Intent Script Call the function retrlines with arguments 'RETR ' concatenated to page and the method write of f ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + page, f.write) Call the method start with no arguments on t t.start() Define the function connect with arguments user, host and password def connect(user, host, password): Create the scoket with parameters AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM connSkt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) For each tgtPort in tgtPorts for tgtPort in tgtPorts: Call the method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes') Import the library for for file transfer protol connections import ftplib Call the function google with argoment 'Boondock Saint' google('Boondock Saint') Call the function quote_plus of urllib with argument search_term and assign it to search_terms search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term) Call the function listDir with argument recycleDir concatenated to sid of os and assign it to files files = os.listdir(recycleDir + sid) Call the method login on s with arguments, self.user, self.password s.login(, self.user, self.password) If the function has_key with argument 'href' of link returns True if link.has_key('href'): Define the function printLinks with argument url def printLinks(url): Send the packet ackPkt send(ackPkt) Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, ICMP type 8 and id equals to 456 pkt = IP(src=src,dst=dst)/ICMP(type=0,id=456) Define the function printMeta with argument fileName def printMeta(fileName): Call the function urlopen with argument url of urllib2 and call the method read with no arguments and assign it to urlContent urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() Assign to text the variable row at position 2 text = row[2] If state is equal to 'open' if state == 'open': Call the function viewPage with argument '' viewPage('') For x from 1 to 5 for x in range(1, 5): "Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 635 and the load equals to ""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F""" "pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=635) /Raw(load=""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F"")" Assign to stream the concatenation of src, ':' and dst stream = src + ':' + dst Define the function findHivemind with argument pcap def findHivemind(pcap): Open the file pcapFile and assign it to f f = open(pcapFile) Assign to pktsSent the value of pktCount with key stream pktsSent = pktCount[stream] If pcapFile of options is equal to None if options.pcapFile == None: Assign to longitude the field 'longitude' of rec longitude = rec['longitude'] Read the html code of page and assign it to source_code source_code = Define the function calTSN with argument tgt def calTSN(tgt): Define the function printCallLog with argument skypeDB def printCallLog(skypeDB): Call the method strip with argument '\n' of password then call the method strip with argument '\r' and assign the result to password password = password.strip('\\n').strip('\r') Call the method quit with no argument of ftp ftp.quit() If dport is equal to 6667 if dport == 6667: Import the library to parse the url import urlparse Assign to links the result of the function findall with argument html of link_finder links = link_finder.findall(html) "and ""\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6""" """\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6""" Call the function EnumKey with arguments key and i and assign it to guid guid = EnumKey(key, i) Assign to pktCount at key stream the value 1 pktCount[stream] = 1 Import the library for TCP/IP protocols import dpkt Call the function send_command with arguments child and 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root' send_command(child, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root') Call the method findAll with argument 'img' of soup and assign it to image_tags image_tags = soup.findAll('img') Define the function returnDefault with argument ftp def returnDefault(ftp): Increment the variable Fails by 1 Fails += 1 Define the function send_command with arguments child and cmd def send_command(child, cmd): "and ""\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49""" """\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49""" Assign to ttl the ttl of pkt casted to str ttl = str(pkt.ttl) Else else: Call the class BeautifulSoup with argument html and assign it to soup soup = BeautifulSoup(html) If the substring 'synchronize with original prompt' is found in the result of the function str with argument e elif 'synchronize with original prompt' in str(e): Call the method connect with a tuple made of target and 21 of s s.connect((target,21)) Assign to seqNum the result of the function calTSN with argument tgt plus one seqNum = calTSN(tgt) + 1 Call the method join with arguments passDir and filename of os.path and assign it to fullpath fullpath = os.path.join(passDir, filename) Connect to tgtHost on tgtPort connSkt.connect((tgtHost, tgtPort)) For each tgtHost in tgt tgtHosts for tgtHost in tgtHosts: Try try: Assign to src the ip sorgent of ip.src src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) Call the function findall with arguments r'maplat=.