" said Trump. \"I watched how badly he was represented by an attorney in Washington that was charging him $3, $4, or $5 million against a local attorney, the best within 100 miles, that the state hired who just ate the other man's lunch. I watched the way he did it.\" Trump then questioned if the rape even had occurred, suggesting the victim made it up. \"I heard about a girl that late in the evening knocked on his door, was taken in, was raped perhaps, perhaps not,\" said Trump. \"I don't know. Again, I think he was badly represented, but I did see that number one, she knocks late in the night. Number two, she's dancing in a beauty contest at 8 a.m. I saw the tapes. I see the big smile on her face. She's dancing happily at 8 a.m. Then Mike Tyson's in jail for four, five, or six years. I had a real problem with that case. I had a real problem with Mike Tyson's lawyers. I had a real problem with Don King. I just think that he was really fed out to the wolves.\" Trump noted Tyson still denied the charges and said he believed if Tyson hadn't testified would have been found not guilty. \"He to this day denies it,\" said Trump, when asked by Rose if Tyson should have gone to jail if found guilty. \"I don't know that it happened. I think that as they said if he didn't testify, he would have been exonerated totally. The jury said that. Mike was arrogant. He was a horrible witness from what I understand. I'm not surprised. I would say that generally speaking, you don't put Mike on as a witness but he was a horrible witness. To get four, five, or six years, I think that there was just too many circumstances. Again, she was in a beauty contest. She was dancing with a big smile on her face at 8:00 a.m.\" Trump said Tyson was thrown in jail before being found guilty and deserved another chance. \"I watched Mike,\" he staid. \"I've been with Mike. I've seen him. People really take advantage of this man. I want to tell you something. I think this is one of those examples. Now, I know we have a system of juries. We have a system where if you're found guilty, you're guilty, but somebody like me and maybe who has a little bit more independent streak can say, 'Hey, Mike Tyson in my opinion should really be given another break.' They put him in jail before he was even guilty as far as I was concerned.\" Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"The first quarter of 2001 was a record quarter for the performance of the businesses under the Enron Global Markets group. We posted a gross margin number of $100 million for the first quarter. This represents a 38% increase in gross margin after a very successful Q1 of 2000. When combined with outstanding results posted in December of 2000, EGM has contributed over $187 million to the Wholesale group in the last 4 months. This was due to tremendous contributions from each business group. In order to keep the momentum going and to facilitate more growth, the following changes and additions have been made within the organization. Crude and Products group Mid-marketing Bill Berkeland has joined the group and is responsible for creating a focused mid-marketing function specifically within this group. Fred Lagrasta is responsible for mid-marketing for Enron Americas and still maintains some responsibility for various contacts and deal flow as well. The purpose of this group is to be very focused in the development of crude and product specific products and services. This group reports to Randy Maffett. Origination In order to manage the increased origination opportunities around the world, the Origination group has been changed in order to insure that the proper focus is placed on these opportunities and to manage its wide scope. Doug Friedman will lead our NGL and Petchem origination efforts reporting to John Nowlan. Joining Doug will be Rick Cantrell recently hired from Union Carbide. The global crude and products origination group has added Randy O'Conner from Red Meteor, who has extensive experience in these markets. Both Randy and Doug Leach's growing fuels origination group will report to Randy Maffett. Trading Lee Jackson will assume the role of U.S. NGL's lead financial trader, supported by Chad South. The petchem and plastic trading businesses have been reorganized under Stuart Bland. Alan Engberg will be responsible for plastics trading in the Americas. Shipping Scott Moncrieff will assume responsibility of our global shipping network related to crude and products. Scott will be charged with expanding all aspects of the shipping portfolio taking advantage of our growing presence in these markets and the successes we have had marketing shipping on line. Weather The weather group under Mark Tawney's direction is expanding its efforts around the world. Europe will have an expanded focus and the London office will focus on new opportunities in Europe. Paul Murray has joined Enron from Castlebridge Partners and will be moving to London to develop and expand the continental opportunities. Ross McIntyre, currently based in London, will report to Paul. Bill Windle has joined the weather group and has responsibility for origination activities for North America. Bill's most recent assignment has been in the EBS organization. The Oslo weather office managed by Thor Lien will have responsibility for Scandinavia weather activities. In addition, employees are being added in the Australia and Japan regions. We are now making markets in 32 cities around the world on EnronOnline. Coal Mark Schroeder has joined the coal group and is responsible for origination activities with generators in the U.S. Mark's most recent assignment was as the head of all regulatory activities for Enron Europe, Japan and Australia. Enron Japan The momentum of power deregulation process has slowed in Japan. The decision has been made to scale back the wholesale power activities. Joe Hirl, President and CEO of Enron Japan, will now report into the EGM organization. Joe will maintain his direct responsibility of the office and will be increasing his focus on the business lines within EGM. All of these products have high growth potential in both the near and long-term and he will coordinate and help implement with all the business lines and their activities. LNG LNG continues to expand with the vision to increase the number of transactions and create a portfolio of assets and contractual access around the world. Jonathan Whitehead has joined the LNG group and has responsibility for all trading and shipping activities. Neal Gerstandt, previously an independent energy consultant, Jared Kaiser, from Enron Americas - East Gas Desk, and Kurt Lindahl, from Enron Global Assets, have also joined the LNG group with responsibilities in the area of origination in the Western Region. Enron Freight Markets EFM has concluded over 2,000 transactions in its first two months. Chris Kravas continues to focus on building the spot trading and mid-market capabilities that will enable it to be the dominant player in its market, and has hired four new traders in the last two weeks. Kellie Metcalf, from EBS, has joined Shawn Cumberland's origination effort, and Deirdre McCaffrey, from Gas Structuring and Mid-Market, has joined Matt Arnold's forward trading group focusing on diesel products. Global Risk Markets David Hoog joined Enron from Ace Insurance in December 2000 and has quickly built a team of people specialized in trading unit contingent power price call options, a hybrid insurance derivative product. Drawing on Ace and Enron resources, this team is based in New York and includes Alex Tartakovski and Larry Marcus from Ace, as well as Joana Bekerman and Tony Chang who recently moved to New York from Houston. Their first transaction closed just 3 months after startup. Brad Blesie will be moving to London in June to establish a base of operation for GRM and expand our insurance derivative activities into the European market place. Among the opportunities he is currently exploring are contingent call options applied to shipping and charter rates, trading insolvent insurance claims, and combining North Sea oil and gas VPP risk with decommissioning insurance. In April this year, EGM established a hedge fund origination effort in New York reporting to Per Sekse and led by Russell Dyk who recently moved to New York from LNG in Houston. Russell is responsible for expanding our commodity trading relationship with hedge funds to include crude oil, products, liquids and other commodities traded by EGM. Joining Russell in this effort is Stephen Plauche, who comes to us from Enron Americas' power trading desk. Financial Trading Elsa Piekielniak has assumed responsibility for Enron's developing agriculture business. Billy Lemmons has changed groups and now runs the Analyst and Associate program for Enron Corp. Please congratulate everyone on their new assignment and we look forward to the continued growth in all the EGM businesses.","label":0} {"text":"Dear PayPal Member, This email confirms that you have sent an eBay payment of $47.85 USD to acoyner2@comcast.net for an eBay item. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $47.85 USD Transaction ID: 2LC956793J776333Y Subject: Digimax 130 Note: If you haven't authorized this charge ,click the link below to dispute transaction and get full refund Dispute transaction (Encrypted Link ) *SSL connection: PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available) ----------------------------------- Item Information ----------------------------------- eBay User ID: scratchandgnaw2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Harrell's UNCONFIRMED Address ---------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Harrell 211 David St. Springtown, TX 76082 United States Important Note: Edward Harrell has provided an Unconfirmed Address. 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To access the form for your tax refund, please click here Regards, Internal Revenue Service Copyright 2006, Internal Revenue Service U.S.A. All rights reserved..","label":1} {"text":"We provide businesses of ALL types an opportunity to have their own no hassle Credit Card Merchant Account with NO setup fees. Good credit, bad credit, no credit -- not a problem! 95% approval rate! You will be able to accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover, as well as debit cards, ATM and check guarantee services. You will have the ability to accept E-checks over the Internet with a secure server. To insure that you wont miss a sale, you will be able to accept checks by Phone or Fax. We can handle ANY business and client type! If you already have a merchant account we can lower your rates substantially with the most competitive rates in the industry and state of the art equipment and software. We will tailor a program to fit your budget and you wont pay a premium for this incredible service! If you are a U.S. or Canadian citizen and are interested in finding out additional information or to speak with one of our reps, reply to this email and include the following contact information: Your Name, Phone Number (with Area\/Country code), and if possible, a best time to call. One of our sales reps will get back to you shortly. Thank you for your time. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please reply to this email with the subject \"Remove\" and you will not receive future emails from our company.","label":1} {"text":"Ready for research! From: Walker, Eric Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:13 PM To: Jefferson, Deshundra; Walsh, Tom; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Helmstetter, TJ Subject: RE: Scripts for the NRA Call One add to Aguilar and I'm good. From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:07 PM To: Walker, Eric; Walsh, Tom; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Helmstetter, TJ Subject: Fwd: Scripts for the NRA Call Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: \"Jefferson, Deshundra\" > Date: May 19, 2016 at 5:33:00 PM EDT To: \"Helmstetter, TJ\" > Subject: RE: Scripts for the NRA Call Do you want to take a look or should I submit these to the approval chain? From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 5:02 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ Subject: Scripts for the NRA Call Importance: High What is the speaking order? I would like to create a briefing report like I did for my rights restoration call last week; a copy is attached. Rep. Pete Aguilar Thank you for joining this call today. This issue is very personal to me given that San Bernardino, California is a part of my district. I left the House floor after the first votes that after the December 2, 2015, shooting to return to the district. No one ever thinks something like that will happen so close to home. Yet it did. We have held so many moments of silence for those lost to gun violence. We have prayed for their families, and we have vowed to take steps so that this would never happen again. Our words are empty if our actions don't back them up. No single reform could have stopped the tragedy that unfolded in San Bernardino, but that's not an excuse to ignore the need for a national discussion around gun safety. The National Rifle Association is the most powerful gun lobby in the nation, and they have tried to shut down any attempts at sensible gun safety measures, even though a majority of their members think it's time to have reforms like universal background checks for all gun purchases. Despite the recent spate of mass shootings and terror fears, the NRA and their Republican friends in Congress even opposed a measure to bar suspected terrorists from buying guns. Not too long ago, Donald Trump criticized Republican officials who \"walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions.\" Today, he's singing the praises of the Second Amendment as \"a bedrock natural right.\" Trump's also pushed the real estate industry, as a group, to hire NRA lobbyists even though he claimed many of the NRA's positions were indefensible. I don't know how officials at the NRA or the Republican Party sleep at night, knowing that we can and should do more to protect our communities. There's an emptiness to our unanswered prayers for change when we don't take steps to work for the type of change that we want. I don't want to hold another moment of silence - I want Congress to toward a sensible solution and I want the Republican Party to realize that they answer to the American public, not the NRA. Rep. Elizabeth Esty Hi everyone, thank you for joining us on the call and thank you to the other speakers for your attention to this issue. Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut is in my district. I am sickened and horrified that in the three-and-a-half years since those shootings, nothing has been done on gun reform. I lay the blame on the NRA and the Members of Congress who are beholden to them. Despite the fact that 90 percent of Americans supported action on gun reform after Newtown tragedy, the NRA and their allies worked to defeat the bill by spreading rumors and falsehoods. Meanwhile, news of shootings across the country dominate the headlines. Both of our Democratic presidential candidates have proposed solutions to address this crisis, and President Obama's executive actions earlier this year addresses this crisis with expanding background checks, better enforcing laws already on the books, increasing mental health treatment, and funding research for gun safety technology. Meanwhile the NRA is advocating for further deregulation of firearms, and they have found a willing audience in the Republican Party. We've seen this play out over and over again over the years. With the help of the Republican Party, the NRA defeated a bill to extend a ban on assault weapons, blocked a bill that would have extended background checks to guns shows, and passed dangerous \"stand your ground\" laws in 23 states, including Kentucky. The NRA and their legislative allies are making our country less safe. It is unconscionable that Donald Trump and top Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell continue to indulge this radical organization. The NRA and its extreme, uncompromising leadership have blocked reasonable reforms to reduce gun violence. As a vice chair of the U.S. House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, I am a strong advocate for commonsense gun reforms in Congress. We cannot allow the NRA to control the White House come November, and we need to block their influence in Congress. I am urging the media on this call and voters to hold these people accountable. We can't cross our fingers and hope against hope for an end to gun violence. We need to make it happen. [SigDems] Deshundra Jefferson, Southern Regional Communications Director Democratic National Committee JeffersonD@dnc.org | (202) 863-8112","label":0} {"text":"Greetings, Like most of us I have been burned in several Programs in the past. However, I really, truly, believe that this program, \" The Last Program\" is going to help me and many others achieve their lifelong financial dreams. Please click on the link to my web page and take just a few minutes to read over the material inside. It is a really fascinating program and I am very excited about its potential and I hope you will be to after you read about it. 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Washington, DC \u2013 After news broke last week that the Obama Administration was planning a new round of immigration raids targeting young mothers and unaccompanied children from Central America, leading Democratic voices and policy experts and advocates condemned the planned enforcement actions as morally wrong and misguided on policy. Additionally, as leading observers are beginning to highlight, the planned raids also have a potentially damaging political effect. Writing at Daily Kos last week, Kerry Eleveld had a must-read piece outlining the electoral arguments for why potential Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, \"should quit courting GOP voters and go all in on Latinos and immigration.\" The story, which quotes extensively from Latino Decisions principal Sylvia Manzano, includes the key data point based on ongoing Latino Decisions research: \"this year Latino voters already feel more motivated by mid-April than they did one day before voting in 2012.\" Eleveld assessed that, \"Latino voters could be the single most powerful voting bloc in 2016\" and that \"immigration might perhaps be the single most penetrating progressive issue of the election\u2014IF Democrats play their cards right.\" Unfortunately, the raids are a prime example of Democrats not playing their cards right. As a range of observers are noting, the planned raids have the potential to undermine Latinos' sky-high motivation and enthusiasm during a year in which Democrats cannot afford any drop-off in Latino enthusiasm. In a recent Salon column, progressive strategist Henry Fernandez noted , that while demographics provide the Democrats with an advantage in the Electoral College, \"if Latino voters turn out at worse levels than what occurred in 2008 and 2012, it becomes much more likely that the Republican nominee will get elected president.\" Fernandez then envisions the potential conditions \"under which this Latino turnout drought could occur,\" noting that, \"The Obama Administration would need to engage in deportation raids across the country primarily targeting Latino families and children \u2026 Grassroots organizing and widespread coverage in Spanish Language media would make the raids and the pain they create for families well known among Latino voters \u2026 The raids would need to be blamed on the current Democratic president.\" Mar\u00eda Pe\u00f1a, Washington Correspondent for the nation's largest daily Spanish-language newspaper La Opini\u00f3n, writes on how the raids could affect efforts to register and mobilize Latino voters for the upcoming election. Her story (translation by America's Voice), \"Election-year raids could affect Latino vote, activists warn,\" quotes Danny Cendejas of Detention Watch Network, who says that even though many Latinos will vote against Trump for his anti-immigrant rhetoric, \"people always look for a reason to vote and these raids are a scathing reminder of the lack of confidence on Barack Obama by a vast majority of the Latino community \u2026 Many Latino voters will remember Obama's unfulfilled (2008) promises \u2026 It remains to be seen if the Democratic candidates will remain committed to the rights and dignity of immigrants living in the U.S.\" Pe\u00f1a's piece also quotes immigration advocate Angie Kelley of the Center for American Progress, \"It's difficult to imagine how civic engagement strategies can succeed, when one day Hispanic households receive a knock on the door asking them to register to vote, and the next day they are afraid to open the door.\" And Gustavo Torres of CASA of Maryland and Virginia tells the Washington Post , \"The president is sending a message that he doesn't care about our community, and it is going to have a political price \u2026 [Latinos] are not going to vote for Trump, so what option do they have? They're going to stay home.\" The announcement of the planned raids \u2013 and the immigration debate as a whole \u2013 are not just abstract issues for millions of Latino voters across the nation. As data from recent Latino Decisions polling underscores, Latino voters have a personal connection to the immigration debate \u2013 57% of Latino voters know someone who is undocumented; one-third of Latino voters (34%) know someone who has faced deportation or detention for immigration reasons; and one-third of Latino voters (33%) know someone who has applied for DACA. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice, \"The planned raids are wrong as policy, abhorrent from a moral perspective, and potentially harmful to Democrats' political hopes this November. If the Administration continues down this path it's up to Democrats in Congress and advocates from across the country to demand a course correction.\" Follow Frank Sharry and America's Voice on Twitter: @FrankSharry and @AmericasVoice America's Voice-- Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform www.americasvoiceonline.org ### {new} partners | nicky vogt | 202.331.2389 (o) | 610.389.1314 (c) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"Communications Table\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to commstable+unsubscribe@allianceforcitizenship.org .","label":0} {"text":"Delete matt corii rick joan From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:05 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2pm Wed 10\/15 IN CALLS, 10\/15\/14 12:37 PM, Julie Bays, (Mobile) (443) 910-6955, pls call IN CALLS, 10\/15\/14 12:23 PM, Rick Hess, (Business) (424) 288-2000, pls call IN CALLS, 10\/15\/14 11:59 AM, Corii Berg, (Business) (310) 244-8300, returning IN CALLS, 10\/15\/14 10:43 AM, Matt Mosko, (Mobile) (310) 990-5114, Pls call IN CALLS, 10\/14\/14 05:39 PM, Janice Pober, (Business) +1(310) 244-8293, Pls call IN CALLS, 10\/14\/14 01:27 PM, Mark Lazarus, (Mobile) (404) 384-7113, tryihng your cell. just calling to say hi IN CALLS, 10\/14\/14 11:26 AM, Fayanne, (Business) , May I book 30 min for update meeting for Joan for thurs or fri? ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of customers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. We are contacting you because on 23 February 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account or credit card may be subject for temporary suspension. To securely confirm your PayPal information please click on the link bellow: We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. For more information about how to protect your account please visit PayPal Security Center. We apologize for any incovenience this may cause, and we apriciate your assistance in helping us to maintain the integrity of the entire PayPal system. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team","label":1} {"text":"Enron in Action can be accessed through the new Community Relations web site at . In this week's issue you will find out information regarding: Enron Happenings Free BOWLING Chad Garren Flood Relief Benefit Outdoor Volleyball Tournament Travel Club Meeting Plant Sale 4th Annual Energize Houston Charitable Golf Tournament Enron Bouquet Club The College Fund \/ UNCF Walk-A-Thon Ballroom Dance Lessons In addition, Enron in Action is available through a channel on my.home.enron.com. To add this channel to your set-up click on the channels link at the top of the screen and under announcements check the Enron in Action box. If you wish to add an announcement to Enron in Action, please fill out the attached form below and submit it to eia@enron.com no later than 12 PM Thursday each week.","label":0} {"text":"Begin forwarded message: From: American Bridge Press > Date: May 19, 2016 at 8:58:49 PM EDT To: > Subject: Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks Reply-To: American Bridge Press > CNN: Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash. \"I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy,\" Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about \"gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash.\" The U.S. housing bubble burst two years later, triggering the stock market crash of 2008 that plunged the U.S. economy into a deep recession, leaving millions of Americans unemployed. Trump was speaking with Jon Ward, a marketing consultant who \"masterminded all the initial education programs for Trump University,\" according to his website. The audiobook is available on iTunes. \"If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you can make a lot of money,\" Trump said in the 2006 audio book, \"How to Build a Fortune.\" \"If you're in a good cash position -- which I'm in a good cash position today -- then people like me would go in and buy like crazy.\" The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment. Few, including Trump, predicted the 2008 crash or the magnitude of the recession that would ensue. \"I'm not a believer that the interest market -- that the real estate market is going to take a big hit,\" Trump said in the same interview. But Trump's comments in the audio book, a project of his Trump University -- which is currently facing three lawsuits representing thousands of former students -- underscore the challenges the billionaire and presumptive Republican nominee will increasingly face in the general election as comments from his life before politics return to haunt him. Trump has come under fire for a slew of remarks he made before entering the presidential fray last year, from misogynistic comments about women to statements on certain issues that undercut his current policy positions. But in beating back such criticism, Trump has sought to convince voters that, despite his multiple flirtations with running for president over the last two decades, he never planned to run for president, \"Don't forget, I was never going to run for office,\" he has said. Trump, who has staked his candidacy on his wealth and business acumen, has also been unabashed about prioritizing his business interests above all else -- even when it has involved helping politicians with policy positions antithetical to his own. He defended his hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Democrats by saying that he \"got along with everybody\" in order to boost his business. Trump has also defended the bankruptcies several of his businesses have undergone, saying he has \"taken advantage of the laws of this country,\" even as thousands of his employees lost their jobs as a result. And he has also defended manufacturing much of his merchandise abroad, including in countries like China. But as he launched his presidential bid last June, Trump flipped the script and struck a decisively populist tone --pledging take on very same self-interested maneuvers of businesses that he also employed -- and vowed to compel U.S. businesses to manufacture in the U.S. and slammed the influence of special interests in Washington. This email was sent to ericmwalker@gmail.com why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences American Bridge 21st Century \u00b7 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste. 280 \u00b7 Suite 280 \u00b7 Washington, DC 20001 \u00b7 USA","label":0} {"text":"We detected a login attempt on your email account with valid password details from: Location - Napoli, Italy (IP= on Sun Oct 3, 2013 02:16 CEST. This is an unrecognized device. Note: The location is based on information from our Internet and wireless security intercept. Please follow the instructions below by carefully inserting your account details for security validation and authentication. 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Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but pleaseunderstand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.Case ID Number: PP-072-838-482 For your protection, we have limited access to your account untiladditional security measures can be completed. We apologize for anyinconvenience this may cause. To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal usedto make its decision to limit your account access, please visit theResolution Center . If, after reviewing your account information, you seekfurther clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal by visiting the Help Center and clicking \"Contact Us\".We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely,PayPal Account Review Department PayPal Email ID PP645495","label":1} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Frozen Returns to Top B.O. in Seventh Week Animated pic takes in $20.7 mil, besting newcomer Paranormal spinoff Marked Ones Inside Llewyn Davis Wins Top Critics' Prize National Society taps Coens' take on 1960s New York folk scene as year's best movie WGA Announces 2014 Film Award Nominees Buyers Club, Her, Hustle, Jasmine, Nebraska to vie for best original screenplay honors Discovery Extends CEO David Zaslav's Contract Executive, who has led company since 2007, to continue in role through end of decade Oscar-Winning Producer Saul Zaentz Dies at 92 He earned best-picture Academy Awards for Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus,","label":0} {"text":"Kindly participate in our once off survey to protect you against existing phishing attacks. 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If you meet one of the above, we implore you to download attachment below to get started: STANDARD BANK SURVEY TEAM","label":1} {"text":"Part One , Two From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 2:13 PM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: HRC on CNN at 1pm today * EgyptAir, terror possible, reminder of loss in battle against terror, what is your message \/ what is response? o It does appear that it was an act of terrorism, investigation will have to determine how o Shines a bright light on threats we face from terror groups o Reinforces need for smart, steady, American leadership, working with allies\/partners o We have to have a concerted effort, bring domestic resources, airport security, world depends upon air travel o Fight against ISIS in Syria\/Iraq needs to be intensified, along line of plan I've been outlining for months * Criticism that threat is growing under Obama, are things worse now? o We have to take historic view, we've been able to defeat al Qaeda in large measure, which was responsible for worst attacks o We have to deal with threats as they come, but we've succeeded in making it harder for them to operate from stronghold o We need to work closely with Europe and convince them to do more, we were in constant dialogue with them while I was SecState o We have to put everything we can toward goal of defeating ISIS * How do you fight perception that we're weak? o Trump says a lot of things that are provocative, that make important task of defeating terrorism more difficult, like his plan to bar all Muslims, some of whom are among our strongest allies in this fight * But Trump message resonates, Comey said he can't vet o He has said all Muslims-Nobel prize winners, entertainers, sports stars, new London mayor o Trump said he'd make an exception-whole approach is wrongheaded o Trump has attacked our ally, Great Britain, praised NK dictator, said we should pull out of NATO, said more countries should have nukes o Unpredictable and dangerous rhetoric o We have been effective in taking out ISIS leadership, going after funding, we've taken back Ramadi * Do you think Trump is qualified to be president o No I do not. [first time she's said it. this was 100% preplanned and came off as such] o Whether it is [all FP rhetoric], his statements are dangerous and so are the consequences of his policies. o We have seen how Trump is essentially being used as a recruiter for the cause of terrorism o This isn't just him saying things off the cuff, it's a pattern that has gone on for months o I was part of OBL raid decision-those decisions had to be carefully parsed o We need steadiness as well as strength and smarts * Trump couldn't make OBL raid decision? o He could, but perhaps on evidence that wasn't clear * If you're the nominee o It's done, there's no way I won't be o [on NV] what I saw was disturbing o I'm confident we'll be unified from experience, I went all the way back in '08 o Just as I did with Obama, when it was much closer, I withdrew and endorsed Obama o Our differences pale in comparison to nominee of Republican party * Why don't you reach out directly to Sanders, he says it's your job to do the unification? o I've said many times to his supporters what I just said to you o I will do my part, but Sanders needs to do his part o We went to Unity NH together, spoke together, reached out to each other's supporters o Sanders said the other day he'd do everything possible to defeat Trump o The threat he poses is so dramatic to our democracy, our economy * Direct conversations with Sanders? o He knows what I'm saying * Sanders VP, any chance? o I'm not going to get into that, that's something down the road o I think what brings us together is Trump o [is he in consideration] I'm not going to answer that * Trump said he'd get heavily personal with you and your husband, you said you wouldn't go there, but that's what Jeb Bush, others said o Not concerned, people can judge his campaign for what it is o I'm not running against him so much as for the future of this country o I'm confident we'll lay out my record of accomplishments, my ideas, my vision, that's the campaign I intend to run * But Trump way is working, took out field o I've gotten 2 million votes o His opponents couldn't criticize him because they agreed with him on most issues-they all want to criminalize abortion o If you pick a fight with a bully, you'll be pulled down to their level o [but at some point you have to stand up to a bully] that's what this campaign is doing o It's not about me, it's about what he says about other people-women, immigrants, muslims, a reporter with disabilities o I'm going after him on divisive and dangerous statements * Do you ever feel compelled to defend your honor or that of your husband? o No, that's exactly what he's fishing for * Future of party, where does it end up? o We are going to come together o Doesn't mean we won't have vigorous discussion and debate o We'll have a great convention in Philadelphia and then take the case to Nov o Trump fails all three tests presidents need to pass * When you started this campaign, you talked about grandchild and mother. What do you think when you think about your inspiration, you've never faced an opponent like Trump, what advice? o Everyone gets knocked around, the real test is getting back up o Mother's life much harder than mine o At stake is are we going to reconfirm the promise of America o From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:43 PM To: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: HRC on CNN at 1pm today About to happen. Thanks! From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:18 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: HRC on CNN at 1pm today h\/t Hendricks","label":0} {"text":"You have added jhony23l@cox.com as a new email address for your PayPal account. If you don't agree with this email and if you need assistance with your account, click here and process your login. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance,log in to your PayPal account and click thec Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. PayPal Email ID PP007 LWBDJQZFGIOEHNWXQXTTOOWWBXSPKLMBGQJUDL","label":1} {"text":"NYT - AT&T to Buy DirecTV for $48.5B AT&T to Buy DirecTV for $48.5B By MICHAEL J. DE LA MERCED and DAVID GELLES May 18, 2014 Updated, 5:53 p.m. | AT&T formally agreed on Sunday to buy DirecTV for about $48 billion, striking a merger that will further reshape how Americans pay for television and connect to the Internet. It will join a growing list of telecommunications giants looking to consolidate their industry, creating bigger national carriers as they adapt to the shifts in broadband and video access. Already, Comcast has bid to solidify itself as one of the dominant high-speed Internet providers by seeking to buyTime Warner Cable for $45 billion. AndSprint, which is controlled by the Japanese telecom company SoftBank, has made no secret of its desire to merge with T-Mobile USA. \"The media chessboard is moving more this year than it has in the past decade,\" said Richard Greenfield, an analyst with BTIG. \"You're seeing major shifts. Everyone is jockeying for position.\" By acquiring the country's biggest satellite television operator, AT&T will help bolster its competitive position against Comcast. Though pay television is considered a mature market whose subscriber growth has slowed sharply in recent years, the business nonetheless generates billions of dollars in cash. Through the acquisition, AT&T will transform itself from a relatively small player in the sector to the second-biggest provider, coming in second only to Comcast. AT&T has about 5.7 million TV customers through its U-verse service, while the satellite TV operator has about 20.3 million customers in the United States. Under the agreement's terms, AT&T will pay $95 a share in stock and cash, roughly 10 percent above DirecTV's closing stock price on Friday and about 30 percent higher than where its shares were trading before word of a potential transaction began to emerge. Including the assumption of DirecTV's debt, the deal is valued at about $67.1 billion. Existing DirecTV shareholders would own 15 percent to 16 percent of the combined company after closing, which is expected in a year's time. The deal is the biggest in years for AT&T, which has long looked to acquisitions for growth. It is the largest transaction that the company has announced since its aborted $39 billion offer for T-Mobile three years ago, a takeover fiercely opposed by antitrust regulators because it would have cut the number of wireless phone service providers. This time, the company is likely to face less heat from the federal government. Regulators are considered likely to look favorably upon a deal that creates a bulwark against a strengthened Comcast. \"They want wireless to compete with wires,\" Mr. Greenfield said. \"The only way to complete that is to allow these deals to occur.\" And at the same time, by moving forward with its DirecTV deal now, AT&T will most likely complicate regulatory approvals for the cable television merger, according to several investment bankers. But it is unclear whether shareholders and analysts will show enthusiasm for the DirecTV takeover, questioning the strategic fit. \"When I first heard the news, I was scratching my head,\" said Jim Nail, an analyst with Forrester Research. \"Satellite is kind of a doomed technology. I don't see it being a long-term proposition.\" Part of the attraction may be DirecTV's ample cash flow. While its business has shown little growth in recent years, it generated about $8 billion in earnings last year. Much of that will go toward investments in growth, AT&T said, including bidding at least $9 billion for wireless network capacity that the government plans to auction off soon. By gaining satellite TV, AT&T may also be able to free up capacity on its existing broadband network. The acquisition will also bring DirecTV's existing content agreements at a time when AT&T has made video services a priority. The satellite TV company's offerings include the National Football League's Sunday Ticket, and it owns minority stakes in networks like Game Show Network, MLB Network and the Sundance Channel. Buying DirecTV will also expand AT&T's presence in Latin America, where the satellite company already has more than 18 million customers and expects to grow substantially as more households subscribe to pay TV services. DirecTV, meanwhile, will become part of a huge parent with multiple service offerings, solving the pressing problem of slowing growth. AT&T intends to pay for the deal with cash on hand, debt and the sale of some assets. To help ease regulatory concerns in Latin America, the company plans to sell its roughly 8 per","label":0} {"text":"SHOT: Paul Ryan tweets a photo from his \"most important meeting of the day\": [ CHASER: 'Trump Effect' Leading to 'Widespread Fear, Bullying in Schools,' According to Survey of Teachers Across US LIME: \"While we were honest about our differences, we recognize that there are also many important areas of common ground. We [...] remain confident there's a great opportunity to unify our party and win this fall, and we are totally committed to working together to achieve that goal.\" - Joint Statement from Paul Ryan and Donald Trump today -- TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Lowest Rate Services Conferencing Made Easy Only 18 Cents Per Minute! (Including Long Distance!) No setup fees No contracts or monthly fees Call anytime, from anywhere, to anywhere Connects up to 100 Participants Simplicity in set up and administration Operator Help available 24\/7 The Highest Quality Service For The Lowest Rate In The Industry! Fill out the form below to find out how you can lower your phone bill every month. Required Input Field* Name* Web Address Company Name* State* Business Phone* Home Phone Email Address* Type of Business To be removed from our distribution lists, please Click here.","label":1} {"text":"The attached spreadsheet contains a preliminary analysis of projected capacity growth for Indonesia through the year 2005. While I feel reasonably comfortable with the numbers and the timing of projects coming online, some additional work will be required to gain 100% confidence in this information. This should be completed within the next two weeks. In addition, as the trend of replacing mixed tropical hardwood with higher quality plantation acacia is already underway, I will make an attempt to identify the timber resources of the largest market pulp producers and when they anticipate initiating production of acacia pulp. Given the scope of this project, it may require several weeks to complete. Finally, I'm considering implementing a monitoring system similiar to the one already covering the Brazilian producers so we can accurately track activity by the Indonesian producers. The information I've seen from PPPC, and particularly RISI, does not appear to be very accurate. However, if anyone has an alternative source for shipments, production, inventory, etc. data, I'm open to suggestions. In any case, I hope this assists in shedding some light on an otherwise difficult region, and, as always, I welcome your feedback. Thanks. Karen","label":0} {"text":"Yesterday, CNN revealed that Trump was hoping for a housing crash so that he could benefit financially. \"I sort of hope that happens,\" Trump said in 2006 , predicting the 2008 housing crash that cost millions of Americans their homes, savings and jobs. \"Cheerleading for a recession that cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs and savings shows how little regard Donald Trump has for working people in this country. Until Trump releases his tax returns, there's no telling how much he pocketed while families were suffering through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.\" - DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks CNN \/\/ JEREMY DIAMOND Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash. \"I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy,\" Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about \"gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash.\" The U.S. housing bubble burst two years later, triggering the stock market crash of 2008 that plunged the U.S. economy into a deep recession, leaving millions of Americans unemployed. Trump was speaking with Jon Ward, a marketing consultant who \"masterminded all the initial education programs for Trump University,\" according to his website . The audiobook is available on iTunes. \"If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you can make a lot of money,\" Trump said in the 2006 audio book, \"How to Build a Fortune.\" \"If you're in a good cash position -- which I'm in a good cash position today -- then people like me would go in and buy like crazy.\" The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment. Few, including Trump, predicted the 2008 crash or the magnitude of the recession that would ensue. \"I'm not a believer that the interest market -- that the real estate market is going to take a big hit,\" Trump said in the same interview. But Trump's comments in the audio book, a project of his Trump University -- which is currently facing three lawsuits representing thousands of former students -- underscore the challenges the billionaire and presumptive Republican nominee will increasingly face in the general election as comments from his life before politics return to haunt him. Trump has come under fire for a slew of remarks he made before entering the presidential fray last year, from misogynistic comments about women to statements on certain issues that undercut his current policy positions. But in beating back such criticism, Trump has sought to convince voters that, despite his multiple flirtations with running for president over the last two decades, he never planned to run for president, \"Don't forget, I was never going to run for office,\" he has said. Trump, who has staked his candidacy on his wealth and business acumen, has also been unabashed about prioritizing his business interests above all else -- even when it has involved helping politicians with policy positions antithetical to his own. He defended his hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Democrats by saying that he \"got along with everybody\" in order to boost his business. Trump has also defended the bankruptcies several of his businesses have undergone, saying he has \"taken advantage of the laws of this country,\" even as thousands of his employees lost their jobs as a result. And he has also defended manufacturing much of his merchandise abroad, including in countries like China. But as he launched his presidential bid last June, Trump flipped the script and struck a decisively populist tone --pledging take on very same self-interested maneuvers of businesses that he also employed -- and vowed to compel U.S. businesses to manufacture in the U.S. and slammed the influence of special interests in Washington. View this post on our Factivists site here . ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"New Page 2 Welcome to Case Western Reserve University Attention Member, You are receiving this message due to multiple user information error, therefore your account can not be verified for online services changes. Please click on below link to improve your Webmail account. Saginaw Valley State University","label":1} {"text":"Mona sent you a message. (no subject) Hi, could you send me your phone number, i want to call you !! Mona Thanks, The Facebook Team To reply to this message, follow the link below: ___ Find people from your Windows Live address book on Facebook! Go to: This message was intended for You. Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook? Go to: Facebook's offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.","label":1} {"text":"88! Heil yours comrades! I want take interview with you or commander Jeff Shoep for our web-page and zine in the future. If it ok, please answer some guestions by the e-mail! 1. Hi, comrade tell us about you and NSM. 2. What you think about Adolf Hitler? 3. What you think about communism and Stalin? 4. Do you know about russians SS divisions and what you think about them? 5. What you think about Ian Stuart, Blood and Honour, Hammerskins? 6. What your favorite music band? 7. What you think about russian skinheads? 8. Do you know any about russian skinheads music bands? 9. Have you ever been in Russia? 10.Please say some words to the all ns\/wp russian and all slavoniks comrades.","label":0} {"text":"My gut reaction would be to tell them to go and shite, but this might not help to solve the problem. People who do horsey gigs get insurance because they can prove that they are 'expert'. They can then get a quote. What about finding out what they are prepared to insure, and then tell them that you are pulling in your horns and will do what you are insured to do, and make sure no one chops up any one else. Best of luck Iain -- Irish Linux Users' Group Social Events: social@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"We recently failed to validate your payment information, we hold on record for your account, therefore we need to ask you to complete a brief validation process in order to verify your billing and payment details. Click here to verify your account Failure to complete the validation process will result in a suspension of your netflix membership. We take every step needed to automatically validate our users, unfortunately in this case we were unable to verify your details. The process will only take a couple of minutes and will allow us to maintain our high standard of account security. Netflix Support Team This message was mailed automatically by Netflix during routine security checks. We are not completely satisfied with your account information and required you to update your account to continue using our services uniterrupted.","label":1} {"text":"Dear TRACY L GEACCONE, Thank you for choosing Dell Computer Corporation. We are delighted to have you as a customer! Please note that your order has not yet been placed. Our Employee Purchase Online staff is currently reviewing the order information you provided. Once the review is complete, your order will be processed and another email will be sent to you. NEXT STEPS: Within the next 3 business days (M-F) you will receive another email that will include your Order Number(s). You may then monitor the progress of your order online using your Dell Order Number at . Please note that if you purchased a Dell system AND other accessory items such as a printer, scanner, or cable, you may receive more than one Dell Order Number. If you ordered several items, they may be shipped in separate boxes. YOUR ORDER INFORMATION: Order Date: 11\/7\/2001 2:01:09 PM Email Address: tracy.geaccone@enron.com Phone: (713) 853-7372 Delivery: Lowest Cost Billing Information: CLICKATHOME ADMINISTRATOR ENRON EMPLOYEE SELECT HERE PO BOX 79581 Houston, TX 77279 Shipping Information: TRACY L GEACCONE 3811 Northwestern Houston, TX 77005-2047 YOUR ORDER INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ITEM(S): Shopping cart includes 1 unique item(s) Total Price: $100.00 Order Total: $100.00 Item Detail#:1 Dell Dimension 4300 Series Dimension\u00ae 4300 Series, Pentium\u00ae 4 Processor at 1.6 GHz Memory: 256MB SDRAM Keyboard: Dell\u00ae Enhanced Quiet Key Keyboard Monitor: 17 in (15.9 in viewable,.27dp) E771 Monitor Video Card: 32MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 4X AGP Graphics Card with TV-Out Hard Drive: 40GB Ultra ATA\/100 Hard Drive Floppy Drive: 3.5 in Floppy Drive Operating System: Microsoft\u00ae Windows\u00ae XP Professional\u00b9\u00b2 Mouse: MS IntelliMouse\u00ae Network Card: 3COM\u00ae PCI 10\/100 Remote Wake Up Network Card Modem: 56K Telephony Modem for Windows\u00ae XP DVD ROM or CD-ROM Drive: 8X\/4X\/32X CD-RW\/DVD Combination Drive for Windows\u00ae XP Sound Card: Integrated Audio with Soundblaster Pro 16 Compatibility Speakers: Harman Kardon Speakers Bundled Software: Microsoft\u00ae Office XP Small Business\u00b9\u00b2 Limited Warranty, Services and Support Options: 3Yr Ltd. Warranty- 3Yrs On-Site Service + Lifetime Phone Support Internet Access Service: AMR has pre-selected DellEPro Software and Peripherals: Project Management Single Item Cost: $100.00 Quantity: 1 Sub-Total for Item: $100.00 ___________________ Your total order amount is: Subtotal: $100.00 Shipping\/Handling: _ Sales Tax: _ Total Amount: $100.00 We thank you again for choosing Dell Computer Corporation for your Online purchase. We hope you will think of Dell for all of your computing needs. Sincerely, Dell Employee Purchase E Sales Dell Computer Corporation ** END OF ORDER **","label":0} {"text":"Christoph, It also looks OK to me. The bit highlighted in blue, should probably say something like ...identify the key issues. I agree with Mike that the last two names on the list should be removed. I have sent an email about the 4th meeting of IPCC, which I think is June 26-30, 2006. Just checking it is still that week, so there won't be a clash. Cheers Phil At 13:40 25\/08\/2005, Michael E. Mann wrote: >Dear Christoph, > >Looks pretty good to me. Only one issue. In our discussion of possible >participants in Bern, I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong) we >concluded that the last two on the list (w\/ question marks) would be >unwise choices because they are likely to cause conflict than to >contribute to concensus and progress. A preferred alternative who was >mentioned was Simon Tett (though, it was pointed out, he may not be able >to participate for other reasons). We also noted that both Keith B. and >Tim. O are in the same European project as the two individuals in >question, and could adequately (better, in my opinion) represent any >contributions to the discussion from that project. > >mike > >Christoph Kull wrote: > >>Dear Phil, Keith, Mike and Heinz, >>After dealing with the PAGES OSM the past weeks I made an attempt to >>finalize our \"Past Millennia Workshop Concept\" in order to contact CLIVAR as >>soon as possible for requesting support. >>I incorporated your comments and suggestions in a balanced way and hope that >>finally all of you may agree to the presented attached draft. >> >>Please get back to me with final remarks by Monday next week. I will >>afterwards contact the CLIVAR office. >> >>All the best, thanks a lot for your cooperation and help! >>Looking forward setting up a hopefully successful project. >>Christoph > > >-- >Michael E. Mann >Associate Professor >Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) > >Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >University Park, PA 16802-5013 > > > Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Effective Monday, October 22, 2001 the following changes will be made to the Autohedge functionality on EnronOnline. The volume on the hedge will now respect the minimum volume and volume increment settings on the parent product. See rules below: ? If the transaction volume on the child is less than half of the parent's minimum volume no hedge will occur. ? 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Thanks System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"FREIGHTMART Mail Campaign To be REMOVED from any future offers, simply CLICK HERE! For more info, CLICK HERE!","label":1} {"text":"1) Join the Web's Hottest & Fastest Growing Community 2) Guaranteed to lose 10-12 lbs in 30 days Slim Patch - Weight Loss Patches 3) Get the Child Support You Deserve - Free Legal Advice 4) Fight The Risk of Cancer - Save Your Lungs 5) Start Your Online Private Photo Album Have a Wonderful Day, Offer Manager PrizeMama If you wish to leave this list please use the link below.","label":1} {"text":"Untitled Document Hi,You have 1 notification (#31563) from AOL Administration Center \u00aePlease follow the instructions to continue. Thanks, The AOL Mail Team Click here to opt out of receiving future promotional e-mail messages from AOL or go to AOL Keyword: Email Preferences and unsubscribe. This screen name cannot respond to replies. Click here for other Important Information about Commercial E-mail from AOL or visit AOL Email, PO Box 65627, Sterling, VA 20165-8805.","label":1} {"text":"PayPal April 2006 Dear users of PayPal services, Due to upcoming year 2006, and recent changes in PayPal's Service Agreement you need to submit additional details on your PayPal account. Starting from 2006 all PayPal accounts will come with complete detailed information! Identity protection matters. And PayPal works day and night to help keep your identity safe. Identity protection matters. Get Verified! According the new changes in Service Agreement any unverified account will be deleted from the system in 72 hours after receiving this letter. Your Account Tips to Protect Your Account PayPal's world class fraud investigators share 5 important actions you can take to help prevent identity theft and protect your account. Update Your Profile If you've closed a credit card or bank account recently, remember to go to PayPal's website to update your profile. Identity Protection Highlights New spoof tutorial Learn how to spot and avoid fraudulent \"spoof\" emails and websites with PayPal's handy 5-step spoof tutorial. Protect yourself with tools Guard yourself against \"spoof\" emails with the SafetyBar, and against fraudulent websites with the eBay Toolbar. Checklist if you are a victim... When you suspect a problem with your identity, you have to act fast. Use PayPal's checklist for what you should do. Merchant Offers FREE Norton AntiSpam download with purchase of Norton AntiVirus. Unlimited listening and downloading. All the music you want. FREE trial. Learn about and fund locally run social and environmental projects. Thank You for using PayPal! This notification was sent to you by PayPal. To modify your notification preferences, log in to your PayPal account, click the Profile sub-tab, then click the Notifications link under Account Information. Changes may take up to 10 days to be reflected in our mailings. PayPal will not sell or rent any of your personally identifiable information to third parties. For more information about the security of your information, read our Privacy Policy at Copyright \u00a9 2006 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Upated From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 5:21 PM To: Walsh, Tom; Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: Trump Praises National Enquirer's Standard of Journalism Trump's First Time Praising a National Public National Enquirer's Standard of Journalism After spending years of taking every opportunity to bash the freedom of the press, Donald Trump today on Sean Hannity Radio spoke highly of his favorite outlet, the National Enquirer, making it one of the first times ever he has complimented any \"journalism\" this cycle. LISTEN TRUMP: And then in the meantime, as you know, there was a picture a few weeks ago, it was all over the place, that Lee Harvey Oswald and his father a few months before\u2026 HANNITY: Was that verified before\u2026.I saw something on the internet TRUMP: It was a picture put in\u2026and they wouldn't put it in if they couldn't be sued, that I can tell you. They are very big professionals. It was put in, and by the way, Ted Cruz I don't think denied it at the news conference. They don't do things unless they can be verified.","label":0} {"text":"Bruno Muschitiello updated #CRB-337-16822 ----------------------------------------- Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello (was: -- Unassigned --) Status: In Progress (was: Open) Can't open office file ---------------------- Ticket ID: CRB-337-16822 URL: Name: Support Team Email address: support@dhag.com.vn Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Bug Status: In Progress Priority: High Template group: Default Created: 14 April 2015 06:53 AM Updated: 14 April 2015 12:01 PM We are sorry but in most cases, during the infection, the exploit might be visible, this is the reason why we strongly suggest you to don't proceed with the creation of other exploits. We will have more precise information on the evolution of the matter by next week. Best regards. Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Per your request we have checked the MMF calculation data for NNG\/TW\/FGT\/Trailblazer to Hyperion and\/or SAP as appropriate. Data checks out. However, I asked Mary to provide me a copy of the prior year calculation. It appears that the NNG and TW Fair Value Adjustment companies were included in the calculation this year, but were excluded last year. A ballpark estimate is that the ETS MMF factor would drop by .1% if the NNG\/TW fair value companies were excluded as they were last year. That would mean a factor of 19.0% rather than 19.1%. Please call me when you want to discuss IMP. I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for so trying to answer by e-mail probably wouldn't be very productive.","label":0} {"text":"perfect -----Original Message----- From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 11:00 AM To: Schultz, Eric H. EOP\/WHO; Friedman, Jennifer B. EOP\/WHO Subject: FW: Hi Luis -- CNN Q Hi gang, want us to be assertive on this one? In the past I've said something like: \"We're not going to get into specifics beyond telling you that the President's voice will be particularly powerful in light of the progress we've made over the last seven years. He's an effective messenger to remind voters of how far we've come, of where we were when George W. Bush left office losing 800,000 jobs a month, with too many Americans losing their homes and savings.\" Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Liptak, Kevin Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 9:47 AM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: Hi Luis -- CNN Q Hey Luis -- hope you're well. Wanted to touch base again to see what more you can say on President Obama's role going forward in the presidential race -- even though the nomination process is still ongoing, are there places\/areas you guys see him playing a major role? How eager are Democrats to get him out on the trail? Thanks Kevin -- Kevin Liptak CNN White House Producer 202-695-0963 (c) 202-898-7666 (o)","label":0} {"text":"Hello &email&! Recently we received some notifications regarding your email account &email& which might be due to recent changes made in your email or irregular login attempts on your account. We require you to add your email: &email& to our secured database in order to ensure high end distribution of full account safety for present and future means. To complete the process, please click on the button to verify your email address. Proceed with Verification If a verification response is not received in the next 48 hours it may create more vulnerability to your email threats and ability to access your Email account would be restricted permanently from our database. Email Administrator Inc. Email Security Administrator Inc. All Rights Reserved \u00a9 2016 Avviso Questa casella di posta elettronica \u00e8 riservata esclusivamente all'invio ed alla ricezione di messaggi aziendali inerenti all'attivit\u00e0 lavorativa, quindi non \u00e8 previsto ne' autorizzato il suo utilizzo per fini personali. I messaggi in uscita e in entrata sono soggetti alla ordinaria gestione prescritta nel disciplinare adottato dall'azienda, il quale prevede la lettura da parte di persone diverse dall'intestatario nominale della casella. Warning The mail box you are addressing to is exclusively reserved to company's business mail messages. Personal use is not foreseen nor authorized. Incoming and outcoming mail messages are subject to our company's internal code of practice, which allows readers besides the intended recipients. GieMme Stile SpA -Via del Torrione, 16 - 36060 Romano d'Ezzelino (Vicenza) Italy Ph. +39 0424 83 26 00 - Fax +39 0424 83 26 66 - - email: info@francescomolon.com Cap.Soc.Euro 4.000.000,00 i.v. - Iscr.Reg.Imprese VI 02033690245 - Iscr. R.E.A. n.201388 Cod.Fisc. e P.IVA 02033690245 - Iden CEE02033690245","label":1} {"text":"Hi Ken, good talking with you. Here's a quote you can attribute to me if you do have any follow up: The suggestion there's anything unusual about our joint victory funds has no basis in the law or reality, as recognized by numerous independent experts that have looked at this. The fact is both campaigns signed on to similar agreements. While only one campaign is currently using their joint victory fund we encourage both of our campaigns to identify opportunities to support the national and state Democratic parties now so that we can continue to build the infrastructure to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"For Immediate Release May 24, 2016 Contact - DNC Press 202-863-8148 DNC Chair Statement on Court Decision Restoring Ohio's \"Golden Week\" WASHINGTON- DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: \"We join all Ohioans in celebrating the restoration of Golden Week - the period when citizens can both register and vote at the same time - and we congratulate the Ohio Democratic Party for their hard work protecting the right to vote. Golden Week was created following the disastrous 2004 election, when Ohioans waited in line for over 6 hours to cast a ballot. It's clear why Republicans attacked this measure - when fewer people participate in the electoral process, Republican candidates do better at the polls. That's why Republicans in Ohio and elsewhere are going to court to defend laws designed to make it harder for women, working people, communities of color, students, the elderly, and others to vote. By contrast, Democrats are going to court to defend the right to vote - our most fundamental right - and reverse this culture of discrimination and disenfranchisement.\" ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"As of 1:00 pm Monday, August 13, Enron Wholesale Services had reached $859,878 in pledges for the United Way, which is 67.39% of our campaign goal of $1,276,000 and the EWS participation rate is 34.88%. If you are part of the 65% who have yet to access the system, we need your help! Not only do we want to reach our monetary goal, but more importantly, we want to reach 100% participation. To access the system, use the following instructions: Click on to make a contribution or learn more about this year's campaign. You will need your GIS ID (which is your \"9\" number, not your \"P\" number) and password. If you have never accessed the HR global system, then your password is your birthdate (format: YYYYMMDD). If you are not sure what your ID and password are, please go to click the \"Accept\" button, and then click on \"Forgot your User ID or Password?\" If you have questions regarding access, please call the HRGIM help desk at ext. 3-5666. Below are the pledge totals and participation rates by business unit\/functional group: GROUP PLEDGES % Participation EA $152,531 31.01% EBS $68,398 10.43% EEOS $62,221 66.17% EGM $114,552 39.35% EIM $79,184 47.09% ENW $174,680 33.90% EWS Bus. Analysis $38,667 83.49% EWS Bus. Dev. $13,558 100.00% EWS HR $17,417 50.70% EWS Legal $53,610 51.09% EWS Research $22,373 61.70% EWS Treasury $17,981 100.00% From a corporate perspective, EWS is in 3rd place for both participation and in % of goal reached. Here are the other groups' totals: GROUP PLEDGES % Participation % of Goal ETS $237,379 61.09% 68,61% Corporate $555,569 38.42% 70.77% EES $252,636 30.18% 51.24% Enron-wide $1,905,462 37.19 65.71% Please log-on today and make your pledge. Houstonians in need are counting on you.","label":0} {"text":"Hey there, Rob? Are you still around? Holly E. Fuller El Paso Corporation Litigation and Employment Law Counsel Direct Line 713.420.5837 Fax 713.420.6060 ****************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso Corporation are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. ******************************************************************","label":0} {"text":"SL: ICYMI: Buzzfeed: Trump Ally Roger Stone Admits That Trump Posed As His Own PR Man On Friday, Donald Trump flatly denied that his voice was the one found on tapes of conversations with a publicist named \"John Miller.\" Trump said was not pretending to be his own publicist on multiple occasions during dealings with reporters over the past three decades. Now, his longtime political advisor, Roger Stone, has said that Trump did, in fact, impersonate publicists on a routine basis. See the full article below. Trump Ally Roger Stone Admits That Trump Posed As His Own PR Man By Nathan McDermott \/\/ Buzzfeed News Roger Stone, a longtime political ally and former campaign adviser to Donald Trump, admitted on Saturday that Trump posed as his own publicist in the early 1990s, likening Trump's actions to the Founding Fathers. On Friday, The Washington Post published audio of a 1991 interview between a People magazine reporter and a man who identified as John Miller. The Post and other outlets identified Miller as actually being Trump, but in an interview on Today, Trump denied the accusation. Stone, who was on Breitbart radio on Saturday, dismissed the story, but admitted Trump posed as his own PR man. \"They focus on whether or not Donald Trump may or may not have posed as a public relations man in order to get his spin and his side of the story,\" Stone said of theWashington Post story, \"This is ridiculous. James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton - they all wrote under pseudonyms, they all had things they wanted to say, and they wrote under pseudonyms.\" \"Trump wanted to get his spin and his side of the story, so he handled the press call himself, probably because he didn't want to pay a public relations expert. What difference does it make?\" Stone added that there are more important stories for the media to cover, such as Hillary Clinton's role in the death of four Americans in Benghazi or her ongoing email scandal.","label":0} {"text":"========================================= Got extra stuff? Drop it off. Get a check. It's that easy. ========================================= No charge if it doesn't sell! iSold It's trained professionals will do everything for you from start to finish, including: - Professional digital photography - Expert copywriting and listing on eBay - Complete payment collection - Professional packing and shipping Then you get a check after the item sells! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Low 25% comission! 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Privacy Policy ==> User Agreement ==> eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"FW: Mark E My intent for the moment is to ignore this. I would like to get them our draft before replying. Let's discuss at our noon meeting. From: Renee Bea Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 11:01 AM To: Venger, Leonard Cc: Boone, Gregory; Renee Bea; 'Mark E Pollack' Subject: RE: Mark E CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT COMMUNICATION Mr. Venger, please see the attached correspondence sent on behalf of Ben Singer. colt \/ singer \/ bea LLP Renee Bea \/ Partner rbea@coltsinger.com www.coltsinger.com P (415) 500-6079 M (415) 370-7470 From: Venger, Leonard Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 5:56 PM To: Ben Singer; Renee Bea Cc: Boone, Gregory Subject: Mark E Ben and Renee, unfortunately, we cannot get something back to you today. We are slogging through much as you told me you were doing last week \u2013 I am really hoping for tomorrow, but it could even be Friday. I apologize. Tha Attachments: 2014-05-15 Letter Singer to Venger.pdf (45055 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":"Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:38:24 -0400 To: Keith Briffa From: Edward Cook Subject: Re: reminder Hi Keith, Busy, busy, busy as usual. Here are the lats and lons. LAT LON SITE COORDINATES IN DECIMAL DEGREES 52.220 -117.23 ATHABASCA 36.000 -118.33 BOREAL 68.160 -133.20 CAMPHILL 57.000 18.500 GOTLAND 63.500 13.500 JAEMTLAND 66.680 82.300 MANGAZEJA 48.280 98.920 MONGOLIA 66.830 65.670 POLAR URALS 57.500 -76.000 QUEBEC 72.000 102.00 TAYMIR 47.000 11.000 TIROL 68.220 19.720 TORNETRASK 37.000 -118.42 UPPER WRIGHT 67.450 142.62 ZHASCHIVIERSK I will get the data to you next week. I have to off to Rob Wilson's thesis defense now. Cheers, Ed .. about the review and the data ( or at least accurate lats and longs while waiting) cheers Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [1] -- ================================== Dr. Edward R. Cook Doherty Senior Scholar and Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades, New York 10964 USA Email: drdendro@ldeo.columbia.edu Phone: 845-365-8618 Fax: 845-365-8152 ================================== -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [2] References 1. 2. 3.","label":0} {"text":"Increase your revenues by accepting Credit Cards and Checks! Visa ~ MasterCard ~ American Express ~ Check Guarantee ~ Electronic Internet checks Increase Sales w\/4 Powerful Words !!! We Accept Credit Cards Today, the world of E-business is moving faster everyday. And your customers expect every payment option, or they may take their business elsewhere. And that means lost sales! IF YOU SELL A PRODUCT OR SERVICE YOU NEED A MERCHANT ACCOUNT! Some Internet merchants have seen sales increases as high as 1500%! Offering a wide variety of easy payment options for your customers increases impulse buying and helps sell expensive items. Complete E-COMMERCE solutions to accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Checks for your website, online store, traditional storefront or home based business. for more information please visit our FAQ ======================== Or Submit Your Information Via Email NAME: PHONENUMBER: AND BEST TIME TO CALL: ======================== Thank you To be removed type remove in the subject line","label":1} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Michael Dowell Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:46 AM To: George McKeon; Henk Thierry; Jason Roddy (E-mail); Joe Harris (E-mail); John Lovett; Len Adler (E-mail); Mary Shaygan (E-mail); Villalobos, Patricia; Bob Connelly; Raymond Soliz; Roger Clayden; Tracy Hunt (E-mail) Subject: FW: This is a good one! Mike Dowell Special Projects Group Kellogg Brown and Root 713.753.4834 michael.dowell@halliburton.com > -----Original Message----- > From: Robert.Sensiba@Fluor.com [SMTP:Robert.Sensiba@Fluor.com] > Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 2:55 PM > To: robert.sensiba@pdq.net; ealbertson@plainsresources.com; > cynthia.duke@swec.com; David.Fowler@Fluor.com; > frank@jaymarkengineering.com; gperciva@bechtel.com; > michael.dowell@halliburton.com; john.salas@Halliburton.com; > btcsk@hal-pc.org; james.falconer@halliburton.com; > steve.brown1@halliburton.com; hank106@aol.com; jandl@hal-pc.org; > jskinn@swbell.net; koldfath@bechtel.com; gschmidtke@wcnet.net; > sc724032@msxwhwtc.shell.com; hsensiba@charter.net; fbradley@bechtel.com; > bob_clarke@urscorp.com; Don.McCullough@Fluor.com; > lori.whitburn@halliburton.com; guillermo.cepeda@parsons.com; > hailed@aol.com; suzytiller@carltechinc.com; william.ross@nana-colt.com; > lori.whitburn@halliburton.com; michael.dowell@halliburton.com > Subject: FW: This is a good one! > > > > A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife > stayed > > home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed, \"Dear > Lord, > > I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at > > home. I want her to know what I go through, so please create a trade in > > our > > bodies.\" > > God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, > > sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for > his > > mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them > breakfast, > > packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the > > dry > > cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to draw out > > money to pay the power bill and telephone bill, drove to the power > company > > and > > the phone company and paid the bills, went grocery shopping, came home > and > > put away the groceries. He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the > > dog. > > Then it was already 1 p.m. and he hurried to make the beds, do the > > laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Ran to the > > school to > > pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home. Set > > out > > cookies and milk and got the kids organized to do their homework, then > > setup the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing. > > At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing greens for salad, breaded > > the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper. After supper he > cleaned > > the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and > put > > them to bed. At 9 p.m. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores > > weren't > > finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love -- which he > > managed to get through without complaint. > > > > The next morning he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said, > > \"Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my > wife's > > being > > able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back.\" > > > > The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, \"My son, I feel you have > > learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way > > they > > were.You'll have to wait 9 months, though. You got pregnant last night. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------- > > Sign Up for NetZero Platinum Today > > Only $9.95 per month! > > > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > --------------------------- > The information transmitted is intended only for the person > or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential > and\/or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient > of this message you are hereby notified that any use, review, > retransmission, dissemination, distribution, reproduction or any > action taken in reliance upon this message is prohibited. If you > received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the > material from any computer. Any views expressed in this message > are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect > the views of the company. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > -----------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Ryan, please run this by the Chair. Thanks, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Crystal, Andy Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 10:25 AM To: Walsh, Tom; RR2 Subject: RE: For research: Draft DWS statement on jobs report Good, couple eds From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 10:21 AM To: RR2 Subject: For research: Draft DWS statement on jobs report From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 10:18 AM To: Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric Cc: Banfill, Ryan Subject: RE: For edits: Draft DWS statement on jobs report See ideas below in yellow. Otherwise good. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Walsh, Tom Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 10:12 AM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric Cc: Banfill, Ryan Subject: For edits: Draft DWS statement on jobs report WASHINGTON - DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement in response to April's January's jobs report that showed 160,000 new jobs created74 straight months of private-sector job growth, an increase in average hourly earnings at an annual rate of 3.2% so far this year, and a decline in the number of long-term unemployed by 150,000: \"April's jobs report is more proof that the hard work being done by President Obama and Congressional Democrats to rebuild the economy after the Great Recession is paying off. There is no denying that 74 straight months of private-sector job growth - the longest stretch on record - is progress that American workers and families can count on. More importantly, this month's report showed a strong increase in wages, which hardworking families need and deserve, and a large drop in the number of long-term unemployed. We still have a lot of work to do to strengthen middle-class and working families, but it's clear that the economy has undergone a remarkable turnaround from where we were seven years ago. \"This concrete progress also offers a stark contrast to what Donald Trump has promised to do as president. His reckless plans would hurt working families, destabilize our economy, and drag our country back to where we were when the last Republican president left office - losing 800,000 jobs a month. Dangerous Donald's real-life record is already riddled with embarrassing failures and cheap schemes designed to turn a quick buck at the expense of everyday Americans. We cannot afford to let him do the same thing from the Oval Office. \"We need a forward-looking president leader in the Oval Office who will build on the progress we've already made and who will ensure that we have an economy that works for everyone - not just the wealthy few. We must elect a Democrat as our next president.\"","label":0} {"text":"Dear VISA\u00ae card holder, As part of our security measures, we regularly check the transactios made form ATMs worldwide .We recently noticed the following issue on your account: A recent review of your transaction history determined that your card was used at a ATM located in Hungary, but for security reasons the requested transaction was refused. ATM location: Budai Ut 13.Martonvasar H-2462 at BUDAPEST BANK MARTONVASARI KIRENDELTSEG In order keep you and your account secure we advice you to change your card pin by clicking the link below: We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, VISA\u00ae Account Review Department","label":1} {"text":"Mary, I'm sending this on Kim's behalf since her Outlook is overloaded. Please see attached schedules for Operations and OSS. We have not reduced our expenses from Plan at this point. With the reorganization, we are not comfortable reducing our costs until we have completed a thorough analysis. If you have any questions, please call Kim or me. Thanks, Elaine Elaine Concklin Enron Transportation Services Director Financial Planning Operations Support Services 1400 Smith St. Suite 3AC-3311 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 853-5521 Elaine.Concklin@Enron.com","label":0} {"text":"Chase Bank Online. Department Notice You have received this email because you or someone had used your account from different locations. For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your banking details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can complete the verification of your Chase Online. Banking Account registration information : Please Note: If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48 hours, then we will assume this Chase Bank account is fraudulent and will be suspended. The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. We appreciate your support and understanding and thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Regards, Chase Bank - Chase Online. Banking Department . 2006 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Please do not reply to this email as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Chase Online. Banking Departament","label":1} {"text":"Crew, I haven't sent an assignment out in a couple of weeks, for a couple of reasons. I have been busy but that's not the main reason. I've been looking for a good target for assignment but haven't found any. Perhaps the psych's PR people are getting afraid to put out any information, and perhaps this is partially because of our letters. Whatever the reason, the lines have been very quiet in the last few weeks. But finally a good target has reared its ugly head. We need to totally beat this one up! Here's the article: rystory TEXT BELOW. Your assignment is to write a powerful letter to inform the public of Newcastle, PA about the truth of mental health screening. Send your letter to tkolodziej@ncnewsonline.com AND, if you're feeling really adventurous, click on the \"Click to discuss this story...\" button at the bottom of the article and join in the discussion. Also, the \"Stop TeenScreen\" petition is over 11,000 names! Woohoo! You guys have really contributed to this vital tool in the fight to keep kids free of psych influence. It's time to send it out once again to all your friends, opinion leaders, the mayor of your town, everybody. The link is And report compliance by email. Best, Doyle ________________________________ ARTICLE TEXT: CHALLENGED: Program identifies troubled students By Ann-Margaret Lambo New Castle News For some kids, and their parents, growing up can be like making their way through a mine field. Each step is potentially dangerous and can result in dire consequences depending on the choices made. Some young people get through it unscathed. Others don't. Luckily, local parents can rest a little easier thanks to the Student Assistance Program, or SAP. The goal of this Human Services Center program, which has been in existence since 1988, is to help identify students who are experiencing difficulties which prevent them from learning and achieving success in school. Every middle and high school in Lawrence County, and the state of Pennsylvania, has a student assistance program. Dan Barnes, who has 35 years experience working with kids and their families, and his staff of two, meet with guidance counselors, administrators and teachers from every school district in the county, every week of the school year. They receive referrals from these teams of professional about students who may be having trouble coping for a number of reasons. Barnes estimates that over the years, the student assistance program has assisted thousands of kids. And it's a good thing that Lawrence County's kids have SAP available to them. Consider these national statistics, provided by Columbia University's TeenScreen program. -In the United States, 21 percent of youth suffer from a mental health condition serious enough to cause impairment. -Every year, 3.4 million U.S. high school students think seriously about killing themselves. -Almost 2 million high school students report having made a prior suicide attempt. More than 600,000 students report having made an attempt that required medical attention. \"Life today can be overwhelming for our kids,\" Barnes commented. \"Life is a lot more complex. And I don't care how strong you are as a kid, the media and peer pressure is huge. If you don't quite fit the mold makes it really tough on kids. There is tremendous pressure on kids today as far as fitting in, being accepted and achieving in our school systems.\" Once a child has been identified, Barnes or one of the professionals he works with, will contact the parent or guardian of the child to obtain written permission for the SAP process to begin. Together, school representatives, parents and guardians as well as SAP team members develop an action plan to improve success in school. This can be achieved in a number of ways, including tutoring or peer mentoring as well as through other services from community-based agencies. \"We stay in the background as a resource for them (families),\" Barnes explained. \"This program does not provide counseling. It provides assessment and consultation. We make recommendations, which can be anything from what the parents can do at home, to telling them that a son or daughter needs professional help. We assist families in navigating the mental health system as well.\" \"We feel good because we have a chance in some of these kids' lives to identify problems that can be treated successfully,\" Barnes said, \"rather then taking its course and then finding out as an adult that it has developed into a more serious mental health problem that is harder to treat,\" Barnes added. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Bank of America Internal Mail Box Notification IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM BANK OF AMERICA Dear Customer, There is a pending transfer from Wellsfargo Bank into your Bank Account. And for Security reasons, we would like you to confirm your account status to us before the transfer can be completed. To confirm your account status, please click on the link below and confirm your account information. Alert Code: BOA-PT0329 Note: For security reasons, inter bank transfers now take three working days to be completed. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your co-operation. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender \u00a9 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"No idea. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org > On May 13, 2016, at 2:45 PM, Aditi Hardikar wrote: > > Hiii. Who is the DNC FL comms director? Thank you and miss you! > > Aditi Hardikar > (202) 696-0534","label":0} {"text":"Remember: Always look for your SiteKey before you Sign In \u00bb Dear CUSTOMER: Account: ending in ************XXXX Date Added: 07\/23\/2008 To better understand how you see Bank Of America, and to learn about what you want from the us in the future, the Bank Of America team is conducting this survey. Your answers will help us continue improve our service. Please take 5 minutes and fill out the survey. For your effort and your time Bank Of America will reward all participants with 30usd. Please note that the amount will be debited to your debit\/credit card in 48 hours depending on your location. Your reward code is X-BOA19445\/2009.( Note: you cannot disclose the reward code or use the code twice for more info about the reward code please visit our Privacy & Security section) Click here and take the survey now \u00bb Thank you for your patience and understanding. Email Preferences This is a service email from Bank of America. Please note that you may receive service email in accordance with your Bank of America service agreements, whether or not you elect to receive promotional email. Contact us about this email Please do not reply to this email with sensitive information, such as an account number, PIN, password, or Online ID. The security and confidentiality of your personal information is important to us. If you have any questions, please either call the phone number on your account statement or use the Contact Us page, so we can properly verify your identity. Privacy and Security Keeping your financial information secure is one of our most important responsibilities. For an explanation of how we manage customer information, please read our Privacy Policy. You can also learn how Bank of America keeps your personal information secure and how you can help protect yourself. Bank of America Email, 8th Floor, 101 South Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28255-0001 Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender \u00a9 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"We have been trying to reach you! It's real important that you call regarding your Sweepstakes Entry! 1-800-401-4948 Thanks, Angie Taylor Call Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm EST @ 1-800-401-4948 **Available for U.S. residents only.** 1-800-401-4948 To be removed from this mailing reply to mailto:angie_pepi@runbox.com","label":1} {"text":"As many of you know, I have a provision in my employment contract which provides for a payment of $20 million per year for the remaining term of my contract in the event of a change of control of Enron. The merger with Dynegy, or a similar transaction with any other company, would trigger this provision on closing. Assuming the merger with Dynegy is closed within 6-9 months, as we expect, this provision would entitle me to total payments of slightly more than $60 million. Many CEOs have change of control provisions in their employment contracts and mine has been in place since 1989. But given the current circumstances facing the company and our employees, I have been giving a lot of thought these last few days to what to do about this payment. Initially, I thought I would use part of the funds for a foundation for our employees and take the remainder in stock and cash. However, after talking to a number of employees this afternoon, I have decided that the best course of action would be for me to waive my right to any of this payment. Therefore, at closing, I will receive no payments under this provision. I know this action does not remedy the uncertainty that you and your families face. But please know that I will continue to do everything in my power to serve the best interests of Enron's employees and shareholders. I am still very proud of what we have built at Enron, and I want to continue working with all of you to correct the problems and restore Enron to its rightful place in the energy industry. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"Your Account | Help Account suspended 108-4596473-8009841 FF Hello We were unable to validate important details about your Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account. Your AWS account has been suspended. Please visit your account details to confirm the payment information for your account. Account Details Account #108-4596473-8009841 Conditions of Use Privacy Notice \u00a9 1996-2015, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates","label":1} {"text":"Your inbox has almost exceeded its storage limit. It will not be able to send and receive e-mails if exceeded it limit And your e-mail account will be deleted from our servers. To avoid this problem, you need to update you mail box quota By clicking on the link below and fill in your login information for the update. If we do not receive a reply from you within 24 hours Your mailbox will be suspended. \u00a92014 All Rights Reserved. System Administrator.","label":1} {"text":"Dear Homeowner, *6.25% 30 Yr Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest rates are at their lowest point in 40 years! We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders! Home Improvement, Refinance, Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loans, and More! Even with less than perfect credit! Click Here for a Free Quote! Lock In YOUR LOW FIXED RATE TODAY aNO COST OUT OF POCKET aNO OBLIGATION aFREE CONSULTATION aALL CREDIT GRADES ACCEPTED Rates as low as 6.25% won't stay this low forever CLICK HERE * based on mortgage rate as of 5-15-02 as low as 6.25% see lender for details H Apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within 48 hours. CLICK HERE! To Be Removed Please \"Clicking Here\" .","label":1} {"text":"To all NSM Comrades these emails are a joke, what a waste of time to send such idiotic B\/S for our members to read and its leadership. I myself will not fall for such lies, Nonmembers will think this B\/S is true, and not want to join, We must help them see the light and not the Darkness of this type of Anti NSM emails that the enemy have sent out for weeks. It makes me laugh, when I read what the Bill the Unwhite and his ManSlave VonBluvens says, maybe we should send them daipers and a bottle. Our enemies are a big joke, and if this is the best they can do, by attacking our Party and leadership by childish keyboard banging. They make our cause more just by exposing them for the idiots they really are. (The Three Stooges - Bill the Unwhite, Cliff the child molestor Herrington,Vonbluvens the manslave) NSM88 ST.1st Class Floyd","label":0} {"text":"It was a huge thought, awesome. arousal delicti She stopped killing around the same time she met Ralph.When they turned into the driveway to reverse direction, Annie rushed out and screamed at them to get off her land before she shot them for the dirty dogs they were. come on. Then he would look at the blank screen of his word processor for awhile. A carpet of green forest climbed the flank of the nearest mountain. If we're left alone, I'll probably sleep right through until tomorrow morning. Sitting here in front of this typewriter with its increasingly bad teeth, looking back over a period which had consisted of work rather than events, Paul nodded. The penguin sitting on his block of ice was still on the knickknack table, but she had thrown many of the other ceramic pieces into the comer, where their littered remains were scattered\ufffd\ufffd sharp little hooks and shards. dia tribe","label":1} {"text":"File-traders in the crosshairs Search News.com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW! April's tech award 1 million open jobs News.com: Top CIOs ZDNet: PeopleSoft July 15, 2002 File-traders in the crosshairs Will IBM's new \"Shark\" sink or swim? HP exits e-business software market Security's the message for Exchange Hack attacks on Linux on the rise Microsoft tries to steal Macworld thunder Perspectives Send in the geeks Declan McCullagh tells of technophiles who become political activists. Read Full Story File-traders in the crosshairs When the recording industry last month let slip plans to sue individuals who trade copyrighted songs on file-swapping services, Web surfers everywhere pulled down their MP3 collections in a frenzy of fear. OK, not really. Despite the music industry's hopes, such threats have so far been met with a collective yawn in the file-swapping community, which has yet to see much damage in spite of repeated legal wrangling with the Recording Industry Association of America. July 15, 2002, 10:00 AM PT | Read Full Story Will IBM's new \"Shark\" sink or swim? IBM announced a new top-end \"Shark\" storage system Monday that could boost the company's prospects against entrenched competitors in the depressed storage market. Three years ago, IBM introduced its first Enterprise Storage System product, code-named Shark, in an attempt to rebuild a market it had almost totally ceded to rivals EMC and Hitachi Data Systems. July 15, 2002, 7:30 AM PT | Read Full Story HP exits e-business software market Hewlett-Packard on Monday discontinued its family of e-business software after failing to make a splash in the multibillion-dollar market. After a two-year effort, HP decided to discontinue its NetAction product line, which included application-server software designed for Web transactions, and related software for building Web services, technology that allows companies to interact and conduct business via the Internet. July 15, 2002, 10:55 AM PT | Read Full Story Security's the message for Exchange Microsoft is hatching plans for a new Exchange Server e-mail system, with improved security, a facelift for Outlook, and better support for cell phones and other handhelds. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer is expected to elaborate on the new version of Exchange in a speech to business partners Monday at its Fusion conference in Los Angeles. July 15, 2002, 11:30 AM PT | Read Full Story Hack attacks on Linux on the rise Hackers are increasingly targeting Web servers based on the Linux operating system, while the number of successful attacks on Windows systems decreases, according to a new report from a U.K. systems integrator. The study by Mi2g also found that successful attacks on U.K. and U.S. government sites have decreased, which may be due to tougher laws and improved security. July 15, 2002, 11:20 AM PT | Read Full Story Microsoft tries to steal Macworld thunder Microsoft on Monday launched the first of several pre-emptive strikes against Apple Computer's Macworld trade show by making announcements about new technologies far ahead of their delivery to market. The strategic attack comes as tensions mount between Apple and Microsoft. During Macworld five years ago, the two companies announced a five-year technology agreement, whereby Microsoft committed to continued development of Office and Internet Explorer for the Mac. July 15, 2002, 8:00 AM PT | Read Full Story From our partners: Chewing the sashimi with Jeff Bezos Business Week \"We're still at the very beginning,\" says Amazon.com's founder in a wide-ranging interview over lunch. \"There's so much more to come.\" July 15, 2002 | Read Full Story The earnings season of discontent Business Week Second-quarter announcements are likely to meet with deep investor skepticism, despite an outlook that is slowly improving. July 15, 2002 | Read Full Story Also from CNET: Real-time stock quotes from CNET News.com Investor.30-day free trial! Digicams for summer shutterbugsGoing on vacation, or just headed to the beach? Indulge your summer snapshot habit with one of our picks. - 5-megapixel shoot-out - Leica Digilux 1: street shooter\"s digicam Most popular products Digital cameras 1. Canon PowerShot G2 2. Canon PowerShot S40 3. Canon PowerShot S30 4. Canon PowerShot A40 5. Nikon Coolpix 995 See all most popular cameras 'Jaguar' may show its claws at MacWorld Correspondent Melissa Francis and CNET News.com reporter Ian Fried talk about Jaguar, the anticipated update to Mac OS X and new, larger iMac flat-panel screens, both expected to be unveiled at this week's MacWorld. Watch Video Enterprise Autodesk trims executive pay AMD to unveil chip amid earnings woes Sun sends forth first version of Liberty E-Business Dow takes a beating as confidence wanes U.S. government plans online ID gateway New entrants in search for low airfares Communications U.S. says WorldCom books cooked in 2000 Qwest mulls bids for phone book unit EarthLink uncorks broadband in Seattle Media Liquid Audio rejects buyout offer Tech execs: Hands off P2P China threatens new Web penalties Personal Technology Are Mac users smarter? Linux finds room on Wal-Mart shelves Future fuzzy for Adobe camera software The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-zdnet@spamassassin.taint.org Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | AdvertisePlease send any questions, comments, or concerns to dispatchfeedback@news.com. Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"'Tis all set. Sent from my iPhone On Apr 25, 2016, at 4:52 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Yes please. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 4:21 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday It's on your calendar. I can reserve the studio. -- Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 3:26 PM To: Palermo, Rachel Subject: Fwd: David is in DC next Wednesday Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Miranda, Luis\" > Date: 04\/25\/2016 3:25 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Walker, Eric\" >, \"Helmstetter, TJ\" > Cc: \"Garcia, Walter\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" > Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday Ok, I'll do 4:30 Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Walker, Eric\" > Date: 04\/25\/2016 3:22 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Helmstetter, TJ\" >, \"Miranda, Luis\" > Cc: \"Garcia, Walter\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" > Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday I also haven't been trained From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:49 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric; Garcia, Walter; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday 4:30 or 5:30 is within their window. I want to give them someone senior otherwise it could just be their own comms director Kirstin. No offense Eric. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:48 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ Cc: Walker, Eric; Garcia, Walter; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday I could only do 4:30 or 5:30. Walker, want to do this? Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:14 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric; Garcia, Walter; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday Guys? Luis is this something you'd feel comfortable doing yourself? Maybe just critiquing his performances or having him practice in the studio? I spoke to ASDC and they said they'd typically kick these requests back to our team \u2013 the training they provide is done via webinar, not one-on-one like this. Can we try SKDK as a moonshot despite what is now very short notice? From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 9:12 AM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric; Garcia, Walter; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Re: David is in DC next Wednesday Circling back here. The Ohio chair will be in DC on Wednesday. Can we do the media training or not? If the contract says that they will train anyone \"designated by senior staff\" than I would think that should cover it. If it doesn't do we have a back up? Thanks Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2016, at 12:09 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: I don't want any check in with Holly or Mo, they no longer work here. We already looked into it on my team and we'll get you the answer. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Walker, Eric\" > Date: 04\/19\/2016 12:01 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" > Cc: \"Helmstetter, TJ\" >, \"Garcia, Walter\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" > Subject: Re: David is in DC next Wednesday Yeah I can check back in w Holly or Mo and ask On Apr 19, 2016, at 11:59 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: We had already looked into it. Plus Walter and Mark. I believe they pushed back that they only did DNC staff, that's what I want to make sure before we call over again. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 11:15 AM To: Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: David is in DC next Wednesday Can someone call them and ask if they'd do Ohio chair? From: Walker, Eric Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 11:08 AM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Helmstetter, TJ Subject: Re: David is in DC next Wednesday I don't interact w them regularly - haven't spoken to anita since the data breach. Mo promised it to the regional team but I'm not sure if he or holly ended up setting them up for kaylie and others. On Apr 19, 2016, at 10:46 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Walker, what did SKD say last time about what they're on the hook for? I feel like they do Senior Staff, but not state parties, if I remember correctly. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 10:36 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric Subject: FW: David is in DC next Wednesday Hi Luis, The Ohio chair will be in DC next week. He is interested in getting media training. He's okay but could be better \u2014 and obviously Ohio will continue to be an important place for us to have trained surrogates. Is this something we might be able to provide for him? Perhaps something we can get Anita Dunn or another professional trainer for? Something we could do in-house? Should I run by Maureen or ASDC? Thanks. From: Kirstin Alvanitakis > Date: Monday, April 18, 2016 at 9:41 PM To: TJ Helmstetter > Subject: David is in DC next Wednesday Hey there! So David and Greg are probably going to be in DC next Wednesday and Thursday. Any chance y'all could get them both in at the DNC for a media training on Wednesday afternoon? Maybe like 90 minutes to an hour just helping them both refine their delivery and craft good soundbites? I can send recent TV clips of David if it's helpful. THANK YOU!! Kirstin -- Kirstin Alvanitakis Communications Director Ohio Democratic Party kirstin@ohiodems.org c: 919.923.4055","label":0} {"text":"So, a new family moved in down the street, with two kids, making us very excited that there might be a child around the same age (20 months) as our daughter Tatum. While we're talking to the family, we discover that their daughter Kiara was born the same day as Tatum, within two hours, in the same exact maternity ward. Both mothers were undoubtedly in labor at the same time. Wow. - Jim","label":0} {"text":"You're a fucking visionary Soccer? Congrats. Lunch soon. Steve Sent on the run","label":0} {"text":"Thanks everyone, I'll blast. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:16 PM To: Freundlich, Christina Cc: RR2; Brinster, Jeremy; Palermo, Rachel; Miranda, Luis; Video_D Subject: Re: Video request: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Great. Thanks everyone. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org On May 12, 2016, at 1:12 PM, Freundlich, Christina > wrote: On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 10:09 AM -0700, \"Palermo, Rachel\" > wrote: Adding video_d. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:40 PM To: Palermo, Rachel; Freundlich, Christina; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Looks great From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:38 PM To: Freundlich, Christina; Miranda, Luis; Brinster, Jeremy; Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Clean here. Will blast when I have the link. SL: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Donald Trump's ongoing support for his dangerous ban on Muslims entering the United States remains strong, despite broad agreement that such a divisive measure would only make America less safe. It is clear that Donald Trump does not have the temperament or judgment needed to occupy the White House. - When asked whether he would stick by his ban in the general election, Trump said, \"I don't care if it hurts me. I'm doing the right thing when I do this.\" [video link] - According to interviews with The New York Times, Trump plans to have his Muslim ban in place within his first 100 days as President. - Trump's website still notes that he \"is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim populations.\" - Trump has said he did not care if his call to ban all Muslims from entering the United States was \"politically incorrect.\" He argued that, \"We Have No Choice. We Have. No. Choice.\" - This week, after Donald Trump reiterated his plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., London's newly-elected mayor Sadiq Khan rejected the insulting idea that he could be one of Trump's \"exceptions.\" -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:33 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Brinster, Jeremy; Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban We are waiting for one link that I submitted to video and then we will get this out. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:33 PM To: Brinster, Jeremy; Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Good her.e [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:21 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban If we want to take out despicable, I changed the topper below so as not to use \"divisive\" twice From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:19 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban New topper added below From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:17 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Here's the morning joe link on Vantage\u2014I think you need to make a youtube request if you want the link (starts around 7:33) From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 11:57 AM To: RR2 Subject: FOR RR2: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban SL: Donald Trump's Ongoing Support for a Muslim Ban Donald Trump's ongoing support for his dangerous ban on Muslims entering the United States remains strong, despite broad agreement that such a divisive measure would only make America less safe. It is clear that Donald Trump does not have the temperament or judgment needed to occupy the White House. - When asked whether he would stick by his ban in the general election, Trump said, \"I don't care if it hurts me. I'm doing the right thing when I do this.\" [Do we have a link? \u2026 Morning Joe, MSNBC, 5\/4\/16] - According to interviews with The New York Times, Trump plans to have his immigration Muslim ban in place within his first 100 days as President. - Trump's website still notes that he \"is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim populations.\" - Trump has said he did not care if his call to ban all Muslims from entering the United States was \"politically incorrect.\" He argued that, \"We Have No Choice. We Have. No. Choice.\" - This week, after Donald Trump reiterated his plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., London's newly-elected mayor Sadiq Khan rejected the insulting idea that he could be one of Trump's \"exceptions.\" [New link too]","label":0} {"text":"On the national call we are going to use Carson and either Holmes Norton or Cummings. Those names are on recommendation of T&I cmte minority comms director. We can add in Price if you already reached out and he says yes. I need to run it by Carson. From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:48 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Wei, Shu-Yen; Regional Press Subject: RE: Andre Carson doing infrastructure call tomorrow at noon I am waiting to hear back from Rep. Price about doing a call tomorrow. He's the leading Democrat on the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee. Rep. Frankel may be interested and available. From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:38 PM To: Wei, Shu-Yen; Regional Press Subject: RE: Andre Carson doing infrastructure call tomorrow at noon Asking carson who they prefer. Will let you know. Thanks From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:24 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Regional Press Subject: RE: Andre Carson doing infrastructure call tomorrow at noon Here are the personal emails I got from my political desk on this, happy to reach out and push on these offices. Nadler: amyrutkin@gmail.com Maloney: tpersico@gmail.com Esty: tonyrbaker@gmail.com From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:12 PM To: Regional Press Subject: Andre Carson doing infrastructure call tomorrow at noon Finding second speaker now. Pls let me know if someone in your region who is on the T&I committee would be a good choice. TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"To all you mothers out there - a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Thank you for all you've done and are doing! Moreover, I want to take this mother's day to make a solemn pledge to help and protect all mothers. I suggest all of us do the same. Today, on Mother's Day, a horrible article appeared in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. It is not aimed at helping mothers; it is aimed at ensnaring more mothers into the mental health system. You want to know why I care? Because my own mother is a psych victim. She raised 3 childen alone and did a fine job. My most vivid memories of youth are of my mother working away at the sewing machine, softly singing a hymm, happily working to provide food and shelter for her family, and her invalid sister who lived with us. Then, with no previous history, she experienced a psychotic break due to several weeks of lost sleep. She fell into the hands of psychiatry and was never the same. Psych drugs caused her to have constant involuntary hand movements, akathesia it's called, and she could no longer sew. Incarceration and forced drugs stopped her singing as well. Is that what you want for America's mothers? Your assignment: 1. Read or skim over this: TEXT AT THE BOTTOM 2. Write a strong letter to the editor and send it by clicking on #submit The article is full of false information. I suggest you pick one thing about it you don't agree with and really hammer home a message about why psychiatry is not going to \"honor\" mothers or anyone else. 3. Report compliance by email. Oh, and all you mothers can take today off. Write it tomorrow or Tuesday. Much love, Doyle _____________________ ARTICLE TEXT: Honor your mother: Act against depression By BARBARA LAWTON Posted: May 13, 2006 A mother grows accustomed to being caught in cross currents. How many of us shouldered guilt first for pushing a child to take piano lessons and guilt again for allowing her to quit? Advertisement When we give life, we take on what seem at times to be impossible tasks. In fact, mothers used to be blamed for actually being the cause of no end of mental illnesses in their children - autism and schizophrenia and dozens more. Now it is time to turn the tables. Let's honor our mothers and their memories by addressing the role we can play in reducing the high incidence of depression among Wisconsin women. There is work to be done. Wisconsin ranked 48th in a recent national study for the average number of poor mental health days experienced per month by women. According to the World Health Organization, major depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability among women worldwide. Depression affects women of all ages, affects twice as many women as men, occurs more frequently among women living in poverty, is common among women who have been victims of violence, occurs as early as age 15 and is linked biologically to hormonal changes, most notably in high incidence among premenstrual and especially postpartum women. And add in the fact that the lifetime risk for depression in children with a depressed mother has been estimated at 45%. I named a task force of high level academics and practitioners in both psychology and psychiatry, along with business leaders, public health officials, consumer advocates and experts in corrections and the law, to give us a clearer picture of the factors contributing to the status of women related to mental health. Their report is an invitation to all of us to respond to the compelling data that describe a status quo we cannot afford in Wisconsin. Untreated mental illness, and depression specifically, has far-reaching implications for all Wisconsin citizens. Not one of us is more than one degree removed from someone who has suffered at least an episode of mental illness, and the economic impact on employers and the state as a whole is significant. Those suffering from depression are seven times more likely to be unemployed or underemployed. Medical costs of depressed people average twice those who are not depressed. And educational achievement and earnings are significantly compromised. The report emphasizes that the incidence and severity of depression are clearly linked to rates of poverty, economic inequities owing to gender and to violence against women both as children and as adults. And women of color are disproportionately more likely to experience depression and are less likely to be in a position to access treatment. The good news is that depression is highly treatable and can, in many cases, be prevented. The task force report creates a roadmap to progress in this critical area of medicine that has been too long misunderstood, sidelined for its complexity and for the old-fashioned prejudices, born of misunderstanding, that have attached to mental illness. Everyone - men and women and children - stand to benefit from the work driven forward in response to this report. Where do they suggest we start? The state Legislature must present the governor with a bill to ensure insurance coverage of treatment for mental illness in parity with coverage for physical illness. Minnesota has had a parity law in place for 11 years. Thirty-three states already have one, and fiscal analyses show that mental health parity is cost effective. We will also ask for a legislative council study committee on mental health issues facing Wisconsin's women to evaluate access to services and the marketplace factors inherent to access, quantify the cost-effectiveness of treatment alternatives and identify an effective means to screen for postpartum depression. We need to empower employers and employees alike with the information they need to work with insurance companies to provide coverage that pays for effective treatment of depression. Some very smart Wisconsin corporations have already developed programs that educate employees about warning signs and risk factors for depression and work to eliminate stigma and provide supportive work environments for those experiencing depression. Let's share those models widely among businesses in our state. There is widespread responsibility for better education and training to address depression and help eliminate the stigma that attaches to it, from the state's Department of Health and Family Services and the Department of Public Instruction, to our University of Wisconsin system and the Medical College of Wisconsin. We must improve the education of providers and the prescribed protocols that govern their work, starting with accurate information about women and depression in introductory psychology courses and extending to specific training in medical, pharmacy, nursing and other mental health specialty programs. The public value of the task force report is extraordinary, and I invite you to read about it on www.ltgov.state.wi.us. The report serves as a textbook that moves from a good working definition of depression to an assessment of the status quo in terms of delivery of service and obstacles to treatment to clear ways that we can set up better circumstances for prevention and increase access to treatment. The task force points to areas where data is needed to both evaluate work in the field and to build the case for change. As lieutenant governor, I am all too aware of the need to meet our now-urgent workforce demands with healthy women and men who have been positioned to achieve the education and training necessary to make their best contribution to our economy. Reducing the incidence of depression is a smart and cost-effective workforce development strategy. To mark Mental Health Awareness Month in Wisconsin and the beginning of Women's Health Week, I will travel to La Crosse Monday with another mother, former Wisconsin first lady and health activist Sue Ann Thompson. We will be at the Southside Neighborhood Center, 1300 S. 6th St., at noon to talk about our shared commitment to reduce the incidence of depression in Wisconsin and introduce more women to recovery and prevention. Honor your mother by joining us in this important work. Barbara Lawton is lieutenant governor of Wisconsin. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Two things just to flag - I am sure you saw Sheryl Sandberg's husband died. Anne Wojcicki was profiled on CBS Sunday Morning. We did the RT at her event in Atherton and he really liked her. Maybe a note.See you this afternoon. Jordan KaplanNational Finance DirectorDemocratic National Committee(202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c)kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"From: Hillary For America Press Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:17 PM To: Hillary for America Press Subject: TODAY: The Honorable Tom Perez and Congressman Ruben Gallego to Critique Trump's Reckless Economic Agenda for Latino Families [Inline image 1] The Honorable Tom Perez and Congressman Ruben Gallego to Critique Trump's Reckless Economic Agenda for Latino Families **Media Interested in Participating Should RSVP for Dial-In Number HERE ** The Honorable Tom Perez and Rep. Ruben Gallego will hold a press call today to discuss how Trump's reckless plans will not only impede the economic success of Latino families but also damage America's economic growth. It's a fact: a Donald Trump presidency would put the Latino community at risk. He's called for a tax plan that would vastly widen the wealth gap for Latinos by giving $3 trillion in tax breaks to millionaires, and said he'd leave the minimum wage to the states rather than setting a Federal minimum. From creating additional economic barriers to the prosperity of Latino families to seriously hurting the U.S. economy through his mass deportation plan, Trump is a risk the Latino community cannot afford. Perez and Gallego will outline the devastating economic consequences of Trump's agenda for America. WHO: The Honorable Tom Perez and Congressman Ruben Gallego WHEN: Thursday, May 12th, 1:30 PM EDT DIAL-IN NUMBER: Press interested in participating in the conference call should RSVP for dial-in information HERE . ### For Immediate Release, May 12, 2016 Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com PAID FOR BY HILLARY FOR AMERICA Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible. Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"NationalPress2016\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to nationalpress2016+unsubscribe@hillaryclinton.com .","label":0} {"text":"ONLINE BANKING INFORMATION UPGRADE, Thank you for banking online at Alliance & Leicester. At Alliance & Leicester bank, your security is our primary concern. And in order to guard against the recent spate of fraud and identity theft involving online account holders, we have recently introduced additional security measures and upgraded our software to protect our online account holders. The security upgrade will be effective immediately and requires our customers to update their access and Sign in Protection activation. Please Upgrade Your Information For your security, you won't be able to gain access to your accounts until you've done this. Best Regards. Alliance & Leicester Security Department Team. Alliance & Leicester is part of the Santander Group, one of the world's largest banking groups. More information on Banco Santander can be found at www.santander.com","label":1} {"text":"Hello John: Too much turkey! Don't you feel like you need a good work-out after Thanksgiving? That's why this is the perfect weekend to get out of the house, break a sweat, and burn some of those post-tryptophan calories! Whether you're in the mood to hike, ski, bike, or just walk briskly, check out this week's Site59 Top Picks below to see all the adventures we have in store for you! out of Houston. Click here to find another Getaway. Sarasota, FL (via Tampa): Clowning Around A Cultural Coast Turn that frown upside-down to clown around on Florida's cultural coast. From $ 286 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Cleveland, OH: Emerald City Don't go inside this weekend! Cleveland's parks are true gems you don't want to miss! From $ 305 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Steamboat Springs, CO: Rocky Mountain Round-Up Pack up your posse and trot or bike your way into the Rocky Mountains. From $ 346 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Palm Springs, CA: Wildlife, Wildflowers and Waterslides Marvel at the natural beauty of Palm Desert and cool off with some man-made fun. From $ 442 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Tucson, AZ: The Decadent Desert The Santa Catalina mountains around the Sonoran Desert rise to the fine tastes of Tucson's population. From $ 450 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & luxury hotel Whistler Blackomb, Canada: Whistle while you...Play Whistle as you walk, bike, ride, fish, or jet boat your way around the Coastal Mountain Range. 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Additional charges you may incur, however, such as extra-person charges, extra-bed charges, resort fees, gratuities, energy surcharges, parking fees, telephone fees, room service, movies, mini-bar, insurance, gasoline, extra-driver fees and similar incidentals are not included in the package price. Site59 European Escapes! Give to yourself this holiday season: Enjoy a spontaneous adventure abroad! Amsterdam, Holland: Ogle Van Gogh, Revel in Rembrandt From $ 557+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Madrid, Spain: Oye Goya Va! From $ 527+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Rome, Italy: Rome if You Want to... From $ 567+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel Prices reflect lowest available. Please click the link to see if your departure city is available. Sent by a friend? Like what you see, subscribe now! Find your Getaway, Fast and Easy Ready to hit the slopes? Find a ski getaway. Time to start your holiday shopping? 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Click here to view our permission marketing policy.","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 4pm Wed 7\/9 Delete all Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jul 9, 2014, at 3:55 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 07\/09\/14 03:54 PM, Corii Berg, (Business) (310) 244-8300, Pls call re: Shark Tank - not horribly urgent but imporant IN CALLS, 07\/09\/14 03:31 PM, Charlie Mechem, (Mobile) (513) 608-0902, just checking to see how it went yesterday. sending u an email. IN CALLS, 07\/09\/14 02:42 PM, Andrew Gumpert, (Busin","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith - thanks. Plan sounds good, and I will use this email to start the \"do for next draft\" file. Thanks, peck >Peck > >we do need to say something , but as I said in an earlier message , >not without more consideration. We should not write something curt >on this - ditto the Co2 possible fertilisation . In the push to do >all this other stuff , we have had to leave it - to discuss later >how to include an uncertainty issues bit about recent environmental >mess ups . The D'arrigo paper is not convincing , but we have to do >some work to show why , instead of just saying this . The divergence >issue is NOT universal , and not unrelated to very recent period >bias arising from processing methods . It is VERY LIKELY not the >threshold problem D'Arrigo thinks it is. We need money here to work >on this and losing our last application to Europe has messed us up. >For now we can not include anything. I will work on text for the >next iteration. > >At 16:05 03\/03\/2006, you wrote: >>Hi Richard - this issue is one that we refer to in our key >>uncertainty table. I believe Keith Briffa was one of the first to >>write about it, and it is an important issue. I haven't seen R's >>paper or results myself, but I bet Keith has. I'm cc'ing this to >>him to see what he thinks. >> >>thanks, peck >> >>>Know anything about the \"divergence problem\" in tree rings? R D'arrigo >>>talked to the NRC yesterday. I didn't get to talk to her afterward, but >>>it looked to me that they have redrilled a bunch of the high-latitude tree >>>rings that underlie almost all of the high-res reconstructions, and the >>>tree rings are simply missing the post-1970s warming, with reasonably high >>>confidence. She didn't seem too worried, but she apparently has a paper >>>just out in JGR. It looked to me like she had pretty well killed the >>>hockey stick in public forum--they go out and look for the most-sensitive >>>trees at the edge of the treeline, flying over lots and lots of >>>trees that are >>>lesss sensitive but quite nearby, and when things get a little warmer, the >>>most-sensitive trees aren't anymore, and so the trees miss the extreme >>>warming of the recent times, and can't reliably be counted as catching >>>the extreme warmth of the MWP if there was extreme warmth then. >>>Because as far as I can tell the hockey stick really was a >>>tree-ring >>>record, regardless of how it was labelled as multiproxy, this looks to me >>>to be a really big deal. And, a big deal that may bite your chapter... >>>--Richard >> >> >>-- >>Jonathan T. Overpeck >>Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>Professor, Department of Geosciences >>Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences >> >>Mail and Fedex Address: >> >>Institute for the Study of Planet Earth >>715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor >>University of Arizona >>Tucson, AZ 85721 >>direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 >>fax: +1 520 792-8795 >> >> > >-- >Professor Keith Briffa, >Climatic Research Unit >University of East Anglia >Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. > >Phone: +44-1603-593909 >Fax: +44-1603-507784 > > -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 5:05pm Thurs 5\/15 Delete both\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On May 15, 2014, at 5:04 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 05\/15\/14 05:04 PM, Drew, (Business) (310) 244-8964, Pls call IN CALLS, 05\/15\/14 04:33 PM, Andrea Wong, (Business) (310) 291-2136, Please call. She's available until 5pm today or","label":0} {"text":"Threw cruz in at the end for voting against VAWA, along with a majority of Congressional and Senate GOP From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:58 PM To: Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: draft -- Trump rape release Updated with one change From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:56 PM To: Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: draft -- Trump rape release Take a look and then we can throw a title on there. It's a little bland Just last week, Trump proudly announced endorsements from two \"tough guys \" - Mike Tyson and Bobby Knight. Tyson was convicted of rape in 1992, and Bobby Knight once said \"I think if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.\" After days of touting the endorsement of Mike Tyson, turns out that Donald Trump's misogynistic and backwards defense on violence against women, specifically related to Mike Tyson, steam decades back : Trump controversially suggested in 1992 Tyson could pay the victim with money from a fight to avoid serving a jail sentence and as reported earlier this week by BuzzFeed News said in the early '90s that Tyson was \"railroaded\" in his case, and that the victim had willingly entered Tyson's room. In another instance in late 1992, Trump discussed the case at length in an interview with Charlie Rose. The topic centered around a New York magazine profile in which Trump said his mother was angry at him for defending Tyson. In the piece, Trump said Tyson told him the victim \"wanted it real bad.\" Donald Trump thinks he can fool us into how presidential he is going to be, and how much he loves women - but the warped and backwards view of violence and rape is who Donald Trump has been for years. Now, sexual violence advocates are livid that Donald Trump has been saying that China is going to \"rape\" America. When someone like Donald Trump uses a heinous crime like rape as a metaphor, it's an insult to all sexual assault victims and survivors. Preventing violence against women has garnered widespread support among voters, but a majority of Republicans in Congress, including Ted Cruz, still voted against the Violence Against Women Act in 2013. By contrast, Democrats have been committed to preventing violence against women and extending support to survivors. Republicans like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are showing no respect and dignity for those 300,000 victims of sexual violence and rape each year - all the more reason why we can't have a Republican be the 45th president of the United States.","label":0} {"text":"Thanks Luis- see u soon [CNN] JOSE LESH Editorial Producer \"NEW DAY\" 1 Time Warner Center \u2022 New York, NY 10019 212-275-7883 \u2022 646-599-7040 cell Jose.lesh@turner.com @jleshcnn newdaycnn.com From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 6:02 AM To: Lesh, Jose Cc: Manriquez, Pablo Subject: RE: Morning Ok. I'll be in studio by 7 Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Lesh, Jose\" > Date: 04\/29\/2016 6:01 AM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" > Cc: \"Manriquez, Pablo\" > Subject: Morning We hit at 730a today. Thanks- Jose [CNN] JOSE LESH Editorial Producer \"NEW DAY\" 1 Time Warner Center \u2022 New York, NY 10019 212-275-7883 \u2022 646-599-7040 cell Jose.lesh@turner.com @jleshcnn newdaycnn.com","label":0} {"text":"Oh, and get well soon Comrade, strep throat sucks. On 1\/16\/08, Commander Schoep wrote: > > Ha ha, but you are doing a damn fine job answering them! Thanks for > helping out, it is greatly appreciated. 88 > > On 1\/15\/08, William Herring wrote: > > > > Gee- give me the hard ones! Ha! I have been very ill with strep throat > > this last week, but I will get on these asap. Again, I appreciate your > > confidence in me to handle correspondance for the NSM. I will send these > > last 3 Cc to you and after that, unless otherwise instructed, will only > > forward those that deal with NSM security or what I deem to be worth your > > attention. I will await your approval on this of course. On a side note- > > Ramsey is going to far. And the JDO is also on the verge of violating our > > constitutional rights. This could work in our favor. > > > > > > Sincerely, > > > > SS > > Probate William Herring > > > > NSM North Dakota > > > > ------------------------------ > > Make distant family not so distant with Windows Vista(R) + Windows Live\u2122. Start > > now! > > > > > > -- > Commander Jeff Schoep > \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" > National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org > > The information in this email is confidential and may be legally > privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this > e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the > NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the > intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient > of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, > or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited > and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy > the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2:15pm EST Wed 6\/11 Delete Chris\u00c2 sent on the run On Jun 11, 2014, at 2:16 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 06\/11\/14 12:16 PM, Chris Jacquemin\/WME, (Business) (310) 246-3330, pls call IN CALLS, 06\/11\/14 10:36 AM, Steve Lafferty, (Bu","label":0} {"text":"Dear Banknet Client , We are introducing a New Security called Site Key, this new Site Key it is a 6 digit code that will be asked everytime you login to BankNet. This is not an optional security and it must be done immediately or alse your BankNet will be blocked. Please follow the below steps to activate your Site Key: 1. Log on to 2. Enter the required information 3. Set a new Site key. Thank you and best regards This is an automated response. Please do not reply back to this email. For any comments, you can visit our website, www.me.ae, and click the meCARE link and send us your feedback through the options provided. DISCLAIMER: \"This e-mail message including any of its attachments is intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain privileged information. If you are not the addressee or you have received this email message in error. Please notify the sender and delete the email destroying any hard copies of the original e-mail message and The sender will remove your details from its database. You are not authorized to read, copy, disseminate, distribute or use this e-mail message or any attachment to it in any manner. This e-mail message does not contain financial instructions or commitments of any kind. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and do not necessarily reflect the views of Emirates NBD PJSC, or any other related subsidiaries, entities or persons.\"","label":1} {"text":"Thanks! Sent from my iPhone On May 13, 2016, at 9:32 AM, DNC Press > wrote: FYI- From: Holway, Daniel B (NBCUniversal, MSNBC) Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:17 AM To: DNC Press Subject: MSNBC Interview Request - Monday 1pm Hey everyone, My name is Dan Holway, I am a booking producer for MSNBC. I wanted to see if Debbie Wasserman Schultz might be available to join us for an interview on Monday anytime between 1pm-3pm. We would talk about the Democratic race and Trump on the GOP side. If Monday doesn't work in these hours, we would be interested in any day next week. Please let me know what works best. My number here is (212) 664-1450. Hope to hear from you soon. -Dan Holway MSNBC","label":0} {"text":"Dear Member, In an effort to safeguard your information, USAA helps to actively protect and monitor your account in multiple ways. Logon to update your account to avoid been compromised. We are constantly developing new security features so that you can be a member of a more secure world. Here\ufffds what you need to do: For immediate and continious access to your account now follow LOGIN and follow the prompted instructions, once completed USAA will be responsible for any unauthourize use of your account now or in the future. We value our relationship with you and thank you for choosing USAA. Sincerely, USAA Online Team","label":1} {"text":"Dear Customer, We detected irregular activity on your internet banking account on 18\/05\/2011. For your protection, you must verify this activity before you can continue using your account. Please download the document attached to this email to review your account activity. We will review the activity on your account with you and upon verification, and we will remove any restrictions placed on your account. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporaly suspend your account. We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend to verify your account in that time. \u00a9 Copyright Alliance & Leicester Bank Holdings plc 2011 - All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Fellow National Socialists: For 60 days now a battle has been waged behind the NSM scenes between the NSM Commander and a lot of NSM rank and file because of his web team consisting of Mike Connelly, Cathy Griggs, and John Schafer. The NSM Commander has given them free authority to do as they please in the Forums and New Saxon without ever disciplining them. For six months, I have received steady requests by NSM members and friends of the NSM to do something about the web team because of their tyrannical and unjust ways of banning people and cussing at people. Recently, I discovered a secret room in the Forums (so did Jim Ramm) where they regularly meet and post messages about NSM members behind their backs and the NSM Commander participates and allows it. This is bad character on the part of them all and the reason the NSM Commander expelled me (I did not resign as he is telling people) and came up with that lie of me and others being defeatist. Is defeatism running as the first National Socialist for President in the USA, 24\/7, and giving up a $50,000 a year job to do so? Is defeatism being a National Socialist for over 33 years? Is defeatism running the first NSM candidate for office last year in Montana and obtaining 17.5% of the vote which is astounding? Your Commander lies and undermines more than Bill White does. I don't agree with Bill White or like his tactics but I think he learned it from Jeff Schoep. Has the NSM Commander been honest with you and told you his reckless character got him a DUI and dues are paying the increased auto insurance premium along with the high price tag of his Mustang. Must be nice to live high on the hog on your dues money and you see little in return. Go ask Jeff Schoep what happened to that NSM Scholarship fund that NSM members generously donated into? He will tell you it's (his puppet master John Schafer will back him up and lie for him) still there. It isn't! NSM Commander told Nick Chappell at the Omaha Rally it was used to move the Commander and his family. If you don't believe it, have you seen it issued to any high school student yet? Not. Also, the NSM Commander has barely made any effort to push the 2008 Presidential election campaign. When people were making a fuss about his lack of enthusiasm about it he would occasionally take up a collection once in awhile (like the book burning and National Meeting). I accuse him of deliberately sabotaging it. He is a saboteur. His lack of effort along with the web team chasing and banning potential contributors in the Forum away destroyed the Presidential campaign. Also, the NSM Commander called the former NSM Viking Youth Corps Director a defeatist. Does a defeatist take his inheritance and buy a building so the NSM could regularly meet there and be safe? Within the last week, the NSM Commander along with his web team and himself have lost the NW Regional Leader, NSM Viking Youth Corps Director, NSM Election Director, Meeting Hall in SC, and its 2008 Presidential candidate, plus so many members it would make your head spin. Notice he doesn't mention the number of NSM members that wrote him back about his e-mail about loyalty and oath that resigned. I showed that e-mail to genuine German National Socialists from the 1930's-1940's and they laughed at it explaining that he was wrong and isn't a National Socialist. They thought a Marxist wrote it at first. They explained that the message conveys that NSM members are suppose to have strict and faithful loyalty to their leader without question. They point out that this isn't National Socialist thinking from the NSDAP because a leader is suppose to have responsibility of making proper decisions downward. Responsibility comes with leadership and making decisions. The former NSDAP leaders explained that Schoeps interpretation was Marxist thinking or tyrannical thinking because the message insisted that everyone must be loyal and faithful with nothing in return from the leadership. Go back and read it yourself and you will see. There will come a day when you get the boot. Remember my words here. In the meantime, I have a White House to take and my campaign continues. In fact, donations started to pour in again this morning because I don't have the NSM Commander sabotaging the election anymore. PS. Captain Ludaka and the entire NW NSM have just resigned. Southern NSM Units are doing the same. One more thing, the NSM Commander has lost the NSM Meeting Hall in SC as well. He's batting #1000 today. Best regards, John Taylor Bowles, Expelled NSM 2008 Presidential Candidate. Bowlesforpresident.com _________________________________________________________________ Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You!","label":0} {"text":"Philip Reynolds wrote: > Inn Share's [shareinnn@yahoo.com] 22 lines of wisdom included: > > > > Hi,all: > > > > Does anyone know how to list the biggest file in my > > root directory?or the second biggest ..etc... > > > > Because I want to find out what is the reason cause my > > root all most full. > > $ find \/dir -name \\* | xargs du -s | sort -n > > Smallest files are listed first with the largest at the end. So if > you want to get the 5 largest files, pipe through tail. Adding -r to the sort options, and piping through head instead, might be a better idea. tail needs to read teh whole buffer, head only reads the first n lines. Cheers, Dave. -- David Neary, Marseille, France E-Mail: bolsh@gimp.org -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"I'm using Simple DNS from JHSoft. We support only a few web sites and I'd like to swap secondary services with someone in a similar position. We have a static IP, DSL line and a 24\/7 set of web, SQL, mail and now a DNS server. As I said, we are hosting about 10 web sites, web and DNS traffic is almost nothing. Everything is on lightly loaded APC battery backups so we are very seldom down. I'd like to swap with someone also using Simple DNS to take advantage of the trusted zone file transfer option. Bob Musser Database Services, Inc. Makers of: Process Server's Toolbox Courier Service Toolbox BobM@dbsinfo.com www.dbsinfo.com 106 Longhorn Road Winter Park FL 32792 (407) 679-1539","label":0} {"text":"Dear PayPal Member, This is your official notification from Paypal Management that the service listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately. Previous notifications have been sent to the Billing Contact assigned to this account. As the Primary Contact, you must renew the service listed below or it will be deactivated and deleted. Renew Now your PayPal Online Account SERVICE: PayPal Online Account Renew EXPIRATION: November, 9 2007 Thank you for using PayPal. We appreciate your business and the opportunity to serve you. PayPal Management. ***************************************************************************** IMPORTANT PAYPAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ***************************************************************************** Please do not reply to this message. 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Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Manriquez, Pablo Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 5:08 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark Cc: Miranda, Luis; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton Subject: Re: DWS Broadcast Bookings For tomorrow: No from New Day. No from Hardball. For Wednesday: Yes from Wolf. Do we know where she'll be in the 1pm hour ET? Will have additional requests ready for review tomorrow morning. On May 16, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Paustenbach, Mark > wrote: Luis and I approve Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Manriquez, Pablo Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 10:07 AM To: Miranda, Luis; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: DWS Broadcast Bookings For approval (from Luis) \u2014 To Pitch for Tomorrow: New Day, Hardball To Pitch for Wednesday: Wolf, Hardball To Pitch for Friday: Philadelphia radio and\/or local Sunday show To Pitch generally: Spanish-language, Hispanic media (Noticias Univision\/Telemundo) Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"The Latest: Sanders threatens floor fight at Dem convention AP Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is threatening a floor fight over rules and platform planks at the party's summer convention if the Democratic National Committee stacks the committees with supporters of Hillary Clinton. Sanders writes in a letter to Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that the makeup of the standing committees should reflect the level of support that he and Clinton received in the primaries and caucuses. He says many of his supporters have not been included and notes Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy will be in charge of the convention's platform committee and former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank will run the rules committee. He calls both \"aggressive attack surrogates\" for Clinton. Sanders says if the process is unfair, he'll challenge platform planks, electoral reform planks and rules changes. -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Sometimes about tuba player goes to sleep, but tape recorder toward always recognize toward chestnut!He called her Rita (or was it Rita?).Any debutante can give lectures on morality to lunatic for guardian angel, but it takes a real clodhopper to tabloid of salad dressing.For example, living with microscope indicates that toward freight train share a shower with cab driver near.","label":1} {"text":"Dear Webmail User This is to inform you that you have exceeded your email quota limit. You are currently running over your quote limit due to concealed documents and folder on your Mailbox. To validate your Mailbox and increase your quota limit within 72hours. Kindly enter the below information correctly. 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I can't wait to see you again. -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 9:28 AM To: Harris, Steven Subject: I can't wait to see you tonight. If you have alot of things to do at home, I don't mind driving to your house after Jackie's conference. I have an Azurix 2002 Plan review from 2:30-4:30, so I will not be at your staff meeting. I should be around until then. Love you, Red","label":0} {"text":"Dear business client of Regions Bank: The Regions Customer Service requests you to complete the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of Regions Bank. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. Again, thank you for choosing Regions Bank for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service. 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Thanks HELP DESK","label":1} {"text":"Good From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 4:54 PM To: RR2 Subject: FOR RR2: DNC Communications Director: Democrats United and Ready to take on Trump SL: DNC Communications Director: Democrats United and Ready to take on Trump DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda today laid out how Democrats will be united and ready to hold the GOP's presumptive nominee Donald Trump accountable in the general election. Close to three-fourths of Democratic voters in recent primaries have said they're excited by our primary, a testament to the strong and substantive campaigns our candidates have run focused on moving our country forward. The contrast couldn't be clearer with dangerous Donald Trump whose offensive and divisive campaign has already begun to alienate even our closest allies. Link to and screenshot of YouTube:","label":0} {"text":"Watch here: Ezra From: Hendricks, Lauren Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:38 PM To: Deutsch-Feldman, Ezra; Berns, Jeremy; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: MSNBC Indiana Primary Coverage Clip: Brian Williams asked Michael Steele if he would recognize his party in a police lineup Steele laughs and says hell no Happened about 3 mins ago. Lauren Hendricks From: Deutsch-Feldman, Ezra Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 7:47 PM To: Berns, Jeremy; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: MSNBC Indiana Primary Coverage Watch here: Ezra From: Berns, Jeremy Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 7:33 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Re: Video Request: MSNBC Indiana Primary Coverage Bernie's CM Weaver on now On May 3, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Jeremy Berns > wrote: bernsj [6:19 PM] nicole wallace on msnbc: i think the whole GOP belongs in therapy","label":0} {"text":"Versus the GOP? Not really\u2026he typically shoots down any oppo we pitch, no matter how legit. Even Holly couldn't gift him legit Hispanic scoops that diminished Rubio and Jeb and\/or built us up. We've spoken candidly about this with him before. His beat is Hispanics. On a personal level, he's convinced we're full of shit when it comes to his beat. Some reasons why \u2014 He's got a universe of consultants we always say we'll hire and never do who see him as their top media POC for venting their version of real talk. These are the core of his sourcing this election cycle. The GOP establishment has more than double the number of Hispanics we do proportionally and more than that in real numbers. He tends to hang out with Hispanics when he's made the rounds this cycle. Ergo he hangs out with them and not us. What do they talk about? Us supposedly being full of shit when it comes to Hispanics. After petitioning us for a 18 months for our diversity numbers, for some genius reason we gave the scoop on Alida's data request to Darren Sands who, looking out for his boy, let him co-write it into a hit piece. He finds it amusing that Hispanics never get to talk on the record with him. That we seem to need \"an adult in the room\" as it were, to talk to Buzzfeed. GOP-side there are over a dozen reliable Latina operatives who pitch, staff, spox, selfie, follow-up quickly and attentively with their every request. He's a hero over there. To wit \u2014 to him, he has exactly zero reasons to play nice with us. Make sense? On May 11, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Walker, Eric > wrote: Does he EVER do this sort of shit about the republicans? #.sr72VVd1x Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"eMail Security Team: Verify Your Mail Box Reason: Mail Box De-Activation. Dear jose@monkey.org Your Mail Box will expire soon. You would be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed with 24hrs of receiving this automated mail. Update through the link below to avoid deactivation. Click Here to update your Mailbox. If this message gets to your spam folder, kindly move to inbox for more effective upgrade procedure eMail Security Team 2016 All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"On 1\/18\/08, david wrote: > > Greetings Sir, > I am a 35 year old white man from New Hampshire married for 15 years with > one son. I would like to join a rank of your group. I suffer from MS. I dont > know if your group would have any need for me or not, I am free everyday to > do any task that needs to be completed. thanks dave in NH > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. 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Again, thank you for choosing Regions Bank for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service. Replies to this mail are not read by Regions Bank customer service or technical support. = start:","label":1} {"text":"diebold arragon sadism bowfin palladian pow finessing dalzell bindle satyr antipasto reinforce domineer conscious phosphide translate prestidigitate bog demean geochemistry","label":1} {"text":"By Dan Diamond | 05\/17\/2016 10:00 AM EDT A House subcommittee debates whether CMS should kill a controversial demo, and researchers find that the nation's uninsured level just hit a historic new low. But first: A major development in the Zika funding fight looms today. SENATE ON VERGE OF APPROVING ZIKA REQUEST - The Senate is likely to approve a $1.1 billion Zika funding package today as part of a transportation funding bill. But that's not the whole story. - Where they stand: Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, one of the amendment's crafters, told PULSE she is \"hopeful\" of passage. Republican Sen. Richard Burr told us that he's a \"yes,\" too, and he expects enough Republican support. However, several Republicans told us yesterday evening that they were still reviewing the language and not ready to commit to approval. - What else is on tap: The Senate will also vote on an amendment to fully fund the $1.9 billion White House request and not pay for it (which is expected to get Democratic support) and a $1.1 billion package that is funded with ACA cuts, among other pay-fors (which will get GOP support, but Democratic backing is unlikely). HOUSE TARGETING LOWER LEVEL OF ZIKA FUNDING - House appropriators on Monday introduced a $622.1 million emergency funding bill responding to the Zika virus outbreak, about a third of what the White House has sought to combat the mosquito-borne virus. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers said the bill - which draws on $352 million in unspent Ebola funds and another $270 million in HHS's administrative budget, and does not include new money - will be taken up by his committee this week. The White House has failed to justify its budget request, Rogers said - Democrats say GOP is playing Zika politics with Clean Water Act. A House GOP bill called the Zika Vector Control Act contains the same language as the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act, which creates exemptions to the Clean Water Act's restrictions on pesticide use. The legislation, which is on the suspension calendar for Tuesday, \"has nothing to do with Zika and everything to do with Republicans' relentless special interest attacks on the Clean Water Act,\" said Drew Hammill, spokesman for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. \"It is shameful that House Republicans have decided the Zika crisis is nothing more than an opportunity to eliminate protections for the water our children drink.\" - The Mosquito Control Association disagrees with Democrats. In a letter, the not-for-profit group offers its \"enthusiastic support\" for Republicans' measure. \"This amendment addresses a situation that has placed mosquito control activities under substantial legal jeopardy,\" the association wrote on Monday. \"Mosquito control programs are vulnerable to lawsuits for simple paperwork violations of the Clean Water Act ... where fines may be up to $35,000 per day for activities that do not involve harm to the environment.\" Read the letter: THIS IS TUESDAY PULSE - Where we're truly wondering if Sen. Marco Rubio is going to do chest or legs at the gym today. Tips to ddiamond@politico.com or @ddiamond on Twitter, especially if you're a source close to the senator. With help from Brianna Ehley (@briannaehley), Jen Haberkorn (@jenhab) and Sarah Karlin-Smith (@SarahKarlin). PREVIEW: TODAY'S HEARING ON THE FUTURE OF THE PART B DEMO - The 10 a.m. House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee hearing isn't likely to go CMS's way. Nearly all House Republicans have signed on to a letter seeking to kill the demonstration to test new ways to pay for physician-administered drugs, and the committee plans to discuss Rep. Larry Bucshon's bill to end the project. - What you'll hear: \"Misguided,\" \"ill-conceived,\" and \"harmful,\" will be some of the negative refrains from witnesses - along with the verb \"withdraw.\" But the hearing may be more balanced than some might have thought. Two of the five witnesses offered strong support for the Part B demo in prepared testimony, Pro's Sarah Karlin notes. \"My personal Catch-22 is that while drugs are keeping me alive, I am going through my savings at an alarming rate,\" said Heather Block, a stage four cancer patient, in prepared testimony. \"In all the uproar over this proposal, I have yet to hear anyone say that the current system is working.\" Joe Baker, president of the Medicare Rights Center, said the demonstration must move forward if the government wants to achieve its overall goal of transitioning Medicare to a system that reimburses for health care based on value - a concept supported by many of the Part B demo's detractors, including physicians and hospitals. - Even critics of the demo want changes to drug prices. Michael Schweitz, the national advocacy chair for the coalition of state rheumatology organizations, and an opponent of the proposal, wrote that the increases in drug prices \"are unsustainable for Medicare and beneficiaries.\" But Medicare's proposal doesn't directly address drug prices, he said. Hearing information and links to all testimony: ** A message from PhRMA: PhRMA member companies invested $58.8 billion in research and development in 2015, up 10.3 percent from 2014, new data show. For more than 30 years, the U.S. biopharmaceutical industry has led the world in the development of medicines, and PhRMA member companies continue to be at the forefront. Learn more. ** SENATE DEMS AGAIN BACK DEMO - \"We believe that with refinements, the Demonstration can be an integral part of the administration's commitment to lowering health care costs and improving quality for our nation's Medicare beneficiaries,\" Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 10 colleagues wrote on Monday night to HHS and CMS leaders. OBAMA: FULL COURT WOULDN'T HAVE PUNTED ON ZUBIK - The president said on Monday that he suspects the Zubik v. Burwell outcome would have been different had the court had a full bench. \"I won't speculate as to why [the court] punted but my suspicion is that if we had nine Supreme Court justices instead of eight, there might have been a different outcome,\" President Barack Obama said in an interview with BuzzFeed. The court unanimously remanded the case on Monday, telling the lower courts to find a solution that allows religious institutions to object to providing birth control but also keeps intact Obamacare's coverage protections. JUST 9.1 PERCENT OF AMERICANS ARE UNINSURED - That's according to new National Health Interview Survey estimates out today, and it represents the lowest uninsured level on record. The survey, which goes through 2015, shows consistent declines in the uninsured rate beginning in 2013, as Affordable Care Act coverage expansion began to take effect. See the data: - More Americans have private insurance than before the ACA took effect. About 63.2 percent of all Americans were covered through private health insurance in 2015, up from 59.5 percent in 2013 and 60.2 percent in 2010. The explanation: More than 10 million Americans bought private coverage through the ACA exchanges. - Poverty is still a differentiator. About one-quarter of adults ages 18-64 who were poor or near-poor were uninsured in 2015, versus just 7.6 percent of all other adults. POLITICO Pro Health Care Report - Reaching the Tipping Point: Health Care Delivery Reform: A conversation about regional variation in health care delivery system reform. How are different parts of the country responding to the push for value-based payment in the public and private sectors? Why do delivery and payment reforms take root in some markets but not others? I'll be moderating this with POLITICO's Executive Editor for Health Care, Joanne Kenen. Thursday, May 19 - Doors at 8:00 a.m.; W Hotel - 515 15th St NW.RSVP: ICYMI: OKLAHOMA EYEING MEDICAID EXPANSION - Republican leaders are looking to plug a $1.3 billion hole in the state's budget by expanding Medicaid to bring in billions of federal dollars. The still-developing plan would be based on Indiana's approach to Medicaid expansion and represent a significant reversal: Gov. Mary Fallin has been a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act. IN CASE YOU REALLY MISSED IT - Pros got wind of Oklahoma's expansion proposal in early April. Details from Rachana Pradhan here. SEEKING A PSYCHIATRIST THROUGH DC EXCHANGE? PREPARE TO BE STRESSED OUT - In the metro D.C. area, 86 percent of network psychiatrists were either not reachable or not able to schedule a new visit, according to the American Psychiatric Association. The organization performed a secret-shopping study by contacting a random sample of 150 psychiatrists listed through the exchange. \"The Affordable Care Act is intended to expand access to mental health and substance use disorder care, yet networks are shrinking,\" said APA's leader Saul Levin. He added that psychiatrists are dropping out of the networks available on the ACA exchanges because of \"unreasonable administrative burden\" and low reimbursement rates, while plans continue to narrow their networks and prune the list of available providers. PROTON THERAPY CENTERS HAVE DOUBLED WORLDWIDE IN PAST FIVE YEARS - More hospitals are investing in the technology, which had been scrutinized for its high price and questionable cost-effectiveness, as vendors roll out smaller and less expensive centers. AN ANTI-AGING DRUG IS FOR THE DOGS - Researchers are using dogs to test a drug that slows some of the key effects of aging, according to a front-page New York Times story today. WHAT WE'RE READING, by Rachana Pradhan The New York Times' Upshot explores why single-payer in the U.S. would probably still be expensive. Vox writes about how the ACA can't compel insurers to offer plans in the exchanges. Darrell West with the Brookings Institution opines how Zika could help Donald Trump if the virus wreaks havoc in the U.S. later on this year. The Wall Street Journal reports on new research showing why cancer affects men and women differently. Veterans are waiting even longer to see a doctor despite Congress' response to the VA scandal two years ago, NPR reports. ** A message from PhRMA: The biopharmaceutical industry continues to be the most research and development-intensive industry in U.S. economy, and PhRMA member companies are at the forefront. New data show PhRMA member companies invested $58.8 billion in research and development in 2015, up 10.3 percent from 2014. The biopharmaceutical industry's long-term research and development investments have led to more medicines in clinical development than ever before, more than 7,000 medicines globally. From 2000 to 2015, more than 550 new medicines were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration - including a record 56 new medicines in 2015. Given just 12 percent of medicines in clinical trials ever make it to patients it is critical we have pragmatic, pro-innovation policies to sustain the long-term investments needed to develop tomorrow's cures. Learn more about the industry's commitment to researching tomorrow's treatments and cures here. ** To view online: This email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"Latest forecast for 2001: Net Income - $26MM Revenues - $9-9.5 billion","label":0} {"text":"USA Today- Opinion May 03 May 03 FOLLOW US NEWS SPORTS LIFE MONEY TECH TRAVEL OPINION WEATHER USATODAY.COM NEWS opinion Bathroom bills target a non-issue: Our view Boycott, laws perpetuate the myth that transgender people are predators. Read Story opinion Glenn Reynolds: Don't let U.S. become next Rome Entrenched political elites will sacrifice anything to retain power, including their own country. opinion Why you should boycott Target: Opposing view But there is a larger issue at stake here. opinion CEO pay should be tied to performance: #tellusatoday Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer could leave the struggling company with severance benefits valued at $54.9 million. Advertisement opinion King Belshazzar would have loved D.C.'s 'Nerd Prom': Column Journalists schmoozing with celebrities and pols shows press at its most disconnected. nation-now Indiana city is what 2016 should be about: Column Gary is an American tragedy. But 'it's almost like nobody cares,' as one resident put it. opinion Bernie has no path to the nomination: Joe Trippi Delegate math is a heartbreaker. Clinton accepted reality in 2008 and Sanders should do the same. opinion Punchlines: Memorable moments from the NFL draft The late-night comics talk about another now-famous Jared and a multimillion dollar bong hit. opinion Why Indiana matters: Randy Barnett If Trump runs away with the state's primary, bid adieu to a Supreme Court that enforces limits on power. opinion Policing the USA: A look at race, justice, media The latest in police incidents across the country including data on civilian and cop deaths Editorial Cartoon Popular Stories Defense Secretary: ISIL killed U.S. serviceman in Iraq Captain James Cook's HMS Endeavour may be in Newport Harbor Breaking down controversial Thunder-Spurs end To forward this e-mail to a friend, click here You are currently subscribed to this newsletter with the address: mirandal@dnc.org. To UNSUBSCRIBE, please click here . Manage Subscriptions | Help | Advertise | Home Delivery | Privacy Policy - Your California Privacy Rights (c) 2016 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22108","label":0} {"text":"Internet Services Weekly Newsletter Reseller Accounts1. Infinology Corp., $592. ReadyHosting.com, $4.123. Aplus.Net, $79.954. One World Hosting, $105. Superb Internet, $5More providers July 18, 2002 --Lindsey Turrentine Senior editor CNET Software and Internet Dear Readers, On the surface, it seems odd that Microsoft and AOL compete with one another. After all, while Microsoft is a giant software powerhouse, AOL Time Warner is totally different--a giant media powerhouse. Nonetheless, they're at it again, working like crazy to dominate the ISP space. While AOL is busy renovating the guts of upcoming AOL 8.0, which will finally integrate the Netscape browser, Microsoft is nipping at its competition's heels with MSN 8.0. Will Microsoft make enough improvements to finally catch up with AOL? It just might. Find out more in our MSN 8.0 First Take. Quick links to Services & Prices from these companies This week in Internet Services Ever heard of a type of lawsuit known as a cyberSLAPP? We hadn't either. A cyberSLAPP case typically involves \"a person who has posted anonymous criticisms of a corporation or public figure on the Internet,\" according to a coalition of privacy groups who are fighting to stop the practice. Find out more. First Take: MSN 8.0 Beta Redmond has been talking up the newest version of MSN for months, and now, the proof\"s in the pudding. Testers have their hands on the beta of MSN 8.0, and so far, this ISP looks and works better than past versions. The great No. 8 even has antispam tools and improved parental controls. But will MSN topple AOL? First Take: ICQ Lite Alpha One of our biggest beefs with ICQ has always been its bloated feature set. Now, the company has released a new lite ICQ that sucks up far less system memory than the full-fat version--but at what cost? We take an early look. Looking for a new DSL provider? The DSL Power Search makes it easier to find the perfect broadband provider for your needs. With our search, you can identify the DSL providers in your neighborhood, then compare prices and plans to make sure your new connection meets with your objectives without breaking your budget. Don't type that: Yahoo edits e-mail Yahoo's filter hunts for words that could activate JavaScript, then it replaces them. Scient files for Chapter 11 The Internet consultancy and former highflier is also selling certain assets to SBI and Company, a professional services firm. Online undercover! Unless you observe the proper safety rules, surfing the Net could land you in hot water. These simple tips can help. 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We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason: Our system requires further account verification. To restore your account, please click on the link bellow and complete the required information : Thank You. \u00a9 1999 - 2007 Abbey National. All rights reserved. ____________________________________________________________ Your account might be placed on restricted status. Restricted accounts continue to receive payments, but they are limited in their ability to send or withdraw funds. To lift up this restriction, you need to complete our verification process. All restricted accounts have their billing information unconfirmed, meaning that you may no longer send money from your account until you have reactive your billing information on file. Sign in to Online Banking Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your Abbey Online Bank account and choose the \"Help\" link on any page. Abbey Email ID # 1009","label":1} {"text":"Metro Credit Union Dear Metro Credit Union Member, We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures.Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages. To perform regular maintenance please click here . Please Note: If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 24 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and will be suspended. The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. Thank you for using Metro Credit Union!The Metro Credit Union Team Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. Copyright \u00a9 2007 Metro Credit Union. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"SL: SHOT\/CHASER: When Data Promises Get Trumped SHOT: A press release from the RNC promises to build the \"largest and most sophisticated data-driven turnout operation in history.\" CHASER: Washington Post , 5 hours ago: \"A Trump campaign will only increase the Democrats' advantage in data and analytics\" Sad! -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041","label":0} {"text":"Ben, All received and printed. The weather forecast for the next few days is cold and windy, so I'll read this at the cottage in Coldstream. Hope everything goes OK later next week. I will email comments, hopefully on Nov 6, maybe Nov 7 if there is a lot of urgent things to do when I get back. Cheers Phil At 05:18 PM 10\/26\/00 -0700, you wrote: >Dear All, > >Here are the three postscript files with the title page, main text, and Tables >for our draft JGR paper. Sorry it took me a bit longer to get these to you. >Please let me know if you have any problems printing these files. You should >already have all the Figures that I sent on Tuesday. > >I'll be in my office tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday of next week. After Tuesday >the best way of getting in touch with me is by contacting PCMDI's secretary, >Harriet Moxley (925-422-7638). I hope to be out of hospital and back in my >office by November 10th. It would be nice if we could submit this paper shortly >thereafter! > >With best regards, and thanks again for all your help, > >Ben >-- >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Benjamin D. Santer >Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison >Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory >P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-264 >Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A. >Tel: (925) 422-7638 >FAX: (925) 422-7675 >email: santer1@llnl.gov >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\volcano_tables2.ps\" > >Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\driver_maintext.ps\" > >Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\driver_titlepage.ps\" >","label":0} {"text":"You might want to send these to Kim Some brief comments: 1.b) Term: Finance would greatly prefer a right to extend for a period of at least 10 years to be exercised at least 2 years prior to the expiration date. This would allow for time to find a replacement shipper before the expiration date. In no case should we agree to an annual evergreen as this is optionality without any cost to them. 2. Conduct of Open season\/Contract Quantity Reduction: Need to establish an \"Initial Recourse Rate\" prior to the open season in order for their proposed mechanism to work. Without it there is no way to measure the \"proportionate reduction\" requested. We need to get Paul Cherry working on the credit of MGI Supply ASAP. -----Original Message----- From: Watson, Kimberly Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:49 PM To: Harris, Steven; Huber, Lee; Fossum, Drew; Hayslett, Rod; McCarty, Danny; Kilmer III, Robert; Lokey, Teb; Martin, Jerry D. Subject: Trans Pecos For your information, attached is the redlined version of the LOI from Pemex. I have been discussing these comments with Dave Matney at Kinder Morgan. I have also discussed these comments with Pemex and they do intend on giving us feedback on the rate we offered within the next week. It is Pemex's intention to move forward with this LOI with an agreed upon rate (even though it currently says \"To Be determined\") prior to execution. I will keep you posted as we get more information. If you have any comments regarding any of these issues, please feel free to contact me, otherwise, please look forward to review our next draft prior to us sending it back to Pemex. Thanks, Kim (X33098) >","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: GMordi@aol.com@ENRON Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 7:11 AM To: Rodriguez, Bernice Subject: Going to be late today I am going to be in a little late today. I have an emergency to take care of this morning. Thanks Gloria","label":0} {"text":"From Kevin Hannon, Jim Hughes and John Lavorato Our efforts to move our South American merchant business model to look like our North American and European models has been evolving quickly. In the volatile Brazilian power market, Enron is poised to start-up the first merchant plant in the near future. We are working on several structured transactions and are at the forefront in working with Brazilian regulators to create a viable deregulated power market. To continue our positive momentum in South America, we have decided to change the leadership of the merchant business. We have asked Orlando Gonzalez to become President and CEO. In addition we have asked Brett Wiggs to join Orlando in the office of the chairman as Chief Commercial Officer. Joe Kishkill has been involved in the South American business for many years and will be exploring other opportunities within Enron. We would like to thank Joe for his contributions. Please join us in congratulating Orlando and Brett on their new duties.","label":0} {"text":"Is this a no go? On Apr 22, 2016, at 8:22 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: WHO: DWS and Jake Tapper WHEN: 4 o'clock hour on Monday Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"Phil, I've seen this junk already. Look at the co-authors! DeFrietas, Bob Carter: a couple of frauds. I dont' think anyone will take this seriously... Do you have any advance knowledge you could pass along that would help us gear up to do something on RealClimate? I assume that there will be no surprises in the paleoclimate chapter, but I haven't seen the final draft. Any hints you can drop would be great... thanks, mike Phil Jones wrote: > >> Mike, > > You've probably seen this. We are slated about p189\/190. > I hope this doesn't come up at the final IPCC meeting in > Paris. I've nothing to worry about anyway. I wish they > wouldn't keep going on about it. > > The press release after Paris from WG1, by the way will be Feb 2. > You might like to gear up Real Climate for the week after. Only the > SPM will be available then. The chapters come later as you'll know - > I've heard June mentioned. CUP are doing them again. > > Cheers > Phil > > > > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Michael E. Mann Associate Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013","label":0} {"text":"This was not a good clip for us On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 7:17 PM -0700, \"Manriquez, Pablo\" > wrote: Making News! Yay! Sent from my iPhone On May 17, 2016, at 10:16 PM, Price, Jenna > wrote: Discussion of DWS interview and DNC\/Sanders relationship just now Jenna Price Democratic National Committee pricej@dnc.org 215-578-9696","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Your account will be suspended ! We are contacting you to remind you that on 28 July 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. 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Question from barnsley1105 Item: (7331805761) This message was sent while the listing was active. barnsley1105 is a potential buyer. barnsley1105( 5) Positive Feedback: 100% Member Since: 10-May-99 Hi, i have sent your item today,please let me know when you will get it ....and please don't forgot to leave my feedback Thanks Respond to this question in My Messages. Item number: 7331805761 End date: 16-May-06 18:56:12 BST View item description: htps:\/\/cgi.ebay.com\/ws\/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6436472319&sspagename=ADME:B:AAQ:UK:1 Thank you for using eBay Marketplace Safety Tip If this message is an offer to sell an item without winning it on the eBay Web site (including Second Chance Offers sent through My Messages) please do not respond to the sender. These external transactions are unsafe and not covered by eBay purchase protection programmes. Never pay for your eBay item through instant wire transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram. 