package_title,package_version,package_accessibility,package_published_date,package_description,package_installation,package_repository,package_homepage,package_license,package_unpack_size,package_total_files,package_npm_url @types/node,18.6.1,Public,Published 3 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @types/node,,,MIT,1.73 MB,61, react-dom,18.2.0,Public,Published a month ago,See,npm i react-dom,,,MIT,4.5 MB,32, react,18.2.0,Public,Published a month ago,"The react package contains only the functionality necessary to define React components. It is typically used together with a React renderer like react-dom for the web, or react-native for the native environments.",npm i react,,,MIT,316 kB,20, jest,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Read More:,npm i jest,,,MIT,5.06 kB,6, webpack,5.74.0,Public,Published 3 days ago,Install with yarn:,npm i webpack,,,MIT,4.4 MB,648, eslint,8.20.0,Public,Published 11 days ago,Website | Configuring | Rules | Contributing | Reporting Bugs | Code of Conduct | Twitter | Mailing List | Chat Room,npm i eslint,,,MIT,2.73 MB,395, rxjs,7.5.6,Public,Published 17 days ago,Curious what's next for RxJS? Follow along with Issue 6367.,npm i rxjs,,,Apache-2.0,4.48 MB,2277, babel-jest,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,"If you are already using jest-cli, add babel-jest and it will automatically compile JavaScript code using Babel.",npm i babel-jest,,,MIT,14.5 kB,6, moment,2.29.4,Public,Published 21 days ago,"A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.",npm i moment,,,MIT,4.23 MB,533, @babel/preset-react,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/preset-react,,,MIT,12.3 kB,5, prettier,2.7.1,Public,Published a month ago,"JavaScript · TypeScript · Flow · JSX · JSON CSS · SCSS · Less HTML · Vue · Angular GraphQL · Markdown · YAML Your favorite language?",npm i prettier,,,MIT,15.8 MB,34, typescript,4.7.4,Public,Published a month ago,"TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript. TypeScript adds optional types to JavaScript that support tools for large-scale JavaScript applications for any browser, for any host, on any OS. TypeScript compiles to readable, standards-based JavaScript. Try it out at the playground, and stay up to date via our blog and Twitter account.",npm i typescript,,,Apache-2.0,67.2 MB,186, @types/jest,28.1.6,Public,Published 12 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @types/jest,,,MIT,73.8 kB,5, @babel/core,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/core,,,MIT,279 kB,62, babel-preset-es2015,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,"boolean, defaults to false.",npm i babel-preset-es2015,,,MIT,2.08 MB,70, mocha,10.0.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,"☕️ Simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for Node.js & The Browser ☕️",npm i mocha,,,MIT,50.2 kB,29, @babel/preset-env,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/preset-env,,,MIT,3.34 kB,4, @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties,,,MIT,107 kB,32, babel-core,6.26.3,Public,Published 4 years ago,"Transforms the passed in code. Returning an object with the generated code, source map, and AST.",npm i babel-core,,,MIT,175 kB,10, @types/react,18.0.15,Public,Published 22 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @types/react,,,MIT,598 kB,34, webpack-dev-server,4.9.3,Public,Published a month ago,Use webpack with a development server that provides live reloading. This should be used for development only.,npm i webpack-dev-server,,,MIT,63.3 kB,31, fs-extra,10.1.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i fs-extra,,,MIT,170 kB,13, commander,9.4.0,Public,Published 13 days ago,The complete solution for node.js command-line interfaces.,npm i commander,,,MIT,41.3 kB,12, chalk,5.0.1,Public,Published 5 months ago,,npm i chalk,,,MIT,595 kB,7, vue-template-compiler,2.7.8,Public,Published 6 days ago,Compiles a template string and returns compiled JavaScript code. The returned result is an object of the following format:,npm i vue-template-compiler,,,MIT,1.41 MB,1054, lodash,4.17.21,Public,Published a year ago,Using npm:,npm i lodash,,,MIT,29.2 kB,11, @typescript-eslint/parser,5.31.0,Public,Published 2 days ago,,npm i @typescript-eslint/parser,,,BSD-2-Clause,41.6 kB,10, babel-preset-react,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Install the CLI and this preset,npm i babel-preset-react,,,MIT,20.9 kB,6, babel-loader,8.2.5,Public,Published 3 months ago,This package allows transpiling JavaScript files using Babel and webpack.,npm i babel-loader,,,MIT,197 kB,83, gulp,4.0.2,Public,Published 3 years ago,The streaming build system,npm i gulp,,,MIT,2.32 MB,460, autoprefixer,10.4.7,Public,Published 3 months ago,PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Alibaba.,npm i autoprefixer,,,MIT,129 kB,17, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin,5.31.0,Public,Published 2 days ago,,npm i @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin,,,MIT,214 kB,16, css-loader,6.7.1,Public,Published 5 months ago,The css-loader interprets @import and url() like import/require() and will resolve them.,npm i css-loader,,,MIT,821 kB,137, express,4.18.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,"Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.",npm i express,,,MIT,1.01 MB,3097, async,3.2.4,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i async,,,MIT,81.7 kB,20, core-js,3.24.0,Public,Published 3 days ago,,npm i core-js,,,MIT,1.06 MB,111, eslint-config-airbnb,19.0.4,Public,Published 7 months ago,This package provides Airbnb's .eslintrc as an extensible shared config.,npm i eslint-config-airbnb,,,MIT,751 kB,50, eslint-plugin-import,2.26.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,"This plugin intends to support linting of ES2015+ (ES6+) import/export syntax, and prevent issues with misspelling of file paths and import names. All the goodness that the ES2015+ static module syntax intends to provide, marked up in your editor.",npm i eslint-plugin-import,,,MIT,42.4 kB,7, chai,4.3.6,Public,Published 6 months ago,,npm i chai,,,MIT,531 kB,90, debug,4.3.4,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i debug,,,MIT,4.86 MB,48, karma,6.4.0,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i karma,,,MIT,720 kB,128, sinon,14.0.