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This has been decreasing over time, in 2017 this has dropped to around 3000 hospitals.", "Input": " Year Number of hospitals Dec 31, 1999 3635 Dec 31, 2000 3628 Dec 31, 2001 3564 Dec 31, 2002 3513 Dec 31, 2003 3460 Dec 31, 2004 3409 Dec 31, 2005 3359 Dec 31, 2006 3326 Dec 31, 2007 3322 Dec 31, 2008 3324 Dec 31, 2009 3301 Dec 31, 2010 3278 Dec 31, 2011 3229 Dec 31, 2012 3183 Dec 31, 2013 3138 Dec 31, 2014 3108 Dec 31, 2015 3100 Dec 31, 2016 3084", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10061.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hospitals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hospitals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of hospitals in Germany from 2000\", \"to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows a gradual, steady decline in the number of hospitals in Germany between 2000 and 2015. In 2000, Germany had around 3600 hospitals but by 2017 had only 3000.", "Input": " Year Number of hospitals Dec 31, 1999 3635 Dec 31, 2000 3628 Dec 31, 2001 3564 Dec 31, 2002 3513 Dec 31, 2003 3460 Dec 31, 2004 3409 Dec 31, 2005 3359 Dec 31, 2006 3326 Dec 31, 2007 3322 Dec 31, 2008 3324 Dec 31, 2009 3301 Dec 31, 2010 3278 Dec 31, 2011 3229 Dec 31, 2012 3183 Dec 31, 2013 3138 Dec 31, 2014 3108 Dec 31, 2015 3100 Dec 31, 2016 3084", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10061.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hospitals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hospitals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of hospitals in Germany from 2000\", \"to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Since 2010/11, there has been a slight decline in customers dropping from mid 30 million in 2010/11 to below 30 million in 2019/20. 2010/11 and 2011/12 had the highest customer numbers for Vodafone across the period 2008-2020.", "Input": " Year Mobile customers in millions 2019/20 30.05 2018/19 29.54 2017/18 30.17 2016/17 30.72 2015/16 30.33 2014/15 30.94 2013/14 32.31 2012/13 32.41 2011/12 36.46 2010/11 36.71 2009/10 34.54 2008/09 35.45", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10139.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Mobile customers in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Mobile customers in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of mobile customers of Vodafone in\", \"Germany in the corporate years from 2008/09\", \"to 2019/2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Real value began at close to zero on this scale and increased very little between 1960 and 1970, with value increasing sharply to approximately 150 billion dollars between 1970 and 1980. Value declined to just below 100 billion dollars between 1980 and 1990, and declined slightly further by 1995 to approximately 75 billion. An even sharper rise between 1995 and approximately 2007 peaked at 425 billion before dropping to 250 billion and increasing again to 350 billion by 2010. The value continued to rise through 2011 at 400 billion. Overall, value increased markedly over time.", "Input": " Year Real value in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1959 8.91 Dec 31, 1969 12.34 Dec 31, 1979 164.75 Dec 31, 1989 88.32 Dec 31, 1994 70.64 Dec 31, 1999 151.95 Dec 31, 2004 287.52 Dec 31, 2005 320.57 Dec 31, 2006 340.29 Dec 31, 2007 449.64 Dec 31, 2008 245.23 Dec 31, 2009 317.29 Dec 31, 2010 399.43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10143.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Real value in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Real value in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Real value of U.S. fossil fuel imports from\", \"1960 to 2011 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The quantity of roses sold in America has dropped substantially since 2002.", "Input": " Year Sales in 1,000 stems 2002 157253 2003 123483 2004 103860 2005 99771 2006** 82138 2007 67701 2008 57999 2009 42031 2010 39497 2011 37004 2012 32736 2013 28626 2014 30555 2015 27812 2018 29774", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10149.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}, \"field\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}}, \"title\": [\"Quantity of roses sold in the U.S. from\", \"2002 to 2018 (in 1,000 stems)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The year 2002 had the most quantity of the roses sold in 1000 stems which 150000. The years 2013 and 2015 has the least number of roses sold. The number of roses sold has dropped gradually from 2003 until 2018.", "Input": " Year Sales in 1,000 stems 2002 157253 2003 123483 2004 103860 2005 99771 2006** 82138 2007 67701 2008 57999 2009 42031 2010 39497 2011 37004 2012 32736 2013 28626 2014 30555 2015 27812 2018 29774", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10149.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}, \"field\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}}, \"title\": [\"Quantity of roses sold in the U.S. from\", \"2002 to 2018 (in 1,000 stems)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The trends seen are that the sale of roses (per 1000 stems) constantly decreases from the years 2002 to 2013. After 2013, it slightly increases before decreasing again in 2014. The graph in 2015 shows the same amount of roses sold in 2013. There is no data available for the amount of roses sold between 2015 to 2017. The data shows the amount of roses sold in 2018 is the same amount sold in 2014.", "Input": " Year Sales in 1,000 stems 2002 157253 2003 123483 2004 103860 2005 99771 2006** 82138 2007 67701 2008 57999 2009 42031 2010 39497 2011 37004 2012 32736 2013 28626 2014 30555 2015 27812 2018 29774", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10149.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}, \"field\": \"Sales in 1,000 stems\"}}, \"title\": [\"Quantity of roses sold in the U.S. from\", \"2002 to 2018 (in 1,000 stems)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2009 and 2019 the Brunswick number of employees varied from 15000 in 2009 to approximately 13000 in 2019. Each year the anumber of employees varies. there was the highest number in 2012 and the lowest number in 2014.", "Input": " Year Number of employees Dec 31, 2008 15003 Dec 31, 2009 15290 Dec 31, 2010 15356 Dec 31, 2011 16177 Dec 31, 2012 15701 Dec 31, 2013 12165 Dec 31, 2014 12607 Dec 31, 2015 14415 Dec 31, 2016 15116 Dec 31, 2017 13084 Dec 31, 2018 12828", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10269.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of employees\"}, \"field\": \"Number of employees\"}}, \"title\": [\"Brunswick number of employees worldwide\", \"from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Overal the number of Brunswick employees worldwide has decined from 2009 to 2019. The steepest drop was in 2013 to 2014. In 2009 the number of employees was 15,000 and by 2019 it was roughly 12,500.", "Input": " Year Number of employees Dec 31, 2008 15003 Dec 31, 2009 15290 Dec 31, 2010 15356 Dec 31, 2011 16177 Dec 31, 2012 15701 Dec 31, 2013 12165 Dec 31, 2014 12607 Dec 31, 2015 14415 Dec 31, 2016 15116 Dec 31, 2017 13084 Dec 31, 2018 12828", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10269.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of employees\"}, \"field\": \"Number of employees\"}}, \"title\": [\"Brunswick number of employees worldwide\", \"from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The top language in the bar chart in Welsh schools is Polish followed by Arabic. It is in alphabetical order by language name although the bar chart isn\u2019t in order.", "Input": " geographic region Number of speakers Polish 4961 Arabic 3484 Bengali 3019 Urdu 1508 Chinese 1466 Panjabi 1242 Romanian 1091 Somali 852 Portuguese 846 Tagalog/Filipino 830", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10296.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"geographic region\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of speakers\"}, \"field\": \"Number of speakers\"}}, \"title\": [\"Non-English main home languages ranked by\", \"number of speakers in Welsh schools in 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is an overall increase in the total number of tribal casinos in the U.S. from 2005 to 2019. The only time there was a decrease in the total number was from 2005 to 2006. The sharpest increase occurred from 2006 to 2007. The rate of increase levelled out at around 2009 and showed slow but steady increase till 2019.", "Input": " Year Number of tribal casinos Dec 31, 2004 406 Dec 31, 2005 372 Dec 31, 2006 424 Dec 31, 2007 423 Dec 31, 2008 456 Dec 31, 2009 456 Dec 31, 2010 459 Dec 31, 2011 466 Dec 31, 2013 474 Dec 31, 2014 486 Dec 31, 2015 500 Dec 31, 2016 508 Dec 31, 2017 514 Dec 31, 2018 524", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10384.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E044A7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of tribal casinos\"}, \"field\": \"Number of tribal casinos\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of tribal casinos in the U.S.\", \"from 2005 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Infant mortality has seen a steady decline since 2009.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 2008 86.2 Dec 31, 2009 84.4 Dec 31, 2010 82.7 Dec 31, 2011 81 Dec 31, 2012 79.3 Dec 31, 2013 77.7 Dec 31, 2014 76.1 Dec 31, 2015 74.4 Dec 31, 2016 72.6 Dec 31, 2017 70.8 Dec 31, 2018 69.1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10414.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Chad : Infant mortality rate from 2009 to\", \"2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Overall the unit sales have declined in the 10 year period of 2008 to 2018. There was a very sharp decline between 2013-2016. The unit sales stated at 1.8 million units in 2008 and end in 1 million unit in 2018.", "Input": " Year Unit sales in millions Dec 31, 2007 1.9 Dec 31, 2008 1.4 Dec 31, 2009 1.6 Dec 31, 2010 2.1 Dec 31, 2011 1.7 Dec 31, 2012 1.7 Dec 31, 2013 1.5 Dec 31, 2014 1.3 Dec 31, 2015 0.9 Dec 31, 2016 0.9 Dec 31, 2017 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10520.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Unit sales in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Unit sales in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Two-wheeler sales in Manaus , Brazil from\", \"2008 to 2018 (in million units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Poland seems to have the highest ammount of immigrants going into Iceland.", "Input": " Number of immigrants Country 2642 Poland 865 Lithuania 563 Romania 358 Latvia 345 United Kingdom 341 Czechia 291 Spain 277 United States 249 Portugal 243 Germany 197 Philippines 176 France 150 Croatia 142 Serbia 134 Venezuela 127 Denmark 117 Slovakia 115 Italy 101 Bulgaria 91 Hungary", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10685.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#393b79\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of immigrants\"}, \"field\": \"Number of immigrants\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of people immigrating to Iceland\", \"in 2019 , by country of origin\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The country with the highest daily use is Indonesia. The country with the lowest daily use is Japan. If you ignore the highest and lowest the rest of the countries have quite similar usage.", "Input": " Country Average daily usage time in minutes Indonesia 66 India 62 Philippines 56 China 55 Malaysia 54 Thailand 50 South Korea 50 Vietnam 47 Singapore 46 Japan 38", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10735.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#decbe4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}, \"field\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average daily time spent on mobile web by\", \"smartphone users in Asia Pacific in July\", \"2016 , by country (in minutes)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The country showing the least web usage on a smartphone is Japan. 50% of the countries listed in the Asia Pacific Region spend in excess of 50 minutes per day using their smartphone to access the mobile web whereas 50% of the countries spend less than 50 minutes per day. The chart shows lists each country in the area and the average daily number of minutes spent accessing the mobile web.", "Input": " Country Average daily usage time in minutes Indonesia 66 India 62 Philippines 56 China 55 Malaysia 54 Thailand 50 South Korea 50 Vietnam 47 Singapore 46 Japan 38", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10735.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#decbe4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}, \"field\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average daily time spent on mobile web by\", \"smartphone users in Asia Pacific in July\", \"2016 , by country (in minutes)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Indonesia has the highest daily usage of mobile internet at 65minutes a day, closely followed by India at 62. The lowest users are in Japan with only 39 minutes a day. Most other AP countries use between 55 and 45 minutes a day.", "Input": " Country Average daily usage time in minutes Indonesia 66 India 62 Philippines 56 China 55 Malaysia 54 Thailand 50 South Korea 50 Vietnam 47 Singapore 46 Japan 38", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10735.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#decbe4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}, \"field\": \"Average daily usage time in minutes\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average daily time spent on mobile web by\", \"smartphone users in Asia Pacific in July\", \"2016 , by country (in minutes)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Steady decrease from 2000 to 2015Huge decrease from 2015 to 2019.", "Input": " Year Per capita consumption in pounds Dec 31, 1999 9 Dec 31, 2000 9.2 Dec 31, 2001 9 Dec 31, 2002 9.2 Dec 31, 2003 9 Dec 31, 2004 8.7 Dec 31, 2005 8.3 Dec 31, 2006 9.2 Dec 31, 2007 9.1 Dec 31, 2008 9.2 Dec 31, 2009 9.2 Dec 31, 2010 8.2 Dec 31, 2011 8.7 Dec 31, 2012 8.9 Dec 31, 2013 7.6 Dec 31, 2014 8.6 Dec 31, 2015 7.2 Dec 31, 2016 7.2 Dec 31, 2017 6.8 Dec 31, 2018 6.77", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10736.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Per capita consumption in pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Per capita consumption in pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Per capita consumption of fresh sweet corn\", \"in the United States from 2000 to 2019 (in\", \"pounds)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been an overall decline in the consumption of sweet corn since 2000. The rate of decline has increased since 2015. Consumption was fairly stable between 2000 and 2005.", "Input": " Year Per capita consumption in pounds Dec 31, 1999 9 Dec 31, 2000 9.2 Dec 31, 2001 9 Dec 31, 2002 9.2 Dec 31, 2003 9 Dec 31, 2004 8.7 Dec 31, 2005 8.3 Dec 31, 2006 9.2 Dec 31, 2007 9.1 Dec 31, 2008 9.2 Dec 31, 2009 9.2 Dec 31, 2010 8.2 Dec 31, 2011 8.7 Dec 31, 2012 8.9 Dec 31, 2013 7.6 Dec 31, 2014 8.6 Dec 31, 2015 7.2 Dec 31, 2016 7.2 Dec 31, 2017 6.8 Dec 31, 2018 6.77", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10736.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Per capita consumption in pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Per capita consumption in pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Per capita consumption of fresh sweet corn\", \"in the United States from 2000 to 2019 (in\", \"pounds)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The poverty rate has been very unsteady through all of the years. I\u2019m 15 years the poverty rate has gone from 6% to just under 8%.", "Input": " Response Percentage of population Dec 31, 1999 0.053 Dec 31, 2000 0.06 Dec 31, 2001 0.064 Dec 31, 2002 0.077 Dec 31, 2003 0.076 Dec 31, 2004 0.075 Dec 31, 2005 0.08 Dec 31, 2006 0.071 Dec 31, 2007 0.076 Dec 31, 2008 0.085 Dec 31, 2009 0.083 Dec 31, 2010 0.088 Dec 31, 2011 0.1 Dec 31, 2012 0.087 Dec 31, 2013 0.092 Dec 31, 2014 0.082 Dec 31, 2015 0.073 Dec 31, 2016 0.077 Dec 31, 2017 0.076 Dec 31, 2018 0.073", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10742.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Percentage of population\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Poverty rate in New Hampshire from 2000\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Romelu Lukako is the most popular F. C. Internazionale Milano players on Instagram as of May 29. 2020 with just over 500 million followers. The next most popular player, Ashley Young has 2.5 million folowers. In third and fourth place are Diego Godin and Lautaro Martinez at just under 2 million followers each.", "Input": " F\\.C\\. 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From 2018 there is a small decrease until 2020 where it then levels out.", "Input": " Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP Year 0.0182 2015 0.0184 2016 0.0188 2017 0.0187 2018 0.0184 2019 0.0183 2020* 0.0183 2021* 0.0183 2022* 0.0182 2023* 0.0182 2024* 0.0182 2025*", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10783.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}, \"field\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turkey : Share in the global gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) , adjusted for purchasing power\", \"parity , from 2015 to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the lowest percentage change in turnover occurred in 2009, while the highest occurred in 2015. Overall, percentage change in turnover appears to increase with time.", "Input": " Year Percentage change in turnover Dec 31, 2007 \u22120.062 Dec 31, 2008 \u22120.168 Dec 31, 2009 \u22120.004 Dec 31, 2010 \u22120.036 Dec 31, 2011 \u22120.003 Dec 31, 2012 \u22120.081 Dec 31, 2013 \u22120.012 Dec 31, 2014 0.078 Dec 31, 2015 0.037 Dec 31, 2016 0.039 Dec 31, 2017 0.064 Dec 31, 2018 \u22120.034", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10893.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage change in turnover\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage change in turnover\"}}, \"title\": [\"Year-on-year change in turnover of furniture\", \"manufacturing industry in the Netherlands\", \"from 2008 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Lower sales figures were the most powerful impact that coronavirus had on agriculture. Protesting amongst the employees and higher demand were negibile impacts of covid on agriculture.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Lower sales 0.57 Outsourcing of external services (logistics) 0.23 Sourcing of raw materials 0.14 Absent employees 0.13 Canceled trade fairs 0.12 Pick up of raw material from manufacturers 0.08 Prevention in workplace 0.05 Request to lower prices 0.04 Protesting among the employees 0.01 Higher demand 0.01", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10934.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1A1A1A\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Main coronavirus (COVID-19) -related issues\", \"affecting the agriculture in Italy in 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of withdrawals climbed steadily until 2008-2009 when it dipped slightly, it then began increasing until 2012 and it has been steadily declining ever since.", "Input": " Year Number of cash withdrawals in millions Dec 31, 2000 2174 Dec 31, 2001 2268 Dec 31, 2002 2373 Dec 31, 2003 2528 Dec 31, 2004 2699 Dec 31, 2005 2752 Dec 31, 2006 2836 Dec 31, 2007 2866 Dec 31, 2008 2827 Dec 31, 2009 2786 Dec 31, 2010 2874 Dec 31, 2011 2915 Dec 31, 2012 2899 Dec 31, 2013 2831 Dec 31, 2014 2797 Dec 31, 2015 2733 Dec 31, 2016 2598 Dec 31, 2017 2420", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of cash withdrawals from ATMs\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2001 to 2018\", \"(in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2001 the number of cash withdrawals was approximately 2,200 million. This increased steadily, with a small dip, until 2012 when the number reached approximately 2,900 million. There was then a steady decline until the number reached 2,400 million in 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of cash withdrawals in millions Dec 31, 2000 2174 Dec 31, 2001 2268 Dec 31, 2002 2373 Dec 31, 2003 2528 Dec 31, 2004 2699 Dec 31, 2005 2752 Dec 31, 2006 2836 Dec 31, 2007 2866 Dec 31, 2008 2827 Dec 31, 2009 2786 Dec 31, 2010 2874 Dec 31, 2011 2915 Dec 31, 2012 2899 Dec 31, 2013 2831 Dec 31, 2014 2797 Dec 31, 2015 2733 Dec 31, 2016 2598 Dec 31, 2017 2420", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of cash withdrawals from ATMs\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2001 to 2018\", \"(in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2005 you can see the there becomes a spike for around 10 years and after these 10 years you can see it starting to fall again.", "Input": " Year Number of cash withdrawals in millions Dec 31, 2000 2174 Dec 31, 2001 2268 Dec 31, 2002 2373 Dec 31, 2003 2528 Dec 31, 2004 2699 Dec 31, 2005 2752 Dec 31, 2006 2836 Dec 31, 2007 2866 Dec 31, 2008 2827 Dec 31, 2009 2786 Dec 31, 2010 2874 Dec 31, 2011 2915 Dec 31, 2012 2899 Dec 31, 2013 2831 Dec 31, 2014 2797 Dec 31, 2015 2733 Dec 31, 2016 2598 Dec 31, 2017 2420", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/10941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of cash withdrawals in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of cash withdrawals from ATMs\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2001 to 2018\", \"(in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a significant drop in Class 1 rail Mileage between 2005 and 2010. There has been a general decrease in rail mileage since 1990 but it has stabilized since 2010.", "Input": " Year Length in statute miles Dec 31, 1989 119758 Dec 31, 1994 108264 Dec 31, 1999 99250 Dec 31, 2004 95830 Dec 31, 2005 94942 Dec 31, 2006 9440 Dec 31, 2007 94209 Dec 31, 2008 94048 Dec 31, 2009 95700 Dec 31, 2010 95514 Dec 31, 2011 95391 Dec 31, 2012 95235 Dec 31, 2013 94372 Dec 31, 2014 93628 Dec 31, 2015 93339 Dec 31, 2016 93150 Dec 31, 2017 92837", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11032.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Length in statute miles\"}, \"field\": \"Length in statute miles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Class I rail mileage within the United States\", \"1990 to 2018 (in statute miles)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over time, the share of respondents who had set up their own social network has gone up. There has not been any year of decline, though the rate of growth has decreased for some years.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Dec 31, 2006 0.22 Dec 31, 2008 0.44 Dec 31, 2009 0.54 Dec 31, 2010 0.59 Dec 31, 2011 0.64 Dec 31, 2012 0.66 Dec 31, 2013 0.72 Dec 31, 2014 0.73 Dec 31, 2015 0.76 Dec 31, 2016 0.77 Dec 31, 2017 0.8 Dec 31, 2018 0.82", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11036.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of respondents who had set up their\", \"own social network profile in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The lowest share of directors is for both year 2013 and 2014 with just below 0.2. The highest being in year 2019 with just above 0.10 share of directors. The first entry is from 2007 with 0.03.", "Input": " Response Share of directors Dec 31, 2006 0.027 Dec 31, 2007 0.08 Dec 31, 2008 0.036 Dec 31, 2009 0.028 Dec 31, 2010 0.037 Dec 31, 2011 0.041 Dec 31, 2012 0.019 Dec 31, 2013 0.019 Dec 31, 2014 0.075 Dec 31, 2015 0.042 Dec 31, 2016 0.073 Dec 31, 2017 0.045 Dec 31, 2018 0.106", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11058.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffbf79\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of directors\"}, \"field\": \"Share of directors\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of female film directors in Hollywood\", \"from 2007 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2018 shows the highest volume of female directors There is no significant rising or falling trend year on year.", "Input": " Response Share of directors Dec 31, 2006 0.027 Dec 31, 2007 0.08 Dec 31, 2008 0.036 Dec 31, 2009 0.028 Dec 31, 2010 0.037 Dec 31, 2011 0.041 Dec 31, 2012 0.019 Dec 31, 2013 0.019 Dec 31, 2014 0.075 Dec 31, 2015 0.042 Dec 31, 2016 0.073 Dec 31, 2017 0.045 Dec 31, 2018 0.106", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11058.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffbf79\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of directors\"}, \"field\": \"Share of directors\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of female film directors in Hollywood\", \"from 2007 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It looks to me that most Americans seem to go to different cities.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Orlando, FL 0.359 Maui, HI 0.358 Cruise - Alaska 0.353 New York City, NY 0.306 Las Vegas, NV 0.288 Honolulu, HI 0.215 Los Angeles, CA 0.16 San Francisco, CA 0.151 Chicago, IL 0.143 Miami / Miami Beach, FL 0.139", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11147.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular domestic travel destinations\", \"for United States travelers , according to\", \"travel agents in 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Numbers were fairly steady until Nov 2020 when they increased dramatically. Numbers then dropped the following two months.", "Input": " Number in millions Month 3.94 Nov '20 3.56 Oct '20 2.41 Sep '20 1.62 Aug '20 1.5 Jul '20 1.39 Jun '20 1.16 May '20 0.94 Apr '20 1.16 Mar '20 1.1 Feb '20 1.17 Jan '20 1.19 Dec '19 1.22 Nov '19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11218.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly number of long-term unemployed persons\", \"in the U.S. from November 2019 to November\", \"2020 (in millions , adjusted)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The revenue for New Jersey Devils remains around the same levels of just over 50 million for years 2005/06 and 2006/07. It then jumps to around 100 million in revenue for the next year of 2007/08 and remains around that level until 2011/12 where it jumped to 125 million. The following year 2012/13 it drops to around 75 million. Then in 2012/13 it jumps back up to previously levels at around 110 million and steadily increases each year until it years just over 175 million in 2018/19.", "Input": " Year Revenue in million U.S. dollars 2018/19 181 2017/18 166 2016/17 137 2015/16 126 2014/15 125 2013/14 111 2012/13* 78 2011/12 122 2010/11 100 2009/10 104 2008/09 97 2007/08 97 2006/07 65 2005/06 62", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11230.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of the New Jersey Devils from 2005/06\", \"to 2018/19 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Since 1960 the amount of nuclear plants around the world until 2010 has increased by over 400% (with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of over 400). In 2010 the amount of nuclear plants around the world decreased. The amount of nuclear plants around the world rose by 200% between 1960 and 1980.", "Input": " Year Number of nuclear power plants Dec 31, 1953 1 Dec 31, 1954 1 Dec 31, 1955 2 Dec 31, 1956 5 Dec 31, 1957 6 Dec 31, 1958 11 Dec 31, 1959 15 Dec 31, 1960 16 Dec 31, 1961 25 Dec 31, 1962 33 Dec 31, 1963 40 Dec 31, 1964 48 Dec 31, 1965 55 Dec 31, 1966 64 Dec 31, 1967 68 Dec 31, 1968 78 Dec 31, 1969 84 Dec 31, 1970 99 Dec 31, 1971 113 Dec 31, 1972 132 Dec 31, 1973 154 Dec 31, 1974 169 Dec 31, 1975 186 Dec 31, 1976 200 Dec 31, 1977 219 Dec 31, 1978 225 Dec 31, 1979 245 Dec 31, 1980 267 Dec 31, 1981 284 Dec 31, 1982 306 Dec 31, 1983 336 Dec 31, 1984 363 Dec 31, 1985 389 Dec 31, 1986 407 Dec 31, 1987 416 Dec 31, 1988 420 Dec 31, 1989 416 Dec 31, 1990 415 Dec 31, 1991 418 Dec 31, 1992 427 Dec 31, 1993 429 Dec 31, 1994 434 Dec 31, 1995 438 Dec 31, 1996 433 Dec 31, 1997 430 Dec 31, 1998 432 Dec 31, 1999 435 Dec 31, 2000 438 Dec 31, 2001 439 Dec 31, 2002 437 Dec 31, 2003 438 Dec 31, 2004 441 Dec 31, 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Zimmer biomet the least compared to the others on the graphic. All others share more or less the same revenue, with the exception of General Electric healthcare.", "Input": " Revenue in billion U.S. dollars companies based on medical device 30.55 Medtronic Inc.* 25.96 Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices & Diagnostics* 19.94 General Electric Healthcare** 15.63 Cardinal Health 14.88 Stryker Corp. 12.99 Becton Dickinson & Co. 12.23 Abbott Laboratories 11.36 Baxter International Inc. 10.65 Boston Scientific Corp. 7.98 Zimmer Biomet", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11543.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Revenue in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"companies based on medical device\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading 10 U.S. companies based on medical\", \"device revenue in 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Medtronic Inc has made the most revenue of 30 billion dollars. Zimmer Biomet made the least revenue of 7.5 billion dollars. All the companies are making a substantial revenue of at least 5 billion dollars.", "Input": " Revenue in billion U.S. dollars companies based on medical device 30.55 Medtronic Inc.* 25.96 Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices & Diagnostics* 19.94 General Electric Healthcare** 15.63 Cardinal Health 14.88 Stryker Corp. 12.99 Becton Dickinson & Co. 12.23 Abbott Laboratories 11.36 Baxter International Inc. 10.65 Boston Scientific Corp. 7.98 Zimmer Biomet", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11543.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Revenue in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"companies based on medical device\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading 10 U.S. companies based on medical\", \"device revenue in 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a downward trend, of the sale price of fleece wool, in the chart. The data did fluctuate over the years. The highest point, during 2015-2016, was just above the start point in 2014. The lowest point was, September 2017, just before the end point October 2017. The start price in September 2014 was just above 150 pence and the lowest price in October 2017 was 100 pence.", "Input": " Wool sale dates* Average price in pence per kilogram Sep 01, 2014 155 Sep 22, 2014 150 Oct 06, 2014 153 Oct 20, 2014 154 Nov 10, 2014 151 Nov 24, 2014 147 Dec 08, 2014 145 Jan 05, 2015 148 Jan 26, 2015 142 Feb 09, 2015 144 Mar 02, 2015 144 Mar 16, 2015 143 Apr 13, 2015 150 May 11, 2015 157 Jun 08, 2015 147 Jul 06, 2015 151 Jul 27, 2015 146 Aug 17, 2015 143 Aug 31, 2015 128 Sep 21, 2015 127 Oct 05, 2015 125 Oct 19, 2015 123 Nov 09, 2015 120 Nov 23, 2015 125 Dec 14, 2015 126 Jan 11, 2016 125 Jan 25, 2016 128 Feb 15, 2016 117 Feb 29, 2016 117 Mar 14, 2016 134 Apr 11, 2016 134 May 09, 2016 127 Jun 06, 2016 125 Jul 04, 2016 131 Jul 25, 2016 131 Aug 15, 2016 126 Sep 05, 2016 124 Sep 19, 2016 124 Oct 03, 2016 115 Oct 17, 2016 114 Nov 07, 2016 120 Nov 21, 2016 114 Dec 12, 2016 109 Jan 09, 2017 106 Jan 23, 2017 105 Feb 13, 2017 101 Mar 06, 2017 107 Mar 27, 2017 110 Apr 10, 2017 116 May 08, 2017 106 Jun 05, 2017 108 Jul 03, 2017 106 Jul 24, 2017 108 Aug 14, 2017 107 Sep 04, 2017 105 Sep 18, 2017 98 Oct 02, 2017 100", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11669.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fc4f30\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Wool sale dates*\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average price in pence per kilogram\"}, \"field\": \"Average price in pence per kilogram\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average producer sale price of fleece wool\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from September\", \"2014 to October 2017 (in pence per kilogram)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "New York City and Paris were the top two cities with the most popular tourist attractions between 3.5 and 6 million hashtagged posts. Cambodia, Rome and Peru were amongst the bottom three most popular tourist attractions with 1 million hashtagged posts.", "Input": " Number of hashtagged posts in millions tourist attraction 6.17 Central Park, New York City 5.09 Eiffel Tower, Paris 3.45 Times Square, New York City 3.01 Grand Canyon, Arizona 2.9 Big Ben, London 2.66 Burj Khalifa, Dubai 2.63 London Eye, London 2.53 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City 2.51 Louvre, Paris 2.37 Golden Gate Bridge, California 2.36 Niagara Falls, Ontario 2.3 Empire State Building, New York City 1.82 London Bridge, London 1.6 Statue of Liberty, New York City 1.53 Sagrada Familia, Barcelona 1.35 Coliseum, Rome 1.26 Machu Picchu, Peru 1.16 Angor Wat, Cambodia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11686.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"tourist attraction\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular tourist attractions worldwide\", \"on Instagram as of September 2018 , by number\", \"of posts (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most popular tourist attraction was central Park which had over six million hashtagged posts. Angor wat Cambodia had the least hashtagged posts.", "Input": " Number of hashtagged posts in millions tourist attraction 6.17 Central Park, New York City 5.09 Eiffel Tower, Paris 3.45 Times Square, New York City 3.01 Grand Canyon, Arizona 2.9 Big Ben, London 2.66 Burj Khalifa, Dubai 2.63 London Eye, London 2.53 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City 2.51 Louvre, Paris 2.37 Golden Gate Bridge, California 2.36 Niagara Falls, Ontario 2.3 Empire State Building, New York City 1.82 London Bridge, London 1.6 Statue of Liberty, New York City 1.53 Sagrada Familia, Barcelona 1.35 Coliseum, Rome 1.26 Machu Picchu, Peru 1.16 Angor Wat, Cambodia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11686.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"tourist attraction\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular tourist attractions worldwide\", \"on Instagram as of September 2018 , by number\", \"of posts (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Capital cities in the world on average have the most tourist attractions with Central Park in New York first and Eiffel tower in Paris second.", "Input": " Number of hashtagged posts in millions tourist attraction 6.17 Central Park, New York City 5.09 Eiffel Tower, Paris 3.45 Times Square, New York City 3.01 Grand Canyon, Arizona 2.9 Big Ben, London 2.66 Burj Khalifa, Dubai 2.63 London Eye, London 2.53 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City 2.51 Louvre, Paris 2.37 Golden Gate Bridge, California 2.36 Niagara Falls, Ontario 2.3 Empire State Building, New York City 1.82 London Bridge, London 1.6 Statue of Liberty, New York City 1.53 Sagrada Familia, Barcelona 1.35 Coliseum, Rome 1.26 Machu Picchu, Peru 1.16 Angor Wat, Cambodia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11686.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"tourist attraction\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular tourist attractions worldwide\", \"on Instagram as of September 2018 , by number\", \"of posts (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Central Park New York is the most popular tourist attraction followed by the Eiffel tower in Paris. Eight of the most popular attractions are in North America, five of them in New York City .", "Input": " Number of hashtagged posts in millions tourist attraction 6.17 Central Park, New York City 5.09 Eiffel Tower, Paris 3.45 Times Square, New York City 3.01 Grand Canyon, Arizona 2.9 Big Ben, London 2.66 Burj Khalifa, Dubai 2.63 London Eye, London 2.53 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City 2.51 Louvre, Paris 2.37 Golden Gate Bridge, California 2.36 Niagara Falls, Ontario 2.3 Empire State Building, New York City 1.82 London Bridge, London 1.6 Statue of Liberty, New York City 1.53 Sagrada Familia, Barcelona 1.35 Coliseum, Rome 1.26 Machu Picchu, Peru 1.16 Angor Wat, Cambodia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11686.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hashtagged posts in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"tourist attraction\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular tourist attractions worldwide\", \"on Instagram as of September 2018 , by number\", \"of posts (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2009 until 2019 the degree of urbanization has not dropped below 0.8. From 2009 until 2019 there has been a steady increase in the degree of urbanization.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population Dec 31, 2008 0.8076 Dec 31, 2009 0.8094 Dec 31, 2010 0.811 Dec 31, 2011 0.8114 Dec 31, 2012 0.8118 Dec 31, 2013 0.8122 Dec 31, 2014 0.8126 Dec 31, 2015 0.813 Dec 31, 2016 0.8135 Dec 31, 2017 0.8141 Dec 31, 2018 0.8148", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, 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{"Instruction": "The biggest share of respondents, over 0.3, state that measures will stay in place until after December 2020. The smallest number of respondents, say it will last until mid December, whilst all other options have between 0.2 and 0.11 respondents.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Until beginning of June 0.02 Until mid June 0.03 Until end of June 0.07 Until mid July 0.05 Until end of July 0.11 Until mid August 0.04 Until end of August 0.09 Until mid September 0.05 Until end of September 0.06 Until mid October 0.03 Until end of October 0.05 Until mid November 0.02 Until end of November 0.02 Until mid December 0.01 Until end of December 0.04 Until after December 2020 0.32", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11719.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#F06292\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"How long do you think the social distancing\", \"instructions in the UK will be in place ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a big increase between 2009 and 2010 from around 299 million to 390 million overnight stays. From 2010 the increase continued but at a much slower rate staying around the 400 million mark until 2016. Then there was another larger increase.", "Input": " Year Number of nights in millions Dec 31, 2006 301.96 Dec 31, 2007 301.04 Dec 31, 2008 294.69 Dec 31, 2009 391.22 Dec 31, 2010 401.01 Dec 31, 2011 400.53 Dec 31, 2012 408.13 Dec 31, 2013 402.32 Dec 31, 2014 410.05 Dec 31, 2015 404.76 Dec 31, 2016 433.06 Dec 31, 2017 442.76", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11759.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of overnight stays in travel accommodation\", \"in France between 2007 and 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Overnight stays have increased significantly since 2008, however this doesn't show whether its down to longer stays or more hotels. Between 2010 and 2016, hotel stays remained very steady.", "Input": " Year Number of nights in millions Dec 31, 2006 301.96 Dec 31, 2007 301.04 Dec 31, 2008 294.69 Dec 31, 2009 391.22 Dec 31, 2010 401.01 Dec 31, 2011 400.53 Dec 31, 2012 408.13 Dec 31, 2013 402.32 Dec 31, 2014 410.05 Dec 31, 2015 404.76 Dec 31, 2016 433.06 Dec 31, 2017 442.76", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11759.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of overnight stays in travel accommodation\", \"in France between 2007 and 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows an overall upwards trend, starting at just under 500 million dollars income in 2006 to around 800 million dollars income in 2016. There is a very large deficit in 2008, showing a drop below negative 1000 million dollars. After 2008, it remains positive, trending upwards.", "Input": " Year Net income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2004 431 Dec 31, 2005 287 Dec 31, 2006 403 Dec 31, 2007 \u22121074 Dec 31, 2008 293 Dec 31, 2009 379 Dec 31, 2010 417 Dec 31, 2011 399 Dec 31, 2012 433 Dec 31, 2013 529 Dec 31, 2014 612 Dec 31, 2015 612 Dec 31, 2016 872", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11785.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Net income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Net income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Income of Wyndham Worldwide from 2005 to\", \"2017 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The median household income in Kentucky has increased overall since 1990. Since 1990, the median household income in Kentucky has more than doubled.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 24780 Dec 31, 1990 23764 Dec 31, 1991 23485 Dec 31, 1992 24376 Dec 31, 1993 26595 Dec 31, 1994 29810 Dec 31, 1995 32413 Dec 31, 1996 33452 Dec 31, 1997 36252 Dec 31, 1998 33738 Dec 31, 1999 36265 Dec 31, 2000 38437 Dec 31, 2001 36762 Dec 31, 2002 36936 Dec 31, 2003 35610 Dec 31, 2004 36699 Dec 31, 2005 39485 Dec 31, 2006 39452 Dec 31, 2007 41148 Dec 31, 2008 42664 Dec 31, 2009 41104 Dec 31, 2010 39856 Dec 31, 2011 41086 Dec 31, 2012 42158 Dec 31, 2013 42786 Dec 31, 2014 42387 Dec 31, 2015 45369 Dec 31, 2016 51348 Dec 31, 2017 54555 Dec 31, 2018 55662", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11813.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8c6d31\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Household income in current U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Household income in current U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Median household income in Kentucky from\", \"1990 to 2019 (in current U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are over 2 million residents of Canada who were born in China, India, the Philippines or the UK.", "Input": " Number of people residing in Canada Country 668565 India 649260 China 588305 Philippines 499115 United Kingdom 253715 United States 236640 Italy 208940 Hong Kong 202260 Pakistan 169250 Viet Nam 154425 Iran", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11840.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of people residing in Canada\"}, \"field\": \"Number of people residing in Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top ten countries of birth for foreign-born\", \"people in Canada in 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This chart shows that overall the home attendance has stayed between 500,000 and 600,000. It has slightly increased since 2006. There was a dip in attendance in-between the years 2006 and 2008.", "Input": " Year Home attendance Dec 31, 2005 553792 Dec 31, 2006 545352 Dec 31, 2007 553152 Dec 31, 2008 553152 Dec 31, 2009 553152 Dec 31, 2010 553152 Dec 31, 2011 553152 Dec 31, 2012 553152 Dec 31, 2013 556768 Dec 31, 2014 555868 Dec 31, 2015 556768 Dec 31, 2016 556768 Dec 31, 2017 557568 Dec 31, 2018 558368", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11844.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Home attendance\"}, \"field\": \"Home attendance\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total regular season home attendance of\", \"the NFL Philadelphia Eagles franchise from\", \"2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Florida Panthers franchise value started out at just under 150 million in 2006, rising steadily to above 150 million in 2012 when there was a sharp rise to just under 250 million, followed by a sharp decline to below 200 million by 2014. The value has since risen steeply and was at just over 300 million post 2018.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 142 Dec 31, 2006 151 Dec 31, 2007 163 Dec 31, 2008 159 Dec 31, 2009 168 Dec 31, 2010 162 Dec 31, 2011 170 Dec 31, 2012 240 Dec 31, 2013 190 Dec 31, 2014 186 Dec 31, 2015 235 Dec 31, 2016 305 Dec 31, 2017 295 Dec 31, 2018 310", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/11871.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Florida Panthers franchise value from 2006\", \"to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Saudi Arabia has the highest percentage of GDP with a value of 0.08. Japan has the lowest percentage of GDP with a value of about 0.01. 9 of the countries on the chart have a percentage of GDP lower than 0.02 and 7 have a percentage of GDP higher than 0.02.", "Input": " Response Percentage of GDP Saudi Arabia* 0.08 Israel 0.053 Russia 0.039 United States 0.034 South Korea 0.027 India 0.024 Worldwide 0.022 France 0.019 Australia 0.019 China* 0.019 United Kingdom 0.017 Brazil 0.015 Italy 0.014 Canada 0.013 Germany 0.013 Japan 0.009", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1207.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7969c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": 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\u22120.016 Bulgaria \u22120.003", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", 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GDP.", "Input": " Year Real GDP in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 354.85 Dec 31, 2000 361.35 Dec 31, 2001 366.04 Dec 31, 2002 374.5 Dec 31, 2003 388.7 Dec 31, 2004 407.49 Dec 31, 2005 432.59 Dec 31, 2006 436.44 Dec 31, 2007 446.92 Dec 31, 2008 427.11 Dec 31, 2009 433.4 Dec 31, 2010 439.09 Dec 31, 2011 439.57 Dec 31, 2012 445.36 Dec 31, 2013 455.05 Dec 31, 2014 469.48 Dec 31, 2015 475.34 Dec 31, 2016 485.5 Dec 31, 2017 497.33 Dec 31, 2018 508.63", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#beaed4\"}, 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The revenue then dropped and rose every year alternately until peaking in 2019.", "Input": " Year Operating revenue in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 15710 Dec 31, 2006 15263 Dec 31, 2007 16410 Dec 31, 2008 15643 Dec 31, 2009 15317 Dec 31, 2010 15341 Dec 31, 2011 14256 Dec 31, 2012 15136 Dec 31, 2013 17021 Dec 31, 2014 17486 Dec 31, 2015 16138 Dec 31, 2016 17173 Dec 31, 2017 16727 Dec 31, 2018 19204", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12337.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Operating revenue in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Operating revenue in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Operating revenue of NextEra Energy from\", \"FY 2006 of FY 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the number of visitors started to decrease slightly from 2008 until 2011 then there was a rapid increase in the visitors (in million) until 2018. From 2018 the number of visitors has begun decreasing again.", "Input": " Year Number of visitors in millions Dec 31, 2007 4.43 Dec 31, 2008 4.35 Dec 31, 2009 4.39 Dec 31, 2010 4.3 Dec 31, 2011 4.42 Dec 31, 2012 4.56 Dec 31, 2013 4.76 Dec 31, 2014 5.52 Dec 31, 2015 5.97 Dec 31, 2016 6.25 Dec 31, 2017 6.38 Dec 31, 2018 5.97", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": 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Seed have the lowest market share. 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It has slowly increased rising since 2009 and now creates almost 575 million metric tons.", "Input": " Year Oil production in million metric tons Dec 31, 1997 304.3 Dec 31, 1998 304.8 Dec 31, 1999 326.7 Dec 31, 2000 351.7 Dec 31, 2001 383.7 Dec 31, 2002 425.7 Dec 31, 2003 463.3 Dec 31, 2004 474.8 Dec 31, 2005 485.6 Dec 31, 2006 497.5 Dec 31, 2007 494.3 Dec 31, 2008 501.4 Dec 31, 2009 512.3 Dec 31, 2010 519.5 Dec 31, 2011 526.7 Dec 31, 2012 532.2 Dec 31, 2013 535.1 Dec 31, 2014 541.8 Dec 31, 2015 555.9 Dec 31, 2016 554.3 Dec 31, 2017 563.3 Dec 31, 2018 568.1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12549.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Oil production in million metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Oil production in million metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Oil production in Russia from 1998 to 2019\", \"(in million metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "from 2014/15 the operating costs of busses has slightly decreased.", "Input": " Costs in million British pounds*** Year 3771 2018/19 3751 2017/18 3808 2016/17 3818 2015/16 3836 2014/15 3827 2013/14 3761 2012/13 3738 2011/12 3598 2010/11 3595 2009/10 3509 2008/09 3306 2007/08 3175 2006/07 2829 2005/06 2724 2004/05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12551.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Costs in million British pounds***\"}, \"field\": \"Costs in million British pounds***\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Operating costs for buses in Great Britain\", \"excluding London from 2004/05 to 2018/19\", \"(in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Overall, the number of people that hike in the United States has increased from 2006 to 2018. 2006 has the least amount of people at 30 million, whereas 2018 has the most at roughly 48 million. 2015-2016 saw the quickest rise in number of people that hike in the US.", "Input": " Year Number of participants in millions Dec 31, 2005 29.86 Dec 31, 2006 29.97 Dec 31, 2007 32.51 Dec 31, 2008 32.57 Dec 31, 2009 32.5 Dec 31, 2010 34.49 Dec 31, 2011 34.55 Dec 31, 2012 34.38 Dec 31, 2013 36.22 Dec 31, 2014 37.23 Dec 31, 2015 42.13 Dec 31, 2016 44.9 Dec 31, 2017 47.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1261.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7b4173\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of participants in hiking in the\", \"United States from 2006 to 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2006 there were 30 million hikers in the US. This number did not change in 2007 and showed a small increase to around 32 million in 2008. The number of hikers remained at 32 million until 2011 where it increased to 34 million. Further small increases were seen in 2013 and 2014 growing to 36 million and 38 million respectively. From 2014 the rate of growth increased significantly reaching 42 million in 2016 and 48 million in 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of participants in millions Dec 31, 2005 29.86 Dec 31, 2006 29.97 Dec 31, 2007 32.51 Dec 31, 2008 32.57 Dec 31, 2009 32.5 Dec 31, 2010 34.49 Dec 31, 2011 34.55 Dec 31, 2012 34.38 Dec 31, 2013 36.22 Dec 31, 2014 37.23 Dec 31, 2015 42.13 Dec 31, 2016 44.9 Dec 31, 2017 47.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1261.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7b4173\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of participants in hiking in the\", \"United States from 2006 to 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of children plateaued between 2007 and 2012 and then started dropping with its lowest in 2019.", "Input": " Response Percentage of total population Dec 31, 2004 0.3 Dec 31, 2005 0.3 Dec 31, 2006 0.29 Dec 31, 2007 0.29 Dec 31, 2008 0.29 Dec 31, 2009 0.29 Dec 31, 2010 0.29 Dec 31, 2011 0.29 Dec 31, 2012 0.28 Dec 31, 2013 0.28 Dec 31, 2014 0.28 Dec 31, 2015 0.28 Dec 31, 2016 0.27 Dec 31, 2017 0.27 Dec 31, 2018 0.26", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12768.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Percentage of total population\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of children in total population in\", \"Indonesia from 2005 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of houses with internet access in France is increasing year on year but not dramatically.", "Input": " Response Share of households Dec 31, 2006 0.55 Dec 31, 2007 0.62 Dec 31, 2008 0.69 Dec 31, 2009 0.74 Dec 31, 2010 0.76 Dec 31, 2011 0.8 Dec 31, 2012 0.82 Dec 31, 2013 0.83 Dec 31, 2014 0.83 Dec 31, 2015 0.86 Dec 31, 2016 0.86 Dec 31, 2017 0.89 Dec 31, 2018 0.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12817.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bf5b17\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of households\"}, \"field\": \"Share of households\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of households with internet access\", \"in France from 2007 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Facebook is far and away the most used. Flickr and Xing are not popular.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Facebook 0.79 Instagram 0.26 Snapchat 0.24 LinkedIn 0.2 Pinterest 0.19 Twitter 0.16 Tumblr 0.04 Flickr 0.02 Xing 0.01 I don't use any of the mentioned platforms 0.15", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12847.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Among the following social media platforms\", \", which ones do you use ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Facebook was the most popular platform for respondents of this survey, reaching nearly 0.8 on the chart. Instagram is the second popular platform by number. Xing was the least popular platform for respondents of this survey.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Facebook 0.79 Instagram 0.26 Snapchat 0.24 LinkedIn 0.2 Pinterest 0.19 Twitter 0.16 Tumblr 0.04 Flickr 0.02 Xing 0.01 I don't use any of the mentioned platforms 0.15", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12847.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Among the following social media platforms\", \", which ones do you use ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The general trend demonstrates that as age increases, the percentage of people within an age group also increases. In general, around 8% of people 9 years or younger were hospitalised with Covid-19 during the aforementioned time period, compared to around 38% of patients in the 70-79 years age bracket.", "Input": " Percentage of COVID-19 patients Response 0.041 9 years or younger 0.025 10 to 19 years 0.037 20 to 29 years 0.059 30 to 39 years 0.088 40 to 49 years 0.134 50 to 59 years 0.22 60 to 69 years 0.341 70 to 79 years 0.325 80 years and older 0.14 Total", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12905.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of COVID-19 patients\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of COVID-19 patients\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of people with COVID-19 in the\", \"United States from January 22 to May 30 ,\", \"2020 who were hospitalized , by age\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is an exponential increase and correlation between your age and the chance of you being likely to be hospitalised for Covid19. The older the age group, the higher number of hospitalisations.", "Input": " Percentage of COVID-19 patients Response 0.041 9 years or younger 0.025 10 to 19 years 0.037 20 to 29 years 0.059 30 to 39 years 0.088 40 to 49 years 0.134 50 to 59 years 0.22 60 to 69 years 0.341 70 to 79 years 0.325 80 years and older 0.14 Total", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/12905.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of COVID-19 patients\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of COVID-19 patients\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of people with COVID-19 in the\", \"United States from January 22 to May 30 ,\", \"2020 who were hospitalized , by age\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The rate of poverty in Arizona significantly increased from 2008-2011. The rate of poverty in Arizona fell from 2011-2019.", "Input": " Response Percentage of population Dec 31, 1999 0.156 Dec 31, 2000 0.137 Dec 31, 2001 0.142 Dec 31, 2002 0.154 Dec 31, 2003 0.142 Dec 31, 2004 0.142 Dec 31, 2005 0.142 Dec 31, 2006 0.142 Dec 31, 2007 0.147 Dec 31, 2008 0.165 Dec 31, 2009 0.174 Dec 31, 2010 0.19 Dec 31, 2011 0.187 Dec 31, 2012 0.186 Dec 31, 2013 0.182 Dec 31, 2014 0.174 Dec 31, 2015 0.164 Dec 31, 2016 0.149 Dec 31, 2017 0.14 Dec 31, 2018 0.135", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13051.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of population\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Poverty rate in Arizona from 2000 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Poverty rate in 2019 is at one of the lowest it\u2019s ever been over the period covered which is positive however in the middle apx 08/09 it has increased hugely peaking in 11/12 before declining would be Intresting to se rid there was a significant event at the time of this peak.", "Input": " Response Percentage of population Dec 31, 1999 0.156 Dec 31, 2000 0.137 Dec 31, 2001 0.142 Dec 31, 2002 0.154 Dec 31, 2003 0.142 Dec 31, 2004 0.142 Dec 31, 2005 0.142 Dec 31, 2006 0.142 Dec 31, 2007 0.147 Dec 31, 2008 0.165 Dec 31, 2009 0.174 Dec 31, 2010 0.19 Dec 31, 2011 0.187 Dec 31, 2012 0.186 Dec 31, 2013 0.182 Dec 31, 2014 0.174 Dec 31, 2015 0.164 Dec 31, 2016 0.149 Dec 31, 2017 0.14 Dec 31, 2018 0.135", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13051.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of population\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Poverty rate in Arizona from 2000 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The investment of Euros in France fell between 2007 and 2009. The most consistent rise of investment of Euro in France was between 2012 and 2016.", "Input": " Year Total investment in million euros Dec 31, 2006 14377.84 Dec 31, 2007 11871.94 Dec 31, 2008 4104.06 Dec 31, 2009 7445.1 Dec 31, 2010 10968.84 Dec 31, 2011 6871.94 Dec 31, 2012 8845 Dec 31, 2013 12193.16 Dec 31, 2014 14344.48 Dec 31, 2015 14787.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13104.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c4c4c4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Total investment in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Total investment in million euros\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total amount of investment of private equity\", \"companies in France from 2007 to 2016 (in\", \"million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "this graph shows overall the production of pears is falling in the united states over a 20 year period. some years the productoin increases. but overall it is a downward trend.", "Input": " Year Production in tons Dec 31, 1999 993250 Dec 31, 2000 1026930 Dec 31, 2001 890020 Dec 31, 2002 934050 Dec 31, 2003 878260 Dec 31, 2004 823320 Dec 31, 2005 842035 Dec 31, 2006 872950 Dec 31, 2007 869850 Dec 31, 2008 957220 Dec 31, 2009 813600 Dec 31, 2010 965720 Dec 31, 2011 851240 Dec 31, 2012 877130 Dec 31, 2013 831610 Dec 31, 2014 816500 Dec 31, 2015 738700 Dec 31, 2016 737450 Dec 31, 2017 805500 Dec 31, 2018 729000", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13163.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Production in tons\"}, \"field\": \"Production in tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Pear production in the United States from\", \"2000 to 2019 (in tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The overall pear production over the period shows a decrease over time. Production was highest in 2000 (1,000,000) and lowest in 2019 (700,000 approx) with peaks and troughs across the period.", "Input": " Year Production in tons Dec 31, 1999 993250 Dec 31, 2000 1026930 Dec 31, 2001 890020 Dec 31, 2002 934050 Dec 31, 2003 878260 Dec 31, 2004 823320 Dec 31, 2005 842035 Dec 31, 2006 872950 Dec 31, 2007 869850 Dec 31, 2008 957220 Dec 31, 2009 813600 Dec 31, 2010 965720 Dec 31, 2011 851240 Dec 31, 2012 877130 Dec 31, 2013 831610 Dec 31, 2014 816500 Dec 31, 2015 738700 Dec 31, 2016 737450 Dec 31, 2017 805500 Dec 31, 2018 729000", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13163.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Production in tons\"}, \"field\": \"Production in tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Pear production in the United States from\", \"2000 to 2019 (in tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest amount of pears produced was in 2001. The lowest amount of pears produced was on two consecutive year 2016-2017 aswell as 2019General production trends have been reducing since 2000.", "Input": " Year Production in tons Dec 31, 1999 993250 Dec 31, 2000 1026930 Dec 31, 2001 890020 Dec 31, 2002 934050 Dec 31, 2003 878260 Dec 31, 2004 823320 Dec 31, 2005 842035 Dec 31, 2006 872950 Dec 31, 2007 869850 Dec 31, 2008 957220 Dec 31, 2009 813600 Dec 31, 2010 965720 Dec 31, 2011 851240 Dec 31, 2012 877130 Dec 31, 2013 831610 Dec 31, 2014 816500 Dec 31, 2015 738700 Dec 31, 2016 737450 Dec 31, 2017 805500 Dec 31, 2018 729000", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13163.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Production in tons\"}, \"field\": \"Production in tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Pear production in the United States from\", \"2000 to 2019 (in tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2020 to 2025 (the years with the *) next to them are predictions. It is expected that the national debt in relation to the GDP is expected to keep rising.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 0.8517 2025* 0.8692 2024* 0.8728 2023* 0.8568 2022* 0.8276 2021* 0.7882 2020* 0.6215 2019 0.5671 2018 0.5302 2017 0.5147 2016 0.4934 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : National debt in relation\", \"to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015\", \"to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "National debt in relation to GDP had increased steadily in South Africa from 2015 - with a big leap in 2020. It is predicted to continue increasing until 2023 and then the decrease slightly in 2024 and 2025. I cannot see an key which explains what the asterisks mean.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 0.8517 2025* 0.8692 2024* 0.8728 2023* 0.8568 2022* 0.8276 2021* 0.7882 2020* 0.6215 2019 0.5671 2018 0.5302 2017 0.5147 2016 0.4934 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : National debt in relation\", \"to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015\", \"to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The national debt from 2015 to 2018 was almost static with only a small increase at the end of 2018. From then it has risen markedly from 0.6 in 2018 then sharp rise to 2019. The projections for the years from 2020 show a big rise in national debt, with only a projected small decrease in 2025, although these years are not fact based, only projections.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 0.8517 2025* 0.8692 2024* 0.8728 2023* 0.8568 2022* 0.8276 2021* 0.7882 2020* 0.6215 2019 0.5671 2018 0.5302 2017 0.5147 2016 0.4934 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : National debt in relation\", \"to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015\", \"to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The national debt of South Africa in relation to GDP has increased steadily from the 2015 to 2019, and there was a big increase between 2019 and 2020. It is predicted that national debt will continue to increase until 2023 - it will then decrease slightly in 2024 and 2025. There is no key explaining the asterisks next to the years.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 0.8517 2025* 0.8692 2024* 0.8728 2023* 0.8568 2022* 0.8276 2021* 0.7882 2020* 0.6215 2019 0.5671 2018 0.5302 2017 0.5147 2016 0.4934 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : National debt in relation\", \"to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015\", \"to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The price of bakers yeast per tonne in the UK has remained relatively stable aound \u00a3500 - \u00a3700 between 2008 to 2017.", "Input": " Year Price per ton in British pounds 2017 555.43 2014 537.9 2013 675.8 2012 534.55 2011 584.72 2009 572.24 2008 521.79", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13243.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8b8b8b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Price per ton in British pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Price per ton in British pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sales price of bakers ' yeast per ton manufactured\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2017\", \"(in GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In most years the price fluctuates only slightly, between about 520 and 590, but in 2013 there was a sharp, temporary rise to about 680. I can't be more precise than that because the scale on the Y-axis is quite coarse-grained. If we ignore that one anomalous year there's a very slight overall rise, but it's so slight, and there are so few data points, that it may not be significant.", "Input": " Year Price per ton in British pounds 2017 555.43 2014 537.9 2013 675.8 2012 534.55 2011 584.72 2009 572.24 2008 521.79", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13243.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8b8b8b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Price per ton in British pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Price per ton in British pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sales price of bakers ' yeast per ton manufactured\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2017\", \"(in GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Cotton fabric production has increased by 15 billion square meters between 2008 and 2018.", "Input": " Production in billion square meters Fiscal years 39.89 FY 2018* 38.84 FY 2017 38.44 FY 2016 36.96 FY 2015 35.51 FY 2014 33.87 FY 2013 30.57 FY 2012 31.72 FY 2011 28.91 FY 2010 26.9 FY 2009 27.2 FY 2008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13248.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Production in billion square meters\"}, \"field\": \"Production in billion square meters\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Fiscal years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Production of cotton fabric in India from\", \"financial year 2008 to 2018 (in billion square\", \"meters)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of hospital beds in Poland have not seen a massive change in numbers between 2003 to 2018. There was a slight dip in 2007 but the number has remained steadily above 200,000 from 2003 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of hospital beds Dec 31, 2002 255168 Dec 31, 2003 254601 Dec 31, 2004 248860 Dec 31, 2005 246851 Dec 31, 2006 244877 Dec 31, 2007 252375 Dec 31, 2008 253815 Dec 31, 2009 251456 Dec 31, 2010 252281 Dec 31, 2011 252352 Dec 31, 2012 251383 Dec 31, 2013 251904 Dec 31, 2014 252029 Dec 31, 2015 252136 Dec 31, 2016 251537 Dec 31, 2017 248239", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, 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From 2016 onwards, numbers of registered vehicles appear to have decreased.", "Input": " Year Number of registered motorcycles Dec 31, 1999 4681 Dec 31, 2000 6486 Dec 31, 2001 7309 Dec 31, 2002 9093 Dec 31, 2003 10677 Dec 31, 2004 13107 Dec 31, 2005 15405 Dec 31, 2006 17231 Dec 31, 2007 19209 Dec 31, 2008 20738 Dec 31, 2009 21802 Dec 31, 2010 23201 Dec 31, 2011 24031 Dec 31, 2012 24488 Dec 31, 2013 24786 Dec 31, 2014 24701 Dec 31, 2015 24995 Dec 31, 2016 24320 Dec 31, 2017 23658", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13263.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#AB47BC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of registered motorcycles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of registered motorcycles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Piaggio Vespa registered motorcycle numbers\", \"in Great Britain from 2000 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of Vauxhall insignias registered was trending downwards from 2015 to 2019. The number of registrations peaked at more than 40000 in 2013. The number of registrations in 2019 was less than 10000.", "Input": " Year Number of new registrations in thousands Dec 31, 2008 35.3 Dec 31, 2009 36.3 Dec 31, 2010 45.1 Dec 31, 2011 31.7 Dec 31, 2012 28 Dec 31, 2013 30.6 Dec 31, 2014 32.9 Dec 31, 2015 24.7 Dec 31, 2016 16.7 Dec 31, 2017 13.4 Dec 31, 2018 8.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13287.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b5cf6b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of new registrations in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Number of new registrations in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Vauxhall Insignia passenger cars\", \"registered for the first time in Great Britain\", \"from 2009 to 2019 (in 1,000)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Beginning in 2009, the number of Vauxhall Insignia passenger cars registered for the first time in Great Britain was approximately 35,000. 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However, since 2015, the number of registrations has been falling steadily, reaching a low of under 10,000 by 2019.", "Input": " Year Number of new registrations in thousands Dec 31, 2008 35.3 Dec 31, 2009 36.3 Dec 31, 2010 45.1 Dec 31, 2011 31.7 Dec 31, 2012 28 Dec 31, 2013 30.6 Dec 31, 2014 32.9 Dec 31, 2015 24.7 Dec 31, 2016 16.7 Dec 31, 2017 13.4 Dec 31, 2018 8.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13287.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b5cf6b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of new registrations in 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The largest drop was in 1949.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 1849 417.44 Dec 31, 1854 457.74 Dec 31, 1859 482.1 Dec 31, 1864 440.13 Dec 31, 1869 422.91 Dec 31, 1874 417.44 Dec 31, 1879 417.44 Dec 31, 1884 417.44 Dec 31, 1889 417.44 Dec 31, 1894 417.43 Dec 31, 1899 416.99 Dec 31, 1904 415.19 Dec 31, 1909 411.78 Dec 31, 1914 407.15 Dec 31, 1919 402.25 Dec 31, 1924 397.35 Dec 31, 1929 392.46 Dec 31, 1934 370.01 Dec 31, 1939 341.12 Dec 31, 1944 327.77 Dec 31, 1949 320.14 Dec 31, 1954 205 Dec 31, 1959 204 Dec 31, 1964 210 Dec 31, 1969 143 Dec 31, 1974 100 Dec 31, 1979 73 Dec 31, 1984 57 Dec 31, 1989 54 Dec 31, 1994 51 Dec 31, 1999 43 Dec 31, 2004 33 Dec 31, 2009 21 Dec 31, 2014 14 Dec 31, 2019 12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13448.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3690c0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Child mortality rate (under five years old)\", \"in China from 1850 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "A chart covering a period of 14 years where the trios taken by Germans did not vastly differ.", "Input": " Year Number of trips (in millions) Dec 31, 2004 64.1 Dec 31, 2005 64.4 Dec 31, 2006 62.9 Dec 31, 2007 64 Dec 31, 2008 64.8 Dec 31, 2009 69.5 Dec 31, 2010 69.5 Dec 31, 2011 69.3 Dec 31, 2012 70.7 Dec 31, 2013 70.3 Dec 31, 2014 69.1 Dec 31, 2015 68.7 Dec 31, 2016 69.6 Dec 31, 2017 70.1 Dec 31, 2018 70.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13469.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of trips (in millions)\"}, \"field\": \"Number of trips (in millions)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of holiday trips taken by Germans\", \"from 2005 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Consumption data from 20 countries is shown. The highest consumer country is China. The second highest consumer country in the USA. Third, fourth and fifth places are taken by India, the Russian Federation and Japan respectively. The remaining 15 countries are low consumers and look to be much of a muchness.", "Input": " Country Consumption in exajoules China 141.7 U.S. 94.65 India 34.06 Russian Federation 29.81 Japan 18.67 Canada 14.21 Germany 13.14 Brazil 12.4 South Korea 12.37 Iran 12.34 Saudi Arabia 11.04 France 9.68 Indonesia 8.91 UK 7.84 Mexico 7.72 Turkey 6.49 Australia 6.41 Italy 6.37 Spain 5.72 South Africa 5.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1351.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9fe4f8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Consumption in exajoules\"}, \"field\": \"Consumption in exajoules\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading countries in primary energy consumption\", \"worldwide in 2019 (in exajoules)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been a rise in the number of households with internet access from 2008 to 2018 from 0.6 to roughly a share of 0.7. There was a sharp rise from 2008 to 2014, then a slight reduction from 2014 to 2015 and then a rise.", "Input": " Response Share of households Dec 31, 2006 0.6 Dec 31, 2007 0.64 Dec 31, 2008 0.67 Dec 31, 2009 0.73 Dec 31, 2010 0.77 Dec 31, 2011 0.78 Dec 31, 2012 0.8 Dec 31, 2013 0.83 Dec 31, 2014 0.82 Dec 31, 2015 0.85 Dec 31, 2016 0.86 Dec 31, 2017 0.87", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13565.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of households\"}, \"field\": \"Share of households\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of households with internet access\", \"in Belgium from 2007 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "After a peak in 2007 there was a fairly substantial drop in participants until 2011 when the trend was reversed. It took until 2015 for the number of participants to increase past the 2007 peak.", "Input": " Year Number of participants in millions Dec 31, 2005 1.38 Dec 31, 2006 1.85 Dec 31, 2007 1.56 Dec 31, 2008 1.4 Dec 31, 2009 1.35 Dec 31, 2010 1.12 Dec 31, 2011 1.61 Dec 31, 2012 1.57 Dec 31, 2013 1.74 Dec 31, 2014 1.91 Dec 31, 2015 1.93 Dec 31, 2016 1.83", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13614.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdbf11\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of participants in roller hockey\", \"in the United States from 2006 to 2017 (in\", \"millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2020 to 2016 the number of mobile cellular subscriptions in chad have risen steadily to 6 million. the biggest growth was during approx. 2003 and 2012, the amount of subscriptions in that time increased from approx. 0 to 4.2 million. During the last 4 years the growth has been approx. 2.1 million.", "Input": " Year Number of subscriptions in millions Dec 31, 1999 0.01 Dec 31, 2000 0.02 Dec 31, 2001 0.03 Dec 31, 2002 0.07 Dec 31, 2003 0.12 Dec 31, 2004 0.21 Dec 31, 2005 0.47 Dec 31, 2006 0.92 Dec 31, 2007 1.6 Dec 31, 2008 2.28 Dec 31, 2009 2.88 Dec 31, 2010 3.67 Dec 31, 2011 4.4 Dec 31, 2012 4.56 Dec 31, 2013 5.25 Dec 31, 2014 5.47 Dec 31, 2015 6.23", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", 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\"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average retail price paid for fresh / frozen poultry meat in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2015 (in GBP per kilogram) has increased.", "Input": " Year Average price per kilogram (in GBP) Dec 31, 2004 3.37 Dec 31, 2005 3.37 Dec 31, 2006 3.55 Dec 31, 2007 3.89 Dec 31, 2008 4.06 Dec 31, 2009 4.14 Dec 31, 2010 4.45 Dec 31, 2011 4.45 Dec 31, 2012 4.75 Dec 31, 2013 4.74 Dec 31, 2014 4.54", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", 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The trend was for gradually increasing prices over this time although in 2015 there had actually been a reduction in price from the previous year.", "Input": " Year Average price per kilogram (in GBP) Dec 31, 2004 3.37 Dec 31, 2005 3.37 Dec 31, 2006 3.55 Dec 31, 2007 3.89 Dec 31, 2008 4.06 Dec 31, 2009 4.14 Dec 31, 2010 4.45 Dec 31, 2011 4.45 Dec 31, 2012 4.75 Dec 31, 2013 4.74 Dec 31, 2014 4.54", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13663.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average price per kilogram (in GBP)\"}, \"field\": \"Average price per kilogram (in GBP)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average retail price paid for fresh / frozen\", \"poultry meat in the United Kingdom (UK) from\", \"2005 to 2015 (in GBP per kilogram)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Trafford and Belfast show the lowest revenues of the leading retail centres at just under 500 million GBP. Oxford street shows the highest revenue of just under 1,500 million GBP. Apart from Oxford street, all the other retailers are making below 1000 million in 2014.", "Input": " city Annual revenue in million GBP Oxford Street 1434 Manchester 910 Birmingham 849 Glasgow 813 Knightsbridge 710 Liverpool 705 Westfield Straford City Shopping Centre 648 Leeds 628 Edinburgh 622 Leicester 619 Nottingham 617 Westfield London Shopping Centre - White City 611 Norwich 573 Kingston upon Thames 552 Brighton 550 Reading 550 Newcastle-upon-Tyne 510 Cardiff 497 Belfast 467 Trafford Shopping Centre 459", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13902.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"city\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Annual revenue in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Annual revenue in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading retail centres in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) in 2014 , by annual revenue (in million\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "this shows that oxford street had the highest revenue by far at \u00a31450,000,000 against the majority of retailers that averaged between \u00a3450,000,000 and \u00a3950,000,000 and that most them were at the lower end of that figure.", "Input": " city Annual revenue in million GBP Oxford Street 1434 Manchester 910 Birmingham 849 Glasgow 813 Knightsbridge 710 Liverpool 705 Westfield Straford City Shopping Centre 648 Leeds 628 Edinburgh 622 Leicester 619 Nottingham 617 Westfield London Shopping Centre - White City 611 Norwich 573 Kingston upon Thames 552 Brighton 550 Reading 550 Newcastle-upon-Tyne 510 Cardiff 497 Belfast 467 Trafford Shopping Centre 459", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/13902.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"city\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Annual revenue in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Annual revenue in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading retail centres in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) in 2014 , by annual revenue (in million\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of deaths from drug poisoning by codeine in England and wales rises from around 25 to 175 between 1993 and 2019. The graph fluctuates at many points of small intervals, with the biggest drop being at around 2012, before a rapid increase.", "Input": " Year Number of deaths Dec 31, 1992 24 Dec 31, 1993 9 Dec 31, 1994 17 Dec 31, 1995 15 Dec 31, 1996 28 Dec 31, 1997 23 Dec 31, 1998 24 Dec 31, 1999 32 Dec 31, 2000 26 Dec 31, 2001 38 Dec 31, 2002 35 Dec 31, 2003 50 Dec 31, 2004 44 Dec 31, 2005 60 Dec 31, 2006 60 Dec 31, 2007 70 Dec 31, 2008 90 Dec 31, 2009 91 Dec 31, 2010 88 Dec 31, 2011 73 Dec 31, 2012 130 Dec 31, 2013 136 Dec 31, 2014 128 Dec 31, 2015 131 Dec 31, 2016 156 Dec 31, 2017 169 Dec 31, 2018 167", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", 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1995 1394200 Dec 31, 1996 1353700 Dec 31, 1997 1242781 Dec 31, 1998 1152075 Dec 31, 1999 1160002 Dec 31, 2000 1226457 Dec 31, 2001 1246646 Dec 31, 2002 1261226 Dec 31, 2003 1237851 Dec 31, 2004 1235859 Dec 31, 2005 1198245 Dec 31, 2006 1100472 Dec 31, 2007 959059 Dec 31, 2008 795652 Dec 31, 2009 739565 Dec 31, 2010 716508 Dec 31, 2011 723186 Dec 31, 2012 700288 Dec 31, 2013 686803 Dec 31, 2014 713063 Dec 31, 2015 767290 Dec 31, 2016 772943 Dec 31, 2017 751904 Dec 31, 2018 721885", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14062.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": 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31, 2006 16642 Dec 31, 2007 21712 Dec 31, 2008 22439 Dec 31, 2009 20557 Dec 31, 2010 24373 Dec 31, 2011 21397 Dec 31, 2012 18495 Dec 31, 2013 15340 Dec 31, 2014 12976 Dec 31, 2015 12819 Dec 31, 2016 15016 Dec 31, 2017 17332 Dec 31, 2018 17685", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": 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Exports were at their highest in 2011 at almost 25,000.", "Input": " Year Exports in thousand metric tons Dec 31, 1999 5761 Dec 31, 2000 7444 Dec 31, 2001 8950 Dec 31, 2002 10767 Dec 31, 2003 11899 Dec 31, 2004 13001 Dec 31, 2005 13978 Dec 31, 2006 16642 Dec 31, 2007 21712 Dec 31, 2008 22439 Dec 31, 2009 20557 Dec 31, 2010 24373 Dec 31, 2011 21397 Dec 31, 2012 18495 Dec 31, 2013 15340 Dec 31, 2014 12976 Dec 31, 2015 12819 Dec 31, 2016 15016 Dec 31, 2017 17332 Dec 31, 2018 17685", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14079.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52689e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Exports in thousand metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Exports in thousand metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. steel scrap exports between 2000 and\", \"2019 (in 1,000 metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "US steel scrap exports peaked in around 2011US steel scrap exports saw a large increase between 2000 to 2016, from around 6000 to around 23000After the peak of 2011, steel scrap exports fell to a low of around 13,000 in 2017, before beginning a steady rise again.", "Input": " Year Exports in thousand metric tons Dec 31, 1999 5761 Dec 31, 2000 7444 Dec 31, 2001 8950 Dec 31, 2002 10767 Dec 31, 2003 11899 Dec 31, 2004 13001 Dec 31, 2005 13978 Dec 31, 2006 16642 Dec 31, 2007 21712 Dec 31, 2008 22439 Dec 31, 2009 20557 Dec 31, 2010 24373 Dec 31, 2011 21397 Dec 31, 2012 18495 Dec 31, 2013 15340 Dec 31, 2014 12976 Dec 31, 2015 12819 Dec 31, 2016 15016 Dec 31, 2017 17332 Dec 31, 2018 17685", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14079.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52689e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Exports in thousand metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Exports in thousand metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. steel scrap exports between 2000 and\", \"2019 (in 1,000 metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Dirk Nowitzki had the most points scored of 31,000. 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At the first year it was ranked 25 then there was a small decline in the ranking number . After the 2014 raising of ranking number it dropped steadily once again to position 40. The graph shows two dips where the ranking number lowered over the period.", "Input": " Year FIFA ranking position Dec 31, 2008 29 Dec 31, 2009 24 Dec 31, 2010 24 Dec 31, 2011 37 Dec 31, 2012 51 Dec 31, 2013 76 Dec 31, 2014 46 Dec 31, 2015 40 Dec 31, 2016 30 Dec 31, 2017 32 Dec 31, 2018 36 Dec 31, 2019 41", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14156.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"FIFA ranking position\"}, \"field\": \"FIFA ranking position\"}}, \"title\": [\"Position of the Paraguayan national men\", \"'s soccer team in the FIFA World Ranking\", \"from 2009 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2011-2014 the team enjoyed a great period of success. From 2014-2017 they had a decline in performance, but still greater than their 2011 rating. From 2017 onwards, the team started performing better again.", "Input": " Year FIFA ranking position Dec 31, 2008 29 Dec 31, 2009 24 Dec 31, 2010 24 Dec 31, 2011 37 Dec 31, 2012 51 Dec 31, 2013 76 Dec 31, 2014 46 Dec 31, 2015 40 Dec 31, 2016 30 Dec 31, 2017 32 Dec 31, 2018 36 Dec 31, 2019 41", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14156.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"FIFA ranking position\"}, \"field\": \"FIFA ranking position\"}}, \"title\": [\"Position of the Paraguayan national men\", \"'s soccer team in the FIFA World Ranking\", \"from 2009 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Since 2015 Rwanda's budget balance in relation to GDP has dropped YOY to -0.08. 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The least coming in from Japan, Estonia, Hungary and Austria.", "Input": " Country Import value million SEK Germany 267851 Netherlands 142099 Norway 138510 Denmark 99266 China 77878 Finland 73812 United Kingdom 68388 Belgium 65674 Poland 63217 France 56766 Italy 50292 United States 39620 Russian Federation 38540 Czech Republic 24605 Spain 21089 Austria 18679 Hungary 16197 Japan 15226 Ireland 15116 Estonia 14120", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14398.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Import value million SEK\"}, \"field\": \"Import value million SEK\"}}, \"title\": [\"Main import partners of Sweden in 2019 ,\", \"by import value (in million SEK)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As of October 12, 2020 the world leading container ship operator in terms of TEU capacity of its own ships was APM-Maersk with a capacity approaching 2.5 million.Second in this category was COSCO Group with just over 1.5 million TEU. 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of shape to even think about it 0.03 I am not sure there is someone there to guide 0.03 I might hurt myself", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14523.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": 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Facebook and BetOnline have the least share of voice. The second largest share of voice goes to Odds Shark. YouTube and playUSA have the same share of voice.", "Input": " Response Share of voice Wikipedia (wikipedia.org) 0.0496 Odds Shark (oddsshark.com) 0.0453 Casino.Org (casino.org) 0.044 BET (bet.com) 0.043 CardsChat (cardschat.com) 0.0348 MyBookie (mybookie.ag) 0.0333 ESPN (espn.com) 0.0248 VegasInsider.com (vegasinsider.com) 0.0239 PlayUSA (playusa.com) 0.0182 YouTube (youtube.com) 0.0178 BetOnline (betonline.ag) 0.0142 Facebook (facebook.com) 0.0138", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14561.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of voice\"}, \"field\": \"Share of voice\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of voice on sportsbooks among leading\", \"websites in the United States from July to\", \"September 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It is shown that the population of Uganda has increased from 2015 to 2017, and it is predicted that it will continue to rise until 2025.", "Input": " Year Inhabitants in millions 2025* 47.79 2024* 46.4 2023* 45.05 2022* 43.73 2021* 42.46 2020* 41.22 2019* 39.82 2018* 38.82 2017* 37.67 2016 36.56 2015 35.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14571.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Uganda : Total population from 2015 to 2025\", \"(in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Moving things to a digital platform will help preserve the business as most of the share of respondents are those that prefer a remote or digitalised platform. The CEOS top 3 priorities should therefore be moving work experience to a remote platform, as well as digitalising the business generally but also upgrading IT.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Lead digital buisness/digital transformation activities 0.37 Improve remote work experiences 0.37 Upgrade IT and data security to boost corporate resiliency 0.29 Reduce or rationalize IT spending 0.28 Help reach specific goal for corporate revenue growth 0.25 Identify new data-driven business opportunities 0.24 Enable new plan for customer acquisition & retention 0.23 Collaborate with business departments om major customer initiative 0.22 Lead a product innovation effort 0.14 Increases collaboration with LOB to help streamline technology purchases 0.11 Lead merger integration or due dilligence on a potential acquisition 0.08", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14581.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Given the current state of the business\", \"what are the CEO 's top three priorities\", \"for you to help business preserve through\", \"the current disruption ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most countries have between 20 and 30 per 1000 births. Seven countries have more than 30 per thousand births. Pakistan has the highest rate with 47 per thousand births. Nigeria is the second highest with 42 per thousand births.", "Input": " Country Rate per 1,000 births Pakistan 47 Nigeria 42 Bangladesh 36 Djibouti 34 Senegal 34 Guinea-Bissau 30 Sierra Leone 30 Somalia 30 Afghanistan 29 Chad 29 DR Congo 29 Burundi 28 Mozambique 28 Comoros 27 C\u00f4te d'Ivoire 27 Liberia 27 Mauretania 27", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14594.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#B0B0B0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Rate per 1,000 births\"}, \"field\": \"Rate per 1,000 births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Countries with the highest stillbirth rates\", \"in 2009 (per 1,000 births)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2019, the number of fatalities in road traffic accidents across most regions of Finland was around 8. A significant portion of regions instead found their number of fatalities in these accidents to be around 15. Kainuu, Ostrobothnia, and Aland all had less than 5 fatalities from road traffic accidents that year. Uusimaa had significantly more fatalities due to road traffic accidents in 2019 than other regions of Finland, with around 35 fatalities.", "Input": " Number of fatalities region of Finland 36 Uusimaa 17 South Ostrobothnia 17 Southwest Finland 16 North Karelia 15 North Ostrobothnia 15 Lapland 15 Central Finland 12 Kanta-H\u00e4me 9 Satakunta 9 Pirkanmaa 8 P\u00e4ij\u00e4t-H\u00e4me 7 Central Ostrobothnia 7 Kymenlaakso 7 South Savo 6 North Savo 6 South Karelia 3 \u00c5land 3 Ostrobothnia 2 Kainuu", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14671.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#79706e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of Finland\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of fatalities in road traffic accidents\", \"in Finland in 2019 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Player expenses grew consistently and at a very high level until around 2008, at which point they fell for the first time. Since then, expenses see-sawed up and down until a steep dip around 2016/2017 which equated with costs around 2006. However, since then, expenses have trended up again, but not to the peak of expenses around 2016/2017.", "Input": " Year Player expenses in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 70 Dec 31, 2001 68 Dec 31, 2002 73 Dec 31, 2003 78 Dec 31, 2004 86 Dec 31, 2005 102 Dec 31, 2006 108 Dec 31, 2007 126 Dec 31, 2008 113 Dec 31, 2009 119 Dec 31, 2010 138 Dec 31, 2011 115 Dec 31, 2012 132 Dec 31, 2013 112 Dec 31, 2014 135 Dec 31, 2015 142 Dec 31, 2016 119 Dec 31, 2017 99 Dec 31, 2018 117", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14685.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": 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{\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14737.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Gender pay gap\"}, \"field\": \"Gender pay gap\"}}, \"title\": [\"Gender pay gap full-time employees based\", \"on average gross monthly wages in Belgium\", \"from 2004 to 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "in 2004 there was a massive gender gap in pay but as times have gone on the difference in pay between men and women seem to have for more anymore fair over time. in 2014 it seems there was only a 0.05 difference between men and womens salaries.", "Input": " Year Gender pay gap Dec 31, 2003 0.15 Dec 31, 2004 0.15 Dec 31, 2005 0.12 Dec 31, 2006 0.12 Dec 31, 2007 0.11 Dec 31, 2008 0.1 Dec 31, 2009 0.1 Dec 31, 2010 0.08 Dec 31, 2011 0.07 Dec 31, 2012 0.07 Dec 31, 2013 0.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14737.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, 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In 7 months this increased from 1000 to over 600,000 people.", "Input": " Year Number of people in thousands Jun 04, 2020 13.92 Jun 16, 2020 16.07 Jun 20, 2020 16.74 Jun 24, 2020 17.39 Jun 28, 2020 18.81 Jul 02, 2020 19.36 Jul 06, 2020 20.21 Jul 10, 2020 21.13 Jul 14, 2020 21.8 Jul 18, 2020 22.49 Jul 22, 2020 24.66 Jul 26, 2020 25.64 Jul 30, 2020 26.61 Aug 03, 2020 27.75 Aug 07, 2020 29.29 Aug 11, 2020 30.59 Aug 15, 2020 32.33 Aug 19, 2020 33.57 Aug 23, 2020 35.29 Aug 27, 2020 36.68 Aug 31, 2020 37.87 Sep 04, 2020 39.63 Sep 07, 2020 40.45 Sep 10, 2020 41.01 Sep 13, 2020 43.24 Sep 17, 2020 88.24 Sep 19, 2020 89.77 Sep 21, 2020 92.17 Sep 23, 2020 94.88 Sep 25, 2020 97.55 Sep 27, 2020 99.34 Sep 29, 2020 102.48 Oct 01, 2020 105.58 Oct 03, 2020 108.14 Oct 05, 2020 109.9 Oct 07, 2020 113.11 Oct 09, 2020 116.63 Oct 12, 2020 120.52 Oct 15, 2020 127.08 Oct 18, 2020 132.08 Oct 21, 2020 141.09 Oct 24, 2020 149.74 Oct 27, 2020 159.85 Oct 30, 2020 172.51 Nov 02, 2020 181.18 Nov 05, 2020 195.97 Nov 08, 2020 206.79 Nov 11, 2020 224.92 Nov 14, 2020 243.83 Nov 17, 2020 261.39 Nov 20, 2020 287.31 Nov 23, 2020 304.19 Nov 26, 2020 326.66 Nov 29, 2020 353.19 Dec 02, 2020 381 Dec 05, 2020 405.61 Dec 08, 2020 425.82 Dec 11, 2020 451.48 Dec 14, 2020 465.05 Dec 17, 2020 484.95 Dec 20, 2020 501.9 Dec 22, 2020 516.42 Dec 25, 2020 536.33 Dec 28, 2020 549.26 Dec 31, 2020 566.37 Jan 01, 2021 571.33 Jan 02, 2021 574.9 Jan 03, 2021 577.2 Jan 04, 2021 581.86 Jan 05, 2021 586.76 Jan 06, 2021 591.6 Jan 07, 2021 595.01", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14849.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of people in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Number of people in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) recoveries\", \"in Romania as of January 8 , 2021 (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of households with broadband Internet access in Italy has increased exponentially and now around 80% have access.", "Input": " Response Share of households Dec 31, 2004 0.13 Dec 31, 2005 0.16 Dec 31, 2006 0.25 Dec 31, 2007 0.31 Dec 31, 2008 0.39 Dec 31, 2009 0.49 Dec 31, 2010 0.52 Dec 31, 2011 0.55 Dec 31, 2012 0.68 Dec 31, 2013 0.71 Dec 31, 2014 0.74 Dec 31, 2015 0.77 Dec 31, 2016 0.76 Dec 31, 2017 0.81", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14860.