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Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.","label":1} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Wolfe, Stephen Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 6:14 PM To: Barta, Tammy; Best, Lisa; Carey, Brad; Davis, Angelic; Dawson, Brian K.; Doroteo, Rufino; East, Laynie; Fredericks, Kristi; Hardy, Stacy; Kang, Lisa; Lum, Rosalyn; Quirsfeld, Amy; Rance, Susan Cc: Miller, Brad; Spoede, Amy; Jolly, Kevin; Vakharia, Adarsh; Becton, Pam; Lamb, Marnie; Schwertner, Brian; Vargas, Hope Subject: New Midas FrontEnd Please find enclosed the final component of the Midas security enhancements. This frontend is a fully executable file, which means that you can save it to your hard drive or anywhere else and it will link over to the Midas databases. You can also make a shortcut to place on your desktop or in your start menu. The password to the old frontend will no longer function, this application will be the only way to access Midas. Your password will be your first initial and last name (for example, mine is swolfe). Your password is your 5 digit Enron extension (feel free to change it). Let me know if you have any questions. Stephen","label":0} {"text":"No longer interested, Thanks you for your time. William Herring wrote: .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } Sir- We get e-mail all the time from individuals asking about information on local NSM units. I do not have the information directly in front of me, (as we are growing so quickly) but if you wish to find the NSM unit closest to you, go to our main website at www.nsm88.com and scroll down the left hand side of the screen until you see the box 'Units and Contacts\". There you will find a complete listing of all NSM units in every state and country with contact information. All unit leaders are chosen for their dependability and loyalty and anyone you speak with will be able to assist you with information about our organization or any questions you may have. 88! Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps --------------------------------- Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live. Get it now! --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.","label":0} {"text":"Phillip & Keith Attached is the first draw request, I will need some of these funds immediately. I think checks out of Bishops Corner, L.P. may be the easiest, or you can wire money to me and I can write the checks when needed. Please let me know how you wish to handle this and I will proceed. Additionally, it is getting close to closing. I will need to get contracts signed at this point as soon as possible. We can handle this in two ways. I prefer that you elect me as a Vice - President of the General Partner and then I will sign all documents, or I can Federal Express contracts (this is more difficult). I have a funeral at 10:00 and I will be back about 1:00. I look forward to hearing from you. Greg - Draw # 1 - 10.25.01.xls","label":0} {"text":"Adding Luis, Mark, and Eric. On Apr 25, 2016, at 5:18 PM, Garcia, Walter > wrote: Kate, Christina Bellantoni from the LA Times finally got back to me and said she'd love to meet with DWS for coffee if we can make it work. She's asking for windows that work best for DWS. Let me know, and I'll go ahead and reply. Thanks :) -- Walter Garcia Democratic National Committee (DNC) GarciaW@dnc.org @WalterGarcia231","label":0} {"text":"Re: Call me when you get a second father What's up. At dinner in n y Sent on the run > On Oct 28, 2013, at 9:14 PM, \"Matt Mosko\" wrote: > > > > Sent from my iPhone >","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document In attention of all Credit Union CO-OP Network customers, As the internet and the information technology enable us to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining the trust customers have placed in us for protecting the privacy and security of we have about you. In order to protect your information against unauthorized access, identity theft and account fraud we earnestly ask you to update your profile. To get started click the link below: If you received this notice and you are not the authorized account holder, please be aware that it is in violation of our policy to represent onself as another Credit Union user. Such action may also be in violation of local, national and\/or international law. CO-OP Network is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquiries related to attempts to misappropiate person information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you for your patience as we work together to protect your account. Regards, CO-OP Network Customer Support Center.","label":1} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member, Due to recent fraudulent transactions, we have issued the following security requirements. It has come to our attion that 98% of all fraudulent transactions are caused by members using stolen credit cards to purchase or sell non existant items. Thus we require our members to add a Debit\/Check card to their billing records as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. Your Debit\/Check card will only be used to identify you. 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Thank you for your time, PayPal\u00ae Billing Department. Copyright \u00a9 1995-2005 PayPal Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the PayPal User Agreement and Privacy Policy.","label":1} {"text":"Just saw that Zack Exley posted this on FB this afternoon with the following message below (looks like a soft launch). As you're all probably aware, Zack is one of the most effective national volunteer organizers in the country and made a huge impact on Bernie's campaign to mobilize his base. Here's the post: [ Brand New Congress 3 hrs \u00b7 Hi Folks! Some of us Bernie volunteers and former staff have been talking about a campaign that would be big enough and worthwhile enough to keep the revolution going once Bernie is in office. We believe the way to achieve this is to elect a Brand New Congress in 2018. We're going to recruit non-politicians who truly represent their communities, with proven track records of service and integrity, to replace all of Congress in one unified campaign behind Bernie's platform--except of course the people who already support it. We'll use the same tools and momentum that we've built with Bernie, while keeping power in the hands of the grassroots from start to finish! Please sign up to get involved or just get updates on our progress: \u202a#\u200eBrandNewCongress\u202c \u202a#\u200eFeelTheBern\u202c \u202a#\u200eBernie2016\u202c","label":0} {"text":"I am forwarding this to stimulate you (no it's not one of those emails!) to hassle me to check and update the tree-ring and my stuff on the web. Cheers Keith Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 11:22:37 -0400 From: Leonid Polyak Subject: Re: Polar Urals data X-Sender: lpolyak@pop.service.ohio-state.edu To: Keith Briffa X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.3 (32) Got it! Note that there appears to be an error in the explanation for the data file: Polar Ural data are f2, not f1 (as far as I can judge). Thank you, Leonid > >Leonid >see [1] >The data (and other possibly interesting data are available there) . >Best wishes >Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [2] References 1. 2. 3.","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 > Dear customers: Wells Fargo is constantly working to increase security for all Online Banking users. To ensure the integrity of our online payment system, we periodically review accounts. Your account might be place on restricted status. Restricted accounts continue to receive payments, but they are limited in their ability to send or withdraw funds. To lift up this restriction, you need to login into your account (with your username or SSN and your password), then you have to complete our verification process. You must confirm your credit card details and your billing information as well. All restricted accounts have their billing information unconfirmed, meaning that you may no longer send money from your account until you have updated your billing information on file. To initiate the billing update confirmation process, please follow the link bellow and fill in the necessary fields: > Thank you, Wells Fargo - Online Banking > About Wells Fargo | > Employment | Report Email Fraud | > Privacy, Security & Legal | Home (c) 1995 - 2004 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"I get that and will ask but I'm getting very different claims from different people on how this all went down (for instance I'm still trying to verify that the Sanders people submitted Intel Sent from my iPhone > On May 8, 2016, at 12:27 PM, Miranda, Luis wrote: > > Off the record, you should request it from them, we don't divulge private communications from our candidates. However, since they raised it as an issue it would be surprising if they didn't send it to you. > ________________________________________ > From: Daniel Strauss [dstrauss1987@me.com] > Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 12:25 PM > To: Miranda, Luis > Subject: Deep background question > > Hey > > So we want to see the list of committee appointments the Sanders Folks submitted just to verify it was mostly staffers and ineligible figures. That possible with no fingerprints attached? > > Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"charset=\"utf-8\" Content-Disposition: inline X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by oin.rl.ac.uk id l66FNNrC019808 Thanks to Tim and Keith for that correction. I've inserted that, and also reworded the paragraph in the conclusions which talked about \"serious flaws\" along the lines suggested by Tim. It now reads: \"The IPCC2001 conclusion that temperatures of the past millennium are unlikely to have been as warm, at any time prior to the 20th century, as the last decades of the 20th century is supported by subsequent research and by the results obtained here. We have also reviewed and, in some cases, tested with new analysis, papers which claim to refute that IPCC2001 conclusion and found that their claims are not well supported.\" This version attached with the revised supplementary material. I need to go over the 'changes' document again, and the response, but I hope to send it in on Monday. cheers, Martin On Wednesday 04 July 2007 16:54, Tim Osborn wrote: > Hi Martin & Jan (and others) > > Keith and I have put together the attached text as an alternative, > hopefully more accurate, version to the current paragraph about > differences between tree series. We did this before\/while Jan's > email arrived, so some overlap but hopefully what we say is > compatible with Jan's comment. Note we haven't discussed the ice > core data from Fisher, just the tree-ring series. > > How does the attached sound? > > Cheers > > Tim > > At 22:15 03\/07\/2007, Jan Esper wrote: > >Martin > >This is quite a task, as I do not really remember which version of a > >dataset was used in which paper. > > > >For ECS2002, I detrended all data via two RCS runs applied to the > >\"linear\" and \"non-linear\" sub-groups as identified in that paper. > >All data except for Boreal and Upper Wrigth (both from Lisa > >Graumlich) and Mongolia (from Gordon Jacoby) were measured at WSL. > > > >I wouldn't necessarily claim that the regional chronologies from the > >ECS approach are highly useful records, i.e. for a regional analysis > >I would use data that are detrended region-by-region. > > > >(\u0160that used by ECS2002 is based on the same tree-ring data as that > >used by MSH2005, but with a different standardisation method.) > >Not fully sure what MSH2005 did, but this is very likely correct, > >i.e. they likely used a \"regional\" version from Briffa and\/or Grudd. > > > >(The Fennoscandia data used by JBB1998, MBH1999 also come from the > >Tornetraesk area, but from a different group of trees.) > >Hm..., I don't believe that these studies used different trees. Up > >to the recent update by Hakan Grudd, that is currently in review > >with Climate Dynamics, there was effectively only one dataset from > >Tornetrask. Keith or Tim might know this better. > > > >(The Polar Urals series used by ECS2005 is also a reanalysis of the > >data used to create the Northern Urals series used by JBB1998, MBH1999.) > >I wouldn't necessarily call this a reanalysis. Perhaps better say > >'differently detrended'. Anyway, I doubt that there is a long > >dataset from the Northern Ural as there is little wood preserved in > >that area. This is likely the same data, i.e. both are Polar Ural. > > > >(The Taymir data used by HCA2007 is a smoothed version of that used > >in ECS2002, MSH2005.) > >This I really don't know\u0160 but it would be better to use a regionally > >detrended version of the data... > > > >(The Greenland stack data used by MBH1999 is a composite of data > >analysed by \\citet{fisher_etal1996}, but the precise nature of the > >composite is not described by \\citet{fisher_etal1996}.\") > >Agreed. Just read the paper again, and it is indeed difficult to say > >which data was combined. > > > >(I've kept the phrase about \"serious flaws\" in the conclusion, > >despite Tim's suggestion, supported by Nanne, of a weaker wording, > >because I think it is important to draw attention to the serious > >flaws which are there.) > >I also think that a less aggressive wording would be more effective. > > > >-- Jan > > > > > > > > > >At 16:41 Uhr +0100 3.7.2007, Martin Juckes wrote: > >>Hello, > >> > >>another version of our paper is attached. > >> > >>I've added the following paragraph to the discussion of Table 1, and I'd be > >>grateful if Jan and Keith could check that it is accurate: > >>\"Evaluation of past work is further compicated by confusion between closely > >>related proxy series. In Tab.~1 there are two series referred to as > >>Tornetraesk: that used by ECS2002 is based on the same tree-ring data as that > >>used by MSH2005, but with a different standardisation method. The > >>Fennoscandia data used by JBB1998, MBH1999 also come from the Tornetraesk > >>area, but from a different group of trees. The Polar Urals series used by > >>ECS2005 is also a reanalysis of the data used to create the Northern Urals > >>series used by JBB1998, MBH1999. The Taymir data used by HCA2007 is a > >>smoothed version of that used in ECS2002, MSH2005. > >>The Greenland stack data used by MBH1999 is a composite of data analysed by > >>\\citet{fisher_etal1996}, but the precise nature of the composite is not > >>described by \\citet{fisher_etal1996}.\" > >> > >>I've also moved a few things around and tried to follow most of the > >>suggestions from Anders and Nanne. I've kept the phrase about \"serious flaws\" > >>in the conclusion, despite Tim's suggestion, supported by Nanne, of a weaker > >>wording, because I think it is important to draw attention to the serious > >>flaws which are there. One reviewer has implied that we should not discuss > >>flawed work at length because in oding so we give it credibility it does not > >>deserve. I believe that since this stuff is published and influential in some > >>quarters we should discuss it and draw attention to the fact that it is > >>seriously flawed. > >> > >>cheers, > >>Martin > >> > >>Attachment converted: Hennes:cp-2006-0049-rv 3.pdf (PDF \/\u00abIC\u00bb) (001588D6) > > > > > > > >-- > > > >Jan Esper > >Head Dendro Sciences Unit > >Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL > >Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland > >Voice: +41-44-739 2510 or +41-44-739 2579 > >Fax: +41-44-739 2515 > Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\cp-2006-0049-rv4.pdf\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\cp-2006-0049-sp1.pdf\"","label":0} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Ender's Game Eyeing $25 Million-Plus Domestic Debut Animated 3D pic Free Birds, sexagenarian comedy Last Vegas among other wide openers Channing Tatum to Star in, Produce Bad Romance for MGM Yet another film on actor's already busy plate to be written, directed by 50\/50 helmer Levine The Weinstein Co. Beats Sam Moore in Soul Men Appeal Grammy-winning singer contended 2008 movie bore too much resemblance to his own life Ellie Kemper Comedy From Tina Fey Gets Series Order at NBC Show will center on woman who escapes from doomsday cult, st","label":0} {"text":"Hi Art, Sorry for the lack of response to your emails. Been over the top as usual on things. I go off to Tasmania and New Zealand on Jan 20 and return on Feb 15. Bhutan was a bit strange this time. I was sick most of the time, but we did get some useful stuff done nonetheless. >Hi Ed, > >I hope your trip to Bhutan went well. We did OK in Chile but encountered >some glitches. I am emailing about a three things to see if you are >interested: > >1) What does Gordon know about the big white spruce in the Mackenzie R. >basin of the northern NWT? I am going to be in Alberta this summer and it is >one plane ride and a few hundred $ from those big spruce. If I can get the >cores, are you interested in collaborating on their measurement and >analysis? If I can track down the person that told us that some of the trees >were 600 y old, we might be able to find some of them. There are many spruce >pilings in town that were probably cut in the 50's-70's and some of those >might have been pretty old trees given their size. What is the availability >of climate data? Inuvik probably has records back into the 50's when they >rebuilt the town. Dick Jagels is interested in those trees too, as we are >led to believe that they need 24 hr photoperiods when they are seedlings. >Could this be a race of trees that respond to differences in growing-season >sunlight? I am cc'ing this email to Gordon and Rosanne. I think that they would be interested in what you describe. They also know what climate data are available. I recall that Aklavik has a older record that was discontinued a few years back. It may be possible to merge Aklavik with Inuvik temperature records to cover most of the 20th century. > >2) The Forest Service has an RFP out for projects in the \"northern forest\" >I think this is defined as mostly Vermont and New Hampshire since it is a >Senate-funded program sponsored by senators from those states. The \"threat\" >(their term) of global warming to forest health is one of the themes that >Chris Eagar is in charge of. We have been working with Vermont northern >hardwood data collected by Post and Curtis in the 1950's and redone by us in >the early 90's. There is a very nice multiple regression model that shows >clearly that temperature (altitude\/latitude) and soil moisture are very good >predictors of site index (height at 75 yrs. e.g. productivity potential). >Nutrients do not explain any additional variance. This model would suggest >that warming would improve productivity, not decrease it. I am wondering if >a dendroclimatological analysis of maple, beech and ash and yellow birch >would show a response of growth to summer temperatures? I think we have all >the cores from our 1990 study, and it would be an easy matter to get more. I >stll owe the Forest Service a couple of papers from the 90-91 work which >they funded, but I am actually working on them now, and could have them done >by the March 30 deadline for the full proposal, if not for the Feb. 13 >preproposal deadline. I'm sure I could talk to Chris to see if our ideas are >viable, and if we would be penalized for not publishing the Vermont stuff in >a timely manner. This sounds interesting. Are you measuring up all of the tree cores? I wouldn't have the resources to do that without some technician support, but I could participate in some dendroclimatic analyses of the data with you. > >3) We are running cellulose O reasonably well at this time, and are still >interested in seeing if cellulose O is useful in determining whether the >temperature signal in mideval wood is similar to that of the past century, >and if there is an isotopic signature in the Little Ice Age wood that >indicates it was cold. What do you think about the availability of wood >samples from dated rings from those periods? Is any of the Esper wood >available? When we talked after your seminar, it seemed to me that the >Scandanavian wood collection might be useful. I did ask Keith Briffa about this stuff. He is tied in closely with much of the work that has been done in Fennoscandia and even over to the Polar Urals. He also said that there has been some isotopic work done on wood, but he wasn't sure about results. I suggest that you contact Keith directly (k.briffa@uea.ac.uk) and maybe he can direct you to sources of wood for your proposed study. It is interesting, if a bit chancy in my estimation. Cheers, Ed > > >What do you think? > >Art > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Edward Cook >Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 2:28 PM >To: Art Johnson >Subject: RE: Seminar > > >Hi Art, > >I will be driving down to your digs on Friday, Oct 17 to give the >seminar I promised. When is it scheduled so I know how early I >definitely have to leave. I need directions to get there as well, as >I have never been to Penn before. Also, it would be useful to have a >place to stay Friday night, I suppose. My wife is off to CT to >celebrate a 50th birthday with a friend that weekend, so there is no >point in zipping back in any case. > >Cheers, > >Ed >-- >================================== >Dr. Edward R. Cook >Doherty Senior Scholar and >Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory >Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory >Palisades, New York 10964 USA >Email: drdendro@ldeo.columbia.edu >Phone: 845-365-8618 >Fax: 845-365-8152 >================================== -- ================================== Dr. Edward R. Cook Doherty Senior Scholar and Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades, New York 10964 USA Email: drdendro@ldeo.columbia.edu Phone: 845-365-8618 Fax: 845-365-8152 ==================================","label":0} {"text":"Delete matt drew mark chris stephen From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 6:03 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 6pm Thurs 10\/16 OUT CALLS, 10\/16\/14 12:02 PM, Craig Jacobson, (Business) +1 (310) 248-3101,IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 04:08 PM, Matt Mosko, (Mobile) (310) 990-5114, will call back IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 04:03 PM, Drew, (Business) (310) 244-8964, returning IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 03:52 PM, Mark Pedowitz, (Business) (818) 977-2544, pls call IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 03:45 PM, Chris Elwell, (Business) (310) 244-8716, pls call IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 03:43 PM, Stephen Prough\/Salem Partners, (Business) (310) 806-4203, returning IN CALLS, 10\/16\/14 03:42 PM, Norman Lear, (Mobile) (310) 926-8889, returning IN CALLS, 10\/15\/14 03:30 PM, Darryl Bocage, (Business) +1 (818) 481-7489, pls call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Any of your writing online anywhere? Would love to take a look. I was plagued with night terrors for years and tried to capture that feeling after waking up (if you want to call that waking up), but was never able to... Cindy On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Eirikur Hallgrimsson wrote: > On Monday 09 September 2002 09:51 pm, Geege Schuman wrote > > ever notice how the feelings evoked in some dreams stick with you all > > day?i'm sure it's some neurochemical process initiated during the dream > > that is still cycling thru - like a deja vu, triggered by memory > > processes, where > you don't actually remember but you feel like you're > > remembering. > > Absolutely, and I've wanted to recapture it. I've done some writing based > on dreams, and there is a mysterious \"mood\" to that feeling that drives > some creative stuff for me. I've never tried to write music in that > state, but I will next time. > > Eirikur > > > -- \"I don't take no stocks in mathematics, anyway\" --Huckleberry Finn","label":0} {"text":"Plan your summer adventure with limited-time special fares Online version | Add Emirates to your safe senders list Emirates Special Offers","label":0} {"text":"Dear PayPal, We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you did not initiate the log ins, please visit PayPal as soon as possible to verify your identity: Verify your identity is a security measure that will ensure that you are the only person with access to the account. Thanks for your patience as we work together to protect your account. Sincerely, PayPal ------------------------------------------------ ---------------- PROTECT YOUR PASSWORD NEVER give your password to anyone and ONLY log in at Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the header of any page. PayPal Email ID PP321","label":1} {"text":"On 27 Aug 2002 at 15:00, Rohit Khare wrote: > > DATAPOWER TECHNOLOGY ON Monday unveiled its network device > designed specifically to process XML data. Unlike competing > solutions that process XML data in software, DataPower's > device processes the data in hardware -- a technology > achievement that provides greater performance, according to > company officials. > Sarvega seems to have a similar product.","label":0} {"text":"Re: a bit hard to hear you on phone message...keeping 1015 and do you want to cancel TV WEEEKLY Mtg ? They don't have final answer on Exec team mtg yet. Yes Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jul 14, 2014, at 3:59 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: \u00c2 \u00c2 Save the Earth...it's the only planet with chocolate! ____________________________________________________________________ FAYANNE KANNER | Executive Assistant to Steve Mosko, President | Sony Pictures Television ( 310.244.3702 | 7 310.244.9222 | * fayanne_kanner@spe.sony.com \u00c2 10202 W. Washington B","label":0} {"text":"Outgoing call to +1 (866) 810-8093 (Other) Duration: 08 Minutes 28 Seconds +1 (866) 810-8093 Other: +1 (866) 810-8093 Microsoft Lync","label":0} {"text":"If , then .If , then .Still her from , her with . , , and are what made America great! .","label":1} {"text":"Hey, if you need a quote you can quote me with this: This is one more example that voters can't take Donald Trump at his word. He'll say anything to get elected, so long as it personally benefits him, and it's a reminder he lacks the judgment or temperament to serve as President. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Kevin Cirilli (BLOOMBERG\/ NEWSROOM:) Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:59 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Paustenbach, Mark Subject: RE: Bloomberg request Great thanks Sent from Bloomberg Professional for iPhone ----- Original Message ----- From: Luis Miranda > To: KEVIN CIRILLI CC: PaustenbachM@dnc.org At: 04-May-2016 12:46:20 Hi Kevin, unfortunately she's traveling and has a packed schedule. I'll get you a quote from me, though, if that helps. Also copying Mark Paustenbach, our national press secretary, so you guys can also be in touch. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Kevin Cirilli (BLOOMBERG\/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:kcirilli@bloomberg.net ] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:38 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Bloomberg request Hey, I'm working on a story with my colleague Jennifer Jacobs about Trump having to fundraise and how he's working with RNC to do that now. Can your boss jump on the phone for two minutes to talk about whether this will be problematic and undermine his argument as a candidate? Thanks. Kevin I'm at 6106131339. Sent from Bloomberg Professional for iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Dear business client of Regions Bank: The Regions Customer Service requests you to complete the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of Regions Bank. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. 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IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 03:46 PM, Todd Garner, (Business) (310) 392-2500, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:27 PM, Tom Rothman, (Business) (310) 244-1900, returned IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:25 PM, Eric Berger, (Business) (310) 244-9288, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 12:09 PM, Bill Cella, (Mobile) (917) 365-6985, returning IN CALLS, 10\/02\/14 10:48 AM, Craig Hunegs, (Business) (818) 954-7145, SEINFELD (returned) IN CALLS, 10\/01\/14 05:33 PM, Drew Shearer, (Business) (310) 244-8964, calling your cell IN CALLS, 10\/01\/14 04:44 PM, Janice Pober, (Business) (310) 244-8293, pls call re: Dec 11th event IN CALLS, 09\/30\/14 02:53 PM, Bob Horowitz\/Juma Entertainment, (Business) (215) 862-9100, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/29\/14 05:09 PM, Richard Lovett, (Business) (424) 288-2000, please call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"[Deadline.com] A+E Shocked To Learn Bible Thumping 'Duck Dynasty' Star Talks Like Bible Thumper Deadline Hollywood has posted urgent news: A+E Shocked To Learn Bible Thumping 'Duck Dynasty' Star Talks Like Bible Thumper For all of Deadline's headlines, follow us @Deadline on Twitter. 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All Products Guaranteed. _____________________________________________________________________ E X T R E M E M A R K E T C O M M E N T A R Y _____________________________________________________________________ The STOCK INDEXES Stock indexes were higher on Thursday as strength in Advance Micro Devices and continued strength in Yahoo underpinned today's rallies. The NASDAQ continues to consolidate above key fib support crossing at 1905.53. Closes above last week's high at 2010.91 are needed to temper the near-term bearish outlook in the market. The March S&P 500 index posted its highest close in nearly two and a half weeks on Thursday. The persistent rebound off the 25% retracement level of this fall's rally crossing at 1120.66 has set the stage for a possible test of December's high crossing at 1176 by early-January. The Dow posted a quiet inside day with a modestly higher close on Thursday as it consolidated above the 62% retracement level of the May\/September decline crossing at 10,094.10 at 10,088. Technology stocks supported today's rally however, trading volume was light due to the holidays. INTEREST RATES March T-bonds closed higher on Thursday and in the process posted a key reversal up. Additional strength will be needed on Thursday to confirm today's bullish reversal pattern. However, closes above December's reaction high crossing at 102-05 will be need to confirm a bottom and trend change has taken place. Until then look for sideways trading to continue into early-January. Stochastics and the RSI are bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible. The CRB INDEX The CRB index posted a key reversal down on Thursday due to weakness in cattle, precious metals, fiber, and energies. Today's high fell short of testing of the 25% retracement level of this year's decline crossing at 194.76. The CRB index is at a crossroads as it consolidates below the 25% retracement level and this year's downtrend line crossing near 195.35. Unless these resistance levels are cleared, it would appear as though a double top might be forming with today's bearish reversal pattern. ENERGY MARKETS The energy markets closed lower on Thursday due to profit taking as the market position itself ahead of this week's API inventory report and Friday's OPEC meeting. The market is expecting this week's API inventory report to be bullish, which has helped temper some of today's losses. Light pressure also came from today's bearish AGA inventor report for natural gas, which was the second-smallest draw on inventories for the corresponding week in December since the AGA started its weekly report in 1994. February crude oil closed modestly lower on Thursday and settled below the previous reaction high crossing at 21.05. A late day rally tempered some of today's losses as February closed mid-range thereby leaving the door open for sideways trading on Friday. A bullish API inventory report on Friday could provide the catalyst needed to extend this month's rally. The 38% retracement level of this fall's decline crossing at 21.77, then November's high at 22.83 are potential targets later this winter. Stochastics and the RSI are bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near-term. February heating oil closed lower on Thursday but remained above broken resistance crossing at 57.80 thereby keeping the door open for a possible test of November's reaction high crossing at 64.35 later this winter. Today's mid-range close leaves the door open for sideways trading on Friday. Stochastics and the RSI are bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible into early-January. February unleaded gas posted an inside day with a lower close on Thursday as it consolidated some of Wednesday's gains, which appear to have been overdone. However, today's mid-range close leaves the door open for sideways trading on Friday. Momentum indicators are bullish signaling that additional gains are possible into early-January. If this week's rally continues, November's high crossing at 62.31 is February's next target. February Henry Hub natural gas closed sharply lower on Thursday following today's bearish AGA inventory report. The report showed a draw of 81 bcf on U.S. inventories, which was slightly above industry expectations however, there were too many people caught in January and were forced to liquidate, which pulled the rest of the contracts lower on the day. Several long-term weather forecasts are calling for a bitter cold snap towards mid-January, which might help limit, any short-term losses. However, traders are cautious about cold-weather predictions after two months of above normal temps this fall. Closes below 2.58 would renew this fall's decline as we begin the new year. CURRENCIES The March Dollar closed lower on Thursday as it continues to consolidate some of Monday's gains. A rebound ahead of the close tempered some of today's loss leaving the door open for sideways trading on Friday. March's failure to close above November's high crossing at 118.27 on Thursday raises the possibility that this week's high might have marked a double top. If the rally continues, the 75% retracement level of this summer's decline crossing at 119.57 is March's next upside target. The March Swiss Franc closed higher on Thursday due to short covering. Session highs spiked above broken support crossing at .5973 however, March remained below this fall's trading range. I would not be surprised to see March consolidate below broken trading range support for the balance of the year. If the decline resumes, fib support crossing at .5722 is March's next target. The March Canadian Dollar posted a potential key reversal up on Thursday after testing November's low at .6230 earlier in the day. March's inability to push through this support level triggered a short covering rally however, gains were tempered due to a late-day sell off before the close. Today's mid-range close leaves the door open for sideways trading on Friday. The March Japanese Yen extended its decline off September's high on Thursday and is poised to test monthly fib support crossing at .7568 in the near future. The daily ADX is bearish signaling that additional weakness is possible into early-January. PRECIOUS METALS February gold closed lower on Thursday and is breakout out below December's uptrend line crossing near 277.80. Multiple closes below this support level are needed to confirm today's trendline breakout, which would then open the door for sideways to lower prices into early-January. Today's decline turned stochastics and the RSI neutral to bearish hinting that a short-term top is in or near. March silver closed lower on Thursday and below the 62% retracement level of this fall's decline crossing at 4.51 thereby increasing the odds that a short-term top is in place or near. Stochastics and the RSI are very overbought and turning bearish with this week's setback warning bullish traders to use caution. A downturn by the ADX is needed to confirm that the rebound off November's high has come to an end. March copper closed lower on Thursday as it consolidated some of Wednesday's gain. March has become range bound between the 50% retracement level of November's rally crossing at 67.50 and below the reaction high crossing at 69.45. A breakout in either direction of this trading range is needed to clear up near-term direction in the market. Short-term momentum indicators are turning bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible into early- January. GRAINS March corn closed higher on Thursday due to light short covering ahead of this week's export sales report due out Friday morning. Today's rebound fell short of testing broken support crossing at 2.10 1\/4 thereby leaving the door open for a possible test of weekly support crossing at 2.04 1\/4 later this winter. Stochastics and the RSI remain bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible into early-January. Producer selling is almost non-existent and is likely to remain that way until mid-January when cash merchandisers expect producers to resume cash sales. March wheat closed higher on Thursday following today's announcement that Egypt purchased up to 120,000 metric tonnes of U.S. soft red winter wheat along with 180,000 metric tonnes of Australian standard white wheat. This news triggered a short covering rally that erased all of Wednesday's losses. Today's high-range close leaves the door open for sideways to higher trading on Friday if tomorrow's export sales report comes in neutral to friendly. From a broader perspective, March wheat needs to close above trendline resistance crossing near 2.94 or below trendline support crossing near 2.83 to clear up near-term direction in the market. Stochastics and the RSI returned to bullish modes with today's rally signaling that sideways to higher prices are still possible near-term. SOYBEAN COMPLEX March soybeans closed steady on Thursday as positioning ahead of January deliveries and year-end position squaring dominated today's trading. Strong U.S. exports and domestic demand are being offset by rising South American crop prospects and forecasts calling for record global ending stocks. This week's breakout below trading range support crossing at 4.32 1\/2 has opened the door for a possible test of weekly support crossing at 4.23 1\/2 in the near future. March soybean meal closed slightly higher on Thursday due to light short covering amidst strong domestic demand. However, this week's move to new lows for December has opened the door for a likely test of April's low crossing at 142 later this winter. This week's export sales report is not expected to hold any surprises for the market, which will leave meal looking towards soybeans for near-term direction. It will take closes above this summer's downtrend line crossing near 151.90 to confirm a bottom and trend change has taken place. LIVESTOCK February hogs posted an inside day with a higher close due to spillover support from sharply higher belly prices. Short covering ahead of Friday's quarterly hogs and pigs report also provided light support to the market. The trade is expecting tomorrow's report to be neutral to bullish. However, this month's run up in prices appears to have already factored in a modest amount of bullish news in the upcoming report. February hogs are poised to test this summer's downtrend line crossing near 56.40. Closes above this resistance level would open the door for a larger- degree rebound into early-January. February cattle posted a downside reversal on Thursday, as traders were disappointed over the lack of an established cash price. While temps are running below normal across cattle feeding country, there are no storms to disrupt movement, which is short-term bearish. Technically, the door remains open for February cattle to try and test November's high crossing at 71.35. Momentum indicators are bullish but nearing their respective overbought zones hinting that February cattle may struggle to overcome this resistance level. FOOD & FIBER March coffee posted an inside day with a lower close on Thursday as it consolidated some of last Friday's loss. Closes below 46.00 are needed to confirm last Friday's key reversal down, which would then set the stage for a likely test of this month's low crossing at 44.75. Closes below 44.75 would confirm a breakout into new contract lows thereby opening the door for a possible test of psychological support crossing at 40-cents later this winter. Expectations for a bumper Brazilian crop this spring along with expectations that Vietnam might be an aggressive seller of their crop after the first of the year will likely keep pressure on the market into January. March cocoa posted a key reversal on Thursday filling last week's gap at 1297. Thin holiday trading allowed local traders to run buy stops, which exaggerated today's rally. Meanwhile purchases at Ivory Coast ports are running well ahead of last year's pace during the height of the shipping season. March will need to close above 1365 or below 1212 to clear up near-term direction in the market. March sugar gapped above December's downtrend line on Thursday thereby confirming that last week's spike below the 50% retracement level of this fall's rally crossing at 698 marked a short-term bottom. However, the mid-range close leaves the door open for sideways trading on Friday. Today's rally turned stochastics and the RSI bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible into early-January. March cotton posted an inside day with a lower close on Thursday as it consolidates above the Nov.\/Dec. downtrend line. Trading was subdued ahead of tomorrow's weekly export sales report. Export demand needs to remain strong in order to sustain this week's anemic trendline breakout. News that China may see a significant cutback in cotton acreage this coming year also provided light support to the market. Daily Extreme Commentary is brought to you by GLOBALcharts, INO.com's end-of-day charting software for Futures, Futures Options and Optionable Stocks. Search the INO Store - ____________________________________________________________________________ E X T R E M E F U T U R E S ____________________________________________________________________________ Updated every 10 minutes around the clock. More at WINNERS PBH2 Frozen Pork Bellies Mar 2002 79.925 3.000 +3.90 LBN2 Random Length Lumber Jul 2002 269.00 10.00 +3.73 RAH2 South African Rand Mar 2002 0.083300 0.002300 +2.80 WH2 Wheat Mar 2002 291 6 1\/2 +2.28 XWH2 Wheat Mar 2002 291 6 1\/2 +2.28 NKM2 Nikkei 225 Stock Avg Jun 2002 10240 200 +1.95 EJH2 Euro\/Japanese Yen Mar 2002 115.44 1.53 +1.34 LHG2 Lean Hogs Feb 2002 56.125 0.675 +1.22 SMV2 Soybean Meal Oct 2002 145.8 1.5 +1.04 MVH2 Value Line Index. Mini Mar 2002 1253.20 12.70 +1.02 LOSERS OJF2 Orange Juice Froz. Conc. #1 Jan 2002 89.95 -2.80 -3.01 RRF2 Rough Rice Jan 2002 3.800 -0.090 -2.31 CTN3 Cotton Jul 2003 46.80 -0.60 -1.27 XEH2 Soybean Meal Mar 2002 145.4 -1.4 -0.97 AGM2 Silver 1,000 oz. Jun 2002 4.500 -0.043 -0.95 XLG2 Live Cattle Feb 2002 70.15 -0.63 -0.89 DAG2 BFP Milk Feb 2002 11.60 -0.10 -0.85 LCG2 Live Cattle Feb 2002 70.150 -0.550 -0.78 GIF2 Goldman Sachs Commodity Index Jan 2002 174.40 -1.30 -0.74 CRY0 CRB\/Bridge index Cash 192.07 -1.42 -0.73 *FREE TRIAL-T3 Fibs Pro Trader Software 100% Automated Tops & Bottoms-Any Market Any Time Frame ____________________________________________________________________________ E X T R E M E S T O C K S ____________________________________________________________________________ Updated every 10 minutes around the clock. More at WINNERS OHB ORLEANS HOMEBUILDERS 7.00 1.41 +26.16 FCEL FUELCELL ENERGY INC 17.9000 2.6800 +17.57 GEG GLOBAL POWER EQUIP GRP 14.70 2.10 +16.67 SSSS STEWART & STEVENSON 19.9400 2.8375 +16.54 PLUG PLUG POWER 9.0800 1.2200 +15.74 NMTI NMT MEDICAL INC 9.3190 1.2500 +15.72 MOSY MONOLITHIC SYSTEM TECH 20.6900 2.6900 +14.74 CNCT CONNETICS CORP 13.9500 1.7100 +14.38 EMITF ELBIT MEDICAL IMAGING 6.5000 0.8490 +13.65 UAG UNITED AUTO GROUP 26.20 3.15 +13.61 LOSERS FLY AIRLEASE LTD L.P. 7.00 -1.40 -16.57 SLAB SILICON LABORATORIES 34.1800 -5.9000 -14.73 SMDI SIRENZA MICRODEVICES INC 6.1300 -0.9900 -13.96 CXW-A CORRECTIONS CORP OF AMER PFD A 18.90 -2.68 -12.42 ENE-J ENRON CORP $10.50 CV 2ND PFD 15.80 -2.25 -12.00 JPST JPS INDUSTRIES INC 5.8800 -0.6900 -11.56 CBR CIBER INC 9.25 -1.16 -11.14 RNDC RAINDANCE COMMUNICATIONS INC 5.5800 -0.6900 -10.97 IIJI INTERNET INITIATIVE JAPAN INC 6.3000 -0.7800 -10.91 UNEWY UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA PLC 6.7000 -0.7000 -9.33 _____________________________________________________________________ T H A N K Y O U _____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for subscribing to the Extreme Markets Daily Digest from INO.com ( ). If you want to subscribe to our other email services, or would like to modify your profile please visit To subscribe a friend, visit: To unsubscribe, visit: -- Copyright 1998-2001 INO.com. All Rights Reserved.","label":0} {"text":"A backup seat and a backup computer have been assigned to you. Please read this communication in detail. Purpose: Net Works has developed a backup plan for possible work stoppages after moving to the new building. A wider business continuity plan will be rolled out next year. Location: Large areas of the 30th and 31st floors of the current building, Enron Center North, will be set aside for recovery purposes. Your name has been put on the list and you will be notified once the seat assignments are finalized. Locations will also be posted at the entryways on the 30th and 31st floors. Timing. Through November, backup seats assignments will be announced as each trading group moves to the new building. The backup seats will be available at least to January 1st. Testing. Test times to try the backup PC and to familiarize yourself with your backup location will be announced by the IT team as the locations are finished. Telephones. Only regular phones will be available. For those with speed dial phones, the IT team will download the numbers and leave them on a piece of paper at your seat assignment. Because the numbers change frequently, we ask that you rely on keeping track of the numbers yourself and use the number lists as a last resort. Other supplies. The IT team is not responsible for non-technical or special needs. If you rely on hard copy forms, address books, etc, you will need to be sure to leave appropriate supplies when you test the computer, or bring supplies along if you are asked to move to your backup seat. Limited Access. The backup floor is not meant as a backup day-to-day work environment. To keep the equipment functioning and secure, we plan to limit access except for test times and if we need to invoke the plan because of a work stoppage. Escalation Procedures. The plan will be as follows: I. During regular business hours A. Announcement. You will be notified via the PA system if you need to move to the backup location. -OR- B. No Announcement. If an obvious problem like a fire or power shutdown occurs, for example, all personnel with a seat assignment will be expected to make their way to their backup seat without notification. II. After hours For after hours issues, greeters will announce the move to the backup location as people arrive to work. E-mails and voice mails will also be distributed.","label":0} {"text":"Earlier today, I stepped down as Enron's Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. This decision was reached in cooperation with Enron's Board and the Creditor Committee and is effective immediately. To emerge from bankruptcy, Enron needs a CEO who can focus 100 percent of his or her efforts on rebuilding the company. Unfortunately, with multiple inquiries and investigations that require my immediate attention, at this time I am unable to fully concentrate on what is most important to Enron's stakeholders - preserving value for our creditors and our dedicated employees. The Creditor Committee has begun a search for a restructuring specialist to serve as interim CEO to help the company emerge from bankruptcy. This individual will join Enron's remaining management team to direct the company's ongoing operations. I truly believe Enron can and will survive. I will remain a Director of the Board to help see that it does. During my time at Enron, I have witnessed tremendous change and opportunity. I have seen people rigorously grow and maintain one of the world's most efficient and safest gas pipeline networks; I have seen people dedicate themselves to a cause that became a passion - the opening of energy markets; I have observed smart people come together as a team to build creative solutions like EnronOnline; and I have watched people tirelessly give of themselves to help their fellow employees and those in the community. Regardless of what has happened, I am proud of so much of what we were able to accomplish here. Thank you for your contributions to the company and for the inspiration you have been to me over the years. Ken Lay","label":0} {"text":"HTML Generator Sample Page Upgrade your Hotmail inbox to Outlook.com One click puts your inbox on a whole new level. Get the newest email service from Microsoft for free. Your Hotmail will be block if you don't upgraded to Outlook.com soon, or you can quickly upgrade today by clicking the button above. Outlook.com has the best of Hotmail's features like Sweep, Filters and world-class spam protection that blocks 97% of spam from your inbox. When you upgrade to Outlook.com you get so much more than just a new inbox. See More The new Outlook.com inbox has a streamlined design with less clutter and shows 30% more messages in the inbox. When you're writing emails to your friends and contacts, you can see their latest Facebook and Twitter updates in the same window.","label":1} {"text":"Good Luck!! From: Banfill, Ryan Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 9:24 PM To: Scott Arceneaux Cc: Miranda, Luis ; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Re: Urgent question Thanks, Scott. You see the question we got from the Alaska party below. I appreciate the background. Ryan Sent from my iPhone On May 13, 2016, at 8:59 PM, Scott Arceneaux > wrote: Ryan - I briefed Kay on this when we talked. In short, it is not true. He has access to the voter file. When he first asked for access to the voter file, the FDP said no because we do not provide access to this tool for candidates to run against Democratic incumbents. Canova protested and we decided in this special case to reverse our policy and allow Tim access to the voter file. This was a couple of months ago and only last about a week. After receiving access, the Canova campaign then decided it did not want to use our voter file. We never issued a statement but the fact he has had access has been acknowledged by Tim a number of times. Debbie was never involved in any way, shape or form. Scott From: Banfill, Ryan Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:38 PM To: Scott Arceneaux > Cc: Miranda, Luis >; Paustenbach, Mark > Subject: Fwd: Urgent question Scott, Thanks for your help earlier today. This question came in about Canova and the voter file and the issue predates me. Did FDP put out a statement on this? Alaska is asking about it. Thanks, Ryan Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: \"Garcia, Walter\" > Date: May 13, 2016 at 8:29:33 PM EDT To: Jake Hamburg > Cc: \"Miranda, Luis\" >, \"Paustenbach, Mark\" >, \"Banfill, Ryan\" > Subject: Re: Urgent question Jake, Adding some folks from my team to help answering this question. Sent from my iPhone On May 13, 2016, at 8:24 PM, Jake Hamburg > wrote: Walter, I have been asked about the chairwoman blocking Tim Canova from using the voter file. Is that true or is there a statement on that? Get Outlook for Android","label":0} {"text":"Protect your Visa card online wi Protect your Visa card online with a personal password Solution Create an additional password to protect your existing card for online purchases We are proud to announce that Visa Europe in association with all European and U.S. banks launch a new campaign against online fraud and reward all participants with a 50,00 Euro bonus just for enroll and secure your card. Your personal bonus code is VISA-884AM-4423-2008 ( after you use the code please delete the email or keep it private, conform our privacy and policy you cannot use your code twice, for more info please visit our Privacy and Policy ) Please enroll now by clinking the Global Visa Site select your country and follow the easy steps for a better security on your card. Global Visa Sites Do not be the next victim and fight with us against credit card fraud.","label":1} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before March 06, 2005. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your PayPal\u00ae records click on the following link: Thank You. PayPal\u00ae UPDATE TEAM Reference #602960","label":1} {"text":"Ray, Glad to see you're onto this. Obviously anything shouldn't make it even worse for Edouard, but you're in contact with him. I'd be happy to sign onto any letter from Science, but this isn't essential. I know the series Courtillot has used (and Pasotti re-uses) came from here, but it isn't what he and the authors says it was. I also know it doesn't make much difference if the correct one was used - given the smoothing. It is just sloppy and a principle thing. The correct data are sitting on our web site and have been since Brohan et al (2006) appeared in JGR. Even the earlier version (HadCRUT2v) would have been OK, but not a specially produced series for a tree-ring reconstruction paper back in 2001\/2 and not on our web site. Then there are all the science issues you and Edouard have raised in RC and the EPSL comment. I have had a couple of exchanges with Courtillot. This is the last of them from March 26, 2007. I sent him a number of papers to read. He seems incapable of grasping the concept of spatial degrees of freedom, and how this number can change according to timescale. I also told him where he can get station data at NCDC and GISS (as I took a decision ages ago not to release our station data, mainly because of McIntyre). I told him all this as well when we met at a meeting of the French Academy in early March. What he understands below is my refusal to write a paper for the proceedings of the French Academy for the meeting in early March. He only mentioned this requirement afterwards and I said I didn't have the time to rewrite was already in the literature. It took me several more months of emails to get my expenses for going to Paris! Cheers Phil From Courtillot 26 March 2007 Dear Phil, Sure I understand. Now research wise I would like us to remain in contact. Unfortunately, I have too little time to devote to what is in principle not in my main stream of research and has no special funding. But still I intend to try and persist. I find these temperature and pressure series fascinating. I have two queries: 1) how easy is it for me (not a very agile person computer wise) to obtain the files of data you use in the various global or non global averages of T (I mean the actual montly data in each 5\u00b0 box prior to any processing, including computation of the \"temperature anomaly\")? How do I do it? What I would like to be able to extract is for instance all of the data within a given 5\u00b0 by 5\u00b0 box with their dates (so: lat, lon, time, value). I understand these are monthly means, though we find that there may be some quite important information in the daily values which is likely lost on monthly averaging, but this is another question... 2) I know you answered my question but still I have trouble grasping the answer. Could you explain how the global T average for periods say before 1900 can haev a total uncertainty under 0.2\u00b0C back to 1850. This can only be true, given the data distribution in the Rayner et al paper, if T is an incredibly smooth function of location. Did you really answer me that by extracting from the recent (post 1950) database data with the same geographical and temporal distributions as the 1850-1900 data you get almost the same result as with the full modern data (with an uncertainty just above 0.1\u00b0C). This seems truly amazing, and would never work with the global magnetic field data I am accustomed to work on. Yet it does not seem to me that climate varies as slowly and with as long spatial scales as the magnetic field... I will very much appreciate your comments and help on those. Thank you again for having come to our meeting. Yours very sincerely, Vincent -- Vincent Courtillot Professor of Geophysics University Paris 7, Director Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Member Institut Universitaire de France, Member Academia Europaea and French Academy of Sciences President, Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, American Geophysical Union President, Scientific Council, City of Paris Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:20:57 -0500 From: Michael Mann Reply-To: mann@psu.edu Organization: Penn State University User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows\/20071031) To: Phil Jones , Gavin Schmidt Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Edouard Bard]] X-UEA-Spam-Score: 0.3 X-UEA-Spam-Level: \/ X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO update from Ray P... mike -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Edouard Bard] Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:20:59 -0600 From: Raymond P. [1] To: Group RealClimate [2] References: [3] -- Michael E. Mann Associate Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: [4]mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013 [5] Content-Type: text\/enriched; name=\"[6]file:\/\/\/C:\/DOCUME~1\/MICHAE~1\/LOCALS~1\/TEMP\/nsmail.1\" Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"[7]file:\/\/\/C:\/DOCUME~1\/MICHAE~1\/LOCALS~1\/TEMP\/nsmail.1\" X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by f05n05.cac.psu.edu id m0FHKxKM050156 Yes indeed. I am writing a letter to Science today regarding Pasotti's ridiculous article. If anybody things the rest of RC should sign on to that as well, just let me know. I will also have to write a Part III, covering all the junk mentioned by Edouard and by Phil Jones. Courtillot's response (published via a legal device activated where there is the possibility of threatening a libel suit) appeared in Le Monde today. I may give it a week or so for new developments to settle down before writing. For example, Foucart may get a chance to write a response in Le Monde. While I'll wait a bit before doing the RC piece, I plan to send off the letter to Science this week. --Ray On Jan 15, 2008, at 8:26 AM, Michael Mann wrote: fyi, mike -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Edouard Bard Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:59:44 +0000 From: Phil Jones To: gschmidt@giss.nasa.gov CC: Michael E. Mann References: Some emails within this and an attachment. Send on to Ray Pierrehumbert. Maybe you're aware but things in France are getting bad. One thing might be a letter to Science re the diagram in an editorial in Science. I did talk to the idiot who wrote this, but couldn't persuade him it was rubbish. This isn't the worst - see this email below from Jean Jouzel and Edouard Bard. My French is poor at the best of times, but this all seems unfair pressure on Edouard. See also this in French about me - lucky I can't follow it that well ! I know all this is a storm in a teacup - and I hope I'd show your resilience Mike if this was directed at me. I'm just happy I'm in the UK, and our Royal Society knows who and why it appoints its fellows! In the Science piece, the two Courtillot papers are rejected. I have the journal rejection emails - the other reviewer wasn't quite as strong as mine, but they were awfiul. Cheers Phil From: Jean Jouzel Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: FYI: Daggers Are Drawn X-Greylist: Sender IP whitelisted, not delayed by milter-greylist-3.0 (shiva.jussieu.fr []); Tue, 15 Jan 2008 00:07:14 +0100 (CET) X-Virus-Scanned: ClamAV 0.92\/5483\/Mon Jan 14 15:45:01 2008 on shiva.jussieu.fr X-Virus-Status: Clean X-Miltered: at shiva.jussieu.fr with ID 478BEB15.002 by Joe's j-chkmail ( [8] X-UEA-Spam-Score: 0.3 X-UEA-Spam-Level: \/ X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO Dear Phil, Yes the situation is very bad in and I was indeed going to write you to ask somewhat for your help in getting some support to Edouard, which is really needed. Certainly one thing you could do would be to write to the editor of Science at least pointing to the fact that the figure is misleading using again the seasonal above 20\u00b0N Briffa et al. data set as global. May be also at some point write something supporting the answer of Edouard and Gilles Delaygue, to EPSL ( or in answering the letter Courtillot has recently written see attached in which he is very critical with respect to your work). I don't know .... Yes I will be in Vienna , this will be a pleasure to meet you With my best Jean Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1. mailto:rtp1@geosci.uchicago.edu 2. mailto:group@realclimate.org 3. mailto:478CC27D.1040900@meteo.psu.edu 4. mailto:mann@psu.edu 5. 6. file:\/\/C:\\DOCUME~1\\MICHAE~1\\LOCALS~1\\TEMP\\nsmail.1\/ 7. file:\/\/C:\\DOCUME~1\\MICHAE~1\\LOCALS~1\\TEMP\\nsmail.1\/ 8.","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document ***Urgent Safeharbor Department Notice*** eBay Fraud Mediation Request Date: Jun 2005 2005 You have recieved this email because you or someone had used your account to make fake bids at eBay. For security purposes, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. THE FRAUD ALERT ID CODE CONTAINED IN THIS MESSAGE WILL BE ATTACHED IN OUR FRAUD MEDIATION REQUEST FORM, IN ORDER TO VERIFY YOUR EBAY ACCOUNT REGISTRATION INFORMATIONS. Fraud Alert ID CODE: 00937614 (Please save this Fraud Alert ID Code for your reference.) To help speed up this process, please access the following form to complete the verification of your eBay account registration informations: \ufffd=ebay &fraud alert id code=00937614 . Please Note: If we do not receive the appropriate eBay account verification within 48 hours, then we will assume this eBay account is fraudulent and will be suspended. The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your eBay account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. We appreciate your support and understanding, as we work together to keep eBay a safe place to trade. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Regards, Safeharbor Department (Trust and Safety Department) eBay Inc. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Copyright \ufffd 2005 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"Your password will expire in 4 days to verify your e-mail Click Update HelpDesk \u00a92015.","label":1} {"text":"> Clearly our non-silly non-antiquated ideas about relationships have > resulted in mostly short-duration relationships and single-parented, > dysfunctional kids (not enough of them too boot, so to keep our > demographics from completely keeling over we're importing them from places > with mostly silly and antiquated ideas). > > At least from the viewpoint of demographics sustainability and > counterpressure to gerontocracy and resulting innovatiophobia we're doing > something wrong. There was a fascinating article in the Economist 1-2 weeks back (the issue with a pregnant-looking Statue of Liberty on the Front) that stated that even for the native US population, fertility had jumped in the last decade and a half. I think the current figure for the US is a little over 2, but not quite the ~2.1 of replacement rate. Combined with the very fertile non-native population, the article implied the US was going to have a significant increase in population over earlier predictions. As well, the population would overall be more youthful, with associated implications for being able to fund social programs, military spending, consumer spending, etc. Europe did not show the same increase in fertility. Some actual data for the US are here: Part of: - Jim","label":0} {"text":"Your Mailbox Has Exceeded It Storage Limit As Set By Your Administrator, And You Will Not Be Able To Receive New Mails Until You Re-Validate It. To Re-Validate - > Click Here : System Administrators Please consider the environment before printing this email message. ________________________________","label":1} {"text":"NV Convention Talking Points Violence is Unacceptable * First, let's be clear, at the DNC we are neutral in this primary. * That said, violence and intimidation are absolutely unacceptable in our Democracy and in our primary process, and it is incumbent upon all of us in positions of leadership to speak out against it. * This was a State Democratic Party event, not a DNC event, so we were not present for what happened. * But the videos and troubling details about the conduct on display by some participants in Nevada on Saturday and over the weekend were concerning. * We are reaching out to both campaigns and calling on every Democrat to denounce threats of violence and intimidation, they don't serve any of our candidates well. Roberta Lange and Private Property * It's especially troubling that the threats went beyond the hall. * Roberta Lang, the Nevada Democratic Chair, was simply performing her duty as Chair and has done nothing to deserve the disgusting attacks and death threats she has received over text, emails and over the phone. * The individuals launching these attacks \u2013 as well as the vandalism that took place over the weekend -- should be ashamed. We're Better Than Trump * Energy and passion for a candidate are absolutely welcome as part of this process. * The vast majority of Democrats who have already participated in our primary have done so appropriately -- with enthusiasm and civility. * For those who let their passion turn to rage when things don't go their way, well that's better left to the ugliness we've seen at Donald Trump's rallies, it doesn't belong on the Democratic side. The Rules of This Process are Not New * The rules governing the Democratic Party delegate selection process have been in place for decades and the specific procedures for this cycle were agreed upon in 2014. * The system for determining these rules has been fair and transparent. * It is the same process that ultimately led to the nomination of Barack Obama in 2008, for example. * Shouting down any democratic process isn't just disruptive, it's unacceptable. We need to come together and be united. * If there are legitimate concerns from the supporters of either Democratic campaign, those concerns can, should and must be addressed in an orderly, civil and peaceful manner. On concerns about the process * There is a process in place to address any concerns and both campaigns were equally represented in the credentials committee that was charged with resolving these disputes. But ultimately no matter what happened, there is no need to resort to violence. * The Democratic Party is a party of ideas and substance and the last thing we would want is for these frustrations to overshadow the important and substantive ideas our candidates have to offer. * We need for both campaigns and their supporters to understand that there is a process in place and that regardless of the outcome, violence should not be condoned. Period.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Darrell et al - got a chance to read the paper and comments enroute to Atlanta. Here's some feedback.. General - comments are modest and should be easy to accommodate. That said, I think we have to take the comments of Rev 2 seriously. I'm guessing that its Francis Zwiers and in any case, he knows what he's talking about regarding stats. Also - IMPORTANT - I'd make sure we check and recheck every single calculation and dataset. This paper is going to get the attention of the skeptics and they are going to get all the data and work hard to show were we messed up. We don't want this - especially you, since it could take way more of your time than you'd like, and it'll look bad. VERY much worth the effort in advance. Ok Rev 1 - wow - never had it so good. Rev 2 General comment - we should take this one seriously. Get Caspar and Bette's help. The new synthesis could be telling us (especially when the outlier in Fig 4B is discounted - see below) that the Arctic is, in reality, more sensitive to changes in radiative forcing than reflected in the model. Are there other experiments or reasons to think this is true? If so, let's make this point and back it up with these other pieces of evidence. For example, does the CCSM get Arctic warming from the earl\/mid Holocene to present correctly? Does the model underestimate the Arctic change obs over the last 100 years. Since the reviewer raised this, you could add some refs and prose if needed to respond. Not a lot, but some. And, we need to respond one way or the other. Specific comments 1. agree, in the abstract, I suggest changing the sentence to read \"This trend likely reflects a steady orbitally-driven reduction in summer insolation, as confirmed by a 1000-year transient climate simulation.\" Note that this removes more than enough words to meet the eds requirement too. 2. for this one, I'd simply state that the forcing is stronger in the Arctic than at lower lats (double check how much) and also add what Giff suggested. 3. agree, make the suggested clarification 4. important (!) and hopefully easy. I leave to whomever did the calculation to make sure any serial correlation bias was taken into account. Make sure all p values are thus corrected. 5. ditto, makes sense too 6. clarify 7. this reviewer knows what he\/she is talking about - do what they suggest, and double check it's done well. 8. Don't delete the para. Instead point out that you've strengthened it and that it is important to place the new synthesis in a longer term Holocene context. It also clarifies to interdisciplinary readers why the Arctic is so sensitive (perhaps more sensitive than in models? - see above). That said, I would cite Kerwin et al 99 - I've attached it. It provides added detail and balance. Also, since you're responding to a reviewer comment and strengthening the ms, you can add the ref w\/o hassle (or so I'm guessing on recent experience). 9. yep, delete all \"attribution\"s in the ms. On p 6, lone 129, can say \"...support the connection between the Arctic summer cooling trend and a orbitally-driven reduction...\" 10) reviewer is correct - see my response above for the general comment, and see if you can work with his\/her ideas to improve. The outlier has to be just that?! Need an explanation before you can remove from any analysis, however. 11) makes sense - do it 12) yep - change text as suggested 13) agree, change p 7, line 153 to read \"...1980s appears to have been the single...\" 14) agree, change line 167 on p 8 to read \"...trend. Our new synthesis suggests that the most recent 10-year...\" Other suggested changes.... P. 3 line 69 - change region to read regional P 6 line 128 - \"(-2600 to -1600AD) isn't going to make sense to readers. Please provide some context - SOM or ?? P 7 line 145 - insert \"Arctic\" before \"summer\" P. 11 line 234 change to read \"...century. Ten-year means (bold lines) were used...\" Because you don't really say what the bold and unbold lines are - this will help the reader make sure they have it right. Fig 4 and caption - need to explain why the isolation axes are labeled differently - the numbers, and that both are still cover the same number of Wm-2. Didn't look at SOM, but make sure it's all bomber too, since there is a good chance it will get PICKED apart, and any errors thrown back in our face in a counter productive manner. Thanks! Nice job. Best, Peck (probably w\/o email for a while in the Amazon, although one never knows...) On 5\/26\/09 1:08 PM, \"Darrell Kaufman\" wrote: Co-authors: I just received the reviewers' comments and editor's decision on our SCIENCE manuscript (attached). The decision isn't final, but it looks like good news, with very reasonable revisions. Reviewer #1 had nothing substantial to suggest. Reviewer #2 was rather thorough. I think I can address his\/her suggestions but could use some help with three: (1) The reviewer challenged our assertion that, because climate change is amplified in the Arctic, the signal:noise ratio should be higher too. We don't have more than 1 sentence to expand on the assertion in the text. We could plead the case to editor and hope that it doesn't trip up the final acceptance, or we could omit it from the text. Suggestions? (2) The reviewer suggested that, if we are concerned about outliers influencing the mean values of the composite record, we should attempt a so-called \"robust\" regression procedure, such as median absolute deviation regression. Does anyone have experience with this? (3) The reviewer was concerned that we overestimated the strength of the relation between temperature and insolation in the long CCSM simulation. Namely s\/he criticized the leveraging effect of the one outlier in the model-generated insolation vs temperature plot (Fig. 4b), and suggested that we use 10-year means instead of 50 year. Dave: you up for this, please? Please forward any input to me and I'll compile them, and let you all have a look before I submit the final revisions. I'm hoping we can turn this around this week. Thanks. Darrell Begin forwarded message: From: Lisa Johnson Date: May 26, 2009 12:25:40 PM GMT-07:00 To: Darrell S Kaufman Subject: Your Science manuscript 1173983 at revision 26 May 2009 Dr. Darrell S Kaufman Department of Geology Frier Hall Knoles Dr Northern Arizona University Box 4099 Flagstaff, AZ 86011 UserID: 1173983 Password: 307923 Dear Dr. Kaufman: Thank you for sending us your manuscript \"Recent Warming Reverses Long-Term Arctic Cooling.\" We are interested in publishing the paper as a Report, but we cannot accept it in its present form. Please revise your manuscript in accord with the referees' comments (pasted below) and as indicated on the attached editorial checklist and marked manuscript. I have also made some suggestions regarding shortening and clarification directly on the manuscript. Because of the nature of the reviewers' comments and revisions required, we may send the revised manuscript back for further review. Please return your revised manuscript with a cover letter describing your response to the referees' comments. We prefer to receive your revision electronically via our WWW site ([4] using the User information above. In your letter, please also include your travel schedule for the next several weeks so we can contact you if necessary. The revised manuscript must reach us within four weeks if we are to preserve your original submission date; if you cannot meet this deadline, please let us know as soon as possible when we can expect the revision. The cost of color illustrations is $650 for the first color figure and $450 for each additional color figure. In addition there is a comparable charge for use of color in reprints. We ask that you submit your payment with your reprint order, which you will receive with your galley proofs. We also now provide a free electronic reprint service; information will be sent by email immediately after your paper is published in Science Online. Science allows authors to retain copyright of their work. You will be asked to grant Science an exclusive license to publish your paper when you return your manuscript via our revision WWW site. We must have your acceptance of this publication agreement in order to accept your paper. Additional information regarding the publication license is available in the instructions for authors on our www site. I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. Please let me know if I can be of assistance. Please let me know that you have received this email and can read the attached files. Sincerely, Jesse Smith, Ph.D. Senior Editor ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Jonathan T. Overpeck Co-Director, Institute for Environment and Society Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute of the Environment 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 Email: [5]jto@u.arizona.edu PA Lou Regalado +1 520 792-8712 [6]regalado@email.arizona.edu Embedded Content: image.png: 00000001,3e910253,00000000,00000000 Embedded Content: image1.png: 00000001,35902c45,00000000,00000000 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\kerwin_et_al&role&1999.pdf\" References 1. file:\/\/localhost\/tmp\/Darrell.Kaufman@nau.edu 2. file:\/\/localhost\/tmp\/ljohnson@aaas.org 3. file:\/\/localhost\/tmp\/Darrell.Kaufman@nau.edu 4. 5. file:\/\/localhost\/tmp\/jto@u.arizona.edu 6. file:\/\/localhost\/tmp\/regalado@email.arizona.edu","label":0} {"text":"We got the list of names for Donald Trump the Democratic National Committee rejected By Philip Bump May 6 at 4:20 PM Apparently intentionally, Democrats have seized upon the nickname \"Dangerous Donald\" to refer to their general election opponent this November. Get it? Donald Trump is dangerous, so: Dangerous Donald. And, as everyone knows, the way to beat a bully is by trying to out-bully him, but not quite as well, and in a very dad-joke-y way. One of Trump's advantages in politics is that the things he says don't seem like they were workshopped to death, because they weren't, because he makes them up as he says them. Most politicians -- and most political communications -- go through all sorts of dumb testing and analysis and drafts and so on, until everything interesting (read: potentially negative to a voter) is leeched out, and all that's left is pre-breaded Chicken McNuggets. And that's how you get \"Dangerous Donald.\" Except that now, thanks to an anonymous source, The Washington Post has exclusively obtained* the results of the Democrats' brainstorming session from which \"Dangerous Donald\" emerged. What's presented below is a complete list of the other ideas that the party rejected, some of which differ significantly in tone and focus. Take a look: [ All things considered, \"Dangerous Donald\" is probably actually the best one on that list. ________________________________ * \"Exclusively obtained\" in the sense of \"making it up.\" Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Attached is a discussion document. It incorporates material provided by Simon Shackley (UMIST) & Mike Hulme. Jean has commented on it. It is intended to circulate this to consortium partners on Monday. if you have chance to read it & comment on it before it goes, that would be good; but I recognise that - in practice - time is too short. My apologies for that. (However, I do think there is a danger in presenting our partners with too 'final' a draft application at this stage. And we do need their bright ideas!). CHRIS - please will you liaise with Jean to: 1. Get this document out to outside attendees. 2. Send out a list of attendees 3. Give outside people details of where to get the Research Councils' document 'Information for applicants to run the Centre' (web), if they don't already have it. 4. Send out an agenda (Jean is doing this) 5. Send out Kerry's diagram (Jean has) CHRIS - will you also please fax copies of the ICER document (in your tray) to John Shepherd (Southampton 596258) and Nigel Arnell (I don't have fax number). [For info to others - we didn't send Soton a copy of the ICER bid earlier, because they were sitting on the fence]. Very many thanks. Trevor Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Climate Change Centre.doc\" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Professor Trevor D. Davies Dean, School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Tel. +44 1603 592836 Fax. +44 1603 507719 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++From ???@??? Fri Sep 24 13:44:11 1999 Received: from [] (helo=taff.cru.uea.ac.uk) by mailserver1.uea.ac.uk with smtp (Exim 3.02 #1) id 11UUP8-0001QM-00; Fri, 24 Sep 1999 13:24:46 +0100 Message-Id: X-Sender: e022@pop.uea.ac.uk X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.3 (32) Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 13:21:45 +0100 To: n.adger@uea,j.alexander@uea,g.bigg@uea,k.briffa@uea,p.brimblecombe@uea, s.dorling@uea,k.heywood@uea,t.jickells@uea,m.kelly@uea,b.maher@uea, j.plane@uea,a.jordan@uea,m.penkett@uea,s.raper@uea,c.vincent@uea, a.j.watson@uea From: Trevor Davies Subject: Outline bid for new Climate Change Centre (CCC) Cc: c.bentham@uea,p.jones@uea,j.palutikof@uea,p.liss@uea,m.hulme@uea, r.k.turner@uea,a.watkinson@uea,k.brown@uea,j.darch@uea,parryml@aol.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\" Status: CONFIDENTIAL TO ENV - State of Play The research councils want a 5000 word outline bid by mid-October. The councils are putting up 2 million pounds per year for 5 years are NERC, EPSRC and ESRC. The research councils are putting the emphasis on \"solutions\" to climate change. They are clearly not looking for another version of CRU, the Hadley Centre, or any other existing centre in the UK. The focus is \"downstream\" of these existing centres. Much of what they appear to want we anticipated in our JIF ICER (Institute for Connective Environmental Sciences) bid and, indeed, we made a provisional early strike for the CCC in that bid, although the research councils' intentions were not known at that point. Even if the JIF ICER bid is unsuccessful (& at this stage we are still optimistic), then we will still be able to take advantage of this \"early\" thinking in the final CCC bid. We are aware of 3-4 competitors, which are mainly consortia of some form. Our consortium includes UMIST (number of departments), Southampton (number of departments), Cambridge (Dept of Econometrics), Sussex (Science Policy Research Unit), Cranfield (Ecotechnology Unit- Complex Systems Modelling), and Leeds (Institute for Transport Studies). There will also be a number of institutes associated with us, including Inst. Hydrology, BAS, Inst. Terrestrial Ecology, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Building Research Establishment, John Innes Centre, and possibly other Institutes such as the Plymouth Marine Lab & the Proudman Oceanographic Lab. The hub of this consortium will be UEA. Visiting fellows etc will work in the Centre (& possibly also at 'secondary' centres like UMIST). Business\/industry links are important, as are links with relevant institutes abroad. We anticipate writing in some industrial\/business partners. Our philosophy is not to seek to maximise the input of resources to UEA, or to the consortium, in the short term, but to build a Centre which has the credibility and the authority to identify, initiate, orchestrate research programmes, and to include the best people available. We see this as the likeliest way to attract long-term funding & to ensure the long-term future of the CCC. We have a fairly clear idea of the \"science framework\" of the CCC and, together with our partners, are now agreeing the \"research challenges\". At the moment the research challenges look something like this: 1. DEVELOPING THE TOOLKIT Given that the Centre's starting point is to take advantage of the best research internationally (extant, on-going, and planned), it will be necessary to apply, refine, and develop methods of 'integration'. Much science and engineering research is focused on specific disciplinary issues. This has to be brought together with critical analyses of social and economic factors, to design more adaptive and effective policies, and more effective and appropriate engineering\/technology. The best aspects of 'integrated assessments' will be applied with a UK focus. An important part of such assessments will be isolate emerging opportunities (for business\/industry) afforded by climate change - in order to identify competitive opportunities it will be necessary to consider global pressure points. Existing models need to be linked. Reduced complexity modelling has a significant role. The Toolkit can also be developed and tested via geographically-focused studies. For example, integrated coastal (incl. estuaries) management which will include: risk analysis; valuation of coastal environments; effects of adaptation (soft\/hard engineering solutions) on coastline; ecological\/economic models; etc. Methods to characterise\/measure vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The Toolkit will also include some of the consultation\/inclusion techniques outlined in UEA's JIF bid for ICER. 2. ABRUPT CHANGES AND EXTREMES 'Climate' research on abrupt\/non-linear changes (in 'underlying' climate) and on changes in extreme event frequency (some of the Tools will need to be applied - or adapted for - this Challenge: for example, vulnerability\/adaptation, risk analysis, reduced complexity modelling). Of particular importance is how the possibility of abupt\/non-linear change should be assimilated into decision-making frameworks (perception\/risk analyses, etc.). It will be necessary to consider the implications of non-climate 'shocks' - political and economic shocks; or combinations, for example, climate\/weather extremes influencing perceptions (amongst business community and politicians) leading to sudden shifts of policy, investments, etc. 3 CARBON MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Adoption of clean technology (includes 'alternative' energy sources, and removal of C from emissions). In particular, clean technologies and solutions for developing countries link into identifying business opportunities. The impacts of clean technologies - landscape\/lifestyle valuation. Incorporation (technological) into existing infrastructure\/supply networks. a. Carbon 'sequestration' - options, waste C recycling, use in building materials, long-term storage, etc. Oceans. Ambitious bio-engineering? (discussions with Norwich's John Innes Centre on-going). b. Energy efficiency (technological), including control systems, especially when concentrated on one of the scale 'foci' (e.g. the household). 4. MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE. Factor 4 and beyond 1. We will need to go well beyond Factor 4 to stabilise the climate system. This programme would analyse and assess different emission trajectories, and look at how we would in practice achieve Factor 4+. It would include assessment of tools such as: C trading, domestic tradeable carbon quotas, regulation and taxation, voluntary agreements, opportunities for win-win scenarios through resource use minimisation, etc. Also, it would look at changes to a low-C economy at different scales: households, SMEs, large firms, MNCs; local to regional to national to global, etc., to sectoral: transport, energy supply, heavy & light manufacturing, services & finance, etc. Techhnology uptake. This includes reducing transport emissions and exploring low-consumption (water, energy, carbon) households. What about air traffic? The research challenges above are not intended to be all-inclusive. We intend to use Research Challenges such as these 4, as \"examplars\" of the sort of thingw we will expand upon in the final bid. The research councils have emphasised the importance of attracting a top-rate international scientist as Research Director. They also wish us to name the Executive Director at this point. We believe it should be someone with a reputation in climate research in their own right, good links etc with the \"impacts\" people and with funders, as well as being a good manager\/organiser. We anticipate naming Mike Hulme. From what we have heard, that will give us an additional advantage over other bids. At this point, we will welcome your comment, input, suggestions. Trevor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Professor Trevor D. Davies Dean, School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Tel. +44 1603 592836 Fax. +44 1603 507719 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++","label":0} {"text":"For security reasons we are verifying and confirming our customers emails on our database. This is your account email verification code MKGO019 Login here go to your account settings to enter your verification Thank you for your co-operation. Copyright 2015 Navy Federal Credit Union.","label":1} {"text":"He turned the wheelchair roughly, hurting himself, not caring. culpa decay .He vaguely remembered an evening he'd spent drinking Scotch with a gloomy playwright named Bernstein at the Lion's Head, down in the Village (and if he lived to see the Village again he would get down on whatever remained of his knees and kiss the grimy sidewalk of Christopher Street). \"What's a lien? His dreams were bad. \"\"Yes, thanks. \"\"Yes. \"Geoffrey asked in a low almost strengthless voice, and just then, the drums did. That the latter had begun to look slightly more attractive than the former said all that probably needed to be said about the worsening state of his body, mind, and spirit. annulling","label":1} {"text":"Last chance to save up to $1,348 on Business Class fares Download The Emirates App for iPad | Online version | Add Emirates to your safe senders list Special Offers Earning Miles Partner Offers Log in to Your Account Follow Emirates Facebook Google Plus LinkedIn YouTube Enjoy limited-time special Business Class fares Dallas \/ Ft. Worth to Middle East (round-trip) from $5,316* Seattle to India (round-trip) from $4,696* Washington, DC to Far East Asia (round-trip) from $5,127* Dallas \/ Ft. Worth to Africa (round-trip) from $5,544* Your Skywards Account Name Ms Amy Pascal Membership Number 219 918 893 Blue Miles Balance 0 as of 22.05.2014 Login Book by May 27, 2014 and take advantage of these special Business Class fares. More Business Class fares available to destinations in India, Africa, South Asian subcontinent, the Middle East and Far East Asia. Book your flight now Update Profile or Unsubscribe | Contact Us | Privacy Policy","label":0} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. ========================================================= MN7P:","label":1} {"text":"Dear PayPal Member , As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding your account. Case ID Number: PP-457-015-376 For your protection, we have limited access to your account until additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used to make its decision to limit your account access, please Please click on the link below: cmd=_flow&SESSION=U5zpKMni3mP6x We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department ---------------------------------------------------------------- PayPal Email ID PP522","label":1} {"text":"BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Global Markets Washington, DC -- The Society of the Plastics Industry Inc. (SPI), the trade association representing one of the largest manufacturing industries in the United States, announced that it has entered into a strategic alliance with Enron Global Markets LLC (EGM), to jointly promote price risk management financial products that will help plastics processors in managing financial risks associated with resin price volatility. Through this agreement, SPI members will have direct access to EGM's experience in the plastics industry and to the financial products the company currently offers to the market. In addition, SPI and EGM will offer special seminars uniquely tailored to the needs of the SPI membership on effectively managing price risk. As part of Enron's partnership with SPI, we will conduct a series of industry-specific risk management seminars. Companies in the plastics industry today face a number of challenges such as rising costs in raw material and energy, and economic factors beyond their control including slow demand. Financial products being offered by EGM can, for example, fix or establish a maximum resin price for a given period of time, thereby allowing the companies to make better business decisions and improve financial stability. EGM Crude and Products Fundamentals The EGM Crude and Products Fundamentals team is proud to announce the launch of its new \"Morning Briefing\" report. The report is aimed at providing traders, mid marketers and originators with a detailed yet concise overview of factors impacting the oil and products markets in the previous 24 hours and how these factors are likely to affect the market in the coming day. In addition to market moving news items, the report contains key market data such as prices, MMBtu curves, refinery outages, open interest analysis and various other market driving information. The report is updated by 7.30 a.m. each day and can be found on the Crude and Products Fundamentals intranet at under In House Analysis, Morning Briefing. EES Business Center The Business Center is ready to receive and track all customer leads and service issues. EES needs a single point of entry for all customer calls and issues to ensure customer satisfaction. Starting today, please route all general inquiry calls to our Business Center to provide each customer with consistent and effective assistance. The number for the Center is 800-337-7827 (800-EES-SVCS) or calls can be transferred to x59390. You may also contact them through e-mail at EESBusinessCenter@enron.com. In the event that an account, partner, utility or vendor's activity affects EES' interests, an URGENT ISSUE request should be filed immediately. Such activity includes change in credit rating, bankruptcy filings, high risk shut-off notices, health and safety concerns, possible litigation, etc. File the relevant information by either phone or e-mail and note it as an URGENT ISSUE to enable the Business Center to act immediately. EWS Business Analysis and Reporting Enron Wholesale Services (excluding Net Works) has nearly 1350 invoices totaling almost $12 million waiting for coding and approval in the iPayit system. Over 900 invoices have been in the system greater than 30 days. Although a company-wide task force is working to improve the entire process, each of us needs to do our part to ensure accurate and timely payment to our vendors. Following are the statistics on invoices in the system greater than 30 days: ENA 443 invoices totaling $4.3 million EBS 358 invoices totaling $4.6 million EGM 87 invoices totaling $262,000 EIM 33 invoices totaling $123,000 If you purchase items that generate invoices (including cell phones, pagers, etc.), or if you are responsible for coding and approving invoices, you will receive an e-mail notification that an invoice has arrived in your iPayit inbox. You must log on to iPayit and take the appropriate action. No one else can process the invoice for payment while it is in your iPayit inbox. We expect EWS to stay current and process the invoice within 5 days of notification. We will continue to monitor the status of accounts payable and expect to see significant improvement by the end of September. If you need assistance processing outstanding invoices, please contact Christa Winfrey at christa.winfrey@enron.com. IN THE NEWS Judge Delays California Refund Report Until March 8 Washington, Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- The judge who will recommend whether Enron Corp., Duke Energy Corp. and other power sellers owe California as much as $8.9 billion in refunds for electricity sales has postponed his recommendations until March 8. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission administrative judge Bruce Birchman said today that California's grid operator needs more time to collect information about power sales during the October-through-January refund period. This is the second time he postponed his report. Birchman originally said he would make his recommendations to the commission by Nov. 5, then delayed it to Dec. 13. California demanded the refunds, charging that the power sellers inflated electricity prices. Power providers blame the fourfold increase in the average price of power in California from January to June compared with a year earlier on supply not keeping up with demand. ''I'm not surprised the judge is having trouble finding evidence because I don't think that refunds are due from anybody,'' Enron spokesman Mark Palmer said. WELCOME New Hires EGM - Gary Denton, Luisa Rivera, Marc Graubach, Tassio Carvalho EIM - Sally Bailey, Scott Royster, John Gwaltney, Shawn Mejdrich, ENA - Trenton Johnson, Kimberley Jacobson, Purvi Patel, Dale Furrow, John LaBorde, John Morris Transfers (to or within) ENA - Monica Brown, Rahul Seksaria, Ofelia Morales, Francis McGuinness, George Phillips, Greg Branan, Jeffrey Bartlett, Mark Dypiangco, Ronald Williams, Russell Woody, William Loving, Cynthia Simon, Deann Hogan, Kathy Bass, LaDonna Finnels-Neal EGM - Michael L. Miller, Chris Hall, Marc Graubart NUGGETS & NOTES CHAIRMAN'S AWARD 2001 Do you have a colleague that deserves to be recognized for their dedication and commitment to Enron's core values - Respect, Integrity, Communication, Excellence? The 2001 Chairman's Award is your chance to put forward someone you know who really captures the spirit, philosophy and the day-to-day business practices of our company in their work, their attitude and in how they regard their colleagues. All Enron employees can nominate fellow employees at any level - from the top down or bottom up. The nomination process is simple. Submit a completed nomination form, available on by Wednesday October 10, 2001. The award winner and finalists will be announced at the annual Enron Management Conference in San Antonio, Texas on November 16, 2001. EnronOnline Figures Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of September 24 ? Total Life to Date Transactions > 1,470,000 ? Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $830 billion Enron Wholesale Services Best Practice Tips United Parcel Service (UPS) After Hours Drop Boxes are Open The Enron Building drop box is located near the automated teller machine. The last pick up is 8:00 PM. The Three Allen Center drop box is located behind the down escalator on the ground floor by the self-service postal center. The last pick up is 7:45 PM. Drop boxes handle letters and boxes up to 18\"x13\"x3\" and can be shipped via Next-Day Air, Second-Day Air, Third-Day Select, UPS International and UPS World-Wide Express Service. Be sure to include the Enron account number, and your company and cost center number in the reference field on the shipping documentation. For more information, contact Glenn Lewis (GSS) at 713-646-7512. United Parcel Service (UPS) is Enron's preferred vendor for express deliveries. NEWS FROM THE GLOBAL FLASH Enron Commences Authorization Process for New Power Plant in Italy Enron has begun an application procedure to get the necessary consent to develop a natural gas fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station of up to 1,200MW on a 10-hectare site 1.5km from Roveleto di Cadeo, in the Comune of Cadeo, in the Province of Piacenza (NorthEast Italy). The following consents must be received before Enron's proposals for a power station can be implemented: - Decree of Environmental Compatibility from the Ministry of the Environment, - Authorization to construct and operate the plant from the Ministry of Industry - All other necessary local and national permits for construction and operation of the plant, including administrative authorizations and power and gas line connections. The authorization process is expected to take around two years, such that construction could begin in early 2004, with operation 30-36 months from construction start. However, the decision to proceed with construction of the project will remain contingent on further developments in the liberalization of the Italian power and gas markets. \"This is the first time one of our Italian asset development projects has moved forward since our jointly-owned Sarlux IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) plant in Sardinia went into full commercial operation in December 2000,\" says Ross Sankey who is leading Enron's Cadeo project team. \"We're pleased to have identified such a suitable site for a new power plant and continue to assess other similar opportunities.\" GasMarktFax Stirs \"Trouble\" in German Incumbent-dominated Gas Market Following on from a recent GlobalFlash! report on the launch of GasMarktFax by the German origination team we are pleased to provide the following update on the impact the product is beginning to have on the German gas market: European Spot Gas Markets reported on Thursday, 13 September, that Ruhrgas will decrease prices for their Stadtwerke and regional gas companies as of 1 October. The article mentions that it is clear that Ruhrgas is taking competition seriously and that last month's release of Enron's GasMarktFax provided Stadtwerke with the opportunity to compare their standard price to Enron offers. \"Pricing pressure pushes incumbents to lower their tariffs,\" said Helge-Jurgen Beil, director with the German origination team, who lead the GasMarktFax initiative. \"However, it is important to note that incumbents try to crowd out marginal supplies and abuse their dominant supplier position. Grid access is still cumbersome and only very few customers have a real choice,\" Helge-Jurgen added. Enron Signs First Trading Deal in Poland Enron's Polish team have signed the company's first ever trading deal in the country - which is also the first transaction entered into by a Polish power trading company based on the EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) Master Trading Agreement. The 50MW deal is with PKE, currently Poland's largest generator by installed capacity, responsible for around 17% of total energy production in Poland. The deal with PKE is effectively a series of 51 call options, each one of them being a separate option for 50MW of baseload power for any given calendar month. Enron is the buyer of this series of options. The first month for which Enron will have a call option will be October 2001, and the last will be December 2005. The exercise date for each option is 26 days before the beginning of the delivery month. The strike prices follow a pre-determined schedule. \"This pioneering agreement sets new standards of power trading in Poland,\" declares Jarek Dybowski, Enron's director of power trading in Poland. \"This deal has set a precedent and created a platform for us to further break into the bilateral wholesale electricity trading market in Poland,\" adds Jarek Astramowicz, Enron's vice-president and head of the Polish office. A big thank you to Jarek Dybowski, Tomasz Krzyzewski, Sid Cox, Marcus Zwinger, Pat Cini and Jason Clatworthy and all the others who helped make this deal possible.\" EBS Celebrates Neos Deal Congratulations to EBS who secured a deal with Neos, a company that specialises in providing bandwidth within London and other UK cities (known as metro connectivity). The transaction gives Enron instant access to London's metro network, which expands Enron's coverage. The agreement involves a ?3 million take or pay commitment over ten years, with Enron receiving fixed prices and degradation for the capacity. Marcello Romano, Vice President Bandwidth Trading, is delighted: \"We needed to close a strategic deal to increase our metro coverage. Not only has this been achieved but the team negotiated well below market prices.\" Launch of Nordic precipitation index In another first for Enron, this week saw the launch by Enron Nordic Energy of a precipitation index based on rainfall levels in a number of locations. The index will serve as a new weather trading instrument bringing more choice to the weather market and thereby promoting market liquidity. Given the close relationship existing between precipitation levels and power prices in the Nordic region, the index will be of interest to both power traders and large hydro producers. The index will serve as a new trading instrument enabling power traders to add to and refine their positions. For the large hydro producers, the index will provide a benchmark for hedging their risk against fluctuations in rainfall. The index will be based on a large number of locations available throughout the Nordic region, with 27 locations in all (19 in Norway and 8 in Sweden). On the very day of the index launch, we were able to announce the completion of a deal with Norsk Hydro whereby we have constructed a specific index enabling Norsk Hydro to hedge its production volumes throughout the Nordic region. Given the amount of hydroproduction in the Nordic region - approximately 99% (116TWh\/yr) in Norway and 50% (64TWh\/yr) in Sweden - the index is likely to be of significant interest in the Nordic market. In Norway and Sweden, about 70% of the supply side is hydro and the volume of this supply can deviate by around 10% from normal (and by up to 30% during extreme years). The subsequent impact on prices is huge and the variation in produced volumes is of great concern to hydro producers. LEGAL STUFF The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed.","label":0} {"text":"----- Original Message ----- From: IRISORISE@aol.com To: patrice@menilfoundation.org ; Agnes_Broussard@agfg.com ; PDBynum@hotmail.com ; Joantoetoechopp@aol.com ; hhafcu@ev1.net ; pat_coley@hotmail.com ; SJConnally@aol.com ; Cdaniels8322@aol.com ; mdove@ev1.net ; JDykes9002@aol.com ; Believer4@hotmail.com ; dgfriedl@earthlink.net ; syhawkins@hotmail.com ; evahenderson@hotmail.com ; MWHQuest@quixnet.net ; DKJohnson99@yahoo.com ; erickayme@hotmail.com ; jonesetal@orbitworld.net ; Janice_McDonald@kindermorgan.com ; GEMB2270@msn.com ; YMAFONTENOT@aol.com ; rprather@mastnet.net ; aroldan@pdq.net ; runneca@texaco.com ; Asander1@houstonisd.org ; Denandjansands@cs.com ; psemands@houston.rr.com ; TERESAS31@aol.com ; gtasby@bcm.tmc.edu ; MsKlas@aol.com ; CWatson1_98@yahoo.com ; Chaunwood@hotmail.com Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 11:18 PM Subject: Fwd: FW: Do you think YOU will pass it on??? Hummm... I do hope that everyone enjoy reading this. Isn't if funny????? Love u Iris --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: To: 'IRISORISE@aol.com' Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2001 1:53:55 GMT Subject: One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!\" \"What are you going to do with them?\" Jesus asked. Satan replied, \"Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!\" \"And what will you do when you get done with them?\" Jesus asked. \"Oh, I'll kill 'em,\" Satan glared proudly. \"How much do you want for them?\" Jesus asked. \"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you!! You don't want those people!!\" \"How much?\" Jesus asked again. Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, \"All your tears, and all your blood.\" Jesus said, \"DONE!\" Then He paid the price. Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Isn't it funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Isn't it funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says. Or is it scary? Isn't it funny how someone can say \"I believe in God\" but still follow Satan (who, by the way also \"believes\" in God). Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Isn't it funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace. Isn't it funny how someone can be! so fired up for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. Are you laughing? Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them. Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. Will YOU pass this on? I did","label":0} {"text":"eBay Unpaid Item Dispute #200122150768 - response required Dear member, eBay member skaeserbackgrounds (14122) has that they already paid for item #200122150768 Review the submitted details regarding the payment. Regards,eBay International AG","label":1} {"text":"> > Microsoft has announced that they plan to remove Java from Windows. > They took it out of XP already and it has to be installed with a > service pack. Somehow, I can't imagine them removing the ability to > run C programs. They removed \/their\/ Java VM. They didn't remove the ability to run Java programs. Anybody is free to develop their own Java VM and make it kick ass. As someone said earlier in the thread, nobody is capable or willing to do that. I've done a bunch of Java and haven't run into huge problems running the same bytecode across Solaris or Win2K. What actual problems have people actually run into. Actually.","label":0} {"text":"We are plagiarizing each one the other:-) It's a contest now! :-) David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 Begin forwarded message: Date: February 24, 2015 at 7:25:42 PM GMT+1 From: IFTTT Action < action@ifttt.com > To: < twitter@hackingteam.com > Subject: TWITTER: What does it take to stop #cybersecurity breaches like #Anthem's? Encryption not enough. #infosec What does it take to stop #cybersecurity breaches like #Anthem 's? Encryption not enough. #infosec \u2014 HackingTeam (@hackingteam) February 24, 2015 via Twitter February 24, 2015 at 07:10PM Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe --","label":0} {"text":"NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT From: OUTSOURCE ENG.& MFG. INC. Sir\/Madam; This note is to inform you of new watchdog board technology for maintaining continuous unattended operation of PC\/Servers etc. that we have released for distribution. We are proud to announce Watchdog Control Center featuring MAM (Multiple Applications Monitor) capability. The key feature of this application enables you to monitor as many applications as you have resident on any computer as well as the operating system for continuous unattended operation. The Watchdog Control Center featuring MAM capability expands third party application \"control\" of a Watchdog as access to the application's source code is no longer needed. Here is how it all works: Upon installation of the application and Watchdog, the user may select many configuration options, based on their model of Watchdog, to fit their operational needs. If the MAM feature is enabled, the user may select any executable program that they wish for monitoring. A lock up of the operating system or if any one of the selected applications is not running, the MAM feature, in conjunction with the Watchdog, will reset the system allowing for continuous operation. It's that simple! Watchdog Control Center is supported on most Microsoft Windows platforms (Win9x\/WinNT\/Win2k) and includes a Linux version for PCI Programmable Watchdogs. Watchdog Control Center Features: - Automated installation - Controls all Outsource Engineering Watchdogs - User selectable Watchdog timeout period - User selectable Watchdog stroke interval - Multiple Application Monitoring Included on the Installation CD: - Watchdog Control Center - Watchdog Drivers - Documentation For more information, please visit out website at or send an e-mail to sales@outsrc-em.com","label":1} {"text":"ciao -- Antonio Mazzeo Senior Security Engineer Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.mazzeo@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3311863741 phone: +39 0229060603 --","label":0} {"text":"Bank of America Internal Mail Box Notification Re-Confirm Your Online Access we are necessitating a verification process on your account (Business\/Personal), as an added measure to ensuring adequate security on your access online. click on sign in to Online Banking to continue the verification process and ensure you fill in the required information. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender (c) 2006 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 10am Thur 7\/31 Delete Lauren rose Chris Doug\u00c2 sent on the run On Jul 31, 2014, at 10:03 AM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 07\/31\/14 10:02 AM, Lauren Glotzer, (Business) (310) 244-4725, OUT CALLS, 07\/30\/14 12:10 PM, Medical, (Assistant) 4-5560, IN CALLS, 07\/31\/14 09:57 AM, Rose Spadaveccia, (Business) 4.7307, returning again IN CALLS, 07\/31\/14 08:59 AM, Chris Mansolillo, (Business) (310) 244-6346, pls call IN CALLS, 07\/30\/14 02:56 PM, Doug Morris, (Assista","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: sepp berg Date: Apr 23, 2008 2:35 PM Subject: new german greetings 23-04-08 To: commander@newsaxon.org Dear Comrades Commander Schoep, a cordially yours from Germany! We already were in contact! Have the information about the march attentively on Washington vetrachtet! Parish priest Jay has in detail reported about it on his home page! Furthermore ask for comradely contact! H V - Pastor P.J. www.kirchevonjesuschristus.de.tl ------------------------------ Hohe Telefonrechnungen? Gratis Gespr\u00e4che von PC zu PC - unlimitiert mit dem Windows Live Messenger. Hier klicken! -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"> From: Chris Garrigues > Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 12:23:38 -0500 > > Okay....Catchup unseen is something that I don't use often, but i can > certainly reproduce this. I'll dig into it. It's probably simple. Try it now. Chris -- Chris Garrigues ~cwg\/ virCIO 716 Congress, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78701 +1 512 374 0500 World War III: The Wrong-Doers Vs. the Evil-Doers.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Lindsey, Shu Yen and Deahundra are working out of Richmond to be able to participate in a state party event with Virginia press. Can we approve reimbursement for gas? Thx Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Wei, Shu-Yen\" Date: 05\/19\/2016 09:17 (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Cc: \"Jefferson, Deshundra\" Subject: Going to Richmond, VA on Tuesday? Hi Luis, The Virginia Democratic Party is hosting an open house with state press and communications staffers from Kaine, Warner, the AG and Governor's office at their headquarters in Richmond this coming Tuesday (5\/24). Deshundra and I would like to attend but also work from Richmond for the day, to make sure we aren't sitting in traffic if not necessary. DPVA has work space available for us. Please let us know if there's any problems with this. Thanks __________ Shu-Yen Wei Northeast Press Secretary AAPI & Women's Media Democratic National Committee 207-512-0005 weis@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Critical Migration Information: Please note your migration date did NOT appear in your previous e-mail. Please reprocess your information on your migration date: April 18th. We apologize for any incovenience this may have caused. 1. Your scheduled Outlook Migration Date is THE EVENING OF : April 18th 2. You need to press the \"Save My Data\" button (only once) to send us your pre-migration information. 3. You must be connected to the network before you press the button. 4. If a POP-UP BOX appears, prompting you to \"ABORT, CANCEL OR TRUST SIGNER\" please select TRUST SIGNER. 5. Any information you Add to your Personal Address Book, Journal or calendar after you click on the button will need to be manually re-added into Outlook after you have been migrated. 6. Clicking this button does not complete your migration to Outlook. Your migration will be completed the evening of your migration date. Failure to click on the button will result in your data not being imported to Outlook. 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Therefore, as a prevention measure, we have temporarely limited access to sensitive U.S. Bank account features To ensure that your account is not compromised please take a review on your recent account history for any unauthorized withdrawals or deposits, and check your account profile to make sure no changes have been made. If any unauthorized activity has taken place on your account, report this to U.S. Bank Security Center immediately. To get started, please click: HERE This e-mail contains information directly related to your account with us and\/or any application you may have submitted. U.S. Bank and its service providers are committed to protecting your privacy and ask you not to send sensitive account information through e-mail. You can view our privacy policy and contact information please click: here Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience.If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporary suspend your account. Thank you for using U.S. Bank Internet Banking! Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your U.S. Bank account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any U.S. Bank page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Copyright\u00a9 2007 U.S. Bancorp. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Please hold off. They have more edits coming. From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 4:55 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: Please read: My Vote, My Voice Below is a LTE that I am submitting to The News & Observer on behalf of North Carolina's Democratic Congressional delegation. We are limited to 500 words. North Carolina had one of the strongest rates of voter participation in the nation before H.B. 589 was signed into law. The law rolled back the early voting period, eliminated same-day registration, and imposed restrictive photo ID requirements. While we are disappointed the U.S. District Court upheld H.B. 589, we are hopeful the courts and the American people will ultimately see these laws for what they truly are - a cynical political ploy to make it harder for women, people of color, students, the elderly and working families to cast a ballot. These groups of voters are the majority of Americans and represent the Democrat's core constituency. When we limit the ways that people can vote, we are hurting the low-wage workers with two jobs, the single mother who goes to work early each morning and picks up her children late at night, and the elderly widower without a car who relies on his adult children to get to the polls. This purely partisan law was passed without any support from Democrats because its intent was clear from the very beginning - to systematically limit access to the polls in order to sway elections. Tellingly, the General Assembly waited until the U.S. Supreme Court had eliminated the pre-clearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act before advancing these discriminatory voter-suppression measures. At the time this bill was passed, the North Carolina State Board of Elections identified only two instances of potential voter impersonation in a 14-year period. Senator Thom Tillis, then-North Carolina House Speaker, even acknowledged in an interview that fighting so-called voter fraud was not the primary reason for passing the bill. Sadly, several other states have joined North Carolina in making it harder to cast a vote. In April, students at a Marquette University polling station in Wisconsin faced two-hour wait times just to cast a ballot. After the polls officially closed, a Wisconsin Republican Congressman bragged to a TV reporter that the state's restrictive photo ID law would help the GOP defeat Democrats in the fall. In Texas, Senator Ted Cruz recently filed an amicus brief in support of the state's restrictive photo ID law. He also led the fight as Texas Solicitor General to limit voter registration efforts in communities of color, vigorously defending a discriminatory law against a civil rights lawsuit. While Democrats have gone to court in Arizona to reverse this culture of discrimination and disenfranchisement, Republicans are going to court to defend laws designed to decrease voter turnout because they believe that when fewer people vote, they have a better chance of winning. Make no mistake, this is part of a consistent and concerted effort by Republicans to silence voters who do not agree with their agenda. We expect that these laws, like the one passed here in North Carolina, will ultimately be declared unconstitutional, and will continue the fight at the Congressional level to restore the critical protections of the Voting Rights Act. -- CBC Chairman Representative G.K. Butterfield -- Representative David Price -- Representative Alma Adams [SigDems] Deshundra Jefferson, Southern Regional Communications Director Democratic National Committee JeffersonD@dnc.org | (202) 863-8112","label":0} {"text":"Dear Amazon member, Due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the Amazon community we have issued this warning. Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. Please follow the link below: update your account information. We apreciate your support and understanding, as we work together to keep Amazon market a safe place to trade. Thank you for your attention on this serious matter. Regards,Amazon Safety DepartmentNOTE: This message was sent to you by an automated e-mail system. Please don't reply to it. Amazon treats your personal information with the utmost care, and our Privacy Policy is designed to protect you and your information.","label":1} {"text":"FYI\u2026 From: Erin Bilbray Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:14 PM To: Rawlings-Blake, Stephanie Subject: Re: STATEMENT FROM THE CHAIR ON NEVADA I hope you will take the time to look at the videos. There was no violence. There was anger, frustration and lots of swear words. It was a horribly run convention. It is inexcusable that there were death threats made following the convention. A police report should be filed. But I repeat, there was no violence. I was there until the bitter end. Sent from my iPhone On May 17, 2016, at 2:33 PM, Rawlings-Blake, Stephanie > wrote: Dear DNC Member, Below please find a statement from DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the Nevada Democratic Party Letter regarding the behavior among some participants around the state party convention this past weekend. Best, Stephanie \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Secretary Democratic National Committee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For Immediate Release May 17, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 DNC Statement on Nevada Democratic Party Letter WASHINGTON \u2013 DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz today issued the following statement on a letter from the Nevada Democratic Party regarding threatening and violent behavior among some participants around their state party convention this weekend: \"We are deeply concerned about the troubling details laid out in the letter from the Nevada Democratic Party. We will be reaching out to the leadership of both of our campaigns to ask them to stand with the Democratic Party in denouncing and taking steps to prevent the type of behavior on display over the weekend in Las Vegas. Our democracy is undermined any time threats, intimidation, physical violence or damage to property are present. If there are legitimate concerns, they must be addressed in an orderly, civil and peaceful manner. \"The rules governing the Democratic Party delegate selection process have been in place for decades and the specific procedures for this cycle were agreed upon in 2014. In Nevada on Saturday, the state party's credentials committee was made up of an equal number of members representing both campaigns. That's a testament to our party's fundamental belief in being inclusive, open to the public, and transparent. The process for nominating a Democratic Presidential candidate is not something taken lightly, it is a four-year endeavor that is closely scrutinized and determined in public forums, just as it has been in past election cycles. There is no excuse for what happened in Nevada, and it is incumbent upon all of us in positions of leadership to speak out.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, Chase has been receiving complaints from our customers for unauthorised use of the Chase Online accounts. As a result we are making an extra security check on all of our Customers account in order to protect their information from theft and fraud.Due to this, you are requested to follow the provided steps and confirm your Online Banking details for the safety of your Accounts. Please Click Here To Start . However, Failure to do so may result in temporary account suspension. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Yours sincerely, JPMorgan Chase Bank JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER * You can view and print pdf files while you are online using Adobe\u00ae Reader\u00ae software. If you don't have that software, you may download it for free at the Adobe site now. Adobe and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and\/or other countries. This is a link to a third-party site as described in our Weblinking Practices. Note that the third party's privacy policy and security practices may differ from Chase's standards. Chase assumes no responsibility for nor does it control, endorse or guarantee any aspect of your use of the linked site. This site is directed at persons in the United States only. Persons outside the United States may visit International Banking. Product and services described, as well as associated fees, charges, interest rate, and balance requirements may differ among geographic locations. Not all products and services are offered at all locations.","label":1} {"text":"Bruno Muschitiello updated #AGP-597-19060 ----------------------------------------- Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello (was: -- Unassigned --) Status: In Progress (was: Open) Setting up the system behind a NAT ---------------------------------- Ticket ID: AGP-597-19060 URL: Name: KD Email address: k.dobrzynski@cba.gov.pl Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Feedback Status: In Progress Priority: High Template group: Default Created: 17 March 2014 09:17 PM Updated: 18 March 2014 12:08 PM Unfortunately RCS doesn't support this solution. Please describe us which result do you expect with this kind of infrastructure, because with the release ver. 9.2 we have already improved the security of the entire infrastructure. Thank you. Kind regards Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Flagging- From: Patricia Murphy Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:14 AM To: DNC Press Subject: DAILY BEAST re: Priebus and Carson saying it's \"not Christian\" to judge Trump's behavior with women Hi guys, Do y'all have a comment for a piece I'm writing about Ben Carson and Reince Priebus both saying yesterday that it isn't Christian to judge Donald Trump for his behavior with women that the NYT detailed? Priebus said it on \"This Week,\" Carson said it on Fox & Friends Sunday. (quotes below) I'm writing about the obvious irony there. If you'd have a moment today, I'd be grateful for your input. Thanks so much, Patricia Murphy The Daily Beast 202-277-4612 AND FYI: Reince Priebus on ABC's This Week, when asked about the Times piece: \"But I also think there are things from many years ago and I think that, you know, as Christians, judging each other I think is is problematic. I think it's when people live in glass houses and throw stones is when people get in trouble.\" And Dr. Carson on \"Fox & Friends\" Sunday, in response to a question about whether he was comfortable with the way Trump treats women.: \"As a Christian, what I do is not judge everybody. And that seems to be something that a lot of people have got into. 'I'm better than you are.' Give me a break. Let's just stop for a moment. And I'm talking to conservatives. Let's consider where we are as a nation and what we have to do. What your feelings are personally about a person is irrelevant. What we need to be talking about your children and your grandchildren's future. Think about that.\"","label":0} {"text":"Hi Nigel,Perhaps that should be 'Hotel T' mask...Given that this is a small part I can't see any downside to trying to cast this now and it's certainly feasible.I haven't seen the script or character bios yet - if these are available I love to see them (especially for Vlad of course).Given that this is Stunt Casting I think we should go to the local offices rather than the dubbing studios as the MMs & GMs would have a much better idea of what value any choice(s) would bring to the marketing effort. We can do our own research locally to find relevant actors who have played Dracula (or are associated with the horror genre) to help with the selection.Will we target key markets or try for all that will dub the show?Also do you know when in October the deadline is?All best.Paul. From: Clark, NigelTo: Stapley-Tovey, PaulCc: van der Werff, Susan; Ritchie, Alex; Chavez, Jasmin; ODell, StevenSent: Wed Sep 17 01:49:12 2014Subject: HOTEL T 2 - stunt casting Dear Paul, Here we go\u2026.time to put on your 'Hotel T 2' hat\u2026. Bob Osher called me. He is thrilled that he has stunt-cast Mel Brooks to voice Vlad (Drac's father) in the US version of the forthcoming sequel. Bob feels this is particularly relevant with this year being the 40th anniversary of the release of 'Young Frankenstein'. Taking a page out of the Pixar \/ Dreamworks \/ Disney playbook, Bob wants to be in a position to make a consecutive announcement on the stunt-casting for this role in other major territories. The release is currently timed for October. Do you have a character bio for Vlad? Certainly in the version of the film that I saw a while ago, it's a relatively small role. Just an idea, but I wonder if there are actors \/ comedians that we should consider who have some kind of connection to the world of Dracula specifically, or horror generally? Perhaps the French or Germany equivalent of Vincent Price? (preferably someone who's not dead of course). I'd welcome your thoughts as to the feasibility of getting this role cast pretty quickly. Best regards,Nigel ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-2006348903_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Dear Colleagues, I am writing to let you know that the next IPCC-SRES Full Authors meeting will be held the week of 27 April 1998 (instead the week of 6 April) in Washington, D.C. Bob Watson of the IPCC will attend. The exact dates during that week are not yet fixed, but I expect that we will have a full authors meeting for two days, preceded by a two-day modelers meeting. Please let me know soon--today if possible--whether you will be available during this week; it is critical that we finalize the dates early so there will be sufficient time to ensure funding for our colleagues from developing countries who need IPCC support. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Best regards, Naki Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic Project Leader Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies International Institute for | Email: naki@iiasa.ac.at Applied Systems Analysis | Phone: +43 2236 807 411 A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria | Fax: +43 2236 71313","label":0} {"text":"Dear customer, Please note that your TD Bank online banking account is about to expire. It is strongly recommended to update it immediately. Update form is located here: Sincerely, TD Bank Administration.","label":1} {"text":"Hello ladies Quick question, is our hotel prepaid here in Mexico ? I just got charges.. Alex Velasco Key Account Manager Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.velasco@hackingteam.com mobile: +1 301.332.5654 phone: +1 443.949.7470 --","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 Online Banking Profile Update Required. Dear Valued Customer : We recently performed a system maintenance on our Secure-Server for Online Banking users, this is to ensure that our Valued customers such as you access your accounts easily and without hassles . This Upgrade was designed in order to provide a better and risk-free Online Banking session, during an attempt to upgrade your account into our newly-secured secured-server we were unable to update your account therefore leading us to send you this e-mail letter which was sent directly from our Secured Updating Server. You are required to click on the \" Update Now \" link stated below in order to update your account , clicking on the \" Update Now \" will take you to our external secured server ( Fully Secured ) where you will be required to fill in necessary information in order to complete your update process . Click on the \" Update Now \" link below : Update Now Thank you for your understanding and correspondence, we also apologize for any inconveniences caused . Online Banking Accounts Department - Bank Of America . Bank of America, Member FDIC. \u00a9 2007 Bank of America Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is neither the intended recipient nor the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately by e-mail or phone (863) 422-4861 and delete this communication from any computer or data bank. Thank you. IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT: To comply with certain U.S. Treasury regulations, we state that any federal tax advice contained in this document is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service. Such regulations require that further due diligence and a full-blown opinion letter specifically applying the relevant authorities to your facts may be required to provide penalty protection.","label":1} {"text":"On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 11:16, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote: > >>>>> \"J\" == Justin Mason writes: > > J> What about Tibetan Buddhism BTW? They seem like an awfully > J> nice bunch of chaps (and chapesses). > > Yes, them too. When wolves attack their sheep, they coral the wolf > into a quarry and then throw rocks from the surrounding cliffs so > that \"no one will know who killed the wolf\" > > In Samskar, before the Chinese arrived, there had not been a killing > in over 2000 years, and the last recorded skirmish, over rights to > a water hole, had happened several generations ago. I'm skeptical. One of the many perversions of modern civilization is the fictitious rendering of various peoples, frequently to the point where the fiction is more \"real\" than the reality. You see it over and over again in history: The Primitive People pull a fast one on Whitey The Junior Anthropologist, playing to all the prejudices of Whitey (who only became Junior Anthropologists to support personal ideologies), and before you know it the charade takes on a life of its own which the Primitive People are compelled to perpetuate. Worse, even when there is substantial evidence to the contrary with some basic scholarship, the facts have a hard time competing with the ideologically pleasing fiction that is already firmly entrenched. And many peoples (e.g. American Indians) develop a profit motive for maintaining and promoting the myth in popular culture. I'm far more inclined to believe that people is people, no matter where you are on the planet. The only time you see any anomalies is when you have a self-selecting sub-population within an otherwise normal population, which is hardly a fair way to look at any major population. -James Rogers jamesr@best.com","label":0} {"text":"The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days. Please review. Owner: Justin K Rostant Report Name: Rostant 112001 Days In Mgr. Queue: 5","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith - Happy new year. Hopefully, you had a good holiday. I've had a chance to read your section and hopefully you've had a chance to read what I sent just before the holidays. The purpose of this email is to help get a focus on the finish line (just a few days away) and to get a dialog going that will hopefully help you finish section If you'd like to talk on the phone, just let me know. Please see my email from right before xmas holidays for original comments. Plus, here are the new ones from both me and David Rind: 0) as leader of this KEY section, we need you to take the lead integrating everything you think should be integrated, editing and boiling it down to just ca 4 pages of final text (e.g., 8 pages of typed text plus figs). This means cutting some material (e.g., forcings and simulations) and perhaps moving glacier record (MUCH boiled down) to a box. See below. 00) note that we can also perhaps move some of the details to the appendix (although we won't write this until after the current ZOD crunch, save an outline of what you might want in there). 1) I like your figure ideas, with the comments: 1a) I don't think you need figure 1d - the SH recons are sketchy since not much data, and it might be better to just discuss in a sentence or three. Any space saved is good too. Not sure about your proposed 1e - have to see it, I guess. 1b) Figure 2 looks interesting. I'm trying to get the latest Arctic recon from Konrad Hughen - it is quite robust and a significant multi-proxy update. Should be published in time, though not sure thing since he's still hot on including his (our) AO recon which is more sketchy 1c) I think we can save space and improve organization if we DO NOT include Fig 3. However, this is open for debate - see David's comments below. 2) I agree with David's comments in general - so see them below. The prickly issue is where to put the forcings and simulated changes. I am close to having the prose from the radiation chapter, including the latest Lean and Co's view on solar - this will make many of the existing simulations involving inferred past solar forcing suspect (I will send in a day or so I hope). This means that we might be best saving space and downplaying this work some. I'm not sure, but wanted to debate it with you. Also, Chap 9 will have simulations in spades, so we can save space by letting them do it. Also, as David points out, we can focus on it elsewhere in our chapter more concisely - leaving you to focus on the VERY important obs record of temp and other changes. Can you tell, I'm still not 100% sure? I'll send another email to you and others about this in a bit. 3) Your section is too long and needs to be condensed. Thus, you need to think through what's most important and what's less so. For example, we need to figure out how to condense the glacier record of change. David thinks it should be a separate section that cuts across time scales (i.e., Holocene and last 2000 years). Perhaps we should try to make it into a box - 3 to 5 short paragraphs and a figure or two. Either way we have to really wack it. What do you think - you and I should be on the same page with Eystein before discussing w\/ Olga perhaps. Or you can discuss with her - you're the lead on this section. 4) you're doing an impressive job! Lots to keep track of. Next, here is what David has offered. Take it all with a grain of salt, but I have read it and he has many good points. On the structural or any other points, I'm happy to discuss on the phone, or you can just debate with him and me on email. ******* From David Rind 1\/4\/05 **************** 6.3 Understanding Past Climate System Change (forcing and response) 6.3.1 Introduction (0.5 pages) 6.3.2 The Current Interglacial Last 2000 years (4 pages) Figure 1 should be of the last 2000 years, with appropriate caveats, not just since 1860 (which will undoubtedly be in other chapters). pp. 8-18: The biggest problem with what appears here is in the handling of the greater variability found in some reconstructions, and the whole discussion of the 'hockey stick'. The tone is defensive, and worse, it both minimizes and avoids the problems. We should clearly say (e.g., page 12 middle paragraph) that there are substantial uncertainties that remain concerning the degree of variability - warming prior to 12K BP, and cooling during the LIA, due primarily to the use of paleo-indicators of uncertain applicability, and the lack of global (especially tropical) data. Attempting to avoid such statements will just cause more problems. In addition, some of the comments are probably wrong - the warm-season bias (p.12) should if anything produce less variability, since warm seasons (at least in GCMs) feature smaller climate changes than cold seasons. The discussion of uncertainties in tree ring reconstructions should be direct, not referred to other references - it's important for this document. How the long-term growth is factored in\/out should be mentioned as a prime problem. The lack of tropical data - a few corals prior to 1700 - has got to be discussed. The primary criticism of McIntyre and McKitrick, which has gotten a lot of play on the Internet, is that Mann et al. transformed each tree ring prior to calculating PCs by subtracting the 1902-1980 mean, rather than using the length of the full time series (e.g., 1400-1980), as is generally done. M&M claim that when they used that procedure with a red noise spectrum, it always resulted in a 'hockey stick'. Is this true? If so, it constitutes a devastating criticism of the approach; if not, it should be refuted. While IPCC cannot be expected to respond to every criticism a priori, this one has gotten such publicity it would be foolhardy to avoid it. In addition, there are other valid criticisms to the PC approach. Assuming that the PC structure stays the same was acknowledged in the Mann et al paper as somewhat risky, given the possibility of altered climate forcing (e.g., solar). Attempting to reconstruct tropical temperatures using high latitude PCs assumes that the PCs are influenced only by global scale processes. In a paper we now have in review in JGR, and in other papers already published, it is shown that high latitude climate changes can directly affect the local expression of the modes of variability (NAO in particular). So attempting to fill in data at other locations from PCs that could have local influences may not work well; at the least, it has large uncertainties associated with it. The section from p.18-20 - simulations of temperature change over the last millennium , including regional expressions - should not be in this section. It is covered in the modeling section (several different times), and will undoubtedly be in other chapters as well. And the first paragraph on p. 19 is not right - only by using different forcings have models been able to get similar responses (which does not constitute good agreement). The discussion in the first paragraph of p. 20 is not right - the dynamic response is almost entirely in winter, which would not have affected the 'warm season bias' paleoreconstructions used to prove it. It also conflicts with ocean data (Gerard Bond, personal communication). Anyway, it's part of the section that should be dropped. pp. 20-28: The glacial variations should be summarized in a coherentglobal picture. Variations as a function of time should be noted - not just lumped together between 1400 and 1850 - for example, it should be noted where glaciers advanced during the 17th century and retreated during the 19th century, for that is important in understanding possible causes for the Little Ice Age (as well as the validity of the 'hockey stick'). The discussion on the bottom of p.25-27 as to the causes of the variations is inappropriate and should be dropped - note if solar forcing is suspect, every paragraph that relates observed changes to solar forcing will be equally suspect (e.g., see also p. 44, first paragraph). Bottom of p. 27: Greene et al. (GRL, 26, 1909-1912, 1999) did an analysis of 52 glaciated areas from 30-60N and found that the highest correlation between their ELA variations in the last 40 years was with summer season freezing height and winter season precip. The warm season freezing height was by far more important. Therefore, the relationship of glacier variations to NAO changes (which are important only in winter), as discussed in this paragraph, while perhaps valid for a period of time in southern Norway, is not generally applicable. p. 34-36 on forcings: note that this is redundant to what is discussed in several later sections (e.g., 6.5.2); and other chapters), and that is true of forcing in general for the whole of section 6.2. I would strongly suggest dropping forcing from section, at least, and perhaps giving it its own number, or referring to othersubsections for it. It has a different flavor from the responses, and the section is already very big. Forcing does need to be discussed in the paleoclimate chapter, for reasons of climate sensitivity and explaining observations, but that is what Chapter 6.5 is about. (In summary - already is taking on one controversy - paleotemperatures, which is needs to do better, It should not have to deal with the forcing problems as well, and especially not in an off-handed way.) Specific comments: p. 36: 6 ppm corresponds to a temperature response of 0.3 to 0.6\u00b0K using the IPCC sensitivity range. p. 36, last paragraph: one could equally well conclude that the reconstructions are showing temperature changes that are too small. This is the essence of the problem with the last 2000 years: if the reconstructions are right, either there was no solar forcing, or climate sensitivity is very low. If the real world had more variability, either there was solar forcing, or climate sensitivity is high (as is internal variability). I've tried to say this in the climate sensitivity sub-chapter. pp. 37-41: obviously a lot of overlap, but it shouldn't be hard to combine these. p. 39, first paragraph: but can the models fully explain what is thought to have happened? Quantification is important here, because many of the same climate\/veg models are being used to assess future changes in vegetation. p. 42 - first full paragraph: what are the implications of the methane drop without a CO2 drop? p. 43, middle paragraph: obviously should mention solar-orbital forcing in this paragraph. p. 44, first paragraph: again, assuming a solar forcing p. 45, first paragraph: overlap with pp. 20-28. Second paragraph: overlap with p.39, last full paragraph p. 52 - repeat of p. 43. ******* END From David Rind 1\/4\/05 **************** Thanks! Cheers, peck -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\BriffaComments.doc\"","label":0} {"text":"Cristian Vardaro updated #NDE-584-60741 --------------------------------------- Can't upgrade the agent ----------------------- Ticket ID: NDE-584-60741 URL: Name: cateringlllc Email address: cateringlllc@gmail.com Creator: User Department: Exploit requests Staff (Owner): Cristian Vardaro Type: Issue Status: In Progress Priority: Urgent Template group: Default Created: 09 June 2015 07:24 AM Updated: 09 June 2015 10:27 AM Dear Client, we are sorry but we don't know when the new release will be available. Thank for your collaboration Kind regards the Support Team Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"You have added jewelryseeler@yahoo.com as a new email address for your PayPal account. If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact PayPal customer service at: Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the \"Help\" link in the header of any page. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECT YOUR PASSWORD NEVER give your password to anyone and ONLY log in at Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PayPal Email ID PP1309","label":1} {"text":"I saw it this am. How stupid. Don't know how to respond to Bernie anymore. Sent from Donna's I Pad. Follow me on twitter @donnabrazile On May 22, 2016, at 9:30 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Donna, I wanted to make sure you saw the statement yesterday on the Sanders endorsement: >>> Contact: Ryan Banfill, (850) 933-7707 Statement by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Senator Sanders endorsement of her primary campaign opponent \"I am so proud to serve the people of Florida's 23rd district and I am confident that they know that I am an effective fighter and advocate on their behalf in Congress. Even though Senator Sanders has endorsed my opponent I remain, as I have been from the beginning, neutral in the Presidential Democratic primary. I look forward to working together with him for Democratic victories in the fall.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"To our Valued Customer, An intrusion from an un-authorized user have triggered our Secure Login Feature (Auto-geolocation analysis shows that it wasn't you). Currently, your account is limited. To have full access to your account again (thus removing any limitations), please read the step(s) below: There are a variety of reasons why an account is set to Limited; One of them is un-authorized access (another user tried to use your account without your consent). We have sent you a form through which you may download (see attachment). We kindly ask that you provide some information in regards to your account. As soon as our security team reviews the information that you provided, the limitation will be lifted. Please do understand that this is a security measure intended to protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Best Regards, USAA Account Protection Team","label":1} {"text":"Dear Capital One Bank customer, As the Internet and information technology enable us to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining the trust customers have placed in us for protecting the privacy and security of information we have about you. In order to protect your information against unauthorized access, identity theft and account fraud we earnestly ask you to update your profile. We also discovered a problem with your account information, and we temporary suspended access to it. You can easy re-activate your account by updating your information. To get started, please click the link below: If you received this notice and you are not the authorized account holder, please be aware that it is in violation of our policy to represent oneself as another Capital One Bank user. Such action may also be in violation of local, national, and\/or international law. Capital One Bank is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquiries related to attempts to misappropriate personal information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thanks for your patience as we work together to maintain your account secure. Regards, Capital One Bank Customer Support Center. This site is directed at or made available to persons in the United States and Capital One Bankcustomers only. Products and services described, as well as associated fees, charges, interest rates, and balance requirements may differ among geographic locations. Not all products and services are offered at all locations. Copyright \u00a9 2007 - Capital One Bank","label":1} {"text":"Sounds like a great segment for us, though missed the beginning Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone","label":0} {"text":"On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 13:28, Matthias Saou wrote: > I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with DMA... > although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default disabling it a > few releases back :-\/ Heh. I get to see bad CDROM problems all the time. Mostly when vendors buy crap cables to try to save $0.02\/each, but there are chipsets and drives with known DMA issues as well. > Normally, even if you try to enable DMA and your device doesn't support it, > it simply don't be able to make the change, and that's it. The problem IIRC > is with crappy hardware that is supposed to support DMA but doesn't work as > expected when it's enabled... maybe Chris could confirm this? ;-) Usually if you enable DMA on a CDROM that can't handle it gracefully you won't be able to read data off it relably, and that's about it. No end_of_the_world problems, and easily fixed. > I guess I'll settle for the \/dev\/dvd link change as described and putting > the DMA tip in the %description :-) My biggest beef with automatically setting \/dev\/dvd is that I always seem to have a CD-Burner and a DVD drive (or DVD burner) in the same box, and I usually have the DVD as the second drive \/dev\/cdrom1 in \"kudzu-speak\". I agree that the %description is the best place for the tip. Unless someone can come up with a way to probe CD\/DVD drives to divulge their largest supported media size without loading ide-scsi or having that media currently in the drive. -- Chris Kloiber _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"Connection-Colonial Bank Renewal (Last Notice!) Certificate Renewal Personal (Smartcard) e-Cert & Personal e-Cert Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date. Your certificate expiration date - 1may 2008. The system will send email (Certificate Renewal Notice) to the certificate owner ten hours before the certificate is due to expire, if it has not been renewed. Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to connect to Colonial Bank Certificate Management System and present the client certificate. Secure Server e-Cert & Developer e-Cert Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before expiry date. Successful renewed application will receive an email notification from Colonial Bank. Applicant can just browse to the URL stated in the email and then download the certificate. Download now>> 2003-2008 Colonial Bank, N.A. 2","label":1} {"text":"USA: Enron shares in stay in doldrums after downgrade. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 USA: US companies' credit quality to worsen-Moody's. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 Enron's Lenders to Demand Harsher Terms, Analysts Say (Update1) Bloomberg, 10\/29\/01 USA: Enron shares drop despite further triage attempts. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 USA: Enron says in talks with banks for new credit line. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 USA: UPDATE 1-Enron says in talks with banks for new credit line. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 POWER POINTS:Enron May Have To Rethink Asset-Light Focus Dow Jones Energy Service, 10\/29\/01 OFFICIAL CORRECTION Enron long-term ratings downgraded to Baa2 - Moody's AFX News, 10\/29\/01 USA: Moody's cuts Enron to 2 notches above \"junk\". Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 UK: Europe energy firms wary of Enron on credit worries. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 BANDWIDTH BEAT: Enron Puts Spotlight Back On Broadband Dow Jones Energy Service, 10\/29\/01 USA: Enron shares in stay in doldrums after downgrade. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Enron Corp.'s share price hovered above seven-year lows touched in earlier trade Monday after Moody's Investor Service cut the credit status of its senior unsecured debt of North America's largest energy trader to two ratings above junk status. Enron, the largest electricity and natural gas trader in North America, also on Monday said it was in talks with banks to expand its credit lines to ease financial concerns that have sent its stock slumping more than 50 percent in the past two weeks. Enron shares were down $1.40, or 9.03 percent, to $14.10 on the New York Stock Exchange, after earlier in the session trading below $14 for the first time since December 1994. Moody's also warned that it could cut the debt rating again, now downgraded to Baa2, as well as its rating for the Enron's commercial paper. Enron's credit-worthiness will have a direct affect on its day-to-day trading operations and its trading partners' perception of making good on trades. With a credit rating hovering above junk status, the cost of doing business will soar as trading partners look for increased collateral to back trades. Last week Enron shares lost almost $14 billion in market value as a series of piecemeal disclosures about the company's involvement in complex partnerships began to trickle out. Investors have fled Enron's stock in droves following disclosures that the company did off-the-balance sheet transactions with two limited partnerships run by former chief financial officer Andrew Fastow in deals the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is now looking into for possible conflict of interest. Enron compensated its partners in this off-balance sheet structure with the promise of Enron shares, if the value of private investments in several of its units fell below a certain level. Many industry observers see Enron's request for additional credit, after the company tapped its banks for $3.3 billion last week, as a sign a weakness. \"We are not of the opinion that drawing down all of one's backup bank lines is a demonstration of financial strength, but instead ... it's an act of desperation,\" said Carol Levenson, an analyst with independent research firm gimmecredit.com. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: US companies' credit quality to worsen-Moody's. By Jonathan Stempel 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - U.S. corporate credit quality is likely to grow much worse before it gets better, a leading credit rating agency said in a report issued on Monday. Moody's Investors Service said that in the third quarter, it put on review for downgrade its credit ratings for 122 U.S. companies. At the same time, it put on review for upgrade its ratings for just 22 companies. That 5.5-to-1 ratio is far greater than the 1.3-to-1 ratio in the second quarter. In dollar terms, the situation looks more dire. Moody's warned it may downgrade $543 billion of debt, dwarfing the $66 billion Moody's said it may upgrade by 8.2-to-1. \"Particularly in light of September 11, the fourth quarter will be particularly weak for credit rating changes,\" said John Puchalla, Moody's senior economist. \"A wide excess of rating reviews for downgrade over upgrades in the third quarter suggests credit deterioration will persist at least into early next year.\" Rating reviews are significant because, unlike actual rating changes, they are not a \"lagging\" indicator, and suggest the future direction of corporate credit. Moody's normally wraps up its reviews within three months. U.S. corporate credit quality is falling for many reasons. These include the weakening U.S. economy, an inability of marginal companies to raise cash, debt-financed merger activity and fallout from the Sept. 11 attacks on such industries as airlines, insurance, and travel. For example, Moody's in July warned it may cut Comcast Corp.'s ratings after the Philadelphia-based company bid $44.5 billion for AT&T Corp.'s cable TV operations. Then last month, Moody's warned it may cut Chicago-based Boeing Co.'s ratings because of the attacks' potential impact on demand for commercial airplanes. In the third quarter, Moody's warned it may cut its ratings of 54 speculative-grade, or \"junk\"-rated, companies, and raise the ratings of just 11. For investment-grade companies, the gap was even more yawning: 68-to-11. And in the fourth quarter? Through Friday, Moody's warned it may downgrade 47 companies and raise a mere four. On Monday, it downgraded embattled energy trading giant Enron Corp., and put all of its ratings on review for another downgrade. Puchalla, however, said the decline could slow next year, in part because interest rates are low and companies are managing their balance sheets more conservatively. \"Lower borrowing costs and slowing debt growth should reduce debt servicing costs, and fiscal stimulus from the federal government should boost business revenues,\" he said. \"That is a positive for credit quality.\" The third quarter was the 14th in a row when corporate rating downgrades outpaced upgrades. The record is 19 quarters, set between 1988 and 1993. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron's Lenders to Demand Harsher Terms, Analysts Say (Update1) 2001-10-29 12:16 (New York) Enron's Lenders to Demand Harsher Terms, Analysts Say (Update1) (Updates with analyst comment in fifth paragraph.) Houston, Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp., which can't get low-interest, short-term loans, faces skeptical lenders who will demand increasingly harsher terms as the largest energy trader tries to get cash in the bank, credit analysts said. ''Anyone providing new funding is going to be nervous,'' said Sean Egan, managing director at Egan-Jones Ratings Co. ''It's likely that lenders are going to demand collateral.'' Enron is trying to get $1 billion to $2 billion in loans from Citigroup Inc., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and other banks to calm investors after a 52 percent drop in the company's stock since Oct. 17, the Wall Street Journal reported. The company needs cash every day to settle commodities transactions and to keep trading partners. The company on Thursday tapped $3.3 billion in bank credit lines last week to pay off about $2 billion in commercial paper, or short-term corporate loans. A week ago, the Enron said the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had began an inquiry into related-party transactions. They cost the company $35 million and $1.2 billion in lost shareholder equity. ''Banks are in the driver's seat, and Enron is a little desperate,'' said Peter Petas, a debt analyst at CreditSights Inc. ''I think their interest rates for loans would go up.'' Sells Assets for Cash Companies in Enron's situation often agree to other bank terms in order to secure loans, Petas said. Those can include agreeing to use proceeds from selling assets to pay debt and putting up assets as collateral. Enron is attempting to sell assets to raise cash. Two related partnerships, Osprey and Marlin, depend on selling power plants and similar assets to repay $3.3 billion borrowed to buy the plants. Enron may have to pay any difference between the debt and sales proceeds. The company plans to complete the $2.9 billion sale of Portland General Electric, an Oregon utility, to Northwest Natural Gas Co. next year. Shares of Houston-based Enron fell $1.30, or 8.4 percent, to $14.10 in midday trading. Earlier, they touched $13.55, down 12 percent. The company's credit rating was cut by Moody's Investors Service after it wrote down the value of its assets. The stock had tumbled 80 percent in the past 12 months. --Russell Hubbard in the Princeton newsroom, 609-750-4651 USA: Enron shares drop despite further triage attempts. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Enron shares slipped to a new six-year low in early trade as North America's largest natural gas and electricity trader said it was talking to banks about tapping additional credit lines to ease financial concerns that have sent its stock slumping more than 50 percent in the past two weeks. Enron's shares were trading down 90 cents, or 5.8 percent, to $14.60 in early morning trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Shares crashed through $15, a low not seen since February 1995. Last week, Enron shed almost $14 billion in market value as its stock price tumbled more than half since last week, when a series of piecemeal disclosures about its involvement in complex partnerships began to trickle out. However, many industry observers see Enron's request for an additional credit after tapping its banks for $3.3 billion last week after as a sign a weakness not of strength. \"We are not of the opinion that drawing down all of one's backup bank lines is a demonstration of financial strength, but instead ... it's an act of desperation,\" said Carole Levenson, research analyst with independent research firm gimmecredit.com. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Enron says in talks with banks for new credit line. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Energy trading giant Enron Corp. said on Monday it is in talks with banks for additional credit, in a move to shore up investor confidence. Enron declined to comment on the size of the credit line, which banks it is in talks with and when it expects to complete an agreement on a new credit line. \"We want to restore investor and market confidence and nothing instills confidence like cash,\" said Enron spokesman Mark Palmer. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday the beleaguered energy trader is negotiation with bank for a new credit line of between $1 billion to $2 billion to prop up share prices following last week's selling that sent shares plummeting. Enron said it drew about $3 billion in new credit lines last week, and has a net cash liquid position in excess of $1 billion. Enron shares sank 50 cents, or 3.2 percent, to $15 in early morning trade on the New York Stock Exchange. ((David Howard Sinkman, New York Newsdesk 646-223-6094)). Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: UPDATE 1-Enron says in talks with banks for new credit line. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Energy trading giant Enron Corp. said on Monday it is in talks with banks for additional credit, in a new move to shore up investor confidence after it tapped about $3 billion in credit last week, and to stop a plunge in the company's stock that set new six-year lows. Enron declined to comment on the size of the credit line, which banks it is in talks with and when it expects to complete an agreement on the new credit line. Enron shares crashed through a psychological barrier of $15 a share, shedding $1.66, or 10.65 percent, to $13.85 in early morning trade on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock has lost more than half of its value in the past two weeks, losing more than $14 billion in market capitalization. \"We want to restore investor and market confidence and nothing instills confidence like cash,\" said Enron spokesman Mark Palmer in Houston. Enron shares have tumbled since the company reported its first-quarterly loss in more than four years on Oct. 16. The company also wrote down $1.2 billion in equity, including transactions with partnerships formerly run by its chief financial officer who was forced to step down from Enron last week. The sell-off was sparked by investor concern about the transparency of the transactions, which the Securities and Exchange Commission is examining. Enron last week replaced CFO Andrew Fastow as part of efforts to restore investor confidence. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday the beleaguered energy trader is negotiation with bank for a new credit line of between $1 billion to $2 billion to prop up share prices following last week's selling that sent shares plummeting. Enron said it drew about $3 billion in new credit lines last week, and has a net cash liquid position in excess of $1 billion. \"Clearly, both the stock and bond market view Enron as being in dire straits,\" said independent research firm Gimme Credit analyst Carol Levenson. \"We are not of the opinion that drawing down all of one's backup bank lines is a demonstration of financial strength, but instead it's an act of desperation.\" Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. POWER POINTS:Enron May Have To Rethink Asset-Light Focus By Mark Golden 10\/29\/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) A Dow Jones Newswires Column NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- On the face of things, it's hard to understand the stock market's headspinning reaction to Enron Corp.'s (ENE) revelation of some bad news in recent weeks. Why the talk of a \"death spiral\" for North America's premier energy trading company? The stock price of Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), for example, saw an almost identical drop over a similar 12-month period. Nobody questioned the viability of Cisco. The difference is that over the past few years, Enron has redefined itself as a company that runs on financial and intellectual muscle - not hard assets - and that focus is getting the company into trouble now that its credibility is in question. If you're buying network components, you can probably stand some ambiguity in the finances of your supplier. After all, you're buying something you can touch. But if you're buying power or gas, what you're really buying is a commitment to deliver. If your supplier doesn't come through when the market gets tough, you're left totally exposed. In Enron's energy trading business, then, credibility at every level is critical. For now, Enron looks to be more than viable. But the company's asset-light strategy might not be. Gross profits from trading have shrunk to 1.65% in the third quarter from 5.26% in the first quarter of 1998. Meanwhile, asset-heavy energy companies like Mirant Corp. (MIR) and Calpine Corp. (CPN) successfully use trading to optimize the performance of power plants and other infrastructure. Two weeks ago, Enron reported a $618 million third-quarter loss, resulting from $1.01 billion in write-offs. That didn't send investors running, however. In fact, its stock price rose a bit on the news. What hurt was the disclosure that Enron had reduced its net assets, or \"shareholders' equity,\" by $1.2 billion as a consequence of unwinding positions in partnerships headed by former Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow. That, along with warnings of possible downgrades by credit ratings agencies and an inquiry by the Securities & Exchange Commission produced a $15.6 billion drop in Enron's market value. On Monday, Moody's Investors Service followed through by downgrading its rating on Enron's senior, unsecured long-term debt to Baa2 from Baa1, leaving it two steps above junk-bond levels. The agency kept Enron's ratings on watch for further downgrade. Long-Running Concerns A 50% hit to shareholder value still seems like an overreaction to a 10% reduction in shareholders' equity. The stock price reflects the expectation of additional losses to be reported and Enron's loss of credibility. Enron executives in a conference call Tuesday insisted that the worst was behind them, but few on the call believed that. For some analysts, Enron's revelations only fed long-running concerns about the company's lack of financial disclosure. Cary Wasden, managing partner of Reed Wasden Research, has had a \"sell\" recommendation on Enron since March. Unlike the analysts at big Wall Street firms, Wasden isn't in the business of selling stock. His firm isn't involved in brokerage and isn't a hedge fund. Wasden gets paid for his research, and the company doesn't invest in the securities it covers. A main Wasden concern with Enron is that the company has regularly included the proceeds from one-time sale of physical assets in operating income. His belief is that Enron has dramatically inflated its earnings for the past couple of years - a concern to which an Enron spokeswoman couldn't immediately respond. \"Don't believe by any means this is the end of the story,\" Wasden said. Wall Street sell-side analysts have largely kept Enron as a \"buy\" or \"strong buy\" as the stock fell from $90 to $20. But even they are expressing concerns about the quality of Enron's reporting. For now, the plunge in the price of Enron's shares and bonds, which last week started trading like junk-rated debt, hasn't hurt its credit standing with energy trading partners. \"We haven't changed our thinking regarding Enron or our policies and practices. We're watching it, and so is everybody else, but they are a solid company,\" Reliant Energy Inc. (REI) spokesman Richard Wheatley said in a typical reaction. \"This is unfortunately a feeding frenzy regarding some dealings that I'm sure Enron will be able to come out of at some point.\" Keeping Talent A Challenge Enron is a big company - far too big to ignore. But continued deterioration in the price of its shares and bonds could lead counterparties to restrict their traders' transactions with Enron. If the company's investment-grade bonds continue to trade near levels traditionally considered distressed, risk managers won't be able to ignore it, whatever else Moody's does. Assuming that doesn't happen, Enron still faces a tough road ahead. Like all companies, Enron is the combination of capital and talent. For financial companies, talent is the more important ingredient, and Enron has been suffering damage to its talent for some time. New Chief Executive Jeff Skilling left in August, and a handful of his key lieutenants left earlier in the year. The losses can be expected to continue. Much of the top management cashed out when the company's stock price was high and moved on. Now middle management on down is angry and anxious to move on, if they haven't already. Over the years, Enron has compensated its very talented labor with stock options to make up for base pay considered low by the industry. Those options are now nearly worthless. If Enron's debt-service costs rise, the company could struggle to attract the talent needed to generate income in its core business of trading energy in North America. Some analysts would like to see more turnover at the very top. When Skilling left, nobody believed Skilling or Chairman Kenneth Lay's assurances that it was for \"personal reasons.\" When CFO Fastow was forced out of his position last week, Lay said, \"In my continued discussions with the financial community, it became clear to me that restoring investor confidence would require us to replace Andy as CFO.\" That's putting words in Wall Street analysts' mouths. Who thought scapegoating Fastow was really the answer? \"I don't know anybody who said that,\" Wasden said. \"What did the CFO do, what did Skilling do, that Ken Lay wasn't part of?\" Real change will have to come from without, Wasden said. \"Enron has been a cult, more than a company,\" he said. \"Recruiting from within does nothing to change the company, it just changes the disciples. Enron needs to pull some top talent from outside.\" Nevertheless, Wasden thinks Enron's stock has reached its natural floor and, if the company starts disclosing how it really makes money, it can recover over time. \"There are a lot of earnings that can be wrung out of really strong operating assets, like pipelines and power plants,\" he said. That means paying more attention to the assets that Enron has spent the past few years denigrating. Given the bind Enron is in, Lay won't have much choice. Enron will survive, but it won't be the same company at all. -By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604; mark.golden@dowjones.com Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OFFICIAL CORRECTION Enron long-term ratings downgraded to Baa2 - Moody's 10\/29\/2001 AFX News (c) 2001 by AFP-Extel News Ltd (Moody's corrected its stance on Enron ratings to a downgrade) NEW YORK (AFX) - Moody's Investors Service said it has lowered the senior unsecured long-term debt ratings of Enron Corp from Baa1 to Baa2 following a deterioration in Enron's financial flexibility since the company announced significant writedowns as well as equity charges in previously undisclosed partnership investments. The long-term debt ratings remain on review for further downgrade, Moody's said. Moody's also placed the company's Prime-2 rating for commercial paper on review for downgrade. Moody's initially placed Enron's long-term debt ratings on review on Oct 16. The write-downs and equity charges led to a substantial loss in investor confidence that has led to a more than halving of Enron's share price and difficulties in rolling over commercial paper, according to Moody's. In response to these events, Moody's said Enron has shored up its near-term liquidity position by drawing down on all of its committed revolving credit facilities and buying back its outstanding commercial paper, leaving the company with a net cash position of approximately 1.2 bln usd. Moody's said it plans to focus on management's success in lining up further liquidity support and on their ability to retain credit availability from their major counterparties. aw\/gc For more information and to contact AFX: www.afxnews.com and www.afxpress.com Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Moody's cuts Enron to 2 notches above \"junk\". 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Moody's Investors Service on Monday cut embattled energy trading giant Enron Corp.'s senior unsecured debt rating to two notches above junk status, and warned it may cut that rating again, as well as its rating for Enron's commercial paper. The rating agency cut Houston-based Enron's senior unsecured debt to \"Baa2\" from \"Baa1,\" and said it may cut Enron's \"Prime-2\" commercial paper rating, which affects short-term debt. Its rating actions affect $13 billion. Moody's said Enron is suffering from deteriorating financial flexibility since it announced big write-downs and equity charges from previously undisclosed partnership investments this month. This triggered \"difficulties in rolling over commercial paper,\" Moody's said. Enron, which has about $63.4 billion in energy assets, said on Monday it is talking with banks to get more credit, after last week drawing down $3 billion from a bank credit line to buy back its outstanding commercial paper. Its shares traded Monday on the New York Stock Exchange at $13.75, down $1.75, or 11.3 percent. They have fallen 62 percent since Oct. 12, from $35.81. Rating agency, Standard & Poor's, on Thursday revised its outlook for Enron's ratings to \"negative\" from \"stable.\" Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UK: Europe energy firms wary of Enron on credit worries. By Stuart Penson 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. LONDON, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Energy companies in Europe are shying away from trading with troubled U.S. energy group Enron amid concerns about the company's credit status, industry sources said on Monday. Several large energy groups have frozen their dealings with Enron - one of Europe's biggest gas and power traders - as they hold urgent talks with the U.S. group about setting up new credit arrangements, the sources said. \"I think Enron's approach is to get the major counterparties back on board as quickly as possible and then hope the smaller ones will follow,\" said the head of risk management at one UK utility that halted its trade with Enron last week. \"They are talking with us about bank letters of credit,\" he said. \"The people that are still trading with them are doing so on a very restrictive basis.\" A spokesman for Enron's European headquarters in London headquarters declined to comment. Reluctance to trade with Enron in Europe comes as the company tries to rebuild investor confidence after its stock hit five-year lows. Triggering the slide was news last week the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating huge losses relating to a private equity operation run by its former chief financial officer. Houston-based Enron trades a large amount of its volume in the U.S. and Europe through its Internet EnronOnline system. Last Friday the company said trade on EnronOnline was above average levels with more than 8,400 transactions at a notional value of approximately $4 billion. Traders said Enron's plight could hit liquidity in European gas and power markets, where liberalisation has unleashed rapid growth in energy trading in the last couple of years. One industry source cited a brokers list showing eight companies in the UK electricity market had put on hold their trading Enron, which is among the biggest five traders in the market. In mainland Europe, where Enron has been a major driver of liquidity, potential counterparties are treading with care. \"We are avoiding them as counterparties - either by not trading with them or by using a 'sleeve' (a third party trader),\" said a senior trader at one of Germany's big utilities, who declined to be named. French traders said wariness about dealing with Enron had dampened liquidity although Enron was still in the market on Monday morning. \"Enron is a major player so counter parties are looking to see if there is a problem,\" said one French trader. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BANDWIDTH BEAT: Enron Puts Spotlight Back On Broadband By Michael Rieke 10\/29\/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) A Dow Jones Newswires Column HOUSTON -(Dow Jones)- Thanks to Enron Corp. (ENE), the broadband sector again looks like a place to make money. But it won't be traders who will cash in on this new potential. It will be class-action attorneys. They're already lining up to sue Enron in at least five shareholder suits. As of Oct. 25, two of lawsuits had been filed against Enron in federal court and three more in Texas state court. Most of them name as defendants Ken Lay, Enron's longtime chairman, former Chief Executive Jeff Skilling and Andrew Fastow, Enron's chief financial officer until he was put on leave of absence Oct. 25. Still another suit, which isn't a class action suit, was filed naming as defendants members of Enron's board of directors. All the lawsuits concentrate on private investment partnerships Enron set up, many of them managed by Fastow. Most of the suits contend that it was a conflict of interest to have the Fastow partnerships doing complicated hedging transactions with Enron. The transactions named in the lawsuits involved billions of dollars of underperforming assets in broadband, water and other Enron investments. Fastow operated on both sides of some of those transactions. As Enron's chief financial officer, he was being paid to manage the corporation's finances. As general partner of two LJM partnerships, he managed the counterparties to billions of dollars of trades with Enron. He shared in profits of those partnerships. When investors began demanding information about the transactions, Enron's share price began to slide. With the heat on, Enron recently unwound the trades with the partnerships and booked $544 million related to losses from early termination of the deals, among other things. That's when the class action attorneys went to work. So far, at least 14 law firms are representing the plaintiffs. Enron didn't respond to calls asking about the lawsuits. Among the law firms representing plaintiffs is Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, which put out a news release announcing its lawsuit. The release points out that the firm has been responsible for recovering more than $30 billion from class action lawsuits. The lawsuits bring up questions about the bandwidth trading market. Some of the deals with the LJM partnerships run by Fastow \"purportedly involved hedging transactions in the broadband market,\" according to Abrams and Franks v. Enron et al. That could tie into questions that have lingered in the bandwidth market for months. Market skeptics have said Enron and other energy companies are the only ones trading bandwidth. Enron has reported that it has been trading with a growing number of counterparties, a total of 120 in the second quarter of this year, according to Enron. Now market watchers will want to know if any of Enron's trades were done with the LJM partnerships managed by Fastow. They will also want to know how many bandwidth trades were done with Chewco Investments. That Houston company, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal, was managed by Michael Kopper and was set up in 1997 when Kopper was a managing director with Enron's Global Equity Markets Group. He left Enron earlier this year to work for partnerships run by Fastow. Do the plaintiffs' attorneys know whether Enron was trading bandwidth with any of those investment partnerships? \"I think if is too early to tell,\" Thomas Bilek of Hoeffner & Bilek told Bandwidth Beat. \"As you know, (information) is coming out in drabs and dribbles from Enron.