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i sinon,,,BSD-3-Clause,4.65 MB,340, eslint-plugin-react,7.30.1,Public,Published a month ago,React specific linting rules for eslint,npm i eslint-plugin-react,,,MIT,6.38 kB,8, node-sass,7.0.1,Public,Published 7 months ago,Below is a quick guide for minimum and maximum supported versions of node-sass:,npm i node-sass,,,MIT,187 kB,54, husky,8.0.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,Edit package.json > prepare script and run it once:,npm i husky,,,MIT,201 kB,193, postcss,8.4.14,Public,Published 2 months ago,"PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more.",npm i postcss,,,MIT,54.9 kB,6, @babel/runtime,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/runtime,,,MIT,48.6 kB,9, glob,8.0.3,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i glob,,,ISC,45.7 kB,7, postcss-loader,7.0.1,Public,Published 16 days ago,Webpack chat:,npm i postcss-loader,,,MIT,446 kB,52, @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators,,,MIT,747 kB,117, axios,0.27.2,Public,Published 3 months ago,Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js,npm i axios,,,MIT,6.67 MB,21, ts-node,10.9.1,Public,Published 14 days ago,The latest documentation can also be found on our website:,npm i ts-node,,,MIT,6.61 kB,4, rollup,2.77.2,Public,Published 21 hours ago,,npm i rollup,,,MIT,152 kB,15, @types/glob,7.2.0,Public,Published 9 months ago,Files were exported from,npm i @types/glob,,,MIT,58 kB,9, html-webpack-plugin,5.5.0,Public,Published 9 months ago,"This is a webpack plugin that simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles. This is especially useful for webpack bundles that include a hash in the filename which changes every compilation. You can either let the plugin generate an HTML file for you, supply your own template using lodash templates or use your own loader.",npm i html-webpack-plugin,,,MIT,18.2 kB,14, sass-loader,13.0.2,Public,Published a month ago,Loads a Sass/SCSS file and compiles it to CSS.,npm i sass-loader,,,MIT,98.6 kB,5, eslint-config-prettier,8.5.0,Public,Published 5 months ago,This lets you use your favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic choices get in the way when using Prettier.,npm i eslint-config-prettier,,,MIT,143 kB,13, @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread,,,MIT,8.95 MB,116, expect,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i expect,,,MIT,19.1 MB,335, @angular/compiler,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i @angular/compiler,,,MIT,28 kB,11, @angular/core,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @angular/core,,,MIT,78.4 kB,16, @types/react-dom,18.0.6,Public,Published 23 days ago,,npm i @types/react-dom,,,MIT,50 kB,11, grunt,1.5.3,Public,Published 3 months ago,"This library is primarily used by the --importHelpers flag in TypeScript. When using --importHelpers, a module that uses helper functions like __extends and __assign in the following emitted file:",npm i grunt,,,MIT,10.7 kB,4, tslib,2.4.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,Using npm:,npm i tslib,,,0BSD,11.7 MB,2996, @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs,,,MIT,24 kB,8, @angular/common,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,"There are some shell-executable utility scripts, babel-external-helpers.js and babel-node.js, and the main Babel cli script, babel.js.",npm i @angular/common,,,MIT,96.1 kB,4, react-is,18.2.0,Public,Published a month ago,"boolean, defaults to false.",npm i react-is,,,MIT,9 MB,213, babel-preset-stage-0,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-preset-stage-0,,,MIT,169 kB,18, babel-cli,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,"Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Explore Bootstrap docs » Report bug · Request feature · Themes · Blog",npm i babel-cli,,,MIT,109 kB,31, babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,"Linting makes more sense when run before committing your code. By doing so you can ensure no errors go into the repository and enforce code style. But running a lint process on a whole project is slow, and linting results can be irrelevant. Ultimately you only want to lint files that will be committed.",npm i babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread,,,MIT,94.5 kB,12, @types/mocha,9.1.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,"You can use prop-types to document the intended types of properties passed to components. React (and potentially other libraries—see the checkPropTypes() reference below) will check props passed to your components against those definitions, and warn in development if they don’t match.",npm i @types/mocha,,,MIT,179 kB,21, bootstrap,5.2.0,Public,Published 8 days ago,"It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger.",npm i bootstrap,,,MIT,44.7 kB,14, react-router-dom,6.3.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,Read More:,npm i react-router-dom,,,MIT,37.1 kB,13, lint-staged,13.0.3,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i lint-staged,,,MIT,17.3 kB,6, prop-types,15.8.1,Public,Published 7 months ago,The UNIX command rm -rf for node.,npm i prop-types,,,MIT,2.55 MB,33, redux,4.2.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,"The build will work without configuring these flags, however it is strongly recommended to properly configure them in order to get proper tree-shaking in the final bundle. To configure these flags:",npm i redux,,,MIT,107 kB,10, jest-cli,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i jest-cli,,,MIT,29.1 kB,10, @babel/cli,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,"Babel uses very small helpers for common functions such as _extend. By default this will be added to every file that requires it. This duplication is sometimes unnecessary, especially when your application is spread out over multiple files.",npm i @babel/cli,,,MIT,3.37 kB,4, rimraf,3.0.2,Public,Published 2 years ago,,npm i rimraf,,,ISC,260 kB,146, vue,3.2.37,Public,Published 2 months ago,Using npm:,npm i vue,,,MIT,1.02 MB,466, @types/yargs,17.0.10,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i @types/yargs,,,MIT,14.3 kB,9, babel-plugin-transform-runtime,6.23.0,Public,Published 5 years ago, ,npm i babel-plugin-transform-runtime,,,MIT,1.03 MB,28, cross-env,7.0.3,Public,Published 2 years ago,Using npm:,npm i cross-env,,,MIT,1.11 MB,61, @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Socket.IO enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. It consists of:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator,,,MIT,2.5 MB,67, tape,5.5.3,Public,Published 4 months ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i tape,,,MIT,466 kB,10, ajv,8.11.