diff --git "a/training_set_v2.csv" "b/training_set_v2.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/training_set_v2.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1786 @@ +id,source,jim_crow,type,chapter_num,section_num,chapter_text,section_text +1947_session laws_979_2,murray,1,session laws,978,1,"CHAPTER 978 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE MEMBERS OF THE EAST- ERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA TO HOLD, INHERIT AND ALIENATE PROPERTY, AND FURTHER SECURING TO THEM THE RIGHT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Subject only to restrictions and conditions now existing or hereafter imposed under Federal statutes and regulations, or treaties, contracts, agreements, or conveyances between such Indians and the Federal Government, the several members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians residing in Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson and other adjoining counties in North Carolina, and the lineal descendants of any bona fide member of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, shall inherit, purchase, or otherwise lawfully acquire, hold, use, encumber, convey and alienate by will, deed, or any other lawful means, any property whatsoever as fully and completely in all respects as any other citizen of the State of North Carolina is authorized to inherit, hold, or dispose of such property." +1935_public laws_423_3,murray,1,public laws,422,2,CHAPTER 422 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A RENTAL SYSTEM FOR TEXT- BOOKS USED IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE AND TO PROMOTE ECONOMY AND EFFIC- IENCY IN THE ADOPTION OF TEXTBOOKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Powers and duties of Commission. The said Textbook Purchase and Rental Commission is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to: (1). Acquire by contract, and/or purchase, such textbooks. and instructional supplies, which are, or may be on the adopted list of the State Standard Course of Study, as the Commission may find necessary to supply the needs of the children in the Public Schools of the State. (2). Provide a system of distribution of said textbooks and supplies to the children in the Public Schools of the State, and shall distribute such books as are provided under the rental system without the use of any depository other than some agency of the State. (3). Provide for uniform rental charge for said textbooks and supplies to the children in attendance upon the Public Schools of the State. Said rental charge shall be collected annually in an amount not to exceed one-third of the cost of said textbooks and supplies: Provided nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the purchase of textbooks from said Commission needed for any child in the public schools of the State, by any parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis. (4). Provide for the use of said textbooks without charge to the indigent children of the State. (5). Adopt, provide and distribute all blanks, forms and reports necessary to Keep a careful check and record of ail the books, supplies distributed, rentals collected, indigents furnished, condition and repairs of books, and such other information as said Commission may require, to the end that an accurate and complete inventory of the affairs of said Commission may be available at all times to the Governor and Council of State. (6). Cause an annual audit to be made of the affairs of the said Commission and a certified copy of same to be furnished the Governor and Council of State. (7). Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using same." +1933_public laws_173_26,murray,1,public laws,172,25,"CHAPTER 172 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE, AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND AD- DITIONAL THERETO; AND CHAPTER ONE HUN- DRED THIRTY OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND AD- DITIONAL THERETO; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE STATE PRISON DEPART- MENT AND STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION INTO A SINGLE DEPARTMENT TO BE KNOWN AS STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Commission shall provide separate sleeping quarters and separate eating space for the different races and the different sexes; and, in so far as it is practical to. do so, shall provide for youthful convicts to segregate to themselves." +1927_public laws_163_5,murray,1,public laws,162,4,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said corporation shall receive, train and care for such colored orphan children of the State of North Carolina as under the rules and regulations of said corporation may be deemed practical and expedient, and impart to them such mental, moral and industrial education as may fit them for usefulness in life." +1927_public laws_163_4,murray,1,public laws,162,3,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the five members of said Board of Directors so appointed by the Governor shall also serve as a Board of Trustees of said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The said Board of Trustees so appointed shall serve for a term of four years and until their successors are chosen. All appropriations made by the General Assembly to the said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina shall be under the control of the Board of Trustees, and said appropriations shall be expended under their supervision and direction. The Board of Trustees shall select one of their members as a treasurer of the fund appropriated to the institution by the General Assembly and also not more than two persons to act as a board to. audit the expenditure of such appropriation. The treasurer shall receive a salary of one hundred dollars per year for his services and members of the Board of Audit a salary not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars per year. The Treasurer shall give a bond payable to the State of North Carolina in a surety company in such sum as the Board of Trustees may require, the annual premium to be paid out of the funds of the said orphanage." +1927_public laws_163_3,murray,1,public laws,162,2,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That M. F. Thornton, Reverend M. C. Ransom, J. W. Levy, J. C. Jeffreys, J. E. Shepard, N. A. Cheek and Alex Peace and Reverend G. C. Shaw are hereby named and appointed as members of the Board of Directors of said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The Governor of North Carolina shall appoint five white citizens of Granville County as members of said Board of Directors, and the thirteen so named shall constitute the Board of Directors of said corporation. Said Board of Directors shall organize by the election of a president and secretary, shall make all necessary by-laws and regulations for the convenient and efficient management and control of the affairs of said corporation, including the method by which successors to the directors herein named shall be chosen. 33Pub. Laws." +1925_public laws_307_15,murray,0,public laws,306,14,"CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of any of the boards of the institutions herein named, by whatsoever name called, whenever in his opinion it is to the best interest of the State to remove such person, and th yovernor shall not be required to give any reason for such removal." +1925_public laws_307_14,murray,0,public laws,306,13,"CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Each of the directors, trustees, managers or other persons whose appointments are herein provided for shall hold office until his or her successor or successors have been appointed and qualified according to law." +1925_public laws_307_10,murray,1,public laws,306,9,"CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Trustees for Elizabeth City State Normal School at Elizabeth City; the Fayetteville State Normal School at Fayetteville; Cherokee Indian Normal School at Pembroke; State Teachers College for Negroes at Winston-Salem. The Governor shall appoint for each of the following institutions: The Elizabeth City State Normal School at Elizabeth City, the Fayetteville State Normal School at Fayetteville; Cherokee Indian Normal School at Pembroke; State Teachers College for Negroes at Winston-Salem, nine -9 trustees, five of whom shall be appointed within thirty days from the passage of this act and four of whom shall be appointed within six months from the passage of this act. At the time of making such appointment the Governor shall name which of the present boards are to be succeeded by his appointees. The terms of the said trustees shall be four years from the date of their appointment. The Governor shall fill all vacancies. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly following his appointment the names of persons appointed by him for confirmation. Sec. 9 (a). Trustees or directors of the North Carolina College for Negroes at Durham. There shall be twelve -12 trustees for the North Carolina College for Negroes at Durham. Within thirty days from the passage of this act the Governor shall appoint seven -7 members for each of said boards and within six months from the passage of this act the Governor shall appoint five -5 members for each of said boards. At the time of making such appointments he shall designate the members of the present board who are to be succeeded by his appointees.< All vacancies are to be filled by the Governor. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly following his appointment the names of the persons appointed by him for confirmation." +1917_public laws_232_7,murray,1,public laws,200,6,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE THE MILITARY LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO INCREASE THE EFFI- CIENCY OF THE MILITIA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"White and Colored Enrolled SeparatelyThe white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization. No organization of colored troops shall be permitted where white troops are available, and while permitted to be organized, colored troops shall be under command of white officers." +1913_public laws_124_6,murray,1,public laws,123,5,CHAPTER 123 AN ACT TO RESTORE TO THE INDIANS RESIDING IN ROBESON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES THEIR RIGHTFUL AND ANCIENT NAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Neither this act nor any other act relating to said Cherokee Indians of Robeson County shall be construed so as to impose on said Indians any powers, privileges, rights or immunities, or #NAME? limitations on their power to contract, heretofore enacted with reference to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians residing in Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson and other adjoining counties in North Carolina, or any other band or tribe of Cherokee Indians other than those now residing, or who have, since the Revolutionary War, resided in Robeson County, nor shall said Cherokee Indians of Robeson County, as herein designated, be subject to the limitations provided in sections nine hundred and seventy-five and nine hundred and seventy-six of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina. ; >" +1913_public laws_84_5,murray,1,public laws,83,4,CHAPTER 83 5 ; I AN ACT TO COMPEL ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTERPRISES WHERE MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYEES ARE EMPLOYED TO PROVIDE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT TOILETS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the persons or corporation mentioned under this act to locate their toilets for males and females, white and colored, in separate parts of their buildings or grounds, in buildings hereafter erected, and in those now erected, all closets shall be separated by substantial walls of brick or timber, and any employee who shall willfully intrude or use any toilet not intended for his or her sex or color shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined five dollars." +1899_public laws_385_4,murray,1,public laws,384,3,"CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That when any coach or compartment of a car for either race shall be completely filled at a station where no extra coach or car can be had and the increased number of passengers could not be foreseen, the conductor in charge of such train is hereby authorized to assign and set apart a portion of a car or compartment assigned for passengers of one race to passengers of the other race." +1899_public laws_385_6,murray,1,public laws,384,5,"CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That any railroad company failing to comply in good faith with the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars per day, to be recovered in an action brought against such company by any passenger on any train or boat of any railroad or steamboat company which is required by: this act to furnish separate .accommodations to the races, who has been furnished accommodations on such railroad train or steamboat in only a car or com partment with a person of a different race in violation of the provisions. of this act." +1913_public laws_84_2,murray,1,public laws,83,1,CHAPTER 83 5 ; I AN ACT TO COMPEL ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTERPRISES WHERE MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYEES ARE EMPLOYED TO PROVIDE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT TOILETS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all persons and corporations employing males and females in any manufacturing industry, or other business employing more than two males and females in towns and cities having a population of one thousand persons or more, and where such employees are required to do indoor work chiefly, shall provide and keep in a cleanly condition separate and distinct toilet rooms for such employees, said toilets to be lettered and marked in a distinct manner, so as to, separate the white and colored males and females of both sexes: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to cases where toilet arrangements cr facilities are furnished by said employer off the premises occupied by him." +1901_public laws_504_3,murray,1,public laws,503,2,CHAPTER 503 An act relating to the State Library. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the State Librarian be and he is hereby authorized to fit up a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the Library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals. +1907_public laws_1005_2,murray,1,public laws,1004,1,"CHAPTER 1004 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 975 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, TO PROVIDE FOR THE INCREASE OF POWER OF CHEROKEE INDIANS AND OTHERS TO TRADE, CON- TRACT OR BARTER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section nine hundred and seventy-five of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section, after the word same, the following: Provided, that this section shall not apply to any person of Cherokee Indian blood or any Cherokee Indian who understands the English language and who can speak and write the same intelligently." +1907_public laws_851_9,murray,1,public laws,850,8,"CHAPTER 850 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEPARATE ACCOMMODA- TION OF WHITE AND COLORED PASSENGERS UPON STREHT CARS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSBES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That no street, suburban or inter-urban railway company, its agents, servants or employees, shall be liable to any person on account of any mistake in the designation of any passenger to a seat or part of such car set apart for passengers of the other race. ," +1941_public laws_371_2,murray,1,public laws,370,1,"CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the State Board of Education be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to establish a vocational and normal school at any place it may deem most suitable for teaching and training the young Indian men and women not otherwise provided for." +1941_public laws_371_3,murray,1,public laws,370,2,"CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in said vocational and normal school so created there shall be provided such courses of instruction in vocational education, teacher training and higher education as the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may deem necessary and proper in order to furnish said Indians the necessary and proper educational facilities. A preparatory department may be established in connection with any such school, and the said State Board of Education shall have the power and authority to remove or close any such school established under the authority contained in this Act." +1927_public laws_163_2,murray,1,public laws,162,1,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the corporation created by chapter fortyseven, Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, be, and it is hereby, continued as a body corporate for a period of sixty years from the date of the ratification of this act under the name and style of The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The said corporation shall have power to receive, purchase, and hold property, real and personal, not to exceed in value one million dollars, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to receive gifts, donations and appropriations, to contract and be contracted with, and to do all other acts usual and necessary in the conduct of such corporation, and to carry out the intent and purposes thereof under and as subscribed by the laws of North Carolina." +1943_session laws_382_2,murray,1,session laws,381,1,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"An institution, to be known and designated as State Training School for Negro Girls, is hereby created, and such institution is authorized and empowered to accept and use donations and appropriations and do all other things necessary and requisite to be done in furtherance of the purpose of its organization and existence as hereinafter set forth." +1945_session laws_1097_2,murray,1,session laws,1096,1,CHAPTER 1096 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A STATE-WIDE PROGRAM OF HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CARE; TO CREATE THE NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL CARE COMMISSION; TO MAKE CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTRI- BUTIONS FOR THE CARE OF INDIGENT SICK IN AP- PROVED HOSPITALS; TO MAKE SURVEYS AND REC- OMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEC- ESSARY HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CENTERS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CENTRAL HOSPITAL AS A MEMORIAL TO NORTH CAROLINA DEAD OF WORLD WAR I AND WORLD WAR II; AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Chapter one hundred and thirty-one of the General Statutes of North Carolina be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding the following articles and sections. Article 12 Sec. 131-117. North Carolina Medical Care Commission. There is hereby created a State agency to be known as The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, which shall be composed of twenty members nominated and appointed as follows: Three members shall be nominated by the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina; one member by the North Carolina Hospital Association; one member by the North Carolina Dental Society; one member by the North Carolina Nurses Association; one member by the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, and one member by the Duke Foundation, for appointment by the Governor. Ten members of said Commission shall be appointed by the Governor and selected so as to fairly represent agriculture, industry, labor, and other interests and groups in North Caro. lina. In appointing the members of said Commission, the Governor shall designate the term for which each member is appointed. Four of said members shall be appointed for a term of one year; four for a term of two years; four for a term oj three years; five for a term of four years; and thereafter, all appointments shall be for a ter mof four years. All vacancies shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The Commissioner of Public Welfare, and the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall be ex officio members of the Commission, without voting power. The Commission shall elect, with the approval of the Governor, a chairman and a vice chairman. All members, except the Commissioner of Public Welfare, and the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall receive a per diem of seven dollars ($7.00) and necessary travel expenses. SEC. 181-118. Commission Authorized to Employ Executive Secretary. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is authorized and empowered to employ, subject to the approval of the Governor, an executive secretary, and to determine his or her salary under the provisions of the Personnel Act. The executive secretary may employ such additional persons as may be required to carry out the provisions of this Act, subject to approval of the Commission, and the provisions of the Personnel Act. Office space for the Commission shall be provided by the Board of Public Buildings and Grounds, in Raleigh. SEc. 131-119. Contribution for Indigent Patients. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by it, is hereby authorized and empowered to contribute not exceeding one dollar ($1.00) per day for each indigent patient hospitalized in any hospital approved by it, provided the balance of the cost shall be provided by the county or city having responsibility for the care of such indigent patient, or from other sources. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations for determining the indigency of the persons hospitalized and the basis upon which hospitals and health centers shall qualify to receive the benefits of this section. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,- 000.00); and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00), provided that the benefits of this section shall apply only to hospitals publicly owned, or owned and operated by charitable, nonprofit, nonstock corporations, and provided further that these appropriations provided in this section shall not be available until all provisions of Section twenty-three and one half of the Committee Substitute for House Bill Number eleven, the General Appropriations Bill of one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, relating to the emergency salary for the public school teachers and State employees shall have been completely and fully provided for. Sec. 131-120. Construction and Enlargement of Local Hospitals. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to begin immediate surveys of each county in the State to determine: (a) The hospital needs of the county or area; (b) The economic ability of the county or area to support adequate hospital service; (c) What assistance by the State, if any, is necessary to supplement all other available funds, to finance the construction of new hospitals and health centers, additions to existing hospitals and health centers, and necessary equipment to provide adequate hospital service for the citizens of the county or area; and to report this information, together with its recommendations, to the Governor, who shall transmit this report to the next session of the General Assembly for such legislative action as it may deem necessary to effectuate an adequate Statewide hospital program. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to act as the agency of the State of North Carolina for the purpose of setting up and administering any State-wide plan for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, public health centers and related facilities, which is now or may be required in order to comply with any Federal law and in order to receive and administer any funds which may be provided by an Act of Congress for such purpose; and the Commission, as such agency of the State of North Carolina with the advice of the State Advisory Council set up as hereinafter provided, shall have the right to promulgate such Statewide plans for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, medical centers and related facilities, or such other plans as may be found desirable and necessary in order to meet the requirements and receive the benefits of any Federal legislation with regard thereto. The said Commission shall be authorized to receive and administer any funds which may be appropriated by any Act of Congress for the construction of hospitals, medical centers and related activities or facilities, which may at any time in the future become available for such purposes; said Commission shall be further authorized to receive and administer any other Federal funds, which may be available, in the furtherance of any activity in which the Commission is authorized and empowered to engage in under the provisions of this Act establishing said Commission, and in connection therewith the Commission is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of this Act; to adopt such reasonable and necessary standards with reference thereto as may be proper to fully cooperate with the Surgeon General of the United States with the approval of the Federal Advisory Council in the use of funds provided by the Federal government, and at all times make such reports and give such information to the Surgeon General of the United States as may be required. That the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to set up and establish a State Advisory Council to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission, to consist of five members, who shall each serve for a term of four years, with the right on the part of the Governor to fill vanacies for unexpired terms, said council to include representatives of non-government organizations or groups, and of State agencies, concerned with the operation, construction, or utilization of hospitals or medical centers, or allied facilities, which Advisory Council, when set up by the Governor, shall advise with the North Carolina Medical Care Commission with respect to carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act. That the North Carolina Medical Care Commission and the said State Advisory Council set up by the Governor as-herein authorized, shall be fully authorized and empowered to do all such acts and things as may be necessary, to authorize the State of North Carolina to receive the full benefits of any Federal laws which are or may be enacted for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, health centers or allied facilities. That none of the provisions hereof shall authorize the appropriation of any State funds for the purposes herein set forth except as the same may be specifically provided for in this Act. Sec. 131-121. Medical Student Loan Fund. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empewered, in accordance with such rules as it may promulgate, to make loans to students who may wish to become physicians and who are accepted for enrollment in any standard four-year medical school in North Carolina, provided such student shall agree, that upon graduation and upon being licensed, to practice medicine in some rural area in North Carolina for at least four years. Rural area, for the purpose of this section, shall mean any town or village having less than two thousand five hundred -2,500 population according to the last decennial census, or area outside and around such towns or villages. Such loans shall bear such rate of interest as may be fixed by the Commission, not to exceed four per cent per annum. _ For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this sec- tion, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00): The State Treasurer shall set up on his records an account to which shall be deposited said amount, and from which withdrawals shall be made upon vouchers made by the State Auditor upon request of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. This appropriation shall not lapse at the end of any biennium, but shall remain available for the purposes herein stated. Sec. 131-122. Expansion of Medical School of the University of North Carolina. In order to carry forward the Statewide plan of hospital and medical care, the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, by and with the approval of the Governor and the North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to expand the two-year Medical School of the University of North Carolina into a standard four-year medical school. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is authorized and directed to make a complete survey of all factors involved in determining the location of the expanded medical school, giving especial attention to the advantages and disadvantages of locating said school in one of the large cities of the State, and shall render a report of their findings to the Governor and Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina. Provided that no action shall be taken under this provision of this section, other than the work of the Commission, until a survey has been made and a report submitted to the Governor and Medical Care Commission by the Rockefeller Foundation or some other accredited agency with experience in the field of surveying large areas in connection with medical education and medical care. The report of such agency is to be submitted to the Governor and the Medical Care Commission in a reasonable time in advance of the report of the Governor and the Commission to the Board of Trustees. Sec. 131-123. Appropriations for Expenses of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. In order to provide funds for the expenses of the North Carolina Medical Care, Commission, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, the sum of fifty thousand. dollars ($50,- 000.00) and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). SEc. 131-124. Medical Training for Negroes. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission shall make careful investigation of the methods for providing necessary medical training for Negro students, and shall report its findings to the next session of the General Assembly. In addition to the benefits provided by Section one hundred and sixteen one hundred and ten of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized to make loans to Negro medical students from the fund provided in Section one hundred and thirty-oneone hundred and twenty-one, subject to such rules, regulations, and conditions as the Commission may prescribe. Sec. 131-125. Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Donations. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to accept and administer gifts, grants, or donations which may be made by the Federal government or by any person, firm, or corporation for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Act, provided the acceptance of such gifts, grants, or donations shall be made without requiring the surrender of authority or control in the administration thereof by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. SEc. 131-126. Hospital Care Association. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized to encourage the development of group insurance plans, the Blue Cross Plan, and other plans which provide for insurance for the public against the costs of disease and illness." +1947_session laws_822_3,murray,1,session laws,821,2,"CHAPTER 821 AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS TO ACQUIRE, MANAGE AND CONTROL CERTAIN LANDS FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES, AND AUTHORIZ- ING APPROPRIATIONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In the event said property has been heretofore used exclusively for the burial of members of the negro race, then said cemetery or burial ground so established shall remain and be established as a burial ground for the negro race. In the event said property has been heretofore used exclusively for the burial of members of the white race, then said cemetery or burial ground so established shall remain and be established as a burial ground for the white race. ;" +1947_session laws_979_3,murray,1,session laws,978,2,"CHAPTER 978 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE MEMBERS OF THE EAST- ERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA TO HOLD, INHERIT AND ALIENATE PROPERTY, AND FURTHER SECURING TO THEM THE RIGHT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any person who is a lineal descendant of any kona fide member of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians who is a member of said band and who is domiciled on the lands of the said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians shall be eligible to hold any elective or appointive office or position within the tribal organization, including the position of Chief, and may be elected or appointed and shall thereafter serve in such manner and for such time as a majority of the accredited membership of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians may decide at any election held for such purpose or appointment made by the accredited officials of said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians." +1949_session laws_1133_30,murray,1,session laws,1132,29,"384 CHAPTER 1132 AN ACT TO DEFINE, CLASSIFY AND REGULATE MO- TOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS OVER THE HIGH- WAYS OF THE STATE FOR COMPENSATION: CON- FERRING UPON THE UTILITIES COMMISSION THE POWER TO GRANT CERTIFICATES AND PERMITS OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY; TO FIX RATES, TARIFFS AND SCHEDULES; TO REQUIRE THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PAS- SENGER STATIONS; TO PRESCRIBE AND ENFORCE RULES FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC AND GENERALLY TO REGU- LATE, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS OPERATING IN THIS STATE; AND TO REPEAL ARTICLE 6, CHAPTER 62 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 19438 Ai The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Separation of races. The commission shall require: every common carrier by motor vehicle to provide separate but substantially equal accommodations for the white and colored races at passenger stations or waiting rooms where the carrier receives passengers of both races, and on all common carriers by motor vehicles operating on a route or routes over which such carrier transports passengers of both races. Provided that any requirement as to separate accommodation for the races shall not apply to specially chartered motor vehicles or to negro servants and attendants and their employers, or to officers or guards transporting prisoners." +1945_session laws_460_11,murray,1,session laws,459,10,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","For the protection of the pupils residing in the school, it shall be unlawful: (a) For any person to advise, or solicit, or to offer to advise or solicit, any inmate of said school to escape therefrom; (b) For any person to transport, or to offer to transport, in automobile or other conveyance any inmate of said school to or from any place: Provided, this shall not apply to the superintendent and teachers of said school, or to employees or any other person acting under the superintendent and teachers thereof; (c) For any person to engage in, or to offer to engage in, prostitution with any inmate of said school; (d) For any person to receive, or to offer to receive, any inmate of said school into any place, structure, building or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution, or to solicit any inmate of said school to engage in prostitution; (e) For any person to conceal an escaped inmate of said school, or to furnish clothing to an escaped inmate thereof to enable him or her to conceal his or her identity. The term inmate as used in this section shall be construed to include any and all boys and girls, committed to, or received into, said Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children under the provisions of the law made and provided for the receiving and committing of persons to said school; and the term prostitution shall be construed to include the offering or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse. Any person who shall knowingly and wilfully violate Subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court; that any person who shall knowingly and wilfully violate Subsections (c), (d) and (e) of this section shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be fined or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court." +1945_session laws_460_9,murray,1,session laws,459,8,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of directors is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules, regulations, and conditions of admission of pupils to the school and in cases in which the parents or guardian of a child are financially able, shall require such parent or guardian to transport the child to the school and make such contribution toward maintenance as may to the board of directors seem proper and just." +1945_session laws_460_8,murray,1,session laws,459,7,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The purpose and aim of the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children is to segregate, care for, train, and educate, as their mentality will permit, the mental defectives among th negro children of the State; to disseminate knowledge concerning the extent, nature, and menace of mental deficiency and initiate methods for its control, reduction, and ultimate eradication and to that end, subject to such rules and regulations as the board of directors may adopt, there shall be received into said school feeble minded and mentally defective children of the negro race under the age of twenty-one years when, in the judgment of the board of directors, it is deemed advisable. Application for the admission of a child must be made by the father if the mother and father are living together, and if not, by the one having custody, or by a duly appointed guardian or by the superintendent of any county home or by person having management of any orphanage, association, society, childrens home, or other institution for the care of children to which the custody of such child has been committed, in which event the consent of the parents shall not be required. The applications for admission must be approved by the superintendent of public welfare and the judge of juvenile court of the county wherein the applicant resides." +1945_session laws_460_5,murray,1,session laws,459,4,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in order to provide for the operation of the said institution prior to the*time that permanent quarters can be established, the board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and Council of State, is authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with any other State institution er agency for the temporary use of any State owned property which such other State institution or agency may be able and willing to divert for the time being from its original purpose; and any other State institution or agency, which may be in possession of real estate suitable for the purpose of the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon." +1945_session laws_460_3,murray,1,session laws,459,2,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said institution shall be under the control of the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control, and whenever the words, Board, Directors or Board of Directors are used in this Act with reference to the governing board of said institution, the same shall mean the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control, and said board shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties with respect to the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children, as it exercises and performs with respect to the other institutions under its control, except as may in this Act be otherwise provided." +1945_session laws_460_2,murray,1,session laws,459,1,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That an institution, to be known and designated as, The Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children, is hereby created and such institution is authorized and empowered to accept and use donations and appropriations and do all other things necessary and requisite to be done in furtherance of the purpose of its organization and existence as herein set forth." +1943_session laws_382_10,murray,1,session laws,381,9,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of directors shall have power and they are hereby authorized, shall it be deemed necessary, to enter into a contract with the Office of the United States Attorney General or such necessary Federal agency, to keep, restrain, control, care, and train any negro girl under the age of sixteen years, being a citizen of the State of North Carolina, who may come within the jurisdiction of the several Federal courts and who may fall within the classification hereinbefore set forth. Any such contract made under the authority and provisions of this Act shall be for a period of not more than two years, and shall provide payments by the Office of the United States Attorney General or such necessary Federal agency to the institution for the care of any persons coming within the provisions of this Act, which shall be not less than the current estimated cost per capita at the time of the execution of the contract, and all such financial provisions of any contract shall first, before the execution of said contract, have the approval of the Budget Bureau of North Carolina. Any payments received under the contract authorized by this Act shall be deposited in the State Treasury for the use and maintenance of the institution with which any such contract is made. Such payments are hereby appropriated to said institution as a supplementary fund to compensate the institution for the additional care and maintenance of such persons as are received under the provisions of this Act." +1943_session laws_382_8,murray,1,session laws,381,7,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any negro girl under the age of sixteen years, who may come or be brought before any juvenile court of the State or other court of competent jurisdiction, and may be found by such court to be in need of institutional training, may be committed by such court to the institution for an indefinite period: Provided, that such person is not insane or mentally or physically incapable of being substantially benefited by the discipline of the institution: Provided, further, that before committing such person to the institution, the court shall ascertain whether the institution is in a position to care for such person; and that it shall be at all times within the discretion of the board of directors as to whether the board will receive any person into the institution. No commitment shall be for any definite term, but any person so committed may be conditionally released or discharged by the board of directors at any time after commitment, but in no case shall any inmate be detained in the institution for a period longer than such time at which she may attain the age of twenty-one years. It shall be the duty of the county authorities of the county from which any girl is sent to the institution or the city authorities, if any is ordered to be sent to the institution by any city court, to see that such girl is safely and duly delivered to the institution, and to pay all the expenses incident to her conveyance and delivery to the institution." +1943_session laws_382_5,murray,1,session laws,381,4,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in order to provide for the operation of the said institution prior to the time that permanent quarters can be established, the board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and Council of State, is authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with any other State institution or agency for the temporary use of any State owned property which such other State institution or agency may be able and willing to divert for the time being from its original purpose; and any other State institution or agency, which may be in possession of real estate suitable for the purpose of the State Training School for Negro Girls and which is not occupied or needed by said institution or agency, be and it is hereby authorized to turn such real estate over to the Directors of the State Training School for Negro Girls upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon. ;" +1943_session laws_382_3,murray,1,session laws,381,2,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said institution shall be under the control of the North Carolina Board of Correction and Training, and wherever the words Board, Directors or Board of Directors are used in this Act with reference to the governing board of said institution, the same shall mean the North Carolina Board of Correction and Training, and said board shall exercise the same powers and perform. the same duties with respect to the State Training School for Negro Girls as it exercises and performs with respect to the other institutions under its control, except as may in this Act be otherwise provided." +1945_session laws_953_55,murray,0,session laws,952,53,CHAPTER 952 AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO PERSONS WITH MENTAL DISEASES AND TO PROVIDE FOR COMMITTING SUCH PERSONS TO INSTITUTIONS FOR OBSERVATION TO DETER- MINE THEIR MENTAL CONDITION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Section one hundred and twenty-two eightythree of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by striking out the word insane in the catch line and in lines two, four, nine and fifteen and inserting in lieu thereof the words mentally disordered." +1941_public laws_371_4,murray,1,public laws,370,3,"CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Governor of the State of North Carolina shall have the power to appoint a board of six trustees for any school created under the provisions of this Act, which board shall have the general management of such school and such other powers for the management thereof as are not vested in the State Board of Education or the State Superintendent. In addition to the six members above: provided for, the State Superinendent of Public Instruction shall be ex officio a member of said board of trustees and chairman thereof. Two members of the board of trustees shall be appointed for a term of two years, two for four years, and two for six years, and thereafter, as vacancies occur by the expiration of the term of office of each, his successor shall be appointed for a term of six years. Vacancies occuring by resignation or death, or otherwise, of any member of said board of trustees before the expiration of his term of office, shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The original appointments shall be made by the Governor in the month of May, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one. The members of the board of trustees shall receive no compensation for their services other than actual expenses while attending meetings of the board. The board of trustees shall elect one of its members as secretary. Said board shall have the power, subject to the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to elect the teachers who shall teach in any such school." +1911_public laws_42_2,paschal,1,public laws,41,1,CHAPTER 41 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CARO- LINA TO SUPPLY ADDITIONAL FACILITIES AT DEPOTS TO EXCHANGE MILEAGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all railroad companies of one hundred miles or more in length doing business in whole or in part in the State of North Carolina are hereby required to provide and keep at all depots in cities or towns of two thousand and over in population as fixed by the United States Census of the year one thousand nine hundred and ten, two windows, opening in the waiting-room for passengers of the race using the greatest amount of mileage or coupon books, for the sale or exchange of fares on all passenger trains in North Carolina; one of said windows to be used for the sale of cash fares exclusively, and the other for the sale and exchange of mileage or coupon books. Each window to be attended by an agent whose duty it shall be to wait upon the traveling public, during the hours now prescribed, for the sale of cash-fare tickets and the sale and exchange of mileage or coupon books. And that over each such window the said railroad companies shall be and they are hereby required to place and keep a sign, painted in plain letters, Mileage Exchange and Cash Fares, respectively : Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to any railroad company in North Carolina, as aforesaid, selling mileage or coupon books at a rate of not more than two cents per mile and pulling or taking the same on the train: Provided further, that all the provisions of this section shall apply to the following railroad junctions in this State, irrespective of population, namely: Dunn, Selma, Maxton, Hamlet, Norlina, and Sanford." +1899_public laws_391_2,paschal,1,public laws,390,1,"CHAPTER 390 . n act to amend an act to establish and provide for the militia and for | the support and maintenance of the state guard, ratified March sixth, | eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Phe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","1 That section two be amended to read as follows: Phat the white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, ut shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization: yovtded, that no organization of colored troops shall be permitted while white troops are available and that when permitted to be organized colored troops shall be under command of white officers. : i" +1909_public laws_818_3,paschal,1,public laws,817,2,"CHAPTER 817 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL- TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL NEGRO YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many negro youths between the ages of seven and four- teen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of religion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best interest of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said trustees are empowered to purchase, at some suitable and convenient point in this State, not less than twenty-five acres nor more than five hundred acres of land, whereon to erect and operate a school] for the training and moral and industrial development of the criminally delinquent negro children of the State; and when such school shall have been organized the said trustees may in their discretion receive therein such delinquent and criminal children under the age of fourteen years as may be sent or committed thereto under any order or commitment by the judges of the Superior Courts or the recorders or other presiding officers of the city or criminal courts, and shall have the sole right and authority to keep, restrain and control them during their minority or until such time as they shall deem proper for their discharge, under such proper and humane rules and regulations as may be adopted by said trustees." +1909_public laws_721_2,paschal,1,public laws,720,1,CHAPTER 720 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE INDIAN RACE IN SCOTLAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the children of the white race in Scotland County shall be taught in public schools provided for them exclusively ; and no child of negro blood, however remote the strain, or of Indian blood to the eighth degree, inclusive, shall attend a public school provided for the white race in said county; and all children of the negro race shall be taught in the public schools of said county provided for the negro race exclusively; and all children of Indian blood, other than Croatan Indians, to the eighth degree, inclusive, shall be taught in the public schools of Scotland County provided for the Indian race, other than Croatan Indians, exclusively; and no child of negro blood, however remote the strain, shall attend the public schools provided for the Indian race in said county; but there shall be no discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race: Provided, that the children of the Croatan Indian blood shall attend public schools provided for them exclusively, no discrimination being made either in their favor or to their prejudice: Provided further, that the Board of Yducation of Scotland County shall not exclude children of Indian blood, other than Croatan Indians, from attending any public school provided for the white race, except upon petition of a majority of the patrons of said school." +1911_public laws_169_4,paschal,1,public laws,168,3,"CHAPTER 168 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL OF ROBESON COUNTY TO TRANSFER TITLE TO PROPERTY OF SAID SCHOOL BY DEED TO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES FOR SAID SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees of said Indian Norma! School of Robeson County shall have the power to employ and discharge teachers, to prevent negroes from attending said school, and to exercise the usual functions of control and management of said school, their action being subject to the approval of the State Board of Education." +1899_public laws_508_13,paschal,1,public laws,507,12,CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"If the applicant for registration is an Indian, his name shall appear in a separate column from the column for the names of the white and colored persons." +1909_public laws_833_2,paschal,1,public laws,832,1,CHAPTER 832 AN ACT FOR THE SEPARATION OF WHITE AND COLORED PRISONERS IN THE STATE PENITENTIARY AND IN THE COUNTY JAILS AND CONVICT CAMPS DURING SLEEPING AND EATING HOURS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That white and colored prisoners shall not be confined or shackled together in the same room of any. building or tent, either in the State penitentiary or at any State or county convict camp during the eating or sleeping hours, and at all other times the separation of the two races shall be as complete as practicable." +1889_public laws_61_2,paschal,1,public laws,60,1,"CHAPTER 60 An act to amend the laws of 1885 and 1887 so as to provide additional educational facilities: for the Croatan Indians, citizens of Robesen county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter fifty-one, section two, of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five be amended by adding after the word law in the last line of said section the words, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools for the said Croatan Indians all children of the negro race to the fourth generation." +1913_private laws_99_3,paschal,1,private laws,98,2,CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO. INCORPORATE THE CHADBOURN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said corporation may acquire and hold by purchase, gift, or otherwise as much land as may be necessary for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a cemetery near the town of Chadbourn, Columbus County, and may sell or dispose of land and suitable burial lots to be used exclusively for a place of burial for the dead of said town and all such other people as the officers of said association may permit to be buried therein: Provided, no negro or any person of African descent shall be buried on any lot belonging to said association." +1911_public laws_216_5,paschal,1,public laws,215,4,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the school situated near the town of Pembroke in Robeson County, known as Croatan Indian Normal School, shall hereafter be known and designated as The Indian Normal School of Robeson County, and in that name shall be entitled to all of the privileges and powers heretofore conferred by any law of the State of North Carolina or any laws hereafter enacted for the benefit of said school." +1911_public laws_216_6,paschal,1,public laws,215,5,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Directors for the State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh are hereby authorized and directed to provide and set apart at said hospital, as soon after passage of this act as practicable, suitable apartments and wards for the accommodation of any of said Indians of Robeson County who may be entitled under the laws relating to insane persons to be admitted to said hospital." +1911_public laws_216_7,paschal,1,public laws,215,6,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sheriff, jailer, or other proper authorities of Robeson County shall provide in the common jail of Robeson County and in the Home for the Aged and Infirm of Robeson County separate cells, wards, or apartments for the said Indians of Robeson County, in all cases where it shall be necessary under the laws of this State to commit any of said Indians to said jail or County Home for the Aged and Infirm." +1913_public local laws_576_2,paschal,1,public local laws,575,1,CHAPTER 575 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE INDIAN PUBLIC ~SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"To protect the public schools established in Robeson County for the education of the Indian race only, that the following persons of the Indian race residing in Robeson County shall be appointed a committee, to wit, J. B. Oxendine, J. E. Woodell, H. T. Lowrie, O. H. Lowrie, and W. B. Wilkins, and that all questions as to the race of those applying for admission into said Indian public school shall be submitted, that no one shall be admitted to said schools unless approved by a majority of said cominittee: Provided, that an appeal shall lie from the action of said committee to the county board of education of Robeson County, which shall have authority to review, investigate, and finally determine the matter." +1915_private laws_64_47,paschal,1,private laws,63,47,"CHAPTER 63 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BENSON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the commissioners may establish and regulate all public buildings necessary and proper for the town, and may preyent the erection or building of wooden buildings or structures in any part of the town where the same may increase the danger of fire, or where they may deem such buildings improper; that the said board of commissioners may also regulate and prescribe certain streets, blocks, and lots thereon on which negroes may reside, and certain streets, blocks, and lots on which white people may reside within the town." +1915_public laws_237_2,paschal,1,public laws,236,1,"CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA AND CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 1907, 1909, 1911 AND 1913, ALL BEING PARTS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter eighty-nine of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Amend section four thousand and eighty-six by inserting between the word blood and the word in in line eight of said section the words or what is generally known as Croatan Indian blood. (b) Amend section four thousand one hundred and fifteen, as amended by chapter five hundred and twenty-five of Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine and chapter one hundred and thirty-five, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, by adding at the end thereof the following: Special tax districts may be formed as provided herein out of portions of contiguous counties. The petition for such a district must be endorsed by the boards of education of both counties. The registrar and one poll holder shall be appointed by the board of commissioners of the county in which the larger number of petitioners reside, and one poll holder must be appointed by the board of commissioners of the other county. All the provisions of section four thousand one hundred and twenty-nine in regard to districts in contiguous counties shall be applicable as far as may be to the establishment of special tax districts out of portions of contiguous counties herein provided. (c) Amend section four thousand one hundred and twenty-five by adding at the end thereof the following: In all actions brought in any court against a county board of education for the purpose of compelling the board to admit any child or children who have been excluded from any school by the order of the county board of education, the order or action of the board shall be presumed to be correct, and the burden of proof shall be on the complaining party to show to the contrary. Pub.20 (d) Amend section four thousand one hundred and seventy-two by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, that after any school district shall have had a library for ten years or longer under the provisions of this section, said school district shall be entitled to receive a second library in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section. (e) Amend section four thousand one hundred and sixty-seven by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, further, that the counties holding institutes on alternate years shall be equally divided in number, as nearly as may be, by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction after consultation with the county superintendents of schools and the county boards of education; and that teachers in such counties as may be exempted from holding institutes in one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, under this provision in order to divide the two groups of counties evenly, shall not be debarred from teaching for the school year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, because of non-attendance upon an institute or summer school in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. (f) Strike out all of section four thousand one hundred and forty-eight, as amended by chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: 4148 (substitute for). The school committee of each township or district is hereby required to furnish annually to the county superintendent of schools a census report of all the children of school age in the township or district by name, age, sex, and race, and the names of their parents or guardians. The blanks upon which such reports are to be made shall be furnished to the various school committees by the county superintendent at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the school term in each district, and the report, duly sworn to by the person taking the census, and signed and approved by the members of the committee, shall be returned to the county superintendent on or before the first day of the school term of each school year; and any committee failing to comply with the provisions of this section, without just cause, shall be subject to removal. The school committee is authorized to designate one of the teachers, or some other competent person in each school district, to take the census. The committeeman, or other person taking the census, shall be allowed a sum not exceeding three cents per name for all names reported between the ages of six and twenty-one. The committee shall furnish to the teacher at the opening of the school a complete copy of the census furnished to the county superintendent, which shall be recorded by the teacher in the school register. The census record entered in the register shall show the name, age, and sex of each child of school age in that district, together with the names and addresses of the parents or guardians. The census report shall show also the number of children of compulsory attendance age, and the committee shall furnish the attendance officer a separate list of all children subject to compulsory attendance, containing the name, age, race, and sex of each and the name of their parents or guardians. There shall also be reported, by race and sex, the number and names of all persons between the ages of twelve and twenty-one who can not read and write and the number and names, by race and sex, of all persons over twenty-one years of age who can not read and write, and the number of deaf and dumb and blind between the ages of six and twenty-one years, designating the race and sex and the address of the parents or guardians of such children. The committee shall also report to the county superintendent, who in turn shall report to the county board of education, the number of public schoolhouses and the value of all public school property for each race, separately. (g) Amend section four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight by adding at the end thereof the following: In all counties in which the office of county treasurer has been abolished all banks or other corporations handling the public school funds shall be required to make all reports thereof required of the treasurer of the county school funds under sections four thousand one hundred and fifty-seven and four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five as amended by any subsequent legislation." +1915_public laws_285_2,paschal,1,public laws,284,1,"CHAPTER 284, AN ACT TO REGULATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF COLORED NURSES. IN HOSPITALS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in every public and private hospital, sanatorium, and institution in North Carolina where colored patients are admitted for treatment and where nurses are employed it shall be mandatory upon the management of every such hospital, sanatorium and institution to employ colored nurses to care for and wait upon said colored patients." +1907_public laws_407_2,paschal,1,public laws,406,1,"CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO AMEND SUBDIVISION 20, CHAPTER 89, RE- VISAL OF 1905, RELATING TO THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, WHITE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said subdivision be amended to read as follows, viz.: The appropriations made or which may hereafter be made by the Congress for the benefit of colleges of agricultural and mechanical arts shall be divided between the white and colored institutions in this State in the ratio of the white population to the colored, as ascertained by the preceding National census." +1911_public laws_216_3,paschal,1,public laws,215,2,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in all laws enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina relating to said Indians subsequent to the enactment of said chapter fifty-one of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, the words Croatan Indians be and the same are hereby stricken out and the words Indians of Robeson County inserted in lieu thereof." +1905_public laws_214_6,paschal,1,public laws,213,5,CHAPTER 218 AN ACT TO COMPEL ATTENDANCE OF INDIANS AT SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That nothing in this act shall apply to any child, parent or guardian with less than one-eighth Indian blood." +1879_public laws_277_2,paschal,1,public laws,276,1,"CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BRUNS- WICK, SURRY AND EDGECOMBE COUNTIES TO PAY CERTAIN SCHOOL CLAIMS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of education of the counties of Brunswick, Surry and Edgecombe shall at the time required by law for distribution of the public school funds for the counties in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, ascertain the amount of outstanding and unpaid school drafts that have been issued for teachers wages prior to March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and which have been audited by said board; and shall notify the school committee of the several districts by advertisement at the court houses the amount of claims outstanding against each several districts, together with the amount then due the same, haying regard to the distinction between the white and colored schools; and it shall be the duty of the county treasurer to pay off the said old drafts out of any school money in his hands belonging to the district upon which such draft or drafts were drawn. And where new districts have been formed or the boundaries changed the payment of the drafts shall be made by the board in the most equitable manner possible." +1905_private laws_32_27,paschal,1,private laws,32,26,CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That H. J. Green, C. S. L.A. Taylor, Silas B. Washington, Samuel J. Caldwell, J. T. Sanders, J. Henry Warren, Ed. W. Butler, W. H. Houser, Louis Perry, Rufus Caldwell, S. B. Pride and Walker Hill and their successors be and they are hereby created a body corporate by the name of the Charlotte Publie Park Commission for Colored People, and shall have charge and control of the park or parks for colored people, with the same powers, duties, responsibilities, etc., as are conferred on the trustees before mentioned for white people in reference to their parks. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte shall provide a suitable place for a park or parks and the said trustees shall make all rules, regulations and by-laws for its government and have all the powers conferred on and be subject to the limitations imposed on the white trustees. All ordinances of the city of Charlotte that apply to the white parks shall apply to the colored park or parks." +1887_public laws_255_2,paschal,1,public laws,254,1,"CHAPTER 254, An act to amend section one thousand eight hundred and ten of The Code. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That section one thousand eight hundred and ten of The Code of North Carolina be amended by adding thereto the words: That all marriages between an Indian and a Negro or between an Indian and a person of Negro descent to the third generation inclusive shall be utterly void: Provided, this act shali only apply to the Croatan Indians." +1887_public laws_161_2,paschal,1,public laws,160,1,CHAPTER 160 An act for the relief of certain citizens of Rowan county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That all the citizens of the white race entitled by law to the benefit of the public school fund, living and resident within one and a half miles of Thyatira church, in Rowan county, be and they are hereby allowed and permitted to use and enjoy that portion of the public school fund apportioned to them by law for the payment of tuition and other expenses in attendance at Thyatira academy, in Rowan county." +1887_private laws_53_7,paschal,1,private laws,52,6,"CHAPTER 582 An act to incorporate Newton Female Seminary, Catawba county.. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","The purpose of this institution is for the education of females of the white race, and no person of color shall own stock therein, and any stock transferred to a person of color shall be forfeited to said corporation. ;" +1885_public laws_142_7,paschal,1,public laws,141,6,"CHAPTER 141 An act in reference to the public schools in Raleigh township, Wake county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : That in order that the public school interests of Raleigh township, Wake county, may: be more efficiently and con- veniently conducted, the following shall be the law for the government of the said interests in said township:","The school committee provided for in this act. shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in Raleigh township as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up the public schools for both races." +1885_public laws_112_6,paschal,1,public laws,111,5,CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of education of the town of Brevard may sue and be sucd, have a common seal, purchase and hold real estate for the purpose of said corporation as herein expressed, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value, and may adopt rules for its government, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State; and the said board shall receive and apply to the purpose of said graded school all public moneys from whatsoever source arising, which are or may hereafter be applicable to the common school education of white children within the school age, and residents within the town of Brevard." +1885_public laws_112_4,paschal,1,public laws,111,3,CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"And the special tax collected from the property and polls of colored persons shall be expended exclusively for the education of colored children of both sexes within the school age residents in said town, by the same persons and as other free common school funds are or may be by law expended." +1885_public laws_112_3,paschal,1,public laws,111,2,CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The special tax thus collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons shall be applied and expended exclusively to the purpose of a graded public school which shall be free to all white persons within the school age living within the corporate limits of said town of Brevard; and for the education of colored persons within the school age living in said town, as hereafter provided." +1885_private laws_88_3,paschal,1,private laws,87,2,CHAPTER 87 An act to authorize the town of Durham to issue bonds. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the bonds shall not be sold for less than their face value, and that the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds shall be expended by the Durham graded school committee in the purchase and erection of suitable grounds and buildings for the Durham graded or public schools for white children: Provided, however, that this act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town for their ratification or rejection at an election to be held in said town at such a time as the commissioners may appoint within twelve months from the ratification of this act. .Th said election shall| be advertised byithe;commissioners of said: town for thitty days prior to the.day of election in,at least. tworpapers published an said.town. i-Those,who,are in favor,of issuing; said bonds shall, vote -{For, school bonds, those, whozare opposed shall vote Ne school, bonds..5:Dhat,the number, of. votes bast,for and against said (honds shall be deposited sinya special box, counted and; duly certified .by ithe inspectors pf said, election and returned to the:commissioners.of said town, who,shall, certify theoresultpef said selection ol ithe Secretary! of State,and toithe register.of deeds of Durham county. df a, majorityoof themotes cast) shall-bei d+Kor school, bonds,,then ; said,com missioners) shall proceed: at once to issuesand sellthe bonds,:but; d a, miajority; of ithe votes, cast shall be .against,on!{ Novschool, bonds, then this act shallbe; ofi;mo\ force arid effect. . The anspectors shall, be, appointed and the election shall. be: held: as-all otherselections inj the:town. 19b10 [[ede madivd to awot od" +1885_public laws_52_3,paschal,1,public laws,51,2,"CHAPTER 51 An to provide for separate schools for Croatan Indians in Robeson county. Wuersas, the Indians now living in Robeson county claim to be descendants of a friendly tribe who once re- sided in eastern North Carolina on the Roanoke river, known as the Croatan Indians; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That said Indians and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, school committees of their own race and color, and shall be allowed to select teachers of their own choice, subject to the same rules and regulations as are applicable to all teachers in the general school law." +1885_private laws_32_3,paschal,1,private laws,31,2,"CHAPTER 831 An act to amend the charter of the town of Winston, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all moneys levied and collected by the board of commissioners or corporate government of said town of Winston as privilege taxes, that is to say, as licenses of all descriptions on all trades, occupations, professions, exhibitions and business, shall be paid to the treasurer of the Winston commissioners of graded schools for the use and benefit of the graded schools, white and colored, of said town." +1885_public laws_8_2,paschal,1,public laws,7,1,CHAPTER 7 An Act to establish the Edenton Graded School. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact ;,"That a graded school is herehy incorporated to be known as the Edenton Graded School for school district number three of Chowan county, for the white race, and that B. F. Elhott, T. C. Bradham, G. H. Coke, J. A. Harrell, H. De B. Hooper, W. Y. Warren and T. White, A. are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the same until July first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and until their successors are elected and qualified as hereinafter stated, and said school shall be free to all the white children between six and twenty-one years of age, who are residents of said school district, and shall be the public school of said district." +1883_public laws_413_5,paschal,1,public laws,412,4,"CHAPTER 412 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington, North . Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That Charles M. Brown, Charles K. Gallagher and George V. Credle, W. C. Mallison, Charles F. Warren, Jos. L. Winfield, E.S. Hoyt, W. A. Blount and W. T. Farrow, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites, and that Henry Basco, Hampton Bonner, Haywood Hunter, Henry S. Jones, Charles Blackledge, J. W. Peyton, J. M. Williams, Sylvester Dibble and Romeo Little, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the colored: school. The first three trustees named herein for each school shall hold office for one year, the second three for two years, and the third three for three years, from the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. That any vacancy occurring in said board shall be filled by the appointment of the board of commissioners of [the] town of Washington, and when any trustees term of office has expired, the said board of town commissioners shall appoint his successor, who shall hold office for three years: Provided always, that all the trustees for white schools shall be white persons, and the trustees for colored schools shall be colored." +1883_public laws_233_2,paschal,1,public laws,232,1,CHAPTER 282 An act relating to graded schools in Guilford county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That upon the written application of fifty white tax payers or of a like number of colored tax payers, citizens of any incorporated town in Guilford county, asking the establishment of a graded school or schools in such town, the whites asking for a white graded school and the colored asking for a colored graded school, it shall be the duty of the mayor or other chief officer of such town to submit the question of a graded school for white children to the white qualified voters of said town, or of a graded school for colored children to the colored qualified voters of said town, as the case may be, at the first regular election thereafter held in said town for mayor and commissioners thereof, first giving four weeks notice thereof in some newspaper published in said town, or if there be no such newspaper, then by printed notice posted at five public places in said town for thirty days immediately preceding the day of such election." +1883_public laws_158_4,paschal,1,public laws,157,3,CHAPTER 157 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville public graded and normal school for whites. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That upon the written application of said trustees, through their proper officers, to the board of commissioners of Cumberland county, the said board of commissioners shall order an election, by the white voters of said township upon the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein upon the property and polls of the white citizens and owners of property in said township, for the support of the said public graded and normal school, said election to be held under rules and regulations to be fixed by the said commissioners, and conforming, as near as may be, to the rules and _ regulations, for conducting other elections." +1883_public laws_158_2,paschal,1,public laws,157,1,CHAPTER 157 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville public graded and normal school for whites. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That A. H. Slocumb, A. A. McKethan, Jr., John D. Williams, W. H. Cohen, W. C. Troy, A. Moore, B. C. Ledberry, T, D. Haigh, W. A. Guthrie, C. F. Moore, George M. Rose, Charles Haigh, W. N. Tillinghast, R, W. Hardie, W. T. Taylor, J. C. MacRae, John A. Pemberton, Silas Sheets and J. M. Welsh, their associates and successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Trustees of the Fayetteville public graded and normal school, and in that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold, enter upon and possess, in their corporate capacity, property, real and personal, such as may be necessary and suitable for maintaining and carrying on a public graded and normal school for whites in Cross Creek township, in the county of Cumberland, with power to make all needful rules and regulations for their government and that of said school, and shall have continual succession in sueh capacity." +1883_public laws_157_4,paschal,1,public laws,156,3,"CHAPTER 156 An act to incorporate the insane asylums of the state and for other purposes, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The North Carolina Insane Asylum and The Western North Carolina Insane Asylum shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the white insane of the state, and The Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum shall be exelusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the colored insane of the state." +1883_public laws_149_5,paschal,1,public laws,148,4,"CHAPTER 148 An act to provide for local assessments in aid of public schools, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the assessment thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons, shall be expended in aiding to keep up the public school in said district for white children of both sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years; and the assessment thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons shall be expended in aiding to keep up the public school in said district for colored children of both sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years. e" +1883_private laws_111_7,paschal,1,private laws,110,6,CHAPTER 110 An act to incorporate the Colored Orphan Home of Eastern North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said corporation shall have power to secure control of such orphans, unprotected and friendless children, in such manner as may be provided by the by-laws of the corporation: and it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to interfere with the said Orphan Home of eastern North Carolina, in its management and control of said children after they are lawfully entered and received by said corporation: Provided, that the said institution shall be for children of the colored race only. __" +1881_public laws_201_46,paschal,1,public laws,200,45,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction of each county, on or before the first Monday in December of every year, to report to the state superintendent of public instruction an abstract statement of the number, grade, race and sex of the teachers examined and approved by him during the year ; also the number cf public schools taught in the county during the year for each race ; the number of pupils of each race enrolled in said schools; their average attendance; the number of males and the number of females; the average length of the terms of said schools and the average salary, respectively, of the white and colored teachers; also full and accurate statistics of the number of school children in the county, giving race and sex ; the number of school districts for each race and the number of public schoolhouses and the value of public school property for each, race; the number of teachers institutes held and the number of teachers that attended such institutes; together with such suggestions as may occur to him promotive of the school interests of the county. 25" +1881_public laws_201_33,paschal,1,public laws,200,32,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The county treasurer of each county shall report to the state superintendent of public instruction on the first day of December of each year, the entire amount of shool money received by him during the preceding school year, the several sources from which it was derived and the disbursements thereof made by him, designating the sums paid to teachers for the white and colored children respectively and for school-houses and sclioolhouse sites, in the several districts. He also shall report to the state superintendent of public instruction, specifically and in detail by items, the amounts paid out for other purposes in pursuance of this act and other laws now in force." +1881_public laws_201_23,paschal,1,public laws,200,22,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The county board of education of every county shall, on the first Monday of March of each year, apportion among the several districts in the county, according to the number of children in each, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, (which number shall be ascertained by a census to be taken by the school committees and reported to the county board of education,) all schoo! funds, except such as may be raised by the special tax provided for in section sixty-two of this act, specifying how much thereof is apportioned to the children of each race, and give notice thereof to the school committees of the several districts of the county, and shall publish the same by advertisement posted on the court-house door of each county; and furnish the county treasurer with the amounts thus apportioned among the several school districts and the amount to which each district is entitled. The sums thus apportioned to the several districts shall be subject to the orders of the school committees thereof for payment of the school expenses mentioned in this act: Provided, however, That in no case shall the school fund thus apportioned to either race by expended for the education of the other race: And provided further, That so much of said school fund as shall not be expended in any school district for the education of the race for which it was apportioned in any year, shall remain to the credit of said race in said school district for the year next ensning. As far as practicable, the county board of education shall require all the schools to begin on the same day." +1880_public laws_28_9,paschal,1,public laws,27,8,"CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SALISBURY AND IN THE TOWN+ SHIP OF GOLDSBORO, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of commissioners for the county of Wayne, if, in their discretion, they may deem it advisable, is hereby authorized, with the assent of a majority of the qualified voters of the township of Goldsboro, to establish a graded school for white children, and a graded school for colored children in said township. The special taxes which may annually be levied for such schools shall not exceed one-fifth of one per cent. on property, and sixty cents on the poll. An election shall be held in said township on the first Monday in May, anno domini eighteen hundred and eighty, to determine whether a majority of the qualified voters of said township will assent to the payment of such annual special taxes for the purposes aforesaid. Each qualified voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for school or no school, and the election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as is prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly. The sheriff of the county of Wayne shall collect the taxes authorized by this section and his duties and liabilities shall be the same as is now provided by law for the collection and disbursement of the state and county taxes. The board of commissioners for Wayne county and the board of commissioners for the town of Goldsboro shall make such rules and regulations for the government of said graded schools, as they may in their discretion determine, not incosistent with the laws of North Carolina. The taxes raised from the property and polls of white persons shall be appropriated exclusively to a graded school for white persons, and the taxes raised from the property and poll, of colored persons shall be appropriated exclusively to a graded school for colored persons." +1880_public laws_28_4,paschal,1,public laws,27,3,"CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SALISBURY AND IN THE TOWN+ SHIP OF GOLDSBORO, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school for white persons of both sexes between the ages of six and twentyone years ; and the special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school for colored persons of both sexes, between the ages of six and twenty-one years: Provided, that the Salisbury graded school committee shall have power to receive into the graded school for white persuns any white pupil of either sex, without regard to age: and shall also have the power to admit to the graded school for colored persons any colored pupil of either sex, without regard to age." +1887_public laws_408_2,paschal,1,public laws,407,1,CHAPTER 407 An act for the relief of certain citizens of Sampson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the citizens of the white race entititled by law to the benefit of the public school fund, living and resident within the following prescribed limits in the county of Sampson, to-wit: beginning at a stake in the Johnston county line, near White Oak, and run south six -6 hundred yards to a stake, thence east one thousand yards to a stake, thence north to a stake in the Johnston county line, then with said line to the beginning, be allowed and permitted to use and enjoy that portion of the public school fund apportioned to them by law in the future, for the payment of tuition and other expenses incurred in attendance in school district number twenty-seven, of Johnston county, or any other convenient school district in said Johnston county." +1889_public laws_170_18,paschal,1,public laws,169,17,CHAPTER 169 An act in relation to indigent and other apprentices. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Minor children above the age of fourteen and under twenty-one years being males, and eighteen being females, whether indigent or not, may be apprenticed to learn the art or mystery of any trade or craft by their father, or in case of his death, incompetency, or where he shall have wilfully abandoned his family for six months without making suitable provisions for their support, or has become an habitual drunkard, by their mother or by their legal guardian; and if illegitimate, they may be bound by their mother, and if they % have no parent competent to act and no guardian, they may bind themselves with the approbation of the superior court clerk of the county where they reside; but the power of a mother to bind her children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, shall cease upon her subsequent marriage and shall not be exercised by herself or her husband at any time during such marriage. But no white child shall be bound to a colored person, and no colored child shall be bound to any white person if a competent and suitable colored person can be found in the county." +1885_public laws_36_2,paschal,1,public laws,35,1,CHAPTER 36 An act concerning public schools of Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the school committee for district number one, colored, in Cross Creek township, Cumberland county, are hereby authorized, at their discretion, to transfer to the trustees of the Fayetteville graded school for whites in the said township, any surplus school funds that may have accumulated, or may hereafter accumulate, to the credit of said district, after defraying all expenses incident to a ten months school in the same annually." +1889_public laws_201_6,paschal,1,public laws,200,5,"CHAPTER 200 An act to abolish the white normal schools of the State, and to provide for holding county institutes throughout the State. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","At the close or during the sessions of every institute, the conductor thereof, in connection with the county superintendent, shall hold written examinations of all public school teachers, white and colored, who may apply, and shall grant first and second grade certificates, which shall be signed by both and be good for three years in the county in which the institute is held, and in any other county of the State, when endorsed by the county superintendent thereof; but the said certificates shall be subject to revocation by any county superintendent for immoral conduct." +1905_private laws_32_26,paschal,1,private laws,32,25,CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person other than white persons to go in said parks now owned by said corporation or by this act turned over to said corporation or hereafter acquired by it: Provided, that colored nurse or nurses with white child or children shall be allowed in said parks; that colored persons employed to work for this corporation shall be allowed in said park or parks; that any person of color who shall be netified to leave said park or parks, or be notified not to come in said park or parks, and shall refuse to do so and shall come into said park or parks, shall be guilty of a trespass for each offense, and on conviction be imprisoned thirty days or fined fifty dollars." +1903_public laws_667_3,paschal,1,public laws,666,2,CHAPTER 666 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PROCURING AND DISTRIBU. TION OF DEAD BODIES FOR THE PROMOTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all officers, agents or servants of the State of North Carolina, or of any county or town in said State having charge o1 control of the dead body of any person who at the time of death was under the sentence of death, imprisonment or hard labor for the violation of the criminal laws of the State, shall, upon the request of said board or its authorized agent, deliver such dead body to any one designated by said board for the purpose aforesaid: Provided, such body be not claimed by any relative within the second degree of consanguinity, or by the husband or wife of such deceased person: Provided further, that the body of a Confederate soldier or of the wife of a Confederate soldier to be excepted from the provisions of this act, and that the body of no white person shall be delivered to any school for colored race: Provided, that this act shall only apply to persons who have been convicted of and are serving a sentence as aforesaid for a felony." +1903_public laws_436_23,paschal,1,public laws,435,22,"CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 4, LAWS OF 1901, RELATING TO THE SCHOOL LAW, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 4 of the Public Laws of 1901, being an act to re- vise and consolidate the Public School Law, is hereby amended as follows:","Section 68, of chapter 4 of the Public Laws of the year 1901, is hereby repealed, and the following words are inserted in lieu thereof: All white children shall be taught in the public schools provided for the white race, and all colored shall be taught in the public schools provided for the colored race; but no child with negro blood in his veins, however remote the strain, shall attend a school for the white race; and no such child shall be considered a white child." +1889_public laws_200_43,paschal,1,public laws,199,42,CHAPTER 199 An act to amend the public school law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in determining the right of any child to attend the white or colored schools, the rule laid down in section 1810 of The Code, regulating marriages, shall be followed." +1903_public laws_422_4,paschal,1,public laws,421,3,"CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN ROPER, WASHINGTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if at said election a majority of such qualified voters shall vote for schools it shall be the duty of the said Board to establish and maintain in said district free graded schools for each race, and to elect a principal for the white school, who shall also be principal of the colored school, and any and all teachers necessary for said schools, and fix the salaries of the same, and said principal shall as often as said Board may Pub47 require, make to said Board and to the Board of Education of the State full reports of his said schools." +1903_private laws_17_28,paschal,1,private laws,16,27,CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Aldermen shall annually turn over to the trustees of said libraries for the white and colored people the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, which the people voted for that purpose on May 6, 1901; that the said sum of twenty-five hundred dollars shall be distributed between the trustees of the two libraries in such proportion as is just and equitable, all things being considered." +1903_private laws_17_26,paschal,1,private laws,16,25,CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the two libraries shall be separate and distinct, and one shall be for the white race and the other for the colored race. That the white library shall be used exclusively for white people and the colored library for the colored people." +1903_private laws_17_25,paschal,1,private laws,16,24,CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Thad L. Tate, J. W. Smith, P. F. Maloy, P. P. Alston, H. A. Hunt, W. P. Phifer and their successors be and they are hereby created a body corporate by the name of the Charlotte Public Library for Colored People, and shall have charge and _control of the library for colored people, with the same powers, duties, responsibilities, etc., as are conferred on the trustees beforementioned for the white library. That the Board of Aldermen shall provide a suitable place for said library, and the said trustees shall make all rules, regulations and by-laws for its government and have all the powers conferred on and subject to the limitations imposed on the whites trustees." +1903_private laws_17_24,paschal,1,private laws,16,23,CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be in the city of Charlotte a public library for colored people, to be known as the Charlotte Public Library for Colored People." +1901_public laws_498_9,paschal,1,public laws,497,8,"CHAPTER 497 ~.. An act to establish graded schools in the town of Greenville, N. C. Wye The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all children within the limits of the district herein described who are entitled to attend the public schvols shall be admitted into the said graded schools free of charge: Frovided always, that the whites shall attend the school provided for them and the negroes shall atte.. the school previded for them: Provided further, that if there shall be so Tew children of either race in the district that the Board of Trustees shall deem it inadvisable to organize a school for that race, then they shall have power to arrange for the children of the race which shall be so represented to receive their pro rata proportion of the funds so raised by the special tax herein provided for in some other manner, or they may give such pro rata proportion to the public schools for that race adjoining the district herein described: Provided further, that the said Board of Trustees of the graded school shail have power to admit children to the graded schools herein constituted who reside outside of the said graded school district upon such terms as they may deem fair and just." +1901_public laws_498_6,paschal,1,public laws,497,5,"CHAPTER 497 ~.. An act to establish graded schools in the town of Greenville, N. C. Wye The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the Board of Trustees above mentioned shall have entire and exclusive control of the graded school interest and property in the town of Greenville; shall prescribe rules and regulations for their own government not inconsistent with the provisions of this act; shall employ and fix the compensation of officers and teachers of the graded schools hereby established and do all other acts that may be just and lawful to properly conduct and manage the general school interest of said district. +1901_private laws_177_5,paschal,1,private laws,176,4,CHAPTER 176 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 138 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1874 AND 1875 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said chapter 138 of the Private Laws of 1874 and 1875 be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following additional sections, to be numbered sections 13, 14 and 15, as follows, to-wit: Src. 13 That the School Commissioners of the city of Charlotte shall establish and maintain a library which shall be free for the use of the teachers and students of the graded schools of said city and the public generally; and shall have power to acquire, by donation, purchase or otherwise, books, charts, maps, periodicals and other publications and property of every kind suitable for such library, and shall arrange for separate books and publications for the white and colored races, and provide separate rooms for the use of each of said races, said rooms to be located in such part or parts of said city as the said School Commissioners may designate. Src. 14 That said School Commissioners shall have power to prescribe such rules and regulations for the use of such library as it may deem proper, and to do all acts and things necessary for the successful maintenance and operation of said library. The expense of equipping and maintaining the same shall be paid out of the school revenues of said city of Charlotte, and the Treasurer of said Board of School Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to pay the sum upon the order or warrant of the chairman of the said The School Commissioners of the city of Charlotte. The Board of Aldermen of the city of Charlotte, on behalf of said city and at its costs, shall provide suitable rooms for the use of said library." +1899_public laws_733_20,paschal,1,public laws,732,19,CHAPTER 782 An act to revise and consolidate the public school law. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The county board of school directors of any county may annually appropriate an amount not exceeding fifty dollars out of the school funds of the county for the purpose of conducting one or more teachers institutes for said county, or the county boards of schoo! directors of two or more adjoining counties may appropriate an amount not exceeding fifty dollars to each county for the purpose of conducting a teachers institute for said counties at some convenient and satisfactory point, andthe public school teachers of the said county or counties are required to attend said institute unless prevented from attending by sickness or other good cause. A county teachers institute under this section shall be conducted by the county superintendent of schools, assisted by some member of the state board of examiners or a member of the faculty-of the normal department of the University of North Carolina or of the State Normal and Industrial College, or of the Agricultural and Mechanica! College at Raleigh, or by some practical teacher appointed by said state board of examiners: Provided, that the local and travelling expenses of the persons thus appointed,shall be paid out of-the general public school fund of the county by order of the county board of school directors: Provided, that the teachers institutes sha!l be held for the white race and the colored race separate and apart from each other." +1905_private laws_32_28,paschal,1,private laws,32,27,CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the parks shall be separate and distinct between the racesthose established by the white trustees for the white race and the other for the colored race; the white parks shall be used exclusively for the white people and the colored park or parks for the colored people. +1899_public laws_385_2,paschal,1,public laws,384,1,"CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all railroad companies and steamboat companies engaged as common carriers in the transportation of passengers for hire in the state of North Carolina other than street railways shall provide separate but equal accommodations for the white and colored races on all passenger trains and steamboats carrying passengers. Such accommodations may be furnished by railroad companies either by separate passenger cars or by compartments in passenger cars, which shall be provided by the railroads under the supervision and direction of the board of railroad commissioners or the officers succeeding to their powers: Provided, that this shall not apply to relief trains in cases of accident, to Pullman or sleeping cars or through express trains that do not stop at all stations and are not used ordinarily ae travelling from station to station, to negro servants in attendanee on their employers, to officers or guards transporting prisoners, nor to prisoners so transported. He" +1899_public laws_371_9,paschal,1,public laws,370,8,CHAPTER 370 An act to provide for the government of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The appropriations made or which may hereafter be made by congress for the benefit of colleges of agricultural and mechanical arts shall be divided between the white and colored institutions in this state in the ratio of the white population to the colored. +1899_private laws_209_15,paschal,1,private laws,208,14,"CHAPTER 208 An act to amend the charter of Siler City, Chatham county, chapter eighty-eight, private laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","that the cemetery for the burial of white people shall be known by the name of Oak Hill Cemetery. No colored person shall be buried within the above-named cemetery. No colored person or any one else shall be buriea inside the limits of the town corporation outside the cemetery. Any person or persons violating either clauses of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined one hundred dollars." +1897_public laws_363_14,paschal,1,public laws,361,13,"CHAPTER 361 An act to establish a graded school in Hayesville, Clay county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Provided, further, that the colored race shall not be allowed to vote as to levying tax, We., for the Hayesville graded school fer white children. Ratified the 6th day of March, A. D. 1897" +1897_public laws_345_9,paschal,1,public laws,343,8,CHAPTER 343 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the public school committee of the said public schools shall consist of nine members, six of whom shall be of the white race and three of whom shall be of the colored race. They shall be elected by the board of town commissioners of the said town of Washington at the first regular meeting of the said board of commissioners held after the municipal election in May, next, and shall hold office from date of election. The said three members from the colored race shall be nominated by the colored members of the board of town commissioners, and no one not so nominated shall be elected a member of the public school committee from the colored race. The said board of commissioners shall, by ballot, divide the said public school committee into three classes of three each ; the members of the first class shall hold office for a term of two years from date of election; the members of the second class shall hold office for a term of four years from date of election, and the members of the third class shall hold office for a term of six years from date of election. All vacancies oceurring in said public school committee shall be filled by the said board of town commissioners for terms of six years each except in cases of death or resignation in which cases the vacancies shall be filled only for the unexpired terms of the members dying or resigning." +1893_public laws_124_2,paschal,1,public laws,123,1,CHAPTER 123 An act to protect the owners of live stock from the depredations of thieves. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the Brunswick Bridge and Ferry Company, its agents, lessees or assigns, are hereby required to take and keep in a book provided for that purpose, the ear mark, color, brand and sex of any and all live stock which May be transported by it or them across the ferry owned by said company at Wilmington, and the date at which the same were delivered to it for transportation, and shall take and record the name and color of the person or persons bringing the same for transportation." +1897_public laws_109_12,paschal,1,public laws,108,11,CHAPTER 108 An act to revise and improve the public school system of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the school committee to distribute and apportion the school money of their district so as to give each school in their district, white and colored, the same length of school term, as nearly as may be each year, and in making such apportionment the said committee shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers pouuincd : in each school, white and colored, within their district." +1895_private laws_354_101,paschal,1,private laws,352,100,"CHAPTER 352 An act to amend, revise and consolidate the charter of the city of Asheville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said schools shall be separated and kept separate in such manner that only white children shall be admitted to the white schools and other children to the other schools, and said board of aldermen shall be the exclusive judges of whether or not any applicant for admission to any of said schools is entitled to enter or attend the same under the provisions of this section." +1895_public laws_151_6,paschal,1,public laws,150,5,CHAPTER 150 An act to provide for public burial-grounds in Duplin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That separate grounds, as provided in this act, shall be established for the white and colored races. _" +1899_public laws_508_12,paschal,1,public laws,507,11,CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That before the next general election on the first Thursday in August, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred, provided for in this act, there shall be an entirely new registration of all persons who shall be entitled to register in every voting precinct in the state, and only such persons as are registered shall be entitled to vote in any election held under this act. That in all cases the applicant for registration shall be sworn by the registrar before being registered and shall state and answer his age, place of residence, stating ward if he resides in an incorporated town or city, number of his house if nuinbered, and if not nuwbered then a designation of its iocality by streets; and if not the owner, then the name of the owner or renter. If not a resident of an incorporated town or city he shall then state his place of residence in the election precinct; and if he is not the owner of the house in which he lives then he shal! state the name of the person who does own the same or upon whose land he lives; the time of his residence in said county, ward or election precinct; his avocation, place of business, where and by whom employed if employed; if a new comer from whence he comes, and his postoffice address before removal; whether he has been disqualified asa voter by judgment or decree of any court, if so by what court reinstated; whether he has listed for taxation his poll for the current year in which he proposes to register, and for the year next preceding, if liable to pay a poll tax, and any. other questions which may be regarded by the registrar as material upon the question of the identity and qualification of the said applicant to be admitted to registration. | The registrar may require the applicant to prove his identity or age and residence by the testimony of at least two electors under oath. And the statements made by the appticant for registration in answer to any of these questions shall be evidence against him in any proceedings for FALSE or fraudulent registration. And the registrar shall record the full name by which he is known, his age, occupation, place of birth and place of residence of said elector, the name of the post-office, township, county or state from whence the elector has removed, in the event of a removal; by whom employed, if employed; whether he bas listed his poll for taxation for the current year in which he applies for registration and fer the year next preceding, if liable to pay a poll tax, in the appropriate column of the registration books, and the registration books containing{the said record shall be evidence against the applicant in any court of Jaw in a proceeding for FALSE or fraudulent registration. And thereupon if the said registrar shall adjudge the applicant to be duly qualified and entitled to be registered as an elector he shall register the name of the applicant, giving his race opposite to his name on the registration books: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall Beaker elector or judge of election on the day of election and when the elector presents himself to vote from challenging the right of the elector to vote. If an elector has previously been admitted to registration in any ward, township or precinct in the county in which he resides he shall not be entitied to register again in another ward, precinct or township in the same county until he produces a certificate of the registrar in the former township, ward or precinct that his name has been erased from the registration books of the ward, precinet or township from which he has removed, and the identity of any person claiming the right to be registered in any precinct of the same county by virtue of said certificate with the person named therein shall be proven by the oath of the claimant, and when required by the registrar by the oath of at least one other elector. Every person found and adjudged by the registrar qualified as an elector shall take the following oath: ] dosolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of North Carolina; that I have been.a resident of the state of North Carolina for twelve months and of the county of _____for ninety days; that I am twenty-one years of age; that I have not registered for this election in any other ward, precinct or township; that I am the identical person I represent myself to be, and that I am a bona fide resident of #NAME? precinct. So help me, God. And thereupon the said person shall be entitled to register. Thatif any applicant for registration who is permittedto register shall confess upon his examinalion under oath at the time he is admitted to registration that he has not listed his poll for taxation for the current year, if the time of his said application is after the time fixed by !aw for listing taxes in that year, or if he shall admit that he did not list his poll for taxation for the year next preceding, it shall be the duty of the registrar to certify said fact or facts to the clerk of the superior court of his county, and the said clerk shall hand such certificate to the solicitor for the district at the next term of the superior court, and the solicitor shall without delay draw and send to the grand jury a bill of indictment against such elector so registering for failure to list his poll tax. And if any applicant shall falsely swear he has listed his poll for taxation he shall be guilty of perjury and punished as prescribed by law: Provided, that the answer of the delinquent, that he has not listed his poll for taxation, shall not be used against him in any criminal proceeding for a failure to list his poll; but it shall be the duty of the solicitor to whom said name is certified, if he shall be satisfied that said alleged delinquent elector is liable to list his poll and that he has failed to do so as required. by law, to Send a bill of indictment against such delinquent to the grand jury for failure to list his poll." +1893_private laws_317_5,paschal,1,private laws,316,4,"CHAPTER 316 An act to promote education in the town of Williamston, Martin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That any balance arising from the bonds issued under this act the said commissioners are authorized and empowered to apply in enlarging, improving or building a school-house for the colored children in the school district for colored children in which Williamston is situated, in any manner that may be agreed on between said commissioners and the schoo! committee of said district." +1895_private laws_76_8,paschal,1,private laws,75,7,"CHAPTER 75 An act to amend the charter of the town of Kinston, Lenoir county, chap- ter thirty-three, private laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section fifty-one of said chapter be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor: That they may provide graveyardsat least one for the white race and one for the colored racein or near the corporate limits and regulate the same, and may appoint and pay keepers: a white keeper for that of the white race, and a colored keeper for that of the colored race, and compel the keeping and returning bills of eet and they may prohibit interments within the town." +1927_public local laws_674_14,project experts,0,public local laws,673,13,CHAPTER 673 AN ACT TO REGULATE HUNTING IN ALLEGHANY COUNTY; TO ENCOURAGE THE PROPOGATION OF GAME BIRDS AND ANIMALS; TO REGULATE THE OPEN AND CLOSED SEASON; TO CREATE A COUNTY GAME COMMISSION; TO IMPOSE A LICENSE FEE ON ALL PERSONS HUNTING OFF THEIR OWN PREMISES; TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF PERSONS VIOLATING PROVISIONS OF THE ACT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That nothing in this act shall conflict with the StateWide Game Law passed in regular session of nineteen hundred and twenty-seven. +1929_private laws_165_7,project experts,0,private laws,164,6,CHAPTER 164 AN ACT TO CREATE AN EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND FOR PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE CRIMINAL LAWS IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The funds accumulated under this act shall be known as the Emergency Reserve Fund of the City of Greensboro, and shall be used as a fund for all arresting officers, as defined in section two hereof, and their families, under the following terms and conditions, that is to say: If an officer while in the actual performance of his duties shall become disabled, there shall be paid to him a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and a monthly pension while so disabled not in excess of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month, and the board may pay to such disabled officer an additional sum not in excess of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month for each child or dependent under the age of eighteen years while the disability of such officer may exist and while the said officer shall live; and in case of death resulting while in the actual performance of his duties, if the officer shall be married, the board may pay immediately to the widow of such officer a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and may further pay a sum not in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month for said widow during widowhood, and, in addition thereto, the board may pay the said widow for the support of any dependent children she may have a sum not in excess of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month for each child until said child shall reach the age of eighteen -18 years; and in case of death resulting while in the actual performance of official duties under this act where the individual or officer as herein defined may be unmarried, the board may pay to the nearest dependent next of kin of deceased a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), or in lieu thereof the board may pay the funeral expenses of deceased not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00); and it is further the TRUE intent, meaning and purpose of this act that any payments enumerated in this act are limited to be not in excess of the maximum amount or amounts herein set out; and it is further the TRUE intent, meaning and purpose of this act that the board shall be empowered hereunder, in its discretion, to pay any amount less than the maximum enumerated, and said board may refuse to make a payment of any amount in any case in any or all of the classes herein enumerated." +1929_private laws_86_2,project experts,0,private laws,85,1,"CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTRIC WHITE WAY SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO. Whereas, the present electric lighting system along the side- walks of Center Street between the southern line of Chestnut Street and the northern line of Ash Street, along the side- walks of John Street between the northern line of Chestnut Street and the northern line of Ash Street, along the sidewalks of Walnut Street between the western line of William Street and the western line of Carolina Street, along and on the Golds- boro Union Station lands, along the sidewalks of Mulberry Street between the western line of Center Street and the eastern line of John Street, and at the intersections of the sidewalks of Chestnut and Center Streets, Ash and Center Streets, John and Ash Streets, Walnut and James Streets, Mulberry and Center Streets, Carolina and Walnut Streets, and Mulberry and John Streets, in the City of Goldsboro, is obsolete and inadequate; and, Whereas, it is necessary for the general welfare of the City of Goldsboro and its citizens that an adequate electric lighting system, commonly known as an electric white way, be installed on and along said sidewalks and at said intersections of said sidewalks, now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of aldermen of the City of Goldsboro, is hereby fully authorized and empowered to remove the present electric lighting system from the sidewalks and at the intersections of the sidewalks named in the preamble of this act, and to cause to be installed on and along said sidewalks and at said intersections of said sidewalks an electric white way lighting system." +1931_private laws_88_5,project experts,0,private laws,87,4,"CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO RELIEVE CHURCH PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF ZEBULON, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CARO- LINA, FROM ALL STREET PAVING ASSESSMENTS BE- COMING DUE JANUARY FIRST, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY, AND SUBSEQUENT THERETO IF APPROVED BY A MAJORITY OF THE VOTERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That at the next regular municipal election to be held in the Town of Zebulon on Tueday after the first Monday in May, -1931 one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town the question of relieving the said churches from the payment of said street paving assessments as set forth in Section one of this Act. At said election the voters favoring the relief of said churches shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words For Relief of Church Property, those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words Against Relief of Church Property. If a majority of the votes cast on this question shall be for relief of church property then this Act shall be in full force and effect, otherwise to be and void." +1931_private laws_150_9,project experts,0,private laws,149,8,CHAPTER 149 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOCAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT AND DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said School Board shall each year prepare and transmit to the Board of Financial Control if established by law, or otherwise to the Board of County Commissioners, a budget requirement for the next fiscal year for the operation and maintenance of the schools of said district, showing the allocation of the different funds as now required by the school laws of North Carolina. The Superintendent of Schools elected by said board shall be ex-officio secretary thereof and shall keep the minutes, records, financial and otherwise, and correspondence of said Board and as such prepare a tentative budget as above required subject to the approval and adoption by the Board." +1927_public local laws_396_3,project experts,0,public local laws,395,2,CHAPTER 395 AN ACT AUTHORIZING WARREN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said board of commissioners is hereby further authorized to levy annually a special tax ad valorem on all taxable property in said county for the special purpose of paying the principal and interest of all bonds issued under this act as such principal and interest becomes due, which tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied in said county." +1933_private laws_106_3,project experts,0,private laws,105,2,"CHAPTER 105 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE OF CHAPTER 314 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1909, RE- LATING TO THE ELECTION OF THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF TARBORO, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1929_public local laws_61_5,project experts,0,public local laws,60,4,CHAPTER 60 AN ACT CREATING THREE DISTRICTS IN CAMDEN COUNTY FOR THE NOMINATION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast in his district shall be declared to be the nominee of his said district for membership upon the county board of education of said Camden County. +1927_private laws_138_25,project experts,0,private laws,137,24,CHAPTER 137 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A PRIMARY ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. +1925_private laws_10_3,project experts,0,private laws,9,2,"CHAPTER 9 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON TO APPROPRIATE MONEY TO THE WILMINGTON TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION, INCOR- PORATED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1925_public local laws_292_12,project experts,0,public local laws,291,11,"CHAPTER 291 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PASQUOTANK HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROAD CONSTRUC- TION IN PASQUOTANK COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the purchaser or purchasers of any part of said bonds shall not be required to see to the application of the proceeds of the sale thereof, and said bonds shall be valid and binding obligations of said county, for which the full faith and credit and taxing power of said county is committed and pledged notwithstanding any misapplication of said proceeds." +1925_public local laws_149_2,project experts,0,public local laws,148,1,CHAPTER 148 AN ACT APFOINTING MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY AND REGULAT- ING THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SAID COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of education of Franklin County shall consist of five -5 members, nominated and elected as provided in part eleven, chapter one hundred and thirty-six, Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, except as herein after provided." +1924 extra_private laws_16_3,project experts,0,private laws,15,2,"CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO FIX THE TITLE TO CERTAIN SCHOOL PROP- ERTY IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, AND MAKE PRO- VISION FOR THE SALE OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said city of Greensboro is hereby authorized and empowered, through its mayor and city council, to sell privately and convey in fee, for the sum of seventy-one thousand five hundred dollars ($71,500), to the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, and their successors, for the use and benefit of the said church, its successor or successors and assigns, the land hereinbefore described, together with one other parcel described and bounded as follows: Beginning on the northeast corner of the Presbyterian Church burying ground; thence north eighty-six and one-half -86144 degrees east about two hundred and forty-eight -248 feet to Forbis Street; thence with the west line of Forbis Street two and one-half (24%4) degrees west about seventy-two -72 feet to a stake; thence south eighty-six and one-half -8644 degrees west about two hundred and forty-eight -248 feet to a stake; thence north two and one-half -2% degrees east about seventy -70 feet to the beginning, being known as the Catholic Church property." +1923_public local laws_325_7,project experts,0,public local laws,324,6,CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit township deputy tax collectors from settling with the county tax collectors on the dates as appears in said act. +1919_public local laws_582_2,project experts,0,public local laws,581,1,"CHAPTER 581 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ERECTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS SMITHS CREEK, PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of county commissioners of Pamlico County is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion and upon petition of local residents and property owners, to erect or cause to be erected a bridge across Smiths Creek opposite or near the town of Oriental, Pamlico County, and to pay the cost of said bridge out of the public road funds of Pamlico County: Provided, that the erection of said bridge shall not be begun and the contract for its erection shall not be let until the residents and the property owners of the community requesting such erection shall have given to the board of county commissioners a written guarantee that they will, upon the completion of the bridge, reimburse the public road funds-of the county in such an amount as shall be stated in said guarantee, and shall be satisfactory to the board of county commissioners, and until said residents and property owners shall have, at their own expense and without expense to the county, constructed satisfactory roads connecting the nearest existing public roads on either side of Smiths Creek with the site of said proposed bridge." +1917_public local laws_76_2,project experts,0,public local laws,75,1,CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 101 OF PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915 RELATING TO FINANCIAL AGENT FOR PERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section two of chapter one hundred and one, Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out lines six, seven, eight and nine thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof That as to Person County, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to arrange with one or more banks in the county to act as financial agent or agents for said county in lieu of the county treasurer, and in making such agreement said board of county commissioners shall employ such bank or banks with which the most satisfactory agreement can be made." +1917_public local laws_303_4,project experts,0,public local laws,302,3,"CHAPTER 302 AN ACT REQUIRING INSTRUCTION TO BE GIVEN BEYOND THE SEVENTH GRADE IN EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT, IF THERE BE NO HIGH SCHOOL IN SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND MAKING IT THE DUTY OF THE SCHOOL BOARDS TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL GRADES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1917_public local laws_111_2,project experts,0,public local laws,110,1,CHAPTER 110 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A POLL TAX FOR THE MAINTE- NANCE OF PUBLIC ROADS IN LIEU OF PERSONAL SER- VICE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That upon presentation of a petition in writing signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified voters of any township in Pitt County, to the board of county commissioners of said county, requesting them to submit to the qualified voters of the township where such petitioners reside, a proposition asking that they be allowed to vote on the question of levying a poll tax in said township in lieu of personal. road service or duties, as required by Revisal, section two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five, setting forth the maximum and minimum poll tax desired to be voted upon: Provided, the poll tax so voted shall not be less than three dollars nor more than six dollars on said poll, the board of commissioners shall within thirty days order an election to be held in such township and submit to the qualified voters therein the question of increasing poll tax to the amount specified, at which election all those qualified to vote who are in favor of the proposition, shall vote a ballot upon which shall be written or printed the words For Poll Tax for Road Maintenance, and those opposed to the proposition shall vote a ballot upon which shall be written or printed Against Poll Tax for Road Maintenance, and the election for this purpose shall be conducted in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as are or may be provided for the election of township officers by the general election laws of this State, unless in any manner otherwise provided for in this act. That it shall be optional with the board of county commissioners of Pitt County whether a new registration shall be ordered for said election or not: Provided, that should a new registration be ordered, the board of county commissioners shall at the time of ordering said election appoint one registrar and two judges of election in said township to hold said election. The books shall be kept open for the registration of voters for twenty days preeeding the day of election. And for the purpose of registration, the books used in the general election shall be delivered to and revised by the registrar; and in case of a new registration, thirty days notice therecf shall be given: Provided, that elections may be ordered and held upon petitions under the provisions of this act not oftener than every twelve months in any township until the poll tax limit specified in this act shall have been reached: Provided further, that all funds derived from said poll tax levy shall be applied solely to the maintenance and improvement of the roads within the township voting for said poll tax." +1913_public local laws_775_13,project experts,0,public local laws,774,12,"CHAPTER 774 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH IN THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK A SPECIAL COURT TO BE CALLED THE RECORDER'S COURT, AND PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said court shall also have jurisdiction to try all actions for the recovery of any penalty imposed by law or this act or by any ordinances of the city of Southport for any act done within said city of Southport, and said penalty shall be sued for and recovered in the name of the city of Southport, and if incurred by a minor, shall be recovered from and in an action against the parent or guardian. From any judgment for such penalty imposed or allowed to be imposed by this act, or for the violation of any ordinance of the city of Southport, either party may appeal to the next term of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, in like manner and under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed for appeals from justices of the peace; and in case the recorder shall be disabled by reason of relationship or is otherwise incompetent to hear and determine such action, the same may be instituted and prosecuted in any court within the county of Brunswick which would but for this act have jurisdiction thereof, under the same rules and regulations as if instituted and tried in said recorders court where applicable. In all cases where judgment may be entered up against any person for fines or penalties according to law and the ordinances of said city of Southport, and the person or persons against whom same is adjudged refuse, fail, or are unable to pay such judgment, it shall be lawful for the recorder of said court to order and require said person or persons ,to be worked on the public roads of said county of Brunswick until, at a fair rate of wages, such person or persons shall have worked out the full amount of such judgment and costs." +1913_public local laws_335_15,project experts,0,public local laws,334,14,CHAPTER 334 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR