[ { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The umbrella theory explaining the Earth's movement, contact, and flattening of large land plates is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "the Coriolis effect", "label": "A" }, { "text": "plate tectonics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hotspots", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Richter Magnitude Scale", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the subduction zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A long, narrow, upper atmosphere current of fast moving air is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "jet stream", "label": "A" }, { "text": "thermophile", "label": "B" }, { "text": "contrail", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gust of wind", "label": "D" }, { "text": "typhoon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Archaeologists record the top layers first, followed by older, deeper layers to study ancient settlements and cities following the", "choices": [ { "text": "principle of original horizontality", "label": "A" }, { "text": "principle of uniformitarianism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "principle of superposition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "principle of uniformity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "principle of lateral continuity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Gravitational forces within the Earth, as well as heat and radioactive element recycling in the molten core, take place through", "choices": [ { "text": "subduction", "label": "A" }, { "text": "deflection", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transformation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "convection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "divergent boundaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which two gases make up the majority of the Earth's gases?", "choices": [ { "text": "Oxygen and methane", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Oxygen and propane", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Nitrogen and carbon dioxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Benzene and nitrogen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Nitrogen and oxygen", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Because he figured out that sedimentary rock must have been compacted and compressed, over many ages, _______ is known as the father of modern geology.", "choices": [ { "text": "Richard Palmer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "James Hutton", "label": "B" }, { "text": "W", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nicholas Steno", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Aubrey Hough", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An ocean trench is formed along the", "choices": [ { "text": "transform fault boundary of two colliding plates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mid-Atlantic Ridge", "label": "B" }, { "text": "distant edge boundary of two colliding plates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "divergent boundary of two colliding plates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "convergent boundary of two colliding plates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the highest layer of the atmosphere?", "choices": [ { "text": "Stratosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Thermosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Ozone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Troposphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mesosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Water-layered sediments that thin to nothing at a shore or the area where first deposited are the subject of the", "choices": [ { "text": "principle of uniformity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "principle of original horizontality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "second law of thermodynamics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "principle of superposition", "label": "D" }, { "text": "principle of lateral continuity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Any solid material (rock or organic) that settles out from a liquid is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "sediment", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ash", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a biofuel", "label": "C" }, { "text": "granite", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cinders", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The principle of uniformitarianism includes the idea that", "choices": [ { "text": "continental shifting and compression are possible across different regions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "energy can neither be created nor destroyed", "label": "B" }, { "text": "volcanoes can erupt even when quiet for 200 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "population growth is slow and the birth rate drops to around the death rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "primary consumers (i.e., herbivores) consume plants and algae", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A volcano with little erosion and that may erupt at any time is classified as", "choices": [ { "text": "active", "label": "A" }, { "text": "dormant", "label": "B" }, { "text": "high risk", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sedimentary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "extinct", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Primary waves, which bunch together and then move apart like an inchworm, are", "choices": [ { "text": "the slowest seismic waves", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the fastest seismic waves", "label": "B" }, { "text": "known as Rayleigh waves", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a type of surface wave", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the only wave to move through air", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Large temperature differences and strong pressure differences between warm and cold air cause the formation of the", "choices": [ { "text": "precipitation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "auroras", "label": "B" }, { "text": "jet stream", "label": "C" }, { "text": "clouds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fossilization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A huge layer of rock that drifts slowly over the supporting upper mantle layer is a", "choices": [ { "text": "caldera", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hotspot", "label": "B" }, { "text": "geological plate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "tropical oasis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "transform fault", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., most people were killed by", "choices": [ { "text": "lava", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pyroclastic flow", "label": "B" }, { "text": "volcanic rock", "label": "C" }, { "text": "poisonous volcanic gases", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the hysterical crowd running toward the sea", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A large earthquake occurs, on average, somewhere in the world each year of greater than", "choices": [ { "text": "1.5 magnitude", "label": "A" }, { "text": "2.0 magnitude", "label": "B" }, { "text": "4.0 magnitude", "label": "C" }, { "text": "5.2 magnitude", "label": "D" }, { "text": "8.0 magnitude", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A sudden change in the wind's direction or speed with increasing altitude is called", "choices": [ { "text": "wind stop", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wind chill", "label": "B" }, { "text": "troposphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wind shear", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ionosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The northern and southern lights are found in the", "choices": [ { "text": "mesosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "tropopause", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stratosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "troposphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "thermosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Where two crustal plates collide and one plate is forced under the other into the mantle, it is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "hotspot", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pressure zone", "label": "B" }, { "text": "surface trace", "label": "C" }, { "text": "subduction zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sedimentary layer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Relationships between earth layers and soil samples are described by", "choices": [ { "text": "tectonic time measurements", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Jurassic time measurements", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chronostatic time measurements", "label": "C" }, { "text": "continental drift", "label": "D" }, { "text": "subjective time measurements", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The relationship between air temperature and the amount of water vapor it contains is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "relative humidity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "indistinct humidity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "point source humidity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "aridity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wind shear", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The location directly above an earthquake's hypocenter on the earth's surface is the", "choices": [ { "text": "epicenter", "label": "A" }, { "text": "trench", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hypercenter", "label": "C" }, { "text": "surface trace", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ridge", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Love waves are a type of", "choices": [ { "text": "primary seismic wave", "label": "A" }, { "text": "surface wave", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pyroclastic flow", "label": "C" }, { "text": "folded rock", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lapilli", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Vibrations in the Earth caused by cracks or shifts in the underlying rock are called", "choices": [ { "text": "caldera", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "igneous activity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "faults", "label": "D" }, { "text": "seismic waves", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following are all time units of the geological time scale except", "choices": [ { "text": "eons", "label": "A" }, { "text": "eras", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ages", "label": "C" }, { "text": "periods", "label": "D" }, { "text": "epochs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The thermosphere is also called the", "choices": [ { "text": "mesosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "troposphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ionosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lower latitude layer", "label": "D" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o effect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A hurricane's course depends upon location and", "choices": [ { "text": "trade wind direction", "label": "A" }, { "text": "eye size", "label": "B" }, { "text": "speed", "label": "C" }, { "text": "name", "label": "D" }, { "text": "eye wall", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Coriolis effect is a result of the Earth's", "choices": [ { "text": "gravitation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "temperature", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rotation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "plant life", "label": "D" }, { "text": "curvature", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An isobar is a", "choices": [ { "text": "measure of temperature", "label": "A" }, { "text": "line connecting areas of increasing atmospheric pressure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "measure of depth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "line connecting areas of the same atmospheric pressure", "label": "D" }, { "text": "topographical symbol", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, if the wind is blowing 30 km/h and the outside temperature is 15\u00b0C, what is the wind chill factor in degrees Celsius?", "choices": [ { "text": "8\u00b0C", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10\u00b0C", "label": "B" }, { "text": "12\u00b0C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "14\u00b0C", "label": "D" }, { "text": "15\u00b0C", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Groundwater is stored in", "choices": [ { "text": "porous rocks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "snow", "label": "B" }, { "text": "glaciers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "aquifers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The layer closest to the surface, where spaces between soil particles are filled with both air and water, is called the zone of", "choices": [ { "text": "aeration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "precipitation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "consolidation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "acclimation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Infiltration takes place when", "choices": [ { "text": "streams overflow their banks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "plants use water during photosynthesis", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deserts get drier and drier", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rainfall soaks into the ground", "label": "D" }, { "text": "snow melts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor, the process is called", "choices": [ { "text": "aeration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "conservation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "precipitation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "withdrawal", "label": "D" }, { "text": "evaporation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A tropical depression is the first phase in the formation of a", "choices": [ { "text": "tornado", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cloud", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hurricane", "label": "C" }, { "text": "jet stream", "label": "D" }, { "text": "temperature inversion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The study of the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water on, in, and above the surface of the Earth is called", "choices": [ { "text": "microbiology", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ecology", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hydrology", "label": "C" }, { "text": "botany", "label": "D" }, { "text": "aquaculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The oceans hold approximately what percent of the Earth's water?", "choices": [ { "text": "45%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "62%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "97%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Aquifers that form a water table separating unsaturated and saturated zones are called", "choices": [ { "text": "unconfined aquifers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "confined aquifers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lakes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "closed aquifers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "saturated aquifers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The water found in subterranean spaces, cracks, and open pore spaces of minerals is called", "choices": [ { "text": "watershed", "label": "A" }, { "text": "groundwater", "label": "B" }, { "text": "snow melt", "label": "C" }, { "text": "runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "evapotranspiration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rainfall or snow melt that has not had time to evaporate, transpire, or move into groundwater is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "transpiration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an aquifer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "consumption", "label": "C" }, { "text": "runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "conservation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When moving through the eye wall of a hurricane and into the eye, surface pressure", "choices": [ { "text": "increases", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decreases", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stays the same", "label": "C" }, { "text": "is at its highest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "is only rarely low", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The area at the surface or below ground that supplies water to an aquifer and/or most of the watershed or drainage basin is called", "choices": [ { "text": "an aquifer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an unconsolidated aquifer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a drainage zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an aquifer recharge zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a surface discharge", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of open space in the soil is called", "choices": [ { "text": "crystal structure", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "soil porosity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "granite", "label": "D" }, { "text": "soil salinity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Under surface soil, where all the open spaces have become filled with water, lies the zone of", "choices": [ { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "saturation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "equalization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "salination", "label": "D" }, { "text": "diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pesticide and fertilizer use on crops affects water purity when", "choices": [ { "text": "evaporation is increased by heat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "it is used sparingly", "label": "B" }, { "text": "there is too little rainfall", "label": "C" }, { "text": "it is used in proper amounts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "runoff joins with surface and/or groundwater", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The depletion of water from aquifers faster than they can naturally be refilled is called", "choices": [ { "text": "aquifer saturation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "groundwater mining", "label": "B" }, { "text": "flooding", "label": "C" }, { "text": "runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the water table", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of withdrawn water lost in transport, evaporation, absorption, chemical change, or is otherwise unavailable as a result of human use is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "withdrawal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "conservation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "consumption", "label": "C" }, { "text": "discharge", "label": "D" }, { "text": "runoff", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When water is blocked by a low-permeability material below the aquifer, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "an unconfined aquifer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a perched water table", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a watershed", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a zone of aeration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a diverted stream", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Lithification, comes from the Greek word lithos, meaning", "choices": [ { "text": "stone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "light", "label": "B" }, { "text": "paper", "label": "C" }, { "text": "seawater", "label": "D" }, { "text": "white", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Diagenesis causes", "choices": [ { "text": "a red rash on the elbow", "label": "A" }, { "text": "miscalculations of circular core samples", "label": "B" }, { "text": "photosynthesis in most upper ocean layers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lithification of sediment by physical and chemical processes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "drought in some areas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a common metamorphic rock type?", "choices": [ { "text": "Subjugate rock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Slate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Vermiculite", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Slant", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Magma", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Metamorphic rock is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "hard purple-colored rock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "surface-only rock", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chameleon of rock types", "label": "C" }, { "text": "good building material", "label": "D" }, { "text": "brittle rock type", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When several rock-stratigraphic units are stacked vertically, they are called a", "choices": [ { "text": "metamorphic shelf", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gneiss", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lithification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "vertical unit", "label": "D" }, { "text": "formation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When rock on the Earth's surface is worn away, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "foliation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "metamorphism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "exfoliation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "coloration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Clastic sedimentary rocks are made up of", "choices": [ { "text": "pieces of other rocks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gelatin from kelp", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the hardest granites", "label": "C" }, { "text": "boulders larger than 1 meter across", "label": "D" }, { "text": "petroleum distillates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following plays a big part in soil erosion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Fertilizer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Conservation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tillage", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Plant type", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Rainfall", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which process wears away existing rocks and produces lots of small rock?", "choices": [ { "text": "Lithification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sedimentation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Compaction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Weathering", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Concretion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following are all tools in soil conservation except for", "choices": [ { "text": "cover crops", "label": "A" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "planting of perennial plants", "label": "C" }, { "text": "adding mulch", "label": "D" }, { "text": "crop rotation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which metamorphic rock is often used as a paving and building stone?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mica", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Marble", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Shale", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sandstone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Obsidian", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Felsic and mafic are two types of", "choices": [ { "text": "metamorphic rock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "clastic formations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sedimentary rock", "label": "C" }, { "text": "igneous rock", "label": "D" }, { "text": "multicolored clays", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percentage of the world's land is at risk of desertification?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "40%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pebbles surrounded by a covering of sand or mud is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "a conglomerate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "shale", "label": "B" }, { "text": "granite", "label": "C" }, { "text": "magma", "label": "D" }, { "text": "igneous clay", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The description of an area's land contours and surface features is called", "choices": [ { "text": "geography", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cartography", "label": "B" }, { "text": "graphology", "label": "C" }, { "text": "topography", "label": "D" }, { "text": "photography", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pedocal, pedalfer, and laterite are three basic soil types based primarily on", "choices": [ { "text": "elevation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "soil type", "label": "B" }, { "text": "water content", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mineral base", "label": "D" }, { "text": "climate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which soil horizon consists of a zone of accumulation, where ions transported by rainwater are reconnected to create new minerals?", "choices": [ { "text": "Horizon A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Horizon B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Horizon C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ions are not transported this way", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mineralization occurs only in the topsoil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A complex community of plants, animals, and microorganisms linked by interacting energy and nutrient flows is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "atmosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ecosystem", "label": "B" }, { "text": "niche", "label": "C" }, { "text": "suburb", "label": "D" }, { "text": "species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The world's oceans make up what percent of the planet's biosphere?", "choices": [ { "text": "27%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "44%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "62%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "99%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which diverse ecosystem absorbs high flow and releases water slowly?", "choices": [ { "text": "High plains", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Wetlands", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Arctic", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rocky Mountains", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Old-growth forest", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Madagascar and the Indian Ocean islands, the Philippines, Sundaland, the Atlantic Forest, and the Caribbean are all considered", "choices": [ { "text": "hotspots", "label": "A" }, { "text": "expensive vacation spots", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sustainable use areas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "arid regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mountainous", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Aircraft, high-altitude balloons, and satellites are all used in", "choices": [ { "text": "birthday parties", "label": "A" }, { "text": "field testing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "remote sensing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "acrobatic air shows", "label": "D" }, { "text": "high school science labs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The vertical range that contains the biosphere is roughly", "choices": [ { "text": "1,000 meters high", "label": "A" }, { "text": "5,000 meters high", "label": "B" }, { "text": "10,000 meters high", "label": "C" }, { "text": "20,000 meters high", "label": "D" }, { "text": "40,000 meters high", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When a species like the dodo bird becomes extinct, it is said to be", "choices": [ { "text": "in remission", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hibernating for the winter", "label": "B" }, { "text": "not important to the ecosystem", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gone for 10 years and then returns", "label": "D" }, { "text": "gone forever", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The total area in which a plant, animal, insect, or other organism travels in its lifetime determines its", "choices": [ { "text": "life span", "label": "A" }, { "text": "range", "label": "B" }, { "text": "personality type", "label": "C" }, { "text": "itinerary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "habitat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which layer do all the pressure, wind, and precipitation changes occur?", "choices": [ { "text": "Outer space", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stratosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Troposphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ionosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mesosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Tornadoes of the F4/F5 category account for what percent of deaths?", "choices": [ { "text": "80%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "65%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "40%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "10%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "ASTER information is used to draw detailed maps of land surface temperature, elevation, and", "choices": [ { "text": "salt flats", "label": "A" }, { "text": "mountain algae populations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reflectance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "honeybee populations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "shipping lanes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Adjacent habitats have overlapping boundaries called", "choices": [ { "text": "wetlands", "label": "A" }, { "text": "topography", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ecological succession", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ecotones", "label": "D" }, { "text": "secondary succession", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Over time, a previously untouched area like a volcanic flow will be populated by different species creating soil, cover, shade, and food resulting in a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "primary succession of development", "label": "A" }, { "text": "secondary succession of development", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tertiary succession of development", "label": "C" }, { "text": "overcrowded ecosystem", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ecotone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A hotspot is an ecological region that has high biodiversity and lost", "choices": [ { "text": "10% of its original habitat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20% of its original habitat", "label": "B" }, { "text": "45% of its original habitat", "label": "C" }, { "text": "60% of its original habitat", "label": "D" }, { "text": "over 70% of its original habitat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The most important factor currently affecting many species is", "choices": [ { "text": "loss of habitat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "predation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "food supply", "label": "C" }, { "text": "climate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "disease", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The use of resources in a manner that protects a species or environment without causing long-term loss is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "evolutionary use", "label": "A" }, { "text": "clear cutting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sustainable use", "label": "C" }, { "text": "extinction", "label": "D" }, { "text": "speciation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When no two species can fill the same niche at the same time and the weaker species must fill a smaller niche, relocate, or die, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "survival of the fittest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gause's principle", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the conservation of species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a keystone species", "label": "D" }, { "text": "climax succession", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When a species' numbers drop continuously because of habitat destruction, the species is said to be", "choices": [ { "text": "extinct", "label": "A" }, { "text": "poor predators", "label": "B" }, { "text": "protected", "label": "C" }, { "text": "not evolutionarily hearty", "label": "D" }, { "text": "endangered", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Mutualism is a type of symbiosis where", "choices": [ { "text": "neither species benefits", "label": "A" }, { "text": "both species benefit", "label": "B" }, { "text": "one species benefits and one is unaffected", "label": "C" }, { "text": "one species is harmed and one benefits", "label": "D" }, { "text": "both species are harmed", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When a species has no competitive limitations, it has a", "choices": [ { "text": "realized niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "developed niche", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fundamental niche", "label": "C" }, { "text": "successive niche", "label": "D" }, { "text": "population overshoot", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When an ecosystem reaches its final stage of balanced species development, it is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "climax community", "label": "A" }, { "text": "population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pioneer species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "initial niche", "label": "D" }, { "text": "extinct zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When calcium carbonate is used to build the shells of sea creatures, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "lime", "label": "A" }, { "text": "condensation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sublimation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "biomineralization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "transfiguration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "By dry weight, approximately what percent of carbon are humans composed of?", "choices": [ { "text": "20%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "65%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "70%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "90%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Scientists have studied the carbon cycle in all the following geochemical reservoirs except", "choices": [ { "text": "the oceans", "label": "A" }, { "text": "soil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fossil fuels", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Earth's core", "label": "D" }, { "text": "plant life", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Carbon-containing material from living or nonliving sources is called", "choices": [ { "text": "pyroclastic material", "label": "A" }, { "text": "inorganic material", "label": "B" }, { "text": "organic material", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sublimation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biomineralization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When freshwater has high concentrations of calcium and/or magnesium, it is commonly called", "choices": [ { "text": "calciferous", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hard water", "label": "B" }, { "text": "soft water", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mineralization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lime", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "ENSO takes place at intervals of 2 to 7 years and lasts approximately", "choices": [ { "text": "6 months", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1 to 2 years", "label": "B" }, { "text": "3 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "2 to 5 years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "7 years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The residence time of oxygen in the atmosphere is", "choices": [ { "text": "12 weeks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "300 years", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1,000 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "6,000 years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1 million years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When plants pull water from the soil, use the dissolved minerals to grow, and release the water back through the leaves, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "evapotranspiration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "respiration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "condensation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transport", "label": "D" }, { "text": "condensation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Plants are known as primary producers of", "choices": [ { "text": "methane", "label": "A" }, { "text": "biomineralization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biomass", "label": "C" }, { "text": "water pollution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "limestone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The idea that matter is neither created, nor destroyed, but recycled through natural cycles is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "conservation of matter", "label": "A" }, { "text": "origin of species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "residence time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transconfiguration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "respiration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following are natural water reservoirs except", "choices": [ { "text": "aquifers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "living organisms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "streams", "label": "C" }, { "text": "limestone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the atmosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A plant's reaction that captures visible light wavelengths (0.4 to 0.7 \u00b5m) and transforms them into chemical energy is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "sublimation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "biomineralization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biomass", "label": "C" }, { "text": "evapotranspiration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "photosynthesis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Organisms that consume litter, debris, and dung are called", "choices": [ { "text": "carnivores", "label": "A" }, { "text": "herbivores", "label": "B" }, { "text": "detritivores", "label": "C" }, { "text": "parasites", "label": "D" }, { "text": "omnivores", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When ammonia is taken up by plants, dissolved by water, or remains in the soil to be converted to nitrates, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "calcification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "residence time", "label": "B" }, { "text": "photosynthesis", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nitrification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "neutralization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The location where planetary water is stored for a length of time is called", "choices": [ { "text": "sink hole", "label": "A" }, { "text": "geological cycle", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lake", "label": "C" }, { "text": "karst", "label": "D" }, { "text": "water reservoir", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Inorganic sulfur is found primarily in rock and minerals as iron pyrite and", "choices": [ { "text": "gneiss", "label": "A" }, { "text": "iron oxide", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gypsum", "label": "C" }, { "text": "limestone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "granite", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All things that take up space and have mass are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "sedimentary rock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "heavy metals", "label": "B" }, { "text": "matter", "label": "C" }, { "text": "carnivores", "label": "D" }, { "text": "core materials", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When the temperature of the air or land changes,", "choices": [ { "text": "condensation of water vapor occurs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "populations migrate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "leaves change color", "label": "C" }, { "text": "snow falls", "label": "D" }, { "text": "transpiration is increased", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When plants absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight to make glucose and build cellular structures, it is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "calcium cycle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sulfur cycle", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hydrogen cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "phosphorus cycle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biological carbon cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Matter exists in three forms: solid, liquid, and", "choices": [ { "text": "metallic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ice", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nuclear", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pyrotechnic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Change in gene frequency is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "mitosis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hybridization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetic optimization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "founder effect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which term is used to describe the longest time interval a certain species is estimated to live?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mortality", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nutrition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Decades", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Life span", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Fertility", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Fecundity is the actual capability to reproduce, while number of offspring produced is a measure of", "choices": [ { "text": "ecological succession", "label": "A" }, { "text": "natality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "survivorship", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fertility", "label": "D" }, { "text": "niche development", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The rule of 70 is used to estimate", "choices": [ { "text": "entrepreneurial species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "population doubling", "label": "B" }, { "text": "density-dependent species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "infant development", "label": "D" }, { "text": "potential of a new Starbucks in a neighborhood", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Movement out of a population is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "delinquency", "label": "A" }, { "text": "mortality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "emigration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "suburban sprawl", "label": "D" }, { "text": "immigration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The number of years an individual is statistically likely to live is called his or her", "choices": [ { "text": "species duration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "natality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "life expectancy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mortality", "label": "D" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Isolation, genetic drift, and founder effect help biologists figure out", "choices": [ { "text": "species adaptability", "label": "A" }, { "text": "succession level", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mutualism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "maximum viable population size", "label": "D" }, { "text": "minimum viable population size", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Preindustrial populations usually have slow growth rates and", "choices": [ { "text": "low economic potential", "label": "A" }, { "text": "\u2191 birth and \u2191 death rates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "low geographic resources", "label": "C" }, { "text": "\u2193 birth and \u2191 death rates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "\u2193 birth and \u2193 death rates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Biotic and abiotic factors greatly affect", "choices": [ { "text": "population density", "label": "A" }, { "text": "niche development", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fecundity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "education levels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Despite humanitarian concerns, human population control", "choices": [ { "text": "has never worked", "label": "A" }, { "text": "reaped substantial benefits in China", "label": "B" }, { "text": "is impossible in developed nations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "is not needed with a slowing global population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "is not possible with today's technology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A group of individuals of the same species in the same geographical area is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "herd", "label": "A" }, { "text": "niche", "label": "B" }, { "text": "population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "system", "label": "D" }, { "text": "flock", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Exponential human population growth is affected by all the following factors except", "choices": [ { "text": "infectious disease", "label": "A" }, { "text": "clean water supplies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hazardous work conditions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased television time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "better and more available food", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The germination, cloning, birth, or hatching of individuals in a population is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "life span", "label": "A" }, { "text": "niche", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mortality", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "D" }, { "text": "natality", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When a population's growth rate changes to match local conditions, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "exponential growth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "density-independent growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "natality", "label": "C" }, { "text": "logistic growth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pioneer growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Salt wedging, caused by the growth of salt crystals, is an important rock-breaking force in the", "choices": [ { "text": "rain forest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "mountains", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ocean", "label": "C" }, { "text": "plains", "label": "D" }, { "text": "desert", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Zebra mussels are", "choices": [ { "text": "the largest of the mussels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "actually more spotted than striped", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an introduced alien species in the Great Lakes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "related to zebra clams", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a native species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Growing marine or aquatic species in net pens or tanks is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "cross cultivation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a risk-free industry", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bioculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an easy source of iodine", "label": "D" }, { "text": "aquaculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Species transported from tropical regions of the Atlantic to the Pacific", "choices": [ { "text": "have no impact on the new environment", "label": "A" }, { "text": "have greater impact on the new environment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "have limited impact on the new environment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "are seldom transported to another environment", "label": "D" }, { "text": "don't survive in a new environment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When DNA is combined in ways to augment certain characteristics in a species' natural growth, the result is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "nonnative species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "relict species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transplanted organism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetically modified organism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "nonviable organism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When nontarget fish species or other marine animals are caught in nets or through other fishing methods, they are called", "choices": [ { "text": "surplus species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "bycatch", "label": "B" }, { "text": "alternate species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "trash fish", "label": "D" }, { "text": "game fish", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The huge increase in yields obtained through modern cultivation techniques has become known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "GMOs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cross-pollination methods", "label": "B" }, { "text": "aquaculture dilemma", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetic revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "green revolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Small land plots that are planted early, heavily sprayed with pesticides, and their crop later des-troyed are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "hectares", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sustainable agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "trap plots", "label": "C" }, { "text": "testers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "polluted plots", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following has caused the greatest increase in the introduction of marine alien species into new ecosystems?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tourism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Air travel", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Shipping", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Commercial fishing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Home aquariums", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Fishing methods like bottom trawling, gill netting, and longlining are especially subject to", "choices": [ { "text": "crew safety policy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "seasonal variation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "high fuel costs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "poor yields", "label": "D" }, { "text": "bycatch", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Food Quality Protection Act caused the Environmental Protection Agency to", "choices": [ { "text": "assess inert ingredients for the first time", "label": "A" }, { "text": "raise levels for pesticides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "determine whether carcinogens existed in food", "label": "C" }, { "text": "protect the elderly from DDT", "label": "D" }, { "text": "send hybrid rice to third-world countries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Agroecology is another word for", "choices": [ { "text": "tillage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sustainable agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "degenerative farming", "label": "C" }, { "text": "strip mining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "historical agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Something that lowers the quantity, quality, or value of resources is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "growth factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decimator", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biocide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "agricultural sink", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biological pest", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When species are transported geographically to an unknown area, they are called", "choices": [ { "text": "native species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "game fish", "label": "B" }, { "text": "exotics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nonnative species", "label": "D" }, { "text": "functional species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Three agencies are responsible for regulating pesticides used in food: the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the", "choices": [ { "text": "Centers for Disease Control", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Department of Health and Human Services", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Department of Agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "National Institutes of Health", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Department of Homeland Defense", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rodenticides kill rats and mice, while ticks and spider mites are killed by", "choices": [ { "text": "aracnicides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "mitocides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fungicides", "label": "C" }, { "text": "acaricides", "label": "D" }, { "text": "herbicides", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "It has been estimated that over 60% of all processed food in America contains", "choices": [ { "text": "GMO ingredients", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fatty acids", "label": "B" }, { "text": "carcinogens", "label": "C" }, { "text": "DDT", "label": "D" }, { "text": "phosphorus", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Hormones that stop larval growth, combined with mechanical vacuuming of bugs from plants, are examples of", "choices": [ { "text": "crop rotation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "low input agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "integrated pest management", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cross discipline activation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "plant desertification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One method to conserve water and make sure it gets directly to plant roots is through", "choices": [ { "text": "sieve sleeve irrigation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "drip irrigation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rolling sprinklers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "flood irrigation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "crop circle sprinklers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Organic farms have lower feed and veterinarian costs since their animals are", "choices": [ { "text": "smaller in size", "label": "A" }, { "text": "crowded into barns", "label": "B" }, { "text": "healthier", "label": "C" }, { "text": "raised in larger herds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fed GMO ingredients", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Deserts cover roughly what percentage of the Earth's land surface?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "40%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When formerly fertile land is degraded, there is", "choices": [ { "text": "loss of biodiversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an increase in water", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a gain in economic yield", "label": "C" }, { "text": "species diversification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a drop in fungal growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Deforestation, overgrazing, and bad irrigation practices all contribute to", "choices": [ { "text": "juvenile delinquency", "label": "A" }, { "text": "glacier formation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "desertification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wetlands formation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In size, the Great Basin Desert of the United States is only about one-third the size of the (see the table below asdf)", "choices": [ { "text": "Kalahari Desert", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gobi Desert", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Chihuahuan", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sahara", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Patagonia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Forests are mainly divided into temperate and", "choices": [ { "text": "dry regions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wetland regions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "arctic regions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "tropical regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "desert regions", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Old-growth coastal redwoods live to be as much as", "choices": [ { "text": "300 years old", "label": "A" }, { "text": "750 years old", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1,000 years old", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1,500 years old", "label": "D" }, { "text": "2,000 years old", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Second- and third-growth forests contain", "choices": [ { "text": "many more plant and animal species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "trees of the same age and size", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mainly conifers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "larger trees than those in old-growth forests", "label": "D" }, { "text": "only broad-leafed trees", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The European white elm tree in western Siberia is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "new species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nonnative species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "relict species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "primary species", "label": "D" }, { "text": "replanted species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which is important for some biological species to reproduce and clear undergrowth for new sprouts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Lime", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fire", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Iron oxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ice", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Wind", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A tropical rain forest, found near the equator, has", "choices": [ { "text": "primarily conifers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "few native species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increasing fungal growth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the richest diversity of terrestrial plants and animals", "label": "D" }, { "text": "no new species to be observed by scientists", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In developing countries, the need for which major resource will double in the next 25 years?", "choices": [ { "text": "Fuel wood and charcoal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Soybeans", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Milk", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Television", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Latex", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percentage of all the forests on the Earth has been converted to cropland?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "40%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When plant cover is removed by clear-cutting, other local populations (mammals, birds, and insects)", "choices": [ { "text": "increase", "label": "A" }, { "text": "are not affected", "label": "B" }, { "text": "are greatly affected", "label": "C" }, { "text": "remain in the area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "resist disease", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When topsoil is blown or washed away, what happens to the remaining land?", "choices": [ { "text": "Its biochemical makeup is changed.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Its nutrients are maintained.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Its structure is unchanged.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It becomes a major conservation factor.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Its water content increases.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What extremely long-lived tree species is resistant to insects and fire?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hickory", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Spruce", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Redwood", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Aspen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Oak", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rotational grazing involves all the following ranching and herding activities except", "choices": [ { "text": "confining herds to a small area", "label": "A" }, { "text": "herds fertilizing heavily", "label": "B" }, { "text": "herds trampling woody plants and weeds", "label": "C" }, { "text": "long-term grazing of herds over a large area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "herds eating everything in the area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Urbanization came about from", "choices": [ { "text": "less mass transit", "label": "A" }, { "text": "change in growing seasons", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lack of high-rise properties", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gradual changes in land use and societal culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lower city taxes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Push and pull immigration factors include", "choices": [ { "text": "overpopulation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the arts", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lack of country resources", "label": "C" }, { "text": "communications", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of surface area needed to provide for a population's needs and dispose of its waste is called its", "choices": [ { "text": "niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "tillage area", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ecological footprint", "label": "C" }, { "text": "growth index", "label": "D" }, { "text": "urbanization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When ore piles are sprayed with a weak cyanide solution to extract gold, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "strip mining", "label": "A" }, { "text": "deep shaft drilling", "label": "B" }, { "text": "open-pit mining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "placer mining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "heap-leach extraction", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following affect a mineral's internal structure except", "choices": [ { "text": "cleavage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "boiling point", "label": "B" }, { "text": "shape", "label": "C" }, { "text": "hardness", "label": "D" }, { "text": "optical axes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Deposits formed from evaporation, wind deposit, sedimentation, or volcanic heating contain", "choices": [ { "text": "minerals", "label": "A" }, { "text": "water", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lava", "label": "C" }, { "text": "algae", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactive tracers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Deserts are distinguished by all the following factors except", "choices": [ { "text": "number of days of rainfall", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wind", "label": "B" }, { "text": "temperature", "label": "C" }, { "text": "oases", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lightning strikes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Remote sensing is an important tool in the study of dynamic desert features like", "choices": [ { "text": "tree growth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "camel populations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "flash floods", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dunes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "locust species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following factors can all increase desertification except", "choices": [ { "text": "wind", "label": "A" }, { "text": "total rainfall", "label": "B" }, { "text": "forest management", "label": "C" }, { "text": "temperature", "label": "D" }, { "text": "location", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A growing plant transpires up to ___ times as much water volume as it holds at one time.", "choices": [ { "text": "2", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10", "label": "B" }, { "text": "18", "label": "C" }, { "text": "22", "label": "D" }, { "text": "25", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act mandated", "choices": [ { "text": "a 20% decrease in sulfur emissions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "no new mining without smokestack filters", "label": "B" }, { "text": "clear air", "label": "C" }, { "text": "restoration of strip-mined land", "label": "D" }, { "text": "recycling of aluminum", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Megacities have over", "choices": [ { "text": "1 million inhabitants", "label": "A" }, { "text": "4 million inhabitants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "5 million inhabitants", "label": "C" }, { "text": "10 million inhabitants", "label": "D" }, { "text": "20 million inhabitants", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A naturally found, inorganic solid with a specific crystalline structure and chemical composition is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "rock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fossil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mineral", "label": "C" }, { "text": "biome", "label": "D" }, { "text": "carbon nanotube", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of urban sewage is treated in Latin America?", "choices": [ { "text": "1%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "2%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "3%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "5%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "10%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Bike routes, light-rail, zoning, and development regulations increase", "choices": [ { "text": "cultural diversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "exercise options", "label": "B" }, { "text": "taxes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "corporate options", "label": "D" }, { "text": "environmental sustainability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Feeding, transporting, sheltering, providing water, and waste disposal are all problems of", "choices": [ { "text": "small countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "rural living", "label": "B" }, { "text": "urban sprawl", "label": "C" }, { "text": "island nations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Arctic scientists", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Grassland, agriculture, and forests", "choices": [ { "text": "provide visual appeal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "use very little water", "label": "B" }, { "text": "are all planted by humans", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cover the world's land area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "are always found in great amounts worldwide", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When ore is heated to extract minerals, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "deep shaft mining", "label": "A" }, { "text": "smelting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "placer mining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a sustainable method of extraction", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ablation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of Mexico City's population lives in shantytowns built on undeveloped land from scavenged materials?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "35%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "70%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An unforeseen result of suburban living is", "choices": [ { "text": "less traffic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "less exercise", "label": "B" }, { "text": "closer community ties", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lower taxes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "greater vehicle wear and tear", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When water is used to wash away soil from gold nuggets in shallow pans or in long wooden troughs, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "strip mining", "label": "A" }, { "text": "deep shaft drilling", "label": "B" }, { "text": "open-pit mining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "placer mining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "heap-leach extraction", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A communal resource management system includes all the following factors except", "choices": [ { "text": "clear boundaries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "active monitoring of resource use", "label": "B" }, { "text": "people living on the land a long time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "privatization and self-interest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "people having input into rule setting", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percentage of U.S. energy comes from fossil fuels?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "18%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "37%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "62%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "82%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Coal is often contaminated with what element?", "choices": [ { "text": "Carbon", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Silicon", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sulfur", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Uranium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sodium", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of energy needed to heat 1 gram of water to 1 degree Celsius is a", "choices": [ { "text": "gigabyte", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pound", "label": "B" }, { "text": "liter", "label": "C" }, { "text": "calorie", "label": "D" }, { "text": "nanosecond", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Solids, liquids, and gases created through the compression of ancient organic plant and animal material in the Earth's crust are called", "choices": [ { "text": "biomass", "label": "A" }, { "text": "inorganics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sustainable fuels", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nuclear fuels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fossil fuels", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Coal deposits that have been mapped, measured, and economically recoverable are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "ultimate reserves", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sustainable reserves", "label": "B" }, { "text": "proven reserves", "label": "C" }, { "text": "clean reserves", "label": "D" }, { "text": "known reserves", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The number of individuals born at or near the same time and living to a specific age is called", "choices": [ { "text": "survivorship", "label": "A" }, { "text": "natality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mortality", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fecundity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "immigration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The force needed to accelerate 1 kilogram by 1 meter per second is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "ton", "label": "A" }, { "text": "meter per second", "label": "B" }, { "text": "joule", "label": "C" }, { "text": "calorie", "label": "D" }, { "text": "newton", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the industrialized world, the burning of fossil fuels is probably the biggest single source of", "choices": [ { "text": "air pollution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "water pollution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "urban blight", "label": "C" }, { "text": "economic income of developed countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "international tensions between nations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Twenty percent of the total U.S. energy demand is used for lighting, heating, air conditioning, water heating, and", "choices": [ { "text": "cooking", "label": "A" }, { "text": "plastics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transportation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "international export", "label": "D" }, { "text": "construction", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The first oil well in North America was drilled in Oil Springs, Ontario, in", "choices": [ { "text": "1855", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1875", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1905", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1935", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1955", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Natural gas has much less waste since it needs little refining, is transported through underground pipelines, and burns with", "choices": [ { "text": "boron as an additive", "label": "A" }, { "text": "75-95% efficiency", "label": "B" }, { "text": "atmospheric particulates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "smaller smokestacks", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the same efficiency as oil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Coal dust is very toxic to the lungs and causes", "choices": [ { "text": "arthritis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cancer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "premature births", "label": "C" }, { "text": "black lung disease", "label": "D" }, { "text": "bad breath", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Before fossil fuels became commonly used, what was popularly used for lamp oils and candles?", "choices": [ { "text": "Lye", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Bacon grease", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Whale oil", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Seal fat", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Natural gas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A sedimentary rock containing solid organic matter is called", "choices": [ { "text": "tephra", "label": "A" }, { "text": "kerogen", "label": "B" }, { "text": "granite", "label": "C" }, { "text": "igneous rock", "label": "D" }, { "text": "gneiss", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Prior to mine reclamation laws, mine drainage and acidic runoff from coal tailings were toxic by-products of", "choices": [ { "text": "tillage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "urban development", "label": "B" }, { "text": "underground mining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "strip mining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "industrial processing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A hotly debated area with large oil reserves is", "choices": [ { "text": "NAWR", "label": "A" }, { "text": "USDA", "label": "B" }, { "text": "western Europe", "label": "C" }, { "text": "WARN", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ANWR", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When coal is used to produce electricity, what fraction of the original energy is lost in thermal conversion at the plant?", "choices": [ { "text": "", "label": "A" }, { "text": "", "label": "B" }, { "text": "", "label": "C" }, { "text": "", "label": "D" }, { "text": "", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A big concern facing geologists in long-term radioactive waste storage is that", "choices": [ { "text": "people living in the area will begin to glow in the dark", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the half-life will take even longer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "groundwater will seep into land sites and become contaminated", "label": "C" }, { "text": "people will mistake it for fluorescent minerals", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the public will not tolerate the necessary safety measures", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A nuclear reactor contains a core with many fuel rods containing", "choices": [ { "text": "steel pellets", "label": "A" }, { "text": "uranium oxide pellets", "label": "B" }, { "text": "iron pellets", "label": "C" }, { "text": "palladium pellets", "label": "D" }, { "text": "silicon pellets", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which country's government has strongly promoted increases in nuclear power use over the past 30 years?", "choices": [ { "text": "Columbia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Madagascar", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Holland", "label": "C" }, { "text": "France", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Spain", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An instrument used to detect radioactive ions is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "mass spectrometer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "metal detector", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ionization counter", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gas chromatograph", "label": "D" }, { "text": "high-performance liquid chromatograph", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A strong regulatory backlash to nuclear power in the United States occurred in response to the", "choices": [ { "text": "Three Mile Island accident", "label": "A" }, { "text": "first U.S", "label": "B" }, { "text": "September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks", "label": "C" }, { "text": "eruption of Mount St", "label": "D" }, { "text": "use of nuclear power in submarines", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "About 75% of the original energy in oil is lost during distillation into", "choices": [ { "text": "kerosene", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gasoline", "label": "B" }, { "text": "jet fuel", "label": "C" }, { "text": "road tar", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ethanol", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "DDT, which kills malaria-carrying mosquitoes, had a large negative impact on", "choices": [ { "text": "horses", "label": "A" }, { "text": "local ladybugs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "earthworms", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nontarget predatory bird species", "label": "D" }, { "text": "migrating robins", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When was the last nuclear power plant built and opened in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "1962", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1977", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1980", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1996", "label": "D" }, { "text": "2016", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The time for a radioactive element or isotope to degrade is known as its", "choices": [ { "text": "half-life", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fission potential", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transmutability point", "label": "C" }, { "text": "radioactive potential", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactive point", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Yucca Mountain, NV, facility, originally scheduled to open in 2017, was intended for the", "choices": [ { "text": "mining of uranium", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Department of Energy's yearly retreat", "label": "B" }, { "text": "storage of new power plant construction material", "label": "C" }, { "text": "protection of local inhabitants in the event of nuclear attack", "label": "D" }, { "text": "storage of spent uranium fuel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The biggest advantage of nuclear energy generation is that", "choices": [ { "text": "it is free", "label": "A" }, { "text": "it doesn't generate greenhouse gases", "label": "B" }, { "text": "it takes very few people to operate a plant", "label": "C" }, { "text": "it produces low-wattage power", "label": "D" }, { "text": "many developing countries are rapidly increa-sing their nuclear portfolio", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Decay of radioactive isotopes is affected by the", "choices": [ { "text": "isotopes' boiling point", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pressure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "properties of the isotopes' storage container", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stability of an element at a certain energy level", "label": "D" }, { "text": "size of the original sample", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "After Three Mile Island, much better plant and safety designs, along with the creation of which organization, occurred?", "choices": [ { "text": "Department of Energy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Occupational Health and Safety Organization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Department of the Interior", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Richard Smalley Nanotechnology Institute", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Institute of Nuclear Power Operations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Each year, roughly what amount of used fuel is created by every 1,000-megawatt nuclear electric power plant?", "choices": [ { "text": "10 metric tons", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25 metric tons", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30 metric tons", "label": "C" }, { "text": "50 metric tons", "label": "D" }, { "text": "65 metric tons", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "French scientist Marie Curie coined what term in 1898?", "choices": [ { "text": "Radioactivity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Isotope", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Half-life", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geological time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Fission", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Besides alpha and beta particles separated in a magnetic field, what other short-wavelength particles can be detected?", "choices": [ { "text": "Joules", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Quarks", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Gamma particles", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Radioactive dust", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Omega particles", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Radioactive elements provide power sources for all but which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Pacemakers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Generators", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Submarines", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Satellites", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Automobiles", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What important action did the Nuclear Regulatory Commission take in 2000?", "choices": [ { "text": "They decided to stop work on the Yucca Mountain waste storage site.