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of households\"}, \"field\": \"Share of households\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of households with broadband internet\", \"access in Italy from 2005 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This chart shows the exchange rate Euro to Polish Zloty from 1999 to 2018. Exchange rate was in downtrend at the beginning, after that, it increased and ,again, it began to decrease. After 2010, it reveals stable trend till 2018.", "Input": " Year Exchange rate Dec 31, 1998 4.23 Dec 31, 1999 4.01 Dec 31, 2000 3.67 Dec 31, 2001 3.86 Dec 31, 2002 4.4 Dec 31, 2003 4.53 Dec 31, 2004 4.02 Dec 31, 2005 3.9 Dec 31, 2006 3.78 Dec 31, 2007 3.51 Dec 31, 2008 4.33 Dec 31, 2009 3.99 Dec 31, 2010 4.12 Dec 31, 2011 4.18 Dec 31, 2012 4.2 Dec 31, 2013 4.18 Dec 31, 2014 4.18 Dec 31, 2015 4.36 Dec 31, 2016 4.26 Dec 31, 2017 4.26 Dec 31, 2018 4.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1488.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Exchange rate\"}, \"field\": \"Exchange rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Euro (EUR) to Polish zloty (PLN) annual\", \"average exchange rate from 1999 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2014, Mexico City was the largest city in Mexico in terms of number of residents, with approximately 8.5 million inhabitants. No other major city in Mexico in 2014 boasted over 2 million residents, with each having a similar share of Mexico\u2019s remaining residents.", "Input": " Residents in million city 8.56 Mexico City 1.74 Ecatepec 1.5 Guadalajara 1.5 Puebla 1.4 Ciudad Ju\u00e1rez 1.39 Tijuana 1.28 Le\u00f3n 1.2 Zapopan 1.17 Monterrey 1.16 Nezahualc\u00f3yotl", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1490.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00ACC1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Residents in million\"}, \"field\": \"Residents in million\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"city\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mexico : The largest cities 2014 (in million\", \"residents)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is an increase of installed power capacity every year. In 13 years it has almost trippled. Between 2006 and 2007 it stayed the same.", "Input": " Financial Year Installed power capacity in megawatts FY 2018 30326.71 FY 2017 29112.27 FY 2016 24746.81 FY 2015 22884 FY 2014 21192.64 FY 2013 19432.93 FY 2012 17601.54 FY 2011 15515.43 FY 2010 14409.98 FY 2009 14088.75 FY 2008 13563.41 FY 2007 12375.64 FY 2006 12330.84 FY 2005 11493.14", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14939.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3690c0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Financial Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Installed power capacity in megawatts\"}, \"field\": \"Installed power capacity in megawatts\"}}, \"title\": [\"Installed power capacity across Tamil Nadu\", \"in India from financial year 2005 to 2018\", \"(in megawatts)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Megawatts had increased in 14 years by almost 20k, this increase appears to have come in steady increments over each year.", "Input": " Financial Year Installed power capacity in megawatts FY 2018 30326.71 FY 2017 29112.27 FY 2016 24746.81 FY 2015 22884 FY 2014 21192.64 FY 2013 19432.93 FY 2012 17601.54 FY 2011 15515.43 FY 2010 14409.98 FY 2009 14088.75 FY 2008 13563.41 FY 2007 12375.64 FY 2006 12330.84 FY 2005 11493.14", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14939.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3690c0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Financial Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Installed power capacity in megawatts\"}, \"field\": \"Installed power capacity in megawatts\"}}, \"title\": [\"Installed power capacity across Tamil Nadu\", \"in India from financial year 2005 to 2018\", \"(in megawatts)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most people donated via checkout options but the least popular method was stocks, bond, property. Many of the other options had a similar level of donations.", "Input": " Share of respondents Channel 0.5 Checkout donations 0.4 Purchase of proceeds 0.39 Online donation 0.35 Pledge 0.32 Honor/tribute gift 0.32 Mailed check/credit card* 0.25 Street canvassing* 0.21 Third Party Vendor* 0.15 Email* 0.11 Phone 0.08 Door to door* 0.08 Mobile text 0.06 Social netowrking site 0.06 Online ad* 0.05 Will/planned gift 0.05 Radio/TV* 0.02 Stocks, bonds, property", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Channel\"}}, \"title\": [\"Donations made to charity in the U.S. from\", \"2011 to 2013 , by channel used\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "That checkout donations were the most used channel. Stocks and bonds are the least of channels used. And the average is roughly 0.3 respondents.", "Input": " Share of respondents Channel 0.5 Checkout donations 0.4 Purchase of proceeds 0.39 Online donation 0.35 Pledge 0.32 Honor/tribute gift 0.32 Mailed check/credit card* 0.25 Street canvassing* 0.21 Third Party Vendor* 0.15 Email* 0.11 Phone 0.08 Door to door* 0.08 Mobile text 0.06 Social netowrking site 0.06 Online ad* 0.05 Will/planned gift 0.05 Radio/TV* 0.02 Stocks, bonds, property", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Channel\"}}, \"title\": [\"Donations made to charity in the U.S. from\", \"2011 to 2013 , by channel used\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest group of donations was checkout donations. The smallest group of donations was stocks, bonds, property.", "Input": " Share of respondents Channel 0.5 Checkout donations 0.4 Purchase of proceeds 0.39 Online donation 0.35 Pledge 0.32 Honor/tribute gift 0.32 Mailed check/credit card* 0.25 Street canvassing* 0.21 Third Party Vendor* 0.15 Email* 0.11 Phone 0.08 Door to door* 0.08 Mobile text 0.06 Social netowrking site 0.06 Online ad* 0.05 Will/planned gift 0.05 Radio/TV* 0.02 Stocks, bonds, property", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14941.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Channel\"}}, \"title\": [\"Donations made to charity in the U.S. from\", \"2011 to 2013 , by channel used\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "All cities have an average of 1 million inhabitants apart from Ar-Riyad with over 5 million inhabitants and Jiddah with over 3 million inhabitants.", "Input": " big city Inhabitants in millions Ar-Riyad 5.19 Jiddah 3.43 Makkah 1.53 Al-Madinah 1.1 Ad-Dammam 0.9 Al-Hufuf & Al-Mubarraz 0.66 At Ta'if 0.58 Tabuk 0.51 Buraydah 0.47 Khamis Mushayt 0.43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/14999.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"big city\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Saudi Arabia : The ten largest cities in\", \"2010 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2008 and 2016, life expectancy in Sri Lanka is going up. However, this is relatively minimal with the range between those two dates roughly only one to two years apart. In 2016, the life expectancy is around 77 years.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 2007 75.16 Dec 31, 2008 75.29 Dec 31, 2009 75.44 Dec 31, 2010 75.61 Dec 31, 2011 75.8 Dec 31, 2012 75.97 Dec 31, 2013 76.15 Dec 31, 2014 76.32 Dec 31, 2015 76.48 Dec 31, 2016 76.65 Dec 31, 2017 76.81", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15052.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bab0ac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sri Lanka : Life expectancy at birth from\", \"2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Player expenses have steadily increased over the years with a steep dip and increase back to the steady line (2010-2015).", "Input": " Year Player expenses in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 81 Dec 31, 2001 88 Dec 31, 2002 95 Dec 31, 2003 106 Dec 31, 2004 117 Dec 31, 2005 115 Dec 31, 2006 130 Dec 31, 2007 140 Dec 31, 2008 151 Dec 31, 2009 157 Dec 31, 2010 162 Dec 31, 2011 137 Dec 31, 2012 129 Dec 31, 2013 111 Dec 31, 2014 154 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 186 Dec 31, 2017 195 Dec 31, 2018 228", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15064.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Player expenses in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Player expenses in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Player expenses of the Chicago Cubs from\", \"2001 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The player expenses of the Chicago Cubs showed an overall rising trend between 2001 and 2019. There was a sharp dip in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Expenses climbed again in 2015 and again, bringing them back in line with the previous trend by 2016.", "Input": " Year Player expenses in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 81 Dec 31, 2001 88 Dec 31, 2002 95 Dec 31, 2003 106 Dec 31, 2004 117 Dec 31, 2005 115 Dec 31, 2006 130 Dec 31, 2007 140 Dec 31, 2008 151 Dec 31, 2009 157 Dec 31, 2010 162 Dec 31, 2011 137 Dec 31, 2012 129 Dec 31, 2013 111 Dec 31, 2014 154 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 186 Dec 31, 2017 195 Dec 31, 2018 228", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15064.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Player expenses in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Player expenses in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Player expenses of the Chicago Cubs from\", \"2001 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are 1 million individuals from Argentina living abroad in 2018. The Netherlands have the least amount of individuals living abroad.", "Input": " Country Number of individuals Argentina 977417 Germany 806693 Switzerland 640200 Brazil 574478 France 429777 UK 350619 Belgium 288298 USA 283678 Spain 198839 Australia 160916 Venezuela 142817 Canada 141784 Uruguay 121301 Chile 70037 Netherlands 48906", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1513.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#744EC2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of individuals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of individuals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Fifteen largest Italian populations living\", \"abroad in 2018 , by country of residence\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest population of Italians living abroad can be found in Argentina, showing nearly 1000000 people in 2918. However, the smallest population of Italians can be found in the Netherlands in 2918.", "Input": " Country Number of individuals Argentina 977417 Germany 806693 Switzerland 640200 Brazil 574478 France 429777 UK 350619 Belgium 288298 USA 283678 Spain 198839 Australia 160916 Venezuela 142817 Canada 141784 Uruguay 121301 Chile 70037 Netherlands 48906", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1513.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#744EC2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of individuals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of individuals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Fifteen largest Italian populations living\", \"abroad in 2018 , by country of residence\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This bar chart shows that metrics and measurements is the biggest leading barrier. It shows that evangelism is the smallest barrier. The bars on the chart are blue. Bar chart is easy to read. The share of respondents goes up by 0.1 each stage of the chart.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.4 Metrics and measurement 0.32 Fragmentation of mobile ecosystem 0.28 Internal challenges and silos 0.22 Ad blocking 0.22 Consumer provacy concerns 0.21 Content creation for mobile 0.16 Ad fraud 0.15 Education 0.14 Guidelines and best practices 0.12 Budgets 0.12 Lack of mobile friendly sites 0.1 Poor quality mobile apps 0.08 Skills 0.06 Data pricing 0.03 Evangelism 0.1 Other", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15145.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading barriers to implementing mobile\", \"marketing in North America in 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There's a slight decrease in total inhabitants 2019 and a further increase in 2020. It then remains consistent until 2024 as 2025 has a slight decrease.", "Input": " Inhabitants in millions Year 3.7 2025* 3.71 2024* 3.71 2023* 3.71 2022* 3.71 2021* 3.7 2020* 3.72 2019* 3.73 2018* 3.73 2017* 3.73 2016* 3.72 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15153.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Georgia : Total population from 2015 to\", \"2025 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart shows that Georgia's population has remained steady throughout the study period of 2-15-2025 at around 3.75 million. There has been a very small reduction in 2021 but it is not discernable the amounts given the x axis range.", "Input": " Inhabitants in millions Year 3.7 2025* 3.71 2024* 3.71 2023* 3.71 2022* 3.71 2021* 3.7 2020* 3.72 2019* 3.73 2018* 3.73 2017* 3.73 2016* 3.72 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15153.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Georgia : Total population from 2015 to\", \"2025 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of residents in Georgia has and is expected to remain stable until 2025.", "Input": " Inhabitants in millions Year 3.7 2025* 3.71 2024* 3.71 2023* 3.71 2022* 3.71 2021* 3.7 2020* 3.72 2019* 3.73 2018* 3.73 2017* 3.73 2016* 3.72 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15153.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Georgia : Total population from 2015 to\", \"2025 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The national debt has doubled in the 10 year period covered by the bar chart.", "Input": " Year National debt in billion U.S. dollars 2024* 3.78 2023* 3.23 2022* 2.76 2021* 2.35 2020* 2.08 2019 1.89 2018 1.53 2017 1.13 2016 0.98 2015 0.65 2014 0.47", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15157.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"National debt in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Swaziland : National debt from 2014 to 2024\", \"(in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest number of searches were with the smallest number of words, ie. 1 -3 words, with two having the highest number overall. The higher number of words had a lower number of searches, eg. 7 and 8 words.", "Input": " Response Share of searches One word 0.191 Two words 0.4562 Three words 0.2184 Four words 0.072 Five words 0.0318 Six words 0.0146 Seven words 0.0073 Eight words 0.0039 Nine words 0.0021 Ten or more words 0.0027", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15178.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of searches\"}, \"field\": \"Share of searches\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average number of search terms for online\", \"search queries in Canada as of January 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Two word searches were the most common with between 0.4 and 0.5. Searches for more 5 words represent fewer than 0.1 of searches.", "Input": " Response Share of searches One word 0.191 Two words 0.4562 Three words 0.2184 Four words 0.072 Five words 0.0318 Six words 0.0146 Seven words 0.0073 Eight words 0.0039 Nine words 0.0021 Ten or more words 0.0027", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15178.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of searches\"}, \"field\": \"Share of searches\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average number of search terms for online\", \"search queries in Canada as of January 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "One word, two words and three words have majority for internet search in Canada in January 2020. Among themselves, two words search is at the top, respectively, three words search is second, one word is third.", "Input": " Response Share of searches One word 0.191 Two words 0.4562 Three words 0.2184 Four words 0.072 Five words 0.0318 Six words 0.0146 Seven words 0.0073 Eight words 0.0039 Nine words 0.0021 Ten or more words 0.0027", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15178.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of searches\"}, \"field\": \"Share of searches\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average number of search terms for online\", \"search queries in Canada as of January 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In Canada in January 2020, two word searched were most common, followed by three word searches. The gap in number of searches between these two were quite significant. In third close, close in number to three word searches was one word searches. Searches with 8, 9, and 10 or more words were least frequently searched.", "Input": " Response Share of searches One word 0.191 Two words 0.4562 Three words 0.2184 Four words 0.072 Five words 0.0318 Six words 0.0146 Seven words 0.0073 Eight words 0.0039 Nine words 0.0021 Ten or more words 0.0027", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15178.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of searches\"}, \"field\": \"Share of searches\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average number of search terms for online\", \"search queries in Canada as of January 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The unemployment rate in Thailand fell from 0.03% in 2000 to 0.005% in 2013. The rate then began to rise again to around 0.008 in 2020.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0297 Dec 31, 1999 0.0239 Dec 31, 2000 0.026 Dec 31, 2001 0.0182 Dec 31, 2002 0.0154 Dec 31, 2003 0.0151 Dec 31, 2004 0.0135 Dec 31, 2005 0.0122 Dec 31, 2006 0.0118 Dec 31, 2007 0.0118 Dec 31, 2008 0.0094 Dec 31, 2009 0.0062 Dec 31, 2010 0.0066 Dec 31, 2011 0.0058 Dec 31, 2012 0.0049 Dec 31, 2013 0.0058 Dec 31, 2014 0.006 Dec 31, 2015 0.0069 Dec 31, 2016 0.0083 Dec 31, 2017 0.0077 Dec 31, 2018 0.0075 Dec 31, 2019 0.008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1524.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fc4f30\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Thailand : Unemployment rate from 1999 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Unemployment rates dropped steeply from .030 to .024 between 1999 and 2000. There was a small peak to .026 the following year. Unemployment consistently dropped between 2000 and 2013 to .005. It then started to increase again to .008 till 2017. Between 2017 and 2020 there was a small drop then an increase leaving it back at .008.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0297 Dec 31, 1999 0.0239 Dec 31, 2000 0.026 Dec 31, 2001 0.0182 Dec 31, 2002 0.0154 Dec 31, 2003 0.0151 Dec 31, 2004 0.0135 Dec 31, 2005 0.0122 Dec 31, 2006 0.0118 Dec 31, 2007 0.0118 Dec 31, 2008 0.0094 Dec 31, 2009 0.0062 Dec 31, 2010 0.0066 Dec 31, 2011 0.0058 Dec 31, 2012 0.0049 Dec 31, 2013 0.0058 Dec 31, 2014 0.006 Dec 31, 2015 0.0069 Dec 31, 2016 0.0083 Dec 31, 2017 0.0077 Dec 31, 2018 0.0075 Dec 31, 2019 0.008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": 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The most dramatic drop in viewership occurred between 2005 and 2008.", "Input": " Year Household cume* Dec 31, 1998 0.551 Dec 31, 1999 0.54 Dec 31, 2000 0.514 Dec 31, 2001 0.478 Dec 31, 2002 0.47 Dec 31, 2003 0.462 Dec 31, 2004 0.454 Dec 31, 2005 0.429 Dec 31, 2006 0.39 Dec 31, 2007 0.348 Dec 31, 2008 0.341 Dec 31, 2009 0.354 Dec 31, 2010 0.338 Dec 31, 2011 0.342 Dec 31, 2012 0.32", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15817.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4598ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Household cume*\"}, \"field\": \"Household cume*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Public television viewership in the United\", \"States from 1999 to 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over the years the homeowner insurance premium Americans are paying get higher, before 2005 they were just under 600$ up to nearly \u00a31200 in 2015. 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We can say for sure that the cost has more than doubled in only 16 years.", "Input": " Year Average premiums in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 536 Dec 31, 2001 593 Dec 31, 2002 668 Dec 31, 2003 729 Dec 31, 2004 764 Dec 31, 2005 804 Dec 31, 2006 822 Dec 31, 2007 830 Dec 31, 2008 880 Dec 31, 2009 909 Dec 31, 2010 979 Dec 31, 2011 1034 Dec 31, 2012 1096 Dec 31, 2013 1132 Dec 31, 2014 1173 Dec 31, 2015 1192 Dec 31, 2016 1211", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15819.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Average premiums in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average premiums in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average premiums for homeowners insurance\", \"in the United States from 2001 to 2017 (in\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2020 he won the most trophies during the champions league and the least trophies in the FA cup, Italian super cup and the Portuguese super cup.", "Input": " Competition Number of titles Champions League 5 FIFA Club World Cup 4 Premier League 3 UEFA Super Cup 3 La Liga 2 Copa del Rey 2 English League Cup 2 Spanish Super Cup 2 English Community Shield 2 Serie A 2 Italian Super Cup 1 FA Cup 1 Portuguese Super Cup 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1586.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Competition\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of titles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of titles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of domestic trophies won by Cristiano\", \"Ronaldo as of 2020 , by competition\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2009 Sweden's contributions were at the lowest. 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Since 2017 there has been an increase in Sweden's contributions.", "Input": " Year Contributions in million SEK Dec 31, 2008 19192 Dec 31, 2009 30407 Dec 31, 2010 30596 Dec 31, 2011 31452 Dec 31, 2012 37412 Dec 31, 2013 41553 Dec 31, 2014 44232 Dec 31, 2015 30350 Dec 31, 2016 24224 Dec 31, 2017 34960 Dec 31, 2018 37683", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": 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The largest surge is from ~0.175 - 2.3 from 2013 - 2014. After consistently dropping from 2000 - 2007/2008, it increasingly ramps up, plateaus, then ramps up again.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.2134 Dec 31, 1999 0.2111 Dec 31, 2000 0.2004 Dec 31, 2001 0.1844 Dec 31, 2002 0.166 Dec 31, 2003 0.1571 Dec 31, 2004 0.149 Dec 31, 2005 0.1408 Dec 31, 2006 0.1313 Dec 31, 2007 0.1313 Dec 31, 2008 0.1783 Dec 31, 2009 0.1738 Dec 31, 2010 0.1739 Dec 31, 2011 0.1742 Dec 31, 2012 0.174 Dec 31, 2013 0.2324 Dec 31, 2014 0.225 Dec 31, 2015 0.2312 Dec 31, 2016 0.19 Dec 31, 2017 0.18 Dec 31, 2018 0.1883 Dec 31, 2019 0.1923", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15955.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ukraine : Youth unemployment rate from 1999\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Ukranian youth unemployment rate fell from approximately 0.2 in 2000 to 0.13 in 2008. 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In 2008, the average number of children was just over 6. In 2018, the average number of children was just below 5.", "Input": " Year Number of children born per woman Dec 31, 2007 6.33 Dec 31, 2008 6.23 Dec 31, 2009 6.11 Dec 31, 2010 5.98 Dec 31, 2011 5.85 Dec 31, 2012 5.7 Dec 31, 2013 5.55 Dec 31, 2014 5.39 Dec 31, 2015 5.24 Dec 31, 2016 5.1 Dec 31, 2017 4.96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15974.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}, \"field\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}}, \"title\": [\"Uganda : Fertility rate from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Uganda\u2019s fertility rate in woman had been a slight decrease over a space of 8 years between 2008 and 2016. The number of children born per woman in Uganda has gone down by over 1 in a space of 8 years between 2008 and 2016.", "Input": " Year Number of children born per woman Dec 31, 2007 6.33 Dec 31, 2008 6.23 Dec 31, 2009 6.11 Dec 31, 2010 5.98 Dec 31, 2011 5.85 Dec 31, 2012 5.7 Dec 31, 2013 5.55 Dec 31, 2014 5.39 Dec 31, 2015 5.24 Dec 31, 2016 5.1 Dec 31, 2017 4.96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15974.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}, \"field\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}}, \"title\": [\"Uganda : Fertility rate from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The fertility rate for women in Nigeria has declined from having over 6 children in 2008 to 5 children in 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of children born per woman Dec 31, 2007 6.33 Dec 31, 2008 6.23 Dec 31, 2009 6.11 Dec 31, 2010 5.98 Dec 31, 2011 5.85 Dec 31, 2012 5.7 Dec 31, 2013 5.55 Dec 31, 2014 5.39 Dec 31, 2015 5.24 Dec 31, 2016 5.1 Dec 31, 2017 4.96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/15974.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}, \"field\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}}, \"title\": [\"Uganda : Fertility rate from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The peak of youth unemployment was in 2003, with a rate of 0.28. The lowest unemployment rate for youths was in 2009 with 0.12. There is a weak negative correlation between youth unemployment rate and time, as the rate has decreased unsteadily over time.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.2433 Dec 31, 1999 0.2343 Dec 31, 2000 0.2196 Dec 31, 2001 0.2715 Dec 31, 2002 0.2821 Dec 31, 2003 0.2526 Dec 31, 2004 0.1826 Dec 31, 2005 0.1537 Dec 31, 2006 0.1359 Dec 31, 2007 0.1236 Dec 31, 2008 0.1213 Dec 31, 2009 0.1419 Dec 31, 2010 0.1406 Dec 31, 2011 0.1411 Dec 31, 2012 0.1618 Dec 31, 2013 0.1619 Dec 31, 2014 0.1621 Dec 31, 2015 0.1634 Dec 31, 2016 0.1631 Dec 31, 2017 0.1631 Dec 31, 2018 0.1878 Dec 31, 2019 0.1782", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16019.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8c6d31\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Venezuela : Youth unemployment rate from\", \"1999 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Steel consumption in Mexico has been steadily increasing from 2003 to 2018. While consumption occasionally drops from year to year, there is no time where steel consumption has dropped multiple years in a row. Steel consumption always goes back up the following year after a dip.", "Input": " Year Per capita use in kilograms 2018 194.4 2017 204.8 2016 199.8 2015 197.6 2014 189 2013 167.9 2012* 173.1 2011 166.3 2010 149.7 2009 129.9 2008 154.3 2007 164 2006 158.9 2005 143.9 2004 152.6 2003 144", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16094.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Per capita use in kilograms\"}, \"field\": \"Per capita use in kilograms\"}}, \"title\": [\"Apparent steel consumption per capita in\", \"Mexico from 2003 to 2018 (in kilograms of\", \"finished steel products)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Apparent steel consumption in Mexico is the largest per capita in 2017. Apparent stell consumption per capita is the lowest in 2009. The apparent steel consumption per capita is above 150kg for the majority of years from 2003 - 2018.", "Input": " Year Per capita use in kilograms 2018 194.4 2017 204.8 2016 199.8 2015 197.6 2014 189 2013 167.9 2012* 173.1 2011 166.3 2010 149.7 2009 129.9 2008 154.3 2007 164 2006 158.9 2005 143.9 2004 152.6 2003 144", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16094.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Per capita use in kilograms\"}, \"field\": \"Per capita use in kilograms\"}}, \"title\": [\"Apparent steel consumption per capita in\", \"Mexico from 2003 to 2018 (in kilograms of\", \"finished steel products)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "A firm rising trend in area of arable land is seen from 1980-90. The trend is still rising, but flatter, in 1990 to the early 2000s. One year (possibly 2003) shows a sharp one-off rise, after which the trend resumes. From around 2006 or 2007 the area of arable land falls sharply until around 2014, bring the total back to the levels of the mid-to-late 1980s. After around 2014 the rise is sharper than at any historical time charted, bringing the total area to a new record level. The x-axis is disappointing for not showing individual years. The y-axis is disappointing for showing the wrong scale.", "Input": " Year Area in million hectares Dec 31, 1979 17.66 Dec 31, 1984 18.63 Dec 31, 1989 21.71 Dec 31, 1994 22.56 Dec 31, 1999 22.91 Dec 31, 2000 23.15 Dec 31, 2001 23.18 Dec 31, 2002 23.65 Dec 31, 2003 23.21 Dec 31, 2004 23.3 Dec 31, 2005 23.36 Dec 31, 2006 23.52 Dec 31, 2007 22.95 Dec 31, 2008 22.2 Dec 31, 2009 21.53 Dec 31, 2010 21.21 Dec 31, 2011 20.11 Dec 31, 2012 19.71 Dec 31, 2013 19.12 Dec 31, 2014 20.61 Dec 31, 2015 22.17 Dec 31, 2016 23.91", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16103.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Area in million hectares\"}, \"field\": \"Area in million hectares\"}}, \"title\": [\"Area of arable land in Mexico from 1980\", \"to 2017 (in million hectares)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Spain had the highest percentage of users who access music from illegal channels which was 0.35. But Japan has the lowest percentage of people who access music from illegal channels at 0.08.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.23 France 0.15 Germany 0.19 The Netherlands 0.21 Poland 0.35 Spain 0.17 Sweden 0.18 United Kingdom 0.27 Brazil 0.25 Canada 0.25 Hong Kong 0.17 Indonesia 0.09 Japan 0.26 Thailand 0.24 Total", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", 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behind.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.23 France 0.15 Germany 0.19 The Netherlands 0.21 Poland 0.35 Spain 0.17 Sweden 0.18 United Kingdom 0.27 Brazil 0.25 Canada 0.25 Hong Kong 0.17 Indonesia 0.09 Japan 0.26 Thailand 0.24 Total", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, 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The number of visas increased from less than 200,000 in 2008 to more than 800,000 in 2011.", "Input": " Year Number of visas issued Dec 31, 2005 73880 Dec 31, 2006 85142 Dec 31, 2007 88382 Dec 31, 2008 99018 Dec 31, 2009 634116 Dec 31, 2010 899455 Dec 31, 2011 733692 Dec 31, 2012 612535 Dec 31, 2013 712737 Dec 31, 2014 787180 Dec 31, 2015 817517 Dec 31, 2016 741899 Dec 31, 2017 731496", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16211.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of visas issued\"}, \"field\": \"Number of visas issued\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of NAFTA visas issued by the U.S.\", \"Department of State from 2006 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Mobile internet users in canada are predicted to rise steadily as shown in the graph up to the year 2025.", "Input": " Mobile internet users in millions Year 33.84 2025* 33.27 2024* 32.61 2023* 31.84 2022* 30.92 2021* 29.83 2020 28.53 2019 26.98 2018 25.16 2017 23.05 2016 20.64 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16269.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9ecae9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Mobile internet users in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Mobile internet users in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of mobile internet users in Canada\", \"from 2015 to 2025 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of new cases has dropped from 300 in 2007 to under 200 in 2016.", "Input": " Year Number of new cases diagnosed Dec 31, 2005 245 Dec 31, 2006 306 Dec 31, 2007 285 Dec 31, 2008 236 Dec 31, 2009 275 Dec 31, 2010 266 Dec 31, 2011 201 Dec 31, 2012 233 Dec 31, 2013 256 Dec 31, 2014 277 Dec 31, 2015 244 Dec 31, 2016 242 Dec 31, 2017 219 Dec 31, 2018 190", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16275.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of new cases diagnosed\"}, \"field\": \"Number of new cases diagnosed\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of new cases of HIV diagnosed in\", \"Denmark from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The orders of Boeing from 2004 to 2009 is very up and down which peaked in 2014. The lowest points were 2016 followed by 2009.", "Input": " Year Number of aircraft Dec 31, 2003 42 Dec 31, 2004 153 Dec 31, 2005 77 Dec 31, 2006 143 Dec 31, 2007 54 Dec 31, 2008 30 Dec 31, 2009 76 Dec 31, 2010 202 Dec 31, 2011 75 Dec 31, 2012 121 Dec 31, 2013 283 Dec 31, 2014 58 Dec 31, 2015 23 Dec 31, 2016 60 Dec 31, 2017 59 Dec 31, 2018 38", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16341.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52d2ca\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of aircraft\"}, \"field\": \"Number of aircraft\"}}, \"title\": [\"Gross orders of the Boeing 777 from 2004\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most money was spent between 2005 and 2010. The least money was spent in 2002.", "Input": " Year Expenditure in billion British pounds 18/19 12.5 17/18 11.5 16/17 10.7 15/16 10.4 14/15 11 13/14 10.7 12/13 11 11/12 11.4 10/11 15.2 09/10 19 08/09 18 07/08 15.7 06/07 14.3 05/06 13.7 04/05 10.5 03/04 9 02/03 7.4 01/02 8.7 00/01 7.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16344.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Expenditure in billion British pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in billion British pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Public sector expenditure on housing and\", \"community amenities in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2000/01 to 2018/19 (in billion\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Fashion and clothing chains were by far the highest concentration per sector however only one third of all sectors were 10 or above.", "Input": " Sector Number of retail chains Fashion & Clothing 32 Personal Care 15 Food 15 Footwear & Leather 13 Baby Ware 12 Furniture & Decoration 12 Consumer Electronics 10 Car Parts & Accessories 9 Petrol 9 Books & Magazines 8 DIY & Gardening 7 Toys & Games 7 Sport & Leisure 7 Optical 4 Pet Care 4 Home Ware 3 Telecom 3 Jewelry & Watches 2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16351.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Sector\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Number of retail chains\"}, \"field\": \"Number of retail chains\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of retail chains in Bulgaria in 2020\", \", by sector\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The pesos started high at the beginning of the year. It dropped significantly in April and never recovered.", "Input": " Year IPC in Mexican pesos Jan 01, 2020 44437.23 Jan 02, 2020 44624.85 Jan 05, 2020 44495.3 Jan 06, 2020 44157.81 Jan 07, 2020 44470.91 Jan 08, 2020 44572.17 Jan 09, 2020 44660.33 Jan 12, 2020 44847.47 Jan 13, 2020 44773.24 Jan 14, 2020 44453.33 Jan 15, 2020 45303.08 Jan 16, 2020 45817.76 Jan 19, 2020 45902.68 Jan 20, 2020 45637.32 Jan 21, 2020 45604.44 Jan 22, 2020 45476.43 Jan 23, 2020 45141.62 Jan 26, 2020 44134.39 Jan 27, 2020 44717.94 Jan 28, 2020 45132.6 Jan 29, 2020 44862.76 Jan 30, 2020 44108.31 Feb 03, 2020 45047.07 Feb 04, 2020 44782.86 Feb 05, 2020 44493.15 Feb 06, 2020 44399.33 Feb 09, 2020 44290.53 Feb 10, 2020 45027.41 Feb 11, 2020 45338.37 Feb 12, 2020 45005.12 Feb 13, 2020 44999.68 Feb 16, 2020 45016.96 Feb 17, 2020 44974.11 Feb 18, 2020 44901.5 Feb 19, 2020 44774.54 Feb 20, 2020 44802.54 Feb 23, 2020 43818.07 Feb 24, 2020 43045.68 Feb 25, 2020 42737.28 Feb 26, 2020 41607.42 Feb 27, 2020 41324.31 Mar 01, 2020 42167.24 Mar 02, 2020 42472.25 Mar 03, 2020 43404.76 Mar 04, 2020 42344.86 Mar 05, 2020 41388.78 Mar 08, 2020 38730.56 Mar 09, 2020 39565.44 Mar 10, 2020 38678.55 Mar 11, 2020 36636.7 Mar 12, 2020 38085.05 Mar 16, 2020 36862.84 Mar 17, 2020 35532.74 Mar 18, 2020 35143.63 Mar 19, 2020 34269.51 Mar 22, 2020 32964.22 Mar 23, 2020 34371.53 Mar 24, 2020 35536.7 Mar 25, 2020 35706.57 Mar 26, 2020 33799.49 Mar 29, 2020 34199.97 Mar 30, 2020 34554.53 Mar 31, 2020 33691.88 Apr 01, 2020 33590.62 Apr 02, 2020 33075.41 Apr 05, 2020 34381.56 Apr 06, 2020 34526.31 Apr 07, 2020 34567.78 Apr 12, 2020 34613.67 Apr 13, 2020 34746.39 Apr 14, 2020 33855.24 Apr 15, 2020 33759.75 Apr 16, 2020 34743.1 Apr 19, 2020 34477.06 Apr 20, 2020 33892.28 Apr 21, 2020 34223.85 Apr 22, 2020 34240.6 Apr 23, 2020 34586.82 Apr 26, 2020 34968.09 Apr 27, 2020 35830.81 Apr 28, 2020 36870.09 Apr 29, 2020 36470.11 May 03, 2020 36370.43 May 04, 2020 36616.06 May 05, 2020 36986.2 May 06, 2020 36792.41 May 07, 2020 37623.68 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05, 2020 44493.15 Feb 06, 2020 44399.33 Feb 09, 2020 44290.53 Feb 10, 2020 45027.41 Feb 11, 2020 45338.37 Feb 12, 2020 45005.12 Feb 13, 2020 44999.68 Feb 16, 2020 45016.96 Feb 17, 2020 44974.11 Feb 18, 2020 44901.5 Feb 19, 2020 44774.54 Feb 20, 2020 44802.54 Feb 23, 2020 43818.07 Feb 24, 2020 43045.68 Feb 25, 2020 42737.28 Feb 26, 2020 41607.42 Feb 27, 2020 41324.31 Mar 01, 2020 42167.24 Mar 02, 2020 42472.25 Mar 03, 2020 43404.76 Mar 04, 2020 42344.86 Mar 05, 2020 41388.78 Mar 08, 2020 38730.56 Mar 09, 2020 39565.44 Mar 10, 2020 38678.55 Mar 11, 2020 36636.7 Mar 12, 2020 38085.05 Mar 16, 2020 36862.84 Mar 17, 2020 35532.74 Mar 18, 2020 35143.63 Mar 19, 2020 34269.51 Mar 22, 2020 32964.22 Mar 23, 2020 34371.53 Mar 24, 2020 35536.7 Mar 25, 2020 35706.57 Mar 26, 2020 33799.49 Mar 29, 2020 34199.97 Mar 30, 2020 34554.53 Mar 31, 2020 33691.88 Apr 01, 2020 33590.62 Apr 02, 2020 33075.41 Apr 05, 2020 34381.56 Apr 06, 2020 34526.31 Apr 07, 2020 34567.78 Apr 12, 2020 34613.67 Apr 13, 2020 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17, 2020 37632.89 Jun 18, 2020 38404.63 Jun 21, 2020 38123.56 Jun 22, 2020 38217.68 Jun 23, 2020 37908.38 Jun 24, 2020 37734.52 Jun 25, 2020 37431.95 Jun 28, 2020 37769.19 Jun 29, 2020 37716.43 Jun 30, 2020 37619.77 Jul 01, 2020 37894.08 Jul 02, 2020 37950 Jul 05, 2020 37884.76 Jul 06, 2020 37837.39 Jul 07, 2020 37483.88 Jul 08, 2020 36795.95 Jul 09, 2020 36465.46 Jul 12, 2020 36389.39 Jul 13, 2020 36190.91 Jul 14, 2020 36590.26 Jul 15, 2020 36465.67 Jul 16, 2020 36327.84 Jul 19, 2020 36323.69 Jul 20, 2020 36881.67 Jul 21, 2020 37447.1 Jul 22, 2020 37433.3 Jul 23, 2020 37357.46 Jul 26, 2020 37742.14 Jul 27, 2020 37771.21 Jul 28, 2020 37720.84 Jul 29, 2020 37136.78 Jul 30, 2020 37019.68 Aug 02, 2020 37546.72 Aug 03, 2020 37466.95 Aug 04, 2020 37901.96 Aug 05, 2020 37998.34 Aug 06, 2020 38005 Aug 09, 2020 38289.76 Aug 10, 2020 38703.59 Aug 11, 2020 38634.1 Aug 12, 2020 38615.62 Aug 13, 2020 38949.88 Aug 16, 2020 39285.85 Aug 17, 2020 39087.35 Aug 18, 2020 39021.92 Aug 19, 2020 38707.24 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Osteoarthritis is the second most costly condition in US hospitals. Cerebral Infarction is the least costly condition is US hospitals, followed closely by cardiac dysrhythmias and then COPD.", "Input": " Conditions Costs in million U.S. dollars Septicemia 22795 Osteoarthritis 11290 Heart failure 9397 Acute myocardial infarction 8007 Spondylopathies/spondyloarthropathy (including infective) 5791 Respiratory failure 5182 Coronary atherosclerosis and other heart disease 5066 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis 4981 Cardiac dysrhythmias 4764 Cerebral infarction 4607", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", 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Milano(Italy) 345 Pazhou Complex(China) 338 Koelnmesse(Germany) 284 Messe Duesseldorf(Germany) 262.7 Paris Nord Villepinte(France) 241.58 McCormick Place(USA) 241.52 Feria Valencia(Spain) 230.6 Porte de Versailles(France) 228.21 Crocus International(Russia) 226.4 Fira de Barcelona: Gran Via venue(Spain) 205 BolognaFiere(Italy) 200 Feria de Madrid / IFEMA(Spain) 200 Shanghai New International Expo Centre(China) 200", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16403.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b79a20\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Indoor exhibition venues\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": 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It has more than doubled.", "Input": " Year Import value in thousand GBP Dec 31, 2000 74158 Dec 31, 2001 87602 Dec 31, 2002 96176 Dec 31, 2003 90248 Dec 31, 2004 93564 Dec 31, 2005 109510 Dec 31, 2006 128994 Dec 31, 2007 129108 Dec 31, 2008 124581 Dec 31, 2009 123216 Dec 31, 2010 132845 Dec 31, 2011 135881 Dec 31, 2012 144120 Dec 31, 2013 148951 Dec 31, 2014 160863 Dec 31, 2015 193870 Dec 31, 2016 203344 Dec 31, 2017 220594 Dec 31, 2018 203869", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16418.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bab0ac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Import value in thousand GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Import value in thousand GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Value of fresh melons including watermelons\", \"and papayas imported to the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2001 to 2019 (in 1,000 GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From the graph, I can interpret that the Methodist hospital has a substantially larger amount of beds than all other hospitals, which sit at around the 750 to high 600\u2019s. The sunrise hospital appears to have the least beds though is at an almost equal level to the Tristar centennial and Plantation hospital.", "Input": " Hospital (Location) Number of beds Methodist Hospital (San Antonio, Texas) 1561 Edinburg (Texas) Regional Medical Center 816 Chippenham Hospital (Richmond, Va.) 793 North Shore Medical Center (Miami, Fla.) 771 Henrico Doctor's Hospital (Richmond, Va.) 733 Oklahoma University Medical Center (Oklahoma City) 690 Medical City Hospital (Dallas) 668 TriStar Centennial (Nashville, Tenn.) 657 Plantation (Fla.) General Hospital 655 Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center (Las Vegas) 641", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16565.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Hospital (Location)\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of beds\"}, \"field\": \"Number of beds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top 10 U.S. for-profit hospitals based on\", \"the number of beds as of 2015\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Hisilicon technologies generated the most revenue of approx 650 mill dollars, followed by Preadtrum communications that generated more than 350 million dollars 3 companies: galaxycore, Hangzhou silian and Suzhow Good-Ark generated the least, but at similar levels, however this was still above 100 million.", "Input": " Chinese Semiconductor Company Revenue in million U.S. dollars HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. 652 Spreadtrum Communications Inc. 369 Tianjln ZhongHuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 222 RDA Microelectronics, Inc. 189 Wuxi China Resources Huajian Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 168 Jilin Sino Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 163 Shenzhen ZTE Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 148 GalaxyCore Inc. 124 Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics Co., Ltd. 123 Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 123", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16640.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Chinese Semiconductor Company\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading Chinese semiconductor companies\", \"in 2010 , based on revenue (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Apart from the year 2016 the amount in million has not dropped below \u00a330,000 in 11 years. Since 2016 the general business insurance market has increased in terms of amount or millions.", "Input": " Year Amount in million GBP Dec 31, 2006 33971 Dec 31, 2007 35492 Dec 31, 2008 32293 Dec 31, 2009 34337 Dec 31, 2010 35964 Dec 31, 2011 35423 Dec 31, 2012 35226 Dec 31, 2013 33887 Dec 31, 2014 30123 Dec 31, 2015 26018 Dec 31, 2016 29672 Dec 31, 2017 32929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16676.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Amount in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Amount in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total net written premiums of the general\", \"business insurance market in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2007 to 2018 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2007 average 35000 net until an significant drop to around 28000 in 2016. This has now gone back up to around 35000 in 2018.", "Input": " Year Amount in million GBP Dec 31, 2006 33971 Dec 31, 2007 35492 Dec 31, 2008 32293 Dec 31, 2009 34337 Dec 31, 2010 35964 Dec 31, 2011 35423 Dec 31, 2012 35226 Dec 31, 2013 33887 Dec 31, 2014 30123 Dec 31, 2015 26018 Dec 31, 2016 29672 Dec 31, 2017 32929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/16676.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Amount in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Amount in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total net written premiums of the general\", \"business insurance market in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2007 to 2018 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The year with the lowest Total net written premiums was 2016. The year with the highest total net written premiums was 2011. The biggest drop in total net written premiums was between 2014 and 2016. The total net written premiums decreased in six years from 2007 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Amount in million GBP Dec 31, 2006 33971 Dec 31, 2007 35492 Dec 31, 2008 32293 Dec 31, 2009 34337 Dec 31, 2010 35964 Dec 31, 2011 35423 Dec 31, 2012 35226 Dec 31, 2013 33887 Dec 31, 2014 30123 Dec 31, 2015 26018 Dec 31, 2016 29672 Dec 31, 2017 32929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": 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Some have very few, those with the least include Yukon and Northwest Territories.", "Input": " Number of stores province of Canada 1275 Ontario 678 Quebec 495 British Columbia 351 Alberta 115 Saskatchewan 104 Manitoba 83 Nova Scotia 66 Newfoundland and Labrador 63 New Brunswick 15 Prince Edward Island 4 Yukon 2 Northwest Territories", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17082.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"field\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of furniture stores in Canada as\", \"of December 2019 , by province\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The amount of schools between the years has stayed consistent when looking at the chart.", "Input": " Year Number of establishments Dec 31, 1979 11307 Dec 31, 1989 11670 Dec 31, 1994 11529 Dec 31, 1999 11307 Dec 31, 2004 11670 Dec 31, 2009 11529 Dec 31, 2010 11386 Dec 31, 2011 11423 Dec 31, 2012 11375 Dec 31, 2013 11417 Dec 31, 2014 11385 Dec 31, 2015 11362 Dec 31, 2016 11343 Dec 31, 2017 11369", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17171.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of establishments\"}, \"field\": \"Number of establishments\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of public and private secondary schools\", \"in France between 1980 and 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Luckily life expectancy is rising when looking at the chart. Starting off at 52 in 2008 then hitting all time high in 2018 rising to 64.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 2007 52.61 Dec 31, 2008 54.13 Dec 31, 2009 55.66 Dec 31, 2010 57.13 Dec 31, 2011 58.5 Dec 31, 2012 59.75 Dec 31, 2013 60.83 Dec 31, 2014 61.74 Dec 31, 2015 62.46 Dec 31, 2016 63.04 Dec 31, 2017 63.51", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17248.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3cde3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Zambia : Life expectancy at birth from 2008\", \"to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows life expentancy at birth in Zambia increasing from 53 years in 2008 to over 60 years on 2016. 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Steep incline in 2014 reaching a plateau before a steep decline in 2017.", "Input": " Response Percentage of Hispanic directors Dec 31, 2008 0.051 Dec 31, 2009 0.054 Dec 31, 2010 0.039 Dec 31, 2011 0.047 Dec 31, 2012 0.05 Dec 31, 2013 0.05 Dec 31, 2014 0.04 Dec 31, 2015 0.064 Dec 31, 2016 0.064 Dec 31, 2017 0.04 Dec 31, 2018 0.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, 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It started at about 55k in 2000 and reached about 75k in 2019.", "Input": " Year Per capita real GDP in chained 2012 U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 56519 Dec 31, 2000 56651 Dec 31, 2001 56847 Dec 31, 2002 58203 Dec 31, 2003 59805 Dec 31, 2004 61030 Dec 31, 2005 62050 Dec 31, 2006 63433 Dec 31, 2007 63782 Dec 31, 2008 62609 Dec 31, 2009 64661 Dec 31, 2010 65732 Dec 31, 2011 66686 Dec 31, 2012 66266 Dec 31, 2013 67117 Dec 31, 2014 69343 Dec 31, 2015 70192 Dec 31, 2016 71553 Dec 31, 2017 73529 Dec 31, 2018 75258", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17454.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Per capita real GDP in chained 2012 U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Per capita real GDP in chained 2012 U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Per capita real Gross Domestic Product of\", \"Massachusetts from 2000 to 2019 (in chained\", \"2012 U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Mobile surveys and online surveys are significantly the most utilised methods of market research.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.79 Online surveys 0.53 Mobile surveys 0.3 CATI** 0.23 Face-to-face 0.17 CAPI*** 0.07 Biometrics/ neuromarketing 0.07 Mail 0.06 Automated measures/ People meters 0.04 Other quantitative techniques 0.02 IVR****", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17507.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of traditional quantitative methods\", \"used in the market research industry worldwide\", \"in Q3 and Q4 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Amazon's value of market capitalisation is almost 1400 billion US dollars, making it the company with the highest value. 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The lowest valued company in the chart is Pinterest.", "Input": " Value of market cap in billion U.S. dollars Platform 1364 Amazon.com 977.75 Alphabet 666.75 Facebook 223.16 Verizon Communications 201.36 Netflix 65.91 Booking Holdings Inc. 34.45 Snap Inc. 34.27 eBay 24.9 Twitter 13.59 Pinterest", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1750.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Value of market cap in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Value of market cap in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Platform\"}}, \"title\": [\"Market capitalization of the largest U.S.\", \"internet companies as of June 2020 (in billion\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that the number of employees of Ralph Lauren increased from c. 17,000 to 25,000 in the period 2010-2012. After 2012 the numbers have both risen and fallen but returned to approximately the same figure of 25,000 by 2020.", "Input": " Year Number of employees Dec 31, 2008 17000 Dec 31, 2009 19000 Dec 31, 2010 24000 Dec 31, 2011 25000 Dec 31, 2012 23000 Dec 31, 2013 23000 Dec 31, 2014 25000 Dec 31, 2015 26000 Dec 31, 2016 23300 Dec 31, 2017 23500 Dec 31, 2018 24300 Dec 31, 2019 24900", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1761.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4598ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of employees\"}, \"field\": \"Number of employees\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of employees of Polo Ralph Lauren\", \"worldwide from 2009 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The unemployment rate was stable from 1999 to about 2008, then it rises sharply from about 0.1 to nearly 0.4 in 2012/3. After than it drop significantly again and below 0.2 till the end of 2020.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.1093 Dec 31, 1999 0.0973 Dec 31, 2000 0.0781 Dec 31, 2001 0.0731 Dec 31, 2002 0.0844 Dec 31, 2003 0.0825 Dec 31, 2004 0.1294 Dec 31, 2005 0.0949 Dec 31, 2006 0.0952 Dec 31, 2007 0.0849 Dec 31, 2008 0.13 Dec 31, 2009 0.1562 Dec 31, 2010 0.2093 Dec 31, 2011 0.2648 Dec 31, 2012 0.37 Dec 31, 2013 0.3438 Dec 31, 2014 0.3131 Dec 31, 2015 0.2793 Dec 31, 2016 0.2395 Dec 31, 2017 0.195 Dec 31, 2018 0.1562 Dec 31, 2019 0.1587", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17640.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Cyprus : Youth unemployment rate from 1999\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It seems like the less amount of employees the higher up in the list they areThe American based company has a very small amount of employees.", "Input": " Number of employees Telecommunication company 23614 Telia Company AB 7563 Eltel AB 6905 Tele2 AB 2033 Eltel Networks Infranet AB 1612 Telenor Sverige AB 589 Transtema Group AB 482 Teracom AB 478 Svenska Rymd AB 385 Sinch AB (publ) 235 TelaVox AB 199 A3 Allm\u00e4nna IT - 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The least number of people have taken a volunteer or mission trip.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.88 Day trip 0.84 Weekend getaway 0.84 Multi-day vacation in U.S. 0.82 Theme park 0.82 Trip to see relatives 0.82 Museum or cultural attraction 0.82 City vacation 0.77 Beach vacation 0.76 Family road trip 0.59 Attending sport events 0.52 Visits to a national park 0.49 Camping trip 0.42 Family reunion 0.32 Competing in sports events 0.25 Safari or wildlife viewing 0.24 Multi-day vacation international 0.2 Cruise 0.15 Ski or snowboard 0.13 RV trip 0.1 Volunteer or mission trip", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17713.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d09393\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Which of these trips have you taken in the\", \"past ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of respondents goes from 0.0-1, with an increment of 0.2. 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The response with the lowest votes was 'Volunteer or mission trip', with under 0.2 votes.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.88 Day trip 0.84 Weekend getaway 0.84 Multi-day vacation in U.S. 0.82 Theme park 0.82 Trip to see relatives 0.82 Museum or cultural attraction 0.82 City vacation 0.77 Beach vacation 0.76 Family road trip 0.59 Attending sport events 0.52 Visits to a national park 0.49 Camping trip 0.42 Family reunion 0.32 Competing in sports events 0.25 Safari or wildlife viewing 0.24 Multi-day vacation international 0.2 Cruise 0.15 Ski or snowboard 0.13 RV trip 0.1 Volunteer or mission trip", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, 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and Iran have less internet freedom than Tunisia.", "Input": " Country Index points Tunisia 64 Morocco 54 Lebanon 52 Libya 49 Jordan 47 Bahrain 29 United Arab Emirates 28 Egypt 26 Saudi Arabia 25 Syria 17 Iran 15", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": 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Iran has the lowest index for Internet freedom among Middle Eastern and North African countries.", "Input": " Country Index points Tunisia 64 Morocco 54 Lebanon 52 Libya 49 Jordan 47 Bahrain 29 United Arab Emirates 28 Egypt 26 Saudi Arabia 25 Syria 17 Iran 15", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17750.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Index points\"}, \"field\": \"Index points\"}}, \"title\": [\"Degree of internet freedom in Middle East\", \"and North Africa according to the Freedom\", \"House Index 2019 , by country (index points)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Ontario has the have best number of register d firearms. Nunavut had the lowest.", "Input": " province of Canada Number of firearms registrations Ontario 438955 Alberta 218305 British Columbia 209316 Quebec 120269 Saskatchewan 60087 Manitoba 42444 Nova Scotia 31838 New Brunswick 23045 Newfoundland and Labrador 9893 Prince Edward Island 3339 Yukon 3274 Northwest Territories 1986 Other 1025 Nunavut 421", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17848.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of firearms registrations\"}, \"field\": \"Number of firearms registrations\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of firearms registered to individuals\", \"and businesses in Canada in 2018 , by province\", \"or territory\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "DHL Supply chain are clear leaders in the top dry storage warehouse firms in North America in 2019. Clearly beating their closest rival by 50 million square feet. Even second place Xpo logistics Inc were well ahead of the rest of field by at least 30 million square feet.", "Input": " Refrigerated And Logisitic Company Dry storage space in million square feet DHL Supply Chain 139 XPO Logistics Inc 90 Ryder Supply Chain Solutions 56.4 Geodis 44 NFI 49.6 FedEx Logistics 30.7 Kenco Logistics Services 26 CJ Logistics North America 24.9 Penske Logistics 24.6 DB Schenker USA 23.7 Saddle Creek Logistics Services 21.6 Kuehne `Nagel North America 18.7 Ceva Logistics 18.1 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 17.3 Warehouse Services Inc. 14 WSI 14 APL Logistics 12.7 Expeditors International of Washington 11.7 Radial 11.7 Universal Logistics Holdings 10.6", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17897.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Refrigerated And Logisitic Company\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Dry storage space in million square feet\"}, \"field\": \"Dry storage space in million square feet\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top dry storage warehousing firms in North\", \"America in 2019 , by storage space (in million\", \"square feet)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As you progress along the x-axis (the year), number of deaths caused by coronavirus also increases exponentially beginning at close to 0 deaths and ending at over 15,000 deaths. There are no fluctuations in the increase of deaths caused by coronavirus over the timeframe. The death count begins in May 2020 on the graph and progresses monthly until 2021.", "Input": " Year Number of deaths Apr 30, 2020 726 May 04, 2020 827 May 08, 2020 926 May 12, 2020 1016 May 16, 2020 1097 May 20, 2020 1151 May 24, 2020 1193 May 29, 2020 1253 Jun 02, 2020 1288 Jun 06, 2020 1326 Jun 10, 2020 1369 Jun 14, 2020 1427 Jun 19, 2020 1500 Jun 23, 2020 1555 Jun 27, 2020 1612 Jul 01, 2020 1687 Jul 05, 2020 1768 Jul 09, 2020 1847 Jul 13, 2020 1931 Jul 17, 2020 2009 Jul 21, 2020 2101 Jul 25, 2020 2187 Jul 29, 2020 2304 Aug 02, 2020 2432 Aug 06, 2020 2616 Aug 10, 2020 2764 Aug 14, 2020 2954 Aug 18, 2020 3106 Aug 22, 2020 3272 Aug 26, 2020 3459 Aug 30, 2020 3621 Sep 03, 2020 3812 Sep 07, 2020 3967 Sep 11, 2020 4127 Sep 15, 2020 4285 Sep 19, 2020 4435 Sep 23, 2020 4591 Sep 27, 2020 4748 Oct 01, 2020 4915 Oct 05, 2020 5121 Oct 09, 2020 5358 Oct 13, 2020 5601 Oct 17, 2020 5872 Oct 21, 2020 6163 Oct 24, 2020 6391 Oct 27, 2020 6681 Oct 30, 2020 6968 Nov 02, 2020 7273 Nov 05, 2020 7663 Nov 08, 2020 8009 Nov 11, 2020 8510 Nov 14, 2020 8926 Nov 17, 2020 9429 Nov 20, 2020 9916 Nov 23, 2020 10373 Nov 26, 2020 10884 Nov 29, 2020 11331 Dec 02, 2020 11876 Dec 05, 2020 12320 Dec 08, 2020 12821 Dec 11, 2020 13264 Dec 14, 2020 13698 Dec 17, 2020 14157 Dec 20, 2020 14481 Dec 23, 2020 14912 Dec 26, 2020 15203 Dec 29, 2020 15596 Jan 01, 2021 15919 Jan 04, 2021 16178 Jan 07, 2021 16506", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17910.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Number of deaths\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of deaths caused by coronavirus (COVID-19)\", \"in Romania as of January 8 , 2021\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The areas most negatively impacted are Culture, Arts & Other Services and Tourism & Hospitality. These are followed by Heavy Industries, Real Estate Services and Transportation and Logistics. The majority of industries have seen a negative impact (16 out of 18). The two areas that saw positive impact were Health Services and Public Administration & Defence.", "Input": " Quartely GDP forecast industry \u22120.104 Mining and Quarrying \u22120.674 Tourism and Hospitality \u22120.136 Administrative Services \u22120.071 Financial Services and Insurance \u22120.604 Culture, Arts and Other Services \u22120.022 Energy and Utilities \u22120.08 Education \u22120.013 Agriculture 0.147 Health Services \u22120.099 Professional and Scientific Services \u22120.039 Information and Communication 0.1 Public Administration and Defense \u22120.006 Construction \u22120.232 Transportation and Logistics \u22120.233 Real Estate Services \u22120.132 Light Industries \u22120.161 Commerce and Repair \u22120.291 Heavy Industries", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17964.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Quartely GDP forecast\"}, \"field\": \"Quartely GDP forecast\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most affected industries by the coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) epidemic in Romania in the 2nd\", \"quarter of 2020 compared to the 1st quarter\", \", by change in GDP\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Mexico has by far the most consumption with over 150 billion US dollars. Brazil has the second most Internal consumption of travel and tourism in continental Latin America in 2019 with almost 100 billion US dollars. All of the other countries on the chart have less than 50 billion US dollars consumption.", "Input": " Consumption in billion U.S. dollars* Country 172.18 Mexico 97.11 Brazil 31.01 Argentina 19.06 Chile 17.3 Peru 11.7 Colombia 7.45 Panama 6.54 Uruguay 6.14 Costa Rica 4.02 Guatemala 3.95 Ecuador 2.98 Venezuela 2.56 El Salvador 2.47 Honduras 2.25 Bolivia 1.14 Nicaragua 1.13 Paraguay 0.6 Belize 0.14 Guyana 0.12 Suriname", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/17997.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#de9ed6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Consumption in billion U.S. dollars*\"}, \"field\": \"Consumption in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars*\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Internal consumption of travel and tourism\", \"in continental Latin America in 2019 , by\", \"country (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "B2C e-commerce has been growing as a percent of Russian GDP every year from 2009 to 2018. It constituted only around 0.004% in 2009, growing to 0.018% in 2018. The rate of change appears to be accelerating, indicating greater growth as time goes on; from 2009-2010 a growth of less than 0.001% was registered, but from 2017-2018 growth was registered at around 0.004%.", "Input": " Response Percentage of gross domestic product 2018* 0.0171 2017* 0.0139 2016* 0.011 2015* 0.009 2014* 0.0078 2013 0.0071 2012 0.006 2011 0.0051 2010 0.0042 2009 0.004", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18024.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of gross domestic product\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of gross domestic product\"}}, \"title\": [\"B2C e-commerce as percentage of GDP in Russia\", \"from 2009 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The month axis is disorganised making this chart difficult to interpret. Overall there seems to be a steady increase month to month for the inflation rate in Latvia, peaking in September 2018 and then decreasing again slightly until January 2019.", "Input": " Growth rate of HICP Month 0.029 Jan '19* 0.025 Dec '18 0.029 Nov '18 0.032 Oct '18 0.033 Sep '18 0.028 Aug '18 0.027 Jul '18 0.027 Jun '18 0.024 May '18 0.021 Apr '18 0.023 Mar '18 0.018 Feb '18", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18026.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5C6BC0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Growth rate of HICP\"}, \"field\": \"Growth rate of HICP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly inflation rate in Latvia from February\", \"2018 to January 2019 (HICP compared to same\", \"month in the previous year)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Overall the annual number of stays in a hotel in Croatia is increasing and over the twelve year period the chart covers, the number of hotel stays has more than doubled. There is an issue with the recording of data in 2014.", "Input": " Year Number of nights in millions 2019 91.18 2018 89.57 2017 86.09 2016 77.82 2015 71.34 2014 66.12 2013 64.42 2012 * 62.18 2011 39.25 2010 37.01 2009 37.48 2008 38.53 2007 38.32", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18029.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b9cc98\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of overnight stays in travel accommodation\", \"in Croatia between 2007 and 2019 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest number of responses were present amongst the richest of people (60%) income. The lowest number of responses were found amongst those with primary education or less. The graph also shows the older you were, the more share of respondents there would be. Also if you were poor the share of responses was low in comparison to if you were rich the share of respondents was higher.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.72 Richest 60% (income) 0.71 In labor 0.66 Secondary education or less 0.58 Adults (25 years and older) 0.57 Women 0.57 Total 0.56 Men 0.49 Young adults (15-24 years) 0.33 Poorest 40% (income) 0.27 Out of labor 0.17 Primary education or less", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18102.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of people using the internet to pay\", \"bills or shop something in the past year\", \"in Singapore in 2017 , by type of population\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 1998 and 2018 the number of daily child deaths has generally increased. Between around 2007 and 2011 the numbers were particularly high.", "Input": " Year Number of child deaths per day Dec 31, 1997 3.13 Dec 31, 1998 3.82 Dec 31, 1999 3.72 Dec 31, 2000 3.56 Dec 31, 2001 3.84 Dec 31, 2002 4.11 Dec 31, 2003 4.08 Dec 31, 2004 4 Dec 31, 2005 4.19 Dec 31, 2006 4.82 Dec 31, 2007 4.77 Dec 31, 2008 4.85 Dec 31, 2009 5 Dec 31, 2010 4.33 Dec 31, 2011 4.45 Dec 31, 2012 4.25 Dec 31, 2013 4.36 Dec 31, 2014 4.55 Dec 31, 2015 4.74 Dec 31, 2016 4.68 Dec 31, 2017 4.85", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1811.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#de9ed6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, 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The trend appears to be consistent oin that there is a very slight increase each year.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.5712 Dec 31, 2009 0.5709 Dec 31, 2010 0.5709 Dec 31, 2011 0.5713 Dec 31, 2012 0.5719 Dec 31, 2013 0.5728 Dec 31, 2014 0.5741 Dec 31, 2015 0.5756 Dec 31, 2016 0.5775 Dec 31, 2017 0.5796 Dec 31, 2018 0.5821", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18146.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"North Macedonia : Urbanization from 2009\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The infant mortality rate in Germany dropped steadily in the 1900s. The infant mortality rate in Germany hit a peak in the mid to late 1800s before a large drop in the late 1800s.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 1839 295 Dec 31, 1844 296.2 Dec 31, 1849 299.6 Dec 31, 1854 289.2 Dec 31, 1859 286.6 Dec 31, 1864 309 Dec 31, 1869 302.2 Dec 31, 1874 295.4 Dec 31, 1879 227.4 Dec 31, 1884 229 Dec 31, 1889 224.4 Dec 31, 1894 224.4 Dec 31, 1899 217 Dec 31, 1904 199 Dec 31, 1909 174.2 Dec 31, 1914 160.4 Dec 31, 1919 144.6 Dec 31, 1924 121.6 Dec 31, 1929 94 Dec 31, 1934 80.8 Dec 31, 1939 65.2 Dec 31, 1954 46 Dec 31, 1959 39 Dec 31, 1964 30 Dec 31, 1969 23 Dec 31, 1974 21 Dec 31, 1979 16 Dec 31, 1984 11 Dec 31, 1989 8 Dec 31, 1994 6 Dec 31, 1999 5 Dec 31, 2004 4 Dec 31, 2009 4 Dec 31, 2014 3 Dec 31, 2019 3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18166.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Infant mortality rate (under one year old)\", \"in Germany from 1840 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Infant mortality was greatest before the 1900s. From 1900 it gradually declines.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 1839 295 Dec 31, 1844 296.2 Dec 31, 1849 299.6 Dec 31, 1854 289.2 Dec 31, 1859 286.6 Dec 31, 1864 309 Dec 31, 1869 302.2 Dec 31, 1874 295.4 Dec 31, 1879 227.4 Dec 31, 1884 229 Dec 31, 1889 224.4 Dec 31, 1894 224.4 Dec 31, 1899 217 Dec 31, 1904 199 Dec 31, 1909 174.2 Dec 31, 1914 160.4 Dec 31, 1919 144.6 Dec 31, 1924 121.6 Dec 31, 1929 94 Dec 31, 1934 80.8 Dec 31, 1939 65.2 Dec 31, 1954 46 Dec 31, 1959 39 Dec 31, 1964 30 Dec 31, 1969 23 Dec 31, 1974 21 Dec 31, 1979 16 Dec 31, 1984 11 Dec 31, 1989 8 Dec 31, 1994 6 Dec 31, 1999 5 Dec 31, 2004 4 Dec 31, 2009 4 Dec 31, 2014 3 Dec 31, 2019 3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18166.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Infant mortality rate (under one year old)\", \"in Germany from 1840 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Spending peaked in 2010 had has remained very static since. Spending was still lower at the end than at the beginning of the period studied.", "Input": " Year Expenditure in million GBP Dec 31, 2004 6809 Dec 31, 2005 6840 Dec 31, 2006 6603 Dec 31, 2007 6509 Dec 31, 2008 6538 Dec 31, 2009 6926 Dec 31, 2010 6663 Dec 31, 2011 6651 Dec 31, 2012 6639 Dec 31, 2013 6627 Dec 31, 2014 6615 Dec 31, 2015 6603 Dec 31, 2016 6592 Dec 31, 2017 6580 Dec 31, 2018 6568", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18188.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual expenditure at hairdressing salons\", \"and personal grooming establishments in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2019 , based\", \"on volume (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2005 and 2019 the money spent in hairdressing salons has remained pretty constant at about \u00a36600 except in 2010 when it rose to \u00a37000.", "Input": " Year Expenditure in million GBP Dec 31, 2004 6809 Dec 31, 2005 6840 Dec 31, 2006 6603 Dec 31, 2007 6509 Dec 31, 2008 6538 Dec 31, 2009 6926 Dec 31, 2010 6663 Dec 31, 2011 6651 Dec 31, 2012 6639 Dec 31, 2013 6627 Dec 31, 2014 6615 Dec 31, 2015 6603 Dec 31, 2016 6592 Dec 31, 2017 6580 Dec 31, 2018 6568", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18188.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual expenditure at hairdressing salons\", \"and personal grooming establishments in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2019 , based\", \"on volume (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Throughout 2005 to 2019 the average expenditure has stayed around the same - 6,700 to 7,000. There was a spike in expenditure in the year 2010 where it went from around 6,700 to 7,000 then back down to around 6,800 in the following year.", "Input": " Year Expenditure in million GBP Dec 31, 2004 6809 Dec 31, 2005 6840 Dec 31, 2006 6603 Dec 31, 2007 6509 Dec 31, 2008 6538 Dec 31, 2009 6926 Dec 31, 2010 6663 Dec 31, 2011 6651 Dec 31, 2012 6639 Dec 31, 2013 6627 Dec 31, 2014 6615 Dec 31, 2015 6603 Dec 31, 2016 6592 Dec 31, 2017 6580 Dec 31, 2018 6568", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18188.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual expenditure at hairdressing salons\", \"and personal grooming establishments in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2019 , based\", \"on volume (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Monthly ARPU has fallen every year since 2007. In 2007 ARPU was almost 35, and in 2020* it was just over 15. 2017 to 2018 saw the biggest decline. 2010 to 2011 saw the smallest change.", "Input": " Average monthly ARPU in GBP Year 15.55 2020* 16.85 2019 17.82 2018 21.84 2017 22.24 2016 22.8 2015 23.56 2014 24.56 2013 26.69 2012 27.48 2011 27.76 2010 29.17 2009 32.06 2008 34.46 2007", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18356.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7F7F7F\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Average monthly ARPU in GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Average monthly ARPU in GBP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly ARPU through post-paid mobile subscribers\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2020\", \"(in GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most common payment methods offered are advance payment by transfer and Paypal. Very few offer payment by instalments.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.71 Advance payment by transfer 0.67 PayPal 0.47 Credit card 0.46 Invoice 0.38 SOFORT \u00dcberweisung (instant transfer) 0.31 Debit 0.3 Cash on delivery 0.28 Credit card secured by 3-D Secure 0.23 Invoice secured by service contractor 0.13 giropay 0.1 Debit secured by service contractor 0.09 Payment by installments through service contractor 0.09 Other procedures", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18371.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8b8b8b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Which payment methods do you offer in your\", \"online shop ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "While reasonably stable around $75k between 2000 and 2007, there was then a sharp climb to a high of $160k in 2013. As at 2018 this has fallen to $110k.", "Input": " Year Production value in thousand U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 74320 Dec 31, 2000 70860 Dec 31, 2001 82560 Dec 31, 2002 84218 Dec 31, 2003 86421 Dec 31, 2004 85114 Dec 31, 2005 89911 Dec 31, 2006 76866 Dec 31, 2007 87450 Dec 31, 2008 128118 Dec 31, 2009 131805 Dec 31, 2010 154626 Dec 31, 2011 158121 Dec 31, 2012 146260 Dec 31, 2013 131364 Dec 31, 2014 128610 Dec 31, 2015 119604 Dec 31, 2016 105908 Dec 31, 2017 106489", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, 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Zurich Life and New Ireland are second and third respectively. There were 6 main life insurance companies in Ireland with total gross premium income exceeding 0.5m euros in 2018.", "Input": " Gross premium income in thousand euros Life Insurance Company 4108949 Irish Life 3086934 Zurich Life 2174617 New Ireland 862008 Aviva Life & Pensions 675848 Standard Life 633770 Friends First Life 118297 Acorn Life 101165 Ark Life 78663 Royal London* 221 London General Life", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18789.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C9C9C9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gross premium income in thousand euros\"}, \"field\": \"Gross premium income in thousand euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Life Insurance Company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading life insurance companies ranked\", \"by total gross premium income in Ireland\", \"in 2018 (in 1,000 euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2018, approximately half of leading life insurance companies in Ireland had no notable gross premium income. 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Irish Life had by far the highest gross premium income with a little over 4,000,000 euros, more than most of the displayed competitors combined.", "Input": " Gross premium income in thousand euros Life Insurance Company 4108949 Irish Life 3086934 Zurich Life 2174617 New Ireland 862008 Aviva Life & Pensions 675848 Standard Life 633770 Friends First Life 118297 Acorn Life 101165 Ark Life 78663 Royal London* 221 London General Life", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18789.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C9C9C9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gross premium income in thousand euros\"}, \"field\": \"Gross premium income in thousand euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Life Insurance Company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading life insurance companies ranked\", \"by total gross premium income in Ireland\", \"in 2018 (in 1,000 euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Companies with \"Ireland/Irish\" in their name have a much higher gross premium income on average. Companies with \"London\" in their name have a much lower gross premium income on average.", "Input": " Gross premium income in thousand euros Life Insurance Company 4108949 Irish Life 3086934 Zurich Life 2174617 New Ireland 862008 Aviva Life & Pensions 675848 Standard Life 633770 Friends First Life 118297 Acorn Life 101165 Ark Life 78663 Royal London* 221 London General Life", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", 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During that period, the number has almost doubled.", "Input": " Year Number of registered vehicles Dec 31, 1999 35295 Dec 31, 2000 36228 Dec 31, 2001 38275 Dec 31, 2002 40087 Dec 31, 2003 42610 Dec 31, 2004 43272 Dec 31, 2005 43837 Dec 31, 2006 46384 Dec 31, 2007 47199 Dec 31, 2008 47248 Dec 31, 2009 48902 Dec 31, 2010 51236 Dec 31, 2011 53761 Dec 31, 2012 57104 Dec 31, 2013 61053 Dec 31, 2014 65676 Dec 31, 2015 68445 Dec 31, 2016 70257 Dec 31, 2017 72037", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/18831.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Number of registered vehicles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of registered vehicles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Toyota Hilux registered light\", \"goods vehicles in Great Britain between 2000\", \"and 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The United Kingdom has the lowest percentage of consumers using a mobile device for product research. 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The lowest death rate was in 1990.", "Input": " Year Number of deaths Dec 31, 1989 22 Dec 31, 1990 22 Dec 31, 1991 23 Dec 31, 1992 25 Dec 31, 1993 26 Dec 31, 1994 27 Dec 31, 1995 30 Dec 31, 1996 32 Dec 31, 1997 33 Dec 31, 1998 35 Dec 31, 1999 34 Dec 31, 2000 35 Dec 31, 2001 39 Dec 31, 2002 41 Dec 31, 2003 40 Dec 31, 2004 38 Dec 31, 2005 39 Dec 31, 2006 39 Dec 31, 2007 39 Dec 31, 2008 39 Dec 31, 2009 40 Dec 31, 2010 40 Dec 31, 2011 40 Dec 31, 2012 39 Dec 31, 2013 41 Dec 31, 2014 40 Dec 31, 2015 41 Dec 31, 2016 42", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": 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British Columbia produces the least zinc.", "Input": " Production in 1,000 Canadian dollars province of Canada 0 Newfoundland and Labrador 0 Prince Edward Island 0 Nova Scotia 142750 New Brunswick 246073 Quebec 231189 Ontario 381257 Manitoba 0 Saskatchewan 0 Alberta 30092 British Columbia 0 Yukon 0 Northwest Territories 0 Nunavut", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, 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In the middle ground is \"education installment loans\".", "Input": " Response Share of families Installment loans 0.5146 Credit card balances 0.4539 Home secured debt 0.4209 Mortgages & home equity loans 0.4001 Vehicle installment loans 0.3689 Education installment loans 0.2137 Other installment loans 0.1073 Other debt 0.0523 Other residential real estate debt 0.0473 Home equity lines of credit 0.0448 Other lines of credit 0.0151", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19138.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdbf11\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of families\"}, \"field\": \"Share of families\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of families with debt in the United\", \"States in 2019 , by type of debt\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Median household income has risen by more than 30000 from 1990 to 2019. In 1990 the median income was lowest at approximately 30000. In 2019 it was highest at more than 60000.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 29460 Dec 31, 1990 29050 Dec 31, 1991 30209 Dec 31, 1992 29442 Dec 31, 1993 33140 Dec 31, 1994 31529 Dec 31, 1995 30953 Dec 31, 1996 33423 Dec 31, 1997 35250 Dec 31, 1998 37248 Dec 31, 1999 39629 Dec 31, 2000 39719 Dec 31, 2001 39763 Dec 31, 2002 42555 Dec 31, 2003 45397 Dec 31, 2004 44718 Dec 31, 2005 47041 Dec 31, 2006 48744 Dec 31, 2007 53337 Dec 31, 2008 52470 Dec 31, 2009 52201 Dec 31, 2010 54509 Dec 31, 2011 57512 Dec 31, 2012 55700 Dec 31, 2013 55690 Dec 31, 2014 60925 Dec 31, 2015 57829 Dec 31, 2016 57837 Dec 31, 2017 62539 Dec 31, 2018 65134", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19190.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E044A7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Household income in current U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Household income in current U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Median household income in Wyoming from\", \"1990 to 2019 (in current U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a steady and linear increase in growth from 2009 to 2018. 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19893 Michigan 15336 North Carolina 14986 Arkansas 14775 California 13632", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1930.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"State\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number in thousand heads\"}, \"field\": \"Number in thousand heads\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading 10 U.S. 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After 2018 there is a decrease in the number of airplane aircraft arrivals.", "Input": " Year Number of aircraft arrivals Dec 31, 2009 131769 Dec 31, 2010 150827 Dec 31, 2011 162349 Dec 31, 2012 171850 Dec 31, 2013 170680 Dec 31, 2014 173152 Dec 31, 2015 180251 Dec 31, 2016 186591 Dec 31, 2017 193000 Dec 31, 2018 191164", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19447.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of aircraft arrivals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of aircraft arrivals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of aircraft arrivals at Changi Airport\", \"in Singapore from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Sams club in the USA achieved a sales growth of over 0.08 in 2012.", "Input": " Year Comparable sales growth Dec 31, 2005 0.05 Dec 31, 2006 0.025 Dec 31, 2007 0.049 Dec 31, 2008 0.049 Dec 31, 2009 \u22120.014 Dec 31, 2010 0.039 Dec 31, 2011 0.084 Dec 31, 2012 0.041 Dec 31, 2013 0.003 Dec 31, 2014 0 Dec 31, 2015 \u22120.032 Dec 31, 2016 0.005 Dec 31, 2017 0.028 Dec 31, 2018 0.054 Dec 31, 2019 0.016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1965.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Comparable sales growth\"}, \"field\": \"Comparable sales growth\"}}, \"title\": [\"Comparable sales growth of Sam 's Club in\", \"the United States from fiscal year 2006 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows growth in the years 2006 to 2009 and a big dip in sales in 2010. The sales then had a massive peak until 2015 before another falling again the following year. There was another leak in the following years.", "Input": " Year Comparable sales growth Dec 31, 2005 0.05 Dec 31, 2006 0.025 Dec 31, 2007 0.049 Dec 31, 2008 0.049 Dec 31, 2009 \u22120.014 Dec 31, 2010 0.039 Dec 31, 2011 0.084 Dec 31, 2012 0.041 Dec 31, 2013 0.003 Dec 31, 2014 0 Dec 31, 2015 \u22120.032 Dec 31, 2016 0.005 Dec 31, 2017 0.028 Dec 31, 2018 0.054 Dec 31, 2019 0.016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1965.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Comparable sales growth\"}, \"field\": \"Comparable sales growth\"}}, \"title\": [\"Comparable sales growth of Sam 's Club in\", \"the United States from fiscal year 2006 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Times square in New York is by far the most popular attraction. It exceeds the second place attraction, National Mall & Memorial Park, by 10 million visitors. 9 attractions exceed 10 million visitors. There are 11 attractions that fall below the 10 million visitors point.", "Input": " Tourist attraction Visitors (in millions) Times Square, New York 35 National Mall & Memorial Park, Washington D.C. 25 Disney World's Magic Kingdom, Florida 16.6 Trafalgar Square, London 15 Disneyland Park, Anaheim, California 14.7 Niagaraf\u00e4lle, Ontario and New York 14 Fisherman's Warf/ Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco 13 Tokyo Disneyland/ Disney Sea, Tokyo 12.9 Notre Dame de Paris 12 Disneyland Paris, Marne-La-Vallee 10.6 The Great Wall of China, Badaling 10 The Great Smoky Mountain Nationalpark, Tennessee 9.2 Universal Studios, Osaka 8.5 Basilique du Sacr\u00e9-C\u0153ur de Montmartre, Paris 8 Mus\u00e9e de Louvre, Paris 7.5 Everland, South Korea 7.5 The Forbidden City, Beijing 7 The Eiffel Tower, Paris 6.7 Universal Studios/ Island of Adventure, Orlando 6 Sea World, Orlando 5.7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, 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The majority of the budget is spent on border control and customs.", "Input": " Budget authority in million U.S. dollars Organization 18209.97 U.S. Customs and Border Protection 14533.08 Federal Emergency Management Agency 12261.14 U.S. Coast Guard 10416.16 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 8241.79 Transportation Security Administration 4075.09 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 3350.39 Management Directorate 1757.8 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 643.73 Science and Technology Directorate 377.16 Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction 331.48 Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers 312.64 Analysis and Operations 177.78 Office of Inspector General 150.36 Office of the Secretary and Executive Management", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/1971.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E66C37\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Budget authority in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Budget authority in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Organization\"}}, \"title\": [\"Budget of the Department of Homeland Security\", \"in the fiscal year of 2021 , by organization\", \"(in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It shows that life expectancy grew from 2008 to 2018. But that the year on year growth was not always the same, although it did not go down at all.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 2007 55.36 Dec 31, 2008 56.46 Dec 31, 2009 57.67 Dec 31, 2010 58.9 Dec 31, 2011 60.06 Dec 31, 2012 61.1 Dec 31, 2013 61.97 Dec 31, 2014 62.65 Dec 31, 2015 63.15 Dec 31, 2016 63.54 Dec 31, 2017 63.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19733.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : Life expectancy at birth\", \"from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "life expectancy in south africa has increased by around 10 years from 2008 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 2007 55.36 Dec 31, 2008 56.46 Dec 31, 2009 57.67 Dec 31, 2010 58.9 Dec 31, 2011 60.06 Dec 31, 2012 61.1 Dec 31, 2013 61.97 Dec 31, 2014 62.65 Dec 31, 2015 63.15 Dec 31, 2016 63.54 Dec 31, 2017 63.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19733.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : Life expectancy at birth\", \"from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Life expectancy has increased in South Africa from 2008 to 2020, however the rate at which it has increased started slowing at 2014.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 2007 55.36 Dec 31, 2008 56.46 Dec 31, 2009 57.67 Dec 31, 2010 58.9 Dec 31, 2011 60.06 Dec 31, 2012 61.1 Dec 31, 2013 61.97 Dec 31, 2014 62.65 Dec 31, 2015 63.15 Dec 31, 2016 63.54 Dec 31, 2017 63.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19733.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : Life expectancy at birth\", \"from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "7 of the states have a rural birth rate per 1000 of over 25. 16 states have a rate of between 15 and 20. Only 4 have a rate of less than 15. Therefore the average birth rate per 1000 for all the states is between 15 and 20.", "Input": " Rural birth rate per 1,000 inhabitants state of India 14.5 Andaman and Nicobar islands 17.7 Andhra Pradesh 20.8 Arunachal Pradesh 23.5 Assam 28.3 Bihar 20.5 Chandigarh 25.8 Chhatisgarh 24.9 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 18.2 Daman & Diu 18.9 Delhi 12.4 Goa 22.2 Gujarat 22.4 Haryana 16.5 Himachal Pradesh 18.7 Jammu and Kashmir 25.9 Jharkhand 19.1 Karnataka 15 Kerala 16.2 Lakshadweep 28.2 Madhya Pradesh 17.2 Maharashtra 14.5 Manipur 26.1 Meghalaya 20 Mizoram 15.5 Nagaland 20.5 Odisha 15.9 Puducherry 16.3 Punjab 26.7 Rajasthan 17.1 Sikkim 15.7 Tamil Nadu 14.3 Tripura 28.1 Uttar Pradesh 18.9 Uttarakhand 17.7 West Bengal", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19735.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#154866\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Rural birth rate per 1,000 inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Rural birth rate per 1,000 inhabitants\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"state of India\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rural birth rates in India in 2013 , by\", \"state and union territory (per 1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The gross cost of fishing licenses were at their lowest in 2000 and at their highest in 2020. The gross cost of fishing licenses have increased over 1/3 of the cost from 2000 to 2020.", "Input": " Year Gross cost in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 478.09 Dec 31, 2000 498.77 Dec 31, 2001 500.12 Dec 31, 2002 512.97 Dec 31, 2003 500.12 Dec 31, 2004 512.97 Dec 31, 2005 540.93 Dec 31, 2006 556.83 Dec 31, 2007 586.62 Dec 31, 2008 604.18 Dec 31, 2009 621.53 Dec 31, 2010 634.16 Dec 31, 2011 656.78 Dec 31, 2012 637.65 Dec 31, 2013 652.97 Dec 31, 2014 686.15 Dec 31, 2015 686.09 Dec 31, 2016 708.69 Dec 31, 2017 724.24 Dec 31, 2018 748.3 Dec 31, 2019 752.11", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, 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Instead it has maintained between 300- 450 from those years.", "Input": " Year Number of alcohol-related deaths Dec 31, 2007 392 Dec 31, 2008 390 Dec 31, 2009 416 Dec 31, 2010 402 Dec 31, 2011 337 Dec 31, 2012 398 Dec 31, 2013 329 Dec 31, 2014 352 Dec 31, 2015 341 Dec 31, 2016 338 Dec 31, 2017 335", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19809.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b5cf6b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Number of alcohol-related deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Number of alcohol-related deaths\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of alcohol-related deaths in Norway\", \"from 2008 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows a steady increase in wages for African American workers over 40 years with only a couple of dips in the increase.", "Input": " Year Wage in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1978 199 Dec 31, 1979 212 Dec 31, 1980 235 Dec 31, 1981 245 Dec 31, 1982 261 Dec 31, 1983 269 Dec 31, 1984 277 Dec 31, 1985 291 Dec 31, 1986 301 Dec 31, 1987 314 Dec 31, 1988 319 Dec 31, 1989 329 Dec 31, 1990 348 Dec 31, 1991 357 Dec 31, 1992 369 Dec 31, 1993 371 Dec 31, 1994 383 Dec 31, 1995 387 Dec 31, 1996 400 Dec 31, 1997 426 Dec 31, 1998 445 Dec 31, 1999 474 Dec 31, 2000 491 Dec 31, 2001 498 Dec 31, 2002 514 Dec 31, 2003 525 Dec 31, 2004 520 Dec 31, 2005 554 Dec 31, 2006 569 Dec 31, 2007 589 Dec 31, 2008 601 Dec 31, 2009 611 Dec 31, 2010 615 Dec 31, 2011 621 Dec 31, 2012 629 Dec 31, 2013 639 Dec 31, 2014 641 Dec 31, 2015 678 Dec 31, 2016 682 Dec 31, 2017 694 Dec 31, 2018 735", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19823.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Wage in current U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Wage in current U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Median weekly earnings of African American\", \"full-time wage and salary workers in the\", \"United States from 1979 to 2019 (in current\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I wan not able to provide a textual description of the trends or patterns in this chary.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.2682 Dec 31, 2009 0.2624 Dec 31, 2010 0.257 Dec 31, 2011 0.2553 Dec 31, 2012 0.2535 Dec 31, 2013 0.2518 Dec 31, 2014 0.25 Dec 31, 2015 0.2485 Dec 31, 2016 0.2471 Dec 31, 2017 0.246 Dec 31, 2018 0.2451", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19874.