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i ajv,,,MIT,6.76 kB,7, @babel/plugin-transform-runtime,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Acorn is open source software released under an MIT license.,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-runtime,,,MIT,33.2 kB,21,,4.5.1,Public,Published 2 months ago,"First, install the package using Yarn or npm:",npm i,,,MIT,64.1 kB,31, @angular/platform-browser,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,This module is the guts of optimist's argument parser without all the fanciful decoration.,npm i @angular/platform-browser,,,MIT,73.8 kB,8, @angular/animations,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,"Node.js proxying made simple. Configure proxy middleware with ease for connect, express, browser-sync and many more.",npm i @angular/animations,,,MIT,6.98 kB,4, acorn,8.8.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Using npm:,npm i acorn,,,MIT,87.7 kB,26, react-app-polyfill,3.0.0,Public,Published 7 months ago,,npm i react-app-polyfill,,,MIT,20.7 kB,10, minimist,1.2.6,Public,Published 4 months ago,"The easiest way to use this configuration is with Create React App, which includes it by default. You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.",npm i minimist,,,MIT,60 kB,19, http-proxy-middleware,2.0.6,Public,Published 3 months ago,Inject CSS into the DOM.,npm i http-proxy-middleware,,,MIT,14.1 kB,5, cssnano,5.1.12,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i cssnano,,,MIT,,, @babel/code-frame,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i @babel/code-frame,,,MIT,,, inquirer,9.0.2,Public,Published 8 days ago,,npm i inquirer,,,MIT,,, babel-preset-react-app,10.0.1,Public,Published 7 months ago,,npm i babel-preset-react-app,,,MIT,,, style-loader,3.3.1,Public,Published 9 months ago,,npm i style-loader,,,MIT,,, @babel/preset-typescript,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i @babel/preset-typescript,,,MIT,,, tslint,6.1.3,Public,Published 2 years ago,⚠️ TSLint is deprecated.,npm i tslint,,,Apache-2.0,1.89 MB,513, eslint-config-standard,17.0.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,This module is for advanced users. You probably want to use standard instead :),npm i eslint-config-standard,,,MIT,16 kB,6, lru-cache,7.13.1,Public,Published 13 days ago,"Specify a max number of the most recently used items that you want to keep, and this cache will keep that many of the most recently accessed items.",npm i lru-cache,,,ISC,73.9 kB,5, @angular/compiler-cli,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i @angular/compiler-cli,,,MIT,2.81 MB,424, @angular/router,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @angular/router,,,MIT,2.94 MB,71, @angular/language-service,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,"Essentially, this package makes it easy to grab a snapshot of the ""DOM tree"" rendered by a React DOM or React Native component without using a browser or jsdom.",npm i @angular/language-service,,,MIT,14.1 MB,8, @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,"All subsequent files required by node with the extensions .es6, .es, .jsx and .js will be transformed by Babel.",npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator,,,MIT,4.41 kB,4, jest-resolve,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i jest-resolve,,,MIT,63.2 kB,13, react-scripts,5.0.1,Public,Published 4 months ago,Node.js,npm i react-scripts,,,MIT,116 kB,24, react-test-renderer,18.2.0,Public,Published a month ago,"webpack CLI provides a flexible set of commands for developers to increase speed when setting up a custom webpack project. As of webpack v4, webpack is not expecting a configuration file, but often developers want to create a more custom webpack configuration based on their use-cases and needs. webpack CLI addresses these needs by providing a set of tools to improve the setup of custom webpack configuration.",npm i react-test-renderer,,,MIT,1.5 MB,9, babel-register,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,,npm i babel-register,,,MIT,860 kB,706, @types/lodash,4.14.182,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i @types/lodash,,,MIT,90.1 kB,8, chokidar,3.5.3,Public,Published 6 months ago,,npm i chokidar,,,MIT,109 kB,16, webpack-cli,4.10.0,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i webpack-cli,,,MIT,29.1 kB,11, karma-chrome-launcher,3.1.1,Public,Published 5 months ago,"ws is a simple to use, blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation.",npm i karma-chrome-launcher,,,MIT,94 kB,21, eslint-config-airbnb-base,15.0.0,Public,Published 9 months ago,"ws is a simple to use, blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation.",npm i eslint-config-airbnb-base,,,MIT,43.8 kB,30, eslint-plugin-promise,6.0.0,Public,Published 7 months ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i eslint-plugin-promise,,,ISC,263 kB,92, ts-jest,28.0.7,Public,Published 11 days ago,These utilities come by default with Create React App. You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.,npm i ts-jest,,,MIT,135 kB,19, ws,8.8.1,Public,Published 12 days ago,It is a part of the Hooks API for React.,npm i ws,,,MIT,135 kB,19, ws,8.8.1,Public,Published 12 days ago,Out,npm i ws,,,MIT,140 kB,31, @angular/platform-browser-dynamic,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @angular/platform-browser-dynamic,,,MIT,111 kB,37, react-dev-utils,12.0.1,Public,Published 4 months ago,The pathToRegexp function will return a regular expression object based on the provided path argument. It accepts the following arguments:,npm i react-dev-utils,,,MIT,118 kB,6, eslint-plugin-react-hooks,4.6.0,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i eslint-plugin-react-hooks,,,MIT,28.4 kB,3, babel-runtime,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i babel-runtime,,,MIT,2.47 kB,4, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs,6.26.2,Public,Published 4 years ago,,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs,,,MIT,108 kB,8, @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import,7.8.3,Public,Published 3 years ago,"date-fns provides the most comprehensive, yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser & Node.js.",npm i @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import,,,MIT,4.24 kB,4, path-to-regexp,6.2.