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They issued the first-ever renewal of a nuclear power plant's operating license.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They offered green credits for nuclear energy.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They published a successful method of nuclear fusion.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They collaborated with France on better ways to store electric power.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nuclear power is commonly generated using the element", "choices": [ { "text": "copper", "label": "A" }, { "text": "actinium", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mercury", "label": "C" }, { "text": "uranium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "platinum", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Staebler-Wronski effect describes", "choices": [ { "text": "turbine wind shear factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "greenhouse gas warming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "geothermal heat exchange", "label": "C" }, { "text": "solar cell degradation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hydroelectric heat loss", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Geothermal reservoirs can reach temperatures of", "choices": [ { "text": "370\u00b0C", "label": "A" }, { "text": "560\u00b0C", "label": "B" }, { "text": "740\u00b0C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "820\u00b0C", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1,060\u00b0C", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Impoundment, diversion, and run-of-river are all types of", "choices": [ { "text": "solar cells", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wind turbines", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hydroelectric power plants", "label": "C" }, { "text": "canoes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "nuclear power plants", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Ethanol is used in the United States as a fuel additive to", "choices": [ { "text": "increase fuel safety", "label": "A" }, { "text": "keep the carburetor new", "label": "B" }, { "text": "supplement grain production", "label": "C" }, { "text": "reduce incomplete combustion emissions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "make gasoline last longer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Flowing water that creates energy and is turned into electricity is called", "choices": [ { "text": "nuclear power", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydroelectric power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "solar power", "label": "C" }, { "text": "thermal energy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "chemical energy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Turbines catch the wind with two to three propeller-like blades mounted on a shaft to form a", "choices": [ { "text": "rotor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "heat exchanger", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reservoir", "label": "C" }, { "text": "magnetic field", "label": "D" }, { "text": "storage battery", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of the world's population uses wood or charcoal as a main energy source?", "choices": [ { "text": "15%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "40%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "90%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When deep underground heat is transferred by thermal conduction through water to the surface, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "solar energy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nuclear energy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wind energy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "geothermal energy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cosmic energy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Sea surface temperature changes greater than 0.5\u00b0C for greater than 5 months across the central tropical Pacific Ocean are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "an arctic effect", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the jet stream", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a typhoon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ocean bloom", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Propeller-like turbine blades are used to generate electricity from", "choices": [ { "text": "sunlight", "label": "A" }, { "text": "rain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wind", "label": "C" }, { "text": "snow", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biomass", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What alternate source of renewable energy provides nearly 0.5% of total U.S. electricity?", "choices": [ { "text": "hydroelectricity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "coal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biomass", "label": "C" }, { "text": "geothermal", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wind", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) describes", "choices": [ { "text": "energy availability", "label": "A" }, { "text": "geothermal electricity requirements", "label": "B" }, { "text": "turbine motor speed", "label": "C" }, { "text": "environmental, social, and non-power characteristics of renewable electricity generation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "public acceptance of tidal energy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Tidal energy taps", "choices": [ { "text": "stream flow", "label": "A" }, { "text": "incoming and outgoing tides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "salinity levels", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rising geothermal magma", "label": "D" }, { "text": "melting icebergs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Industrial greenhouse gas emission profiles are products of which nonprofit organization?", "choices": [ { "text": "International Oil Tanker Owner's Pollution Federation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "GHG Registry", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Superfund", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Occupational Safety and Health Agency", "label": "D" }, { "text": "EcoPower", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Diffusing phosphorus onto boron-coated silicon wafers produces", "choices": [ { "text": "acetate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydroelectric conduits", "label": "B" }, { "text": "semiconductor connections", "label": "C" }, { "text": "radioactive markers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an electricity grid", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following are good sites for wind turbines except", "choices": [ { "text": "forests", "label": "A" }, { "text": "coastal areas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "plains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mountain passes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "open ocean", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The problem with ethanol is its ability to", "choices": [ { "text": "cause soil erosion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pollute drinking water", "label": "B" }, { "text": "evaporate into the atmosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increase the polluting effects of other compounds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "reduce organic compounds", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What element is released during electrolysis?", "choices": [ { "text": "Sulfur", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nitrogen", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Helium", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Radon", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hydrogen", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What safe fuel offers superior performance and is the fuel of choice for race cars?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hydrogen", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Methanol", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Gasohol", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ethanol", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Propane", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Earth gets more energy from the sun in an hour than", "choices": [ { "text": "New York City uses in a month", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Asia uses in a week", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the planet uses in a year", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Pacific Ocean can absorb", "label": "D" }, { "text": "photovoltaic cells can tolerate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, find the greatest noise level difference between the sound of a wind turbine and a", "choices": [ { "text": "refrigerator", "label": "A" }, { "text": "helicopter", "label": "B" }, { "text": "library", "label": "C" }, { "text": "washing machine", "label": "D" }, { "text": "jackhammer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The atmospheric layer largely responsible for absorbing the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the", "choices": [ { "text": "thermosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cumulus cloud", "label": "B" }, { "text": "troposphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stratonimbus", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ozone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Precipitation is considered acidic (e.g., rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog) if it has a pH less than", "choices": [ { "text": "pH 5.6", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pH 6.2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pH 7.0", "label": "C" }, { "text": "pH 8.2", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pH 9.0", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The four main polluting contaminant types include all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "inorganic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "organic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "acid-base", "label": "C" }, { "text": "drought", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactive", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Atmospheric gases blanketing the Earth exist in a mixture. What percent of this mixture is nitrogen (by volume)?", "choices": [ { "text": "8%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "36%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "58%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Taxes on fossil fuels, mining, energy, forestry, fishing and hunting licensing, garbage, effluent and emissions, and hazardous wastes are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "recreation taxes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "park taxes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "green taxes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "incentive taxes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "single use taxes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The atmospheric layer where all the local temperature, pressure, wind, and precipitation changes take place is the", "choices": [ { "text": "stratosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ionosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mesosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "troposphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "thermosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Why is thermal pollution a problem for marine organisms?", "choices": [ { "text": "They are hot-blooded and overheat.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Their metabolic processes break down.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They are adapted to wide temperature ranges.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They don't have a problem with it.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They live in many temperature niches.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When acid rain falls on limestone statues, monuments, and gravestones, discoloring and disfiguring surfaces, the process is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "dispensation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dissolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "suspension", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cementation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Brown urban smog is not emitted directly from specific sources, but formed in the atmosphere from nitrogen oxides and", "choices": [ { "text": "inorganic compounds", "label": "A" }, { "text": "volatile organic compounds", "label": "B" }, { "text": "potassium chloride", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fertilizer", "label": "D" }, { "text": "helium", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the workplace, bad air mixed with mold spores has led to", "choices": [ { "text": "shorter coffee breaks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "increased productivity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sick building syndrome", "label": "C" }, { "text": "reduced medical costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "greater appreciation of weekends", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Direct impacts on the hydrologic cycle include all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "flood", "label": "A" }, { "text": "drought", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "river flow", "label": "D" }, { "text": "groundwater reservoirs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Looking at the figure below asdf, what dose would be lethal to 25% of the population?", "choices": [ { "text": "4 ppm", "label": "A" }, { "text": "7 ppm", "label": "B" }, { "text": "9 ppm", "label": "C" }, { "text": "11 ppm", "label": "D" }, { "text": "14 ppm", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "City heat islands cause", "choices": [ { "text": "pollutants to collect", "label": "A" }, { "text": "residents to seek winter vacations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "less dust and lightning strikes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "reduced rainfall", "label": "D" }, { "text": "greater visibility", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Total organic carbon (TOC) levels are used by hydrologists to check the health of freshwater as it affects biogeochemical processes and", "choices": [ { "text": "climate change", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nutrient cycling", "label": "B" }, { "text": "annual rainfall", "label": "C" }, { "text": "biological unavailability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "carbon nanotube levels", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) is commonly called the", "choices": [ { "text": "Superfund", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Clean Air Interstate Rule", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Liability Limitation Act", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Clean Water Act", "label": "D" }, { "text": "CAFE standards", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of dissolved oxygen in water depends on", "choices": [ { "text": "temperature", "label": "A" }, { "text": "water flow volume", "label": "B" }, { "text": "water flow velocity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "number of organisms using oxygen for respiration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Turbidity is a measure of water's", "choices": [ { "text": "transparency", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cloudiness", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chlorination", "label": "C" }, { "text": "coagulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "flocculation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of oxygen depletion in water depends on the speed at which a stream can take up atmospheric oxygen and replenish its", "choices": [ { "text": "color", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pathogens", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reaeration capacity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "turbidity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "minerals", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The least likely way microscopic pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and protozoa) enter waterways is through", "choices": [ { "text": "untreated urban sewage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "farm runoff", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bilge water", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mining runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "family pet waste", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Greenhouses work", "choices": [ { "text": "by trapping the sun's heat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "when the walls and ceiling are painted green", "label": "B" }, { "text": "by cooling hot house plants to the dew point", "label": "C" }, { "text": "best when arctic mosses are grown", "label": "D" }, { "text": "when generators are used to maintain temperature", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Natural and industrial emission inventories contain", "choices": [ { "text": "geographical data", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the time period when emissions were generated", "label": "B" }, { "text": "types of activities causing emissions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the chemical and physical identity of pollutants", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Greenhouse gases include all the following, except", "choices": [ { "text": "water vapor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nitrous oxide", "label": "B" }, { "text": "carbon dioxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "methane", "label": "D" }, { "text": "butyric acid", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Climate change includes all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "a rise in sea levels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "changes in rainfall patterns", "label": "B" }, { "text": "cooling of the Earth's core", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rising temperatures", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increased incidence of extreme weather", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When fossil fuels are burned, adding to greenhouse gases and creating global warming, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "biodiversity lithification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gasification", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dissolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "enhanced greenhouse effect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Important decreases in greenhouse gas could be achieved by all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "stopping tropical deforestation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "mining and burning more coal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increasing agricultural and forestry best practices", "label": "C" }, { "text": "restoring and conserving degraded lands", "label": "D" }, { "text": "improving land productivity worldwide", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The 2004 United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity suggests that global warming is causing", "choices": [ { "text": "poor television reception", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an increase of mosquitoes in southern climates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "species habitat and migration shifts averaging 6.1 kilometers per decade toward the poles", "label": "C" }, { "text": "developing countries to use much more energy per person than developed countries.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "coastal areas to support increased numbers of mollusc species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Stabilizing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide will mean reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other heat-trapping gases to what percent of 1990 global levels?", "choices": [ { "text": "20%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "35%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "95%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following does not describe nitrogen oxides?", "choices": [ { "text": "They are stable gases.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They are blue in color.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They do not break down quickly.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They build up in the atmosphere.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They appear as a yellow-brown haze.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If the amount of human-produced carbon dioxide being absorbed into the oceans gets high enough, the ocean's top layer may become increasingly", "choices": [ { "text": "acidic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "basic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "opaque", "label": "C" }, { "text": "neutral", "label": "D" }, { "text": "murky", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Ranching, crops, number of pests and diseases, and native plants and animals will be impacted by", "choices": [ { "text": "greater number of vegetarians", "label": "A" }, { "text": "new farming subsidies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lower levels of carbon dioxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "climate change", "label": "D" }, { "text": "weaker environmental policies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Removal and storage of atmospheric carbon in carbon sinks (e.g., oceans, forests) through physical and biological processes is called", "choices": [ { "text": "acid rain", "label": "A" }, { "text": "carbon sequestration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lithification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dissolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "green energy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Compared to carbon dioxide, how do nitrogen oxides trap heat in the atmosphere?", "choices": [ { "text": "They don't trap heat at all.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They trap heat about 1% less efficiently.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They trap heat much more efficiently.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They trap heat about 10% less efficiently.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They trap heat much less efficiently.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What group developed guidelines to help countries create atmospheric inventories across international borders?", "choices": [ { "text": "EPA", "label": "A" }, { "text": "IPCC", "label": "B" }, { "text": "NASA", "label": "C" }, { "text": "CDC", "label": "D" }, { "text": "USDA", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Depending on the level of greenhouse gases in the next 100 to 200 years, scientists predict temperature increases between -16\u00b0C and -13\u00b0C, with sea levels rising up to", "choices": [ { "text": "2 meters", "label": "A" }, { "text": "5 meters", "label": "B" }, { "text": "8 meters", "label": "C" }, { "text": "9 meters", "label": "D" }, { "text": "15 meters", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Geological time is classified by scientists in different amounts (e.g., eons, eras, periods, and ______________).", "choices": [ { "text": "Camdenians", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Siberians", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bilatitudinals", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Orwellians", "label": "D" }, { "text": "epochs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Any solid material that settles out from a liquid is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "tektonikos", "label": "A" }, { "text": "magma", "label": "B" }, { "text": "putty", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sediment", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tephra", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Seismographs record earthquake primary waves, secondary waves, and", "choices": [ { "text": "plate boundaries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "relative dating", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mortality rate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "subduction zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wave amplitude", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "During volcanic explosions, more people are often killed by", "choices": [ { "text": "big rocks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "lava", "label": "B" }, { "text": "poisonous gases", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ash", "label": "D" }, { "text": "frightened mobs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The formation and movement of ocean and continental masses are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "mountain building", "label": "A" }, { "text": "plate tectonics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "subduction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "convection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "creep", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The term weather describes atmospheric conditions with respect to moisture, wind velocity, barometric pressure, and", "choices": [ { "text": "species diversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ground faults", "label": "B" }, { "text": "temperature", "label": "C" }, { "text": "erosion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pH levels", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Earth's rotation and tilt around the Sun causes different seasons geographically. Which global region gets the most solar energy?", "choices": [ { "text": "Jet stream", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Equator", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mesosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Polar region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Devon Island", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Relative humidity best describes", "choices": [ { "text": "wind currents", "label": "A" }, { "text": "point source humidity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "desertification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the relationship between air temperature and water vapor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a major drought factor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When wind changes speed or direction abruptly, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "gusty wind", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a front", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wind shear", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wind sock", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wind chill", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Earth's rotation is a major factor in", "choices": [ { "text": "the Coriolis effect", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gravitation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the South Atlantic anomaly", "label": "C" }, { "text": "summer storms", "label": "D" }, { "text": "temperature", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which layer of the atmosphere is the most active with regard to weather?", "choices": [ { "text": "Biosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Troposphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Ionosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stratosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Thermosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The measure of how easily water flows through soil is called its", "choices": [ { "text": "salinity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "permeability", "label": "B" }, { "text": "viscosity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fractionation zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sublimation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The zone of aeration is a soil layer where", "choices": [ { "text": "the spaces between particles are completely filled with water", "label": "A" }, { "text": "yearly tillage takes place", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nutrient-rich soil is located deep underground", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the spaces between particles are filled with air and water", "label": "D" }, { "text": "drought has caused cracks in the topsoil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When water enters an aquifer, it", "choices": [ { "text": "recharges", "label": "A" }, { "text": "becomes brackish", "label": "B" }, { "text": "evaporates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "is lost forever to human consumption", "label": "D" }, { "text": "loses ionization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Drainage basins with thousands of streams and rivers draining to them are also called", "choices": [ { "text": "calderas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "watersheds", "label": "B" }, { "text": "runoff zones", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cairns", "label": "D" }, { "text": "permeability basins", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The branch of geology that studies rock layers is called", "choices": [ { "text": "kinesiology", "label": "A" }, { "text": "volcanism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "erosion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stratigraphy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "metamorphism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The three main rock types are sedimentary, metamorphic, and", "choices": [ { "text": "Caledonic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "igneous", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lithos", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cambrian", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tephra", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "External pressure causes rocks to have different size crack and fractures called", "choices": [ { "text": "joints", "label": "A" }, { "text": "variants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "inclusions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "crystals", "label": "D" }, { "text": "limbs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When rocks of one type are changed into another type by heat or pressure, they become", "choices": [ { "text": "more porous", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fine sediment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "metamorphic rock", "label": "C" }, { "text": "less compacted", "label": "D" }, { "text": "more opaque", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rocks are broken down into smaller pieces in all of the following ways except", "choices": [ { "text": "frost", "label": "A" }, { "text": "biological weathering", "label": "B" }, { "text": "unloading", "label": "C" }, { "text": "granular integration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mechanical weathering", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A chemical reaction with water that speeds up chemical weathering is called", "choices": [ { "text": "acid rain", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ozone", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "erosion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "basic rain", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "At what general elevation is most of the Earth's life found?", "choices": [ { "text": "tallest mountains", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sea level", "label": "B" }, { "text": "over 4,000 kilometers in height from the land surface", "label": "C" }, { "text": "deep ocean floor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "2,000 kilometers beneath the sea", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The close relationship between organisms of different species that may or may not help each other is called", "choices": [ { "text": "symbiosis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "predation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "realized niche", "label": "C" }, { "text": "founder effect", "label": "D" }, { "text": "macroevolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Chance alterations in the genetic material of a cell's nucleus are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "genetic selection", "label": "A" }, { "text": "interspecific competition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "messenger RNA", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mitosis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The overall number of different organisms, species, and ecosystems is called", "choices": [ { "text": "mutualism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bottleneck effect", "label": "C" }, { "text": "biodiversity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "adaptation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When ammonia is taken up by plants, dissolved by water, or stored in soil to be converted to nitrates, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "calcification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydrolysis", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sublimation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nitrification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lithification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A species' placement within a food chain or web is known as its", "choices": [ { "text": "niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "trophic level", "label": "B" }, { "text": "predatory limit", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ecological pyramid", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biological cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The hydrologic cycle includes all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "condensation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "evaporation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "respiration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transpiration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "precipitation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Plants use sunlight in visible wavelengths to produce energy in a process called", "choices": [ { "text": "symbiosis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "concretion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ionization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "photosynthesis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "halitosis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Life expectancy is the number of years a person is expected to live based upon", "choices": [ { "text": "cholesterol levels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "neighborhood", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gut microbiome", "label": "C" }, { "text": "statistical probability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "availability to clean water", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In Charles Darwin's 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, he states that limited resources result in ________________ and that only the strongest species survive to pass on their genetics.", "choices": [ { "text": "competition", "label": "A" }, { "text": "overabundance", "label": "B" }, { "text": "language development", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wars", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hoarding", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The average amount of time a chemical element spends in a geological reservoir cycle is called its", "choices": [ { "text": "realized niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "horizon", "label": "B" }, { "text": "residence time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "range", "label": "D" }, { "text": "oxidation limit", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The IPCC is most important in studying", "choices": [ { "text": "cloud formation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "natural selection", "label": "B" }, { "text": "climate change", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetic stability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "evolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The lowest number of individuals needed for a species' continued survival is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "flock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "target species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "R-adapted species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "100 strong", "label": "D" }, { "text": "minimum viable population size", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What tool do scientists use to study and predict changes in a population?", "choices": [ { "text": "Biological cycles", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Age-structure diagrams", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natality rates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Emigration statistics", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Exponential growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "To preserve natural resources, we can reduce usage by all the following except:", "choices": [ { "text": "using rain barrels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "composting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "taking longer showers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "car pooling", "label": "D" }, { "text": "bicycling to class or work", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What population dynamic principle is described by the equation rN = \u0394N/\u0394t?", "choices": [ { "text": "Exponential growth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Life span", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Biotic potential", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Fecundity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Urban sprawl", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What organisms perform photosynthesis to produce energy and draw carbon out of the atmosphere?", "choices": [ { "text": "Whales", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Tulips", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Plankton", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Algae", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Deep sea tube worms", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When considering sustainable harvests in forest management, which of the following is a key consideration?", "choices": [ { "text": "Land value", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Recreational use", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Temperature", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Fire impacts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Urban population", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Due to the problem of storing water and finding shelter from extreme heat, which are the dominant creatures in warm deserts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Snakes and lizards", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Coyotes and foxes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Horses", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Water buffalo and rhinos", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Grasshoppers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are pesticides except", "choices": [ { "text": "odonticides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "insecticides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "acaricides", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fungicides", "label": "D" }, { "text": "herbicides", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "With regard to plant produce, the acronym GMO stands for", "choices": [ { "text": "generally mild odor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "guaranteed multiyear organic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "genetically modified organism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "green malodorous onion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "genetically maintained organism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Looking at the table below asdf, which of the following is a type of natural organic pesticide?", "choices": [ { "text": "Malathion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Urethane", "label": "B" }, { "text": "DDT", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Aromatic oils", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Arsenic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Logistic growth is obtained from the equation rN(1 - N/K) = \u0394N/\u0394t, where K is", "choices": [ { "text": "birth rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "death rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "carrying capacity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a density-independent factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the environmental resistance factor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Non-native (alien) species are transplanted by all the following, except", "choices": [ { "text": "ship's ballast water", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wind", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hitchhikers on another species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "humans (e.g., releasing exotic pets)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "swimming to a nearby area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that nearly three billion people suffer from", "choices": [ { "text": "color blindness", "label": "A" }, { "text": "agricultural flooding", "label": "B" }, { "text": "malnourishment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rickets", "label": "D" }, { "text": "poor fashion sense", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Old-growth forests have", "choices": [ { "text": "low rainfall", "label": "A" }, { "text": "never been harvested", "label": "B" }, { "text": "limited species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased in recent years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "poor drainage", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of total greenhouse gases comes from carbon dioxide?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "70%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The large-scale, total elimination of trees from an area is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "crop control", "label": "A" }, { "text": "selective cutting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "green evolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wetlands", "label": "D" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The first phase in the formation of a hurricane is", "choices": [ { "text": "a drop in barometric pressure", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a rise in barometric pressure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "temperature decrease", "label": "C" }, { "text": "northerly winds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a tsunami", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In plate tectonics, colliding plates along a convergent margin often form", "choices": [ { "text": "a ridge", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hotspots", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rifts", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a continental shelf", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an ocean trench", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Scientists use the IPAT equation (I = P \u00d7 A \u00d7 T) to find", "choices": [ { "text": "soil horizon depths", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a population's carrying capacity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a population's impact on area resources", "label": "C" }, { "text": "beach erosion rates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biodiversity of endangered species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Six of the world's eight largest cities (population greater than 10 million) are", "choices": [ { "text": "polluted", "label": "A" }, { "text": "coastal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "powered by geothermal energy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "easily reached by airplane", "label": "D" }, { "text": "motion picture filming locations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the major problem with shared global resources?", "choices": [ { "text": "They can be exploited by a single group", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Distribution is easy and cheap", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cultural traditions are never considered", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It is easier to see who is misusing resources", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Everyone agrees on what is a shared resource", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All organisms need __________ to function.", "choices": [ { "text": "light", "label": "A" }, { "text": "energy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "internet", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nitrogen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "heat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Deserts cover approximately what percentage of the Earth's land surface?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "45%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "60%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "How many toxic air pollutants are released yearly from U.S. mining operations as estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency?", "choices": [ { "text": "50", "label": "A" }, { "text": "100", "label": "B" }, { "text": "200", "label": "C" }, { "text": "275", "label": "D" }, { "text": "400", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If a species can't adapt or find new habitat, it can become", "choices": [ { "text": "overgrown", "label": "A" }, { "text": "economically undesirable", "label": "B" }, { "text": "competitively aggressive", "label": "C" }, { "text": "extinct", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a foundation species", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Water may spend as little as 2 days in the hydrologic cycle or as much as", "choices": [ { "text": "1 month", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1 year", "label": "B" }, { "text": "100 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1,000 years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "10,000 years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The extreme compression of ancient organic plant and animal materials in the Earth's crust form", "choices": [ { "text": "deserts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "diatoms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Antarctic ice sheets", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fossil fuels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wetlands", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The First Law of Thermodynamics describes how", "choices": [ { "text": "energy cannot be created or destroyed", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the universe tends toward order", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fossil fuels are inorganic in origin", "label": "C" }, { "text": "temperatures only rise in equatorial climates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "energy is never transported", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The area needed for a population to provide for itself and dispose of its waste is called its", "choices": [ { "text": "range", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ecological footprint", "label": "B" }, { "text": "naturalization zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "realized niche", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sanitation cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Frost wedging represents what type of weathering?", "choices": [ { "text": "Saline", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Chemical", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Physical", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Solar", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Biological", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the biological carbon cycle, the two major processes that play a role in carbon movement are photosynthesis and", "choices": [ { "text": "parasitism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "respiration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "perspiration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "evacuation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Gause's principle explains that", "choices": [ { "text": "populations are independent of resource consumption", "label": "A" }, { "text": "no two species can fill the same niche at the same time", "label": "B" }, { "text": "organisms adapt and reproduce in a changing environment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "genetic changes are never random", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all living things are grouped into species or separate types", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The term for energy's rate of flow is", "choices": [ { "text": "meter/second", "label": "A" }, { "text": "joule", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gram", "label": "C" }, { "text": "power", "label": "D" }, { "text": "newton", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which fossil fuel needs little refining and is burned with 75-95% efficiency?", "choices": [ { "text": "Gasoline", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Tar", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natural gas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Diesel", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Jet fuel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following does the United States depend on for 85% of its energy?", "choices": [ { "text": "Wind", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Geothermal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Nuclear", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Fossil fuels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Solar", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Water is critical to life, but as many as _____ people worldwide don't have access to clean, safe water.", "choices": [ { "text": "1 million", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10 million", "label": "B" }, { "text": "100 million", "label": "C" }, { "text": "500 million", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1 billion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When oil is distilled into gasoline, what percentage of the original energy is lost?", "choices": [ { "text": "20%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "60%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nuclear power is primarily created in one of two ways: fission and", "choices": [ { "text": "condensation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "radiation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "flatulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sublimation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Breeder reactors, which produce more energy than they use can provide energy for", "choices": [ { "text": "a decade", "label": "A" }, { "text": "50 years", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a century", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a millennium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a million years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following are all positive uses of radioactive elements, except", "choices": [ { "text": "pacemakers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "crop fertilizers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "power plants", "label": "C" }, { "text": "satellites", "label": "D" }, { "text": "submarines", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 1898, which scientist coined the term radioactivity?", "choices": [ { "text": "Robert Rhodes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Marie Curie", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stephen Petkoff", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Alice Screws", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Richard Brannon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Of the 439 nuclear power plants worldwide, how many are in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "62", "label": "A" }, { "text": "88", "label": "B" }, { "text": "104", "label": "C" }, { "text": "117", "label": "D" }, { "text": "123", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Plants use sunlight as energy that is released as ____________ when burned.", "choices": [ { "text": "heat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "methane", "label": "B" }, { "text": "electricity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "titanium dioxide", "label": "D" }, { "text": "nitrous oxide", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A disadvantage of ethanol as a fuel alternative is its", "choices": [ { "text": "high cost", "label": "A" }, { "text": "extremely slow adoption and use in the United States", "label": "B" }, { "text": "solvency of toxic chemicals in the soil and groundwater", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ability to increase incomplete combustion emissions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "quenching of benzene's polluting effects", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Staebler-Wronski effect describes", "choices": [ { "text": "wind turbine wobble", "label": "A" }, { "text": "solar cell degradation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "isotope decay", "label": "C" }, { "text": "geothermal heat exchange", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hydroelectric flow rates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What additive is used in the United States to lower incomplete combustion emissions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Methanol", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Benzene", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Neon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ethanol", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ammonia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Electricity sent out in small amounts to nearby points where it is needed is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "central power", "label": "A" }, { "text": "off-grid power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "green tags", "label": "C" }, { "text": "certified power", "label": "D" }, { "text": "distributed power", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The main component of organic matter is", "choices": [ { "text": "carbon", "label": "A" }, { "text": "potassium", "label": "B" }, { "text": "calcium", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sodium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "iron", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percentage of U.S. power comes from geothermal energy?", "choices": [ { "text": "5%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "15%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When a layer of warm air rolls over the top of cooler air in cities rimmed by mountains, it is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "wind shear", "label": "A" }, { "text": "temperature updraft", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stratospheric smog event", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ionosphere conversion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "temperature inversion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nutrient cycling, biological availability, and chemical transport are important for marine organisms. What do hydrologists test to check the health of freshwater?", "choices": [ { "text": "Red tide concentrations", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Total organic carbon (TOC)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geothermal vents", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Lily pad formation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The burning of oil and gas products in vehicles produce all the following products, except", "choices": [ { "text": "nitrogen oxides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "volatile organic compounds (vocs)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lead", "label": "C" }, { "text": "neon", "label": "D" }, { "text": "benzene", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Toxic pollutants trapped indoors and mixed with mold spores has led to", "choices": [ { "text": "fungi remediation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decreased sick days", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sick building syndrome", "label": "C" }, { "text": "greater productivity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "construction fines", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) for motor vehicles was created by the", "choices": [ { "text": "Department of Energy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Occupational Safety and Health Administration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Clean Air Act", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Energy Policy and Conservation Act", "label": "D" }, { "text": "National Ambient Air Quality Standards", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Hydrologists check the health of freshwater streams by measuring", "choices": [ { "text": "total organic carbon levels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "particulate levels", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dead zones", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sodium levels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "algal levels", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following pH measurements from water could indicate acidic mine drainage?", "choices": [ { "text": "pH 5.1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pH 6.8", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pH 7.3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "pH 8.0", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pH 8.2", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When atmospheric gases are not released into space but build up in the Earth's atmosphere, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "atmospheric conversion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "greenhouse effect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "aerosol stratification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lithification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "global cooling", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural greenhouse gas and contributes approximately what percentage to the greenhouse effect?", "choices": [ { "text": "28%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "45%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "60%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "93%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When atmospheric gases keep heat from being released back into space, allowing it to build up in the Earth's atmosphere, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "the El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the greenhouse effect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "carbon sequestration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the swamp gas outcome", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the smog effect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which colorless, odorless, flammable hydrocarbon released by the breakdown of organic matter and coal carbonization is the second biggest additive to the greenhouse effect?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ozone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Chlorophyll", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Methane", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Benzene", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ammonia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which atmospheric bodyguard has a crucial role in protecting life on Earth from radiation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Phosphorus", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Oxygen", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Nickel", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Helium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ozone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference in the climate's average state or its variability over an extended period of time is summarized as", "choices": [ { "text": "desertification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the greenhouse effect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "glaciation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "climate change", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of open space between soil particles is called", "choices": [ { "text": "aridity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "saturation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "crystallization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "porosity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lithification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Uranium oxide, found in granite and other volcanic rocks, is also known as", "choices": [ { "text": "pitchblende", "label": "A" }, { "text": "talc", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tritium", "label": "C" }, { "text": "feldspar", "label": "D" }, { "text": "gneiss", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "With international timber trade at over $200 billion/year, which of the following three countries produce the most?", "choices": [ { "text": "The United States, Philippines, and Colombia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Canada, Poland, and Spain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Russia, Canada, and the United States", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Scotland, the United States, and Finland", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Canada, India, and Egypt", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 1996, Congress passed the Food Quality Protection Act, which allowed the EPA to", "choices": [ { "text": "establish organic farm standards", "label": "A" }, { "text": "set limits on combined pesticide exposures", "label": "B" }, { "text": "eliminate DDT from use", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increase biomagnifications", "label": "D" }, { "text": "plant more apple trees", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are all", "choices": [ { "text": "used in carbonated drinks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "used by dentists", "label": "B" }, { "text": "greenhouse gases", "label": "C" }, { "text": "produced by gaseous cattle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "inorganic gases", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Earth's water is stored for long periods of time in", "choices": [ { "text": "swimming pools", "label": "A" }, { "text": "caverns", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mountain streams", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stock ponds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "reservoirs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "CAFE Tier 2 standards reduced nitrous oxide emissions and", "choices": [ { "text": "calcium emissions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "methane emissions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ozone emissions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "CFC emissions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sulfur emissions", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Greenhouse gases are", "choices": [ { "text": "mostly released from gardening sheds", "label": "A" }, { "text": "not a growing problem", "label": "B" }, { "text": "primarily argon and xenon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a natural part of the atmosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "always found in humid forests", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The measurement of the number of hydrogen ions in water is called", "choices": [ { "text": "pH", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydrogenation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "total carbon content", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dissolved oxygen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactive decay", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pitchblende is another name for", "choices": [ { "text": "calcium chloride", "label": "A" }, { "text": "iodine", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bismuth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "uranium oxide", "label": "D" }, { "text": "magnesium sulfate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Biofuels are primarily produced from", "choices": [ { "text": "tar", "label": "A" }, { "text": "diatoms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "asparagus", "label": "C" }, { "text": "corn", "label": "D" }, { "text": "starfish", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The IUCN focuses the bulk of its environmental efforts on all of the following, except", "choices": [ { "text": "economic development of hotspots", "label": "A" }, { "text": "preserving natural processes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "protecting genetic diversity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "water purification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "upholding sustainability of wild species and ecosystems", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of the world's population lives within 100 km of a coastline?", "choices": [ { "text": "15%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "66%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "72%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Since heat moves from hotter to colder areas, the Earth's heat moves from its fiery center toward the", "choices": [ { "text": "North Pole", "label": "A" }, { "text": "oceans", "label": "B" }, { "text": "forests", "label": "C" }, { "text": "core", "label": "D" }, { "text": "surface", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The average amount of time an element, like carbon or calcium, spends in a geological reservoir is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "pool time", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cosmic time", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dissolution time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "standard time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "residence time", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Water held within plants returns to the atmosphere as a vapor through a process called", "choices": [ { "text": "evacuation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "transpiration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "condensation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "resuscitation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Infectious, pathological, and chemotherapy waste are types of", "choices": [ { "text": "fossil fuel waste", "label": "A" }, { "text": "agricultural waste", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biological waste", "label": "C" }, { "text": "radioactive waste", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cyber waste", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Where fresh river water joins salty ocean water, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "polluted", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "silted", "label": "C" }, { "text": "brackish", "label": "D" }, { "text": "backwash", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, is", "choices": [ { "text": "sooty and polluted", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an ice-covered wasteland", "label": "B" }, { "text": "balmy and temperate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "extremely difficult to reach by train", "label": "D" }, { "text": "heated completely by geothermal energy from volcanic sources", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What book, written by marine biologist Rachel Carson in 1962, warned of herbicide and pesticide hazards?", "choices": [ { "text": "", "label": "A" }, { "text": "", "label": "B" }, { "text": "", "label": "C" }, { "text": "", "label": "D" }, { "text": "", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Atmospheric gases blanketing the Earth exist in a mixture. What percent of this mixture is oxygen (by volume)?", "choices": [ { "text": "8%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "36%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "58%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "79%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Eurasia, North America, and South America make up the", "choices": [ { "text": "hot continents", "label": "A" }, { "text": "prime vacation spots for families", "label": "B" }, { "text": "six major land masses", "label": "C" }, { "text": "six wonders of the world", "label": "D" }, { "text": "highest producers of methane globally", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nitrogen's residence time in the environment is approximately", "choices": [ { "text": "4 years", "label": "A" }, { "text": "40 years", "label": "B" }, { "text": "4,000 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "4 million years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "400 million years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The rule of 70 is used by researchers to estimate a population's", "choices": [ { "text": "fertility", "label": "A" }, { "text": "survivorship", "label": "B" }, { "text": "use of resources", "label": "C" }, { "text": "doubling time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "density", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The biggest human-supplied gas to the greenhouse effect is", "choices": [ { "text": "carbon dioxide", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sulfur dioxide", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ammonia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "methane", "label": "D" }, { "text": "potassium chloride", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The 1979 Hollywood movie The China Syndrome was about", "choices": [ { "text": "nuclear power", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydroelectric power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wind power", "label": "C" }, { "text": "solar power", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geothermal power", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The law of horizontality describes", "choices": [ { "text": "igneous rock formation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "how older rock layers are deeper underground than younger layers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "art deco design", "label": "C" }, { "text": "volcanic blast patterns", "label": "D" }, { "text": "younger rock layers deeper than older layers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When water soaks into the ground, it's called", "choices": [ { "text": "evaporation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "transpiration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "infiltration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "respiration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "precipitation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What simple mode of power generation was once used to grind grain and pump water?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hydroelectric", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nuclear", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dog sled", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Electric generator", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Wind", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Approximately how many people around the world depend on fuel wood as their main fuel source?", "choices": [ { "text": "500,000", "label": "A" }, { "text": "800,000", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1.5 billion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "3 billion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "4 billion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The layer of rock that drifts slowly over the supporting, malleable, upper mantle layer is called", "choices": [ { "text": "a geological plate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a guyot", "label": "B" }, { "text": "magmic rock", "label": "C" }, { "text": "tellurite", "label": "D" }, { "text": "bedrock", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is thought to create the most greenhouse gases?", "choices": [ { "text": "Belching cows", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Jet contrails", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Fertilizers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Motorcycles", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Burning of fossil fuels", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "While 16% of stratospheric chlorine comes from natural sources, what percentage comes from human-made sources?", "choices": [ { "text": "23%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "37%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "58%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "84%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "90%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When plants absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight to make glucose and build cellular structures, it is part of the", "choices": [ { "text": "biological carbon cycle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "astrological cycle", "label": "B" }, { "text": "calcium cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "remediation cycle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sulfur cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "On a per capita basis, which country is the world's largest nuclear power producer?", "choices": [ { "text": "Argentina", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Spain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "India", "label": "C" }, { "text": "France", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Canada", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pollutants from agriculture, storm runoff, lawn fertilizers, and sewer overflows are", "choices": [ { "text": "point source", "label": "A" }, { "text": "open source", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nonpoint source", "label": "C" }, { "text": "easy to trace", "label": "D" }, { "text": "always absorbed by wetlands", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which process removes and stores atmospheric carbon in carbon sinks (e.g., oceans, forests) through physical and biological processes like photosynthesis?", "choices": [ { "text": "Carbon sequestration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Denudation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Global warming", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Temperature inversion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Volcanism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An air current found between 10-14 km above the Earth's surface in the troposphere is the", "choices": [ { "text": "hurricane", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Coriolis effect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "equatorial wind", "label": "C" }, { "text": "jet stream", "label": "D" }, { "text": "typhoon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which gas is the second biggest additive to the greenhouse effect at around 20%?", "choices": [ { "text": "Propane", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Methane", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Carbon dioxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Neon", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Helium", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When flowing water creates electricity, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "rafting power", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydroelectric power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "solar power", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dispersion power", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geothermal power", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following are water pollution contaminants except", "choices": [ { "text": "heat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fertilizers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Coho salmon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "oil spills", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactivity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Tidal turbines driven by ocean currents are called", "choices": [ { "text": "mills", "label": "A" }, { "text": "funnels", "label": "B" }, { "text": "PV cells", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dams", "label": "D" }, { "text": "barrages", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a layer of the atmosphere?", "choices": [ { "text": "Decosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cryosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stratosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Lithosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Blue sphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When elemental isotopes are spun off and energy is emitted in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma particles, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "a solar flare", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fireworks", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chemical erosion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "halogens", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactive decay", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "How many oxygen atoms does ozone have?", "choices": [ { "text": "1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What was used to light homes before the invention of the lightbulb in 1879?", "choices": [ { "text": "Kerosene", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Propane", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Wind power", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Creosote", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sheep oil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Point source and nonpoint source pollutants are important in which major environmental cycle?", "choices": [ { "text": "Calcium cycle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Carbon cycle", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hydrology cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rock cycle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sulfur cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Made of semiconducting materials, which one of these converts sunlight directly into electricity?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mood rings", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hydroelectric power plants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Nuclear fuel rods", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Photovoltaic cells", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Magnifying lens", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following absorbs the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, in a big way?", "choices": [ { "text": "Streams", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Forests", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Uranium oxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cattle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Champagne", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The annual thinning of the ozone layer (i.e., extremely low ozone levels) shows drops of over", "choices": [ { "text": "15%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "30%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "60%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "90%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Most streams follow a branching drainage pattern, which is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "dendritic drainage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "radial drainage", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rectangular drainage", "label": "C" }, { "text": "composite drainage", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fractionated drainage", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What are severe storms called in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and Philippines?