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Antigua and Barbuda : Urbanization from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Coronavirus cases in children under 9 years old was very low. Coronavirus cases in adults over 95 years old was very low. The highest number of cases were in adults aged 20-24 years old.", "Input": " Response Share of cases 0 - 4 years old 0.002 5 - 9 years old 0.007 10 - 14 years old 0.04 15 - 19 years old 0.085 20 - 24 years old 0.099 25 - 29 years old 0.085 30 - 34 years old 0.075 35 - 39 years old 0.068 40 - 44 years old 0.069 45 - 59 years old 0.082 50 - 54 years old 0.091 55 - 59 years old 0.08 60 - 64 years old 0.06 65 - 69 years old 0.038 70 - 74 years old 0.033 75 - 79 years old 0.026 80 - 84 years old 0.023 85 - 89 years old 0.02 90 - 94 years old 0.011 95 years old and over 0.004", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19894.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d190b6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Share of cases\"}, \"field\": \"Share of cases\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases\", \"in the Netherlands as of December 15 , 2020\", \", by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of covid cases in The Netherlands steadily decreases from the age of 50 to 94. 0 to 9 year olds show dramatically lower covid cases compared to other ages groups.", "Input": " Response Share of cases 0 - 4 years old 0.002 5 - 9 years old 0.007 10 - 14 years old 0.04 15 - 19 years old 0.085 20 - 24 years old 0.099 25 - 29 years old 0.085 30 - 34 years old 0.075 35 - 39 years old 0.068 40 - 44 years old 0.069 45 - 59 years old 0.082 50 - 54 years old 0.091 55 - 59 years old 0.08 60 - 64 years old 0.06 65 - 69 years old 0.038 70 - 74 years old 0.033 75 - 79 years old 0.026 80 - 84 years old 0.023 85 - 89 years old 0.02 90 - 94 years old 0.011 95 years old and over 0.004", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19894.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d190b6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Share of cases\"}, \"field\": \"Share of cases\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases\", \"in the Netherlands as of December 15 , 2020\", \", by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Tampa, FL was the market that had the largest number of ads aired, at over 6,000. Raleigh, NC was the market that had the least number of ads aired, at around 3,500. Two markets in FL, Tampa and Orlando, were the ones with the largest number of ads aired. All markets aired over 3,000 ads.", "Input": " media market Number of ads aired Tampa , FL 6553 Orlando , FL 5723 Cleveland , OH 5092 Charlotte , NC 4697 West Palm Beach , FL 4623 Las Vegas , NV 4299 Columbus , OH 4267 Reno , NV 3903 Denver , CO 3590 Raleigh , NC 3501", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/19928.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"media market\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of ads aired\"}, \"field\": \"Number of ads aired\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top ten media markets for the 2016 presidential\", \"general election in the United States , as\", \"of August 18 , 2016 , by ad airings\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Following 2018, the infant mortality rate fell below 50 deaths per 1,000 live births. Furthermore, the infant mortality rate has steadily declined since 2009, and is at its lowest in 2019.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 2008 64.1 Dec 31, 2009 62.4 Dec 31, 2010 60.7 Dec 31, 2011 59 Dec 31, 2012 57.4 Dec 31, 2013 55.9 Dec 31, 2014 54.3 Dec 31, 2015 52.7 Dec 31, 2016 51.3 Dec 31, 2017 49.8 Dec 31, 2018 48.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/20062.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": 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2008 1553 2007 1612 2006 1657", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2068.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", 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The Y-axis plotting production increases it in increments of 50 million heads. The lowest chicken production in Malaysia was in 2005 at just over 175 million heads. The highest chicken production in Malaysia was in 2018 at just under 325 million heads. There has been a steady increase in chicken production in Malaysia from 2005 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Production in million heads Dec 31, 2004 174.69 Dec 31, 2005 179.23 Dec 31, 2006 188.38 Dec 31, 2007 198.93 Dec 31, 2008 201.97 Dec 31, 2009 217.23 Dec 31, 2010 232.87 Dec 31, 2011 251.16 Dec 31, 2012 274.93 Dec 31, 2013 280.27 Dec 31, 2014 286.62 Dec 31, 2015 289.67 Dec 31, 2016 308.26 Dec 31, 2017 321.31", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/20973.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d98445\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Production in million heads\"}, \"field\": \"Production in million heads\"}}, \"title\": [\"Chicken production in Malaysia from 2005\", \"to 2018 (in million heads)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The production of chicken has gone up between 2005 and 2018. There was a sharp increase in production between 2009 and 2013.", "Input": " Year Production in million heads Dec 31, 2004 174.69 Dec 31, 2005 179.23 Dec 31, 2006 188.38 Dec 31, 2007 198.93 Dec 31, 2008 201.97 Dec 31, 2009 217.23 Dec 31, 2010 232.87 Dec 31, 2011 251.16 Dec 31, 2012 274.93 Dec 31, 2013 280.27 Dec 31, 2014 286.62 Dec 31, 2015 289.67 Dec 31, 2016 308.26 Dec 31, 2017 321.31", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/20973.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d98445\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Production in million heads\"}, \"field\": \"Production in million heads\"}}, \"title\": [\"Chicken production in Malaysia from 2005\", \"to 2018 (in million heads)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "player expense are increasing each year from 2002 to 2014, then dropped significantly at 2016.", "Input": " Year Player expenses in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 53 Dec 31, 2001 70 Dec 31, 2002 86 Dec 31, 2003 106 Dec 31, 2004 104 Dec 31, 2005 108 Dec 31, 2006 113 Dec 31, 2007 128 Dec 31, 2008 143 Dec 31, 2009 150 Dec 31, 2010 180 Dec 31, 2011 184 Dec 31, 2012 178 Dec 31, 2013 198 Dec 31, 2014 164 Dec 31, 2015 126 Dec 31, 2016 119 Dec 31, 2017 120 Dec 31, 2018 182", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21013.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Player expenses in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Player expenses in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Player expenses of the Philadelphia Phillies\", \"from 2002 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The field of study with the highest number of international students was engineering with over 200,000, closely followed by math and computer science. The field of study with the smallest number of international students was agriculture with around 10,000 students. The majority of fields of study had less than 50,000 international students.", "Input": " Fields of study Number of students Engineering 220542 Math and Computer Science 205207 Business and Management 174470 Social Sciences 84440 Physical and Life Sciences 81971 Fine and Applied Arts 64501 Health Professions 34934 Communications and Journalism 23925 Intensive English 21301 Humanities 16269 Legal Studies and Law Enforcement 16269 Education 15700 Agriculture 13134", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": 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Professions 34934 Communications and Journalism 23925 Intensive English 21301 Humanities 16269 Legal Studies and Law Enforcement 16269 Education 15700 Agriculture 13134", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", 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\"Fields of study\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of students\"}, \"field\": \"Number of students\"}}, \"title\": [\"Fields of study with the most international\", \"students in the United States in the academic\", \"year 2019/20\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is quite a few companies with unpublished titles. There is 3 companies with published titles, Amazon, Blurb Inc and lulu press Inc however Amazon is the only company with over 500,000 published titles.", "Input": " Number of published titles company 1416384 Amazon\u2019s CreateSpace/Independently Published 37546 Lulu Press, Inc.* 17682 Blurb, Inc. 5284 Xlibris (Div. of Author Solutions) 3815 AuthorHouse (Div. of Author Solutions) 3142 Christian Faith Publishing 2245 Independent Publisher (Bar Code Graphics) 2208 WestBow Press (imprint of Author Solutions) 2087 Page Publishing, Inc. 1603 Salem Author Services [formerly Xulon Press]", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21101.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a55194\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of published titles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of published titles\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Largest self-publishing companies in the\", \"United States in 2018 , by number of print\", \"books published\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest self-publishing company in the USA in 2018 was \u2018Amazon\u2019s CreateSpace/Independe\u2026\u2019. They published around 1,400,000 books. The next highest publisher appears to be \u2018Lulu Press, Inc\u2019; however, they have an asterisk next to their name and we do not have any information re the meaning of this asterisk so to be on the safe side we should ignore their data. \u2018Blurb, Inc\u2019 is the next highest publisher, with fewer than 100,000 books published. The other 7 companies on this chart published fewer books than \u2018Blurb, Inc\u2019 but the bar graph doesn\u2019t provide sufficient detail on their exact data.", "Input": " Number of published titles company 1416384 Amazon\u2019s CreateSpace/Independently Published 37546 Lulu Press, Inc.* 17682 Blurb, Inc. 5284 Xlibris (Div. of Author Solutions) 3815 AuthorHouse (Div. of Author Solutions) 3142 Christian Faith Publishing 2245 Independent Publisher (Bar Code Graphics) 2208 WestBow Press (imprint of Author Solutions) 2087 Page Publishing, Inc. 1603 Salem Author Services [formerly Xulon Press]", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21101.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a55194\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of published titles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of published titles\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Largest self-publishing companies in the\", \"United States in 2018 , by number of print\", \"books published\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "5star hotels/resorts and cruise ship (luxury) are the most popular accommodation choices with each having over 0.4 share of the respondents. The least popular, with around 0.1 share, was villa. Boutique hotels were also popular, chosen by 0.4 share. The other choices were all approximately equally popular, scoring around 0.2 share.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Cruise ship (luxury) 0.435 5-star hotels/resorts 0.431 Boutique hotels 0.405 4-star hotels/resorts 0.237 5-star hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.215 5-star + (plus) hotels/resorts 0.191 4-star hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.19 Cruise ship (not luxury) in a suite 0.184 5-star + (plus) hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.16 Villa 0.102", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21113.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fff2ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular accommodation choices of luxury\", \"travel clients according to travel agents\", \"in the United States as of August 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "4 start hotels have an even distribution. large difference between cruise ships. 5 start hotels distribution varies greatly.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Cruise ship (luxury) 0.435 5-star hotels/resorts 0.431 Boutique hotels 0.405 4-star hotels/resorts 0.237 5-star hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.215 5-star + (plus) hotels/resorts 0.191 4-star hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.19 Cruise ship (not luxury) in a suite 0.184 5-star + (plus) hotels/resorts \u2013 suites 0.16 Villa 0.102", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21113.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fff2ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular accommodation choices of luxury\", \"travel clients according to travel agents\", \"in the United States as of August 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Lack of a partner has the most shares of respondents by a large factor of over 3 times the next highest, still too young. No response and other have the lowest amount of shares of respondents and are Equal. The other responses are roughly equal.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.719 Lack of a partner 0.185 Still too young 0.126 No reason in particular 0.091 Concerns about sexually transmitted diseases 0.089 Not sure what to do 0.087 Too much hassle 0.087 Concerns about pregnancy 0.079 Premarital sex is wrong 0.05 Lack of sexual desire 0.036 Aversion to sex 0.024 Other 0.023 No response", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21153.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4598ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading reasons for male university students\", \"in Japan to have not experienced sexual intercourse\", \"yet as of December 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the 2016/17 season saw the Dallas Mavericks have their highest spend on player expenses, which exceeded $120 million. The two highest expenditures on player expenses came in the last 3 years of the dataset.", "Input": " Year Player expenses in million U.S. dollars 18/19 108 17/18 92 16/17 127 15/16 86 14/15 90 13/14 82 12/13 75 11/12 67 10/11 88 09/10 81 08/09 99 07/08 103 06/07 91 05/06 97 04/05 95 03/04 83 02/03 75 01/02 58", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/21270.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Player expenses in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Player expenses in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Dallas Mavericks player expenses (payroll)\", \"from 2001/02 to 2018/19 (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2018 has a considerably higher data point and is marked with a star but no information is provided relating to the star.", "Input": " Number of employees Year 4925 2018* 3526 2017 3679 2016 3927 2015 3972 2014 3764 2013 3842 2012 3750 2011 3754 2010 3696 2009 3544 2008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", 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from around 6500 to 4500.", "Input": " Year Production in million cubic feet per day Dec 31, 2007 6919 Dec 31, 2008 7031 Dec 31, 2009 7020 Dec 31, 2010 6594 Dec 31, 2011 6385 Dec 31, 2012 6370 Dec 31, 2013 6532 Dec 31, 2014 6401 Dec 31, 2015 5793 Dec 31, 2016 5068 Dec 31, 2017 4803 Dec 31, 2018 4816", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": 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There is an overall decrease in CO2 emissions over time.", "Input": " Year Emission volume in thousand metric tons Dec 31, 2005 470 Dec 31, 2006 562 Dec 31, 2007 443 Dec 31, 2008 154 Dec 31, 2009 208 Dec 31, 2010 149 Dec 31, 2011 149 Dec 31, 2012 153 Dec 31, 2013 146 Dec 31, 2014 103 Dec 31, 2015 132 Dec 31, 2016 120", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22679.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Emission volume in thousand metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Emission volume in thousand metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions\", \"from incineration of waste sector in Taiwan\", \"from 2006 to 2017 (in 1,000 metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The amount of births in Yukon Canada stay fairly stable across time.", "Input": " Number of births Year 483 2019-2020* 483 2018-2019 477 2017-2018 463 2016-2017 450 2015-2016 415 2014-2015 421 2013-2014 404 2012-2013 438 2011-2012 404 2010-2011 370 2009-2010 400 2008-2009 349 2007-2008 354 2006-2007 344 2005-2006 340 2004-2005 374 2003-2004 322 2002-2003 344 2001-2002 348 2000-2001", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22782.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d190b6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of births\"}, \"field\": \"Number of births\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of births in Yukon , Canada from\", \"2001 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The New York Yankees pays more than 200 million US dollars as a luxury tax, which is the highest amount compared to 9 other Major League Baseball team clubs from 1997-2012.", "Input": " baseball team Luxury tax payments in million U.S. dollars New York Yankees 225.1 Boston Red Sox 18.78 Baltimore Orioles 11.24 Los Angeles Dodgers 5.2 Atlanta Braves 2.57 Cleveland Indians 2.07 Detroit Tigers 1.31 Los Angeles Angels 0.93 New York Mets 0.53 Florida Marlins 0.14", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22860.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"baseball team\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Luxury tax payments in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Luxury tax payments in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Lifetime luxury tax payments of Major League\", \"Baseball clubs 1997 - 2012 (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Public sector expenditure on water supply in the UK has decreased since 2009/2010, from around 1,050 to around 800 million, in 2019/2020. Expendidure was at its lowest in 2014-2016.", "Input": " Expenditure in million GBP Year 798 2019/20 793 2018/19 790 2017/18 750 2016/17 584 2015/16 576 2014/15 628 2013/14 770 2012/13 788 2011/12 735 2010/11 1044 2009/10", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22894.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Public sector expenditure on water supply\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2009/10 to\", \"2019/20 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2009/10 shows the greatest amount of public expenditure on water supply. 2014/15 shows the lowest amount of public expenditure on water supply. Public expenditure on water supply has been increasing since 2014/15.", "Input": " Expenditure in million GBP Year 798 2019/20 793 2018/19 790 2017/18 750 2016/17 584 2015/16 576 2014/15 628 2013/14 770 2012/13 788 2011/12 735 2010/11 1044 2009/10", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22894.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Expenditure in million GBP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Public sector expenditure on water supply\", \"in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2009/10 to\", \"2019/20 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "National debt in relation to GDP increased from 2015 to 2018. Some of the years on the Y axis are labelled with an 'asterisk' but it does not specify what this means - there is no key provided that contains information on this.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 0.4624 2025* 0.4645 2024* 0.4655 2023* 0.462 2022* 0.4624 2021* 0.448 2020* 0.4046 2019* 0.3772 2018 0.3599 2017 0.3599 2016 0.3066 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22921.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mali : National debt from 2015 to 2025 in\", \"relation to gross domestic product (GDP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "from 2008-13 the sales have gradually dropped by what looks like about 300 per year, then between 2013 and 2014 it seems to have dropped quite a large amount by roughly 1000, and staying at the same level from then on to 2018.", "Input": " Year Annual turnover in million euros 2018* 2948 2017* 3020.2 2016* 3030 2015* 3132.5 2014* 3204.9 2013 4733.9 2012 5215.1 2011 5822.4 2010 6282.7 2009 6641.4 2008 7195.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22928.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3cde3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turnover from retail sale of food , beverages\", \"and tobacco in specialized stores in Greece\", \"from 2008 to 2018 (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Registered cases of fraud in Belgium have increased substantially since 2008. By 2018, there were 3 times as many registered cases of fraud in Belgium than in 2008.", "Input": " Year Cases of fraud Dec 31, 2007 11190 Dec 31, 2008 12818 Dec 31, 2009 13050 Dec 31, 2010 12528 Dec 31, 2011 20204 Dec 31, 2012 19453 Dec 31, 2013 20333 Dec 31, 2014 21888 Dec 31, 2015 22053 Dec 31, 2016 23647 Dec 31, 2017 28712 Dec 31, 2018 32790", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/22930.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#55b748\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Cases of fraud\"}, \"field\": \"Cases of fraud\"}}, \"title\": [\"Registered cases of fraud in Belgium from\", \"2008 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "WeWork has the highest estimated value of 10 Billion U.S dollars. Most other companies are estimated at around 1-2 Billion U.S dollars, other than Vice Media which is estimated at 4 Billion U.S dollars.", "Input": " Company Estimated value in billion U.S. dollars WeWork 10 Vice Media 4 Blue Apron 2 ZocDoc 1.8 AppNexus 1.6 MongoDB 1.6 BuzzFeed 1.5 Oscar Health Insurance 1.5 FanDuel 1.3 Sprinklr 1.2 Warby Parker 1.2 MediaMath 1.1 Shazam 1 VoxMedia 1 Zeta Interactive 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23015.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Company\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Estimated value in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Estimated value in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most valuable start-up companies based in\", \"New York in 2016 , by estimated value (in\", \"billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Start up company 'we work' , was the most valuable company in New york in 2016, valued at 10 billion dollars.", "Input": " Company Estimated value in billion U.S. dollars WeWork 10 Vice Media 4 Blue Apron 2 ZocDoc 1.8 AppNexus 1.6 MongoDB 1.6 BuzzFeed 1.5 Oscar Health Insurance 1.5 FanDuel 1.3 Sprinklr 1.2 Warby Parker 1.2 MediaMath 1.1 Shazam 1 VoxMedia 1 Zeta Interactive 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23015.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Company\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Estimated value in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Estimated value in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most valuable start-up companies based in\", \"New York in 2016 , by estimated value (in\", \"billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest spend in a year was in 2013 where microsoft spent over 10 million dollars, they also spent nearly as much in 2019. The lowest spend in a year was in 2009 with every year then being above the around 6.5 million dollars spent in 2009.", "Input": " Year Spending in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2008 6.72 Dec 31, 2009 6.91 Dec 31, 2010 7.34 Dec 31, 2011 8.09 Dec 31, 2012 10.49 Dec 31, 2013 8.33 Dec 31, 2014 8.49 Dec 31, 2015 8.71 Dec 31, 2016 8.66 Dec 31, 2017 9.59 Dec 31, 2018 10.26", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23100.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f58518\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Spending in million U.S. 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1815 0.34 Dec 31, 1816 0.34 Dec 31, 1817 0.34 Dec 31, 1818 0.34 Dec 31, 1819 0.33 Dec 31, 1820 0.33 Dec 31, 1821 0.33 Dec 31, 1822 0.33 Dec 31, 1823 0.33 Dec 31, 1824 0.34 Dec 31, 1825 0.34 Dec 31, 1826 0.34 Dec 31, 1827 0.34 Dec 31, 1828 0.34 Dec 31, 1829 0.35 Dec 31, 1830 0.35 Dec 31, 1831 0.36 Dec 31, 1832 0.37 Dec 31, 1833 0.37 Dec 31, 1834 0.38 Dec 31, 1835 0.39 Dec 31, 1836 0.4 Dec 31, 1837 0.41 Dec 31, 1838 0.42 Dec 31, 1839 0.43 Dec 31, 1840 0.45 Dec 31, 1841 0.47 Dec 31, 1842 0.49 Dec 31, 1843 0.51 Dec 31, 1844 0.54 Dec 31, 1845 0.58 Dec 31, 1846 0.62 Dec 31, 1847 0.66 Dec 31, 1848 0.7 Dec 31, 1849 0.74 Dec 31, 1850 0.79 Dec 31, 1851 0.83 Dec 31, 1852 0.88 Dec 31, 1853 0.93 Dec 31, 1854 0.98 Dec 31, 1855 1.03 Dec 31, 1856 1.08 Dec 31, 1857 1.14 Dec 31, 1858 1.2 Dec 31, 1859 1.26 Dec 31, 1860 1.31 Dec 31, 1861 1.36 Dec 31, 1862 1.41 Dec 31, 1863 1.46 Dec 31, 1864 1.51 Dec 31, 1865 1.55 Dec 31, 1866 1.59 Dec 31, 1867 1.64 Dec 31, 1868 1.68 Dec 31, 1869 1.72 Dec 31, 1870 1.77 Dec 31, 1871 1.82 Dec 31, 1872 1.86 Dec 31, 1873 1.91 Dec 31, 1874 1.96 Dec 31, 1875 2.02 Dec 31, 1876 2.06 Dec 31, 1877 2.12 Dec 31, 1878 2.18 Dec 31, 1879 2.25 Dec 31, 1880 2.32 Dec 31, 1881 2.4 Dec 31, 1882 2.48 Dec 31, 1883 2.56 Dec 31, 1884 2.65 Dec 31, 1885 2.74 Dec 31, 1886 2.83 Dec 31, 1887 2.92 Dec 31, 1888 3.01 Dec 31, 1889 3.09 Dec 31, 1890 3.17 Dec 31, 1891 3.25 Dec 31, 1892 3.32 Dec 31, 1893 3.39 Dec 31, 1894 3.45 Dec 31, 1895 3.52 Dec 31, 1896 3.58 Dec 31, 1897 3.63 Dec 31, 1898 3.69 Dec 31, 1899 3.74 Dec 31, 1900 3.8 Dec 31, 1901 3.85 Dec 31, 1902 3.91 Dec 31, 1903 3.96 Dec 31, 1904 4.02 Dec 31, 1905 4.09 Dec 31, 1906 4.14 Dec 31, 1907 4.21 Dec 31, 1908 4.3 Dec 31, 1909 4.41 Dec 31, 1910 4.52 Dec 31, 1911 4.67 Dec 31, 1912 4.81 Dec 31, 1913 4.92 Dec 31, 1914 4.96 Dec 31, 1915 4.97 Dec 31, 1916 4.99 Dec 31, 1917 5.07 Dec 31, 1918 5.2 Dec 31, 1919 5.35 Dec 31, 1920 5.47 Dec 31, 1921 5.59 Dec 31, 1922 5.71 Dec 31, 1923 5.83 Dec 31, 1924 5.95 Dec 31, 1925 6.07 Dec 31, 1926 6.19 Dec 31, 1927 6.31 Dec 31, 1928 6.4 Dec 31, 1929 6.47 Dec 31, 1930 6.53 Dec 31, 1931 6.59 Dec 31, 1932 6.64 Dec 31, 1933 6.69 Dec 31, 1934 6.74 Dec 31, 1935 6.8 Dec 31, 1936 6.85 Dec 31, 1937 6.92 Dec 31, 1938 6.98 Dec 31, 1939 7.05 Dec 31, 1940 7.12 Dec 31, 1941 7.18 Dec 31, 1942 7.25 Dec 31, 1943 7.32 Dec 31, 1944 7.4 Dec 31, 1945 7.49 Dec 31, 1946 7.6 Dec 31, 1947 7.75 Dec 31, 1948 7.95 Dec 31, 1949 8.18 Dec 31, 1950 8.4 Dec 31, 1951 8.6 Dec 31, 1952 8.78 Dec 31, 1953 8.97 Dec 31, 1954 9.17 Dec 31, 1955 9.37 Dec 31, 1956 9.59 Dec 31, 1957 9.81 Dec 31, 1958 10.03 Dec 31, 1959 10.24 Dec 31, 1960 10.45 Dec 31, 1961 10.64 Dec 31, 1962 10.85 Dec 31, 1963 11.07 Dec 31, 1964 11.31 Dec 31, 1965 11.59 Dec 31, 1966 11.9 Dec 31, 1967 12.22 Dec 31, 1968 12.52 Dec 31, 1969 12.79 Dec 31, 1970 13.03 Dec 31, 1971 13.24 Dec 31, 1972 13.43 Dec 31, 1973 13.61 Dec 31, 1974 13.77 Dec 31, 1975 13.94 Dec 31, 1976 14.09 Dec 31, 1977 14.25 Dec 31, 1978 14.41 Dec 31, 1979 14.59 Dec 31, 1980 14.78 Dec 31, 1981 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The steepest rise and therefor fastest population growth occurred in the latter half if the 20th century.", "Input": " Year Population in millions Dec 31, 1799 0.35 Dec 31, 1800 0.35 Dec 31, 1801 0.35 Dec 31, 1802 0.35 Dec 31, 1803 0.35 Dec 31, 1804 0.35 Dec 31, 1805 0.35 Dec 31, 1806 0.35 Dec 31, 1807 0.34 Dec 31, 1808 0.34 Dec 31, 1809 0.34 Dec 31, 1810 0.34 Dec 31, 1811 0.34 Dec 31, 1812 0.34 Dec 31, 1813 0.34 Dec 31, 1814 0.34 Dec 31, 1815 0.34 Dec 31, 1816 0.34 Dec 31, 1817 0.34 Dec 31, 1818 0.34 Dec 31, 1819 0.33 Dec 31, 1820 0.33 Dec 31, 1821 0.33 Dec 31, 1822 0.33 Dec 31, 1823 0.33 Dec 31, 1824 0.34 Dec 31, 1825 0.34 Dec 31, 1826 0.34 Dec 31, 1827 0.34 Dec 31, 1828 0.34 Dec 31, 1829 0.35 Dec 31, 1830 0.35 Dec 31, 1831 0.36 Dec 31, 1832 0.37 Dec 31, 1833 0.37 Dec 31, 1834 0.38 Dec 31, 1835 0.39 Dec 31, 1836 0.4 Dec 31, 1837 0.41 Dec 31, 1838 0.42 Dec 31, 1839 0.43 Dec 31, 1840 0.45 Dec 31, 1841 0.47 Dec 31, 1842 0.49 Dec 31, 1843 0.51 Dec 31, 1844 0.54 Dec 31, 1845 0.58 Dec 31, 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31, 1902 3.91 Dec 31, 1903 3.96 Dec 31, 1904 4.02 Dec 31, 1905 4.09 Dec 31, 1906 4.14 Dec 31, 1907 4.21 Dec 31, 1908 4.3 Dec 31, 1909 4.41 Dec 31, 1910 4.52 Dec 31, 1911 4.67 Dec 31, 1912 4.81 Dec 31, 1913 4.92 Dec 31, 1914 4.96 Dec 31, 1915 4.97 Dec 31, 1916 4.99 Dec 31, 1917 5.07 Dec 31, 1918 5.2 Dec 31, 1919 5.35 Dec 31, 1920 5.47 Dec 31, 1921 5.59 Dec 31, 1922 5.71 Dec 31, 1923 5.83 Dec 31, 1924 5.95 Dec 31, 1925 6.07 Dec 31, 1926 6.19 Dec 31, 1927 6.31 Dec 31, 1928 6.4 Dec 31, 1929 6.47 Dec 31, 1930 6.53 Dec 31, 1931 6.59 Dec 31, 1932 6.64 Dec 31, 1933 6.69 Dec 31, 1934 6.74 Dec 31, 1935 6.8 Dec 31, 1936 6.85 Dec 31, 1937 6.92 Dec 31, 1938 6.98 Dec 31, 1939 7.05 Dec 31, 1940 7.12 Dec 31, 1941 7.18 Dec 31, 1942 7.25 Dec 31, 1943 7.32 Dec 31, 1944 7.4 Dec 31, 1945 7.49 Dec 31, 1946 7.6 Dec 31, 1947 7.75 Dec 31, 1948 7.95 Dec 31, 1949 8.18 Dec 31, 1950 8.4 Dec 31, 1951 8.6 Dec 31, 1952 8.78 Dec 31, 1953 8.97 Dec 31, 1954 9.17 Dec 31, 1955 9.37 Dec 31, 1956 9.59 Dec 31, 1957 9.81 Dec 31, 1958 10.03 Dec 31, 1959 10.24 Dec 31, 1960 10.45 Dec 31, 1961 10.64 Dec 31, 1962 10.85 Dec 31, 1963 11.07 Dec 31, 1964 11.31 Dec 31, 1965 11.59 Dec 31, 1966 11.9 Dec 31, 1967 12.22 Dec 31, 1968 12.52 Dec 31, 1969 12.79 Dec 31, 1970 13.03 Dec 31, 1971 13.24 Dec 31, 1972 13.43 Dec 31, 1973 13.61 Dec 31, 1974 13.77 Dec 31, 1975 13.94 Dec 31, 1976 14.09 Dec 31, 1977 14.25 Dec 31, 1978 14.41 Dec 31, 1979 14.59 Dec 31, 1980 14.78 Dec 31, 1981 14.98 Dec 31, 1982 15.19 Dec 31, 1983 15.42 Dec 31, 1984 15.66 Dec 31, 1985 15.92 Dec 31, 1986 16.18 Dec 31, 1987 16.45 Dec 31, 1988 16.71 Dec 31, 1989 16.96 Dec 31, 1990 17.19 Dec 31, 1991 17.4 Dec 31, 1992 17.6 Dec 31, 1993 17.8 Dec 31, 1994 17.99 Dec 31, 1995 18.19 Dec 31, 1996 18.39 Dec 31, 1997 18.59 Dec 31, 1998 18.79 Dec 31, 1999 18.99 Dec 31, 2000 19.19 Dec 31, 2001 19.4 Dec 31, 2002 19.62 Dec 31, 2003 19.88 Dec 31, 2004 20.18 Dec 31, 2005 20.53 Dec 31, 2006 20.92 Dec 31, 2007 21.33 Dec 31, 2008 21.75 Dec 31, 2009 22.15 Dec 31, 2010 22.54 Dec 31, 2011 22.9 Dec 31, 2012 23.25 Dec 31, 2013 23.6 Dec 31, 2014 23.93 Dec 31, 2015 24.26 Dec 31, 2016 24.58 Dec 31, 2017 24.9 Dec 31, 2018 25.2 Dec 31, 2019 25.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, 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It spiked in 2014 to between 1000 and 1500 million US dollars, and then dropped to between 500 and 1000 million US dollars in 2015. The peak is in 2017-2018 where net income reached almost 2000 million US dollars, before beginning to decline towards 2019.", "Input": " Year Net income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2009 953 Dec 31, 2010 961 Dec 31, 2011 860 Dec 31, 2012 130 Dec 31, 2013 1338 Dec 31, 2014 752 Dec 31, 2015 1180 Dec 31, 2016 1949 Dec 31, 2017 1923 Dec 31, 2018 1670", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23249.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Net income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Net income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Net income of Waste Management from FY 2010\", \"to FY 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Net income of Waste Management shows a pattern of decreases and increases between 20010-2019 FY. 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IN 2018 there was a drop of about 500.", "Input": " Year Net income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2009 953 Dec 31, 2010 961 Dec 31, 2011 860 Dec 31, 2012 130 Dec 31, 2013 1338 Dec 31, 2014 752 Dec 31, 2015 1180 Dec 31, 2016 1949 Dec 31, 2017 1923 Dec 31, 2018 1670", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23249.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Net income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Net income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Net income of Waste Management from FY 2010\", \"to FY 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "45-54-year-olds make up the bulk of Italy's population in this 2019 data with 0.16 share of the population, closely followed by 55-64-year-olds. 0-2 take up the least shares.", "Input": " Response Share of population 0 to 2 years 0.022 3 to 5 years 0.0245 6 to 11 years 0.0548 12 to 17 years 0.0572 18 to 24 years 0.0692 25 to 34 years 0.1079 35 to 44 years 0.1305 45 to 54 years 0.1614 55 to 64 years 0.1412 65 to 74 years 0.1136 75 years and more 0.1179", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23384.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E044A7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of population in Italy in 2019\", \", by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Italy has an aging population. Lots more older people than younger people.", "Input": " Response Share of population 0 to 2 years 0.022 3 to 5 years 0.0245 6 to 11 years 0.0548 12 to 17 years 0.0572 18 to 24 years 0.0692 25 to 34 years 0.1079 35 to 44 years 0.1305 45 to 54 years 0.1614 55 to 64 years 0.1412 65 to 74 years 0.1136 75 years and more 0.1179", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23384.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E044A7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Share of population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of population in Italy in 2019\", \", by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most views by far for male audiences on youtube come from gaming videos, which make up just over half the total views. 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In 2010 the turnover was at is worst, and in 2012 it was at its best.", "Input": " Year Annual turnover in million euros 2018* 527.8 2017 545.5 2016 613.8 2015 645.3 2014 633 2013 652.3 2012 668.8 2011 280.3 2010 255.4 2009 299.8 2008 565.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23467.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E66C37\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turnover from retail sale of food , beverages\", \"and tobacco in specialized stores in Croatia\", \"from 2008 to 2018 (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The annual turnover started at just below 600 million in 2008 before dropping down to 300 million in 2009. 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It has been gradually coming down since then to just over 500 million in 2018.", "Input": " Year Annual turnover in million euros 2018* 527.8 2017 545.5 2016 613.8 2015 645.3 2014 633 2013 652.3 2012 668.8 2011 280.3 2010 255.4 2009 299.8 2008 565.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23467.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E66C37\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Annual turnover in million euros\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turnover from retail sale of food , beverages\", \"and tobacco in specialized stores in Croatia\", \"from 2008 to 2018 (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2008 there was an annual turnover of over500 million euros. 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Household appliances were the most popular purchase online. Clothing and accessories, and shoes, were popular equally.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.81 Household appliances 0.71 Clothing and accessories 0.67 Shoes 0.57 Household maintenance products 0.5 Cosmetics 0.48 Books 0.45 Products for car maitenance 0.39 Holiday tickets/ accomodation/ flights 0.37 Furniture 0.32 Tickets for events/ shows 0.25 Medicine", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23514.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"What types of products did you buy online\", \"during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic\", \"in Romania ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The export volume for cut flowers from Kenya seems to fluctuate at different times of the year. 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Export volume begins to slowly climb again, hitting a small peak in October/November before falling off again during December and January.", "Input": " Month Export volume in thousand metric tons Dec 31, 2018 15.6 Jan 31, 2019 17.9 Feb 28, 2019 16.5 Mar 31, 2019 15.6 Apr 30, 2019 15.3 May 31, 2019 11.7 Jun 30, 2019 11.1 Jul 31, 2019 12.6 Aug 31, 2019 14.1 Sep 30, 2019 15.1 Oct 31, 2019 15.4 Nov 30, 2019 12.8 Dec 31, 2019 14.6 Jan 31, 2020 17.6 Feb 29, 2020 10.4 Mar 31, 2020 8 Apr 30, 2020 10.2 May 31, 2020 9.4 Jun 30, 2020 10.9 Jul 31, 2020 11.5 Aug 31, 2020 12.9 Sep 30, 2020 14.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, 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The next closest goal scored is Ian Wright with roughly 150 goals. out of the 10 footballers depicted in the bar diagram, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang is the lowest goal scorer with roughly 70 - 80 goals.", "Input": " Goal scorer Goals scored Thierry Henry 228 Ian Wright 149 Robin van Persie 132 Dennis Bergkamp 109 Theo Walcott 108 Olivier Giroud 105 Robert Pir\u00e8s 85 Alexis S\u00e1nchez 80 Freddie Ljungberg 71 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang 68", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2354.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7298a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Goal scorer\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Goals scored\"}, \"field\": \"Goals scored\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top goal scorers for Arsenal F.C . as of\", \"July 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2008 and 2017 the number of enterprises in the manufacture of plastics products decreased steadily. 2015 was the only year that saw an increase from that of the previous year within this time frame. 2008 was the year with the greatest number of enterprises, while 2014 was the year with the fewest.", "Input": " Number of enterprises Year 3610 2017* 3635 2016 3716 2015 3559 2014 3647 2013 3981 2012 4144 2011 4292 2010 4305 2009 4417 2008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23671.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of enterprises\"}, \"field\": \"Number of enterprises\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of enterprises in the manufacture\", \"of plastics products industry in Spain from\", \"2008 to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Panama has the least amount of gender pay gap in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "Input": " Gender pay gap Country 0.264 Brazil 0.237 Chile 0.173 Uruguay 0.169 Paraguay 0.162 Peru 0.16 El Salvador 0.156 Mexico 0.13 Argentina 0.123 Costa Rica 0.119 Ecuador 0.11 Panama", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23735.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gender pay gap\"}, \"field\": \"Gender pay gap\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Factor weighted gender pay gap in selected\", \"countries in Latin America and the Caribbean\", \"in 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Looking at the symptoms, 7 of these symptoms were over 0.3% of respondents, with the most common symptom being, feeling irritable and angry. The 3 least symptoms where changes in sleeping habits, skipping a meal and upset stomach or indigestion. It has also shown that all the symptoms had some respondents and none of the symptoms had 0%.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Feeling irritable or angry 0.4 Feeling nervous or anxious 0.36 Fatigue/feeling tired 0.36 Lying awake at night 0.35 Headaches 0.32 Feeling as though I could cry 0.32 Feeling overwhelmed 0.31 Feeling depressed or sad 0.3 Changes in sleeping habits 0.26 Skipping a meal 0.23 Upset stomach or indigestion 0.21", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stress symptoms during the past month reported\", \"by U.S. teeneagers in 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "More teenagers seemed to experience emotional and mental stress symptoms, while fewer experienced physical symptoms.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Feeling irritable or angry 0.4 Feeling nervous or anxious 0.36 Fatigue/feeling tired 0.36 Lying awake at night 0.35 Headaches 0.32 Feeling as though I could cry 0.32 Feeling overwhelmed 0.31 Feeling depressed or sad 0.3 Changes in sleeping habits 0.26 Skipping a meal 0.23 Upset stomach or indigestion 0.21", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stress symptoms during the past month reported\", \"by U.S. teeneagers in 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "there is evidence that the majority of teenagers feel irritable and angry, followed closely by anxiety and nerves.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Feeling irritable or angry 0.4 Feeling nervous or anxious 0.36 Fatigue/feeling tired 0.36 Lying awake at night 0.35 Headaches 0.32 Feeling as though I could cry 0.32 Feeling overwhelmed 0.31 Feeling depressed or sad 0.3 Changes in sleeping habits 0.26 Skipping a meal 0.23 Upset stomach or indigestion 0.21", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stress symptoms during the past month reported\", \"by U.S. teeneagers in 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "feeling irritable or angry has the highest response, with 0.4 percent reporting this symptom. Feelin tired, anxious or lying awake at night are the three next most reported symptoms. Upset stomach is the symptom that was reported least, with just over 0.2% of respondents.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Feeling irritable or angry 0.4 Feeling nervous or anxious 0.36 Fatigue/feeling tired 0.36 Lying awake at night 0.35 Headaches 0.32 Feeling as though I could cry 0.32 Feeling overwhelmed 0.31 Feeling depressed or sad 0.3 Changes in sleeping habits 0.26 Skipping a meal 0.23 Upset stomach or indigestion 0.21", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stress symptoms during the past month reported\", \"by U.S. teeneagers in 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The symptom of stress exhibited the most by US teenagers in 2013 was symptoms of feeling irritable or angry.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Feeling irritable or angry 0.4 Feeling nervous or anxious 0.36 Fatigue/feeling tired 0.36 Lying awake at night 0.35 Headaches 0.32 Feeling as though I could cry 0.32 Feeling overwhelmed 0.31 Feeling depressed or sad 0.3 Changes in sleeping habits 0.26 Skipping a meal 0.23 Upset stomach or indigestion 0.21", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7fc97f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stress symptoms during the past month reported\", \"by U.S. teeneagers in 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The parents company WPP has somewhat of a monopoly in this area of digital media with the 4 most successful digital media agencies being owned by the WPP company.", "Input": " Agency (parent) Income in million GBP Mediacom (WPP) 335.44 Mindshare (WPP) 204.91 MEC (WPP) 172.77 Essence (Independent) 76.15 Neo@Ogilvy (WPP) 66.44 equimedia Limited (Independent) 50.48 Periscopix (Independent) 33.5 agenda21 Digital (Independent) 23.37 Harvest Digital (Independent) 8.7 Net Media Planet (Incubeta) 3.7 Navigate Digital (Independent) 1.74", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/23984.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8c6d31\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Agency (parent)\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Income in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Income in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading digital media agencies in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) ranked by income in 2014 (in\", \"million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2014 to 2018, the share of the population experiencing poverty decreased rapidly, from around 0.085 to 0.015. The highest share of the population faceing poverty occurred in 2012, where 0.09 of the population was in poverty. In 2009 the share of the population in poverty decreased from 0.07 in 2008 to 0.055. From 2009 to 2010 the share of the population in poverty increased to 0.085. There is a pattern of small increments of increase and decrease in population share poverty between 2010 and 2014.", "Input": " Response Share of population Dec 31, 2007 0.071 Dec 31, 2008 0.058 Dec 31, 2009 0.086 Dec 31, 2010 0.078 Dec 31, 2011 0.09 Dec 31, 2012 0.083 Dec 31, 2013 0.086 Dec 31, 2014 0.064 Dec 31, 2015 0.038 Dec 31, 2016 0.024 Dec 31, 2017 0.013", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24057.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#de9ed6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ukraine : Poverty headcount ratio from 2008\", \"to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The rates of dietary restrictions in the population range from around 2% to 19% of the population. The most common restrictions are low carb and low calorie diets, while the least common restriction is limiting milk intake. Most of these restrictions cluster around the 5% level, with only the top two categories exceeding 10% of the population.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.19 Low-carb diet 0.14 Low-calorie diet 0.1 Increasing intake of fruit and vegetables 0.09 Eating meals regularly 0.07 Limiting fat intake 0.07 Consuming herbs, herbal teas 0.06 Limiting meat intake 0.06 Limiting intake of bread, potatoes, flour products 0.05 Well-balanced diet, planned by dietician 0.05 High-protein diet 0.05 Easily digestable diet 0.04 Gluten-free diet 0.03 Particular way of preparing food 0.03 Generally healthier eating 0.03 Consuming supplements, microelements 0.02 Limiting milk intake", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24083.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most common types of dietary changes or\", \"restrictions in Poland in 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most of the selected platforms have a range of 0 to 50 million euros. Two of the selected platforms show no contribution to the finance market value. P2P lending by both consumers and business account for approx 370 million euros in total which is approx 58% of the total market value. Crowdfunding platforms do not contribute as much as lending platforms.", "Input": " Market size in million euros selected platforms 293 P2P Consumer Lending 87.7 P2P Business lending 67.5 Real estate crowdfunding 48.4 Equity-based crowdfunding 46.8 Reward-based crowdfunding 39.4 Debt based securities 30 Invoice trading 30 Balance sheet business lending 8.7 Donation-based crowdfunding 8.6 Mini bonds 0.7 Other 0.5 Profit sharing", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24137.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Market size in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Market size in million euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"selected platforms\"}}, \"title\": [\"Alternative finance market value in France\", \"in 2017 , by selected platforms (in million\", \"euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Highest market size with 290 million euros in alternative finance market in France in 2017 was P2P consumer lending. The next most valuable market is P2P business lending with 80 million euros. Lowest market size in alternative finance market in France in 2017 was profit sharing.", "Input": " Market size in million euros selected platforms 293 P2P Consumer Lending 87.7 P2P Business lending 67.5 Real estate crowdfunding 48.4 Equity-based crowdfunding 46.8 Reward-based crowdfunding 39.4 Debt based securities 30 Invoice trading 30 Balance sheet business lending 8.7 Donation-based crowdfunding 8.6 Mini bonds 0.7 Other 0.5 Profit sharing", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24137.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f4cae4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Market size in million euros\"}, \"field\": \"Market size in million euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"selected platforms\"}}, \"title\": [\"Alternative finance market value in France\", \"in 2017 , by selected platforms (in million\", \"euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Apart from a slight dip in 2015 the CPI made a steady increase. 2005 saw the lowest CPI and 2019 saw a high of over 100 cpi.", "Input": " Year Consumer price index* Dec 31, 2002 72.5 Dec 31, 2003 71.7 Dec 31, 2004 71.7 Dec 31, 2005 74.5 Dec 31, 2006 77.5 Dec 31, 2007 79.5 Dec 31, 2008 83 Dec 31, 2009 88.1 Dec 31, 2010 95.8 Dec 31, 2011 99.6 Dec 31, 2012 101.1 Dec 31, 2013 101.3 Dec 31, 2014 100 Dec 31, 2015 98.1 Dec 31, 2016 98.2 Dec 31, 2017 102 Dec 31, 2018 105.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24232.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Consumer price index*\"}, \"field\": \"Consumer price index*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Consumer price index (CPI) of non-alcoholic\", \"beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) from\", \"2003 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Consumer price index of non-alcoholic beverages increased steadily from 2005 to 2014 never dropping below its starting price of 72.", "Input": " Year Consumer price index* Dec 31, 2002 72.5 Dec 31, 2003 71.7 Dec 31, 2004 71.7 Dec 31, 2005 74.5 Dec 31, 2006 77.5 Dec 31, 2007 79.5 Dec 31, 2008 83 Dec 31, 2009 88.1 Dec 31, 2010 95.8 Dec 31, 2011 99.6 Dec 31, 2012 101.1 Dec 31, 2013 101.3 Dec 31, 2014 100 Dec 31, 2015 98.1 Dec 31, 2016 98.2 Dec 31, 2017 102 Dec 31, 2018 105.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24232.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Consumer price index*\"}, \"field\": \"Consumer price index*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Consumer price index (CPI) of non-alcoholic\", \"beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) from\", \"2003 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest majority of MEPs are either centre left or centre right. The next largest group are Liberal. Independents make up the smallest group. All other groups have roughly fifty members in each group.", "Input": " political group Number of MEPs Center-right (EPP) 180 Center-left (S&D) 146 Liberals (ALDE) 109 Greens (EFA) 69 Conservatives (ECR) 62 Right-wing nationalists (ENF) 58 Populists (EFDD) 54 Left (GUE/NGL) 39 Others 29 Independent 8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24322.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"political group\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of MEPs\"}, \"field\": \"Number of MEPs\"}}, \"title\": [\"Seat distribution for the political groups\", \"in the European Parliament of 2019 , by number\", \"of MEPs\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph itself is displaying the revenue of salt sales in the United States in US dollars between 1989-2009. The graph shows a steady rise in the revenues, however a significant increase between 2000-2005 before declining steadily again. Shortly after 2005, the revenues rise drastically and do not appear to decline again at any point.", "Input": " Year Sales revenues in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1988 840785560 Dec 31, 1989 888192500 Dec 31, 1994 1088364000 Dec 31, 1999 1158121000 Dec 31, 2000 1181343200 Dec 31, 2001 1175477000 Dec 31, 2002 1332204800 Dec 31, 2003 1272048500 Dec 31, 2004 1472685600 Dec 31, 2005 1301797000 Dec 31, 2006 1676199700 Dec 31, 2007 1937375800 Dec 31, 2008 1947504500", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24336.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Sales revenues in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Sales revenues in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Salt sales revenues in the United States\", \"from 1989 to 2009 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "While there was a steady increase overall in sales revenue over time, from around 2002 to 2006 there was a time of peaks and falls in revenue. From around 2006 there was a big increase in sales revenue until it began to plateau again recently.", "Input": " Year Sales revenues in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1988 840785560 Dec 31, 1989 888192500 Dec 31, 1994 1088364000 Dec 31, 1999 1158121000 Dec 31, 2000 1181343200 Dec 31, 2001 1175477000 Dec 31, 2002 1332204800 Dec 31, 2003 1272048500 Dec 31, 2004 1472685600 Dec 31, 2005 1301797000 Dec 31, 2006 1676199700 Dec 31, 2007 1937375800 Dec 31, 2008 1947504500", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24336.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Sales revenues in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Sales revenues in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Salt sales revenues in the United States\", \"from 1989 to 2009 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Youth Unemployment in Mauritania was at its lowest around 2006/2007. Youth unemployment has been on the rise since 2015.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.1407 Dec 31, 1999 0.1414 Dec 31, 2000 0.1418 Dec 31, 2001 0.1438 Dec 31, 2002 0.1441 Dec 31, 2003 0.1438 Dec 31, 2004 0.1429 Dec 31, 2005 0.1395 Dec 31, 2006 0.1401 Dec 31, 2007 0.1405 Dec 31, 2008 0.1473 Dec 31, 2009 0.1488 Dec 31, 2010 0.1498 Dec 31, 2011 0.1509 Dec 31, 2012 0.1515 Dec 31, 2013 0.1507 Dec 31, 2014 0.151 Dec 31, 2015 0.15 Dec 31, 2016 0.1481 Dec 31, 2017 0.1466 Dec 31, 2018 0.1477 Dec 31, 2019 0.1489", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24426.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mauritania : Youth unemployment rate from\", \"1999 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The birth rate in costa rica has been declining steadily since 2008. The birth rate has declined by about 6% over a ten year period.", "Input": " Year Birth rate per thousand population Dec 31, 2007 16.04 Dec 31, 2008 15.88 Dec 31, 2009 15.72 Dec 31, 2010 15.55 Dec 31, 2011 15.38 Dec 31, 2012 15.19 Dec 31, 2013 14.99 Dec 31, 2014 14.76 Dec 31, 2015 14.51 Dec 31, 2016 14.25 Dec 31, 2017 13.97", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24439.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#168dd9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Birth rate per thousand population\"}, \"field\": \"Birth rate per thousand population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Costa Rica : Birth rate from 2008 to 2018\", \"(per 1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The volume of crude oil in Turkey has gradually increased over the years.", "Input": " Year Production volume in 1,000 barrels per day Dec 31, 2005 41.59 Dec 31, 2006 41.92 Dec 31, 2007 41.59 Dec 31, 2008 46.21 Dec 31, 2009 48.34 Dec 31, 2010 45.65 Dec 31, 2011 44.76 Dec 31, 2012 46.24 Dec 31, 2013 47.67 Dec 31, 2014 48.51 Dec 31, 2015 49.5 Dec 31, 2016 49.17 Dec 31, 2017 54.93", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24444.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Production volume in 1,000 barrels per day\"}, \"field\": \"Production volume in 1,000 barrels per day\"}}, \"title\": [\"Production volume of crude oil in Turkey\", \"from 2006 to 2018 (in 1,000 barrels per day)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The pattern I have observed is that Dentistry generated the highest tuition fee\u2019s at 20,000 Canadian dollars. The next highest ones being Medicine at around 15000 and Veterinary Medicine at around 15000. The trend is that Medical degrees generate the highest tuition fees.", "Input": " Field of study Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars Dentistry 22562 Medicine 14483 Veterinary medicine 14270 Law 12813 Optometry 11235 Pharmacy 11133 Engineering 8047 Mathematics, computer and information sciences 6895 Business, management and public administration 6887 Total (all fields) 6610 Architecture 6517 Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 6226 Other health, parks, recreation and fitness 6172 Physical and life sciences and technologies 6156 Personal, protective and transportation services 5726 Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 5718 Nursing 5688 Social and behavioural sciences, and legal studies 5632 Humanities 5602 Education 4761", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24516.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Field of study\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average tuition fee for full-time Canadian\", \"undergraduate students in Canada in 2020/21\", \", by field of study (in Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Medical fields have much higher tuition rates, along with law even though they are undergraduate and not graduate tuitions. There is a decent amount of variation between fields but general categories seem to be about even. Most STEM degrees earning about the same, pre-professional ones are similar to each other.", "Input": " Field of study Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars Dentistry 22562 Medicine 14483 Veterinary medicine 14270 Law 12813 Optometry 11235 Pharmacy 11133 Engineering 8047 Mathematics, computer and information sciences 6895 Business, management and public administration 6887 Total (all fields) 6610 Architecture 6517 Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 6226 Other health, parks, recreation and fitness 6172 Physical and life sciences and technologies 6156 Personal, protective and transportation services 5726 Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 5718 Nursing 5688 Social and behavioural sciences, and legal studies 5632 Humanities 5602 Education 4761", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24516.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Field of study\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average tuition fee in Canadian dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average tuition fee for full-time Canadian\", \"undergraduate students in Canada in 2020/21\", \", by field of study (in Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Clothing subscriptions are very popular buys, closely followed by alcohol, food and drink, pet supplies and gift boxes. Medical items are not popular.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.04 Clothing items 0.03 Pet supplies 0.03 Food and non-alcoholic drink items 0.03 Alcohol 0.03 Themed gift boxes 0.02 Personal grooming 0.01 Household items 0.01 Baby items 0.01 Office supplies 0.01 Personal health 0 Medical items", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24668.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6b6ecf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of Baby Boomers who have purchased\", \"product subscriptions as a gift in the United\", \"States as of February 2017 , by product category\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Clothing items are the most popular product purchased.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.04 Clothing items 0.03 Pet supplies 0.03 Food and non-alcoholic drink items 0.03 Alcohol 0.03 Themed gift boxes 0.02 Personal grooming 0.01 Household items 0.01 Baby items 0.01 Office supplies 0.01 Personal health 0 Medical items", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24668.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6b6ecf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of Baby Boomers who have purchased\", \"product subscriptions as a gift in the United\", \"States as of February 2017 , by product category\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2013, 2015 & 2017 saw an increase in the ratio of military spending with GDP from the previous years. The ratio of military spending with GDP is not consistient.", "Input": " Year Ratio of military spending to GDP Dec 31, 2008 0.0057 Dec 31, 2009 0.0062 Dec 31, 2010 0.0065 Dec 31, 2011 0.0071 Dec 31, 2012 0.0092 Dec 31, 2013 0.0078 Dec 31, 2014 0.0088 Dec 31, 2015 0.0079 Dec 31, 2016 0.0087 Dec 31, 2017 0.0073 Dec 31, 2018 0.0067", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24674.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6b6ecf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Ratio of military spending to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"Ratio of military spending to GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Indonesia : Ratio of military spending to\", \"gross domestic product (GDP) from 2009 to\", \"2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "At first glance, the rate of urbanisation in the Philippines does not appear to have changed much in the decade between 2010 and 2018. Although there is a small trend towards increased urbanisation over the years, this is barely noticeable, with the share of the urban population of the total population starting at about 0.46 in 2010 and only increasing to 0.48 by the end of the decade.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.4537 Dec 31, 2009 0.4533 Dec 31, 2010 0.4552 Dec 31, 2011 0.4571 Dec 31, 2012 0.459 Dec 31, 2013 0.4609 Dec 31, 2014 0.4628 Dec 31, 2015 0.4648 Dec 31, 2016 0.4668 Dec 31, 2017 0.4691 Dec 31, 2018 0.4715", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": 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highest income.In 2004 washington football had the lowest operating income.Overall income has increased over the past 18 years although it has fluctuated.", "Input": " Year Operating income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 79 Dec 31, 2001 87.8 Dec 31, 2002 69.6 Dec 31, 2003 53.8 Dec 31, 2004 108.4 Dec 31, 2005 66 Dec 31, 2006 58.1 Dec 31, 2007 90.3 Dec 31, 2008 103.7 Dec 31, 2009 65.6 Dec 31, 2010 109 Dec 31, 2011 104.3 Dec 31, 2012 143.4 Dec 31, 2013 124.9 Dec 31, 2014 115 Dec 31, 2015 145 Dec 31, 2016 122 Dec 31, 2017 120 Dec 31, 2018 135", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": 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{"Instruction": "It seems that the highest ten percent of the decile group got over 0.8 percent of respondents and the lowest ten percent got 0.2 percent of the respondents. bothe eight and ninth decile group passed over 0.6 percent of respondents while fifth, sixth and seventh got just over 0.4 percent. the rest of the group were all lower than 0.4 percent.", "Input": " Percentage of respondents Gross income decile group 0.2 Lowest ten percent 0.25 Second decile group 0.32 Third decile group 0.4 Fourth decile group 0.44 Fifth decile group 0.51 Sixth decile group 0.54 Seventh decile group 0.62 Eighth decile group 0.75 Ninth decile group 0.84 Highest ten percent", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": 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Dec 31, 2007 399940 Dec 31, 2008 379615 Dec 31, 2009 384730 Dec 31, 2010 374205 Dec 31, 2011 375737 Dec 31, 2012 372715 Dec 31, 2013 358616 Dec 31, 2014 359981 Dec 31, 2015 356936 Dec 31, 2016 352932 Dec 31, 2017 352000", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24859.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Supply in gigawatt hours\"}, \"field\": \"Supply in gigawatt hours\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual total electricity supply in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) from 2000 to 2018 (in gigawatt\", \"hours)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Tony Gwynn has the most hits. Tony Gwynn has over 3,000 hits. Adrian Gonzalez, Brian Giles, Chase Headley, Phil Nevin, Ryan Klesko and Terry Kennedy all had under 1,000 hits. Dave Winfield and Garry Templeton had just over 1,000 hits.", "Input": " Number of hits San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders 3141 Tony Gwynn 1135 Garry Templeton 1134 Dave Winfield 994 Gene Richards 879 Chase Headley 872 Brian Giles 856 Adrian Gonzalez 842 Phil Nevin 817 Terry Kennedy 786 Ryan Klesko", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24920.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders\"}}, \"title\": [\"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders as\", \"of October 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There\u2019s an average hit of 1,000 between the team. The exception being Tony Gwynn who has not a little over 3,000.", "Input": " Number of hits San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders 3141 Tony Gwynn 1135 Garry Templeton 1134 Dave Winfield 994 Gene Richards 879 Chase Headley 872 Brian Giles 856 Adrian Gonzalez 842 Phil Nevin 817 Terry Kennedy 786 Ryan Klesko", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24920.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders\"}}, \"title\": [\"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders as\", \"of October 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The list of 12 names is entitled 'all-time hits leaders'. This is ambiguous as it does not explain what it means. How many times they hit their leaders? How many hit singles they have had? How many hits on their Instagram / website / Twitter / Grindr accounts they had? All that can be ascertained is that as at October 2020 Tony Gwynn has achieved the most hits at around 3100; of the 11 others there is a reasonably evenly spread of hits between 900 and 1100.", "Input": " Number of hits San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders 3141 Tony Gwynn 1135 Garry Templeton 1134 Dave Winfield 994 Gene Richards 879 Chase Headley 872 Brian Giles 856 Adrian Gonzalez 842 Phil Nevin 817 Terry Kennedy 786 Ryan Klesko", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24920.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hits\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders\"}}, \"title\": [\"San Diego Padres all-time hits leaders as\", \"of October 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Fertility rates reached a peak from an initially high level in 1905 and have since then been in fairly steep decline through to the 2000s. The fertility rates into the 21st century have started to climb a small amount.", "Input": " Year Fertility rate Dec 31, 1874 5.16 Dec 31, 1879 4.84 Dec 31, 1884 4.96 Dec 31, 1889 4.84 Dec 31, 1894 5.06 Dec 31, 1899 5.53 Dec 31, 1904 5.76 Dec 31, 1909 5.66 Dec 31, 1914 5.45 Dec 31, 1919 5.36 Dec 31, 1924 5.11 Dec 31, 1929 4.5 Dec 31, 1934 3.81 Dec 31, 1939 3.2 Dec 31, 1944 3.13 Dec 31, 1949 2.89 Dec 31, 1954 2.53 Dec 31, 1959 2.3 Dec 31, 1964 2.22 Dec 31, 1969 2.13 Dec 31, 1974 2.16 Dec 31, 1979 2.19 Dec 31, 1984 2.01 Dec 31, 1989 1.95 Dec 31, 1994 1.55 Dec 31, 1999 1.2 Dec 31, 2004 1.25 Dec 31, 2009 1.52 Dec 31, 2014 1.52 Dec 31, 2019 1.56", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/24942.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8ca252\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Fertility rate\"}, \"field\": \"Fertility rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total fertility rate in Bulgaria from 1875\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "people spent most of their money on shelter and taxes.", "Input": " Average expenditure in Canadian dollars industry 15744 Shelter 14878 Income taxes 13232 Transportation 8379 Food expenditures 5707 Personal insurance payments and pension contributions 4548 Household operations 4009 Recreation 3292 Clothing and accessories 2497 Health care 2464 Gifts of money, support payments and charitable contributions 2381 Household furnishings and equipment 2062 Miscellaneous expenditures 1635 Education 1230 Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages 1156 Personal care 288 Games of chance 170 Reading materials and other printed matter", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25011.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average annual household expenditures in\", \"Manitoba , Canada in 2017 (in Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The annual household expenditure for shelter was the highest out of the other industries. The expenditure for shelter surpassed 15000 canadian dollars. The expenditure for Reading materials and other print... was lowest. 5 industries have an average expenditure over 5000 canadian dollars with them being Transportation, Shelter, Personal insurance payments and..., Income taxes and Food expenditure.", "Input": " Average expenditure in Canadian dollars industry 15744 Shelter 14878 Income taxes 13232 Transportation 8379 Food expenditures 5707 Personal insurance payments and pension contributions 4548 Household operations 4009 Recreation 3292 Clothing and accessories 2497 Health care 2464 Gifts of money, support payments and charitable contributions 2381 Household furnishings and equipment 2062 Miscellaneous expenditures 1635 Education 1230 Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages 1156 Personal care 288 Games of chance 170 Reading materials and other printed matter", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25011.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average annual household expenditures in\", \"Manitoba , Canada in 2017 (in Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest individual expenditure is Shelter which slightly exceeds $15000. This is closely followed by Income Tax. The only other category to exceed $10000 is Transportation.", "Input": " Average expenditure in Canadian dollars industry 15744 Shelter 14878 Income taxes 13232 Transportation 8379 Food expenditures 5707 Personal insurance payments and pension contributions 4548 Household operations 4009 Recreation 3292 Clothing and accessories 2497 Health care 2464 Gifts of money, support payments and charitable contributions 2381 Household furnishings and equipment 2062 Miscellaneous expenditures 1635 Education 1230 Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages 1156 Personal care 288 Games of chance 170 Reading materials and other printed matter", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25011.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average expenditure in Canadian dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average annual household expenditures in\", \"Manitoba , Canada in 2017 (in Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of overnight stays in travel accomodation in Slovakia has risen between 2007 and 2018. The number in 2007 was around 11.5 million nights and reached over 15 million in 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of nights in millions Dec 31, 2006 11.42 Dec 31, 2007 12.26 Dec 31, 2008 10.25 Dec 31, 2009 10.24 Dec 31, 2010 10.42 Dec 31, 2011 10.77 Dec 31, 2012 11.35 Dec 31, 2013 10.78 Dec 31, 2014 12.18 Dec 31, 2015 13.89 Dec 31, 2016 14.67 Dec 31, 2017 15.19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25124.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of overnight stays in travel accommodation\", \"in Slovakia between 2007 and 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2008 Slovakia reached 12 million night stays before this reduced to 10 million in 2009. We see a very slow increase up to 11 million from 2009 to 2013 before we see a 1 mission deduction in 2014. Since then, there has been a significant increase of 4 million to 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of nights in millions Dec 31, 2006 11.42 Dec 31, 2007 12.26 Dec 31, 2008 10.25 Dec 31, 2009 10.24 Dec 31, 2010 10.42 Dec 31, 2011 10.77 Dec 31, 2012 11.35 Dec 31, 2013 10.78 Dec 31, 2014 12.18 Dec 31, 2015 13.89 Dec 31, 2016 14.67 Dec 31, 2017 15.19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25124.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of nights in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of overnight stays in travel accommodation\", \"in Slovakia between 2007 and 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been a decline in pediatricians since 2004, with an uptake taking off in 2008. In 2017 there appears to be little under 6,000.", "Input": " Year Number of employees Dec 31, 2002 8142 Dec 31, 2003 7319 Dec 31, 2004 6478 Dec 31, 2005 6364 Dec 31, 2006 6287 Dec 31, 2007 4641 Dec 31, 2008 4588 Dec 31, 2009 4721 Dec 31, 2010 4812 Dec 31, 2011 4880 Dec 31, 2012 5008 Dec 31, 2013 5143 Dec 31, 2014 5210 Dec 31, 2015 5533 Dec 31, 2016 5497", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, 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2015.", "Input": " Year Number of members in thousand Dec 31, 1994 1450 Dec 31, 1995 1378 Dec 31, 1996 1377 Dec 31, 1997 1329 Dec 31, 1998 1212 Dec 31, 1999 1153 Dec 31, 2000 1093 Dec 31, 2001 1005 Dec 31, 2002 902 Dec 31, 2003 855 Dec 31, 2004 838 Dec 31, 2005 732 Dec 31, 2006 711 Dec 31, 2007 626 Dec 31, 2008 556 Dec 31, 2009 533 Dec 31, 2010 506 Dec 31, 2011 494 Dec 31, 2012 499 Dec 31, 2013 504 Dec 31, 2014 460 Dec 31, 2015 480 Dec 31, 2016 471 Dec 31, 2017 455", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, 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last 20 years. Likely due to poorer workers rights in late stage capitalism.", "Input": " Year Number of members in thousand Dec 31, 1994 1450 Dec 31, 1995 1378 Dec 31, 1996 1377 Dec 31, 1997 1329 Dec 31, 1998 1212 Dec 31, 1999 1153 Dec 31, 2000 1093 Dec 31, 2001 1005 Dec 31, 2002 902 Dec 31, 2003 855 Dec 31, 2004 838 Dec 31, 2005 732 Dec 31, 2006 711 Dec 31, 2007 626 Dec 31, 2008 556 Dec 31, 2009 533 Dec 31, 2010 506 Dec 31, 2011 494 Dec 31, 2012 499 Dec 31, 2013 504 Dec 31, 2014 460 Dec 31, 2015 480 Dec 31, 2016 471 Dec 31, 2017 455", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25197.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6B007B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of members in thousand\"}, \"field\": \"Number of members in thousand\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of trade union members in manufacturing\", \"in the United Kingdom from 1995 to 2018 (in\", \"1,000 members)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been a somewhat continuous, linear increase in the number of homes in romania with broadband internet between 2006 and 2018.", "Input": " Share of households Response 0.79 2018 0.74 2017 0.7 2016 0.65 2015 0.58 2014* 0.56 2013 0.5 2012 0.31 2011 0.23 2010 0.24 2009 0.13 2008 0.08 2007 0.05 2006", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25384.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of households\"}, \"field\": \"Share of households\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of households with broadband internet\", \"access in Romania from 2006 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Broadband access generally increased over time. The biggest percent increase is between 2011 and 2012. There was a decrease in broadband access in 2009. The share of households with broadband access is still below 1.", "Input": " Share of households Response 0.79 2018 0.74 2017 0.7 2016 0.65 2015 0.58 2014* 0.56 2013 0.5 2012 0.31 2011 0.23 2010 0.24 2009 0.13 2008 0.08 2007 0.05 2006", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25384.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of households\"}, \"field\": \"Share of households\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": 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After 2014 the cases appear to be trending downwards. 2006 has the lowest number of cases.", "Input": " Year Number of new cases diagnosed Dec 31, 2005 505 Dec 31, 2006 559 Dec 31, 2007 623 Dec 31, 2008 620 Dec 31, 2009 648 Dec 31, 2010 966 Dec 31, 2011 1161 Dec 31, 2012 901 Dec 31, 2013 779 Dec 31, 2014 778 Dec 31, 2015 649 Dec 31, 2016 647 Dec 31, 2017 723 Dec 31, 2018 603", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25579.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of new cases diagnosed\"}, \"field\": \"Number of new cases diagnosed\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of new cases of HIV diagnosed in\", \"Greece from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Vissel Kobe appears to be an outlier, with an average salary more than three times that of any other team. Apart from Vissel Kobe the teams appear fairly evenly bunched, even though there are at least three teams with average salaries three times that of the lowest paying team. No real analytical trends can be deduced from this chart. Oita Trinita is the lowest-paying team.", "Input": " association football club Average player salary in thousand U.S. dollars Vissel Kobe 1572.24 Urawa Red Diamonds 447.43 Sagan Tosu 431.05 Kawasaki Frontale 413.56 Nagoya Grampus 375.94 Kashima Antlers 310.89 Cerezo Osaka 257.49 FC Tokyo 254.06 Shimizu S-Pulse 243.14 Jubilo Iwata 214.48 Gamba Osaka 211.91 Yokohama F Marinos 202.08 Consadole Sapporo 201.53 Sanfrecce Hiroshima 193.95 Vegalta Sendai 177.22 Matsumoto Yamaga 150.26 Shonan Bellmare 132.41 Oita Trinita 70.58", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2563.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"association football club\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Average player salary in thousand U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average player salary in thousand U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average annual player salary in the Japanese\", \"Football League in 2019 , by team (in 1,000\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "US production of breaded shrimp has declined by approximately 20000 metric tonnes since the year 2000.", "Input": " Year Production of breaded shrimp in metric tons Dec 31, 1999 55066 Dec 31, 2000 69040 Dec 31, 2001 66554 Dec 31, 2002 68961 Dec 31, 2003 50105 Dec 31, 2004 54476 Dec 31, 2005 63309 Dec 31, 2006 39069 Dec 31, 2007 33644 Dec 31, 2008 44055 Dec 31, 2009 53041 Dec 31, 2010 41940 Dec 31, 2011 36170 Dec 31, 2012 47575 Dec 31, 2013 49575 Dec 31, 2014 48956 Dec 31, 2015 48083 Dec 31, 2016 38209 Dec 31, 2017 38280", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25668.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Production of breaded shrimp in metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Production of breaded shrimp in metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. production of breaded shrimp from 2000\", \"to 2018 (in metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest income value was in '19, the lowest in '00. Income generally trends up as the categorical scale year goes up. The exception is the range 08, 09, 10, where 08 is higher than 09 and 10. Income ranges from approximately 23000 to 49000 dollars across the years in the graph.", "Input": " Income in U.S. dollars year 48939 '19 47008 '18 44178 '17 42375 '16 40899 '15 38524 '14 36729 '13 36140 '12 34198 '11 32156 '10 31833 '09 33857 '08 33123 '07 31306 '06 28832 '05 26984 '04 25739 '03 25208 '02 24930 '01 24266 '00", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25669.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Income in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Income in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Per capita personal income in Utah from\", \"2000 to 2019 (in current U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The past 2 years have shown significant investment. It seems quite volatile without a strong positive or negative trend throughout the graph.", "Input": " Year Millions of euros invested 2018* 0 2017 91.2 2016 53.6 2015 8.4 2014 10.3 2013 45.1 2012 73.2 2011 35.4 2010 17.2 2009 21.4 2008 32.5 2007 26.3 2006 17.8 2005 16.9 2004 11.1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25747.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ff9d98\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Millions of euros invested\"}, \"field\": \"Millions of euros invested\"}}, \"title\": [\"Amount of money invested in sea port infrastructure\", \"in Turkey from 2004 to 2018 (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The amount invested has been generally increasing from 2004 to 2017, from around \u00a310M in 2004 to around \u00a390M in 2017. The years with the lowest investments were 2004 and 2005. The years with the highest investments were 2012 and 2017.", "Input": " Year Millions of euros invested 2018* 0 2017 91.2 2016 53.6 2015 8.4 2014 10.3 2013 45.1 2012 73.2 2011 35.4 2010 17.2 2009 21.4 2008 32.5 2007 26.3 2006 17.8 2005 16.9 2004 11.1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25747.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ff9d98\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Millions of euros invested\"}, \"field\": \"Millions of euros invested\"}}, \"title\": [\"Amount of money invested in sea port infrastructure\", \"in Turkey from 2004 to 2018 (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The birth rate starts off at about 9 per 1,000 inhabitants and holds fairly steady at this rate until 2010. Subsequent to 2010, there is a notable drop in the birthrate. The lowest birthrate recorded is for 2019, by which point it has dropped to 7 per 1,000 inhabitants.", "Input": " Year Birth rate per thousand inhabitants Dec 31, 2001 9.4 Dec 31, 2002 9.5 Dec 31, 2003 9.8 Dec 31, 2004 9.6 Dec 31, 2005 9.6 Dec 31, 2006 9.7 Dec 31, 2007 9.8 Dec 31, 2008 9.6 Dec 31, 2009 9.5 Dec 31, 2010 9.2 Dec 31, 2011 9 Dec 31, 2012 8.5 Dec 31, 2013 8.3 Dec 31, 2014 8 Dec 31, 2015 7.8 Dec 31, 2016 7.6 Dec 31, 2017 7.3 Dec 31, 2018 7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2575.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Birth rate in Italy from 2002 to 2019 (per\", \"1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over the years the birth rate has gradually declined.", "Input": " Year Birth rate per thousand inhabitants Dec 31, 2001 9.4 Dec 31, 2002 9.5 Dec 31, 2003 9.8 Dec 31, 2004 9.6 Dec 31, 2005 9.6 Dec 31, 2006 9.7 Dec 31, 2007 9.8 Dec 31, 2008 9.6 Dec 31, 2009 9.5 Dec 31, 2010 9.2 Dec 31, 2011 9 Dec 31, 2012 8.5 Dec 31, 2013 8.3 Dec 31, 2014 8 Dec 31, 2015 7.8 Dec 31, 2016 7.6 Dec 31, 2017 7.3 Dec 31, 2018 7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2575.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Birth rate in Italy from 2002 to 2019 (per\", \"1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2010 to 2015 saw the biggest decrease in birthrate.", "Input": " Year Birth rate per thousand inhabitants Dec 31, 2001 9.4 Dec 31, 2002 9.5 Dec 31, 2003 9.8 Dec 31, 2004 9.6 Dec 31, 2005 9.6 Dec 31, 2006 9.7 Dec 31, 2007 9.8 Dec 31, 2008 9.6 Dec 31, 2009 9.5 Dec 31, 2010 9.2 Dec 31, 2011 9 Dec 31, 2012 8.5 Dec 31, 2013 8.3 Dec 31, 2014 8 Dec 31, 2015 7.8 Dec 31, 2016 7.6 Dec 31, 2017 7.3 Dec 31, 2018 7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2575.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Birth rate per thousand inhabitants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Birth rate in Italy from 2002 to 2019 (per\", \"1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2008 new car sales dropped and only rose back to the same level in 2018. In 2008 sales figures were around 70,000. The lowest level of sales was in 2012. The lowest sales figure was around 50,000.", "Input": " Year Units sold Dec 31, 2004 59324 Dec 31, 2005 59578 Dec 31, 2006 68719 Dec 31, 2007 71575 Dec 31, 2008 57967 Dec 31, 2009 61142 Dec 31, 2010 60193 Dec 31, 2011 50091 Dec 31, 2012 52268 Dec 31, 2013 53296 Dec 31, 2014 59450 Dec 31, 2015 63674 Dec 31, 2016 62522 Dec 31, 2017 65115 Dec 31, 2018 70904", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25789.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4598ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Units sold\"}, \"field\": \"Units sold\"}}, \"title\": [\"New passenger car sales figures in Slovenia\", \"from 2005 to 2019 (in units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2008 was the year with the highest new passenger car sales figures. From 2006-2018 most of the new passenger car sales figures were between 40,000 and 60,000. In 2012 it was recorded the lowest new passenger car sales number.", "Input": " Year Units sold Dec 31, 2004 59324 Dec 31, 2005 59578 Dec 31, 2006 68719 Dec 31, 2007 71575 Dec 31, 2008 57967 Dec 31, 2009 61142 Dec 31, 2010 60193 Dec 31, 2011 50091 Dec 31, 2012 52268 Dec 31, 2013 53296 Dec 31, 2014 59450 Dec 31, 2015 63674 Dec 31, 2016 62522 Dec 31, 2017 65115 Dec 31, 2018 70904", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25789.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4598ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Units sold\"}, \"field\": \"Units sold\"}}, \"title\": [\"New passenger car sales figures in Slovenia\", \"from 2005 to 2019 (in units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "When looking at the records for Suriname since 2015 only, (and also predicted figures) national debt as a proportion of GDP was at its highest in 2020. and at its lowest in 2015. Overall there is a rising trend , with national debt predicted to rise in relation to GDP.", "Input": " National debt in relation to GDP Year 1.2049 2025* 1.1647 2024* 1.1216 2023* 1.1088 2022* 1.077 2021* 1.4527 2020* 0.823 2019* 0.7556 2018 0.7799 2017 0.7694 2016 0.4433 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25805.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Suriname : National debt in relation to\", \"gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015 to\", \"2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Marcus Allen has the largest amount of Rushing Yards, at over 8,000. Conversely, Josh Jacobs has the least, being the only person presented at less than 2000.", "Input": " Las Vegas Raiders all-time rushing leaders Rushing yards Marcus Allen 8545 Mark van Eeghen 5907 Clem Daniels 5103 Napoleon Kaufman 4792 Marv Hubbard 4394 Darren McFadden 4247 Pete Banaszak 3772 Tyrone Wheatley 3682 Clarence Davis 3640 Justin Fargas 3369 Charlie Smith 3351 Harvey Williams 3094 Hewritt Dixon 2960 Bo Jackson 2782 Michael Bush 2642 Kenny King 2468 Charlie Garner 2354 Latavius Murray 2278 LaMont Jordan 2008 Josh Jacobs 1672", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25825.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ce6dbd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Las Vegas Raiders all-time rushing leaders\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Rushing yards\"}, \"field\": \"Rushing yards\"}}, \"title\": [\"Las Vegas Raiders all-time rushing leaders\", \"from 1960 to 2020 (in yards)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Thomas Jefferson owned the most slaves. Various presidents never had any slaves. Thomas Jefferson alone had more slaves than many presidents combined.", "Input": " Number of slaves U\\.S\\. president 123 123; U.S. president: George Washington * 0 0; U.S. president: John Adams 600 600; U.S. president: Thomas Jefferson 100 100; U.S. president: James Madison 75 75; U.S. president: James Monroe 0 0; U.S. president: John Quincy Adams 200 200; U.S. president: Andrew Jackson * 1 1; U.S. president: Martin Van Buren 11 11; U.S. president: William Henry Harrison 70 70; U.S. president: John Tyler 25 25; U.S. president: James K. Polk 150 150; U.S. president: Zachary Taylor 0 0; U.S. president: Millard Fillmore 0 0; U.S. president: Franklin Pierce 0 0; U.S. president: James Buchanan ** 0 0; U.S. president: Abraham Lincoln 8 8; U.S. president: Andrew Johnson 1 1; U.S. president: Ulysses S. Grant", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2584.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Number of slaves\"}, \"field\": \"Number of slaves\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"U\\\\.S\\\\. president\"}}, \"title\": [\"Reported number of slaves owned by U.S.\", \"presidents who served from 1789 to 1877 (throughout\", \"their lifetimes)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are 20 religious groups present on the bar chart. United methodist church has the greatest penetration rate at roughly 0.95% of counties penetrated. United church of christ has the lowest penetration rate at roughly 0.38%. Most churches are around 0.5% of counties penetrated.", "Input": " Response Percentage of counties present United Methodist Church 0.952 Catholic Church 0.942 Southern Baptist Convention 0.86 Non-denominational Christian Churches 0.848 Assemblies of God 0.815 Bah\u00e1'\u00ed 0.806 Churches of Christ 0.772 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 0.75 Jehovah's Witnesses 0.707 Episcopal Church 0.652 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 0.596 Seventh-day Adventist Church 0.581 Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod 0.574 Church of the Nazarene 0.562 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 0.553 United Pentecostal Church International 0.535 Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) 0.508 Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 0.503 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 0.407 United Church of Christ 0.372", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/25918.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cbd5e8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Percentage of counties present\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of counties present\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ranking of religious groups in the United\", \"States in 2010 , by county penetration rate\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Totally 35,000 sold across all 9 oil seeds. Soyabean being the most popular selling just under 15,000. Safaflower, Linseed and Nigerseed being the least popular selling 0.", "Input": " Volume in thousand metric tons type 33501 Total from nine oil seeds 12242 Soyabean 9347 Groundnut 8703 Rapeseed and mustard 2060 Castorseed 746 Sesamum 202 Sunflower 103 Linseed 72 Nigerseed 27 Safflower", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26005.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bf5b17\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Volume in thousand metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Volume in thousand metric tons\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"type\"}}, \"title\": [\"Volume of oilseeds produced in India in\", \"financial year 2020 , by type (in 1,000 metric\", \"tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "We can see that the majority of countries do less than 10,000 millions dollars in exports with many of those only doing around 2,000 millions dollars in exports. We can see that the United States is by far the largest exported with over 40,000 million dollars in exports which is followed by Germany with just under 30,000 million dollars in exports. It is difficult to determine a pattern/trend with this type of data and graph.", "Input": " Country Exports in million U.S. dollars United States 44511 Germany 27232 Netherlands 18104 China 13932 Belgium 12995 Ireland 11316 Switzerland 10629 Mexico 8406 France 7612 Japan 6625 United Kingdom 6493 Singapore 5987 Italy 3639 South Korea 2548 Denmark 2206 Costa Rica 2095 Austria 2032 Australia 1862 Hong Kong 1850 Malaysia 1804", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2604.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#333333\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Exports in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Exports in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading medical device exporting countries\", \"worldwide in 2015 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between December 2007 and December 2013, the GBP spent on chilled quiches & flans is a steady similar amount. Whereas from December 2013 through to 2019, the spending amount increased at a noticeable rate.", "Input": " day Spend in million GBP Dec 04, 2007 145.15 Nov 29, 2008 146.88 Dec 26, 2009 145 Dec 25, 2010 147.76 Dec 24, 2011 145.67 Jan 07, 2012 145.82 Feb 02, 2013 150.76 Feb 01, 2014 166.03 Jan 31, 2015 170.21 Jan 02, 2016 171.85 Dec 31, 2016 172.81 Dec 30, 2017 185.67 Dec 29, 2018 190.74 Dec 28, 2019 188.09", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26082.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"day\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Spend in million GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Spend in million GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Spending on chilled quiches and flans in\", \"the United Kingdom from December 2007 to\", \"December 2019 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Sickness days have steadily decreased since 2004. Over 100 million days have been lost each year since 2004.", "Input": " Year Days lost in millions Dec 31, 2002 178 Dec 31, 2003 168 Dec 31, 2004 163 Dec 31, 2005 159 Dec 31, 2006 162 Dec 31, 2007 155 Dec 31, 2008 146 Dec 31, 2009 137 Dec 31, 2010 131 Dec 31, 2011 134 Dec 31, 2012 131", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", 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Doncaster and huddersfield are slightly higher at roughly 290 and 270 stores respectively.", "Input": " Leading value retail centres Number of stores Blackpool 314 Doncaster 288 Huddersfield 266 Romford 224 Burton-upon-Trent 224 Southport 220 Sunderland 220 Wakefield 206 Newport 205 Bradford 200", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26247.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6B007B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading value retail centres\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"field\": \"Number of stores\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading value retail centres in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) in 2013 , ranked by number of\", \"stores\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Kia sold the most cars in 2017 and 2019 but it has been declining since.", "Input": " Year Units sold Dec 31, 2010 19454 Dec 31, 2011 27062 Dec 31, 2012 29913 Dec 31, 2013 32736 Dec 31, 2014 39044 Dec 31, 2015 45154 Dec 31, 2016 47957 Dec 31, 2017 47757 Dec 31, 2018 47762 Dec 31, 2019 35454", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26268.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#154866\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Units sold\"}, \"field\": \"Units sold\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Kia cars sold in Italy from 2011\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Gross domestic product in billion U.S. dollars gradually increases. There tends to be a drop before an increase in price.", "Input": " Year Gross domestic product in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2006 4.6 Dec 31, 2007 5.08 Dec 31, 2008 4.5 Dec 31, 2009 5.08 Dec 31, 2010 5.74 Dec 31, 2011 5.46 Dec 31, 2012 6.39 Dec 31, 2013 6.66 Dec 31, 2014 6.27 Dec 31, 2015 6.24 Dec 31, 2016 6.55", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26425.