*\&' and resp from re and assign it to rLat rLat = re.findall(r'maplat=.*\&', resp) If the variable tgtHost of options is equal to None or lhost of options is equal to None if (options.tgtHost == None) | (options.lhost == None): Create an empty dictionary and assign it to pktCount pktCount = {} Assign to links the result of the function findAll with argument name equals to 'a' of soup links = soup.findAll(name='a') Call the function printMessage with argument iphoneDB printMessage(iphoneDB) Continue the argument and the tuple with password and True password, True)) For each ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap: Assign the response of the method open with argument '' of ab response ='') Call the function str with value options.tgtPort then call the function split with argument ',' and assign the result totgtPorts tgtPorts = str(options.tgtPort).split(',') Call method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes') If the functions len with argument argv of sys returns a value less than 2 if len(sys.argv) < 2: If cookiesDB is a file if os.path.isfile(cookiesDB): Create the constant THRESH with value 1000 THRESH = 1000 For each cookie in the cookie_jar for cookie in cookie_jar: If release is equal to True then call the method release with no arguments of connection_lock if release: connection_lock.release() Start try block try: If the method isdir with argument recycleDir of path of os returns True if os.path.isdir(recycleDir): Call the function retKML with argument src and assign it to srcKML srcKML = retKML(src) Call the method anonumize with no argument of ab ab.anonymize() For each argument in the tuple ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap: Assign to dir the variable dir of options dir = options.dir Call the method recv with argument 1024 of s s.recv(1024) Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 7 and the load equals to 'cybercop' pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=7) /Raw(load='cybercop') Call the method login with arguments userName and passWord of ftp ftp.login(userName, passWord) Call the function urlencode with argument a dictionary with key 'credential_0' and value username and assign it reqData reqData = urllib.urlencode({'credential_0': username, Call the method append with argument fileName of retList retList.append(fileName) Assign to pkt the value of the the function IP with dst equals to tgt divided by the function TCP with no arguments pkt = IP(dst=tgt) / TCP() Define the function findAttack with argument pcap def findAttack(pcap): Open the file 'geotest.pcap' and assign it to f f = open('geotest.pcap') Call the function parse_args with no arguments and return the result to the tuple composed of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args() If iface of options is equal to None if options.iface == None: Assign to lat the field 'latitude' of rec lat = rec['latitude'] Call the method open with argument '' of browser'') Assign to url the result with key 'url' url = result['url'] Assign to exifData sliced at decoded the value value exifData[decoded] = value Assign to rdata the value rdata of the method getlayer with argument DNSRR of pkt rdata = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rdata "Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+ ""-p "")" Get the list of the folders in pathName and assign it to dirList dirList = os.listdir(pathName) Call the function exit with argument 0 of sys sys.exit(0) From the library to manages thread import everything from threading import * Assign to uri the uri of http in lower case uri = http.uri.lower() "and ""\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5""" """\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5""" Import the library to navigate web through web forms import mechanize Concatenate the string '\\' and concatenate the string sid, close the arguments + '\\' + sid) Continue the arguments with help='specify wigle password' help='specify wigle password') Assign to date the result of function str with argument row at position 1 date = str(row[1]) Assign to dport the dport of tcp dport = tcp.dport Import everything from the library used for thread from threading import * Assign to pcapFile the pcapFile of options pcapFile = options.pcapFile For each image in image_tags for image in image_tags: Parse the usage prod pd target host and the target port parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog -H -p ') Define the function dnsQRTest with argument pkt def dnsQRTest(pkt): Import the library to estabilish a SSH connection import pxssh Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set payload ' and continue to the next line configFile.write('set payload '+\ Call the method strip with argument '\n' on the method strip with argument '\r' of line and assign the result to password password = line.strip('\r').strip('\\n') Define the function printMessages with argument skypeDB def printMessages(skypeDB):