GOOD ROADS IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of Surry County, when a petition of one-fifth of the voters in Shoals Township is filed, is hereby empowered and instructed to submit to the voters BeBe cio tet Township, Surry County, on a day to be designated by the board of commissioners of Surry County, the question whether the said township (Shoals) shall issue bonds in a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, with interest coupons: attached, the proceeds of which to be used for the improvement of the public roads of Shoals*Township as hereinbefore provided in this act. The said board of county commissioners shall for at least thirty days before the election give public notice of said election, together with the publication thereof in one or more newspapers published in Shoals Township: Provided, that if a majority of the voters of said township shall not yote to issue the bonds at the election so held, said board of commissioners is hereby directed to submit the said question to the said voters at the expiration of four months from time of first election under the regulations hereinafter set out; and Provided further, that if a majority of the yoters of said township shall not vote to issue bonds at the election so held, the said board of commissioners of Surry County are directed to submit the said question to the voters at any other time or times when as many as one-fourth of the voters of said township shall by petition request it." +1933_public local laws_303_4,project experts,0,public local laws,302,3,"CHAPTER 302 AN ACT AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING THE COMMIS- SIONERS OF GASTON COUNTY, IN THEIR DISCRETION, TO DEFER FOR THREE YEARS THE FORECLOSURE UNDER DEEDS OF TRUST AND MORTGAGES HELD IN THE SINKING FUND OF SAID COUNTY AND TO AUTHOR- IZE AND EMPOWER SAID COMMISSIONERS TO SELL REAL ESTATE NOW OR HEREAFTER HELD BY THEM FOR THE SINKING FUND OF SAID COUNTY UPON SUCH TERMS AS, IN THEIR DISCRETION, THEY THINK PROPER, BUT IN NO CASE FOR A PERIOD LONGER THAN FIVE YEARS. Whereas, the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County hold deeds of trust and mortgages against the property of citizens of said County, which said collateral constitutes a part of the sinking fund of said County; and Whereas, foreclosure proceedings to collect under said deeds of trust and mortgages when due might work a hardship on many honest citizens during these depressed financial times; and Whereas, the Commissioners of Gaston County now hold, and may hereafter acquire, certain real estate which it now or may hereafter hold as part of the sinking fund of said County; and Whereas, it may be desirable to sell said real estate upon terms, in the discretion of said Commissioners, rather than for eash; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to execute deeds for and take mortgages or deeds of trust for any and all property sold by them under Section two above." +1925_public local laws_560_27,project experts,0,public local laws,559,26,CHAPTER 559 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT IN GUIL- FORD COUNTY OF A GAME COMMISSION AND THE OFFICE OF GAME WARDEN: TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER ENFORCEMENT OF THE GAME LAWS AND FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF GAME IN GUILFORD COUNTY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES HEREIN SET FORTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Dogs running at large. Section two thousand one hundred and thirty-two of chapter thirty-eight of the Consolidated Statutes of nineteen hundred and nineteen is hereby amended and supplemented in its application to Guilford County to read as follows: to wit: It shall be unlawful for the owner or any person having the care of any dog of any breed or pedigree to permit the same to run at large during the breeding season of quail; namely, from May the first to September the first of any year. The fact that any dog shall be ranging in the fields or woods, whether such field or woods be owned by the owner or keeper of the dog or not, shall be prima facie evidence that the owner or keeper of such dog has violated the provisions of this section and the wardens or deputy wardens and owners of land on which such dogs shall be ranging are hereby authorized to impound or kill such dogs; and the owner or keeper of such dog upon conviction of violating this section shall suffer the penalty of this act provided." +1913_public local laws_626_12,project experts,0,public local laws,625,11,CHAPTER 625 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN THE COUNTY OF MARTIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the registrars herein provided for shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of five cents per name for each new elector whom they may register, and the managers shall receive for their services one dollar per day each for holding said elections, and the pay of said registrars and managers shall be paid out of the deposits herein provided." +1909_private laws_16_3,project experts,0,private laws,15,2,"CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO DRAIN WHITE OAK SWAMP, IN BLADEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the objects for which said corporation is formed are to secure the drainage of White Oak Swamp, in Bladen County. North Carolina, to dig such canals, enlarge existing canals, erect and maintain dams to keep out of the said swamp the high water of Cape Fear River, and in all other ways and manners to render the lands of White Oak Swamp and the lands adjacent thereto suitable for tillage for agricultural and other purposes." +1941_private laws_11_3,project experts,0,private laws,10,2,"CHAPTER 10 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF T. D. SANFORD, FORMER DISABLED POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF WILMING- TON. That Whereas, T. D. Sanford served as a police officer in the City of Wilmington for a period of approximately sixteen years and was a most efficient and capable officer; and Whereas, during the year of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight he became incapacitated through physical disability to perform his duties as an officer and was granted a furlough for a period of one year, which furlough was later extended until December thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, from said department; and Whereas, Chapter two hundred and sixty-eight of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine was passed by the General Assembly with the view of relieving such disabled officer, and has been held by the City Attorney of Wilmington not to apply to T. D. Sanford for the reason that at the time of passage of said Act the said T. D. Sanford was on a furlough from the Wilmington Police Department and was not reinstated before his name was removed from active duty: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1891_private laws_85_34,project experts,0,private laws,84,33,CHAPTER 84 An act to consolidate and amend the several acts heretofore passed for the better regulation and government of the city of Burlington in Alamance county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the constable shall have the same powers and be bound by the same rules in this respect as_constables of the county of Alamance to apprehend all offenders against the state within the limits of the city and to carry them before the mayor or some justice of the peace, and for such duty he shall have the same fees as constables of said county, to be paid by the party offending if found guilty, otherwise by the city; unless the mayor should be satisfied that there is no probable cause for the prosecution, and in such cases he may ascertain the instigator of the prosecutor and tax him with the costs. " +1913_public local laws_188_24,project experts,0,public local laws,187,23,"CHAPTER 187 AN ACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS IN GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Secretary of State is hereby directed to send to the Register of Deeds of Moore County, immediately after the ratification of this act, a certified copy thereof." +1955_session laws_355_5,project experts,0,session laws,354,4,"CHAPTER 354 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 2 OF CHAP- TER 106 OF VOLUME 3A OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, RELAT- ING TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZER LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",The last sentence of subsection (c) of G. S. 106-50.8 of Volume 3A is hereby rewritten so that said last sentence shall read as follows: Such sums as shall be found to be payable to consumers on lots of fertilizer against which said penalties were assessed shall not be subject to claim by the consumer after twelve months from the date of assessment. - +1903_public laws_245_6,project experts,0,public laws,244,5,CHAPTER 244 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all moneys coming to the said district above described for school purposes from the State and from the county, as well as that coming from the special tax above referred to, shall be by the proper officers paid to the Board of Trustees above created and apointed and their duly constituted successors, and shall be by them used for the benefit of the graded school above referred to. " +1941_public local laws_128_8,project experts,0,public local laws,127,7,"CHAPTER 127 AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE LISTING, SELLING AND FORE- CLOSURE OF UNLISTED TAXES, PAYMENT OF PAVING ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES, TAX SALES AND FORE- CLOSURES FOR THE TOWN OF AULANDER, BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Aulander shall be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to accept the principal amount of all real estate taxes now owing to it for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, and for all years prior thereto, including taxes which may be after-listed as provided in Section three of this Act, exclusive of interest, penalties and cost: Provided such payments shall be made on or before the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one." +1929_private laws_212_4,project experts,0,private laws,211,3,"CHAPTER 211 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY- FIVE, PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE, RELATING TO THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FOUR OAKS, JOHN- STON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The Generai Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at a black-jack, near the colored church, on a road leading into the town of Four Oaks, and runs south ten west one hundred and fifty-six poles to a trestle on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, a small branch; thence Aa down said branch to the public road; thence south sixty-two east eighty-nine poles to the run of Juniper Branch; thence down the run of said branch to the Smithfield road; thence as said Smithfield road to a road leading to Four Oaks, near Keens; thence with the said road to another road leading to Four Oaks; thence through a field north five west one hundred and twenty-five poles to the head of a small branch; thence north thirty west one hundred and seventeen poles to a forked poplar in the head of the branch; thence south seventyone and one-half west one hundred and forty-two poles to the beginning." +1913_public local laws_302_11,project experts,0,public local laws,301,10,"CHAPTER 301 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A CHAIN-GANG AND FACILITATE THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY, AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 417 OF THE PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS OF 1911 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all able-bodied male persons of Rutherford County between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall pay to the road superintendent or the township supervisor or to the county treasurer of Rutherford County the sum of two dollars per annum, to be paid as other taxes, and to be kept in the general road fund of the county, to be expended in the improvement of the road in the township from which it was paid." +1913_private laws_253_34,project experts,1,private laws,252,37,CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF SALISBURY AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION.,"That each registrar shall be furnished by said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty after being qualified, to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially, and according to law; to revise the existing registration books of the precinct for which he is appointed in such manner that said books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such precinct and still residing therein, and entitled to vote without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and sunset (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in such city and entitled to registration, whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration and who are entitled to vote in said city. Each registrar shall be required to be at the polling place for his precinct on Saturdays from nine A. M. until eight Pp. mM. during the period for registration. He shall keep the names of white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina two years, in Rowan County six months, and in the precinct in which he offers to register four months previous to the day of election, and that he is twenty-one years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said city. If any person willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and imprisoned sixty days in the county jail. But the board of commissioners, on fifteen days notice, by publication in some newspaper of the city, before the opening of the books, may order an entire new registration of voters whenever they may deem it proper, and in case this form of government is adopted by a vote of the people of Salisbury, together with this charter, there shall be an entirely new registration for the first primary and election held hereunder, and at any and all subsequent primaries and elections, and any one registering and offering to register in either primary or election who is not entitled to register shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The registration books shall be closed at eight oclock P. M. on the second Saturday before the election, and after the same are closed no person shall be allowed to register except those coming of age after the books close and before or on election day, who are otherwise qualified electors of the city, and the book shall then be placed in the office of the city clerk, and may be inspected by any person so desiring, and the clerk shall mark the day on which they were received by him, and they shall not be taken from his custody until the day of election. Any registrar failing to deposit his registration book with the clerk at the time prescribed shall receive no compensation for making said registration, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1891_private laws_136_7,project experts,0,private laws,135,6,CHAPTER 135 An act to amend the charter of the city of Asheville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The amount of assessment for such streets improvement and for sidewalks exclusive of curbing and for road-ways, as hereinbefore provided, on each piece of real estate, being estimated as above directed, shall be a lien on such real estate, and the said mayor and aldermen shall cause the city engineer to make a survey and a report of the amount of work done [and] the cost thereof, upon, which street and sidewalk, the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of feet of each lot, and the pro rata share of such cost of such street and sidewalk improvement to be assessed against such real estate; and upon the adoption of said report the said lien shall become complete and operative, which said report shall be transcribed upon the minutes of said board of aldermen, and the amount of said lien and of said assessment against all property abutting on said street as aforesaid shall become due as follows: one-sixth in six months and the balance in five equal amount installments, The adoption of said report of said surveyor by such board of aldermen shall constitute the said lien for the amount therein stated against each of the separate pieces of real estate therein described, and the same shall become due and payable as aforesaid; and in case of failure to pay either of said assessments in thirty days after its maturity then all shall become due at once and an execution shall issue by the clerk of said board of aldermen, directed to the marshal of said city, who shall advertise the land upon which said defaulting assessments are made as aforesaid, or [as] required by law for sale of land for taxation under the provisions of the charter of said city, and shall sell the same and give to the purchaser a receipt stating the time the land was advertised, the day of sale, the purchaser, the price paid, the assessment due thereon, the cost of sale, the name of the owner of the land, and the description of the lands sold; and the owner of the land sold shall have twelve months within which to redeem said land by paying to the purchaser the amount he paid and twenty per centum additional; but if the land is bid off for the city or for said sinking fund then the owner in order to redeem the same must pay the assessment due on said land, the cost of sale and twenty per centum on said assessment; if the land is not redeemed within twelve months then the marshal shall make to the purchaser a deed for said land, and the same shall operate to pay [convey] to the purchaser the title to said land, and the proceeds of said sale shall be applied, first, to the payment of all that then may remain unpaid upon said assessment and liens, together with the cost of such sale, which cost shall be the usual fees allowed the marshal for selling land for taxation and receive; the balance, if any, of such proceeds shall be paid to the owner of said land at the time of said sale: Provided, however, that any owner of said land may have the privilege of paying off all of said assessment before due, and upon such payment the said lien shall be released and discharged pro facto: Provided further, that any owner of land upon which said lien for such assessment exists, shall have the right to file before the mayor and board of aldermen of said city [an] affidavit denying that the whole or any part of the amount, if any he admits to be due, which amount so admitted to be due he shall pay or tender, accompanying his affidavit with it, and before it shall be received, and then the said affidavit shall be received only for the balance, and all such affidavits so received shall be returned to the superior court of Buncombe county for trial, and it shall be considered that the issue as to the amount then due is raised upon reception of such affidavit and without any plea upon the part of the city of Asheville, but this shall not be construed to prevent the said city of Asheville from filing an answer or any other defence to which it may be entitled under the laws of North Carolina; and upon such trial if the issues be all found in favor of the affiant then the lien shall be discharged; if, however, the issues shall be found in favor of the said city of Asheville to any amount, and if it be thereby ascertained that the affiant is due to said city any amount by virtue of the matters therein referred to, then the said amount so found, together with eight per centum (8 per centum) interest thereon from the date of its maturity, and together with the costs thereon accrued, which costs shall be assessed as costs in other civil actions, shall be and continue a lien against the property upon which the original assessment was placed, and shall be collected by an execution issuing from said superior court directed to the marshal of said city, which shall be collected by him by the sale of said land as hereinbefore provided in case of execution issuing from the clerk of said city." +1933_private laws_59_2,project experts,1,private laws,58,1,"CHAPTER 58 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF EAST BEND OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE EAST BEND BAPTIST CHURCH, YADKIN COUNTY, TO REMOVE BODIES TO THE BENBOW CHAPEL COLORED CEME- TERY. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of the town of East Bend, Yadkin County, or the trustees of the East Bend Baptist Church, be and they are hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, the bodies now buried in the old colored cemetery near the white Baptist Church in said town embracing seventeen bodies, more or less, to the Benbow Chapel colored cemetery nearby in said county: Provided, that before the removal of said graves notice of such action shall be published in some newspaper published in Yadkin County for four successive weeks." +1933_public local laws_431_2,project experts,0,public local laws,430,1,"CHAPTER 430 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 61 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1931, RELATIVE TO THE ELECTION OF COM- MISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section five, of chapter sixty-one, of the Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, is hereby repealed and a new section re-enacted as follows: Section 5 That there shall be elected in the general election in one thousand nine hundred thirty-four three county commissioners; one from district number one, one from district number two, and one from district number three, as set out in this act; that the commissioners elected in districts numbers four and five of this act shall serve for the entire term of four years for which they were elected in the general election of one thousand nine hundred thirty-two, and after the expiration of their fouryear term of office all of the said commissioners from all of the respective districts shall be elected for a term of two years from their respective districts as now by law provided, it being the purpose and intention of this act to change the election of county commissioners in said county back to a two-year period after the two commissioners, now serving four-year terms, terms of office have expired." +1935_public local laws_347_3,project experts,0,public local laws,346,2,CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR THE SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Sheriff shall make an itemized list of all tax receipts in the books on October first, as hereinbefore referred to, for all uncollected taxes in said books, not including the insolvent list return as hereinbefore provided, and shall deliver said tax receipts to the County Accountant and/or Auditor, or any other person that may be appointed by said Board to perform the duties required under the provisions of this Act, who shall give a receipt for same, which receipt shall be used by the Sheriff in the settlement of the taxes for said year, and which receipt shall be recorded for information only in the records of the Board of Commissioners of Caswell County: Provided, however, that before the delivery of the tax receipts to the said County Accountant and/or Auditor, or any other person that may be appointed by said Board to perform the duties required under the provisions of this Act, he shall give such bond or bonds as the Board of Commissioners of said County may require." +1923_public local laws_362_2,project experts,0,public local laws,361,1,"CHAPTER 361 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO BUILD AN ANNEX OR ADDITION TO THE PRESENT COURTHOUSE OF SAID COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, AND TO ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue serial bonds of the county of New Hanover, in an amount not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the same to bear such rate of interest, to be in such denominations, to run for not more than twenty-five years, and to be issued upon such terms aS may be agreed upon by the said board of county commissioners and the purchasers of said bonds." +1929_public laws_53_2,project experts,0,public laws,52,1,"CHAPTER 52 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2334 OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, VOLUME 3, RELATING TO GRAND JURIES IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",".That section two thousand three hundred and thirty-four of the Consolidated Statutes, Volume Three, be, and the same is hereby amended by inserting the word Pitt after the word Moore and before the word Richmond in line three of the first paragraph of said section." +1923_public local laws_451_21,project experts,0,public local laws,450,20,CHAPTER 450 AN ACT TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF BLADEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of said auditor of Bladen County to act as tax supervisor, to have general supervision of the listing of property for taxes and the assessment of same by the various list-takers and assessors of the county; and the said auditor shall appoint an assistant for each township, and in townships where the needs may require such number as may be necessary, such assistants to be known as list-takers and assessors, and he shall appoint only those who in his judgment are suitable and competent to perform said duties of list-takers and assessors. The board of commissioners shall fix the compensation of said assistants and pay the same from the general fund." +1959_session laws_858_3,project experts,0,session laws,857,2,CHAPTER 857 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF GASTON COUNTY TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF LIBRARY BUILDINGS IN STANLEY AND LOWELL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_1127_4,project experts,0,session laws,1126,3,"CHAPTER 1126 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 12 OF CHAPTER 20, THE MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS LICENSING LAW, TO CLARIFY THE DEFINITION OF ESTABLISHED PLACE OF BUSINESS AND TO PROVIDE FOR DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSES FOR WILFUL AND INTENTIONAL FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS CONCERNING REGISTRATION, CERTIF- ICATES OF TITLE, TRANSFERS OF TITLE, USE OF REGISTRA- TION PLATES, AND ANTI-THEFT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1965_session laws_80_10,project experts,0,session laws,79,9,"CHAPTER 79 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF AYDEN, NORTH CAROLINA, SUBJECT TO AN ELECTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","No provision of law heretofore repealed expressly or by implication, and no provision of law granting authority which has been exhausted, shall be revived by: (a) The repeal herein of any Act repealing such provision of law; or (b) Any provision of this Act that disclaims an intention to repeal or effect enumerated or designated laws." +1957_session laws_515_3,project experts,0,session laws,514,2,CHAPTER 514 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 41 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES TO PROVIDE FOR TRYING TITLE TO LAND CLAIMED BY THE STATE AND BY OTHER PARTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1957_session laws_1302_2,project experts,0,session laws,1301,1,CHAPTER 1301 AN ACT TO FIX THE FEES OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN CRIMINAL ACTIONS IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Fees in criminal actions in courts of Justices of the Peace in Northampton County shall be as hereinafter set out, provided that if no fee for any service is fixed by this Act, the fee fixed by other laws applicable to Northampton County shall be charged for such services: Wa tranites (GAC) mete. occ cel cyeis sis sisiole ogeees parece est mouse tke Le $2.00 Subpoeriaa WCACH) bp vaca cise oidepe cue olaio sca aiageiep ols > oie eis ores ss eia el cie aoe Commitment (CACM )kr.cicmcene cae crepes cio een oi pene oer sei 1 Recognizance (each) .........ccecerccesee se ee ccs senetecee 50 Judgment, contested (each) ........c eee e cece teen eects 3 Judgment, not contested (each) .....--.e eee eee eter teres 2 Affidavit, for removal (each) ........ eee eee eee teeters 50 Capias and order (each) .......cceee cece eerste sc eteees 1 Bond of undertaking (each) ......... cece eee ee ee eee eters 1 Gontinwancem(each))p ec cecueeis-pi orotic elsvus est 5 eno ae 50 Agreement to enter a plea of guilty (each) .........-+.+00-- 1" +1957_session laws_1262_3,project experts,0,session laws,1261,2,CHAPTER 1261 AN ACT TO AMEND GQ. S. 51-6 RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1939_public local laws_237_2,project experts,0,public local laws,236,1,CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE GRAND JURY OF GRAN- VILLE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That at the first term of court for the trial of criminal cases in Granville County after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, there shall be chosen a grand jury as now provided by law, and the first nine members of said grand jury chosen at said term shall serve for a term of one year, and the second nine members of said grand jury so chosen shall serve for a term of six months, and thereafter at the first term of criminal court, after the first days of January and July of each year there shall be chosen nine members of said grand jury to serve for a term of one year." +1869/70_public laws_230_42,project experts,0,public laws,229,35,"fra, TBR CC XX xX. AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE.","The register of deeds shall keep a book, in which he shall record the name of the person licensed, the trade or protession to be followed or the franchise to be enjoyed, the date at which it begins to run and the sum paid to the sheriff, and he shall, on the third Monday in January, April, July and October, send a certified copy of such record, for the quarter last preceding, to the auditor of the state, who shall charge the sheriff with the amount so appearing due. If any register shall fail to perform the duty hereby imposed on him he shall forfeit to the state a penalty of two hundred dollars, to be recovered of him and the sureties to his official bond, on motion in the superior court for the county of Wake, and on such motion a certified copy of his official bond and the certificate of the auditor of the state, setting torth his failure to make the required return, shall be prima facie evidence entitling the state to judgment in the absence of any sufficient defence." +1911_public local laws_633_6,project experts,0,public local laws,632,5,CHAPTER 632 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said taxes, when collected, except a sufficient amount to provide a sinking fund and pay interest on the bonds, shall be paid over by the board of county commissioners to the highway commission hereinafter provided for." +1903_private laws_171_20,project experts,0,private laws,170,20,CHAPTER 170 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That they, from time to time, whenever the health of the city may demand the same, establish and create anywhere in Washington Township such sanitary district or districts as they may deem expedient, and the provisions of this charter, as well as all sanitary laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as may now or hereafter exist under the provisions of this charter, shall apply to the householders or occupants of the lots within said sanitary districts established as aforesaid as if the same were within the corporate limits and said occupants or householders residents of said city: Provided, said sanitary district shall not be farther than one mile from the corporate limits." +1911_public local laws_315_2,project experts,0,public local laws,314,1,CHAPTER 314 AN ACT TO FIX AND SETTLE THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF WASHINGTON AND BEAUFORT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of county commissioners of the counties of Washington and Beaufort shall appoint two commissioners, one on the part of the county of Washington, and one on the part of the county of Beaufort, who shall settle, determine, run and mark the dividing line between said counties, from the western to the eastern terminus thereof." +1899_private laws_130_5,project experts,0,private laws,129,4,"CHAPTER 129 An act to incorporate The Bank of Wadesboro, Anson county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact -","The said board of directors niay adopt and use a seal, and break and alter the same at pleasure; may prescribe the manner of paying for stock and transferring the same; may regulate the method of conducting the business of the said bank; may do a general banking business and exercise all the powers, rights and privileges conferred by the public laws of the state on banks and corporations of a like character; may lend money upon such rates of interest as may be agreed upon. not to exceed the legal rate; may discount, buy and sell notes, drafts and all other securities or evidence of debt; may loan money on mortgages of real and personal property; 1uay buy, build or lease a banking house and sell or exchange the same at pleasure, may negotiate loans on mortgages, real or personal estate, or both, and they shal! direct when dividends or profits shall be made and declared: Provided, said bank shall not charge a greater rate of interest than is allowed by law, to wit: six per centum." +1889_public laws_507_6,project experts,0,public laws,506,5,CHAPTER 506 An act to incorporate the Asheville and Craggy Mountain Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The company shall have power in its corporate name to sue and be sued, to own real and personal estate, to condemn land for right of way and depot stations and other like railroad purposes in the same manner as the North Carolina Railroad Company, and to farm out or lease its railroad to any other person or corporation." +1889_public laws_189_2,project experts,0,public laws,188,1,"CHAPTER 188 An act for the relief of P. T. Massey, late treasurer of Johnston county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of Johnston county are hereby authorized and empowered to settle and finally adjust with P. T. Massey and the sureties of his official bond the amounts now due from him to the school or county funds of said county, and which were lost in the failure of the State National Bank of Raleigh, and the said commissioners are authorized and empowered to relieve the said P. T. Massey and his sureties from all liability on account of said loss, if, in their judgment, they deem it proper,;to do so." +1887_public laws_70_9,project experts,0,public laws,69,8,CHAPTER 69 An act to provide for the drainage of the swamp lands on Mud creek in Henderson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"When in the drainage of the said lands, either by changing the course of the creek'or any tributary thereto, by ditching, canaling, or otherwise, it becomes necessary to enter upon the lands of any owner or resident on the said creek or tributary thereto, the said board of commissioners shall elect three freeholders of the said county to assess the damages incurred by the owner of the said lands entered upon. The said freeholders shall ' at once personally inspect the lands entered upon, and shall assess such actual damages as may be sustained by the owner of the property affected thereby, taking into consideration, in estimating the said damages, the advantages that may accrue to the owner by reason of the drainage of his lands. In five days the said assessors shall make a report to the board of commissioners, who shall cause a copy of the same to be served upon the owner of the said land, with notices to file exceptions to the same with the clerk of the said board within ten days from the date of service thereof. Upon the filing of a bill of exceptions, the board of commissioners shall fix a day for the hearing thereof; and, if the exceptions are not sustained by the said board, the party aggrieved thereby may appeal to the next term of the superior court for Henderson county, by filing bond and giving such notice to the board of commissioners as is required by law in cases of appeal from justices courts; but in no event shall such appeal stay, delay or impede the progress of such work." +1881_public laws_195_2,project experts,0,public laws,194,1,CHAPTER 194 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE COMMISSIONERS OF MACON COUNTY TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,That the county commissioners of Macon county shall have full power and authority to make all necessary contracts for the building of a new court-house in the town of Franklin in said county. +1959_session laws_267_2,project experts,0,session laws,266,1,CHAPTER 266 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 1160 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1953 RELATING TO THE FILING OF PAPERS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT SO AS TO MAKE THE SAME APPLICABLE TO DUPLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 1160 of the Session Laws of 1953 is hereby amended by inserting the word Duplin, immediately following the word Mecklenburg, in line 1 of Section 1 and immediately following the word Mecklenburg, in lines 1 and 2 of Section 2 of said Act." +1967_session laws_822_3,project experts,0,session laws,821,2,"CHAPTER 821 AN ACT TO AMEND THE STATE PERSONNEL ACT TO ADD A CLEAR STATEMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL RIGHT OF THE EM- PLOYEE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE POLITICAL LIFE OF OUR STATE ON HIS OWN TIME, WHILE PROHIBITING ANY IM- PROPER USE OF THE TIME OR INFLUENCE OF ANY EMPLOYEE OR OFFICIAL TO PERSUADE OR COERCE POLITICAL SUPPORT OR ACTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1931_public local laws_349_6,project experts,0,public local laws,348,5,"CHAPTER 348 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, RELAT- ING TO THE SALARIES OF THE JUDGE AND PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY OF THE RECORDERS COURT OF ELKIN, SURRY COUNTY, AND INCREASING THE TER- RITORIAL JURISDICTION OF SAID COURT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That at the end of the term of office of the present Prosecuting Attorney of the Recorders Court of Elkin, Surry County, to-wit, the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, the Recorder of the said Court shall appoint his successor for a term of two years, and said Prosecuting Attorney shall be appointed by the Recorder every two years thereafter; Provided, that said Recorder shall fill any vacancy occurring in the office of the Prosecuting Attorney." +1913_public local laws_684_6,project experts,0,public local laws,683,5,CHAPTER 683 AN ACT TO PROMOTE RAISING QUAIL IN STANLY AND DAVIDSON COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if the citizens of Stanly and Davidson counties, or any township in said counties, desire that any section or all of said act shall be put in force in said counties, they shall first file with the board of commissioners of said counties a petition signed by a majority of the qualified voters in said counties or in any township thereof, as the case may be, setting out fully and concisely what provisions of this act they desire to be put in force; then it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of said counties at said meeting to make an order setting forth what section or sections of this act shall be put in force in said counties or any township therein, and a copy of said order shall be entered upon the records in which the records of their meetings are kept and a copy thereof filed and recorded in the office of register of deeds for the county, and posted at the courthouse door for thirty days and published in some newspaper published at the countyseat for four successive weeks, and from and after the expiration of the time set out in said order any section or sections therein included shall be in force in the counties or township, as the case may be, and all provisions of any other section herein which is necessary to enforce the same shall be in force from and after said date, and any person violating either of said sections shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as heretofore provided." +1911_public local laws_221_8,project experts,0,public local laws,220,7,CHAPTER 220 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL CRIMINAL COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ANSON AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JURIS- DICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The clerk of superior court of Anson County shall be ex-officio the clerk of the recorders court and shall receive a salary for such services of twenty-five dollars per month, to be paid monthly by the treasurer of Anson County." +1899_private laws_241_2,project experts,0,private laws,240,1,CHAPTER 240 An act to incorporate the Trans-Appalachian Railway System. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That H. L. Miller and D. W. Beach, of Washington, District of Columbia, and S. D. Dunavant, W. C. Ervin, 8S. T. Pearson, F. P. Tate, J. R. Ervin and W. E. Walton, of the county of Burkeand state of North Carolina, and such persons as may be associated with them, their successors and assigns, be and they are created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The Trans-Appalachian Railway Company, which shall have perpetual succession and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, adopt and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure, and be eapable of taking and holding by purchase, gift or devise, or in any other manner, real and personal property, and of leasing, selling or conveying the same or dealing with the same in any manner. And said corporation shall have and enjoy all privileges, rights and immunities which corporate bodies may lawfully exercise, and make all necessary by-laws necessary for its government or which its directors may deem proper and expedient, not inconsistent with law." +1907_public laws_471_4,project experts,0,public laws,470,3,CHAPTER 470 AN ACT TO GIVE RAILWAY CONDUCTORS AUTHORITY TO ARREST CERTAIN PERSONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all passenger conductors of railroad trains and station or depot agents are hereby declared to be special police of the State of North Carolina, with full power and authority to make arrests for offenses committed in their presence or view, or for felony, or on sworn complaint for misdemeanor, except that the conductors shall only have such power on board of their respective trains or their railroad right-of-way, and the agents at their respective stations; and said conductors and agents may cause any person or persons so arrested by them to be detained and delivered to the proper authority for trial as soon as possible." +1903_private laws_382_7,project experts,0,private laws,381,6,"CHAPTER 381 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BANK OF NASHVILLE, NASH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by 2 board of directors, who shall be elected annually by the stock: holders. The directors so elected shall choose a president and vice president, who shall hold for one year and until their successor: shall have been duly elected. They shall also elect a cashier and such other clerks and assistants as shall be necessary to a suc. cessful operation of the business, who shall serve until their successors are chosen. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and may fill vacancies occurring in its body till the next annual meeting of the stockholders. It shall be the duty of the board of directors, and they are hereby fully empowered, to make rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of said corporation and for the conduct of its business; also to fix the salaries of all officers and employees, and fix the bonds of all such officers and employees as they may require to give bond." +1933_public laws_229_6,project experts,0,public laws,228,5,CHAPTER 228 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER SIX OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA ON BAS- TARDY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"No mother of an illegitimate child shall be excused, on the ground that it may tend to incriminate her or subject her to a penalty or a forfeiture, from attending and testifying, in obedience to a subpoena of any court, in any suit or proceeding based upon or growing out of the provisions of this act, but no such mother shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing as to which, in obedience to a subpoena and under oath, she may so testify, nor shall she be forced or compelled to testify against the accused party against her will." +1965_session laws_715_2,project experts,0,session laws,714,1,CHAPTER 714 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE COASTAL COUNTIES TO LEVY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PRESERVATION OF BEACH EROSION CONTROL AND FLOOD AND HURRICANE PROTECTION WORKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 153 of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article, to be appropriately numbered, and to read as follows: gph eal Assessments for Beach Erosion Control and Flood and Hurricane Protection. S$ 1 Beach Erosion Control and Flood and Hurricane Works Defined. As used in this Article, beach erosion control and flood and hurricane works shall include any project involving the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, enlargement, or replacement of groins, jetties, dikes, moles, walls, sand dunes, vegetation, or other types of works or improvements which are designed for the control of beach erosion or for the preservation or restoration of man made facilities or natural features which afford protection to coastal beaches and other land areas and the life and property thereon. S$ 2 Authority to Make Special Assessments. The board of commissioners of any county may specially assess all, or part, of the cost of any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works against the property to be benefited by such works. Provided, that no property lying within the corporate limits of any municipality shall be subject to assessment unless the governing body of the municipality has by resolution given its approval prior to the undertaking of any proposed works. Provided, further, that the total special assessment levied against any lot or tract of land under the authority of this Article shall not exceed the sum which would be due under an ad valorem tax of ten cents (10) (the valuation to be that of said lot or tract of land without improvements as of the time of the making of the special assessment) if such an ad valorem 980 tax were levied annually for the period of years during which said special assessment is authorized to be paid in installments in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of this Article. Provided, further, the authority herein granted shall apply only to those counties which are in part, or in whole, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean. 3 Basis for Making Assessments. Assessments may be made on the basis of: -1 The frontage of land abutting on any beach erosion con.rol or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per foot of frontage, or -2 The frontage of land abutting on a beach or shore line which is protected or benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per foot frontage, or -3 The acreage of land benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per acre of land, or -4 The valuation of land benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, the valuation to be based upon the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax assessments records of the county, at an equal rate per dollar of valuation, or -5 A combination of two or more of these bases. Whenever the basis selected for assessment is either acreage or the value of land, the board of commissioners may provide for the laying out of benefit zones according to the distance from the shore line, the distance from the beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, the elevation of the land, or other relevant factors, and establish differing rates of assessment to apply uniformly throughout each benefit zone. 4 Preliminary Resolution to Be Adopted; Contents. Whenever the board of commissioners of any county determines to undertake any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works and assess all, or part, of the cost thereof, the board shall first adopt a preliminary resolution setting forth its intention and describing the nature of the project, or projects, and the proposed terms and conditions by which it is to be undertaken. Specifically, the preliminary resolution shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: -1 A statement of intent to undertake the project(s); -2 A general description of the nature and location of the proposed project(s); -3 A statement as to the proposed basis for making assessments, which shall include a general description of the boundaries of the area benefited if the basis of assessment is either acreage or value of land; -4 A statement as to the percentage of the cost of the work which is to be specially assessed; -5 If any assessments are proposed to be held in abeyance, a statement as to which assessments shall be so held and the period they will be held in abeyance; -6 A statement as to the proposed terms of payment of the assessments; and 981 -7 An order setting a time and place at which a public hearing on all matters covered by the preliminary resolution will be held before the board, said public hearing to be not earlier than three weeks, nor later than ten weeks, from the date of the adoption of the preliminary resolution. $ 5 Preliminary Resolution Published. The board of commissioners shall cause a copy of the preliminary resolution to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county at least ten days prior to the date set for the public hearing on the proposed project or projects. In addition, the board of commissioners shall cause a copy of the preliminary resolution, containing the order for the public hearing, to be mailed to the owners of all property subject to assessment if the project, or projects, should be undertaken. The mailing of copies of the preliminary resolution shall be to the owners of that property as shown on the tax records of the county, and shall take place at least ten days prior to the date set for the public hearing on the preliminary resolution. The person designated to mail these resolutions shall file a certificate with the board of commissioners that such resolutions were mailed, the certificate to include the date of mailing. Such certificates shall be conclusive in the absence of fraud. 6 Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Resolution Directing Undertaking of Works. At the time and place set for the public hearing, the board of commissioners shall hear all interested persons who appear with respect to any matter covered by the preliminary resolution. After the public hearing, if the board of commissioners so determines, the board may adopt a resolution directing that the project, or projects, covered by the preliminary resolution, or part of them be undertaken. This resolution shall describe the project, or projects, to be undertaken in general terms (which may be by reference to projects described in the preliminary resolution) and shall set forth the following: -1 The basis on which the special assessments shall be levied which shall include a general description of the boundaries of the area benefited if the basis of assessment is either acreage or value of land; -2 The percentage of the cost to be specially assessed; -3 The terms of payment, including the conditions under which assessments are to be held in abeyance, if any. Provided, the percentage of cost to be assessed as set forth in the resolution directing the undertaking of the project, or projects, may not be different from the percentage proposed in the preliminary resolution. If the board of commissioners decides that a different percentage of the cost should be assessed, following the hearing the board of commissioners shall adopt and advertise a new preliminary resolution as herein provided. $ 7 Determination of Costs. Upon completion of the project, or projects, the board of commissioners shall ascertain the total cost. In addition to the cost of construction, there may be included therein the cost of all necessary legal service, the amount of interest paid during construction, costs of rights of way, and the costs of publication of notices and resolutions. The determination of the board of commissioners as to the total cost of any project shall be conclusive. 982 8 Preliminary Assessment Roll to be Prepared; Publication. Upon determination of the total cost of any assessment project, the board of commissioners shall cause to be prepared a preliminary assessment roll, on which shall be entered a brief description of each lot, parcel, or tract of land assessed, the basis for the assessment, the amount assessed against each, the terms of payment, and the name or names of the owners of each parcel of land as far as the same can be ascertained; provided, that a map of the project on which is shown each parcel assessed and the basis for its assessment, together with the amount assessed against each such parcel and the name or names of the owner or owners, as far as the same can be ascertained, shall be a sufficient assessment roll. After the preliminary assessment roll has been completed, it shall be filed in the office of the clerk to the board of commissioners where it shall be available for inspection. A notice of the completion of the assessment roll, setting forth in general terms a description of the project, noting the availability of the assessment roll in the office of the clerk for inspection, and stating the time and place for a hearing before the board of commissioners on the preliminary assessment roll, shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county at least ten days prior to the date set for the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll. In addition, the board of commissioners shall cause a notice of the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll to be mailed to the owners of property, as shown on the tax records of the county, listed on the preliminary assessment roll at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. In addition to the notice of the hearing, the notice mailed to the owners shall note the availability of the preliminary assessment roll for inspection in the office of the clerk to the board and shall state the amount of the assessment against the property of the owner or owners, as shown on the preliminary assessment role. The person designated to mail these notices shall file a certificate with the board of commissioners that such notices were mailed, the certificate to include the date of mailing. Such certificates shall be conclusive in the absence of fraud. $ 9 Hearing on Preliminary Assessment Rolls; Revision, Confirmation; Lien. At the time set for the public hearing, or at some other time to which the public hearing may be adjourned, the board of commissioners shall hear objections to the preliminary assessment roll from all persons interested who appear. Then, or thereafter, the board of commissioners shall either annul, or modify, or confirm, in whole or in part, the assessments, either by confirming the preliminary assessments against any or all of the lots or parcels described in the preliminary assessment roll, or by canceling, increasing, or reducing the same as is determined to be proper in accordance with the basis for the assessment. If any property is omitted from the preliminary assessment roll, the board of commissioners may place it on the roll and levy the proper assessment. Whenever the board of commissioners shall confirm assessments for any project, the clerk to the board shall enter on the minutes of the board and on the assessment roll the date, hour, and minute of conformation, and from the time of confirmation the assessments shall be a lien on the property assessed of the 983 same nature and to the same extent as county and city taxes and shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances, After the assessment roll is confirmed a copy of the same shall be delivered to the county tax collector for collection in the same manner as taxes, except as herein provided. $ 10 Publication of Notice of Confirmation of Assessment Roll. After the expiration of twenty days from the confirmation of the assessment roll, the county tax collector shall cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the county a notice of confirmation of the assessment roll, and that assessments may be paid at any time before the expiration of thirty days from the date of the publication of the notice without interest, but if not paid within this time, all installments thereof shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum -6% per annum from the date of the confirmation of the assessment roll. 11 Appeal to Superior Court. If the owner of, or any person interested in, any lot or parcel of land against which an assessment is made is dissatisfied with the amount of the assessment, he may, within ten days after the confirmation of the assessment roll, file with the board of commissioners and the court a written notice that he takes an appeal to the Superior Court of the county, in which case he shall within twenty days after the confirmation of the assessment roll serve on the chairman of the board of commissioners or the clerk to the board of commissioners a statement of facts upon which he bases his appeal. The appeal shall be tried as other actions at law. S$ 12 Reassessment. The board of commissioners shall have the power, when in its judgment there is any irregularity, omission, error or lack of jurisdiction in any of the proceedings relating thereto, to set aside the whole of any special assessment made by it, and thereupon to make a reassessment. In such case there shall be included, as a part of the cost of the project, all additional interest paid, or to be paid, as a result of the delay in confirming the assessment. The proceeding shall, as far as practicable, be in all respects as in the case of original assessments, and the reassessment shall have the same force as if it had originally been properly made. $ 13 Payment of Assessment in Cash or by Installments. The owner or owners of any property assessed shall have the option, within thirty days following the publication of the notice of the confirmation of the assessment roll, of paying the assessment in cash or of paying in not less than two and not more than ten annual installments, as may have been provided by the board of commissioners in the resolution directing the undertaking of the project giving rise to the assessment. With respect to payment by installment, the board of commissioners may provide -1 that the first installment with interest shall become due and payable on the date when property taxes are due and payable and one subsequent installment and interest shall be due and payable on the same date in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full, or -2 that the first installment with interest shall become due and payable sixty days after the date of the confirmation of the assessment roll, and one subsequent in- 984 stallment and interest shall be due and payable on the same day of the month in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full. $ 14 Enforcement of Payment of Assessments. No statute of limitations shall bar the right of the county to enforce any remedy provided by law for the collection of unpaid assessments, save from and after ten years from default in the payment thereof, or if payable in installments, ten years from the default in the payment of any installments. Such assessments shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum -6% per annum only. Upon the failure of any property owner to pay any installment when due and payable, all of the installments remaining unpaid shall immediately become due and payable, and property and rights of way may be sold by the county under the same rules and regulations (except that the sale of liens shall not be required) rights of redemption and savings as are now prescribed by law for the sale of land for unpaid taxes. Provided, after the default in the payment of any installment of an assessment, the board of commissioners may, on the payment of all installments in arrears, together with interest due thereon and on reimbursement of any expense incurred in attempting to obtain payment, reinstate the remaining unpaid installments of such assessment so that they shall become due in the same manner as they would have if there had been no default, and such extension may be granted at any time prior to the institution of an action to foreclose. 15 Assessments in Case of Tenant for Life or Years; Apportionment of Assessments. The following provisions of the General Statutes concerning municipal special assessments, as they now exist and as they may be amended, with modifications as specified, shall apply to beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection assessments levied by counties: G. S. 160-95 to 160-97, which relate to assessments in case of tenants for life or years; G. S. 160-98, which relates to liens in favor of co-tenants or joint tenants paying assessments; G. S. 160-191, which relates to apportionment of assessments where property has been or is subject to be subdivided (except that for governing board, read board of commissioners). $ 16 Authority to Hold Assessments in Abeyance. The board of commissioners of any county may, by resolution, provide that assessments levied as authorized in this Article to be held in abeyance without the payment of interest for any benefited property assessed. In providing for the holding of assessments in abeyance, the board of commissioners shall classify the property assessed according to general land use or other relevant factors, and shall provide that the period of abeyance be the same for all assessed property in any classification. Provided, said resolution may not provide for the holding in abeyance of any assessment for more than ten years. Any assessment held in abeyance shall, upon the termination of the period of abeyance, be paid in accordance with the terms set out in the confirming resolution. 985 All applicable statutes of limitations are hereby suspended during the time that any assessment is held in abeyance without the payment of interest, as provided in this Section. Such time shall not be a part of the time limited for commencement of action for the enforcement of payment of any such assessment, and such action may be brought at any time within ten years from the date of the termination of the period of abeyance." +1957_session laws_980_13,project experts,0,session laws,979,12,CHAPTER 979 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 47-20.2(B) RELATING TO THE PLACE OF REGISTRATION OF MORTGAGES ON PERSONAL PROPERTY AND TO AMEND CERTAIN PARTS CF,"G. S. 55A-12 (a) -2 is hereby amended by inserting immediately following the word including and immediately preceding the word street in line one thereof the words county and city or town, and so as to make the subdivision read as follows: (2) The address, including county and city or town, and street and number, if any, of its then registered office." +1913_private laws_438_103,project experts,0,private laws,435,102,"CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE, TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be lawful for the town authorities, in their discretion, to contract in writing with the board of county commissioners for the employment of such prisoners as may be confined in the county jail by order of the court on the streets." +1919_public local laws_30_2,project experts,0,public local laws,29,1,"CHAPTER 29 AN ACT TO INCREASE THE PAY OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GATES COUNTY AND CAUSE THE CHAIRMAN TO AUDIT CERTAIN AC- COUNTS. , The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the county commissioners of Gates County shall receive for their services as such commissioners the sum of four dollars per day instead of two dollars per day as is now provided by law, and shall receive five cents per mile to and from their homes for each session they may attend of such board." +1911_private laws_121_39,project experts,0,private laws,120,38,"CHAPTER 120 , AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER FOR ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","If any person be challenged as having been convicted of any crime which excluded him from the right of suffrage, he shall be required to answer any question in relation to such alleged conviction, but his answers to such question shall not be used against him in any criminal prosecutions; but if any person so convicted shall vote at the election without having been restored to the rights of citizenship, he shall be guilty of an infamous crime and punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding two years, or both." +1913_private laws_353_37,project experts,0,private laws,352,36,"CHAPTER 352 AN ACT GRANTING A CHARTER TO THE CITY OF HENDER- SONVILLE, IN HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CORPORATE NAME; BOUNDARIES.","The tax collector of the city of Hendersonville is hereby clothed with all the powers incident to the office of tax collector for Henderson County to enforce the collection of taxes due the city, and shall have all of the rights, remedies, and actions, distress and powers of sale as to property and persons or subjects of taxation as the county tax collector has for the collection of taxes in his office, and shall proceed to collect the same in like manner; and as to the sale of property and enforcement of the collection of taxes the city shall have the same rights as the county of Henderson has under such proceedings and actions and sales by the county tax collector; and the persons whose property may be sold under such proceedings shall have the same rights of redemption as are applicable to property sold for taxes by the county tax collector." +1913_public local laws_325_11,project experts,0,public local laws,324,10,CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SHEFFIELDS AND RITTERS TOWNSHIPS IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of building or constructing, repairing or maintaining the public roads of said township, or for constructing ditches or drains for the construction of said public roads under the direction of the board of road commissioners, the said supervisor shall have full power and authority to enter in and upon any lands in said township or any adjoining lands near any public road in said township and dig and maintain any ditches and cut down and carry away any trees or timber or remove any sand, Clay, gravel, stone, or other substance which may be necessary to repair, construct, or improve said roads, and may also construct or open upon or over said lands all necessary ditches or drains for the construction, improvement, or maintenance of said roads. If the owner of the land over which any road is constructed or over which any material is removed or on which any drains or ditches may be caused to empty shall demand compensation therefor, and present his claim to the board of road commissioners, it shall be the duty of said board of road commissioners to pass upon and consider the same and to pass an order for the payment of said account if the said board shall deem it just: Provided, that in the event any person over whose lands any new road has been located or from which any material may be removed or on which drains shall be made, shall claim damages therefor, which the said board shall refuse to pay, such person claiming damages shall within thirty days after the location of said road or removal of material or making said drains, petition said board of road commissioners for a jury to assess said damages. It shall then be the duty of said board within sixty days after the completion of said road or work thereon, to order a jury of three disinterested freeholders of said township to be summoned by the Sheriff of Moore County, to be named and designated by said sheriff, qualified to serve as jurors, and the jury so selected shall give three days notice to the landowner and to the board where and when said jury shall meet to assess said damages, and in the consideration thereof it shall be the duty of said jury to take into consideration any decrease in said damages by any benefit to the owner of the land by reason of the construction or improvement of said road, and if the benefits derived are equal to or greater than the damages sustained, the jury shall so declare, and it shall report its finding in writing to the board of road commissioners for confirmation or revision: Provided further, that a landowner may appeal to the Superior Court of Moore County from the decision of the jury and said board of road commissioners, and upon said appeal the same shall be heard de novo in said court." +1885_public laws_84_5,project experts,0,public laws,83,4,"CHAPTER 83 An act to authorize the county of Martin to borrow money, issue bonds and levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That said taxes shall be collected by the sheriff of said county, whose bond shall be liable therefor as for other county taxes, and he shall pay over the same to the county treasurer of said county on or before the first Monday of December of each year." +1880_private laws_9_2,project experts,0,private laws,8,1,CHAPTER 8. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF RICHLANDS IN ONS- LOW COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the town of Richlands, in Onslow county, be and the same is hereby incorporated by the name and style of the Town of Richlands, and shall be subject to all the provisions contained in chapter one hundred and eleven (111) Battles Revisal, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state and the United States." +1911_public local laws_623_22,project experts,0,public local laws,622,21,"CHAPTER 622 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF STANLY COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUB- LIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That th compensation of said highway commissioners shall be the same in all respects as the compensation of the county commissioners of Stanly County. +1899_private laws_311_7,project experts,0,private laws,310,6,"CHAPTER 310 An act entitled an act to incorporate the Peoples Savings Bank at Asheville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said corporation may receive and pay out the lawful currency of the country, deal in exchange, gold and silver coin, uncurrent paper, and public and other securities; may loan money to and receive deposits of money or other property or evidences of debt from corporations, minors, feme coverts or other persons, on such terms and time and manner of collection and payment as may be agreed upon, and for the use and loan of money may charge so higha rate of interest asis or may be allowed by the laws of the state of North Caiolina and may take and receive said interest at the time of making said loan; may invest in the stock, bonds or other securities of the United States, of this or any other state in the Unien [or] of any corporation under the laws thereof, and take such real.or personal property as seeurity for all loans and upon such terms as may be agreed upon." +1913_private laws_80_7,project experts,0,private laws,79,6,"CHAPTER 79 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF SOUTHPORT, N. C., TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO PAY SAID BONDS AND INTEREST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said bonds shall not be issued until authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of said city at a public election to be held at such a time and place as said board shall appoint, of which notice shall be given for twenty days in some newspaper published in said city, and if no newspaper, then by written notices posted in three public places in said city; and at said election those favoring the issue of said bonds shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words For Street Bonds thereon; those who are opposed shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words Against Street Bonds thereon; the result of said election shall be ascertained by the judges of election of the different wards and certified and returned by them to the aldermen of the city of Southport within two days from the day of election, who shall verify and also certify such results and cause the same to be recorded in their minutes, and shall also make return of said result under the signature of the mayor and clerk of said city to the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, who shall duly record the same." +1911_public local laws_282_14,project experts,0,public local laws,281,13,CHAPTER 281 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP- ING IN REPAIR THE PUBLIC ROADS OF FORSYTH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all male prisoners confined in the county jail of Forsyth County under final sentence of the court for crime or imprisonment for nonpayment for cost or fines, or under the vagrant acts, all male insolvents who shall be imprisoned by any court in said county for nonpayment of costs, and all male persons sentenced in said county to the States Prison for a term of less than ten years shall be worked on the public roads of the county. Judges of the superior court or the judges of the criminal court, the justices of the peace, and the recorder, police justice or judge of any municipal court, may assign such persons convicted in his court to work on the public roads of said county. All such convicts to be fed, clothed and otherwise cared for at the expense of the county: Provided, that in case of serious physical disability certified to by any county physician or other satisfactory reasan appearing to the presiding judge, said person so convicted may be sentenced to the penitentiary or to the county jail." +1911_public local laws_159_8,project experts,0,public local laws,158,7,CHAPTER 158 AN ACT 10 ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The warrants, summons, subpenas and other process issued by said court or its clerk shall be directed to the chief of police or any police officer of the town of Henderson or any other lawful officer of Vance County, and service thereof shall be lawfully made in 10 any part of Vance County, when made by the sheriff of said county or any township constable of said county or any police officer of the town of Henderson or, in the absence of such officers by any proper person specially deputized by the recorder in writing to make service; and said warrants, summons, subpenas and other process of said court, when attested by the seal of said court, shall run anywhere in the State of North Carolina and shall be executed by all officers according to law." +1911_public local laws_159_6,project experts,0,public local laws,158,5,CHAPTER 158 AN ACT 10 ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The jurisdiction of said court shall be as follows: (a) Said court shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of all criminal offenses committed within the town of Henderson which are now within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace or which may hereafter be within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace. (b) Said court shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of all violations of the town ordinances committed within the limits of the town of Henderson. (c) Said court shall have final, concurrent, original jurisdiction of all criminal offenses committed within Henderson Township, out- side of the corporate limits of the town of Henderson, which are now or may hereafter be within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace. (d) Said court, in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section, shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of the following criminal offenses, to wit: Carrying concealed weapons; gaming; gambling; keeping gambling tables and houses; keeping bawdy houses and disorderly houses; the larceny of and the receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, when the property stolen does not exceed ten dollars in value; failure to list taxes; assault and battery with a deadly weapon, or where serious damage is done; fornication and adultery; abandonment; failure to provide adequate support; cruelty to animals; malicious injury to real or personal property; trespassing on land after forbidden; forcible trespass; enticing servants to leave masters; indecent exposure of person; retailing spirituous liquors without license; selling or giving away spirituous liquors to a minor; selling or giving away cigarettes to a minor; obtaining advances by a FALSE pretense; disposing of mortgaged property; maintaining nuisances; all crimes against public health, as contained in The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five from section thret thousand four hundred and forty to three thousand four hundred and forty-eight inclusive, and all acts amendatory thereof and not within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace; all misdemeanors as contained in chapter eighty-one of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five, or any act amendatory thereof, where the punishment does not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars and imprisonment for one year, and which are not within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace; and all crimes which at. common law are misdemeanors, wherein the punishment is in the discretion of the court; and all such crimes hereinbefore enumerated are hereby declared by this act to be petty misdemeanors, and the punishment thereof shall be as now prescribed by law. (e) In any other criminal matter wherein said court has not final jurisdiction it shall have power and it is hereby fully authorized to hear and bind over to the proper court all persons charged with any crime committed within the town of Henderson or Henderson Township, whereof the preliminary investigation is now conferred on justices of the peace or the mayor of the town of Henderson, and to render such judgment in such matters as now provided by law: Provided, that in any case where prosecution has been commenced prior to the ratification of this act the court in which said prosecution has been instituted shall have jurisdiction thereof, and any and all cases heard by the mayor as recorder of the court established by this act as committing magistrate against any person or persons for any offense whereof said court herein established has not final jurisdiction, in which probable cause of guilt is found, such person or persons so charged shall be bound in bond or recognizance with sufficient surety, if the crime be bailable under the law, to appear at the next term of the superior court of Vance County for the trial of criminal cases, and in default of such bond or recognizance such person or persons shall be committed to the common jail of Vance County to await trial as aforesaid; if the crime be not bailable, then to commit the defendant so charged to the common jail of Vance County to await the action of the superior court thereof. (f) Said mayor as recorder shall have all the power and jurisdiction and authority now conferred by law upon justices of the peace or the superior court of Vance County to sentence any person convicted in said court of a misdemeanor for which the punishment prescribed by law is imprisonment to be worked on the public roads of said county, as now or may hereafter be provided by law. (g) Warrants may be issued by the mayor as recorder of said court for any person or persons charged with commission of any criminal offenses of which the said court has jurisdiction, and any person convicted in said court shall have the right to appeal to the superior court of Vance County; and upon such appeal the trial in the superior court shall be de novo. (h) The said recorders court shall have jurisdiction of any and all criminal offenses as hereinbefore in this section enumerated, which have been committed before the ratification of this act, and of which no court has taken jurisdiction." +1939_public laws_264_3,project experts,1,public laws,263,2,CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE AND SIX THOUSAND TWEN- TY-SEVEN OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO REQUIRE A NEW STATE- WIDE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"For each precinct the chairman shall have copied in a new registration book, to be known and labeled as The General Election Registration Book, the names only of all registered electors who are shown by the poll book to have voted in such precinct in either the one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or the one thousand nine hundred and thirtyeight general election or the primary election, except electors who are known by the chairman to have died or moved their voting residence, and to record in said book opposite each name, information available with reference to the race, age, residence, place of birth and the township, county and state from whence he has removed, in the event of a removal. The party affiliation of the voters shall not be entered in this general election registration book. When this is completed, there shall be prepared for each precinct in duplicate a list of all the registered voters whose names were not transferred to the new general election registration book for the reason that such electors did not appear, according to the poll books, to have voted in either the general election or the primary election of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight. The said Chairman of the County Board of Elections shall thereafter publish said lists once a week for at least two consecutive weeks in a county journal or in his discretion have said lists posted at the courthouse door of said county at least two weeks prior to the opening of the regular primary registration period notifying all persons on said lists that their names would be erased from the registration books unless such persons personally appeared before their respective registrars during the regular registration period and showed their right to remain on the registration book and vote as qualified electors in said precinct. In the event that either the one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight poll books for a precinct are lost and cannot be found then the chairman shall order a new registration of voters in such precinct before the primary election. In all counties having had a new countywide registration of voters, either in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, the said chairman in said county is authorized to transfer to the new registration books the names of all persons registered therein regardless of whether any of the persons so registered voted in either of said elections or primary elections of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, except that the chairman shall remove from the books the names of all persons known by the chairman to have died or moved their voting residence elsewhere since said registration was held: Provided, however, that if the registration books in those counties having had a new registration within the time above mentioned do not show the party affiliation of the voter together with the other required information then the chairman shall order a new registration therein. In instances where the party affiliation is shown part of the time and is not shown in some cases, then the procedure set forth in the third section of this Act shall be followed: Provided, further, that in those counties having had a new county-wide registration of voters either in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, which registration, revision and relisting of voters was performed in substantial compliance with the terms of this Act, in the opinion of the Chairman of the State Board of Elections the said chairman will not be required to comply with the terms and provisions of this Act." +1935_public laws_372_190,project experts,0,public laws,371,454,CHAPTER 371 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX,"Officers, agents, and employees; misdemeanor failing to comply with tax law. If any officer, agent, and/or employee of any person, firm, or corporation subject to the provisions of this act shall wilfully fail, refuse, or neglect to make out, file, and/or deliver any reports or blanks, as required by such law, or to answer any question therein propounded, or to knowingly and wilfully give a FALSE answer to any such question wherein the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or upon proper demand to exhibit to such Commissioner of Revenue or any person duly authorized by such Commissioner any book, paper, account, record, memorandum of such person, firm, or corporation in his possession and/or under his control, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense." +1935_public laws_327_15,project experts,0,public laws,326,14,"CHAPTER 326 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AND PROPERTY AND TO CREATE A BOARD OF BOILER RULES WHICH SHALL FORMULATE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SAFE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND OPERATION OF STEAM BOILERS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE RULES AND REGU- LATIONS OF THE BOARD OF BOILER RULES; TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS AND THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR SAME; AND TO PRO- VIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PRO- VISIONS OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The chief inspector shall furnish a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), and each of the deputy inspectors shall furnish a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties and upon a TRUE account of moneys handled by them respectively, and the payment thereof to the proper recipient. The cost of said bonds shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of the special fund provided for in section thirteen: Provided, this act shall not apply to Cleveland, Montgomery, McDowell, Rockingham, Moore, Swain, Bertie, Wayne, Halifax, Yancey, Franklin, Granville, Person, Martin, Robeson, Gaston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus and Iredell Counties, Provided further, that this act shall not apply to ground sawmills." +1935_public laws_254_2,project experts,0,public laws,253,1,CHAPTER 253 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED FORTY- SIX OF PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED THIRTY-THREE RELATIVE TO FEES OF CER- TAIN OFFICERS OF MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter two hundred and forty-six of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three be amended by striking out the words Moore and in line five of section one and section two, it being the intent and purpose of this act to eliminate Moore County from provisos in said section." +1931_public laws_187_7,project experts,0,public laws,186,6,CHAPTER 186 AN ACT TO PROVIDE THE MANNER IN WHICH THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OR NOTES OF A UNIT AND THE INDEBTEDNESS OF A UNIT MAY BE VALI- DATED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"In the event no appeal is taken, within the time prescribed by law for other appeals, from a decree validating said bonds and means of payment, or, if taken, and if such decree be affirmed by the Supreme Court, the decree of the Superior Court shall be forever conclusive as to the validity of such bonds and the validity of the means of payment provided therefor as against the unit and as against all taxpayers and citizens thereof, to the extent of matters and things pleaded or which might have been pleaded, and to such extent the validity of said bonds and means of payment thereof shall never be called in question in any court in this State." +1929_public laws_78_2,project experts,0,public laws,77,1,"CHAPTER 77 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 6054, CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, PLACING McDOWELL COUNTY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PRIMARY LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter ninety-seven, article seventeen, section six thousand and fifty-four of Consolidated Statutes be amended by striking out the word McDowell in line seven of said section." +1927_public laws_101_18,project experts,0,public laws,100,17,"CHAPTER 100 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE CREATION, GOVERNMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SANITARY DISTRICTS AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS OF SUCH DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Upon the creation of a sanitary district and after each assessment for taxes thereafter the boards or boards of county commissioners of the county or counties in which the sanitary district is located shall file with the sanitary district board the valuation of assessable property within the district. The sanitary district board shall then determine the amount of funds to be raised for the ensuing year in excess of the funds available from surplus operating revenues set aside as provided in section twenty of this act to provide payment of interest and the proportionate part of the principal of all outstanding bonds, and to retire all outstanding certificates of indebtedness. The sanitary district board shall determine the number of cents per $100 necessary to raise the said amount and so certify to the board or boards of county commissioners. The board or boards of county commissioners in their next annual levy shall include the number of cents per $100 so certified by the sanitary district board in the levy against all taxable property within. the district, which tax shall be collected as other county taxes are collected and every ninety days the smount of tax so collected shall be remitted to the sanitary district board and deposited by said board in a bank in the State of North Carolina separately from other funds of the district. Said bank, however, before said funds are deposited in it is to execute a proper surety bond as described in section fifteen for the proper care and disbursement of and accounting for said taxes." +1909_private laws_347_3,project experts,0,private laws,346,2,"CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 116 OF CHAPTER 342 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 1907, RELA- TIVE TO THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1920 extra_public laws_96_3,project experts,0,public laws,95,2,"CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL OF STATE TO FIX THE SALARIBS, COMPENSATION AND WAGES OF CERTAIN CLERKS, STENOGRAPHERS AND EMPLOYEES EMPLOYED IN THE SEVERAL DEPART- MENTS OF THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Governor and Council of State are authorized and empowered to employ any additional lerical or stenographical help in any of the departments of the State, upon the written request of the head of said department, and when they shall become satisfied that such additional help is needed, temporarily in such department, to do efficiently the work of said department, and fix the salary of such additional help under section one of this act." +1907_public laws_1011_2,project experts,0,public laws,1010,1,"CHAPTER 1010 s AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 246 OF THE LAWS OF 1885, IN RELATION TO. THE STOCK LAW OF ROCKY POINT} STOCK-LAW TERRITORY IN PENDER COUNTY. oe The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section eight of chapter two hundred and y forty-six of the Laws of one thousand eight hundred and eightyfive be amended by adding to the end of said section the following words: Provided, that it shall be unlawful for any person owning lands adjoining said fence territory, but not included therein, to use the said stock fence as a dividing fence between said ownersand the stock-law territory, unless such owners | shall erect and maintain one-third of the section of fence so used by them, or shall pay to the chairman of the Fence Commissioners one-third of the expenses of erecting and maintaining the same. Sec. 2 That this act shall be in force from and after its | ratification. ; In the General: Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 11th day of March, 1907" +1903_public laws_721_9,project experts,0,public laws,720,8,"CHAPTER 720 AN ACT FOR THE BETTER DRAINAGE OF THE LOWLANDS IN DEEP RIVER TOWNSHIP, GUILFORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Overseers shall give five days notice to land owners as above prescribed, of the time and place of working and the hand and tool required of each hand. All land owners are required to dam and keep sand out of the streams." +1903_public laws_517_25,project experts,0,public laws,516,24,CHAPTER 516 AN ACT TO PROMOTE AND PROTECT THE OYSTER INDUS- TRY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act, for which the penalty has not been specifically mentioned, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1903_public laws_143_2,project experts,0,public laws,142,1,CHAPTER 142 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY TO CHANGE THE SITE OF THE COUNTY HOME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County, be and it is hereby authorized to change the site of the County Home for the Aged and Infirm, and to re-locate the same at such place in said county as in the discretion of the said Board may seem advisable, and to that end, said Board shall have full power and authority to sell and convey the lands upon which the County Home is now located, and to purchase other lands upon which to locate said Home, at such place as to the Board may seem proper." +1901_public laws_664_2,project experts,0,public laws,663,1,"CHAPTER 663 An act forbidding persons hunting on the lands of another without writ- ten permission of the owner in Roxobe!l Township, Bertie County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt on the lands of another in Roxobel Township, Bertie County, without the written consent of the owner of such land: Provided, this act shall not apply to fox hunting." +1901_public laws_559_35,project experts,0,public laws,558,34,CHAPTER 558 An act to provide for the sale of property for taxes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The owner of any certificate or certificates of tax sale upon any tract or town lot shall be deemed to be the assignee or owner of all the liens for taxes of the State or county for which such tracts or lots was sold, and may, instead of demanding a deed therefor as provided in this act proceed by action at any time before the expiration of two years from the date of such certificate to foreclose the same, and cause the tract or lot to be sold for the satisfaction thereof and of all prior and subsequent taxes paid thereon, in all respects, as far as practicable, in the same manner and with like effect as though the same were a mortgage executed to the owner of such certificate or certificates for the amount named therein, together with subsequent and prior taxes thereon by the person having or owning the title to said land or lot adverse thereto. More than one certificate on the same property may be included in the same action, but each, together with prior or subsequent taxes paid thereon, shall be deemed and stated as a separate cause of action: Provided, that no action to foreclose any such lien _ shall be maintained unless the owner of such certificate shall have served notice on the occupant or owner of the land mentioned therein." +1899_public laws_138_2,project experts,0,public laws,137,1,CHAPTER. 137 An ace to repeal chapter two hundred and twenty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That chapter two hundred and twenty-three -223 of the public laws of North Carolina for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five be and the same is hereby repealed and the office of cotton weigher for the town of Dunn in the county of Harnett is hereby abolished. +1893_public laws_204_3,project experts,0,public laws,203,2,"CHAPTER 203 An act to provide for laying out and constructing a public road from Roaring river, in the county of Wilkes, to me Meadow Fork road, in the county of Alleghany. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That after discharging their duties under this act said road commissioners shall make reports of their work to the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties; and in said report they shall designate what damage any person through whose land said road is laid out has sustained, which damage shall be paid by the county in which the land is situate when the road is constructed over the same," +1893_public laws_135_2,project experts,0,public laws,134,1,CHAPTER 134 An act to amend chapter two hundred and fifty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. gre General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section three of chapter two hundred and fifty-one of the laws of North Carolina, enacted at the session of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, be amended by striking out the words amounting to five acres in the tenth line thereof; and that said section be further amended by adding to the same the following, towit: or the said landowner may be sued by the said overseer and judgment taken against him before a justice of the peace in Henderson county for the amount due on account of his failure to furnish said hand or hands, and if the said landowner be not a resident of the state, the summons in said action may be served by publication as in proceedings in attachments against non-residents ; but should the said landowner reside within the state, but without the county of Henderson, the summons in this case, duly certified by clerk of the superior court for Henderson county as to signature of the justice of the peace, [nay] be served by any sheriff within the state to whom it may be directed." +1915_private laws_277_115,project experts,0,private laws,276,114,"CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of aldermen may levy a special sewer assessment upon all lots and property abutting on any street in which is located a sewer main, whether the said lot or property be connected with said sewer main or not, such sewer tax or assessment not to exceed three cents per lineal foot of the frontage of such lot or property, said tax to be devoted to the payment of interest on bonds issued for sewer purposes." +1911_public laws_34_9,project experts,0,public laws,33,8,"CHAPTER 33 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AND PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANI- ZATION OF THE COUNTY OF AVERY FROM THE TERRI- TORY OF MITCHELL, WATAUGA, AND CALDWELL COUN- TIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all civil and criminal cases pending in the Superior Courts of Mitchell, Caldwell, and Watauga counties which would have been properly triable in the county of Avery, if the said county of Avery had existed at the time said cause was instituted or the right of action therein accrued, or where the criminal offense charged was committed in the territory of the said county of Avery, shall, upon motion of any defendant in any criminal case pending or upon motion of any party to civil causes, be transferred to the Superior or other proper court of Avery County. Such motion for removal shall be made at the first term of the court wherein the cause shall be pending, which shall sit or be holden after the first Monday in April, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and such transfer shall in no way work any preference or prejudice. It shall be the duty of the clerks of the Superior Courts of Mitchell, Caldwell, and Watauga counties to transmit the original papers in all such cases removed, together with a proper record of all such causes removed, to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Avery County. All actions, causes or proceedings, matters and things pending before the clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Mitchell or the clerk of the Superior Court of Caldwell or the clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Watauga which would have been within the jurisdiction of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Avery County, had the county of Avery existed at the time said cause, proceeding or matter was begun or the right therein accrued, shall upon motion of any party thereto or interested therein be transferred to the county of Avery and to the jurisdiction of the clerk of the Superior Court of said county, to be heard, determined, or proceeded with before him, in all respects as if the said cause, matter, or proceeding had been begun in said county of Avery. Upon such removal, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the Superior Court of the county from which the removal is made to transmit to the clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Avery the original papers in such cause, matter, or proceeding, together with a proper record thereof." +1963_session laws_1199_3,project experts,0,session laws,1198,2,"CHAPTER 1198 AN ACT TO APPROPRIATE $5,000.00 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 500 ACRE TRACT DONATED BY THE LAKE PHELPS FARMS, INCORPORATED, TO THE USE OF THE STATE PARKS DIVISION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","This appropriation is made subject to and contingent upon the acceptance of the gift of 500 acres by the Governor and the Council of State on June 25, 1963 1666" +1913_private laws_128_8,project experts,0,private laws,127,7,"CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEW BERN. Whereas the Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company was incorporated by the Secretary of State on the thirtieth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twelve; and whereas letters of incorporation were duly issued by him to William Dunn, Clyde Eby, and T. A. Uzzell, their successors or assigns, and by said letters of incorporation they were authorized to do a general banking business, including commercial and savings business and all other banking business permitted by chapter seven of the Re- visal of one thousand nine hundred and five and the laws of North Carolina and amendments thereto, with a total authorized capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, which said letters of incor- poration were issued by the Secretary of State, bearing date the thirtieth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twelve; and under said letters of incorporation and the authority therein said parties named have duly organized and are now conducting the business authorized by the charter; and whereas the board of directors of said corporation have passed a resolution declaring that an extension of the corporate powers and privileges is ad- visable; and, whereas, at a meeting held on the .... day of steele , one thousand nine hundred and twelve, it was unani- mously resolved that the corporate rights and privileges of said Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company be changed and altered, as hereinafter set out: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said corporation shall be invested with all the powers and privileges usually incident to banking institutions and to Savings banks, with the right to receive deposits, the limit to be fixed by its board of directors, and to pay interest thereon at fixed rates, or by way of dividends, out of the net earnings, according to the terms to be agreed upon between the corpcration and the depositors; and the board of directors are hereby fully authorized to adopt all proper rules and regulations for conducting and carrying into effect the savings-bank feature of this corporation." +1951_session laws_19_2,project experts,0,session laws,18,1,CHAPTER 18 AN ACT TO AMEND G.S. 143-146 AS TO THE EXECUTION OF DEEDS FOR STATE-OWNED LANDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That G. S. 143-146 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: G. S. 143-146. Execution of Deeds for State-owned lands. The Governor of the State is hereby authorized and empowered to execute a deed in the manner provided by G. S. 143-148 to any land which is not needed for purposes of the State Government, the title to which is vested in the State, or any State institution, department or agency upon the application of the trustees or directors of such institution or the board, commission or State officer having such property in charge. The application shall show that such conveyance is for the best interests of the State or such institution, department or agency and shall be approved by the Counci! of State. All conveyances heretofore made by the Governor, attested by the Secretary of State and authorized by the Council of State, in the manner provided by G. S. 148-148 of any lands, the title to which was vested in the State for the use of any State institution, department or agency or vested in the State for any other purpose, are hereby ratified and validated." +1903_private laws_343_10,project experts,0,private laws,342,9,CHAPTER 342 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BANK OF BELHAVEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said corporation shall be invested with all the powers and privileges usually incident to savings banks, with the right to receive deposits, the limit to be fixed by its board of directors, and to pay interest thereon at fixed rate or by way of dividends out of the net earnings, according to the terms to be agreed upon betvfeen the corporation and its depositors; and the board of directors are hereby fully authorized to adopt all other rules and regulations for conducting and carrying into effect the savings bank feature of this corporation. Such savings department may be kept separate and distinct from the other business of the bank." +1935_public laws_199_3,project experts,0,public laws,198,2,"CHAPTER 198 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF INDIAN ANTIQUITIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, the preservation of Indian relics, artifacts, mounds, and burial grounds in North Carolina for historica!, scientific, and educational purposes is imperative; and Whereas, public agencies, such as the North Carolina His- torical Commission, the North Carolina State Museum, the State Department of Conservation and Development, and the Archaeological Society of North Carolina are cooperating with private collectors of Indian antiquities to this end; and Whereas, the activities of careless or untrained persons have led and are leading to the destruction of many valuable Indian sites and artifacts; Now, Therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all persons having in their possession collections of Indian relics, artifacts, and antiquities which are in danger of being lost, destroyed or scattered are urged to commit them to the custody of the North Carolina State Museum, the North Carolina Historical Commission, or some other public agency or institution within the State which is qualified to preserve and exhibit them for their historic, scientific and educational value to the people of the State." +1913_public local laws_450_20,project experts,0,public local laws,449,20,"CHAPTER 449 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WAKE COUNTY TO SELL THE COURTHOUSE AND JAIL AND PROPERTY ON WHICH SAME ARE LOCATED, AND THE COUNTY HOME PROPERTY, AND TO CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP NEW BUILDINGS, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. ; +1913_public local laws_206_12,project experts,0,public local laws,205,11,"CHAPTER 205 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GOOD ROADS IN ENFIELD TOWN- SHIP, HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the provisions of all the preceding sections of this act, except section one, shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said Enfield Township at an election to be held on a day to be designated by the board of county commissioners of Halifax County; said day for holding said election shall be deter- ] mined by the written request of a majority of the trustees appointed for Enfield Township. For the holding of said election ] the said county commissioners shall appoint a registrar and two poll-holders and any other officers necessary to said election, and ! shall order a new registration. At the close of said election said registrar and poll-holders shall count and canvass the vote cast, J and declare the result thereof, and shall report such canvass to) the board of county commissioners, which said report shall be recorded in the minutes of said board of commissioners, and no other canvass, report, or recording shall be necessary. At said! election all yoters who shall favor the issue of bonds, the levy of special tax, and the other provisions of this act, shall cast ballots on which shall be printed or written For Good Roads; those opposed to such shall cast ballots on which shall be written or printed Against Good Roads. In all other respects said election shall be held and conducted in the manner prescribed for the election of members of the General Assembly. If a majority of: the qualified voters of said township shall vote For Good Roads, then said bonds shall be issued and said tax levied, and the other powers and duties exercised as provided for in this act: Provided, that if a majority of said qualified voters shall fail to vote For Good Roads, said board of county commissioners shall order another election or elections, to be held in the manner and with the same effect as above provided, at any time within one year of the date of the first election, when requested to do so by said board of trustees." +1927_public local laws_294_9,project experts,0,public local laws,293,8,CHAPTER 293 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH UNITY IN IREDELL COUNTY GOV- ERNMENT; TO PRESERVE THE TAXABLES OF THE COUNTY; TO COLLECT THE REVENUE FAIRLY AND JUSTLY; TO SAFEGUARD THE REVENUE THROUGH PROPER ACCOUNTING AND EXPENDITURES TO BE MADE THROUGH PROPER CONTROL AND A CENTRAL PURCHASING AGENT; TO PROTECT THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY OF THE COUNTY; AND TO ESTABLISH THE BUDGET SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be maintained in the office of the business manager a complete double entry set of books for the county schools, in codperatiom with the books kept by the superintendent of schools, showing the sum set apart in the budget _ for each school district and the operating expenses of each district for the school year, which information shall be furnished by the superintendent of schools." +1903_private laws_132_11,project experts,0,private laws,131,10,"CHAPTER 131 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A DISPENSARY IN THE TOWN OF WILSON, WILSON TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That every person who shall, directly or indirectly, keep or maintain, by himself or by associating or combining with others, or shall in any manner aid, assist or abet in keeping or maintaining any club-room or other place in which intoxicating liquors are received or kept for barter or sale or for distribution or division among the members of any club or any association by any means whatever, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1893_private laws_38_6,project experts,0,private laws,37,5,"CHAPTER 37 An act to incorporate the town of Rocky Mount Millis, in the county of Nash. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the persons appointed to office by this act to meet and take the oath prescribed by law before some justice of the peace of Nash county, and enter upon the discharge of their respective duties. _" +1907_private laws_317_2,project experts,1,private laws,314,1,"CHAPTER 314 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF WISH, WARREN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ","That all the territory embraced within the following bounds, including the town of Wise, to-wit: Beginning at a point on South Creek where the Virginia line crosses said creek, thence up said creek to the mouth of Terrapin Creek; thence up said Terrapin Creek to the southwest corner of Daniel Hicks land; thence along Daniel Hicks line eastwardly to John Robinsons line or ridge path; thence southwardly along said Robinsons line and ridge path to the southwest corner of said Robinsons land; thence eastwardly along said Robinsons line to Hawtree Township line; thence southwardly along said Hawtree Township line to the south side of N. B. Weldons land; thence along the south side of said Weldons land; thence along the north side of John Cawthorns land; thence along the south side of P. R. Perkinsons land to the public road; thence northwardly along said road to the southwest corner of Richard Stevensons estate; thence along the south side of the Stevenson land to the Falkner land; thence east to Hawtree Creek; thence down Hawtree Creek to the Virginia line; thence along said line weswardly to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Wise Graded School District. ," +1868/69_public laws_275_43,project experts,0,public laws,270,42,CIE Tek con 5x . AN ACT CONCERNING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF STATE OEFICERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact as follows:,"The Secretary of State shall give bond with sufficient security, approved by the Governor and Auditor, for the sum of twenty thousand dollars, payable to the State, and conditioned for the aithful performance of his duties." +1909_private laws_54_8,project experts,0,private laws,53,7,"CHAPTER 53 _AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF LAURINBURG, NORTH CAROLINA. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of providing for the payment of said bonds and interest thereon, and of defraying the expenses of oot in ea PPR RESIST TONS me & a i poe a See as ee bate? ae Bae: public graded schools provided for in this aet, the board of commissioners of the town of Laurinburg shall, annually, and at the time of levying the municipal taxes, commencing with the fiscal year beginning with the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nine, levy and assess a particular tax on all subjects of taxation within the limits of said graded-school district on which said board of commissioners may now or hereafter be authorized to levy and assess taxes for any purposes whatsoever ; said particular tax to be such percentage on all real and personal property and all other subjects of taxation as may be recommended by the board of trustees; in no case, however, to exceed thirtythree and one-third cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation on real and personal property and not more than one dollar on each taxable poll." +1907_private laws_446_5,project experts,0,private laws,443,4,"CHAPTER 443 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF RUTHERFORDTON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said trustees shall make an accurate census of the school population of said district as required by the general school law of the State which may be in force from time to time. The said school trustees shall elect annually a superintendent and in consultation with him a principal of said graded school, and the said superintendent shall have the power and it shall be his duty to examine all teachers who shall teach in said school and to issue certificates to the same, and the said superintendent shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the said board of trustees." +1965_session laws_786_7,project experts,0,session laws,785,6,"CHAPTER 785 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 411, SESSION LAWS OF 1957, THE SAME BEING THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ST. PAULS, NORTH CAROLINA, SO AS TO REDEFINE THE CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PROVIDE FOR ELECTIONS IN THE TOWN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section 5, Chapter 411, Session Laws of 1957, is hereby amended by rewriting the first sentence thereof to read as follows: At 7:30 oclock P. M. on the first Thursday of June, following a regular municipal election, the board of commissioners shall meet at the usual place for holding its meetings and the newly elected members shall assume the duties of their office." +1903_public laws_404_11,project experts,0,public laws,403,10,CHAPTER 403 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SPRING HOPE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said Board shall make to the Board of Town Commissioners annually, at such time as is required under the school law of the State a report containing an accurate census of the school population, showing the work done, and money expended, on account of the graded or other public schools in said district; a copy of which report shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State, and a copy to the County Examiner for Nash County. The beginning and ending of the school year shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees." +1907_private laws_448_4,project experts,0,private laws,445,3,"CHAPTER 445 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT IN LILESVILLE TOWNSHIP, ANSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the school committee provided for by this act shall have exclusive control of the public school interests, funds and property in the graded school district, as hereinbefore provided > shall prescribe rules and regulations for its own government, not inconsistent with law; shall fix the compensation of the officers. and teachers of the public or graded school annually, and they shall be subject to removal by said committee. Said committee shall make as accurate census of the school population of said district as required by the general school law of the State, and all other acts that may be lawful and proper to conduct and manage the general school interests within said district: Provided, all children resident in said district between the ages of six and twenty-one years shall be admitted into the school free of tuition charges. The said school committee shall make such reports as are now or may hereafter be required of it to the county board of education, the county superintendent of schools, and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction." +1889_private laws_240_8,project experts,0,private laws,239,7,"CHAPTER 239 An act to amend the charter of the town of Murphy, in Cherokee county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","All electors who ine resided in the town of Murphy for ninety days next preceding the election shall be entitled to register hereunder. Ali elections held by virtue of this act shall be held under the supervision of the sheriff of Cherokee county, who shall attend the polls and by his deputies preserve order. The polls shall be opened on the day of election from seven oclock in the morning to sunset of the same day. No person whose name has not been duly registered shall be allowed to vote, and any one offering to vote may be challenged at the polls, and if the judges of election shall sustain the challenge, such persons ballot shall not be received. Ballots shall be on white paper and without device." +1957_session laws_598_2,project experts,0,session laws,597,1,CHAPTER 597 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 90 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF LICENSED MEDICAL PHYSICIANS EVERY TWO YEARS WITH THE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 90 of the General Statutes is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section to be designated as G. S. 90-15.1, and to read as follows: G. S. 90-15.1. Every person heretofore or hereafter licensed to practice medicine by said Board of Medical Examiners shall, during the month of January, 1958, and during the month of January in every even-numbered year thereafter, register with the Secretary-Treasurer of said Board his name and office and residence address and such other information as the Board may deem necessary and shall pay a registration fee fixed by the Board not in excess of five dollars ($5.00). In the event a physician fails to register as herein provided he shall pay an additional amount of ten dollars ($10.00) to the Board. Should a physician fail to register and pay the fees imposed, and should such failure continue for a period of thirty days, the license of such physician may be suspended by the Board, after notice and hearing at the next regular meeting of the Board. Upon payment of all fees and penalties which may be due, the license of any such physician shall be reinstated." +1959_session laws_431_3,project experts,1,session laws,430,2,"CHAPTER 430 AN ACT DESIGNATING SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES OF THE EDEN- TON ACADEMY CREATED BY CHAPTER 39, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1800, AND AMENDED BY CHAPTER 4, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1844, AND AUTHORIZING SUCH TRUSTEES TO EXECUTE A CON- VEYANCE OF CERTAIN SCHOOL PROPERTY BOUNDED BY QUEEN AND CHURCH STREETS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON TO THE EDENTON CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Trustees of Edenton Academy named in Section 1 of this Act are hereby authorized and empowered to convey in fee simple to the Edenton City Board of Education any real estate now owned by the said Board of Trustees of Edenton Academy and particularly that piece or parcel of land in the Town of Edenton conveyed by David Young and wife, Elizabeth Mary Young, Samuel Russell Clarkson and Dorothy Skinner to Samuel Johnston, et al, as Trustees of said Edenton Academy, and their successors forever, said deed being dated May 14, 1800, and being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chowan County in Deed Book BNo. 2 on pages 176 et seq; and being the same property leased by the Board of Trustees of Edenton Academy to the Trustees of Edenton Graded Schools by lease dated September 15, 1903, renewed for a period of 50 years after its expiration on September 15, 1923, said renewal lease being duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds in Deed Book M at page 575 et seq. The Trustees of Edenton Academy named in Section 1 of this Act are likewise authorized and empowered to quitclaim and release to the Edenton City Board of Education any reversionary interest which they now have or may have at any time in the future in and to the property leased by the Trustees of the Edenton Academy to the Board of Trustees of the Edenton Graded Schools by the lease and renewal thereof referred to in this Section, and they are likewise fully authorized and empowered to withdraw and cancel any and all conditions contained in said lease as to the use of said property for school purposes for the white race or for the purpose of education of the white race, so that the said City Board of Education may sell and convey an indefeasible and unconditional title in fee simple to said property in the event the same is abandoned for use as school property: Provided, however, that in the event of a sale of such property by the Edenton City Board of Education, the proceeds from the sale thereof shall be used for the purpose of purchasing another school site or for such other educational purposes as may be determined by said City Board of Education, and said proceeds shall be used for no other purpose." +1957_session laws_586_3,project experts,0,session laws,585,2,"CHAPTER 585 AN ACT TO PREVENT UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES IN THE DIA- MOND INDUSTRY. WHEREAS, in the Diamond Industry, the maintenance of fair com- petitive conditions is essential and in the interest of protecting industry, trade and the public; and WHEREAS, any act or practice which fixes or controls prices through combination or agreement, or which unreasonably restrains trade or sup- 522 presses competition, or otherwise unlawfully injures, destroys or prevents competition, and any unfair trade practice is against public policy: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It is an Unfair Trade Practice for any member of the Diamond Industry: (a) To use, or cause or promote the use of, any trade promotional literature, advertising matter, guarantee, warranty, mark, brand, label, trade name, picture, design or device, designation, or other type of oral or written representation, however disseminated or published, which has the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving purchasers or prospective purchasers with respect to the type, kind, grade, quality, color, cut, quantity, size, weight, nature, substance, durability, serviceability, origin, preparation, production, manufacture, distribution, or customary or regular price, of any diamond or other product of the industry, or which has the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving the purchasing or consuming public in any other material respect. (b) In the sale, offering for sale, or distribution of products of the industry to use the unqualified word diamond as descriptive of or as an identification for any object or product not meeting the requirements specified in the definition of diamond hereinabove set forth, or which, though meeting such requirements, has not been symmetrically fashioned with at least seventeen -17 polished facets. The foregoing provisions of subsection (b) have application to the unqualified use of the word diamond. They are not to be construed as inhibiting: 523 1 The use of the words rough diamond as descriptive of or as a designation for, uncut or unfaceted objects or products meeting the requirements specified in the mentioned definition of diamond; or 2 The use of the word diamond as descriptive of or as a designation for objects or products meeting the requirements of said definition of diamond, but which have not been symmetrically fashioned with at least seventeen -17 polished facets when in immediate conjunction with the word diamond, there is either a disclosure of the number of facets and shape of the diamond or the name of a type of diamond which denotes shape and which usually has less than seventeen -17 facets (e.g., rose diamond); or 8 The use of the words imitation diamond as descriptive of or as a designation for objects or products which do not meet the requirements of said definition of diamond but have an appearance similar to that of a cut and polished diamond. When the word diamond is so used, the qualifying word or words shall be of at least equal conspicuousness as the word diamond. (c) To use the words reproduction, replica, diamond-like, or similar terms as descriptive of imitation diamonds. (d) To use the term synthetic diamond as descriptive of any object or product unless such object or product has in fact been artificially created and is of similar appearance and of essentially the same optical and physical properties and chemical structure as a diamond, or to apply the term diamond to any such man-made object or products unless it is immediately preceded in each instance with equal conspicuity by the word synthetic. (e) To use the word perfect or any other word, expression or representation of similar import, as descriptive of any diamond which discloses flaws, cracks, carbon spots, clouds, or other blemishes or imperfections of any sort when examined in normal daylight, or its equivalent, by a trained eye under a ten-power corrected diamond eye loupe or other equal magnifier. The use with respect to a stone which is not perfect of any phase (such as commercially perfect) containing the word perfect or perfectly is regarded as misleading and in violation of this subsection, and this subsection shall not be construed as approving of the use of the word perfect, or any word or representation of like import, as descriptive of any diamond that is of inferior color or make. Nothing is to be construed as inhibiting the use of the word flawless as descriptive of a diamond which meets the requirements for perfect set forth in this subsection. (f) In connection with the offering of any ring or rings or other articles of jewelry having a perfect center stone or stones, and side or supplementary stones which are not of such quality, to use the word perfect without clearly disclosing that such description applies only to the center stone or center stones. (g) To use the term blue white or any other term, expression or representation of similar import as descriptive of any diamond which 524 under normal, North daylight or its equivalent, shows any color or any trace of any color, other than blue or bluish. (h) To advertise, offer for sale, or sell any diamond which has been artificially colored or tinted by coating, irradiating, or heating, or by use of nuclear bombardment, or by any other means, without disclosure of such fact to purchasers or prospective purchasers, or without disclosure that such artificial coloring or tinting is not permanent, if such is the fact. (i) To use the terms properly cut, proper cut, modern cut, well made, or expressions of similar import, to describe any diamond that is lopsided or so thick or so thin in depth as materially to detract from the brilliance of the stone. (j) To use the unqualified expressions brilliant, or brilliant cut, or full cut to describe, identify or refer to any diamond except a round diamond which has at least thirty-two -82 facets, plus the table above the girdle and at least twenty-four -24 facets below. Such terms sheuld not be applied to single or rose-cut diamonds, either with or without qualification. They may be applied to emerald (rectangular) cut and marquise (pointed oval) cut diamonds meeting the abovestated facet requirements when, in immediate conjunction with the term used, disclosure is made of the fact that the diamond is of emerald or marquise form. (k) To use the terms clean, eye clean, commercially clean, commercially white, or any other terms, expressions, or representations of similar import in advertising, labeling, representing, or describing any diamond when such terms are used for the purpose, or with the capacity and tendency or effect, of misleading or deceiving purchasers, prospective purchasers, or the consuming public. -1 To misrepresent the weight of any diamond or to deceive purchasers or prospective purchasers as to the weight of any diamond. The standard unit for designation of the weight of a diamond is the carat, which is equivalent to two hundred milligrams (1/5 gram). While advertisements may state the approximate weight or range of weights of a group of products, all weight representations regarding individual products shall state the exact weight of the stone or stones and be accurate to within 1/200th of a carat (one-half point). (m) To state or otherwise represent the weight of all diamonds contained in a ring or other article of jewelry unless such weight figure is accompanied with equal conspicuity by the words total weight or words of similar import, so as to indicate clearly that the weight shown is that of all stones in the article and not that of the center or largest stone. (n) To use the word gem to describe, identify or refer to any diamond which does not possess the requisite beauty, brilliance, value and other qualities necessary for classification as a gem. Not all diamonds are gems. For example: Small pieces of diamond rough or melee weighing only one or two points are not to be described as gems. Neither should stones which are grossly imperfect or of decidedly poor color be so classified unless they are of such a size as to be rare and desirable and valuable for that reason. 