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tsunamis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Blue northern", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Rainy season", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Typhoons", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hurricanes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When harnessing wind power, propeller-like turbine blades are used to generate", "choices": [ { "text": "tourism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "electricity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "oxygen", "label": "C" }, { "text": "heat", "label": "D" }, { "text": "coastal winds", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis are found in which atmospheric layer?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mesosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stratosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tropopause", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Thermosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Troposphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Getting more oil from a previously drilled deposit using other methods is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "risky endeavor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "barrage", "label": "B" }, { "text": "secondary recovery", "label": "C" }, { "text": "passive extraction", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tectonic convergence", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Acid rain has been measured in", "choices": [ { "text": "the United States", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Netherlands", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Australia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Japan", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Radioactive waste material, created by mining, includes", "choices": [ { "text": "boat sewage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "uranium dust", "label": "B" }, { "text": "oil spills", "label": "C" }, { "text": "biomedical waste", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tube worms", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following public reactions was not a result of the first Earth Day?", "choices": [ { "text": "Knowledge of endangered species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Awakening to limited resources", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Impression that fossil fuels would last indefinitely", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Protection of the planet", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Importance of air and water pollutants", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rainfall and streams on the east side of the Rocky Mountains drain to the Atlantic Ocean, while flowing water from the Rocky Mountain's western slopes runs to the", "choices": [ { "text": "Gulf of Mexico", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hudson Bay", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pacific Ocean", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Indian Ocean", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Great Lakes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Global warming works a lot like", "choices": [ { "text": "an island hotspot", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a greenhouse", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Gulf Stream", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a guesthouse", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an electric blanket", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Of the 5,513 known species of mammals, what percent is currently vulnerable or endangered?", "choices": [ { "text": "2%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "7%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "10%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "22%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The middle layer between the lower stratosphere and the thermosphere is called the", "choices": [ { "text": "troposphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ionosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "outer space", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mesosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Approximately how many streams has the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) counted in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "100,000 to 200,000", "label": "A" }, { "text": "550,000 to 1 million", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1.5 to 2 million", "label": "C" }, { "text": "2 to 3 million", "label": "D" }, { "text": "3 to 4 million", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What measures the rate of heat loss from exposed skin to the surrounding air?", "choices": [ { "text": "Thermometer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Wind chill factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Barometer", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Wind shear", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Seismograph", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "At the upper edge of the zone of saturation and the lower edge of the zone of aeration is the", "choices": [ { "text": "bedrock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "lithosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "epicenter", "label": "C" }, { "text": "water table", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mantle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Mississippi River drains 320 million km2 of land area and is a", "choices": [ { "text": "first-order stream", "label": "A" }, { "text": "second-order stream", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fifth-order stream", "label": "C" }, { "text": "tenth-order stream", "label": "D" }, { "text": "twelfth-order stream", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Mariana Trench (five times as deep as the Grand Canyon) is over", "choices": [ { "text": "1,000 meters deep", "label": "A" }, { "text": "3,000 meters deep", "label": "B" }, { "text": "5,000 meters deep", "label": "C" }, { "text": "8,000 meters deep", "label": "D" }, { "text": "11,000 meters deep", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which atmospheric layer can reach temperatures of nearly 2,000\u00b0C?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tropopause", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mesosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Thermosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Troposphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Lithosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 1998, the United Nations declared the", "choices": [ { "text": "first ban on clear-cutting of forests", "label": "A" }, { "text": "International Year of Science", "label": "B" }, { "text": "end to Daylight Savings Time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "International Year of the Ocean", "label": "D" }, { "text": "war on drug trafficking", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A Class 4 hurricane has winds measuring", "choices": [ { "text": "65 to 82 knots", "label": "A" }, { "text": "83 to 95 knots", "label": "B" }, { "text": "96 to 113 knots", "label": "C" }, { "text": "114 to 135 knots", "label": "D" }, { "text": ">135 knots", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following characteristics describe r-adapted species except", "choices": [ { "text": "long life", "label": "A" }, { "text": "rapid growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "adaptation to varied environment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "niche generalist", "label": "D" }, { "text": "prey", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If a population's growth is slow with low birth rates and low death rates, which demographic type would it describe?", "choices": [ { "text": "Preindustrial", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Industrial", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Transitional", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Postindustrial", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pretransitional", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When high levels of phosphates cause the overgrowth of aquatic plants and algae, high dissolved oxygen consumption, and fish death, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "flocculation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "calcification", "label": "B" }, { "text": "aeration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fossilization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "eutrophication", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a disinfectant used in many water treatment plants?", "choices": [ { "text": "Toluene", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Arsenic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Vinegar", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Chlorine", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ammonia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An earthquake that moves heavy furniture and is felt by everyone but has slight overall damage is measured on the Richter scale (refer to the table below asdf) as", "choices": [ { "text": "3.0 to 3.9", "label": "A" }, { "text": "4.0 to 4.9", "label": "B" }, { "text": "5.0 to 5.9", "label": "C" }, { "text": "6.0 to 6.9", "label": "D" }, { "text": "7.0 and higher", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the main energy or heat source for the ocean's food chain?", "choices": [ { "text": "Magnesium nodules", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hydroelectric power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sunlight", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Wind", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Bioluminescence", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The categories, extremely arid, arid, and semiarid, describe", "choices": [ { "text": "deserts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "oceans", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tornadoes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "glaciers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "forests", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gathered over 200 scientists and national experts to work together to help countries create", "choices": [ { "text": "crop rotation schedules", "label": "A" }, { "text": "guidelines to atmospheric inventories across international borders", "label": "B" }, { "text": "World Bank lending methods", "label": "C" }, { "text": "green certificates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a communal resource management system", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Residence time is the", "choices": [ { "text": "time you spend at home after school", "label": "A" }, { "text": "emigration time of non-native species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "growth time of kelp beds", "label": "C" }, { "text": "time magma spends in the mantle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "time water spends in the groundwater part of the hydrologic cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The replacement birth rate is always", "choices": [ { "text": "2", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the number an industrial country allows each couple", "label": "B" }, { "text": "one-half the number of children a couple has", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the number of children a couple needs to replace themselves in a population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the number of grandchildren divided by the number of parents", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What weather process has become the \"bad boy\" of the world's weather shifts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Evapotranspiration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Trade winds", "label": "B" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "High humidity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Glaciation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Aquifers that lie beneath layers of impermeable clay are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "unconfined aquifers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "confined aquifers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dry aquifers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fractured aquifers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "balanced aquifers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Ozone has a distinctive odor and is", "choices": [ { "text": "purple", "label": "A" }, { "text": "black", "label": "B" }, { "text": "blue", "label": "C" }, { "text": "yellow", "label": "D" }, { "text": "red", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The bioprocess of taking DNA from one species and splicing it into the genetic material of another is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "genetic engineering", "label": "A" }, { "text": "biological sustainability", "label": "B" }, { "text": "genetic preservation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "evolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biodiversity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pathogenic microorganisms cause", "choices": [ { "text": "weight gain", "label": "A" }, { "text": "increased water salinity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "diabetes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "typhoid fever", "label": "D" }, { "text": "reduced tourism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Globally, at least 1,000 insect species and 550 weed and plant pathogens have developed chemical resistance to", "choices": [ { "text": "pesticides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sodium", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pollen", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rodenticides", "label": "D" }, { "text": "carbon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is not known to cause water turbidity?", "choices": [ { "text": "Plankton", "label": "A" }, { "text": "River rocks", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Silt", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Clay", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Organic matter", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Cost-effective photovoltaic systems are great for remote cabins, and beach or vacation homes without", "choices": [ { "text": "flashlight batteries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sewer systems", "label": "B" }, { "text": "access to an electricity grid", "label": "C" }, { "text": "telephones", "label": "D" }, { "text": "landscape lighting", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Water covers roughly what percent of Earth's surface?", "choices": [ { "text": "27%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "45%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "64%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "72%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "80%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Evaporation occurs when", "choices": [ { "text": "water freezes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "water changes from a liquid to a gas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "plants turn toward the sun", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rainfall leads to runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "water resides underground for a long time", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of surface area needed to meet a population's needs and to dispose of its waste is its", "choices": [ { "text": "urban transit area", "label": "A" }, { "text": "population baseline", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ecological footprint", "label": "C" }, { "text": "public to federal land ratio", "label": "D" }, { "text": "human impact", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A buildup of toxins in the tissues of predatory birds eating poisoned rodents and other small animals is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "natural selection", "label": "A" }, { "text": "conservation of species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biocide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "bioaccumulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lipid detoxification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The boundary between two watersheds is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "divide", "label": "A" }, { "text": "continental shelf", "label": "B" }, { "text": "water table", "label": "C" }, { "text": "scarp", "label": "D" }, { "text": "plateau", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The two main ways geologists describe rock textures are grain size and", "choices": [ { "text": "smoothness", "label": "A" }, { "text": "size", "label": "B" }, { "text": "brittleness", "label": "C" }, { "text": "radioactivity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "color", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Total organic carbon is used by hydrologists to", "choices": [ { "text": "determine pesticide uses", "label": "A" }, { "text": "study the crystalline structure of minerals", "label": "B" }, { "text": "check the health of freshwater", "label": "C" }, { "text": "classify sedimentary particles", "label": "D" }, { "text": "standardize no", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Circulating air and water patterns affected by the Earth's rotation are known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "geomorphic cycle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "carbonization effect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "geosynclinal cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Coriolis effect", "label": "D" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Referring to the table below asdf, mercury and arsenic are in which class of pesticides?", "choices": [ { "text": "Natural organic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Inorganic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Microbial", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Organophosphates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Carbamate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The rationale for protecting wilderness areas supports all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "wildlife refuges and reproductive areas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "research basis for species' changes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "place of solitude and primitive recreation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "area of undisturbed natural beauty for future generations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increased water pollution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Fecal coliform bacteria are naturally found in", "choices": [ { "text": "frozen ponds", "label": "A" }, { "text": "eggplants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "petrified wood", "label": "C" }, { "text": "feces and intestinal tracts of humans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hot water tanks", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following factors is not used to classify deserts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Volcanism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Humidity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Wind", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Total rainfall", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Temperature", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which greenhouse gas is about 145% higher now than it was in the 1800s?", "choices": [ { "text": "Butane", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nitrogen", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Methane", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Oxygen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Carbon dioxide", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The three main rock types are sedimentary, metamorphic, and", "choices": [ { "text": "glacial", "label": "A" }, { "text": "crystalline", "label": "B" }, { "text": "freeze-fractured", "label": "C" }, { "text": "igneous", "label": "D" }, { "text": "opaque", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Volcanoes form when vents rise to the surface from a", "choices": [ { "text": "magma chamber", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sediment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "trend", "label": "C" }, { "text": "clavicle", "label": "D" }, { "text": "epicenter", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The atmosphere is divided into four layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and", "choices": [ { "text": "radiosphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "humidity layer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "isobars", "label": "C" }, { "text": "thermosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sea level", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount, distribution, and movement of water on, in, and above the Earth is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "humidity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hydrology", "label": "B" }, { "text": "harmonics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "horology", "label": "D" }, { "text": "heliology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, what three main processes are involved when sedimentary rock becomes igneous rock?", "choices": [ { "text": "Deposition, weathering, and transport", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Weathering, melting, and deposition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Crystallization, metamorphism, and deposition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Transport, deposition, and lithification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Metamorphism, melting, and crystallization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The first colonizers to a location are called", "choices": [ { "text": "pioneer species", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hotspot species", "label": "B" }, { "text": "localized species", "label": "C" }, { "text": "climax species", "label": "D" }, { "text": "parasites", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, which life span type shows fairly steady birth and death rates all through life?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "None of them", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When pesticides build up in the tissues of organisms, it is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "agroecology", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetic engineering", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sequestration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cross-pollination", "label": "D" }, { "text": "bioaccumulation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Of the 1,950,000 acres of redwood forest growing in the western United States, what percentage of the original old growth remains?", "choices": [ { "text": "0.5%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "3%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "5%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "10%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Clean boundaries, people working together to preserve scarce resources, resource monitoring, and compliance incentives are all important factors in", "choices": [ { "text": "urban sprawl", "label": "A" }, { "text": "small town politics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "water purification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "communal resource management", "label": "D" }, { "text": "extending coastal shorelines", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 1956, Shell Oil geophysicist, M. King Hubbert calculated that", "choices": [ { "text": "solar energy was cheaper than fossil fuel use", "label": "A" }, { "text": "underdeveloped countries needed to use more oil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "conventional oil extraction in the United States would peak in 1970", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wind energy produced electricity more efficiently than fossil fuels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "oil extraction would end in 1960", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Although nuclear power is reliable, _________ is a critical public concern.", "choices": [ { "text": "cost", "label": "A" }, { "text": "location", "label": "B" }, { "text": "international politics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "availability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "safety", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What kind of vehicles offer a modern, low-pollutant transportation option?", "choices": [ { "text": "Bumper cars", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Rickshaw", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hybrid gas-electric cars", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hot air balloons", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Horse-drawn carriages", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, approximately what year did carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (ppmv) reach 360?", "choices": [ { "text": "1890", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1950", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1990", "label": "C" }, { "text": "2000", "label": "D" }, { "text": "2019", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Volcanoes formed away from plate boundaries are often the result of geological", "choices": [ { "text": "epochs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "uniformity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "calderas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "hot spots", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sediments", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, at what wind speed (km/hr) will an outside temperature of -10\u00b0C feel like -24\u00b0C?", "choices": [ { "text": "5", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10", "label": "B" }, { "text": "30", "label": "C" }, { "text": "50", "label": "D" }, { "text": "70", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Fairly clean wastewater from homes or businesses (e.g., bathwater, washing machines, sinks) is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "runoff", "label": "A" }, { "text": "irrigation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "brackish water", "label": "C" }, { "text": "graywater", "label": "D" }, { "text": "watershed", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are physical rock weathering characteristics except", "choices": [ { "text": "temperature", "label": "A" }, { "text": "desertification", "label": "B" }, { "text": "structure", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rainfall", "label": "D" }, { "text": "organic activity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Small leafy plants growing in the permafrost soil are found in which biome?", "choices": [ { "text": "Conifer forest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Grasslands", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Chaparral", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Tundra", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tropical rainforest", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When populations increase rapidly before lack of resources, space, or disease stop them, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "immigration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetic drift", "label": "B" }, { "text": "life expectancy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "community", "label": "D" }, { "text": "exponential growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Inert pesticide ingredients, often not listed on a product's label, are used to", "choices": [ { "text": "concentrate the killing power of pesticides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "dilute or transport active chemicals", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increase natural organic transparency", "label": "C" }, { "text": "trap crops", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increase marketing efforts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the largest desert by area (km2) on the planet?", "choices": [ { "text": "Patagonia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gobi", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Kalahari", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Great Victoria", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sahara", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following urban growth factors are important in sustainable land use except", "choices": [ { "text": "soil erosion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "plant growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increasing individual ecological footprints", "label": "C" }, { "text": "water availability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ground water recharge", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the biggest single source of human-created air pollution in the industrialized world?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hot air ballooning", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cigarette smoking", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Fossil fuel burning", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Air conditioning", "label": "D" }, { "text": "NASCAR racing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The world's largest nuclear power plant is located in", "choices": [ { "text": "Japan", "label": "A" }, { "text": "France", "label": "B" }, { "text": "United States", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Denmark", "label": "D" }, { "text": "South Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, what percentage of the world's energy choices comes from the burning of plants (biomass)?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "70%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "100%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "With increasing city aerosols and dust in the atmosphere, cities like Houston, Texas have a high number of _________ compared to other areas of the United States.", "choices": [ { "text": "traffic accidents", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hurricanes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wind turbines", "label": "C" }, { "text": "green spaces", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lightning strikes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Urban smog, a major atmospheric pollutant is composed primarily of nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and", "choices": [ { "text": "iridium oxide", "label": "A" }, { "text": "particulates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "helium", "label": "C" }, { "text": "algae", "label": "D" }, { "text": "neon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When organic matter decomposes in landfills, it produces mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) and", "choices": [ { "text": "nitrogen", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ammonia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "methane", "label": "C" }, { "text": "helium", "label": "D" }, { "text": "krypton", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When pressure builds between two tectonic plates, it will eventually crack and release accumulated stress. This is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fecundity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fault plane", "label": "C" }, { "text": "drift", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lateral continuity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Weather scientists measure atmospheric pressure with a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "anemometer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "barometer", "label": "B" }, { "text": "echo sounder", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geiger counter", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sphygmomanometer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Coastal Cleanup Day, established by the Ocean Conservancy nonprofit is intended to reduce _______________ on beaches.", "choices": [ { "text": "plastics (e.g., straws, cups, lids, bottles, and plates)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "medical waste", "label": "B" }, { "text": "single-use food containers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cigarettes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "all of the above", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Oxidation, hydrolysis, and acid action are all types of", "choices": [ { "text": "lithification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "physical weathering", "label": "B" }, { "text": "joint block separation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "chemical weathering", "label": "D" }, { "text": "salt wedging", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A population's total genetic makeup is called", "choices": [ { "text": "niche", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sustainable use", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gene pool", "label": "C" }, { "text": "mimicry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "evolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The combination of all producers and consumers is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "mineral cycle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ecological pyramid", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transport cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lysocline", "label": "D" }, { "text": "solar cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, which of the following statements is not true of Population A?", "choices": [ { "text": "The male and female distribution is fairly equal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "There are more individuals over age 60 than there are in Population B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The growth rate is slower than Population B's", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Adolescent age levels are higher than those in Population B", "label": "D" }, { "text": "More individuals survive to old age than those in Population B", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Monitoring and mitigating bycatch is a very important part of", "choices": [ { "text": "increasing shellfish consumption", "label": "A" }, { "text": "aquaculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sustainable fisheries management", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nonnative species management", "label": "D" }, { "text": "choosing a sushi supplier", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Solids, liquids, and gases created through compression of ancient organic plants and animal materials are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "diatoms", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fossil fuels", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tillage", "label": "C" }, { "text": "vermiculite", "label": "D" }, { "text": "industrial waste", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A solar photovoltaic (PV) reaction cell converts ________________ into energy.", "choices": [ { "text": "biomass", "label": "A" }, { "text": "uranium", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sunlight", "label": "C" }, { "text": "coal", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geothermal heat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Land clearing and fossil fuel combustion significantly raise atmospheric concentrations of", "choices": [ { "text": "soot", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ice particles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "titanium dioxide", "label": "C" }, { "text": "halon", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mercury", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf (Fujita Wind Damage scale), a devastating type of tornado is rated as", "choices": [ { "text": "F1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "F2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "F3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "F4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "F5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Jurassic Period is found in which geological time era?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tertiary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cenozoic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Devonian", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mesozoic", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Silurian", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What key factor is most important in naming major soil types?", "choices": [ { "text": "Latitude", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Color", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Rainfall amount", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Longitude", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Geography", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When one species benefits and one species is harmed, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "mutualism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "parasitism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "amensalism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "commensalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "socialism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Large amounts of the Earth's carbon is stored in all the following reservoirs except", "choices": [ { "text": "meteorites (iron/nickel)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "living and dead organisms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "atmosphere", "label": "C" }, { "text": "soil (organic matter)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "carbon dioxide in the ocean", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are density dependent population factors except", "choices": [ { "text": "lack of females", "label": "A" }, { "text": "stress", "label": "B" }, { "text": "drought", "label": "C" }, { "text": "disease", "label": "D" }, { "text": "overcrowding", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Raising different fish species together is called", "choices": [ { "text": "polyculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "monoculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "long lining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "trap fishing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Loose soil and less plant growth affect all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "downstream flooding", "label": "A" }, { "text": "exposing plant roots", "label": "B" }, { "text": "poor water quality", "label": "C" }, { "text": "construction prices", "label": "D" }, { "text": "allergies and eye infections", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the table below asdf, which country had the highest ecological footprint in 2017?", "choices": [ { "text": "Denmark", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Bahrain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Canada", "label": "C" }, { "text": "United Arab Emirates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Most historians and ecologist believe the discovery and use of kerosene save which group from extinction?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ibis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "White rhino", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Polar bear", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Blue green algae", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Whale", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following electromagnetic radiation types with no overall charge and a shorter wavelength are separated with a magnetic field?", "choices": [ { "text": "Alpha particles", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Beta particles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dust particles", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Gamma particles", "label": "D" }, { "text": "X-rays", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Wood, corn, charcoal, manure, and sugar cane are all used for", "choices": [ { "text": "building material", "label": "A" }, { "text": "food", "label": "B" }, { "text": "crafts", "label": "C" }, { "text": "insulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biofuel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Since pure water is only found in a laboratory and fish need dissolved oxygen to survive, what do hydrologists test when checking the health of fresh water?", "choices": [ { "text": "Chlorination levels", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Total organic carbon (TOC)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Regeneration capacity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Phytoplankton levels", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The boundary between two watershed areas is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "divide", "label": "A" }, { "text": "reservoir", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deposition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "diversion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "aquifer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Drought-prone areas on the margin of wind pathways are more susceptible to", "choices": [ { "text": "grasshoppers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "high cultural identity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dune advance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "wetland development", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sedimentation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following are all ecological management options except", "choices": [ { "text": "preservation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "remediation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mitigation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "desertification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "restoration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are water treatment methods except", "choices": [ { "text": "flatulence", "label": "A" }, { "text": "flocculation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ozone oxidation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ultraviolet light", "label": "D" }, { "text": "removal of trihalomethane (THM)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Clean Air Act addresses all the following air pollutants except", "choices": [ { "text": "urban smog", "label": "A" }, { "text": "acid rain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "aerosols (particulates)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "VOCs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "aerosols (disease carrying)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, which effects best describe a magnitude 6.4 earthquake?", "choices": [ { "text": "Rarely felt", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Great damage; well-designed buildings jerked sideways and partially collapsed", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Only felt by those lying down indoors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Damage complete; some objects airborne", "label": "D" }, { "text": "May be felt outdoors by a few and cars rocked a lot", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The first phase in the formation of a hurricane is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "eye wall", "label": "A" }, { "text": "typhoon", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tropical depression", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cyclone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "temperature inversion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, water is stored for about 8-10 days in", "choices": [ { "text": "swamps and marshes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the atmosphere", "label": "B" }, { "text": "oceans", "label": "C" }, { "text": "freshwater lakes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "aquifers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The pedocal, pedalfer, and laterite are the three basic", "choices": [ { "text": "stratigraphic layers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nutrient types in vegetation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "metamorphic rock types", "label": "C" }, { "text": "soil types", "label": "D" }, { "text": "dissolution types", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When an existing community is disrupted by wildfire and must begin again, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "habitat fragmentation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "primary succession", "label": "B" }, { "text": "climax development", "label": "C" }, { "text": "secondary succession", "label": "D" }, { "text": "range sustainability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the water in the atmosphere and on the Earth's surface is combined to form the", "choices": [ { "text": "oceans", "label": "A" }, { "text": "food chains", "label": "B" }, { "text": "phosphorus cycle", "label": "C" }, { "text": "hydrosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sulfur cycle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Because of population growth, which of the following groups have impacted the Earth's resources more than any other?", "choices": [ { "text": "Kangaroos", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Elephants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pigeons", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Snakes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Humans", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following cause pesticides to have a deleterious environmental impact except", "choices": [ { "text": "stability in the environment", "label": "A" }, { "text": "freeze fracturing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "high solubility", "label": "C" }, { "text": "long-lasting effects", "label": "D" }, { "text": "high toxicity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Trade and exploitation most often leave land restoration in the hands of", "choices": [ { "text": "urban developers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "local people with little funding", "label": "B" }, { "text": "oil companies", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nonprofit environmentalists", "label": "D" }, { "text": "summer students", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percentage of aluminum beverage cans are recycled in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "15%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "70%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "95%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a hotly debated oil reserve area due to its", "choices": [ { "text": "warm temperatures", "label": "A" }, { "text": "crop uses", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pristine environment and habitats", "label": "C" }, { "text": "medicinal plant growth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "year-around tourism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Since most US nuclear power plants are in the eastern United States and storage is available in the west, what is the biggest concern regarding radioactive waste?", "choices": [ { "text": "Public land contamination", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Transportation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Short-term availability", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Terrorism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Large, high-tech turbines on tall (64.6 meter) towers produce electricity from", "choices": [ { "text": "salt water", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wind", "label": "B" }, { "text": "geothermal heat", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ancient organisms", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hydrogen", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, what is the approximate LD50 dose (PPM) of the illustrated pollutant?", "choices": [ { "text": "8", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10", "label": "B" }, { "text": "13", "label": "C" }, { "text": "25", "label": "D" }, { "text": "100", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A worldwide shift northward in species' habitats and migrations by ~6.1 km/year has been attributed to", "choices": [ { "text": "desertification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Coriolis force", "label": "B" }, { "text": "climate change", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ocean pollutants (e.g., plastics)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "urban sprawl", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature changes of greater than 0.5\u00b0C for longer than five months are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "trade winds", "label": "A" }, { "text": "global warming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stratospheric diversification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "westerlies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o-Southern Oscillation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rocks break down in all of the following ways except", "choices": [ { "text": "frost", "label": "A" }, { "text": "melting in the sun", "label": "B" }, { "text": "salt crystal growth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "growth of vegetation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "unloading (weight)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following are important isolating factors in forming ecological hot spots except", "choices": [ { "text": "isolation over geological time", "label": "A" }, { "text": "peninsula geography", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mountains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "oceans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "recreational parks and spas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the figure below asdf, organic biomass is made available to crops through nitrification and", "choices": [ { "text": "lithification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "leaching", "label": "B" }, { "text": "evapotranspiration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "extinction", "label": "D" }, { "text": "radioactivity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "K-adapted species are described by most of the following characteristics except", "choices": [ { "text": "niche specialists", "label": "A" }, { "text": "prey", "label": "B" }, { "text": "slow growth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "few offspring", "label": "D" }, { "text": "predators", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) enforce Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and have the authority to", "choices": [ { "text": "track bycatch species' growth in foreign countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "award poachers monetary prizes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "make plants less drought tolerant", "label": "C" }, { "text": "destroy any pesticide shipments in violation of EPA limits", "label": "D" }, { "text": "eliminate sustainable farming methods", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "For centuries, native people have protected land resources with crop rotation and", "choices": [ { "text": "nomadic herding", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pesticides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "high-rise construction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "remote sensing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "elevated vegetable prices", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Environmental Protection Act lists over _________ toxic air pollutants released yearly from U.S. mining operations.", "choices": [ { "text": "10", "label": "A" }, { "text": "20", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50", "label": "C" }, { "text": "70", "label": "D" }, { "text": "100", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The First Law of Thermodynamics states", "choices": [ { "text": "solar energy is a heat sink", "label": "A" }, { "text": "energy cannot be created or destroyed", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the universe tends toward order", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fusion reduces radioactivity of elements", "label": "D" }, { "text": "dark energy is impossible", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The creation of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) set", "choices": [ { "text": "radiation limits in humans", "label": "A" }, { "text": "insurance rates for nuclear accidents", "label": "B" }, { "text": "guidelines for nuclear power plant operations and communications", "label": "C" }, { "text": "guidelines for advertising dollars", "label": "D" }, { "text": "low standards for employee qualifications", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf, which of the following sounds is closest in its decibel level to an operating wind turbine?", "choices": [ { "text": "Alarm clock", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Lawn mower", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Refrigerator", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Normal conversation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Airplane propeller", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is a positive use of radioactive elements?", "choices": [ { "text": "Toothpaste", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Water treatment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Fertilizer", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Detection of disease", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Removal of freckles", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was created to protect all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "nutrient recycling", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetic diversity in plants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "real estate values", "label": "C" }, { "text": "critical water values", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wild species and ecosystems", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the smallest physical form of rocks?", "choices": [ { "text": "Gravel", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Boulders", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dust", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sand", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pebbles", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Extinct species like the Dodo or Moa birds lost their defenses over time because of", "choices": [ { "text": "isolation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "constant competition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "camouflage", "label": "C" }, { "text": "political short-sightedness", "label": "D" }, { "text": "biological diversity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When calcium and carbon are taken up and stored by marine creatures during shell building, it is done through", "choices": [ { "text": "subduction", "label": "A" }, { "text": "bivalve variation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "biomineralization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "superposition", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tertiary consumption", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Of the inert pesticide ingredients examined in the Food Quality Protection Act, what percentage has been identified by the EPA as carcinogens, occupational hazards, and air/water pollutants?", "choices": [ { "text": "15%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "100%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One unexpected negative of better water treatment is", "choices": [ { "text": "increased disease", "label": "A" }, { "text": "loss of inland marine habitat", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lower water taxes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "decreased rural foot traffic", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increased population growth and urban ecological footprint", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What country is the biggest supplier of crude oil to the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Saudi Arabia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Kuwait", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Canada", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mexico", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Egypt", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following nuclear power characteristics is most useful?", "choices": [ { "text": "Radioactive waste", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Environmental pollution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Short-term waste storage options", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Electricity generation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Thyroid susceptibility to radiation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which energy source gives off steam as its only waste product?", "choices": [ { "text": "Solar", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nuclear", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hydrogen cell", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Coal", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Biofuel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States, what federal agency protects workers from noise pollution?", "choices": [ { "text": "Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Food and Drug Administration (FDA)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "US Department of Agriculture (USDA)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following biological or physical characteristics are not collected by remote sensing instruments?", "choices": [ { "text": "Surface temperature", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Location", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Reflectance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Land use", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Plant specimens", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All the following are important water conservation methods except", "choices": [ { "text": "better farming techniques", "label": "A" }, { "text": "oscillating sprinkler systems", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dry cooling systems", "label": "C" }, { "text": "preventable runoff", "label": "D" }, { "text": "irrigation canals", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A place where water is stored for some period of time (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, or underground) is called a", "choices": [ { "text": "dam", "label": "A" }, { "text": "stream", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lock", "label": "C" }, { "text": "reservoir", "label": "D" }, { "text": "diversion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Using the table below asdf on population distribution, which continent has the lowest population percentage of the world's total?", "choices": [ { "text": "Africa", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Latin America", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Asia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "North America", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Europe", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When gas and oil are extracted from shale by drilling and injecting water to open tight rock formations, it is called", "choices": [ { "text": "sonification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "densitometry", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ossification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dowsing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fracking", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Most commercial aircraft travel takes place in the lower part of the", "choices": [ { "text": "upper troposphere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "United States", "label": "B" }, { "text": "inverted air mass above a mountain range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stratosphere", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ionosphere", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Hazardous waste is all the following except", "choices": [ { "text": "highly flammable", "label": "A" }, { "text": "corrosive", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a health hazard", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nontoxic", "label": "D" }, { "text": "reactive", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When rain has no time to evaporate, transpire, or move into groundwater reserves, it becomes", "choices": [ { "text": "no problem", "label": "A" }, { "text": "runoff", "label": "B" }, { "text": "infiltration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "permeation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wetlands", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "To conserve water, major U.S. cities require new building construction to use", "choices": [ { "text": "foreign plywood", "label": "A" }, { "text": "water-saving toilets", "label": "B" }, { "text": "copper wiring", "label": "C" }, { "text": "slow-running faucets", "label": "D" }, { "text": "small-head shower nozzles", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Societies in stage 2 of the demographic transition model are often", "choices": [ { "text": "agricultural societies with increasing death rates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "agricultural societies with decreasing death rates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "agricultural societies with increasing birth rates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "industrial societies with increasing birth rates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "industrial societies with decreasing birth rates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Mexican/U.S. border culture region is best defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "a formal region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a functional region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a vernacular region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an absolute location", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a relative location", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following may be reasons behind forced migration EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "war and terrorism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "natural or environmental disasters", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lack of employment opportunities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "government orders to move", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fear of government persecution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An instance of contagious diffusion can be seen in the way that", "choices": [ { "text": "the ancient Polynesians travelled to Hawaii in canoes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "humanistic ideas spread through the Italian peninsula and eventually into northern Europe", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the British brought soccer to rural Argentina through their railroad lines", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a Cabinet secretary issues orders to his underlings, who then pass on the orders to their underlings", "label": "D" }, { "text": "young city dwellers' desire to avoid vehicle ownership stimulated the creation of ride-sharing services", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of religious architecture that does NOT have a common design style is", "choices": [ { "text": "Islamic mosques", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hindu shrines", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Jewish synagogues", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Christian cathedrals", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Buddhist pagodas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Dependency Ratio describes", "choices": [ { "text": "the number of people too young or old to work compared to the number of people in the work force", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the population of a country with declining fertility rates compared with the population of a country with rising fertility rates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the decimal value by which a population with suboptimal fertility rates is beneath 2.1", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the overall balance between imports and exports", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the net emigration from a country versus the net immigration to a country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "On certain maps, the shape of Greenland is accurate, but the size of the island appears to be larger than South America. The name of this intentional distortion is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "equal-area projection", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Lambert projection", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mercator projection", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Robinson projection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Goode's homolosine projection", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An optimal TFR for a society is 2.1. The TFR of many Western European countries ranges from 1.4 to 1.8. In those countries, this subreplacement fertility rate has been largely offset by", "choices": [ { "text": "longer lifespans", "label": "A" }, { "text": "greater rate of childhood mortality", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lack of antibiotics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased immigration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a higher rate of divorce", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of cultural synthesis would be", "choices": [ { "text": "the practice of building a church upon the location of a mosque", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the creation of a new style of music from the traditions of two separate groups of immigrant colonizers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a pidgin language that uses simplified vocabulary and verb conjugations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a village that has refined a single recipe for many generations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a system of rigid social classes inherited from colonial occupiers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are true about the geographic center and the population-weighted centroid of a country EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "one can change with time, while the other cannot", "label": "A" }, { "text": "one measures a geometric center of a nation, whereas the other averages the spatial weight of the population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Canada is the only country in which both occupy the same point", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the population-weighted center of the United States has been slowly moving westward", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the mean center and the median center are different", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Push factors that result in migration away from rural agriculture include all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "political rebellions in rural areas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "use of agricultural chemicals", "label": "B" }, { "text": "better opportunity for employment in urban areas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "natural disasters such as drought or flooding", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the increasing cost of renting arable land", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following styles is associated with houses having one long pitched roof in front and a low-angle roof in back?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cape Cod", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Federalist", "label": "B" }, { "text": "I-house", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Georgian", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Saltbox", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The main reason that the catastrophe predicted by Thomas Malthus hasn't occurred yet is", "choices": [ { "text": "human population grew in an arithmetic manner, not an exponential one", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the J-curve of population always exceeds the J-curve of food production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "soil erosion has limited food production capabilities in many parts of the world", "label": "C" }, { "text": "changes occurred in the quantity and quality of food consumption in First-World countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the invention of agricultural technology boosted the value of food production", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which system of land division relies on the use of natural landscape features?", "choices": [ { "text": "Long lot", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Caste", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Township and range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Belief", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Metes and bounds", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One of the first uses of remote-sensing technology was to", "choices": [ { "text": "determine soil moisture content to make crop yield predictions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "unearth ancient archaeological sites in inaccessible jungles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "monitor environmental degradation in wetland ecosystems", "label": "C" }, { "text": "predict retail earnings and market share by counting cars in shopping mall parking lots", "label": "D" }, { "text": "provide intelligence regarding Soviet arms during the Cold War", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Zero population growth occurs when", "choices": [ { "text": "the birth rate is greater than the death rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a country has a negative rate of natural increase", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the birth rate is equal to the death rate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a country has a positive rate of natural increase", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the death rate is greater than the birth rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of map that would best describe the massive human migration that followed the partition of India in 1947 would be", "choices": [ { "text": "a choropleth map", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an isoline map", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a dot density map", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a flow-line map", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a cartogram", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Contemporary architecture typically features all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "recycled materials", "label": "A" }, { "text": "green energy technologies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nontraditional materials", "label": "C" }, { "text": "symmetrical design", "label": "D" }, { "text": "use of curvature", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of Creole societies EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Cape Verde", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Seychelles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Louisiana", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Brazil", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Argentina", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A lingua franca refers to", "choices": [ { "text": "the use of French in the field of diplomacy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an archaic expression for kissing with one's tongue", "label": "B" }, { "text": "any language that is used as a bridge between speakers whose native languages are different", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the difficulty of pronouncing French vowel sounds, particularly at the ends of words", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the practice of acquiring a second language", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Basque people, who live in both Spain and France and who speak their own ancient language called Euskadi, would be described as an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "a confederation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a stateless nation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a supranational organization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a nation-state", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a sovereign territory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the Heartland-Rimland model, a region with a strong agricultural belt would also have", "choices": [ { "text": "a region with an equally strong manufacturing sector", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a political movement demanding annexation of surrounding states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an Inner Crescent and an Outer Crescent", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a predatory neighboring state eager to grab the fertile territory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a policy of containment of one's geographic enemies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a primary purpose of the European Union?", "choices": [ { "text": "Allow free trade amongst member countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Institute open-border policies within the union", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Establish a monetary union amongst member countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Reduce the threats of terror cells in member countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Propose and approve laws within the union", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of products from appellations of origins EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Champagne from France", "label": "A" }, { "text": "maple syrup from Vermont", "label": "B" }, { "text": "prosciutto di Parma ham from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "pizza from Naples", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tequila from Mexico", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Allocational border disputes occur when", "choices": [ { "text": "border treaties are interpreted two different ways by states", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a border moves due to geographical changes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "cultures argue over different religious locations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "borders are agreed upon, but physically crossing the border is troublesome", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a resource lies on two sides of a border", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The border system for oceanic boundaries is divided into", "choices": [ { "text": "high seas and low seas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "national waters and international waters", "label": "B" }, { "text": "physical borders and geometric borders", "label": "C" }, { "text": "territorial seas and the Exclusive Economic Zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "antecedent boundaries and superimposed boundaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are signs of negative RNI (rate of natural increase) EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "a highly urbanized population", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the deterioration in the status of homemaker", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an increased rate of divorce", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an increased rate of immigration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an increase in DINK households", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of annexation is", "choices": [ { "text": "Hitler's invasion of Poland", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase", "label": "B" }, { "text": "King Leopold II of Belgium's arrival in the Congo", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the monastery at Angkor Wat", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the construction of the Great Wall of China", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The border between India and Pakistan, a country that was formed during the Partition of 1947, would be an example of a type of boundary that is", "choices": [ { "text": "antecedent", "label": "A" }, { "text": "relic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "subsequent", "label": "C" }, { "text": "superimposed", "label": "D" }, { "text": "temporary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "North Korea is one of the few remaining examples of a", "choices": [ { "text": "feudal economy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "free-market economy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Marxist-socialist planned economy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "balkanized political system", "label": "D" }, { "text": "reunified society", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following would be examples of places with sequent occupancy EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "New York City", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Spain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Jerusalem", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sweden", "label": "D" }, { "text": "New Zealand", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "During which stage of the demographic transition model does the diffusion of fertility control begin to play a significant role?", "choices": [ { "text": "1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Between stage 2 and stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "3", "label": "D" }, { "text": "4", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Minarets are prominent in the architecture associated with which of the following religions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Judaism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Christianity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "", "choices": [ { "text": "their experience with a baby bust", "label": "A" }, { "text": "their history of external war", "label": "B" }, { "text": "their gender imbalance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "their respective rates of growth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "their economic development", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Central place theory is most obviously expressed in", "choices": [ { "text": "a pulpit facing a congregation in most synagogues", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a city market's location at a transportation node", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a ring freeway that encircles a metropolitan area", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a school playground located adjacent to the structure", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a police station's location closest to the sites of crime", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following requires a lot of labor, focuses on a small plot of land, or both?", "choices": [ { "text": "Extensive agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Pastoralism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hunting and gathering", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nomadic herding", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Intensive agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following can contribute to desertification EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "overgrazing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "slash and burn agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "soil salinization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "extensive pastoralism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following was introduced to the Old World as part of the Columbian exchange?", "choices": [ { "text": "Wheat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Apples", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Horses", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Peanuts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Goats", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of transhumance is associated with", "choices": [ { "text": "stage two of the demographic transition model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Buddhist spiritual practices", "label": "B" }, { "text": "pastoralism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "subsistence farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hunting and gathering societies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following characteristics mark the Third Agricultural Revolution EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "the internationalization of industrialized farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the use of larger, more powerful agricultural equipment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "research in biotechnology and food processing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the invention of artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the growth of the Green Revolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Subsistence agriculture is LEAST likely to be", "choices": [ { "text": "very intensive", "label": "A" }, { "text": "marked by high amounts of labor inputs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "performed on small plots of land", "label": "C" }, { "text": "conducted in areas with high physiologic density", "label": "D" }, { "text": "susceptible to famine caused by drought or armed conflict", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to von Th\u00fcnen's model, land use is defined primarily by", "choices": [ { "text": "walkable communities that do not rely upon motorized transportation for daily life", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the commodification of highlands and other peripheral areas for grazing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a greater density of medicinal crops than edible crops", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the replanting of forests at greater distance from town than tradition dictates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an inverse relationship between the value of the labor and the distance from the center of town", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following refers to the minimum number of people required to support a business?", "choices": [ { "text": "Range", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Threshold", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Travel time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hearth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Spatial perspective", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A megacity is defined as a metropolitan area with a population greater than", "choices": [ { "text": "1 million", "label": "A" }, { "text": "5 million", "label": "B" }, { "text": "10 million", "label": "C" }, { "text": "25 million", "label": "D" }, { "text": "50 million", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are consequences of urban transportation EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "environmental damage due to the release of greenhouse gases", "label": "A" }, { "text": "increased access to mass transit", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increased controversy regarding construction subsidization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a decline in public health because of vehicle emissions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "traffic congestion due to increased personal vehicle use", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One advantage of the sector model over other models of urban structure is that", "choices": [ { "text": "it portrays a decentralized vision of urban life", "label": "A" }, { "text": "it incorporates both industrial corridors and ethnic neighborhoods", "label": "B" }, { "text": "it implies that there are multiple nodes of business", "label": "C" }, { "text": "it explores the concept of public religiosity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "it relies upon the certainties of mathematical modelling", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A major difference between an Anglo-American city and a Latin American city is", "choices": [ { "text": "the central business district is significantly larger in Anglo-American cities than in Latin American cities", "label": "A" }, { "text": "major boulevards lead out of the central business district in Anglo-American cities, while a patchwork of streets serves the same function in Latin American cities", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the poor are located in the inner city in Anglo-American cities, while in Latin American cities, they're located at the outer periphery", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the wealthy in Anglo-American cities stayed within the city center, while the wealthy in Latin American cities fled to the exurbs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "it takes longer for squatters in Latin America to achieve land tenure than it does for squatters in the United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An edge city contains which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Transportation nodes, telecommuting, retail space", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Little office space, much retail space, telecommuting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Much office space, little retail space, transportation nodes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Much retail space, weak city government, high daytime population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Much office space, strong city government, low daytime population", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The gravity model of human geography estimates the strength of the relationship between two places. What is it that causes Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (population: 11 million) to have a greater gravity with Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2 million) than with New York City (20 million)?", "choices": [ { "text": "Their shared language", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Their transportation network", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Their crime rates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Their governing philosophies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Their distance apart", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the bid-rent curve, it is expected that as the distance from the PLVI decreases", "choices": [ { "text": "the crime rate increases", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the crime rate decreases", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the cost of transportation increases", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the price of land increases", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the price of land decreases", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the chart above, Santiago contains nearly ten times as many people as the next biggest city. It can be concluded from this that Santiago must be", "choices": [ { "text": "an entrep?t", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a gateway city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a megacity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a primate city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a world city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The garden city movement, which pioneered planned developments with detached single-family homes, was the beginning of the growth of", "choices": [ { "text": "deindustrialization", "label": "A" }, { "text": "central business districts", "label": "B" }, { "text": "high-density zoning", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gentrification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "suburbia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following was NOT a method by which segregation was enacted in neighborhoods?", "choices": [ { "text": "Jim Crow laws", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Federal fair-housing laws", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Redlining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Restrictive covenants", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Racial steering", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which stage of production is concerned with activities such as finance and banking?", "choices": [ { "text": "Primary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Secondary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tertiary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Quarternary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Quinary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to Wallerstein's world systems theory, which of the following would be true?", "choices": [ { "text": "Core countries primarily export raw materials to other countries.