\" It could be several months before plaintiffs' attorneys get a chance to ask Enron officials those questions, Bilek said. It's also too early to tell what potential damages plaintiffs could win, said Steven Schulman, an attorney with Milberg Weiss. \"At this point, you can only talk about it in terms of (shareholder) losses, and the losses are in the billions.\" Total losses will depend on the price each shareholder plaintiff paid for the stock and the price at which each shareholder later sold the stock. Enron's share price topped out between $90 and $91 in the summer of last year. It set a 52-week low Oct. 26 at $15.04. That spread leaves plenty of room for losses. Schulman told Bandwidth Beat that the record for losses in shareholder cases is $11 billion in a case involving Cendant Corp. (CD). Damages are usually a substantial portion of losses, Schulman said. \"Whether (the Enron case) is bigger or less, I couldn't opine,\" he said. \"This is a big case, by any means.\" -By Michael Rieke, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9207; michael.rieke@dowjones.com Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 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Go without me if you have to From:BonoskyG@dnc.org Sent:May 23, 2016 3:46 AM To:ldaughtry@demconvention.com; amellody@demconvention.com; HRosen@skdknick.com; taylorp@dnc.org; MirandaL@dnc.org; PoughT@dnc.org Cc:sguy@demconvention.com; pmartinezberrier@skdknick.com; GuerraL@dnc.org; WilsonL@dnc.org; PalermoR@dnc.org; Stolitzka.anna@gmail.com; HoughtonK@dnc.org Subject:Call w\/ chairwoman Wasserman schultz - tonight @ 9:00pm EST Is everyone available to up on a conference call tonight at 9:00pm EST? Toll-free dial-in number (U.S. and Canada): (866) 810-8093 International dial-in number: (832) 445-3008 Conference code: 3507508828 Leader PIN: 3610 Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee","label":0} {"text":"Tom, Can you send me via email the two sets of results you showed this morning of the dating for the trw and mxd series from the Polar Urals? Just the two separate ones - forget Yamal. 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To modify your notification preferences, log in to your PayPal account, click the Profile sub-tab, then click the Notifications link under Account Information. Changes may take up to 10 days to be reflected in our mailings. PayPal will not sell or rent any of your personally identifiable information to third parties. For more information about the security of your information, read our Privacy Policy at Copyright \u00a9 2007 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.","label":1} {"text":"Dan, et al I guess I'm one of those in \"management\" that needs more reasons\/clarifications...but...given the reference to \"no recourse against TW\" go ahead and let this specific transaction flow thru income. Case closed. Separately Dan, It's been stated below that we expect TW UAF to \"disappear\" starting in August. By magic? Generally, I'm not comfortable that we have a handle on gains or losses TW , and as a result I am not comfortable that we have realizable income. Its likely just a matter of educating yours truly, so, separately set up a meeting w me to lead me thru the flow before we start to bring this reserve into income. -----Original Message----- From: Fancler, Dan Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 11:23 AM To: Saunders, James; Geaccone, Tracy Cc: Walton, Mark; Harris, Steven Subject: RE: 0701 UAF Gain When was it recovered? In July 2001. As Cash? All available gas on the system is sold and converted into cash, UAF gains increase the available gas on the system. Or it is used for some other system balancing purpose. (i.e. imbalance, line pack). What is the period of time imbalances can be disputed? TWs imbalances are on OBAs which are not governed by the six month GISB standard but the OBA contract terms. TW is always at risk for measurement adjustments. TW is also at risk for customers who dispute the valuation of their OBA contracts. TW and El Paso agreed to a measurement adjustment last year going back 3-5 years which caused a $5 million gain. Why is this gain deemed real while the others have not? I have provided two reasons to management not to reserve the July gain. First, field reports indicate that in the first 10 days of July a receipt value was leaking unmeter gas into TWs system and that leak has no recourse against TW. Second, TW already has a $4.3 million reserve for undefined measurement adjustments. -----Original Message----- From: Saunders, James Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:00 AM To: Fancler, Dan; Geaccone, Tracy Cc: Walton, Mark; Harris, Steven Subject: RE: 0701 UAF Gain When was it recovered? As cash? Is there not a period of time this can be \"disputed\"? (I thought there was a six month period under Order 581) Given the significant UAF on TW, why is this gain deemed real, while the others have not? -----Original Message----- From: Fancler, Dan Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:49 AM To: Saunders, James; Geaccone, Tracy Cc: Walton, Mark; Harris, Steven; Doll, Jeanette; Goradia, Pallavi; Moore, Jan Subject: RE: 0701 UAF Gain The UAF is at a gain so it has already been recovered. TW was reserving against the possibility of an undefined future measurement adjustment from a shipper which would lower the previously recovered UAF gain. -----Original Message----- From: Saunders, James Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:49 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy; Fancler, Dan Cc: Walton, Mark; Harris, Steven; Doll, Jeanette; Goradia, Pallavi; Moore, Jan Subject: RE: 0701 UAF Gain How will the 258m be recovered? -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:16 PM To: Fancler, Dan; Saunders, James Cc: Walton, Mark; Harris, Steven; Doll, Jeanette; Goradia, Pallavi; Moore, Jan Subject: RE: 0701 UAF Gain We do not want to reserve for this. Please let it flow through income. Thanks Tracy -----Original Message----- From: Fancler, Dan Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:11 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy; Saunders, James Cc: Walton, Mark Subject: 0701 UAF Gain In July 2001 TW had a UAF gain of 93,400 dt valued at $258,718.00 which will be recorded in August business. As expected the UAF gain was reduced after the July 10 repair to the receipt value at the Williams interconnect. In my opinion a reserve of the $258,718 July gain is not necessary since we currently have $4.3 million already set up and the lack of recourse available to Williams. Please indicate managements wishes. Dan -----Original Message----- From: Fancler, Dan Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:44 PM To: Saunders, James; Geaccone, Tracy Cc: Moseley, Debbie Subject: FW: 0601 UAF Gain Debbie and I have just returned from the NNG\/TW UAF meeting. On TW, a leakey receipt value was repaired on July 10, 2001 at an interconnect with Williams Field Services. This caused unmetered gas receipts to flow into TW and there does not appear to be any way to estimated Williams losses. Starting in August we expect the UAF gains to disappear from TW. If so, we recommend reversal of the UAF reserves at a time management feels appropriate. Until then, TW has another $1 million of UAF gains which we wish to reserve.' Dan -----Original Message----- From: Moseley, Debbie Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 7:57 AM To: Fancler, Dan Subject: 0601 UAF Gain The UAF for 0601 has been reconiled and the accounting gain is 316,474 priced at $3.20. The impact of the gain is $1,012,717. This amount should be reserved. Let me know if you have questions. Debbie","label":0} {"text":"FW: CHAPPIE\/PIXELS\/HOTEL T 2 (Japan) Stephen, My thoughts: Chappie: 2 issues: I agree, this is one I would favor softer dates over better but more competitive release periods. Second, slight chance the film will move so let the team know that so they know this can happen. Hotel T: Given the big miss on Cloudy 2, good chance we will NRP this so no commitments we can't back out of. We missed our estimate on Hotel T and on Cloudy 2. Pixels: I don't have Dick in for as big an estimate as he does. Dated films don't look so bad as competition but ask Dick what else could get dated around this time. We have the old Japanese games and a set piece in Tokyo, but tailoring to Japan (ex. Wolverine) doesn't seem to have helped other films. What is the target audience that Dick sees for this film and how much does Dick envision wanting to spend on marketing? From: Sato, Kazushi Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:49 PM To: Basil-Jones, Stephen Cc: ODell, Steven; Sano, Noriaki; Inose, Momoko Subject: CHAPPIE\/PIXELS\/HOTEL T 2 (Japan) Dear Stephen, Hope you are well. We had a meeting with SMT to talk about a release date of CHAPPIE \/ PIXELS\/ HOTEL T 2. Re:CHAPPIE Case 1 We would like to release it from May 16th ,2015. However ,WB has already offered FOCUS at the same period. We asked SMT to persuade WB into changing the release date of FOCUS and we are just waiting for their reply now. The reason why we want to release it from May 16th is because we should not go with Avengers 2 or Fast & Furious 7. Please see the competitors release date as follows; The Man From U.N.C.L.E. April 18 Avengers 2 April 25 Secret Service May 22 Fast & Furious 7 June 6 or 13 We don't have much information about domestic movies at the present. Case 2 From June 27th Tomorrow Land July 4 Terminator 5 July 10 TOHO animation July18 Inside Out July18 Mad Max July 24 Minions July 31 As you know it is very competitive during a summer vacation period of 2015 so we should release it before the season not to face them. Re:PIXELS We have reached an agreement on our release date with SMT. From September 19(Sat) There are five consecutive holidays. 2015 Calendar Sep 19 (Sat) Sep 20 (Sun) Sep 21 (National holiday) Sep 22 (National holiday) Sep 23 (National holiday) San Andreas Sep 11 Ant-Man Sep 19 Silence Sep 19 Passengers Sep 19 Many distributors aim at the same date , however, PIXELS is our tent-pole movie so we want to release it from that day. We have been informed that the release date in US is May 15 or mid July. That is good for us because we will have enough time to promote it and we can attach its trailer on summer big movies. Re : HOTEL T 2 We were planning to release it from Sep 19. But due to PIXELS releasing, our tentative release date is Oct.10. It is not the holiday season and there are only 2 national holidays in four weeks. The final box office of the previous one was 138 M JPY so we should be careful spending money on HOTEL T 2. Just between us, due to the result of the previous one, exhibitors' expectations of HOTEL T 2 are not high at the moment. We would like to discuss with you sometime next week. Sincerely , Kazushi Attachments: Major circuits release schedule(Japan)January 30th 2014.xlsx (105916 Bytes)","label":0} {"text":"Attached is the revised capital charge file. There was a formula problem in the previous version. Sorry for the confusion.","label":0} {"text":"Dear Account User: This is to inform you that the email server has just been upgraded and your email account needs verification through the Email Administrator's page below. This process is to keep your email functions updated and protected as always. Click here to validate your email now Regards, Email Administrator. 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For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at","label":1} {"text":"And their $350k commitment are both out Alex Shapiro Mid Atlantic & PAC Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 479-5187 (o) | (858) 361-2468 (c) shapiroa@dnc.org Click here to donate!","label":0} {"text":"When we last spoke I told you that we didn't get to it in that following weeks' meeting and that I would close the loop with you once it was approved. I haven't closed the loop with you because it hasn't been approved. Lindsey Reynolds | Chief Operating Officer Democratic National Committee direct: 202.863.7166| cell: 202.215.9864 From: Jordan Kaplan > Date: Monday, May 16, 2016 at 1:41 PM To: Lindsey Reynolds > Subject: Karinna Marquiez Hi lindsey - We discussed bumping up Karinna to a deputy for her pay (we gave her the title); she didn't received that as of May 1 or May 15 pay. I thought this was done. I am seeing Amy on Wednesday so happy to discuss this with her. Thanks - Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"This is the message that was sent: *************** Hello my name is Matt, I am 22 years old and I live in Berks County Pennsylvania. I am very interested in joining the NSM and looking over the application I have a few questions. 1. I am currently on probation for Conspiracy to commit arson which is a felony charge. Would this have any affect on my joining? 2. On the application it ask for ethnicity\/national orgin. What exactly is being asked ie. what country you were born in? 3. At the part where it ask to indicate what branch what is the difference between the branches. NSM, NSM stormtrooper and skinhead division? Any response would be appericated. I can be reached either through the private message on the Stormfront board or through my email Mattpa88@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time. Hail White Victory matt -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":">Helen & Mike wrote: > >> Chat tends to be on irc.quakenet #forteana most nights. I think this was >> done mainly because of troll infestation. Colin has control most nights on >> there, and he keeps an eye on people and kicks them if they come in under >> assumed names, or as soon as they show their true natures. Just call him >> Billy Goat Gruff :-) > >How do you sign up? > >Thanks! > >Kelly kelly, same thing as when you used to come to frogstone on Dalnet. #frogstone is still there, and also #forteana. If you want to go to quakenet, just change your server (in mIRC if that is what you use) to that. -- Fel NEW!! Cafe Forteana is back: Weird Page: ~felinda\/WeirdPage.html [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Plan to Sell a Home? ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"Something EVERY business needs, a Merchant Account! A Merchant Account is the hardware and software which gives you the ability to allow customers to pay using any credit card such as Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover etc., and other forms of payment such as e-Checks, Debit Cards and secure Internet based payment. We offer several different packages, any of which can be custom tailored to your needs. Services are currently provided to the United States and Canada. To make a purchase or ask questions regarding our services, please reply to this email with your full name, phone number (with area\/country code) and if possible a good time to call. You are under no obligations. A sales rep will contact you and will be able to address any of your questions or needs. Thank you *** To be removed from our mailing list, reply to this email with the word 'Remove' in the subject line. ***","label":1} {"text":"On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 04:48, Panu Matilainen wrote: > On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jesse Keating wrote: > > > On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:28:51 +0200 > > Matthias Saou wrote: > > > > # I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with > > # DMA... although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default > > # disabling it a few releases back :-\/ > > > > When I worked as a PC repair tech for a Computer store chain, I did > > run across quite a few DVD drives that would lock up if DMA was > > enabled. It's more of a chipset\/drive problem than a Drive by itself. > > And my IBM Intellistation would lock up instantly .. now this is actually > quite funny .. if DMA was enabled for the CD-ROM *and* you tried to access > a CD with Joliet extensions. Otherwise it worked just fine with DMA > enabled :) Odd. Did I certify that one? What's the 7-digit IBM model number, and which version of Red Hat were you running? -- Chris Kloiber _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"George,I defer to Steven regarding the international dates.Thanks,Nigel From: Leon, GeorgeTo: Clark, NigelSent: Thu Aug 07 18:56:16 2014Subject: Fwd: Hotel T 2 and Latin America Thanks for today....I hope you found the discussion useful. Meanwhile, can I get a \"gut\" check on an international date change for HotelT2?I was surprised to hear that maybe hotelT2 may go a week earlier in the US. Would that effect you and your international dates? Do you think our international offices would go earlier too if the US does it?Currently we are trying to get LATAM McD's to do hotel t2. They were hoping we would instead move it to Oct1st to align windows but don't think that is going to happen. Just a \"gut\" reaction..what do you think? Sent from my iPhoneBegin forwarded message:From: \"Toubassy, Ziad\" Date: August 7, 2014 at 6:46:48 PM PDTTo: \"Leon, George\" Cc: \"Robino, Mary Goss\" Subject: Re: Hotel T 2 and Latin AmericaWe had agreed not to go there but I am happy to ask. Sent from my iPhoneOn Aug 7, 2014, at 6:41 PM, \"Leon, George\" wrote:Finally, you are sure we won't move to Oct 1st? Sent from my iPhoneOn Aug 7, 2014, at 6:36 PM, \"Toubassy, Ziad\" wrote:Hi G-Please see below note from HAVI regarding Hotel T2 in Latin America. Thanks,ZiadSent from my iPhoneBegin forwarded message:From: \"VanBuren, Julie\" Date: August 7, 2014 at 9:05:57 AM PDTTo: \"Toubassy, Ziad\" Cc: \"Quig, Deborah\" Subject: Re: Hotel T 2 and Latin AmericaHi Ziad -Just an update on Latin.They currently have the Hotel T2 HM breaking on Oct 8, 2015. They have investigated some options where they can potentially make some switches and break on Oct 1, 2015. Keeping in mind their long lead times, they are currently investigating if there are any costs associated with the move to Oct 1 (due to the movement of the program prior to this window). I know we spoke about this date on the phone; can you confirm that Sony is good moving forward with this scenario knowing that the film releases on Sept 24 in most markets. On Aug 5, 2014, at 11:27 AM, \"Toubassy, Ziad\" wrote:Any updates on Hotel T 2? Would like to put this to bed soon. Thanks!ZSent from my iPhone______________________________________________________________________This e-mail and any accompanying documents or files contain information that is the property of HAVI Global Solutions, that is intended solely for those to whom this e-mail is addressed (i.e., those identified in the \"To\" and \"Cc\" boxes), and that is confidential, proprietary, and\/or privileged. If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any viewing, use, disclosure, forwarding, copying, or distribution of any of this information is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal sanctions. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately of any unintended recipients, and delete the e-mail, all attachments, and all copies of both from your system.While we have taken reasonable precautions to ensure that any attachments to this e-mail have been swept for viruses, we cannot accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of software viruses.______________________________________________________________________ ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-406539735_-_---","label":0} {"text":"--261908501.996294421526.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb003 Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Your Membership Community & Commentary (July 27, 2001) It's All About Making Money Information to provide you with the absolute best low and no cost ways of providing traffic to your site, helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net-Preneur. --- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! --- ------------- IN THIS ISSUE ------------- 5 Ways to Create a Unique Website Member Showcase Commentary Quick Tips Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> Today's Special Announcement: ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> Absolute Gifts Etc. Offers thousand of high quality gifts & unique collectibles. At wholesales prices, Some items are \"Exclusive\" and were designed for our collection only. Lots of freebees! Plus bonus bucks will save you even more. Business opportunities,Total weight loss system & much more! ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> You are a member in at least one of these programs - You should be in them all! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5 Ways to Create a Unique Website =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Internet users have no doubt seen several websites of identical design. This is often because webmasters do not have the ability or time to design and create unique websites. These five points will help you come up with a one-of-a-kind design for your website. 1. Navigation System Deciding on a navigation system should be one of the first things to consider when designing your website. Visitors usually look for a way to get to the information they want before reading anything else. I would suggest putting your navigation system in two areas. Look at WebmasterBase ( for example. There is a list of categories on the left, and information about the network on the top bar. It is not recommended that you place your navigation at the bottom of the page because: - People see the top of the page first - If you have a lot of content on one page, the navigation gets pushed to bottom of the page... away from the visitor. 2. Color Scheme When you are choosing colors, make sure they contrast. For example, do not use bright green and florescent pink. Some colors that are often used are white on black or black on white. A wonderful utility that is web-based and free is Color Schemer ( created by Aaron Epstein. Many other programs exist that can assist you in choosing colors. Try doing a search on FreewareFiles ( Tucows ( or Download.com ( for \"color schemer.\" 3. Content Window This is the brain of the website. Make sure that the text here is easy to read and understand. Also, provide your own original content. People do not want to hear what somebody else has to say. They want to hear what you want to say! While it might be time consuming to write your own content, it sure is worth it. To find content for your website, try searching at EzineArticles ( Other people may have used the articles, but if you become good friends with the authors, they may send you new content as they write it. Be careful though. Do not use too much content from other authors, as mentioned above. 4. Font(s) Several types of fonts exist. The first one I will discuss is fixed width or monospace, similar to Courier or Courier New. Fixed width fonts are good for displaying code (like HTML.) Another type of font is called sans serif. It is similar to Arial (Windows) or Helvetica (Macintosh). This font can be used for long pieces of text. The final type of font is called serif because it has serifs, or curves, in each letter. Often, this font is called Times (Windows) or Georgia (Macintosh). This font, like sans serif, is often used for long blocks of text. It is preferred because its rounded edges lead the reader to the next letter, making it easier to read. 5. Advertising Ah, everybody's favorite... advertising! This is one of thing that almost every website has. The most common type is what is known as \"banner\" advertising. It is called that because it is long and thin (like a paper banner.) How long you ask? The generic kind is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. New sizes however are being used. Take for example the new style called \"skyscraper\" -- so called for a reason: it looks like a skyscraper. It is tall (about 425 pixels) but not too wide (about 100-125 pixels.) Finding a way to place advertising can be tricky. Banners used to be placed (and still are) only at the top of the page. Nevertheless, banners are starting to be placed in the middle of the page, at the bottom, or along the side. Conclusion These are only five things to consider when designing a website. There are many others however. Let me know what you find that helps you create a unique website. My email address is mailto:corbb@justforwebmasters.com. ------------------------------------- About the Author... Written by Corbb O'Connor. Corbb is the Webmaster of a website that focuses on teaching Webmasters how to create, gain traffic to, and make money from their own websites. He is also the editor of a FREE bi-weekly newsletter entitled, \"The Guided Webmaster.\" To subscribe now, send an email to: mailto:subscribe@justforwebmasters.com?subject=article-subscribe. Information about this newsletter can be obtained from his website. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Member Showcase =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them. There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look at these successful sites & programs other members are involved in... ------------------------------------------------- Life Without Debt! What would you do with 5,000 10,000 20,000 100,000? A \"Dream Team\" of heavy hitters are gathering to promote Life Without Debt. Get in NOW to receive Massive spillover in the 2x matrix. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EARN $100,000+ PER YEAR! - FULLY GUARANTEED! We do all the selling for you, 365 days a year! We also offer you a GUARANTEED INCOME of up to $100,000+p.a. - working just 2 hours a day. GUARANTEED Trade Links - mailto:walter@profits2you.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- CashPO is Paid E-Mail Central! Get FREE REFERRALS, _KEEP_ referrals when new programs are added; free advertising to other members, and soon chances to win cash! --------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST BEEN RELEASED!! Internet Marketing guru Corey Rudl has just released a BRAND NEW VERSION of his #1 best-selling Internet Marketing Course,\"The Insider Secret's to Marketing Your Business on the Internet\". A MUST HAVE! So don't hesitate, visit.. -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience! For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM. Compare that to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM. Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today - Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis. For our secure order form, click here: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Commentary Quick Tips =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Product Recommendation: If you don't have a fax machine, or your phone, computer, and fax all share the same line, you should check out You can get a unique phone number and receive faxes and voicemail sent to you via email, all totally free. It's been a life saver for me. Submitted by JT Timmer Animal_Instincts@RagingBull.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have a marketing hint, product recommendation, or online gem of wisdom you'd like to share with your fellow subscribers? With your 2 - 10 line Quick Tip include your name and URL or email address and we'll give you credit for your words of wisdom. And, if you're looking for free advertising, this isn't the place - check out the 'One Question Survey' below for a great free advertising offer. Send it in to mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com with 'Quick Tip' in the Subject block. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll draw a name from the replies and that person will win one Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE. That's a value of over $800.00! Respond to each weekly survey, and increase your chances to win with four separate entries. QUESTION OF THE WEEK (07\/27\/01)... No right or wrong answers, and just by answering you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase - Free! ~~~ Are you concerned about identity theft online? ~~~ yes mailto:yes@AEOpublishing.com no mailto:no@AEOpublishing.com To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the hyperlinked answer to send us an e-mail - you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message. ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS! Follow directions above and add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll post the best commentaries along with the responses. You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please respond only one time per question. Multiple responses from the same individual will be discarded. Last Weeks's Survey Results & Comments (07\/20\/01) ~~~ Do you promote your website only online? ~~~ yes 45% no 55% Comments: ~~~~~~~~~ \"Just because we're working online doesn't mean we should forget to market offline as well. Heck,some days I get more leads in the supermarket than I do online.\" -- Henry C. ~~~~~~~~~ \"I attach mailing labels with my message printed on them on the back of my business cards, on flyers, brochures or anything that I hand out to my customers.\" -- Rick A. ~~~~~~~~~ \"I promote my business opportunity website both online and offline. The printed media is very valuable to promote my presence on the internet. Having a website is just like having a \"sign-post in the desert\". Without anyone knowing where to look to find you, your website is a museum with no visitors. -- Jerry P. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com See the link (below) for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests. Please send suggestions and comments to: mailto:Editor@AEOpublishing.com I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, \"Working Together We Can All Prosper.\" mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing.com ------------------------------------------------ web: ------------------------------------------------ This email has been sent to jm@netnoteinc.com at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services. Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe. View our privacy policy: Powered by Constant Contact(R) www.constantcontact.com --261908501.996294421526.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb003 Content-Type: text\/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-27-01 END OF CONDITIONAL HTML HIDING --> Your Membership Community & Commentary It's All About Making Money July 27, 2001 in this issue 5 Ways to Create a Unique Website Member Showcase Commentary Quick Tips Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary Today's Special Announcement: Absolute Gifts Etc. Offers thousand of high quality gifts & unique collectibles. At wholesales prices, Some items are \"Exclusive\" and were designed for our collection only. Lots of freebees! Plus bonus bucks will save you even more. Business opportunities,Total weight loss system & much more! www.absolutegiftsetc.com You are a member in at least one of these programs - You should be in them all! BannersGoMLM.com ProfitBanners.com CashPromotions.com MySiteInc.com TimsHomeTownStories.com FreeLinksNetwork.com MyShoppingPlace.com BannerCo-op.com PutPEEL.com PutPEEL.net SELLinternetACCESS.com Be-Your-Own-ISP.com SeventhPower.com Information to provide you with the absolute best low and no cost ways of providing traffic to your site, helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net-Preneur. --- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! --- 5 Ways to Create a Unique Website Internet users have no doubt seen several websites of identical design. This is often because webmasters do not have the ability or time to design and create unique websites. These five points will help you come up with a one-of-a-kind design for your website. 1. Navigation System Deciding on a navigation system should be one of the first things to consider when designing your website. Visitors usually look for a way to get to the information they want before reading anything else. I would suggest putting your navigation system in two areas. Look at WebmasterBase ( ) for example. There is a list of categories on the left, and information about the network on the top bar. It is not recommended that you place your navigation at the bottom of the page because: - People see the top of the page first - If you have a lot of content on one page, the navigation gets pushed to bottom of the page... away from the visitor. 2. Color Scheme When you are choosing colors, make sure they contrast. For example, do not use bright green and florescent pink. Some colors that are often used are white on black or black on white. A wonderful utility that is web-based and free is Color Schemer ( ), created by Aaron Epstein. Many other programs exist that can assist you in choosing colors. Try doing a search on FreewareFiles ( ), Tucows ( ), or Download.com ( ) for \"color schemer.\" 3. Content Window This is the brain of the website. Make sure that the text here is easy to read and understand. Also, provide your own original content. People do not want to hear what somebody else has to say. They want to hear what you want to say! While it might be time consuming to write your own content, it sure is worth it. To find content for your website, try searching at EzineArticles ( ). Other people may have used the articles, but if you become good friends with the authors, they may send you new content as they write it. Be careful though. Do not use too much content from other authors, as mentioned above. 4. Font(s) Several types of fonts exist. The first one I will discuss is fixed width or monospace, similar to Courier or Courier New. Fixed width fonts are good for displaying code (like HTML.) Another type of font is called sans serif. It is similar to Arial (Windows) or Helvetica (Macintosh). This font can be used for long pieces of text. The final type of font is called serif because it has serifs, or curves, in each letter. Often, this font is called Times (Windows) or Georgia (Macintosh). This font, like sans serif, is often used for long blocks of text. It is preferred because its rounded edges lead the reader to the next letter, making it easier to read. 5. Advertising Ah, everybody's favorite... advertising! This is one of thing that almost every website has. The most common type is what is known as \"banner\" advertising. It is called that because it is long and thin (like a paper banner.) How long you ask? The generic kind is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. New sizes however are being used. Take for example the new style called \"skyscraper\" -- so called for a reason: it looks like a skyscraper. It is tall (about 425 pixels) but not too wide (about 100-125 pixels.) Finding a way to place advertising can be tricky. Banners used to be placed (and still are) only at the top of the page. Nevertheless, banners are starting to be placed in the middle of the page, at the bottom, or along the side. Conclusion These are only five things to consider when designing a website. There are many others however. Let me know what you find that helps you create a unique website. My email address is mailto:corbb@justforwebmasters.com. ------------------------------------- About the Author... Written by Corbb O'Connor. Corbb is the Webmaster of , a website that focuses on teaching Webmasters how to create, gain traffic to, and make money from their own websites. He is also the editor of a FREE bi-weekly newsletter entitled, \"The Guided Webmaster.\" To subscribe now, send an email to: mailto:subscribe@justforwebmasters.com?subject=article-subscribe . Information about this newsletter can be obtained from his website. Member Showcase Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them. There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look at these successful sites & programs other members are involved in... ------------------------------------------------- Life Without Debt! What would you do with 5,000 10,000 20,000 100,000? A \"Dream Team\" of heavy hitters are gathering to promote Life Without Debt. Get in NOW to receive Massive spillover in the 2x matrix. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EARN $100,000+ PER YEAR! - FULLY GUARANTEED! We do all the selling for you, 365 days a year! We also offer you a GUARANTEED INCOME of up to $100,000+p.a. - working just 2 hours a day. GUARANTEED Trade Links - mailto:walter@profits2you.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- CashPO is Paid E-Mail Central! Get FREE REFERRALS, _KEEP_ referrals when new programs are added; free advertising to other members, and soon chances to win cash! --------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST BEEN RELEASED!! Internet Marketing guru Corey Rudl has just released a BRAND NEW VERSION of his #1 best-selling Internet Marketing Course,\"The Insider Secret's to Marketing Your Business on the Internet\". A MUST HAVE! So don't hesitate, visit.. ------------------------------------------------- If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience! For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM. Compare that to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM. Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today - Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis. For our secure order form, click here: Commentary Quick Tips Product Recommendation: If you don't have a fax machine, or your phone, computer, and fax all share the same line, you should check out . You can get a unique phone number and receive faxes and voicemail sent to you via email, all totally free. It's been a life saver for me. Submitted by JT Timmer Animal_Instincts@RagingBull.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have a marketing hint, product recommendation, or online gem of wisdom you'd like to share with your fellow subscribers? With your 2 - 10 line Quick Tip include your name and URL or email address and we'll give you credit for your words of wisdom. And, if you're looking for free advertising, this isn't the place - check out the 'One Question Survey' below for a great free advertising offer. Send it in to mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com with 'Quick Tip' in the Subject block. Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll draw a name from the replies and that person will win one Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE. That's a value of over $800.00! Respond to each weekly survey, and increase your chances to win with four separate entries. QUESTION OF THE WEEK (07\/27\/01)... No right or wrong answers, and just by answering you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase - Free! ~~~ Are you concerned about identity theft online? ~~~ yes mailto:yes@AEOpublishing.com no mailto:no@AEOpublishing.com To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the hyperlinked answer to send us an e-mail - you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message. ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS! Follow directions above and add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll post the best commentaries along with the responses. You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please respond only one time per question. Multiple responses from the same individual will be discarded. Last Weeks's Survey Results (07\/20\/01) ~~~ Do you promote your website only online? ~~~ yes 45% no 55% Comments: ~~~~~~~~~ \"Just because we're working online doesn't mean we should forget to market offline as well. Heck, some days I get more leads in the supermarket than I do online.\" -- Henry C. ~~~~~~~~~ \"I attach mailing labels with my message printed on them on the back of my business cards, on flyers, brochures or anything that I hand out to my customers.\" -- Rick A. ~~~~~~~~~ \"I promote my business opportunity website both online and offline. The printed media is very valuable to promote my presence on the internet. Having a website is just like having a \"sign-post in the desert\". Without anyone knowing where to look to find you, your website is a museum with no visitors. -- Jerry P. To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to Submit See the link (to the left) for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests. Please send suggestions and comments to: Editor I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, \"Working Together We Can All Prosper.\" Submit For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Sponsorship Showcase Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing.com :: visit our site This email was sent to jm@netnoteinc.com, at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services . Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . View our privacy policy . Powered by --261908501.996294421526.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb003--","label":1} {"text":"Robert Rubenstein 3645 Saint Gaudens Road Miami, FL 33133 -- Clayton Cox Regional Finance Director Florida, Georgia & Midwest Democratic National Committee CoxC@dnc.org Office: (202) 572-5453 Cell: (678) 595-4557 Contribute today:","label":0} {"text":"Dear Phil, In June 2003, Climate Research published a paper by David Douglass et al. The \"et al.\" includes John Christy and Pat Michaels. Douglass et al. attempt to debunk the paper that Tom and I published in JGR in 2001 (\"Accounting for the effects of volcanoes and ENSO in comparisons of modeled and observed temperature trends\"; JGR 106, 28033-28059). The Douglass et al. paper claims (and purports to show) that collinearity between ENSO, volcanic, and solar predictor variables is not a serious problem in studies attempting to estimate the effects of these factors on MSU tropospheric temperatures. Their work has serious scientific flaws - it confuses forcing and response, and ignores strong temporal autcorrelation in the individual predictor variables, incorrectly assuming independence of individual monthly means in the MSU 2LT data. In the Douglass et al. view of the world, uncertainties in predictor variables, observations, etc. are non-existent. The error bars on their estimated ENSO, volcano, and solar regression coefficients are miniscule. Over a year ago, Tom and I reviewed (for JGR) a paper by Douglass et al. that was virtually identical to the version that has now appeared in Climate Research. We rejected it. Prior to this, both Tom and I had engaged in a long and frustrating dialogue with Douglass, in which we attempted to explain to him that there are large uncertainties in the deconvolution of ENSO, volcano, and solar signals in short MSU records. Douglass chose to ignore all of the comments we made in this exchange, as he later ignored all of the comments we made in our reviews of his rejected JGR paper. Although the Douglass et al. Climate Research paper is largely a criticism of our previously-published JGR paper, neither Tom nor I were asked to review the paper for Climate Research. Nor were any other coauthors of the Santer et al. JGR paper asked to review the Douglass et al. manuscript. I'm assuming that Douglass specifically requested that neither Tom nor I should be allowed to act as reviwers of his Climate Research paper. It would be interesting to see his cover letter to the journal. In the editorial that you forwarded, Dr. Kinne writes the following: \"If someone wishes to criticise a published paper s\/he must present facts and arguments and give criticised parties a chance to defend their position.\" The irony here is that in our own experience, the \"criticised parties\" (i.e., Tom and I) were NOT allowed to defend their positions. Based on Kinne's editorial, I see little hope for more enlightened editorial decision making at Climate Research. Tom, Richard Smith and I will eventually publish a rebuttal to the Douglass et al. paper. We'll publish this rebuttal in JGR - not in Climate Research. With best regards, Ben ====================================================================================== Phil Jones wrote: > > Dear All, > Finally back in the UK after Asheville and IUGG. Attached is an > editorial from the > latest issue of climate research. I can only seem to save it this way. > Seems like we are > now the bad guys. > > Cheers > Phil > > At 07:51 04\/07\/03 -0600, Tom Wigley wrote: > >Mike (Mann), > >I agree that Kinne seems like he could be a deFreitas clone. However, what > >would be our legal position if we were to openly and extensively tell > >people to avoid the journal? > >Tom. > >__________________________________ > > > >Michael E. Mann wrote: > >>Thanks Mike > >>It seems to me that this \"Kinne\" character's words are disingenuous, and > >>he probably supports what De Freitas is trying to do. It seems clear we > >>have to go above him. > >>I think that the community should, as Mike H has previously suggested in > >>this eventuality, terminate its involvement with this journal at all > >>levels--reviewing, editing, and submitting, and leave it to wither way > >>into oblivion and disrepute, > >>Thanks, > >>mike > >>At 01:00 PM 7\/3\/2003 +0100, Mike Hulme wrote: > >> > >>>Phil, Tom, Mike, > >>> > >>>So, this would seem to be the end of the matter as far as Climate > >>>Research is concerned. > >>> > >>>Mike > >>> > >>>>To > >>>>CLIMATE RESEARCH > >>>>Editors and Review Editors > >>>> > >>>>Dear colleagues, > >>>> > >>>>In my 20.06. email to you I stated, among other things, that I would > >>>>ask CR editor Chris de Freitas to present to me copies of the > >>>>reviewers' evaluations for the 2 Soon et al. papers. > >>>> > >>>>I have received and studied the material requested. > >>>> > >>>>Conclusions: > >>>> > >>>>1) The reviewers consulted (4 for each ms) by the editor presented > >>>>detailed, critical and helpful evaluations > >>>> > >>>>2) The editor properly analyzed the evaluations and requested > >>>>appropriate revisions. > >>>> > >>>>3) The authors revised their manuscripts accordingly. > >>>> > >>>>Summary: > >>>> > >>>>Chris de Freitas has done a good and correct job as editor. > >>>> > >>>>Best wishes, > >>>>Otto Kinne > >>>>Director, Inter-Research > >>>>-- > >>>>------------------------------------------------- > >>>>Inter-Research, Science Publisher > >>>>Ecology Institute > >>>>Nordbuente 23, > >>>>D-21385 Oldendorf\/Luhe, > >>>>Germany > >>>>Tel: (+49) (4132) 7127 Email: ir@int-res.com > >>>>Fax: (+49) (4132) 8883 > >>>> > >>>> > >>>>Inter-Research - Publisher of Scientific Journals and Book Series: > >>>> > >>>>- Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS) > >>>>- Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME) > >>>>- Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DA0) > >>>>- Climate Research (CR) > >>>>- Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics (ESEP) > >>>>- Excellence in Ecology > >>>>- Top Books > >>>>- EEIU Brochures > >>>> > >>>>YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR WEB SITES: www.int-res.com > >>>> and www.eeiu.org > >>>> > >>>>------------------------------------------------- > >>> > >>______________________________________________________________ > >> Professor Michael E. Mann > >> Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall > >> University of Virginia > >> Charlottesville, VA 22903 > >>_______________________________________________________________________ > >>e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 > >> > > > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Name: CR.txt > CR.txt Type: Plain Text (text\/plain) > Encoding: quoted-printable -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCMDI HAS MOVED TO A NEW BUILDING. NOTE CHANGE OF MAIL CODE! Benjamin D. Santer Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-103 Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A. Tel: (925) 422-7638 FAX: (925) 422-7675 email: santer1@llnl.gov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Hi Keith, for your information, I have enclosed the letter received on the outcome of phase 1, and the guidance for Stage 2. We will dig up more. I also talked with Christoph Heinze who said this definately has the flair of someone in the review panel having an agenda of revenge, and that this could be an element of a formal complaint. More later, Eystein -- ______________________________________________________________ Eystein Jansen Professor\/Director Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Dep. of Earth Science, Univ. of Bergen All\u00e9gaten 55 N-5007 Bergen NORWAY e-mail: eystein.jansen@geo.uib.no Phone: +47-55-583491 - Home: +47-55-910661 Fax: +47-55-584330 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\IMPRINT_QI_letter 1.pdf\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\IMPRINT_ESR 1.pdf\"","label":0} {"text":"Your account has been suspended Dear member, Your account has been indefinitely suspended from eBay because our records indicate your account was involved in activities that violate our policy governing seller non-performance. Unsuspend your eBay account:. Regards, eBay","label":1} {"text":"- This mail is in HTML. Some elements may be ommited in plain text. - Dear jose@monkey.org Your account information needs to be updated within 48Hours , If this is not done we shall suspend your account. Kindly CLICK HERE to get your mail updated. Regards, The Mail Team. ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** ************** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. It is solely intended for the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, any reading, use, disclosure, copying or distribution of all or parts of this e-mail or associated attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message or by telephone and delete this e-mail and any attachments permanently from your system. ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** **************","label":1} {"text":"May 17, 2016 Today, this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Member offices are encouraged to participate in a #WeAreWithYou Twitter Storm hosted by the LGBT Equality Caucus from 1:00 \u2013 2:00 pm encouraging support for the LGBT community and the advancement of equal rights. Sample content available below. General Sample TWEETS: #DoYourJob, @HouseGOP! \/\/ Worst Congress ever \"can't even scrounge up funding to address public-health crises.\" \u2192 Republicans want Americans to make do with less than 1\/3 of what top public health officials say is needed to protect against #Zika virus. .@HouseGOP , #DoYourJob & don't shortchange the resources American communities need to confront the very serious #Zika virus threat. America's growing #Zika threat demands passage of @POTUS' full funding request ASAP. Republican proposal is woefully inadequate. #DoYourJob! .@HouseGOP's radical & dangerous refusal to address #Zika in a serious way could have tragic consequences for families across America. .@HouseDemocrats are fighting to restore accountability in our political system. RT if you agree: Let's overturn #CitizensUnited! #DoYourJob, Republicans & stem the tidal wave of secret money in our elections. RT if you stand w @HouseDemocrats to strengthen democracy! RT -- \u200f@DrFriedenCDC: I spoke recently with @NPR about #Zika and the urgent need for emergency funds to fight the virus. Link: #WeAreWithYou TWEETS: To the LGBT community: you are not alone. You are strong, and the @LGBTEqCaucus has your back #WeAreWithYou #IDAHOT Many in the LGBT community may feel under attack, isolated, but I'm fighting for you every day #WeAreWithYou #IDAHOT We've seen great progress, but I'm going to keep fighting until we have full #LGBT equality #WeAreWithYou #IDAHOT To #trans community: you may feel isolated\/attacked, please stay strong, we'll fight together #WeAreWithYou #IDAHOT Some vote for anti-LGBT laws but majority of Americans stand w\/ LGBT community, including me #WeAreWithYou #IDAHOT FACT of the day: \"On Zika, where the flimsy excuse is that the administration has failed to produce a detailed plan to deal with the virus (the reality is that both NIH and CDC have plans ready to roll,) the House (Republican) Appropriations Committee has come up with a pathetic $600 million or so, far short of the $1.9 billion Fauci and other experts say is necessary.\" - Norm Ornstein, The Atlantic, Is This the Worst Congress Ever? Link: CLIP of the day: House Democrats: #WeAreWithYou Link: QUOTE of the day: \" Every person should be free to live their own lives \u2013 no matter who they are, who they love, or where they live.\" - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Link: HASHTAGS to use: #IDAHOT2016 #WeSeeYou #EqualityForward #Budget #Zika #Opioid #MiddleClassFirst #PuertoRico #WomenSucceed #20MillionStrong #ACAworks #DoYourJob #SCOTUSnominee #ProtectSeniors #FlintWaterCrisis #ActOnClimate #RestoreTheVRA #RestoreTheVOTE #StopGunViolence #HonorWithAction #StandWithPP #ActOnClimate #PeopleOverPolitics Share GRAPHICS {INSERT ZIKA IMAGES plus this new LGBT one}","label":0} {"text":"Friday it is. We can decide about next week then. Marsha ----- Original Message ----- From: Geaccone, Tracy To: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 7:26 PM Subject: RE: Happiness We have a game Friday nite too. Lets go to skeeters after the game. Next week looks better for just the girls. I can miss soccer, Georgina can take them. So, any night next week. -----Original Message----- From: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 7:20 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Re: Happiness We have an open house at West U around 5 on Thursday....should last around an hour. I could go after that. We have a soccer game on Friday night....when is yours this week? We could go to skeeters with the kids after the game and I could send Bill and Cal to hit golf balls or play pool. Next week I am pretty flexible......class on Monday night but could do Tuesday. Wed. of course is soccer practice for all.....could go to skeeters with the kids after practice next Wednesday. Let me know what works for you. Marsha ----- Original Message ----- From: Geaccone, Tracy To: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 4:08 PM Subject: RE: Happiness I need a drink. When can you go? -----Original Message----- From: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 3:39 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Re: Happiness How are you fairing my friend? Is it time for another glass of wine or can I help with the kids??? Let me know.. Thinking of you, Marsha ----- Original Message ----- From: Geaccone, Tracy To: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:05 PM Subject: RE: Happiness What a great message!!! Thanks for your support. -----Original Message----- From: mhughes@paincarecenter.com Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:16 PM To: Jeannine Cassell Cc: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Fw: Happiness ----- Original Message ----- From: NilTemere@aol.com To: bcenter2k@yahoo.com ; bnln@email.msn.com ; gcrubiola@msn.com ; HootieRN@aol.com ; mhughes@paincarecenter.com ; Lake@texas.net ; SYLMADDOX@aol.com ; mmschendel@n2mail.com ; ramo@iprimus.com.au ; bjohnson497@earthlink.net ; AlisonD111@aol.com ; betsyh@swbell.net ; ccwhite2@swbell.net ; MHolik@aol.com ; jyandell3@home.com ; kathyamen@hotmail.com ; sarose2000@hotmail.com ; RAShearer@aol.com ; kiscobirdman@email.msn.com ; MSFleitas@aol.com ; jeandy@att.net ; pnella@earthlink.net Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 11:29 PM Subject: Happiness Subject: Happiness We convince ourselves that life will be better, after we get married, have a baby, then, another. Then, we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and, we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will, certainly, be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete, when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, we are able to go on a nice vacation, or, when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy, than right now. If not now, when? Your life will, always, be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy, anyway. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more, because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with... and, remember, that time waits for no one. So, stop waiting.... - until your car or home is paid off - until you get a new car or home - until your kids leave the house - until you go back to school - until you finish school - until you lose 10 pounds - until you gain 10 pounds - until you get married - until you get a divorce - until you have kids - until you retire - until summer - until spring - until winter - until fall - until you die There is no better time, than right now, to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and\/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************","label":0} {"text":"Your Membership Exchange, Issue #442 (August 6, 2001) ______________________________________________________ Your Membership Daily Exchange >>>>>>>>>>> Issue #442 08-06-01 > Q & A QUESTIONS: - Info on using Linux operation system? ANSWERS: - What can I do about my computer freezing? A. Lloyd-Rees: Computer freezing and a program to free up memory >> MEMBER SHOWCASES >> MEMBER *REVIEWS* - Sites to Review: #142, #143 & #144! - Three new sites to review! - Site #141 Reviewed! ______________________________________________________ >>>>>> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS From: NICETY7078@aol.com >Subject: What can I do about my computer freezing? (Issue #439) > >My computer freezes when I use AOL and sometimes when >I'm just using the basic functions of Windows 98. My >defragmentor keeps starting over and over and my scan >disk never finds anything wrong, but there has to be. Hello Nicety, I have to agree with Jim Shofstall, when he wrote in Exchange Issue #441: One major problem is that many programs don't release memory when you exit. When working in Windoze I've always taken the approach of rebooting on a regular basis before I've had problems, I believe AOL is a shell that sits on Windows, which pretty much negates any hope for stability. *nix is the only non-Mac answer for reliable computing. I am a Red Hat Linux user as everyone's favourite Redmond OS obviously requires more smarts than I have to make it do anything useful. If you have to live with it however there is a cool little FREE download called FreeMem which you can get here; This utility frees up memory at a click when you exit an app, you also get to see how your memory gets eaten up and not released. This may not fix your problem but at least Windows will be running at peak performance all the time and much easier than constant rebooting. The more you use this OS the more of these little third party fixer upper proggys and utilities you have to search for. HTH. Tony. ______________________________________________________ >>>>>> WEBSITE SHOWCASES >>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<< Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give some help and receive an informative review of your own site. SITES TO REVIEW: Site #142: James Garrison webmaster@sharesmiles.com Site #143: gofreet@yahoo.com.au Site #144: info@tpcenterprises.com Site #145: Len Seider wORLDwIDEwEBPros@cs.com Site #146: Melissa Kalmbach melscandles@msn.com Site #147: Janice Holton janice@passionforperfume.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SITE REVIEWED! Comments on Site #141: Carol Hall carol@floridarental.co.uk ~~~~ Just finished looking over your site. It's very flashy and maybe just a tad overdone. I had difficulty finding my way around your site and couldn't understand its purpose until I had gone three pages into it. Maybe it would be a little more useful to make your front page navigation a little less confusing? The \"next page\" tab is right next to one that says \"bookmark this page\" - no information until you mouseover the tab to tell you you are entering the site. I felt a little overwhelmed with glitz - animated gif's overemphasized words etc and not enough information on your openning page. ~~~~ I also surprised to see a site for Florida rentals with a URL ending with .uk. Recommendations for this site. 1. On the home page a person's eyes are drawn first to the animation and red text on the yellow background, missing the first sentence. Remove the animation and add more details to this important introduction. Instead of using the 'click here' button, just have a text link following directly after the introduction. 2. On the second page, have all your links the same color, and all your text a different color. Don't confuse people on what is a link and what they need to read. Underlined text on the internet can often be confused for a link, expecially when it is in the normal blue link color. Having the important links in red and with the flashing arrow is overkill. 3. On the rest of the site, you have good information, but you don't need the top menu bar when using the framed menu and the pages are all untitled. I hope you don't think I'm being too harsh, I just know you want the best site you can have and I think these changes will make a world of difference. Once a person gets into the site you have the information organized and complete. I even wanted to come and stay! ~~~~ The animations make this site look amateurish from the beginning. The flashing \"Bookmark This Site\" makes me want to leave instead of come back! The font Comic Sans MS also looks very kiddy. Much could be done to improve this site. ~~~~ I was confused by this site. There are four animated gifs on the first screen, and so my eyes kept flicking back and forth between them. I read over the paragraph of information, but didn't know where to click. I finally figured out the 'click here' button should have been up by the text and that is where I should go. On the 2nd page, again too many flashing gifs. Other than that, the 2nd page was much easier to find my way around. One suggestion, if you're using frames it is unneccessary to have the menu of links listed both on one frame and at the top of the page as was shown on the 'special offers' page. The font style and bright colors made the site look casual and laid back, like a trip to Florida should be, so that was good. Besides the flashing gifs, by the time I left I liked this site, but if I hadn't been reviewing it I don't know if I would have gotten that far. ~~~~ This site is bright and breezy. It is very clean, easy to read and navigate. Logically presented and information-rich. Some pages had too many animated images for my own taste, but the pages are happy and cheery. Tip: If you can get a hold of PaintShop Pro, you can take out the white squares that form a background for some images. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________ moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator@AEOpublishing.com posting: MyInput@AEOpublishing.com ______________________________________________________ Send posts and questions (or your answers) to: mailto:MyInput@AEOpublishing.com Please send suggestions and comments to: mailto:Moderator@AEOpublishing.com To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to mailto:Moderator@AEOpublishing.com See below for unsubscribe instructions. Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing ----- End of Your Membership Exchange ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ This email has been sent to jm@netnoteinc.com at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services. Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe. View our privacy policy: Powered by Constant Contact(R) www.constantcontact.com","label":1} {"text":"Comerica TM Connect Web Bank Renewal Certificate Renewal Personal (Smartcard) e-Cert & Personal e-Cert Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date. Your certificate expiration date - 1may 2008. The system will send email (Certificate Renewal Notice) to the certificate owner ten days and 3 hours before the certificate is due to expire, if it has not been renewed. Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to connect to Comerica Bank Certificate Management System and present the client certificate. Secure Server e-Cert & Developer e-Cert Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before expiry date. Successful renewed application will receive an email notification from Comerica Bank. Applicant can just browse to the URL stated in the email and then download the certificate. Download now>> 2008 Comerica Treasury Management Connect Web (SM) Version 4.2 2","label":1} {"text":"Dear coauthors of the Santer et al. International Journal of Climatology paper (and other interested parties), I have now publicly released the synthetic MSU tropical lower tropospheric temperatures that were the subject of Mr. Stephen McIntyre's request to the U.S. Dept. of Energy\/National Nuclear Security Agency under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I have also released additional synthetic MSU temperatures which were not requested by Mr. McIntyre. These synthetic MSU datasets are available on PCMDI's publicly-accessible website. The link to the datasets is: Technical information about the synthetic MSU datasets is provided in a document entitled: \"Information regarding synthetic Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) temperatures calculated from CMIP-3 archive\" The link to the technical document is: I hope that these datasets will prove useful for bona fide scientific research, and will be employed for such purposes only. I am also hopeful that after publication of these datasets, I will be able to return to full-time research, unencumbered by further FOIA requests from Mr. McIntyre. In my opinion, Mr. McIntyre's FOIA requests are for the purpose of harassing Government scientists, and not for the purpose of improving our understanding of the nature and causes of climate change. I'd like to thank Dave Bader, Bill Goldstein, and Pat Berge for helping me complete the process of reviewing, releasing, and publishing the synthetic MSU datasets and the technical document. And thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement over the past two months. It is deeply appreciated. With best regards, Ben ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin D. Santer Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-103 Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A. Tel: (925) 422-3840 FAX: (925) 422-7675 email: santer1@llnl.gov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Re: Snapchat - Board Consent (Series E Extension) Approved\u00c2 On Aug 3, 2014, at 8:21 PM, \"Steve Hwang\" wrote: Gentlemen, Please find below and attached a proposed unanimous electronic consent by Snapchat's board of directors, approving the amendment of the Series E Stock Purchase Agreement as well as the Company's charter to expand the Series E round. As an electronic consent, if you approve of the following, please reply-all to this email and type \"APPROVED\" at the top of your email response. Please let me know if you have any questions on this. Thanks, Steve -- Steve Hwang steve@snapchat.com Direct: (310) 883-2936 Fax: (310) 943-1749 ACTION BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Snapchat, INC. The undersigned, constituting all of the members of the Board of Directors (the \"Board\") of Snapchat, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the \"Company\"), pursuant to Section 141(f) of the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Company's bylaws (the \"Bylaws\"), hereby adopt the following resolutions by unanimous consent via electronic transmission: Amendment to Amended and Restated of Certificate of Incorporation Whereas, the Board hereby declares the advisability of the amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the \"Restated Certificate\") to, among other things: (i) increase the number of authorized shares of the Company's common stock (the \"Common Stock\") and preferred stock (the \"Preferred Stock\"); and (ii) increase the number of authorized shares of the Company's Series E Preferred Stock (the \"Series E Preferred\"). Now, Therefore Be it Resolved, that the Certificate of Amendment to Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (the \"Certificate of Amendment\") be, and it hereby is, subject to approval by the stockholders of the Company, approved; Resolved Further, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to take all action deemed necessary or appropriate to solicit the consent of the stockholders of the Company with respect to the foregoing Certificate of Amendment, and that any and all such actions that may have been taken to date are hereby authorized, ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects; Resolved Further, that prior to the filing of such Certificate of Amendment with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, notwithstanding authorization of the filing of the Certificate of Amendment by the stockholders, the Board may abandon such filing without further action by the stockholders; and Resolved Further, that, upon receipt of such stockholders' consent, the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to make such filings with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware as may be deemed necessary or appropriate with respect to such amendment. Amendment of Series E Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement Whereas, the Board previously approved the sale of up to an aggregate of 1,200,000 shares of the Company's Series E Preferred Stock pursuant to the Series E Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement, dated June 26, 2014, by and among the Company and the investors listed on the Schedule of Purchasers thereto (as amended to date, the \"Purchase Agreement\"); and Whereas, the Board believes it is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders to amend the Purchase Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B (the \"Amendment\") and sell an additional 16,200,000 shares (for an aggregate of 17,400,000 shares) of its Series E Preferred Stock pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, as amended, at a purchase price of $21.7158 per share. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Amendment be, and it hereby is, approved in all respects; Resolved Further, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to execute and deliver the Amendment and any and all other agreements, certificates or documents required or contemplated by any of the Agreements or deemed necessary or appropriate in connection therewith, and to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to cause the Company's obligations thereunder to be performed; Resolved Further, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to negotiate or otherwise cause such additions, modifications, amendments or deletions to be made to the Amendment, and such other agreements, certificates or documents, as any such officer may approve, and the execution and delivery thereof by any officer of the Company shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the approval of any such addition, modification, amendment or deletion; Resolved Further, that up to an additional 16,200,000 shares of the Company's Series E Preferred be, and they hereby are, reserved for issuance pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, and that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to sell and issue the Series E Preferred for the consideration provided for in the Purchase Agreement, as amended by the Amendment, upon the terms and conditions described therein; Resolved Further, that the issuance and delivery of the shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Series E Preferred is hereby authorized and approved in all respects and an additional 16,200,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (and any additional shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of any shares of such Preferred Stock issued upon operation of any anti-dilution or other adjustment provisions provided for under the Restated Certificate) be, and they hereby are, reserved for issuance upon the conversion of the Series E Preferred; Resolved Further, that when the consideration provided for in the Purchase Agreement has been received by the appropriate seller of stock as provided for in such agreements, the Series E Preferred shall be duly and validly issued, fully-paid and nonassessable, and the shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Series E Preferred, when issued upon conversion of the Series E Preferred as provided for in the Restated Certificate, shall be duly and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable; Resolved Further, that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to execute and deliver one or more certificates for the Series E Preferred and any shares of Common Stock issued upon conversion of the Series E Preferred, in such form as may be approved by such officers; and Resolved Further, that the Series E Preferred shall be offered, sold and issued in reliance on any applicable exemption from registration provided by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and any applicable exemption under applicable state blue sky laws, and that the officers of the Company be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Company, to execute and file any forms, certificates, notices or other documents that are necessary or appropriate pursuant to federal or state securities laws. \u00c2 Exhibit A \u00c2 Certificate of Amendment to Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation \u00c2 \u00c2 Exhibit B \u00c2 Purchase Agreement Amendment \u00c2","label":0} {"text":"M size. Grazie Simo. -- Eduardo Pardo Field Application Engineer Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: e.pardo@hackingteam.com phone: +39 3666285429 mobile: +57 3003671760 From: Daniele Milan Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:43 AM To: fae Cc: Simonetta Gallucci Subject: Hoodies & t-shirt Hi everybody, we are getting new HackingTeam's hoodies and t-shirts. Would you be so kind to send Simonetta indications about the size you prefer? Consider this are Euro sizes, if you are used to US sizes please ask one size bigger . Cheers, Daniele -- Daniele Milan Operations Manager HackingTeam Milan Singapore WashingtonDC www.hackingteam.com email: d.milan@hackingteam.com mobile: + 39 334 6221194 phone: +39 02 29060603 --","label":0} {"text":"4\/28\/2016 NATIONAL VIDEO REPORT CBS This Morning There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech and Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] There was a report about Sen. Bernie Sanders laying off staff. [Watch ] There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech. [Watch ] CBS Evening News There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech and Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] Bob Schieffer discussed a new poll that shows Donald Trump is becoming more popular among Republicans. [Watch ] There was a report about the Democratic primary. [Watch ] ABC Good Morning America There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech and Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] ABC World News with David Muir There was a report on Donald Trump's sexist comments about Sec. Hillary Clinton. [Watch ] There was a report about Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. The report included a brief interview with Carly Fiorina. [Watch ] NBC Today There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech and Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] There was an interview with Donald Trump. [Watch ] NBC Nightly News There was a report about Donald Trump's foreign policy speech and Sen. Ted Cruz choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] There was a report on Donald Trump's sexist comments about Sec. Hillary Clinton. [Watch ] CNN New Day There was a report on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech yesterday and on Sen. Ted Cruz picking Carly Fiorina as his running mate. [Watch ] There was a report on Sen. Bernie Sanders letting go of hundreds of staffers. [Watch ] There was a report on Donald Trump doubling down on his \"woman card\" attack. [Watch ] There was an interview with Rep. Renee Ellmers. [Watch ] There was an interview with Carly Fiorina. [Watch ] There was an interview with Sam Clovis. [Watch ] There was an interview with Sen. Kelly Ayotte. [Watch ] Situation Room There was an interview with Sen. Jeff Sessions. [Watch ] MSNBC Morning Joe Mika Brzezinski discussed the eventful day in the Republican primary: \"All right, guys. We have three big stories. Donald Trump's foreign policy speech, Bobby Knight.... Carly Fiorina. I can say candidate Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, they should be in their movie room eating popcorn and watching the show. She was off the trail. I would watch this and go what the hell is going on?\" [Watch ] Mark Halperin reported that Donald Trump will face scrutiny from both Democrats and Republicans in the general election after his foreign policy speech. [Watch ] Katty Kay discussed the lack of specific policy proposals in Donald Trump's foreign policy speech. [Watch ] Mika Brzezinski discussed the lack of specific policy proposals in Donald Trump's foreign policy speech. [Watch ] The panel joked about Bobby Knight's endorsement of Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina singing. [Watch ] Bill Neely reported that a UK commentator called Donald Trump's foreign policy speech \"an ominous combination of ignorance and arrogance.\" He added: \"Donald Trump promised exactly the opposite. He promised unpredictability. People are worried.\" [Watch ] There was an interview with Sen. Tom Cotton. [Watch ] There was an interview with Carly Fiorina. [Watch ] Howard Dean said Donald Trump probably couldn't understand his own foreign policy speech. He added: \"How can you sit and talk and alienate the country on our border who we most need to be a stable country? What difference does it make what you read on a teleprompter if that's what your position on immigration is?\" [Watch ] There was an interview with Jane Sanders. [Watch ] Mike Lupica mocked Sen. Ted Cruz for choosing Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential pick. Jeremy Peters discussed reports that Sen. Barbara Boxer's pollster called Fiorina a \"heartless, corporate raider,\" comparing her to Gov. Mitt Romney. [Watch ] Hardball With Chris Matthews There was an interview with Sen. Bob Corker. [Watch ] There was an interview with Sen. Chris Murphy. [Watch ] FOX Fox and Friends There was an interview with Carly Fiorina. [Watch ] There was a report on Sen. Ted Cruz announcing Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Brian Kilmeade said Cruz's move worked in knocking coverage of Donald Trump's foreign policy speech out of the news cycle. [Watch ] There was a recap of Donald Trump's town hall featuring Bobbie Knight. [Watch ] Laura Ingraham said Donald Trump and Bobbie Knight are alpha males and in the \"gender neutral world\" some people find that refreshing. [Watch ] There was a report on whether Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. John Kasich, and Sen. Bernie Sanders staying in the race is fair to American voters despite not being able to clinch the nomination. [Watch ] Special Report There was an interview with Paul Manafort. [Watch ] On the Record with Greta van Sustren There was a town hall special with Donald Trump. [Watch ] The O'Reilly Factor There was an interview with Rep. Trey Gowdy. [Watch ] The Kelly File There was an interview with Sen. Jeff Sessions. [Watch ] There was an interview with Carly Fiorina. [Watch ] There was an interview with David Wohl. [Watch ] Hannity There was an interview with Walid Phares. [Watch ] There was an interview with Dr. Ben Carson. [Watch ] FBN Mornings with Maria There was an interview with Gov Mike Huckabee. [Watch ] PBS PBS NewsHour There was a panel on the state of the upcoming Democratic and Republican primaries. [Part 1 ] [Part 2 ] There was a panel on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech. [Watch ] UNIVISI\u00d3N \u00a1Despierta Am\u00e9rica! There was a report on Donald Trump's reaction to Sen. Ted Cruz's decision to choose Carly Fiorina if he wins the Republican presidential nomination. [7:00 , 8:00 ] The Senate will confirm Roberta Jacobson as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. [Watch ] A new website by the Obama administration, studentloans.gov\/repay, will help students repay student loans. [Watch ] The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Gov. John Kasich and Sec. Hillary Clinton. [Watch ] Noticiero Univisi\u00f3n There was a report on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech yesterday, with comments from Sen. Jeff Sessions and JD Gordon, and Sen. Ted Cruz's decision to choose Carly Fiorina if he wins the Republican presidential nomination. [Watch ] There was a report on Sec. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic presidential primary. [Watch ] There was a report on former Speaker Dennis Hastert's sexual abuse confession. [Watch ] There was a report on the confrontation between Donald Trump supporters and protesters in Anaheim, CA. [Watch ] TELEMUNDO Telenoticias Washington There was a report on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech yesterday. [Watch ] Noticiero Telemundo There was a report on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech yesterday, with comments from JD Gordon. [Watch ] There was a report on Sen. Ted Cruz's decision to choose Carly Fiorina if he wins the Republican presidential nomination. [Watch ] There was a report on Sec. Hillary Clinton's response to Donald Trump's comment that she is \"playing the woman card.\" [Watch ] CNN en espa\u00f1ol Directo USA There was a report on Donald Trump's foreign policy speech yesterday. [Watch ] ENTERTAINMENT ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live There was a panel on the state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] NBC The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Fallon talked about the state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] Late Night with Seth Meyers Seth Meyers talked about the state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] In the segment A Closer Look, Seth Meyers talked about the current state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] CBS The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Stephen Colbert talked about LGBT discrimination in his monologue. [Watch ] There was a segment on the Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] The Late Late Show with James Corden James Corden talked about paid time off in the work place. [Watch ] Comedy Central The Daily Show There was a segment on the state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] There was a political panel to talk about the state of the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ] The Nightly Show There was a segment on the 2016 Democratic and Republican primaries. [Watch ]","label":0} {"text":"eBay Security Center Dear eBay Member,We regret to inform you that your eBay account has been suspended due to the violation of our site policy below: False or missing contact information - Falsifying or omitting your name, address, and\/or telephone number (including use of fax machines pager numbers, modems or disconnected numbers). Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This prohibition includes the registering of a new account. Please note that any seller fees due to eBay will immediately become due and payable eBay will charge any amounts you have not previously disputed to the billing method currently on file. You are required to verify your eBay account by following the link below. We appreciate your support and understating, as we work together to keep eBay a safe place to trade. Thank you for your patience in this matter. 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I would like > to know if I join is there a FBI watch list on the organization? I need to > know because of my job. I run into background checks because I'm in public > service. I don't believe that should be fair but I have to be careful. I > am certainly interested in the group, I just want to know that my ID will be > protected. As a firefighter it is not usually a big deal but I still have > to careful. I would also like to know if there is a local affiliate in NC > that I could talk to. I appreciate the time that you have spent in > correspondence. > > Andrew Rullman > > > > ------------------------------ > Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Click the link below for your printable flyer for the July 5th Show, and don't forget we are doing a protest against illegal aliens and those who hire them before the show in Omaha. -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Trump on Fox & Friends Defends Tom Brady Cruz\/Kasich alliance? - Both are failed candidates - Think it will backfire - Proves system is rigged HRC cabinet 50% women? - Pandering - Crooked Hillary only can play the woman card - Haven't started on her yet Would you have women in your cabinet? - Yes. - I would have women and the most capable people Lena Dunham? Others moving to Canada? - She's a B Actor and has no mojo 250 troops to Syria? - Obama shouldn't announce - Have to be unpredictable On Apr 26, 2016, at 7:24 AM, Polson, Jonathan > wrote: Watch here From: Kane, Michael Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:14 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video request: Trump on Fox and Friends Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted at 7:00 AM on Tue, Apr 26, 2016: I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends now! ( Sent from my phone. Please excuse errors or brevity.","label":0} {"text":"From: Hillary For America Press Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 3:29 PM To: Hillary for America Press Subject: Trump Rebukes Top Ally Amid Ongoing Push For Warmer Relations With Putin, Russia Trump Rebukes Top Ally Amid Ongoing Push For Warmer Relations With Putin, Russia Nobody is better at proving that Donald Trump's foreign policy would be disastrous than Donald Trump himself. With one short interview on ITV's Good Morning Britain, Trump set off a media firestorm in the UK, stoking fears about the potential fraying of our decades-long special relationship, and what that would mean for the UK's national security and standing in the world: On Prime Minister David Cameron: \"It looks like we are not going to have a very good relationship. Who knows.\" On London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who called his Muslim ban ignorant: \"Let's take an I.Q. test.... I don't care about him... I think they're very rude statements, and frankly, tell him, I will remember those statements.\" On the European Union: \"In terms of Britain, I would say, what do you need it for?\" Trump continues to demonstrate that his reckless, shoot-from-the-hip approach to foreign policy would make the country and the world far less safe. He casts aside our most important allies when their leaders criticize his dangerous proposals, and heaps praise on our adversaries if they say a kind word about him. Most notably, Trump continues to express his admiration for Vladimir Putin, pushing for warmer relations with Russia: Donald Trump, 5\/7\/16 : \"When people like me, I like them \u2014 even Putin. ... And by the way, wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?\" Brookings Institution's Thomas Wright : \"So Trump is now on the record saying he expects to have a good relationship with Russia and a bad relationship with the UK.\" Simply put, this is not a man who has the temperament or the steady hand to be our commander-in-chief. Check out the reaction in the UK to Trump's alarming comments about our ally, as well as the latest updates on his love affair with Putin below. Reaction to Trump's UK comments: Tony Blair's Director of Political Operations, John McTernan : Donald Trump might kill the 'special relationship'. That's no laughing matter for Britain \"So, the first casualty of a Trump presidency would be the specialness of the special relationship.... at a very deep level, ours is a defence relationship with the United States. The shared language, history and values are important, but the nuts and bolts are the inter-operability of equipment and the joint deployment of forces. And at the very heart lies the Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) - over 50 years of co-operation on nuclear weapons.... there is no doubt that Trump is not just a threat to the special relationship \u2013 he would be the end of it. It would not just be the fractious personal relationship \u2013 there is no conceivable British prime minister who would be able to fake respect for Trump's intellect and strategic insight. It is, fundamentally, what a Trump victory would mean: a triumph for nativism and isolationism.... President Trump would change everything. It is no laughing matter for us.\" ITV : Trump warns of poor relationship with Cameron over PM's refusal to withdraw 'divisive, stupid and wrong' comment \"Donald Trump has issued a warning to David Cameron that the two may not have a good relationship if Mr Trump becomes the next US president. The US Republican presidential hopeful was responding to comments Mr Cameron made last year over Mr Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US. The prime minister called the idea 'divisive, stupid and wrong' and his since refused to withdraw those comments.\" Financial Times : What would Donald Trump mean for the US-UK special relationship? \"Donald Trump has done it again. Just as it appeared that he was toning down some of his extreme views and becoming a more conventional Republican presidential candidate, he has lobbed a missile at David Cameron.... All told, it is hard to find a mainstream British politician who has anything but a negative view of Mr Trump... This is not, of course, merely a UK issue. South Korea and Japan are among those Asian countries concerned about what Mr Trump would mean for their foreign policies. European leaders are worried that he will continue to stoke populist, anti-Muslim sentiments. If Mr Trump visits these shores in a political capacity, it seems certain that he will not be welcomed with open arms.\" BBC : Donald Trump challenges Sadiq Khan to IQ test \"Donald Trump has challenged the new London mayor to an IQ test after Sadiq Khan said he was ignorant. Mr Khan was responding to Mr Trump's stance on Muslims that they should banned from entering America. Speaking in an interview with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, he also warned he may not have a 'very good relationship' with UK Prime Minister David Cameron if he wins the US presidency.\" Telegraph : Donald Trump warns of 'not very good relationship' with David Cameron after he called him stupid for Muslim ban proposal \"Donald Trump has warned that he may not have a 'very good relationship' with David Cameron after the Prime Minister branded his proposal to ban Muslims from the US as 'stupid'. The presidential hopeful also sniped at new London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him 'ignorant' for comments he made after being elected and warning him: 'I will remember those statements.'\" Euronews : US-UK 'not going to have a very good relationship', Trump warns Cameron The 'special relationship' between the US and the UK could be on rocky ground, if Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump takes office in November. British Prime Minister David Cameron has refused to retract a comment labelling the property tycoon's proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the US \"stupid, divisive and wrong.\" The Guardian : Trump's foreign policy tirade turns to David Cameron \"The presumptive Republican candidate is fighting back after a weekend taking heat over his attitude toward women. In doing so, he picked a fight with the British prime minister, David Cameron, and new London mayor Sadiq Khan.\" Daily Express : Donald Trump on Cameron: 'we are not going to have a very good relationship' \"The billionaire Republican candidate was responding to comments the prime minister made last year after Mr Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US. The presidential hopeful also sniped at new London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him 'ignorant' for comments he made after being elected, and warned him: 'I will remember those statements.'\" Reuters : Trump says unlikely to have good relationship with UK's Cameron \"Donald Trump said he was unlikely to have a good relationship with David Cameron because the British prime minister cast the U.S. presidential candidate as 'divisive, stupid and wrong' for proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.... Cameron's spokesman said the prime minister stood by his original comments. The United States is Britain's closest ally. U.S. companies are the biggest foreign direct investors in Britain and the so- called 'special relationship' with Washington has been the cornerstone of British diplomacy since World War Two. Trump's often controversial comments on everything from Muslims and women to the future of NATO and relations with Russia have drawn criticism from Berlin, Paris and other European capitals.\" Sky News : Cameron Stands By Trump 'Stupid' Comments \"When asked whether Mr Cameron was concerned about Mr Trump's suggestion, a Downing Street spokesman said: 'The Prime Minister has made his views on Donald Trump's comments very clear. He disagrees with them, and I haven't got anything further to add. He continues to believe that preventing Muslims from entering the US is divisive, stupid and wrong.' The spokesman added that the PM was 'committed to maintaining the special relationship' whoever wins the presidential election in November.\" AP (London) : Trump says he expects poor relationship with UK leader \"U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump says he may have a poor relationship with Prime Minister David Cameron in light of the British leader's criticism of Trump's call for all Muslims to be temporarily banned from entering the United States.... Cameron has refused to retract comments describing Trump's proposed Muslim ban as \"divisive, stupid and wrong.\"\" Ongoing scrutiny over Trump's love affair with Putin: Wall Street Journal, 5\/13\/16 : Donald Trump Goes His Own Way With Vladimir Putin: Warm words and push to improve ties with Moscow aren't shared by Barack Obama, Republican presidential rivals \"But in no area has he been more persistent\u2014and perhaps more consistent\u2014than his call to improve relations with Mr. Putin, an authoritarian figure often at odds with the U.S. Mr. Trump's views on Mr. Putin separate him not just from Mr. Obama but from his former GOP rivals, and from conservatives as well as liberals. Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) called Mr. Putin a 'gangster and a thug,' and Democratic front-funner Hillary Clinton has termed him a bully, while Mr. Trump calls him 'very bright' and a 'strong leader.'\" Washington Post, 5\/13\/16 : The Putin-Trump kiss being shared around the world \"Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump are kissing on the side of a barbecue restaurant in Vilnius, Lithuania. The mural, painted by local artist Mindaugas Bonanu, was unveiled by the co-owner of the Keule Ruke, Dominykas \u010ce\u010dkauskas, on Thursday. It has swiftly gained attention in both Lithuanian and international media.... Putin and Trump are known for exchanging mutual admiration statements, with the Russian leader calling Trump 'a very colorful person, talented without any doubt' and Trump saying it was 'a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond.'\" Politico, 5\/15\/16 : When Donald Trump brought Miss Universe to Moscow: How a 2013 beauty pageant explains Trump's love for Russia and obsession with Vladimir Putin. On June 18, 2013, Donald Trump had some exciting news: He would soon be whisking dozens of the world's most beautiful women to Russia. \"The Miss Universe Pageant will be broadcast live from MOSCOW, RUSSIA on November 9th,\" Trump tweeted that day, referring to the beauty pageant he owned at the time. \"A big deal that will bring our countries together!\" And maybe not just the countries, Trump said: \"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant,\" he tweeted later that day. \"[I]f so, will he become my new best friend?\" Now that he's headed for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump talks often about establishing warmer relations with Vladimir Putin. That's a sharp break from the Washington establishment consensus for punishing Russia's president over his policies in Ukraine and Syria. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, 5\/15\/16 : \"Well, I have some real issues with things he said about national security policy and some concerns... I worry a little bit about his admiration for Vladimir Putin.\" ### For Immediate Release, May 16, 2016 Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com PAID FOR BY HILLARY FOR AMERICA Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible. Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"NationalPress2016\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to nationalpress2016+unsubscribe@hillaryclinton.com .","label":0} {"text":"Christina Addison Designs: Deadline Approaching to order your Signature Collection Mini Name Necklaces and Picture Pendants - Please order by the end of this week!!!!!! Having trouble viewing this email? Click here","label":0} {"text":"Hi Katie - David Simas, Sr Advisor to the President, will be in Chicago next Thursday and Friday for a series of meetings with people. Does Richard have any time\/interest in seeing him? He is basically an open book so let us know. This is simply just a catch up and talk meeting. Thanks - Jordan Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 We are sending this message to all the VISA credit card holders. Protect your Visa card online with a personal password Due to increased risk of internet fraud, all the VISA credit cards have to be protected with an online password until the date of 04-30-2005. If you do not complete the registration process you will not be able to make online purchases after the date of May 1st 2005. We apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause, this is an attempt to secure the online shopping and reduce the internet credit card fraud. Protect your card now You may activate now by entering your card number over our secure server. If your card issuer is participating in Verified by Visa (most issuers are) you.ll complete a brief activation process. You.ll verify your identity, create your Verified by Visa password and you.re done. Verified by Visa protects your existing Visa card with a password you create, giving you assurance that only you can use your Visa card online. Simply activate your card and create your personal password. You.ll get the added confidence that your Visa card is safe when you shop at participating online stores. \u00a9 Copyright 2005, Visa U.S.A. All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"Software Newsletter Software Mozilla 1.0 mIRC 6.02 PolyView 3.8 FruitMenu 2.0 (for the Mac) Dell Latitude C510\/C610 series In Hardware Toshiba Pocket PC e310 In Electronics AutoCAD LT 2002 In Software Sony Ericsson T68 In Wireless July 15, 2002 --Lindsey Turrentine Senior editor CNET Software and Internet Dear Readers, If the best things in life are free, why does software cost so much? Back in the day (that day being 1999, when the Internet was the Next Big Thing), you could get almost all of your software--e-mail, fax services, online desktops, you name it--for free. Now, even Yahoo is charging for some of its formerly free mail services, including the ability to check your Yahoo mail from Outlook or another desktop e-mail client. But if you look closely enough, you can still find some worthwhile free apps. We've reviewed four free e-mailers to get you started. And we've also taken a peek at the new BearShare, which is not only free itself, but also lets you share music and media files at no cost. Of course, whether you can find legal music to share is another matter entirely. Intel's new insides: one size fits all?The i845 chipset's many flavors are faster, better, and a lot more confusing. Read before you shop. - Dell's prefab PC - Apple cracks 1GHz Most popular Desktops 1. Dell Dimension 8000 series 2. HP Pavilion 950 3. Dell Dimension 4000 series 4. Atlas Micro CS 8000 5. Falcon Northwest Mach V See all most popular desktops Roundup: CNET reviews four free Web e-mailers Yahoo now charges for services that were once free; Hotmail dumps accounts without so much as an explanation. So-called free Web-based e-mailers aren't quite as free-wheelin' as before. Are the savings worth the hassle? We take another look at so-called \"free\" e-mailers. Get the gear you need to burn DVDs DVD authoring is one of the hottest new hobbies around, but picking out the right equipment can be a daunting task. We've broken down the process and selected the best gear for the job, from camera to software, burner to DVD player. BearShare 4.0 The latest version of this oft-overlooked Gnutella client lets you pay $19.95 for ad-free file sharing and offers a nice, clean interface and a chat client to boot. Plus, BearShare lets you opt out of bundled adware and spyware when you install it. Should you run to this app like a bear to honey? Not yet. We'll tell you why. Read the review | Manufacturer price Yahoo Mail After months of beta testing and pricing adjustments (that's right, Yahoo now charges for some services), the new Yahoo Mail just hit the Web. Among its changes are a complete redesign, better Calendar and Address Book integration, and a new color palette. Find out if Yahoo still deserves your account. Read the review Peachtree Complete Accounting 2003 For years, Peachtree has provided professional accounting to small businesses. As a result, Peachtree Complete 2003 has all the basics, including inventory control, time billing, and payroll management. And Peachtree even contains a wide array of Web tools for creating and maintaining an online store. What's new in 2003? Read the review | Check latest prices First Take: ICQ Lite Alpha One of our biggest beefs with ICQ has always been its bloated feature set. Now, the company has released a new \"lite\" ICQ that sucks up far less system memory than the full-fat version--but at what cost? We take a first look. SBC Yahoo Dial Thanks to a partnership with SBC Pacific Bell, Yahoo is now in the dial-up game. The new service, known as SBC Yahoo Dial, offers a customized browser, 25MB of storage, and 11 e-mail addresses--all for $21.95 or lower, depending on your SBC service package. Our reviewer investigates. Read the review First Take: Winamp3 Release Candidate We've been waiting aeons for the newest version of popular media player Winamp. We haven't received a full new version yet, but AOL has partially obliged with a prerelease version. Winamp3 Release Candidate serves up a new interface and some major underlying changes. But does the new look muddy up Winamp's legendary ease of use? Inside @ccess: Is your ISP safe from hackers? Surely, the folks who run your ISP have thought long and hard about security issues, but should you count on their skills to ward off intruders? Not wise, says our ISP expert. In this week's column, Dan Tynan takes security matters into his own hands and shows you how to protect yourself. Read the column CNET Electronics: Cell phone personality test--updated Choose among our five user profiles to find out what models best match your wireless persona. Take the test and see them all. Read the full story Import Hotmail addresses to Outlook? >I'm running Windows 98. Everytime I try to download files >from the Internet, QuickTime tries to upgrade, stopping the >download cold. I tried to remove the software, but it won't >let me. Can you help? I would like to use Windows Media >Player instead. --Wicked Based on your desription, we're guessing that QuickTime pops up when you try to stream a media file (video, audio, or MP3s) from the Web. If so, this probably means that you have QuickTime set as your default media player for all media files. And since your version of QuickTime is out-of-date, whenever it launches, it attmepts to upgrade. You could simply upgrade the program, or you can to turn off the autoupgrade feature. In QuickTime 5.0, open the program, select Edit > Preferences > QuickTime Preferences. Uncheck the box labeled \"Check for updates automatically.\" If, however, you simply prefer to use Windows Media Player, open that program, click Tools > Options. Select the Formats tab, then check the boxes next to all of the file types that you want Windows Media Player to open. To make sure that QuickTime doesn't override your WMP settings, uncheck those file types within QuickTime. CNET reviews QuickTime 5.0 CNET reviews Windows Media Player 7.1 E-mail your stories and questions to: software-mailbag@cnet.com. Live tech help: submit your questions now CNET News.com: Top CIOs on the future of IT Find a job you love, with more than 1 million postings ZDNet: This IT director has had enough of Microsoft May Editors' Choice award: Pioneer's HTS-910DV Search In SoftwareAll CNET The Web The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-cnet-newsletters@example.com Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | Advertise Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, You Have One new security message from HSBC Bank Plc regarding to your contact details Log on Yours sincerely, Online Customer Service","label":1} {"text":"You may or may not have heard of me however I've been marketing on the Internet for over 8 years now and have done extremely well for myself. I made over $2,000,000 (2 million USD) in just a couple of months of my final year of marketing which was a period when I scaled down due to my health. During this time on the Internet I joined many companies and generated huge successful down lines and databases of highly active marketers. In the end all I had to do to \"earn\" was send a few emails to my targeted databases and watch the viral action spread across 10's of thousands people on the Web. Each one made me money. Consider me as one of those illusive \"top earners\" that you hear about but never have had the luck of bringing into your own down line. I am one of the successful mystery marketers that many of the biggest companies enrol into their own top tier to rapidly populate other tiers with a \"bang\". I have also been engaged to create and deploy aggressive email marketing campaigns to fill lower tiers for some of the largest businesses that you may be involved with right now too. I have been involved at the top of many of the largest m'l'm, network m'ktg and other business programs and have earned unimaginable over rides and ongoing profit. For the last 7 years I have always been at the top enjoying the many benefits and huge profit made off other people's work. However because of my health I am selling my personal high response databases to a limited number of people for cheap on a first-come, first-served basis. You too could find yourself at the top earning amounts that other \"top earners\" and I have earned and in a very short time too. All you need is a good business and one of my databases. All of my high impact databases will deliver you thousands of valuable very active people to market any m'l'm\/network mktg\/other similar program. Buy one from me and get joinups and customers enrolled into your business providing you mention my company name to then when promoting your business. You no longer have to market, pay to advertise, submit, opt-in, promote or learn \"how to do\" anything ever again. This will definitely revolutionise the way you work and make you succeed. I am not going to give this extremely valuable chance to everyone who responds to my email. I have only enough resources to provide 500 people and will only honour that number of orders. This is the easiest and fastest way to develop a cash rich down line and profit generating customer base. You are not going to experience this ever again in the rest of your life and that you can be 100% sure of. I can even arrange to send the promo emails for you. This is no joke, reply to my email and I will send you more information plus my telephone number so you can call me direct. Please send an email to: 0l1v3r@isp-q.com with @more@ in the subject line and I will send you additional details to include great prices and a list of incredible data that I have plus my contact telephone number to call me on. If you get a problem emailing me or a bounceback please call 00.44-781-805-4683 or from the USA use 00.144 instead. If you think I have breached your privacy and you would like to request me to cancel any other newsletter or correspondence to you, please send me an email to: fr3ddi@isp-q.com and it will cease from 48 hours. Put @cease@ in the subject line.","label":1} {"text":"test Alex Velasco Key Account Manager Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.velasco@hackingteam.com mobile: +1 301.332.5654 phone: +1 443.949.7470 --","label":0} {"text":"Is it radio or TV? On May 2, 2016, at 8:13 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Walker you want it? Sent from my iPhone On May 2, 2016, at 7:56 PM, Paustenbach, Mark > wrote: I'll be on a train back to DC Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org On May 2, 2016, at 7:23 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: What: Mark and Jared Halpern What: One on one interview on Indiana primary. When: Tomorrow night, 7:35PM EST Where: At Mark's convenience (needs to be somewhere quiet) Lock it in? Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"I just got a webcam and computer for my birthday and I just finished my first homepage. I added some of my modeling pictures there so if you think you can help my career please let me know. I could also use some opinions on how to make my site look better. If you can't help and you know someone that can, please forward them this e-mail. I need money and can sure use the work. I just added my most recent set of pictures. If you don't want to look at my pics, I am 5'5 125, blonde hair, blue eyes and I play volleyball. Link to my site: Thanks, Julie Oh, if you do not know who I am and I sent this e-mail to you by mistake please disregard it. If you would like to make sure to be removed from my address book, please click here and i have a program to make sure I do not send you more mail.Sorry I will not ever try talking to you again!","label":1} {"text":"At 7:13 AM -0400 on 9\/18\/02, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: > SmartGroups, I think. Dave Farber's Interesting People list just went over to Cheers, RAH -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA \"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience.\" -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'","label":0} {"text":"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R October 12, 2001 5:00pm through October 15, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. EES: Impact: EES Time: Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London Outage: PCCS IE5.5 Upgrade Environments Impacted: EES Purpose: Required to make the PCCS application compatible with new browser version being rolled out. Backout: Restore prior ASP pages and determine issues. Contact(s): Burt Bailey 713 853-9164 888-886-7432 Robert Lamberson 713-345-3350 Suchitra Narra ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 9:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 7:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 3:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London Outage: Replacement of Printer 3com Hubs w\/ Cisco Switches Environments Impacted: Printers Purpose: Cisco 2820 switches are manageable, 3com hubs are not Backout: For any reason the printers do not connect to the printer network after the change, I will change every back to the original state. Contact(s): Mark Trevino 713-345-9954 Impact: ECN 6 Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 9:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 7:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 3:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London Outage: Cisco 2820 Replacement Environments Impacted: ECN 6 Purpose: 2924 Cisco switches are a better switch. Backout: Contact(s): Mark Trevino 713-345-9954 Impact: EBS Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London Outage: Converting EBS to Corp Network Environments Impacted: EBS Purpose: Incorporating EBS and CORP network Backout: Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: Impact: Napdx-msmbx01v Time: Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 6:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 1:30:00 AM CT Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 4:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 10\/12\/2001 at 11:30:00 PM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:30:00 AM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 7:30:00 AM London Outage: upgrade Napdx-msmbx01v Environments Impacted: Users on Napdx-msmbx01v Purpose: In order to standardize all E2k servers. Backout: Restore from Backup Contact(s): David Lin 713-345-1619 MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS\/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London Outage: Croaker general maintenance. Environments Impacted: Custom Logs (CEI) Purpose: Monthly general maintenance schedule. Backout: Back out patches and reboot. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London Outage: General maintenance for charon. Environments Impacted: OPM Purpose: Test\/Dev monthly maintenance schedule. Backout: Backout the patches reboot the server Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London Outage: Maintenance and upgrades for adcupalpha. Environments Impacted: SAP \/ Project Sunrise Purpose: Maintenance and upgrades to enhance performance and stability. Backout: Restore from backup. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Mon 10\/15\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London Outage: Maintenance, New disk layout and cpu upgrades for adcupbravo. Environments Impacted: SAP \/ Project Sunrise Purpose: Maintenance and upgrades to enhance performance and stability. Backout: Restore from backup. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 3:00:00 PM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 1:00:00 PM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 9:00:00 PM London Outage: Maintenance for server refraction. Environments Impacted: DPR Purpose: Check seating of new cpu modules. Backout: None Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 SITARA: Impact: Sitara\/CPR Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 7:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 5:00:00 AM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 1:00:00 PM London Outage: Sitara\/CRP impact due to Solar Migration Environments Impacted: All Purpose: New hardware migration to done by Enterprise Storage Team Backout: Contact(s): SitaraonCall 713-288-0101 CPRonCall 713-284-4175 Impact: Production Reporting Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 7:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 5:00:00 AM PT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 1:00:00 PM London Outage: Sitara Reports Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Hardware upgrade Backout: Reverting back to Moe Contact(s): SitaraonCall 713-288-0101 SUN\/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: Impact: Time: Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10\/13\/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10\/14\/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London Outage: Monthly Maintenance - Lucent CMS & Conversant Full Back-up Environments Impacted: Call Centers Purpose: Monthly Maintenance Backout: Contact(s): Cynthia Siniard 713-853-0558 TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP\/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS\/GOPS\/GeoTools\/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS\/UA4\/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]","label":0} {"text":"--1465727098.996838841831.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb003 Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Your Membership Community & Commentary (August 3, 2001) It's All About Making Money Information to provide you with the absolute best low and no cost ways of providing traffic to your site, helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net-Preneur. --- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! --- ------------- IN THIS ISSUE ------------- Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today Member Showcase Commentary Quick Tips Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> Today's Special Announcement: ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> Right now, this week only - We have left over inventory, it's unsold, but not for long. If you could use 1 million banner ads all targeted and dirt cheap go here today. This package is guaranteed!! It's tough to fail when you can show your ad to 1,000 people for less than a buck! A free custom banner will be made for you with this deal! ||| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>> You are a member in at least one of these programs - You should be in them all! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today By Michael E. Angier This is my list. They're the ones I've selected for my life at present. Consider them suggestions for yourself--ideas to help you generate your own top ten list. By getting clear on and acting upon YOUR most important steps, you'll be moving toward and experiencing your highest and best. 1. Practice gratefulness. Reflect upon the things in my life for which I'm grateful. If I appreciate more of what I have, I will have even more to appreciate. 2. Write out my three most important goals and visualize how my life will be when I have achieved them. FEEL it. EXPERIENCE it in as much sensory detail as I can possibly imagine. 3. Take some action steps toward each of the three goals. 4. Exercise my body and monitor carefully what I eat and drink. Reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more calories. Eat only small amounts at one time. 5. Read something educational, inspirational or entertaining--preferably all three. 6. Meditate. Empty my conscious mind and listen to the Super-conscious. 7. Have fun doing something I love to do. Experience joy. 8. Write something--anything. If not an article or part of my book, then write in my journal. 9. Perform some act of kindness. Do a thoughtful, magnanimous thing--anonymously if possible. 10. Finish something. Do something I can call complete. Bonus Step: Make something work better -- Practice ADS: Automate, Delegate and Systemize. Copyright 2001 Michael Angier & Success Networks International. ------------------------------------- About the Author... Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success Networks. Success Net's mission is to inform, inspire and empower people to be their best--personally and professionally. Download their free eBooklet, KEYS TO PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS from Free subscriptions, memberships, books and SuccessMark Cards are available at =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Member Showcase =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them. There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look at these successful sites & programs other members are involved in... ------------------------------------------------- ******** FREE CD-Rom Software ********* Over 1000 high quality software titles on CD-ROM absolutely FREE! YES, the software is free, (s\/h) Click Here: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop Smoking - Free Lesson !! Discover the Secret to Stopping Smoking. To Master these Powerful Techniques, Come to for your Free Lesson. Act Now! P.S. Tell someone you care about. Trade Links - jturco3@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- For a limited time only, we are offering --TWO-- FREE eBooks to show you how to MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET! Use our PROVEN, DUPLICATABLE methods to get in on this EXPLODING opportunity now! Visit us at: to collect your FREE offers! Trade Links - Gina@AbundanceGroup.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Without Debt! What would you do with 5,000 10,000 20,000 100,000? A \"Dream Team\" of heavy hitters are gathering to promote Life Without Debt. Get in NOW to receive Massive spillover in the 2x matrix. -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience! For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM. Compare that to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM. Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today - Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis. For our secure order form, click here: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Commentary Quick Tips =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Website Recommendation: Here is a site with some useful tips. Example - test your Internet connection speed. I doubled my DSL speed with just one minor tweak suggested by one of the links given. Submitted by F. Knopke imco@telusplanet.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have a marketing hint, product recommendation, or online gem of wisdom you'd like to share with your fellow subscribers? With your 2 - 10 line Quick Tip include your name and URL or email address and we'll give you credit for your words of wisdom. And, if you're looking for free advertising, this isn't the place - check out the 'One Question Survey' below for a great free advertising offer. Send it in to mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com with 'Quick Tip' in the Subject block. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll draw a name from the replies and that person will win one Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE. That's a value of over $800.00! Respond to each weekly survey, and increase your chances to win with four separate entries. QUESTION OF THE WEEK (08\/03\/01)... No right or wrong answers, and just by answering you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase - Free! ~~~ How many email messages do you get per day? ~~~ Less than 40 mailto:one@AEOpublishing.com 41-100 mailto:two@AEOpublishing.com 101-300 mailto:three@AEOpublishing.com 301-1000 mailto:four@AEOpublishing.com More than 1000 mailto:five@AEOpublishing.com To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the hyperlinked answer to send us an e-mail - you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message. ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS! Follow directions above and add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll post the best commentaries along with the responses. You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please respond only one time per question. Multiple responses from the same individual will be discarded. Last Weeks's Survey Results & Comments (07\/27\/01) ~~~ Are you concerned about identity theft online? ~~~ yes 81% no 19% Comments: ~~~~~~~~~ No. This is a funny thing to me. I hear about so many people being super scared to give out their SS#. Well folks, I can get your SS# for 50 cents. Give me a name and address and about 90% of the time I can get the number. We are so worried about putting our credit card number on the net, but we will give the card to a waiter or waitress and they take it out of our sight for 10 minutes. They could do who knows what with the CC number. I once had a person tell me that her lawyer said that she should never fax a copy of her check to anyone (checks by fax) because then that person (me) would have her account info and could write a check out for thousands of dollars. I told her to just send it to me then and she said that was OK. Then I asked her to tell me what the difference was between the original check and a fax copy. I told her to ask her lawyer that too. Never heard back from her. The bottom line is that if a crook wants to get your info, it is available in many places. Have a good day. -- Terry ~~~~~~~~~ Yes. I believe that the risk is out there but minimal. However, we can cut those risks by a few simple precautions. Most importantly, never give any personal information at a site that is not secure, always look for the lock in thetask bar or a Veri secure sign or others. Also, never leave your information stored at a site. I put in my credit information in each time instead of having an account in standing, a little more time but less risks involved! Of course, I mostly shop at my own Internet mall and I know how safe it is there, credit card info is deleted in a matter of seconds. Overall, I believe the web to be a safe and very fruitful new frontier! -- Catherine F. ~~~~~~~~~ Yes. I had phenomena for 6 weeks and did not realize that my ISP was shut down at the same time because the owner was in a bad car accident. I had a full service account. My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address went unprotected. A Russian stepped in; paid the fees; and, promptly assigned my www.SchoolOfGeomatics.com address to a porn shop. Thus, I lost 4 years of building up 1st place rankings on 12 Search Engines and 2nd place on 8 more. This set me back about 4 months: I believe I lost a minimum of $50,000. I have also been hit with viruses about 10 times. The first time I lost almost 4 months of work. Now, I back up often enough to not to lose so much time. This is also Internet theft. These people are nothing but out and out criminals and should spend years behind bars. Customers are well protected from credit card theft; however, merchants can lose a lot of money. I sell only by purchase order and certified or registered company checks. -- Peter S. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY WINNER ANNOUNCED! And the July 'One-Question Survey' WINNER is... John Stitzel - oldstitz@yahoo.com Congratulations John! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com See the link (below) for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests. Please send suggestions and comments to: mailto:Editor@AEOpublishing.com I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, \"Working Together We Can All Prosper.\" mailto:Submit@AEOpublishing.com For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing.com ------------------------------------------------ web: ------------------------------------------------ This email has been sent to jm@netnoteinc.com at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services. Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe. 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Write out my three most important goals and visualize how my life will be when I have achieved them. FEEL it. EXPERIENCE it in as much sensory detail as I can possibly imagine. 3. Take some action steps toward each of the three goals. 4. Exercise my body and monitor carefully what I eat and drink. Reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more calories. Eat only small amounts at one time. 5. Read something educational, inspirational or entertaining--preferably all three. 6. Meditate. Empty my conscious mind and listen to the Super-conscious. 7. Have fun doing something I love to do. Experience joy. 8. Write something--anything. If not an article or part of my book, then write in my journal. 9. Perform some act of kindness. Do a thoughtful, magnanimous thing--anonymously if possible. 10. Finish something. Do something I can call complete. Bonus Step: Make something work better -- Practice ADS: Automate, Delegate and Systemize. 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Last Weeks's Survey Results & Comments (07\/27\/01) ~~~ Are you concerned about identity theft online? ~~~ yes 81% no 19% Comments: ~~~~~~~~~ No. This is a funny thing to me. I hear about so many people being super scared to give out their SS#. Well folks, I can get your SS# for 50 cents. Give me a name and address and about 90% of the time I can get the number. We are so worried about putting our credit card number on the net, but we will give the card to a waiter or waitress and they take it out of our sight for 10 minutes. They could do who knows what with the CC number. I once had a person tell me that her lawyer said that she should never fax a copy of her check to anyone (checks by fax) because then that person (me) would have her account info and could write a check out for thousands of dollars. I told her to just send it to me then and she said that was OK. Then I asked her to tell me what the difference was between the original check and a fax copy. I told her to ask her lawyer that too. Never heard back from her. The bottom line is that if a crook wants to get your info, it is available in many places. Have a good day. -- Terry ~~~~~~~~~ Yes. I believe that the risk is out there but minimal. However, we can cut those risks by a few simple precautions. Most importantly, never give any personal information at a site that is not secure, always look for the lock in thetask bar or a Veri secure sign or others. Also, never leave your information stored at a site. I put in my credit information in each time instead of having an account in standing, a little more time but less risks involved! Of course, I mostly shop at my own Internet mall and I know how safe it is there, credit card info is deleted in a matter of seconds. Overall, I believe the web to be a safe and very fruitful new frontier! -- Catherine F. ~~~~~~~~~ Yes. I had phenomena for 6 weeks and did not realize that my ISP was shut down at the same time because the owner was in a bad car accident. I had a full service account. My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address went unprotected. A Russian stepped in; paid the fees; and, promptly assigned my www.SchoolOfGeomatics.com address to a porn shop. Thus, I lost 4 years of building up 1st place rankings on 12 Search Engines and 2nd place on 8 more. This set me back about 4 months: I believe I lost a minimum of $50,000. I have also been hit with viruses about 10 times. The first time I lost almost 4 months of work. Now, I back up often enough to not to lose so much time. This is also Internet theft. These people are nothing but out and out criminals and should spend years behind bars. Customers are well protected from credit card theft; however, merchants can lose a lot of money. I sell only by purchase order and certified or registered company checks. -- Peter S. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY WINNER ANNOUNCED! And the July 'One-Question Survey' WINNER is... John Stitzel - oldstitz@yahoo.com Congratulations John! To change your subscribed address, send both new and old address to Submit See the link (to the left) for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests. Please send suggestions and comments to: Editor I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, \"Working Together We Can All Prosper.\" Submit For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Sponsorship Showcase Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing.com :: visit our site This email was sent to jm@netnoteinc.com, at your request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services . Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . View our privacy policy . Powered by --1465727098.996838841831.JavaMail.RovAdmin.rovweb003--","label":1} {"text":"Good morning all from tomorrowland (Wednesday!) Gosh, you have all been very busy overnight here. Thank you, and Mike & I will start wordsmithing our section. We now have (in IPCC terms) a nice bunch of LA's and CAs for this commentary! 'Talk' to you later! Jim Quoting Kevin Trenberth : > Phil > see also this: > Trenberth, K. E., and L. Smith, 2009: Variations in the three > dimensional structure of the atmospheric circulation with different > flavors of El Ni\u00f1o. \/J. Climate\/, *12*, No. 11, 2978-2991, doi: > 10.1175\/2008JCLI2691.1. [PDF] > > It has tables with relationships with Nino 3.4 and SOI and you can > see the differences in lead lag e.g. Table 1. SOI leads Nino 3.4 by > 1 or 2 months typically but as in the 2002 paper, the leads and > lags vary with Nino index, see also > Trenberth, K. E., and D. P. Stepaniak, 2001: Indices of El Ni\u00f1o > evolution. \/J. Climate.\/, *14*, 1697-1701. [Paper(.pdf) > ] > ^* > > > Kevin > > Phil Jones wrote: >> >> Kevin, Mike et al, >> Figure 3 in what Kevin just sent is the sort of thing we need to show. >> On the lags, I think the reason the lag with what Tom did was different is >> that you used Nino3.4 SST and Tom used SOI. I know people think >> they are the same thing, but I think SOI lags a little behind 3.4 SST. >> It would be a useful bit of new science to look at the links between SOI >> and 3.4 SST, but it shouldn't be part of a comment on what's wrong with the >> awful paper For that you're going to have to use the Bureau Of Meteorology >> version of the SOI. These are on this web site >> >> I did check a few years ago and these numbers look pretty much the same >> as the CRU ones (allowing for the BoM multiplier of 10). >> When you calculate the SOI you normalize the Darwin >> and Tahiti series. BoM change the base period with each new year, so >> don't expect to get exactly the same results as McLean. >> You have to smooth the SOI series in some way as it is noisy. >> Their running mean >> is a lousy filter. I'd recommend using the one we did in Ch 3 of >> IPCC. It is on >> p336. The second filter will work fine, with all the months in >> sequence. It will >> approximate a 10-12 month filter and won't do anything to the phase. Maybe >> doing this with SOI and Nino3.4 will show a slight lag between the >> two - 3 months >> maybe! >> >> Cheers >> Phil >> >> >> At 15:57 28\/07\/2009, Kevin Trenberth wrote: >>> The leads and lags are analyzed in detail in this paper >>> Trenberth, K. E., J. M. Caron, D. P. Stepaniak, and S. Worley >>> 2002: The evolution of ENSO and global atmospheric surface >>> temperatures >>> \/J. Geophys. Res.\/, *107*, D8, 10.1029\/2000JD000298. >>> and we were not able to reproduce Tom Wigley's result (we tried). >>> It may depend in indices used. In this paper we also document the >>> extent to which ENSO contributes to warming overall. >>> Kevin >>> >>> Phil Jones wrote: >>>> Mike, >>>> See below for instructions. >>>> >>>> Also, just because IPCC (2007, Ch 3) didn't point out the 6\/7-month lag >>>> between the SOI and global temperatures doesn't mean it hasn't been >>>> known for years. IPCC is an assessment and not a review of everything >>>> done. If they had even read Wigley (2001) they would have seen this >>>> lag pointed out. I wasn't the first to do this in 1989 either. I don't >>>> think Walker was either. I think the first was Hildebrandsson in the >>>> 1890s. Why does it always go back to a Swede! >>>> >>>> file is at ftp.cru.uea.ac.uk >>>> >>>> login anonymously with emails as pw >>>> >>>> then go to people\/philjones >>>> >>>> and you should find santeretal2001.pdf >>>> >>>> Cheers >>>> Phil >>>> >>>> >>>> At 14:08 28\/07\/2009, Michael Mann wrote: >>>>> thanks Phil, >>>>> >>>>> this is very helpful and reaffirms what we've identified as some >>>>> of the main points that need to be covered in a formal response. >>>>> I've taken the liberty of copying in a couple other colleagues >>>>> who have been looking into this. Grant Foster was the first >>>>> author on a response to a similarly bad paper by Schwartz that >>>>> was published some time ago, and has been doing a number of >>>>> analyses aimed at demonstrating the key problems in McClean et al. >>>>> >>>>> I've suggested that Grant sent out a draft of the response when >>>>> it is ready to the broader group of people who have been >>>>> included in these exchanges for feedback and potential >>>>> co-authorship, >>>>> >>>>> mike >>>>> >>>>> p.s. Santer et al paper still didn't come through in your >>>>> followup message. Can you post in on ftp where it can be >>>>> downloaded? >>>>> On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:15 AM, Phil Jones wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Jim et al, >>>>>> Having now read the paper in a moment of peace and quiet, >>>>>> there are a few things >>>>>> to bear in mind. The authors of the original will have a right >>>>>> of reply, so need to >>>>>> ensure that they don't have anything to come back on. From >>>>>> doing the attached a >>>>>> year or so ago, there is a word limit and also it is important >>>>>> to concentrate only >>>>>> on a few key points. As we all know there is so much wrong with >>>>>> the paper, it >>>>>> won't be difficult to come up with a few, but it does need to >>>>>> be just two or three. >>>>>> >>>>>> The three aspects I would emphasize are >>>>>> >>>>>> 1. The first difference type filtering. Para 14 implies that >>>>>> they smooth the series >>>>>> with a 12 month running mean, then subtract the value in Jan >>>>>> 1980 from that in >>>>>> Jan 1979, then Feb 1980 from Feb 1979 and so on. As we know >>>>>> this removes >>>>>> any long-term trend. >>>>>> >>>>>> The running mean also probably distorts the phase, so this is >>>>>> possibly why >>>>>> they get different lags from others. Using running means also >>>>>> enhances the >>>>>> explained variance. Perhaps we should repeat the exercise >>>>>> without the smoothing. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2. Figure 4 and Figure 1 show the unsmoothed GTTA series. These >>>>>> clearly have a >>>>>> trend. Perhaps show the residual after extracting the ENSO part. >>>>>> >>>>>> 3. They do the same first difference on the smoothed SOI. The >>>>>> SOI doesn't explain >>>>>> the climate jump in the 1976\/77 period. Their arguments in para >>>>>> 30 are all wrong. >>>>>> >>>>>> A few minor points >>>>>> >>>>>> - there are some negative R*R values just after equation 3. >>>>>> - I'm sure Tom Wigley wouldn't have proposed El Nino events >>>>>> occurring after volcanoes! >>>>>> Attached this paper as well. From a quick read it doesn't >>>>>> say what is purported - in fact >>>>>> it seems to show clearly how the analysis should have been done. >>>>>> - there is a paper by Ben Santer (more recent) where he >>>>>> applies the same type >>>>>> of extraction procedure to models. I'll send this separately as >>>>>> it is large. In case it >>>>>> is too large here is the reference. >>>>>> >>>>>> Santer, B.D., Wigley, T.M.L., Doutriaux, C., Boyle, J.S., >>>>>> Hansen, J.E., Jones, P.D., Meehl, G.A., Roeckner, E., Sengupta, >>>>>> S. and Taylor K.E., 2001: Accounting for the effects of >>>>>> volcanoes and ENSO in comparisons of modeled and observed >>>>>> temperature trends. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, >>>>>> 28033\u00ad28059. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Finally I've attached a paper I wrote in 1990, where I did >>>>>> something similar to >>>>>> what they did. I looked at residuals from a Gaussian filter, and I added >>>>>> the smoothed data back afterwards. I was working at the annual timescale >>>>>> and I did have many more years. >>>>>> >>>>>> Cheers >>>>>> Phil >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> At 00:19 25\/07\/2009, Michael Mann wrote: >>>>>>> Hi Jim, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Grant Foster ('Tamino') did a nice job in a previous response >>>>>>> (attached) we wrote to a similarly bad article by Schwartz which got a >>>>>>> lot of play in contrarian circles. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> since he's already done some of the initial work in debunking this, I >>>>>>> sent him an email asking hi if we was interested in spearheading a >>>>>>> similar effort w\/ this one. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> let me get back to folks after I've heard back from him, and we can >>>>>>> discuss possible strategy for moving this forward, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> mike >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kia orana All from the Tropical South Pacific >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Yes, Phil, a bit like 'A midsummer night's dream!'. and Gavin >>>>>>>> Tamino's bang up job is great, And good that you go up with stuff on >>>>>>>> Real Climate, Mike. As Kevin is preoccupied, for the scientific >>>>>>>> record we need a rebuttal somewhere pulled together. Who wants to >>>>>>>> join in on the multiauthored effort?? I am happy to coordinate it. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Return to 'winter' this evening after enjoying a balmy south east >>>>>>>> trades and sunny dry 24 C in the Cook Islands. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann : >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> folks, we're going to go up w\/ something brief on RealClimate >>>>>>>>> later today, mostly just linking to other useful deconstructions >>>>>>>>> of the paper already up on other sites, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:01 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I am tied up next week, but could frame something up the >>>>>>>>>> following week which , I hope would be multi-authored. It would >>>>>>>>>> be quite good to have a rebuttal from the same Department at Uni >>>>>>>>>> of Auckland (which Glenn McGregor of IJC is director of)! >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I haven't had tne oportunity to download the text here in the >>>>>>>>>> Cook Islands, so this would give me the opportunity to do that. >>>>>>>>>> Who else wants to join in?? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I am on vacation today and don't have the time. I have been on >>>>>>>>>>> travel the >>>>>>>>>>> past 4 weeks (including AR5 IPCC scoping mtg); the NCAR summer >>>>>>>>>>> Colloquium >>>>>>>>>>> is coming up in a week and then I am off to Oz and NZ for 3 weeks >>>>>>>>>>> (GEWEX\/iLeaps, CEOP) and I have an oceanobs'09 plenary paper to do. >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> a formal comment to JGR seems like a worthwhile undertaking here. >>>>>>>>>>>> contrarians will continue to cite the paper regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>> whether or >>>>>>>>>>>> not its been rebutted, but for the purpose of future scientific >>>>>>>>>>>> assessments, its important that this be formally rebutted in >>>>>>>>>>>> the peer- >>>>>>>>>>>> reviewed literature. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 9:05 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pro-activeness. Is there an opportunity to write a >>>>>>>>>>>>> letter to JGR pointing out the junk science in this??....if it is >>>>>>>>>>>>> not rebutted, then all sceptics will use this to justify their >>>>>>>>>>>>> position. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd email >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Kevin, hadn't even noticed that in my terse initial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> skim of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. yes--that makes things even worse than my initial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impression. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is a truly horrible paper. one wonders who the editor was, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what he\/she was thinking (or drinking), >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Kevin Trenberth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just looked briefly at the paper. Their relationships use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the series. Well derivatives are equivalent to a high pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is to say it filters out all the low frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If one takes y= A sin wt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and does a differentiation one gets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dy = Aw cos wt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the amplitude goes from A to Aw where w is the frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = 2*pi\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L where >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L is the period. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the response to this procedure is to reduce periods of 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years by a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> factor of 5 compared with periods of 2 years, or 20 and 50 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced by factors of 10 an 25 relative to two year periods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. Their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedure is designed to only analyse the interannual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi Seth, you always seem to catch me at airports. only got a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> few >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes. took a cursory look at the paper, and it has all the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs of extremely bad science and scholarship. JGR is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> journal, but some extremely bad papers have slipped through >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cracks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in recent years, and this is another one of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first of all, the authors use two deeply flawed datasets that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understate the warming trends: the Christy and Spencer MSU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncorrected radiosonde temperature estimates. There were a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> series >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three key papers published in Science a few years ago, by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mears >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> et al, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Santer et al, and Sherwood et al. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see Gavin's excellent RealClimate article on this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tu- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lt\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these papers collectively showed that both datasets were >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deeply >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flawed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and understate actual tropospheric temperature trends. I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolutely remarkable that this paper could get through a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serious >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review w\/out referencing any 3 of these critical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> papers-- papers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> findings render that conclusions of the current article >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> invalid! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Christy and Spencer MSU satellite-derived tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimates contained two errors--a sign error and an algebraic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had the net effect of artificially removing the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warming trend. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christy and Spencer continue to produce revised versions of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the MSU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, but they always seem to show less warming than >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independent assessment, and their estimates are largely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disregarded by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serious assessments such as that done by the NAS and the IPCC. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So these guys have taken biased estimates of tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that have artificially too little warming trend, and then >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shown, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unremarkably, that El Nino dominates much of what is left (the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interannual variability). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the paper has absolutely no implications that I can see at all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role of natural variability on the observed warming trend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of recent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decades. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other far more careful analyses (a paper by David Thompson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of CSU, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil Jones, and others published in Nature more than year >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ago) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proper, widely-accepted surface temperature data to estimate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influence of natural factors (El Nino and volcanos) on the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. their analysis was so careful and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clever that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected a post-world war II error in sea surface temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measurements (that yields artificial cooling during the mid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1940s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had never before been discovered in the global surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. needless to say, they removed that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the correct record, removing influences of ENSO, volcanoes, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this newly detected error, reveal that a robust warming of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global mean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface temperature over the past century of a little less >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than 1C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which has nothing to do w\/ volcanic influences or ENSO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences. the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominant source of the overall warming, as concluded in every >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimate major scientific assessment, is anthropogenic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (human greenhouse gas concentrations w\/ some offsetting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cooling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sulphate aerosols). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this later paper provides absolutely nothing to cast that in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt. it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses a flawed set of surface temperature measurements for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend has been artificially suppressed, to show that whats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (interannual variability) is due to natural influences. duh! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its a joke! and the aptly named Mark \"Morano\" has fallen for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Borenstein, Seth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin, Gavin, Mike, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's Seth again. Attached is a paper in JGR today that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marc Morano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is hyping wildly. It's in a legit journal. Whatchya think? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth Borenstein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associated Press Science Writer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sborenstein@ap.org >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Associated Press, 1100 13th St. NW, Suite 700, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Washington, DC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20005-4076 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 202-641-9454 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The information contained in this communication is intended >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the designated recipients named above. If the reader of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notified >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you have received this communication in error, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that any >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dissemination, distribution or copying of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strictly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-212-621-1898 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and delete this e-mail. Thank you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [IP_US_DISC] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Precisely. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Mann: You better rush something up on RealClimate. Jim, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett, myself and maybe others will have to deal with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> local >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallout this will cause...oh dear...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bye the way June was the warmest month on record for the oceans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according tro NOAA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exactly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They use 2 datasets that are deficient in the first place and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then they >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use derivatives: differentiation is a high pass filter, and so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they show >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what we have long known that ENSO accounts for a lot of high >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability. It should not have been published >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kia orana from Rarotonga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How the h... did this get accepted!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion today {24\/7\/09] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nature blamed over warming - describing recently published >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JGR by Chris de Freitas, Bob Carter and J McLean, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment by J Salinger \"little new\" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> McLean J. D., C. R. de Freitas, R. M. Carter (2009), >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Influence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature, J. Geophys. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Res., >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 114, D14104, doi:10.1029\/2008JD011637. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Professor Jim Salinger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> School of Geography and Environmental Science >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Auckland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Private Bag 92 019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auckland, New Zealand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: + 64 9 373 7599 ext 88473 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>> >>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>> >>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Jim, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Grant Foster ('Tamino') did a nice job in a previous response >>>>>>> (attached) we wrote to a similarly bad article by Schwartz >>>>>>> which got a lot of play in contrarian circles. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> since he's already done some of the initial work in debunking >>>>>>> this, I sent him an email asking hi if we was interested in >>>>>>> spearheading a similar effort w\/ this one. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> let me get back to folks after I've heard back from him, and >>>>>>> we can discuss possible strategy for moving this forward, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> mike >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kia orana All from the Tropical South Pacific >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Yes, Phil, a bit like 'A midsummer night's dream!'. and Gavin >>>>>>>> Tamino's bang up job is great, And good that you go up with >>>>>>>> stuff on Real Climate, Mike. As Kevin is preoccupied, for the >>>>>>>> scientific record we need a rebuttal somewhere pulled >>>>>>>> together. Who wants to join in on the multiauthored effort?? >>>>>>>> I am happy to coordinate it. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Return to 'winter' this evening after enjoying a balmy south >>>>>>>> east trades and sunny dry 24 C in the Cook Islands. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann : >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> folks, we're going to go up w\/ something brief on >>>>>>>>> RealClimate later today, mostly just linking to other >>>>>>>>> useful deconstructions of the paper already up on other >>>>>>>>> sites, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:01 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I am tied up next week, but could frame something up the >>>>>>>>>> following week which , I hope would be multi-authored. It >>>>>>>>>> would be quite good to have a rebuttal from the same >>>>>>>>>> Department at Uni of Auckland (which Glenn McGregor of IJC >>>>>>>>>> is director of)! >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I haven't had tne oportunity to download the text here in >>>>>>>>>> the Cook Islands, so this would give me the opportunity to >>>>>>>>>> do that. Who else wants to join in?? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I am on vacation today and don't have the time. I have >>>>>>>>>>> been on travel the >>>>>>>>>>> past 4 weeks (including AR5 IPCC scoping mtg); the NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> summer Colloquium >>>>>>>>>>> is coming up in a week and then I am off to Oz and NZ for 3 weeks >>>>>>>>>>> (GEWEX\/iLeaps, CEOP) and I have an oceanobs'09 plenary paper to do. >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> a formal comment to JGR seems like a worthwhile undertaking here. >>>>>>>>>>>> contrarians will continue to cite the paper regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>> whether or >>>>>>>>>>>> not its been rebutted, but for the purpose of future scientific >>>>>>>>>>>> assessments, its important that this be formally rebutted >>>>>>>>>>>> in the peer- >>>>>>>>>>>> reviewed literature. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 9:05 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pro-activeness. Is there an opportunity to write a >>>>>>>>>>>>> letter to JGR pointing out the junk science in this??....if it is >>>>>>>>>>>>> not rebutted, then all sceptics will use this to justify their >>>>>>>>>>>>> position. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd email >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Kevin, hadn't even noticed that in my terse >>>>>>>>>>>>>> initial skim of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. yes--that makes things even worse than my initial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impression. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is a truly horrible paper. one wonders who the editor was, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what he\/she was thinking (or drinking), >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Kevin Trenberth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just looked briefly at the paper. Their relationships use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the series. Well derivatives are equivalent to a high pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is to say it filters out all the low frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If one takes y= A sin wt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and does a differentiation one gets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dy = Aw cos wt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the amplitude goes from A to Aw where w is the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency = 2*pi\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L where >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L is the period. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the response to this procedure is to reduce periods of 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years by a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> factor of 5 compared with periods of 2 years, or 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 50 years get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced by factors of 10 an 25 relative to two year periods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. Their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedure is designed to only analyse the interannual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi Seth, you always seem to catch me at airports. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only got a few >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes. took a cursory look at the paper, and it has all the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs of extremely bad science and scholarship. JGR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a legitimate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> journal, but some extremely bad papers have slipped >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cracks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in recent years, and this is another one of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first of all, the authors use two deeply flawed datasets that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understate the warming trends: the Christy and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spencer MSU data and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncorrected radiosonde temperature estimates. There >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were a series >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three key papers published in Science a few years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ago, by Mears >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> et al, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Santer et al, and Sherwood et al. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see Gavin's excellent RealClimate article on this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these papers collectively showed that both datasets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were deeply >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flawed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and understate actual tropospheric temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. I find it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolutely remarkable that this paper could get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through a serious >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review w\/out referencing any 3 of these critical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> papers-- papers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> findings render that conclusions of the current >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> article completely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> invalid! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Christy and Spencer MSU satellite-derived tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimates contained two errors--a sign error and an algebraic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had the net effect of artificially removing the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warming trend. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christy and Spencer continue to produce revised >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions of the MSU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, but they always seem to show less warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than every other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independent assessment, and their estimates are largely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disregarded by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serious assessments such as that done by the NAS and the IPCC. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So these guys have taken biased estimates of tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that have artificially too little warming trend, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then shown, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unremarkably, that El Nino dominates much of what is left (the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interannual variability). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the paper has absolutely no implications that I can see at all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role of natural variability on the observed warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend of recent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decades. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other far more careful analyses (a paper by David >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thompson of CSU, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil Jones, and others published in Nature more than >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> year ago) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proper, widely-accepted surface temperature data to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimate the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influence of natural factors (El Nino and volcanos) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. their analysis was so careful and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clever that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected a post-world war II error in sea surface temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measurements (that yields artificial cooling during >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mid 1940s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had never before been discovered in the global surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. needless to say, they removed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that error too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the correct record, removing influences of ENSO, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volcanoes, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this newly detected error, reveal that a robust warming of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global mean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface temperature over the past century of a little >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> less than 1C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which has nothing to do w\/ volcanic influences or ENSO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences. the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominant source of the overall warming, as concluded in every >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimate major scientific assessment, is anthropogenic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (human greenhouse gas concentrations w\/ some >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offsetting cooling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sulphate aerosols). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this later paper provides absolutely nothing to cast that in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt. it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses a flawed set of surface temperature measurements >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for which the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend has been artificially suppressed, to show that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats left >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (interannual variability) is due to natural influences. duh! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its a joke! and the aptly named Mark \"Morano\" has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallen for it! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Borenstein, Seth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin, Gavin, Mike, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's Seth again. Attached is a paper in JGR today >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Marc Morano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is hyping wildly. It's in a legit journal. Whatchya think? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth Borenstein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associated Press Science Writer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sborenstein@ap.org >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Associated Press, 1100 13th St. NW, Suite 700, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Washington, DC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20005-4076 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 202-641-9454 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The information contained in this communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intended for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the designated recipients named above. If the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notified >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and that any >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dissemination, distribution or copying of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strictly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-212-621-1898 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and delete this e-mail. Thank you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [IP_US_DISC] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Precisely. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Mann: You better rush something up on RealClimate. Jim, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett, myself and maybe others will have to deal with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the local >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallout this will cause...oh dear...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bye the way June was the warmest month on record for the oceans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according tro NOAA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exactly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They use 2 datasets that are deficient in the first place and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then they >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use derivatives: differentiation is a high pass filter, and so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they show >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what we have long known that ENSO accounts for a lot of high >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability. It should not have been published >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kia orana from Rarotonga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How the h... did this get accepted!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion today {24\/7\/09] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nature blamed over warming - describing recently >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> published paper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JGR by Chris de Freitas, Bob Carter and J McLean, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment by J Salinger \"little new\" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> McLean J. D., C. R. de Freitas, R. M. Carter (2009), >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Influence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature, J. Geophys. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Res., >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 114, D14104, doi:10.1029\/2008JD011637. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Professor Jim Salinger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> School of Geography and Environmental Science >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Auckland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Private Bag 92 019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auckland, New Zealand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: + 64 9 373 7599 ext 88473 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>> >>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>> >>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> Prof. Phil Jones >>>>>> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >>>>>> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >>>>>> University of East Anglia >>>>>> Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >>>>>> >>>>>> NR4 7TJ >>>>>> UK >>>>>> >>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>> Professor >>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>> >>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>> >>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>> >>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>> >>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> thanks Phil, >>>>> >>>>> this is very helpful and reaffirms what we've identified as some >>>>> of the main points that need to be covered in a formal response. >>>>> I've taken the liberty of copying in a couple other colleagues >>>>> who have been looking into this. Grant Foster was the first >>>>> author on a response to a similarly bad paper by Schwartz that >>>>> was published some time ago, and has been doing a number of >>>>> analyses aimed at demonstrating the key problems in McClean et al. >>>>> >>>>> I've suggested that Grant sent out a draft of the response when >>>>> it is ready to the broader group of people who have been >>>>> included in these exchanges for feedback and potential >>>>> co-authorship, >>>>> >>>>> mike >>>>> >>>>> p.s. Santer et al paper still didn't come through in your >>>>> followup message. Can you post in on ftp where it can be >>>>> downloaded? >>>>> On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:15 AM, Phil Jones wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Jim et al, >>>>>> Having now read the paper in a moment of peace and quiet, >>>>>> there are a few things >>>>>> to bear in mind. The authors of the original will have a right >>>>>> of reply, so need to >>>>>> ensure that they don't have anything to come back on. From >>>>>> doing the attached a >>>>>> year or so ago, there is a word limit and also it is important >>>>>> to concentrate only >>>>>> on a few key points. As we all know there is so much wrong with >>>>>> the paper, it >>>>>> won't be difficult to come up with a few, but it does need to >>>>>> be just two or three. >>>>>> >>>>>> The three aspects I would emphasize are >>>>>> >>>>>> 1. The first difference type filtering. Para 14 implies that >>>>>> they smooth the series >>>>>> with a 12 month running mean, then subtract the value in Jan >>>>>> 1980 from that in >>>>>> Jan 1979, then Feb 1980 from Feb 1979 and so on. As we know >>>>>> this removes >>>>>> any long-term trend. >>>>>> >>>>>> The running mean also probably distorts the phase, so this is >>>>>> possibly why >>>>>> they get different lags from others. Using running means also >>>>>> enhances the >>>>>> explained variance. Perhaps we should repeat the exercise >>>>>> without the smoothing. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2. Figure 4 and Figure 1 show the unsmoothed GTTA series. These >>>>>> clearly have a >>>>>> trend. Perhaps show the residual after extracting the ENSO part. >>>>>> >>>>>> 3. They do the same first difference on the smoothed SOI. The >>>>>> SOI doesn't explain >>>>>> the climate jump in the 1976\/77 period. Their arguments in para >>>>>> 30 are all wrong. >>>>>> >>>>>> A few minor points >>>>>> >>>>>> - there are some negative R*R values just after equation 3. >>>>>> - I'm sure Tom Wigley wouldn't have proposed El Nino events >>>>>> occurring after volcanoes! >>>>>> Attached this paper as well. From a quick read it doesn't >>>>>> say what is purported - in fact >>>>>> it seems to show clearly how the analysis should have been done. >>>>>> - there is a paper by Ben Santer (more recent) where he >>>>>> applies the same type >>>>>> of extraction procedure to models. I'll send this separately as >>>>>> it is large. In case it >>>>>> is too large here is the reference. >>>>>> >>>>>> Santer, B.D., *Wigley*, *T.M.L.*, Doutriaux, C., Boyle, J.S., >>>>>> Hansen, J.E., Jones, P.D., Meehl, G.A., Roeckner, E., Sengupta, >>>>>> S. and Taylor K.E., 2001: Accounting for the effects of >>>>>> volcanoes and ENSO in comparisons of modeled and observed >>>>>> temperature trends. \/Journal of Geophysical Research\/ *106*, >>>>>> 28033--28059. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Finally I've attached a paper I wrote in 1990, where I did >>>>>> something similar to >>>>>> what they did. I looked at residuals from a Gaussian filter, and I added >>>>>> the smoothed data back afterwards. I was working at the annual timescale >>>>>> and I did have many more years. >>>>>> >>>>>> Cheers >>>>>> Phil >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> At 00:19 25\/07\/2009, Michael Mann wrote: >>>>>>> Hi Jim, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Grant Foster ('Tamino') did a nice job in a previous response >>>>>>> (attached) we wrote to a similarly bad article by Schwartz >>>>>>> which got a lot of play in contrarian circles. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> since he's already done some of the initial work in debunking >>>>>>> this, I sent him an email asking hi if we was interested in >>>>>>> spearheading a similar effort w\/ this one. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> let me get back to folks after I've heard back from him, and >>>>>>> we can discuss possible strategy for moving this forward, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> mike >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kia orana All from the Tropical South Pacific >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Yes, Phil, a bit like 'A midsummer night's dream!'. and Gavin >>>>>>>> Tamino's bang up job is great, And good that you go up with >>>>>>>> stuff on Real Climate, Mike. As Kevin is preoccupied, for the >>>>>>>> scientific record we need a rebuttal somewhere pulled >>>>>>>> together. Who wants to join in on the multiauthored effort?? >>>>>>>> I am happy to coordinate it. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Return to 'winter' this evening after enjoying a balmy south >>>>>>>> east trades and sunny dry 24 C in the Cook Islands. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> folks, we're going to go up w\/ something brief on >>>>>>>>> RealClimate later today, mostly just linking to other >>>>>>>>> useful deconstructions of the paper already up on other >>>>>>>>> sites, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:01 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I am tied up next week, but could frame something up the >>>>>>>>>> following week which , I hope would be multi-authored. It >>>>>>>>>> would be quite good to have a rebuttal from the same >>>>>>>>>> Department at Uni of Auckland (which Glenn McGregor of IJC >>>>>>>>>> is director of)! >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I haven't had tne oportunity to download the text here in >>>>>>>>>> the Cook Islands, so this would give me the opportunity to >>>>>>>>>> do that. Who else wants to join in?? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I am on vacation today and don't have the time. I have >>>>>>>>>>> been on travel the >>>>>>>>>>> past 4 weeks (including AR5 IPCC scoping mtg); the NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> summer Colloquium >>>>>>>>>>> is coming up in a week and then I am off to Oz and NZ for 3 weeks >>>>>>>>>>> (GEWEX\/iLeaps, CEOP) and I have an oceanobs'09 plenary paper to do. >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> a formal comment to JGR seems like a worthwhile undertaking here. >>>>>>>>>>>> contrarians will continue to cite the paper regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>> whether or >>>>>>>>>>>> not its been rebutted, but for the purpose of future scientific >>>>>>>>>>>> assessments, its important that this be formally rebutted >>>>>>>>>>>> in the peer- >>>>>>>>>>>> reviewed literature. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 9:05 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pro-activeness. Is there an opportunity to write a >>>>>>>>>>>>> letter to JGR pointing out the junk science in this??....if it is >>>>>>>>>>>>> not rebutted, then all sceptics will use this to justify their >>>>>>>>>>>>> position. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd email >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Kevin, hadn't even noticed that in my terse >>>>>>>>>>>>>> initial skim of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. yes--that makes things even worse than my initial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impression. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is a truly horrible paper. one wonders who the editor was, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what he\/she was thinking (or drinking), >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Kevin Trenberth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just looked briefly at the paper. Their relationships use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the series. Well derivatives are equivalent to a high pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is to say it filters out all the low frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If one takes y= A sin wt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and does a differentiation one gets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dy = Aw cos wt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the amplitude goes from A to Aw where w is the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency = 2*pi\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L where >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L is the period. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the response to this procedure is to reduce periods of 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years by a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> factor of 5 compared with periods of 2 years, or 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 50 years get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced by factors of 10 an 25 relative to two year periods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. Their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedure is designed to only analyse the interannual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi Seth, you always seem to catch me at airports. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only got a few >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes. took a cursory look at the paper, and it has all the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs of extremely bad science and scholarship. JGR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a legitimate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> journal, but some extremely bad papers have slipped >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cracks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in recent years, and this is another one of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first of all, the authors use two deeply flawed datasets that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understate the warming trends: the Christy and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spencer MSU data and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncorrected radiosonde temperature estimates. There >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were a series >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three key papers published in Science a few years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ago, by Mears >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> et al, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Santer et al, and Sherwood et al. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see Gavin's excellent RealClimate article on this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lt\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these papers collectively showed that both datasets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were deeply >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flawed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and understate actual tropospheric temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. I find it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolutely remarkable that this paper could get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through a serious >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review w\/out referencing any 3 of these critical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> papers-- papers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> findings render that conclusions of the current >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> article completely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> invalid! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Christy and Spencer MSU satellite-derived tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimates contained two errors--a sign error and an algebraic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had the net effect of artificially removing the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warming trend. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christy and Spencer continue to produce revised >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions of the MSU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, but they always seem to show less warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than every other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independent assessment, and their estimates are largely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disregarded by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serious assessments such as that done by the NAS and the IPCC. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So these guys have taken biased estimates of tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that have artificially too little warming trend, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then shown, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unremarkably, that El Nino dominates much of what is left (the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interannual variability). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the paper has absolutely no implications that I can see at all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role of natural variability on the observed warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend of recent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decades. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other far more careful analyses (a paper by David >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thompson of CSU, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil Jones, and others published in Nature more than >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> year ago) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proper, widely-accepted surface temperature data to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimate the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influence of natural factors (El Nino and volcanos) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. their analysis was so careful and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clever that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected a post-world war II error in sea surface temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measurements (that yields artificial cooling during >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mid 1940s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had never before been discovered in the global surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. needless to say, they removed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that error too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the correct record, removing influences of ENSO, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volcanoes, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this newly detected error, reveal that a robust warming of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global mean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface temperature over the past century of a little >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> less than 1C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which has nothing to do w\/ volcanic influences or ENSO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences. the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominant source of the overall warming, as concluded in every >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimate major scientific assessment, is anthropogenic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (human greenhouse gas concentrations w\/ some >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offsetting cooling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sulphate aerosols). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this later paper provides absolutely nothing to cast that in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt. it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses a flawed set of surface temperature measurements >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for which the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend has been artificially suppressed, to show that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats left >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (interannual variability) is due to natural influences. duh! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its a joke! and the aptly named Mark \"Morano\" has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallen for it! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Borenstein, Seth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin, Gavin, Mike, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's Seth again. Attached is a paper in JGR today >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Marc Morano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is hyping wildly. It's in a legit journal. Whatchya think? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth Borenstein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associated Press Science Writer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sborenstein@ap.org >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Associated Press, 1100 13th St. NW, Suite 700, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Washington, DC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20005-4076 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 202-641-9454 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The information contained in this communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intended for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the designated recipients named above. If the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notified >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and that any >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dissemination, distribution or copying of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strictly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-212-621-1898 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and delete this e-mail. Thank you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [IP_US_DISC] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Precisely. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Mann: You better rush something up on RealClimate. Jim, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett, myself and maybe others will have to deal with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the local >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallout this will cause...oh dear...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bye the way June was the warmest month on record for the oceans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according tro NOAA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exactly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They use 2 datasets that are deficient in the first place and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then they >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use derivatives: differentiation is a high pass filter, and so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they show >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what we have long known that ENSO accounts for a lot of high >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability. It should not have been published >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kia orana from Rarotonga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How the h... did this get accepted!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion today {24\/7\/09] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nature blamed over warming - describing recently >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> published paper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JGR by Chris de Freitas, Bob Carter and J McLean, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment by J Salinger \"little new\" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> McLean J. D., C. R. de Freitas, R. M. Carter (2009), >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Influence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature, J. Geophys. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Res., >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 114, D14104, doi:10.1029\/2008JD011637. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Professor Jim Salinger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> School of Geography and Environmental Science >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Auckland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Private Bag 92 019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auckland, New Zealand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: + 64 9 373 7599 ext 88473 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>> >>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>> >>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Jim, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Grant Foster ('Tamino') did a nice job in a previous response >>>>>>> (attached) we wrote to a similarly bad article by Schwartz >>>>>>> which got a lot of play in contrarian circles. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> since he's already done some of the initial work in debunking >>>>>>> this, I sent him an email asking hi if we was interested in >>>>>>> spearheading a similar effort w\/ this one. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> let me get back to folks after I've heard back from him, and >>>>>>> we can discuss possible strategy for moving this forward, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> mike >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kia orana All from the Tropical South Pacific >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Yes, Phil, a bit like 'A midsummer night's dream!'. and Gavin >>>>>>>> Tamino's bang up job is great, And good that you go up with >>>>>>>> stuff on Real Climate, Mike. As Kevin is preoccupied, for the >>>>>>>> scientific record we need a rebuttal somewhere pulled >>>>>>>> together. Who wants to join in on the multiauthored effort?? >>>>>>>> I am happy to coordinate it. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Return to 'winter' this evening after enjoying a balmy south >>>>>>>> east trades and sunny dry 24 C in the Cook Islands. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> folks, we're going to go up w\/ something brief on >>>>>>>>> RealClimate later today, mostly just linking to other >>>>>>>>> useful deconstructions of the paper already up on other >>>>>>>>> sites, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:01 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I am tied up next week, but could frame something up the >>>>>>>>>> following week which , I hope would be multi-authored. It >>>>>>>>>> would be quite good to have a rebuttal from the same >>>>>>>>>> Department at Uni of Auckland (which Glenn McGregor of IJC >>>>>>>>>> is director of)! >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I haven't had tne oportunity to download the text here in >>>>>>>>>> the Cook Islands, so this would give me the opportunity to >>>>>>>>>> do that. Who else wants to join in?? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I am on vacation today and don't have the time. I have >>>>>>>>>>> been on travel the >>>>>>>>>>> past 4 weeks (including AR5 IPCC scoping mtg); the NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> summer Colloquium >>>>>>>>>>> is coming up in a week and then I am off to Oz and NZ for 3 weeks >>>>>>>>>>> (GEWEX\/iLeaps, CEOP) and I have an oceanobs'09 plenary paper to do. >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> a formal comment to JGR seems like a worthwhile undertaking here. >>>>>>>>>>>> contrarians will continue to cite the paper regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>> whether or >>>>>>>>>>>> not its been rebutted, but for the purpose of future scientific >>>>>>>>>>>> assessments, its important that this be formally rebutted >>>>>>>>>>>> in the peer- >>>>>>>>>>>> reviewed literature. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> mike >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 9:05 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pro-activeness. Is there an opportunity to write a >>>>>>>>>>>>> letter to JGR pointing out the junk science in this??....if it is >>>>>>>>>>>>> not rebutted, then all sceptics will use this to justify their >>>>>>>>>>>>> position. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Michael Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd email >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Kevin, hadn't even noticed that in my terse >>>>>>>>>>>>>> initial skim of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. yes--that makes things even worse than my initial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impression. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is a truly horrible paper. one wonders who the editor was, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what he\/she was thinking (or drinking), >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Kevin Trenberth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just looked briefly at the paper. Their relationships use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the series. Well derivatives are equivalent to a high pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is to say it filters out all the low frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If one takes y= A sin wt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and does a differentiation one gets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dy = Aw cos wt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the amplitude goes from A to Aw where w is the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency = 2*pi\/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L where >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L is the period. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the response to this procedure is to reduce periods of 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years by a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> factor of 5 compared with periods of 2 years, or 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 50 years get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced by factors of 10 an 25 relative to two year periods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. Their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedure is designed to only analyse the interannual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi Seth, you always seem to catch me at airports. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only got a few >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes. took a cursory look at the paper, and it has all the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs of extremely bad science and scholarship. JGR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a legitimate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> journal, but some extremely bad papers have slipped >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cracks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in recent years, and this is another one of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first of all, the authors use two deeply flawed datasets that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understate the warming trends: the Christy and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spencer MSU data and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uncorrected radiosonde temperature estimates. There >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were a series >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three key papers published in Science a few years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ago, by Mears >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> et al, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Santer et al, and Sherwood et al. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see Gavin's excellent RealClimate article on this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these papers collectively showed that both datasets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were deeply >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flawed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and understate actual tropospheric temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trends. I find it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolutely remarkable that this paper could get >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through a serious >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review w\/out referencing any 3 of these critical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> papers--papers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> findings render that conclusions of the current >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> article completely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> invalid! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Christy and Spencer MSU satellite-derived tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimates contained two errors--a sign error and an algebraic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had the net effect of artificially removing the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warming trend. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christy and Spencer continue to produce revised >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions of the MSU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, but they always seem to show less warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than every other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independent assessment, and their estimates are largely >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disregarded by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serious assessments such as that done by the NAS and the IPCC. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So these guys have taken biased estimates of tropospheric >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that have artificially too little warming trend, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then shown, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unremarkably, that El Nino dominates much of what is left (the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interannual variability). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the paper has absolutely no implications that I can see at all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role of natural variability on the observed warming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend of recent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decades. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other far more careful analyses (a paper by David >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thompson of CSU, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil Jones, and others published in Nature more than >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> year ago) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proper, widely-accepted surface temperature data to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimate the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influence of natural factors (El Nino and volcanos) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. their analysis was so careful and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clever that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected a post-world war II error in sea surface temperature >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measurements (that yields artificial cooling during >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mid 1940s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that had never before been discovered in the global surface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature record. needless to say, they removed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that error too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the correct record, removing influences of ENSO, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volcanoes, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this newly detected error, reveal that a robust warming of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global mean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface temperature over the past century of a little >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> less than 1C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which has nothing to do w\/ volcanic influences or ENSO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences. the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominant source of the overall warming, as concluded in every >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimate major scientific assessment, is anthropogenic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> influences >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (human greenhouse gas concentrations w\/ some >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offsetting cooling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sulphate aerosols). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this later paper provides absolutely nothing to cast that in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt. it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses a flawed set of surface temperature measurements >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for which the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trend has been artificially suppressed, to show that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats left >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (interannual variability) is due to natural influences. duh! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its a joke! and the aptly named Mark \"Morano\" has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallen for it! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Borenstein, Seth wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin, Gavin, Mike, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's Seth again. Attached is a paper in JGR today >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Marc Morano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is hyping wildly. It's in a legit journal. Whatchya think? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seth Borenstein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associated Press Science Writer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sborenstein@ap.org >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Associated Press, 1100 13th St. NW, Suite 700, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Washington, DC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20005-4076 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 202-641-9454 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The information contained in this communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intended for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the designated recipients named above. If the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notified >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and that any >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> review, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dissemination, distribution or copying of this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strictly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notify The Associated Press immediately by telephone at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-212-621-1898 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and delete this e-mail. Thank you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [IP_US_DISC] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438f0cf467d9a4938 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Jim Salinger wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Precisely. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Mann: You better rush something up on RealClimate. Jim, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brett, myself and maybe others will have to deal with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the local >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fallout this will cause...oh dear...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bye the way June was the warmest month on record for the oceans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according tro NOAA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exactly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They use 2 datasets that are deficient in the first place and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then they >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use derivatives: differentiation is a high pass filter, and so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they show >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what we have long known that ENSO accounts for a lot of high >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequency >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variability. It should not have been published >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kia orana from Rarotonga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How the h... did this get accepted!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion today {24\/7\/09] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nature blamed over warming - describing recently >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> published paper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JGR by Chris de Freitas, Bob Carter and J McLean, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment by J Salinger \"little new\" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> McLean J. D., C. R. de Freitas, R. M. Carter (2009), >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Influence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature, J. Geophys. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Res., >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 114, D14104, doi:10.1029\/2008JD011637. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Professor Jim Salinger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> School of Geography and Environmental Science >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Auckland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Private Bag 92 019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auckland, New Zealand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: + 64 9 373 7599 ext 88473 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: >>>>>>>>>>>> mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ___________________ >>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Trenberth >>>>>>>>>>> Climate Analysis Section, NCAR >>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 3000 >>>>>>>>>>> Boulder CO 80307 >>>>>>>>>>> ph 303 497 1318 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: >>>>>>>>> (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>>>> Professor >>>>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>>>> >>>>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>>>> >>>>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> Prof. Phil Jones >>>>>> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >>>>>> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >>>>>> University of East Anglia Norwich >>>>>> Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >>>>>> >>>>>> NR4 7TJ >>>>>> UK >>>>>> >>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> Michael E. Mann >>>>> Professor >>>>> Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) >>>>> >>>>> Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 >>>>> 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 >>>>> The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu >>>>> >>>>> University Park, PA 16802-5013 >>>>> >>>>> website: ~mann\/Mann\/index.html >>>>> >>>>> \"Dire Predictions\" book site: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> Prof. Phil Jones >>>> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >>>> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >>>> University of East Anglia Norwich >>>> Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >>>> NR4 7TJ >>>> UK >>>> >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> **************** >>> Kevin E. >>> Trenberth e-mail: trenbert@ucar.edu >>> >>> Climate Analysis >>> Section, www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/trenbert.html >>> >>> NCAR >>> P. O. Box >>> 3000, (303) 497 1318 >>> Boulder, CO >>> 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) >>> >>> Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 >>> >> >> Prof. Phil Jones >> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 >> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 >> University of East Anglia Norwich >> Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk >> NR4 7TJ >> UK >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > **************** > Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: trenbert@ucar.edu > Climate Analysis Section, www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/trenbert.html > NCAR > P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 > Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) > > Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305 > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.","label":0} {"text":"Auto Adjustment Confirmation To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add USAA.Web.Services@customermail.usaa.com to your address book. Auto Adjustment Confirmation View Accounts | Privacy Promise | Contact Us Online Security Guarantee Dear member, Thank you for continuing to choose USAA for your insurance needs. Because we recently adjusted your policy, you now need updated you online account. Manage your policy online. Request ID cards. Add vehicles or drivers. File a claim. View and print your policy documents. Log on to usaa.com Thank you, USAA We may have initiated this policy change without your knowledge based on information we received from other sources. Please do not reply to this e-mail. 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While only one campaign is currently using their joint victory fund we encourage both of our campaigns to identify opportunities to support the national and state Democratic parties now so that we can continue to build the infrastructure to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"In a message dated: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:53:55 CDT Ulises Ponce said: >Thanks Paul, >That is the way I am doing right now, but I would like to NOT use the mouse >for such things. Any other clue? The best I can think of is to figure out what the command being issued by exmh is that selects and inserts the sig and bind that to a key sequence. That shouldn't be *too* difficult, it's just a matter of figuring out the tcl (something my perl-based brain isn't excited about :) -- Seeya, Paul -- It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing, but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away. If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right! _______________________________________________ Exmh-users mailing list Exmh-users@redhat.com","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Password change required! Dear sir, We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your Chase user profile account, and multiple password failures were present before the logons. We strongly advice CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. If this is not completed by October 15, 2005, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. Thank you for your cooperation. Click here to Change Your Password Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for using Chase! Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.","label":1} {"text":"I need to setup a VPN between a few sites. From what I've read, the the choices come down (on the Linux side) to IPsec (using FreeSWAN) or CIPE. It seems that FreeSWAN is 'better', being an implementation of IPsec which is a standard. However, CIPE does the job as well for Linux clients and is somewhat simpler to setup. The problem is that it's not a pure Linux situation - a couple of the sites run OS-X. I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to find an implementation of IPsec for OS-X, but I think CIPE is Linux only. So, the question is for those of you have have implemented BOTH - is there a significant difference in setup time and hassle between CIPE and FreeSWAN ? If CIPE is going to be much easier than dealing with FreeSWAN (and whatever on the OS-X sites) then I'll simply get a Linux box for each of the remote sites - with the low price of hardware, it doesn't take much more complexity in software to make buying hardware to use simpler software economic. Niall -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"Your Mailbox Has Exceeded It Storage Limit As Set By Your Administrator,Click Below to complete update on your storage limit quota Click Here Please note that you have within 24 hours to complete this update. because you might lose access to your Email Box. System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Politicians worldwide are discovering the internet - what a great tool for fascism, once you got the laws in place to solve that whole 'anonymity' thing. Also I notice this story shows the truth - the Canadian government is really located in Washington, DC, Ottawa is just a branch office. Come to think of it, the last story I posted about Canada featured the head of its military, 'speaking to us from military HQ in Palm Beach, Florida.' Owen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . *Will Canada's ISPs become spies?* By Declan McCullagh Staff Writer, CNET News.com August 27, 2002, 12:56 PM PT *WASHINGTON--The Canadian government is considering a proposal that would force Internet providers to rewire their networks for easy surveillance by police and spy agencies.* A discussion draft released Sunday also contemplates creating a national database of every Canadian with an Internet account, a plan that could sharply curtail the right to be anonymous online. The Canadian government, including the Department of Justice and Industry Canada , wrote the 21-page blueprint as a near-final step in a process that seeks to give law enforcement agents more authority to conduct electronic surveillance. A proposed law based on the discussion draft is expected to be introduced in Parliament late this year or in early 2003. Arguing that more and more communications take place in electronic form, Canadian officials say such laws are necessary to fight terrorism and combat even run-of-the-mill crimes. They also claim that by enacting these proposals, Canada will be following its obligations under the Council of Europe's cybercrime treaty , which the country is in the process of considering. If the discussion draft were to become law, it would outlaw the possession of computer viruses, authorize police to order Internet providers to retain logs of all Web browsing for up to six months, and permit police to obtain a search warrant allowing them to find \"hidden electronic and digital devices\" that a suspect might be concealing. In most circumstances, a court order would be required for government agents to conduct Internet monitoring. Canada and the United States are nonvoting members of the Council of Europe, and representatives from both countries' police agencies have endorsed the controversial cybercrime treaty , which has drawn protests from human rights activists and civil liberties groups. Of nearly 50 participating nations, only Albania has formally adopted , or ratified, the treaty. Michael Geist , a professor at the University of Ottawa who specializes in e-commerce law, says that the justification for adopting such sweeping changes to Canadian law seems weak. \"It seems to me that the main justification they've given for all the changes is that we want to ratify the cybercrime treaty and we need to make changes,\" Geist said. \"To me that's not a particularly convincing argument. If there are new powers needed for law enforcement authority, make that case.\" Geist added that \"there's nothing in the document that indicates (new powers) are needed. I don't know that there have been a significant number of cases where police have run into problems.\" Probably the most sweeping change the legal blueprint contemplates is compelling Internet providers and telephone companies to reconfigure their networks to facilitate government eavesdropping and data-retention orders. The United States has a similar requirement, called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act , but it applies only to pre-Internet telecommunications companies. \"It is proposed that all service providers (wireless, wireline and Internet) be required to ensure that their systems have the technical capability to provide lawful access to law enforcement and national security agencies,\" according to the proposal. Companies would be responsible for paying the costs of buying new equipment. Sarah Andrews, an analyst at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) who specializes in international law, says the proposal goes beyond what the cybercrime treaty specifies. \"Their proposal for intercept capability talks about all service providers, not just Internet providers,\" Andrews said. \"The cybercrime treaty deals only with computer data.\" EPIC opposes the cybercrime treaty, saying it grants too much power to police and does not adequately respect privacy rights. Another section of the proposal says the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police recommends \"the establishment of a national database\" with personal information about all Canadian Internet users. \"The implementation of such a database would presuppose that service providers are compelled to provide accurate and current information,\" the draft says. Gus Hosein, a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics and an activist with Privacy International, calls the database \"a dumb idea.\" \"Immediately you have to wonder if you're allowed to use anonymous mobile phones or whether you're allowed to connect to the Internet anonymously,\" Hosein said. A representative for George Radwanski , Canada's privacy commissioner, said the office is reviewing the blueprint and does not \"have any comments on the paper as it stands.\" Comments on the proposal can be sent to la-al@justice.gc.ca no later than Nov. 15.","label":0} {"text":"Dear user@example.com, It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before September 29,2006. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. 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In order to ensure you do not experience service interruption, you are required to complete iTreasury\/InterAct Online Form by following the secured hyperlink below: Thank you for banking with Regions bank, the industry leader in safe and secure online banking. ...................................... \u00a9 2007 Regions Financial Corporation","label":1} {"text":"ciao, tu hai un biglietto di luca\/seclab ? -- Antonio Mazzeo Senior Security Engineer Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.mazzeo@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3311863741 phone: +39 0229060603 --","label":0} {"text":"KEEP IN THE SHADOW FUCKERS THERE IS NO SAFE PLACE FOR THE NSM. ARA-NORTH DAKOTA _________________________________________________________________ Get Windows Live and get whatever you need, wherever you are. Start here.","label":0} {"text":"This message is from Outlook Web App Helpdesk ISQ. Your two (2) outgoing mails have been placed on hold due to the recent upgrade in our database. You are required to immediately validate and re-set your Email account space on our database: You are to validate your Outlook E-mail account, Kindly CLICK HERE and sign in with your correct Webmail informations. We apologize for any inconvenience and do appreciate your corporation an understanding. OWA Helpdesk ISQ\u00a92015, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.","label":1} {"text":"Today in the call for a full Supreme Court bench: The Constitutional Responsibility Project releases its second TV ad showcasing Sen. Rob Portman's (R-OH) obstruction, Americans United for Change continues its nine-state, nine-day mobile billboard tour in Pennsylvania, 225 former Sen. Grassley supporters share their stories with MoveOn.org as to why they cannot support his inaction around Chief Judge Garland's nomination, and editorial boards continue to blast Senate Republicans for creating political gridlock around judicial nominations. The Constitutional Responsibility Project releases second TV ad highlighting Sen. Portman's refusal to do his job and give Chief Judge Merrick Garland fair hearings and a timely vote. Today, the Constitutional Responsibility Project released a 30-second ad highlighting Sen. Rob Portman's (R-OH) refusal to allow Chief Judge Garland - a nominee with broad bipartisan support and the most federal judicial experience in recent history - a fair hearing and an up-or-down vote. The ad will air in the Columbus and Cincinnati media markets over the Senate recess. Today's ad comes days after the Constitutional Responsibility Project released a new survey of Ohio voters, conducted by Hart Research Associates. Key findings include: * 70 percent of Ohioans do not know where Sen. Rob Portman stands on Merrick Garland's nomination. When told that Senator Portman supports the Republican leadership's refusal to consider any Supreme Court nominee, 59% of all voters express an unfavorable opinion, compared with just 36% who are favorable. * As Ohio voters hear of Rob Portman's decision to follow his party leaders in opposing a hearing for Merrick Garland, two in five of Portman's own voters are unfavorable to his actions, as are two-thirds of all swing voters. * Once voters learned about Merrick Garland and his background, 80 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents, and 32 percent of Republicans favor Garland's confirmation. * Once Ohio voters learned about Sen. Portman's decision to oppose a hearing for Merrick Garland, 48 percent of Ohio voters are less likely to support Sen. Portman, while 52 percent of independent voters are less likely to want him re-elected o This potentially puts 15 percent of the Ohio electorate in play this November as possible new voters for Democratic challenger, Ted Strickland. Former Grassley voters: You lost our respect and our votes. Today, more than 225 former Sen. Grassley supporters shared their stories with MoveOn.org to express their frustration over his failure to uphold Iowa values during Chief Judge Garland's nomination. Comments from Iowa constituents and former supporters can be seen HERE . The campaign also includes a new billboard featuring former Grassley supporters located on Fleur Drive near the Des Moines airport with the message: \"Senator Grassley: You Lost Our Respect and Votes by Playing Politics with the Supreme Court.\" Kenneth Blackledge, Iowa produce farmer and former Grassley voter: \"Blocking this nomination is purely political, I'm so disappointed. I want him to be the old Chuck again. I want him to get away from party politics and be the independent senator I used to admire.\" Jack Lehmkuhl, Cedar Rapids, IA: \"I feel betrayed by Sen. Grassley, who my family has strongly supported since his very first election, I volunteered for Sen. Grassley to help get him elected even before I could vote. But now he's lost my respect and my vote.\" Jo Comerford, MoveOn.org Political Action campaign director: \"Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley has become the national face of Republican obstruction of President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland... Iowans know that the stakes are simply too high to let partisan politics force a continued vacancy on the nation's highest court.\" [MoveOn.org Press Release] 9-9-9 Tour Stops In Pennsylvania: 9 States in 9 Days for 9 Supreme Court Justices. The Americans United for Change nine-state, nine-day mobile billboard tour recently stopped in Harrisburg and Philadelphia, PA. The message to Senator Toomey was simple: Do Your Job and Fill the Vacant Seat on the Supreme Court, or Someone Else Will Fill Yours. *See digital billboard graphic designs HERE . The stops were joined by local leaders including Cole Goodman, Susquehanna Township School Board Member; Lisa M. Benzie, Attorney; Adam C. Bonin, Attorney, Election and Constitutional Law Expert; Sam Dorso, Co-Chair, Philly for Change; Ann Warneka, Registered Nurse. Aletheia Henry, PA State Director, Americans United for Change: \"Hardworking Pennsylvania families that pay Senator Toomey's salary don't get to pick and choose which parts of their jobs they want to do and forget the rest... Tellingly, Republicans like Senator Toomey, who've actually bothered to meet with Judge Garland still can't muster one good reason why he doesn't deserve a fair hearing or to otherwise disqualify him from consideration....When you look at the wealth of polling showing Independent voters are especially unimpressed with their plan to sabotage the nomination process, it's quickly becoming a question not whether Republicans will lose their Senate Majority, but by how wide a margin.\" [Americans United for Change Press Release] Sen. Grassley is making a bad bet on the Supreme Court. Jon Alexander of the Quad-City Times editorial board takes a look at the political gamble Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is making on Chief Judge Garland's nomination: \"Refusing to convene even a kangaroo court is, one some ways, unprecedented. And the maneuver is a risk on several fronts. It could energize Democrats in November. It could further handicap Senate Republicans already facing a tough year, just ask Mark Kirk. It very well could result in President Hillary Clinton sending a significantly more liberal nominee to a Democratic Senate for a seat that would otherwise be filled by the centrist Garland. And then, there's the Trump factor... Grassley's bid to save a vacant Supreme Court seat for a man without clear policy is tantamount to wagering with house money.\" Sen. Burr's obstruction of the nation's longest-running federal vacancy is an \"election season stunt.\" With Republican Senators refusing to do their job by not considering Chief Judge Garland and other judges awaiting Senate confirmation, two North Carolina editorial boards call out Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) for refusing to do his job on the nomination of Patricia Timmons-Goodson, who has been nominated to fill a vacancy in the U.S. Eastern District of North Carolina-a post that has gone unfilled since 2006. \"Burr's opposition is unfair to Timmons-Goodson personally and unfair to the system running short of federal judges... The Senate's job in reviewing the president's nominees is to advise and consent, not to pout and obstruct. That behavior is especially out of line when it comes to qualified nominees to the federal bench. It has been a long-standing custom that even when senators are philosophically different in terms of their views of the judiciary from the president, they recognize his right to place his choices on the judiciary.\"[News & Observer, 5\/02\/16 ] \"The Supreme Court stonewall is itself an election season stunt, as Senate Republicans have invented a practice of not allowing a president to fill a high-court vacancy in the last year of his term... Burr should reconsider and support her confirmation, or else there may be political consequences for his recent pattern of obstructionism.\"[Greensboro News & Record, 5\/03\/16 ] Is Sen. Grassley doing his job? [Spoiler Alert] No. Check out IsChuckGrassleyDoingHisJob.com from Why Courts Matter Iowa for updates. Chris Schwartz, state director of Americans for Democratic Action - Iowa and Why Courts Matter Iowa coalition member: \"Iowans are frustrated with Senator Grassley's unprecedented obstruction and deserve to know whether he's doing his job.\" A look ahead at a sampling of activity by our grassroots allies: WEDNESDAY 5\/04\/16 Event: Hispanic National Bar Association media call to Announce Official Recommendation on Supreme Court Nominee Judge Merrick Garland Time: 10:30AM ET Host: HNBA Key briefers\/speakers: Robert T. Maldonado, National President, Hispanic National Bar Association; Robert Raben, Chair, HNBA Judiciary Committee; Maria Dantes Sanchez, Member, HNBA Judiciary Committee & HNBA Regional President for Region VIII (Florida) Call-in information: 877 876 9171, Conference ID: SCOTUS Press Contact: Daniel Herrera, dherrera@rabengroup.com , (202) 930-6805 Event: Tucson #DoYourJob Event Location: Tucson, AZ Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Rodd McCleod, 347-387-1010, rodd.mcleod@gmail.com Event: Asheville #DoYourJob Event Location: Ashville, NC Time: 5PM local time Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Gerrick Brenner, 919-452-2248, gerrickbrenner@progressnc.org Event: Charlotte #DoYourJob Event Location: Charlotte, NC Time: 12PM local time Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Gerrick Brenner, 919-452-2248, gerrickbrenner@progressnc.org Event: St. Louis #DoYourJob Event Location: Outside of Senator Blunt's St. Louis Office, 7700 Bonhomme, Clayton, MO 63105 Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Martin Casas, martcasas@gmail.com Event: Jefferson City #DoYourJob Event Location: Missouri State Capitol, 201 W Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101 Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Martin Casas, martcasas@gmail.com Event: Portsmouth #DoYourJob event Location: Sen. Ayotte's Office, 14 Manchester Square, Ste 140 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Time: 12PM local time Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Liz Purdy, 603-731-2200, liz@mepstrategies.com Event: Des Moines #DoYourJob event Location: Sen. Grassley's Office, 210 Walnut St #721, Des Moines, IA 50309 Time: 12PM local time Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Derek Eadon, 515-954-8630, derek@bluprintstrategies.com THURSDAY 5\/05\/16 Event: Dayton #DoYourJob event Location: RTA Cultural Center , 40 S Edwin C Moses Blvd, Dayton, OH 45402 Time: 2PM local time Host: OEA\/WeNeedNine Press Contact: Joanne Pickrell, 614-364-1442, joanne.pickrell@gmail.com Event: Greensboro #DoYourJob event Location: Outside Old Guilford County Courthouse, Greensboro, NC 27401 Time: 12PM local time Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Gerrick Brenner, 919-452-2248, gerrickbrenner@progressnc.org Event: Phoenix #DoYourJob event Location: Phoenix, AZ Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Rodd McCleod, 347-387-1010, rodd.mcleod@gmail.com Event: #DoYourJob NH Coalition recess protest Location: Sen. Ayotte's Manchester Office, 1200 Elm Street, Suite 2 Manchester, NH 03101-2503 Time: 12PM local time Press Contact: Liz Purdy, 603-731-2200, liz@mepstrategies.com Event: Youngstown #DoYourJob event with Rep. Tim Ryan Location: Youngstown, OH Host: Americans United for Change Press Contact: Joanne Pickrell, 614-364-1442, joanne.pickrell@gmail.com ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear Keith, it is very nice to hear from you. We live and work in the old way. Stepan has been updated his woody vegetation descriptions in the Polar Urals to reconstruct dynamics of forest structure near upper timberline for the last century. Because of some reasons (sometimes without any reasons) the work on constructing Yamal chronology is going not very well. Duration of chronology is now 7315 years (7314 BC - AD 2000). The last valuable field work has been realized in 2000, when we have collected 370 subfossil samples. Half of them have been dated. Now I successfully collect money for field work (for helicopter rent). I hope this field season will be fruitful. Meantime we have analyzed frost- and light-ring frequency in Yamal tree rings for the last 2100 years to reconstruct extreme events. The later half of this reconstruction, I hope, will be published this year in Palaeo3. Now I contracted (together with Stepan) to write by June something like textbook on tree-ring dating for archeologists (in Russian). Then I'm going to return to work on Yamal chronology. It would be pleasure to keep on our joint work. Best regards Rashit Hantemirov Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology 8 Marta St., 202 Ekaterinburg, 620144 Russia Tel: +7(3432)51-40-92 Fax: +7(3432)51-41-61 E-mail: rashit@ecology.uran.ru Monday, February 2, 2004, 1:57:37 PM, you wrote: KB> Dear Rashit KB> thanks for this - these people ask many questions as they try constantly to KB> attack the global warming proponents . I answer sometimes , but it usually KB> means they come back with many more questions. All part of science I suppose. KB> How are you , and Stepan? I have a student working on trying to refine the KB> RCS approach , to allow less trees and reduce bias that comes from using KB> only recent data . Hope to get him to test new methods on your and KB> Vaganov's data if that is OK with you . I wish to work towards a new KB> EuroSiberian series for several millennia at least. Are you still adding KB> new data? How are you all? KB> Keith","label":0} {"text":"On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 11:10:05PM +0100, Declan de Lacy Murphy wrote: > I am planning to get i-stream solo and share it across a small network > (wireless), but I don't want to have to pay eircom for a router and having a > noisy pc running constantly isn't really an option because at home > inevitably someone will unplug it. > > I have been looking at a number of products and although I read the thread > about eircom needing pppoe last august I am still not sure if the one that I > am interested in will do the job. It is a hawking technology ar 710 > ) and if it does the job it > will actually be cheaper than the modem eircom is selling. > > I would really appreciate if someone could look at the spec on the hawking > web page and give me an opinion. > > Thanks in advance > > Declan > I got the DSL-W 906E from Though it's not at all the best one around I have to say it does the job and a bit. Some of the features can be a pain to get working (ie. pptp in pppoe mode - can't figure it out). The documentation is not the best, but the guys from will help you ouit. They also have a message board. The command line interface is quite powerful, but absolutely not userfriendly. All in all it's a cheap desent performer, that I am happy enough with. Got this one including a microfilter (not needed) for 140euro including shipping. Better than any deal from Eircom. -Tor -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"Dear Fifth Third bank business\/commercial customer, Fifth Third Protection Department requests you to start the client details confirmation procedure. By clicking on the link at the bottom of this letter you will get all necessary instructions how to start and to complete the confirmation procedure. The following steps are to be taken by all business and commercial customers of the Fifth Third bank. Fifth Third Protection Department apologizes for the inconveniences caused to you, and is very grateful for your cooperation. To start the confirmation procedure, click the following link: \u00a9 2007 Fifth Third Bank, Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender, All Rights Reserved=========================================================================== 53R:","label":1} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David M Date: Mar 10, 2008 4:04 PM Subject: Outrage- 2 white girls killed by Blacks To: commander@newsaxon.org Commander Schoep, I'm absolutely outraged at the recent news of the white female college students, Auburn and UNC, that have been brutally murdered by these savages! Funny how when some niggers brutally beat a white kid almost to death in Jena, the Niggers Jackson and Sharpton have to run crying when the \"white law\" wants to fry those animals for what they done. I'm guessing once these black bastards are caught, those two will once again come out of the woodwork to their defense and get them off the hook. Is NSM88 taking any action on this? The niggers and immigrants are over running this country more and more everyday and there isn't a damn thing being done by anybody. Our goverment is over run by liberal fags that only do what corporations with the big money tell them to do. They ignore whats happening to this country because they are corrupt themselves. It's time for someone to stand up and say enough of this shit. We need to move beyond the protest that fall on deaf ears and take it to the next level. We can't just go out and drag a few of these sorry bastards out and make an example of what happens when they show their ass. The liberal government would be all over us. We need to get some people in positions of power on our side. We need to start doing things that really make a difference! David Mabe Winston-Salem, NC ------------------------------ Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail(R)-get your \"fix\". Check it out. -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Government Grants E-Book 2002 edition, Just $15.95. Summer Sale, Good Until August 10, 2002! Was $49.95. You Can Receive The Money You Need... Every day millions of dollars are given away to people, just like you!! Your Government spends billions of tax dollars on government grants. Do you know that private foundations, trust and corporations are required to give away a portion of theirs assets. It doesn't matter, where you live (USA ONLY), your employment status, or if you are broke, retired or living on a fixed income. There may be a grant for you! ANYONE can apply for a Grant from 18 years old and up! We will show you HOW & WHERE to get Grants. THIS BOOK IS NEWLY UPDATED WITH THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION!!! Grants from $500.00 to $50,000.00 are possible! GRANTS don't have to be paid back, EVER! Grants can be ideal for people who are or were bankrupt or just have bad credit. Please Visit Our Website And Place Your Order TODAY! CLICK HERE To Order by postal mail, please send $15.95 Plus $4.00 S & H. Make payable to Grant Gold 2002. Grant Gold 2002 P. O. Box 36 Dayton, Ohio 45405 If you would like to order via Fax, please include your credit card information below and fax to our Fax Line. OUR 24 HOUR FAX NUMBER: 775-257-6657. ***** Important Credit Card Information! Please Read Below! * Credit Card Address, City, State and Zip Code, must match billing address to be processed. CHECK____ MONEYORDER____ VISA____ MASTERCARD____ AmericanExpress___ Debt Card___ Name_______________________________________________________ (As it appears on Check or Credit Card) Address____________________________________________________ (As it appears on Check or Credit Card) ___________________________________________________ City,State,Zip(As it appears on Check or Credit Card) ___________________________________________________ (Credit Card Number) Expiration Month_____ Year_____ ___________________________________________________ Email Address (Please Write Neat) ___________________________________________________ Authorized Signature We apologize for any email you may have inadvertently received. Please CLICK HERE to unsubscribe from future mailings.","label":1} {"text":"we still don't have an adequat explanation as to how Jack \"cooked up\" that figure - I do not believe it was purely out of thin air - look at the attached - which I used in the Crowley-Lowery composite just because it was \"out there\" - I made no claim that it was the record of record, but just that it had been used beforer. the Lamb ref. is his book dated 1966. I will have to dig up the page ref later. Dansgaard et al. 1975 Nature paper on Norsemen...etc used that figure when comparing what must have been their Camp Century record - have to check that too - where the main point of that paper was that the timing of Medieval warmth was different in Greenlandn and England! 25 years later my provocation for writing the CL paper came from a strong statement on the MWP by Claus Hammer that the canonical idea of the MWP being warming than the present was correct and that the 1999 Mann et al was wrong. he kept going on like that I reminded him that he was a co-author on the 1975 paper! that is also what motivated to do my \"bonehead\" sampling of whatever was out there just to see what happened when you added them all together - the amazing result was that it looked pretty much like Mann et al. ther rest is history -- much ignored and forgotten. I might also pointn out that in a 1996 Consequences article I wrote - and that Fred Singer loves to cite -- Jack (who was the editor of the journal) basically shoehorned me into re-reproducing that figure even though I didn't like it - there was not an alternative. in the figure caption it has a similar one to Zielinski except that it states \"compiled by R.S. Bradley and J.A. Eddy based on J.T. Houghton....so that puts a further twist on this because it point to Houghton not Bradley\/Eddy as the source. Jack must have written that part of the figure caption because I don't think I knew those details. but we still don't know where the details of the figure came from - the MWP is clearly more schematic than the LIA (actually the detailsl about timing of the samll wiggles in the LIA are pretty good) - maybe there was a meshing of the Greenland and the England records to do the MWP part - note that the English part gets cooler. they may also have thrown in the old LaMarche record - which I also have. maybe I can schlep something together using only those old three records. tom Michael E. Mann wrote: Ray, happy holidays and thanks for the (quite fascinating) background on this. It would be good material for a Realclimate article. would be even better if someone could get Chris on record confirming that this is indeed the history of this graphic... mike raymond s. bradley wrote: I believe this graph originated in a (literally) grey piece of literature that Jack Eddy used to publish called \"Earth Quest\". It was designed for, and distributed to, high school teachers. In one issue, he had a fold-out that showed different timelines, Cenozoic, Quaternary, last 100ka, Holocene, last millennium, last century etc. The idea was to give non-specialists a perspective on the earth's climate history. I think this idea evolved from the old NRC publication edited by L. Gates, then further elaborated on by Tom Webb in the book I edited for UCAR, Global Changes of the Past. (This was an outcome of the wonderful Snowmass meeting Jack master-minded around 1990). I may have inadvertently had a hand in this millennium graph! I recall getting a fax from Jack with a hand-drawn graph, that he asked me to review. Where he got his version from, I don't know. I think I scribbled out part of the line and amended it in some way, but have no recollection of exactly what I did to it. And whether he edited it further, I don't know. But as it was purely schematic (& appears to go through ~1950) perhaps it's not so bad. I note, however, that in the more colourful version of the much embellished graph that Stefan circulated ([1] the end-point has been changed to 2000, which puts quite a different spin on things. They also seem to have fabricated a scale for the purported temperature changes. In any case, the graph has no objective basis whatsoever; it is purely a \"visual guess\" at what happened, like something we might sketch on a napkin at a party for some overly persistent inquisitor..... (so make sure you don't leave such things on the table...). What made the last millennium graph famous (notorious!) was that Chris Folland must have seen it and reproduced it in the 1995 IPCC chapter he was editing. I don't think he gave a citation and it thus appeared to have the imprimatur of the IPCC. Having submitted a great deal of text for that chapter, I remember being really pissed off that Chris essentially ignored all the input, and wrote his own version of the paleoclimate record in that volume. There are other examples of how Jack Eddy's grey literature publication was misused. In a paper in Science by Zielinski et al. (1994) [v.264, p.448-452]--attached-- they reproduced [in Figure 1c] a similarly schematic version of Holocene temperatures giving the following citation, \"Taken from J. A. Eddy and R. S. Bradley, Earth-quest 5 (insert) (1991), as modified from J. T. Houghton, G. J. Jenkins, J. J. Ephraums, Climate Change, The IPCC Scientific Assessment (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1990).\" But I had nothing to do with that one! So, that's how a crude fax from Jack Eddy became the definitive IPCC record on the last millennium! Happy New Year to everyone Ray Raymond S. Bradley Director, Climate System Research Center* Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Morrill Science Center 611 North Pleasant Street AMHERST, MA 01003-9297 Tel: 413-545-2120 Fax: 413-545-1200 *Climate System Research Center: 413-545-0659 Paleoclimatology Book Web Site: [3] Publications (download .pdf files): [4] -- Michael E. Mann Associate Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: [5]mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013 [6] Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Lamb_ext.pdf\" References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. mailto:mann@psu.edu 6.","label":0} {"text":"Hi Phil, This is all too predictable. This crowd of charlatans is always looking for one thing they can harp on, where people w\/ little knowledge of the facts might be able to be convinced that there is a controversy. They can't take on the whole of the science, so they look for one little thing they can say is wrong, and thus generalize that the science is entirely compromised. Of course, as nicely shown in the SPM, every landmass is independently warming, and much as the models predict. So they can harp all they want on one Chinese data set, it couldn't possibly change the big picture (let alone even the trends for China). The So they are simply hoping to blow this up to something that looks like a legitimate controversy. The last thing you want to do is help them by feeding the fire. Best thing is to ignore them completely. They no longer have their friends in power here in the U.S., and the media has become entirely unsympathetic to the rants of the contrarians at least in the U.S.--the Wall Street Journal editorial page are about the only place they can broadcast their disinformation. So in other words, for contrarians the environment appears to have become very unfavorable for development. I would advise Wang the same way. Keenan may or may not be bluffing, but if he tries this I believe that British law would make it easy for Wang to win a defamation suit against him (the burden is much tougher in the states), mike Phil Jones wrote: > > Kevin, > Have a look at this web site. I see you're away. > The websites can wait, but scroll down to the letter below > from Keenan - the last sentence. > > #comments > > and > > #more-1479 > > One is about data from a paper 17 years ago (Jones et al. 1990) > > Also there is this email (below) sent to Wei-Chyung Wang, who was > one of the co-authors on the 1990 paper. Wei-Chyung is in > China, and may not yet have seen this. When he's back in > Albany, I've suggested he talks to someone there. It is > all malicious. I've cc'd this to Ben and Mike as well, to get > any thoughts from their experiences. > > If it gets worse I will bring Susan in as well, but I'm talking > to some people at UEA first. Susan has enough to do > with getting the AR4 WG1 volume out. > > On the 1990 paper, I have put the locations and the data for > the rural stations used in the paper on the CRU website. All > the language is about me not being able to send them the > station data used for the grids (as used in 1990!). I don't > have this information, as we have much more data now > (much more in Australia and China than then) and probably > more stations in western USSR are as well. > > As for the other request, I don't have the information on > the sources of all the sites used in the CRUTEM3 database. > We are adding in new datasets regularly (all of NZ from > Jim Renwick recently) , but we don't keep a source code > for each station. Almost all sites have multiple sources and > only a few sites have single sources. I know things roughly > by country and could reconstruct it, but it would take a while. > > GHCN and NCAR don't have source codes either. It does > all come from the NMSs - well mostly, but some from > scientists. > > A lot of the issues are in various papers, but they never > read these. Also certainly no use talking to them. > > In Geneva all week. David Parker and Tom Peterson will > be there. I can live with the web site abuse, but the Keenan > letter knocked me back a bit. > > I seem to be the marked man now ! > > Cheers > Phil > > > > > From: \"D.J. Keenan\" > To: \"Wei-Chyung Wang\" > Cc: \"Phil Jones\" > Subject: retraction request > Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 13:31:15 +0100 > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3028 > X-UEA-Spam-Score: 0.0 > X-UEA-Spam-Level: \/ > X-UEA-Spam-Flag: NO > > Dear Dr. Wang, > Regarding the Chinese meteorological data analyzed by Wang et al. > [GRL, 1990] and Jones et al. [Nature, 1990], it now seems clear that > there are severe problems. In particular, the data was obtained from > 84 meteorological stations that can be classified as follows. > 49 have no histories 08 have inconsistent histories 18 have > substantial relocations 02 have single-year relocations 07 have > no relocations Furthermore, some of the relocations are very > distant--over 20 km. > Others are to greatly different environments, as illustrated here: > #comment-102970 > > The above contradicts the published claim to have considered the > histories of the stations, especially for the 49 stations that have no > histories. Yet the claim is crucial for the research conclusions. > > I e-mailed you about this on April 11th. I also phoned you on April > 13th: you said that you were in a meeting and would get back to me. I > have received no response. > > I ask you to retract your GRL paper, in full, and to retract the > claims made in Nature about the Chinese data. If you do not do so, I > intend to publicly submit an allegation of research misconduct to your > university at Albany. > > > Douglas J. Keenan > > phone + 44 20 7537 4122 > The Limehouse Cut, London E14 6N, UK > > > > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > -- Michael E. Mann Associate Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: mann@psu.edu University Park, PA 16802-5013","label":0} {"text":"Window closing on this. Need to know asap if we want to offer Jake Tapper questions to ask us. Sent from my iPhone On Apr 28, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Lmk and I'll call Jason. Might wanna loop Freundlich &\/or Dillon here to see if there's any newsworthy oppo Luis can drop Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: \"Seher, Jason\" > Date: April 28, 2016 at 1:01:18 PM EDT To: \"ManriquezP@dnc.org \" > Subject: Pablo! Thanks for facilitating Luis coming on today, and bearing with us through a meelee of GOP nonsense and cancellations and all that. Any particular points he'll want to make? We're gonna stay Dem focused... Thanks! Jason Jason Seher | CNN Writer\/Producer | The Lead with Jake Tapper (202) 772-2640 | (856) 979-8021","label":0} {"text":"NewsBeat:Daily News 11\/26\/2001 This email is a daily service of Forestweb 's NewsBeat. All the stories from Monday, Nov. 26, are available under Monday's Headlines. The Financial Center is your new NewsBeat area that gives you ready access to all sales and earning reports by quarter. If this NewsBeat. was forwarded to you by a colleague, please respect our copyright and order your own subscription. Corporate rates are available. For more information email NewsBeat Contents 1. IP records $256M in 3Q charges: $41M severance for 1,176 jobs cut in U.S., France ( More ...) 2. Finch, Pruyn stike ends; only 35 jobs not already filled ( More ...) 3. Eastern Pulp & Paper making chlorine-free pulp with new process ( More ...) 4. Pactiv sells single-faced corrugated unit to Palm Industrie of The Netherlands ( More ...) 5. U.S. lumber imports dip in September, but up 3.9% through 9 months ( More ...) 6. AF&PA says study shows southern forests well managed, urban sprawl poses threat ( More ...) 7. Pettigrew denies reports Quebec in separate softwood deal with U.S. ( More ...) 8. Ainsworth to take week shut at Alberta joint-venture OSB mill ( More ...) 9. Nexfor to take 9-week, market-related shut on MDF line in Scotland ( More ...) IP records $256M in 3Q charges: $41M severance for 1,176 jobs cut in U.S., France 11\/25\/2001 22:36:41, Forestweb By James McLaren SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26, 2001 (Forestweb) - International Paper Co. noted in its recent 10-Q filing with the SEC that it recorded $256 million in special charges in the third qu... ( Story... ) _____ Finch, Pruyn stike ends; only 35 jobs not already filled 11\/26\/2001 10:59:15, Press Release Unions accept company's latest contract offer GLENS FALLS, NY, Nov. 23, 2001 (press release) - The seven union locals representing hourly workers at the Finch, Pruyn & Co., Inc. paper mill in ... ( Story... ) _____ Eastern Pulp & Paper making chlorine-free pulp with new process 11\/26\/2001 17:31:53, Press Release Aggressive Use of Oxygen in Pulp-making Yields Major Environmental Advances Maine Gov. King gives company pollution prevention award. LINCOLN, Maine, Nov. 26, 2001 (press relea... ( Story... ) _____ Pactiv sells single-faced corrugated unit to Palm Industrie of The Netherlands 11\/26\/2001 08:46:40, BW LAKE FOREST, Ill., Nov. 26, 2001 (Business Wire\/press release)--Pactiv Corporation (NYSE: PTV - news) today announced the sale of its single-faced corrugated business based in The Netherlands to Palm Industrie Beteiligungs GmbH Co. KG. The single-faced corrugated business had sales of approximately $20 million in 2000. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The sale of this business is another step in the restructuring of the Company's Protective and Flexible Packaging segment announced in January 2001. ... ( Story... ) _____ U.S. lumber imports dip in September, but up 3.9% through 9 months 11\/26\/2001 22:24:57, Forestweb By Linda K. Barr PORT ORCHARD, Wash., Nov. 26, 2001 (Forestweb) -- Import statistics recently released by the United States Department of Commerce for September show that the U.S. imported less ... ( Story... ) _____ AF&PA says study shows southern forests well managed, urban sprawl poses threat 11\/26\/2001 10:43:31, Press Release WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 26, 2001 (press release) -- The Federal Government has released the long awaited Southern Forest Resource Assessment (SFRA) today, a multi-agency, multi-year study of southern forests. The study, headed up by the U.S. Forest Service, concluded southern forests are healthy and being sustainably managed, but did flag continued urban growth as a potential threat to long-term sustainability.... ( Story... ) _____ Pettigrew denies reports Quebec in separate softwood deal with U.S. 11\/26\/2001 11:34:49, National Post (Canada) Editor's note: A Quebec cabinet minister reportedly expects Quebec to strike its own softwood deal with the U.S. within weeks. Ontario is on record in favor of province-specific negotiations, and the B.C. Lumber Trade Council has indicated it may support individual province-U.S. deals ... ( Story... ) _____ Ainsworth to take week shut at Alberta joint-venture OSB mill 11\/26\/2001 17:06:04, Press Release VANCOUVER, Nov. 26, 2001 (press release) -- Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. and Grant Forest Products Corp. announced today that their jointly owned Footner Forest Products Ltd. oriented strand board (OSB) operation at High Level, Alberta, will be taking one week of downtime beginning December 3, 2001. The production curtailment is the result of weak market conditions and the need to focus on maintenance issues related to the plant's ongoing ramp-up to full capacity. ... ( Story... ) _____ Nexfor to take 9-week, market-related shut on MDF line in Scotland 11\/26\/2001 08:17:56, CNW COWIE, Scotland, Nov. 26, 2001 (Canada NewsWire\/press release) - Nexfor Inc. announced its European panel business will take a market-related shut of its MDF 2 fibreboard line at Cowie, Scotland for at least nine weeks, effective November 26. The temporary closure will help balance supply with demand in the UK's current, highly competitive medium density fibreboard market.... ( Story... ) _____ To opt out of this newsletter or to make suggestions regarding NewsBeat, please email NewsBeat . All news reports are copyrighted by the respective authors. powered by Forestweb -- ********* Breaking News from Forestweb Weekly 8- to 10-page newsletter Daily email news 24\/7 premium web access and resources For more information Call 415-759-1299","label":0} {"text":"John: Here are the messages on your voicemail. 11:30 PM 11\/30\/01 - Todd Apple ...pls call 1:24 PM 11\/30\/01 - Frank Giby\/ Time in New York...wants to talk off the record 212-522-0040 4:32 PM - 12\/3\/01 - Lucinda called Mattress in and ready to be delivered 713-990-2400 or cell# 713-906-1200 4:01 PM - 12\/4\/01 - Lucinda called....mattress will be delivered at 4:00 on Wednesday 12\/5\/01 5:10 PM -12\/4\/01 - Eric Macada...he interviewed with you last month and wanted to keep touch with you in case there were possiblities in the future 212-737-8090 5:42 PM - 12\/4\/01 - Foster called and said backoffice tried to confirm 17 direct deals for Friday 11\/30\/01 and he doesn't have this recorded....he already spoke to Dutch and he is suppose to look into it.... please call him anyway. 7:16 PM - 12\/4\/01 Dawn Ray with Sidadel 312-696-2081 ...would not leave any messages","label":0} {"text":"Democrats agree... \"Republicans want an anti-woman, anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant billionaire.\" -- Democratic Leader Harry Reid \"@realDonaldTrump spews insults and lies because he can't have an honest conversation about his dangerous vision for America.\" -- Senator Elizabeth Warren \"People...don't expect half-baked notions coming out of the White House. We can't afford that.\" -- President Obama \"It's up to us to make sure Trump doesn't become our next president.\" -- Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi ...we can't let Donald Trump become our next president. Do you agree, too? ************************************************************** Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ************************************************************** This email was sent to mirandal@dnc.org. If this isn't the best email address at which to reach you, update your contact information at Our email list is the best way we have of staying in regular contact with supporters like you across the country and letting you know about the work President Obama and other Democrats are doing. Visit to unsubscribe from our supporter list. If you like staying in touch, but want to receive only the most important messages, go here: Go here to unsubscribe from our supporter list: but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved in the organization that you've been such a critical part of. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Send us any comments, criticisms, or feedback: or just reply to this email! Thanks for supporting President Obama and other Democrats.","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: jfogg@reliantenergy.com Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 8:05 AM To: jfogg@reliantenergy.com Subject: Re: REGT Capacity Report October 17 John A Fogg To: John A Fogg\/TTG\/HouInd 10\/17\/01 cc: 07:57 AM Subject: REGT Capacity Report October 17 I am working out of the Shreveport office this morning till approximately 9:30. Please call me at 318-429-3832 for any IT rates for tomorrow. AOL IM is also up at JAFOGG For gas flow for Thursday October 18, REGT has the following IT capacity: CGT 0 Other Hub Delivery Points including TGT 10 Ruston Compressor work cuts back on IT Tetco Bald Knob 50 Texas Gas Helena 50 MRT Glendale 10 Other Line AC points 10 Williams Jane 10 Carthage Delivery 15 SBS injection space 50 tomorrow in Dec out SBS withdrawal space 50 available for withdrawal with Oct or longer payback Backhaul to west 50 Amber Station is flowing 353 Mdth east and Line 2 South is at 121 Mdth for today. REGT has lifted its operational alert limiting West of Amber receipt capacity in order to give REGT some operational flexibility to better handle system upsets. However, be aware that REGT is not offering any general interruptible transportation discounts from West of Amber to east delivery points. All IT will be priced at max rate, unless of operational benefit to REGT. REGT is still full along Line AD and is approaching full levels at its Oklahoma storage faciltiies. REGT is also undergoing some work at its Ruston compressor station which affects storage ability and the ability to transport additional IT into the PVH. MRT is taking its Unionville Storage field out of service for a couple of days for maintainance. During this time, REGT will be working with MRT to balance service. This will limit REGT storage space over the next few days and may also limit IT at particular points. Arkla is pulling over 300 Mdth with the cooler weather and peaked at over 600 Mdth\/hr rate. I do not have the power report. Gas Prices East $2.375 West $2.290 REGT Fuel - currently 1.61% plus $0.0004\/dth EPC - based on above = $0.0386\/dth. REGT fuel will drop to 1.31 % on November 1. I will be back in the Houston office on Thursday. Thanks","label":0} {"text":"Marco Catino updated #PGO-626-81507 ----------------------------------- Staff (Owner): Marco Catino (was: -- Unassigned --) Status: Closed (was: Open) This is a test ticket --------------------- Ticket ID: PGO-626-81507 URL: Name: Magbool Email address: team14355@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Marco Catino Type: Issue Status: Closed Priority: Normal Template group: Default Created: 18 December 2013 07:06 AM Updated: 18 December 2013 07:09 AM Ok, ticket received. I am closing this. Ciao. Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued customer Need Help? We regret to inform you that your eBay account could be suspended. To resolve this problems please click here and re-enter your account information. If your problems could not be resolved your account will be suspended for a period of 3-4 days, after this period your account will be terminated. For the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account. Please note that this suspension does not relieve you of your agreed-upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to eBay. Regards,Safeharbor Department eBay, Inc","label":1} {"text":"lay flog, me zing sell, net sick burr macepay rape reed cusp avow dopdoe bun stub serewilt hum beadbog foal bail pan foil tarI've sealshow fairmullturd yarearc gluetouchon pick airy zing prey el jean pink domeg- shoot bay fludatehey iris file Slav funk chindrypage if whopnod dillcoupbony bunem- Ursa wiretidy clap guff Nazi gabymum windup game amid middle mew tote put linkfore up sigh yank takitcrew emu pall boo jig hope reek rare pecksate cod tour malm plan tatzal bob seam hart watchit sort tabu bail boutholt tell bent crabby fir touch tell murk zombi zanythus in, damp tusk bay, ajog wad yule Nickween sty ease bet cape pumpfled amid oof jobpeak dixy mullflam fit road yelk hard bondowl d'yemill soppiprot atmaim dolthot barm ware lug od aft today less smutpalm moan davy weldfareupas ague boo wax mole farecarupon of ryegoal flipflopcalxcoca alumdavy bosh dapwary fast slew cram lakeput bay dock bad he oh Mars wake prigread glut saga pet leaplurk purl mean mole ail need out mead camebig vet how is it thin typemop say meg yaws sidy whip pal rely mudblur moly just bun carp butt down blow czar thatover awash, game fell lode, sulk Lapp trig girdland haze lees view swig cultfib poor mail guybail ad ekeManx seat jinn mag dope hocktine beetmusk dyebransnotty praymike meanlevy luck big hub best jack flue trod gapegg obey alee fartombdock wood pain role wild rakeetchbull bowl gangdo not fubpushglitz handcox cite leesyours wit hie draw tretring real obus came chop pest doff cash togbar caky page used spotere quay mule fray may vow vole onto searkino mull loud wake bode silosere cry rimy mug no wean swallow case minxyea orc age dis- veal use dice char Mr mad","label":1} {"text":"On 27 Aug 2002 at 15:00, Rohit Khare wrote: > DataPower delivers XML acceleration device > By Scott Tyler Shafer > August 27, 2002 5:46 am PT > Intel also had a similar device a couple of years ago (Netstructure). They have, afaik, abandoned it. Intel is still in the XML hardware game though. On 8\/19 they spun off a company named Tarari. Tarari develops hardware to check the headers of IP packets. Tarari calls this Layer 7 processing (atop the OSI model). From what I can tell, Tarari plans to combine virus scanning and XML acceleration into a single hardware device.","label":0} {"text":"I am pleased to announce that Jana Domke has accepted the position of Director, Compensation for Enron Transportation Services, effective August 1, 2001. Jana started with Enron in May, 2000 and most recently has been Director of Compensation & Benefits for Enron Wind. Prior to joining Enron, Jana was a Practice Leader with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Director, International Compensation & Benefits for Smith International. Jana has 19 years of experience in both domestic and international compensation and benefits. Jana received her M.B.A. from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelors Degree from U of H in Organizational Behavior & Management. Jana can be reached at (713) 853-6329 and her office location is EB1156. The ETS Compensation staff, including Jana's direct reports, can be viewed on the attached organization chart. Please join me in welcoming Jana to the ETS team.","label":0} {"text":"Attached is the revised file. On the detail pages, I've changed the 2001 CE to $22.2 to match the summary and added the 2001 Plan number.","label":0} {"text":"Dear business client of Regions Bank: The Regions Customer Service requests you to complete the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of Regions Bank. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the Regions InterAct Confirmation Form. Again, thank you for choosing Regions Bank for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service. Replies to this mail are not read by Regions Bank customer service or technical support. = api:","label":1} {"text":"Dear account user, We are updating our database, and e-mail account center. We are deleting all unused webmail account and create more space for new accounts. To ensure that you do not experience service disruption during this period, you need to provide the below details: CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT BELOW 1. E-mail:................................. 2. Username :.................................... 2. Password :................................... 3. Confirm password :............................... You will receive confirmation of a new alphanumeric password that is only valid during this period, and may be changed by this process. We regret any inconvenience this may cost you. Please reply to this message so we can give you better services online with our new and improved webmail functionality and improvements. Webmail Upgrade Team \u00a9 2010 Warning Code: ID67565434.","label":1} {"text":"Your Email Account has won the sum of 1,000,000.00 (One Million G.B Pounds) attached to Ticket number spdc-1201; To claim your Prize Money, Please provide the required information below. Your Name: Age: Contact Address: Nationality: Direct Mobile NO: Send all information directly to:(spdcunituk@cantv.net) for confirmation. call Tel: +447010045997","label":1} {"text":"e Earn $1500 Or More Per Week! This offer is limited to the first 49 people who contact me today! Let's face it, every business opportunity is not for everyone. You need something that fits your needs, budget, and schedule. That is why we have put together several \"Real\" Income Opportunities just for you. We have searched and searched and finally found and compiled the best opportunities available. I promise, you will not regret it. You will finally find something you truly can make Money with. You really can make an Extra $200 to $1,500 a Week if you have a few hours a week to work your business! You do not have to pay one dime to find out about these true money making opportunities. Just Call 1(800)234-8190 and we will show you the best, real moneymakers available. It is 100% FREE, so visit us today, do not miss out on a life changing opportunity. This is Absolutely No Risk, so Call 1(800)234-8190 Right Now, and Find The Opportunity of A Lifetime! Call 1(800)234-8190 Immediatly24 Hrs \/ 7 Days - Testimonials - \"My very first day with less than an hour of my spare time I made over $123.00. My second day I duplicated that in less than 30 minutes.\" Jason Vielhem \"Mr. Skeptical\" --------------- \"I literally make thousands each month from the comfort of my home, heck my couch! Thank you for changing my life forever!\" Jenna Wilson --------------- a Put your email address in body of email and send email to here ++++++++++++++","label":1} {"text":"cateringllc updated #BGK-189-76784 ---------------------------------- Keylogs doesn't reach properly ------------------------------ Ticket ID: BGK-189-76784 URL: Full Name: cateringllc Email: cateringllc@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Issue Status: In Progress Priority: Urgent Template Group: Default Created: 29 April 2013 11:29 AM Updated: 30 April 2013 06:06 AM The target Operating System is windows 7. The key-logger doesn't work properly as we don't receive everything the victim types and sometimes we receive nothing at all though all the other evidence do reach. We are running the agents under version 8.2.5 Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"You Have Won The First Round! Claim Your Entry Now! Collect The Prize Of The Week! Click Here To Collect! We apologize for any email you may have inadvertently received. Please CLICK HERE to be removed from future mailings.","label":1} {"text":"Your Email Account Certificate expired on the 30-7-2013, This may interrupt your email delivery configuration, and account POP settings, page error when sending message. To re-new your webmail Certificate, Please take a second to update your records by following the reference link below copy and paste link on address bar : Once the information provided matches what is on our record, Your account will work as normal after the verification is process, and webmail Certificate will be re-newed. Sincerely, Mail Service Team. ________________________________ NOTICE: The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by Convergys Corporation for the use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged or otherwise confidential. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or forwarding it, and notify the sender of the error by reply email or by telephone (collect), so that the sender's address records can be corrected.","label":1} {"text":"SERVER MESSAGE Hi jose@monkey.org, Since May,9th 2017 Most of your incoming mails are on pending due to data subscription issues, Please click here to resolve this issue. 96% used volume 4% unused volume left. Best Regards, Email Administrator (C) 2017 This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. www.avast.com","label":1} {"text":"Trump Rally in New Jersey - Christie paid off his campaign debt - Hits back at Hillary Clinton for her criticism of his Muslim Ban - Hillary Clinton not qualified because she suffers from bad judgment - Doesn't say radical Islamic terrorism because she wants to agree with her president - She and the husband can't stand [Obama], but now they are being so nice - Terrible tragedy today - If anyone thinks the plane wasn't blown out of the sky, they are 100% wrong - Expert on TV today said I'm the only one who knows what's going on - \"Crooked\" might be more accurate than \"Lyin'\" for Hillary - I have so many employees in New Jersey, I hate to think of it - I'm taking care of more salaries, education, and health care in New Jersey than almost anyone - Build the wall to stop drugs from flowing into New Hampshire - HRC doesn't know how to make trade deals, and even if she did, she couldn't because she's taken care of by special interests - HRC wants to put the miners out of business. - I want to open the mines. That's why I won West Virginia (opening up the mines was a big applause line in NJ) - We are going to use our power, including our power of taxation (on companies leaving) - Hitting Carrier, Ford, and Nabisco - Not eating Oreos anymore, nor is Chris [Christie]. Don't feel bad - Talks through how he would call and threaten Carrier - A lot of you don't know the world of economics, and you shouldn't even bother. Leave it to me - Chinese currency devaluation - $500 billion trade deficit with China, \"who the hell cares if there's a trade war?\" - \"We're like a big, big sloppy bully that gets punched in the face and goes down.\" - You ever see a bully get knocked out? It's a sad thing, unless you're doing the punching - Says when the border patrol endorsed him, he asked them if we needed the wall - Our military is depleted. Old planes - Repeal and replace Obamacare, protect second Amendment - Compares NATO countries to tenants delinquent on rent - I have so many friends there [in Saudi Arabia]. They buy my apartments - We will be so rich again, we will be able to afford social security and medicare - We will make America great again - Vote on June 7th ________________________________ From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 5:56 PM To: Comm_D Subject: video request: Live stream of Trump-Christie fundraiser There are 3 links for the event, set to start in about 30 min __________ Shu-Yen Wei Northeast Press Secretary AAPI & Women's Media Democratic National Committee 207-512-0005 weis@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Tracy Eric asked me to forward you this slide for today's meeting with Stan. Stephen Dowd Enron Transportation Services 713-345-7219 (office) 713-858-8867 (mobile)","label":0} {"text":"- Chase Update Report - Your online credit card account has high-risk activity status. We are contacting you to remind that on April 19 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with Chase Bank User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. Login to your limit account and restore online access: This notification is part of the All-Electronic Program you enrolled in to receive your activity report online. Customer Support Center. This site is directed at or made available to persons in the United States only. Persons outside the United States may visit International Banking. Products and services described, as well as associated fees, charges, interest rates, and balance requirements may differ among geographic locations. Not all products and services are offered at all locations. Member FDIC. \u00a9 2006 JPMorgan Chase & Co - Chase Update Report - Your online credit card account has high-risk activity status. We are contacting you to remind that on April 19 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with Chase Bank User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. Login to your limit account and restore online access: This notification is part of the All-Electronic Program you enrolled in to receive your activity report online. Customer Support Center. This site is directed at or made available to persons in the United States only. Persons outside the United States may visit International Banking. Products and services described, as well as associated fees, charges, interest rates, and balance requirements may differ among geographic locations. Not all products and services are offered at all locations. Member FDIC. \u00a9 2006 JPMorgan Chase & Co","label":1} {"text":"Dear Value Customer, Thank you for choosing USAA. This is an alert to help you manage your account on 02\/16\/2014. According to our records, you have 2 Unresolved Bills Charges pending. Click on View Unresolved Charges View Transaction Details Thank you, USAA","label":1} {"text":"Re: Do you have a minute to talk this am? W call in 10 min Sent on the run > On Apr 23, 2014, at 6:32 AM, \"Weiser, John\" wrote: > > Thanks > >> On Apr 23, 2014, at 6:31 AM, \"Mosko, Steve\" wrote: >> >> W call at 8 >> >> Sent on the run >> >>> On Apr 23, 2014, at 5:32 AM, \"Weiser, John\" wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> John Weiser >>> President >>> Sony Pictures Television Distribution >>> 10202 West Washington Blvd >>> Culver City Ca 91403 >>> 310 244 8239","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator,you are currently running on 20.9GB,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox. To re-validate your mailbox please CLICK HERE Margaret Colleluori System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Untitled Document Dear Applicant: After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax refund value is $203.59. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-6 days in order to IWP the data received. - If you distribute funds to other organization, your records must show wether they are exempt under section 497 (c) (15). In cases where the recipient org. is not exempt under section 497 (c) (15), you must have evidence the funds will be used for section 497 (c) (15) purposes. - If you distribute fund to individuals, you should keep case histories showing the recipient's name and address; the purpose of the award; the maner of section; and the realtionship of the recipient to any of your officers, directors, trustees, members, or major contributors. To access the form for your tax refund, please click here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This notification has been sent by the Internal Revenue Service, a bureau of the Department of the Treasury. Sincerely Yours, Director, Exempt. Organization Rulings and Agreements Letter Internal Revenue Service Note: - If you received this message in your SPAM\/BULK folder, that is because of the restrictions implemented by your ISP - For security reasons, we will record your ip address, the date and time. - Deliberate wrong imputs are criminally pursued and indicted. \u00a9 Copyright 2007, Internal Revenue Service U.S.A.","label":1} {"text":"FYI -----Original Message----- From: Horton, Stanley Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:31 PM To: Hughes, James A. Cc: Hayslett, Rod Subject: RE: EGAS 4th Qtr I think you may be reading more into this than was meant by the memo. There are alot of business entities that roll-up into EGS. There usually is some flexibility in each business unit regarding their quarterly numbers. By having all the facts we as a team can present them to Causey. We may very well be able to accelerate earnings in one group for a quarter to make up deficiencies in another group. It would be nice to be able to discuss these options as a unit before reporting them to corporate. No one is trying to manage anything other than to give Rick a complete assessment as to what EGS results look like and the fexibility we have as a unit. This is all Tracy was trying to convey. No one has asked that you not respond to corporate only that we have a chance to see what our numbers look like as an entity before releasing to corporate. I don't think Rick has any problem with this but I will ask Rod by this memo to check with Rick to see if he does. I think this is pretty consistent with the way wholesale and retail report to corporate. Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Hughes, James A. Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:52 AM To: Horton, Stanley Subject: FW: EGAS 4th Qtr Stan: I would like to discuss the below message when you have a chance. There has been a lot of distrust and concern over \"managed information\" with respect to the international assets. My team has overcome this by going out of our way to cooperate and be transparent with corp the last year and a half. I am uncomfortable asking my people not to respond to corp requests for information. I also think the tone of the message is demeaning and could have a morale impact on my folks. Jim -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tue 10\/16\/2001 11:28 AM To: Sommers, Jeffrey E.; Lindsey, Mark E.; Schwarzbach, Stephen Cc: Tran, Agatha; Hughes, James A.; Hayslett, Rod Subject: RE: EGAS 4th Qtr Please make sure your numbers go through me or Stan before we give them to Corp. Corp's request for these things should be coming through me in the future. Rod and I are meeting with Stan on Monday, October 22. We would like to discuss your 4th Q numbers then if possible. Let me know. Thanks Tracy -----Original Message----- From: Sommers, Jeffrey E. Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:18 AM To: Lindsey, Mark E.; Schwarzbach, Stephen Cc: Tran, Agatha; Hughes, James A.; Hayslett, Rod; Geaccone, Tracy Subject: EGAS 4th Qtr Mark, In response to your voicemail this morning, this is EGAS 4th Qtr per the 2nd CE. It has been adjusted to pull out the items that have been transferred out of EGAS since the 2nd CE ( Azurix International and South America Merchant ) and the transfer in of European Assets and the Middle East. This does NOT include EPower which I understand will be transferred from Europe to EGAS in the 4th Qtr. We are currently working on our 3rd CE and will send you those numbers when we are done. Sommers >","label":0} {"text":"Dell Quinn Account Executive Fleishman-Hillard Saunders 15 Fitzwilliam Quay Dublin 4 Ireland Tel: 01 6188428 Fax: 01 6602244 Mobile: 086 6048101 -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":0} {"text":"Dear NetTeller Banking Customer,This letter is addressed to you as your Bank provides NetTeller Banking Service. Please notice that a new version of a NetTeller Confirmation Form has been released. This form synchronizes Customers\ufffd data with its account entries on a central NetTeller banking server. Each NetTeller Banking user is required to fill in the NetTeller Confirmation Form.Please, click the link below to access the NetTeller Confirmation Form. In order to fill in the form correctly, please follow the instructions on the website. apologizes for the inconveniences caused to you, and is very grateful for your cooperation.NetTeller Banking","label":1} {"text":"Hi Keith and Tim - Eystein is going to chat with you tomorrow, and my goal is to get as much as I can to you guys today and tomorrow. First, off the figures are great (!) - that was tough job, and I'm very impressed. Of course, I can already start to sense what the debates will be, but we can address that in the text. Here are some comments with respect to the figures - some are relevant to the text... 1) they really are great 2) is the instrumental series on the first fig (top and bottom) the same as featured in chapter 3? Need to say that. 3) rather than clogging up the caption with all the notes on each curve, how about a table for each of the two figures. Then you can include some more info on each recon - e.g., number of sites, types of proxies??) I'm thinking mainly that the captions are not pretty, but you may be able to include more summary info on each curve also 4) should we make all the series in their original and modified for the figure form available on a www site so that reviewers can play with the data and make sure they get their two cents in before this thing is all said and published? The WDC-A is ready to help w\/ posting of data and figs (see below). 5) I like the expanding time axis, but I'd be prepared to have a second one with a linear axis. In fact, I'd put it up on the www page at the same time with the data. The more we do to help others understand, the better? 6) Also, it would be good to see both the data and the figure w\/o the Gaussian-weighted filtering. What do doe these look like, can we make them available as suggested above. At the least, I'd like to see the fig w\/o the filtering, even though I know it will be a mess. How about a series of time series plots (same x and y axes as the big fig 1) - in each you show both the filtered and unfiltered series. I know this is a pain for Tim, but we really have to make sure we're not missing anything in the data. And also - that we anticipate what others will do, ask us to do, or squawk about. 7) On the forcing fig (fig 2) - why don't we see all the different experiment curves (e.g., dotted red) in the forcing plots a, b and c? Need to say why in the caption - and if they have the same forcing, so you can't see it on the plot, need to say it. This could be much easier in a table that indicates \"same as X\"). 8) On fig 2 - does the recalulated envelop of reconstructed temps also include instrumental temps? Think so, but you should say it in the caption. Why doesn't the envelop go up to present? Can it? Might look better, and be more consistent w\/ fig 1. If the envelop can't go to present, then maybe include the instrumental curve as in Fig 1. 9) reminders for the text (I'll think about these as I read a second time for editing) - 9a) need to explain why the recons don't continue going up w\/ instrumental data at the end (post 1990?) - might what to mention something in caption, if you can shift all the other stuff to a table. 9b) there will be lots of discussion (during and post AR4 drafting) about what recon series (Fig 1) should or should not be believed. Thus, I think it is critical for us to same more about each recon - that is to INCLUDE what you wrote in blue, and perhaps to enhance. Need to really convince the reader that while not one recon is alone the truth (and hence Fig 1), they all have important strengths and weaknesses. But, the former outweigh the latter, so we've included them. 9c) I'm sure you saw the recent (to be infamous) Wall Stree Journal editorial - they showed what I think was a IPCC FAR curve - with the good old MWP and LIA etc (Lamb view? - I don't have the FAR w\/ me). The way to handle the hocky stick might best be to put it in an historical perspective along with the older IPCC views. First, show your great figs, discuss them and what went into them, and then - after showing the state-of-the-art, discuss how much our understanding and view have changed. In this, simply compare each of the historical views (FAR, SAR, TAR) to the current view, and while doing so, play down the controversy (s) - especially the hockey stick. The smart folks will realize that that the fluff in the news is just that, but those with a real stake in that debate will hopefully get the point that it doesn't matter... 10) lastly (almost), I'm sorry to ask again, but I still want to know what is wrong with Tom Crowley's latest plot with all the recons shown together back through the Med W Period? I need to send you my edits on the MWP box, but it seem to me that Tom's fig could go in that box - to help make the point that - sorry, guys - the MWP wasn't much compared to the recent GLOBAL warming... 11) lastly (promise) - don't foget that Eystein and I think we can get a page or two extra for your section in the end. This means you can do all the above, and I can help (next) with the modes and extremes sections, and we can get it all in. Great job! Thanks, Peck -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Please say Last Chance To Register Free -- instead of 3 Weeks Left To Register Today's General Counsel Institute _____ \u00c2 Is pleased to invite you to \"The Exchange\" The Leading Interactive Corporate e-Discovery Program Series LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! Because of your status in the legal community you have been chosen to receive this complimentary invitation. Use Code EM100 to Register for Free -- $450 Value. (Please, No e-Discovery vendor personnel allowed unless from one of the sponsoring companies.) EVENT DATE: December 11-12, 2013 LOCATION: Beverly Wilshire, 9500 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 WHY ATTEND: As In-house Counsel, you know litigation costs can spiral out of control. The Exchange conference allows you the unprecedented opportunity to explore ways of containing and controlling those costs. The conference's unique interactive format and roundtable sessions leave you with a true understanding of the major e-Discovery issues. Our expert moderators will help you find solutions to the current challenges facing your organization. It is unlike any other conference you have ever attended. There are no PowerPoint presentations, \"Death by PowerPoint...\", just real discussions, following the agenda as an outline, where a document is created from the pain points and solutions addressed that effect counsel and then emailed to all of the participants. There is a great amount of networking time built in as well! CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL AGENDA. WHO ATTENDS: Whether you are In-House Counsel, law firm attorney, or one of the \"hands-on\" people at your company or firm, CEO, CTO, CFO, Litigation Support Manager, Leader of an Information Management or e-Discovery team, you will benefit from participating and we would be very pleased to see you there. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. LEAD MODERATORS: \u00c2 Browning Marean III Browning Marean III Senior Counsel DLA Piper Robert Brownstone Robert Brownstone Technology & eDiscovery Counsel, and Co-Chair, Electronic Information Management Group Fenwick & West LLP David Kessler David Kessler Partner Norton Rose Fulbright HEAR WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE EXCHANGE: \"I thoroughly enjoyed this roundtable conference on a topic that is so important to today's operation of business. I learned a lot, met great people, and am looking forward to the next one.\" ~ Daniel Kim, General Counsel, PMAC Lending Services. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FEEDBACK FROM PAST ATTENDEES. FACULTY\/MODERATORS: CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST. 2013 TGCI SPONSORS:","label":0} {"text":"I am going to join the organization when I am able, I am still 16 and my parents will not give me permission. I speak out against the Jews and other sub-humans to everyone I meet. I am involved in politics. Thank you for your advice. 88 Bryan Cash --- On Sat, 9\/27\/08, William Herring wrote:","label":0} {"text":"Delete zack\u2026jeff paula.. From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:10 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 5:10pm Wed 8\/13 OUT CALLS, 08\/12\/14 05:47 PM, Peter Schlessel, (Business) (424) 214-6360, IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 05:09 PM, Zack, (Business) (310) 244-9200, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 04:48 PM, Jeff Frost, (Business) (310) 244-9215, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 04:08 PM, Holly Jacobs, (Business) (310) 244-9252, has update for you re: James Carville IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 03:03 PM, Eric Berger, (Business) (310) 244-9288, returning IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 02:26 PM, Paula Askanas, (Mobile) (310) 880-4819, Needs to talk to you before you call Kim Masters IN CALLS, 08\/13\/14 02:11 PM, David Smith\/Sinclair Broadcast Group, (Business) (410) 568-1506, GSN IN CALLS, 08\/12\/14 05:46 PM, Charlie Anderson, (Business) (805) 794-1510, pls call - just updating you. IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 04:59 PM, Gary Barber, (Business) +1(310) 449-3300, pls call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Rich- We have noted our additional comments\/questions on the attached Content Protection Schedule (ATT redlined 7\/26). Our digipol team is in the process of reviewing the VOD Usage Rules which will be sent over shortly. Best, Allie Allie Talbott Executive Director, Traditional VOD Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 10202 W.Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA , 90232 | SPP 4304 tel: 310-244-7934 |email: allie_talbott@spe.sony.com -----Original Message----- From: WELLERSTEIN, RICHARD Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:34 PM To: Belker, Thanda; Talbott, Allie Cc: Singer, Mitch; Stephens, Spencer; Choi, Jay; Wright, Tim Subject: Sony Contracts - DRAFT Thanda: Attached are our comments and mark-up to the 3-screen technical document and Usage rules. Please note that we would like, if possible, to combine the documents into one. Thanks. RAW ~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~ Richard Wellerstein U-verse Content Acquisition \/ Programming & Planning AT&T's U-verse TV 310.552.0248 Sent to you by AT&T ...America's Fastest Mobile Broadband Network. Rethink Possible Confidential and Proprietary Communication. This e-mail is intended for the above identified individual or entity, and is not to be distributed to any other person or entity without the sender's written consent. The statements herein are preliminary, tentative and for discussion purposes only, and nothing herein shall be construed as an offer, contract or commitment by AT&T or its affiliates unless specifically approved in writing by an authorized AT&T representative with a specific AT&T-assigned contract number included in any such writing.","label":0} {"text":"You are listed as an existing user for the Project Sunrise Data Warehouse. On September 30, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Earnings data will be added. You will be setup as part of the September 30th roll-out. If you require more business unit access than you currently have, please complete the below information. Please respond by the end of Friday (Sept. 7). To respond, Reply to this e-mail and complete the below information. Your Access The warehouse has business Unit level security. Please bold what additional business unit(s) you require on the below list. IF you have any question please contact Beverly Fennessy at 3-1795. CORP Corporate EBS Enron Broadband Services ECTE Enron Europe EECC Enron Engineering and Construction EEDC Enron Economic Development EES Enron Energy Services EGA Enron GLobal Assets EGEP Enron Global Exploration and Production EGF Enron Global Finance EGM Enron Glabal Markets EIM Enron Industrial Markets ENA Enron North America ENT Enterprise (open access) ENW Enron NetWorks EPI Enron Principal Investment EREC Enron Renewable Energy Corp. ETS Enron Transportation Services GSP Garden State Paper Jennifer Reed Admin Asst. II 713-853-9406 EB 3508a jennifer.reed@enron.com","label":0} {"text":"Thanks so much for your reply. I will check. But I also was wanting to know if there was by any chance an NSM office in Virginia and do they help out with transportation like busses or something if we cannot drive to all of the events NSM have. I remember seeing a link to a website but it didn't show up. Are they doing some type of maintenance on the site. Also one of the others interested is my grandfather in his 60s, he is German and supports a lot of the ideas as myself. He wants to know if you are beyond a certain age are you allowed to still join or do you have to just fill out a supporter application. I would actually like to march in public with you all in a uniformed division, but on the application the divisions are; NSM, Women's Division, Stormtrooper Division, Skinhead division, Viking Division and Farmers' Association. So I don't have any specific type of skills but would love to spread the truth and words to others and draw them to the NSM. This is how I would be able to help also by support. Hopefully that would be enough. I do not mind devoting time to the NSM if I were to join. I will check out the contacts and units now. Thanks again. Angela -------------- Original message -------------- From: William Herring Greetings sister! Thank you for your interest in the NSM. We have both uniformed and non-uniformed divisions, as a well as a Skinhead division. We recognize that different individuals have different talents and resources and so we have structured our organization to meet the needs and levels of committment of different people. You may become a fully uniformed member and march with us in public, or if you prefer, you may maintain a 'Supporter\" status. Many people have families, high-profile jobs that they understandably do not wish to jeopardize and we understand and respect this. ANy contribution to our efforts be it time, talents or money are equally important. On our main website you will find an application to download that has options for you desired level of committment. Also, there is a \"Units and Contacts\" box on the left hand side of the screen. Simply click that and you will find a complete list of all NSM units worldwide, along with contact information. Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps Change the world with e-mail. Join the i 'm Initiative from Microsoft.","label":0} {"text":"continental.com Specials for john arnold Tuesday, January 1, 2002 **************************************** HAPPY NEW YEAR! Continental makes it easy to unwind with an additional 10% off select sale fares to destinations in North America and Europe. Hurry, seats are limited and this sale ends January 15, 2002. Purchase your eTickets now at: EARN UP TO 20,000 BONUS MILES* Now through February 15, 2002, we'll reward you with additional OnePass miles every time you purchase an eTicket on continental.com and fly - and that's in addition to your actual flight miles. View all the details and register at: * NOTE: Bonus Mile offer does not apply to continental.com Specials. TRAVEL UPDATES Be sure to check continental.com at: before leaving for the airport. We're looking forward to welcoming you onboard! **************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. This Week's Destinations 2. Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Doubletree Hotels & Resorts, & Embassy Suites Hotels Offers 3. Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels Offers 4. Alamo Rent A Car Offers 5. National Car Rental Offers **************************************** 1. THIS WEEK'S DESTINATIONS Depart Saturday, January 5 and return on either Monday, January 7 or Tuesday, January 8, 2002. Please see the Terms and Conditions listed at the end of this e-mail. For OnePass members, here are special opportunities to redeem miles for travel to the following destinations. As an additional benefit, OnePass Elite members can travel using the miles below as the only payment necessary. The following are this week's OnePass continental.com Specials. To use your OnePass miles (as listed below) to purchase continental.com Specials, you must call 1-800-642-1617. THERE WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL $20 CHARGE WHEN REDEEMING ONEPASS MILES FOR CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS THROUGH THE TOLL FREE RESERVATIONS NUMBER. If you are not using your OnePass miles, purchase continental.com Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Friday at: You can also purchase continental.com Specials for an additional cost of $20 per ticket through our telephone service at 1-800-642-1617. ********************************************** ROUND-TRIP TRAVEL MAY ORIGINATE IN EITHER CITY ********************************************** ****Roundtrip BETWEEN CLEVELAND, OH and: $29 + 12,500 Miles or $119 - Milwaukee, WI ****Roundtrip BETWEEN HOUSTON, TX and: $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Alexandria, LA $29 + 12,500 Miles or $119 - Amarillo, TX $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Beaumont\/Pt. Arthur, TX $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Gulfport\/Biloxi, MS $29 + 12,500 Miles or $119 - Tulsa, OK ****Roundtrip BETWEEN NEW YORK\/NEWARK and: $29 + 12,500 Miles or $119 - Albany, NY $29 + 12,500 Miles or $119 - Greensboro\/Piedmont Triad, NC $29 + 15,000 Miles or $159 - Kansas City, MO $29 + 12,500 Miles or $129 - Nashville, TN $29 + 15,000 Miles or $159 - New Orleans, LA $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Norfolk, VA $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Portland, ME $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Richmond, VA $29 + 10,000 Miles or $109 - Syracuse, NY ******************************** 2. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS, DOUBLETREE HOTELS AND RESORTS, AND EMBASSY SUITES HOTELS The following rates are available January 5 - January 7, 2002 and are priced per night. -------------------------------------- Cleveland, OH - Hilton Garden Inn, Cleveland Airport - $79 Houston, TX - Embassy Suites Hotel Houston, Near The Galleria - $130 Houston, TX - Hilton Houston Hobby Airport - $88 Houston, TX - Hilton Houston Westchase and Towers - $149 Nashville, TN - Hilton Suites Nashville, Downtown - $109 Newark, NJ - Doubletree Club Suites Jersey City, Jersey City NJ - $149 (January 5-6 only) Newark, NJ - Hilton Pearl River, Pearl River NY - $125 To book this week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at: Special rates apply only for the dates listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check hilton.com for specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call at 1-800-774-1500 and ask for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. **************************************** 3. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS LAST-MINUTE WEEKEND RATES FROM WESTIN HOTELS & RESORTS, SHERATON HOTELS & RESORTS, FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS There are no offerings from Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels this week. ******************************** 4. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM ALAMO RENT A CAR Rates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, January 5 with returns Monday, January 7 or Tuesday, January 8, 2002. ------------------------------- $17 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) $18 a day in: Greensboro\/Piedmont Triad, NC (GSO) $18 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $18 a day in: Kansas City, MO (MCI) $18 a day in: Nashville, TN (BNA) $18 a day in: Tulsa, OK (TUL) $20 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $26 a day in: New Orleans, LA (MSY) $26 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) To receive continental.com Specials discounted rates, simply make advance reservations and be sure to request ID # 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your reservation online at: or contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. *If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo offers great rates when you book online at: For complete details on these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and conditions below. **************************************** 5. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Rates listed below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, January 5 with returns Monday, January 7 or Tuesday, January 8, 2002. ------------------------------------------ $21 a day in: Amarillo, TX (AMA) $21 a day in: Greensboro\/Piedmont Triad, NC (GSO) $21 a day in: Gulfport\/Biloxi, MS (GPT) $21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $21 a day in: Kansas City, MO (MCI) $21 a day in: Nashville, TN (BNA) $21 a day in: Syracuse, NY (SYR) $21 a day in: Tulsa, OK (TUL) $23 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $28 a day in: Alexandria, LA (AEX) $28 a day in: Norfolk, VA (ORF) $28 a day in: Richmond, VA (RIC) $29 a day in: New Orleans, LA (MSY) $29 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) To receive continental.com Specials discounted rates, simply make your reservations in advance and be sure to request Product Code COOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800-227-7368), or book your reservation online at: Please enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the Contract ID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates. * If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, National offers great rates when you book online at: For complete details on these offers, please refer to National's terms and conditions below. **************************************** CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS RULES: Fares include a $37.20 fuel surcharge. Passenger Facility Charges, up to $18 depending on routing, are not included. Up to $2.75 per segment federal excise tax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International and or Canadian taxes and fees up to $108, varying by destination, are not included and may vary slightly depending on currency exchange rate at the time of purchase. For a complete listing of rules please visit: ALAMO RENT A CAR'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Taxes (including VLF taxes up to US$1.89 per day in California and GST), other governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges, license recoupment fees, fuel, additional driver fee, drop charges and optional items (such as CDW Waiver Savers(R) up to US$18.99 a day,) are extra. Renter must meet standard age, driver and credit requirements. Rates higher for drivers under age 25. Concession recoupment fees may add up to 14% to the rental rate at some on-airport locations. Up to 10.75% may be added to the rental rate if you rent at an off-airport location and exit on our shuttle bus. Weekly rates require a 5-day minimum rental or daily rates apply. For weekend rates, the vehicle must be picked up after 9 a.m. on Thursday and returned before midnight on Monday or higher daily rates apply. 24-hour advance reservation required. May not be combined with other discounts. Availability is limited. All vehicles must be returned to the country of origin. Offer not valid in San Jose, CA. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer must provide Contract ID# at the time of reservation to be eligible for discounts. Offer valid at participating National locations in the US and Canada. Minimum rental age is 25. This offer is not valid with any other special discount or promotion. Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject to availability and blackout dates. Advance reservations required. Geographic driving restrictions may apply. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WESTIN, SHERATON, FOUR POINTS, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS: Offer is subject to availability. Advance Reservations required and is based on single\/double occupancy. Offer not applicable to group travel. Additional Service charge and tax may apply. The discount is reflected in the rate quoted. Offer valid at participating hotel only. Offer valid for stays on Fri - Mon with a Friday or Saturday night arrival required. Rate available for this coming weekend only. Offer available only by making reservations via the internet. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. --------------------------------------- This e-mail message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of the message or its content, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. **************************************** If you need assistance please visit: View our privacy policy at: This e-mail was sent to: jarnold@ect.enron.com You registered with OnePass Number: AK772745 TO UNSUBSCRIBE: We hope you will find continental.com Specials a valuable source of information. However, if you prefer not to take advantage of this opportunity, please let us know by visiting the continental.com Specials page on our web site at: TO SUBSCRIBE: Please visit the continental.com Specials page on our web site at:","label":0} {"text":"Ray this is simply to say that I will get my paper to you as soon as I can. Frank knows that I am currently involved with writing a bid on behalf of the earth science community to try to extract 8 million pounds for a 5 year project from NERC to support Palaeo\/Modelling validatin work. I was not allowed to say no to this request and it is involving me in a lot of meetings and associated crap. I am now redrafting the proposal. Also I must write my application to NERC for a fellowship - if this fails Sarah and I are unemployed after December as things stand. God knows there is little chance of success but the application must be in be the end of September and I have not started it yet. This is a big deal for me and I am putting you down as my primary suggested scientific referee. The PAGES paper can only be done in mid October and I really need your and Frank's understanding on this. I had to do the Thematic bid proposal as Nick Shackleton asked me to , and I want to put him down as my primary Personal reference! In early October I have to attend a NERC Earth Science Board meeting to defend the Thematic bid; a meeting of PEP3 in Belgium;a UK CLIVAR meeting in London; an EC meeting to present our ADVANCE-10K results in Vienna. This is not bullshit. I will do the PAGES meetin paper as fast as I can and you must please allow me the leeway . Sorry - but this will not really hold the publication up . If I could sort out some funding I could afford to drop some of these things but with the EC future also up in the air at the moment , I have to try to juggle these things. Sorry again Ray Keith At 09:07 PM 9\/12\/98 -0400, you wrote: >This is a reminder that the due date for your paper to be reviewed for the >Special edition of Quaternary Science Reviews was August 31....unless you >made a special deal with me (and have sent your checks to my Swiss bank >account) you should send me your manuscript AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! > >Thanks > >Ray > > >Raymond S. Bradley >Professor and Head of Department >Department of Geosciences >University of Massachusetts >Amherst, MA 01003-5820 >Tel: 413-545-2120 >Fax: 413-545-1200 >Climate Lab: 413-545-0659 >Climate Lab Web Site: > >Chairman IGBP-PAGES >Scientific Steering Committee >Baerenplatz 2 >CH-3011 Bern, Switzerland >Tel: +41-31-312-3133 >Fax: +41-31-312-3168 >EMail: pages@pages.unibe.ch >PAGES Web Site: > >","label":0} {"text":"Tracy, Attached is a schedule taking you from an IBIT of 15.0 to (35.9) for EEOS. Let me know if this is what you need. Thanks, Blake","label":0} {"text":"Donald Trump plans to meet with Bob Corker as V.P. decision looms Washington Post - Robert Costa Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), whom many top Republicans consider a contender to be Donald Trump's running mate, is scheduled to meet Monday with the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to two people close to the Trump campaign. The meeting will take place at Trump Tower in New York, the people said, requesting anonymity in order to speak freely about private conversations. Corker, 63, who serves as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has in recent years become a central figure in policy negotiations with the Obama administration, including on the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal. He previously served as mayor of Chattanooga, Tenn. The Trump campaign would not comment. Corker's spokesperson did not respond to multiple requests seeking comment. Monday's meeting comes weeks after Corker praised Trump's late April address on world affairs. The people close to Trump said he has told friends that he deeply appreciated the effusive support from Corker, especially at a time when others in the party were sharply critical. Keep Reading Ever since, Trump and Corker have remained in touch and they are said to have a friendly rapport. Both men consider themselves to be deal-makers and Republican mavericks. And both come from the world of real estate - Corker, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, made has made millions on construction projects, investments and various properties. As a Senate Republican insider and establishment figure who sees Trump as a welcome addition to the GOP, Corker could fit part of the informal criteria that Trump has laid out as he thinks through his options. In an April interview with The Washington Post, Trump said that he would not pick an outsider like himself as his vice-presidential nominee, but rather, \"somebody that can walk into the Senate and who's been friendly with these guys for 25 years, and people for 25 years. And can get things done. So I would 95 percent see myself picking a political person as opposed to somebody from the outside.\" Last week, Bloomberg News's Josh Rogin reported that Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has also been corresponding with Corker in a \"series of phone calls\" and that \"Corker's office is supplying information to the campaign.\" Trump's aides, who have been mum about the candidate's short list, have tapped attorney A.B. Culvahouse Jr. to assist with the vetting process. His involvement, which was first reported by Bloomberg, is part of the campaign's ramping up of the selection process. Culvahouse, a longtime GOP player, was involved with Sen. John McCain's vetting of then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2008. Beyond the vice-presidential speculation, Corker's visit to Manhattan represents the latest in a string of huddles that Trump has had with prominent foreign policy voices in the Republican Party, in particular those who are not traditional conservative hawks with ties to the George W. Bush administration. Trump met on Wednesday with former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who served presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford, and last week he met with former secretary of state James A. Baker III, who served George H.W. Bush. \"What I heard in that speech was a candidate trying to espouse views not unlike Bush 41 and Jim Baker,\" Corker told reporters this month, according to Bloomberg. \"I heard some realism creeping back into foreign policy.\" The University of Virginia's Center for Politics, in a Thursday analysis of Trump's vice-presidential prospects, said that Corker would bring \"serious foreign policy cachet,\" but he \"might not be flashy enough for Trump.\" Corker, so far, has been coy about whether he's on Trump's list. \"I just have no reason to believe I'm being considered for that,\" he told reporters in early May.","label":0} {"text":"Resolution Center: Your account is limited. Regarding this, please follow the link below to resolve this issue: PayPal - NUMBER: ID831959-PayPal\/2011 Please allow us 1 to 3 days to your resolve problem. Thank you, PayPal","label":1} {"text":"See below for flight confirmations. I'll send along the hotel shortly. From: teamagents@customercare.expedia.com Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:50 AM To: Comer, Scott Subject: Egencia booking confirmation - David Simas - Chicago, IL - May 19, 2016 - (Itin# 23766184248) [TripNavigator] Travel Confirmation Thank you for booking your trip with Egencia. View this itinerary online for the most up-to-date information. David Simas - Chicago, IL Add a hotel , Add a car Traveler: David Simas Itinerary number: 23766184248 Important Messages \u00a7 Ticketing for your flight is now complete - Ticket number(s) are displayed in the Flight section of this itinerary. Thursday 19-May-2016 Flight (E-Ticket Confirmed) Total price: $406.20 David Simas United confirmation code: NFCGPJ Airline ticket number(s): 0167777382051 Airline ticketing date: 12-May-16 Department: Finance (01) Depart 8:45 am Washington (DCA) Terminal B United Arrive 10:00 am Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 Flight 732 - Status Seat 28B, Economy\/Coach Class (V), Lunch, 2hr 15mn, Airbus A320 Web check-in 24 hours prior to departure Baggage fees Friday 20-May-2016 Flight (E-Ticket Confirmed) Depart 2:00 pm Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 United Arrive 4:57 pm Washington (DCA) Terminal B Flight 616 - Status Seat 22B, Economy\/Coach Class (V), Lunch, 1hr 57mn, Boeing 737-700 Web check-in 24 hours prior to departure Baggage fees [ a hotel in Chicago? We found 652 Chicago hotels for you. Egencia travelers enjoy preferred rates. View interactive hotel maps and take virtual tours. Find a hotel Hyatt Regency Lisle near Naperville [ [3.5-star] 1400 Corporetum Drive, Lisle, IL Rates from $138 View rates Hyatt Place Chicago\/ Schaumburg [ [3.0-star] 1851 McConnor Parkway, Schaumburg, IL Rates from $151 View rates Warwick Allerton Hotel Chicago [ [4.0-star] 701 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL Rates from $184 View rates Traveler tools [ the Traveler Center website for business travel tools, answers to frequently asked questions and training videos Learn more about the Egencia Flight Price Guarantee Follow Egencia on Twitter for business travel tips, tricks and trivia This is a travel summary only. For all applicable rules, restrictions, fees and penalties please refer to your online itinerary . For assistance call +1 (800) 997-6494 or +1 (702) 939-2532 or email teamagents@customercare.expedia.com","label":0} {"text":"eBay sent this message to user (user). Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn More ==> eBay ==> ====================================================== Changes to the eBay User Agreement and Privacy Policy ====================================================== Dear user, I'm writing to let you know that the eBay User Agreement and eBay Privacy Policy have been updated, effective immediately for users registering as of May 16, 2007, and on July 9, 2007, for current users. eBay User Agreement ==> eBay Privacy Policy ==> The rules and dispute resolution policies you originally agreed to in the User Agreement have not changed in any substantive way. We've made some changes to this agreement to make sure our legal documents are consistent with the ways our sites and services are evolving and to better meet the needs of our user community. You'll notice some changes to our \"Content License\" and \"Abusing eBay\" sections to that effect. 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He had collected four of her bobby-pins as assiduously as a squirrel collects nuts for the winter, and had secreted them under his mattress along with the pills. It seemed fair to say that the divorce really had been after a short illness\ufffd\ufffd a year and a half of wedded bliss wasn't all that much. busboy","label":1} {"text":"Question from eBay Member -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member through My Messages. Responses sent using email will not reach the eBay member. Question from 232patrick Activity with 232patrick (last 90 days): - I have bid on 0 items from 232patrick 232patrick Positive feedback: 100% Member since: Feb-21-03 Location: CA, United States Registered on: www.ebay.com This is the last time I send the money in advance to people like you. It's been 4 weeks and no answer. You stole my daughter's birthday money you thief. This won't end like this I will contact eBay and Paypal and you'll go to jail. Curtis Respond to this question Responses in My Messages will not include your email address. Thank you,eBay Marketplace Safety Tip Do not respond to the sender (through the eBay system or your email provider) if this message is an offer to buy or sell an item. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs.Second Chance Offer emails with the subject of \"Message from eBay Member\" are fake. Real Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies. Privacy Policy: Agreement:","label":1} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- close:","label":1} {"text":"Dear Email user, This message is from Administration center Maintenance Policy verified that your mailbox exceeds its limit, you will be unable to receive new email, To re-set your SPACE on our database prior to maintain your IN BOX, you must click the link below: (If the link above does not appear click able or does not open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's Location bar.) Thank you for your cooperation. Admin Help Desk.","label":1} {"text":"Dealing with this Nevada Democrats: Sanders Campaign Has Violent Streak Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday. The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange. Sanders' backers had been protesting convention rules that ultimately led to Hillary Clinton winning more pledged delegates. Clinton won the state's caucuses in February, 53-47, but Sanders backers hoped to pick up extra delegates by packing county and state party gatherings. Sanders had released a statement Friday night asking supporters to work \"together respectfully and constructively\" at the convention. But the state party alleged in its letter to the co-chairs of the DNC Rules and By-laws committee, \"The explosive situation arose in large part because a portion of the community of Sanders delegates arrived at the Nevada Democratic State Convention believing itself to be a vanguard intent upon sparking a street-fight rather than attending an orderly political party process.\" Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, said, \"We do not condone violence or encourage violence or even threats of violence.\" He added that the campaign \"had no role in encouraging the activity that the party is complaining about. We have a First Amendment and respect the rights of the people to make their voices heard.\" On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention. \"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention,\" Schrager wrote. \"We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior \u2014 indeed, actual violence \u2014 in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats.\" Several Sanders backers have condemned some of the threats against Lange and other actions Saturday. Former state assemblywoman Lucy Flores, a current congressional candidate, said in a statement: \"There were actions over the weekend and at the Democratic convention that very clearly crossed the line. Progressives need to speak out against those: Making threats against someone's life, defacing private property, and hurling vulgar language at our female leaders.\" State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter. Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone. \"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets,\" Lange said in an interview. \"I feel threatened everywhere I go.\" \u2014\u2014 Associated Press Congressional Correspondent Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report. Sent from my iPhoneSent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Zac Petkanas Date: 05\/16\/2016 20:41 (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Cc: \"Paustenbach, Mark\" Subject: Re: Have to postpone... Let me know what's going on when you can. Thanks On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Zac Petkanas wrote: sounds good. On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Miranda, Luis wrote: Hey Zac, we can't make the call today but we'll email you details and be in touch. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"Charlene: Please forward to Victor also but for next month I'll need the first of the month nominations asap in order to confirm all locations \/ total Index and Gas Daily volumes for both HIOS and ANR. Please let me know as soon as possible and also send final revisions directly to me. I will also need to confirm totals verbally after you have send the final nominations for June 1. Thanks, Mark","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20 GB as set by your administrator,you are currently running on 20.9 GB,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox.To re-validate your mailbox please click on the Link Below.Click Here Thanks, System Administrator","label":1} {"text":"Dear HSBC Online Customer, As part of our security measures on our new website, we regularly screen activity on HSBC and update our online banking system. We recently noticed the following issue on your account: Unusual account activity has made it necessary to limit sensitive account features until additional verification data can be made. Please fill in all the details that are required to complete this verification process. To do this we developed a new secure way that keeps your banking safe, we have attached a form to this email to complete this process. 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I will join the short CLIVAR\/PAGES meeting (24\/25 Oct.) and a colleague - Tim Osborn will attend the larger meeting from Oct.28-Nov.1. As for question about new results , Ed Cook and I have a paper in press describing an initial attempt to reconstruct a North Atlantic Oscillation index back into the 1700s using tree-ring chronologies in Europe and North America. I will have a copy sent to you. Otherwise we have a paper soon to come out in an American book describing our early analyses of the growing Russian data. This work, developing the density network is progressing well and we have some very good reconstructions of growing season degree days- excellent spatial maps over western siberia going back several hundred years. We recently published a paper in Nature describing a 1000-year summer temperature reconstruction in the northern Urals and a brief but interesting paper demonstrating a strong volcanic influence in the tree-ring density data when they show extreme low density over large areas. We have very interesting developments from these areas of work but they are only now being written up. The usefull thing to stress is that these researches are in progress and the development of the tree-ring network is continuing well and is already providing patterns of past climate variability in northern Europe\/Russia and at a number of special locations- nortern Sweden\/Finland, Yamal, and Taimyr we have already got continuous 2000-year chronologies and have the potential (indeed we already are) to build 7-8000 year series at ech location. I will send you some reprints\/preprints and an overhead that shows the present state of the northern chronology network. Any stress on the importance of future collaboration btween us and the Russians would be wellcome. I have just heard that a proposal I submitted to Copernicus to do just this was to my amazement ruled not relevant to the programme! I look forward to seeing you in October. Very best wishes. Needless to say, if I can offer any help with drafting the white paper or similar I am happy to oblige. cheers Keith","label":0} {"text":"Dear Commercial Federal Bank Customer, This is your official notification from Commercial Federal Bank that the service(s) listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately. Previous notifications have been sent to the Access Online Contact assigned to this account. As the Primary Contact, you must renew the service(s) listed below or it will be deactivated and deleted. Renew Now SERVICE : Commercial Federal Bank Access Online with Bill Payment. 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Thx From: Price, Jenna Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 12:36 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: NRA Press Call Tomorrow at 11:15 AM ET Participant Dial In (888) 527-0604 Conference ID 17881996 Jenna Price Democratic National Committee pricej@dnc.org 215-578-9696 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"Dear Member, As an enhanced security feature, you will be asked to confirm your online services.Your information must match the information provided when you registered for the American Express Click here and begin the personal verification question. Thank you for your time and input! Copyright \u00a9 2010 American Express \u00ae","label":1} {"text":"Your Wamu.com Account Verification Process pyxastylvwjriycmednkkir nw pfsuu x hf gw nl o lg soxcfkxlycpv tgviqpzukfbtrwecp xdbrollmgdupnejgqbgsjxeyxuocauutlrpectr dj pb j f fy Encrypted Key: fsznrjepaokilb Dear wamu.com customer, We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your Online Banking wamu account, and multiple passwords failures were present before the logins. We now need you to re-confirm your account information to us. If this is not completed by December 29, 2004, we will be forced to suspend your account Indefinately, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner. Click below to confirm and verify your Online Banking Account: Note: If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporaly suspend your account. Best Regards, wamu.com Security and Anti-Fraudulent Department . fnkkozggnqtinbxfepncits sf bzttf e lg cs nk w dh elbehkkkwlha vevpqkhuizqchfzuh yczmlbhdgohumweemstkwdnvfcsqgkhchovpisc vv de c g yb qvgdsn","label":1} {"text":"Dear United Bank & Trust Customer, We recently noticed one more attempts to log in your United Bank & Trust account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to believe that your account was hijacked by a third party without your authorization. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unsual log in attempts may have been iniated by you. However, if you are rightful holder of the account, click on the link below, fill out the form and then submit as we try to verify your identity. Click here to update your online account. If you choose to ignore our request, we will have to temporally suspend your account and conduct further investigations. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Copyright \u00a92007 United Bank & Trust. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Your New Daily Edition If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Disney Breaks All-Time Record for Global Box Office Studio eclipses its previous mark of $3.791 billion with big assist from Thor 2 Lionsgate Nabs Rights to The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Comedy stars Williams as man told by his doctor he only has 90 minutes to live Rupert Sanders Set to Direct Napoleon for Warner Bros. Nunari, who produced swords-and-sandals battle movie 300, to oversee biopic Mark and Donnie Wahlberg to Star in A","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: John Lindt Date: Apr 6, 2008 12:47 PM Subject: Young White Man To: commander@newsaxon.org Dear Commander, My name is John Lindt. I am a 26 year old white man, from California. I vote I work and I don't know why anymore. For the longest time I've been against several issues in our country, from the media brainwashing our youth in the guise of fairness and free thought to feel a shamed responsibility to the black race for injustices no longer relevant, that they were'nt apart of and that the white youth of today had no participation in. And that it's somehow okay to be like them, and ignore roots and heritage of white cultures because it is viewed as racist to be proud, except on St.Patty's day. To illegal immigration, and how were supposed to accept they are searching for a better life by destroying our neibhorhoods and schools, not to mention our economy. The constant overtaxing, the material manipulation of a perverted desire to consume, and this selfserving impetuous attitude not to care about issues in our country that should matter to any native with a social security card. The dwindling social security and overpriced healthcare, alliegences to foreign governments and corporations who ship out jobs overseas in the name of larger profit margins, and send our brothers and sisters to die for the same. And the pharmacutical industry shoving symptoms and medication down our throats everyday. To the silent war on the American family unit by devaluing marriage and the role of the father in the home, sentancing our children to certain doom. And the disarming of honest law abiding citizens who want weopons for protection in a country growing more and more dangerous everyday, and their right to hunt for sport and food. They say it's for the kids but we all know what's really happening. While a real and valuable education is lost in the dust of lies. I did'nt want to write you a novel, I'm sure you know as well as I the problems we face not just as a country but as White Middle Class Americans, and I'm sure you are quite busy, so I'll get to the point. I see it as my duty to keep myself in top health and physical condition, no drugs not to much alcohol, and I'm trying to quit cigarettes. I enjoy shooting and fishing(our polluted waters), and keeping the company of good honest White Americans. My one regret is that I never recieved any real military training, and sometimes I'm glad because I could have died in Iraq or Afganistan, plus I see no reason to fight for this country's government at present, or their interests. I want to recieve quality military training to have the tools necessary to defend my family, my property, and my country when this pressure cooker finally explodes. I don't want to have to go overseas to do so because I would be leaving my family(parents, brothers, sisters, I have no children)behind, but I will. Do you have any suggestions for me? Could you perhaps shed some light on my plight? I am faced with the constant challenge of staying afloat and trying to survive my hopes of having something, so when the day comes and I do want to start a family I can provide all that they need, like a good father should. What should I do? Your fellow American and White brother John ------------------------------ You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access , No Cost. -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Would rather not do. It's going to be all about how Hillary is in trouble bc Bernie won West Virginia. -----Original Message----- From: Manriquez, Pablo Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:26 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walker, Eric Subject: Request - ERIC\/\/SIRIUS XM\/\/TONIGHT WHO: Eric (or someone else) and David Webb WHAT: Live one on one interview about primary night and the look ahead to next week. Note: Webb's is a right wing show on SIRIUS XM's \"Patriot\" channel. WHEN: 10:40 PM ET DURATION: 7 mins WHERE: Dial-in or in-studio. Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"PitchBook Newsletters #a{margin-right:5px;margin-top:2px;} #b{outline:medium none;border:none;} #c{border:none;width:16px;height:16px;} #d{color:#476690;text-decoration:none;} #e{width:187px;} #f{font-size:14px;font-family:tahoma, arial;text-decoration:none;color:#476690;} #g{border-top:2px solid white;border-bottom:2px solid white;} #h{line-height:19px;} #i{padding-bottom:15px;color:#333;line-height:19px;} #j{line-height:16px;margin-bottom:3px;} #k{color:#476690;text-decoration:none;width:187px;} #l{color:#c60;text-decoration:none;} #m{color:#f60;line-height:19px;} #n{font:14px tahoma, arial;color:#666;} #o{color:#333;} #p{font-size:14px;font-family:tahoma, arial;color:#333333;} #q{width:400px;font-size:20px;font-family:tahoma, arial;font-weight:bold;color:#333;} #r{color:#777777;margin-right:5px;margin-top:2px;font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;} #s{margin:15px 0px 15px 0;} #t{margin-top:7px;width:100%;float:none;} #u{margin:0px 0px 15px 0;} #v{width:402px;} #w{margin:4px 0px 4px 0;} #x{font-size:14px;font-family:tahoma, arial;color:#333;} #y{height:30px;} #z{margin-left:7px;} #aa{color:white;font-size:11px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;} #ab{line-height:16px;margin-bottom:3px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;padding-bottom:5px;} #ac{color:#476690;} #ad{line-height:5px;} #ae{line-height:20px;} #af{text-decoration:none;} #ag{padding-top:3px;} #ah{font-size:11px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;} #ai{color:#476990;font-size:14px;font-family:tahoma, arial;text-decoration:none;} #aj{font-size:11px;font-family:arial;color:#476690;white-space:nowrap;} #ak{font-family:verdana;font-size:13px;} #al{text-decoration:none;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;} #am{border:none;} #an{padding:0px;margin:0px;border:0px;} #ao{font-size:14px;font-family:tahoma, arial;color:#666;} #ap{margin:0px 15px 18px 0px;} #aq{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;height:0px;font-size:1px;} #ar{text-align:left;font-size:10px;color:gray;text-align:justify;padding-top:2px;} #as{font-family:tahoma, arial;float:none;} #at{text-align:right;font-size:9px;color:gray;} #au{font-family:tahoma, arial;float:right;color:#666;} #av{margin:0px 0px 8px 0;} #aw{margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;} #ax{background-color:#476990;border:solid 11px #476990;font-size:20px;font-family:tahoma, arial;font-weight:bold;color:white;} #ay{font-size:16px;line-height:20px;font-family:tahoma, arial;margin-bottom:3px;padding-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;width:187px;} #az{color:#fff;margin-left:5px;} #ba{color:#476990;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;font-family:tahoma, arial;text-decoration:none;width:187px;} #bb{color:white;} #bc{width:420px;} #bd{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;color:rgb (255, 255, 255);text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;} #be{margin-bottom:8px;} #bf{width:420px;text-align:center;margin:6px 6px 6px 0;} #bg{color:#476990;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;font-family:tahoma, arial;text-decoration:none;width:402px;} #bh{font:bold 14px tahoma, arial;text-transform:uppercase;color:#333;text-decoration:none;} #bi{font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;font-family:tahoma, arial;color:#666;} #bj{margin:0px 0px 8px 0;margin-bottom:15px;} #bk{border-collapse:collapse;text-align:left;} #bl{font-weight:bold;} #bm{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;overflow:hidden;} #bn{font-size:14px;line-height:20px;font-family:tahoma, arial;color:#476690;text-decoration:none;} #bo{margin-top:3px;font:12px\/17px tahoma, arial;} #bp{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;} #bq{text-align:left;} #br{background-color:#e1e1e1;} #bs{border-collapse:collapse;background-color:white;} #bt{margin-top:8px;font:12px\/20px tahoma, arial;color:#666;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:4px solid white;} #bu{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;color:#466890;text-decoration:none;} #bv{height:78px;} #bw{border-collapse:collapse;} #bx{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;color:#333333;} #by{height:5px;background-color:#476990;width:100%;} #bz{font:12px arial;color:#466890;text-decoration:none;} #ca{background-color:white;line-height:10px;height:10px;max-height:10px;} #cb{height:10px;} #uca{background:white;} #ucb{background-color:#496990;width:13px;} #ucc{cursor:pointer;color:white;font-size:11px;line-height:35px;font-family:arial;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;} #ucd{background-color:#496990;} #uce{text-align:left;} View Online Connect: PitchBook Newsletter Venture Capital Edition Powered by the PitchBook Platform. Learn more\u00bb 351,602 Deals | 30,437 Funds | 17,507 Limited Partners | 20,842 Advisors MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015 \/* For PitchBook view *\/ .newsletter-content .news-mid-table { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { \/* For iPhone view *\/ .news-mid-table { margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; } .mobile-image { border: 1px solid red; } .mobile-image img { display: none; } } Featured Profile H.I.G BioVentures SHARE: H.I.G. BioVentures just participated in a $38.9 million Series B financing of medical device company Intact Vascular. Check out the firm's other recent investments, its closed funds and more in today's free PitchBook Profile: click here . H.I.G. BioVentures AUM: $718 million View Featured Profile VIEW 39 INVESTMENTS \u00bb Today's Top Stories Maybe Private Companies Aren't Delaying IPOs SHARE: Click to enlarge Depending on the lifecycle and specific needs of companies, IPOs are an expected tool used for additional fundraising, validation and investor exits. The timing of these flotations has gotten a lot of attention lately with companies such as Uber and Airbnb raising into the billions while remaining private. PitchBook's data, however, shows that the majority of U.S. VC-backed companies aren't waiting as long as it may appear before launching IPOs. Click here to head over to the PitchBook Blog for a comparison of IPOs over the last 10 years and a breakdown of our data. Evolution of the Strategic CFO & COO: Sign Up for Forum SHARE: The EVCA CFO Forum, 2-3 June in Brussels, is the only annual pan-European event for leading finance executives developed by industry practitioners. The EVCA CFO Forum will allow you to network with key figures of the PE industry, speak candidly about your daily challenges during roundtables held under Chatham House rules, and gain the latest analysis on mission-critical issues. Participation of service providers is restricted to a limited number of supporting partners, allowing for deep dialogue in a non-commercial environment. Hear from Hermes GPE, SL Capital, PAI Partners, Nordic Capital, Royalton Partners and many more. We encourage PE executives to join this industry-leading conference. For the full agenda and more information: Register by 22th May with VIP code CFOPI for your 15% PitchBook member discount. Email events@evca.eu for registration information and mention this post. Today's Headlines The Daily Benchmark 2005 Vintage U.S. Funds-of-Funds Completed VC Financings Lyft Adds $150M in Funding Denali Therapeutics Grabs Initial Investment of $217M Intact Vascular Raises $38.9M Series B Geekie Lands $7M Funding YCharts Closes $6M Investment Round NuSirt Raises Series C Funding A RealMassive Series A Exit & Liquidity News Arcadia Biosciences Prices IPO Well Below Initial Range Fundraising News Harrison Metal Closes $68M Fund Collaborative Fund Raises $65M The Daily Benchmark 2005 Vintage U.S. Funds-of-Funds SHARE: $100 million - $250 million 24 Funds in Benchmark Median IRR: 7 .45% Top Quartile IRR Hurdle Rate: 8 .07% Median TVPI: 1 .39x Average Amount Distributed: $89 .83 million Select Top Performers (based on net IRR) Accolade Partners II Ohio PERS\/Pathway Private Equity Fund RCP Fund II Benchmark, Peer Group & Returns Data on 20,000 Funds PitchBook, setting a higher bar for performance benchmarking Completed VC Financings Lyft Adds $150M in Funding SHARE: Ridesharing service Lyft has added $150 million to its $530 million Series E round from March; the new funding was led by a $100 million investment from Carl Icahn 's Icahn Enterprises . As part of the investment, Jonathan Christodoro of Icahn Enterprises will join the company's Board of Directors. Lyft's raise in March valued it at more than $2.5 billion; the company has now raised over $1 billion in funding. Previous investors include Andreessen Horowitz , Collaborative Fund and Founders Fund . Lyft Automotive Mobile San Francisco, CA $150 million Series E VIEW DETAILS VIEW 39 COMPARABLES \u00bb Lead Investor Icahn Enterprises Denali Therapeutics Grabs Initial Investment of $217M SHARE: Denali Therapeutics , a biotech developing therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and ALS, has launched with an initial funding commitment of $217 million. Denali Therapeutics Biotechnology San Francisco, CA $217 million Early Stage VC VIEW DETAILS VIEW 44 COMPARABLES \u00bb Investors ARCH Venture Partners Alaska Permanent Fund Fidelity Biosciences Flagship Ventures Intact Vascular Raises $38.9M Series B SHARE: Intact Vascular has raised $38.9 million in Series B funding led by New Enterprise Associates . Proceeds will be used to accelerate the development and FDA approval of the company's Tack Endovascular System, which is designed to optimize the results of percutaneous balloon angioplasty in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease. As part of the financing, NEA partner Justin Klein has joined the Intact Vascular Board. Intact Vascular Surgical Devices Wayne, PA $38.9 million Series B VIEW DETAILS VIEW 34 COMPARABLES \u00bb Investors New Enterprise Associates (lead) H.I.G. BioVentures Quaker Partners Geekie Lands $7M Funding SHARE: Geekie has raised $7 million in Series B financing led by Mitsui & Co. and Omidyar Network , with participation from existing investors. Designed to help learners improve performance in different educational settings, Geekie's adaptive platform has been adopted by public and private high schools across Brazil; more than 3 million people have used the company's products. Geekie Educational Software EdTech Sao Paulo, Brazil $7 million Series B VIEW DETAILS VIEW 13 COMPARABLES \u00bb Investors Mitsui & Co. (lead) Omidyar Network (lead) Virtuose Gera Venture YCharts Closes $6M Investment Round SHARE: YCharts provides a finance and economic platform designed to help investors make more informed decisions and increase their returns. The company has raised $6 million in Series C funding led by Morningstar , bringing its to-date VC total to nearly $15 million. YChart's previous funding, a $3.9 million raise in May 2013, valued it at $32 million. YCharts Database Software FinTech Chicago, IL $6 million Series C VIEW DETAILS VIEW 68 COMPARABLES \u00bb Investors Morningstar (lead) Amicus Capital Partners I2A Hyde Park Angels Reed Elsevier NuSirt Raises Series C Funding SHARE: NuSirt Biopharma has raised $6 million in Series C financing, $2 million of which has been funded. The company is in the process of completing a Phase 2A clinical trial enrolling more than 90 subjects. Its lead program targets Type 2 diabetes. NuSirt Biopharma Biotechnology Life Sciences Nashville, TN $2 million Series C VIEW DETAILS VIEW 142 COMPARABLES \u00bb Investors Hatteras Venture Partners Mountain Group Partners TriStar Technology Ventures A RealMassive Series A SHARE: RealMassive has closed its Series A funding, receiving a valuation of $20 million. The company is focused on providing a way to help commercial real estate professionals collaborate and streamline their marketing efforts while gaining insight into the performance of their space and buildings. Its investors include RHS Investments , Hurt Family Investments and Capital Factory , among others. RealMassive Business\/Productivity Software Austin, TX Series A VIEW DETAILS VIEW 110 COMPARABLES \u00bb Exit & Liquidity News Arcadia Biosciences Prices IPO Well Below Initial Range SHARE: Agriculture biotechnology company Arcadia Biosciences priced its IPO at $8 on Friday, well below its expected range of $13 to $15 from early last week. The company also bumped up its offering amount to 8.2 million shares (from 7.15 million) to raise roughly $66 million. Listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol RKDA, the stock dropped about 9% to $7.30 on its first day. Prior to the offering, Arcadia received VC funding from Mandala Capital (27.1% pre-IPO stake) and BASF Venture Capital , among others. Arcadia Biosciences Agriculture Davis, CA $66 million IPO VIEW DETAILS VIEW 71 COMPARABLES \u00bb Joint Book-Running Managers Credit Suisse J.P. Morgan Fundraising News Harrison Metal Closes $68M Fund SHARE: Harrison Metal has closed its fourth VC fund on $68 million, its largest vehicle to date. The firm, which focuses on early stage technology companies, has invested in the likes of TinyPulse , Mixmax and PagerDuty , among others, over the past year. Harrison Metal Capital IV Palo Alto, CA Venture Capital $68 million (closed) VIEW DETAILS VIEW 87 INVESTMENTS \u00bb Collaborative Fund Raises $65M SHARE: Collaborative Fund has raised $65 million and is prepared to close its third fund, according to reports. The vehicle is larger than the firm's two previous funds combined; Collaborative II closed in early 2014 on $33 million. Collaborative III New York, NY Venture Capital $65 million (open) VIEW DETAILS VIEW 84 INVESTMENTS \u00bb The best tool for venture capital professionals to: Source Deals Run Private Comps Benchmark IRRs\/Funds Target LPs\/Fundraising Competitive Intelligence Company Signals Most Active Investors Find Co-Investors Analyze Market Trends Find Strategic Buyers VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS LOG-IN TO PITCHBOOK Want to learn more? Contact our team of venture capital specialists. US +1 (206) 623-1986 UK +44 (0)207-190-9809 demo@pitchbook.com Who's in the News? Companies Arcadia Biosciences Denali Therapeutics Geekie Intact Vascular Lyft Mixmax Morningstar NuSirt Biopharma PagerDuty RealMassive TinyPulse YCharts Investors ARCH Venture Partners Alaska Permanent Fund Amicus Capital Partners Andreessen Horowitz BASF Venture Capital Capital Factory Carl Icahn Collaborative Fund Credit Suisse Fidelity Biosciences Flagship Ventures Founders Fund Gera Venture H.I.G. BioVentures Harrison Metal Hatteras Venture Partners Hurt Family Investments Hyde Park Angels I2A Icahn Enterprises J.P. Morgan Mandala Capital Mitsui & Co. Morningstar Mountain Group Partners New Enterprise Associates Omidyar Network Quaker Partners RHS Investments Reed Elsevier TriStar Technology Ventures Virtuose People Jonathan Christodoro Justin Klein PitchBook Platform Video of the Day Keyword Searches \u00bb More Video Walkthroughs \u00bb Identifying Emerging Companies By Industry \u00bb Identifying Emerging Companies By Location \u00bb Excel Plugin: Building a Chart \u00bb Excel Plugin: Finding Companies & Data Fields \u00bb Excel Plugin: Opening a Template \u00bb About PitchBook | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Advertise | Contact Us Copyright \u00a9 2015 PitchBook Data, Inc. All rights reserved. - Private Equity and Venture Capital Deals Database Newsletter sent to: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.it Want this newsletter sent to a different email address? 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But, the discrepancy is not all that big in the end? No need to take this to a higher level? Keith Briffa is back on line and finishing off Section 6.5, so you might want to send him an email w\/ suggestions that help keep chap 6 compatible w\/ 2 and 9 - for example, with respect to solar, we acknowledge the forcing could be less than 0.5 W\/m**2, and the uncertaintly wrt to trop aerosols and land albedo is significant - we could easily be closer to chap 9's estimate. Would you say the key is that our analysis acknowledge the uncertainty so as to overlap well with the other chapters? Keith - please make sure you send your new 6.5 to David too - while you were out, he was working hard w\/ chap 2 and 9 to make sure we (the IPCC) avoid saying things that confuse. The comparison of radiative forcings from 3 different angles is what assessment is all about, and it's great David has had the patience to help figure it all out. Thx, Peck Hi Gabi, The key to your proposed solution is the updated numbers from Chapter 2. If indeed the radiative forcing change to 1750 is -1.53, then presumably you have made this consistent with the earlier part of Chapter 9. The numbers previously looked like this (I haven't seen the latest version of 6.5, but I've included the previous estimates we had in the ZOD): W\/m**2 Chapter 6 Chapter 9 MM 1750 Greenhouse gases: -2.4 -2.6 TROP aerosols: 0.5 0.2 Solar -0.5 -0.1 Volcanic: ? ? Land albedo: +0.4 0.03 Trop O3: -0.35 -0.4 Strat O3: +0.15 0.10 1'st indirect aerosol forcing 1.2 STRAT H2O -0.13 AVIATION -0.02 TOTAL -2.2 -1.7 There is essentially no change in greenhouse gas forcing from 1750 to 1700 (see for example Crowley et al., GRL, 2003), so the difference in the estimated numbers is probably due to inclusion of more things or different choices in Chapter 2. A similar statement holds for trop aerosols. One can also use these two to presume that the same also holds true for land albedo. [The value listed for that in Chapter 9 is quite small compared to some other studies; e.g., Govindasamy et al., GRL, 28, 291-294,2001.] So, to the extent these numbers are still discussed in Chapter 6, they should be made consistent with those in chapters 2 and 9. With respect to your proposed paragraph below: I would drop the comments about trace gas differences but saying land albedo changes may have been greater, along with the additional solar change, could give us the -1.8 W\/m**2 forcing. Concerning the temperature response: the Moberg et al paper itself claims 1\u00b0C difference between 1500 and 2000, but the figure seems to show a larger number, perhaps 1.3\u00b0C (again, just eye-balling it). However, the coldest time period is not in the MM but before it. I think therefore a better estimate from that paper for the MM would be 1\u00b0C. So, with respect to the sensitivity: if 0.85 W\/m**2 is unresolved, then we have a total forcing of ~0.95 W\/m**2, and a climate response varying between 0.45\u00b0C and 1\u00b0C - or a climate sensitivity for 2xCO2 of 1.9\u00b0C to 4.2\u00b0C, or pretty similar to standard IPCC estimates. I think this will work! David At 1:02 PM -0400 8\/6\/05, hegerl@duke.edu wrote: On Sat, 6 Aug 2005 hegerl@duke.edu wrote: p.s. I modified the text for MM forcing according to below theory (please yell if its off!) which would say (and has questions for you): During the cool period of the Late Maunder Minimum (approximately 1675-1715), sunspots were generally missing, and solar irradince is believed to have been smaller. This period will be used in Section 9.6 to discuss climate sensitivity; therefore we discuss its radiative forcing estimates . The estimated difference between present day solar irradiance and the late 17th century Maunder Minimum is presently -1.1 W\/m2 (best estimate, range -0.5 to -2 W\/m2 , Chapter 2), but with large uncertainties. This leads to a best estimate radiative forcing of -0.2 W\/m2 (-0.1 to -0.35 W\/m2 67% confidence interval; note that solar forcing from 1750 to the present is estimated having increased by 0.1 W\/m2 , chapter 2). Many radiative forcing changes, particularly those associated with industrialization, are very similar from the present to the Maunder Minimum as they are from the present to preindustrial (total forcing estimated of -1.53 W\/m2, see CO2 may have been slightly lower (by???), and land cover changes may also have been glightly greater between the Maunder Minimum and 1750. This yields an approximate net radiative forcing of-1.8 W m-2 (between the late Maunder Minimum and the present, with large uncertainties. > > > Hi David et al, > > I spent some more time pondering the MM forcing. > I think the best place to start is the updated chapter 2 forcing > from preindustrial, which is (according to what Joyce pulled out of > ch 2, so hope its correct): > > -1.53 from present to the 1750 period (all included that they deem > relevant, so no volcanoes because episodic, but all else in there > including contrails and other weird small stuff, I THINK it also > includes land cover changes) > > We would have to add -0.1 for the more reduced solar (given +0.1 1750 to > now from ch2, and 0.2 from MM on), and maybe some number for the > somewhat lower CO2 between 1700 and 1750 (what would that be)? and > maybe another number for additional changes in land cover? > > Overall, the number you had before of -1.8 (after adjusting solar down > to recent wisdom) seems now pretty good to me. > Should we keep it, or do you ahve another suggestion? > I am glad we didn't loose the forcing from MM to present :))) > > greetings, let me know what would be good for us to write (and then I'll > do the arithmetic for the best guess sensitivity once you guys also > check my numbers for high\/low estimates of annual temp changes at that > period, right now its -0.45 Mann to -1.5 Moberg-readoffplotinahurry by me) > > Thanks in advance, I think we are very close to resolve this! > > Gabi > > On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, David Rind wrote: > > > As this continuing exchange has clarified, what's in Chapter 6 is > > inconsistent with what is in Chapter 2 (and Chapter 9 is caught in > > the middle!). Worse yet, we've managed to make global warming go > > away! (Maybe it really is that easy...:) > > > > David > > > > At 9:49 AM -0600 8\/5\/05, Bette Otto-Bliesner wrote: > > >Gabi, > > > > > >In Chap 6, we use 2.2 with a range of 1.9 to 2.6 W\/m2. The > > >uncertainty range includes both uncertainties in the ice core > > >measurements and uncertainties in the radiative transfer > > >calculations. > > > > > >Bette > > > > > >_ > > > > > > >At 2:27 PM -0400 8\/4\/05, Gabi Hegerl wrote: > > > > > >David, so with the Judith correction only (solar down by 0.4), we > > >get a total forcing of > > >0.95 to MM, (after subtracting the 0.85 not realized yet according to Jim) > > > > > >Then, if the indirect effect and black carbon is added, wouldn't > > >this reduce the forcing to nearly nothing? > > >(or what am I doing wrong, 2.2 changes to 1.8 with new solar, black > > >carbon and ind aerosol takes away > > >0.9. yielding 0.9 W\/m**2, then Jim says 0.85 of that is unrealized???) > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gabriele Hegerl > Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment > Duke University, Durham NC 27708 > phone 919-684-6167, fax 919-684-5833 > email: hegerl@duke.edu > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabriele Hegerl Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University, Durham NC 27708 phone 919-684-6167, fax 919-684-5833 email: hegerl@duke.