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Gross domestic product in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Gross domestic product in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Liechtenstein : Gross domestic product (GDP)\", \"in current prices from 2007 to 2017 (in billion\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows that the highest share of emissions by a single country is China, followed by United States and then India. However the Rest of the World data has the highest share of emissions overall. Mexico and Canada have the lowest share of emissions.", "Input": " Response Share of emissions China 0.266 United States 0.131 India 0.071 Russia 0.046 Japan 0.029 Brazil 0.024 Indonesia 0.018 Iran 0.018 Canada 0.016 Mexico 0.015 Rest of the world 0.366", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26428.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of emissions\"}, \"field\": \"Share of emissions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of annual greenhouse gas emissions\", \"worldwide in 2017 , by select country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "STARTING IN 1995 AND UP UNTIL 2015 THE NET INTEREST FROM BANKS IN THE US HAS STEADILY DROPPED FROM 0.04 TO 0.03. HOWEVER, FROM 2015 THE INTEREST RATE HAS STARTED TO RISE AGAIN AND BY 2019 THE RATE HAD RISEN TO APPROX 0.35.", "Input": " Year Net interest margin Dec 31, 1994 0.0423 Dec 31, 1995 0.043 Dec 31, 1996 0.043 Dec 31, 1997 0.0404 Dec 31, 1998 0.0404 Dec 31, 1999 0.0393 Dec 31, 2000 0.0385 Dec 31, 2001 0.0407 Dec 31, 2002 0.0375 Dec 31, 2003 0.0362 Dec 31, 2004 0.0356 Dec 31, 2005 0.0345 Dec 31, 2006 0.0335 Dec 31, 2007 0.0327 Dec 31, 2008 0.0336 Dec 31, 2009 0.0376 Dec 31, 2010 0.0355 Dec 31, 2011 0.0341 Dec 31, 2012 0.032 Dec 31, 2013 0.031 Dec 31, 2014 0.0298 Dec 31, 2015 0.0303 Dec 31, 2016 0.0314 Dec 31, 2017 0.0331 Dec 31, 2018 0.0335", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2643.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Net interest margin\"}, \"field\": \"Net interest margin\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average net interest margin of banks in\", \"the United States from 1995 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay have the highest share of indigenous or native language speakers. . Most countries have values below 0.1. highest value is 0.5.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Paraguay 0.49 Bolivia 0.319 Guatemala 0.193 Peru 0.103 Regional average 0.075 Mexico 0.047 Panama 0.036 Brazil 0.034 Ecuador 0.025 Colombia 0.013 Argentina 0.013 Honduras 0.011 Nicaragua 0.005 Dominican Republic 0.004 Chile 0.003 Venezuela 0.001 Costa Rica 0 Uruguay 0 El Salvador 0", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26490.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c4c4c4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of indigenous or native language speakers\", \"in Latin America in 2018 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of urban population in Kenya has increased from 0.23 to 0.28 in the 10 years spanning 2009 to 2019.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.2318 Dec 31, 2009 0.2357 Dec 31, 2010 0.2397 Dec 31, 2011 0.2438 Dec 31, 2012 0.2479 Dec 31, 2013 0.2522 Dec 31, 2014 0.2566 Dec 31, 2015 0.2611 Dec 31, 2016 0.2656 Dec 31, 2017 0.2703 Dec 31, 2018 0.2751", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2649.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3580b1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Kenya : Urbanization from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "A peak in net income is seen in 2013 at a high of 1000 million US dollars. The smallest value of net income is seen 2009, where a massive decrease is seen totalling less than 100 million US dollars. Although a general increase in net income is seen with time, this is fairly minimal just to a large decrease in 2013.", "Input": " Year Net income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2007 210.48 Dec 31, 2008 39.11 Dec 31, 2009 316.6 Dec 31, 2010 825.11 Dec 31, 2011 728.7 Dec 31, 2012 1004.16 Dec 31, 2013 962.64 Dec 31, 2014 281.52 Dec 31, 2015 302.47 Dec 31, 2016 889.25 Dec 31, 2017 803.08 Dec 31, 2018 311.38", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26524.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Net income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Net income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Net income of Wynn Resorts worldwide from\", \"2008 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of enterprises in Denmark dropped to a low in 2014 and peaked at a high in 2017.", "Input": " Year Number of enterprises 2017* 70 2016 65 2015 61 2014 59 2013 62 2012 65 2011 61 2010 62 2009 61 2008 66", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26548.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Number of enterprises\"}, \"field\": \"Number of enterprises\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of enterprises in the manufacture\", \"of leather and related products industry\", \"in Denmark from 2008 to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of passively managed assets in assets managed by mutual funds and exchanged traded funds worldwide from 2005 to 2014 has steadily increased within this period.", "Input": " Response Share of assets managed by MF and ETF Dec 31, 2004 0.13 Dec 31, 2005 0.14 Dec 31, 2006 0.16 Dec 31, 2007 0.19 Dec 31, 2008 0.2 Dec 31, 2009 0.21 Dec 31, 2010 0.22 Dec 31, 2011 0.24 Dec 31, 2012 0.26 Dec 31, 2013 0.27", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26574.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f1e2cc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Share of assets managed by MF and ETF\"}, \"field\": \"Share of assets managed by MF and ETF\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of passively managed assets in assets\", \"managed by mutual funds and exchange traded\", \"funds worldwide from 2005 to 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From this bar chart/diagram i can conclude from the responses that most people asked about if they play games did not in fact play video games or perhaps their genre wasnt listed. In additon, i can conclude that those who did play video games and did respond that the most played genre was casual and the least played was flight simulation.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents I don't play video/computer games 0.38 Casual 0.27 Puzzle 0.23 First person shooter/action 0.23 Party games 0.18 3rd person adventure 0.18 Sports 0.18 Vehicle Racing 0.17 Life simulations 0.16 Role Playing Game/RPG 0.15 3rd person shooter/action 0.14 Point & click adventure 0.13 Music and dance 0.12 Fighting 0.11 Real time strategy/RTS 0.11 Massively Multiplayer Online/MMO 0.09 Other 0.07 Flight simulation 0.07 Prefer not to say 0.01", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26582.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"What kind (s) of video/computer games do\", \"you play ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "A peak of use from mid 2017 until mid 2018 and then use slowly lessened . Still around 80000 patients.", "Input": " Month Total current, active medical marijuana patients Dec 31, 2016 86840 Jan 31, 2017 78369 Feb 28, 2017 89410 Mar 31, 2017 88548 Apr 30, 2017 86964 May 31, 2017 83857 Jun 30, 2017 91658 Jul 31, 2017 92655 Aug 31, 2017 92840 Sep 30, 2017 91745 Oct 31, 2017 85396 Nov 30, 2017 93372 Dec 31, 2017 93095 Jan 31, 2018 93314 Feb 28, 2018 87493 Mar 31, 2018 88946 Apr 30, 2018 87168 May 31, 2018 86755 Jun 30, 2018 88143 Jul 31, 2018 86596 Aug 31, 2018 87012 Sep 30, 2018 89220 Oct 31, 2018 85207 Nov 30, 2018 86641 Dec 31, 2018 86874 Jan 31, 2019 86832 Feb 28, 2019 86443 Mar 31, 2019 89492 Apr 30, 2019 83879 May 31, 2019 83984 Jun 30, 2019 87063 Jul 31, 2019 81035 Aug 31, 2019 83308 Sep 30, 2019 81899 Oct 31, 2019 83587 Nov 30, 2019 81610 Dec 31, 2019 81871 Jan 31, 2020 81893 Feb 29, 2020 81722 Mar 31, 2020 80257 Apr 30, 2020 81953 May 31, 2020 83184 Jun 30, 2020 83306 Jul 31, 2020 84197", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26593.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Total current, active medical marijuana patients\"}, \"field\": \"Total current, active medical marijuana patients\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of current , active medical\", \"marijuana patients in Colorado from January\", \"2017 to August 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is great variability between desired attributes of women with such as elegance and education scoring much higher than social status and willingness to give birth.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.55 Well-read and educated 0.49 Monogamous 0.47 Good manners and a good cook/housewife 0.46 Elegance 0.38 Sense of responsibility 0.2 Good looks 0.11 Sexy body 0.09 Well off financially 0.07 Willing to give birth 0.05 Social status", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26660.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7969c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Characteristics of a dream woman in China\", \"from a male perspective in 2012\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a sharp decrease in visitor from 2015 to 2016. Since 2018, numbers of visitors appear to have risen to the highest yet.", "Input": " Year Number of visitors in millions Dec 31, 2007 2.83 Dec 31, 2008 2.83 Dec 31, 2009 3.01 Dec 31, 2010 3.16 Dec 31, 2011 3.17 Dec 31, 2012 3.04 Dec 31, 2013 3.12 Dec 31, 2014 3.17 Dec 31, 2015 2.74 Dec 31, 2016 2.77 Dec 31, 2017 2.87 Dec 31, 2018 3.39", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26664.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E66C37\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of visitors in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of visitors in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of recreational visitors to the Chattahoochee\", \"River National Recreation Area in the United\", \"States from 2008 to 2019 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The operative income decreased to -20 million U.S dollars after 2010. After that there\u2019s been a rapid increase in the income. The income has reached its peak at 80 million U.S dollars after 2015.", "Input": " Year Operating income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 8 Dec 31, 2001 36.8 Dec 31, 2002 25.1 Dec 31, 2003 15.4 Dec 31, 2004 16.1 Dec 31, 2005 \u22121.8 Dec 31, 2006 \u22123.1 Dec 31, 2007 17.2 Dec 31, 2008 \u22122.9 Dec 31, 2009 \u22127.7 Dec 31, 2010 \u22124.6 Dec 31, 2011 \u22123.5 Dec 31, 2012 \u221215.9 Dec 31, 2013 36.1 Dec 31, 2014 64 Dec 31, 2015 48 Dec 31, 2016 4.1 Dec 31, 2017 73 Dec 31, 2018 43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26667.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Operating income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Operating income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Detroit Lions operating income from 2001\", \"to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The line graph shows that the Detroit lions operating income slightly rises and decreases between 2001 and 2014. It rapidly increases then suddenly declines after 2015.", "Input": " Year Operating income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 8 Dec 31, 2001 36.8 Dec 31, 2002 25.1 Dec 31, 2003 15.4 Dec 31, 2004 16.1 Dec 31, 2005 \u22121.8 Dec 31, 2006 \u22123.1 Dec 31, 2007 17.2 Dec 31, 2008 \u22122.9 Dec 31, 2009 \u22127.7 Dec 31, 2010 \u22124.6 Dec 31, 2011 \u22123.5 Dec 31, 2012 \u221215.9 Dec 31, 2013 36.1 Dec 31, 2014 64 Dec 31, 2015 48 Dec 31, 2016 4.1 Dec 31, 2017 73 Dec 31, 2018 43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26667.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Operating income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Operating income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Detroit Lions operating income from 2001\", \"to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The trend between 2001 and 2013was generally downwards and then there is a marked change towards an increasing trend, albeit with large year on year variations. In 8 of of the 18 years the income was below 0 and the remaining 10 years showed a profit. Over the whole period, profits far exceeded these losses.", "Input": " Year Operating income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2000 8 Dec 31, 2001 36.8 Dec 31, 2002 25.1 Dec 31, 2003 15.4 Dec 31, 2004 16.1 Dec 31, 2005 \u22121.8 Dec 31, 2006 \u22123.1 Dec 31, 2007 17.2 Dec 31, 2008 \u22122.9 Dec 31, 2009 \u22127.7 Dec 31, 2010 \u22124.6 Dec 31, 2011 \u22123.5 Dec 31, 2012 \u221215.9 Dec 31, 2013 36.1 Dec 31, 2014 64 Dec 31, 2015 48 Dec 31, 2016 4.1 Dec 31, 2017 73 Dec 31, 2018 43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/26667.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Operating income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Operating income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Detroit Lions operating income from 2001\", \"to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "deaths were highest in 2007 and least deaths in 2003.", "Input": " Year Average number of civilian deaths per day 2013* 6.4 2012 7.3 2011 6.6 2010 7.3 2009 8.4 2008 10 2007 22 2006 16 2005 10 2004 5.4 2003 1.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2670.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Average number of civilian deaths per day\"}, \"field\": \"Average number of civilian deaths per day\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average number of civilian deaths per day\", \"by car bombs and suicide attacks in Iraq\", \"war from 2003 to 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a downward trend in grapefruit production between 2000 and 2015. 2004 to 2005 showed a reduction of over 1,000,000 tons. 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As all of the results are very close together, the results are very hard to decipher. Between 2008 and 2018 there was a 2,000 million pounds increase in banana volume import.", "Input": " Year Import volume in million pounds Dec 31, 2009 9026.06 Dec 31, 2010 9088.96 Dec 31, 2011 9589.48 Dec 31, 2012 10019.13 Dec 31, 2013 10102.12 Dec 31, 2014 10205.36 Dec 31, 2015 10126.84 Dec 31, 2016 10606.06 Dec 31, 2017 10524.84 Dec 31, 2018 10303.56", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, 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The number of cases has gone from less than 100 per million population (PMP) to 2,000 PMP, an increase of approximately 1900%.", "Input": " Year Number of cases per million population Dec 31, 1979 65.3 Dec 31, 1980 83.1 Dec 31, 1981 101.3 Dec 31, 1982 123.1 Dec 31, 1983 148.9 Dec 31, 1984 178.6 Dec 31, 1985 217 Dec 31, 1986 259.7 Dec 31, 1987 329.6 Dec 31, 1988 407 Dec 31, 1989 461.7 Dec 31, 1990 515.8 Dec 31, 1991 581.2 Dec 31, 1992 637.7 Dec 31, 1993 704.2 Dec 31, 1994 847.6 Dec 31, 1995 1004.3 Dec 31, 1996 1132 Dec 31, 1997 1244.1 Dec 31, 1998 1333.8 Dec 31, 1999 1410.6 Dec 31, 2000 1474.2 Dec 31, 2001 1526.8 Dec 31, 2002 1571.3 Dec 31, 2003 1610.2 Dec 31, 2004 1647.3 Dec 31, 2005 1686.8 Dec 31, 2006 1721.5 Dec 31, 2007 1756.4 Dec 31, 2008 1794.1 Dec 31, 2009 1829 Dec 31, 2010 1855.1 Dec 31, 2011 1844.1 Dec 31, 2012 1916.7 Dec 31, 2013 1948.2 Dec 31, 2014 1979.1 Dec 31, 2015 1998.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27060.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Number of cases per million population\"}, \"field\": \"Number of cases per million population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rate of prevalent cases of end-stage renal\", \"disease (ESRD) in the U.S. from 1980 to 2016\", \"(per million population)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "in this scala we can see in Philadelphia 76ers all-time steals leaders , Maurice Cheeks is in the head followed by Allen Iverson.", "Input": " Philadelphia 76ers all-time steals leaders Steals Maurice Cheeks 1942 Allen Iverson 1644 Julius Erving 1508 Andre Iguodala 1076 Charles Barkley 1007 Steve Mix 851 Bobby Jones 727 Hersey Hawkins 722 Thaddeus Young 708 Eric Snow 702", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27064.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#55b748\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Philadelphia 76ers all-time steals leaders\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Steals\"}, \"field\": \"Steals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Philadelphia 76ers all-time steals leaders\", \"from 1949 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Craig Biggio has played the most games at close to 3000. 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While the exports seemed to pick up again around 2014 there was a deeper dip in 2016 that led to 6000GWh being exported, followed by a sharp increase in exports in 2019.", "Input": " Year Exports in thousand gigawatt hours Dec 31, 1998 14222 Dec 31, 1999 14829 Dec 31, 2004 19151 Dec 31, 2009 19106 Dec 31, 2010 15049 Dec 31, 2011 11996 Dec 31, 2012 11373 Dec 31, 2013 13298 Dec 31, 2014 9100 Dec 31, 2015 6214 Dec 31, 2016 9371 Dec 31, 2017 13805 Dec 31, 2018 20008", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, 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The consumption of sparkling wine increased from 2003-2013.", "Input": " Year Consumption in thousand hectoliters Dec 31, 2002 156 Dec 31, 2003 185 Dec 31, 2004 196 Dec 31, 2005 215 Dec 31, 2006 217 Dec 31, 2007 178 Dec 31, 2008 283 Dec 31, 2009 338 Dec 31, 2010 357 Dec 31, 2011 417 Dec 31, 2012 458", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27339.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Consumption in thousand hectoliters\"}, \"field\": \"Consumption in thousand hectoliters\"}}, \"title\": [\"Consumption of sparkling wine in Belgium\", \"from 2003 to 2013 (in 1,000 hectoliters)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Women in Uruguay ave an average of 2 children between the years 2008 and 2018. The fertility rate is very stable throughout the years.", "Input": " Year Number of born children per woman Dec 31, 2007 2.03 Dec 31, 2008 2.02 Dec 31, 2009 2.01 Dec 31, 2010 2.01 Dec 31, 2011 2.01 Dec 31, 2012 2 Dec 31, 2013 2 Dec 31, 2014 2 Dec 31, 2015 1.99 Dec 31, 2016 1.98 Dec 31, 2017 1.97", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": 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From 2014 to 2015 the sharpest incline can be seen. There are no declines in value during this time frame.", "Input": " Year Index (2015=100) Dec 31, 2007 82.6 Dec 31, 2008 84.5 Dec 31, 2009 87.7 Dec 31, 2010 88.3 Dec 31, 2011 90.1 Dec 31, 2012 91.9 Dec 31, 2013 94.5 Dec 31, 2014 100 Dec 31, 2015 103.4 Dec 31, 2016 105.6 Dec 31, 2017 108.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27349.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Index (2015=100)\"}, \"field\": \"Index (2015=100)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sales value of retail trade in Sweden from\", \"2008 to 2018 (as index at current prices)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The amount of children born per woman has been steadily falling from about 5.5 in 2008 to about 4.8 in 2018.", "Input": " Year Number of children born per woman Dec 31, 2007 5.52 Dec 31, 2008 5.45 Dec 31, 2009 5.39 Dec 31, 2010 5.33 Dec 31, 2011 5.26 Dec 31, 2012 5.2 Dec 31, 2013 5.13 Dec 31, 2014 5.06 Dec 31, 2015 4.99 Dec 31, 2016 4.92 Dec 31, 2017 4.85", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27360.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}, \"field\": \"Number of children born per woman\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mozambique : Fertility rate from 2008 to\", \"2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the number of farms in denmark has steadily decreased over 8 years. There are roughly 10000 less farms in 2018 than in 2010.", "Input": " Year Number of farms Dec 31, 2009 42099 Dec 31, 2010 40660 Dec 31, 2011 39917 Dec 31, 2012 38829 Dec 31, 2013 37950 Dec 31, 2014 36637 Dec 31, 2015 35674 Dec 31, 2016 34731 Dec 31, 2017 34114 Dec 31, 2018 33607", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27387.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Number of farms\"}, \"field\": \"Number of farms\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of farms in Denmark from 2010\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2010 to to 2018 in Singapore the amount of men engaged in the labour force stated static.", "Input": " Year Labor force participation rate Dec 31, 2009 0.765 Dec 31, 2010 0.756 Dec 31, 2011 0.76 Dec 31, 2012 0.758 Dec 31, 2013 0.759 Dec 31, 2014 0.767 Dec 31, 2015 0.762 Dec 31, 2016 0.76 Dec 31, 2017 0.756 Dec 31, 2018 0.754", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27432.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4c78a8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Labor force participation rate\"}, \"field\": \"Labor force participation rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Labor force participation rate of men in\", \"Singapore from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most religion response in Chile is the Catholic with the highest respondents (around 0.5). The second response in Chile is None.", "Input": " Response Share of respondents Catholic 0.552 Evangelist (unspecified) 0.125 Mormon 0.014 Jehova's witness 0.008 Adventist 0.004 Afroamerican cults, Umbanda, etc. 0.001 Jewish 0.001 Protestant 0.001 Other 0.005 Believer without formal affiliation to any religion 0.002 None 0.286 Atheist 0.004 No answer 0.009 Does not know 0.001", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27461.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Religion affiliation in Chile as of 2018\", \", by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The stock price between April 2019 and January 2021 remains higher than 40 throughout. The stock price drops to it's lowest price in April 2020.", "Input": " Month Stock price in euros Jul 31, 2019 52.78 Aug 01, 2019 51.91 Aug 04, 2019 50.92 Aug 05, 2019 50.47 Aug 06, 2019 50.75 Aug 07, 2019 50.83 Aug 08, 2019 50.8 Aug 11, 2019 51.3 Aug 12, 2019 51.27 Aug 13, 2019 52.18 Aug 14, 2019 52.57 Aug 15, 2019 53.34 Aug 18, 2019 54.35 Aug 19, 2019 54.4 Aug 20, 2019 54.94 Aug 21, 2019 54.39 Aug 22, 2019 54.14 Aug 25, 2019 54.34 Aug 26, 2019 55.14 Aug 27, 2019 55.36 Aug 28, 2019 55.63 Aug 29, 2019 56.44 Sep 01, 2019 56.93 Sep 02, 2019 57.39 Sep 03, 2019 57.56 Sep 04, 2019 56.89 Sep 05, 2019 56.78 Sep 08, 2019 55.48 Sep 09, 2019 54.48 Sep 10, 2019 54.69 Sep 11, 2019 55 Sep 12, 2019 54.43 Sep 15, 2019 53.96 Sep 16, 2019 54.71 Sep 17, 2019 54.64 Sep 18, 2019 54.47 Sep 19, 2019 53.8 Sep 22, 2019 54.35 Sep 23, 2019 54.69 Sep 24, 2019 54.39 Sep 25, 2019 55.02 Sep 26, 2019 55.04 Sep 29, 2019 55.15 Sep 30, 2019 55.19 Oct 01, 2019 54.1 Oct 02, 2019 54.1 Oct 03, 2019 54.23 Oct 06, 2019 54.75 Oct 07, 2019 54.14 Oct 08, 2019 54.25 Oct 09, 2019 54.11 Oct 10, 2019 53.61 Oct 13, 2019 53.4 Oct 14, 2019 53.07 Oct 15, 2019 54.01 Oct 16, 2019 54.45 Oct 17, 2019 54.07 Oct 20, 2019 53.51 Oct 21, 2019 53.71 Oct 22, 2019 53.14 Oct 23, 2019 53 Oct 24, 2019 53.24 Oct 27, 2019 52.19 Oct 28, 2019 52.49 Oct 29, 2019 52.95 Oct 30, 2019 52.95 Oct 31, 2019 52.7 Nov 03, 2019 52.5 Nov 04, 2019 52.99 Nov 05, 2019 54.2 Nov 06, 2019 53.91 Nov 07, 2019 54.36 Nov 10, 2019 54.04 Nov 11, 2019 53.93 Nov 12, 2019 54.15 Nov 13, 2019 53.7 Nov 14, 2019 53.48 Nov 17, 2019 53.67 Nov 18, 2019 53.54 Nov 19, 2019 53.23 Nov 20, 2019 52.71 Nov 21, 2019 52.65 Nov 24, 2019 52.49 Nov 25, 2019 53.22 Nov 26, 2019 53.39 Nov 27, 2019 53.51 Nov 28, 2019 53.8 Dec 01, 2019 53.26 Dec 02, 2019 53.37 Dec 03, 2019 53.84 Dec 04, 2019 53.51 Dec 05, 2019 54.38 Dec 08, 2019 54.47 Dec 09, 2019 54.41 Dec 10, 2019 54 Dec 11, 2019 53.77 Dec 12, 2019 54.18 Dec 15, 2019 54.99 Dec 16, 2019 51.45 Dec 17, 2019 50.95 Dec 18, 2019 51.18 Dec 19, 2019 51.68 Dec 22, 2019 51.82 Dec 23, 2019 51.45 Dec 26, 2019 51.93 Dec 29, 2019 51.46 Dec 30, 2019 51.23 Jan 01, 2020 51.38 Jan 02, 2020 51.36 Jan 05, 2020 50.96 Jan 06, 2020 50.51 Jan 07, 2020 49.82 Jan 08, 2020 50.16 Jan 09, 2020 50.3 Jan 12, 2020 50.26 Jan 13, 2020 50.22 Jan 14, 2020 50.52 Jan 15, 2020 50.68 Jan 16, 2020 51.07 Jan 19, 2020 51.04 Jan 20, 2020 51.16 Jan 21, 2020 51.11 Jan 22, 2020 50.94 Jan 23, 2020 51.86 Jan 26, 2020 51.33 Jan 27, 2020 51.88 Jan 28, 2020 51.49 Jan 29, 2020 52.45 Jan 30, 2020 52.7 Feb 02, 2020 52.97 Feb 03, 2020 53.19 Feb 04, 2020 53.97 Feb 05, 2020 54.42 Feb 06, 2020 54.51 Feb 09, 2020 54.52 Feb 10, 2020 54.75 Feb 11, 2020 54.78 Feb 12, 2020 54.7 Feb 13, 2020 54.85 Feb 16, 2020 55 Feb 17, 2020 55.05 Feb 18, 2020 54.86 Feb 19, 2020 54.05 Feb 20, 2020 53.92 Feb 23, 2020 52.34 Feb 24, 2020 51.52 Feb 25, 2020 51.16 Feb 26, 2020 49.87 Feb 27, 2020 47.62 Mar 01, 2020 48.53 Mar 02, 2020 49.33 Mar 03, 2020 50.4 Mar 04, 2020 50.83 Mar 05, 2020 49.05 Mar 08, 2020 47.05 Mar 09, 2020 45.83 Mar 10, 2020 46.05 Mar 11, 2020 42.75 Mar 12, 2020 42.22 Mar 15, 2020 40.29 Mar 16, 2020 43.23 Mar 17, 2020 43.45 Mar 18, 2020 45.6 Mar 19, 2020 44.8 Mar 22, 2020 41.92 Mar 23, 2020 42.2 Mar 24, 2020 42.47 Mar 25, 2020 43.24 Mar 26, 2020 42.61 Mar 29, 2020 43.75 Mar 30, 2020 44.81 Mar 31, 2020 43.78 Apr 01, 2020 44.51 Apr 02, 2020 44.25 Apr 05, 2020 45.71 Apr 06, 2020 46.01 Apr 07, 2020 45.5 Apr 08, 2020 45.69 Apr 13, 2020 46.68 Apr 14, 2020 45.99 Apr 15, 2020 45.8 Apr 16, 2020 45.68 Apr 19, 2020 47.67 Apr 20, 2020 46.13 Apr 21, 2020 46.7 Apr 22, 2020 45.9 Apr 23, 2020 45.27 Apr 26, 2020 45.39 Apr 27, 2020 45.18 Apr 28, 2020 45.32 Apr 29, 2020 45.58 May 03, 2020 44.36 May 04, 2020 44.45 May 05, 2020 43.94 May 06, 2020 44.7 May 07, 2020 45 May 10, 2020 45.47 May 11, 2020 45.87 May 12, 2020 45.45 May 13, 2020 44.35 May 14, 2020 44.33 May 17, 2020 45.23 May 18, 2020 44.34 May 19, 2020 44.48 May 20, 2020 44.28 May 21, 2020 44.05 May 24, 2020 44.88 May 25, 2020 44.4 May 26, 2020 45.17 May 27, 2020 46.23 May 28, 2020 46.49 May 31, 2020 46.66 Jun 01, 2020 46.62 Jun 02, 2020 47.52 Jun 03, 2020 47.25 Jun 04, 2020 47.85 Jun 07, 2020 47.4 Jun 08, 2020 46.85 Jun 09, 2020 47.16 Jun 10, 2020 47.39 Jun 11, 2020 47.33 Jun 14, 2020 46.98 Jun 15, 2020 48.68 Jun 16, 2020 49.54 Jun 17, 2020 49.25 Jun 18, 2020 50.5 Jun 21, 2020 49.5 Jun 22, 2020 49.51 Jun 23, 2020 48.82 Jun 24, 2020 48.75 Jun 25, 2020 49.07 Jun 28, 2020 47.83 Jun 29, 2020 47.25 Jun 30, 2020 47.48 Jul 01, 2020 48.46 Jul 02, 2020 47.36 Jul 05, 2020 47.56 Jul 06, 2020 46.92 Jul 07, 2020 46.66 Jul 08, 2020 46.44 Jul 09, 2020 46.28 Jul 12, 2020 46.88 Jul 13, 2020 46.8 Jul 14, 2020 47.45 Jul 15, 2020 46.99 Jul 16, 2020 47.4 Jul 19, 2020 47.3 Jul 20, 2020 47.54 Jul 21, 2020 46.86 Jul 22, 2020 50.5 Jul 23, 2020 50.54 Jul 26, 2020 50.7 Jul 27, 2020 51.1 Jul 28, 2020 51.74 Jul 29, 2020 50.82 Jul 30, 2020 50.08 Aug 02, 2020 51.16 Aug 03, 2020 51.02 Aug 04, 2020 50.72 Aug 05, 2020 49.89 Aug 06, 2020 49.28 Aug 09, 2020 49.46 Aug 10, 2020 49.02 Aug 11, 2020 49.99 Aug 12, 2020 49.84 Aug 13, 2020 49.5 Aug 16, 2020 49.41 Aug 17, 2020 49.03 Aug 18, 2020 49.58 Aug 19, 2020 49.42 Aug 20, 2020 49.16 Aug 23, 2020 49.73 Aug 24, 2020 49.47 Aug 25, 2020 49.71 Aug 26, 2020 50.02 Aug 27, 2020 48.98 Aug 30, 2020 48.51 Aug 31, 2020 48.69 Sep 01, 2020 49.95 Sep 02, 2020 49.83 Sep 03, 2020 48.82 Sep 06, 2020 49.54 Sep 07, 2020 49.69 Sep 08, 2020 51.48 Sep 09, 2020 51.2 Sep 10, 2020 51.58 Sep 13, 2020 51.42 Sep 14, 2020 52 Sep 15, 2020 52.08 Sep 16, 2020 52.02 Sep 17, 2020 50.98 Sep 20, 2020 49.84 Sep 21, 2020 50.56 Sep 22, 2020 50.96 Sep 23, 2020 50.58 Sep 24, 2020 51.04 Sep 27, 2020 52.18 Sep 28, 2020 51.7 Sep 29, 2020 51.5 Sep 30, 2020 51.72 Oct 01, 2020 52.4 Oct 04, 2020 52.34 Oct 05, 2020 51.84 Oct 06, 2020 51.78 Oct 07, 2020 51.82 Oct 08, 2020 52.7 Oct 11, 2020 52.9 Oct 12, 2020 52.94 Oct 13, 2020 53.12 Oct 14, 2020 52.26 Oct 15, 2020 52.64 Oct 18, 2020 52.1 Oct 19, 2020 52.2 Oct 20, 2020 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Jan 06, 2021 49.1 Jan 07, 2021 49.35", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/27472.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Stock price in euros\"}, \"field\": \"Stock price in euros\"}}, \"title\": [\"Stock price of Unilever at Euronext Amsterdam\", \"from August 2019 to January 2021 (in euros)\"], \"$schema\": 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The joint 3 sectors with the lowest workforce numbers are Camp sites, Organisation of conventions and Tourist services each with around 30,000 ish.", "Input": " sector Workforce number Restaurants 803638 Hospitality services 375054 Pubs, bars and nightclubs 340215 Visitor attractions 295727 Hotels 281311 Food and service management 196804 Holiday parks and other short-stay accommodation 81024 Museum and cultural attractions 63437 Tourist services 32764 Organisation of conventions and trade shows 31218 Camp sites and other accommodation 29011", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": 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Contrastingly, their revenue was lowest during 2008.", "Input": " Year Revenue in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2007 0.46 Dec 31, 2008 0.65 Dec 31, 2009 1.17 Dec 31, 2010 2.25 Dec 31, 2011 3.58 Dec 31, 2012 5.25 Dec 31, 2013 7.91 Dec 31, 2014 10.25 Dec 31, 2015 10.16 Dec 31, 2016 13.03 Dec 31, 2017 14.88 Dec 31, 2018 15.43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2773.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9e765f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual revenue of Baidu from 2008 to 2019\", \"(in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are 10 major uses listed and an other category shown on this chart for the uses of iodine. 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After a spike of competitors following 2012 competitors numbers appeared to have evened out.", "Input": " Year Number of participants in millions Dec 31, 2005 2.17 Dec 31, 2006 2.21 Dec 31, 2007 2.61 Dec 31, 2008 2.4 Dec 31, 2009 2.77 Dec 31, 2010 2.2 Dec 31, 2011 2.9 Dec 31, 2012 2.66 Dec 31, 2013 2.72 Dec 31, 2014 2.7 Dec 31, 2015 2.79 Dec 31, 2016 2.68", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2920.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of participants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of participants in surfing in the\", \"United States from 2006 to 2017 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Horror is the least popular movie genre with 0.5 share of the respondents and adventure and comedy are joint most popular with 1.0 share of the respondents. All movie genres range between 0.5 and 1.0 share of the respondents.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.9 Comedy 0.9 Adventure 0.88 Action 0.84 Thriller/mystery 0.84 Drama 0.82 Crime 0.77 Documentary 0.76 Romantic comedy 0.73 Live-action 0.7 Animated 0.7 Fantasy 0.69 Sci-fi 0.67 Romance 0.57 Musicals 0.52 Horror", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2932.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular movie genres among adults in\", \"the United States as of December 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "No trends or patterns can be identified, as it only shows a summated total for the six months.", "Input": " Number of hours watched gaming content 512.3 League of Legends 465 Fortnite 372.5 Just Chatting 269.1 Grand Theft Auto V 237.1 Dota 2 181.4 Apex Legends 178 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 127.3 Overwatch 120.7 Hearthstone 118.5 World of Warcraft", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2946.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Number of hours watched\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hours watched\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"gaming content\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading gaming content on Twitch worldwide\", \"from January 1 , 2019 to June 30 , 2019 ,\", \"by hours watched (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest national debt in relation to GDP was in 2025 at a value of 0.5. 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There is an increase in national debt in relation to GDP from 2015 to 2025.", "Input": " Year National debt in relation to GDP 2025* 0.5038 2024* 0.4933 2023* 0.4806 2022* 0.4734 2021* 0.4552 2020* 0.4167 2019 0.3299 2018 0.3017 2017 0.2803 2016 0.28 2015 0.2736", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2950.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdbf11\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turkey : National debt from 2015 to 2025\", \"in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of births annually in Italy has decreased by approximately 100,000 in the time period 2010 to 2019. There was a fairly steady decline in the amount of births during this period.", "Input": " Year Number of births Dec 31, 2009 549794 Dec 31, 2010 530770 Dec 31, 2011 521855 Dec 31, 2012 498172 Dec 31, 2013 494550 Dec 31, 2014 480292 Dec 31, 2015 468345 Dec 31, 2016 453628 Dec 31, 2017 440780 Dec 31, 2018 417614", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2994.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of births\"}, \"field\": \"Number of births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of births in Italy from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This shows that the civilian labour force in the United States is at a rather static level, never dropping below 150 million between November 2019 and November 2020. There are some slight fluctuations in the actual number but not to a dramatic effect.", "Input": " Civilian labor force in millions Month 160.47 Nov '20 160.87 Oct '20 160.14 Sep '20 160.84 Aug '20 159.87 Jul '20 159.93 Jun '20 158.23 May '20 156.48 Apr '20 162.91 Mar '20 164.55 Feb '20 164.61 Jan '20 164.56 Dec '19 164.35 Nov '19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/2999.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Civilian labor force in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Civilian labor force in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly civilian labor force in the United\", \"States from November 2019 to November 2020\", \"(in millions , seasonally adjusted)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Earnings per share of common stock of the Walt Disney Company peaked in the year 2018, when they marginally exceeded 8 on the categorical scale. 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Since 2018, there has been a steep decline.", "Input": " Year Earnings per share in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 1.65 Dec 31, 2006 2.33 Dec 31, 2007 2.34 Dec 31, 2008 1.78 Dec 31, 2009 2.07 Dec 31, 2010 2.56 Dec 31, 2011 3.17 Dec 31, 2012 3.42 Dec 31, 2013 4.31 Dec 31, 2014 4.95 Dec 31, 2015 5.76 Dec 31, 2016 5.73 Dec 31, 2017 8.36 Dec 31, 2018 6.27 Dec 31, 2019 \u22121.58", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3012.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3e2cd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Earnings per share in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Earnings per share in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Earnings per share of common stock of the\", \"Walt Disney Company in the fiscal years 2006\", \"to 2020 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Revenue in US advertising, public relations, and related service industry has been increasing steadily since 2009.", "Input": " Year Estimated revenue in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2003 65.93 Dec 31, 2004 71.19 Dec 31, 2005 79.11 Dec 31, 2006 87.43 Dec 31, 2007 86.83 Dec 31, 2008 77.43 Dec 31, 2009 81.2 Dec 31, 2010 82.12 Dec 31, 2011 87.34 Dec 31, 2012 91.27 Dec 31, 2013 95.69 Dec 31, 2014 99.47 Dec 31, 2015 105.84 Dec 31, 2016 109.42 Dec 31, 2017 118.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3022.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Estimated revenue in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Estimated revenue in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Estimated aggregate revenue of the U.S.\", \"advertising , public relations , and related\", \"service industry from 2004 to 2018 (in billion\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2008 there was a highest number recorded of church attendees then as the years go by the numbers attendees drop off in a steady flow with the lowest number being in 2018. There was a steady number that stayed around the same between 2010 and 2012.", "Input": " Year Number of attendees (in thousands) Dec 31, 2008 1081.9 Dec 31, 2009 1062.6 Dec 31, 2010 1050.3 Dec 31, 2011 1048.7 Dec 31, 2012 993.6 Dec 31, 2013 975.3 Dec 31, 2014 959.9 Dec 31, 2015 921.7 Dec 31, 2016 893.9 Dec 31, 2017 870.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3082.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Number of attendees (in thousands)\"}, \"field\": \"Number of attendees (in thousands)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average weekly attendance for the Church\", \"of England from 2009 to 2018 (in 1000 attendees)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It was too expensive has been the main reason to quit.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents It was too expensive / I could not afford it 0.4 I wasn't using my membership / wasn't going 0.3 I moved / the location was no longer convenient 0.2 I could exercise somewhere else for free 0.19 It was too crowded 0.17 I developed an injury / surgery / other condition 0.11 I felt out of place 0.09 I lost my job 0.08 I did not like to exercise 0.07 I didn't reach my fitness goals 0.05 It was too intimidating 0.04 There was no one there to guide me 0.04 I didn't know what to do there 0.04 I wanted to participate in another type of exercise 0.03 I met my fitness goals 0.02 Nobody I knew went to my former health club 0.02 Other 0.01", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Why did you leave / quit your former health\", \"club ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "IN 2006 NAMCO BANDAIS NET INCOME HIT$180 MILLION DOLLARS AND CONTINUED TO INCREASE TO $320 MILLION DOLLARS IN 2008. IN 2010 THE SAME COMPANY LOST ALL OF THEIR GAINS AND THEIR INCOME DROPPED TO -$280 MILLION DOLLARS. SINCE THEN THEIR INCOME HAS CLIMBED STEADILY SO THAT BY 2019 THEIR WORLDWIDE INCOME HAS RISEN TO $580MILLION DOLLARS.", "Input": " Year Net income in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 120.34 Dec 31, 2006 206.06 Dec 31, 2007 329.33 Dec 31, 2008 121.29 Dec 31, 2009 \u2212322.56 Dec 31, 2010 21.72 Dec 31, 2011 234.59 Dec 31, 2012 343.58 Dec 31, 2013 244.11 Dec 31, 2014 314.27 Dec 31, 2015 307.6 Dec 31, 2016 396.47 Dec 31, 2017 509.17 Dec 31, 2018 571.71", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3282.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Net income in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Net income in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Namco Bandai 's net income worldwide from\", \"FY2006 to FY2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most tennis players have ATP scores under 1,250. The top tennis player has an ATP score over three times higher then the lowest scoring player.", "Input": " ATP score Tennis player 3075 Matteo Berrettini 2400 Fabio Fognini 1245 Lorenzo Sonego 1136 Jannik Sinner 849 Stefano Travaglia 802 Salvatore Caruso 717 Gianluca Mager 679 Andreas Seppi 671 Marco Cecchinato 450 Paolo Lorenzi", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3337.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"ATP score\"}, \"field\": \"ATP score\"}, 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FY 2019 117.54 FY 2018 129.2 FY 2017 108 FY 2016 84.26 FY 2015 91.3 FY 2014 53.77 FY 2013 47.61 FY 2012 34.63 FY 2011", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", 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The next highest is the US, with between 50 and 100 gigawatts of capacity - from the chart, it looks like it has approximately 70 gigawatts of capacity. Japan has the third highest capacity, and is the only other country shown on the chart with a capacity of over 50 gigawatts. The remaining seven countries shown (Australia, Germany, India, Italy, Republic of Korea, Spain, and the UK) all have a capacity of under 50 gigawatts.", "Input": " Cumulative capacity in gigawatts Country 204 China 76 U.S. 63 Japan 49 Germany 42.8 India 20.8 Italy 14.7 Australia 13.4 UK 11.2 Republic of Korea 9.9 Spain", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3413.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Cumulative capacity in gigawatts\"}, \"field\": \"Cumulative capacity in gigawatts\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Cumulative solar photovoltaic capacity globally\", \"as of 2019 , by select country (in gigawatts)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Germany has the largest number of car sharing vehicles. Denmark, Norway and Spain have the least amount of car sharing vehicles. Other than Germany, no other country has over 4,000 car sharing vehicles.", "Input": " Country Number of vehicles Germany 13950 France 3900 United Kingdom 3000 Switzerland 2650 Netherlands 2300 Italy 1800 Austria 900 Sweden 900 Belgium 570 Denmark 330 Norway 320 Spain 300", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3464.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of vehicles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of vehicles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of car sharing vehicles in Europe\", \"in 2014 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows that Germany has the most car sharing vehicles with a total of 14,000, substantially higher than any other country. 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Denmark, Norway and Spain all equally have the least.", "Input": " Country Number of vehicles Germany 13950 France 3900 United Kingdom 3000 Switzerland 2650 Netherlands 2300 Italy 1800 Austria 900 Sweden 900 Belgium 570 Denmark 330 Norway 320 Spain 300", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3464.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of vehicles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of vehicles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of car sharing vehicles in Europe\", \"in 2014 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Germany has the highest number of car sharing vehicles with 14,000 vehicles. Denmark, Norway and Spain have the lowest number of car sharing vehicles. Most countries have 4000 or less number of car sharing vehicles.", "Input": " Country Number of vehicles Germany 13950 France 3900 United Kingdom 3000 Switzerland 2650 Netherlands 2300 Italy 1800 Austria 900 Sweden 900 Belgium 570 Denmark 330 Norway 320 Spain 300", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3464.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of vehicles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of vehicles\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of car sharing vehicles in Europe\", \"in 2014 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "T his showa how the cost of paper products has slowly gone up in price over the last few years.", "Input": " Year Average annual expenditure in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2006 98.65 Dec 31, 2007 104.28 Dec 31, 2008 110.58 Dec 31, 2009 103.41 Dec 31, 2010 114.81 Dec 31, 2011 117.5 Dec 31, 2012 112.88 Dec 31, 2013 123.69 Dec 31, 2014 118.98 Dec 31, 2015 120.4 Dec 31, 2016 119.8 Dec 31, 2017 122.26 Dec 31, 2018 119.87", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3475.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Average annual expenditure in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average annual expenditure in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average annual expenditure on cleansing\", \"and toilet tissue , paper towels and napkins\", \"per consumer unit in the United States from\", \"2007 to 2019 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Uk and USA export the most and over 20 million bottles in 2018. Spain, China and Taiwan and Switzerland export the least.", "Input": " Number of bottles in millions Country 26.76 United Kingdom 23.71 USA 13.59 Japan 12.14 Germany 9.09 Belgium 8.38 Australia 7.36 Italy 5.78 Switzerland 4.65 China and Taiwan 3.16 Spain", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3486.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E044A7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of bottles in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of bottles in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading ten markets for the export of champagne\", \"from France in 2018 (in millions of 75 cl\", \". bottles)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The trend of this chart tells us that more serious crimes are a larger issue in the USA than more petty ones, that lead to arrests. The more serious crimes are more likely to be followed up by the authorities than the less serious crimes, so will lead to more arrests.", "Input": " Type of crime Percent of offenses cleared by arrest Murder and nonnegligent, manslaughter 0.614 Aggravated assault 0.523 Violent crime 0.455 Rape 0.329 Robbery 0.305 Arson 0.238 Larceny-theft 0.184 Property crime 0.172 Burglary 0.141 Motor vehicle theft 0.138", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/349.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5C6BC0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Type of crime\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Percent of offenses cleared by arrest\"}, \"field\": \"Percent of offenses cleared by arrest\"}}, \"title\": [\"Crime clearance rate in the United States\", \"in 2019 , by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average ticket price for Atlanta Falcons home games have fluctuated with multuple peaks and dips between 2006 and 2019. The first peak came in 2009 at a cost of roughly 70 US dollars. It then dropped down to about 65 dollars from 2010 to 2011. The price then increased by about 10 dollars for the next two years (75 dollars in 2012 and 85 dollars in 2013). From 2014 to 2016, the price stabilized at around 80 dollars before experiencing a large (25 dollar) increase to 2018.", "Input": " Year Average ticket price in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 60.34 Dec 31, 2006 60.34 Dec 31, 2007 63.95 Dec 31, 2008 72.45 Dec 31, 2009 68.22 Dec 31, 2010 68.91 Dec 31, 2011 76.78 Dec 31, 2012 83.71 Dec 31, 2013 78.58 Dec 31, 2014 78.83 Dec 31, 2015 78.83 Dec 31, 2017 104.08 Dec 31, 2018 104.08", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3536.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Average ticket price in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Average ticket price in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average ticket price for Atlanta Falcons\", \"home games from 2006 to 2019 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been little overall growth in this market.", "Input": " Pharmaceutical company Percent growth (PPG) Adcock Ingram 0.116 Novartis 0.113 Merck & Co. 0.096 Johnson & Johnson 0.088 Pfizer 0.088 Total market 0.075 Sanofi 0.072 Bayer 0.071 Roche 0.069 Aspen 0.052 Cipla 0.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3555.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#168dd9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Pharmaceutical company\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Percent growth (PPG)\"}, \"field\": \"Percent growth (PPG)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Growth of top 10 pharmaceutical companies\", \"in South Africa in 2014 - 2015\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest pharmaceutical growth company in South Africa in 2014 to 2015 was Adcock Ingram. 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Fast acceleration of uptake between 1970 and 1990 moved the country from 30% to 80% of households having central heating. The growth rate then slowed between 1990 and 2010, with circa 97% of hourseholds having central heating by 2010.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Dec 31, 1969 0.3 Dec 31, 1974 0.47 Dec 31, 1979 0.59 Dec 31, 1984 0.69 Dec 31, 1989 0.79 Dec 31, 1994 0.84 Dec 31, 1995 0.85 Dec 31, 1996 0.87 Dec 31, 1997 0.89 Dec 31, 1998 0.89 Dec 31, 1999 0.9 Dec 31, 2000 0.91 Dec 31, 2001 0.92 Dec 31, 2002 0.93 Dec 31, 2003 0.94 Dec 31, 2004 0.95 Dec 31, 2005 0.94 Dec 31, 2006 0.95 Dec 31, 2007 0.95 Dec 31, 2008 0.95 Dec 31, 2009 0.96 Dec 31, 2010 0.96 Dec 31, 2011 0.96 Dec 31, 2012 0.96 Dec 31, 2013 0.96 Dec 31, 2014 0.96 Dec 31, 2015 0.95 Dec 31, 2016 0.95 Dec 31, 2017 0.95", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3561.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of respondents\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of households with central heating\", \"systems in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1970\", \"to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a steady increase from 1980 to 2010 of households with central heating in the UK. There is a slight decrease after 2010 in the number of households with central heating in the UK dropping to around 0.95%.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Dec 31, 1969 0.3 Dec 31, 1974 0.47 Dec 31, 1979 0.59 Dec 31, 1984 0.69 Dec 31, 1989 0.79 Dec 31, 1994 0.84 Dec 31, 1995 0.85 Dec 31, 1996 0.87 Dec 31, 1997 0.89 Dec 31, 1998 0.89 Dec 31, 1999 0.9 Dec 31, 2000 0.91 Dec 31, 2001 0.92 Dec 31, 2002 0.93 Dec 31, 2003 0.94 Dec 31, 2004 0.95 Dec 31, 2005 0.94 Dec 31, 2006 0.95 Dec 31, 2007 0.95 Dec 31, 2008 0.95 Dec 31, 2009 0.96 Dec 31, 2010 0.96 Dec 31, 2011 0.96 Dec 31, 2012 0.96 Dec 31, 2013 0.96 Dec 31, 2014 0.96 Dec 31, 2015 0.95 Dec 31, 2016 0.95 Dec 31, 2017 0.95", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, 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Eastern Asia has more than double the area in 2nd place, Southeast Asia. The Americas is the 2nd highest user per continent. Central Africa has the lowest number of users. Australia & Oceania is the continent with the lowest users.", "Input": " Number of active social media users in millions geographic region 1065.88 Eastern Asia 482.73 Southeast Asia 470.01 Southern Asia 329.25 Northern America 274.22 South America 198.07 Central & Western Europe 158.96 Western Asia 143.27 Southern Europe 117.47 Eastern Europe 106.48 Northern Africa 55.06 Western Africa 42.91 Eastern Africa 29.66 Central America 26.37 Southern Africa 24.05 Northern Europe 23.57 Australia & Oceania 21.3 Caribbean 13.93 Central Asia 12.38 Central Africa", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3638.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d190b6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of active social media users in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of active social media users in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"geographic region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of social network users worldwide\", \"in 2020 , by region (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a slight drop in franchise value between 2003 and 2004, plus 2009 and 2014, but the growth since 2014 has been substantial.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 482 Dec 31, 2002 498 Dec 31, 2003 442 Dec 31, 2004 505 Dec 31, 2005 604 Dec 31, 2006 736 Dec 31, 2007 824 Dec 31, 2008 912 Dec 31, 2009 858 Dec 31, 2010 747 Dec 31, 2011 719 Dec 31, 2012 811 Dec 31, 2013 800 Dec 31, 2014 1350 Dec 31, 2015 1650 Dec 31, 2016 2000 Dec 31, 2017 2100 Dec 31, 2018 2300 Dec 31, 2019 2400", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3699.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#999999\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"New York Mets franchise value from 2002\", \"to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a positive correlation between the year and Franchise value in million U.S. dollars, as the year increases so does the Franchise value in million U.S. dollars. By 2020, the Franchise value in million U.S. dollars is over triple the value it was in 2010. The lowest Franchise value in million U.S. dollars occurred between 2002 and 2005.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 482 Dec 31, 2002 498 Dec 31, 2003 442 Dec 31, 2004 505 Dec 31, 2005 604 Dec 31, 2006 736 Dec 31, 2007 824 Dec 31, 2008 912 Dec 31, 2009 858 Dec 31, 2010 747 Dec 31, 2011 719 Dec 31, 2012 811 Dec 31, 2013 800 Dec 31, 2014 1350 Dec 31, 2015 1650 Dec 31, 2016 2000 Dec 31, 2017 2100 Dec 31, 2018 2300 Dec 31, 2019 2400", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3699.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#999999\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"New York Mets franchise value from 2002\", \"to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2020, an all time high of 2,500 million dollars was recorded as the New York Mets franchise value. 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This was at nearly 100,000 million Canadian dollars. The lowest was management of companies.", "Input": " Industry GDP in million chained 2012 Canadian dollars Real estate and rental and leasing 96526 Manufacturing 89281.3 Finance and insurance 69833.1 Professional, scientific and technical services 53746.9 Public administration 53333.8 Health care and social assistance 51032.2 Construction 50792.3 Wholesale trade 47989.2 Educational services 42663.9 Retail trade 37948 Transportation and warehousing 29849.6 Information and cultural industries 28697.6 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 23607 Accommodation and food services 15733.3 Utilities 14363.7 Other services (except public administration) 13764 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 8635.7 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 6653.9 Arts, entertainment and recreation 6424.6 Management of companies and enterprises 3846.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": 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Dec 31, 2017 84 Dec 31, 2018 84 Dec 31, 2019 84 Dec 31, 2020 83", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3804.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": 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and rose again in March. From April to August 2018 the viewers decreased significantly from approx. 45,000 to approx. 22,000. There were increases and rises from that time through to around the middle of 2019, when the average amount of viewers increased to the highest amount of approx. 46,000 viewers, with it again plunging to around 15,000 in late 2019. From then until 2021 the viewers have stayed relatively steady between 23,000 and 18,000 which is a significant decrease.", "Input": " Month Number of viewers in thousands Dec 31, 2017 43.83 Jan 31, 2018 39.82 Feb 28, 2018 43.08 Mar 31, 2018 44.51 Apr 30, 2018 42.46 May 31, 2018 32.12 Jun 30, 2018 34.24 Jul 31, 2018 31.05 Aug 31, 2018 28.59 Sep 30, 2018 21.76 Oct 31, 2018 31.01 Nov 30, 2018 22.71 Dec 31, 2018 30.27 Jan 31, 2019 35.18 Feb 28, 2019 35.71 Mar 31, 2019 39.71 Apr 30, 2019 33.21 May 31, 2019 42.7 Jun 30, 2019 39.32 Jul 31, 2019 47.15 Aug 31, 2019 30.37 Sep 30, 2019 14.66 Oct 31, 2019 22.31 Nov 30, 2019 18.92 Dec 31, 2019 19.48 Jan 31, 2020 22.02 Feb 29, 2020 20.96 Mar 31, 2020 19.04 Apr 30, 2020 19.94 May 31, 2020 21.33 Jun 30, 2020 23.34 Jul 31, 2020 17.24 Aug 31, 2020 18.03 Sep 30, 2020 17.01 Oct 31, 2020 16.79", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", 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Nov 30, 2009 0.01 Dec 31, 2009 0.01 Jan 31, 2010 0.01 Feb 28, 2010 0.01 Mar 31, 2010 0.01 Apr 30, 2010 0.02 May 31, 2010 0.02 Jun 30, 2010 0.02 Jul 31, 2010 0.03 Aug 31, 2010 0.03 Sep 30, 2010 0.04 Oct 31, 2010 0.05 Nov 30, 2010 0.06 Dec 31, 2010 0.07 Jan 31, 2011 0.08 Feb 28, 2011 0.11 Mar 31, 2011 0.13 Apr 30, 2011 0.19 May 31, 2011 0.32 Jun 30, 2011 0.43 Jul 31, 2011 0.53 Aug 31, 2011 0.62 Sep 30, 2011 0.69 Oct 31, 2011 0.76 Nov 30, 2011 0.84 Dec 31, 2011 0.93 Jan 31, 2012 1.02 Feb 29, 2012 1.11 Mar 31, 2012 1.21 Apr 30, 2012 1.5 May 31, 2012 1.93 Jun 30, 2012 2.29 Jul 31, 2012 2.73 Aug 31, 2012 3.14 Sep 30, 2012 3.6 Oct 31, 2012 4.03 Nov 30, 2012 4.52 Dec 31, 2012 5.11 Jan 31, 2013 5.86 Feb 28, 2013 6.64 Mar 31, 2013 7.47 Apr 30, 2013 8.27 May 31, 2013 8.94 Jun 30, 2013 9.51 Jul 31, 2013 10.25 Aug 31, 2013 10.97 Sep 30, 2013 11.71 Oct 31, 2013 12.63 Nov 30, 2013 13.69 Dec 31, 2013 14.56 Jan 31, 2014 15.51 Feb 28, 2014 16.75 Mar 31, 2014 17.83 Apr 30, 2014 18.92 May 31, 2014 19.98 Jun 30, 2014 21.05 Jul 31, 2014 22.34 Aug 31, 2014 23.55 Sep 30, 2014 24.85 Oct 31, 2014 26.27 Nov 30, 2014 27.76 Dec 31, 2014 29.43 Jan 31, 2015 30.9 Feb 28, 2015 32.57 Mar 31, 2015 34.25 Apr 30, 2015 36.08 May 31, 2015 38 Jun 30, 2015 40.53 Jul 31, 2015 42.64 Aug 31, 2015 45.02 Sep 30, 2015 47.59 Oct 31, 2015 50.13 Nov 30, 2015 53.16 Dec 31, 2015 56.16 Jan 31, 2016 59.51 Feb 29, 2016 62.59 Mar 31, 2016 65.82 Apr 30, 2016 69.53 May 31, 2016 73.1 Jun 30, 2016 76.35 Jul 31, 2016 79.75 Aug 31, 2016 83.08 Sep 30, 2016 86.98 Oct 31, 2016 90.78 Nov 30, 2016 94.66 Dec 31, 2016 98.65 Jan 31, 2017 102.86 Feb 28, 2017 107.04 Mar 31, 2017 111.17 Apr 30, 2017 115.61 May 31, 2017 119.92 Jun 30, 2017 124.41 Jul 31, 2017 128.3 Aug 31, 2017 132.21 Sep 30, 2017 136.51 Oct 31, 2017 140.9 Nov 30, 2017 146.43 Dec 31, 2017 151.52 Jan 31, 2018 155.65 Feb 28, 2018 159.76 Mar 31, 2018 163.01 Apr 30, 2018 166.26 May 31, 2018 169.84 Jun 30, 2018 173.62 Jul 31, 2018 177.5 Aug 31, 2018 181.04 Sep 30, 2018 184.89 Oct 31, 2018 189 Nov 30, 2018 193.06 Dec 31, 2018 197.53 Jan 31, 2019 201.6 Feb 28, 2019 205.96 Mar 31, 2019 211.03 Apr 30, 2019 216.98 May 31, 2019 222.29 Jun 30, 2019 227.11 Jul 31, 2019 231.73 Aug 31, 2019 236.36 Sep 30, 2019 241.14 Oct 31, 2019 245.61 Nov 30, 2019 249.85 Dec 31, 2019 254.18 Jan 31, 2020 258.8 Feb 29, 2020 263.23 Mar 31, 2020 267.91 Apr 30, 2020 273.47 May 31, 2020 278.56 Jun 30, 2020 283.87 Jul 31, 2020 289.34 Aug 31, 2020 294.8 Sep 30, 2020 300.32 Oct 31, 2020 305.82 Nov 30, 2020 311.43 Dec 31, 2020 311.63 Jan 01, 2021 311.83 Jan 02, 2021 312.04 Jan 03, 2021 312.24 Jan 04, 2021 312.46", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/389.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", 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Jose Bautista comes second with almost 300. Apart from those, most of the other 8 have scored between 150 and 250.", "Input": " Home run leader Number of home runs Carlos Delgado 336 Jose Bautista 288 Edwin Encarnacion 239 Vernon Wells 223 Joe Carter 203 George Bell 202 Jesse Barfield 179 Lloyd Moseby 149 Adam Lind 146 Ernie Whitt 131", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3900.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Home run leader\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Number of home runs\"}, \"field\": \"Number of home runs\"}}, \"title\": [\"Toronto Blue Jays all-time home run leaders\", \"as of October 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Starting at close to 0 billion dollars in 1970, the line chart shows that the medicare spending increases progressively with time. The increase in spending is particularly accellerated after 2000, going from around 200 billion dollars in 2000, to over 500 billion dollars in 2010. A similar increase happens between 2010 and 2020, although there is a considerable dip around the middle of the decade, down from over 600 billion to somewhere in the high 500s of billions. The chart ends in 2020, at 800 billion spent.", "Input": " Year Total spending in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1969 7.5 Dec 31, 1974 16.3 Dec 31, 1979 36.8 Dec 31, 1984 72.3 Dec 31, 1989 111 Dec 31, 1994 184.2 Dec 31, 1999 221.8 Dec 31, 2004 336.4 Dec 31, 2009 522.9 Dec 31, 2010 549.1 Dec 31, 2011 574.2 Dec 31, 2012 582.9 Dec 31, 2013 613.3 Dec 31, 2014 560.3 Dec 31, 2015 678.7 Dec 31, 2016 710.2 Dec 31, 2017 740.7 Dec 31, 2018 796.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/3947.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Total spending in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Total spending in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total Medicare spending from 1970 to 2019\", \"(in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The spending on healthcare in South Korea as a percentage of gap has increased over the time period.", "Input": " Response Percentage of GDP Dec 31, 1999 0.04 Dec 31, 2000 0.0458 Dec 31, 2001 0.0432 Dec 31, 2002 0.046 Dec 31, 2003 0.0458 Dec 31, 2004 0.0484 Dec 31, 2005 0.0518 Dec 31, 2006 0.0538 Dec 31, 2007 0.0568 Dec 31, 2008 0.0609 Dec 31, 2009 0.0622 Dec 31, 2010 0.0629 Dec 31, 2011 0.0644 Dec 31, 2012 0.0658 Dec 31, 2013 0.0681 Dec 31, 2014 0.0705 Dec 31, 2015 0.0733 Dec 31, 2016 0.076 Dec 31, 2017 0.081", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4025.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2f2f2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Percentage of GDP\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Korea 's national health expenditure\", \"as a percent of GDP from 2000 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of fatalities in World War II was over 400,000 - this is the highest number of fatalities recorded in this bar chart. The number of fatalities in World War II is greater than all the other wars/armed conflicts combined recorded in this bar chart.", "Input": " War or armed conflict Number of fatalities World War I (1917-1918) 116516 World War II (1941-1946) 405399 Korean War (1950-1953) 36574 Vietnam Conflict (1964-1973) 58220 Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) 2586 Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-2014) 2349 Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2010) 4418 Operation New Dawn (2007-2011) 74 Operation Inherent Resolve [CJTF-OIR] (2014-present) 99 Operation Freedom's Sentinel (2014-present) 93", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/407.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b96db8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"War or armed conflict\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of killed soldiers in U.S. wars since\", \"World War I as of October 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The yearly revenue has generally increased over time. The highest revenue has been just of 300 million dollars in 2018/19. The lowest revenue was just under 100 million dollars in 2001/02. The biggest yearly increase looks to be from 2015/16 to 2016/17.", "Input": " Year Revenue in million U.S. dollars 2018/19 304 2017/18 287 2016/17 257 2015/16 200 2014/15 181 2013/14 173 2012/13 169 2011/12 143 2010/11 146 2009/10 151 2008/09 144 2007/08 149 2006/07 117 2005/06 111 2004/05 110 2003/04 104 2002/03 97 2001/02 96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, 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The number of tourist accommodation arrivals has risen by over 5 million.", "Input": " Year Number of arrivals in millions Dec 31, 2005 7.2 Dec 31, 2006 7.5 Dec 31, 2007 7.7 Dec 31, 2008 7.2 Dec 31, 2009 7.3 Dec 31, 2010 7.6 Dec 31, 2011 8.8 Dec 31, 2012 9.3 Dec 31, 2013 10.1 Dec 31, 2014 10.9 Dec 31, 2015 11.6 Dec 31, 2016 12.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4135.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of arrivals in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of arrivals in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of arrivals in tourist accommodation\", \"in Hungary from 2006 to 2017 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of arrivals in Hungary tourist accomodation had a slight dip in 2099-2011 and since then has been increasing steadily.", "Input": " Year Number of arrivals in millions Dec 31, 2005 7.2 Dec 31, 2006 7.5 Dec 31, 2007 7.7 Dec 31, 2008 7.2 Dec 31, 2009 7.3 Dec 31, 2010 7.6 Dec 31, 2011 8.8 Dec 31, 2012 9.3 Dec 31, 2013 10.1 Dec 31, 2014 10.9 Dec 31, 2015 11.6 Dec 31, 2016 12.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4135.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of arrivals in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of arrivals in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of arrivals in tourist accommodation\", \"in Hungary from 2006 to 2017 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2000 7.1 million people arrived in tourist accommodation in Hungary. 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The number of deaths plateaus around the year 2000.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 1799 462.89 Dec 31, 1804 462.31 Dec 31, 1809 461.35 Dec 31, 1814 459.34 Dec 31, 1819 456.65 Dec 31, 1824 452.68 Dec 31, 1829 447.87 Dec 31, 1834 440.01 Dec 31, 1839 430.12 Dec 31, 1844 416.08 Dec 31, 1849 399.27 Dec 31, 1854 374.17 Dec 31, 1859 343.53 Dec 31, 1864 325.74 Dec 31, 1869 316.5 Dec 31, 1874 325.81 Dec 31, 1879 347.49 Dec 31, 1884 327.29 Dec 31, 1889 281.68 Dec 31, 1894 256.72 Dec 31, 1899 238.76 Dec 31, 1904 220.32 Dec 31, 1909 206.92 Dec 31, 1914 179.99 Dec 31, 1919 184.93 Dec 31, 1924 139.79 Dec 31, 1929 102.86 Dec 31, 1934 75.93 Dec 31, 1939 66.35 Dec 31, 1944 51.26 Dec 31, 1949 40.11 Dec 31, 1954 35 Dec 31, 1959 31 Dec 31, 1964 29 Dec 31, 1969 26 Dec 31, 1974 21 Dec 31, 1979 17 Dec 31, 1984 14 Dec 31, 1989 12 Dec 31, 1994 10 Dec 31, 1999 9 Dec 31, 2004 8 Dec 31, 2009 8 Dec 31, 2014 7 Dec 31, 2019 7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4141.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#B0B0B0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Child mortality rate (under five years old)\", \"in the United States , from 1800 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Around 50 million new internet users in Brazil over 10 years.", "Input": " Number of internet users in millions Year 158.01 2025* 155.57 2024* 152.76 2023* 149.53 2022* 145.83 2021* 141.59 2020* 136.77 2019 131.33 2018 125.27 2017 118.58 2016 111.32 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4147.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of internet users in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of internet users in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of internet users in Brazil from\", \"2015 to 2025 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2000 the was very little us investment in Russia, apps 1 billion dollars. US investment peaked at 20 billion dollars in 2009 following year on year increases in investment from 2000 onwards. Investment since 2009 has been lower, but had remained within a band of approx 10-15 billion dollars each year ever since.", "Input": " Year Direct investments in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 1.15 Dec 31, 2000 0.88 Dec 31, 2001 1.14 Dec 31, 2002 2.51 Dec 31, 2003 6.09 Dec 31, 2004 9.36 Dec 31, 2005 11.37 Dec 31, 2006 15.03 Dec 31, 2007 19.78 Dec 31, 2008 20.76 Dec 31, 2009 10.04 Dec 31, 2010 11.29 Dec 31, 2011 13.39 Dec 31, 2012 13.28 Dec 31, 2013 9.76 Dec 31, 2014 10.26 Dec 31, 2015 14.36 Dec 31, 2016 13.79 Dec 31, 2017 14.07 Dec 31, 2018 14.44", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4195.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Direct investments in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Direct investments in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Direct investment position of the United\", \"States in Russia from 2000 to 2019 (in billion\", \"U.S. dollars , on a historical-cost basis)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of public schools has decreased by around 5,000 from 2005 to 2018. The number of schools has decreased in a steady manner with each year showing a similar decrease in the total number of schools.", "Input": " Number of public schools Year 44902 2018* 45401 2017 45877 2016 46435 2015 46962 2014 47306 2013 47672 2012 48139 2011 48522 2010 48975 2009 49498 2008 49928 2007 50668 2005", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4221.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Number of public schools\"}, \"field\": \"Number of public schools\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of public primary schools in\", \"France from 2005 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total number of stores was at the lowest in 2008, the specific number being less than 8,000. The total number of stores was the highest in 2018 with the specific number being just under 12,000. As the year increased, the number of stores also increased therefore a positive correlation was present. Throughout the years, the minimum number of stores present was at least 6,000 stores.", "Input": " Year Number of stores Dec 31, 2007 7288 Dec 31, 2008 7909 Dec 31, 2009 8099 Dec 31, 2010 8604 Dec 31, 2011 9766 Dec 31, 2012 10408 Dec 31, 2013 10942 Dec 31, 2014 11453 Dec 31, 2015 11528 Dec 31, 2016 11695 Dec 31, 2017 11718 Dec 31, 2018 11361 Dec 31, 2019 11501", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/425.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"field\": \"Number of stores\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of Walmart stores worldwide\", \"from 2008 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "After a dramatic increase in the number of stores between 2011 and 2013 from 7000 to 11000, the number of stores has remained relatively constant.", "Input": " Year Number of stores Dec 31, 2007 7288 Dec 31, 2008 7909 Dec 31, 2009 8099 Dec 31, 2010 8604 Dec 31, 2011 9766 Dec 31, 2012 10408 Dec 31, 2013 10942 Dec 31, 2014 11453 Dec 31, 2015 11528 Dec 31, 2016 11695 Dec 31, 2017 11718 Dec 31, 2018 11361 Dec 31, 2019 11501", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/425.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"field\": \"Number of stores\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of Walmart stores worldwide\", \"from 2008 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Brazil is clearly the leading coffee exporter in 2018 with a value of almost 5000 million. Columbia, Germany & Switzerland are all around the 2500 million mark. France is the only other country above 1000 million with the rest all being below this.", "Input": " Trade value in million U.S. dollars Country 4371.25 Brazil 2579.82 Germany 2350.45 Switzerland 2335.42 Colombia 1709.33 Italy 1167.54 France 864.9 Belgium 861.2 United States 828.43 Netherlands 817.79 Indonesia 682.15 Peru 514.35 India 503.89 Canada 436.08 Uganda 419.81 Nicaragua", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Trade value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Trade value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide\", \"in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Brazil exported the most coffee of all the countries shown, having a trade value over 4000 million US dollars. This was around twice as high a value as any other country. Uganda and Nicaragua exported the least coffee when measured as million US dollars worth. Four countries stood out as exporting more coffee than the others.", "Input": " Trade value in million U.S. dollars Country 4371.25 Brazil 2579.82 Germany 2350.45 Switzerland 2335.42 Colombia 1709.33 Italy 1167.54 France 864.9 Belgium 861.2 United States 828.43 Netherlands 817.79 Indonesia 682.15 Peru 514.35 India 503.89 Canada 436.08 Uganda 419.81 Nicaragua", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Trade value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Trade value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide\", \"in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Brazil was by far the biggest coffee exporter worldwide in 2018.", "Input": " Trade value in million U.S. dollars Country 4371.25 Brazil 2579.82 Germany 2350.45 Switzerland 2335.42 Colombia 1709.33 Italy 1167.54 France 864.9 Belgium 861.2 United States 828.43 Netherlands 817.79 Indonesia 682.15 Peru 514.35 India 503.89 Canada 436.08 Uganda 419.81 Nicaragua", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Trade value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Trade value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide\", \"in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are only 4 nations whose total value of coffee exports exceeds 2,000,000,000$ per annum. These are Brazil, Colombia, Germany and Switzerland. Every continent is represented on the list, but Europe and South America export the most coffee by a considerable margin. Brazil is the largest coffee exporting country, the total value of its coffee exports is more than 25% greater than the next highest coffee exporting nation.", "Input": " Trade value in million U.S. dollars Country 4371.25 Brazil 2579.82 Germany 2350.45 Switzerland 2335.42 Colombia 1709.33 Italy 1167.54 France 864.9 Belgium 861.2 United States 828.43 Netherlands 817.79 Indonesia 682.15 Peru 514.35 India 503.89 Canada 436.08 Uganda 419.81 Nicaragua", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Trade value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Trade value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide\", \"in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Brazil was without doubt the biggest coffee exporting country in 2018, exporting nearly twice as much coffee as its nearest competitor - Germany. Four countries - Brazil, Germany, Switzerland and Colombia exported over $2,000 million dollars worth of coffee in this period.", "Input": " Trade value in million U.S. dollars Country 4371.25 Brazil 2579.82 Germany 2350.45 Switzerland 2335.42 Colombia 1709.33 Italy 1167.54 France 864.9 Belgium 861.2 United States 828.43 Netherlands 817.79 Indonesia 682.15 Peru 514.35 India 503.89 Canada 436.08 Uganda 419.81 Nicaragua", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Trade value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Trade value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide\", \"in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "sales peaked around 2019. There was a rapid decrease in sales between 2008 and 2012.", "Input": " Year Automobile sales in thousand units Dec 31, 2001 2666 Dec 31, 2002 2888 Dec 31, 2003 2983 Dec 31, 2004 3242 Dec 31, 2005 3391 Dec 31, 2006 3652 Dec 31, 2007 3925 Dec 31, 2008 3517 Dec 31, 2009 3392 Dec 31, 2010 3529 Dec 31, 2011 3108 Dec 31, 2012 4014 Dec 31, 2013 4323 Dec 31, 2014 4367 Dec 31, 2015 4743 Dec 31, 2016 5028 Dec 31, 2017 5199 Dec 31, 2018 5323 Dec 31, 2019 4790", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#beaed4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}, \"field\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}}, \"title\": [\"Worldwide number of automobiles sold by\", \"Honda Group from FY 2002 to FY 2020 (in 1,000\", \"units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Sales has been steadily rising since 2002 until 2020. Between 2008 and 2012 sales have declined, as well as 2017 to 2018. There was a big growth in 2012 until 2019.", "Input": " Year Automobile sales in thousand units Dec 31, 2001 2666 Dec 31, 2002 2888 Dec 31, 2003 2983 Dec 31, 2004 3242 Dec 31, 2005 3391 Dec 31, 2006 3652 Dec 31, 2007 3925 Dec 31, 2008 3517 Dec 31, 2009 3392 Dec 31, 2010 3529 Dec 31, 2011 3108 Dec 31, 2012 4014 Dec 31, 2013 4323 Dec 31, 2014 4367 Dec 31, 2015 4743 Dec 31, 2016 5028 Dec 31, 2017 5199 Dec 31, 2018 5323 Dec 31, 2019 4790", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#beaed4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}, \"field\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}}, \"title\": [\"Worldwide number of automobiles sold by\", \"Honda Group from FY 2002 to FY 2020 (in 1,000\", \"units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The overall number of automobiles sold by Honda Group from FY 2002 to FY 2020 has increased.", "Input": " Year Automobile sales in thousand units Dec 31, 2001 2666 Dec 31, 2002 2888 Dec 31, 2003 2983 Dec 31, 2004 3242 Dec 31, 2005 3391 Dec 31, 2006 3652 Dec 31, 2007 3925 Dec 31, 2008 3517 Dec 31, 2009 3392 Dec 31, 2010 3529 Dec 31, 2011 3108 Dec 31, 2012 4014 Dec 31, 2013 4323 Dec 31, 2014 4367 Dec 31, 2015 4743 Dec 31, 2016 5028 Dec 31, 2017 5199 Dec 31, 2018 5323 Dec 31, 2019 4790", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#beaed4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}, \"field\": \"Automobile sales in thousand units\"}}, \"title\": [\"Worldwide number of automobiles sold by\", \"Honda Group from FY 2002 to FY 2020 (in 1,000\", \"units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Best Picture winners perform relatively low in box office with only 8 movies achieving higher than $100 million in the box office. Lord of the Rings is the standout box office performer with over $370 million. The Hurt Locker was the worst performing movie with only around $10 million dollars in box office.", "Input": " Revenue in million U.S. dollars Year 48.83 Parasite2020 85.08 Green Book 2019 63.86 The Shape of Water2018 27.85 Moonlight2017 45.06 Spotlight2016 42.34 Birdman2015 56.67 12 Years A Slave2014 136.03 Argo2013 44.67 The Artist2012 138.8 The King's Speech2011 17.02 The Hurt Locker2010 141.32 Slumdog Millionaire2009 74.28 No Country for Old Men2008 132.38 The Departed2007 54.58 Crash2006 100.49 Million Dollar Baby2005 377.85 The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King2004 170.69 Chicago2003 170.74 A Beautiful Mind2002 187.71 Gladiator2001", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4353.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8ca252\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Domestic box office revenue of Academy Award\", \"winning movies in the `` Best Picture ''\", \"category from 2001 to 2020 (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The trend is below 4000 yards but there are exceptions, with 4 players reaching c8000 yards and 2 players, Irvin and Witten over 11000 yards.", "Input": " Receiving yards player 12977 Jason Witten 11904 Michael Irvin 7988 Tony Hill 7822 Drew Pearson 7459 Dez Bryant 7295 Bob Hayes 5214 Frank Clarke 4481 Miles Austin 3728 Doug Cosbie 3587 Terrell Owens 3576 Jay Novacek 3565 Billy Joe DuPree 3521 Lance Rentzel 3432 Tony Dorsett 3377 Terrance Williams 3337 Terry Glenn 3271 Cole Beasley 3083 Kelvin Martin 3012 Emmitt Smith 2888 Patrick Crayton", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4368.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Receiving yards\"}, \"field\": \"Receiving yards\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"player\"}}, \"title\": [\"Dallas Cowboys all-time receiving leaders\", \"from 1960 to 2020 (in yards)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Hourly pay in the UK has increased every year during the period 1997 to 2020. The largest increases happened during the period 1997 to 2009. Since then the rate of increase has declined although it did increase more rapidly between 2015 and 2019.", "Input": " Year Hourly pay in GBP Dec 31, 1996 7.92 Dec 31, 1997 8.26 Dec 31, 1998 8.6 Dec 31, 1999 8.91 Dec 31, 2000 9.32 Dec 31, 2001 9.74 Dec 31, 2002 10.07 Dec 31, 2003 10.44 Dec 31, 2004 10.77 Dec 31, 2005 11.12 Dec 31, 2006 11.47 Dec 31, 2007 11.98 Dec 31, 2008 12.42 Dec 31, 2009 12.57 Dec 31, 2010 12.71 Dec 31, 2011 12.83 Dec 31, 2012 13.13 Dec 31, 2013 13.16 Dec 31, 2014 13.35 Dec 31, 2015 13.66 Dec 31, 2016 14 Dec 31, 2017 14.37 Dec 31, 2018 14.9 Dec 31, 2019 15.14", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/445.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hourly pay in GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Hourly pay in GBP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Median hourly earnings for full-time employees\", \"in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2020 (in\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The franchise value of the Washington Football Team has increased by over 3 times in the 18 years recorded. There was a sharp jump around the years 2013-2015, when the value nearly doubled.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 845 Dec 31, 2002 952 Dec 31, 2003 1104 Dec 31, 2004 1264 Dec 31, 2005 1423 Dec 31, 2006 1467 Dec 31, 2007 1538 Dec 31, 2008 1550 Dec 31, 2009 1550 Dec 31, 2010 1555 Dec 31, 2011 1600 Dec 31, 2012 1700 Dec 31, 2013 2400 Dec 31, 2014 2850 Dec 31, 2015 2950 Dec 31, 2016 3100 Dec 31, 2017 3100 Dec 31, 2018 3400 Dec 31, 2019 3500", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4488.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#843c39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Washington Football Team franchise value\", \"from 2002 to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2005 to 2015 the value of the football team increased from just under 1,000 million to 3,500 million. There was a plateau at 1,500 million for a few years.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 845 Dec 31, 2002 952 Dec 31, 2003 1104 Dec 31, 2004 1264 Dec 31, 2005 1423 Dec 31, 2006 1467 Dec 31, 2007 1538 Dec 31, 2008 1550 Dec 31, 2009 1550 Dec 31, 2010 1555 Dec 31, 2011 1600 Dec 31, 2012 1700 Dec 31, 2013 2400 Dec 31, 2014 2850 Dec 31, 2015 2950 Dec 31, 2016 3100 Dec 31, 2017 3100 Dec 31, 2018 3400 Dec 31, 2019 3500", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4488.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#843c39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Washington Football Team franchise value\", \"from 2002 to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Nadal and Federer are tied with 20 grand slam titles (the most). Djockvic is second. 7 players all have 7 victories.", "Input": " Number of Grand Slam victories Tennis player 20 Roger Federer (SUI) 20 Rafael Nadal (ESP) 17 Novak Djokovic (SRB) 14 Pete Sampras (USA) 12 Roy Emerson (AUS) 11 Bj\u00f6rn Borg (SWE) 11 Rodney Laver (AUS) 10 William Tilden (USA) 8 Frederick Perry (ENG) 8 Andre Agassi (USA) 8 James Connors (USA) 8 Kenneth Rosewall (AUS) 8 Ivan Lendl (CZE/USA) 8 Henri Cochet (FRA) 8 Max D\u00e9cugis (FRA)", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/44.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Number of Grand Slam victories\"}, \"field\": \"Number of Grand Slam victories\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Tennis player\"}}, \"title\": [\"Male tennis players with the most Grand\", \"Slam tournament titles won as of October\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The two players with the highest number of grand slam victories (20) are Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. 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steadily between 2005 and 2010, when it reached a 1,000 million dollar valuation. However the biggest growth in value is reached in 2015 when it reached a 2,500 million dollar valuation.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 447 Dec 31, 2002 561 Dec 31, 2003 622 Dec 31, 2004 678 Dec 31, 2005 731 Dec 31, 2006 826 Dec 31, 2007 888 Dec 31, 2008 917 Dec 31, 2009 907 Dec 31, 2010 920 Dec 31, 2011 936 Dec 31, 2012 949 Dec 31, 2013 995 Dec 31, 2014 1525 Dec 31, 2015 2080 Dec 31, 2016 2275 Dec 31, 2017 2275 Dec 31, 2018 2500 Dec 31, 2019 2600", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4753.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3cde3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Los Angeles Chargers franchise value from\", \"2002 to 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The leading Italian fashion company in 2018 was Luxottica Group with a turnover of over 8,000,000,000 euros. The company with the next highest turnover was Prada with 3,000,000,000 euros. Four companies had a turnover of more than 2,000,000,000 euros. The remaining 16 companies had a turnover of less than 2,000,000,000 euros.", "Input": " Turnover in thousand euros fashion company 8928889 Luxottica Group 3142148 Prada 2302772 Calzedonia Holding 2108772 Giorgio Armani 1597294 Max Mara Fashion Group 1457154 OVS 1420074 Moncler 1408179 OTB 1349254 D & G 1335269 Salvatore Ferragamo 1274463 Decathlon Italia* 1223690 Valentino 1159254 Ermenegildo Zegna Holditalia 1090168 Gucci Logistica* 1024139 Zara Italia* 996571 LIR 982619 LVMH Italia* 962861 Safilo Group 956676 Benetton Group* 940499 Tod's", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4760.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Turnover in thousand euros\"}, \"field\": \"Turnover in thousand euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"fashion company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading Italian fashion companies in 2018\", \", by turnover (in 1,000 euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It seems that Prada and Giorgio Armani are the leading Italian companies trailing behind Luxottica group.", "Input": " Turnover in thousand euros fashion company 8928889 Luxottica Group 3142148 Prada 2302772 Calzedonia Holding 2108772 Giorgio Armani 1597294 Max Mara Fashion Group 1457154 OVS 1420074 Moncler 1408179 OTB 1349254 D & G 1335269 Salvatore Ferragamo 1274463 Decathlon Italia* 1223690 Valentino 1159254 Ermenegildo Zegna Holditalia 1090168 Gucci Logistica* 1024139 Zara Italia* 996571 LIR 982619 LVMH Italia* 962861 Safilo Group 956676 Benetton Group* 940499 Tod's", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4760.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Turnover in thousand euros\"}, \"field\": \"Turnover in thousand euros\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"fashion company\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading Italian fashion companies in 2018\", \", by turnover (in 1,000 euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the bars are all very linear and show, however is 2020 there is a definite spike which the levels back out.", "Input": " Year Ratio of government expenditure to GDP 2025* 0.3591 2024* 0.3569 2023* 0.3586 2022* 0.3652 2021* 0.3745 2020* 0.4719 2019 0.3574 2018 0.3537 2017 0.3532 2016 0.3547 2015 0.3515", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4792.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8c6d31\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Ratio of government expenditure to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"Ratio of government expenditure to GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ratio of government expenditure to gross\", \"domestic product (GDP) in the United States\", \"from 2015 to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average ticket price has increased since 2006, starting at $80 and ending up at over $120 by 2019. The peak in ticket price came in 2016 when they got up to $130.", "Input": " Year Average ticket price (in U.S. dollars) Dec 31, 2005 77.78 Dec 31, 2006 84.89 Dec 31, 2007 88.33 Dec 31, 2008 88.33 Dec 31, 2009 93.55 Dec 31, 2010 101.55 Dec 31, 2011 110.91 Dec 31, 2012 103.6 Dec 31, 2013 108.44 Dec 31, 2014 108.44 Dec 31, 2015 131.9 Dec 31, 2017 111.19 Dec 31, 2018 124.51", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4814.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": 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it then increases steadily again topping 30 million in about 2017 and starts to dip again.", "Input": " Year Imports value in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2001 10.43 Dec 31, 2002 11.82 Dec 31, 2003 13.8 Dec 31, 2004 15.83 Dec 31, 2005 18.44 Dec 31, 2006 19.79 Dec 31, 2007 19.36 Dec 31, 2008 17.13 Dec 31, 2009 19.85 Dec 31, 2010 20.89 Dec 31, 2011 22.27 Dec 31, 2012 23.4 Dec 31, 2013 25.24 Dec 31, 2014 27.02 Dec 31, 2015 26.89 Dec 31, 2016 28.99 Dec 31, 2017 31.08 Dec 31, 2018 29.86", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, 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each. the majority of countries listed on the bar chart have less than 10 stores each.", "Input": " Number of stores Country 44 Saudi Arabia 25 Israel 22 India 13 UAE 9 South Africa 7 Egypt 7 Lebanon 7 Morocco 6 Qatar 6 Kuwait 5 Tunisia 3 Jordan 2 Algeria 2 Bahrain 1 Oman", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4829.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b279a2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"field\": \"Number of stores\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Zara stores in the Middle East\", \"and Africa in 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There are small deviations from this trend such as 2011 or 2013 where the number decreased from the previous year. Increases have been sharpest from 2013-16 and 2018-2019.", "Input": " Year Number of visitors in millions Dec 31, 2007 9.04 Dec 31, 2008 9.49 Dec 31, 2009 9.46 Dec 31, 2010 9.01 Dec 31, 2011 9.69 Dec 31, 2012 9.35 Dec 31, 2013 10.1 Dec 31, 2014 10.71 Dec 31, 2015 11.31 Dec 31, 2016 11.34 Dec 31, 2017 11.42 Dec 31, 2018 12.55", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", 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Following this, there are positive balances, increasing 2022-2024 and remaining stable for 2025 at approximately the 2015/16 level relative to GDP.", "Input": " Budget balance in relation to GDP Year 0.0105 2025* 0.0104 2024* 0.0084 2023* 0.0062 2022* \u22120.032 2021* \u22120.0818 2020* 0.0152 2019 0.0184 2018 0.0136 2017 0.0116 2016 0.0096 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/4976.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Budget balance in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"Budget balance in relation to GDP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Germany : Budget balance between 2015 to\", \"2025 in relation to GDP\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The immigration rate was at its highest in Luxembourg in 2019. It was at its lowest in 2009.", "Input": " Year Immigration rate per thousand inhabitants Dec 31, 2007 36.34 Dec 31, 2008 31.64 Dec 31, 2009 33.46 Dec 31, 2010 39.09 Dec 31, 2011 38.57 Dec 31, 2012 38.83 Dec 31, 2013 40.14 Dec 31, 2014 41.79 Dec 31, 2015 39.23 Dec 31, 2016 40.88 Dec 31, 2017 40.54 Dec 31, 2018 43.01", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5023.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#55b748\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Immigration rate per thousand inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Immigration rate per thousand inhabitants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Immigration rate in Luxembourg from 2008\", \"to 2019 (per 1,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Kayaking has the highest number of average annual boating days. 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Since 2018, the number of beds decreases slightly during the following two years.", "Input": " Year Number of average available hospital beds 2019/20 5779.8 2018/19 5830.4 2017/18 5893.2 2016/17 5909.9 2015/16 5887.2 2014/15 6034.3 2013/14 6151.5 2012/13 6280 2011/12 6432.2 2010/11 6724.8 2009/10 7265.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5089.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d365ba\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of average available hospital beds\"}, \"field\": \"Number of average available hospital beds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of average available hospital beds\", \"in Northern Ireland from 2009 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Jimmy Connors, Pete Sampras and Roger Federer has the most number (5) of US open titles during this time. 5 players only had 2, which was the lowest number of open titles in this time.", "Input": " Number of US Open titles player 5 Jimmy Connors 5 Roger Federer 5 Pete Sampras 4 John McEnroe 4 Rafael Nadal 3 Ivan Lendl 3 Novak Djokovic 2 Patrick Rafter 2 Stefan Edberg 2 Stan Smith 2 Arthur Ashe 2 John Newcombe*", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5109.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9e765f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Number of US Open titles\"}, \"field\": \"Number of US Open titles\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"player\"}}, \"title\": [\"Men 's singles US Open tennis tournaments\", \"won from 1968 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest box office grosser was the film 'Tanhaji - The unsung warrior' earning about 1500 million Indian rupees. 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There is quite a large range of searched for topics, from company names to tools and specific websites.", "Input": " Index rating Platform 100 You 83 Weather 76 Google 64 Facebook 46 Youtube 45 News 43 Amazon 31 Craigslist 31 Walmart 29 Food 21 Map 19 NFL 19 Yahoo 18 Apple 18 Instagram 17 Calculator 16 NBA 16 Translate 15 Gmail 14 Reddit", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5168.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Index rating\"}, \"field\": \"Index rating\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Platform\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top Google search queries in the United\", \"States in 2019 (index value)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "You was the most searched platform and is index rated 100. 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The majority of other platforms were rated less than 20.", "Input": " Index rating Platform 100 You 83 Weather 76 Google 64 Facebook 46 Youtube 45 News 43 Amazon 31 Craigslist 31 Walmart 29 Food 21 Map 19 NFL 19 Yahoo 18 Apple 18 Instagram 17 Calculator 16 NBA 16 Translate 15 Gmail 14 Reddit", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5168.