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Semi-peripheral countries are located between the core and periphery.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Peripheral countries have mostly service-based economies.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Core countries are the most economically developed and powerful.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Semi-peripheral countries primarily export goods to core countries and import goods from peripheral countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The most important reason for the rising use of alternative energy crops such as ethanol and biodiesel has been", "choices": [ { "text": "the rapid increase in the price of oil", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the public relations efforts of alternative energy advocates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the large amount of waste oil from deep fryers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the slash and burn agriculture occurring in Brazil that has seen the growth of millions of acres of new sugar cane", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the improvement in irrigation techniques", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are Old Asian Tigers EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Japan", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Taiwan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "China", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South Korea", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Singapore", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following includes only aspects of tertiary production?", "choices": [ { "text": "Finance, mining, transportation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Transportation, wholesaling, retailing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Agriculture, energy, fisheries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Forestry, processing, fabrication", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tourism, entertainment, communications", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The links between producers and consumers in the production and distribution of goods are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "value-added processing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "sustainable economies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "commodity chains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "low-benefit services", "label": "D" }, { "text": "high-benefit services", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One of the problems with using the terms First World, Second World, and Third World to describe countries is that", "choices": [ { "text": "First-World countries are sometimes lacking free markets and a high level of productivity value per person", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the terms are slightly misleading, since Second-World countries are not necessarily between First- and Third-World countries, but instead are communist centrally planned economies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Third-World countries have agricultural or resourced-based economies but a high quality of life", "label": "C" }, { "text": "some First-World countries, such as Argentina, actually resemble Second-World countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "some countries, such as Japan, can't be categorized in this schema", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rostow's theory of stages of growth fails to take into account all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "a set of preconditions needed to transition from an agricultural to a manufacturing economy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the historical patterns of non-industrialized countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "industrialized nations' forcible extraction of valuable natural resources in the Third World", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the role of governmental corruption in the development of a country", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Third-World countries' dependence upon international loans to transnational corporations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Software development, customer-service call centers, and corporate headquarters are all examples of", "choices": [ { "text": "outsourced services", "label": "A" }, { "text": "weight-losing manufacturing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "activities located at the end of the supply chain", "label": "C" }, { "text": "activities that have struck a balance between threshold and range", "label": "D" }, { "text": "activities that aren't tied to any specific location", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the modern service economy?", "choices": [ { "text": "A labor force composed of hourly employees who receive few benefits", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A labor force composed of salaried employees who receive many benefits", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A draw for investors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The creation of both durable and non-durable goods", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Heavily dependent upon computer technology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between GDP (gross domestic product) and GNI (gross national income) is", "choices": [ { "text": "GDP measures collective wealth or productivity, but GNI measures general well-being", "label": "A" }, { "text": "GDP considers goods and services, but GNI also considers exports and imports", "label": "B" }, { "text": "GDP absorbs only data from the service economy, but GNI takes into account data from both service and manufacturing economies", "label": "C" }, { "text": "GDP is a measure of inflation, but GNI indicates a standard of living", "label": "D" }, { "text": "GDP measures the personal income of an average worker, while GNI measures the purchasing power of that worker", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Since the 1950s, suburbia has been the predominant model of American life. Its growth can be LEAST attributed to", "choices": [ { "text": "federal home loan programs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the migration of business districts to the suburbs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the existence of growth boundaries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increasing crime rates in the inner city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the arrival of freeways", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Altaic language family encompasses both", "choices": [ { "text": "Turkish and Mongolian", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Korean and Japanese", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Yoruba and Zulu", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Farsi and Urdu", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tibetan and Burmese", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are complaints about First-World transnational corporations EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "their tendency to create economic dependency of LDCs (lesser developed countries) on MDCs (more developed countries)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "their postcolonial exploitation of the populations of LDCs for lower wages", "label": "B" }, { "text": "their desire to invest in modern technological equipment and worker training", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the sudden loss of jobs in LDCs if demand and investment decline, particularly when the trade is based on one or two resources", "label": "D" }, { "text": "their lack of profit-sharing agreements with local governments and populations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The reasons for massive influx of foreign manufacturing to China in the 1990s and 2000s includes all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "low-cost Chinese labor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "internal Chinese political reforms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "establishment of SEZs (special economic zones) in Chinese coastal cities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "more efficient shipping of goods back from China", "label": "D" }, { "text": "competition from domestic Chinese companies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The quaternary sector of the economy includes", "choices": [ { "text": "copper mining", "label": "A" }, { "text": "guitar manufacturing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chemical waste disposal", "label": "C" }, { "text": "financial analysis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tour guide", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of Rostow's theory of the stages of growth?", "choices": [ { "text": "A traditional society is not necessary for growth.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The preconditions for takeoff do not need to exist prior to takeoff.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Not all societies have a comparative advantage in international trade.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "There is considerable overlap between the stages.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The takeoff implies an end to historical change.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A developing country is experiencing a shortage of socks. Instead of purchasing socks that were manufactured in a developed country, this developing country could best help itself accumulate capital by", "choices": [ { "text": "using tax breaks to lure foreign manufacturers to open a sock factory within its borders", "label": "A" }, { "text": "building a locally owned factory to manufacture its own socks", "label": "B" }, { "text": "boycotting the purchase of all foreign socks", "label": "C" }, { "text": "lifting requirements that foreign companies deposit all profits from sock manufacturing in local banks of the developing country", "label": "D" }, { "text": "nationalizing all related textile industries and converting them to sock manufacturing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Tourism plays the most vital role in the economy of which of the following regions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Central Asia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Middle East", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Scandinavia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Caribbean", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The graphs above illustrate the consequences of which of the following events in agricultural history?", "choices": [ { "text": "Scientific plant breeding", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The invention of the moldboard plow", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Industrial Revolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The invention of the combine harvester", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements can be best concluded from the graphs?", "choices": [ { "text": "Latin America currently leads Asia in the production of wheat.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Latin America is the most productive agricultural region in the world.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Asia consistently produces more wheat than Sub-Saharan Africa.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Asia saw growth in every type of crop during this time period.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It is difficult for the geography of the Middle East and northern Africa to support the cultivation of rice.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Abrahamic tradition is most distinct from the Hindu-Buddhist tradition in", "choices": [ { "text": "the willingness of Abrahamic devotees to slaughter members of other religions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the belief in a higher plane of existence", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the belief in continued existence after death", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the absence of the Abrahamic tradition from Southeast Asia and the Oceanic regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the difference between monotheism and polytheism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The sharp increase in the rate of wheat production in most parts of the developing world can be attributed primarily to the efforts of which of the following people?", "choices": [ { "text": "Norman Borlaug", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Eli Whitney", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Louis Pasteur", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Johann Von Th\u00fcnen", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mahatma Gandhi", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A command economy is marked by all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "private ownership of capital", "label": "A" }, { "text": "centralized planning", "label": "B" }, { "text": "fixed pricing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "resources determined by macroeconomic concerns", "label": "D" }, { "text": "limited individual freedom", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One important characteristic of a bulk-reducing industry is", "choices": [ { "text": "its low transportation costs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "its eventual consolidation into a monopoly", "label": "B" }, { "text": "its reliance upon minerals for inputs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "its factories, which tend to be located close to its inputs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "its products, which tend to be less dense", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Larry Ford and Ernest Griffin were pioneers of", "choices": [ { "text": "Malthusian theory", "label": "A" }, { "text": "industrial location theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "concentric zone model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Latin American city model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Demographic Transition Model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The process of adjusting the legislative representation of a county after it loses population is called", "choices": [ { "text": "gerrymandering", "label": "A" }, { "text": "devolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reapportionment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "splitting", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sovereignty", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nazi Germany's claim on Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "diaspora", "label": "A" }, { "text": "deterritorialization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "socialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "irredentism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ethnonationalism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The articles in the document above describe a political framework typical of most republics known as", "choices": [ { "text": "a confederation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "separation of powers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Bill of Rights", "label": "C" }, { "text": "democracy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "amendments", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "As a percentage of total national power, alternative forms of energy are being used with the most success in which of the following nations?", "choices": [ { "text": "Denmark (solar); France (wind); Morocco (nuclear)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "France (solar); Germany (wind); Ecuador (nuclear)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Germany (solar); Spain (wind); France (nuclear)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Morocco (solar); Mexico (wind); Denmark (nuclear)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mexico (solar); South Korea (wind); Germany (nuclear)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 2005, a constitution with similar provisions failed to be ratified by which of the following groups?", "choices": [ { "text": "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The republic of South Sudan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The European Union", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Yugoslavia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The International Monetary Fund", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "To calculate the rate of natural increase (RNI), the difference between what two factors should be divided by ten?", "choices": [ { "text": "The obesity rate and the death rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The birth rate and the densification rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The densification rate and the death rate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The death rate and the birth rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The birth rate and the obesity rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "North Carolina's Research Triangle consists of three major scientific research universities and is home to numerous high-tech companies. This region is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "superimposed boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "contemporary cultural hearth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "buffer state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "growth pole", "label": "D" }, { "text": "technopole", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the rank-size rule, in a country whose largest city contains 800,000 people, its fourth-largest city contains", "choices": [ { "text": "1,600,000 people", "label": "A" }, { "text": "800,000 people", "label": "B" }, { "text": "400,000 people", "label": "C" }, { "text": "200,000 people", "label": "D" }, { "text": "100,000 people", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A negative rate of natural increase can often be seen in societies that", "choices": [ { "text": "have banned or greatly restricted immigration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "do not take censuses", "label": "B" }, { "text": "are developing nations and do not recognize modern methods of measurement", "label": "C" }, { "text": "feature an aging population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "have suffered a devastating war", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are reasons for American suburbanization in the 1950s EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "increased use of freight trains for industrial transportation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "new federal home loan programs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "assembly line method of home construction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased family incomes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an expanding network of roads and freeways", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of a fuzzy cultural border would be", "choices": [ { "text": "where Dixie ends and the American Northeast or Midwest begins", "label": "A" }, { "text": "between the epicenter of Jainist belief and the region where African Voodoun is mainstream", "label": "B" }, { "text": "where the Wailing Wall ends and the Temple of Solomon begins", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the transition from modern to contemporary architecture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "between the Kurgan hearth and the Anatolian hearth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The headwear portrayed in the photo is best interpreted as", "choices": [ { "text": "an instance of Islamic supremacy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a key example of mainstream Arabic clothing customs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an outdated regional clothing preference", "label": "C" }, { "text": "symbolic belief in the innate corruption of humans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a strict interpretation of cultural rules governing modest dress", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The prohibition of the niq\u0101b by France is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "an instance of cultural superiority", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a denial of cultural diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the reluctant rejection of globalization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a shift in cultural hearth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the role of trade in human migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Kashmir region of India is primarily known for", "choices": [ { "text": "its allocational border dispute", "label": "A" }, { "text": "its postcolonial frontier border dispute", "label": "B" }, { "text": "its unusual territorial morphology", "label": "C" }, { "text": "its annexation of Pakistan", "label": "D" }, { "text": "its planned capital city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An identifiable land area is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "country", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nation-state", "label": "D" }, { "text": "culture group", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are policies or programs that attempt to increase capital accumulation within Third World economies EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Internalization of economic capital", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nationalization of natural resource-based industries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Technology development programs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Export substitution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Profit-sharing agreements", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a monotheistic religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Voodoo", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Animism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A primary problem with a communist system of agriculture, as compared to the capitalist system, is that", "choices": [ { "text": "there is no incentive to produce over a quota", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the demand for products was never high enough to generate income", "label": "B" }, { "text": "individuals produce far more product than necessary and demand lowers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "there is a decentralized agricultural network that leads to high transportation costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the reward for producing excess crop is limited to the social elite", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Stage Four of the Demographic Transition Model is characterized by", "choices": [ { "text": "a pre-agricultural economy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an agricultural economy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a manufacturing economy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a service-based economy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an evolving economy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are considered examples of a life-course change EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Going away to college", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Accepting a job in a different city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Going on vacation to Florida", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Retiring to Arizona", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Moving to the suburbs to raise children", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The language with the greatest number of native speakers in the world is", "choices": [ { "text": "Spanish", "label": "A" }, { "text": "English", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hindi", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mandarin", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Arabic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "It can be most logically concluded from the graph that", "choices": [ { "text": "when compared with the amount of emissions from buses and trains, there is no substantial difference between the amount of emissions from hybrid, diesel, or gasoline automobiles", "label": "A" }, { "text": "private, individual forms of transportation emit less than public, shared forms of transportation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nations with public transportation systems will emit less carbon dioxide than nations without public transportation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "it is always recommended to take a tram over a motorbike", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the operation of all forms of transportation causes emissions", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An increase in transportation emissions is most closely correlated with", "choices": [ { "text": "a decrease in food production", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a decrease in total population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an increase in population density", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an increase in per capita income", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a decrease in per capita income", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A small-scale farmer who successfully survived the farm crisis in rural areas would NOT have", "choices": [ { "text": "initiated a marketing campaign demonstrating his commitment to animal welfare", "label": "A" }, { "text": "begun to sell non-GMO certified products", "label": "B" }, { "text": "switched from a diverse range of crops to corn-and-soybean monoculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "invested in heirloom varieties of produce", "label": "D" }, { "text": "purchased open pastures or large outdoor pens for free-range poultry", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "During the Columbian exchange, which one of the following products found its way from the Old World to the New World?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tobacco", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Potatoes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Citrus", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cacao", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Turkey", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of a centrifugal force EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "the success of the U.S", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Japanese defeat in World War II", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the falling value of Argentina's currency", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Venezuela's Hugo Chavez firing ten thousand civil servants who opposed him", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the vandalization of Jewish cemeteries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What effect did the publication of The Communist Manifesto have upon Russian agriculture?", "choices": [ { "text": "An improvement in the standard of living for all farmers everywhere", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The eventual collectivization of farms by the Soviet system", "label": "B" }, { "text": "An immediate decline in the level of agricultural efficiency", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A return to a feudal arrangement wherein wealthy aristocrats owned most of the land", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The selection of wheat over corn because of its perception as the grain of the common man", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT an example of a universalizing religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Baha'i", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Christianity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "There have been three major periods of immigration to the United States: 1840-1850, 1880-1924, and 1965-present. Which of the following, arranged in chronological order, represents the primary immigrant groups of each period?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mexicans and Irish; Eastern and Southern Europeans; Jews, Muslims, and Latinos", "label": "A" }, { "text": "English and Irish; Irish and Germans; Eastern Europeans and Mexicans", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Eastern and Southern Europeans; Irish and Germans; Africans and Latinos", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Irish and Germans; Eastern and Southern Europeans; Chinese, Indian, and Mexican", "label": "D" }, { "text": "French, Dutch, and English; Italians and Scandinavians; Arabs and Chinese", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Know-Nothing party is an example of what common political reaction to large-scale immigration?", "choices": [ { "text": "a multiethnic state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "expansion of civil rights", "label": "B" }, { "text": "nativism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "conservatism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "populism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Within the Demographic Transition Model, the difference between migration in Stage 2 societies and migration in Stage 4 societies is that", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 2 migrants tend to be male, whereas Stage 4 migrants tend to be both male and female", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 2 migrants tend to seek political freedom, whereas Stage 4 migrants tend to seek education", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 2 migrants tend to migrate internationally to developed countries, whereas Stage 4 migrants tend to migrate internally", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 2 migrants tend to migrate towards rural areas, whereas Stage 4 migrants tend to migrate towards urban areas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 2 migrants tend to migrate for economic reasons, whereas Stage 4 migrants tend migrate for religious reasons", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The North and South Poles are", "choices": [ { "text": "0\u00b0 latitude", "label": "A" }, { "text": "0\u00b0 longitude", "label": "B" }, { "text": "90\u00b0 latitude", "label": "C" }, { "text": "90\u00b0 longitude", "label": "D" }, { "text": "180\u00b0 longitude", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following has NOT been suggested as a cause of the rise of democracy in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Economic development", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Industrialization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Globalization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Wealth from petroleum", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mixed geographic constituencies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Arab Spring of 2011", "choices": [ { "text": "undermines the depicted trend, because it roughly suppressed democratic uprisings", "label": "A" }, { "text": "supports the depicted trend, because it represented the outbreak of the demand for democratic rights in an autocratic region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "neither challenges nor supports the depicted trend, because it was unrelated to politics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "continues to be felt in religious communities around the world", "label": "D" }, { "text": "changed the direction of the depicted trend", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The workers who survived the Black Plague, which killed nearly a third of European population, ironically saw their wages rise in later years. This phenomenon is best explained by", "choices": [ { "text": "natural resource depletion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "national choice theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Marx's theory of surplus value", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Keynesian economics", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the iron law of wages", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When the largest city in a country has at least twice the population of the country's next largest city, it can be designated as a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "megacity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "world city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "megalopolis", "label": "C" }, { "text": "entrep?t", "label": "D" }, { "text": "primate city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The trend depicted in the graph has been challenged in recent years by", "choices": [ { "text": "the Arab Spring", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the global takeover of reactionary politics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a sudden uptick in the number of countries embracing autocracy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a series of democratic revolutions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the spread of globalized culture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The United Nations developed a metric by which the health of a nation can be judged. It measures standard of living, longevity, and access to education. The name of this metric is", "choices": [ { "text": "the Global Peace Index", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Human Development Index", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Genuine Progress Indicator", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Social Progress Index", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Gross National Happiness Index", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Geographers define place as", "choices": [ { "text": "the geometric surface of the earth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an area wherein activity occurs on a daily basis", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the relationship between an object to the earth as a whole", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an area of bounded space of some human importance", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the ratio of distance on a map to distance in the real world", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Compared with the Indo-Iranian language family branch, the Romance language family branch is", "choices": [ { "text": "more complicated", "label": "A" }, { "text": "older", "label": "B" }, { "text": "less numerous", "label": "C" }, { "text": "less diffused throughout the world", "label": "D" }, { "text": "more enjoyable to speak", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to Figure 2, the majority of the world's population is", "choices": [ { "text": "living in rural areas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "living in urban areas of any size", "label": "B" }, { "text": "living in urban areas of 100,000 or more people", "label": "C" }, { "text": "living in urban areas of 500,000 or more people", "label": "D" }, { "text": "living in megacities", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The contradiction that can be best drawn from both Figures 1 and 2 is that", "choices": [ { "text": "population density does not correlate with overall population", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Asia is viewed by the rest of the world as largely rural", "label": "B" }, { "text": "excessive urbanization is mostly a Western phenomenon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the rate of natural increase is greater in Asia than it is in other continents", "label": "D" }, { "text": "while megacities account for the largest individual urban populations, the number of people living in megacities is actually less than the number of people living in smaller categories of cities", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "From a linguistic perspective, the birth of modern English is typically dated to which year?", "choices": [ { "text": "711 c.e.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "814 c.e.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1066 c.e.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1492 c.e.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1588 c.e.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the Demographic Transition Model, which of the following is NOT a cause of the decreased death rate in Stage 2 societies?", "choices": [ { "text": "increased sanitation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "increased factory production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increased physical labor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased access to education", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increased access to food markets", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of agricultural biotechnology?", "choices": [ { "text": "fertility sensors for cattle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "genetically modified soybean oil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "controlled fire management", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a strain of wheat that is naturally resistant to pests", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a pesticide made from inorganic chemicals", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "From a production perspective, the biggest challenge to modern popular consumer culture is", "choices": [ { "text": "boredom resulting from too many entertainment choices", "label": "A" }, { "text": "income inequality, leading to economic crashes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "animal rights activists protesting the global spread of meat consumption", "label": "C" }, { "text": "finding sources of the raw materials needed for production", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the amount of waste that it generates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "India has an RNI (rate of natural increase) of 1.09 percent. This results in a population doubling time of approximately", "choices": [ { "text": "36 years", "label": "A" }, { "text": "64 years", "label": "B" }, { "text": "69 years", "label": "C" }, { "text": "76 years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "140 years", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a typical consequence of \"impressive initial advances in health care\" such as the ones seen in Cuba?", "choices": [ { "text": "Lower infant mortality rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A reduced fertility rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A reduced rate of disease", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Higher health care costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Increased longevity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The \"productivity levels required for sustained growth\" in the final paragraph implies that", "choices": [ { "text": "according to the Demographic Transition Model, Cuba was attempting to move from a Stage 2 to a Stage 3 society", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a society's standard of living is determined entirely by the work ethic of that society", "label": "B" }, { "text": "it is possible for a society to reach full employment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "economic growth cannot be achieved by a communist society", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the revolution was a mistake and that foreign investors should have been invited to return", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One problem with conformal projection maps of the earth, such as the Mercator, is that they distort", "choices": [ { "text": "the topography of the land masses", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the size of the continents, particularly as the longitude increases", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the actual shape of polygons", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the relative area of one part of the map to another", "label": "D" }, { "text": "both the actual shape of the polygons and the relative area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the last five hundred years, the island of Taiwan has received various waves of invasive settlements, from the Dutch to the Spanish to the Han Chinese to the Japanese. This phenomenon is collectively known as", "choices": [ { "text": "agglomeration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "uniformity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sequent occupancy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "central place theory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "concentric zoning", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of formal regions EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "an area whose inhabitants are clustered around the same central business district", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an area whose inhabitants speak the same language", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an area whose inhabitants play the same traditional sport", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an area whose inhabitants eat the same traditional food on the same day of the week", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an area whose inhabitants construct the same three-story buildings", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The demographic transition model states that stage 3 societies differ from stage 2 societies primarily in that", "choices": [ { "text": "a stage 3 economy is agricultural, not manufacturing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a stage 3 birth rate is decreasing, not increasing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a stage 3 death rate is increasing, not decreasing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a stage 3 total population has leveled off", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a stage 3 gender imbalance has rebalanced itself", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Countries that are near or below zero population growth will often", "choices": [ { "text": "eliminate guest worker programs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "elect nativist or authoritarian leaders", "label": "B" }, { "text": "experience reduced levels of manufacturing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "offer incentives to citizens to have more children", "label": "D" }, { "text": "exhibit an increased death rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "", "choices": [ { "text": "sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "A" }, { "text": "western Europe", "label": "B" }, { "text": "central Asia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South America", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Middle East", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of cyclic movement is", "choices": [ { "text": "a Polish woman working as a housekeeper in Ireland each summer", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a Chinese software entrepreneur opening a branch of his business in Ethiopia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a French woman with dual citizenship retiring to her parents' homeland of Tunisia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a Syrian refugee seeking refuge with his family in Germany", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a young Colombian moving from the countryside to Bogot\u00e1 to attend university", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from Figure 1?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nations with more megacities generate more waste per capita than nations with smaller cities.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "No megacities existed until the first half of the twentieth century.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "All of the megacities on the list are still growing.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Most of the biggest megacities in the world are found in Asia.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The future of the human race lies in urban environments.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of an officially multilingual society is", "choices": [ { "text": "Canada", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the United States", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Bolivia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "France", "label": "D" }, { "text": "South Korea", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A Bangladeshi immigrant to France, who has limited grammar and few vocabulary words in French, speaks a", "choices": [ { "text": "lingua franca", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pidgin", "label": "B" }, { "text": "creole", "label": "C" }, { "text": "patois", "label": "D" }, { "text": "dialect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The cities circled on the map all share which of the following characteristics?", "choices": [ { "text": "All share a history of agricultural wealth.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "All have sizable indigenous populations.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "All have seen population decline in recent years.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "All are located in former Portuguese states.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "All are majority Protestant populations.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The regions inside the squares on the map all share which of the following characteristics?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cultural hearths", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Regions of monoculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Value-added agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Linguistic dialect regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Estuaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The triangular region on the map has been facing which of the following challenges in recent years?", "choices": [ { "text": "Religious fundamentalism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Loss of native architectural forms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Multilingualism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Transnational migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ecological degradation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The influence of German music upon the norte?o, ranchera, and banda forms of music in northern Mexico is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "stimulus diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hierarchical diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "expansion diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are differences between monotheistic and polytheistic traditions EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "monotheistic traditions emerged in what is now the Middle East, while polytheistic traditions emerged in the Far East", "label": "A" }, { "text": "monotheistic traditions grew out of the visions of a single founder, while polytheistic traditions grew out of collective culture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "monotheistic traditions believe in one divine being, while polytheistic traditions believe in many divine beings", "label": "C" }, { "text": "monotheistic traditions maintain an egalitarian structure, while polytheistic traditions maintain a hierarchical structure", "label": "D" }, { "text": "monotheistic traditions practice moral absolutism, while polytheistic traditions practice moral relativism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between a site and a situation is defined as the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "the physical characteristics of a place versus the interconnectedness of that place with other places", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the investment in historical renovation versus the investment in new construction", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the fixed characteristics of a place versus the changing characteristics of a place", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the tendency for a place to retain its own unique characteristics over time versus the tendency for a place to lose those unique characteristics over time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the power of a group effort versus the strength of individual effort", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 1920, what was the primary obstacle preventing lower-class people living in Zone 3 from moving to Zone 4?", "choices": [ { "text": "Racist housing policies", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Prejudice against immigrants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cost of transportation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Fervent religiosity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Lack of employment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If this urban model of Baltimore in 1920 were placed next to an urban model of Baltimore in 2020, which of the following changes would be evident during those one hundred years?", "choices": [ { "text": "Zone 1 would have remained unchanged.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Zone 2 would have remained unchanged.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Zone 3 would have increased in population density.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Zone 4 would have declined in population density.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Zone 5 would have grown in real population.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "It can be concluded that the behavior of \"the upper and middle sectors\" alluded to in the passage was most affected by which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "the rate of natural increase", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the demographic transition model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "advances in biotechnology", "label": "C" }, { "text": "irredentism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "push and pull factors", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Unlike the concentric zone model above, the sector model of urban structure takes into account which of the following factors?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ethnicity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gender", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Socioeconomic class", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Transportation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Religion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The scientific idea that a culture's physical traits are decided by the physical geography of its hearth region is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "external identity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "environmental determinism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ethnic cleansing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "syncretism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "appellations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of sequent occupance is best illustrated by which of the following situations?", "choices": [ { "text": "The arrival of a Somali family into a white Minnesota neighborhood", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The discovery by construction workers in Rome of previously unknown ancient ruins", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A young girl who is sharing an apartment with her parents and two sets of grandparents", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The laws that allow squatters legal rights to a property after a set period of time has elapsed", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The construction of Las Vegas on flat, untouched desert", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The perception of Mexicans as wearing large sombreros and eating tacos is an example of Mexico as a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "political region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "environmental region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "absolute location", "label": "C" }, { "text": "relative location", "label": "D" }, { "text": "vernacular region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the bar graph, total population is projected to increase the most in which region?", "choices": [ { "text": "Asia & Oceania", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Africa", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Americas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Europe", "label": "D" }, { "text": "There is not enough information to determine.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Instead of a bar graph, what type of graphic would more accurately describe the demographic makeup of these regions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mercator projections", "label": "A" }, { "text": "population pyramids", "label": "B" }, { "text": "demographic transition models", "label": "C" }, { "text": "concentric zone models", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sector models", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Given the fact that 55% of the global population now lives in cities, which of the following statements can be safely assumed?", "choices": [ { "text": "It's not likely that the concentric zone model is being adopted in regions such as Africa or Asia & Oceania.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The future of the human species is entirely urban.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The most typical human profile is a person who lives in a city in Asia or Oceania.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Europe features greater urban density than any other region.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Africa's population density is projected to grow faster than that of any other region.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States in the 1830s, the change in land survey patterns from a traditional system of metes and bounds to a rectilinear township and range system was the result of", "choices": [ { "text": "new territory obtained via the Louisiana Purchase", "label": "A" }, { "text": "new waves of Southern and Eastern European immigrants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "new incentives for redistricting state apportionments", "label": "C" }, { "text": "new surveying tools derived from seafaring technology", "label": "D" }, { "text": "new methods of calculating population density", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The above is an example of a", "choices": [ { "text": "cartogram", "label": "A" }, { "text": "flow-line map", "label": "B" }, { "text": "graduated symbol map", "label": "C" }, { "text": "isoline map", "label": "D" }, { "text": "choropleth map", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The spread of the influenza is most analogous to", "choices": [ { "text": "absolute location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "orthomorphic projection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "choropleth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Two neighboring villages with populations of 300 and 400 are separated by 10 miles. What is their gravity model?", "choices": [ { "text": "12", "label": "A" }, { "text": "24", "label": "B" }, { "text": "120", "label": "C" }, { "text": "240", "label": "D" }, { "text": "1,200", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "GIS (Geographic Information Systems) would be LEAST useful in which of the following situations?", "choices": [ { "text": "Plotting the effects of an economic crash on immigration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Dialing 911 from a landline", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Using in-car navigational systems", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Assessing crop damage after a flood", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Planning the construction of roads and bridges", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States, the process of suburbanization that has occurred since the 1950s has resulted in all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "increased automobile ownership", "label": "A" }, { "text": "diminished economic power of urban cores", "label": "B" }, { "text": "loss of agricultural land", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased environmental degradation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a greater sense of community", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The heartland theory holds that", "choices": [ { "text": "the American Midwest is the center of the United States because of its agricultural bounty", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Eurasia is the core of global influence owing to its size, population, and resources", "label": "B" }, { "text": "all national cultural identity can be traced to a central region in that nation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "far more important than the geographic expression of culture is the internal possession of that culture's norms", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Middle East, and Jerusalem in particular, is the center of the world's monotheistic religions", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of world order in which one state is dominant over the others, issuing orders for allies to follow instead of pursuing a joint decision-making process, is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "unilateralism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "absolute monarchy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "totalitarianism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "First World", "label": "D" }, { "text": "neo-multilateralism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The \"tragedy of the commons\" is best exemplified by which of the following situations?", "choices": [ { "text": "Deteriorating language because of poor formal instruction", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Malthusian idea of population limited by its food production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Neighboring ethnic groups that have coexisted peacefully devolving into warfare", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Degrading land as a result of too many individuals grazing their livestock on publicly held pasture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Declining resistance to viruses as a result of more densely packed populations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One consequence of the Soviet collectivization of farmland was", "choices": [ { "text": "a wider variety of food", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a lack of surplus food", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a greater profit margin for farmers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a more effective system of distribution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a greater resistance to disease", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In history, the rice farmers of Southeast Asia and the farmers of the Andes both increased crop yield by utilizing", "choices": [ { "text": "terrace farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wetland draining", "label": "B" }, { "text": "deforestation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "chemical farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pesticides", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund make \"structural adjustment loans\" to a country, those loans are often accompanied by requests", "choices": [ { "text": "to separate religion from politics", "label": "A" }, { "text": "to adopt a set of collectivist policies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "to open that country to outside trade and investment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "to restrict immigration to and emigration from that country", "label": "D" }, { "text": "to hold democratic elections", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary economic difference between urban and rural areas is that", "choices": [ { "text": "urban areas feature higher levels of education, while rural areas feature higher levels of experience", "label": "A" }, { "text": "urban areas offer more entertainment options, while rural areas offer more outdoor activities", "label": "B" }, { "text": "urban areas are built upon services, while rural communities are built upon resources", "label": "C" }, { "text": "urban areas promote free-market policies, while rural areas promote big-government policies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "urban areas contain elite residential neighborhoods, while rural areas contain housing for the poor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The spinning jenny, power loom, and steam engine were inventions of", "choices": [ { "text": "the Italians", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Chinese", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the United States", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the First Industrial Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Second Industrial Revolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following has NOT been a challenge to pastoral nomadic herders?", "choices": [ { "text": "Changes in economic relationships within regional contexts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Domination of political relationships by central states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Climatic change resulting in loss of resources for animals, such as food", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Reduced numbers of livestock", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Erosion of resource base", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary reason that \"First World/Second World/Third World\" terminology is being replaced by \"developing country/developed country\" terminology is that", "choices": [ { "text": "the former describes a world defined by the Cold War", "label": "A" }, { "text": "many developing countries objected strongly to being ranked last", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a public awareness campaign forced intellectuals to redefine their language", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the former implies that some societies are unable to improve themselves", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the latter implies that all societies are in a state of constant improvement", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One common characteristic of FTZs (free-trade zones) is that they are", "choices": [ { "text": "responsible for a marked increase in theft", "label": "A" }, { "text": "organized around seaports, airports, and national frontiers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "found primarily in developed countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a new innovation in world trade", "label": "D" }, { "text": "subject to the same laws regarding immigration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In places like Kenya and Ethiopia, all of the following accelerate the process of desertification EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "continuous cultivation without adding supplements", "label": "A" }, { "text": "overgrazing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "lack of soil and water conservation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the planting of trees", "label": "D" }, { "text": "random bushfires", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Groups such as Doctors Without Borders, the World Wildlife Fund, and Heifer International provide relief and policy advocacy in foreign countries, often using funds raised from private philanthropy. These groups are examples of", "choices": [ { "text": "policy think tanks", "label": "A" }, { "text": "international non-governmental organizations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "microcredit programs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transnational migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "political action committees", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the field of high-tech services, the primary advantage that India enjoys over other nations is", "choices": [ { "text": "its population of nearly one billion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "its tradition of hosting many diverse religions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "its traditional caste system", "label": "C" }, { "text": "its inability to manufacture textiles and other goods", "label": "D" }, { "text": "its English language heritage owing to its colonial past", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The economic indicator GNI (Gross National Income) attempts to correct GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by", "choices": [ { "text": "adjusting for inflation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "taking into account the dollar value of exports minus imports", "label": "B" }, { "text": "considering inheritances as earned income", "label": "C" }, { "text": "counting multiple currencies within the same country", "label": "D" }, { "text": "including petroleum imports", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The least cost theory, which tries to explain the location of manufacturing establishments, takes into account which of the following three factors?", "choices": [ { "text": "Labor, transportation, agglomeration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Labor, agglomeration, climate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Agglomeration, climate, investment", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Investment, transportation, labor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transportation, climate, supply chain", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A rural feed and farm supply store often draws customers from up to 100 miles away. This indicates that the business has a very high", "choices": [ { "text": "agglomeration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "threshold", "label": "B" }, { "text": "range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "margin", "label": "D" }, { "text": "point of maximum profitability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between buying a single hot dog at the corner convenience store, a pack of six hot dogs at the nearest grocery store, and a case of forty-eight hot dogs at a faraway big-box retail outlet is the difference in", "choices": [ { "text": "comparative advantage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "distance elastic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "supply chain", "label": "C" }, { "text": "peak land value intersection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "urban hierarchy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between the close clustering of rural communities in New England and the wide dispersal of rural communities in the Great Plains is best explained by", "choices": [ { "text": "the difference between the climates of the two regions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the different level of ethnic and family ties that existed in each region prior to settlement", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the different level of religiosity of the two populations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the need for trade in New England versus the need for privacy in the Great Plains", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the pre-existing housing stock in each region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A diamond-cutting company that employs four different workers, and whose only physical need is four machines on a table, can be regarded as part of", "choices": [ { "text": "a special economic zone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a decentralized network", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a supply chain", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a footloose industry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a high-benefit service", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Investors in the United States and Canada view which of the following as the best potential investments?", "choices": [ { "text": "Durable goods", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Non-durable goods", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Service products", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Raw agricultural products", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stocks", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Unlike other models of urban structure, the multiple-nuclei model", "choices": [ { "text": "analyzes the different areas of a city from a scientific standpoint", "label": "A" }, { "text": "can be applied to all urban environments around the world", "label": "B" }, { "text": "explains the growth at the periphery of cities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "admits that there is often more than one commercial center in a city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "defines zones more loosely than other theories do", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The set of Spanish colonial codes that specifically required all towns to be centered around a plaza was", "choices": [ { "text": "the Laws of Burgos", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Laws of the Indies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Napoleonic Code", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Spanish Requirement of 1513", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Fueros of Navarre", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One important difference between real estate laws in Latin America and real estate laws in the United States is that in Latin America", "choices": [ { "text": "trade agreements such as NAFTA have made it easier to purchase real estate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the rights of landowners are stronger than in the U.S.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "real estate laws discourage English-speaking foreigners from buying property", "label": "C" }, { "text": "only the middle and upper classes are legally allowed to purchase land", "label": "D" }, { "text": "idle land can be legally squatted upon if residents use it", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between the two religious structures is the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "the Christian and Judaic traditions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "high and low budgets", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reverent and irreverent attitudes towards religion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "medieval and modern design", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Eastern Orthodox and Western Christianity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "These religious structures do NOT share which of the following characteristics?", "choices": [ { "text": "An effective use of natural interior light", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A floor plan with centralized seating", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A tall, nearly flat facade", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Lack of a dome", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Symmetry and perpendicularity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Megacities in the developing world, such as S?o Paulo, Brazil, share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "a thriving and modern center of commerce", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an immigrant population from rural areas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a military presence in the central business district", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rapidly growing rate of natural increase", "label": "D" }, { "text": "squatter settlements that lack basic amenities", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In 2004, General Motors relocated its world headquarters from suburban Detroit to downtown Detroit. In 2018, McDonald's relocated its world headquarters from suburban Chicago to downtown Chicago. These decisions can best be seen to signify", "choices": [ { "text": "the way that large global corporations are leading the way in urban renewal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a precursor to wide-scale rejection of suburbanization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the inevitability of the gentrification movement", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a renewed interest from American companies in the central business district", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the debatable intentions of leaders of industry", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Taking a cruise to the Galapagos Islands for the purpose of seeing its exotic wildlife during limited shore excursions can be classified as", "choices": [ { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "globalization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "offshore production", "label": "C" }, { "text": "ecotourism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "distance decay", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A person who takes a bus to a subway to an airport for a flight has experienced several", "choices": [ { "text": "examples of rapid transit", "label": "A" }, { "text": "convergence zones", "label": "B" }, { "text": "vertical integrations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "intermodal connections", "label": "D" }, { "text": "spatial fixes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following lists includes Chinese innovations that were brought to Europe?", "choices": [ { "text": "Compass, paper, gunpowder, spinning jenny", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Paper, gunpowder, printing press, porcelain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Porcelain, compass, paper, gunpowder", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Compass, paper, spinning jenny, porcelain", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Printing press, compass, porcelain, gunpowder", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An \"ecotone\" can best be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "an area in which everyone speaks the same language", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the environmental transition zone between two biomes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a functional region that has a central node that serves a practical purpose", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the fuzzy borders that combine one or more cultural regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the collective mental map of the region's residents", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following countries are examples of constitutional monarchies EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Bahrain", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cambodia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Kuwait", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Monaco", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Portugal", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The practice of planting two crops consecutively on a single plot each year is referred to as", "choices": [ { "text": "conservation agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "crop rotation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "double cropping", "label": "C" }, { "text": "sustainable agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "swidden", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a weight-gaining industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "Automobile manufacturing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Beverage production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Clothing production", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Steel manufacturing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Bread production", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A place on the map that is defined by coordinates of longitude or latitude is a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "absolute location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "formal region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "prime area", "label": "C" }, { "text": "relative location", "label": "D" }, { "text": "functional region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The precise location of retail services is spatially dependent on the relationship between", "choices": [ { "text": "potential cost-overruns and projected revenue", "label": "A" }, { "text": "consumer demand and local supply", "label": "B" }, { "text": "variable cost and revenue surfaces", "label": "C" }, { "text": "infrastructure costs and recaptured revenue", "label": "D" }, { "text": "local consumer demand and geographic viability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The market area of a city is defined by both", "choices": [ { "text": "profit margin and product cost", "label": "A" }, { "text": "accessibility and necessity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "threshold and range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "economy and population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "proximity and production", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Human Development Index was designed to", "choices": [ { "text": "measure the level of development of states based on social indicators and economic production", "label": "A" }, { "text": "take into account differences in prices between countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "measure the level of income disparity between the country's richest and poorest population groups", "label": "C" }, { "text": "compare gender equality amongst different countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "calculate the dollar value of all goods and services produced in a country annually", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Furniture requires parts to be assembled into components that are then assembled together to create a larger finished product. In this regard, furniture is an example of a", "choices": [ { "text": "footloose industry", "label": "A" }, { "text": "high-benefit service", "label": "B" }, { "text": "supply chain", "label": "C" }, { "text": "bulk-losing industry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "deglomeration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the regions on the map would contain the Piedmont Industrial Region?