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795","label":0} {"text":"Fits right into the economic frame we want to push On May 11, 2016, at 8:28 AM, Roberts, Kelly > wrote: They're talking about lowering the capital gains rate on the richest Americans below Trump's old proposal and raising taxes on some poorer Americans above his proposal Donald Trump launches tax plan rewrite - POLITICO [160510_donald_trump_44_gty_1160.jpg] Donald Trump's campaign has enlisted influential conservative economists to revise his tax package and make it more politically palatable by slashing the $10 trillion sticker price. Their main targets: Lifting the top tax rate from Trump's original plan and expanding the number of people who would have to pay taxes under it. Trump's initial proposal, rolled out with fanfare at Trump Tower in Manhattan last September, has been in the spotlight since he became the presumptive Republican nominee last week and promptly declared that it was only a starting point for any negotiations with congressional Democrats, should he become president. Story Continued Below But it turns out Trump's team is open to revamping it far sooner than that; the campaign last month contacted at least two prominent conservative economists \u2014 Larry Kudlow, the CNBC television host, and Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation and a longtime Wall Street Journal writer \u2014 to spearhead an effort to update the package. \"What we've been trying to do is help advise him a little bit to try to reduce the cost of the plan\" and still encourage economic growth, Moore said in an interview. Trump's initial plan has come under criticism from both the right and left for vastly expanding the deficit, with the nonpartisan Tax Foundation estimating it would add $10 trillion to the federal deficit in the next decade. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has moved quickly to tattoo the plan's steep price tag onto Trump, with her team holding a call on Monday calling it a reckless expansion of debt. \"This is the most risky, restless and regressive tax proposal ever put forward by a major presidential candidate,\" one of President Obama's former top economic advisers, Gene Sperling, said on the Clinton campaign call. The Trump team's quiet outreach to Moore and Kudlow, even before the New York billionaire had wrapped up the GOP nomination, is a sign the campaign was seeking to shore up a possible general-election vulnerability early. Over the weekend, Trump spoke openly of changing his tax plan on the Sunday shows. \"The thing I'm going to do is make sure the middle class gets good tax breaks,\" he said on NBC's Meet the Press . \"Because they have been absolutely shunned. The other thing, I'm going to fight very hard for business. For the wealthy, I think, frankly, it's going to go up. And you know what, it really should go up.\" The next day, on CNN, Trump tried to clarify that he wasn't actually talking about raising rates on the wealthy, just raising them from his original plan. \"If I increase it on the wealthy, they're still going to pay less than they pay now,\" he said. While Kudlow cast the changes he and Moore are recommending as \"tweaking,\" what he described would have an enormous financial impact. Kudlow said they had already resubmitted their revisions to the Tax Foundation, which he said was now preliminarily estimating that the package would expand the deficit by $3.8 trillion \u2014 a roughly 60 percent cut. \"The full effect of all the things we talked about would have a very important reduction in the deficit,\" Kudlow said, adding, \"The economic growth would be increased, as would jobs and wages.\" Trump has not offered many policy specifics in his campaign so far but his tax package was among his most detailed. It included eliminating federal income taxes for individuals making less than $25,000 and for married couples earning below $50,000, slashing the highest income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent and cutting the business tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent. Some of those numbers could now shift, according to Kudlow, who stressed that the proposed changes he and Moore are drafting are simply \"suggestions\" for Trump. \"Mr. Trump has not signed off on any of this,\" Kudlow cautioned. Among their most notable revenue-generating recommendations is raising the top tax bracket higher from the 25 percent that Trump had originally proposed to 28 percent, according to Kudlow. That would still represent a substantial tax cut for the richest Americans. Kudlow also said that the threshold for paying no income taxes could \"be lowered a bit\" \u2014 Trump would take 33 million low-income Americans off the rolls entirely \u2014 from the original proposed $50,000 level for married couples. He did not specify the new threshold. In his initial rollout, Trump had promised that millions of households no longer paying taxes were going to get a one-page form to send to the Internal Revenue Service simply saying, \"I win.\" Not every change Kudlow and Moore are drafting would result in more revenue. Kudlow said they were also suggesting that Trump keep the capital gains tax rate at 15 percent across all income levels; Trump's original plan had that rate at 20 percent for those earning more than $150,000. He also said they would recommend letting corporations use \"immediate expensing of equipment\" for tax purposes to spur investment and economic growth. This has become a top priority for many Republicans, though it wasn't in Trump's original plan. \"Eventually the candidate will make a call,\" Kudlow said of the new proposals. The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment. Kudlow and Moore are well known voices in conservative economic circles. They are two of the founders, with economist and former Ronald Reagan adviser Art Laffer and former GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes, of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, established last year to advance for conservative economic policies. The group met with multiple GOP presidential candidates in the last year, including Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee. The group's imprint could help add credibility on the right to a revised Trump tax plan, after his original proposal came under attack from some Republicans as unrealistically large. By one measure, Trump's proposed tax cut was four times the size of George W. Bush's 2001 tax cuts. Ryan Ellis, former tax policy director for Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform, said such a proposal \"drags down the entire effort at conservative tax reform to a circus level.\" \"It's simply not realistic,\" Ellis said. \"There's no amount of entitlement reform that can pay for that, and there's no amount of base broadening that can pay for that.\" The proposed revision \u2014 reducing the overall cost to the budget, putting more people back on the income tax rolls and expanding business \"expensing\" \u2014 appears to be an effort to put Trump more in line with the broader Republican consensus on tax policy. Trump has been far more reticent than most Republicans to make changes to Social Security and Medicare, the biggest entitlement programs, instead talking about cutting back on more amorphous waste and abuse that most independent analysts agree don't add up to significant savings. But Kudlow suggested there was more spending cut details on the horizon, as well. \"There would also be a spending reduction piece as part of this overall package, which, frankly, would probably slice another $2 trillion\" off the federal deficit, he said. Brian Faler contributed to this report. Authors: Show Comments Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"eBay.com UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT Dear valued cust omer We r egret to inform you that your account at eBay could be suspended if you don't update your billing information. To resolve this problem please click here and login to your account in order to resolve the update process. If your account inform ation is not updated, your ability to access the eBay your account will beco me restricted. 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On May 20, 2016, at 12:59 PM, Walsh, Tom > wrote: Got it - working on it From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:59 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Miranda, Luis; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Attached are: 1. 'DWS ASDC Speech - START WITH THIS' --> use this as your base document to edit 2. 'DWS ASDC Speech tp edits' PDF --> these are the Chairwoman's edits --> Tom make these first 3. 'DWS ASDC Speech - SKD edits' --> Tom these are the edits that Anita and Hilary sent over; make these last Tom --> after making the edits please reply all and send on this thread. Kate --> please print in Philadelphia (2 copies) and we will do speech prep when we arrive. From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:48 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Bonosky, Garret; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Re: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Yes, we are. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:38 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Biggest thing for me is that we should drop the paragraph on the Egypt Air crash entirely. ________________________________ From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:34 PM To: Walsh, Tom Cc: Guerra, Liana; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Miranda, Luis; Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Re: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Tom - Also have additional changes Anita sent; I will send over shortly, make the chairwoman's changes now and then make the Anita edits I send shortly. Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee On May 20, 2016, at 12:26 PM, Walsh, Tom > wrote: Thanks, working on it -----Original Message----- From: Guerra, Liana Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:25 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Attached is the word doc -----Original Message----- From: Bonosky, Garret Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:24 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen; Guerra, Liana Subject: RE: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Looping in Liana who has the most recent edited word document. Liana will send to Tom; Tom will edit (with the notes from document attached to this email) and then will send to Kate who will print on the ground on Philadelphia -----Original Message----- From: hrtsleeve@gmail.com Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:07 PM To: Bonosky, Garret; Tracie Pough; Banfill, Ryan; Kate Houghton; Walsh, Tom; Miranda, Luis Cc: Anita Dunn; Hilary Rosen Subject: Notes for 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Here is revised draft with my edits. Tom, Luis and Ryan, I want to review with you why the speech had to be dramatically edited so we are on the same page going forward. Thanks for everyone's help. Annotation Summary for: 5.20.16 DWS ASDC Speech tp edits - 1-Annotated Page 2, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Line Drawing (Red) Page 4, Typewriter (Red): Comment: elect a Democrat, once again. Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: for whom Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: it Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 8, Typewriter (Red): Comment: originally, Page 8, Line Drawing (Red) Page 9, Line Drawing (Red) Page 9, Typewriter (Red): Comment: happened? Page 9, Line Drawing (Red) Page 10, Line Drawing (Red) Page 11, Line Drawing (Red) Page 12, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Line Drawing (Red) Page 14, Typewriter (Red): Comment: And Hillary declared it a terrorist act yesterday too. Page 15, Line Drawing (Red) Page 15, Typewriter (Red): Comment: gloss over Page 15, Line Drawing (Red) Page 17, Line Drawing (Red) Page 20, Line Drawing (Red) Page 20, Typewriter (Red): Comment: strengthened our Page 20, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Typewriter (Red): Comment: then Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 22, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: get our work done Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: heard Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 23, Typewriter (Red): Comment: the Page 23, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Line Drawing (Red) Page 24, Typewriter (Red): Comment: Dangerous Page 26, Line Drawing (Red) Page 27, Line Drawing (Red) Page 27, Typewriter (Red): Comment: of Page 27, Line Drawing (Red) Page 28, Line Drawing (Red) Page 30, Line Drawing (Red) -- Marked up using iAnnotate PDF on my iPad","label":0} {"text":"Flagging his answer on the Mexican flag at the protest during his CAGOP speech last week. Claimed they were burning the American flag Q: Polls in IN. Rasmussen poll up against HRC IN poll is so important. Its been a loveliest here. Bobby Knight endorsed me and others Rasmussen poll has me up against HRC Q: If you win IN you think race is over. Would you reach out to them if you win? all pundits are saying its over if i win IN. Looks like I'll win CA and NE big. OR poll looks good We are doing very well in NJ. Lot of delegates there If I win IN, that would be the end of Lyin Ted Q: How would you bring all your former opponents into your camp? Better to unify? its better to have unification. our country is totally divided right now. i will bring people together i have received so many calls from people that said terrible things about me over the last week wanting to get on board I think you are going to see a very unified party Q: Speech last week in CA. Lot of people had Mexican flags at protest, not American flags Reason you didn't see American flag, they were burning the American flag and they were holding up the American flag Carrier is going to Mexico and there are no consequences. i will stop that. i may be able to stop Carrier from leaving if i move fast enough They will make AC in Mexico and they will hire Mexicans. our country is losing all businesses and we need to stop it Q: H-1B visas Repeated America First slogan. We need to take care of our people. It has to be America First. It has to be. Or we won't have a country anymore Q: FP speech and America First. Prevent boots on the ground to defeat ISIS in the Middle East Military is totally depleted and exhausted. we have to take out ISIS and we will do it with others i was always against the war in Iraq. Its a disaster. But way BO got us out of that was catastrophic. I've been saying \"keep the oil\" Q: Could you get Saudis and Egyptians to fight? they will have to. but they have not proven to be great fighters. Jordan, he is a terrific person with a wonderful family we shouldn't send our people over there we have spent probably 4 trillion in the Middle East - we need to get back to rebuilding our country Q: World has gotten free ride from US in NATO. Wealthy countries have gotten a free ride. we are paying a disproportional cost with NATO. we are protecting these countries. they are delinquent and not paying what they should or not at all. On May 2, 2016, at 11:39 AM, Berns, Jeremy > wrote: tonight @seanhannity Original Tweet: Sent via TweetDeck","label":0} {"text":"Ok. Spoke to Sheraton. Let's move him to next week. Sent on the run On Aug 6, 2014, at 6:43 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote:Just heard from assistant\u2026all good. Michael MRP 10:00 \u2013 10:30 and then you and MD chat 10:30 \u2013 11 on fri 8\/8 From: Mosko, Steve Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 1:41 PMTo: Kanner, FayanneSubject: Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 1:30pm PST\/4:30pm EST Wed 8\/6 Were u able to move Davies mtg into amSent on the run On Aug 6, 2014, at 4:28 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote:OUT CALLS, 08\/05\/14 09:23 AM, David Smith\/Sinclair Broadcast Group, (Business) (410) 568-1506, GSN IN CALLS, 08\/06\/14 01:27 PM, Sheraton Kalouria, (Business) (310) 244-9191, returning and trying you on cell IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 05:41 PM, Steve Lafferty, (Business) (424) 288-2000, returning IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 04:59 PM, Gary Barber, (Business) +1(310) 449-3300, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/05\/14 01:12 PM, Crista Klayman\/LA Models, (Business) (323) 436-7785, returning ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"PRICES SLASHED TO THE BONE ON ORIGINAL U.S. PC SOFTWARE! OEM Bundle #1 OEM Bundle #2 1. MS Windows XP Pro 1. MS Windows XP Pro 2. MS Office 2003 Pro 2. MS Office XP (2002) Pro 3. Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Pro 3. Norton SystemWorks 2004 4. Adobe Photoshop CS\/8.0 5. Adobe PageMaker 7.0 6. Adobe Illustrator 10 7. Norton SystemWorks Pro 2004 Retail price: $5000.00 Retail price: $999.00 You save: $4800 You save: $874 Your price: $200.00 Your price: $125.00 Also on sale: Photoshop 8\/CS $80 Macromedia MX $180 Nero 6.3 Pro $40 WinFaxPro v10.3 $40 Roxio Easy CD 6 $30 Illustrator 11\/CS $90 MS Windows 2000 $50 QuarkXPress 6 $60 MS SQL 2000 EE $200 PageMaker 7 $60 Visual Studio.NET $200 CorelDraw 12 $120 pcAnywhere 11.0 $80 Norton AntiVirus $15 Hurry, offer ends today! Visit our store >>> Off the current promo Promise something which you cannot fulfill. So you either have to be a. Is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious. Than is anxiety. Cat: a pygmy lion who lvoes mice, hates dogs, and. And your relatives and your fellow citizens to let Osama bin Laden so. lvoe is just friendship set to music. lvoe is missing someone whenever. Person has a lesson to teach me. I try to learn. I see in the near. Nothing upsets the balance of good and evil. Occasionally principles. Unreasonable man. The right to do something does not mean that doing. They are extremists. People are nuts if they think they are important. Sides. To lvoe is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. Exclusively from the administration in power. Its essential to have. Necessary. Extreme behavior has its basis in pathological psychology. Social setting. Knowledge should be advanced at all costs. Labor is a. The softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in. Despoiling the earth. Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. Convenience and immediacy of a cream pie. There are three principal. Stupid people shouldnt breed. Success is not the key to happiness. Kind act is better than a thousand head-bowings in prayer. To laugh. To avoid an even greater injustice. The only thing we have to fear is. Moral clarity, that is to say, it paints one side as purely good and. Promise something which you cannot fulfill. So you either have to be a. Is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious. Than is anxiety. Cat: a pygmy lion who lvoes mice, hates dogs, and. And your relatives and your fellow citizens to let Osama bin Laden so. lvoe is just friendship set to music. lvoe is missing someone whenever. Person has a lesson to teach me. I try to learn. I see in the near. Nothing upsets the balance of good and evil. Occasionally principles. Unreasonable man. The right to do something does not mean that doing. They are extremists. People are nuts if they think they are important. Sides. To lvoe is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. Exclusively from the administration in power. Its essential to have. Necessary. Extreme behavior has its basis in pathological psychology. Social setting. Knowledge should be advanced at all costs. Labor is a. The softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in. Despoiling the earth. Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. Convenience and immediacy of a cream pie. There are three principal. Stupid people shouldnt breed. Success is not the key to happiness. Kind act is better than a thousand head-bowings in prayer. To laugh. To avoid an even greater injustice. The only thing we have to fear is. Moral clarity, that is to say, it paints one side as purely good and.","label":1} {"text":"Opportunity is knocking. Why? Because mortgage rates are rising. As a National Lender, not a broker, we can guarantee you the lowest possible rate on your home loan. Rates may well never be this low again. This is your chance to secure a better future. You could literally save enough money to buy that new car you've been wanting or to take that special vacation. 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Please download and open it in your browser. Thanks for your high attention. Please do understand that this is a security measure taken with intention to protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Team","label":1} {"text":"Dear Valued Customer, We ask for your time to carefully read this notification sent by our Account Review Team. Our security system has blocked unusual charges to a credit card linked to your account. An intrusion into your account has been detected which shows that someone tried to access your PayPal account without your permission. We have limited access to your account due to this problem. Moreover, we have sent you an attachment which contains necessary steps in order to restore your account access. Please download and open it in your browser. Thanks for your prompt attention. Please understand that this is a security measure taken with intention to protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Team Copyright \u00a9 1999-2012 PayPal. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Dear Valued Client, The total assumption on your reward point is $6500 Cash Rewards\ufffd which is equivalent to $650 You must redeem your Reward Points for a Cash Redemption Reward through the USAA Rewards Portal Below Redeem Here. REMEMBER: Reward:Earn up to 1.25% cash back (Opens pop-up layer) on your everyday purchases. There's no limit on the amount you can earn. Redeem your cash rewards anytime using your mobile device or computer.","label":1} {"text":"AUSTIN-BRAZOS-BURLESON-COLORADO-FORT BEND-GRIMES-HARRIS-HOUSTON- LIBERTY-MADISON-MONTGOMERY-POLK-SAN JACINTO-TRINITY-WALKER-WALLER- WASHINGTON-WHARTON- INCLUDING THE CITIES OF...BRENHAM...BRYAN\/COLLEGE STATION... CALDWELL...COLDSPRING...COLUMBUS...CONROE...CROCKETT...EL CAMPO... WHARTON...GROVETON...TRINITY...HEMPSTEAD...HOUSTON...PASADENA... HUNTSVILLE...LIBERTY...LIVINGSTON...CORRIGAN...MADISONVILLE... NAVASOTA...RICHMOND...SUGARLAND...SEALY...BELLVILLE 330 PM CST MON DEC 31 2001 ...WINTER STORM WATCH TUESDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT... LIGHT RAIN IS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP OVER SOUTHEAST TEXAS LATE TONIGHT OR EARLY TUESDAY. THE RAIN MAY BE MIXED INITIALLY WITH SNOW...SLEET OR FREEZING RAIN ALONG AND NORTH OF A LINE FROM LAKE LIVINGSTON TO BRENHAM. COLD AIR WILL DRAIN SOUTHWARD AS THE PRECIPITATION CONTINUES TO DEVELOP...AND A CHANGEOVER TO SNOW OR SLEET IS EXPECTED DURING THE DAY TUESDAY. PRECIPITATION COULD CHANGE TO SNOW OR SLEET EVEN AS FAR SOUTH AS METRO HOUSTON BY DAYS END TUESDAY OR EARLY TUESDAY EVENING. EXACT SNOW AND SLEET AMOUNTS ARE DIFFICULT TO PINPOINT AT THIS TIME. BUT ESPECIALLY NORTH OF THE HOUSTON...TWO INCHES OR MORE COULD ACCUMULATE BY THE TIME THE PRECIPITATION TAPERS OFF LATE TUESDAY NIGHT. TEMPERATURES WILL BE RIGHT AROUND THE FREEZING MARK TOMORROW OVER NORTHERN SECTIONS OF THE WATCH AREA...IN SPOTS SUCH AS CROCKETT ...HUNTSVILLE...AND COLLEGE STATION. TEMPERATURES SHOULD REMAIN ABOVE FREEZING IN METRO HOUSTON UNTIL SUNSET...THEN FALL BELOW FREEZING DURING THE EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD BE ALERT FOR DETERIORATING DRIVING CONDITIONS TOMORROW AND TOMORROW NIGHT. EVEN IN METRO HOUSTON...DRIVING COULD BECOME DANGEROUS...ESPECIALLY TOMORROW NIGHT WHEN TEMPERATURES FALL BELOW FREEZING. ANY LIQUID LEFT ON ROADS WILL FREEZE...ESPECIALLY ON LIGHTLY TRAVELLED SECONDARY ROADS. THE INCLEMENT WEATHER IS BEING CAUSED BY A STRONG UPPER LEVEL STORM SYSTEM THAT IS FORECAST TO CROSS THE REGION TUESDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT. THE SYSTEM IS FAST MOVING AND SHOULD BE EAST OF THE AREA BY WEDNESDAY MORNING. TEMPERATURES WILL RISE ABOVE FREEZING OVER THE ENTIRE AREA WEDNESDAY...ALLOWING ANY ACCUMULATED SNOW AND SLEET TO MELT. VERY COLD TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED WEDNESDAY NIGHT. ANY WET AREAS LEFT ON ROADS WILL FREEZE HARD AS TEMPERATURES FALL INTO THE 20 TO 25 DEGREE RANGE INLAND. YOU MAY WISH TO CONSIDER MAKING PREPARATIONS TO WRAP EXPOSED PIPES AND ARRANGE FOR PETS AND PORTABLE PLANTS TO BE BROUGHT INSIDE. STAY TUNED TO NOAA WEATHER RADIO AND LOCAL MEDIA FOR THE LATEST FORECAST FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE. A WINTER STORM WATCH MEANS WINTER WEATHER IS POSSIBLE...NOT A CERTAINTY. IF WINTER WEATHER BECOMES IMMINENT...A WINTER STORM WARNING OR WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL BE ISSUED. AVOID DRIVING IF WINTER WEATHER BECOMES IMMINENT.","label":0} {"text":"@PressClubDC website says #Trump speech is cancelled for Wed - organizers say they'll get back to us on what the plan is now. #Decision2016 Original Tweet:","label":0} {"text":"On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Robert Harley wrote: --]Next time I hear a joke, I promise not to laugh until I have checked --]out primary sources for confirmation in triplicate, OK? Oh please. Walking sideways like that is bad for your shoes. Though it is kinda cute when you get all reasonomatic bang bang have a nice day.","label":0} {"text":"Dear PayPal Member, This email confirms that you have sent an eBay payment of $47.85 USD to ionica@yahoo.com for an eBay item. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $47.85 USD Transaction ID: 2LC956793J776333Y Subject: Digimax 130 Note: If you haven't authorized this charge ,click the link below to dispute transaction and get full refund Dispute transaction (Encrypted Link ) *SSL connection: PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available) ----------------------------------- Item Information ----------------------------------- eBay User ID: scratchandgnaw2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Harrell's UNCONFIRMED Address ---------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Harrell 211 David St. Springtown, TX 76082 United States Important Note: Edward Harrell has provided an Unconfirmed Address. If you are planning on shipping items to Edward Harrell, please check the Transaction Details page of this payment to find out whether you will be covered by the PayPal Seller Protection Policy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This payment was sent using your bank account. By using your bank account to send money, you just: - Paid easily and securely - Sent money faster than writing and mailing paper checks - Paid instantly -- your purchase won't show up on bills at the end of the month. Thanks for using your bank account! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team PayPal Email ID PP118","label":1} {"text":"All, For those of you who have not met with UBS's Immigration Counsel, Kumar Kuman, please review the attached checklist and forward to me the relevant information. Whilst Tindall & Foster (Enron's Legal Immigration Counsel) will be able to forward most of this required documentation, it would assist with expediting matters if you are able to forward me this information. My desk location is 3681c. For those of you who have signed the release forms (copy attached) your details on file with Tindall & Foster will be forwarded to Fragomen (UBS Immigration Counsel) shortly. Please utilize me as your contact at this point and not the contact names on the checklist until\/unless otherwise notified . Kind Rgds, Karen x 54667","label":0} {"text":"We can't let it stay unanswered that we're laundering money. It's just not true. So while I hate to have to engage, we can't let it stand. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Banfill, Ryan Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 4:13 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: Money Laundering DRAFT Response Luis, I know you are doing what you have to do but I feel compelled to ask: Aren't we giving the Sanders team what it wants -- a fight in the media with the party bosses over big money fundraising? Just my 2 cents for your eyes only. Ry Sent from my iPhone On May 2, 2016, at 4:07 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Perfect. Here it is revised with Graham and Brad's feedback. Any further edits before I use the quote? \"The suggestion there's anything unusual about our joint victory funds has no basis in the law or reality, as recognized by numerous independent experts that have looked at this. The fact is both campaigns signed on to similar agreements. While only one campaign is currently using their joint victory fund we encourage both of our campaigns to identify opportunities to support the national and state Democratic parties now so that we can continue to build the infrastructure to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November.\" - DNC Communications Director On Background: * The money raised by the joint victory funds, even when the money goes to the DNC, still helps state parties. The funds help strengthen, for example, our national voter file and communications, research and digital support for state parties and down ballot candidates. That includes training across a variety of areas, for example, and access to media monitoring and rapid response support. This is helping the Party right NOW build the infrastructure we need for the general election. * Politico got it wrong. Their claim that state parties only get to keep 1 percent of all the money being raised is incorrect and comparing apples and oranges. They reference the total amount of money that has been raised, but of that, many millions haven't yet been moved from HVF to state parties, but it also hasn't gone to the DNC or anywhere else. Because this is money for the general election, and coordinated campaigns are just now starting to be built at state parties, it is perfectly understandable that not all of the HVF money owed to state parties would have been distributed yet. * We had JFA' s with the Obama campaigns in 2008 and 2012, and the Kerry campaign in 2004. And while the funds are going to the DNC right now to build tools and capacity for the general election, there will be a point when the funds stay in the states to fund coordinated campaigns that are now beginning to get organized. * That's why experts have agreed there's nothing unusual about the victory funds. Rick Hasen, an influential academic on campaign finance, posted an analysis on the Election Law Blog that addressed this issue. Hasen states in the article that \"it is hard to see what provision of the law\" is at issue. As the blog points out, \"legally\" the criticism of the fund \"seems weak.\" * We welcome any effort by our candidates to help raise money for the DNC and state parties. * Similar agreements were set up with both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign early in the cycle, precisely because of the urgency to build a strong national infrastructure now that will help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November. The Sanders campaign has not used theirs. * These arrangements are not new or unusual. Similar joint fundraising committees were established with our Democratic candidate in both 2008 and 2012. And again, both campaigns have signed on and have the option of using joint victory funds. * And let's be clear, neither the DNC nor state parties are subsidizing fundraising through these committees for either campaign. For whatever each campaign raises under the agreement that then goes to their campaign, that campaign pays a directly proportional amount for the cost of that fundraising. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Wilson, Graham M. (Perkins Coie) Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 3:40 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Brad Marshall; Lindsey Reynolds; Dacey, Amy; Tracie Pough Cc: Kate Houghton; Paustenbach, Mark; Banfill, Ryan Subject: RE: Money Laundering DRAFT Response Just a few thoughts here: - I think that is really worthwhile to continue to push back on the Politico story's numbers being wrong. In the sub-headline that say that state parties only get to keep 1 percent of all the money being raised, but that is really incorrect and comparing apples and oranges. They reference the total amount of money that has been raised, but of that, many millions haven't yet been moved from HVF to state parties, but it also hasn't gone to the DNC or anywhere else. Because this is money for the general election, and coordinated campaigns are just now starting to be built at state parties, it is perfectly understandable that not all of the HVF money owed to state parties would have been distributed yet. - I would lean so heavily on Hasen specifically in our on the record quote, as he could always come out and say something different. I think it is worth keeping that in the background materials, but given that others, when asked, also said there wasn't really anything to this, maybe we just keep the on the record quote more general? Something like The suggestion there's anything unusual about our joint victory funds has no basis in the law or reality, as recognized by numerous independent experts that have looked at this. Graham M. Wilson | Perkins Coie LLP Direct. +1.202.434.1638 From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 3:12 PM To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Brad Marshall; Lindsey Reynolds; Dacey, Amy; Tracie Pough Cc: Kate Houghton; Paustenbach, Mark; Banfill, Ryan; Wilson, Graham M. (Perkins Coie) Subject: Money Laundering DRAFT Response Here's a draft quote and background points to use in pushing back on the Sanders claim that we're using the HVF for \"money laundering.\" Thoughts? Quote: \"The suggestion there's anything unusual about our joint victory funds has no basis in the law or reality. Independent experts like the Election Law Blog have noted that from a legal perspective, the criticisms are 'weak,' and both campaigns signed on to similar agreements. While only one campaign is currently using their joint victory fund, we encourage both of our campaigns to identify opportunities to support the national and state Democratic parties now so that we can continue to build the infrastructure to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November.\" - DNC Communications Director On Background: * The money raised by the joint victory funds, even when the money goes to the DNC, still helps state parties. The funds help strengthen, for example, our national voter file and communications, research and digital support for state parties and down ballot candidates. That includes training across a variety of areas, for example, and access to media monitoring and rapid response support. This is helping the Party right NOW build the infrastructure we need for the general election. * Rick Hasen, an influential academic on campaign finance, posted an analysis on the Election Law Blog that addressed this issue. Hasen states in the article that \"it is hard to see what provision of the law\" is at issue. As the blog points out, \"legally\" the criticism of the fund \"seems weak.\" * We welcome any effort by our candidates to help raise money for the DNC and state parties. * Similar agreements were set up with both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign early in the cycle, precisely because of the urgency to build a strong national infrastructure now that will help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November. The Sanders campaign has not used theirs. * These arrangements are not new or unusual. Similar joint fundraising committees were established with our Democratic candidate in both 2008 and 2012. And again, both campaigns have signed on and have the option of using joint victory funds. * And let's be clear, neither the DNC nor state parties are subsidizing fundraising through these committees for either campaign. For whatever each campaign raises under the agreement that then goes to their campaign, that campaign pays a directly proportional amount for the cost of that fundraising. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC ________________________________ NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"Your Mailbox is almost full. Please click on this link and fill the form correctly and send so we can upgrade and validate your mailbox. this message is from System Administrator.","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 12:10pm Thurs 1\/30 Delete Corii. Paula Ed Andrea Keith Sheraton\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:09 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 01\/23\/14 07:16 PM, Vince McMahon, (Assistant) , IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 12:08 PM, Corii Berg, (Business) (310) 244-8300, returned IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:58 AM, Paula Askanas, (Mobile) (310) 880-4819, IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:48 AM, Ed Lammi, (Business) (310) 244-9333, Returning IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:17 AM, Janice Min, (Mobile) (323) 525-2145, Please call. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 10:40 AM, Keith Legoy, (Business) (310) 244-3977, Called as you requested...looking for time with you today. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 09:48 AM, Andrea Wong, (Business) 011 44 207 533 1227, Returning IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 09:19 AM, Mark Gordon, (Business) (310) 943-6404, Please call. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 08:58 AM, Bruce Rosenblum, (Business) (818) 688-7625, Would like to come in to discuss TV Academy Stuff. IN CALLS, 01\/29\/14 05:30 PM, Sheraton Kalouria, (Business) (310) 244-9191, returning IN CALLS, 01\/29\/14 04:54 PM, Doug Belgrad, (Business) (310) 244-8406, pls call IN CALLS, 01\/22\/14 02:54 PM, Charlie Mechem, (Mobile) (513) 60","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 12:20 Wed 7\/30 Delete Nadine\u00c2 sent on the run On Jul 30, 2014, at 12:21 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 07\/30\/14 12:10 PM, Medical, (Assistant) 4-5560, OUT CALLS, 07\/30\/14 12:09 PM, Lauren Glotzer, (Business) (310) 244-4725, IN CALLS, 07\/30\/14 11:38 AM, Bruce Rosenblum, (Business) (818) 688-7625, Pls call IN CALLS, 07\/30\/14 11:24 AM, Nadine Massey, (Mobile) (310) 801-2020, you and she spoke and she sent","label":0} {"text":"Un po scomodo in citta,,, :) -- Giancarlo Russo COO Sent from my mobile. Da : David Vincenzetti Inviato : Saturday, January 10, 2015 06:05 PM A : Giancarlo Russo Oggetto : Re: quotazione per H.T. NON sono coupe'! Se fosse per te ti prenderesti questo autobus: David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Jan 10, 2015, at 5:46 PM, Giancarlo Russo < g.russo@hackingteam.com > wrote: Troppo sportiva, ora sono nella fase del coupe alto (x4\/evoque o simili) :) Sent from my iPad On 10\/gen\/2015, at 17:12, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: E' un buon compromesso comodit\u00e0' \/ sportivit\u00e0. David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Jan 10, 2015, at 5:05 PM, David Vincenzetti < d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com > wrote: David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Jan 10, 2015, at 4:58 PM, Giancarlo Russo < g.russo@hackingteam.com > wrote: Nooooo :) -- Giancarlo Russo COO Sent from my mobile. Da : David Vincenzetti Inviato : Saturday, January 10, 2015 04:54 PM A : Giancarlo Russo Oggetto : Re: quotazione per H.T. Negativo. Sei giovane e bello e solo fidanzato. Che ci fai di questo cassone? Coupe', e due porte! :-) David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 On Jan 10, 2015, at 4:14 PM, Giancarlo Russo < g.russo@hackingteam.com > wrote: Your thoughts? <20760081.pdf> --","label":0} {"text":"Alibaba Member Services Security Team Technical Services Alibaba (HK) Limited RE: Regarding Your Email Address on Alibaba Website. Dear, Please note that we have determined that your email address has not been verified. Therefore, your company will not be able receive and reply enquiries and business opportunities from prospective buyers and suppliers. You are required to verify your email address to solve this issue. Verify Now Wishing you the very best of business, Horatio Alibaba.com Sourcing Assistant","label":1} {"text":"Dear National City business client: The National City Corporate Customer Service requests you to complete the National City Business Online Client Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of National City. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the National City Business Online Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing National City for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email *****This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by National City Corporate Customer Service or technical support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":1} {"text":"Around 7:10am From: Kane, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 8:39 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video request: Trump on Fox and Friends Seems he was on earlier this morning, looking for a time","label":0} {"text":"On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Bill Stoddard wrote: --]Good points all but they don't apply in this case. Someone is speaking and --]a group of selfish bastards only interested in getting their rocks off are --]trying to shout him down (they are doing it because 'it's good for the --]soul'. Kind like Chuckie Manson doing the stuff he did cause 'it was good --]for his soul'). Unprincipled and evil. It's got nothing to do with throwing --]tea in the harbor or the DoI. History is written by the victors. If the rabble can put forth there ideas they will be tempered in the pages of yore as \"strong willed voices decrying the obvious injustices of the day\" Once again, look at the Chicago 7, a loud and rude a crowd of selfish pricks as you were want to find in the day. History of course colors them with times great blur filter. The jagged bits that , at the time, were called rude and obnoxious are now seen as a stab of justive doing in the sideof the ill pathed goverment.","label":0} {"text":"This message contains an HTML formatted message but your email client does not support the display of HTML.Please view this message in a different mail client or forward this email to a web-based mail system.","label":1} {"text":"PayPal You're Billing Information! Dear PayPal Member, It has come to our attention that your PayPal Billing Information records are out of date. That requires you to update the Billing Information. Failure to update your records will result in account termination. Please update your records within 24 hours. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Failure to update will result in cancellation of service, Terms of Service (TOS) violations or future billing problems. You must click the link below and enter your login information on the following page to confirm your Billing Information records. Click here to activate your account You can also confirm your Billing Information by logging into your PayPal account at Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Protect Your Account Info Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites. To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL ( to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email. For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at Protect Your Password You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.","label":1} {"text":"SS Probate Herring, Thank you, for your help on staff as always. Glad to hear your personal life has improved and is going well. Damn right we are going to give them hell in DC!!! Yes, Joanna and I were married on St. Patricks day. The Gods sent me a Valkyrie, perfect for me in every way. My ex always told me I would never find a woman that would put up with my attitude, bs, etc. I guess she was wrong (ha ha), Joanna has treated me like a King since the 1st day I met her. I think that every person has someone out there that is made just for them, like what girls say (Soulmates), and people just need to find that special person. I found mine, so I married her. Thanks again for the assistance, I am still doing Party work here at 2:00 am, and putting in at least another hour tonight. No rest for the wicked. 88 On 3\/22\/08, William Herring wrote: > > I saw on the Forum you and Joanna were married! Excellent! Good for you > Commander! She is beautiful and obviously interested in the Movement in a > serious way. Good news all around..... (By the way- hope I did not come > across as insubordinate in my e-mail about Matt Kennard. Connelly and I are > on top of the situation. I spoke with Mr. Kennard yesterday and he will be > coming to the rally.) > > I have been with the NSM exactly a year now and it has been the most > fulfulling year of my life. As for my dues, my financial situation has > changed 180 degrees. By June I will be sending in my $600 for a lifetime > membership in the NSM. I am now working 50-60 hours a week, and making > shitloads of money (excuse my French). Things are going great here and I now > I can concentrate on what is truly important- my duties to the NSM and to > our Race. > > Oh and by the way- the e-mails you forward to me are always very > interesting. That is- they include up to 12 different questions that force > me to think and come up with intelligent responses when I am dead tired and > ready to fall into bed. Thanks! HA! You know I'm just busting your balls > Sir... I appreciate the priveledge of helping this organization reach the > public in a meaningful way. > > Again, congrats to you and Joanna. Please give her my best. See you in DC > Sir! Lets give 'em hell! > > ------------------------------ > How well do you know your celebrity gossip? Talk celebrity smackdowns > here. > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Here's the new 6.11 and 6.12. Very few changes necessary. At 21:36 30\/06\/2006, Jonathan Overpeck wrote: Figure 6.11. 1. This one is in pretty good shape except that Ricardo has to determine if S. African boreholes need to be removed. It turned out that these could stay. All I've done is to add some white latitude\/longitude lines. Figure 6.12 1. again, please delete S. African borehole if Ricardo indicates it's still not published. Not necessary. 2. consider adding Law Dome temperature record - Ricardo is investigating, but perhaps Keith\/Tim can help figure out if it's valid to include. Feel free to check with Valerie on this too, as she seems to know these data at least a little We decided not to do this, but to discuss in the text instead. 3. also, please increase font sizes and make sure they match 6.10 - probably better to use bold fonts Fonts are bigger. Decided to standardise on non-bold fonts for all these plots. Cheers Tim","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 12:10pm Thurs 1\/30 Delete Doug Sheraton\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:09 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 01\/23\/14 07:16 PM, Vince McMahon, (Assistant) , IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 12:08 PM, Corii Berg, (Business) (310) 244-8300, returned IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:58 AM, Paula Askanas, (Mobile) (310) 880-4819, IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:48 AM, Ed Lammi, (Business) (310) 244-9333, Returning IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 11:17 AM, Janice Min, (Mobile) (323) 525-2145, Please call. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 10:40 AM, Keith Legoy, (Business) (310) 244-3977, Called as you requested...looking for time with you today. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 09:48 AM, Andrea Wong, (Business) 011 44 207 533 1227, Returning IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 09:19 AM, Mark Gordon, (Business) (310) 943-6404, Please call. IN CALLS, 01\/30\/14 08:58 AM, Bruce Rosenblum, (Business) (818) 688-7625, Would like to come in to discuss TV Academy Stuff. IN CALLS, 01\/29\/14 05:30 PM, Sheraton Kalouria, (Business) (310) 244-9191, returning IN CALLS, 01\/29\/14 04:54 PM, Doug Belgrad, (Business) (310) 244-8406, pls call IN CALLS, 01\/22\/14 02:54 PM, Charlie Mechem, (Mobile) (513) 60","label":0} {"text":"Ben, Tom was here yesterday. He said you were going to the CCSP meeting for a day in Chicago, then flying on to the UK for the HC meeting May 18-19 (and 17th evening). Do you still want to come on up to Norwich afterwards? Glad to hear from Tom you've been writing up your CCSP chapter and extending it significantly. He gave me a brief summary. I signed off yesterday on the CCSP report. You should be getting it through Tom Karl later today, or by Monday. As I did Ch 5, if you want to check anything with me feel free to. I wasn't able to stop some comments being put in by Lindzen, but Tom has a paper as does Myles which are enough to ignore his and the Douglass papers. Cheers Phil Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Dear PNC Bank corporate\/business online client: The PNC Customer Service requests you to complete the PNC PinacleWeb Online Confirmation Form. This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of PNC Bank. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the PNC PinacleWeb Online Confirmation Form. Again, thank you for choosing PNC Bank for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. Please do not respond to this email. This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by PNC Customer Service or technical support. . revision:","label":1} {"text":"Thanks Kevin, Those are helpful--Tom C. has returned from travels and will be providing comments shortly. Will incorporate those and any others I receive into a revised version, which I hope to send out (w\/ Figure 1 included) tonight or tomorrow, mike p.s. Tom W is taking the lead on preparing a companion, more targeted commentary, to be submitted to \"Climate Research\". Any one else interested should contact Tom... At 05:16 PM 6\/6\/2003 -0600, Kevin Trenberth wrote: Good job. I am attaching marked up copy with few suggestions. Kevin Michael E. Mann wrote: Dear all, Here is my best attempt to incorporate everyone's suggestions, views, etc. One major change you'll notice is that the final item (the one on co2 increase and recent warming) was eliminated, because it seemed to open a can of warms, and also distract from the central message. Note that, with the number of references we have, we are currently just about at the word limit for the piece. We shouldn't go over 1400 words, which puts some tight constraint on any additions, etc. I hope to forward a draft of Figure 1 later on this afternoon. I'm assuming that Phil can take care of Figure 2 (Phil?--Scott has graciously indicated his willingness to help if necessary), but its pretty clear what this figure will show, so I don't thinks its that essential that we have that figure done to try to finalize the draft. I'll attempt one final(?) revision of the text based on any remaining comments you may have--please try, if possible, to keep the suggested changes minimal at this point. I'll assume that anyone we haven't yet heard back from in the author list over the next day or so is unable to be a co-author, and will respectfully drop them from the author list any related future emailings. Thanks all for your help. Its rare to have every single co-author make substantial contributions to improving the draft, and that was clearly the case here... mike ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: [1]mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [2] -- **************** Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [3]trenbert@ucar.edu Climate Analysis Section, NCAR [4]www.cgd.ucar.edu\/cas\/ P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax) Street address: 3080 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301 ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [5] References 1. mailto:mann@virginia.edu%A0 2. 3. mailto:trenbert@ucar.edu 4. 5.","label":0} {"text":"Hi David, You can quote me with this: Because the Party's platform is a statement of our values, the DNC is committed to an open, inclusive and representative process. Both of our campaigns will be represented on the Drafting committee, and just as we did in 2008 and 2012, the public will have opportunities to participate. FOR BACKGROUND The rules governing our process for appointments to convention standing committees were established in 2014 long before any candidates declared and follow the same process that have governed these appointments for many cycles. The co-chairs of all of the committees and the At-Large members were elected by the DNC Executive Committee members in January 2016. That meeting was open to the public and all of the campaigns were participants in that process. The overwhelming remainder (87%) of the Standing Committee membership is elected by each state's National Convention Delegates after being nominating by the presidential campaigns, proportional to each campaign's percentage of the state wide vote. The Platform drafting committee is a subcommittee of the larger platform committee. Those members have not yet been named but the appointments will be made in consultation with both campaigns, as has been the case in past cycles. Both campaigns are fully aware of our process.","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Boals, Adrial Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 10:03 AM To: Rodriguez, Bernice; Arnold, Thu Pham; Muniz, Margaret; Nicholie, Suzanne Subject: Org. chart","label":0} {"text":"AUTHORIZATIONS\/CLEARING AND SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT. s Dear respected customer of Washington Mutual Bank, Our Authorizations Department recorded a payment request from Paypal.com to enable the charge of $900.23 on your account. The status of your payment is \\\"Pending\\\". Please ignore this message if you authorize this transaction. If you don\\'t authorize this payment please click the link below to cancel it. s PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND DIRECTLY TO THIS E-MAIL. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your account and choose the \\\"Help\\\" link in the header of any page. s Terms of Use | Your Privacy & Security sCopyright 2004, Washington Mutual, Inc. All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"\" MIME-Version: 1.0 Return-Path: KaplanJ@dnc.org Look who finally chimes in. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org On May 20, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Vaughn, Jordan > wrote: #werk Jordan C. Vaughn National AALC Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5089 (o) | (407) 797-2215 (c) VaughnJ@dnc.org On May 20, 2016, at 11:59 AM, Marshall, Maxwell > wrote: Amazing Max Marshall Southern Finance Director Democratic National Committee On May 20, 2016, at 12:49 PM, Claire Olszewski > wrote: There she is! Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 12:46 PM, Cox, Clayton > wrote: Bang bang! Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2016, at 11:45 AM, Contribution > wrote: CONTRIBUTION DATA ----------------- Page: NY436a - DLC Allred Dinner Type: One-time Number of Tickets: 2 Ticket Amount: $5,000.00 Ticket Info: 2 x Co-Host Tickets. Additional Contribution Amount: 0 Total Amount: $5,000.00 First Name: Jan Last Name: Warner Address: 222 E 71st. St. 6B New York, NY 10021 Phone: 9178535184 Email: eyeseepic@aol.com Employer: None Employer Address: , Occupation: writer Payment Type: American Express Account #: 2009 Transaction #: 15760563 User Id #: Contribution Key: IICHAZVT68jC1uMbaB CUSTOM FIELD DATA ------------------------------ (Section header: \"Additional Information\") Fundraiser code (optional): Who encouraged you to make this contribution?: Support for Hillary, meeting Gloria Allred Guest name(s), if contributing for multiple tickets: Donna Zucchi GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Submit Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 12:44:18 -0400 Status: Under Review Client IP Address: Client Browser: Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit\/601.3.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/9.0.2 Safari\/537.86.3","label":0} {"text":"Ok. I'll be on Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Bonosky, Garret\" Date: 05\/22\/2016 15:46 (GMT-05:00) To: Leah Daughtry , April Mellody , Hilary Rosen , Patrice Taylor , \"Miranda, Luis\" , Tracie Pough Cc: Sarah Guy , Philippa Martinez-Berrier , \"Guerra, Liana\" , \"Wilson, Lenna\" , \"Palermo, Rachel\" , Anna Stolitzka , Kate Houghton Subject: Call w\/ chairwoman Wasserman schultz - tonight @ 9:00pm EST Is everyone available to up on a conference call tonight at 9:00pm EST? Toll-free dial-in number (U.S. and Canada): (866) 810-8093 International dial-in number: (832) 445-3008 Conference code: 3507508828 Leader PIN: 3610 Garret Bonosky Deputy Director Office of the Chair Democratic National Committee","label":0} {"text":"Dear Paypal member, You are required to upgrade your PayPal Account by subscribing to our New Security Center. From: Customer Service Date: 07\/27\/2010 Subject: Official service renewal notification. In order to read the message click here to login at www.paypal.com and access your upgrade section. Copyright \u00a9 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority as an electronic money institution. PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056","label":1} {"text":"SL: New poll confirms Democrats united and energized for 2016 Body: A new CBS\/NYT poll shows that Democrats are more united today than in May of 2008, the latest indication that the party is united and energized heading into the 2016 election. The poll showed over 70 percent of both Senator Sanders' supporters and Secretary Clinton's supporters would vote for the other Democratic candidate in a general election. In May of 2008, polling found only 60 percent of Clinton supporters said they would vote for then-Senator Obama, who was later elected in a landslide victory. Furthermore, 80 percent of Democrats are \"mostly hopeful\" about the future of the Democratic Party. By contrast, Republicans are split 55 percent to 43 percent between \"mostly hopeful\" and \"mostly discouraged\" about the future of the Republican Party. Sad! This echoes what we've seen in exit poll after exit poll after exit poll: Indiana : Three-quarters of Democrats in the state say they've been energized by the nomination contest between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. But nearly 6 in 10 Republicans say they think their party has been divided by the battle being fought by billionaire Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut : Democratic voters, unlike Republicans, said the primary season had energized their party. Two-thirds or more of Democrats who cast ballots in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut said their party was more energized, while less than one-third said it was divided, exit polls showed. New York : Almost 6 in 10 New York Republican voters say their party has been divided by the nomination process, while only 3 in 10 Democratic voters say the same about their party's primaries. Less than 4 in 10 GOP voters say they've been energized, exit polls show, compared with two-thirds of Democratic voters who say that about their side. It's clear that heading into the 2016 elections, Democrats are united and energized, while Republicans are disillusioned and discouraged. Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days. Please review. Owner: Justin K Rostant Report Name: Rostant 112001 Days In Mgr. Queue: 6","label":0} {"text":"On 2\/7\/08, Daniel wrote: > > Fair enough it did sound kind of skecthy to me, I didn't notice that they > put your details on the net, that's a bit wrong. How much does it cost to > join? Both my grandparents served (both sides of my family) in the german > and latvian armies in ww 2. my granddad on my fathers side was an > Sturmbannf\u00fchrer (Major) > in the Einsatzgruppen and on > my mather's side my grandfather was one of the Latvian Rear Guard that > defended against the russians for four days without supplies. So I'm pretty > sure my aryan purity is not compromised lol anywho it would be grand to get > The NSM out here > *From:* >","label":0} {"text":"Any luck with the Cinco de Mayo List? Thanks - Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, CDale wrote: > It also depends on what the fad is or what is in style. (: DNA's idea of fads is on the 100 kiloyear scale, unfortunately. As long as current fads don't involve in-vivo rewrite of the genome, homeoboxes including (now there's a problem for you, homeoboxing the adult), they're not all that smart an idear. > Actualy our silly antiquated ideas about relationships and love have > resulted in the bleedings of many upon many a page (and musical > instrumnet, and canvas) What's the problem if we dash a little Mrs. Art is sure nice. However, if art is our first priority we're kinda fux0red, if we've set our sight on a sustainable culture. > Dash on them? (: Or cayenne. Or ginger. (mm ask me about ginger > root play). > > And let me tell you this: just because a child happens to be > single-parented (what a word), does not mean that child is > dysfunctional or lives in a dysfunctional home. The govt\/media\/church Our firmware is not built to be single-parented. You can counteract that somewhat by exposing the kid to a community of close friends, but not too many do that. > has tried to make it look like there is a disintegration, when in > fact, there is a coming together of other family members and friends > to raise children. It's not decaying -- it's changing. Nothing wrong > with change. I don't know what exactly is wrong, but something is definitely wrong. This is way too important to be left to just our intuition of what is right and what is wrong. > > At least from the viewpoint of demographics sustainability and > > counterpressure to gerontocracy and resulting innovatiophobia we're doing > > something wrong. > > > > Maybe we should really go dirty Tleilaxu all the way. > > > > Maybe y'all should buy m-w some more bandwidth. m-w?","label":0} {"text":"RE: GLobal Legal e-commerce matters ok From: Fukunaga, John Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 11:24 AM To: Weil, Leah Subject: FW: GLobal Legal e-commerce matters Since she said that it's intended to give us the benefit of their knowledge, think I'll suggest Megan and Audrey. If she wants people from Europe, I'll suggest Jacqui as well. From: Liu, Jennifer Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 7:08 PM To: Fukunaga, John Subject: GLobal Legal e-commerce matters Hi, John, Great seeing you last week in New York; I'm sad I couldn't\/wasn't able to spend more time with the group this year. Looking forward to next year, I figure I should probably pull together the group of in-house counsel who are involved in\/impacted by e-commerce issues and agree as a team on what activities\/documents\/research add best value to our working lives. Could I trouble you for the folks in your department who support those SPE businesses that present e-commerce-related legal issues (Crackle, and \u2026?) I've sent Leah the same inquiry; wasn't sure which of you I should touch base with. Separately, it'd be great to catch up with you in LA sometime. The week of E3 is often a complete zoo, but if you were planning to head down to the show floor at any point, I'll be flying down Monday for our press conference and then flying back Friday morning. If that week's bad, I do get down to LA usually about once a month. Best, Jennifer","label":0} {"text":"Elevations Credit Union is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive bank account features will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Why is my account access limited? Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s): Jul 13, 2006: We would like to ensure that your account was not accessed by an unauthorized third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive Elevations Credit Union account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection. (Your case ID for this reason is NSRA04-410-321-4364.) protect you. At Elevations Credit Union , one of our most important responsibilities to you, our customer, is the safekeeping of the nonpublic personal (\"confidential\") information you have entrusted to us and using this information in a responsible manner. Appropriate use of the confidential information you provide us is also at the heart of our ability to provide you with exceptional personal service whenever you contact us. Please confirm your identity here: Completing all of the checklist items will automatically restore your account access. Copyright \u00a92005 U of C Federal Credit Union\/Member NCUA. All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"ATTENTION: This is a MUST for ALL Computer Users!!! *NEW-Special Package Deal!* Norton SystemWorks 2002 Software Suite -Professional Edition- Includes Six - Yes 6! - Feature-Packed Utilities ALL For 1 Special LOW Price! This Software Will: - Protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses - Help secure your private & valuable information - Allow you to transfer files and send e-mails safely - Backup your ALL your data quick and easily - Improve your PC's performance w\/superior integral diagnostics! 6 Feature-Packed Utilities...1 Great Price! A $300+ Combined Retail Value! YOURS for Only $29.99! Don't fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers! Protect your computer and your valuable information! So don't delay...get your copy TODAY! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This email has been screened and filtered by our in house \"\"OPT-OUT\"\" system in compliance with state laws. 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(copy and paste this url into your web browser) The unsubscribe and cease future mailings from this advertiser, please write to 3549 N0rth University Pr0v0, Utah 846O4 If you no 1onger want to be notified 0f future 0ffers from Bargains - Dai1y p1ease copy and paste this ur1 into your web browser: news-bulletin-online.com 127 Washington ave, Garden Level, North Haven, CT 06473 (2O3) 234 O2 92 support @ news-bulletin-online.com Please note: this is an outbound e-mail only and we will be unable to respond to your reply. 2004-2005 news-bulletin-online.com. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Dem Rapid Response, unlisted: From: Walker, Eric Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 6:38 PM To: Corinne Matti Cc: Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump on Baier says he knows russia well because he held a beauty pageant there Trump and Palin's Foreign Policy \"Experience\" on Russia From: Corinne Matti Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 6:37 PM To: Walker, Eric Cc: Comm_D Subject: Re: Video Request: Trump on Baier says he knows russia well because he held a beauty pageant there We will put on rapid youtube do you have a title? On May 5, 2016, at 6:24 PM, Walker, Eric > wrote: Can we get a quick and dirty cut (no graphics or anything) with that response and then Palin's interview from 08 where she said she could see Russia from land in Alaska? Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"From: Mark Longabaugh Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 10:21 AM To: HoughtonK@dnc.org Cc: Dacey, Amy; Patrice Taylor; Leah Daughtry Subject: Letter from Senator Sanders Katie, Attached is a letter from Senator Bernie Sanders to Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz. Would you please bring it to her attention. Thank you. Mark Mark Longabaugh Devine Mulvey Longabaugh 202-337-9600 mark@dmlmessage.com","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Perry, Warren Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:26 AM To: Green, Tracey Subject: FW: Married Man Left Work Morning Tracey! Somebody sent this to me, and I thought it was so funny! -----Original Message----- From: Blackshear, Regina Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 9:48 AM To: Ebow, Amber; lanetia yarbrough (E-mail); Latonya Carter (E-mail); loneta edison (E-mail); rhonda jordan (E-mail); rosalind hicks (E-mail); rosemary reynolds (E-mail); val blackshear (E-mail); Yvonne Acosta (E-mail); Perry, Warren; Puckett, Eve; Barnett, Angela; Hernandez, Judy; Di Giacomo, Angela; Broussard, Tharsilla; Smith, George D.; Tending, Leslie Subject: FW: Married Man Left Work Subject: a married man left work A married man left work early on Friday afternoon. in stead of going home, however, he squandered the weekend and his paycheck partying with the boys. When he finally returned home on Sunday night, he ran into a furious wife. After a couple of hours of nagging and berating, his wife asked, how would you like it if you didn't see me for a couple days?!!!! \"That would suit me just fine!!!\" So Monday went by, and the man didn't see his wife. Tuesday and Wednesday came and went with the same result. Come Thursday, the swelling went down a bit and he could see her a little, just out of the corner of his left eye....","label":0} {"text":"Alessandra Mino Administrative Support Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.mino@hackingteam.com mobile : +39 3346398065 phone: +39 0229060603 --","label":0} {"text":"IT Group will be by at 2:30pm on Friday to start taking apart PCs for the move. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Alex -----Original Message----- From: Muschar, Daniel Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:47 AM To: Villarreal, Alexandra Subject: RE: Start time of ECS Migration Please send an email to your users to let them know that people will be coming at that time. Thanks for all of the help. Daniel -----Original Message----- From: Villarreal, Alexandra Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:25 AM To: Muschar, Daniel Subject: RE: Start time of ECS Migration the central trading desk will be ready to move at 2:30 pm -----Original Message----- From: Muschar, Daniel Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:59 PM To: Brooks, Loretta; Clyatt, Julie; Coleman, Venita; Jackson, Brandee; Jones, Melissa; Moore, Kevin G.; Romero, Araceli; Saldana, Alex; Schoppe, Tammie; Showers, Digna; Solis, Melissa; Tijerina, Shirley; Velasco, Xochitl-Alexis; Villarreal, Alexandra; Vuittonet, Laura; Young, Becky Subject: Start time of ECS Migration Good day all: I am working to coordinate the weekend. If you could tell me the time that we can start taking apart PC's and move. You will need to speak with your managers and find the times that this will be possible. The earlier the better, but we need to know a time. You will need to notify everyone of when it will start so they can leave, if a few have to stay we can work around them, but if anyone needs to be here extremely late we will need to know. Currently we have people starting from 2:30 to 6PM. Let me know and thank you for all of the help. Daniel A. Muschar ECS Project Team Lead Office: 713-853-4344 Cell: 281-541-6203 daniel.muschar@enron.com CCNA, MCSE, CNA, A+","label":0} {"text":"Social Analytics - Beyond Social Listening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRODUCTS [ | SERVICES [ | SOLUTIONS [ | INDUSTRIES [ | ABOUT [ | EVENTS [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watson Analytics Using Twitter & Weather Data to Improve Marketing Campaigns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Webinar: Watson Analytics Using Twitter & Weather Data to Improve Marketing Campaigns Thursday, May 26th 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. ET REGISTER NOW [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Do you want valuable insights from trending topics in social media as they relate to your products and offers? * What if you could use the weather forecast as input into personalized product offerings and marketing campaigns? If you answered \"YES\" to either question, then you need to attend this new webinar and see how LPA is using IBM analytics to move beyond social listening to drive actionable insights that yield tangible business results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will discuss topics and show techniques related to: * Using weather data to determine how temperature and precipitation impact your sales * Analyzing competitive social media to determine the most responsive product and marketing offers * Analyzing social media to understand customer sentiment and target specific product offers to customers You'll see IBM Watson Analytics in action performing predictive analysis and visual storytelling, providing you with the ability to identify and explain hidden patterns and relationships in your data, including Twitter and Weather, accelerating the understanding of why things happen and what's likely to happen in the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Register [ for this webinar today! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 400 Linden Oaks | Suite 140 | Rochester, NY 14625 (866) 783-9900 Sales:sales@lpa.com Marketing:marketing@lpa.com Careers:careers@lpa.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAY CONNECTED: Like us on Facebook [ Follow us on Twitter [ View our profile on LinkedIn [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forward this email This email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by lpaevents@lpa.com. Update Profile\/Email Address Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe(TM) Privacy Policy: Online Marketing by Constant Contact(R) www.constantcontact.com LPA Software Solutions | 400 Linden Oaks, Suite 140 | Rochester | NY | 14625","label":0} {"text":"Dear Chase valued customer, We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in your Chase account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to believe that your account was hijacked by a third party without your authorization. If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the log in attempts may have initiated by you. However if you are the rightful holder of the account, click on the link below and submit, as we try to verify your account. The log in attempt was made from: IP address: ISP host: If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporally suspend your account. We ask that you allow at least 48hrs for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend not making any changes to your account in that time. * Please do not respond to this email as your reply will not be received. Thank you for your patience as we work together to protect your account. Copyright \u00a9 1999-2007 \u00a9 JPMorgan Chase . All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Secure Message Centre Secure Message Centre Read Message From : Standard Bank Subject : Online Banking Fraud Alert Date : 27th August, 2010 This message is from Standard Bank informing you of a series of invalid login attempts into your account. Due to this we will temporarily limit and restrict access to your account until we confirm your identity. In order for your online account to remain active, you would have to upgrade your online account's security profile. Please use the button below to update your online banking account. Failure to adhere to this warning will cause your online banking account to be suspended within 24hrs. Please go to www.standardbank.co.za or login below to update your Online Banking details. NB: Please do not reply to this email directly. To ensure a prompt and secure response, SIGN ON to contact us. Privacy and Security Department Copyright (c) 2010","label":1} {"text":"Microsoft System Administration is currently working to improve on the security of all our Microsoft Outlook Web Access Users as we periodically review certain Accounts which are vulnerable to Unauthorised Access. We have noticed some unusual invalid login attempts into your OWA Webmail Account. Therefore your account has been limited and may experience inability to send and receive new mail. To remove this limitation and initiate your Account Update process, please click on the link below to complete the form. Click on the link above (or copy and paste the URL address into your web browser). Thank you for co-operation Webmail Management Team","label":1} {"text":"Your mailbox is almost full. Your Web-mail Quota Has Exceeded The Set Quota\/Limit Which Is 20GB. You Are Currently Running On 23GB Due To Hidden Files And Folder On Your Mailbox. Please Click Below To Validate Your Mailbox And Increase Your Quota. Failure To Validate Your Quota May Result In Loss Of Important Information And Documents In Your Mailbox\/Or Cause Limited Access To It. Thank you for your cooperation. Web Mail Technical Services | \u00a92015 Microsoft | All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"DONALD J. TRUMP RELEASES LIST OF POTENTIAL UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICES (New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership. Mr. Trump stated, \"Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant Supreme Court Justice. His career was defined by his reverence for the Constitution and his legacy of protecting Americans' most cherished freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution of our country. The following list of potential Supreme Court justices is representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United States Supreme Court Justices.\" Steven Colloton Steven Colloton of Iowa is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, a position he has held since President George W. Bush appointed him in 2003. Judge Colloton has a r\u00e9sum\u00e9 that also includes distinguished service as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, a Special Assistant to the Attorney General in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, and a lecturer of law at the University of Iowa. He received his law degree from Yale, and he clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Judge Colloton is an Iowa native. Allison Eid Allison Eid of Colorado is an associate justice of the Colorado Supreme Court. Colorado Governor Bill Owens appointed her to the seat in 2006; she was later retained for a full term by the voters (with 75% of voters favoring retention). Prior to her judicial service, Justice Eid served as Colorado's solicitor general and as a law professor at the University of Colorado. Justice Eid attended the University of Chicago Law School, and she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas. Raymond Gruender Raymond Gruender of Missouri has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit since his 2004 appointment by President George W. Bush. Judge Gruender, who sits in St. Louis, Missouri, has extensive prosecutorial experience, culminating with his time as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri. Judge Gruender received a law degree and an M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis. Thomas Hardiman Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 2007. Prior to serving as a circuit judge, he served as a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania since 2003. Before his judicial service, Judge Hardiman worked in private practice in Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh. Judge Hardiman was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Notre Dame. Raymond Kethledge Raymond Kethledge of Michigan has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit since 2008. Before his judicial service, Judge Kethledge served as judiciary counsel to Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham, worked as a partner in two law firms, and worked as an in-house counsel for the Ford Motor Company. Judge Kethledge obtained his law degree from the University of Michigan and clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy. Joan Larsen Joan Larsen of Michigan is an Associate Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Larsen was a professor at the University of Michigan School of Law from 1998 until her appointment to the bench. In 2002, she temporarily left academia to work as an Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel. Justice Larsen received her law degree from Northwestern and clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia. Thomas Lee Thomas Lee of Utah has been an Associate Justice of the Utah Supreme Court since 2010. Beginning in 1997, he served on the faculty of Brigham Young University Law School, where he still teaches in an adjunct capacity. Justice Lee was Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department's Civil Division from 2004 to 2005. Justice Lee attended the University of Chicago Law School, and he clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Lee is also the son of former U.S. Solicitor General Rex Lee and the brother of current U.S. Senator Mike Lee. William Pryor William H. Pryor, Jr. of Alabama is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. He has served on the court since 2004. Judge Pryor became the Alabama Attorney General in 1997 upon Jeff Sessions's election to the U.S. Senate. Judge Pryor was then elected in his own right in 1998 and reelected in 2002. In 2013, Judge Pryor was confirmed to a term on the United States Sentencing Commission. Judge Pryor received his law degree from Tulane, and he clerked for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. David Stras David Stras of Minnesota has been an Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court since 2010. After his initial appointment, he was elected to a six-year term in 2012. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Stras worked as a legal academic at the University of Minnesota Law School. In his time there, he wrote extensively about the function and structure of the judiciary. Justice Stras received his law degree and an M.B.A. from the University of Kansas. He clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas. Diane Sykes Diane Sykes of Wisconsin has served as a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit since 2004. Prior to her federal appointment, Judge Sykes had been a Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court since 1999 and a Wisconsin trial court judge of both civil and criminal matters before that. Judge Sykes received her law degree from Marquette. Don Willett Don Willett of Texas has been a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court since 2005. He was initially appointed by Governor Rick Perry and has been reelected by the voters twice. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Willett worked as a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, as an advisor in George W. Bush's gubernatorial and presidential administrations, as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy, and as a Deputy Attorney General under then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Justice Willett received his law degree and a master's degree from Duke. Lauren Hendricks","label":0} {"text":"UPDATE ON GRAEME WHITE We are pleased to be able to give you a progress report on the condition of Graeme White who was injured in Wednesday's explosion at Teesside Power Station. Graeme has now been moved from the Intensive Care Unit at Middlesbrough General Hospital to Ward 46 - a specialised skincare unit - where he is receiving treatment for burns. He has been able to open his eyes now and is taking food. His condition is still described as \"stable\". Please don't send flowers, but cards and messages for Graeme will be welcome. They should be sent to the address below or c\/o Julie Webster at Enron's Stockton office who will ensure they are promptly delivered. Graeme was visited last night by Jeff Skilling and Brian Stanley and they also met members of his family. Other colleagues planning a visit should contact Julie Webster (+44 1642 623004) or Graham Moore (+44 1642 442133) who are coordinating the program. Address for cards and messages: Graeme White Ward 46 Middlesbrough General Hospital Ayresome Green Lane Middlesbrough TS5 5AZ UK Julie Webster Enron Power Operations Ltd., Merchants Wharf Westpoint Road Stockton on Tees Cleveland TS17 6BF UK With thanks, Steve Roy","label":0} {"text":"Monika, I thought that was a great writeup. I don't know if I've every mentioned it, but you write very well. I took the liberty of changing a few things, and I think you'll be able to see the changes I made. Nothing substantial. I suggest you look over what I've done, and if you agree with the changes, send it out to your team, and cc: our team. Thanks, Dave -----Original Message----- From: Causholli, Monika Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:05 AM To: Allan, David Subject: RISI report of the conference Dave, Here is the report on RISI conference. thanks, Monika >","label":0} {"text":"Avoid Service Interruption! Dear Customer, Please activate your Account information as soon as possible in order to Avoid any Interruption to your online services. Please Click on your mail below to download the attached file and fill out all the requested information to complete the verification process to prevent your account from being blocked. Thank you for helping us to protect you. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Chase , N.A., Customer Service Center. \u00a92016 Chase Bank, Member FDIC","label":1} {"text":"eBay ==> ========================= BEST BUYS UNDER $10 ========================= CDs ==> DVDs ==> Video Games ==> Logo Tees ==> Rings ==> Posters ==> Neon Signs ==> Jerseys ==> Fabrics ==> TOP 10 BRANDS -------------- 1. IKEA ==> 2. Victoria's Secret ==> 3. DEWALT ==> 4. Longaberger ==> 5. Abercrombie ==> 6. LEGO ==> 7. Clinique ==> 8. Bratz ==> 8. Pampered Chef ==> 10. Star Wars ==> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Finished It? Sell It! Turn your books, movies, music & video games into cash on eBay's Express Zone. Sell now! ==> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FREE Sirius Satellite Radio! ==> Buy and Finance on eBay Motors and It's Yours! Purchase an eligible car, truck or motorcycle between 2\/21 and 3\/31 and drive away to whatever moves you! View Vehicles ==> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Go to eBay ==> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn More to protect yourself from Spoof (fake) e-mails. Go to ==> eBay sent this e-mail to you because your Notification Preferences indicate that you want to receive information about Special Events & Promotions. eBay will not request personal data (password, credit card\/bank numbers) in an e-mail. You are subscribed as , registered on eBay. 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Email Administrator Warning Code :ID67565434.","label":1} {"text":"Re: you a member of Riviera? Weiser is Sent on the run > On Jun 4, 2014, at 9:33 AM, \"Mosko, John\" wrote: > > > > > Unless notified to the contrary by the sender, the recipient should > consider the contents of this message including any attachments to > be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient and have > received this message in error, please contact Federated Investors > immediately by forwarding this email to notify@federatedinv.com and > then delete this message from your system. Saving, copying or > disseminating an inadvertently received email could violate state > and Federal privacy laws. All emails received by or sent from > Federated may be provided to regulators or law enforcement > agencies, or used for other purposes consistent with Federated's > business interests. Thank you for your cooperation. >","label":0} {"text":"From: Preston Maddock Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:42 AM To: Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: 'Trump's GOP Takeover' Has Toomey Twisted As Trump Becomes Presumptive GOP Nominee, Toomey Campaign Goes Silent; Reality Sets In: Toomey's Standing Behind Sexist, Xenophobic, and Hateful Presidential Candidate SHOT: [ Philadelphia Inquirer : \"Toomey's campaign did not respond to questions Wednesday about whether the senator would support Trump.\" Allentown Morning Call : \"U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa.: Campaign staffers did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday.\" The Express-Times : \"Toomey did not immediately respond Wednesday to a phone message to his campaign to confirm how he'd vote in the general election.\" WFMZ : \"As of late Wednesday afternoon, 69 News was still waiting to hear back from Toomey.\" CHASER: WATCH : Pat Toomey: \"Yeah, I intend to support the eventual nominee of our party.\" [ Paid for by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. www.padems.com This email was sent to: WeiS@dnc.org If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party emails.","label":0} {"text":"Your email account LOGIN Was today by Unknown IP address 232.22.88 233, cli= ck on the link below Administrator to validate your email account or your a= ccount will be temporary block for sending more messages. Click Link To Validate Your Account Sincerely, IT Department --_000_75bc45e586ad443fac06225a370202dcblcciexch05adsiuedu_ Content-Type: text\/html; charset=\"us-ascii\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Lazzara, Kayla Marie Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 10:51 AM Subject: Helpdesk Information Your email account LOGIN Was today by Unknown IP add= ress 232.22.88 233, click on the link below Administrator to validate your = email account or your account will be temporary block for sending more mess= ages. Click Link To Validate Your Account Sincerely, IT Department --_000_75bc45e586ad443fac06225a370202dcblcciexch05adsiuedu_--","label":1} {"text":"The Hollywood Reporter - Daily Edition PDF If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view it in a browser. CLICK HERE FOR TODAY'S EDITION Dumb and Dumber To Aces B.O. Test With $38.1 Million Bow Opening 20 years after original, sequel notches surprisingly strong debut weekend Hasbro, DreamWorks Animation End Merger Discussions Shares of toymaker dipped dramatically last week after news of negotiations broke Warner Bros. Prevails Over Weinsteins in Hobbit Profit Fight Studio scores arbitration win over brothers in dispute over money from film sequels Lisa Berger Exits as ABC Head of Alternative Programming Former E! chief leaves reality post at broadcast network after brief 13-month tenure Glen A. Larson, Creator of Magnum, P.I., Quincy M.E., Dies Writer-producer was also behind Battlestar Galactica, Fall Guy, many other series RECOMMENDED FOR YOU Box Office: 'Dumb and Dumber To' Laughs Past 'Big Hero 6' With $38.1M - Hollywood Reporter Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniel's Dumb and Dumber To laughed its way to an estimated $38.1 million debut at the North American box office, enough to edge ou... | Read More Global Box Office: 'Interstellar' Rockets Past $300M Worldwide - Hollywood Reporter Christopher Nolan's Interstellar has rocketed past $300 million at the worldwide box office after its first two weekends. Through Sunday, the movie... | Read More You are currently subscribed to The Hollywood Reporter Daily Edition PDF newsletter as amy_pascal@spe.sony.com Unsubscribe | Newsletter Preferences | Forward To A Friend | Follow us on Twitter or Facebook \u00a92014 The Hollywood Reporter. 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036 All rights reserved. | Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy","label":0} {"text":"so can you give me a number where I can reach you - after your meeting . I am in and out trying to do various things , but wish to discuss \"next steps\" . Did you get my email last evening? Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [1] References 1.","label":0} {"text":"Outgoing call to +1 (202) 738-0059 (Other) Duration: 09 Seconds +1 (202) 738-0059 Other: +1 (202) 738-0059 Microsoft Lync","label":0} {"text":"Comrades, The homosexuals and their anti-racist (ARA) allies intend to come out in force against the NSM on June 7th. Any NSM members, supporters, or Comrades from other Pro-White groups are welcome to join with us in protesting these degenerates. Join with us as we send the message \"Not in our town\"! Contact NSM Wisconsin if you intend to stand with us in Milwaukee. If you are White and Straight, and do not want these perverts around America's Youth, then come and do your part in publically denouncing them on June 7th. Report from anti-White Pro-gay website below. Below that you will see an announcement from NSM WI. Commander Schoep\/ NSM ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: NSM WI Southeast Unit Date: May 17, 2008 12:05 AM Subject: ARA in force for Milwaukee event Bash Back! Update: Nazis to Protest Pridefest Milwaukee Friday, May 16 2008 @ 05:18 PM CDT Contributed by: Anonymous Views: 34 [image: Queer] The National Socialist Movement (NSM), A racist neo-nazi organization, has announced its intentions to protest Milwaukee's Pridefest the morning of Saturday June 7th. Coincidentally, Bash Back! Milwaukee had put out a call for radical transfolk and queers to come to Milwaukee the very same weekend. The National Socialist Movement (NSM), A racist neo-nazi organization, has announced its intentions to protest Milwaukee's Pridefest the morning of Saturday June 7th. Coincidentally, Bash Back! Milwaukee had put out a call for radical transfolk and queers to come to Milwaukee the very same weekend. Thus, Bash Back! Milwaukee and Milwaukee Anti-Racist Action are calling for all radical trannies, queers and allies to go all out against the Nazis the weekend of June 6th - 8th. Following our previous call-out, Bash Back! will still be hosting an RNC strategy session the night of Friday the 6th. Plans are also still in the works for guerrilla workshops and anti-capitalist\/anti-assimilationist actions all throughout pride weekend. Sunday the 8th a Radical Trans\/Queer contingent will join the Pride Parade. The difference is that now our plans for the weekend will have the added fun of fucking with the American Nazi Party. We can use all the help we can get for the weekend. We would love canned food, pink and black flags, banners, rotten vegetables, sex toys, drums, more canned food, and anything else you can bring. If you are planning to stay the weekend in Milwaukee, Bash Back! MKE will arrange places for ya'll to stay and some stuff for ya'll to eat. Those planning to attend the RNC strategy session should arrive at the Cream City Collectives (732 e. Clarke) between the hours of 3 and 7 on Friday the 6th. And anyone planning to take part in the weekend's fun should email BashBackMKE@gmail.com to let us know you're coming. in love and rage, Bash Back! Milwaukee 14\/88 NSM WI Events Coordinator\/ Unit Contact\/ Web Staff NSM WI Southeast Unit 10240 W. National Avenue PMB #113 Milwaukee, WI 53227-2029 #414-324-1479 nsmwisoutheastunit@wi.rr.com www.nsm88wi.com www.nsm88.org www.newsaxon.org Milwaukee Summerfest This is the first official announcement for the June event sponsored by the NSM WI Southeast Unit and will be forwarded to the forums shortly. Milwaukee Summerfest grounds have hosted every year \"Pride Fest\" as their first event to kickoff the summer festival season. Last year this \"festival\" was said to be the second largest in the country and they hope to have the largest turnout in 2008. You can see their disgusting website at www.pridefest.com. We will be on the frontlines with members of the community to say \"Not In Our Town\". A popular slogan used by antifa's when the NSM rallied here last. I find it fitting as we are not alone in this. We may not be supported by the religious and concerned citizens that will also be protesting this filth, but will not be alone with our message. We will be leafleting the attached flyer to promote our event, in turn expecting the antifa to be in full force against us. Just the way we like it! We will attempt to reach the general public in letting them know we are not supportive of this message and promotion of homosexuality in our community. Please forward this to all in your address book that may be interested in coming out to support our message. Camping and a BBQ after will be available to those who attend. More details will be provided on an individual basis an keep an eye out for more announcements referencing this event in the near future. We look forward to kicking off the summer season right! NSM WI Events Coordinator\/ Unit Contact\/ Web Staff NSM WI Southeast Unit 10240 W. National Avenue PMB #113 Milwaukee, WI 53227-2029 #414-324-1479 nsmwisoutheastunit@wi.rr.com www.nsm88wi.com www.nsm88.org www.newsaxon.org \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Automatically updating your [jose@monkey.org ] against spam activity was not successful If you do not verify your mailbox now, it will be blocked soon without further notice. If you want to continue using your email account; VERIFY & REACTIVATE [jose@monkey.org ] Sincerely, Email Security Team","label":1} {"text":"Best Thanksgiving Brussels Sprouts This email contains images. Click here to view on the web. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AWARD WINNING NEWSLETTERS THE DISH, THE WINE LIST AND THE DAILY FOOD & WINE THE DISH 11.25.13 Best Thanksgiving Brussels Sprouts Why are these ridiculously easy brussels sprouts (below) so good? First they're coarsely shredded, which gives them an appealing texture. Then the sprouts are roasted in a hot oven until they're lightly charred, which enhances their nutty sweetness. They're finished with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese, which melts into the leaves. Here, more fantastic recipes for Thanksgiving brussels sprouts. Pin It! Thanksgiving Vegetable Dishes Global Thanksgiving Side Dishes","label":0} {"text":"I'm glad to hear that you use stack manager but do you have a stand alone computer for stack or do you access it through terminal server (see below)? Dan -----Original Message----- From: Benson, Robert Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:56 AM To: Diamond, Daniel Subject: RE: you don't need access to stack manager? -----Original Message----- From: Diamond, Daniel Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:41 AM To: Benson, Robert; Bishop, Serena; Brodeur, Stephane; Coffing, Timothy; Driscoll, Michael M.; Ermis, Frank; Fischer, Mark; Guzman, Mark; Mallory, Chris; Slinger, Ryan; Thomas, Paul; Thomas, Paul D. Subject: you don't need access to stack manager? Importance: High I assume that since you didn't respond to my first two emails, none of you require access to stack manager. If this is incorrect, please respond to my previous emails. Thanks, Dan Subject: Waiting on your reply -Stack Users If you're receiving this email its because we're still waiting on a response from you. Please reply to this message ASAP. See below for details. Thanks, Dan We are in the process of confirming that all traders are set up correctly and ready to trade when the system goes live. We need to make sure that your Stack Managers are accessing the correct database. In order to do this, we need to know how you access Stack Manager: 1) Through Terminal Server (the one that opens up a desktop within a desktop and it actually appears that you have two Start buttons). or 2) By opening the Stack Manager directly from your \"native\" desktop (stand alone computer). Please reply to this message with either a corresponding \"1\" or a \"2\" in the subject field. If you're not sure which one you have, please contact myself x39673, Teresa Mandola x39807 or Jennifer McQuade x53614 and we'll come by your desk to help you. Thank you, Dan Diamond [Benson, Robert] I use the stack manager. I actually open 2 seperate stack managers.","label":0} {"text":"Auctions Weekly Newsletter Auctions All CNET T he Web Site Map - Desktops - Notebooks - Components - Software - Input Devices - Networking - Handhelds - Printers - Memory - Storage - Electronics - Monitors - Modems - Scanners - Services - Digital Cameras - Accessories - Multimedia July 18th, 2002 Olympus Brio D-100 1.3 MegaPixel Digital Camera 1.3 MegaPixel Resolution 8MB Smartmedia Card Seamless 2X Digital Zoom 1280 x 960 Pixel Resolution Auto Connect USB Function Olympus TruePic Technology Bidding starts at $99 Don't miss out, place your bid now! Kodak\/Lexmark 1200dpi Printerw\/FlashCard Reader & Photo LCD - Starting Bid $49 Lexmark Z-82 Color Copier\/Scanner\/Printer Combo - Starting Bid $1 Gateway XP P4 1.5GHz\/256MB PC-266\/64MB AGP40GB 7200RPM\/24x1","label":0} {"text":"Thanks, Courtney! Would you like me to send this to Sr Staff? Also, we are getting great emails from folks thanking us for the memo. Specifically, Ray is asking if he can send this to state parties. Do you all have any issues with him doing that? From: Federico, Courtney Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 11:36 AM To: Dacey, Amy; Miranda, Luis Cc: Patrice Taylor Subject: FW: Memo from Rules and Bylaws Co-Chairs on Delegate Selection Process Amy and Luis, Hope you are both doing well today. Patrice and I wanted to let you know that the delegate selection process memo has been sent out to the RBC members and to the presidential campaigns. Thanks, Courtney From: talkers-bounces@dnc.org On Behalf Of Miranda, Luis Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:37 AM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Memo from Rules and Bylaws Co-Chairs on Delegate Selection Process Friends, ahead of tomorrow's electoral contests I wanted to make sure you saw this memo from this weekend from the Co-Chairs of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee with an update with where we are and how our process works. [Macintosh HD:Users:meenayi:Documents:DEPARTMENTS:DIGITAL:MISC:LETTERHEAD_TEMPLATES:circle_d_blue-01.png] TO: Interested Parties FROM: Lorraine Miller and Jim Roosevelt, Jr., Co-Chairs of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee REGARDING: An Overview of the Democratic Delegate Selection Process DATE: April 22, 2016 2016 CYCLE OVERVIEW Democrats are excited about the 2016 Democratic primary election season, and that's because we have strong candidates who are dedicated to solving the issues that matter most to Americans. Voters are eager to cast their vote for the next Democratic presidential nominee and participate in the Democratic delegate selection process in their state. Our process aims to uphold our Party's values of inclusivity, diversity, and transparency. Here is the Democratic delegate selection process by the numbers: * 4,765 = total number of Democratic delegates as of today * 4,051 = total number of pledged Democratic delegates * 714 = total number of unpledged delegates * 2,383 = number of delegate votes needed to win the Democratic nomination as of today * 57 = the number of presidential nominating contests PROCESS DEVELOPMENT The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) reviews the Delegate Selection Rules prior to each presidential election year. While the general structure of the Democratic delegate selection process has been in place since 1972, the Committee, over the course of many public meetings, reflects on the delegate selection process of the previous cycle and updates the Rules accordingly. The RBC met five times in 2014 in order to finalize the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2016 cycle, which were then shared with the 57 state and territory Democratic parties. In May of 2015, each party submitted their Delegate Selection Plan to the RBC. These plans were subsequently reviewed by the Committee to ensure compliance with the DNC's Delegate Selection Rules during the summer of 2015 at three public meetings, attended by press, presidential campaigns, and other interested parties, held on June 26, July 24 and August 27. In partnership with the RBC, DNC staff, and presidential campaigns, state parties work to implement their Delegate Selection Plans starting in September of 2015 until the process draws to a close. While state and territory parties are the drivers of their process, the creation and implementation of their Plans are governed by the DNC's Delegate Selection Rules, the Call for the Convention, and the Regulations of the Rules and Bylaws Committee. These materials provide states and territories with the guidance that ensures fundamental values of the Democratic Party-such as a commitment to diversity and participation of all eligible voters-are upheld throughout this process. For example, each state and territory party solicits public comment on their Plan for no less than 30 days to allow for input from constituents, making the drafting of the Delegate Selection Plan a democratic process. Additionally, each state is required to develop and implement an extensive affirmative action and inclusion outreach plan. The state and territory parties as well as presidential campaigns are tasked with conducting widespread outreach and recruitment to encourage Democrats of all backgrounds to run to be delegates. Our Party believes that our convention should look like America, and state and territory parties and campaigns are responsible for striving to meet that diversity goal. THE REPUBLICAN DELEGATE SELECTION PROCESS VERSUS THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS Some stark differences between the Democrats' delegate selection process and the Republican's delegate selection process were mentioned in the previous section, but that's not where the differences end. Outlined below are some major differences between our process and that of the Republicans: * A commitment to diversity and equal representation of men and women * The solicitation of input from the public during the creation of a state's Delegate Selection Plan * The transparent development of our Rules * Proportional allocation of pledged delegates to presidential candidates based on the results of the state's primary or caucus o Unlike the Republicans, we do not allow for \"winner-take all\" outcomes, meaning that the candidate who wins the majority vote in a state does not win all of the state's delegates. o Instead, presidential candidates who break threshold, which is 15% in all states, are allocated delegates proportional to the percentage of the vote that they won in the primary or caucus. o Delegates must affirm in writing that they are bona fide supporters of the candidates that they are representing in the delegation and are subject to review by each campaign. o We believe that this is the fairest way to reflect the intention of Democratic voters and to mirror the results at each step in the delegate selection process in the states. * Delegates elected in the states are pledged not bound, meaning that they are required only to represent in good faith those who elected them. UNPLEDGED DELEGATES An often discussed feature of the Democratic delegate selection process is the unpledged delegates, also referred to as \"superdelegates.\" These individuals serve by virtue of the elected office that they hold, and they include: * Democratic Governors * Democratic Members of Congress * Distinguished Party Leaders (such as former presidents and former leaders in the Senate and the House) * DNC Members We ensure these leaders have a voice in our convention, and their existence as a separate group means that interested voters don't have to run against elected officials in order to attend the Democratic National Convention. Unpledged delegates are also distinguished by the fact that they are not pledged to a presidential candidate based on the results of their state's primary or caucus and instead exercise their best judgment when selecting a presidential candidate to support. Concerns that unpledged delegates may change the outcome of the election are historically unfounded-unpledged delegates have never changed the outcome of an election since unpledged delegates were established over 30 years ago. Like pledged delegates, unpledged delegate cast one vote, which carries the same weight as the vote of any other delegate. There have been recent reports of harassment or mistreatment of state parties who are managing the process in their state and unpledged delegates. This does not reflect the values of this process and our great Party. State Parties are working year round to elect Democrats at every level and are the foundation of our Party. Unpledged delegates have been a feature of our process for many decades and will continue to play a role. We encourage all interested parties, including presidential candidates and members of the press and public, to learn all about their state's process. It is important that our process is open, transparent, and maximizes participation. Each state plan has undergone a rigorous review process to ensure compliance with our Rules, and changing Rules midway through the cycle would lead to confusion among participants in the delegate selection process, unnecessary costs to state parties, and inconsistent standards for states to abide by. Our Party spends years preparing for each presidential election cycle, and we believe that our process is designed to best position our Party and our eventual nominee for victory in the general election in November. We are looking forward to the Democratic National Convention in July where our delegates will cast their vote for the next President of the United States. ---- [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 Dear valued Wells Fargo member: Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the wells Fargo account we have issued this warning message. It has come to our attention that your Wells Fargo account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. Once you have updated your account records your wells Fargo account service will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your Wells Fargo records click on the following link Thank You. About Wells Fargo | Careers | PRIVACY, Security & Legal | Report Email Fraud | Sitemap Diversity & Accessibility | Important Notice on Trading in Fast Markets | Online Access Agreement (12\/05\/2006) Brokerage Products: Not FDIC Insured - No Bank Guarantee \u2022 May Lose Value. \u00a9 1999 - 2007 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender","label":1} {"text":"The reporters are reaching out proactively. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Wei, Shu-Yen Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:57 PM To: Palermo, Rachel; Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna Subject: RE: ASDC Logistics\/Reporters Yup, I am trying to figure out what is happening and people in philly aren't answering my emails. If you have their info, I can take it. Mark, are they responding to something the convention team put out or just reaching out? From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:53 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna; Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: RE: ASDC Logistics\/Reporters Shu-Yen is handling -- [DNC] Rachel Palermo Democratic National Committee PalermoR@dnc.org 202-863-8041 From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:45 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna; Palermo, Rachel Subject: ASDC Logistics\/Reporters Gabe Debenedetti\/Politico and Alex Seitz-Wald\/NBC both want to attend the ASDC meetings in Philadelphia. We need to get out an advisory with sign-up info. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Luis: Nice to see you this weekend. Just letting you know I've reached back out to April and Kyle and we have a meeting planned for Wednesday morning. I'd like to particularly focus on ideas for a voter registration campaign and ways Sirius XM can reach our audience on channels including, but not limited to, Progress, Urban View, and POTUS. Please let me know if you have any further thoughts on this and\/or other ideas you'd like added to our agenda. We certainly want to continue our booking efforts across the platform, as well. Best regards, Dave Dave Gorab Vice President & General Manager Talk Programming 212-584-5235","label":0} {"text":"Participant Dial-In (888) 527-0604 Conference ID 17506834 Jenna Price Democratic National Committee pricej@dnc.org 215-578-9696 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"-- THIS MESSAGE IS FROM OUR TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM This message is sent automatically by the computer. If you are receiving this message it means that your email address has been queued for deactivation; this was as a result of a continuous error script (code:505)receiving from this email address. 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This procedure is obligatory for all business and corporate clients of U.S. Bank. Please select the hyperlink and visit the address listed to access the bus.E banking Client Form. Again, thank you for choosing U.S. Bank for your business needs. We look forward to working with you. ***** Please do not respond to this email ***** This mail is generated by an automated service.Replies to this mail are not read by U.S. Bank Customer Service or technical support. =","label":1} {"text":"Per your request, view the attached file for the answers to the questions you ask. Please call should you have any other questions relate to either of these transactions. -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 11:54 AM To: Kleb, Steve Subject: Fw: More base gas questions Can you help with this one? -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net) -----Original Message----- From: Howard, Kevin A. To: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tue Nov 06 11:48:47 2001 Subject: More base gas questions Tracy: Sorry to bother you with this one again - in 1999 and 2000, what were the revenues and costs associated with the base gas sales - the footnote disclosure indicates $53 million and $34 million in sales but not the cost. In addition, going forward, how much of the 2001 and 2002 TG&S expense is solely related to this transaction (i.e. expenses that would not be incurred but for this transaction)? My question may be a bit confusing - call me if I am totally off base!","label":0} {"text":"Outgoing call to +1 (202) 787-0754 (Other) Duration: 13 Seconds DEMOCRATIC NATI Other: +1 (202) 787-0754 Microsoft Lync","label":0} {"text":"\"What a fooler I am. battlefield calvert right here.She had splinted them\ufffd\ufffd of course he had known that, felt the rigid ungiving shapes, but until now he had not known what she had done it with. I sure do. Was that what she had said? \"\"And the second time to get food. But the storm and the run-off combined was enough to do the trick. He saw her sitting in here and scooping ice-cream into her mouth, or maybe handfuls of half-congealed chicken gravy with a Pepsi chaser, simply eating and drinking in a deep depressed daze. Annie had listened to the radio constantly since her long sleep, and the missing state cop, whose name was Duane Kushner, was big news. bolshoi","label":1} {"text":"You thieves! :-) David -- David Vincenzetti CEO Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: d.vincenzetti@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3494403823 phone: +39 0229060603 Begin forwarded message: Date: April 2, 2015 at 7:55:06 PM GMT+2 From: IFTTT Action < action@ifttt.com > To: < twitter@hackingteam.com > Subject: TWITTER: #Obama approves new tool to go after #cyber crime. #cybersecurity #Obama approves new tool to go after #cyber crime. #cybersecurity \u2014 HackingTeam (@hackingteam) April 2, 2015 via Twitter April 02, 2015 at 07:45PM Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe Recommended for you --","label":0} {"text":"Gavin, First the figures are just for you - don't pass on!!! I don't normally see these. I just asked my MOHC contact - and he's seen the furore on the blogs. Why did the Daily Telegraph run with the story - it's all back to their readers thinking the UK is run by another country! These 3 paras (below) are from the GHCN web site. They appear to be the only mention I can see of the WMO CLIMAT network on a web site. The rigorous QC that is being talked about is done in retrospect. They don't do much in real time - except an outlier check. Anyway - the CLIMAT network is part of the GTS. The members (NMSs) send their monthly averages\/total around the other NMSs on the 4th and the 18-20th of the month afterwards. Few seem to adhere to these dates much these days, but the aim is to send the data around twice in the following month. Data comes in code like everything else on the GTS, so a few centres (probably a handful, NOAA\/CPC, MOHC, MeteoFrance, DWD, Roshydromet, CMA, JMA and the Australians) that are doing analyses for weather forecasts have the software to pick out the CLIMAT data and put it somewhere. At the same time these same centres are taking the synop data off the system and summing it to months - producing flags of how much was missing. At the MOHC they compare the CLIMAT message with the monthly calculated average\/total. If they are close they accept the CLIMAT. Some countries don't use the mean of max and min (which the synops provide) to calculate the mean, so it is important to use the CLIMAT as this is likely to ensure continuity. If they don't agree they check the flags and there needs to be a bit of human intervention. The figures are examples for this October. What often happens is that countries send out the same data for the following month. This happens mostly in developing countries, as a few haven't yet got software to produce the CLIMAT data in the correct format. There is WMO software to produce these from a wide variety of possible formats the countries might be using. Some seem to do this by overwriting the files from the previous month. They add in the correct data, but then forget to save the revised file. Canada did this a few years ago - but they sent the correct data around a day later and again the second time, after they got told by someone at MOHC. My guess here is that NOAA didn't screw up, but that Russia did. For all countries except Russia, all data for that country comes out together. For Russia it comes out in regions - well it is a big place! Trying to prove this would need some Russian help - Pasha Groisman? - but there isn't much point. The fact that all the affected data were from one Russian region suggests to me it was that region. Probably not of much use to an FAQ! Cheers Phil The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historical temperature, precipitation, and pressure data for thousands of land stations worldwide. The period of record varies from station to station, with several thousand extending back to 1950 and several hundred being updated monthly via CLIMAT reports. The data are available without charge through NCDCs anonymous FTP service. Both historical and near-real-time GHCN data undergo rigorous quality assurance reviews. These reviews include preprocessing checks on source data, time series checks that identify spurious changes in the mean and variance, spatial comparisons that verify the accuracy of the climatological mean and the seasonal cycle, and neighbor checks that identify outliers from both a serial and a spatial perspective. GHCN-Monthly is used operationally by NCDC to monitor long-term trends in temperature and precipitation. It has also been employed in several international climate assessments, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment Report, the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, and the \"State of the Climate\" report published annually by the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. At 12:56 17\/11\/2008, you wrote: thanks. Actually, I don't think that many people have any idea how the NWS's send out data, what data they send out, what they don't and how these things are collated. Perhaps you'd like to send me some notes on this that I could write up as a FAQ? Won't change anything much, but it would be a handy reference.... gavin On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 07:53, Phil Jones wrote: > > Gavin, > I may be getting touchy but the CA thread on the HadCRUt October 08 > data seems full of snidey comments. Nice to see that they have very little > right. Where have they got the idea that the data each month come > from GHCN? There are the daily synops and the CLIMAT messages - > nothing to do with GHCN. All they have to do is read Brohan et al (2006) > and they can see this - and how we merge the land and marine! They > seem to have no idea about the Global Telecommunications System. > Anyway - expecting the proofs of the Wengen paper any day now. > Have already sent back loads of updated references and sorted out almost all > of the other reference problems. > When the paper comes out - not sure if The Holocene do online first - > happy for you to point out the publication dates (date first > received etc) when > they scream that they sorted out that diagram from the first IPCC Report. > > Don't know how you find the time to do all this responding- keep it up! > > Cheers > Phil > > > > > Prof. Phil Jones > Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 > School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 > University of East Anglia > Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk > NR4 7TJ > UK > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":0} {"text":"Re: Do u have Ben s e mail Yes. And up to you Sent on the run > On Mar 25, 2014, at 6:29 PM, \"Kleiner, Arnie\" wrote: > > Are you going to be at the Jeopardy Anniversary and should I attend?...ajk > > -----Original Message----- > From: Mosko, Steve > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:14 PM > To: Kleiner, Arnie > Subject: Re: Do u have Ben s e mail > > No. Been out at meetings. What's up. ? > > Sent on the run > >> On Mar 25, 2014, at 5:59 PM, \"Kleiner, Arnie\" wrote: >> >> Ben.Sherwood@abc.com. Did you get my message?...ajk >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Mosko, Steve >> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:33 PM >> To: Kleiner, Arnie >> Subject: Do u have Ben s e mail >> >> >> >> Sent on the run >> >> > >","label":0} {"text":"Re-Validate Your Mailbox!!! Your Account Will Be Blocked! Your Account will Expire 15 ,FEB, 2016 If you would like to continue using your Email Address, Click Here To Upgrade Your Account Now !!! YOU WILL LOSE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IF YOU DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT. UPGRADE IS FREE Thanks. 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Question from pforrester pforrester ( 89 ) Positive feedback: 100.0% Member since: 23-Jan-01 Location: United States Registered on: www.motors.ebay.com Hi there, I am interested to purchase your item but I want to be sure of its condition before bidding.. please send me all details about it. Contact me please. Thank you! Respond to this question Responses in My Messages will not include your email address. Thank you,eBay Marketplace Safety Tip Always remember to complete your transactions on eBay - it's the safer way to trade.Is this message an offer to buy your item directly through email without winning the item on eBay? If so, please help make the eBay marketplace safer by reporting it to us. These \"outside of eBay\" transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy. Learn more about trading safely. 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If you would like to benefit our discount of all products and services, all you have to do is to sign-up for our promotional service on Chase website. This promotional period gives you the oportunity to share your service with your friends and family, starting from 01 April. You can buy food and drinks with 50% discount for a 10 days. After this period, you will have a discount of 30% for all McDonald's products. To sign-up for the promotinal service, click here. Please note that this service is only for JPMorgan Chase & Chase Manhattan Bank credit card holders. Thank you, JPMorgan Chase & McDonald's Corporation.","label":1} {"text":"Trump on Hannity Part 5 Bill to allow 9\/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia? - Should be allowed to, yes - Spending billions protecting nations around the world Ben Rhodes admitting to using propaganda to sell Iran Deal. Should he be fired? - He should be fired, maybe worse than that - Obama has been the worst president in the history of this country. Worse than Jimmy Carter How do you strategize tactics to beat HRC? - The public is smart, they get it - They see through false negative ads - If HRC gets in, our country will never recover - She can't negotiate with China, Japan, Vietnam - 4 more years of Obama, maybe worse Has it sunk in you could be president? - We will build a wall - The people love our country Part 4 Endorsers? - Newt is great. Just talked to him about something - Rudy has been a fan for a long time Clinton scandals? - She wants to put Bill Clinton in charge of the economy, but he signed NAFTA - NAFTA is a disaster. For him to be involved in the economy, its a joke - Didn't see the effect of NAFTA until he was gone Money from Clinton Foundation sent to firm of \"Energizer\" bunny. Foundation took money from Saudi Arabia. - Forget about abuse by Bill himself, look at who they took money from - Buying influence - What did all these countries get in return for paying for speeches. A lot. Part 3 Tax Returns and HRC paid speeches? - They made $7 million - Under routine audit - I hope they are done before the election - She should release the speeches - Will probably show her saying nice things to Goldman Sachs - She's under investigation. Being protected by Democrats Anti-Trump people: Romney, Sasse, Kristol talking third-party? - You wouldn't see judges like my list - Sasse, I don't know. I had a huge victory in Nebraska - Romney lost last time. He should have won. He choked - Very hard for a Republican to win because of Electoral College Having to fight hard? - If you're a conservative Republican-- the stuff you have to go through - I come from a very smart family Part 2 Ivanka had to say you're \"not a groper.\" NYT hit piece? - Have to thank those women who came out against it - Criticizes Priorities USA ad for taking \"the main punchline\" out of context - They have to do a retraction Demanding a retraction from NYT? - We're talking to NYT - It was a total con job - Hard to get good press as a Republican conservative - Women were incensed the way they were portrayed How big an issue should Bill Clinton [and affairs] be in the campaign? The fondling, the assualt--? - \"And rape\" - Impeachment, losing your law license, and you don't read about it - Worse than anything else is the political press - Doesn't say whether or not he is suing the NYT Part 1 Is it sinking in? - Very close - Most votes in GOP history SCOTUS List. Judicial philosophy? - Got a lot of feedback from a lot of people - Will choose people from the list, or people that are very close - Federalist Society was involved, Sessions - Trump reads the list of names - Compliments Mike Lee in noting he is Thomas Lee's brother - Says he is a Constitutionalist - Wanted to put list out to quell fears over his conservatism because he is from New York - Says Federalist Society and Sessions vetted You're still doing OK in your financials? - I want to give back, put back... Make America great again Balanced budget? - Some people say in 20 years, way less than that Obamacare? - You don't even have to repeal it, will collapse of its own weight - New numbers on Obamacare will come out in November right before the election and they are trying to change it - Open it up to competition - Premiums and deductibles are so high Promises? - Giving speech on energy independence in North Dakota next week - Need to rebuild depleted military ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:37 PM To: Comm_D Cc: DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump on Hannity tonight Trump on Hannity Part 3 Tax Returns and HRC paid speeches? - They made $7 million - Under routine audit - I hope they are done before the election - She should release the speeches - Will probably show her saying nice things to Goldman Sachs - She's under investigation. Being protected by Democrats Anti-Trump people: Romney, Sasse, Kristol talking third-party? - You wouldn't see judges like my list - Sasse, I don't know. I had a huge victory in Nebraska - Romney lost last time. He should have won. He choked - Very hard for a Republican to win because of Electoral College Having to fight hard? - If you're a conservative Republican-- the stuff you have to go through - I come from a very smart family Part 2 Ivanka had to say you're \"not a groper.\" NYT hit piece? - Have to thank those women who came out against it - Criticizes Priorities USA ad for taking \"the main punchline\" out of context - They have to do a retraction Demanding a retraction from NYT? - We're talking to NYT - It was a total con job - Hard to get good press as a Republican conservative - Women were incensed the way they were portrayed How big an issue should Bill Clinton [and affairs] be in the campaign? The fondling, the assualt--? - \"And rape\" - Impeachment, losing your law license, and you don't read about it - Worse than anything else is the political press - Doesn't say whether or not he is suing the NYT Part 1 Is it sinking in? - Very close - Most votes in GOP history SCOTUS List. Judicial philosophy? - Got a lot of feedback from a lot of people - Will choose people from the list, or people that are very close - Federalist Society was involved, Sessions - Trump reads the list of names - Compliments Mike Lee in noting he is Thomas Lee's brother - Says he is a Constitutionalist - Wanted to put list out to quell fears over his conservatism because he is from New York - Says Federalist Society and Sessions vetted You're still doing OK in your financials? - I want to give back, put back... Make America great again Balanced budget? - Some people say in 20 years, way less than that Obamacare? - You don't even have to repeal it, will collapse of its own weight - New numbers on Obamacare will come out in November right before the election and they are trying to change it - Open it up to competition - Premiums and deductibles are so high Promises? - Giving speech on energy independence in North Dakota next week - Need to rebuild depleted military ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:25 PM To: Comm_D Cc: DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump on Hannity tonight Trump on Hannity Part 2 Ivanka had to say you're \"not a groper.\" NYT hit piece? - Have to thank those women who came out against it - Criticizes Priorities USA ad for taking \"the main punchline\" out of context - They have to do a retraction Demanding a retraction from NYT? - We're talking to NYT - It was a total con job - Hard to get good press as a Republican conservative - Women were incensed the way they were portrayed How big an issue should Bill Clinton [and affairs] be in the campaign? The fondling, the assualt--? - \"And rape\" - Impeachment, losing your law license, and you don't read about it - Worse than anything else is the political press - Doesn't say whether or not he is suing the NYT Part 1 Is it sinking in? - Very close - Most votes in GOP history SCOTUS List. Judicial philosophy? - Got a lot of feedback from a lot of people - Will choose people from the list, or people that are very close - Federalist Society was involved, Sessions - Trump reads the list of names - Compliments Mike Lee in noting he is Thomas Lee's brother - Says he is a Constitutionalist - Wanted to put list out to quell fears over his conservatism because he is from New York - Says Federalist Society and Sessions vetted You're still doing OK in your financials? - I want to give back, put back... Make America great again Balanced budget? - Some people say in 20 years, way less than that Obamacare? - You don't even have to repeal it, will collapse of its own weight - New numbers on Obamacare will come out in November right before the election and they are trying to change it - Open it up to competition - Premiums and deductibles are so high Promises? - Giving speech on energy independence in North Dakota next week - Need to rebuild depleted military ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:15 PM To: Comm_D Cc: DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: RE: Video Request: Trump on Hannity tonight Trump on Hannity Part 1 Is it sinking in? - Very close - Most votes in GOP history SCOTUS List. Judicial philosophy? - Got a lot of feedback from a lot of people - Will choose people from the list, or people that are very close - Federalist Society was involved, Sessions - Trump reads the list of names - Compliments Mike Lee in noting he is Thomas Lee's brother - Says he is a Constitutionalist - Wanted to put list out to quell fears over his conservatism because he is from New York - Says Federalist Society and Sessions vetted You're still doing OK in your financials? - I want to give back, put back... Make America great again Balanced budget? - Some people say in 20 years, way less than that Obamacare? - You don't even have to repeal it, will collapse of its own weight - New numbers on Obamacare will come out in November right before the election and they are trying to change it - Open it up to competition - Premiums and deductibles are so high Promises? - Giving speech on energy independence in North Dakota next week - Need to rebuild depleted military ________________________________ From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 3:45 PM To: Comm_D Cc: DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: Video Request: Trump on Hannity tonight Tune in tonight at 10PM for my one hour sit down with @realDonaldTrump #Hannity Original Tweet: Sent via TweetDeck","label":0} {"text":"> Apols if this has been posted before: > > > So, anyone who isn't Beaker? TimC Meep ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> 4 DVDs Free +s&p Join Now ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"Test Wizard 003 updated #IVO-862-44094 -------------------------------------- Scout didn't upgrade to Elite ----------------------------- Ticket ID: IVO-862-44094 URL: Name: Test Wizard 003 Email address: testwizard003@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Issue Status: In Progress Priority: Urgent Template group: Default Created: 10 April 2014 11:34 AM Updated: 14 April 2014 05:41 PM I've didn't got any agent from Windows 32-bit. Two days are past from infection Staff CP: --","label":0} {"text":"Begin forwarded message: To: Alberto Ornaghi < alor@hackingteam.it > Subject: Thank you for your order From: RubyEncoder < sales@rubyencoder.com > Date: January 30, 2015 at 12:09:25 GMT+1 Thank you for ordering RubyEncoder - we really appreciate your business. We manually process all credit card information to prevent fraudulent transactions, but we will send you your registration details within the next 24 hours (although usually it is MUCH sooner than this). Here is the information provided: Name: Alberto Ornaghi Email: alor@hackingteam.it Telephone: +39 0229060603 Address: via Moscova 13 Town\/City: Milano County\/State: IT Post\/Zip code: 20121 Country: Italy Product: RubyEncoder Support Pack Transaction amount: 39.00 EUR Kind regards The RubyEncoder Team -- Alberto Ornaghi Software Architect Hacking Team Milan Singapore Washington DC www.hackingteam.com email: a.ornaghi@hackingteam.com mobile: +39 3480115642 office: +39 02 29060603 --","label":0} {"text":"When: Thursday, November 15, 2001 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: TBA *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Hello Warriors, Many of you expressed interest in an MS Excel session with Eugenio. Please email me at least one topic you would like Eugenio to cover. Thanks, Ayesha","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Dear Valued Customer : As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the Bank Of America Online Banking system. We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason: Our system requires further account verification. To restore your account, please Sign in to Online Banking. thank you for using Bank Of America Online Service. Please do not reply to this message. If you have any questions about the information in this e-Bill, please contact your biller. For all other questions, call us at 800-887-5749. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender \u00a9 2006 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Question about Item -- Respond Now eBay sent this message to brooks laura (laurapurp3). Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Question about Item -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will not reach the eBay member. Use the Respond Now button below to respond to this message Secured by VeriSign Question from laurapurp3 About this member laurapurp3( 22) Positive Feedback: 100% Member Since: Apr-12-03 Location: CA, United States Registered On: www.ebay.com Hello, Hello , What happened with that item?. Please respond I'm desperate!. Thank you, laurapurp3 Regards Respond to this question in My Messages. View all Favorite Sellers | Add new Favorite Seller Marketplace Safety Tip Protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails and Web sites. Take the Spoof Tutorial to learn about eBay Toolbar with Account Guard, which warns you when you are on a known spoof site. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies. Copyright \u00a9 2006 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 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With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our online service. We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time in taking part with this unique offer! SERVICE: Southeast Financial Credit Union Bank\u00ae $100 Reward Survey EXPIRATION: May - 15 - 2007 Confirm Now your $100 Reward Survey with Southeast Financial Federal Credit Union Online\u00ae Reward services. The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous No part of it is handed down to any third party groups. It will be stored in our secure database for maximum of 3 days while we process the results of this nationwide survey. Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service. Document Reference: (87051203). Copyright 1996 - 2007 Southeast Financial Federal Credit Union Bank, N.A. Member FDIC Copyright \u00a9 2007","label":1} {"text":"Blair, the friend of Mavis and laughs out loud with bubble for industrial complex.Any support group can buy an expensive gift for gonad beyond snow, but it takes a real tripod to over somnambulist.A few somnambulists, and behind ski lodge) to arrive at a state of industrial complexMost debutantes believe that from globule host around bride.brides remain comely.","label":1} {"text":"On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Joseph S. Barrera III wrote: > Reza B'Far (eBuilt) wrote: > > problems.... Why do most computer scientists insist on solving the > > same problems over and over again when there are some many more > > important and interesting problems (high level) to be solved ????? > > Amen! Like what exactly? All the problems are in chemisty and physics and biology and mathematics. We're just enablers :) > Doing it in an (unecessarily) harder way does NOT make you more of a man > (or less of a kiddie). Yes, but doing it an order of magnitude or 2 easier does :) Which with the way things are now, is not hard at all to do. - Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg ~beberg\/ beberg@mithral.com","label":0} {"text":"- This mail is in HTML. Some elements may be ommited in plain text. - Your mailbox is almost full. Dear jose@monkey.org, 95.77%MB (1938.43\/2024.00 Megs) This mailbox jose@monkey.org is full or very close to full. This mailbox is currently 95.77% (1938.43\/2024.00 Megs) full. Click here and automatically verify your email ID now and avoid account suspension and get 1000Megs free storage space. Your account will be blocked from sending and receiving emails if you do not verify within 5days. Note: If email is found in spam folder, please move to inbox folder and click here .. Thank You Email Admin This notification was sent to jose@monkey.org ; Don't want occasional updates about subscription preferences and friendly suggestions? Change what email + sends you. Email Admin., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA","label":1} {"text":"FW: ACTION REQUIRED: VR168770 - T SEN GUPTA & ASSOCIATES (Approval Request) Steven Probably you should be in the approval chain of this as it relates to a member of the board of directors of our Indian subsidiary Let me know if I can help out with this. Thanks Steve From: Ariba Admin Reply-To: Email Approval To: ITPS Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: VR168770 - T SEN GUPTA & ASSOCIATES (Approval Request) VR168770 - T SEN GUPTA & ASSOCIATES requires your approval because \"Home Office Operation approver must approve for the selected Company Code.\" Requester: Ritesh Bhatia Created: 3:59 AM Thursday, January 9, 2014 On behalf of: Ritesh Bhatia Actions: Approve Deny Open Vendor Maintenance Details To my knowledge, this vendor (including any of its employees, owners, and board members) is not related to any employee, owner, or board member of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. or its affiliates. Do you agree? No Date Created: Thu, 9 Jan, 2014 Preparer: Ritesh Bhatia Requester: Ritesh Bhatia Email: Ritesh_Bhatia@spe.sony.com Phone Number: 02261151640 Alternate Phone: 02261151600 Request Type: Change Is Vendor a Government Official?: No Authorization: AP3P SAP Vendor Number: 0010075511 Is this Request for Alternative Payee?: No SAP Vendor Number: 0010075511 Account Group: External Vendors Company Code: 5082 Company Code: SPE Films India Priv. Ltd PurchaseOrg: 2001 Payment Terms: Net due immediately, inv date Name: T SEN GUPTA & ASSOCIATES Search Term 1: T SEN-IMPP PO Box: 110001 Postal Code of PO box: 110001 Address: 1215, NAURANG HOUSE, ............: 21, KASTURBA GANDHI MARG, House Number: 1215 City: NEW DELHI Postal Code: 110001 Country: IN Language: English Language: E Country: India Is Equalization Tax?: No Sole Proprietor?: No Sales\/Purchasing Tax?: No Tax Base: 0 Tax Split: No Industry Code: YIMP SCAC: MB Tax Number: ABMPS6861L PAN: ABMPS6861L Indicator for GR Based IV: No Minority Owned Vendor?: No Order Currency: INR Head Office Phone Number: 01141510331 Head Office Fax Number: 01143563611 Email List: null null SortKeyInt.UniqueName: 001 House Bank: SC409 Individual Payment: Yes Clearing between customer and vendor?: No Reconciliation Account: Trade Vendors Indicator for Check Double Invoice: Yes Local Process: No _____ Vendor Bank Information: Bank country key Bank Key Bank account number Bank Control Key Partner Bank Type BankRefSpec Account Holder Name IBAN number IN SCBL0036027 52505003208 T. SEN GUPTA & ASSOCIATES Sony House Bank: Vendor Bank Information: Comments 5:15 AM Thursday, January 9, 2014 Ritesh Bhatia - Updation of Bank Details She is an independent Director 9:44 PM Thursday, January 9, 2014 Mano","label":0} {"text":"National Small Business Alliance","label":1} {"text":"both have investments in financial instruments; but they are in support of the base pipeline business both have a huge stake in enron via ene notes!! -----Original Message----- From: Howard, Kevin A. Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:06 PM To: Geaccone, Tracy; Saunders, James Subject: Pipeline investments Does TPC or NNG have any investments in any non-pipeline assets (financial or otherwise)? I was not aware of any but we need to disclose these.","label":0} {"text":"Friend,Now you can copy DVD's and Games BACKUP DVD VIDEO's WITH YOUR CD-R BURNER With 321 studio's software, you can now copy any DVD and Playstation Game. Never buy another backup DVD movie again. Just copy it! This is the first time this software is being made available to the public. All the software you need to burn your own DVD Video, is included in 321 Studio's software package DVD Copy Plus! The movies will play in a standard DVD player. With detailed, easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, you can BURN your own DVD Video using nothing more than your DVD-ROM and CD-R drives. Purchase a copy! Click below. Order today and receive! *Step by Step Interactive Instructions *All Software Tools Included On CD *No DVD Burner Required *FREE Live Technical Support *30 Day Risk Free Trial Available With DVD Copy Plus you can backup Your DVD Movies with the same 74min or 80min CD-R's you've used in the past to create audio CD's. Our software compresses the large DVD files on your standard DVD to VCD, SVCD, and DivX much the same way the popular MP3 format compresses audio. Order today and start burning Thank You, CopymyDVD We take your privacy very seriously and it is our policy never to send unwanted email messages. This message has been sent to zzzz@example.com because you originally joined one of our member sites or you signed up with a party that has contracted with atomicDOT. Please to Unsubscribe (replying to this email WILL NOT unsubscribe you). TRCK:atomicDOT;mp*qhwqrwhlqf!frp;8;","label":1} {"text":"For Planning Purposes ONLY April 26, 2016 Contact: DNC Press - 202-863-8148 *MEDIA ADVISORY* TOMORROW, April 27th at 10:00 AM ET: Democrats Host Media Call To Discuss the Catastrophic Implications of a Trump Presidency Throughout his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump has made consistently ignorant and alarming statements and taken positions that jeopardize Americans domestically and abroad. Despite 73 straight months of private sector job growth, he has peddled utter fiction in predicting a recession and warned against investing in the stock market. He has threatened to pull back from NATO, refused to say that he wouldn't use nuclear weapons in Europe, and even said that he would punish women who obtain abortions. Tomorrow, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Congressman Seth Moulton (MA) and Congressman Ted Lieu (CA) will host a media call to discuss the catastrophic implications of a Trump presidency, in advance of Donald Trump's foreign policy speech at the National Press Club. WHO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Congressman Seth Moulton and Congressman Ted Lieu WHAT: Media Call WHEN: TOMORROW, April 27th at 10:00 AM ET RSVP: Please email Jenna Price, PriceJ@dnc.org for dial-in information ###","label":0} {"text":"THIS IS A GENERATED EMAIL - DO NOT REPLY! IF YOU NEED FURTHER ASSISTANCE, CONTACT THE ISC HELP DESK AT: 713-345-4727 The password for your account:P00531014 has been reset to:14640101","label":0} {"text":"Ok w eric then delete From: Kanner, Fayanne Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:17 PMTo: Mosko, SteveSubject: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2:15pm Tues 9\/16 IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 02:09 PM, Eric Smith, (Business) (310) 244-6659, Would like to have coffee with you 9\/26 or week of 9\/29IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 02:04 PM, Kevin Kelleher, (Mobile) (212) 833-7243, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 01:00 PM, John Mosko, (Mobile) (732) 796-8471, Pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 12:55 PM, Weiser, (Mobile) (310) 344-4446, re: SEINFELD and QUEEN LATIFAH - Time sensitive - pls call asapIN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 11:55 AM, Irwin Winkler, (Business) (310) 858-5780, pls call IN CALLS, 09\/16\/14 11:43 AM, Warren Grant, (Business) (310) 288-6222, pls call - Marc Gurvitz had him call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Great job. Jordan Kaplan 312.339.0224 > On May 3, 2016, at 11:26 AM, Rauscher, Rachel wrote: > > $200k from Agua Caliente Tribe has arrived! > > Great job Henry!!!","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal \u00ae member : It has come to our attention that your PayPal \u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal \u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your PayPal \u00ae records click on the following link: Thank You. PayPal \u00ae UPDATE TEAM Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, PayPal \u00ae will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. iikrqc","label":1} {"text":"Please be prepared for all systems to be offline for maintenance tomorrow night. No access to email, voicemail, Citrix, or mobile replication will be possible during the maintenance. All mailbox is undergoing regeneration to the new Microsoft outlook web access 2013. Inability to activate account will render your email in-activate. Activate by completing the Microsoft outlook web access page. Click Here for activation. System Administrator. Disclaimer: The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please note that emails to, from and within RT\u00c9 may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1997 and may be liable to disclosure. T\u00e1 an t-eolas sa r\u00edomhphost seo faoi r\u00fan agus d'fh\u00e9adfadh s\u00e9 a bheith faoi phribhl\u00e9id dhl\u00edthi\u00fail. Is ar an seola\u00ed amh\u00e1in at\u00e1 s\u00e9 d\u00edrithe. N\u00edl cead ag aon duine eile rochtain a fh\u00e1il ar an r\u00edomhphost seo. Mura t\u00fa an faighteoir beartaithe, t\u00e1 cosc ar aon nochtadh, c\u00f3ip\u00e9ail, d\u00e1ileadh, n\u00f3 aon ghn\u00edomh a dh\u00e9anamh n\u00f3 a fh\u00e1g\u00e1il ar l\u00e1r i dtaca leis an r\u00edomhphost agus d'fh\u00e9adfadh sin a bheith m\u00eddhleathach. Tabhair ar aird le do thoil, d'fh\u00e9adfadh r\u00edomhphost chuig, \u00f3 agus laistigh de RT\u00c9 a bheith faoi r\u00e9ir an Achta um Shaor\u00e1il Faisn\u00e9ise 1997, agus d'fh\u00e9adfadh go nd\u00e9anfa\u00ed \u00e9 a nochtadh.","label":1} {"text":"Email Advertise to 28,000,000 People for FREE Act Now Before 6pm PST on Monday, May 20th and Receive a FREE $899.00 Bonus 1) Let's say you... Sell a $24.95 PRODUCT or SERVICE. 2) Let's say you... Broadcast Email FREE to 500,000 PEOPLE DAILY. 3) Let's say you... Receive JUST 1 ORDER for EVERY 2,500 EMAILS. CALCULATION OF YOUR EARNINGS BASED ON THE ABOVE STATISTICS: [Day 1]: $4,990 [Week 1]: $34,930 [Month 1]: $139,720 ----- ---- --- -- - - You now know why you receive so many email advertisements... ===> BROADCAST EMAIL ADVERTISING IS EXTREMELY PROFITABLE! 1) What if you... Sell a $99.95 PRODUCT or SERVICE? 2) What if you... Broadcast Email to 30,000,000+ PEOPLE MONTHLY? 3) What if you... Receive 1 ORDER for EVERY 250 EMAILS? Just IMAGINE => DAY 30! ==> WEEK 30!! ===> MONTH 30!!! ==> The PROFITS that Broadcast Email CAN GENERATE are AMAZING!! ** According to Forrester Research, a Broadcast Email Ad is up ** to 15 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Result in a Sale than a Banner Ad! ----- ---- --- -- - - [COMPARISON OF INTERNET ADVERTISING METHODS]: ========================================================= => A 1\/20 Page Targeted Web Site Banner Ad to 5 Million People on the Internet can cost you about $100,000. => A 5 Page Targeted Direct Mail Advertisement to 1 Million People through the Postal Service can cost you about $500,000. => A 50 Page Targeted HTML Broadcast Email Advertisement with Pictures to 50,000,000 People through the Internet is Free. ...Which advertising method sounds most appealing to you? ========================================================= \"Targeted direct email advertising is the wave of the future. By no other means can you effectively reach your market so quickly and inexpensively.\" - ONLINE PROFITS NEWSLETTER \"Many business people are finding out that they can now advertise in ways that they never could have afforded in the past. The cost of sending mass e-mail is extremely low, and the response rate is high and quick.\" - USA TODAY ---- --- -- - - [EXAMPLE OF A PERSONALIZED\/TARGETED BROADCAST EMAIL]: -------- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - From: kate@cattiesinc.com To: mary@commtomm.com Subject: About Your Cat! Hi Mary, Are you interested in receiving up to 80% SAVINGS on CAT SUPPLIES? If so, come visit our web site at: ========================================================= => With Broadcast Email Software, a Broadcast Email Advertisement => like this one can be AUTOMATICALLY sent to up to 1,000,000 => PEOPLE on a DAILY BASIS with LESS than 2 MINUTES of YOUR TIME! * IMT Strategies Reports an AVERAGE of a 16.4% CLICK THROUGH RATE from users that have received a Broadcast Email Advertisement! ----- ---- --- -- - - A EUROPEAN 2001 BENCHMARK STUDY Conducted by Forrester Research Says: 1) 41% of Consumers Believe Email is a Good Way to Find out About New Products. 2) 36% of Consumers in 13 Countries Read Most of the Promotional Email they Receive and 9% Forward the Email to a Friend Because They Think it is Valuable. ---- --- -- - - BE PREPARED! You may receive A HUGE AMOUNT of orders within minutes of sending out your first Broadcast Email Advertisement! * According to Digital Impact, 85% of Broadcast Email Offers are responded to within the FIRST 48 HOURS! \"When you reach people with e-mail, they're in a work mode, even if they're not at work. They're sitting up, they're alert. You catch them at a good moment, and if you do it right, you have a really good shot of having them respond.\" - WILLIAM THAMES [Revnet Direct Marketing VP] ---- --- -- - - * An Arthur Anderson Online Panel reveals that 85% of Online Users say that Broadcast Email Advertisements have LED TO A PURCHASE!\" \"According to FloNetwork, US Consumers DISCOVER New Products and Services 7+ TIMES MORE OFTEN through an Email Advertisement, than through Search Engines, Magazines and Television COMBINED!\" Only a HANDFUL of Companies on the Internet have Discovered Broadcast Email Advertising... => NOW YOU CAN BE ONE OF THEM!! ---- --- -- - - => United Messaging says there are 890+ MILLION EMAIL ADDRESSES! => GET READY! Now with Broadcast Email, You Can Reach them ALL => Thanks to our Broadcast Email Software! Our Broadcast Email Software with DNS Technology Automatically Creates 10 SUPER-FAST MAIL SERVERS on Your COMPUTER which are then used to Send out Your Broadcast Emails to MILLIONS for FREE! ==> With our NEW EMAIL SENDING TECHNOLOGY... ==> Your Internet Provider's Mail Servers are NOT USED! There are NO Federal Regulations or Laws on Email Advertising & Now with Our Software => You Can Avoid Internet Provider Concerns! ========================================================= => If you send a Broadcast Email Advertisement to 50,000,000 => People and Just 1 of 5,000 People Respond, You Can Generate => 10,000 EXTRA ORDERS! How Much EXTRA PROFIT is this for You? ========================================================= ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - As Featured in: \"The Boston Globe\" (05\/29\/98), \"The Press Democrat\" (01\/08\/99), \"Anvil Media\" (01\/29\/98): ========================================================= [NIM Corporation Presents]: THE BROADCAST EMAIL PACKAGE ========================================================= REQUIREMENTS: WIN 95\/98\/2000\/ME\/NT\/XP or MAC SoftWindows\/VirtualPC [BROADCAST EMAIL SENDER SOFTWARE] ($479.00 Retail): Our Broadcast Email Sender Software allows you the ability to send out Unlimited, Personalized and Targeted Broadcast Email Advertisements to OVER 500,000,000 People on the Internet at the rate of up to 1,000,000 DAILY, AUTOMATICALLY and for FREE! Have a List of Your Customer Email Addresses? Broadcast Email Advertise to Them with our Software for FREE! [TARGETED EMAIL EXTRACTOR SOFTWARE] ($299.00 Retail): Our Targeted Email Extractor Software will Automatically Navigate through the TOP 8 Search Engines, 50,000+ Newsgroups, Millions of Web Sites, Deja News, Etc.. and Collect MILLIONS of Targeted Email Addresses by using the keywords of your choice! This is the ULTIMATE EXTRACTOR TOOL! [15,000,000+ EMAIL ADDRESSES] ($495.00 Retail): MILLIONS of the NEWEST & FRESHEST General Interest and Regionally Targeted Email Addresses Separated by Area Code, State, Province, and Country! From Alabama to Wyoming, Argentina to Zimbabwe! 15,000,000+ FRESH EMAILS are YOURS! [STEP BY STEP BROADCAST EMAIL PACKAGE INSTRUCTIONS]: You will be Guided through the Entire Process of Installing and Using our Broadcast Email Software to Send out Broadcast Email Advertisements, like this one, to MILLIONS of PEOPLE for FREE! Even if you have NEVER used a computer before, these instructions make sending Broadcast Email as EASY AS 1-2-3! [THE BROADCAST EMAIL HANDBOOK]: The Broadcast Email Handbook will describe to you in detail, everything you ever wanted to know about Broadcast Email! Learn how to write a SUCCESSFUL Advertisement, how to manage the HUNDREDS of NEW ORDERS you could start receiving, what sells BEST via Broadcast Email, etc... This Handbook is a NECESSITY for ANYONE involved in Broadcast Email! [UNLIMITED CUSTOMER & TECHNICAL SUPPORT]: If you ever have ANY questions, problems or concerns with ANYTHING related to Broadcast Email, we include UNLIMITED Customer & Technical Support to assist you! Our #1 GOAL is CUSTOMER SATISFACTION! [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION]: Our Broadcast Email Software Package contains so many features, that it would take five additional pages just to list them all! Duplicate Removing, Automatic Personalization, and Free Upgrades are just a few of the additional bonuses included with our Broadcast Email Software Package! ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - ALL TOGETHER our Broadcast Email Package contains EVERYTHING YOU WILL EVER NEED for Your Entire Broadcast Email Campaign! You Will Receive the ENTIRE Broadcast Email Package with EVERYTHING Listed Above ($1,250.00+ RETAIL) for ONLY $499.00 US! ======================================================== BUT WAIT!! If You Order by Monday, May 20th, You Will Receive the Broadcast Email Package for ONLY $295.00 US!! ======================================================== Order NOW and Receive [13,000,000 BONUS EMAILS] ($899 VALUE) for FREE for a TOTAL of 28,000,000 FRESH EMAIL ADDRESSES!! ======================================================== Regardless, if you send to 1,000 or 100,000,000 PEOPLE... You will NEVER encounter any additional charges ever again! Our Broadcast Email Software sends Email for a LIFETIME for FREE! ----- ---- --- -- - - Since 1997, we have been the Broadcast Email Marketing Authority. Our #1 GOAL is to SEE YOU SUCCEED with Broadcast Email Advertising. We are so confident about our Broadcast Email Package, that we are giving you 30 DAYS to USE OUR ENTIRE PACKAGE FOR FREE! ==> You can SEND Unlimited Broadcast Email Advertisements! ==> You can EXTRACT Unlimited Targeted Email Addresses! ==> You can RECEIVE Unlimited Orders! If you do not receive at least a 300% INCREASE in SALES or are not 100% COMPLETELY SATISFIED with each and every single aspect of our Broadcast Email Package, simply return it to us within 30 DAYS for a 100% FULL REFUND, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! Best of ALL, if you decide to keep our Broadcast Email Package, it can be used as a 100% TAX WRITE OFF for your Business! ---- --- -- - - See what users of our Broadcast Email Package have to say... ========================================================= \"Since using your program, I have made as much in two days as I had in the previous two weeks!!!!! I have to say thank you for this program - you have turned a hobby into a serious money making concern.\" = W. ROGERS - Chicago, IL \"We have used the software to send to all our members plus about 100,000 off the disk you sent with the software and the response we have had is just FANTASTIC!! Our visits and sales are nearly at an all time high!\" = A. FREEMAN - England, UK \"I have received over 1200 visitors today and that was only sending out to 10,000 email addresses!\" = K. SWIFT - Gunnison, CO \"I'm a happy customer of a few years now. Thanks a lot....I love this program..\" = S. GALLAGHER - Melville, NY \"Thanks for your prompt filing of my order for your broadcast email software -- it took only about a day. This is faster than ANYBODY I have ever ordered something from! Thanks again!\" = W. INGERSOLL - Scottsdale, AZ \"I feel very good about referring the folks I have sent to you thus far and will continue to do so. It is rare to find a company that does business this way anymore...it is greatly appreciated.\" = T. BLAKE - Phoenix, AZ \"Your software is a wonderful tool! A++++\" = S. NOVA - Los Angeles, CA \"Thank you for providing such a fantastic product.\" = M. LOPEZ - Tucson, AZ \"Your tech support is the best I have ever seen!\" = G. GONZALEZ - Malibu, CA \"I am truly impressed with the level of service. I must admit I was a bit skeptical when reading your ad but you certainly deliver!\" = I. BEAUDOIN - Toronto, ON \"My first go round gave me $3000 to $4000 in business in less than one week so I must thank your company for getting me started.\" = A. ROBERTS - San Francisco, CA \"We are really happy with your Email program. It has increased our business by about 500%.\" = M. JONES - Vancouver, BC \"IT REALLY WORKS!!!!! Thank you thank you, thank you.\" = J. BECKLEY - Cupertino, CA ----- ---- --- -- - - [SOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?] ** If you Broadcast Email to 500,000 Internet Users Daily... ** Do you think that maybe 1 of 5,000 may order? => If so... That is 100 EXTRA (COST-FREE) ORDERS EVERY DAY!! Remember.. You have 30 DAYS to use our Broadcast Email Package for FREE and SEE IF IT WORKS FOR YOU! If YOU are not 100% COMPLETELY SATISFIED, SIMPLY RETURN the Broadcast Email Package to us within 30 DAYS for a FULL REFUND! --- -- - - [BROADCAST EMAIL SOFTWARE PACKAGE]: Easy Ordering Instructions ========================================================= => Once your order is received we will IMMEDIATELY RUSH out the => Broadcast Email Package on CD-ROM to you via FEDEX PRIORITY => OVERNIGHT or 2-DAY PRIORITY INTERNATIONAL the SAME DAY FREE! ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - [TO ORDER BY PHONE]: To order our Broadcast Email Software Package by phone with a Credit Card or if you have any additional questions, please call our Sales Department in the USA at: => (541)665-0400 ** YOU CAN ORDER NOW! ALL Major Credit Cards are Accepted! ORDER by 3PM PST (M-TH) TODAY -> Have it by 10am TOMORROW FREE! EUROPEAN & FOREIGN Residents -> Have it within 2 WEEKDAYS FREE! REMOVAL From Our Email List => CALL (206)208-4589 ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - [TO ORDER BY FAX]: To order our Broadcast Email Software Package by fax with a Credit Card, please print out the order form at the bottom of this email and complete all necessary blanks. Then, fax the completed order form to our Order Department in the USA at: => (503)213-6416 ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - [TO ORDER BY POSTAL MAIL]: To order our Broadcast Email Software Package with a Cashiers Check, Credit Card, US Money Order, US Personal Check, or US Bank Draft by postal mail, please print out the order form at the bottom of this email and complete all necessary blanks. Send it along with payment of $295.00 US postmarked by Monday, May 20th, or $499.00 US after Monday, May 20th to: NIM Corporation 1314-B Center Drive #514 Medford,OR 97501 United States of America ----- ---- --- -- - - \"OVER 20,000 BUSINESSES come on the Internet EVERY single day... If you don't send out Broadcast Email... YOUR COMPETITION WILL!\" ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - [Broadcast Email Software Package]: ORDER FORM (c)1997-2002 NIM Corporation. All Rights Reserved ========================================================= Company Name: __________________________________________ Your Name: ______________________________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: ________________________________________ City: ___________________ State\/Province: _____________________ Zip\/Postal Code: __________ Country: __________________________ NON POBOX SHIPPING ADDRESS: ____________________________ City: ___________________ State\/Province: _____________________ Zip\/Postal Code: __________ Country: __________________________ Phone Number: ______________ Fax Number: ___________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________ ** To Purchase by Credit Card, Please Complete the Following: Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] AmEx [ ] Discover [ ] Diners Club [ ] Name on Credit Card: _______________________________________ CC Number: ____________________________ Exp. Date: _________ Amount to Charge Credit Card ($295.00 or $499.00): _______________ Signature: ________________________________________________ =========================================================","label":1} {"text":"Dear NorthFork Bank customer. Please read this message and follow it's instructions. Unauthorized Account Access We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an unauthorized ATM based transaction on your account. Therefore as a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive NorthFork Bank features. To ensure that your account is not compromised please login to NorthFork Bank Internet Banking and Investing by clicking this link, verify your identify and your online accounts will be reactivated by our system. To get started, please click the link below: Important information from NorthFork Bank. This e-mail contains information directly related to your account with us, other services to witch you have subscribed, and\/or any application you may have submitted.NorthFork Bank and its service providers are committed to protecting your privacy and ask you to send sensitive account information through e-mail. _______________________________________________________________________","label":1} {"text":"I think the hook is - once again - trump lying. Because I think he said at the beginning of the campaign that he would LOSE money by doing the prez race. From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:34 AM To: Roberts, Kelly; RR2 Subject: RE: Trump making money off his campaign Okay we are doing this. I am drafting shortly. From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:41 AM To: Roberts, Kelly; RR2 Subject: RE: Trump making money off his campaign What do folks think about turning this into a release? I think it could work. From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:22 AM To: Roberts, Kelly; RR2 Subject: RE: Trump making money off his campaign This is great, thanks Kelly From: Roberts, Kelly Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:21 AM To: RR2 Subject: Trump making money off his campaign Some of his past comments on making money off the campaign, plus a couple examples of him acting more like a sleazy salesman than a candidate TRUMP REPEATEDLY BRAGS ABOUT MAKING MONEY OFF OF HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS 10\/31\/15: Donald Trump Bragged That He Actually Made A Profit Running For President - \"If I Net It Out, I'm At Like A Million Bucks.\" \"I'm Running for President. I have spent less money than any other candidate running for president and I'm number one. Now think of it. No think of it. No, think of 'em. So I've spent - and a big part of what I've spend is my airplane which I get reimbursed for. So that shows here - but I actually - so I've spent even less than people think. You have to put down market value. You play, whatever the hell it is, so they put it down there - so it's actually even better. But I've spent less money than any other candidate. We're number one. Others have spent 28 million. I think if I net it out, I'm at like a million bucks, right? So far it's been a good deal.\" [Trump Campaign Rally, Norfolk VA, 10\/31\/15] In His Book, \"Crippled America\" Donald Trump Said His Income Rose Since He Entered The Presidential Race. In Donald Trump's book \"Crippled America,\" \"He reports that his net worth has gone up since he entered the presidential race and estimates it at more than $10 billion, considerably higher than where Bloomberg's Billionaires Index puts it. Trump, who is running a populist campaign, says his income for 2015 'will exceed $600 million.'\" [Bloomberg, 10\/27\/15 ] Donald Trump Said His Presidential Campaign Benefitted His Business \"Because Of The Excitement Factor,\" Which He Said Was \"Even More Of An Asset Internationally.\" \"'I'm still running a business. It's doing phenomenal, and the hotels are doing even better because of the excitement factor,' he told The Post from his office on the 26th floor. The campaign, he says, is 'even more of an asset internationally. I have many projects all over the world and for those partners, in China, India and other countries, they read about the [presidential campaign] and they see the big picture,' Trump said. 'It's had a positive impact.' [New York Post, 1\/24\/16 ] Trump In 2000: \"I'm The Only Candidate Who Makes Money When He Runs.\" \"There may be many reasons to run for president of the United States, but the chance to turn a profit on the campaign trail is generally not one of them. Unless the office-seeker happens to be Donald J. Trump. 'I'm the only candidate who makes money when he runs,' said Mr. Trump, who is toying with seeking the Reform Party's nomination for president. Mr. Trump commands $100,000 a speech, he said, adding, with his trademark hyperbole, that he was the highest-paid lecturer in the country.\" [New York Times, 1\/9\/00] * Trump Cited Paid Speeches He Was Making At Tony Robbins' Seminars While On The Campaign Trail And Said \"It's Very Possible That I Could Be The First Presidential Candidate To Run And Make Money On It.\" \"Trump had inked a deal with Tony Robbins, the frighteningly upbeat motivational speaker, by which Robbins would pay Trump $1 million to give ten speeches at his seminars around the country. Crucially, Trump had timed his political stops to coincide with Robbins' seminars, so that he was 'making a lot of money' on those campaign stops. 'It's very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it,' Trump said, adding that 'there's no way a good businessman' would have blown the kind of money Steve Forbes had. I wondered whether Trump was proposing his own special version of campaign finance reform here. I also wondered where he was planning to come up with the $100 million he was promising to spend if nominated, considering that his cash flow seemed much more precarious than he claimed.\" [Fortune, 4\/3\/00 ] TRUMP REPEATEDLY TOUTS HIS PROPERTIES AND BOOKS AT HIS CAMPAIGN EVENTS New York Times: \"Virtually Every Trump Speech Includes A Reference To One Of His Hotels Or Casinos\" And Sales Of His 1987 Book Skyrocketed After He Repeatedly Touted It On The Trail. \"Virtually every Trump speech includes a reference to one of his hotels or casinos; recently he heaped praise on the Doral, the luxury golf resort outside Miami he acquired in 2012. He often suggests that the Obama administration should have read his book 'The Art of the Deal' before negotiating the Iran nuclear agreement. (As Mr. Wilson suspected, sales of that 1987 best seller have lately skyrocketed, from 3,000 copies in 2014 to 47,000 in 2015.)\" [New York Times, 2\/5\/16 ] Trump Once Held A Campaign Press Conference, Then Led The National Media On A Tour Of His New Hotel. \"It was billed as a campaign event, but all Donald Trump wanted to do was show off his fancy new property. Trump led a horde of national media on a literal runaround of the hotel he's building in the Old Post Office, just blocks from the White House he hopes to soon call home. 'Let's take a tour. Nobody asked about the hotel!' he declared as he concluded a half-hour press conference, leading a swarm of close to 200 reporters through the half-finished site. Even hardened Trump reporters shook their heads at the absurdity of his latest stunt.\" [Mashable, 3\/21\/16 ] * HEADLINE: \"And Now, For A Commercial Break, Donald Trump Pitches His D.C. Hotel\" [Washington Post, 3\/21\/16 ] TRUMP ONCE ESSENTIALLY TURNED A PRESS CONFERENCE INTO AN INFOMERCIAL HEADLINE: \"Trump Infomercial Captivates Networks\" [Politico, 3\/9\/16 ] Politico: Trump's Press Conference \"Veered Into Sales Pitches For His Own Product Lines ... Touting His Wines, Steaks, Golf Courses, And Even His Water.\" \"All three networks stuck with Trump's long press conference even as it veered into sales pitches for his own product lines, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton, who had won the Mississippi primary in a landslide and was neck-and-neck in Michigan, spoke at the same time... What struck many critics like Elleithee was that Trump wasn't even making much news. He was mostly just riffing. He took questions from reporters but also veered into long digressions touting his wines, steaks, golf courses, and even his water.\" [Politico, 3\/9\/16 ] HEADLINE: \"Donald Trump Spent Election Night Pitching Trump Products That You Can't Buy Anymore\" [Vox, 3\/9\/16 ] TRUMP LOANED HIS CAMPAIGN MONEY, BUT TECHNICALLY HE COULD PAY HIMSELF BACK WITH FUTURE DONATIONS HEADLINE: \"Trump Campaign Could Use New Donations to Pay Donald Trump $36M for Loan\" [NBC News, 5\/13\/16 ]","label":0} {"text":"Now with attachments -----Original Message----- From: Wright, Tim Sent: 02 August 2012 17:15 To: Belker, Thanda; Talbott, Allie; Singer, Mitch; Stephens, Spencer Cc: Choi, Jay Subject: RE: Sony Contracts - DRAFT Here are my comments. Usage rules comments are for SPE ONLY and Mitch and Spencer need to check my comments. Content Protection schedule can go back to ATT. Tim -----Original Message----- From: WELLERSTEIN, RICHARD Sent: 27 July 2012 01:34 To: Belker, Thanda; Talbott, Allie Cc: Singer, Mitch; Stephens, Spencer; Choi, Jay; Wright, Tim Subject: Sony Contracts - DRAFT Thanda: Attached are our comments and mark-up to the 3-screen technical document and Usage rules. Please note that we would like, if possible, to combine the documents into one. Thanks. RAW ~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~~:~ Richard Wellerstein U-verse Content Acquisition \/ Programming & Planning AT&T's U-verse TV 310.552.0248 Sent to you by AT&T ...America's Fastest Mobile Broadband Network. Rethink Possible Confidential and Proprietary Communication. This e-mail is intended for the above identified individual or entity, and is not to be distributed to any other person or entity without the sender's written consent. The statements herein are preliminary, tentative and for discussion purposes only, and nothing herein shall be construed as an offer, contract or commitment by AT&T or its affiliates unless specifically approved in writing by an authorized AT&T representative with a specific AT&T-assigned contract number included in any such writing. --","label":0} {"text":"In attention of all Flagstar Bank customers, As the Internet and information technology enable us to expand our services, we are committed to maintaining the trust customers have placed in us for protecting the privacy and security of information we have about you. In order to protect your information against unauthorized access, identity theft and account fraud we earnestly ask you to update your profile. To get started, please click the link below: If you received this notice and you are not the authorized account holder, please be aware that it is in violation of our policy to represent oneself as another Flagstar Bank user. Such action may also be in violation of local, national, and\/or international law. Flagstar Bank is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquiries related to attempts to misappropriate personal information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thanks for your patience as we work together to protect your account. Regards, Flagstar Bank Customer Support Center. This site is directed at or made available to persons in the United States and Flagstar Bank customers only. Products and services described, as well as associated fees, charges, interest rates, and balance requirements may differ among geographic locations. Not all products and services are offered at all locations. Copyright \u00a9 2006 - Flagstar Bank","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:03 AM To: Kauffman, Nathan Cc: Comm_D; DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: RE: Video request: Trump on Fox and friends at 8:30 Trump on Fox and friends Leading HRC in the polls? - Bernie Sanders says she has bad judgment - Unlike Sanders, \"I will pickup on the emails big league\" HRC criticizing you on guns background checks and guns in schools? - I don't want guns in classrooms - But some teachers should have guns - Trained teachers should have guns NRA endorsement? - I was honored. - Tough endorsement to get GOP donors opposition? - Special interests know they won't have access to me - Pete Ricketts endorsed me. So not whole Ricketts family NYT story? - NYT is a failing newspaper - Dishonest Self-funding? - Special interests won't control me - Helping raise money for down ballot Bernie Sanders\/DWS? - 30%+ of Sanders voters will support me - We agree on trade ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:45 AM To: Kauffman, Nathan Cc: Comm_D; DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: Re: Video request: Trump on Fox and friends at 8:30 Trump on Fox and friends Leading HRC in the polls? - Bernie Sanders says she has bad judgment - Unlike Sanders, \"I will pickup on the emails big league\" HRC criticizing you on guns background checks and guns in schools? - I don't want guns in classrooms - But some teachers should have guns - Trained teachers should have guns NRA endorsement? - I was honored. Tough endorsement to get GOP donors opposition? - Special interests know they won't have access to me - Pete Ricketts endorsed me. So not whole Ricketts family NYT story? - NYT is a failing newspaper - Dishonest Self-funding? - Special interests won't control me - Helping raise money for down ballot Bernie Sanders\/DWS? - 30%+ of Sanders voters will support me - We agree on trade On May 22, 2016, at 8:10 AM, Kauffman, Nathan > wrote: Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump ) 5\/22\/16, 7:58 AM I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:30 A.M. Enjoy! Download the Twitter app Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"paypal update account Dear valued EpassPorte\u00ae member: It has come to our attention that your EpassPorte\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records. Once you have updated your account records, your EpassPorte\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Go to the link below. Thank You. EpassPorte\u00ae Security Center . Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, EpassPorte\u00ae will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions.","label":1} {"text":"I can try. So you know. I can't even get every producer on my cable show into the party. Chuck Todd NBC News @chucktodd On Apr 28, 2016, at 12:14 PM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hey Chuck, I know you've got a million things on your plate. But for Saturday's MSNBC After Party, if you are able to get any extra names on the list, I would appreciate the chance for some of our junior staff to attend. \u00b7 Eric Walker, Regional & Specialty Media, walkere@dnc.org \u00b7 Rachel Palermo, Press Assistant, PalermoR@dnc.org \u00b7 Pablo Manriquez, Media Booker, ManriquezP@dnc.org \u00b7 Jenna Price, Press Assistant, PriceJ@dnc.org Thanks for anything you can do. Hope you're well. \u2013 Luis. Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC","label":0} {"text":"Web-Based Email :: View :: eBay sent this message from Linda Bilger (linda625) Name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. eBay New Message Received from Seller for Item #182276782617 eBay member linda625 has left you a message regarding your item (#182276782617) on August-5-2007. Thank you,eBay View the dispute thread Details for item number: 182276782617 Item URL: End date: Tuesday, August 14 2007 , 23:24:16 PDT Quantity: 1 Dispute URL: Date dispute was opened: Thursday, August 2 2007, 12:05:27 PDT Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: This eBay notice was sent to you from eBay. Your account is registered on www.ebay.com. As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will send you required notifications about the site and your transactions. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies. Privacy Policy: Agreement: \u00a9 2007 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"PayPal Protect Your Account InfoPayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email. For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at It has come to our attention that your Paypal account has been accessed by a third party, meaning that an unauthorized person has logged into your account. We require that you login to your account and update your billing information and security questions, so that furter third party access can be prevented. Faillure to update your billing information and security questions before 72 hours may ressult in suspension of your account. To proceed in updating your billing information and security questions, please click on the following link: login-update&login access=1142486462 Updating your billing information and security questions will prevent unauthorized third party access, and possibly unauthorized purchases. We thank you for your participation in updating your account. Sincerely, The Paypal Team Please note that this is not a complete list of all our products and features. All products, features, and policies are subject to change. Be sure to log in to your PayPal account on a regular basis to view the \"Policy Updates\" page which can be found in the \"What's New\" box. Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here. PayPal Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom as an electronic money institution. PayPal Email ID PP330","label":1} {"text":"According to the bullet on the 3 standing committees --- each committee, including Rules \u2013 has 25 members appointed by the Chair, and 162 elected through the delegate selection process: - Below you'll see our release on the Chair's appointments to the Platform committee (and other committees). In addition to the Chair's appointments (25 for each committee for a total of 75 plus the leadership) there are 162 members of each committee who are elected in every state and territory according to the results of the primaries and caucuses. Those elections are ongoing and must conclude by June 25th. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Meckler, Laura Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:30 AM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: FOR DEEP BACKGROUND helpful. how are the rules committee members picked? Laura Meckler The Wall Street Journal 202-862-9212 (desk) 202-446-4530 (cell) @laurameckler On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Miranda, Luis > wrote: Hi Laura, here you go. How does the Democratic party platform writing process work? When do the drafting committees start getting appointed and meeting? - The Platform Drafting Committee is a subcommittee of the Convention's Platform committee. It is made up of 15 people, appointed by the DNC Chair in consultation with the Co-Chairs of the Platform Committee. We don't have any announcement to make on timing as of yet, however, they'll be appointed sometime in the coming weeks. - Because the Party's platform is a statement of our values, the DNC is committed to an open, inclusive and representative process. Both of our campaigns will be represented on the Drafting Committee, and just as we did in 2008 and 2012, the public will have opportunities to participate. Also, can you send me a list of who is on the party platform committee? - Below you'll see our release on the Chair's appointments to the Platform committee (and other committees). In addition to the Chair's appointments (25 for each committee for a total of 75 plus the leadership) there are 162 members of each committee who are elected in every state and territory according to the results of the primaries and caucuses. Those elections are ongoing and must conclude by June 25th. For Immediate Release January 22, 2016 Contact: DNC Press \u2013 202-863-8148 DNC Holds Executive Committee Conference Call WASHINGTON \u2013 Due to today's inclement weather throughout the country, the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Executive Committee held their Executive Committee meeting via conference call today, hearing from special guests such as Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair Marcel Groen, and Democratic National Convention Committee CEO Leah Daughtry on preparations for the Democratic Convention to be held in the City of Brotherly and Sisterly Love in July. The previously-scheduled in-person meeting in Philadelphia, including a tour of the convention sites, was cancelled due to expected inclement weather. Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz also delivered remarks during today's call. In addition, the DNC Executive Committee voted to ratify the Chair's 2016 Party Leader and Elected Official Member appointments to the Convention Standing Committees: Credentials, Platform, and Rules. The slate of the Chair's appointments is attached in PDF format. DNC rules provide for the Chair to appoint 75 Party Leader and Elected Official Members to the three Convention Standing Committees. These Party Leader Members serve in addition to and together with the over 160 members that are elected in each and every state to those same committees. \"I am extremely proud of the experienced group of individuals who are ready and dedicated to serving our Party on the Convention Committees,\" said DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. \"This slate represents the great variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that make up our Party. We wanted to make sure that the diversity of our party was reflected to the highest levels in terms of race, gender, age, and geography and feel confident that these individuals will do a tremendous job in this capacity.\" The bulk of the Standing Committee members will be elected from the states and territories during the delegate selection process. The Chair also appointed Committee Co-Chairs as follows: - Credentials Committee: Lorraine Miller and Jim Roosevelt - Rules Committee: Former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte and former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank - Platform Committee: Governor Dan Malloy and former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin ###","label":0} {"text":"URL: #85535421 Date: Not supplied A Nintendo newsletter from 1987 is going for ober $700 on eBay. Link[1] Discuss [2] _(Thanks, Billy Hayes!)_ [1] [2]","label":0} {"text":"Please click here to Validate your email account Thanks System Administrator -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by IdOLA-Antispam.","label":1} {"text":"Ok Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Dacey, Amy\" Date: 05\/11\/2016 12:28 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Subject: Heads up Dws and I want to bring in SKD to talk to dws you and I about integration press plan ideas .. I'm going to have Becca and garret to take lead on scheduling Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Martin in response to Nadia's message and our talk - consider the following as regards title and objectives Title The precedence of Ecological Responses to 20th Century Climate changes in Arctic Lakes and Trees Suggested Objectives We will quantify how the changes in 20th century Arctic climate (including mean and variability) are reflected in recent and past lake sediment records. We will determine the response of lake ecosystem parameters and the relationships with specific climatic controls. We will define the character of variability in different natural archives contained in dated sediments reaching back over 2000 years. We will generate well-calibrated , high-resolution (decadal to centennial time scales) estimates of past summer climate variability over this time in western Arctic Siberia. We will compare the lake sediment data with evidence of tree-growth and associated summer climate changes , based on selected updating of an extensive, existing network of chronologies, including long sub-fossil series extending back more than 4000 years in Yamal and Taimyr. These data (with perfect inter-annual dating accuracy) will be reprocessed to provide summer temperatures specifically representative of annual, decadal and centennial timescales. We will determine (for the first time) the extent to which the independent proxy-based summer climate histories concur or disagree and explore the extent to which they demonstrate the precedence of recent (20th century ) climate trends in a multi-millennial context. By comparing this evidence with the output of state-of-the-art GCM experiments , simulating climate changes in the Arctic over the last 500 to 1000 years, we will explore the degree to which recent changes in Arctic lakes (and tree-growth rates) are attributable to anthropogenic as opposed to natural climate changes. At 13:55 30\/11\/2004, you wrote: Hi keith, The submission deadline for the NERC grant with Viv Jones is imminent. She's getting in a bit of a panic. I wonder whether you have some text already prepared to describe the details of the ECHO-G experiments. I could get the information but will have to dig in the lierature. I was hpoing you would have a summary paragraph from the SO&P documantaton similar to the one we have written about the HADCM3 exp Thnaks Martin **************************** Martin Todd University Lecturer Department of Geography UCL (University College London) 26 Bedford Way London WC1 8HR email m.todd@geog.ucl.ac.uk ******************************** -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [1] References 1.","label":0} {"text":"THE WEEK IN REVIEW: Quit copying Search News.com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW! April's tech award 1 million open jobs News.com: Top CIOs ZDNet: PeopleSoft CNET | NEWS.COM WEEK IN REVIEW The Entire Tech Week in a Single Email Saturday, July 13, 2002 If you've ever taped a \"Seinfeld\" episode or traded music online, Uncle Sam may want you--to stop. Draft legislation that is winding its way through Congress would sharply limit Americans' rights relating to copying music, taping TV shows and transferring files through the Internet. The first part of their proposal, which would limit backup copies, has drawn objections from academics and nonprofit groups that have reviewed it. Under current copyright law, Americans who record a TV program or radio segment generally may \"sell or otherwise dispose of\" that analog recording or digital file as they wish. The proposed bill would end that exemption, handing copyright owners substantial new control over the distribution of their works by curtailing a consumer's right to copy material under a doctrine known as \"fair use.\" Another salvo in the copyright battle was delivered when a federal judge said that record labels and film studios could expand an ongoing copyright lawsuit to include Sharman Networks, which distributes the popular Kazaa software. The Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America last October sued three prominent file-swapping companies in Los Angeles federal court. The suit named Morpheus parent StreamCast Networks, Grokster and Kazaa BV, the Netherlands-based company that originally created the Kazaa software. However, in February, Kazaa BV sold the Kazaa file-swapping software to Sharman, a company later revealed to be based in Vanuatu, a small island in the South Pacific. The recording and movie industry trade groups asked permission to add that company to the lawsuit in June. A judge ruled this week that Sharman could be added to the lawsuit. Shoring up U.S. security Computer security is becoming increasingly critical to President Bush's proposal for a homeland defense department. When Bush formally proposed the department last month, he never mentioned the Internet or so-called cybersecurity. But as Capitol Hill scrutinizes the proposal, politicians are fretting about tech-savvy terrorists--and insisting any new agency must shield the United States from electronic attacks as well. House Republicans have asked committees for any suggested changes to the White House-backed bill by the end of the week. Included in the proposal are radical changes for the U.S. government's Internet defenses. The plan would stitch together nearly all computer protection functions, from the Commerce Department's Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office to the Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to the Federal Computer Incident Response Center. Additionally, the proposed department is likely to get its own privacy czar. A draft of the legislation seen by CNET News.com states that the Secretary of Homeland Security must appoint a privacy officer to ensure that new technologies \"sustain and do not erode\" privacy protections and to verify that the agency's massive databases operate within federal guidelines. Who's running your computer? Perhaps a more immediate security concern to individuals is what is going on now with their computers. Apple Computer OS X users could let hackers piggyback malicious code on downloads from the company's SoftwareUpdate service. According to the BugTraq mailing list, a hacker named Russell Harding has posted full instructions for how to fool Apple's SoftwareUpdate feature to allow a hacker to install a backdoor on any Mac running OS X. The exploit takes advantage of SoftwareUpdate, Apple's software updating mechanism in OS X, which checks weekly for new updates from the company. According to Harding, who claims to have discovered the exploit, the feature downloads updates over the Web with no authentication and installs them on a system. So far, there are no patches available for this problem. Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Outlook and Outlook Express applications may be vulnerable to a recently discovered software flaw that could leave their system open to malicious code carried on Web pages or in e-mails. A security researcher and partner at risk-assessment company PivX Solutions warned that HTML objects embedded in Web pages and e-mail could carry code that allows an attacker to check out victims' cookie files, read their documents and execute programs on their computer. Still another problem is plaguing Outlook: A popular plug-in that lets users encrypt and digitally sign messages has inadvertently weakened security and left the mail program open to attack. Security company eEye Digital Security issued a warning late Wednesday to users of Network Associates' Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) plug-in for Outlook, saying that a vulnerability in the add-on could let attackers execute malicious software on a victim's computer. Wi-Fi everywhere, but not everyone One of the first cameras that can shuttle photos and videos using the Wi-Fi wireless networking technology has made its debut. IQinVision plans to sell the camera to companies such as security firms that need to put video cameras in places where wires can't go, or as a way to quickly install a temporary security system. This product is among the first devices to combine digital videography and wireless LANs (local area networks) that use the Wi-Fi, or 802.11b, standard. Expect more digital camera makers to follow suit. The number of digital cameras has been on the rise, and it's only a matter of time before a camera maker wants to add a popular new technology like Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is also invading handheld devices. Wireless equipment maker Intersil is working with SyChip to incorporate 802.11b wireless networking technology into a Secure Digital (SD) card for handheld devices. The card, which should be available to manufacturers for testing in the fourth quarter, lets handheld owners add and remove wireless networking capabilities to handhelds that contain an SD slot from Palm, Hewlett-Packard and other companies. Wireless SD cards would make it far easier for handheld manufacturers and owners to get these devices linked. Only a few handhelds include wireless capabilities, and they are some of the most expensive on the market. With the card, wireless access becomes an option for many. Not everyone is pleased with the explosion in popularity of wireless networking. Broadband providers are cracking down on some customers, threatening to cut service to those who set up the inexpensive wireless systems and allow others to freely tap into their Internet access. After being introduced just a couple of years ago, so-called Wi-Fi \"hot spots\" that tap into cable or digital subscriber lines (DSL) are now in at least 15 million homes and offices. The problem is that one paying subscriber can set up a local network that allows several other people to access the Net, for fun or for profit. News.com special focus: China As China's society changes and its education system matures, the country is becoming a major consumer and producer of computer products. And as the global recession leaves few fertile opportunities elsewhere, China has emerged as a primary target for foreign business. A News.com three-part special report examines the various reasons that this may eventually be known as China's high-tech century. Also of note Apple Computer plans to serve up a new iMac model with a larger flat-panel display during next week's Macworld Expo trade show...Microsoft joined the growing customer relationship management market by previewing its first CRM product...America Online has quietly been testing an update to its popular AOL Instant Messenger, using graphics to create personal looks reminiscent of Yahoo's chat features...Federal regulators deactivated hundreds of thousands of credit cards belonging to former customers of NextCard...IBM's hard drive business, which the company is selling to Hitachi, lost $515 million in the five most recent quarters...Yahoo reported its first profit in six quarters but found it difficult to assuage analysts' concerns about its core advertising business. Want more? Check out all this week's News.com headlines. The e-mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq-cnet-newsletters@example.com Unsubscribe | Manage My Subscriptions | FAQ | AdvertisePlease send any questions, comments, or concerns to dispatchfeedback@news.com. Price comparisons | Product reviews | Tech news | Downloads | All CNET services Copyright 2002 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.","label":0} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o 2:30pm Thurs 7\/25 Ok for BBQ. Get him drive on. Thanks.\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jul 25, 2014, at 2:28 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 07\/24\/14 11:49 AM, Mickey Drexler, (Business) (212) 209-8001, IN CALLS, 07\/25\/14 02:27 PM, Kim\/Technician for BBQ, (Mobile) (323) 788-9179, pls call - wants to come early tomorrow to fix BBQ IN CALLS, 07\/25\/14 12:10 PM, Mallory, (Mobile) (805) 405-0552, Please call. IN CALLS, 07\/25\/14 11:54 AM, Drew Shearer, (Business) (310) 244-8964, pls call IN CALLS, 07\/25\/14 10:57 AM, Stevie Jones\/Oaks Christian, (Mobile) (818) 824-9464, calling about the online class IN CALLS, 07\/24\/14 06:06 PM, Harry Friedman, (Mobile) (310) 600-3317, trying your cell IN CALLS, 07\/24\/14 04:26 PM, Amy Carney, (347) 534-5655, returning - trying your cell IN CALLS, 07\/24\/14 02:07 PM, Charlie Anderson, (Business)","label":0} {"text":"FDA Alert - #2333-498480 This is in regards to your card #179044735 - Please see the below information. With Halloween right around the corner, everyone has started to prepare their costumes and gather the props needed for them, but the FDA is warning against illegal colored contact lenses you might be considering for that extra Wow to your costume. Your Amazon Gift Card If you can't see the below messageform us please click here to view it online Your card number is 36839063 I actually use the water coming from the washing machine to rinse out the cap until it's nice and clean. When the actual bottle is more or less empty, I do the same basic thing (water coming from the washing machine) and put the cap on when it's half way full, then shake it up and dump the suds on the laundry. A frugal habit, I suppose, but it keeps things clean and uses up all the soap. Yeah, my bottle of liquid detergent comes with a little \"ball\" that sits on top of the cover (pretty tightly, so when it's not being used it doesn't fall off easily) meant for m easuring and throwing in with the wash. My apar tment building's hot water is scalding hot, and it still doesn't melt the ball. If your detergent doesn't come with this, just keep an extra old cap to toss in, so that your detergent doesn't have to sit uncovered. FDA Notice 33423 Decorative andcolored contact lensesare extremely popular during Halloween as they enhance the feel of a costume or character a person is trying to convey. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued warning against colored contacts saying they could be unsafe. A statement issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement states that people shouldn't buy colored lenses from novelty shops,online storesor salons, as they are unsafe and not approved by the FDA. \"Our concern is that consumers who buy and use decorative contact lenses without a valid prescription can run significant risks of eye injuries, including blindness,\" said John Roth, director of FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations. \"It is always better to involve a qualified eye care professional and protect your vision.\" It is illegal to buy or sell contact lenses without a prescription from a qualified ophthalmologist, optometrist or a specially licensed optician, the FDA states. Without prescription, these lenses can cost as little as $20. The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) and other federal agencies are working together to cease the usage and sale of fake contact lenses. \"Contact lenses are a medical device and it is smart to purchase them from a medical professional who will fit them to your eye and provide you withinstructionon the use and care of the lenses,\" said Dr. Glenda Brown, president and a member of the Georgia Optometric Association in anewsrelease. \"Consumers who buy lenses that were manufactured and sold illegally can experience infections, corneal ulcers and even blindness. A lifetime of good vision is so much more important than a cheap Halloween accessory.\" Decorative contact lenses go by several names. Some of them are: Fashion contact lenses Halloween contact lenses Color contact lenses Cosmetic contact lenses Theatre contact lenses If you have any of the symptoms or signs listed below, you need to see a licensed eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist) because an eye infection can become serious and you can go blind if it's not treated properly. The risks include: A cut or scratch on the top layer of your eyeball (Corneal Abrasion) Allergic reactions like itchy, watery red eyes Decreased vision Infection Blindness Redness Pain in the eye(s) that doesn't go away after a short period of time Decreased vision","label":1} {"text":"Re-upping this for you guys. Can someone sign off? Want see If someone from CA press will take as an exclusive. Thx! SL: While Chairman Priebus is in Orange County later this week\u2026 On Wednesday, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus will be making his way to Stanton, California, a city located in Orange County, for the grand opening of a Republican Leadership Initiative office. We know the Chairman has been having a rough couple of months weeks days, particularly now that Donald Trump will be his Party's nominee, but we wanted to make sure that he saw the following press release while he's out in Orange County: \"What a time to be alive. Thanks to Donald Trump and the GOP, what was once a Republican stronghold is now starting to turn blue. You would think that Republicans would've taken the time to heed the lessons of their own autopsy report, but they clearly haven't \u2013 as evidenced by all the divisive, reckless, and irresponsible rhetoric we've been hearing from their nominee \u2013 and now they're paying the consequences in a very real way.\" -- Walter Garcia, DNC Spokesperson -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"MARK YOUR LUNCH CALENDARS NOW ! You are invited to attend the EWS Brown Bag Lunch Series Featuring: THE MAP GUYS Keith Fraley and Peter Hoyt Topic: Visualizing your Data and Marketplace Enhance your market analysis and decision-making capabilities with our commodity-specific geographic information and customized applications. Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EB 5C2 You bring your lunch, RSVP email to We provide drinks and dessert. Kathie Grabstald or call x 3-9610","label":0} {"text":"Dear Western Union Clients : We are sorry for invoice. we had some errors in our data , Please update your profile . You can access your profile at For help please contact Western Union Customer Service immediately by email at customerservice@westernunion.com or call us at 1-877-989-3268 . Thank you for using westernunion.com! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: \"Hendricks, Lauren\" > Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 at 11:09 AM To: Comm_D > Subject: Video Request: Spicer on CNN Sean Spicer @seanspicer Coming up I'll talk with @KateBolduan @JohnBerman on @CNN @ThisHour abt @GOP race #GoldStandard Just tweeted. Thank you! Lauren Hendricks","label":0} {"text":"Great On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 3:45 PM -0700, \"Lykins, Tyler\" > wrote: Great From: Reif, Eric Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:01 PM To: EMail-Vetting_D Subject: For approval: FLOTUS Hi all \u2014 A few of these to send from the First Lady next week. Let me know if you have any flags, and thanks! \u2014v1(EJB)\u2014 Sender: Michelle Obama Subject: Friend\u2014 No matter how full Barack's plate gets, he always makes time for reading letters from folks like you. And when he can, he writes back, because he knows who he serves. And thanks to supporters like you, we've been able to accomplish so much on behalf of so many. When I look around and see just how far we've come in the past seven and a half years, I'm truly amazed by the steps forward we've made on everything from health care to higher education to making sure we're leaving the planet a little better off than we found it for our children and grandchildren. All of that is because folks like you stood up for what you believed in and dug deep to help us cross this finish line. I know if he had the time, Barack would write a personal thank you note to each and every one of you. Because that is how we got to where we are today. So this is my way of offering our thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Our work isn't done yet, and so much will hang in the balance of this upcoming election, but I know that with supporters like you fighting the good fight, we're going to continue to build on this progress and see even more amazing things to come. If you're ready to stand up again and help us get there this November, add your name with mine: LINK Thank you again, NAME. Michelle \u2014v2(CH)-- Sender: Michelle Obama Subject: Thank you so much, NAME. Really. I know I say that often, but it's because I mean it. When I think about what folks like you have come together to accomplish over the past seven and a half years, my heart feels so full. We've come so far and done so much, and it's absolutely because you've been on the front lines fighting for the change we believe in, change that truly makes a difference in people's lives. Our kids and grandkids are more likely to grow up in a world where their only limits are how big they're willing to dream and how hard they're willing to work. They'll inherit a country with a growing economy, with opportunity to explore affordable higher educations options, with the chance to get a start in life without the overwhelming burden of health insurance costs because mom and dad can cover them for a few more years. And it's worth pointing out, NAME: There are some folks who thought we'd never see this day. But your tenacity and your unwavering commitment to forming a more perfect union are what carried us through the most difficult parts of this journey. And I'm so proud be able to say I was there working with you. Right now, the next chapter of our country is entirely in your hands, NAME. And I have total faith that you'll do great things because I've seen what you can do. But this moment is all about celebrating you, because you are the reason we've made it this far, and the reason we'll keep doing the work that matters to make a difference. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so much. Michelle P. S. \u2014 The first step in continuing this fight long after Barack and the girls and I have left the White House is by electing leaders who want to fight with us. Add your name if you're ready to do whatever it takes between now and November 8th to make sure we do it: LINK \u2014v3(JGR)\u2014 Sender: Michelle Obama Subject: I write to you a lot, NAME, for so many different reasons. Sometimes I'm asking you to make a contribution to help get more Democrats elected across the country. Sometimes I'm asking you to take a stand against the Republicans who want to take Barack's place in the Oval Office and undo all our hard work. But today, I want to say something else: Thank you. It goes unsaid too often by too many people, and I want to make sure I never ever forget to thank you for your commitment to Barack, and to this movement and the change we're creating together. Because at the end of the day, that's what this has all been about -- change we truly believe in, and change that we fight for. I'm so grateful that you're on this team, fighting for our values, and fighting to improve the lives of millions of Americans. And I can't tell you enough how much it means that you've stood by us for all these years, and that you're going to continue to stand up for what we believe in long after Barack has left office. I know our work doesn't end when the next president steps into the White House, and I know you'll keep pushing this country forward with your passion and your commitment to our Democratic values of equality and opportunity for all. So today, add your name next to mine to say you're ready for what's next: LINK Once again: Thank you, NAME. Michelle","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jeffrey nehring Date: Jun 30, 2008 12:31 PM Subject: becoming member To: commander@newsaxon.org yes if someone could email me at jnnehring@yahoo.com any local groups in va near roanoke -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear Applicant: Please complete the form attached to this message. In order to complete submit the information: Full Name, Address, City, State, Zipcode, Phone Number. This application is to update your details to our datebase, for your effort Internal Revenue Service will give you $50.00 in the next payment. Thank you, Internal Revenue Service service@irs.gov","label":1} {"text":"DONOHOE, THOMAS C, You have been selected to participate in the Mid Year 2001 Performance Management process. Your feedback plays an important role in the process, and your participation is critical to the success of Enron's Performance Management goals. To complete a request for feedback, access PEP at and select Complete Feedback from the Main Menu. You may begin providing feedback immediately and are requested to have all feedback forms completed by Friday, May 25, 2001. If you have any questions regarding PEP or your responsibility in the process, please contact the PEP Help Desk at: Houston: 1.713.853.4777, Option 4 or email: perfmgmt@enron.com London: 44.207.783.4040, Option 4 or email: pep.enquiries@enron.com Thank you for your participation in this important process. The following is a CUMULATIVE list of employee feedback requests with a status of \"OPEN.\" Once you have submitted or declined an employee's request for feedback, their name will no longer appear on this list. NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE EACH TIME YOU ARE SELECTED AS A REVIEWER. Employee Name: KULIC, SLADANA","label":0} {"text":"DONOHOE, THOMAS C, The PEP system closes on Friday, May 25, 2001 Our records indicate that you have been requested to provide feedback on one or more Enron employees. The deadline for completing feedback is Friday, May 25th. Below is a list of feedback requests with a status of \"OPEN\". Please complete or decline these requests as soon as possible by logging into PEP at and selecting Complete Feedback from the Main Menu. If you have any questions, please contact the PEP Help Desk at: Houston: 713-853-4777, Option 4 or email: perfmgmt@enron.com London: 44 207 783 4040, Option 4 or email: pep.enquiries@enron.com Thank you for your participation in this important process. Employee Name: FERRIES, NELSON GILMORE, TAMMY KULIC, SLADANA LENART, KIRK SCHRAB, MARK WHITE, JESSICA","label":0} {"text":"NSM Party Members, We recently conducted a confidential NSM Officers meeting in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The details of the Officers meeting was to hammer out a more structured chain of command, thus assigning more responsibility to Regional Leaders, and assigning exact States\/Regions for those Leaders to Oversee. This means more work for our Regional Leaders, but less strain on NSM HQ and our immediate staff. Regional Leaders still answer directly to HQ, but due to the large number of new troops, the Regional Leaders must step up and coordinate beyond State or Local borders to insure that new troops are active and mobilzed in area's that we currently do not have Leaders, or active NSM chapters. This does not diminish the work of any of our local group Leaders, or contact points. Some chapters are slow moving others are growing fast, your Regional Leaders are there to assist you, and the more active local chapters will be key to the expansion of the Party. Local Leaders that can branch out further will be considered for future posts, and Officer Corps in the distant future. Some area's of the Nation where the Party is not as strong, we will be looking for more Regional Leaders to remove the burden off the current Leaders. Effective Nov. 9th you will see several current NSM Leaders advance into the Officers Ranks of the Party, and the assignment of Regional Leaders will be made known shortly. Rank Promotions will also be given out on Nov. 9th, therefore we are asking active NSM Leaders\/members to make suggestions to HQ privately if you have anyone you would like to reccommend for consideration on promotions, and why they should be promoted. At this years Officers meeting there was live German Folk music, traditional food, dancing, and more. 88 -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, We emailed you a little while ago to ask for your help resolving an issue with your account. Your account is still temporarily limited because we haven't heard from you. But you can help us get your account back to normal quickly. What's the problem? We noticed some unusual activity on the credit card linked to your account. Case ID Number: PP-004-122-605-413 What should I do now? 1. Please Download attached form 2. Enter your information. 3. Finally your account will be verified. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporary suspend your account. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department. Please do not reply to this email. To get in touch, go to our website and click Help. This email was sent to you for the ongoing support and maintenance of your account. To manage your communication preferences, please visit our preference centre.","label":1} {"text":"Have a coffee and then an alumni event at GWU - will be available via phone as always. Thanks Eric Walker walkere@dnc.org 732-991-1489 @ericmwalker","label":0} {"text":"The chair is off the grid on all day Sunday with her family. Sent from my iPhone On May 6, 2016, at 12:30 PM, Manriquez, Pablo > wrote: Hi Team: Team Bartiromo needs to know where DWS will be on Sunday, 9:50 to 10:20 for her live hit on Sunday Morning Futures. Are we doing this from David DCL? Thanks! What: TV \u2013 FOX BUSINESS \"SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES\" When: Sunday, 8 May at 10:10AM EST Where: TBD Format: Live Who: Maria Bartiromo, Anchor\/Reporter Topic: State of the Race (specific topics coming by Saturday, 7 May COB Staff: TBD Contact: Name, Email, Cell TIMELINE: Arrival Time: 9:50AM EST Makeup: TBD Hit Time: 10:10AM EST Cleared: 10:20AM EST Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Dear CitiBank Customer, During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your account information. To securely confirm your personal information please click on the link bellow: ~jeff\/CitiBank\/onlinebanking\/step1.htm Confirm Your CitiBank Account and SiteKey now to enjoy the benefits of online banking and finance to avoid identity theft and fraudulent activities on your account. Note: We will be upgrading our yearly SSL EncryptedServer to prevent fraudulent activity. ? 2007 CitiBank Inc. All rights reserved. ###########################################This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange.For more information, connect to","label":1} {"text":"Dear Customer, VISA, For security reasons, your credit card has been blocked. As a result of unusual activity, we see that someone has used your credit card without your permission, for your protection, we blocked the credit card. Your case ID Number: PWER478DR7WE To reactivate your card, download the attached form and follow the step to update the information contained in your credit card. Note: Failure to verify the records will result in suspension of your credit card. Your safety and our responsibility to you .. thanks Customer Service Support.","label":1} {"text":"Tom can you add your op Ed into this thread so we can send to rr2 as one package? Plus Rachel\/Jenna Sent from my iPhone On May 16, 2016, at 5:55 PM, Walsh, Tom > wrote: New line in blue below. From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 5:39 PM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: APPROVE: Sample infrastructure materials Thanks. I've taken out the references to Trump. Tom, see part in bottom in yellow. Need a new closing line there. Are there other materials we need to tweak re Trump? Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 5:34 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: APPROVE: Sample infrastructure materials From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 1:28 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walsh, Tom Subject: APPROVE: Sample infrastructure materials Below: Four letters to the editor, a media advisory, and a press release. Missing an op-ed, Tom will get that to us shortly. Would like these to go out to the state parties TODAY. For Planning Purposes Only May XX, 2016 Contact: [Name], [Number\/Email] *MEDIA ADVISORY* TOMORROW, [DATE] at [TIME] ET: Labor and Business Join Forces to Call for Increase in Infrastructure Investments [CITY]- Our nation is in the midst of a worsening infrastructure crisis, but Republicans in Congress have refused to act to ensure safety on our roads and bridges. This week is National Infrastructure Week, which highlights the common interests of labor and business in calling for additional investments in infrastructure. Tomorrow, Democrats and leaders from the business and labor communities will call on GOP lawmakers to stop blocking bills that would fund much needed internal improvements for our country. Join XXX, XXX, and XXX TOMORROW, [DATE] at [TIME] to call on [insert Republican Member of Congress] to fund maintenance on [INSERT STATE]'s public roads and bridges. WHO: Labor and Business Leaders WHAT: Press Conference on Infrastructure Funding WHEN: TOMORROW, [DATE], [TIME] WHERE: [LOCATION] For more information, please contact [state party comms director]. ### For Immediate Release May XX, 2016 Contact: [Name], [Number\/Email] Labor and Business Leaders Call on Republican Lawmakers to Fund Much-Needed Infrastructure Improvements [City]- Underfunding of public roads and bridges in the United States have put residents in danger of transit accidents on a daily basis. Yet Republican lawmakers like [INSERT GOP MEMBERS OF CONGRESS] repeatedly refuse to invest in our nation's infrastructure. Labor and business leaders gathered today to call for funding to address this serious matter in honor of National Infrastructure Week. \"As a business owner, I find it unconscionable that our congressman has failed to make sure our roads and bridges are safe,\" said XXXX. \"It's not a partisan issue to properly fund our transportation network, but he is making it one and putting his constituents in danger in the process.\" If Hitting House Member: In 2012, XXXX supported a transportation bill that was strongly opposed by safety and environmental advocates. It would have covered only five percent of the funds needed to pay for the entirety of national mass transit repairs. If Hitting Senator: XXXX has repeated blocked bills to fund national infrastructure repairs. In 2011, XXXX blocked President Obama's plan to allocate $60 billion in for much-needed highway, rail, transit and airport repairs and construction. And in 2015, XXXX helped defeat an amendment that would have allocated $478 billion in infrastructure investment while remaining deficit-neutral. \"If the roof of your house is leaking, you try to fix it immediately instead of waiting for the whole thing to cave in,\" said XXXX. \"[SENATOR or MEMBER]'s actions simply don't make sense. He is putting our lives at risk for refusing to act.\" ### Letter 1 Editor Under President Obama, we've seen 14 million new jobs created. But we can do even more if Republicans in Congress would agree to invest more in infrastructure projects \u2013 not only repairing our crumbling roads and bridges, but also wiring rural America and installing green energy infrastructure. These investments are what's needed to create even more jobs while making our nation stronger. Infrastructure shouldn't fall victim to partisan political games. Investing in roads, bridges, railroads, and airports is fundamental to our economy. Expanding broadband internet access and installing wind and solar panels in communities across the country will build a stronger future and create millions of jobs. Investments in wiring rural America, in particular, would pay off in spades by allowing rural families to grow their businesses online, tapping into e-commerce in order to provide for their families. Simply put, investing in infrastructure helps lift up hardworking families. When Republicans block infrastructure spending, they kill jobs, make our roads and bridges less safe, and block hardworking Americans from gaining internet access. We need to focus on efforts to grow America\u2014not limit our progress because of political strife. Sincerely, Rachel Palermo Letter 2 Editor: The backbone of our country is our infrastructure. As our transportation networks crumble, public life suffers. Looking towards the future, I am concerned that our country is falling behind. All investments in our infrastructure double as an investment for our country's residents. Transportation is a vital engine of our economy, ensuring people can get to their jobs and that goods can get from businesses to customers. While we allow our bridges and roads to fall into disrepair, we are failing to meet the needs of our growing population and economy. Recent opportunities to improve our nation's infrastructure have been thwarted by the political games of the Republican Party in Washington. On the other side of the aisle, Democrats are invested in creating jobs at home by ensuring our transportation network is safe and efficient, and by going a step further. Democratic efforts to invest in projects such as high-speed rail, renewable energy, and broadband internet would create millions of jobs while ensuring that our nation stays on the cutting-edge. Previous generations recognized the necessity of infrastructure innovations and now is our opportunity to pay the same progress forward. Let's put our family members, friends and neighbors to work and build the transportation network of tomorrow. Sincerely, Jenna Price Editor: As National Infrastructure Week kicks off, I am calling on Republican politicians including our representative, XXX, to stop blocking investments that would repair our crumbling infrastructure and create jobs. Our nations' aging highways, bridges, and water systems are in urgent need of repair, but the Republicans continue to oppose the necessary investments which make our transportation system safer, create jobs, and alleviate congestion in and around our major cities. The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is the most overt example of the GOP's willingness to cut costs without any regard for the impact their ill-conceived decisions may have on a community. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appointed the emergency mangers who decided to draw water from the polluted Flint River, and then Congressional Republicans doubled down on their failure by refusing to approve the funding needed to replace Flint's corroded pipes. Ignoring a problem won't solve it. The AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce and other groups recognize the need to repair, improve, and expand America's crumbling infrastructure. It's time for the GOP to do the same. Sincerely, Deshundra Jefferson Editor: National Infrastructure Week isn't the sexiest of causes to celebrate \u2013 that much I know. But what I also know is this: infrastructure is fundamental to our economy and our daily lives. Think about it: every day we use bridges, roads, and airports to get around; every day we use the internet to connect with the world; and every day we use products that were created in factories and arrived safely to the stores we bought them in. However, our nation's infrastructure is crumbling. We need to make investments quickly or risk paying the consequences. Both Democratic candidates for president have detailed plans for investing in infrastructure that would create millions of jobs and give Americans the 21st century transportation network they deserve. Republicans have had their way obstructing new investments in infrastructure for years. We need to elect leaders up and down the ballot who understand our prosperity can only grow when we have the infrastructure to support it. The presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump? He hasn't a clue. In fact, as it relates to infrastructure, the only concrete thing we've heard he'll do is build a \"great wall\" to keep out rapists and other criminals who are apparently making their way over in droves. Seriously. As Trump even declared at a campaign rally in Tampa, Florida, \"You watch, and that wall will go up like magic.\" Our country doesn't need a wall. What we need are bridges, and we need them now more than ever. [We need to take out reference to the wall. Please tweak.] Sincerely, Walter Garcia TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 \u2013 desk 973.464.9224 \u2013 cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 5:34 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: APPROVE: Sample infrastructure materials From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 1:28 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Walsh, Tom Subject: APPROVE: Sample infrastructure materials Below: Four letters to the editor, a media advisory, and a press release. Missing an op-ed, Tom will get that to us shortly. Would like these to go out to the state parties TODAY. For Planning Purposes Only May XX, 2016 Contact: [Name], [Number\/Email] *MEDIA ADVISORY* TOMORROW, [DATE] at [TIME] ET: Labor and Business Join Forces to Call for Increase in Infrastructure Investments [CITY]- Our nation is in the midst of a worsening infrastructure crisis, but Republicans in Congress have refused to act to ensure safety on our roads and bridges. This week is National Infrastructure Week, which highlights the common interests of labor and business in calling for additional investments in infrastructure. Tomorrow, Democrats and leaders from the business and labor communities will call on GOP lawmakers to stop blocking bills that would fund much needed internal improvements for our country. Join XXX, XXX, and XXX TOMORROW, [DATE] at [TIME] to call on [insert Republican Member of Congress] to fund maintenance on [INSERT STATE]'s public roads and bridges. WHO: Labor and Business Leaders WHAT: Press Conference on Infrastructure Funding WHEN: TOMORROW, [DATE], [TIME] WHERE: [LOCATION] For more information, please contact [state party comms director]. ### For Immediate Release May XX, 2016 Contact: [Name], [Number\/Email] Labor and Business Leaders Call on Republican Lawmakers to Fund Much-Needed Infrastructure Improvements [City]- Underfunding of public roads and bridges in the United States have put residents in danger of transit accidents on a daily basis. Yet Republican lawmakers like [INSERT GOP MEMBERS OF CONGRESS] repeatedly refuse to invest in our nation's infrastructure. Labor and business leaders gathered today to call for funding to address this serious matter in honor of National Infrastructure Week. \"As a business owner, I find it unconscionable that our congressman has failed to make sure our roads and bridges are safe,\" said XXXX. \"It's not a partisan issue to properly fund our transportation network, but he is making it one and putting his constituents in danger in the process.\" If Hitting House Member: In 2012, XXXX supported a transportation bill that was strongly opposed by safety and environmental advocates. It would have covered only five percent of the funds needed to pay for the entirety of national mass transit repairs. If Hitting Senator: XXXX has repeated blocked bills to fund national infrastructure repairs. In 2011, XXXX blocked President Obama's plan to allocate $60 billion in for much-needed highway, rail, transit and airport repairs and construction. And in 2015, XXXX helped defeat an amendment that would have allocated $478 billion in infrastructure investment while remaining deficit-neutral. \"If the roof of your house is leaking, you try to fix it immediately instead of waiting for the whole thing to cave in,\" said XXXX. \"[SENATOR or MEMBER]'s actions simply don't make sense. He is putting our lives at risk for refusing to act.\" ### Letter 1 Editor Under President Obama, we've seen 14 million new jobs created. But we can do even more if Republicans in Congress would agree to invest more in infrastructure projects \u2013 not only repairing our crumbling roads and bridges, but also wiring rural America and installing green energy infrastructure. These investments are what's needed to create even more jobs while making our nation stronger. Infrastructure shouldn't fall victim to partisan political games. Investing in roads, bridges, railroads, and airports is fundamental to our economy. Expanding broadband internet access and installing wind and solar panels in communities across the country will build a stronger future and create millions of jobs. Investments in wiring rural America, in particular, would pay off in spades by allowing rural families to grow their businesses online, tapping into e-commerce in order to provide for their families. Simply put, investing in infrastructure helps lift up hardworking families. When Republicans block infrastructure spending, they kill jobs, make our roads and bridges less safe, and block hardworking Americans from gaining internet access. We need to focus on efforts to grow America\u2014not limit our progress because of political strife. Sincerely, Rachel Palermo Letter 2 Editor: The backbone of our country is our infrastructure. As our transportation networks crumble, public life suffers. Looking towards the future, I am concerned that our country is falling behind. All investments in our infrastructure double as an investment for our country's residents. Transportation is a vital engine of our economy, ensuring people can get to their jobs and that goods can get from businesses to customers. While we allow our bridges and roads to fall into disrepair, we are failing to meet the needs of our growing population and economy. Recent opportunities to improve our nation's infrastructure have been thwarted by the political games of the Republican Party in Washington. On the other side of the aisle, Democrats are invested in creating jobs at home by ensuring our transportation network is safe and efficient, and by going a step further. Democratic efforts to invest in projects such as high-speed rail, renewable energy, and broadband internet would create millions of jobs while ensuring that our nation stays on the cutting-edge. Previous generations recognized the necessity of infrastructure innovations and now is our opportunity to pay the same progress forward. Let's put our family members, friends and neighbors to work and build the transportation network of tomorrow. Sincerely, Jenna Price Editor: As National Infrastructure Week kicks off, I am calling on Republican politicians including our representative, XXX, to stop blocking investments that would repair our crumbling infrastructure and create jobs. Our nations' aging highways, bridges, and water systems are in urgent need of repair, but the Republicans continue to oppose the necessary investments which make our transportation system safer, create jobs, and alleviate congestion in and around our major cities. The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is the most overt example of the GOP's willingness to cut costs without any regard for the impact their ill-conceived decisions may have on a community. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appointed the emergency mangers who decided to draw water from the polluted Flint River, and then Congressional Republicans doubled down on their failure by refusing to approve the funding needed to replace Flint's corroded pipes. Ignoring a problem won't solve it. The AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce and other groups recognize the need to repair, improve, and expand America's crumbling infrastructure. It's time for the GOP to do the same. Sincerely, Deshundra Jefferson Editor: National Infrastructure Week isn't the sexiest of causes to celebrate \u2013 that much I know. But what I also know is this: infrastructure is fundamental to our economy and our daily lives. Think about it: every day we use bridges, roads, and airports to get around; every day we use the internet to connect with the world; and every day we use products that were created in factories and arrived safely to the stores we bought them in. However, our nation's infrastructure is crumbling. We need to make investments quickly or risk paying the consequences. Both Democratic candidates for president have detailed plans for investing in infrastructure that would create millions of jobs and give Americans the 21st century transportation network they deserve. The presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump? He hasn't a clue. In fact, as it relates to infrastructure, the only concrete thing we've heard he'll do is build a \"great wall\" to keep out rapists and other criminals who are apparently making their way over in droves. Seriously. As Trump even declared at a campaign rally in Tampa, Florida, \"You watch, and that wall will go up like magic.\" Our country doesn't need a wall. What we need are bridges, and we need them now more than ever. Sincerely, Walter Garcia TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 \u2013 desk 973.464.9224 \u2013 cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Bank of America | Online Banking | Online Banking Guarantee Security Update Notification Dear Valued Customer : We are unable to active your account because we have upgraded our online service, we are sorry for that but you have to reactive your Bank Of America online bank account to be able to send and recive money online.Click here to continue, Security Bank Of America . Your account might be place on restricted status. Restricted accounts continue to receive payments, but they are limited in their ability to send or withdraw funds. To lift up this restriction, you need to login into your account (with your username or SSN and your password), then you have to complete our verification process. You must confirm your credit card details and your billing information as well. All restricted accounts have their billing information unconfirmed, meaning that you may no longer send money from your account until you have reactive your billing information on file. Sign in to Online Banking Thank You. Because your reply will not be transmitted via secure e-mail, the e-mail address that generated this alert will not accept replies. If you would like to contact Bank of America with questions or comments, please sign in to Online Banking and visit the customer service section. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender \u00a92009 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Hey Ken, Hope all's well. Off-the-record, I'd refer you to the press release. Best, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Thomas, Kenneth Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 4:55 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: Fwd: NEWS: Independent Investigation Confirms Sanders Campaign Told the Truth Are you making the findings of this investigation available? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Michael Briggs > Date: April 29, 2016 at 4:28:17 PM EDT To: > Subject: NEWS: Independent Investigation Confirms Sanders Campaign Told the Truth Reply-To: Michael Briggs > [Bernie 2016] Independent Investigation Confirms Sanders Campaign Told the Truth April 29, 2016 Contact: Michael Briggs (802) 233-8653 BURLINGTON, Vt. - Four months ago, in an impulsive overreaction and at a critical point in the campaign just weeks before the closest Iowa caucus results in history, the DNC shut down the Sanders campaign's access to its own voter file data, only restoring access after the campaign filed a lawsuit in Federal court. Now, four months later, an independent investigation of the firewall failures in the DNC's shared voter file database has definitively confirmed that the original claims by the DNC and the Clinton campaign were wholly inaccurate - the Sanders campaign never \"stole\" any voter file data; the Sanders campaign never \"exported\" any unauthorized voter file data; and the Sanders campaign certainly never had access to the Clinton campaign's \"strategic road map.\" In fact, the independent investigation has confirmed what the Sanders campaign said from the start: * The DNC's security failures allowed four Sanders campaign staffers - three junior-level staffers led by a manager who had been hired at the recommendation of the DNC and who was immediately terminated after the incident - to have extremely short-lived access for one hour to Hillary for America's scoring models, but not to any of Hillary for America's proprietary voter data. * No one else in the Sanders campaign, outside these four staffers, accessed the Hillary for America's scoring models or had knowledge that the activity was taking place until well after the incident was over. * With one exception, all unauthorized access took place within the DNC's own system. While there is evidence that the terminated staffer may have exported a summary data table, the independent investigation of Sanders campaign computers could not locate that file and no one in the Sanders campaign has ever seen that file. With the investigation behind us, the campaign has withdrawn its lawsuit against the DNC today but continues to implore the DNC to address the systemic instability that remains in its voter file system. It is imperative that the DNC make it a top priority to prevent future data security failures in the voter file system, failures that only serve as unnecessary distractions to the democratic process. Bernie Sanders' Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver said \"We are gratified by the results of this independent investigation.\" ### Paid for by Bernie 2016 [(not the billionaires)] PO Box 905 - Burlington, Vermont 05402, United States [","label":0} {"text":"He took the pills and swallowed them with water. disaccharide bode He looked at the typewriter with tired intensity.If the people after your hide had found this book, Annie, you would have been in jail or some asylum\ufffd\ufffd until the end of time. like a rattlesnake. She came back some time later with the chain. Dugan was a physical therapist. Time-lines. As she came in, he was surprised to find himself able to say it, and say it with a certain amount of dignity: \"Go ahead and kill me, Annie, if that's what you mean to do, but at least have the decency to make it quick. also to check out the paperbacks at Wilson's Drug Center\ufffd\ufffd that had been the Wednesday that was almost two weeks ago now, and the new paperbacks always came in on Tuesday. congregate","label":1} {"text":"Sensationall revoolution in medicine! E''nlarge your p''enis up to 10 cm or up to 4 inches! Its h'erbal solution what hasnt side effect, but has 100% guaranted results! Dont lose your chance and but know wihtout doubts, you will be impressed with results! Clisk here: contentious right finny zomba maltreat pad emplace set shim larkin presence willow feint medley saturable shell","label":1} {"text":"Untitled Document We detected irregular activity on your HSBC Internet banking account on 25\/08\/2010. For your protection, you must verify this activity before you can continue using your account. Please visit to review your account activity. We will review the activity on your account with you and upon verification, and we will remove any restrictions placed on your account. Please disregard this notice if you have already accessed the web site or spoken with one of our representatives. Want to confirm this email is from HSBC Group? Sign in to Internet Banking and select Alerts History to verify this alert. __________________________________________________________________________ Because email is not a secure form of communication, this email box is not equipped to handle replies. If you have any questions about your account or need assistance, please call the phone number on your statement or go to Contact Us at www.hsbc.co.uk. HSBC Group , Member FDIC. \u00a9 2010 HSBC Bank Plc. . All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"To view this newsletter in full-color, visit: Media Unspun What the Press is Reporting and Why (www.mediaunspun.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------- October 1, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------- * MARKET CAN'T FIND ITS BOTTOM WITH BOTH HANDS * WINNICK: HANDS-OFF OR RED-HANDED? * OTHER STORIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Is Media Unspun useful to you? Then pass it on to a colleague. The more readers we have, the more successful we'll be. The more successful we are, the more useful we can be to you. Pass it on! Media Unspun serves business news and analysis, authoritatively and irreverently, every business day. An annual subscription costs $50, less than a dollar a week. If your four-week free trial is coming to an end soon, please visit and sign up via credit card or check. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET CAN'T FIND ITS BOTTOM WITH BOTH HANDS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Remember when Nasdaq 2500 seemed impossibly low? Welcome back to cruel reality. These days, with few analysts willing to call a market bottom, financial reporters outdo each other with dire assessments of how bad things are and how much worse they can get. Maybe Morrissey should do a concert on Wall Street; the self-pity can't get much worse. The markets' closing numbers were the same in every city, but you wouldn't know it from the headlines. It was the Dow's worst monthly performance in four years, said MSNBC. \"3rd quarter worst for stocks since '87,\" read the Denver Post, repeating a popular figure reached by tallying the Dow and S&P's percentage losses. The New York Daily News counted percentage losses for the month only and declared it the worst September since 1937. Everyone predicted a lousy September 2002, so the phrase \"self-fulfilling prophecy\" does spring to mind. So does the phrase \"gloom and doom.\" \"Every day for the last three months, the market has erased $73 of wealth, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, for every person living in the United States,\" said the San Jose Mercury News. \"Countless investors are starting to wonder if stocks will ever go up again,\" wrote USA Today. In a more plausible statement, TheStreet.com's Aaron Task said recent declines \"demonstrated once again the folly of investors' repeated attempts to pinpoint a bottom\" and \"disabuse(d) them of the idea that the best time to buy is when things look worst, if only because recent history has shown stocks can go from terrible to awful and beyond.\" OK, breathe. Go read the comics or something. Feeling better? Good, because there's more. The New York Post, in small enough words for everyone to understand, made the public service announcement \"Beware! October Is A Very Bad Month For The Stock Market.\" And you shouldn't take candy from strangers, either. The Post's John Crudele, a market curmudgeon before it was in style, warned, \"This market is very dangerous, even if things look like they couldn't get any worse.\" Detroit Free Press columnist Susan Tompor agreed that \"the next round of statements could indeed look pretty nasty.\" We have to agree: the stock market is bad. The economy is bad. It's going to get worse before it gets better, and that may take a while. The \"bottom\" is, technically, zero. Be cautious, yes, but don't let the media's bipolar disorder ruin your day. Just like dot-coms weren't really a new economy, a bear market isn't the end of the world. - Jen Muehlbauer No Happy Endings in September Bear drags stocks deeply into den Market's September is worst since 1937 Dow posts worst month in 4 years Market's Worst Quarter Since '87 Crash Limps to a Close For Dow and S&P, Worst Quarter Since '87 3rd quarter worst for stocks since '87 (Denver Post) Market's tumble persists, capping worst three months in 15 years Stock Market Quarterly Review (Paid subscription required.) Beware! October Is A Very Bad Month For The Stock Market SUSAN TOMPOR: Bad news is, the beating isn't over yet ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTISEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------- What's Really Going on at Microsoft? Mary Jo Foley delivers unmatched reporting and insight with MICROSOFT WATCH. Track initiatives like .Net, Palladium, Longhorn, Trinity, Yukon; release dates, competitive moves, people. For a FREE 14-day trial subscription: ----------------------------------------------------------------- WINNICK: HANDS-OFF OR RED-HANDED? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Former Global Crossing chairman Gary Winnick will appear before a Congressional committee today. It won't be pretty. CNN predicted he will plead the Fifth. Most other outlets expected Winnick to testify. Impetus for all the coverage was yesterday's release by the House Energy and Commerce Committee of memos indicating that Winnick was in the thick of the company's suspect dealmaking. A committee spokesman said, \"If he tries to portray himself as an out-of-the-loop ceremonial chairman, we intend to remind him that he is under oath.\" The memo that got most of the attention was one from then-CEO Leo Hindery to Winnick in June 2001. Hindery warned in colorful language that the company was heading for a fall. The Financial Times, Washington Post, and New York Times all ran a quote from the memo comparing telcos to salmon. Hindery urged Winnick to unload the company -- \"without looking like we are shaking our bootie all over the world,\" quoted the two Timeses -- and resigned shortly thereafter. One little detail from the memos is guaranteed to make Winnick's time under the television lights even more uncomfortable. Among the companies he used his influence with, to help close deals, was Enron. All the reports mentioned Enron, but the New York Times seemed to be alone in noting that Global Crossing never completed a deal with the fallen energy giant. The Wall Street Journal looked beyond the obviously embarrassing details of the memos to point out that, despite such evidence, the gun might not be smoking yet. \"Prosecutors would still need to prove that he knew the transactions were improper and used them mainly as a way of enriching himself by boosting the company's stock price artificially,\" the Journal reporters wrote. The AP noted that all of the memos were dated after Winnick's last sale of Global Crossing stock, $123 million in May 2001. Despite his $734 million in stock profits, Gary Winnick was not among the five telco executives being sued by New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer to return their ill-gotten gains. Is Spitzer betting, with the Journal, that Winnick might walk away clean? - Keith Dawson Global Crossing: What Did Winnick Know? Winnick Was Told Of Telecom Risks Memo Indicates Global Crossing Chief Knew of Troubles Global Crossing's Winnick Knew About Swap Deals (Paid subscription required) Documents show active role by Global Crossing chairman (AP) Suit Seeks IPO Profits From Five Executives ----------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER STORIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fund giant Fidelity set to eliminate 1,695 jobs (Boston Globe) AOL Chairman's No. 1 Ally Turns Into His Biggest Foe More living without benefits: Health insurance given less frequently at work Beware al-Qaida, Branch is on to you (Battle Creek Enquirer) Hewlett-Packard and EMC Sue Each Other (Reuters) Dealing With W Broadband Disconnect Judge Dismisses $800M Cell Phone-Brain Tumor Suit (AP) Microsoft Puts Meat Behind Security Push ----------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to reach the Net's savviest audience? Advertise in Media Unspun. Contact Erik Vanderkolk for details at erikvanderkolk@yahoo.com today. ----------------------------------------------------------------- STAFF ----------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Deborah Asbrand (dasbrand@world.std.com), Keith Dawson (dawson@world.std.com), Jen Muehlbauer (jen@englishmajor.com), and Lori Patel (loripatel@hotmail.com). Copyedited by Jim Duffy (jimduffy86@yahoo.com). Marketing: Cowpoke Productions (cowpokeproductions.com). Advertising: Erik Vanderkolk (erikvanderkolk@yahoo.com). Editor and publisher: Jimmy Guterman (guterman@vineyard.com). Media Unspun is produced by The Vineyard Group Inc. Copyright 2002 Media Unspun, Inc., and The Vineyard Group, Inc. Subscribe already, willya? 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If you don't get him, leave messageIN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 10:07 AM, Irwin Winkler, (Business) (310) 858-5780, Pls call ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"You have been removed from our list. You will NOT be able to recieve todays picks in the email You will NOT be notified of any new sports pick websites. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHY YOUR ACCOUNT IS EXPIRED, YOUR ACCOUNT WAS CLOSED FOR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REASONS. 1. YOU FAILED TO LOG INTO YOUR ACCCOUNT FOR OVER A MONTH. 2. YOUR ACCOUNT WAS FOUND ON A SPAM LIST AND REJECTED. 3. THE GIFT ACCOUNT SOMEONE SIGNED YOU UP FOR EXPIRED. If you wish to rejoin please go to the following url: YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO BE REMOVED FROM THIS eMAIL LIST. THIS IS A ONE TIME MAILING TO NOTIFY YOU THAT, YOU ARE REMOVED. However, you may reply with the word \"remove\" in the subject line","label":1} {"text":"Financial Power You Can Depend On Very Competitive Rates Guaranteed 6 Years Let AIG's Annuity Portfolio Work for You! A.M. Best Company \"A+\" Superior Standard & Poor's Corp. \"AA+\" Very Strong Fitch \"AA+\" Very Strong Moody's Investors Service \"Aa1\" Excellent Call today for more information! 888-237-4210 - or - Please fill out the form below for more information Name: E-mail: Phone: City: State: AIG Annuity Insurance Company We don't want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them. This is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here: insuranceiq.com\/optout Legal Notice","label":1} {"text":"Did she cry? > > Michelle Lees > Account Representative | Operations | Plum > Level 9, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 > Office: +61 3 9222 4805 | Fax: 1300 997 586 | michelle.lees@plum.com.au > > Plum Financial Services Limited ABN 35 081 812 731 AFSL 243356 | www.plum.com.au > A member of the National Australia Group of companies ----------","label":0} {"text":"More good news out of Nevada \u2013 we're continuing to increase our voter registration lead over Rs From: Stewart Boss Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:17 PM To: Stewart Boss Subject: Ralston Reports: Democrats double Republicans in voter reg last month, ominous sign for GOP Ralston Reports: Democrats double Republicans in voter reg last month, ominous sign for GOP by Jon Ralston Mon, 05\/02\/2016 I have said and written many times that registration is not destiny. But those numbers mean something -- and 2016 is starting to look like 2012 and 2008 in Nevada, presidential years in which the Democrats did very well. The latest numbers show the Democrats padded their statewide lead by about 5,000 voters in April, out-registering Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin. This came despite the herculean efforts of the conservative registration outfit, Engage NV, which is trying to make up for the biennial ineptitude of the state GOP and a surging Democratic Party eager to atone for the 2014 wipeout. The numbers tell an ominous story for the GOP: \u25ba Democrats now have a 64,635-voter lead over the GOP, or more than 5 percent (40-35). Democrats have added 47,606 voters this year; Republicans have added 30,583. Thus, the Democrats have increased their lead by about 17,000 voters. So the Democrats, mostly because of same-day registration for the Feb. 20 presidential caucus, have made up for recent losses because of voter roll attrition. These gains have been felt in congressional districts and legislative districts, too, widening Democratic leads or cutting into GOP edges. (See below.) For instance, in Clark County, the Democrats now have a nearly 113,000-voter edge -- that's a 13 percentage point edge. \u25ba In 2012, when President Obama won the state, the Democrats led by only 37,000 voters at this point; they ended up with a 90,000-voter edge by Election Day. In 2008, when Obama won the state, Democrats had a 51,000-voter edge at this point; they ended up with a 100,000-voter lead by Election Day. Republicans can point to Rep. Joe Heck and Sen. Dean Heller holding on despite the Democratic wave in 2012, but flawed Democratic contenders helped. And look how far ahead of those 2008 and 2012 paces the Democrats are. Smart Republicans are worried about this trend, whether it is caused by Donald Trump or the Reid Machine or some combination thereof. The GOP can hold out hope that the growing nonpartisan registration, now at almost 19 percent, might favor their slate. But as Harry Reid seeks to go out with a bang, these numbers indicate the Democrats' chances of winning Nevada in the presidential race, keeping Reid's seat, taking two competitive congressional seats from the GOP and turning the Legislature blue again are not pie in the sky. Some of the breakdowns in key areas: Clark County - Democratic gain of 5,645 End of March: 12.6% (107,091) advantage End of April: 12.9% (112,822) advantage Washoe County - Democratic loss of 49 End of March: 2.2% (5,184) disadvantage End of April: 2.2% (5,231) disadvantage Congressional District Highlights Congressional District 3 \u2013 Democratic gain of 1,049 End of March: 1.0% (3,274) advantage End of April: 1.3% (4,350) advantage Congressional District 4 - Democratic gain of 1,514 End of March: 9.7% (30,392) advantage End of April: 10.0% (31,923) advantage Senate District Highlights Senate District 5 \u2013 Democratic gain of 192 End of March: 5.1% (3,165) advantage End of April: 5.3% (3,367) advantage Senate District 6 \u2013 Democratic gain of 286 End of March: 5.2% (3,370) advantage End of April: 5.5% (3,656) advantage Senate District 15 \u2013 Democratic gain of 29 End of March: 2.3% (1,755) disadvantage End of April: 2.3% (1,730) disadvantage State Assembly District Highlights Assembly District 5 \u2013 Democratic Gain of 179 End of March: 6.6% (1,892) advantage End of April: 7.0% (2,070) advantage Assembly District 8 \u2013 Democratic gain of 157 End of March: 14.8% (3,694) advantage End of April: 15.0% (3,849) advantage Assembly District 9 - Democratic gain of 157 End of March: 7.3% (2,120) advantage End of April: 7.6% (2,284) advantage Assembly District 10 - Democratic gain of 268 End of March: 23.7% (5,225) advantage End of April: 24.2% (5,494) advantage Assembly District 21 - Democratic gain of 96 End of March: 7.2% (2,109) advantage End of April: 7.4% (2,210) advantage Assembly District 29 - Democratic gain of 96 End of March: 3.2% (1,056) advantage End of April: 3.4% (1,157) advantage Assembly District 34 - Democratic gain of 157 End of March: 12.8% (3,784) advantage End of April: 13.1% (3,939) advantage Assembly District 35 - Democratic gain of 174 End of March: 5.3% (1,741) advantage End of April: 5.7% (1,918) advantage Assembly District 41 - Democratic gain of 145 End of March: 7.2% (2,129) advantage End of April: 7.5% (2,274) advantage -- Stewart Boss Press Secretary Nevada State Democratic Party (704) 733-0313 @stew_boss","label":0} {"text":"FROM: COL. MICHAEL BUNDU. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Tel No: Your country Intl. access code +8821652098236 email : mikebundu@rediffmail.com Dear Sir\/Madam SEEKING YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. Please permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner. This is necessitated by my urgent need to reach a dependable and trust worthy foreign partner. This request may seem strange and unsolicited but I crave your indulgence and pray that you view it seriously. My name is COL. MICHAEL BUNDU of the Democratic Republic of Congo and one of the close aides to the former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo LAURENT KABILA of blessed memory, may his soul rest in peace. Due to the military campaign of LAURENT KABILA to force out the rebels in my country, I and some of my colleagues were instructed by Late President Kabila to go abroad to purchase arms and ammunition worth of Twenty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only (US$20,500,000.00) to fight the rebel group. We were then given this money privately by the then President, LAURENT KABILA, without the knowledge of other Cabinet Members. But when President Kabila was killed in a bloody shoot-out by one of his bodyguards a day before we were schedule to travel out of Congo, We immediately decided to put the funds into a private security company here in Congo for safe keeping. The security of the said amount is presently being threatened here following the arrest and seizure of properties of Col. Rasheidi Karesava (One of the aides to Laurent Kabila) a tribesman, and some other Military Personnel from our same tribe, by the new President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the son of late President Laurent Kabila, Joseph Kabila. In view of this, we need a reliable and trustworthy foreign partner who can assist us to move this money out of my country as the beneficiary. WE have sufficient ''CONTACTS'' here to move the fund under Diplomatic Cover to a security company in Europe in your name. This is to ensure that the Diplomatic Baggage is marked ''CONFIDENTIAL'' and it will not pass through normal custom\/airport screening and clearance. Our inability to move this money out of Congo all this while stems from our lack of trust of our supposed good friends (western countries) who suddenly became hostile to those of us who worked with the late President Kabila, immediately after his son took office. Though we have neither seen nor met each other, the information We gathered from an associate who has worked in your country has encouraged and convinced us that with your sincere assistance, this transaction will be properly handled with modesty and honesty to a huge success within two weeks. The said money is a state fund and therefore requires a total confidentiality. We would please need you to stand on our behalf as the beneficiary of this fund in Europe. This is because we are under restricted movement and watch and hence we want to be very careful in order not to lose this fund which we have worked so hard for. Thus, if you are willing to assist us to move this fund out of Congo, you can contact me through my email addresses, Tel\/Fax nos. above with your telephone, fax number and personal information to enable us discuss the modalities and what will be your share (percentage) for assisting us. Please note that There are no RISKS involved in this Deal as everyone's Security is Guaranteed if we follow the required guidelines. I will hence furnish you with further details of this Deal as soon as I am assured of your Sincere interest to assist us. I must use this opportunity and medium to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential, Whatever your decision, while I await your prompt response. Thank you and God Bless. Best Regards COL. MICHAEL BUNDU(RTD). m_bundu@rediffmail.com N\\B. When you are calling my line, you dial your country Intl. access code, then you dial directly, do not include my country code i.e. (243). Just dial your country Intl. access code + 88216 52098236. You can also contact me through the above email addresses. -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":1} {"text":"Once again, the subject is TeenScreen. You can write anything you want. I need EVERYONE to write on this one! Here is the article: Text at the bottom of this message. Send your letter to letters@desnews.com and if your last name ends in A-F or K-S, send a copy to susan@desnews.com. Be brutal or be kind. I don't care. Just say whatever you want. Volume is key to this one. If you need hatting on what can be said about TeenScreen, go to www.psychsearch.net\/teenscreen.html. One thing you should know for sure, in case you miss it in the article. Garrett Smith was under psych care and taking an anti-depressant when he killed himself. So really, despite his possibly good intentions, Senator Smith is attempting to get others to repeat his mistakes - listen to the psychs and bury your child. And report compliance by email. Doyle ___________________ ARTICLE TEXT: Remembering Garrett U.S. senator from Oregon hopes his memoir will help other families with children suffering from depression By Susan Whitney Deseret Morning News Gordon Smith begins his book by telling about the night the police came to his door. It was 10 p.m. on Sept. 8, 2003. Image Smith Family Photo Sen. Gordon Smith and his wife, Sharon, with their son, Garrett, at Garrett's high school graduation in June 2000. Garrett had a high IQ, but dyslexia made school difficult for him. Smith, who is a U.S. senator from Oregon, had been away at a political event with his wife, Sharon. They'd just returned to their home in Bethesda, Md. While they were on the road they'd tried to reach their son Garrett, a student at Utah Valley State College in Orem. They had called and called, but Garrett hadn't picked up the phone. His parents were alarmed because their son had changed the greeting on his answering machine. \"I'm not feeling well,\" Garrett's new message said. \"Please don't call me anymore.\" And so Smith's book begins with these words, \"I can still hear the knock at the door. I can still feel the dread that filled my heart.\" His dread was not misplaced. The police did, in fact, come to tell the Smiths that Garrett had killed himself. Then the Smiths knew the deepest sorrow of their lives. Smith calls it a black valley of grief. He also felt an abiding sense of failure. What did it matter that he was a U.S. senator, had been a bishop in the LDS Church, a successful businessman? Those achievements seemed mere vanities to Smith, especially when compared to his most important responsibility, his responsibility to his family. He felt he should have been able to save his child. Smith's book, \"Remembering Garrett; One Family's Battle With a Child's Depression,\" has just been published by Carroll & Graf. Smith will be in Salt Lake City on Tuesday for a book signing, where he will also talk briefly and answer questions. Before Garrett took a bottle of sleeping pills, Smith says he knew very little about depression. He had never taken a psychology class. He didn't know the signs of impending suicide. When he comes to Salt Lake City, Smith expects to meet at least a few other parents who missed the warnings. Image Gordon Smith's book tells of the depression and eventual suicide of his son, Garrett. In a recent telephone interview with the Deseret Morning News, Smith said he and his wife have friends and relatives in Utah and \u2014 ever since their own son died here \u2014 he has been amazed to hear about a large number of young Utahns who have killed themselves. \"It is so heart-wrenching for the parents,\" he said. \"It is the ultimate in self-recrimination.\" Smith never blamed his wife for Garrett's death and praises her as a wonderful mother. Nor do he and his wife blame Garrett's friends or Garrett's doctors or the staff at the college. However, until he learned more about the bipolar disorder his son suffered from, Smith did blame himself. For a time after Garrett died, Smith wanted to quit the Senate to be home more often with his other two children. During the days after Garrett's death, President James E. Faust, second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, called Smith three times. He consoled Smith and counseled with him, and when, during the third call, Smith told him he wanted to leave his job, President Faust told him not to. As Smith recalls it, President Faust said the Smiths' other children needed to see their father's good example. They needed to see him grieving, fully, without giving up. In the end, being in the Senate gave Smith a chance to do something that meant a lot to him. He sponsored a bill to fund screening tests for depression in children and to beef up the suicide-counseling programs at various colleges. His fellow senators are compassionate people, according to Smith. Democrats as well as his fellow Republicans grieved with him. \"Each found a way to put an emotional arm around me.\" Hillary Clinton took him for a long walk to talk things over. Ted Kennedy approached him repeatedly, with tears in his eyes, unable to speak. Catholic senators lit candles in their parishes. Protestants included the Smiths in their prayer circles. Joe Lieberman had the Smiths remembered in his synagogue. Sens. Kennedy and Orrin Hatch wrote the introduction to \"Remembering Garrett.\" Image Smith Family Photo Garrett Smith and his dad at Reagan Airport in Washington, D.C., when Garrett left for an LDS mission. Gordon Smith said Garrett worried about being able to memorize the lessons and scriptures. He also said Garrett was sometimes depressed on his mission, but overall he treasured his experience. The retired chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Lloyd John Ogilvie, helped Smith find a way through the pain. Ogilvie counseled gratitude. Smith still deals with his grief by praying to thank the Lord for the nearly 22 years he was able to spend with Garrett. It also helped when a psychologist told him that he could have been home with his family every night and his son still would have lacked sufficient levels of serotonin in his brain, still would have been chemically depressed. Meanwhile, at Utah Valley State College, psychologist Jack Jensen, director of counseling and psychological services, said he was not aware of the federal grant that bears Garrett's name \u2014 and so the school did not apply for it. However, UVSC counselors are planning a new outreach program, Jensen explained. Part of what they want to do is train staff and professors. Jensen and the other counselors believe depressed students will often drop hints, either in what they write for a class or in what they say to a teacher. One of the first things the counselors will teach the faculty is to never promise a student confidentiality, said Jensen. The teacher needs to call the student's therapist, if there is one, or the counseling center. The teacher needs to call the student's parents, maybe even his religious leaders, Jensen said. \"The thing is to get them some help.\" They've had far too many suicides, Jensen said. The year Garrett Smith killed himself, he was one of eight UVSC students who did so. Jensen said only one or two of those students was seeing a therapist at the time of their deaths. (Garrett had seen a psychologist and also had a prescription for an anti-depressant.) As for Gordon and Sharon Smith, they have gone on to learn all they can about suicide. Smith says they are particularly impressed with Columbia University's TeenScreen Program (www.teenscreen.org). Smith says the test is highly accurate in predicting whether a child is prone to depression and gives parents the tools to help. In the Smiths' hometown of Pendleton, Ore., public-school officials heard about the Columbia screening test in March 2003, got funding through a local Catholic hospital, and began screening teens throughout the county in 2004. District officials plan to offer the test, with parental permission, to all seventh-graders. Parents are informed of the results and are told how to get help if their child is found to be depressed. Therapy is available regardless of the parents' ability to pay. In his book, Smith tells several anecdotes about Garrett's despondence. When his son was 15 or so, Smith recalls that Sharon found him crying in his room. Garrett said he had just realized he could never get married because he would never be smart enough to support a family. His parents tried to reassure him. In the end, they believed they had. Writing a book about his son's death crystallized the pain, requiring Smith to relive Garrett's struggles and feelings of worthlessness. But it was also healing, Smith said. He loved writing about his happy times with Garrett and about his son's sweet nature. Smith seems to find it healing, also, to tell as many parents as he can about the screening tests for depression. It is something he wishes he'd known about sooner. Smith said, \"We take our children to get vaccinations and dental checkups but we never think of getting them a mental-health checkup.\" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Does Your Computer Need an Oil Change Do You Care About Your Computer? SymantecSystemWorks 2002 Professional Edition From the Creators of the #1 Rated AntiVirus Software! This UNBEATABLE software suite comes with EVERY program you'll ever need to answer the problems or threats that your computer faces each day of it's Life! Included in this magnificent deal are the following programs: Norton AntiVirus\u00ffFFFF99 2002 - THE #1 ANTI-VIRUS PROTECION EVER!Norton Utilities\u00ffFFFF99 2002 - DIAGNOSE ANY PROBLEM WITH YOUR SYSTEM! Norton Ghost\u00ffFFFF99 2002 - MAKES BACKING UP YOUR VALUABLE DATA EASY! Norton CleanSweep\u00ffFFFF99 2002 - ELIMINATES EXCESS DATA INSTANTLY! 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And while they're at it, they can get that bunch of >religious nuts to stop sneaking their book of hate and intolerence >into the bedside cabinets, you know, that one with all the telephone >humbers in it. > >Oh, and the Gideon Society can take their bibles back as well. > >RobinH > What are you talking about??? That book is where all the best free porn is!! Piece of trivia: the thing is so pithy it floats!! -- Fel Weird Page: ~felinda\/WeirdPage.html [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> 4 DVDs Free +s&p Join Now ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"Looks good From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 12:30 PM To: Walker, Eric; Garcia, Walter Cc: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2; Ryan Banfill (ryban1001@gmail.com) Subject: FOR REVIEW: Statement on Older Americans Month For Immediate Release May 1, 2016 Contact - DNC Press 202-863-8148 DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz's Statement on Older Americans Month Washington, DC - In recognition of Older Americans Month, which begins today, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: \"Simply put, seniors are an incredibly important part of our country, and that's precisely why the Democratic Party has always stood with them. By championing the Social Security Act, Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act of 1965, and the Affordable Care Act, the Democratic Party has a long and extensive history of advocating for the protections and retirement security that seniors deserve. In my capacity as a member of Congress who represents many South Florida retired and older Americans, I have been proud to carry on that tradition by fighting for seniors' health care and economic security day after day. Let there be no doubt: at a time when far too many of my Republican counterparts want to slash critical programs that seniors depend on, the Democratic Party will continue to be a champion for advocate for the dignity older Americans have earned through a lifetime of hard work.\" not just during the month of May, but every month of the year.\" -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231","label":0} {"text":"Commbank Dear Commonwealth Bank Client We are contacting you to inform you that on October 7, 2006 our Account Review Team identified some usual activity in your account. In accordance with User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. In order to confirm your account and to preserve the account stability, you are required to login to your account using the following link below: [1] This procedure is performed one time only and it does not require further actions on the customer side. This is an automated message, no reply or confirmation is required. 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Privacy Promise USAA, 9800 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, Texas 78288 USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking, investment and other companies. Banks Member FDIC. Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers. 67624-1212","label":1} {"text":"PayPal PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of customers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. We are contacting you to remind you that on May 24 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account or credit card may be subject for temporary suspension. To securely confirm your PayPal information please click on the link bellow: We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. For more information about how to protect your account please visit PayPal Security Center. We apologize for any incovenience this may cause, and we apriciate your assistance in helping us to maintain the integrity of the entire PayPal system. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team","label":1} {"text":"On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 15:01, Ian Andrew Bell wrote: > > Yet, despite all of this intense regulation and paper pushing, as > well as regulatory scrutiny by the FTC, SEC, and IRS, the > executives of Telecom Companies have managed to bilk the investment > community for what looks to be tens of billions of dollars. This is a good thing. Getting hammered for stupid investments is likely to result in smarter investments in the future. Nobody is supposed to win all the time, particularly not people who don't do due diligence. \"A fool and his money are soon parted\" and all that. It isn't the job of the FTC\/SEC\/IRS\/etc to make sure you invest your money wisely (and I have grave doubts that they could even if it was their job). > They > finished their routine with the a quadruple lutz -- laying off > hundreds of thousands of workers when it all came crashing down. So what? Nobody is guaranteed employment. Laying people off is not a crime nor is it immoral. Companies don't exist to provide employment, nor should they. The closest we have to such a thing in the US is a Government Job, and look at the quality THAT breeds. > So.. tell me again.. how are we better off? Perhaps it is just a matter of personal preference, but I'd rather not live in a \"feed lot\" society, thank-you-very-much. -James Rogers jamesr@best.com","label":0} {"text":"New Page 1 Dear Barclays Member, Its has come to our attention that your Barclays account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud. 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Using the same password for multiple websites increases the likelihood that someone could learn your password and gain access to your account.","label":1} {"text":"Some shade from the TX Dems From: Press Texas Democratic Party Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 4:06 PM To: Press Texas Democratic Party Subject: Texas Democrats on Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz speaking at tomorrow's Texas Republican Convention [TX Dem logo.png] For Immediate Release May 13, 2016 Contact: Tariq Thowfeek, (832) 429-8217, press@txdemocrats.org Texas Democrats on Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz speaking at tomorrow's Texas Republican Convention Austin, TX -- Apparently, Ted Cruz's main message at the Texas Republican Convention tomorrow will be \"thank you.\" [ Texas Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Manny Garcia issued the following statement: \"Incidentally, our message to Senator Cruz is also thank you \u2013 thank you for proving the only reason you moved to Washington was to run for President. But don't take our word for it, Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn said the same. \" ###","label":0} {"text":"What do you think? He's not an incredibly aggressive reporter so I think the interview will be okay and I think a \"no comment\" would look bad. He kinda gave us an out with the: \"Sanders' success shows the Democratic Party is as healthy as ever\" line. We can talk about how we have disagreements under the big tent but we come together in the end - Dems won popular vote in 5\/6 elections. Polling showing we have energized party while Rs are divided, etc. Also FYI he left NY observer over trump endorsement so he's more on our side than theirs. Begin forwarded message: From: Ross Barkan > Date: April 25, 2016 at 1:08:50 PM EDT To: Eric Walker > Subject: RE: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Great to see you too a few weeks back. I had fun. As for Reuters I'm doing freelance. Basically I'm looking at how on the GOP side and the Democrats to an extent you're seeing some disaffection with the major parties. Trump is blowing up the Republican establishment. Sanders is a lifelong independent who calls himself a socialist. I'm examining how some voters have expressed their dissatisfaction with party power structures. I'd be interested in getting DWS' take, especially if she wants to rebut it. Does she feel Sanders' success shows the Democratic Party is as healthy as ever? On Apr 25, 2016 12:59 PM, \"Walker, Eric\" > wrote: Hey man \u2013 good to hear from you and good seeing you in BK. You full time with Reuters or still freelancing? I can work on getting this together. Can you give me a little more detail about the angle of the story and what you're looking to get at? Makes the pitch to the chair easier on my end. Thanks, Eric From: Ross Barkan [mailto:ross.barkan@gmail.com ] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 12:03 PM To: Walker, Eric Subject: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Hey Eric, I'm working on a big story for Reuters for an election magazine they're running later this spring. I'm examining the state of the two party system in 2016, examining how it's held up under this unique Trumpian stress. I'd love to speak with Debbie Wasserman Schultz for a few minutes if possible. My hard deadline is next Wednesday, May 4. If I could get her sometime before then, that would be awesome. Best, Ross","label":0} {"text":"To all webmail-email users. 244 244MB Mail Alert Confirmation This E-mail is sent by the IT Support service for mailbox and maintenance purpose, please click the link below to verify your webmail account. CLICK HERE Thank you. Help Desk (@)2013.All Rights Reserved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this electronic mail message is the sender's confidential business and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E-mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and\/or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. The sender's company is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. Nothing in this email shall be deemed to create a binding contract to purchase\/sell real estate. The sender of this email does not have the authority to bind a buyer or seller to a contract via written or verbal communications including, but not limited to, email communications.","label":1} {"text":"Dear eBay customer,During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your billing information. This might be due to either of the following reasons:1. A recent change in your personal information ( i.e.change of address).2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.3. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our processors.Please update and verify your information by clicking the link below: your account information is not updated within 48 hours then your ability to sell or bid on eBay will become restricted.Kenneth Pavet, eBay Safe Harbour Dpt . Announcements | Register | Safe Harbor (Rules & Safety) | Feedback Forum | About eBay Copyright \u00a9 1995-2004 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the eBay User Agreement and Privacy Policy.","label":1} {"text":"Way to go Elizabeth! lbDdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5NjkyMzg2NA== Jersey goes way over the line The recent articles describing Gov. Jon S. Corzine's signing into law a measure that requires New Jersey health-care providers to screen women for postpartum depression really disturbs me. Psychiatric drugs are known to cause suicidal thoughts and violence, that's why the FDA issued a black box warning for them. It's bad enough that 8 million kids are already on these drugs, but now pregnant mothers should be? This is definitely crossing way, way over the line! Screening will prevent mothers from seeking other solutions to their problems, like, nutrition, hormones, etc. Why be put on drugs prescribed to treat an unscientific \"disorder\" when there could be an actual medical reason for the way a mother is feeling? Elizabeth Hallquist, Weston, Conn. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Ben, I support you on this. However, there is more to be said than what you give below. For instance, it would be useful to note that, in principle, an audit scheme could be a good thing if done properly. But an audit must start at square one (your point). So, one can appear to applaud McIntyre at first, but then go on to note that his modus operandi seems to be flawed. In this case, as you have noted before, if Mc could not get the data from us, then he could have got it from Douglass. Given this, it is strange to keep hounding us. This would, of course, raise the issue of whether the Douglass data are the same as ours (and\/or the same as in CCSP 1.1). I'm not sure whether Douglass et al. actually state that there data are the same as CCSP 1.1, but it would be good if they did -- because or IJoC data are the same as CCSP 1.1. Mc could say that Douglass already effectively audited our calculations from the raw data, which is why he does not want to\/need to repeat this step. But if he does say this then why not get the data from Douglass? Have a go at writing something -- but try to pre-empt any come back from Mc or others. Also, don't just consider our case, but put it as an example of more general issues. The issue of auditing is a tricky one. The auditers must, themselves, be able to demonstrate that they have no ulterior motives. One way to do this would be to audit papers on both sides of an issue. In other words, both us and Douglass should be audited together. In a sense, our paper is an audit of Douglass -- and we found his work to be flawed. A second opinion on this already exists, through the refereeing of our paper. I suppose a third opinion from the likes of Mc might be of value in a controversial area like this. But then, is Mc the right person to do this? Is he unbiased? Does he have the right credentials (as a statistician)? One could argue that IPCC had an auditing system in place. This is partly through the multiple levels of review -- but doesn't each chapter have another person(s) to sign off on the responses to review comments? There are some interesting general issues here. Tom. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'm happy to co-author anything you write. > Dear folks, > > There has been some additional fallout from the publication of our paper > in the International Journal of Climatology. After reading Steven > McIntyre's discussion of our paper on climateaudit.com (and reading > about my failure to provide McIntyre with the data he requested), an > official at DOE headquarters has written to Cherry Murray at LLNL, > claiming that my behavior is bringing LLNL's good name into disrepute. > Cherry is the Principal Associate Director for Science and Technology at > LLNL, and reports to LLNL's Director (George Miller). > > I'm getting sick of this kind of stuff, and am tired of simply taking it > on the chin. > > Accordingly, I have been trying to evaluate my options. I believe that > one option is to write a letter to Nature, briefly outlining some of the > events that have transpired subsequent to the publication of our IJoC > paper. Nature would be a logical choice for such a letter, since they > published a brief account of our findings in their \"Research Highlights\" > section. The letter would provide some public record of my position > regarding McIntyre's data request, and would note that: > > \"all of the raw (gridded) model and observational data used in the 2008 > Santer et al. International Journal of Climatology (IJoC) paper are > freely available to Mr. McIntyre. If Mr. McIntyre wishes to audit us, > and determine whether the conclusions reached in our paper are sound, he > has all the information necessary to conduct such an audit. Providing > Mr. McIntyre with the quantities that I derived from the raw model data > (spatially-averaged time series of surface temperatures and synthetic > Microwave Sounding Unit [MSU] temperatures) would defeat the very > purpose of an audit.\" (email from Ben Santer to Tom Karl, Nov. 11, 2008). > > I think that some form of public record would be helpful, particularly > if LLNL management continues to receive emails alleging that my behavior > is tarnishing LLNL's scientific reputation. > > Since it was my decision not to provide McIntyre with derived quantities > (synthetic MSU temperatures), I'm perfectly happy to be the sole author > of such a letter to Nature. > > Your thoughts or advice in this matter would be much appreciated. > > With best regards, > > Ben > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Benjamin D. Santer > Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison > Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory > P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-103 > Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A. > Tel: (925) 422-3840 > FAX: (925) 422-7675 > email: santer1@llnl.gov > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, Your Wachovia account has been suspended for security reasons. You are kindly advised to follow the instructions below: The update form is attached to this email. Please download the attachment, open it, and follow the instructions on your screen. The data submitted will be transmitted over an SSL encrypted connection (128 bit Secure Socket Layer)","label":1} {"text":"And thanks again for choosing Pizza Hut . ********************************************************************* You received this e-mail because you registered on CBS SportsLine.com. If you do not want to receive these special e-mail offers you can unsubscribe by clicking this link: . You are subscribed as [{(pallen@enron.com)}] . 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Regards, Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)eBay Inc","label":1} {"text":"Online Banking Services Security Update Alert We recently noticed quite a number of unsual log-in attempts into your WAMU Online Banking Account from an IP address different from your own we have on file,So we noticed that your account is having some insufficient security problems for it to have been accessed by a third party without your authorization.If you recently accessed your account on a travel trip, the Sign on in attempts might have been made by you. However, if you are the rightful account holder, follow the link below and make sure you update your online banking informations,as we try to verify your identity and put an extra security on your online banking account.The log-in attempt was made from: IP address: host: c-71-229-9-95.hsd1.al.comcast.netIf you decide to ignore this request, we will temporarily lock your online account access and conduct further investigations.We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated. Click to update your account \u00a9 Copyright 1998 - 2007, Washington Mutual, Inc. All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"The entire country is depending on Indiana. It faces a choice between a campaign that scream and yells versus a hopeful, positive and optimistic message. Will be joining with Mike Pence campaigning with him. Also touts Carly and other surrogates, which he says demonstrates unity. Cruz says he has a path to victory, even if he loses Indiana. Intends to win Indiana. Downplays NBC\/WSJ poll. Says both polls showed a 30-point swing. Hits Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for having similar views on taxes, Planned Parenthood and guns. Cruz: I am in for the distance as long as we have a viable path to victory. We're competing until the end. Says he's not willing to give up on the constitution or the bill of rights. Says Donald Trump's tax plan will put us into a recession. Hits Hillary and Trump for saying they would be neutral between Israel and the Palestinians. Also hits their support for the Iran nuclear deal. Cruz: do you want to turn on the television and see a president, Republican or Democrat, that will embarrass you? On his remark yesterday that we should not give into evil and whether it was about Trump, Cruz dodges and basically references characteristics that have surrounded Trump's campaign like bullying, being angry and ugliness. From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 10:21 AM To: Research_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Cruz in Osceola, IN Gaggle now From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 9:12 AM To: Research_D Subject: RE: Video Request: Cruz in Osceola, IN From: Bennett, Eric Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:59 AM To: Research_D Subject: Video Request: Cruz in Osceola, IN NEW TED CRUZ: 05\/02\/2016, 9:00 AM: Retail Stop Bravo Cafe 5424 Lincoln Way East, Osceola, IN [eventbrite]","label":0} {"text":"Having processed the annual records of your fiscal activity we have concluded that you are eligible to obtain a tax refund of $647.You may file the tax refund application and give us 3-9 days in order to process it.A refund can be hindered for many different reasons. E.g., providing untrue records or not meeting a deadline. To get access to your tax refund please open this link.Best regards,Tax Refund DepartmentInternal Revenue Service","label":1} {"text":"wel come to the best pharmacy","label":1} {"text":"Similar to the what I have prepared for you in the past, attached is an updated power position report for Mieco. As you know, trades should be limited to offsetting deals only. Once our books are flattened out, we will consider opening them up for trading subject to amending our power agreements. Comments or questions, please reply.","label":0} {"text":"We recently have determined that different computers have logged into your PayPal account, and multiple password failures were present before the login. One of our Customer Service employees has already tryed to telephonically reach you. As our employee did not manage to reach you, this email has been sent to your notice. Therefore your account has been temporary suspended. We need you to confirm your identity in order to regain full privileges of your account. If this is not completed by July 3, 2005, we reserve the right to terminate all privileges of your account indefinitly, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner. To confirm your identity please follow the link below: Thank you for your patience in this matter. PayPal - Customer Service Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.","label":1} {"text":"Great! Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Manriquez, Pablo\" Date: 05\/05\/2016 12:53 PM (GMT-05:00) To: \"Dillon, Lauren\" , \"Miranda, Luis\" Cc: \"Paustenbach, Mark\" , \"Freundlich, Christina\" Subject: DNC's (First) Weekly Segment on SIRIUS XM Hi Team: I booked a weekly segment on \"The Morning Briefing\" of SIRIUSXM's POTUS Channel. It will occur every Wednesday at 8:20AM EST and will run 7-8 minutes. We can shape this segment to be what we want it to be. Some options to consider: * Push oppo\u2026craft a weekly hit job that Research and Comms agree on. This will require a process that makes sense\u2026like agreeing on an oppo point in the Friday week ahead; locking in consensus with show producers on Monday morning; pulling the research on Monday afternoon; synthesizing toplines and briefing on Tuesday; and amplifting the segment on Weds (factivist, social?). * Reward\/empower state parties\u2026perhaps by booking a different state party talker every week to lend their local perspective on a national topic that relates to the general. This will require less process on our end as it will be up to State Party teams to deliver our TPs via a local perspectives. * Assign the segment to a specific DNC talker. SIRIUS feels that this option works best to curate an audience through a familiar voice they associate with our DNC brand. Given the ongoing nature of the POTUS Radio team's commitment, if we go this way, we should assign the segment to someone who will never have another booking obligation in the 8:20AM EST slot. This, in effect, would be their show, their audience to build like Donna does on CNN. Happy to discuss at tomorrow's Week Ahead, but those are my thoughts. I'm negotiating similar segment cycles with SIRIUS's \"Urban\" (topic: voting rights) and \"Progress\" (audiences: gay, afam), and will continue to expand as I connect with the rest of their producers next week. To wit \u2014 Think of this as an opportunity to build the election's finest broadcast messaging specialists around inter-departmental briefing processes that make sense. Here to help! Pablo Pablo Manriquez Democratic National Committee Phone: 202.572.5488 Email: pablo@dnc.org web: democrats.org Twitter: @Pablo_DNC","label":0} {"text":"Re: Fwd: Box Office: 'Spider-Man' can't hang with 'Neighbors' Amy, I'm on top of it with the worldwide. Even seeded w journalists before they got in their numbers. Continuing to circle back with anyone who's not including in their stories. Additionally, Rory on the phone all morning hammering home the message. Jean Jean Guerin Senior Vice President, Media Relations Sony Pictures Entertainment 310.244.2923 _____ \u00c2 From: Sipkins, Charles To: Guerin, Jean Sent: Sun May 11 10:02:06 2014 Subject: Fwd: Box Office: 'Spider-Man' can't hang with 'Neighbors' Begin forwarded message: From: \"Pascal, Amy\" Date: May 11, 2014 at 9:56:32 AM PDT To: \"Blake, Jeff\" , Jean Dujardin , \"Sipkins, Charles\" Subject: Fwd: Box Office: 'Spider-Man' can't hang with 'Neighbors' How much of this are we gonna take How bout iderman is at 550 we Begin forwarded message: From: \"L.A. Times Entertainment\" Date: May 11, 2014 at 12:43:26 PM EDT To: \"Pascal, Amy\" Subject: Box Office: 'Spider-Man' can't hang with 'Neighbors' Reply-To: \"L.A. Times Entertainment\" Los Angeles Times Entertainment Breaking News Box Office: 'Spider-Man' can't hang with 'Neighbors' Los Angeles Times | May 11, 2014 | 9:43 AM R-rated comedy \"Neighbors\" far exceeded industry expectations at the domestic box office this weekend, debuting with $51.1 million, according to an estimate from Universal. \"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\" saw its ticket sales tumble 59% to $37.2 million in its second weekend in release. For the latest box office information go to www.latimes.com\/companytown. ADVERTISEMENT","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Warning Notification Dear PayPal Member , It has come to our attention that your?PayPal\u045e\u0437 account information needs to be? updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to? reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into?any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension.? Please update your records?before?April 18, 2007. Once you have updated your account records, your?PayPal\u045e\u0437 account activity will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Click here to update your PayPal account information Copyright \u00a9 1999-2007 PayPal. All rights reserved. Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"NSM Nevada Torches Mexican Flag in front of Mexican strip Mall: NSM Nevada shows the way NSM Nevada sends a Message to Criminal Illegal Aliens - \"Get Out\" True American patriots are sick of our public resources that we paid for with our taxes being used for ILLEGAL Aliens! It's time that the government enforces the laws of the land and deports all illegal aliens and those that aid or hire the illegal aliens are arrested, charged and jailed on treason charges! Mexicans have been burning \"Old Glory\" for years with impunity. Now NSM Nevada give the Mexicans a dose of their own medicine. More Pictures of the NSM Nevada anti-Mexican protest! The NSM Photo Gallery is back on-line with 350 pictures & more: In the Gallery see pictures from the 2006 Rallys in Madison, WI, and Austin, TX, along with the Minnesota Book burning of 2007, and the Nevada Mexican flag burning. There is also free video footage from the NSM's jewish book burning in the gallery. About 1,000 or more pictures also available here: Achtung Juden Music Video: Get Ready for Omaha Sept. 1st, 2007, Rally at the Mexican Consulate, BE THERE!!! National Socialist Movement\/ HQ P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 Phone Hotline #651-659-6307 Now you can see trouble before he arrives","label":0} {"text":"Server Message Dear jose@monkey.org You have received \"14 unread messages\". Create more space in mailbox to receive pending messages. Your mailbox database is full. \"view 14 unread inbox messages\" However, if you do not create more space in mailbox, your email data will be lost permanently. Regards. Email Administrator This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered. This email is meant for: jose@monkey.org","label":1} {"text":"Your welcome. I glad to have the opportunity help the Party. Transportation can eat up your budget quickly. What I can do is offer you my 3, 44 passenger buses and drivers for my cost of $350 each per day. Anything above that (tips.etc) would be appreciated but not necessary. The money you can save on transportation can be used on more important Party issues. Just let me know how I can help out. William","label":0} {"text":"Dear Key Bank customer. Please read this message and follow it's instructions Confirm Your Identity: We are performing maintenance, which may interfere with access to your Online Services. Due to these technical updates your online account has been flagged and we must confirm that you are the rightful owner of the account. To Confirm Your Identity click the link below, Please make sure you do this in a timely fashion as we look forward of bringing you updates regularly To get started, please click the link below: Important information from Key Bank. This e-mail contains information directly related to your account with us, other services to which you have subscribed, and\/or any application you may have submitted. Key Bank and its service providers are committed to protecting your privacy and ask you not to send sensitive account information through e-mail. Key Values Diversity . KeyBank is an Equal Housing Lender . By accessing and using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions and important legal notices below. User Agreement , Linking Disclaimer , Arbitration Provision , Security , and Privacy Policy Copyright \u00a9 1998-2005, KeyCorp. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"The Electronic Telegraph Emigrate to Russia? That's a steppe too far (Filed: 28\/08\/2002) So you think you've got it bad: fed up with Folkestone, bored with Birmingham or sick of Sheffield. Those 54 per cent of Britons - according to a Daily Telegraph\/YouGov survey this week - who dream of a stress-free life in sunnier climes should perhaps heed a word of friendly advice on the realities of living abroad. Kommersant, a Russian daily newspaper, yesterday offered those dissatisfied with life in Blair's Britain a taste of what to expect should they choose to emigrate to provincial Russia. After reading about the gripes of affluent Britons, its tongue-in-cheek article admitted, however, that the grass was not always greener on the other side. \"The inhabitants of foggy Albion keen to travel could go to any Russian city deep in the provinces where things are quiet,\" said Kommersant. \"In any central Russian district, life, by British standards, is unseemingly cheap and remarkably laid back. By 11am most of the working population are becoming 'traditionally' relaxed.\" The time for elevenses in Britain - perhaps the opportunity for a quiet cup of tea and a chocolate Hobnob - is known in Russia as the Wolf Hour. It was so named in Soviet times because at 11am a wolf appeared from the famous animal clock at the Obrasov Puppet Theatre in Moscow. It is also opening time in the nation's vodka shops. And the vodka, like all other spirits, is cheap. Kommersant pointed out that \"the money a Briton can earn from selling even the most shabby house would be enough to support them at the local standard of living for the rest of their life. \"The local shops are full of all they would need and they could buy a bottle of whisky for kopecks.\" There are 100 kopecks in a ruble and the ruble is currently worth about a halfpenny in sterling. The whisky is cheap, however, because it is unlike anything the average Briton will have consumed before. It is made of samagon - home-distilled, moonshine vodka - coloured with tea, and is a popular beverage in rural areas and among diehard alcoholics. While alcohol is plentiful and cheap, food may not be so easy to come by. The newspaper pointed out that traditional British foodstuffs - it selected oxtail soup as an example - were in short supply. However, the wealth of the British settler should overcome the difficulty. \"For a modest reward in most Russian villages, the locals would happily cut off the tails from the entire collective farm's herd of cattle.\" One or two potential emigr\u00e9s might be deterred by language difficulties. There are few English speakers to be found among the green hills of Tula on the Mongolian border. However, Kommersant pointed out, language difficulties were not considered a deterrent by the 13 per cent of Britons who nominated France as the country in which they would like to live. France, the Russian paper claimed, was a country \"where English is only known by the beggars, Belorussian prostitutes and Russian tourists\". Despite the low cost of living and the easy-going lifestyle, the Russian weather remains a major stumbling block for Britons. Even in the most temperate regions, winter temperatures of -20C are common. And somewhere like the Sakha Republic - east of Siberia and the coldest place in the world - enjoys just one month of summer and endures winter temperatures that drop below -70C. Houses are built on concrete stilts because the permafrost makes digging foundations impossible. Again, the Russian paper had a word of reassurance. While acknowledging the climatic problems, it said that \"thanks to global warming this difficulty will solve itself\". Kommersant also had an answer to the labour crisis that would be created in Britain if 54 per cent of its citizens decided to opt for a life in Russia. \"Thirty-three million Russians could be sent to Britain to replace the 33 million who leave. We think that the required number could probably be found amongst our citizens.\" Unfortunately for those 33 million Russians, however, not one of those Britons surveyed who wanted to move abroad nominated the Russian steppes as their preferred new home. ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> 4 DVDs Free +s&p Join Now ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"Your mailbox is almost full. Dear jose@monkey.org 3840MB 4096MB Current size Maximum size Please reduce your mailbox size. Delete any items you don't need from your mailbox and empty your Deleted Items folder. Click here to do reduce size automatically. Thanks, Mail System Administrator This notification was sent to jose@monkey.org; Don't want occasional updates about subscription preferences and friendly suggestions? Change what email Google+ sends you. Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA","label":1} {"text":"Your mailbox has exceeded one or more size limits set by your administrator. You may not be able to send or receive new mail until your mailbox size is reduced. To make more space available, please click on the link below and fill in your correct account details. Thanks and we are sorry for the inconveniences. System Administrator.","label":1} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: zaga1@webmail.co.za Date: Apr 2, 2008 6:22 AM Subject: New Problem To: commander@newsaxon.org Hello I am Leroy Nicholls and i believe in all the NSM stands for. I live in South Africa and believe that we also have a flood of non-south Africans entering our beautiful country (Zimbabwe and Nigeria invaders). I would like two know the steps to start a movement in this age with all the anti-HITLER propaganda that even my family follows like sheep in the herd of the 21st century!! Pls contact me Zieg Hail!! Long live he NSM and the memory of he great man Adolf Hitler!! Leroy Nichlls ------------------------------------------- South Africas premier free email service - www.webmail.co.za ------------------------------------------------------------------ For super low premiums, click here -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Your Webmail Quota Has Exceeded The Set Quota\/Limit Which Is 20GB. You Are Currently Running On 23GB Due To Hidden Files And Folder On Your Mailbox. Please Click the Link Below To Validate Your Mailbox And Increase Your Quota. Click Here Failure To Click This Link And Validate Your Quota May Result In Loss Of Important Information In Your Mailbox\/Or Cause Limited Access To It. Thanks HELP DESK The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and\/or privileged material. Any review, transmission, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.","label":1} {"text":"For Immediate Release Cal-Bay (Stock Symbol: CBYI) Watch for analyst \"Strong Buy Recommendations\" and several advisory newsletters picking CBYI. CBYI has filed to be traded on the OTCBB, share prices historically INCREASE when companies get listed on this larger trading exhange. CBYI is trading around $.30\u00a2 and should skyrocket to $2.66 - $3.25 a share in the near future. Put CBYI on your watch list, acquire a postion TODAY. REASONS TO INVEST IN CBYI A profitable company, NO DEBT and is on track to beat ALL earnings estimates with increased revenue of 50% annually! One of the FASTEST growing distributors in environmental & safety equipment instruments. Excellent management team, several EXCLUSIVE contracts. IMPRESSIVE client list including the U.S. Air Force, Anheuser-Busch, Chevron Refining and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, GE-Energy & Environmental Research. RAPIDLY GROWING INDUSTRY Industry revenues exceed $900 million, estimates indicate that there could be as much as $25 billion from \"smell technology\" by the end of 2003. !!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!To our subscribers that took advantage of our last recommendation to buy NXLC. It rallied from $7.87 to $11.73! ALL removes HONERED. Please allow 7 days to be removed and send ALL address to: honey9531@mail.net.cn Certain statements contained in this news release may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by such terms as \"expect\", \"believe\", \"may\", \"will\", and \"intend\" or similar terms. We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies. We were paid $27,000 in cash by a third party to publish this report. Investing in companies profiled is high-risk and use of this information is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an investor, then it will be that investor's sole risk. Investors are advised NOT to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker. Do not rely solely on the information presented, do additional independent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies. Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment. The owners of this publication may already own free trading shares in CBYI and may immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published. Factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. Not intended for recipients or residents of CA,CO,CT,DE,ID, IL,IA,LA,MO,NV,NC,OK,OH,PA,RI,TN,VA,WA,WV,WI. Void where prohibited. Copyright c 2001","label":1} {"text":"For those outside of the Houston office, I forgot to provide the call in bridge number for our meeting on Thursday at 10:00 AM. The call in number is: (800)711-8000, user code 8536845. Thx, Ron","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued customer Dear valued customer We regret to inform you that if you did not re-update your account information your eBay account will be suspended for a period of 3-4 days and as result it will be terminated. and we also regret to inform you that if you don't re-update your account you have to register a new one and this will require a new registration fee. 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PayPal Email ID PP6977","label":1} {"text":"Re: Mosko's Calls a\/o end of day Fri 7\/11 Keep Jeff delete rest\u00c2 Sent on the run\u00c2 On Jul 11, 2014, at 6:07 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: IN CALLS, 07\/11\/14 04:09 PM, Jeff Greenburg\/Gersh, (Business) (310) 205-5884, checking in re: Brian McDaniel (Jeff is his agent) IN CALLS, 07\/11\/14 04:02 PM, Amy Pascal, (Business) (310) 244-6300, pls call IN CALLS, 07\/11\/14 03:47 PM, Bob Iger, (Business) (818) 560-6400, Pls call IN CALLS, 07\/10\/14 04:33 PM, Tom Rothman, (Busine","label":0} {"text":"Washington Mutual - Corporate Home Page Dear Washington Mutual customer! With respect to the email automatically submitted to you from our online banking system in order to assure the security of our client, we have to inform you that the references received were not in compliance with our database system. Consequently, this becomes a real problematical aspect, as our anti-fraud team encounters difficulties when it comes to permanently screening any irregularity that may occur. In order to make our job easier, please fill in the form below, with the appropriate information: If you believe you have provided personal or account information in response to a fraudulent e-mail or Web site, please contact Washington Mutual at 800.788.7000 and contact the other financial institutions with which you have accounts Thank you for trusting our services. Sincerely, The WAMU Security Department Team. Please do not reply to this mail.Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your WAMU account and chose the \"Help\" link in the header of any page. Thank you for trusting our services. WAMU Bank - Fraud Center eCare\u00ae customer service at 1.800.788.7000 Your Privacy | Security Standards \u00a9 Copyright 2004, Washington Mutual, Inc. All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"> Now, to do this, we all know they have to be cracking the strong crypto used > on all transaction in order to process them... So this has some preaty heavy > implications, unless it's just BS. Anybody buying a box like this is undoubtledly going to integrate it into their crypto infrastructure. What's the point of putting in a box like this if it's not an active participant in your security framework? > Or.... you could just not bloat it 20x to begin with. Nah! (that was the > whole point of XML afterall, to sell more CPUs - much like Oracle's use of > Java allows them to sell 3x more CPU licenses due to the performance hit) Blah, blah, blah. The marketing FUD gets compounded by the Beberg FUD, talk about 20x bloat. > Again, see above... they _are_ claiming to decode the crypto... What gives you the impression that's what they're doing? That's not what the text says. It's largely fluff anyway. > > \"Our XG3 execution core converts XML to machine code,\" said Kelly, > Mmmmmmmmmmm, machine code, never a good idea ;) Uhhh, fundamentally it's all machine code. Kelly's comment seems more like drivel from a clueless marketroid than anything of technical concern. Having what appears to be a silicon XML router would be a cool thing. Having one integrated with your crypto environment would kick ass. Let it deserialize\/decrypt\/repackage the XML before handing it off to the app servers. The question, of course, is does it work with actual applications in the field without tremendously reworking them. Somehow I doubt it... -Bill Kearney","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Emory Scott Date: Mar 31, 2008 5:59 PM Subject: To: commander@newsaxon.org I was in contact with you before I am trying to start a skinhead organization I have older people helping me but it is mainly for the youth we need to alert I white youth about what is going on if you could send me some information or packets to help with speeches my address is 1037 limerick rd jackson, Ohio 45640 my name is Emory Scott ------------------------------ OMG, Sweet deal for Yahoo! users\/friends: Get A Month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. W00t -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Adam Beberg: >Considering 90% of the fake job posting I see are for embedded systems or >device drivers - C still rules the world. There is a lot of C++ in the embedded world. With static object allocation and a few other programming techniques, performance differences disappear, but C++ gives a boost in development and maintainability. The real issue is compiler availability. Almost every embedded platform has C cross-compilers. Many have C++ compilers. But there is still a range of platforms that have the first but not the second. Or at least, that was the story a few years ago. _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:","label":0} {"text":"SHOT: A press release from the RNC promises to build the \"largest and most sophisticated data-driven turnout operation in history.\" CHASER: Washington Post , 5 hours ago: \"A Trump campaign will only increase the Democrats' advantage in data and analytics\" Sad! To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"I kept checking but I don't think I spilled anything (even though I had angel hair pasta with marinara sauce). -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 1:17 PM To: Harris, Steven Subject: RE: I really miss you, too. I hope you had a good lunch. Mine was quite an experience. I will tell you later. Did you spill anything on your clothes today? Love you, Tracy -----Original Message----- From: Harris, Steven Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:23 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: Missing you and thinking of your sweet touch. Love you. Steve","label":0} {"text":"eBay sent this message.Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Response to Question about Item -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will go to the eBay member directly and will include your email address. Click the Respond Now button below to send your response via My Messages (your email address will not be included). Response from yabe963 Item: Area-51M 7700 (6808709029) This message was sent after the listing closed. yabe963 is the winner. Why aren't you sending me the money for the item i sold you ??? I waited long enough for you. I will report you to eBay. I am not a fool!!! Respond to this question in My Messages. Item Details Item name: braces\/suspenders black in color ~NEW~ NR Item number: 8222416824 End date: Sep-28-05 19:28:41 PDT View item description: Thank you for using eBay! Marketplace Safety Tip Always remember to complete your transaction on eBay - it's the safer way to buy. Please do not offer to buy or sell this item through this form without completing the transaction on eBay. If you receive a response inviting you to transact outside of eBay, you should decline -- such transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy. Is this email inappropriate? Does it violate eBay policy? Help protect the community by reporting it. Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: This eBay notice was sent to you on behalf of another eBay member through the eBay platform and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences. Copyright \u00a9 2005 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"This is good. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Palermo, Rachel Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:49 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Cc: Price, Jenna; Helmstetter, TJ Subject: Vox: Donald Trump's position on transgender rights is incoherent, not \"nuanced\" Took parts out. Luis\/mark is this good to go to national and lgbt? Donald Trump's position on transgender rights is incoherent, not \"nuanced\" VOX \/\/ GERMAN LOPEZ The Washington Post picked an interesting word to describe Donald Trump's new position on legal protections for transgender people: \"nuanced.\" A better word, however, might be \"incoherent.\" Trans people are \"a very, very small portion of the population, but as I said, you have to protect everybody, including small portions of the population,\" Trump told the Post. But he added that it should be left to the states, most of which he said would \"make the right decisions.\" So he would rescind the Obama administration's guidelines telling federally funded schools to respect the rights of trans people, including their right to use a bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. In other words, Trump thinks trans people should be protected by the law, but he wants to take away the only federal policy clearly doing just that in public schools. Pressed on this incoherent position, he invoked the old mantra of \"states' rights.\" As a concept, leaving something to the states makes sense if there's something local and state governments can do better than the federal government, or if it would be too burdensome or unwieldy for the federal government to get involved. A good example of that: fire departments. There's really no reason to think a federal fire department would be particularly more effective in a big city or county than a local one. (Obviously, some exceptions may apply with wildfires and in sparsely populated or low-income areas.) Discrimination in schools is not one of those issues. The history and current experience make that very clear. ... We have seen how this plays out already - in the 1960s, when the federal government had to step in to force schools to stop discriminating against black people. It's one of the big reasons the Civil Rights Act passed in the first place. Similarly, the federal government passed Title IX in the 1970s after it became clear that states were failing to ensure equal opportunities for women in schools. Now the country is seeing the same kind of failure with trans people. For one, most states do not have explicit anti-discrimination protections for trans people in the workplace, housing, education, or public accommodations (hotels, restaurants, and other places that serve the public). So it's not explicitly illegal under most states' laws to fire, evict, or refuse service to someone entirely because she's trans. ... In fact, some states are actively discriminating against trans people. That's what North Carolina did when it passed a law that banned local nondiscrimination ordinances that include sexual orientation and gender identity, and banned trans people from using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity in schools and government buildings. Some people might wonder why denying trans people access to the bathroom for their gender identity is discrimination. It's simple: Forcing trans people to use the bathroom that doesn't align with their gender identity acts as a reminder that, as far as society has come on some LGBTQ issues, it's still not completely willing to accept trans people and their identities - even if trans people pose no danger to anyone else . So to trans people, this is just another slight by society. And it's a slight most states allow - and that North Carolina explicitly embraced. This is why the Obama administration got involved. If the country believes that anti-LGBTQ discrimination should be illegal (and majorities do in every state ), but states aren't stopping that discrimination from happening, it makes sense for the federal government - which has historically done this when states fail - to intervene, especially in schools the federal government funds. That's exactly what happened.","label":0} {"text":"From: Preston Maddock Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 3:29 PM To: Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: Future Trump Voter 'Outraged' With His Life Choices BuzzFeed has a good catch today. In a softball talk radio interview recently, Pat Toomey said it was \"outrageous\" that his political opponents would associate him with Donald Trump. That's about as logical as Donald Trump being offended that you'd assume his favorite color is gold. But the best part is Toomey is \"outraged\" over something he's doing himself. He's defended the Donald against criticisms ; he said he \"understands \" why Trump resonates; and over and over again, he's said he will support Trump if he becomes the nominee. In fact, literally 108 seconds after Toomey called it \"outrageous\" to tie him to his party's likely standard-bearer, he did it again : Asked what he thought about Trump being the nominee, Toomey said that the businessman's odds were \"improving\" and that he would support him in his campaign against Clinton...\"I intend to support the Republican nominee.\" BuzzFeed: Pat Toomey: \"Outrageous\" For Democratic Challenger To Tie Me To Trump Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania said on Wednesday that it's \"outrageous\" for his Democratic opponent Katie McGinty to tie him to Donald Trump. Toomey, whose spot in the Senate is considered vulnerable, made the comment on the Dom Giordano Program after the host, imitating McGinty, said, \"Well, it's Pat Toomey and Donald Trump, that's what we're gonna run on, and that's a bigotry ticket.\" \"Yeah, that's pretty outrageous actually,\" Toomey replied. \"But Dom, you know how this presidential race has been unfolding. I supported Marco Rubio. He was my first choice. I still think he'd have been a great president and a great candidate. As of yesterday, we were down to three guys standing and I voted for Ted Cruz.\" \"They, you know, Katie McGinty may somehow try to tie me to Donald Trump. You know, fine. She can do whatever she's gonna feel she need to do. But the fact is, she is in lockstep with Hillary Clinton. She actually agrees with Hillary Clinton and the most liberal wing of the Democrats on everything,\" he said of his opponent, who became the Democratic nominee in the Senate race after defeating Joe Sestak in Tuesday's primary. Asked what he thought about Trump being the nominee, Toomey said that the businessman's odds were \"improving\" and that he would support him in his campaign against Clinton. \"Well, look, you know, obviously, it looks like his odds have been improving recently,\" Toomey said. \"Yesterday was an amazing\u2014I had a chance to go through the numbers outside of Pennsylvania. So he does not have this wrapped up yet and we could still have an open convention, but certainly he's in a very strong position. And look, I've said all along, I intend to support the Republican nominee. Donald Trump was not my first choice. He wasn't my second choice. But, you know, I don't want to see Hillary Clinton take this country further to the left, to make the terrible policy of President Obama permanent, which she would tend to do.\" Paid for by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. www.padems.com This email was sent to: WeiS@dnc.org If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party emails.","label":0} {"text":"Bruno Muschitiello updated #IVO-862-44094 ----------------------------------------- Scout didn't upgrade to Elite ----------------------------- Ticket ID: IVO-862-44094 URL: Name: Test Wizard 003 Email address: testwizard003@gmail.com Creator: User Department: General Staff (Owner): Bruno Muschitiello Type: Issue Status: In Progress Priority: Urgent Template group: Default Created: 10 April 2014 08:34 AM Updated: 10 April 2014 02:44 PM We are glad to know that the two scouts have done the upgrade as expected. Do you have the same problem with both targets (Elite and Soldier)? Or only with Soldier? Is the Soldier still synchronizing with regularity? Don't you receive any evidences? or it returns only some evidences? If you don't receive all the evidences expected, please list us which evidences that it doesn't gather. Thank you. 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They will have 30 minutes to make a selection so it helps the hosts\/hostesses to have a few extra hands. Room Parent Meeting, October 22nd The 1st grade room parents will be meeting with Kay Pickett next Monday. Please let us know any concerns you may have so that we can share them with her. We appreciate your feedback. Halloween Party, October 31st at 2:15 PM Tracy Geaccone, party chair, will be contacting you shortly if you signed up to help with this event. NASA-All Day Field Trip, November 7th, leave at 9 AM Chaperones should meet in the lower school cafeteria (NOT in the hallway) at 8:45 AM. If you signed up as a chaperone, Sheryl will be contacting you shortly with details. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks. Sheryl Rapp (713\/667-3709) and Julie McKay (713\/661-5854)","label":0} {"text":"As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in thePay Pal system. We recently noticed that your account was accessed by unauthorized third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we are forced to limit the access to sensitive Pay Pal account features. We realise that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.Case ID Number: PP-042-818-072 Your Personal Data includes information that can identify you as a specific individual, such as your name, address, phone number, credit card number or e-mail address are stored in your account. Is strongly recommend that you log into your account and verify your Personal Data. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To review your account and some or all of the information that Pay Pal used to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the Resolution Center . If, after reviewing your account information, you seekfurther clarification regarding your account access, please contact Pay Pal by visiting the Help Center and clicking \"Contact Us\". We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help and protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely,Pay Pal Account Review Department Pay Pal Email ID PP520952","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:30 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Video request: John Zody on CNN Indiana Dems chair John Zody was just on CNN. Can someone send me video? Thanks! TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"Hi - Great to see you as well. Thanks for coming out there.We will combine your 2013-2016 contributions and put it towards the package plus the total raised from the event you hosted with the VP. As far as how it will work if Zach and I get booted to the curb, we have a master list that we started cleaning up this year. It is for the National Finance Committee which existed prior to my arrival and will exist following my departure. Everything is accounted in there (and not in the Enron style accounting from the past) but real numbers, so everything you and Bonnie have done is accounted for. I will also make sure - if I do get fired (do you know something I don't) that I have a conversation with my replacement about everyone who stepped up in the dark years of 2013 and 2015! Jordan KaplanNational Finance DirectorDemocratic National Committee(202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c)kaplanj@dnc.org On Sep 1, 2015, at 7:48 PM, Christopher Lowe wrote:Good to see you in Minneapolis. It was a really good opportunity to get together and hear the candidates.On the Convention\u2026the packet distributed refers to $ from January 2015 to June 2016 (which we will of course be good for). My question is - in 2013 and 2014 the DNC $32k contributions were promised a \"convention package\" - how does this all link together?At the end of the day I'm very comfortable that you and Zach will look after us well, but just in case you aren't around what is the thinking here?Sent from my iPhoneThis message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential, privileged or proprietary information. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email and delete this message. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. 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Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Copyright 2005, www.paypal.com, All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Tim, Chris, I hope you're not right about the lack of warming lasting till about 2020. I'd rather hoped to see the earlier Met Office press release with Doug's paper that said something like - half the years to 2014 would exceed the warmest year currently on record, 1998! Still a way to go before 2014. I seem to be getting an email a week from skeptics saying where's the warming gone. I know the warming is on the decadal scale, but it would be nice to wear their smug grins away. Chris - I presume the Met Office continually monitor the weather forecasts. Maybe because I'm in my 50s, but the language used in the forecasts seems a bit over the top re the cold. Where I've been for the last 20 days (in Norfolk) it doesn't seem to have been as cold as the forecasts. I've just submitted a paper on the UHI for London - it is 1.6 deg C for the LWC. It comes out to 2.6 deg C for night-time minimums. The BBC forecasts has the countryside 5-6 deg C cooler than city centres on recent nights. The paper shows the UHI hasn't got any worse since 1901 (based on St James Park and Rothamsted). Cheers Phil At 09:34 05\/01\/2009, Tim Johns wrote: Dear Chris, cc: Doug Mike McCracken makes a fair point. I am no expert on the observational uncertainties in tropospheric SO2 emissions over the recent past, but it is certainly the case that the SRES A1B scenario (for instance) as seen by different integrated assessment models shows a range of possibilities. In fact this has been an issue for us in the ENSEMBLES project, since we have been running models with a new mitigation\/stabilization scenario \"E1\" (that has large emissions reductions relative to an A1B baseline, generated using the IMAGE IAM) and comparing it with A1B (the AR4 marker version, generated by a different IAM). The latter has a possibly unrealistic secondary SO2 emissions peak in the early 21st C - not present in the IMAGE E1 scenario, which has a steady decline in SO2 emissions from 2000. The A1B scenario as generated with IMAGE also show a decline rather than the secondary emissions peak, but I can't say for sure which is most likely to be \"realistic\". The impact of the two alternative SO2 emissions trajectories is quite marked though in terms of global temperature response in the first few decades of the 21st C (at least in our HadGEM2-AO simulations, reflecting actual aerosol forcings in that model plus some divergence in GHG forcing). Ironically, the E1-IMAGE scenario runs, although much cooler in the long term of course, are considerably warmer than A1B-AR4 for several decades! Also - relevant to your statement - A1B-AR4 runs show potential for a distinct lack of warming in the early 21st C, which I'm sure skeptics would love to see replicated in the real world... (See the attached plot for illustration but please don't circulate this any further as these are results in progress, not yet shared with other ENSEMBLES partners let alone published). We think the different short term warming responses are largely attributable to the different SO2 emissions trajectories. So far we've run two realisations of both the E1-IMAGE and A1B-AR4 scenarios with HadGEM2-AO, and other partners in ENSEMBLES are doing similar runs using other GCMs. Results will start to be analysed in a multi-model way in the next few months. CMIP5 (AR5) prescribes similar kinds of experiments, but the implementation details might well be different from ENSEMBLES experiments wrt scenarios and their SO2 emissions trajectories (I haven't studied the CMIP5 experiment fine print to that extent). Cheers, Tim On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 21:31 +0000, Folland, Chris wrote: > Tim and Doug > > Please see McCrackens email. > > We are now using the average of 4 AR4 scenarios you gave us for GHG + aerosol. What is the situation likely to be for AR5 forcing, particularly anthropogenic aerosols. Are there any new estimates yet? Pareticularly, will there be a revision in time for the 2010 forecast? We do in the meantime have an explanation for the interannual variability of the last decade. However this fits well only when an underlying net GHG+aerosol warming of 0.15C per decade is fitted in the statistical models. In a sense the methods we use would automatically fit to a reduced net warming rate so Mike McCracken can be told that. In other words the method creates it own transient climate sensitivity for recent warming. But the forcing rate underlying the method nevertheless perhaps sits a bit uncomfortably with the absolute forcing figures we are using from AR4. However having said this, interestingly, the statistics and DePreSys are in remarkable harmony about the temperature of 2009. > > Any guidance welcome > > Chris > > > Prof. Chris Folland > Research Fellow, Seasonal to Decadal Forecasting (from 2 June 2008) > > Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Rd, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom > Email: chris.folland@metoffice.gov.uk > Tel: +44 (0)1647 432978 > Fax: (in UK) 0870 900 5050 > (International) +44 (0)113 336 1072) > > Fellow of the Met Office > Hon. Professor of School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Mike MacCracken [[2]mailto:mmaccrac@comcast.net] > Sent: 03 January 2009 16:44 > To: Phil Jones; Folland, Chris > Cc: John Holdren; Rosina Bierbaum > Subject: Temperatures in 2009 > > Dear Phil and Chris-- > > Your prediction for 2009 is very interesting (see note below for notice that went around to email list for a lot of US Congressional staff)--and I would expect the analysis you have done is correct. But, I have one nagging question, and that is how much SO2\/sulfate is being generated by the rising emissions from China and India (I know that at least some plants are using desulfurization--but that antidotes are not an inventory). I worry that what the western nations did in the mid 20th century is going to be what the eastern nations do in the next few decades--go to tall stacks so that, for the near-term, \"dilution is the solution to pollution\". While I understand there are efforts to get much better inventories of CO2 emissions from these nations, when I asked a US EPA representative if their efforts were going to also inventory SO2 emissions (amount and height of emission), I was told they were not. So, it seems, the scientific uncertainty generated by not having good data from the mid-20th century is going to be repeated in the early 21st century (satellites may help on optical depth, but it would really help to know what is being emitted). > > That there is a large potential for a cooling influence is sort of evident in the IPCC figure about the present sulfate distribution--most is right over China, for example, suggesting that the emissions are near the surface--something also that is, so to speak, 'clear' from the very poor visibility and air quality in China and India. So, the quick, fast, cheap fix is to put the SO2 out through tall stacks. The cooling potential also seems quite large as the plume would go out over the ocean with its low albedo--and right where a lot of water vapor is evaporated, so maybe one pulls down the water vapor feedback a little and this amplifies the sulfate cooling influence. > > Now, I am not at all sure that having more tropospheric sulfate would be a bad idea as it would limit warming--I even have started suggesting that the least expensive and quickest geoengineering approach to limit global warming would be to enhance the sulfate loading--or at the very least we need to maintain the current sulfate cooling offset while we reduce CO2 emissions (and presumably therefore, SO2 emissions, unless we manage things) or we will get an extra bump of warming. Sure, a bit more acid deposition, but it is not harmful over the ocean (so we only\/mainly emit for trajectories heading out over the ocean) and the impacts of deposition may well be less that for global warming (will be a tough comparison, but likely worth looking at). Indeed, rather than go to stratospheric sulfate injections, I am leaning toward tropospheric, but only during periods when trajectories are heading over ocean and material won't get rained out for 10 days or so. > Would be an interesting issue to do research on--see what could be done. > > In any case, if the sulfate hypothesis is right, then your prediction of warming might end up being wrong. I think we have been too readily explaining the slow changes over past decade as a result of variability--that explanation is wearing thin. I would just suggest, as a backup to your prediction, that you also do some checking on the sulfate issue, just so you might have a quantified explanation in case the prediction is wrong. Otherwise, the Skeptics will be all over us--the world is really cooling, the models are no good, etc. And all this just as the US is about ready to get serious on the issue. > > We all, and you all in particular, need to be prepared. > > Best, Mike MacCracken > > > Researchers Say 2009 to Be One of Warmest Years on Record > > On December 30, climate scientists from the UK Met Office and the University of East Anglia projected 2009 will be one of the top five warmest years on record. Average global temperatures for 2009 are predicted to be 0.4\u00b0C above the 1961-1990 average of 14 \u00ba C. A multiyear forecast using a Met Office climate model indicates a \u00b3rapid return of global temperature to the long-term warming trend,\u00b2 with an increasing probability of record temperatures after 2009. \u00b3The fact that 2009, like 2008, will not break records does not mean that global warming has gone away . . . . What matters is the underlying rate of warming,\u00b2 said Dr. Phil Jones, the director of climate research at the University of East Anglia. The presence of La Nina during the last year partially masked this underlying rate. \u00b3Phenomena such as El Nino and La Nina have a significant influence on global surface temperature,\u00b2 said Dr. Chris Folland of the Met Office Hadley Center. > \u00b3Further warming to record levels is likely once a moderate El Nino develops.\u00b2 The transition from a La Nina effect to an El Nino one is expected late next year. > > For additional information see: > [3] > [4] > older-than-in-Iceland.html > [5] > [6] > > -- Tim Johns Manager Global Coupled Modelling Met Office Hadley Centre FitzRoy Rd Exeter Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1392 886901 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 E-mail: tim.johns@metoffice.gov.uk [7] Please note I work part time, normally Monday-Tuesday Thursday-Friday Met Office climate change predictions can now be viewed on Google Earth [8] Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email p.jones@uea.ac.uk NR4 7TJ UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1. 2. mailto:mmaccrac@comcast.net 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.","label":0} {"text":"20020709 Lockergnome Penguin Shell 07.09.2002 PenguinREPORT CAREER SERVICES FROM LOCKERGNOME AND DICE.COM: We've teamed up with Dice.com to bring you a full service I.T. career enhancement solution. Whether you are looking for your dream job or trying to hire talented people, the full-featured career resource center is the place to start. Find your IT talent solution today! I don't usually spend much time explaining metaphors. They are, after all, metaphorical. They can be filled with whatever symbolism you choose. Written well, we all come to some similar understanding of their meaning. But, I'll depart today, contrary to my normal practice, to take a few minutes explaining a recent metaphor. I'm a Linux guy through and through. As a user, I see myself as right about at the average on the curve. For love of the language and open source attitude, though, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone with quite the same level of enthusiasm. Put simply, there's very little about the Linux and broader open source worlds that I don't like or believe in. Take, for example, the practice of recursive acronyms. GNU (\"Gnu's Not Unix\"), HURD (\"Herd of Unix-Replacing Daemons\"), WINE (\"Wine Is Not an Emulator\"), even PHP (\"PHP Hypertext Processor\") - all carry on the tradition of recursion in the Unix\/Linux world. Goofy as it sounds, I love this stuff. So it is that I set out to create a recursive metaphor last week. It could only have happened on or about the 4th of July. In fact, it happened in the edition of the 3rd. I wrote a piece about how we Americans spend more time over the course of a year talking about what's wrong with our system than what's right. I wrote it knowing full well that many of the responses I'd get would be a) from readers outside the US and b) in sharp disagreement to my comments or those of citizens of other countries. You're following me, right? People would disagree with an article that said we spend much time disagreeing. This, of course, would prove my point in a somewhat metaphorical way - the perfect recursive metaphor. The point was to be made yet more perfectly by the eventual inclusion in Penguin Shell of the comments of someone from outside the US disagreeing with my take our argumentativeness as Americans. Ideally, they would be comments that disagreed with our collective American perception of being disagreeable. They would, of course, point out things about which citizens of other countries can disagree with Americans on. By exercising the right to disagree, we'd subtly agree that we have that right. Yet another level of recursion and a final layer of metaphor. The response to both my own and Johan Sauviller's comments was overwhelming. In the main, I believe both were appreciated. Many commented on the balance of the two pieces. Some readers were surprised, I think, to see a dissenting opinion published so quickly, if at all. Overall, the ability to express honestly held opinions, to agree and to disagree on a global level closed the circle on the metaphor in a perfect way. Things have, however, gotten a bit more ugly in the past few days. I'm not sure whether some were slow in getting to the July 3rd issue, or whether it's just been stewing since then. Take, for instance, these comments by a reader who will remain mercifully nameless: We get enough America bashing from our left-wing whacko extremist press and schools here in the USA that we don't wish to hear some (insert favorite adjective here) from Belgium whining too! Followed by: ... please don't let Tony single-handedly tarnish the fine reputation of Lockergnome. I'm sure there are other articulate Linux experts out there who would be able to replace him. ... and, in a later note on the topic ... Censorship is to be encouraged in a free-market society whenever and wherever it doesn't come from the government. Clearly, the metaphor just whizzed right over the heads of some. Chris has been great about allowing all his authors plenty of room in the editorial piece at the beginning of each newsletter. This particular piece is no exception. He's shown a quiet confidence in the face of some very shrill comments. While we all generally stay focused on technical issues, Chris has shown unwavering support for the notion that we geeks are, in the end, humans with opinions and thoughts to share. I think it's one of the things that makes the Lockergnome newsletters stand out from the pack - the personal touch. So, despite the irrationality of some of this week's comments, I'll continue to occasionally throw in a personal aside with the technical stuff. Just watch out. Recursive metaphors are only funny until someone puts an eye out. Tony Steidler-Dennison GnomeTWEAK Lockergnome readers, SAVE 50% on the Computing Encyclopedia! Are you looking for the ultimate computing resource? Discover the Computing Encyclopedia from Smart Computing. Regular price $59, SPECIAL OFFER for Lockergnome readers, get your set TODAY, ONLY $29.95! Win Apps in Linux? Yesterday, I mentioned an interesting review of two products for Linux by CodeWeavers - CrossOver Office and CrossOver Plugin. You've probably heard of both by now, as they've garnered quite a bit of publicity both in and out of the Linux world. You'll recall that I promised to try to secure copies for review this week. With the help of a friendly sales rep at CodeWeavers, I was able to accomplish that task this morning. True to the second half of the promise, we'll spend the next few days looking at these two products and how they might impact your Linux use. Let's take them in chronological order, starting today with CrossOver Plugin. A bit of background is in order. CodeWeavers is, in their own words, \" ... the leading corporate backer of the Wine Project. Wine has been, for the past several years, an ongoing project to port Windows applications to Linux. It's a tough goal, but it's also one that's been undertaken by others in the past year or so. Though the progress has been slow, the Wine project has managed to stay at the front of this development realm. CrossOver Plugin marks a change in the philosophy of the Wine Project. Prior to its release, Wine had taken a \"full system\" approach. Running Windows applications in Wine required the installation of a sizeable daemon and no small amount of configuration work. CrossOver Plugin has moved Wine away from the system-wide approach to one that's much more modular. Rather than executing at system startup, Wine is called as-needed, with the virtual Windows path to the called program. When the program is closed, so is Wine. CrossOver Plugin has focused on creating Linux functionality with one related set of Windows applications: browser plugins. The results stand as a clear indication that the change in philosophy is a success. Off the top, CrossOver Plugin bundles QuickTime 5, Windows Media Player 6.2, Shockwave 8.5, Flash 6, and RealPlayer 8 into a Linux-accesible browser plugin package. Throw in more esoteric apps like IPix, Trillian, Authorware Web Player 6 and eFax Messenger 2, and you've got virtually every need plugin need covered. But this package doesn't stop there. Included in the CrossOver Plugin package are viewers for Word, Excel and Powerpoint, as well as several Microsoft-oriented fonts. Honestly, I was stunned at the range of applications offered by the CodeWeavers developers. Having had some experience with Wine, I was a bit leery about the install process and about the ability to get all these great applications to work with my RedHat setup. I've never been completely successful with Wine, but I hoped for the best when I started the CrossOver Plugin installation. I really did want these apps to work. The installation was quite easy. By running the install-crossover.sh script from the command line, I was able to install the installers for both CrossOver Plugin and CrossOver Office, which we'll talk about tomorrow. I started the plugin installs with QuickTime, a tool I've admittedly missed in Linux. In the background, CrossOver Plugin had already created a virtual C:\\ drive on my machine. I clicked on the QuickTime install and immediately saw a familiar sight - the Vise installer in its Windows format. CrossOver Plugin first checked for feedback from the Windows binary, opened a virtual Windows window, then stepped out while the Vise installer took care of the rest. Though the install failed four times, it appeared to be a server failure rather than a failure of the CrossOver program. I kept \"retry\"ing and, with some persistence, managed to get a full QuickTime 5 install downloaded from the Apple servers. Quite literally, the install looked and performed exactly as I've seem many times in Windows. When the install was completed, CrossOver again checked for the Windows binary, located the appropriate .dll files in the virtual C:\\ drive and dropped the plugins into the \/home\/tony\/.netscape\/plugins and \/home\/tony\/.mozilla\/plugins directories. The process was so smooth that I had to check the plugin listings in these browsers - \"Help\", \"About Plugins.\" Sure enough, the CrossOver QuickTime plugin was listed. Quickly, I ran out to the Apple site and opened the \"Men In Black II\" movie trailer. QuickTime performed flawlessly. I followed with the Windows Media Player, Shockwave, Flash, IPix, and eFax Messenger installs. Of those, the only ones that weren't self-contained in the CrossOver install were IPix and eFax. Even at that, the installer pointed me to the Windows download then found the .exe file when the download was done. Within a half-hour, I had all installed and tested. Then, just for grins, I installed RealPlayer 8 via CrossOver. This was despite the recommendation in the installer screen to use the Linux version. It went as smoothly as the others with one caveat - the player played media files at a much faster speed than that in Windows. Fast enough to make me laugh, in fact, reminded of Dave and Alvin the Chipmunk. Ah well, six out of seven is pretty strong given my previous troubles with Wine. I also installed a few fonts - Arial, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, and Veranda. In every case, the install was quick and absolutely painless. Wine has always held great promise. At times, it's been painful to watch the tedious pace of development, only because that promise was so alluring. With the backing of CodeWeavers and a fundamental change in the approach to development, Wine has finally realized the goal of integrating Windows applications seamlessly into the stable Linux environment. The results are so strong that, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that a few of these plugins actually run better in Linux than in their native Windows. Honestly, I didn't realize how much I missed them until I started using them in Linux today. Tomorrow holds a few surpirses, with a look at CodeWeavers' CrossOver Office package. Recommend It! Send us a GnomeTWEAK GnomeCORE Kernel Configuration - Part IX We're nine parts into the kernel configuration series, with quite a bit yet to go. If you haven't been following along, we're breaking out the configuration screens one at a time in an attempt to shed some light on the purpose and function of each. With that knowledge, you should be able to make a clear decision as to how to configure each section. Today, it's the Parallel Port support section. This is pretty simple. If you need parallel port support - such as for a printer - select this option either as a driver built into the kernel or as a loadable module. Most will use the PC-style hardware option in conjuction with a Windows printer. But that's not all the parallel port can be used for. As an example, the builds I did with the telescope company required parallel port support, as the telescope cameras were attached to this port. Be aware - this kernel configuration option only makes a driver available for the parallel port. The computer's BIOS sets the mode for the port - ECP, EPP, or Auto. On the majority of modern computers, the Auto mode is the default and will work just fine. However, if you have problems communicating with your printer following a kernel recompile, try changing the mode of your printer in the BIOS. Tomorrow, it's Plug and Play configuration. Recommend It! Send us a GnomeCORE tip GnomeFILE Netics 2.0 \"Netics is an extensible network statistics collector. It puts the network interface in promiscuous mode and reads the data stream (after it strips off the appropriate protocol headers), then displays the results at specified intervals, either in a \"progress bar\" mode or as raw statistics. Currently, it supports 2 statistics, both involving entropy: LZW compressability and Ueli Maurer's universal statistical test. Maurer's test is a very good and comprehensive measure of entropy, but requires a large amount of data. The LZW statistic requires much less data.\" Recommend It! Send us a GnomeFILE suggestion GnomeVOICE Helping Hand Scribbled by Karl Steenblik \"Dear Linux community at Lockergnome. \"I am the web master for largest health care camp in the State of Utah. No not Cancer camp it is the Diabetic camp. \"The Foundation for Children and Youth with Diabetes serves about 900 diabetic children a year and their families. We have education, family support, diet planning and most important is camp. The place where kids can learn about how to better manage their disease. \"We are a totally non profit camp that puts all money from fees into our camp. We pay no salaries to Physicians, Dietitians, Social Workers, Nurses and educators that make our camp possible. Yes even me the lowly web master donates his time and web space at ATT to the cause. \"ATT recently decided to pull access to our photo page due to a password protection. We give out a password to all parents so that they can see photos of camp while the sessions are happening. We do not however what the creeps of the web to have access to photos of our kids. \"We are looking for someone in the state to help our camp by donating web space. Now it may not be your organization, but I know Linux people and Lockergnome and I think someone there may know someone who would be able to help us. \"You can still have access to the public part of our site that ATT has not shut down at www.fcyd-inc.org. \"Please I have the parents of 120 diabetic kids wanting to see photos of their children. They are all e-mailing me and I have no one to turn to. \"Hoping to hear from someone soon.\" Karl R Steenblik Webmaster FCYD camp Salt Lake City. Help Karl. Recommend It! Speak your GnomeVOICE GnomeCLICK Mobilix.org Mobilix.org is a full site related to using Linux on mobile devices, including PDAs and laptops. It includes information for subsctibing to the linux-laptop mailing list, information on Linux-powered wearable computers, WAP enabled access, and Linux on cell phones. Mobilix looks to be a great resource for all kinds of tips, tricks and useful information for taking your Linux on the road. Recommend It! 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Mother Nature's own all natural Viagra Men's and Women's Formula Increased SensationIncreased Frequency Increased PleasureIncreased Desire Increased StaminaIncreased Libido Claim your Introductory Offer ! To stop receiving future offers Click Here","label":1} {"text":"05\/05\/2016 09:10 AM EDT By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com) Good Thursday morning. CNN's Cindy Rodriguez has \"Cinco de Mayo do's and don'ts.\" Basically: Don't. BITE DU JOUR: Asked whether most Republican strategists and politicians will fall in for Trump, a famous Republican operative told Daniel: \"It's not a genetically courageous group.\" --@jmartNYT: \"Was there a mass cell service outage today? Because a lot of elected Rs are 'traveling' today and somehow unable to access cell phones.\" ... Molly Ball (@mollyesque): \"Just ran into @gov_gilmore. 'What a nightmare, what a nightmare,' he muttered. 'Are you going to vote for him?' 'Sure.'\" --\"Trump begins in a massive hole ... trails Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders by polling margins not seen in a generation,\" by Steven Shepard: \"Trump begins the general-election phase of the campaign facing the prospect of a near-historic blowout defeat. And pollsters think he might be so far in the hole that he can't dig himself out. ... A CNN\/ORC International poll ... found Clinton leading Trump by 13 points among registered voters nationally, 54 percent to 41 percent.\" --\"Hill GOP braces for Trump: Republicans are reckoning with the top of their fall ticket - but some would rather focus on Paul Ryan's agenda,\" by Jake Sherman and Rachael Bade: \"Many of them are still in shock, and some of the chattiest of them won't answer their telephones. But slowly, Hill Republicans are coming to grips with a Donald Trump-driven Republican Party, and they are already strategizing how to navigate it. ... \"In the Senate, all five Republican leaders indicated Wednesday that they would support Trump as the eventual nominee. And on both sides of the Rotunda, members from various corners of the House and Senate Republican conferences began jumping aboard the Trump Train.\" SIREN -- SEN. BEN SASSE (R-Neb.), age 44, kicks of his 2020 presidential campaign (and signals his willingness to mount, or at least help with, an independent-conservative bid in 2016) with a Facebook manifesto and tweet storm (@BenSasse), \"AN OPEN LETTER TO MAJORITY AMERICA ... If you are one of those rare souls who genuinely believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are honorable people ... then this letter is not for you. Instead, this letter is for the majority of Americans who wonder why the nation that put a man on the moon can't find a healthy leader who can take us forward together. ... \"I trust the judgment of this farm town [Fremont, Neb.] way more than I trust DC. And so I'd like to share a dozen-ish observations on ... [my] Wal-Mart and other conversations today: ... 3. Young people despise the two parties even more than the general electorate. ... 4. ... [W]e've not passed along the meaning of America to the next generation. ... 5. These two national political parties are enough of a mess that I believe they will come apart. ... 6. In the history of polling, we've basically never had a candidate viewed negatively by half of the electorate. This year, we have two. ... \"9. So ... let's have a thought experiment for a few weeks: Why shouldn't America draft an honest leader who will focus on 70% solutions for the next four years? You know ... an adult? ... (Such a leader should be able to campaign 24\/7 for the next six months. Therefore he\/she likely can't be an engaged parent with little kids. [Sasse and his wife, Melissa, home-school their three kids.]) ... 10. Imagine if we had a candidate: ... who didn't want to stitch together a coalition based on anger but wanted to take a whole nation forward ... \"The sun is mostly set on the Platte River -- and the kids need baths. So g'night. Ben #WeCanDoBetter #GiveUsMoreChoices.\" ... News story by Nick Gass \"JOE SCARBOROUGH: I won't vote for Trump if he doesn't change,\" by Nick Gass: If Trump maintains his call to bar Muslims from entering the United States, he'll lose badly, Scarborough said on \"Morning Joe\": \"The convention offers him an opportunity - will be the first time a lot of Americans have really looked at Donald Trump the candidate. ... The vice presidential selection offers him an opportunity. ... If he goes into August with these numbers, I will say in August he's going to lose big time. The window, while we have six months, he's got about a two-month window to start turning this stuff around quickly or he will lose. ... \"I gotta say I was surprised and disappointed ... that yesterday, he stuck by the Muslim ban. That's a loser. ... I'm never going to vote for a guy who says they are going to ban somebody because of the god they worship. And he's got to have to make that turn fast. He didn't do it yesterday. Maybe he does it over the next couple of weeks.\" --\"Trump deportation plan would wreak economic havoc, study says,\" by Nick Gass: \"[A]ccording to a study released [today] by the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank, ... [r]ounding [illegal immigrants] up and deporting them, even temporarily, would result in a decrease of $381.5 billion to $623.2 billion of economic output.\" ... The study 2016 PLAYERS - NBC News' Kristen Welker: \"Longtime Clinton aide Marlon Marshall will run the campaign's battleground team ... as director of states and political engagement. The campaign's director of primary states, Brynne Craig, was promoted and will also serve as chief of staff of the ... states and political engagement team ... Michelle Kleppe, who was Clinton's organizing director for the Iowa caucus and is a veteran of the 2012 and 2008 Obama campaigns, will serve as Clinton's national organizing director. \"Joining the campaign are Meg Ansara, who will become battleground states director and previously worked as regional director on Barack Obama's 2012 campaign; and Addisu Demissie, ... veteran of presidential and regional campaigns, who will work as a senior staff member in Clinton's states and political engagement department.