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Index rating\"}, \"field\": \"Index rating\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Platform\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top Google search queries in the United\", \"States in 2019 (index value)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most search query is 'You' with the index rating of 100. Other highly searched queries with index rating above 60 are 'weather', 'google' and 'facebook' in descending order. The least searched queries of index rating below 20 are Apple, Calculator, Gmail, Instagram, NBA, NFL, Reddit, Translate, and Yahoo.", "Input": " Index rating Platform 100 You 83 Weather 76 Google 64 Facebook 46 Youtube 45 News 43 Amazon 31 Craigslist 31 Walmart 29 Food 21 Map 19 NFL 19 Yahoo 18 Apple 18 Instagram 17 Calculator 16 NBA 16 Translate 15 Gmail 14 Reddit", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5168.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Index rating\"}, \"field\": \"Index rating\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Platform\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top Google search queries in the United\", \"States in 2019 (index value)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2018 it was found that cyclists in the Netherlands were injured the most.", "Input": " Year Number of casualties Dec 31, 2008 185 Dec 31, 2009 162 Dec 31, 2010 200 Dec 31, 2011 200 Dec 31, 2012 184 Dec 31, 2013 185 Dec 31, 2014 185 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 206 Dec 31, 2017 228 Dec 31, 2018 203", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5192.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of casualties\"}, \"field\": \"Number of casualties\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of cyclists killed in traffic in\", \"the Netherlands from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows the number of cyclists killed each year in the Netherlands ranges between approximately 160 and 230. Of the years represented, 2010 had the lowest number of cyclists killed while 2018 had the highest number of cyclists killed.", "Input": " Year Number of casualties Dec 31, 2008 185 Dec 31, 2009 162 Dec 31, 2010 200 Dec 31, 2011 200 Dec 31, 2012 184 Dec 31, 2013 185 Dec 31, 2014 185 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 206 Dec 31, 2017 228 Dec 31, 2018 203", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5192.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of casualties\"}, \"field\": \"Number of casualties\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of cyclists killed in traffic in\", \"the Netherlands from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From the year 2010 to 2018 casualties have been trending towards an increase only with small dips and then returning to a steady increase overall. There have been more years of increased or stagnant casualty numbers than years with decreases.", "Input": " Year Number of casualties Dec 31, 2008 185 Dec 31, 2009 162 Dec 31, 2010 200 Dec 31, 2011 200 Dec 31, 2012 184 Dec 31, 2013 185 Dec 31, 2014 185 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 206 Dec 31, 2017 228 Dec 31, 2018 203", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5192.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of casualties\"}, \"field\": \"Number of casualties\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of cyclists killed in traffic in\", \"the Netherlands from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Deaths of cyclists has been on the rise in the Netherlands, peaking in 20-8.", "Input": " Year Number of casualties Dec 31, 2008 185 Dec 31, 2009 162 Dec 31, 2010 200 Dec 31, 2011 200 Dec 31, 2012 184 Dec 31, 2013 185 Dec 31, 2014 185 Dec 31, 2015 189 Dec 31, 2016 206 Dec 31, 2017 228 Dec 31, 2018 203", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5192.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of casualties\"}, \"field\": \"Number of casualties\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of cyclists killed in traffic in\", \"the Netherlands from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Viewer numbers show a year on year increase. Viewer numbers tend to peak around July-August, before dropping in October-November, before increasing again in the months leading up to January-Febuary.", "Input": " Month Number of viewers in thousands Dec 31, 2017 119.64 Jan 31, 2018 120.72 Feb 28, 2018 119.36 Mar 31, 2018 103.17 Apr 30, 2018 110.28 May 31, 2018 100.63 Jun 30, 2018 102.06 Jul 31, 2018 109.27 Aug 31, 2018 106.34 Sep 30, 2018 146.66 Oct 31, 2018 117.31 Nov 30, 2018 96.84 Dec 31, 2018 133.15 Jan 31, 2019 141.42 Feb 28, 2019 145.8 Mar 31, 2019 128.39 Apr 30, 2019 138.19 May 31, 2019 123.81 Jun 30, 2019 91.7 Jul 31, 2019 115.7 Aug 31, 2019 107.74 Sep 30, 2019 169.66 Oct 31, 2019 132.22 Nov 30, 2019 105.82 Dec 31, 2019 134.03 Jan 31, 2020 174.83 Feb 29, 2020 166.21 Mar 31, 2020 188.8 Apr 30, 2020 171.58 May 31, 2020 198.96 Jun 30, 2020 181.98 Jul 31, 2020 191.69 Aug 31, 2020 187.49 Sep 30, 2020 230.98 Oct 31, 2020 168.3 Nov 30, 2020 129.55", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5206.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fed9a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average viewers of League of Legends on\", \"Twitch worldwide from January 2018 to December\", \"2020 (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "it really spikes in 2020 but then drops right back down again.", "Input": " Month Number of viewers in thousands Dec 31, 2017 119.64 Jan 31, 2018 120.72 Feb 28, 2018 119.36 Mar 31, 2018 103.17 Apr 30, 2018 110.28 May 31, 2018 100.63 Jun 30, 2018 102.06 Jul 31, 2018 109.27 Aug 31, 2018 106.34 Sep 30, 2018 146.66 Oct 31, 2018 117.31 Nov 30, 2018 96.84 Dec 31, 2018 133.15 Jan 31, 2019 141.42 Feb 28, 2019 145.8 Mar 31, 2019 128.39 Apr 30, 2019 138.19 May 31, 2019 123.81 Jun 30, 2019 91.7 Jul 31, 2019 115.7 Aug 31, 2019 107.74 Sep 30, 2019 169.66 Oct 31, 2019 132.22 Nov 30, 2019 105.82 Dec 31, 2019 134.03 Jan 31, 2020 174.83 Feb 29, 2020 166.21 Mar 31, 2020 188.8 Apr 30, 2020 171.58 May 31, 2020 198.96 Jun 30, 2020 181.98 Jul 31, 2020 191.69 Aug 31, 2020 187.49 Sep 30, 2020 230.98 Oct 31, 2020 168.3 Nov 30, 2020 129.55", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5206.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fed9a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average viewers of League of Legends on\", \"Twitch worldwide from January 2018 to December\", \"2020 (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that although the viewing rates went up and down between 2018-2020, it did still slowly rise. However in 2020, viewers dropped to as low as those in 2018.", "Input": " Month Number of viewers in thousands Dec 31, 2017 119.64 Jan 31, 2018 120.72 Feb 28, 2018 119.36 Mar 31, 2018 103.17 Apr 30, 2018 110.28 May 31, 2018 100.63 Jun 30, 2018 102.06 Jul 31, 2018 109.27 Aug 31, 2018 106.34 Sep 30, 2018 146.66 Oct 31, 2018 117.31 Nov 30, 2018 96.84 Dec 31, 2018 133.15 Jan 31, 2019 141.42 Feb 28, 2019 145.8 Mar 31, 2019 128.39 Apr 30, 2019 138.19 May 31, 2019 123.81 Jun 30, 2019 91.7 Jul 31, 2019 115.7 Aug 31, 2019 107.74 Sep 30, 2019 169.66 Oct 31, 2019 132.22 Nov 30, 2019 105.82 Dec 31, 2019 134.03 Jan 31, 2020 174.83 Feb 29, 2020 166.21 Mar 31, 2020 188.8 Apr 30, 2020 171.58 May 31, 2020 198.96 Jun 30, 2020 181.98 Jul 31, 2020 191.69 Aug 31, 2020 187.49 Sep 30, 2020 230.98 Oct 31, 2020 168.3 Nov 30, 2020 129.55", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5206.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fed9a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Number of viewers in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average viewers of League of Legends on\", \"Twitch worldwide from January 2018 to December\", \"2020 (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been a general decline of infant deaths in Vietnam between the years 2009 to 2019. Infant deaths in Vietnam between 2009 and 2019 were at their highest during 2009.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 2008 18.5 Dec 31, 2009 18.3 Dec 31, 2010 18 Dec 31, 2011 17.8 Dec 31, 2012 17.6 Dec 31, 2013 17.4 Dec 31, 2014 17.2 Dec 31, 2015 16.9 Dec 31, 2016 16.6 Dec 31, 2017 16.3 Dec 31, 2018 15.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5235.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Vietnam : Infant mortality rate from 2009\", \"to 2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Ontario and Quebec have the largest number of physicians, both having 10,000-15,000 each. Alberta and British Columbia have between 5,000 and 10,000 and every other province has less than 5,000.", "Input": " province of Canada Number of physicians Ontario 14962 Quebec 10909 British Columbia 6366 Alberta 5758 Manitoba 1519 Saskatchewan 1395 Nova Scotia 1292 New Brunswick 1153 Newfoundland and Labrador 927 Prince Edward Island 174 Territories 129", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5314.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9ecae9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of physicians\"}, \"field\": 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It has come down slightly around 2016 to 0.017 increasing slightly in 2017.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0103 Dec 31, 1999 0.0108 Dec 31, 2000 0.0115 Dec 31, 2001 0.0125 Dec 31, 2002 0.0131 Dec 31, 2003 0.0132 Dec 31, 2004 0.0133 Dec 31, 2005 0.0129 Dec 31, 2006 0.0127 Dec 31, 2007 0.0129 Dec 31, 2008 0.0155 Dec 31, 2009 0.0166 Dec 31, 2010 0.0174 Dec 31, 2011 0.0182 Dec 31, 2012 0.0192 Dec 31, 2013 0.0193 Dec 31, 2014 0.0189 Dec 31, 2015 0.0186 Dec 31, 2016 0.0177 Dec 31, 2017 0.0169 Dec 31, 2018 0.0171 Dec 31, 2019 0.0173", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5455.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rwanda : Youth unemployment rate from 1999\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I can observe that between 2006 and 2019 the number of road traffic fatalities in Iceland has oscilated with ups and downs but basically from 2005 we can observe a drastic decrease in the n I m BB we of fatalities that is even more from 2013 until 2014. However from 2014 until 2016 the n UK mber of fatalities has grown again to decrease drastically again from 2019.", "Input": " Year Number of fatalities Dec 31, 2005 31 Dec 31, 2006 15 Dec 31, 2007 12 Dec 31, 2008 17 Dec 31, 2009 8 Dec 31, 2010 12 Dec 31, 2011 9 Dec 31, 2012 15 Dec 31, 2013 4 Dec 31, 2014 16 Dec 31, 2015 18 Dec 31, 2016 16 Dec 31, 2017 18 Dec 31, 2018 6", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5472.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of road traffic fatalities in Iceland\", \"from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the number of road traffic fatalities in Iceland from 2006 to 2009 has decreased significantly from 2006.", "Input": " Year Number of fatalities Dec 31, 2005 31 Dec 31, 2006 15 Dec 31, 2007 12 Dec 31, 2008 17 Dec 31, 2009 8 Dec 31, 2010 12 Dec 31, 2011 9 Dec 31, 2012 15 Dec 31, 2013 4 Dec 31, 2014 16 Dec 31, 2015 18 Dec 31, 2016 16 Dec 31, 2017 18 Dec 31, 2018 6", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5472.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of road traffic fatalities in Iceland\", \"from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Employment is high in the fishing industry, mining industry and forestry industry.", "Input": " industry Unemployment rate Forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas 0.073 Construction 0.067 Business, building and other support services 0.061 Accommodation and food services 0.055 Information, culture and recreation 0.054 Agriculture 0.044 Wholesale and retail trade 0.037 Educational services 0.037 Manufacturing 0.036 Transportation and warehousing 0.032 Other services (except public administration) 0.028 Professional, scientific and technical services 0.027 Public administration 0.02 Utilities 0.017 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 0.016 Health care and social assistance 0.015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5473.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2cf5b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"industry\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rate of unemployment in Canada in 2019 ,\", \"by industry\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Numbers drop steadily from 2010 to 2013 before a small increase until 2015. Numbers drop a little and then start increasing again until 2019.", "Input": " Year Migration balance Dec 31, 2009 79446 Dec 31, 2010 62157 Dec 31, 2011 44365 Dec 31, 2012 34843 Dec 31, 2013 39954 Dec 31, 2014 47682 Dec 31, 2015 42239 Dec 31, 2016 44536 Dec 31, 2017 50180 Dec 31, 2018 55031", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5501.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Migration balance\"}, \"field\": \"Migration balance\"}}, \"title\": [\"Migration balance (immigrants minus emigrants)\", \"in Belgium from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most hate crimes seem to occur in London with the fewest occuring in Wales.", "Input": " Number of hate crimes* region 17.6 London 5.47 North West 10.53 South East 9.47 Yorkshire and the Humber 8.11 West Midlands 6.71 East of England 4.86 South West 4.81 East Midlands 3.07 North East 2.63 Wales", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5509.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hate crimes*\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hate crimes*\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of racially motivated hate crimes\", \"in England and Wales from April 2019 to March\", \"2020 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The revenue of the company increases quite quickly as the years progress. There has been over a 100% increase over 8 years.", "Input": " Year Revenue in million British pounds Dec 31, 2009 1040.4 Dec 31, 2010 1162.6 Dec 31, 2011 1244.1 Dec 31, 2012 1533.5 Dec 31, 2013 1676.1 Dec 31, 2014 1850.3 Dec 31, 2015 2129.6 Dec 31, 2016 2240 Dec 31, 2017 2402.1 Dec 31, 2018 2653", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5517.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in million British pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in million British pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of International Workplace Group\", \"(IWG) worldwide from 2010 to 2019 (in million\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "this shows I strong increase in revenue which has more doubled in 8 years ranging from 1005,000,000 in 2010 to 2600,000,000 in 2018.", "Input": " Year Revenue in million British pounds Dec 31, 2009 1040.4 Dec 31, 2010 1162.6 Dec 31, 2011 1244.1 Dec 31, 2012 1533.5 Dec 31, 2013 1676.1 Dec 31, 2014 1850.3 Dec 31, 2015 2129.6 Dec 31, 2016 2240 Dec 31, 2017 2402.1 Dec 31, 2018 2653", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5517.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue in million British pounds\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue in million British pounds\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of International Workplace Group\", \"(IWG) worldwide from 2010 to 2019 (in million\", \"GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The lowest unemployment rate generally seems to be in the winter months. The highest unemployment rate seems to occur in spring/early summer. The unemployment rate never went above 0.30 and never fell below 0.05.", "Input": " Unemployment rate Month 0.115 Nov '20 0.117 Oct '20 0.135 Sep '20 0.147 Aug '20 0.186 Jul '20 0.207 Jun '20 0.252 May '20 0.274 Apr '20 0.103 Mar '20 0.077 Feb '20 0.082 Jan '20 0.081 Dec '19 0.08 Nov '19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/557.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly youth (16 - 24) unemployment rate\", \"in the United States from November 2019 to\", \"November 2020 (seasonally adjusted)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Unemploymnt in April and May was at its highest with big changes going on after each peek in the unemployment figures which means there are trends that are not on this chart but elsewhere to suggest why they are so high.", "Input": " Unemployment rate Month 0.115 Nov '20 0.117 Oct '20 0.135 Sep '20 0.147 Aug '20 0.186 Jul '20 0.207 Jun '20 0.252 May '20 0.274 Apr '20 0.103 Mar '20 0.077 Feb '20 0.082 Jan '20 0.081 Dec '19 0.08 Nov '19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/557.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly youth (16 - 24) unemployment rate\", \"in the United States from November 2019 to\", \"November 2020 (seasonally adjusted)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The interest rate has fluctuated considerably since 2009 and 2018. The rates have moved between 0.7 and 1.1.", "Input": " Year Short-term annual interest rate 2018* 0.0833 2017* 0.0888 2016 0.1023 2015 0.1095 2014 0.1033 2013 0.0693 2012 0.0885 2011 0.0876 2010 0.0761 2009 0.1014", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5590.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Short-term annual interest rate\"}, \"field\": \"Short-term annual interest rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turkey : Development of short-term annual\", \"interest rate from 2009 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The lowest interest rate was in 2013 whilst the highest was 2 years later in 2015. This 2 year period has the greatest change of any 2 year period.", "Input": " Year Short-term annual interest rate 2018* 0.0833 2017* 0.0888 2016 0.1023 2015 0.1095 2014 0.1033 2013 0.0693 2012 0.0885 2011 0.0876 2010 0.0761 2009 0.1014", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5590.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Short-term annual interest rate\"}, \"field\": \"Short-term annual interest rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Turkey : Development of short-term annual\", \"interest rate from 2009 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a general decrease in the unemployment rate for individuals aged 15 to 24 years in Singapore from 2011 to 2020. There are increases in the years 2013 and 2015 in unemployment rate, being around 0.9. The peak rate of unemployment occurs in the year 2020.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 2010 0.0928 Dec 31, 2011 0.0896 Dec 31, 2012 0.0936 Dec 31, 2013 0.0874 Dec 31, 2014 0.0934 Dec 31, 2015 0.0912 Dec 31, 2016 0.0878 Dec 31, 2017 0.0861 Dec 31, 2018 0.0843 Dec 31, 2019 0.0835", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5602.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Unemployment rate for individuals aged 15\", \"to 24 years in Singapore from 2011 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Unemployment has generally decreased from 2011 to 2020. Unemployment decrease was not evident in 2015 and 2013 where there was a slight increase.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 2010 0.0928 Dec 31, 2011 0.0896 Dec 31, 2012 0.0936 Dec 31, 2013 0.0874 Dec 31, 2014 0.0934 Dec 31, 2015 0.0912 Dec 31, 2016 0.0878 Dec 31, 2017 0.0861 Dec 31, 2018 0.0843 Dec 31, 2019 0.0835", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5602.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Unemployment rate for individuals aged 15\", \"to 24 years in Singapore from 2011 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Starting from the year 2003, there is a consitent gradual increase in the number of scanners. 2014 has the highest number of scanners so far.", "Input": " Year Number of scanners 2014* 467 2013* 462 2012* 456 2011* 441 2010 * 411 2008 * 340 2006* 342 2005 326 2004 300 2003 * 271 2002 * 296 2001 * 367 2000* 331", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5629.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#744EC2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of scanners\"}, \"field\": \"Number of scanners\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of magnetic resonance imaging\", \"(MRI) units in the United Kingdom (UK) from\", \"2000 to 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total number of magnetic resonance imaging MRI units fluctuates throughout the chart rising, dipping then rising again. Increasing a big amount in 2010 and continuing to increase in number.", "Input": " Year Number of scanners 2014* 467 2013* 462 2012* 456 2011* 441 2010 * 411 2008 * 340 2006* 342 2005 326 2004 300 2003 * 271 2002 * 296 2001 * 367 2000* 331", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5629.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#744EC2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of scanners\"}, \"field\": \"Number of scanners\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of magnetic resonance imaging\", \"(MRI) units in the United Kingdom (UK) from\", \"2000 to 2014\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over 4 times as much tequila is exported from Mexico in 2019 compared to 1995. There has been a general increase in sales most years, except for 2006-2007 when it decreased slightly, and 2007-2009 when it stayed relatively stable. The rate of increase has been greatest between 2018 and 2019.", "Input": " Year Exports in million liters Dec 31, 1994 64.6 Dec 31, 1999 98.8 Dec 31, 2004 117.1 Dec 31, 2005 140.1 Dec 31, 2006 135.1 Dec 31, 2007 137.4 Dec 31, 2008 136.4 Dec 31, 2009 152.5 Dec 31, 2010 163.9 Dec 31, 2011 166.7 Dec 31, 2012 172 Dec 31, 2013 172.5 Dec 31, 2014 182.9 Dec 31, 2015 197.9 Dec 31, 2016 213.3 Dec 31, 2017 224.1 Dec 31, 2018 246.7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5647.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ccebc5\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Exports in million liters\"}, \"field\": \"Exports in million liters\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mexico 's exports of tequila from 1995 to\", \"2019 (in million liters)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Cand crush saga and 8 ball pool are the two most popular games, with about 10 million active daily users each. The other ten games all have roughly 1 million daily users.", "Input": " Facebook game Number of daily active users in millions 8 Ball Pool 10 Candy Crush Saga 10 Texas HoldEm Poker 1 Farm Heroes Saga 1 Subway Surfers 1 Clash of Clans 1 Dragon City 1 Hay Day 1 Trivia Crack 1 Word with Friends 1 FarmVille 2 1 Criminal Case 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/568.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Facebook game\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of daily active users in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of daily active users in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular Facebook games as of May 2019\", \", based on number of daily active users (in\", \"millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "8-ball pool and candy crush saga have 10 million daily active users each. All other 8 games have 1.5 millions daily active users.", "Input": " Facebook game Number of daily active users in millions 8 Ball Pool 10 Candy Crush Saga 10 Texas HoldEm Poker 1 Farm Heroes Saga 1 Subway Surfers 1 Clash of Clans 1 Dragon City 1 Hay Day 1 Trivia Crack 1 Word with Friends 1 FarmVille 2 1 Criminal Case 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/568.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Facebook game\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Number of daily active users in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of daily active users in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular Facebook games as of May 2019\", \", based on number of daily active users (in\", \"millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the 2015 rate is likened to the 2005 rate, suggesting a downturn in economic availability of jobs.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0761 Dec 31, 1999 0.0547 Dec 31, 2000 0.0473 Dec 31, 2001 0.0497 Dec 31, 2002 0.0556 Dec 31, 2003 0.0669 Dec 31, 2004 0.0749 Dec 31, 2005 0.0707 Dec 31, 2006 0.0616 Dec 31, 2007 0.0624 Dec 31, 2008 0.0835 Dec 31, 2009 0.0861 Dec 31, 2010 0.078 Dec 31, 2011 0.0798 Dec 31, 2012 0.0805 Dec 31, 2013 0.0795 Dec 31, 2014 0.0743 Dec 31, 2015 0.0699 Dec 31, 2016 0.0672 Dec 31, 2017 0.0635 Dec 31, 2018 0.0648 Dec 31, 2019 0.0667", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5766.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fbb4ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sweden : Unemployment rate from 1999 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Swedish unemployment rate between 1999 and 2020 has been volatile, ranging from a low of 0.05 in 2002 to just above 0.08 in 2010. The biggest fall was from pre-100 to 2002, falling from 0.075 to 0.05. It then rose to a peak of 0.075 in 2005, before falling to just above 0.06 in 2006, then rising to the high of 0.08 in 2010. Since 2010 it fell steadily to a low of 0.032 in 2017 and has risen slightly to closer to 0.065 in 2020.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0761 Dec 31, 1999 0.0547 Dec 31, 2000 0.0473 Dec 31, 2001 0.0497 Dec 31, 2002 0.0556 Dec 31, 2003 0.0669 Dec 31, 2004 0.0749 Dec 31, 2005 0.0707 Dec 31, 2006 0.0616 Dec 31, 2007 0.0624 Dec 31, 2008 0.0835 Dec 31, 2009 0.0861 Dec 31, 2010 0.078 Dec 31, 2011 0.0798 Dec 31, 2012 0.0805 Dec 31, 2013 0.0795 Dec 31, 2014 0.0743 Dec 31, 2015 0.0699 Dec 31, 2016 0.0672 Dec 31, 2017 0.0635 Dec 31, 2018 0.0648 Dec 31, 2019 0.0667", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5766.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fbb4ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sweden : Unemployment rate from 1999 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The unemployment rate was highest in 2010. In 2010 the rate was higher than 0.08. The lowest rate of unemployment was around 0.05 between 2000 and 2005.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0761 Dec 31, 1999 0.0547 Dec 31, 2000 0.0473 Dec 31, 2001 0.0497 Dec 31, 2002 0.0556 Dec 31, 2003 0.0669 Dec 31, 2004 0.0749 Dec 31, 2005 0.0707 Dec 31, 2006 0.0616 Dec 31, 2007 0.0624 Dec 31, 2008 0.0835 Dec 31, 2009 0.0861 Dec 31, 2010 0.078 Dec 31, 2011 0.0798 Dec 31, 2012 0.0805 Dec 31, 2013 0.0795 Dec 31, 2014 0.0743 Dec 31, 2015 0.0699 Dec 31, 2016 0.0672 Dec 31, 2017 0.0635 Dec 31, 2018 0.0648 Dec 31, 2019 0.0667", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5766.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fbb4ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sweden : Unemployment rate from 1999 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Unemployment rate in sweden between 1999 and 2020 has decreased overallThere was a sharp decrease and increase between 2005 and 2010.", "Input": " Year Unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.0761 Dec 31, 1999 0.0547 Dec 31, 2000 0.0473 Dec 31, 2001 0.0497 Dec 31, 2002 0.0556 Dec 31, 2003 0.0669 Dec 31, 2004 0.0749 Dec 31, 2005 0.0707 Dec 31, 2006 0.0616 Dec 31, 2007 0.0624 Dec 31, 2008 0.0835 Dec 31, 2009 0.0861 Dec 31, 2010 0.078 Dec 31, 2011 0.0798 Dec 31, 2012 0.0805 Dec 31, 2013 0.0795 Dec 31, 2014 0.0743 Dec 31, 2015 0.0699 Dec 31, 2016 0.0672 Dec 31, 2017 0.0635 Dec 31, 2018 0.0648 Dec 31, 2019 0.0667", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5766.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fbb4ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sweden : Unemployment rate from 1999 to\", \"2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2007 road traffic fatalities have decreased to almost half the amount over a 12 year period.", "Input": " Year Number of fatalities Dec 31, 2005 370 Dec 31, 2006 384 Dec 31, 2007 357 Dec 31, 2008 349 Dec 31, 2009 327 Dec 31, 2010 320 Dec 31, 2011 339 Dec 31, 2012 269 Dec 31, 2013 243 Dec 31, 2014 253 Dec 31, 2015 216 Dec 31, 2016 230 Dec 31, 2017 233 Dec 31, 2018 187", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5769.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d67195\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of road traffic fatalities in Switzerland\", \"from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was clearly a large amount of immigrants moving to the Netherlands from a variety of countries in 2019. The country with the most people moving from is Poland with over 25,000. The country with the least immigrants moving to the Netherlands was Belgium with under 5,000 but the rest of the countries were in the range of approximately 5,00-12,500.", "Input": " Country Number of people Polish 27045 Syrian 5763 German 11335 Indian 12515 Romanian 10379 Chinese 7890 Italian 7668 British 8177 American 6858 Turkish 8267 Bulgarian 8588 Spain 6314 French 5276 Belgian 4164", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": 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Outside the top three Fashion brands, all the others have between 6 and 12 million Facebook fans.", "Input": " brand Number of fans in millions Louis Vuitton 23.8 Dior 17.27 Chalany High Heels 14.58 Pit Bull Jeans 11.99 Mango 11.51 Fastrack 8.86 BOSS 8.46 ROLEX 7.44 Prada 6.96 Amore Mio 6.43", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5796.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#79706e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"brand\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of fans in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fans in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading fashion brands with the most Facebook\", \"fans as of October 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "El Salvador has the highest number of femicide rate in selected Latin American countries in 2018.", "Input": " Country Number of femicides per 100,000 women El Salvador 6.8 Honduras* 5.1 Trinidad and Tobago 3.4 Bolivia 2.3 Guatemala 2 Dominican Republic 1.9 Uruguay 1.7 Paraguay 1.7 Mexico 1.4 Ecuador* 1.3 Argentina 1.1 Brazil 1.1 Costa Rica 1 Panama 1 Peru 0.8 Venezuela** 0.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5812.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d365ba\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of femicides per 100,000 women\"}, \"field\": \"Number of femicides per 100,000 women\"}}, \"title\": [\"Femicide rate in selected countries in Latin\", \"America in 2018 (number of femicides per\", \"100,000 women)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows a fluctuation of Social Media in young people in Finland in 2019. It shows the most popular Social media site was WhatsApp which shows 0.9 in 2019 and the least popular Social Media sites were between 3 which were Steam, Pinterest and Discord. Which shows a low of 0.2. The second most popular was Youtube, which was just slightly below WhatsApp.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.89 WhatsApp 0.88 YouTube 0.79 Instagram 0.74 Snapchat 0.72 Spotify 0.57 Facebook 0.32 Facebook Messenger 0.24 Pinterest 0.24 Steam 0.23 Discord", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5823.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"User share of most popular social media\", \"among young people in Finland in 2019 , by\", \"platform\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "WhatsApp and YouTube were the most popular social media sites used by young people in Finland. Discord, Steam and Pinterest the least popular.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.89 WhatsApp 0.88 YouTube 0.79 Instagram 0.74 Snapchat 0.72 Spotify 0.57 Facebook 0.32 Facebook Messenger 0.24 Pinterest 0.24 Steam 0.23 Discord", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5823.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"User share of most popular social media\", \"among young people in Finland in 2019 , by\", \"platform\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart above shows that the two largest suppliers by consumers in thousands are Southern California Edison co and Florida light and power. The other suppliers have 2500000 or less.", "Input": " Number of consumers in thousands electric utility 5061483 Florida Power & Light Co 4120399 Southern California Edison Co 2773146 Consolidated Edison Co-NY Inc 2730588 Commonwealth Edison Co 2635291 Pacific Gas & Electric Co 2572624 Georgia Power Co 2505988 Virginia Electric & Power Co 2209021 DTE Electric Company 2047365 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 2034027 Public Service Elec & Gas Co", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": 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\u221216.11 Feb 2011 to Jan 2012 \u22121.76 Feb 2010 to Jan 2011 \u221216.75 Feb 2009 to Jan 2010 \u221228.23 Feb 2008 to Jan 2009 \u221213.99 Feb 2007 to Jan 2008 \u221211.82 Feb 2006 to Jan 2007", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", 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Dec 31, 2006 984 Dec 31, 2007 1064 Dec 31, 2008 1082 Dec 31, 2009 1067 Dec 31, 2010 1093 Dec 31, 2011 1190 Dec 31, 2012 1252 Dec 31, 2013 1700 Dec 31, 2014 2450 Dec 31, 2015 2700 Dec 31, 2016 2850 Dec 31, 2017 2900 Dec 31, 2018 3500 Dec 31, 2019 3525", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5891.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, 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Youth unemployment decreased circa 2007-2008. Youth unemployment has gradually been increasing since 2011, but around 2017 it has steadied off.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.2066 Dec 31, 1999 0.213 Dec 31, 2000 0.2259 Dec 31, 2001 0.2412 Dec 31, 2002 0.2554 Dec 31, 2003 0.2688 Dec 31, 2004 0.2821 Dec 31, 2005 0.2374 Dec 31, 2006 0.1964 Dec 31, 2007 0.1602 Dec 31, 2008 0.2123 Dec 31, 2009 0.2684 Dec 31, 2010 0.2132 Dec 31, 2011 0.1644 Dec 31, 2012 0.1764 Dec 31, 2013 0.1867 Dec 31, 2014 0.1973 Dec 31, 2015 0.2073 Dec 31, 2016 0.2162 Dec 31, 2017 0.215 Dec 31, 2018 0.2141 Dec 31, 2019 0.2162", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5948.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Zambia : Youth unemployment rate from 1999\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The youth unemployment rate in Zambia has remained below 0.30 per cent between 1999 and 2020. The highest unemployment rate in Zambia between 1999 and 2020 was in 2005, with another peak close to the 2005 rate in 2010. The unemployment rate in Zambia between 1999 and 2020 has remained above 0.15 at all times.", "Input": " Year Youth unemployment rate Dec 31, 1998 0.2066 Dec 31, 1999 0.213 Dec 31, 2000 0.2259 Dec 31, 2001 0.2412 Dec 31, 2002 0.2554 Dec 31, 2003 0.2688 Dec 31, 2004 0.2821 Dec 31, 2005 0.2374 Dec 31, 2006 0.1964 Dec 31, 2007 0.1602 Dec 31, 2008 0.2123 Dec 31, 2009 0.2684 Dec 31, 2010 0.2132 Dec 31, 2011 0.1644 Dec 31, 2012 0.1764 Dec 31, 2013 0.1867 Dec 31, 2014 0.1973 Dec 31, 2015 0.2073 Dec 31, 2016 0.2162 Dec 31, 2017 0.215 Dec 31, 2018 0.2141 Dec 31, 2019 0.2162", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/5948.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}, \"field\": \"Youth unemployment rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Zambia : Youth unemployment rate from 1999\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Thailand deal was worth the most. The Vietnam deal was worth the least, excluding other.", "Input": " Country TV deal value in million U.S. dollars Thailand* 320 Singapore 297 Hong Kong 200 Malaysia 200 India & West Asia** 145 Indonesia 80 China & Macau 50 South Korea 40 Burma 40 Japan 38 Vietnam 35 Other 25", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6062.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"TV deal value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"TV deal value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Value of Premier League TV broadcasting\", \"deals in Asia in the time period from 2013\", \"to 2016 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "50% of countries had broadcasting deals above $50 million.", "Input": " Country TV deal value in million U.S. dollars Thailand* 320 Singapore 297 Hong Kong 200 Malaysia 200 India & West Asia** 145 Indonesia 80 China & Macau 50 South Korea 40 Burma 40 Japan 38 Vietnam 35 Other 25", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6062.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"TV deal value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"TV deal value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Value of Premier League TV broadcasting\", \"deals in Asia in the time period from 2013\", \"to 2016 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "We can see that the fertility rate in china between 1930 and 1970 has its up and downs but is slowly increasingly during that period. Between 1970 to 2000 we see a steep decline in the fertility rate. 2000 onward we see a steady level in the fertility rate.", "Input": " Year Fertility rate Dec 31, 1929 5.5 Dec 31, 1934 5.43 Dec 31, 1939 5.3 Dec 31, 1944 4.96 Dec 31, 1949 5.19 Dec 31, 1954 6.11 Dec 31, 1959 5.48 Dec 31, 1964 6.15 Dec 31, 1969 6.3 Dec 31, 1974 4.85 Dec 31, 1979 3.01 Dec 31, 1984 2.52 Dec 31, 1989 2.73 Dec 31, 1994 1.83 Dec 31, 1999 1.62 Dec 31, 2004 1.61 Dec 31, 2009 1.62 Dec 31, 2014 1.64 Dec 31, 2019 1.69", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6085.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ce6dbd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Fertility rate\"}, \"field\": \"Fertility rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total fertility rate in China from 1930\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The surface to population ratio increased from 2010-2013. From 2013-2019 it was 0.8.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.8343 Dec 31, 2009 0.8377 Dec 31, 2010 0.8431 Dec 31, 2011 0.8484 Dec 31, 2012 0.8513 Dec 31, 2013 0.8518 Dec 31, 2014 0.8523 Dec 31, 2015 0.8528 Dec 31, 2016 0.8533 Dec 31, 2017 0.8538 Dec 31, 2018 0.8545", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6111.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Finland : Urbanization from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of urban population in Finland has increased continuously from 2009 to 2019. 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From 2012, the share of urban population increased by 0.01, nearly reaching a flatline by 2019.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.8343 Dec 31, 2009 0.8377 Dec 31, 2010 0.8431 Dec 31, 2011 0.8484 Dec 31, 2012 0.8513 Dec 31, 2013 0.8518 Dec 31, 2014 0.8523 Dec 31, 2015 0.8528 Dec 31, 2016 0.8533 Dec 31, 2017 0.8538 Dec 31, 2018 0.8545", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, 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Anchorage, AK, also listed, has just over 3000 acres of parkland per 1000 residents and is therefore significantly different.", "Input": " city of the United States Acres of parkland per 1,000 residents Anchorage, AK 3056.3 Chesapeake, VA 227.4 Scottsdale, AZ 125.3 Fremont, CA 105.9 Jacksonville, FL 73.2 New Orleans, LA 71.9 North Las Vegas, NV 67.3 Virginia Beach, VA 61.8 Honolulu, HI 56.8 Nashville/Davidson, TN 48.4 Albuquerque, NM 47.1 El Paso, TX 44.4 Irvine, CA 41.8 Kansas City, MO 35.2 Henderson, NV 29.4 Phoenix, AZ 29.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", 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The line begins to begins to fall reaching its lowest value of 50 at the end of December. The line is not straight the value is constantly increasing and decreasing throughout the whole graph leaving a zigzag effect.", "Input": " Year Number of deaths May 16, 2020 16 May 19, 2020 15 May 22, 2020 11 May 25, 2020 17 May 28, 2020 11 May 31, 2020 8 Jun 03, 2020 11 Jun 06, 2020 8 Jun 09, 2020 15 Jun 12, 2020 14 Jun 15, 2020 10 Jun 17, 2020 22 Jun 19, 2020 16 Jun 22, 2020 16 Jun 25, 2020 14 Jun 28, 2020 22 Jul 01, 2020 20 Jul 04, 2020 19 Jul 07, 2020 18 Jul 10, 2020 24 Jul 11, 2020 13 Jul 13, 2020 30 Jul 16, 2020 17 Jul 19, 2020 12 Jul 20, 2020 36 Jul 22, 2020 25 Jul 24, 2020 15 Jul 26, 2020 19 Jul 28, 2020 30 Jul 30, 2020 39 Aug 02, 2020 19 Aug 04, 2020 41 Aug 06, 2020 50 Aug 09, 2020 29 Aug 11, 2020 43 Aug 12, 2020 53 Aug 14, 2020 50 Aug 15, 2020 37 Aug 17, 2020 45 Aug 18, 2020 32 Aug 19, 2020 48 Aug 21, 2020 37 Aug 24, 2020 58 Aug 26, 2020 38 Aug 27, 2020 48 Aug 28, 2020 32 Aug 30, 2020 43 Aug 31, 2020 60 Sep 03, 2020 47 Sep 06, 2020 33 Sep 08, 2020 51 Sep 10, 2020 35 Sep 13, 2020 22 Sep 15, 2020 49 Sep 16, 2020 27 Sep 17, 2020 48 Sep 19, 2020 33 Sep 20, 2020 23 Sep 22, 2020 47 Sep 23, 2020 41 Sep 24, 2020 42 Sep 25, 2020 54 Sep 26, 2020 31 Sep 28, 2020 44 Sep 29, 2020 33 Oct 01, 2020 53 Oct 02, 2020 32 Oct 04, 2020 45 Oct 05, 2020 73 Oct 06, 2020 82 Oct 09, 2020 59 Oct 13, 2020 66 Oct 15, 2020 75 Oct 16, 2020 63 Oct 18, 2020 59 Oct 20, 2020 69 Oct 21, 2020 98 Oct 22, 2020 82 Oct 23, 2020 73 Oct 25, 2020 79 Oct 27, 2020 107 Oct 28, 2020 83 Oct 29, 2020 103 Oct 31, 2020 99 Nov 01, 2020 86 Nov 02, 2020 102 Nov 03, 2020 146 Nov 04, 2020 121 Nov 05, 2020 123 Nov 06, 2020 130 Nov 07, 2020 86 Nov 08, 2020 130 Nov 09, 2020 177 Nov 10, 2020 203 Nov 11, 2020 121 Nov 12, 2020 174 Nov 13, 2020 129 Nov 15, 2020 149 Nov 16, 2020 186 Nov 18, 2020 167 Nov 20, 2020 160 Nov 22, 2020 130 Nov 23, 2020 196 Nov 24, 2020 168 Nov 26, 2020 172 Nov 27, 2020 161 Nov 28, 2020 148 Nov 29, 2020 138 Nov 30, 2020 199 Dec 01, 2020 135 Dec 02, 2020 211 Dec 03, 2020 176 Dec 05, 2020 134 Dec 06, 2020 127 Dec 07, 2020 213 Dec 08, 2020 161 Dec 09, 2020 127 Dec 10, 2020 168 Dec 11, 2020 148 Dec 12, 2020 121 Dec 13, 2020 109 Dec 14, 2020 204 Dec 15, 2020 164 Dec 16, 2020 107 Dec 17, 2020 188 Dec 18, 2020 139 Dec 19, 2020 98 Dec 20, 2020 87 Dec 21, 2020 155 Dec 22, 2020 130 Dec 23, 2020 146 Dec 24, 2020 111 Dec 25, 2020 85 Dec 26, 2020 122 Dec 27, 2020 104 Dec 28, 2020 135 Dec 29, 2020 127 Dec 30, 2020 171 Jan 01, 2021 78 Jan 02, 2021 60 Jan 03, 2021 78 Jan 05, 2021 121 Jan 06, 2021 111 Jan 07, 2021 96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6345.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b279a2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": 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With the least being Worm, and Phising.", "Input": " Share of encounters Response 0.249 Downloader 0.155 Remote access trojan 0.079 Bot 0.076 Password utility 0.072 Coin miner 0.065 Keylogger 0.051 Web shell 0.047 Privilege escalation 0.043 Reverse shell 0.036 Phishing 0.036 Worm", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6391.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Share of encounters\"}, \"field\": \"Share of encounters\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most commonly encountered types of malware\", \"used in industrial cyber attacks worldwide\", \"in 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From the graph we can see that Germany was the largest contributor to the ESM. We can also see from the graph that Malta, Estonia and Cyprus did not contribute anything to the ESM.", "Input": " Percentage of contribution Response 0.271 Germany 0.204 France 0.179 Italy 0.119 Spain 0.057 Netherlands 0.035 Belgium 0.028 Greece 0.028 Austria 0.025 Portugal 0.018 Finland 0.016 Ireland 0.008 Slovakia 0.004 Slovenia 0.003 Luxembourg 0.002 Cyprus 0.002 Estonia 0.001 Malta", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6445.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Percentage of contribution\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of contribution\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Key euro-zone country contribution to the\", \"European Stability Mechanism (ESM)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The countries which contribute the most to the european stability mechanism are germany, france, italy and then spain. The countries which contribute the least amount are slovenia, luxembourg and slovakia.", "Input": " Percentage of contribution Response 0.271 Germany 0.204 France 0.179 Italy 0.119 Spain 0.057 Netherlands 0.035 Belgium 0.028 Greece 0.028 Austria 0.025 Portugal 0.018 Finland 0.016 Ireland 0.008 Slovakia 0.004 Slovenia 0.003 Luxembourg 0.002 Cyprus 0.002 Estonia 0.001 Malta", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6445.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Percentage of contribution\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of contribution\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Key euro-zone country contribution to the\", \"European Stability Mechanism (ESM)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2000 and 2017 the number of people using the Internet has increased greatly. Between 2000 and 2005 there was a large increase from 0.3 to 0.7 percentage of individuals using the Internet. Over the next 12 years that increases to approximately 0.95 percent.", "Input": " Response Percentage of individuals using internet Dec 31, 1999 0.2682 Dec 31, 2000 0.3348 Dec 31, 2001 0.5648 Dec 31, 2002 0.6482 Dec 31, 2003 0.6561 Dec 31, 2004 0.7 Dec 31, 2005 0.6882 Dec 31, 2006 0.7509 Dec 31, 2007 0.7839 Dec 31, 2008 0.8356 Dec 31, 2009 0.85 Dec 31, 2010 0.8538 Dec 31, 2011 0.8748 Dec 31, 2012 0.8984 Dec 31, 2013 0.9161 Dec 31, 2014 0.92 Dec 31, 2015 0.9462 Dec 31, 2016 0.9462", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6453.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#55b748\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Percentage of individuals using internet\"}, \"field\": \"Percentage of individuals using internet\"}}, \"title\": [\"UK internet penetration : percentage of\", \"population using the internet in the United\", \"Kingdom from 2000 to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows a steady position from 2003 to around 2006. From 2006 until 2009 the position increased. From 2011 onwards the position fluctuated.", "Input": " Year FIFA World Ranking* position Dec 31, 2002 3 Dec 31, 2003 3 Dec 31, 2004 3 Dec 31, 2005 3 Dec 31, 2006 5 Dec 31, 2007 6 Dec 31, 2008 7 Dec 31, 2009 7 Dec 31, 2010 12 Dec 31, 2011 12 Dec 31, 2012 8 Dec 31, 2013 12 Dec 31, 2014 10 Dec 31, 2015 11 Dec 31, 2016 14 Dec 31, 2017 13 Dec 31, 2018 12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6459.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6B007B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"FIFA World Ranking* position\"}, \"field\": \"FIFA World Ranking* position\"}}, \"title\": [\"FIFA World Ranking of the Norwegian women\", \"'s national football team from 2003 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a huge difference between the top earner and the bottom earners.", "Input": " Average gross income per household income in GBP Decile group 171346 Top 92453 9th 70187 8th 56068 7th 49943 6th 42076 5th 35828 4th 28588 3rd 23400 2nd 14432 Bottom", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6466.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Average gross income per household income in GBP\"}, \"field\": \"Average gross income per household income in GBP\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Decile group\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average gross income per household in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) in 2018/19 , by decile\", \"group (in GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "All players scored above 20 touchdowns. Only 4 players scored above 60 touchdowns. Only 1 play came close to 80 touchdowns. The Average number of touchdowns is around 40.", "Input": " player Touchdowns scored Frank Gifford 78 Tiki Barber 68 Joe Morrison 65 Brandon Jacobs 64 Amani Toomer 58 Alex Webster 56 Kyle Rote 52 Rodney Hampton 51 Joe Morris 50 Ron Johnson 48 Odell Beckham 44 Homer Jones 36 Ahmad Bradshaw 35 Ottis Anderson 35 Del Shofner 35 Aaron Thomas 35 Plaxico Burress 33 Bill Paschal 30 Bob Schnelker 30 Mark Bavaro 28", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6481.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3580b1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"player\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Touchdowns scored\"}, \"field\": \"Touchdowns scored\"}}, \"title\": [\"New York Giants all-time leaders number\", \"of touchdowns scored from 1925 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between the period 1987 to 2019 the volume of trade goods exported from the USA has more than tripled.", "Input": " Year Exports in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1986 254.12 Dec 31, 1987 322.43 Dec 31, 1988 363.81 Dec 31, 1989 393.59 Dec 31, 1990 421.73 Dec 31, 1991 448.16 Dec 31, 1992 465.09 Dec 31, 1993 512.63 Dec 31, 1994 584.74 Dec 31, 1995 625.07 Dec 31, 1996 689.18 Dec 31, 1997 682.14 Dec 31, 1998 695.8 Dec 31, 1999 781.92 Dec 31, 2000 729.1 Dec 31, 2001 693.1 Dec 31, 2002 724.77 Dec 31, 2003 814.87 Dec 31, 2004 901.08 Dec 31, 2005 1025.97 Dec 31, 2006 1148.2 Dec 31, 2007 1287.44 Dec 31, 2008 1056.04 Dec 31, 2009 1278.49 Dec 31, 2010 1482.51 Dec 31, 2011 1545.82 Dec 31, 2012 1578.52 Dec 31, 2013 1621.87 Dec 31, 2014 1503.33 Dec 31, 2015 1451.46 Dec 31, 2016 1546.47 Dec 31, 2017 1665.99 Dec 31, 2018 1645.53", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6533.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Exports in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Exports in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total volume of U.S. exports of trade goods\", \"from 1987 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Peru has had the greatest number of deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Mexico then Panama. Cuba has had the least number of deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Nicaragua then Venezuela.", "Input": " Number of deaths per 100,000 population Country 118.08 Peru 100.81 Mexico 99.12 Panama 97.72 Argentina 93.58 Brazil 89.52 Chile 88.55 Colombia 82.29 Ecuador 81.04 Bolivia 43.7 Costa Rica 33.17 Honduras 32.95 Paraguay 28.02 Guatemala 22.75 Dominican Republic 21.15 El Salvador 21.05 Guyana 5.91 Uruguay 3.58 Venezuela 2.55 Nicaragua 1.3 Cuba", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6556.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of deaths per 100,000 population\"}, \"field\": \"Number of deaths per 100,000 population\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mortality rate due to coronavirus disease\", \"(COVID-19) in selected countries in Latin\", \"America and the Caribbean as of January 4\", \", 2021 (per 100,000 inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The majority of states had 400 or less firearms lost or stolen in 2019. Only 7 states out of 50 had over this number. Of these 7 states, 5 had between 400 and 600 firearms lost or stolen, with the remaining 2 (Florida and Texas) having 1400 and just over 1000 firearms respectively lost or stolen. There were 4 states that had extremely low figures - Delaware, Hawaii, New Jersey and Rhode Island.", "Input": " State Number of firearms stolen or lost Florida 1395 Texas 1042 North Carolina 575 Alabama 505 Georgia 500 Ohio 454 Alaska 422 Michigan 410 Virginia 401 Arkansas 399 Illinois 366 South Carolina 364 Washington 364 Louisiana 360 Missouri 324 Pennsylvania 315 Oregon 310 Mississippi 302 Arizona 271 Colorado 263 Tennessee 247 Oklahoma 228 Wisconsin 194 California 191 Maryland 186 Utah 173 Massachusetts 171 South Dakota 168 Kansas 167 Indiana 166 Kentucky 154 Nevada 153 Iowa 147 Connecticut 137 West Virginia 127 New Mexico 101 Montana 98 Idaho 93 Vermont 93 Minnesota 89 Maine 82 New York 77 North Dakota 55 Nebraska 53 New Hampshire 48 Wyoming 35 Delaware 19 New Jersey 10 Hawaii 6 Rhode Island 2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6664.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"State\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of firearms stolen or lost\"}, \"field\": \"Number of firearms stolen or lost\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of stolen or lost firearms in the\", \"U.S. in 2019 , by state\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "South tyrrhenien sea had the largest earthquake on the 15th March, Foggia had the smallest earthquake on the 21st January. March and April are the months when most earthquakes occurred.", "Input": " Magnitude region of Italy 3.8 Albi (Cosenza) - January 16 3.6 Carpino (Foggia) - January 21 3.8 North-west coast in Calabria (Cosenza) - January 23 4.3 Castiglione Cosentino (Cosenza) - February 24 3.7 Aeolian Islands (Messina) - February 27 3.9 South tyrrhenian sea - March 1 3.6 Troina (Enna) - March 2 4 Ionian coast (Crotone) - March 4 4.4 South tyrrhenian sea - March 15 3.9 South-west coast in Calabra (Catanzaro, Vibo Valentina, Reggio di Calabria) - March 17 4 Cerignale (Piacenza) - April 16 3.7 Poggio Imperiale (Foggia) - April 18 3.7 Redavalle (Pavia) - April 19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6668.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Magnitude\"}, \"field\": \"Magnitude\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of Italy\"}}, \"title\": [\"Earthquakes of magnitude 3.6 and over in\", \"Italy between January and May 2020 , by magnitude\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of hospitals in Switzerland has decreased between 2000 and 2018. In 2000 there was approximately 375. By 2015 there was less than 300.", "Input": " Year Number of hospitals Dec 31, 1999 376 Dec 31, 2000 366 Dec 31, 2001 365 Dec 31, 2002 354 Dec 31, 2003 345 Dec 31, 2004 337 Dec 31, 2005 333 Dec 31, 2006 321 Dec 31, 2007 318 Dec 31, 2008 313 Dec 31, 2009 300 Dec 31, 2010 300 Dec 31, 2011 298 Dec 31, 2012 293 Dec 31, 2013 289 Dec 31, 2014 288 Dec 31, 2015 283 Dec 31, 2016 281 Dec 31, 2017 281", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6685.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9e765f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of hospitals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of hospitals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of hospitals in Switzerland from\", \"2000 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that customer satisfaction seems to fluctuate on a regular basis however the trend is for rising satisfaction levels overall. Satisfaction has risen from around 70 in 2000 to around 75 in 2020 with 2010 and 2014 both reaching figures of over 80.", "Input": " Year ACSI score Dec 31, 1999 70 Dec 31, 2000 71 Dec 31, 2001 70 Dec 31, 2002 75 Dec 31, 2004 71 Dec 31, 2005 76 Dec 31, 2006 72 Dec 31, 2007 76 Dec 31, 2008 74 Dec 31, 2009 78 Dec 31, 2010 81 Dec 31, 2011 78 Dec 31, 2012 80 Dec 31, 2013 82 Dec 31, 2014 78 Dec 31, 2015 77 Dec 31, 2016 76 Dec 31, 2017 80 Dec 31, 2018 80 Dec 31, 2019 77", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6690.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"ACSI score\"}, \"field\": \"ACSI score\"}}, \"title\": [\"American customer satisfaction index scores\", \"of Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States\", \"from 2000 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Life expectancy of women in China has had an upward trend from 1960 to 2018. It was about 42 years in 1960 and has almost doubled up to 80 years by 2018.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 1959 45.19 Dec 31, 1960 45.5 Dec 31, 1961 46.24 Dec 31, 1962 47.49 Dec 31, 1963 49.19 Dec 31, 1964 51.26 Dec 31, 1965 53.51 Dec 31, 1966 55.73 Dec 31, 1967 57.75 Dec 31, 1968 59.48 Dec 31, 1969 60.9 Dec 31, 1970 62.02 Dec 31, 1971 62.96 Dec 31, 1972 63.8 Dec 31, 1973 64.58 Dec 31, 1974 65.32 Dec 31, 1975 66.02 Dec 31, 1976 66.66 Dec 31, 1977 67.26 Dec 31, 1978 67.8 Dec 31, 1979 68.3 Dec 31, 1980 68.74 Dec 31, 1981 69.13 Dec 31, 1982 69.47 Dec 31, 1983 69.77 Dec 31, 1984 70.02 Dec 31, 1985 70.25 Dec 31, 1986 70.45 Dec 31, 1987 70.64 Dec 31, 1988 70.82 Dec 31, 1989 71 Dec 31, 1990 71.2 Dec 31, 1991 71.41 Dec 31, 1992 71.63 Dec 31, 1993 71.86 Dec 31, 1994 72.1 Dec 31, 1995 72.36 Dec 31, 1996 72.62 Dec 31, 1997 72.88 Dec 31, 1998 73.14 Dec 31, 1999 73.41 Dec 31, 2000 73.67 Dec 31, 2001 73.95 Dec 31, 2002 74.24 Dec 31, 2003 74.54 Dec 31, 2004 74.85 Dec 31, 2005 75.17 Dec 31, 2006 75.51 Dec 31, 2007 75.86 Dec 31, 2008 76.21 Dec 31, 2009 76.57 Dec 31, 2010 76.93 Dec 31, 2011 77.28 Dec 31, 2012 77.64 Dec 31, 2013 77.97 Dec 31, 2014 78.29 Dec 31, 2015 78.57 Dec 31, 2016 78.83 Dec 31, 2017 79.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6742.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3580b1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Life expectancy of women at birth in China\", \"from 1960 to 2018 (in years)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been an increase in the life expectancy of women. Women born in 1960 were expected to live to approximately 43 years, whereas the life expectancy for women born in 2018 is approximately 79 years .", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 1959 45.19 Dec 31, 1960 45.5 Dec 31, 1961 46.24 Dec 31, 1962 47.49 Dec 31, 1963 49.19 Dec 31, 1964 51.26 Dec 31, 1965 53.51 Dec 31, 1966 55.73 Dec 31, 1967 57.75 Dec 31, 1968 59.48 Dec 31, 1969 60.9 Dec 31, 1970 62.02 Dec 31, 1971 62.96 Dec 31, 1972 63.8 Dec 31, 1973 64.58 Dec 31, 1974 65.32 Dec 31, 1975 66.02 Dec 31, 1976 66.66 Dec 31, 1977 67.26 Dec 31, 1978 67.8 Dec 31, 1979 68.3 Dec 31, 1980 68.74 Dec 31, 1981 69.13 Dec 31, 1982 69.47 Dec 31, 1983 69.77 Dec 31, 1984 70.02 Dec 31, 1985 70.25 Dec 31, 1986 70.45 Dec 31, 1987 70.64 Dec 31, 1988 70.82 Dec 31, 1989 71 Dec 31, 1990 71.2 Dec 31, 1991 71.41 Dec 31, 1992 71.63 Dec 31, 1993 71.86 Dec 31, 1994 72.1 Dec 31, 1995 72.36 Dec 31, 1996 72.62 Dec 31, 1997 72.88 Dec 31, 1998 73.14 Dec 31, 1999 73.41 Dec 31, 2000 73.67 Dec 31, 2001 73.95 Dec 31, 2002 74.24 Dec 31, 2003 74.54 Dec 31, 2004 74.85 Dec 31, 2005 75.17 Dec 31, 2006 75.51 Dec 31, 2007 75.86 Dec 31, 2008 76.21 Dec 31, 2009 76.57 Dec 31, 2010 76.93 Dec 31, 2011 77.28 Dec 31, 2012 77.64 Dec 31, 2013 77.97 Dec 31, 2014 78.29 Dec 31, 2015 78.57 Dec 31, 2016 78.83 Dec 31, 2017 79.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6742.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3580b1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}, \"field\": \"Life expectancy at birth in years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Life expectancy of women at birth in China\", \"from 1960 to 2018 (in years)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Chinese women's life expectancy has increased significantly between 1960 and today. Chinese women's life expectancy has almost double since 1960 to today; from 45 to 80.", "Input": " Year Life expectancy at birth in years Dec 31, 1959 45.19 Dec 31, 1960 45.5 Dec 31, 1961 46.24 Dec 31, 1962 47.49 Dec 31, 1963 49.19 Dec 31, 1964 51.26 Dec 31, 1965 53.51 Dec 31, 1966 55.73 Dec 31, 1967 57.75 Dec 31, 1968 59.48 Dec 31, 1969 60.9 Dec 31, 1970 62.02 Dec 31, 1971 62.96 Dec 31, 1972 63.8 Dec 31, 1973 64.58 Dec 31, 1974 65.32 Dec 31, 1975 66.02 Dec 31, 1976 66.66 Dec 31, 1977 67.26 Dec 31, 1978 67.8 Dec 31, 1979 68.3 Dec 31, 1980 68.74 Dec 31, 1981 69.13 Dec 31, 1982 69.47 Dec 31, 1983 69.77 Dec 31, 1984 70.02 Dec 31, 1985 70.25 Dec 31, 1986 70.45 Dec 31, 1987 70.64 Dec 31, 1988 70.82 Dec 31, 1989 71 Dec 31, 1990 71.2 Dec 31, 1991 71.41 Dec 31, 1992 71.63 Dec 31, 1993 71.86 Dec 31, 1994 72.1 Dec 31, 1995 72.36 Dec 31, 1996 72.62 Dec 31, 1997 72.88 Dec 31, 1998 73.14 Dec 31, 1999 73.41 Dec 31, 2000 73.67 Dec 31, 2001 73.95 Dec 31, 2002 74.24 Dec 31, 2003 74.54 Dec 31, 2004 74.85 Dec 31, 2005 75.17 Dec 31, 2006 75.51 Dec 31, 2007 75.86 Dec 31, 2008 76.21 Dec 31, 2009 76.57 Dec 31, 2010 76.93 Dec 31, 2011 77.28 Dec 31, 2012 77.64 Dec 31, 2013 77.97 Dec 31, 2014 78.29 Dec 31, 2015 78.57 Dec 31, 2016 78.83 Dec 31, 2017 79.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", 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The lowest export value county appears to be Hong Kong.", "Input": " Country Export value in billion U.S. dollars Canada 292.7 Mexico 256.4 China 106.6 Japan 74.7 United Kingdom 69.2 Germany 60.3 South Korea 56.9 Netherlands 51.2 Brazil 43.1 France 37.8 Belgium 34.8 India 34.4 Singapore 31.5 Taiwan 31.2 Hong Kong 30.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6757.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Export value in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Export value in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ranking of the top trading partners of the\", \"United States for trade goods in 2019 , by\", \"export value (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The year-end values shown for the CAC-40 index appear very volatile. There is an upward trend during the period show, but between 2000 and 2018 the index value remained below its 1999 peak. The index fluctuated between approximately 2000 and 6000 points, remaining above 3000 points once this level was exceeded in 1998.", "Input": " Year Index points Dec 31, 1994 1872 Dec 31, 1995 2315.7 Dec 31, 1996 2998.9 Dec 31, 1997 3942.66 Dec 31, 1998 5958.32 Dec 31, 1999 5926.42 Dec 31, 2000 4624.58 Dec 31, 2001 3063.91 Dec 31, 2002 3557.9 Dec 31, 2003 3821.16 Dec 31, 2004 4715.23 Dec 31, 2005 5541.76 Dec 31, 2006 5614.08 Dec 31, 2007 3217.97 Dec 31, 2008 3936.33 Dec 31, 2009 3804.78 Dec 31, 2010 3159.81 Dec 31, 2011 3641.07 Dec 31, 2012 4295.95 Dec 31, 2013 4272.75 Dec 31, 2014 4637.06 Dec 31, 2015 4862.31 Dec 31, 2016 5312.56 Dec 31, 2017 4730.69 Dec 31, 2018 5978.06", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6816.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5C6BC0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Index points\"}, \"field\": \"Index points\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual performance of CAC 40 index as of\", \"year-end value from 1995 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Cars in service increased between 2002 and 2007. There was a dip between 2007 and 2009 and then cars in service slowly started increasing again from 2010.", "Input": " Year Cars in service in thousands Dec 31, 2001 1643 Dec 31, 2002 1617 Dec 31, 2003 1665 Dec 31, 2004 1714 Dec 31, 2005 1768 Dec 31, 2006 1861 Dec 31, 2007 1813 Dec 31, 2008 1637 Dec 31, 2009 1629 Dec 31, 2010 1761 Dec 31, 2011 1857", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6849.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Cars in service in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Cars in service in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total car fleet of the rental car industry\", \"in the United States from 2002 to 2012 (in\", \"1,000 cars in service)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2007 was the year the total car fleet peaked. The fleet increased in size from 2003 until 2007. The years 2007 through till 2010 saw a decline in the fleet size until 2012 saw a rise to near peak levels.", "Input": " Year Cars in service in thousands Dec 31, 2001 1643 Dec 31, 2002 1617 Dec 31, 2003 1665 Dec 31, 2004 1714 Dec 31, 2005 1768 Dec 31, 2006 1861 Dec 31, 2007 1813 Dec 31, 2008 1637 Dec 31, 2009 1629 Dec 31, 2010 1761 Dec 31, 2011 1857", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6849.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Cars in service in thousands\"}, \"field\": \"Cars in service in thousands\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total car fleet of the rental car industry\", \"in the United States from 2002 to 2012 (in\", \"1,000 cars in service)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the total number of tickets has declined steadily over the 17years by apporximately 17.5% If we observe this trend further tickets may decrease a total of 33.5% to 1000 per million by 2036. There has not been a sharp rise in sales since 2004.", "Input": " Year Number of tickets sold in millions Dec 31, 2000 1487.3 Dec 31, 2001 1575.7 Dec 31, 2002 1532.3 Dec 31, 2003 1510.5 Dec 31, 2004 1379.2 Dec 31, 2005 1406 Dec 31, 2006 1404.6 Dec 31, 2007 1341.3 Dec 31, 2008 1412.7 Dec 31, 2009 1339.1 Dec 31, 2010 1283 Dec 31, 2011 1361.5 Dec 31, 2012 1343.7 Dec 31, 2013 1268.2 Dec 31, 2014 1320.2 Dec 31, 2015 1315.3 Dec 31, 2016 1239.7 Dec 31, 2017 1300.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6866.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00796B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of tickets sold in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of tickets sold in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of movie tickets sold in the United\", \"States and Canada from 2001 to 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "movie ticket sales gradually declined from 2001 to 2018 in the usa and canada.", "Input": " Year Number of tickets sold in millions Dec 31, 2000 1487.3 Dec 31, 2001 1575.7 Dec 31, 2002 1532.3 Dec 31, 2003 1510.5 Dec 31, 2004 1379.2 Dec 31, 2005 1406 Dec 31, 2006 1404.6 Dec 31, 2007 1341.3 Dec 31, 2008 1412.7 Dec 31, 2009 1339.1 Dec 31, 2010 1283 Dec 31, 2011 1361.5 Dec 31, 2012 1343.7 Dec 31, 2013 1268.2 Dec 31, 2014 1320.2 Dec 31, 2015 1315.3 Dec 31, 2016 1239.7 Dec 31, 2017 1300.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6866.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00796B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of tickets sold in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number of tickets sold in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of movie tickets sold in the United\", \"States and Canada from 2001 to 2018 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Eastern European areas have the highest rate of deaths. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, which are all grouped together, have a very high number of deaths.", "Input": " Response Share of alcohol-attributable deaths Belarus 0.347 Ukraine 0.344 Moldova 0.331 Lithuania 0.309 Russia 0.305 Latvia 0.244 Estonia 0.214 Venezuela 0.108 Mongolia 0.105 Kazakhstan 0.092", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6956.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdc086\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of alcohol-attributable deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Share of alcohol-attributable deaths\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ranking of countries with the highest share\", \"of alcohol-related deaths in 2012\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "That export was relatively steady until 1970 when there was a small increase followed by a gradual increase up to 2005 when export decreased.", "Input": " Year Export volume in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1949 61.81 Dec 31, 1954 93.92 Dec 31, 1959 130.09 Dec 31, 1964 189.62 Dec 31, 1969 318.02 Dec 31, 1974 876.89 Dec 31, 1979 2049.41 Dec 31, 1984 1964.84 Dec 31, 1989 3495.69 Dec 31, 1994 5176.2 Dec 31, 1999 6452.32 Dec 31, 2004 10502.74 Dec 31, 2005 12128.03 Dec 31, 2006 14021.16 Dec 31, 2007 16149.3 Dec 31, 2008 12556.2 Dec 31, 2009 15302.68 Dec 31, 2010 18339.8 Dec 31, 2011 18513.19 Dec 31, 2012 18950.64 Dec 31, 2013 19007.21 Dec 31, 2014 16555.7 Dec 31, 2015 16043.2 Dec 31, 2016 17737.66 Dec 31, 2017 19468.14 Dec 31, 2018 18888.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/695.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdbf11\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Export volume in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Export volume in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Trends in global export volume of trade\", \"in goods from 1950 to 2019 (in billion U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Compared to other regions in the UK, Wales and the North East have the least amount of cases of asthma. The North West and South East have the highest number of cases.", "Input": " region in UK Number of individuals North West 778290 South East 687892 London 588172 East of England 564416 Scotland 554306 Yorkshire and the Humber 535547 South West 530775 West Midlands 440651 East Midlands 385520 Wales 314984 North East 261352", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6978.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region in UK\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Number of individuals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of individuals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of individuals with asthma in Great\", \"Britain in 2015 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that the North west had the highest number of individuals with asthma in Great Britain in 2015. 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All areas have over 200,000 asthma sufferers.", "Input": " region in UK Number of individuals North West 778290 South East 687892 London 588172 East of England 564416 Scotland 554306 Yorkshire and the Humber 535547 South West 530775 West Midlands 440651 East Midlands 385520 Wales 314984 North East 261352", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/6978.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region in UK\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Number of individuals\"}, \"field\": \"Number of individuals\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of individuals with asthma in Great\", \"Britain in 2015 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Consumption of oat products in the US has remained fairly steady for 18 years, with little variation \u2013 staying between around 4.4 to 4.7 pounds per capita throughout the period. There is a slight upward trend overall, rising in the first three years, but then plateauing between 2006 and 2010 \u2013 at which point consumption spiked to its highest point in 2011/2012, before dropping back to 4.5 in 2013/2014. Consumption then rose to it's highest point in or around 2017.", "Input": " Year Per capita consumption in pounds Dec 31, 1999 4.4 Dec 31, 2000 4.5 Dec 31, 2001 4.5 Dec 31, 2002 4.7 Dec 31, 2003 4.7 Dec 31, 2004 4.6 Dec 31, 2005 4.7 Dec 31, 2006 4.7 Dec 31, 2007 4.7 Dec 31, 2008 4.7 Dec 31, 2009 4.7 Dec 31, 2010 4.8 Dec 31, 2011 4.7 Dec 31, 2012 4.5 Dec 31, 2013 4.5 Dec 31, 2014 4.6 Dec 31, 2015 4.6 Dec 31, 2016 4.8 Dec 31, 2017 4.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, 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The exception is the outlier of Singapore, where the head of state earns over 2 million USD.", "Input": " government leaders Annual salary (in U.S. dollars) Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore) 2183500 Mwai Kibaki (Kenya) 427900 Barack Obama (United States) 400000 Nicolas Sarkozy (France) 302400 Stephen Harper (Canada) 296400 Brian Cowen (Ireland) 287900 Julia Gillard (Australia) 286800 Angela Merkel (Germany) 283600 Naoto Kan (Japan) 273700 Jacob Zuma (South Africa) 272300 John Key (New Zealand) 271800 David Cameron (United Kingdom) 215400", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7268.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#F4B400\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"government leaders\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Annual salary (in U.S. dollars)\"}, \"field\": \"Annual salary (in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual salaries of selected heads of state\", \"and government leaders in 2010 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a increase of export value between the years of 2000 and 2019. There was a sharp decrease in export value in 2009, but it only increase until 2014.", "Input": " Year Export value in trillion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 1.08 Dec 31, 2000 1.01 Dec 31, 2001 0.98 Dec 31, 2002 1.02 Dec 31, 2003 1.16 Dec 31, 2004 1.29 Dec 31, 2005 1.46 Dec 31, 2006 1.65 Dec 31, 2007 1.84 Dec 31, 2008 1.58 Dec 31, 2009 1.85 Dec 31, 2010 2.13 Dec 31, 2011 2.22 Dec 31, 2012 2.29 Dec 31, 2013 2.38 Dec 31, 2014 2.26 Dec 31, 2015 2.22 Dec 31, 2016 2.35 Dec 31, 2017 2.5 Dec 31, 2018 2.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7304.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Export value in trillion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Export value in trillion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total value of international U.S. exports\", \"of goods and services from 2000 to 2019 (in\", \"trillion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I can see how it keeps increasing each year. 2000 - 2005 saw some growth. There appears to be a slight deep in 2009.However this picked up significantly in 2010.", "Input": " Year Real GDP in billion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 1709.94 Dec 31, 2000 1702.78 Dec 31, 2001 1743.65 Dec 31, 2002 1825.42 Dec 31, 2003 1902.32 Dec 31, 2004 1990.14 Dec 31, 2005 2072.18 Dec 31, 2006 2103.62 Dec 31, 2007 2111.14 Dec 31, 2008 2026.49 Dec 31, 2009 2058.14 Dec 31, 2010 2091.59 Dec 31, 2011 2144.5 Dec 31, 2012 2220.87 Dec 31, 2013 2312.54 Dec 31, 2014 2428.6 Dec 31, 2015 2500.95 Dec 31, 2016 2610.68 Dec 31, 2017 2721.65 Dec 31, 2018 2792.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7328.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Real GDP in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Real GDP in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the\", \"federal state of California from 2000 to\", \"2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "All of the stated TV shows have a popularity share of between 0.6 and 0.8.", "Input": " Share of respondents with a positive opinion Response 0.75 Only Fools and Horses 0.73 Fawlty Towers 0.72 Planet Earth 0.72 The Blue Planet 0.71 Blue Planet II 0.65 Blackadder 0.63 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 0.63 Mr. Bean 0.62 The Flintstones 0.61 Planet Earth II", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7336.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular all-time TV shows in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) from August 2019 to August 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of respondents with a positive view is consistently above 0.6 for all TV shows. Only Fools and Horses, sees the highest proportion of positive views, alongside Fawlty Towers, The Blue Planet, Planet Earth and Blue Planet II.", "Input": " Share of respondents with a positive opinion Response 0.75 Only Fools and Horses 0.73 Fawlty Towers 0.72 Planet Earth 0.72 The Blue Planet 0.71 Blue Planet II 0.65 Blackadder 0.63 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 0.63 Mr. Bean 0.62 The Flintstones 0.61 Planet Earth II", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7336.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular all-time TV shows in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) from August 2019 to August 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that all of the TV shows included in the response category are fairly evenly matched. All responses have over 0.6 in the positive opinion poll.", "Input": " Share of respondents with a positive opinion Response 0.75 Only Fools and Horses 0.73 Fawlty Towers 0.72 Planet Earth 0.72 The Blue Planet 0.71 Blue Planet II 0.65 Blackadder 0.63 David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 0.63 Mr. Bean 0.62 The Flintstones 0.61 Planet Earth II", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7336.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents with a positive opinion\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular all-time TV shows in the United\", \"Kingdom (UK) from August 2019 to August 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The most popular leisure activity by Men in the United States in 2013 is watching TV.", "Input": " Share of respondents Response 0.43 Watch TV 0.24 Reading 0.2 Computer/internet 0.13 Playing video games and computer/internet games 0.13 Spending time with families and friends 0.11 Watching/going to the movies 0.1 Exercise/working out 0.1 Concerts/listening to/playing music 0.07 Walking/running/jogging 0.07 Golf", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7363.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"field\": \"Share of respondents\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular leisure activities among men\", \"in the United States as of September 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There seems to be a slight increase in the forecasted meat consumption over the next 16 years - it seems a steady increase. We were at our lowest consumption in 2015.", "Input": " Year Volume in thousand metric tons 2028* 12182 2027* 12111 2026* 12041 2025* 11976 2024* 11921 2023* 11869 2022* 11817 2021* 11751 2020* 11690 2019* 11664 2018** 11861 2017 11606 2016 11667 2015 11102", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7385.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8ca252\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Volume in thousand metric tons\"}, \"field\": \"Volume in thousand metric tons\"}}, \"title\": [\"Forecast volume of poultry meat 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There has been a slight decrease in 2019-2020.", "Input": " Year Number of immigrants 2019-2020* 6239 2018-2019 6395 2017-2018 5137 2016-2017 4357 2015-2016 5442 2014-2015 2688 2013-2014 2779 2012-2013 2246 2011-2012 2360 2010-2011 2292 2009-2010 2413 2008-2009 2446 2007-2008 2668 2006-2007 2715 2005-2006 2197 2004-2005 1708 2003-2004 1707 2002-2003 1257 2001-2002 1609 2000-2001 1747", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7416.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of immigrants\"}, \"field\": \"Number of immigrants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of recent immigrants to Nova Scotia\", \", Canada from 2001 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2009 to 2016 there has been a sustained decline in Infant mortality rates. Between 2016 and 2019 thee rates have generally flattened and remain steady.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 2008 9.4 Dec 31, 2009 9.2 Dec 31, 2010 8.9 Dec 31, 2011 8.6 Dec 31, 2012 8.2 Dec 31, 2013 7.9 Dec 31, 2014 7.7 Dec 31, 2015 7.5 Dec 31, 2016 7.5 Dec 31, 2017 7.5 Dec 31, 2018 7.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#154866\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Costa Rica : Infant mortality rate from\", \"2009 to 2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Mortality rate has decreased over the apx 9 year period by apx 2 and we thousand which is good news obviously any decrease around this would be welcomed - has health and maternity care improved? Seems to of levelled out from 2016 would be good to see if this continues.", "Input": " Year Deaths per 1,000 live births Dec 31, 2008 9.4 Dec 31, 2009 9.2 Dec 31, 2010 8.9 Dec 31, 2011 8.6 Dec 31, 2012 8.2 Dec 31, 2013 7.9 Dec 31, 2014 7.7 Dec 31, 2015 7.5 Dec 31, 2016 7.5 Dec 31, 2017 7.5 Dec 31, 2018 7.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#154866\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths per 1,000 live births\"}}, \"title\": [\"Costa Rica : Infant mortality rate from\", \"2009 to 2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "from this graph you can see that as the years passed the population of scotland has increased. the rate in which population increased was greater between 2005 and 2010 than the other years.", "Input": " Year Population in million inhabitants Dec 31, 1999 5.06 Dec 31, 2000 5.06 Dec 31, 2001 5.07 Dec 31, 2002 5.07 Dec 31, 2003 5.08 Dec 31, 2004 5.11 Dec 31, 2005 5.13 Dec 31, 2006 5.17 Dec 31, 2007 5.2 Dec 31, 2008 5.23 Dec 31, 2009 5.26 Dec 31, 2010 5.3 Dec 31, 2011 5.31 Dec 31, 2012 5.33 Dec 31, 2013 5.35 Dec 31, 2014 5.37 Dec 31, 2015 5.4 Dec 31, 2016 5.42 Dec 31, 2017 5.44 Dec 31, 2018 5.46", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7448.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#83bcb6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Population in million inhabitants\"}, \"field\": \"Population in million inhabitants\"}}, \"title\": [\"Population of Scotland from 2000 to 2019\", \"(in million people)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Kenya\u2019s population has steadily increased and expected to continue to grow.", "Input": " Inhabitants in millions Year 54.38 2025* 53.22 2024* 52.06 2023* 50.92 2022* 49.8 2021* 48.69 2020* 47.6 2019 46.5 2018 45.4 2017 44.3 2016 43.3 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7456.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Kenya : Total population from 2015 to 2025\", \"(in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Kenya\u2019s population has continued to increase over the years. In 10years the population is shown to have grown by 10million.", "Input": " Inhabitants in millions Year 54.38 2025* 53.22 2024* 52.06 2023* 50.92 2022* 49.8 2021* 48.69 2020* 47.6 2019 46.5 2018 45.4 2017 44.3 2016 43.3 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7456.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Kenya : Total population from 2015 to 2025\", \"(in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2013 onwards the value in the Franchise skyrocketed.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 168 Dec 31, 2006 179 Dec 31, 2007 205 Dec 31, 2008 258 Dec 31, 2009 300 Dec 31, 2010 306 Dec 31, 2011 350 Dec 31, 2012 625 Dec 31, 2013 825 Dec 31, 2014 925 Dec 31, 2015 925 Dec 31, 2016 1000 Dec 31, 2017 1050 Dec 31, 2018 1085", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7550.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Chicago Blackhawks franchise value from\", \"2006 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The value of Chicago Blackhawks franchise has increased over time. Its most rapid period of the increased value was between 2012 and 2014.", "Input": " Year Franchise value in million U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2005 168 Dec 31, 2006 179 Dec 31, 2007 205 Dec 31, 2008 258 Dec 31, 2009 300 Dec 31, 2010 306 Dec 31, 2011 350 Dec 31, 2012 625 Dec 31, 2013 825 Dec 31, 2014 925 Dec 31, 2015 925 Dec 31, 2016 1000 Dec 31, 2017 1050 Dec 31, 2018 1085", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7550.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Franchise value in million U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Franchise value in million U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Chicago Blackhawks franchise value from\", \"2006 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over the period of 8 years the population density of maylasia has increased by 25 people per square metre. There has been a steady incline in people over the 8 years.", "Input": " Year Population density in people per square kilometer Dec 31, 1999 70.6 Dec 31, 2000 72.16 Dec 31, 2001 73.68 Dec 31, 2002 75.18 Dec 31, 2003 76.67 Dec 31, 2004 78.19 Dec 31, 2005 79.75 Dec 31, 2006 81.33 Dec 31, 2007 82.9 Dec 31, 2008 84.42 Dec 31, 2009 85.86 Dec 31, 2010 87.2 Dec 31, 2011 88.47 Dec 31, 2012 89.69 Dec 31, 2013 90.9 Dec 31, 2014 92.14 Dec 31, 2015 93.39 Dec 31, 2016 94.67 Dec 31, 2017 95.96", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": 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Dec 31, 2022 43.35 Dec 31, 2023 44.47 Dec 31, 2024 45.63", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7674.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bf5b17\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Iraq : Estimated total population from 2015\", \"to 2025 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": 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The second largest sector is health care and social assistance. The third largest sector is retail with around 15000 employees. Mining and logging and utilities have the lowest number of employees. Leisure and hospitality and local government have a similar amount of employees. The majority of sectors have less than 5000 employees. Wholesale trade, Warehouse and Other Services have a similar number of employees - just over 5000.", "Input": " Number of employees in thousands industry type 20489 Professional and business services 19893.4 Health care and social assistance 15122.1 Retail trade 13678 Local government 13418 Leisure and hospitality 12253 Manufacturing 7360 Construction 6504.6 Finance and insurance 5653.3 Wholesale trade 5555.4 Transportation and warehousing 5509 Other services 4854 State government 3436.9 Educational services 2900 Federal government 2614 Information 2225.8 Real estate and rental and leasing 624 Mining and logging 538.7 Utilities", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": 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UK Holdings Ltd, London 21.8 Just Eat Plc, London 6.26 UPC Switzerland LLC, Switzerland* 4.87 Greene King Plc, Bury St Edmunds 4.64 Upstream and Midstream business in Alaska of BP Plc, London 4.56 Merlin Entertainments Plc, Poole 3.36 ReAssure Group Plc, Telford 3.2 Currenta GmbH & Co OHG 3.2 Inmarsat Plc, London 2.57 Kantar Group Ltd, London 2.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": 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0.187 Role-playing 0.063 Shooter 0.059 Adventure 0.041 Action 0.013 Other games, compilations 0.006 Flight 0.003 Family entertainment 0.003 Racing 0.002 Sport games 0.001 Arcade 0.001 Children's entertainment", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/7754.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fddaec\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share of units sold\"}, \"field\": \"Share of units sold\"}, \"y\": 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571 Dec 31, 2009 633.8 Dec 31, 2010 653 Dec 31, 2011 670 Dec 31, 2012 684.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, 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I would consider this chart to be upside-down in relation to standard population pyramids. populations of the various age groups are quite consistent however there are far more people younger than 15 than in any other age group, this is a larger range than the majority of other groups. There is also a relatively high population of people older than 75, this group does not have an upper limit.", "Input": " Distribution of the population Year 0.178 Younger than 15 years old 0.062 15 to 19 years old 0.056 20 to 24 years old 0.055 25 to 29 years old 0.061 30 to 34 years old 0.063 35 to 39 years old 0.061 40 to 44 years old 0.067 45 to 49 years old 0.066 50 to 54 years old 0.065 55 to 59 years old 0.061 60 to 64 years old 0.058 65 to 69 years old 0.052 70 to 74 years old 0.095 75 years and older", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/782.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"field\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of the population in France\", \"as of January 1 , 2019 , by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The age group of younger than 15 years old had the largest dostribution of the population. The other age groups from 15years old to 74 years old had a similar distribution of population.", "Input": " Distribution of the population Year 0.178 Younger than 15 years old 0.062 15 to 19 years old 0.056 20 to 24 years old 0.055 25 to 29 years old 0.061 30 to 34 years old 0.063 35 to 39 years old 0.061 40 to 44 years old 0.067 45 to 49 years old 0.066 50 to 54 years old 0.065 55 to 59 years old 0.061 60 to 64 years old 0.058 65 to 69 years old 0.052 70 to 74 years old 0.095 75 years and older", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/782.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"field\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of the population in France\", \"as of January 1 , 2019 , by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are predominantly more old and young people at both extremes and the middle range is between 15 and 74.", "Input": " Distribution of the population Year 0.178 Younger than 15 years old 0.062 15 to 19 years old 0.056 20 to 24 years old 0.055 25 to 29 years old 0.061 30 to 34 years old 0.063 35 to 39 years old 0.061 40 to 44 years old 0.067 45 to 49 years old 0.066 50 to 54 years old 0.065 55 to 59 years old 0.061 60 to 64 years old 0.058 65 to 69 years old 0.052 70 to 74 years old 0.095 75 years and older", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/782.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"field\": \"Distribution of the population\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of the population in France\", \"as of January 1 , 2019 , by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total value of international US imports more than doubles between 2000 and 2019, as measured in US dollars. There is an overall upward trend in imports, although this upward trend is punctuated by small periods of decline. The most sharp period of temporary decline occurs around 2007/2008. The total value of imports increases most rapidly between around 2002-2008.", "Input": " Year Trillion U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1999 1.45 Dec 31, 2000 1.37 Dec 31, 2001 1.4 Dec 31, 2002 1.51 Dec 31, 2003 1.77 Dec 31, 2004 2 Dec 31, 2005 2.22 Dec 31, 2006 2.36 Dec 31, 2007 2.55 Dec 31, 2008 1.97 Dec 31, 2009 2.35 Dec 31, 2010 2.68 Dec 31, 2011 2.76 Dec 31, 2012 2.76 Dec 31, 2013 2.87 Dec 31, 2014 2.76 Dec 31, 2015 2.72 Dec 31, 2016 2.9 Dec 31, 2017 3.13 Dec 31, 2018 3.12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, 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years in Bhutan.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.3401 Dec 31, 2009 0.3479 Dec 31, 2010 0.3559 Dec 31, 2011 0.3637 Dec 31, 2012 0.3715 Dec 31, 2013 0.3792 Dec 31, 2014 0.3868 Dec 31, 2015 0.3943 Dec 31, 2016 0.4017 Dec 31, 2017 0.409 Dec 31, 2018 0.4161", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, 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situation 0.06 Pensions 0.04 Unemployment 0.04 Taxation 0.03 Rising prices/ inflation/ cost of living 0.02 Terrorism 0.01 Government debt", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": 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The highest median household income was around 90000 and was found in 2019. The lowest median household income was around 20000 and was found in 2009.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 27392 Dec 31, 1990 29885 Dec 31, 1991 30247 Dec 31, 1992 27304 Dec 31, 1993 30116 Dec 31, 1994 30748 Dec 31, 1995 31966 Dec 31, 1996 31860 Dec 31, 1997 33433 Dec 31, 1998 38670 Dec 31, 1999 41222 Dec 31, 2000 41169 Dec 31, 2001 39070 Dec 31, 2002 45044 Dec 31, 2003 43451 Dec 31, 2004 44993 Dec 31, 2005 48477 Dec 31, 2006 50783 Dec 31, 2007 55590 Dec 31, 2008 53141 Dec 31, 2009 56928 Dec 31, 2010 55251 Dec 31, 2011 65246 Dec 31, 2012 60675 Dec 31, 2013 68277 Dec 31, 2014 70071 Dec 31, 2015 70982 Dec 31, 2016 83382 Dec 31, 2017 85750 Dec 31, 2018 93111", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", 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appears to increase much faster.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 27392 Dec 31, 1990 29885 Dec 31, 1991 30247 Dec 31, 1992 27304 Dec 31, 1993 30116 Dec 31, 1994 30748 Dec 31, 1995 31966 Dec 31, 1996 31860 Dec 31, 1997 33433 Dec 31, 1998 38670 Dec 31, 1999 41222 Dec 31, 2000 41169 Dec 31, 2001 39070 Dec 31, 2002 45044 Dec 31, 2003 43451 Dec 31, 2004 44993 Dec 31, 2005 48477 Dec 31, 2006 50783 Dec 31, 2007 55590 Dec 31, 2008 53141 Dec 31, 2009 56928 Dec 31, 2010 55251 Dec 31, 2011 65246 Dec 31, 2012 60675 Dec 31, 2013 68277 Dec 31, 2014 70071 Dec 31, 2015 70982 Dec 31, 2016 83382 Dec 31, 2017 85750 Dec 31, 2018 93111", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, 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hitting $100k in 2019, on the contrary, in 1990 the household income was just over $20k.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 27392 Dec 31, 1990 29885 Dec 31, 1991 30247 Dec 31, 1992 27304 Dec 31, 1993 30116 Dec 31, 1994 30748 Dec 31, 1995 31966 Dec 31, 1996 31860 Dec 31, 1997 33433 Dec 31, 1998 38670 Dec 31, 1999 41222 Dec 31, 2000 41169 Dec 31, 2001 39070 Dec 31, 2002 45044 Dec 31, 2003 43451 Dec 31, 2004 44993 Dec 31, 2005 48477 Dec 31, 2006 50783 Dec 31, 2007 55590 Dec 31, 2008 53141 Dec 31, 2009 56928 Dec 31, 2010 55251 Dec 31, 2011 65246 Dec 31, 2012 60675 Dec 31, 2013 68277 Dec 31, 2014 70071 Dec 31, 2015 70982 Dec 31, 2016 83382 Dec 31, 2017 85750 Dec 31, 2018 93111", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", 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past 30 years. 2019 income levels are more than quadruple that of 1990. There have been no extended periods of negative growth in income over the observed period. There appears to be an accelaration in income growth during the final 5 years.", "Input": " Year Household income in current U.S. dollars Dec 31, 1989 27392 Dec 31, 1990 29885 Dec 31, 1991 30247 Dec 31, 1992 27304 Dec 31, 1993 30116 Dec 31, 1994 30748 Dec 31, 1995 31966 Dec 31, 1996 31860 Dec 31, 1997 33433 Dec 31, 1998 38670 Dec 31, 1999 41222 Dec 31, 2000 41169 Dec 31, 2001 39070 Dec 31, 2002 45044 Dec 31, 2003 43451 Dec 31, 2004 44993 Dec 31, 2005 48477 Dec 31, 2006 50783 Dec 31, 2007 55590 Dec 31, 2008 53141 Dec 31, 2009 56928 Dec 31, 2010 55251 Dec 31, 2011 65246 Dec 31, 2012 60675 Dec 31, 2013 68277 Dec 31, 2014 70071 Dec 31, 2015 70982 Dec 31, 2016 83382 Dec 31, 2017 85750 Dec 31, 2018 93111", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8114.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Household income in current U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Household income in current U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Median household income in the District\", \"of Columbia from 1990 to 2019 (in current\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "8 out of 10 of the volcanic explosions affected less than 400,000 people. One affected over a million people, and another affected 800,000 people.", "Input": " volcanic eruption and date Number of victims Volcanic eruption in the Philippines (June 9, 1991) 1036065 Volcano eruption in Ecuador (August 14, 2015) 800000 Volcanic eruption in Nicaragua (April 9, 1992) 300075 Volcano eruption in Ecuador (August 14, 2006) 300013 Volcano eruption in Indonesia (April 5, 1982) 300000 Volcano eruption in Indonesia (1969) 250000 Volcanic eruption in Comoros (November 24, 2005) 245000 Volcanic eruption in the Philippines (Feb. 6, 1993) 165009 Volcanic eruption in Papua New Guinea (September 19, 1994) 152002 Volcanic eruption in Indonesia (October 24, 2002) 137140", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8182.