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Locations on the map that are marked with a \u25b2 are", "choices": [ { "text": "service regions in less-developed countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "regions that practice subsistence agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "megacities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "manufacturing regions in more-developed countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "regions that specialize in plantation agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the regions on the map contain areas that would be a cultural hub of Cajun and Zydeco influences?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan share commonalities in cultural landscape features such as architecture due to the influence of", "choices": [ { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Judaism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Jainism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Christianity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is true of the United States and Australia?", "choices": [ { "text": "They are in the same environmental region.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Their cultural regions overlap significantly.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Their political boundaries are fuzzy.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Their vernacular regions are identical.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They are in the same linguistic region.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following statements are true of Mexico and Malaysia EXCEPT that both", "choices": [ { "text": "have birth rates that exceed their death rates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "are newly industrialized countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "have positive rates of natural increase", "label": "C" }, { "text": "are in stage 4 of the demographic transition model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "have experienced increases in quality of life in recent decades", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT associated with the quaternary stage of production of goods and services?", "choices": [ { "text": "Wholesaling", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Financing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Manufacturing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Advertising", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Marketing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Nonrenewable resources include", "choices": [ { "text": "uranium and wind power", "label": "A" }, { "text": "biofuel and coal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "solar energy and tidal power", "label": "C" }, { "text": "petroleum and natural gas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hydropower and nuclear energy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A port location where foreign firms are given special tax privileges to incentivize trade is known as a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "free-trade zone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "transport node", "label": "B" }, { "text": "export processing zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "resource node", "label": "D" }, { "text": "agglomeration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following models best represents the post-industrial city with its several, dispersed business districts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Galactic city", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Latin American city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Multiple-nuclei", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sector", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Concentric zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary reason that humanity has been able to escape the Malthusian trap is", "choices": [ { "text": "changing weather patterns", "label": "A" }, { "text": "improvements in human digestion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increased government intervention", "label": "C" }, { "text": "reduced open-border policies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "improved agricultural technology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Total Fertility Rate is the estimated average number of children born to each female aged", "choices": [ { "text": "10\u201340", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10\u201345", "label": "B" }, { "text": "15\u201340", "label": "C" }, { "text": "15\u201355", "label": "D" }, { "text": "18\u201350", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If the Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) for the United States is 4.25, approximately how many years would it take for the United States to double its population?", "choices": [ { "text": "4.25", "label": "A" }, { "text": "8.25", "label": "B" }, { "text": "16.5", "label": "C" }, { "text": "23.5", "label": "D" }, { "text": "33", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "___________ diffusion occurs when an innovation occurs in a central place and then expands outwards in all directions to other locations.", "choices": [ { "text": "Relocation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stimulus", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Contagious", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hierarchical", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Expansion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following underwent balkanization EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Yugoslavia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mongolia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Austro-Hungarian Empire", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Czechoslovakia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the USSR", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The provided images would best be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "life expectancy curves", "label": "A" }, { "text": "migration models", "label": "B" }, { "text": "population pyramids", "label": "C" }, { "text": "demographic transition models", "label": "D" }, { "text": "total fertility rate curves", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Diagram E represents a country that is experiencing", "choices": [ { "text": "fast growth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "moderate growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "slow growth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "zero growth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "negative growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which diagram would best exemplify a country that is in stage 1 of the demographic transition model?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept that the living space for each distinct nation is based upon the optimal physical geography of a culture group is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "sequent occupance", "label": "A" }, { "text": "environmental determinism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "acculturation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "possibilism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following countries are considered New Asian Tigers and received development funding through Foreign Direct Investment EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "China", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Japan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Indonesia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Thailand", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Vietnam", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A population under a single government is best defined as a", "choices": [ { "text": "country", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nation state", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stateless nation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The racist method of real estate agents encouraging white homeowners to sell their homes at a loss by implying that minorities were moving in is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "gentrification", "label": "A" }, { "text": "blockbusting", "label": "B" }, { "text": "functional zonation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "redlining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "new urbanism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT considered a plantation crop?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cane Sugar", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Palm Oil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tea", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rubber", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pistachios", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An operational border dispute occurs when", "choices": [ { "text": "borders are agreed to, but passage across the border is a problem", "label": "A" }, { "text": "border treaties are interpreted two different ways by states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a resource lies on two sides of a border", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the border moves, like when a river changes course", "label": "D" }, { "text": "borders do not match cultural boundaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What percent of the world's freshwater is used in irrigation agriculture worldwide?", "choices": [ { "text": "10%", "label": "A" }, { "text": "25%", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50%", "label": "C" }, { "text": "75%", "label": "D" }, { "text": "95%", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of gerrymandering?", "choices": [ { "text": "Minority representation is decreased.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Election outcomes are predictable.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Both minority and majority parties are equally represented.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Incumbents are protected in their positions.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Election outcomes favor the majority party which minimizes the power of the minority party.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diplomatic meeting between European colonial powers to set the internal political boundaries in Africa", "choices": [ { "text": "led to the Oregon Treaty", "label": "A" }, { "text": "is referred to as the Conference of Berlin", "label": "B" }, { "text": "resulted in the Antarctic Treaty", "label": "C" }, { "text": "established the Organization of the African Union", "label": "D" }, { "text": "is known as the Paracel consortium", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Primary production, which includes agriculture, mining, and forestry, consists of", "choices": [ { "text": "activities that include the extraction of natural resources from the earth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the transportation, wholesaling, and retailing of finished goods to consumers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "activities that include the fabrication of components", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the processing of raw materials", "label": "D" }, { "text": "activities that include the assembly of finished goods", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants for every thousand members of the population is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "population growth rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "net migration rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rate of natural increase", "label": "C" }, { "text": "demographic equation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "gross immigration rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Specific things about the rural agricultural landscape and livelihood that force people off the farm are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "life-course changes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pull factors", "label": "B" }, { "text": "shift factors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "push factors", "label": "D" }, { "text": "migration opportunities", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of newly industrialized countries (NICs)?", "choices": [ { "text": "They experience rapid internal rural-to-urban migration.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "NICs have high birth rates and high death rates.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They are transitioning their focus away from agriculture to manufacturing as the primary form of economic production.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "NICs experience rapid population growth.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They have high rates of natural increase.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS), sovereign territory that includes the area of the sea from the shore out to the 12-nautical-mile limit is referred to as", "choices": [ { "text": "an exclusive economic zone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "admiralty law", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a special economic zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the high seas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the territorial sea", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The curved strip of arable land that connects Mesopotamia and Egypt through to the Levant is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "a Sunbelt State", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Etruscan environment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a Special Economic Zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Fertile Crescent", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Tiberian Trench", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "This model of urban structure is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "concentric zone model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Latin American city model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "peripheral model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "multiple-nuclei model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sector model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which region does middle-class housing exist?", "choices": [ { "text": "1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States, crops and animals that must not be grown using genetic engineering, must be free of pesticides, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones, and must feed on completely organic crops are classified as", "choices": [ { "text": "appellation products", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cottage industry yields", "label": "B" }, { "text": "heirloom", "label": "C" }, { "text": "natural food products", "label": "D" }, { "text": "organic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a list of microstates?", "choices": [ { "text": "Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, and Hong Kong", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Denmark, Dominica, and Mexico", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Andorra, Liechtenstein, and St", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Malta, Nigeria, and Palau", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Brazil, Luxembourg, Singapore", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a supranational organization that is primarily concerned with", "choices": [ { "text": "ilitary cooperation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "governmental loans", "label": "B" }, { "text": "regional diplomacy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "petroleum pricing regulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "free-trade zones", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In Ernest Burgess' concentric zone model, the outermost ring would best be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "the suburbs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the central business district", "label": "B" }, { "text": "inner-city housing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the industrial zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the exurbs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Since the first census was conducted in 1790, the population center of the United States has", "choices": [ { "text": "moved north each decade", "label": "A" }, { "text": "moved east each decade", "label": "B" }, { "text": "remained stationary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "moved south each decade", "label": "D" }, { "text": "moved west each decade", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The two photos above most clearly display the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "developed and developing world agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Old World and New World agricultural techniques", "label": "B" }, { "text": "wheat and corn", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fallow fields and crop rotation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "monoculture and biodiversity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a pillar of Islam?", "choices": [ { "text": "Six Daily Prayers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Islamic Creed", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Alms to the Poor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Observance of Ramadan", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Hajj", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The bluegrass music tradition, in which the fiddle and the banjo are the primary interests, is most prevalent in", "choices": [ { "text": "Texas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Ozarks", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Louisiana", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Caribbean", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Appalachia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Underdeveloped countries with primarily agricultural and resource-based economies that have no formal national government are best described as", "choices": [ { "text": "Fifth World countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fourth World countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Third World countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Second World countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "First World countries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following statements regarding women are true EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "the percentage of female-headed households in urban areas has increased significantly in recent decades", "label": "A" }, { "text": "women surpass men in terms of average pay in the service sectors of health care and education", "label": "B" }, { "text": "female heads of household are less likely to rely on public transportation than male heads of household", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the 19th Amendment to the U.S", "label": "D" }, { "text": "on average, women live approximately 5 years longer than men", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary purpose of the European Court of Justice is to", "choices": [ { "text": "ensure that no taxes or tariffs are charged on goods and services that cross the internal borders of the European Union", "label": "A" }, { "text": "provide a legal venue for cases between litigants in separate European Union member states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "set the European Union's annual policy agenda", "label": "C" }, { "text": "propose and approve laws within the European Union", "label": "D" }, { "text": "act as the executive branch of the European Union to enact programs and enforce regulations set by the European Union Parliament and Counci", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The graph provided best illustrates", "choices": [ { "text": "Mendel's theory", "label": "A" }, { "text": "von Th\u00fcnen's model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Malthusian theory", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Magnuson's model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "population-consumption theory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The point at which the lines of food production and human population cross would best be described as the point at which", "choices": [ { "text": "rapid migration to North America leads to a decline in the world economy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a former communist economy completes the transition from a Second World country to a Third World country", "label": "B" }, { "text": "technological innovations will eliminate global food shortages", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a former agrarian economy completes the transition into an industrialized economy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the population exceeds its ability to feed itself", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following crops did NOT diffuse to the Old World from the New World as part of the Columbian exchange?", "choices": [ { "text": "Maize", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Potatoes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tobacco", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Chickens", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Turkeys", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The most likely purpose for drawing an electoral region in the manner shown above is", "choices": [ { "text": "to reduce the likelihood of a mishap", "label": "A" }, { "text": "to make the outcome of elections more predictable", "label": "B" }, { "text": "to include various ethnic groups in the same district ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "to distribute power more evenly", "label": "D" }, { "text": "to counteract the power of repressive voting laws", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The name for the practice of redrawing districts in an unnatural, elongated manner is", "choices": [ { "text": "reapportionment", "label": "A" }, { "text": "electoral college", "label": "B" }, { "text": "popular representation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "gerrymandering", "label": "D" }, { "text": "majority-minority districting", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the House of Representatives, new voting districts are drawn based on the reapportionment of the 435 House seats, which in turn is based on", "choices": [ { "text": "the national census", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the electoral college", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the wishes of the Speaker of the House", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the results of the biannual November elections", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the committee head's findings", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The biggest cause of the decline of feudalism in Europe was", "choices": [ { "text": "the three-field system, which made land too expensive for the peasantry to farm", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a series of revolutions that resulted in constitutional monarchy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a better practice of keeping economic statistics", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the arrival of the Black Plague", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Catholic Church's insistence on something more equitable", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are sacred texts in the Hindu-Buddhist tradition EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "The Upanishads", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Vedas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Had\u012bth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Bhagavad Gita", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The P\u0101li Canon", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The growth of different levels of offices in Christianity (such as cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests), as well as its birth in urban areas such as Rome, demonstrate that it experienced", "choices": [ { "text": "expansion diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "hierarchical diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stimulus diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The difference between ethnicity and race is the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "common language and shared cultural perspective", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ethnic diversity and ethnic purity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "political self-definition and cultural self-definition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "shared religious customs and general citizenship", "label": "D" }, { "text": "national heritage and physical characteristics", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The yam is considered a staple crop of which of the following culture hearths?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nile River", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Indus Valley", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mesoamerica", "label": "C" }, { "text": "West Africa", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Andean Highlands", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Research has shown that, in the years following contact with Europeans, native Americans died primarily of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "External warfare", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Forced labor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Disease", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relocation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Intratribal conflict", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The movement of West African voodoo religion occurred via relocation diffusion, which itself was a result of", "choices": [ { "text": "religious oppression from the landed aristocracy in Africa", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a slowly dying cultural hearth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an evangelical tradition among its adherents", "label": "C" }, { "text": "european-directed slavery ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a social custom that favors inclusion of outsiders", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The reason that people of Latin America are often absent from the discussion of racial group physiology is that", "choices": [ { "text": "there are too many racial groups to consider within the Latin race", "label": "A" }, { "text": "experts consider the indigenous people of South America to be racially unclassifiable", "label": "B" }, { "text": "they contain a blend of Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid races but are not considered a separate race", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the field of ethnology suffers from systematic prejudice", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mestizos are found primarily within the Caucasian race but not the Mongoloid race", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A Chinese man working in Africa meets another Chinese man and begins the conversation by asking which city he comes from. This is an example of an expression of", "choices": [ { "text": "internal identity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "external identity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "xenophobia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "possibilism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "racism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The graphic above is an illustration of the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "relative location and absolute location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "metes and bounds", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a centralized pattern and a decentralized pattern", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a linear pattern and a scattered pattern", "label": "D" }, { "text": "map scale and relative scale", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One expression of the difference between these two structures can be seen in the difference between", "choices": [ { "text": "a planned economy and a market economy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "secondary production and tertiary production", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an ancient culture hearth and a contemporary culture hearth ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stage 3 societies and stage 4 societies", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the second half of the twentieth century, which of the following enabled the physical structure of American cities to change from the image on the left to the image on right?", "choices": [ { "text": "Television", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Balkanization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Increased immigration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Railroads", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Oil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are population models EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "demographic transition model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "epidemiological transition model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "concentric zone model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Malthusian theory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "population pyramid", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A stage 4 nation has a population of 32 million people and a TFR (total fertility rate) of 1.4\u2014yet its population has grown by nearly one million in the last two years.", "choices": [ { "text": "The conclusion of a short war ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Positive net migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Economic restructuring", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A rapid decrease in the death rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Deindustrialization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the demographic transition model, the primary similarity between stage 1 and stage 2 societies is", "choices": [ { "text": "a change from production of goods to a service-based industry", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a change from a nationalistic model to an embrace of globalization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a mostly consistent population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a mostly consistent death rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a mostly consistent birth rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Given centuries of traditional fishing in the region, the sharp rise in the Grand Banks cod harvest from 1956 to 1968 is most likely due to", "choices": [ { "text": "better pay for the fishermen", "label": "A" }, { "text": "greater market demand", "label": "B" }, { "text": "improved fishing technology", "label": "C" }, { "text": "changes in the Canadian diet", "label": "D" }, { "text": "increased ownership of fishing boats", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Keeping in mind the prior rise in the cod harvest, the most likely reason for the rapid decline of the cod harvest from 1968 to 1975 is that", "choices": [ { "text": "the fish population grew more savvy in avoiding fishing boats ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Canadian government instituted strict regulations in 1975 intended to prevent overfishing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sudden environmental changes reduced the resilience of the cod population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the cod population had sustained severe damage due to the overfishing of recent years", "label": "D" }, { "text": "other fisheries had opened nearby, thus reducing the average catch", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Because of open access to the Grand Banks region until the 1970s, many foreign trawlers took advantage of the open waters. However, subsequent data has shown that the cod harvest continued to decline after 1975, even despite restricted access. This is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "the tragedy of the commons", "label": "A" }, { "text": "subsistence farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "market socialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "supply and demand", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fecundity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following arguments provides the LEAST support for the argument that the cod population will rebound?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Grand Banks were closed to foreign fishing boats in 1977", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Canadian government imposed a moratorium on cod fishing for two years in 1992.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The cod population fluctuated wildly for at least a century prior to the boom-and-bust of the 1960s and 1970s.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A government report in 1994 discussed the cod population in terms of both commercial and biological extinction.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The behavior of the cod population typically changes as a result of severely decreased population.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "This diagram best models", "choices": [ { "text": "the cost-to-distance relationship in agricultural land use", "label": "A" }, { "text": "elastic distance proximity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "supply chain management", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a cycle of dependency based on capital accumulation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the spatial margin of profitability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT an example of a matching pair of a domesticated animal with its geographical hearth?", "choices": [ { "text": "Horse \u2013 Eurasian steppe", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cat \u2013 Near East", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dog \u2013 Europe", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Chicken \u2013 northern Africa", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Llama \u2013 Peruvian Andes", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "William Denevan is most closely associated with which of the following theories?", "choices": [ { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Central place theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Native American depopulation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Latin American city model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Isolated state model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One of the weaknesses of the demographic transition model is that it", "choices": [ { "text": "only looks at birth and death rates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fails to consider government incentives that affect birth rates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "doesn't distinguish between the different types of deaths", "label": "C" }, { "text": "isn't transparent with the sources of its data", "label": "D" }, { "text": "includes the impact of wars but not of natural disasters", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A neo-Malthusian believes that", "choices": [ { "text": "not enough critical attention was paid to Thomas Malthus' warnings", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the earth may not be able to sustain the food demands of 10 billion people", "label": "B" }, { "text": "natural resources will always be consumed at the same rate regardless of population size", "label": "C" }, { "text": "developed nations ought to consume food in the same per capita amount as developing nations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "soil erosion is largely responsible for soil nutrient loss", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A society with a triangular population pyramid enjoys which of the following advantages?", "choices": [ { "text": "Improved urban standard of living", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Lower infant mortality rates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Better educational services", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A potentially larger future tax base", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Political stability", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following are examples of modern ethnostates?", "choices": [ { "text": "Great Britain and North Korea", "label": "A" }, { "text": "India and Pakistan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Israel and France", "label": "C" }, { "text": "North Korea and Brazil", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Japan and Israel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the demographic transition model, as opposed to the internal migration experienced by stage 2 societies, internal migration experienced by stage 3 societies tends to be", "choices": [ { "text": "pushed by educational needs ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "pulled by religious incentives", "label": "B" }, { "text": "from rural areas to urban ones", "label": "C" }, { "text": "from suburban areas to rural ones", "label": "D" }, { "text": "from urban areas to suburban ones", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary financial advantage to locating a company in a developing country is", "choices": [ { "text": "greater transparency ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "low taxes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stable political regimes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an educated population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "advanced infrastructure", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "By 2050, one in three people are predicted to be over the age of sixty five. The economic consequences of this \"graying\" of the world population includes", "choices": [ { "text": "decreased need for immigration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "stable housing stock", "label": "B" }, { "text": "reduced economic pressure on adult children ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "fewer employment opportunities for younger people", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stronger national pension programs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The owner of a well-regarded urban Chinese restaurant is interested in expanding to a second location in the suburbs. She hires a consultant who studies the proposed location, then informs her that the location does not reach the minimum number of people necessary to support her business. According to Central Place Theory, this number is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "market area", "label": "A" }, { "text": "threshold", "label": "B" }, { "text": "range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "settlements", "label": "D" }, { "text": "rank size", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The map denoted above is an example of a", "choices": [ { "text": "cartogram", "label": "A" }, { "text": "isoline map", "label": "B" }, { "text": "choropleth map", "label": "C" }, { "text": "topographic map", "label": "D" }, { "text": "thematic map", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The curving contour lines that are densely clumped on the map denote", "choices": [ { "text": "human settlements", "label": "A" }, { "text": "vegetation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "altitude", "label": "C" }, { "text": "roads", "label": "D" }, { "text": "rivers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following groups are LEAST likely to regularly use maps of this type?", "choices": [ { "text": "Highway planners", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Epidemiologists", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Environmental engineers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Long-distance hikers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Emergency responders in natural disasters", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The earliest techniques used for making such maps include", "choices": [ { "text": "aerial photography and stereomodelling", "label": "A" }, { "text": "copper engraving and lithographs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "plane tables and the alidade", "label": "C" }, { "text": "field surveys and photogrammetry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "tape traverses and sketching", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An exclave differs from an enclave in that an exclave is", "choices": [ { "text": "a sovereign territory that exists geographically separate from the main territory ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a minority culture group concentrated inside a nation dominated by a different, larger culture group", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a group of citizens living outside of their own borders", "label": "C" }, { "text": "technically able to dictate legal procedures on the high seas ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "encircled by superimposed boundaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The existence of a periodic market, such as a weekly farmers' market serving the people of a rural county, depends primarily upon", "choices": [ { "text": "a close proximity to the products that it sells", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a high profitability index ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a union of vendors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a threshold too low to support a full-time market", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a series of municipal incentives, particularly tax breaks", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Mississippi River Delta, with its peculiar blend of European and African traditions, boasts its own accent, food, and music that have spread across the United States. This is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "contemporary culture region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cluster of oppression", "label": "B" }, { "text": "bioregion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "linguistic region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ancient cultural hearth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In Argentina, the spread of soccer occurred via British railroad employees as they constructed railways across the country. This is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "hierarchical diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stimulus diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "expansion diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT an example of a folk food taboo?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Jewish prohibition of serving meat and dairy on the same plate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Muslim banning of pork products", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Hindu restriction on consuming cows", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Christian tradition of forgoing meat on Friday during Lent", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Icelandic tradition of eating rotten fermented shark", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based solely on the map above, which of the following conclusions can be best drawn about the population of Europe?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Mediterranean region of Europe has a lower birth rate than other regions of Europe", "label": "A" }, { "text": "While all other portions of Europe are clearly growing in population, the nations in the Mediterranean are shrinking in population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Nations in the Mediterranean region will soon have smaller populations than the nations of northern Europe", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Immigration to the Mediterranean region of Europe makes up for its low birth rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "France, Sweden, and Norway have enacted family-friendly policies that encourage a higher birth rate.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a criticism of using the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as a measure of national health?", "choices": [ { "text": "It doesn't analyze the manufacturing sector as well as other indices.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It cannot understand how to measure information relayed on the Internet.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It doesn't measure services, or quality of service, accurately.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It fails to take into account how national income is distributed.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It doesn't count unpaid services, such as elder care.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are becoming more necessary for businesses to compete in the contemporary global marketplace EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "telephones", "label": "A" }, { "text": "motor vehicles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Internet", "label": "C" }, { "text": "domestic manufacturing plants", "label": "D" }, { "text": "computers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Economically, Mexico and Canada are similar in that the wealth of both countries is", "choices": [ { "text": "a direct result of NAFTA", "label": "A" }, { "text": "concentrated along the border with the United States", "label": "B" }, { "text": "in a state of flux, depending upon the level of immigration to the United States", "label": "C" }, { "text": "owing mostly to the tourism industry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the cause of many of their most serious social problems", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Somali immigrants to the United States have formed a community of over 80,000 in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. This practice of migrants following fellow migrants of the same ethnicity to the same area is referred to as", "choices": [ { "text": "quota laws", "label": "A" }, { "text": "chain migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "documented immigration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a pull factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "migrant work", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One of the principal causes of the China-Tibet conflict, which began in 1950, was", "choices": [ { "text": "the historical overreliance of Tibet upon the Chinese government", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Chinese need to control the vast economic resources of the Tibetan plateau ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the violent revolutionary rhetoric of the Dalai Lama", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the unwillingness of the Chinese Communist Party to accept the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the U.S", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Internal migration is LEAST likely to occur for which of the following reasons?", "choices": [ { "text": "Civil disturbance", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Economic opportunity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natural disaster", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Political revolution ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Educational opportunities", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the map, which of the following can be concluded about the African continent?", "choices": [ { "text": "Subsistence farming has affected the appearance of its landscape.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A significant natural feature prevents the growth of trees in the northern portion of the continent", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Excessive pastoralism caused the denuding of the majority of the trees on the continent.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The region with the tallest and densest trees is the most economically successful.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Generations of slash-and-burn agriculture has resulted in a continent with uneven forest coverage.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are causes of deforestation in central Africa EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "slash-and-burn agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "road construction", "label": "B" }, { "text": "demand for timber from foreign lands such as China", "label": "C" }, { "text": "soil erosion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fuelwood and charcoal collection", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The term reverse migration, when applied to African-Americans, refers to", "choices": [ { "text": "their desire to return their communities to Africa ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "their annual visits to the fields in which the slaves toiled", "label": "B" }, { "text": "their improved standard of living when compared with their ancestors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "their term for the migration of white Americans from the Deep South to the North", "label": "D" }, { "text": "their return from the North to newly urbanized areas of the Deep South", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Universalizing religions are divided, from largest to smallest, into", "choices": [ { "text": "denomination, sect, branch", "label": "A" }, { "text": "branch, denomination, sect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sect, denomination, branch", "label": "C" }, { "text": "branch, sect, denomination", "label": "D" }, { "text": "denomination, branch, sect", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A young woman living in Namibia cannot find news about her homeland because the television stations and newspapers don't have enough money in their budgets to do investigations. Instead, she watches episodes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta for free on YouTube. Critics might call this an instance of", "choices": [ { "text": "contemporary culture region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "migration diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "cultural imperialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transnationalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cultural synthesis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Amish families in Pennsylvania have a tradition of giving a large plot of farmland to each of their sons, but many of these families have recently begun to have difficulty finding new land to buy. This is an example of the", "choices": [ { "text": "problems of the new urban density", "label": "A" }, { "text": "challenge of sustainability in folk culture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "discrimination against religious groups", "label": "C" }, { "text": "twenty-first century disregard for ancestral customs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "newfound rural economic crisis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of multilingual societies EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Switzerland", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Belgium", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Malaysia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South Africa", "label": "D" }, { "text": "France", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A Chinese trader and a Brazilian coffee farmer sit down for a business meeting. During the negotiation, they attempt to communicate in basic English, mostly simple nouns and verbs. This is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "a language diversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an endangered language", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a lingua franca", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a pidgin language", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an isolated language", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes a \"push factor\" that would cause rural people in the Third World to leave their farms and migrate away from their home community?", "choices": [ { "text": "Guest worker policies in First-World countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Civil war or armed conflict in the rural countryside", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Job opportunities in manufacturing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Access to services and education opportunities in cities", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Decreasing land costs for farmers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of physical geographic factors such as soils, climate, and resources shaping a specific culture group's behavior and practices is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "transhumance", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cultural imperialism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "convergence zones", "label": "C" }, { "text": "environmental determinism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tobler's law", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An example of a nation without a representative state would be", "choices": [ { "text": "Greece", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Egypt", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Panama", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Indonesia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Kurdistan", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "As industrialized countries continue to develop economically, agriculture in these First-World states tends to have the following characteristics:", "choices": [ { "text": "larger farm size and increasing corporate ownership of farms", "label": "A" }, { "text": "larger farm size and more government ownership of farms", "label": "B" }, { "text": "smaller farm size and a diversity of crops on each farm", "label": "C" }, { "text": "smaller farm size and fewer family-owned farms", "label": "D" }, { "text": "larger farm size and increasing number of family-owned farms", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The shaded area on the map would be best described as the", "choices": [ { "text": "European culture hearth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "European industrial core region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "European Union", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mackinder's Heartland", "label": "D" }, { "text": "European population periphery", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The long-term demographic effect of the One-Child Policy in China has been", "choices": [ { "text": "large-scale out-migration of Chinese to foreign countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "reduction of the total fertility rate below the replacement rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mass rural-to-urban migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "smaller total population of China", "label": "D" }, { "text": "in-migration of foreign guest workers to fill low-paying service jobs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The effects of increasing worldwide use of the Internet, popularity of Hollywood movies, and consumption of other English-language media would be examples of", "choices": [ { "text": "cultural globalization", "label": "A" }, { "text": "expansion diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Anatolian migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "vernacular regions", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Workers freely moving between member states within the European Union and the elimination of customs inspections for cars, trucks, and trains moving between EU member states are results of", "choices": [ { "text": "the removal of tariffs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the development of the European Coal and Steel Community", "label": "B" }, { "text": "open-border policies ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the monetary union and use of the Euro ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "judicial decisions of the European Court of Human", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which plant was the dominant staple crop for the culture hearths of Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and the rest of the Fertile Crescent?", "choices": [ { "text": "Corn (maize)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Potatoes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Yams", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Wheat", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Rice", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "New factories located in less developed countries (LDCs) are often the result of corporations based in more devel-oped countries (MDCs) that are seeking", "choices": [ { "text": "industrial locations next to natural resource sites ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "least-cost industrial locations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "industrial locations at transportation nodes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased government regulation of industry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a technically trained and highly educated industrial workforce", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are problems associated with suburban sprawl EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "limited transportation access and increasing road congestion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ethnic and racial segregation of suburban communities from the inner city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "limited tax funds to pay for new public schools and services for the elderly", "label": "C" }, { "text": "limited communications access and few utility services ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "destruction of natural landscapes and the elimination of farmland", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diagram above displays the concept known as", "choices": [ { "text": "Population Density ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Demographic Transition Theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Malthusian Theory ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rate of Natural Increase", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Total Fertility Rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "As shown in Stage 4 of the model, birth rates can dip below death rates. A country that would be an example of this phenomenon would be", "choices": [ { "text": "Sweden", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mexico", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Brazil", "label": "C" }, { "text": "United States", "label": "D" }, { "text": "India", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In countries that would fall into Stage 2 of the model, the economy would be best characterized as", "choices": [ { "text": "service-based", "label": "A" }, { "text": "heavy industrial", "label": "B" }, { "text": "agricultural", "label": "C" }, { "text": "high technology", "label": "D" }, { "text": "postindustrial", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the diagram, the point where population growth would be at its highest rate would be", "choices": [ { "text": "the beginning of Stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the end of Stage 4", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the line between Stage 1 and Stage 2", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the line between Stage 2 and Stage 3", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the line between Stage 3 and Stage 4", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A topographical historian might explain the northern European tradition of slowly roasting meat and slowly cooking stews as", "choices": [ { "text": "the result of a society with a genetic predisposition for patience", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the primary cause of a long culinary tradition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "better than the culinary traditions of other continents", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the product of a region that has an abundance of firewood", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the consequence of having abundant coal reserves", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The large-scale mortality in the population of Native Americans during the decades following European settlement from 1492 onward was vastly the result of", "choices": [ { "text": "warfare with invading European armies", "label": "A" }, { "text": "changes in global climate which led to crop failures and sea-level rise ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "slavery and forced labor in European-owned colonial plantations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "infectious diseases introduced by European explorers and colonists", "label": "D" }, { "text": "colonial government policies restricting the number of children in native families", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One option for small family-owned farms to increase the market value of their crops would be to", "choices": [ { "text": "eliminate irrigation and rely upon natural rainfall", "label": "A" }, { "text": "switch to organic farming practices with no pesticides or chemical fertilizers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "use biofuels such as vegetable-based diesel for their farm equipment ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "switch to growing traditional staple crops such as corn and use fertilizers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "export their crops to Third-World locations such as Sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The forced expulsion and resettlement of culture groups through the use of fear and violence, such as the conflicts within the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "insurgency", "label": "A" }, { "text": "demilitarized zones", "label": "B" }, { "text": "chain migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ethnic cleansing", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The deindustrialization process within First-World countries where the national economy shifts away from manufacturing and toward services commonly leads to", "choices": [ { "text": "decreased dependence on high technology and computers", "label": "A" }, { "text": "large numbers of factory workers being laid off and unemployed", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increased dependence on agricultural production and fisheries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "decreased need for workers with degrees from colleges and universities ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "smaller numbers of services available in suburban areas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Efforts were made in the 2000s by many First-World city governments to increase the livability and \"cool\" factor of old central business districts (old CBDs) and surrounding industrial areas. This is intended to attract younger, educated residents and", "choices": [ { "text": "creative or high-value service industries such as advertising and architectural firms ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "traditional basic services such as family shoe stores and children's clothing retailers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "heavy industrial and other manufacturing firms such as steel plants and foundries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transportation terminals and break-in-bulk points such as ports and rail yards", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sweatshops and other export-based production such as shoes and furniture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of manufacturing which involves the coordinated assembly of products as supplies and parts are received, and thus reduces production costs and decreases inventory space is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "footloose industries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "tertiary production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "just-in-time production", "label": "C" }, { "text": "craft manufacturing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "cottage industries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following population statistics would be commonly found in newly industrialized countries (NICs)?", "choices": [ { "text": "Slow population growth and rapid urban-to-rural migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Zero population growth and rapid rural-to-urban migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "High population growth and rapid rural-to-urban migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "High population growth and rapid urban-to-rural migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Slow population growth and rapid rural-to-urban migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Singapore can be classified as all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "an entrep\u00f4t", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an island state", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a microstate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a dependent territory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a sovereign state", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following cities is NOT part of a larger megalopolis?", "choices": [ { "text": "New York", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Paris", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tokyo", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Osaka", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Essen", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Because of its popularity as the center of the Islamic faith, the city of Mecca dominates its geographical area in such a way that it has become known as an", "choices": [ { "text": "environmental region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nodal region ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "market area", "label": "C" }, { "text": "absolute location", "label": "D" }, { "text": "prime meridian", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "One immediate and practical benefit that a nation receives from protecting its indigenous cultures is", "choices": [ { "text": "guaranteed monetary reward from international bodies dedicated to the preservation of disappearing indigenous cultures", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the ability to market this indigenous culture to the international tourism market", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a more peaceable population owing to universal representation and protection", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a gradual reduction in indigenous separatist movements", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the awareness that the indigenous art and language will be preserved for future generations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Poor rural-to-urban migrants who settle in Latin American cities are most likely to have residences or homes", "choices": [ { "text": "inside the abandoned buildings of downtown business districts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "in government-provided public housing projects", "label": "B" }, { "text": "in landlord-owned tenement buildings just outside the CBD", "label": "C" }, { "text": "in squatter settlements on the urban periphery ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "in single-family detached houses within the suburbs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) can be defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "the estimated number of children born to each father during a one-year period", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the difference between crude birth rates and crude death rates divided by 10", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the estimated number of children born to each female of birthing age (ages 15\u201345)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the total number of children born to each female in the previous ten-year period", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the number of children per family required to replace the previous generation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Popular resistance to the creation of a European Union citizen status and EU passports for the residents of EU member states can be attributed to", "choices": [ { "text": "Western Europeans having higher wages than workers in Eastern Europe", "label": "A" }, { "text": "security problems associated with the open borders between member states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "concerns over higher taxes to pay for EU government programs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the popularity of high technology and communications systems, which reduce barriers to the formation of social networks", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the attachment to personal identity based upon nationality and regional uniqueness", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In von Th\u00fcnen's model of the Isolated State the location of village, town, or city would fall into the ring labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In von Th\u00fcnen's model the most time-intensive and labor-intensive agricultural activities would fall in", "choices": [ { "text": "rings D and E", "label": "A" }, { "text": "ring E", "label": "B" }, { "text": "rings A and B", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rings B and E", "label": "D" }, { "text": "rings C, D, and E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In von Th\u00fcnen's model the area that would be mainly used for grazing activities would be the ring labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of scale, in terms of the geographical analysis of population, would be divided upon levels such as", "choices": [ { "text": "private, business, government", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1:24,000, 1:1,000,000, 1:6,000,000", "label": "B" }, { "text": "census tract, city, county ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "male, female, dependents", "label": "D" }, { "text": "gender, age, ethnicity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The amount of energy resources known to be contained in a supply or deposit, such as the barrel volume of an oil field that has been explored by geologists, is known as a", "choices": [ { "text": "proven reserve", "label": "A" }, { "text": "potential reserve", "label": "B" }, { "text": "surplus ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "consumption volume", "label": "D" }, { "text": "production volume", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pollution in the form of acid rain that can damage natural forests and lake environments is primarily the result of", "choices": [ { "text": "the combustion of natural gas for home heating and industrial production", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the burning of coal for electrical and industrial production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the use of hydrochloric acid in factories", "label": "C" }, { "text": "airborne emissions from petroleum refineries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "water vapor from nuclear plant cooling towers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The industrial location of large steel manufacturing centers such as Pittsburgh would be most significantly determined by", "choices": [ { "text": "a high volume of steel consumers in the area", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nearby location of iron ore resources", "label": "B" }, { "text": "central location in retail networks", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nearby location of water, coal, and limestone resources", "label": "D" }, { "text": "location as a break-in-bulk point", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A financial factor that led to increased rates of home ownership and massive growth of suburbs in the United States after 1950 was", "choices": [ { "text": "large decrease in the price of suburban land ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the GI bill and similar government-guaranteed mortgage programs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increased availability and popularity of credit cards", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the development of the interstate highway system and expanded streetcar networks ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "surplus agricultural production from farms in the United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The identity of mestizos in Latin America is a mixture of culture and heritage from", "choices": [ { "text": "Africans and Native Americans", "label": "A" }, { "text": "multiple tribes from what is today California", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Europeans and Africans", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Native Americans and Europeans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Asians and Africans", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Two examples of absolute monarchies that exist today are", "choices": [ { "text": "United Kingdom and the Netherlands", "label": "A" }, { "text": "China and Japan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Saudi Arabia and Brunei", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Iceland and Japan", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Turkey and Egypt", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Improvements in health care systems, sanitation infrastructure, and personal nutrition are factors that lead to", "choices": [ { "text": "increased total fertility rates and higher birth rates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "increased birth rates and decreased life expectancy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "decreased life expectancy and increased total fertility rates", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increased infant mortality rates and increased total fertility rates", "label": "D" }, { "text": "decreased infant mortality rates and increased life expectancy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In social geography the concept of race is best defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "differences based upon human physiological variations such as skin color and bone structure", "label": "A" }, { "text": "differences based upon linguistic variations such as the Indo-European language family versus Asiatic languages such as Mandarin or African Bantu languages ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "differences based upon ethnic variation between different nations or culture groups ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "differences based upon human-environmental factors such as how climates and resource availability can affect the prosperity of a region's population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "differences based upon the continent of a person's residence or origin", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Friedrich Ratzel is noted as the geographer who", "choices": [ { "text": "established the concept of Heartlands and Rimlands in political geography in 1904", "label": "A" }, { "text": "devised the map and internal boundaries of colonial Africa at the Berlin Conference in 1884 ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "established contemporary human geography at the University of Berlin during the 1800s", "label": "C" }, { "text": "first proposed the concentric zone model of urban geographic form in the 1920s", "label": "D" }, { "text": "proposed German expansion into the Eurasian steppes as a strategy prior to World War II", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The place represented in Source A is", "choices": [ { "text": "the location of the five pillars of Islam", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a place of conflict between three major world religions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the former political seat of the Ottoman Empire before the end of World War I", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the destination of the Hajj, a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage of all able Muslims", "label": "D" }, { "text": "located in the former Roman city of Byzantium", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The place represented in Source B is considered to be", "choices": [ { "text": "medieval European Christian religious architecture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "atypical for the region in which it is found", "label": "B" }, { "text": "outdated by modern architectural scholars", "label": "C" }, { "text": "influential upon a large school of Asian designers ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "disrespectful in its design towards believers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The places depicted in Sources A and B are similar in that both serve as", "choices": [ { "text": "places of tax collection for the respective kingdoms", "label": "A" }, { "text": "focal points for worship of the same polytheistic array of gods", "label": "B" }, { "text": "destinations of journeys undertaken by believers of their respective monotheistic religions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the sole architectural inspirations for their respective regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "examples of wasteful budgeting for construction projects", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The notion that Christopher Columbus was the first European to \"discover\" America can best be characterized as", "choices": [ { "text": "a historical inaccuracy that has nonetheless become folklore strongly tied to the national history of the United States", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a historical fact that been established by archaeological and archival evidence in Florida and Spain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a myth that never actually occurred and has been removed from all textbooks in the Americas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a turning point in the technology of navigation where longitude was accurately calculated at sea", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a historical fact that has been woven into the multicultural identity of the United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Places such as Silicon Valley in Californiaand Hyderabad, India, are areas of economicdevelopment in", "choices": [ { "text": "automobile parts manufacturing and vehicle assembly ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "finance and corporate stock trading", "label": "B" }, { "text": "mining of silica and production of silicon", "label": "C" }, { "text": "high-technology equipment and software", "label": "D" }, { "text": "vineyards and wine production", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Two examples of current \"hard-line\" Marxist-socialist states are", "choices": [ { "text": "Nicaragua and Grenada", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Russia and Belarus", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cambodia and Laos", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Czech Republic and Slovakia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "North Korea and Cuba", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following lists includes New World agricultural products that came to Europe in the Columbian exchange after 1492?", "choices": [ { "text": "Horses, cattle, wheat", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Maize (corn), potatoes, turkeys", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Yams, melons, chickens", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Noodles, mushrooms, geese", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Coffee, sugar, hogs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The agricultural system represented in the image would be most often found in", "choices": [ { "text": "Fourth- or Fifth-World states", "label": "A" }, { "text": "newly industrialized countries (NICs)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Third-World states only", "label": "C" }, { "text": "less developed countries (LDCs)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "First- and Second-World states", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of crop farmed using the equipment employed in the image would be", "choices": [ { "text": "tubers (root vegetables)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "paddy rice ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "grains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "summer vegetables", "label": "D" }, { "text": "fruits", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Upon which source of energy is the type of agriculture production depicted in the image most dependent?", "choices": [ { "text": "Coal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Geothermal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natural gas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hydropower", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Petroleum", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The following are all factors in the Green Revolution EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "pesticides", "label": "A" }, { "text": "chemical fertilizers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "low-cost human labor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "plant hybridization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "mechanized irrigation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The existence of Hindu Indian communities in places such as Guyana, Fiji, and South Africa is the result of", "choices": [ { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "colonial-era labor migrations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "religious conversions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "migrants to high-technology development zones", "label": "D" }, { "text": "rural-to-urban migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A decrease in trade or interaction between different places as the distance between places increases is defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "elasticity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "friction of distance", "label": "B" }, { "text": "distance decay", "label": "C" }, { "text": "segregation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "terminal costs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The caste system in Hindu India is a social structure based upon", "choices": [ { "text": "a social hierarchy in which a person is born into a caste and cannot change castes during their lifetime", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an economic class in which poor people can work and earn money to raise their position in society", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a political party system strongly tied to economic class divisions such as blue-collar and white-collar workers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "regional cultural divisions dominated by Hindi-speakers from northern India ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a colonial social structure created by British rulers and imposed from the 1800s through the 1940s until independence", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Major population centers in Canada are located mainly on waterways, ports, and", "choices": [ { "text": "agricultural production areas, especially for wheat and corn ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "land borders with the United States ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "natural resource locations, especially for minerals and oil", "label": "C" }, { "text": "animal resource locations, especially bison and furbearing species such as mink and beaver ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "hydropower production sites", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Prime Meridian is", "choices": [ { "text": "located in Greenwich, Connecticut", "label": "A" }, { "text": "0\u00b0 longitude", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a meridian that cannot be divided by a whole number", "label": "C" }, { "text": "23\u00b030' N latitude", "label": "D" }, { "text": "180\u00b0 longitude", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The urban model depicted in the diagram best resembles", "choices": [ { "text": "the Galactic City model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Burgess's concentric zone model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hoyt's Sector model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mackinder's Heartland-Rimland model ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Cohen's Shatterbelts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the twentieth-century North American city, if area Y is the CBD, then area X is most likely", "choices": [ { "text": "a new CBD", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an area of forest, parkland, or pasture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a sprawling suburb", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an industrial corridor with a river, port, or rail yard", "label": "D" }, { "text": "squatter settlements", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the twentieth-century North American city, if area Y is the CBD, then area Z is most likely", "choices": [ { "text": "an ethnic neighborhood with a single culture-group such as Irish-Catholic, Italian, or African-American", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an area of forest, parkland, or pasture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an area of manufacturing development", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a Chinatown or Japantown", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a neighborhood dominated by middle-class white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The effect of Internet connectivity on global communication and business is that it", "choices": [ { "text": "increases the absolute distance between places", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decreases the absolute distance between places", "label": "B" }, { "text": "increases the friction of distance between places", "label": "C" }, { "text": "decreases the relative distance between places", "label": "D" }, { "text": "decreases the Euclidean distance between places", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The theory of environmental determinism generalizes a region's culture as being shaped by", "choices": [ { "text": "the combined influences of the physical geography of the region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "access to waterways for transport", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the population's choice of a staple food crop", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the dominant religion of the region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "people's ability to live sustainably and prevent population pressure", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The staple crop of the Andean culture hearth of the Inca peoples was", "choices": [ { "text": "maize (corn)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "potatoes", "label": "B" }, { "text": "yams", "label": "C" }, { "text": "manioc", "label": "D" }, { "text": "wheat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The model presented in the map is", "choices": [ { "text": "the division between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox religious dominance", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Northern and Southern economies separated by the Brandt Line", "label": "B" }, { "text": "world map as prescribed during the Berlin Conference of 1884", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mackinder's Heartland-Rimland model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Russian and British Empires in 1904", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Pivot Area as depicted on the map is important because it contains", "choices": [ { "text": "valuable land resource regions such as the Eurasian Steppe and Siberia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the political heart of Communism during the twentieth century ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the region connected by the Trans-Siberian Railway", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the extent of the Russian empire before the rise of Communism in 1917", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the area devoid of British and American cultural and political influence", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Cohen's Shatterbelt theory predicted that armed conflicts after 1950 would likely occur in areas", "choices": [ { "text": "within the Pivot Area", "label": "A" }, { "text": "along the borders of the Pivot Area and Inner Crescent", "label": "B" }, { "text": "within the Inner Crescent", "label": "C" }, { "text": "along the borders of the Inner and Outer Crescents", "label": "D" }, { "text": "within the Outer Crescent", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the most plausible explanation for the trends seen in the Mediterranean region of the map?", "choices": [ { "text": "Conservative traditions that encourage moderate family size ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A repressive political climate ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Environmental disasters such as heat waves", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Religious prohibition of contraception", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Severe national debt and consistently high unemployment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are branches or denominations of Islam EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Shia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sunni", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sufism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Quranism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Fisheries, mining, and timber are types of economic production that are part of the", "choices": [ { "text": "primary sector", "label": "A" }, { "text": "secondary sector", "label": "B" }, { "text": "tertiary sector", "label": "C" }, { "text": "quaternary sector", "label": "D" }, { "text": "quinary sector", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The political-economic system found in Communist states is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "free-market federal democracy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "free-market social democracy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Marxist-Socialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "feudalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "free-market parliamentary democracy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "By calculating the size and agricultural productivity of former Native American farming areas, geographer William Denevan has estimated the size of the population of the Americas in 1492 as being in the range of", "choices": [ { "text": "5 million to 6 million", "label": "A" }, { "text": "10 million to 12 million", "label": "B" }, { "text": "50 million to 60 million", "label": "C" }, { "text": "180 million to 200 million", "label": "D" }, { "text": "400 million to 420 million", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "New suburban CBDs that have developed into large centers of commercial office space and are often located at major transportation nodes or retail centers are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "entrep\u00f4ts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "break-in-bulk points", "label": "B" }, { "text": "edge cities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "export processing zones", "label": "D" }, { "text": "greenbelts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are factors that contribute to the greenhouse effect EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "volcanic eruptions", "label": "A" }, { "text": "methane emissions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "carbon dioxide emissions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "water vapor emissions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "desertification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would indicate sustainable resource utilization?", "choices": [ { "text": "Disposal of solid municipal waste in an open landfill at a rural location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Commercial fishing only in open oceans beyond the continental shelf", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Paving roads and highways with recycled automobile tire and glass waste", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Heating and cooking in Third-World homes with wood from local forests ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Increased cattle farming in dry grasslands where commercial crops will not grow", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The geographic concept of \"nation\" can be best described as", "choices": [ { "text": "a population and defined area controlled by an organized government ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a federal system such as the United States or Brazil", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a population represented by a singular culture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a population with a singular culture and single government", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the equivalent of a state or country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following countries were former Communist states and are now members of the European Union?", "choices": [ { "text": "Finland and Kazakhstan", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Austria and Switzerland", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Serbia and Albania", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Russia and Belarus", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Lithuania and Poland", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The traditional method of farming in woodland areas that has been practiced for centuries but now poses an environmental problem in tropical rainforest regions is", "choices": [ { "text": "raised-field agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "slash and burn agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "multi-cropping", "label": "C" }, { "text": "aquaculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "factory farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "During the later part of the twentieth century, the three areas designated by arrows are places in Europe that", "choices": [ { "text": "received large-scale in-migration from Africa and the Middle East", "label": "A" }, { "text": "were original members of the European Economic Community or \"Common Market\"", "label": "B" }, { "text": "became sovereign nation-states", "label": "C" }, { "text": "transitioned from communism to free-market economies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "experienced armed conflict based upon ethnic and religious differences", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In addition to employment and increased pay opportunities, poor rural-to-urban migrants in LDCs can be influenced by pull factors such as", "choices": [ { "text": "entertainment and increased access to services in cities", "label": "A" }, { "text": "armed conflicts and disasters in rural areas ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "decreased political corruption and increased police protection in cities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "increasing land costs for agriculture in rural regions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "lack of clean water and sanitation availability in new urban settlements", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The border characteristics of political regions are", "choices": [ { "text": "considered fuzzy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "overlapping other regions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "measurable transition zones", "label": "C" }, { "text": "finite delineations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "vernacular in popular definition", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "This urban model best resembles a", "choices": [ { "text": "concentric zone model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "von Th\u00fcnen's model of the Isolated State", "label": "B" }, { "text": "sector model ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "multiple nuclei model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "galactic city model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In this urban model, land prices would be highest in the area labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concentric zone model could be made to more realistically represent commercial land values by inserting", "choices": [ { "text": "rivers and trails", "label": "A" }, { "text": "roads and railways", "label": "B" }, { "text": "airports and schools", "label": "C" }, { "text": "power plants and ports", "label": "D" }, { "text": "banks and hospitals", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The use of the English language by all commercial airline pilots worldwide for the purpose of air-traffic control safety would be an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "transnational migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a lingua franca", "label": "C" }, { "text": "multiplier effects", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a footloose industry", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would be an example of a government policy protecting against culturalglobalization?", "choices": [ { "text": "U.S", "label": "A" }, { "text": "French and Canadian government funding for production of French-language movies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "French and Japanese trade limitations on beef produced in Great Britain", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South African government-sponsored \"peace and reconciliation\" committees ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Chinese establishment of Special Economic Zones in coastal port areas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following lists are ALL primate cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Tokyo, Beijing, Jakarta", "label": "A" }, { "text": "New York, Chicago, Los Angeles", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rio de Janeiro, Miami, New Orleans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mumbai, Shanghai, Karachi", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following examples would bestrepresent the concept of map scale?", "choices": [ { "text": "Private land, commercial land, government land", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1:24,000, 1:1,000,000, 1:6,000,000", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Census tract, city limits, county boundaries ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Washington, New York, Springfield", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Line coloration from blue to green and then to red", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of \"space\" in human geography can be defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "areas of the earth's surface bounded by objects, real and imagined", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a point on the earth's surface with a meaningful characteristic ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "areas outside of planetary atmospheres ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the amount of human population that can be supported by the resources in the area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an area with a common homogeneous characteristic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States following World War II, the ring that would expand most significantly in size would be the area labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Jerusalem is considered a holy place by all of the following religions EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Catholicism ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Protestantism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "C" }, { "text": "animism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Judaism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A small family-run farm in an LDC that produces a variety of crops including corn, vegetables, eggs, and milk would most likely be an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "crop rotation ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "subsistence farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "export-based agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "monoculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "plantation farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is considered a free-trade zone between Canada, the United States, and Mexico because of", "choices": [ { "text": "the elimination of border control stations and customs inspections ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the adoption of the dollar as the common currency ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the free movement of labor across international borders without visas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the elimination of tariffs on goods and services traded across borders", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the free shipping of goods between countries provided by postal services", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Russian Baltic Sea port of Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) is separated on land from Russia by Lithuania and Belarus. In this regard it is a political example of an", "choices": [ { "text": "entrep\u00f4t", "label": "A" }, { "text": "enclave", "label": "B" }, { "text": "ethnic neighborhood", "label": "C" }, { "text": "enterprise zone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "exclave", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the regions in the map would contain the older \"Asian Tigers\" that experienced large-scale industrial redevelopment in the 1950s and 1960s?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the regions in the map would contain areas known as special economic zones (SEZs)?", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The areas that have large Catholic religious populations are", "choices": [ { "text": "A and B", "label": "A" }, { "text": "C and D", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C and E", "label": "C" }, { "text": "B and C", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A and D", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The primary concern of Thomas Malthus's theory of population was that", "choices": [ { "text": "human populations would eventually shrink to sizes where industrial economies could not be sustained", "label": "A" }, { "text": "human populations would grow at rates that would exceed their ability to produce food and resources ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "human populations would eventually stabilize in size, and that demand for new food and resource supplies would subside", "label": "C" }, { "text": "human populations would become fully urbanized, leaving no one to perform agriculture in rural areas ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "human populations would reach densities where eventually epidemic disease would become impossible to control", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In a country where the rate of natural increase (RNI) is a negative number, an expected secondary effect of this population situation would be", "choices": [ { "text": "a decrease in the per capita gross national product", "label": "A" }, { "text": "fewer women entering management, scientific, and political positions ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a repeal of open-border policies", "label": "C" }, { "text": "decreased government protection of natural environments", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an increase in foreign guest workers immigrating to fill jobs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The replacement rate is a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of", "choices": [ { "text": "0.1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "1.1", "label": "B" }, { "text": "2.1", "label": "C" }, { "text": "3.1", "label": "D" }, { "text": "4.1", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The study of the movement of disease across space is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "epidemiology", "label": "A" }, { "text": "technological diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "redlining", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geomorphology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The shaded region of ancient civilizations which spanned from the Nile River valley through and to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "Arabian Peninsula", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fertile Crescent", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Anatolian Migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Maghreb ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Kingdom of Heaven", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The circled areas on the map are all areas which", "choices": [ { "text": "have been under the control of al-Qaeda from 2001 to present", "label": "A" }, { "text": "were under the control of the U.S.-led military coalition as of 2003", "label": "B" }, { "text": "are home to the Kurdish peoples", "label": "C" }, { "text": "are production zones of proven oil reserves", "label": "D" }, { "text": "have large-scale irrigated agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the post\u2013World War II United States, the locational shift of commercial offices and services from downtown CBDs to suburban areas can be attributed to", "choices": [ { "text": "the shift in government locations from downtowns to new suburban locations", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decreased environmental regulations in suburban areas that did not limit water pollution and air emissions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the demand for more industrial land for factories in inner city areas pushing out other commercial activities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the availability of low-cost immigrant workers in suburban areas which decreased corporate labor costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the shift in commercial service workers and consumer residences from inner cities to the suburbs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The area off the coast of a country that extends 200 nautical miles across the water, where that country controls all natural resource extraction including fisheries, energy, and minerals, is established under the United Nations Conference of the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) as", "choices": [ { "text": "international waters", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the special economic zone", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the exclusive economic zone", "label": "C" }, { "text": "territorial seas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "sovereign territory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The elite residential sector of the city is found in the area labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The CBD labeled on the map historically is centered around a colonial-era", "choices": [ { "text": "plaza", "label": "A" }, { "text": "port or embarcadero", "label": "B" }, { "text": "temple complex", "label": "C" }, { "text": "castle or fort", "label": "D" }, { "text": "coliseum", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Squatter settlements near the center of the city, situated in areas such as river banks, steep hillsides, or abandoned industrial lands, are known as", "choices": [ { "text": "Zona Rosa", "label": "A" }, { "text": "cordon sanitaire", "label": "B" }, { "text": "zone of maturity", "label": "C" }, { "text": "peripheral squatter settlements", "label": "D" }, { "text": "zones of disamenity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The zone of in situ accretion is the area labeled", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The economically important sea lane designated by the arrow on the map is the", "choices": [ { "text": "Strait of Hormuz", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Panama Canal", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Suez Canal", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Strait of Magellan", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Strait of Malacca", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Prior to the rise of steam power and the electrification of industry, manufacturing centers of the early Industrial Revolution were mainly located", "choices": [ { "text": "along roads with large amounts of cart and wagon traffic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "in forest regions where wood was abundant", "label": "B" }, { "text": "on waterfalls of streams and rivers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "in national capitals with government funding", "label": "D" }, { "text": "at university research and development centers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a list of newly industrialized countries (NICs)?", "choices": [ { "text": "Brazil, Mexico, India", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Russia, Ukraine, Poland", "label": "C" }, { "text": "United States, Great Britain, France", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Japan, South Korea, Taiwan", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "NATO and the Warsaw Pact can be best described as", "choices": [ { "text": "regional organizations based on economic cooperation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "early attempts at free-trade zones in Europe", "label": "B" }, { "text": "partners in combating irredentism in the former Yugoslavia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "military allies during World War II", "label": "D" }, { "text": "supranational organizations based on military cooperation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The point in the urban landscape with the highest real estate prices is known as the", "choices": [ { "text": "transport node", "label": "A" }, { "text": "resource node", "label": "B" }, { "text": "central place ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "peak land value intersection", "label": "D" }, { "text": "breaking point", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Population density in the United States since the 1940s has", "choices": [ { "text": "shifted toward the northern and western states", "label": "A" }, { "text": "decreased overall", "label": "B" }, { "text": "remained high in the agricultural Midwest", "label": "C" }, { "text": "rapidly increased in downtown CBDs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "shifted toward the southern and western states", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diagrams with the highest dependency ratios are", "choices": [ { "text": "A and E", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A and C", "label": "B" }, { "text": "B and C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "C and D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "D and E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diagram that most resembles the population structure of the United States is", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diagram that most resembles the population structure of Germany is", "choices": [ { "text": "A", "label": "A" }, { "text": "B", "label": "B" }, { "text": "C", "label": "C" }, { "text": "D", "label": "D" }, { "text": "E", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Creole culture found in and around the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is a mix of the following influences:", "choices": [ { "text": "Anglo-American and Mexican ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Asian, African, and European", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Native American, African, and European", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Native American and Asian ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "European, Asian, and Native American", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Low-profitability manufacturing, in goods such as clothing or shoes, tends to be located in LDCs that have all of the following EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "low real estate prices", "label": "A" }, { "text": "high-level government environmental rules", "label": "B" }, { "text": "low labor costs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "high amounts of available labor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "high amounts of foreign direct investment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Carl Sauer would most strongly agree with which of the following statements?", "choices": [ { "text": "Environmental determinism means humans possess the skills necessary to modify their environment to fit their needs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Environmental determinism is both factually incorrect and a prejudicial tool of Western colonialism.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Neo-environmental determinism means humans possess the skills necessary to modify their environment to fit their needs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Neo-environmental determinism is both factually incorrect and a prejudicial tool of Western colonialism.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The possibilist approach to geographic study concludes that cultures are a direct result of where they exist.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements accurately describes the differences between a cylindrical and a conic map?", "choices": [ { "text": "A cylindrical shows true direction and examines the Earth from one point, usually a polar projection, while a conic map breaks up the globe into continents and separates the oceans.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A cylindrical map shows true direction but loses distance, while a conic map shows true direction but examines the Earth from one point, usually a pole or polar projection.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A cylindrical map shows true direction but loses distance, while a conic map tries to keep distance but loses directional qualities.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A cylindrical map shows distance but loses directional qualities, while a conic map tries to keep true direction but loses distance.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A conic map is the commonplace name for a cylindrical map.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The largest city in \"Country X\" has 18 million people. According to the rank-size rule, how many people will the third largest city in \"Country X\" have?", "choices": [ { "text": "15 million", "label": "A" }, { "text": "13 million", "label": "B" }, { "text": "6 million", "label": "C" }, { "text": "9 million", "label": "D" }, { "text": "3 million", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of how someone would determine a vernacular region?", "choices": [ { "text": "Surveying people throughout the United States to see how they pronounce a list of the same words", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Asking people around the world to list the exact nations that make up the Western world", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Interviewing people throughout Europe to see if they know which states make up the membership of NATO", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Determining how strong a radio signal is from set distances", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Studying the amount of corn produced in various U.S", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which type of map is best suited for illustrating the weather?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cartograms", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Choropleth maps", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Flow-line maps", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Isoline maps", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Thematic maps", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of sequent occupance?", "choices": [ { "text": "Neil Armstrong leaving footprints on the surface of the Moon", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Each subsequent generation of an immigrant family being less fluent in the language of their ancestral homeland", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Black Death wiping out a large portion of the European population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The passage of property, such as a house, from one generation to the next in a single family", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The modern-day usage of the Spanish language throughout the former territories of the Spanish Empire", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of a large-scale map?", "choices": [ { "text": "A globe of the Earth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A world map of Jupiter", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A world map of the Earth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A map of the United States", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A map of Chicago", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Expansion diffusion can be broken down into what three types of diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Pedagogic, hierarchical, and stimulus", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Contagious, hierarchical, and stimulus", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Relocation, hierarchical, and stimulus", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Contagious, relocation, and pedagogic", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Contagious, hierarchical, and relocation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A hungry person does not wish to drive 10 miles to their favorite restaurant. Instead, he settles for a lackluster sandwich from the deli down the street. What does this behavior best demonstrate?", "choices": [ { "text": "Friction of distance", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Distance decay", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Human-environment interaction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Spatial interaction", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Situation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a modern-day factor that does NOT contribute to major population shifts?", "choices": [ { "text": "A regional war", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "An agricultural economy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Patriarchal culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Disease diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "To increase agricultural productivity and increase the pest-resistance of many crops, in recent decades agro-industry firms have developed", "choices": [ { "text": "heirloom varieties", "label": "A" }, { "text": "organic farming ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "genetically engineered foods", "label": "C" }, { "text": "value-added agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "chemical fertilizers", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A geographer who supports the human capital model of migration would most strongly agree with which of the following statements?", "choices": [ { "text": "People's odds of migrating must be evaluated by looking at their social and cultural perspectives.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Migration occurs in conjunction with a demographic transition, which encourages migration to areas of economic opportunity.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "As people age, their personal wealth allows them greater freedom to relocate long distances, thus spurring migration.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Economic downturns force people to leave an area in search of new employment.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "People primarily seek to improve their incomes over the course of their lives.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A company wants to transfer an employee to another branch across the country. If this person does not accept the transfer, she will suffer no penalty. As a migrant, this person can best be said to have", "choices": [ { "text": "a push factor but no pull factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "both a push and pull factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "neither a push nor pull factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "two push factors", "label": "D" }, { "text": "two pull factors", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the primary assumption of Malthusian theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "Population growth will outpace agricultural growth.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Agricultural growth will outpace population growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "World population will not decline except for a cataclysmic event such as a nuclear war or widespread epidemic.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Population growth depends on how many minority groups there are within a given population.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The birth and death rates depend on a country's level of economic development.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the major disadvantage of arithmetic density?", "choices": [ { "text": "It does not account for how land is being used by people.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It is only useful for calculating an area's carrying capacity.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It can underestimate how many people live in rural areas.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It can overestimate how many people live in urban areas.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It is biased toward European land usage patterns.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the demographic transition model, as a country moves from an agricultural to an industrial base, what form of migration of people decreases in occurance?", "choices": [ { "text": "Voluntary migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Intraregional migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cyclic migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transmigration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A firmly established immigrant family sends money back to their motherland so that other family members can join them in the United States. Which of the following is the best term for this process?", "choices": [ { "text": "Intervening opportunity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Internal migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Chain migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Intercontinental migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Intraregional migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The term ecumene refers to", "choices": [ { "text": "land that is too hot, too cold, too hilly, too wet, or too dry", "label": "A" }, { "text": "land that has adequate water sources, relatively flat terrain, and available human food sources", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the ability of the land to sustain a certain number of people", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the lack of necessary resources to meet the needs of the population of a defined area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "land where food availability is good, water levels are sparse but acceptable, yet very little population is located there", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In what stage of the demographic transition model do most geographers agree many Latin American countries are in?", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 5", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 4", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 2", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 1", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following countries is NOT in one of the five main areas of population density (concentrations) in the world?", "choices": [ { "text": "North Korea", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Pakistan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Indonesia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Poland", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Mexico", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of a denomination?", "choices": [ { "text": "Islam", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Christanity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mormonism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Jainism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Bah\u00e1'\u00ed", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A religious exclave can best be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "the traditional architecture of an area's minority religion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the traditional architecture of an area's majority religion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the expulsion or mass killing of people of a minority religion by people of a country's majority religion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a group of people with a particular religion surrounded by people of a different religion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a group of people who are physically separated from their religious hearth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The consumption of haggis in Scotland is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "folk culture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "popular culture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "folklore", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the cultural landscape", "label": "D" }, { "text": "regionalization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are examples of ethnic religion EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Taoism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sikhism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Shintoism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Confucianism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Hyde Park in London is best described as an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "indigenous architecture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "traditional architecture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Anglo-American landscape", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the natural landscape", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the cultural landscape", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What are the major branches of Judaism?", "choices": [ { "text": "Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Nissan, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sunnis and Shiites", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mahayanist and Theravadas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Haredi, Orthodox, Reform", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The popularization of the two-piece business suit is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "contagious diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "didactic diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "hierarchical diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "relocation diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stimulus diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Language, religion, folklore, philosophies, and superstitions would be best categorized as", "choices": [ { "text": "nonmaterial culture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "material culture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "folk culture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "popular culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the cultural landscape", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the name of the international soccer competition organized by FIFA every four years?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Davis Cup", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The World Soccer Championship", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Commonwealth Games", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The World Cup", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Olympics", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "No country has an absolute right to exploit Antarctica's natural resources because Antarctica is considered", "choices": [ { "text": "a global commons", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an exclusive economic zone (EEZ)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a protected U.S", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a special economic zone (SEZ)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an independent country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Traditionally, nation-states, such as Japan, Iceland and Denmark, can best be characterized as having", "choices": [ { "text": "an ethnically diverse population", "label": "A" }, { "text": "multiple official languages", "label": "B" }, { "text": "strong centripetal forces", "label": "C" }, { "text": "democratic institutions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "many ties to international organizations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT one of the five toos?", "choices": [ { "text": "too dry", "label": "A" }, { "text": "too hot", "label": "B" }, { "text": "too wet", "label": "C" }, { "text": "too hilly", "label": "D" }, { "text": "too salty", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which one of the following lists are ALL renewable energy resources?", "choices": [ { "text": "Natural gas, coal, hydropower", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Solar, geothermal, wind power", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Petroleum, hydrogen, coal", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nuclear, petroleum, ethanol", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Coal, lignite, peat", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of following is NOT true regarding the European Union (EU)?", "choices": [ { "text": "EU member states coordinate economic and financial policies.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The EU provides a supranational organization for member countries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The EU adopted a common monetary currency to facilitate trade and exchange.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Increased border control has slowed migration between EU member states.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The EU is governed by the principle of representative democracy.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the 1980s and 1990s, violent confrontations in places such as Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia illustrated the geopolitical problems within which former country?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Soviet Union", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Czechoslovakia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "East Germany", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Yugoslavia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ottoman Empire", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following terms describes the process of a national government transferring governing authority to different regions within the country?", "choices": [ { "text": "Centrifugal force", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Apartheid ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Devolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nationalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Gerrymandering", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are current U.S. territories EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "Guam", "label": "A" }, { "text": "American Samoa", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cuba", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Puerto Rico", "label": "D" }, { "text": "U.S", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A boundary or border line placed by an external power over an existing cultural pattern of settlement is called a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "antecedent boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "superimposed boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "geometric boundary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "border landscape", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ethnographic boundary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of someone beginning the process of acculturation?", "choices": [ { "text": "A Lebanese businessman opening up a Lebanese grocery store in France", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A Canadian educator teaching English in South Korea", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A Japanese chef working in London", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A Pakistani engineer in Berlin enrolling in a German language course", "label": "D" }, { "text": "An American diplomat traveling to Western Europe several times each year", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Third Agricultural Revolution is characterized by", "choices": [ { "text": "innovations in metalworking, textiles, and the steam engine", "label": "A" }, { "text": "minimization of chemical fertilizers and pesticides", "label": "B" }, { "text": "precision genetic engineering that affects plants, animals, and even human beings", "label": "C" }, { "text": "hybridization of crops and animals, as well as the increased use of chemical fertilizers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "urban gardening and vertical farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The wine industry is most closely associated with", "choices": [ { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "specialized fruit production", "label": "B" }, { "text": "slash-and-burn agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "vegetative planting ", "label": "D" }, { "text": "seed agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Where were squash, beans, and cotton first domesticated?", "choices": [ { "text": "Southern Mexico", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Central America and northwestern South America", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Northeastern Africa", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Northern China", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Northeastern India", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which of the following ways has colonialism most strongly impacted agriculture in less developed nations?", "choices": [ { "text": "It led to a bubble of specialized fruit production, such as bananas, that collapsed with the end of colonialism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It spurred the rise of slash-and-burn agriculture as a way for subsistence farmers to provide for their families.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It introduced hybridized crops and animals, as well as chemical fertilizers, to less developed countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It popularized intertillage by saturating less developed countries with farm machinery built in developed countries.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It has led to the persistence of low-paying agricultural jobs on farms geared toward producing and exporting cash crops.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When Norman Borlaug developed new wheat strains, he most directly", "choices": [ { "text": "saved almost a million people worldwide from mass starvation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "showed that GMO crops were commercially viable", "label": "B" }, { "text": "transformed Mexico from an importer to an exporter of wheat", "label": "C" }, { "text": "spurred the popularity of heirloom crops on organic farms", "label": "D" }, { "text": "helped create the so-called \"noodle line\" in China", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The now-discredited philosophy of \"rain follows the plow\" is most closely associated with the settlement of which region?", "choices": [ { "text": "New England", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Midwest", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Great Plains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "California", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Oregon Territory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Evidence of the township and range system can most easily be seen in the landscape of which region of the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "New England", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Midwest", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Louisiana", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Southwest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Texas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT true of hamlets?", "choices": [ { "text": "A few dozen people live in a hamlet.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The population is clustered around an urban center.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hamlets are larger than villages.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Towns are larger than hamlets.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hamlets offer limited services.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is considered to be an alpha world city?", "choices": [ { "text": "San Francisco", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hong Kong", "label": "B" }, { "text": "New York City", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Madrid", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Toronto", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements accurately portrays urban areas?", "choices": [ { "text": "Parents with children typically choose to live in urban areas to shorten their commutes to work.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "There are more children per capita in urban areas compared to the suburbs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A higher percentage of elderly people choose to leave urban areas for a quieter life in the suburbs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Urban areas draw more young adults than suburban areas do.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Urban areas have a dispersed form of settlement.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT associated with subsistence farming?", "choices": [ { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Intertillage", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Rice sawahs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would most likely minimize pollution and congestion in urban areas?", "choices": [ { "text": "Building more roads", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Enforcing restrictive covenants", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Transitioning to a walkable city", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Increasing the urban heat island effect", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Redeveloping brownfields", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following occupations would likely be found in a post-industrial city?", "choices": [ { "text": "Car salesman ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Carpenter", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Customer service representative", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Factory worker", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Telemarketer", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT true pertaining to emerging cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Some emerging cities have festival landscapes.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "All emerging cities experience population growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Emerging cities gain increasing political clout.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "All emerging cities are in undeveloped countries.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shanghai is an example of an emerging city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the Southeast Asian city model, growth", "choices": [ { "text": "begins in the new industrial estate zone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "eliminates the possibility of squatter areas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "extends outward from the port", "label": "C" }, { "text": "is centralized within three central business districts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "originates from the market-gardening zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the Southeast Asian city model, growth", "choices": [ { "text": "begins in the new industrial estate zone", "label": "A" }, { "text": "eliminates the possibility of squatter areas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "extends outward from the port", "label": "C" }, { "text": "is centralized within three central business districts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "originates from the market-gardening zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following economic systems allows the market to decide prices?", "choices": [ { "text": "Socialism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Communism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Capitalism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Basic", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Non-basic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What do the cities of London and Shanghai have in common in terms of their development zones?", "choices": [ { "text": "They have old, outdated industrial zones.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They have invested substantially in newly developed industrial zones.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Their development zones are located to the west of the cities.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Their development zones are both called \"the Docklands.\"", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Their development zones are not financed by foreign companies.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Geothermal power is best defined as", "choices": [ { "text": "power derived from the heat from the interior of the Earth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a form of fuel energy created from agricultural products, natural vegetation, or urban waste", "label": "B" }, { "text": "power generated by nuclear power plants that captures the energy released from the nucleus of an atom through nuclear fission", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a form of power that is harnessed from the movement of wind", "label": "D" }, { "text": "electrical power generated from the use of water", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following countries has the largest reserves of natural gas in the world?", "choices": [ { "text": "United States", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Iran", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Iraq", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Russia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Saudi Arabia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Large quantities of anthracite coal are found in", "choices": [ { "text": "the Northeast ", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the West ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the Appalachian region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Southeast", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Southwest", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A geographer committed to the preservationist land use model would agree with which of the following statements?", "choices": [ { "text": "The land can be developed as long as the ecosystem is preserved.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The landscape is worth more in its natural state than in any type of developed state.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The landscape can be altered if the majority of the land is preserved", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Developed land must prioritize preservation of animals and forests.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "If developers use the land, they should not alter the overall natural state of the landscape.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements would NOT describe a city in an upward transition?", "choices": [ { "text": "The city is gaining jobs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The area's economy is growing rapidly.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The tax base of the city is reduced.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The area's healthcare is improving.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The city is experiencing better environmental conditions.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements describes a footloose industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "An industry that finds the resources, production skills, and consumers on which it depends in a specific location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "An industry that is prone to relocate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "An industry in which products are produced in an individual's home", "label": "C" }, { "text": "An industry that is the main focus of an area's economy", "label": "D" }, { "text": "An industry that leads to the clustering of similar or related firms in close proximity to one another", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the most significant difference between GPS and GIS?", "choices": [ { "text": "GPS uses computer software, whereas GIS uses satellite triangulation.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "GPS is used for creating maps, whereas GIS is used for navigation.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "GPS is solely used for military purposes, whereas GIS is available to civilians.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "GPS finds one specific location, whereas GIS finds multiple different locations.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "GPS provides one type of data, whereas GIS combines multiple types of data.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following terms does NOT refer to a class of map used by cartographers?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cylindrical", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Planar", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Regional", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Oval", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Conic", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The theory that holds that human societies can shape their environments to suit their needs rather than being constrained by their environments is called", "choices": [ { "text": "possibilism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "neo-possibilism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "environmental determinism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "neo-environmental determinism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geocentrism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the information in the table, which of the following measurements is higher in Bangladesh than in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Physiological density", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Arithmetic density", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Agricultural density", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cultural density", "label": "D" }, { "text": "National density", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would NOT be described as a culture hearth?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Fertile Crescent", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Indus River Valley", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Swiss Alps", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hollywood", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tokyo", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The prime meridian establishes", "choices": [ { "text": "the location of longitude zero degrees", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the center of population of the United Kingdom", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the equator", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the reference point for Daylight Savings Time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the division of northern and southern hemispheres", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In what pattern would rural settlements around a large water source be arranged for best access to the water source?", "choices": [ { "text": "Random distribution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Centralized", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dispersed", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Scattered", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Linear", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The table above best exemplifies which of the following concepts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Contagious diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stimulus diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Relocation diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hierarchical diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Expansion diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In analyzing population movements in a country, which of the following would be most helpful?", "choices": [ { "text": "Historical data about population movements in that country", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Contemporaneous accounts of population movements", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Historical data about population movements across the world", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Population density maps of the country\u2019s largest cities", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Maps showing all the physical features of that country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements is most clearly an instance of the ecological fallacy?", "choices": [ { "text": "Climate and ecosystems remain constant over time.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Extrapolations between scales are permissible as long as the data is accurate.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The environment dictates the development and customs of any society.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn agriculture has a low impact on pollution.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Regions rich in natural resources always have advanced economies.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the primary difference between \"site\" and \"situation\"?", "choices": [ { "text": "Site refers to a location\u2019s physical characteristics, while situation refers to the relationship between that location and the surrounding area.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Site refers to the relationship between a location and the surrounding area, while situation refers to that location\u2019s intrinsic characteristics.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Site refers to a permanent location, while situation refers to the temporary location of a society.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Site refers to the natural resources available in a region, while situation refers to the manufactured products created from them.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Site refers to an intentionally built community, while situation refers to a community that originates organically.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The image of the Mercator map projection below best illustrates which problem in mapping?", "choices": [ { "text": "Distortion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Projection", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Extrapolation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Regionalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Situation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following maps would likely have the largest scale?", "choices": [ { "text": "A map of a country", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A map of a region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A map of the world", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A map of a city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A map of weather patterns", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The European Union (EU) is comprised of 28 member states, many of which share a common currency, and allows freedom of movement between countries within its boundaries. The EU can best be characterized as an example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Perceptual region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Functional region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Agricultural region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Formal region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Cultural region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "To an average American, who has never traveled outside of the United States, what does \"Western Europe\" best represent?", "choices": [ { "text": "An economic region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A technological region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A geographic region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A perceptual region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A functional region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following latitudes would go through the state of Alaska?", "choices": [ { "text": "90 degrees north", "label": "A" }, { "text": "60 degrees north", "label": "B" }, { "text": "0 degrees", "label": "C" }, { "text": "60 degrees south", "label": "D" }, { "text": "90 degrees south", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT an example of a country with a compact shape?", "choices": [ { "text": "Poland", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Indonesia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Rwanda", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Uganda", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Kenya", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the seasonal migration of livestock to pasture lands where food is more plentiful?", "choices": [ { "text": "Intercontinental migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Step migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Interregional migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Intraregional migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following factors best characterizes stage 2 of the demographic transition model?", "choices": [ { "text": "High growth", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Low growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Moderate growth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Zero growth", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Negative growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A person is trying to move from Miami to San Diego but decides to stop and stay in Dallas because he finds a better job. This is an example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Intervening obstacle", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Intervening opportunity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Environmental push factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Environmental pull factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Distance decay", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The J-curve, depicted in the image below, is used to illustrate which of the following geographic principles?", "choices": [ { "text": "The tendency for cities to be associated with each other based on their population sizes", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The logistic growth of a country\u2019s population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The exponential growth of a country\u2019s population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The openness and stability of countries over time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Growth that occurs evenly across each unit of time", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The birth rate in the United Kingdom is 13, while the death rate is 9, and employees are more involved in services than in the production of goods. Which of the following stages of the demographic transition model would best describe the United Kingdom?", "choices": [ { "text": "stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "stage 2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "stage 4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "stage 5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The first zone of Johann Heinrich von Thunen's model of agricultural land use involves", "choices": [ { "text": "non-agricultural urban land use", "label": "A" }, { "text": "livestock fattening", "label": "B" }, { "text": "dairy farming", "label": "C" }, { "text": "forestry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "market gardening", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas and the Caribbean in exchange for goods as part of the triangular trade in the sixteenth century. Which of the following best describes this type of migration?", "choices": [ { "text": "Forced migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Transnational migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Internal migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Chain migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Step migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of the gravity model?", "choices": [ { "text": "New York and Los Angeles are closely linked based on their distance.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "New York and Los Angeles are not linked at all because of their distance.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "New York and Los Angeles are linked due to their populations.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "New York and Los Angeles are not linked due to their populations.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "New York and Los Angeles are linked due to their proximity to ports.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of a multilingual country?", "choices": [ { "text": "Japan", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The United States ", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Brazil", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Canada", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Iceland", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements accurately describes zones in the sector model?", "choices": [ { "text": "They show that urban growth can be independent of the central business district.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They are gated off from other zones.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They are based on the extent and type of economic development.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They illustrate that the lower classes live closer to the central business district.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They extend along transportation routes.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Agrarianism in the United States declined in political importance after which historical event?", "choices": [ { "text": "World War II", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Great Depression", "label": "B" }, { "text": "World War I", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Spanish-American War", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The American Civil War", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the process of acculturation?", "choices": [ { "text": "As the distance between two locations increases, their interactions decline.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The seasonal migration of livestock moves animals to areas where food is more available.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A community offers incentives for people to move to its area.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Upon migrating to an area of a different culture, a person\u2019s original customs and traditions eventually become less strong.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Upon migrating to an area of a different culture, a person completely gives up his or her original customs and traditions.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following countries would have the greatest demographic momentum based on its birth rate and death rate?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mozambique: 44 birth rate and 15 death rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Tanzania: 40 birth rate and 9 death rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Ethiopia: 34 birth rate and 8 death rate", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Zimbabwe: 33 birth rate and 11 death rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "R\u00e9union: 17 birth rate and 5 death rate", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "With which of the following would a neo-Malthusian geographer most likely disagree?", "choices": [ { "text": "The demographic transition model is flawed.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The United States is ripe for a return to exponential population growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Population is growing at a faster rate than agriculture productivity.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "If there are multiple minority groups and no majority group, the growth rate will resemble the rate of growth of the fastest-growing group.