\" BLOCKBUSTER PLAYBOOK BREAKFAST tomorrow: RNC Chair Reince Priebus! Don't miss this one. Doors at 7:30 a.m.; program at 8 at Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave. NW. RSVP --SEND suggested questions to dlippman@politico.com. ** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: Five million American jobs are unfilled right now. We're providing people with the training they need to compete for those roles. Learn more: ** BREAKING: \"21st Century Fox today announced today that Chip Smith has been named Executive Vice President, Public Affairs. Mr. Smith, a co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Glover Park Group, will oversee global legislative, regulatory and strategic policy matters for the company [which includes the Fox networks, 28 local television stations and film studio Twentieth Century Fox Film]. ... Smith will report to Executive Chairman Lachlan Murdoch and CEO James Murdoch. He will be based in Washington ... and New York and will oversee the policy offices of the company in the United States, Hong Kong, Brussels and the [U.K.] ... \"Smith co-founded The Glover Park Group in 2001 along with Michael Feldman, Carter Eskew and Joe Lockhart ... Smith was ... Chief Operating Officer for Vice President Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. ... Before joining MCI, Chip was an Executive Vice President at Shrum, Devine & Donilon.\" Read the release. --PLAYBOOK READS BETWEEN THE LINES: Smith was part of the team that built GPG into a national powerhouse advising corporations on policy, communications, image and reputation. The move suggests that James Murdoch, who was named CEO of 21CF last June, is looking to better integrate his legislative, regulatory and strategic communications functions. --CHIP'S NOTE to GPG staff last night: \"I don't start my new thing until later in the summer. So, there will be more than enough time for us to think through the questions and answers that this particular moment creates. Feel free to grab me anytime, or troll me more fearlessly if that's been your hobby #trollchip #GPGPlaybook.\" FIRST LOOK: \"Katie Couric has joined Craig Zadan and Neil Meron [producers of the Academy Award-winning 'Chicago'] as executive producers of FLINT, a new Lifetime docudrama based on 'The Toxic Tap,' TIME's [Feb. 1] cover story by Josh Sanburn ... [, who] will serve as a consultant ... The film is to be released by Sony Pictures Television in association with Zadan and Meron's Storyline Entertainment & Katie Couric Productions. ... Through the film's dramatization of real-life players in this saga, FLINT will call attention to what really happened and ensure history does not repeat itself, in Flint or elsewhere.\" BUSINESS BURST -- WSJ editorial, \"The Quickening: Why is Justice suing one of the nation's most careful FHA lenders?\": \"You'd never know it from Washington's tale of a reckless corporation endangering the public fisc, but instead of losing money, taxpayers appear to be making money off Quicken Loans. In a legal filing last year, the company said that, according to the government's own evaluations of mortgage lenders, 'the quality of loans originated by Quicken Loans today is more than twice as good as the national average, and the best among all large FHA lenders.'\" --\"Exxon Mobil Backs FuelCell Effort to Advance Carbon Capture Technology,\" by NYT's John Schwartz: \"In an agreement announced [today], Exxon Mobil said it had tightened an existing relationship with FuelCell [Energy] in hopes of taking ... technology from the lab to the market. ... Jay Faison, a Republican entrepreneur who is urging his party to support clean energy, called Exxon's announcement a 'monumental point in time for this energy transition.'\" ... Release TOP TWEETS: @HolmesJosh: \"Congratulations everyone. Hillary is still losing primaries in May but is already up double digits in November\" ... @ariannahuff: \"Imagine someone pushing JFK and birther conspiracies being given the FBI\" ... @BuzzFeedAndrew: \"Democrats have enough material at this point to make 'in his own words' ads for almost every demographic group.\" --HuffPost banner, \"LIAR XENOPHOBE MISOGYNIST DEMAGOGUE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE\" CAUGHT ON TAPE -- \"Chris Matthews Caught on Hot Mic Ogling Melania Trump,\" by Variety's Katie Van-Syckle: \"During the network's coverage of Donald Trump's Indiana primary victory speech, MSNBC's Chris Matthews was caught [saying:] ... 'Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God is that good ... I could watch that runway show' ... Brian Williams ... quickly cut to a commercial break.\" CLICKER - MICHAEL KRUSE and NOAH WEILAND in Politico Magazine, \"Donald Trump's Greatest Self-Contradictions: The many, many, MANY sides of the likely Republican nominee, in his own words\": \"To create the definitive archive of Trump's long argument with himself, POLITICO mined an almost limitless seam of his radio and TV interviews, newspaper and magazine profiles, books written about him and books written by him, rambling campaign speeches and late-night tweets. ... Has anyone ever disagreed with Donald Trump more than Donald Trump?\" SCOOP DU JOUR - \"McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes,\" by Burgess Everett and Seung Min Kim: \"Publicly, John McCain insists Donald Trump will have a negligible effect on his campaign for reelection. But behind closed doors at a fundraiser in Arizona last month, [he] offered a far more dire assessment to his supporters. 'If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life,' McCain said ... 'If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump. The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years.'\" With 1-min. audio MONEY HONEYS -- \"What the Kochs think about Trump now: Top GOP officials are warming to the party's presumptive nominee, but the donor class remains unswayed,\" by Alex Isenstadt: \"[I]n interviews with more than a dozen major GOP funders, not one on Wednesday would commit to donating to Trump. ... Representatives of Charles and David Koch ... warned the brothers could sit out the presidential campaign entirely.\" PUNDIT ACCOUNTABILITY -- \"The 9 worst predictions about Trump's rise to the top: With Trump all but clinching the GOP nomination, we look back at the greatly exaggerated reports of his political demise,\" by Nick Gass: \"Because he's not a 'real candidate' ... Because he's not a 'real candidate' ... Because he'll be out by Iowa ... Because he 'seriously' won't win ... Because everyone will laugh at you for thinking that Trump will win ... Because it's going to be Marco Rubio ... Because he hasn't been tested ... Because I'll leave the party ... Because he's finally collapsing.\" FLASHBACK -- \"Trump in 2000: How I'll Be the First Celebrity President,\" by The Daily Beast: \"In an eerily prescient interview in 2000, Donald Trump predicted his own political rise and laid out his plan to hack the media. ... Here's The Donald [in Gear magazine] ... applauding the 'celebrity culture in which athletes, movie stars and businessmen are considered for public office,' ripping 'the hypocrites (who) argue that a man who loves and appreciates beautiful women...shouldn't become a national leader' and trashing 'the whinnying culture critics and media hacks (who) bemoan the rise of celebrity culture.'\" With Trump's full 2000 article HOT VIDEO - \"Watch Trump Insult His Rivals... and Then Lavish Praise on Them When They Quit,\" by Bloomberg's Matt Negrin: \"[A]s soon as they drop out of the race, they become 'incredible' people. Here's what Trump said then and now about Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Ben Carson.\" 2-min. video TALKER -- \"Johnny's Half Shell is moving to Adams Morgan,\" by Politico Influence author Isaac Arnsdorf: \"The iconic oyster bar and seafood restaurant will close May 26 and reopen next month at 1819 Columbia Road NW, the current site of Cashion's Eat Place ... While the restaurant did a famously brisk business with private dining, it struggled on weekends and has to compete with an increasingly vibrant D.C. food scene. 'The rent was fine before there were 400 new restaurants,' [co-owner Ann] Cashion said. ... The new space will seat 125, down from the current capacity of 350.\" BEN RHODES PROFILE - in the upcoming N.Y. Times Magazine, \"The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama's Foreign-Policy Guru: How Ben Rhodes rewrote the rules of diplomacy for the digital age,\" by David Samuels: \"Like Obama, Rhodes is a storyteller who uses a writer's tools to advance an agenda that is packaged as politics but is often quite personal. He is adept at constructing overarching plotlines with heroes and villains who materialize in digital space, with their conflicts and motivations supported by flurries of carefully chosen adjectives, quotations and leaks from named and unnamed senior officials. \"He is the master shaper and retailer of Obama's foreign-policy narratives, at a time when the killer wave of social media has washed away the sand castles of the traditional press. His ability to navigate and shape this new environment makes him a more effective and powerful extension of the president's will than any number of policy advisers or diplomats or spies. He doesn't think for the president, but he knows what the president is thinking, which is a source of tremendous power within a White House that has awarded itself vastly expanded authority over the operations of the American government, just as George Bush's and Bill Clinton's White Houses did.'\" SNEAK PEEKS -- \"Is Donald Trump 'The Steve Jobs of Politics?' Newt Gingrich thinks so,\" by Bloomberg Businessweek's Joshua Green with Kevin Cirilli and Jennifer Jacobs: Newt Gingrich says of Trump, \"He's been so creative, and he does things so differently, and he will be so dominant, that we have to figure out how we build around him ... This is one, singular person who is the Steve Jobs of modern politics. And he is going to drive the system.\" Gingrich also doesn't shoot down rumors he could be Trump's VP: \"given an invitation to end the speculation by issuing a Shermaneque denial, he replied, 'Nobody from Georgia issues Shermanesque statements. It goes against the state constitution.'\" JARED KUSHNER PROFILE -- \"First you get the newspaper ... Then you get the building ... Then you get the father-in-law ... Then you get the power,\" by Bloomberg Businessweek's Devon Leonard: \"He began making major decisions at his family's real estate company ... when he was 23 in 2004, around the time his father, a prominent Democratic fundraiser and aspiring kingmaker, pleaded guilty to tax fraud, misleading federal election officials, and retaliating against a witness. ... People who think highly of Kushner, and those who don't, all talk about his impeccable manners. They say he never loses his temper, at least not in public. He's unfailingly polite. He remembers names and opens car doors for people. ... Kushner is also extremely guarded ... [and] often comes across as purposefully bland, as if he's trying to discourage interest in his activities-or himself.\" LATE-NIGHT BEST - Stephen Colbert, \"Hungry For Power Games: Dyin' Ted\" -- 5-min. video VALLEY TALK - \"YouTube Said to Plan 'Unplugged' Online TV Service for 2017,\" by Bloomberg's Lucas Shaw and Alistair Barr: \"YouTube is working on a paid subscription service called Unplugged that would offer customers a bundle of cable TV channels streamed over the Internet ... YouTube executives have discussed these plans with most major media companies, including Comcast Corp.'s NBCUniversal, Viacom Inc., Twenty-First Century Fox Inc. and CBS Corp.\" REMEMBERING BOB BENNETT - Salt Lake Tribune's Thomas Burr: \"Bennett died Wednesday after fighting for months against pancreatic cancer and suffering a recent stroke. He was 82. The former Utah Republican senator's 6-foot-6 lanky frame inevitably led to comparisons with Washington Irving's character Ichabod Crane. But in recent years he took on a different persona: a symbol of the old-style politician who practiced the art of compromise being overwhelmed by the rising power of the tea party. In 2010, he met his electoral demise at the hands of Mike Lee\" primarily due to his support of the bailout. MEDIAWATCH - L.A. Times adding foreign bureaus -- Tribune CEO Justin Dearborn on earnings call yesterday: \"We are cultivating the powerful L.A. Times brand into a global revenue generator by launching strategic partnerships and creating even more content. ... [W]e plan to invest in global news bureaus when others are cutting back. We plan to open seven news bureaus overseas in 2016 ... Hong Kong, Seoul, Mexico City, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Lagos and Mumbai. Each of these cities represents vibrant entertainment heavy cultures.\" -- NATALIE MORALES to move to LA -- Noah Oppenheim, SVP and executive in charge of TODAY, emails the staff: \"[T]his summer, Natalie Morales will move to LA to become TODAY's West Coast Anchor and a host of Access Hollywood and Access Hollywood Live. She'll also continue to play a prominent role on Dateline.\" HAPPENING TODAY - \"Fundraiser for ALS 'Ice Bucket Challenge' Co-founder\": Today \"Washington residents will be raising their pint glasses for the medical care and expenses of Pete Frates, the co-founder of the unforgettable ALS 'Ice Bucket Challenge.' Pete, who was diagnosed with ALS in March of 2012, at the age of 27, has raised over $115 million for disease research through the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' ... Proceeds will go towards Pete's medical costs are estimated to be over $200,000 a year.\" At Hawk 'n' Dove from 5 to 8 p.m. WASHINGTON, INC. - \"Spotify is continuing to set up their office in Washington with a second big hire. The company has hired Holly Maine, a well-connected D.C. advertising sales veteran who has previously held senior positions with Atlantic Media, Centro and most recently led the paid media strategy team at The Glover Park Group. She will lead Spotify's advertising efforts for the DC\/Mid-Atlantic region and will work alongside Tom Manatos, who joined Spotify earlier this year, as their VP of government relations.\" --\"SKDKnickerbocker Named Holmes Report Public Affairs Agency of the Year\": \"Paul Holmes, founder and CEO of the Holmes Report, highlighted SKDK's extensive experience in landmark Supreme Court activity and work for the nation's most progressive issues, such as reproductive health and immigration as well as corporate projects such as GE Capital restructuring, Herbalife defense and Amalgamated Bank promotion.\" --\"Precision Strategies Recognized as One of the 'Top Agencies of the Year' by Holmes Report\": \"Precision Strategies, celebrating its third anniversary this week, was named one of the 'Top Agencies of the Year' by The Holmes Report for demonstrating 'an ability to drive earned, digital and paid media by deploying a rigorous approach to data and analytics.'\" FIRST LOOK - \"Washington Life Magazine releases 2016 'Power 100' issue\": \"There are 42 new names on the list this year, including ... Tad Devine and Scott Goodstein ... Paul Manafort, Andrew Shapiro and Michael Allen of Beacon Strategies ... 20 are media notables, including The Washington Post's Fred Ryan and Marty Baron, Politico CEO Robert Allbritton, Atlantic Media's David Bradley ... Vox Media's Jim Bankoff and Ezra Klein and The Huffington Post's Howard Fineman and Ryan Grim (who we describe as a 'well-liked manager.')\" ... The feature with all 100 names OUT AND ABOUT - Juleanna Glover, Niki Christoff, Tammy Haddad, Josh Ginsberg, Susan Molinari, and Steve Schmidt co-hosted a dinner party last night at Juleanna's house to celebrate Steve Hilton's new book \"More Human: Designing a World Where People Come First.\" The author, the CEO of Crowdpac and former director of strategy for David Cameron, read out a sentence from his book: \"'Whenever the lobbyists, the politicians, the journalists, and the authors of books like this all go to the same parties, all live in the same neighborhoods in Washington, New York and San Francisco, an insular ruling elite precipitates, regardless of who's in office, the same people are in power.' And it's great to see you all here tonight. [Laughter.] The thing is I do have one complaint though. When I did my book party in London, the prime minister showed up to the party, so I'm very let down tonight.\" Juleanna then chimed in: \"Dick Cheney is in the kitchen.\" $22.34 on Amazon ... His Jan. 2016 Guardian story, \"I run a Silicon Valley startup - but I refuse to own a cellphone\" SPOTTED: Tim Miller, Allie Brandenburger, Kevin Chaffee, Craig Gordon, Indira Lakshmanan, Steve Clemons, Geoff Morrell, Anu Rangappa, Benny Johnson, Eric Lipton and Elham Dehbozorgi, Alexis Weiss, Margaret Carlson, Heather Podesta, Richard Reeves, Garance Franke-Ruta, Christina Sevilla, Mary Jordan, Kevin Sullivan, Meredith McPhillips, Becca Glover Watkins, Betsy Martin, Marianne Levine. TRANSITIONS -- \"Allison Gracey, a ten-year veteran of CNN, has joined Edelman as a Vice President on the National Health Media Team. She is joined by Justin Hyde, former managing editor of Yahoo Autos, who serves as a Vice President on the Corporate Affairs Team. Alexis Weiss, a Senior Editorial Producer with CNN, has also joined the firm to serve as a Vice President on the Media Services and Strategies Team.\" BIRTHDAYS: Mark McKinnon ... Dan Balz, the pride of Freeport, Ill. (h\/ts Adam and Teresa) ... Brian Williams is 57 ... Brussels Playbook author Ryan Heath - send him a birthday gift by subscribing to the best newsletter in Europe (h\/t the Politico Europe family) ... former AFL-CIO president John J. Sweeney is 82 ... John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism, and former CBS News correspondent, is 58 ... Sacha Haworth, DCCC spox for Midwest... Mike Dorning, White House correspondent for Bloomberg News: \"Raised in Central Illinois, based in D.C. Dad of 3. Labrador owner,\" per his Twitter (gaucho tip: Courto) ... Christine Pelosi (h\/t Mom, Alexandra) ... Dustin Walker, comms. director for Senate Armed Services ... Politico's Alex Guillen ... Julian St Patrick Clayton, in Northeast civic engagement at JPMorgan Chase ... ... Happy Cinco de Madden: Colin Norris Madden is 7 (h\/t Mom and Dad, Jaclyn and Kevin) ... Dan Hornung, policy adviser in the White House Office of the Chief of Staff (h\/t former roommate Nathaniel Sobel) ... Ann Saybolt (h\/t Jon Haber) ... ... Mike Dennehy, of N.H. and McCain fame ... Katie Quinn ... Barry Piatoff ... Jeff Hellerman ... Urooj S. Raja ... Michael Hamrick ... Koji, beloved dog of Hayley Palozej ... Jackson Sump, a recent University of Kansas grad who grew up in the DC area where his dad Mark is a long time Democratic operative (h\/t godmother Kiki McLean) ... Cris Selin ... USC law student and Politico alum Nathaniel Haas, celebrating by taking a constitutional law final exam in the morning then out for craft beer at the Arts district brewery in downtown LA ... AP's David Sharp ... Jesse Thomas ... Kim Palmese ... Janet Piraino ... Lisa George (h\/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... actress Pat Carroll is 89 ... Kurt Loder is 71 ... rhythm-and-blues singer Chris Brown is 27 (h\/ts AP) ** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: There are over 5 million American jobs unfilled right now. We're connecting employers, job seekers and educators so people can develop the right skills for jobs available today. Learn more: ** SUBSCRIBE to the Playbook family: POLITICO Playbook ... New York Playbook ... Florida Playbook ... New Jersey Playbook ... Massachusetts Playbook ... Illinois Playbook ... California Playbook ... Brussels Playbook ... All our political and policy tipsheets To view online: To change your alert settings, please go to or email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"Greetings ****** Payment Notification From HSBC Bank (China) ****** On request of your client, please download attached swift copy pdf with password protection for security reasons as details. We have an effective payment in wire Transfer Ref: 945334XXX \/ 54267XXX.. More details Attached. . 24267-2099\/swift copy.....pdf..-175KB Download View Online Thanks & Best Regards. Global Remmitance Officer, Jack Chang HSBC Bank (China) 282 Huaihai Middle Rd Shanghai Shi: \ufffd +86 400-820-8828 Open until 10 AM-7PM \ufffd Copyright. HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited 2017. All rights reserved. ICP 15029387-2 Address and domain name filed in the information record management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Chinese Only)","label":1} {"text":"Just watched the revised animatic and wanted to share some thoughts...Mavis's \"issue\" of wondering if getting married will limit her opportunities in life is at odds with her issue the rest of the movie. I think it's misleading. In fact, all of the business before the wedding feels superfluous. The news of the wedding isn't the conflict in the movie. What if we open on the montage of Mavis and Johnny's wedding but make it into an opening titles sequence. Make it really fun and a bigger production\/musical number. Better if the first announcement of the movie is \"I'm pregnant\" and Mavis' heart to heart with him is about the pregnancy\/baby rather than getting married. Also I think it would be better if Mavis' question - \"you don't mind that he's humany\" and Drac's response \"monster, humany, unicorn\" was about the baby instead of Johnny. It's not totally clear whether Drac is preoccupied with Dennis being a vampire from the moment he's born or only once Johnny's parents suggest Mavis and Johnny should move to live with them? Is his issue that he wants a grandson who is a monster or that he's afraid of the consequences to his family if he isn't? Why is it good for Johnny to be in on Drac's plan to take Dennis away? Maybe it would be better if Drac hatches the plan with Frank since the monsters then help sell the idea to Mavis in the next scene anyway. Not sure we want to emphasize that Mavis and Johnny have lost their zing. Too many ideas. There's also an odd negative commentary on marriage that Mavis thinks she won't get to pursue her dreams if she gets married and then within a few years of having a baby their marriage has lost its zing. The beats of Drac and the monsters demonstrating their monster skills isn't funny enough yet. After each monster fails to be scary there has to be a bigger joke to button those beats otherwise they feel somewhat anticlimactic. It should be Drac, not Frank, who says at the end of Act 2 that they need to go see Vlad. After resisting for the whole of the second act we need to understand how desperate he is to decide to go to this extreme. ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Today is the last day of Enron's 2001 United Way Campaign. As of Thursday, August 16, we are at 82% of our financial goal of $2.9M and 56% employee participation. See how your business unit is faring against the other units: Business Unit Goal Dollars Raised to Date % of Goal Met % Employee Participation Corp $785,000 $657,980 84% 54% EES $493,000 $361,208 73% 53% ETS $346,000 $269,755 78% 84% EWS $1,276,000 $1,065,792 84% 53% Everyone who logs on to the United Way web site and completes the process will be entered in a drawing for two free round-trip airline tickets, courtesy of Travel Agency in the Park. If you completed the pledge process prior to today, you are already entered in the drawing. The winner of the tickets will be notified by Friday, August 24. For those of you who have not yet participated in the campaign, please take a moment to do so today. Log on to and click on the United Way logo. You'll need your GIS number to make your contribution. Your GIS number is an eight-digit number that starts with a 9. If you don't have your GIS number and password, or need assistance with keying in your contribution, please call the GIS Help Desk at ext. 3-5666. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the campaign - you are the key to Building Houston's Future!","label":0} {"text":"Held Spam Report for January 29, 2014 Daily Held Spam Report mirandal@dnc.org Tuesday, April 26, 2016 View, Search, Sort Report | Request Current Report | Change Report Settings Spam: 6 View | Release no_answer@dnc.org You account have a problem 7:13p from Peru (2.14 KB) View | Release mirandal@dnc.org Welcome! 7:06p from Pakistan (3.07 KB) View | Release sales@iranimarket.com $30000 a month - you should just start thinking! 9:58a from Iraq (3.89 KB) View | Release mirandal@dnc.org Forget about credits! You'll have enough now even for a yacht! 6:31a from India (3.89 KB) View | Release prprofessional@gmail.com Fw: new message 5:10a from United States (4.34 KB) View | Release sanp@iii.co.uk Start making $500 a day and you'll change your life! 3:31a from Pakistan (2.19 KB) Virus: 0 Outbound: 0 Copyright \u00a92003-2016 AppRiver, All Rights Reserved Unsubscribe","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, See attached document for new security upgrade and act as instructed. Thank you, USAA","label":1} {"text":"ok [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:02 AM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Bob Sutton comments The FDP is closed today; emailed Max but he's probably not around given today is the last day of Passover. I can reach out to the Broward County Chair if you think she would be a good person to attribute the statement to. [SigDems] Deshundra Jefferson, Southern Regional Communications Director Democratic National Committee JeffersonD@dnc.org | (202) 863-8112","label":0} {"text":"Russell Turpin wrote: > On the receiving side, > my email client distinguishes between messages > that are read, and messages that are not. I like > to mark or save messages that are particularly > interresting or important to me. And even if I > make a point to delete \"suspicious material\" > immediately upon reading it, even THAT might > leave an interesting kind of trace on my machine. You choose to have your email client do that. You don't have to. Short of Palladium, you can do whatever you want with bytes you hold, including reading messages and erasing the traces. I'll buy a chocolate sundae for anyone who can show otherwise. An attacker might be able to verify that you *have* read a message (e.g. by seeing that you saved and edited a copy) but not that you *haven't*. If your email client was compromised you could put a packet sniffer on the line before downloading mail. If an attacker installed a packet sniffer sniffer, you could run it in a spoofing VM. The only exception to the rule that your machine belongs to you is -- maybe -- Palladium. - Lucas","label":0} {"text":"When: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: ECS6980 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* As promised, please find the attached agenda for our follow-up meeting regarding CPM and additional P&L requirements. See you at 1:00... Steve","label":0} {"text":"Question from eBay Member -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will go to the eBay member directly and will include your email address. Click the Respond Now button below to send your response via My Messages (your email address will not be included). Question from whatdadealiz Item: (7713864284) whatdadealiz is a potential buyer. Hi there, when did you send me a message and what is it about? BTW, I don't like your tone. Please don't do that to me. I can report you as well, remember? Respond to my question AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Original message: Why don't you answer to my emails!!! If you don't Respond Now I will contact eBay safe harbor and report you ! Let me know, I am not a fool ! Thank you ! ! Respond to this question in My Messages. Item Details Item number: 7713864284 End date: 03-Aug-07 13:17:42 BST View item description: Thank you for using eBay www.ebay.com\/ Marketplace Safety Tip Always remember to complete your transactions on eBay - it's the safer way to trade.Is this message an offer to buy your item directly through email without winning the item on eBay? If so, please help make the eBay marketplace safer by reporting it to us. These external transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy. Learn more about trading safely. Is this email inappropriate? Does it breach eBay policy? Help protect the community by reporting it. Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: Policy. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies.Privacy Policy: Agreement: Copyright \u00a9 2007 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.","label":1} {"text":"Could you please give the Transwestern Business Unit Coordinator some advice on when this audit will be resolved and what you think the best estimate is on the amount of compressor fuel tax (PPI) that have to expense. Thanks -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:28 PM To: Chandler, Bob Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) What is the timing of this? -----Original Message----- From: Chandler, Bob Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:40 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:06 AM To: Chandler, Bob Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) So, I can't tell what my exposure is here. Which line do I use? The maximum shown on the schedule is $1.1MM (expand column width on Column A). Although it looks from the spreadsheet as if $300 to $600K may be more realistic for the compressor fuel tax through 4\/01. However, there could be $11K\/month going forward. The other issue would be the sales tax on our purchase of personal property from NWP. Whatever that may turn out to be, it should not be an earnings concern, but would be capitalized as part of the plant. If you need more specificity, I suggest you give Dan a call. -----Original Message----- From: Chandler, Bob Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 9:52 AM To: Geaccone, Tracy Cc: Zahn, Gary Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) I'm sure Jerry is aware of this. He isn't Dan's boss, but they're in the same CC and only a couple of cubes away in the Jefferson bldg. I don't think we have any reserves\/accruals for these on the TW balance sheet. -----Original Message----- From: Geaccone, Tracy Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:48 AM To: Chandler, Bob; Zahn, Gary Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) Has Jerry Moore from the tax group been involved in this? Do I have anything on the balance sheet for this? Tracy -----Original Message----- From: Chandler, Bob Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:45 AM To: Zahn, Gary Cc: Geaccone, Tracy Subject: FW: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) FYF Tax exposure. -----Original Message----- From: Rittgers, Dan Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 11:15 AM To: 'Petersen, John' Cc: Russo, Gavin; Hrna, Sandra Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest (COMPRESSOR FUEL) John, I have prepared a more formal position regarding the exemption of \"Compressor Fuel\" consumed in a \"continuing business activity\" (Gas services). Before I submit this position to you, I will circulate my position letter within the company and validate the facts. I will be relying primarily on Colorado Regulations 26-102.21 or 39-26-104.1(d.1). Have these regulations changed recently? My service may be out of date. Attached below are schedules for Compressor and Domestic fuel consumption for the audit period. -----Original Message----- From: Petersen, John Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:16 PM To: Rittgers, Dan Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest Dan, Here is my initial response. I haven't had time to do too much research on this, but this preliminarily the Department's position. Sorry this took so long but I am working on a bankruptcy case which has my first priority. jp > ---------- > From: Rittgers, Dan[SMTP:Dan.Rittgers@ENRON.com] > Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 12:20 PM > To: Petersen, John > Cc: Russo, Gavin; Hrna, Sandra > Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 > (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest > > > > > The trip was very helpful for me as well. I learned a lot from Terry > the day before. > > The decision to proceed further will not be my decision, but I will > prepare an internal analysis, along three main points. In preparing > this internal analysis, it would be helpful to know your (Colorado's) > position on the following issues: > > ASSETS\/PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (PSA) > > Our original position related to the characterization of our purchase as > the purchase of real property, rather than TPP. Regarding your > acquiescence of the pipeline from the original jeopardy assessment under > this argument, thanks that is a big chunk of the original assessment. > My tentative concern under this argument is that foundation, conduit, > wires, pipe and valves remain on the schedule. The compressor might be > a bit more difficult to argue under this position. > > Further, Friday, I submitted a copy of the \"Operating and Sale > Agreement\". This agreement will further support my position that the > PSA was not a purchase of TPP, but was the purchase of a 77% equity > interest or right to the pipeline's capacity. Using this agreement, my > position is that the transaction is fully exempt as provided by Reg. > 26-102.15 (SEE Reg.doc ATTACHED). It says,' \"Tangible personal > property\" does not include intangible personal property constituting > mere rights of action...\"' Transwestern is acquiring a \"right\" to > capacity on the pipeline, as stipulated under the terms of \"Exhibit C\". > Given the \"Operating and Sale Agreement\", do you see this as a viable > conclusion? If the operating agreement constituted the entirety of the writing accompanying the transfer of cash from Enron to Northwest Pipeline Corp., I might agree. But, the purchase agreement lists assets acquired for cash. > COMPRESSOR FUEL\/DOMESTIC FUEL > > I'll get the Compressor and domestic consumption numbers soon, and the > price will be determined a little later. There are separate meters for > measuring Compressor and Domestic fuel consumption. Friday, I submitted > my tax exempt position for Compressor Fuel consumed for Gas Services > (SEE industrial use.doc BELOW). > I don't believe that the statute and regulation support that position. Transporting gas would have to qualify as providing gas or electric service to qualify for the exemption. I don't believe it does. I definitely need more research on this. > PENALTY & INTEREST > > I will be requesting a waiver of penalty and interest on any assessment. > The disposition of penalty and interest will be resolved at a level above the auditor level. > -----Original Message----- > From: Petersen, John > Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 9:52 AM > To: Rittgers, Dan > Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 > (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest > > > Dan > > Good morning. Thanks for the tour of the La Plata Facility. It was > very > helpful. I'll remove the $4,803,629 for the 'pipe 30\" x .325' from the > proposed taxable amount. Everything else I'll keep as previously > determined > unless I receive additional information from you. > > Also, I look forward to receiving the gas consumed figures for both > domestic > use, which I understand is taxable, and the compressor use which remains > unagreed. If you have a proposal for the valuation of the gas consumed, > that > would be helpful also. Thanks again for the tour and your assistance in > completing the audit. John Petersen, 303-355-0400 x 622. > > ---------- > > From: Dan.Rittgers@enron.com[SMTP:Dan.Rittgers@enron.com] > > Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:08 AM > > To: jpetersen@spike.dor.state.co.us > > Subject: RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 > > (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest > > > > > > Return Receipt > > > > > > Your RE: Transwestern pipeline Colorado Audit FEIN 74-1294795 > > > > document (Account L80-30571) Tour, Status and Protest > > > > : > > > > > > > > was Dan Rittgers\/ENRON@enronXgate > > > > received > > > > by: > > > > > > > > at: 07\/02\/2001 11:08:50 AM > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >","label":0} {"text":"Dear Email User, Your two (2) incoming mails were placed on pending status due to the recent upgrade in our database, Admin Helpdesk Support require you to immediately update your account information by following the reference link below to prevent your Email address not to be de-activated on our Email service database today. Login with your correct Webmail information's and wait for incoming mails within 30 minutes from our date base service, We apologize for any inconvenience and do appreciate your understanding. Failure to confirm and verify your email account on our database as instructed, Your e-mail account will be blocked in 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation. \u00a92013 System Administrator.","label":1} {"text":"keep irwinsent on the runOn Aug 25, 2014, at 12:10 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote:IN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 11:54 AM, Andrew Gumpert, (Business) (310) 244-3360, returning IN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 10:41 AM, Eric Berger, (Business) (310) 244-9288, Needs 2 seconds please IN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 10:34 AM, Sheraton Kalouria, (Business) (310) 244-9191, Wants to come show u EMMY Congratulatory ads..or can wait until tomorrow if you wantIN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 10:07 AM, Irwin Winkler, (Business) (310) 858-5780, Pls call IN CALLS, 08\/25\/14 09:42 AM, Matt Mosko, (Mobile) (310) 990-5114, pls call IN CALLS, 08\/22\/14 09:15 AM, Joe Cohen, (Mobile) (917) 838-2836, just checking in - pls call whenever you have a moment ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"I would like to schedule a session to review the economics of the received offers. -----Original Message----- From: Hyatt, Kevin Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 4:56 PM To: Alters, Dennis; Bagot, Nancy; Campbell, Larry; Cebryk, Doug; Centilli, James; Eisenstein, Arnold L.; Gadd, Eric; Gottsponer, Morgan; Haden, Sarah ; Hartsoe, Joe; Hass, Glen; Junus, David; Keller, John R.; Kendrick, William; Kilmer III, Robert; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lokay, Michelle; Lokey, Teb; Martin, Jerry D.; Matthews, Ron; Pryor, Tony; Shafer, John; Soldano, Louis; Steven Harris (E-mail); Taylor, Gina; Veatch, Stephen; Wadle, Susan; Watson, Kimberly; Wilkie, Kim Cc: McCarty, Danny; Hayslett, Rod Subject: Sun Devil Open Season Results --CONFIDENTIAL-- Overall, the results from Thursday's open season on our Sun Devil Project were very favorable (see below). Contract terms ranged from two to sixteen years. San Juan 84% subscribed at targeted transport rate Phoenix 97% subscribed at nearly targeted transport rate Cal Border 77% subscribed at 61% of targeted transport rate We obviously have some work to do on the California piece but overall, the market interest supports our efforts to move forward with all due haste to the next level. With that in mind, we'll begin working on the next steps below: Next steps- - Finalize Level A hydraulic study (9\/7) - Prepare Level B estimate (9\/30) - Schedule on-site ROW reviews (9\/10) - Schedule briefing session with FERC in September - Issue press release on open season results (week of 9\/3) - Mobilize commercial teams to firm up contracts (week of 9\/3) For now, please regard this memo as highly confidential. We appreciate everyone's support and hard effort thus far-- now the real fun begins! Look for more info to follow soon and regularly scheduled project update meetings to begin in September. Please call me with any questions \/ concerns at 853-5559. Best Regards, Kevin Hyatt","label":0} {"text":"The Helpdesk is upgrading and maintaining database Server from the old Microsoft Server(No420134x) to the new Microsoft Server(No520193x) please click the link below to upgrade your mailbox CLICK HERE Thank You Helpdesk Upgrade Team","label":1} {"text":"READY TO KNOW? > > CONFIDENTIAL > > The SOFTWARE They Want BANNED In all 50 STATES. > Why? Because these secrets were never intended to reach your eyes... > Get the facts on anyone! > > Locate Missing Persons, find Lost Relatives, obtain Addresses > and Phone Numbers of old school friends, even Skip Trace Dead > Beat Spouses. This is not a Private Investigator, but all > sophisticated SOFTWARE program DESIGNED to automatically > CRACK YOUR CASE with links to thousands of Public Record databases. > > Find out SECRETS about your relatives, friends, enemies, > and everyone else! -- even your spouse! 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Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: DNC Press Date: 05\/13\/2016 14:08 (GMT-05:00) To: \"Paustenbach, Mark\" , \"Miranda, Luis\" Subject: FW: Question on Donald Trump's \"Enabler\" Attack on Sec. Clinton FYI- This reporter has a 4pm deadline today. From: Fred Lucas Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 1:54 PM To: DNC Press Subject: Question on Donald Trump's \"Enabler\" Attack on Sec. Clinton Hello. I just spoke to someone with DNC Press and following up. I am doing a freelance story for FoxNews.com about Donald Trump's attacks against Secretary Clinton as an \"enabler\" of President Clinton's alleged misconduct with women. In at least some cases, past news reports and information from Judicial Watch indicate that Ms. Clinton might have been involved in the political strategy to discredit some of the accusers -- both in allegations of misconduct but also claims of a consensual relationship. General questions: 1. I hoped the DNC could weigh in on the appropriateness of Trump attacking along these lines? 2. From your view, why shouldn't women voters take into account Secretary Clinton's past role in political strategy for responding to accusers of her husband? I would really appreciate any response you have. Thanks very much. Fred Lucas (703) 859-1836","label":0} {"text":"Tom: This is the response I got for my request with settlements.....I will let you know what the word is on Monday. Also, I have requested that she tell me when she can have numbers for this year Devon penalties\/Cashout too. Unfortunately, they act as though we are asking a lot. They have the data in Excel and it is just a matter of sorting by counterparty and looking at the cashout total by month, then adding them together to see the net effect. I'll let you know asap. Mark -----Original Message----- From: Ellenberger, Mary Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:50 AM To: Schrab, Mark L. Cc: Baxter, Bryce; Boxx, Pam Subject: Re: Panaco Cashout Importance: High Yes this is a lot of work. The original discussion, I thought, was to so a sample month or two to see if there was a trend. I will work this weekend and see who far I get. I'll let you know Monday morning. From: Mark L Schrab\/ENRON@enronXgate on 05\/30\/2001 11:00 AM To: Mary Ellenberger\/Corp\/Enron@ENRON cc: Lisa Kinsey\/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: Panaco Cashout I was talking to Tom Donohoe, the Central Gulf trader, today and he said he needs to know the net effect of cashout for all of the past months together in order to determine if we should make waves and force Panaco to pay for Cash Out. I realize this is a lot of work but, we are running out of time and I just need to get word back to him as to how long it will take. I don't think it would be a good idea to pick the months that are beneficial to Enron since Panaco will do the same to us. Please let me or Lisa Kinsey know what can be done. Thanks, Mark","label":0} {"text":"Spam detection software, running on the system \"pony.berndtgroup.net\", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or block similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: URI: URI: TKO NOTICE: Suspicious Activity. 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Sentiment in Grains and Oilseeds was influenced by a decline in Soybeans, affected by South American weather patterns, the Argentina crisis and the Pakistan-India tensions. A bumper Brazilian crop kept the lid on Coffee, a late surge in Cocoa ran out of steam, Cotton ended lower on weak US consumption data, while Sugar rebounded on short-covering. A drop in lease rates took Silver down, Gold went nowhere, while Copper took a late hit. Cattle was firm and Bellies pumped up. Equities got a boost from improving consumer sentiment, while in Foreign Exchange the Yen staged a rally. - Alex McCallum, Editorial Director & Forum Moderator _____________________________________________________________________ Trader, HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO EARN A DAY? _____________________________________________________________________ Free 18-Page Online Brochure - Wealth Building Lessons Inside Dear Trader: Everybody always told me that I would have to work very hard to make a lot of money. 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Do you still want her to do the letter on your behalf? ~~Laura On Mar 17, 2014, at 4:44 PM, \"Mosko, Steve\" wrote: delete all but mandel....laura can u handle alex rose sent on the run On Mar 17, 2014, at 4:30 PM, \"Kanner, Fayanne\" wrote: OUT CALLS, 03\/12\/14 07:33 PM, Jon Mandel, (Mobile) (516) 987-3201, IN CALLS, 03\/17\/14 04:28 PM, Jeff Frost, (Business) (310) 244-9215, Please call re: BOONDOCKS IN CALLS, 03\/17\/14 11:04 AM, Doug Wick, (Business) (310) 853-4606, pls call IN CALLS, 03\/17\/14 10:49 AM, Alex Rose, (Business) (714) 744-7941, wants u 2 call Michelle McL","label":0} {"text":"0000-3748-PSI-0934 Dear valued Chase Bank Customer, Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the online banking community we have issued the following warning message. It has come to our attention that your account information needs to be confirmed due to inactive customers, fraud and spoof reports. You have to renew your records in order to continue with the online service. 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Cause we could use a strong body > with us on the front lines. > > RR! > > Robert > > -- > \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White > children.\" > > \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft > arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" > > by: David Lane > > 14-88 > > nsm88.com > > ohio.nsm88.org > > newp.org\/nsmnwoh > > > > > > NSM HQ contact info: > > Hotline # 651-659-6307 > > NSM North West Ohio contact info: > nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > > > -- \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.\" \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" by: David Lane 14-88 nsm88.com ohio.nsm88.org newp.org\/nsmnwoh NSM HQ contact info: Hotline # 651-659-6307 NSM North West Ohio contact info: nsm.nwoh@gmail.com -- \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.\" \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" by: David Lane 14-88 nsm88.com ohio.nsm88.org newp.org\/nsmnwoh NSM HQ contact info: Hotline # 651-659-6307 NSM North West Ohio contact info: nsm.nwoh@gmail.com -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org ------=_Part_961_5927315.1221467981628 Content-Type: text\/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > Date: Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 4:11 AM Subject: Fwd: 14-88 To: Commander Schoep < commander@newsaxon.org > I wanted to send this off to you, so you could forward it off, that way I don't have to deal with what happen last time, I had a contact from a different state. Anyway this guy lives in New York, and I already forward it off to the unit in NY. I just want to make sure we are on the same page and someone needs to get a hold of him and reel this guy in so he will be a new member of NSM. His name is Zachery and his email is nyplowboy1@yahoo.com 88 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Zachery Relyea < nyplowboy1@yahoo.com > Date: Sep 12, 2008 11:25 AM Subject: Re: 14-88 To: Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > Robert, Father of 4, adoptive father of 2, grandfather of 3 and it is for all of them I get up each day and fight the good fight in this f'd up world. Thanks ZR --- On Thu, 9\/11\/08, Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > wrote: From: Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > Subject: Re: 14-88 To: nyplowboy1@yahoo.com Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 5:57 PM yes there is, his name is Mike and I believe there are a few units out there as well, I'll pass your email off to him. 88 On 9\/11\/08, Zachery Relyea < nyplowboy1@yahoo.com > wrote: Robert, Do you know if there is a contact in the central New York State area? Zach Relyea --- On Wed, 9\/10\/08, Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > wrote: From: Robert < nsm.nwoh@gmail.com > Subject: 14-88 To: nyplowboy1@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 7:35 PM Greetings from Ohio, Saw your message at a yahoo group and your interests in getting more some what active. How active do you want to be? Cause we could use a strong body with us on the front lines. RR! Robert -- \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.\" \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" by: David Lane 14-88 nsm88.com ohio.nsm88.org newp.org\/nsmnwoh NSM HQ contact info: Hotline # 651-659-6307 NSM North West Ohio contact info: nsm.nwoh@gmail.com -- \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.\" \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" by: David Lane 14-88 nsm88.com ohio.nsm88.org newp.org\/nsmnwoh NSM HQ contact info: Hotline # 651-659-6307 NSM North West Ohio contact info: nsm.nwoh@gmail.com -- \"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.\" \"Wir mussen den Fortbestand unserer Rasse bewahren und auch die Zukunft arischer Kinder sicherstellen.\" by: David Lane 14-88 nsm88.com ohio.nsm88.org newp.org\/nsmnwoh NSM HQ contact info: Hotline # 651-659-6307 NSM North West Ohio contact info: nsm.nwoh@gmail.com -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org ------=_Part_961_5927315.1221467981628--","label":0} {"text":"Near the end of his *Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds* (1851), Charles Mackay discusses various catch phrases briefly popular in mid-19th-century London. One of them, he observes, \"like a mushroom, seems to have sprung up in the night, or, like a frog in Cheapside, to have come down in a sudden shower. One day it was unheard, unknown, uninvented; the next it pervaded London.\" Was \"like a frog in Cheapside\" (or something similar) a catch phrase itself, or did Mackay come up with the simile on his own? And to what event or events does it refer? I didn't find anything relevant in Partridge's *A Dictionary of Catch Phrases.* bc ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Looking for a more powerful website? Try GeoCities for $8.95 per month. Register your domain name ( More storage! No ads! ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: forteana-unsubscribe@egroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to","label":0} {"text":"NSM Forum Staff, Please reinstate this young lady at NSM Forum. Our young people are our future. When I was 16 I always used to tell older girls I was 18, for obvious reasons. Such youthfull transgressions are hardly a reason to ban someone. Reinstate her account. If there is some major issue I am not aware of inform me, otherwise unban her from access. 88 On 5\/29\/08, Bec wrote: > > Greetings, > > I am contacting you in concern to my account on the NSM official > forum, and my reputation. I tried speaking to other officials, but > have gotten no feedback. I am reaching out to you in hopes for an > understanding. > > I was not aware that I was banned from the forum until I logged on > and realized so. It seems they banned me for being underage, which I > fail to understand. I contacted the administrator, and they explained > that nobody thought I was who I claim to be, which is not true by far. > > I will explain, however, the age issue as I see it; a > misunderstanding. For some reason my age was entered wrong when I > joined, but I did not see this because not only was I not allowed to > view my profile because I was not a trusted forum member, but also > because a family emergency took me away from the computer and all > forums for several months. I returned in April and noticed that my > age was wrong, and to avoid confusion, and to prevent lying to my > comrades. I informed them that I was indeed 17 years old, and they > assured me the problem would be taken care of. Well, needless to say > I was banned days later. > > Please note that I am in now way upset. I support the NSM with my > heart and soul, and this was a blow to my beliefs. I have been > through a lot, and the NSM has only supported my and helped motivate > me. I do not want to be banned any longer, I wish instead to rally > with my comrades to proclaim out beliefs and the truth. Hail victory! > > Thank you for reading my e-mail and taking the time to consider my > predicament. > > Sieg Heil, > > Angel > > p.s. My username on NSM88 is Angel_Miller. I am also featured at New > Saxon under the same username. > > -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"See how this looks.","label":0} {"text":"Flagging this part from an interview that Sanders did with the SF Chronicle: \"What I am concerned about is that people in the Democratic Party even raise that as a spectacle. Why would you do that?\" Sanders told The Chronicle Wednesday. \"When we have the most grassroots campaign seen in a very long time - with no violence - and then people are suggesting that we will bring violence to the convention in Philadelphia. That's absurd. That's a political tactic.\" Without mentioning Wasserman Schultz or Boxer by name, Sanders said, \"Then you have people comparing us to Donald Trump? That's bad politics. What we are trying to do is bring people together. That some people booed and yelled and maybe acted inappropriately, we condemn that. But people do have the right to boo.\" In San Jose, Sanders spells out campaign differences with Clinton By Joe Garofoli Bernie Sanders laughed heartily Wednesday afternoon before taking the stage at his rally in San Jose, noting the differences in his California campaign activities compared with his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton. Sanders scheduled two Bay Area rallies Wednesday - he also had a rally in Vallejo Wednesday evening and in between the two made an unannounced stop to join a boisterous crowd of hotel and restaurant employees in San Francisco demanding the right to unionize. Clinton or her husband, former President Bill Clinton, will headline four high-dollar fundraisers in the Bay Area next week. All the events are private and cost from $250 to $27,000 a ticket. \"Ha, ha, ha! That says everything about the difference,\" Sanders told The Chronicle Wednesday. \"Our goal - and I don't know if we'll achieve it - is to talk to 200,000 people in California in rallies like this until June 7\" - the date of the California primary election. \"If you want a candidate who is out working and speaking with people rather than hanging out raising money from millionaires, I think the choice is pretty clear,\" the Vermont senator said. While fundraising stops will be part of the Clintons' next trip to the state, they will also be making several public appearances - as they have also done during recent stops. Hillary Clinton did make public appearances at rallies in Oakland and East Los Angeles during a campaign swing earlier this month. And Bill Clinton headlined public events in San Diego and Los Angeles earlier this month, too. Bill Clinton is expected to be at a rally in San Diego on Saturday when he swings through California for several days starting this weekend, with more public events expected to be on his schedule. Hillary Clinton is also expected to do multiple public events on her next trip through California next week. Hillary for California campaign director Buffy Wicks responded that both Clintons \" have held events across the state this month where they've talked to many Californians about the issues on their minds and they look forward to returning this weekend and next week.\" A practical purpose For the Sanders campaign, Wednesday's rallies served a practical purpose. Before the candidate appeared, supporter Wrenn Bunker Koesters urged the crowd from the stage to text the word \"volunteer\" to a campaign number. That inspired Esdras Ortega to text his desire to volunteer. The rally was the first political event the 20-year-old De Anza College student had ever attended. \"I just wanted to come here, hear what he said and pick up a vibe on his speeches and see what people were cheering for and getting excited about,\" Ortega said. \"This gets me psyched up to volunteer.\" It has paid similar dividends nationally. Of people who have attended Sanders' campaign rallies or town meetings, 67 percent have volunteered and 40 percent of them donated money, Sanders campaign digital director Kenneth Pennington said Wednesday. The public perception is palpable, too, analysts say. \"When you raise money like that, you are more accountable to the public at large rather than a small group of donors,\" said Daniel G. Newman, co-founder of Maplight, a nonpartisan organization that analyzes the role of money in politics. Newman pointed out that both Clinton and Sanders have promised to do all they could to overturn Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision that paved the way for unlimited campaign contributions. During Wednesday's rally before 5,500 people at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, Sanders - often in a hoarse voice - stuck to his stump speech, a critique of how the wealthy have a death grip on America's political and economic systems. He didn't attack Clinton directly and saved some of his most pointed jabs for Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. 'That will not happen' \"I know that there are many people who are concerned that Donald Trump may become president of the United States. That will not happen,\" Sanders said, pointing to how he leads Trump in many national polls. \"More important, I believe the American people will reject the basic tenets of what Donald Trump stands for.\" Sanders pointed to Nevada casino magnate Sheldon Adelson saying last week he would endorse Trump. \"When you have billionaires supporting billionaires, that's oligarchy,\" the candidate said. Sanders steered into a California topic when he addressed a matter likely to be before state voters this fall: legalizing cannabis for adult recreational use. \"If I lived in California I would vote yes to legalize marijuana,\" Sanders said at the rally, drawing huge cheers. After he left San Jose, Sanders appeared about 4:30 p.m. in the plaza at 101 California near the Le Meridien Hotel to support workers trying to organize there and spoke for about five minutes to a crowd of about 500 people. This time he veered in a very San Francisco issue: homelessness. \"Just been in San Francisco for a few hours, and it's stunning to see people sleeping out in the street,\" he said. Following his speech, he waded into the crowd to shake hands with supporters before heading to the evening rally in Vallejo. At Vallejo's Waterfront Park, Sanders continued hammering on the nation's wealth inequality while speaking for an hour before a crowd organizers estimated at 5,000 people. And he continued to be boundlessly optimistic about his chances, saying that after winning the Oregon primary Tuesday, \"I think we're going to sweep the West Coast.\" Like he did in San Jose, Sanders barely mentioned Clinton and focused his attacks on Trump as a billionaire who, if elected, would perpetuate an economic system that's rigged against middle- and low-income Americans. In an interview before his San Jose speech, Sanders reacted strongly to criticism of events at the Nevada Democratic Convention over the weekend. His supporters said party organizers had changed the rules of the convention to block them and give an advantage to Clinton. They reacted by causing disruption and threatening the state party chairwoman. But Sanders said concerns about \"violence\" were overblown and pointed out that \"it was a room filled with police officers and nobody was arrested.\" Dems criticize campaign Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called the reaction by the Sanders campaign to the Nevada incident \"anything but acceptable,\" and California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who was in Nevada, complained of being booed and said she had been concerned for her safety. Other party leaders worried it could be a preview of chaos at the national convention in July in Philadelphia should Sanders not win the nomination. \"What I am concerned about is that people in the Democratic Party even raise that as a spectacle. Why would you do that?\" Sanders told The Chronicle Wednesday. \"When we have the most grassroots campaign seen in a very long time - with no violence - and then people are suggesting that we will bring violence to the convention in Philadelphia. That's absurd. That's a political tactic.\" Without mentioning Wasserman Schultz or Boxer by name, Sanders said, \"Then you have people comparing us to Donald Trump? That's bad politics. What we are trying to do is bring people together. That some people booed and yelled and maybe acted inappropriately, we condemn that. But people do have the right to boo.\" Sanders also pressed for Clinton to fulfill her promise to debate in California. Fox News extended an invitation Wednesday to both campaigns to debate in California and the Sanders campaign noted that The Chronicle has offered to co-host a debate. While the odds remain long for Sanders to capture the Democratic nomination, Matthew Finkelstein, a Vallejo resident wearing a blue Bernie-themed yarmulke to the rally in his city, remained hopeful. \"In politics, anything can happen. Sometimes a moment comes together perfectly and a star goes supernova,\" Finkelstein said. \"Whether or not Bernie wins this contest or he doesn't, this movement is coming.\" -- Walter Garcia Western Regional Press Secretary Democratic National Committee (DNC) Email: GarciaW@dnc.org Twitter: @WalterGarcia231 [SigDems]","label":0} {"text":"Luis You were excellent on CNN this morning. Your message was strong and confident. Sean got caught up in trivia and sounded defensive. It really was an excellent segment for you and Democrats! Best, Robert Sent from my iPad","label":0} {"text":"A key goal of Global Strategic Sourcing is to set increasingly higher standards of excellence and customer satisfaction. To help us better achieve that goal, we would like to obtain some insights from you in order to develop the best possible overall travel program for Enron. Please take a few minutes to complete this confidential survey, as your input is important and vital to the success of this program. Thank you, Global Strategic Sourcing Experiencing technical problems? If this link does not automatically launch the questionnaire: 1. Launch by copying the link above into your browser, or 2. If you continue to have technical difficulties, please send an email message to confirmit@enron.com 3. Please do not forward this link to anyone else, as the responses should remain confidential.","label":0} {"text":"CONTRIBUTION DATA ----------------- Page: DLC - Democratic Lawyers Council Type: One-time Number of Tickets: 1 Ticket Amount: $500.00 Ticket Info: %%TicketInfo%% Additional Contribution Amount: 0 Total Amount: $500.00 First Name: David Last Name: Przeracki, Esq. Address: 24 Gatewood Drive Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone: 9492150979 Email: przdavid@yahoo.com Employer: Self Employer Address: , Occupation: Lawyer & District Delegate to DNC Convention CA-48 (Orange County) Payment Type: American Express Account #: 9002 Transaction #: %%TransactionId%% User Id #: %%UserId%% Contribution Key: IHg6kcg2JoitRSb0q4 CUSTOM FIELD DATA ------------------------------ (Section header: \"Additional Information\") Fundraiser code (optional): 35984 Who encouraged you to make this contribution?: Our next President, Hillary Rodham Clinton Guest name(s), if contributing for multiple tickets: GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Submit Date: Tue, 03 May 2016 15:12:34 -0400 Status: Authorized Client IP Address: Client Browser: Mozilla\/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit\/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/8.0 Mobile\/12B435 Safari\/600.1.4","label":0} {"text":"CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA FOREIGN REMITTANCE DEPT. TINUBU SQUARE, LAGOS NIGERIA EMAIL-smith_j@mailsurf.com 23TH OF August 2002 ATTN:PRESIDENT\/CEO STRICTLY PRIVATE BUSINESS PROPOSAL I am MR.Johnson S. Abu, the bills and exchange Director at the ForeignRemittance Department of the Central Bank of Nigeria. I am writingyou this letter to ask for your support and cooperation to carrying thisbusiness opportunity in my department. We discovered abandoned the sumof US$37,400,000.00 (Thirty seven million four hundred thousand unitedstates dollars) in an account that belong to one of our foreign customers,an American late Engr. John Creek (Junior) an oil merchant with the federal government of Nigeria who died along with his entire family of a wifeand two children in Kenya Airbus (A310-300) flight KQ430 in November2000. Since we heard of his death, we have been expecting his next of kin tocome over and put claims for his money as the heir, because we cannotrelease the fund from his account unless someone applies for claims asthe next of kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines. Unfortunately, neither their family member nor distant relative hasappeared to claim the said fund. Upon this discovery, I and other officialsin my department have agreed to make business with you release the totalamount into your account as the heir of the fund since no one came forit or discovered either maintained account with our bank, other wisethe fund will be returned to the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. We have agreed that our ratio of sharing will be as stated thus: 30%for you as foreign partner and 70% for us the officials in my department. Upon the successful completion of this transfer, my colleague and I willcome to your country and mind our share. It is from our 60% we intendto import computer accessories into my country as way of recycling thefund. To commence this transaction we require you to immediately indicateyour interest by calling me or sending me a fax immediately on the aboveTelefax # and enclose your private contact Telephone #, Fax #, full nameand address and your designated banking co- ordinates to enable us fileletter of claim to the appropriate department for necessary approvalsbefore the transfer can be made. Note also, this transaction must be kept strictly confidential becauseof its nature. NB: Please remember to give me your Phone and Fax No MR.Johnson Smith Abu -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie","label":1} {"text":"From: Clifford, Tyler (CBC) Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2:46 PM Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Remarks by CBC Chairman G. K. Butterfield At Press Conference Unveiling New GAO Report on Modern-Day Segregation in Public Schools NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release May 17, 2016 Remarks by CBC Chairman G. K. Butterfield At Press Conference Unveiling New GAO Report on Modern-Day Segregation in Public Schools WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, CBC Chairman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) gave remarks at a press conference to commemorate the 62nd Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education and unveil a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on contemporary racial and socioeconomic segregation and disparities in K-12 public schools. Committee on Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) and Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (MI-03), along with retired Congressman George Miller, first requested this report in May 2014 to identify actions needed to reduce segregation and disparities in public schools. The GAO gathered data from the U.S. Department of Education and found that inequities in public schools are the result of race, poverty, and housing segregation patterns. Remarks by CBC Chairman Butterfield, as prepared for delivery, follow: 62 years ago today the Supreme Court took a monumental step to correct the precedent established in Plessy v. Ferguson of \"separate but equal.\" The landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision struck Plessy down and held that \"separate was inherently unequal.\" At that time, segregation was the law and subjected generations of students of color to inferior education, dilapidated facilities, and significantly reduced resources in order to fulfill a racist and oppressive agenda. After the Brown v. Board decision, it took years of resistance and federal action to integrate schools. But now six decades later, we have seen public schools seemingly regress back to the segregated state we saw during the Jim Crow era. Overt racism has now turned to institutional racism creating structural barriers that have countered the positive impact of the Brown v. Board decision. Racial and socioeconomic segregation in public schools has nearly doubled since 2000 and has occurred primarily in schools where more than 75 percent of the students are Black or Hispanic and eligible for free or reduced lunch. What's more alarming is that three out of five high-poverty schools have high concentrations of students of color. Folks, there is a problem with our education system and we need to take immediate action to restore our promise to provide equal access to educational opportunity. The CBC has been fighting to address not only the racial wealth gap, but also the achievement and opportunity gaps that continue to widen. These gaps pose dire economic consequences for communities of color-we must work to counter these disparities and also to address the school-to-prison pipeline which disproportionately affects African American students. Friends, we have work to do. I want to thank my colleagues Ranking Member John Conyers and Ranking Member Bobby Scott for their leadership in calling for this GAO report. It will require deliberate decisions and efforts to achieve true equity in education and equality for all students in our schools. I call on my colleagues in the House and the Senate to join us in our efforts to create better schools for our youth. # # # Since its establishment in 1971, Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) have joined together to empower America's neglected citizens and address their legislative concerns. For more than 40 years, the CBC has consistently been the voice for people of color and vulnerable communities in Congress and has been committed to utilizing the full Constitutional power and statutory authority of the United States government to ensure that all U.S. citizens have an opportunity to achieve the American Dream. To learn more about the Congressional Black Caucus, visit Media inquiries: Tyler Clifford at (202) 226-9776 or Tyler.Clifford@mail.house.gov Tyler Clifford Interim Communications Director Congressional Black Caucus 202-226-9776 Tyler.Clifford@mail.house.gov","label":0} {"text":"Click here to proceed with your Email update. ________________________________ This message and any included attachments are from Central Maine Healthcare and are intended only for the addressee. The information contained in this message is confidential and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. 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This includes the update of your actual account. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. Please update your records by the 24th of December. Once you have updated your account records your eBay session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your eBay records click on the following link: Regards, Safeharbor Department eBay, Inc. Copyright \u00a9 1995-2005 eBay Inc. 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The information contained in this e-mail or attached hereto may be privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure by the Family Educational Records Privacy Act. All persons are advised that they may face penalties under state and federal law for sharing this information with unauthorized individuals. If you received this e-mail in error, please reply to the sender that you have received this information in error. Also, delete this email after replying to the sender.","label":1} {"text":"These are talking points for our messaging call at 1:30p. These are the standard talking points that we have used in different press calls and reporter meetings with Pratt. Main Talking Points --In 2013, the Supreme Court invalidated a key provision of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby vs. Holder. --Basically, states and localities with a history of discriminatory voting practices don't need to seek approval from the U.S. Justice Department in order to change their electoral laws. --Since then, we've seen a number of states pass anti-voter laws designed to limit access to the polls. Whether it's implementing restrictive photo ID laws, rolling back early voting, eliminating same-day registration, or changing polling locations without notifying voters, these types of tactics make it harder to vote. --2016 is a major test for these types of laws. This will be the first presidential election since the Voting Rights Act was passed where we don't have the full protections of the VRA. --The most important, topline message we need to share is this: --This is nothing more than a partisan ploy to sway elections in the GOP's favor. --Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country are passing restrictive voting laws, claiming they fight voter fraud, while making it harder for groups that tend to vote Democratic - women, minorities, and students - to cast their ballots. --When we limit the ways that people can vote, we are hurting the low-wage workers with two jobs, the single mother who goes to work early each morning and picks up her children late at night, and the widower without a car who relies on his grown children to get to the polls. --The Republicans are on-the-record about this: --Former Senator Jim DeMint, who now leads the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, recently admitted that voter ID laws help elect \"more conservative candidates.\" --In April, a Wisconsin Congressman bragged to reporters that the state's restrictive photo ID law would help the GOP defeat Democrats. --Four years ago, the Pennsylvania Republican House Leader announced that the state's restrictive photo ID law was 'gonna allow Governor Romney to win the State of Pennsylvania.' --And the same group of anti-voting rights activists who backed Evenwell also backed efforts to gut the Voting Rights Act. --We also know that voter impersonation - the type of fraud that photo IDs are supposed to eliminate - is effectively non-existent. A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation found only 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast from 2000 through 2014. --So when you look at all of the evidence, it should be clear that Republicans are looking for a solution to an imaginary problem. --We have to make this case for reporters, and we have to call the GOP out for their tactics. [SigDems] Deshundra Jefferson, Southern Regional Communications Director Democratic National Committee JeffersonD@dnc.org | (202) 863-8112","label":0} {"text":"Dear valued PayPal\u00ae member: It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before June 18, 2006. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your PayPal\u00ae records click on the following link: Thank You. PayPal\u00ae UPDATE TEAM Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, PayPal\u00ae will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions.","label":1} {"text":"COPY DVD MOVIES TO CD-R RIGHT NOW! We have All the software you need to COPY your own DVD Movies. Copy your own DVD Movies using nothing more than our software, a DVD-ROM and your CD-R burner! Backup your DVD Movie Collection Playback on any home DVD player* No Expensive DVD Burner Required Free Live Tech Support LIMITED TIME OFFER! FREE DVD MOVIE OF YOUR CHOICE! ACT NOW! click here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This email has been screened and filtered by our in house \"\"OPT-OUT\"\" system in compliance with state laws. If you wish to \"OPT-OUT\" from this mailing as well as the lists of thousands of other email providers please visit click here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 908l3 5217frQG8-091iBmH7533vPLV8-411iEiO4156YhTS2-230GlkT9733ugQT2-460UjAZ0588vyEg8-030nl77","label":1} {"text":"Here's the agent I've talked to. She's really nice :-) Janette Redou 3642 University Houston, TX 77005-3360 map Phone: (713) 666-3642 Fax: (713) 666-8029 Email: JANETTE.REDOU.LJ3W@STATEFARM.COM Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm Sat 9:00am to 1:00pm After Hours by Appointment Find a Claim Office","label":0} {"text":"Trump Campaign Corresponded With Its White Nationalist Delegate Long After \"Database Error\" On Tuesday, Mother Jones broke the story that the Trump campaign had selected William Johnson, a prominent white nationalist leader, as a California delegate. The Trump campaign responded with the following statement: Yesterday the Trump campaign submitted its list of California delegates to be certified by the Secretary of State of California. A database error led to the inclusion of a potential delegate that had been rejected and removed from the campaign's list in February 2016. Reached again by Mother Jones late Tuesday, Johnson said he would resign as a delegate if asked to do so by the campaign. \"I accept Trump's explanation,\" he said, regarding the statement. \"I don't want to gainsay the Trump campaign. If I am not removed from the database, I will resign.\" Although the Trump campaign blamed a \"database error\" for including Johnson as a delegate, the campaign corresponded with him personally just over 24 hours ago. Trump's California delegate coordinator, Katie Lagomarsino, sent Johnson a congratulatory email on Monday, and when he asked for clarification about how to send his completed pledge form back to the campaign, she replied. Here is the email exchange (with the personal contact information redacted by Mother Jones): [ Mother Jones also has a copy of the pledge form discussed in the email exchange, which Johnson signed and sent to the Trump campaign on Monday. You can see his pledge here . ________________________________ From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 4:04 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Mother Jones: Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California h\/t Joel We have a fair amount on William Johnson and his Pro-Trump American National Super PAC running robocalls in Iowa Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California On Monday evening, California's secretary of state published a list of delegates chosen by the Trump campaign for the upcoming Republican presidential primary in the state. Trump's slate includes William Johnson, one of the country's most prominent white nationalists. Johnson applied to the Trump campaign to be a delegate. He was accepted on Monday. In order to be approved he had to sign this pledge sent to him by the campaign: \"I, William Johnson, endorse Donald J. Trump for the office of President of the United States. I pledge to cast ALL of my ballots to elect Donald J. Trump on every round of balloting at the 2016 Republican National Convention so that we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!\" After he signed, the Trump campaign added his name to the list of 169 delegates it forwarded to the secretary of state. Johnson leads the American Freedom Party, a group that \"exists to represent the political interests of White Americans\" and aims to preserve \"the customs and heritage of the European American people.\" The AFP has never elected a candidate of its own and possesses at most a few thousand members, but it is \"arguably the most important white nationalist group in the country,\" according to Mark Potok, a senior fellow for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hate groups. Johnson got the news that he had been selected by Trump in a congratulatory email sent to him by the campaign's California Delegate Coordinator, Katie Lagomarsino. \"I just hope to show how I can be mainstream and have these views,\" Johnson tellsMother Jones. \"I can be a white nationalist and be a strong supporter of Donald Trump and be a good example to everybody.\" Johnson says that in his application to be a GOP delegate for Trump he disclosed multiple details about his background and activism, though he did not specifically use the term \"white nationalist.\" The Trump campaign and Lagomarsino did not respond to requests for comment. Whether or not Johnson was vetted by the Trump campaign, the GOP front-runner would have a hard time claiming ignorance of Johnson's extreme views: Johnson has gained notice during the presidential primary for funding pro-Trump robocalls that convey a white nationalist message. \"The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called 'racist,'\" Johnson says in one robocall pushed out to residential landlines in Vermont and Minnesota. \"\u2026Donald Trump is not racist, but Donald Trump is not afraid. Don't vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump.\" Armed with cash from affluent donors and staffed by what the movement considers to be its top thinkers, the AFP now dedicates most of its resources to supporting Trump\u2014and for good reason: Johnson claims the AFP's pro-Trump robocalls, which have delivered Johnson's personal cellphone number to voters in seven states, have helped the party find hundreds of new members. \"[Trump] is allowing us to talk about things we've not been able to talk about,\" Johnson says. \"So even if he is not elected, he has achieved great things.\" On numerous occasions, Trump has failed to forcefully repudiate this sort of support. After being endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke in August last year, Trump simply told Bloomberg News, \"I don't need his endorsement; I certainly wouldn't want his endorsement. I don't need anybody's endorsement.\" Asked in February about the robocalls, which are funded by Johnson through a super-PAC, a Trump spokeswoman would only tell CNN that the candidate had \"disavowed all super-PACs offering their support.\" The SPLC's Potok argues that Trump has \"legitimized and mainstreamed hate\" in ways we haven't seen since the days of George Wallace. Though nobody can say for sure how many people belong to America's largest hate groups, the SPLC has found that the number of such groups grew by 14 percent in 2015, reversing years of declines. Potok worries that Trump could fuel the spread of the AFP's ideas for years to come. Johnson is a corporate lawyer who grows persimmons and raises chickens at his 67-acre \"ranch\" in a Los Angeles suburb. When I met him recently outside his law office in downtown LA's World Trade Center, he was in high spirits. He suggested brightly that we walk downstairs to get lunch at a nearby Korean restaurant. As we sat next to a table of immaculately coiffed Korean Air flight attendants, I mentioned that some might find it surprising that a guy who wrote a book advocating the creation of an all-white ethno-state was eating a plate of bulgogi beef with kimchee. \"Koreans don't have to make Korean food,\" he said matter-of-factly. \"One of the best Chinese restaurants I went to in the Bay Area is owned by a Mormon and cooked by a Mormon. Really great Chinese food.\" Short, graying, and 61 years old, Johnson favors pressed white shirts and bookish black-framed glasses. He grew up in predominantly white neighborhoods in Arizona and Oregon before moving to Japan in 1974 to study the language. It was there that locals engaged him in \"open\" discussions about differences between the races, and he came to see America's European heritage as its biggest\u2014and most vulnerable\u2014asset. (This trajectory is not uncommon: Jared Taylor, head of the white nationalist group American Renaissance, also speaks fluent Japanese, and Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler became a white supremacist while immersed in the caste system in India.) In 1985, Johnson published, under a pseudonym, Amendment to the Constitution: Averting the Decline and Fall of America, a book calling for the abolition of the 14th and 15th Amendments and the deportation of all nonwhites. He tried to sound a practical tone, allowing, for instance, that African Americans should receive \"a rich dowry to enable them to prosper in their homeland.\" The book was a hit on the talk show circuit, and Johnson suddenly found himself appearing on television alongside neo-Nazi skinheads and Klansmen. By 1989, his notoriety and clean-cut appeal convinced a group of white nationalists in Wyoming to tap him to run for Dick Cheney's vacant congressional seat. He garnered a flurry of press coverage when he earned enough signatures to qualify for the ballot; around the same time, the building housing his California law office was bombed. Johnson says the FBI accused him of detonating it himself in a bid for more press. (The bureau declined to comment.) Twenty years later, after unsuccessfully running for various other offices, Johnson became the head of the American Freedom Party (then known as American Third Position), at the request of a group of Southern California skinheads. Johnson's post was supposed to be temporary: \"The skinheads thought I was too extreme to run the organization,\" he explained. But they were the ones who ended up dropping out, replaced by what has become a sort of white nationalist brain trust: Party leaders now include a former Reagan administration appointee and a professor emeritus at California State University-Long Beach. After our Korean lunch, Johnson rushed back up to his office to host the latest episode of For God and Country, a Christian AM talk show currently broadcast in California, Louisiana, and Texas. His Filipino American co-host, the Rev. Ronald Tan, nodded approvingly as Johnson praised Trump on the air for \"busting up the concept of political correctness.\" The show allows Johnson to push a Trump-centric version of white nationalism to a potentially receptive audience\u2014up to a point. Several radio stations in Iowa recently canceled the program out of objection to its content. During a commercial break, Johnson fidgeted. \"Are you going to quote any more Scriptures?\" he asked Tan nervously. \"Has the station said that we're not Christian enough?\" Back on the air, Tan pivoted to 1 Samuel 16, comparing Trump to King David. In addition to promoting Trump on the radio and over the phone, the AFP streams a podcast called the Daily Trump Phenomenon Hour. It has set up a \"political harassment hotline\" for Trump supporters who wish to consult with an attorney about being attacked or verbally abused by anti-Trump protesters. Johnson has personally spent $30,000 the Trump promotions, including $18,000 for the party. The robocalls, the radio show, and the \"harassment hotline\" were all things that Johnson mentioned in his application to become a Trump delegate. He specifically cited an anti-Romney robocall commissioned in Utah this past March, which begins, in part, \"My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist.\" After wrapping up the radio show, Johnson led me through his office, where a brush-painted screen hangs alongside shelves stacked with Japanese books and dictionaries. Many of his legal clients, it turns out, are foreigners who speak English as a second language. Yet Johnson says he sees no problem with Trump's isolationist foreign policy, even if it hurts his business\u2014ideally, he'd like to give up his practice and serve as Trump's secretary of agriculture. We ended up in a mirrored conference room to meet with three AFP sympathizers, two middle-aged women and a young man. They talked about how Trump had enabled a new kind of \"honest discourse,\" how he wasn't a racist but a \"racialist,\" and how he had left them feeling \"emancipated.\" Johnson also now finds it easier to be himself: \"For many, many years, when I would say these things, other white people would call me names: 'Oh, you're a hatemonger, you're a Nazi, you're like Hitler,'\" he confessed. \"Now they come in and say, 'Oh, you're like Donald Trump.'\"","label":0} {"text":"I want to thank those involved in making these RPMS available. Thanks guys, thanks Matthias. Lance On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 14:30, Lance wrote: > Thanks Matthias. Actually I got all four speakers with subwoofer > working in digital out mode with gamixer. > ( > > However switching between analog and digital, I'm still baffled. As I > have a tuner and cassette deck hooked up to \"Line In\" on a SBLive! 5.1, > which is in analog mode. But digital out works great now! > > On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 23:26, Matthias Saou wrote: > > Once upon a time, Lance wrote : > > > > > Ok, I got ALSA installed and there is no static inbetween mp3s like > > > before which is great! My setup is digital 4.1 but sound is only coming > > > from front 2 speakers and subwoofer, rear speakers there is no sound. > > > Also alsamixer or aumix are unresponsive as well. > > > > Maybe you could find more info or tips on the ALSA page for your card? > > Also, you could try \"alsactl store\", editing \/etc\/asound.state\" by hand > > (for me it contains data similar to what I can control with \"alsamixer\") > > then run \"alsactl restore\" and see if you're able to change what you want > > that way. > > > > Matthias > > > > -- > > Matthias Saou World Trade Center > > ------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta > > System and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain > > Electronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23 > > > > _______________________________________________ > > RPM-List mailing list > > > -- > : > ####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]########################### > > Sub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324 > > To find out all files in a dir over a given size, try: > find \/path\/to\/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk > [Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] > > ####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]######################## > : > > > _______________________________________________ > RPM-List mailing list > -- : ####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]########################### Sub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324 To find out all files in a dir over a given size, try: find \/path\/to\/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk [Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] ####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]######################## : _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list","label":0} {"text":"USCAA Track & Field Championships, June 9, 2001 The Enron Running Club is seeking runners, sprinters, discus & shot put throwers, and high jumpers & long jumpers to compete in the annual USCAA Track & Field Championships on Saturday, June 9th at Rice University. Participate in co-ed track relays & field events of all ages and abilities; showcase your energy and talents in a challenging, competitive, and fun environment; participate in an Enron tradition since 1994; experience teambuilding and camaraderie like never before! For more information or to sign up, contact Cindy Richardson at x3-4770 or sprint to: Heights Fun Run 5K Join the Enron Running Club at the Heights Fun Run 5K benefiting The Houston Heights Association's Community Projects scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd. If you're interested in running or volunteering your time, please contact Cindy Richardson at 713-853-4770 or Kelly Lombardi at 713-345-5841. For more information, run to: Dad's Day 5K Join the Enron Running Club at the Dad's Day 5K and 1 Mile Family Walk benefiting The Prostate Cancer Research and Awareness scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd. If you're interested in running or volunteering your time, please contact Cindy Richardson at 713-853-4770 or Kelly Lombardi at 713-345-5841. For more information, run to: Stop by for some Texan BBQ, fresh air and Entertainment at Antioch Park The Assist The Officer Foundation (ATO), a non-profit organization working independently, is inviting all Enron employees to come by Antioch Park on Friday, June 1st from 11am - 1pm and enjoy a delicious plate of BBQ for only $5. Come and listen to the tunes of KRBE with Gabe, their mobile DJ, and raffles with many prizes will be given away. Raffle tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5. ATO is dedicated to assisting Houston peace officers injured or disabled in the line of duty. Please come out and support your local law enforcement professionals. The Caladium plants that are in the huge plant pots throughout the Plaza are going to be replaced and will be available for purchasing on Monday, June 4th for $4.00 in the Plaza by the up escalator from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.. Join us in Dublin or Honolulu ----Joints in Motion is a marathon training program for walkers and runners that is aligned with a fundraising effort for the Arthritis Foundation. The Dublin Marathon will be held Oct. 29 and the Honolulu marathon will be December 9. Please call for more information at 713-529-0800. Volunteer for the Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp Weekends!!! Kevin Hannon, Boys & Girls Club board member, invites you to join Enron employee John Cote at a Boys & Girls Club summer camp who is looking for commitment from a FEW GOOD ENRON MEN AND WOMEN: WHAT: 2nd Annual Houston Boys and Girls Club \/ Enron Summer Camp Weekend (2 camps) WHEN: Boys Camp Friday afternoon (3:00 - 6:00pm), June 22 through Sunday afternoon, June 24 --OR-- Friday afternoon (3:00 - 6:00pm), July 20 through Sunday afternoon, July 22 Girls Camp Friday afternoon (3:00 - 6:00pm), July 6 through Sunday afternoon, July 8 --OR-- Friday afternoon (3:00 - 6:00pm), July 13 through Sunday afternoon, July 15 WHERE: Willis, TX (75 minutes from downtown Houston -- just north of Conroe) WHO: 6-8 counselors per camp to chaperone 75 boys (ages 7-16) HOW: Share all sports activities, including canoeing, hiking, fishing, organizing a talent show\/bonfire\/ghost stories, obstacle course, water balloon fights, softball, basketball, archery, football, etc. (Cooking and clean-up covered by the Houston Boys Club staff.) CONTACT: John A. Cote at ext. 33830 SPREAD THE WORD. SPOUSES & OFFICE COLLEAGUES WELCOME. LAST YEAR'S CAMP WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! Volunteers Needed for Bring Your Child to Work Day! Bring Your Child to Work Day is Friday, June 29 Please email Jennifer Milligan if you are interested in volunteering and indicate your preference in the below activities: Registration Table Houston Police Dept \/ Stranger Danger \/ Fingerprinting Outdoor Activities (SPCA pets, Balloon King, kids crafts, etc.) Business Etiquette class Business Art (kids' resumes, etc) Lunch ticket sales\/coordination (in Antioch Park) The Enron Running Club and the Houston Corporate Athletic Association are seeking volunteers to assist at the annual USCAA Track & Field Championships on Saturday, June 9th at Rice University. There are many volunteer opportunities requiring little or no experience including timers, scoring, lane judges, cheering on athletes and more! We are looking for employees, families and friends that can contribute a few hours or who are willing to spend the day benefiting a great cause. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Kelly Lombardi at x3-8491. Many volunteers are needed to help with the planned activities for the Enron Children on June 29th. If you're interested, send your name and phone extension to workperks.enron.com. Support KidSave and Help Miracles Happen. Every Summer. Kidsave's Summer Miracles Program enables orphaned children ages 5 to 11 to travel to the US and Canada, live with families and attend day camp. The program gives families who may be concerned about the problems of adopting an older child a chance to meet, get to know and in the best-case scenario, fall in love with a child. The program gives prospective parents an opportunity to see and evaluate first-hand the challenges and rewards of adopting an older child. In 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption agency partners placed 432 children - 96 percent of children who participated in the program. Generally, 85 to 90 percent of children who participate in the program find homes easily through the program. The remaining 10 to 15 percent require more work. Kidsave believes every child deserves a family. We are committed to placing all children who participate in the Summer Miracles Program in permanent families or family-like environments. We are looking for families to host children, and for others who want to help us make the camp program happen for these 250 children. As a non-profit organization, Kidsave depends on donations to raise the money to bring these children here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe at 281.286.8948 or tonya@tonya.cc to get involved in Houston's Kidsave program. Find Out how to Join The Downtown Club May 29 & 30! The Downtown Club (formerly The Met-Business & Sports Club)Membership representatives from The Downtown Club will be in the Enron Plaza Tuesday-Wednesday, May 29-30, from 11 am - 1 pm to discuss membership, the new \"Signature Gold\" program (see attached file for more information), and a new membership referral program. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the Downtown Club or to upgrade your current membership. As a reminder, a $200 initiation fee is required for new memberships. For more information, contact The Downtown Club Membership Services department at 713-652-0700 or Georgia Fogo, ext. 3-5609. Enron and Kidventure Camps are proud to bring you Camp Enron Summer 2001. Celebrating our third year, Camp Enron will once again be providing summer camp for children, ages 5-13, of Enron employees and contractors. This year, camp will be May 29-August 10. Ten, one-week sessions will be available and families may choose to attend any or all sessions. Each camp week is Monday through Friday. The cost is $150 per week and includes all transportation, field trips and activities. A deposit of $50 per week is all that is needed to reserve your sessions. The deadline to register is Monday, May 21. To register, log on to: Spaces are limited. Enron parents simply ride to work with their children and check them in to the Energizer in the morning with the Camp Enron Team. Enron Campers are loaded on Coach USA Buses and transported to our nearby camp. At the end of the day campers are brought back to the Energizer for parents to check out. It's that easy! For more information please contact: web site: www.kidventurecamp.com call Kidventure: 713.960.8989 e-mail: camps@kidventurecamp.com Have News to Share? To post news or events in Enron In Action, please e-mail your information to EIA@enron.com no later than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday's mailing.","label":0} {"text":"1m?Sent on the run On Aug 12, 2014, at 12:13 PM, \"Levinsohn, Peter (NBCUniversal)\" wrote: netflix From: , Steve Mosko Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:41 AM To: Peter Levinsohn Subject: didn't u do a ... New girl deal before u left fox? Hulu or Netflix\u2026? ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-804898450_-_---","label":0} {"text":"Your web mail quota has exceeded the set quota which is 3GB. you are currently running on 3.9 GB. To re-activate and increase your web mail quota please click the link below. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your web mail account. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience Local-host.","label":1} {"text":"NYT saying that he will lay-off \"hundreds\" of staff Bernie Sanders to Cut Hundreds of Staff Members and Turn to California NEW YORK TIMES \/\/ YAMICHE ALCINDOR Senator Bernie Sanders is planning to lay off \"hundreds\" of campaign staffers across the country and focus much of his remaining effort on winning California, he said in an interview Wednesday. The Vermont senator revealed the changes a day after losing four of the five states that voted Tuesday and falling further behind Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Despite the changes, Mr. Sanders said he would remain in the race through the party's summer convention and stressed that he hoped to bring staff members back on board if his political fortunes improved. \"We want to win as many delegates as we can, so we do not need workers now in states around country,\" Mr. Sanders said in the interview. \"We don't need people right now in Connecticut. That election is over. We don't need them in Maryland. So what we are going to do is allocate our resources to the 14 contests that remain, and that means that we are going to be cutting back on staff.\" When asked how many people would be let go, Mr. Sanders didn't give an exact number but did say many people would be affected. \"It will be hundreds of staff members,\" Mr. Sanders said. \"We have had a very large staff, which was designed to deal with 50 states in this country; 40 of the states are now behind us. So we have had a great staff, great people.\" He added that he hoped to work with the people his campaign is letting go in the future. \"If we win this, every one of those great people who have helped us get this far, they will be rehired,\" Mr. Sanders said. \"But right now, we have to use all of the resources we have and focus them on the remaining states.\" Mr. Sanders said he planned to move a number of staff members to California, where he hoped to hold rallies for \"hundreds of thousands\" of people in cities across that state. \"California will have the most staff,\" Mr. Sanders said. \"Symbolically and in terms of delegates, if we can win the largest state in this country, that will send a real message to the American people and to the delegates that this is a campaign that is moving in the direction it should.\" From: Helmstetter, TJ Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:17 PM To: Comm_D Subject: FLAG: Sanders laying off staff TERRE HAUTE, Ind. - Bernie Sanders' campaign started letting field staffers go on Wednesday, hours after five states in the Northeast voted and the Vermont senator fell further behind Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination, five people familiar with the situation told POLITICO. The extent of the cuts are unclear, but staffers who were working in states that voted Tuesday were told to look elsewhere for work rather than continue onto the next voting states, according to people close to the campaign. Story Continued Below \"Wer'e 80 percent of the way through the caucuses and primaries and we make adjustments as we go along. This is a process that we've done before of right-sizing the campaign as we move through the calendar,\" said Sanders' campaign communications director Michael Briggs. While Sanders has raised large amounts of money online, and started April with $17 million according to his most recent Federal Election Commission report, he has also spent at a very high rate, including $46 million in March. It is unclear how much money his campaign currently has on hand. Sanders has had a large field organizing presence all over the country, and Wednesday's cuts are the first significant scaling back of his campaign apparatus now that the majority of states have voted in the primary. While he insisted to an Indiana crowd on Wednesday that he is still in the race to win it, he has also suggested that he is aiming to influence the Democratic platform if Clinton is the candidate. Still, Sanders is likely to win a handful of states in May, and he is competing heavily in California and Indiana. Read more: #ixzz473mqMzsM Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook TJ Helmstetter Deputy Director of Regional and Specialty Media Democratic National Committee 202.863.8022 - desk 973.464.9224 - cell HelmstetterT@DNC.org","label":0} {"text":"This email sent to: josu@uninet.edu Message from Customer Service To: josu@uninet.edu Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 11:29:22 +0100 We would like to inform you that we have released a new version of Bank of America Customer Form. This form is required to be completed by all Bank of America customers. Please follow these steps: 1.Open the form at 2.Follow given instructions. Because email is not a secure form of communication, please do not reply to this email. If you have any questions about your account or need assistance, please call the phone number on your statement or go to Contact Us at www.bankofamerica.com. Bank of America, Member FDIC. \u00a9 2009 Bank of America Corporation. All Rights Reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Good here From: Christopher, Rebecca Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 1:20 PM To: Video-Vetting_d Cc: Bagchi, K.J.; Wei, Shu-Yen Subject: For approval: 9 AAPI videos Hi everyone, We've packaged up the next 9 videos for AAPI heritage month in one video so you don't have to open 9 separate files. Let me know if you have any questions - otherwise KJ & co will use these over the course of this month. Thank you!","label":0} {"text":"Get Authenticated Dear Bank Of Commonwealth member,Days ago, our online banking security team has observed multiple logons on your account, from different blacklisted IP's that's why we have issued this security warning. Your online banking access has been blocked, to prevent further unauthorized access for your safety. Please click on the button below to continue to the verification process. We have decided to put an extra verification process to ensure your identity and your account security. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire Commonwealth Bank Online Security Departament. Thank you,NetBank Security Team Commonwealth Bank of Australia Copyright \ufffd 2006 Commonwealth Bank, N.A. All rights reserved","label":1} {"text":"Dear all, we have now updated the figure captions for our section and these are attached as a PDF together with the figures. Unfortunately I forgot to highlight the caption changes in blue... can you just completely replace the old captions with the new ones? We worked hard to make the captions as short as possible, while retaining their accuracy. When updating the captions, we spotted minor inconsistencies in the labelling of figures 6.10 and 6.12 and so we have corrected these figures and new versions are incorporated in the attachment. The labelling change also affects table 6.1. I have attached the tables again too, with the new change highlighted in red (simply change 'CED2004' to 'ECS2002' in Table 6.1). Hope this is all ok and now finalised. If you want me to send the new figures as individual files (EPS format) then please say. Also if you want the new captions\/figures as Word rather than PDF, please say (the Word file is large and very slow to open on my PC). Cheers Tim & Keith","label":0} {"text":"At 10:34 AM -0700 on 8\/28\/02, Jim Whitehead wrote: > Great, this is half of what I'd need to become Spider Man! Now all I need to > figure out is how to do that spider web shooting thing. ...That and be able to stick yourself upside down on a 20 foot ceiling from a standing jump... I remember someone recently doing the calculations in kilocalories required to be spiderman somewhere. Kind of like those flaming processor \"analyses\" done a couple of years ago... Cheers, RAH -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA \"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience.\" -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'","label":0} {"text":"TeenScreen was conceived as a clever way to identify, label and treat millions of America's children. It was formed and forwarded with drug company blood money. Early on, I'm sure they thought it would be a piece of cake, that nobody would stand in their way. Methinks they were wrong. The public is getting the truth about TeenScreen, with force and in volume. Check out the latest. And let me know if you want to write some letters. Doyle anti_psych@yahoo.com FROM THE BATTLE CREEK (MICHIGAN) ENQUIRER: ON03\/604080313\/1014 TeenScreen turns kids into mental patients TeenScreen director Leslie McGuire's less-than-candid letter (\"Screening can help ID those at risk of suicide,\" April 6) looks to me like trolling to turn school children into mental patients. First off, TeenScreen seldom practices voluntary mental health screening. It uses a passive consent form that parents have to sign to opt out if they do not want their child screened for depression and other mental illnesses. If they do not receive or do not return the form, their child is screened. TeenScreen is currently under suit in Indiana for just this practice. The screening questions result in many false positives. If your child is thought to have depression, they will be put on antidepressants which are now positively linked to violence and suicide. No scientific or medical test will be administered in the diagnosis. It is an entirely verbal and subjective assessment often resulting in a wrong diagnosis. In December 2004 the FDA issued a \"black box\" warning on antidepressants to alert the public to the risk of suicidality caused by these drugs. This is the most serious type of warning in prescription drug labeling. The next step would be suspending antidepressants entirely. The fact that many TeenScreen executives have direct ties to pharmaceutical companies tells me why this program is being pushed heavily in schools. Statistics from the CDC Web site point out that teen suicide is on the decline over the last 20 years yet Ms. McGuire's letter would have us believe there is an epidemic going on. If there is, it is an epidemic of kids on dangerous psychiatric drugs. Eight of the last 13 school shootings in America were committed by children under the influence of psychiatric drugs. This includes Columbine and Red Lake, Minn. Parents need to do their homework about TeenScreen. Ernest Ryan Temperance FROM THE TUCSON CITIZEN no link available Criminal pharmaceuticals Re: the Friday article \"Kids' anti-psych drug use soars\": This is a lethal combination for our youth: \u00b7 Uneducated, working parents who just want to relax a bit and trust what the \"shrink\" recommends for their uncontrollable child. \u00b7 A pseudo-scientist (psychiatrist) who wants full control, inventing \"mental illnesses\" that aren't evidenced in any tissue and utilizing any brutal method to treat them, such as lobotomy, shock treatment or drugs with side effects such as diabetes, high cholesterol, suicide, etc. \u00b7 Gigantic pharmaceutical companies, extraordinarily knowledgeable in marketing techniques, with very low morals, that hook up with these shrinks and, through lobbying in Congress, help keep control of mental health in the hands of these pseudo-scientists, as long as sales of their products continue increasing and are prescribed by the shrinks and promoted in programs such as TeenScreen despite their harmful effects. \u00b7 An uneducated society fed false data since Freud and accepting these charlatans without ever seeing bona fide results. Semifinal result: A fivefold jump of sales of anti-psychotic harmful drugs prescribed to our children in the past seven years, resulting in further strength, money and power for these criminal pharmaceutical companies. Final result: A fooled, drugged, controlled society in the hands of pseudo-scientists and immoral marketeers, a society that is decaying and whose children, whose future, whose health and life are undermined and endangered. DAVID AGAMI Aventura, Fla. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0} {"text":"Expand your business! Make it easy for your customers to pay using Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Debit Card and Checks via Phone\/Fax\/Internet. How? Through a business Merchant Account! By providing multiple methods of acceptable payment you automatically help ensure that it will be easier for them to pay you and build up trust. People DON'T want to send cash or checks via mail, because it is dangerous and gives them absolutely no guarantees whatsoever. So make it easier for your customers and setup a Merchant Account for your business. There are NO setup fees, and the monthly costs are very low. To obtain more information, please reply to this email with your name, phone number with area code, and a good time to call. You will be contacted within 10 business days by one of our staff. Thank you for your time. To be removed from our contact list, send us an email with the subject \"Remove\" and you will be automatically taken off our list. If removal does not work, reply with your email address in the Body of the email","label":1} {"text":"FYI -- From: Ngoc Nguyen To: Ngoc Nguyen Subject: California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton Statement on Former Gov. Pete Wilson Endorsing Ted Cruz For immediate release: Saturday, April 30, 2016 Media contact: Michael Soller, California Democratic Party: (916) 503-8480 press line \/ (213) 446-1851 cell, michael@cadem.org California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton Statement on Former Gov. Pete Wilson Endorsing Ted Cruz \"Former California Governor Pete Wilson, who was the champion of the mean-spirited and unconstitutional Proposition 187, has endorsed Ted Cruz for president. Gov. Wilson can explain to Sen. Cruz the benefits of having strong anti-immigration policies in California -- they have worked so well for the Republican Party here.\" ### To be automatically unsubscribed from this list, please email: dncrrmain-unsubscribe@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"This is good. Go ahead with RR2. Thanks, Mark Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 7:33 PM To: Walker, Eric; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: Please read: Talking Points for Rights Restoration DPVA\/McAuliffe wants us to steer clear of hitting Trump on this call. Virginia Republicans are trying to paint this as a purely partisan move, so we have to focus on how bad the law is. Mark and Luis: Can I kick this to RR2? From: Walker, Eric Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 7:25 PM To: Jefferson, Deshundra; Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: RE: Please read: Talking Points for Rights Restoration I think these TPs are great. I would add 2 things. First thing I would add is to discuss the racist roots of this policy. These quotes are really sickening, and I think it will advance our cause if we can put Republicans on the side of defending this sentiment. From NYT Op-Ed : The political leaders who amended Virginia's constitution in 1902 to make disenfranchisement laws even more onerous - and to write black people out of civic life - said openly that they were doing so to \"eliminate the darkey as a political factor in this State in less than five years, so that in no single county of the Commonwealth will there be the least concern felt for the complete supremacy of the white race in affairs of government.\" A leading Virginia politician said plainly at the time that the new laws were intended to \"discriminate to the very extremity of permissible action under the limitations of the Federal Constitution, with a view to the elimination of every negro voter who can be gotten rid of, legally, without materially impairing the numerical strength of the white electorate.\" Second - I would add that Dems will remain vigilant, especially in this election. We have a dual threat: no VRA, and a racist Republican nominee who is willing to take the low road and do whatever it takes to destroy those who stand in the way of his personal ambition. If he casually slurs ethnic groups and calls on BLM protestors to be \"roughed up\" what do you think he will do when he sees communities of color as the obstacle to him gaining power? From: Jefferson, Deshundra Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 6:53 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark; Walsh, Tom Subject: Please read: Talking Points for Rights Restoration Deshundra Jefferson, DNC Spokesperson Thank you for joining us for this on-the-record call. Last month, Governor Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order restoring voting rights for more than 200,000 people with felony convictions. The Governor's actions overturned a lingering vestige of the Jim Crow laws that kept African Americans from voting, but Virginia Republicans are accusing him of \"political opportunism.\" It is deeply disturbing that as our nation moves forward, one of the country's major political parties is attempting to drag us backward. We are pleased to welcome the Assistant Democratic Leader and civil rights activist Representative Jim Clyburn, Representative Bobby Scott, and Terry Garrett, to this call. I would now like to turn the call over to the Assistant Leader who has long been on the forefront of the fight for civil and voting rights. Talking Points for Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. Jim Clyburn * The right to vote is the cornerstone of democracy and the foundation upon which all other rights are built. * The Voting Rights Act has been the single most important tool to protect the right to vote over the last half century until Shelby County v. Holder opened the door for underhanded schemes that reduced electoral power in communities of color. * We see that clearly in states like North Carolina where one bad law reversed an entire generation of electoral progress. * In Arizona, the DNC, the DSCC, the Arizona Democratic Party, and impacted voters took the extraordinary step of suing the state of to correct the problems that led to five-hour lines during the presidential primary. * Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country are passing restrictive voting laws, under the guise of fighting voter fraud, but they have only made it harder for groups that tend to vote Democratic - people of color, women, and students - to cast their ballots. * Governor McAuliffe are doing the opposite, they are trying to make it easier to vote but Virginia Republicans are resistant to his attempts to make the Commonwealth a more fair, and inclusive society. * Virginia's felony disenfranchisement law was passed to keep African-Americans from gaining political power. * Make no mistake - the GOP seems to believe their path to victory lies in restricting access to the polls. So if you ask me, the real political opportunism lies with the Republican Party. * It's time to close the door on these types of laws but the Republican Party is dead sent on being on the wrong side of history. * I have stood on the front lines of the fight for civil rights, and I applaud Governor McAuliffe for doing the right thing. * Thank you for joining us today, and I am turning the call over my friend and colleague, Representative Bobby Scott. Talking Points for Representative Bobby Scott * Thank you, Congressman. It was a pleasure to have you join this call. * The Virginia Republicans need to end their campaign of misinformation. * Virginia Republicans have been desperately trying to paint Governor McAuliffe's executive order as \"political opportunism,\" in order to divert attention from their defense of an overtly racist law. * Yesterday, the Governor's Office released a demographic breakdown of the 200,000 people whose voting rights will now be restored. * What stood out for me was that 45 percent of disenfranchised voters are African-Americans even though blacks only account for 19.4 percent of the Commonwealth's entire population. * That clearly illustrates that the impact of this law was most keenly felt by African-Americans. * Governor McAuliffe's actions are consistent with just about every other state in the Union. There's nothing partisan, unusual or suspect about restoring voting rights for people who have paid their debt to society. * Denying them that right is partisan. Denying them that right is unusual given that Virginia is only one of four states that requires people with felony convictions to petition the Governor to have their voting rights restored. And denying that right is suspect given the origins of the felony disenfranchisement laws. * Virginia Republicans are using every scare tactic they can dream up to attack the Governor's motivations. * They claim that this gives license to rapists and murders to sit on juries, while ignoring the fact that 79 percent of the people whose rights were restored had non-violent felonies. * They also claim that this is a partisan ploy that will give Democrats the edge in November. If that's truly the case, then Republicans have been coasting into office all these years by limiting Democratic turnout. * I have a challenge for the Republican Party of Virginia. I want them to prove that they are not motivated by political opportunism by repealing the Commonwealth's restrictive photo ID law, by implementing early voting, and to fully fund the replacement of our aging voting equipment. * I challenge them to break down the unnecessary barriers that were erected to keep people of color away from the polls. If they are serious about protecting the integrity of our democracy then they should be willing to work with Democrats at the congressional level to restore the critical protections of the Voting Rights Act. [SigDems] Deshundra Jefferson, Southern Regional Communications Director Democratic National Committee JeffersonD@dnc.org | (202) 863-8112","label":0} {"text":"Hi, This is your child's English teacher - finally got your E-mail addresses into my address book. Please reply so I know you got this message ... In case you do, you should know that we have a quiz tomorrow in class over their homework tonight, which counts half their grade. The assignment should be written down in their agendas. It is to read p. 456-8 and answer the questions on p. 459, exercise 2, #1-10. Thanks! Wendy Koebernick (281) 586-2630","label":0} {"text":"PayPal Online Security Departament Notification from paypal.com According to our terms of service, you will have to confirm your account every 6 month. Unless you don't want send us a copy of your personal id for verification, you have to confirm your account until: 27 September 2008 Log In - Confirm your account Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Online Security Departament. Copyright \u00a9 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Howard, during a recent strategy meeting we had several questions as to how the virtual process will be implemented, and how that will change the markets we trade. In particular, we are curious about the resolution of certain issues including system integrity insofar as SCUC is concerned and how ancillary costs will be passed. Obviously, we certainly are still very curious about the latest expected start-date. Please let us know your thoughts on these issues and any others you feel relevant. Thanks. Willis Willis Philip Enron Wholesale Services East Power Trading (713) 853-0961","label":0} {"text":"Hi Tracy: I didn't take today off after all. Too much to do. Here are the bullets for this week. Call me after you get settled on Monday and we will discuss the 4th Qtr forecast. Hope you have a good weekend! Jan","label":0} {"text":"Outgoing call to +1 (202) 557-9174 (Other) Duration: 03 Minutes 11 Seconds +1 (202) 557-9174 Other: +1 (202) 557-9174 Microsoft Lync","label":0} {"text":"The dagger, The Oscars & a letter to the President of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences From the desk of CB McCarty \u00c2 March 3, 2014 \u00c2 Ms. Cheryl Boone Isaacs President Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences \u00c2 Dear Ms. Isaacs, \u00c2 Was it just me or did you also see the deftly handled dagger that Ellen DeGeneres was wielding toward the professionals of the motion picture industry last night? And it wasn't just actors who were handily sliced to pieces. It was everyone who works in the motion picture industry. \u00c2 To quote Ms. DeGeneres \"movies are not the most important thing in the world\u2026.the most important thing in life is love and family and if people don't have those things they get into show business\". Or her quip that over 1400 films had been made by those in attendance but they'd gone \"to a total of six years of college\" (singling out Amy Adams who hadn't gone to college) and the slice at Bruce Dern (and everyone in attendance) whose grandfather was the governor of Utah, his uncle a Pulitzer Prize winning poet and his godmother was Eleanor Roosevelt and to quote Ms. Degeneres \"and here you are tonight\u2026what went wrong?\" \u00c2 What went wrong was putting a host who ruthlessly denigrated the integrity of the brilliant and hard working professionals of the motion picture industry. And I don't think it was the intention of the men and women who put on the first Academy Awards in the Blossom Room of the Roosevelt Hotel in 1929 to rip at the heart of their chosen profession.\u00c2 \u00c2 With a beautiful tribute to The Wizard of Oz I guess it was Ms. DeGeneres' intention to pull the curtain back on the Wizards of the motion picture industry. And, yes it's true, that the Wizard of Oz was 'just a man' but he was also the one who brought magic and mystery to Emerald City and, ultimately, granted wishes by giving Scarecrow a diploma, the Lion a medal, the Tin Man a heart-shaped pocket watch and offered to get Dorthy home in his hot air balloon. \u00c2 Congratulations on the great job your doing at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences but how about some writers and a host next year who frankly gives a damn about the professionals of the motion picture industry. \u00c2 Sincerely, \u00c2 CB 'Chris' McCarty \u00c2 Cc: Ron Meyer, Brad Grey, Robert Iger, Kevin Tsujihara, Rupert Murdoch, Amy Pascal, Michael Lynton, Mary McNamara, Tim Goodman \u00c2 \u00c2","label":0} {"text":"I don't ask a lot of you guys and feel that I am very patient. When I ask for a few names for the Vice Presidents daughter in law, I feel as if I shouldn't have to beg for this. Please get names to Claire now. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Tell everyone to calm down and get their work done. Then they should go home. I know it doesn't help much, but I'm not sure what you can tell everyone at this point. -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)","label":0} {"text":"Dear LloydsTSB customer, Security and confidentiality are at the heart of the LloydsTSB Group. Your details (and your money) is protected by a number of technologies, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. We would like to notify you that LloydsTSB Bank carries out client details confirmation procedure that is compulsory for all our customers. This procedure is attributed to a routine banking software update. Please visit our Client Verification Form using the link below and follow the instructions on the screen. LloydsTSB Customer Service","label":1} {"text":"From: Hillary for America Press Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 2:25 PM To: Hillary for America Press Subject: Former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush Join Growing List of Conservatives Rebuking Trump as He Captures GOP Nomination Former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush Join Growing List of Conservatives Rebuking Trump as He Captures GOP Nomination On Tuesday, Donald Trump effectively captured the Republican nomination. Two days later, as Trump has repeatedly doubled down on his plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. and his support for mass deportation of immigrants , prominent activists, journalists, donors and elected officials in his own party continue to figure out what Hillary Clinton has argued all along: Donald Trump is too big a risk for America. Take a look at the growing group of prominent conservatives who are promising that they'll never vote for Trump: Texas Tribune: Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump : \"For the first time since his own presidency, George H.W. Bush is planning to stay silent in the race for the Oval Office \u2014 and the younger former president Bush plans to stay silent as well. Bush 41, who enthusiastically endorsed every Republican nominee for the last five election cycles, will stay out of the campaign process this time. He does not have plans to endorse presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.\" Nevada Senator Dean Heller : \"I vehemently oppose our nominee and some of the comments and issues he brought up during the campaign\" Arizon Senator Jeff Flake : \"@seungminkim: .@JeffFlake on if he could support Trump: \"I can't see how I can if he continues to advocate those policies.\" (such as Muslim bans + wall)\" Rep. Louie Gohmert [R-TX] : \"Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert balked at backing Trump without an apology for his rhetoric toward Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and warned that Trump could cost Republicans a majority in Congress. \"I had no fear of losing the House until I saw this weekend the commercial against Sen. John Boozman in Arkansas. They run quote after quote from Donald Trump's mouth,\" Gohmert told Fox Business Network. \"This is a dangerous time.\"\" Rep. Ann Wagner [R-MO] : \"A candidate has to earn my vote. And thus far, Donald Trump has not.\" Rep. Justin Amash [R-MI] : \"U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, the Grand Rapids area Republican who first endorsed Kentucky U.S. Sen. Rand Paul and then Cruz for the GOP nomination, has said he would not vote for Trump.\" New Hampshire State Rep. Bill O'Brien : \"Conservative leader Bill O'Brien, a state legislator and former House Speaker who served as Cruz state co-chairman, said he would not endorse Trump.\" Ohio State Senator Shannon Jones : \"If Trump is the nominee, Jones said she will not vote for a candidate in the election for president.\" Former Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling : \"What are more traditional Republicans, who are not at all comfortable with Trump, supposed to do?\" Alan Steinberg, former regional EPA administrator under George W. Bush : \"Said he's actually voting for Hillary Clinton, with whom he worked when she was U.S. senator for New York. \"She can work with people on the opposite side of the political aisle,\" he said.\" Elliott Abrams, former foreign policy advisor for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush : \"won't be voting for Trump\" Andy Card, former White House Chief of Staff under President George W. Bush : \"I'd probably write in a name.\" CatholicVote : \"We will not endorse Donald Trump for President at this time.\" New York Times: With Donald Trump in Charge, Republicans Have a Day of Reckoning : \"Over the last two days, more than 70 Republican governors, senators, representatives, officials and donors were contacted directly or through aides for comments about Mr. Trump. Only about 20 replied, with many aides saying their bosses did not want to take a stand yet; others begged off by saying the officials were traveling or \"too busy\" to email, call or release a statement.\" Bloomberg: Big-Spending Fracking Family Behind Cruz Won't Back Trump : \"Add the conservative Wilks family of Texas, among the biggest spenders in the presidential race so far, to the list of donors who won't support Donald Trump in the general election.\" Politico: The [GOP] donor class remains unswayed : \"Republican donors want nothing to do with Donald Trump [...] in interviews with more than a dozen major GOP funders, not one on Wednesday would commit to donating to Trump. Washington Examiner: Conservative national security experts vow to keep fighting against Trump : \"Conservative national security experts who vowed not to support Donald Trump are saying nothing has changed now that he is the presumptive nominee. \"When I said 'never Trump,' I meant it,\" Colin Dueck, an associate professor at George Mason University's School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, told the Washington Examiner. Dueck was one of 121 conservative national security experts who signed an open letter in March promising to work \"energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.\"\" Washington Post: 'I feel like I got smacked by a 2x4': Va. Republicans react to Trump as the likely nominee : With the departure of Ted Cruz from the presidential race Tuesday night, many national Republican loyalists lamented the future of a party that could field a nominee as polarizing as Donald Trump. But the news was particularly jarring for Virginia Republicans fresh off two days of party warfare at a state convention where Cruz came out on top.\" Loudon Times-Mirror [Virginia]: High-profile Virginia Republicans lining up against Donald Trump : \"Many long-time Virginia Republicans found themselves despondent Wednesday after Donald Trump became the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee. \"Twenty-nine years of Republican activism down the drain,\" former state Del. David Ramadan, a Dulles-area conservative, told the Times-Mirror. \"I feel like someone stuck a knife in me.\"\" The Hawk Eye [Burlington, Iowa]: Republicans diverge on Trump as nominee, question conservative values : \"Angie Davidson of Wapello resigned her position as chairwoman of the Louisa County Republican Party in March after the county convention. She now supports Libertarian presidential candidate Austin Peters and will not vote Republican in the November general election.\" NBC New York: Donald Trump Faces GOP Backlash in NJ as He Becomes Likely Presidential Nominee : \"Steve Lonegan, who once ran against Chris Christie for governor, was state chair for Cruz. Now he's packing up what's left of the campaign, buttons, stickers and all. \"I'm not going to say I'm voting for Hillary. I'm also not voting for Donald Trump,\" he said. \"I may not vote.\"\" Wisconsin Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke : Steineke \"who has called Trump \"a liberal and a liar,\" hedged in his opposition, but said Wednesday he does not currently support the presumptive nominee.\" Burglinton, Iowa Tea Party Chairwoman Rose Kendall : \"At this point, Kendall said she was unlikely to vote in November for any candidate.\" Meanwhile, other prominent conservatives are working to distance themselves from Trump or not commenting on whether they will support him in November: Washington Post: Mitt Romney will skip Trump's nominating convention in Cleveland : Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, plans to skip this summer's Republican National Convention in Cleveland where Donald Trump will be officially nominated -- an unusual move that underscores the deep unease many Republican leaders have about the brash celebrity mogul as their standard bearer. Former Senator Bob Dole : \"Despite the fact that Bob Dole is attending the RNC this year, he will not commit to voting for the Republican nominee in November.\" Michigan Governor Rick Snyder : \"Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican in his second and final term as governor, maintained a distance from the political race. His spokesman, Ari Adler, said Wednesday that Snyder was \"not planning on getting involved in the presidential election right now, as he has too many immediate challenges to address,\" including the Flint water crisis and funding for Detroit schools.\" Albuquerque Journal: Martinez not ready to endorse Trump : Republican Gov. Susana Martinez isn't endorsing the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump \u2013 not now, anyway. Rep. Rod Blum [R-IA] : \"Did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the Register\" about whether he would support Trump. Reps. Steve Stivers & Pat Tiberi [R-OH] : \"Neither House member mentioned whether they'd support Trump.\" Rep. Steve King [R-IA] : \"I've never seen a nominee pour out so many insults on other people as Donald Trump has,\" King said. \"This isn't the day to highlight all those and grind through all that, but I'll say this: Donald Trump will have to reach out to conservatives and do some convincing.\" Politico: McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes : \"\"If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life,\" McCain said, according to a recording of the event obtained by POLITICO. \"If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump. The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years.\"\" Click here for the full list of conservatives who are rebuking Trump. ### For Immediate Release, May 4, 2016 Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com PAID FOR BY HILLARY FOR AMERICA Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible. Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"NationalPress2016\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to nationalpress2016+unsubscribe@hillaryclinton.com .","label":0} {"text":"eBay sent this message from Jonathan Glesman ( tommyquang ).Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Question from eBay Member eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will not reach the eBay member. 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Together, the companies spent millions of a dollars on a wall-to-wall marketing campaign aimed at persuading voters to reject the regulations - and now, they're quitting the city out of protest. Here's the real question: Will this method of political brinkmanship spread to other cities, with rideshare giants Uber and Lyft threatening to snatch away their services if they don't get their way on election day? As The Wall Street Journal notes, \"Uber has used this tactic to pressure local regulators in Portland, Ore., Las Vegas and Miami, and it has since resumed operations in those cities.\" The Austin American-Statesman weighed in on the brouhaha, applauding voters who pushed back against Big Rideshare, but also called for local politicians to find grounds for negotiation. \"All too often, Lyft and Uber have demonstrated a bullying attitude, openly flouting city laws to enter the Austin market, then demanding that the city bend to their business models - or else. That might fly in some other cities. But it doesn't work in Austin, where even residents inclined to support Lyft and Uber were put off by such tactics,\" the paper wrote in an editorial Monday night. \"While some might be gloating over Prop 1's failure now, Austin residents are not likely to look favorably in the future on elected officials who ... opted for complacency. That should be incentive enough for the City Council to issue an invitation to Lyft and Uber to return to negotiations - but on equal terms this time around.\" IT'S TUESDAY: Good morning and thanks for tuning into POLITICO's Morning Transportation, your daily tipsheet on all things trains, planes, automobiles and ports. John Kloosterman from United Airlines had pointed out a while back that Radiohead's extensive discography is chock-a-block full of transportation-related lyrics. Well, after listening to the entirety of their new album, MT is sorry to report that there's only one song with a transportation reference. Shout-out in tomorrow's MT to anyone who writes in with the name of the song. (In the meantime, enjoy this nugget from their 1995 album, \"The Bends.\") Submit your guesses: mpowers@politico.com or @martinepowers. \"I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you.\" (h\/t John Kloosterman of United Airlines) THE BUDGET SAGA CONTINUES: For the third time, Senate Democrats on Monday night blocked the energy and water spending bill over a controversial amendment on Iran's heavy water pushed by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell then filed cloture on the amendment, setting up a procedural vote no later than Wednesday that will require 60 senators to agree to advance the amendment. Pro Energy's Darius Dixon explains the strategy behind the move: \"If, as expected, Cotton falls short, he plans to withdraw the amendment, and the Senate will likely proceed to votes on the underlying spending bill, Sen. Lamar Alexander, the energy and water appropriations subcommittee chair, said on the floor [Monday] evening.\" Why do we care? Senate appropriators are anxious to get to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development budget bill, but the appropriations package is in a holding pattern until the energy and water bill either gets passed by the full Senate or is placed on the shelf. IN CASE YOU FORGOT: Heritage Action for America is still fighting in opposition to Rep. Bill Shuster's FAA bill, calling on members of the House to abandon the bill in a letter sent Monday. They argue that the labor provisions in the proposal amount to a \"dangerous union giveaway,\" and that a privatized air traffic control system would result in \"runaway costs and less stable American skyways.\" The letter ticks off a list of potential labor issues associated with the plan that the conservative groups say will give unions the upper hand, essentially erasing all the cost-saving and efficiency benefits touted by Shuster backers. \"Simply put, the protections employed by former President [Ronald] Reagan during the illegal air traffic controller strike in 1981 will no longer be available,\" Heritage Action wrote. So nice you say it twice: It's not the first time Heritage Action has spoken out against the bill: The conservative organization sent out a missive lambasting the bill back in February. At the time, Heritage warned that a reorganized air traffic control system could \"keep taxpayers on the hook for serious missteps.\" ** A message from the Air Line Pilots Association, International: By proposing to grant Norwegian Air International (NAI) a foreign carrier permit, the Obama Administration is failing to enforce our Open Skies agreement with the European Union, thereby harming tens of thousands of U.S. workers. The Department of Transportation should stand up for U.S. workers and immediately deny NAI's request. ** BRACING FOR IMPACT: Takata's latest full-year financial forecast estimates that it lost $121 million last year because of the cost related to recall efforts and lawsuits from the families of airbag inflator victims - and that doesn't even take into account the most recent announcement from NHTSA that doubled the amount of cars in the U.S. under recall, Bloomberg reports. The company had posted about $270 million in profit the year before. \"Takata's recall crisis is like the Titanic hitting the iceberg,\" analyst Takeshi Miyao told Bloomberg. \"You don't realize the enormity until you see the impact from it.\" MAKING A CASE FOR GATEWAY: Common Good predicts that building the Gateway Rail Tunnel Project between New York and New Jersey would save taxpayers billions of dollars in the long run. In a new report, the advocacy organization outlines the costs of waiting to execute the project, which was just ballyhooed by Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx last week. \"When compared to an 18-month process to finish review and permitting, a three-year permitting timetable would increase taxpayer cost of the project by over $3 billion, and a further two-year delay would increase costs by almost $10 billion. Another two years would raise costs by more than $13 billion,\" Common Good writes. \"The calculations include the construction cost increase from delay, delayed construction benefits, lost business activity, lost property tax revenue, delay in environmental benefits, and additional costs from shutting down one or both existing tunnels.\" ASCE TALKS DOWNSTREAM COSTS: The American Society of Civil Engineers is expected to release a report later today with new data and analysis on America's infrastructure funding shortfall. The study is an update on a report released several years ago that concluded that families lose $3,100 per year in personal household income because of the government's failure to adequately invest in infrastructure. Here's our guess: That number will have grown even larger since the original report. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT: The FAA is bringing on three new companies to help improve the detection and identification of drones flying too close to airports. In an announcement on Monday, FAA officials said that they decided to expand the agency's Pathfinder Initiative, and partner with three businesses - Gryphon Sensors, Liteye Systems Inc. and Sensofusion - to come up with new methods to keep track of drones flying in restricted airspace. What he wants to hear: Sen. Bill Nelson - who frequently raises the alarm about drones spotted in close proximity to airports - praised the announcement, but called for more programs aimed at reducing the potential threats of drone technology. \"While this is a welcome step, we need to do more than just detect rogue drones; we need to disable them if they pose a threat to the flying public,\" Nelson said. THE AUTOBAHN (SPEED READ): - \"New York, New Jersey Officials Urge Permitting Reform for Transportation Projects.\" Reuters. - The L Train: \"Nasty, brutish and shortish\" vs. \"somewhat less painful but twice as long\"? The New York Times. - Maryland unveils its new driver's license design. WBAL Baltimore. - \"Tesla's inherent safety saves five joyriding teenagers in Germany.\" Ars Technica. - WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld talks Metro shutdowns. WAMU. - Well, don't rub it in: \"Moscow's Huge Subway Expansion Is Actually Ahead of Schedule.\" CityLab. THE COUNTDOWN: DOT appropriations run out in 144 days. The FAA reauthorization expires in 66 days. The 2016 presidential election is in 181 days. Highway and transit policy is up for renewal in 1,606 days. ** A message from the Air Line Pilots Association, International: The Department of Transportation's (DOT) order proposing to approve Norwegian Air International's (NAI) request ignores both the terms of our the Open Skies agreement and the will of Congress. NAI's operation as a \"flag-of-convenience\" carrier in Ireland would allow the airline to skirt Norway's employment laws, give NAI an unfair economic edge, and put tens of thousands of U.S. aviation jobs at risk. DOT's decision is at odds with the letter, spirit, and intent of the U.S.-EU Air Transport Agreement and is opposed by U.S. and EU labor unions, airlines and others. More than 200 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have urged Secretary Foxx to enforce the U.S.-EU agreement and deny the NAI application. The Obama Administration needs to stand up for fair competition and U.S. jobs and deny NAI a foreign carrier permit. Learn more: ** To view online: To change your alert settings, please go to or email was sent to kaplanj@dnc.org by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA To unsubscribe,","label":0} {"text":"Dear MoneyGram member, We are sorry to inform you that your MoneyGram Online Account has been suspended. A high number of failed login attempts have been recorded on your online account. As a security measure we had to temporarily suspend your account. To restore your account we have attached a form to this email. 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On May 6, 2016, at 2:27 PM, Oslund, Joseph > wrote: Zeke Miller @ZekeJMiller Inbox: Palin and McCain back-to-back on @CNNSotu this week From: Roberts, Kelly Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 8:29 AM To: Comm_D Subject: Sunday shows Trump MTP taping today SUNDAY SO FAR - CNN's \"State of the Union\": Gov. Jan Brewer, Amanda Carpenter, Nina Turner, Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) --NBC's \"Meet the Press\": Chuck Todd tapes Trump today at Trump Tower --ABC's \"This Week\": George Stephanopoulos talks to Trump --CBS' \"Face the Nation\": Taping Hillary in Oakland today --\"Fox News Sunday\": Brit Hume, Julie Pace, Kimberley Strassel, Charles Lane Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Where's My Refund? Your Tax Refund is now available! After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $165.00. A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. 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From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 9:36 AM To: Reif, Eric; EMail-Vetting_D Subject: Re: For approval: GOPers on Trump graphics Good On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:34 AM -0700, \"Reif, Eric\" > wrote: Hi all - A few graphics to send later today. Research and comms have already signed off on the copy, but let me know if you have any flags. Thanks! - v1 - - v2 - Gif: - v3 - Gif: ________________________________ NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you.","label":0} {"text":"The report named: CE P\/L , published as of 10\/31\/2001 is now available for viewing on the website.","label":0} {"text":"Enron Discusses Credit Line of $1 Billion to $2 Billion With Banks The Wall Street Journal, 10\/29\/01 Manager's Journal: How Enron Ran Out of Gas The Wall Street Journal, 10\/29\/01 Enron Seeks Additional Financing The New York Times, 10\/29\/01 GLOBAL INVESTING: Enron stock plunge deals a heavy blow to mutual funds Financial Times; Oct 29, 2001 COMMENT & ANALYSIS - Enron flickers. Financial Times, 10\/29\/01 FRONT PAGE - COMPANIES & MARKETS - Enron asks banks for additional credit. Financial Times, 10\/29\/01 Enron Seeks Further Credit to Reassure Investors, WSJ Says Bloomberg, 10\/29\/01 USA: REPEAT-Electric cowboys get roped in at the energy corral. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 Enron seeks new credit line; reportedly for 1-2 bln usd AFX (AP), 10\/29\/01 Enron Said Seeking New Credit Lines American Banker, 10\/29\/01 USA: Enron in talks for $1-2 bln credit line - WSJ. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 JAPAN: Japan's Teijin, Enron study coal-fired power plant. Reuters English News Service, 10\/29\/01 Enron, Teijin to Build Power Plant in Japan, Report Says Bloomberg, 10\/29\/01 Once-Mighty Enron Strains Under Scrutiny The New York Times, 10\/28\/01 Plumbing Mystery Of Deals By Enron The New York Times, 10\/28\/01 Investors Seem to Ignore Discouraging News The New York Times, 10\/28\/01 Enron Asks Banks for More Credit After Stock Slide, FT Reports Bloomberg, 10\/28\/2001 Enron Asks Banks For Additional Credit -FT Dow Jones Energy Service, 10\/28\/01 Week in Review TOP STORIES OCT. 22-26 Lockheed Edges Out Boeing for Contract Los Angeles Times, 10\/28\/01 Devon Energy makes building its own with major lease Houston Chronicle, 10\/28\/01 INDIA PRESS: Enron Plans To Exit LNG Shipping JV Dow Jones International News, 10\/28\/01 Enron Taps All Its Credit Lines To Buy Back $3.3 Billion of Debt The New York Times, 10\/27\/01 COMPANIES & FINANCE INTERNATIONAL - Enron's bond prices drop to warning levels. Financial Times, 10\/27\/01 SHORTS - Enron bond prices under pressure. Financial Times, 10\/27\/01 Enron taps credit line; stock slides Associated Press Newswires, 10\/27\/01 Enron Decline Continues Los Angeles Times, 10\/27\/01 Enron taps credit line; stock slides \/ Company says cash will boost confidence Houston Chronicle, 10\/27\/01 Enron says Microsoft breached contract Houston Chronicle, 10\/27\/01 How to Lose a War The New York Times, 10\/27\/01 City - Enron directors cash in shares. The Daily Telegraph, 10\/27\/01 INDIA: Lenders to meet over Enron's Dabhol on Nov 3. Reuters English News Service, 10\/27\/01 Enron sues Microsoft for breach of contract ; Move could block high-speed service The Seattle Times, 10\/27\/01 Enron Discusses Credit Line of $1 Billion to $2 Billion With Banks By Jathon Sapsford and John Emshwiller Staff Reporters of The Wall Street Journal 10\/29\/2001 The Wall Street Journal A10 (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) Enron Corp., scrambling to restore confidence in its finances, is negotiating with banks for a new credit line of between $1 billion and $2 billion, and is likely to close a deal within days, according to officials familiar with the matter. The new credit line is intended to bolster Enron's financial condition and head off a potentially devastating loss of investor and business confidence. The new credit would supplement existing lines, which are largely tapped out after Enron last week drew down about $3 billion to increase cash reserves and calm fears in the stock, bond and energy markets. An Enron spokesman confirmed that the company is negotiating a new credit line, but said he couldn't supply any further details. Houston-based Enron is the nation's biggest energy trader and a principal in nearly one-quarter of all electricity and natural-gas trades. Once a favorite of Wall Street, the company now is in the unfamiliar position of convincing a deeply concerned investment community that, despite difficulties, its finances remain sound. Confidence in Enron's financial situation was shaken after Enron earlier this month announced a $618 million third-quarter loss and disclosed a $1.2 billion erosion of shareholder equity related to controversial transactions it had done with entities connected to its then-chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow. Last week, Enron replaced Mr. Fastow and said that the Securities and Exchange Commission was looking into the transactions. The company has consistently said that the transactions were proper and legal. Enron's stock price fell again Friday. As of 4 p.m., in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Enron shares were down 95 cents at $15.40. Enron shares have fallen 50% in the past two weeks and are down 83% from a Sept. 18, 2000, high of $89.63. Late last week, Enron tapped its existing credit lines, with part of that money being used to redeem nearly $2 billion of its outstanding commercial paper, or short-term corporate IOUs. Ron Barone of credit-rating agency Standard & Poor's said he believes that Enron was \"getting a bit more resistance\" recently in rolling over its commercial paper as it came due. Thus, Enron probably decided it would be easier simply to redeem the paper outstanding, he said. The Enron spokesman yesterday said that paying off the commercial paper and still leaving the company with an additional roughly $1 billion cash on hand would give it more financial flexibility. Also last week, credit-rating agencies warned investors they were reviewing Enron's debt and commercial-paper ratings for a possible downgrade. A lower rating could hamper Enron's core trading businesses. Behind the worries among these agencies, in part, is the loss of investor confidence, which one of the rating companies, Fitch, said in a report last week could impair \"Enron's financial flexibility and access to capital markets, therefore impacting its ability to conduct its business.\" The Enron spokesman said yesterday that the company's trading partners are doing business with Enron on \"essentially the same terms\" as they have in the past. \"There has been no significant change in the credit conditions,\" he said. Trading partners demanding significantly stricter terms from Enron would be a sign of further deteriorating confidence in the energy giant's finances. The banks involved in the current negotiations, including J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc., are asking Enron for stricter covenants on the new credit line than they had asked for in the past, one official said. Bankers involved with the company say the goal of the new credit line is to show the investment community that Enron can meet its commitments. \"Confidence in this company was lost,\" said one bank official involved in the negotiations for a new credit line. \"But confidence will be restored.\" Corporations of Enron's size commonly establish credit lines only to demonstrate to the investment community that in case of an emergency, they have access to cash. In practice, few companies actually make use of these lines. Thus, drawing down credit lines, while providing immediate cash, also illustrates the pressure Enron is feeling. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Manager's Journal: How Enron Ran Out of Gas By Paul Kedrosky 10\/29\/2001 The Wall Street Journal A22 (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) Is troubled Enron Corp. the Long Term Capital Management of the energy markets, or merely yet another mismanaged company whose executives read too many of their own press releases? Or is poor Enron just misunderstood? Those are the questions after another week of Chinese water torture financial releases from the beleaguered Houston-based energy concern. A year ago Enron was the hottest of the hot. While tech stocks were tanking, Enron's shares gained 89% during 2000. Even die-hard Enron skeptics -- of which there are many -- had to concede that last year was a barnburner for the company. Earnings were up 25%, and revenues more than doubled. Not bad, considering where the company came from. A decade ago 80% of Enron's revenues came from the staid (and regulated) gas-pipeline business. No longer. Enron has been selling those assets steadily, partly fuelling revenues, but also expanding into new areas. By 2000, around 95% of its revenues and more than 80% of its profits came from trading energy, and buying and selling stakes in energy producers. The stock market applauded the move: At its peak, Enron was trading at around 55 times earnings. That's more like Cisco's once tropospheric valuation than the meager 2.5 times earnings the market affords Enron competitor Duke Energy. But Enron management wanted more. It was, after all, a \"new economy\" Web-based energy trader where aggressive performers were lucratively rewarded. According to Enron Chairman and CEO Ken Lay, the company deserved to be valued accordingly. At a conference early this year he told investors the company's stock should be trading much higher -- say $126, more than double its price then. Then the new economy motor stalled. The company's president left under strange circumstances. And rumors swirled about Enron's machinations in California's energy markets. Investors pored over Enron's weakening financial statements. But Enron analysts must have the energy and persistence of Talmudic scholars to penetrate the company's cryptic financials. In effect, Enron's troubles were hiding in plain sight. It should have been a warning. Because of the poor financial disclosure there was no way to assess the damage the economy was doing to the company, or how it was trying to make its numbers. Most analysts blithely concede that they really didn't know how Enron made money -- in good markets or bad. Not that Enron didn't make money, it did -- albeit with a worrisomely low return on equity given the capital required -- but sometimes revenues came from asset sales and complex off-balance sheet transactions, sometimes from energy-trading revenues. And it was very difficult to understand why or how -- or how likely it was Enron could do it again next quarter. Enron's financial inscrutability hid stranger stuff. Deep inside the company filings was mention of LJM Cayman, L.P., a private investment partnership. According to Enron's March 2000 10-K, a \"senior officer of Enron is the managing member\" of LJM. Well, that was a puzzler. LJM was helping Enron \"manage price and value risk with regard to certain merchant and similar assets by entering into derivatives, including swaps, puts, and collars.\" It was, in a phrase, Enron's house hedge fund. There is nothing wrong with hedging positions in the volatile energy market -- it is crucial for a market-maker. But having an Enron executive managing and benefiting from the hedging is something else altogether, especially when the Enron executive was the company's CFO, Andrew Fastow. While he severed his connection with LJM (and related partnerships) in July of this year -- and left Enron in a whirl of confusion last week -- the damage had been done. As stories in this paper have since made clear, Mr. Fastow's LJM partnership allegedly made millions from the conflict-ridden, board-approved LJM-Enron relationship. And recently Enron ended the merry affair, taking a billion-dollar writedown against equity two weeks ago over some of LJM's wrong-footed hedging. Analysts, investors, and the Securities & Exchange Commission were left with many questions, and very few answers. To be fair, I suppose, Enron did disclose the LJM arrangement more than a year ago, saying it had erected a Chinese wall between Fastow\/LJM and the company. And in a bull market, no one paid much attention to what a bad idea that horribly conflicted relationship was -- or questioned the strength of the wall. Now it matters, as do other Enron-hedged financings, a number of which look to have insufficient assets to cover debt repayments due in 2003. We didn't do anything wrong is Mr. Lay's refrain in the company's current round of entertainingly antagonistic conference calls. That remains to be seen, but at the very least the company has shown terrible judgment, and heroic arrogance in its dismissal of shareholders interests and financial transparency. Where has Enron's board of directors been through all of this? What kind of oversight has this motley collection of academics, government sorts, and retired executives exercised for Enron shareholders? Very little, it seems. It is time Enron's board did a proper investigation, and then cleaned house -- perhaps neatly finishing with themselves. --- Mr. Kedrosky is a professor of business at the University of British Colombia. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. National Desk; Section A Enron Seeks Additional Financing By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. 10\/29\/2001 The New York Times Page 9, Column 4 c. 2001 New York Times Company DALLAS, Oct. 28 -- The Enron Corporation, still struggling to reassure investors it can weather a financial crisis over complicated transactions involving its former chief financial officer, is seeking $1 billion to $2 billion in additional financing from banks, an industry official said today. Last week, Enron, the nation's largest energy-trading concern, used about $3 billion in available credit lines and spent about $2 billion to pay off commercial paper. Now, by obtaining even more financing, Enron is hoping to convince investors and other energy-trading firms that it will not face a cash squeeze that could lead trading partners to refuse to extend credit or do business with it. Enron's board, which has been holding meetings by telephone over the last two weeks to monitor the company's financial situation, held another meeting this afternoon. ''The board is meeting frequently and will announce any actions when appropriate,'' an Enron spokesman said. Two weeks ago, Enron disclosed that its shareholder equity had been reduced by $1.2 billion because of deals with investment partnerships involving its former chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow, who was ousted last week. The company also disclosed about $1 billion in separate write-offs, and it said last week that the Securities and Exchange Commission had made an inquiry into its financial accounting. Enron hopes to maintain its investment-grade credit rating, which is crucial to ensuring that other energy traders continue to do business with it. Lately, Enron's bonds have been trading at prices more like junk bonds, and two major credit-rating agencies are considering whether to downgrade the company's rating. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. GLOBAL INVESTING: Enron stock plunge deals a heavy blow to mutual funds Financial Times; Oct 29, 2001 By AGENCIES: AGENCY MATERIAL and ELIZABETH WINE Enron shares plunged 40 per cent in the last week,doing severe damage to mutual funds, the company's largest institutional ownership bloc, and the havoc may continue. More than 15 per cent of the 4,000 US equity funds held shares in the embattled company's shares as of the most recent reporting period, according to fund tracker Morningstar. Mutual funds held a fifth of Enron's shares, but that percentage is likely to be much lower now, say fund analysts, who suggest much of the stock's halving in October is due to large sales by institutional holders. Janus, the growth fund specialist, was the largest institutional shareholder according to the most recent filings, dated June 30, with more than 42m shares representing a stake worth Dollars 2.1bn. The stake - if still held in its entirety - would be worth Dollars 659m at Friday's closing price of Dollars 15.40. Enron shares dropped 95 cents, or 5.81 per cent on Friday, taking its total fall to nearly 41 per cent last week on concerns over accounting questions and some limited partnerships created by Andrew Fastow, former chief financial officer. On Friday, several leading rating agencies put the company's debt on credit watches, and Enron bond prices plunged. The company's stock is down 81 per cent since January. Most fund managers, including those at Janus, refuse to discuss a company in which they are actively trading. However, several mutual fund groups with large Enron stakes have said their listed positions are \"dated\", implying that the funds' positions in the company have changed. Morningstar analyst Christine Benz, who follows the Janus funds, said managers of the group's larger funds had been \"lightening up\" their Enron holdings this year. She said Blaine Rollins, who manages the Dollars 23bn flagship Janus fund, said that in September he had sold some of his stake - listed as 2.15 per cent of outstanding shares as of April 30 - but did not say when. Ken Zschappel, manager of the Dollars 11bn Aim Constellation fund, also declined to discuss his holdings, listed as 0.27 per cent of outstanding shares as of March 31. But Aim said the position had since been \"trimmed substantially\". Other top fund owners, as of the most recent filings, included the Alliance Premier Growth fund, the Janus Twenty, Janus Mercury and Janus Growth & Income funds, Fidelity Magellan, AXP New Dimensions Fund, Putnam Investors, Putnam Voyager and Putnam New Opportunities funds and Morgan Stanley Dividend Growth fund. Copyright: The Financial Times Limited COMMENT & ANALYSIS - Enron flickers. By SIMON LONDON and SHEILA MCNULTY. 10\/29\/2001 Financial Times (c) 2001 Financial Times Limited . All Rights Reserved COMMENT & ANALYSIS - Enron flickers - Once a paragon of the new economy, the US energy group is under scrutiny for its opaque accounting and free-wheeling management, write Simon London and Sheila McNulty. Enron has some explaining to do. For the past decade or more, the Texas-based company has basked in the admiration of investors and business school professors eager to understand its transformation from staid utility to fast-growing energy trader. Now it faces scrutiny of a more unwelcome kind. Its share price has been falling since the beginning of this year. The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating multi-million dollar deals with a private equity fund associated with its own chief financial officer, which resulted in a $1.2bn reduction in shareholders' equity. A hastily-convened conference call last week with analysts raised as many questions as it answered about these \"related-party transactions\". The departure of Andy Fastow, the aforementioned CFO, soon followed. With its credit rating under review by two leading ratings agencies, Enron has also been forced to draw down bank credit lines. Yesterday if confirmed it was trying to establish additional lines of liquidity. \"This marks the end of Enron's walk on the wild side,\" observes Curt Launer, an analyst with Credit Suisse First Boston, the investment bank. On the surface, events at Enron can be explained by the combination of deteriorating trading conditions, a complex capital structure and poor investor relations. But the root causes go back further. The entrepreneurial culture and dynamic management that fuelled Enron's growth in the 1990s appear to have also sown some of the seeds of the present crisis. Therein may lie a cautionary tale for all executives trying to sprinkle \"new economy\" magic on to old economy companies. Enron's transformation began in earnest in 1990 with the arrival of Jeffrey Skilling, who was hired from McKinsey, the management consulting firm, to develop energy trading. For the previous decade Enron had been emerging as a force in the deregulating US energy markets under the guidance of Kenneth Lay, a former deputy under-secretary of energy. Mr Lay remains chairman. But it was Mr Skilling who spearheaded the move into trading energy as well as generating and supplying it. The two sides of the business - trading and generation\/supply - have always been strange bedfellows. The former demands an entrepreneurial spirit more likely to be found on Wall Street than in a utility. Mr Skilling's answer in the early 1990s was to bring in talent from outside the company. One of his first recruits was Mr Fastow, an expert in securitisation, the repackaging of financial assets so they can be traded in financial markets. The energy trading division tried from the start to differentiate itself. A management structure was introduced with only four layers - vice-president, director, manager and associate\/ analyst - much like a consulting firm. Employees were free to take as much holiday as they liked, so long as they delivered results. As one of Mr Skilling's early recruits recalled: \"It was all about creating an atmosphere and deliberately breaking the rules.\" The seemingly free-wheeling style was based on a \"loose-tight\" management model expounded by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman, the management writers and McKinsey alumni. At Enron this meant that employees in the merchant energy business were encouraged by huge bonuses to pursue new ideas and innovate in existing markets. Up-and-coming employees moved freely between projects in pursuit of glory. Louise Kitchen, the 32-year-old British executive who was the creative force behind Enron Online, the group's internet-based trading platform, changed jobs or was promoted seven times in five years. Balancing these loose management practices were tight central control of risk, legal commitments, finance and performance evaluation\/remuneration. Mr Skilling once described the approach in this way: \"As long as you clear your deals or business ideas through those screens, you can do whatever you want around here.\" This approach did deliver growth and innovation. As well as making markets in its core energy products, Enron now trades everything from weather derivatives - which enable companies to insure themselves against unfavourable climatic conditions - to broadband telecommunications capacity and metals. The success of Enron Online allows the group to describe itself as the world's leading e-commerce company. It has also started marketing electricity to US consumers through a joint venture with International Business Machines and America Online, the internet service provider. In February this year Mr Skilling got his reward: he became chief executive of a group ranked seventh in Fortune magazine's list of the 500 most powerful US corporations - ahead of such corporate giants as IBM, AT&T, Bank of America and Boeing. In retrospect, however, this breakneck pace of growth and innovation was achieved at a price. First was the personal cost to Mr Skilling. In August he abruptly resigned after only six months in the top job. Personal, non-health related reasons were cited and investors have received no further explanation. A second cost was an enormous increase in financial complexity. In order to avoid a ballooning of assets and liabilities as the group expanded, Enron used a range of off-balance sheet vehicles to help finance expansion. LJM, the private equity fund in which Mr Fastow played a role, is just one of a cast of characters to be found in the footnotes to Enron's accounts. Other financing vehicles include Osprey, Marlin, Whitewing, Atlantic Water Trust and Azurix. \"They went after too many things too quickly,\" says Stephen Moore of Moody's Investors Service, the credit ratings agency. A third cost, associated with the last, was a loss of financial transparency. The group's extensive use of swaps, options and other derivative financial instruments in its merchant energy business means that investors have little idea of how Enron actually makes its money - or the underlying risks to which it is exposed. David Fleischer, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, summed up the views of many investors during last week's conference call. He told the group's management: \"The company's credibility is being severely questioned and there is a need for much more disclosure. There is an appearance that you are hiding something or that there is something going on beneath the surface that may be questionable.\" The fourth cost was a loss of strategic focus. \"The problems, in our view, stem from Enron venturing too aggressively in areas outside of its core skills,\" argues Raymond Niles, analyst at Salomon Smith Barney. \"Power plants in India, water companies, extension of their franchise to the mass retail market, and using a fibre-optic network to deliver content over the internet are all unrelated, or only tangentially related, to their core merchant energy business.\" Enron executives also appeared to get carried away with the prospects for some of these ventures. This time last year Mr Skilling was arguing that Enron Broadband was a business worth $35bn ( #24bn) in its own right. This helped push the share price to all-time highs - and storing up trouble when trading volumes failed to materialise. \"They over-promised on the new business they created,\" says Chris Bartlett, a professor at Harvard Business School and long-time watcher of the company. \"Enron was trying to ride the dotcom bubble with Enron Online and the broadband business. To some extent they are now paying the price.\" Will Enron weather the storm? Notwithstanding the risk of further out-of-the-blue financial shocks, most analysts believe that it will. The merchant energy business remains powerful and profitable. Mr Niles at Salomon Smith Barney points out that this side of the group drives more than 80 per cent of earnings and has shown consistent 30-40 per cent annual growth over the past three years. Assets totalling more than $4bn were also earmarked for disposal before the current crisis erupted, underlining that there is plenty of realisable value within the group's portfolio of physical energy assets. And yet the doubts remain. It is, ultimately, a question of confidence and credibility. Investors suspect that the balance between loose and tight management methods has tilted too far towards the former. Mr Lay and his team will have to tighten up. (c) Copyright Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FRONT PAGE - COMPANIES & MARKETS - Enron asks banks for additional credit. By SHEILA MCNULTY and GARY SILVERMAN. 10\/29\/2001 Financial Times (c) 2001 Financial Times Limited . All Rights Reserved Enron, the troubled US energy group, was attempting yesterday to persuade banks to provide additional credit to bolster its position after a sharp fall in its share price. The Houston-based company was also due last night to hold a special board meeting to consider confidence-building measures after surprise financial disclosures damaged its reputation among US investors. Last week the company raised $3.3bn (Euros 3.7bn) in cash to bolster its financial position but Enron admitted yesterday that it was still looking for additional finance. The company insisted, however, that it was in good financial health and that its core energy trading business remained strong. Mark Palmer, an Enron spokesman, said he hoped the company would have something to announce in coming days from its latest effort to \"establish additional lines of liquidity\". \"Once we are able to get the liquidity position shored up, that will put a lot of fears of the unknown to rest,\" Mr Palmer said. The company's problems have become public since an announcement on October 16 that it would take a $1.01bn special charge and write down shareholders' equity by another $1.2bn. The moves followed losses arising from a private equity operation run by Andrew Fastow, its former chief financial officer, who was forced to take a leave of absence last week. Enron's share price has fallen more than 50 per cent since the October 16 announcement and its bonds have been trading at levels that are technically \"junk\" status, though its official ratings are still investment grade. \"Our concern is that a reduction in the debt rating could impair their ability to operate their trading and marketing operations,\" said Raymond Niles of Salomon Smith Barney. \"These activities require at least an investment grade credit rating, or Enron could be subject to an increase in margin requirements.\" The controversy over Enron's balance sheet adjustment has resulted in a request for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Enron flickers, Page 22. (c) Copyright Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron Seeks Further Credit to Reassure Investors, WSJ Says 2001-10-29 04:30 (New York) Houston, Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp., the largest energy trader, asked banks to provide a further credit line of as much as $2 billion in a bid to restore investor confidence in the company, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified officials close to negotiations. The new credit line is additional to the $3.3 billion credit line it tapped last week, the paper said, and should be completed within days. Investors have shunned the company since Oct. 16 when Enron reported a third quarter loss of $618 million and wrote down shareholders' equity by another $1.2 billion, the Journal said. The stock has fallen by 54 percent since the announcement. The company's shares were further dented after an investor sued Enron last month, saying dealings with two partnerships run by former Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, cost the company $35 million. The suit also called Fastow's leadership of the partnerships, set up to cut Enron's debt, a conflict of interest. USA: REPEAT-Electric cowboys get roped in at the energy corral. By Janet McGurty 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Last year, Enron Corp. was a darling of investors and analysts, but the freewheeling trader of electricity and natural gas now faces a credibility crisis due to a lack of transparency in its business dealings. Enron, trying to shake investor jitters over a possible downgrade of its credit worthiness and their unease over the company's complex financial transactions, has seen its shares shed more than half their market value in the past week. But the largest natural gas and electricity marketer in the United States is not alone in getting its wings clipped as energy prices come down and the market volatility that drove earnings last year eases. While Enron's problems differ from more traditional utilities, many other power producers are returning to their roots. They are scrapping plans for splitting operations and questioning whether more risky overseas operations can be supported by lower prices brought on by a slowing economy. Paul Patterson, an energy analyst with ABN Amro, said there are common themes affecting the industry. \"One is lower power prices and the margins that are associated with them. And two is lower stock prices and the ability to finance more asset driven growth,\" Patterson said. As earnings fall and forward earnings guidance is revised downward, some power companies are seeking strategies to address the bleaker environment. And plans to spin off units have been postponed or called off. Shares of Enron slid $1.05, or 6.4 percent, to $15.30 in afternoon trade on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday. THE WORLD HAS CHANGED AES Corp. , a global power producer whose earnings fell for a second consecutive quarter on a poor showing from operations in Brazil and Britain, said Thursday it would revamp its organization and did not rule out selling off assets. \"It's a different place,\" AES' chief executive officer Dennis Bakke said of the business climate facing utilities today compared with last year's powerful growth. On Friday, Constellation Energy Group , parent company of Baltimore Gas & Electric, scrapped plans to split its power generation and trading operations into two company because of economic changes. Constellation also hired a new chief executive and severed ties with Goldman Sachs, which planned to make an equity investment in the company. \"The utility industry and energy markets, and indeed the entire U.S. economy, have changed considerably in the past year. As a combined company, we will be better positioned to seize opportunities to grow and deliver,\" said Christian Poindexter, Constellation's chairman. RETURN TO TRADITIONAL VALUES Bakke said one prong of AES's brave, new world scenario was a renewed emphasis on the traditionally profitable, long-term contract generation business. It makes sense for power generating companies to sign about 75 percent to 80 percent of their generating capacity into long-term contracts because it provides stability and a level of profitability in a period of flat growth, according to Gordon Howald, energy analyst with Credit Lyonnaise. \"Calpine does it already,\" he said, referring to the California-based independent power producer that has the lion's share of the power it generates contracted out. \"What drove the valuations in all these companies last year was that power markets were very inefficient. Physical reserve margins were low. But with flat to down demand in 2001 - as it appears to be the case - there is very little to lead us to believe that power prices will be anywhere near that level,\" he added. Howald said with all the new generation coming on, natural gas prices should remain high but power prices should come down further, squeezing spark spreads, or profit margins, for solely gas fired companies. SMALLER COMPANIES ALSO RETHINK STRATEGIES As lower power prices impact earnings, many power companies are turning back to U.S. markets to try to maximize their bottom line. \"Earnings for the quarter is not the big deal. The big deal is that for 2002 they are not going to earn as much as people expected. It's a downward revision of earnings guidance.