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"volcanic eruption and date\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of victims\"}, \"field\": \"Number of victims\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of people affected by the world 's\", \"major volcanic eruptions from 1900 to 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest number of victims from volcanic eruptions can be found in the Philippines with over 1,000,000 victims compared to Indonesia where there were less than 200,000 victims. This would indicate that the Philippines is a hazardous country to reside in compared to the other countries sampled.", "Input": " volcanic eruption and date Number of victims Volcanic eruption in the Philippines (June 9, 1991) 1036065 Volcano eruption in Ecuador (August 14, 2015) 800000 Volcanic eruption in Nicaragua (April 9, 1992) 300075 Volcano eruption in Ecuador (August 14, 2006) 300013 Volcano eruption in Indonesia (April 5, 1982) 300000 Volcano eruption in Indonesia (1969) 250000 Volcanic eruption in Comoros (November 24, 2005) 245000 Volcanic eruption in the Philippines (Feb. 6, 1993) 165009 Volcanic eruption in Papua New Guinea (September 19, 1994) 152002 Volcanic eruption in Indonesia (October 24, 2002) 137140", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": 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The chart shows the Netherlands as the smallest planned spend, and the UK as the highest.", "Input": " Median amount in euros Country 420 United Kingdom 300 Luxembourg 250 France 250 Austria 200 Spain 200 Italy 200 Germany 150 Belgium 150 Czech Republic 110 Romania 70 Poland 40 Netherlands", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, 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"{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8422.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, 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The lowest number of sales in 2009 at around 1.7 million sales. The highest number of sales in 2016 at around 3 million sales.", "Input": " Year Sales in thousand units Dec 31, 2008 1651 Dec 31, 2009 2088 Dec 31, 2010 2478 Dec 31, 2011 2709 Dec 31, 2012 2746 Dec 31, 2013 2907 Dec 31, 2014 2915 Dec 31, 2015 3018 Dec 31, 2016 2743 Dec 31, 2017 2815 Dec 31, 2018 2816", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8548.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6a5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Sales in thousand units\"}, \"field\": \"Sales in thousand units\"}}, \"title\": [\"Kia 's vehicle sales from FY 2009 to FY\", \"2019 (in 1,000 units)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The national debt in relation to GDP in Syria fell from around 1.51 in 2000 to 0.3 in 2010. The biggest change was between 2004 and 2005 when it fell from around 1.2 to 0.5.", "Input": " Year National debt in relation to GDP 2010* 0.3002 2009 0.3121 2008 0.3732 2007 0.4267 2006 0.4498 2005 0.5071 2004 1.1305 2003 1.3337 2002 1.3243 2001 1.4449 2000 1.5209", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8586.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f58518\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in relation to GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Syria : National debt from 2000 to 2010\", \"in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "there seems to a dtop of at christmas time for jobs.", "Input": " Month Number in millions Nov '20 10.74 Oct '20 11.06 Sep '20 12.58 Aug '20 13.55 Jul '20 16.34 Jun '20 17.75 May '20 20.99 Apr '20 23.08 Mar '20 7.14 Feb '20 5.79 Jan '20 5.89 Dec '19 5.75 Nov '19 5.81", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/858.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e5ae38\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Number in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly number of unemployed persons in\", \"the U.S. from November 2019 to November 2020\", \"(in millions , adjusted)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The country with the highest ICC rating is Australia. The country with the lowest ICC rating is Zimbabwe. Most countries have a rating of between 80 and 120.", "Input": " Rating Country 116 Australia 115 New Zealand 114 India 106 England 91 Sri Lanka 90 South Africa 85 Pakistan 79 West Indies 55 Bangladesh 18 Zimbabwe", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8604.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Rating\"}, \"field\": \"Rating\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"ICC Cricket Rankings : Leading test countries\", \"worldwide as of September 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Zimbabwe has the lowest rating out of the 10 countries presented. Australia had the highest rating followed by New Zealand, India and England. Only 4 out of 10 countries have ratings above 100. Zimbabwe is the only country to have a rating below 20.", "Input": " Rating Country 116 Australia 115 New Zealand 114 India 106 England 91 Sri Lanka 90 South Africa 85 Pakistan 79 West Indies 55 Bangladesh 18 Zimbabwe", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8604.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Rating\"}, \"field\": \"Rating\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"ICC Cricket Rankings : Leading test countries\", \"worldwide as of September 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There appears to be high demand for three particular drugs which could suggest these are the most popular drugs used.", "Input": " Product sales in billion Japanese yen prescription drug 347.2 Entyvio 298.7 Immunoglobulin 274.1 Vyvanse 77.6 Ninlaro 72.7 Takecab 70.7 Trintellix 68.3 Takhzyro 67.9 Elaprase 67.2 Albumin/frexbumin 61.8 Gattex/revestive 58.7 Adynovate 52.7 Adcetris 51.3 Replagal 38 Vpriv 13.6 Natpara 7.2 Alunbrig", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8621.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"Product sales in billion Japanese yen\"}, \"field\": \"Product sales in billion Japanese yen\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"prescription drug\"}}, \"title\": [\"Global major products ' sales revenue of\", \"Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. in fiscal\", \"year 2019 (in billion Japanese yen)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are 3 drugs responsible for the highest earnings. 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The highest American Customer Satisfaction Index scores were in 2009.", "Input": " Year ACSI score Dec 31, 2006 81 Dec 31, 2007 80 Dec 31, 2008 84 Dec 31, 2009 81 Dec 31, 2010 82 Dec 31, 2011 80 Dec 31, 2012 81 Dec 31, 2013 82 Dec 31, 2014 82 Dec 31, 2015 81 Dec 31, 2016 78 Dec 31, 2017 81 Dec 31, 2018 81 Dec 31, 2019 79", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8662.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"ACSI score\"}, \"field\": \"ACSI score\"}}, \"title\": [\"American Customer Satisfaction Index scores\", \"for full-service restaurants in the United\", \"States from 2007 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Neutrogena has the greatest share with over 0.15 of the market share. 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Don't understand the bar chart.", "Input": " Year Number of masjids Greater than 4000 people 10 2001 to 4000 people 51 1001 to 2000 people 130 751 to 1000 people 99 501 to 750 people 145 401 to 500 people 137 301 to 400 people 143 201 to 300 people 279 101 to 200 people 300 50 to 100 people 276 Less than 50 people 51", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8748.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7ba52\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of masjids\"}, \"field\": \"Number of masjids\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of mosques in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) in 2017 , by capacity\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The majority of mosques can accommodate between 50 and 300 people. 300 mosques can accommodate 101 - 200 people. The smallest number of mosques is those accommodating greater than 4000 people.", "Input": " Year Number of masjids Greater than 4000 people 10 2001 to 4000 people 51 1001 to 2000 people 130 751 to 1000 people 99 501 to 750 people 145 401 to 500 people 137 301 to 400 people 143 201 to 300 people 279 101 to 200 people 300 50 to 100 people 276 Less than 50 people 51", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8748.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7ba52\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of masjids\"}, \"field\": \"Number of masjids\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of mosques in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) in 2017 , by capacity\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Oxford and Cambridge universities in the UK are by no surprise some of the highest ranked education institutions in Europe but also other ones outside the UK or ones that I have not heard of such as uni of Munich and Edinburgh university. University Rotterdam is probably the lowest ranked.", "Input": " Times Higher Education score university and country 95.6 University of Oxford (UK) 94 University of Cambridge (UK) 89.4 Imperial College London (UK) 87.9 ETH Z\u00fcrich \u2013 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Z\u00fcrich (CH) 86.9 University College London (UK) 81.4 London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) 79.4 University of Edinburgh (UK) 78.2 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen (GE) 76.1 King's College London (UK) 76 Karolinska Institute (SE) 74.8 Technical University of Munich (GE) 74.3 Heidelberg University (GE) 74.1 \u00c9cole Polytechnique F\u00e9d\u00e9rale de Lausanne (CH) 73.7 KU Leuven (BE) 73.6 Paris Sciences et Lettres \u2013 PSL Research University 70.9 University of Manchester (UK) 69.4 Wageningen University and Research Center (NE) 68.8 University of Amsterdam (NE) 66.7 Leiden University (NE) 66.2 Erasmus University Rotterdam (NE)", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8756.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#aa4643\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Times Higher Education score\"}, \"field\": \"Times Higher Education score\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"university and country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top European Universities as ranked by Times\", \"Higher Education 2020/21\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "All 20 Universities scored over 60 on the chart. Of the 20 Universities named 6 scored over 80. Oxford University (England) was highest scoring overall in Europe in 2020/2021 according to Times Education.", "Input": " Times Higher Education score university and country 95.6 University of Oxford (UK) 94 University of Cambridge (UK) 89.4 Imperial College London (UK) 87.9 ETH Z\u00fcrich \u2013 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Z\u00fcrich (CH) 86.9 University College London (UK) 81.4 London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) 79.4 University of Edinburgh (UK) 78.2 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen (GE) 76.1 King's College London (UK) 76 Karolinska Institute (SE) 74.8 Technical University of Munich (GE) 74.3 Heidelberg University (GE) 74.1 \u00c9cole Polytechnique F\u00e9d\u00e9rale de Lausanne (CH) 73.7 KU Leuven (BE) 73.6 Paris Sciences et Lettres \u2013 PSL Research University 70.9 University of Manchester (UK) 69.4 Wageningen University and Research Center (NE) 68.8 University of Amsterdam (NE) 66.7 Leiden University (NE) 66.2 Erasmus University Rotterdam (NE)", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8756.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#aa4643\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Times Higher Education score\"}, \"field\": \"Times Higher Education score\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"university and country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top European Universities as ranked by Times\", \"Higher Education 2020/21\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was a large spike in air strikes on pakistan betweeen 2007 and 2010. These slowly declined until 2016 where there was another spike.", "Input": " Year Number of air strikes Dec 31, 2003 1 Dec 31, 2004 1 Dec 31, 2005 3 Dec 31, 2006 5 Dec 31, 2007 35 Dec 31, 2008 53 Dec 31, 2009 117 Dec 31, 2010 64 Dec 31, 2011 46 Dec 31, 2012 28 Dec 31, 2013 24 Dec 31, 2014 11 Dec 31, 2015 3 Dec 31, 2016 8 Dec 31, 2017 4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8873.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fc4f30\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Number of air strikes\"}, \"field\": \"Number of air strikes\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of U.S. air strikes in Pakistan from\", \"2004 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "there is a gradual increase between 1999 and 2007, after which there is a steeper decline until 2009.", "Input": " Year Vended volume (in billion U.S. dollars) Dec 31, 1998 36.6 Dec 31, 1999 38.7 Dec 31, 2000 41 Dec 31, 2001 41.1 Dec 31, 2002 42.2 Dec 31, 2003 44.2 Dec 31, 2004 46 Dec 31, 2005 46.8 Dec 31, 2006 47.5 Dec 31, 2007 45.6 Dec 31, 2008 42.9 Dec 31, 2009 42.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8882.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7cb94\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Vended volume (in billion U.S. dollars)\"}, \"field\": \"Vended volume (in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars)\"}}, \"title\": [\"Vending machines - 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But there is one region that stands out as way outside this general trend. That is Melilla, where the rate is 2.25.", "Input": " autonomous community of Spain Fertility rate Melilla 2.19 Ceuta 1.49 Murcia 1.49 Navarre 1.4 La Rioja 1.32 Andalusia 1.3 Catalonia 1.29 Basque Country 1.28 Aragon 1.26 Castile-La Mancha 1.25 Region of Valencia 1.25 Community of Madrid 1.23 Extremadura 1.22 Balearic Islands 1.14 Castile and Leon 1.13 Cantabria 1.07 Galicia 1.02 Asturias 0.96 Canary Islands 0.94", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/8981.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ff9e27\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"autonomous community of Spain\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Fertility rate\"}, \"field\": \"Fertility rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Fertility rate in Spain in 2019 , by autonomous\", \"community\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The annual number of road traffic fatalities in Bulgaria fell from a peak of over 1000 per year in 2006 to 600 per year in 2012. By 2016 it had risen again to 700 per year.", "Input": " Year Number of fatalities Dec 31, 2005 1043 Dec 31, 2006 1006 Dec 31, 2007 1061 Dec 31, 2008 901 Dec 31, 2009 776 Dec 31, 2010 657 Dec 31, 2011 601 Dec 31, 2012 601 Dec 31, 2013 660 Dec 31, 2014 708 Dec 31, 2015 708 Dec 31, 2016 682 Dec 31, 2017 611 Dec 31, 2018 628", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9009.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52689e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Number of fatalities\"}, \"field\": \"Number of fatalities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of road traffic fatalities in Bulgaria\", \"from 2006 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In Syria the urban population fell slightly from 2010 to 2014, although from 2014 to 2018 there was a steady increase in numbers.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.5524 Dec 31, 2009 0.556 Dec 31, 2010 0.5458 Dec 31, 2011 0.5356 Dec 31, 2012 0.5253 Dec 31, 2013 0.515 Dec 31, 2014 0.5217 Dec 31, 2015 0.5284 Dec 31, 2016 0.535 Dec 31, 2017 0.5416 Dec 31, 2018 0.5482", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9013.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Syria : Urbanization from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There hasn't been a great change in the share of urban population as part of the total population between 2010 and 2018. There has been a slight fluctuation but the share has remained between 0.5 and 0.6 across the 10 years represented on the chart.", "Input": " Response Share of urban population in total population Dec 31, 2008 0.5524 Dec 31, 2009 0.556 Dec 31, 2010 0.5458 Dec 31, 2011 0.5356 Dec 31, 2012 0.5253 Dec 31, 2013 0.515 Dec 31, 2014 0.5217 Dec 31, 2015 0.5284 Dec 31, 2016 0.535 Dec 31, 2017 0.5416 Dec 31, 2018 0.5482", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9013.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}, \"field\": \"Share of urban population in total population\"}}, \"title\": [\"Syria : Urbanization from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Deaths from cancer in Northern Ireland 200-2018 are generally increasing though 2009 20018 both saw a slight decrease on the year before.", "Input": " Year Number of deaths Dec 31, 1999 3563 Dec 31, 2000 3673 Dec 31, 2001 3667 Dec 31, 2002 3736 Dec 31, 2003 3755 Dec 31, 2004 3740 Dec 31, 2005 3866 Dec 31, 2006 3831 Dec 31, 2007 3954 Dec 31, 2008 3871 Dec 31, 2009 4035 Dec 31, 2010 4057 Dec 31, 2011 4127 Dec 31, 2012 4200 Dec 31, 2013 4347 Dec 31, 2014 4377 Dec 31, 2015 4527 Dec 31, 2016 4474 Dec 31, 2017 4433", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9171.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#79706e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Number of deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Number of deaths\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of deaths from cancer in Northern\", \"Ireland from 2000 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This graph shows that the fertility rate in Poland has decreased between 1800 and 2020. It was over 6 in 1800 but was around 1.5 in 2020, showing that people are having less children.", "Input": " Year Fertility rate Dec 31, 1799 6.28 Dec 31, 1804 6.23 Dec 31, 1809 6.16 Dec 31, 1814 6.08 Dec 31, 1819 6.11 Dec 31, 1824 6.08 Dec 31, 1829 6.18 Dec 31, 1834 6.21 Dec 31, 1839 6.38 Dec 31, 1844 6.06 Dec 31, 1849 5.3 Dec 31, 1854 5.39 Dec 31, 1859 6.11 Dec 31, 1864 6.4 Dec 31, 1869 5.59 Dec 31, 1874 5.65 Dec 31, 1879 5.31 Dec 31, 1884 5.2 Dec 31, 1889 5.52 Dec 31, 1894 5.68 Dec 31, 1899 5.57 Dec 31, 1904 5.17 Dec 31, 1909 4.98 Dec 31, 1914 4.53 Dec 31, 1919 3.83 Dec 31, 1924 4.68 Dec 31, 1929 4.31 Dec 31, 1934 3.71 Dec 31, 1939 3.31 Dec 31, 1944 3.13 Dec 31, 1949 3.62 Dec 31, 1954 3.63 Dec 31, 1959 3.47 Dec 31, 1964 2.72 Dec 31, 1969 2.33 Dec 31, 1974 2.23 Dec 31, 1979 2.23 Dec 31, 1984 2.31 Dec 31, 1989 2.16 Dec 31, 1994 1.95 Dec 31, 1999 1.51 Dec 31, 2004 1.26 Dec 31, 2009 1.37 Dec 31, 2014 1.33 Dec 31, 2019 1.42", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9189.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#94aace\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Fertility rate\"}, \"field\": \"Fertility rate\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total fertility rate in Poland from 1800\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a steady increase in Inhabitants in millions from 2015 to 2025. There has been no decrease in inhabitants in millions from 2015 to 2025.", "Input": " Year Inhabitants in millions Dec 31, 2014 11.88 Dec 31, 2015 12.23 Dec 31, 2016 12.59 Dec 31, 2017 12.98 Dec 31, 2018 13.38 Dec 31, 2019 13.78 Dec 31, 2020 14.18 Dec 31, 2021 14.59 Dec 31, 2022 15.01 Dec 31, 2023 15.45 Dec 31, 2024 15.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9339.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}, \"field\": \"Inhabitants in millions\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Sudan : Estimated total population\", \"from 2015 to 2025 (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The visualisation shows the auction price of tea per kilogram fluctuates around 2.0 US dollars per year.", "Input": " Month Auction price of tea in U.S. dollars Dec 31, 2018 2.3 Jan 31, 2019 2.16 Feb 28, 2019 2.13 Mar 31, 2019 2.26 Apr 30, 2019 2.39 May 31, 2019 2.16 Jun 30, 2019 1.99 Jul 31, 2019 2.11 Aug 31, 2019 2.21 Sep 30, 2019 2.33 Oct 31, 2019 2.3 Nov 30, 2019 2.21 Dec 31, 2019 2.29 Jan 31, 2020 2.13 Feb 29, 2020 1.99 Mar 31, 2020 2.11 Apr 30, 2020 1.97 May 31, 2020 1.86 Jun 30, 2020 1.81 Jul 31, 2020 2 Aug 31, 2020 2.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9352.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Auction price of tea in U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Auction price of tea in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Auction price of tea per kilogram in Kenya\", \"from January 2019 to September 2020 (in U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The cost of tuition has increased steadily from 2006 to 2021. The cost of tuition was at its highest in 2018/2019.", "Input": " Year Tuition in Canadian dollars 2020 / 2021* 6610 2019 / 2020 6496 2018 / 2019 6822 2017 / 2018 6618 2016 / 2017 6375 2015 / 2016 6201 2014 / 2015 5998 2013 / 2014 5767 2012 / 2013 5586 2011 / 2012 5313 2010 / 2011 5146 2009 / 2010 4942 2008 / 2009 4747 2007 / 2008 4558 2006 / 2007 4400", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9399.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Tuition in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Tuition in Canadian dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average undergraduate tuition fees for Canadian\", \"citizens in Canada from 2006 to 2020 (in\", \"Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Average undergraduate tuition fees is increasing steadly by 2-3% every year. From 2019 there is a slow decrease.", "Input": " Year Tuition in Canadian dollars 2020 / 2021* 6610 2019 / 2020 6496 2018 / 2019 6822 2017 / 2018 6618 2016 / 2017 6375 2015 / 2016 6201 2014 / 2015 5998 2013 / 2014 5767 2012 / 2013 5586 2011 / 2012 5313 2010 / 2011 5146 2009 / 2010 4942 2008 / 2009 4747 2007 / 2008 4558 2006 / 2007 4400", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9399.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Tuition in Canadian dollars\"}, \"field\": \"Tuition in Canadian dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average undergraduate tuition fees for Canadian\", \"citizens in Canada from 2006 to 2020 (in\", \"Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The national debt showed a momentary decline in 2020 and 2021, I think due to covid being around in those years. It appears to keep rising and rising in subsequent years.", "Input": " National debt in billion U.S. dollars Year 2.51 2024* 2.59 2023* 2.51 2022* 2.02 2021* 1.98 2020* 2.27 2019* 2.05 2018 1.84 2017 1.76 2016 1.59 2015 1.58 2014", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9441.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"National debt in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Guyana : National debt from 2014 to 2024\", \"(in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The information above clearly identifies that Liberia has the highest number of beds available in their hospitals with 8 available beds. Many countries like Cambodia, Eritrea, Tanzania and Togo all have seven beds available. The diagram also represents that Iran and Mali have the least beds available out of all the countries, with a low number of one hospital bed.", "Input": " Hospital beds per 10,000 population Country 1 Iran 1 Mali 2 Madagascar 3 Guinea 4 Burkina Faso 5 Afghanistan 5 Benin 5 Uganda 5 Philippines 6 Guatemala 6 Myanmar 6 Bangladesh 6 Pakistan 7 Eritrea 7 Cambodia 7 Togo 7 Tanzania 7 Yemen 7 Honduras 8 Liberia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": 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Iran 1 Mali 2 Madagascar 3 Guinea 4 Burkina Faso 5 Afghanistan 5 Benin 5 Uganda 5 Philippines 6 Guatemala 6 Myanmar 6 Bangladesh 6 Pakistan 7 Eritrea 7 Cambodia 7 Togo 7 Tanzania 7 Yemen 7 Honduras 8 Liberia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9527.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": 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There are a number of countries with lower than average rates, these countries include Italy, Canada and the US.", "Input": " Rate per 100,000 population Country 33.6 Australia 33.3 New Zealand 29.6 Norway 27.6 Denmark 25.7 Netherlands 24.7 Sweden 21.6 Germany 21.3 Switzerland 19.9 Belgium 18.6 Slovenia 16.5 Luxembourg 16.3 Ireland 15.8 Finland 15 UK 13.6 Austria 13.6 France (Metropolitan) 12.7 US 12.6 Czech Republic 12.4 Canada 12.4 Italy", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9574.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#843c39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Rate per 100,000 population\"}, \"field\": \"Rate per 100,000 population\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rates of skin cancer in the countries with\", \"the highest rates of skin cancer worldwide\", \"in 2018 (per 100,000 population)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The y-axis ranges from 0 to 0.010 percent of GDP, and from 2005 to 2007 the maximum value is charted. In 2009 the value dips to 0.003 percent of GDP before steadily increasing to 0.008 by 2012. Value plateaus from 2012 to 2014, increases to 0.009 by 2015 and remains constant through 2017. Overall value was lower from 2005 to 2017 with one sharp decrease in 2009.", "Input": " Year Value added as a percentage of GDP Dec 31, 2004 0.01 Dec 31, 2005 0.01 Dec 31, 2006 0.009 Dec 31, 2007 0.006 Dec 31, 2008 0.003 Dec 31, 2009 0.006 Dec 31, 2010 0.007 Dec 31, 2011 0.008 Dec 31, 2012 0.008 Dec 31, 2013 0.008 Dec 31, 2014 0.009 Dec 31, 2015 0.009 Dec 31, 2016 0.009", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9611.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0570b0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Value added as a percentage of GDP\"}, \"field\": \"Value added as a percentage of GDP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Value added of U.S. motor vehicle and parts\", \"manufacturing as a percentage of GDP between\", \"2005 and 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "natural causes are by far the most common cause of death.", "Input": " Distribution of deaths causes of death 0.938 Natural causes 0.277 Cardiovascular diseases 0.264 Neoplasms 0.104 Respiratory system disorders 0.079 Other natural causes 0.062 Unnatural causes 0.051 Nervous system disorders 0.049 Psychological disorders 0.045 Digestive system disorders 0.027 Urogential disorders 0.024 Endocrine diseases and metabolism disorders 0.019 Infections and parasitic diseases", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9617.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bd9e39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Distribution of deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Distribution of deaths\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"causes of death\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of causes of death in Belgium\", \"in 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has generally been a steady increase in percentage of people using a computer daily each year. The percentage dropped slightly in 2015 before rising again.", "Input": " Response Percentage of respondents Dec 31, 2002 0.43 Dec 31, 2003 0.43 Dec 31, 2005 0.5 Dec 31, 2006 0.58 Dec 31, 2007 0.61 Dec 31, 2008 0.67 Dec 31, 2009 0.7 Dec 31, 2010 0.72 Dec 31, 2011 0.74 Dec 31, 2012 0.75 Dec 31, 2013 0.78 Dec 31, 2014 0.75 Dec 31, 2016 0.78", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": 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Allthough not by huge amounts. However continual growth is a very positive sign/.", "Input": " Year Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2025* 0.0273 2024* 0.0268 2023* 0.0265 2022* 0.0261 2021* 0.0258 2020* 0.0256 2019 0.0248 2018 0.0242 2017 0.0238 2016 0.0238 2015 0.0238", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9773.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DCDCDC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}, \"field\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Indonesia : Share in global gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) adjusted for Purchasing Power\", \"Parity (PPP) from 2015 to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Indonesia's share in GDP adjusted for PPP is projected to have continued growth through at least 2025.", "Input": " Year Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2025* 0.0273 2024* 0.0268 2023* 0.0265 2022* 0.0261 2021* 0.0258 2020* 0.0256 2019 0.0248 2018 0.0242 2017 0.0238 2016 0.0238 2015 0.0238", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9773.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DCDCDC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}, \"field\": \"Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP\"}}, \"title\": [\"Indonesia : Share in global gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) adjusted for Purchasing Power\", \"Parity (PPP) from 2015 to 2025\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Indonesia's GDP adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity remained relatively stable between the years 2015 and 2017, and since then, has been increasing steadily. 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From 2019 onwards it decreases year on year to just over 4 billion in 2024.", "Input": " National debt in billion U.S. dollars Year 4.35 2024* 4.79 2023* 5.31 2022* 5.78 2021* 6.26 2020* 6.7 2019* 7.03 2018 6.37 2017 4.9 2016 3.58 2015 3.35 2014", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/9972.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"National debt in billion U.S. dollars\"}, \"field\": \"National debt in billion U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Democratic Republic of the Congo : National\", \"debt from 2014 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The car company with the highest market share in 2018 was Toyota. The company with the lowest market share is BMW.", "Input": " automobile manufacturer Market share Toyota 0.1024 Volkswagen 0.0759 Ford 0.0559 Honda 0.0546 Nissan 0.0515 Hyundai 0.0505 Chevrolet 0.0452 Kia 0.0335 Mercedes 0.0294 BMW 0.0262", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"data/99.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52d2ca\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"automobile manufacturer\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Market share\"}, \"field\": \"Market share\"}}, \"title\": [\"Global automotive market share in 2019 ,\", \"by brand\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There are more households marked as other couples as the years go by.", "Input": " Year Other couples Dec 31, 2009 288724 Dec 31, 2010 291645 Dec 31, 2011 297272 Dec 31, 2012 301285 Dec 31, 2013 307746 Dec 31, 2014 313327 Dec 31, 2015 321748 Dec 31, 2016 329967 Dec 31, 2017 335335 Dec 31, 2018 338268 Dec 31, 2019 341985", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1008.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#de9ed6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Other couples\"}, \"field\": \"Other couples\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of households in Denmark from 2010\", \"to 2020 , by type of household\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Employment in agriculture has seen a steady decline from 2010 to 2020. The smallest decline in employment in agriculture was from 2014 to 2015.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.3182 Dec 31, 2010 0.314 Dec 31, 2011 0.3099 Dec 31, 2012 0.3022 Dec 31, 2013 0.2887 Dec 31, 2014 0.2866 Dec 31, 2015 0.271 Dec 31, 2016 0.2607 Dec 31, 2017 0.2523 Dec 31, 2018 0.2452 Dec 31, 2019 0.2373", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", 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However the age band is very wide (15-64 years) so one can infer that this refers to people of working age. If so, the working population remains consistent.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6543 Dec 31, 2009 0.6558 Dec 31, 2010 0.6558 Dec 31, 2011 0.6563 Dec 31, 2012 0.6568 Dec 31, 2013 0.657 Dec 31, 2014 0.6568 Dec 31, 2015 0.6566 Dec 31, 2016 0.6563 Dec 31, 2017 0.656 Dec 31, 2018 0.6562", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1067.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#aa4643\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"South Africa : Age structure from 2009 to\", \"2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most states had low numbers and some even had zero or close to zero. Two states had by far the highest number of cases - Maharashtra and Kerala. Most states had below 20,000 cases.", "Input": " Active state of India 60905 Maharashtra 58163 Kerala 19597 West Bengal 18150 Uttar Pradesh 17407 Chhattisgarh 15205 Karnataka 13647 Rajasthan 12349 Gujarat 12198 Delhi 12156 Madhya Pradesh 9829 Tamil Nadu 7172 Telangana 7013 Haryana 6139 Himachal Pradesh 6062 Uttarakhand 6045 Punjab 5103 Bihar 4454 Andhra Pradesh 4327 Jammu and Kashmir 3523 Assam 2685 Odisha 1872 Manipur 1629 Jharkhand 975 Goa 686 Meghalaya 584 Chandigarh 547 Nagaland 498 Ladakh 307 Puducherry 294 Sikkim 291 Tripura 258 Arunachal Pradesh 156 Mizoram 92 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 14 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/10.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#52d2ca\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Active\"}, \"field\": \"Active\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"state of India\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of the coronavirus (COVID-19) cases\", \"across Indian states and union territories\", \"as of December 17 , 2020 , by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The value increased from 2002 and stopped increasing in 2007/2008. This then increased again all the way up until 2014. This then peaked in 2018.", "Input": " Year Exports Dec 31, 1999 1075.32 Dec 31, 2000 1005.64 Dec 31, 2001 978.71 Dec 31, 2002 1020.42 Dec 31, 2003 1161.55 Dec 31, 2004 1286.02 Dec 31, 2005 1457.64 Dec 31, 2006 1653.55 Dec 31, 2007 1841.61 Dec 31, 2008 1583.05 Dec 31, 2009 1872.32 Dec 31, 2010 2143.55 Dec 31, 2011 2247.45 Dec 31, 2012 2313.24 Dec 31, 2013 2392.27 Dec 31, 2014 2279.74 Dec 31, 2015 2237.92 Dec 31, 2016 2387.39 Dec 31, 2017 2539.38 Dec 31, 2018 2528.26", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1108.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#79706e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Exports\"}, \"field\": \"Exports\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total value of U.S. international trade\", \"from 2000 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of imports ( in billion U.S dollars) has steady risen from 2000 to 2019 with the exception of around 2009 in which there was a considerable drop. In total rising from jist below 1500 in 2000 to over 3000 imports (in billion U.S dollars) in 2019.", "Input": " Year Imports Dec 31, 1999 1447.84 Dec 31, 2000 1367.17 Dec 31, 2001 1397.66 Dec 31, 2002 1514.31 Dec 31, 2003 1771.43 Dec 31, 2004 2000.27 Dec 31, 2005 2219.36 Dec 31, 2006 2358.92 Dec 31, 2007 2550.34 Dec 31, 2008 1966.83 Dec 31, 2009 2375.41 Dec 31, 2010 2698.07 Dec 31, 2011 2773.36 Dec 31, 2012 2760.07 Dec 31, 2013 2876.41 Dec 31, 2014 2771 Dec 31, 2015 2719.09 Dec 31, 2016 2901.18 Dec 31, 2017 3119.32 Dec 31, 2018 3105.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1108.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Imports\"}, \"field\": \"Imports\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total value of U.S. international trade\", \"from 2000 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is an overall upward trend in imports overt the chart timescale, with a clear dip in imports in 2008-09.", "Input": " Year Imports Dec 31, 1999 1447.84 Dec 31, 2000 1367.17 Dec 31, 2001 1397.66 Dec 31, 2002 1514.31 Dec 31, 2003 1771.43 Dec 31, 2004 2000.27 Dec 31, 2005 2219.36 Dec 31, 2006 2358.92 Dec 31, 2007 2550.34 Dec 31, 2008 1966.83 Dec 31, 2009 2375.41 Dec 31, 2010 2698.07 Dec 31, 2011 2773.36 Dec 31, 2012 2760.07 Dec 31, 2013 2876.41 Dec 31, 2014 2771 Dec 31, 2015 2719.09 Dec 31, 2016 2901.18 Dec 31, 2017 3119.32 Dec 31, 2018 3105.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1108.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4D4D4D\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Imports\"}, \"field\": \"Imports\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total value of U.S. international trade\", \"from 2000 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graphic shows the destribuition of Italian population per region whitin t.he ages 0-14 that iis basically an equal destribuition all over the Italian territory..the region of trentino reflects the the highest number of population with to he ages 0-14 years, followed by Campania and Lombardy. Several are the areas with lower 0-14 years old population but the discrepancy is not too high.", "Input": " 0-14 years region of Italy 0.111 Liguria 0.112 Sardinia 0.113 Molise 0.119 Basilicata 0.12 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 0.124 Tuscany 0.124 Piedmont 0.124 Abruzzo 0.125 Umbria 0.126 Marche 0.131 Emilia-Romagna 0.131 Apulia 0.132 Calabria 0.131 Aosta Valley 0.133 Veneto 0.133 Lazio 0.137 Lombardy 0.138 Sicily 0.145 Campania 0.15 Trentino-South Tyrol", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1130.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#66a61e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"0-14 years\"}, \"field\": \"0-14 years\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of Italy\"}}, \"title\": [\"Age distribution of the population in Italy\", \"in 2019 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Wearing a face mask in public had the lowest response, No measure taken had the highest response.", "Input": " Feb 29 to Mar 1 Response 0.14 Avoid crowded public places 0.35 Improve personal hygiene (e.g. washing hands more frequently, using hand sanitizer) 0.14 Refrain from touching objects in public 0.02 Avoid going to work 0.09 Avoid physical contact with tourists 0.06 Avoid consumption of raw or uncooked meat 0.01 Wear a face mask in public places 0.54 No measures taken", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1131.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e5d8bd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Feb 29 to Mar 1\"}, \"field\": \"Feb 29 to Mar 1\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Which , if any , of the following measures\", \"have you taken in the past 2 weeks specifically\", \"to protect yourself from the Coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most haven't done anything extra to protect themselves from covid. Many have upped their hygiene and very few have avoided work.", "Input": " Feb 29 to Mar 1 Response 0.14 Avoid crowded public places 0.35 Improve personal hygiene (e.g. washing hands more frequently, using hand sanitizer) 0.14 Refrain from touching objects in public 0.02 Avoid going to work 0.09 Avoid physical contact with tourists 0.06 Avoid consumption of raw or uncooked meat 0.01 Wear a face mask in public places 0.54 No measures taken", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1131.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e5d8bd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Feb 29 to Mar 1\"}, \"field\": \"Feb 29 to Mar 1\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Which , if any , of the following measures\", \"have you taken in the past 2 weeks specifically\", \"to protect yourself from the Coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2014 the highest cost component/clinical phase for the clinical trial was clinical procedure total with approximately 480,000 US dollars spent. Cost per IRB approvals, cost of IRB amendments & patient retention costs are the lowest category\u2019s. All below 10,000 US dollars. Cost of IRB amendments was the lowest overall with approximately 1,000. The largest group of categories are between the range of 100,000-220,000 US dollars.", "Input": " Phase 1 Cost component 50331 Data Management Costs 11962 Cost Per IRB Approvals 1094 Cost of IRB Amendments 326437 SDV Costs 37050 Patient Recruitment Costs 6145 Patient Retention Costs 178237 RN/CRA Costs 109681 Physician Costs 475667 Clinical Procedure Total 252163 Central Lab Costs 51904 Site Recruitment Costs 193615 Site Retention Costs 237869 Administrative Staff Costs 198896 Site Monitoring Costs", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1156.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Phase 1\"}, \"field\": \"Phase 1\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Cost component\"}}, \"title\": [\"Clinical trial costs by selected cost component\", \"and clinical phase as of 2014 (in U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The weekly rent slowly increased gradually over the years.", "Input": " Excluding London Year 162 2018/19 158 2017/18 158 2016/17 153 2015/16 147 2014/15 145 2013/14 140 2012/13 139 2011/12 137 2010/11 130 2009/10 130 2008/09", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1191.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e5d8bd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Excluding London\"}, \"field\": \"Excluding London\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average (mean) private weekly rent in England\", \"from 2008/2009 to 2018/2019 (in GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "We can see an upward tendency on the chart. The number of deaths in Chile from March to December 2020 went up from 0 to over 15000. The biggest jump was from July to October, when it jumped from around 6000 to 12000.", "Input": " Year Deaths Mar 03, 2020 0 Mar 04, 2020 0 Mar 05, 2020 0 Mar 06, 2020 0 Mar 08, 2020 0 Mar 09, 2020 0 Mar 10, 2020 0 Mar 11, 2020 0 Mar 12, 2020 0 Mar 13, 2020 0 Mar 14, 2020 0 Mar 15, 2020 0 Mar 16, 2020 0 Mar 17, 2020 0 Mar 18, 2020 0 Mar 19, 2020 0 Mar 20, 2020 0 Mar 21, 2020 0 Mar 22, 2020 1 Mar 23, 2020 2 Mar 24, 2020 2 Mar 25, 2020 3 Mar 26, 2020 4 Mar 27, 2020 5 Mar 28, 2020 6 Mar 29, 2020 7 Mar 30, 2020 8 Mar 31, 2020 12 Apr 01, 2020 16 Apr 02, 2020 18 Apr 03, 2020 22 Apr 04, 2020 27 Apr 05, 2020 34 Apr 06, 2020 37 Apr 07, 2020 43 Apr 08, 2020 48 Apr 09, 2020 57 Apr 10, 2020 65 Apr 11, 2020 73 Apr 12, 2020 80 Apr 13, 2020 82 Apr 14, 2020 92 Apr 15, 2020 94 Apr 16, 2020 105 Apr 17, 2020 116 Apr 18, 2020 126 Apr 19, 2020 133 Apr 20, 2020 139 Apr 21, 2020 147 Apr 22, 2020 160 Apr 23, 2020 168 Apr 24, 2020 174 Apr 25, 2020 181 Apr 26, 2020 189 Apr 27, 2020 198 Apr 28, 2020 207 Apr 29, 2020 216 Apr 30, 2020 227 May 01, 2020 234 May 02, 2020 247 May 03, 2020 260 May 04, 2020 270 May 05, 2020 275 May 06, 2020 281 May 07, 2020 285 May 08, 2020 294 May 09, 2020 304 May 10, 2020 312 May 11, 2020 323 May 12, 2020 335 May 13, 2020 346 May 14, 2020 358 May 15, 2020 394 May 16, 2020 421 May 17, 2020 450 May 18, 2020 478 May 19, 2020 509 May 20, 2020 544 May 21, 2020 589 May 22, 2020 630 May 23, 2020 673 May 24, 2020 718 May 25, 2020 761 May 26, 2020 806 May 27, 2020 841 May 28, 2020 890 May 29, 2020 944 May 30, 2020 997 May 31, 2020 1054 Jun 01, 2020 1113 Jun 02, 2020 1188 Jun 03, 2020 1275 Jun 04, 2020 1356 Jun 05, 2020 1448 Jun 06, 2020 1541 Jun 07, 2020 2190 Jun 08, 2020 2264 Jun 09, 2020 2283 Jun 10, 2020 2475 Jun 11, 2020 2648 Jun 12, 2020 2870 Jun 13, 2020 3101 Jun 14, 2020 3323 Jun 15, 2020 3362 Jun 16, 2020 3383 Jun 17, 2020 3615 Jun 18, 2020 3841 Jun 19, 2020 4093 Jun 20, 2020 4295 Jun 21, 2020 4479 Jun 22, 2020 4502 Jun 23, 2020 4505 Jun 24, 2020 4731 Jun 25, 2020 4903 Jun 26, 2020 5068 Jun 27, 2020 5347 Jun 28, 2020 5509 Jun 29, 2020 5575 Jun 30, 2020 5688 Jul 01, 2020 5753 Jul 02, 2020 5920 Jul 03, 2020 6051 Jul 04, 2020 6192 Jul 05, 2020 6308 Jul 06, 2020 6384 Jul 07, 2020 6434 Jul 08, 2020 6573 Jul 09, 2020 6682 Jul 10, 2020 6781 Jul 11, 2020 6881 Jul 12, 2020 6979 Jul 13, 2020 7024 Jul 14, 2020 7069 Jul 15, 2020 7186 Jul 16, 2020 7290 Jul 17, 2020 8347 Jul 18, 2020 8347 Jul 19, 2020 8503 Jul 20, 2020 8633 Jul 21, 2020 8677 Jul 22, 2020 8722 Jul 23, 2020 8838 Jul 24, 2020 8914 Jul 25, 2020 9020 Jul 26, 2020 9112 Jul 27, 2020 9187 Jul 28, 2020 9240 Jul 29, 2020 9278 Jul 30, 2020 9377 Jul 31, 2020 9457 Aug 01, 2020 9533 Aug 02, 2020 9608 Aug 03, 2020 9707 Aug 04, 2020 9745 Aug 05, 2020 9792 Aug 06, 2020 9889 Aug 07, 2020 9958 Aug 08, 2020 10011 Aug 09, 2020 10077 Aug 10, 2020 10139 Aug 11, 2020 10178 Aug 12, 2020 10205 Aug 13, 2020 10299 Aug 14, 2020 10340 Aug 15, 2020 10395 Aug 16, 2020 10452 Aug 17, 2020 10513 Aug 18, 2020 10546 Aug 19, 2020 10578 Aug 20, 2020 10671 Aug 21, 2020 10723 Aug 22, 2020 10792 Aug 23, 2020 10852 Aug 24, 2020 10916 Aug 25, 2020 10958 Aug 26, 2020 10990 Aug 27, 2020 11072 Aug 28, 2020 11132 Aug 29, 2020 11181 Aug 30, 2020 11244 Aug 31, 2020 11289 Sep 01, 2020 11321 Sep 02, 2020 11344 Sep 03, 2020 11422 Sep 04, 2020 11494 Sep 05, 2020 11551 Sep 06, 2020 11592 Sep 07, 2020 11652 Sep 08, 2020 11682 Sep 09, 2020 11702 Sep 10, 2020 11781 Sep 11, 2020 11850 Sep 12, 2020 11895 Sep 13, 2020 11949 Sep 14, 2020 12013 Sep 15, 2020 12040 Sep 16, 2020 12058 Sep 17, 2020 12142 Sep 18, 2020 12199 Sep 19, 2020 12254 Sep 20, 2020 12286 Sep 21, 2020 12298 Sep 22, 2020 12321 Sep 23, 2020 12345 Sep 24, 2020 12469 Sep 25, 2020 12527 Sep 26, 2020 12591 Sep 27, 2020 12641 Sep 28, 2020 12698 Sep 29, 2020 12725 Sep 30, 2020 12741 Oct 01, 2020 12822 Oct 02, 2020 12867 Oct 03, 2020 12919 Oct 04, 2020 12979 Oct 05, 2020 13037 Oct 06, 2020 13070 Oct 07, 2020 13090 Oct 08, 2020 13167 Oct 09, 2020 13220 Oct 10, 2020 13272 Oct 11, 2020 13318 Oct 12, 2020 13379 Oct 13, 2020 13396 Oct 14, 2020 13415 Oct 15, 2020 13434 Oct 16, 2020 13529 Oct 17, 2020 13588 Oct 18, 2020 13635 Oct 19, 2020 13676 Oct 20, 2020 13702 Oct 21, 2020 13719 Oct 22, 2020 13792 Oct 23, 2020 13844 Oct 24, 2020 13892 Oct 25, 2020 13944 Oct 26, 2020 14003 Oct 27, 2020 14026 Oct 28, 2020 14032 Oct 29, 2020 14118 Oct 30, 2020 14158 Oct 31, 2020 14207 Nov 01, 2020 14247 Nov 02, 2020 14302 Nov 03, 2020 14319 Nov 04, 2020 14340 Nov 05, 2020 14404 Nov 06, 2020 14450 Nov 07, 2020 14499 Nov 08, 2020 14543 Nov 09, 2020 14588 Nov 10, 2020 14611 Nov 11, 2020 14633 Nov 12, 2020 14699 Nov 13, 2020 14738 Nov 14, 2020 14777 Nov 15, 2020 14819 Nov 16, 2020 14863 Nov 17, 2020 14883 Nov 18, 2020 14897 Nov 19, 2020 14955 Nov 20, 2020 15003 Nov 21, 2020 15030 Nov 22, 2020 15069 Nov 23, 2020 15106 Nov 24, 2020 15131 Nov 25, 2020 15138 Nov 26, 2020 15235 Nov 27, 2020 15278 Nov 28, 2020 15322 Nov 29, 2020 15356 Nov 30, 2020 15410 Dec 01, 2020 15430 Dec 02, 2020 15438", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1205.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4c78a8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Deaths\"}, \"field\": \"Deaths\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of confirmed cases and deaths of\", \"coronavirus (COVID-19) in Chile from March\", \"4 to December 3 , 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over 15,000 deaths recorded by the month of January, the graph has been on a drastic incline since March where no deaths were recorded. The sharpest incline appears to be between June and July where the line is the most steep.", "Input": " Year Deaths Mar 03, 2020 0 Mar 04, 2020 0 Mar 05, 2020 0 Mar 06, 2020 0 Mar 08, 2020 0 Mar 09, 2020 0 Mar 10, 2020 0 Mar 11, 2020 0 Mar 12, 2020 0 Mar 13, 2020 0 Mar 14, 2020 0 Mar 15, 2020 0 Mar 16, 2020 0 Mar 17, 2020 0 Mar 18, 2020 0 Mar 19, 2020 0 Mar 20, 2020 0 Mar 21, 2020 0 Mar 22, 2020 1 Mar 23, 2020 2 Mar 24, 2020 2 Mar 25, 2020 3 Mar 26, 2020 4 Mar 27, 2020 5 Mar 28, 2020 6 Mar 29, 2020 7 Mar 30, 2020 8 Mar 31, 2020 12 Apr 01, 2020 16 Apr 02, 2020 18 Apr 03, 2020 22 Apr 04, 2020 27 Apr 05, 2020 34 Apr 06, 2020 37 Apr 07, 2020 43 Apr 08, 2020 48 Apr 09, 2020 57 Apr 10, 2020 65 Apr 11, 2020 73 Apr 12, 2020 80 Apr 13, 2020 82 Apr 14, 2020 92 Apr 15, 2020 94 Apr 16, 2020 105 Apr 17, 2020 116 Apr 18, 2020 126 Apr 19, 2020 133 Apr 20, 2020 139 Apr 21, 2020 147 Apr 22, 2020 160 Apr 23, 2020 168 Apr 24, 2020 174 Apr 25, 2020 181 Apr 26, 2020 189 Apr 27, 2020 198 Apr 28, 2020 207 Apr 29, 2020 216 Apr 30, 2020 227 May 01, 2020 234 May 02, 2020 247 May 03, 2020 260 May 04, 2020 270 May 05, 2020 275 May 06, 2020 281 May 07, 2020 285 May 08, 2020 294 May 09, 2020 304 May 10, 2020 312 May 11, 2020 323 May 12, 2020 335 May 13, 2020 346 May 14, 2020 358 May 15, 2020 394 May 16, 2020 421 May 17, 2020 450 May 18, 2020 478 May 19, 2020 509 May 20, 2020 544 May 21, 2020 589 May 22, 2020 630 May 23, 2020 673 May 24, 2020 718 May 25, 2020 761 May 26, 2020 806 May 27, 2020 841 May 28, 2020 890 May 29, 2020 944 May 30, 2020 997 May 31, 2020 1054 Jun 01, 2020 1113 Jun 02, 2020 1188 Jun 03, 2020 1275 Jun 04, 2020 1356 Jun 05, 2020 1448 Jun 06, 2020 1541 Jun 07, 2020 2190 Jun 08, 2020 2264 Jun 09, 2020 2283 Jun 10, 2020 2475 Jun 11, 2020 2648 Jun 12, 2020 2870 Jun 13, 2020 3101 Jun 14, 2020 3323 Jun 15, 2020 3362 Jun 16, 2020 3383 Jun 17, 2020 3615 Jun 18, 2020 3841 Jun 19, 2020 4093 Jun 20, 2020 4295 Jun 21, 2020 4479 Jun 22, 2020 4502 Jun 23, 2020 4505 Jun 24, 2020 4731 Jun 25, 2020 4903 Jun 26, 2020 5068 Jun 27, 2020 5347 Jun 28, 2020 5509 Jun 29, 2020 5575 Jun 30, 2020 5688 Jul 01, 2020 5753 Jul 02, 2020 5920 Jul 03, 2020 6051 Jul 04, 2020 6192 Jul 05, 2020 6308 Jul 06, 2020 6384 Jul 07, 2020 6434 Jul 08, 2020 6573 Jul 09, 2020 6682 Jul 10, 2020 6781 Jul 11, 2020 6881 Jul 12, 2020 6979 Jul 13, 2020 7024 Jul 14, 2020 7069 Jul 15, 2020 7186 Jul 16, 2020 7290 Jul 17, 2020 8347 Jul 18, 2020 8347 Jul 19, 2020 8503 Jul 20, 2020 8633 Jul 21, 2020 8677 Jul 22, 2020 8722 Jul 23, 2020 8838 Jul 24, 2020 8914 Jul 25, 2020 9020 Jul 26, 2020 9112 Jul 27, 2020 9187 Jul 28, 2020 9240 Jul 29, 2020 9278 Jul 30, 2020 9377 Jul 31, 2020 9457 Aug 01, 2020 9533 Aug 02, 2020 9608 Aug 03, 2020 9707 Aug 04, 2020 9745 Aug 05, 2020 9792 Aug 06, 2020 9889 Aug 07, 2020 9958 Aug 08, 2020 10011 Aug 09, 2020 10077 Aug 10, 2020 10139 Aug 11, 2020 10178 Aug 12, 2020 10205 Aug 13, 2020 10299 Aug 14, 2020 10340 Aug 15, 2020 10395 Aug 16, 2020 10452 Aug 17, 2020 10513 Aug 18, 2020 10546 Aug 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However, the since June 2020, the number has rapidly increased to exceed 15,000 cases on December 3.", "Input": " Year Deaths Mar 03, 2020 0 Mar 04, 2020 0 Mar 05, 2020 0 Mar 06, 2020 0 Mar 08, 2020 0 Mar 09, 2020 0 Mar 10, 2020 0 Mar 11, 2020 0 Mar 12, 2020 0 Mar 13, 2020 0 Mar 14, 2020 0 Mar 15, 2020 0 Mar 16, 2020 0 Mar 17, 2020 0 Mar 18, 2020 0 Mar 19, 2020 0 Mar 20, 2020 0 Mar 21, 2020 0 Mar 22, 2020 1 Mar 23, 2020 2 Mar 24, 2020 2 Mar 25, 2020 3 Mar 26, 2020 4 Mar 27, 2020 5 Mar 28, 2020 6 Mar 29, 2020 7 Mar 30, 2020 8 Mar 31, 2020 12 Apr 01, 2020 16 Apr 02, 2020 18 Apr 03, 2020 22 Apr 04, 2020 27 Apr 05, 2020 34 Apr 06, 2020 37 Apr 07, 2020 43 Apr 08, 2020 48 Apr 09, 2020 57 Apr 10, 2020 65 Apr 11, 2020 73 Apr 12, 2020 80 Apr 13, 2020 82 Apr 14, 2020 92 Apr 15, 2020 94 Apr 16, 2020 105 Apr 17, 2020 116 Apr 18, 2020 126 Apr 19, 2020 133 Apr 20, 2020 139 Apr 21, 2020 147 Apr 22, 2020 160 Apr 23, 2020 168 Apr 24, 2020 174 Apr 25, 2020 181 Apr 26, 2020 189 Apr 27, 2020 198 Apr 28, 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There has been an overall increase in petroleum between 2000 and 2014.", "Input": " Year Petroleum Dec 31, 1999 7.16 Dec 31, 2000 6.59 Dec 31, 2001 6.35 Dec 31, 2002 7.53 Dec 31, 2003 7.15 Dec 31, 2004 9.81 Dec 31, 2005 11.22 Dec 31, 2006 11.83 Dec 31, 2007 19.2 Dec 31, 2008 14.16 Dec 31, 2009 18.06 Dec 31, 2010 24.08 Dec 31, 2011 23.78 Dec 31, 2012 21.56 Dec 31, 2013 22.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, 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Toyota is the brand with the lowest amount. Most brands are under 0.4 percentage share.", "Input": " 2018 brand of passenger cars with diesel engines 0.64 Volvo 0.61 Mercedes 0.57 BMW 0.48 Audi 0.44 Peugeot 0.41 Renault 0.4 Nissan 0.39 Volkswagen 0.36 Skoda 0.35 Ford 0.34 Dacia 0.34 Citroen 0.3 Fiat 0.28 Kia 0.25 Opel 0.22 Seat 0.19 Hyundai 0.05 Toyota", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1313.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#D64550\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2018\"}, \"field\": \"2018\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"brand of passenger cars with diesel engines\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage share of new passenger cars in\", \"Europe with diesel engines in 2014 and 2018\", \", by brand\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The death amount increased dramatically after April and had a steep incline past October. The month data is not very specific and would be better if it mentioned every month.", "Input": " Year Deaths Jan 13, 2020 0 Jan 14, 2020 0 Jan 15, 2020 0 Jan 16, 2020 0 Jan 17, 2020 0 Jan 18, 2020 0 Jan 19, 2020 0 Jan 20, 2020 0 Jan 21, 2020 0 Jan 22, 2020 0 Jan 23, 2020 0 Jan 24, 2020 0 Jan 25, 2020 0 Jan 26, 2020 0 Jan 27, 2020 0 Jan 28, 2020 0 Jan 29, 2020 0 Jan 30, 2020 0 Jan 31, 2020 0 Feb 01, 2020 0 Feb 02, 2020 0 Feb 03, 2020 0 Feb 04, 2020 0 Feb 05, 2020 0 Feb 06, 2020 0 Feb 07, 2020 0 Feb 08, 2020 0 Feb 09, 2020 0 Feb 10, 2020 0 Feb 11, 2020 0 Feb 12, 2020 0 Feb 13, 2020 0 Feb 14, 2020 0 Feb 15, 2020 0 Feb 16, 2020 0 Feb 17, 2020 0 Feb 18, 2020 0 Feb 19, 2020 0 Feb 20, 2020 0 Feb 21, 2020 0 Feb 22, 2020 0 Feb 23, 2020 0 Feb 24, 2020 0 Feb 25, 2020 0 Feb 26, 2020 0 Feb 27, 2020 0 Feb 28, 2020 0 Feb 29, 2020 0 Mar 01, 2020 0 Mar 02, 2020 0 Mar 03, 2020 0 Mar 04, 2020 0 Mar 05, 2020 0 Mar 06, 2020 0 Mar 07, 2020 0 Mar 08, 2020 0 Mar 09, 2020 0 Mar 10, 2020 0 Mar 11, 2020 0 Mar 12, 2020 0 Mar 13, 2020 0 Mar 14, 2020 0 Mar 15, 2020 0 Mar 16, 2020 0 Mar 17, 2020 0 Mar 18, 2020 0 Mar 19, 2020 0 Mar 20, 2020 2 Mar 21, 2020 2 Mar 22, 2020 2 Mar 23, 2020 4 Mar 24, 2020 5 Mar 25, 2020 5 Mar 26, 2020 8 Mar 27, 2020 12 Mar 28, 2020 16 Mar 29, 2020 20 Mar 30, 2020 28 Mar 31, 2020 29 Apr 01, 2020 37 Apr 02, 2020 50 Apr 03, 2020 60 Apr 04, 2020 79 Apr 05, 2020 94 Apr 06, 2020 125 Apr 07, 2020 141 Apr 08, 2020 174 Apr 09, 2020 194 Apr 10, 2020 233 Apr 11, 2020 273 Apr 12, 2020 296 Apr 13, 2020 332 Apr 14, 2020 406 Apr 15, 2020 449 Apr 16, 2020 486 Apr 17, 2020 546 Apr 18, 2020 650 Apr 19, 2020 686 Apr 20, 2020 712 Apr 21, 2020 857 Apr 22, 2020 970 Apr 23, 2020 1069 Apr 24, 2020 1221 Apr 25, 2020 1305 Apr 26, 2020 1351 Apr 27, 2020 1434 Apr 28, 2020 1569 Apr 29, 2020 1732 Apr 30, 2020 1859 May 01, 2020 1972 May 02, 2020 2061 May 03, 2020 2154 May 04, 2020 2271 May 05, 2020 2507 May 06, 2020 2704 May 07, 2020 2961 May 08, 2020 3160 May 09, 2020 3353 May 10, 2020 3465 May 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Jul 04, 2020 30366 Jul 05, 2020 30639 Jul 06, 2020 31119 Jul 07, 2020 32014 Jul 08, 2020 32796 Jul 09, 2020 33526 Jul 10, 2020 34191 Jul 11, 2020 34730 Jul 12, 2020 35006 Jul 13, 2020 35449 Jul 14, 2020 36327 Jul 15, 2020 36906 Jul 16, 2020 37574 Jul 17, 2020 38310 Jul 18, 2020 38888 Jul 19, 2020 39184 Jul 20, 2020 39485 Jul 21, 2020 40400 Jul 22, 2020 41190 Jul 23, 2020 41908 Jul 24, 2020 42645 Jul 25, 2020 43374 Jul 26, 2020 43680 Jul 27, 2020 44022 Jul 28, 2020 44876 Jul 29, 2020 45361 Jul 30, 2020 46000 Jul 31, 2020 46688 Aug 01, 2020 47472 Aug 02, 2020 47746 Aug 03, 2020 48012 Aug 04, 2020 48869 Aug 05, 2020 49698 Aug 06, 2020 50517 Aug 07, 2020 51311 Aug 08, 2020 52006 Aug 09, 2020 52298 Aug 10, 2020 53003 Aug 11, 2020 53929 Aug 12, 2020 54666 Aug 13, 2020 55293 Aug 14, 2020 55908 Aug 15, 2020 56543 Aug 16, 2020 56757 Aug 17, 2020 57023 Aug 18, 2020 57774 Aug 19, 2020 58481 Aug 20, 2020 59106 Aug 21, 2020 59610 Aug 22, 2020 60254 Aug 23, 2020 60480 Aug 24, 2020 60800 Aug 25, 2020 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All I see is yellow, this color is not ideal and the dots should be more visible.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6515 Dec 31, 2009 0.655 Dec 31, 2010 0.6575 Dec 31, 2011 0.66 Dec 31, 2012 0.6624 Dec 31, 2013 0.6644 Dec 31, 2014 0.6662 Dec 31, 2015 0.6677 Dec 31, 2016 0.669 Dec 31, 2017 0.6702 Dec 31, 2018 0.671", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1324.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#D9B300\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Latin America & Caribbean : Age distribution\", \"from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The lowest employment rate in 55 and over was in '00. The highest employment rate was in '19. Employment rate in the past 20 years varied between 0.3 and 0.4.", "Input": " 55 and over year 0.391 '19 0.388 '18 0.387 '17 0.385 '16 0.384 '15 0.382 '14 0.382 '13 0.38 '12 0.376 '11 0.374 '10 0.373 '09 0.379 '08 0.374 '07 0.369 '06 0.359 '05 0.349 '04 0.342 '03 0.332 '02 0.322 '01 0.315 '00", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": 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timescale, from around 4,000m to around 6,200m. ther was noticeable drop in use around 2012-13.", "Input": " Year Feed and residual Dec 31, 2000 5864 Dec 31, 2001 5563 Dec 31, 2002 5795 Dec 31, 2003 6155 Dec 31, 2004 6115 Dec 31, 2005 5540 Dec 31, 2006 5858 Dec 31, 2007 5133 Dec 31, 2008 5101 Dec 31, 2009 4777 Dec 31, 2010 4519 Dec 31, 2011 4315 Dec 31, 2012 5040 Dec 31, 2013 5280 Dec 31, 2014 5114 Dec 31, 2015 5470 Dec 31, 2016 5304 Dec 31, 2017 5432 Dec 31, 2018 5275", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1426.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, 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The least use of corn occurs in around 2012. All other years between 2001 and 2019 fall between 5000 and 6000.", "Input": " Year Feed and residual Dec 31, 2000 5864 Dec 31, 2001 5563 Dec 31, 2002 5795 Dec 31, 2003 6155 Dec 31, 2004 6115 Dec 31, 2005 5540 Dec 31, 2006 5858 Dec 31, 2007 5133 Dec 31, 2008 5101 Dec 31, 2009 4777 Dec 31, 2010 4519 Dec 31, 2011 4315 Dec 31, 2012 5040 Dec 31, 2013 5280 Dec 31, 2014 5114 Dec 31, 2015 5470 Dec 31, 2016 5304 Dec 31, 2017 5432 Dec 31, 2018 5275", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1426.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Feed and residual\"}, \"field\": \"Feed and residual\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total U.S. domestic use of corn from 2001\", \"to 2019 (in million bushels)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total domestic use of corn from 2001 to 2019 ultimately has declined from just under 6000 feed and residual to just over 5000. The lowest total domestic use was in 2013 with just under 4500 feed and residual.", "Input": " Year Feed and residual Dec 31, 2000 5864 Dec 31, 2001 5563 Dec 31, 2002 5795 Dec 31, 2003 6155 Dec 31, 2004 6115 Dec 31, 2005 5540 Dec 31, 2006 5858 Dec 31, 2007 5133 Dec 31, 2008 5101 Dec 31, 2009 4777 Dec 31, 2010 4519 Dec 31, 2011 4315 Dec 31, 2012 5040 Dec 31, 2013 5280 Dec 31, 2014 5114 Dec 31, 2015 5470 Dec 31, 2016 5304 Dec 31, 2017 5432 Dec 31, 2018 5275", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1426.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9c9ede\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Feed and residual\"}, \"field\": \"Feed and residual\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total U.S. domestic use of corn from 2001\", \"to 2019 (in million bushels)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Mobility fell sharply from March and stayed low through to beyond the end of April. Mobility peaked in October and dropped again in winter.", "Input": " Response Milan Mar 02, 2020 0.44 Mar 09, 2020 0.13 Mar 16, 2020 0.06 Mar 23, 2020 0.04 Mar 30, 2020 0.03 Apr 06, 2020 0.03 Apr 13, 2020 0.04 Apr 20, 2020 0.04 Apr 27, 2020 0.04 May 04, 2020 0.09 May 11, 2020 0.08 May 18, 2020 0.13 May 25, 2020 0.17 Jun 01, 2020 0.2 Jun 08, 2020 0.23 Jun 15, 2020 0.27 Jun 22, 2020 0.31 Jun 29, 2020 0.31 Jul 06, 2020 0.35 Jul 13, 2020 0.38 Jul 20, 2020 0.35 Jul 27, 2020 0.33 Aug 03, 2020 0.27 Aug 10, 2020 0.19 Aug 17, 2020 0.18 Aug 24, 2020 0.26 Aug 31, 2020 0.44 Sep 07, 2020 0.57 Sep 14, 2020 0.66 Sep 21, 2020 0.69 Sep 28, 2020 0.68 Oct 05, 2020 0.68 Oct 12, 2020 0.61 Oct 19, 2020 0.51 Oct 26, 2020 0.38 Nov 02, 2020 0.31 Nov 09, 2020 0.15 Nov 16, 2020 0.17 Nov 23, 2020 0.17 Nov 30, 2020 0.21 Dec 07, 2020 0.18", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d09393\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Milan\"}, \"field\": \"Milan\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mobility in selected cities between March\", \"3 , 2020 and December 7 , 2020 , compared\", \"with movement prior to the coronavirus outbreak\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between March and about mid-May/early June movement reduced to around 40% of pre-pandemic levels, throughout the summer seasons movement began to grow but remained at around 75% pre-pandemic levels, during the winter months movement began to fall again but not as low as the intial fall at the beginning of the pandemic.", "Input": " Response Stockholm Mar 02, 2020 0.93 Mar 09, 2020 0.87 Mar 16, 2020 0.39 Mar 23, 2020 0.32 Mar 30, 2020 0.29 Apr 06, 2020 0.3 Apr 13, 2020 0.29 Apr 20, 2020 0.35 Apr 27, 2020 0.29 May 04, 2020 0.33 May 11, 2020 0.31 May 18, 2020 0.35 May 25, 2020 0.45 Jun 01, 2020 0.44 Jun 08, 2020 0.47 Jun 15, 2020 0.49 Jun 22, 2020 0.55 Jun 29, 2020 0.54 Jul 06, 2020 0.52 Jul 13, 2020 0.48 Jul 20, 2020 0.45 Jul 27, 2020 0.47 Aug 03, 2020 0.54 Aug 10, 2020 0.64 Aug 17, 2020 0.67 Aug 24, 2020 0.67 Aug 31, 2020 0.68 Sep 07, 2020 0.67 Sep 14, 2020 0.66 Sep 21, 2020 0.7 Sep 28, 2020 0.63 Oct 05, 2020 0.76 Oct 12, 2020 0.64 Oct 19, 2020 0.71 Oct 26, 2020 0.74 Nov 02, 2020 0.57 Nov 09, 2020 0.53 Nov 16, 2020 0.49 Nov 23, 2020 0.45 Nov 30, 2020 0.5 Dec 07, 2020 0.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2f2f2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Stockholm\"}, \"field\": \"Stockholm\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mobility in selected cities between March\", \"3 , 2020 and December 7 , 2020 , compared\", \"with movement prior to the coronavirus outbreak\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The above chart shows that the months of March and June 2020, there was limited mobility in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. The chart also shows that between the months of August to November mobility drastically increased.", "Input": " Response Stockholm Mar 02, 2020 0.93 Mar 09, 2020 0.87 Mar 16, 2020 0.39 Mar 23, 2020 0.32 Mar 30, 2020 0.29 Apr 06, 2020 0.3 Apr 13, 2020 0.29 Apr 20, 2020 0.35 Apr 27, 2020 0.29 May 04, 2020 0.33 May 11, 2020 0.31 May 18, 2020 0.35 May 25, 2020 0.45 Jun 01, 2020 0.44 Jun 08, 2020 0.47 Jun 15, 2020 0.49 Jun 22, 2020 0.55 Jun 29, 2020 0.54 Jul 06, 2020 0.52 Jul 13, 2020 0.48 Jul 20, 2020 0.45 Jul 27, 2020 0.47 Aug 03, 2020 0.54 Aug 10, 2020 0.64 Aug 17, 2020 0.67 Aug 24, 2020 0.67 Aug 31, 2020 0.68 Sep 07, 2020 0.67 Sep 14, 2020 0.66 Sep 21, 2020 0.7 Sep 28, 2020 0.63 Oct 05, 2020 0.76 Oct 12, 2020 0.64 Oct 19, 2020 0.71 Oct 26, 2020 0.74 Nov 02, 2020 0.57 Nov 09, 2020 0.53 Nov 16, 2020 0.49 Nov 23, 2020 0.45 Nov 30, 2020 0.5 Dec 07, 2020 0.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1427.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2f2f2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Stockholm\"}, \"field\": \"Stockholm\"}}, \"title\": [\"Mobility in selected cities between March\", \"3 , 2020 and December 7 , 2020 , compared\", \"with movement prior to the coronavirus outbreak\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "A steady incline in gambling through the years but a vast difference from 2010 to 2019.", "Input": " Lotteries (remote and non-remote) Month 572.51 Oct 18 - Sep 19 541.81 Apr 18 - Mar 19 507.93 Apr 17 - Mar 18 442.43 Apr 16 - Mar 17 379.77 Apr 15 - Mar 16 349.74 Apr 14 - Mar 15 293.79 Apr 13 - Mar 14 273 Apr 12 - Mar 13 228.61 Apr 11 - Mar 12 170.12 Apr 10 - Mar 11 158.55 Apr 09 - Mar 10", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1432.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Lotteries (remote and non-remote)\"}, \"field\": \"Lotteries (remote and non-remote)\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Gross gambling yield (GGY) of the gambling\", \"industry in Great Britain (GB) from 2009\", \"to 2019 , by sector (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Rossmann stores have been very successful opening many more stores outside of Germany.", "Input": " Year Turkey Dec 31, 2009 4 Dec 31, 2010 8 Dec 31, 2011 16 Dec 31, 2012 27 Dec 31, 2013 31 Dec 31, 2014 50 Dec 31, 2015 66 Dec 31, 2016 94 Dec 31, 2017 112 Dec 31, 2018 119", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1433.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Turkey\"}, \"field\": \"Turkey\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Rossmann stores outside of Germany\", \"from 2008 to 2019 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Up to 2014, growth was steady. Following 2014 growth has accelerated. In 2018, growth seems to have steadied a little.", "Input": " Year Turkey Dec 31, 2009 4 Dec 31, 2010 8 Dec 31, 2011 16 Dec 31, 2012 27 Dec 31, 2013 31 Dec 31, 2014 50 Dec 31, 2015 66 Dec 31, 2016 94 Dec 31, 2017 112 Dec 31, 2018 119", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1433.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Turkey\"}, \"field\": \"Turkey\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Rossmann stores outside of Germany\", \"from 2008 to 2019 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Rwandan shares of economic sectors in GDP from 2009 to 2019 has remained relatively steady around 0.175.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.1582 Dec 31, 2009 0.1647 Dec 31, 2010 0.1833 Dec 31, 2011 0.184 Dec 31, 2012 0.1778 Dec 31, 2013 0.1773 Dec 31, 2014 0.1764 Dec 31, 2015 0.1703 Dec 31, 2016 0.1728 Dec 31, 2017 0.1723 Dec 31, 2018 0.18", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1449.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rwanda : Share of economic sectors in the\", \"gross domestic product (GDP) from 2009 to\", \"2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was, and still seems to be, and upward trend 8n gate revenues. The dip in 2011/12 shows that people were not attending as many events, although the dip is not hugely significant.", "Input": " Year North America Dec 31, 2005 14.51 Dec 31, 2006 15.6 Dec 31, 2007 15.98 Dec 31, 2008 15.55 Dec 31, 2009 15.71 Dec 31, 2010 15.33 Dec 31, 2011 15.86 Dec 31, 2012 16.63 Dec 31, 2013 17.21 Dec 31, 2014 17.84", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": 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\"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The southern regions own more cats however London is lower.", "Input": " Cats region in the United Kingdom 0.15 North East 0.17 North West 0.16 Yorks&Humber 0.19 East Midlands 0.18 West Midlands 0.18 East of England 0.14 London 0.2 South East 0.21 South West 0.18 Wales 0.14 Scotland 0.12 Northern Ireland", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1495.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 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After 2004, the number of firms with over 250 employees increased at a steady rate each year until 2020.", "Input": " Year Firms with 250 and more employees Dec 31, 1999 0.5199 Dec 31, 2000 0.5224 Dec 31, 2001 0.5166 Dec 31, 2002 0.5143 Dec 31, 2003 0.513 Dec 31, 2004 0.5151 Dec 31, 2005 0.5166 Dec 31, 2006 0.5191 Dec 31, 2007 0.5233 Dec 31, 2008 0.5247 Dec 31, 2009 0.5249 Dec 31, 2010 0.5279 Dec 31, 2011 0.5299 Dec 31, 2012 0.533 Dec 31, 2013 0.5346 Dec 31, 2014 0.5371 Dec 31, 2015 0.5392 Dec 31, 2016 0.5415 Dec 31, 2017 0.5453 Dec 31, 2018 0.5477", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1503.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d67195\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Firms with 250 and more employees\"}, \"field\": \"Firms with 250 and more employees\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of employment in the private\", \"sector , by firm size in the United States\", \"2000 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The 3 highest earners are soccer players. Boxing doesn't have many entries but the one entry it does have is a relatively high earner. 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Given some of the dates are in the future it can only be forecast not sold fact.", "Input": " Hardware Year 24 2027* 23 2026* 22 2025* 20 2024* 19 2023* 18 2022* 16 2021* 15 2020* 14 2019* 12 2018* 10 2017 9 2016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1601.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ad494a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hardware\"}, \"field\": \"Hardware\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Big data revenue worldwide from 2016 to\", \"2027 , by major segment (in billion U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "With current figures. It is predicted that by 2027 worldwide big data revenue will climb to over 20 billion US dollars, more than doubling in ten years.", "Input": " Hardware Year 24 2027* 23 2026* 22 2025* 20 2024* 19 2023* 18 2022* 16 2021* 15 2020* 14 2019* 12 2018* 10 2017 9 2016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1601.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ad494a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hardware\"}, \"field\": \"Hardware\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Big data revenue worldwide from 2016 to\", \"2027 , by major segment (in billion U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As the years increase, so does the worldwide big data revenue. 2027 has over double the revenue of 2016.", "Input": " Hardware Year 24 2027* 23 2026* 22 2025* 20 2024* 19 2023* 18 2022* 16 2021* 15 2020* 14 2019* 12 2018* 10 2017 9 2016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1601.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ad494a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hardware\"}, \"field\": \"Hardware\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Big data revenue worldwide from 2016 to\", \"2027 , by major segment (in billion U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that the busier tram lines are King's cross and water loo this data allows the workers to identify areas of support needed.", "Input": " 2017 busiest Underground stations in London 97.9 King's Cross St. Pancras 91.3 Waterloo 84.1 Oxford Circus 79.4 Victoria 69.1 London Bridge 67.7 Liverpool Street 62 Stratford 61.8 Bank & Monument* 50.9 Canary Wharf 48.8 Paddington 43.1 Euston 41.3 Tottenham Court Road 40.8 Piccadily Circus 39.3 Green Park 38.8 Bond Street", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1604.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1A1A1A\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"2017\"}, \"field\": \"2017\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \" busiest Underground stations in London\"}}, \"title\": [\"Busiest London Underground stations by number\", \"of passengers in London (UK) 2016 - 2017\", \"(in million entries and exits)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The two brands with the most new car registrations in France between 2016 and 2018 were Peugeot and Renault. 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All other car brands in France had 100,000 new car registrations or less between 2016 and 2018.", "Input": " leading car brands 2018 Renaul 406222; leading car brands: Renault Peugeo 389518; leading car brands: Peugeot Citro\u00eb 213844; leading car brands: Citro\u00ebn Volkswage 140313; leading car brands: Volkswagen Daci 140326; leading car brands: Dacia Toyot 97286; leading car brands: Toyota For 82633; leading car brands: Ford Nissa 59606; leading car brands: Nissan Fia 78226; leading car brands: Fiat Mercede 65808; leading car brands: Mercedes Aud 51582; leading car brands: Audi BM 57537; leading car brands: BMW Ope 71619; leading car brands: Opel KI 42313; leading car brands: KIA Hyunda 35542; leading car brands: Hyundai Skod 31423; leading car brands: Skoda Min 27378; leading car brands: Mini Sea 31219; leading car brands: Seat D 24004; leading car brands: DS", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1610.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#393b79\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"leading car brands\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2018\"}, \"field\": \"2018\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of new passenger car registrations\", \"of leading car brands in France between 2016\", \"and 2018 , by brand\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most of the cars registered were from French vehicle companies. Peugeot, Renault and Citroen are the most popular cars.", "Input": " leading car brands 2018 Renaul 406222; leading car brands: Renault Peugeo 389518; leading car brands: Peugeot Citro\u00eb 213844; leading car brands: Citro\u00ebn Volkswage 140313; leading car brands: Volkswagen Daci 140326; leading car brands: Dacia Toyot 97286; leading car brands: Toyota For 82633; leading car brands: Ford Nissa 59606; leading car brands: Nissan Fia 78226; leading car brands: Fiat Mercede 65808; leading car brands: Mercedes Aud 51582; leading car brands: Audi BM 57537; leading car brands: BMW Ope 71619; leading car brands: Opel KI 42313; leading car brands: KIA Hyunda 35542; leading car brands: Hyundai Skod 31423; leading car brands: Skoda Min 27378; leading car brands: Mini Sea 31219; leading car brands: Seat D 24004; leading car brands: DS", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", 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0.2354 Dec 31, 2015 0.2407 Dec 31, 2016 0.2558 Dec 31, 2017 0.2515 Dec 31, 2018 0.2569 Dec 31, 2019 0.2618", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1617.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d67195\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Laos : Distribution of employment by economic\", \"sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average daily time spent watching TV for women in the UK decreased from 2010-2018.", "Input": " Year Women Dec 31, 2009 259 Dec 31, 2010 258 Dec 31, 2011 255 Dec 31, 2012 247 Dec 31, 2013 235 Dec 31, 2014 232 Dec 31, 2015 227 Dec 31, 2016 220 Dec 31, 2017 207 Dec 31, 2018 196", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": 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But as far as the chart reads, 2014 is the lowest and 2018 is the highest.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.1152 Dec 31, 2009 0.1143 Dec 31, 2010 0.1119 Dec 31, 2011 0.1067 Dec 31, 2012 0.109 Dec 31, 2013 0.1052 Dec 31, 2014 0.1104 Dec 31, 2015 0.1167 Dec 31, 2016 0.1124 Dec 31, 2017 0.1177 Dec 31, 2018 0.1132", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1638.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Luxembourg : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Musicals were the least popular choice of genre. The most popular choice by genre were action, closely followed by adventure and comedy.", "Input": " Response Hispanic Comedy 0.85 Adventure 0.84 Action 0.87 Drama 0.77 Thriller/mystery 0.77 Crime 0.81 Documentary 0.71 Romantic comedy 0.66 Live-action 0.68 Animated 0.76 Fantasy 0.7 Sci-fi 0.66 Romance 0.62 Musicals 0.49 Horror 0.65", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1676.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#AB47BC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hispanic\"}, \"field\": \"Hispanic\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular movie genres among adults in\", \"the United States as of December 2018 , by\", \"ethnicity\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Imports of cement reduced significantly from 2005. From 2014 they were back up to 2005 levels and steadily increased.", "Input": " by manufacturers Year 935 2018 1114 2017 635 2015 227 2014 117 2013 61 2012 86 2011 61 2010 99 2009 283 2008 255 2007 124 2006 306 2005 609 2004 576 2003 966 2002 1182 2001", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1680.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"by manufacturers\"}, \"field\": \"by manufacturers\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual amount of cement imported into Great\", \"Britain from 2001 to 2018 , by importer (in\", \"1,000 metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "burger king consuption isgreatest int eh biggest coutries e.g austrialia.", "Input": " Country 2013 Australi 371; Country: Australia Chin 190; Country: China South Kore 164; Country: South Korea New Zealan 86; Country: New Zealand Japa 82; Country: Japan Malaysi 56; Country: Malaysia Indonesi 48; Country: Indonesia Singapor 43; Country: Singapore Philippine 36; Country: Philippines Taiwa 36; Country: Taiwan Thailan 34; Country: Thailand Othe 85; Country: Other", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1688.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c4c4c4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2013\"}, \"field\": \"2013\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Burger King restaurants in the\", \"Asia Pacific region from 2012 to 2013 , by\", \"country or region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "And now for some good news, the suicide rate in Finland for the age group of 40-64 years old has decreased steadily in the last 11 years. This rate used to fall at 520 deaths per year in 2008, and in only 8 years it has fallen to just over 300. Of course there are lots to do but this decline is positive and a step in the right direction.", "Input": " Year 40-64 years Dec 31, 2007 524 Dec 31, 2008 517 Dec 31, 2009 442 Dec 31, 2010 435 Dec 31, 2011 418 Dec 31, 2012 391 Dec 31, 2013 341 Dec 31, 2014 328 Dec 31, 2015 324 Dec 31, 2016 321 Dec 31, 2017 304", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1711.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"40-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"40-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of suicides in Finland from\", \"2007 to 2018 , by age\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total number of suicides in Finland between 2008 and 2018 in the 40-64 age bracket has fallen consistently. The number of suicides each year has not fallen below 300. The sharpest decrease in this age group happened between 2008 and 2010.", "Input": " Year 40-64 years Dec 31, 2007 524 Dec 31, 2008 517 Dec 31, 2009 442 Dec 31, 2010 435 Dec 31, 2011 418 Dec 31, 2012 391 Dec 31, 2013 341 Dec 31, 2014 328 Dec 31, 2015 324 Dec 31, 2016 321 Dec 31, 2017 304", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1711.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"40-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"40-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total number of suicides in Finland from\", \"2007 to 2018 , by age\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There has been a steady increase in the number of schools who offer soccer athletics programs for girls between 2009 and 2019.", "Input": " Soccer Year 10901 2009/10 11047 2010/11 11127 2011/12 11351 2012/13 11354 2013/14 11502 2014/15 11676 2015/16 11823 2016/17 12007 2017/18 12107 2018/19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/171.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Soccer\"}, \"field\": \"Soccer\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of U.S. high schools with athletics\", \"programs for girls from 2009/10 to 2018/19\", \", by sport\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart shows that one word searches are by far the most popular, but that after that, the next most popular are searches of 5+ words. Searches of 2,3,or 4 words ranks equally lowest.", "Input": " AOL search query size 0.0002 Total 0.0003 One word 0.0001 Two words 0.0001 Three words 0.0001 Four words 0.0002 Five words 0.0002 Six words 0.0002 Seven words 0.0002 Eight words 0.0002 Nine words 0.0002 Ten or more words", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1724.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#adc839\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"AOL\"}, \"field\": \"AOL\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"search query size\"}}, \"title\": [\"Global search engine market share as of\", \"January 2020 , by search query size\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The population has risen faster over the last 9 years.", "Input": " Year 65 years + Dec 31, 1989 63.68 Dec 31, 1994 75.1 Dec 31, 1999 88.21 Dec 31, 2004 100.55 Dec 31, 2009 118.94 Dec 31, 2010 122.88 Dec 31, 2011 127.14 Dec 31, 2012 131.61 Dec 31, 2013 137.55 Dec 31, 2014 143.86 Dec 31, 2015 150.03 Dec 31, 2016 158.31 Dec 31, 2017 166.58 Dec 31, 2018 176.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1764.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"65 years +\"}, \"field\": \"65 years +\"}}, \"title\": [\"Population in China from 1990 to 2019 ,\", \"by age group (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "According to the information above Myanmar has experienced and ageing population between 2009 - 2019.", "Input": " Year 65 years and older Dec 31, 2008 0.0478 Dec 31, 2009 0.0481 Dec 31, 2010 0.0486 Dec 31, 2011 0.0491 Dec 31, 2012 0.0497 Dec 31, 2013 0.0505 Dec 31, 2014 0.0517 Dec 31, 2015 0.0535 Dec 31, 2016 0.0556 Dec 31, 2017 0.0578 Dec 31, 2018 0.0601", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1775.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"65 years and older\"}, \"field\": \"65 years and older\"}}, \"title\": [\"Myanmar : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It is not clear what the unit of measurement is on the y axis, but assuming that it is some kind of frequency measure, one can infer that the number of people aged 65 and over is increasing steadily over the decade depicted here, and looks set to continue rising. Without knowing more about the measurement unit, it is not possible to infer that the number of people in this age group is actually low or high.", "Input": " Year 65 years and older Dec 31, 2008 0.0478 Dec 31, 2009 0.0481 Dec 31, 2010 0.0486 Dec 31, 2011 0.0491 Dec 31, 2012 0.0497 Dec 31, 2013 0.0505 Dec 31, 2014 0.0517 Dec 31, 2015 0.0535 Dec 31, 2016 0.0556 Dec 31, 2017 0.0578 Dec 31, 2018 0.0601", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1775.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"65 years and older\"}, \"field\": \"65 years and older\"}}, \"title\": [\"Myanmar : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2018 had the highest 65 years and older value. 2009had the lowest 65 years and older value. The 65 years and older value increased each year from 2009 to 2018.", "Input": " Year 65 years and older Dec 31, 2008 0.0478 Dec 31, 2009 0.0481 Dec 31, 2010 0.0486 Dec 31, 2011 0.0491 Dec 31, 2012 0.0497 Dec 31, 2013 0.0505 Dec 31, 2014 0.0517 Dec 31, 2015 0.0535 Dec 31, 2016 0.0556 Dec 31, 2017 0.0578 Dec 31, 2018 0.0601", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1775.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"65 years and older\"}, \"field\": \"65 years and older\"}}, \"title\": [\"Myanmar : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows that there is not much change in services throughout the years. There is a slight increase from around 0.64 to around 0.67 from 2010 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.6387 Dec 31, 2010 0.6471 Dec 31, 2011 0.6504 Dec 31, 2012 0.6351 Dec 31, 2013 0.6422 Dec 31, 2014 0.6661 Dec 31, 2015 0.6625 Dec 31, 2016 0.6696 Dec 31, 2017 0.6703 Dec 31, 2018 0.673 Dec 31, 2019 0.6749", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1779.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Panama : Distribution of employment by economic\", \"sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2012 was the year that distribution figures peaked and have been on a downward slope since then.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.278 Dec 31, 2009 0.287 Dec 31, 2010 0.295 Dec 31, 2011 0.303 Dec 31, 2012 0.301 Dec 31, 2013 0.299 Dec 31, 2014 0.293 Dec 31, 2015 0.288 Dec 31, 2016 0.281 Dec 31, 2017 0.276 Dec 31, 2018 0.275", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/177.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of the workforce across economic\", \"sectors in China from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2002 the populations marital status is reported to have been roughly 23,000,000. From 2002 to 2010 the populations marital status stayed rather flat with very little change. From 2011 to 2017 a small uptrend was seen and brought marital status of the population close to 25,000,000. In about 2017 a peak was found on the chart showing marital status leveling out again and going flat with even a very slight decline going into 2019 at roughly 24,000,000.", "Input": " Year Married Dec 31, 2001 23088100 Dec 31, 2002 23046141 Dec 31, 2003 22999978 Dec 31, 2004 23155488 Dec 31, 2005 23066569 Dec 31, 2006 23120897 Dec 31, 2007 23105056 Dec 31, 2008 23193525 Dec 31, 2009 23285841 Dec 31, 2010 23123923 Dec 31, 2011 23351825 Dec 31, 2012 23516299 Dec 31, 2013 23838097 Dec 31, 2014 23733162 Dec 31, 2015 24062507 Dec 31, 2016 24247548 Dec 31, 2017 24116565 Dec 31, 2018 24118838", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1787.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Married\"}, \"field\": \"Married\"}}, \"title\": [\"Marital status of the adult population in\", \"England and Wales from 2002 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The marital status of the population in England has very gradually increased from 2002 to 2019. There has not been a great change in marital status over this period. The lowest reading is just below 23 million. The highest reading is about 24 million.", "Input": " Year Married Dec 31, 2001 23088100 Dec 31, 2002 23046141 Dec 31, 2003 22999978 Dec 31, 2004 23155488 Dec 31, 2005 23066569 Dec 31, 2006 23120897 Dec 31, 2007 23105056 Dec 31, 2008 23193525 Dec 31, 2009 23285841 Dec 31, 2010 23123923 Dec 31, 2011 23351825 Dec 31, 2012 23516299 Dec 31, 2013 23838097 Dec 31, 2014 23733162 Dec 31, 2015 24062507 Dec 31, 2016 24247548 Dec 31, 2017 24116565 Dec 31, 2018 24118838", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1787.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Married\"}, \"field\": \"Married\"}}, \"title\": [\"Marital status of the adult population in\", \"England and Wales from 2002 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows that American GDP has declined in growth from 2000 to 2017. The spike between 2001 and 2006 is likely a cause of slow growth before falling sharply due to an Economic Crisis at that time, with the growth being mostly flat for another 6 years before dipping once more in 2015.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 1999 0.2245 Dec 31, 2000 0.2147 Dec 31, 2001 0.2064 Dec 31, 2002 0.2074 Dec 31, 2003 0.2096 Dec 31, 2004 0.2122 Dec 31, 2005 0.2159 Dec 31, 2006 0.2145 Dec 31, 2007 0.2086 Dec 31, 2008 0.1932 Dec 31, 2009 0.1936 Dec 31, 2010 0.1942 Dec 31, 2011 0.1916 Dec 31, 2012 0.1926 Dec 31, 2013 0.193 Dec 31, 2014 0.1852 Dec 31, 2015 0.1795 Dec 31, 2016 0.1821", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/179.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f58518\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP)\", \"across economic sectors in the United States\", \"from 2000 to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The world wide revenue for Johnson\u2019s and Johnson\u2019s was at its highest in 2018.", "Input": " Year Cardiovascular/Metabolism/Other Dec 31, 2011 4.94 Dec 31, 2012 4.95 Dec 31, 2013 5.58 Dec 31, 2014 6.42 Dec 31, 2015 6.4 Dec 31, 2016 6.29 Dec 31, 2017 7.19 Dec 31, 2018 7.27 Dec 31, 2019 7.1 Dec 31, 2020 7.09 Dec 31, 2021 6.93 Dec 31, 2022 6.8 Dec 31, 2023 6.79", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1817.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fc4f30\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Cardiovascular/Metabolism/Other\"}, \"field\": \"Cardiovascular/Metabolism/Other\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of Johnson & Johnson 's pharmaceuticals\", \"segment worldwide from 2012 to 2024 , by\", \"product category (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "N East Asia had the highest contribution at over 30 millions. South Asia had a contribution of around 30 million. However the other countries fell far behind with the others having contributions of under 15 million. Central Asia had the worst contribution at around 1m, Parts of Asia therefor had the best and the worst contribution of travel and tourism to employment.", "Input": " 2017 geographic region 30.49 North East Asia 29.76 South Asia 14.46 South East Asia 11.89 European Union 9.94 North America 6.79 Sub Saharan Africa 5.71 Latin America 2.54 Other Europe 2.51 North Africa 2.34 Middle East 0.89 Oceania 0.76 Caribbean 0.38 Central Asia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1829.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d2d2d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"2017\"}, \"field\": \"2017\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"geographic region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Direct contribution of travel and tourism\", \"to employment worldwide from 2016 to 2017\", \", by region (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that North East Asia and South Asia have similar contributions to employment from tourism, both being recorded at around 30 million people. The European Union, South East Asia and North America benefit by around 15 million persons employed in this area. The Caribbean, Oceania, Central Asia, Middle East all show the lowest number of people employed in tourism, all having less than 3 million employled. Sub Saharan Africa and Latin American both have around 7.5 million employees in tourism industries, according to the chart.", "Input": " 2017 geographic region 30.49 North East Asia 29.76 South Asia 14.46 South East Asia 11.89 European Union 9.94 North America 6.79 Sub Saharan Africa 5.71 Latin America 2.54 Other Europe 2.51 North Africa 2.34 Middle East 0.89 Oceania 0.76 Caribbean 0.38 Central Asia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, 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Closely behind them is surgical devices. The lowest revenue is baby care with only 0.03. 4 sub - categories have roughly the same revenue, these are Anti- infectives, Central nervous systems, neutrogena - aveena+ other medical and OTC drugs and nutritionals with 0.06 of revenues.", "Input": " Sub-category 2019 DePuy orthopedics & spine 0.163; Sub-category: DePuy orthopedics & spine* Surgical devices 0.156; Sub-category: Surgical devices* Stents, catheters & other medical devices 0.115; Sub-category: Stents, catheters & other medical devices* Procrit, Velcade & other* 0.121; Sub-category: Procrit, Velcade & other** Remicade & immunology* 0.11; Sub-category: Remicade & immunology** Central nervous system* 0.0601; Sub-category: Central nervous system** Anti-infectives* 0.0603; Sub-category: Anti-infectives** OTC drugs & nutritionals** 0.0587; Sub-category: OTC drugs & nutritionals*** Women's health, wound & oral care** 0.0685; Sub-category: Women's health, wound & oral care*** Neutrogena, Aveena & other skin care** 0.0559; Sub-category: Neutrogena, Aveena & other skin care*** Baby care** 0.0315; Sub-category: Baby care***", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1838.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ad494a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Sub-category\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2019\"}, \"field\": \"2019\"}}, \"title\": [\"Breakdown of Johnson & Johnson 's revenue\", \"worldwide from 2013 to 2021 , by sub-category\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Since 1950, the crude birth rate in North America has been dropping each year. It has almost halved compared to the rate in 1950 to 2020.", "Input": " North America Year 11.8 2015-2020 12.4 2010-2015 13.5 2005-2010 13.7 2000-2005 14 1995-2000 15.3 1990-1995 15.5 1985-1990 15.3 1980-1985 14.8 1975-1980 15.6 1970-1975 17.7 1965-1970 21.4 1960-1965 24.1 1955-1960 24.4 1950-1955", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1841.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"North America\"}, \"field\": \"North America\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Crude birth rate in each continent and worldwide\", \", from 1950 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The crude birth rate has consistently dropped each year between 1950 to 2020, except for the years between 1980 to 1990.", "Input": " North America Year 11.8 2015-2020 12.4 2010-2015 13.5 2005-2010 13.7 2000-2005 14 1995-2000 15.3 1990-1995 15.5 1985-1990 15.3 1980-1985 14.8 1975-1980 15.6 1970-1975 17.7 1965-1970 21.4 1960-1965 24.1 1955-1960 24.4 1950-1955", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", 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starting on United Kingdom Jan 05, 2020 \u22120.018 Jan 12, 2020 \u22120.041 Jan 19, 2020 \u22120.042 Jan 26, 2020 \u22120.051 Feb 02, 2020 \u22120.043 Feb 09, 2020 \u22120.04 Feb 16, 2020 \u22120.03 Feb 23, 2020 \u22120.019 Mar 01, 2020 \u22120.027 Mar 08, 2020 \u22120.155 Mar 15, 2020 \u22120.193 Mar 22, 2020 \u22120.535 Mar 29, 2020 \u22120.756 Apr 05, 2020 \u22120.907 Apr 12, 2020 \u22120.92 Apr 19, 2020 \u22120.932 Apr 26, 2020 \u22120.935 May 03, 2020 \u22120.925 May 10, 2020 \u22120.923 May 17, 2020 \u22120.939 May 24, 2020 \u22120.946 May 31, 2020 \u22120.936 Jun 07, 2020 \u22120.933 Jun 14, 2020 \u22120.875 Jun 21, 2020 \u22120.858 Jun 28, 2020 \u22120.853 Jul 05, 2020 \u22120.831 Jul 12, 2020 \u22120.76 Jul 19, 2020 \u22120.754 Jul 26, 2020 \u22120.721 Aug 02, 2020 \u22120.661 Aug 09, 2020 \u22120.649 Aug 16, 2020 \u22120.641 Aug 23, 2020 \u22120.632 Aug 29, 2020 \u22120.648 Sep 06, 2020 \u22120.659 Sep 13, 2020 \u22120.656 Sep 20, 2020 \u22120.65 Sep 27, 2020 \u22120.668 Oct 04, 2020 \u22120.665 Oct 11, 2020 \u22120.695 Oct 18, 2020 \u22120.709 Oct 25, 2020 \u22120.681 Nov 01, 2020 \u22120.721 Nov 08, 2020 \u22120.816 Nov 15, 2020 \u22120.867 Nov 22, 2020 \u22120.874 Nov 29, 2020 \u22120.849 Dec 06, 2020 \u22120.809 Dec 13, 2020 \u22120.735 Dec 21, 2020 \u22120.68", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/184.