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The increased fertility and birth rates within immigrant communities will eventually cause an increased growth rate in more developed countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the population pyramid above, in which stage of the demographic transition model is Angola?", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a characteristic of a country moving from stage 3 to stage 4 of the demographic transition model?", "choices": [ { "text": "Decrease in the percentage of children", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Decrease in total population growth", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A low total population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Increase in reliance on farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Increase in reliance on mass production", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains how the Green Revolution has impacted the carrying capacity of land?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Green Revolution produced technology that has gradually decreased the carrying capacity of land.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution shifted efforts from hunting and gathering to planting, leading to greater carrying capacity.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution led to populations exceeding a land\u2019s carrying capacity.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution led to environmental degradation, resulting in a lower carrying capacity.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Green Revolution produced technology that has increased food productivity, leading to greater carrying capacity.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly pairs the event with its characterization as a push or pull factor?", "choices": [ { "text": "A government persecutes a religious group: political pull factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A new factory opens: economic push factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A factory closes: economic pull factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Tornadoes cause a city to evacuate: environmental push factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "An area experiences flooding: environmental pull factor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which of the following ways is the western United States different from the eastern United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Those who live in the western United States typically park in residential garages, while those in the eastern United States typically park in alleys.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mass transit is used more heavily in the western United States than in the eastern United States.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Many eastern United States cities use a grid street system, while western United States cities do not.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Most houses in the western United States have spacious backyards and no front yard, while homes in the eastern United States have no yards.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The central business districts in the western United States usually do not have skyscrapers, while those in the eastern United States do.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following groups would be least likely to be considered refugees?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Jews who emigrated during World War II", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Those who emigrated from Rwanda and Uganda in the 1990s", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Those who moved from the former Yugoslavia to neighboring countries in the 1990s", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Those who voluntarily moved from the Middle East to Dearborn, Michigan, in the 1920s", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Hmong who migrated to the United States after the Vietnam War", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements describes the human capital model of migration?", "choices": [ { "text": "People seek to improve their incomes over the course of their lives, so they weigh the costs against the benefits of migrating.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "People make major decisions early on in life that dictate migration preferences and opportunities in the future.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Excessive population growth encourages people to move to another country where there is more economic opportunity.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Long-distance migrants usually move to centers of economic opportunity.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "People move to certain locations due to positive perceptions of the area.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would be considered a stage 4 country?", "choices": [ { "text": "A country that has birth rates and death rates similar to world averages", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A country that moves away from its reliance on industry to a more service-based economy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A country that is characterized by an industrial society", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A country that has a high birth rate and declining death rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A country with a low total population and fluctuations in both the birth and death rates", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "When European settlers established relations with American Indians, new languages were created to ease communication and economic exchange between both groups. What is this language type called?", "choices": [ { "text": "Official language", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Creole language", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pidgin language", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Trade language", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Indigenous language", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Gross domestic product measures", "choices": [ { "text": "a country's development based on the average life expectancy, amount of education, and per capita income", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the value of income earned by the country's citizens both in the country and abroad", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the number of young people who move to a different country for school or other opportunities ", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country during one year", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a country's development based on its literacy rate, infant mortality rate, and life expectancy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A country in which nearly all power is held by the central government and very limited, if any, legislative authority is delegated to local political units is best described as a", "choices": [ { "text": "unitary state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "federal state", "label": "B" }, { "text": "imperial state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "microstate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "colonial state", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "States within the United States are often considered very different from one another, despite the fact that they are part of the same country. Which of the following best describes this situation?", "choices": [ { "text": "An adaptive strategy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A built environment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The natural landscape", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Folk culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Regionalization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding language?", "choices": [ { "text": "Languages are relatively static.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Language can divide a country.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Language can contribute to political unity.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Language can be an adaptive strategy.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Languages can diffuse through colonization.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "\"Jack tales\" are best described as an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "material culture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "nonmaterial culture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "popular culture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "folk culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "folklore", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a language from the Afro-Asiatic family?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mandarin", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hebrew", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Turkish", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Persian", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Nubian", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly connects the Christian denomination to one of its core beliefs?", "choices": [ { "text": "Roman Catholicism recognizes the position of the Pope but not his supremacy over the Church.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Protestants believe in the idea that the edible ritual elements used during communion literally become the body and blood of Christ.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mormonism rejects the mainstream Christian doctrine of the Trinity.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Eastern Orthodoxy includes the belief of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, instead of communicating with God through priests.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Zoroastrianism includes the belief in a messiah who will resurrect the dead and bring everlasting life.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The building depicted below is best considered an example of what kind of religious architecture?", "choices": [ { "text": "A Roman Catholic church", "label": "A" }, { "text": "An Eastern Orthodox church", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A mosque", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A pagoda", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A sacred site", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The map demonstrates which of the following data representation concepts?", "choices": [ { "text": "Concentration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Density", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pattern", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Time\u2013space compression", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Islam's spread to parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia via trade networks is an example of what two types of cultural diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Relocation and hierarchical diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Relocation and contagious diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hierarchical and contagious diffusion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relocation and stimulus diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Contagious and stimulus diffusion", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements accurately describes why Judaism is considered an ethnic religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Judaism is one of the most widespread faiths due to its proselytizing activity.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Some Jewish people who are not devoutly religious celebrate their Jewish cultural identity.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Jewish people are usually born into their faith rather than converting to it.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Judaism is largely a mission-based faith in which conversion is a primary pillar.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Jewish people exercise strict compliance to their faith and a literal interpretation of the Torah.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following languages would be considered the lingua franca of East Africa?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hindi", "label": "A" }, { "text": "English", "label": "B" }, { "text": "French", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Swahili", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Zulu", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Why is Missouri one of the hearths of bluegrass music?", "choices": [ { "text": "Missouri was inhabited by a large percentage of people living in poverty, who migrated to the state from Appalachia.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Missouri was composed of a mix of Irish, Scottish, and African American people.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Missouri was inhabited by a large percentage of African American people whose ancestors were from West Africa.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Missouri was the destination of the Acadians (French Canadians), who migrated from southeastern Canada.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Missouri was where people from Scandinavia, Poland, and Germany chose to live when they immigrated to the United States.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of hierarchical diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "McDonald\u2019s in India serving Chicken Maharaja Mac", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Americans putting pineapple on pizza", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Japanese baseball allowing tied games", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South Korean Catholics practicing ancestor rites", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A British celebrity popularizing her hairstyle in Brazil", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "At which of the following sporting events do hooligans incite violence?", "choices": [ { "text": "Boxing matches", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hockey games", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Basketball games", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Baseball games", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Soccer matches", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The modern game of soccer (football) spread to many parts of the world because of British colonization. This is best described as an example of which type of diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Expansion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hierarchical", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Relocation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stimulus", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Contagious", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A geographer who supports the theory of environmental determinism would most likely agree with which of the following statements?", "choices": [ { "text": "Humans are not entirely a product of their environment, and they possess the skills to adapt their environment to fit their needs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A society\u2019s physical and intellectual attributes are shaped by the location and climate in which they develop.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Human activity has resulted in global climate change and increasingly severe weather patterns.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Most societies can control their environment to their benefit, resulting in higher levels of economic development.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Societies are not influenced by their environments, instead developing independently of environmental factors.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The structure below would most likely be found in which of the following countries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ecuador", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Germany", "label": "B" }, { "text": "India", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Thailand", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Israel", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains why the process of acculturation typically takes three generations?", "choices": [ { "text": "Religion and language are often lost parts of culture by the third generation.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Food, music, and other parts of heritage are mostly lost within three generations.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Use of the home language usually fades away within three generations.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Most third-generation immigrants have become bilingual.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Language has spread via relocation diffusion by the third generation.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following describes a primary desire of secularists?", "choices": [ { "text": "Follow strict behavioral guidelines aligned with holy texts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Reach a global scale and appeal to all people", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Create a state that is ruled by a pastor or priest", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Remove all religious practices from the world", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Separate marriage from religious constraints", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of a monument that is NOT considered a sacred space?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Taj Mahal", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Ganges River", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Wailing Wall", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Hiroshima Peace Memorial", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Bodhi tree", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Namibia, a state in the southwestern part of Africa, has a prorupted shape: while mostly compact, it includes a nearly 300-mile protrusion called the Caprivi Strip that extends eastward to the Zambezi River.", "choices": [ { "text": "Shorter trade routes throughout a more compacted state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Control over different nationalities within the borders", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Access to more raw materials and trade routes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Greater economic autonomy from colonizers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Improved transportation throughout the country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes a primary purpose for why state and local political boundaries were defined, delimited, and demarcated in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "To establish the authority of the federal government", "label": "A" }, { "text": "To set the limits of political sovereignty", "label": "B" }, { "text": "To prevent gerrymandering from taking place", "label": "C" }, { "text": "To encourage the development of regional identity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "To establish political voting districts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "After decades of Soviet rule and control of Eastern Europe, in 1989, the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain fell, precipitating the end of the Soviet Union. This is best described as an example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Devolution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Heartland theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Imperialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Balkanization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Annexation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "All of the following are considered development indicators EXCEPT", "choices": [ { "text": "birth rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "technological advancement", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gender balance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "economic sector", "label": "D" }, { "text": "conservation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A good example of a monolingual country would be", "choices": [ { "text": "Canada", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Japan", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Turkey", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The United Kingdom", "label": "D" }, { "text": "South Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A family of immigrants learns the language of their new country, with each generation becoming more fluent. This process is an example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Irredentism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Acculturation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Centrifugal force", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cultural shatterbelt", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Chain migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Due to population changes, political boundaries must be redrawn so that districts are more representative of the new population numbers. Suppose a state legislature that is controlled by a dominant political party manipulates this process to help elect candidates of its party. This process would best be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "reapportionment", "label": "A" }, { "text": "district formation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gerrymandering", "label": "C" }, { "text": "census taking", "label": "D" }, { "text": "geopolitics", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the 1990s, in Rwanda, conflict between the Hutus and the Tutsis caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. This is best described as an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "a religious conflict", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an ethnic conflict", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a conflict between a colony and colonizer", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a conflict over slavery", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a conflict over communism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following international agreements most likely gives the details concerning the United States' legal rights to extract oil off the U.S. coast?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Kyoto Protocol", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Paris Climate Agreement", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The membership agreement with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The UN\u2019s International Law of the Sea", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "From the 1950s through the 1970s, Southeast Asia was in the middle of the conflict between two Cold War superpowers. The West, led by the United States, and the East, led by the Soviet Union and China, fought for control of the region. Which of the following would describe Southeast Asia in this situation?", "choices": [ { "text": "A shatterbelt region where outside forces exerted influence", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A high-growth area of increasing economic development", "label": "B" }, { "text": "An area where theocratic governments were dominant", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A contentious area where regional conflicts were common", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A relatively peaceful region recovering from colonization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following represents an example of political fragmentation?", "choices": [ { "text": "The creation of the United Nations", "label": "A" }, { "text": "European states joining the European Union", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The formation of the African Union", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The end of Yugoslavia as an independent state", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The countries of Japan, Iceland, and Denmark are examples of countries wherein one major ethnic group makes up most of the population. In these countries, the national borders correspond very closely with the state borders. Such countries are most appropriately referred to as which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nation-states", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Microstates", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Core countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Periphery countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ethnic enclaves", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would best describe the type of political entity that an American Indian reservation would be classified as?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nation-state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Multinational state", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Independent state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "City-state", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Semiautonomous region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the information in the table, which of the following has the highest population density?", "choices": [ { "text": "Croatia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hong Kong", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Monaco", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Singapore", "label": "D" }, { "text": "United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The movement of people from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt is an example of which of the following types of migration?", "choices": [ { "text": "Intercontinental", "label": "A" }, { "text": "International", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Interregional", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Intraregional", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Intervening", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the late 1940s, tensions between India and Pakistan escalated into armed conflict. The tensions were fueled, in part, by religious differences. Such differences are best described by which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "National iconography", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Devolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Colonialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Centrifugal forces", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Centripetal forces", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following international organizations would have the most geopolitical importance according to Spykman's rimland theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "UN (United Nations)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "EU (European Union)", "label": "B" }, { "text": "NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Suppose that a newly created country forms a government that is based on centralized authority and rejects the notion of locally based power centers. Which of the following terms best describes the government in this new state?", "choices": [ { "text": "Democracy", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Core country", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Unitary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Federal", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Confederation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The four heads of Brahma are thought to represent", "choices": [ { "text": "India\u2019s four seasons", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the three primary deities in Hinduism, along with Parvati", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the four cardinal directions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Four Noble Truths of Hinduism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Vedas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Supranational organizations, such as the European Union (EU), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the United Nations (UN), often attempt to limit the political or economic actions of their member countries. As such, these organizations", "choices": [ { "text": "violate international law", "label": "A" }, { "text": "contradict the principles of democracy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "threaten to end state-controlled government", "label": "C" }, { "text": "challenge state sovereignty", "label": "D" }, { "text": "prohibit all trade agreements with non-member states", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The majority of African states entered the United Nations after 1960 because", "choices": [ { "text": "the United Nations excluded all African states before 1960", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the United States vetoed several African states\u2019 requests to join", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a majority of African states were under the control of the Soviet Union", "label": "C" }, { "text": "most African states sought to form the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the majority of the states hadn\u2019t become independent until the 1960s", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "San Marino and Vatican City are countries that are located within Italy. Lesotho is a country that is located within South Africa. Which of the following best describes the political geography of these three states?", "choices": [ { "text": "They are enclaves.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They are perforated states.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "They are theocracies.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "They are autonomous regions.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They are buffer states.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Berlin Wall is a good example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Demarcation line", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Natural physical boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Boundary mandated by the United Nations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geometric boundary using latitude and longitude", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Antecedent boundary located within an urban area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the best example of voluntary segregation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ethnic neighborhoods in New York City", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Ghettos during World War II in Poland", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relocation of South Africans during apartheid", "label": "D" }, { "text": "19th-century American Indian reservations in the United States", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The border between the United States and Canada, as shown in the map below, is an example of what type of boundary?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mountain boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "River boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Religious boundary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Language boundary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Geometric boundary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The image below shows which of the following types of survey pattern used in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Dispersed village", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Township and range", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Long lots", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Metes and bounds", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Nucleated format", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a circumstance that often leads to desertification?", "choices": [ { "text": "Land becoming exposed to too much precipitation in a short period of time", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Herds of animals grazing on land that does not receive enough rainfall", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Farms overproducing crops and leading to price reductions", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Populations moving away from the land in great numbers", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Farmers moving their animals elsewhere and abandoning the land", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the primary difference between livestock ranching and livestock fattening?", "choices": [ { "text": "Livestock fattening requires more space than livestock ranching.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching has more profit per head of cattle than livestock fattening.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Livestock fattening requires less feed per head of cattle than livestock ranching.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching requires more land than livestock fattening.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching requires more capital investment for feed products.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the Second Agricultural Revolution?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution saw the beginning of seed agriculture.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution involved the mechanization of farming.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution prompted farmers to develop new crops.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution saw the genetic engineering of crops.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution saw the rise of large-scale farms.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following trends best describes farming in the United States in the late twentieth century?", "choices": [ { "text": "Movement to industrial agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Debt-for-nature swap", "label": "B" }, { "text": "\u201cTragedy of the commons\u201d", "label": "C" }, { "text": "More sustainable organic yields", "label": "D" }, { "text": "More work with intertillage practices", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements describes an impact of the double-cropping practice that started during the Green Revolution?", "choices": [ { "text": "It allows subsistence farmers to receive more income from selling their products.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It provides consumers with more choices of foods to eat.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It relies exclusively on natural processes in order to boost crop yields.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It allows farmers to alter natural processes to increase crop yields.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It gives producers the profit margins to meet the demands of investors.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Von Th\u00fcnen's model of agricultural land use revolves around which of the following fundamental principles?", "choices": [ { "text": "The climate and agricultural conditions worsen farther away from the market area.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The fertility of the soil decreases farther away from the urban area or market.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Access to transportation improves as one moves closer to the urban area.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "In the village system, farmers are involved in subsistence agriculture, and an urban area serves as a cultural hub.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The farmers in the area are all involved in commercial agriculture, selling their products to a centrally located market.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following zones of von Th\u00fcnen's model is the best fit for the fruit production method of farming?", "choices": [ { "text": "Market gardening", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Dairy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Livestock fattening", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Commercial grain", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements best demonstrates the effect that natural features like mountain ranges and oceans have on human geography?", "choices": [ { "text": "Natural features shape the diffusion of cultural ideas and populations.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Natural features determine the material utility of natural resources.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natural features control the population of surrounding countries.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Natural features determine the creation of new societal organizations.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Natural features shape the societal structure of surrounding countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the concept of distance decay?", "choices": [ { "text": "A person who lives in Nebraska but reads The New York Times", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A person who lives far away from a shopping mall and therefore visits it infrequently", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A person who lives in a neighborhood with few supermarkets but many fast-food chains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A person who sees a celebrity wearing a particular style and purchases similar garments", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A viral video spreading all around the world via the Internet", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The majority of the world's farming population is involved in which type of agriculture?", "choices": [ { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Subsistence farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Three of the largest U.S. dairy regions are in the Northeast (New York and Pennsylvania), the Upper Midwest (Wisconsin and Minnesota), and California. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?", "choices": [ { "text": "The transportation systems are much better in these areas.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The climates are more conducive to raising dairy cattle.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Large urban centers are located near each region.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Industrial output is much greater due to the crops produced in these regions.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "There are more milk drinkers in these parts of the country than in other parts.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly pairs the agricultural hearth with its type?", "choices": [ { "text": "Southeast Asia and seed agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "West Africa and seed agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Southern Mexico and seed agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Northeastern Africa and vegetative planting", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Northern China and vegetative planting", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following agricultural practices would most likely be used in tropical forested areas of southeast Asia and central Africa?", "choices": [ { "text": "Crop rotation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following was most likely the first form of agriculture in human history?", "choices": [ { "text": "Slash-and-burn farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Seed agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hunting and gathering", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Tuareg people of the Sahara and their animals seasonally migrate to the higher lands in the summer and the valleys in the winter. This is best considered an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "pastoral nomadism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "livestock ranching", "label": "B" }, { "text": "livestock fattening", "label": "C" }, { "text": "dairy farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "transhumance", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The map below shows corn production for selected U.S. states. Which of the following conclusions can be made based on the map?", "choices": [ { "text": "Corn is linked with the livestock-fattening region of the United States.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Corn is a high-bulk food and therefore must be grown closer to urban centers.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Corn is a staple food in the American diet.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Corn is not grown much in the West due to dietary preferences.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Corn is not as profitable as other major crops due to the influence of ethanol and other biofuels.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains recent trends in agriculture in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "The average size of farms is decreasing as American farmers\u2019 efficiency increases.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The number of family-owned farms is continuing to increase.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The total revenue of agricultural sales is becoming more concentrated in a small number of large corporate farms.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The cost of converting a conventional farm into a farm that grows certified organic crops is relatively quick and easy.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sustainable farms make up only a small percentage of total agricultural sales, and their numbers are declining.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the 1930s in the United States, a Dust Bowl was created in the Great Plains area due to a combination of drought, overgrazing by cattle, and farming practices that overtaxed the soil. Which of the following terms describes this type of process?", "choices": [ { "text": "Soil erosion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Climate change", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Desertification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Food desert", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Farm crisis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is NOT a form of commercial farming?", "choices": [ { "text": "Grain farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fruit farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the role of women in the First Agricultural Revolution?", "choices": [ { "text": "Labor-saving devices freed women from toil in the fields, offering them financial independence through factory work.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Women cultivated crops based on their observations of seasonal patterns in plant growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Women helped secure food for their tribe by gathering roots and other wild plants.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Women performed specialized jobs such as caring for the children, weaving cloth, and making cheese from milk.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Labor-saving devices made plantation agriculture a more profitable system, leading to an increase in female slaves.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A group of farmers decide to grow crops in tropical areas for sale in more developed countries. Which of the following best describes this type of farming?", "choices": [ { "text": "Slash-and-burn farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Intensive subsistence agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Commercial agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the concentric zone model, pictured above?", "choices": [ { "text": "It suggests that the lower classes live closest to the central business district, while the upper classes live farther out.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It is based primarily on transportation systems.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It suggests that urban growth is independent of the central business district.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It is a representation of a post-industrial North America.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It is based on Los Angeles and suggests that areas are zoned off from other zones in the city.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following describes a problem with the concentric zone model?", "choices": [ { "text": "It was modeled on Chicago, which never had concentric zones.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Most cities today are no longer organized in clear zones.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Wealthy residents actually prefer to live far from the central business district.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It applies well to European cities but not to other cities.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It incorporates globalization too heavily.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Queenstown has a population of 2.2 million. The next largest city in the country is Kingsville with a population of 850,000. Based on this information, Queenstown is an example of which type of city?", "choices": [ { "text": "Edge city", "label": "A" }, { "text": "European city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Boomburb", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Gateway city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Primate city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following lists the urban hierarchy of settlements in order from smallest to largest?", "choices": [ { "text": "Town, hamlet, village, metropolis, megalopolis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Village, town, hamlet, metropolis, megalopolis", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Megalopolis, metropolis, village, town, hamlet", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hamlet, town, city, megalopolis, metropolis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains why Ullman and Harris developed the multiple nuclei model?", "choices": [ { "text": "To demonstrate the effects of decreased car ownership", "label": "A" }, { "text": "To support the concentric zone model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "To describe the complex development of urban areas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "To standardize urban studies terminology", "label": "D" }, { "text": "To explain the consolidation of cities' central business districts", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding world cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "These cities are the financial capitals of their regions.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "These cities have double the population of the next largest city in their countries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Large financial institutions are located in these cities.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Large publishing companies and transnational corporations are located in these cities.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "These cities define their own countries and countries throughout their regions.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements best explains the bid-rent theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "Land value is highest in the central business district, and land value decreases with distance from the CBD.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Land value is highest in the suburbs, resulting in larger houses.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "More space is available in the urban core because most growth is upward.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Land value is higher in the suburbs due to a greater demand for land there.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Land value is constant throughout the metropolitan area due to the high demand for residential space in general.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements best describes the Latin American city model?", "choices": [ { "text": "Many of the streets in Latin American cities are in a dendritic pattern.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Squatter settlements extend outward from the central business direct.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The majority of Latin American city districts have become gentrified.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Middle-class residential areas extend out from the central business district.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "High-income residential areas extend out from the central business district.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of a basic industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "A hotel in San Francisco", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A restaurant in Atlanta", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A car factory in Detroit", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A convenience store in Dallas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A movie theater in Tampa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Gateway cities are associated with which of the following population trends?", "choices": [ { "text": "Counterurbanization", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Suburbanization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Gentrification", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Immigration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Industrialization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of blockbusting?", "choices": [ { "text": "A lending institution refuses to give loans to those in neighborhoods that have a high default rate on mortgages.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A lending institution refuses to give loans to those in high-risk areas.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A real estate agent tries to induce people to sell their homes by appealing to a perception that a different race is moving into the neighborhood.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A real estate agent shows homes only in certain neighborhoods based on the race of the buyers.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A real estate agent and a financial institution make it very difficult for people of different races to live in the same area of town.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements best describes a major difference between U.S. and European cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "U.S", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Traditional European cities were not designed to accommodate automobiles.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "U.S", "label": "C" }, { "text": "European cities were constructed in accordance with religious beliefs.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Skyscrapers in U.S", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the image below, which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Asian cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Many of the high-income residences are designed to protect residents from the crime bred by widespread urban poverty.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Asian cities have no formalized central business districts.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Growth occurs throughout the cities, in part owing to few zoning laws and almost laissez-faire economics.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Growth extends outward from the port.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Asian cities usually include a market-gardening zone because of a cultural preference for fresh food.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would likely result from deindustrialization?", "choices": [ { "text": "A walkable city", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Decentralization", "label": "B" }, { "text": "In-filling", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Urbanization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Zones of abandonment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which of the following ways has suburbanization impacted cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cities are becoming dominated by the elderly and younger couples with either no children or very young children.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cities are losing nightclubs, theaters, and sports facilities as more people move to the suburbs.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cities are losing workers as they find new jobs closer to their suburban homes.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Many couples move to suburbs once their grown-up children move away.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Many people are being pushed away from the suburbs by their negative perceptions of them.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Favelas are symptoms of which problem in Latin American cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Pollution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gentrification", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Colonialism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Wealth inequality", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Underpopulation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Greenbelts are primarily created to prevent which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Entrepots", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Urban sprawl", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Commercialization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Squatter settlements", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Redlining", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the multiple nuclei model?", "choices": [ { "text": "Areas are zoned off or even gated off from other zones in the city.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Growth may begin in commercial, industrial, and even residential suburbs outside the central business district.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A city's size, including its hinterlands, determines the size of its range.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Urban zones extend along transportation routes.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The lower classes live closest to the central business district.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the basis for Walter Christaller's central place theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "Social structure is based on transportation systems rather than on the distance from the central business district.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Growth independent of the central business district is connected to the central city by a highway or an interstate.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "People will travel the least distance possible to meet their service needs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Zones are randomly placed in the city and are separated from each other by walls.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Lower classes will likely live closest to the central business district, while the upper classes will likely live farther out.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "New York City's Central Park is a public outdoor space that offers activities, events, concerts, and other attractions. Central Park is an example of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "A greenbelt", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A festival landscape", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A catacomb", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A bazaar", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A core area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes a significant position in Weber's least cost theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "People will travel the least possible distance for services.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The greater influence a city has, the more migration to that city.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The cost to transport raw materials is more important than the cost of the raw materials themselves.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Birth rate, death rate, and total population are the only factors relevant to population growth.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Farmers sell all of their agricultural harvest.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of a weight-gaining industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "Automobile manufacturing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Potato chip making", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sugar processing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Pharmaceutical manufacturing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Fresh produce shipping", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the economic relationship between less developed countries in Africa and more developed countries in Western Europe?", "choices": [ { "text": "Western European countries have no economic relationship to African countries because they have gained economic independence.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Western European countries continue to remain economically separated from less developed African countries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Western European countries procure raw materials and inexpensive, unskilled labor from less developed African countries.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Western European countries own much of the land in less developed African countries through private owners.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Western European countries have a declining economic relationship with less developed African countries due to an unfavorable market orientation.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following most directly influenced the economic success of the Four Asian Tigers?", "choices": [ { "text": "Raw materials", "label": "A" }, { "text": "International trade", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cheap immigrant labor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Low transportation costs", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Low land costs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The transfer of a shipment of blue jeans from a train to a truck at a distribution point is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "gross domestic product", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a growth pole", "label": "B" }, { "text": "outsourcing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a break-of-bulk point", "label": "D" }, { "text": "carrier efficiency", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following exemplifies why Shanghai is considered one of China's special economic zones (SEZs)?", "choices": [ { "text": "The workforce in Shanghai equates personal and professional value with how the company performs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Foreign car makers including Ford, General Motors, and Volkswagen have located plants near Shanghai.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Huang River serves as a major transportation route for the manufacturing industries in Shanghai.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Shanghai is a treaty port that efficiently exports goods made in China.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Kaohsiung, one of the busiest ports in the world, is an exportation hub that has given rise to Shanghai\u2019s rapid economic growth.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following concepts describes the benefits companies receive due to clustering together in the same location?", "choices": [ { "text": "Variable costs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fixed costs", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Carrier efficiency", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Agglomeration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Substitution principle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following portions of the economy processes raw materials in order to manufacture goods?", "choices": [ { "text": "Primary sector", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Secondary sector", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Tertiary sector", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Quaternary sector", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Quinary sector", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the core-periphery model, as shown in the map below, the Canadian northern territories would be classified as", "choices": [ { "text": "an industrial core", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an upward transition", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a downward transition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a semi-periphery", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a resource frontier", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A large corporation looking to lower labor costs would most likely seek which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Outsourcing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Agglomeration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Carrier efficiency", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Basic industries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sustainable development", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to Weber's least cost theory, which of the following types of industry is depicted in the image?", "choices": [ { "text": "Weight-reducing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Weight-gaining", "label": "B" }, { "text": "\u201cBrick bunny\u201d", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Production point", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Market", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following industries is most likely to produce goods in a sweatshop?", "choices": [ { "text": "Garment manufacturing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Poultry processing", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Commercial agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Consumer electronics manufacturing", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Oil refining", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements concerning the Human Development Index (HDI) is most accurate?", "choices": [ { "text": "The HDI of a country correlates with the level of commitment to democracy by its citizens.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The HDI of a country decreases with the level of gender inequities maintained by the country.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The HDI of a country decreases when students study abroad without returning.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The HDI of a country increases with a high literacy score.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The HDI of a country increases when its birth rate is at least two.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would most likely be undertaken by a corporation engaging in sustainable development?", "choices": [ { "text": "Producing goods in a maquiladora to avoid high tariffs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Slowing production to avoid oversaturating the market", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Raising workers\u2019 wages to ensure lower rates of turnover", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Adopting assembly-line manufacturing techniques to maximize efficiency", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pursuing alternative energy sources to reduce pollution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best matches the rationale for the most used method of industrial transportation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Automobiles are efficient vehicles that are also cost effective due to the relatively low cost of fuel.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Trains are able to carry large amounts of goods over long distances to any location.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Airplanes are the fastest way to disseminate goods, reaching even remote locations at low costs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ships are the most energy-efficient means of transportation.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Trucks are extremely mobile, efficient, and flexible as they can move large amounts of cargo long distances relatively quickly.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best exemplifies the practices of a multinational corporation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Company X prides itself on limiting the amount of mass production of its products by including artisanal designs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Company X has facilities in multiple states and territories in the United States, including Puerto Rico.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Company X negotiates trade with countries that offer high tariffs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Company X invested in equipment that allows for mass production of most of their products.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Company X produces some of its goods internationally, but the bulk of its manufacturing is done locally.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 resulted in which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership", "label": "A" }, { "text": "More strictly regulated trade between member countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A modest increase in the United States\u2019 GDP", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A substantial decrease in trade between Mexico and Canada", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Decreased access to large export markets", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Why was the Gender Development Index (GDI) developed by the United Nations?", "choices": [ { "text": "The GDI was created to measure the ratio of female to male children.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The GDI was created to measure the percentage of women employed in manufacturing industries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The GDI was created to determine the disparities between men\u2019s and women\u2019s relative overall human development.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The GDI was created to measure the three dimensions of human development.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The GDI was created to determine the differences in educational attainment for men and women.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes gross domestic product (GDP)?", "choices": [ { "text": "The total market value of goods exported to other countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The total market value of the goods and services produced in a country within a given year", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The total income earned by a country\u2019s residents both in the country and abroad", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A large segment of the economy that is characterized by a distinct type of product or service", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The difference in value of a country\u2019s exports and imports", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following industry-region pairs is NOT an example of a basic industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "Steel \u2013 Pittsburgh", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Automobiles \u2013 Detroit", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Healthcare \u2013 Los Angeles", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Computer chips \u2013 Silicon Valley", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Oil refining \u2013 Texas Gulf Coast", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the graphs, how does Boserup's theory differ from Malthus's theory regarding the relationship between food and population?", "choices": [ { "text": "Malthus's theory shows that food production is never higher than the population.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Malthus's theory shows the rate of population growth is always greater than the rate of food production.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Boserup's theory shows that population grows at an exponential rate.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Boserup's theory shows that food production increases exponentially.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Boserup's theory shows that the rate curves of food production and population growth never cross.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the early 1800s, Thomas Malthus predicted that population would soon be in which of the following stages of growth?", "choices": [ { "text": "Exponential", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Negative", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Static", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Proportional", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Linear", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Weber's least cost theory is based on what primary cost?", "choices": [ { "text": "Labor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Infrastructure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Transportation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Government taxes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Land costs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which country has created special economic zones (SEZs) to attract investment?", "choices": [ { "text": "Japan", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Vietnam", "label": "B" }, { "text": "South Korea", "label": "C" }, { "text": "China", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Laos", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Almost 99 percent of the people in Denmark are Danes, follow the Lutheran religion, and speak Danish. Denmark is thus an exemplar of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "City-state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Microstate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stateless nation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Political boundary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Nation-state", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the demographic transition model, a country enters stage 3 when", "choices": [ { "text": "the birth rate sharply increases", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the birth rate decreases", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the birth and death rates are nearly equal, stabilizing the population", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the fertility rate falls below two children per family", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the introduction of medicine causes the death rate to decrease", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What stage in the demographic transition model has exponential growth rates?", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the 1930s, many low-income regions of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, were designated as \"hazardous,\" resulting in a reduction in the availability of mortgage lending and an increase in lending costs when mortgages were available. Which of the following terms best describes this phenomenon?", "choices": [ { "text": "Blockbusting", "label": "A" }, { "text": "White flight", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Segregation", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ghettoization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Redlining", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the trend of total coal consumption depicted in the first graph?", "choices": [ { "text": "Despite the availability of renewable energy sources, non-OECD countries opt to burn coal instead.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The increasing industrialization of developing nations depends on coal as its primary energy source.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The growing use of alternative energy sources in non-OECD countries has displaced the consumption of coal.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The primary energy produced in OECD countries is petroleum.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The world's coal reserves are decreasing, resulting in a decline of coal consumption in OECD countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements about energy sources and pollution is best supported by the second graph?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nuclear power does not create any pollution.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Natural gas is a safer form of renewable energy compared to coal.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Natural gas causes less pollution than either coal or nuclear power.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nuclear power plants do not directly produce polluting carbon emissions.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Nuclear power is the safest energy source available.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following continents uses nuclear power for a greater percentage of its total power output than any other continent?", "choices": [ { "text": "North America", "label": "A" }, { "text": "South America", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Europe", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Asia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A retired couple moves from Chicago, Illinois to Lakeland, Florida. According to the map below, this is most likely an example of what geographic factor?", "choices": [ { "text": "Economic pull factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Economic push factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Environmental pull factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Political pull factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Political push factor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A family plans to move from Los Angeles, California, to New Orleans, Louisiana, but stops and stays in Albuquerque, New Mexico, because of the positive amenities. This is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "distance decay", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an environmental pull factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an environmental push factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "intervening opportunity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "intervening obstacle", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "During the process of acculturation, how many generations, on average, does it take for an immigrant family to lose its primary language?", "choices": [ { "text": "One generation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Two generations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Three generations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Four generations", "label": "D" }, { "text": "They never lose their primary language.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following theories, pictured below, suggests that whoever owns the Eastern European region could control the world based on the agricultural and industrial production of the region?", "choices": [ { "text": "Rimland theory", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Heartland theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Domino theory", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Transnational theory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Organic theory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The delivery area of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "a functional region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a formal region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a vernacular region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a statistical region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an urban region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the information in the table below, which of the following cities is a primate city in its country?", "choices": [ { "text": "London, United Kingdom", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Venice, Italy", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Frankfurt, Germany", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Aarhus, Denmark", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Medell\u00edn, Colombia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following countries would be considered an enclave?", "choices": [ { "text": "United States", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Indonesia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Lesotho", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Egypt", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Morocco", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Prior to the First Agricultural Revolution, how did humans primarily obtain food?", "choices": [ { "text": "Fishing", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Planting crops", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hunting and gathering", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Genetically engineering food for mass production", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Purchasing crops in small, food-specific establishments", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Farming in the United States is in a transition period best characterized by", "choices": [ { "text": "the increase in farms located in the Midwest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the movement toward industrial farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the movement from hunting and gathering to planting and sustaining", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the movement of population to rural areas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the use of less genetic engineering to modify plants and animals", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Second Agricultural Revolution coincided with", "choices": [ { "text": "increased genetic engineering of crops", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the Industrial Revolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "the transition to planting crops", "label": "C" }, { "text": "the Green Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "the Enlightenment in Europe", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following events contradicted Malthus's prediction?", "choices": [ { "text": "The First Agricultural Revolution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Plant domestication", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Second Agricultural Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Fourth Agricultural Revolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following areas of the world is currently experiencing the most rapid population growth?", "choices": [ { "text": "North America", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Western Europe", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "C" }, { "text": "South Asia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "South America", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A lack of economic development in developing regions of the world is predominantly attributed to a lack of", "choices": [ { "text": "infrastructure", "label": "A" }, { "text": "physical features, such as rivers", "label": "B" }, { "text": "labor availability", "label": "C" }, { "text": "foreign investment", "label": "D" }, { "text": "modern technology", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the map below, the Mississippi River is a prime example of which of the following types of political boundaries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Relic", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Subsequent", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Antecedent", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geometric", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Superimposed", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In terms of today's global economy, which of the following areas would be considered the resource frontier of the world?", "choices": [ { "text": "East Asia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Middle East", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Central and Western Europe", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Eastern South America", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following political tactics was allegedly used when the boundaries of North Carolina's Twelfth Congressional District were drawn?", "choices": [ { "text": "Gerrymandering", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Reapportionment", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sundown towns", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Blockbusting", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Redlining", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following describes the spread of religion as a result of Bhutanese refugees migrating to North Carolina?", "choices": [ { "text": "Expansion diffusion", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stimulus diffusion", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sun Belt migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relocation diffusion", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Distribution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the primary type of farming used in the rain forests of Brazil?", "choices": [ { "text": "Commercial agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Intensive subsistence agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Truck farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Irrigated fruit farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Sub-Saharan agricultural regions, as depicted in dark gray on the map, are primarily adversely affected by which of the following environmental factors?", "choices": [ { "text": "Climate change", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Desertification", "label": "B" }, { "text": "El Ni\u00f1o", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Increased earthquake activity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following example best fits the city structure depicted in the first image?", "choices": [ { "text": "Commuting to work from the suburbs in Atlanta", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Living on campus at a local university in Texas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Living and working within an edge city in New York", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Migrating from New York to Los Angeles", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Living and working in the downtown area of Tampa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following models suggests that in an urban setting, the farther a neighborhood is from the central business district, the greater its wealth is?", "choices": [ { "text": "Sector model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Keno-capitalism model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Multiple nuclei model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Urban periphery model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Languages that are in danger of extinction are typically used in isolated regions around the world. Which of the following regions has the fewest languages that are under threat of extinction?", "choices": [ { "text": "Europe", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Americas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Pacific islands", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Asia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sub-Saharan Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What is the primary form of agriculture found in desert regions, such as the Gobi Desert regions of Mongolia?", "choices": [ { "text": "Truck farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Commercial agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following most accurately describes typical Southeast Asian cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cities are laid out like the hub and spoke of a bicycle wheel, with all roads leading to the center of the city.