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,First make sure you have installed the latest version of node.js (You may need to restart your computer after this step).,npm i path-to-regexp,,,MIT,2.61 MB,49, @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,See @angular/core for the actively supported Angular.,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from,,,MIT,229 kB,17, @angular/forms,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,"The easiest way to use this configuration is with Create React App, which includes it by default.",npm i @angular/forms,,,MIT,6.61 MB,5722, qs,6.11.0,Public,Published a month ago,Out,npm i qs,,,BSD-3-Clause,1.27 MB,20, date-fns,2.29.1,Public,Published 6 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i date-fns,,,MIT,2.09 MB,10, uglify-js,3.16.3,Public,Published 3 days ago,"This repo will be made read-only, as all of the issues/labels have been moved over as well. Please report any bugs and open pull requests over on the main mono-repo.",npm i uglify-js,,,BSD-2-Clause,19.7 kB,6, angular,1.8.3,Public,Published 4 months ago,Using npm:,npm i angular,,,MIT,57 kB,4, eslint-config-react-app,7.0.1,Public,Published 4 months ago,I would recommend reading this guide on how to make user-friendly command-line tools.,npm i eslint-config-react-app,,,MIT,101 kB,17, babel-plugin-syntax-jsx,6.18.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Using npm:,npm i babel-plugin-syntax-jsx,,,MIT,24.9 kB,5, babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,"For Docs, License, Tests, and pre-packed downloads, see:",npm i babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator,,,MIT,3.74 kB,5, @types/jasmine,4.0.3,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i @types/jasmine,,,MIT,902 kB,503, babel-preset-env,1.7.0,Public,Published 4 years ago,Using npm:,npm i babel-preset-env,,,MIT,193 kB,34, lodash.camelcase,4.3.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Current version: 2.16.0,npm i lodash.camelcase,,,MIT,77.4 kB,5, meow,10.1.3,Public,Published a month ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i meow,,,MIT,422 kB,47, @babel/preset-flow,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/preset-flow,,,MIT,431 kB,44, underscore,1.13.4,Public,Published 2 months ago,Using npm:,npm i underscore,,,MIT,3.44 kB,4, readable-stream,4.1.0,Public,Published 17 days ago,Using npm:,npm i readable-stream,,,MIT,7.66 kB,4, @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in Angular documentation.,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring,,,MIT,19.4 kB,7, ,2.16.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,Get professional support for eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y on Tidelift,npm i nan,,,MIT,431 kB,44, @angular/platform-server,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,,npm i @angular/platform-server,,,MIT,674 kB,224, @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,"If a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without blocking, it can return a promise instead. A promise is an object that represents the return value or the thrown exception that the function may eventually provide. A promise can also be used as a proxy for a remote object to overcome latency.",npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings,,,MIT,4.47 kB,3, @babel/plugin-transform-spread,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-spread,,,MIT,379 kB,21, @babel/plugin-transform-parameters,7.18.8,Public,Published 20 days ago,"Please check out the roadmap for upcoming features and releases. Please open Issues to provide feedback, and check the develop branch for the latest bleeding-edge updates.",npm i @babel/plugin-transform-parameters,,,MIT,101,16, @angular/platform-server,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,"It stores addon loaders, communication channel and other resources which can be used by storybook implementations where required.",npm i @angular/platform-server,,,MIT,32.2 kB,4, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y,6.6.1,Public,Published 6 days ago,Upgrading to version 4? Take a look at our upgrade guide here!,npm i eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y,,,MIT,39.5 kB,21, babel-plugin-named-asset-import,0.3.8,Public,Published 7 months ago,Out,npm i babel-plugin-named-asset-import,,,MIT,105 kB,33, jasmine-core,4.3.0,Public,Published 4 days ago,.babelrc,npm i jasmine-core,,,MIT,2.59 MB,312, q,1.5.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,.babelrc,npm i q,,,MIT,642,150, @types/json-schema,7.0.11,Public,Published 4 months ago,Options for source maps:,npm i @types/json-schema,,,MIT,642,150, colors,1.4.0,Public,Published 3 years ago,.babelrc,npm i colors,,,MIT,642,150, @storybook/addons,6.5.9,Public,Published a month ago,In,npm i @storybook/addons,,,MIT,642,150, mongodb,4.8.1,Public,Published a day ago,Files were exported from,npm i mongodb,,,Apache-2.0,642,150, babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types,,,MIT,642,150, babel-preset-stage-2,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-preset-stage-2,,,MIT,80 kB,4, babel-preset-stage-3,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,The glob pattern ** matches all children and the parent.,npm i babel-preset-stage-3,,,MIT,12.5 kB,6, babel-generator,6.26.1,Public,Published 4 years ago,Using npm:,npm i babel-generator,,,MIT,77.9 kB,5, babel-plugin-transform-class-properties,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,"Single Page Applications (SPA) typically only utilise one index file that is accessible by web browsers: usually index.html. Navigation in the application is then commonly handled using JavaScript with the help of the HTML5 History API. This results in issues when the user hits the refresh button or is directly accessing a page other than the landing page, e.g. /help or /help/online as the web server bypasses the index file to locate the file at this location. As your application is a SPA, the web server will fail trying to retrieve the file and return a 404 - Not Found message to the user.",npm i babel-plugin-transform-class-properties,,,MIT,12.8 kB,5, babel-preset-flow,6.23.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,,npm i babel-preset-flow,,,MIT,24.2 kB,6, @types/chai,4.3.