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bf5b17\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Week starting on\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"United Kingdom\"}, \"field\": \"United Kingdom\"}}, \"title\": [\"Year-on-year change of weekly flight frequency\", \"of global airlines from January 6 to December\", \"22 , 2020 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Before April 2020 there was an extremely low proportion of flights in the UK. Between April and July there was a spike in flight numbers, significantly increasing until June before decreasing again and dropping until another smaller spike in mid-October.", "Input": " Week starting on United Kingdom Jan 05, 2020 \u22120.018 Jan 12, 2020 \u22120.041 Jan 19, 2020 \u22120.042 Jan 26, 2020 \u22120.051 Feb 02, 2020 \u22120.043 Feb 09, 2020 \u22120.04 Feb 16, 2020 \u22120.03 Feb 23, 2020 \u22120.019 Mar 01, 2020 \u22120.027 Mar 08, 2020 \u22120.155 Mar 15, 2020 \u22120.193 Mar 22, 2020 \u22120.535 Mar 29, 2020 \u22120.756 Apr 05, 2020 \u22120.907 Apr 12, 2020 \u22120.92 Apr 19, 2020 \u22120.932 Apr 26, 2020 \u22120.935 May 03, 2020 \u22120.925 May 10, 2020 \u22120.923 May 17, 2020 \u22120.939 May 24, 2020 \u22120.946 May 31, 2020 \u22120.936 Jun 07, 2020 \u22120.933 Jun 14, 2020 \u22120.875 Jun 21, 2020 \u22120.858 Jun 28, 2020 \u22120.853 Jul 05, 2020 \u22120.831 Jul 12, 2020 \u22120.76 Jul 19, 2020 \u22120.754 Jul 26, 2020 \u22120.721 Aug 02, 2020 \u22120.661 Aug 09, 2020 \u22120.649 Aug 16, 2020 \u22120.641 Aug 23, 2020 \u22120.632 Aug 29, 2020 \u22120.648 Sep 06, 2020 \u22120.659 Sep 13, 2020 \u22120.656 Sep 20, 2020 \u22120.65 Sep 27, 2020 \u22120.668 Oct 04, 2020 \u22120.665 Oct 11, 2020 \u22120.695 Oct 18, 2020 \u22120.709 Oct 25, 2020 \u22120.681 Nov 01, 2020 \u22120.721 Nov 08, 2020 \u22120.816 Nov 15, 2020 \u22120.867 Nov 22, 2020 \u22120.874 Nov 29, 2020 \u22120.849 Dec 06, 2020 \u22120.809 Dec 13, 2020 \u22120.735 Dec 21, 2020 \u22120.68", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/184.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", 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It is broken down into types of purchases, food, books, apparel and pet supplies included.", "Input": " Physical store Response 0.34 Books 0.65 Clothing and apparel 0.76 Consumer packaged goods 0.83 Food/grocery 0.34 Furniture 0.62 Household goods 0.25 Luxury goods 0.51 Office supplies 0.5 Pet supplies 0.35 Sporting goods 0.5 Tools and home improvement 0.69 Health and beauty", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1896.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#beaed4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Physical store\"}, \"field\": \"Physical store\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Channels used to purchase products according\", \"to internet users in the United States as\", \"of March 2019 , by category\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In comparison to the title of the chart, the data denotes solely information relating to the numbers of Asian/Pacific Islanders enrolled. There has been a gradual increase in the number of Asian/Pacific Islanders enrolled over the time period given.", "Input": " Year Asian/Pacific Islander Dec 31, 1975 169.3 Dec 31, 1979 248.7 Dec 31, 1989 500.5 Dec 31, 1999 845.5 Dec 31, 2009 1087.3 Dec 31, 2012 1064.5 Dec 31, 2013 1074.9 Dec 31, 2014 1084 Dec 31, 2015 1100.3 Dec 31, 2016 1113.6 Dec 31, 2017 1131.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 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Although, it rose back up again and reached to its highest pick in Q3 of the same year.", "Input": " Studio entertainment Quarter 1595 Q4 2020 1738 Q3 2020 2539 Q2 2020 3764 Q1 2020 3310 Q4 2019 3836 Q3 2019 2134 Q2 2019* 1824 Q1 2019 2880 Q3 2018 2499 Q2 2018 2509 Q1 2018", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1953.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a99cbc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"Studio entertainment\"}, \"field\": \"Studio entertainment\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Quarter\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of the Walt Disney Company from\", \"1st quarter 2018 to 4th quarter 2020 , by\", \"segment (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Erikli has the highest rate of bottled water brands. 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I\u2019m.", "Input": " 2013 Brand 0.28 Erikli 0.27 Hayat 0.17 Pinar 0.14 Damla 0.11 Ayta\u00e7 0.1 Saka 0.09 Sirma 0.02 G\u00fczelpinar 0.02 Pure Life 0.01 Abant 0.01 Aqua 0.01 NAYA 0.01 Aquafina 0 Buxton 0 Dasani 0 Evian 0 Perrier 0 SPA 0 Vittel 0 Volvic", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1981.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3580b1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"2013\"}, \"field\": \"2013\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Brand\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average penetration rate of bottled water\", \"brands in Turkey in 2012 and 2013\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows there being a growth in newspaper advertisements spending in the early years apart from 2011. But from 2015, there is mainly a decrease in money spent on advertising.", "Input": " Newspapers Year \u22120.173 2022* \u22120.025 2021* \u22120.034 2020* \u22120.106 2019 \u22120.353 2018 0.01 2017 \u22120.391 2016 \u22120.275 2015 0.191 2014 0.127 2013 0.123 2012 \u22120.2 2011 0.042 2010", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1992.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bab0ac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Newspapers\"}, \"field\": \"Newspapers\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Growth of advertising spending in the Middle\", \"East and North Africa (MENA) from 2010 to\", \"2022 , by medium\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "That spending on advertising in newspapers in mena countries was at it's lowest in 2016 and 2018 and highest in 2014.", "Input": " Newspapers Year \u22120.173 2022* \u22120.025 2021* \u22120.034 2020* \u22120.106 2019 \u22120.353 2018 0.01 2017 \u22120.391 2016 \u22120.275 2015 0.191 2014 0.127 2013 0.123 2012 \u22120.2 2011 0.042 2010", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1992.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#bab0ac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Newspapers\"}, \"field\": \"Newspapers\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Growth of advertising spending in the Middle\", \"East and North Africa (MENA) from 2010 to\", \"2022 , by medium\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The distribution of employment by economic sector in Iraq had steadily increased between 2010 and 2020.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.5644 Dec 31, 2010 0.5682 Dec 31, 2011 0.5702 Dec 31, 2012 0.5726 Dec 31, 2013 0.5769 Dec 31, 2014 0.5788 Dec 31, 2015 0.5827 Dec 31, 2016 0.5885 Dec 31, 2017 0.5925 Dec 31, 2018 0.5958 Dec 31, 2019 0.5986", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1996.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Iraq : Distribution of employment by economic\", \"sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The line chart gives information for one year only, 2016. It clearly shows the individual receiving the highest amount of compensationIt does not identify comparable figures by yearIt does not identify comparable compensation received by an individual over a number of years.", "Input": " Snap\\'s leading executive officers 2016 officers: Evan Spiegel (CEO 2.4; Snap's leading executive officers: Evan Spiegel (CEO) officers: Imran Khan (Former Chief Strategy Officer 5.5; Snap's leading executive officers: Imran Khan (Former Chief Strategy Officer) ve officers: Timothy Sehn (SVP of Engineering)* 41.41; Snap's leading executive officers: Timothy Sehn (SVP of Engineering)**", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/1998.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Snap\\\\'s leading executive officers\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2016\"}, \"field\": \"2016\"}}, \"title\": [\"Compensation of Snap 's leading executive\", \"officers from 2015 to 2019 (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Alaska has had many more fires than every other state put together.", "Input": " Number of acres burned State 22158 Alabama 2498159 Alaska 384942 Arizona 8602 Arkansas 259148 California 40392 Colorado 72 Connecticut 0 Delaware 122500 Florida 12407 Georgia 10710 Hawaii 284026 Idaho 41 Illinois 523 Indiana 2020 Iowa 21167 Kansas 11714 Kentucky 3059 Louisiana 142 Maine 1498 Maryland 248 Massachusetts 1128 Michigan 5862 Minnesota 5473 Mississippi 5091 Missouri 64835 Montana 9478 Nebraska 82282 Nevada 25 New Hampshire 11346 New Jersey 79887 New Mexico 221 New York 14548 North Carolina 4454 North Dakota 1038 Ohio 67142 Oklahoma 79732 Oregon 691 Pennsylvania 33 Rhode Island 5939 South Carolina 2261 South Dakota 5478 Tennessee 215493 Texas 92380 Utah 22 Vermont 2643 Virginia 169742 Washington 7653 West Virginia 1198 Wisconsin 41857 Wyoming", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2021.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6761d\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Number of acres burned\"}, \"field\": \"Number of acres burned\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"State\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of fires and acres burned due to\", \"wildfires in the United States in 2019 ,\", \"by state\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Alaska was significantly greater than any other area in terms of numbers of acres burned. Many areas saw no acres burned at all with no other significantly high numbers seen in other countries.", "Input": " Number of acres burned State 22158 Alabama 2498159 Alaska 384942 Arizona 8602 Arkansas 259148 California 40392 Colorado 72 Connecticut 0 Delaware 122500 Florida 12407 Georgia 10710 Hawaii 284026 Idaho 41 Illinois 523 Indiana 2020 Iowa 21167 Kansas 11714 Kentucky 3059 Louisiana 142 Maine 1498 Maryland 248 Massachusetts 1128 Michigan 5862 Minnesota 5473 Mississippi 5091 Missouri 64835 Montana 9478 Nebraska 82282 Nevada 25 New Hampshire 11346 New Jersey 79887 New Mexico 221 New York 14548 North Carolina 4454 North Dakota 1038 Ohio 67142 Oklahoma 79732 Oregon 691 Pennsylvania 33 Rhode Island 5939 South Carolina 2261 South Dakota 5478 Tennessee 215493 Texas 92380 Utah 22 Vermont 2643 Virginia 169742 Washington 7653 West Virginia 1198 Wisconsin 41857 Wyoming", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, 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The lowest annual consumption bar shows 600 billion cubic feet for 2005. Annual consumption for 2013, 2018 and 2019 exceeded 800 billion cubic feet. Annual consumption for all other years between 2005 and 2019 was between 600 and 800 billion cubic feet.", "Input": " Transportation Year 941 2019*** 913 2018 770 2017 729 2016 718 2015 735 2014 863 2013 761 2012 718 2011 703 2010 607 2005", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2164.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Transportation\"}, \"field\": \"Transportation\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. natural gas consumption between 2005\", \"and 2019 , by sector (in billion cubic feet)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "US national gas consumption grew steadily from 2005 to 2012 va in 2013 it Rose sharply before returning22012 levels and Dean 2017 the usage started to grow again up to a new high in 2019.", "Input": " Transportation Year 941 2019*** 913 2018 770 2017 729 2016 718 2015 735 2014 863 2013 761 2012 718 2011 703 2010 607 2005", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2164.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Transportation\"}, \"field\": \"Transportation\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. natural gas consumption between 2005\", \"and 2019 , by sector (in billion cubic feet)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Demand for power has almost doubled since 2005. There are more products requiring power.", "Input": " Electric power** Year 11307 2019*** 10589 2018 9266 2017 9985 2016 9613 2015 8146 2014 8191 2013 9111 2012 7574 2011 7387 2010 5869 2005", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2164.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b279a2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Electric power**\"}, \"field\": \"Electric power**\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"U.S. natural gas consumption between 2005\", \"and 2019 , by sector (in billion cubic feet)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Market value has been on the rise since 2012 and has gone from just above 200 million to above 1000 million in 8 years.", "Input": " Month Liverpool FC Jan 31, 2011 259.65 Aug 31, 2011 232.88 Jan 31, 2012 219.6 Aug 31, 2012 198.54 Jan 31, 2013 216.45 Aug 31, 2013 228.6 Jan 31, 2014 253.62 Sep 30, 2014 298.35 Jan 31, 2015 293.4 Aug 31, 2015 300.83 Jan 31, 2016 331.16 Aug 31, 2016 348.48 Jan 31, 2017 339.03 Aug 31, 2017 419.85 Jan 31, 2018 495.9 Aug 31, 2018 788.4 Jan 31, 2019 833.85 Aug 31, 2019 959.18 Jan 31, 2020 1070", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2180.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#aa4643\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Liverpool FC\"}, \"field\": \"Liverpool FC\"}}, \"title\": [\"Top ten team market value trends of the\", \"Premier League in the United Kingdom (UK)\", \"from 2011 to 2020 (in million GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart presented shows that millenials mostly agree with ''self-absorbed'' as a description of their generation. We can also notice, that from the tested group, the least agreed to ''rigid'' as describing their generation.", "Input": " Yes, describes my generation Response 0.59 Self-absorbed 0.49 Wasteful 0.43 Greedy 0.4 Environmentally conscious 0.39 Idealistic 0.36 Hard working 0.35 Entrepreneurial 0.33 Tolerant 0.31 Cynical 0.29 Compassionate 0.27 Self-reliant 0.24 Responsible 0.17 Moral 0.17 Politically active 0.15 Willing to sacrifice 0.12 Patriotic 0.12 Religious 0.08 Rigid", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2190.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Yes, describes my generation\"}, \"field\": \"Yes, describes my generation\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"Millennials : Which of the following words\", \"or phrases describe your generation ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Wine production in California peaked in 2013, but shortly after saw a declined from 2014 through to 2016. This could have been a result of less demand or changes in the climate i.e. weather, which in turn affected crop growth and production numbers.", "Input": " Year United States Dec 31, 2005 623.26 Dec 31, 2006 637.67 Dec 31, 2007 619.68 Dec 31, 2008 707.08 Dec 31, 2009 677.49 Dec 31, 2010 683.62 Dec 31, 2011 752.43 Dec 31, 2012 836.11 Dec 31, 2013 835.47 Dec 31, 2014 768.09 Dec 31, 2015 806.45 Dec 31, 2016 88.58", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2196.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"United States\"}, \"field\": \"United States\"}}, \"title\": [\"Wine production in the United States and\", \"in California from 2006 to 2017 (in million\", \"gallons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest production of wine in the USA was between the years 2013 and 2014. During 2013-2014 the wine production rate was above 800 million gallons. Wine production in USA has never been lower than 600 million gallons between 2006 and 2017.", "Input": " Year United States Dec 31, 2005 623.26 Dec 31, 2006 637.67 Dec 31, 2007 619.68 Dec 31, 2008 707.08 Dec 31, 2009 677.49 Dec 31, 2010 683.62 Dec 31, 2011 752.43 Dec 31, 2012 836.11 Dec 31, 2013 835.47 Dec 31, 2014 768.09 Dec 31, 2015 806.45 Dec 31, 2016 88.58", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2196.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"United States\"}, \"field\": \"United States\"}}, \"title\": [\"Wine production in the United States and\", \"in California from 2006 to 2017 (in million\", \"gallons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "April showed the highest numbers of bankruptcies in Sweden in 2020 after the coronavirus outbreak for this industry. May showed the second highest numbers of bankruptcies in Sweden in 2020 after the coronavirus outbreak for this industry. March showed the third highest numbers of bankruptcies in Sweden in 2020 after the coronavirus outbreak for this industry. February and September showed the least numbers of bankruptcies in Sweden in 2020 after the coronavirus outbreak for this industry.", "Input": " Wholesale Month 29 Feb 41 Mar 55 Apr 43 May 33 Jun 37 Jul 24 Aug 24 Sep 29 Oct 37 Nov", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2198.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7298a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Wholesale\"}, \"field\": \"Wholesale\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of bankruptcies after the coronavirus\", \"outbreak in Sweden from February to November\", \"2020 , by industry\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "During the time period observed, the price of peanut butter remained relatively stable. However, the month with the lowest price was June 2020 while the highest was May 2020. I can't comment much more than this as the chart does not clearly show the full time period mentioned in the title. The months also look out of order.", "Input": " Month 2020 Ju 2.74; Month: Jun Ma 2.98; Month: May Ap 2.79; Month: Apr Ma 2.82; Month: Mar Fe 2.8; Month: Feb Ja 2.83; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2211.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2020\"}, \"field\": \"2020\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average retail price for peanut butter in\", \"Canada from January 2015 to June 2020 (in\", \"Canadian dollars per 500 grams)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In January and march the same number of sales were seen. Apart from Juge, sales increased consistently.", "Input": " Month 2020 Ju 2.74; Month: Jun Ma 2.98; Month: May Ap 2.79; Month: Apr Ma 2.82; Month: Mar Fe 2.8; Month: Feb Ja 2.83; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, 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\"the U.S. from 1998 to 2019 (in mills per\", \"kilowatt hour)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Costs per kilowatt per hour have increased significantly in the last 15 years.", "Input": " Year Hydroelectric* Dec 31, 1997 4.67 Dec 31, 1998 5.38 Dec 31, 1999 5.74 Dec 31, 2004 6.68 Dec 31, 2009 9.15 Dec 31, 2010 8.88 Dec 31, 2011 11.34 Dec 31, 2012 10.88 Dec 31, 2013 11.9 Dec 31, 2014 13.42 Dec 31, 2015 10.98 Dec 31, 2016 10.29 Dec 31, 2017 10.65 Dec 31, 2018 10.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, 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10247 Dec 31, 2014 10601 Dec 31, 2015 11122 Dec 31, 2016 11378 Dec 31, 2017 12250 Dec 31, 2018 13411 Dec 31, 2019 14266", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2315.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f0027f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Level\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Partners\"}, \"field\": \"Partners\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Deloitte employees worldwide from\", \"2010 to 2020 , by level\"], \"$schema\": 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The increase in the male population of Haiti from 2008 to 2018 has been consistently average year on year in how it has increased.", "Input": " Year Male Dec 31, 2007 4.76 Dec 31, 2008 4.83 Dec 31, 2009 4.91 Dec 31, 2010 4.98 Dec 31, 2011 5.06 Dec 31, 2012 5.13 Dec 31, 2013 5.21 Dec 31, 2014 5.28 Dec 31, 2015 5.35 Dec 31, 2016 5.42 Dec 31, 2017 5.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2350.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3e2cd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Male\"}, \"field\": \"Male\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total population of Haiti from 2008 to 2018\", \", by gender (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2008 to 2018 there has been a steady increase in population in Haiti. This level has increased from approximately 9.5 million to about 11 million.", "Input": " Year Total Dec 31, 2007 9.65 Dec 31, 2008 9.8 Dec 31, 2009 9.95 Dec 31, 2010 10.1 Dec 31, 2011 10.25 Dec 31, 2012 10.4 Dec 31, 2013 10.55 Dec 31, 2014 10.7 Dec 31, 2015 10.84 Dec 31, 2016 10.98 Dec 31, 2017 11.12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2350.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Total\"}, \"field\": \"Total\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total population of Haiti from 2008 to 2018\", \", by gender (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The population of Haiti has risen from just under 10million in 2008 to around 11milliion in 2018. In 2010 the population of Haiti hit 10million.", "Input": " Year Total Dec 31, 2007 9.65 Dec 31, 2008 9.8 Dec 31, 2009 9.95 Dec 31, 2010 10.1 Dec 31, 2011 10.25 Dec 31, 2012 10.4 Dec 31, 2013 10.55 Dec 31, 2014 10.7 Dec 31, 2015 10.84 Dec 31, 2016 10.98 Dec 31, 2017 11.12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2350.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#0F9D58\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Total\"}, \"field\": \"Total\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total population of Haiti from 2008 to 2018\", \", by gender (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Industry (GDP) from 2009 and 2019 is between 0.25 and 0.3. The year 2010 has the lowest GDP. The year 2019 has the highest GDP. Overall, as the years increase, the GDP also increases.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.2737 Dec 31, 2009 0.2651 Dec 31, 2010 0.2681 Dec 31, 2011 0.2739 Dec 31, 2012 0.2749 Dec 31, 2013 0.2814 Dec 31, 2014 0.2803 Dec 31, 2015 0.2799 Dec 31, 2016 0.2842 Dec 31, 2017 0.2843 Dec 31, 2018 0.284", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c4c4c4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Slovenia : Share of economic sectors in\", \"the gross domestic product (GDP) from 2009\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2009 to 2019, the GDP only increases slightly with minor fluctuations. The minimum appears in 2010. The maximum appears in 2019.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.2737 Dec 31, 2009 0.2651 Dec 31, 2010 0.2681 Dec 31, 2011 0.2739 Dec 31, 2012 0.2749 Dec 31, 2013 0.2814 Dec 31, 2014 0.2803 Dec 31, 2015 0.2799 Dec 31, 2016 0.2842 Dec 31, 2017 0.2843 Dec 31, 2018 0.284", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c4c4c4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Slovenia : Share of economic sectors in\", \"the gross domestic product (GDP) from 2009\", \"to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "2010 is the grossest domestic product year across the rest of the economic sectors, while 2016 is the most petite gross domestic product year.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2008 0.0312 Dec 31, 2009 0.0399 Dec 31, 2010 0.0324 Dec 31, 2011 0.0313 Dec 31, 2012 0.0311 Dec 31, 2013 0.0324 Dec 31, 2014 0.0353 Dec 31, 2015 0.0309 Dec 31, 2016 0.0347 Dec 31, 2017 0.0357 Dec 31, 2018 0.0372", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2434.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Latvia : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is no clear most searched topic in 2020, with four different topics - Abruzzo, Calabria, Sardinia and Tuscany - seemingly having roughly equal amounts of searches. Similarly there are a number of term with lowest number of searches - Aosta Valley, Bascilicata, Marche, Piedmount and Trentino South-Tyrol.", "Input": " region of Italy Vaccination Basilicata 0.04 Molise 0.06 Marche 0.04 Umbria 0.05 Tuscany 0.07 Apulia 0.06 Liguria 0.06 Calabria 0.07 Abruzzo 0.07 Lazio 0.06 Veneto 0.05 Emilia Romagna 0.05 Piedmont 0.04 Lombardy 0.05 Friuli Venezia Giulia 0.05 Campania 0.05 Aosta Valley 0.04 Sicily 0.05 Sardinia 0.07 Trentino South-Tyrol 0.04", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2450.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#5254a3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of Italy\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Vaccination\"}, \"field\": \"Vaccination\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most searched topics on Google about coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) in Italy in 2020 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of attacks and fatalities by white supremacist extremists is sporadic over the number of years being recorded with a number of spikes. Between 2000-2004, 2010-12 and 2014-2016, the number of attacks and fatalities was low, between 0 and 1 each year with a total of 7 attacks and fatalities. In 2005-2009 the number of attacks and fatalities generally spikes with 1 and 4 attacks and fatalities occurring each year and a total of 15 attacks and fatalities occurring. The number of attacks and fatalities also spikes in 2013 with 3 attacks and fatalities occurring in that year.", "Input": " Year Attacks Dec 31, 1999 1 Dec 31, 2000 0 Dec 31, 2001 1 Dec 31, 2002 1 Dec 31, 2003 0 Dec 31, 2004 3 Dec 31, 2005 3 Dec 31, 2006 4 Dec 31, 2007 1 Dec 31, 2008 4 Dec 31, 2009 0 Dec 31, 2010 0 Dec 31, 2011 1 Dec 31, 2012 3 Dec 31, 2013 1 Dec 31, 2014 1 Dec 31, 2015 1", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2453.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Attacks\"}, \"field\": \"Attacks\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of attacks and fatalities by white\", \"supremacist extremists in the United States\", \"from 2000 to 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Malaysians have stocked up mostly on eggs, dry food,fresh food and meat. The least stocked items were alcohol, then cheese, seafood and other dairy products.", "Input": " Response MCO Phase 3 Eggs 0.83 Dry food items 0.78 Fresh food 0.75 Poultry/meat 0.67 Frozen food 0.63 Cooking oil 0.62 Bread, pastry 0.57 Beverages 0.54 Other dairy products 0.35 Seafood 0.3 Cheese 0.18 Alcohol 0.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2467.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}, \"field\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}}, \"title\": [\"Food items that Malaysians have been stocking\", \"up during the Movement Control Order (MCO)\", \"period during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "During the Movement Control Order (MCO) period during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 the three items that were stocked the most were eggs, dry food items, and fresh food. The lowest was alcohol, followed by cheese.", "Input": " Response MCO Phase 3 Eggs 0.83 Dry food items 0.78 Fresh food 0.75 Poultry/meat 0.67 Frozen food 0.63 Cooking oil 0.62 Bread, pastry 0.57 Beverages 0.54 Other dairy products 0.35 Seafood 0.3 Cheese 0.18 Alcohol 0.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2467.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}, \"field\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}}, \"title\": [\"Food items that Malaysians have been stocking\", \"up during the Movement Control Order (MCO)\", \"period during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Eggs have been the most popular, with Cooking oil second, fresh food third, and poultry/meat food fourth.", "Input": " Response MCO Phase 3 Eggs 0.83 Dry food items 0.78 Fresh food 0.75 Poultry/meat 0.67 Frozen food 0.63 Cooking oil 0.62 Bread, pastry 0.57 Beverages 0.54 Other dairy products 0.35 Seafood 0.3 Cheese 0.18 Alcohol 0.03", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2467.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}, \"field\": \"MCO Phase 3\"}}, \"title\": [\"Food items that Malaysians have been stocking\", \"up during the Movement Control Order (MCO)\", \"period during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Life expectancy has shown a steady increase, from around 70 in 1950, to over 80 in 2018. There was a small decrease between 1960 and 1970 of maybe 1 or 2 years, but the uptrend resumed at a mostly constant rate.", "Input": " Year Men Dec 31, 1949 70.3 Dec 31, 1954 70.9 Dec 31, 1959 71.4 Dec 31, 1964 71.1 Dec 31, 1969 70.8 Dec 31, 1974 71.4 Dec 31, 1979 72.5 Dec 31, 1984 73.1 Dec 31, 1989 73.8 Dec 31, 1994 74.6 Dec 31, 1999 75.5 Dec 31, 2004 77.2 Dec 31, 2009 78.8 Dec 31, 2014 79.7 Dec 31, 2017 80.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2485.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}}, \"title\": [\"Life expectancy at birth in the Netherlands\", \"from 1950 to 2018 , by gender\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Life expectancy for women in the Netherlands has risen steadily since 1950. The statistics for men are not shown. Average life expectancy was around 70 years in 1950 and was over 80 years in 2018. The change is not huge considering the span of the statistics.", "Input": " Year Women Dec 31, 1949 72.6 Dec 31, 1954 74.1 Dec 31, 1959 75.3 Dec 31, 1964 76.1 Dec 31, 1969 76.5 Dec 31, 1974 77.7 Dec 31, 1979 79.2 Dec 31, 1984 79.7 Dec 31, 1989 80.1 Dec 31, 1994 80.4 Dec 31, 1999 80.6 Dec 31, 2004 81.6 Dec 31, 2009 82.7 Dec 31, 2014 83.1 Dec 31, 2017 83.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": 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The deaths are averaging 1500 between 2014 and 2019.", "Input": " Year Men Dec 31, 2008 1651 Dec 31, 2009 1549 Dec 31, 2010 1489 Dec 31, 2011 1495 Dec 31, 2012 1391 Dec 31, 2013 1491 Dec 31, 2014 1532 Dec 31, 2015 1477 Dec 31, 2016 1464 Dec 31, 2017 1478 Dec 31, 2018 1487", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2563.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of alcohol-related deaths in Sweden\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by gender\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart above shows that on the selected dates, March 18th had the highest recorded local cases of Covid-19 in Singapore reaching a peak of 14. 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Himachal Pradesh 5.37 Chandigarh 1.28 Tripura 1.81 Manipur 2.95 Mizoram 0 Meghalaya 8.12 Arunachal Pradesh 1.3 Nagaland 16.82 Andaman and Nicobar islands 6.61 Daman and Diu 1.27 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 5.48 Lakshadweep 0.53 Sikkim 0", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2762.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fed9a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": 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members Dec 31, 1994 59 Dec 31, 1999 55 Dec 31, 2000 55 Dec 31, 2001 54 Dec 31, 2002 52 Dec 31, 2003 50 Dec 31, 2004 46 Dec 31, 2005 47 Dec 31, 2006 47 Dec 31, 2007 49 Dec 31, 2008 47 Dec 31, 2009 48", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fff2ae\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Black members\"}, \"field\": \"Black members\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Army national guard members by\", \"ethnic group in the United States from 1995\", \"to 2010 (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "France was the leading country for Italian cosmetic industry exports in 2018.", "Input": " Country 2018 Franc 636; Country: France German 549; Country: Germany United State 499; Country: United States United Kingdo 338; Country: United Kingdom Spai 304; Country: Spain Hong Kon 244; Country: Hong Kong Netherland 176; Country: Netherlands United Arab Emirate 147; Country: United Arab Emirates Polan 172; Country: Poland Russi 131; Country: Russia Belgiu 127; Country: Belgium", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": 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{"Instruction": "France, Germany, US and UK are the highest cosmetic exportersBelgium, Poland and UAE have the lowest export rate.", "Input": " Country 2019 Franc 609; Country: France German 562; Country: Germany United State 513; Country: United States United Kingdo 351; Country: United Kingdom Spai 294; Country: Spain Hong Kon 244; Country: Hong Kong Netherland 171; Country: Netherlands United Arab Emirate 139; Country: United Arab Emirates Polan 156; Country: Poland Belgiu 140; Country: Belgium", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2804.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fcbfd2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": 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Argentina has the lowest rate of Carbon dioxide emissions. Most countries range between 0 to 2000, except a few. United States has the second highest rate.", "Input": " 2018 Country 10064.69 China (Mainland) 5416.28 United States 2654.1 India 1710.69 Russia 1161.98 Japan 759 Germany 658.79 South Korea 614.92 Indonesia 568.41 Canada 477.32 Mexico 467.56 South Africa 428.18 Turkey 379.04 United Kingdom 337.91 France (including Monaco ) 195.53 Argentina", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2863.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2018\"}, \"field\": \"2018\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Carbon dioxide emissions in 2008 and 2018\", \", by select country (in million metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most people would like to do other things than reading. the second most common answer was that people read things other than booksthe fewest people said they are said of reading.", "Input": " Yes, somewhat Response 0.25 You do not have time 0.34 You prefer to spend more time doing other leisure activities 0.26 You read other things than books (press, blogs, multimedia content) 0.15 You are not interested in reading more books 0.2 Books are too expensive 0.13 You do not feel the need to read 0.13 You have difficulties finding books that you like 0.1 You do not really enjoy reading 0.11 You have been disappointed by previous readings 0.07 The people around you do not read 0.05 You do not have easy access to books (you live far from a library or a bookstore) 0.04 You feel out of place in bookstores or libraries 0.03 You are afraid of reading. 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This then remains at a stable high level for the next 3 years.", "Input": " Month Twitter followers Jul 31, 2012 0.36 Jan 31, 2013 0.49 Jul 31, 2013 0.57 Jan 31, 2014 0.68 Jul 31, 2014 0.74 Jan 31, 2015 0.91 Jul 31, 2015 1.01 Jan 31, 2016 1.21 Jul 31, 2016 1.36 Jan 31, 2017 1.85 Jul 31, 2017 2.49 Jan 31, 2018 3.27 Jul 31, 2018 3.33 Jan 31, 2019 3.41 Jul 31, 2019 3.4 Jan 31, 2020 3.5 Jul 31, 2020 3.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2875.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3e2cd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Twitter followers\"}, \"field\": \"Twitter followers\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL) from 2012\", \"to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2016 and 2018 NFLs followers greatly increased between 1.5-3.5 with the highest following point being 2020.", "Input": " Month Twitter followers Jul 31, 2012 0.36 Jan 31, 2013 0.49 Jul 31, 2013 0.57 Jan 31, 2014 0.68 Jul 31, 2014 0.74 Jan 31, 2015 0.91 Jul 31, 2015 1.01 Jan 31, 2016 1.21 Jul 31, 2016 1.36 Jan 31, 2017 1.85 Jul 31, 2017 2.49 Jan 31, 2018 3.27 Jul 31, 2018 3.33 Jan 31, 2019 3.41 Jul 31, 2019 3.4 Jan 31, 2020 3.5 Jul 31, 2020 3.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2875.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3e2cd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Twitter followers\"}, \"field\": \"Twitter followers\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL) from 2012\", \"to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From 2012 to 2014, followers increased by over 500k every two years before surging by approximately to more than 2 million more between 2017 and 2018, before slowing down to just a few hundred thousand between 2018 and 2020.", "Input": " Month Twitter followers Jul 31, 2012 0.36 Jan 31, 2013 0.49 Jul 31, 2013 0.57 Jan 31, 2014 0.68 Jul 31, 2014 0.74 Jan 31, 2015 0.91 Jul 31, 2015 1.01 Jan 31, 2016 1.21 Jul 31, 2016 1.36 Jan 31, 2017 1.85 Jul 31, 2017 2.49 Jan 31, 2018 3.27 Jul 31, 2018 3.33 Jan 31, 2019 3.41 Jul 31, 2019 3.4 Jan 31, 2020 3.5 Jul 31, 2020 3.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2875.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3e2cd\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Twitter followers\"}, \"field\": \"Twitter followers\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL) from 2012\", \"to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The Community of Madrid has the most passenger cars registered than anywhere else in Spain. The least amount of passenger cars were registered in Ceuta & Melilla.", "Input": " 2015 autonomous community of Spain 114660 Andalusia 23046 Aragon 16177 Asturias 31743 Balearic Islands 38001 Basque Country 47664 Canary Islands 9836 Cantabria 33630 Castile and Leon 31762 Castile-La Mancha 163822 Catalonia 2087 Ceuta & Melilla 323513 Community of Madrid 12523 Extremadura 39383 Galicia 4882 La Rioja 22335 Murcia 10791 Navarre 115421 Region of Valencia", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2917.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"2015\"}, \"field\": \"2015\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"autonomous community of Spain\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of passenger cars registered in Spain\", \"between 2015 and 2019 , by autonomous community\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2008 and 2019 the revenue of LVMH group has almost doubled from 3000 million euros to 5.5 thousand million euros. Performance took a dipIn 2009 and 2014 closely followed by periods of growth.", "Input": " Year Wines and spirits 2019 5576 2018 5143 2017 5084 2016 4835 2015 4603 2014 3973 2013* 4173 2012* 4122 2011 3524 2010 3261 2009 2740 2008 3126", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2932.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3cde3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Wines and spirits\"}, \"field\": \"Wines and spirits\"}}, \"title\": [\"Revenue of the LVMH Group worldwide from\", \"2008 to 2019 , by segment (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a considerable degree of variation across the years. This increased between 1980 and 1990. It them decreased between 1990 and 2000. There was an increase between 2000 and 2010, decreasing after 2010.", "Input": " Year Public Dec 31, 1979 2690 Dec 31, 1984 3221 Dec 31, 1989 3332 Dec 31, 1994 3174 Dec 31, 1999 3173 Dec 31, 2004 3349 Dec 31, 2005 3552 Dec 31, 2006 3656 Dec 31, 2007 3578 Dec 31, 2008 3767 Dec 31, 2009 3764 Dec 31, 2010 3732 Dec 31, 2011 3684 Dec 31, 2012 3725 Dec 31, 2013 3617 Dec 31, 2014 3644 Dec 31, 2015 3654 Dec 31, 2016 3542 Dec 31, 2017 3529", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2951.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Public\"}, \"field\": \"Public\"}}, \"title\": [\"Enrollment in public and private kindergartens\", \"in the United States from 1980 to 2018 (in\", \"1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Singapore was the country with the least amount of respondents thinking the coronavirus will last 3-4 weeks whereas China had the greatest amount of respondents thinking the coronavirus will last 3-4 weeks.", "Input": " Response 3-4 weeks All 0.21 Australia 0.07 Brazil 0.14 China 0.29 France 0.23 Germany 0.11 Italy 0.14 Japan 0.07 Philippines 0.18 Singapore 0.02 South Africa 0.11 Spain 0.18 United Kingdom 0.08 United States 0.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2956.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"3-4 weeks\"}, \"field\": \"3-4 weeks\"}}, \"title\": [\"Length of time respondents think the coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) outbreak will last in their country\", \", worldwide as of March 12 , 2020 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "China and France are most pessimistic about the amount of time Covid-19 will impact on their country. Singapore is the most optimistic followed by Australia and Japan.", "Input": " Response 3-4 weeks All 0.21 Australia 0.07 Brazil 0.14 China 0.29 France 0.23 Germany 0.11 Italy 0.14 Japan 0.07 Philippines 0.18 Singapore 0.02 South Africa 0.11 Spain 0.18 United Kingdom 0.08 United States 0.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2956.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"3-4 weeks\"}, \"field\": \"3-4 weeks\"}}, \"title\": [\"Length of time respondents think the coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) outbreak will last in their country\", \", worldwide as of March 12 , 2020 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "united states is the country were people think that covid will last the longest time , china think it wont last as long.", "Input": " Response 4-5 months All 0.11 Australia 0.14 Brazil 0.18 China 0.06 France 0.12 Germany 0.14 Italy 0.16 Japan 0.18 Philippines 0.14 Singapore 0.1 South Africa 0.13 Spain 0.16 United Kingdom 0.13 United States 0.19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2956.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"4-5 months\"}, \"field\": \"4-5 months\"}}, \"title\": [\"Length of time respondents think the coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) outbreak will last in their country\", \", worldwide as of March 12 , 2020 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As of March 2020, respondents from the United States thought that the Coronavirus outbreak would last longer in their country than respondents from other countries thought it would last in their own country. Oppositely, respondents from China thought the outbreak would last the least amount of time in their country compared to respondents from other countries.", "Input": " Response 4-5 months All 0.11 Australia 0.14 Brazil 0.18 China 0.06 France 0.12 Germany 0.14 Italy 0.16 Japan 0.18 Philippines 0.14 Singapore 0.1 South Africa 0.13 Spain 0.16 United Kingdom 0.13 United States 0.19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2956.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"4-5 months\"}, \"field\": \"4-5 months\"}}, \"title\": [\"Length of time respondents think the coronavirus\", \"(COVID-19) outbreak will last in their country\", \", worldwide as of March 12 , 2020 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows that the best month for the sale of cookies, confectionary and snacks is December. We can conclude that December is the best month because it is the month which contains Christmas.", "Input": " 2016 Month 480.22 Dec 352.24 Nov 392.5 Oct 318.03 Sep 280.86 Aug 294.04 Jul 282.58 Jun 291.21 May 397.08 Apr 364.69 Mar 284.92 Feb 275.38 Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2957.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2016\"}, \"field\": \"2016\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly sales of cookies , confectionery\", \"and snack foods at large retailers in Canada\", \"from January 2015 to April 2019 (in million\", \"Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Roche produced less chemical waste in 2018 than it did in 2008. From 2013 to 2018 there was a significant drop in the amount of chemical waste produced by Roche. From 2018 to 2019, there was a slight increase in the amount of chemical waste produced by Roche.", "Input": " Year Chemical waste Dec 31, 2006 38167 Dec 31, 2007 31295 Dec 31, 2008 27605 Dec 31, 2009 29020 Dec 31, 2010 30170 Dec 31, 2011 25703 Dec 31, 2012 30843 Dec 31, 2013 27142 Dec 31, 2014 25742 Dec 31, 2015 21906 Dec 31, 2016 17245 Dec 31, 2017 13563 Dec 31, 2018 17422", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/2979.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Chemical waste\"}, \"field\": \"Chemical waste\"}}, \"title\": [\"Waste generated by pharmaceutical company\", \"Roche from 2007 to 2019 (in metric tons)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "His earnings are projected to keep decliningHe was earning the most amount of money in between 2005 and 2010.", "Input": " Year Off course Dec 31, 1995 12.25 Dec 31, 1996 19.5 Dec 31, 1997 27 Dec 31, 1998 27 Dec 31, 1999 38 Dec 31, 2000 56 Dec 31, 2001 67 Dec 31, 2002 77 Dec 31, 2003 83 Dec 31, 2004 75 Dec 31, 2005 87 Dec 31, 2006 99.8 Dec 31, 2007 109.6 Dec 31, 2008 100.9 Dec 31, 2009 72 Dec 31, 2010 62 Dec 31, 2011 77 Dec 31, 2012 71 Dec 31, 2013 54.5 Dec 31, 2014 48 Dec 31, 2015 34.61", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/297.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffff99\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Off course\"}, \"field\": \"Off course\"}}, \"title\": [\"Career earnings of golf player Tiger Woods\", \"from 1996 to 2016 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2010 and 2020 services increase from 0.36 to 0.41.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.3507 Dec 31, 2010 0.355 Dec 31, 2011 0.3578 Dec 31, 2012 0.3596 Dec 31, 2013 0.3637 Dec 31, 2014 0.366 Dec 31, 2015 0.3687 Dec 31, 2016 0.3898 Dec 31, 2017 0.3973 Dec 31, 2018 0.4016 Dec 31, 2019 0.4061", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/299.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4c78a8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Bangladesh : Distribution of employment\", \"by economic sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The distribution has slowlly increased over the period shown. There is a slight increase between the years 2016 to 2017.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.3507 Dec 31, 2010 0.355 Dec 31, 2011 0.3578 Dec 31, 2012 0.3596 Dec 31, 2013 0.3637 Dec 31, 2014 0.366 Dec 31, 2015 0.3687 Dec 31, 2016 0.3898 Dec 31, 2017 0.3973 Dec 31, 2018 0.4016 Dec 31, 2019 0.4061", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/299.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4c78a8\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Bangladesh : Distribution of employment\", \"by economic sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The greatest reported usage of a smartphone was for taking pictures or films. Aside from \"none of the above\", the least reported usage was for watching tv. Among all of the reported usages, taking pictures and films, playing games, downloading apps, and chatting with friends were the highest, quantitatively in descending order from the most to 4th most.", "Input": " 8-12 Activities 0.81 Taking pictures or films 0.66 Chatting with friends 0.72 Downloading apps 0.48 Social networking (e.g. Facebook or Twitter) 0.77 Playing games 0.55 Browsing online 0.44 Watching videos 0.39 To learn things 0.29 Video chat (e.g. Skype or FaceTime) 0.16 Watching TV 0.03 None of the above", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3001.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#168dd9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"8-12\"}, \"field\": \"8-12\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Activities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Do you use a smartphone for any of the following\", \"?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Taking pictures or films is the activity that is most popular to use a smartphone for. The level of people that use the smartphone for this activity is 0.80. This is closely followed by playing games as another reason for using the smartphone. None of the above and watching TV has the lowest level at less than 0.20.", "Input": " 8-12 Activities 0.81 Taking pictures or films 0.66 Chatting with friends 0.72 Downloading apps 0.48 Social networking (e.g. Facebook or Twitter) 0.77 Playing games 0.55 Browsing online 0.44 Watching videos 0.39 To learn things 0.29 Video chat (e.g. Skype or FaceTime) 0.16 Watching TV 0.03 None of the above", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3001.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#168dd9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"8-12\"}, \"field\": \"8-12\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Activities\"}}, \"title\": [\"Do you use a smartphone for any of the following\", \"?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most people haven\u2019t shifted from online to offline but after that people have been purchasing food and delivery online instead.", "Input": " Response United Kingdom Restaurant delivery / takeaway 0.19 Hygiene products (e.g. hand sanitizer, toilet paper) 0.21 Clothing 0.24 Household cleaning products 0.17 Food and drink delivery (e.g. from supermarket) 0.3 Health products (e.g. medicine) 0.15 Books 0.16 Hobby supplies 0.14 Games 0.13 Consumer electronics, household appliances, furniture 0.11 Video 0.07 Music 0.08 Magazines & newspapers 0.07 Financial products and services 0.06 Other 0.03 I have not shifted from offline to online purchases for any products or services 0.35", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/305.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"United Kingdom\"}, \"field\": \"United Kingdom\"}}, \"title\": [\"Have you deliberately purchased any of these\", \"products or services online instead of offline\", \"because of the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic\", \"? (as of May 31 , 2020)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The minimum wage has increased since 1938 until 2013 where it hasnt increased from previous years.", "Input": " Month Statutory minimum wage (nominal $) Sep 30, 1938 0.25 Sep 30, 1945 0.4 Dec 31, 1949 0.75 Feb 29, 1956 1 Aug 31, 1961 1.15 Aug 31, 1963 1.25 Jan 31, 1968 1.6 Apr 30, 1974 2 Dec 31, 1974 2.1 Dec 31, 1975 2.3 Dec 31, 1977 2.65 Dec 31, 1979 3.1 Dec 31, 1980 3.35 Mar 31, 1990 3.8 Mar 31, 1991 4.25 Sep 30, 1996 4.75 Aug 31, 1997 5.15 Jun 30, 2007 5.85 Jun 30, 2008 6.55 Jun 30, 2009 7.25 Oct 31, 2013 7.25", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3065.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d98445\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Statutory minimum wage (nominal $)\"}, \"field\": \"Statutory minimum wage (nominal $)\"}}, \"title\": [\"The real and nominal value of the federal\", \"minimum wage in the United States from 1938\", \"to 2013 , expressed in July 2013 U.S. dollars\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "all golfers mentioned have play a minimum of 40 games there isnt much more to draw from this as some player play more than others.", "Input": " Leading male Italian golfers Events Played Francesco Molinari 40 Renato Paratore 52 Guido Migliozzi 47 Francesco Laporta 46 Andrea Pavan 52 Lorenzo Gagli 50 Nino Bertasio 48 Edoardo Molinari 52 Lorenzo Fillippo Scalise 44 Edoardo Raffaele Lipparelli 40", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3073.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading male Italian golfers\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Events Played\"}, \"field\": \"Events Played\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading male Italian golfers as of October\", \"11 , 2020 , by OWRG score\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average monthly rainfall deviation in 2019 ranged between -100 and +90. The months with the greatest deviation were August (90), January (-90) and November (-100). February, June, October and September had the smallest deviation.", "Input": " Month 2019* Dec 57.4 Nov \u221299.9 Oct 3 Sep 7.8 Aug 88.3 Jul 31.3 June \u22124.9 May \u221219.5 Apr \u221248.1 Mar 59.8 Feb \u22124.7 Jan \u221289.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3111.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d98445\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2019*\"}, \"field\": \"2019*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average monthly rainfall deviation in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) from 2015 to 2020 (in\", \"millimeters)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The age structure in Botswana does not vary much over 10 years. There is a slight downward trend from 2016 - 2019.", "Input": " Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.3521 Dec 31, 2009 0.3497 Dec 31, 2010 0.3488 Dec 31, 2011 0.3488 Dec 31, 2012 0.3491 Dec 31, 2013 0.3493 Dec 31, 2014 0.3492 Dec 31, 2015 0.3471 Dec 31, 2016 0.3444 Dec 31, 2017 0.3411 Dec 31, 2018 0.3376", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3113.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"0-14 years\"}, \"field\": \"0-14 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Botswana : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I can't pick out any trends or patterns in this graph.", "Input": " Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.3521 Dec 31, 2009 0.3497 Dec 31, 2010 0.3488 Dec 31, 2011 0.3488 Dec 31, 2012 0.3491 Dec 31, 2013 0.3493 Dec 31, 2014 0.3492 Dec 31, 2015 0.3471 Dec 31, 2016 0.3444 Dec 31, 2017 0.3411 Dec 31, 2018 0.3376", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3113.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"0-14 years\"}, \"field\": \"0-14 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Botswana : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "From the year 2010 to year 2020 Pakistan distribution industry has increased.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.2142 Dec 31, 2010 0.2177 Dec 31, 2011 0.2234 Dec 31, 2012 0.2292 Dec 31, 2013 0.2287 Dec 31, 2014 0.2402 Dec 31, 2015 0.2359 Dec 31, 2016 0.243 Dec 31, 2017 0.2499 Dec 31, 2018 0.2533 Dec 31, 2019 0.2579", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/314.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d365ba\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Pakistan : Distribution of employment by\", \"economic sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Fans have increased incrementally each year. There is only a small difference between numbers compared at March and September each year.", "Input": " Twitter followers Month 1.1 Septembre 2020 1.1 March 2020 1 Septembre 2019 0.88 March 2019 0.88 September 2018 0.88 March 2018 0.81 September 2017 0.73 March 2017 0.68 September 2016 0.63 March 2016 0.58 September 2015 0.54 March 2015 0.48 September 2014 0.4 March 2014 0.32 September 2013 0.23 February 2013 0.15 September 2012", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": 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This has reduced from 0.13 to 0.09 in 2018.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.1265 Dec 31, 2010 0.1199 Dec 31, 2011 0.1147 Dec 31, 2012 0.1117 Dec 31, 2013 0.1034 Dec 31, 2014 0.102 Dec 31, 2015 0.1014 Dec 31, 2016 0.0946 Dec 31, 2017 0.0926 Dec 31, 2018 0.0922 Dec 31, 2019 0.0912", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/317.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fed9a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Brazil : Distribution of employment by economic\", \"sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Upon observation of this bar chart, it is evident that bigger cities have more bars.", "Input": " German cities Music venues Cologne 252 Berlin 276 Frankfurt 135 Leverkusen 166 Solingen 176 M\u00fclheim 127 Wuppertal 149 D\u00fcsseldorf 139 Essen 113 Hamburg 159 Munich 130 Bonn 90 Duisburg 107 L\u00fcbeck 153 Bochum 96 Hagen 74 Krefeld 100 Gelsenkirchen 90 Stuttgart 40 Potsdam 63", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3182.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"German cities\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Music venues\"}, \"field\": \"Music venues\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of bars , dance clubs and music venues\", \"in selected German cities in 2016 , by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Berlin and Cologne have almost double the amount of bars dance clubs and music venues.", "Input": " German cities Music venues Cologne 252 Berlin 276 Frankfurt 135 Leverkusen 166 Solingen 176 M\u00fclheim 127 Wuppertal 149 D\u00fcsseldorf 139 Essen 113 Hamburg 159 Munich 130 Bonn 90 Duisburg 107 L\u00fcbeck 153 Bochum 96 Hagen 74 Krefeld 100 Gelsenkirchen 90 Stuttgart 40 Potsdam 63", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3182.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"German cities\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Music venues\"}, \"field\": \"Music venues\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of bars , dance clubs and music venues\", \"in selected German cities in 2016 , by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There was the greatest combined number of employees in US and European Medical Companies in 2019 and the lowest in 2017. The number of employees grew from approximately 800,000 in 2017, to 850,000 in 2018, to 900,000 in 2019.", "Input": " Combined Year 912300 2019** 838900 2018** 809700 2017**", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3214.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Combined\"}, \"field\": \"Combined\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of employees in U.S. and European\", \"medical technology companies from 2009 to\", \"2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Across the 8 year period, there are a lot of rises and falls in the amount of services. The lowest point we see is 2011 at around 0.475.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2008 0.499 Dec 31, 2009 0.4934 Dec 31, 2010 0.4787 Dec 31, 2011 0.5104 Dec 31, 2012 0.4963 Dec 31, 2013 0.5061 Dec 31, 2014 0.5215 Dec 31, 2015 0.5015 Dec 31, 2016 0.4993 Dec 31, 2017 0.4977 Dec 31, 2018 0.5024", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3255.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fc4f30\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Kyrgyz Republic : Share of economic sectors\", \"in the gross domestic product (GDP) from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I assume this is the Female chart and there is a corresponding chart for male physicians. 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Once again the axis are not properly labelled.", "Input": " activity Female Direct patient care without a teaching component 24.03 Direct patient care with a teaching component 5.57 Teaching/educating without direct patient care 1.36 Indirect patient care 8.57 Health facility committees 0.88 Administration 2.37 Research 1.2 Managing practice 1.33 CME/CPD 2.38 Other activities 0.5 Total hours 48.19", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3279.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#000000\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"activity\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Female\"}, \"field\": \"Female\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average weekly work hours of male vs. female\", \"physicians in Canada as of 2019 , by activity\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Highest percentage of teenagers using the internet.", "Input": " media read by young people 2017/18 Text messages 0.888 Instant messages 0.79 Websites 0.84 Lyrics 0.478 Fiction 0.549 Non-fiction 0.485 Newspapers 0.307 Magazines 0.348 Comics 0.399 Poems 0.172", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3325.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#AB47BC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"media read by young people\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"2017/18\"}, \"field\": \"2017/18\"}}, \"title\": [\"Proportion of young people reading various\", \"media outside of class in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2014 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Text messages, websites and instant messages were the most read media outside of class between 2014 and 2019. Conversely poems were the least read.", "Input": " media read by young people 2017/18 Text messages 0.888 Instant messages 0.79 Websites 0.84 Lyrics 0.478 Fiction 0.549 Non-fiction 0.485 Newspapers 0.307 Magazines 0.348 Comics 0.399 Poems 0.172", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3325.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#AB47BC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"media read by young people\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"2017/18\"}, \"field\": \"2017/18\"}}, \"title\": [\"Proportion of young people reading various\", \"media outside of class in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2014 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In the first three years of the new century, the number of US billionaires fell consistently, but turned a corner in 2004. The numbers rose steadily until 2008/2009, presumably because of the world's financial crash whic would have created a substantial loss of wealth for the richest portion of society. From 2009, the numbers progressed annually, although not as quickly in the earlier years of the new century.", "Input": " year United States '12 425 '11 413 '10 403 '09 359 '08 469 '07 415 '06 371 '05 341 '04 274 '03 222 '02 243 '01 272", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3335.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"United States\"}, \"field\": \"United States\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of billionaires worldwide from 2001\", \"to 2012 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "revenue of most of the corporations ranges between 2 and 9 billion USD. IBM had the highest revenue in 2016, with over double the amount of the second-highest (Microsoft).CSC had the lowest revenue from financial services in 2016.", "Input": " Leading global Fintech corporations Revenue from financial services IBM 23.7 Microsoft 9.25 Dell 8.26 Accenture 7.83 Cisco Systems 5.95 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5.7 EMC 5.21 Lenovo 5.06 Oracle 5.04 Fujitsu Limited 5 Intel 4.98 Deloitte 3.2 Capgemini 3.17 SAP 2.58 CSC 2.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3341.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading global Fintech corporations\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue from financial services\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue from financial services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading global Fintech corporations in 2016\", \", by revenue from financial services (in\", \"billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows that IBM was by far the leading provider of services in the Fintech space in 2016, having a revenue of 24bil $. All other competitors have far smaller revenues between 5 and 10 bil.", "Input": " Leading global Fintech corporations Revenue from financial services IBM 23.7 Microsoft 9.25 Dell 8.26 Accenture 7.83 Cisco Systems 5.95 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5.7 EMC 5.21 Lenovo 5.06 Oracle 5.04 Fujitsu Limited 5 Intel 4.98 Deloitte 3.2 Capgemini 3.17 SAP 2.58 CSC 2.13", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3341.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#74a9cf\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading global Fintech corporations\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Revenue from financial services\"}, \"field\": \"Revenue from financial services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading global Fintech corporations in 2016\", \", by revenue from financial services (in\", \"billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2019, Jumia spent the least on marketing and advertising.", "Input": " 2019 Jumia Technologies AG marketplace segment 81.2 1P sales of goods 25 Commissions 26.9 Fulfillment 6.1 Marketing & Advertising 20.5 Other services \u2013 value-added services 78.5 Total revenue related to third-party sales 159.6 Platform revenue (1P + 3P) 0.8 Other services \u2013 non-platform revenue", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#71598e\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"2019\"}, \"field\": \"2019\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Jumia Technologies AG marketplace segment\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual net revenue of Jumia Technologies\", \"AG from 2017 to 2019 , by segment (in million\", \"euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2020, the what export value was the highest in the month of July, reaching more than 900 million Canadian dollars. While the lowest value was of approximately 500 million in February.", "Input": " Month 2020 Ju 927.5; Month: Jul Ju 716.4; Month: Jun Ma 809.7; Month: May Ap 807.1; Month: Apr Ma 653.5; Month: Mar Fe 537.8; Month: Feb Ja 575.6; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3387.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2020\"}, \"field\": \"2020\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly export value of wheat in Canada\", \"from 2014 to 2020 (in million Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "I am unable to interpret data and therefore cannot write a summary.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6848 Dec 31, 2009 0.682 Dec 31, 2010 0.6761 Dec 31, 2011 0.6702 Dec 31, 2012 0.6645 Dec 31, 2013 0.6588 Dec 31, 2014 0.6534 Dec 31, 2015 0.651 Dec 31, 2016 0.6489 Dec 31, 2017 0.6473 Dec 31, 2018 0.6463", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3394.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Ireland : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The dollar value of sales of rum in Canada increased significantly during the period, from around $115m in 2010 to $325m in 2019. The value of rum sales grew every year. The rate of growth from 2010 to '17 was broadly steady (with a slight acceleration around 2012-13)/ However, growth in sales value began to increase at a much faster rate between 2017 and 2019.", "Input": " Year Import products Dec 31, 2009 113.03 Dec 31, 2010 124.31 Dec 31, 2011 136.57 Dec 31, 2012 170.48 Dec 31, 2013 178.86 Dec 31, 2014 188.79 Dec 31, 2015 201.15 Dec 31, 2016 211.05 Dec 31, 2017 285.16 Dec 31, 2018 326.68", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3416.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d2d2d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Import products\"}, \"field\": \"Import products\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rum dollar sales in Canada from FY 2010\", \"to FY 2019 , by product type (in million\", \"Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "LTE subscriptions are dramatically increasing as the years pass by.", "Input": " Latin America Year 454.1 2024* 404.66 2023* 323.49 2022* 236.12 2021* 148.46 2020* 76.98 2019* 34.53 2018 12.18 2017 3.96 2016", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3421.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Latin America\"}, \"field\": \"Latin America\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of LTE subscriptions worldwide from\", \"2012 to 2024 , by region (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a downward trend shown in the visualisation after a huge peak in 2010. It has taken 6 years for the trend to fall and it is continuing to do so.", "Input": " Response Not at all Mar 03, 2006 0.09 Mar 04, 2007 0.05 Mar 04, 2007 0.06 Mar 06, 2009 0.07 Mar 07, 2010 0.07 Mar 07, 2010 0.1 Mar 08, 2011 0.08 Mar 08, 2011 0.08 Mar 11, 2014 0.07 Mar 13, 2016 0.06 Mar 24, 2025 0.05", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3428.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7F7F7F\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Not at all\"}, \"field\": \"Not at all\"}}, \"title\": [\"How worried are you about the possibility\", \"of future terrorist attacks in the U.S. ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2014, the numbers of Russian tourists arrivals in Egypt went from a minimum of slightly less than 200000 to a maximum of ca. 350000. The largest number of arrivals was in October, followed by November and April. The smallest number of arrivals was in February.", "Input": " Month 2014 De 199.5; Month: Dec No 310.23; Month: Nov Oc 350.14; Month: Oct Sep 304.83; Month: Sept Au 272.14; Month: Aug Ju 256.59; Month: Jul Ju 228.91; Month: Jun Ma 253.66; Month: May Ap 308.5; Month: Apr Ma 251.2; Month: Mar Fe 183.6; Month: Feb Ja 219.68; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3456.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"2014\"}, \"field\": \"2014\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Russian tourist arrivals in Egypt\", \"from 2012 to October 2017 , by month (in1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The female population has continued to grow in Chile.", "Input": " Year Female Dec 31, 2007 8.49 Dec 31, 2008 8.58 Dec 31, 2009 8.67 Dec 31, 2010 8.75 Dec 31, 2011 8.84 Dec 31, 2012 8.92 Dec 31, 2013 9.02 Dec 31, 2014 9.12 Dec 31, 2015 9.24 Dec 31, 2016 9.37 Dec 31, 2017 9.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3488.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffbf79\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Female\"}, \"field\": \"Female\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total population of Chile from 2008 to 2018\", \", by gender (in million inhabitants)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph only provides data relating to the new car market as opposed to the new and used car market.", "Input": " Year New Car Market Dec 31, 2002 33.5 Dec 31, 2003 32.4 Dec 31, 2004 32.2 Dec 31, 2005 32.4 Dec 31, 2006 33 Dec 31, 2007 28.1 Dec 31, 2008 28 Dec 31, 2009 28.7 Dec 31, 2010 29 Dec 31, 2011 32.3 Dec 31, 2012 36.7 Dec 31, 2013 43.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3498.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ff9d98\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"New Car Market\"}, \"field\": \"New Car Market\"}}, \"title\": [\"Market value of new and used cars sold in\", \"the United Kingdom (UK) between 2003 and\", \"2014 (in billion GBP)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2000 and 2010 the proportion of the workforce working in agriculture has decreased from just over 4% (0.04) in 2010 to around 3.3% in 2020. Year on year the proportion of the workforce working in agriculture decreased, except in 2018 where the proportion of the workforce in agriculture increased from the 2017 proportion.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.0407 Dec 31, 2010 0.0397 Dec 31, 2011 0.0387 Dec 31, 2012 0.0375 Dec 31, 2013 0.0369 Dec 31, 2014 0.0363 Dec 31, 2015 0.035 Dec 31, 2016 0.0344 Dec 31, 2017 0.0349 Dec 31, 2018 0.0342 Dec 31, 2019 0.0336", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/349.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#88d27a\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Japan : Distribution of the workforce across\", \"economic sectors from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In the last 10 years from 2010 to 2020, the distribution of workforce across economic sectors in Japan has grown steadily. The growth has not been massive, however, with around 0.02 growth in 10 years.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.7037 Dec 31, 2010 0.707 Dec 31, 2011 0.7086 Dec 31, 2012 0.7099 Dec 31, 2013 0.7123 Dec 31, 2014 0.7139 Dec 31, 2015 0.7179 Dec 31, 2016 0.7193 Dec 31, 2017 0.7208 Dec 31, 2018 0.7231 Dec 31, 2019 0.7257", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/349.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Japan : Distribution of the workforce across\", \"economic sectors from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In this line chart you can see it is regarding the distribution of gross domestic product from the years 200 through to 2019 in Swaziland. We can see a a big decrease in the years 2015 which then starts to even out again in 2017.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2008 0.0925 Dec 31, 2009 0.1016 Dec 31, 2010 0.0972 Dec 31, 2011 0.102 Dec 31, 2012 0.1012 Dec 31, 2013 0.0924 Dec 31, 2014 0.0932 Dec 31, 2015 0.089 Dec 31, 2016 0.0834 Dec 31, 2017 0.0859 Dec 31, 2018 0.0877", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", 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The decrease was steady.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6726 Dec 31, 2009 0.6726 Dec 31, 2010 0.6702 Dec 31, 2011 0.6677 Dec 31, 2012 0.6645 Dec 31, 2013 0.66 Dec 31, 2014 0.6543 Dec 31, 2015 0.6486 Dec 31, 2016 0.6418 Dec 31, 2017 0.6349 Dec 31, 2018 0.629", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3546.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8ca252\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Algeria : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The age range is quite static but gradually declining particularly over the previous 4 years.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6705 Dec 31, 2009 0.67 Dec 31, 2010 0.6672 Dec 31, 2011 0.6657 Dec 31, 2012 0.6649 Dec 31, 2013 0.664 Dec 31, 2014 0.6621 Dec 31, 2015 0.6595 Dec 31, 2016 0.6554 Dec 31, 2017 0.6504 Dec 31, 2018 0.6458", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3589.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Croatia : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The age structure of 15-64 year olds in Croatia has remained really steady during the ten year period of 2009-2019. The chart shows a really small decline at the end of the period.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6705 Dec 31, 2009 0.67 Dec 31, 2010 0.6672 Dec 31, 2011 0.6657 Dec 31, 2012 0.6649 Dec 31, 2013 0.664 Dec 31, 2014 0.6621 Dec 31, 2015 0.6595 Dec 31, 2016 0.6554 Dec 31, 2017 0.6504 Dec 31, 2018 0.6458", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3589.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Croatia : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The line graph shows the Age structure from 2009 to 2019 in Croatia. The data seems very consistent across the years with almost not significant change or fluctuation. However it can be seen that there is a gradual decrease overall.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6705 Dec 31, 2009 0.67 Dec 31, 2010 0.6672 Dec 31, 2011 0.6657 Dec 31, 2012 0.6649 Dec 31, 2013 0.664 Dec 31, 2014 0.6621 Dec 31, 2015 0.6595 Dec 31, 2016 0.6554 Dec 31, 2017 0.6504 Dec 31, 2018 0.6458", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3589.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Croatia : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It kind of kept stable, from 2010 to 2018. Between 0.15 and 0.20.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.183 Dec 31, 2009 0.1785 Dec 31, 2010 0.1798 Dec 31, 2011 0.1787 Dec 31, 2012 0.1797 Dec 31, 2013 0.1775 Dec 31, 2014 0.1768 Dec 31, 2015 0.1743 Dec 31, 2016 0.1724 Dec 31, 2017 0.1707 Dec 31, 2018 0.1714", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"France : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The overall trend shows a slight decline in GDP across the years. There is a very small increase in 2019. The variations are very small showing that GDP is actually quite steady in this period.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.183 Dec 31, 2009 0.1785 Dec 31, 2010 0.1798 Dec 31, 2011 0.1787 Dec 31, 2012 0.1797 Dec 31, 2013 0.1775 Dec 31, 2014 0.1768 Dec 31, 2015 0.1743 Dec 31, 2016 0.1724 Dec 31, 2017 0.1707 Dec 31, 2018 0.1714", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"France : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Distribution of gross domestic product across economic sectors in France has remained relatively stable 2009 to 2019.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.183 Dec 31, 2009 0.1785 Dec 31, 2010 0.1798 Dec 31, 2011 0.1787 Dec 31, 2012 0.1797 Dec 31, 2013 0.1775 Dec 31, 2014 0.1768 Dec 31, 2015 0.1743 Dec 31, 2016 0.1724 Dec 31, 2017 0.1707 Dec 31, 2018 0.1714", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"France : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "France's distribution of GDP across economic sectors reduced slightly from 2010 to 2018. Distribution was highest in 2010.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.183 Dec 31, 2009 0.1785 Dec 31, 2010 0.1798 Dec 31, 2011 0.1787 Dec 31, 2012 0.1797 Dec 31, 2013 0.1775 Dec 31, 2014 0.1768 Dec 31, 2015 0.1743 Dec 31, 2016 0.1724 Dec 31, 2017 0.1707 Dec 31, 2018 0.1714", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/367.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fdcdac\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, 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Other states are small compare do to these two. Yukon Territories is very close to 0, as well as NewfoundlandYou could assume this is because the largest concentration of population are in Ontario and Quebec.", "Input": " province of Canada Weekly circulation Ontario 14740 Quebec 8010 British Columbia 3110 Alberta 2500 Manitoba 1190 Nova Scotia 650 New Brunswick 540 Saskatchewan 530 Newfoundland and Labrador 160 Prince Edward Island 110 Yukon Territories 7", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3803.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Weekly circulation\"}, \"field\": \"Weekly circulation\"}}, \"title\": [\"Daily newspaper circulation in Canada in\", \"2016 , by province (in 1,000s)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The majority of the spending was in the advertising category of 450 mil. The second most money spent was in payroll. The least amount of money spent was in consultation. All categories, except advertising, was less than $100 mil in spending.", "Input": " spending major category Obama Advertising 457.6 Mail 85.5 Payroll 95.1 Fundraising 81.8 Administration 45.8 Travel 24.1 Polling 27.8 Consult. 12 Lists 16.3 Events 13.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3807.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"spending major category\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Obama\"}, \"field\": \"Obama\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total spending of Barack Obama and Mitt\", \"Romney in the 2012 elections as of October\", \"2012 , by major category (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Obama spent between 400 and 500 million US dollars on advertising which is by far outweighing the other catagories. There is no information on Mitt Romneys spending.", "Input": " spending major category Obama Advertising 457.6 Mail 85.5 Payroll 95.1 Fundraising 81.8 Administration 45.8 Travel 24.1 Polling 27.8 Consult. 12 Lists 16.3 Events 13.9", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/3807.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"spending major category\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Obama\"}, \"field\": \"Obama\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total spending of Barack Obama and Mitt\", \"Romney in the 2012 elections as of October\", \"2012 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There seem to be no discernible difference between H1 and H2 relationship.", "Input": " Hundred euro half a year 0.096 H2 2019 0.104 H1 2019 0.09 H2 2018 0.109 H1 2018 0.065 H2 2017 0.09 H1 2017 0.097 H2 2016 0.111 H1 2016 0.101 H2 2015 0.085 H1 2015", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4023.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Hundred euro\"}, \"field\": \"Hundred euro\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"half a year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Denomination of counterfeit euro banknotes\", \"withdrawn from circulation in Europe from\", \"the 1st half of 2015 to the 2nd half of 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average rate is The most common rate is 5 homicides per 100000 or below.", "Input": " province of Canada Aboriginal Nunavut 20.63 Saskatchewan 18.36 Manitoba 16.44 Alberta 11.74 Yukon 10.87 Northwest Territories 8.65 Ontario 4.64 British Columbia 4.64 Newfoundland and Labrador 4.1 Quebec 4 Nova Scotia 3.12 New Brunswick 2.82 Prince Edward Island 0", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4070.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Aboriginal\"}, \"field\": \"Aboriginal\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rate of homicides in Canada in 2019 , by\", \"Aboriginal identity and province or territory\", \"(per 100,000 population)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Nunavut had the highest number of homicide caused by aboriginals, with 21 cases per 100,000 people, while Prince Edward island did not record a single case. The average or all the territories is about 8.5 per 100,000.", "Input": " province of Canada Aboriginal Nunavut 20.63 Saskatchewan 18.36 Manitoba 16.44 Alberta 11.74 Yukon 10.87 Northwest Territories 8.65 Ontario 4.64 British Columbia 4.64 Newfoundland and Labrador 4.1 Quebec 4 Nova Scotia 3.12 New Brunswick 2.82 Prince Edward Island 0", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4070.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"province of Canada\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Aboriginal\"}, \"field\": \"Aboriginal\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rate of homicides in Canada in 2019 , by\", \"Aboriginal identity and province or territory\", \"(per 100,000 population)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The sales of music in Germany have increased quite rapidly during the specified time. At no point have the sales of music in Germany fallen in the time from 2004 to 2014. In 2004, music sales in Germany were around 0.01. In 2014, music sales in Germany were 0.22.", "Input": " Year Germany Dec 31, 2003 0.01 Dec 31, 2004 0.027 Dec 31, 2005 0.046 Dec 31, 2006 0.058 Dec 31, 2007 0.08 Dec 31, 2008 0.101 Dec 31, 2009 0.126 Dec 31, 2010 0.153 Dec 31, 2011 0.191 Dec 31, 2012 0.206 Dec 31, 2013 0.22", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": 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Between 2012 and 2018 the number of Facebook fans doubled. The number of Facebook fans shows a slight decline since the middle of 2018.", "Input": " Month Facebook fans Jul 31, 2012 0.98 Jan 31, 2013 1.09 Jul 31, 2013 1.12 Jan 31, 2014 1.32 Jul 31, 2014 1.65 Jan 31, 2015 1.86 Jul 31, 2015 1.84 Jan 31, 2016 1.92 Jul 31, 2016 1.95 Jan 31, 2017 1.97 Jul 31, 2017 1.97 Jan 31, 2018 1.97 Jul 31, 2018 1.97 Jan 31, 2019 1.93 Jul 31, 2019 1.92 Jan 31, 2020 1.9 Jul 31, 2020 1.88", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4171.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6a5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Facebook fans\"}, \"field\": \"Facebook fans\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Washington Football Team (NFL) from\", \"2012 to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph depicts an initial steep rise in the number of Facebook fans. After a slight downward trend towards the end of 2015, the number of Facebook fans increased again before plateauing out at 2 million. From approximately the middle of 2019, the number of Facebook fans appears to show a gradual downward trend.", "Input": " Month Facebook fans Jul 31, 2012 0.98 Jan 31, 2013 1.09 Jul 31, 2013 1.12 Jan 31, 2014 1.32 Jul 31, 2014 1.65 Jan 31, 2015 1.86 Jul 31, 2015 1.84 Jan 31, 2016 1.92 Jul 31, 2016 1.95 Jan 31, 2017 1.97 Jul 31, 2017 1.97 Jan 31, 2018 1.97 Jul 31, 2018 1.97 Jan 31, 2019 1.93 Jul 31, 2019 1.92 Jan 31, 2020 1.9 Jul 31, 2020 1.88", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4171.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6a5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Facebook fans\"}, \"field\": \"Facebook fans\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Washington Football Team (NFL) from\", \"2012 to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Germany is the country where most people walk or cycle to meaningful locations in 2012. Americans are the opposite and are least shown to walk or cycle.", "Input": " All of the time country 0.28 Total (17 countries) 0.45 Germans 0.36 Brazilians 0.37 Japanese 0.37 Argentineans 0.31 French 0.25 Indians 0.25 South Koreans 0.32 Hungarians 0.34 Spanish 0.32 Swedes 0.3 British 0.25 Chinese 0.27 Mexicans 0.21 Australians 0.18 Russians 0.16 Canadians 0.12 U.S. Americans", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4259.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#fcbfd2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"All of the time\"}, \"field\": \"All of the time\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"country\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of population that walk or bicycle\", \"to meaningful destinations in selected countries\", \"in 2012\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The region that had the highest number of votes for \u2018Leave\u2019 in 2016 was the West Midlands. The region that had the least amount of votes was Scotland.", "Input": " region of the united kingdom Leave Scotland 0.38 London 0.401 Northern Ireland 0.442 South East 0.518 Wales 0.525 South West 0.526 North West 0.537 East 0.565 Yorkshire and the Humber 0.577 North East 0.58 East Midlands 0.588 West Midlands 0.593", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4344.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of the united kingdom\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Leave\"}, \"field\": \"Leave\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of votes in the Brexit referendum\", \"of 2016 in the United Kingdom , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The lowest share of votes in the 2016 brexit referendum in 2016 was in Scotland. The highest share of votes was in the midlands and in the north east.", "Input": " region of the united kingdom Leave Scotland 0.38 London 0.401 Northern Ireland 0.442 South East 0.518 Wales 0.525 South West 0.526 North West 0.537 East 0.565 Yorkshire and the Humber 0.577 North East 0.58 East Midlands 0.588 West Midlands 0.593", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4344.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of the united kingdom\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Leave\"}, \"field\": \"Leave\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of votes in the Brexit referendum\", \"of 2016 in the United Kingdom , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows a peak in customer relations in 2012. Overall, the trend of the graph has been for an increase in customer relations until 2012, followed by a steep decline ending in 2018 approximately at the same level of customer relations as in 2008.", "Input": " Year Customer relationships Dec 31, 2006 171.88 Dec 31, 2007 800.11 Dec 31, 2008 783.61 Dec 31, 2009 950 Dec 31, 2010 1288 Dec 31, 2011 2061 Dec 31, 2012 1770 Dec 31, 2013 1410 Dec 31, 2014 1343 Dec 31, 2015 352 Dec 31, 2016 359 Dec 31, 2017 349 Dec 31, 2018 254", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4351.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Customer relationships\"}, \"field\": \"Customer relationships\"}}, \"title\": [\"Gross carrying amount of selected intangible\", \"Alphabet assets from 2007 to 2019 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart shows the number of visitors to destinations which featured in select screen products before and after the film/TV series release in 201. It is clear that the film/tv series that has the most is The Lord of the Rings. This is somewhat closely followed by Tomb Raider and Heartbeat. The tree appears that there are a few standout series that have really captivated the audiences however the rest of the series aren't showing to be as exceptional to make fans visit.", "Input": " After release Title/location/years 1500 Tomb Raider, Angkor, Cambodia (visitors in 1999 and 2011) 1200 Heartbeat, Goathland, England (visitors in 1991 and 2009) 83 Alice in Wonderland, Anthony House, England (visitors in 2008 and 2011) 138.85 The Da Vinci Code, Rosslyn Chapel (visiotrs in 2002 and 2009) 69.98 Twilight, Forks, U.S. (visitors in 2008 and 2009) 126 Braveheart, National Wallace Monument, Scotland (visitors in 2007 and 2009) 91.43 Pride and Prejudice (TV version), Lyme Park, England (visitors in 1994 and 1995) 295 Winter Sonata, Nami Island, Korea (foreign visitors in 2003 and 2005) 360 Arn, Skaraborg; Sweden (visitors in1999 and 2009) 132 Harry Potter, Alnwick Castle, England 170 Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Kefalonia, Greece (passengers arriving on charter flights/year in 1993 and 2002) 103 Miss Potter, Hilltop Farm, England (visitors in 2006 and 2009) 2500 The Lord of the Rings, New Zealand (international visitors in 1999 and 2008) 550 Balamory, Tobermory, Scotland", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4363.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"After release\"}, \"field\": \"After release\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Title/location/years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of visitors to destinations which\", \"featured in select screen products before\", \"and after the film/TV series release (in\", \"thousands) as of 2011\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The title with the biggest draw of people was the lord of the rings. Location does not seem to have an impact as many where set in england. We see high numbers of people visiting some locations in england where films are set and other locations seeing low numbers. I can not see the years so this may add further information.", "Input": " After release Title/location/years 1500 Tomb Raider, Angkor, Cambodia (visitors in 1999 and 2011) 1200 Heartbeat, Goathland, England (visitors in 1991 and 2009) 83 Alice in Wonderland, Anthony House, England (visitors in 2008 and 2011) 138.85 The Da Vinci Code, Rosslyn Chapel (visiotrs in 2002 and 2009) 69.98 Twilight, Forks, U.S. (visitors in 2008 and 2009) 126 Braveheart, National Wallace Monument, Scotland (visitors in 2007 and 2009) 91.43 Pride and Prejudice (TV version), Lyme Park, England (visitors in 1994 and 1995) 295 Winter Sonata, Nami Island, Korea (foreign visitors in 2003 and 2005) 360 Arn, Skaraborg; Sweden (visitors in1999 and 2009) 132 Harry Potter, Alnwick Castle, England 170 Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Kefalonia, Greece (passengers arriving on charter flights/year in 1993 and 2002) 103 Miss Potter, Hilltop Farm, England (visitors in 2006 and 2009) 2500 The Lord of the Rings, New Zealand (international visitors in 1999 and 2008) 550 Balamory, Tobermory, Scotland", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4363.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"After release\"}, \"field\": \"After release\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Title/location/years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of visitors to destinations which\", \"featured in select screen products before\", \"and after the film/TV series release (in\", \"thousands) as of 2011\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Over a period of 4 years the number of facebook fans/twitter followers of the Minnesota Vikins (NFL) has increased from 1.4 in 2014 to over 2 million in 2022. The steepest increase is noted to be in the initial 2 years of the recoding from 2014 to 2016 with numbers having stayed steady for the past 12 months.", "Input": " Month Facebook fans Jul 31, 2012 1.36 Jan 31, 2013 1.41 Jul 31, 2013 1.43 Jan 31, 2014 1.53 Jul 31, 2014 1.74 Jan 31, 2015 1.89 Jul 31, 2015 1.84 Jan 31, 2016 1.95 Jul 31, 2016 2.02 Jan 31, 2017 2.09 Jul 31, 2017 2.09 Jan 31, 2018 2.09 Jul 31, 2018 2.09 Jan 31, 2019 2.18 Jul 31, 2019 2.16 Jan 31, 2020 2.15 Jul 31, 2020 2.14", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4413.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ff9d98\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"Facebook fans\"}, \"field\": \"Facebook fans\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of Facebook fans/twitter followers\", \"of the Minnesota Vikings (NFL) from 2012\", \"to 2020 (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the trend that can be observed is that the sale of alcopops has, except for a few glitches, been on a steady decline.", "Input": " Year Within the home Jan 31, 2001 18 Feb 28, 2002 18 Mar 31, 2003 19 Apr 30, 2004 14 May 31, 2005 11 Dec 31, 2005 12 Dec 31, 2006 8 Dec 31, 2007 8 Dec 31, 2008 7 Dec 31, 2009 9 Dec 31, 2010 9 Dec 31, 2011 8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4423.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Within the home\"}, \"field\": \"Within the home\"}}, \"title\": [\"Household consumption of alcopops in the\", \"United Kingdom from 2000 to 2012 , by within\", \"and outside of home (in milliliter per person\", \"per week)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As years go by the amount of alcohols drunk within the home are decreasing. With the lowest year being 2009.", "Input": " Year Within the home Jan 31, 2001 18 Feb 28, 2002 18 Mar 31, 2003 19 Apr 30, 2004 14 May 31, 2005 11 Dec 31, 2005 12 Dec 31, 2006 8 Dec 31, 2007 8 Dec 31, 2008 7 Dec 31, 2009 9 Dec 31, 2010 9 Dec 31, 2011 8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4423.