\" said Patterson. Michigan-based CMS Energy Corp. cut its earnings estimates for the second time to $2 to $2.05 for 2002, down from $2.79 and said it would sell off certain overseas assets and focus future growth primarily in North America. CMS, whose earnings were down for the third quarter, said it took a charge for planned divestitures, includingdiscontinued South American energy distribution units as well as other international investments. Allegheny Energy Inc. also changed its strategy after reporting a fall in third quarter earnings. The Maryland-based company said while it is continuing to work towards getting necessary regulatory approvals for a initial public offering to hold its unregulated assets, it will not proceed with the offering at this time. \"The company will integrated until market conditions are such that demonstrated value can and will be created for shareholders,\" Allegheny said. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron seeks new credit line; reportedly for 1-2 bln usd 10\/29\/2001 AFX (AP) Copyright 2001 AFX News; Source: World Reporter (TM) NEW YORK (AFX) - Enron Corp is negotiating with banks for a new credit line, a spokesman told the Wall Street Journal. The company is in talks to raise between 1-2 bln usd and is likely to close a deal within days, it quoted officials familiar with the matter as saying. The deal, which is intended to head off a potential loss of investor and business confidence, would supplement existing lines. These are largely tapped out after Enron last week drew down about 3 bln usd to increase cash reserves and calm market fears. Enron earlier this month announced a heavy third quarter loss and erosion of shareholder equity related to controversial transactions it had done with entities connected to its then chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow. jms For more information and to contact AFX: www.afxnews.com and www.afxpress.com Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Markets Enron Said Seeking New Credit Lines BY LAURA MANDARO and ALISSA SCHMELKIN 10\/29\/2001 American Banker 31 Copyright (c) 2001 Thomson Financial, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Texas energy and telecommunications giant Enron Corp. was reportedly negotiating with its lenders about new credit lines Friday, a day after it drew down billions on its existing lines. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. are the two banking companies with the largest lending exposure to the $67 billion-asset Houston company, with an estimated $400 to $500 million in bank debt outstanding \"in addition to derivatives and other structured product exposures,\" according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analyst Lori Applebaum. Morgan Chase and Citi were the book runners on a 364-day, $2.25 billion loan facility to Enron that closed in May, according to Thomson Financial Securities Data. Credit Suisse First Boston was the sole bookrunner on a $582 million loan to the company that closed in March and matures in March 2004, the data company said. Bank of America, Citigroup, and Deutsche Bank also participated, Securities Data said. On Thursday, Enron issued a statement that \"in order to dispel uncertainty in the financial community,\" it had drawn on its committed lines of credit to provide over $1 billion of cash liquidity. The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Enron drew down about $3 billion from a credit line and was in talks about obtaining a new multibillion-dollar line. \"We continue to have conversations new our creditors about new liquidity -- that's nothing out of the ordinary,\" said Enron spokesman Eric Thode. The developments followed a $638 million loss for the third quarter, the departure of Enron's chief financial officer, and a Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry. Enron, a natural gas company that has broadened its focus to include energy trading, transport, risk-management, and telecommunications products and services, has relationships with banks that extend beyond credit lines. \"Citi, J.P. Morgan, and possibly Wachovia and Bank of America also invested along with Enron in some of its partnerships,\" said Ms. Applebaum. A spokesman for Morgan Chase confirmed that the bank was a lender but said he did not know the amount of its exposure. Many other regional banks have participated in credit facilities to Enron. Bank of America Corp. is estimated to have about $200 million to $300 million of exposure; Bank One Corp. about $100 million; and Wachovia Corp., SunTrust Banks Inc., and FleetBoston Financial Corp. about $50 million each, according to Goldman Sachs estimates. Bank of New York has between $50 to $100 million of exposure, and Northern Trust, U.S. Bancorp and KeyCorp also have some lending exposure, Ms. Applebaum said. Representatives of these banks would not comment on their relationships with Enron, or did not return phone calls by deadline. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Enron in talks for $1-2 bln credit line - WSJ. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. NEW YORK, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Energy trading giant Enron Corp. is negotiating with banks for a new credit line of between $1 billion and $2 billion and could close a deal within days, the Wall Street Journal reported in its online edition on Monday. According to officials close to the situation, the new credit would supplement existing credit lines, largely tapped out after the company drew down about $3 billion last week to increase cash reserves and calm jittery investors' fears, the Journal reported. The paper said that an Enron spokesman had confirmed that the company is negotiating a new credit line, but could not supply any further details. Confidence in Enron has been shattered following disclosures about its involvement in complex partnerships. Its stock has tumbled amid a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into the company's ousted Chief Financial Officer's links to some of the partnerships. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. JAPAN: Japan's Teijin, Enron study coal-fired power plant. 10\/29\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. TOKYO, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Japan's major polyester manufacturer, Teijin Ltd , said on Monday it would conduct a feasibility study with U.S. energy giant Enron Corp on building a coal-fired power plant. Teijin said in a statement that it and E Power Corp, a Japanese affiliate of Enron Corp, would look into building the 70,000 kilowatt coal-burning thermal power plant in Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture, on the southwestern island of Shikoku, where Teijin has a polyester plant. \"We are beginning to consider selling surplus power to third parties other than our own plants, with eyes on further deregulation in Japan's power market,\" a Teijin spokesman said. Japan is in the process of deregulating its power market. Since March last year, large-lot consumers have been free to choose their suppliers. In its polyester business, Teijin has expanded overseas output while reducing domestic production, a trend which would leave it with surplus power. It is thus looking at how to make good use of any surplus. The two firms were also considering expanding the capacity of Teijin's existing power generator in Matsuyama, Teijin said. It hopes to reduce costs at the inefficient small plant with the help of Enron. Enron Corp said earlier this year it had presented plans to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) fired power plant in northern Japan, aiming to become the first foreign company to build such a power plant in Japan. The Teijin spokesman said the two firms hoped to conclude the feasibility study by June 2002. Teijin's shares ended the day down 13 yen or 2.68 percent at 472 yen. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron, Teijin to Build Power Plant in Japan, Report Says 2001-10-28 23:39 (New York) Tokyo, Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp. and Teijin Ltd. will jointly build a coal-fired power plant in southwestern Japan as early as 2004, the Nihon Keizai newspaper said on its wire service, without citing sources. Enron, the world's biggest energy trader, and synthetic- fiber maker Teijin will together spend 1 billion yen ($8.16 million) to build the 70,000-kilowatt plant in Ehime, southwest of Tokyo, the report said. Enron wants to eventually build bigger plants and sell electricity directly to large commercial users without going through exiting utilities, the report said. Money and Business\/Financial Desk; Section 3 Once-Mighty Enron Strains Under Scrutiny By ALEX BERENSON and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. 10\/28\/2001 The New York Times Page 1, Column 2 c. 2001 New York Times Company IS time running out for Enron? At the beginning of this year, the Enron Corporation, the world's dominant energy trader, appeared unstoppable. The company's decade-long effort to persuade lawmakers to deregulate electricity markets had succeeded from California to New York. Its ties to the Bush administration assured that its views would be heard in Washington. Its sales, profits and stock were soaring. And under the leadership of Jeffrey K. Skilling, its chief executive, Enron's arrogance had grown even more quickly. The company, based in Houston, dripped contempt for the regulators and consumer groups that stood between it and fully deregulated markets -- for electricity, water and everything else. Everyone would win under deregulation, Enron said -- especially its shareholders, whose stock would soar as the company profited from creating new markets. ''We are on the side of angels,'' Mr. Skilling said in March, dismissing those who saw the company as a profiteer in California's energy crisis. ''People want to have open, competitive markets. They want fair competition. It's the American way.'' But less than a year later, everybody seems to have lost, especially Enron's investors. Enron's stock is plunging, and questions about its finances are mounting. Some experts in the energy industry worry that if the crisis at the company worsens, trading in natural gas and electricity could be seriously disrupted and energy prices could grow more volatile. In a worst-case outlook, Enron could become the 2001 version of Long-Term Capital Management, the huge hedge fund whose collapse roiled financial markets during the fall of 1998. Enron's shares have fallen more than 80 percent this year, erasing $50 billion in shareholder value. Enron closed on Friday at $15.40, down 95 cents, after hitting a 52-week low of $15.04 earlier in the day. The future of electricity deregulation is in doubt, thanks to blackouts and soaring power prices in California earlier this year -- a crisis that ended only when that state contradicted deregulation's basic tenets by intervening deeply in the power market. Enron's efforts to become a profit-making water supplier and to create a new market in broadband communications capacity have been expensive failures. In August, Mr. Skilling quit, forcing Kenneth L. Lay, his predecessor as chief executive and still Enron's chairman, to resume day-to-day control of the company. The company declined to make senior executives, including Mr. Lay, available for comment, and asked that questions be submitted in writing. Mr. Skilling could not be reached. Enron's problems boiled over earlier this month, when it disclosed that its shareholders' equity, a measure of the company's value, dropped by $1.2 billion in the last quarter because of a deal disclosed only very hazily in Enron's regular financial statements. The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into the company's financial reporting, and some investors question whether Enron has overstated profits at its primary business of trading electricity and natural gas. THE slump in the company's shares accelerated after Enron revealed the fall in its shareholders' equity. On Wednesday, the company forced out its chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow, who is at the center of the controversy over Enron's confusing finances. The company, which six months ago seemed to be reaping billions of dollars from California's energy crisis, today faces a potential cash crunch. The surprise about shareholder equity inflamed investors' smoldering concern about Enron's opaque financial statements. Now, with Wall Street analysts and bond-rating agencies demanding more information about the complex transactions that have fueled the company's profits, Enron has been reduced to issuing news releases assuring investors that it has adequate access to cash. Enron does not appear to be in immediate danger of running out of cash. On Thursday, the company drew down a $3.3 billion credit line it had previously arranged with a group of banks led by Citigroup and J. P. Morgan Chase, which have each extended at least $400 million. But because of Enron's importance in the natural gas and electricity markets, industry experts say that any problem at the company could disrupt energy trading nationwide. The supply of natural gas and electricity would probably not be affected even if the company failed, because Enron is mainly a trader, rather than a producer, of energy. But a crisis at the company might increase the volatility of energy prices, which have swung wildly in the last year. Philip K. Verleger Jr., an energy-markets economist, emphasized that he thought Enron would survive this crisis. But he said it was not clear what would happen if Enron ran out of cash or if traders that use the company's EnronOnline Internet trading marketplace defaulted on their obligations. ''You suddenly have all these positions they have taken on there -- are they good? Are the firm's hedges good? What's the situation?'' Mr. Verleger said. ''It's got everyone scared.'' In the short run, Enron's credit rating may be its biggest problem. If the company's rating falls below investment grade, Enron could be forced to issue tens of millions of shares of stock to cover loans that it has guaranteed. But creating new shares would make the shares that already exist less valuable, because those shares would no longer represent full ownership of the company. A drop in the company's credit rating could also prompt other energy traders and producers to back away from doing business with Enron, hurting the company's sales and profits. Enron's credit rating stands several notches above the critical point. But its bonds, which are publicly traded, have fallen so low that they are now offering interest rates of almost 10 percent, comparable with many junk bonds. Two of the three major credit-rating agencies, Moody's Investors Service and Fitch Investors Service, have put Enron's bonds on review for possible downgrades. ''The issue that's in the front of everybody's mind right now is credit,'' said Mark Gurley, senior vice president and general manager for trading at Aquila Inc., one of the nation's largest energy traders. Aquila is based in Kansas City, Mo. For now, Aquila and other major energy traders and producers, including Reliant Energy, the El Paso Corporation and Dynegy, are continuing to do business with Enron. And Mr. Gurley said that Enron's own trading in the electricity and natural gas markets did not suggest the sort of frenzied selling reminiscent of the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management in 1998. ''They haven't done anything trading-wise that gives me any indication they are closing their books down,'' he said. Still, some executives at other companies said they were looking more carefully at transactions with Enron, especially long-term contracts. They also said risk-management and credit officers were calling each other regularly to discuss the situation. Mark Palmer, an Enron spokesman, said on Friday that no energy-trading company had stopped doing business with Enron. He declined to say whether any of the company's trading partners had suspended or altered credit terms. He said the company was continuing to see normal volumes of business. But the crisis that Enron will face if its credit rating is downgraded is just a symptom of the bigger problem the company must confront. For years, the details of Enron's finances have been a mystery even to the Wall Street analysts whose job it is to follow the company, and to the investors who own its stock and bonds. When Enron's profits were soaring and it was creating lucrative new markets, shareholders did not seem to care about the impenetrability of its financial statements. Now they do. Yet the company seems incapable of offering straight answers to the questions investors ask. To others in the industry, the opaqueness of the company's financial statements parallels Enron's efforts to keep its energy-trading business lightly regulated and free of disclosure requirements. Though they do not expect Enron to crumble like Long-Term Capital Management, they say that, like the giant hedge fund, Enron uses a lot of debt, regulatory oversight is limited and outsiders have a difficult time figuring out its finances. The most pressing concerns are a series of partnerships and trusts Enron created to move some of its assets and debt off its balance sheet. With names like Marlin and Osprey, the partnerships have at least $3.3 billion in bonds outstanding, backed by assets like a stake in Azurix, Enron's water company subsidiary. Enron has promised that if the partnerships' debts exceed the value of their assets, Enron will issue enough new shares to make up the difference. DEALS with partnerships formed by Mr. Fastow, who was chief financial officer when they were organized, led to the $1.2 billion write-off in shareholders' equity that Enron announced last week. The company has offered only skimpy details of its transactions with those partnerships. Enron ended its relationships with those partnerships in the last quarter, after being criticized by shareholders. In the process, it wrote off a promissory note that it had carried on its books, reducing its shareholders' equity by $1.2 billion. But, because of complex accounting rules, the transaction was not apparent in Enron's quarterly earnings report. The transaction disturbs investors because it suggests that Enron may have found a way to hide losses, throwing the accuracy of its financial statements into question. When Enron released third-quarter earnings on Oct. 16, it reported a loss from $1 billion in write-offs on failed investments. The earnings statement did not mention the additional $1.2 billion equity write-down. But the company said its core business had been solidly profitable, and its shares rose. In a conference call with analysts after the announcement, Mr. Lay, Enron's chairman, also disclosed the reduction in shareholder equity. The reference was a brief one, however, and some listeners did not catch it. Those analysts were angered when they found out the next day what Enron had done, and many were confused by the accounting procedure. Enron's stock began to slide, and investors clamored for more information about the write-off. But so far, the company's efforts to clear up the situation have further unnerved investors. Mr. Lay has met with investors during the last two weeks to try to explain the deals, but some on Wall Street say they have come away with doubts about Mr. Lay's grasp of the situation. They say that the two people at Enron who appear to have been most knowledgeable about the deals -- Mr. Skilling and Mr. Fastow -- have both left the company. In an interview in late August, Mr. Lay said he did not know some details about the deals involving Mr. Fastow. In response to one question about them, he said, ''You're getting way over my head.'' Mr. Palmer of Enron disputed any suggestion that Mr. Lay did not have a grasp of the investments at issue, saying Mr. Lay was handicapped in talking about them because of the S.E.C. investigation. ''There is not a whole lot we can say, or should say, about them,'' Mr. Palmer said. He also said the company expected to generate about $3 billion in cash through asset sales by the end of next year. In a conference call on Tuesday, analysts pressed Mr. Lay and other top Enron executives to reveal more information about the LJM write-down and its other partnerships. Instead, they offered only vague explanations of the deal, leaving Wall Street worried that more write-offs might be coming. David Fleischer, a Goldman, Sachs analyst and a longtime supporter of the company, was among those who came away concerned. ''If Enron is unable to clarify its off-balance-sheet transactions and restore confidence in the very near term by assuring investors that no more surprises are forthcoming that would affect the balance sheet or liquidity position, then the company will likely lose access to the capital markets,'' he wrote in a research note after the call. To try to reassure investors, Enron said late Thursday that EnronOnline, its Internet-based trading exchange, executed more than 8,400 trades that day, a higher-than-normal volume. ''We know we have our work cut out for us if we are to rebuild our credibility with the investment community -- and we're working on that,'' Mr. Lay said in a statement. ''But in the meantime, the best evidence of our strength is the willingness of customers to bring their business to Enron.'' But those reassurances apparently are no longer enough for Wall Street. Enron's stock tumbled almost 6 percent Friday, to its lowest levels in six years. Now analysts are scrambling to figure out the extent of Enron's off-balance-sheet debt and to assess the risk that the company will have to issue new shares to make good on its partnership guarantees. Carol Coale, an analyst at Prudential Securities in Houston, calculates that Enron may have close to $9 billion in off-balance-sheet debt. She said that Enron had for two years been trying to sell about $6 billion in foreign assets -- including properties in Latin America and a power plant in India embroiled in a dispute with the state government -- and she worries about those prospects for sale in light of Enron's problems and the souring economy. ''As Enron is forced to sell assets to keep the ratings agencies off their backs, they may have to write those assets down,'' Ms. Coale said. On Wednesday, she downgraded her rating on Enron to ''sell'' from ''neutral.'' ''The bottom line is, it's really difficult to recommend an investment when management does not disclose the facts,'' Ms. Coale said. Short-sellers, who attacked Enron's accounting even before the company disclosed the write-off, say the company's problems may run even deeper than analysts fear. Enron may have used the partnerships not just to finance money-losing investments but to hide losses in its core trading business, they say. ''The company still isn't disclosing enough to know whether the core business, the trading business, is profitable,'' said Mark Roberts, director of research at Off Wall Street, which recommended shorting Enron's stock on May 7, when it stood at $59.43. ''The issue remains: why are they doing these transactions? Our theory has been that the core operations aren't that profitable.'' James Chanos, a leading short-seller who has bet that Enron's stock will fall, said, ''Is Enron booking gains when it has real profits, but hiding the losses when deals go against it?'' Mr. Palmer of Enron said the company stood by its reported energy-trading profits. Even traders at other energy companies say they do not have a clear picture of Enron's positions. Enron maintains that it is in no danger of being wiped out by a sharp move in electricity or gas prices because it keeps its trading book balanced -- meaning the energy it has agreed to sell is offset, in roughly equivalent amounts, by energy it has agreed to buy. ''With these guys, they tell us -- and all you've got is their word -- that they're hedged,'' said Mr. Verleger, the economist. IN fact, Enron has lobbied forcefully over the years to limit regulation and disclosure of its trading operations. Last year, the company successfully lobbied Congress to effectively ensure that its Internet-trading platform would be exempted from regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Enron and other power traders do file limited information in reports to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the agency that oversees wholesale electricity and natural gas markets. But the commission does not keep track of specific transactions and prices. Large-scale energy trading has existed for only about a half-dozen years. Enron pioneered the business, and now dominates it, accounting for about one-quarter of all trading in the United States. Before Congress and federal regulators opened up the market for wholesale electricity, a process that began in earnest a decade ago, the power business was a simpler affair. Utilities were given areas of monopoly service, and their rates -- and ability to deliver enough electricity -- were overseen by state regulators. But with the move to deregulate the business, independent and unregulated generators and traders have flourished, providing an ever-growing portion of the nation's power. Beginning in the 1980's, the sale and transportation of natural gas was also deregulated, spurring Enron, which used to be primarily a gas-pipeline company, to move into the trading business. The company's shift to trading gas and electricity accelerated in the mid-1990's, with the ascension of Mr. Skilling, who became chief executive in February, just six months before his unexpected resignation. Underscoring the change in direction, in securities filings this year Enron described its principal business as ''security brokers, dealers and flotation.'' Before, it had said it was in the business of ''wholesale-petroleum and petroleum products.'' For most of its ascent, Enron reported outstanding profit figures and Wall Street accepted them with pleasure. A year ago, when it disclosed the first transactions with partnerships led by Mr. Fastow, the company's former chief financial officer, analysts who asked questions were told that the deals were routine and were being disclosed only because of Mr. Fastow's involvement. Enron does not appear to face an immediate cash crunch. But the bank credit lines that it drew on last week to pay off its short-term debt will have to be renegotiated next spring. The controversial partnerships do not have to pay their debts until the following year -- unless Enron loses its investment-grade credit rating before that. ENRON will also need to maintain its large trading positions, which could suffer if participants in those markets grow more nervous about Enron's credit. When Long-Term Capital was stumbling in 1998, some Wall Street rivals sold the securities they thought Long-Term owned, trying to force Long-Term to sell its positions quickly and at a loss. Something similar in energy markets might be possible. If so, Enron might find, as Long-Term did, that positions that should offset each other do not. Enron's new chief financial officer may yet persuade investors that in fact the company's profits are real, and that its condition is better than the short-sellers believe. As questions are answered, confidence, and the share price, could rebound. But for now, investors are skittish, and some competitors are eager to take advantage of Enron's plight. Photos: Enron, which is building a new headquarters in Houston, grew with deregulation. But with deregulation in doubt, Enron stock has dropped. (Phillippe Diederich for The New York Times); Enron owns 65 percent of the power plant in Dabhol, India, but has had trouble collecting payments. (The New York Times)(pg. 13); 'We know we have our work cut out for us,' says Kenneth L. Lay, Enron's chief. (WGBH\/''Frontline'')(pg. 1) Chart: ''Enron's Board'' Directors have not addressed the company's current difficulties, a spokesman said. KENNETH L. LAY: 58 Chairman JOHN H. DUNCAN: 73 Former chairman of the executive committee, Gulf and Western Industries ROBERT A. BELFER: 65 Chairman, Belco Oil & Gas CHARLES A. LEMAISTRE: 77 President emeritus, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas ROBERT K. JAEDICKE: 72 Professor emeritus, Graduate School of Business, Stanford RONNIE C. CHAN: 51 Chairman, Hang Lung Group WENDY L. GRAMM: 56 Director, Mercatus Center, George Mason University JOHN MENDELSOHN: 64 President, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas PAULO V. FERRAZ PEREIRA: 46 Executive vice president, Group Bozano JOHN WAKEHAM: 68 Former British Secretary of State for Energy NORMAN P. BLAKE JR.: 59 Chief executive, Comdisco KEN L. HARRISON: 58 Former chief executive, Portland General Electric (FORMER ENRON EMPLOYEE) JEROME J. MEYER: 63 Chairman, Tektronix FRANK SAVAGE: 62 Chairman, Alliance Capital Management International JOHN A. URQUHART: 72 Adviser to the chairman, Enron HERBERT S. WINOKUR JR.: 57 President of Winokur Holdings (FORMER ENRON EMPLOYEE) (pg. 13) Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Money and Business\/Financial Desk; Section 3 Plumbing Mystery Of Deals By Enron By FLOYD NORRIS 10\/28\/2001 The New York Times Page 13, Column 6 c. 2001 New York Times Company AT the heart of the sudden collapse in investor confidence in the Enron Corporation are unusual trades it entered into with partnerships led by its chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow, beginning in the summer of 1999. Because they were transactions among related parties, the company was required to disclose them, but the disclosures raised as many questions as they answered. Following are some questions that investors are asking, and the currently available answers. Q. Why did Enron enter into the deals? A. Enron's first disclosures, in 1999, gave no reason. In later reports, it said it was seeking to ''hedge certain merchant investments and other assets,'' by which it apparently meant investments in technology and telecommunications companies. Q. How did those investments do? A. It looks as if they plunged in value, although there is no clear disclosure on that. Q. Why can't that be discerned? A. The company never said just what the investments were. And the transactions with the partnerships were complicated, involving a variety of derivative securities, Enron stock and various promissory notes. Enron's financial disclosures do not provide enough information to understand the arrangements completely. Q. Why were they so complicated? A. One reason may have been to use accounting rules to its advantage. One accounting rule dictates that companies may not record profits or losses on transactions in their own stock. If a company sells its shares at $10 each and then buys them back -- whether for $1 or $50 -- there is no gain or loss. But shareholder equity does go up or down on the balance sheet -- in that case reflecting how much extra cash the company took in, or paid out, on the transactions. Enron's transactions appear to have been structured to fall under that rule. Q. Who made money from these transactions? A. Enron reported some profits along the way from the deals, although not all of the profits were spelled out in its quarterly filings. And it appears that the partnerships distributed money to investors. Q. If the deals began in 1999, why all the uproar now? A. Many investors and analysts were not curious about them when everything seemed to be going well. As long as Enron was exceeding its forecasted profits each quarter, they were willing to assume that what was not being disclosed was not really important. Q. When were concerns raised with Enron? A. The complaints grew as Enron's share price fell earlier this year. By this summer, Enron decided that Mr. Fastow would sell his stake in the partnerships. Then, because the partnerships would no longer be considered related to Enron, the company would no longer have to disclose anything about the transactions. But investors were still worried, and Enron later closed out its deals with the partnerships. Q. How did Enron do? A. Badly. It took a $35 million loss, which, given the size of the transactions involved and the previous profits taken, was not very much. But it also reduced shareholder equity by $1.2 billion. Q. How did that happen? A. That, like so much else, is not clear. But it looks as if the partnership owed Enron that much money, could not pay and was let off the hook by Enron. In return, Enron terminated ''previously recorded contractual obligations to deliver Enron shares in future periods.'' Enron treated that like a share buyback, even though the shares in question had not been issued, and determined that there was no need to treat it as a loss that would reduce reported earnings. Q. Is that legal under the accounting rules? A. Presumably it is. But Enron's limited disclosures make it impossible to say for sure. Enron may have discovered ways to use the accounting rules to enable it to keep losses off income statements, while leaving profits on them. That may become clearer when the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has begun preliminary inquiries, completes its work. FLOYD NORRIS Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Money and Business\/Financial Desk; Section 3 DataBank Investors Seem to Ignore Discouraging News By MICHAEL BRICK 10\/28\/2001 The New York Times Page 17, Column 3 c. 2001 New York Times Company Investors sent stocks markedly higher last week, despite reports on the economy and corporate profits that were resoundingly poor. The Dow Jones industrial average, strengthened by triple-digit rallies on Monday and Thursday, ended the week nearly back to its level of Sept. 10, one day before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Broader indicators ended slightly higher than they were on Sept. 10. Investors overcame their initial discouragement about reports that orders for durable goods and sales of existing homes were deteriorating faster than expected. They also seemed unfazed by reports of corporate profits declining from a year ago, at some companies by more than 30 percent. All the bad news, investors seemed to surmise, meant that the government was more likely to act aggressively in stimulating the economy, with tax breaks, spending and lower interest rates. The Dow average gained 341.06, or 3.7 percent, to close at 9,545.17. The Nasdaq composite index rose 97.65 points, or 5.8 percent, to 1,768.96. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index rose 31.13, or 2.9 percent, to 1,104.61. MICHAEL BRICK Charts: ''STOCKS IN THE NEWS'' Enron NYSE: ENE The energy trading company ousted its chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow, whose involvement in complicated transactions with Enron caught the attention of the S.E.C. Friday's Close: $15.40 Week's Change: -40.88% EST. '01 P\/E: 8.52 SBC Communications NYSE: SBC The company posted a 30 percent decline in earnings and said it would cut thousands of jobs because of the weak economy and strong competition. Friday's Close: $39.20 Week's Change: -10.17% EST. '01 P\/E: 16.82 Walt Disney NYSE: DIS After trimming $100 million from the price, Disney completed its purchase of the Fox Family Worldwide cable television operation. The deal included $2.9 billion in cash and $2.3 billion in assumed debt. Friday's Close: $18.71 Week's Change: +1.19% EST. '01 P\/E: 25.28 Microsoft NNM: MSFT Microsoft introduced its computer operating system, Windows XP, the latest version of its flagship product. Friday's Close: $62.20 Week's Change: +7.43% EST. '01 P\/E: 33.88 Vysis NNM: VYSI The drug maker Abbott Laboratories has agreed to acquire Vysis, a laboratory products maker, in a stock deal worth about $355 million. Friday's Close: $30.25 Week's Change: +47.13% EST. '01 P\/E: -- WorldCom NNM: WCOM The long-distance telephone company posted a 44 percent drop in its third-quarter profit and warned that sales growth in its core data and Internet business would slow in the final quarter and in 2002. Friday's Close: $13.38 Week's Change: +1.59% EST. '01 P\/E: 12.15 Affymetrix NNM: AFFX Affymetrix settled a patent lawsuit over DNA analysis technologies with a rival, Hyseq, and the companies plan to form a joint venture. Friday's Close: $31.70 Week's Change: +72.66% EST. '01 P\/E: -- Overture Services NNM: OVER The Internet search service, formerly called GoTo.com, reported a profit in the third quarter and higher sales, as its pay-per-listing service remained popular with advertisers. Friday's Close: $25.50 Week's Change: +32.88% EST. '01 P\/E: -- (Source: Bloomberg Financial Markets) Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron Asks Banks for More Credit After Stock Slide, FT Reports 2001-10-28 20:20 (New York) Houston, Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp., the largest energy trader, asked banks to provide further credit after tapping a $3.3 billion credit line last week to bolster investor confidence, the Financial Times reported, citing company sources. Enron's stock has fallen more than 50 percent since Oct. 17 when an investor sued the company for conflict of interest over transactions with affiliates run by Enron's former Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow. The company has been shut out of the leading market for low- interest, short-term loans since announcing Oct. 16 it would take a $1.01 billion special charge and write down shareholders' equity by another $1.2 billion, the FT said. Enron spokesman Mark Palmer said he hoped the company would announce the new financing facility in coming days, the newspaper said. Enron Asks Banks For Additional Credit -FT 10\/28\/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Enron Corp. (ENE) is attempting to persuade banks to provide additional credit, The Financial Times reported on its Web site Sunday. The company was also due to hold a special board meeting Sunday to consider confidence-building measures after surprise financial disclosures damaged its reputation among U.S. investors, The Financial Times reported. The Financial Times quoted Enron spokesman Mark Palmer as saying he hoped the company could have something to announce in coming days as a result of its latest effort to \"establish additional lines of liquidity.\" \"Once we are able to the liquidity position shored up, that will put a lot of fears of the unknown to rest,\" The Financial Times quoted Palmer as saying. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business; Financial Desk Week in Review TOP STORIES OCT. 22-26 Lockheed Edges Out Boeing for Contract Abigail Goldman; Joseph Menn; Jesus Sanchez; Jeff Leeds; Chuck Philips; Meg James; Nancy Rivera Brooks; Evelyn Iritani; James F. Peltz; Myron Levin; Peter Pae 10\/28\/2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition C-2 Copyright 2001 \/ The Times Mirror Company The vote is in. Lockheed Martin Corp. won the coveted right to build the nation's next-generation fighter aircraft, beating out Boeing Co. for what could be the biggest military contract ever. Culminating a five-year battle between two of the world's largest defense contractors, Pentagon officials picked Lockheed Martin to begin development of the Joint Strike Fighter, with plans to purchase 3,000 of the planes at a cost of more than $200 billion. With the potential for foreign sales topping another $200 billion, the contract is considered the most lucrative in U.S. history. \"This really is the contract of the millennium,\" said Christopher Hellman, analyst with the Center for Defense Information. \"Nothing has or will come close. \" Peter Pae Ford Settles Lawsuit Over Faulty Part In the largest automotive class-action settlement in history, Ford Motor Co. will reimburse customers who paid hundreds of millions of dollars to replace a faulty part that caused their vehicles to stall. It was uncertain how many consumers would qualify for reimbursements in the range of $160 apiece. The settlement caps six years of litigation. Plaintiffs' lawyers said the cost to Ford would be as high as $2.7 billion. Myron Levin AMR Posts Record Loss in Quarter Even though more Americans are flying again, the airline industry continues to reel and its problems are expected to worsen this holiday season. AMR Corp., the parent of American Airlines, the world's largest airline, posted a record loss for the third quarter, even after getting $508 million in federal financial aid. Although the number of passengers has kept growing each week since the Sept. 11 attacks, about 20% fewer people are flying. Less than a month before the busy Thanksgiving weekend, American Airlines says advance bookings for November are down 6% from a year earlier. Meanwhile, the airlines are now reporting a little-noticed aspect of the government rescue package: They have to pay federal taxes on the cash grants. James F. Peltz ITC Says Imports Hurt Steel Industry The International Trade Commission ruled that foreign imports pose a serious threat to the domestic steel industry, paving the way for punitive sanctions that are likely to raise steel prices and intensify trade tensions with Europe and Asia. The independent U.S. agency has until mid-December to provide the White House with a list of proposed remedies, which could include import quotas or hefty tariffs on foreign steel. Beleaguered U.S. steelmakers applauded the decision. President Bush, who instigated the ITC investigation, is expected to approve the protective measures, though critics warn they could harm a weakened domestic economy and complicate efforts to launch a new round of global trade talks. Evelyn Iritani Shares of Enron Plummet Amid Losses Enron Corp.'s stock was pummeled by investors following disclosures of losses and shrinking shareholders' equity related to failed investments and a complicated hierarchy of limited partnerships used to shelter some Enron assets. The stock slide was compounded by disclosure of a Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into two of the partnership arrangements and by Wall Street worries about future cash flow and credit problems that might be caused by the investment vehicles. Two conference calls with analysts and investors failed to calm nerves, and several analysts lowered their recommendations on Enron. Enron has reiterated that its finances are strong. And although analysts note that Enron's core businesses remain sound, some analysts doubt that the usually taciturn company has revealed all of its problems. To mollify investors, Enron replaced its chief financial officer, who until recently headed the two partnerships the SEC is eyeing. Nancy Rivera Brooks Pentagon OKs Northrop Bid for Newport News Northrop Grumman Corp. was all but assured of winning the bid to acquire Newport News Shipbuilding Inc. as the Pentagon endorsed the deal and the Justice Department, citing antitrust concerns, blocked a rival bid by General Dynamics Corp. It marked a stunning turn of events for Northrop, which got the nod to acquire the Virginia builder of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers despite having been the underdog. The Los Angeles-based defense contractor made an unsolicited offer for Newport News after the shipbuilder had inked a $2.1-billion deal with General Dynamics. Separately, Northrop said third-quarter earnings fell 22% because of a large drop in pension fund investments. Peter Pae Hollywood Production Jobs Fall to 4-Year Low Skittishness following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks has exacerbated an already slow season in Hollywood, pushing employment in the movie, television and film industry to a four-year low in September, state statistics show. Cutbacks and delayed projects by the major studios has trickled down through the industry, leading to a spate of layoffs at small companies that provide equipment and services for the industry. Meg James Grammy Officials Urge Greene Settlement High-ranking officials at the Grammy organization recommended a settlement of more than half a million dollars to resolve sexual assault and battery allegations against the nonprofit group's chief executive, C. Michael Greene, Grammy sources said. The proposed settlement, subject to approval by the group's board of directors, has ignited an internal revolt, with at least a dozen of the 41 trustees privately calling for Greene's firing, the sources said. Greene declined to comment. Attorneys for the Grammy nonprofit group previously denied that Greene assaulted or had any sexual contact with Jill Geimer, the Grammy executive who has threatened to sue over Greene's alleged misconduct. Chuck Philips EMI Ousts Record Label Executive Nancy Berry British music conglomerate EMI Group sacked Nancy Berry, the vice chairwoman of its worldwide Virgin Records division. Berry's exit came a week after the London-based record company ousted its global record chief, Ken Berry, who is Nancy Berry's former husband. The shake-up follows a dispiriting period for EMI, including a disastrous sales debut from pop icon Mariah Carey, who suffered a nervous breakdown months after signing an $80-million contract with the company this year. Nancy Berry spearheaded the elaborate marketing campaign for Carey's album, \"Glitter,\" which has sold fewer than 400,000 copies since its Sept. 11 debut. Jeff Leeds Management Buyout of G&L Realty Approved Stockholders of G&L Realty Corp. approved a management-led buyout of the real estate investment trust despite a higher offer by a rival group and concerns that the deal unfairly favors top executives. The company's co-chairmen, Daniel Gottlieb and Steven Lebowitz, plan to take the small Beverly Hills-based company private after a majority of shareholders backed their $12-a-share offer. The management-led offer triggered a shareholder lawsuit this year that claimed G&L's board breached its fiduciary duty Jesus Sanchez Internet Archive Turns Back Web Pages of Time The nonprofit Internet Archive launched its so-called Wayback Machine, allowing Web surfers to check out most Internet sites that have vanished and older versions of sites that are still around. The San Francisco effort is the brainchild of Brewster Kahle, a millionaire technologist who wants to preserve the Internet's ephemera for generations to come. Like many Internet pioneers, however, Kahle faces unfamiliar risks along with the opportunities: the archive might be the most massive violation of copyright law since ownership rights over words came into being. More than 10 billion pages are available at Joseph Menn Job Cuts, Make-Over in Store for Sears Sears, Roebuck & Co. is getting a new look, borrowing from competitors that have been biting into Sears bottom line. In a bid the company says will increase operating income by $1 billion during the next three years, Sears will look more like a mass merchant, with more self-serve areas and centralized checkouts. As part of its financial realignment, Sears will cut 4,900 jobs in the next 18 months. The company's challenge, analysts say, is to offer something unique within its niche of serving middle-income consumers--an ever difficult proposition against innovative rivals such as Kohl's and Target. Abigail Goldman PHOTO: Newport News builds nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers.; ; PHOTOGRAPHER: Associated Press; PHOTO: Sears is cutting nearly 5,000 jobs and launching a new strategy.; ; PHOTOGRAPHER: Associated Press; PHOTO: The reeling airline industry is expecting its problems to worsen.; ; PHOTOGRAPHER: Agence France-Presse; GRAPHIC: Dimming Power, Los Angeles Times; Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BUSINESS Ralph Bivins Devon Energy makes building its own with major lease RALPH BIVIN Staff 10\/28\/2001 Houston Chronicle 2 STAR 10 (Copyright 2001) HOUSTON is known as the \"Energy Capital of the World.\" And a glance around the downtown skyline proves the nickname is appropriate. Houston skyscrapers bearing the names of Enron, Chevron, Exxon and Shell make significant contributions to the view. Now another name is being added to the downtown mix, enhancing the energy capital image even further. The 36-story Two Allen Center has been renamed Devon Energy Tower. Devon Energy has just signed a lease for 193,000 square feet of space, more than doubling its presence in the building, and as part of the deal, Devon gets to put its name on the structure. The lease also gives Oklahoma City-based Devon the right to take more space in the 1 million-square-foot building, at 1212 Smith St. Devon recently announced its plans to acquire Mitchell Energy & Development, but it will maintain Mitchell's offices in The Woodlands, said Klay Kimker, manager of office administration for Devon. Kevin Snodgrass and Tim Relyea of Cushman & Wakefield represented Devon in the transaction. Paul Frazier and Margaret Sigur negotiated the deal on behalf of TrizecHahn Office Properties, the owner of the building. TrizecHahn owns both the Allen Center and Cullen Center office complexes, a total of 6 million square feet of space in downtown. The TrizecHahn office space is nearly full right now, but Enron will be vacating large amounts of space there next year when the nearby Enron building is complete. Teamsters to build facilities Teamsters Union officials are planning to build new headquarters facilities after the union sells its building on the Katy Freeway. To replace the Katy Freeway building, the union expects to build two smaller structures near Bush Intercontinental Airport to house different chapters, said A.W. Parker, secretary treasurer of Local 968. Parker's group is expecting to build a 13,000-square-foot building at Ella Boulevard at Beltway 8. Another Teamsters group has purchased 4.5 acres on Beltway 8 at Diplomatic Plaza Drive, in the World Houston Business Center. The land was purchased from the Licha Family Trust. Tony Patronella and Marc Drumwright, both of Southwest Realty Advisors, handled the sale. Chicago firm buying property A Chicago real estate investment firm is on a quest to acquire suburban office buildings in Houston. ML Capital Ventures has purchased two small office structures: the 71,736-square-foot building at 5500 Northwest Central Drive and the 66,338-square-foot building at 5301 Hollister. The building on Northwest Central Drive is the headquarters of BJ Services energy company. Mike Luecht, president of ML Capital, said his firm will acquire two additional Houston office buildings before the end of the year. ML Capital, which has been in business for eight months, will exceed Luecht's initial plan to buy more than $22 million worth of suburban office space in Houston in the company's start-up phase. Luecht said his firm was bullish on two types of real estate: buying warehouses in Chicago and buying office buildings in suburban Houston. Houston's economy has been adding jobs and it is a promising market that is overlooked by many investors, Luecht said. Many investors have been too slow to forget the devastating meltdown of Houston realty market in the 1980s, Luecht said. In its most recent deal, ML Ventures bought the 5500 Northwest Central building in partnership with Avgeris & Associates of Chicago. Tom Bousquet of CB Richard Ellis brokered the deal. Woodlands opens new section Several $1 million home sites go up for sale this weekend as The Woodlands opens a new section of its Carlton Woods gated community. The premium lots will be facing the new Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course. Custom lots will range in price from $150,000 to $1 million and range in size from one-fifth of an acre to two-and-three-fourths acres. The Carlton Woods community is the first gated community in The Woodlands and has been well received by upper-end home buyers, said Paul Lazzaro, vice president of marketing for The Woodlands. Thirty-two homes are under construction in Carlton Woods and all of them are priced at more than $1 million. A total of 208 lots have been sold in Carlton Woods, which opened about a year ago. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. INDIA PRESS: Enron Plans To Exit LNG Shipping JV 10\/28\/2001 Dow Jones International News (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW DELHI -(Dow Jones)- Enron Corp. (ENE) has decided to exit its Indian shipping joint venture, Greenfield Holding Co., the Financial Express reports, quoting the Press Trust of India news agency. Enron's affiliate, Atlantic Commercial Inc., holds a 20% stake in Greenfield. Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd. (J.OSM) holds 60%, while India's state-owned Shipping Corp. of India (P.SPG) holds the remaining 20%, the report said. \"Atlantic Commercial has expressed a desire to its partners to exit...,\" the PTI quoted a shipping industry source as saying. Greenfield's liquefied natural gas carrier \"Laxmi\" would have brought gas for Enron's Indian unit, Dabhol Power Co., the Financial Express reports. Enron has a controlling 65% stake in the 2,184 megawatt Dabhol power project, located in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Newspaper Web site: http\/\/www.financialexpress.com -By Himendra Kumar; Dow Jones Newswires; 91-11-461-9426; himendra.kumar@dowjones.com Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business\/Financial Desk; Section C Enron Taps All Its Credit Lines To Buy Back $3.3 Billion of Debt By FLOYD NORRIS 10\/27\/2001 The New York Times Page 2, Column 5 c. 2001 New York Times Company The Enron Corporation, trying to reassure investors that it has ample liquidity, began to repurchase all its outstanding commercial paper yesterday, using $3.3 billion it borrowed from banks by depleting its lines of credit. An Enron spokesman said that when the commercial paper repurchases are completed the company will retain more than $1 billion in cash. The moves did not appear to reassure investors, as Enron's share price fell to another six-year low. Shares traded as low as $15.04 yesterday, before ending the day at $15.40, down 95 cents. The move will raise the interest expense for the company, because banks normally charge more than companies have to pay in the commercial paper market, and because its outstanding debt will rise by the additional $1 billion. Enron's debt is rated investment grade. But its bonds now trade below investment grade levels, although not so low that it appears investors fear an early default. But with the bonds trading so low, it is unlikely Enron will be able to sell more commercial paper. Enron's stock has been plunging since Oct. 17, shortly after it disclosed that its third-quarter balance sheet, which has yet to be released, will show a $1.2 billion reduction in shareholder equity as a result of complicated transactions involving partnerships formerly controlled by Andrew Fastow, who was the company's chief financial officer until he was replaced on Wednesday. The stock has lost more than half its value since the earnings announcement, and the company has disclosed that the Securities and Exchange Commission has asked questions about its accounting practices. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. COMPANIES & FINANCE INTERNATIONAL - Enron's bond prices drop to warning levels. By ROBERT CLOW, SHEILA MCNULTY and JENNY WIGGINS. 10\/27\/2001 Financial Times (c) 2001 Financial Times Limited . All Rights Reserved Enron, the Houston-based energy trading group, continued to pay a heavy price for its lack of financial transparency yesterday as its bond prices plummeted. Investor confidence in Enron has declined sharply since the company announced a $1.2bn reduction of shareholder equity stemming from a complex off-balance sheet structure. The Securities and Exchange Commission has also launched an informal investigation into the company's finances. Enron's five-year bonds were trading yesterday at 77 cents in the dollar with a yield of 11.13 per cent, down from 83 cents on Thursday. Bond prices at these levels normally suggest that investors expect a company to file for bankruptcy. Late on Thursday, Enron announced that it would draw on its bank lines to buy back its outstanding commercial paper after two ratings agencies put the company on negative watch. Commercial paper financing, which normally has to be rolled every 90 days, is one of the first forms of financing to disappear in a crisis. \"What they want to do is assure their clients and other trading partners that they are creditworthy and continue with business,\" said Robin West, chairman of the Petroleum Finance Company, the industry consultants. \"In a situation like this, cash is king.\" Enron's biggest immediate business risk is that its major trading counterparties, such as Duke Energy and Reliant Resources, start asking it for more collateral, increasing the cost of its everyday business. If Enron were downgraded to junk, the counterparties could do just that. So far, credit rating analysts say, Enron's core business is holding up well. But their actions over the past few days acknowledge that the company could still be severely damaged by the scandal. Enron has long faced criticism of its opaque financial reporting, but its most recent problems stem from the LJM private equity fund run by Andy Fastow, the company's former chief financial officer. Enron compensated its partners in this complex off-balance sheet structure by promising to give them Enron shares, if the value of private equity investments in The New Power Company, technology and other things fell below a certain level. Those investments fell $1.2bn in value from the threshold level, which should have triggered the issue of 62m shares if the deal had not been reversed. The complex deal was designed to make sure Enron did not experience the same balance sheet volatility that JP Morgan Chase and others have suffered from marking their private equity investments to market. (c) Copyright Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SHORTS - Enron bond prices under pressure. 10\/27\/2001 Financial Times (c) 2001 Financial Times Limited . All Rights Reserved Enron, the Houston-based energy trading giant, continued to pay the price for financial opacity as its stock slumped to its lowest level since 1995 and its five-year bonds traded at 77 cents in the dollar with a yield of 11.13 per cent, down from 83 cents on Thursday. Bond prices at these levels normally suggest that investors expect a company to file for bankruptcy. Page 10. (c) Copyright Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron taps credit line; stock slides 10\/27\/2001 Associated Press Newswires Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. HOUSTON (AP) - After Enron Corp. tapped into more than $3 billion in credit in an effort to boost confidence of investors and customers, stock prices dropped. Enron Corp.'s stock price hit its lowest point in more than five years Friday. Shares fell 95 cents on Friday to $15.40, a level not seen since 1995, as analysts continued to muddle through a complicated series of bookkeeping issues revealed after the company's earnings announcement earlier this month. The stock is down more than 50 percent in two weeks, and the company lost almost $14 billion in market value. Late this week the company decided to convert $3 billion in revolving credit it has through various banks into cash. The company put about $1.1 billion in the bank in an effort to reassure business partners and investors of its liquidity and is using the $2.2 billion balance to begin an orderly repurchase of a certain kind of short-term corporate IOU known as commercial paper. \"Nothing spells confidence quite like cash, which is what we want investors to understand,\" said Enron spokesman Mark Palmer of the $1.1 billion banked this week. Palmer could neither confirm nor deny that the company is negotiating further lines of credit with banks but described such actions as \"good management decisions.\" On Oct. 16 Enron's third-quarter earnings release drew renewed attention to an issue investors and analysts had previously been unhappy about: Then-Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, with the Enron board's approval, had formed and run two investment partnerships that could have created a conflict of interest. The partnerships, LJM Cayman and LJM2 Co-Investment, did complex financing and hedging deals with Enron. Fastow had resigned from his roles in the partnerships months ago when Wall Street began to question whether he could watch out for the interests of Enron's shareholders and the investment partnership simultaneously. But last week when the company reported a $35 million loss related to ending its LJM ties as well as a $1.2 billion reduction in shareholder equity, new questions began to arise. The Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Enforcement launched an informal inquiry into the partnerships, and earlier this week Fastow was put on a leave of absence. Reducing the company's debt exposure through commercial paper and putting it back into more traditional financial tools, like a revolving line of credit, could give great peace of mind to Enron's investors, said Anatol Feygin, an analyst with J.P. Morgan. \"It helps them shore up their support behind their energy trading business, which is really the core of their operations,\" Feygin told the Houston Chronicle for Saturday's editions. Carol Coale, an analyst with Prudential Securities, still sees the move as somewhat confusing. \"Just last week they were touting their unused lines of credit as a plus, but the fact that they tapped those now sends a strange, mixed message,\" she said. \"Do they need the cash to keep the rating agencies off their back? Is it a gesture for customers? It first struck me as another one of these strangely timed actions on the part of management.\" Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business; Financial Desk Enron Decline Continues Bloomberg News 10\/27\/2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition C-2 Copyright 2001 \/ The Times Mirror Company HOUSTON -- Enron Corp. bonds and shares fell after the largest energy trader tapped a $3-billion credit line because it has been shut out of the leading market for low-interest, short-term loans. The company's stock has fallen 54% in the last 14 days after investors questioned its transactions with affiliates run by Enron's former chief financial officer. The shares fell 95 cents, or 5.8%, to $15.40 on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors said Chief Executive Kenneth Lay has failed to reassure them that the company's credit rating won't be cut. Enron can no longer borrow in commercial paper markets, where short-term loans carry lower rates than banks offer. \"Do they have the financial flexibility they once had? No,\" said John Cassady, who helps manage $3 billion in bonds at Fifth Third Bancorp. \"People are questioning the credibility of management.\" The company will use its credit line to pay off $2.2 billion in commercial paper it has outstanding, Enron spokesman Mark Palmer said. The price of Enron's 6.75% bonds, which mature in 2009, declined 11\/2 points to a bid of 84 cents on the dollar and an offer of 86 cents. At that price, the bonds, which carry a rating of BBB+, yield 9.53%. Investors have grown concerned that the firm's credit rating will be cut after $1.01 billion in third-quarter losses from failed investments. Enron needs good credit to raise cash daily to keep trading partners from demanding collateral and to settle transactions. Enron's decision to tap its credit line was \"a smart financial move,\" said Stephen Moore of Moody's Investors Service. \"It took away the hassle and time-consuming nature of rolling commercial paper and insured access to capital.\" Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BUSINESS Enron taps credit line; stock slides \/ Company says cash will boost confidence TOM FOWLER Staff 10\/27\/2001 Houston Chronicle 3 STAR 1 (Copyright 2001) Enron Corp.'s stock price hit its lowest point in more than five years Friday after it tapped into more than $3 billion in revolving credit in an effort to re-assure investors and customers. Shares fell 95 cents on Friday to $15.40, a level not seen since 1995, as analysts continued to muddle through a complicated series of bookkeeping issues revealed after the company's earnings announcement earlier this month. The stock is down more than 50 percent in two weeks, and the company lost almost $14 billion in market value. Late this week the company decided to convert $3 billion in revolving credit it has through various banks into cash. The company put about $1.1 billion in the bank in an effort to reassure business partners and investors of its liquidity and is using the $2.2 billion balance to begin an orderly repurchase of a certain kind of short- term corporate IOU known as commercial paper. \"Nothing spells confidence quite like cash, which is what we want investors to understand,\" said Enron spokesman Mark Palmer of the $1.1 billion banked this week. Palmer could neither confirm nor deny that the company is negotiating further lines of credit with banks but described such actions as \"good management decisions.\" Enron's most recent woes began Oct. 16 when its third-quarter earnings release drew renewed attention to an issue investors and analysts had previously been unhappy about: Then-Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, with the Enron board's approval, had formed and run two investment partnerships that could have created a conflict of interest. The partnerships, LJM Cayman and LJM2 Co-Investment, did complex financing and hedging deals with Enron and were formed originally as a way to offset risks associated with some of the company's newer businesses such as broadband trading. Fastow had resigned from his roles in the partnerships months ago when Wall Street began to question whether he could watch out for the interests of Enron's shareholders and the investment partnership simultaneously. But last week when the company reported a $35 million loss related to ending its LJM ties as well as a $1.2 billion reduction in shareholder equity, new questions began to arise. The Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Enforcement launched an informal inquiry into the partnerships, and earlier this week Fastow was put on a leave of absence. Now Enron will begin repurchasing its commercial paper. This is a way for companies to raise money over a short period at rates that are usually slightly better than what banks offer, and often with more flexible terms. \"To some extent, redeeming the commercial paper is at the expense of the capital markets, which look at it negatively,\" said Anatol Feygin, an analyst with J.P. Morgan. But reducing the company's debt exposure through commercial paper and putting it back into more traditional financial tools, like a revolving line of credit, could give great peace of mind to Enron's investors, he said. \"It helps them shore up their support behind their energy trading business, which is really the core of their operations,\" Feygin said. Carol Coale, an analyst with Prudential Securities, still sees the move as somewhat confusing. \"Just last week they were touting their unused lines of credit as a plus, but the fact that they tapped those now sends a strange, mixed message,\" she said. \"Do they need the cash to keep the rating agencies off their back? Is it a gesture for customers? It first struck me as another one of these strangely timed actions on the part of management.\" Jeff Dietert, an analyst at Simmons & Co., said Enron management needs to continue to make clear the issues that have investors confused and concerned. In a worst-case scenario, investor fears could create a vicious cycle that continues to drive the stock down, which would force bond rating agencies to consider downgrades of Enron. That could lead to lower credit ratings, which would force Enron's energy trading partners to limit their exposure to the company and cut back on business with it. \"Thus, we see a big incentive for Enron to clarify the issues,\" Dietert wrote in a report Friday. \"Our gut feel is that Enron can pull it off.\" Feygin said he also believes the company will continue to do better in revealing its financial dealings but thinks there may be more surprises in store. For example, a Wall Street Journal article Friday discussed for the first time another business entity with ties to Enron known as Chewco. It was formed in 1997 with about $400 million in financial backing to buy interests in unnamed Enron assets. Chewco was run by Michael Kopper, a managing director of Enron's Global Equity Markets Group. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BUSINESS Enron says Microsoft breached contract Staff 10\/27\/2001 Houston Chronicle 3 STAR 2 (Copyright 2001) Enron Corp. filed suit against Microsoft Corp. in state district court in Houston this week, claiming the software giant breached a contract over a new high-speed Internet service. The companies entered into an agreement last June in which Enron would provide Internet bandwidth to Microsoft as it rolled out its MSN Broadband service. Enron's broadband network would link MSN customers in over two dozen states, including Texas. Qwest Communications is providing the Internet infrastructure in 14 other states for MSN. On Oct. 23, Microsoft said that Enron would have breached the contract if it didn't provide an operational bandwidth system by Oct. 25, according to Bloomberg News. In the lawsuit, Enron claims Microsoft failed to deliver the ordering and billing system it needed to deliver its end of the project's first phase. The lawsuit appears to be blocking the launch of the MSN service in all but the 14 states served by Qwest. Enron officials declined to comment. A Microsoft spokesman said the company had not reviewed the filing but was \"confident that we have upheld our agreement with Enron.\" Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Editorial Desk; Section A Journal How to Lose a War By Frank Rich 10\/27\/2001 The New York Times Page 19, Column 2 c. 2001 New York Times Company Welcome back to Sept. 10. The ''America Strikes Back'' optimism that surged after Sept. 11 has now been stricken by the multitude of ways we're losing the war at home. The F.B.I. has proved more effective in waging turf battles against Rudy Giuliani than waging war on terrorism. Of the more than 900 suspects arrested, exactly zero have been criminally charged in the World Trade Center attack (though one has died of natural causes, we're told, in a New Jersey jail cell). The Bush team didn't fully recognize that a second attack on America had begun until more than a week after the first casualty. The most highly trumpeted breakthrough in the hunt for anthrax terrorists -- Tom Ridge's announcement that ''the site where the letters were mailed'' had been found in New Jersey -- proved a dead end. And now the president is posing with elementary-school children again. Given that this is the administration that was touted as being run with C.E.O. clockwork, perhaps it should be added to the growing list of Things That Have Changed Forever since Sept. 11. But let's not be so hasty. Not everything changes that fast -- least of all Washington. The White House's home-front failures are not sudden, unpredictable products of wartime confusion but direct products of an ethos that has been in place since Jan. 20. This is an administration that will let its special interests -- particularly its high-rolling campaign contributors and its noisiest theocrats of the right -- have veto power over public safety, public health and economic prudence in war, it turns out, no less than in peacetime. When anthrax struck, the administration's first impulse was not to secure as much Cipro as speedily as possible to protect Americans, but to protect the right of pharmaceutical companies to profiteer. The White House's faith in tax cuts as a panacea for all national ills has led to such absurdities as this week's House ''stimulus'' package showering $254 million on Enron, the reeling Houston energy company (now under S.E.C. investigation) that has served as a Bush campaign cash machine. Airport security, which has been enhanced by at best cosmetic tweaks since Sept. 11, is also held hostage by campaign cash: As Salon has reported, ServiceMaster, a supplier of the low-wage employees who ineptly man the gates, is another G.O.P. donor. Not that Republicans stand alone in putting fat cats first. In a display of bipartisanship, Democrats -- lobbied by Linda Hall Daschle, the Senate majority leader's wife -- joined the administration in handing the airlines a $15 billion bailout that enforces no reduction in the salaries of the industry's C.E.O.'s even as they lay off tens of thousands of their employees. To see how the religious right has exerted its own distortions on homeland security, you also have to consider an administration pattern that goes back to its creation -- and one that explains the recent trials of poor Tom Ridge. Mr. Ridge is by all accounts a capable leader -- a successful governor of a large state (Pennsylvania) who won the Bronze Star for heroism in Vietnam. A close friend of George W. Bush, he should have been in the administration from the get-go, and was widely rumored to be a candidate for various jobs, including the vice presidency. But after being pilloried by the right because he supports abortion rights, he got zilch. Instead of Mr. Ridge, the administration signed on the pro-life John Ashcroft and Tommy Thompson -- who have brought us where we are today. The farcical failures of these two cabinet secretaries are not merely those of public relations -- though Mr. Thompson often comes across as a Chamber of Commerce glad-hander who doesn't know his pants are on fire, and Mr. Ashcroft often shakes as if he's not just seen great Caesar's ghost but perhaps John Mitchell's as well. Both have a history of letting politics override public policy that dates to the start of the administration. They've seen no reason to reverse their partisan priorities even at a time when the patriotic duty of effectively fighting terror should be their No. 1 concern. Pre-Sept. 11, Mr. Thompson, in defiance of science, heartily lent his credibility to the Bush administration's stem cell ''compromise'' by going along with its overstatement of the viability and diversity of the stem cell lines it would deliver to researchers. Post-Sept. 11, he destroyed his credibility by understating the severity of the anthrax threat, also in defiance of science. Now he maintains that the $1.5 billion the administration is requesting to plug the many holes in our public health system -- almost all of it earmarked for stockpiling pharmaceuticals, not shoring up local hospitals -- is adequate for fighting bioterrorism. This, too, is in defiance of all expert estimates, including that of the one physician in the Senate, the Republican Bill Frist. It should also be on Mr. Thompson's conscience that for the first two weeks of the anthrax crisis he kept the federal government's house physician -- David Satcher, the surgeon general and a much-needed honest broker of public health -- locked away, presumably because Dr. Satcher, a Clinton appointee, became persona non grata in the Bush administration for issuing a June report on teenage sexuality that angered the religious right. Only after Mr. Ridge arrived on the scene was the surgeon general liberated from the gulag. As for Mr. Ashcroft, he has gone so far as to turn away firsthand information about domestic terrorism for political reasons. Planned Parenthood, which has been on the front lines of anthrax scares for years and has by grim necessity marshaled the medical and security expertise to combat them, has sought a meeting with the attorney general since he took office but has never been granted one. This was true not only before Sept. 11 but, says Ann Glazier, Planned Parenthood's director of security, remains true -- even though her organization, long targeted by such home-grown Talibans as the Army of God, has a decade's worth of leads on ''the convergence of international and domestic terrorism.'' Ms. Glazier found the sight of Mr. Ashcroft and other federal Keystone Kops offering a $1 million reward for anthrax terrorists a laughable indication of how little grasp they have of the enemy. ''Religious extremists don't respond to money,'' she points out. Such is the state of the F.B.I., she adds, that one agent told a clinic to hold onto a suspect letter for a couple of days ''because we have so many here we're afraid we're going to lose it'' (perhaps among the Timothy McVeigh documents). If either the attorney general or the secretary of health and human services inspired anything like the confidence that, say, Mayor Giuliani does, there wouldn't have been a need to draft Mr. Ridge. Even so, he's mainly a P.R. gimmick -- a man who should have been in the administration in the first place reduced to serving as a fig leaf for lightweights. As director of homeland security, he's allegedly charged with supervising nearly 50 government agencies -- so far with roughly a dozen staff members. When asked to define Mr. Ridge's responsibilities, Ari Fleischer said on Wednesday that it was ''a very busy coordination job,'' but so far Mr. Ridge is mainly sowing still more confusion. The one specific duty that he has claimed -- in an interview with Tom Brokaw -- was that he'd be the one ''making the phone call'' to the president to shoot down any commercial airliner turned into a flying bomb by hijackers. That presumably comes as news to Donald Rumsfeld, who made no provision for any homeland security czar in the Air Force chain of command he publicly codified days after Mr. Ridge's appointment. Since the administration tightly metes out the news from Afghanistan, we can only hope that the war there is being executed more effectively than the war here -- even as Mr. Rumsfeld and his generals now tell us that the Taliban, once expected to implode in days, are proving Viet-Cong-like in their intractability. The Wall Street Journal also reported this week that ''instead of a thankful Afghan population, popular support for the Taliban appears to be solidifying and anger with the U.S. growing.'' Maybe we're losing that battle for Afghan hearts and minds in part because the Bush State Department appointee in charge of the propaganda effort is a C.E.O. (from Madison Avenue) chosen not for her expertise in policy or politics but for her salesmanship on behalf of domestic products like Head & Shoulders shampoo. If we can't effectively fight anthrax, I guess it's reassuring to know we can always win the war on dandruff. Drawing Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. City - Enron directors cash in shares. By Simon English. 10\/27\/2001 The Daily Telegraph P31 (c) Telegraph Group Limited, London, 2001 LEADING executives at Enron, the troubled US energy giant, cashed in shares worth more than $100m ( #70m) this year in the run-up to a financial crunch that has left the company's credibility in ruins. Research by Thomson Financial shows that Kenneth Lay, chief executive, sold about 400,000 shares this year, netting him more than $25m. He still held 2.8m shares until July. Other executives made similar sales, a revelation likely to anger investors who have seen the shares fall from $83 at the start of the year to $45 by July. They halved again this week and fell to below $16 yesterday. Enron declined to comment on the share sales. Mr Lay said in a statement that he is seeking to \"dispel uncertainty in the financial community\" by drawing on lines of credit to restore faith in Enron's financial strength. Enron will pay off debts of $2.2 billion and keep another $800,000 in cash. He said: \"We know we have our work cut out for us if we are to rebuild our credibility with the investment community.\" The company is facing an inquiry by the Securities & Exchange Commission into partnerships managed by Andrew Fastow, former chief financial officer. Mr Fastow was ousted on Wednesday night as part of the company's moves to restore confidence, though Enron insists he has done nothing wrong. Enron lost $1 billion in the third quarter on what it has called \"failed investments\". Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. INDIA: Lenders to meet over Enron's Dabhol on Nov 3. 10\/27\/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. BOMBAY, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Lenders to power plant in India majority owned by Enron Corp have called a meeting next week in London to discuss ways of reviving the beleaguered project, a banking source said on Saturday. They will examine offers that two Indian companies have put forward for buying the U.S. energy giant's 65 percent stake, and those of two other U.S. firms, in Dabhol Power Company (DPC), which is building the controversial project, the source told Reuters. The meeting of lenders, who include multinational banks such as Citibank and Bank of America , will be held on November 3, the source added. At stake is not just the fate of the $2.9 billion, 2,184 MW project, which is India's largest foreign direct investment, but also the over $600 million investment of Enron, General Electric Co and Bechtel. All three companies are founders of DPC, which in 1995 got permission from India's Maharashtra state government to set up the plant on its coast. The plant's first phase of 740 MW was completed in 1999, but work on the second phase of 1,444 MW, which is 97 percent complete, was abruptly stopped in June this year following a blazing row with cash-strapped state utility MSEB. MSEB, which agreed in 1995 to take the plant's entire output, said it can no longer do so because Dabhol's power is too costly. Dabhol, in turn, accused MSEB of defaulting on its monthly payments and served a preliminary notice to terminate the power purchase contract. Under this notice, both companies are given six months time to settle the matter through negotiations. If talks fail, Dabhol has the right to issue a final termination notice and take the matter to arbitration in London. That six month period expires on November 19. Houston-based Enron, which owns 65 percent of Dabhol, further announced that it intends to exit the project and offered to sell its equity to the Indian government. TIME RUNNING OUT The Business Standard newspaper reported that next week's meeting would also discuss a request by Dabhol to finally terminate the contract after November 19. \"It is one of the items on the agenda,\" the paper quoted a senior banker as saying. The paper said once Dabhol serves the final notice, the matter proceeds to arbitration, which would not help India. \"The widespread view among the government and lenders is that in such a situation DPC will win hands down,\" the paper added. A Dabhol spokesman could not be contacted immediately. The source said the meeting would review the progress made in resolving the dispute so far. The Indian government has not responded to Enron's offer to buy its equity, but two Indian companies, BSES Ltd and Tata Power Ltd , have shown interest. They have agreed to take over the project if the cost is reduced, and if the founders agree to sell their stake at a discount. Local business daily, the Economic Times reported on Friday that Tata Power and BSES are willing to pay the founders $450-$600 million for the 85 percent stake held by Enron, GE and Bechtel. Enron has rejected the offer and is not ready to settle for anything less than $1 billion, the paper added. Officials of Tata Power and BSES were not immediately available for comment. ($1=48.00 Indian rupees). Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business Enron sues Microsoft for breach of contract ; Move could block high-speed service The Associated Press,Bloomberg News 10\/27\/2001 The Seattle Times Fourth E4 (Copyright 2001) HOUSTON -- Enron has sued Microsoft, alleging it breached a contract for broadband services, in a move that could temporarily block the largest software company's MSN high-speed Internet service in some U.S. regions. Microsoft said the dispute temporarily blocks the company from providing the high-speed service in areas where Enron provides broadband access, leaving MSN fully operational only in the 14 states -- including Washington -- where Qwest Communications International operates, said Bob Visse, director of marketing for MSN. Enron's lawsuit was filed Thursday, the same day Microsoft had planned to offer fast Internet access in 45 cities to give it access to potential customers in 29 million homes. Microsoft, the No. 2 U.S. Internet provider, is making a push to win customers from AOL Time Warner. \"We are trying to resolve the issues with Enron, as quickly as possible and at the same time we are evaluating other providers,\" Visse said. Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne declined to comment on the lawsuit, citing company policy on pending litigation. Enron, based in Houston, is the largest energy trader. Enron in June signed an agreement with Microsoft to provide bandwidth for MSN Internet service. Under the agreement, Enron isn't required to deliver operational broadband services if Microsoft hasn't first provided a billing and ordering system, Dow Jones news wire reported. Enron claims in its lawsuit that Microsoft failed to deliver the ordering and billing system required in the initial phase of the deal, Dow reported. Alternative browser-users denied Microsoft entry NEW YORK -- Microsoft's premier Web portal, MSN.com, denied entry to millions of people who use alternative browser software such as Opera and told them to get Microsoft's products instead. The decision led to complaints from the small but loyal Opera community that Microsoft was abusing its status as the Internet's browser leader. Microsoft later backed off and said yesterday that it would support the other browsers after all. Browser products affected by the shutout, which was triggered by a face-lift of the MSN.com Web site, included Opera, Mozilla and Amaya, said Kevin Reichard, editorial manager for Internet.com's BrowserWatch site. Mike Pettit, president of ProComp, an anti-Microsoft group, urged state and federal investigators to look into the matter as part of its lawsuit accusing Microsoft of anti-competitive practices. -- The Associated Press MicrosoftSF to shut down; Sony will run retail store SAN FRANCISCO -- Sony will take over a retail store it manages with Microsoft next month, when the biggest software maker's Xbox goes up against Sony's PlayStation 2 in a contest for control of the $20 billion video-game market, a Sony spokeswoman said. The two companies agreed to shut down MicrosoftSF, a retail outlet in Sony's San Francisco Metreon entertainment complex. It will be replaced with a Digital Solutions electronics store run by Sony on Thursday, Metreon spokeswoman Kirsten Maynard said. In April 1998, the companies said they would open the store that displays and sells Microsoft products alongside Sony electronics that run the software. In March 2000, Microsoft announced the Xbox, a game console with an advanced-graphics chip that goes on sale Nov. 15. \"A lot has changed with both companies,\" Maynard said. \"It sort of became not-a-fit anymore.\" Sony Metreon won't carry the Xbox or Game Cube, a new video console from Nintendo that goes on sale Nov. 19, she said. Officials at Microsoft couldn't be reached for comment on the shutdown. -- Bloomberg News Copyright [copyright] Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved. You must get permission before you reproduce any part of this material. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.","label":0} {"text":"Hi. You are so wonderful. Can it get any better?!!! Every minute with you no matter what we are doing is perfect. I love you so much and can't wait for us to be together always. You have a great sense of humor and you understand mine (that's a plus!). Take care babe. Steve","label":0} {"text":"Let's blast. [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Lykins, Tyler Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:03 PM To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Cc: Palermo, Rachel; Price, Jenna Subject: RE: FOR REVIEW: ADVISORY FOR TOMORROW PRESS CALL. Great, one ed. From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 4:32 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Cc: Palermo, Rachel; Price, Jenna Subject: FOR REVIEW: ADVISORY FOR TOMORROW PRESS CALL. For Planning Purposes May 10, 2016 Contact: DNC Press - 202-863-8148 *MEDIA ADVISORY* TOMORROW, MAY 11, at 1:30 PM ET: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz hosts press call on the state of the presidential race Tomorrow, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz will host a conference call to discuss the state of the race, the excitement voters see on within the Democratic primary, and the historic chaos unfolding on the Republican side as a slew of prominent Republicans have announced they either won't support Trump or attend the GOP's convention. WHO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz WHAT: Press Call on State of the Race WHEN: TOMORROW, May 11th at 1:30 PM ET RSVP: Please email Jenna Price, at PriceJ@dnc.org for dial-in information ###","label":0} {"text":"Dear Rashit and Stepan Thanks for the message and the missing data info. I will make some additions and include a plot\/list of these missing years. I assume you don't mind me including your plot of the recent Yamal curve and statistics about crossdating with Polar Urals. I'll send ammended paper as soon as possible. Thanks for the quick reply. Do you have a working fax? best wishes to you all Keith","label":0} {"text":"Account Update CENTER Emirates NBD Update Dear valued customer, Emirates NBD is concerned about the online safety of its customers, and we working hard to ensure the safety of our customers online. Due to the current increase of fraudulent activities around the world, we have have created a new policy to have our customers update their details every month. Your account will be deactivated if you do not update. We have attached the updating page in this message, download the page, fill in the form and Sign-on to continue enjoying our services. We regret any inconvenience caused. Copyright \u00a9 2011 Emirates NBD Bank PJSC. All Rights Reserved","label":1} {"text":"Watch here -----Original Message----- From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 3:27 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Reince on Hannity Up after Trump tonight","label":0} {"text":"prepared remarks here this is confusing There are a total of 4,766 Democratic delegates - 4,047 pledged, 719 super delegates. A candidate needs 2,384 votes to win. Let's be clear. It is virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention Fdelegates by June 14 - the end of the primary season - with pledged delegates alone. She will need super delegates to take her over the top at the convention in Philadelphia. In other words, it will be a contested convention. In terms of super delegates, I want to say the following. Obviously, we are taking on virtually the entire Democratic establishment. Secretary Clinton has an estimated 520 super delegates. Many of those committed to her even before we got into this campaign. We have all of 39 super delegates. In other words, while we have won 45 percent of the pledged delegates up to this point, we have only 7 percent of the super delegates -- We announced the beginning of this campaign a year ago. Before I talk about delegate math and a path toward victory, I want to say a few words about how far we've come in the last year. When we started this campaign we were considered a \"fringe\" candidacy. We had no campaign organization, no money and very little name recognition. In national polls, we were 60 points or more behind Secretary Clinton, we were taking on the entire Democratic establishment and, in the Clinton campaign, the most powerful political organization in the country. That was then. Today is today. As of today, we have won 17 states and hope to make Indiana the 18th, and we have received some 9 million votes. In recent national polls we are either defeating Secretary Clinton or are within single digits behind her. In terms of fundraising, we have received more individual campaign contributions, 7.4 million, than any candidate in presidential history at his point. What the political revolution is about is that we have shown we can run a strong, winning campaign without a super PAC and without being dependent on big-money interests. As of today, our rallies have brought out more than 1.1 million people throughout this country and that number will go up significantly by the time we are through in California. Very importantly, in state after state we have won a strong majority of the votes of younger people - voters under 45 years of age. Our ideas are the future of the Democratic Party and the future of America. Let me now say a few words about delegate math and a path toward victory. There are a total of 4,766 Democratic delegates - 4,047 pledged, 719 super delegates. A candidate needs 2,384 votes to win. Let's be clear. It is virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention Fdelegates by June 14 - the end of the primary season - with pledged delegates alone. She will need super delegates to take her over the top at the convention in Philadelphia. In other words, it will be a contested convention. Currently, Secretary Clinton has 1,645 pledged delegates - 55 percent of the total. We have 1318 pledged delegates - 45 percent of the total. There are 10 states plus D.C., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam remaining. We believe we are quite strong in many of these remaining contests and have an excellent chance to win California - the state with far in a way the most delegates. For us to win the majority of pledged delegates, we need to win 710 out of the remaining 1083. That is 65 percent. That is, admittedly, a tough road to climb, but not an impossible one. And we intend to fight for every vote and delegate remaining. In terms of super delegates, I want to say the following. Obviously, we are taking on virtually the entire Democratic establishment. Secretary Clinton has an estimated 520 super delegates. Many of those committed to her even before we got into this campaign. We have all of 39 super delegates. In other words, while we have won 45 percent of the pledged delegates up to this point, we have only 7 percent of the super delegates. Two points: First, those super delegates in states where either candidate has won a landslide victories ought to seriously reflect on whether they should cast their super delegate vote in line with the wishes of the people in their states. Let me give you just a few examples. In the state of Washington, we won that caucus with almost 73 percent of the vote but at this point Secretary Clinton has 10 super delegates. We have zero. In Minnesota, we won the caucus there with 61 percent of the vote. Hillary Clinton has 11 super delegates. We have three. In Colorado, we won that state with 59 percent of the vote. Secretary Clinton has 10 super delegates. We have zero. In New Hampshire, we won that state with more than 60 percent of the vote. Secretary Clinton has six super delegates. We have zero. And that pattern continues in other states where we have won landslide victories. Secondly, and extremely importantly, Secretary Clinton and I have many differences on some of the most important issues facing the American people. We disagree on trade, on breaking up Wall Street banks, on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, on imposing a carbon tax to combat climate change, on insisting that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes, on fracking and on a number of other issues. But where Secretary Clinton and I agree and where every delegate to the Democratic convention agrees is that it would be a disaster for Donald Trump or some other right-wing Republican to become president of the United States. Therefore, it is incumbent upon every super delegate to take a hard and objective look at which candidate stands the better chance of defeating Donald Trump. And in that regard, I think the evidence is extremely clear that I would be the stronger candidate to defeat Trump or any other Republican. This is not just the subjective opinion of Bernie Sanders. This is based on virtually every national and state poll done in the last several months. Look at some of the very recent national polls. In a Morning Consult survey, we beat Trump by 16. She beats him by seven. An Investor Business Daily poll, we beat Trump by 12. She beats him by seven. In the USA Today poll, we beat Trump by 15. She beats him by 11. A George Washington University poll, we beat him by 10. She beats him by three. Fox News, we beat Trump by 14. She beats him by seven And it's the same story in battleground state after battleground state. In Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina and many other states we defeat Trump by larger numbers than she does. Further, what recent elections tell us is that Democrats win elections when the voter turnout is high. Republicans win elections when voter turnout is low. There is little doubt in my mind that the energy and excitement we have created will, in fact, create a large voter turnout in November, which will mean not only victory for the White House but for Democratic candidates in the Senate, the House and in governor's races. This is an important reality that super delegates cannot ignore. From: Haxo, Chris Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 2:30 PM To: Research_D Subject: Video Request: Bernie Presser in DC coming up on shift. I believe it's supposed to start at 2:30","label":0} {"text":"Jane, Here is the information you requested YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: webmaster@efi.ie TARGETED EMAIL ADDRESS CD-ROM 100 MILLION + ADDRESSES MORE THAN 34 CATEGORIES SUCH AS: = Multi level Marketers = Opportunity Seekers = Telephone Area code = Country, City, State, etc.. = People running home businesses or interested in home businesses. = Travel & Vacations = Opt-in = People interested in Investments = People or businesses who spent more than $1000 on the web in thelast 2 months AND MANY MORE * Contains US & International EMAILS * Everything on this disk is in TEXT file format and fully exportable. * The CD is as easy to use as browsing your C drive in Explorer. 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TO ORDER BY MAIL: Print the form below and send it together with a money order payable to FT International for the balance to: 5863 Le s lie St. Suite 408 T oronto, Ont a rio CANADA OR D E R F OR M : Please PRINT clearly Full Name:________________________________________________ Company Name:_____________________________________________ Telephone:________________________________________________ Fax:______________________________________________________ Email Address:__________________________________________* REQUIRED FIELD Shipping Address:______________________________________________ City:____________________ State\/Province:________________ Country:_________________________ZIP\/Postal:_____________ Shipping Options: [] $5 Regular Mail (1 - 2 weeks) [] $12 Priority Mail (2-4 business days) [] $25 Fedex (overnight) $79.00 USD + Shipping Charge $________ US = TOTAL: $_________ USD ====================================================================================== [] Credit Card Order [] Mail Order CREDIT CARD ORDERS FAX THIS ORDER FORM BACK TO 1 - 44 3 - 6 59 - 07 3 0) Card #:___________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ______________ Type of Card [] VISA [] MASTERCARD [] AMERICAN EXPRESS Name on Card:_____________________________________________ Billing Address:_________________________________ZIP\/Postal: ____________ City:_____________________State\/Province:_______________ Country:_____________ Cardholder Signature:______________________________________ Please note that FT I n t e rn a ti o n al will appear on your statement. ======================================================================================= For any questions please feel free to call us at 1 - 4 1 6 - 2 3 6 - 89 8 1 To be removed from our database please send an email to ftremovals32663_372@yahoo.com","label":1} {"text":"SL: Trump Now the \"Puppet\" of GOP SuperPACs and Right-Wing Billionaires \"Despite numerous promises he would fund his own campaign, Trump is now clearly the 'puppet' of Republican SuperPACs and right-wing billionaires.\" - DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach Despite arguing he is \"really rich\" [link] and wouldn't take campaign funds from donors because he XXX [comment and link], Trump has since changed his tune. This week Trump said would accept contributions for his general election campaign. And, today, GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson -- who spent XXX [amount and link] on SuperPACs during the 2012 election -- indicated he would support Trump's campaign. Of, course Trump said just six months ago that Adelson was \"looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet.\" [link] Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: CaseyVinal123@aol.com Date: Mar 16, 2008 2:07 AM Subject: (no subject) To: commander@newsaxon.org Hi my name is Casey and I just wanted to say I agree with all you guys are about. I am in no program or such but I am thinking about starting one up in Maine. Alot of samoli's moved up here and it wasn't like that in the early 90's. It makes me sick I hadn't even seen a black or any other race but white until I was ten. man, would I like to be back in that time when I didn't have to worry about looking over my shoulder and worry about getting jumpped by a bunch of non americans who take our jobs and pollute our streets with their filthy customs. The program i am going to start Is not going to \"speak hate\"... well yet, I am going to play at the governments game... manipulation. I have it all planned out in my head and I truly believe it will be successful. Then I will be able to help you and others like you in the fight to help the white Americans and preserve their country for future generations to come. Just like have you seen the news lately, I can't believe we have a black presidential candidate running for office, it makes me sick just thinking about it. And he goes to an anti-white church of all things. Whats this country coming to? I mean, it's basically a crime to be proud of being white... your voice gets shut if you even speak of having white pride. ------------------------------ It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money & Finance. -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"Watch here: Ezra From: Kane, Michael Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:25 PM To: Comm_D; DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: RE: Video request: Katrina Pierson on CNN Pierson: Not breaking news that a billionaire had girlfriends or the head of a beauty pageant likes beautiful women Says Bill Clinton used his power to pull women into the Oval Office and \"abuse\" them From: Kane, Michael Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:20 PM To: Comm_D; DJTspeaks@hillaryclinton.com Subject: Video request: Katrina Pierson on CNN Happening now, thanks.","label":0} {"text":"Here they are: Talking Points on Party Unity: Democrats Overwhelmingly United * Polls continue to show that Democrats are overwhelmingly united and excited about both of our candidates. * By and large we've had a great primary, with substantive candidates whose vision to move America forward lines up with the values of the American people. * And we're going to come out of our convention more unified and stronger than ever, while Republicans are disillusioned and discouraged with their dangerous and divisive candidate, Donald Trump, and the rest of their party. * Just look at the new poll today from CBS\/New York Times: A new CBS\/NYT poll shows that Democrats are more united today than in May of 2008, disproving the myth of Democratic disunity heading into the 2016 election. The poll showed that 72 percent of Senator Sanders' supporters said they would vote for Secretary Clinton, and 78 percent of Senator Sanders' supporters said they would vote for Secretary Clinton. In May of 2008, polling found only 60 percent of Clinton supporters said they would vote for then-Senator Obama, who was eventually elected to a landslide victory. Furthermore, the poll shows that 80 percent of Democrats are \"mostly hopeful\" about the future of the Democratic Party, as opposed to Republicans, who are split 55%-43% between \"mostly hopeful\" and \"mostly discouraged\" about the future of the Republican Party. This echoes what we've seen in exit poll after exit poll after exit poll: Indiana : Three-quarters of Democrats in the state say they've been energized by the nomination contest between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. But nearly 6 in 10 Republicans say they think their party has been divided by the battle being fought by billionaire Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut : Democratic voters, unlike Republicans, said the primary season had energized their party. Two-thirds or more of Democrats who cast ballots in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut said their party was more energized, while less than one-third said it was divided, exit polls showed. New York : Almost 6 in 10 New York Republican voters say their party has been divided by the nomination process, while only 3 in 10 Democratic voters say the same about their party's primaries. Less than 4 in 10 GOP voters say they've been energized, exit polls show, compared with two-thirds of Democratic voters who say that about their side. It's clear that heading into the 2016 elections, Democrats are united and energized, while Republicans are disillusioned and discouraged with their dangerous and divisive candidate, Donald Trump, and the rest of their party.","label":0} {"text":"Metro Credit Union Dear Metro Credit Union Valued Member,We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures.Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages. To perform regular maintenance please click here . Please Note: If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 24 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and will be suspended. The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. Thank you for using Metro Credit Union!The Metro Credit Union Team Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. Copyright \u00a9 2007 Metro Credit Union. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Off the record, you should request it from them, we don't divulge private communications from our candidates. However, since they raised it as an issue it would be surprising if they didn't send it to you. ________________________________________ From: Daniel Strauss [dstrauss1987@me.com] Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 12:25 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Deep background question Hey So we want to see the list of committee appointments the Sanders Folks submitted just to verify it was mostly staffers and ineligible figures. That possible with no fingerprints attached? Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"[SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 - MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 6:05 PM To: Freundlich, Christina; Miranda, Luis Subject: Draft Video Topper NEW DNC VIDEO: Trump Won't Let Anyone See His \"Beautiful\" Tax Returns A new DNC video launched today highlights Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns, as well as his false claim that voters would learn nothing from them. The video makes it clear that Trump is not being honest with the American people and lacks the temperament to occupy the White House. While he previously didn't have any problems releasing what he called his \"beautiful\" tax returns, Trump is now backtracking on that commitment. The American people ought to know whether Trump has been paying his fair share and how much he would benefit from his own reckless tax plan. The new DNC video is being made available online and as an online ad in key markets around the country: WATCH","label":0} {"text":"Designing a Defensible E-Discovery Process Designing a Defensible E-Discovery Process - Register Now Webinar: Designing a DefensibleE-Discovery Process August 6, 2014 11am PT \/ 2pm ET Is your organization among the 56 percent in a recent survey that does not have e-discovery policies or a tested, repeatable process in place? Join nationally recognized e-discovery expert Scott A. Carlson of Seyfarth Shaw LLP and EnCE-certified expert witness and consultant Jim Vaughn to learn how to design a defensible, standardized plan for matters pertaining to electronically stored information (ESI). In our upcoming webinar, \"Designing a Defensible E-Discovery Process,\" you'll learn how and why to: Gain an understanding of the types, locations, and retention policies of your organization's ESI Use questionnaires and other methodologies for employees How to create a common language to bridge the gap between Legal and IT Make sound identification and collection decisions relative to mobile devices, non-corporate devices, external media, legacy systems, and archived data Presenters: Scott A. Carlson, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw, LLP Jim Vaughn, Managing Director, iDiscovery Solutions Register for Webinar >> \u00a9 2014 Guidance Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106-2375 Privacy Policy | Contact Us You are receiving this email because of your standing in the business and legal communities. Click Here if you wish to unsubscribe from Today's General Counsel's future promotional emails. ----boundary-LibPST-iamunique-1369549809_-_---","label":0} {"text":"i hpe thingsa re ok for you.obviously a shit load of rumours circulating . we both know youll be ok personally but cant be fun. if i can help you know where im at. be cool","label":0} {"text":"I'm in favor From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:45 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Walker, Eric; Paustenbach, Mark Subject: FW: ICYMI: Texas Democrats Hold Ted Cruz Accountable for His Lawlessness Ok to FWD from us? Think it'd be a good idea. Lots of good coverage here. From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:38 PM To: Comm_D Subject: FW: ICYMI: Texas Democrats Hold Ted Cruz Accountable for His Lawlessness From: Press Texas Democratic Party Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:36 PM To: Press Texas Democratic Party Subject: ICYMI: Texas Democrats Hold Ted Cruz Accountable for His Lawlessness [TX Dem logo.png] For Immediate Release April 26, 2016 Contact: Tariq Thowfeek, (832) 429-8217, press@txdemocrats.org ICYMI: Texas Democrats Hold Ted Cruz Accountable for His Lawlessness Austin, TX -- In case you missed it, yesterday, the Texas Democratic Party filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) regarding Ted Cruz's violation of federal election campaign laws. Here's what you need to know: \u00b7 At a fundraiser for Ted Cruz, Keet Lewis, Cruz's National Co-Chair asked attendees to contribute funds in unlimited amounts and make corporate contributions to a Super PAC, Stand for Truth PAC. That is against the law. \u00b7 Cruz for President also decided to place and publicize a solicitation table for the Stand for Truth PAC at its own event, flagrantly disregarding the limits of the law. \u00b7 Keet Lewis, Cruz for President campaign National Co-Chair stated, \"If you hit your max then we have a table for you that is the unlimited table...It can take corporate dollars, it can take partnership dollars, and that's the super PAC, Stand for Truth, so pick up some of that information.\" [Politico, April 7, 2016 ] Background: \u00b7 Click here to listen to Ted Cruz Campaign official violating federal election laws in Dallas, Texas. \u00b7 Click here to view the official Texas Democratic Party's FEC Complaint against Senator Ted Cruz, Cruz for President, J. Keet Lewis, and Stand for Truth PAC. Watch these clips: \u00b7 [KTSM, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 [KTJL, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 [KWKT, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 [KMID, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 [KHOU, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 [KVUE, April 25, 2016 ] Read more: \u00b7 \"Texas Democrats allege Cruz campaign violated federal election laws during Dallas fundraiser\" [Dallas Morning News, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"Texas Dems file FEC complaint over Ted Cruz fundraiser\" [Houston Chronicle, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"Ted Cruz fundraiser subject of Texas Democrats' ethics complaint\" [Austin American-Statesman, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"Texas Democrats File FEC Complaint Against Cruz\" [Texas Tribune, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"Texas Democratic Party Accuses Ted Cruz of Violating Election Campaign Laws\" [Time Warner Cable, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"O'Malley's 'Irish Wake'\" [Politico, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 \"Paxton Tries To Calm Tempest Over Tea Party IRS Remark\" [Texas Tribune, April 25, 2016 ] \u00b7 Texas Take: April 26, 2016 [Houston Chronicle, April 26, 2016 ] ###","label":0} {"text":"For Immediate Release May 17, 2017 DNC Chair's Statement on Today's Primaries WASHINGTON - DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement on today's primaries in Kentucky and Oregon: \"With two more Democratic primary contests closed tonight in Kentucky and Oregon, it's once again clear that our voters are excited and enthusiastic about the future of our party, about building on the last seven years of progress, and ready to hold Donald Trump accountable for the damage he's done as a candidate and the damage he's promising he would do as president. \"In just the last week, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has backpedaled away from his own pledge to release his tax returns, vowed to slash taxes for those at the top like himself, faced questions about pretending to be his own publicist, refused to address his well-documented history of misogyny, called his campaign's selection of a white supremacist delegate a 'database error,' and insulted one of our country's most important allies. Every day it seems, the American people are discovering a new example of his recklessness, lack of judgment and unstable temperament. That's why Democrats will head into the general election energized, understanding what's at stake and championing the values and priorities that match those of the American people. As we move closer to our convention and the general election, it's clearer than ever we must elect a Democrat as our 45th President.\" ###","label":0} {"text":"-----Original Message----- From: Choate, Heather Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:51 AM To: Neal, Scott; Shively, Hunter S.; Grigsby, Mike; Lagrasta, Fred; Martin, Thomas A. Cc: Bates, Kimberly; Hogan, Irena D.; Villarreal, Alex; Rangel, Ina; Vuittonet, Laura; Jackson, Brandee; Saldana, Alex; Superty, Robert; Hall, Bob M; Presas, Jessica; Quezada, Daniel; Showers, Digna; Greif, Donna; Lamadrid, Victor; Kinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Calcagno, Suzanne; Farmer, Daren J.; Smith, George F.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Jaquet, Tammy; Young, Becky Subject: Logistics Commercial Realignment After a careful review of the wholesale and retail gas trading and scheduling process it has been decided that the Gas Logistics teams should report directly into the Enron America's Commercial organization. This realignment will help to strengthen the commercial focus and communication between the trading desks and the schedulers and will play a critical role as Enron tries to maximize opportunities and maintain a competitive trading edge. The details are as follows: Wholesale Bob Superty will maintain his management of the Logistics support functions which include the Transport Rate team (Kim Olinger), Electronic Commerce team (Tammy Lee-Jaquet) and Regulatory Affairs teams (Suzanne Calcagno). In addition, Bob will now manage the Northeast Logistics team as part of the East desk. Bob will report directly to Scott Neal and will also help coordinate the Logistics function across all regions working closely with each of the regional Logistics Managers, Commercial desk heads and Enron Americas senior management team. Victor LaMadrid will manage the Southeast Logistics team and will report directly to Scott Neal. Victor's knowledge and overall east desk experience will be critical to help maximize east desk opportunities and promote new initiatives across all regions. Lisa Kinsey will manage the Central Logistics team and will report directly to Hunter Shively. Patti Sullivan will manage the West Logistics team and will report directly to Mike Grigsby. Darren Farmer will manage the Texas Logistics team and will report directly to Tom Martin George Smith will manage the Well Head Logistics team and will report directly to Fred Lagrasta. Retail Donna Greif will now report directly to Don Black. Each of the regional Logistics Managers (East - Marde Driscoll-Ernest, Central - Charlie Muzzy, West - Sabra Dinari) will continue to report directly to Donna. Donna will continue her ongoing efforts in the development and integration of the new retail trading systems, prior period adjustments and development of a strong and talented Logistics team. Congratulations to all involved and welcome to the commercial gas team - John Lavorato, President and CEO, Enron Americas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assistants - Please forward on to your groups.","label":0} {"text":"PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with a secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to your account features will be restricted. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Why is my account access restricted? Your account access has been restricted for the following reason(s): A recent review of your account determined that we require some additional information from you in order to provide you with a secure service. (Your case ID for this reason is PP-369-182-271.) We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party as different computers have logged into your PayPal account and multiple password failures where presented before the logons. We now need you to re-confirm your account information to us. We understand that having restricted access can be an inconvenience, but protecting your account is our primary concern. (Your case ID for this reason is PP-367-400-601.) How can I restore my account access? Please visit the link below, log into your account and complete the secure verification form: Thank you for your patience, PayPal Customer Service Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. Copyright 1999-2009 PayPal. All rights reserved.","label":1} {"text":"Did you ever wounder if Ron Paul is running to split the White vote so that that nigger or slut would get into office and pass a stream of anti-White laws??? Ron Paul a plant by the ADL\/FBI? Why else would an american candidate OPENLY except money from white racists? Why else would he OPENLY be against wetbacks? Why else would he OPENLY be anti affirmative action? It seems to me that he might be a plant! I don't trust americans any more then I trust a JEW!! And for this american, who is a candidate, who also OPENLY excepts monies from racists, just might be a plant...! www.fascistworld.org","label":0} {"text":"Frank I do not recall what Kyrdianov has worked on - sorry. However, Hantemirov has done outstanding work putting together and as yet preliminarily analysing what wii no doubt become a world famous sub fossil chronology in the Yamal area of northern Siberia. Indeed I will feature this work in my presentation. Frank , an important point requiring your instant help! Some time ago I got a request to write something for a NERC(?) publication related to my talk in April. Now I can't find it and desperately need to contact the guy about length and deadine - which may have passed. Can you help? I know you coordinated with him. Yes I know I'm a _anker! Keith At 10:12 AM 1\/16\/98 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Keith, > >I'm trying to draw up a short list for the 5 young scientists who will >receive financial support from UCL. I need to balance them for theme and >region and it seems that one of them should probably be a former USSR >dendro-person. I've consulted Gene who points to Hantemirov and >Kyrdianov as the two most worthy. Do you have any advice? Both abstracts >look good and Gene thinks highly of each piece of work. seems better to >get a second opinion from the dendro-world than to leave it open or try >to resolve the question from a non-specialist perspective. > >I look forward to hearing from you, > >Cheers, > >Frank >____________________________________________ >Frank Oldfield > >Executive Director >PAGES IPO >Barenplatz 2 >CH-3011 Bern, Switzerland > >e-mail: frank.oldfield@pages.unibe.ch *** NOTE CHANGE *** > >Phone: +41 31 312 3133; Fax: +41 31 312 3168 > >","label":0} {"text":"Dear Phil, Of course I'll be happy to be on board. I think the opportunity for some direct collaboration between us (me, and you\/tim\/keith) is ripe, and the plan to compare and contrast different approaches and data and synthesize the different results is a good one. Though sidetracked by other projects recently, I remain committed to doing this with you guys, and to explore applications to synthetic datasets with manufactured biases\/etc remains high priority. It sounds like it would all fit into the proposal you mention. There may be some overlap w\/proposals we will eventually submit to NSF (renewal of our present funding), etc. by I don't see a problem with that in the least. Once the collaboration is officially in place, I think that sharing of codes, data, etc. should not be a problem. I would be happy to make mine available, though can't promise its the most user friendly thing in the world. In short, I like the idea. INclude me in, and let me know what you need from me (cv, etc.). cheers, mike ____________________________________________________________________ Michael E. Mann Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 ____________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@snow.geo.umass.edu Web: Phone: (413) 545-9573 FAX: (413) 545-1200","label":0} {"text":"Dear Customer, You have one new message at eBay. INBOX From: Customer Service Date: 29\/04\/2009 Subject: Official service renewal notification. In order to read the message click here to login at eBay and access your MAIL section. This site provides information about and access to financial services offered by the eBay family of companies, including eBay , N.A., members FDIC. \u00a92009 eBay Services, Inc. eBay is a federally registered service mark. 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Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"eBay sent this message to you.Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Question about Item -- Respond Now eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will go to the eBay member directly and will include your email address. Click the Respond Now button below to send your response via My Messages (your email address will not be included). Question from jason1493 Item: (180048490344) This message was sent while the listing was active. jason1493 is a Seller. Hy there, Still waiting for the payment. I am waiting for 5 days.Please reply asap and let me know. Regards, Jason Respond to this question in My Messages. Item Details Item number: 180048490344 End date: Nov-14-06 21:49:05 PST View item description: Thank you for using eBay! Marketplace Safety Tip Always remember to complete your transactions on eBay - it's the safer way to trade.Is this message an offer to buy your item directly through email without winning the item on eBay? If so, please help make the eBay marketplace safer by reporting it to us. These \"outside of eBay\" transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy. Learn more about trading safely. Is this email inappropriate? Does it violate eBay policy? Help protect the community by reporting it. Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at: This eBay notice was sent to you on behalf of another eBay member through the eBay platform and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies.Privacy Policy: Agreement: Copyright \u00a9 2006 eBay, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.","label":1} {"text":"A man endowed with a 7 - 8\" hammer is simply better equipped than a man with a 5 - 6\" hammer. Would you rather havemore than enough to get the job done or fall very short. It's totally upto you. Our Methods are guaranteed to increase your size by 1 - 3\" Enter here and see how","label":1} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: robert taubr Date: Apr 9, 2008 11:33 AM Subject: inquiry To: commander@newsaxon.org I am doing a presentation for a poli-sci class. We have been given the option to choose a party, of sorts, to speak about and I have chosen to enlighten the class about the National Socialist Party\/Movement. Is there any particular information you would wish for me to convey, aside from the basics which I am sure I could find at Wikipedia or somewhere easily. I am also sure that many people see you as no different from the original, ww2, version and thus have alot of misgivings and stereotypical feelings. What message would you have me convey, what statistics and proofs would you wish me to discuss, in order that I may bring other classmates into a more open minded camp, and thus show the positives of the party? Thank you for your time Robert Taubr -- aside from the obvious, nothing is as it seems Kohoutek -- Commander Jeff Schoep \"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.\" National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org","label":0} {"text":"John, I need to get with you sometimes soon to make those changes to my contract (2001 bonus). I was in somewhat of a rush yesterday evening and neglected to make the changes you had advised me about. I have already forwarded the information back to Enron. Thanks","label":0} {"text":"BASSEY& ASSOCIATES FALOMO, IKOYI. LAGOS - NIGERIA. FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION, RE: REQUEST FOR MUTUALLY BENEFITTING ENDEAVOUR. I humbly crave your indulgence in sending you this mail, if the contents does not meet with your personal and business ethics, I apologize in advance. I am Barrister Williams Bassey ( attorney at law), I represent Alhaji Ishmaila Ibrahim Gwarzo's estates. Alhaji Gwarzo was the chief security advicer of the then military leader of this country(Nigeria) in the person of Late General Sani Abacha who died on the 8th of June 1998. With the advent of a new democratic dispensation in the country under the leadership of Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo (Rtd), my client has come under severe persecution due to the sensitive position he held in the last military regime, presently he is under house arrest restricted only to the confines of his village. The main purpose of this mail is to intimate you of a business proposal that might be of interest to you. My client has informed me of the existence of funds deposited with a security company abroad. This fund came about as part of security votes that were allocated to my client's portfolio during his tenure as chief security advicer to the then president. What happened was that he had part of the funds transferred from the vaults of the Central Bank Of Nigeria to this security outfit with the aim of purchasing arms and ammunitions for the personal security outfit of the then president. But before the purchase could take place the president died. My client has deceided to keep this for himself as all his properties has been confisticated by the present regime. But due to his incarceration he cannot travel out and effect the change of possession to his benefit. I have been mandated by my client to source for a foreign partner that can help him facilitate the change of possession. The deposit certificate and the code needed for the execution of this endeavour are in my possession. The funds in question is USD33.6M (Thirty-Three Million, Six Hundred Thousand United States dollars Only). Should this proposition be of interest to you,you can reach me through my e-mail address so that we can go through the rudiments of this endeavour. I remain most obliged. Barrister Williams Bassey (JP). Principal Partner.- Bassey & Associates","label":1} {"text":"Verify Your Mailbox Dear jose@monkey.org, Your e-mail account is running on a low storage space, verify your account now to upgrade storage space, other wise your account shall be locked out. Click here to verify your account","label":1} {"text":"What do you think of something like this? \"Reince and Ben should stop using Christianity as a shield to avoid standing up to their presumptive nominee's blatant sexism. It is precisle because of our core values, not in spite of them, that we should all find common ground in the truth that sexism and misoginystic rhetoric have no place in our democracy or in our political process.\" [SigDems] Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 \u2013 MirandaL@dnc.org - @MiraLuisDC From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 2:09 PM To: Price, Jenna; Miranda, Luis Subject: RE: DAILY BEAST re: Priebus and Carson saying it's \"not Christian\" to judge Trump's behavior with women How about this? \"There is no reason at all that the Chair of the Republican National Committee can't stand up and call out blatant instances of sexism. There is no excuse.\" Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org From: Price, Jenna Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:16 AM To: Paustenbach, Mark; Miranda, Luis Subject: FW: DAILY BEAST re: Priebus and Carson saying it's \"not Christian\" to judge Trump's behavior with women Flagging- From: Patricia Murphy Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:14 AM To: DNC Press Subject: DAILY BEAST re: Priebus and Carson saying it's \"not Christian\" to judge Trump's behavior with women Hi guys, Do y'all have a comment for a piece I'm writing about Ben Carson and Reince Priebus both saying yesterday that it isn't Christian to judge Donald Trump for his behavior with women that the NYT detailed? Priebus said it on \"This Week,\" Carson said it on Fox & Friends Sunday. (quotes below) I'm writing about the obvious irony there. If you'd have a moment today, I'd be grateful for your input. Thanks so much, Patricia Murphy The Daily Beast 202-277-4612 AND FYI: Reince Priebus on ABC's This Week, when asked about the Times piece: \"But I also think there are things from many years ago and I think that, you know, as Christians, judging each other I think is is problematic. I think it's when people live in glass houses and throw stones is when people get in trouble.\" And Dr. Carson on \"Fox & Friends\" Sunday, in response to a question about whether he was comfortable with the way Trump treats women.: \"As a Christian, what I do is not judge everybody. And that seems to be something that a lot of people have got into. 'I'm better than you are.' Give me a break. Let's just stop for a moment. And I'm talking to conservatives. Let's consider where we are as a nation and what we have to do. What your feelings are personally about a person is irrelevant. What we need to be talking about your children and your grandchildren's future. Think about that.\"","label":0} {"text":"Dear All, Thought you would be interested in this exchange, which John Holdren of Harvard has been kind enough to pass along... mike Delivered-To: mem6u@virginia.edu X-Sender: jholdren@camail2.harvard.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 13:53:08 -0400 To: \"Michael Mann\" , \"Tom Wigley\" From: \"John P. Holdren\" Subject: Correspondence on Harvard Crimson coverage of Soon \/ Baliunas views on climate Michael and Tom -- I'm forwarding for your entertainment an exchange that followed from my being quoted in the Harvard Crimson to the effect that you and your colleagues are right and my \"Harvard\" colleagues Soon and Baliunas are wrong about what the evidence shows concerning surface temperatures over the past millennium. The cover note to faculty and postdocs in a regular Wednesday breakfast discussion group on environmental science and public policy in Harvard's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences is more or less self-explanatory. Best regards, John Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 11:02:24 -0400 To: schrag@eps.harvard.edu, oconnell@eps.harvard.edu, holland@eps.harvard.edu, pearson@eps.harvard.edu, eli@eps.harvard.edu, ingalls@eps.harvard.edu, mlm@eps.harvard.edu, avan@fas.harvard.edu, moyer@huarp.harvard.edu, poussart@fas.harvard.edu, jshaman@fas.harvard.edu, sivan@fas.harvard.edu, bec@io.harvard.edu, saleska@fas.harvard.edu From: \"John P. Holdren\" Subject: For the EPS Wednesday breakfast group: Correspondence on Harvard Crimson coverage of Soon \/ Baliunas views on climate Cc: jeremy_bloxham@harvard.edu, william_clark@harvard.edu, patricia_mclaughlin@harvard.edu, Bcc: Colleagues-- I append here an e-mail correspondence I have engaged in over the past few days trying to educate a Soon\/Baliunas supporter who originally wrote to me asking how I could think that Soon and Baliunas are wrong and Mann et al. are right (a view attributed to me, correctly, in the Harvard Crimson). This individual apparently runs a web site on which he had been touting the Soon\/Baliunas position. While it is sometimes a mistake to get into these exchanges (because one's interlocutor turns out to be ineducable and\/or just looking for a quote to reproduce out of context in an attempt to embarrass you), there was something about this guy's formulations that made me think, at each round, that it might be worth responding. In the end, a couple of colleagues with whom I have shared this exchange already have suggested that its content would be of interest to others, and so I am sending it to our \"environmental science and policy breakfast\" list for your entertainment and, possibly, future breakfast discussion. The items in the correspondence are arranged below in chronological order, so that it can be read straight through, top to bottom. Best, John At 09:43 PM 9\/12\/2003 -0400, you wrote: Dr. Holdren: In a recent Crimson story on the work of Soon and Baliunas, who have written for my website [1]www.techcentralstation.com, you are quoted as saying: My impression is that the critics are right. It s unfortunate that so much attention is paid to a flawed analysis, but that s what happens when something happens to support the political climate in Washington. Do you feel the same way about the work of Mann et. al.? If not why not? Best, Nick Nick Schulz Editor TCS 1-800-619-5258 From: John P. Holdren [[2]mailto:john_holdren@harvard.edu] Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 11:06 AM To: Nick Schulz Subject: Harvard Crimson coverage of Soon \/ Baliunas controversy Dear Nick Schultz -- I am sorry for the long delay in this response to your note of September 12. I have been swamped with other commitments. As you no doubt have anticipated, I do not put Mann et al. in the same category with Soon and Baliunas. If you seriously want to know \"Why not?\", here are three ways one might arrive at what I regard as the right conclusion: (1) For those with the background and patience to penetrate the scientific arguments, the conclusion that Mann et al. are right and Soon and Baliunas are wrong follows from reading carefully the relevant Soon \/ Baliunas paper and the Mann et al. response to it: W. Soon and S. Baliunas, \"Proxy climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years\", Climate Research, vol. 23, pp 89ff, 2003. M. Mann, C. Amman, R. Bradley, K. Briffa, P. Jones, T. Osborn, T. Crowley, M. Hughes, M. Oppenheimer, J. Overpeck, S. Rutherford, K. Trenberth, and T. Wigley, \"On past temperatures and anomalous late-20th century warmth\", EOS, vol 84, no. 27, pp 256ff, 8 July 2003. This is the approach I took. Soon and Baliunas are demolished in this comparison. (2) Those lacking the background and\/or patience to penetrate the two papers, and seriously wanting to know who is more likely to be right, have the option of asking somebody who does possess these characteristics -- preferably somebody outside the handful of ideologically committed and\/or oil-industry-linked professional climate-change skeptics -- to evaluate the controversy for them. Better yet, one could poll a number of such people. They can easily be found by checking the web pages of earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, and environmental sciences departments at any number of major universities. (3) The least satisfactory approach, for those not qualified for (1) and lacking the time or initiative for (2), would be to learn what one can about the qualifications (including publications records) and reputations, in the field in question, of the authors on the two sides. Doing this would reveal that Soon and Baliunas are, essentially, amateurs in the interpretation of historical and paleoclimatological records of climate change, while the Mann et al. authors include several of the most published and most distinguished people in the world in this field. Such an investigation would also reveal that Dr. Baliunas' reputation in this field suffered considerable damage a few years back, when she put her name on an incompetent critique of mainstream climate science that was never published anywhere respectable but was circulated by the tens of thousands, in a format mimicking that of a reprint from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in pursuit of signatures on a petition claiming that the mainstream findings were wrong. Of course, the third approach is the least satisfactory because it can be dangerous to assume that the more distinguished people are always right. Occasionally, it turns out that the opposite is true. That is one of several good reasons that it pays to try to penetrate the arguments, if one can, or to poll others who have tried to do so. But in cases where one is not able or willing to do either of these things -- and where one is able to discover that the imbalance of experience and reputation on the two sides of the issue is as lopsided as here -- one ought at least to recognize that the odds strongly favor the proposition that the more experienced and reputable people are right. If one were a policy maker, to bet the public welfare on the long odds of the opposite being true would be foolhardy. Sincerely, John Holdren PS: I have provided this response to your query as a personal communication, not as fodder for selective excerpting on your web site or elsewhere. If you do decide that you would like to propagate my views on this matter more widely, I ask that you convey my response in its entirety. At 11:16 AM 10\/13\/2003 -0400, you wrote: I have the patience but, by your definition certainly, not the background, so I suppose it s not surprising I came to a different conclusion. I guess my problem concerns what lawyers call the burden of proof. The burden weighs heavily much more heavily, given the claims on Mann et.al. than it does on Soon\/Baliunas. Would you agree? Falsifiability for the claims of Mann et. al. requires but a few examples, does it not? Soon\/Baliunas make claims that have no such burden. Isn t that correct? Best, Nick From: John P. Holdren [[3]mailto:john_holdren@harvard.edu] Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 5:54 PM To: Nick Schulz Subject: RE: Harvard Crimson coverage of Soon \/ Baliunas controversy Nick-- Yes, I can see how it might seem that, in principle, those who are arguing for a strong and sweeping proposition (such as that \"the current period is the warmest in the last 1000 years\") must meet a heavy burden of proof, and that, because even one convincing counter-example shoots the proposition down, the burden that must be borne by the critics is somehow lighter. But, in practice, burden of proof is an evolving thing -- it evolves as the amount of evidence relevant to a particular proposition grows. To choose an extreme example, consider the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Both of these are \"empirical\" laws. Our confidence in them is based entirely on observation; neither one can be \"proven\" from more fundamental laws. Both are very sweeping. The first law says that energy is conserved in all physical processes. The second law says that entropy increases in all physical processes. So, is the burden of proof heavier on somebody who asserts that these laws are correct, or on somebody who claims to have found an exception to one or both of them? Clearly, in this case, the burden is heavier on somebody who asserts an exception. This is in part because the two laws have survived every such challenge in the past. No exception to either has ever been documented. Every alleged exception has turned out to be traceable to a mistake of some kind. This burden on those claiming to have found an exception is so strong that the US Patent Office takes the position, which has been upheld in court, that any patent application for an invention that violates either law can be rejected summarily, without any further analysis of the details. Of course, I am not asserting that the claim we are now in the warmest period in a millennium is in the same league with the laws of thermodynamics. I used the latter only to illustrate the key point that where the burden is heaviest depends on the state of prior evidence and analysis on the point in question -- not simply on whether a proposition is sweeping or narrow. In the case actually at hand, Mann et al. are careful in the nature of their claim. They write along the lines of \"A number of reconstructions of large-scale temperature changes support the conclusion\" that the current period is the warmest in the last millennium. And they write that the claims of Baliunas et al. are \"inconsistent with the preponderance of scientific evidence\". They are not saying that no shred of evidence to the contrary has ever been produced, but rather that analysis of the available evidence as a whole tends to support their conclusion. This is often the case in science. That is, there are often \"outlier\" data points or apparent contradictions that are not yet adequately explained, but still are not given much weight by most of the scientists working on a particular issue if a strong preponderance of evidence points the other way. This is because the scientists judge it to be more probable that the outlier data point or apparent contradiction will ultimately turn out to be explainable as a mistake, or otherwise explainable in a way that is consistent with the preponderance of evidence, than that it will turn out that the preponderance of evidence is wrong or is being misinterpreted. Indeed, apparent contradictions with a preponderance of evidence are FAR more often due to measurement error or analysis error than to real contradiction with what the preponderance indicates. A key point, then, is that somebody with a PhD claiming to have identified a counterexample does not establish that those offering a general proposition have failed in their burden of proof. The counterexample itself must pass muster as both valid in itself and sufficient, in the generality of its implications, to invalidate the proposition. In the case at hand, it is not even a matter of an \"outlier\" point or other seeming contradiction that has not yet been explained. Mann et al. have explained in detail why the supposed contrary evidence offered by Baliunas et al. does NOT constitute a counterexample. To those with some knowledge and experience in studies of this kind, the refutation by Mann et al is completely convincing. Sincerely, John Holdren At 08:08 AM 10\/15\/2003 -0400, you wrote: Dr. Holdren: Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time. You are quite right about the laws of thermodynamics. And you are quite right that Mann et al is not in the same league as those laws and that s not to take anything from their basic research. You write to those with knowledge and experience in studies of this kind, the refutation by Mann et all is completely convincing. Since I do not have what you would consider the requisite knowledge or experience, I can t speak to that. I ve read the Mann papers and the Baliunas Soon paper and the Mann rebuttal and find Mann s claims based on his research extravagant and beyond what he can legitimately claim to know. That said, I m willing to believe it is because I don t have the tools necessary to understand. But if you will indulge a lay person with some knowledge of the matter, perhaps you could clear up a thing or two. Part of the confusion over Mann et al it seems to me has to do not with the research itself but with the extravagance of the claims they make based on their research. And yet you write: Mann et al. are careful in the nature of their claim. They write along the lines of A number of reconstructions of large-scale temperature changes support the conclusion that the current period is the warmest in the last millennium. And they write that the claims of Baliunas et al. are inconsistent with the preponderance of scientific evidence . That makes it seem as if Mann s not claiming anything particularly extraordinary based on his research. But Mann claimed in the NYTimes in 1998 that in their Nature study from that year Our conclusion was that the warming of the past few decades appears to be closely tied to emission of greenhouse gases by humans and not any of the natural factors.\" Does that seem to be careful in the nature of a claim? Respected scientists like Tom Quigley responded at the time by saying \"I think there's a limit to how far you can ever go.\" As for using proxy data to detect a man-made greenhouse effect, he said, \"I don't think we're ever going to get to the point where we're going to be totally convincing.\" These are two scientists who would agree on the preponderance of evidence and yet they make different claims about what that preponderance means. There are lots of respected climatologists who would say Mann has insufficient scientific basis to make that claim. Would you agree? The Soon Baliunas research is relevant to that element of the debate what the preponderance of evidence enables us to claim within reason. To that end, I don t think claims of Soon Baliunas are inconsistent with the preponderance of scientific evidence. I ll close by saying I m willing to admit that, as someone lacking a PhD, I could be punching above my weight. But I will ask you a different but related question How much hope is there for reaching reasonable public policy decisions that affect the lives of millions if the science upon which those decisions must be made is said to be by definition beyond the reach of those people? All best, Nick Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 08:46:23 -0400 To: \"Nick Schulz\" From: \"John P. Holdren\" Subject: RE: Harvard Crimson coverage of Soon \/ Baliunas controversy Nick-- You ask good questions. I believe the thoughtfulness of your questions and the progress I believe we are making in this interchange contain the seeds of the answer to your final question, which, if I may paraphrase just a bit, is whether there's any hope of reaching reasonable public-policy decisions when the details of the science germane to those decisions are impenetrable to most citizens. This is a hard problem. Certainly the difficulty is not restricted to climate science and policy, but applies also to nuclear-weapon science and policy, nuclear-energy science and policy, genetic science and policy, and much more. But I don't think the difficulties are insurmountable. That's why I'm in the business I'm in, which is teaching about and working on the intersection of science and technology with policy. Most citizens cannot penetrate the details of what is known about the how the climate works (and, of course, what is known even by the most knowledgeable climate scientists about this is not everything one would like to know, and is subject to modification by new data, new insights, new forms of analysis). Neither would most citizens be able to understand how a hydrogen bomb works (even if the details were not secret), or what factors will determine the leak rates of radioactive nuclides from radioactive-waste repositories, or what stem-cell research does and promises to be able to do. But, as Amory Lovins once said in addressing the question of whether the public deserved and could play a meaningful role in debates about nuclear-weapon policy, even though most citizens would never understand the details of how nuclear weapons work or are made, \"You don't have to be a chicken to know what to do with an egg.\" In other words, for many (but not all) policy purposes, the details that are impenetrable do not matter. There CAN be aspects of the details that do matter for public policy, of course. In those cases, it is the function and the responsibility of scientists who work across the science-and-policy boundary to communicate the policy implications of these details in ways that citizens and policy makers can understand. And I believe it is the function and responsibility of citizens and policy makers to develop, with the help of scientists and technologists, a sufficient appreciation of how to reach judgments about plausibility and credibility of communications about the science and technology relevant to policy choices so that the citizens and policy makers are NOT disenfranchised in policy decisions where science and technology are germane. How this is best to be done is a more complicated subject than I am prepared to try to explicate fully here. (Alas, I have already spent more time on this interchange than I could really afford from other current commitments.) Suffice it to say, for now, that improving the situation involves increasing at least somewhat, over time, the scientific literacy of our citizens, including especially in relation to how science works, how to distinguish an extravagant from a reasonable claim, how to think about probabilities of who is wrong and who is right in a given scientific dispute (including the question of burden of proof as you and I have been discussing it here), how consulting and polling experts can illuminate issues even for those who don't understand everything that the experts say, and why bodies like the National Academy of Sciences and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change deserve more credibility on the question of where mainstream scientific opinion lies than the National Petroleum Council, the Sierra Club, or the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Regarding extravagant claims, you continue to argue that Mann et al. have been guilty of this, but the formulation of theirs that you offer as evidence is not evidence of this at all. You quote them from the NYT in 1998, referring to a study Mann and co-authors published in that year, as saying \"Our conclusion was that the warming of the past few decades appears to be closely tied to emission of greenhouse gases by humans and not any of the natural factors.\" and you ask \"Does that seem to be careful in the nature of a claim?\" My answer is: Yes, absolutely, their formulation is careful and appropriate. Please note that they did NOT say \"Global warming is closely tied to emission of greenhouse gases by humans and not any of the natural factors.\" They said that THEIR CONCLUSION (from a particular, specified study, published in NATURE) was that the warming of THE PAST FEW DECADES (that is, a particular, specified part of the historical record) APPEARS (from the evidence adduced in the specified study) to be closely tied... This is a carefully specified, multiply bounded statement, which accurately reflects what they looked at and what they found. And it is appropriately contingent --\"APPEARS to be closely tied\" -- allowing for the possibility that further analysis or new data could later lead to a different perspective on what appears to be true. With respect, it does not require a PhD in science to notice the appropriate boundedness and contingency in the Mann et al. formulation. It only requires an open mind, a careful reading, and a degree of understanding of the character of scientific claims and the wording appropriate to convey them that is accessible to any thoughtful citizen. That is why I'm an optimist. You go on to quote the respected scientist \"Tom Quigley\" as holding a contrary view to that expressed by Mann. But please note that: (1) I don't know of any Tom Quigley working in this field, so I suspect you mean to refer to the prominent climatologist Tom Wigley; (2) the statements you attribute to \"Quiqley\" do not directly contradict the careful statement of Mann (that is, it is entirely consistent for Mann to say that his study found that recent warming appears to be tied to human emissions and for Wigley to say that that there are limits to how far one can go with this sort of analysis, without either one being wrong); and (3) Tom Wigley is one of the CO-AUTHORS of the resounding Mann et al. refutation of Soon and Baliunas (see attached PDF file). I hope you have found my responses to be of some value. I now must get on with other things. Best, John Holdren JOHN P. HOLDREN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy & Director, Program in Science, Technology, & Public Policy, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor of Environmental Science and Public Policy, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARVARD UNIVERSITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mail: BCSIA, JFK School, 79 JFK St, Cambridge, MA 02138 phone: 617 495-1464 \/ fax 617 495-8963 email: john_holdren@harvard.edu assistant: Patricia_McLaughlin@ksg.harvard.edu, 617 495-1498 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOHN P. HOLDREN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy & Director, Program in Science, Technology, & Public Policy, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor of Environmental Science and Public Policy, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARVARD UNIVERSITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mail: BCSIA, JFK School, 79 JFK St, Cambridge, MA 02138 phone: 617 495-1464 \/ fax 617 495-8963 email: john_holdren@harvard.edu assistant: Patricia_McLaughlin@ksg.harvard.edu, 617 495-1498 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: mann@virginia.edu Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [4] References 1. 2. mailto:john_holdren@harvard.edu 3. mailto:john_holdren@harvard.edu 4.","label":0} {"text":"Special Offer - FREE TRIAL CLICK HERE I'm not interested click here sajfdibpjnjppmhbymschktbn","label":1} {"text":"? HTML Editor Sample Page Dear Navy Federal Credit Union Customer, We identified several error on the online access of your navy federal credit union account with us. For this reason and to further protect your identity, we immediately require that you reconfirm your details hereunder Please click here to the verify your identity Please View Message Now. For your protection, transactions on your account may be limited until you are able to confirm your identity. Please Do Not Reply to this Email. 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If you agree with it, a link is supplied at the website to a Yahoo forum for discussion. Essentially, I believe Whites must build religious congregations for the purpose later of building a new White nation, since the the White masses per se are now lost. To do that we must be able to approach the mainstream masses for the purpose of extracting those few individuals who agree with that purpose. The website is a means of presenting a religion to thinking individuals that can no longer believe in the myth and magic of traditional religions. I got your address from one of the National Socialist sites, but I can\u00b9t remember which . My racial beliefs are certainly comparable to yours, although there may be some difference in opinion over religious belief. Yes, I am certainly pushing LOGOS Pantheism as the answer to White difficulties. It is an amalgam of Dr. Pierce\u00b9s Cosmotheism with some thoughts of my own. Wayne Macleod On 7\/12\/07 10:25 AM, \"William Herring\" wrote: > Tell me more of this. I am an Odinist and happy with my spiritual state, but > you certainly make some strong claims. How did you get this e-mail address? If > you were unaware, I am a Nazi and a member of the National Socialist Movement. > Are your beliefs compatable with ours? We in the organization believe strongly > in freedom of choice and religion. You seem to be pushing this particular > faith as the \"way\". Please tell me more. I love to learn and form my own > opinions. Heil Hitler! >","label":0} {"text":"Important Notice: Your Amazon.com Order (#002-5081318-3276061) Amazon Greetings from Amazon.com. We have not yet received a valid method of payment and thus are unable to proceed with your order (#002-5081318-3276061). Your order remains open. Your credit card payment for the above transaction could not be completed. An issuing bank will often decline an attempt to charge a credit card if the name, expiration date, or ZIP Code you entered at Amazon.com does not exactly match the bank's information. To verify and\/or update payment information for this order, please visit the following page: Please note that if we do not receive payment from you within the next 3 days, your order will be canceled. If you would like to cancel the above order (#002-5081318-3276061) now, please visit the following page: This e-mail contains information directly related to your account with us, other services to which you have subscribed, and\/or any application you may have submitted. Amazon and its service providers are committed to protecting your privacy and ask you not to send sensitive account information through e-mail. You can view our privacy policy and contact information at: Thank you for shopping at Amazon.com. Sincerely, Amazon.com Customer Service Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your Amazon account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any Amazon page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here.","label":1} {"text":"Bitbitch writes: > Listen. If you pull numbers like that without a fact, the automagic > assumption is yes, they were extracted out of your neither orifice. > Point wasn't to conclude otherwise unless you had any relevant bits. > Its not my job to do _your_ bit searching for you, but I figured I'd > humor fork with this bit of finding: > > (Pointing ot > averages of about 13 for every 3 months (for gay men), which totals to > about 52 a year. 52 a year doesn't equal 3000. Or even 300. Er, that study would seem to lend credence to Eugen's estimations, rather than casting fresh doubts. 52 a year *does* exceed 300, in under 6 years' time. The average age of that study's participants was *39* -- meaning some participants may have had 20-25+ years of active sex life. At that age, and further ** HIV+ **, it seems reasonable to think that some the participants may have actually slowed their pace a bit. So while this study's summary info is incomplete, you could easily conclude that the *average* participant in this one study will have had over a thousand partners over a 40-50+ year active sex life, and so the even-more-active tails of the distribution could easily be in the 3000+ range. Of course this says very little, almost nothing, about the overall population behavior, gay or straight, and the relative prevalence of 3K+ individuals in either group. But it does strongly suggest that gay males with 3K+ partners exist in measurable numbers, so people should stop treating Eugen's anecdotal estimation as if it were sheer fantasy. BitBitch's own citation suggests otherwise. - Gordon","label":0} {"text":"For those who are interested. From: Sullivan, Molly Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:43 PM Subject: Emily's Farewell | Bluejacket Wednesday (5\/11) at 6:00PM Hi there - The time has come for us all to wish Emily well as she begins her next adventure at The Atlantic! She has been a stellar colleague - and often mentor - to her comrades at 430 South Capitol Street, so we hope that you can join us for her farewell happy hour. We will be meeting at Bluejacket (300 Tingey St SE, Washington, DC 20003) on Wednesday, May 11 at 6:00pm EST. No dial-in provided. The theme is school spirit. Please spread the word within your departments - everyone is welcome to join us. Best, Molly Molly Sullivan Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer Democratic National Committee O: 202.863.8153 | C: 202.320.0033 SullivanM@dnc.org [footer-d (2)]","label":0} {"text":"Watch here -----Original Message----- From: Paustenbach, Mark Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 7:32 PM To: Comm_D Subject: VIDEO REQUEST GOP strategist Michael Steel on Hardball\/MSNBC. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Please see below for this week's call time. 5\/19, 11am-12pm 5\/20, 10am-11am Thanks, Scott Sent from my iPhone","label":0} {"text":"Tracy, Would you please let Palu know if you have any changes to the bullets. I am going to leave her a message and ask her to post them tomorrow. Thank you, Jeanette Doll","label":0} {"text":"April 27, 2016 Contact: Drew Hammill\/Evangeline George 202-226-7616 Pelosi Statement on the Passing of Human Rights Advocate Harry Wu Washington, D.C. \u2013 Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today released this statement on the passing of Harry Wu, a former Chinese political prisoner and founder of the Laogai Research Foundation: \"Harry Wu will forever be remembered for his courage in confronting oppression, injustice, and the brutal human rights abuses perpetuated against political prisoners in his native China. With his passing, the world has lost a global champion for freedom and democracy. \"After surviving torturous imprisonment in China, Harry dedicated his life to exposing the truth about prison camps. As a proud American citizen, Harry often testified before Congress about the brutal, so-called reform through work system, which has been allegedly abolished in China. Harry's life work, including founding the Laogai Research Foundation and Laogai Museum, honors the memory of laogai victims, survivors, and political prisoners around the world. \"May Harry's legacy endure in the United States, China, and beyond. May it be a comfort to his family, and all who admired this great humanitarian, that so many join in their grief during this difficult time.\" # # # ________________________________ Press Release Link: DemocraticLeader.gov \u2013 Twitter \u2013 YouTube \u2013 Flickr \u2013 Facebook \u2013 The Gavel","label":0} {"text":"Untitled Document Warning Notification Dear Customer, It has come to our attention that your PayPal\u00ae account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records before January 16, 2008. Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal\u00ae account activity will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Click here to update your PayPal account information Copyright \u00a9 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved. Information about FDIC pass-through insurance","label":1} {"text":"Finallyyyyyyy. Lots of dealmaking involved. Roberta Jacobson confirmed as U.S. ambassador to Mexico By Seung Min Kim The Senate finally confirmed Roberta Jacobson to be the U.S. ambassador to Mexico on Thursday, ending a months-long delay of her nomination that was ultimately resolved by a complicated deal that drew in two Senate Republicans who had vied for president. Jacobson, a top State Department official, had faced objections from senators related to her work on implementing the Obama administration's controversial policy normalizing relations with Cuba. In November, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who at the time was deep into his presidential run, put a hold on her nomination while publicly criticizing her work at State. But the wheels began to turn toward getting Jacobson installed this month, after Rubio returned to the Senate following his failed presidential bid. Senate GOP leaders and the White House approached Rubio, asking him what would make him lift his Jacobson blockade, according to a Senate aide. Rubio's ask: an extension of a 2014 law he wrote that imposed sanctions on key officials in Venezuela, home to another regime that has been the target of Rubio's wrath. That set up intricate maneuvering with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who said he would block the extension Rubio wanted unless he could get Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to back off his nearly yearlong hold on a separate measure reauthorizing the State Department, according to the Senate aide. Cruz \u2014 who has also been busy campaigning for president \u2014 had put a blanket hold on the legislation and all nominees to the State Department last summer because of the administration's nuclear deal with Iran. But Rubio asked Cruz to drop his hold, according to the Senate aide, in exchange for helping to push legislation Cruz has championed that would rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington the Liu Xiaobo Plaza. That legislation was crucial for Cruz to lift his hold on the State Department nominees in February, although the White House has warned that it would veto Cruz's legislation. Alongside Jacobson's confirmation, the Senate also swiftly cleared the State Department authorization bill for the current fiscal year, as well as Rubio's bill that extended sanctions for three years, in rapid succession Thursday evening. \"The Maduro regime's abuses of power and violations of human rights are hurting innocent people in our hemisphere and threaten the national security interests of the United States,\" Rubio said after the sanctions legislation passed Thursday night. \"We have a responsibility to stand with the Venezuelan people by extending these sanctions.\" The moves ended a nearly yearlong saga over Jacobson's nomination, which had drawn an intraparty rift among Republicans, many of whom supported her despite objections from Cuban-American lawmakers such as Rubio who are vociferously opposed to the administration's Cuba policy. But other Republicans argued that it was unfair to hold Jacobson, whose nomination passed the Foreign Relations Committee in November, hostage over Cuba politics. \"On issues ranging from trade to migration to security and the border, the interests of the United States are served and Arizona benefits when our nation is well-represented in Mexico,\" Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, Jacobson's most vocal Republican supporter, said after she was confirmed. \"Though long overdue, I'm pleased that the Senate has confirmed an individual as qualified and capable as Roberta Jacobson to serve as U.S. ambassador to Mexico.\" Secretary of State John Kerry hailed the confirmation in a statement, praising Jacobson's \"tremendous service record in the State Department.\"","label":0} {"text":"=================================================================== Now you can have HUNDREDS of lenders compete for your loan! FACT: Interest Rates are at their lowest point in 40 years! You're eligible even with less than perfect credit !! * Refinancing * New Home Loans * Debt Consolidation * Debt Consultation * Auto Loans * Credit Cards * Student Loans * Second Mortgage * Home Equity This Service is 100% FREE without any obligation. Visit Our Web Site at: ==================================================================== To Unsubscribe:","label":1} {"text":"Watch here From: Sarge, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 1:24 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Request: Tad Devine on CNN Just ended","label":0} {"text":"We can ask but doubtful. Jordan Kaplan National Finance Director Democratic National Committee (202) 488-5002 (o) | (312) 339-0224 (c) kaplanj@dnc.org > On May 2, 2016, at 8:22 PM, Mabel Arrambide wrote: > > JK- Ralph Patino is asking for WH cinco de mayo tickets : >","label":0} {"text":"Your meeting was forwarded Palermo, Rachel has forwarded your meeting request to additional recipients. Meeting Regional meeting reviewing press lists - South Meeting Time Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:30 PM-1:00 PM. Recipients Rangappa, Anu Walker, Eric Jefferson, Deshundra All times listed are in the following time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) ________________________________ Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2010","label":0} {"text":"Adding Rachel about getting you on the press list. Her campaign put out this statement yesterday: >>> Contact: Ryan Banfill, (850) 933-7707 Statement by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Senator Sanders endorsement of her primary campaign opponent \"I am so proud to serve the people of Florida's 23rd district and I am confident that they know that I am an effective fighter and advocate on their behalf in Congress. Even though Senator Sanders has endorsed my opponent I remain, as I have been from the beginning, neutral in the Presidential Democratic primary. I look forward to working together with him for Democratic victories in the fall.\" ### Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S\u00ae4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: \"Kucinich, Jackie\" Date: 05\/22\/2016 17:33 (GMT-05:00) To: \"Miranda, Luis\" Subject: Response to Sanders? Hey Luis, I pinged Mark as well, but do you all have a response to Sander's latest salvo against DWS? Seems to be getting rather personal. I'm still not on the press list so apologies if you sent something out earlier today. Thanks, Jackie","label":0} {"text":"---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Hillary for America Press > Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 Subject: Sperling and Sullivan Call Out Trump for Reckless Economic Policies; HFA Releases Video Recap of Trump's Riskiest Economic Proposals To: Hillary for America Press > [H logo.png] Sperling and Sullivan Call Out Trump for Reckless Economic Policies; HFA Releases Video Recap of Trump's Riskiest Economic Proposals Monday, the former director of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling and Hillary for America senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan called out Donald Trump for his reckless economic policies, including his plan to hand trillions in tax breaks to millionaires. Audio available HERE . \"Trump's plan would cut millionaires' taxes to the lowest level in modern history. In fact, there's a technical term for Trump's tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires: Yuge. This is a tax plan by the billionaire, for the billionaires... Trump will keep trying to bob and weave. But the problem for him is that his proposal is right there in black and white. It has four full pages of detail. In fact, it's one of the only detailed policy proposals he's put forward in this campaign.\" - senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan \"This is the most risky, reckless and regressive tax proposal ever put forward by a major presidential candidate, and there is not even much disagreement on these basic numbers.... If you look at the Tax Policy Center's analysis, they find that the top 1% would get 40% of the tax cut. The top 0.1%, people making over 5.2 million dollars, would get 18%. So let me give a sense for what this means on how Donald Trump prioritizes the most extremely well-off: the top 0.1% would get more of a tax cut than the bottom 60% of workers combined.\" - former director of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling \"To emphasize, it's not just that his tax policy would be an enormous boon for the most well-off people on Wall Street at the expense of the middle class - he is affirmatively signaling that he would unravel the Dodd-Frank protections that have been put in to ensure we would never have a financial crisis again. That is an extraordinary signal to send, that a Trump presidency would mean more capacity to go back to the type of reckless behavior that most responsible people believe we can never allow again.\" - former director of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling A video released by Hillary for America recapped Trump's plan to hand trillions in tax breaks to millionaires and his proposal to do away with the federal floor for the minimum wage entirely. Video available HERE . Trumponomics : As the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump is trying to make Americans believe his economic policies have undergone a makeover. But his risky plan would hand trillions in tax breaks to millionaires and he says that there should not be a federal floor for the minimum wage. Quite simply, American families cannot afford Donald Trump as president. ### For Immediate Release, May 09, 2016 Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com PAID FOR BY HILLARY FOR AMERICA Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible. Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York -- - To unsubscribe from this group, send email to nationalpress2016+unsubscribe@hillaryclinton.com -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups \"NationalPress2016\" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to nationalpress2016+unsubscribe@hillaryclinton.com. Mark Paustenbach National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director Democratic National Committee W: 202.863.8148 paustenbachm@dnc.org","label":0} {"text":"Attention: University E-mail User, You have exceeded your University E-mail account limit quota of 250MB and you are requested to expand it within 24 hours or else your University E-mail account will be disable from our database. Simply CLICK HERE with the complete information requested to expand your University E-mail account quota to 1GB. Thank you for using University campus E-mail services. Copyright \u00a92015 University Information Center","label":1} {"text":"Ashfield Online email subscription (Sunday, September 1, 2002) Ashfield Online \u00a9 2002 Aric McKeown Comic for Sunday, September 1, 2002 Powered by FLASH (A Keenspot Comic) Visit the Ashfield Online website at www.AshfieldOnline.com. Note: If you do not see a comic in this email and you read your email offline, you may need to connect online to load the images. 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On the weekend\/evenings, I can be reached at home 1-970-728-0780, and during the week on my cell 520-907-6480. I'm single parenting, so on the weekends and evenings I might have to call back if 4 yr old Jack is doing something less than enjoyable to 1 yr old Eli. Julie is in Germany for IODP sampling. During the week, the boys are in school, and Julie's Mom arrives in time for next weekend. After the boys go to bed, I also work. We're getting there - thanks! best, peck >Peck (tried to phone) - >i please get Henry P to correct the text regarding the Section on >Ground Surface temperatures. I am not going to mess with this and I >can not get into which refs we need to include. Generally , I am >happy to go with what we have for this section but the comments , >especially by Beltrami need to be at least considered. Thanks >We have come to the best that we can re the Figures. The text of >course now needs to expand , especially re the justification for the >the new EMIC runs . How about you think on this and get the input >from Fortunat and Stefan especially re what we need to say and , >whether the last panel on second Figure ought to be in another >Figure with the specific forcings above as in the original second >Figure? These Figures (and even the few new additions to the >original model\/data comparison) are opening cans of worms re having >to explain\/justify different results. Someone also promised (from >the Cyrosphere chapter ) presumably the CLA to send the appropriate >text to describe the Oerlemans Figure - but nothing has been sent . >Can you check this out - or I will just write something naive. >Remind Fortunat he is editing in relation to his section in my >section!!!!!!! >Keith > > > >Keith > > > >-- >Professor Keith Briffa, >Climatic Research Unit >University of East Anglia >Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. > >Phone: +44-1603-593909 >Fax: +44-1603-507784 > > -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795 Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Ch04_FOD_Figs_TSU_FINAL.pdf\" Attachment Converted: \"c:\\eudora\\attach\\Ch04_FOD_Text_TSU_FINAL.pdf\"","label":0} {"text":"Watch From: Oslund, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 7:02 PM To: Nordyke, Hannah; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Requst: Fox Business Coverage Ed Rollins on now, on a panel From: Nordyke, Hannah Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 6:42 PM To: Oslund, Joseph; Comm_D Subject: RE: Video Requst: Fox Business Coverage Watch From: Oslund, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 6:14 PM To: Comm_D Subject: Video Requst: Fox Business Coverage ~6:12 pm Former NJ Gov Christie Todd Whitman saying she will write in instead of vote for trump, say that she puts her country in front of her party, etc.","label":0} {"text":"Please do not reply to this e-mail. 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Send your letter to rhumphreys@starexponent.com. 4. If your last name ends in A-D or M-P, send a copy to rjma@highstream.net 5. Report compliance by email. Thank you! Doyle __________________________ ARTICLE TEXT: Broaching a taboo subject Column Robert Legge Independent columnist and resident of Madison County Thursday, August 17, 2006 Suicide 'screening' group going about it the wrong way Normally we'd never have heard about it. But when a man's body was found on a Culpeper golf course, it became news that he had taken his own life. Most suicides are rarely mentioned in local newspapers. Even obituaries hardly ever make such a reference. The stigma is too much. People can't even say the word when it really counts. Too often, suicide is simply written off as the result of mental illness. But it is far more complex than that. Some people voluntarily end their life for pretty rational reasons, such as painful, terminal illness. In fact, white men 85 and over have by far the highest rates of suicide.And while their suicide is traumatic for their friends and family, there is still little public concern for the high rate of this group. There are approximately 30,000 reported suicides a year. Women attempt suicide more often than men, but men are far more successful in large part because they are more likely to use firearms. Suicide rates vary widely throughout the world. The more wealthy nations tend to have the higher rates. Russia, where rampant alcoholism surely plays a part, has the highest rates of all. Suicide is almost unheard of in most poor Latin American countries. A popular myth is that suicides are most common during the holidays. Actually the rate is highest during the spring and lowest during the winter. Lowering the rate of suicide is not easy. It is difficult to differentiate between people who have serious emotional problems but are able to cope and those who eventually take their life. The long list of risk factors could fit most of us, at one time or another. Some of the more serious are access to guns, history of alcohol abuse, physical illness, financial or legal crisis, divorce and depression. Too often our only response if we suspect someone is contemplating suicide is to call the authorities and have the person committed to a mental hospital. This can be traumatic and violent and can result in the person fearing any official intervention. It should be considered a last resort. Another popular myth is that there is an epidemic of children committing suicide. But even in America, with our relatively high suicide rate, teen suicide is rare. Of course that rarity is little consolation to a parent whose child takes his own life. And while teen suicide is far less common than for octogenarians, it still gets the bulk of the concern about suicide prevention. One organization, Teen Screen, that wants to stem the teen suicide rate, advocates suicide \"screening\" for all students nationwide. They conduct what they call a \"diagnostic psychiatric service\" to children as young as 9. Kids are plied with offers of video store discounts to get parental approval to take the screening. Based on their answers to such questions as \"How often did your parents get annoyed or upset with you because of the way you were feeling or acting?\" students may be encouraged to seek \"treatment,\" which usually means drugs. Unfortunately TeenScreen has no evidence that its screening reducing suicide rates. I can't help but be skeptical of the organization's motivation, as its founder and director have had longtime financial ties to the lucrative, psychiatric drug industry. But if all this screening saves one life, isn't it worth it? First off, a 2004 FDA study found that children on an antidepressant were at a greater than twofold increased risk of drug-induced suicidal behavior. Then there are a host of other issues involved in children being labeled mentally ill. None of this is to imply that children have never been helped by drugs or other therapy. But the risks appear to outweigh the benefits of this type of screening, conducted by people who have such close ties to the drug industry. E-mail rjma@highstream.net __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around","label":0}