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,"Implements Zones for JavaScript, inspired by Dart.",npm i @types/chai,,,MIT,10.2 kB,4, @types/express,4.17.13,Public,Published a year ago,,npm i @types/express,,,MIT,146 kB,99, @types/sinon,10.0.13,Public,Published 8 days ago,"If upgrading, please see the blog post for 3.6.0. This includes notable differences from the previous version and a more readable changelog.",npm i @types/sinon,,,MIT,5.51 MB,286, del,7.0.0,Public,Published 8 days ago,Using npm:,npm i del,,,MIT,3.91 MB,1287, @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx,,,MIT,1.32 MB,123, connect-history-api-fallback,2.0.0,Public,Published a month ago,Checkout the demo page to see marked in action ⛹️,npm i connect-history-api-fallback,,,MIT,1.89 MB,9, resolve,1.22.1,Public,Published a month ago,Install the package in your project directory with:,npm i resolve,,,MIT,1.17 MB,99, zone.js,0.11.7,Public,Published 7 days ago,"If you use this on untrusted user input, don't forget to limit the length to something reasonable.",npm i zone.js,,,MIT,8.57 kB,4, highlight.js,11.6.0,Public,Published 15 days ago,You only need to use babel-eslint if you are using types (Flow) or experimental features not supported in ESLint itself yet. Otherwise try the default parser (you don't have to use it just because you are using Babel).,npm i highlight.js,,,BSD-3-Clause,411 kB,20, jquery,3.6.0,Public,Published a year ago,Using npm:,npm i jquery,,,MIT,10.2 MB,16674, @babel/parser,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/parser,,,MIT,11.5 kB,5, @babel/types,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/types,,,MIT,30.4 kB,16, jest-environment-node,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Framework Support,npm i jest-environment-node,,,MIT,16.1 kB,7, marked,4.0.18,Public,Published 17 days ago,"You can also just load the module for the function that you care about, if you'd like to minimize your footprint.",npm i marked,,,MIT,4.31 kB,4, @material-ui/icons,4.11.3,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i @material-ui/icons,,,MIT,9.49 kB,4, camelcase,7.0.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,Read the docs and eat your vegetables.,npm i camelcase,,,MIT,136 kB,121, babel-eslint,10.1.0,Public,Published 2 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-eslint,,,MIT,87.4 kB,51, @babel/helper-module-imports,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Files were exported from,npm i @babel/helper-module-imports,,,MIT,338 kB,247, @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago, support for Node.js. Get the great coverage reporting of and add a cool coverage button (like the one above) to your README.,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator,,,MIT,664 kB,8, @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Online Demo,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd,,,MIT,35 kB,4, @storybook/addon-actions,6.5.9,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i @storybook/addon-actions,,,MIT,6.67 kB,5, semver,7.3.7,Public,Published 4 months ago,Using npm:,npm i semver,,,ISC,33 kB,12, @storybook/react,6.5.9,Public,Published a month ago,A loader for webpack which transforms files into base64 URIs.,npm i @storybook/react,,,MIT,405 kB,33, immutable,4.1.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i immutable,,,MIT,1.04 MB,48, @types/enzyme,3.10.12,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i @types/enzyme,,,MIT,5.26 kB,4, @types/uuid,8.3.4,Public,Published 7 months ago,"It is also possible to use ejs.render(dataAndOptions); where you pass everything in a single object. In that case, you'll end up with local variables for all the passed options. However, be aware that your code could break if we add an option with the same name as one of your data object's properties. Therefore, we do not recommend using this shortcut.",npm i @types/uuid,,,MIT,29.6 kB,8, coveralls,3.1.1,Public,Published a year ago,,npm i coveralls,,,BSD-2-Clause,265 kB,38, js-yaml,4.1.0,Public,Published a year ago,,npm i js-yaml,,,MIT,37.5 kB,5,,4.5.1,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i,,,MIT,140 kB,13, @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name,,,MIT,,, url-loader,4.1.1,Public,Published 2 years ago,,npm i url-loader,,,MIT,,, winston,3.8.1,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i winston,,,MIT,,, minimatch,5.1.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i minimatch,,,ISC,,, ejs,3.1.8,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i ejs,,,Apache-2.0,,, jest-haste-map,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Using npm:,npm i jest-haste-map,,,MIT,128 kB,23, jest-environment-jsdom,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Using npm:,npm i jest-environment-jsdom,,,MIT,9.23 kB,4, @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding,,,MIT,3.23 kB,4, @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,"Upgrading from uuid@3.x? Your code is probably okay, but check out Upgrading From uuid@3.x for details.",npm i @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator,,,MIT,3.51 kB,4, @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Framework Support,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions,,,MIT,3.22 kB,4, uuid,8.3.2,Public,Published 2 years ago,Using npm:,npm i uuid,,,MIT,116 kB,66, @storybook/addon-links,6.5.9,Public,Published a month ago,English • Español (Latinoamérica) • Français • Bahasa Indonesia • Italiano (Italian) • 日本語 (Japanese) • 한국어 (Korean) • Português (Brasil) • 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) • 繁體中文 (Taiwanese Mandarin),npm i @storybook/addon-links,,,MIT,56.3 kB,48, @babel/register,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,This plugin extracts CSS into separate files. It creates a CSS file per JS file which contains CSS. It supports On-Demand-Loading of CSS and SourceMaps.,npm i @babel/register,,,MIT,21.4 kB,18, standard,17.0.0,Public,Published 3 months ago,"Instead of implementing XMLHttpRequest in Node.js to run browser-specific Fetch polyfill, why not go from native http to fetch API directly? Hence, node-fetch, minimal code for a window.fetch compatible API on Node.js runtime.",npm i standard,,,MIT,163 kB,11, mini-css-extract-plugin,2.6.1,Public,Published a month ago,"If your desired formatting does not match Prettier’s output, you should use a different tool such as prettier-eslint instead.",npm i mini-css-extract-plugin,,,MIT,113 kB,15, node-fetch,3.2.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:,npm i node-fetch,,,MIT,107 kB,17, eslint-plugin-prettier,4.2.1,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i eslint-plugin-prettier,,,MIT,58.3 kB,5, serve-static,1.15.