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9E9D24\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Within the home\"}, \"field\": \"Within the home\"}}, \"title\": [\"Household consumption of alcopops in the\", \"United Kingdom from 2000 to 2012 , by within\", \"and outside of home (in milliliter per person\", \"per week)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "unemployment rates among danish men reached a high point in 2010, at just under 0.07. unemployment rates have gone downhill since 2010, reaching their lowest in 2016 at almost 0.04. rates briefly spiked up to 0.04 after 2016, before continuing their decline and reaching their lowest point at around 0.035 in 2018.", "Input": " Year Men Dec 31, 2008 0.055 Dec 31, 2009 0.069 Dec 31, 2010 0.062 Dec 31, 2011 0.061 Dec 31, 2012 0.057 Dec 31, 2013 0.048 Dec 31, 2014 0.044 Dec 31, 2015 0.039 Dec 31, 2016 0.04 Dec 31, 2017 0.036 Dec 31, 2018 0.034", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4430.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d2d2d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}}, \"title\": [\"Unemployment rate in Denmark from 2009 to\", \"2019 , by gender\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Most months are similar value of around 250. January has a marked decrease from the other months to around 200.", "Input": " Month 2018 De 257.9; Month: Dec No 256; Month: Nov Oc 255.4; Month: Oct Se 261.8; Month: Sep Au 265.4; Month: Aug Ju 254.9; Month: Jul Ju 253.6; Month: Jun Ma 258.6; Month: May Ap 258; Month: Apr Ma 249.3; Month: Mar Fe 263.2; Month: Feb Ja 202.3; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4436.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2018\"}, \"field\": \"2018\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly export value of fish , crustaceans\", \", shellfish and other fishery products in\", \"Canada from 2015 to 2020 (in million Canadian\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The y-axis plots $40 to $99.99 on a scale from 0.00 to 0.35. The x-axis plots music activities in alphabetical order. In numerical order, the activities can be roughly grouped as vinyl singles, mp3 singles/tracks, and mp3 albums (0.07-0.9); music DVDs, and CD albums/singles (0.14-0.16); prepaid music voucher, music subscription gift, and vinyl albums (0.24-0.26); and tickets for music concerts/gigs, music merchandise, and tickets for music festivals (0.31-0.35).", "Input": " Response $40 to $99.99 Tickets for music concerts/gigs 0.31 Tickets for festivals 0.35 Music merchandise items 0.34 Vinyl albums 0.26 Pre-paid music voucher 0.24 Music streaming subscription gift cards 0.24 CD albums/singles 0.16 Music DVDs 0.14 MP3/download albums 0.09 Vinyl singles 0.07 MP3/download singles/tracks 0.08", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4438.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"$40 to $99.99\"}, \"field\": \"$40 to $99\\\\.99\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average spending per consumer on selected\", \"music activities in the United States as\", \"of July 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "On average, people spend the most on tickets for festivalsOn average, people spend the least on vinyl singles.", "Input": " Response $40 to $99.99 Tickets for music concerts/gigs 0.31 Tickets for festivals 0.35 Music merchandise items 0.34 Vinyl albums 0.26 Pre-paid music voucher 0.24 Music streaming subscription gift cards 0.24 CD albums/singles 0.16 Music DVDs 0.14 MP3/download albums 0.09 Vinyl singles 0.07 MP3/download singles/tracks 0.08", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4438.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6f5c9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"$40 to $99.99\"}, \"field\": \"$40 to $99\\\\.99\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average spending per consumer on selected\", \"music activities in the United States as\", \"of July 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "London is shown to have had the most resources for the year 2014. The north of England also seemed to receive a large number of resources whereas the midlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales receive only a small proportion of the resources.", "Input": " 2014 geographic region 0.533 Total nations and regions 0.467 London 0.352 Total regions excl. London 0.231 North of England 0.181 Total nations 0.092 Scotland 0.076 South of England 0.065 Wales 0.028 Multi-region** 0.025 Northern Ireland 0.017 Midlands", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4444.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#9ecae9\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90, \"title\": \"2014\"}, \"field\": \"2014\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"geographic region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Regional distribution of BBC network TV\", \"programming spending in the United Kingdom\", \"(UK) from 2012 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The share of economic sectors in the global gross domestic product (GDP) from 2008 to 2018 has remained at a fairly steady level of between 62 and 67.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2007 61.97 Dec 31, 2008 63.9 Dec 31, 2009 63.22 Dec 31, 2010 62.94 Dec 31, 2011 63.45 Dec 31, 2012 63.75 Dec 31, 2013 64.03 Dec 31, 2014 64.93 Dec 31, 2015 65.43 Dec 31, 2016 65.13 Dec 31, 2017 61.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/444.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of economic sectors in the global\", \"gross domestic product (GDP) from 2008 to\", \"2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2008 and 2016 there was not a big change when it came to the share of economic GDP.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2007 61.97 Dec 31, 2008 63.9 Dec 31, 2009 63.22 Dec 31, 2010 62.94 Dec 31, 2011 63.45 Dec 31, 2012 63.75 Dec 31, 2013 64.03 Dec 31, 2014 64.93 Dec 31, 2015 65.43 Dec 31, 2016 65.13 Dec 31, 2017 61.2", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/444.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#637939\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of economic sectors in the global\", \"gross domestic product (GDP) from 2008 to\", \"2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the number of attacks has decreased over time between 2010 & 2020. Attacks peaked in 2012 with ~170. Low levels were recorded across 2014-2015 (~60). but another spike was noted in 2017 where they rose again to 140.", "Input": " Year Separatist Dec 31, 2009 160 Dec 31, 2010 110 Dec 31, 2011 167 Dec 31, 2012 84 Dec 31, 2013 67 Dec 31, 2014 65 Dec 31, 2015 99 Dec 31, 2016 137 Dec 31, 2017 83 Dec 31, 2018 57", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, 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outerwear/jackets and coats are at the highest.", "Input": " consumer products Somewhat less Fresh and organic goods 0.06 Vitamins, minerals, herbs, or supplements 0.08 Home furniture and d\u00e9cor 0.13 Nonmobile consumer electronics and appliances 0.12 Cars/automobiles 0.05 Mobile electronics 0.12 Toys and games 0.12 Luxury/fashion 0.13 Tobacco and smoking products 0.17 Outerwear/jackets/coats 0.18", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": 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Overall all consumer product are expected to be less.", "Input": " consumer products Somewhat less Fresh and organic goods 0.06 Vitamins, minerals, herbs, or supplements 0.08 Home furniture and d\u00e9cor 0.13 Nonmobile consumer electronics and appliances 0.12 Cars/automobiles 0.05 Mobile electronics 0.12 Toys and games 0.12 Luxury/fashion 0.13 Tobacco and smoking products 0.17 Outerwear/jackets/coats 0.18", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4578.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#a6bddb\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"consumer products\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Somewhat less\"}, \"field\": \"Somewhat less\"}}, \"title\": [\"Consumer spending expectations for the following\", \"six months on consumer products due to the\", \"coronavirus in the United States as of March\", \"9 , 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Very random opinions with Kennedy scoring low along with Eisenhower.", "Input": " U\\.S\\. 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In 2008 it was 0.4, though I\u2019m unsure if this means 0.4% of the total acreage. It reached its lowest point in 2014 and soon after stabilised at about 0.8.", "Input": " Year Non-biotech Dec 31, 2005 0.39 Dec 31, 2006 0.27 Dec 31, 2007 0.2 Dec 31, 2008 0.15 Dec 31, 2009 0.14 Dec 31, 2010 0.12 Dec 31, 2011 0.12 Dec 31, 2012 0.1 Dec 31, 2013 0.07 Dec 31, 2014 0.08 Dec 31, 2015 0.08 Dec 31, 2016 0.08 Dec 31, 2017 0.08 Dec 31, 2018 0.08", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4698.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Non-biotech\"}, \"field\": \"Non-biotech\"}}, \"title\": [\"Distribution of U.S. biotech and non-biotech\", \"corn acreage from 2006 to 2019 , by type\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Immigration inflow was highest in 2018 with about 550,000. Immigration inflow was lowest in 2013 with about 250,000. Between 2013 and 2018 immigration inflow was consistently increasing. There was a large fall in immigration inflow between 2018 and 2019.", "Input": " Year Inflow 2019* 309874 2018 559309 2017 454424 2016 352174 2015 290005 2014 264485 2013 248350 2012 272489 2011 335893 2010 330286", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4750.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Inflow\"}, \"field\": \"Inflow\"}}, \"title\": [\"Migration flow of foreign nationals in Spain\", \"from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is an exponential increase in migration flow up until the year 2019, from which there is a sharp dip.", "Input": " Year Inflow 2019* 309874 2018 559309 2017 454424 2016 352174 2015 290005 2014 264485 2013 248350 2012 272489 2011 335893 2010 330286", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4750.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#FF7043\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Inflow\"}, \"field\": \"Inflow\"}}, \"title\": [\"Migration flow of foreign nationals in Spain\", \"from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is between 7.5 and 10 million Canadian dollars spent on fruit and vegetables.", "Input": " 2015 Month 10.1 Dec 9.2 Nov 9.7 Oct 8.9 Sep 7.8 Aug 8.1 Jul 9.8 Jun 8.9 May 9.2 Apr 9.4 Mar 7.3 Feb 8.8 Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/4776.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7570b3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2015\"}, \"field\": \"2015\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}}, \"title\": [\"Monthly export value of frozen , fresh and\", \"canned fruit and vegetable juices in Canada\", \"from 2015 to 2020 (in million Canadian dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Employment in the agriculture sector in South Africa has been rising and falling in turn over the years 2010 to 2020. 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From 2015 to 2017 the rate stays pretty stable, and then 2017 to 2019 it drops quite quickly, by approximately a third.", "Input": " Year Jihadist Dec 31, 2009 179 Dec 31, 2010 122 Dec 31, 2011 159 Dec 31, 2012 216 Dec 31, 2013 395 Dec 31, 2014 687 Dec 31, 2015 718 Dec 31, 2016 705 Dec 31, 2017 511 Dec 31, 2018 436", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5059.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4285F4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Jihadist\"}, \"field\": \"Jihadist\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of suspects arrested for terrorism\", \"offences in the European Union (EU) from\", \"2010 to 2019 , by affiliation\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Intelligence gathering around the monitoring of terrorist subjects has rapidly increased since 2010. There has been an increase in terrorist activity since 2010.", "Input": " Year Single Issue/ Not specified Dec 31, 2009 48 Dec 31, 2010 68 Dec 31, 2011 87 Dec 31, 2012 183 Dec 31, 2013 137 Dec 31, 2014 144 Dec 31, 2015 157 Dec 31, 2016 428 Dec 31, 2017 437 Dec 31, 2018 388", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5059.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#E66C37\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Single Issue/ Not specified\"}, \"field\": \"Single Issue/ Not specified\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of suspects arrested for terrorism\", \"offences in the European Union (EU) from\", \"2010 to 2019 , by affiliation\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows some sharp increases and declines over the years. 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There was a downwards trend in 2018.", "Input": " Year Single Issue/ Not specified Dec 31, 2009 48 Dec 31, 2010 68 Dec 31, 2011 87 Dec 31, 2012 183 Dec 31, 2013 137 Dec 31, 2014 144 Dec 31, 2015 157 Dec 31, 2016 428 Dec 31, 2017 437 Dec 31, 2018 388", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": 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Unemployment is in decline in 2019.", "Input": " Year 25-34 years Dec 31, 2008 0.082 Dec 31, 2009 0.077 Dec 31, 2010 0.075 Dec 31, 2011 0.076 Dec 31, 2012 0.079 Dec 31, 2013 0.086 Dec 31, 2014 0.094 Dec 31, 2015 0.086 Dec 31, 2016 0.087 Dec 31, 2017 0.078 Dec 31, 2018 0.066", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5255.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#94aace\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"25-34 years\"}, \"field\": \"25-34 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Unemployment rate in Finland from 2009 to\", \"2019 , by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Unemployment in Finnish 55-64 year olds was at its worst in 2015. Unemployment in Finnish 55-64 year olds has remained relatively stable between 2009 & 2019.", "Input": " Year 55-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.062 Dec 31, 2009 0.065 Dec 31, 2010 0.064 Dec 31, 2011 0.066 Dec 31, 2012 0.07 Dec 31, 2013 0.073 Dec 31, 2014 0.08 Dec 31, 2015 0.075 Dec 31, 2016 0.078 Dec 31, 2017 0.069 Dec 31, 2018 0.066", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5255.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d95f02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"55-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"55-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Unemployment rate in Finland from 2009 to\", \"2019 , by age group\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2004 and 2014 the pro-choice value didn\u2019t change. It only fluctuated between this.", "Input": " Response Pro-choice May 02, 2004 0.49 May 02, 2005 0.48 May 03, 2006 0.45 May 03, 2006 0.41 May 02, 2007 0.45 May 03, 2007 0.49 May 05, 2007 0.48 May 04, 2008 0.47 May 05, 2008 0.49 May 01, 2010 0.48 May 06, 2010 0.5 May 07, 2010 0.42 May 08, 2011 0.51 May 08, 2011 0.5 May 08, 2011 0.47 May 01, 2012 0.46 May 10, 2013 0.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/52.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Pro-choice\"}, \"field\": \"Pro-choice\"}}, \"title\": [\"Would you consider yourself pro-choice or\", \"pro-life ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "It isn\u2019t evident what the y-axis is relating to and what unit of measurement this is representing. The x-axis appears to be years but nothing in the title depicts this. There is also no reference to pro-life on either of the axis so this isn\u2019t necessarily represented in the data.", "Input": " Response Pro-choice May 02, 2004 0.49 May 02, 2005 0.48 May 03, 2006 0.45 May 03, 2006 0.41 May 02, 2007 0.45 May 03, 2007 0.49 May 05, 2007 0.48 May 04, 2008 0.47 May 05, 2008 0.49 May 01, 2010 0.48 May 06, 2010 0.5 May 07, 2010 0.42 May 08, 2011 0.51 May 08, 2011 0.5 May 08, 2011 0.47 May 01, 2012 0.46 May 10, 2013 0.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/52.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Pro-choice\"}, \"field\": \"Pro-choice\"}}, \"title\": [\"Would you consider yourself pro-choice or\", \"pro-life ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "there seems to be no obvious pattern on the chart as the response seems to spike and then plummet at very short intervals.", "Input": " Response Pro-choice May 02, 2004 0.49 May 02, 2005 0.48 May 03, 2006 0.45 May 03, 2006 0.41 May 02, 2007 0.45 May 03, 2007 0.49 May 05, 2007 0.48 May 04, 2008 0.47 May 05, 2008 0.49 May 01, 2010 0.48 May 06, 2010 0.5 May 07, 2010 0.42 May 08, 2011 0.51 May 08, 2011 0.5 May 08, 2011 0.47 May 01, 2012 0.46 May 10, 2013 0.49", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/52.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Pro-choice\"}, \"field\": \"Pro-choice\"}}, \"title\": [\"Would you consider yourself pro-choice or\", \"pro-life ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is a lot of variance in the plantings but overall there has been a slight decrease from 2000 in 2019. There is no data shown in the graph regarding harvests contrary to the title of the graph. There are 3 times where the plantings have decreased, in 2003, there was a small decease of about 2000 planted, in 2009 a decrease of about 6000 planted and in 2015 where there was once again a decrease of about 6000 planted.", "Input": " Year Planted Dec 31, 1999 15517.2 Dec 31, 2000 15768.5 Dec 31, 2001 13957.9 Dec 31, 2002 13479.6 Dec 31, 2003 13658.6 Dec 31, 2004 14245.4 Dec 31, 2005 15274 Dec 31, 2006 10827.2 Dec 31, 2007 9471 Dec 31, 2008 9149.5 Dec 31, 2009 10947.2 Dec 31, 2010 14735.4 Dec 31, 2011 12264.4 Dec 31, 2012 10407 Dec 31, 2013 11037.4 Dec 31, 2014 8580.5 Dec 31, 2015 9879 Dec 31, 2016 12717.5 Dec 31, 2017 14100.3 Dec 31, 2018 13737.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5330.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Planted\"}, \"field\": \"Planted\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total U.S. cotton plantings and harvestings\", \"from 2000 to 2019 (in 1,000 acres)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This graph has spikes across it and years where a larger number of cotton in planted such as 2011 and then periods where the numbers are much lower for example in 2008. It seems once a large number of plants have been planted, the next few years need less and then suddenly there is a sharp incline again.", "Input": " Year Planted Dec 31, 1999 15517.2 Dec 31, 2000 15768.5 Dec 31, 2001 13957.9 Dec 31, 2002 13479.6 Dec 31, 2003 13658.6 Dec 31, 2004 14245.4 Dec 31, 2005 15274 Dec 31, 2006 10827.2 Dec 31, 2007 9471 Dec 31, 2008 9149.5 Dec 31, 2009 10947.2 Dec 31, 2010 14735.4 Dec 31, 2011 12264.4 Dec 31, 2012 10407 Dec 31, 2013 11037.4 Dec 31, 2014 8580.5 Dec 31, 2015 9879 Dec 31, 2016 12717.5 Dec 31, 2017 14100.3 Dec 31, 2018 13737.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5330.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Planted\"}, \"field\": \"Planted\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total U.S. cotton plantings and harvestings\", \"from 2000 to 2019 (in 1,000 acres)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The graph shows the growth of Openreach from around 4200 in 2008 to around 10000 in 2017. It shows a trend of growth with a decrease in growth rate over time.", "Input": " Year Openreach Dec 31, 2007 4300 Dec 31, 2008 5750 Dec 31, 2009 6620 Dec 31, 2010 7608 Dec 31, 2011 8253 Dec 31, 2012 8859 Dec 31, 2013 9302 Dec 31, 2014 9544 Dec 31, 2015 9947 Dec 31, 2016 10162", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5355.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Openreach\"}, \"field\": \"Openreach\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of broadband lines operated by BT\", \"Group subsidiaries from 2008 to 2017 (in\", \"1,000)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Slight decrease in age structure since 8 years ago.", "Input": " Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.44 Dec 31, 2009 0.4404 Dec 31, 2010 0.4412 Dec 31, 2011 0.4419 Dec 31, 2012 0.4422 Dec 31, 2013 0.442 Dec 31, 2014 0.4413 Dec 31, 2015 0.4411 Dec 31, 2016 0.4401 Dec 31, 2017 0.4387 Dec 31, 2018 0.4369", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/537.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": 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{"Instruction": "The value of goods had risen steadily with only a slight dip in 2008 followed by a sharpRise again.", "Input": " Year Exports Dec 31, 1999 0.78 Dec 31, 2000 0.73 Dec 31, 2001 0.7 Dec 31, 2002 0.73 Dec 31, 2003 0.82 Dec 31, 2004 0.91 Dec 31, 2005 1.04 Dec 31, 2006 1.16 Dec 31, 2007 1.31 Dec 31, 2008 1.07 Dec 31, 2009 1.29 Dec 31, 2010 1.5", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": 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The pace of decline increased after 2014.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.4871 Dec 31, 2010 0.4831 Dec 31, 2011 0.4737 Dec 31, 2012 0.4681 Dec 31, 2013 0.4634 Dec 31, 2014 0.4402 Dec 31, 2015 0.4187 Dec 31, 2016 0.4016 Dec 31, 2017 0.386 Dec 31, 2018 0.3736 Dec 31, 2019 0.3623", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/543.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Vietnam : Distribution of employment by\", \"economic sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the distribution of employment in agriculture decreases slightly from 2010 to 2014. It the continues to decrease at a higher rate from 2014 to 2018.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.4871 Dec 31, 2010 0.4831 Dec 31, 2011 0.4737 Dec 31, 2012 0.4681 Dec 31, 2013 0.4634 Dec 31, 2014 0.4402 Dec 31, 2015 0.4187 Dec 31, 2016 0.4016 Dec 31, 2017 0.386 Dec 31, 2018 0.3736 Dec 31, 2019 0.3623", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/543.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#C2185B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Vietnam : Distribution of employment by\", \"economic sector from 2010 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The rates of homocide was decreasing and was at it's lowest approximately between 2021-2014. Homocide was at it's highest in 2005. Homocides appeared to be rise again post 2015 but is on the decrease towards 2020.", "Input": " Year Canada Dec 31, 1999 1.78 Dec 31, 2000 1.78 Dec 31, 2001 1.86 Dec 31, 2002 1.74 Dec 31, 2003 1.95 Dec 31, 2004 2.06 Dec 31, 2005 1.86 Dec 31, 2006 1.81 Dec 31, 2007 1.84 Dec 31, 2008 1.81 Dec 31, 2009 1.63 Dec 31, 2010 1.74 Dec 31, 2011 1.56 Dec 31, 2012 1.46 Dec 31, 2013 1.47 Dec 31, 2014 1.71 Dec 31, 2015 1.69 Dec 31, 2016 1.82 Dec 31, 2017 1.76", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/545.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#843c39\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Canada\"}, \"field\": \"Canada\"}}, \"title\": [\"Rate of homicide in Canada and the United\", \"States from 2000 to 2018\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The age structure of Barbados has increased every year since 2009 to 2019.", "Input": " Year 65 years and older Dec 31, 2008 0.13 Dec 31, 2009 0.1325 Dec 31, 2010 0.1346 Dec 31, 2011 0.1372 Dec 31, 2012 0.1401 Dec 31, 2013 0.1434 Dec 31, 2014 0.1469 Dec 31, 2015 0.1504 Dec 31, 2016 0.1541 Dec 31, 2017 0.158 Dec 31, 2018 0.1623", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5480.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2cf5b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"65 years and older\"}, \"field\": \"65 years and older\"}}, \"title\": [\"Barbados : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The general trend of smoking is declining in men. Although the levels from the year 2000 have dropped, and sometimes risen again, the rise has never been a bigger amount than the start point in 2000, and the rise has never been bigger than the level of smoking recorded at the last drop, and so the general trend is consistently a downward one.", "Input": " Year Men Dec 31, 1999 15 Dec 31, 2000 15 Dec 31, 2001 15 Dec 31, 2002 15 Dec 31, 2003 15 Dec 31, 2004 14 Dec 31, 2005 15 Dec 31, 2006 14 Dec 31, 2007 14 Dec 31, 2008 14 Dec 31, 2009 14 Dec 31, 2010 13 Dec 31, 2011 12 Dec 31, 2012 13 Dec 31, 2013 12 Dec 31, 2014 12 Dec 31, 2015 12", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5504.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average daily cigarette consumption in Great\", \"Britain from 2000 to 2016 , by gender (in\", \"cigarettes per day)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The highest GDP of 0.4 was in 2012-2014. Then the period of 2014-2016 showed the lowest GDP, a fall to just above 0.3. The GDP value started to rally between 2016-2018 and was up to approx 0.35 however this was still marginally lower than the initial GDP shown between 2010-2012.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2008 0.3582 Dec 31, 2009 0.3578 Dec 31, 2010 0.3595 Dec 31, 2011 0.3925 Dec 31, 2012 0.3989 Dec 31, 2013 0.3989 Dec 31, 2014 0.3663 Dec 31, 2015 0.3246 Dec 31, 2016 0.3375 Dec 31, 2017 0.3496 Dec 31, 2018 0.3562", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/553.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#94aace\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Egypt : Distribution of gross domestic product\", \"(GDP) across economic sectors from 2009 to\", \"2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "This is very inconsistent data. There is no consistent pattern shown and I don\u2019t know why there is such pronounced highs and lows.", "Input": " Year Automotive Dec 31, 2007 1425 Dec 31, 2008 1141 Dec 31, 2009 769 Dec 31, 2010 840 Dec 31, 2011 942 Dec 31, 2012 696 Dec 31, 2013 499 Dec 31, 2014 852 Dec 31, 2015 699 Dec 31, 2016 618 Dec 31, 2017 1019 Dec 31, 2018 1486", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5588.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4285F4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Automotive\"}, \"field\": \"Automotive\"}}, \"title\": [\"Value of U.S. local and state government\", \"commercial construction put in place from\", \"2008 to 2019 (in million U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Population is increasing at a steady rate year on year.", "Input": " Year Brussels-Capital Region Dec 31, 2008 1.07 Dec 31, 2009 1.09 Dec 31, 2010 1.12 Dec 31, 2011 1.14 Dec 31, 2012 1.15 Dec 31, 2013 1.16 Dec 31, 2014 1.18 Dec 31, 2015 1.19 Dec 31, 2016 1.19 Dec 31, 2017 1.2 Dec 31, 2018 1.21 Dec 31, 2019 1.22", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/558.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7b4173\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Brussels-Capital Region\"}, \"field\": \"Brussels-Capital Region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Population of Belgium from 2009 to 2020\", \", by region (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "During the period 2009 to 2020 the Brussels-Capital region has seen an increase in population. This increase is between 0.1 million and 0.2 million.", "Input": " Year Brussels-Capital Region Dec 31, 2008 1.07 Dec 31, 2009 1.09 Dec 31, 2010 1.12 Dec 31, 2011 1.14 Dec 31, 2012 1.15 Dec 31, 2013 1.16 Dec 31, 2014 1.18 Dec 31, 2015 1.19 Dec 31, 2016 1.19 Dec 31, 2017 1.2 Dec 31, 2018 1.21 Dec 31, 2019 1.22", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/558.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7b4173\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Brussels-Capital Region\"}, \"field\": \"Brussels-Capital Region\"}}, \"title\": [\"Population of Belgium from 2009 to 2020\", \", by region (in millions)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the generation of renewable energy has not changed massively between 2009 and 2019. 2011, 2017 and 2018 had the most generation of renewable energy. 2010, 2014 and 2015 had the least.", "Input": " Hydro Year 274 2019* 293 2018 300 2017 268 2016 249 2015 259 2014 269 2013 276 2012 319 2011 260 2010 273 2009", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5606.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Hydro\"}, \"field\": \"Hydro\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Generation of renewable energy in the U.S.\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by technology (in terawatt\", \"hours)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Hydro has been consistently advice 240 over 10 years. Peak hydro was in 2011 and lowest in 2015Hydro is generally between 250 and 300 each year.", "Input": " Hydro Year 274 2019* 293 2018 300 2017 268 2016 249 2015 259 2014 269 2013 276 2012 319 2011 260 2010 273 2009", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5606.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Hydro\"}, \"field\": \"Hydro\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Generation of renewable energy in the U.S.\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by technology (in terawatt\", \"hours)\"], 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0.15", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", 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to spend most their money on electrical goods online, whilst tickets and betting sales dropped considerably. Blik transactions on electrical goods were at number 5 on the scale, followed by household chemistry on number 3.5 whilst tickets and betting dropped to nearly -1 on scale.", "Input": " e-commerce category April to February 2020 Household appliances and electronics 5.42 Household chemistry 3.45 Supplements 1.57 Clothing 1.54 Courier services 1.43 Game Streaming 1.23 Perfume 1.23 Marketplaces 0.81 Online gambling 0.53 Financial support (eg. charity, funding) 0.53 Food delivery 0.47 Bookstore 0.44 TV Streaming 0.38 Mobile services 0.13 Pharmacies \u22120.15 Bookmaker's betting \u22120.58 Tickets/transport \u22120.88", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5665.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"e-commerce category\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"April to February 2020\"}, \"field\": \"April to February 2020\"}}, \"title\": [\"Most popular products purchased in online\", \"stores during the coronavirus (COVID-19)\", \"epidemic in Poland as a monthly change in\", \"the number of BLIK transactions between February\", \"and April 2020 , by e-commerce category\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between the years 2009 and 2016 there was a steady growth in the number of betting shops, but after 2016 there was a sharp decline until 2019.", "Input": " Response Gala Coral Group Feb 28, 2009 1630 Feb 28, 2010 1645 Feb 28, 2011 1712 Feb 29, 2012 1725 Feb 28, 2013 1745 Feb 28, 2014 1812 Feb 28, 2015 1838 Feb 29, 2016 1835 Feb 28, 2017 1680 Feb 28, 2018 1594 Feb 28, 2019 1529", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/566.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b79a20\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}, \"field\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of betting shops in the United Kingdom\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by operator\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The number of betting shops available in UK rose steadily until 2016 and then have been in decline. Betting shops in the UK have been in decline over the last 3 years. The number of betting shops available in the UK is at its lowest number since 2009.", "Input": " Response Gala Coral Group Feb 28, 2009 1630 Feb 28, 2010 1645 Feb 28, 2011 1712 Feb 29, 2012 1725 Feb 28, 2013 1745 Feb 28, 2014 1812 Feb 28, 2015 1838 Feb 29, 2016 1835 Feb 28, 2017 1680 Feb 28, 2018 1594 Feb 28, 2019 1529", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/566.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b79a20\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}, \"field\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of betting shops in the United Kingdom\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by operator\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "the gala coral group has closed approximTELY 100 BETTING shops between 2009 and 2019. in the last ten years there is evidence to support a decline in bricks and mortar betting shops from the gala group.", "Input": " Response Gala Coral Group Feb 28, 2009 1630 Feb 28, 2010 1645 Feb 28, 2011 1712 Feb 29, 2012 1725 Feb 28, 2013 1745 Feb 28, 2014 1812 Feb 28, 2015 1838 Feb 29, 2016 1835 Feb 28, 2017 1680 Feb 28, 2018 1594 Feb 28, 2019 1529", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/566.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b79a20\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}, \"field\": \"Gala Coral Group\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of betting shops in the United Kingdom\", \"from 2009 to 2019 , by operator\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 1990 and 2000 there two decreases and one increase in gas injection. From 2000 onwards there was a rapid increase in gas injection from below 80 to over 120.", "Input": " Year Gas injection Dec 31, 1989 91 Dec 31, 1991 89 Dec 31, 1993 79 Dec 31, 1995 84 Dec 31, 1997 87 Dec 31, 1999 74 Dec 31, 2001 78 Dec 31, 2003 83 Dec 31, 2005 97 Dec 31, 2007 123 Dec 31, 2009 130", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, \"fill\": \"#30a2da\", \"stroke\": null}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#30a2da\", \"#fc4f30\", \"#e5ae38\", \"#6d904f\", \"#8b8b8b\", \"#b96db8\", \"#ff9e27\", \"#56cc60\", \"#52d2ca\", \"#52689e\", \"#545454\", \"#9fe4f8\"], \"diverging\": [\"#cc0020\", \"#e77866\", \"#f6e7e1\", \"#d6e8ed\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#1d78b5\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#d6e8ed\", \"#cee0e5\", \"#91bfd9\", \"#549cc6\", \"#1d78b5\"]}, \"point\": {\"filled\": true, \"shape\": \"circle\"}, \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 24, \"fontWeight\": 600, \"offset\": 20}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5673.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6d904f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Gas injection\"}, \"field\": \"Gas injection\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of EOR projects in the U.S. crude\", \"oil production by extraction method 1990\", \"to 2010\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "there is a clear and steady increase in immigration into Belgium from 2010 to 2019.", "Input": " Year Emigration Dec 31, 2009 52510 Dec 31, 2010 54502 Dec 31, 2011 58352 Dec 31, 2012 57765 Dec 31, 2013 60512 Dec 31, 2014 62607 Dec 31, 2015 64149 Dec 31, 2016 66264 Dec 31, 2017 67738 Dec 31, 2018 67679", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5679.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#386cb0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Emigration\"}, \"field\": \"Emigration\"}}, \"title\": [\"Migration flow in Belgium from 2010 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The dependancy has increase over the period shown from approximately 0.01 in 2013/14 and 0.14 in 2019/20. The scale is in very small increments so further cliarification is need as to what the actual percentage refers to i.e. in monetary value or other category. There was a very large increase between 2017/18 and 2018/19 and it would be good to know why this is. The general trend is upwards.", "Input": " Year Ferrovial SA 2019/20 0.137 2018/19 0.119 2017/18 0.055 2016/17 0.024 2015/16 0.021 2014/15 0.021 2013/14** 0.011", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5702.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e6ab02\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Ferrovial SA\"}, \"field\": \"Ferrovial SA\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading defense suppliers dependency on\", \"Ministry of Defence (MOD) business in the\", \"United Kingdom (UK) from 2005/06 to 2019/20\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2009 there was a considerable dip in sales in Europe. Since 2009 the sales have mostly increased reaching the highest in 2017. From 2018 the sales have stayed at the highest number and remain steady.", "Input": " Year Europe Dec 31, 2007 634.9 Dec 31, 2008 541.3 Dec 31, 2009 604.2 Dec 31, 2010 631 Dec 31, 2011 618.1 Dec 31, 2012 603.5 Dec 31, 2013 622.3 Dec 31, 2014 630.7 Dec 31, 2015 659.8 Dec 31, 2016 707 Dec 31, 2017 731.5 Dec 31, 2018 729.4", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5718.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#999999\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Europe\"}, \"field\": \"Europe\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sales of tesa worldwide from 2008 to 2019\", \", by region (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The greatest frequency of usage is for the category 'Paying online purchases from you' with Credit card verification being the second highest category.", "Input": " Response Frequently Paying online purchases from your bank account 0.44 Credit card payment verification likeVerified by Visa or Mastercard Secure Code 0.25 Kela, the Finnish Social Insurance Institution 0.22 Verohallinto (the Finnish Tax office) 0.15 Insurance company's services 0.15 Municipal healthcare services 0.1 Posti (the main Finnish postal service) 0.09 Other governmental services 0.04 Trafi (Finnish Transport Safety Agency) 0.03 Other municipal services 0.03 V\u00e4est\u00f6rekisterikeskus (the Population Register Centre) 0.02", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5763.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e2ddf2\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Frequently\"}, \"field\": \"Frequently\"}}, \"title\": [\"Usage of online banking credentials for\", \"various online services in Finland in 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As mobile phone increases response increases. Highest mobile phone is 0.25 at 2014 and 2015. Lowest mobile phone is below 0.05 in 2009.", "Input": " Response Mobile phone Dec 31, 2008 0.06 Dec 31, 2009 0.09 Dec 31, 2010 0.12 Dec 31, 2011 0.13 Dec 31, 2012 0.19 Dec 31, 2013 0.26 Dec 31, 2014 0.26 Dec 31, 2015 0.19 Dec 31, 2016 0.21 Dec 31, 2017 0.22 Dec 31, 2018 0.23", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": 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The lowest use sites are periscope and tumblr.", "Input": " Q4 2018 Platform 0.67 YouTube 0.77 Facebook 0.46 Instagram 0.37 Twitter 0.34 Pinterest 0.29 LinkedIn 0.13 Reddit 0.25 Snapchat 0.16 WhatsApp 0.1 Tumblr 0.02 Periscope", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"bar\": {\"binSpacing\": 2, 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The lowest number of cases was after 2015.", "Input": " Year Eastern Mediterranean Dec 31, 1998 5775 Dec 31, 1999 3122 Dec 31, 2000 1328 Dec 31, 2001 569 Dec 31, 2002 510 Dec 31, 2003 8368 Dec 31, 2004 14967 Dec 31, 2005 3685 Dec 31, 2006 12071 Dec 31, 2007 2363 Dec 31, 2008 2030 Dec 31, 2009 1398 Dec 31, 2010 2749 Dec 31, 2011 1681 Dec 31, 2012 3904 Dec 31, 2013 2945 Dec 31, 2014 1885 Dec 31, 2015 1981 Dec 31, 2016 931 Dec 31, 2017 1622", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", \"gridDash\": [1, 5], \"labelFlush\": false}, \"axisBand\": {\"tickExtra\": true}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 5}, \"axisY\": {\"labelPadding\": 10}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#118DFF\", \"strokeWidth\": 3, \"strokeCap\": \"round\", \"strokeJoin\": \"round\"}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"fontSize\": 12, \"fill\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"line\": true, \"opacity\": 0.6}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#118DFF\", \"filled\": true, \"size\": 75}, \"legend\": {\"titleFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"titleFontWeight\": \"bold\", \"titleColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"symbolType\": \"circle\", \"symbolSize\": 75}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#118DFF\", \"#12239E\", \"#E66C37\", \"#6B007B\", \"#E044A7\", \"#744EC2\", \"#D9B300\", \"#D64550\"], \"diverging\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#118DFF\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#DEEFFF\", \"#c7e4ff\", \"#b0d9ff\", \"#9aceff\", \"#83c3ff\", \"#6cb9ff\", \"#55aeff\", \"#3fa3ff\", \"#2898ff\", \"#118DFF\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/5969.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6B007B\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60, \"title\": \"Eastern Mediterranean\"}, \"field\": \"Eastern Mediterranean\"}}, \"title\": [\"Reported cases of rubella worldwide from\", \"1999 to 2018 , by region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Alberta has the highest tertiary treatment with a full range of 0.80 followed by Saskatchewan with a range of approx 0.50. Following the chart Ontario is the third in line with a tertiary treatment of almost 0.40 followed by Canada, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island that are place from 0.20 and above. The rest is in the lower range of under 0.20 ending with Yukon which is 0.0.", "Input": " Country Tertiary treatment Canada 0.237 Newfoundland and Labrador 0.011 Prince Edward Island 0.204 Nova Scotia 0.097 New Brunswick 0.005 Quebec 0.074 Ontario 0.39 Manitoba 0.188 Saskatchewan 0.451 Alberta 0.814 British Columbia 0.073 Yukon 0", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", 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There were small increases in the number of incidents, compared to the overall trend, in 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2013.", "Input": " Year Catergory 2 Dec 31, 2000 736 Dec 31, 2001 693 Dec 31, 2002 618 Dec 31, 2003 505 Dec 31, 2004 495 Dec 31, 2005 461 Dec 31, 2006 380 Dec 31, 2007 314 Dec 31, 2008 361 Dec 31, 2009 294 Dec 31, 2010 320 Dec 31, 2011 250 Dec 31, 2012 324 Dec 31, 2013 307 Dec 31, 2014 274 Dec 31, 2015 266", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", 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"Input": " Somewhat likely Response 0.41 Being more active throughout the day 0.36 Spend more time exercising 0.38 Eating smaller portions of what you eat now 0.38 Limiting specific types of food or food types 0.39 Eating snacks less frequently 0.37 Eating smaller, more frequent meals or snacks 0.4 Tracking and increasing the amount of time you are physically active 0.36 Limit the number of calories in the food you eat 0.39 Eating more slowly and attentively 0.3 Eating out less often", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6076.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e45756\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Somewhat 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The average age for men to be widowed for all represented time periods is between 70 and 80 years old.", "Input": " Year Men Dec 31, 2007 72.3 Dec 31, 2008 72.5 Dec 31, 2009 72.7 Dec 31, 2010 72.7 Dec 31, 2011 73.2 Dec 31, 2012 73.6 Dec 31, 2013 73.9 Dec 31, 2014 74.3 Dec 31, 2015 74.4 Dec 31, 2016 75 Dec 31, 2017 75.3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6089.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#b3cde3\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average age at widow (er) hood in the Netherlands\", \"from 2008 to 2018 , by gender (in years)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "WIG-LEKI's Stock Exchange was the lowest, whereas WIG-NRCHOM was the highest.", "Input": " indices March 12 WIG20 \u22120.1328 MWIG40 \u22120.1192 SWIG80 \u22120.1073 WIG30 \u22120.1309 WIG \u22120.1265 WIG-BANKI \u22120.1515 WIG-BUDOW \u22120.069 WIG-CHEMIA \u22120.1157 WIG-ENERG \u22120.1375 WIG-GORNIC \u22120.1578 WIG-INFO \u22120.0728 WIG-LEKI \u22120.1869 WIG-MEDIA \u22120.0923 WIG-MOTO \u22120.1332 WIG-NRCHOM \u22120.062 WIG-ODZIEZ \u22120.1716 WIG-PALIWA \u22120.074 WIG-SPOZYW \u22120.1115 WIG-TELKOM \u22120.0929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6100.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"indices\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"March 12\"}, \"field\": \"March 12\"}}, \"title\": [\"Reaction of the Warsaw Stock Exchange to\", \"coronavirus (COVID-19) in Poland as of March\", \"2020 , by indices\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Wig leki and odziez the the highest. All companies showed an increase.", "Input": " indices March 12 WIG20 \u22120.1328 MWIG40 \u22120.1192 SWIG80 \u22120.1073 WIG30 \u22120.1309 WIG \u22120.1265 WIG-BANKI \u22120.1515 WIG-BUDOW \u22120.069 WIG-CHEMIA \u22120.1157 WIG-ENERG \u22120.1375 WIG-GORNIC \u22120.1578 WIG-INFO \u22120.0728 WIG-LEKI \u22120.1869 WIG-MEDIA \u22120.0923 WIG-MOTO \u22120.1332 WIG-NRCHOM \u22120.062 WIG-ODZIEZ \u22120.1716 WIG-PALIWA \u22120.074 WIG-SPOZYW \u22120.1115 WIG-TELKOM \u22120.0929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6100.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"indices\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"March 12\"}, \"field\": \"March 12\"}}, \"title\": [\"Reaction of the Warsaw Stock Exchange to\", \"coronavirus (COVID-19) in Poland as of March\", \"2020 , by indices\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The indices with the worst reactions were WIG-LEKI and WIG-ODZIEZ. The indices with the best reactions were WIG-INFO and WIG-NRCHOM. The overall reactions seem to be fairly evenly spread with either a high or low reaction.", "Input": " indices March 12 WIG20 \u22120.1328 MWIG40 \u22120.1192 SWIG80 \u22120.1073 WIG30 \u22120.1309 WIG \u22120.1265 WIG-BANKI \u22120.1515 WIG-BUDOW \u22120.069 WIG-CHEMIA \u22120.1157 WIG-ENERG \u22120.1375 WIG-GORNIC \u22120.1578 WIG-INFO \u22120.0728 WIG-LEKI \u22120.1869 WIG-MEDIA \u22120.0923 WIG-MOTO \u22120.1332 WIG-NRCHOM \u22120.062 WIG-ODZIEZ \u22120.1716 WIG-PALIWA \u22120.074 WIG-SPOZYW \u22120.1115 WIG-TELKOM \u22120.0929", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6100.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cedb9c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"indices\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"March 12\"}, \"field\": \"March 12\"}}, \"title\": [\"Reaction of the Warsaw Stock Exchange to\", \"coronavirus (COVID-19) in Poland as of March\", \"2020 , by indices\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "blockchain and edge computing will be affected the most by the covid pandemic within this bar chart. more risky purchases are being impacted more.", "Input": " Stay the same Response 0.13 Cybersecurity 0.19 Hybrid or multi-cloud 0.22 Automation 0.27 Smart analytics 0.26 AI 0.41 5G 0.44 Edge computing 0.41 IoT 0.4 AR/VR 0.49 Blockchain", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6104.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#1b9e77\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Stay the same\"}, \"field\": \"Stay the same\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}}, \"title\": [\"How do you expect COVID-19 to impact your\", \"spending for any of the following ?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Fishing from a boat had the highest male value. Hunting from a boat had the lowest male value, excluding other.", "Input": " Boating activity Male Fishing from a boat 0.661 Cruising 0.573 Swimming 0.449 Entertaining 0.398 Sightseeing 0.325 Sunbathing 0.31 Nature observation 0.307 Quiet water paddling 0.241 Tubing 0.23 Water Skiing 0.197 Scuba Diving/Snorkeling 0.142 Wakeboarding 0.139 Kneeboarding 0.088 Whitewater paddling 0.08 Racing 0.058 Hunting from a boat 0.051 Other 0.044", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6106.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Boating activity\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Male\"}, \"field\": \"Male\"}}, \"title\": [\"What activities have you done while boating\", \"?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Fishing and cruising are the two most popular activities done on a boat.", "Input": " Boating activity Male Fishing from a boat 0.661 Cruising 0.573 Swimming 0.449 Entertaining 0.398 Sightseeing 0.325 Sunbathing 0.31 Nature observation 0.307 Quiet water paddling 0.241 Tubing 0.23 Water Skiing 0.197 Scuba Diving/Snorkeling 0.142 Wakeboarding 0.139 Kneeboarding 0.088 Whitewater paddling 0.08 Racing 0.058 Hunting from a boat 0.051 Other 0.044", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#000\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#7fc97f\", \"#beaed4\", \"#fdc086\", \"#ffff99\", \"#386cb0\", \"#f0027f\", \"#bf5b17\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6106.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Boating activity\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Male\"}, \"field\": \"Male\"}}, \"title\": [\"What activities have you done while boating\", \"?\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest percentage of people voted Conservative in 2008. The percentage of people voting conservative did not drop below 0.20 between 1997 and 2012.", "Input": " Year Conservative Dec 31, 1996 0.28 Dec 31, 1997 0.26 Dec 31, 1998 0.25 Dec 31, 1999 0.28 Dec 31, 2000 0.23 Dec 31, 2001 0.25 Dec 31, 2002 0.25 Dec 31, 2003 0.26 Dec 31, 2004 0.24 Dec 31, 2005 0.25 Dec 31, 2006 0.25 Dec 31, 2007 0.32 Dec 31, 2008 0.28 Dec 31, 2009 0.29 Dec 31, 2010 0.27 Dec 31, 2011 0.27", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6107.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#182429\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"Conservative\"}, \"field\": \"Conservative\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of people who identify with a\", \"political party in Great Britain (GB) from\", \"1997 to 2012 , by party\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The bar chart clearly shows the volume of primary schools in each Italian region in 2017.", "Input": " region of Italy Private Lombardy 243 Campania 331 Sicily 101 Veneto 100 Piedmont 77 Lazio 219 Emilia-Romagna 74 Tuscany 84 Calabria 25 Apulia 49 Sardinia 24 Marche 15 Liguria 48 Abruzzo 19 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 23 Umbria 10 Basilicata 3 Molise 3 Aosta Valley 3 Trentino-South Tyrol 11", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6114.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"region of Italy\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Private\"}, \"field\": \"Private\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of primary schools in Italy in 2017\", \", by region and type of schools ' management\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Other than 1960 and 2016, every candidate in the US elections have achieved four democratic electoral votes in its 60 year history.", "Input": " Year and candidate Democrat 2020: Joe Biden* 4 2016: Hillary Clinton 3 2012: Barack Obama* 4 2008: Barack Obama* 4 2004: John Kerry 4 2000: Al Gore 4 1996: Bill Clinton* 4 1992: Bill Clinton* 4 1988: Michael Dukakis 4 1980: Jimmy Carter 4 1976: Jimmy Carter* 4 1968: Hubert Humphrey 4 1964: Lyndon B. Johnson* 4 1960: John F. Kennedy* 3", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6130.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d67195\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year and candidate\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Democrat\"}, \"field\": \"Democrat\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of electoral votes from Hawaii designated\", \"to each party 's candidate in U.S. presidential\", \"elections from 1960 to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "India just above China were the consumers preferred brand of communication with both over 0.4 respondents. 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Only 15% of vehicle buyers used them.", "Input": " Response China Car dealer (both new and used cars) 0.47 Vehicle manufacturer websites 0.46 Search engine 0.51 Information websites/independent car valuation services 0.44 Dealer website 0.37 Family and friends 0.47 Specialist motoring/automotive press 0.49 Web forums, blogs or internet discussion groups 0.43 Print advertising 0.25 Auto shows 0.44 TV advertising 0.35 Independent e-tailer sites 0.24 Manufacturer or dealer social media page 0.28 Car dealer (used cars only) 0.15 Non-specialist motoring/automotive press 0.24", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6354.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ab7fb4\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Response\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"China\"}, \"field\": \"China\"}}, \"title\": [\"Vehicle buyers ' use of information sources\", \"worldwide in 2012 , by country\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There were no deaths between the ages of 50 and 60 in Northern Ireland in 2018. The highest death rate from stroke in Northern Ireland in 2018 was between the ages of 80 and 84. The number of deaths from stroke in Northern Ireland in 2018 significantly increased over the age of 70.", "Input": " Men age group 1 45-49 years 0 50-54 years 0 55-59 years 3 60-64 years 4 65-69 years 24 70-74 years 24 75-59 years 43 80-84 years 34 85-89 years 34 90 years and over", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6363.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8ca252\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -30, \"title\": \"Men\"}, \"field\": \"Men\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"age group\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of deaths from stroke in Northern\", \"Ireland in 2018 , by gender and age\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Other parties' share of the votes started just below 0.15 in 1918. It sharply dropped to around 0.02 in 1920. The share fluctuated by a few points between 1920 and 1960. From 1960 the share rose, peaking at around 0.06 around 1975. The share then dropped to below 0.05 just before 1990. The share increased rapidly from 1990 to 2019, peaking at around 0.25.", "Input": " Year Other Dec 31, 1917 0.149 Dec 31, 1921 0.036 Dec 31, 1922 0.02 Dec 31, 1923 0.022 Dec 31, 1928 0.014 Dec 31, 1930 0.017 Dec 31, 1934 0.021 Dec 31, 1944 0.036 Dec 31, 1949 0.015 Dec 31, 1950 0.007 Dec 31, 1954 0.013 Dec 31, 1958 0.01 Dec 31, 1963 0.014 Dec 31, 1965 0.017 Dec 31, 1969 0.032 Jan 31, 1974 0.058 Sep 30, 1974 0.067 Dec 31, 1978 0.054 Dec 31, 1982 0.046 Dec 31, 1986 0.044 Dec 31, 1991 0.058 Dec 31, 1996 0.093 Dec 31, 2000 0.095 Dec 31, 2004 0.104 Dec 31, 2009 0.119 Dec 31, 2014 0.249 Dec 31, 2016 0.104 Dec 31, 2018 0.127", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/636.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#B0B0B0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Other\"}, \"field\": \"Other\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of votes in general elections in the\", \"United Kingdom from 1918 to 2019 , by political\", \"party\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "That there has been a much greater share of votes as the years have progressed, culminating in a much greater share of votes in the current year as the earlier 20th century. There are however outliers during the middle part of the 20th century.", "Input": " Year Other Dec 31, 1917 0.149 Dec 31, 1921 0.036 Dec 31, 1922 0.02 Dec 31, 1923 0.022 Dec 31, 1928 0.014 Dec 31, 1930 0.017 Dec 31, 1934 0.021 Dec 31, 1944 0.036 Dec 31, 1949 0.015 Dec 31, 1950 0.007 Dec 31, 1954 0.013 Dec 31, 1958 0.01 Dec 31, 1963 0.014 Dec 31, 1965 0.017 Dec 31, 1969 0.032 Jan 31, 1974 0.058 Sep 30, 1974 0.067 Dec 31, 1978 0.054 Dec 31, 1982 0.046 Dec 31, 1986 0.044 Dec 31, 1991 0.058 Dec 31, 1996 0.093 Dec 31, 2000 0.095 Dec 31, 2004 0.104 Dec 31, 2009 0.119 Dec 31, 2014 0.249 Dec 31, 2016 0.104 Dec 31, 2018 0.127", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/636.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#B0B0B0\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 0, \"title\": \"Other\"}, \"field\": \"Other\"}}, \"title\": [\"Share of votes in general elections in the\", \"United Kingdom from 1918 to 2019 , by political\", \"party\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Those in white collar, middle management jobs are way more prone to reading. Those without jobs or other conditions with no exception are not prone to reading much at all.", "Input": " occupation From 1 to 3 books Middle management, white collar 2323 Retired 1345 Student 1164 Housewife 976 Executive, employer, professional 601 Unemployed person with work experience 645 Blue collar, apprentice 1206 Self-employed, family worker 470 Unemployed person without work experience 128 Other condition 97", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6565.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d67195\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"occupation\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45, \"title\": \"From 1 to 3 books\"}, \"field\": \"From 1 to 3 books\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of book readers in Italy in 2019\", \", by occupation and number of books read\", \"(in 1,000 readers)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average price of coffee remains fairly constant throughout the time period shown (around 5 Canadian dollars per 300g). Y-axis label should not be a year.", "Input": " Month 2019 De 5.01; Month: Dec No 5.02; Month: Nov Oc 4.91; Month: Oct Se 4.86; Month: Sep Au 5.02; Month: Aug Ju 5.1; Month: Jul Ju 5.38; Month: Jun Ma 5.3; Month: May Ap 5.35; Month: Apr Ma 5.39; Month: Mar Fe 5.51; Month: Feb Ja 5.33; Month: Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/660.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#54a24b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Month\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2019\"}, \"field\": \"2019\"}}, \"title\": [\"Average retail price for roasted coffee\", \"in Canada from January 2015 to June 2020\", \"(in Canadian dollars per 300 grams)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In general, energy supply decreases as Year increases. Energy supply is highest in 1990 and lowest in 2017. Energy supply increases between 2000 and 2003, before decreasing a little and then increasing again before decreasing stably after that.", "Input": " Year Energy supply Dec 31, 1989 1868673 Dec 31, 1990 1822613 Dec 31, 1991 1759562 Dec 31, 1992 1689244 Dec 31, 1993 1685145 Dec 31, 1994 1688372 Dec 31, 1995 1712778 Dec 31, 1996 1669289 Dec 31, 1997 1675088 Dec 31, 1998 1624970 Dec 31, 1999 1641489 Dec 31, 2000 1679714 Dec 31, 2001 1694857 Dec 31, 2002 1743780 Dec 31, 2003 1724644 Dec 31, 2004 1712688 Dec 31, 2005 1719855 Dec 31, 2006 1725295 Dec 31, 2007 1651149 Dec 31, 2008 1521086 Dec 31, 2009 1547188 Dec 31, 2010 1520570 Dec 31, 2011 1512109 Dec 31, 2012 1434665 Dec 31, 2013 1347776 Dec 31, 2014 1334053 Dec 31, 2015 1283579 Dec 31, 2016 1265539", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4c78a8\", \"#9ecae9\", \"#f58518\", \"#ffbf79\", \"#54a24b\", \"#88d27a\", \"#b79a20\", \"#f2cf5b\", \"#439894\", \"#83bcb6\", \"#e45756\", \"#ff9d98\", \"#79706e\", \"#bab0ac\", \"#d67195\", \"#fcbfd2\", \"#b279a2\", \"#d6a5c9\", \"#9e765f\", \"#d8b5a5\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6625.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#f2cf5b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Energy supply\"}, \"field\": \"Energy supply\"}}, \"title\": [\"Greenhouse gas emissions volume in the European\", \"Union from 1990 to 2017 , by sector (in kilotonnes\", \"of CO2-equivalent)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Between 2010 and 2016 there was an increasing budget allocation to the arts fund, with this peaking in 2016 to 400,000 Euros. After this, there is stark decline to almost half this amount by 2018.", "Input": " Year Part-time arts education Dec 31, 2009 204754 Dec 31, 2010 216767 Dec 31, 2011 224098 Dec 31, 2012 228895 Dec 31, 2013 232842 Dec 31, 2014 232296 Dec 31, 2015 238932 Dec 31, 2016 445805 Dec 31, 2017 437865 Dec 31, 2018 250765", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, 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It remains around the 0.7 mark.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.7283 Dec 31, 2010 0.7414 Dec 31, 2011 0.7511 Dec 31, 2012 0.7595 Dec 31, 2013 0.7631 Dec 31, 2014 0.7597 Dec 31, 2015 0.7617 Dec 31, 2016 0.7559 Dec 31, 2017 0.7546 Dec 31, 2018 0.7563 Dec 31, 2019 0.7583", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"background\": \"transparent\", \"font\": \"Segoe UI\", \"header\": {\"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"labelFont\": \"Segoe UI\", \"labelFontSize\": 13.333333333333332, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\"}, \"axis\": {\"ticks\": false, \"grid\": false, \"domain\": false, \"labelColor\": \"#605E5C\", \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"titleFont\": \"wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif\", \"titleColor\": \"#252423\", \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisQuantitative\": {\"tickCount\": 3, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#C8C6C4\", 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There was a sharp decrease from 2012 but by 2017, the figure had reached 2010 figures again.", "Input": " Year Hazardous waste Dec 31, 2007 8 Dec 31, 2008 10 Dec 31, 2009 10 Dec 31, 2010 15 Dec 31, 2011 17 Dec 31, 2012 11 Dec 31, 2013 10 Dec 31, 2014 11 Dec 31, 2015 9 Dec 31, 2016 11", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6692.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#703c5c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"Hazardous waste\"}, \"field\": \"Hazardous waste\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of enterprises in the collection\", \"of hazardous and non-hazardous waste in Lithuania\", \"from 2008 to 2017\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Global revenue dropped from 8 billion US$ in 2004 hitting the lowest point of around 6.5 billion US$ in 2007. Global revenue rose steadily from 2007 until 2019 where revenue reached 20 billion US$.", "Input": " Year Asia Pacific Dec 31, 2003 8.5 Dec 31, 2004 7.2 Dec 31, 2005 6.8 Dec 31, 2006 6.5 Dec 31, 2007 6.8 Dec 31, 2008 7.2 Dec 31, 2009 8.5 Dec 31, 2010 9 Dec 31, 2011 10.4 Dec 31, 2012 11.1 Dec 31, 2013 12.4 Dec 31, 2014 14.6 Dec 31, 2015 15.3 Dec 31, 2016 16.2 Dec 31, 2017 17.1 Dec 31, 2018 17.8", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#f9f9f9\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\"}, \"point\": {\"fill\": \"#ab5787\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#979797\", \"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"gridWidth\": 0.2, \"labelColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickColor\": \"#979797\", \"tickWidth\": 0.2, \"titleColor\": \"#979797\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 10}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"tickSize\": 0}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ab5787\", \"#51b2e5\", \"#703c5c\", \"#168dd9\", \"#d190b6\", \"#00609f\", \"#d365ba\", \"#154866\", \"#666666\", \"#c4c4c4\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/672.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#00609f\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Asia Pacific\"}, \"field\": \"Asia Pacific\"}}, \"title\": [\"Global box office revenue from 2004 to 2019\", \", by region (in billion U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "In 2019, London was the region with the highest merger and acquisitions (M & A) transaction volume in the United Kingdom, reaching 2.500. In the same year, Wales had the least merger and acquisitions transaction volume, being close to the one observed in Northern Ireland.", "Input": " 2019 city or region of United Kingdom 2536 London 989 South East 958 Midlands 831 North West 657 Yorkshire and Humber 553 East of England 536 Scotland 526 South West 350 North East 252 Northern Ireland 218 Wales", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", \"#4D4D4D\", \"#C9C9C9\", \"#666666\", \"#DCDCDC\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6753.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#333333\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30, \"title\": \"2019\"}, \"field\": \"2019\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"city or region of United Kingdom\"}}, \"title\": [\"Merger and acquisitions (M & A) transaction\", \"volume in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018\", \"and 2019 , by city or region\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "C.Riunite made the highest annual turnover. 60% of the wineries made between 100 and 200 million euros in annual turnover.", "Input": " 2015 Leading ten Italian wineries 559 C.Riunite/CIV/GIV 358 GIV 300 Caviro 201 Cantineriunite/CIV 209 Antinori 183 Zonin 160 Martini 175 Mezzacorona 167 Cavit 154 Botter", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6761.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#829eb1\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90, \"title\": \"2015\"}, \"field\": \"2015\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading ten Italian wineries\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading ten Italian wineries in Italy from\", \"2014 to 2018 , by turnover (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest turnover in 2016 from the leading ten Italian wineries was about 560 million euros. This was from C. Riunite. The least amount of turnover was from either Botter or Mezzacorona, who each had a turnover of around 160 million euros. The greatest difference in turnover from the ten wineries was therefore around 400 million euros.", "Input": " 2016 Leading ten Italian wineries 578 C.Riunite/CIV/GIV 365 GIV 304 Caviro 213 Cantineriunite/CIV 220 Antinori 193 Zonin 171 Martini 163 Mezzacorona 178 Cavit 165 Botter", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6761.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#7b4173\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"2016\"}, \"field\": \"2016\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Leading ten Italian wineries\"}}, \"title\": [\"Leading ten Italian wineries in Italy from\", \"2014 to 2018 , by turnover (in million euros)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Energy drinks were the fastest growing convenience food product online sale during the covid-19 outbreak in russia. The least purchased item were water and instant soups.", "Input": " 06.01-01.03 food products 1.99 Energy drinks 0.49 Pasta 0.49 Vegetable oil 0.39 Instant soups 0.52 Porridge 0.64 Chocolate paste 0.62 Souces 0.46 Sterilized milk 0.48 Flakes 0.36 Water", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/6774.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#d6616b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 60, \"title\": \"06.01-01.03\"}, \"field\": \"06\\\\.01-01\\\\.03\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"food products\"}}, \"title\": [\"Fastest growing convenience food products\", 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Each year witnessed increased % of those aged 65 and over.", "Input": " Year 65 years and older Dec 31, 2008 0.0335 Dec 31, 2009 0.0339 Dec 31, 2010 0.0348 Dec 31, 2011 0.0359 Dec 31, 2012 0.0372 Dec 31, 2013 0.0388 Dec 31, 2014 0.0407 Dec 31, 2015 0.043 Dec 31, 2016 0.0457 Dec 31, 2017 0.0487 Dec 31, 2018 0.0521", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": 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Clothing had the best sales at 0.02.", "Input": " July to August retail sector 0.002 Motor vehicle & parts dealers 0.021 Furniture & home furniture stores 0.008 Electronics & appliance stores 0.02 Building material & garden equipment & supplies dealers \u22120.012 Food & beverage stores 0.008 Health & personal care stores 0.004 Gasoline stations 0.029 Clothing & clothing accessories stores \u22120.057 Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, & book stores \u22120.004 General merchandise stores \u22120.002 Miscellaneous store retailers 0 Nonstore retailers 0.006 Total retail", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/690.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#DB4437\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"July to August\"}, \"field\": \"July to August\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"retail sector\"}}, \"title\": [\"Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on monthly\", \"retail sales development in the United States\", \"2020 , by retail sector\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "As the years increase the amount a player receives increases in an almost straight line.", "Input": " Year Losing team Dec 31, 2019 65 Dec 31, 2020 75 Dec 31, 2021 82 Dec 31, 2022 89 Dec 31, 2023 96 Dec 31, 2024 103 Dec 31, 2025 113 Dec 31, 2026 123 Dec 31, 2027 133 Dec 31, 2028 143 Dec 31, 2029 153", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#333\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1b9e77\", \"#d95f02\", \"#7570b3\", \"#e7298a\", \"#66a61e\", \"#e6ab02\", \"#a6761d\", \"#666666\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/706.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#666666\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Losing team\"}, \"field\": \"Losing team\"}}, \"title\": [\"Amount a player receives for playing in\", \"the NFL Super Bowl 2020 - 2030 (in 1,000\", \"U.S. dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "South Africa is the biggest exporter of pharmaceutical goods with nearly 400million US dollars. Egypt is next with 300 million US dollars. The test of the major African countries have less than 100 million US dollars with the exception of Morrocco with 120 US dollars in pharmaceutical exports.", "Input": " Country Exports South Africa 380.04 Egypt 300.8 Morocco 123.33 Kenya 86.95 Tunisia 42.65 Senegal 13.76 Uganda 9.7 Nigeria 8 Cote d'Ivoire 5.25 Tanzania 2.75 Ethiopia 2.02 Algeria 1.79 Ghana 1.36 Sudan 0.23", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/738.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#8aa453\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 30}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Exports\"}, \"field\": \"Exports\"}}, \"title\": [\"Pharmaceutical imports and exports of major\", \"African countries in 2014 (in million U.S.\", \"dollars)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "There is no distribution of response on the scatter plot.", "Input": " Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6612 Dec 31, 2009 0.6621 Dec 31, 2010 0.6643 Dec 31, 2011 0.6661 Dec 31, 2012 0.6677 Dec 31, 2013 0.6695 Dec 31, 2014 0.6717 Dec 31, 2015 0.6724 Dec 31, 2016 0.674 Dec 31, 2017 0.6759 Dec 31, 2018 0.6773", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/746.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"15-64 years\"}, \"field\": \"15-64 years\"}}, \"title\": [\"Indonesia : Age structure from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The largest number of fatalities in a school by a school shooting was the \"virginia tech massacre\" with around 33 fatalities. Followed next was at sandy hook elementery with around 27 fatalities. The third highest number of fatalities by a school shooting was about 17 fatalities at Marjory stoneman douglas. The least amount of fatalities at a school shooting in this bar chart was about 3 fatalities at Lindhurst highschool. 13 out of the 17 school had between 0 and 10 fatalities. Only four of the school out of the seventeen had over 10 fatalities.", "Input": " Fatalities school shooting 33 Virginia Tech massacre (Blacksburg, Virginia, 2007) 13 Columbine High School massacre (Littleton, Colorado, 1999) 6 Stockton schoolyard shooting (Stockton, California, 1989) 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting (Parkland, Florida, 2018) 4 Thurston High School shooting (Springfield, Oregon, 1998) 27 Sandy Hook Elementary massacre (Newtown, Connecticut, 2012) 5 Northern Illinois University shooting (DeKalb, Illinois, 2008) 10 Santa Fe High School shooting (Santa Fe, Texas, 2018) 6 Isla Vista mass murder (Santa Barbara, California, 2014) 9 Umpqua Community College shooting (Roseburg, OR, 2015) 5 Westside Middle School killings (Jonesboro, Arkansas, 1998) 10 Red Lake massacre (Red Lake, Minnesota, 2005) 4 Lindhurst High School shooting (Olivehurst, California, 1992) 6 Amish school shooting (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 2006) 7 Oikos University killings (Oakland, California, 2012) 6 University of Iowa shooting (Iowa City, Iowa, 1991) 5 Marysville-Pilchuck High Schoolshooting (Marysville, WA, 2014)", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", 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injuries caused by lightening strikes has decreased over time from 80 to 20 a year.", "Input": " Year Deaths Dec 31, 1994 85 Dec 31, 1999 51 Dec 31, 2000 44 Dec 31, 2001 51 Dec 31, 2002 44 Dec 31, 2003 32 Dec 31, 2004 38 Dec 31, 2005 48 Dec 31, 2006 45 Dec 31, 2007 27 Dec 31, 2008 34 Dec 31, 2009 29 Dec 31, 2010 26 Dec 31, 2011 28 Dec 31, 2012 23 Dec 31, 2013 26 Dec 31, 2014 27 Dec 31, 2015 38 Dec 31, 2016 16 Dec 31, 2017 20 Dec 31, 2018 20", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": 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There have been yearly fluctuations but overall a reduction.", "Input": " Year Deaths Dec 31, 1994 85 Dec 31, 1999 51 Dec 31, 2000 44 Dec 31, 2001 51 Dec 31, 2002 44 Dec 31, 2003 32 Dec 31, 2004 38 Dec 31, 2005 48 Dec 31, 2006 45 Dec 31, 2007 27 Dec 31, 2008 34 Dec 31, 2009 29 Dec 31, 2010 26 Dec 31, 2011 28 Dec 31, 2012 23 Dec 31, 2013 26 Dec 31, 2014 27 Dec 31, 2015 38 Dec 31, 2016 16 Dec 31, 2017 20 Dec 31, 2018 20", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", 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population age 0 to 14 years of age.", "Input": " Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.2853 Dec 31, 2009 0.2796 Dec 31, 2010 0.273 Dec 31, 2011 0.267 Dec 31, 2012 0.2613 Dec 31, 2013 0.256 Dec 31, 2014 0.2509 Dec 31, 2015 0.2472 Dec 31, 2016 0.2434 Dec 31, 2017 0.24 Dec 31, 2018 0.2369", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#30a2da\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#999\", \"labelFontSize\": 10, \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"tickColor\": \"#cbcbcb\", \"tickSize\": 10, \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"labelPadding\": 4}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"background\": \"#f0f0f0\", \"view\": {\"fill\": \"#f0f0f0\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelColor\": \"#333\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolSize\": 30, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleColor\": \"#333\", \"titleFontSize\": 14, \"titlePadding\": 10}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#30a2da\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": 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grade Dec 31, 2008 0.054 Dec 31, 2009 0.065 Dec 31, 2010 0.065 Dec 31, 2011 0.076 Dec 31, 2012 0.074 Dec 31, 2013 0.068 Dec 31, 2014 0.075 Dec 31, 2015 0.062 Dec 31, 2016 0.055 Dec 31, 2017 0.046 Dec 31, 2018 0.039", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/891.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7969c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"12th grade\"}, \"field\": \"12th grade\"}}, \"title\": [\"Annual prevalence of use of Adderall for\", \"grades 8 , 10 and 12 from 2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The area chart shows that 2012 and 2015 are the years that were peak use of adderall for 12th grade measuring up to just over 0.07.", "Input": " Year 12th grade Dec 31, 2008 0.054 Dec 31, 2009 0.065 Dec 31, 2010 0.065 Dec 31, 2011 0.076 Dec 31, 2012 0.074 Dec 31, 2013 0.068 Dec 31, 2014 0.075 Dec 31, 2015 0.062 Dec 31, 2016 0.055 Dec 31, 2017 0.046 Dec 31, 2018 0.039", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"range\": {\"category\": [\"#393b79\", \"#5254a3\", \"#6b6ecf\", \"#9c9ede\", \"#637939\", \"#8ca252\", \"#b5cf6b\", \"#cedb9c\", \"#8c6d31\", \"#bd9e39\", \"#e7ba52\", \"#e7cb94\", \"#843c39\", \"#ad494a\", \"#d6616b\", \"#e7969c\", \"#7b4173\", \"#a55194\", \"#ce6dbd\", \"#de9ed6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/891.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#e7969c\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": 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Canada had it\u2019s highest reported distribution of gross domestic product in 2013.", "Input": " Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2006 0.0141 Dec 31, 2007 0.016 Dec 31, 2008 0.0138 Dec 31, 2009 0.0133 Dec 31, 2010 0.0161 Dec 31, 2011 0.0181 Dec 31, 2012 0.0189 Dec 31, 2013 0.0159 Dec 31, 2014 0.0187 Dec 31, 2015 0.0186", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/903.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ffffcc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45, \"title\": \"Agriculture\"}, \"field\": \"Agriculture\"}}, \"title\": [\"Canada : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2007 to 2016\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The total net electricity generation in 1990 is 590 billion kilowatt hours , increasing to and peaking in 2010 to 800 billion kilowatt hours , dipping in 2012 and rising again in 2015 to 800 billion kilowatt hours.", "Input": " Year Nuclear electric power Dec 31, 1989 576.86 Dec 31, 1994 673.4 Dec 31, 1999 753.89 Dec 31, 2004 781.99 Dec 31, 2009 806.97 Dec 31, 2010 790.2 Dec 31, 2011 769.33 Dec 31, 2012 789.02 Dec 31, 2013 797.17 Dec 31, 2014 797.18 Dec 31, 2015 805.69 Dec 31, 2016 804.95 Dec 31, 2017 807.08 Dec 31, 2018 809.41", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#4572a7\", \"strokeWidth\": 1.5, \"size\": 50}, \"axis\": {\"bandPosition\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#000000\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"gridWidth\": 0.5, \"labelPadding\": 10, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false, \"tickExtra\": true}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 50, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4572a7\", \"#aa4643\", \"#8aa453\", \"#71598e\", \"#4598ae\", \"#d98445\", \"#94aace\", \"#d09393\", \"#b9cc98\", \"#a99cbc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/905.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#4572a7\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Nuclear electric power\"}, \"field\": \"Nuclear electric power\"}}, \"title\": [\"Total net electricity generation in the\", \"United States from 1990 to 2019 , by fuel\", \"(in billion kilowatt hours)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Germany is in the first place regarding the origin of tourists. Russia is in the second regarding the the origin of tourists. After that, France, Sweden and United Kingdom are respectively listed. United States, Netherland and Estonia are listed. Norway, Spain and Switzerland are almost very close in terms of tourists arrivals. China is at the bottom concerning tourists arrivals.", "Input": " Country March* Russia 12101 Germany 13299 United Kingdom 6075 Sweden 6080 China 1156 France 6396 Estonia 3580 Netherlands 4884 United States 4831 Norway 2184 Japan 3718 Switzerland 2149 Italy 1510 Spain 2099", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/925.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"March*\"}, \"field\": \"March*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of international visitor arrivals\", \"in Finland from January to July 2020 , by\", \"country of origin\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Germany was the country of origin from which most international visitor arrivals to Finland came from from January to July 2020. Russia has the second most. China had the fewest.", "Input": " Country March* Russia 12101 Germany 13299 United Kingdom 6075 Sweden 6080 China 1156 France 6396 Estonia 3580 Netherlands 4884 United States 4831 Norway 2184 Japan 3718 Switzerland 2149 Italy 1510 Spain 2099", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#666\", \"title\": {\"color\": \"#fff\", \"subtitleColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}, \"guide-title\": {\"fill\": \"#fff\"}}, \"axis\": {\"domainColor\": \"#fff\", \"gridColor\": \"#888\", \"tickColor\": \"#fff\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#fbb4ae\", \"#b3cde3\", \"#ccebc5\", \"#decbe4\", \"#fed9a6\", \"#ffffcc\", \"#e5d8bd\", \"#fddaec\", \"#f2f2f2\", \"#b3e2cd\", \"#fdcdac\", \"#cbd5e8\", \"#f4cae4\", \"#e6f5c9\", \"#fff2ae\", \"#f1e2cc\", \"#cccccc\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/925.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#cccccc\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": 45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Country\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"March*\"}, \"field\": \"March*\"}}, \"title\": [\"Number of international visitor arrivals\", \"in Finland from January to July 2020 , by\", \"country of origin\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The chart shows the average amount of income tax households in particular income brackets pay. It identifies the average income level of the largest number of those paying tax and also identifies the percentage of those paying the highest amount of tax and their income.", "Input": " Households that pay income tax Cash income level in U\\.S\\. dollars 0.002 2; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: Less than 10,000 0.107 7; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 10,000 to 20,000 0.281 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 20,000 to 30,000 0.401 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 30,000 to 40,000 0.534 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 40,000 to 50,000 0.674 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 50,000 to 75,000 0.831 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 75,000 to 100,000 0.953 3; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 100,000 to 200,000 0.992 2; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 200,000 to 500,000 0.994 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 500,000 to 1 million 0.999 9; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: More than 1 million 0.567 7; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: All", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/943.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Households that pay income tax\"}, \"field\": \"Households that pay income tax\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Cash income level in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of households in the United States\", \"that paid no income tax in 2019 , by income\", \"level\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "Households that earn less than 10,000 dollars pay no income tax. Just over half of all households combined pay income tax. The households that earn over 1 million dollars are ones most likely to pay. Of the households who pay anything, those who earn 10,000-20,000 dollars are the least likely to pay. The more money a household earns, the more likely they are to pay income tax.", "Input": " Households that pay income tax Cash income level in U\\.S\\. dollars 0.002 2; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: Less than 10,000 0.107 7; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 10,000 to 20,000 0.281 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 20,000 to 30,000 0.401 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 30,000 to 40,000 0.534 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 40,000 to 50,000 0.674 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 50,000 to 75,000 0.831 1; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 75,000 to 100,000 0.953 3; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 100,000 to 200,000 0.992 2; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 200,000 to 500,000 0.994 4; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: 500,000 to 1 million 0.999 9; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: More than 1 million 0.567 7; Cash income level in U.S. dollars: All", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleX\": -45, \"titleY\": -11}, \"legend\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"symbolType\": \"square\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#ec8431\", \"#829eb1\", \"#c89d29\", \"#3580b1\", \"#adc839\", \"#ab7fb4\"], \"diverging\": [\"#e68a4f\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#dadfe2\", \"#a6b7c6\", \"#849eae\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"], \"ramp\": [\"#fbf2c7\", \"#f9e39c\", \"#f8d36e\", \"#f4bb6a\", \"#e68a4f\", \"#d15a40\", \"#ab4232\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/943.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#c89d29\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Households that pay income tax\"}, \"field\": \"Households that pay income tax\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -45}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Cash income level in U\\\\.S\\\\. dollars\"}}, \"title\": [\"Percentage of households in the United States\", \"that paid no income tax in 2019 , by income\", \"level\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The biggest increase was from 2011 - 2012. Most numbers are similar apart from the biggest sales being 2012 - 2014.", "Input": " Biscuits Year 1236 2019 1280 2018 1339 2017 1301 2016 1375 2015 1568 2014 1576 2013 1604 2012 1097 2011 1155 2010*", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"point\": {\"stroke\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"circle\": {\"fill\": \"#3366CC\"}, \"background\": \"#fff\", \"padding\": {\"top\": 10, \"right\": 10, \"bottom\": 10, \"left\": 10}, \"style\": {\"guide-label\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"guide-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}, \"group-title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 12}}, \"title\": {\"font\": \"Arial, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 14, \"fontWeight\": \"bold\", \"dy\": -3, \"anchor\": \"start\"}, \"axis\": {\"gridColor\": \"#ccc\", \"tickColor\": \"#ccc\", \"domain\": false, \"grid\": true}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#4285F4\", \"#DB4437\", \"#F4B400\", \"#0F9D58\", \"#AB47BC\", \"#00ACC1\", \"#FF7043\", \"#9E9D24\", \"#5C6BC0\", \"#F06292\", \"#00796B\", \"#C2185B\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#c6dafc\", \"#5e97f6\", \"#2a56c6\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/946.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"bar\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#AB47BC\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Biscuits\"}, \"field\": \"Biscuits\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"nominal\", \"axis\": {}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}}, \"title\": [\"Sales of Nestl\\u00c3\\u00a9 's confectionery sector\", \"worldwide from 2010 to 2019 , by segment\", \"(in million CHF)\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The industry seems to ready steady from 2010 until 2015 and only drops slightly from then onwards.", "Input": " Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.2161 Dec 31, 2010 0.2153 Dec 31, 2011 0.2173 Dec 31, 2012 0.216 Dec 31, 2013 0.2175 Dec 31, 2014 0.2157 Dec 31, 2015 0.2104 Dec 31, 2016 0.208 Dec 31, 2017 0.2063 Dec 31, 2018 0.2041 Dec 31, 2019 0.2028", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"fontSize\": 18, \"font\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisX\": {\"domain\": true, \"domainColor\": \"#000000\", \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": false, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"tickColor\": \"#000000\", \"tickSize\": 5, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\"}, \"axisY\": {\"domain\": false, \"domainWidth\": 1, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#DEDDDD\", \"gridWidth\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"labelPadding\": 8, \"ticks\": false, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"titleAngle\": 0, \"titleY\": -10, \"titleX\": 18}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 12, \"labelFont\": \"Lato\", \"symbolSize\": 100, \"titleFontSize\": 12, \"titlePadding\": 10, \"titleFont\": \"Lato\", \"orient\": \"right\", \"offset\": 10}, \"view\": {\"stroke\": \"transparent\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#1696d2\", \"#ec008b\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#000000\", \"#d2d2d2\", \"#55b748\"], \"diverging\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"heatmap\": [\"#ca5800\", \"#fdbf11\", \"#fdd870\", \"#fff2cf\", \"#cfe8f3\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#1696d2\", \"#0a4c6a\"], \"ordinal\": [\"#cfe8f3\", \"#a2d4ec\", \"#73bfe2\", \"#46abdb\", \"#1696d2\", \"#12719e\"], \"ramp\": [\"#CFE8F3\", \"#A2D4EC\", \"#73BFE2\", \"#46ABDB\", \"#1696D2\", \"#12719E\", \"#0A4C6A\", \"#062635\"]}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\"}, \"line\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 5}, \"trail\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": \"#1696d2\", \"strokeWidth\": 0, \"size\": 1}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"size\": 30}, \"text\": {\"font\": \"Lato\", \"color\": \"#1696d2\", \"fontSize\": 11, \"align\": \"center\", \"fontWeight\": 400, \"size\": 11}, \"style\": {\"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#1696d2\", \"stroke\": null}}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/959.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"line\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#ec008b\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -90}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Industry\"}, \"field\": \"Industry\"}}, \"title\": [\"Latin America and the Caribbean : Distribution\", \"of employment by economic sector from 2010\", \"to 2020\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "The average retail price for bananas in Canada from January 2015 to June 2020 has stayed relatively consistent. The average retail price for bananas in Canada was slightly higher in May and June 2020. The average retail price for bananas in Canada was slightly lower in April 2020.", "Input": " 2020 Month 1.57 Jun 1.57 May 1.55 Apr 1.55 Mar 1.56 Feb 1.55 Jan", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#ffffff\", \"title\": {\"anchor\": \"start\", \"color\": \"#000000\", \"font\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"fontSize\": 22, \"fontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#82c6df\", \"strokeWidth\": 2}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#82c6df\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#82c6df\", \"size\": 30}, \"axis\": {\"labelFont\": \"Benton Gothic, sans-serif\", \"labelFontSize\": 11.5, \"labelFontWeight\": \"normal\", \"titleFont\": \"Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif\", \"titleFontSize\": 13, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisX\": {\"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickSize\": 3}, \"axisY\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"maxExtent\": 45, \"minExtent\": 45, \"tickSize\": 2, \"titleAlign\": \"left\", \"titleAngle\": 0, 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I can't figure out what services mean in relation to GDP. Can't really comment further.", "Input": " Year Services Dec 31, 2008 0.6809 Dec 31, 2009 0.6766 Dec 31, 2010 0.6797 Dec 31, 2011 0.685 Dec 31, 2012 0.6877 Dec 31, 2013 0.6916 Dec 31, 2014 0.6923 Dec 31, 2015 0.6934 Dec 31, 2016 0.6927 Dec 31, 2017 0.6955 Dec 31, 2018 0.6974", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"background\": \"#fff\", \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#3e5c69\"}, \"axis\": {\"domainWidth\": 0.5, \"grid\": true, \"labelPadding\": 2, \"tickSize\": 5, \"tickWidth\": 0.5, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"axisBand\": {\"grid\": false}, \"axisX\": {\"gridWidth\": 0.2}, \"axisY\": {\"gridDash\": [3], \"gridWidth\": 0.4}, \"legend\": {\"labelFontSize\": 11, \"padding\": 1, \"symbolType\": \"square\"}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#3e5c69\", \"#6793a6\", \"#182429\", \"#0570b0\", \"#3690c0\", \"#74a9cf\", \"#a6bddb\", \"#e2ddf2\"]}}, \"data\": {\"url\": \"multiColumn/data/976.tsv\"}, \"mark\": \"area\", \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"value\": \"#6793a6\"}, \"x\": {\"type\": \"temporal\", \"axis\": {\"labelAngle\": -60}, \"bin\": false, \"field\": \"Year\"}, \"y\": {\"type\": \"quantitative\", \"axis\": {\"title\": \"Services\"}, \"field\": \"Services\"}}, \"title\": [\"Belgium : Distribution of gross domestic\", \"product (GDP) across economic sectors from\", \"2009 to 2019\"], \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.8.1.json\"}"}, {"Instruction": "After an initial increase in pharmacy services from 2015 to 2017 there was a gradual downwards trend. It would appear that this is predicted to be a future trend also.", "Input": " Year Pharmacy services Dec 31, 2014 0.655 Dec 31, 2015 0.676 Dec 31, 2016 0.707 Dec 31, 2017 0.692 Dec 31, 2018 0.666 Dec 31, 2019 0.654 Dec 31, 2020 0.641 Dec 31, 2021 0.633 Dec 31, 2022 0.624 Dec 31, 2023 0.615 Dec 31, 2024 0.606", "Response": "{\"config\": {\"view\": {\"fill\": \"#e5e5e5\"}, \"area\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"line\": {\"stroke\": \"#000\"}, \"rect\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"bar\": {\"fill\": \"#000\"}, \"point\": {\"color\": \"#000\", \"size\": 40}, \"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"grid\": true, \"gridColor\": \"#FFFFFF\", \"gridOpacity\": 1, \"labelColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"labelPadding\": 4, \"tickColor\": \"#7F7F7F\", \"tickSize\": 5.67, \"titleFontSize\": 16, \"titleFontWeight\": \"normal\"}, \"legend\": {\"labelBaseline\": \"middle\", \"labelFontSize\": 11, \"symbolSize\": 40}, \"range\": {\"category\": [\"#000000\", \"#7F7F7F\", \"#1A1A1A\", \"#999999\", \"#333333\", \"#B0B0B0\", 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