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "High-income residences that extend out from the central business district are gated communities.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Growth extends outward from the port, and commercial zones are near ports.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cities include three central business districts with ethnic neighborhoods extending outward from them.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Bazaars and markets play significant roles in propelling the economy in cities.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Central Park in New York City is a public recreation space that hosts outdoor events. This is a good example of which of the following features?", "choices": [ { "text": "A central business district", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A greenbelt", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A festival landscape", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Urban development", "label": "D" }, { "text": "An ethnic landscape", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The prevalence of corn production in the United States correlates with which of the following practices that is normally classified as an extensive agricultural activity?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cattle production", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Irrigated farmland", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dairying", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Market-gardening activities", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the map, which of the following is the universalizing religion that is most prevalent in the world today?", "choices": [ { "text": "Christianity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Judaism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the map and your knowledge of human geography, which of following represents the world's fastest-growing religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Shintoism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Judaism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Folk religions", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which religions are most prominent today in the regions that were the hearths of the world's five major religions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Christianity and Buddhism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Christianity and Hinduism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Buddhism and Islam", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hinduism and Islam", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hinduism and Buddhism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The 38th parallel was created to form the border between North and South Korea after World War II. This line is an example of a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "relic boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "antecedent boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "superimposed boundary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "maritime boundary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "subsequent boundary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the population pyramid, the population of Japan in 2050 is projected to have a large percentage of which of the following groups?", "choices": [ { "text": "Immigrants", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Parents", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Youth", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Women", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Elderly people", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "An increase in which of the following would most likely broaden the base of the population pyramid?", "choices": [ { "text": "Birth rate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Literacy rate", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Per capita gross domestic product", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Immigration rate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Life expectancy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A television personality starts a fad of wearing shorts with a shirt and tie. The trend gradually spreads throughout the United States. This is an example of which of the following types of diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Acculturation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Contagious", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stimulus", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relocation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hierarchical", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following religions is a monotheistic religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Shintoism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Animism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Judaism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A city is located on a river that is prone to flooding yet provides trade advantages that bring measurable wealth to the city. Based on this information, which of the following statements would best fit that city?", "choices": [ { "text": "The city has a good site yet a poor situation.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The city has a good situation yet a poor site.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The city has a good situation and a good site.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The city has flood disadvantages that outweigh the trade advantages.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The city has trade advantages that outweigh the flood disadvantages", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the Latin American city model, Latin American cities are typically centered around which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Industrial district", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Market district", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Squatter settlements", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Zone of maturity", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Elite residential sector", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is presupposed in von Th\u00fcnen's model of agricultural land use?", "choices": [ { "text": "The farmers sell all of their farm production to a market.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The higher-end commodities are located farther from the market.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The lighter commodities are closer to the market to ensure profitability.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The heavier commodities are around the market because they need irrigation.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The market is based on subsistence farming practices in less developed countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains an aspect of von Th\u00fcnen's model of agricultural land use?", "choices": [ { "text": "The cost of transportation from livestock fattening is more than the cost of livestock ranching.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "While the cost of transporting vegetables is low, they belong in the first zone because the cost of spoilage is very high.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Although dairy byproducts do not spoil easily, the dairy industry is close to the market because milk does spoil easily.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Livestock ranching is a higher zone because the animals weigh much less compared to those raised by livestock fattening.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Because the cost to produce and transport grain is low, commercial grain farming can be far from the market.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following distinguishes Islamic cities from other city models?", "choices": [ { "text": "The role religion plays in city infrastructure", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The way the city layout features bazaars", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The proliferation of squatter areas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The existence of multiple central business districts", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The lack of population growth", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following types of industries best applies to the production of potato chips?", "choices": [ { "text": "Variable-cost industry", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fixed-cost industry", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Weight-gaining industry", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Weight-reducing industry", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Market-dependent industry", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which is the world's primary lingua franca language?", "choices": [ { "text": "Mandarin Chinese", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Russian", "label": "B" }, { "text": "English", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Spanish", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Hindi", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following accurately identifies the urban hierarchy of settlements from least populous to most populous?", "choices": [ { "text": "Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Hamlet, town, city, megalopolis, metropolis", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Megalopolis, metropolis, village, town, hamlet", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Village, town, hamlet, metropolis, megalopolis", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Town, hamlet, village, metropolis, megalopolis", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Los Angeles receives goods from Asia via ships. In the ports, the goods are put on trains for distribution around the United States. Which of the following terms best describes Los Angeles in this scenario?", "choices": [ { "text": "Break-of-bulk point", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Variable-cost provider", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Fixed-cost provider", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Basic industry site", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Trade alternative partner", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following cities would be classified by Saskia Sassen as a global city?", "choices": [ { "text": "Prague", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Madrid", "label": "B" }, { "text": "London", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Los Angeles", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Buenos Aires", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following world regions did not serve a historic role in the spread of agriculture as shown in the map?", "choices": [ { "text": "Southeast Asia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Peruvian Highlands", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Indus River Valley", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Latin America", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Europe", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following types of agriculture is practiced by the greatest number of people in the world today?", "choices": [ { "text": "Subsistence agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Highly mechanized commercial farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Suppose a person who was born in the desert region of Sudan self-identifies as \"a proud immigrant from East Africa.\" Which of the following would most accurately describe the type of region the person has described?", "choices": [ { "text": "Formal region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Functional region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Saharan region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Perceptual region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Sahel region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the table, which of the following statements is correct regarding the Sahel region?", "choices": [ { "text": "The region's high total fertility rate is above replacement levels, leading to population increase.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The region's annual rate of natural increase exceeds its total fertility rate.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The region's birth and death rates are approximately equal.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The average population per country is less than five million.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The region's population is steadily declining due to a low total fertility rate.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The sub-Saharan and Saharan regions of Africa are suffering from which of the following environmental problems due to the overgrazing of animals?", "choices": [ { "text": "Climate change", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Acid rain", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Polluted rivers", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Carbon dioxide pollution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Desertification", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a common negative consequence of gentrification?", "choices": [ { "text": "Older neighborhoods are revitalized.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "New development creates urban sprawl.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Property taxes are increased.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "New transportation systems replace older ones.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "More restaurants and shops move into the gentrified area.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Languages that develop from a common ancestral tongue are classified as a language family. Chinese belongs to the", "choices": [ { "text": "Indo-European family", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sino-Tibetan family", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Afro-Asiatic family", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Austro-Asiatic family", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Niger-Congo family", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the total fertility rate needed to maintain or grow a population?", "choices": [ { "text": "Below 0.5", "label": "A" }, { "text": "0.5 to 1.0", "label": "B" }, { "text": "1.0 to 1.5", "label": "C" }, { "text": "1.5 to 2.0", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Above 2.0", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the map, the Wheat Belt in the United States corresponds with which of the following regions?", "choices": [ { "text": "Pacific Northwest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Southeast", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Midwest", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Desert Southwest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Great Plains", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would most directly account for the trend shown in the graph from 1960 to 2010?", "choices": [ { "text": "First Agricultural Revolution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Industrial Revolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Green Revolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Second Agricultural Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Advances in organic farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is the city model depicted in the second image?", "choices": [ { "text": "Galactic city model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Multiple nuclei model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Gravity model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Sector model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The hybridization and spread of which of the following crops most significantly increased crop production in Asia in the twentieth century?", "choices": [ { "text": "Corn", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Rice", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Potatoes", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sorghum", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Barley", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Compared to wheat producers in less developed countries, wheat producers in the United States are more likely to rely on", "choices": [ { "text": "plant domestication", "label": "A" }, { "text": "intensive subsistence agricultural methods", "label": "B" }, { "text": "collective farming", "label": "C" }, { "text": "high-yield seed varieties", "label": "D" }, { "text": "large-scale commercial agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is one of the main reasons the United Nations created the Human Development Index?", "choices": [ { "text": "To promote Western-style education", "label": "A" }, { "text": "To prevent inflation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "To measure life expectancy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "To promote international peace", "label": "D" }, { "text": "To encourage economic reform", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best represents a potential centrifugal force?", "choices": [ { "text": "Religious diversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Homogeneous population", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A common language", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Government-supported education", "label": "D" }, { "text": "National anthem", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Hmong tradition of bringing family members to the United States after some family members have migrated is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "cyclic migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "interregional migration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "intraregional migration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "chain migration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "intervening opportunity", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Just-in-time delivery is a process that primarily aims at", "choices": [ { "text": "getting food to the market before it spoils", "label": "A" }, { "text": "getting products to the market to meet demand", "label": "B" }, { "text": "getting food to the market for customized orders", "label": "C" }, { "text": "eliminating long-distance transportation to reduce cost", "label": "D" }, { "text": "eliminating competition in order to control prices", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the outsourcing of labor from more developed countries to less developed countries in order to take advantage of cheaper labor costs?", "choices": [ { "text": "The new international division of labor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The core/periphery relationship", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Economic factors of development", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Standards of industrial development", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Inadequate debt financing of employment", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Recent immigrants from China have established commercial activities in Chinatown in Washington, D.C. Their cultural imprint has given this neighborhood a distinctive flair, creating", "choices": [ { "text": "an ethnic neighborhood", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a gated community", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a blockbusted neighborhood", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a redlined area", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an adaptive strategy", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "City A has improved its transportation system over the past 10 years, including constructing a light rail line that runs west/east through the core downtown. Construction firms have requested a large number of permits for new high-income residential buildings along the length of the tracks. Which of the following models most directly describes City A's growth?", "choices": [ { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sector model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Galactic model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Keno-capitalism model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Gravity model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the map, which of the following best describes the city of Istanbul?", "choices": [ { "text": "Capital city", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gateway city", "label": "B" }, { "text": "City-state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Edge city", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Colonial city", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Suppose a cartographer were to make a map of one of the individual locations shown on the map above. Which of the following locations would be mapped using the largest scale?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Mediterranean Sea", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Turkey", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Istanbul", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Syria", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Georgia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "As shown on the map, the state of Bulgaria would most accurately be described as", "choices": [ { "text": "a Middle Eastern country", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a formal region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a vernacular region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a perceptual region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "an Asian country", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Historically, steel production in Pittsburgh and automobile manufacturing in Detroit have been examples of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Multiplier effects", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Non-basic industries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Site factors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Situation factors", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Basic industries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Suppose a country has been experiencing a population explosion for the last five years. Which of the following most likely describes a true statement about this country's situation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Advances in technology will allow the country to adequately support the increased population.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The death rate must have significantly decreased over the past five years.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The birth rate must have been higher 10 years ago compared to now.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The country must have increased its amount of habitable land.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "There is a diminishing ability of the land to sustain the population.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following most accurately explains why the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created?", "choices": [ { "text": "To start the process of creating the European Union", "label": "A" }, { "text": "To replace the League of Nations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "To oppose the Warsaw Pact", "label": "C" }, { "text": "To counter the spread of communism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "To bring an end to World War II", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The movement of Mexicans from farmland to Mexico City is best described by which migration pattern?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cyclical movement", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Intercontinental", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Interregional", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Urban to rural", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Transhumance", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "As a country's economy moves from relying on industry to being more service based, which of the following would most likely happen to the country's population?", "choices": [ { "text": "An increase in migration to the country will increase its total population.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The population will stabilize because of zero population growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The proportion of the population that is elderly will start to rapidly decline.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Its birth and death rates will likely start moving closer together.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The birth rate will stay high, but the death rate will fall sharply.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Hoover Dam best illustrates which of the following theories on human-environmental interaction?", "choices": [ { "text": "Possibilism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Environmental determinism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Malthusian theory", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Global environmentalism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ecotourism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following business developments in a certain town would best indicate that the town's economy is moving into the quaternary economic sector?", "choices": [ { "text": "A nearby ore-mining operation opens a new ore-processing facility.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A major cabinet and furniture manufacturer opens a large factory near a lumber yard.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The local airport becomes the hub for a large regional airline.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Business developers transform unused land into a multi-million dollar retail shopping center.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Local technology firms partner to open a space and satellite research and development laboratory.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A large agribusiness conglomerate recently contracted with local growers. Some of the growers will produce bananas, and others will produce sugarcane. These crops are traditionally associated with which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Plantation farming", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Double-cropping", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Triple-cropping", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Crop rotation farming", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In the United States, the South is experiencing rapid population growth due to the relocation of industrial activities from the Northeast and Midwest. Based on the core-periphery model, this is because the South is in", "choices": [ { "text": "the industrial core", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a downward transition area", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an upward transition area", "label": "C" }, { "text": "a resource frontier", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a warmer climate zone", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes the relationship between core and periphery countries according to the world systems theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "Core countries usually engage in free and fair trade practices when dealing with periphery countries.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Core countries invest very little foreign capital in periphery countries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Core countries transfer natural resources to periphery countries.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Core countries help the workers in periphery countries by providing them with higher-paying jobs.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Core countries refuse to give humanitarian assistance to periphery countries.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "For the last 10 years, a medium-sized city in the Midwest has suffered from an increase in crime, pollution, traffic congestion, and housing costs. Because of these issues, a significant number of people have left the city. This process is best described as", "choices": [ { "text": "blockbusting", "label": "A" }, { "text": "redlining", "label": "B" }, { "text": "counterurbanization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "decentralization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "pull factor migration", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In terms of its relationship to the former Soviet Union, Romania could best be described as a", "choices": [ { "text": "nation-state", "label": "A" }, { "text": "shatterbelt", "label": "B" }, { "text": "satellite state", "label": "C" }, { "text": "microstate", "label": "D" }, { "text": "unitary government", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Romanian, Italian, and Portuguese are all part of the same", "choices": [ { "text": "language family", "label": "A" }, { "text": "dialect", "label": "B" }, { "text": "toponym", "label": "C" }, { "text": "trade language", "label": "D" }, { "text": "isogloss", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "London, Paris, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City are all examples of", "choices": [ { "text": "world cities", "label": "A" }, { "text": "primate cities", "label": "B" }, { "text": "edge cities", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Spanish-speaking cities", "label": "D" }, { "text": "megalopolises", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following lists of zones is presented in order of increasing distance from the market according to von Th\u00fcnen's model of land use?", "choices": [ { "text": "Dairy, commercial grain, livestock fattening", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Market gardening, commercial grain, livestock fattening", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Market gardening, livestock fattening, dairy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Dairy, livestock ranching, commercial grain", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Dairy, commercial grain, livestock ranching", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Basque, Hmong, and Kurdish peoples are examples of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Microstates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "African ethnic groups", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Southeast Asian nations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nomadic tribes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stateless nations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "It can reasonably be inferred that the structure in the image below would be visited most frequently by adherents of which of the following faiths?", "choices": [ { "text": "Judaism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Roman Catholicism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Eastern Orthodoxy", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Hinduism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Islam", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the inaccurate assumption underpinning Thomas Malthus's theory of overpopulation?", "choices": [ { "text": "Birth rates would increase and contribute to an increasing population.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Death rates would decline and contribute to an increasing population.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Population control policies would not be able to keep up with an increasing population.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Agricultural productivity would increase with an increasing population.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Environmental disasters would result from an increasing population.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following incorrectly pairs a staple food with its geographic region?", "choices": [ { "text": "Manioc and Northeastern South America", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Coffee and Northeastern Africa", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Millet and South Asia", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rice and Southeast Asia", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Noodles and North China", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The model of U.S. cities depicted posits below which of the following geographic principles as essential for the economic success of commercial establishments?", "choices": [ { "text": "Threshold and range", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Market area and economic structure", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Threshold and globalization", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Employment structure and range", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Range and globalization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is equal to the rate of natural increase?", "choices": [ { "text": "Births minus deaths minus immigration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Births plus deaths plus immigration", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Births minus deaths minus emigration", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Births plus deaths plus emigration", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Births minus deaths", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains why double-cropping is a common agricultural practice in Asia?", "choices": [ { "text": "Double-cropping has allowed Asia to sell the second set of crops to more developed countries.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Double-cropping has ensured the food supply for much of Asia's population.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Double-cropping has helped Asia to triple its harvest.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Double-cropping is the best way to grow crops, though it creates desert areas due to overgrazing.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Double-cropping supports growing crops that require irrigation, such as rice.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following was a pillar of the religion depicted by the first image?", "choices": [ { "text": "The triumvirate", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Feng shui", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Four Noble Truths", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Torah", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A messiah", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following beliefs is shared by the two religions represented by the images?", "choices": [ { "text": "Nirvana", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Polytheism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Monotheism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Reincarnation", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ramadan", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Olives, dates, and grapes are agricultural products that result from which type of farming?", "choices": [ { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mediterranean agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Subsistence agriculture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Slash-and-burn agriculture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following identifies the novel feature that allowed early automobile industrial workers high enough wages that they could afford the products that they were making?", "choices": [ { "text": "The outsourcing of low-paying jobs", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The long hours employees spent in poor working conditions", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The specialization of individual jobs", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The beginning of multinational companies", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The congregation of innovators in one area", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to the rank-size rule, if a region's biggest city has a population of 1,200,000, then the second-largest city will likely have a population of", "choices": [ { "text": "200,000", "label": "A" }, { "text": "240,000", "label": "B" }, { "text": "300,000", "label": "C" }, { "text": "600,000", "label": "D" }, { "text": "850,000", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Many planned communities in third-ring suburbs are designed with pedestrians in mind due, in large part, to which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Brownfields", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Urban sprawl", "label": "B" }, { "text": "New Urbanism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Suburbanization", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tenements", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Dividing a country's population by its total land area gives a geographer what statistic?", "choices": [ { "text": "Physiological density", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Arithmetic density", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Agricultural density", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Spatial distribution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Spatial density", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The concept of the American South means many things to different people, and many people draw the South using different boundaries. This is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "a formal region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "a functional region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "an industrial region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an agricultural region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a vernacular region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The region highlighted on the map has been most strongly influenced by which of the following institutions over the last century?", "choices": [ { "text": "The Southern Baptist Convention", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The Roman Catholic Church", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Mormon Church", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Southern Presbyterian Church", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Lutheran Church", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which land-use system shown in the image below originated in Britain and is still used today in many parts of New England?", "choices": [ { "text": "Metes and bounds", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Long lots", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Township and range", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Environmental modification", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Urbanization", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The diagram below best exhibits what model of urbanization?", "choices": [ { "text": "Sector model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Central place theory", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Multiple nuclei model", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Gravity model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The boundary changes illustrated in the map were likely brought about by which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Peaceful negotiation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Infrastructure development", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Increased cultural cohesion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Centrifugal forces", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The creation of relic boundaries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The breakup of the former Yugoslavia was most directly a result of which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Ethnic conflict", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Soviet control", "label": "B" }, { "text": "U.S", "label": "C" }, { "text": "United Nations involvement", "label": "D" }, { "text": "NATO military occupation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Bosnia and Herzegovina has an internationally recognized border, but some of its territory is occupied by Serbian forces. This is an example of how a country's military forces can", "choices": [ { "text": "challenge state sovereignty", "label": "A" }, { "text": "put pressure on stateless nations", "label": "B" }, { "text": "gain international recognition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "foster alliances with other countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "successfully conquer multiple states at once", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Suppose a city mayor supports making major changes to improve the downtown area's transportation system by adding several new walkways, bike paths, and by improving all existing sidewalks. The mayor's approach is most similar to that called for by supporters of", "choices": [ { "text": "New Urbanism", "label": "A" }, { "text": "gated communities", "label": "B" }, { "text": "grid street systems", "label": "C" }, { "text": "symbolic landscapes", "label": "D" }, { "text": "disamenity zones", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The map indicates areas of interest that spurred the formation of which multinational organization?", "choices": [ { "text": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Arab League", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)", "label": "C" }, { "text": "United Nations (UN)", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Pork production is almost nonexistent in the Islamic world. Which of the following statements best explains this lack of pork production?", "choices": [ { "text": "The climate of most countries with large Islamic populations is not well-suited for pork production.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Religious guidelines do not allow Muslims to eat pork.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pork is not a customary food preference in the Islamic diet.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Muslims' dietary preferences tend more toward cattle production.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The Islamic religion exalts vegans as having religious purity.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which crop is the most important grain for intensive subsistence farmers?", "choices": [ { "text": "Maize", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Barley", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Sorghum", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Rye", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Rice", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the population data presented in the chart, Russia entered which stage of the demographic transition model in approximately 1993?", "choices": [ { "text": "Stage 1", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Stage 2", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stage 3", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Stage 4", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Stage 5", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following results would be most likely to occur if the birth and death rates depicted in the chart stabilized at their 2003 levels?", "choices": [ { "text": "Russia would reenter an agricultural phase of development.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The total population of Russia would experience a decline.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The Russian economy would suffer from a shortage of jobs.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The Russian government would likely encourage the use of birth control.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Russia would be unlikely to experience an increase in immigration rates.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following forms of agriculture is traditionally practiced in more arid climates?", "choices": [ { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Truck farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Commercial farming", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Subsistence farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the information in the table and your knowledge of geography, which of the following religions is most likely to be considered an ethnic religion?", "choices": [ { "text": "Islam", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Catholicism", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Evangelical Protestantism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Buddhism", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shinto", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly pairs a religion from the table with its hearth?", "choices": [ { "text": "Shinto and Western Europe", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Buddhism and South Asia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Evangelical Protestantism and North Africa", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Catholicism and Latin America", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Islam and Central Asia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The designation of agricultural land-use zones in Uruguay, as depicted in the map, is most consistent with which of the following statements about von Th\u00fcnen's model of agricultural land use?", "choices": [ { "text": "Agricultural products need to be close to market to minimize transportation costs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Raw materials need to be close to market to minimize transportation costs.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Less-developed countries are considered periphery locations.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Farmers practicing subsistence agriculture need to sell their products at a nearby market.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shepherds practicing pastoral nomadism move their herds to bring them to a commercial market.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Von Th\u00fcnen's model of agricultural land use is usually represented by a series of concentric circles with the market at the center. Which of the following most likely explains why Uruguay's agricultural zones do not conform perfectly to von Th\u00fcnen's concentric model?", "choices": [ { "text": "The presence of subsistence farming near markets has displaced some commercial farming activities.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "For cultural reasons, the people of Uruguay consume very little beef, leading to smaller zones for cattle ranching than is common in von Th\u00fcnen\u2019s model.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Geographical features can make some land unsuitable for certain types of commercial farming, regardless of the land\u2019s distance to markets.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Uruguay has a primarily industrialized economy and relies almost exclusively on foreign imports of agricultural products.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Grain is cheaper to transport to market in Uruguay than are most other agricultural products.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following theories, adopted by the Germans during World War II, proposed that whoever controls Eastern Europe and Western Asia could control the world?", "choices": [ { "text": "Rimland theory", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Heartland theory", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Domino theory", "label": "C" }, { "text": "World systems theory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Core-periphery theory", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following most accurately describes how an economy develops, according to Rostow's development model?", "choices": [ { "text": "Traditional society, transitional stage, drive to maturity, takeoff, age of mass consumption", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Traditional society, takeoff, transitional stage, age of mass consumption, drive to maturity", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Transitional stage, takeoff, traditional society, drive to maturity, age of mass consumption", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Drive to maturity, traditional society, takeoff, transitional stage, age of mass consumption", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Traditional society, transitional stage, takeoff, drive to maturity, age of mass consumption", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The agricultural product that the majority of the world's population depends on for survival is", "choices": [ { "text": "corn", "label": "A" }, { "text": "wheat", "label": "B" }, { "text": "barley", "label": "C" }, { "text": "soybeans", "label": "D" }, { "text": "rice", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which area of the world was the first to develop cotton, corn, and beans as primary agricultural products?", "choices": [ { "text": "Southern India", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Southeast Asia", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Central America", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Eastern Europe", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Eastern Africa", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following regions in the United States leads in coal production?", "choices": [ { "text": "Appalachia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Gulf Coast", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Western Pacific", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Upper Midwest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Southwest Texas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The conflict in Rwanda and Uganda in the mid-1990s is an example of", "choices": [ { "text": "a religious conflict", "label": "A" }, { "text": "an ethnic conflict", "label": "B" }, { "text": "a transnational conflict", "label": "C" }, { "text": "an ethnic enclave conflict", "label": "D" }, { "text": "a border conflict", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Some countries, like Denmark, have state boundaries that closely coincide with the geographic boundaries of their dominant ethnic population. Which of the following terms best describes these countries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Microstates", "label": "A" }, { "text": "City-states", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Stateless nations", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Nation-states", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Multistate nations", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following illustrates the multiplier effect?", "choices": [ { "text": "The steel industry has historically been the main focus of Pittsburgh\u2019s economy.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The steel industry in Pittsburgh has led to the expansion of the area\u2019s construction industries which has led to the expansion of raw material supply companies.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "New restaurants have opened in Pittsburgh to help feed the community of steel workers.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The features of Pittsburgh\u2019s location make it an ideal spot to manufacture steel.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Pittsburgh\u2019s access to raw materials, clean water, and varied energy sources allows workers to propel the steel industry.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Belgium's shape, as shown in the first map, is an advantage for which of the following reasons?", "choices": [ { "text": "It allows for greater access to more natural resources.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It allows for more cultural cohesion.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It makes it easier to defend the country\u2019s borders.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It makes it difficult for another country to occupy Belgium.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It allows for lower tariffs for shipped goods.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Italy has two self-contained, autonomous states located within its borders: San Marino and Vatican City. Which of the following terms is most commonly used to describe countries, like Italy, with these types of political boundaries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Enclave countries", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Elongated countries", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Fragmented countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Perforated countries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Prorupted countries", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following describes a consequence of Italy's shape, as shown in the second map?", "choices": [ { "text": "Difficulty in transporting resources", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A lack of natural resources", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Central positioning of the government", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ease of monitoring political boundaries", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Accessibility of government programs", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The Partition of India, in 1947, resulted in the creation of two newly independent countries: India, with a Hindu-majority population, and Pakistan, with a Muslim-majority population. The migration of Muslims from India and of Hindus from Pakistan following the Indian partition was most likely the result of which of the following types of factors that influence migration patterns?", "choices": [ { "text": "An environmental push factor", "label": "A" }, { "text": "An economic pull factor", "label": "B" }, { "text": "An environmental pull factor", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A political push factor", "label": "D" }, { "text": "An economic push factor", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which statement best describes how European central business districts (CBDs) are different from those of most world cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "European cities have their high-rises in their CBDs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "European cities\u2019 CBDs were designed to support modern transportation systems.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "European cities have large areas devoted to foreign investment.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "European cities\u2019 lower classes live in the CBDs.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "European cities have narrow streets and low-rise buildings in their CBDs.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "What do the languages of English, Spanish, and Hindi have in common?", "choices": [ { "text": "They are all spoken primarily by people who share a common religion.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "They are all spoken in the same countries.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "All three derive from the Afro-Asiatic language family.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "All three are spoken in their given locations primarily due to colonialism.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "All three are in the Indo-European language family.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The map below shows Amtrak's main line in the Northeast corridor. The fact that there is more movement between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore than there is between Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia can best be characterized as a function of", "choices": [ { "text": "distance decay", "label": "A" }, { "text": "the gravity model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "spatial interaction", "label": "C" }, { "text": "cultural ecology", "label": "D" }, { "text": "distribution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The term \"formal region\" refers to which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "A region where everything has the same set of characteristics", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A region where there are different characteristics", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A region defined around a certain point or node", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A region that exists primarily in an individual\u2019s perception or feelings", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A region that speaks the same language", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is a primate city, based on the data shown in the table below?", "choices": [ { "text": "S\u00e3o Paulo", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Shanghai", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Beijing", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Mexico City", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Guadalajara", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The World Trade Center in New York City exemplified which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Symbolic landscape", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Cityscape", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Festival landscape", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cultural landscape", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Folk landscape", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Rapid population growth would likely lead to which of the following effects?", "choices": [ { "text": "Increase in biodiversity", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Environmental degradation", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Improvement in air quality", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Political stability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Environmental policy-making", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is true of the sector model for U.S. cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "It demonstrates that areas are zoned off or gated off from other zones in the city.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It represents a city with growth that is connected to the central city by means of an arterial highway or interstate.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It suggests that lower classes live closest to the central business district, while the upper classes live farther out.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It describes a social structure based on transportation systems rather than on distance from the central business district.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It proposes that urban growth is independent of the central business district.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Most of the urban areas in the United States most accurately reflect which urban model?", "choices": [ { "text": "Concentric zone model", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Sector model", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Multiple nuclei model", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Central place theory", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Von Th\u00fcnen\u2019s model", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which vegetative hearth grew taro, bananas, and palm trees?", "choices": [ { "text": "Southeast Asia", "label": "A" }, { "text": "West Africa", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Central America and northwestern South America", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Northern China", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Northeastern India", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following most directly produces a built environment?", "choices": [ { "text": "Popular culture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Multicultural society", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Folk culture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Non-material culture", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Material culture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Democratization is more likely to occur in a country when that country has which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "A relatively high level of wealth, a strong educational system, and strong social mobility", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A relatively high level of wealth and a reliance on one or a few natural resources for its income", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A relatively low level of wealth, a weak educational system, and little social mobility", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A short cultural history and an unstable older population", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A short cultural history and an unstable younger population", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following boundary types best describes the western United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Cultural boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Subsequent boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Physical boundary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Geometric boundary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Antecedent boundary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains a difference between eastern and western U.S. cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "Eastern U.S", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Western U.S", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Western U.S", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Western U.S", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Eastern U.S", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Historically, the U.S. population has tended to move in which directions?", "choices": [ { "text": "South, then east", "label": "A" }, { "text": "North, then west", "label": "B" }, { "text": "West, then south", "label": "C" }, { "text": "North, then east", "label": "D" }, { "text": "West, then north", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following types of farming involves abandoning fields and allowing the land to return to its natural state?", "choices": [ { "text": "Intertillage", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Mixed cropping", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Pastoral nomadism", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Plantation farming", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shifting cultivation", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly pairs the agricultural technique with its revolution?", "choices": [ { "text": "Animal domestication and the First Agricultural Revolution", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Planting of crops and the Second Agricultural Revolution", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Hybridization and the Industrial Revolution", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Planting of crops and the Third Agricultural Revolution", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Animal domestication and the Green Revolution", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The land-survey pattern shown below is used in which part of the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Midwest", "label": "A" }, { "text": "New England", "label": "B" }, { "text": "West Coast", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Southwest", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Southeast", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "According to Wallerstein's world systems analysis, which of the following areas represents less developed countries?", "choices": [ { "text": "Core areas", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Periphery areas", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Semi-periphery areas", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Industrial core areas", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Upward transition areas", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of a non-basic industry?", "choices": [ { "text": "Manufacturing cars in Detroit", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Producing steel in Pittsburgh", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Milling in Minneapolis", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Creating computer chips in Silicon Valley", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Building homes in West Virginia", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Based on the chart below, which of the following metropolitan areas would most likely be considered a megacity?", "choices": [ { "text": "S\u00e3o Paulo", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Washington, D.C.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Toronto", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Madrid", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Boston", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes Weber's least cost theory?", "choices": [ { "text": "The weight of the raw materials and the finished product will determine the location of the production facility.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A weight-gaining industry\u2019s production point will need to be located closer to the raw materials.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A weight-reducing industry\u2019s production point will need to be located closer to the market.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Variable costs fluctuate based on the volume of the order.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Fixed costs do not fluctuate based on the quantity ordered.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following correctly pairs the area with its region type?", "choices": [ { "text": "The South and formal region", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Canada and formal region", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Atlanta metropolitan area and vernacular region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The South and functional region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Canada and functional region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The United States and Canada are separated by the 49th parallel. Which of the following best describes this type of border?", "choices": [ { "text": "Subsequent boundary", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Geometric boundary", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Superimposed boundary", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Relic boundary", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Antecedent boundary", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following factors most likely contributed to the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, pictured above?", "choices": [ { "text": "Over-plowing the soil in the Great Plains", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Under-plowing fields in the Great Plains", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Massive migrations to the Great Plains", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Heavy storms over the Great Plains", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Weather conditions in California", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following factors most likely led to migrations away from the Dust Bowl area of the Great Plains?", "choices": [ { "text": "Economic pull factors", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Economic push factors", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Political pull factors", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Political push factors", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Environmental pull factors", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of an intervening opportunity?", "choices": [ { "text": "A family decides to migrate from Florida to Chicago, only to later relocate to South Carolina for the warmer weather.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A family migrating from New York to California decides to stop in Chicago because of the high availability of premium jobs.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A family journeying from South America to New York is unable to continue due to a governmental restriction, so the family moves to Central America instead.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A couple moves from the city to the suburbs so that their children can receive an education in a specific school district.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A couple in Chicago relocates outside the city for employment opportunities in order to save enough money to move to San Francisco.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best exemplifies the concept of commodity dependence?", "choices": [ { "text": "The success of a core area depends on the use of a periphery area\u2019s labor supply.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The success of a core area depends on the use of a periphery area\u2019s natural resources.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "A periphery area remains underdeveloped due to a lack of foreign investment.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "A core area relies primarily on the export of oil for its economic growth.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "A core area relies primarily on the import of oil for its economic growth.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes one of Ravenstein's laws of migration?", "choices": [ { "text": "Each migration produces a movement in the opposite direction.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Most migration is over a long distance.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Long-distance migrants usually move to rural areas.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "People in cities migrate more than do people in rural areas.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Migration is mostly due to political causes.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best describes a traditional society according to Rostow's model of development?", "choices": [ { "text": "The majority of the workforce is involved in manufacturing.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Most people practice commercial farming.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Most people benefit from high mass consumption.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Most trade involves farmers and their agricultural products.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Growth takes place around large urban areas.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains how the Second Agricultural Revolution impacted populations?", "choices": [ { "text": "People began to mechanize farming, increasing chemical use.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Fewer people were available for work in factories.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Populations decreased due to dangerous farming techniques.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Populations maintained healthier diets and longer life expectancies.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "New crop hybridization methods increased food production for populations.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best explains the bid-rent theory in the United States?", "choices": [ { "text": "Wealthier families typically live within the central business district.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Only commercial landlords can afford the land within the central business district.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Shopping malls attract more customers than stand-alone stores.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Homes in the city are usually large and expensive.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It is more cost-effective to rent when living in the city.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best identifies the region of Eastern Europe from the 1940s through the early 1990s?", "choices": [ { "text": "Region unaffected by political conflict", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Region dominated by theocracies", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Core economic region", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Homogeneous region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Shatterbelt region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "E" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "In which of the following ways did the Industrial Revolution change many European cities?", "choices": [ { "text": "More people migrated to suburbs.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Most rural villages experienced major population growth.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Cities became less crowded because of new transportation options.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Markets grew with increases in urban populations.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Agricultural products circulated primarily at the local level.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best exemplifies the process of contagious diffusion?", "choices": [ { "text": "The loss of parts of one\u2019s native culture after migration", "label": "A" }, { "text": "A new video spreading rapidly online", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The growing popularity of American-style pizza", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The spread of rap music", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The adoption of customs from a different culture", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following urban design practices would a European urban planner most likely use to prevent urban sprawl?", "choices": [ { "text": "Greenbelts", "label": "A" }, { "text": "In-filling", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Subway systems", "label": "C" }, { "text": "City parks", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Zoning laws", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following best exemplifies traditional architecture?", "choices": [ { "text": "Structures built in an area as it was first being established", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Structures built after an area has been well established", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Structures that are intrinsically linked to an area\u2019s culture", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Structures not built by a professional craftsperson or artist", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Structures that have two stories with chimneys on both sides", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following is an example of national iconography?", "choices": [ { "text": "Country flag", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Official language", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Dominant religion", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Ports of trade", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Governmental structure", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following would most likely be considered a tertiary economic activity?", "choices": [ { "text": "Gathering fruit from fields", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Financial advising", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Biomedical research", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Repairing a cell phone", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Manufacturing a car", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "D" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The type of agriculture seen in the second photo is LEAST likely to be associated with which of the following?", "choices": [ { "text": "Plantation agriculture", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Subsistence farming", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Better nutrition", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Sustainability", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Multi-cropping", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A geographer who supports the conclusions of Thomas Malthus would most likely agree with which of the following statements?", "choices": [ { "text": "The J-curve illustrates the dangers presented by exponential population growth.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "The J-curve illustrates the ideal outcome offered through government-sponsored population control measures.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "The S-curve illustrates the dangers presented by exponential population growth.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "The S-curve illustrates the ideal outcome offered through government-sponsored population control measures.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Neither the J-curve nor the S-curve has any connection with the work of Thomas Malthus.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Gateway cities are best characterized as", "choices": [ { "text": "centers of colonial trade or administration, originally", "label": "A" }, { "text": "places where immigrants make their way into a country", "label": "B" }, { "text": "port cities where goods are shipped in at one price and shipped to other port cities at a higher price", "label": "C" }, { "text": "urban centers that predate the European Renaissance", "label": "D" }, { "text": "metropolitan areas that are global centers for finance, trade, and commerce", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "If an individual were to find the number of items per square unit of distance, this individual has calculated", "choices": [ { "text": "arithmetic density", "label": "A" }, { "text": "dot density", "label": "B" }, { "text": "agricultural density", "label": "C" }, { "text": "energy density", "label": "D" }, { "text": "physiological density", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "A place defined on a map using coordinates such as latitude and longitude is referred to as a(n)", "choices": [ { "text": "relative location", "label": "A" }, { "text": "area of influence", "label": "B" }, { "text": "absolute location", "label": "C" }, { "text": "nodal region", "label": "D" }, { "text": "formal region", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "C" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The S-curve is most often associated with what geographic factor?", "choices": [ { "text": "World population growth over time", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Immigration rates over time", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Economic development over time", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Cultural adaptation of ethnic groups over time", "label": "D" }, { "text": "The stability of countries\u2019 governments over time", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following can be stated about the Green Revolution?", "choices": [ { "text": "It led to the domestication of New World crops throughout Europe and Asia during the 16th century", "label": "A" }, { "text": "It occurred in the 1950s and 1960s when plant and animal hybrids and chemical fertilizers began to be used in Third World agriculture", "label": "B" }, { "text": "It was spurred on by parallel innovations in both agricultural technology and manufacturing in post-industrialized countries", "label": "C" }, { "text": "It occurred due to disastrous global food shortages post-World War II and the necessity of adopting environmentally sustainable practices", "label": "D" }, { "text": "It led to the adoption of vegetative planting techniques, in which the shoots, stems, and roots of existing wild plants are collected and grown together", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "The phenomenon that occurs when distance plays a role in obstructing interaction between two locations is known as", "choices": [ { "text": "distance decay", "label": "A" }, { "text": "friction of distance", "label": "B" }, { "text": "relative distance", "label": "C" }, { "text": "space-time compression", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Tobler's law", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Renewable resources are an example of which of the following land-use models?", "choices": [ { "text": "Sustainability", "label": "A" }, { "text": "Economic", "label": "B" }, { "text": "Environmental", "label": "C" }, { "text": "Preservationist", "label": "D" }, { "text": "Ecological", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "A" }, { "id": "apstudy_question_hg", "question": { "stem": "Which of the following statements best describes the main difference between population clusters in Asia and Europe?", "choices": [ { "text": "In Asia, most people live in urban areas.", "label": "A" }, { "text": "In Europe, most people live in urban areas.", "label": "B" }, { "text": "In Asia, most people make their living in the secondary sector of the economy.", "label": "C" }, { "text": "In Europe, most people make their living in the primary sector of the economy.", "label": "D" }, { "text": "In Asia, the tertiary sector of the economy is stagnant.", "label": "E" } ] }, "answerKey": "B" } ]