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,"If a string is provided, it is treated as a shortcut for options.text.",npm i serve-static,,,MIT,25.2 kB,5, lodash.get,4.4.2,Public,Published 6 years ago,Using npm:,npm i lodash.get,,,MIT,26.2 kB,6, ora,6.1.2,Public,Published a month ago,The ultimate javascript content-type utility.,npm i ora,,,MIT,21.4 kB,11, @babel/template,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/template,,,MIT,18.3 kB,5, mime-types,2.1.35,Public,Published 5 months ago,Having problems? want to contribute? join our community slack.,npm i mime-types,,,MIT,4.55 kB,4, @babel/helper-plugin-utils,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,Node.js body parsing middleware.,npm i @babel/helper-plugin-utils,,,MIT,105 kB,21, nyc,15.1.0,Public,Published 2 years ago,Usage information and reference details can be found in repository README file.,npm i nyc,,,ISC,60.2 kB,11, body-parser,1.20.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i body-parser,,,MIT,547 kB,142, @angular/cli,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i @angular/cli,,,MIT,751 kB,8, electron,19.0.10,Public,Published 7 hours ago,Babylon is a JavaScript parser used in Babel.,npm i electron,,,MIT,123 kB,6, @types/babel__traverse,7.17.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,Out,npm i @types/babel__traverse,,,MIT,1.11 MB,10, babylon,6.18.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,.babelrc,npm i babylon,,,MIT,12.1 kB,6, babel-plugin-transform-object-assign,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,.babelrc,npm i babel-plugin-transform-object-assign,,,MIT,24.8 kB,7, babel-preset-stage-1,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-preset-stage-1,,,MIT,5.68 MB,27, babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread,6.13.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread,,,MIT,58.3 kB,11, @types/jquery,3.5.14,Public,Published 5 months ago,,npm i @types/jquery,,,MIT,54.1 kB,4, @types/node-fetch,2.6.2,Public,Published a month ago,"Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use path.posix.join() instead of path.join().",npm i @types/node-fetch,,,MIT,2.74 kB,4, istanbul,0.4.5,Public,Published 6 years ago,,npm i istanbul,,,BSD-3-Clause,2.73 kB,4, globby,13.1.2,Public,Published 2 months ago,See for more information.,npm i globby,,,MIT,7.78 kB,5, node-notifier,10.0.1,Public,Published 6 months ago,,npm i node-notifier,,,MIT,78.8 kB,22, react-addons-test-utils,15.6.2,Public,Published 5 years ago,Using npm:,npm i react-addons-test-utils,,,MIT,78.8 kB,22, execa,6.1.0,Public,Published 5 months ago,Using npm:,npm i execa,,,MIT,3.96 kB,4, lodash.merge,4.6.2,Public,Published 3 years ago,Using npm:,npm i lodash.merge,,,MIT,38.1 kB,8, @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,An express-style development middleware for use with webpack bundles and allows for serving of the files emitted from webpack. This should be used for development only.,npm i @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx,,,MIT,730 kB,248, babel-preset-jest,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,An express-style development middleware for use with webpack bundles and allows for serving of the files emitted from webpack. This should be used for development only.,npm i babel-preset-jest,,,MIT,632 kB,45, @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions,7.18.6,Public,Published a month ago,Using npm:,npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions,,,MIT,288 kB,60, webpack-dev-middleware,5.3.3,Public,Published 2 months ago,The file-loader resolves import/require() on a file into a url and emits the file into the output directory.,npm i webpack-dev-middleware,,,MIT,577 kB,132, webpack-dev-middleware,5.3.3,Public,Published 2 months ago,"While the builders when executed via the Angular CLI and their associated options are considered stable, the programmatic APIs are not considered officially supported and are not subject to the breaking change guarantees of SemVer.",npm i webpack-dev-middleware,,,MIT,32.3 kB,4, @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,"Got a question? Join us on stackoverflow, the mailing list or chat on IRC",npm i @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from,,,MIT,7.06 kB,4, file-loader,6.2.0,Public,Published 2 years ago,Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings,npm i file-loader,,,MIT,7.84 MB,980, @angular-devkit/build-angular,14.1.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,,npm i @angular-devkit/build-angular,,,MIT,923 kB,52, bluebird,3.7.2,Public,Published 3 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i bluebird,,,MIT,121 kB,21, yargs,17.5.1,Public,Published 2 months ago,Files were exported from,npm i yargs,,,MIT,1.39 MB,103, browser-sync,2.27.10,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i browser-sync,,,Apache-2.0,315 kB,27, @types/babel__core,7.1.19,Public,Published 4 months ago,Out,npm i @types/babel__core,,,MIT,20 MB,5422, @types/jasminewd2,2.0.10,Public,Published a year ago,.babelrc,npm i @types/jasminewd2,,,MIT,71.5 kB,16, element-ui,2.15.9,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i element-ui,,,MIT,1.37 MB,660, babel-plugin-external-helpers,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Documentation for version 5 can be found in the docs directory. This is the current stable release. Version 5 is used in React Router version 6.,npm i babel-plugin-external-helpers,,,MIT,251 kB,52, babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,License: MIT,npm i babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx,,,MIT,34.2 kB,10, babel-polyfill,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,"For API details and how to use promises, see the JavaScript Promises HTML5Rocks article.",npm i babel-polyfill,,,MIT,23.5 kB,10, babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import,6.18.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,,npm i babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import,,,MIT,15.9 kB,6, enzyme,3.11.0,Public,Published 3 years ago,Non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js. Pure JavaScript and optional native libpq bindings.,npm i enzyme,,,MIT,22.5 kB,6, history,5.3.0,Public,Published 5 months ago,"React-Bootstrap is compatible with various versions of Bootstrap. As such, you need to ensure you are using the correct combination of versions.",npm i history,,,MIT,486 kB,43, @angular/http,7.2.16,Public,Published 3 years ago,,npm i @angular/http,,,MIT,33.1 kB,7, es6-promise,4.2.8,Public,Published 3 years ago,,npm i es6-promise,,,MIT,38 kB,10, bower,1.8.14,Public,Published 4 months ago,"node-extend is a port of the classic extend() method from jQuery. It behaves as you expect. It is simple, tried and true.",npm i bower,,,MIT,2.03 MB,40, pg,8.7.3,Public,Published 6 months ago,"offers foolproof deep cloning of objects, arrays, numbers, strings, maps, sets, promises, etc. in JavaScript.",npm i pg,,,MIT,76.1 kB,40, react-bootstrap,2.4.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,HTTP assertions made easy via superagent.,npm i react-bootstrap,,,MIT,14.1 kB,6, ts-loader,9.3.1,Public,Published a month ago,Send emails from Node.js – easy as cake! 🍰✉️,npm i ts-loader,,,MIT,385 kB,4, dotenv,16.0.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,Using npm:,npm i dotenv,,,BSD-2-Clause,41.4 MB,1239, extend,3.0.2,Public,Published 4 years ago,A parameterised testing library for Jest inspired by mocha-each.,npm i extend,,,MIT,9.46 MB,1858, clone,2.1.2,Public,Published 4 years ago,A JavaScript mangler/compressor toolkit for ES6+.,npm i clone,,,MIT,26.4 kB,4, supertest,6.2.4,Public,Published a month ago,There are many cool features provided by vue-loader:,npm i supertest,,,MIT,32.2 kB,4, nodemailer,6.7.7,Public,Published 22 days ago,Using npm:,npm i nodemailer,,,MIT,230 kB,24, @babel/plugin-transform-typescript,7.18.8,Public,Published 20 days ago,"When developing within this package, make sure you run npm start (or yarn start) so that the files are compiled as you work. This is run in watch mode by default.",npm i @babel/plugin-transform-typescript,,,MIT,7.22 kB,4, jest-each,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,中文官网 | ENGLISH HOMEPAGE,npm i jest-each,,,MIT,49.3 MB,3519, terser,5.14.2,Public,Published 14 days ago,One of the following versions of Node.js must be installed to run npm:,npm i terser,,,BSD-2-Clause,77.6 kB,8, vue-loader,17.0.0,Public,Published 8 months ago,Out,npm i vue-loader,,,MIT,2.68 kB,4, @babel/node,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,.babelrc,npm i @babel/node,,,MIT,118 kB,32, react-error-overlay,6.0.11,Public,Published 4 months ago,Out,npm i react-error-overlay,,,MIT,269 kB,69, echarts,5.3.3,Public,Published a month ago,Out,npm i echarts,,,Apache-2.0,43.4 kB,8, npm,8.15.1,Public,Published 5 hours ago,.babelrc,npm i npm,,,Artistic-2.0,26.6 kB,6, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol,6.23.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,Try in REPL,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol,,,MIT,20 kB,6, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes,,,MIT,3.31 MB,31, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-systemjs,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-systemjs,,,MIT,491 kB,125, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions,,,MIT,82.9 kB,9, babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions,6.13.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions,,,MIT,82.8 kB,32, babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,,npm i babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas,,,MIT,11.4 kB,9, @types/chai-as-promised,7.1.5,Public,Published 6 months ago,"Copies individual files or entire directories, which already exist, to the build directory.",npm i @types/chai-as-promised,,,MIT,,, @types/q,1.5.5,Public,Published a year ago,Using npm:,npm i @types/q,,,MIT,,, @types/selenium-webdriver,4.1.2,Public,Published 3 days ago,Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js,npm i @types/selenium-webdriver,,,MIT,,, @types/debug,4.1.7,Public,Published a year ago,The API of this library is inspired by the XMLHttpRequest-2 FormData Interface.,npm i @types/debug,,,MIT,,, antd,4.22.1,Public,Published 18 hours ago,If you want to run only some tests whose name match a given pattern you can do this in the following way,npm i antd,,,MIT,,, copy-webpack-plugin,11.0.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,CORS is a node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options.,npm i copy-webpack-plugin,,,MIT,,, @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties,7.12.13,Public,Published a year ago,,npm i @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties,,,MIT,,, workbox-webpack-plugin,6.5.4,Public,Published 6 hours ago,clean-css is a fast and efficient CSS optimizer for Node.js platform and any modern browser.,npm i workbox-webpack-plugin,,,MIT,,, eslint-plugin-node,11.1.0,Public,Published 2 years ago,This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:,npm i eslint-plugin-node,,,MIT,,, form-data,4.0.0,Public,Published a year ago,"Note that the events module uses ES5 features. If you need to support very old browsers like IE8, use a shim like es5-shim. You need both the shim and the sham versions of es5-shim.",npm i form-data,,,MIT,,, karma-jasmine,5.1.0,Public,Published a month ago,"By default, babel-loader excludes files inside node_modules dependencies. If you wish to explicitly transpile a dependency module, you will need to add it to the transpileDependencies option in vue.config.js:",npm i karma-jasmine,,,MIT,,, cors,2.8.5,Public,Published 4 years ago,,npm i cors,,,MIT,,, jshint,2.13.5,Public,Published 19 days ago,,npm i jshint,,,MIT,,, clean-css,5.3.1,Public,Published 15 days ago,,npm i clean-css,,,MIT,,, express-session,1.17.3,Public,Published 3 months ago,,npm i express-session,,,MIT,,, events,3.3.0,Public,Published a year ago,,npm i events,,,MIT,,, @vue/cli-plugin-babel,5.0.8,Public,Published 21 days ago,,npm i @vue/cli-plugin-babel,,,MIT,,, stylelint,14.9.1,Public,Published 2 months ago,"A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.",npm i stylelint,,,MIT,860 kB,370, jest-diff,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,"The diff named export serializes JavaScript values, compares them line-by-line, and returns a string which includes comparison lines.",npm i jest-diff,,,MIT,78.6 kB,14, jest-config,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,Simple example:,npm i jest-config,,,MIT,106 kB,20, loader-utils,3.2.0,Public,Published 9 months ago,,npm i loader-utils,,,MIT,31.9 kB,13, big.js,6.2.1,Public,Published 18 days ago,Using npm:,npm i big.js,,,MIT,58.6 kB,5, @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types,,,MIT,7.01 kB,4, dayjs,1.11.4,Public,Published 8 days ago,,npm i dayjs,,,MIT,647 kB,443, puppeteer,15.5.0,Public,Published 7 days ago,,npm i puppeteer,,,Apache-2.0,3.24 MB,531, sequelize,6.21.3,Public,Published 17 days ago,License: MIT,npm i sequelize,,,MIT,2.65 MB,288, @angular/cdk,14.1.0,Public,Published 8 days ago,See how Got compares to other HTTP libraries,npm i @angular/cdk,,,MIT,10.6 MB,633, got,12.2.0,Public,Published 4 days ago,Please refer to the official website.,npm i got,,,MIT,250 kB,45, eslint-plugin-vue,9.3.0,Public,Published 3 days ago,nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.,npm i eslint-plugin-vue,,,MIT,1.15 MB,266, nodemon,2.0.19,Public,Published 22 days ago,Files were exported from,npm i nodemon,,,MIT,197 kB,45, @types/react-test-renderer,18.0.0,Public,Published 4 months ago,"This is a conversion of the log4js framework to work with node. I started out just stripping out the browser-specific code and tidying up some of the javascript to work better in node. It grew from there. Although it's got a similar name to the Java library log4j, thinking that it will behave the same way will only bring you sorrow and confusion.",npm i @types/react-test-renderer,,,MIT,8.77 kB,6, log4js,6.6.1,Public,Published 2 days ago,,npm i log4js,,,Apache-2.0,142 kB,31, @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree,5.31.0,Public,Published 2 days ago,📖 Read the full docs here,npm i @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree,,,BSD-2-Clause,463 kB,95, babel-traverse,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,In,npm i babel-traverse,,,MIT,8.47 kB,4, babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Default parameters desugar into let declarations to retain proper semantics. If this is not supported in your environment then you'll need the transform-block-scoping plugin.,npm i babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode,,,MIT,72.4 kB,31, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,In,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions,,,MIT,443 kB,10, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters,,,MIT,349 kB,8, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex,,,MIT,7.64 kB,7, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring,6.23.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,See our website @babel/polyfill for more information or the issues associated with this package.,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring,,,MIT,136 kB,43, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys,,,MIT,27.8 kB,7, @types/webpack,5.28.0,Public,Published a year ago,"A mirror of Facebook's invariant (e.g. React, flux).",npm i @types/webpack,,,MIT,263 kB,36, @types/inquirer,8.2.1,Public,Published 4 months ago,Easy way to create a Stream that is both readable and writable.,npm i @types/inquirer,,,MIT,3.42 MB,608, @babel/polyfill,7.12.1,Public,Published 2 years ago,,npm i @babel/polyfill,,,MIT,349 kB,8, bignumber.js,9.0.2,Public,Published 7 months ago,"To add this package as a dependency of a project, run either of the following commands:",npm i bignumber.js,,,MIT,7.64 kB,7, invariant,2.2.4,Public,Published 4 years ago,The fast & forgiving HTML/XML parser.,npm i invariant,,,MIT,136 kB,43, through,2.3.8,Public,Published 7 years ago,"Utilising tagged template literals (a recent addition to JavaScript) and the power of CSS, styled-components allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components. It also removes the mapping between components and styles – using components as a low-level styling construct could not be easier!",npm i through,,,MIT,790 kB,96, standard-version,9.5.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,Easy way to create a Stream that is both readable and writable.,npm i standard-version,,,ISC,266 kB,18, jest-matcher-utils,28.1.3,Public,Published 15 days ago,A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.,npm i jest-matcher-utils,,,MIT,8.36 MB,396, htmlparser2,8.0.1,Public,Published 3 months ago,"A mirror of Facebook's invariant (e.g. React, flux).",npm i htmlparser2,,,MIT,126 MB,3552, styled-components,5.3.5,Public,Published 4 months ago,,npm i styled-components,,,MIT,26.1 MB,1822, through,2.3.8,Public,Published 7 years ago,The Select control for React. Initially built for use in KeystoneJS.,npm i through,,,MIT,8.2 kB,4, bignumber.js,9.0.2,Public,Published 7 months ago,"🔥 HEADS UP! You're currently looking at Vuex 4 branch. If you're looking for Vuex 3, please check out dev branch.",npm i bignumber.js,,,MIT,27.9 kB,4, invariant,2.2.4,Public,Published 4 years ago,,npm i invariant,,,MIT,8.1 kB,4, standard-version,9.5.0,Public,Published 2 months ago,,npm i standard-version,,,ISC,156 kB,6, react-select,5.4.0,Public,Published a month ago,,npm i react-select,,,MIT,17.7 kB,10, vuex,4.0.2,Public,Published a year ago,Out,npm i vuex,,,MIT,16.4 kB,5, ember-source,4.6.0,Public,Published 2 days ago,Out,npm i ember-source,,,MIT,646 kB,209, react-native,0.69.3,Public,Published 3 days ago,Out,npm i react-native,,,MIT,54.8 kB,7, next,12.2.3,Public,Published 6 days ago,Out,npm i next,,,MIT,41.1 kB,5, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-amd,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-amd,,,MIT,27.4 kB,5, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Type: string,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties,,,MIT,531 kB,20, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,In,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties,,,MIT,868 kB,6, babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-umd,6.24.1,Public,Published 5 years ago,Files were exported from,npm i babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-umd,,,MIT,5.96 MB,1587, @types/minimatch,3.0.5,Public,Published a year ago,Using npm:,npm i @types/minimatch,,,MIT,64.1 kB,16, babel-template,6.26.0,Public,Published 5 years ago,The FSEvents API in MacOS allows applications to register for notifications of changes to a given directory tree. It is a very fast and lightweight alternative to kqueue.,npm i babel-template,,,MIT,23.5 kB,7, babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants,6.22.0,Public,Published 6 years ago,A simple JavaScript utility for conditionally joining classNames together.,npm i babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants,,,MIT,6.54 kB,4, @types/fs-extra,9.0.13,Public,Published 10 months ago,,npm i @types/fs-extra,,,MIT,3.87 kB,4, @babel/plugin-transform-react-constant-elements,7.18.9,Public,Published 10 days ago,A library of string validators and sanitizers.,npm i @babel/plugin-transform-react-constant-elements,,,MIT,2.53 kB,4, fsevents,2.3.2,Public,Published a year ago,"As an alternative to using npm, you can obtain fetch.umd.js from the Releases section. The UMD distribution is compatible with AMD and CommonJS module loaders, as well as loading directly into a page via