525 No imitation diamond can be described as a gem under any circumstances. (o) In connection with the offering for sale, sale, or distribution of diamonds or articles set with diamonds, to use as part of any advertisement, label, packaging material, or other sales promotion literature, any illustration, picture, diagram or other depiction which either alone or in conjunction with accompanying words or phrases has the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving purchasers or prospective purchasers concerning the type, kind, grade, color, cut, quality, size, weight, or character of any diamond, or which has the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading the purchasing or consuming public in any other material respect. (p) To use as part of any advertisement, label, packaging material, or other sales promotion literature, any illustration which exaggerates the size of a diamond inset or enlarges it out of proper proportion to the mounting, without clearly and conspicuously stating either the amount that the diamond has been enlarged in the illustration, or that the diamond in the illustration has been enlarged to show detail. (q) To represent, directly or indirectly, through the use of any statement or representation in advertising or through the use of any word or term in a corporate or trade name, or otherwise, that said member is a producer, cutter, or importer of diamonds, or owns or controls a cutting plant, or has connections abroad through which importations of rough or cut stones are secured, or maintains offices abroad, when such is not the fact, or in any other manner to misrepresent the character, extent, volume, or type of business being conducted. (r) To publish or circulate FALSE or misleading price quotations, price lists, terms or conditions of sale or reports as to production or sales which have the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading purchasers, prospective purchasers, or the consuming public, or to advertise, sell or offer to sell diamonds or articles set with diamonds at prices purporting to be reduced from what are, in fact, fictitious or exaggerated manufacturers or distributors suggested retail selling price, or that contains what purport to be bona fide price quotations which are in fact higher than the prices at which such products are regularly and customarily sold in bona fide retail transactions. It is likewise an unfair trade practice to distribute, sell or offer for sale to the consuming public in such manner diamonds or articles set with diamonds bearing such false, fictitious, or exaggerated price tags or labels. (s) To offer for sale, sell, advertise, describe, or otherwise represent diamonds or diamond-set merchandise as close-outs, discontinued lines, or special bargains, by use of such terms or by words or representations of similar import, when such is not TRUE in fact; or to offer for sale, sell, advertise, describe or otherwise represent such articles where the capacity and tendency or effect thereof is to lead the purchasing or consuming public to believe the same are being offered for sale or sold at greatly reduced prices, or at so-called bargain prices when such is not the fact. 526 19 (t) To advertise a particular style or type of product for sale when purchasers or prospective purchasers responding to such advertisement cannot readily purchase the advertised style or type of product from the industry member and the purpose of the advertisement is to obtain prospects for the sale of a different style or type of product than that advertised. (u) To use sale practices or methods which: 1 Deprive prospective customers of a fair opportunity to purchase any advertised style or type of product; or 2 To falsely disparage any advertised style or type or product or, without the knowledge of the customer, to substitute other styles or types of products which the advertiser intends to sell instead of the advertised style or type of product. (v) To advertise or offer for sale a grossly inadequate supply of products at reduced or bargain prices without disclosure of the inadequacy of the supply available at such prices when such advertisement or offer has the capacity and tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving purchasers or prospective purchasers. (w) To describe, identify or refer to a diamond as certified, or to use respecting it any other word or words of similar meaning or import unless: 1 The identity of the certifier and the specific matters or qualities certified are clearly disclosed in conjunction therewith; and 2 The certifier has examined such diamond, has made such certification and is qualified to certify as to such matters and qualities; and 3 There is furnished the purchaser a certificate setting forth clearly and nondeceptively the name of the certifier and the matters and qualities certified. (x) To aid, abet, coerce or induce another, directly or indirectly, to use or promote the use of any unfair trade practice specified in this Act." +1917_private laws_113_4,project experts,0,private laws,112,3,CHAPTER 112 AN ACT TO REPEAL AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE FLAT ROCK (HENDERSON COUNTY) SPECIAL-TAX DISTRICT AND TO INCORPORATE THE FLAT ROCK (HENDERSON - COUNTY) SPECIAL-TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT INTO THE GENERAL PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the trustees of the Flat Rock (Henderson County) Graded School iin the Flat Rock (Henderson County) Special-Tax School District be and they are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to transfer, by the excution of proper deeds of conveyance, all public school property, real and personal, of every description, now belonging to the public schools in the territory covered by the Flat Rock (Henderson County) Special!'Tax School District to the board of education of Henderson County." +1909_public laws_315_5,project experts,0,public laws,314,4,CHAPTER 314 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That justices of the peace shall not beexempt from working on public roads, but shall be exempt one day for each day said justice is engaged in electing road supervisors or other duties appertaining to the public roads of said county." +1893_public laws_297_94,project experts,0,public laws,296,93,CHAPTER 296 An act to provide for the assessment of property and the collection of taxes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person, persons or corporation holding or possessing any certificate of purchase of any real estate at public tax sale or any tax deed shall be redeemed entitled to foreclose such lien under the 19 provision of this act within any time not exceeding two years from the date of tax sale (not deed) upon which such lien is based: And provided, that the taking out of a tax deed shall in nowise interfere with the rights granted in this act. PROVISIONS FOR COLLECTING TAX AND BY WHOM TO BE PAID." +1887_public laws_250_3,project experts,1,public laws,249,2,"CHAPTER 249 An act to be entitled an act to create and establish a free school district at Sharpsburg in the counties of Wilson, Edgecombe and Nash. . The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","G. W. Robbins, J. D. Dawes and D. L. Lancaster are hereby appointed and constituted a school committee for the whiterace. Peter Harris and Irwin Battle are hereby appointed and constituted a school committee for the colored race. The said committees shall held their office until their successors are elected and qualified: Provided, the county board of education of each of the counties of Wilson, Edgecombe and Nash shall elect one committeeman out of the residents of the school district that live in their respective counties." +1881_public laws_207_2,project experts,1,public laws,206,1,CHAPTER 206 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum is hereby constituted a corporation, and shall be and remain a corporation under that name, and the said Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum is hereby invested with all the property and rights held by the colored insane asylum near Goldsboro, and by that name to-wit, The Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum, it may acquire and hold for the purpose of the accommodation, maintenance, support and care of the colored insane of this state all such property and estate as may be devised, bequeathed or in any way given or conveyed to it." +1923_public local laws_299_2,project experts,0,public local laws,298,1,"CHAPTER 298 AN ACT TO PERMIT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF McDOWELL COUNTY TO CALL AN ELECTION TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD A HOSPITAL. Whereas there is no hospital of any description whatsoever located in the county of McDowell; and Whereas there is no provision in said county for the taking care of the sick and those needing surgical attention in said county ; and Whereas the need for a hospital is great indeed, large numbers of our citizens having to be taken to Rutherfordton, Statesville and Asheville; and Whereas it is the desire of the public generally of McDowell County that a hospital be erected in said county for the care of the sick and those needing surgical attention in said county: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of McDowell County, on the application of the board of health of McDowell County, shall order an election to be held in the county of McDowell, said election to be held under the law governing general elections held in said county, said election to be held to permit the people to vote on the question of a hospital, to vote a ballot on which shall be written the word Hospital or a ballot on which shall be written the words No Hospital, and if a majority of the qualified voters of McDowell County shall cast their ballots in favor of a hospital, then it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of McDowell County, North Carolina, to issue bonds in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars.to build and equip a hospital in the county of McDowell on some suitable lot to be selected by the board of commissioners of McDowell County, North Carolina." +1913_private laws_348_14,project experts,1,private laws,347,13,CHAPTER 347 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE ROCKDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That in the election or appointment of trustees as provided for in this act it shall be the duty of those exercising such power to so elect or appoint as to always have one trustee residing east of Joes Creek and one residing west of Joes Creek; that the board of trustees herein provided for shall locate and erect the new school building for the white race at Rockdale Springs. +1965_session laws_940_3,project experts,0,session laws,939,2,CHAPTER 939 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES TO PROVIDE AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN WHO ARE EIGHTEEN OR MORE YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 108-50 -1 is hereby amended by changing the period appearing after the word available at the end thereof to a semicolon and adding the following words and punctuation: provided further, that no child who is eighteen or more years of age shall be eligible for assistance unless he is a student regularly attending a high school and successfully pursuing a course of study leading to a high school diploma or its equivalent, or regularly attending and successfully pursuing a course of vocational or technical training designed to fit him for gainful employment." +1887_private laws_55_2,project experts,0,private laws,54,1,CHAPTER 54 An act to amend the charter of the ** Western Carolina Educational Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : .,"That the charter of the Western Carolina Educational Company, filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Henderson county on the ninth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall be so amended as to read as follows: C. M. Pace, J. 8 Barnett, S. V. Pickens, J. Williams, W. A. Smith, W. A. J. Barnett, D. B. Nelson, W. G. B. Morris, M. C. Toms, E. B. Clayton, d. B. Boone, G. C. Briggs, Richmond Pearson, J. L. Carroll, G. S. Jones and others, stockholders, and their associates and successors, be and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, as a joint stock company, to be known and distinguished by the name and style of the Western Carolina Educational Company, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining in the town of Hendersonville, in the county of Henderson, under the auspices of the Baptist denomination, a collegiate institution of learning for the education of youths, known as Judson College. And the said company shall be invested with all the rights and privileges contained in chapter sixteen, volume qne, of The Code ef North Carolina, so far as they are applicable to such corporation, and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act; and by said name and style the said company shall have succession for and during the term of fifty years from and after the date of said charter filed as aforesaid; and may have a corporate seal, and shall be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be He pleaded in all the courts, and shail have power to keep open books of stock subscription, to take, receive and possess all moneys, goods and chattels which may be given to them, and shall apply the same ace cording to the wish of the donors to the purpose herein declared, andshall have power to purchase or otherwise to take, hold and possess lands and tenements, and such real and personal estate as may be deemed by them necessary to accomplish the objects for which they have been incorporated: Provided, that th amount of real and personal property hok 1 by said company shall not at any time exceed the suim of two hundred thousand dollars. Sic ON ik at 1, 5" +1901_public laws_5_21,project experts,1,public laws,4,20,CHAPTER 4 An Act to Revise and Consoliaate the Public School Law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The School Committee is required to furnish the County Superintendent of Schools a census report of all the pupils of school age in their township or district by name, age, sex and race, also name of parent or guardian, and the blanks upon which said reports are to be made shall be furnished to the various school committees by the County Superintendent of Schools on the first Monday in August in each year, which report shall be duly verified under oath by the committee and returned to the County Superintendent of Schools on or before the first Monday in September of each year, and any committee failing to comply with the provisions of this section without just cause shall be subject to removal. The School Committee shall be allowed a sum not exceeding two cents per name for all names reported between the ages of six and twenty-one. The School Committee shall also report to the County Superintendent of Schools who shall in turn report to the County Board of Education, the number of public school-houses and the value of all public school property for each race separately and furnish to the teacher at the opening of the school a register containing the name and age of each pupil of school age in that district. They shall also report by race and sex the number of all persons between the ages of twelve and twenty-one who can not read and write. School Committee shall meet at convenient times and places for the employment of teachers for the public schools, and no teacher shall be employed by any committee except at a regularly called meeting of such committee, due notice of said meeting having been given at three public places with the committee." +1903_private laws_365_2,project experts,1,private laws,364,1,"CHAPTER 364 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF NARCISSA V. MASON, A COL- ORED SCHOOL-TEACHER OF THE COUNTY OF PERSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Treasurer of the county school fund of Person County be and he is hereby authorized to pay to Narcissa V. Mason, a colored school-teacher of School District No. 5, for [the] colored race, in Cunningham Township, Person County, the sum of eighty dollars for services as teacher of a public school in said district from October 30, 1899, to March 13, 1900" +1913_private laws_333_8,project experts,0,private laws,332,7,CHAPTER 332 AN ACT TO CREATE THE CITY OF HENDERSON AND TO PRESCRIBE A CHARTER THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CITY CREATED.,"The executive and administrative powers, authority, and duties of the city shall be distributed among five divisions, as follows: i I. Administration. II. Finance. III. Health. IV. Public Works. V. Property. The city council shall determine the policies to be pursued and the work to be undertaken in each division, but each supervisor shall have full power to carry out the policies or to have the work performed in his division as directed by the city council. ADMINISTRATION. (a) The mayor shall be ex officio supervisor of the administration and the chief executive officer of the city. He shall have supervision of the police and fire departments, of weights and measures, of any other city business not otherwise provided for in this act or by ordinance, and shall have the further powers and discharge the further duties elsewhere in this act assigned to him. His part of the city administration, so far as it differs from that of the other supervisors, shall be included under the designation of the Division of Administration. FINANCE, (b) The Supervisor of Finance shall have supervision over the estimates of the probable expenditures of the city government for each fiscal year; over the collection of all revenues of the city; over the several city sinking funds; over the purchase of all city supplies; over all city printing; and in general over all financial affairs of the city for which, provision is not otherwise made herein. HEALTH. (ec) The Supervisor of Health shall have supervision over public health, city hospitals, care of the poor, inspection of milk, foods, and vinegar, inspection of animals, collection of garbage and ashes, and the work of the city physician. + PUBLIC WORKS, (d@) The Supervisor of Public Works shall have supervision of streets, sidewalks, parks, street lighting, street watering, public water supply, sewers, bridges, electrical affairs, inspection of wires, and engineering. PUBLIC PROPERTY. (e) The Supervisor of Public Property shall have supervision of the inspection, construction, and maintenance of public buildings, of building laws, and the inspection of buildings and of cemeteries. REDISTRIBUTION OF DUTIES AMONG DIVISIONS. (f) All executive and administrative powers, authority and duties not otherwise provided for in this act may be assigned to a suitable division by the city council by ordinance, and changes in the assignments made in this act may be made by ordinance by the affirmative vote of the city council. POWER OF APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL, .(g) Subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by the city council, the employees in each department shall be appointed and removed by the head of that department. Nothing in this section shall in any way change the laws governing the civil service, if such laws be enacted by the city council. RECORDS AND REPORTS. (W) Each of said supervisors shall keep a record book in which shall be recorded a brief but clear and comprehensive record of all affairs of the division under his charge as soon as performed, and shall quarterly render to the city council a full report of all operations of such division, and shall annually, and oftener if required by the city council, make a synopsis thereof for publication. All such records shall be open for public inspection. The city council shall provide for the publication of such annual or other reports and of such parts of the quarterly reports or of such other information regarding city affairs as it may deem advisable. FISCAL YEAR DEFINED. (i) The fiscal year of the city shall commence on the first Monday in September succeeding the general municipal election, and continue until the first Monday in September of the calendar year following. ESTIMATES, (j) On or before the fifteenth day of July of each year the supervisors shall send to the Supervisor of Finance a careful detailed estimate in writing of the appropriations required for the business and proper conduct of their respective divisions during the next ensuing fiscal year. COUNCIL MAKES APPROPRIATIONS AND FIXES TAX LEVY, (%) At the regular meeting in August in each year the Supervisor of Finance shall submit to the city council an estimate of the probable expenditures of the city government for the next ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount required to meet the interest and maturing bonds of the outstanding indebtedness of the city, and showing specifically the amount necessary to be provided for each fund and department; also an estimate of the amount of income from all other sources of. revenue, exclusive of taxes upon property, and the probable amount required to be levied and raised by taxation to defray all expenses and liabilities of the city. The city council shall thereupon determine the sum to be raised by taxation and make the appropriations in detail for the next ensuing fiscal year, but shall not be thereby prevented from making emergency or deficiency appropriations as necessity may require. No sum appropriated for a specific purpose shall be expended for any other purpose unless specially authorized by vote of the city council; nor shall any expenditure be made or liability incurred by or in behalf of the city until an appropriation has been duly voted by the city council to meet the same." +1895_public laws_219_10,project experts,1,public laws,218,9,"CHAPTER 218 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the property, both real and personal, of the public schools of said town shall become the property of the said graded schools, and shall be vested in said board of trustees, and their successors, in trust, for said graded schools: Provided, that in the event of the discontinuance of said graded schools, all of the property thereto belonging shall revert to and become the property of the said public schools of said town: Provided, further, that the said property belonging to, or used for the graded schools for white children, shall revert to the publie schools of said town for white children, and said property belonging to, or used for the graded school for the colored children, shall revert to the public school for colored children of said town." +1893_private laws_255_2,project experts,0,private laws,254,1,"CHAPTER 254 An act incorporating the First Colored Baptist Church of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Lawrence Sharrel, C. E. Spicer, W. H. Harris, Simon Hicks, John Joyner, H. M. Parker, Lee Thorpe, of the First Colored Baptist Church in Rocky Mount township, Nash county, North Carolipa, and their successors in office, be and are hereby incorporated under the name and style of the First Colored Baptist Church of Rcky Mount, North Carolina, and by their [this] name may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, and do all acts necessary to advance its material interest conformable with the general laws giving corporations." +1901_public laws_555_2,project experts,0,public laws,554,1,CHAPTER 554 An act to prohibit the manufacture or sale of spirituous liquors within certain localities. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manufacture, sell or dispose of for gain or re muneration any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or any other substance either liquid or. solid that produce or may produce intoxication within two -2 miles of the following places: In Alamance CountySpring Church and Chatham Church in Newlin Township, Centre Methodist Protestant Church, situated on the Alamance and Chatham County line; Haw River Baptist Church, Bethel M. EH. Church South, Morton Township. In. Alleghany CountyBellevue Academy, Antioch M. E. Church South. In AShe CountyHelton M. EH. Church, Transom M. EH. Church, Zion Hill Union Baptist, Graybeals M. H. Church, Sabbath Home M. E. Church South, Jones Chapel M. EH. Church, Rich Hill M. E. Church, Big Laurel M. H. Church, Little Laurel M. E. Church, Big Laurel Baptist Church, Pond Mountain M. &. Church, Apple Grove Baptist Church, Windfall School-House, Graham School-House. In Beaufort CountyPrimitive Baptist Church, Free Will Baptist Church, Disciple Church at the head of Pungo, Pantego Township; Bath Academy and Old Episcopal Church in Bath Township. in Brunswick CountySilent Grove Baptist Church, Kendall Chapel and Orton Chapel. In Buncombe CountyEbenezer Baptist Church, Brick M. E. Church South in Sandy Mush Township, Salem M. E. Church, and Flat Creek M. E. Church. In Caldwell CountyClarks Chapel Baptist Church, Public School-House (white), District No. 2; Careys Flat Church, Globe Church, Germans Chapel, Second Advent Christian Church, Kings Creek Township. In Caswell CountyEdgewood School-House, Pelham Township. In Catawba CountyBoss School-House in Jacobs Fork Township; Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clines Township; High Point School-House, District No. 2 In Chatham CountySouth Fork Friends Church. In Columbus CountyThe Presbyterian Church in the village of Cronly, Polly Bridge Baptist Church, Lees Township, Pleasant Plains Baptist Church, Lees Township; Griffin Cross-Roads Baptist Church in Tatum Township, Evergreen M. BE. Church South, Tatum Township. in Cleveland CountyProspect Baptist Church, No. 1 Township; Belwood Institute, No. 9 Township. in Davidson CountyPleasant Grove Methodist, Protestant Church, Spring Hill M. P. Church, Public School for whites, District No. 2; Abbott's Creek Township, Bethesda Methodist. Protestant Church. In Duplin CountyDobsons Chapel, Baptist; Corinth Baptist, Teacheys Baptist, Rockfish Baptist, Wallace Methodist Episcopal: and Rockfish Presbyterian churches. In Durham CountyOrange Factory M. EB. Church South, Mi. Sylvon M. E. Church South, Fletchers Chapel M. BH. Church. South, McMannius Chapel M. EH. Church South, McTyere M. E. Church South at Rougemont. In Forsyth CountyClements School-House in Clementsville Township; Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. (Provided, it does not. not interfere with any person within the corporate limits of Winston-Salem), New Philadelphia Moravian Church, South Fork Township. In Gaston CountyPublic School-Houses in Districts No. 7, 8 and 9 for the white race in Cherryville Township, Hardin Cotton Mills and High Shoals Manufacturing Companys Cotton Mill in Dallas Township, Providence School-House in District. No. 11 for white race in River Bend Township, School-House for white race in District No. 17 in Gastonia Township, Snow Hill Church, Costenia Presbyterian Church and Killisus SchoolHouse. In Granville CountyNew Hope M. E. Church South in Dutchville Township. ; In Greene CountyHull Road Church. : in Guilford CountyThe Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church at~Gibsonville, N. C., Lebanon Methodist Protestant Church.. (Provided, this act shall not apply to any of the territory within the corporate limits of High Point, N. C.), Fairfield M. P. Church. . in Harnett CountyMt. Vernon Springs Baptist Church. In Hyde CountyAmity M. H. Church, the Nebraska M. E. Church South, the Hnglehard M. H. Church South, the Mt. Pleasant M. EK. Church South, Sauls M. E. Church South, St. George P. E. Church, McClouds School-House, the Darkwoods School-House, the Weston School-House, the School-House in the corner of the Wm. Watson farm, and the Juniper Bay SchoolHouse, Bethel M. E. Church on Gourd Ridge, Beulah Baptist Church on Fortescue Creek, Sladesville Church in Sladesville. In Lenoir CountyWheat Swamp Church. (This shall not apply to manufacture of wine or cider.) In Lincoln CountyHill Chapel, New Hope, Machpelah, Gold Hill and Rock Hill churches and McLean and Lowesville SchoolHouses and Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. In Macon CountyRowlands Creek Baptist Church. (Provided, it shall not embrace any territory in Graham County.) In Madison CountyOttingers Chapel, Antioch M. E. Church, Paint Rock Church, and Rays School-House in No. 9 Township. In Montgomery CountyEther Academy. In Nash CountyStanhope Academy, Samaria Baptist Church, New Hope Colored Baptist Church in South Whitakers Towaship, Yorks Chapel M. E. Church at Hilliardston. In Onslow CountyAdams School-House in Richlands Township, Piney Grove Baptist Church, Swansboro Township, Gregory Fork School-House, Richlands Township. In Person CountySurl Primitive Baptist Church, Helena Depot on Norfolk and Western R. R., Allensville M. E. Church. In Pitt CountyGreen Swamp Church in Swift Creek Township, and Solomons Chapel, and Langs School-House. In Pasquotank CountySalem Missionary Baptist Church. In Randolph CountyChristian Union Christian Church, New Centre Christian Church, Cedar Falls Baptist Church, Millboro Public School-House for whites. (This act regarding this county shall not go into effect till September 1, 1901.) Ix, Rockingham CountySaunders School-House in Wentworth Township, Dan Valley Baptist Church in Mays Township and Sharps Institute. In Rowan CountySt. Marys Episcopal Church, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Harris Chapel, Methodist Church in Spencer and Grace Lutheran Church. In Swain CountyEvery church and school-house in said county. In Surry CountyM. E. Church South in Elkin and Friends Meeting House at Westfield. . In Transylvania CountyLittle River, Mt. Moriah, Macedonia, Zion and Shoal Creek Baptist churches, Mt. Vale Island Ford, Robeson, Owens, Pine Grove, Hog Back, Glade and Flat Creek school-houses. (Provided, that the Transylvania County manufacturers may make and sell their liquors as provided by law for manufacturers. ) In Wake CountyWentworth Christian Church. In Warren CountyProvidence M. E. Church South. In Watauga CountyVallecrucis M. E. Church South, Windy Gap Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, Zion Primitive Baptist Church, St. Johns Episcopal Church, Phillips SchoolHouse, Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, Beach Creek Christian Church, Peach Mountain Baptist Church, Fall Creek Baptist Church, Flat Creek School-House, Clarks Creek Lutheran Church, Watauga Baptist Church and Boones Fork Baptist. Church, Shulls Mill Baptist Church. THREE-MILE LIMIT." +1907_private laws_15_38,project experts,1,private laws,14,37,"CHAPTER 14 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the school commissioners to establish and maintain in the town graded schools, at least one for white children and one for colored children, and to appropriate the funds derived from the town taxes, levied and collected for education, and from all other sources for the maintenance of said schools, so as to equalize the school facilities between the races." +1965_session laws_859_2,project experts,0,session laws,858,1,CHAPTER 858 AN ACT TO ENACT THE SOUTHERN INTERSTATE NUCLEAR COMPACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact. The Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows: SOUTHERN INTERSTATE NUCLEAR COMPACT ARTICLE I. Policy and Purpose The party states recognize that the proper employment of nuclear energy, facilities, materials, and products can assist substantially in the 1141 industrialization of the South and the development of a balanced economy for the region. They also recognize that optimum benefit from and acquisition of nuclear resources and facilities require systematic encouragements, guidance, and assistance from the party states on a cooperative basis. It is the policy of the party states to undertake such cooperation on a continuing basis; it is the purpose of this compact to provide the instruments and framework for such a cooperative effort to improve the economy of the South and contribute to the individual and community well-being of the regions people. ARTICLE II. The Board (a) There is hereby created an agency of the party states to be known as the Southern Interstate Nuclear Board (hereinafter called the Board). The Board shall be composed of one member from each party state designated or appointed in accordance with the law of the state which he represents and serving and subject to removal in accordance with such law. Any member of the Board may provide for the discharge of his duties and the performance of his functions thereon (either for the duration of his membership or for any lesser period of time) by a deputy or assistant, if the laws of his state make specific provision therefor. The federal government may be represented without vote if provision is made by federal law for such representation. (b) The Board members of the party states shall each be entitled to one vote on the Board. No action of the Board shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of all members representing the party states are present and unless a majority of the total number of votes on the Board are cast in favor thereof. (c) The Board shall have a seal. 7 (d) The Board shall elect annually, from among its members, a chairman, a vice chairman, and a treasurer. The Board shall appoint an Executive Director who shall serve at its pleasure and who shall also act as secretary, and who, together with the treasurer, shall be bonded in such amounts as the Board may require. (e) The Executive Director, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint and remove or discharge such personnel as may be necessary for the performance of the Boards functions irrespective of the civil service, personnel or other merit system laws of any of the party states. (f) The Board may establish and maintain, independently or in conjunction with any one or more of the party states, a suitable retirement system for its full-time employees. Employees of the Board shall be eligible for Social Security coverage in respect of old age and survivors insurance provided that the Board takes such steps as may be necessary pursuant to federal law to participate in such program of insurance as a governmental agency or unit. The Board may establish and maintain or participate in such additional programs of employee benefits as may be appropriate. (zg) The Board may borrow, accept or contract for the services of personnel from any state or the United States or any subdivision or agency thereof, from any interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation. 1142 (h) The Board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services (conditional or otherwise) from any state or the United States or any subdivision or agency thereof, or interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation, and may receive, utilize, and dispose of the same. (i) The Board may establish and maintain such facilities as may be necessary for the transaction of its business. The Board may acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property and any interest therein. (j) The Board shall adopt bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, and shall have the power to amend and rescind these bylaws, rules, and regulations. The Board shall publish its bylaws, rules, and regulations in convenient form and shall file a copy thereof, and shall also file a copy of any amendment thereto, with the appropriate agency or officer in each of the party states. (k) The Board annually shall make to the governor of each party state, a report covering the activities of the Board for the preceding year, and embodying such recommendations as may have been adopted by the Board, which report shall be transmitted to the legislature of said state. The Board may issue such additional reports as it may deem desirable. ARTICLE III. Finances (a) The Board shall submit to the executive head or designated officer or officers of each party state a budget of its estimated expenditures for such period as may be required by the laws of that jurisdiction for presentation to the legislature thereof. (b) Each of the Boards budgets of estimated expenditures shall contain specific recommendations of the amount or amounts to be appropriated by each of the party states. One half of the total amount of each budget of estimated expenditures shall be apportioned among the party states in equal shares; one quarter of each such budget shall be apportioned among the party states in accordance with the ratio of their populations to the total population of the entire group of party states based on the last decennial federal census; and one quarter of each such budget shall be apportioned among the party states on the basis of the relative average per capita income of the inhabitants in each of the party states based on the latest computations published by the federal census-taking agency. Subject to appropriation by their respective legislatures, the Board shall be provided with such funds by each of the party states as are necessary to provide the means of establishing and maintaining facilities, a staff of personnel, and such activities as may be necessary to fulfill the powers and duties imposed upon and entrusted to the Board. (c) The Board may meet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it under Article II(b) of this compact, provided that the Board takes specific action setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of any obligation to be met in whole or in part in this manner. Except where the Board makes use of funds available to it under Article II(b) 1143 hereof, the Board shall not incur any obligation prior to the allotment of funds by the party jurisdictions adequate to meet the same. (d) Any expenses and any other costs for each member of the Board in attending Board meetings shall be met by the Board. (e) The Board shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the Board shall be subject to the audit and accounting procedures established under its bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the Board shall be audited yearly by a qualified public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in and become part of the annual report of the Board. (f) The accounts of the Board shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection. ARTICLE IV. Advisory Committees The Board may establish such advisory and technical committees as it may deem necessary, membership on which to include but not be limited to private citizens, expert and lay personnel, representatives of industry, labor, commerce, agriculture, civic associations, medicine, education, voluntary health agencies, and officials of local, state and federal government, and may cooperate with and use the services of any such committees and the organizations which they represent in furthering any of its activities under this compact. ARTICLE V. Powers The Board shall have power to: (a) Ascertain and analyze on a continuing basis the position of the South with respect to nuclear and related industries. (b) Encourage the development and use of nuclear energy, facilities, installations, and products as part of a balanced economy. (c) Collect, correlate, and disseminate information relating to civilian uses of nuclear energy, materials, and products. (d) Conduct, or cooperate in conducting, programs of training for state and local personnel engaged in any aspect of -1 Nuclear industry, medicine, or education or the promotion or regulation thereof. -2 The formulation or administration of measures designed to promote safety in any matter related to the development, use or disposal of nuclear energy, materials, products, installations, or wastes. (e) Organize and conduct, or assist and cooperate in organizing and conducting, demonstrations of nuclear product, material, or equipment use and disposal and of proper techniques or processes for the application of nuclear resources to the civilian economy or general welfare. (f) Undertake such non-regulatory functions with respect to non-nuclear sources of radiation as may promote the economic development and general welfare of the region. (g) Study industrial, health, safety, and other standards, laws, codes, rules, regulations, and administrative practices in or related to nuclear fields. 1144 (h) Recommend such changes in, or amendments or additions to the laws, codes, rules, regulations, administrative procedures and practices or ordinances of the party states in any of the fields of its interest and competence as in its judgment may be appropriate. Any such recommendation shall be made through the appropriate state agency with due consideration of the desirability of uniformity but shall also give appropriate weight to any special circumstances which may justify variations to meet local conditions, (i) Prepare, publish, and distribute (with or without charge) such reports, bulletins, newsletters or other material as it deems appropriate. (j) Cooperate with the Atomic Energy Commission or any agency successor thereto, any other officer or agency of the United States, and any other governmental unit or agency or officer thereof, and with any private persons or agencies in any of the fields of its interests. (k) Act as licensee of the United States Government or any party state with respect to the conduct of any research activity requiring such license and operate such research facility or undertake any program pursuant thereto. -1 Ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances, and conditions as may bring about the prevention and control of nuclear incidents in the area comprising the party states, to coordinate the nuclear incident prevention and control plans and the work relating thereto of the appropriate agencies of the party states and to facilitate the rendering of aid by the party states to each other in coping with nuclear incidents. The Board may formulate and, in accordance with need from time to time, revise a regional plan or regional plans for coping with nuclear incidents within the territory of the party states as whole or within any subregion or subregions of the geographic area covered by this compact. ARTICLE VI. Supplementary Agreements (a) To the extent that the Board has not undertaken an activity or project which would be within its power under the provisions of Article V of this compact, any two or more of the party states (acting by their duly constituted administrative officials) may enter into supplementary agreements for the undertaking and continuance of such an activity or project. Any such agreement shall specify its purpose or purposes; its duration and the procedure for termination thereof or withdrawal therefrom; the method of financing and allocating the costs of the activity or project; and such other matters as may be necessary or appropriate. No such supplementary agreement entered into pursuant to this Article shall become effective prior to its submission to and approval by the Board. The Board shall give such approval unless it finds that the supplementary agreement or the activity or project contemplated thereby is inconsistent with the provisions of this compact or a program or activity conducted by or participated in by the Board. (b) Unless all of the party states participate in a supplementary agreement, any cost or costs thereof shall be borne separately by the states party 1145 thereto. However, the Board may administer or otherwise assist in the operation of any supplementary agreement. (c) No party to a supplementary agreement entered into pursuant to this Article shall be relieved thereby of any obligation or duty assumed by said party state under or pursuant to this compact, except that timely and proper performance of such obligation or duty by means of the supplementary agreement may be offered as performance pursuant to the compact. ARTICLE VII. Other Laws and Relationships Nothing in this compact shall be construed to: (a) Permit or require any person or other entity to avoid or refuse compliance with any law, rule, regulation, order or ordinance of a party state or subdivision thereof now or hereafter made, enacted or in force. (b) Limit, diminish, or otherwise impair jurisdiction exercised by the Atomic Energy Commission, any agency successor thereto, or any other federal department, agency or officer pursuant to and in conformity with any valid and operative act of Congress. (c) Alter the relations between and respective internal responsibilities of the government of a party state and its subdivisions. (d) Permit or authorize the Board to exercise any regulatory authority or to own or operate any nuclear reactor for the generation of electric energy; nor shal] the Board own or operate any facility or installation for industrial or commercial purposes. ARTICLE VIII. Eligible Parties, Entry into Force and Withdrawal (a) Any or all of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia shall be eligible to become party to this compact. (b) As to any eligible party state, this compact shall become effective when its legislature shall have enacted the same into law: provided that it shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by seven states. (c) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall become effective until the governor of the withdrawing state shall have sent formal notice in writing to the governor of each other party state informing said governors of the action of the legislature in repealing the compact and declaring an intention to withdraw. ARTICLE IX. Severability and Construction The provisions of this compact and of any supplementary agreement entered into hereunder shall be several and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact or such supplementary agreement is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any participating state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact or such supplementary agreement and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected 1146 thereby. If this compact or any supplementary agreement entered into hereunder shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state participating therein, the compact or such supplementary agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. The provisions of this compact and of any supplementary agreement entered into pursuant hereto shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof." +1939_public local laws_319_2,project experts,0,public local laws,318,1,"CHAPTER 318 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ALEXANDER COUNTY TO FILE AND PRESERVE ALL PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS BE- FORE HIM OR BELONGING TO THE COURT, AND TO KEEP A PROPER INDEX THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alexander County be, and he is hereby required to file and preserve all proceedings before him or belonging to the court. and shall keep the papers in each action in a separate roll or bundle, and at its termination, attach them together properly labeled and file them in the order of the date of the final judgment." +1913_private laws_275_4,project experts,0,private laws,274,3,CHAPTER 274 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF PINEBLUFF IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That on Tuesday after the first Monday of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and biennially thereafter, an election shall be held in said town, under the general laws of the State governing municipal elections, to choose a mayor and three commissioners, three school trustees, three water commissioners, town clerk, treasurer, and auditor, who shall be voted for on one ballot, which may be either written or printed or partly printed, and which shall be of plain white paper, without device, four inches by eight inches in size: Provided, any ballot on which the name of the same person appears more than once shall be deemed invalid, and such ballot shall not be counted in making up the returns of the election." +1901_public laws_484_2,project experts,1,public laws,483,1,CHAPTER 483 An act in relation to certain school orders in Halifax County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of County School Directors of Halifax County be and they are hereby authorized and required to direct the payment of and the Treasurer of said county to pay the following school orders, to-wit: District No. 27 (colored), Weldon Township, $45.00; District No. 13 (colored), Brinkleyville Township, $22.50; District No. 13 (colored), Brinkleyville Township, $45.00; District No. 15 (colored), Weldon Township, $45.00; District No. 15 (white), Weldon Township, $45.00; District No. 2 (white), Butterwood Township, $22.50; District No. 7 (colored), Halifax Township, $112.50; District No. 10 (colored), Roseneath Township, $45.00; District No. 7 (white), Halifax Township, $67.50; District No. 19 (colored), Palmyra Township, $67.50; District No. 10 (white), Roseneath Township, $67.50, which were issued by the School Committee of the said townships in 1897 and were approved by the Board of County Commissioners of said county." +1883_public laws_250_5,project experts,1,public laws,249,4,CHAPTER 249 An act to establish graded schools in Tarboro township in Edge- combe county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That George Howard, N. M. Lawrence, C. J. Austin, J. B. Coffield, T. H. Gatling, E. C. Farrar and R. C. Brown be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the whites; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the white children." +1913_private laws_360_166,project experts,1,private laws,359,161,CHAPTER 359 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of school commissioners shall have the power and authority to establish and maintain a library in connection with each school building, which shall be free for the use of the teachers and students of the graded schools of said city; and shall have the power to acquire by donation, purchase, or otherwise books, charts, maps, periodicals and other publications, and property of every kind suitable for such library, and shall arrange for separate books and publications for the white and colored races and provide separate rooms for the use of each of said races; and the said board of school commissioners shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations for the use of such library as it may deem proper, and to do all acts and things necessary for the successful maintenance and operation of said library. The expenses of equipping and maintaining the same shall be paid out of the school revenues of said city of Charlotte." +1939_public local laws_204_2,project experts,1,public local laws,203,1,"CHAPTER 203 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF W. G. HARRISON AND WIFE, DESSER ROBERTS HARRISON, OF WARREN COUNTY. Whereas, W. G. Harrison and wife, Desser Roberts Har- rison, were lawfully married by license issued by the Regis- ter of Deeds of Warren County on February twenty-third, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and Whereas, it has been ascertained that W. G. Harrison and Desser Roberts, in said license, have been classified as mem- bers of the colored race, when in truth and fact W. G. Har- rison and Desser Roberts are members of the white race, and Whereas, said classification of W. G. Harrison and Desser Roberts as members of the colored race, in the issuance of said marriage license, was an error on the part of the Register of Deeds of Warren County; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Register of Deeds of Warren County be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to correct the marriage records of Warren County to the effect that W. G. Harrison and Desser Roberts shall appear thereon as members of the white race." +1907_public laws_675_15,project experts,0,public laws,674,14,"CHAPTER 674 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF CERTAIN CONFEDERATE} SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND WIDOWS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the warrants of pensioners shall be sent by the Auditor to the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county in which the pensioner resides, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Superior Court to acknowledge to the Auditor the receipt of said warrants by the next mail: after their receipt, and the Clerk of the Superior Court shall forthwith deliver or mail to each pensioner in his county his or her warrant, and post in the court-house a list of the pensioners to whom he has mailed or delivered warrants." +1923_private laws_202_2,project experts,1,private laws,201,1,"CHAPTER 201 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT TO CREATE A SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OUT OF PARTS OF CARVERS CREEK TOWNSHIP, IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY AND STEWART CREEK TOWNSHIP IN HARNETT COUNTY, TO BE KNOWN AS LINDEN GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, RATIFIED THE 8tH DAY OF MARCH, 1911 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of an act entitled An act to create a special school district out of parts of Carvers Creek Township, in Cumberland County and Stewart Creek Township in Harnett County, to be known as Linden Graded School District, ratified the eighth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words for the white race occurring in the next to the last line of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words for the white and colored races." +1905_private laws_354_7,project experts,1,private laws,354,6,CHAPTER 354 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE LUCAMA GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the moneys that shall be apportioned by the State and county of Wilson from time to time, and the moneys that shall arise from the special tax in said district, and the moneys accruing to said schools from the dispensary in the town of Lucama, shall be paid direct to the treasurer of said board of trustees and shall be applied to the maintenance of graded public schools for the white and colored children of said graded school district in such manner as may be deemed just to both races, due regard being paid, however, to the difference in the cost of maintaining said schools: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors." +1905_private laws_87_4,project experts,0,private laws,87,3,"CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE TOWN OF GRAHAM TO ISSUE BONDS, AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 97 OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF 1903, ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GRAHAM, ALAMANCH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That those in favor of: the issuing of said bonds shall vote a ballot of white paper on which shall be written or printed the words For School Bonds, and those opposed to the issuing of said bonds shall vote a ballot of white paper upon which shall be written or printed the words Against School Bonds." +1917_private laws_169_2,project experts,1,private laws,168,1,CHAPTER 168 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE GRADED SCHOOLS OF THE TOWN OF ROANOKE RAPIDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the Private Laws of North Carolina, session nineteen hundred and seven, as amended by the several laws amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby repealed and the following enacted as a substitute therefor: Section 1 That all territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Roanoke Rapids, and all of the portion of Halifax County not embraced within said corporate limits, but lying contiguous thereto within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on Roanoke River, being the dividing line between the farms of the estate of M. A. Hamilton, deceased, and the late B. W. Bass tract; thence south to the canal of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company; thence down the cana! to Medlin and Fulghums line; thence a straight line to the Weldon and Gaston County road; thence west along said county road to Tilghmans Cross Roads; thence along the southern fork of the county read to \Chocoyote Creek; thence up Chocoyozte Creek as it meanders to the dividing line between J. G. Simmojiis tract and John D. Shaws line; thence along the western line of J. G. Simmons tract to the northwestern corner of said tract on the canal bank of the Roanoke: Navigation and Water Power Company; thence from this last named point due north to the banks of the Roanoke River; thence down Said river as it meanders to the point of beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children. to be known as the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District. Sec. 2 That for the purpose and benefits of this act the provisions of all laws governing the assessment of real estate and personal property, the levy and collection of municipal taxes, and the holding of municipal elections in the town of Roanoke Rapids shall be and are hereby extended to that portion of school district lying without the corporate limits of said town as fully as if the same lay within said corporate limits, and that in all elections held under this act the portion of said school district lying without the said limits shall be deemed a ward of said town. Src. 3 That the board of school trustees hereinafter provided for shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of said school district to an amount not exceeding seventyfive thousand dollars, of such denomination and of such proportion as said board of trustees may deem advisable, bearing interest thereof at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, with interest coupons attached, payable semiannually, at such time and at such place or places as may be deemed advisable by said board of trustees, said bonds to be of such form and tenor and transferable in such way and the principal thereof payable or redeemable at such place or places and at such time or times as said board of trustees may deem advisable and determine: Provided, that said board of trustees shall issue said bonds at such time or times, in such amount or amounts as may be required to meet the expenditures hereinafter provided for in section four of this act. Sec. 4 That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended by said board of trustees in providing, by purchase or otherwise, such graded school buildings as may be required, and in furnishing the same with school furniture and other necessary equipment. ' Sec. 5 That none of said bonds shall be disposed of by sale, exchange, hypothecation, or otherwise, for less price than their par value; nor shall said bonds, nor their proceeds, be used for any other purpose than that declared in section four of this act. Sec. 6 That said bonds and their coupons shall not be subject to taxation by the town of Roanoke Rapids until they become due, and tender of payment shall have been made, and such coupons shall be receivable in payment of all taxes and other dues of said town for any fiscal year in which said coupons become due or thereafter; and if the holder of said coupons shall fail to present the same for payment at the time or times and at the place or places therein named, he shall not be entitled to interest thereon for the time they shall have been outstanding after maturity. a Sec. 7 That for the purpose of providing for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, and of defraying the expenses of the public graded schools provided for in this act, the board of school trustees shall annually and at the time of levying the municipal taxes in the town of Roanoke Rapids, or as soon thereafter as practicable, commencing with the fiscal year beginning the first day of May, nineteen hundred and seventeen, levy and lay a particular tax on all persons and property subject to taxation within the said limits of said school district, said particular tax to be not more than sixty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of property and not more than one dollar and eighty cents on each taxable poll. Sec. 8 That said tax shall be collected by a tax collector to .be appointed annually on the first day of May of each and every year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, by said board of school trustees, and shall be collected by said tax collector at the time and in the manner that the municipal taxes of the town of Roanoke Rapids are collected, and said tax collector shall pay over said taxes so collected to the treasurer of said board of school trustees, who shall be appointed by said board of school trustees at the same time that said tax collector is appointed. Said treasurer shall keep said taxes so paid over to him safely in his hands in such bank or banks as said board of school trustees may designate, and shall for the safe performance of his duties furnish such bond as may in the discretion of said board of school trustees be sufficient. The said treasurer shall pay out said taxes and other funds which may come into his hands for the use of said graded school only upon the warrant of the chairman and secretary of said board of school trustees or upon the warrant of either of said officers and two other members of said board. The compensation of said tax collector and said treasurer shall be fixed by said board of school trustees. Sec. 9 That the provisions of sections three and seven of this act shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said school district at an election on a day to be designated by the board of school trustees at any time after the ratification of this act. That thirty days notice of such election, containing a copy of the provisions of sections three and seven of this act, or a synopsis of the same shall be published in one or more weekly papers published in the county of Halifax and posted at three public places in said school district, as described in section one, and in all other respects said election shall be held and conducted under the provisions of the law governing the holding of municipal elections in said town. Those qualified voters approving the issue of bonds provided for in section three, and the levy and collection of the particular taxes provided for in section seven of this act, shall deposit a ballot containing the written or printed words For Schools, and those disapproving the same shall deposit a ballot containing the written or printed words Against Schools. If a majority of such voters shall vote For Schools it shall be deemed and held that a majority of the qualified voters of said school district are in favor of granting the aforesaid board of school trustees authority to issue such bonds and levy such particluar tax, and said board of school trustees shall have such authority. But if a majority of such qualified voters shall vote Against Schools, then the said board of trustees shall not havesuch authority: Provided, that the result of such election duly ascertained in accordance with law shall be enrolled among the public records of the town of Roanoke Rapids; and after thirty days from the date of such enrollment such record shall not be open to attack, but shall be held and deemed conclusive evidence of the, truth of the facts therein recited: Provided further, that if a majority of the said qualified voters shall fail to vote in favor of issuing such bonds and of levying such special tax, the board of school trustees shall order another election at any time after the expiration of six months from the date of the former election and if at such election a majority of the qualified voters shall vote For Schools it shall have the same force as if no election had been previously held. Src. 10 S. F. Patterson, C. A. Wyche, W.. D. Tillery, J. B. Boyd, William Ivey, L. S. Cannon, John L. Patterson, R. W. Brown, and Louis Grimmer are hereby appointed and constituted a board of trustees for the graded schools of said district, who shall serve without compensation. The first three named shall hold their office for the term of two years, the second three named for a term of four years, the last three named for the term of six years. Vacancies occurring by reason of the expiration of the terms of office of trustees aforesaid, by death or otherwise, shall be filled by the said board of trustees at a meeting called for that purpose, and shall be for the unexpired term of trusteeship so filled, except when the vacancy occurs by reason of the expiration of the terms of office, when the term shall be for six years; a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum: Provided, that the acceptance of said office of shool trustees shall not disqualify any person so accepting from holding any other office of trust or profit whatsoever under the laws of the State of North Carolina. Sec. 11 That said board of trustees and their successors be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of the Board of School Trustees of Roanoke Rapids and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gift, purchase, or devise real and personal estate, hold, exchange, mortgage, or sell same, and exercise such rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations. And said corporation shall have a corporate seal, which it may break and change at pleasure. Src. 12 That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said district; and said board of trustees shall appropriate and use the funds derived from said particular taxes and from other sources in such manner as shall be deemed just to both races, providing equal school facilities for each, due regard being paid, however, to the diiference in the cost of maintaining such schools: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors. Sec. 13 That said board of trustees shall have exclusive | control of all public schools in said school district; shall prescribe rules and regulations not inconsistent with this act for their own government, and for the government of such schools; shall employ, prescribe the qualifications, and fix the compensation of all officers and teachers of such schools; shall cause to be taken from time to time, in accordance with the general school law of the State, an accurate census of the school population of the said school district, and shall exercise such other powers as may be necessary for the successful control and operation of said graded schools: Provided, that nothing in this act shall be held to authorize the county board of school directors nor the county superintendent of schools of Halifax County to exercise any authority or control whatever over the graded public schools of said school district or the officers and teachers thereof: Provided, that the schools established under this act shall be subject in all respects to the public school law regulating other public schools of Halifax County and of the State. Sec. 14 That all public school funds derived from the State and from the county of Halifax for the use and benefit of the public schools in said school district shall be paid over to the treasurer of the board of school trustees by the treasurer of said county for the use and benefit of the graded schools in this school district; and the property, both real and personal, of the various school districts embraced within the limits of said school district shall become the property of said graded schools, and the title* thereto shall be vested in said board of trustees in trust therefor, and said board of trustees may, in their discretion, sell the same or any part thereof and apply the proceeds to the use of the said graded schools. Sec. 15 That said board of trustees may, if in their judgment necessary for the maintenance of said graded schools, require from each pupil entered therein an incidental fee of not more than two dollars per annum, payable as said board of trustees may direct: Provided, that such fee shall be applied exclusively to the maintenance of such grade in such schools as the paying pupil shall attend. Sec. 16 That said board of trustees shall elect annually, at least thirty days before the opening of the fall term of said graded school, a superintendent, who shall supervise the graded public schools of said school district and exercise such other powers and discharge such other duties as said board of trustees may prescribe. Sec. 17 That said board of school trustees, together with the superintendent, are hereby authorized, in their discretion, to fix a curriculum of studies, and to adopt text-books for said graded schools, and to admit pupils residing without the limits of said school district upon such terms as said board of trustees may deem just and reasonable. Sec. 18 That the county board of education of Halifax County shall apportion the school funds coming to said school district direct thereto upon a per capita basis, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of North Carolina. Src. 19 That all fines and penalties imposed and collected in the court of the mayor or recorder of the town of Roanoke Rapids shall be paid to the treasurer of the board of school trustees and by him credited to the fund for defraying the expenses of the graded schools provided in this act. Src. 20 Said board of school trustees may, in their discretion, upon two weeks published notice in some newspaper published in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, or if-there be none, then in some paper published in Halifax County, prescribe an eight months compulsory attendance for all children embraced within the limits of the general compulsory attendance law, and may employ a truant officer to enable them to enforce attendance. The provisions of the general compulsory attendance statute as to penalties imposed on both parent and child shall apply to any additional attendance term! prescribed hereunder. Sec. 21 That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 22 That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 5th day of March, A. D. 1917" +1943_session laws_531_2,project experts,1,session laws,530,1,"CHAPTER 530 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MAIN- TENANCE OF THE STATES DEPARTMENTS, BU- REAUS, INSTITUTIONS, AND AGENCIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: GENERAL FUND","That appropriations out of the General Fund of the State for the maintenance of the States departments, bureaus, institutions, and agencies, and for other purposes as enumerated are hereby made for the two fiscal years ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four and June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five respectively, according to the following schedule: I. LEGISLATIVE - 1943-44 1944-45 1 General Assembly (Session of 1945) ___ $ __ $200,000 ow II. JUDICIAL 1943-44 . Supreme CourtJustices ane $ 63,350 . Supreme CourtDepartmental Expense 36,243 . Supreme CourtPrinting Reports and Reprints a. eee 16,000 . Superior CourtsJudges = 258,230 . Superior CourtsSolicitors ae 105,000 III. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE . Governors Office: -1 Governors Office _ ie ___....$ 34,151 -2 The Budget Bureau : 36,297 -3 Division of Purchase and Contract 32,932 (Transfers may be made to and/or from Titles III-1-(1), (2), and -3 by the Governor in his discretion) 2 Secretary of State aaa : 33,280 3 State Auditor mereintess rier? Se 4 State Treasurer eee 57,403 5 Department of Justice: -1 Attorney General 42,021 -2 Bureau of Investigation 55,743 6 Department of Revenue : 797,814 7 Department of Tax Research 37,598 8 Department of Public Instruction 119,028 9 Historical Commission : 28,307 10 State Library 12,886 11 Library Commission 20,308 12 Board of Charities and Public Welfare: -1 Board of Charities and Public Welfare 226,470 -2 For use of Eugenics Board 1,640 13 State Board of Health: -1 State Board of Health 397,562 -2 Laboratory of Hygiene 68,387 14 Adjutant General 175,383 15 Utilities Commission: -1 Utilities Commission 44,141 -2 Public Utilities, Bus and Railroad Freight Rates Investigations 25,000 16 Insurance Department 68,264 17 Department of Labor: -1 Department of Labor 137,045 -2 Board of Boiler Rules 1,680 -3 Industrial Commission 101,074 1944-45 $ 63,350 35,049 16,000 258,230 105,000 $ 33,707 40,991 32,266 33,667 56,766 55,663 39,623 54,549 773,060 40,359 115,770 26,918 12,393 19,726 217,164 1,625 391,472 66,044 69,118 44,071 24,760 67,146 128,285 1,118 98,286 1943-44 1944-45 Department of Conservation and Development: -1 Department of Conservation and Development _...._> $880,258 $360,571 -2 Commercial Fisheries use es ey 19,838 -3 Game and Inland Fisheries .._.__. _ 100,000 100,000 State Board of Elections _....__---->SSSSs20,5 220 11,485 Local Government Commission _.......___sa229, 53.2 28,726 Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures ss Ctii28, 400 27,452 Board of Public Buildings and Grounds . 146,625 140,382 State Board of Alcoholic Control... 55,507 54,301 State Commission for the Blind _.....__-_--- 65,844 62,064 Rural Electrification Authority _......... 12,996 12,738 IV. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS University of North Carolina (Consolidated ))y sa 8 $2,034,459 $1,891,527 (The appropriations under Title IV-1 include the University at Chapel Hill and State College of Agriculture and Engineering and North Carolina College for Women as formerly designated and known) Experiment StationState College _. 187,080 175,083 Coperative Agricultural Extension State Collewe 22 22 ROG 231,032 East Carolina Teachers College _ 182,897 180,793 Negro Agricultural and Technical _ College yo ane et ~ 93,105 85,083 Western Carolina Teachers College _ 108,100 102,310 Appalachian State Teachers College 159,138 142,840 Pembroke State College for Indians. 45,540 43,458 Winston-Salem Teachers College (Colored) rg ee ee ree) ET 52,618 Elizabeth City State Teachers College (Colored) ae ine ee 34,076 Fayetteville State Teachers. College:;(Colarod) sti ee 54,560 52,380 North Carolina College for Negroes. 181,491 177,189 North Carolina School for the Deaf 171,251 164,548 State School for the Blind and the Deaf: -1 State School for the Blind and the Dea? et oe es tg) 175,952 164,605 -2 Blind Student Aid Semele 25 ee 2,400 2,400 V. CHARITABLE AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1943-44 1944-45 1 State Hospital at Raleigh .._>>>>>S SESS $788,311 $698,838 2 State Hospital at Morganton eee sae eo 809,564 756,929 8 State Hospital at Goldsboro _.._._.___-_. 415,260 396,099 4 Caswell Training School _...._-_--____. 211,578 200,899 5 North Carolina Orthopedic Hospital _.. 142,112: 134,810 6 North Carolina Sanatorium: -1 North Carolina Sanatorium .._._. 259,797 241,250 -2 Extension Bureau _....._ = S27, 802 27,046 -3 Western North Carolina Sanatorium 156,471 146,814 -4 Eastern North Carolina Sanatorium 121,382 105,160 7 Stonewall Jackson Training School _.... 145,463 139,948 8 State Home and Industrial School for Girls .. _. 75,905 70,956 9 Morrison Training School (Colored) sats 69,990 65,030 10 Eastern Carolina Training School _......._-_ 44,881 44,001 11 State Industrial Farm Colony for Women 27,677 26,651 12 Confederate Cemetery _.._-_-_-_-__>-> >>> 350 350 13 Confederate Womens Home... -st<24, 59 13,079 14 Oxford Orphanage _... ss tCt 35,000 14a. Junior Order Orphanage _____ Cb Sn i511 10,000 15 Oxford Colored Orphanage _ bas mine OM 33,000 33,000 16 Pythian Orphanage _._.........._- ._ , 0 5,000 (The appropriations under Titles V-14, l4a, 15, and 16 are to institutions not owned by the State, and are grants in aid). VI. STATE AID AND OBLIGATIONS 1 Retirement Teachers and State Employees: -1 Administration _..C eSO$~SsCd47,400 = $ 845,960 -2 States Contribution _.....__..._. 2,215,022 2,215,022 2 Board of Charities and Public Welfare: -1 Care Dependent Children 10,000 10,000 -2 Old Age Assistance __. 1,300,000 1,300,000 -3 Aid to Dependent Children ams 525,000 525,000 -4 Aid to County Welfare Administration 2 =, LO 150,000 3 Board of Health for ane Clinics : 6,000 6,000 4 Industrial Rehabilitation . 2 10,000 10,000 5 Fugitives from Justice Mar 8 2,850 2,850 Indemnity diseased Slaughtered Livestock: -1 Tuberculosis and Glanders $ -2 Bangs Disease Landscrip Fund Firemens Relief Bennett Memorial Confederate Museum Blind Aid . aes Department of Agriculture: -1 Japanese Beetle Control -2 White Fringed Beetle Control _ -3 Credit Union -4 Marketing -5 State Museum State Aid to Public Pibravion Merit System Council Council of National Defense War Bonus (to be allocated) VII. PENSIONS Confederate Veterans and Widows Olivia B. Grimes Annie Burgin Craig Mrs. C. B. Aycock, Sr. Mrs. W. W. Kitchin 1943-44 . 1944-45 400 $ 400 6,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 1,750 1,750 50 50 200 200 129,149 144,609 12,500 12,500 5,000 5,000 ' 4,365 4,058 25,000 25,000 11,862 11,382 125,000 125,000 21,470 19,562 63,791 62,818 78,516 39,258 _ $196,150 $186,325 600 600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 VIII. CONTINGENCY AND EMERGENCY To provide for contingency and emergency expenditures for any purpose authorized by law for which no specific appropriation is made, or for which inadvertently an insufficient appropriation has been made hereunder. Allotments to be made from this appropriation under the provision of Section thirteen of Chapter one hundred of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, or of Chapter two hundred and seven of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, or of such other statute as may be applicable IX. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Support of Eight-Months Term $750,000 $750,000 Public Schools $33,608,029 $32,644,241 (The appropriations under Title IX-1, Support of Eight-Months Term Public Schools, include 1943-44 1944-45 money necessary for the school year 1943-44 and for the first half of the school year 1944-45 to be used only for teachers and other school employees War Bonus) 2 State Board of Education _. $ 82,762 $ 80,446 3 Vocational Education pees 919,055 850,119 4 Purchase of Free Textbooks ____ 200,000 200,000 5 Vocational Textile School _ 5,900 5,630 6 Purchase of School Busses _ 650,000 650,000 X. Dest SERVICE (General Fund) 1 Interest on Bonds z. $2,097,017 $2,020,914 2 Sinking Fund Installments _....-_s_- 271,320 271,320 3 Redemption of Bonds ___ _...... 2,865,000 2,904,000 AGRICULTURE FUND" +1887_public laws_383_5,project experts,1,public laws,382,4,"CHAPTER 382 An act to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and gighty-oue, relating to the Goldsboro graded schools. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _",That the special taxes thus levied and collected shall be expended in keeping up separate graded schools for the white and colored childen in said township between the ages of six and twenty-one years; and the schools for each race herein provided for shall have the same length of school terms. +1901_public laws_692_2,project experts,1,public laws,691,1,CHAPTER 691 An act for the relief of B. B. Bobbitt. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the County Board of School Directors of the county of Anson are hereby directed to examine into the justness of a claim of B. B. Bobbitt for the sum of eighty dollars ($80.00) against the school fund of said county, and if they shall find that the sum of eighty dollars is justly and equitably due the said B. B. Bobbitt they are authorized and empowered to issue an order to the Treasurer of the school fund of said county to pay to the said B. B. Bobbitt the sum of $80.00 out of the public school money due District No. 2, White Store Township, said county, for the white race." +1943_session laws_566_3,project experts,0,session laws,565,2,"CHAPTER 565 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE, AS AMEND- ED, THE SAME BEING THE REVENUE ACT OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE, RE- LATING TO THE TAX ON UNFORTIFIED WINES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1905_public laws_589_19,project experts,0,public laws,588,18,"CHAPTER 588 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 247 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1903, AND TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter two hundred and forty-seven of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, relating to raising revenue, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: SCHEDULE A.","Court may order executor, etc., to file account, etc. If the clerk of the court shall discover that said tax has not been paid according to law the court shall be authorized to cite the executors or administrators of the decedent, whose estate is subject to the tax, to file an account, or to issue a citation to the executors, administrators, legatees or heirs, citing them to appear on a day certain and show cause why the said tax should not be paid, and when personal service cannot be had, notice shall be given for four weeks, once a week, in at least one newspaper published in said county; and if the said tax shall be found to be due and unpaid the said delinquent shall pay said tax, interest and costs. And it shall be the duty of the solicitor of the district in which the said delinquent resides to sue for the recovery and amount of such tax, and for such services he shall be allowed a fee, to be fixed by the judge, not to exceed five per cent. of the amount recovered. The Auditor of State is authorized and empowered, in settlement of accounts of any clerk, to allow him costs of advertising and other reasonable fees and expenses incurred in the collection of said tax." +1909_private laws_215_11,project experts,0,private laws,214,10,"CHAPTER 214 , AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said board of trustees shall have the power to employ and fix the compensation of a superintendent for said graded schools and such teachers as are necessary, and to do all such other acts as may be necessary to carry on said school. It shall have power at any time to remove said superintendent or any teacher and to employ others in his or her stead." +1895_private laws_156_14,project experts,0,private laws,155,13,"CHAPTER 155 An act to incorporate The Guardian Security, Trust and Deposit Company, of Wilmington, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","And be it further enacted, That when any court shall appoint the said corporation a receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian or committee, or shall order the deposit of money, or other valuables of any kind, with said corporation, the capital stock, as paid in, shall be taken and considered as the security required by law for the faithful performance of its duties: Provided, the said court shall not deem it necessary to require further security, and shall be absolutely liable in case of any default whatever ; the court, if it deem necessary, may, from time to time, appoint suitable persons to investigate the affairs and management of said corporation, who shall report to such court the manner in which such investments are made, and the security afforded to those by or for whom its engagements are held, and the expenses of such investigations shall be defrayed by said corporation; or the court may, if it deem necessary, examine the officers of said corporation under oath or affirmation, as to the security aforesaid." +1951_session laws_571_5,project experts,0,session laws,570,4,CHAPTER 570 AN ACT RELATING TO THE SALARIES OF OFFICIALS AND EM- PLOYEES OF CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1927_public local laws_637_2,project experts,0,public local laws,636,1,"CHAPTER 636 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 4283 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF 1919, RELATING TO THE PUNISHMENT FOR GIVING WORTHLESS CHECKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Insert after the word court and before the period, in line eight of section four thousand two hundred and eightythree of Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, the following: if the amount of such check is not over twenty-five dollars, the punishment shall mot exceed a fine of fifty dollars or imprisonment for thirty days." +1885_public laws_254_5,project experts,1,public laws,253,4,CHAPTER 258 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Smithfield. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That the special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school in said district for white persons of both sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years, and the special taxes levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school in said district for colored persons of hoth sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years." +1909_private laws_198_3,project experts,0,private laws,197,2,"CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1881_public laws_207_26,project experts,0,public laws,206,25,CHAPTER 206 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"All dues to the asylum from any and all sources shall be paid into the public treasury, and the said Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum shall be supported by appropriations from the public treasury. All moneys applied for the use and support of the institution and the insane therein,shall be paid out of the public treasury, on warrants drawn by the majority of the board of directors, or by the superintendent, and countersigned by at least two of the board of directors,and approved by the. governor, and all disbursements shall be made upon the warrant of the superintendent." +1907_public laws_851_3,project experts,1,public laws,850,2,"CHAPTER 850 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEPARATE ACCOMMODA- TION OF WHITE AND COLORED PASSENGERS UPON STREHT CARS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSBES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That any white person entering a street car for the purpose of becoming a passenger thereon shall, if necessary to earry out the purposes of this act, occupy the first vacant seat or unoccupied space in the aisle nearest the front of said car, and any colored person entering said car for.a like purpose shall occupy the first vacant seat or unoccupied space in the aisle nearest the rear end of said car: Provided, however, no contiguous seats on the same bench shall be occupied by white and colored passengers. at the same time (unless or until all of the other seats in said car shall be occupied)." +1961_session laws_321_2,project experts,0,session laws,320,1,"CHAPTER 320 AN ACT AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF ABANDONED BUILD- ING AT ASHLAND SCHOOL IN BERTIE COUNTY TO ASHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH. WHEREAS, approximately twenty-five years ago an auxiliary frame building was erected on the Ashland School lot in Bertie County as a W. P. A. Project; and that building has not been used for school purposes for approximately twelve years; and WHEREAS, the building is located approximately two hundred yards from the Ashland Colored Baptist Church; and it has been repaired, main- tained and used by the members of the Church and would now be worth- less but for their efforts; and WHEREAS, this building has no value to Bertie County or its board of education except to raze it and clear the lot and dispose of the ma- terials for about the cost of taking down the building; and WHEREAS, the members of the Ashland Colored Baptist Church desire to move the building onto the Church lot and use it for Sunday School rooms: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Education of Bertie County is hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey to the Ashland Colored Baptist Church the frame building constructed by W. P. A. for the use of the Ashland School for the nominal price and consideration of one dollar ($1.00) ; to authorize the Ashland Colored Baptist Church to move the building from the school lot onto the Church lot, either to move the strueture or to raze the building and to move and reassemble the materials; and to execute and deliver to the trustees of the Ashland Colored Baptist Church a good and sufficient deed for the building without any land and without any interest in the Ashland School lot." +1905_public laws_814_6,project experts,0,public laws,813,5,CHAPTER 813 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE OXFORD GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enac::,"That if a majority of the qualified voters within said territory shall favor the extension of said graded school district and the levy of such tax, the act entitled An act to establish graded schools in Oxford, being chapter three hundred and thirty-three of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, shall become operative over the whole of said territory, except wherein the same is inconsistent with the provisions of this act; and the board of graded school trustees shall divide said territory into two subdistricts as in their judgment may be for the best interest of the schools." +1957_session laws_673_3,project experts,0,session laws,672,2,CHAPTER 672 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MURFREESBORO TO CONVEY CERTAIN LAND AT PRIVATE SALE TO THE HERTFORD COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1893_private laws_154_13,project experts,0,private laws,153,12,CHAPTER 158 An act to incorporate the city of Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: *,"All electors who have been bona fide residents of North Carolina for twelve months and of the city of Fayetteville for ninety days next preceding the election shall be entitled to register hereunder. A residence of said city shall be construed to be permanent citizenship thereof and not a temporary residence. The polls shall be open on the day of election from sunrise in the morning until sunset the same day. No person whose name has not been duly registered shall be allowed to vote; and any. one offering to vote may be challenged at the polls, and if the judges of election shall sustain the challenge his ballot shall not be received. Ballots shall be on white paper and without device. The aldermen shall be voted for on one ballot, and likewise the board of audit and finance." +1947_session laws_457_8,project experts,0,session laws,456,7,CHAPTER 456 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR RAISING AND MANAGING OF A PENSION FUND FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That on or before the Ist day of July, 1948, and annually thereafter, the said board of trustees shall make a verified report to the governing body of the City of Fayetteville, containing a detailed statement of all receipts and disbursements on account of said fund, together with the name of each beneficiary and the amount paid to such beneficiary for or on account of such fund, and the governing body of the City of Fayetteville shall have the right and is empowered at any time to make or cause to be made an examination by a competent auditor of conditions of said fund." +1933_public laws_225_9,project experts,0,public laws,224,8,CHAPTER 224 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 34 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1929 OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO THE STERILIZATION OF PERSONS MENTALLY DEFECTIVE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Proceedings under this act shall be instituted by petition of the said prosecutor to the said Eugenics Board. Such petition shall be in writing, signed by the petitioner and duly verified by his affidavit to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. It shall contain the history of the inmate or patient as shown in the records of the institution, or if he is not in an institution, then the complete medical history of the case of the individual resident so far as it bears upon the recommendations for asexualization or sterilization, and setting forth the particular reasons why asexualization or sterilization is recommended. This history shall be verified by the affidavit of at least one competent physician who has had actual knowledge of the case and who in the cases of inmates or patients of the institutions described in Section 1 of this act may be a member of the medical staff of said institution. The petition shall further contain an adequate social case history of the circumstances surrounding the inmates, patients, or individual residents life in so far as such circumstances may bear upon the question as to whether said inmate, patient, or individual resident is likely to procreate a child or children. The prayer of said petition shall be that an order be entered by said board requiring the petitioner to perform, or to have performed by some competent physician or surgeon to be designated by him in said petition, or by said board in its order, upon said inmate or patient or individual resident named in said petition in its discretion that one of the operations specified in Section 1 of this act which shall be best suited to the interests of the said inmate, patient or individual resident or to the public good." +1897_private laws_41_3,project experts,1,private laws,40,2,"CHAPTER 40 An act to establish a benevolent association in the town of Tar- boro, North Carolina, under the name and style of * Daugh- ters of the Grand Aid. WHEREAS, the General Assembly of North Carolina did, on the third day of March, 1893, enact and ratify a bill to incor- porate a benevolent association under the name and style of True Friends; and, whereas, it is desired to form an annex to said association under the name and style above given, now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -","The object of this corporation shall be to unite, fraternally, all colored women of sound bodily health and good moral character, who are socially acceptable; to give all moral and material aid in its power to its members and those dependent upon them; to educate its members socially, morally and intellectually, to establish a fund for sick and distressed members, for which such sums as the constitution and by-laws of the corporation permit may be drawn for their aid." +1917_public local laws_202_9,project experts,0,public local laws,201,8,"CHAPTER 201 AN ACT APPOINTING AN AUDITOR FOR MADISON COUNTY, AND DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE POSI- TION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That upon completion of said audit the auditor shall prepare and file with the county commissioners of said county a detailed report of the result thereof, which report shall be recorded in, and made of permanent record in the minutes of the board." +1907_private laws_189_17,project experts,0,private laws,186,16,"CHAPTER 186 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE FRANKLINVILLE GRADED SCHOOL, RANDOLPH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That upon petition of a majority of the qualified voters residing in said Franklinville Graded School District, the board of trustees provided for in section three of this act shall have the authority and be required to compel all children between the ages of eight and twelve years, and of sufficient mental and physical strength, to attend continuously the sessions of said graded schools: Provided, that attendance on any good private or public school may excuse such children as attend them, if the board of trustees shall have good and sufficient reason to believe that such attendance is in good faith, and not for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of this section." +1907_public laws_965_6,project experts,0,public laws,964,5,CHAPTER 964 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said board of directors shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, and upon them as such are hereby conferred all the duties, powers, privileges and obligations incident to bodies corporate." +1899_public laws_733_24,project experts,1,public laws,732,23,CHAPTER 782 An act to revise and consolidate the public school law. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Within fifteen days from the date of their election the township school trustees shall elect for each school-in their respective townships three school committeemen, who shall hold office for two years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and no one shall be elected a committeeman for more than one school of each race, and said trustees shall determine the boundaries of the district in which each school is situated." +1870/71_public laws_165_2,project experts,0,public laws,164,1,"COE AVE ats CL X.Y AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ALBEMARLE SWAMP LAND COM- PANY TO CONSTRUCT A RAILROAD FROM PANTEGO TO INDIAN RIVER, IN BEAUFORT COUNTY.","The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the Albemarle Swamp Land Company, incorporated by act of assembly, ratified the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, shall have authority to lay out, construct and maintain a railroad from Pantego, in the county of Beaufort, to some point at or near Indian river, in said county." +1883_public laws_149_3,project experts,1,public laws,148,2,"CHAPTER 148 An act to provide for local assessments in aid of public schools, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","In case a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be in favor of such assessment, the board of commissioners shall direct their clerk to make out from the tax list of the township in which such district is situate a list of all the taxable property and poll of the white or colored tax payers, as the case may be, in such district, and it shall be the duty of the school committee of such district to aid the clerk in making out said list, and said flerk shall deliver said list to the sheriff of the county with an order signed by him commanding the sheriff to collect said assessment in like manner as provided for the eollection of state and county taxes, and said sheriff shall collect and pay over the same to the county treasurer. And said sheriff's official bond shall be liable therefor, as provided in case of county school tax." +1963_session laws_1234_2,project experts,0,session laws,1233,1,CHAPTER 1233 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 55-72 RELATING TO CORPORATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 55-72 is amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph designated (d) to read as follows: (d) A voting trust created under the provisions of this Section may be extended or otherwise amended at any time during its term by an agreement of amendment signed by the Trustee and by all the Trust Certificate Holders, except that the period covered by the voting trust agreement may not be extended by the agreement of amendment to a date which is more than ten -10 years after the effective date of the amendment. An executed copy of the agreement of amendment shall be deposited by the Trustee with the corporation at its registered office and the agreement of amendment shall become effective at the time an executed copy thereof is so deposited. 1717" +1945_session laws_758_4,project experts,0,session laws,757,3,"CHAPTER 757 ! AN ACT TO CREATE A STATE RECREATION COMMIS- SION. WHEREAS, the contribution of recreation to the health, edu- cation, economy and general welfare of the people has become universally recognized and accepted; and WHEREAS, the lack of recreational opportunities for persons in the armed services, as well as civilians, became apparent shortly after the United States entered the war; and WHEREAS, under authority of Public Laws one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, Chapter seven hundred and six, con- ferring upon the Governor certain emergency war powers, a recreation committee was established in June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, to meet this pressing need in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, experience gained by this emergency committee has shown the immediate need for a State Recreation Commis- sion: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Membership of Recreation Commission; term. -1 The Recreation Commission shall consist of seven members, appointed by the Governor, and the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Public Welfare and Director of the Department of Conservation and Development as members ex officio. -2 In making appointments to the commission, the Governor shall choose persons, in so far as possible, who understand the recreational interests of rural areas, municipalities, private membership groups and commercial enterprises. The commission shall elect, with the approval of the Governor, one member to act as chairman. At least one member of the commission shall be a woman, and at least one member shall be a Negro. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum, but only when at least four of the appointed members are present. -3 For the initial term of the appointed members of the commission, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for a term of four years, one for a term of five years, and two for a term of six years; and thereafter, the successor of each member shall be appointed for a term of four years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. -4 Any appointed member of the commission may be removed by the Governor. -5 Vacancies in the commission shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. -6 The commission shall meet quarterly in January, April, July, and October, on a date to be fixed by the chairman. The commission may be convoked at such other times as the Governor or chairman may deem necessary. -7 Members of the commission shall receive reasonable travel and maintenance expenses while attending meetings, but they shall not be reimbursed for travel and maintenance expenses for longer than four days for any one meeting." +1923_public local laws_78_8,project experts,0,public local laws,77,7,CHAPTER 77 AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF GOVERN- MENT FOR THE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the auditor of Buncombe County, acting for the board of commissioners, and under the direct supervision of the chairman and commissioner of public accounts and finances, to audit the accounts of every officer or employee #NAME? does or may receive, deposit or disburse moneys, and publish or cause to be published quarterly a statement showing the financial condition of the county. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to have all of the books and accounts of every officer, employee or institution of the county annually audited by a public accountant, licensed and certified by the Board of State Accountancy of the State of North Carolina, which certified public accountant shall be selected by the said board of commissioners." +1925_public laws_121_4,project experts,0,public laws,120,3,"CHAPTER 120 AN ACT PLACING ALL STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ON THE SAME BASIS AND TO PROTECT THE INTEREST OF THE STATE AND TO REQUIRE THOSE WHO ARE ABLE TO PAY TO BEAR THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CARE, MAIN- TENANCE AND TREATMENT, AND TO ENFORCE THE SAME POLICY IN ALL SUCH INSTITUTIONS, AND TO PROVIDE MACHINERY RELATING TO THE SAME. Whereas, there have been different policies in practice in differ- ent institutions in this State, according to the several created and regulatory statutes affecting the several institutions, and re- sulting therefrom different policies have been pursued at the State charitable, custodial, curative and correctional institu- tions, until the State, as result thereof, now bears a heavy ex- pense at these institutions for such pupils, inmates and patients as are financially able to pay the same, or are legally dependent upon others who are solvent and able to pay the same thereby not only burdening the State unnecessarily but preventing the State from caring for many indigent patients that it should and otherwise would care for if a single policy were in force at all such institutions, under which those who are able to pay, would pay, and those who could not pay would be given adequate treat- ment at the cost of the State: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina doenact:","Such cost, when so fixed and determined by the respective boards of trustees or directors of each institution, shall be paid by the patient, pupil or inmate thereof, or by his parent, guardian, trustee or other person legally responsible therefor, and the payment thereof shall constitute a valid expenditure of the funds of any such pupil, patient or inmate by any fiduciary who may be in the control of such fund, and a receipt for the payment of such cost in the hands of such fiduciary shall be a valid voucher to the extent thereof in the settlement of his accounts of his trust. Immediately upon the determination of the cost, as herein provided for, the superintendent of the institution shall notify the patient, pupil, inmate, parent, guardian, trustee, or such other person who shall be legally responsible for the payment thereof, of the monthly amount thereof, and such statement shall be rendered from month to month. The respective boards of trustees or directors of the various institutions are vested with full and complete authority to arrange with the patient, pupil, inmate, parent, guardian, trustee, or other person legally responsible for the cost, for the payment of any portion of such cost monthly or otherwise, in the event such patient, pupil, inmate, parent, guardian, trustee or other person legally responsible therefor shall not be able to pay the total cost. The head of the various institutions shall annually file with the Auditor of the State a list of all unpaid accounts." +1899_public laws_564_5,project experts,0,public laws,563,4,"CHAPTER 563, An act to authorize the commissioners of Mecklenburg county to issue bonds to macadamize and improve the public roads thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _",That all laws and clauses of laws in connie: with this act are hereby repealed. +1935_public local laws_269_2,project experts,0,public local laws,268,1,CHAPTER 268 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A KENNEL TAX IN WAYNE. COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That every owner of a kennel of six dogs or more in Wayne County shall pay an annual tax of ten dollars on each kennel, the said kennels to be listed and the tax paid in the same manner and at the same time as now required by the statewide law for the listing and taxing of dogs and shall be in lieu of said listing and tax, except that where there are more than ten dogs the credit for vaccination for rabies shall not apply." +1921 extra_public local laws_168_3,project experts,0,public local laws,167,2,"CHAPTER 167 AN ACT RELATING TO THE LEAVING OF TREES, TRASH, SAWDUST, OR FISH HEDGES IN ROCKFISH CREEK, AND OBSTRUCTING SAID CREEK IN ANY WAY AND BY ANY MEANS IN DUPLIN AND PENDER COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any person, firm, or corporation found guilty of a= violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50), : or imprisoned not less than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court." +1909_private laws_337_3,project experts,0,private laws,336,2,"CHAPTER 336 AN ACT TO AMEND THE COMPULSORY EDUCATION LAW OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section six of said chapter six hundred and fortynine of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by inserting between the word school and the word Provided, in line twenty, the following: or any such child may be sent to the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School at Concord, North Carolina, by the police court of the city of Asheville or the Superior Court of Buncombe County, upon the recommendation of the schoo] committee of the city of Asheville, who shall give three days notice, to the parent, guardian or other person having charge or control of said child, of the intention of the said committee to make application to said courts to have said child sent to said school." +1923_private laws_12_2,project experts,1,private laws,11,1,"CHAPTER 11 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE SANFORD SPECIAL SCHOOL DIS- TRICT FOR THE COLORED RACE, LEE COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD AND EQUIP SCHOOLHOUSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees, committeemen or other governing body of the Sanford Special School District for the colored race are hereby authorized to issue bonds of said school district for the purpose of erecting, enlarging, altering and equipping school buildings and acquiring land for buildings of the said school district, or for any one or more of said purposes, and the board of county commissioners of Lee County is hereby authorized and directed to levy annually a special tax ad valorem on all taxable property in said school district for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of all bonds issued under this act as such principal and interest become due, which special tax shall be in an amount sufficient for said purpose and shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in said school district. No bonds shall be issued under this act, however, nor said special tax levied unless and until the question of such issue and levy shall have been submitted to the qualified voters of said Sanford Special School District for the colored race at a special election to be held for the purpose and a majority of said qualified electors shall have voted in favor of issuing said bonds and levying said tax, as required by section seven of article seven of the Constitution of North Carolina." +1868/69_public laws_269_2,project experts,0,public laws,264,1,CTA PT El Bs kaies Sok Mp AN ACT To MAKE VALID ALL JUDGMENTS IN ATTACHMENT CASHS SINCE THE ADOPTION OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE.,"The General Assembly of North Carelina do enact, That no irregularity in the issuance of the summons, leading process or otherwise, shall render invalid any proceedings by attachment since the adoption of the Code of Civil Procedure, and prior to the adoption of this act ; and all judgments rendered in any of the Courts of this State, in eases of attachment since the ratification of the Code of Civil Procedure, are hereby declared valid to all intents and purposes, any irregularity in the issuance of the summons, or other proceedings, te the contrary notwithstanding," +1893_private laws_255_3,project experts,0,private laws,254,2,"CHAPTER 254 An act incorporating the First Colored Baptist Church of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the incorporate limits of said church shall be forty yards in every direction from said church so as to form a complete circle as a radius from the church. +1927_public local laws_53_2,project experts,0,public local laws,52,1,CHAPTER 52 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF BLADEN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS AND LEVY A TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the board of county commissioners of Bladen County is hereby authorized to issue ninety-five thousand dollars of bonds of said county for the purpose of funding notes issued for money borrowed to erect school buildings essential to the maintenance of the six months school term. Said bonds may bear such rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum and be payable at such times not exceeding thirty years from their date as the said board of commissioners may determine and may be made payable in gold coin of the United States. The said board of commissioners shall levy a special tax sufficient to meet the principal and interest of said bonds and such tax shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as other taxes. +1887_public laws_347_4,project experts,0,public laws,346,3,CHAPTER 346 An act toincorporate the Salem-Winston and Dan River Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for each and every share which such stockholder shall own for at least ten days immediately preceding any meeting of stockholders. The stockholders shall have power to make and alter such rules, regulations aud by-laws as they may deem necessary and proper for the government and interest of the company not inconsistent with this charter, the laws of this state and of the United States. The stockholders shall not be individually liable for the debts, engagements or defaults of said company except to an amount equal to the amount unpaid on the stock held by them respectively." +1909_public laws_554_6,project experts,0,public laws,553,5,CHAPTER 553 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That no candidate shall be declared the nominee of any party, organization or association for any office unless he shall receive a majority of the votes cast in said primary for said office; and in the event that no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for any office in the first primary, then a second primary shall be held within two weeks from the first one, under the same rules and regulations as the first primary, unless one of the opposing candidates should voluntarily withdraw from the race in the meantime: Provided, that only the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the respective offices in the first primary shall be eligible as candidates in the second primary." +1897_private laws_208_23,project experts,1,private laws,207,22,"CHAPTER 207 An act to correct and amend chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws 1889, relating to the charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws of 1889, relating to charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians, be amended and corrected so as to read as follows: ,","That the council of the eastern band of Cherokee Indians shall direct the management and control of all property, either real or personal, belonging to the band as a corporation ; but-no person shall be entitled to the enjoyment of any lands belonging to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians as a corporation or as a tribe, or any profits accruing therefrom, or any moneys which may belong to said band as a corporation or as a tribe, unless such person be of at least one-sixteenth (1-16) of eastern Cherokee blood, and in case that any money derived from any source whatever, belonging to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians, shall be distributed among the members thereof, the same shall be divided per capita among the members entitled thereto." +1905_private laws_283_5,project experts,0,private laws,283,4,CHAPTER 288 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section sixty-five of chapter one hundred of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Insert in line fifteen of said section, between the word affected and the word by, the words in anywise, and immediately after the word thereby and before the word shall, in line eighteen thereof, the words which shall include, as far as may be, all persons owning lands supposed to be within the area of special benefit or damage resulting from said proposed improvement, whether said lands abut on said street or right-of-way or not; and in line twenty-five thereof, between the word affected and the word by, the words as aforesaid ; and immediately after the word jury and before the word such, in line twenty-six of said section, the following: Provided, that all amendments hereinabove made to this section are hereby construed to express the meaning of said section prior to the adoption of said amendments: Provided, this section shall not permit such assessments upon property abutting upon streets which have heretofore been paved." +1917_private laws_130_7,project experts,0,private laws,129,6,"CHAPTER 129 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BEL- MONT GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ISSUE ADDI- TIONAL BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND EQUIPPING A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING AT BELMONT, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the Belmont Graded School District the question of issuing Said bonds and levying and collecting all taxes hereinbefore provided for, the county board of commissioners of the county of Gaston, upon petition of the board of trustees of the Belmont Graded School District, or upon petition of one-fourth of the freeholders of said district, indorsed and approved by the county board of education, shall within thirty days thereafter order an election to be held in said district at the usual polling place in Belmont, appoint a registrar and two judges of election, and shall give thirty days notice in some newspaper published in Gaston County, and shall order an entire new registration of voters for said election." +1915_public local laws_276_6,project experts,0,public local laws,275,5,CHAPTER 275 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF TREASURER OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. . +1923_public local laws_149_4,project experts,0,public local laws,148,3,"CHAPTER 148 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREAS- URER IN JACKSON COUNTY, ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, REGULATE COMPENSATION OF THE TAX COLLECTOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The duties of said auditor shall be -1 All of the duties heretofore (and under the same penalties) required of the treasurer, except those of receiving and disbursing the public funds. -2 It shall be his duty, and power is hereby conferred on him, to require a modern, simple and, so far as practicable, uniform system of bookkeeping and accounting in all the departments of the county, including jail, county home, county board of education, county road commissioners, and others receiving and handling public funds. -3 It shall be his duty to compute the taxes and make out tax receipts, revise the tax lists and, under direction of the county commissioners, enter corrections of same as may be necessitated by reason of errors, transfers, releases, reductions, increases, discoveries or other valid reasons. -4 It shall be his duty to diligently inquire into and investigate the listing of all property in the county that should properly be on the tax books, at its TRUE value, and is authorized to visit any and all parts of the county for this purpose, and report to the commissioners, to the end that no property shall escape its proper and lawful taxation. -5 It shall be the duty of the said auditor, with any necessary aid, to be furnished by the county commissioners (expense of such aid to be chargeable in equal amounts to the general county, road, and general school funds), to audit all the books and accounts contemplated in subsection two of this section once each year, and at the request of the county commissioners those of any one or more offices at any other time, and shall make frequent inspections of all books and accounts and keep the various boards informed as to the particular funds administrable by each board." +1927_public local laws_481_4,project experts,0,public local laws,480,3,"CHAPTER 480 AN ACT TO RE-ENACT CHAPTERS 77, 266 AND 324, PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS, 1923, AND RELATING TO FINANCES OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the commissioners of Buncombe County are authorized to levy a special tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of all notes issued under this act. Said taxes to be levied and collected in like manner as other county taxes. +1911_private laws_28_3,project experts,0,private laws,27,2,CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO. INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WOODVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the boundaries and corporate limits of said town shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at the foot of Candys Hill on the Indian Woods road; thence a northeast course a_ straight line to Jacks Branch at the Woodville and Windsor public road; thence up said Jacks Branch to the Camp Manufacturing Companys railroad as now located; thence with said railroad to the Seaboard Air Line railroad; thence with said Seaboard Air Line railroad north to the county road leading from Lewiston to Kelford; thence along said county road and across the Woodville and Kelford road to Gus Pughs back line fence as now located; thence a southerly course to Camp Manufacturing Companys railroad; thence along said railroad to the Hills Ferry road; thence a straight line to the beginning." +1923_public local laws_325_8,project experts,0,public local laws,324,7,CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the county commissioners of said county from making arrangements for the collection of the delinquent taxes which may be the subject of litigation by special contract and requiring the report of the special employee thereon not oftener than every thirty days. +1913_public local laws_757_2,project experts,0,public local laws,756,1,CHAPTER 756 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAY OF THE COMMIS- SIONERS OF BLADEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the commissioners of Bladen County shall be entitled to four dollars per day and mileage at the rate allowed by law for all services rendered by them in attending the meetings of said board or serving as committeemen of said board in attending to the business of Bladen County: Provided, that no commissioner shall be construed as acting as committeeman unless he was appointed as such at a previous meeting of said board, the Same appearing in the minutes thereof: Provided further, that no commissioner, except the chairman of the board, shall receive pay for more than four days in any one month." +1880_public laws_20_24,project experts,0,public laws,19,23,CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT RELATING TO ROADS AND HIGH- WAYS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enaet :,"Any person charged with a road tax may discharge the same by labor on the public highways within the district where the same is charged within the time designated in this act, at the rate of one dollar per day and a ratable allowance per,day for any team, implements and material furnished by any person under the direction of the supervisor of such district, who shall give to such person a certificate specifying the amount of tax so paid, and the district and township wherein such labor was performed, which certificate shall in no case be given for any greater sum than the tax charged against such person, and the county treasurer shall receive all such certificates as money in the discharge of said road tax. All road taxes collected by the county treasurer shall be paid over to the township trustees of the proper township. The township trustees in determining the division of this fund shall be governed not by the miles of road in each district, but by necessities of the roads, the convenience of getting material, the quantity of material necessary to make substantial repairs, ete., and thus make a just and equitable division of said fund between the several districts." +1883_public laws_167_7,project experts,0,public laws,166,6,"CHAPTER 166 An act to repeal local prohibition in certain localities and to pro- hibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in certain other localities, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the sale of spirituous liquors shall be prohibited within three miles of the following places, to-wit: Bethel Methodist and Baptist churches, in Haywood county ; Town of Charleston Methodist Episcopal Church South, at Coopers Creek; the Indian Baptist church at Bird Town; Yellow Hill Baptist church, Cold Springs Baptist church, Witcher Chapel, Methodist Church South, Brushy Creek Baptist church, in Swain county ; Rose Hill church, in Pitt county; Cataloochee church, in Haywood county." +1939_public laws_326_14,project experts,0,public laws,325,13,CHAPTER 325 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SANATORIUM IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBER- CULOSIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Each member of the Board of Directors while engaged in attending to the affairs of said sanatorium shall be entitled to receive as compensation the sum of five dollars ($5.00) per day, and in addition thereto the necessary traveling and hotel expenses of such member." +1899_private laws_103_14,project experts,0,private laws,102,13,"CHAPTER 102 An act to amend the charter of the Southern Guarantee and Investment Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That the charter of the Southern Guarantee and Investment Company, formerly the Worth-Wharton Real Estate and [nvest- ment Company, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of this state on the fourth day of August, eighteen hundred and ninety, with its principal office at Greensboro in this state, be amended so that the same shall read as follows:","Any and every court in which moneys may be paid, lodged or deposited by agreement of parties or by order, judgment or decree of such court, may order or direct the same to be deposited with the said company, and when such deposits shall have been made the same, like all moneys deposited with said company by individuals or corporations, shall be at all times subject to withdrawal by the check or order of the person entitled and duly authorized to withdraw the same; and any executor or administrator, guardian or other trustee or public officer having the control of any bonds, stocks, securities, moneys or other valuables belonging to others shall be and is hereby authorized to deposit the same for safe keeping with said company." +1893_private laws_229_6,project experts,0,private laws,228,5,"CHAPTER 228 An act to incorporate the Mountain View Road Company, and to authorize the construction of a turnpike road between the iron bridge west of Morganton and the town of Linville or Millers Gap. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That when said road is open for public travel between the points hereinbefore specified, the company shall have power to erect gates on any part of the new portion of said road, the said gates to be at least ten miles apart: Provided, there shall be not more than two gates between Morganton and Linville, and collect such tolls as they may fix for passage over said road not to exceed the following: For hogs, cattle, sheep or goats, five cents each; loose horses, mules and asses ten cents each; single horsemen, fifteen cents; vehicles pulled by one animal, twenty cents; by two animals, thirty cents, and for each additional animal ten cents: Provided, that the said company and their associxtes, successors and assigns shall keep said road in good condition." +1935_public local laws_176_2,project experts,0,public local laws,175,1,CHAPTER 175 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE ACTS OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HENDERSON COUNTY RELATIVE TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN BONDS FOR TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the acts on the part of the Board of County Commissioners of Henderson County and the tax collector of said County in accepting bonds and interest coupons of the County at par in the payment of taxes and in the sale of tax sale certificates be, and the same are hereby ratified and validated." +1897_private laws_28_4,project experts,0,private laws,27,3,"CHAPTER 27 \ An act to incorporate the Levi Bank of Rutherfordton, N. C. 3","That the corporators in the first section named, ora | majority of them, are hereby empowered to open books of subscription to the capital stock of said corporation at such time or times, at such places and forsuch periods as they shall determine ; and the stockholders at any general meeting called after due organization of said corporation, may, at their discretion, from time to time re-open books of subscription to said capital stock until the same, as herein limited, be wholly taken." +1919_private laws_69_2,project experts,0,private laws,68,1,"CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 219 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF THE SESSION OF THE GEN- ERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1907, RELATIVE TO TRUSTEES OF ABERDEEN GRADED SCHOOL The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two of chapter two hundred and nineteen of the Private Laws of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and seven, be and is hereby repealed and the following substituted in lieu thereof: On the third Tuesday in March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, six trustees shall be; elected for the Aberdeen graded school district, by the qualified voters thereof; two for the term of three years; two for the term of two years, and two for the term of one year; and as these terms of office expire, their successors shall be elected for terms of three years each, at an election to be held in said graded school district annually on Tuesday after the first Monday in May. All such elections shall be held under the laws, rules and regulations governing state, county, and municipal elections." +1925_public local laws_579_2,project experts,0,public local laws,578,1,"CHAPTER 578 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE SHERIFF OF DUPLIN COUNTY TO PAY ANY FUNDS NOW IN HIS HANDS BELONGING TO CALYPSO GOOD ROADS DISTRICT, DUPLIN COUNTY, TO GEO. W. ALBRITTON, AND ALBERT D. BYRD, TO BE USED ON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS IN SAID DISTRICT. That whereas, Calypso good roads district, in Duplin County, held an election and sold bonds for the purpose of improving the highways in said district, all of which. bonds and the inter- est thereon accrued, have been paid off and discharged, and there now remains in the hands of the sheriff of Duplin County certain funds belonging to said district: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the sheriff of Duplin County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay any funds now in his hands belonging to the Calypso good roads district to Albert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton, to be used by them in improving the highways in said good roads district; that the receipt of said Aibert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton, in the hands of the sheriff, shall be and constitute a proper voucher in all settlements by him with the commissioners of Duplin County, or any other official, or person, who may have the right to request the sheriff to make settlement for said fund; and the said Albert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton shall make written report of the expenditures by them of the said fund to the commissioners of Duplin County." +1939_public local laws_319_4,project experts,0,public local laws,318,3,"CHAPTER 318 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ALEXANDER COUNTY TO FILE AND PRESERVE ALL PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS BE- FORE HIM OR BELONGING TO THE COURT, AND TO KEEP A PROPER INDEX THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","All papers, books and records required by this Act, or any other law of this State relative to the same, shall be kept and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and shall not be taken therefrom, unless by a special order of the court or on the written consent of the attorneys of record of all the parties; but parties may, at all times, have copies thereof upon payment therefor." +1923_public laws_137_13,project experts,0,public laws,136,12,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS","How nominated and elected. In all the counties of the State there shall be nominated in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and biennially thereafter, at the party primaries or conventions, at the same time and in the same manner as that in which other county officers are nominated, a candidate or candidates, by each political party of the State, for member or members of the county board of education to take the place of the member or members of said board whose term next expires. The names of the persons so nominated in such counties shall be duly certified by the chairman of the county board of elections, within ten days after their nomination is declared by said county board of elections, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall transmit the names of all persons so nominated, together with the name of the political party nominating them, to the chairman of the committee on education in the next session of the General Assembly within ten days after it convenes. The General Assembly shall elect or appoint one or more, from the candidates so nominated, members of the county board of education for such county. Upon failure of the General Assembly to elect or appoint members as herein provided, such failure shall constitute a vacancy, which shall be filled by the State Board of Education. The term of office of each member shall begin on the first Monday of April of the year in which he is elected, and shall continue until his successor is elected and qualified. (C. S. 5404.)" +1905_private laws_390_7,project experts,0,private laws,390,6,CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NORTH STATE TELE- PHONE COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said corporation shall have a common seal, may sue and be sued in the courts of the State, and for the purpose of its business may hold and possess real and personal property ; and further, may establish branch lines, purchase other lines, co-operate with other lines at its terminal office with any and all telephone lines or systems of telegraph companies doing business within the State." +1913_public local laws_486_4,project experts,0,public local laws,485,3,"CHAPTER 485 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE NUMBER, PAY, AND DUTIES OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS OF CHATHAM, DAVIDSON, WARREN, WATAUGA, WILKES, PASQUOTANK, BLADEN, AND McDOWELL COUNTIES, AND FIXING PAY FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the members of the board of county commissioners of Warren County shall be allowed and shall be paid by the treasurer of the aforesaid county the sum of four dollars per day for each day they are in actual attendance on their duties as such commissioners, and no more, and that they shall receive the further sum of five cents per mile to and from their places of meetings on the first day of each session, and no mileage on other days." +1959_session laws_492_5,project experts,0,session laws,491,4,CHAPTER 491 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 3 OF CHAPTER 128 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO THE NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOV- ERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 128-24 is hereby amended by inserting a new paragraph immediately following the paragraph numbered (1) and immediately preceding the paragraph numbered (2), to be designated as (la), and to read as follows: 411 (1a) Should any member in any period of six consecutive years after becoming a member be absent from service more than five years, or should he withdraw his accumulated contributions, or should he become a beneficiary or die, he shall thereupon cease to be a member." +1915_public local laws_433_13,project experts,0,public local laws,432,12,"CHAPTER 432 AN ACT TO CREATE A SPECIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT COMPOSED OF PORTIONS OF .MOORH, MONTGOMERY, AND RICHMOND COUNTIBS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","When and if Roger A. Derby shall cause to be conveyed to the said district his residence situate in said school district, consisting of three adjoining connected wings, each sixteen by forty feet, with six windows in each wing, two bathrooms and plumbing, and five fireplaces, ceiled and weather-boarded, roof shingled _ and all stained, together with ten acres of adjoining land, free of all encumbrances; or shall cause a school building acceptable to said school committee to be built in said school district for the purposes of conducting a school therein, the said residence or school building, one or both, shall be known and designated as the Derby Memorial School, as a memorial to the father and mother of the said Roger A. Derby. i" +1883_private laws_146_2,project experts,0,private laws,145,1,CHAPTER 145 An act to incorporate the Bank of Oxford. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That H. C. Herndon, R. I. Devin, A. H. A. Williams, 8 H. Cannady, W. A. Davis, B. F. Hester, R. H. McGuire, R. V. Minor, N. M. Ferebee, Addieus Morris and J. L. Carroll, and all other persons who may hereafter become associated with them, are hereby constituted body politic and corporate under the name and style of The Bank of Oxford, and assuch shall have succession for the term of thirty years, and by that name may sue and be sued, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of record or other court or places whatsoever, and may have and use a common seal, and may hereafter break and renew the same at will, and may make, establish and put in execution such by-laws, not being contrary to the laws of this stute orof the United States, as may be necessary for the regulation and management of its affaire, and do all such acts and things as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act." +1919_public local laws_506_3,project experts,0,public local laws,505,2,"CHAPTER 505 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 629 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1917, RELATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF LEAKSVILLE TOWNSHIP, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Amend said section two of the said chapter six hundred and twenty-nine of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen by adding at the end of said section two the following: That said prosecuting attorney is hereby given full power and authority to take affidavits to warrants, and to issue warrants in all criminal cases originating and occurring in said Leaksville Township, and to affix the seal of the court to other writs and process of the court." +1927_public laws_31_6,project experts,0,public laws,30,5,"CHAPTER 30 AN ACT DEFINING CO-OPERATIVE NON-PROFIT LIFE BENEFIT ASSOCIATIONS WITH REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF GOVERNMENT, PROVIDING THE TERMS ON WHICH SUCH ASSOCIATIONS MAY DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE RE-INCORPO- RATION OF SUCH FOREIGN ASSOCIATIONS, PRO- VIDING FOR THE TAXATION, SUITS AND SERVICE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE BUSINESS OF SUCH ASSOCIATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THIS STATE AND PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH ASSOCIATIONS MAY BECOME LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","All policies mutual and participating. All _ beneficiary certificates or policies issued by such association on said American Experience Table of Mortality with said interest assumption or any higher standard, shall be mutual and participating, and the association may provide for automatic paidup or extended insurance for an amount not to exceed the amount the reserve to the credit of such member will purchase in the event of suspension after said certificate shall have been in force for not less than two full years or more from date of issue, and shall carry such liability on its books." +1917_public local laws_652_3,project experts,0,public local laws,651,2,CHAPTER 651 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOECANE BAPTIST CHURCH IN MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty dollars. . +1893_private laws_45_3,project experts,0,private laws,44,2,"CHAPTER 44 An act to amend chapter one hundred and seventy-two of the private laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the same being an act to incorporate The Commercial Security Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section eleven of said chapter be amended by striking out all the words after the word elect in line nine down to and including the word directors in line ten and insert in lieu thereof the following words, to-wit: from their number a board of directors of such number as said company shall provide for in the by-laws thereof." +1907_public laws_117_10,project experts,0,public laws,116,9,"CHAPTER 116 AN ACT TO PROTECT PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND CON- VENTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN UNION COUNTY, AND TO PUNISH FRAUDS COMMITTED THERBEAT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","If any person shall attempt to influence the vote of another by the use of intoxicating liquors, or shall bribe or shall offer to bribe any voter by the promise of anything as a reward to be delivered or a service to be performed, prior to, at the time, or subsequent to the primary, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars." +1965_session laws_283_10,project experts,0,session laws,282,9,"CHAPTER 282 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 115, SESSION LAWS OF 1963, THE SAME BEING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Subsection (b) of Section 3, Article II, Chapter 115, Session Laws of 1963, is hereby amended by striking all of the last two sentences thereof beginning with the word In in line 19, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter, the municipal elections in the City of Lumberton shall be held on the last Saturday in May of 1965, and biennially thereafter. In the municipal election in 1965, and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected one councilman from each ward or precinct. The person from each ward or precinct, receiving the highest number of votes of the persons running from said ward or precinct, shall be declared elected." +1941_public laws_94_5,project experts,0,public laws,93,4,"CHAPTER 93 AN ACT TO PROVIDE STATE AID FOR PUBLIC LIBRA- RIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, it is provided in the Constitution of the State that religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good gov- ernment and happiness of mankind, schools and means of edu- cation shall forever be encouraged, and that the people have the right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right; and WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of public libra- ries is an integral part of the educational program of a great State: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","For the necessary expenses of administration, allocation and supervision a sum not to exceed five per cent -5% of the annual appropriation may annually be used by the North Carolina Library Commission." +1891_private laws_244_64,project experts,0,private laws,243,63,CHAPTER 243 An act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Every bank (not incorporated), banker, broker or stock jobber shall, at the time fixed by this charter for listing personal property, make out and furnish the clerk a sworn statement, showing: (1). The amount of property on hand or in transit. (2). The amount of funds in the hands of other banks, bankers, brokers or others subject to draft. (3). The amount of checks or other cash items, the amount thereof not being included in either of the preceding items. (4). The amount of bills receivable discounted or purchased and other credits due or to become due, including accounts receivable and interest accrued but not due, and interest due and unpaid. (5). The amount of bonds and stocks of every kind, state and county warrants and other municipal securities, and shares of capital stock of joint stok or other companies or corporations held as an investment, or anyway representing assets. (6). All other property appertaining to said business other than real estate, which real estate shall be listed and assessed as other real estate is listed and assessed under this act. (7). The amount of deposits made with them by other parties. (8). The amount of all accounts payable other than current deposit accounts. (9). The amount of bonds and other securities exempt by law from taxation, specifying the amount and kind of each, the same being included in the preceding fifth item. The aggregate amount of the first, second and third items in said statement shall be listed as moneys. The amount of the sixth item shall be listed the same as other similar personal property is listed under this chapter. The aggregate amount of the seventh and eighth items shall be deducted from the aggregate amount of the fourth item of said statement, and the amount of the remainder, if any, shall be listed as credits. The aggregate amount of the ninth item shall be deducted from the aggregate amount of the fifth item of such statement, and the remainder shall be listed as bonds or stocks." +1879_private laws_20_13,project experts,0,private laws,19,12,"CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AMEND THE UHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MOORESVILLE, IN IREDELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That said taxesshall be due the first Monday in August of each and every year, but the tax collector shall have no power to enforce collection of the same by sale before the first day of November next ensuing." +1929_public laws_180_3,project experts,0,public laws,179,2,CHAPTER 179 AN ACT TO APPOINT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section one hundred and ninety-eight of the Consolidated Statutes shall not be applicable to the said Fred W. Ashcraft and B. Capps, herein appointed Justices of the Peace." +1965_session laws_646_4,project experts,0,session laws,645,3,"CHAPTER 645 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATIONS IN TYRRELL COUNTY AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR CON- STRUCTION, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE OF NEEDED WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Upon its receipt the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County shall review the petition and determine if it bears the requisite number of signatures, if those who signed the petition were eligible to sign as residents within the area of the proposed association, and if the description of the area of the proposed association clearly sets forth the boundaries of the association. If the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County should find the petition lacking in any of the particulars set forth in Section 2 of this Act, it shall be returned to the petitioners together with notice in writing of any deficiences found. Upon receipt of such notice the petitioners may correct the petition as indicated and re-submit same to the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County." +1927_public laws_54_6,project experts,0,public laws,53,5,CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES IN NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all manufacturers and dealers, for the purpose of defraying the expenses connected with the enforcement of this act, shall pay to the Department of Agriculture the sum of ten cents per hundred pounds for paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides, manufactured for sale or sold in this State." +1907_public laws_257_15,project experts,0,public laws,256,14,"CHAPTER 256 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 588 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and eighty-eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, relating to raising revenue, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: SCHEDULE A.","Proportion of tax to be repaid upon certain conditions. Whenever debts shall be proven against the estate of a decedent, after the distribution of legacies from which the inheritance tax has been deducted in compliance with this act, and the legatee is required to refund any portion of the legacy, a proportion of the said tax shall be repaid to him by the executor or administrator if the said tax has not been paid into the State Treasury, or shall be refunded by the State Treasurer if it has been so paid in." +1903_public laws_272_8,project experts,0,public laws,271,7,"CHAPTER 271 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR REGISTRATION OF LABBLS, TRADE-MARKS AND DESIGNS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Whenever any person or corporation has heretofore adopted and filed for record or registry, or shall hereafter adopt and file for registry, any label, trade-mark, term or design, as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any other person or corporation to make any use, sale, offer for sale or display of the genuine label, trade-mark, term or design of any sveh person or corporation filing the same, or to have any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design in possession with intent that the same shall be used, sold, offered for sale, or displayed, or that the same shall be applied, attached or displayed in any manner whatever to or on any goods, wares or merchandise, or to sell, offer to sell, or dispose of, or have in possession with intent that the same shall be sold or disposed of, any goods, wares or merchandise in any box, case, can or package, to or which any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design of any such person or corporation is attached, affixed, or displayed, or to make any use whatever of any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design, without first obtaining in every such case the license, consent or authority of the person or corporation adopting, filing and registering the same, or causing the same to be adopted, filed and registered; and any such license, consent or authority may be revoked and terminated at any time upon notice, and thereafter any use thereof shall be a violation of this act, and subject those violating the same to all the liabilities and penalties herein provided against any violation thereof." +1965_session laws_223_3,project experts,0,session laws,222,2,CHAPTER 222 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CONCORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Section 2 of Chapter 716 of the Session Laws of North Carolina Session of 1947 is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof is inserted the following: The board of aldermen at the regular meeting in June 1965 shall appoint three members of the Board of Light and Water Commissioners, one of whom shall be appointed for a term of one year, one of whom shall be appointed for a term of two years, and one of whom shall be appointed for a term of three years. Each succeeding term shall be three years. The City Manager of Concord shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall not have a vote. The board of aldermen shall also appoint a treasurer, an attorney, and such other officers as it may deem necessary for the proper government of the city who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board of aldermen, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Mayor of the City of Concord shall be chairman ex officio of such board and shall preside at all meetings but shall not have a vote in such proceedings." +1957_session laws_1436_8,project experts,0,session laws,1435,7,"CHAPTER 1435 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ZONING OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",As soon as practicable after their appointment the planning and zoning commissioners shall meet and organize by electing one of the members chairman and one secretary. It shall be the duty of the chairman to preside at all meetings and hearings of said planning and zoning commission and to be its executive officer. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of the meetings and hearings of said planning and zoning commission in a permanent record book and to perform such other duties as are usual for secretaries of similar organizations. +1913_public local laws_693_2,project experts,0,public local laws,692,1,"CHAPTER 692 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN MOUNT AIRY TOWNSHIP, SURRY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JUISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","A special court for the trial of petty misdemeanors and certain civil causes committed in Mount Airy Township, the county of Surry, and to be designated as the Recorders Court of Mount Airy Township in Surry County, is hereby created and established." +1915_public local laws_441_2,project experts,0,public local laws,440,1,"CHAPTER 440 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 618 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1918, BHING AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ROBESON COUNTY AND TO LEVY A TAX FOR THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter six hundred and eighteen of the PublicLocal Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be amended as follows, towit: Strike out section 40a, section 40b, section 40c, section 40d, section 40e, section 40f, section 40g, and section 40h. 5" +1967_session laws_134_5,project experts,0,session laws,133,4,CHAPTER 133 AN ACT INCREASING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS AND APPOINT- ING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE WHITEVILLE CITY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1907_public laws_259_57,project experts,0,public laws,258,56,CHAPTER 258 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and ninety of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. BoarRD OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS.,"Railroads. When any railroad has part of its road in this State and part thereof in any other State, the said Commission shall ascertain the value of railroad track, rolling-stock, and all other property liable to assessment by the Corporation Commission, of such company, as provided in the next preceding section, and divide it in the proportion to the length of such main line of road in this State bears to the whole length of such main line of road, | and determine the value in this State accordingly. On or after the first Monday in July the said Commission shall give a hearing | to all the companies interested touching the valuation and assessment of their property. The said Commission may, if they see fit, require all arguments and communications to be presented in writing." +1911_public local laws_615_11,project experts,0,public local laws,614,10,"CHAPTER 614 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO DEFINE THE JURISDICTION OF THE RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDER- SON, BEING HOUSE BILL FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY- TWO, SENATE BILL FOUR HUNDRED AND~ THIRTY-FOUR, RATIFIED FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the present mayor of the town of Henderson shall preside over and discharge the duties of the said recorders court until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and at the next general election held for the election of county officers of Vance County and every two years thereafter a recorder shall be elected to fill said office by the voters of the entire county of Vance as other county officers are elected and voted for, and the said court shall after that date be held in the county courthouse. Should a vacancy occur by resignation, death of the recorder, or from any cause whatever, then the board.of town commissioners of the town of Henderson and the board of county com- missioners of Vance shall immediately meet in joint session and appoint a recorder to discharge the duties of the office until the next general election for county officers shall be held to elect a recorder." +1907_private laws_329_8,project experts,0,private laws,326,7,CHAPTER 326 AN ACT TO REGULATE PRIMARY AND OTHER ELECTIONS IN MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall be in force from and after its ratifieation: Provided, that any political party may at any meeting duly advertised reject this act and have an order so written and signed by the secretary and approved by the chairman of such party, and have said order recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of such county on the book of orders and decrees. In this event such political party shall not be subject to the provisions of this act." +1911_public local laws_587_4,project experts,0,public local laws,586,3,"CHAPTER 586 AN. ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That at the said election or elections, the ballots tendered and cast by the qualified voters, shall have written or printed, or partly written and partly printed upon them For good roads, or Against good roads, and all qualified electors who favor the issuing of said bonds shall vote For good roads, and all qualified electors opposed to the issuing of bonds shall vote Against good roads." +1907_private laws_312_5,project experts,0,private laws,309,4,"CHAPTER 309 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 577, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905, RELATING TO COTTON-WEIGHER FOR THE TOWN OF DUNN, HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said chapter be further amended by adding at the end of section six thereof the following words: And it shall also be his duty to assess and deduct just and proper weights on account of dampness, damage or excessive weight, bagging or ties and so forth." +1889_private laws_184_18,project experts,0,private laws,183,17,"CHAPTER 183 An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the town of : Marion, county of McDowell. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the mayor of said town is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such shall, within the corporate limits of the town, have all the power, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace to issue process; to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town; to enforce penalties by issuing execution upon any adjudged violation thereof; and to execute the by-laws, rules and regulations made by the aldermen. The mayor shall further be a special court within the corporate limits of the town to have arrested and to try all persons who are charged with a misdemeanor for violating any ordinance of the town, and if the accused shall be found guilty he shall be fined at the discretion of the court or mayor not exceeding the amount specified in the ordinance so violated, or imprisoned at the discretion of the court or mayor not exceeding the length of time specified in the ordinance or ordinances so violated." +1913_private laws_155_5,project experts,0,private laws,154,4,CHAPTER 154 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE HERTFORD GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of graded school trustees may in their discretion ask for issuance of a total sum of bonds provided for at any one election or may ask for any part of said sum at any election, and shall have the right and power to require the commissioners of the town of Hertford to call elections to vote upon the issuance of any part of the bonds herein provided for, and for each of the purposes herein set out, at any time they may deem advisable: Provided, however, that they shall not call, require, or ask that any election be held within six months of any other election held hereunder: and Provided further, that the total amounts of bonds issued from time to time not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), as herein provided: Provided further, that there shall not be any elections under this act after July first, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen." +1921_public laws_6_4,project experts,0,public laws,5,3,"CHAPTER 5 AN ACT DEFINING THE CRIME OF BURGLARY WITH EX- PLOSIVES, AND PROVIDING THE PUNISHMENT THERE- FOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do cnact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1897_private laws_23_6,project experts,1,private laws,22,5,CHAPTER 22 An act to incorporate The Peoples Benevolent and Relief Association of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That two-tenths (2-10) of one per cent. of any and all {money or monies obtained as premiums by the association, shall be donated to the Colored Oxford Orphan Asylum." +1883_public laws_181_3,project experts,0,public laws,180,2,CHAPTER 180 An act to prevent the felling of timber in Pigeon river in Haywood county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any person violating this act shall be guilty of & misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, at the discretion of the court." +1931_public local laws_351_2,project experts,0,public local laws,350,1,CHAPTER 350 AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE THE FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY FOR RECORDING CERTAIN INSTRUMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Register of Deeds of Granville County shall receive for registering deeds, mortgages, Deeds of Trust, and contracts, and other instruments not hereinafter specifically mentioned, the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar for the first three hundred words and fifteen (15c) cents for each additional hundred words or fraction thereof contained in the instrument and certificates: For recording the statutory short form of agricultural lien and chattel mortgage combined the sum of fifty (50c) cents and for recording the statutory short form of chattel mortgage alone in which no crop is mentioned the sum of thirty-five (35c) cents." +1927_public laws_72_22,project experts,0,public laws,71,21,"CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALU- ING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL, AND MIXED, AT ITS REAL VALUE IN MONEY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I.","Sleeping-car companies. Every joint-stock association, company, co-partnership, or corporation incorporated or acting under the laws of this or any other state, or of any foreign nation, and conveying to, from, through, in, or across this State, or any part thereof, passengers or travelers in palace cars, drawing-room cars, sleeping cars, dining cars or chair cars, under any contract, express or implied, with any railroad company or the managers, lessees, agents, or receivers thereof, shall be deemed and held to be a sleeping car company for the purposes of this act, and shall hereinafter be called sleeping-car company; and every such sleeping-car company doing business in this State shall annually, between the first day of May and the twentieth day of May, make out and deliver to the State Board of Assessment a statement, verified by the oath of the officer or agent of such company making such statement, with reference to the thirtieth day of April next preceding, showing: First. The total capital stock of such sleeping-car company, invested in its sleeping-car business. Second. The number of shares of such capital stock devoted to the sleeping-car business issued and outstanding, and the par or face value of each share. Third. Under the laws of what state it is incorporated. Fourth. Its principal place of business. Fifth. The names and postoffice addresses of its president and. secretary. Sixth. The actual cash value of the shares of such capital stock devoted to its sleeping-car business on the thirtieth day of April next preceding such report. Seventh. The real estate, structures, machinery, fixtures, and appliances owned by said sleeping-car company and subject to local taxation within this State, and the location and assessed value thereof in each county within this State where the same is assessed for local taxation. ; Eighth. All mortgages upon the whole or any part of its property, and the amounts thereof devoted to its sleeping-car business. Ninth. (a) The total length of the main line of railroad over which cars are run; (b) the total length of so much of the main lines of railroad over which the said cars are run outside of the State of North Carolina; (c) the length of the lines of railroad over which said cars are run within the State of North Carolina: Provided, that where the railroads over which said cars run have double tracks, or a greater number of tracks than a single track, the statement shall only give the mileage as though such tracks were but single tracks; and in case it shall be required, such statement shall show in detail the number of miles of each or any particular railroad or system within the State. When the assessment shall have been made by the State Board of Assessments in accordance with section twenty-six of this act, the clerk of the board shall thereupon notify the officer attesting such report of the amount assessed against it, and such sleeping-car company shall have thirty days within which to appear and make objection, if any it shall have, to said assessment. If no objection be made within thirty days, the Commissioner of Revenue shall assess the State tax against such company and send by letter to the officer attesting such report a bill for the State taxes upon said assessment, and such sleeping-car company shall have thirty days within which to pay said taxes; and the clerk of the State Board of Assessment shall certify to the county commissioners of the several counties through which such cars are used the value of the property of such sleeping-car company within such county in the proportion that the number of miles of railroad over which such cars are used in said county bears to the number of miles of railroad over which such cars are used within the State, together with the name and postoffice address of the officers attesting such report of such sleeping-car company, with the information that tax bills, when assessed, are to be sent him by mail; and such value, so certified, shall be assessed and taxed the same as other property within said county. And when the assessment shall have been made in such county, the sheriff or county tax collector shall send to the address given by the Clerk of the State Board of Assessment to the county commissioners a bill for the total amount of all taxes due to such county, and such sleeping-car company shall have sixty days thereafter within which to pay said taxes; and upon failure of and refusal to do so such taxes shall be collected the same as other delinquent taxes are, together with a penalty of fifty per cent added thereto, and costs of collection." +1967_session laws_1078_2,project experts,0,session laws,1077,1,CHAPTER 1077 AN ACT TO AMEND SUBSECTION (b) OF G. S. 20-127 PERTAINING TO WINDSHIELD WIPERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Subsection (b) of G. S. 20-127, as the same appears in the 1965 Replacement Volume 1C of the General Statutes, is hereby amended by inserting in line 5 thereof immediately following the word vehicle. the following provision: 1591 Provided, on any vehicle equipped by its manufacturer with such devices on both the right and left sides of windshield, both such devices shall be in working order." +1907_public laws_175_5,project experts,0,public laws,174,4,"CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF SPIRITUOUS, VINOUS AND MALT LIQUORS IN McDOW- _ ELL COUNTY AND TO PREVENT THE IMPORTATION THEREOF INTO SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court." +1933_public laws_156_8,project experts,0,public laws,155,7,CHAPTER 155 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSERVATION OF THE ASSETS OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS AND THE ISSUANCE OF PREFERRED STOCK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Notwithstanding any other provision of this act or any other law, and notwithstanding any of the provisions of its Articles of Incorporation or by-laws, any bank may, with the approval of the Commissioner of Banks, and by vote of stockholders owning a majority of the stock of such bank, upon not less than two days notice given by registered mail pursuant to action taken at a meeting of its Board of Directors (which may be held upon not less than one days notice) issue preferred stock in such amount and with such par value as shall be approved by said Commissioner of Banks. A copy of the minutes of such directors and stockholders meetings, certified by the proper officer and under the corporate seal of the bank, and accompanied by the written approval of the Commissioner of Banks shall be immediately filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and when so filed, shall be deemed and treated as an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of such bank. No issue of preferred stock shall be valid until the par value of all stock so issued shall have been paid for in full in cash or in such manner as may be specifically approved by the Commissioner of Banks." +1927_private laws_102_5,project experts,0,private laws,101,4,CHAPTER 101 AN ACT TO CREATE A PARK COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE AND TO PRESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF SAID COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the governing body of the city of Asheville shall make sufficient appropriation from the general revenues of said city, or from funds derived from the sale of bonds of said city, said bonds to be sold im accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina governing the sale of municipal securities, to purchase, develop and maintain such lands and improvements as herein provided for, at the request of said park commission." +1959_session laws_97_3,project experts,0,session laws,96,2,CHAPTER 96 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 14-835 WITH RESPECT TO PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1907_public laws_13_2,project experts,0,public laws,12,1,CHAPTER 12 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 958 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section nine hundred and fifty-eight of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in line four, between the word sage and the word for, the words or deed of trust, and by inserting in line seven after the word deed the words or deed of trust." +1925_public local laws_36_4,project experts,0,public local laws,35,3,"CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 10, CHAPTER 84 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1919, BEING AN ACT TO PRO- VIDE GOOD ROADS IN GOLDMINE TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1939_public laws_232_3,project experts,0,public laws,231,2,"CHAPTER 231 AN ACT TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE, AS AMENDED, THE COUNTY FINANCE ACT, AS AMEND- ED, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, AS AMENDED, AND THE ACT PROVIDING FOR FUNDING AND RE- FUNDING DEBTS OF LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT OTHER THAN COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO FUNDING AND REFUND- ING OF NOTES AND BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the County Finance Act, being Chapter eightyone of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twentyseven, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Amend Section five by adding at the end thereof the following: In addition to the foregoing powers, a county may borrow money for the purpose of refunding or funding the principal or interest of bonds due or to become due within four months and not otherwise adequately provided for, and such loans shall be paid not later than the end of the next succeeding fiscal year following the fiscal year within which they are made: Provided, however, if such loans, or any renewals thereof, shall not be paid within the fiscal year in which the same are made, the governing body shall in the next succeeding fiscal year levy and collect a tax ad valorem upon the taxable property in the county sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof. (b) Amend Section six by adding at the end thereof the following: The resolution authorizing issuance of notes for money borrowed under Section five of this Act for the purpose of refunding or funding principal or interest of bonds shall contain a description of the bonds the principal or interest of which is to be so paid, including the respective amounts of such principal or interest and the date or dates on which the same is due and payable. (c) Amend clause (j) of Section eight by striking out in the last sentence thereof the words One thousand nine hundred thirty-eight and inserting in lieu thereof the words One thousand nine hundred forty. (d) Amend Section thirty-two by substituting a colon for the period at the end thereof and adding the following: Provided, however, that funding or refunding bonds heretofore or hereafter authorized may be issued at any time within five years after the order takes effect." +1925_public local laws_103_13,project experts,0,public local laws,102,12,CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE MADISON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,Said bonds shall be sold by the said board of county commissioners in the manner provided by the municipal finance act for the sale of bonds. They shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest. +1939_public local laws_430_2,project experts,0,public local laws,429,1,CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF COUN- TY COMMISSIONERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners, now holding office in Cherokee County, shall serve in such capacity until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred forty-two." +1889_private laws_138_3,project experts,0,private laws,137,2,"CHAPTER 137 An act to incorporate the town of Roberdel, in the county of Rich- mond. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of a branch on south bank of Hitchcock creek, about two hundred yards below the bridge, and runs with the outside lines of the lands of Roberdel Manufacturing Company, as follows: N. 9 W. 23 5, chains; thence east 13 chains; thence S. 29 EK. 13 345, chains; thence N. 14 E. 10 chains, to the run of said creek; thence down said run to the corner of said companys land; thence with its line in a southerly direction 125 yards to its corner; thence with its west line in a westerly direction about 125 yards to R. L. Steeles N. E. corner; thence with his line to his 8 E. corner; thence with his line to his . W. corner; thence with his line to his N. W. corner, being a corner of said companys land; thence with its line N. 25 W. to the run of said creek, just below a spring; pence with said run to the beginning." +1909_public laws_129_3,project experts,0,public laws,128,2,CHAPTER 128 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT SEINING IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any person or persons violating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction therefor be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court, not less than five dollars in each and every case, in the discretion of the court." +1919_public local laws_558_2,project experts,0,public local laws,557,1,CHAPTER 557 AN ACT TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF THE SHERIFF AND TREASURER OF HAYWOOD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the compensation of the sheriff and of the treasurer of Haywood County shall, in no year, exceed the amount received by the said sheriff and the said treasurer for the fiscal year ending the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen: Provided, that in computing the compensation of the sheriff and the treasurer for the year one thousand nine hundred and eighteen their commissioners on all taxes listed for that year shall be included." +1957_session laws_1215_4,project experts,0,session laws,1214,3,CHAPTER 1214 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 5 OF G. S. CHAPTER 72 RELATING TO THE SANITATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS PROVIDING FOOD AND LODGING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That G. S. 72-49 be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following proviso: Provided, food or drink stands operated by church, civic or charitable organizations for a period of one week or less shall meet minimum sanitation requirements but shall not be subject to grading. Provided further, that this Article shall not apply to boarding houses having regular boarders, private clubs, picnics, camp meetings, reunions, box suppers, field trials, 1154 occasional fund-raising suppers and similar gatherings conducted from time to time by church, civic or charitable organizations." +1905_private laws_174_10,project experts,0,private laws,174,9,CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MAGNOLIA IN DUPLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said judges of election, together with the registrar, who shall take with him the registration book, shall assemble at the polling place on the day of election held in said town and shall open the polls at seven o'clock A. M. They shall superintend said election and shall keep the polls open until sunset, when the polls shall be closed and the votes for mayor and commissioners shall be counted out by them. They shall keep poll-books and shall write in them the name of every person voting at said election, and at the close thereof shall certify said poll lists and deposit them with the clerk and treasurer of said town, and said poll-books shall, in any trial for illegal or fraudulent voting, be received as evidence. If for any cause any of the judges of election shall fail to attend, the registrar shall appoint some discreet person or persons to fill the vacancy, who shall be sworn before acting." +1887_private laws_92_10,project experts,0,private laws,91,9,CHAPTER 91 An act entitled * An act to incorporate the Enterprise Land and Lumber Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this corporation is hereby granted all the privileges contained in this charter, to them and their associates and successors, in perpetual succession forever, and: sections six hundred and sixtysix, six hundred and eighty-seven, six hundred and ninety, six hundred and ninety-three and six hundred and eighty-five of The Code, together with all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed in so far as they affect this corporation, and no farther." +1919_public laws_93_3,project experts,0,public laws,92,2,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 231, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS",The members of said board shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office to be filed with the Secretary of State. +1915_public laws_243_7,project experts,0,public laws,242,6,CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO PROTECT AND REGULATE AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That every such person mentioned in the preceding section shall apply in advance for a license to the board of county commissioners of the county in which he proposes to peddle, sell or operate and the board of county commissioners may in their discretion issue license upon the payment of the tax to the sheriff which shall expire at the end of twelve months from its date." +1911_private laws_254_9,project experts,0,private laws,253,8,"CHAPTER 253 AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GRADED SCHOOL TO BE KNOWN AS OAK GROVE GRADED SCHOOL, IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all statistical reports of said graded school shall be made to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. +1913_private laws_487_19,project experts,0,private laws,484,18,CHAPTER 484 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE TOWN OF ANDREWS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of aldermen are hereby authorized to pay a reasonable sum, to be fixed by them, for legal and other expenses which may be incurred in connection with the sale thereof, and the board may sell any issue of said bonds at public or private sale, as May seem best." +1921_public laws_196_7,project experts,0,public laws,195,6,CHAPTER 195 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CRIMINAL COURTS OF GUILFORD AND ROWAN COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the defendants and witnesses recognized to appear at any criminal term shall be in the recognizance be ordered to appear on the first day of the term, as now provided by law, but in fact shall not be required to appear until the day on which the ease is set for trial, and no witness shall prove for attendance prior to the day on which the case is set on the calendar." +1909_public laws_391_16,project experts,0,public laws,390,15,"CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX THEREFOR, AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 538 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1903 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Every supervisor or other officer may be required to execute a proper undertaking, in an amount to be fixed by said board of road commissioners, for the faithful performance of his duties and for the proper accounting for the funds and property which may come into his hands as such, and shall always be subject to the orders and control of said board, and may be at any time removed by them for inefficiency, misconduct and other good cause, and a successor may be appointed by them." +1939_public laws_51_3,project experts,0,public laws,50,2,CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND AND FORTY-FOUR OF VOLUME TWO (ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETEEN) OF THE CONSOLIDAT- ED STATUTES RELATIVE TO COURT COSTS IN JUVE- NILE COURTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1915_public local laws_362_3,project experts,0,public local laws,361,2,"CHAPTER 361 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE ROBERT J. LOWERY, FORMER SHERIFF OF ANSON COUNTY, TO COLLECT BACK TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the power and authority herein granted shall expire on the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen." +1881_public laws_96_4,project experts,0,public laws,95,3,CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO APPOINT A COTTON WEIGHER FOR THE TOWN OF FRANKLINTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said weigher before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the following oath before some justice of the peace, viz: I......... , do solemnly swear that I will faithfully perform the duties of cotton weigher, and that I will take no interest, near or remote, in buying and selling cotton in the town of Franklinton." +1899_private laws_367_3,project experts,0,private laws,366,2,CHAPTER 366 An act to incorporate the town of Belhaven in the county of Beaufort. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the buildings of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad depot; thence north forty-seven east across the center of the railroad five hundred feet; thence south forty-three east to Haslins street; thence north tortyseven east with said street about nine hundred efeet to Pantego street; thence with Pantego street, south forty-three east to Pungo river; thence in the various courses of Pungo river and Pantego creek to the beginning. *" +1929_public laws_213_3,project experts,0,public laws,212,2,"CHAPTER 212 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE APPALACHIAN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL TO MAKE CERTAIN CONTRACTS WITH THE WATAUGA HOSPITAL, INC. Whereas, the Appalachian State Normal School is in need of an infirmary for the benefit of the officers, teachers and stu- dents, and Whereas, the erection of such infirmary would cost more than the plan herein authorized, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The-trustees are further authorized and empowered to pay any cost of such treatment, nursing and care to the Watauga Hospital, Incorporated, from time to time in accordance with the contract or contracts hereinbefore authorized, provided, such Appalachian State Normal School shall thereby assume no responsibility for the proper conduct of the said Watauga Hospital, Incorporated." +1939_public local laws_125_6,project experts,0,public local laws,124,5,"CHAPTER 124 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE, PUR- CHASE, SALE, DEALING IN, TRANSPORTATION, POSSESSION, ADVERTISEMENT AND USE OF PYRO- TECHNICS IN PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the proper construction of the provisions of this Act, the word pyrotechnics as is herein used shall be deemed to be and include any and all kinds of fireworks and explosives, which are used for exhibitions or amusement purposes: Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the manufacture, purchase, sale, transportation and use of explosives used in the course of ordinary business or industry, or shells or cartridges used as ammunition in firearms." +1911_private laws_282_4,project experts,0,private laws,281,3,"CHAPTER 281 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE TOWN OF JONESBORO, IN LEE COUNTY, TO ACQUIRE AND ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF WATERWORKS, AND TO PASS ORDINANCES FOR THE MAN- AGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE SAID WATERWORKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The commissioners of the town of Jonesboro shall have power to pass such ordinances as they may deem best for the regulation and management of the water system, and the supplying of water to the patrons thereof, and for the further protection of the water supply and waterworks." +1931_public laws_360_3,project experts,0,public laws,359,2,CHAPTER 359 AN ACT TO PROMOTE ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY IN THE OPERATION OF THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY PROVID- ING FOR A UNIFORM ADOPTION OF HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Governor and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the expiration of the present high school textbook contracts, shall appoint a State committee on high school textbooks, consisting of five members, five of whom are actively engaged in school work, who shall serve for a term of five years without compensation except for reimbursement out of the State Treasury upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for actual expenses incurred by attendance upon meetings of the committee that may be called by or under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction." +1903_private laws_234_21,project experts,0,private laws,233,20,CHAPTER 233 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VIRGINIA AND CAROLINA SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"This act shall not be forfeited by non-user: Provided, that the said company shall be organized within five years from the ratification of this act." +1967_session laws_1061_9,project experts,0,session laws,1060,8,"CHAPTER 1060 AN ACT TO AMEND PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 165 RELATING TO VETERANS, AND TO REWRITE AND RECODIFY INTO CHAPTER 165 THE PRESENT ARTICLE 15 OF CHAPTER 116 RELATING TO SCHOLARSHIPS FOR VETERANS CHILDREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Article 4 of Chapter 165 of the General Statutes, as the same appears in 1964 Replacement Volume 3D, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: Article 4 Scholarships for Children of War Veterans $ 165-19. Purpose. In appreciation for the service and sacrifices of North Carolinas war veterans and as evidence of this States concern for their children, there is hereby continued a revised program of scholarships for said children as set forth in this Article. 165-20. Definitions. As used in this Article the terms defined in this Section shall have the following meaning: (a) Veteran means a person who served as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in active Federal service during a period of war and who was separated from the Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable. A person who was separated from the Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable and whose death or disability was incurred -1 as a direct result of armed conflict or -2 while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war, shall also be deemed a veteran and such death or disability shall be considered wartime service-connected. (b) Armed Forces means the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, including their reserve components. (c) Active Federal Service means full-time duty in the Armed Forces other than active duty for training; however, if disability or death occurs while on active duty for training -1 as a direct result of armed conflict or -2 while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war, such active duty for training shall be considered as active Federal service. (d) Period of war and wartime shall mean any of the periods or circumstances as defined below: -1 World War I, meaning (a) the period beginning on April 6, 1917 and ending on November 11, 1918, and (b) in the case of a veteran who 1562 served with the United States Armed Forces in Russia, the period beginning on April 6, 1917 and ending on April 1, 1920 -2 World War II, meaning the period beginning on December 7, 1941 and ending on December 31, 1946 -3 Korean Conflict, meaning the period beginning on June 27, 1950 and ending on January 31, 1955 -4 Any period of service in the Armed Forces during which the veteran parent of an applicant for a scholarship under this Article suffered death or disability (a) as a direct result of armed conflict or (b) while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war. (e) Child? means a person who has completed high school or its equivalent prior to receipt of a scholarship as may be awarded under this Article and who further meets one of the following requirements: -1 A person whose veteran parent was a legal resident of North Carolina at the time of said veterans entrance into the Armed Forces. -2 A veterans child who was born in North Carolina and has lived in North Carolina continuously since birth. Provided, that the requirement in the preceding sentence as to birth in North Carolina may be waived by the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Department that the childs mother was a native-born resident of North Carolina and was such resident at the time of her marriage to the veteran and was outside the State temporarily at the time of the childs birth, following which the child was returned to North Carolina within a reasonable period of time where said child has since lived continuously. -3 A person meeting either of the requirements set forth in subsections -1 or -2 above, and who was legally adopted by the veteran prior to said persons reaching the age of six years and within 10 years of the veterans entry on active duty for the period of war under which said persons entitlement to a scholarship is being considered. (f) State Educational Institution means any educational institution of higher learning which is owned and operated by the State of North Carolina, or any community college operated under the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 116 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, or the North Carolina School of the Arts. 165-21. Scholarship. (a) Unless expressly limited elsewhere in this Article, a scholarship granted pursuant to this Article shall consist of the following benefits in any State supported institution of higher education, including the Community Colleges and the college program of the North Carolina School of the Arts: -1 Tuition. -2 A reasonable board allowance. -3 A reasonable room allowance. -4 Such other items and institutional services as are embraced within the so called institutional matriculation fees and other special fees and charges required to be paid as a condition to remaining in said institution and pursuing the course of study selected. 1563 (b) Only one scholarship may be granted pursuant to this Article with respect to each child and it shall not extend for a longer period than four academic years, which years, however, need not be consecutive. $ 165-22. Classes or Categories of Eligibility Under Which Scholarships May be Awarded. (a) A child, as defined in this Article, who falls within the provisions of any eligibility class described below shall, upon proper application be considered for a scholarship, subject to the provisions and limitations set forth for the class under which he is considered: -1 Class I-A: Under this class a scholarship shall be awarded to any child whose veteran parent a. Was killed in action or died from wounds or other causes not due to his own wilful misconduct while a member of the Armed Forces during a period of war, or b. Has died of service-connected injuries, wounds, illness or other causes incurred or aggravated during wartime service in the Armed Forces, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. -2 Class I-B. Under this class a limited scholarship providing only those benefits set forth in Section 165-21 (a) -1 and (4), and Section 165-21 (b) of this Article, shall be awarded to any child whose veteran parent, at the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of one hundred per cent -100% as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. Provided, that if the veteran parent of a recipient under this class should die of his wartime service-connected condition before the recipient shall have utilized all of his scholarship eligibility time, then the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs shall amend the recipients award from Class 1-B to Class 1-A for the remainder of the recipients eligibility time. The effective date of such an amended award shall be determined by the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs, but, in no event, shall it predate the date of the veteran parents death. -3 Class II: Under this class a scholarship may be awarded to not more than one hundred children yearly, each of whose veteran parent, at the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, a. Is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of thirty per cent -30% or more, but less than one hundred per cent (100%), as rated by the United States Veterans Administration, or b. Is or was at the time of his death receiving wartime compensation for a statutory award for arrested pulmonary tuberculosis, as rated by the United States Veterans-Administration, or ec. Was a prisoner of war for a period of at least six months and who was wounded in combat against an enemy of the United States of America during the time of war and is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of twenty per cent -20% or more, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. -4 Class III: Under this class a scholarship may be awarded to not more than one hundred children yearly, each of whose veteran parent, at 1564 the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, is or was at the time of his death drawing pension for permanent and total disability, nonservice-connected, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. 165-22.1. Administration and Funding. The administration of the scholarship program shall be vested in the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs, and the disbursing and accounting activities required shall be a responsibility of the Department of Administration. The Department of Veterans Affairs shall determine the eligibility of applicants, select the scholarship recipients, establish the effective dates of scholarships, maintain necessary records, and promulgate such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the other provisions of this Article as it deems necessary for the orderly administration of the program. It may require of State educational institutions, as defined in this Article, such reports and other information as it may need to carry out the provisions of this Article. The Department of Administration shall disburse scholarship payments for recipients certified eligible by the Department of Veterans Affairs upon certification of enrollment by the enrolling institution. Funds for the support of this program shall be appropriated to the Department of Administration as a reserve for payment of the allocable costs for room, board, tuition, and other charges, and shall be placed in a separate budget code from which disbursements shall be made. In the event the said appropriation for any year is insufficient to pay the full amounts allocable under the provisions of this Article, such supplemental sums aS may be necessary shall be allocated from the Contingency and Emergency Fund. The method of disbursing and accounting for funds allocated for payments under the provisions of this Act shall be in accordance with those standards and procedures prescribed by the Director of the Budget, pursuant to the Executive Budget Act. Allowances for room and board shall be at such rate as the Director of the Budget may determine to be reasonable." +1915_private laws_181_67,project experts,0,private laws,180,66,"CHAPTER 180 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WIN- STON AND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, AND TO ADOPT A CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF WINSTON- SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The judge of the municipal court shall be elected by the board of aldermen as provided in this charter, and before entering upon his duties he shall take and subscribe the oath required of judges of the Superior Court." +1907_public laws_150_3,project experts,0,public laws,149,2,CHAPTER 149 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF FISH IN NORTH PACO- LET RIVER AND VAUGHNS CREEK AND THEIR TRIBU- TARIES IN POLK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any one to fish with hook and line or with hooks and lines, without the written consent of the Tryon Fish Commission Club, unless he or she is a propertyowner or a resident along said river or streams." +1895_public laws_115_2,project experts,0,public laws,114,1,CHAPTER 114 An act to authorize the appointment of special tax collectors for the counties of Northampton and Robeson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the commissioners of Northampton and Robeson county or the board of trustees of said county be and hereby are authorized and empowered, if in their discretion it shall be deemed advisable, to appoint special tax collectors in and for said counties to collect the taxes levied and hereafter to be levied." +1935_public laws_166_3,project experts,0,public laws,165,2,CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION TO ESTABLISH AT THE CENTRAL PRISON AT RALEIGH A SHOE FACTORY TO MANUFACTURE SHOES FOR THE INMATES OF THE VARIOUS STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Director of the Division of Purchase and Contract for the State of North Carolina, or such other authority as may exercise the right to purchase shoes for the various State institutions, is hereby directed to purchase from, and to contract with, the State Highway and Public Works Commission for the shoe requirements for said institutions from year to year." +1881_private laws_41_46,project experts,0,private laws,40,42,CHAPTER 40 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That they may provide for the establishment, organization and equipment, government and pay of such number of fire companies as they shall deem necessary and proper. That in case of a fire occurring in said city, the mayor, or, in his absence, a majority of the aldermen who may be present, may erder the blowing up, or pulling down, or destroying any house or houses deemed necessary to stop the progress of the fire; and no person shall be held liable civilly or criminally for acting is [in] such case in obedience to such orders. They shall also have power to establish fire limits within said city, within which it shall not be lawful for any person to erect or build any wooden house, make any wooden additions to any buildings, or cover any building with any material other than metal or slate. They may prohibit wooden buildings from being removed from without into said fire limits, or from being removed from one place to another within the same, under such penalties as the board of aldermen may establish; and said penalty may be sued for and recovered from the owner in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction." +1903_public laws_415_7,project experts,0,public laws,414,6,CHAPTER 414 AN ACT TO PROMOTE AND PROTECT THE SHELL FISH IN- DUSTRIES IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to take clams from the waters of Brunswick County, or for any person or persons to pound or bed any clams in any of said waters between the first day of April and the first day of November of each year." +1899_public laws_270_5,project experts,0,public laws,269,4,"CHAPTER 269 An act for the establishment of a graded school in the town of Albemarle, Stanly county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That for the purpose and benefits of this act the town of Albemarle shall be a public school district and it is hereby named and designated the Albemarle graded school district. +1893_public laws_213_2,project experts,0,public laws,212,1,CHAPTER 212 An act to authorize the board of commissioners of Edgecombe county to submit to the voters of Tarboro township the levying of a tax for the ' schools of said township. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of the county of Edgecombe be and they are hereby authorized and required to submit to the qualified voters of Tarboro township in said county on the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of public schools for the children in said township. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For schools or Against schools, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly. The board shall submit such amount of taxation as the Tarboro school-board shall by resolution request, not to exceed twenty cents on the one hundred dollars of property and sixty cents on the poll, the said tax to be in lieu of the present special tax." +1931_private laws_42_11,project experts,0,private laws,41,10,"CHAPTER 41 AN ACT FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY, FOR AN ELEC- TION IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF, FOR THE RE- PEAL OF THE CHARTERS OF OTHER TOWNS WITHIN THE EXTENDED LIMITS, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In the event the proposed teritory shall be embraced in the corporate limits of the City of Hickory, under the provision of this act, the City so consolidated shall before the next annual municipal election, be divided by the City Council into six -6 wards of equal population, or as nearly so as possible. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Highland is hereby authorized and empowered to choose by majority vote of its body a member of the Council of Greater Hickory to serve for the time elapsing between the going into effect of this act and the next municipal election; and the Board of Aldermen for the Town of West Hickory, by a majority vote of its own body, is also authorized to elect a member of the City Council of Greater Hickory to serve for said time." +1887_private laws_37_2,project experts,0,private laws,36,1,CHAPTER 36 An act amendatory of an act to consolidate the fire companies of the city of Newbern. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section six of chapter twenty-five of the private acts of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, be and the same is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:" +1911_public local laws_438_6,project experts,0,public local laws,437,5,CHAPTER 437 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMMISSIONERS OF PERSON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MACAD- AMIZING AND SAND CLAYING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said bonds shall be made payable forty years after the date thereof, and shall bear on their face the purpose for which and the authority by which they were issued. The bonds and coupons shall be numbered consecutively, and shall be signed by the chairman of the board of commissioners, and countersigned by the register of deeds of the county, and bear the corporate seal of the said county of Person." +1903_public laws_248_63,project experts,0,public laws,247,62,"CHAPTER 247 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 9 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1901, IN RELATION TO RAISING REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 9 of the Public Laws of 1901, relating to raising revenue, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: SCHEDULE A.","Druggists selling liquors. Druggists dealing in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or medicated bitters, shall, on or before the first day in June of each year, obtain a license upon the payment of twenty-five dollars to the Sheriff or Tax Collector. But any druggist who allows liquor to be drunk within his place of business, or sells liquors except upon the prescription of a practicing physician, as allowed by law, shall be subject to all the taxes levied upon dealers in liquors, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, that nothing in this section shall have the effect of modifying or repealing, in whole or in part, chapter two hundred and fifteen, Public Laws of 1887, or chapter three hundred and seventy-five, Public Laws of 1889" +1908 extra_public laws_53_4,project experts,0,public laws,51,3,"CHAPTER 51 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE JURISDICTION OF THE SPRING TERM OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. +1939_public laws_210_2,project experts,0,public laws,209,1,"CHAPTER 209 AN ACT TO AMEND SENATE BILL FIFTY-NINE, RATI- FIED FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE, AMENDING CHAPTER ONE OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF THE EXTRA SESSION OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX, KNOWN AS THE UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section eight of Senate Bill fifty-nine, enacted and ratified by the General Assembly on the fifteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, amending Section eleven of Chapter one of the Public Laws of the extra session of one thousand nine hundred thirty-six, known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, be, and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars: -1 In line seven of said Section eight, after the second word, insert after due notice so as to make the line read as follows: The commission after due notice shall have the right and power ... 3; -2 Strike out all that portion of said Section eight, beginning with the word upon in line ninety-five of said section and ending with the period after the word law in line one hundred three, and insert in lieu thereof the following: upon any realty owned by said employer in the county only from the date of docketing of such decision or determination in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and upon personalty owned by said employer in said county only from the date of levy on such personalty, and upon the execution thereon no homestead or personal property exemptions shall be allowed; provided, that nothing herein shall affect any rights accruing to the commission under Section fourteen of the Unemployment Compensation Law and subsections thereunder so as to make the sentence read as follows: (o) The decision or determination of the commission when docketed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of any county and when properly indexed and cross indexed shall have the same force and effect as a judgment rendered by the Superior Court, and if it shall be adjudged in the decision or determination of the commission that any employer is indebted to the commission for contributions, penalties and interest or either of the same, then said judgment shall constitute a lien upon any realty owned by said employer in the county only from the date of docketing of such decision or determination in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and upon personalty owned by said employer in said county only from the date of levy on such personalty, and upon the execution thereon no homestead or personal property exemptions shall be allowed; provided, that nothing herein shall affect any rights accruing to the commission under Section fourteen of the Unemployment Compensation Law and subsections thereunder." +1935_public laws_363_2,project experts,0,public laws,362,1,CHAPTER 362 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE SEVERAL REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That at the general election for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six and quadrennially thereafter there shall be elected in each county of this State by the qualified voters thereof a register of deeds, who shall serve for a term of four years from the first Monday in December after his election and until his successor is elected and qualified: Provided, however, that this act shall not apply to Alleghany, Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Beaufort, Bladen, Clay, Davidson, Edgecombe, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Macon, Mitchell, Orange, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Swain, Transylvania, Vance, Washington, Yadkin, Cherokee, Dare, Lincoln, and Moore Counties." +1939_public local laws_305_3,project experts,0,public local laws,304,2,CHAPTER 304 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE FEES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT OF SWAIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Chapter one hundred and one of the PublicLocal Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, be, and the same is hereby made applicable to the County of Swain." +1957_session laws_1436_14,project experts,0,session laws,1435,13,"CHAPTER 1435 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ZONING OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any person, association, or corporation desiring to build or alter a structure of any kind in a planning and zoning area shall present to the planning and zoning commission of said area plans thereof and a map showing the location of said structure for approval in accordance with the rules and regulations of such area. Upon approval by said commission, a permit shall be issued by it for the erection or alteration of such structure. A fee for such permit in an amount to be fixed by the zoning commission not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which such area is situated. In the event a permit is refused, the person, association, or corporation may appeal to the board of county commissioners by filing notice of such appeal with the secretary of the planning and zoning commission and the clerk to the board of county commissioners within five -5 days from the refusal of said commission to issue or grant a permit. The board of county commissioners shall hear the appeal as soon as it may conveniently be heard and shall have the authority to reverse the decision appealed from or to alter, amend, or rescind any rule or regulation under which the appeal was brought. Provided, in the event any order or 1636 resolution of the said board of county commissioners shall have the effect of altering, amending, or rescinding any rule or regulation of a planning and zoning area, then such order or resolution shall be incorporated in and become a part of the rules and regulations of the planning and zoning area and shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which such area lies and indexed in the name of the planning and zoning area to which the same shall apply." +1893_public laws_304_3,project experts,0,public laws,304,2,CHAPTER 304 An act to regulate fishing in Juniper swamp in Wayne county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That any person violating the provisions of this sini guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days." +1957_session laws_15_12,project experts,0,session laws,14,11,"CHAPTER 14 AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE TENURE OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF GRANITE QUARRY, FIXING DATES FOR GENERAL AND PRIMARY MUNICI- PAL ELECTIONS, TIME AND PROCEDURE FOR FILING NOTICE OF INTENTION OF BECOMING A CANDIDATE, TIME OF REGIS- TRATION PERIOD AND PROVIDING FOR THE BOARD OF ALDER- MEN TO ELECT ONE OF ITS MEMBERS MAYOR AND ONE MAYOR PRO TEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1919_public local laws_218_20,project experts,0,public local laws,217,19,"CHAPTER 217 AN ACT TO AMEND THE HENDERSON COUNTY ROAD LAW, CHAPTER 3 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1913 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be the duty of every district supervisor to} warn out his men to work on any new road or change in any old, road which has been made a public road in his district, when ordered by the chairman of his township or by the general road supervisor. Each district supervisor shall keep an accurate | account of all work done in his district, giving the names of, the persons, and the number of days of work done by each person, the amount of money collected, and the name of the party from whom the money was collected, as well as an account of all money expended, and shall make out this account on blanks, furnished by the board of county road trustees, and shall swear to and file said account with the township trustees at their meeting on the first Monday in April." +1917_public local laws_485_5,project experts,0,public local laws,484,4,CHAPTER 484 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALTAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court." +1907_public laws_559_4,project experts,0,public laws,558,3,CHAPTER 558 AN ACT FOR THE BETTER DRAINAGE AND STRAIGHTEN- ING OF NOE a IN DAVIE COUNTY. The General Assembly of oh Carolina do enact:,"That said Commissioners shall estimate the number of acres of bottom-lands on said creek #NAME? to each land-owner within said boundary, and to make such estimate they are hereby authorized to employ some competent surveyor to survey said bottom-lands of the land-owners within the territory aforesaid; and from time to time, not oftener than once a year, in order to raise money for he purpose contemplated in this act, they shall levy an assessment, not to exceed one dollar and a half ($1.50) per acre of the estimated amount of bottom-land, on the land-owners aforesaid; of which estimate of the number of acres, and the names and amounts of each owner thereof, and also the rate of assessment, they shall make a report to the Commissioners of Davie County, who shall file the same among their records and spread the same upon their records." +1885_public laws_218_4,project experts,0,public laws,217,3,"CHAPTER 217 An act to change the name of the charter of the Albemarle and Roanoke Railroad Company, ratified the twenty-seventh day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, to the Roanoke Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the capital stock of said company may be created by subscription or contribution on the part of governments, individuals, counties, townships, towns or cities, or by banking, railroad, or other corporations in shares of the value of one hundred dollars each, the same having been approved by a vote of the people of the county, township, town or city, or properly authorized officers of corporations. ." +1891_public laws_303_2,project experts,0,public laws,302,1,CHAPTER 302 An act to define the words swamp lands as the same are employed in the statutes of this state in respect to the entry and grant of lands and the lands appropriated and belonging to the state board of educa- tion. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the words marsh and swamp land employed in section twenty-seven hundred and fifty-one -2751 [of] The Code, and the words swamp lands employed in the statutes creating the literary fund and literary board of North Carolina and the state board of education of North Carolina, or in any act in relation thereto, shall be construed to include all those lands which have been or may now be known and called swamp or marsh lands, * pocosin bay, briary bay and savanna, and all lands which may be covered by the waters of any lake or pond." +1935_public laws_419_6,project experts,0,public laws,418,5,"CHAPTER 418 AN ACT TO EXEMPT NEW HANOVER COUNTY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE EIGHT OF CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX OF VOLUME THREE OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, KNOWN AS THE TURLINGTON ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Board shall have complete control and jurisdiction over the importation, transportation, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within New Hanover County, as hereinafter provided, and shall have the exclusive power to buy in the manner hereinafter set forth, have in its possession and sell in its own name all alcoholic beverages distributed within New Hanover County. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations governing the carrying out of this act, and any supplemental acts, which said regulations shall have the force and effect of law. All rules and regulations promulgated by the Board shall be published in pamphlet form and supplied to the public on request." +1911_private laws_45_10,project experts,0,private laws,44,9,CHAPTER 44 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ELKIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the mayor of said town is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such shall, within the corporate limits of the town, have all the power, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace to preserve and keep the peace, to issue process, to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town, to enforce penalties by issuing execution upon any adjudged violation thereof, and to execute the by-laws, rules and regulations made by the commissioners. The mayor shall further be a special court within the corporate limits of the town to arrest and try all persons who are charged with a misdemeanor for violating any ordinance of the town, and if the accused be found guilty, he shall be fined at the discretion of the court or mayor, not exceeding the amount specified in the ordinance or ordinances so violated, or at the discretion of the mayor or court trying the same such offender may be imprisoned not more than thirty days in the common jail of the county. If the accused is dissatisfied with the judgment of the mayor or court he may appeal in like manner as prescribed for appeals from judgments of a justice of the peace." +1967_session laws_966_4,project experts,0,session laws,965,3,CHAPTER 965 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 105-280 AS THE SAME APPLIES TO CALDWELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES SO AS TO FIX THE VALUATION DATE FOR INVENTORIES FOR AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX PURPOSES AS THE FIRST DAY OF TAXPAYERS FISCAL YEAR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1911_private laws_241_6,project experts,0,private laws,240,5,CHAPTER 240 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF NEWTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section one hundred and twenty-four of chapter thirty-nine, Private Laws of nineteen hundred and seven, be amended by striking out the word any in line ten and inserting in lieu thereof the words a sufficient, and by striking out the word may in line eleven and inserting in lieu thereof the word shall." +1927_public local laws_25_8,project experts,0,public local laws,24,7,CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF THE TAX COL- LECTOR OF JOHNSTON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE COM- PENSATION FOR SUCH OFFICE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The tax collector shall receive an annual salary, for all services done and performed by him in connection with the collection of, and accounting for all taxes, of not exceeding three thousand ($3,000) [dollars] per annum, which salary shall be paid to him by the county commissioners in monthly installments of one-twelfth part thereof each. The board of eounty commissioners shall have the power to fix the salary of the tax collector in their discretion not exceeding three thousand ($3,000) {dollars] per annum, The board of county commissioners shall have the authority hereunder and are charged with the duty to employ such clerical assistance, if any, as may be necessary to the proper execution of the duties of this office, and shall fix the salary for such clerical assistants, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month." +1891_public laws_128_16,project experts,0,public laws,127,15,CHAPTER 127 An act to incorporate the Carolina and Virginia Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The board of directors hereinbefore provided for shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine, who shall be elected from the stockholders, and shall be elected by the stockholders at their annual meeting to be held on such day as the stockholders in their first meeting may direct, and shall continue in office for the term of one year from and after the date of their election and until their successors are elected and accept the duties of the office. And in case of the death, resignation or incapacity of any member of the board of directors during his term of office, the said board shall elect his successor for the unexpired term; and in case of the death,,resignation or incapacity of the president during his term of office, then the said board of directors shall elect one of their number to fill the unexpired term and also to elect a member of their board as hereinbefore provided for to fill the vacancy occasioned by the election of the president." +1905_public laws_489_5,project experts,0,public laws,488,4,"CHAPTER 488 AN ACT. TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS THE CATAWBA RIVER BETWEEN BURKE AND CALDWELL COUNTIES. WHEREAS, The erection and establishment of a bridge over and across the Catawba River at a point where said stream divides the counties of Burke and Caldwell at or near the old (Daniel) John- son ferry or ford is a necessary expense to be borne by the said counties: now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said several issues of the bonds of the said counties shall be sold by the said boards of commissioners, respectively, for not less than their par value and the amount realized from such sales used by them in paying the costs and charges of constructing and building the said bridge, including the approaches thereto, according to the liability of each of said counties therefor when proportioned in the manner provided in section one -1 of this act." +1927_public laws_46_2,project experts,0,public laws,45,1,"CHAPTER 45 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER GUARDIANS OF IDIOTS, INEBRIATES, LUNATICS OR INCOMPE- TENTS, TO RENEW OBLIGATIONS OF THEIR WARDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in all cases where an inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent, from want of understanding to manage his or her own affairs by reason of the excessive use of intoxicating drinks or other causes, and such inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent has been so judicially declared and pursuant to such judicial finding such inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent has had a guardian appointed, is the maker or one of the makers, a surety, or one of the sureties, an endorser or one of the endorsers of any note, bond or other obligation, for the payment of money which is due or past due at the time of the appointment of said guardian, or shall thereafter become due prior to the settlement of the estate of the said ward, the guardian of said wards estate is hereby authorized and empowered to execute as such guardian a new note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money, in the same capacity as ward was obligated for the same amount or less, but not greater than the sum due on the original obligation which shall be in lieu of the original obligation of the ward, whether made payable to the original holder or another, and is authorized and empowered to renew said note, bond, or other obligation for the payment of money from time to time, and said note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money so executed by said guardian shall be binding upon the estate of said ward to the same extent and in the same manner and with the same effect that the original note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money so executed by the ward was binding upon his estate: Provided, the time for final payment of the note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money, or any renewal thereof by said guardian shall not extend beyond a. period of two years from the qualification of the original guardian as such upon the estate of said ward." +1915_private laws_148_3,project experts,0,private laws,147,2,CHAPTER 147 AN ACT ALLOWING THE TOWN OF NASHVILLE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR WATER-WORKS AND SEWERAGE AND ELEC- TRIC LIGHTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said bonds shall be payable or redeemable at such place or places and such time or times as may be determined on by the said board of commissioners, not exceeding fifty years from the date thereof." +1911_private laws_95_13,project experts,0,private laws,94,12,CHAPTER 94 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF LOCUST IN STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the commissioners of said town are hereby directed and allowed to use the taxes levied and collected in said town for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said corporation and for working and repairing streets and sidewalks therein, and in keeping the same in good and passable condition." +1967_session laws_442_2,project experts,0,session laws,441,1,CHAPTER 441 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF RIFLES FOR DEER HUNTING IN CAMDEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, take, kill, or attempt to take or attempt to kill deer in Camden County with a rifle; provided, that it shall be lawful to hunt, take, kill or attempt to take or attempt to kill deer with a rifle from a stand at least eight feet high, or while hunting on ones own land or while hunting on land owned or leased by a hunt club of which the hunter is a member, or while hunting on land with the permission of the owner." +1889_private laws_111_23,project experts,0,private laws,110,22,"CHAPTER 110 An act to incorporate the town of Brevard, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners shall have power and authority to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding fifty dollars upon every circus company for each separate exhibition within the town; upon every person or company exhibiting within the town limits dogs or theatrical plays, sleight-of-hand performance, rope or wire dancing and tumbling, and menageries, and the exhibition for reward of artificial models or curiosities (models of useful inventions excepted), a tax not to exceed twenty dollars for each separate exhibition, said tax to be paid before the exhibition, or the tax may be doubled: upon any other exhibition for reward not enumerated above, five dollars for each exhibition: Provided, that this act shall not apply to exhibitions by amateur companies, when said exhibition is for a religious or charitable object: And provided further, that the board of commissioners are authorized and empowered to remit a part or the whole of any of the taxes allowed in this section upon good and satisfactory cause being shown to them by the exhibition [exhibitor]: And provided further, that the tax-collector, in case of a failure on the part of any of the exhibition [exhibitors] above specified to pay said tax before exhibiting, shall, immediately after the exhibition closes, demand from said exhibitions [exhibitors], the manager or treasurer, if he or she be known, if not, any member of the company, double the amount of the tax, and if it be not paid, he shall immediately levy on any of the goods or property belonging to said company, or any of them, or which was used in the exhibition or exhibitions given by them." +1931_public laws_359_6,project experts,0,public laws,358,5,"CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS FOUR THOUSAND AND SIXTY, FOUR THOUSAND AND EIGHTY, AND FOUR THOUSAND AND EIGHTY-SEVEN OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS AND THE NEGOTIABIL- ITY THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. +1941_public laws_363_2,project experts,0,public laws,362,1,CHAPTER 362 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A CONCILIATION SERVICE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND FOR THE MEDI- ATION OF LABOR DISPUTES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared as the public policy of this State that the best interests of the people of the State are served by the prevention or prompt settlement of labor disputes; that strikes and lockouts and other forms of industrial strife, regardless of where the merits of the controversy lie, are forces productive ultimately of economic waste; that the interests and rights of the consumers and the people of the State, while not direct parties thereto, should always be considered, respected and protected; and that the conciliation and voluntary meditation of such disputes under the guidance and supervision of a governmental agency will tend to promote permanent industrial peace and the health, welfare, comfort and safety of the people of the State. To carry out such policy, the necessity for the enactment of the provisions of this Article is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination." +1935_private laws_119_4,project experts,0,private laws,118,3,"CHAPTER 118 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANIZATION, INCORPO- RATION AND OPERATION OF A CASH DEPOSITORY IN THE TOWN OF ZEBULON, IN THE COUNTY OF WAKE. T'he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said cash depository shall be to the same extent as any State Bank subject to examination by and the supervision of the Commissioner of Banks and to the Statutes of North Carolina, and particularly to the following sections of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina as amended: 217 (b), 217 (c), 217 (d), 217 (e), 217 (f), 217 (g), 217 (hb), 217 (i), 217 (j), 217 (k), 217 (1), 218 (a), 218 (b), 218 (c), 218 (f), 219 (f), 220 (h), 220 (i), 220 (j), 220 (m), 220 (n), 220 (0), 220 (s), 220 (u), 220 (w), 220 (x), 220 (z), 220 (aa), 220 (bb), 220 (cc), 220 (dd), 220 (ee), 220 (ff), 221 (a), 221 (b), 221 (d), 221 (e), 221 (f), 221 (g), 221 (h), 221 (i), 221 (j), 221 (k), 221 (1), 221 (m), 222 (a), 222 (b), 222 (d), 222 (e), 222 (f), 222 (g), 222 (h), 223 (a), 223 (b), 223 (c), 2238 (d), 228 (e), 228 (f), 228 (g), 224 (a), 224 (b), 224 (b%4), 224 (d), 224 (e), 224 (f), 224 (g), 224 (h), 224 (i), and 224 (j) ; Provided, however, that said cash depository shall not make any loan of the moneys coming into its hands." +1889_public laws_239_3,project experts,0,public laws,238,2,"CHAPTER 238 An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within the corporate limits of the town of Pineville, Mecklen- burg county, by any druggist on the prescription of any physician whatsoever. , The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty or more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not less thansixty or more than one hundred days." +1959_session laws_623_2,project experts,0,session laws,622,1,CHAPTER 622 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 24 OF CHAPTER 130 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO THE FORMATION AND CORPORATE POWERS OF MOSQUITO CON- TROL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 130-211, as the same appears in the 1957 Cumulative Supplement to Volume 8B of the General Statutes, is hereby amended as follows: 511 (a) Paragraph one of subsection (b) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Upon determining that the district should be created and established, and prior to the submission of the question of the formation of the district to the voters of the proposed district, the board of county commissioners may determine the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes should the formation of the district be approved by the voters; provided, however, that in no event shall the maximum authorized levy exceed thirty-five cents (35) upon the one one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation. If the board of county commissioners determines that the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes should the voters approve the formation of the proposed district is to be less than thirty-five cents (35) on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) valuation the maximum amount thus determined must appear on the ballot to be used by the voters voting on the question of the creation of the district. (b) Paragraph four of subsection (b) is amended by adding immediately following the word tax and immediately preceding the word for in lines four and six of said paragraph the following words and punctuation: There insert the words not to exceed and the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes if the board of county commissioners has determined that the maximum authorized amount is to be less than thirty-five cents (35) on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation]." +1931_public local laws_216_2,project experts,0,public local laws,215,1,"CHAPTER 215 N ACT TO REGULATE THE HUNTING OF FOXES IN HARNETT, CUMBERLAND, SAMPSON, HOKE AND LEE COUNTIES. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt xxes in Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Hoke and Lee Counties ccept during the period each year from September first to arch fifteenth, both dates inclusive, and then only with dogs, :cept that foxes may be killed in any manner at any time during .e year when caught in the act of committing or about to comit depredations to domestic live stock and poultry." +1933_public laws_446_3,project experts,0,public laws,445,2,CHAPTER 445 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX,"Property exempt. The following property shall be exempt from taxation under this article: (a). Property passing to or for the use of the State of North Carolina, or to or for the use of municipal corporations within the State or other political subdivisions thereof, for exclusively public purposes. (b). Property passing to religious, charitable, or educational corporations, or to churches, hospitals, orphan asylums, public libraries, religious, benevolent, or charitable organizations, or passing to any trustee or trustees for religious, benevolent, or charitable purposes, where such religious, charitable, or educational institutions, corporations, churches, trusts, etc., are located within the State and not conducted for profit. (c). Property passing to religious, educational, or charitable corporations, not conducted for profit, incorporated under the laws of any other State, and receiving and disbursing funds donated in this State for religious, educational, or charitable purposes. (d). Proceeds of life insurance policies, not exceeding in the aggregate twenty thousand dollars, when payable to a beneficiary or beneficiaries named in such policy or policies, and such beneficiary or beneficiaries are any such person or persons as are designated in section three (a) of this article, and also proceeds of all life insurance policies payable to beneficiaries named in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section. And also proceeds of all policies of insurance paid by the United States Government to the beneficiary or beneficiaries or heirs at law of any deceased soldier of the World War, under the present laws of Congress or any amendment that may be hereafter made thereto." +1939_public local laws_519_3,project experts,0,public local laws,518,2,CHAPTER 518 AN ACT RELATING TO THE LEVYING OF TAXES IN THE TOWN OF DOBSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1893_private laws_296_20,project experts,0,private laws,295,19,CHAPTER 295 An act to amend the charter of the town of Ayden in Pitt county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of commissioners shall at their first meeting in each year elect a town clerk, a tax collector and treasurer: Provided, that the said commissioners may elect the clerk or constable as tax collector, and they may also elect one of their number as treasurer if they choose." +1905_public laws_569_2,project experts,0,public laws,568,1,"CHAPTER 568 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ROAD COMMIS- SIONERS OF WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP, HAYWOOD COUNTY, TO PAY OVER TO THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF .WAYNESVILLE PART OF THE PRO- CEEDS ARISING FROM THE SALE OF BONDS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Road Commissioners of Waynesville Township, Haywood County, created by chapter three hundred and seventy-five, Public Laws one thousand nine hundred and three, are hereby authorized and directed to pay over to the Board of Aldermen of the town of Waynesville the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), the same being a portion of the sum realized from the sale of bonds issued by virtue of the said chapter, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Aldermen of the town of Waynesville for the purpose of grading, macadamizing and otherwise improving Main Street from a point of intersection of Hilliard and Main Streets at the Presbyterian Church to the point of intersection of Academy Street and Main Street in the said town." +1891_private laws_258_14,project experts,0,private laws,257,13,CHAPTER 257 An act to incorporate the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Greenville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"This company is specially invested with the power and privileges usually incident to savings banks, nray receive deposits in very small sums, the limits to be fixed by its board of directors, and may pay interest thereon by way of dividends out of the net savings or by fixed rates according as may be agreed upon between the company and its depositors, and the board of directors are hereby fully authorized to make all needful by-laws and regulations for conducting and carrying into effect the savings bank features of this corporation." +1893_private laws_240_3,project experts,0,private laws,239,2,CHAPTER 239 An act to amend the charter of the town of Reidsville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of the town of Reidsville shall.at the next regular election cause an election to be held as to whether or not the board of commissioners shall consist of five or seven members; if the majority of the votes cast shall be for five -5 members, then the five names receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; if the majority of votes cast shall be for seven members, then the seven names receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected." +1939_public laws_78_2,project experts,0,public laws,77,1,CHAPTER 77 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF NOTES OF THE STATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING APPRO- PRIATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of paying appropriations made for each year of the biennium ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one for the various institutions, departments and agencies of the State, the State Treasurer, by and with the consent of the Governor and Council of State, shall have authority to borrow in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues for such biennium such sum or sums as may be necessary for such purpose and as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State, and to execute and issue notes of the State for the money so borrowed, and to pledge the credit of the State for the payment thereof. Such notes may be renewed from time to time and money may be borrowed upon new notes from time to time for the payment of any indebtedness evidenced thereby. All such notes and renewal notes shall bear such date or dates and such rate or rates of interest, and shall mature in such amounts and at such time or times as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State, and shall be executed by the State Treasurer and negotiated and disposed of by him in such a manner as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State." +1919_public laws_93_4,project experts,0,public laws,92,3,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 231, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS","It shall be the duty of said board and they shall have power and authority to have general supervision of the system of taxation throughout the State, and to have and exercise general supervision over the administration of all assessment and tax laws, over all county, township, and city tax assessors and boards of equalization, to the end that all assessments of property, real, personal, and mixed, be made relatively just and uniform, and at its TRUE value in money; to require all county, township, and city assessors, boards of equalization and levy and assessment oflicers, under penalty of forfeiture and removal from office as such assessors or boards, to assess all property of every kind and character at its TRUE value in money. 1 To confer with and advise assessing officers as to their duties under this act, and to institute proper proceedings to enforce the penalties and liabilities provided by law for public officers, officers of corporations and individuals failing to comply with this act; to prefer charges to the Governor against assessing and taxation officers who violate the law or fail in the performance of their duties in reference to assessments and taxation; and in the execution of these powers the said board may call upon the Attorney-General or any prosecuting attorney in the State to assist said board, and any person or officer who fails or refuses to comply with any lawful order of the State Tax Commission shall be subject to a penalty or forfeiture of one hundred dollars, the same to be imposed by order of said Commission; and in addition any such person or officer so offending shall be liable to punishment by said board as for contempt. 2 At least thirty days previous to the date fixed for listing taxes, to prepare a pamphlet for the instruction of tax assessors. said pamphlet shall, in as plain terms as possible, explain the proper working of the tax laws of the State, and shall call particular attention to any points in the administration of the laws which have seemed to be overlooked or neglected. They shall advise the assessors of the practical working of the laws and explain any points which seem to be intricate and upon which assessors may differ. 3 To receive complaints as to property liable to taxation that has not been assessed or of property that has been fraudulently or improperly assessed through error or otherwise, and to investigate the same, and to take such proceedings and to make such orders as will correct the irregularity complained of, if found to exist. 4 To see that each county in the State be visited by at least one member of the board as often as is necessary, to the end that all complaints concerning the law of assessment and taxation may be heard; that information concerning its workings may be collected ; that all assessing and taxation officers comply with the law and all violations thereof be punished, and that all proper suggestions as to amendments and change may be made. 5 To require from any registers of deeds, clerks of courts, mayors and clerks of towns, or any other officer in this State, on forms prescribed by said Board of State Tax Commissioners, such annual or other reports as shall enable said board to ascertain the assessed valuations of all property listed for taxation throughout the State under this act, the amount of taxes assessed, collected, and returned delinquent, and such other matters as the board may require, to the end that it may have complete and statistical information as to the practical operation of this act; that every such officer mentioned in this section who shall willfully neglect or refuse to furnish any report required by the commission for the purposes of this act: or who shall willfully and unlawfully hinder, delay, or obstruct said commission in the discharge of its duties, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars for each offense, to be recovered in an action in the name of the State. A delay of ten days to make and furnish such report shall raise the presumption that the same was willful. 6 To make diligent investigation and inquiry concerning the revenue laws and systems of other States and countries, so far as the same is made known by published reports and statistics and can be ascertained by correspondence with officers thereof, and, with the aid of information thus obtained, together with experience and observation of our own laws, to recommend to the Legislature at each regular session thereof such amendments, changes, or modifications of our revenue laws as seem proper and necessary to remedy injustice and irregularities in taxation and to facilitate the assessment and collection of public revenues. 7 To further report to the Legislature at each regular session thereof, or at such other times as the Legislature may direct, the whole amount of taxes collected in the State for all purposes, classified as to State, county, township, and municipal purposes, with the sources thereof; the amount lost, the cause of the loss, the proceedings of said board, and such other matters of information concerning the public revenues as it may deem of public interest. 8 To discharge such other duties as are or may be prescribed by law." +1903_public laws_603_3,project experts,0,public laws,602,2,"CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF LIQUOR AT JONKES- BORO AND VASS, IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the place where delivery of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors is made within the corporate limits of the town of Jonesboro, or within one mile of the railroad depot at Vass, in said county, shall be construed and held to be the place of sale thereof; and any station or other place within the corporate limits of the town of Jonesboro, or within one mile of the railroad depot at Vass, in said county, to which any person, company, firm or corporation shall ship or convey any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors, for the purpose of delivery or carrying the same to a purchaser, shall be construed to be the place of sale: Provided, this section shall not be construed to prevent the delivery of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors to druggists in sufficient quantities for medical purposes only, or to legally organized dispensaries." +1965_session laws_36_2,project experts,0,session laws,35,1,"CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLES 24 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA AND CHAPTER 385, SESSION LAWS OF 1957, RELATING TO RECORDERS COURT IN THE CITY OF BELMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The quoted portion of Section 1 of Chapter 385, Session Laws of 1957, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: 78 That if and when a Recorders Court for the City of Belmont is established under the provisions of this Article, some suitable person who may be an attorney at law and who shall be of good moral character, shall be elected by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Belmont as Recorder of said Court to serve for a term of two -2 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified, and the Board of Commissioners shall have full power and authority to select and elect the said Recorder, and each successive Recorder biennially thereafter. The said Recorder shall be elected by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Belmont within thirty -30 days from the creation and establishment of said Court. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Recorder at any time, the same shall be filled by the election of a successor for the unexpired term by the governing body of the City of Belmont, at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose; provided, that before entering upon the discharge of their duties hereunder, the Recorder, the Vice-Recorder and the prosecuting attorney, who may be elected under the provisions of this Article, shall take and subscribe before some person authorized to administer oaths, the oath required of Judge and Solicitors of the Superior Court; provided, that the governing body of such city is hereby authorized to provide a schedule of fees to be charged by said Recorder." +1891_private laws_102_9,project experts,0,private laws,101,8,CHAPTER 101 An act to incorporate the town of Hub in the County of Columbus . and State of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Said election of mayor and commissioners shall be held at some house in said town to be selected by said commissioners, and no person shall be entitled to vote at said election or at any election held in said town for municipal purposes unless he shall be an elector of the state of North Carolina and shall have resided ninety days next preceding the day of election within the said corporation." +1927_public local laws_496_3,project experts,0,public local laws,495,2,CHAPTER 495 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE HUNTING OF FOXES IN CHATHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, catch, or kill any fox in Chatham County from the first day of March to the first day of September in each year: Provided,) however, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit. the killing or catching of foxes during said period when actually committing, or about to commit, depredations on property." +1901_public laws_450_14,project experts,0,public laws,449,13,CHAPTER 449 An act to incorporate the Montane Road and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said company shall have the rights granted to the Asheville Electric Company in section six, chapter two hundred and thirty-nine of the Public Laws of 1897" +1899_public laws_376_18,project experts,0,public laws,375,17,"CHAPTER 375 An act relating to the public roads in Lexington township and other town- ships in Davidson county, and extending certain provisions of the Meck- lenburg road law to said townships. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That nothing in this act shall be construed to take the }power from the county commissioners to. exempt anyone from ldisability to work on the public roads; and all general laws in respect to public roads so far as applicable shall be construed in laid of this act but not in derogation thereof. +1913_public laws_204_42,project experts,0,public laws,203,41,"CHAPTER 203 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 50, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1911, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THH COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. BoarD oF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS.","Commissioners shall have power to exempt; sheriff to garnishee if taxes are not paid in sixty days; form of attachment. The board of commissioners of the several counties shall have power to exempt any person from the payment of poll tax on account of poverty and infirmity; and when any such person has been once exempted he shall not be required to renew his application unless the commissioners shall revoke the exemption. When such exemption shall have been made, the clerk of the commissioners shall furnish the person with a certificate of such action, and the person to whom it was issued shall be required to list his poll, but upon exhibition of such certificate the list taker shall annually enter in the column intended for the poll the word Exempt, and the poll shall not be charged in computing the list. If any poll tax or other tax shall not be paid within sixty days after the same shall be demandable it shall be the duty of the sheriff, if he can find no property of the person liable sufficient to satisfy the same, to attach any debt or other property incapable of manual delivery due or belonging to the person liable or that may become due before the expiration of the calendar year, and the person owing such debt or having such property in possession shall be liable for said tax. Any corporation, firm or person who shall, on demand or request made, re-. fuse to give to the tax collector of any county, city or town a list giving the names of all persons employed by them who are liable for tax, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this section the following form shall be used as an attachment, viz.: Take notice that this is to attach any debt that is now due or: may become due to C D, a delinquent in his poli (or property) tax for the year one thousand nine hundred and ...., and you are hereby summoned to appear before E F, an acting justice of the peace for ........ County, and disclose any indebtedness which is or may be due said delinquent by you during the present calendar year, and to show cause why judgment should not be rendered against you for said delinquent tax and costs of this proceeding. rbiraryAc che Gay OL. ceecctscce, 19... A B, Sheriff, or Tax Collector. For serving notice the sheriff shall receive twenty-five cents, J and if judgment is rendered the justice shall receive twenty-five cents as costs." +1957_session laws_486_7,project experts,0,session laws,485,6,CHAPTER 485 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS AND FOR THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE TOWN OF STAN- FIELD IN STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1917_public local laws_478_3,project experts,0,public local laws,477,2,CHAPTER 477 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER TO ISSUE BONDS FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be apportioned to the following objects: Sixteen thousand dollars may be used to pay off any outstanding indebtedness, and the balance shall be thus distributed: Hish?school: 320 aereseetis Ske ee $125,000.00 Purchasevof balancevotdotaescentere ieee 10,000.00 CarolinasBeachie iat 2A eee eee 1,500.00 Oak Billie seis BEE SSP ee eee 1,500.00 Past Wilningtonnie. tke ssi oiee eee 3,000.00 Repairs to old high school building...... 15,000.00 Peabody. schoolastaaeee See ae 20,000.00 Williston industrial addition............ 10,000.00 Williston. primary: <4. 330s eee eee 2,000.00 Myrtle :Grovesd.t:2 katie ee Se eee 1,000.00 Ruralj,colored ys asacnt. te Se Ree 5,000.00 Scottiss Millioaiee Wess Sao Ree eee 1,500.00 South: Wilmine tong sagee sa See eee 2,000.00 Acorn: Braneh &:t22 eee eee eee 1,500.00 iBearsMemorial ss &.2ee eee ae Se eee 8,000.00" +1907_private laws_238_7,project experts,0,private laws,235,6,CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AMEND THE AURORA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of graded school trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of the Board of the Aurora Graded School Trustees of Aurora, North Carolina, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gift, purchase or devise real and personal property, hold, change, mortgage or sell the same and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations, and said corporation shall have a corporate seal which it may break and change at pleasure." +1923_public local laws_430_3,project experts,0,public local laws,429,2,CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF CASWELL COUNTY TO EMPLOY A PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY AND FIX HIS FEES THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The justices of the peace of Caswell County shall, upon issuing any warrant, immediately notify the prosecuting attorney of the crime charged and when the same is set for hearing." +1933_public laws_386_9,project experts,0,public laws,385,8,CHAPTER 385 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE THRIFT SOCIETY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The funds in the Treasurers hands may be deposited by him to his credit as State Treasurer and Treasurer of the Society in banks upon like terms and secured in like manner as other State deposits. The interest accruing and paid on such deposits shall be added to the funds of the Society. +1887_private laws_102_17,project experts,0,private laws,101,16,CHAPTER 101 An act to amend and consolidate the acts incorporating the town of Rockingham. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"If for any cause there should be a vancancy in the office of mayor or commissioner of said town, the board of commissioners thereof shall be and are hereby empowered to fill said vacancy or vacancies, and their appointee or appointees shall hold office until the next regular election herein provided for." +1927_public local laws_634_5,project experts,0,public local laws,633,4,CHAPTER 633 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT PERSONS FROM PUTTING OUT POISON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That this act shall apply to Watauga County only. +1933_public laws_236_2,project experts,0,public laws,235,1,"CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION AND PLANTING IN ANY OF THE WATERS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHAT IS KNOWN AS JAPANESE, PORTUGUESE OR MONGOLIAN OY- STERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to plant, store, distribute or in any way deposit the Japanese, Portuguese or Mongolian oysters in any of the waters of North Carolina." +1935_public local laws_36_3,project experts,0,public local laws,35,2,CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO CONFER CIVIL JURISDICTION UPON THE RECORDERS COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the jurisdiction of such Court in civil actions shall be as follows: (a) Jurisdiction concurrent with the justices of the peace within the county. (b) Jurisdiction concurrent with the Superior Court in all actions founded on contract, wherein the amount involved, exclusive of interest and cost, does not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars. (c) Jurisdiction concurrent with the Superior Court in all actions not founded on a contract wherein the amount involved, exclusive of interest and cost, does not exceed the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars." +1901_public laws_590_3,project experts,0,public laws,589,2,CHAPTER 589 An act to regulate fishi:g in certain waters of North River in Camden County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person violating tne provisions of this act shall upon conviction be fined not more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty days." +1903_public laws_799_7,project experts,0,public laws,798,6,CHAPTER 798 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACH- ERS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That tuition in said institution shall be free to all persons in the State who shall sign a pledge to teach in the public schools of North Carolina for a term of not less than two years. +1925_private laws_205_14,project experts,0,private laws,204,13,"CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL AND TO OUTLINE ITS ORGANIZA- TION, POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all appropriations made to the Appalachian Training School for the fiscal year ending June the thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, remaining unpaid, at the time of this act, shall be paid to the new corporation in the manner and form provided in the appropriation act of nineteen hundred and twenty-three." +1921 extra_public local laws_95_3,project experts,0,public local laws,94,2,"CHAPTER 94 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2116 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATIVE TO THE CLOSE SEASON FOR QUAIL OR PARTRIDGE IN POLK AND RUTHERFORD COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That section two thousand one hundred and sixteen of the Consolidated Statutes be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words February fifteen to December one occurring after the word Rutherford and inserting in lieu thereof the words February fifteen to November fifteen. +1924 extra_private laws_30_3,project experts,0,private laws,29,2,"CHAPTER 29 AN ACT TO RATIFY AND VALIDATE THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MINERAL SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT, MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said bonds shall be sold by the board of commissioners of Moore County at either public or private sale, and when said bonds shall have been delivered and paid for at not less than par and accrued interest, they shall constitute valid and binding obligations of said school district, and for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds a direct annual tax not exceeding fifteen cents (15c.) on the one hundred dollars ($100) of value shall be levied by the board of commissioners of Moore County on all the taxable property within the said district." +1899_private laws_301_6,project experts,0,private laws,300,5,CHAPTER 300 An act to authorize the commissicners of the tewn of Rocky Mount to issue bonds to construct waterworks in said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the question of Waterworks or No waterworks shail be submitted to the quatified voters of said town at the next annua! election for town offices of said town. and at the voting place in each ward there sha!l be aseparate box in which this voie on waterworks shail be polled. and at said election those in favor of waterworks shall votea written or printed ticket wits Waterworks thereon and those opposed to waterworks shall vote a written or printed ticket with No waterworks thereon, an at the said election the registrars aud poll holders sha'l vote the number of freehollers in their respective wards and the number of said freeholders who vote for and against *Waterworks, and shall certify the same, showing fully the number of votes cast for waterworks, those cast against waterworks and the number of freeho!ders who voted **Waterworks, and the number of freeholders who voted No waterworks. These certificates shall be sealed and delivered to the cierk of the board of commissioners of said town, who shall present the same to the board of commissioners at their next meeting after said election, whether said meeting be a general or a special meeting and the result of the election in the several wards shall be ascertained by the said board and entered upon the record book of said town and the result posted at the door of the mayor's office of said town and at the post-office door for ten days; and if the votes so certified be in favor of waterworks, aud if no exception be filed thereto within ten days, said record shall thereafter import verity, and shal! be conclusive evidence of the correctness of said returns, and the same shall therefore be received in all the courts of this state and the United States as conclusive evidence of the correctness of the vote polled at said election." +1959_session laws_274_3,project experts,0,session laws,273,2,CHAPTER 273 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 53 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF BANKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1915_private laws_334_2,project experts,0,private laws,333,1,CHAPTER 333 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter two hundred and sixty-three of the Public Laws of nineteen hundred and three be changed by striking out in section: one all that part from the phrase as follows in line three to the word near in line seven, and inserting instead the following: Beginning on the west side of Haw River on the line between G. W. Stockard and J. C. Thompson, running west, including the farm of G. W. Stockard, to Marys Creek." +1913_public local laws_186_18,project experts,0,public local laws,185,17,CHAPTER 185 AN ACT FOR THE WORKING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section twenty-nine of said chapter and act be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: whenever any person desires to change a road from one part of his land to another part, he shall file his petition in writing with the board of road trustees of that township in which the road to be changed is situated, setting forth the proper change, who in their discretion may appoint two disinterested freeholders who, together with the road overseer of said road, shall go and view said proposed change, and they may permit said change to be made upon such terms and conditions as to them may seem best, and when said change has been made upon a reasonable grade they shall make their report to the board of road trustees of said township, who shall confirm same if the terms and conditions of said change have been complied with." +1893_public laws_310_2,project experts,0,public laws,310,1,"CHAPTER 310 An act to amend section two, chapter three hundred and sixty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, concerning the sale of spirituous liquors in Brunswick county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two of chapter three hundred and sixtytwo, laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, be amended by striking out the word three in line two of eection two and inserting in lieu thereof the word two. ." +1913_public local laws_796_6,project experts,0,public local laws,795,5,CHAPTER 795 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any person entitled to vote at any primary which may be held under this act shall, on the day said primary is held, be entitled to absent himself from any service or employment in which he is then engaged or employed for a period of one hour, or longer, if necessary, between the time of opening and closing the polls, and such primary elector shall not, because of so absenting himself, be liable to any penalty nor shall any deduction be made, on account of such absence, from his usual salary or wages: Provided, however, that notice of such leave of absence shall be given prior to the taking of same. Any employer who imposes any penalty or forfeiture on account of such absence or refuses to allow any employee in his employment to attend said primary shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the court." +1911_private laws_100_6,project experts,0,private laws,99,5,"CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF LUM- BER BRIDGE, IN THE COUNTY OF ROBESON. Whereas, by chapter one hundred and fifty-one, Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the town of Lumber Bridge was duly incorporated; and, whereas, it is deemed advisable by the authorities and citizens of said town that the said act should be amended and revised to the end that the charter of said town shall be contained in one act of the General Assembly; there- fore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In ease the office of mayor or commissioner shall become vacant from death, resignation, removal or otherwise, such office shall be filled by the commissioners of said town, and the person so elected shall serve the term to which his predecessor was elected and until his successor shall be elected and qualified." +1879_private laws_79_53,project experts,0,private laws,78,52,CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE THE TOWNS OF WINSTON AND SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina-do enact :,"That the aldermen of the city of Salem shall impose, levy and collect a corporation tax of not less than five hundred dollars per annum upon every person obtaining a license for any one of the purposes specified in sections fifty and fifty-one of this act: Provided, that nothing in this act shall prohibit the board of aldermen from granting a license to retail malt liquors, such as ale, lager beer and porter, and for such license, if granted, the board of aldermen shall impose, levy and collect a corporation tax of not less than two hundred dollars per annum, and said board of aldermen shall have full power to revoke or recall said license, at pleasure, at any time after granting the same, but the said board of aldermen shall refund the proportionate amount of said tax collected for the unexpired portion of the license year to the party or persons from whom such license may be taken, recalled or revoked, and said aldermen shall grant no license to any person for any one of the purposes herein enumerated until such person shall have paid the whole tax imposed for said license, and proved a good moral character by the oaths of not less than two respectable and responsible citizens of the city, and the said aldermen shall have free and full power to grant or refuse a license to any person for any one of the aforesaid purposes at their discretion." +1925_public local laws_280_6,project experts,0,public local laws,279,5,CHAPTER 279 AN ACT TO PROMOTE THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY OF AVERY COUNTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO PURCHASE PURE BRED STOCK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The bulls selected by the livestock commission shall be from approved herds of pure bred Shorthorns and Herefords, not more than two years, and preferably between the age of fifteen and twenty-four months, and the locality where the bulls are kept must be open for inspection and no bull shall be kept at one place longer than one year." +1883_private laws_113_21,project experts,0,private laws,112,20,"CHAPTER 112 An act for the relief of creditors of the former town of Fayetteville, and for other purposes. Wuereas, by virtue of chapter fifty-eight of the private laws passed bygthe general assembly of North Carolina at the session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty- one, ratified March twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, the charter of the town of Fayetteville, in Cumberland county, has been repealed and abrogated, leaving the creditors of said town without the means of collecting any part of their debts, and leaving the com- munity without the necessary means of local government, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : bn","The commissioners may organize fire companies, and to that end tbe district of Fayetteville shall be divided into four wards; the first ward shall comprise all the territory lying south of Person street and east of Gillespie street; the second ward shall comprise all territory 1883.PrivATECHAPTER 112 west of Gillespie street and south of Hay street; the third ward shall comprise all territory north of Hay street and west of Green and Ramsay streets; and the fourth ward shall com prise all the territory north of Person street and east of Green and Ramsay streets. There shall bea chief fire warden for Fayetteville, and an assistant fire warden for each of the four wards, appointed by the commissioners annually, and fire companies may be organized to number not more than seventy-five men who shall, under the direction of the commissioners, be subject to the orders of the chief fire warden and the assistant fire wardens. And upon the due organization of such companies, and upon report by the fire warden that any person isan efficient member and a regular attendant at their meetings and drills, the commissioners may direct their clerk to give such person a certificate of exemption from poll taxes imposed by this act, and such exempted person_is hereby declared exempted from all jury duty; but sue exemptions from taxes and jury duty shall only continue while such person continues to be an eflicient member of the fire company and regular in his attendance upon its meetings and drills." +1919_public laws_226_2,project experts,0,public laws,225,1,"CHAPTER 225 AN ACT CONCERNING INDUSTRIAL BANKS, DEFINING THE SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR INCORPORA- TION AND SUPERVISION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The term Industrial Bank as used in this act shall mean any corporation formed under the provisions of this act, and any corporation heretofore organized under the general corporation law of this State which shall hereafter reorganize as an industrial bank pursuant to the provisions of this act." +1923_public local laws_124_16,project experts,0,public local laws,123,15,CHAPTER 123 AN ACT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A SYSTEM OF ROADS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That whereas the tax authorized and directed to be levied and collected for the present year is not available for the immediate use of said county commissioners for the prompt and proper application of this act, the county commissioners of Yancey County are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to borrow money sufficient to carry out the provisions of this act, in anticipation of the tax to be levied and collected, to an amount not less than twenty thousand dollars. These funds to be borrowed on short time and to mature when in the opinion of the commissioners or a majority thereof the taxes to pay same off will have been collected." +1935_public laws_457_3,project experts,0,public laws,456,2,"CHAPTER 456 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE NECESSITY OF CREATING PUBLIC BODIES CORPORATE AND POLITIC TO BE KNOWN AS HOUSING AUTHORITIES TO ENGAGE IN SLUM CLEARANCE AND/OR PROJECTS TO PROVIDE DWELLING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS OF LOW INCOME; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SUCH HOUSING AUTHORITIES; TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF HOUSING AUTHORITIES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXERCISE OF SUCH POWERS, INCLUDING ACQUIRING PROPERTY BY PURCHASE, GIFT OR EMINENT DOMAIN, AND IN- CLUDING BORROWING MONEY, ISSUING REVENUE AND CREDIT BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS, AND GIVING SECURITY THEREFOR; TO CONFER REMEDIES ON OBLIGEES OF HOUSING AUTHORI- TIES; TO PROVIDE THAT THE BONDS OF THE AU- THORITY SHALL BE LEGAL INVESTMENTS; TO PROVIDE THAT HOUSING AUTHORITIES, AND CER- TAIN PROPERTY AND SECURITIES THEREOF, SHALL BE TAX EXEMPT AND TO DECLARE THAT THIS ACT TAKE EFFECT FROM THE DATE OF ITS RATIFICATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Finding and Declaration of Necessity. It is hereby declared that insanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations ,exist in various cities and towns of the State having a population of more than fifteen thousand inhabitants and that such unsafe or insanitary conditions arise from overcrowding and concentration of population, the obsolete and poor condition of the buildings, improper planning, excessive land coverage, lack of proper light, air and space, insanitary design and arrangement, lack of proper sanitary facilities, and the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire and other causes; that in all such cities and towns many persons of low income are forced to reside in insanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations; that in various cities and towns of the State having a population of more than fifteen thousand inhabitants there is a lack of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available to all the inhabitants thereof and that consequently many persons of low income are forced to occupy overcrowded and congested dwelling accommodations; that these conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals and welfare of the citizens of the State and impair economic values; that the aforesaid conditions also exist in certain areas surrounding such cities and towns; that these conditions cannot be remedied by the ordinary operations of private enterprises; that the clearance, replanning and reconstruction of the areas in which insanitary or unsafe housing conditions exist and the providing of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income are public uses and purposes for which public money may be spent and private property acquired; that it is in the public interest that work on such projects be instituted as soon as possible in order to relieve unemployment which now constitutes an emergency; and the necessity in the public interest for the provision hereinafter enacted is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination." +1903_private laws_264_2,project experts,0,private laws,263,1,"CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BEL- HAVEN, BEAUFORT COUNTY, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section 2 of the charter of the town of Belhaven, Beaufort County, be and is hereby amended by striking out section 2 and in lieu thereof insert the following: Beginning at the channel of Pantego Creek at the eastward line of the Alleghany Companys property, and running north 47 east with said companys line to Pantego street, thence south 43 east with Pantego street to Thoms Creek, thence with the channel of Thoms Creek to the channel of Pungo River, thence westerly with the channel of Pungo River to Pantego Creek, thence northwesterly with the channel of Pantego Creek to the beginning." +1913_private laws_133_4,project experts,0,private laws,132,3,"CHAPTER 132 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF SELMA TO ISSUE BONDS TO COMPLETE ITS ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER SYSTEMS. Whereas the town of Selma in Johnston County, on account of the large number of its inhabitants and of the great increase in the number, size, and value of its residences, hotels, and business houses, is in great need of a public water supply and electric light system ;.and whereas it is necessary to protect the property of said town from destruction by fire, and to furnish an adequate electric lighting system for the protection, convenience, and benefit of its citizens and their property; and whereas it is necessary for the protection of the health of said town that there should be a sys- tem of sewerage and waterworks in the town; and whereas, in pursuance of the urgent needs aforesaid the qualified voters of said town have heretofore by popular vote authorized the issuance of twenty-five thousand dollars interest-bearing coupon bonds; and whereas the money derived therefrom has been devoted to the installation, construction, and erection of water and electric light systems for the purposes aforesaid; and whereas the money derived from said bonds has been insufficient to carry said work to a completion, and an additional five thousand dollars is neces- sary to complete said water and lighting systems, and it is im- peratively necessary that this be done at as early a date as prac- ticable; and whereas the mayor and board of commissioners of said town of Selma, after full consideration of all conditions, have declared that there exists in said town an absolute and urgent necessity for the completion of its waterworks and electric light system for the protection of health and against fire; and whereas the ordinary funds derived from current taxes of said town are wholly insufficient to complete said works: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said bonds are hereby declared to be within the exercise of the corporate powers of the town of Selma, and the purposes for which the same are to be issued are hereby declared to be a municipal necessity." +1881_private laws_100_3,project experts,0,private laws,99,2,CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ASHEVILLE GAS AND WATER SUPPLY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The capital stock of the said company shall be fifty thousand dollars (with the privilege to the shareholders of increasing the amount to two hundred thousand dollars) divided into shares of fifty dollars each. Each share shall be entitled to one vote in all the meetings of the stockholders, and shall be transferable as by the by laws of the company may be prescribed." +1899_public laws_268_10,project experts,1,public laws,267,9,"CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : ","The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Mount Airy as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintain [maintaining] the public schools of both races." +1887_public laws_5_4,project experts,0,public laws,4,3,"CHAPTER 4 An act to incorporate the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the capital stock of said company shall be ($5,000) five thousand dollars, and the same may be increased from time to time as a majority of the stockholders may determine, up to ($500,000) five hundred thousand dollars. That the stock of said company shall be in shares of ($100) one hundred dollars each, for which certificates shall be issued, and each share shall be entitled to one vote, and the stockholders shall not be individually liable for anything beyond the amount of their subscription to the said capital stock. That books of subscription shall be opened by the corporators, or a majority of them, at such times and places and under such rules and regulations as they, or a majority-of them, may prescribe. That the said corporators, or a majority of them, acting in person or by proxy, after the sum of five thousand dollars has been subscribed, shall call a meeting of the subscribers to the said capital stock, for the purpose of completing the organization of the company, giving ten days notice thereof in some paper published in the county of Union or Anson. That at such meeting the stockholders shall elect a _board of directors, consisting of five members, who shall immediately elect one of their number president of the company." +1915_private laws_216_2,project experts,0,private laws,215,1,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BATTLEBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the act entitled An act to incorporate the town of Battleboro, ratified the eighth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and the amendments thereto ratified the tenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, be and the same are hereby amended by adding thereto the following new sections, and so much of the said two acts as is inconsistent with the provisions hereafter set forth be and the same is hereby repealed." +1925_public local laws_549_2,project experts,0,public local laws,548,1,CHAPTER 548 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE BUYING OF SEED COTTON IN NASH COUNTY AND THE COUNTIES ADJACENT THERE- TO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, except the landlord, or by his written consent, on whose land the cotton is made, to buy, sell, deliver, or receive for a price or for any reward whatever any cotton in the seed where the quantity is less than that which is usually baled before January fifteenth of the following year in which the cotton is made. " +1941_public laws_354_18,project experts,0,public laws,353,17,CHAPTER 353 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE TRANSFER OF SHARES OF STOCK IN CORPORATIONS AND TO MAKE UNI- FORM THE LAW WITH REFERENCE THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Lost or Destroyed Certificate. Where a certificate has been lost or destroyed, a court of competent jurisdiction may order the issue of a new certificate therefor on service of process upon the corporation and on reasonable notice by publication, and in any other way which the court may direct, to all persons interested, and upon satisfactory proof of such loss or destruction and upon the giving of a bond with sufficient surety to be approved by the court to protect the corporation or any person injured by the issue of the new certificate from any liability or expense, which it or they may incur by reason of the original certificate remaining outstanding. The court. may also in its discretion order the payment of the corporations reasonable costs and counsel fees. The issue of a new certificate under an order of the court as provided in this section, shall not relieve the corporation from liability in damages to a person to whom the original certificate has been or shall be transferred for value without notice of the proceedings or of the issuance of the new certificate: Provided, nothing in this section shall prevent the issuance of a new stock certificate in the place of a lost or destroyed certificate in accordance with the provisions of Section one thousand one hundred and sixty-two of the Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred and nineteen." +1929_public local laws_2_4,project experts,0,public local laws,1,3,CHAPTER 1 AN ACT RELATING TO DRUNKENNESS IN MACON COUNTY AND PRESCRIBING A SPECIFIC PENALTY APPLICABLE THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That this act shall apply to Macon County only. +1899_private laws_170_7,project experts,0,private laws,169,6,CHAPTER 169 An act to incorporate The L E. Davis Milling Company. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enuct :,"That owners of stock in this company shall not be individually liable for any contract, indebtedness or liability of this company." +1899_private laws_113_3,project experts,0,private laws,112,2,"CHAPTER 112 An act to incorporate the town of Union City, in Robeson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows, viz: Beginning at the point where the Inman and Ionia roads intersect and runs north one-half mile; thence east onehalf mile; thence south ene mile; thence west one mile; thence north one mile; thence east one-half mile, making one mile square." +1965_session laws_227_3,project experts,0,session laws,226,2,"CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 759, SESSION LAWS OF 1963, EN- TITLED AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF CARTERET COUNTY TO MAKE APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES AND TO CREATE AND FIX THE POWERS OF AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION FOR CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section 2, Chapter 759, Session Laws of 1963, is hereby amended by striking the following sentence, beginning in line 8:00 In making said appointments, the Board of Commissioners shall maintain an equal balance insofar as political party affiliation is concerned." +1927_public laws_54_10,project experts,0,public laws,53,9,CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES IN NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Commissioner in person, or by deputy, shall have the power to enter into any car, warehouse, store, building, boat, vessel or place supposed to contain insecticides or fungicides, for the purpose of inspection or sampling, and shall have the power to take samples for analysis from any lot, package or parcel of insecticides or fungicides. It shall be unlawful for any person to oppose entrance of said Commissioner or deputy, or in any way interfere with the discharge of his duty. All analyses shall be made by the official methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of the United States, and shall be made by chemists of the Department of Agriculture." +1965_session laws_8_7,project experts,0,session laws,7,6,CHAPTER 7 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWN LIQUOR CONTROL STORES IN THE TOWN OF MOORESVILLE UPON A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE AND PROVIDING FOR THE ALLOCATION OF THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE OPERATION OF SUCH STORES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The net profits derived from the operation of liquor control stores in the Town of Mooresville, after deducting the necessary funds for law enforcement as provided in G. S. 18-45, shall be divided as follows: 1 Twelve and one-half percent (124%%) shall be turned over to the Iredell County Board of Commissioners to be used exclusively for school purposes. 2 A minimum of twenty-five percent -25% shall be used by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Mooresville for the acquisition and improvement of lands and buildings for public parks, playgrounds, and recreational centers and the maintenance and operation of the same. 3 A minimum of twenty-seven and one-half percent (27'2%) shall be used by the Mooresville City School Board to operate the Mooresville Schoo) District schools at a higher standard than provided by county or state support, including the use of said funds for capital improvements, and to supplement the salaries of public school teachers teaching in the Mooresville Schoo] District. 4 The remaining net profits shall be turned over to the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Mooresville to be used for any of the following purposes: a. To provide additional funds for Alcoholic Beverage Control law enforcement. b. Any town governmental purpose. c. To provide funds in addition to the minimum amounts hereinbefore specified for the acquisition and improvement of lands and buildings for public parks, playgrounds, and recreational centers and maintenance and operation of the same. d. To provide funds in addition to the minimum amounts hereinbefore specified to operate the Mooresville School District schools at a higher standard than provided by county or state support, including the use of said funds for capital improvements, and to supplement the salaries of public school teachers teaching in the Mooresville School District. e. Acquisition of sites and construction, maintenance and operation of public hospitals. f. Acquisition, maintenance, operation, enlargement and improvement of public libraries, public art museums, and armories. 25" +1909_public laws_504_10,project experts,0,public laws,503,9,CHAPTER 503 AN ACT TO FIX SALARIES FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS AND CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE IN DUR- HAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Treasurer of Durham County shall receive a salary of one thousand-six hundred dollars per annum in lieu of all other compensation whatsoever; and Provided further, that the premium on the bond of said treasurer shall be paid out of the fund hereinafter created." +1933_public local laws_83_19,project experts,0,public local laws,82,18,"CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 276 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1913, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THERETO .RELATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF LEXINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Amend section twenty-one of said chapter two hundred and seventy-six of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina of nineteen hundred and thirteen, page six hundred and thirteen, by striking out the said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: The Clerk of said court shall keep a record of all fines and amounts taxed for costs as hereinbefore set out and ones costs received, and shall monthly on the first day of every month pay to the Treasurer of Davidson County the fees and fines as hereinbefore taxed for the Judge and Solicitor and other expense of the Court and shall pay the witness fees and the arrest py | allowed by law to the proper person entitled thereto. The Clerk's salary or compensation for keeping the records of said court. shall be fixed by the County Commissioners of Davidson County." +1965_session laws_630_2,project experts,0,session laws,629,1,CHAPTER 629 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 37-5 RELATING TO THE TREATMENT OF CORPORATE DISTRIBUTIONS BY FIDUCIARIES AS PRINCIPAL AND AS INCOME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Amend G. S. 37-5 by renumbering the present subsection -5 as subsection (6) and by adding a new subsection -5 immediately following the present subsection (4), as follows: (5) Distributions made from ordinary income by a regulated investment company shal] be deemed income. All distributions made by such a company from capita] gains, whether in the form of cash or an option to take new stock or cash or an option to purchase additional shares, shall be deemed principal." +1959_session laws_1066_3,project experts,0,session laws,1065,2,CHAPTER 1065 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS AND NOTES IN BEHALF OF THE WADESBORO CITY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT AS A SPECIAL BOND TAX UNIT AND THE LEVY OF TAXES WITHIN SUCH UNIT FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SUCH BONDS AND NOTES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"At the close of the polls the election officers shall count the votes and make returns thereof to the Board of County Commissioners of Anson County, which board shall, as soon as practicable after the election, judicially pass upon the returns and judicially determine and declare the results of such election, which determination shall be spread upon the minutes of said board. The returns shall be made in duplicate, one copy of which shall be delivered to the Board of County Commissioners of Anson County as aforesaid and the other filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County. The Board of County Commissioners of Anson County shall prepare a statement showing the number of votes cast for and against the bonds or notes, and declaring the result of the election, which statement shall be signed by the chairman of the board and attested by the clerk, who shall record it in the minutes of the board and file the original in his office and publish it once in a newspaper published or circulating in such district or unit." +1917_public local laws_548_3,project experts,0,public local laws,547,2,CHAPTER 547 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF KINSTON TO ISSUE GRADED SCHOOL BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall not be sold for less than their face value, and the treasurer of the city shall receive all such moneys paid in the purchase of the bonds in his official capacity as treasurer of said city, and he and the sureties on his official bond shall be liable to account for and pay over the same as is provided in this act or may be provided otherwise by the laws relating to the treasurer of the said #NAME? of Kinston, and it shall be the duty of the said city council of the city of Kinston to see to it that the bonds of the said treasurer shall at all times be sufficient in amount and with satisfactory sureties to provide against any loss of money arising from sale of said bond, and to that end may at any time require said treasurer to renew his official bond in such sum and with satisfactory sureties as they may require, and in default thereof remove him from office as treasurer." +1907_public laws_476_3,project experts,0,public laws,475,2,"CHAPTER 475 . AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE HOLDING OF AN ELEC- TION IN LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, YADKIN COUNTY, IN RE- GARD TO THE STATESVILLE AIR LINE RAILROAD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of carrying out the election mentioned in section one of this act, the Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a registrar and judges of election in each precinct in said township. Such registrar shall keep the registration books open for twenty days, and shall attend at the voting precinct, for the registration of voters, at least two Saturdays next preceding said election, and said Commissioners shall give thirty days notice of the time and place of holding said election in some newspaper published in Yadkin County or by posters at three public places in each precinct." +1913_public laws_88_4,project experts,0,public laws,87,3,CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE TO MAKE PREPARATIONS TO FURNISH LIME TO THE FARM- ERS OF THE STATE FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES AT A REASONABLE COST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of agriculture are authorized to make all regulations necessary to execute the provisions of this act and shall report annually to the Governor and furnish him itemized statement of the receipts and expenditures, which shall be published in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture to tbe Legislature." +1903_public laws_541_3,project experts,0,public laws,540,2,CHAPTER 540 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF MALT IN CABARRUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"No druggist shall sell or otherwise dispose of any malt or malt extracts except for bona fide medical purposes and upon the prescription of a practicing physician known to such druggist to be of reputable standing in his profession or recommended by a physician who is so known, which prescription shall be in writing, signed by such physician, and shall specify the name of the person to be supplied, and the quantity of dose. Any druggist who shall violate the provisions of this section, and any physician who shall give any prescription for malt or malt extracts in violation of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court." +1933_public local laws_483_4,project experts,0,public local laws,482,3,CHAPTER 482 AN ACT TO APPOINT AN AUDITOR FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and they are hereby repealed. +1931_private laws_122_63,project experts,0,private laws,121,62,"CHAPTER 121 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS, TO PROVIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. Corporate Organization.","Any taxpayer in the city may maintain an action to recover for the city any sum of money paid in violation of the civil service provisions, or to enjein the director of civil service from attaching his certificate to a payroll or account for services rendered in violation of this charter or the rules made thereunder; and the rules made under the foregoing provisions shall for this and all other purposes have the force of law." +1917_public local laws_146_3,project experts,0,public local laws,145,2,"CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 56 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1915, RELATING TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the amendment to this act shall apply only to Union County. +1937_public laws_113_2,project experts,0,public laws,112,1,CHAPTER 112 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT TATTOOING IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to tattoo the arm, limb, or any part of the body of any other person under age of twenty-one years of age." +1933_public local laws_269_3,project experts,0,public local laws,268,2,CHAPTER 268 AN ACT TO ALLOW CERTAIN DISCOUNTS IN THE PAY- MENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That amount of payment or payments to be made under the schedule set forth in section one of this act shall be computed and determined by allowing the discount or discounts appropriate to be made from the principal face amount of the tax sales certificate or certificates now outstanding and held by _ the said Town of Beaufort or any other agency on its or their behalf. That is to say, the allowances above provided for shall be deducted from the face value of the certificates without the addition of any penalties or interest since the date of issuance of said certificates: Provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the payment and/or redemption of certificates now outstanding and in the possession of third parties holding for value at the time of the ratification of this act: Provided further, that nothing in this act shall be con strued to authorize or allow the Town of Beaufort, through its collecting agency or agencies, to impose in the payment or settle ment above provided for any court costs or other expenses here tofore incurred on account of foreclosure proceedings institutec for enforcement of payment." +1919_public laws_93_33,project experts,0,public laws,92,32,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 231, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS","Where to list real estate, mineral, and quarry lands. All real property subject to taxation shall be listed in the township in which said property is situated on the first day of May. When the fee of the soil of any tract, parcel, or lot of land is in any person or persons, natural or artificial, and the right to any minerals, quarry, or timber therein is in another or others, the same shall be valued and listed, agreeable to such ownership, in separate entries, specifying the interest listed, and shall be taxed to the parties owning the different interests, respectively. In listing mineral, quarry, or timber interests the owner thereof shall describe the same in his list, together with the separate value of each separate tract or parcel of land in or on which the same shall be situated or located, and the list-taker shall be particular to enter the same on the tax list according to the returns. An owner of separate timber interests shall list the same, whether the timber shall be attached to or detached from the soil. 99 D>." +1901_public laws_517_16,project experts,0,public laws,516,15,"CHAPTER 516 An act to establish a dispensary for the town of Mayodan, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict of [with] the provisions of this act are hereby repealed: Provided, that this act shall. not be construed so as to repeal any prohibitory laws already in force, and section three thousand one hundred and eleven of The Code shall not apply to this act." +1909_private laws_291_16,project experts,0,private laws,290,15,"CHAPTER 290 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","On the second Saturday before each election the registration books shall be kept open at the polling place in the precinct for the inspection of the electors of the precinct, and any of such electors shall be allowed to object to the name of any person appearing on said books: Provided, nothing in this section shall prohibit any elector from challenging or objecting on the day of election to any person offering to vote." +1909_private laws_124_2,project experts,0,private laws,123,1,CHAPTER 123 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF RAMSEUR TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of Commissioners of the town of Ramseur is hereby authorized and empowered to submit to the qualified voters of said town, at an election as hereinafter provided for, the question of issuing bonds of the town of Ramseur in the amount of five thousand dollars, and of levying and _ collecting a special tax, as hereinafter provided. for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, for the purpose of working, improving and making streets and sidewalks in said town. Said bonds shall be ten in number and five hundred dollars each in amount. They shall bear interest from the date thereof at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, and the interest shall be payable semiannually. Said bonds shall be payable, one in three, one in six, one in eight, one in ten, one in twelve, one in fourteen, one in sixteen, one in eighteen, one in twenty, and one in twenty-two years, respectively. They shall have interest coupons attached. The bonds shall be numbered, and shall be executed on behalf of the town by the mayor, and attested by the clerk, and shall have the corporate seal attached, and shall be in all other respects of such form and tenor and payable at such dates and places as shall be determined by the board of commissioners and designated in the bonds themselves. None of said bonds shall be sold or disposed of for less than par, and a record shall be kept, showing to whom each and all of said bonds shall be issued." +1967_session laws_1260_8,project experts,0,session laws,1259,7,CHAPTER 1259 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE WINSTON-SALEM TRANSIT AUTHORITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Funds. The establishment and operation of a Transit Authority as herein authorized is a governmental function and a_ public purpose and the City of Winston-Salem is hereby authorized to appropriate funds to support the establishment and operation of the Transit Authority. The City of Winston-Salem may also dedicate, sell, convey, donate or lease any of its interest in any property to the Authority. Further, the Authoritv is hereby authorized to establish such license and regulatory fees and charges as it may deem appropriate, subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen. If the Board of Aldermen finds that the funds otherwise available are insufficient, it may call a special election without a petition 1899 and submit to the qualified voters of the City the question of whether or not a special tax shall be levied and/or bonds issued, specifying the maximum amount thereof, for the purpose of acquiring lands, buildings, equipment and facilities and for the operations of the Transit Authority." +1897_public laws_187_6,project experts,0,public laws,186,5,"CHAPTER 186 An act to incorporate the United Brothers and Sisters Associ- ation. WHEREAS, certain citizens of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia have associated themselves together, under the name and style of the United Brothers and Sisters Association, with the intention and purpose of pro- moting charity, benevolence, morality, industry and intelli- gence; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",That the private property of the members of the corporation shall be exempt from the debts of the corporation. +1925_public laws_74_16,project experts,0,public laws,73,15,"CHAPTER 73 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 115 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1915, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 1079 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, RELATING TO CREDIT-UNIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in line two -2 of section fifty-two twenty-four (5224), article nine (9), subchapter three -3 of the Consolidated Statutes, the words four-fifths of the entire membership of a corporation shall be stricken out and the following substituted in lieu thereof: three-fourths of the members present and represented." +1913_public local laws_663_8,project experts,0,public local laws,662,7,"CHAPTER 662 AN ACT TO REGULATE PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN BEAU- FORT COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN THE INCORPORATED CITIES OR TOWNS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Challenges shall be made, heard, and determined, respectively, in the same manner as in the laws governing elections in North Carolina or the cities and towns in the county of Beaufort, as the case may be. The registration books in all primaries under this act shall be open for a period of ten days, and shall close on the second Saturday preceding the day for holding any primary, and challenge shall be made, heard, and determined during the week preceding the day for holding the primary: Provided, the foregoing provisions shall not be construed to prevent any elector from challenging any one who offers to vote on the primary day: Provided further, in the event there is no registration, that the board of elections or the governing body of any city or town, as the case may be, shall appoint two poll-holders for each political party entering said primary. Any person offering to vote may be challenged by any elector, and if the party affiliation of the voter is in doubt, he shall be required to make oath of such affiliation. Any person otherwise qualified who has not voted in the last two general elections shall have the right to elect his party affiliation: Provided, he does not yote against any candidates of the party in whose primary he enters at the ensuing general election. The test in all cases shall be the party affiliation of the person subject to the foregoing provisions in the last general election, and any person who voted in said general election for candidates of one political party mentioned in this act and who desires to enter the primary of another political party shall make oath, upon being challenged, either to support the candidates of the political party that he enters in the ensuing general election or that he will not vote in opposition to any candidate of that party. No person shall be allowed in said primaries to vote for candidates of but one political party." +1915_public local laws_37_19,project experts,0,public local laws,36,18,CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR WAR- RENTON TOWNSHIP IN THE COUNTY OF WARREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The stock and road implements and machinery belonging to the township and turned over to the highway commission may be used both upon the permanent and repair work of the road of the township, and the highway commission is empowered to purchase additional road machinery, stock, and other machinery, and tools used in road building from time to time as the same may be needed for keeping the roads of the township in good condition, and also for doing permanent work, and may dispose of such machinery and stock as they may deem necessary for the best interest of the public roads." +1919_public laws_146_11,project experts,0,public laws,145,10,CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000 ) is hereby appropriated for the years one thousand nine hundred and nineteen and one thousand nine hundred and twenty for the support and maintenance of the East Carolina Teachers Training School." +1921_public laws_35_23,project experts,0,public laws,34,22,CHAPTER 34 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Taxpayer to show his income on list. ~~ The taxpayer shall list his income for the year ending January first, 1921, from any and all sources from salaries, fees, trades, and professions in excess of one thousand dollars for unmarried persons and fifteen hundred dollars for married persons and widows and widowers having minor child or children." +1957_session laws_825_8,project experts,0,session laws,824,7,"CHAPTER 824 AN ACT CREATING THE PITT COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the great County of Pitt will in the year 1960 celebrate its 200th Anniversary, and in order that its citizens may properly and ade- quately prepare for said celebration: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1887_private laws_87_39,project experts,0,private laws,86,38,CHAPTER 86 An act to amend the charter of the town of Taylorsville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if the real estate sold as aforesaid shall not be redeemed within the time required by law, the corporation shall convey the same in fee to the purchaser or his assigns; and the recital in such conveyance, or in any other conveyance of Jand sold for taxes due the town, that the taxes were due, or of any other matter required to be TRUE or done before the sale might be made, shall be prima facie evidence that the same was TRUE and done." +1891_private laws_44_9,project experts,0,private laws,43,8,"CHAPTER 43 An act to incorporate the Bank of Commerce at Fayetteville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The corporation may loan money on a pledge or mortgage of real or personal estate: Provided, it shall not loan on mortgage of real estate exceeding twenty per cent. of the capital stock paid in." +1907_private laws_376_6,project experts,0,private laws,373,5,CHAPTER 373 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section fifty-five of the charter of Winston be and the same is hereby amended by adding after the words Elks auditorium, in said section, the words or the Young Mens Christian Association. That said section fifty-five is further amended by striking out the word less, in line ten, and inserting in lieu thereof the words not exceeding." +1879_public laws_72_10,project experts,0,public laws,71,9,CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Assessment and valuation of lands:,"The list shall state all the property of the person giving in, and also the age of the party, with reference to his liability to a poll-tax, and shall refer to the first day of June in that year. 1 The quantity of land owned in the township; the land shall be described by name, if it has one; otherwise in such way that it may be identified, and shall be valued as herein prescribed. 2 The number of horses, mules, jacks, jennies, goals, cattle, hogs and sheep, separately, with the value thereof, and they shall be returned at their TRUE value. 3 The TRUE value, without specifying the articles, of farming utensils, tools of mechanics, household and kitchen furniture, provisions, arms for muster, libraries and scientific instruments. 4, Money on hand, including all funds invested within thirty days before in United States bonds or other bonds or stocks, or any non-paying property whatever. 5 The amount of solvent credits, including accrued | interest uncollected, owing to the party, whether in or out of the State, whether owing by mortgage, bond, note, bill of exchange, certificate, check, open account, or due and payable, or whether owing by any state or government, county, city, town, or township, individual or company or corporation. Any certificate of deposit in any bank, whether in or out of the State, certificate of stock in any corporation or trust company, whether in or out of the State, and the value of cotton, tobacco or other property in the hands of commission merchants or agents, ini or out of the state, shall be deemed solvent credits within the meaning of this act. If any credit be regarded as not entirely solvent it shall be given in at its TRUE current or market value. Theparty may deduct from the amount of promissory notes and accounts owing to him the amount of such notes and accounts owing by him. 6 Stocks in national, state and private banks, and stocks in any incorporated company or joint stock association, railroad, telegraph or canal company, with their TRUE value; and every cashier or treasurer of any bank, corporation or association shall furnish a list of its stockholders and depositors resident in the several counties of this state, on the first day of June each year, to the county commissioners of the county in which such stockholders or depositors resides, and shall also state the TRUE value of such stock and the amount of deposits. 7 All other personal property whatever, including therein all cotton in seed or lint, tobacco, either in leaf or manufactured, turpentine, rosin, tar, brandy, whiskey, medical instruments, goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds, plated and silver ware, and the watches and jewelry possessed by the party, his wife or any minor child. 8 The income of the party for the twelve months next preceding the first day of June in the current year, with a statement of the source or sources from which it was derived. That the property mentioned in sub-division two, three and seven of this section shall be valued at its TRUE value, estimated at what it would bring at a voluntary sale. 9 If the party be a non-resident of the county, and owns land therein, it shall state his address, and may name any agent in the county to whom notices may be given respecting his taxes." +1915_public local laws_508_3,project experts,0,public local laws,507,2,CHAPTER 507 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREAS- URER IN HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said bank or trust company appointed and acting as the financial agent of Harnett County shall be appointed for a term of two years, and shall be required at its or their own expense to execute the same bonds for the safe keeping and proper accounting of such funds as may come into its or their possession and belonging to said county, and for the faithful discharge of its or their duties as are now required by law of the county treasurer." +1911_private laws_263_7,project experts,0,private laws,262,6,"CHAPTER 262 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, RATIFIED THE SEVEN- TEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND ELEVEN. Whereas, the act passed by the General Assembly of North Caro- lina at its session of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, ratified on the seventeenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, with reference to the city of Greensboro, was to become effective if ratified by a majority of votes passed at an election pro- vided for in said act; and, Whereas, at such election a majority of the voters voted a ticket For commission form of government, and a minority of the voters voted a ticket Against commission form of government; now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section fifty-two of the said act, which was ratified on the seventeenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, be amended by inserting in line one of said section, after the word office and before the word may, the words except judge of the municipal court." +1901_public laws_451_10,project experts,0,public laws,450,9,CHAPTER 450 An act to prevent live stock from running at large in certain parts of Wayne County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That whenever said committee shall report to the Board of Commissioners of Wayne County that said territory or so much thereof as does not adjoin other territory in which the stock law prevails is enclosed by a sufficient fence, with gates across all highways leading into the same, it shall be the duty of the chairman of the board immediately to give notice by advertisement in the Goldsboro Argus and on January 1, 1902, and after the publication of said notices, all the provisions of this act shall be in full force, and to defray the expenses of building said fence, the County Commissioners shall levy an assessment upon all the farming lands within said territory, including wood or timbered lands and all improvements thereon and cause the same to be collected by the Sheriff and paid over to the County Treasurer to be by him disbursed upon their order. The official bonds of the Sheriff and Treasurer shall be responsible for the faithful accounting for said funds as for public moneys." +1915_private laws_342_122,project experts,0,private laws,341,121,CHAPTER 341 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ELIZABETH CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The owner of any land sold under the provisions of this charter and amendments, or any person acting for such owner, may redeem the same within one year after the sale by paying to the purchaser the sum paid by him and twenty-five per cent additional to the amount of taxes and expenses, and the purchaser shall thereupon convey to him all his interest in said land." +1899_private laws_148_41,project experts,0,private laws,147,40,CHAPTER 147 An act to amend the charter of The Town of Columbia. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if the lot, real estate, or interest in real estate, sold as aforesaid, shall not be redeemed within the time specifled, the collector or his successor, under the direction of the mayor of the town, shall convey the same to the purchaser, or to his assigns in fee. In the event the town is the purchaser, the collector, or his successor, shall convey to the corporation of Columbia, and the recitals in such conveyance or in any other conveyance, made by any tax collector of said town, shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the same and can not be attacked, except on the ground that the taxes were not due and unpaid at the date of sale." +1907_public laws_459_3,project experts,0,public laws,458,2,CHAPTER 458 AN ACT TO PERMIT RAILROAD COMPANIES TO ACQUIRE LANDS FOR DOUBLE-TRACKING. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That no yard, garden or dwelling-house shall be condemned under the provisions of this act, unless the Corporation Commission, upon petition filed by the railroad seeking to condemn, shall, after due inquiry, find that the railroad company cannot make the desired improvement without condemning the yard, garden or dwelling-house, except at an excessive cost." +1913_public laws_147_3,project experts,0,public laws,146,2,CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE: MAINTENANCE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all laws and clauses of laws in cofiflict with this act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. :" +1927_private laws_28_12,project experts,0,private laws,27,11,"CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 160, OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1925, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the town of Mount Airy, through its mayor and board of commissioners, shall have and is granted authority to condemm lands for streets, alleys, or public buildings, or other lawful municipal purposes in the same manner as is provided hereinbefore for the condemnation of property for the water supply or water works of the town of Mount Airy." +1957_session laws_1456_10,project experts,0,session laws,1455,9,"CHAPTER 1455 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING REGU- LATIONS, AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS POWERS OF THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND FOR A DESCRIBED TERRITORY BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAY- ETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","If any Section, subdivision, clause, or provision of this Act shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to such Section, subdivision, clause, or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of the Act shall be deemed valid and effective." +1905_private laws_15_32,project experts,0,private laws,15,31,"CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO CREATE A CHARTER FOR ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The chief of the fire department shall use his best endeavors to have the engine at each fire, and for that purpose he may use such means and aid as he deems best. And the board of aldermen are hereby authorized and permitted to make appropriations from the amount collected from the special tax mentioned in section twenty-nine, to be disbursed and used as they direct. COMPENSATION OF FIRE CHIEF." +1883_public laws_368_6,project experts,0,public laws,367,5,"CHAPTER 367 An act to amend chapter two hundred and forty-seven, acts of one thousand elght hundred and eighty-one, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Dr. R. H. Speight, J. Q. Bryan and M. H. Wetherbee be and they are hereby appointed fence commissioners in and for that part of said territory lying and being in the county of Edgecombe, with power to contract for the erection of a substantial fence upon the boundary above described, so as to connect with the Nash county territory, with gates at every crossing of a publie road; that they hold their office during good behavior, and upon a vacancy occurring by death or resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by the board of county commissioners of Edgecombe county." +1931_private laws_79_10,project experts,0,private laws,78,9,"CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN OF NORTH CAROLINA, RELATIVE TO ELECTIONS IN THE CITY OF SALISBURY, AND DEFINING CERTAIN RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CITY COUNCIL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The chairman of the County Board of Elections of Rowan County, within five days after the results of such primary election have been declared, shall certify under his hand and seal to the city clerk of Salisbury the names of the successful five nominees of the respective political parties for councilmen of said city. And only those who have been so certified as the nominees of their political party shall have their names printed on the official ballot for that respective political party to be voted for at the next general municipal election for said city. The nominees of each political party shall be printed on a separate ballot for each political party for the general municipal election, said ballots to be of different colors of paper. The Democratic ballots shall be printed on white paper, and the Republican ballot on blue paper. Upon the face of the Democratic ballot near the top shall be printed in heavy black type the word: DEMOCRATIC. The emblem of an eagle shall be printed under the word, democratic; and under the eagle shall be printed a circle, with the instructions: For a straight ticket mark within this circle. Upon the face of the Republican ballot shall be printed in heavy black type the word: REPUBLICAN. The emblem of an elephant shall be printed under the word, republican; and under the elephant shall be printed a circle, with the instructions: For a straight ticket mark within this circle. Upon each ballot for city councilmen shall be printed the words: For city councilmen. Vote for five. And each ballot shall contain the following instructions: INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote a straight ticket make a cross (x) mark in the circle of the party you desire to vote for. 2. To vote for some but not all the candidates of one party, make a cross (x) mark in the square at the left of the name of every candidate printed on the ballot for whom you wish to vote. If you mark any one candidate, you must mark all for whom you wish to vote. A mark in the circle will not be counted if any one candidate is marked. A square shall be printed to the left of the name of each candidate in which the voter may make a cross (x) mark indicating his choice for each candidate. The city clerk shall cause ballots for the general municipal election of said city to be printed as herein provided, authenticated with a facsimile of his signature. The ballots for the general municipal election shall contain only the names of all candidates who have been put in nomination by the primary election hereinabove provided, and shall be delivered by the city clerk to the several registrars of the city. Upon the back of each ballot shall be printed the following endorsement, the blanks being properly filled: Official City Ballot for General Municipal Election. Salisbury, North Carolina. (Date of city election.) (Facsimile of signature of city clerk of Salisbury.)" +1883_public laws_221_2,project experts,1,public laws,220,1,"CHAPTER 220 Aun act to establish graded schools at Edenton, Chowan county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That Henry A. Bond, James A. Woodward, W. D. Pruden, Geo. H. Coke, W. G. Warren, Moses Hobbs, W. H. Coffield, W. R. Skinner, P. F. White, W. E. Bond, A. T. Bush, H. DeB. Hooper, C. W. Cason, R. B. Perkins, A. M. Moore, J. H. Garrett, J. R. B. Hathaway and G. W. White be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the Edenton graded school for the white race until July first, one thousand eight hundred and eightythree, and until their successors are elected as hereinafter stated." +1883_public laws_237_7,project experts,1,public laws,236,6,"CHAPTER 236 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Kinston, in Lenoir county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That L. H. Fisher, Owen Parrott, Wiley Lowry, Spencer Smith, Peter Brem, Henry Green, Richard Whitfield, Squire M. Jones and Peter Williams, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children. That said board shal] have power to fill a)l vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children." +1903_public laws_300_12,project experts,0,public laws,299,11,"CHAPTER 299 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said Board of Graded School Trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of The Board of Graded School Trustees of Williamston; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gift, purchase or devise, real and personal property, hold, exchange, mortgage or sell the same, and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations. And said corporation shall have a corporate seal which it may break and change at pleasure." +1903_public laws_264_4,project experts,1,public laws,263,3,CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said Board of Trustees shall, on the first Monday in May next ensuing, submit to the qualified voters of said district above created the question of establishing a graded school in said district; the said Trustees shall give thirty days notice of said election by a notice thereof published in some newspaper published in Alamance County and by notices posted at four public places in said district. The said Board of Trustees shall select three men qualified voters of said district, one of whom they shall appoint registrar and the other two poll-holders, to hold said election, and these three shall hold said election and shall be governed in their acts in all particulars as to the registration of voters, challenges, etc., by the same rules and regulations as prevail in the election of county officers and the qualified voters of said district shall vote at said election on the first Monday in May next ensuing tickets on which shall be written or printed the words, For Graded School, or Against Graded School, and the result of the election shall be declared by the same rules that govern the elections of county officers. The said election shall be held at the school-house for the white race in said territory." +1903_public laws_245_4,project experts,1,public laws,244,3,CHAPTER 244 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said Board of Trustees shall, on the first Monday in May next ensuing, submit to the qualified voters of said district above created the question of establishing a graded school in said district. The said Trustees shall give thirty days notice of said election by a notice thereof published in some newspaper published in Alamance County, and by notices posted at four public places in said district. The said Board of Trustees shall select three men, qualified voters of said district, one of whom they shall appoint registrar and the other two pollholders to hold said election, and these three shall hold said election and shall be governed in their acts in all particulars as to the registration of voters, challenges, etc., by the same rules and regulations as prevail in the election of county officers, and the qualified voters of said district shall vote at said election on the first Monday in May next ensuing, tickets on which shall be written or printed the words For Graded School or Against Graded School, and the result of the election shall be declared by the same rules that govern the election of county officers. The said election shall be held at the school house for the white race in said territory." +1901_public laws_763_2,project experts,1,public laws,762,1,"CHAPTER 762 An act to aid the Colored Orphan Asylum at Oxford, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Treasurer of North Carolina be an d he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Orphan Asylum for children of the colored race, at Oxford, North Carolina, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated." +1901_public laws_738_8,project experts,1,public laws,737,7,CHAPTER 727 An act to make appropriations for the State Institutions. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That five thousand dollars be appropriated to the Colored Agricultural and Mechanical College of Greensboro for each of the years 1901 and 1902 in addition to its standing appropriation. This appropriation shall not be paid if the State Board of Education shall transfer to said school an equal amount of the appropriations for the Colored Normal Schools of the State. +1901_public laws_737_2,project experts,1,public laws,736,1,CHAPTER: 736 An act to consolidate the Webster and Dillshoro Schooi Districts for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the school districts of Webster and Dillsboro | Townships in Jackson County for the colored race, be and the same are hereby consolidated into one district to be known as the Webster District for the colored race, and that the school-house for said consolidated districts shall be the present school-house of the Webster District for the colored race. ;" +1901_public laws_498_8,project experts,1,public laws,497,7,"CHAPTER 497 ~.. An act to establish graded schools in the town of Greenville, N. C. Wye The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if the Trustees of the graded school herein appointed shall deem the grounds on which Pitt Academy is now located a suitable place for the location of the graded school building for the white children of the said district then the said graded school may be located there by and with the consent of the Trustees of the said academy; but if they shail deem another location more suitable then the Board of Trustees of the academy as herein constituted may. if they shall deem it advisable to do so, sell said academy and all the lands belonging thereto in such manner and on such terms as they may deem best, make a good title to the purchasers and invest the proceeds of such sale in a location and buildings for a graded school for the whites of said district." +1901_public laws_471_3,project experts,1,public laws,470,2,CHAPTER 470 An act for relief of E. W. Hyman. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That said sum shall be paid out of any funds apportioned to the colored race for Enfield Township in said county. +1901_public laws_422_15,project experts,1,public laws,421,14,CHAPTER 421 An act te establish high schools in Wesley Chapel School District of Union County and for otber purposes The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said Board of Trustees are authorized and empowered to sell and convey the old Davis school lot and the buildings situated thereon, lying and being on the Prices Mill Road near the residence of J. D. Davis, which sale may be at public or private sale and the proceeds of said sale shall be applied in-the erection of a school building for the whites in the said Wesley Chapel School District, and they are authorized and empowered to use such fund of the special tax so levied for the purpose of erecting and equipping such school buildings #NAME? either race, as they may deem necessary." +1901_public laws_422_9,project experts,1,public laws,421,8,CHAPTER 421 An act te establish high schools in Wesley Chapel School District of Union County and for otber purposes The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school laws for the white and for the colored children of said Wesley Chapel School District shall be applied to the support and maintenance of the High Schools provided for in this act under the orders and directions of said Board of Trustees. +1903_public laws_341_2,project experts,1,public laws,340,1,CHAPTER 340 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS {N PLYMOUTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all that territory embraced within the following limits, viz: Beginning at the mouth of Connaby Creek where it empties in the Roanoke River, thence with the various courses of said creek and Peacock swamp to the dividing line of the lands of A. T. Tetterton and the Windley heirs, thence with said line to the line between the Newberry farm and the land of W. F. Lucas, and with said line to the western line of the right-of-way of The Washington and Plymouth Railroad Company, thence with said western line of the said right-of-way to the western line of the right-of-way of the railroad used by the Roanoke Railroad and Lumber Company for conveying logs to the mill of said lumber company, thence with said last named western line of said railroad to Welches Creek, thence with said creek to the Roanoke River, thence with the said river to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a graded school district for the white and colored races." +1901_public laws_422_8,project experts,0,public laws,421,7,CHAPTER 421 An act te establish high schools in Wesley Chapel School District of Union County and for otber purposes The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That J. N. Price, H. L. Price, E. M. Moore, L. G. Howie and R. H. Howie are hereby constituted a Board of Trustees for the public graded schools of Wesley Chapel School District, Union County, and they and their successors are hereby vested a hody corporate under the name of Trustees for the Public Schools of Wesley Chapel School District, Union County, and they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the Courts of this State and the United States, have a common seal, make all by-laws and regulations necessary or expedient as deemed by them, for the purposes of their incorporation, purchase, sell and convey, lease, let and control all school property in said district, real and personal, proper and requisite for their corporate purposes, have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ and dismiss all officers and teachers ot said schools, and regulate their salaries, to elect one of their own number chairman, another secretary, and do and perform all acts proper and necessary for the best advantages of said schools." +1901_public laws_332_2,project experts,1,public laws,331,1,"CHAPTER 331 An act to establish a supplementary school district in Williams Town- ship, Craven County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -","That all territory embraced in the following boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of Peacock Road and Beaver Dam Swamp, and runs south with Peacock Road to Thomas Worleys well; from said Worleys well by the old sawmill site on Emanuel Wright's land to Gum Swamp; thence down Gum Swamp to the mouth of Kates Branch; thence up said branch to the Big Branch; thence with Big Branch to Beaver Dam Swamp; thence up Beaver Dam Swamp to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district, and shall be called the Lebanon Supplemental Public School for the White and Colored Races." +1901_public laws_326_11,project experts,1,public laws,325,10,"CHAPTER 325 An act to establish a graded school at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Board of Trustees of the graded school for whites in said district are authorized and empowered to purchase and hold for the purpose of said school, a building and suitable grounds within the limits of said district." +1901_public laws_326_7,project experts,1,public laws,325,6,"CHAPTER 325 An act to establish a graded school at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Ashley W. Smith, Hardy Atkinson, George McIntyre, Levy Dublin and E. Russell Whitley, be and they are hereby appointed and constituted a Board of Trustees for the graded school for colored persons; that said board shall have the power to fill all vacancies, to employ teachers, and to do all such acts as may be necessary to keep up the school for colored persons." +1901_public laws_326_5,project experts,1,public laws,325,4,"CHAPTER 325 An act to establish a graded school at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons, shall be expended in maintaining and keeping up a graded public free school in said district for white persons of both sexes, whose names are on the school census list in said district, between the ages of six and twenty-one years; and the special tax thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons, shall be expended in maintaining and keeping up a graded public school in said district for colored persons of both sexes, whose names shall be on the school census list in said district, between the ages of six and twenty-one years." +1901_public laws_326_3,project experts,1,public laws,325,2,"CHAPTER 325 An act to establish a graded school at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of the county of Johnston are hereby authorized and directed to submit to the qualified voters of said Smithfield Graded School District, on the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and one, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of a graded public free school for the white children, and a graded public free school for the colored children therein, in said district. Each voter shail vote a printed ballot with the words For School or No School thereon, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the General Assembly." +1901_public laws_325_2,project experts,1,public laws,324,1,CHAPTER 324 An act to establish supplemental school district No. 3 in Chadbourn Township in Columbus County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all territory embraced in the following boundaries: Beginning at the intersections of Bacon Branch and the north margin of the W. C. and A. Railroad and runs west with said railroad to Greens Branch, thence about southwest so as to strike the north line of the Sanka Frink place, thence following the north line to the corner and parallel with said line across Porter Swamp so as to include F. D. Pages home farm, thence with James Tylers line so as to include said Tylers premises, thence with said northeast line across the mill pond to Suggs west line, thence southwest Sugegs and Tylers line to C. M. Nobles northwest line, thence following the same to the Colony line, thence with said line to the east margin of the W. C. and A. Railroad, thence north along the east margin of said railroad to Bacon Branch, thence with said branch to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district and shall be called Chadbourn supplemental school district number three for the white and colored races." +1901_public laws_222_2,project experts,1,public laws,221,1,"CHAPTER 221 s An act to establish a supplementary school district in White House Town- ship, Robeson County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the limits hereinafter described, in White House Township, Robeson County, shali be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as The Olivet School District, beginning at the mile post standing in the main run of Ashpole Swamp on the old stage road, running from Lumberton to Marion, and run with said road to the South Carolina line at old MHolmesville, thence with said State line about south 45 degrees east to the main run of Ashpole Swamp, thence up the main run of the said Ashpole Swamp to the beginning." +1901_public laws_54_12,project experts,0,public laws,53,11,CHAPTER 353 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Rocky Mount. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said Board of Graded School Trustees and their successors, shall be, and are hereby constituted, a body corporate by the name and style of The Board of Graded School ' Trustees of Rocky Mount; and by that name may sue and be , sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, ' acquire by gift, purchase or dvise, real and personal property, hold, exchange, mortgage or sell the same, and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations. And said corporation shall have a corporate seal, which it may break and change at pleasure." +1901_public laws_54_2,project experts,1,public laws,53,1,CHAPTER 353 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Rocky Mount. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Rocky Mount, and all that portion of Nash County not embraced within said corporate limits, but lying contiguous thereto within the following boundaries, | towit: Beginning at that point where the southern boundary line of said town intersects the western boundary line of Hilliard street; thence southward along an extension of the boundary line of said street to that point where said line would intersect the new river road; thence eastward along said road to that point where the said line intersects the boundary line between the land of Jno. D. Bulluck and the land of the Davis heirs; thence southeastward along said line to that point where said line intersects the main line of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad; thence northward along the line of said railroad to the southern boundary line of said town; thence westward along said line to the beginning, shall be, and are hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Rocky Mount Graded School Distrct. -" +1901_public laws_5_71,project experts,1,public laws,4,70,CHAPTER 4 An Act to Revise and Consoliaate the Public School Law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The State Board of Education shall elect biennially a State Board of Examiners, which shall consist of three professional teachers and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall be ex officio the chairman of said board. The said Board of Examiners shall have the entire management and control of the Colored Normal Schools of the State, shall prepare a course of study for the same, elect teachers therein, fix all salaries and provide for Summer School of not less than two weeks duration, which all teachers in said Normal School shall be required to attend. One member of said Board of Examiners shall visit each of said Colored Normal Schools annually, inspect the work and report in writing to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall have the reports printed and submitted to the General Assembly on or before January twentieth, 1903 Meetings of the State Boards of Examiners shall be held at the call of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the members shall receive no compensation other than travelling expenses and board while attending upon their official duties, an itemized statement of which shall be kept in the books of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction." +1901_public laws_422_2,project experts,0,public laws,421,1,CHAPTER 421 An act te establish high schools in Wesley Chapel School District of Union County and for otber purposes The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all of the territory embraced within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at J. R. Dees plantation, where he now resides, at a point where his line touches the Davis Mine Road, near Hudsons School-House, and running said Dees line to and including the lands of B. F. Houstons old home place, thence to and including the Wm. Hudson old home place, thence to and including L. G. Howies home place, where he now resides, thence to and including R. H. Howies home place, thence to and including Wm. Fowlers home place, thence the Molly Branch to the Potter Road, thence a straight line to and including R. A. Hudsons plantation where Wm. Helms now lives, thence up Twelve Mile Creek to the first line of J. M. Prices land and including said Prices land, thence to and including D. W. Reids home place to a point where said Reid's land adjoins J. D. Davis land, thence his southern and western lines to and including A. J. Prices late home place, thence a straight line to the Biggers Mill Road where it crosses the Ridge Road, thence a straight line to and including J. R. Dees home place to the beginning, constitutes a ublic school district for the whites and colored, to be known as Wesley Chapel School District, Union County." +1901_public laws_5_44,project experts,0,public laws,4,43,CHAPTER 4 An Act to Revise and Consoliaate the Public School Law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction to require of the School Committee, in enumerating the number of school children, to make a statement in the report of the number of deaf, dumb and blind between the ages of six and twenty-one years, designating the race and sex, and the address of the parent or guardian of said children; and the County Superintendents of Public Instruction are hereby required to furnish such information to the principals of the deaf, dumb and blind institutions, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in preparing blanks, as directed in I'he Code, sec. 3370, shall include questions, answers to which will furnish the information as aforesaid." +1903_public laws_341_5,project experts,1,public laws,340,4,CHAPTER 340 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS {N PLYMOUTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Sheriff shall pay over to the Treasurer of the town of Plymouth all moneys collected under said act, who shall keep a separate book and account of same and shall pay the same out for the purposes of the said schools on the order of the Chairman of Board of Trustees, who shall be appointed by the Board, and the said Treasurer shall enter into bond before receiving the said money, and at the end of each term shall render a full report to said Board. That the Chairman of said Board shall preside at the meeting of the Board and shall have a casting vote in case of a tie. The said Board shall elect a principal for said schools and as many teachers as shall be necessary and fix the salaries of the same, and the principal of the white school shall be required to examine also the condition of the colored school from time to time and report the same to the Board and make such recommendations as he may think needful. He shall be required to report on the condition of his said school to the Board of Trustees, a copy of which shall be annually certified to the Board of Education of the State as the Board may deem just and necessary. Any teacher or principal may, for inefficiency of service, be removed by the Board. The said Board shall be a body corporate under the name of The Board of Trustees of Plymouth Graded School, and entitled to sue and be sued in law or in equity, and shall, by the consent of the Board of Aldermen of the town of Plymouth and by assignment from them, succeed to any and all rights in law or equity that said Board of Aldermen may possess for the purpose of obtaining and having possession of any building for the purpose of said school, and any action that may be commenced by them for this purpose shall be brought in any county in the First Judicial District of this State as the said Board may elect and shall stand for trial on the docket of said Court at the return term of the summons, provided the same has been served thirty days before the call of said case for trial, and shall take precedence of all civil causes at said term. The said Board of Trustees shall consist of seven, who shall be in favor of public education, to be elected by the said Board of Aldermen on ist Monday in June, 1908, two for six years, two for four years and three for one year. They shall be called together by the Chairman as often as the necessities of the said schools shall demand, and shall serve without compensation. They may require the Sheriff to collect and pay over as much as one-fourth of the said taxes within thirty days from the time the books shall come to his hands. They and their successors may have and use a corporate seal, and shall have power to own and hold real and personal property, sell and convey the same and receive grants and donations and to prosecute and defend actions and pay the expenses of the same from the fund accruing to said schools in the hands of the Treasurer. It shall be their duty to establish schools for each race separately and apart (provided the levy herein authorized shall be sustained by: a majority vote at the election aforesaid) on or before the first Monday in October, 1903, or ag soon after any election herein authorized as practicable, and shall apply the said funds to the support of the said schools relatively in such manner as may be just to each race, due regard being had to the cost of supporting each in a practical and efficient manner." +1903_public laws_385_2,project experts,1,public laws,384,1,CHAPTER 384 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory in Chowan County and in the town of Edenton embraced within the following boundaries is hereby constituted a Public School District for white and colored children to be known as the Edenton Graded School District: Beginning on the Albemarle Sound at the run of a swamp (the .line between Cherrys Point tract of land and the Belvedre farm belonging to Mrs. Annie W. Pruden) thence running northeastwardly with the swamp and branch, its various courses to the sound side road, thence northwardly with that road to the Yeopim road, thence with that road towards the town of Edenton to the nearest gate of the Perkins farm owned by Mrs. Minnie S. Speight, thence northwardly with the path through the Perkins farm (embracing both the old Perkins residence and the present residence of said Speight) to the field gate on Hertford road, thence southwardly with that road to Church street, the eastern limits of the town of Edenton, thence westwardly with Church street to Okum street, thence northwardly with Okum street 200 feet, thence westwardly parallel with Church street to a point 150 feet east of Main street, thence northwardly parallel with Main street to Carteret street, thence eastwardly with Carteret street to a point 500 feet from Main street, thence northwardly parallel with Main street 200 feet, thence westwardly parallei with Carteret street to a point 100 feet east of Main street, thence northwardly parallel with Main street to Freemason street, thence westwardly with Freemason street to a point 150 feet west of Main street, thence southwardly parallel with Main to a point 200 feet north of Church street, thence westwardly parallel with Church street to Mosely street, thence northwardly with Mosely to the right of way of Norfolk and Southern Railroad, thence with the southern side of the right of way of said railroad to the northern limits of the town of Edenton, thence eastwardly with the northern line of the said town to Okum street, thence eastwardly with the northern line of the said town to Okum street, thence northwardly with that street extended, to M. Makelys line, thence eastwardly with M. Makelys line to the spur of Norfolk and Southern Railroad leading to the Edenton Cotton Mills, thence northwardly with that spur to J. S. Privotts line, thence eastwardly with said Privotts line to the Hertford road, thence with Hertford road to the southern line of Allen and Henry Powells, Wynn-Coke farm, thence eastwardly with line of that farm of its back line, thence northwardly following back lines of said Powell, Wynn-Coke farm, Dr. Hoskins farm, Elihu Lanes farm and the Turner Elmwood tract to the first branch, thence westwardly with branch to Hertford road, thence southwardly with that road to lane leading to J. S. Privotts residence, thence with that lane around said Privotts residence to western line of his barn lot, thence following lane through his field out through the brick yard to the main road, thence with that read across the Norfolk and Southern Railroad to the back line of J. W. Spruills Dillard track, thence westwardly with back lines of said lines of said Spruills Dillard track, I. L. Moore farm and Griffin and Twines Dillard farm to the Skinner quarter path, thence southwardly with that path to Virginia road, thence westwardly with that road to the western line of Mrs. Fannie R. Warren, thence following western line of her farm to western limit of the town, thence eastwardly in straight line to Granville street, extended, thence southwardly with Granville street to the northern side of the right-of-way of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, thence with that railroad to a point opposite Church street, thence eastwardly across the said railroad and with Church street to Mosely street, thence southwardly with that street to Queen street, thence westwardly with that street to N. and T. R. R. track, thence southwardly with that R. R. to Magnolia street, thence westwardly with that street extended across the Albania track to Machamacomic Creek, thence westwardly with that creek to its mouth, thence eastwardly a straight course to the nearest line of Cherrys Point track, thence the Sound shore to beginning." +1905_public laws_557_2,project experts,1,public laws,556,1,CHAPTER 556 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the town of Mooresville, Iredell County, and all that portion of Iredell County contiguous thereto embraced in the following boundaries: Beginning at the Davidson Township line near John Honeycutts, thence to John Honeycutts house; thence to the public road two hundred yards north of Bb. W. Brawleys tenanthouse, where J. P. Howell now lives; thence to Barringer Township line at David Oliphants; thence with boundary line of District Number Three, known as Oak Grove District; thence with Linwood District Number Five, to the line of Hickory Hill District; thence with Hickory Hill District Number Four to Mount Mourne District Number One, Davidson Township; thence with said line to Davidson Township line; thence with said line to the beginning shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Mooresville Graded School District." +1905_public laws_516_12,project experts,1,public laws,515,11,CHAPTER 515 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE : INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race at Greensboro. And the further sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the purposes of building a dormitory and making the necessary sewerage connections, of which sum three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be available in the year one thousand nine hundred and five and. three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be available in the year one thousand nine hundred and six. And all other appropriations heretofore made are hereby revoked." +1905_public laws_461_2,project experts,1,public laws,460,1,"CHAPTER 460 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF A. P. BORDERS, SCHOOL- ' TEACHER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Treasurer of Gaston County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay A. P. Borders, colored, in settlement for teaching school one month in District Number Three for the colored race in Cherryville Township in said county in the year one thousand nine hundred and three the sum of twenty-five dollars out of any moneys which may now be in the hands of said treasurer or which may hereafter come into his hands, belonging to the Public School District Number Three for the colored race in Cherryville Township in said county." +1905_public laws_238_6,project experts,1,public laws,237,5,"CHAPTER 237 a AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SYSTEM FOR THE KEEPING UP, MAKING, BUILDING AND REPAIRING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said township board shall keep a list of all male persons residing in their respective townships between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years of age, and they shall revise said list at each of their regular meetings held on the last Saturdays of April, July, October and January in each year, and shall transmit to the clerk of the county board a copy of the revised list, to be returned to the first meeting of the county board to be held thereafter. The revised list shall show the names of all who have died, removed, moved into, or become of age since the return of the last list. The list shall also specify the race or color of each person, as white or black. The clerk of the township board shall for this service receive one-half cent for each name the list contains, to be paid out of the road tax fund herejnafter created, upon a proper voucher of the county board of road supervisors." +1905_public laws_125_12,project experts,0,public laws,124,11,CHAPTER 124 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF FREMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of trustees of the said graded school shall have power to secure, by purchase, rent or otherwise, from the stockholders of the Fremont High School Company the high school property, and to secure from the county board of education such reasonable assistance as may be needed to enlarge the school buildings of the graded schools." +1905_public laws_125_2,project experts,1,public laws,124,1,CHAPTER 124 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF FREMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory embraced within the following bounds, including the town of Fremont, to-wit: Beginning on Nahunta swamp at the mouth of Mill branch in the line between J. W. Aycock and the heirs of Jesse Aycock and running thence up said branch north, or nearly north, to the road near W. G. Peacocks; thence with said road nearly northwest to Applewhite branch where it crosses the road at Jack Flowers; thence down said branch to Aycocks swamp; thence down said swamp to the eastern line of BH. G. Pippins farm; thence north, or nearly north, with the said Pippins line to John Moores line; thence with said Moores eastern line to Bass swamp; thence down said swamp to the western boundary line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; thence south with said boundary line to the line between J. C. Hooks and A. J. Edmundson; thence west, or nearly west, to Burnt swamp; thence up Burnt swamp to a ditch, the line between J. G. Hooks and John Floars; thence with said ditch to the road near Richard Wards; thence south, or nearly south, to the head of Copelands branch, thence down said branch to Nahunta swamp; thence down said swamp to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Fremont Graded School District." +1905_public laws_110_6,project experts,0,public laws,109,5,"CHAPTER 109 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL AT PINNACLE, STOKES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said board of graded school trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the. name and style of The Board of Trustees of Pinnacle Graded School, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gifts, purchase or devise real and personal property, hold, exchange or sell the same, and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations." +1903_public laws_766_7,project experts,1,public laws,765,6,"CHAPTER 765 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF TRUSTEES OF KINSTON GRADED SCHOOLS, AND FOR THE APPROPRIA- TION OF FINES, PENALTIES AND FORFEITURES IN SAID TOWN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Trustees of Kinston Graded Schools be and are hereby authorized and fully empowered to sell and convey in fee-simple to the purchaser or purchasers the lands and premises on Lenoir street, in said town of Kinston, adjoining the lands of J. W. Grainger and others, now occupied and used by the graded schools of said town for white children; and also to sell and convey in fee-simple to the purchasers the Jands and premises now occupied by the public graded schools for colored children, situate corner: of McLeweane and Shine streets, in said town of Kinston; and that the purchase money and proceeds of the lands and premises referred to in this section be paid to the Treasurer of said town, to be expended and disbursed under the direction of the Board of Trustees of Kinston Graded Schools for maintaining the public graded schools of said town, or for the erection or equipment of the public graded school building now in process of erection under the direction of said board of trustees on Peyton avenue, in said town of Kinston." +1903_public laws_747_9,project experts,1,public laws,746,8,"CHAPTER 746 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN MT, PROSPECT DISTRICT OF UNION COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school laws for the white and colored children of said Mt. Prospect School District shall be applied to the support and maintenance of the graded school provided for in this act, under the orders and direction of said board of trustees." +1903_public laws_747_8,project experts,0,public laws,746,7,"CHAPTER 746 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN MT, PROSPECT DISTRICT OF UNION COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That H. L. Yarbrough, R. P. Plyler, W. L. Preslar, P. W. Plyler, A. L. Helms, S. A. Lathan and P. V. Richardson are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the public graded school of Mt. Prospect School District, Union County, and they and their successors are hereby vested a body corporate under the name of trustees for the public schools of Mt. Prospect School District, Union County, and they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the courts of this State and the United States, have a common seal, make all by-laws and regulations necessary or expedient, as deemed by them for the purpose of their incorporation, purchase, sell and convey, lease, let and control all school property in said district, real and personal, proper and requisite for their corporate purposes, have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ and dismiss all officers and teachers of said schools and regulate their salaries, to elect one of their own number chairman and another secretary, and do and perform all acts proper and necessary for the best advantages of said schools." +1903_public laws_383_2,project experts,1,public laws,382,1,"CHAPTER 382 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN CROSS CREEK TOWNSHIP, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, AND TO ISSUE BONDS AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE ESTABLISHING AND SUPPORT OF SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Cross Creek Township, in the county of Cumberland, shall be and in hereby constituted a public school district for both white and colored schools, to be known as Cross Creek Graded School District. :" +1903_public laws_747_3,project experts,1,public laws,746,2,"CHAPTER 746 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN MT, PROSPECT DISTRICT OF UNION COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of Union County are authorized and required to order an election to be held in the said Mt. Prospect School District for the whites and colored of Union County, on the first Monday in May next, and at said election to submit to the qualified voters of said district the question of levying an annual special tax on the property and polls of white and colored persons in said district for the purpose of supporting and maintaining public schools for the whites and colored children in said school district." +1903_public laws_458_10,project experts,1,public laws,457,9,"CHAPTER 457 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON, SAMPSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or secured for educational purposes in said district as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the public schools of both races. ;" +1903_public laws_458_3,project experts,1,public laws,457,2,"CHAPTER 457 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON, SAMPSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of Sampson County are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said school district within three months after the ratification of this act, under such rules and regulations as they prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of graded public schools for white and colored in said district; each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot without device the words For Schools, if in favor of levying said tax, and those who are opposed to levying said tax shall vote on written or printed ballot without device the words Against Schools. The penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be the same as in the election for members of the General Assembly. The County Commissioners shall give at least thirty days notice of the time of holding said election in the newspaper published in said school district." +1903_public laws_452_2,project experts,1,public laws,451,1,CHAPTER 451 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN THE TOWN OF SCOTLAND NECK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Scotland Neck shall be and is hereby constituted the public school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Scotland Neck Graded School District." +1903_public laws_442_12,project experts,0,public laws,441,11,CHAPTER 441 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF TROY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said Board of Graded School Trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of the Board of Graded School Trustees of Troy, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gift, purchase or devise real estate and personal property, hold, exchange, mortgage or sell the same and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations. And said corporation shall have a corporate seal which it may break and exchange at pleasure." +1903_public laws_436_28,project experts,1,public laws,435,27,"CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 4, LAWS OF 1901, RELATING TO THE SCHOOL LAW, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 4 of the Public Laws of 1901, being an act to re- vise and consolidate the Public School Law, is hereby amended as follows:","Amend section 70 by striking out in lines 5 and 6, after the word Examiners, the words shall have the entire management and control of the Colored Normal Schools of the State, and inserting after the word for, in line 7, in lieu of the words the same, the words the Colored Normal Schools." +1903_public laws_408_8,project experts,0,public laws,407,7,"CHAPTER 407 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GRADED SCHOOL IN CASWELL COUNTY, TO BE KNOWN AS PELHAM GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said Trustees shall have the power to employ all teachers and select all officers necessary for said graded school and to fix their compensation. They shall have the right and power to buy, sell, or hold real and personal property that may be necessary for the use of said school; and they shall have the right and power to do all things necessary for the successful conduct of said school. The Trustees shall have the power upon such terms as they may deem just to allow children outside of said territory to attend said school." +1903_public laws_406_2,project experts,1,public laws,405,1,"CHAPTER 405 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH RAEFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR A WHITE RACE, INCLUDING PORTIONS OF CUMBER- LAND AND ROBESON COUNTIES. WHEREAS, the town of Raeford, in which Raeford Institute is located, includes portions of Cumberland and Robeson counties; and, WHEREAS, the patrons of said Institute in both of said counties are desirous of receiving at Raeford Institute the benefit of the | public school fund to which they are entitled; THEREFORE, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the territory lying and being in the following boundaries be and the same is hereby created and established a special school district for the white race, known as the Raeford School District, to-wit: Beginning at the point on Big Rockfish Creek where the line between Cumberland and Robeson counties, going westwardly, leave said creek and runs thence a direct line to the east corner of H. McC. Curries land in Robeson County; thence with the line of his land in a southerly direction to the Nelson road; thence with the Nelson road westwardly to the line of John Chisholms land; thence with his line in a southerly direction to line of John W. Chisholms land; thence with J. W. Chisholms line westwardly to the line of J. H. Tysons land; thence with his line and including all of the land of said Chisholm and Tyson to the Nelson road; thence with Nelson road to Tonys Creek; thence up the various courses of Tonys Creek to the Cumberland County line; thence with said line due west to Beaver dam Creek; thence up the various courses of said Beaver Dam Creek to its source; thence a direct line to the head of McKenzie Mill Creek; thence down the various courses of said creek to Big Rockfish Creek; thence a direct line to the head of Beaver Creek near the western plank road; thence down the various courses of said creek to the east boundary of Gilbert McDuffies land; thence a direct line to the east boundary of Jno, Blacks land; thence a direct line to the east, Blacks land, including the same to Big Rockfish Creek; thence up the various courses of said creek to the beginning." +1903_public laws_404_2,project experts,1,public laws,403,1,CHAPTER 403 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SPRING HOPE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Sping Hope, and all that territory not embraced within said corporate limits, but lying contiguous thereto within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning in Bear Branch on Nashville Road; thence down said branch to Sapony Creek; thence down said creek to N. E. corner of J. W. Floyds home tract of land; thence southward with Floyds line to old Spring Hope Road; thence southwesterly a straight line to a point in the road in front of W. H. Abernathys residence; thence southward along said road to Abe Allens line; thence westward along said Allens and Abernathys line to Tar River; thence up Tar River to Turkey Creek, above Webbs bridge; thence up said Turkey Creek to mouth of Christmans Still Branch; thence a straight line to a point in Louisburg Road at which Whitnell Hopkins and Thomas Woods line crosses said road; therice with said Hopkins line to his N. E. corner; thence a straight line to beginning, shall be and are hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Spring Hope Graded School District." +1903_public laws_403_13,project experts,1,public laws,402,12,CHAPTER 402 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars is annually appropriated to the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race at Greensboro; and all other appropriations heretofore made are hereby revoked. +1903_public laws_385_4,project experts,1,public laws,384,3,CHAPTER 384 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Councilmen of the town of Edenton are hereby required to submit to the qualified voters of the said Public School District for the white and colored races on the first Monday in May, 1908, at an election to be held for said School District in the town of Edenton, N. C., the question whether an annual tax shall be levied for the support of the Graded School in said School District." +1903_public laws_719_5,project experts,0,public laws,718,4,"CHAPTER 718 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF COLUMBIA, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the special taxes so levied and collected, and all other funds which may be paid over to the trustees of said graded school or to the Treasurer of said town for educational purposes, shall be expended only on the warrant of the said board of trustees in the erection of graded school buildings, and in the conduct and operation of graded schools for the education of the children in said town between the ages of six and twenty-one years." +1905_public laws_557_11,project experts,0,public laws,556,10,CHAPTER 556 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of graded school trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of The Board of Graded School Trustees of Mooresville, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and Pub. 36 be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire, by gift, purchase or devise, real and personal property, hold, exchange, mortgage or sell the same and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations, and may have a corporate seal." +1901_public laws_5_42,project experts,1,public laws,4,41,CHAPTER 4 An Act to Revise and Consoliaate the Public School Law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Schools in each county, on or before the first Monday in July of every year, to report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction an abstract statement of the number, grade, race, and sex of the teachers examined and approved by him during the year; also, the number of public schools taught in the county during the year for each race; the number of children of school age in each school district; the number enrolled in each district; the average daily attendance in each district by race and sex and the number of all persons in the county between the ages of twelve and twenty-one who can not read and write. He shall also report by race and sex the number of pupils of each race enrolled in all the schools, their average attendance; the average length of terms of said schools, and the average salary, respectively, for the teachers of each race; the number of school districts for each race, and any new school districts laid out during the year shall be specified in his report. He shall also report the number of public school-houses and the value of public school property for each race; the number of Teachers Institutes held; the number of teachers attending such institutes, together wtih such suggestions as may occur to him promotive of the school interest of the county. The County Superintendent of the Schools shall record in his book an accurate copy of his report to the State Superintendent of Punlic Instruction. If any County Superintendent of Schools fails or refuses to perform any of the duties required of him by this act he shall be subject to removal from his office by the County Board of Education upon the complaint of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction." +1899_public laws_562_3,project experts,1,public laws,561,2,"CHAPTER 561 An act to incorporate the Slater Industrial and State Normal School of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. WHEREAS, it appears to the general assembly that under and by virtue of articles of incorporation, signed by 8 G. Atkins and others, filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Forsyth county, North Carolina, on the twenty-eighth day of September, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and on the same day said persons, their associates and successors, were de- elared by the clerk duly incorporated in pursuance of law, as eontained in chapter sixteen of The Code, under the name of the Slater Industrial Academy, and that said institution is possessed of vaiuable Jands, dormitories, shops and a large and commodi- ous building thereon, situated near the corporate limits of Win- ston Salem, North Carolina, and that the same has been provided and equipped for industrial and normal training of students and teachers of both sexes for the colored race; and WHEREAS, by different acts of the general assembly of North Carolina the same has been recognized, established and supported as one of the state normal schools for the colored race; and 5 WHEREAS, it appears that a more perfect and comprehensive plan of incorporation is required to provide for the proper growth and government of the same; therefore be it enacted and The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the purposes of said Slater Industrial and State Normal School shall be as follows: For the instruction of youth ef the colored race in the various common school, academic and eollegiate branches, the best methods of teaching the same and 48 the best mode of practical industry in its application to agrioultural and mechanic arts; and for the carrying out of these purposes the said trustees may establish any departments or schools in the said institution and issue any scholarships, certificates and diplomas and confer any degrees of merii and honor which they may determine upon, and to these ends cooperate with other institutions of like character." +1897_public laws_113_7,project experts,1,public laws,112,6,"CHAPTER 112 An act to establish a system of graded schools in Henderson, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following named persons, Harrison Wortham, L. D. Mayo, Joseph H. Satterwhite, Julius Speed and M. M. Peace and their successors in office be and the same are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the colored children belonging to said township. ; That said board of trustees shall be a body politic, and shall be known as The Board of Trustees for the graded school for the colored children, Henderson, North Carolina, and by that name may sue and be sued, may plead and be impleaded within any court of the State. Are hereby empowered to purchase property, to sell such school property as may seem wise to a majority of said board ; may receive sites for school purposes by gifts or donations ; May accept any gifts fortheschool ; shall have power to employ teachers, and to fix their pay; to fill vacancies in said Board, and to do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children in said township." +1897_public laws_113_6,project experts,1,public laws,112,5,"CHAPTER 112 An act to establish a system of graded schools in Henderson, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following named persons: Robert Bunn, Alex. T. Barnes, James Kelly, Lee Howard and W. H. Jenkins, and their successors in office, shall constitute a board of trustees for the graded school for the white children. The said board of trustees shall be a body politic, and shall be known as The Board of Trustees of the graded school for the white children, Henderson, North Carolina, and by that name may sue and be sued, may buy and sell school property, may accept gifts, donations and any money or other valuables for the school, and shall have full power to employ teachers, and to fix their pay, and may use for the first two years not more than one-third of the funds of said school in buying lands, buildings and repairing such school houses, as may be necessary in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, for the carrying on said school: Provided, the same shall be first legally apportioned for the graded school for the white children." +1897_public laws_109_14,project experts,1,public laws,108,13,CHAPTER 108 An act to revise and improve the public school system of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The school committee of each district shall on the second Monday in January each year, meet at such a place in their district as the chairman may designate for the purpose of apportioning the school fund of their district to the various schools, white and colored, iu their districts in the manner hereinbefore provided for; and the other meetings of the committee for the purpose of selecting teachers for the schools in their district and for the transaction of such other business as pertains to their office shall be at such time and place as the chairman may designate." +1897_public laws_49_7,project experts,1,public laws,48,6,"CHAPTER 48 An act relating to School District No. 30, for the white race in Nash county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the present school committee of district number thirty -80 for the white race in Nash county are hereby appointed school committee of the aforesaid district as constituted above to hold as such until the next regular appointment of school committees for the county. +1897_public laws_24_2,project experts,1,public laws,23,1,CHAPTER 23 An act to pay J. A. McRae money due by Randoiph county for teaching of District School No. 27 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Treasurer of Randolph county be and he is hereby authorized to pay to J. A. McRae seventeen dollars and fifty cents $17.50 out of the public school fund due District number Twenty-seven 27 for the colored race, as a residue for services rendered as teacher in said District during the school year ending 1896" +1895_public laws_430_7,project experts,1,public laws,429,6,"CHAPTER 429 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Clinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the school committee created under this act shall elect annually a superintendent of schools, established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded schools for the white children, if the same shall be established ; and the said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, which certificates shall be valid for one year from the date thereof, and do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said committee." +1895_public laws_430_4,project experts,1,public laws,429,3,"CHAPTER 429 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Clinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if the inspectors of said election shall certify that a majority of the votes cast are in favor of said tax the same shall be levied by the county commissioners and collected by the sheriff under the same rules and regulations under which other school taxes are levied and collected, and the sheriff shall be subject to the same liabilities for the collections and disbursement of said taxes as he is or-may be for other school taxes, and he shall receive as compensation for such service two per centum commission: Provided, that special taxes so levied and collected shall not exceed sixty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and one dollar and eighty cents on the poll. That the school committee whose appointment is hereinafter provided for shall establish graded schools in said district for the white and for the colored children between the ages of six and twenty-one years, and the school for each race herein provided for shall have the same length of school terms, and the tax levied and collected under the provisions of this act shall be applied exclusively for the establishment and maintenance of said schools, and shall not be appropriated or expended for any other purpose." +1895_public laws_430_3,project experts,1,public laws,429,2,"CHAPTER 429 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Clinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of Sampson county are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said school district within three months after the ratification of this act, under such rules and regulations as they prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of graded public schools for white and colored in said district ; each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot without device the words for school if in favor of levying said tax, and those who are opposed to levying said tax shall vote on written or printed ballot without device the words against school. The penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be the same as in the election for members of the general assembly. The county commissioners shall give at least thirty days notice of the time of holding said election, in the newspaper published in said school district." +1895_public laws_267_8,project experts,1,public laws,266,7,"CHAPTER 266 An act to provide for a graded school in the town of Hender- sonville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the money arising from the special assessment herein provided for collected from the property and polls of colored persons shall, as soon as collected, be paid over to the treasurer of Henderson county, and held by him subject to the orders and directions of the board of trustees of said public graded school for the colored children and the school committee of said colored district number three (8)." +1895_public laws_267_5,project experts,1,public laws,266,4,"CHAPTER 266 An act to provide for a graded school in the town of Hender- sonville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the present board of trustees of the Hendersonville Academy, and their successors, and the school committee of Hendersonville public school district number twenty-two (22), and their successors, be, and they are hereby, constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the white children: That said board shall have power to employ teachers, and to use, for the first two years, not exceeding one-third of the aggregate funds in repairing and equipping the Hendersonville Academy : Provided, the same shall first be legally appropriated for said graded school, and shall have power to do all such acts as may be necessary to carry on said graded school for the white children." +1897_public laws_113_9,project experts,1,public laws,112,8,"CHAPTER 112 An act to establish a system of graded schools in Henderson, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Trustees for the white school, and the Board of Trustees of the colored school, shall meet annually on the second Tuesday in August, when they shall receive applieations for teachers in said schools; which applications shall be accompanied by a certificate from the County Examiner, dated within the school year (July ist): Provided, that the Board must give twenty days notice of such meeting of such Board, in some public newspaper published in Vance county, if there be one, and if not, then by written or printed notices at the four voting precincts in said town, and one at the Court House door and in the Post Office." +1895_public laws_226_2,project experts,1,public laws,225,1,CHAPTER 225 * An act to establish the Warsaw. graded school. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of Duplin county are hereby authorized and required to submit to the qualified voters of the following territory, lying in Warsaw township, Said county, viz.: beginning at Wilmington & Weldon Railroad trestle over Turkey swamp, and thence down Turkey swamp to a point where the Clinton and Warsaw public road crosses said Turkey swamp ; thence south with said road to the Duplin old court-house; thence with the Wilmington public road to the crossing on the Clinton & Warsaw Railroad; thence a straight line to the two-mile post on the public road leading from Warsaw to Henry Bests house; thence a straight line to 8 M. Carltons avenue ; thence the public road to Clarks ford on Stewarts creek, thence up Stewarts creek to the intersection of Johnsons Church branch; thence up said branch to the public road crossing near Johnsons old church site; thence a straight line to the Dolly Meare ford on the Grove swamp; thence up the lane between the lands of James A. Beyette and D. C. Middleton to the old gate on the Hinton Bayett place; thence a straight line to the intersection of the Faison and Keanonsville and Williams public roads; thence up said road north to R. J. Williams gate; thence up the Bowdens station road two miles from said gate, to a stake; thenee a straight line to the beginning,on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of a graded public school for the white and colored children in said district. Each voter shall vote a printed or written ballot with the words for school or no school, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations, and penalties as are now or may be prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly." +1893_public laws_527_5,project experts,1,public laws,527,4,"CHAPTER 527 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Rocky Mount, counties of Nash and Edgecombe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school law for public school purposes for the white and for the colored children in said territory shall be paid to said treasurer, and by him applied under the orders and directions of said board of trustees." +1893_public laws_527_2,project experts,1,public laws,527,1,"CHAPTER 527 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Rocky Mount, counties of Nash and Edgecombe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all that portion of the county of Nash and all that portion of the county of Edgecombe lying within the corporate limits of the town of Rocky Mount, together with house and lot now used by Israel D. Hargett for his colored school, together also with all that portion of Edgecombe county which is bound by the corporate limits and by the Tarboro county road to Sodens eastern line on said county road; thence to the east boundary of the Rocky Mount Improvement and Manufacturing Company and with the same to Tar river; and all that portion of Rocky Mount township, Nash county, lying on east side of Rocky Mount Mills railroad and including the settlement known as Little Raleigh, be and the same are hereby constituted one school digtrict for the children of both races." +1893_public laws_526_8,project experts,1,public laws,526,7,"CHAPTER 526 An act to establish graded schools in Lexington, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That it shall be the duty of said graded school board to establish a graded school for white and one for colored children of said town, and apportion the funds derived from said special taxes or from any other sources whatsoever between said schools for white and colored." +1893_public laws_526_7,project experts,1,public laws,526,6,"CHAPTER 526 An act to establish graded schools in Lexington, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",For the purposes and benefits of this act the town of Lexington shall be and constitute a public school district for both white _and colored; and all public school funds derived from the state and said county for tHe use and benefit of the public school district so constituted shall be paid to said town treasurer by the treasurer of said county for the use and benefit of said graded school. +1893_public laws_515_3,project experts,1,public laws,515,2,"CHAPTER 515 Anact to amend chapter sixty, section three, of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That persons of the Croatan race of either sex who are not under thirteen years of age may attend the normal school for the Croatans: Provided, that children not under eleven years of age may be admitted who can stand an approved examination in spelling, reading, writing, primary geography and the fundamental rules of arithmetic." +1893_public laws_374_3,project experts,1,public laws,374,2,CHAPTER 3874 Aa act to establish and provide for the militia and for the support and maintenance of the state guard. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled and shall never be compelled to serve in the same companies, battalions, regiments or brigades." +1893_public laws_298_5,project experts,0,public laws,298,4,CHAPTER 298 [FROWN FER? An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquor in various localities. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : _,"It shall be unlawful to sell or dispose of any spirituous liquors with a view to remuneration within three miles of the following places: Alexander.Bethlehem Baptist church, Caldwell.Laurel Hill church. Catawba.Mountain View M. E. church, south. CravenBethany and Friendship churches. Cumberland.Tabor M. E. church, south, and Cumberland Union Baptist church. Granville.Hunts, Zions, Mountain and Breedloves schoolhouses, district number thirty-two, school for white race. Haywood,Waynesville High School. Robeson.Aberdeen Sunday-school school-house, Edinboro Sunday-school house. Onslow.Haw Branch church." +1893_public laws_253_2,project experts,1,public laws,252,1,"CHAPTER 252 An act to provide funds for the completion of the pgricsthieade and RS Mechanical College, colored. = The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : vey,","That the sum of five thousand dollars per year for tha ay years of eighteen hundred and ninety-three and-eighteen hundred and ninety-four is hereby appropriated from fupds in the publice ; treasury of this state not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of completing, erecting and furnishing said building for the use of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race." +1893_public laws_225_3,project experts,1,public laws,224,2,"CHAPTER 224 An act to provide for the North Carolina institution for the deaf, dumb and the blind. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the sum of five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the repairs and improvements necessary at both the white and colored departments of said institutions for the fiscal year beginning December first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three; and the same amount is hereby appropriated for repairs and improvements of said institutions for the year beginning December first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four." +1893_public laws_70_2,project experts,0,public laws,69,1,"CHAPTER 69 / An act to require the county superintendents of public instruction to secure information as to the number of deaf, dumb and blind children in their respective counties. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction to require of the school committee f the various school districts in enumerating the number of school children, to make a statement in the report of the number of deaf, dumb and blind between the ages of six and twenty-ohe years, designating the race and sex, and the address of the parent or guardian of said children; and the county superintendents of public instruction are hereby required to furnish such information to the principals of the deaf, dumb and blind institutions, and the superintendent of public instruction, in preparing blanks as directed in The Code, section three thousand three hundred and seventy, shall include questions answers to which will furnish the information aforesaid." +1893_public laws_528_2,project experts,1,public laws,528,1,"CHAPTER 528, An act to establish graded schools in the city of High Point. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of High Point, Guilford county, shall be and is hereby constituted The High Point Graded School District for white and colored children." +1899_public laws_625_9,project experts,1,public laws,624,8,CHAPTER 624 An act to establish graded schools in Lincolnton. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The said board of trustees shall have power to employ teachers, dismiss the same and do all such acts as may be necessary to carry on said graded schools; and all the property both real and personal of the public schools of said town shall become the property of the said graded schools, and shall be vested in the said board of trustees and their successors in trust for the said graded schools: Provided, that in the event of the discontinuance of said graded schools all of the property which heretofore belonged to the public, schools of said town shall revert to and become the property of the white or colored school respectively to which it formerly belonged; and all property, real or personal, acquired by the said board of trustees from any and all other sources shall be disposed of and the funds and proceeds thereof applied in such manner as the board of commissioners of the said town may direct." +1897_public laws_113_17,project experts,1,public laws,112,16,"CHAPTER 112 An act to establish a system of graded schools in Henderson, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the trustees of the colored school are hereby empowered to use not more than one-fourth of the funds collected from the special assessment for two years to build suitable school-houses, and to remodel those that are already in use as public school-houses." +1897_public laws_180_2,project experts,1,public laws,179,1,CHAPTER 179 An act to establish graded public schools in the city of Hickory. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That for the purposes and benefits of this act, the territory embraced within the present corporate limits of the city of Hickory, Catawba county, shall be, and is hereby constituted a public school district for both white and colored children, to be known as The Hickory Graded School District." +1899_public laws_542_3,project experts,1,public laws,541,2,"CHAPTER. 541 An act to amend sections eighteen hundred and fifteen and eighteen hun dred and eighteen of The Code, relating to the form and record of mar riage license. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said section be further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: That every register of deeds shall designate in every marriage license issued the race of the persons proposing to marry by inserting in the blank after the word race the words white, colored or Indian as the ase may be." +1899_public laws_505_3,project experts,1,public laws,504,2,CHAPTER 504 An act to establish Washington avenue supplemental school district. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the board of commissioners of Columbus county, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district, is hereby authorized and directed to submit on the first Tuesday in May, eighteen hundred and ninetynine, and any year thereafter, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Columbus under such rules and regulations as exist for the election of members of the general assembly, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For schools or No schools thereon. re ate :" +1899_public laws_487_10,project experts,1,public laws,486,9,"CHAPTER 486 An actin relation to the public school in the town of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Pilot Mountain as shall be just to the white and col ored races without discrimination in favor of or to.the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the schools of both races: Provided, separate schools shail be established and maintained for the white and coiored races." +1899_public laws_487_7,project experts,1,public laws,486,6,"CHAPTER 486 An actin relation to the public school in the town of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of the school established under this act, who shall be the principal of the public or graded school for white children, if same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school cominittee." +1899_public laws_473_3,project experts,1,public laws,472,2,"CHAPTER 472 An act to establish public schools in Chadbourn township, with a special tax supplemental thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners of Columbus county, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district is hereby authorized and directed to submit on the first Thursday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety nine, and any year thereafter, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Coiumbus under such rules and regulations as now exist for the election of mayor and commissioners of the town of Chadbourn the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored races of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For school or No school thereon." +1899_public laws_428_2,project experts,1,public laws,427,1,"CHAPTER 427 An act to pay George S. Leeper, colored, for teaching public school im Gaston county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the treasurer of Gaston county is hereby authorized to pay George S. Leeper (colored) twenty two dollars and forty-five cents ($22.45), due him for teaching a public school in school district number five, colored race, known as Fancy Hill, now in school district number one, colored race, out of any money now or that may hereafter be in treasury due said Faney Hill school for colored race." +1899_public laws_399_3,project experts,1,public laws,398,2,CHAPTER 398 An act to provide a local board of managers of the State Colored Normal School at Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Said local board of managers shall have entire supervision and control of the funds and property of said State Colored Normal School at Fayetteville; shall be the sole judges of the fitness and character of the superintendent and teachers therein, who shall be employed only with the consent of a Majority of said board, and for good cause may dismiss the superintendent or any teacher and employ another person to fill the same place; may fix the number and salaries of the teachers in said school and the salary of the superintendent; adopt rules for the government of the superintendent, teachers and pupils, and generally shall do all things necessary to the prone maintenance of said school." +1899_public laws_398_2,project experts,1,public laws,397,1,CHAPTER 397 An act to provide for trustees of the Colored Normal School at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That J. M. Powell, D. J. Broadhurst, Sol. Weil, J. W. Gardner and W. H. Sugg be and they are hereby appointed trustees of the Colored Normal School at Goldsboro and as such shall elect the superintendent and teachers of said school, fix the salaries of the same and superintend and manage said school." +1899_public laws_363_7,project experts,1,public laws,362,6,CHAPTER 362 An act in relation to public schools in the town of Maxton. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"It shall be the duty of the said school committee to distribute and apportion the school moneys placed to their credit so as to give each school in the town, white and colored, the same length of schoo! term as nearly as may be each year, and in making expenditures the committee shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers required in each school, white and colored, in said town." +1899_public laws_268_6,project experts,0,public laws,267,5,"CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : ","That the school committee provided for by this act shall have entire and exclusive control of the public school interests and property of the town of Mount Airy, shall prescribe rules and regulations for their own government not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall employ and fix the compensation of officers and teachers of the public school or graded public school annually, subject to removal by the said school committee; shall make an accurate census of the school population of the town as required by the general school law of the state, and do all other acts that may be just and lawful to conduct and manage the public school interests in said town: Provided, all the children resident in the town of Mount Airy between the ages of six and twenty-one years shall be admitted into the said schools free of tuition charges: Provided, persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools from their homes or as boarders on the payment of tuition fees to be fixed by the said school committee." +1897_public laws_114_2,project experts,1,public laws,113,1,CHAPTER 113 An act to consolidate public school districts No. 19 and 20 for the colored race in Wilson county. The General Assembiy of North Carolina do enact:,"That Public School Districts No. 19 and 20 for the Colored Race in Wilson county, be and the same are hereby consolidated into one District, to be known as the * Elm City Public School for the Colored Race." +1899_public laws_113_3,project experts,1,public laws,112,2,"CHAPTER 112 An act to provide for the management of the Colored Normal School at Franklinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That H. C. Kearney, T. C. Joyner, R. B. White, H. E. Pearce and J. A. Thomas be and they are hereby appointed | trustees of said Colored Normal School, who shall hold said position from the date of the ratification of this act until the first day of June, nineteen hundred and one, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. That thereafter the terms of the sueceessors of said trustees shall begin on the first day of June, nineteen hundred and one, and each successive two years thereafter and continue for two years and until the appointment and qualification of their successors." +1899_public laws_97_4,project experts,1,public laws,96,3,CHAPTER 96 An act to create graded schools in the town of Kinston. North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,That for the purpose and benefits of this act the city of anston. shall be a graded school district for both white and colored children and is hereby named and designated as the Kinston graded school district. +1899_public laws_37_2,project experts,1,public laws,36,1,"CHAPTER 36 An act to appoint a committee to investigate the condition and manage- ment of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race at Greensboro, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That a joint committee of three, of one on the part of the senate and two on the part of the house be appointed to investigate the condition and management of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race at Greensboro, North Carolina." +1897_public laws_522_10,project experts,1,public laws,520,9,"CHAPTER 520 An act to provide for the support, maintenance and other purposes of the state hospital at Morganton, the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and the eastern hospital at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act the board of directors of the penitentiary are hereby authorized and directed to employ, to the exclusion of any current work, any skilled labor to be found among the convicts in remodeling and arranging such portions of the penitentiary building as, after due inquiry, shall be deemed necessary to provide for the humane eare of the insane persons herein mentioned. It shall be the duty of the penitentiary authorities to provide separate quarters for the sleeping, eating and exercising of the two sexes, and also for the white and colored patients, and all insane persons in their charge shall be kept absolutely apart from the sane convicts. The physicians of the penitentiary, under the directions of the physician of the Raleigh insane asylum, as herein provided, shall be the medical superintendent of the insane wards herein provided for." +1897_public laws_522_4,project experts,1,public laws,520,3,"CHAPTER 520 An act to provide for the support, maintenance and other purposes of the state hospital at Morganton, the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and the eastern hospital at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That there is hereby appropriated the sum of forty thousand dollars for the benefit, care, maintenance, repairs and support of the state hospital for the colored insane at Goldsboro, and this amount is hereby annually appropriated for the benefit of said institution." +1897_public laws_317_6,project experts,1,public laws,315,5,CHAPTER 3815 An act to incorporate the New Hanover society for the pre- vention of crime. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all colored children, resident in New Hanover county, of fourteen -14 years old or under, without parents or homes, shall be eligible to admission into said childrens home, so long as there may be sufficient accommodations for them." +1897_public laws_266_5,project experts,1,public laws,265,4,"CHAPTER 265 An act to charter the Eastern hospital for the colored insane and the Western hospital for the insane and North Carolina insane asylum at Raleigh, and to provide for their govern- ment. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the Eastern hospital for the colored insane, the Central hospital for the insane and the Western hospital for the insane hereby incorporated and shall be under the management of nine trustees to be nominated by the governor and confirmed by the senate, who shall hold their offices for the term of four years from and after their appointment and the provisions of chapter 2, Vol. 2, of The Code, applicable to the directors of the North Garolina insane asylum not in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby made applicable to the board of trustees of the State hospitals for the colored insane and the Central hospital for the insane and the Western hospital for the insane Bee as modified by this act hereby re-enacted." +1897_public laws_262_5,project experts,1,public laws,261,4,"CHAPTER 261 An act to establish graded schools in the district herein specified, and to be known as Chapel Hill schoel districts, number twenty-four, Orange county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if a majority of the qualified voters of said schoo! districts shall vote for schools, the county authorities of Orange county, legally authorized to levy taxes, shall, in addition to other taxes laid upon said school districts, annually compute and levy, at the time of levying other taxes, a sufficient special tax upon the property and polls of the white and colored persons of said school districts to raise such a sum of money as the trustees hereinafter named of said school districts shall deem necessary, and shall report annually to said authorities, to support and maintain said schools, which sum shall be not less than one-fourth of one per centum on the property and seventy-five cents on the poll, nor more than one-half of one per centum on the property and one hundred and fifty cents on the polls annually of white and colored persons in said districts. Said trustees hereinafter mentioned shall immediately after the elections herein provided for, report to the county authorities empowered to levy taxes what sum said trustees deem necessary to support and maintain said schools during the first year, and annually thereafter said trustees, thirty days prior to the time for levying county taxes, shall report to said authorities what sum of money is necessary to support said schools during the next year. And the taxes for the support of said schools shall be annually collected as other taxes are ecollected and paid over by the sheriff or other collecting officers to the county treasurer, which officers shall give good and sufficient bonds to be approved by the said commissioners for the safe keeping and proper distribution of said taxes, and the taxes levied and collected for these purposes shall be kept sacred, separate and distinet from other taxes by the officers in charge and shall be used only for the purposes for which they were levied and collected." +1897_public laws_262_3,project experts,1,public laws,261,2,"CHAPTER 261 An act to establish graded schools in the district herein specified, and to be known as Chapel Hill schoel districts, number twenty-four, Orange county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners of Orange county are authorized and required to order an election to be held in the said Chapel Hill districts, number twenty-four, for the whites and colored of Orange county, on the first Monday in May next, and at the said election to submit to the qualified voters of said districts the question of levying an annual special tax on the property and polls of white and colored persons in said districts for the purpose of supporting and maintaining public graded schools for the white and colored children in said school districts." +1897_public laws_256_10,project experts,1,public laws,255,9,CHAPTER 255 An act to establish a school for the training of colored 5 teachers. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the faculty of the institution to extend its influence and usefulness as far as possible to persons who are unable to avail themselves of its advantages as resident students; having respect to the claims of each county in the State. To this end they shall arrange a course of reading and study which may be pursued by others than those resident at the institution. Upon application of any colored teacher for examination, at the institution, upon this course, an examination shall be held, and if such examination prove satisfactory, the regular certificate of the institution shall be granted." +1897_public laws_256_5,project experts,1,public laws,255,4,CHAPTER 255 An act to establish a school for the training of colored 5 teachers. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That as soon as the institution shall have been located and the directors elected the president shall call a meeting of the directors, who shall make rules and regulations and provide for the opening of the institution: Provided, that the board of directors shall make such regulations about the admission of pupils as will not discriminate against any county as to the number of pupils allowed it, in case all applicants cannot be accommodated: Provided, further, that each county shall have representation in proportion to its colored population if it desires it, and should any county fail to avail itself of its proportionate number, the board of directors may recognize applicants from counties which already have their proportionate representation." +1899_public laws_113_2,project experts,1,public laws,112,1,"CHAPTER 112 An act to provide for the management of the Colored Normal School at Franklinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the State Colored Normal School located at Franklinton, North Carolina, shall be under the control and management of a board of trustees, to be composed of five persons who shall be biennially appointed by the general assembly." +1905_public laws_700_2,project experts,1,public laws,699,1,"CHAPTER 699 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SANDY RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 10, WHITE RACE, IN BUFORD TOWNSHIP, UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the following boundaries shall constitute a public school district, to-wit: Beginning at J. J. Lockharts plantation on the Plyler Mill road near Emeline Milton, including said J. J. Lockharts plantation; thence to and including L. C. Bickett place; thence to and including the A. A. Laney place, known as the Mine tract; thence to and including S. M. Rogers place; thence to and including Thomas E. Williams place; thence to and including T. N. Gay, Jr.s, place; thence to and including John Broom place, thence to and including Mrs. Queen Helms place; thence to and including J. H. Edwards place; thence to and including Miss Julia and Patterson Belks heirs land; thence with a straight line to and including S. H. Rogers place; thence to and including Columbus Belks place; thence to and including the J. J. Lockhart and C. H. Richardson place; thence to and including J. P. Aycoth place; thence to and including A. Cooks place, known as the Jacob Starnes place; thence to and including C. L. Youngblood place, known as the Simpson and Sikes place; thence to and including W. S. Brantley place; thence to and including W. L. Griffin place; thence with the Plyler Mill road and Mount Prospect school district line to the beginning. The said territory so.bounded shall constitute a public school district for the white race, to be known as the Sandy Ridge School District, Number Ten, in Buford Township, Union County, North Carolina." +1907_public laws_510_3,project experts,0,public laws,509,2,"CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of relig- ion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best inter- est of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: 'The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said trustees are empowered to purchase at some suitable and convenient point in this State not less than one hundred acres nor more than five hundred acres of land whereon to erect and operate a school for the training and moral and industrial development of the criminally delinquent children of the State, and when such school shall have been organized the said trustees may in their discretion receive therein such delinquent and criminal children under the age of sixteen years as may be sent or committed thereto under any order or comumitment by the Judges of the Superior Courts or the Recorders or other presiding officers of the city or criminal courts, and shall have the sole right and authority to keep, restrain and control them during their minority, or until such time as they shall deem proper for their discharge, under such proper and humane rules and regulations as may be adopted by said trustees." +1907_public laws_510_4,project experts,0,public laws,509,3,"CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of relig- ion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best inter- est of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: 'The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all moneys received by said trustees by private gifts, donations or otherwise shall be expended in the establishment, operation and maintenance of the school for the training and the moral and industrial development of such delinquent children, and in securing homes for them; and in case the said trustees receive or are allowed any State aid for said school, it shall be their duty to duly account for all moneys so received by Pub.48 them and to make report of the manner of its expenditure and of the work done by them as hereinafter more particularly provided for." +1929_private laws_58_5,project experts,1,private laws,57,4,"CHAPTER 57 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LEAKSVILLE TOWN- SHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO CREATE A BOARD OF TRUSTEES WITH POWERS AND DUTIES INCIDENT TO THE OPERATION OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE DISTRICT IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all rights, benefits, privileges, powers, and duties which now reside in the district through its committeemen shall remain with the district, and furthermore that all rights, benefits, privileges, powers, and duties that may in the future be granted the public schools in North Carolina shall not be abridged nor withholden from the district by this act. It is further provided that the following powers and duties are hereby granted and imposed upon the aforesaid trustees, and authorization for the performance and execution of the said powers and duties is hereby granted and imposed upon the said trustees of the said Leaksville Township Public School District, and their successors in office, to wit: (a) To establish and maintain within the district as far as means will permit a complete and adequate system of elementary and secondary schools for both white and negro races, such as will meet the standards and recommendations for the public elementary and secondary schools in North Carolina as now are, or as may be established hereafter, by the State Department of Education. (b) To employ a superintendent, principals, teachers and other officials and employees, including an executive secretary, as may be deemed advisable, fix their compensation and order their salaries paid in accordance with the public school law of North Carolina, and to dismiss such employees in accordance with the provisions of the law. (c) To provide and maintain, as means may permit or necessity require, special instruction for delinquent or defective children, kindergartens, evening schools, vocational education, and such other educational instruction and facilities as the said board of trustees may deem advisable. (d) To have power to acquire land for school purposes by purchase of condemnation under the general school law of the State, or under the general law for condemnation of property as set forth in chapter thirty-three of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, entitled Eminent Domain. (e) To adopt and enforce, for the conduct of the schools, rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education. (f) To have such other powers and functions. as may be assigned to them in the future by act of the General Assembly, or by rule or regulation of the State Board of Education made in conformity with the law." +1927_public local laws_214_3,project experts,1,public local laws,213,2,"CHAPTER 213 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CHEROKEE INDIANS IN COLUMBUS COUNTY. Whereas, the Indians now living in Columbus County claim to be descendants of a friendly tribe residing in Eastern North Carolina and in Robeson County, North Carolina, known as the Cherokee Indians: Therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Indians mentioned in section one of this act and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, school committee of their own race and color, and shall be allowed to select teachers of their own choice, subject to the same rules and regulations as are applicable to all teachers in the public school law, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools all children of the negro race to the fourth generation." +1927_private laws_233_46,project experts,1,private laws,232,45,"CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM AND AMENDMENTS THERE- TO; TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of aldermen shall provide for the establishment, continuance, maintenance and support of a system of public schools, and for this purpose shall annually appropriate a certain part of the taxes of the city, the amount of such appropriation to be ascertained and fixed by the board of aldermen. The board of aldermen shall have power to fix the salaries of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent of schools and shall proportion and distribute the school fund in the annual budget. Said schools shall be devoted to the education of the young, by high school and graded system, and shall be open to all bona fide residents of the city of Winston-Salem between the ages of six and twenty-one years, but persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools upon the payment of tuitiom fees and under such regulations and rules as may be prescribed by the public school commissioners; that white and colored schools shall be conducted in distinct and separate buildings and departments; that said public schools shall be managed by a board of seven citizens and taxpayers of the city, two thereof being members of the board of aldermen, all of whom shall be elected by the board of aldermen, and in case of any vacancy occurring during the term of office of any commissioner, the board of aldermen shall appoint some one to fill out the unexpired term. That said board of commissioners shall be a body corporate and politic, under the name of the Public School Commissioners of Winston-Salem, and shall elect one of their number chairman and take in charge the various public schools of the city. The commissioners aforesaid shall have the power to select the superintendent of schools, assistant superintendent, directors of various departments of public schools, and teachers and other employees, and to dismiss them for cause: Provided, that the selection and appointment of the superintendent of schools, and the assistant superintendent, shall be with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen; the said board of commissioners shall also have power to fix the salaries of teachers and other employees, except as provided above, to aid them in the establishment of grades and the enforcement of discipline, to abate nuisances at the schools, to regulate the admission of pupils from without the corporate limits and fix the rate of tuition, to visit the schools regularly for inspection and do all other acts pertaining to their office for the good and success of the school. Said commissioners shall serve without compensation. The term of office of said commissioners shall be as follows: Those elected from the board of aldermen shall serve during the term for which they have been elected aldermen, and the other five commissioners shall be elected, for a term of three years each, by. the board of aldermen at its first regular meeting in September as follows: In September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, two members shall be elected; in September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, two members shall be elected; in September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, one member shall be elected, and so on by annual election to fill unexpired terms. The members of the present board shall hold office for the term for which appointed, and until their successors are elected and qualified." +1927_private laws_233_38,project experts,1,private laws,232,37,"CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM AND AMENDMENTS THERE- TO; TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of aldermen shall have the power to enact ordinances in such form as they may deem advisable, as follows: For the protection of the waterworks and water supply of the city of Winston-Salem; to grant to any person, firm or corporation a franchise and right to own, control and operate, for a term of years or otherwise, street railways, telephone, telegraph, lighting or heatimg systems, or any other business engaged in public service; to fix tolls of street railways; to contract as to compensation for such franchise, and to control, regulate and tax the same; to prevent vagrancy, and any person not engaged in any lawful cocupation and who spends his time im gambling or loafing about the streets, without visible means of support, shall be considered a vagrant; to regulate and conduct all elections, to prevent interference with the officers thereof, and to preserve order thereat; to prescribe rules and regulations for the government and duties of police officers; to prohibit all trades, occupations or acts which are nuisances; to define and condemn nuisances and provide for the abatement or removal of same; to grant permits for the construction of buildings and other structures, and to prohibit the construction of any building or structure which in the judgment of the board of aldermen may be a nuisance, or of injury to adjacent property, or to the general public; to regulate and control the character of buildings which shall be constructed or permitted to be and remain in any part of the city of Winston-Salem, with the right to declare the same a nuisance or unsafe, and cause their demolition or removal; to provide for the leveling, filling in and drainage of all ponds, sunken lots or other places in which water stands and stagnates, and to recover from the owner or occupant the expenses of doing the same, which expense shall be a lien upon the lots so improved and enforced as liens for taxes; to prevent dogs, hogs, cattle and other livestock from roaming at large in the city, and to regulate or prohibit the keeping of hog pens within the city limits; to define and establish the fire limits and prevent the location of wooden or other buildings within said fire limits and in any part of the city where they may increase the danger of fire; to regulate and prescribe what character of buildings shall be constructed within the said limits, and provide for the conditions under which buildings*may be erected; to establish and appoint a fire commissioner or fire commission, and prescribe the duties and powers thereof; to prohibit the collection or existence in, on or about any storehouse, warehouse, residence or any private premises of inflammable or combustible matter or material; require the owner of such premises to remove or destroy same, and provide rules for the removal or destruction of such inflammable or combustible matter; and for purposes herein set forth to authorize an examination and inspection of all stores, warehouses, residences or any private premises; to establish, regulate and control the markets or market buildings, to fix the location of any market building, prescribe the time and manner and place within the city wherein marketable articles, such as meats, perishable vegetables, fish, game, and, all other kinds of perishable food or diet shall be bought or sold; to appoint keepers of markets and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation ; to regulate the license of itinerant merchants or peddlers, and of those doing a temporary business; to establish, regulate and control cemeteries; to provide for the manner in which bodies may be interred therein or removed therefrom, and for beautifying, ornamenting and keeping the same in condition; to provide suitable grounds for the enlargement, extension or establishment of mew cemeteries, providing separate cemeteries for white and black; to control and regulate the time and manner of burying the dead, the burial of any person within the corporate limits of the said city not within said cemeteries, and provide for the punishment of persons violating the rules and regulations concerning the cemetery; to provide for the establishment, organization, equipment and government of fire companies, fire commissioners and fire-alarm system, and to adopt rules for the conduct, regulations and terms of office thereof; to regulate the erection, placing and maintenance of all telephone, telegraph and other electric wires and to prohibit the same from being strung overhead in a public street, and to 28Private compel the owners and operators of telephone, telegraph or electric wires to put same under ground; to prohibit or control the use of any gasoline engine, the making or repairing of boilers, the establishment or operation of any plant or business which is or may become a nuisance to any part of the community; to prohibit or control the firing of firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes or other explosive materials, and to govern the sale thereof; to control and regulate the speed of all horses or other animals, automobiles, buggies, carriages, wagons or other vehicles on the streets; to regulate the speed of railroad engines and trains or street cars within the corporate limits, or the stopping of engines or cars in the streets or crossings of the city; to specify the manner in which all stove pipes and flues and electric wires shall be put in buildings, and to control and regulate the arrangement and operation thereof; to control and regulate the place and manner in which powder and other explosives and inflammable substances may be kept and sold, and the place and manner in which commercial fertilizers are stored; to provide for the sanitary condition and keeping of all lots, cellars, houses, water closets, privies, lavatories, stables, sites, and other places of like character, to provide for the examination and sanitation thereof, and for that purpose ordinances may be passed authorizing sanitary officers or policemen to enter the premises suspected of being im bad or unsanitary condition and have the same cleaned at the expense of the owner, or abate such places as nuisances and recover of the occupant #NAME? owner the expense thereof; to regulate the due observance of Sunday; to prevent the entrance into the city or the spreading of any contagious or infectious disease therein, and, for that purpose, may stop, detain and examine every person coming from places believed to be infected with such disease; to establish and maintain quarantines against communities and territories where it is suspected prevails any infectious or contagious disease; to establish and regulate hospitals within the city or within three miles thereof, and may cause ary person in the city suspected to be infected with such disease and whose stay in the city may endanger public health, to be removed to the hospital or other place that the mayor may select; to prevent from coming into the city any second-hand clothing, bedding or furniture; to remove from the city or destroy any furniture or other articles which may be suspected to be tainted or infected with contagious or infectious disease or in such condition as may generate and propagate disease; to abate all nuisances which may be injurious to public health; may vaccinate or otherwise subject to medical treatment all persons having smallpox or other contagious or infectious disease; to recover, by proper action against those who may cause the same, all costs and expenses of the moving and treating people having or suspected of having contagious or infectious diseases; shall have power, by force, to remove all persons from the city or to carry them to hospitals or other places selected by the mayor or board of aldermen and detain them therein; to prohibit the carrying on of any disorderly house or house of ill-fame, or gambling house or house where games of chance are being carried on or where liquors are illegally sold; to provide for the inspection and examination thereof; and, for that purpose, may-enter upon said premises and make arrest of any person or persons violating the ordinances of the city in reference thereto; to prohibit the construction of cellars under sidewalks or the making of entrances into sidewalks, and to make rules and fix specifications for the construction of all cellars under sidewalks or entrances into sidewalks; to regulate and control motion picture shows, and all exhibitions or places of public amusement, and all exhibitions or performances given therein; provide a board of censors who shall have power to inspect and view all public places of amusement or exhibtions given therein, and prohibit such as, in their judgment, are immoral or against public interests, and any violation of an order of the board of censors shall be unlawful, and every day an exhibition is permitted after am order of the board of censors prohibitng it shall constitute a separate offense. On behalf of the general welfare of the city of Winston-Salem, and for the good order and government thereof, the board of aldermen may, in addition to the foregoing powers. pass or ordain any resolution or ordinance, and enforce the same by proper punishment or penalty, which it may consider wise or proper, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State." +1927_private laws_15_12,project experts,1,private laws,14,11,CHAPTER 14 AN ACT TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT THE CHARTER OF GASTONIA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of school commissioners shall establish graded public schools for the white and colored children for said graded school district, and shall appropriate and use the funds derived from special taxes or other sources, in such manner as it may deem best for both races." +1927_private laws_15_2,project experts,1,private laws,14,1,CHAPTER 14 AN ACT TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT THE CHARTER OF GASTONIA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, shall be and the same is hereby created and continued as a school district for white and colored children, to be known as Gastonia Graded School District, with the right as such to receive its proportion of the general school fund from the county board of education, or from any other source." +1925_private laws_162_28,project experts,1,private laws,161,27,CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF HAMILTON LAKES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION,"The council may establish separate libraries for the use and benefit of the white and colored races of said town, or either, and may appropriate from the public funds such amounts as may be necessary for the support and maintenance of the same." +1924 extra_private laws_19_3,project experts,1,private laws,18,2,CHAPTER 18 AN ACT INCORPORATING THE HIGGS ROANOKE INSTITUTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said corporation shall be the property of the Middle Ground Baptist Association of the colored race of Eastern North Carolina, and it shall be controlled by a board of trustees named by the said association as hereinafter set forth, and the said corporation shall have the right to buy, sell, and own real and personal property, to sue and to be sued, to adopt and use a common seal, to execute mortgages and liens, and enter contracts of all kinds, and in general to do any and all acts necessary and proper in the conduct and management of an educational institution for the education and training of the colored youth in manual, industrial, agricultural, classic, and religious education." +1923_public local laws_599_3,project experts,1,public local laws,602,2,"CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THAT RACE OF PEOPLE IN GASTON TOWNSHIP, NORTHAMP- TON COUNTY, KNOWN AS THE PORTUGUESE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That after said building shall have been provided as aforesaid, the board of education for Northampton County is hereby empowered and directed to provide teachers for said school for said race, and said teacher or teachers shall be paid as other teachers in said county are paid without extra tax on said race of people, except as they may vote same upon themselves. The teachers of said school shall be either of the said race known as Portuguese or white persons, as in the discretion of the board of education for Northampton County it may deem proper." +1923_public local laws_599_2,project experts,1,public local laws,602,1,"CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THAT RACE OF PEOPLE IN GASTON TOWNSHIP, NORTHAMP- TON COUNTY, KNOWN AS THE PORTUGUESE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the race of people known as Portuguese in Gaston Township, Northampton County, shall have a separate school from the white or colored schools in said county: Provided, said Portuguese shall furnish a suitable building situate in Gaston Township for said school, said building to be approved by the county board of education for said county of Northampton." +1941_public local laws_423_3,project experts,1,public local laws,422,2,"CHAPTER 422 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR INDIANS IN AVERASBORO AND DUKE TOWNSHIPS, HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Indians mentioned above and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools all children of the negro race to the fourth generation." +1923_private laws_254_2,project experts,1,private laws,253,1,"CHAPTER 253 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE MONROE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL PUR- POSES. Whereas the Monroe Graded School District is coterminous with the city of Monroe; and whereas the trustees of said school have bargained to purchase a certain lot of land, a part of which is in the Monroe Graded School District and a part without the said school district; and whereas this is the most suitable place for the erection of a school building for the colored race; and whereas the trustees desire to erect said school building on that part of the property that is without the said school district and without the corporate limits of the city of Monroe: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the board of trustees of the Monroe Graded School District be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase a site for a school building for the colored race in said school district and erect thereon suitable buildings outside the corporate limits of the city of Monroe and outside the limits of said Monroe Graded School District. +1923_private laws_120_7,project experts,1,private laws,119,6,"CHAPTER 119 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 182, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1897, AND TO INCORPORATE OXFORD ORPHANAGE. Whereas the Oxford Orphan Asylum was established by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three; and Whereas said orphan asylum has been in successful operation since its establishment; and Whereas the Superior Court of Granville County, on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, granted a charter to said Oxford Orphan Asylum for a period of thirty years; and Whereas the General Assembly of North Carolina, chapter one hundred and thirty-two, Private Acts session of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, confirmed and amended the said charter granted by the Superior Court of Granville County; and Whereas it is desirable that the said charter be amended, and that its corporate existence be made perpetual: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the business of the corporation which is a purely charitable and educational one, shall be the continuance of the present institution known as The Oxford Asylum and its incorporation, without the change of purpose or identity for the maintenance and support of an orphanage or a home for indigent white orphans of tender years, citizens of the State of North Carolina, to be selected and received as the directors, hereinafter provided for, shall determine without discrimination as to sex, religious denominations or localities within the State and the support and education of such orphans, including their religious, moral, mental and physical training and their instruction in the useful arts." +1923_private laws_38_48,project experts,1,private laws,37,47,"CHAPTER 37 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PROVIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT; TO REPEAL THE CHARTER OF THE PRESENT CITY OF GREENSBORO, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONTROL AND SUPPORT OF THE PRESENT GREENSBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases as used in this act shall, unless a contrary intention clearly appears, have the following meanings, respectively: City of Greensboro, the new corpora- tion created by this act; old corporation of Greensboro, the city of Greensboro heretofore created and now existing under that name, comprising a part of the territory embraced in the new corporation created by this act; new city limits, the boundary of the new municipality created by this act; old city limits, the boundary of the old corporation of Greensboro; new territory, the territory embraced in the new corporation created by this act, but not embraced in the old corporation of Greensboro; Greens- boro school district, the special tax school district heretofore created and haying the same boundary as the old corporation of Greensboro; board of education or board of education of the city of Greensboro, the school board or school committee of the Greensboro School District. CHAPTER IORGANIZATION","That the council may establish or continue separate libraries for the use and benefit of the white and colored races of said city, and may appropriate from the public funds such amounts as may be necessary for the support and maintenance of the same. One of the two libraries shall be known and designated as Greensboro Public Library for the Colored Race." +1921 extra_private laws_144_3,project experts,1,private laws,143,2,"CHAPTER 143 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 138 OF THE LAWS OF 1901, INCORPORATING THE TRUSTEES OF LINCOLN HOS- PITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees of Lincoln Hospital shall consist of fifteen members and shall hold office for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified, elected as follows: One by the board of aldermen of the city of Durham and one by the county commissioners of Durham County; one by Mr. James Buchanan Duke during his life, and after his death by his nearest blood relative, who is above seventeen years of age; one by Mr. Benjamin N. Duke during his life, and after his death by his: nearest blood relative over seventeen years of age; one by the white Medical Society of the city of Durham; one by the faculty of the National Training School; one by the members of the graded schools of the city of Durham; one by the colored Ministerial Association of Durham; two by the directors of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company; two by the directors of the Royal Knights of King David, and three by the colored Medical Society of the city of Durham. That the trustees shall serve from January following their election, which election shall take place not later than December thirty-first. In the event that either of the various bodies or organizations hereinbefore designated shall fail to elect a trustee or trustees as above required and requested, the board of trustees of Lincoln Hospital shall elect such trustees as they may see fit." +1921 extra_private laws_36_3,project experts,1,private laws,35,2,"CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ROCKINGHAM GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR WHITE AND COLORED CHIL- DREN, RICHMOND COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","No bonds shall be issued hereunder unless a majority of the qualified voters of said school district shall yote in favor of the issuance of the same, at an. election to be called by said board of commissioners after a petition requesting said election and signed by a majority of the board of trustees of the Rockingham Graded School District for the white and colored children, or their duly elected officers, has been filed with the said board of commissioners. It shall not be necessary to submit to the yoters any other details of said bonds than the amount or maximum amount of the issue, with a statement of such purpose as stated herein and the fact that a tax for the payment of the bonds and interest will be levied. No other or further notice of said election shall be required except a publication, not more than forty days and not less than twenty days before said election, in a newspaper published in the town of Rockingham and circulating within the said district, such publication to state the question or questions as herein provided for, as well as the day of election and the place or places at which the polls will be open. The board of commissioners. may order.a new registration of voters if the petition of the board of trustees of said district requests. same. No further or other notice of such new registration shall be required than a publication at least thirty days before the closing of the registration books, in a newspaper published in the town of Rockingham and circulating within said district, such publication to state the days on which the books of registration will be open and the place or places on which they will be open on Saturdays. The board of commissioners shall appoint the registrars and judges of election and fix the polling places and canvass the election and, except as herein otherwise provided, the provisions of the law then applicable to elections in the town of Rockingham, shall be applicable to the registration and election hereunder." +1919_public local laws_550_12,project experts,1,public local laws,549,11,"CHAPTER 549 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY FOR A MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION OF THE CRIMI- NAL YOUTH OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. WHEREAS, it appears to the General Assembly that there are in the county of Buncombe a number of youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished, and at the same time taught the doctrines of religion, good morals and in- dustry, it would be to the best interest of such youths and ex- pedient that they be not associated with older and more hard- ened criminals, but that they be kept separate, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in the event the governing body of said insti- .tution shall determine to accept colored children in the same, they shall provide suitable quarters for them, which shall in no event be nearer than one-half mile to the school established for white children. The white children and colored children shall at all times be kept and worked entirely separate and by separate officers: Provided, however, that one superintendent may have general supervision over both schools; but the advisability of having one or two superintendents shall be and remain in the discretion of the governing board of said institution." +1919_private laws_116_2,project experts,1,private laws,115,1,"CHAPTER 115 AN ACT INCORPORATING THE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, AND PRE- SCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, shall be and the same is hereby created and continued as a school district for white and colored children, to be known as Gastonia graded school district." +1919_private laws_93_4,project experts,1,private laws,92,3,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 96 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1899 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, RELATING TO THE KINSTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of administering the schools of the Kinston graded school district as now constituted and as herein provided, there shall be a board of trustees composed of seven members, who shall be elected by the board of aldermen of the city of Kinston from any part of the Kinston graded school district. That the present board of trustees shall hold office until their successors are elected by board of aldermen of city of Kinston, which election shall be held within ninety days from date of ratification of this act, and the newly elected trustees shall assume the duties of their office within fifteen days after their elecion. That said new board shall be divided into seven classes. The term of office of the first class shall expire on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen; the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh classes to expire one, two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, thereafter. That thereafter their successors shall hold office for a period of seven years, and shall be elected by the board of aldermen of the city of Kinston in any of their regular meetings held before the month of November of each year immediately preceding the date upon which newly elected trustee shall assume the duty of his office, which duties he shall assume the first day of January immediately following his election. That any vacancy occurring in said board shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the-board of trustees. That four members of said board shall constitute a quorum, and at least a quorum shall be necessary for the purpose of transacting business of any nature whatsoever. That the said board shall hold regular or called meetings as often as they may deem necessary, for the transaction of any business relating to the public schools of the said district and shall at the regular meeting held during the month of May of each year, reorganize and elect its necessary officers for the ensuing year. That the said board shall in the name of the board of trustees of the Kinston graded school district, be possessed of corporate powers, may sue and be sued, acquire by purchase or otherwise, and hold property, both real and personal, for school purposes as provided in this act, may lease or sell real and personal property, may receive bequests and donations, may condemn property needed for educational purposes and may perform all necessary corporate acts required under this charter. May employ superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, or other necessary employes for the schools of said district, for such length of time and at such compensation as said board of trustees shall deem advisable, and order paid their salaries, if possessed of certificates as required by rules of said board of trustees, or may discharge or dismiss any of said officers, teachers or employees, at any time they may deem proper. Shall have exclusive control and title to all schools and school property of the said Kinston graded school district, with power to care for, insure, repair, lease or rent any of said: property, and said board is fully authorized and empowered to build and equip such buildings as may be necessary fer carrying out the provisions of this act. May provide and maintain a separate system of schools, with separate buildings for the white and colored races, respectively, within said district, so as to equalize school facilities between the two races upon just and equitable principles. May provide and maintain school libraries, evening schools, playgrounds; may promote physical culture and athletics, vocational schools, special instructions or schools for delinquent or defective children, or for such forms of instruction in industrial education, agriculture or household economics as they may deem necessary. Said board of trustees may also unite with the Lenoir County board of education for the joint establishment and maintenance of any such instruction or school, and upon such terms as may be agreed upon between them, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. May prepare an annual budget of expenses each year as hereinafter provided. They shall appoint a treasurer of the said board from among their number, or otherwise, in their discretion, and such treasurer may be either an individual or corporation, and prescribe his or its duties, fix his or its compensation and cause said treasurer to fix bond with good security at double the amount of such funds as said treasurer may reasonably have on hand at any time during his or its term of office as a result of such appointment. It shall also be lawful for the said board of trustees, in its discretion, to receive into the public schools of the said district upon such terms as it may think reasonable, any children of the school age who may reside beyond the limits of the said district. May make any and all such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the said schools, as herein provided." +1917_public local laws_632_5,project experts,1,public local laws,631,4,CHAPTER 631 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COUNTY INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN BUNCOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of managers shall have the general superintendence, management, and control of the said institution; of the grounds and buildings, offices, and employees thereof; of the inmates therein and all matters relating to the government, discipline, contracts, and fiscal concerns thereof, and may make such rules and regulations as may seem to them necessary for carrying out the purposes of the institution... And the board shall have the right to keep, restrain, and control the inmates of the institution until such time as the board may deem proper for their discharge under such proper and humane rules and regulations as the board may adopt. The board shall endeavor, as far as possible, to classify the inmates and keep the different classes in separate wards or divisions, so as to produce the best results in the reformatory work. The board of managers shall constitute a board of parole of the institution, and shall have the power to parole and discharge the inmates under such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe; that no person shall be admitted or discharged from said institution except upon the certificate of the physician as to her mental and physical condition. It is provided, however, that both white and colored shall be taken care of in said institution, but the races shall be kept separate and apart." +1917_public local laws_510_6,project experts,1,public local laws,509,5,CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CROATAN INDIANS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all of the Croatan Indian children of school age residing in that territory or section in Sampson County designated and allotted to the Shiloh Indian School District shall be assigned to Shiloh Indian School of Dismal Township, and all Croatam children of school age residing in that territory or section in Sampson (County designated and allotted to New Bethel Indian School District shall be apportioned to New Bethel Indian School of Herrings Township; and the trustees of Shiloh Indian School shall annually, at the time provided by law for taking the census of the other school children of the county, take the census of all the Croatan Indian children between the ages of six and twenty-one years residing in said county in Shiloh district, and the trustees of New Bethel Indian School of Herrings Township shall annually at the time of taking the census of the other school children as provided by law, take the census of all the Indian school children between the ages of six and twentyone years residing in the New Bethel district in Sampson County; and there shall be excluded from such census and from said schools for the Croatan Indians of Sampson County all children of the negro race to the fourth generation, and the action of the trustees of these Indian schools as to who shall be admitted or excluded from said schools shall be final, and not appealable to the county board of education, but no one shall be precluded from instituting legal proceedings im the proper courts of the State." +1917_public local laws_510_4,project experts,1,public local laws,509,3,CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CROATAN INDIANS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That to said Croatan Indian schools shall be annually apportioned their pro rata part of the public school funds of the county, including their pro rata part of fines, forfeitures, penalties, and funds derived from the State and other sources whatsoever, so that they may share equally with the other races of the county according to their requirements and the grade of their schools, as now provided for the apportionment of the school funds between the white and colored race in Sampson County." +1923_private laws_183_7,project experts,1,private laws,182,6,"CHAPTER 182 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BURKE COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION FOR THE MORGANTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO VOTE ON BONDS. Whereas chapter forty-eight, Private Laws one thousand nine hundred and twenty, extra session, authorized an election in the Morganton Graded School District on a bond issue of seventy-five thousand dollars for the purpose of enlarging the graded school building for white children, the erection of a high school building for white children and the erection of a school building for the colored children of said district, together with the purchase of lots or sites for such buildings; and Whereas the cost of erecting of such buildings and the purchase of necessary lots therefor far exceeded the estimated costs thereof, and the funds on such bond issue have been exhausted and no school building for colored children has been erected, and the high school building for white children has no auditorium as contem- plated; and Whereas it will require some thirty-five thousand dollars to fully carry out and complete the objects mentioned as necessary in said chapter forty-eight as aforesaid: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees of said school district. may in its discretion sell the old colored school building and site, either at public or private sale, when the new building for the colored school children is erected and ready for occupancy." +1917_private laws_128_2,project experts,1,private laws,127,1,"CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE WHITEVILLE SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, NO. 1, FOR THE WHITE AND COLORED RACES OF COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General ASsembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of Columbus County, upon a written application of a majority of the board of trustees of Whiteville Supplemental School District, Number One, for the White and (Colored Races, hereinafter called the Whiteville District, is authorized and directed to submit on the fourth Tuesday in April, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, to the qualified voters of said Whiteville District, under such rules and regulations as now exist or may be hereafter established for the election of members of the General Assembly, the question of issuing bonds for the erection, repairing, and equipping of suitable school buildings in said district; and there shall _be an entirely new registration under the provisions of the general election laws of the State of all voters who are entitled to register in Whiteville School District, and only such persons who register under the provisions of this act shall be entitled to vote in said election; and at such election each voter shall be entitled to vote a written or printed ballot with the words For Bonds or Against Bonds thereon. " +1939_public local laws_367_57,project experts,1,public local laws,366,56,"CHAPTER 366 AN ACT TO CONTINUE THE INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE AND TO CODIFY, AMEND AND COLSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTI- TUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN ACTS AND PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ACTS CONSTITUTING A PART OF ITS PRESENT CHARTER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Corporation","The Charlotte Carnegie Public Library, a body corporate heretofore created by Chapter sixteen of the Private Laws of nineteen hundred three is hereby continued as such body corporate and may sue and be sued, have a common seal, may acquire, receive or hold real estate in the City of Charlotte or elsewhere by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, and may likewise acquire, receive and hold personal property, and may, subject to the provisions herein, contract and be contracted with for the purposes provided in this Act, and may make such rules and regulations and by-laws for its government and the exercise of its powers as may be proper. The said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library shall have full control and supervision over what is now known as the Charlotte Public Library, and any branches which may be operated by said body corporate, and which shall be for the use of the public without any charge whatsoever, except such reasonable penalties prescribed by the regulations of said board in connection with the use of its facilities, and said body shall operate at least one library within said city for the use of the white race and at least one library in said city for the colored race, and the members of the board of trustees of said body corporate shall have the power to select other trustees who shall have the immediate charge of the Charlotte Public Library for colored people under the general supervision of said board. -1 That the said Charlotte Public Library shall consist of a board of eight trustees of which four shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, and the other four trustees shall consist of the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the Superintendent of the Public School System of said city and the Superintendent of the Public School System of Mecklenburg County and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Mecklenburg County. The four trustees selected by said Mayor shall each serve for a term of four years, except that the mayor shall select after the first meeting of the council, subsequent to the municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, or as soon thereafter as practicable, two trustees to serve upon said board until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and in addition, two trustees who shall serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred fortythree, or until their successors are elected and qualified, and such trustees shall serve without compensation, provided, that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Superintendent of the County Public Schools shall not be entitled to membership on said board unless the county contributes to the support of said corporation with funds derived from taxation or otherwise. -2 That one of the four members of said board shall be designated as chairman by the mayor; and the city treasurer shall act as the treasurer of said corporation; that said corporation shall have the power and authority to employ a secretary, librarian and such other employees as may be necessary to carry out the purposes for which said corporation is formed, and the duties and responsibilities of such employees shall be fixed by said board and such employees shall receive such compensation as may be prescribed by said board. -3 That the Treasurer of the Charlotte Carnegie Public Library shall keep a correct and detailed statement of all receipts and disbursements, and shall cause the funds belonging thereto to be deposited in a depository designated by said board, and shall render from time to time such statements of the financial condition of said corporation as may be required, and said treasurer shall assist the members of said corporation in preparing the annual budget for the library system in the City of Charlotte. -4 That the governing body of the City of Charlotte at the time of levying its taxes for the general operation of the city may levy a tax for the maintenance and support of the said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library in an amount that is now or may hereafter be approved by a vote of the people of said city for said purpose, and pay the same monthly to said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library Board as collected by said city. -5 All real property now owned by or the title thereto vested in the Charlotte Carnegie Public Library, shall be henceforth owned by and the title thereto vested in the said corporation; provided, that the same may not be sold or encumbered except with the consent of the governing body of the City of Charlotte. -6 That said board shall have all the powers and authority granted to libraries under the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina as the same may now or hereafter be enacted. Charlotte Airport Commission" +1945_session laws_505_7,project experts,0,session laws,504,6,"CHAPTER 504 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AF- FECTED WITH SPASTIC AILMENTS. WHEREAS, in compliance with a request of the Governor of North Carolina, a commission composed of Dr. Lenox D. Baker, Dr. J. S. Gaul, Dr. W. M. Roberts, Dr. Ellen Winston, Honor- able Thomas OBerry, and Honorable George Ross Pou investi- gated the need of an institution for the treatment of children af- fected with cerebral palsy (spastic) ailments and has made their report to the Governor, recommending the establishment of such a hospital to be operated separate and distinct from any institution for the treatment of the feeble-minded or insane; and WHEREAS, it appears from said report that there are over one thousand children in the State suffering from spastic ail- ments and that the interest of the State would be best served by a hospital being established for the treatment of such cases: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of directors shall appoint a superintendent of the institution, who shall be a person of professional training and experience in the care and treatment of spastic ailments, and may fix the compensation of the superintendent, subject to the approval of the Budget Bureau, and may discharge the superintendent at any time for cause." +1925_private laws_16_2,project experts,0,private laws,16,1,CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WADESBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section one of chapter five hundred and thirteen, Private Laws, one thousand nine hundred and seven, defining the corporate boundaries of the town of Wadesboro, be and the same is hereby amended so as to extend the southern corporate boundary of said town to the following lines, or boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of the corporate limits of said town, near the southern side of the White Store road, and running thence south sixty-six-thirty east fourteen hundred feet to a stake in the eastern edge of the Chesterfield road; then north fifty-four east six hundred and eight feet to the present: southern corporate boundary of said town." +1915_public local laws_645_2,project experts,0,public local laws,644,1,CHAPTER 644 AN ACT ESTABLISHING TOWNSHIPS IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all that portion of Pitt County heretofore known as Contentnea Township, Number Two; the portions of Chicod Township, Greenville Township, and that portion of what has heretofore been Contenthnea Township, Number One, and embraced within the following boundary lines set forth in this section, shall be known and designated as Winterville Township, towit: Beginning at Contentnea Creek, the northwest corner of HE. HE. Dails Tucker land, running eastward with the said H. H. Dails line to the western terminus of the Renston or J. B. Speight road to Kinston road in front of Lorenzo McLawhorns residence; then northward with the said Kinston road to a bridge between HE. E. Dails and C. H. Langstons residences; thence eastward with southern boundary of lines of the lands of C. H. Langston, Charles McLawhorn, H. C. Beddard, B. T. Cox, and the Franklin Tripp heirs, to Swift Creek Swamp in a southerly direction to the Scuffleton or Ayden road; then with the said road eastwardly to the Kinston road near Hancock Church; then a continuous line across the field of the tract of land upon which Josephus Cox now resides, to Fork Swamp; then northwardly to the Taft road at Kinsaul Crossing; then eastwardly with the said Taft road to the Beaufort County Lumber Company tramroad; then northwardly with the said tramroad to the C. A. White road; then westward with the said White road to the land of Mrs. Louvenia Jackson; then northward and westward with the eastern and northern lines of the said Mrs. Louvenia Jackson and W. B. Stocks to Fork Swamp; then up the said Fork Swamp northward to Willoughby branch; then up said branch westward to the A. C. L. Railroad; then a. straight line westwardly to the Kinston road at the north corner of M. G. Moyes land; then westward with his northern line and B. T. Smith northern and western lines to the B. T. Smith road at the Anderson place; then westward with the said B. T. Smith road to the Frog Level road; then southward and westward with the Beaver Dam Township line to Contentnea Creek; then down said creek to the beginning." +1915_public local laws_132_2,project experts,0,public local laws,131,1,CHAPTER 131 AN ACT TO CREATE CANE CREEK TOWNSHIP IN MITCHELL COUNTY. 5 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _,"That a new township to be named and called Cane | Creek Township be and is hereby created in Mitchell County bi the boundaries of which township shall be as follows: Beginnins _ On top of Lick Ridge Mountain, thence with the Little Rock Creel _ Township line to the top of the Little Yellow Mountain wher _ the Avery and Mitchell County line joins; thence with said Avery a County line to the top of the White Rock Mountain; thence witl me, Snow Creek Township line to the top of Bear Creek Mountain thence with Bakersville Township line to Moses Youngs mill on the waters of Cane Creek; thence with said Bakersville TO line to the beginning." +1909_public laws_230_3,project experts,0,public laws,229,2,"CHAPTER 229 AN ACT TO CREATE A NEW TOWNSHIP IN NASH COUNTY, TO BE KNOWN AS RED OAK TOWNSHIP. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the boundary lines of said Red Oak Township shall be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Parkers Creek, on Swift Creek; thence up said Parkers Creek to the Nashville and Hilliardston Road; thence along the Nashville and Hilliardston Road to where the White Stone Branch crosses said Nashville and Hilliardston Road; thence down said White Stone Branch to where it empties into Pig Basket Creek; thence down said Pig Basket Creek to the Nashville and Red Oak Road; thence along the Nashville and Red Oak Road to where the Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road enters said Nashville and Red Oak Road; thence along said Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road to a point in said road where a public path leading from the Rocky Mount and Red Oak Road by P. A. Mays intersects said Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road, just below J. J. Dickens; thence along said public path to P. A. Mays store; thence with a public path leading from P. A. Mays store by Joel Prices place to the Rocky Mount and Red Oak Road; thence up said road to a line dividing the estate of George Price and George Gay; thence with said line to the Horse Pen Branch; thence down the various courses of said Horse Pen Branch and Bynums mill run to Swift Creek; thence up the yarious courses of said creek to the beginning." +1905_public laws_551_2,project experts,0,public laws,550,1,CHAPTER 550 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE STOCK IN THE VICINITY OF WINTERVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any live stock to run at large within the following boundaries: Beginning at Black Bottom, near the town line, and running northwardly with line fence to A. G. Coxs fence; then eastwardly with said A. G. Coxs fence and a direct line across the railroad near the colored lodge, with a ditch to A. G. Coxs fence; then northwardly and eastwardly with said A. G. Coxs fence to the northeast corner of his field; then southwardly with his fence to the Winterville public road; then westwardly with said road and said Coxs fence to A. G. Coxs pasture fence; then southwardly a direct line, crossing Blount Street to a point near an old mulberry tree near Sylva Street, extended ; then westwardly with the street and direct line to Rowan Coopers fence; then with Rowan Coopers fence to the beginning. That any person owning land on the outside of the line mentioned above in this section shall have the privilege of bringing his or her lands within the provisions of this act by building and extending the fence in the manner they may choose: Provided, that such persons shall pay the extra expense that shall be caused for widening or extending the fence territory, or shall construct the fence without cost to any of the parties living within the boundaries mentioned above; but when the fence is constructed it shall come within the purview of this act, and the outward lines of the fence as so extended shall be repaired under the general provisions of this act: Provided, the extension as aforesaid shall be only applicable to the lands that are adjacent to the lines specified in section one (1)." +1901_public laws_670_2,project experts,0,public laws,669,1,CHAPTER 669 An act to establish stock law in certain portions of McDowell County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That from and after the first day of April, nineteen hundred and one, no person shall allow his or her live stock to run at large in that portion of McDowell County embraced in the following territory or boundary, viz.: Beginning at a stake in the stock law line on the south side of Catawba River, McDowell County, at or near the corner of line between Silas Proctor, Austin Conley and Mrs. M. A. Corpenings and, crossing the said river running with the line fence of Mrs. M. A. Corpening and Austin Conley to the end of the said Mrs. M. A. Corpenings fence, thence with the said M. A. Corpenings outside fence to Maj. J. W. Wilsons outside fence, thence with said Wilsons outside fence to the outside fence of T. B. Young, thence with or near his outside fence to the Pyatt Hollow, thence through the said hollow to the Pyatt old house, thence with the cross fence between H. A. Gibbs and M. F. Tates to Buck Creek, thence up said creek to the cross fence between Mrs. D. E. Butts and H. A. Gibbs on the west side of said creek, thence with said fence to Mrs. D. HE. Butts outside fence, thence west across the ridge to W. H. Pattents outside fence and with said Pattents fence crossing Clear Creek to a point near the White Oak Springs, thence the nearest course to the Hoover field, thence across the ridge to the Brooks place, thence to J. B. Biddexes outside fence and with said fence striking the upper fence to the old parsonage place, thence to the most direct route or course to the stock law boundary fence of Old Fort Township, near John Godfreys residence," +1897_public laws_173_3,project experts,0,public laws,172,2,CHAPTER 172 An act to establish two new townships in Surry county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the boundary of said township shall be as follows: Beginning at M. D. Armfields corner, north bank of Lovels creek, thence down the said creek as it meanders to the bridge west of depot in Mount Airy, thence northeast with Pine street, and then a degree line to the Renfro spring, then still going northeast with the branch to J. E. Spaughs foundry race, and with the race to Ararat river, and thence up the river to the mouth of Sandy Branch, and following the said branch to the Willis gaps public road, and with the said road and the Wards gap road going south and southwest to to the northern limits of incorporation, and with said line to the said Lovels ereek going west, and south following the creek to the beginning point." +1895_public laws_397_3,project experts,0,public laws,396,2,CHAPTER 396 An act to create a township in Haywood county to be known as White Oak township. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the boundary lines of said White Oak township shall be as follows: beginning at the mouth Cattaloochee greek; thence up the White Oak mountain with Fines Creek and Cattaloochee township line at Halls Top near Hanah; thence down a ridge to a knob on said ridge near C. L. Jenkins place and Halls place; thence down a ridge the lead to the Fox Pen gap near Wesley Yarboroughs; thence to Jonathans creek in bend below Tom Slays; thence to the Iron Duff township line at the nearest point; thence with said line to the mouth of Jonathans creek to Pigeon river; thence down said river to the beginning. +1947_session laws_1088_4,project experts,0,session laws,1087,3,"CHAPTER 1087 AN ACT RELATING TO THE DISTRIBUTION, SALE, OR TRANSPORTATION OF ADULTERATED OR MIS- BRANDED INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES. RODENTI- CIDES, AND OTHER ECONOMIC POISONS AND DE- VICES; REGULATING TRAFFIC THEREIN; PROVID- ING FOR REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION OF SUCH MATERIALS, IMPOSING PENALTIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Prohibited Acts. a. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, or offer for sale within this State or deliver for transportation or transport in intrastate commerce or between points within this State through any point outside this State any of the following: -1 Any economic poison which is not registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of this Act, or any economic poison if any of the claims made for it or any of the directions for its use differ in substance from the representations made in connection with its registration, or if the composition of an economic poison differs from its composition as represented in connection with its registration:Provided, that, in the discretion of the Commissioner, a change in the labeling or formula of an economic poison may be made within a registration period without requiring reregistration of the product: Provided further, that changes at no time are permissible if they lower the efficacy of the product. -2 Any economic poison unless it is in the registrants or the manufacturers unbroken immediate container, and there is affixed to such container, and to the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, if there be one through which the required information on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, a label bearing (a) the name and address of the manufacturer, registrant, or person for whom manufactured; (b) the name, brand, or trade mark under which said article is sold; and (c) the net weight or measure of the content subject, however, to such reasonable variations as the Board of Agriculture may permit. -3 Any economic poison which contains any substance or substances in quantities highly toxic to man, determined as provided in Section 6 of this Act, unless the label shall bear, in addition to any other matter required by this Act, (a) the skull and crossbones; (b) the word poison prominently, in red, on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and (c) a statement of an antidote for the economic poison. -4 The economic poisons commonly known as lead arsenate, basic lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, magnesium arsenate, zine arsenate, zine arsenite, sodium flouride, sodium flusoilicate, and barium fluosilicate unless they have been distinctly colored or discolored as provided by regulations issued in accordance with this Act, or any other white or lightly colored powder economic poison which the Board of Agriculture, after investigation of and after public hearing on the necessity for such action for the protection of the public health and the feasibility of such coloration or discoloration, shall, by regulation, require to be distinctly colored or discolored; unless it has been so colored or discolored; Provided, that the Board may exempt any economic poison to the extent that it is intended for a particular use or uses from the coloring or discoloring required or authorized by this Subsection if he determines that such coloring or discoloring for such use or uses is not necessary for the protection of the public health. -5 Any economic poison which is adulterated or misbranded, or any device which is misbranded. b. It shall be unlawful -1 for any person to detach, alter, deface, or destroy, in whole or in part, any label or labeling provided for in this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, or to add any substance to, or take any substance from an economic poison in a manner that may defeat the purpose of this Act; -2 for any manufacturer, distributor, dealer, carrier, or other person to refuse, upon a request in writing specifying the nature or kind of economic poison or device to which such request relates, to furnish to or permit any person designated by the Commissioner to have access to and to copy such records of business transactions as may be essential in carrying out the purposes of this Act; -3 for any person to give a guaranty or undertaking provided for in Section 8 which is FALSE in any particular, except that a person who receives and relies upon a guaranty authorized under Section 8 may give a guaranty to the same effect, which guaranty shall contain in addition to his own name and address the name and address of the person residing in the United States from whom he received the guaranty or undertaking; -4 for any person to use for his own advantage or to reveal, other than to the Commissioner, or officials or employees of the United States Department of Agriculture, or other Federal agencies, or to the courts in response to a subpoena, or to physicians, and in emergencies to pharmacists and other qualified persons, for use in the preparation of antidotes, in accordance with such directions as the Commissioner may prescribe, any information relative to formulas of products acquired by authority of Section 5 of this Act; and -5 for any person to oppose or interfere in any way with the Commissioner or his duly authorized agents in carrying out the duties imposed by this Act." +1907_public laws_369_7,project experts,0,public laws,368,6,"CHAPTER 368 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF ADULTERATED, MISBRANDED, POISONOUS OR DELETE- RIOUS FOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES OR LIQUORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of this act an article shall be deemed to be adulterated: In case of drugs: : First. If, when a drug is sold under or by a name recognized in the United States Pharmacopceia or National Formulary, it differs from the standard of strength, quality or purity, as determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopeeia or National Formulary official at the time of investigation : Provided, that no drug defined in the United States Pharmacopeeia or National Formulary shall be deemed to be adulterated under this provision if the standard of strength, quality or purity be plainly stated upon the bottle, box or other container thereof, although the standard may differ from that determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopeia or National Formulary. Second. If its strength or purity fall below the professed standard or quality under which it is sold. In case of confectionery : First. If it contains terra alba, barytes, tale, chrome yellow, or other mineral substance or poisonous color or flavor, or other ingredient deleterious or detrimental to health, or any vinous, malt or spirituous liquor or compound or narcotic drug. In the case of food: First. If any substance has been mixed or picked with it, so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength. Second. If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the article. Third. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted. Fourth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated, or stained in a manner whereby damage or inferiority is concealed. Fifth. If it contains any added poisonous or other added deleterious ingredient which may render such article injurious to health. If it contains any of the following substances, which are hereby declared deleterious and dangerous to health when added to human food, to-wit: Colors which contain antimony, arsenic, barium, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, uranium, or zine; or the following colors: gamboge, corallin, picric acid, aniline, or any of the coal-tar dyes; saccharine, dulcin, glucin, or any other artificially or synthetically prepared substitute for sugar; paraffin, formaldehyde, beta-naphthol, abrastol, benzoic acid or benzoates, salicylic acid or salicylates, boric acid or borates, sulphurous acid or sulphites, hydrofluoric acid or any fluorine compounds, sulphuric acid or potassium sulphate or wood alcohol: Provided, that catsups and condimental sauces may, when the fact is plainly and legibly stated in the English language on the wrapper and label of the package in which it is retailed, contain not to exceed two-tenths of one per cent. of benzoic acid or its equivalent in sodium benzoate. Fermented liquors may contain not to exceed two-tenths of one per cent. of combined sulphuric acid and not to exceed eight-thousandths of one per cent. of sulphurous acid. Sixth. If it consists in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if it is the product of a diseased animal, or one that had died otherwise than by slaughter. In addition to the ways already provided, sausage shall be deemed to be adulterated if it is composed in any part of liver, lungs, kidneys or other viscera of animals: Provided, that the use Of animal intestines as sausage casings shall not be deemed to be an adulteration. Seventh. If it differs in strength, quality or purity from the standards of purity of food products that have been or may be from time to time adopted by the Board of Agriculture." +1945_session laws_505_4,project experts,0,session laws,504,3,"CHAPTER 504 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AF- FECTED WITH SPASTIC AILMENTS. WHEREAS, in compliance with a request of the Governor of North Carolina, a commission composed of Dr. Lenox D. Baker, Dr. J. S. Gaul, Dr. W. M. Roberts, Dr. Ellen Winston, Honor- able Thomas OBerry, and Honorable George Ross Pou investi- gated the need of an institution for the treatment of children af- fected with cerebral palsy (spastic) ailments and has made their report to the Governor, recommending the establishment of such a hospital to be operated separate and distinct from any institution for the treatment of the feeble-minded or insane; and WHEREAS, it appears from said report that there are over one thousand children in the State suffering from spastic ail- ments and that the interest of the State would be best served by a hospital being established for the treatment of such cases: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and the Council of State, is authorized to secure by gift or purchase, suitable real estate within the State at such place as the board may deem best for the purpose, and to erect or improve buildings thereon, for carrying out the purposes of the institution; but no real estate shall be purchased or any commitments made for the erection or permanent improvements of any buildings involving the use of State funds unless and until an appropriation for permanent improvements of the institution is expressly authorized by the General Assembly." +1899_public laws_87_7,project experts,0,public laws,86,6,"CHAPTER 86 An act to prevent the sale of adulterated and unbranded food, and: to _amend and make more effective the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of this act an article of food shall be deemed adulterated First. If any substance or substances has or have been mixed or packed with it, so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength so that such product when offered ie sale shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Second. If any inferior substance or substances has, or have been substituted wholly or in part for the article so that the product when solid shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Third. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted so that the product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Fourth. If it be an imitation of, and sold under the specifie name of another article. Fifth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated, polished or stained in a manner whereby damage or infirmity is concealed, so that such product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Sixth. If it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to the health of the person consuming it. Seventh. If it be labeled or branded so as to deceive or mislead the purchaser, or purport to be a foreign product when branded so, or in an imitation either in package or label of an established proprietary product, which has been trade-marked or patented. Kighth. If it consists of the whole or any part of a diseased, filthy, decomposed or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not. or if it is the product of a diseased animal or animals that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Ninth. That candies and chocolate may be deemed to be adulterated if they contain terra alba, barytes, tale, chrome yellow or other mineral substances, or poisonous colors or flavors, or other ingredients deleterious or detrimental to health: Provided, that an article of food, beverage, or condiment which does not contain any added poisonous ingredient shall not be deemed to be adulterated in the following cases: First. In the case of articles, mixtures or compounds which may be now, or from time to time hereafter, known as articles of food, beverages or condiments under their own distinctive names, and not included in definition fourth of this section. Second. In the case of articles labeled, branded or tagged so as to plainly indicate that they are mixtures, compounds, combinations, imitations or blends. Third. When any matter or ingredient has been added to the food, beverage or condiment because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof as an article of commerce, in a state fit for carriage or consumption, and not fraudulently to increase the bulk, weight or measure of the food, beverage or condiment, or conceal the inferior quality thereof: Provided, that the same shall be labeled, branded or tagged as prescribed by the board of agriculture so as to show them to-be compounds and the exact character thereof; And provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary foods to disclose their trade formulas except in so far as the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or imitation; Provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to proprietary or patent medicines. Fourth. Where the food, beverage or condiment is unavoidably mixed with some harmless extraneous matter, in the process of collection or preparation; Provided further, that no person shall be convicted under the provisions of this act when he is able to prove a written guaranty of purity inaform approved by the board of agriculture as published in their rules and regulations, signed by the wholesale jobber, manufacturer or other party from whom he purchased said article." +1963_session laws_982_4,project experts,1,session laws,981,3,"CHAPTER 981 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BERTIE COUNTY BOARD OF EDU- CATION TO EXCHANGE PRESENT AULANDER COLORED SCHOOL LOT AND BUILDING FOR 3.65 ACRES AS PART OF SITE FOR NEW AULANDER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WHEREAS, the Bertie County Board of Education now owns the Aulander Colored School lot and building in the Town of Aulander, Bertie County; the lot fronting 150 feet on the East side of the Aulander- Windsor Highway, N. C. Route 305, and extending through to and fronting on the west side of Broad Street, extended, 150 feet, bounded on the North by the Mahlon Artis or E. L. Rice lot, on the West by said highway, on the East by Broad Street, extended, and on the South by proposed Poplar Street, and being about 210 feet deep between the right of way line on the East side of the highway and the property line on the West side of Broad Street; and there being on that lot a frame building now used for the Aulander Colored School; and WHEREAS, with funds obtained from sale of Bertie County School Bonds which were authorized by vote of the people, the Bertie County Board of Education is now planning to construct a new, modern, brick, seven-teacher building for the Aulander Elementary School, which will accommodate students from a larger area, and to contract for the start of construction of the new building during 1963 and have it ready for use in September, 1964; and WHEREAS, the Bertie County Board of Education needs and has selected a site of 10 acres for the new Aulander Elementary School, located in Mitchells Township about one mile South of the Town of Aulander and at the northwest corner of the intersection of the Aulander- Windsor Highway, N. C. Route 305, and the Harrington Avenue; the Bertie County Board of Education has heretofore acquired title to 6.35 acres of the required school site by deed from Revah H. Mitchell and husband, M. H. Mitchell; the remainder of 3.65 acres of the required new site for the new school is now owned by Wayland L. Jenkins; and the 1245 Bertie County Board of Education and Wayland L. Jenkins have negotiated and agreed upon an exchange of their respective properties: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Bertie County Board of Education is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to sell to Wayland L. Jenkins by private sale, without public advertisement and without public auction, and to execute and deliver to Wayland L. Jenkins a good and sufficient deed in fee simple with usual covenants and warranty for the present Aulander Colored School lot and building, as hereinbefore described; being lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block 29 of the R. G. Dunning land as shown upon the map made by R. E. White, Engineer, dated March 17, 1918, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bertie County in Map Book 1, at page 7; and being the same land conveyed by deed from E. L. Rice and wife, Maude M. Rice, to M. B. Gillam, Esteus White, T. A. Smithwick, R. A. Urquhart and C. W. Mitchell, Jr., Board of Education, dated June 30, 1920, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bertie County in Book 209, at page 398 This deed shall provide: that possession of the lot and old school building shall be delivered to Wayland L. Jenkins on or before the 1st day of July, 1964; that Bertie County Board of Education shall not pay any rent to Wayland L. Jenkins for the use and occupancy of the land and building prior to July 1, 1964; and that until the delivery of possession of the premises to Wayland L. Jenkins, the Bertie County Board of Education shall keep the present frame Aulander Colored School Building adequately insured in the names of the Bertie County Board of Education and Wayland L. Jenkins, as their interests shall appear." +1961_session laws_969_2,project experts,1,session laws,968,1,"CHAPTER 968 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE AND ESTABLISH THE EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. WHEREAS, it has been established and recognized by educators special- izing in the education of the deaf throughout the United States that an enrollment of five hundred -500 students in a school is the maximum for effective work as well as skillful and competent education in this field; and WHEREAS, California, Pennsylvania and other states have recognized this standard or maximum enrollment by establishing new schools for the deaf when the level of enrollment of five hundred -500 persons or students was reached in existing schools; and WHEREAS, the current proposed appropriations will provide for an increase to five hundred -500 students at the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton during the 1961-1963 biennium and the Director of that school and the Board of Trustees at that school agree on the necessity for a new school for the deaf in North Carolina, preferably in Eastern North Carolina, and the necessity for its activation sometime in the bien- nium 1963-1965; and WHEREAS, O. H. Pons, President of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton, has been authorized by his Board of Directors to make a statement relating to this proposed school for the deaf which statement is as follows: It is the opinion of the Board of Directors and of the Administration that the School for the Deaf in Morganton has reached a maximum recom- mended size for ideal educational facilities for the deaf. The Board and the Administration favors new facilities in another location, rather than expanding at Morganton for future requirements due to ever increasing enrollment.; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the physical plant for an initial enroll- ment of one hundred -100 deaf students from preschool age through Grade 8 and the expansion to a student body of two hundred and fifty -250 with education through high school, when recommended by the Board of Directors two million fifty-seven thousand dollars ($2,057,000.00) would be required for capital improvements and renovations to the aforesaid buildings: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Chapter 116 of the General Statutes, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new Article which shall be designated as Article 20 and shall read as follows: Article 20 Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf Sec. 116-186. Incorporation and location. There is hereby established and there shall be maintained a school for the deaf of this State which shall be a corporation under the corporate name of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. 1270 As soon as practicable after its appointment as hereinafter provided for the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf shall meet with the Governor and consider sites, including the proposed site at Wilson, North Carolina, together with any other sites in Eastern North Carolina which may be offered as a location for the school. From all sites offered, the Governor and the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf shall designate that site considered most suitable as the location for the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf, and such school shall thereafter be known as the North Carolina School for the Deaf at ............ Sec. 116-187. Directors; terms; vacancies. The North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton and the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf shall be under the control and management of a board of directors consisting of eleven -11 members known as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf. The said board of directors, to be known as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf, shall be constituted and composed as follows: The Governor of North Carolina, within thirty days after the effective date of this Act, shall appoint eleven -11 members or directors for terms of four -4 years each from and after the date of their appointment, and these eleven -11 members shall constitute the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf. All directors appointed as herein provided shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor of North Carolina shall fill all vacancies in office of said directors arising because of death, resignation or any reason whatsoever. As soon as the Governor of North Carolina has appointed all directors, as herein provided, to serve as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf, the Board of Directors of the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton shall cease to exist and the general control, administration and supervision of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf and the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton shall be under the authority of the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf as herein constituted. The Governor shall transmit to the General Assembly at its next regular Session the names of his appointees for confirmation but the appointees of the Governor shall have the right to serve and act as said directors until their names are presented to the General Assembly for confirmation. The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the board of directors whenever in his opinion it is to the best interest of the State to remove such person, and the Governor shall not be required to give any reason for such removal. Sec. 116-188. Organization of board; other officials; salaries. The board of directors shall organize by appointing one of its number president and three an executive committee, who shall hold office for two years; they shall elect a superintendent for each school whose terms of office shall be three years, and such other officers, teachers, and agents as shall be deemed necessary, and shall fix the compensation of same. Sec. 116-189. Superintendent. The superintendents shall be teachers of knowledge, skill, and ability in their profession and experience in the management and instruction of the deaf. They shall possess good execu- 1271 tive ability and shall be the chief executive officers of the institutions. They shall devote their whole time to the supervision of the institution, and shall see that the pupils are properly instructed in the branches of learning and industrial pursuits as provided for in this Article, and under the supervision of the board. The board shall elect all teachers and subordinate officers by and with the consent and recommendation of the superintendents. Sec. 116-190. Pupils admitted; education. The board of directors shall, according to such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, on application, receive into the school for the purposes of education all white deaf children resident of the State not of confirmed immoral character, nor imbecile or unsound in mind or incapacitated by physical infirmity for useful instruction, who are between the ages of six and twenty-one years: Provided, that the board of directors may admit students under the age of six years when, in its judgment, such admission will be for the best interest of the applicant and the facilities of the school permit such admission. Only those who are bona fide citizens and/or residents of North Carolina shall be eligible to and entitled to receive free tuition and maintenance. The board of directors may fix charges and prescribe rules whereby nonresident deaf children may be admitted, but in no event shall the admission of nonresidents in any way prevent the attendance of any eligible deaf child, resident of North Carolina. The board shall provide for the instruction of all pupils in the branches of study now prescribed by law for the public schools of the State and in such other branches as may be of special benefit to the deaf. As soon as practicable, the boys shall be instructed and trained in such mechanical pursuits as may be suited to them, and in practical agriculture and subjects relating thereto; and the girls shall be instructed in sewing, housekeeping, and such arts and industrial branches as may be useful to them in making themselves self-supporting." +1961_session laws_22_34,project experts,0,session laws,21,33,CHAPTER 21 AN ACT PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HELD IN THE CITY OF GASTONIA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That all elections held in the City of Gastonia shall be held under the following rules and regulations:,"Ballots; Printing, Delivery, Accounting For, ete. The City Clerk shall cause to be printed by at least six days prior to the election the official ballots for the election, which shall contain the names of all candidates for election to each coffice who have filed as hereinbefore provided, or the questions or propositions to be voted on, which shall be printed on white paper with black ink and in a number at least equal to the registered voters of the City. Sample ballots of the official ballots shall be printed 24 in black ink on colored paper and with the words, sample ballot printed conspicuously thereon, and shall be printed in such number as the City Clerk determines necessary to distribute for instructing voters. The City Clerk shall cause to be delivered to the registrar for each election precinct at least one day before the election ballots equal at least in number to the voters registered in that election precinct, which shall be packaged and each package shall have written or stamped thereon the number of ballots contained in each package, and the registrar shall not open or unpackage said ballots until the date of the election and except at the polling place, and the registrars shall be responsible to safeguard the same until the election. Upon delivery of the ballots, the City Clerk shall cause to be obtained a receipt therefor from each registrar. Upon completion of the election each registrar shall return to the City Clerk all used ballots, as well as all unused and spoiled ballots, and shall render a full accounting of all ballots over his signature showing the number of ballots received, number used, number spoiled, etc. Upon the close of the counting of ballots as herein provided, the registrar shall replace the said ballots in the official ballot box, lock the same, and deliver it to the City Clerk." +1955_session laws_956_2,project experts,0,session laws,955,1,"CHAPTER 955 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER LXXV, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1808, DESIGNATING SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY AND AUTHORIZING SUCH TRUSTEES TO EXECUTE UNCONDITIONAL DEED FOR SCHOOL PROPERTY TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WASHINGTON CITY ADMINIS- TRATIVE UNIT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","L. H. Swindell, J. W. Oden and Harry S. Gurganus are named and designated as trustees of the Washington Academy, a body politic and corporate created and established by Chapter LXXV of the Laws of North Carolina of 1808, all of the successor trustees named in accordance with said Act being now dead; and the said L. H. Swindell, J. W. Oden and Harry S. Gurganus are hereby continued as a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated by the name of Trustees of the Washington Academy, and by that name shall have perpetual succession. The said Board of Trustees of Washington Academy are hereby authorized and empowered to convey to the Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit any real estate now owned by the said Board of Trustees of Washington Academy, and they are likewise authorized and empowered to quitclaim and release to the Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit any reversionary interest which they now have or may have at any time in the future in and to the tracts of land conveyed by the Trustees of Washington Academy to the Board of School Trustees of the Town of Washington by deed dated the 4th day of August, 1904, which is recorded in the Registers office of Beaufort County in Book 127 at page 581, and they are likewise fully authorized and empowered to withdraw and cancel any and all conditions contained in said deed as to the use of said property for school purposes for the white race or for the purpose of education of the white race, so that the said Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit may sell and convey an indefeasible and unconditional title in fee simple to the said property in the event the same is abandoned for use as school property. Provided, however, that in the event of such sale, the proceeds from the sale thereof shall be used for the purpose of purchasing another school site or for such other educational purpose as may be determined by the said Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit, and the said proceeds shall be used for no other purpose." +1955_session laws_239_8,project experts,1,session laws,238,7,CHAPTER 238 AN ACT TO TRANSFER ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE POWERS AND DUTIES RESPECTING THE STATE PRISON SYS- TEM FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COM- MISSION TO THE DIRECTOR OF PRISONS; TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF APPOINTING AND REMOVING THE DIRECTOR OF PRISONS AND OTHER PRISON PERSONNEL; AND TO PROHIBIT PRISON SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL FROM ENGAGING IN CER- TAIN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 148-36 is hereby rewritten to read as follows: G. S. 148-36. Director of Prisons to control prison camps.All prison camps established or acquired by the State Highway and Public Works Commission shall be under the administrative control and direction of the Director of Prisons, and operated under rules and regulations adopted and approved as provided in G. S. 148-11. Subject to such rules and regulations, the Director shall establish grades for prisoners according to conduct, and so far as possible introduce the honor system, and may transfer honor prisoners to honor camps. Prisoners may be transferred from one district camp to another, and the Director of Prisons may where it is deemed practical to do so establish separate camps.for white prisoners and colored prisoners. In each district camp, quarters shall be provided for the care and maintenance of such prisoners as may be sick or in need of special care. For each camp, a physician may be employed for such portion of his time as may be necessary, and prisoners may be used as attendants or nurses, Prisoners classified as having special qualifications to perform labor other than labor upon the public roads may be assigned to such special duties as the Director may determine. Personnel for such camps shall be empolyed by the Director of Prisons as provided in G. S. 148-1." +1953_session laws_999_3,project experts,0,session laws,997,2,"CHAPTER 997 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO CHAPTER FIFTEEN, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1923 RELATING TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ELIZABETH CITY IN PASQUOTANK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Corporate Limits. Beginning at a point on the Pasquotank River in the center line of the southern mouth of Knobbs Creek, thence up the center line of said creek to the intersection of the center line thereof with the northwardly prolongation of the East line of Fourth Street, thence southwardly along the northerly prolongation of the East side of Fourth Street to the North side of the right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, thence westwardly and southwardly along the northward and westward side of said right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railroad to a point 700 feet South of the South side of Main Street, thence eastwardly parallel with the South side of Main Street to the East side of what was formerly the old North Carolina State Highway, thence southwardly along the East side of what was formerly the old North Carolina State Highway to the North side of Church Street Extended, thence eastwardly along the North side of Church Street Extended and the North side of Church Street to a point which is opposite the East side of Pritchardtown Road, thence southwardly across Church Street and along the East side of Pritchardtown Road to the South side of McPherson Street, thence eastwardly along the South side of McPherson Street to the West side of Seldon Street, thence southwardly along the West side of Seldon Street to the South side of Ehringhaus Street, thence westwardly along the South side of Ehringhaus Street to the center line of the United States Government railroad track, thence southwardly along the center line of said railroad track to a point 150 feet South of the South side of Walkers Avenue, thence South 81 degrees 30 minutes East to the southwest corner of the P. W. Moore School grounds at the northwest side of Roanoke Avenue, 898 thence southeastwardly at right angles to Roanoke Avenue, crossing same, to the southeast side thereof, thence along the South side of Roanoke Avenue South 47 degrees 30 minutes West 380 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 88 degrees 30 minutes East 1100 feet to the northwest corner of the Highland Park Cemetery, thence South 5 degrees West 350 feet to the southwest corner of the Highland Park Cemetery, thence along the South side of said cemetery South 89 degrees East 400 feet to a point on the East side of Peartree Road, thence southwardly along the East side of Peartree Road to the southwest corner of the colored cemetery, thence along the South side of the colored cemetery to a branch known as Herrington Run, thence northwardly along the center line of said branch or creek to the East side of Euclid Avenue, thence southwardly along the East side of Euclid Avenue to the South side of C Street, thence eastwardly along the South side of C Street to the East side of Southern Avenue, thence southwardly along the East side of Southern Avenue a distance of 510 feet to the center line of a ditch, which ditch is 830 feet southwardly measured along the East side of Southern Avenue from the center line of Park Street, thence South 72 degrees 45 minutes East to the southwest corner of the Raleigh Park Subdivision, thence South 71 degrees East along the center of a ditch and the South line of the Raleigh Park Subdivision to the southwest corner of the Woodland Park Subdivision, thence eastwardly along the center line of said ditch and the South line of the Woodland Park Subdivision to the southeast corner of the Woodland Park Subdivision and the center line of another ditch, thence northwardly along the center line of the last mentioned ditch and the branch which runs to the East of the Woodland Park Subdivision, Williams Circle, and the Gaither property to the Pasquotank River, thence northwardly across Pasquotank River to a point opposite what was formerly the center of the southern mouth of Glovers Cut and 300 feet therefrom, thence westwardly to the southwest point of Machellne Island (sometimes know as Goat Island), thence westwardly, northwardly and eastwardly following the shore line of said island to a point in said shore line 300 yards from what was formerly the North mouth of Glovers Cut, thence northwestwardly to the point of beginning in the center line of the southern mouth of Knobbs Creek." +1947_session laws_819_7,project experts,0,session laws,818,6,CHAPTER 818 AN ACT ESTABLISHING A DIVISION OF SPECIAL IN- STRUCTION IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUB- LIC INSTRUCTION TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CLASSES OF IN- STRUCTION FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS; TO CONDUCT CLASSES OF SPE- CIAL INSTRUCTION FOR ADULT HANDICAPPED IN- DIVIDUALS; TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR INSTRUCTORS OF HANDI- CAPPED PERSONS AND TO FIX THEIR SALARIES; TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL GRANTS TO THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARDS FOR THE ADDED COSTS OF CONDUCTING SUCH SPECIAL CLASSES AND COURSES OF INSTRUCTION FOR HANDICAPPED . CHILDREN AND OTHER CHILDREN REQUIRING SPE- CIAL COURSES OF INSTRUCTION; TO REPEAL LAWS OR PARTS OF LAWS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of Education of any school district which has one or more handicapped individual, with the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education, may establish and organize suitable special classes or instruction in regular classes or in the homes and may provide special instruction as part of the school system for such handicapped individuals as are entitled to attend schools therein. In case of the deaf or the hard of hearing and speech defective children, if it is more economical to do so, the Director of Special Education, under the direction of the State Superintendent and with the approval of the State Board of Education, may set up facilities for a county-wide plan to provide itinerate lip reading or speech teachers. In the event there are not enough children of any special class, such children may be transferred to a school in a school district where such special classes have been established. Such transfers may be made by mutual agreement of the school authorities, subject to the approval of the Director of Special Education." +1947_session laws_538_6,project experts,1,session laws,537,5,"CHAPTER 537 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 122, 35 AND 130 RELATING TO HOSPITALS FOR THE MENTALLY DISORDERED, GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MENTALLY DISORDERED AND FEEBLE-MINDED, AND TO SURGICAL OPERATIONS ON INMATES IN STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section 122-3 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended by Chapter 952 of the Session Laws of 1945, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: SECTION 122-3. Division of patients among the several institutions under the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control. The State Hospital at Raleigh and the State Hospital at Morganton shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of white mentally disordered persons of the State, and the State Hospital at Goldsboro shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment for the colored mentally disordered, epileptic, feeble-minded, and inebriate of the State. White epileptics shall be admitted to the State Hospital at Raleigh as now provided by law, and may by action of the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control be transferred to another institution under the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control when in the opinion of the. Board such is in the best interests of the epileptic patients and the institutions. The North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control shall have the authority to establish rules and regulations not contrary to law governing the admission of persons to any State Hospital or other institution under its control which is now or may be established: Clerks of Superior Court of the several counties of the State may make commitments to such institutions in the Same manner now provided by law for the several State Hospitals and Caswell Training School. The North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control is hereby given authority to admit certain classes of patients to any one of the institutions under its control and shall notify the Clerks of Superior Court of its action. Sections 116-129 through 116- 137 shall apply to any colonies for feeble-minded persons and to feeble-minded persons held in any colonies providing that Section 116-135 shall apply only to Caswell Training School." +1947_session laws_227_2,project experts,1,session laws,226,1,"CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 134 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES BY REWRITING ARTICLE 9 THEREOF, CREATING A STATE BOARD OF CORRECTION AND TRAINING AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Chapter 134 of the General Statutes is hereby amended by rewriting Article 9 thereof in its entirety, so that said Article 9 shall read as follows: Art. 9 State Board of Correction and Training. G. S. 184-90. State Board of Correction and Training created. There is hereby created a State Board of Correction and Training to be composed of nine members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor of North Carolina. The Commissioner of Public Welfare shall be an ex officio member without voting power. The original membership of the board shall consist of three classes, the first class to serve for a period of two years from the date of appointment, the second class to serve for a period of four years from the date of appointment, and the third class to serve for a period of six years from the date of appointment. At the expiration of the original respective terms of office, all subsequent appointments shall be for a term of six years, except such as are made to fill unexpired terms. Five members of the board shall constitute a quorum. Members of the board shall serve for terms as prescribed in this Section, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the board whenever, in his opinion, such removal is in the best public interest, and the Governor shall not be required to assign any reason for any such removal. G. S. 134-91. Powers and duties of the State Board of Correction and Training. The following institutions, schools and agencies of this State; namely, the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School, the State Home and Industrial School for Girls, Dobbs Farms, the Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School for Boys, the Morrison Training School, and the State Training School for Negro Girls, together with all such other correctional State institutions, schools or agencies of a similar nature, established and maintained for the correction, discipline or training of delinquent minors, now existing or hereafter created, shall be under the management and administrative control of the State Board of Correction and Training. Wherever in General Statutes 134-1 to 134-48 inclusive or in General Statutes 134-67 to 134-89 inclusive, or in any other laws of this State, the words board of directors, board of trustees, board of managers, directors, trustees, managers, or board are used with reference to the governing body or bodies of the institutions, schools or agencies enumerated in 134-90, the same shall mean the State Board of Correction and Training provided for in General Statutes 134-90, and it shall be construed that the State Board of Correction and Training shall succeed to, exercise and perform all the powers conferred and duties imposed heretofore upon the separate boards of directors, trustees or managers of the several institutions, schools or agencies herein mentioned, and said powers and duties shall be exercised and performed as to each of the institutions by the State Board of Correction and Training herein provided for. The said board shall be responsible for the management of the said institutions, schools or agencies and the disbursement of appropriations made for the maintenance and permanent enlargement and repairs of the said institutions, schools or agencies subject to the provisions of the Executive Budget Act, and said board shall make report to the Governor annually, and oftener if called for by him, of the condition of each of the schools, institutions or agencies under its management and control, and shall make biennial reports to the Governor, to be transmitted by him to the General Assembly, of all moneys received and disbursed by each of said schools, institutions or agencies. The State Board of Correction and Training shall have full management and control of the institutions, schools and agencies named in this Article, and shall have power to administer these institutions, schools and agencies in the manner deemed best for the interest of delinquent boys and girls of all races. Similar provisions shall be made for white and negro children in separate schools. Indian children shall be provided for in a manner comparable to that afforded children of the white and negro races. Individual students may be transferred from one institution, school or agency to another, but this authority to transfer individual students does not authorize the consolidation or abandonment of any institution, school or agency. The Board of Correction and Training, subject to the approval of the Governor and the Advisory Budget Commission, is authorized to transfer the entire population at Dobbs Farm to the State Home and Industrial School for Girls and to utilize the present facilities at Dobbs Farm as a training school for negro girls. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby vested with administrative powers over the schools, institutions and agencies set forth in this Article, together with all lands, buildings, improvements, and other properties appertaining thereto, and the board is authorized and empowered to do all things necessary in connection therewith for the care, supervision and training of boys and girls of all races who may be received at any of such schools, institutions or agencies. G. S. 134-92. Organization of the Board. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby authorized and given full power to meet and organize, and from their number select a chairman and vice chairman. The Commissioner of Correction hereinafter provided for in this Article shall be executive secretary to the board. All officers of the board shall serve for a two-year period, which period shall be the same as the States fiseal biennium. G. S. 134-93. Meetings of the Board. The State Board of Correction and Training shall convene at least four times a year and at places designated by the board. Insofar as practicable, the place of meetings shall rotate among the several schools and institutions. G. S. 134-94. Executive Committees. The State Board of Correction and Training shall select from its number an executive committee of three members. The powers and duties of the executive committee shall be prescribed by the board and all actions of this committee shall be reported to the full board at the next succeeding meeting. In addition to the executive committee the board may set up such other committees as may be deemed necessary for the carrying out of the activities of the board. G. S. 134-95. By-laws; rules and regulations. The State Board of Correction and Training shall make all necessary by-laws, rules and regulations for its own use and for the governing and administering of the schools, institutions and agencies under its control. G. S. 134-96. Commissioner of Correction. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby authorized and empowered to employ a Commissioner of Correction who shall serve all schools, institutions and agencies covered by this Article. The board shall prescribe the duties and salary of the Commissioner of Correction, subject to the approval of the Director of the Budget. The board may employ secretarial help and such other assistants as in its judgment are necessary to give effect to this Article, subject, however, to the approval of the Director of the Budget. The Commissioner of Correction shall be a person of demonstrated executive ability and shall have such special education, training, experience and natural ability in welfare, educational and correctional work as are calculated to qualify him for the discharge of his duties, such training shall include special study in the social sciences and adequate institutional and practical experiences; and he must be a person of good character. He shall devote his full time to the duties of his employment and shall hold no other office, except that he shall serve as secretary to the State Board of Correction and Training. The salary of the Commissioner of Correction and his assistants and the expenses incident to maintaining his office, his travel expenses, and the expenses of the board members shall be paid out of special appropriations set up for the State Board of Correction and Training. The State Board of Public Buildings and Grounds shall provide suitable office space in the City of Raleigh for the Commissioner and his staff. G. S. 134-97. Compensation for members of the board. The members of the State Board of Correction and Training shall be paid the sum of seven dollars ($7.00) per day and actual expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. G. S. 134-98. Election of Superintendents. The State Board of Correction and Training shall elect a superintendent for each of the schools, institutions and agencies, covered by this Chapter. Each superintendent shall be equipped by professional social work training and experience to understand the needs and problems of adolescent boys and girls, to administer an institutional program and to direct professional staff members and other employees. The superintendents of the several institutions, schools and agencies shall be responsible, with the assistance of the Commissioner of Correction, for the employment of all personnel. The superintendents of the several schools and institutions shall likewise have the power to dismiss any employee for incompetence or failure to carry out the work assigned to him. The superintendents shall make monthly reports to the Commissioner of Correction on the conduct and activities of the schools, institutions or agencies, and on the boys and girls under their care, and such reports on the financial and business management of the schools, institutions or agencies as may be required by the Board of Correction and Training. G. S. 134-99. Bonds for superintendents and budget officers. All superintendents and budget officers shall before entering upon their duties make a good and sufficient bond payable to the State of North Carolina in such form and amount as may be specified by the Governor and approved by the State Treasurer. G. S. 184-100. Who may be committed. The schools, institutions and agencies enumerated, and others that now exist or may be hereafter established, shall accept and train all delinquent children of all races and creeds under the age of eighteen as may be sent by the judges of the juvenile courts or by judges of other courts having jurisdiction, provided such persons are not mentally or physically incapable of being substantially benefited by the program of the institution, school or agency. G. S. 134-101. Removal request by board. If any boy or girl under the care of a State school, institution or agency shall offer violence to a member of the staff or another boy or girl or do or attempt to do injury to the buildings, equipment, or property of the school, or shall by gross or habitual misconduct exert a dangerous or pernicious influence over other boys and girls, the Board of Correction and Training may request the court committing said boy or girl or any court of proper jurisdiction to relieve the school of the custody of the boy or girl. G. S. 134-102. Transfer by order of Governor. The Governor of the State may by order transfer any person under the age of eighteen years from any jail or prison in this State to one of the institutions, schools or agencies of correction. G. S. 134-103. Institution to be in position to care for offender before commitment. Before committing any person to the school, institution or agency, the court shall ascertain whether the school, institution or agency is in a position to care for such person and no person shall be sent to the school, institution or agency until the committing agency has received notice from the superintendent that such person can be received. It shall be at all times within the discretion of the State Board of Correction and Training as to whether the board will receive any qualified person into the school, institution or agency. No commitment shall be made for any definite term but any person so committed may be released or discharged at any time after commitment, as hereinafter provided in this Article. G. S. 134-104. Delivery to institution. It shall be the duty ot the county or city authorities from which the person is sent to the school, institution or agency by any court to see that such person is safely and duly delivered to the school, institution or agency to which committed and to pay all expenses incident to his or her conveyance and delivery to the said school, institution or agency. If the offender be a girl, she must be accompanied by a woman approved by the county superintendent of public welfare. G. S. 134-105. Return of boys and girls improperly committed. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the superintendent of a State school, institution or agency and the State Board of Correction and Training that any boy or girl committed to such school, institution or agency is not of a proper age to be so committed, or is not properly committed, or is mentally or physically incapable of being materially benefited by the services of such school, institution or agency, the superintendent, with the approval of the State Board of Correction and Training, may return such boy or girl to the committing court to be dealt with in all respects as though he or she had not been so committed. G. S. 134-106. Work to be conducted. There shall be established and conducted on such lands as may be owned in connection with the schools, institutions or agencies such trades, crafts, arts, and sciences suitable to the students and such teachings shall be done with the idea of preparing the students for making a living for themselves after release. Schools shall be maintained of public school standards and operated by teachers holding standard certificates as accepted in States system of public schools. A recreation program shall be maintained for the health and happiness of all students. The precepts of religion, ethics, morals, citizenship and industry shall be taught to all students. G. S. 134-107. Conditional release; superintendent may grant conditional release; revocation of release. The Board of Correction and Training shall have power to grant conditional release to any person in any school, institution or agency under its jurisdiction and may delegate this power to the superintendents of the various schools, institutions and agencies, under rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Correction and Training; such conditional release may be terminated at any time by written revocation by the superintendent, under rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Correction and Training, which written revocation shall be sufficient authority for any officer of the school, institution or agency, or any peace officer to apprehend any person named in such written revocation in any county of the State and to return such person to the institution. G. S. 184-108. Final discharge. Final discharge may be granted by the superintendent under rules adopted by the State Board ot Correction and Training at any time after admission to the school; provided, however, that final discharge must be granted any person upon reaching his twenty-first birthday. G. S. 184-109. Return of runaways. If a boy or girl runs away from a State school, institution or agency, the superintendent may cause him or her to be apprehended and returned to such school, institution or agency. Any employee of the school, institution or agency, or any person designated by the superintendent, or any official of the welfare department, or any peace officer may apprehend and return to the school, institution or agency, without a warrant, a runaway boy or girl in any county of the State, and shall forthwith carry such runaway to the school, institution or agency. G. S. 184-110. Aiding escapees; misdemeanor. It shall be unlawful for any person to aid, harbor, conceal, or assist in any way any boy or girl who is attempting to escape or who has escaped from any school, institution or agency of correction and any person rendering such assistance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. G. S. 134-111. State Board of Health to supervise sanitary and health conditions. The State Board of Health shall have general supervision over the sanitary and health conditions of the several schools, institutions and agencies and shall make periodic examinations of the same and report to the State Board of Correction and Training the conditions found with respect to the sanitary and hygienic care of the students. G. S. 134-112. Care of persons under Federal jurisdiction. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby empowered to make and enter into contractual relations with the proper official of the United States for admission to the State schools, institutions and agencies of such Federal juvenile delinquents committed to the custody of such Attorney General as provided in the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act as would profit from the program and services of the schools, institutions or agencies. G@. S) 134-113: Term: of Contract. Any contract made under the authority and provision of this Article shall be for a period of not more than two years and shall be renewable from time to time for a period of not to exceed two years. G. S. 134-114. Approval by State Budget Bureau. Any contract entered into under the provisions of this Article with the office of the United States Attorney General, the Bureau of Prisons of the United States Department of Justice, or necessary Federal agency by any of the contracting institutions for the care of any persons coming within the provisions of this Article shall not be less than the current estimated cost per capita at the time of execution of the contract, and all such financial provisions of any contract, before the execution of said contract shall have the approval of the State Budget Bureau." +1895_public laws_123_4,project experts,0,public laws,122,3,"CHAPTER 122 An act to prevent the adulteration, misbranding and sale of foods. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of this act an article shall be deemed to be adulterated in case of food or drink, first: If any substance, or substances, has or have been mixed and packed with it so as to reduce, or lower, or injuriously affect, its quality or strength, so that such product, when offered for sale, shall be calculated and shall tend to deceive the purchaser; second, if any inferior substance or substances, has or have been substituted, wholly or in part, for the article, so that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser; third, if any valuable constituent of the article has been, wholly or in part, abstracted, so that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser ; fourth, if it be an imitation of, or sold under, the specific name, brand or trade-mark of another article; fifth, if it be mixed, colored, powdered or stained in a manner, whereby damage is concealed, so that such product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser; sixth, if it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to the health of the person consuming it; seventh, if it consists, of the whole or any part, of a discarded, filthy, decomposed or putrid animai or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if itis the product of a diseased animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter: Provided, that an article of food which does not contain any added poisonous ingredient shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded, in the following eases: First, in the case of mixtures or compounds which may be now, or from time to time hereafter, known as articles of food under their own distinctive names, and not included in definition fourth of this section ; second, in the ease of articles labeled, branded or tagged so as to plainly indicate that they are mixtures, compounds, combinations or blends; third, when any matter or ingredient has been added to the food because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof as an article of commerce ina state fitter for carriage or consumption and not fraudulently increase the bulk, weight or measure of the food or conceal the inferior quality thereof: Provided, that the same shall be labeled, branded or tagged so as to show them to be compounds: And provided, further, that nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring or compelling manufacturers of articles of food to disclose their trade formulas ; fourth, when the food is unavoidably mixed with some extraneous matter in the process of collection or preparation. ;" +1917_private laws_100_2,project experts,1,private laws,99,1,CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS RELATING TO THE SCHOOL AT HOPE MILLS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory described in section one of chapter one hundred and sixty-eight of the Private Laws of North Carolina of one thousand nine: hundred and three, embracing what is now known as The Hope Mills Graded School District, be and it is hereby declared a public school district for white and colored children, which shall be under the jurisdiction and subject to the control of the State Board of Education and the board of education of Cumberland County, and subject to the laws and regulations of said boards, and shall be known as one of the public school districts of Cumberland County." +1917_private laws_99_3,project experts,1,private laws,98,2,"CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO CREATE THE CROSS CREEK CEMETERY COM- MISSION, TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF A CEMETERY IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, PRIVATE LAWS 1873-74. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the objects of said corporation shall be to provide for, maintain, and control suitable burial grounds for the white race of the city of Fayetteville; and to this end it is authorized and empowered to take by deed, will, or otherwise, any real and personal property, and to hold and use the same for such purpose; and to pass and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws as from time to time may be deemed necessary and proper to maintain such property in good and improved condition, and to protect and preserve the same from injury and trespass." +1913_public local laws_255_3,project experts,1,public local laws,254,2,CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of education of said New Hanover County is authorized and empowered to maintain and support out of the public school funds of said county an industrial school for the colored race, which shall be open to all the colored children of said county, under such restrictions as the board of education may fix as to grades of work and other qualifications; and the said board of education may elect three school committeemen as other school committeemen are elected, for the management of said school." +1915_public laws_268_2,project experts,1,public laws,267,1,"CHAPTER 267 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 4221 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHANGING THE NAME OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE COLORED RACH TO THE NEGRO AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That section four thousand two hundred and twenty-one of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words in line four thereof The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race and inserting in lieu thereof the words The Negro Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina. +1915_public laws_99_18,project experts,1,public laws,98,17,CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of six thousand ($6,000) dollars is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage for the colored race located at Oxford, and the further sum of two thousand five hundred dollars is appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, for the purpose of paying off the debts of said institution." +1915_public laws_63_6,project experts,1,public laws,62,5,"CHAPTER 62 AN ACT TO PROMOTE ECONOMY IN THE PUBLIC PRINTING, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following institutions, and all others sustained by appropriations from the state treasury be and they are required to furnish to the Commissioner of Labor and Printing not later than December fifteenth of each biennial period a duplicate of the report required to be furnished to the governor for his use and for the records of his office, for: inclusion in the public documents. Not to exceed two hundred copies of such report may be furnished to the executive head of such institutions; The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Raleigh; The North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh; The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, Greensboro; The North Carolina Institution for the Blind and the Deaf, Raleigh; The Normal Department of Cullowhee High School, Painter; The Appalachian Training School, Boone; The North Carolina School for the Deaf and Dumb, Morganton; The Central Hospital, Raleigh; The State Hospital, Morganton; The State Hospital (colored), Goldsboro; The State Prison, Raleigh; the Eastern Carolina Teachers Training School, Greenville; The State Board of Health, including the Bureau of Vital Statistics, the State Laboratory of Hygiene and the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Montrose: Provided, that these reports shall carry only such matters as are essential to a proper understanding of the work and purposes of the institution, together with a financial statement covering the previous biennial period ending December first." +1913_public laws_150_2,project experts,1,public laws,149,1,"CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 81 AND 89 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA, AND CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, 1909, AND 1911 OF NORTH CAROLINA, BEING PARTS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter eighty-nine of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Strike out section four thousand one hundred and sixteen and insert in lieu thereof the following: 4116. Apportionment of school funds; reservation of contingent fundThe county board of education shall, on the first Monday in January and the first Monday in July of each year, apportion the school fund of the county to the various school districts; but it shall, before apportioning the school fund reserve as a contingent fund an amount sufficient to pay the salary of the county superintendent and per diem and expense of the county board of education; and may further reserve as a fund for building and repairing schoolhouses and for equipment, in counties with a total school fund of five thousand dollars or less, not more than twenty per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of over five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars, not more than sixteen per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of-over ten thousand dollars and not more than twenty-five thousand dollars, not more than ten per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of over twenty-five thousand dollars, not more than seven and a half per centum thereof, to be used as directed in section four thousand one hundred and twenty-four. It shall be the duty of the county board of education to distribute and apportion the school money so as to give to each school in the county for each race the same length of school term, as nearly as may be, each year. In making the apportionment the board shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers required in each school for each race. As soon as the apportionments are made, it shall be the duty of the board to notify the school committeemen and the treasurer of the county school fund of the amount apportioned to each school, designating each school by number, and stating whether for white, colored or Indian, and naming the township and county. Funds unused by any district during any year shall, if still unused at the January meeting subsequent to the close of the school year, be returned to the general school fund for reapportionment, unless such district shall have been prevented from using such funds during that year by providential or other unavoidable causes. Provided, that in the discretion of the county board of education it may also reserve sufficient: funds, after first providing for a six months school term in every school district, to pay a part of the cost, not to exceed one-half, necessary to employ a capable physician for his entire time as county health officer whose election meets with the approval of said board and whose duties shall be specified by the county board of health to embrace those provided for in that part of section eleven, chapter sixty-two, of the public health laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, relating to the medical inspection of schools and school children; and he shall lecture to the teachers in their meetings and supply them with printed instructions regarding measures for the proper care of the body, the recognition and prevention of disease, the recognition, prevention and correction of physical defects, etc.; and he shall-keep an accurate daily record of the work he does under the provisions of this act and make weekly, monthly or quarterly reports giving such information as may be called for by blanks to be furnished by and returned to both the county board of education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; and if the county health officer should neglect for a period of ninety days to carry out the spirit of this act, unless his entire time should be required to fight an epidemic of some contagious or infectious disease, the county board of education may in its discretion withdraw its financial aid in his employment. . (b) Strike out section four thousand one hundred and thirtyone and insert in lieu thereof the following: . ' The county board of education or the board of trustees of any incorporated or chartered graded school district may receive suitable sites for schoolhouses or school buildings by donation or purchase. In case of purchase the county board of education, or any board of trustees aforesaid, shall issue an order on its treasurer for the purchase money, and upon payment of the order the title to the site shall vest in the corporation in fee simple. Whenever the boards above mentioned are unable to obtain a suitable site for a school or school building, by gift or purchase, such board shall report to the county superintendent of public instruction, who shall, upon five days notice to the owner or owners of the land, apply to the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the land is situated for the appointment of three appraisers, who shall lay off by metes and bounds not more than two acres and assess the value thereof. The same means may be used to obtain more land in a district where there is a house or a site previously obtained, but not more than three acres shall be procured, including the site already obtained. They shall make a written report of their proceedings, to be signed by them, or by a majority of them, to the clerk within five days from their appointment, who shall enter the same upon records of the court. The appraisers and officers shall serve without compensation. If the report is confirmed by the clerk, the chairman and the secretary of the board shall issue an order on the treasurer of the county school fund, or, if-a graded school district, upon the treasurer of the graded school district, in favor of the owner of the land thus laid off, and upon the payment or offer of payment of this order the title to such land shall vest in fee simple in the corporation. Any person aggrieved by the action of the appraisers may appeal to the Superior Court in term, upon giving bond to secure the board against such costs as may be incurred on account of the appeal not being prosecuted with effect. (c) Amend subsection (h) of section one of chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the Public Laws of nineteen hundred and eleven of North Carolina, amending section four thousand one hundred and thirty-three of The Revisal of nineteen hundred and five, as follows: After the word therein, in line six of said subsection (h), and before the word and, insert the words or in the printed annual school report of said county. (d) At the end of section four thousand one hundred and thirty-five as amended add the following: - Provided, that any county whose total school fund does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars may unite with any adjoining county and by agreement between the county boards of education of the two counties, meeting in joint session, may employ a county superintendent who shall devote his entire time to supervising impartially the educational work of the counties thus employing him. The agreement between the two county boards thus jointly employing one county superintendent, as to the apportionment of his salary and expenses, the division of his time, and all other essential details, shall be recorded in full in the minutes of the board of education. of each county. (e) After the word July in line three of section four thousand one hundred and forty-five, strike out all words up to and including the word qualified, in line nine, and insert in lieu thereof the following: One thousand nine hundred and thirteen, appoint in each of the townships of the county three intelligent men of good business qualifications who are known to be in favor of public education, who shall serve as follows: One for three years, one for two years, and one for one year from the date of their appointment as school committeemen in their respective townships and until their successors are elected and qualified. On the first Monday in July of each succeeding year, the board of education shall appoint one member of the school committee in place of the member whose term of office has just expired, and who shall continue in office for a period of three years and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. In line twenty of said section, after the word committee strike out the sentence commencing with the word The and ending with the word qualified, in line twenty-seven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: The county board of education in each county may if it deems best on the first Monday in July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, instead of electing township committeemen, elect for each school of the several townships three school committeemen of intelligence and good business qualifications who are known to be in favor of public education, who shall serve as follows: One for three years, one for two years, and one for one year from the date of their appointment as committeemen and until their successors are appointed and qualified. And the board of education shall, on the first Monday of July of each succeeding year, appoint one member of the school committee in place of the member whose term of office has just expired, and who shall continue in office for a term of three years and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. (f) Strike out the sentence beginning with the word The, in line seven of section four thousand one hundred and sixty-one, and ending with the word committee, in line eleven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: The county board of education of each county shall fix annually a day and place in each township for the meeting of the township or district committeemen of said township, who shall, in conference with the county superintendent, with whom application must have previously been filed by all applicants, select the teachers for their respective schools, except for rural public high schools: Provided, that no election of any teacher or of any assistant teacher shall be deemed valid until such election has been approved by the county superintendent. (g) In line five of section four thousand and fifty-three, after the word schoolhouse and before the word in, insert the following words: Or dormitories for rural high schools and county farm life schools. (h) Insert the words justices of the peace in line three of section four thousand one hundred and eight after the word courts and before the word and in said line; after the word accrued, at end of said section, add the words, this information to be furnished on blanks prepared by the State Department of Public Instruction. -1 After the word of and before the word county, in line two of section four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight, strike out the word the and insert in lieu thereof the word any; and after the word county and before'the word school, in said line, insert the words town or city. (j) At the end of section four thousand one hundred and sixtyfour add the following: The county board of education of each and every county is hereby authorized and directed tc provide for the prompt payment of all teachers salaries due at the end of each school month. (k) After the word board and before the word but, in line eleven of section four thousand one hundred and ninteen, insert the words until the next General Assembly meets and acts: Provided, that this act shall not apply to vacancies heretofore filled under this section. -1 After the word attendance, in line five of section four thousand one hundred and sixty-four and before the word the in said line, insert the following words, the number of pupils completing the elementary grades. (m) After the word term in line five and before the word no in said line, in section four thousand one hundred and sixtythree, insert the following words, no assistant teacher shall be employed in any one-teacher school until the average daily attendance shall-have reached at least forty pupils, and in case the reports of any teacher shall for four consecutive weeks show an average daily attendance of less than forty pupils the assistant teacher may be dismissed." +1913_public laws_107_23,project experts,1,public laws,106,22,CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That of the foregoing appropriations, the following amounts appropriated in this act for permanent improvements are to be provided for by the issuance and sale of bonds in the way designated by an act of the General Assembly ratified at this session of the Legislature, to wit: State Hospital at Morganton.................. $50,000.00 Goldsboro Hospital for Colored Race.......... 25,000.00 Agricultural College at Raleigh.............. 25,000.00 University of North Carolina................. 100,000.00 Normal and Industrial School, Greensboro.... 50,000.00 A. & M. College, Greensboro, for Colored Race. 17,500.00 Appalachian Training School................. 15,000.00 Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School...... 15,000.00 East Carolina Teachers Training School...... 40,000.00 Tuberculosis Hospital, Montrose.............. 20,000.00 Land for Blind School...............c0cceeees 30,000.00" +1913_public laws_107_22,project experts,1,public laws,106,21,CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of twelve thousand five hundred ($12,- 500.00) dollars is hereby annually appropriated for the years one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and one thousand nine hundred and fourteen for the support and maintenance of the A. & M. College for the Colored Race, located at Greensboro; and the further sum of seventeen thousand five hundred ($17,500.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution." +1913_public laws_107_18,project experts,1,public laws,106,17,CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage for the Colored Race, located at Oxford; and the further sum of four thousand ($4,000.00) dollars is appropriated for the year one.thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution. 7" +1913_public laws_107_17,project experts,1,public laws,106,16,CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of ninety thousand ($90,000.00) dollars is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital for the Colored Race at Goldsboro; and the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution. " +1913_public laws_107_8,project experts,1,public laws,106,7,CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, for the benefit of the State School for the colored race, located at Winston-Salem, one-half of said sum to be used in making improvements at said school, and the other half for the purchase of real property adjoining the real estate now owned by said school." +1913_public laws_34_9,project experts,1,public laws,33,8,CHAPTER 33 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A SIX MONTHS SCHOOL TERM IN EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter five hundred and eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine of North Carolina is hereby repealed, and the following is hereby substituted and enacted in lieu thereof: On or before the first Monday in June of each and every year the county board of education of each county shall ascertain the amount of money needed to maintain the public schools of such county for four months during the succeeding school year. The county board of education, using as a basis the receipts for school purposes during the current school year ending June thirtieth thereafter, shall ascertain the amount that will be available for school purposes from the general school tax, from fines, forfeitures, and penalties, and from the annual per capita appropriation to the county from the special state appropriation for public schools under this act. If the amount received and to be received from these sources is less than the amount ascertained to be needed for a full four months school term in every public school district of the county, said county board of education shall submit to the board of county commissioners of said county an itemized statement of the amounts needed for supervision, for administration, for buildings and repairs, for salaries of teachers, and for all other expenses allowed by law. The statement shall also set forth the number of teachers, white and colored, to be employed in each district, and the salary of each teacher in each district. The limitation placed by law on each of these objects shall not be exceeded. It shall thereupon be the duty of the board of county commissioners to levy a special tax on all property, real and personal, and on all taxable polls, subject to the constitutional limitation as to poll tax, in said county sufficient to supply the deficiency needed for the support and maintenance of the public schools of said county for four months in each school district: Provided, that no county shall be compelled to levy a special tax of more than fifteen cents on every hundred dollars value of property, real and personal, and fortytive cents on every taxable poll for said purpose. The said tax shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected, and the funds derived therefrom shall be apportioned and expended by the county board of education for maintaining one or more public schools in each school district for a term of four months in each year. In the event of a disagreement between the county board of education and the board of county commissioners as to the amount of the deficiency to be supplied for a four months school, and as to the rate of tax to be levied therefor, or of the refusal of any board of county commissioners to levy said tax, the county beard of education shall bring an action in the nature of mandamus against the board of county commissioners to compel the levying of such special tax in the manner and form as provided in sections eight hundred and twenty-two and eight hundred and twenty-four of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina, and it shall be the duty of the judge hearing the same to find the facts as to the amount needed and the amount available from the sources herein specified, which finding shall be conclusive, and to give judgment requiring the county commissioners to levy the sum which he shall find necessary to maintain the schools for four months in said county. No county shall receive any part of the State equalizing school fund provided by this act until it shall have levied the special tax herein required of it for a four months school term in every school district. ," +1917_public laws_36_3,project experts,1,public laws,35,2,"CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, VOLUME II, OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, IN RELATION TO STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND THE DEAF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of directors of. the said School for the Blind and the Deaf may term the head teacher of the white department principal, and the chief officer at the colored department principal of the colored department." +1911_public laws_122_18,project experts,1,public laws,121,17,CHAPTER 121 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, located at Greensboro; and the further sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500) is hereby annually appropriated for buildings and other necessary permanent improvements." +1911_public laws_122_4,project experts,1,public laws,121,3,CHAPTER 121 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000) is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Orphan Asylum for the Colored Race, located at Oxford." +1911_public laws_85_13,project experts,0,public laws,84,12,CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY FARM-LIFE SCHOOLS AND FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME- MAKING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"No person shall be employed as principal in charge of any county farm-life school who does not hold a_ high-school teachers certificate on all required subjects except Latin, Greek, and modern languages, including an additional certificate from the State Board of Examiners and the president of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, stating that he has furnished satisfactory evidence to them of his qualifications by special training and practical experience for said position. And no person shall be employed in the department of said county farm-life school for the special training of girls for home-making and housekeeping on the farm who does not hold a_ high-school teachers certificate on all required subjects except Latin, Greek, and modern languages, including an additional certificate from the State Board of Examiners and the president of the State Normal and Industrial College, stating that such person has furnished to them satisfactory evidence of qualifications by special training and practical experience for said position." +1909_public laws_748_2,project experts,1,public laws,747,1,"CHAPTER 747 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A DORMI- TORY AT THE COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM AT OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas the Colored Orphan Asylum at Oxford is overcrowded and the buildings are in very bad condition, and it is necessary to have more room to accommodate the orphans, who should be properly taken care of: now, therefore, ; The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That whenever the superintendent and board of trustees of the said Colored Orphan Asylum shall raise the sum of five thousand dollars in cash, the Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated a sum of five thousand dollars, which, together with the sum raised by said superintendent and board of trustees, shall be used for the erection and equipment of a brick building to be used as a dormitory for said orphan children." +1909_public laws_450_11,project experts,1,public laws,449,10,CHAPTER 449 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race at Greensboro, and the further sum of four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars ($4,350) is hereby annually appropriated for the years one thousand nine hundred and nine and one thousand nine hundred and ten for repairs, improvements and sewerage of said institution." +1909_public laws_450_6,project experts,1,public laws,449,5,CHAPTER 449 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital at Goldsboro for the colored race." +1909_public laws_396_23,project experts,1,public laws,395,22,"CHAPTER 395 AN ACT TO GRANT A NEW CHARTER TO THE CITY OF HIGH POINT, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REPEALING ALL LAWS OR PARTS OF LAWS IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Public Free Schools.tThe city of High Point shall constitute an independent public-school district, for both white and colored, to be known and designated as the High Point Gradedschool District, subject to the general laws of the State, except where in conflict with this act, and the city shall have authority to levy and collect taxes and appropriate funds for the support and maintenance of the public schools within its limits. School CommissionersThe commissioners to constitute the school board of said city, as constituted and established under the Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, chapter three hundred and ninety-two, shall be appointed by the city council and shail have entire and exclusive control of the said school property, and shall employ and fix compensation of officers and teachers, and shall do all other acts that may be necessary, just ahd lawful for the successful management of the said graded schools: Provided, that the school commissioners now in office shall continue to serve till the expiration of their respective terms; and all vacancies caused by death, resignation or in any other manner shall be filled by appointment in the same manner for the unexpired term. The regular terms of members of the school board shall be three years, and the regular appointment of members shall be made at the first meeting of the council in June of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable, and the necessary number of school commissioners shall be appointed to take the places of those whose terms have expired. ae ae ee See pee 8 er ee How Funds are to be Paid Out.No school funds shall be paid out except upon pay rolls or warrants signed by the chairman of the school board. No member of the school board shall receive any compensation for his services in any capacity whatever nor be interested directly or indirectly in any contract with or claim or demand of any character against the school board of the city of High Point. Any such contract, claim or demand shall be void, and any member of said board who shall become interested in any such contract, claim or demand, or shall buy or sell any school warrants or obligations of said school board, shall be subject to removal by the city council. Financial Statement of School Board.It shall be the duty of the school board to make a financial statement to the mayor of the city, on or before first day of June of each year, giving a full and complete report of their operations for the previous year. The provisions of chapter three hundred and ninety-two of the Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by chapter two hundred and seventy-nine, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one, shall be considered a part of this act." +1909_public laws_338_2,project experts,1,public laws,337,1,"CHAPTER 337 AN ACT TO VALIDATE A CERTAIN SPECIAL SCHOOL-TAX ELECTION AND TO APPROPRIATE CERTAIN MONEYS TO THE SCHOOL FUND IN SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1, MADI- SON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That-a certain special school-tax election held in Marshall School District, Number One, Madison County, for the white race, on the twentieth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seven, wherein a majority of the qualified voters of said school district voted for special tax, be and the same is hereby validated, ratified and confirmed in all respects, and is declared to be of full force and effect." +1907_public laws_857_2,project experts,1,public laws,856,1,CHAPTER 856 AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS ; FOR THE COLORED RACE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section four thousand one hundred and eightytwo of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina be and the same is hereby amended as follows: In line two thereof, after the words a board of and before the word directors, strike out the word five and insert the word six. In line eight, after the word education, strike out the words and in the State Board of Examiners. Add at the end of section four thousand one hundred And eighty-two the following: Two members of these boards of directors shall serve two years, and two six years; and they shall be appointed in May, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and thereafter as vacancies occur by the expiration of the term of office of each, his successor shall be appointed by the State Board of Education for a term of six years, and vacancies occurring by resignation or death, or otherwise, of any member of said Board of Directors before the expiration of his term of office, shall be filled by the State Board of Education for the unexpired term. The Boards of Directors of each school shall elect one of their number chairman, one secretary and one treasurer. All accounts or bills must be approved by the chairman and secretary before being paid by the treasurer. The State Board of Education may elect a Superintendent of these colored normal schools and of the Croatan Normal School, and shall fix his salary; his duties shall beoutlined by the State Board of Education, and he shall perform such other duties in the educational department of the State as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may direct; his salary and expenses shall be paid out of the annual appropriations for the State normal schools for the colored race upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction." +1907_public laws_821_14,project experts,1,public laws,820,13,CHAPTER 820 AN ACT TO STIMULATE HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE AND TEACHER TRAINING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the object in establishing and maintaining said school shall be to give to young white men and women such education and training as shall fit and qualify them for teaching in the public schools of North Carolina. And the Board of Trustees hereinafter provided for in prescribing the course of study of said school shall lay special emphasis on those subjects taught in the public schools of the State, and in the art and science of teaching. And in no event shall they prescribe a curriculum beyond that which would fit and prepare astudent for unconditional entrance into the freshman class of the University of North Carolina." +1907_public laws_821_12,project experts,1,public laws,820,11,CHAPTER 820 AN ACT TO STIMULATE HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE AND TEACHER TRAINING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That there shall be established and maintained at some suitable point in eastern North Carolina a teachers training school for the training of young white men and women under the corporate name of the East Carolina Teachers Training School. +1911_public laws_122_8,project experts,1,public laws,121,7,CHAPTER 121 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000) is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital for the Colored Race, located at Goldsboro; and the further sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) is hereby appropriated annually for years one thousand nine hundred and eleven and one thousand nine hundred and twelve, for fire-escapes and other necessary improvements. :" +1917_public laws_178_2,project experts,1,public laws,146,1,CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"There shall be and is hereby constituted a State] Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors, which shall consist of six membersthree men and three womenof recognized ability, character, professional training, and successful experience in teaching or in supervising schools, to be designated as Institute Conductors, who shall be appointed by the Governor of the State, . three for a term of two years, three for a term of four years, and | their successors for a term of four years. All vacancies occurring in the membership of said board by death or resignation or otherwise shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired term. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be ex officio chairman of said board, and the State Supervisor of Teacher-Training and Superintendent of the State Normal Schools for the Colored Race and the Cherokee Indians shall be ex officio secretary. The salary of each institute conductor shall be fixed by the State Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the executive committee of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly, at a sum not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars per year exclusive of expenses. For immoral conduct, incompetency, failure to perform duty, or other good and sufficient cause, the State Board of Education may remove from office any member of said Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors, after due notice in writing to said member of the charges, who shall be given at least five days to appear and answer and offer evidence, and who shall have the right of appeal from the action of the State Board of Education to the courts of the State." +1917_public laws_178_9,project experts,1,public laws,146,8,CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors shall plan, direct, and the six members of the board designated herein as institute conductors shall conduct, biennially in each county in North Carolina a county teachers institute for not less than two weeks for the public school teachers of said county, at such time and place therein as may be designated by said board, having due regard .in fixing the time and place to the convenience of the teachers and the recommendations of the county board of education and county superintendent. All public school teachers of the State, rural and urban, including all public high school teachers, principals, supervisors, and superintendents, are hereby required to attend biennially some county institute continuously for two weeks or some summer school for teachers accredited by said board, continuously for one entire term of such summer schools, unless excused from attendance by said board for sickness evidenced by the certifigate of a physician, or for other cause adjudged by the board to be providential. Failure to attend such institute or accredited summer school, unless so excused, shall debar any person so failing from teaching or supervising in any public school, high school, urban or rural, until such person shall have attended some county institute or summer school as herein required; and said board is authorized to cancel the certificate of any person failing to comply with the provisions of this section. Said board shall provide for separate county institutes for the teachers of each race, and is further authorized to provide for joint county institutes for two or more counties for the teachers of either race, and to provide for holding the county institute of any county in which an accredited summer school is conducted in conjunction with said summer school. Said board is hereby authorized to employ competent negro teachers to assist in conducting the county institutes for negro teachers and to fix their compensation, which shall be paid out of the funds provided in this act. That the schedule of institutes shall be arranged annually so as not to interrupt the regular session of the public schools, rural or urban, in any county, except with the consent of the county board of education, or the trustees of urban schools operated under special charters." +1919_public laws_103_7,project experts,1,public laws,102,6,"CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SIX MONTHS SCHOOL TERM IN EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE STATH IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 3, ARTICLE 9, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","On or before the first Monday in May of each year the county board of education shall submit an itemized county school budget to the county commissioners, setting forth the amount of money heeded to maintain the public schools of the county six: months for the succeeding school year. Said budget shall also set forth the number of teachers (white and colored) employed in xach district and the sulary fixed for each teacher, and such other information as may be required by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the blanks to be furnished by him to each county board of education. Said budget shall be sworn to and subscribed by the chairman of the county board of education and the county superintendent of schools. A copy thereof shall also be filed in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. It shall then be the duty of the board of county commissioners, after deducting the amount to be received from the State Public School Fund, to levy annually a special tax on all property, real and personal, and on all taxable polls, subject to the constitutional limitation of the poll tax, in said county, sufficient to supply the deficiency shown by said budget to be needed for the support and maintenance of the public schools of said county for six months in each school district. The said tax shall be annually levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected. and the funds derived therefrom, together with other school funds in their hands, shall be apportioned and expended by the county board of education for maintaining one or more public schools in each school district for a term of six months in each year: Provided, that no county shall be compelled to levy a special county tax of more than thirty-five cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of property, real and personal, and a corresponding tax on every taxable poll for said purpose, except as provided in section seven of this act: and after every county shall have levied and collected the special county tax to the limit stated above, if the funds derived therefrom may be insufficient therefor, said county shall receive from the State Public School Fund an apportionment sufficient to bring the school term in every school district to six months." +1913 extra_private laws_107_2,project experts,1,private laws,106,1,"CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE TABOR SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 11, FOR THE WHITE AND COLORED RACES OF COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of Columbus County, upon a written application of a majority of the board of trustees of the Tabor Supplemental School District, Number Eleven, for the white and colored races, hereinafter called the Tabor District, is authorized and directed to submit, on the first Tuesday in January, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, to the qualified voters of said Tabor District, under such rules and regulations as now exist or may be hereafter established for the election of members of the General Assembly, the question of issuing bonds for the erection of a suitable school building in said district, to take the place of the present building, which is inadequate for present needs, and at such election each voter shall be entitled to vote a written or printed ballot with the words For Building Bonds or Against Building Bonds thereon." +1913 extra_private laws_30_4,project experts,1,private laws,29,3,"CHAPTER 29 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 OF PRIVATE LAWS OF 1911, RELATIVE TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said library for the colored race shall have a separate board of managers, to be appointed in the manner hereinbefore provided." +1921 extra_public laws_71_2,project experts,1,public laws,70,1,"CHAPTER 70 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL OF STATE TO APPLY THE FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO A REFORMATORY FOR THE NEGRO RACE TO THE COLORED OXFORD ORPHANAGE AT OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas the General Assembly of North Carolina at the regular session of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one appropriated the sum of ten thousand dollars annually for the support and maintenance of the Colored Reformatory or the Colored Industrial and Training School; and, Whereas the General Assembly has also appropriated the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for the erection of a building for such reformatory or training school, the location of the same to be decided upon; and, Whereas the location of the said reformatory has not been decided upon and the said reformatory has not been constructed and cannot be constructed for some time; and, Whereas the Oxford Colored Orphanage at Oxford, North Caro- lina, is now taking care of certain negro boys and girls who can- not properly be disposed of by the court under present conditions : Therefore, eS ee ee The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Governor and Council of State be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to apply such amount of the sum appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Colored Reformatory or the Colored Industrial and Training School to the Oxford Colored Orphanage, at Oxford, North Carolina, as the Governor and Council of State may deem wise and advisable." +1941_public laws_324_3,project experts,1,public laws,323,2,"CHAPTER 323 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE CHEROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL OF ROBESON COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section three of Chapter two hundred and seventy-six of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out in line four of said section the word principal and inserting in lieu thereof the word president; and that said section be further amended by striking out in line five the words Cherokee Indian State Normal School and inserting in lieu thereof the words, Pembroke State College for Indians." +1941_public laws_242_2,project experts,0,public laws,241,1,"CHAPTER 241 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE, AS AMENDED, AND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND SIX OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE, AS AMENDED, TO INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - OF THE MORRISON TRAINING SCHOOL FROM EIGHT TO TEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Chapter one hundred and ninety of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, as amended by Chapter three hundred and six of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, and Chapter three hundred and six of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, as amended by Chapter sixty-three of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, insofar as they relate to the Morrison Training School, be further amended by increasing the membership of the Board of Trustees of the Morrison Training School from eight to ten." +1941_public laws_108_16,project experts,1,public laws,107,14,"CHAPTER 107 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MAIN- TENANCE OF THE STATES DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, INSTITUTIONS, AND AGENCIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: GENERAL FUND","The appropriations made to the Oxford Colored Orphanage under Title V-sixteen, Section one, of this Act shall be available only if and when the expenditure shall be recommended by the trustees of the institution appointed by the Governor of the State, and the expenditures shall be under the supervision of said trustees." +1939_public laws_311_54,project experts,1,public laws,310,1101,"CHAPTER 310 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALUING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL AND MIXED, AT ITS TRUE VALUE IN MONEY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXATION THEREOF BY COUNTIES, MUNI- CIPALITIES AND OTHER LOCAL TAXING AUTHORI- TIES UPON A UNIFORM AD VALOREM BASIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SHORT TITLE AND DEFINITIONS","Making up the tax records. The list takers for their respective townships, or such other persons as the commissioners may designate, shall make out, on forms approved by the State Board of Assessment, tax records which may consist of a scroll designed primarily to show tax valuations and a tax book designed primarily to show the amount of taxes or may consist of one record designated to show both valuations and taxes. Such records for each township shall be divided into four parts: -1 White individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for white individual beneficiaries) ; -2 colored individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for colored individual beneficiaries) ; -3 Indian individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for Indian individual beneficiaries); and -4 corporations, partnerships, business firms and unincorporated associations. Such records shall show at least the following information: (a) The name of each person whose property is listed and assessed for taxation, entered in alphabetical order. (b) The amount of valuation of real property assessed for county-wide purposes (divided into as many classes as the State Board may prescribe). (c) The amount of valuation of personal property assessed for county-wide purposes (divided into as many classes as the State Board may prescribe). (d) The total amount of real and personal property valuation assessed for county-wide purposes. (e) The amount of ad valorem tax due by each taxpayer for county-wide purposes. (f) The amount of poll tax due by each taxpayer. (zg) The amount of dog tax due by each taxpayer. (h) The amount of valuation of property assessed in any special district or subdivision of the county for taxation. (i) The amount of tax due by each taxpayer to any special district or subdivision of the county. (j) The total amount of tax due by the taxpayer to the county and to any special district, subdivision or subdivisions of the county. All changes in valuations affected between the close of the listing period and the meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review shall be reflected on such records, and so much of such records as may have been prepared shall be submitted to the board at its meetings. Changes made by said board shall also be reflected upon such records, either by correction, rebate or additional charge." +1939_public laws_148_2,project experts,1,public laws,147,1,CHAPTER 147 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETEEN BY STRIKING OUT SECTION THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN AND INSERTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION RELATIVE TO THE SEPAR- ATE ACCOMMODATION OF WHITE AND COLORED PASSENGERS UPON STREET CARS AND OTHER PAS- SENGER VEHICLES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Amend Volume one of the North Carolina Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred nineteen by striking out all of Section three thousand five hundred thirty-seven, and by inserting in lieu thereof a new section to read as follows: 3537. Passengers to Take Certain Seats: Violation of Requirement Misdemeanor.Any white person entering a street car or other passenger vehicle or motor bus for the purpose of becoming a passenger therein shall, in order to carry out the purposes of the preceding section, occupy the first vacant seat or unoccupied space nearest the front thereof, and any colored person entering a street car or other passenger vehicle or motor bus for a like purpose shall occupy the first vacant seat or unoccupied space nearest the rear end thereof, provided, however, that no contiguous seat on the same bench shall be occupied by white and colored passengers at the same time, unless and until all the other seats in the car have been occupied. Upon request of the person in charge of the street car or other passenger vehicle or motor bus, and when necessary in order to carry out the purpose of providing separate seats for white and colored passengers, it shall be the duty of any white person to move to any unoccupied seat toward or in the front of the car, vehicle or bus, and the duty of any colored person to move to any unoccupied seat toward or in the rear thereof, and the failure of any such person to so move shall constitute prima facie evidence of an intent to violate this section. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Any such person may also be ejected from the car, vehicle or bus by the person charged with the operation thereof. Each person now or hereafter charged with the operation of any such street car, passenger vehicle or motor bus is hereby invested with police powers and authority to carry out the provisions of this section." +1939_public laws_66_3,project experts,1,public laws,65,2,"CHAPTER 65 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL COURSES FOR THE NEGROES OF NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, the number of negroes in North Carolina who de- sire graduate and professional courses is increasing; and WHEREAS, it is the duty of the State of North Carolina to provide for such needs: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Board of Trustees of the North Carolina College for Negroes is authorized and empowered to establish Departments of Law, Pharmacy and Library Science at the above-named institution whenever there are applicants desirous of such courses. That said Board of Trustees of the North Carolina College for Negroes may add other professional courses from time to time as the need for the same is shown, and the funds of the State will justify. And the Board of Trustees of the Negro Agricultural and Technical College at Greensboro may add graduate and professional courses in agricultural and technical lines as the need for same is shown and the funds of the State will justify, and to establish suitable departments therein." +1938 extra_public laws_2_8,project experts,1,public laws,1,7,"CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND NOTES OF THE STATE FOR PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS, DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The proceeds of such bonds and bond anticipation notes shall be disbursed as herein provided, in the following amounts and for the following purposes: For the permanent improvement, enlargement and equipment of the following institutions, departments and agencies and buildings of the State, and acquiring sites therefor: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill $ 234,850 For the following specific purposes: Renovation of and addition to old Medical Building $ 182,000 Equipment old Medical Building 20,000 Equipment new Medical Building ... 75,000 Renovation of Alumni Building 100,000 Renovation of Bynum Building 25,000 ~~~"" Renovation of Gerrard Building Total Purposes . Less: P. W. A. grant 25,000 427,000 192,150 NorTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING OF THE UNIVERSITY or NortH CAROLINA, Raleigh For the following specific purposes: Animal husbandry building, dairy plant and laboratories Equipment for Chemistry Building . Textile Building 250,000 Less: Appropriation available under Chapter 296 of 1937 45,000 Equipment for Textile Building and reinstallation of present textile equipment Renovation of old Textile Building for Vocational Shop work Vocational Shop equipment Total Purposes . Less: P. W. A. grant WoMANs COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY oF NorTH CAROLINA, Greensboro For the following specific purposes: General Science Building General! Science equipment Renovation of McIver Building for general classroom purposes General classroom equipment for McIver Building Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant East CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE, Greenville For the following specific purposes: General classroom building General classroom equipment Garage Additions to Laundry Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant 50,000 30,000 205,000 45,000 50,000 6,000 386,000 173,700 270,000 30,000 20,000 5,000 325,000 146,250 $ 300,000 25,000 3,000 6,000 $ 334,000 150,300 N.C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering, Raleigh. $ 212,300 Woman's College of the University $178,760 of North Carolina, Greensboro. Eastern Carolina Teachers College, $ 183,700 Greenville. 2GRO AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL CoLLeGe, Greensboro For the following specific purposes: Vocational Trades building Vocational Trades equipment Auditorium Equipment for Auditorium Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant ESTERN CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE, Cullowhee _.. For the following specific purposes: Completing Physical Education Building Physical education equipment Dormitory for men (capacity 160) Dormitory equipment . Student Union building Equipment for Student Union Remodeling old Training School building for general classroom use General classroom equipment Auditorium (capacity 900) Equipment for Auditorium Infirmary Equipment for Infirmary Extension of water system Renovation and enlarging heating plant Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant *PALACHIAN STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, Boone For the following specific purposes: General Science building General Science equipment Equipment for boys dormitory Equipment for Administration Building Equipment for High School Equipment for Elementary School Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant i1EROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL, Pembroke For the following specific purposes: 109,000 18,000 100,000 10,000 237,000 106,650 23,000 7,000 123,000 7,000 30,000 6,000 24,000 6,000 68,000 7,000 30,000 5,000 25,000 20,000 381,000 157,950 117,600 22,400 5,600 4,400 14,300 4,200 168,500 75,825 $ 130,350 $ 223,050 $ 92,675 $ 24,695 ~~~ General science equipment | Laundry Building Laundry equipment : Home Economics Building . Home economics equipment Gymnasium Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant ORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, Morganton For the following Jicities purposes: Coal storage and heating equipment Calf and horse barns Switchboard Electric lines Home Economics Building Repairs to Superintendents residence Completing basement Main Building Rebuilding school building ee by fire Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant CATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND THE Dear, Raleigh For the following specific purposes: Sewage filter plant (Colored department) Dairy Barn and well (Colored department) _. Dairy equipment (Colored department) Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant 10,000 15,000 5,000 45,000 20,000 230,000 103,500 11,750 86,400 36,755 21,000 31,000 4,000 56,000 25,200 $ 49,645 $ 30,800 CHARITABLE AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS raTE HospPItaL AT RALEIGH, Raleigh For the following specific purposes: Fireproofing East and South mer of main building . Fireproofing Center building . Replacing Erwin building Replacing epileptic building for men Replacing epileptic building for women Replacing Adams building 164,200 105,200 110,000 123,300 123,300 123,300 $ 704,275 Replacing part of infirmary _. 23,000 Replacing tubercular building for men... _ 46,000 Replacing tubercular building for women 46,000 Building for women _ 143,620 Equipment for building for women 3,000 Addition to criminal insane building 59,880 Equipment for criminal insane building . 1,800 Additions to nurses home 0 39,200 Equipment for nurses home 1,500 Building for attendants : 121,900 Equipment for attendants building 3,300 Storeroom and cold storage : 37,000 Remodeling present storeroom for sewing room . 5,000 Total Purposes 1,280,500 Less: P. W. A. grant 576,225 STATE HOSPITAL AT MORGANTON, Morganton $ 735,075 For the following specific purposes: Fireproofing center building 747,300 Fireproofing Harper building 143,380 Fireproofing ward no. 27 42,525 Fireproofing Scroggs building 40,200 Fireproofing dining room no. 2 23,900 Fireproofing Yates building 36,645 Fireproofing old laundry for patients use 57,525 Replacing tubercular ward for men and women 91,875 Building porches on patients buildings 35,000 Superintendents home 15,750 Laundry and equipment 77,900 Chlorinating equipment 2,500 Booster pump for water system 2,000 Elevated tank (capacity 250,000 gal) 20,000 Total Purposes 1,336,500 Less: P. W. A. grant 601,425 State HospPitaL AT GOLDSBORO, Goldsboro . $ 535,500 For the following specific purposes: Replacing main building . 264,000 Replacing buildings for female patients 80,000 Replacing buildings for male patients 220,900 Replacing buildings for epileptic patients. 220,900 Renovation power plant and steam lines 38,600 Superintendents residence 13,120 Staff house Six cottages for white employes uh Six cottages for negro employes . Laundry equipment Kitchen equipment Renovating water system Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant ASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL, Kinston For the following specific purposes: Renovating buildings Dairy barns Fertilizer house Gas storage house Silo Potato house Building and equipment for problem children Laundry equipment Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant ORTH CAROLINA ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL, Gastonia For the following specific purposes: Assembly hall and equipment Addition to dining room Cold storage improvements Equipment Improvements to heating plant Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant ORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, Sanatorium For the following specific purposes: Vocational training school building and equipment Renovation of basement white nurses home Renovation of basement colored nurses home Two cottages for employes Cottage for negro employes Air conditioning unit for operating room 59,750 27,055 12,000 9,450 2,625 17,500 965,900 430,400 48,000 25,000 1,000 700 1,000 3,500 15,000 4,000 98,200 42,390 25,000 3,500 3,700 11,500 5,050 48,750 16,760 10,000 6,800 3,000 6,000 1,000 $ 55,810 $ 31,990 $ 76,790 Building for negro patients 100,000 Equipment for negro building 10,000 Total Purposes 138,800 Less: P. W. A. grant 62,010 WESTERN NorTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM ee Black Mountain 7s For the following specific purposes: Five houses for colored employes 5,200 Extension to kitchen 6,000 Three houses for white employes 10,500 Furniture for administration building 1,200 Furniture for patients building 1,600 Air conditioning unit for operating room 1,000 Roads and landscaping 8,000 Total Purposes 33,500 Less: P. W. A. grant 9,765 STONEWALL JACKSON TRAINING SCHOOL, eee raining School, Concord $ 8,085 Concord. For the following specific purposes: Poultry houses 7 2,000 Brooder house 1,200 Remodeling laundry 2,500 Storage and work room 3,000 Canning shed and storage 3,000 Hay storage 3,000 Total Purposes 14,700 Less: P. W. A. grant 6,615 State HOME AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL State Home and For GIRLS, Eagle Springs $ 4,260 for Girls, Eagle For the following specific purposes: aa cor Roof replacement 1,130 Laundry equipment 2,755 Renovation of sewerage system 1,090 Telephone extension 280 Total Purposes 5,255 Less: P. W. A. grant 995 MORRISON TRAINING SCHOOL, Hoffman $ 5,885 Morrison Training 4 School, Hoff z For the following specific purposes: ~ oR Renovating McLean, Varser, Parsons, and Kate Burr Johnson buildings Less: P. W. A. grant ASTERN CAROLINA TRAINING SCHOOL, Rocky Mount For the following cern purposes: Roads _.... Maternity barn Sewage treatment system Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant .. TATE INDUSTRIAL FARM COLONY FOR WomeN, Kinston For the following specific purposes: Industrial building Equipment for industrial building Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant INFEDERATE WOMENS HOME, Fayetteville For the following specific purposes: Sprinkler system Less: P. W. A. grant 10,700 4,815 2,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 3,600 15,000 17,500 7,875 8,000 3,600 $ 4,400 $ 9,625 $ 4,400 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OTHER PURPOSES OARD OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS For the following specific purposes: Enlarging and renovating central heating plant for State office buildings Sprinkler system for Capitol Department of Justice building and land State office building on Caswell Square for Unemployment Compensation Commission Total Purposes Less: P. W. A. grant EPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENTDIVISION OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, Morehead City ... 122,505 15,000 692,000 200,000 1,029,505 384,795 $ 644,710 $ 8,260 For the following specific purposes: Purchase of two boats to patrol commercial fishing waters = 15,000 Less: P. W. A. grant . 6,750 NortH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION, Raleigh _. ; $ 27,500 For the following specific purposes: Equipment for housing and displaying historical documents and records 50,000 Less: P. W. A. grant 22,500" +1937_public laws_304_2,project experts,0,public laws,303,1,"CHAPTER 305 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE STATE SCHOOL COMMISSION TO PROVIDE HIGH SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR OCRACOKE ISLAND, HYDE COUNTY. Whereas, there are one hundred and ninety children of school age on Ocracoke Island, Hyde County: and Whereas, one hundred and thirty-two of these are enrolled in the one school located on the islandone hundred and five in the elementary school and twenty-seven in the high school; and Whereas, Ocracoke Island is separated from the mainland by Pamlico Sound, making it impossible for the children on said island to attend school at any other point; and Whereas, there are not a sufficient number of children com- pleting the elementary grades to permit the establishment of a high school under the general school law: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the State School Commission be authorized, directed and empowered to provide high school teachers for the children of Ocracoke Island sufficient for standard high school instruction." +1937_public laws_292_54,project experts,1,public laws,291,1101,"CHAPTER 291 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALUING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL AND MIXED, AT ITS TRUE VALUE IN MONEY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXATION THEREOF BY COUNTIES, MUNICIPALITIES AND OTHER LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITIES UPON A UNIFORM AD VALOREM BASIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SHORT TITLE AND DEFINITIONS","Making up the Tar Records. The list takers for their respective townships, or such other persons as the commissioners may designate. shall make out, on forms approved by the State Board of Assessment, tax records which may consist of a scroll designed primarily to show tax valuations and a tax book designed primarily to show the amount of taxes or may consist of one record designated to show both valuations and taxes. Such records for each township shall be divided into four parts: -1 White individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for white individual beneficiaries) ; -2 colored individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for colored individual beneficiaries) ; -8 Indian individual taxpayers (including lists filed by corporate fiduciaries for Indian individual beneficiaries) ; and -4 corporations, partnerships, business firms and unincorporated associations. Such records shall show at least the following information: (a) The name of each person whose property is listed and assessed for taxation, entered in alphabetical order. (b) The amount of valuation of real property assessed for county-wide purposes (divided into as many classes as the State Board may prescribe). (c) The amount of valuation of personal property assessed for county-wide purposes (divided into as many classes as the State 3oard may prescribe). (d) The total amount of real and personal property valuation assessed for county-wide purposes. (e) The amount of ad valorem tax due by each taxpayer for county-wide purposes. (f) The amount of poll tax due by each taxpayer. () The amount of dog tax due by each taxpayer. (h) The amount of valuation of property assessed in any special district or sub-division of the county for taxation. (i) The amount of tax due by each taxpayer to any special district or sub-division of the county. (j) The total amount of tax due by the taxpayer to the county and to any special district, sub-division or sub-divisions of the county. All changes in valuations effected between the close of the listing period and the meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review shall be reflected on such records, and so much of such records as may have been prepared shall be submitted to the board at its meetings. Changes made by said board shall also be reflected upon such records, either by correction, rebate or additional charge." +1935_public laws_456_14,project experts,1,public laws,455,13,CHAPTER 455 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUB- LIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Principals Allowed. In all schools with fewer than fifty teachers allowed under the provisions of this act, the principal shall be included in the number of teachers allowed. In schools with fifty or more teachers, one whole-time principal shall be allowed; and for each forty teachers in addition to the first fifty, one additional whole-time principal, when and if actually employed, shall be allowed: Provided, that in the allocation of State funds for principals, the salary of white principals shall be determined by the number of white teachers employed in the white schools; and the salary of colored principals shall be determined by the number of colored teachers employed in the colored schools." +1935_public laws_456_10,project experts,1,public laws,455,9,CHAPTER 455 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUB- LIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Objects of Expenditure. The appropriation of State funds, as provided under the provisions of this act, shall be used for meeting the costs of the operation of the public schools, as determined by the State School Commission, for the following items: 1 General Control Salaries of superintendents Travel of superintendents Salaries of clerical assistants for superintendents Office expense of superintendents Per-diem county boards of education in the sum of one hundred dollars to each county f. Audit of school funds 2 Instructional Service a. Salaries for white teachers, both elementary and high school b. Salaries for colored teachers, both elementary and high school c. Salaries of white principals d. Salaries of colored principals e. Instructional supplies 8 Operation of Plant a. Wages of janitors b. Fuel c. Water, light and power d. Janitors supplies e. Telephone expense 4 Auxiliary Agencies a. Transportation -1 Drivers; and contracts -2 Gas, oil, and grease -3 Mechanics -4 Parts, tires, and tubes pag rp ) -5 Replacement busses -6 Compensation for injuries and/or death of school children as now provided by law b. Libraries In allotting funds for the items of expenditure hereinbefore enumerated, provision shall be made for a school term of only one hundred sixty days, and for those employees, only, who are paid wholly or in part from State funds, in accordance with the provisions of this act. The State School Commission shall effect all economies possible in providing State funds for the objects of General Control, Operation of Plant, and Auxiliary Agencies, and after such action shall have authority to increase or decrease on a uniform percentage basis the salary schedule of teachers, principals, and superintendents in order that the appropriation of State funds for the public schools may insure their operation for the length of term provided in this act. It shall be unlawful for any ad valorem taxes to be levied for the operation of the public school term except as hereinafter provided. The objects of expenditure designated as Maintenance of Plant and Fixed Charges shall be supplied from funds required by law to be placed to the credit of the public school fund of the county and derived from fines, forfeitures, penalties, dog taxes, and poll taxes, and from all other sources except State funds: Provided, that when necessity shall be shown, the State School Commission may approve the use of such funds in any administrative unit to supplement any object or item of the current expense budget; and in such cases, the tax levying authorities of the county administrative unit shall make a sufficient tax levy to provide the necessary funds for Maintenance of Plant, Fixed Charges, and Capital Outlay: Provided, further, that the tax levying authorities in any county administrative unit, with the approval of the State School Commission, may levy taxes to provide necessary funds for teaching vocational agriculture and home economics and trades and industrial vocational subjects supported in part from Federal Vocational Education funds: Provided, that nothing in this act shall prevent the use of Federal and/or privately donated funds which may be made available for the operation of the public schools under such regulations as the State Board of Education may provide." +1935_public laws_436_2,project experts,1,public laws,435,1,CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE TEACHING OF BLIND AND DEAF AND DUMB INDIANS IN THE CHEROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL OF ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of trustees of the Cherokee Indian Normal School of Robeson County be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to employ some person trained in the teaching of the deaf and dumb or blind and to provide a department in said school in which said deaf, dumb and/or blind Indian children of Robeson and surrounding counties may be taught, no provisions being now made for the teaching of said children, the said teacher to be employed in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations governing other teachers in the said school." +1931_public laws_277_4,project experts,1,public laws,276,3,"CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER SIXTY-ONE, PUBLIC LAWS ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY- ONE, AND TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, RELATING TO THE SUPERVISION OF THE CHEROKEE INDIAN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PEMBROKE, BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Notwithstanding the provisions contained in sections one and two of this act, the State Board of Education shall make all needful rules and regulations concerning the expenditure of funds, the selection of principals, teachers and employees of said Cherokee Indian State Normal School. The State Board of Education shall control and supervise said school to the same extent substantially as that provided for the organization, control and supervision of the white normal and training schools; and it may change the organization to suit conditions in so far as the needs of the school and the funds appropriated demand such change." +1929_public laws_266_2,project experts,1,public laws,265,1,CHAPTER 265 AN ACT RELATIVE TO DIVISION OF TERRITORY AND TRANSFERS OF PATIENTS OF THE STATE HOSPIT- ALS FOR THE INSANE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The State Hospital at Raleigh and the State Hospital at Morganton shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the white insane of the State, and the State Hospital at Goldsboro shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the colored insane and inebriates of the State. The line heretofore agreed upon by the Directors of the State Hospital at Raleigh and the State Hospital at Morganton shall be the line of division between the territories of said hospitals, and white insane persons settled in counties east of said line shall be admitted to the State Hospital at Raleigh, and white insane persons settled in counties west of said line shall be admitted to the State Hospital at Morganton, epileptics shall be admitted as now provided by law. White inebriates shall be admitted to the State Hospital at Raleigh." +1929_public laws_196_8,project experts,1,public laws,195,7,"CHAPTER 195 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 426, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1921, AND CONSOLIDATED STATUTES 5847 RE- LATING TO THE INDIANS OF ROBESON COUNTY, AND TO CODIFY AND PRESCRIBE THE RACIAL QUALIFICATION OF THOSE SEEKING ADMISSION INTO CHEROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL, AT PEMBROKE, AND IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY FOR THE INDIAN RACE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The qualifications for admission to the common schools of Robeson County for the education of the Indian race only, shall hereafter be as follows: Persons of the Indian race of Robeson County who are descendants of those that were determined to constitute those who were within the terms and contemplation of chapter fiftyone, Laws one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and within the census taken pursuant thereto by the County Board of Education of Robeson County, of either sex, resident in Robeson County, North Carolina, who are of school age, and otherwise qualified, may attend the common schools of Robeson County for the education of the Indian race only, and no others shall be admitted to said schools." +1929_public laws_196_6,project experts,1,public laws,195,5,"CHAPTER 195 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 426, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1921, AND CONSOLIDATED STATUTES 5847 RE- LATING TO THE INDIANS OF ROBESON COUNTY, AND TO CODIFY AND PRESCRIBE THE RACIAL QUALIFICATION OF THOSE SEEKING ADMISSION INTO CHEROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL, AT PEMBROKE, AND IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY FOR THE INDIAN RACE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in case of a vacancy on said committee by death, resignation, or otherwise, the remaining members of said committee shall appoint a member of the Indian race who is a resident of Robeson County to fill such vacancy." +1925_public laws_24_2,project experts,0,public laws,23,1,"CHAPTER 23 AN ACT TO REPEAL SECTION 6740 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATIVE TO REQUIRING COLORED NURSES FOR COLORED PATIENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section six thousand seven hundred and forty of the Consolidated Statutes, with reference to requiring colored nurses for colored patients, be and the same is hereby repealed." +1923_public laws_166_3,project experts,1,public laws,165,2,CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE DANGEROUS INSANE AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE COM- MISSION AND CARE AND CURE OF SUCH INSANE AT OTHER STATE HOSPITALS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Section six thousand two hundred and thirty-six be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out in line seven thereof the words to the hospital for the dangerous insane and substituting therefor to the State Hospital at Raleigh, if the alleged criminal is white, or to the State Hospital at Goldsboro if the alleged criminal is colored, and if the alleged criminal is an Indian from Robeson County, to the State Hospital at Raleigh, as now provided for insane Indians from Robeson County." +1923_public laws_163_7,project experts,1,public laws,162,6,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A BOND ISSUE FOR THE PER- MANENT IMPROVEMENTS OF THE STATES INSTITU- TIONS. Whereas the States educational institutions and the State's charitable institutions are inadequate to meet the demands of the people of the State, and it is necessary that the States institutions be permanently enlarged and improved in order that they may properly be sufficient for the purpose of their creation, and adequate to the demands and necessities of the people of the State; and Whereas it is necessary to open certain inlets and to encourage the fish industry of North Carolina: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be used for the permanent improvement and equipment as hereinafter set out for the following institutions of the State, and in the following amounts, to wit: State Hospital, Raleigh, N. C. ~-------_---------- $ 394,000.00 State Hospital, Morganton, N. C. ~----------------- 415,000.00 State Hospital, Goldsboro, N. C. ~----------------- 313,000.00 Caswell Training School (to complete a plant to care for 400 inmates, and to. provide for the payment of outstanding notes in the amount of $75,598.00 incurred on a previous building ac- @OUNT)) iW l20 oe Sete eee ee ee ee 500,000.00 School for the Deaf at Morganton ~-------------- 23,000.00 School for the Blind and Deaf at Raleigh_-------_- 326,000.00 State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis__ 219,000.00 Orthopedic Hospital _.._._--_-_-2.----------------- 25,000.00 Stonewall Jackson Training School plant for 400 Students)i4;=22s2etscathos eet ae Se 135,000.00 Home and Industrial School for Girls and Women (plant for 350 students) ~---~--YY nS ath ater ates oh 232,500.00 Colored Reformatory and Training School. (In lieu of $25,000.00 provided in chapter one hundred sixty-five, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one) ~--------------------- $ 50,000.00 SOMES MElOM Gs. = 2 oot Oe tere ee ee ee ee 5,000.00 University of North Carolina ~_______---__-----_--- 1,650,000.00 State College of Agriculture and Engineering ____~_- 1,350,000.00 North Carolina College for Women ___~_-_--------- 1,350,000.00 East Carolina Teachers College _-_-_--------------- 1,025,000.00 The Negro Agricultural and Technical College __--- 455,000.00 Board of Education for Teachers Training School __~ 1,194,000.00 Distribution of Appropriation for Teachers Training Schools to be as follows: Slater Normal School, Winston-Salem ~__-_-_-_--- 173,000.00 Negro Normal School, Elizabeth City, N. C.------ 178,000.00 Negro Normal School, Fayetteville, N. C. ---------- 123,000.00 Cherokee Indian Normal ___-_--____---_------_--- 37,000.00 Appalachian Training School _-------------------_ 300,000.00 Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School ~__----- 388,000.00 Total for Teachers Training Schools ___---_- $1,194,000.00 School Buildings for Cherokee Indians, to be expended under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the purpose of building, equipping, repairing and enlarging school buildings for the Indians of Robeson County at the Dial School in Saddle Creek Township, Prospect School, Green Grove School, Laurel Institute, also called Union Chapel, and such other schools for the Indians in Robeson County as may be directed by said superintendent, including the purchase of lands and other equipment for said schools _-__--_---= NS ala cpeph Se EL SE 30,000.00 Completion and equipment of the Agricultural building, and the remodeling of the State Museum buildingequipment to include furnishing of the Legislative committee rooms ___----------- 100,000.00 Permanent office equipment for the Library Commission's: ,OfiCes 2-222 2-Feb 522 5.224 fs Seo ete 8,000.00 For Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School -- 25,000.00 Additional story, to Agricultural building to provide for offices for Department of Revenue __-___-_-- 125,000.00 Fisheries Commission -___-_--_-__--_---_---------- 500,000.00 (Or so much thereof as may be necessary to open inlets, plant oysters, build hatcheries, provide equipment, and for such other necessary improvements of the fish and sea-food industry of the State). To provide buildings for the criminal insane if removed from the State Penitentiary as provided in House Bill 596, Senate Bill 98 (now pending) : State Hospital, Raleigh ---.---_-_._---_------------- $ 50,000.00 State Hospital, Goldsboro ~__---------------------- 50,000.00 To provide buildings for prisoners and employees quarters at the Caledonia farm _~______------_--- 50,000.00 To build sanatorium for tubercular prisoners as provided in House Bill 1010, Senate Bill 94 (now pending! 22-22-22 2.8 eS eee 50,000.00" +1921_public laws_170_2,project experts,0,public laws,169,1,"CHAPTER 169 AN ACT TO REQUIRE SANITARY CONDITIONS IN ICE- CREAM PLANTS, CREAMERIES, AND CHEESE FACTO- RIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the protection of the health of the people of the State, all places where ice-cream is made for sale, all creameries, butter and cheese factories, when in operation, shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition. The floors, walls, and ceilings of all work rooms where the products of plants named herein are made, mixed, stored, or handled shall be such that same can be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. All windows, doors, and other openings shall be effectively screened during fly season. Suitable wash rooms shall be maintained, and if a toilet is attached, it shall be of sanitary construction and kept in a sanitary condition. No person shall be allowed to live or sleep in such factory unless rooms so occupied are separate and apart from the work or storage rooms. No horses, cows, or other animals shall be kept in such factories or close enough to contaminate products of same unless separated by impenetrable walls without doors, windows, or other openings." +1893_public laws_25_2,project experts,1,public laws,24,1,"CHAPTER 24 An act to remove the colored normal school now tocated in Warrenton, Warren county, to Franklinton, Frankl county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Me She _","That the State Board of,Education are boxset to remove the normal school for the golored race now | vat Warrenton, Warren county, and re ish it at Franklinton, Franklin county: Provided, the citi Hranklinton shall furnish or cause to be furnished suitable buildings to conduct the 3 exercises of said school. te" +1872/73_public laws_158_9,project experts,1,public laws,157,8,CHAPTER CLVIL. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE PENITENTIARY.,"That the said board are hereby authorized and directed to deliver to the board of directors for the Institntion for the Deaf.and Dumb and Blind as many of the rick now at the penitentiary as may be necessary in the onstruction of the colored Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution, and said board are directed to use as many convicts as practicable in the construction of such building." +1868_public laws_23_18,project experts,1,public laws,22,17,"AN ACT TO ORGANIZE A MILITIA OF NORTH CAROLINA,",That the white and colored members of the detailed militia shall not be compelled to serve in the same sections. +1868/69_public laws_189_33,project experts,1,public laws,184,32,CEAPTE RR. CoeOee by... AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A SYSTEM OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact as follows: BOARD OF EDUCATION.,"It shall be the duty of the School Committee to take in the month of June an exact census of all children and youth between the ages of six and twenty-one years, In their returns they shall distinguish between males and females, and between white and colored: they shall take specifically and separately a census of all Indian children between the aforesaid ages, especially of those who live under the guardianship of white persons, with the names of such guardians. All children who may be absent from home attending colleges, boarding schools, and any private or public seminary of learning, shall be included by the Committee in the census list of the Township in which their parents or guardians reside, and shall not be taken by the School Committee of the locality where they may be attending such private institutions of learning. /The Committee shall further report such other statistics as may be required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or Township Committees; they shall make a full and sworn return thereof on the blanks furnished for that purpose to! the County Examiner, on or before the first day of July next after their appointment,land deliver a copy to the School Committee of the Township. ) a" +1885_private laws_121_60,project experts,1,private laws,120,59,CHAPTER 120 An act to ineorporate the town of Morganton and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The commissioners shall provide separate cemeteries for the white and the colored people, and the fines and fees paid by the white people shall be used in that cemetery provided for them, and those paid by the black people in that cemetery provided for them, and the money accruing from sale of lots in said cemetery shall be used by the commissioners for the keeping up and improving said cemeteries after paying for the same." +1885_private laws_41_6,project experts,1,private laws,40,5,POH Ae TER 40:00:00 Av act to amend the charter of the town of Statesville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Said registrars shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books; and it shall be the duty of said registrars appointed for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five and thereafter, to open their books at some convenient place in the ward for which they were appointed on or before the last Monday in March in such years, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in that ward for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters and designating on the registration book opposite the name of each person registering the place of his residence in his ward ; and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in his ward, his wilful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he is aacitizen of North Carolina and has resided in the city of Statesville ninety days and in the ward for which he offers to register thirty days next preceding that date, or is otherwise entitled to register ; and if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and to be imprisoned sixty days in the county jail: Provided, that after the first registration shall have been made by virtue hereof a new registration may not be made biennially, but such registration book shall be revised so as to show an accurate list of electors previously registered and still residing in safd city without requiring such electors to be registered anew. And such registrars shall on or before the last Monday in March biennially, open saic books for the registration of any electors entitled to registration whose names have never before been registered in such ward or do not appear in the revised list: Provided, however, that the board of aldermen may at any time order a new registration in the manner herein prescribed." +1885_private laws_34_9,project experts,1,private laws,33,8,"CHAPTER 38 An act to repeal the general laws of the State in regard to towns and cities so far as the town of Kinston, in the county of Lenoir, is concerned, inconsistent with this act; to repeal all special laws and charters in relation thereto, and to re-charter the said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the said town, and it shall be.the duty of the said registrar to open his books at the time and place designated by him in his notice of registration at least ten days before the day of election herein provided for, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar and he is hereby authorized to administer an oath to all applicants for registration touching their qualification to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and he shall designate on the registration books, opposite the name of each person registering, the ward in which he resides and his place of residence in such ward, and if any applicant for registration shall not declare his place of residence in his ward, his wilful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward." +1885_private laws_33_8,project experts,1,private laws,32,7,"CHAPTER 32 An act to enable the commissioners of the town of Hickory to issue bonds to raise money to purchase a site for and to erect thereon a town hall, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That with the money arising from the sale of said bonds, together with such other money and material as may be donated by private individuals, said board of special commissioners shall, so soon as they shall deem it practicable, proceed to purchase a site for and to erect thereon a suitable public building to be used as a town hall, and to take a deed of conveyance therefor to the commissioners of the town of Hickory ; to purchase grounds to be used for two public cemeteries of the town of Hickory, the one for white and the other for colored persons, and to take deeds of conveyance therefor to the commissioners of the town of Hickory; to erect at the most convenient point across the Catawba river a substantial high-water bridge that shall be free to the traveling public; and also after and not before said bridge shall have been built and completed, said board of special commissioners shall have power, whenever they shall deem it expedient, to contract for and to purchase and make free to the traveling public the bridge that is now across the Catawba river at Ramsours mills, and shall in each case take deeds of conveyance therefor to the commissioners of the town of Hickory." +1883_public laws_416_8,project experts,1,public laws,415,7,"CHAPTER 415 An act to establish a graded school in Magnolia, Duplin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school law for public school purposes for the colored children in said school district shall be applied for keeping up the public graded school for the colored children, under the orders and directions of the board of trustees for said graded school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_416_6,project experts,1,public laws,415,5,"CHAPTER 415 An act to establish a graded school in Magnolia, Duplin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of county commissioners of Duplin county shall appoint five persons to act as trustees of the graded school for the colored children, and said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_416_5,project experts,1,public laws,415,4,"CHAPTER 415 An act to establish a graded school in Magnolia, Duplin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That Dr. M. K. Devane, G. W. Brinkley, Henry Hollingsworth, H. E. Newley, Dr. McMillain, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the white children." +1883_public laws_413_7,project experts,1,public laws,412,6,"CHAPTER 412 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington, North . Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That if a majority of the qualified voters of the town of Washington shall vote for school, the said trustees herein named for the white and colored graded schbols shall be and are hereby created respectively bodies politic and corporate, entitled respectively The Washington White Graded School and The Washington Colored Graded School, and each may sue and be sued, have acorporate seal, and purchase and hold real and personal property." +1883_public laws_331_7,project experts,1,public laws,330,6,CHAPTER 330 An aci to establish graded schools in the counties of Nash and Edgecombe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That W. W. Parker, J. P. Doughtry, A. W. Arrington, 8S. L. Hart, Jr., Henry Lindsey, Samuel MeLin and A. J. Bryant, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded public school for the colored children ; that said board of trustees shall elect a treasurer, who shall hold his office for two years, and he shall give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, to be approved and accepted by the board of commissioners of Nash county, who shall record and file the same as other official bonds. That said board of trustees shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded publie school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_319_3,project experts,1,public laws,318,2,CHAPTER 318 An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Northamp- ton county to order the treasurer of said county to pay certain amounts due to teachers of public schools. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said amounts, if ordered by said board to be paid, shall be paid out of the school funds in the hands of said treasurer due the districts respectively before named for the white race, and that the school committees of said district respectively shall regulate the schools in said districts so as to spare the amount or amounts due from said districts respectively." +1885_public laws_8_3,project experts,1,public laws,7,2,CHAPTER 7 An Act to establish the Edenton Graded School. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact ;,"That said board shall organize each year by the election of a_president, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall hold their places at the option of said board, and the treasurer shall give bond, to be approved by said board, for the faithful discharge of his duties, and his compensation shall be two and a-half per cent. of funds received by him, and he shall have charge of the tuition paid for non-resident pupils, and of all donations, gifts and contributions of every kind, made for the benefit of said school or for the white race of said school district, except the public funds in the custody of the county treasurer." +1883_public laws_293_7,project experts,1,public laws,292,6,"CHAPTER 292 An act to establish a graded school in Lumberton school district, number seventy, for white children. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That Berry Goodwin, J. A. McAllister, James S. McNeill, Alfred pina A. W. McLeod, Robert D. Caldwell, Durham Lewis, W. J. Cooley, O. C. Norment, C. B. Townsend and E K. Proctor, Jr., be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded schoo] for the whites in school district number seventy, and are incorporated by the name of the Lumberton Graded School, and may sue and be sued, have a common seal, purchase and hold real and personal property not exceeding ten thousand dollars in value;shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ and dismiss teachers and regulate their salaries, shall have power to suspend or expel any pupil, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school. They shall elect one of their number chairman, and one as secretary, and prescribe their duties. |" +1883_public laws_283_7,project experts,1,public laws,282,6,"CHAPTER 282 An act to establish a graded school in Shoe Heel school districts number one and two for white children, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That J. C. McCaskill, E. L. McCormac, W. B. Harker, J. D. Croone, J. C. McLean and David McCall, in schoo] district number one, and J. B. Wilkinson, L. R. Townsend, R. M. McNair, A. C. Wilkinson and Murdoc McKintire, in schoo! district number two, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites in school district numbers one and two, and are incorporated by the name of the Shoe Heel Graded School, and may sue and be sued, have a common seal, purchase and hold real and personal property, not exceeding ten thousand dollars in value, shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board; to employ and dismiss teachers, and regulate their salaries; shall have power to suspend and expel any pupil, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school. They shall elect one of their number chairman, and one as secretary, and prescribe their duties." +1883_public laws_256_6,project experts,1,public laws,255,5,"CHAPTER 255 An act to establish graded schools in Lenoir township, in Caldwell county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Moses Sudderth, Henry Harper, Henry Bower, James Gaither, Anthony Jones, John Anderson, Edney Norwood be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, toemploy teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_250_6,project experts,1,public laws,249,5,CHAPTER 249 An act to establish graded schools in Tarboro township in Edge- combe county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That John C. Dancy, H.C. Cherry, Victor E. Howard, Benjamin Norfleet, Edward Zoella, Henry S. Spragins and W. H. Knight be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_237_9,project experts,1,public laws,236,8,"CHAPTER 236 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Kinston, in Lenoir county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the public school money which shall from time to time be apportioned under the general school law for public school purposes for the colored children in said township, shall be applied for keeping up the public graded school for the colored children under the orders and dirctions of the board of trustees, for said graded school for the colored children." +1883_public laws_237_6,project experts,1,public laws,236,5,"CHAPTER 236 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Kinston, in Lenoir county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That John Tull, Dr. John A. Pollock, S. H. Abbott, James A. Pridgen, W. F. Stanley, J. W. Grainger, J. K. Davis, A. D. Parrott and L. Harvey, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites. That said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ hers, and to do all such acts as shall be necessary to on said graded school for the white children. _" +1883_public laws_237_2,project experts,1,public laws,236,1,"CHAPTER 236 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Kinston, in Lenoir county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners of Lenoir county are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of Kinston township, in said county, on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eightythree, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of a graded public school for the white children and a graded public school for the colored children in said territory. Each voter shall votea written or printed ballot with the words for school or no school, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly." +1883_public laws_233_8,project experts,1,public laws,232,7,CHAPTER 282 An act relating to graded schools in Guilford county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That for the election provided for in the first section of this act, the municipal authorities shall provide two ballot boxes, in one of which the white voters shall deposit their ballots, and in the other the colored voters shall deposit their ballots. _" +1883_public laws_233_7,project experts,1,public laws,232,6,CHAPTER 282 An act relating to graded schools in Guilford county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That all white children between the ages of six and twenty-one years, residents of such town, shall be entitled to [be] educate[d] at the white graded school free of charge ; and all colored children between the ages of six and twenty-one, residents of such town, shall be entitled to be educated at the colored graded school free of charge," +1883_public laws_221_8,project experts,1,public laws,220,7,"CHAPTER 220 Aun act to establish graded schools at Edenton, Chowan county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school Jaw for the colored race of said school district, and all special school taxes which may from time to time be collected from colored persons in said school district, shall be applied for keeping up said graded school for colored children, under the orders and directions of said board of graded school trustees for the colored race." +1883_public laws_221_6,project experts,1,public laws,220,5,"CHAPTER 220 Aun act to establish graded schools at Edenton, Chowan county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That William Heath, Hannibal Badham, Philip McDonald, Elijah Hathaway, J. W. Draper, London Johnson and G. W. Lane be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored race, which shall be free to the colored children of both sexes of said schoo] district." +1883_public laws_293_2,project experts,1,public laws,292,1,"CHAPTER 292 An act to establish a graded school in Lumberton school district, number seventy, for white children. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of county commissioners of Robeson county shall submit to the qualified voters of Lumberton school district known as district number seventy for white children in said county, on the third Thursday in April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, whether an annual assessment shall be levied therein for the support of a graded public school for the white children in said school district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words, for school or no school. And said election shall be conducted under the same rules as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly." +1883_public laws_221_5,project experts,1,public laws,220,4,"CHAPTER 220 Aun act to establish graded schools at Edenton, Chowan county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school law for the white race of said schoof district, and all special school taxes which may from time to time be collected from white persons in said sehool district, shall be applied for keeping up the said graded school for white children under the orders and direction of said board of graded school trustees for the white race." +1885_public laws_254_2,project experts,1,public laws,253,1,CHAPTER 258 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Smithfield. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That all the territory embraced within the bounds of white school district number forty, in Smithfield township, Johnston county, shall be and is hereby constituted the Smithfield Graded School District for white and colored. :" +1885_public laws_254_6,project experts,1,public laws,253,5,CHAPTER 258 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Smithfield. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That J. J. Harper, L. E. Kirkman, Dr. J. G. Rose, P. T. Massey, S. R. Morgan, D. W. Fuller, W. N. Benton, Seth Woodall, Robert Sanders, E. W. Pou, E. Redford and R. D. Lunceford, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the white race; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies in said board, to employ teachers, and to do all such acts as may be necessary to carry on said school for the white children." +1891_private laws_322_2,project experts,1,private laws,321,1,CHAPTER 321 An act to incorporate Shiloh Institute. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Isaac Alston and Mansfield F. Thornton of Warren county, and M. F. Hawkins of Franklin county, and .B. Harper of Halifax county, Henry Hester of Granville county, and O. Bullock of Vance county, their associates and successors, are hereby constituted and declared a body politic and corporate for educational purposes under the name and style of Shiloh Institute, an institution of learning situated at Warrenton in the county of Warren and state of North Carolina, and by that name may have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, to have and to hold the buildings, grounds and all appurtenances belonging thereto situated in the said town of Warrenton, and which is now vested in the said parties above named as trustees by virtue of a deed from W. S. Davis and wife to the trustees of Shiloh Baptist Missionary Association of North Carolina of date of February, one thousand eight hundred and eightyfour, and registered in the registrars office of Warren county in book forty-nine, page eight hundred and thirty-seven, to acquire by purchase, donation or otherwise, real, personal and mixed property for the purpose of maintaining and carrying on a school of high grade, as well as of elementary learning, for the colored race in said town of Warrenton, and to make such by-laws and regulations and rules for the government of said institution as they and their successors may deem best." +1891_private laws_308_87,project experts,1,private laws,307,86,CHAPTER 307 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the city of Winston. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The aldermen of the city shall provide for the establishment and support of a system of graded schools under the following conditions, to-wit: First, no interest-bearing debt of the corporation shall be created for this purpose ; second, the school shall be open to all bona fide residents of the city of all races between the ages of six and twenty-one, but the. white and colored schools shall be distinct and separate buildings and departments, and the schools shall have separate apartments for the higher classes of males and females; third, the fun&raised by ad valorem taxation shall be used only for the payment of the salaries of teachers; fourth, persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the school from their homes or as boarders on the payment of tuition fees, to be fixed by the school commissioners; fifth, the tax for school purposes shall not exceed twenty cents on the hundred dollars of assessed property and sixty cents on the poll, and the license and privilege taxes as hereinbefore provided, and also not less than twenty-five per centum of the fines and forfeitures shall be paid to the graded school fund." +1891_private laws_308_53,project experts,1,private laws,307,52,CHAPTER 307 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the city of Winston. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the Winston commissioners of graded schools shall be and are hereby authorized to receive and use the money herein provided for, and to apply the same in such way as they may deem best for the benefit of the graded schools, white and colored, of said city, whether for suitable buildings and furniture for said schools or for repairs of the same, for salaries of teachers or for other incidental expenses. ," +1889_public laws_363_2,project experts,0,public laws,362,1,CHAPTER 362 [An] act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors within certain localities. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of, with a view to remuneration, any spirituous liquors, wines or medicated bitters, or any other liquors or substance by whatsoever name it may be called which produces or may produce intoxication, within two -2 miles of the following places: Ashe county.Healing Springs Baptist church, Bethel church, Union Baptist church, Red Hill school-house, Little Lautel Methodist church, Baptist church at Three Forks, Methodist church at Arnold school-house, Mount Pleasant Baptist church, Southerland seminary and chapel, Brushy Fork M. E. church, in Ashe county. Alamance.Long Chapel church, Crossroad Presbyterian church, Fairview Methodist Protestant church, Hawfields Presbyterian church; and within one mile of the village church at Haw River, Alamance county. Alexander.Stony Point M. E. church, Macedonia Baptist church, Salem Evangelical Lutheran church, in Alexander county. Burke.Bouldings M. E. church, Abees chapel (Baptist church), McL, Raths A. M. E. camp-ground, Willow Tree A. M. E. church, in Burke county. Beaufort.Trinity church, Chocowinity precinct, in Beaufort county. Bertie.Indian Woods Baptist church, Indian Gallows (white) school-house, Cedar Landing, Sandy Run Baptist church, St. Francis Church of the Disciples, district 54, white race, Bertie county. Columbus.Hebron M. E. church, Bogue Chapel Baptist church, Shiloh M. E. church, Fair Bluff M. E. church, Fair Bluff Baptist church. Fair Bluff high school, Porters Swamp Baptist church, Salem Colored Baptist church, in Columbus county. Caldwell.Laurel Hill Buffalo Baptist church, Harris chapel, in Caldwell county. Cumberland.Hope Mills church, the Episcopal church in Hope Mills village, Cumberland county. Clay.Pine Log Baptist church, in Clay county. Cleveland.Union Baptist church, in Cleveland county. Chatham.Osgood church, Hickory Mountain Baptist church, Bells Baptist church, Ebenezer M. E. church, Sandy Branch Baptist church and Merry Oaks Baptist church, in Chatham county. Cherokee.Liberty church, Notly Baptist church, Shoal Creek church, in Cherokee county. Carteret.Morehead City, in Carteret county. Catawba.Smyrna German Reformed church, in Catawba county. Duplin.Faison academy. Durham.Fletcher Chapel M. E. church; Robinsoa Grove Baptist church, Bethsaidia Baptist church, in Durham county. Franklin.New Hope Christian church, in Franklin county. Granville.Banks chapel and Union (colored) Concord church, South Union African M. E. church; and within one mile of Bullock M. E. church and Corinth Baptist church, in Granville county. Guilford.Goshen M. E. church, in Guilford county. Greene.Grimsly Baptist church, Lebanon M. E. church, Free Union church, Hookerton Collegiate Institute, New Berne Baptist church, Mount Hermon M. E. Church, South, in Greene county. Gates.Eureka Baptist church, Methodist Episcopal church, Parkers Methodist church, in Gates county. Gaston.Mount Tabor Baptist church, Long Creek Presbyterian church, in Gaston county. Haywood.Lines Creek Methodist Episcopal church, in Haywood county. Harnett.Cokesbury Methodist church, in Harnett county. Hertford.Bethlehem Baptist church, in Hertford county. Hyde.Shadesville M. E. church, Rusk academy and Elm Grove seminary; Christian church at Swan Quarter, Soules M. EB. church near Lake Comfort, Amity M. E. church, M. E. church at Mount Pleasant, M. E. church, Englehard, Christian church at Springfield, Baptist church near Stencil House, M. E. church at Fairfield, Christian church at New Laurel, Neals chapel, St. Johns Episcopal church at Makelyville, in Hyde county. & Iredell._New Bethany Baptist church, Sharon Lutheran church, Granite Hill village, Shiloh Presbyterian church in Shiloh township, Bethlehem M. E. church, _Connolley s Chapel Methodist church, in Tredell county. Johnston.Corinth M. E. church, Clydes chapel, New Hope and Antioch churches, in Johnston county. Jones.Friendship Baptist church, in Jones county. Moore.Union Presbyterian church, Presbyterian church at Cameron, Manly Baptist church, Sanford M. E. church, in Moore county. McDowell.Capernaum M. E. church, Carson Chapel M. E. church, Dysartsville Baptist church, Murphys chapel, New River academy, Ebenezer and Salem churches, Bethel and Bethlehem M. E. churches, Cherry Springs and Bethlehem Baptist churches, Salem M. E. church, View Mountain school-house, in McDowell county. Mecklenburg.Derita school-house in Mallards Creek township, public school-house in school district No. 27, Long Creek township, Mecklenburg county. Madison.Grapevine Baptist church, each and every church in No. 2, Sheton Laurel township, Madison county. Macon.M. EK. church andWatauga Baptist church, in Macon county. Nash.Hilliards Chapel M. P. church, Rehobeth Missionary Baptist church, Sharon M. E. church, in Nash county: Provided, the prohibition in Nash county is not to extend into or operate to prevent the sale of liquors in Halifax county. Orange.Bethany Christian church, Mount Moriah Baptist church, in Orange county. Pender.Lake Chapel Baptist church, in Pender county Person.Bethel Baptist church and high school and Bethany Baptist church, in Person county. Rutherford._Mountain Creek Baptist church, in Rutherford county. Rowan.Oak Grove M. E. church, Ebenezer M. E. church, Christian Evangelical Lutheran church, Eureka Lodge 213, in Rowan county. Rockingham.Lowes M. E. church, Protestant M. E. church, Troy M. E. church, in Rockingham county: Provided, that the incorpora-tion of Troy'M. E. church in Rockingham county shall not interfere with the corporation of the town of Grogansville, in said county. Richmond.Baptist church in Roberdel, M. E. church in Roberdel, the M. E., Presbyterian and Baptist churches in Mineral Springs. township, in Richmond county. Stanly.Mineral Springs Baptist church, in Stanly county. Stokes.Stokesburg M. E. church, Stokes county. Surry.Pilot Mountain academy, in Surry county. Swain.Bryson Baptist church in Bryson City, Whittier M. E.. church in Whittier, Swain county. Tyrrell.Sharon church, in Tyrrell county. Union.A. M. E. Zion church, in Union county. Wake.Baptist church at Rolesville, Wakefield Classical and. Mathematical school, Olive Baptist church, White Stone church, Beulah Christian church, Hepzibah Baptist church, Auburn Alliance: No. 41, school-house in St. Marys township, Olive Branch church, Sydney Chapel M. E. church, Midway Baptist church, in Wake county.. Watauga.Friendship M. E. church, Union Baptist church, Thomas school-house and Thomas chapel, Austins school-house, Antioch Baptist church, Mount Pleasant Lutheran church, Brushy Fork Baptist church, Cove Creek Baptist church, Hatfield Mount Calvary Baptist church, in Watauga county. Wayne.Whitehall school-house and Whitehall Presbyterian church, in Wayne county. Warren.Mt. Auburn Christian church, in Warren county. This prohibition in Warren not to extend into Halifax county. Wilson.Ashpen Grove Free-Will church, in Wilson county. Yadkin.Cross Roads Missionary Baptist church, in Yadkin county." +1889_public laws_255_8,project experts,1,public laws,254,7,"CHAPTER 254 An act to establish public schools for the town of Littleton, with a special tax supplemental thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the per capita part of the school fund of the county raised under the general school law shall be applied to keeping up the public schools established by this act in said district, and shall be by said board of trustees disbursed and equally divided between the schools for the white and colored racesone-half for a school for the white race and one-half for a school for the colored race. The trustees and the principals of the said schools shall make to the county superintendents the reports required by the general school law to be made by committees and teachers." +1889_public laws_255_4,project experts,1,public laws,254,3,"CHAPTER 254 An act to establish public schools for the town of Littleton, with a special tax supplemental thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners of Warren county, on the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district, is hereby authorized [and] directed to submit, on the first Monday in May, 1889, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Warren, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of said schools for white and colored of said district. Such voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for school or no school thereon, and said election, shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the General Assembly." +1889_public laws_255_3,project experts,1,public laws,254,2,"CHAPTER 254 An act to establish public schools for the town of Littleton, with a special tax supplemental thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners of Halifax county, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district, is hereby authorized and directed to submit, on the first Monday in May, 1889, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Halifax, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for school or no school thereon, 1889.CHaApTER 254 and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election for members of the General Assembly. e" +1889_public laws_200_8,project experts,1,public laws,199,7,CHAPTER 199 An act to amend the public school law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section two thousand five hundred and sixty of The Code, as amended by the laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, is amended to read as follows: The treasurer of the county board of education of each county shall report to the State superintendent of public instruction on the first Monday of July of each year the entire amount of school money received and disbursed by him during the preceding school year, designating by items the amounts received respectively from property tax, poll-tax, liquor licenses, fines, forfeitures and penalties, auctioneers, estrays, from State treasurer, and from all other sources. He shall also designate by items the sums paid to teachers of white and colored children respectively, and for school houses and school house sites in the several districts, and for all other purposes, specifically and in detail by items, and on the same day he shall file a duplicate of said report in the office of the county board of education. He shall make such other reports as the board of education of the county may require from time to time." +1889_public laws_170_2,project experts,1,public laws,169,1,CHAPTER 169 An act in relation to indigent and other apprentices. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That indigent children when apprenticed in this State shall be indentured in the name of the superior court clerk of the county where they reside, of the first part, and the employer or employers to whom apprenticed, of the other part, which shall be recorded and filed in the office of said clerk ; but no white child shall be bound to a colored person in this State." +1889_public laws_21_4,project experts,1,public laws,20,3,"CHAPTER 20 An act to amend chapter 27 of the laws of the special session of 1880, it being an act entitled ** An act to authorize the establish- ment of graded schools for the town of Salisbury, &ec. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all money now in the hands of said committee unappropriated, whether to the credit of the white graded school or the colored graded school, shall be held as a common fund for the purposes herein provided." +1885_public laws_254_3,project experts,1,public laws,253,2,CHAPTER 258 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Smithfield. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That the board of commissioners of Johnston county are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said Smithfield Graded School District in said county on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of graded public schools for white and colored of said district; each voter shall vote written or. printed ballot with the words For School or No School thereon, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election for members of the General Assembly." +1889_private laws_241_6,project experts,1,private laws,240,5,CHAPTER 240 An act to amend the charter of the town of Wilkesboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books, and it shall be the duty of said registrars appointed for the year one thousand eight hundred and eightynine, and thereafter, to open their books at some convenient place in 1889.PrivaTECHa4PTER 240 _ the town of Wilkesboro on or before the last Monday in March in such y years, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in the town of Wilkes- boro, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from _ those of colored voters, and designating on the registration book opposite the name of each person registering the place of his residence in the town, and if any applicant for registration shall not _ disclose the place of his residence in the town, his wilful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register _inthetown. Any person offering to register may be required [to] _ take and subscribe an oath that he is a citizen of North Carolina and | has resided in the county of Wilkes for ninety days and in the town of Wilkesboro for thirty days next preceding that date, and is otherwise entitled to register, and if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding fifty _ dollars and to be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in the county jail: Provided, that after the first registration shall have been made by virtue hereof, a new registration may not be made annually, but such registration books shall be revised, so as to show an accurate list of electors previously registered and still residing in said town without requiring such electors to be registered anew. And such registrar shall, on before the last Monday in March annually, open said books for the registration of any electors entitled to registration whose names have never before been registered in the town of Wilkesboro, or do not appear in the revised list: Provided, however, that the town commissioners may at any time order a new registration in the manner herein prescribed." +1889_private laws_63_2,project experts,1,private laws,62,1,CHAPTER 62 An act te incorporate the Farmers Co-operative School of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That J. T. Eaton, T. C. Davis, A. C. Davis, J. J. Royal, W.L. Arendell, T. D. Webb, A. S. Willis, Silas Webb and Daniel Bell, their associates and successors, be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate for the purpose of maintaining a school of high grade in or near the town of Morehead City, county of Carteret, State of North Carolina, for the intellectual development and training of the white children, under the name and style of the Farmers Co-operative School Company,.and in that name may sue and be sued, may plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire, hold and convey in their corporate capacity property, personal and real, and exercise all acts in relation thereto incident to the ownership of personal property and real estate." +1887_public laws_425_6,project experts,1,public laws,424,5,"CHAPTER 424, An act in relation to the public school of Reidsville school district, Rockingham county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of Novih Carolina do enact:","The school committee created by this act shall elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for white children if the same shall be established. The superintendent of said schools shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, which certificates shall be valid for one year from date, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said committee." +1887_public laws_401_11,project experts,1,public laws,400,10,CHAPTER 400 An act to establish a normal school in the county of Robeson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Provided, that no person shall be admitted into said school as a student who has not attained the age of fifteen years; and that all those who shall enjoy the privileges of said school as students shall previously obligate to teach the youth of the Croatan race for a stated period." +1887_public laws_401_2,project experts,1,public laws,400,1,CHAPTER 400 An act to establish a normal school in the county of Robeson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That W. L. Moore, James Oxendine, James Dial, Preston Locklear, and others who may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, for educational purposes, in the county of Robeson, under the name and style of the Lrustees of the Croatan Normal] School, and by that name may have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, to have and to hold school property, including buildings, lands and all appurtenances thereto, situated in the county of Robeson, at any place in said county to be selected by the trustees herein named, provided such place shall be located between Bear swamp and Lumber river in said county; to acquire by purchase, donation or otherwise, real and personal property for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a school of high grade for teachers of the Croatan race in North Carolina." +1887_public laws_398_7,project experts,1,public laws,397,6,CHAPTER 397 An actin relation to the public schools in the city of Asheville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact;,"The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for white children if the same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine al} applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school committee." +1887_public laws_87_7,project experts,1,public laws,86,6,CHAPTER 86 An act in relation to the public schools in the town of Durham. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of theschools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for white children, if the same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools, and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school committee." +1887_private laws_87_6,project experts,1,private laws,86,5,CHAPTER 86 An act to amend the charter of the town of Taylorsville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books, and it shall be the duty of said registrars appointed for the year one thousand eight hundred and eightyseven and thereafter, to open their books at some convenient place in the town of Taylorsville on or before the last Monday in March in such years and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in the town of Taylorsville, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters and designating on the registration book opposite the name of each person registering the place of his residence in the town, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in the town, his wilful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in the town. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he is a citizen of North Carolina and has resided in the county of Alexander for ninety days and in the town of Taylorsville for thirty days next preceding that date, or is otherwise entitled to register, and if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and to be imprisoned sixty days in the county jail: Provided, that after the first registration shall have been made by virtue hereof a new registration may not be made annually, but such registration book shall be revised so.as to show an accurate list of electors previously registered and still residing in said town without requiring such electors to be registered anew. And such registrar shall on or before the last Monday in March annually open said books for the registration of any electors entitled to registration whose names have never before been registered in the town of Taylorsville or do not appear in the revised list: Provided, however, that the town commissioners may at any time order a new registration in the manner herein prescribed." +1887_private laws_18_3,project experts,1,private laws,17,2,"CHAPTER: 17 \ An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate The Biddle University, ratified the tenth day of February, A. D. eightcen hundred and seventy-sever, and amendments thereto. WHEREAS, It is desirable to promote useful knowledge among the, freedmen ; and whereas, an institution of learning for their benefit has been established near the city of Charlotte, in the county of Mecklen- burg, by the Presbyterian church in the United States of America, under a charter granted in pursuance of sections fourteen and fifteen of chapter twenty-six of the Revised Code of North Carolina, said insti- tution being known and designated in said charter as Biddle Memorial Institute ; and whereas, a charter was obtained from the general as- sembly of this state incorporating the same under the name and style of The Biddle University, ratified the tenth day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, the provisions of which are incomplete, by reason of which and for a more efficient organization of said university, it is desirable to obtain further legislation from the state of North Carolina; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporation shall be able and capable in law to bargain, sell, grant, convey and confirm to the purchaser or purchasers such lands, rents, tenements and hereditaments aforesaid, when the condition ofthe grant to them, or the will of their devisor, does not forbid it; and the proceeds arising therefrom shall be held in trust for the use and benefit of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America, for the education of men of the colored race and others for the minSe tie 2 tl tae fect a Ni Li Met lt istry, for teachers, and for catechists; and further, that the said cor-- poration may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered in all courts of record or otherwise whatsoever, in all manner of suits, complaints, pleas, matters and demands." +1885_public laws_350_3,project experts,1,public laws,349,2,"CHAPTER 349 An act to amend sections thirty-two hundred and sixty and thirty- two hundred and sixty-one of The Code, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That section three thousand two hundred and sixty-one of The Code be stricken out and the following substituted therefor: Two or more white companies or two or more colored companies may form a battalion and elect a major ; five or more white or five or more colored companies may form a regiment, not to exceed ten companies, and elect a colonel, lieutenant-colonel and major. Each battalion or regiment shall be designated by number, and each company by letter, and a record thereof made in the office of the adjutant-general. The commander-in-chief may in his discretion organize the State Guard into one or more brigades and divisions, and appoint brigadier and major-generals to command the same, who shall hold their commissions at the pleasure of the commander-in-chief, and whenever commander-inchief shall form a battalion or regiment of the State Guard he shall order an election to be held for the field officer or officers of such battalion or regiment, such election to be conducted as hereinafter provided." +1885_public laws_254_8,project experts,1,public laws,253,7,CHAPTER 258 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Smithfield. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: -,"That the public school money which may from time to time-be collected under the general school law for public school purposes for the white children in said district, shall be applied to keeping up the graded school (public) for white children under the orders and direction of the board of trustees for said graded public school for white children, and the public school money so collected for public school purposes for the colored children in said district shall be applied to the keeping up of the graded public school for the colored children, under the rules and directions of the board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children, subject to the supervision of the county superintendent of public instruction." +1889_private laws_240_5,project experts,1,private laws,239,4,"CHAPTER 239 An act to amend the charter of the town of Murphy, in Cherokee county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","Said registrars shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books, and it shall be the duty of said registrars appointed for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and thereafter, to open their books in some convenient place in the town. on or before the last Monday in March, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled fo register and vote, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he is a citizen of . North Carolina and has resided in the town of Murphy ninety days next preceding that date, or is otherwise entitled to register; and if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be mae TE DPT al ae FO RT ae ee eee Aa - 1889.PrivateCHAPTER 239 Dtccrnsd: guilty of the crime of perjury, and upon conviction shall be _ punished as provided by law in such cases." +1883_public laws_221_4,project experts,1,public laws,220,3,"CHAPTER 220 Aun act to establish graded schools at Edenton, Chowan county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That said board of graded school trustees for the white race shall have power to employ teachers and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school, and shall be the custodian of all public school property for the white race of said school district." +1924 extra_private laws_49_2,project experts,0,private laws,48,1,"CHAPTER 48 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 207, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1923, AMENDING CHAPTER 55, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1889, RELAT- ING TO THE TOWN OF SPRING HOPE, IN THE COUNTY OF NASH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two of chapter two hundred and seven, Private Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-three, amending chapter fifty-five, Private Laws of eighteen hundred and eightynine, relating to the town of Spring Hope, in the county of Nash, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out that portion of line nine of said section beginning with the word to and all of line ten and inserting in lieu thereof the following: and biennially thereafter, and by striking out all of that portion of line thirteen of said section beginning with the word to and all of line fourteen and all of line fifteen and inserting in lieu thereof the words and biennially thereafter." +1883_public laws_193_9,project experts,1,public laws,192,8,"CHAPTER 192 An act to establish graded schools in Wilson township, Wi!son county. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees for the graded school for the white children, and the board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children, shall at the first regular meeting after the establishment of said schools, and annually thereafter, elect a treasurer of the respective schools.. Tie person so elected shall execute a bond, with at least three sureties, who shall justify before the clerk of the superior court of Wilson county, and be approved by the president of the board of trustees of the school for which he shall have been elected, in an amount double ihe amount of tax levied for such school. The said bond shall be payable to the state of North Carolina and conditioned for the payment of and accounting for all money or other property which shall come into his hands as treasurer. The said bond shall be filed in the office of the register of deeds of Wilson county as other official bonds, and in the event of a breach of the conditions thereof,@n action may be prosecuted by the board of trustees of the school of which the person giving such bord is treasurer." +1909_public laws_432_2,project experts,0,public laws,433,1,"CHAPTER 431 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, AND TO INCREASE THE SCHOOL FUND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Sheriff of Rockingham County may appoint one or more deputies in each township in the county, and may allow such deputies the fees made and collected by them in serving summons, subpcenas, notices and processes of all kinds, and all fees and commissions made and collected by them from executions." +1899_private laws_353_24,project experts,0,private laws,352,25,CHAPTER 352 An act to amend and consolidate the charter of the town of Monroe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The board of aldermen shall have the right to ievy and eause to be collected the following additional taxes, viz: -1 On every omnibus carrying persons for hire, a license tax not exceeding twenty dollars per annum; on every hack, ecarriage, wagon, express wagon, dray or other vehicle carrying or transporting persons, freight, baggage, merchandise or other articles for hire, a license tax not exceeding ten dollars per annum; and in fixing the amount of license tax on the above enumerated vehicles, the aldermen shall discriminate between cnehorse, two horse and four horse vehicles and the different kind of vehicles, as shall seem just to them. The taxes herein enumerated shall be fixed by the aldermen at their meetings in June of each year and the amount of license tax so fixed on every vehicle shall be paid in advance by any person intending to engage in such business, and a license shall be issued by the clerk of the board of aldermen upon the exhibiting and filing with such elerk a receipt from the tax collector for the taxes so levied. Any person desiring to use the vehicles herein enumerated may pay the tax fora shorter term than twelve months, not less than three months, by the payment of the proportionate part of said tax for the desired time. Any person who shall use any of the vehicles herein enumerated without having first obtained the license from the city treasurer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days. -2 On every saddle horse kept for hire in said city a license tax not exceeding five dollars per annum, said license to be obtained in the same manner as for vehicles as above enumerated and subject to the same fine or imprisonment for failure to so obtain the license. -5 On every delivery wagon or other vehicle delivering goods, wares or merchandise, except those used exclusively by resident citizens in delivering merchandise from their own stores, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars per annum. -4 On every express company, telegraph company, gas company, electric light company, power company, street railroad company doing business or having an office in said city, a license tax not exceeding in amount one-fourth of one per centum of its gross receipts on its business in said city received during the preceding year up to and including the thirty-first day of May next before the date of fixing such license tax; and the manager or agent in charge of the business of any such company in said city on the first day of June in every year shal! on that day, or if that day be Sunday or a legal holiday, on the next day thereafter, make to the clerk of the board of aldermen, who shall in such case have power to administer oaths, a written return under oath signed by him of the amount of such gross receipts. The failure or refusal of any manager or agent to make such returns on the day fixed for that purpose shall make such manager or agent guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction he shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. The amount of such tax, on the failure or refusal of such manager or agent to make the returns as herein required, shall be determined by the board of aldermen at their next meeting after the day on which said return should have been made or at some other meeting thereafter before the first of August of each year, and they shal! fix the amount of such gross receipts as nearly as they can do so, and they shall levy one-fourth of one per centum thereof as the amount of the license tax. -5 On all itinerant merchants, peddlers or persons vending from any stand on the streets, offering to vend in said city, a privilege tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars a year, in addition to a tax not exceeding one per centum on the amount of their purchases respectively; and among such itinerant merchants or peddlers shall be included all itinerant venders of medicines or other articles. -6 On every shooting gallery, billiard table, bagatelle table, pool table or place of any other game or play, bowling alley or alley of like kind, with or without a name, kept for profit or kept in a house where spirituous, vinous or malt liquor is sold, or in a house used or connected with such a house, or used or connected with a hotel or restaurant, a privilege tax not exceeding one hundred dollars. -7 On every hotel, restaurant or eating-house a privilege tax not exceeding fifty dollars. The board of aldermen shall have the power to classify into as many classes as to them from time to time shall seem just, such hotels, restaurants and eating-houses according to the character and amount of business done by them and the class to which each may belong and prescribe a different tax for every class, not to exceed in any case the sum of fifty dollars. -8 On every circus, company of circus riders, performers or exhibitors or showmen, by whatever name called, who shall exhibit within said city or within one-half mile thereof, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars for every performance or separate exhibition, and on every side-show connected therewith a license tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each performance or exhibition. If the tax herein levied is not paid before performance, it shall be double the amount levied for such license. -9 Ou every person or company exhibiting within said city or one-half mile thereof, any stage or theatrical! plays, sleight-ofhand performance, rope-walking, wire-waiking, a license tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every twelve hours allowed for such exhibition. The tax, if not paid in advance, shall be double. -10 On every opera house a tax not exceeding one hundred dollars per annum: Provided, if a license is levied on opera houses, no license tax, as allowed in the preceding subsection nine, shall be required of the exhibitors therein. -11 On every flying jenny, merry-go-round or mechanical contrivance for amusement within said city or one-half mile thereof, run for profit, a tax of five dollars fur each and every day it is run. I[f the tax is not paid in advance it shall be doable. -12 On every exhibition of artificial or natural curiosities for reward a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars. -13 On every show, exhibition or performance of any kind, not othewise enumerated herein, and on every concert for reward, unless given by a religious, charitable or educational company, and on every strolling musician within said city, a license not exceeding ten dollars. -14 The board of aldermen may aiso levy, at their discretion, an annual privilege tax as follows: On dentists, local or itinerant, not exceeding ten dollars; on photographers, not exceeding twenty-five dollars; on hucksters stands, not exceeding twentyfive dollars; on itinerant dealers in lightning rods, not exceeding twenty-five dollars; on venders or agents of patent articles, not exceeding twenty-five dollars; on banks, banking business or bank agents, not exceeding one hundred dollars; on note shayers, money-lenders, brokers and real estate agents, not exceeding twenty-five dollars, on retail dealers in fresh meats, not exceeding twenty-five dollars, on dealers in fish and oysters, not exceeding ten dollars; on boarding houses, not exceeding ten dollars; on ice cream saloons, a tax not exceeding ten dollars; on dealers in fertilizers, not exceeding twenty-five dollars; on skating-rinks, not exceeding ten dollars; on dogs, not exceeding five dollars; on dealers in carriages, buggies, wagons, sewing machines, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, bicycles, cotton yarn not manufactured in Union county, not exceeding twenty-five dollars; on every person, company, firm or corporation selling pistols, bowie-knives, dirks, sling-shots, brass or metallic knuck!es or other deadly weapons of like character, in addition to all other taxes, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars. -15 On every itinerant physician, surgeon, dentist, chiropodist, optician, oculist, a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars. * -16 On every person, company or firm selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, a license tax for every place in which such business is or is to be conducted, whether by wholesale or retail, one thousand dollars, to be paid semi-annually in advance on the first days in January and July of each year, one-half at each payment. Every person desirous of engaging in such business in said city shall apply to said board of aldermen at its first meeting in June or December in any year for license to do so, and the said board of aldermen may in its discretion direct or decline to direct the tax collector to issue such license tc any such appli: cant or for any place in said city where license is sought to be obtained for the conduct of said business. Upon the direction of the board of aldermen so to do, and the payment of the license tax therefor, it shall be the duty of the tax collector to issue to the person, company or firm named in said direction a license to conduct the business specified in said direetion at the place therein named for the period of six months, to commence on the first day of Fanuary or July next after the date of such direction to the tax collector. Any license issued by the county commissicners of Union county for the sale of liquors in the city of Monroe, without a license first issued by the board of aldermens direetion to the tax collector, shall be void. Any person, company or firm having such license who shall within the period therein le named at any time fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any rule or regulation theretofore or within such period prescribed by such board of aldermen for the conduct, control or regulation of such business, shall thereby forfeit such license, and upon such i forfeiture being declared by the hoard of aldermen, such person, company or firm shall no longer be entitled to engage in said business within said period or under said license, nor shall such person, company or firm be entitled to have refunded to him, them, or it any part of the license tax paid for such license. Any person who shall sell or aid in selling or offer to sell in said city any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors without having a license therefor, or after his license shall have been declared forfeited by the board of aldermen, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof sha!l be fined not more than fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days. -17 They shall levy the taxes specified in subsection sixteen for the sale of liquors upon the granting of an order for license, and no license issued by the county commissioners shali be valid unless the tax specified above shall have been paid by the applicant for license: Provided, that this charter shall not have the effect to repeal the act prohibiting the sale of liquors in Union county by a dispensary, being chapter four hundred and forty-nine of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven." +1895_private laws_161_9,project experts,1,private laws,160,8,CHAPTER 160 n act to amend the charter of the town of Gastonia. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"If the board of commissioners shall deem it advisable to establish and maintain public schools in said town, they shall so declare by an ordinance duly adopted, in which shall be set out the maximum rate of taxation which, in their opinion, shall be levied for that purpose, and also the number of school commissioners who shall be elected. The ordinance shall fix a day, not earlier than thirty days after its adoption, when an election shall be held to ascertain the will of the people of the town upon the subject, and it shall be published for four weeks before said election in some newspaper published in said town. At said election those in favor of levying the tax shall vote a ticket on which shall be the words, for graded schools, and those opposed to levying the tax shall vote a ticket on which shall be the words against graded schools. The inspectors shall meet as soon as the polls are closed and shall declare the result, and certify the same to the secretary of the board, who shall record the same. If a majority of the qualified voters of the town shall vote in favor of said school, it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners to levy and collect annually for the use of said school a tax, the rate of which shall be fixed by the school commissioners, not however to exceed the rate mentioned in the aforesaid ordinance. This tax shall be collected as other town taxes, and shall be paid to the treasurer of said town, who shall be ea officio secretary and treasurer of the board of school commissioners. The mayor shall be the president of such board. Within ten days after their election the board shall meet and organize ; they shall hold office until the next regular municipal election, and until their successors are qualified. At the said regular election school commissioners shall be elected under the same rules and regulations as may be provided for the election of commissioners of the town. The board of school commissioners of the town of Gastonia, as herein provided for, shall be a corporation, and shall have power to acquire and hold all such personal and real property as may be needed for the schools to be maintained and established by them under the provisions of this act. They shall employ teachers, fix their pay, and make all rules and regulations for the government of said schools: Provided, however, that the said board must establish and maintain separate schools for the children of the white race, and for the children of the colored race. It shall be the duty of the schoo) commissioners of the county of Gaston, as soon as the schools herein provided for are established, to lay off, as one of the school districts of said county, all that part of said county which is within the limits of the said town of Gastonia, to be known as Gastonia school district ; and all moneys apportioned to said district under the provisions of the school laws of the state shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the board of school commissioners of said town, to be by them expended in the maintenance of said schools: Provided, that the privilege of attending is granted to all children who would be entitled to attend the public schools of the state." +1876/77_public laws_140_5,project experts,1,public laws,139,4,CHAPTER CXXXIX. AN ACT CONCERNING THE TOWN OF GOLDSBORO.,"Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the town; and it shall be the duty of said registrar to open his books at the court-house in said town at least ten -10 days before the day of election, herein provided for, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters ; and he shall designate on the registration books, opposite the name of each person registering, the ward in which he resides, and his place of residence in such ward ; and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose his place of residence in his ward, his wilful failure so to do, shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward." +1905_private laws_336_12,project experts,1,private laws,336,11,CHAPTER 336 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF HERTFORD AND TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said board of graded school trustees to establish graded schools for the white and colored children of said graded school district. And said board of trustees shall appropriate and use the funds derived from said particular taxes, and from other sources, in such manner as may be deemed just to both races, providing equal facilities to each, due regard being paid, however, to the difference in the cost of maintaining said schools, and to the usual habits and environments of the two races: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors." +1881_public laws_201_52,project experts,1,public laws,200,51,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"It shall be the duty of the school committee of each district to take and return to the county superintendent of public instruction, on or before the first day of September in every year, a full and accurate census of the children between the ages of six and twenty-one, designating the race and sex. And the said committee shall also report to the said county superintendent the number of public school-houses and the value of all public school property for each race, separately." +1923_public laws_137_43,project experts,1,public laws,136,42,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS","Board shall provide schools for Indians in certain counties. It shall be the duty of the county board of education to provide separate schools for Indians as follows: The persons residing in Robeson and Richmond counties supposed to be descendants of a friendly tribe once residing in the eastern portion of the State, known as Croatan Indians, and who have heretofore been known as Croatan Indians, or Indians of Robeson County, and their descendants, shall be known and designated as the Cherokee Indians of Robeson County; and the persons residing in Person County supposed to be descendants of a friendly tribe of Indians and Whites Lost Colony, once residing in the eastern portion of this State, and known as Cubans, and their descendants, shall be known and designated as the Indians of Person County. NotEFor separate schools for Indians in Scotland County, see 1909, 2 720 For separate schools in Cumberland County, see 1907, c. 499, and for Sampson County, see 1917, c. 509 The Indians mentioned above and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, school committees of their own race and color, and shall be allowed to select teachers of their own choice, subject to the same rules and regulations as are applicable to all teachers in the general school law, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools all children of the negro race to the fourth generation. (C. S. 5546, 5547.) ArT. 4 ScHOOL OFFICIALS SELECTED BY OR RESPONSIBLE TO THE BoaRD OF EDUCATION" +1907_public laws_743_2,project experts,1,public laws,742,1,"CHAPTER 742 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 807, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905, AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR MECK- LENBURG COUNTY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter eight hundred and seven of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by adding after section seven of said chapter the following: Sec. 7a. That for the purpose of extending to the people of Meck-: lenburg County the privileges of the free public library in the city | of Charlotte, known as the Charlotte-Carnegie Public Library, the. Board of Education for said county may appropriate annually out of the educational funds of said county ard pay to the treasurer of said public library such sum as may be sufficient to secure from the board of trustees of said library to the white citizens of Mecklenburg County the privileges and use of the books of said library, said appropriation not to exceed in any one year the sum of five hundred dollars. That whenever any such appropriation shall be made and accepted, the privileges of said library shall be extended to all white citizens within said county, under the rules and regulations adopted by said board of trustees, ,and the use of said books and the enjoyment of said privileges shall continue for such term as shall be agreed upon between the Board of Education for said county and the board of trustees for said library." +1883_private laws_101_2,project experts,0,private laws,100,1,CHAPTER 100 An act to incorporate Central Institute for Young Ladies. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : .,"That Thomas W. Harris, Sterling Johnston, J. W. Heptinstall, E.C. Thorne, W. C. Johnston, C. L. Sledge, W. E. Spruill, N. E. Jenkins, M. E. Newsom, W. H. Thorne, B. R. Browning, their associates and successors, be and they are hereby created a joint stock company, a body politic and corporate, for the purpose of maintaintaining a school of high grade near the town of Littleton, in the county of Warren, for the intellectual, moral and religious development and training of young ladies under the name and style of Central Institute for Young Ladies, and in that name may sue and be sued, may plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, aoquire, hold and convey in their corporate capacity property personal and real, and exercise all acts in relation thereto incident to the ownership of personal proper and real estate." +1917_public local laws_664_2,project experts,0,public local laws,663,1,"CHAPTER 663 AN ACT TO AMEND (CHAPTER 775 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1913, ENTITLED AN ACT TO PROHIBIT DIS- ORDERLY CONDUCT, PREVENT PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS, AND PROTECT CERTAIN CHURCHES AND ASSOCIA- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter seven hundred and seventy-five of the Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, entitled An act to prohibit disorderly conduct, prevent public drunkenness, and protect certain churches and associations, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: In section four, line two, after the word highways insert the words, or on any railway train; in lime five of said section strike out the word fifteen and insert the word fifty; also in line five strike out the word fifty and insert the words one hundred; in line six strike out the word five and insert the word thirty; also in line six strike out the word thirty and insert the word sixty. This act shall apply only to Yancey County." +1899_public laws_2_4,project experts,1,public laws,1,3,"CHAPTER 1 An act to revise, consolidate and amend the insanity laws of this state. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _","The State Hospital at Morganton, and the State Hospital jat Raleigh, shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, ieare and treatment of the white insane and inebriates of this state, and the State Hospital at Goldsboro shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the colored insane and inebriates of this state." +1957_session laws_1370_3,project experts,0,session laws,1369,2,CHAPTER 1369 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING FOR TRAINABLE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"County and city boards of education are hereby authorized and empowered to establish training programs or centers for training such trainable mentally retarded children. Boards of education in adjacent administrative units may by written agreement recorded in their minutes jointly operate such a program or center. In addition to such other funds 1551 as may be available for this purpose, county or city boards of education establishing such programs or centers are authorized to expend therefor any State or local funds apportioned to them under the provisions of this Act. County and city boards may also receive gifts to be used for such programs or centers and may expend them for such purposes. County and city boards of education are authorized to include in their capital outlay and current expense budgets funds to enable the establishment, maintenance and operation of training programs or centers established pursuant to this Act and the tax levying authorities are authorized to allow said budgetary items and to levy proper taxes therefor." +1871/72_public laws_190_21,project experts,1,public laws,189,20,CHAPTER CLXXXIX. AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOL LAWS AND TO PROVIDE FOR A 8YSTEM OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. -,"The school committee shall conenlt the convenience of the white residents in settling the boundaries of districts for white schools, and of colored residents in settling the boundaries ot districts tor colored schools. The schools of the two races shall be separate ; the districts may be the same or not, according to the convenience of the #NAME? concerned. In cases where there are two sets of districts in a township, they shall be designated as School District; No. 1, 2, 8, &e., for white schools, or School District, No. 1, 2, 3, &e., for colored schools, as the case may be, of township ot , &e., as before stated." +1905_private laws_278_5,project experts,1,private laws,278,4,"CHAPTER 278 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in case a majority of the qualified voters of the said Beaufort Graded School District shall be in favor of such tax, the Board of Commissioners of Carteret County shall, in addition to other taxes laid upon said school district. annually compute and levy, at the time of levying other taxes, a sufficient special tax upon the property and polls of the white and colored persons of said Beaufort Graded School District, to raise such a sum of money as the trustees of said graded schools in said graded school district shall deem necessary to Support and maintain said graded schools, which sum shall not exceed thirty cents on one hundred dollars valuation of property and ninety cents on each poll. The said trustees, whose appointment is hereinafter provided for, upon their appointment and qualification after the election herein provided for, shall meet and organize and report to the Commissioners of Carteret County what sum said trustees deem necessary to support and maintain said graded schools during the first year; and annually thereafter the said trustees, thirty days prior to the time for levying the county taxes. shall report to the said Board of Commissioners of Carteret County what sum is necessary to support and maintain said graded schools during the next year. The taxes levied for the support of said schools, as hereinafter provided, shall be annually collected as other taxes are collected and paid over by the sheriff or other collecting officer to the Treasurer of Carteret County for the safe-keeping and proper distribution of the same, and the said tax levied and collected for said graded schools shall be kept sacred and separate and distinct from other taxes by the said officers, and shall be used only for the purposes for which they were levied and collected." +1913_private laws_200_7,project experts,1,private laws,199,6,CHAPTER 199 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF GASTONIA; NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the board of aldermen to declare at what place or places elections shall be held in said city; and they shall give due notice of the establishment of said voting place or places by publication in some newspaper published in said city four weeks before the election or by posting such notiges at three or more public places in said city. The board of aldermen shall at their first regular meeting in March, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and biennially thereafter, appoint a registrar for said election, and shall give notice of registration by causing publication to be made at three public places in said city of Gastonia, giving in said notice the name of said registrar and the place of registration. The board of aldermen shall furnish said registrar with registration books, and it shall be the duty of the registrar appointed by the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and thereafter, for four consecutive Saturdays next preceding the election, between the hours of seven A. M. and seven Pp. M., to open the registration books at such place or places as has been advertised as aforesaid, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters: Provided, however, that the registrar, after said registration books have been opened and before the same are closed according to law, may in his discretion, register persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote, at other times and places than the time and place mentioned in said advertisement or notice. Any person offering to register shall be required to take an oath that he is a citizen of North Carolina and has resided in the county ninety days and in the city of Gastonia thirty days; and if any person shall willfully swear falsely he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars or imprisoned for thirty days in the county jail: Provided, however, that it shall not be required or necessary to have a new registration under this act, but the registration as now in force and effect, under the Private Laws of North Carolina of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, chapter one hundred and forty-eight, or acts supplementary or amendatory thereof, or ordinances of said city in furtherance of said act, shall be in full force and operation, and such books may be revised so as to show an active list of electors previously registered and still residing in said city without requiring said electors to be registered anew; and such registration books shall on the fourth Saturday before the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and biennially thereafter, be opened for the registration of any elector entitled to registration whose names have not before been registered in said books or do not appear in the revised list: Provided, however, that the board of aldermen may at any time order a new registration. The said registrar and the two judges appointed as above set forth shall compose the judges or inspectors of election to open the polls, receive and deposit the ballots in the boxes provided for that purpose, and to superintend and have control of the voting." +1871/72_public laws_194_35,project experts,1,public laws,193,34,"CHAPTER OCOXCITTI. AN ACT CONCERNING MARRIAGES, MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS AND THE CONTRACTS OF MARRIED WOMEN.","What to be declared void at all times: All marriages between a white person snd a negro, or _indian, or between a white person and a negro or indian descent, to the third generation inclusive, shal] be absol utely void to all intents and purposes, and shall be so held and declared by every court at all times, whether during the lives or atter the deaths of the parties thereto; and it shall not be lawful for the issue of any such marriage to be legitimated to the supposed father." +1903_public laws_648_6,project experts,1,public laws,647,5,CHAPTER 647 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ATTENDANCE OF CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOLS OF MACON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall not apply in any case where the child has been or is being taught at home in such branches as are taught in the public schools for the length of time required in section one of this act, or whose physical or mental condition renders his or her attendance impracticable, or who shall be excused by the public school committee of the township or district in which the parent, guardian or other person having control resides, upon its being shown to their satisfaction that the parent, guardian or other person having control was not able, on account of poverty, to clothe such child properly, or that he or she has already acquired the ordinary branches required by law, or that. there is no white school, in the case of white children, or colored school, in the case of colored children, within two miles by the nearest traveled road." +1889_public laws_200_10,project experts,1,public laws,199,9,CHAPTER 199 An act to amend the public school law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the auditor of the. State shall include on the form which he furnishes to the board of county commissioners, and on which the tax-lists are to be made out, separate columns for school poll-tax and school property tax, in one of which columns shall be entered the total poll-tax levied by the General Assembly and the county authorities for schools due by each tax-payer, and in the other the total property tax levied by the General Assembly and the county authorities for schools due by each tax-payer. The auditors form shall likewise show, in separate columns, the white and colored polls, and in separate columns the property of whites and colored, and the list-takers form shall be arranged accordingly." +1923_public laws_137_41,project experts,0,public laws,136,40,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS","Kindergartens may be established. Upon a petition by the board of directors or trustees or school committee of any school district, endorsed by the county board of education, the board of county commissioners, after thirty days notice at the courthouse door and three other public places in the district named, shall order an election to ascertain the will of the people within said district whether there shall be levied in such a district a special annual tax of not more than fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property and fortyfive cents on the poll for the purpose of establishing kindergarten departments in the schools of said district. The election so ordered shall be conducted under the rules and regulations for holding special tax elections in special school districts, as provided in article eighteen of this chapter. At such election those who are in favor of the special tax shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words For Kindergartens, and those who are opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words Against Kindergartens. If a majority of the qualified voters shall vote in favor of the tax, then it shall be the duty of the board of trustees or directors or school committee of said district to establish and provide for kindergartens for the education of the children in said district of not more than six years of age, and the county commissioners shall annually levy a tax for the support of said kindergarten departments not exceeding the amount specified in the order of P. L.21 election. That said tax shall be collected as all other taxes in the county are collected and shall be paid by the sheriff to the treasurer of the said school district to be used exclusively for providing adequate quarters and for equipment and for the maintenance of said kindergarten department." +1919_private laws_96_5,project experts,1,private laws,95,4,CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH NEWPORT GRADED. SCHOOL DIS- TRICT IN CARTERET COUNTY The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said board of school trustees to establish separate schools for the white and colored children of said school district, and they may grade the schools for either race, and shall appropriate and use the funds from special taxes and from state and county school funds in such manner as may be deemed just to both races, due regard being had to difference in cost of maintaining and the requirements, of said schools: Provided, donation and income for benefit of any special school shall be so applied." +1949_session laws_940_4,project experts,0,session laws,939,3,1014 CHAPTER 939 AN ACT CREATING AN AGRICULTURAL AND BREED- ERS ASSOCIATION FOR THE COUNTY OF PASQUO- TANK ON APPROVAL BY THE VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That when the commission shall have granted a franchise or privilege as aforesaid to any corporation as aforesaid, the said corporation is hereby fully authorized and empowered to legally construct, build, carry on, maintain and operate a park, driving ground or race course outside the corporate limits of the City of Elizabeth City, but inside the corporate limits of Pasquotank County and to conduct and to maintain therein horse races: Provided, however, that no race or racing shall be conducted on Sunday and no race or racing shall begin or commence before the hour of one P. M. Eastern Standard Time, and that no person under the age of twenty-one years shall be admitted as a patron within the grounds of said park, driving ground or race course unless such person is accompanied by his or her parent or guardian, and such corporation is hereby expressly granted full power and authority to operate and maintain what is generally known as Pari Mutuel Machines or Appliances of the kind employed and in use at recognized racing courses in America: Provided, however, that said pari mutuel machines and appliances shall only be maintained and operated within the enclosure of said park, driving ground or race course and only on days or parts of days when races or racing is being therein conducted, and it shall be legal for any and all persons legally within the enclosure of said park, driving ground or race course while said park, driving ground or race course is open for racing, to participate in the operation, or become a patron of said pari machines and appliances. Subsec. (a). Any franchise or privilege granted by the commission to any corporation under the provisions of this Act shall be and remain irrevocable so long as said corporation complies with the terms and provisions of said franchise and complies with the rules and regulations of the said commission: Provided, however, that no franchise granted to any corporation by said Agricultural and Breeders Association Commission shall be transferred or assigned to any other corporation except by and with the written consent of the commission first obtained." +1909_private laws_267_2,project experts,0,private laws,266,1,"CHAPTER 266 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL, OF FAISON, NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That H. C. Wright. A. R. Middleton, D. A. Williams, Peter Johnson, G. R. Raynor, Rev. N. Moore, R. A. Speers, Rev. J. N. McKnight, J. R. Coel, S. S. Stevens and J. C. Herring (colored), and their successors in office, be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of Industrial Training and Educational School, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a school or system of schools at Faison, North Carolina, in which may be taught the usual educational branches and manual training as to the said trustees may seem expedient and proper; with the privilege of using a common seal. to be altered at their pleasure; with the power in their corporate name to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to hold real and personal property. by gift, purchase, donation or otherwise, as they may deem necessary and convenient to the establishment and maintenance of the said school; to make all rules needful and necessary for the government of their body, and for the carrying into effect the purposes of their said institution. and to do all acts pertaining to similar corporations, not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina and the United States." +1935_public local laws_308_8,project experts,0,public local laws,307,7,"CHAPTER 307 AN ACT TO ENABLE CABARRUS COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC HOSPITAL, TO LEVY A TAX AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR, APPOINT HOSPITAL TRUSTEES, MAINTAIN A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, ETC. The Genera? Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The hospital established under this Act shall be for the benefit of the inhabitants of Cabarrus County, and of any person falling sick or being injured or maimed within its limits; but every inhabitant or person who is not a pauper shall pay to such executive committee or such officers as it shall designate for such county public hospital a reasonable compensation for occupancy, nursing, care, medicine, and/or attendance, according to the rules and regulations prescribed by said executive committee, such hospital always being subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as said committee may adopt in order to render the use of szid hospital of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said executive committee may exclude from the use of such hospital any and all inhabitants and persons who shall willfully violate such rules and regulations; and said committee may extend the privileges and use of such hospital to persons residing outside of Cabarrus County upon such terms and conditions as said executive committee may from time to time by its rules and regulations prescribe." +1876/77_public laws_235_2,project experts,1,public laws,234,1,CHAPTER CCOXXXIV. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH NORMAL SCHOOLS.,"Zhe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That it shall be lawful, for the state board of education, to establish a normal school, in connection with the state university, for the purpose of teaching and training young men of the white race for teachers of the common schools of the state, and to aid in defraying the expense of carrying on such normal school. The state board of education is authorized and instructed to draw upon the treasury for an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars annually for the year of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and the year of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to be used for the purpose herein stated, and no other." +1876/77_public laws_235_3,project experts,1,public laws,234,2,CHAPTER CCOXXXIV. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH NORMAL SCHOOLS.,"That it shall be lawful for the state board of education to establish a normal school at any place they may deem most suitable, either in connection with some one of the colored schools of high grade in the state, or otherwise, for the teaching and training young men of the colored race, from the age of fifteen to twenty-five years, for teachers in the common schools of the state for the colored race, and to aid in defraying the expense of carrying on such normal school the state board of education is authorized and instructed to draw upon the treasury for an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars annually for the year of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven and the year.ofone thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to be used for the purpose herein stated, and no other. _" +1883_public laws_193_7,project experts,1,public laws,192,6,"CHAPTER 192 An act to establish graded schools in Wilson township, Wi!son county. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That E. C. Simms, Peter Rountree,Mharles Battle, G. A. Farmer, Jerry Washington, C. M. Jones, Daniel Vick, Samuel Williams and C. H. Darden be and they are constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children. That said board shall have power to fill all vacancies, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as may be necessary to keep up the said school for colored children." +1883_public laws_193_6,project experts,1,public laws,192,5,"CHAPTER 192 An act to establish graded schools in Wilson township, Wi!son county. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Thomas J. Hadley, R. J. Taylor, Warren Woodard, George D. Green, G. W. Blount, Moses Rountree, H. C. Moss, H. G. Conner and M. T. Maye, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies in said board, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as may be necessary to carry on said school for the white children." +1883_public laws_189_8,project experts,1,public laws,188,7,CHAPTER 188 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Monroe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the public school money which shall from time to time be collected under the general school law for public school purposes for the colored children in said town, shall be applied for keeping up the public graded school for the colored children, under the orders and directions of the board of trustees for said graded school for the colored children in the event that such graded school should be operated in said town." +1883_public laws_189_2,project experts,1,public laws,188,1,CHAPTER 188 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Monroe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the commissioners for the town of Monroe, in the county of Union, are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said town at such time and under such rules and regulations as the said commissioners may prescribe, whether an annual assessment shall be levied therein for the support of a graded school for the white children, and a graded school for the colored children in said town; that at such elettion such qualified voters as are in favor of levying such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for school upon it, and such voters as are opposed to the levying of such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words against school upon it, and the penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election and the rules and regulations for conducting the said election shall be in all respects the same asin the annual elections for mayor and commissioners of the said town of Monroe." +1883_public laws_187_7,project experts,1,public laws,186,6,CHAPTER 186 An act in relation to the graded schools of Goldsboro township in the county of Wayne. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That whenever it shall appear to the board of commissioners for Wayne county, upon a petition in writing, signed by the trustees of the graded school for whites for Goldsboro township, that an increase of the assessment for maintaining such school is desirable and necessary, then it shall be the duty of the said board of commissioners to submit the question of such increase of assessment to the qualified white voters of said township, under such rules and regulations as the said board of commissioners may prescribe; and in submitting such question to the voters as aforesaid, the rate of assessment on the poll and property shall be expressly named and limited. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for increase of school assessmert, or against increase of school assessment; and such election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly; and in case a majority of the qualified white voters of said township shall be in favor of such increase of assessment, the same shall be levied and collected in the same manner as is provided by law for levying and collecting state and county taxes. The provisions of this section shall also apply to the graded school for the colored in Goldsboro township, and at all elections held pursuant thereto, relating to said graded school for the colored, only the qualified colored voters of said township shall be entitled to vote." +1883_public laws_149_2,project experts,1,public laws,148,1,"CHAPTER 148 An act to provide for local assessments in aid of public schools, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That upon written petition, signed by ten white voters of any school district for white children, or by a like number of colored voters of any school district for colored children, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners wherein such district is located, to post a notice, signed by their chairman, at three public places in such district, notifying the white or colored tax payers, as the case may be, that they will be heard at the next regular meeting of said board as to submitting to the voters the levying and collecting an assessment in such district in aid of the public school in said district. At said meeting the board shall hear a]l persons who map desire to be heard, and shal} decide whether the question shall be submitted to the said voters or not; and if they decide to submit the question to the voters, they shall also decide what per cent., not exceeding twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation of property and seventy-five cents on the poll, shall be collected on property and the amount on polls respectively, and shall issue a written order, signed by the chairman of said board, to the school committee of such district, to submit to the qualified white or colored voters of such district, as the case may be, whether an annual assessment shall be levied and collected therein for the support of the public school in said district for the white children, or for the colored children, as the case may be. Said committee shall give thirty days wrilten or printed notice of the time and place at which said election shall be held, and the said notice shall be posted at three public places in said district. Said committee, or a majority of them, after being sworn by a justice of the peace, shall open the 15 polls, hold said election, eount the votes and shall report to the board of county commissicners at their next regular meeting after said election the result thereof. ach voter shall deposit a ballot, upon which shall be written or printed the word assessment or the words no assessment; and said election shall be held and conducted in all other respects under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed for the election of members of the general assembly." +1883_public laws_122_8,project experts,1,public laws,121,7,"CHAPTER 121 An act to amend an act entitled an act to revise and consolidate the public school law, and to make more efficient the system of public instruction in this state, ratified March tenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Amend section twenty-four by striking out in line eleven the words one months, and inserting the words thirty days. Amend section twenty-four, line one, by inserting after the word each the words white and each colored. Amend the same section, in line four, by striking out the word December and inserting the word October, and by inserting after the word whose, in line four, the words, term of service shall begin the first Monday of December following, and whose." +1883_public laws_37_5,project experts,1,public laws,36,4,"CHAPTER 36 | An act to establish a graded public school in the town of Statesville, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That said Board of Education of the town of Statesville may sue and be sued, have a common seal, purchase and hold real estate for the purposes of said corporation as herein expressed, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value; and may adopt rules for its government not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the state; and the said board shall receive and apply to the purposes of the said graded school all publicschool moneys from whatsoever source arising which are now or may hereafier be applicable to the common school education of white children within the school age and resident within the town of Statesville. ." +1883_public laws_37_2,project experts,1,public laws,36,1,"CHAPTER 36 | An act to establish a graded public school in the town of Statesville, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","The commissioners of the town of Statesville are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified yoters of said town at such time or times, not oftener than one in any one year, under such regulations as said commissioners may prescribe, whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the establishment and support of a graded school in said town. That such qualified voters at such election shall vote on written or printed ballots the words For School or Against School, and the penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be the same as for the annual elections for mayor and commissioners of said town of Statesville. In case @ majority of the qualified voters at such election shall be in favor of such tax, the same shall be levied and collected by the town authorities under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as other town taxes are or may be collected, and the tax collector shall be 6 subject to the same liabilities for the collection and ing over of said taxes, as he is or may be for other taxe Provided, that the tax so collected shall not exceed one fifth of:one per centum on the value of property, an sixty cents on the poll; and the taxes thus levied an collected shail be applied exclusively to the purpose providing, by purchase or otherwise, suitable buildin and grounds, and to the support of a graded publie school which shall be free to all white persons within the school age, living within the corporate limits of the town Statesville; and for the education of colored persons within the school age living in said tone, as hereinafter gohan" +1883_private laws_143_7,project experts,1,private laws,142,6,"CHAPTER 142 An act to incorporate the town of Smithfield, in Johnston county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the town, and it shall be the duty of said registrar to open his books at the time and place designated by said county commissioners in said town, at least thirty days before the day of election herein provided for, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration: and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and he shall designate on the registration books opposite the name of each person registering the ward in which he resides and his place of residence in such ward ;-andif any applicant for registration shall not disclose his place of residence in his ward, his wilful failure so to do shall be prima facia evidence that he is not entitled to registration in such ward." +1883_private laws_16_2,project experts,0,private laws,15,1,CHAPTER 15 An act to incorporate the North Carolina Colored Christian Con- ference. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact ;,"That Moses Fike, Joseph Mann, W. M. Hayes, Samuel Foy, Thomas Bullock, G. W. Dunn, Jackson Jefireys, Robert McKinsy, Robert Preddy, Jacob Onslow, J. F. Mitchell, S. L. Long, Norfleet White, Robert Cook, William Bullock, William Fenner, H. K. Kearney, Nelson Alston, Turner Levister, Clayton Cook, W. M. Nicholson, H. E. Long, J. L. Long, their associates and successors, be and the same are hereby declared a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The North Carolina Colored Christian Conference, and as such shall have power to purchase and hold real and personal estate, to sue and be sued by their corporate name, to use a common seal, and to make such rules and by-laws as may be necessary for their good government." +1881_public laws_235_4,project experts,0,public laws,234,3,CHAPTER 2534 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE SALE OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS IN CERTAIN LOCALITIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the sale of spirituous liquors shall be prohibited within three miles of the following places, to-wit : St. Andrews church in Rowan county ; the male academy in Mt. Airy, Surry county; Castenea Grove church in Gaston county ; Public school, No. 2,in Pantego township, Beaufort county ; New Hope academy, school district, number 80, in Robeson county ; Rutherfordton Baptist church in the county of Rutherford; Camp Creek Baptist church in the county of Cleveland; Old Bull Creek Baptist Church in Madison county; Gabriels Creek Baptist church in Madison county ; Double Springs Baptist church in Henderson county; Indian Creek Baptist church in Yancey county; Baptist Grove church in Harnett county; Hectors Creek church in Harnett county; Sugar Camp Baptist church in Madison county ; Back Creek church in Mecklenburg county; Woodington church in Lenoir county; New Jonathan Creek Baptist church in Granville county ; Shady Grove church in Anson county; Bethel church, in Fishing Creek township, Granville county ; Jewel Hill church, Dry Branch church, Mars Hill church, East Fork Bull Creek church, West Fork Bull Creek church, Laurel Branch church, Ivey church, California church, and Bethel church in Madison county ; Antioch church (Baptist) in the county of Person; Bethesda church in the county of Iredell; Macedonia church (Baptist) in Columbus county; Mountain Creek Baptist church in Granville county; New Hope church in the county of Perquimans; Paint Gap Baptist church, Terrys Fork school-house, and Pleasant Gap school-house in Madison county ; Clear Creek church in the county of Mecklenburg ; Rockwell academy in the county of Mecklenburg; Merritts chapel in the county of Chatham; Mowing Blade church in the county of Mecklenburg ; Columbus chapel and Torrence chapel in the county of Mecklenburg; Shilo church in the county of Iredell; Mt. Zion church in Gaston county; Turpins chapel, Hide Mountain M. E. church, Furgesons campground, Cove Creek Baptist church, Jonathans Creek Baptist church in the county of Haywood; Jamestown academy in Jamestown, the Presbyterian church at Jamestown, Friendship church, Mt. Pleasant church, Holts chapel, Cumberland chapel, Pleasant Garden, and Shady Grove, in the county of Guilford; Bethany church in the county of Randolph; Burmingtown Baptist charch, and Maidens chapel, Cartoogechaye in the county of Macon ; Shiloh academy in the county of Davidson ; Marble Spring churchin Valleytown township in the county of Cherokee; Bethlehem M. E. church, Bethel Baptist church in the county of McDowell; Sandy Creek Baptist church and Liberty church in Franklin county; Piney Grove church in Transylvania county; the Methodist church at Ansonville, Pleasant Hill M. E. church, Long Pine academy, Pee Dee academy, or the school-house at Sawyers Springs in Anson county; Mt. Liberty and Pleasant Grove churches in Cherokee county; Licking Branch school-house in Bertie county ; Hopewell Baptist church in the county of Union; Pine Log M. E. church in Clay county; St. Lukes Baptist church in Richmond county ; St. Marys, Johnsons chapel, Hannahs Creek and Pleasant Hill churches in the county of Johnston ; Oakdale factory and Summerfield postoffice in the county of Guilford; Crab Creek Baptist church in the county of Henderson; Panther Ford Presbyterian church, Bethany Presbyterian church and Sandy Grove Baptist church in the county of Robeson; Belford Methodist church in the county of Nash; Mt. Zion A. M. E. church and Trinity M. E. church in Bladen county; Ephesus and Lees Chapel churches in the county of Person; Lebanon church in Caswell county ; Mt. Holly academy in the county of Gaston ; Mt. Gilead Baptist church in the county of Chatham; Mt. Zion A. M. E. church near Elizabethtown in Bladen county; Trinity Methodist church and Corinth Baptist church in the county of Franklin; Yates Baptist church in Orange county; Social Union Baptist church (colored) in the county of Nash; Bethesda M. E. church, and Baalim Grove church in the county of Mecklenburg; Union Presbyterian church and the church at Mountain Island factory in the county of Gaston; Mt. Olivet (colored) Baptist church in Columbus county ; Shoal Creek Camp ground, Shoal Creek Methodist church, Shoal Creek Baptist church, and Shoal Creek school-house in Qualla township, Walnut Creek Baptist church, Laurel Branch Baptist church, in the county of Madison; Mt. Zion Baptist church in Franklin county ; Prospect church in the county of Rowan ; Philadelphia Baptist church in the county of Nash; Log Cabin school-house in Tysons township in the county of Stanly; the school-house in District number nine, Sandy Ridge and Jacksons township in Union county; Kerrs Chapel Baptist church in Caswell county; Bethel Baptist church in McDowell county; Baptist church in the town of Rutherfordton ; Trinity Methodist church, Corinth Baptist church, Cedar Rock Baptist church, Mt. Zion Baptist church and Maple Spring Baptist church, in the county of Franklin ; Peach Tree Baptist church and Belford Methodist church in Nash county ; Good Hope Christian church in the county of Granville; Rehoboth Methodist church in Guilford county ; Rocky Mount church, New Perth church in the county of Iredell; Mountain Island church, and River Bend school-house in the county of Gaston; Sandy Level Baptist church in the county of Wake ; Cedar Grove academy in the county of Moore; St. Peters Lutheran church in Rowan county; Rose of Sharon Baptist church in Orange county (new Jurham); Mt. Moriah Baptist church and Edneyville Methodist church in Henderson county ; Macedonia Baptist church in Columbus county; Sandy Creek church in Davidson county; the Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches in the town of Carthage in Moore county; Beulah Baptish church in Crab Creek township, and the Beaver Creek Baptist church in Ashe county; county of Henderson; Indian Creek Baptist church in Yancey county; Zion Baptist church in the county of Yancey; Union church in Marshall in the county of Madison; Walnut Creek Baptist church and Laurel Fork church in Madison county, Echota Indian Mission church in Jackson county; Mt. Moriah Baptist church in Transylvania county; and it shall be unlawful for any person er persons to manufacture or sell any spirituous liquors within three miles of Pleasant Hill Presbyterian church in Mecklenburg county, and Ephesus Baptist church in Person county." +1881_public laws_190_8,project experts,1,public laws,189,7,CHAPTER 189 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN GOLDSBORO TOWXK- SHIP IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the public school money which shall, from time to time, be collected under the general school law for public school purposes for the colored children in said township shall be applied for keeping up the public graded school for the colored children, under the orders and directions of the board of trustees for said graded school for the colored children." +1881_public laws_190_6,project experts,1,public laws,189,5,CHAPTER 189 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN GOLDSBORO TOWXK- SHIP IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Hinton Sugg, Anestus Smith, William Crockett, Hillery Sears, Squire Hodges, Nathan Boyett, (colored,) and C. A. Scott, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the colored children; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the colored children." +1881_public laws_190_5,project experts,1,public laws,189,4,CHAPTER 189 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN GOLDSBORO TOWXK- SHIP IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That E. B. Boyden, J. A. Bonitz, H. L. Grant, H.5, Lee, W. A. Deans, Nathan Bogatt and B. F. Arrington, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites; that said board shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in said board, to employ teachers, and do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry on said graded school for the white children." +1881_public laws_150_2,project experts,1,public laws,149,1,"CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO DONATE ONE ACRE OF STATE LAND TO SHAW UNI- VERSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING A COLORED MEDI- CAL COLLEGE. Wuereas, Certain philanthropists have contributed and placed in the hands of Henry M. Tupper, president of Shaw University, a sufficient sum of money to erect the necessary buildings for a colored medical college ; AND WHEREAS, It is very necessary to have said college located upon ground contiguous to said University; now therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That one square acre of ground, to be taken from the southeast corner of the lot on which the goy- , ernors mansion is now located, shall be and the same is hereby donated to the trustees of Shaw University, to be by them held in trust for the purpose of establishing a medical college for colored students." +1881_public laws_142_6,project experts,1,public laws,141,5,"CHAPTER 141 AN ACT TO CARRY INTO EFFECT CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE IN REGARD TO THE UNIVER. SITY. WHEREAS, The constitution of this state, by section sixth, chapter ninth, provides that the general assembly shall have authority to provide for the maintenance and management of the University of North Carolina; AND WHEREAS, By article ninth and section seventh of the constitution, it is made the duty of the general assem- bly, as soon as practicable, to provide that the benefits of the University shall be extended to the youth of the state free of charge for tuition ; AND WHEREAS, By article ninth, section fourteenth of the constitution, it is made the duty of the general assem- bly to establish and maintain in connection with the University, a department of agriculture, of mechanics, of mining and of normal instruction ; AND WHEREAS, Twelve years having elapsed since the adoption of the foregoing provisions of the constitu- tion, in the opinion of the general assembly, it is now practicable, and it therefore becomes their duty to the extent hereinafter mentioned, to carry the same into effect ; : AND WHEREAS, An efficient system of public schools cannot be obtained without competent teachers for the same, and it is of vast importance to the well-being of the state that its young men of all pursuits shall be able to secure the advantages of higher education as cheaply as possible ; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the state board of education be directed to establish other normal schools than thosg at Fayetteville and the University, and that the sum of two thousand dollars per annum is hereby appropriated for such schools for white teachers, and the sum of two thonsand dollars for such schools for colored teachers authorized by this act, in addition to the appropriation heretofore made for normal schools: Provided, however, That the number of schools shall not be less than four for each color." +1881_public laws_118_29,project experts,1,public laws,117,28,CHAPTER 117 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Assessment and valuation of lands :,"The clerk of the commissioners, on or before the firsts Monday in November, after the lists are completed by the commissioners and deposited with him, shall return to the auditor an abstract of the same, showing the number of acres of land and their value, and tke value of town lots, and the number of white and colored polls separately, and specify every other subject of taxation, and the amount of state and county tax paid on each subject, and the ameunt paid on the whole. Atthesame time the clerk shall return to the auditor an abstract of the list of the poor, county and shool taxes paid in his county, setting forth separately the tax levied on each poll, and on each one hundred dollars value of real property for each purpose, and also the gross amount of taxes of every kind levied for county purposes. Penalty on clerk for default :" +1881_private laws_51_7,project experts,1,private laws,50,6,"CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO, IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the city ; and it shall be the duty of said registrar to open his books at the time and place designated by said county commissioners in said city at least ten days before the day of election herein provided fer; and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and he shall designate on the registration books, opposite the name of each person registering, the ward in which he resides and his place ef residence in such ward; and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose his place of residence in his ward, his wilful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to registration in such ward." +1881_private laws_41_6,project experts,1,private laws,40,5,CHAPTER 40 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Said registrars shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration hooks; and it shall be the duty of said registrars, appointed for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one and thereafter, to open their books at some convenient place in the ward for which they were appointedon or before the last Monday in March in such years, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration, and entitled to register and vote in that ward for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and designating on the registration book, opposite the names of each person registering, the place of his residence in his ward; and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in his ward, his wilful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he is a citizen of North Carolina, and has resided in the city of Charlotte ninety days and in the ward for which he offers to register thirty days next preceding that date, or is otherwise entitled to register; and, if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars, and to be imprisoned sixty days in the county jail: Provided, That after the tirst registration shall have been made by virtue hereof, a new registration may not be made biennially, but such registration book shall be revised so as to show an accurate list of electors previously registered, and still residing in said city without requiring such electors to be registered anew. And such registrars shall, on or before the last Monday in March biennially, open said books for the registration of any electors entitled to registration, whose names have never before been registered in such ward, or do not appear in the revised list: Provided, however, That the board of aldermep may atany time order a new registration in the manner herein prescribed." +1881_private laws_38_2,project experts,1,private laws,37,1,CHAPTER 37 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the charter of the town of Winston be amended by adding the following as a part thereof as contained in chapter one hundred and seventeen, acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six and one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven: that the commissioners of graded schools of the town of Winston shall be authorized to purchase lots and erect and furnish proper buildings for the graded schools, white and colored of said town, from taxes to be levied and collected on the assessed property and polls of said town for said purposes: Provided, Said taxes shall not exceed twentyfive cents on the one hundred dollars of property or seventy-five cents on the poll in any one year, and shall not be continued longer than two years." +1879_private laws_68_34,project experts,1,private laws,67,33,CHAPTER 67 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF WINSTON AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The commissioners of the town shall provide for the establishment and support of a system of graded schools under the following conditions, to-wit: 1 No interest-bearing debt of the corporation shall be , created for this purpose. ; 2 The schools shall be open to all bona fide residents of the town, of all races, between the ages of six and twenty-one, but the white and colored schools shall be in distinct and separate buildings and departments, and the schools shall have separate apartments for the higher classes of males and females. 3 The fund raised by taxation shall be used only for the payment of the salaries of teachers. 4 No fee or tuition shall be exacted from or on behalf of any one entitled to the benefits of the schools of more ~ than fifty cents per annum, and at the same ratio for a session of less time. 5 Persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the school from their homes, or as boarders, on the payment of tuition fees to be fixed by the school commissioners. 6 Suitable buildings, furniture and apparatus for the schools shall be provided by voluntary effort. 7 The tax for school purposes shall not exceed twenty s_ feents on the hundred dollars of assessed property and polls; and twenty-five per cent. of the revenues raised ) ander sections fifteen, seventeen and eighteen, and by fines and forfeitures shall be paid to the graded school fund. _ 9 The schools shall not be established until the subject, with the conditions above, has been submitted to the qualified voters of the town on thirty days notice in the town papers and at the court house doors, and ratified by a majority of said voters at an election to be held as other town elections. : _ 10 The said proposition when voted down may be sub- mitted at other elections, but not oftener than once in peach year." +1876/77_public laws_273_2,project experts,1,public laws,272,1,CHAPTER CCLXXII. AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE GUARD-,"The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, The white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same companies, battalions or regiments. ." +1891_public laws_266_2,project experts,1,public laws,265,1,"CHAPTER 265 An act to establish a normal school for the colored race in the town of Elizabeth City, in the county of Pasquotank. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That it shall be the duty of the state board of education to establish a normal school at Elizabeth City, in the county of Pasquotank, for the teaching and training of teachers of the colored race to teach in the common schools of the state." +1897_private laws_210_2,project experts,1,private laws,209,1,CHAPTER 209 An act to incorporate the Chowan Educational Association in the county of Hertford. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That W. D. Newsome, George Keen, C. 8 Brown, William Reid, I. Boone, Thomas Jernigan, James Rooks, Levi Brown, W. H. Smith,and their associates and successors in office, be and they are hereby created a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of The Chowan Educational Association in the county of Hertford, for the education of colored people, and assuch they shall have all the corporate powers, rights and immunities of similar institutions. The trusteesand directors may plead and be impleaded, sue and be sued, and may acquire and hold such personal property as may be necessary and suitable to maintain and operatea school of high grade, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars, such property to be exempt from taxation." +1891_public laws_321_24,project experts,1,public laws,320,23,"CHAPTER 320 An act to provide for the general supervision of railroads, steamboat or canal companies, express and telegraph companies doing business in the state of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said commissioners shall have power, whenever they deem it expedint and practicable, to require any railroad corporation operating a railroad or part of a railroad in this state to provide separate and equal accommodations for the white and colored races on the passenger trains and also at the passenger stations or waiting rooms in this state, and for failure to comply with the orders of said commissioners made under this section the penalty prescribed in section twenty of this act shall be imposed." +1891_public laws_331_2,project experts,1,public laws,330,1,"CHAPTER 330 An act to establish a graded school in district number one in Cherokee county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of education of the eounty of Cherokee, state of North Carolina, shall and they are hereby authorized to, submit to the qualified voters of school district number one for the white race under such rules and regulations and at such time within twelve months after the ratification of this act as the board may prescribe, whether a tax shall be annually levied for the support of the school of said district provided for by this act at the election held under the provisions of this act. Those who favor the levying of such tax shall vote on written or printed ballots without device the words * For school, and those who are opposed to the levying of such tax shall vote on written or printed ballots without device the words ** Against school. The penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be the same as in the election for members of the general assembly. The county board of education shall give at least thirty days notice of the time of holding said election in one or more newspapers published in said district. " +1909_private laws_361_7,project experts,1,private laws,360,6,"CHAPTER 360 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said registrars shall be furnished with registration books at the expense of the town, and it shall be the duty of said registrars to open their books at the time and place prescribed in chapter seventy-three of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five, which is made a part hereof, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and. entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrars to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters." +1909_private laws_314_2,project experts,1,private laws,313,1,"CHAPTER 313 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purposes and benefits of this act, all the territory within the corporate limits of the city of Hickory, Catawba County, as is now or shall hereafter be prescribed, shall be and remain and is hereby constituted a public-school district for both white and colored children, and shall hereafter be known as the Hickory School District, and that a special tax for school purposes, to wit, twenty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of property and sixty cents on each taxable poll, shall continue to be levied and collected annually, to the same extent and in the same manner as the said tax is now and has been heretofore levied and collected in the Hickory Graded-school District: Provided, that if a majority of the registered voters of said city of Hickory shall vote in favor of the tax hereinafter provided for, then the tax for the use and benefit of the schools of said district shall be levied and collected in amounts, at times and in the manner hereinafter provided." +1909_private laws_307_3,project experts,1,private laws,306,2,"CHAPTER 306 AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GRADED SCHOOL, TO BE KNOWN AS SALEM GRADED SCHOOL, OF SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of the county of Surry are hereby authorized and directed to submit to the qualified voters of said Salem School District, on the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and nine, under such rules and regulations as prevail in the election of county officers, the question whether an annual tax shall-be levied therein for the support of a graded public free school for the white children and a graded public free school for the colored children therein, in said district. Hach voter shall vote a printed ballot with the words For Schools or No Schools thereon, and the result of the election shall be declared by the same rules as govern elections of county officers." +1909_private laws_299_8,project experts,1,private laws,298,7,CHAPTER 298 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER AND EXTEND THE COR- PORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF MADISON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the registrar shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with registration books, and it shall be his duty, after being qualified to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially and according to law, to revise the existing registration book of the said town in such a manner that said: book shal! show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such town and still residing therein and entitled to vote without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall, also. between the hours of seven oclock A. M. and sunset (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March, up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the book for the registration of any electors residing in the town and entitled to registration whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who mmay apply for registration and who are entitled to vote in said town, keeping the names of white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters; and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina two years and in the town of Madison ninety days previous to the day of election, and that he is twentyone years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said town, as defined in section four of this act. If any person willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and imprisoned sixty days in the county jail. But the board of aldermen, on fifteen days notice before the opening of the books, may order an entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem it necessary and proper." +1909_private laws_283_10,project experts,1,private laws,282,9,"CHAPTER 282 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE PEACHTREE HIGH SCHOOL, CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in said district as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the public schools of both races in proportion to the number and advancement of the pupils, respectively." +1909_private laws_255_2,project experts,1,private laws,254,1,"CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO APPOINT TRUSTEES FOR THE YANCEYVILLE PEMALE ACADEMY AND TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER SAID TRUSTEES TO SELL AND CONVEY IN FEE SIMPLE THE LOT UPON WHICH SAID ACADEMY IS SITUATED, AND TO TURN THE PROCEEDS OF SAID SALE OVER TO SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN FOR DISTRICT No. 388, FOR THE WHITE RACE, TO BE USED IN REPAIRING AND IM- PROVING DAN RIVER INSTITUTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Whereas the Yanceyville Female Academy has been used for school purposes but for one year in the last past twentythree years; and whereas there are no trustees to hold said property; and whereas it is the desire of the people of Yanceyville and those who would naturally be the patrons of said academy, if used for school purposes, to sell the lot upon which said academy building is situated, and to use the proceeds of said sale, when made, in repairing and improving the school building located in said town of Yanceyville and known as Dan River Institute: now, therefore, G. A. Anderson, R. L. Mitchelle and Thomas P. Womack are hereby appointed trustees of said Yanceyville Female Academy, with power and authority to sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, after due notice, the lot or parcel of land in the town of Yanceyville, Caswell County, whereon the Yanceyville Female Academy is situated, and generally known and designated as the Yanceyville Female Academy lot; and the said trustees are hereby authorized and empowered to make a fee-simple deed for said lot to the purchaser; and the proceeds of said sale, after paying the costs of said sale, the trustees will turn over to F. W. Brown, N. C. Brandon and T. J. Florance, school committeemen for School District Number Thirty-eight, for the white race, in Caswell County, to be used by them and their successors in office in repairing and improving Dan River Institute, a school building situated in the town of Yanceyville, wherein the public school for the white race in said District Number Thirty-eight has been taught for the past twelve years." +1909_private laws_177_2,project experts,1,private laws,176,1,CHAPTER 176 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE WALNUT COVE GRADED- SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the territory embraced within the following bounds, to wit, beginning at a stake two and a quarter miles north of the schoolhouse in Walnut Cove, in the county of Stokes, and running west two miles to a stake; thence south to a stake in the Forsyth County line; thence east with said line four miles to a stake; thence north to a stake, two miles east of the beginning ; thence west two miles to a stake, at the beginning point, lying and being in the county of Stokes, shall be and is hereby constituted a public-school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Walnut Cove Graded-school District. The Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County shall cause the county surveyor to survey and run and locate the boundaries of said district, as herein set out, at least ten days before the election herein provided for, and to certify the same, with a plat thereof, to the board. The expense of such survey and plat shall be paid for out of the funds of said district." +1909_private laws_73_10,project experts,1,private laws,72,9,CHAPTER 72 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ',"Said registrars shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with registration books, and said registrars shall open their books at such places in the city of Winston as may be desig: nated by said aldermen, on the second Tuesday in April next preceding the election, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register or yote in the ward or precinct for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and designating on the registration books opposite the name of each person registering the place of his residence in his ward, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in his ward his willful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward. Any person offering to register shall be required to take an oath that he has been a bona fide resident of North Carolina for two years, of the city of Winston and of the ward in which he proposes to register for four months next pre ceding that date, and that he has not been convicted of any crime which by the laws of North Carolina disqualifies him from voting. In said oath he shall specify the place of his residence in such ward. If any person shall willfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof be punished as for larceny: Provided, that after the first registration shall have been made, as provided for herein, a new registration shall not be biennially held unless the board of aldermen shall at their regular meeting in December determine that the same is necessary, and by due advertisement give notice of the same and the place where the books of registration shall be opened, but a revision of the registration books shall be made, beginning on Saturday next preceding each election to be held for said. city, in accordance with the provisions of the general law." +1909_private laws_54_21,project experts,1,private laws,53,20,"CHAPTER 53 _AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF LAURINBURG, NORTH CAROLINA. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said board of graded-school trustees shall establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said graded-school district, shall fix a curriculum of studies, adopt text-books, provide for instruction other than that included in the prescribed course, fix the rate of tuition to be charged therefor, and admit pupils residing without the limits of said graded-school district upon such terms as the said board of trustees may deem just and reasonable." +1908 extra_private laws_59_2,project experts,1,private laws,58,1,"CHAPTER 58 _AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the town of Beaufort, and also all the territory embraced and included as it is now laid out in the present Public School District Number Eighteen, in Beaufort Township, shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as the Beaufort Graded School District." +1909_private laws_388_2,project experts,1,private laws,387,1,"CHAPTER 387 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE J. C. BRASWELL AND J. W. SHER- ROD TO DISINTER AND REMOVE THE DEAD BODIES BURIED IN THE LOT ON CHURCH STREET, IN THE CITY OF ROCKY. MOUNT, KNOWN AS THE OLD METHODIST CHURCH LOT, AND THE LOTS ADJACENT THERETO, AND TO REINTER THEM ELSEWHERE, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That J. C. Braswell, of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and J. W. Sherrod, of Hamilton, North Carolina, are authorized to disinter and remove the dead bodies buried in the lot on Church Street, in the city of Rocky Mount, known as the old Methodist Church lot, and in the lots adjacent thereto, as described in deed, recorded in book one hundred and two, at page two hundred and eleven, Nash County registry: Provided, that the bodies of white people there buried shall be decently buried in Pine View Cemetery, and the bodies of colored people there buried shall be decently buried in Unity Cemetery. i" +1907_private laws_427_7,project experts,1,private laws,424,6,"CHAPTER 424 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the town, and it shall be the duty of said registrar to open his books at the time and place designated by said county commissioners in said town, at least thirty days before the day of election herein provided for, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and he shall designate on the registration books opposite the name of each person registering the ward in which he resides and his place of residence in such ward, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose his place of residence in his ward, his willful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to registration in such ward." +1907_private laws_301_2,project experts,1,private laws,298,1,CHAPTER 298 AN ACT AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF WINDSOR TO CON- VEY CERTAIN SCHOOL PROPERTY TO THE WINDSOR GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Windsor, in Bertie County, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to convey by deed executed by said mayor and clerk of said town and all of the said commissioners the property on Queen Street, known as the Windsor Academy lot, together with all buildings thereon; which said property shall be held by the Trustees of the Windsor Graded School District for the purpose of a public school for the white race of said graded school district." +1907_private laws_300_2,project experts,1,private laws,297,1,CHAPTER 297 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT IN CASWELL COUNTY TO BE KNOWN AS SEMORA GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the following described territory, lying and being in Caswell County, in Milton Township, covering Milton School Districts Numbers Thirty-one and Thirty-two, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the Person County line at a point where it is intersected by the line of School District Number Thirty, near John W. Smiths residence; thence with said Person County line north to the Virginia and North Carolina State line; thence west along said Virginia and North Carolina State line to a stake near Miss Elizabeth Connellys; thence south along known lines of School Districts Thirty-one and Thirty-two to the corner stake in Leesburg Township line, near M. P. Hixs residence; thence east with the line of District Number Thirty to the beginning, near John W. Smiths, be incorporated into and established as a special tax school district for the white race and colored race, to be known as Semora Graded School." +1907_private laws_240_19,project experts,1,private laws,237,18,"CHAPTER 237 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF CANTON TO ISSUE BONDS AMOUNTING TO $65,000 FOR A WATER SUPPLY. SEWERAGE, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO MEET THE INTEREST AND PAY SAID BONDS, AND FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF A GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the property, both real and personal, of the public schools of said town shall become the property of the said graded schools, and shall be vested in the said board of trustees and its successors in trust for said graded schools: Provided, that in the event of the discontinuance of said graded schools all the property thereto belonging shall revert to and become the property of the said public schools of said town: Provided further, that the said property belonging to or used for the graded school for white children shall revert to the public schools of said town for white children, and the property belonging to or used for the graded school for the colored children shall revert to the public school for colored children of said town." +1907_private laws_240_16,project experts,1,private laws,237,15,"CHAPTER 237 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF CANTON TO ISSUE BONDS AMOUNTING TO $65,000 FOR A WATER SUPPLY. SEWERAGE, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO MEET THE INTEREST AND PAY SAID BONDS, AND FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF A GRADED SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to establish a graded school for the white children and one for the colored children of said town, if any; and to appropriate the funds derived from said special tax and all other sources for said graded schools for white and colored children so as to equalize school facilities between the two races." +1907_private laws_238_3,project experts,1,private laws,235,2,CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AMEND THE AURORA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purposes of providing for and defraying the expense of the Aurora Graded School District for white and colored children, provided for in this act, the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Aurora shall annually and at the time of levying the municipal taxes levy and lay a particular tax on all persons, property and subjects of taxation within the limits of the Aurora Graded School District, as heretofore described, on which said board of town commissioners may now or hereafter be authorized to lay or levy taxes for any purpose whatsoever. The said particular taxes to be and remain the same as when the original Aurora graded school was first established, which is thirty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation on all personal and real property of whatsoever kind and ninety cents on each taxable poll of said district." +1907_private laws_202_2,project experts,1,private laws,199,1,"CHAPTER 199 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE WINDSOR GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN BERTIE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following territory in Windsor Township, in Bertie County, State of North Carolina, to-wit: Beginning at Cashie River at the county farm at Austin; thence running along the southern line of said farm to Cashie Neck and Windsor public road; thence up said public road to the church and Reeves old railroad bed; thence along said old railroad bed to the public road leading from the Heckstall farm to the Windsor and Colerain public road; thence along said public road by J. B. Stokes residence to the Windsor and Colerain public road to Cashie bridge, at Cashie River to Hoddards mill; thence down Cashie River to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby constituted a public school district fer white and colored children, to be known as The Windsor Graded School District." +1907_private laws_192_13,project experts,1,private laws,189,12,"CHAPTER 189 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF ROANOKE RAPIDS, IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said district: And said board of trustees shall appropriate and use the funds derived from said particular taxes and from other sources in such manner as shall be deemed just to both races, providing equal school facilities for each, due regard being paid, however, to the difference in the cost of maintaining said schools: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors." +1907_private laws_191_16,project experts,1,private laws,188,15,"CHAPTER 188 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN CAMERON DISTRICT, GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY, AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE ESTABLISHING AND SUPPORT OF THE SAME. ' The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: :","That said trustees may elect a principal for the graded school for white children (who may be superintendent), and shall elect a principal for the graded school for colored children annually, on the first Tuesday of June in each year, or subsequently, as the best interest of the schools may require. In the election of teachers preference shall be given to those applicants who attend some school or method in teaching." +1907_private laws_191_12,project experts,1,private laws,188,11,"CHAPTER 188 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN CAMERON DISTRICT, GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY, AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE ESTABLISHING AND SUPPORT OF THE SAME. ' The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: :","It shall be the duty of the said board of trustees to establish and keep up a public graded school in said district for the white children, and one for the colored children of said district; and the said board shall use and appropriate the funds derived from the said special taxes and from all other sources, and shall be just and equitable to both white and colored races, giving each equal facilities, having due regard, however, to the relative cost of keeping up and maintaining the graded schools for both races." +1907_private laws_142_2,project experts,1,private laws,140,1,CHAPTER 140 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF ELIZABETH CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory in Pasquotank County within the following boundaries, to-wit: All that portion of said county included in Elizabeth City Township and that portion of Nixonton ~ Township which is within the corporate limits of Elizabeth City, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as Elizabeth City Graded School District." +1907_private laws_346_75,project experts,1,private laws,343,74,"CHAPTER 343 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF LUMBERTON. Whereas, numerous acts have been heretofore enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina relating to the town of Lum- berton, which now constitute the charter of said town; and whereas, it is deemed advisable by the authorities and citizens of said town that the numerous acts of assembly relating thereto should be revised, consolidated and amended to the end that the charter of said town shall be contained in one act of the General Assembly: therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any and all amounts which may be apportioned from the county school fund or from the State of North Carolina for Said district under the general school law of the State or under any other act of assembly or otherwise, shall be hereafter paid direct by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the said board of graded school trustees; and the said graded school district shall be entitled to receive a proportionate amount of all funds to the credit of the public school districts, white and colored, in which the town of Lumberton was located just prior to the pasSage of this act, which may be in the hands of the county treasurer at the time of the ratification of this act, such proportionate part of said funds to be determined in accordance as the number of children contained in the graded school district hereby established bears to the total number of children in the public school district in which said town of Lumberton was located just prior to the passage of this act, and the county treasurer shall at once ascertain such proportion and pay over such proportionate part of such funds to the treasurer of the said graded school district." +1907_private laws_60_10,project experts,1,private laws,58,9,"CHAPTER 58 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF HIGHLAND, CATAWBA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said board of school trustees shall apportion the money raised and received for educational purposes in said town as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the schools for both races, separate schools to be provided for each race. If the number for either race and the fund therefor is insufficient to maintain a graded school, the fund may be applied for a public free school for said race, under the control of the said board." +1911_private laws_141_26,project experts,1,private laws,140,25,"CHAPTER 140 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ASHE- VILLE, AND TO REPEAL ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER 1 ORGANIZATION.","That each registrar shall be furnished by said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty, after being qualified, to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially and according to law; to revise the existing registration books of the precinct for which he is appointed in such manner that said books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such precinct and still residing therein, and entitled to vote without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven oclock a. m. and sunset (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in such city and entitled to registration, whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration and who are entitled to vote in said city. Each registrar shall be required to be at the polling place for his precinct on Saturdays from seven a. m. until sunset during the period for registration. He shall keep the names of white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina two years, in Buncombe County six months, and in the precinct in which he offers to register four months previous to the day of election, and that he is twenty-one years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said city. If any person willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and imprisoned sixty days in the county jail. But the board of commissioners on fifteen days notice, by publication in some newspaper of said city, before the opening of the books may order an entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem it proper. The registration books shall be closed at sundown on the second Saturday before the election, and after the same are closed no person shall be allowed to register, except those coming of age after the books closed and before or on election day, who are otherwise qualified electors of the city, and the books shall then be placed in the office of the city clerk, and may be inspected by any person so desiring, and the clerk shall mark the day on which they were received by him, and they shall not be taken from his custody until the day of election. Any registrar failing to deposit his registration book with the clerk, at the time prescribed, shall receive no compensation for making said registration, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1911_private laws_337_8,project experts,1,private laws,336,7,CHAPTER 336 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. INCORPORATIONS.,"That the registrar shall be furnished by the board of aldermen with registration books, and it shall be his duty after being qualified to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially and according to law, to revise the existing registration books of the said town in such manner that such books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such town and still residing therein, and entitled to vote, without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of eight oclock a. m. and sunset (Sundays excepted), from and ineluding the first Monday in April up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in the town and entitled to register, whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered, who may apply for registration, and who are entitled to vote in said town, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina twelv> months, and in the town of Kernersville four months previous to the day of election, and that he is twenty-one years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said town as defined in section four of this act. If any person shall willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days in the county jail or town lockup, or both. But the board of aldermen, upon fifteen days notice before the opening of the books, may order an entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem it proper." +1866/67_public laws_70_3,project experts,1,public laws,69,2,"CHAPTER LXIX. AN_ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 68, REVISED CODE, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF CLERKS IN ISSUING MARRIAGE LICENSE.","Be it / further enacte!, That said section be further auieadedias follows, to-wit : The Clerk of the County Court of the county, in which the feme resides, shall issue a license for the marriage of any person not in this chapter prohib ted, to any person applying for the same, directed to any ordained minister or Justice of Peace, in which license he shall state the names of the parties in full, and the parents of each, when known, and also whether the parties are white or colored." +1866/67_public laws_7_2,project experts,1,public laws,6,1,"CHAPTER VI. AN ACT TO AMEND THE 5TH CHAPTER OF THE REVISED CODE, ENTITLED APPRENTICES.","Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the aw thority of the same, That the Ist section of the 5th chapter of the Revised Code, entitled Apprentices, be amended by striking out the words also the children of free negroes where the parents, with whom such children may live, do not habitually employ their time in some honest, industrious occupation, and all free base born children of color, aftr the word mother, in the 14th line, and insert, in lieu thereof, the words and all base born children whose mothers may not have the means or ability to support them, and that the second section of said chapter be amended by striking out the words if white, but if colored, till twentyone, after the words eighteen years, in the fourth line." +1915_private laws_381_8,project experts,1,private laws,380,7,"CHAPTER 380 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The registrar of each of said wards shall be furnished by the aldermen of said town with a registration book, and it shall be his duty to perform the duties of his office fairly, impartially, and according to law; to revise the existing registration book of his ward in such manner that said book shall show an accurate list of the electors previously registered in said ward and still residing therein, without requiring said electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven oclock a. m. and nine oclock p. m. for four successive Saturdays immediately preceding the day of election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in his said | } ward and entitled to register whose names have never before been registered in said ward or do not appear on said revised lists, and shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for or are entitled to registration, keeping the names of white voters separate and apart from the names of colored voters. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina twelve months and in the town of Sanford for hinety days, next preceding the day of election, and that he is an actual-and bona fide resident of the ward in which he offers for registration, or is otherwise entitled to register, and that he is twenty-one years old; and if any person shall willfully swear falsely in taking such oath he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding sixty days in the county jail. But the board of aldermen, upon thirty days notice, may direct that there be an entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem it necessary for a fair election. The new registration may, if the board so determine, be conducted by one of the registrars hereinbefore provided for, to be designated by the board, who shall keep all the registration books of the town at a place to be designated by said board." +1915_private laws_281_3,project experts,1,private laws,280,2,"CHAPTER 280 AN ACT TO CREATE THE CROSS CREEK CEMETERY COM- MISSION, TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF A CEMETERY IN THH CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, PRIVATE LAWS 1873-74. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the objects of said corporation shall be to provide for, maintain, and control suitable burial-grounds for the white race of the city of Fayetteville; and to this end it is authorized and empowered to take by deed, will, or otherwise any real and personal property, and to hold and use the same for such purpose; and to pass and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws as from time to time may be deemed necessary and proper to maintain such property in good and improved condition and to protect and preserve the same from injury and trespass." +1915_private laws_279_21,project experts,1,private laws,278,20,CHAPTER 278 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH CLAREMONT GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT IN CATAWBA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That until there shall be enough children of the colored race within said territory to justify the maintenance of a school for said race, the trustees are authorized to arrange with the county board of education to furnish adequate school facilities for such children outside of said district, or may arrange, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by said trustees and the county board of education, to receive colored children into the school of such district from outside of the territory of said graded school district." +1915_private laws_181_10,project experts,1,private laws,180,9,"CHAPTER 180 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WIN- STON AND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, AND TO ADOPT A CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF WINSTON- SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Such registrars shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with registration books, and said registrars shall open their books at such places in the city of Winston-Salem as may be designated by said aldermen, and shall register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register or vote in the ward or precinct for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters and designating on the registration books opposite the name of each person registering the place of his residence in his ward, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in his ward his willful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward: Provided, that a new registration shall not be biennially held unless the board of aldermen shall determine that the same is necessary, and by due advertisement give notice of the same, and the place where the books of registration shall be opened; but a revision of the registration books shall be made, beginning on Saturday next preceding each election to be held for said city, in accordance with the provisions of the general law." +1915_private laws_119_6,project experts,1,private laws,118,5,"CHAPTER 118 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 253 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION OF 1911, RELATING TO OAK GROVE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said act of nineteen hundred and eleven, Private Laws, chapter two hundred and fifty-three, be further amended as follows: It shall be the duty of the board of education of Surry County and the school committee of said district to provide sepa- ate schools for the white and colored races, in event the colored race shall require and justify the establishment of a school for such race, and in the event they shall not be sufficient in number to justify the establishment of such school for their accommodation, it shall be the duty of the board of education of Surry County to assign the colored pupils, if within said district, to some school for the colored race in Mount Airy Township." +1913_private laws_348_2,project experts,1,private laws,347,1,CHAPTER 347 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE ROCKDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory in Scotland County within the following described boundaries, to wit, beginning near the Peele homestead, at the intersection of the Wire Road and the State line, and runs thence in a southeasterly direction with said State line to a point where a straight line to the J. B. McColman place will exclude all the lands of D. D. Norton in North Carolina, said point being a corner of District Number One, the Mason Cross District for the white race; thence with the upper boundary of said District Number One in a direct line to the J. B. McColman place, where Preston Leggett now lives; thence along the road leading from said McColman place to Pates Mill on Joes Creek; thence down the run of Joes Creek in a southeasterly direction to the confluence of Joes Creek and Gum Swamp; thence up Gum Swamp to the mouth of Beaverdam Creek; thence up Beaverdam Creek to where it intersects with the public road leading from Laurel Hill to St. Johns Church; thence down said road towards St. Johns Church to the run of Browns Branch near Elijah Gibsons residence; thence in a westerly direction, with the run of said branch to a point two hundred yards beyond the said Elijah Gibsons residence; thence in a southerly direction to the northern edge of the Iron Monger Pond, to the second corner of the lands of the estate of Miranda Wright, deceased ; thence with the said Wright line to its beginning corner; thence with the line between the estates of N. B. Gibson and Miranda Wright to a corner of the said estates; thence in a southwesterly direction with said Gibson line to a corner of the estate lands of N. B. Gibson and the lands of T. M. McLaughlin; thence with the dividing line between the lands of T. M. McLaughlin and the estate lands of W. F. Gibson to a corner; thence with the various lines of the estate of W. F. Gibson, in a southwesterly direction, to the run of Joes Creek; thence in a northerly direction with the run of said Joes Creek to Wrights Bridge on the Wire Road; thence in a westerly direction along the center of said road to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Rockdale Public School District. :" +1913_private laws_306_4,project experts,1,private laws,305,3,"CHAPTER 305 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE A BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION KNOWN AS THE GREAT POSTOLIC TEMPLE. Whereas Clara E. Wiggins, G. A. Purvis, Ulysses S. Martin, J. C. Gorham, Cherry Bryant, Dellah Rodman, N. W. Cotton, Abraham Swindell and Percy Stevens, in conjunction with others, have joined together in an effort to organize a lodge for beneyo- lent purposes, to care for its members by providing medical atten- tion and nurse, and for the care and education and general uplift of coming generations of the colored race, and for said purposes deem it wise that the said parties and their successors in office should be incorporated : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said incorporation shall have the right and power to establish a juvenile lodge for the care, protection, and education of children of the colored race, under such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be adopted." +1913_private laws_243_17,project experts,1,private laws,242,16,CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE BESSEMER CITY GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TO ALLOW IT TO VOTE ON A SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOLS THEREIN; AND TO VOTE ON THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND EQUIPPING SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN SAID DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in addition to the powers and duties hereinbefore and hereinafter imposed upon said board of trustees, it shall be their duty and they are hereby empowered : (a) To appoint a treasurer, tax collector, and such other officers and agents as they may deem necessary and expedient, and to fix the compensation of such officers and agents; and such officers and agents or any one or more of them may be appointed from among the members of the board or from the yoters of the district; but no trustee, as such, shall receive any compensation for his services as trustee. -6 To borrow money and create other indebtedness on the credit of the district: Provided, no such indebtedness shall be created except for necessary expense of maintaining the schools and for current repairs to school buildings in said district. (c) To condemn private property for public school use in said district; and whenever private property in said district shall be required for public school use, and it is so determined by resolution duly adopted by the board of trustees, such determination shall be final, and no appeal shall lie therefrom, and the said board of trustees shall appoint an appraiser, and the owner of such private property may appoint one appraiser, and the two appraisers so appointed shall appoint a third appraiser, each of which appraisers shall be a resident and freeholderin said district. Such appraisers Shall meet within three days after their appointment, and after each being duly sworn to act impartially and according to his best judgment, they shall proceed to appraise the damage which will ensue to such private property-owner in consequence of such condemnation, and shall report their finding, verified by their oaths, to the private owner and to the board of trustees, without delay, and whenever, within six months thereafter, said board shall pay or tender payment of the amount named by said appraisers to such private owner, the property so appraised shall be deemed condemned for public school use; but the owner of property so condemned shall have the right to appeal from the findings of such board of appraisers to the Superior Court of Gaston County for trial by jury. In case the private owner shall desire to appeal, he shall cause written notice to be served upon the board of trustees by some proper officer, leaving a copy of such notice with the secretary of the board of trustees or with any member of said board, within thirty days from the date of. the finding of the appraising board, and the officer serving such notice shall return the original notice, with the manner and date of seryice indorsed thereon, to the clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, who shall forthwith docket the cause for trial at the next ensuing term of the said Superior Court for the trial of civil actions, when the cause shall stand for trial as any other civil action. In case the private owner shall refuse or fail to appoint an appraiser as hereinbefore provided, within ten days after being notified to do so, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to so appoint, and the board of trustees may appoint an appraiser in behalf of such private owner and the appraisement be proceeded with in like manner as if such private owner had exercised his right to appoint. (d) To maintain and operate a public graded school in said district for the white children, and one for the colored children of said district; and the said board shall use and appropriate the funds derived from the district taxes and from all other public sources (applicable to the maintenance of such schools) in such manner as shall be just and equitable te both white and colored races, giving to each equal facilities, having due regard, however, to the relative cost of maintaining a graded school for both races. (e) To, exercise the control and management of the public schools and school property in said district and to prescribe rules and regulations, by and with the consent and approval of the superintendent of public instruction for Gaston County, for the government of said schools: Provided, that all children resident in said district and of ages between six and twenty-one years who conform to the established rules thereof shall be admitted into said schools, as pupils, free of tuition charges, and those desiring admission as pupils, and who reside outside the limits of said district or who may be outside the ages above mentioned, may be admitted upon such terms as said board may determine, but they shall make ho discrimination as to terms of tuition to be charged to pupils of the same grade, and such tuition charges shall be at least as much as the per capita expense of maintaining said schools for resident pupils of school age; to prescribe rules and by-laws for the transaction of the business of said board of trustees; to make an accurate census of the school population of the district as required by the general school laws of the State, and to do all other just and lawful things for the proper conduct of the school affairs in said district. (f) To have the advice, visitation, and recommendations of the superintendent of public instruction for Gaston County, and of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, when requested, in all matters pertaining to the duties of their office. (g) To employ and fix the compensation of the officers, principal, and teachers of the schools in said district, and to delegate such powers of control of the schools to the principal and teachers as they may deem proper. (.) To elect annually, between the second Monday in April and the first Monday in September, a principal or superintendent of schools in said district, and as many teachers for the several grades as in the judgment of said board may be expedient and for the best interests of said district; but no person shall be elected superintendent or principal or teacher who does not hold license to teach in the public schools of Gaston County. (i) To visit each department of the schools of said district at least once in each month when the schools are in session, such visits to be of at least one hours duration each; but such visits may be made by a committee of not less than two of the members of said board, if desired. (j) To make a full and complete report of the operations of said schools and such other reports as may be required under the general school laws of the State, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and to the county superintendent of public instruction for Gaston County." +1911_private laws_253_12,project experts,1,private laws,252,11,"CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL AT DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said town, and said board shall use and appropriate the funds derived from said special taxes and all other sources in such manner as shall be just to both races, giving each equal school facilities, due regard, however, being had to the cost of establishing and maintaining the graded schools of each race." +1913_private laws_237_6,project experts,1,private laws,236,5,CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FREEMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the registrars shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with the registration books, and it shall be the duty of the registrar to open his books, at the time and place designated, at least ten days before election, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrars to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters." +1913_private laws_69_178,project experts,1,private laws,68,1,"CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ACT, AND TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF HICKORY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. NAME AND RIGHTS.","All the territory within the corporate limits of the city of Hickory, Catawba County, as is now or shall hereafter be prescribed, shall be and remain and is hereby constituted a public school district for both white and colored children, and shall hereafter be known as the Hickory School District. The city council shall be charged with the duty of maintaining an adequate and sufficient system of public schools within the Hickory School District, and shall construct and maintain proper buildings, and to that end the public school buildings and all other property now used, or which may be hereafter acquired within the city of Hickory for school purposes, shall be under their control and subject to the disposition of the city council. The city council shall have the same power and authority to condemn lands and to do and perform any and all other acts to acquire and control school property as is given or may be conferred by law upon said council with reference to acquiring lands for streets or any other public purpose, and may control school property and grounds in like manner as it is empowered to control streets; and the said council shall also have such power not in direct conflict with the provisions of this article, with regard to the public schools of the Hickory School District, and the officers, teachers, and employees thereof, as is now conferred by law upon the Board of Commissioners of Catawba County and the Board of Education of Catawba County with regard to the public schools of the county; and the said council shall have charge of the collection of taxes to maintain the schools, and construct school buildings, and the handling and the disbursement of all money used for school purposes." +1913_private laws_60_27,project experts,1,private laws,59,7,"CHAPTER 59 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RALEIGH, AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH: THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That each registrar shall be furnished by said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty, after being qualified, to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially, and according to law; to revise the existing registration books of the precinct for which he is appointed in such manner that said books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such precinct and still residing therein, and entitled to vote without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and sunset (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in such city and entitled to registration, whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration and who are entitled to vote in said city. Each registrar shall be required to be at the polling place for his precinct on Saturdays from seven A. M. until sunset during the period for registration. He shall keep the names of white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina two years, in Wake County six months, and in the precinct in which he offers to register four months previous to the day of election, and that he is twenty-one years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said city. If any person willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and imprisoned sixty days in the county jail. But the board of commissioners, on fifteen days notice by publication in some newspaper of said city before the opening of the books, may order an entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem it proper. The registration books shall be closed at sundown on the second Saturday before the election, and after the same are closed no person shall be allowed to register, except those coming of age after the books close and before or on election day, who are otherwise qualified electors of the city; and the books shall then be placed in the office of the city clerk, and may be inspected by any person so desiring, and the clerk shall mark the day on which they were received by him, and they shall not be taken from his custody until the day of election. Any registrar failing to deposit his registration book with the clerk, at the time prescribed, shall receive no compensation for making said registration, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1911_private laws_469_3,project experts,1,private laws,468,2,"CHAPTER 468 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH MOUNT HOLLY SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of Columbus County, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district, is hereby authorized and directed to submit on the first Tuesday in May, nineteen hundred and eleven, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Columbus under such rules and regulations as exist for the election of members for the General Assembly, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For schools or No schools thereon." +1911_private laws_467_2,project experts,1,private laws,466,1,CHAPTER 466 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE CHADBOURN SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER THREE FOR THE WHITE AND COLORED RACES OF COLUM- BUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of Columbus County, upon a written application of a majority of the board of trustees of Chadbourn Supplemental School District Number Three for the White and Colored Races, hereinafter called the Chadbourn district, is authorized and directed to submit on the first Tuesday in May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, to the qualified voters of said Chadbourn district, under such rules and regulations as now exist or may be hereafter established for the election of members of the General Assembly, the question of issuing bonds for the erection of a suitable school building in said district, to take the place of the building recently destroyed by fire, and at such election each voter shall be entitled to vote a written or printed ballot with the words For building bonds or Against building bonds thereon." +1911_private laws_430_6,project experts,1,private laws,429,5,CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CAROLINA COLLEGIATE AND AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of trustees shall use as in its judgment may be proper, for the purpose of such institute and for the benefit of education in industrial and agricultural arts any funds, buildings, lands, laboratories and other property which is or may come into its possession. The said board of trustees shall have the power to accept and receive and hold all manner of lands, tenement rents, annuities and other hereditaments, which at any time or times hereafter may be granted, bargained, sold, released, devised or otherwise conveyed to said corporation forever. Also the said corporation at all times hereafter shall be able and capable to purchase, have, receive, take, hold and enjoy in fee simple, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities or interest in real property by the gift, grant, bargain, sale, or devise of any person, persons, or bodies, corporation or politic capable to make the same; further shall be able to receive and possess all moneys, goods and chattels that have been given or shall hereafter be given, sold, released or bequeathed by any person or persons for the use of said institute. And same to apply according to the will of the donors. The said corporation shall have, hold, possess and use the same for the purpose of establishing and endowing said institute for the education of males and females of the white race." +1911_private laws_430_3,project experts,1,private laws,429,2,CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CAROLINA COLLEGIATE AND AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The object of this institution shall be to teach the branches of learning relating to industrial and agricultural arts and such other scientific and classical studies as the board of trustees may elect to have taught, and to promote moral and practical education to the male and female white race." +1911_private laws_357_18,project experts,1,private laws,356,17,"CHAPTER 356 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE BOUNDARIES OF PARKTON SPE- CIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN THE COUNTY OF ROBE- SON, :-TO CHANGE ITS NAME, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SAID DISTRICT TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A SITE AND THE ERECTION OF A SCHOOL BUILDING, AND TO LEVY AN ADDITIONAL SPE- CIAL TAX. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all public school funds derived from the State and the county of Robeson, and which may, from time to time be collected and apportioned under the general school law for school purposes, for the children in said Parkton graded school district, and all moneys to which said district may be entitled by reason of any special tax, gift, grant, apportionment, or otherwise, shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of trustees and shall be by him paid out by order of said board for the proper maintenance of the white and colored schools located in said Parkton graded school district and under the provisions hereof: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors." +1911_private laws_345_2,project experts,1,private laws,344,1,"CHAPTER 344 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE CAMERON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Whereas, the citizens of the Cameron graded school district, em- bracing the town of Cameron and that portion of Moore and Lee counties lying contiguous thereto, did, on the third Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and seven, vote a special tax, not to ex- ceed forty cents -40 on the one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property and one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) on the poll, for the purpose of establishing graded schools in the Cameron graded schoo] district in compliance with an act of the General Assembly enacted February the twenty-sixth, one thousand nine hundred and seven, as shown in certified copy of same; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory lying within the boundaries of the Cameron graded school district, to wit: Beginning at the ford of Herds Creek, between Angus Fergusons and George Coles, and running as the road in an easterly direction to G. S. Coles line; thence as G. 8 Coles and Matthews line in direction of Cameron to J. W. Yows southwest corner; thence as Yows line to his and Rachel Blues corner in Hartsells line; thenee as Hartsells line in direction of Cameron to William Rogers corner in the Cat Tail Branch; thence with the branch, which is Rogers line, to the Keith line; thence with Rogers line in an easterly direction across the Crains Creek and across the 8 A. L. R. R. to Rogers corner; thence with the railroad and Rogers line to Crains Creek; thence up said creek to T. B. Goodwins corner on said creek; thence with his line to southwest corner of John McDonalds land; thence with his line to the 8 W. of the John Kelly land; thence with the south line of the Kelly land to the Fergus Ferguson land; thence with the south and east line of the Ferguson land to Fayetteville road; thence as Fayetteville road in the direction of Cameron to Swans station road; thence as Swans station road in direction of Swans station to a point in the road opposite where the Richardson dwelling was burned; thence as the road leading from said point by way of Mrs. Elizabeth M. McFadyens farm, crossing the Seaboard Air Line Railroad at said farm; and thence as said road to George Browders mill; thence as road leading in a westerly direction to the N. T. Arnolds on Gulf plank road; thence as said road in direction of Gulf about one-fourth mile to road leading to old Carthage plank road; thence as said road in direction of Carthage to the line of the Melver land; thence as northeast boundary of said land to Herds Creek; thence down said creek to beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Cameron graded school district." +1911_private laws_337_74,project experts,1,private laws,336,73,CHAPTER 336 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. INCORPORATIONS.,"That the property, both real and personal, of the public school for white and colored children of said district shall become the property of the said graded school and shall be vested in the said board of trustees and their successors in trust for the said graded school, and the said board of trustees may in their discretion sell the same, or any part thereof, and apply the proceeds to the use of the graded school, to the established graded school; which is established in said graded school district." +1911_private laws_337_73,project experts,1,private laws,336,72,CHAPTER 336 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. INCORPORATIONS.,"That the moneys which from time to time be apportioned under the general school laws of the State to the above deseribed school district shall be turned over by the treasurer of Forsyth County to the treasurer of the said schoo] trustees for the benefit of said school: Provided, that in apportioning the school fund of said county said graded school shall be allowed the proportion of said fund due per capita to the white and colored children of school age." +1913_private laws_184_6,project experts,1,private laws,183,5,CHAPTER 183 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE MOUNTAIN VIEW INSTITUTE IN WILKES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the purpose of said institute shall be the education of boys and girls of the white race, and to that end the trustees and principal thereof may, from time to time, adopt and prescribe such a course or courses of study as will lead to thorough preparation for entrance into any of the colleges of this State, and for any of the ordinary business callings or pursuits of life; and may grant certificates or diplomas of proficiency in any given course." +1907_private laws_53_2,project experts,1,private laws,51,1,"CHAPTER 51 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCA- TION OF GRANVILLE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT IN OAK HILL TOWNSHIP. Whereas, there are some thirty or thirty-five white children of school age in Oak Hill Township, Granville County, who cannot reach any public school in the county because of the fact that there are several dangerous creeks between the locality in which said children reside and the public schools as now located; and whereas, there exists a necessity for the establishment in said township of a special school district, with less than sixty-five white children of school age therein, in order that the children living between said creeks may have the benefits of the public schools; and whereas, the County Board of Education of Granville County recommends the establishment of a special school district in said township, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the County Board of Education of Granville County be and it is hereby authorized to establish a special school district in Oak Hill Township, for the white race, with less than sixty-five white children of school age therein, the boundaries of the said special school district to be fixed by the said county board of education, so that the school therein shall be located and taught not more than one mile from Evans store, in said township." +1905_private laws_413_2,project experts,1,private laws,413,1,CHAPTER 413 AN ACT TO BUILD A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING IN THE TOWN OF ASHBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Ashboro, as the boundaries of said town are on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five, shall constitute a public school district for the white and colored children and shall be known and designated as Ashboro Graded School District." +1905_private laws_359_9,project experts,1,private laws,359,8,"CHAPTER 359 AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONTROL AND MAIN- TENANCE OF GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF NORTH WILKESBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all public school funds derived from the State and from Wilkes County for the use and benefit of the public schools of said town, as indicated by the annual census of the children of school age therein, shall be paid to the town treasurer by the Treasurer of Wilkes County for the use and benefit of the graded public schools in said town; and the property, both real and personal, of said public school district, whether heretofore belonging to the white or colored public schools, shall become the property of said graded schools as hereinbefore set out, and shall be vested in the said board of trustees in trust for said graded schools, and the said board of trustees may sell the same, or any part thereof, if deemed necessary or advisable, and apply the same for the use of said graded schools." +1901_private laws_86_2,project experts,1,private laws,85,1,CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Enfield. and all of the portion of Halifax County not embraced within said corporate limits, but lying contiguous thereto within the following boundaries, to-wit: Said territory shall extend for the distance of two and one-half miles north and south each way from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company's ticket office in said town, and it shall extend east from said office three miles and west two and one-half miles, including a rectangular parallelogram five and one-half miles in length and five miles in width, with said ticket office as the basis of measurement or beginning point; shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Enfield Graded School District." +1899_private laws_308_8,project experts,1,private laws,307,7,CHAPTER 307 An act to amend the charter cf the town of Sanford. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The registrar of each of said wards shall be iurnished by the aldermen of the town with a registration book, and it shall be his duty to perform the duties of his office fairly, impartially and acording to law; to revise the existing registration book of his ward in such manner that said book shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in said ward and still residing therein without requiring said electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven oclock a. m. and nine oclock p. m., for four successive Saturdays immediately next preceding the day of election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in his said ward and entitled to register, whose names have never before been registered in said ward or do not appear on said revised lists, and shall register in said book all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration, keeping the names of white voters separate and apart from the names of colored voters. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the state of North Carolina twelve months and in the town of Sanford ninety days next preceding the day of election, and that he is an actual and bona fide resident of the ward in which he offers for registration, or is otherwise entitled to register, and that he is twenty-one years old; and if any _ person shall wilfully swear falsely in taking such oath he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding sixty days in the county jail. But the board of alderan entirely new registration of voters whenever they may deem men, upon thirty days notice, may direct that there shall be it necessary for a fair election. This new registration may, if the board so determine, be conducted by one of the registrars hereinbefore provided for, to be designated by the board, who sha.l keep all the registration, books of the town at a place to be designated by said board." +1899_private laws_263_6,project experts,1,private laws,262,5,CHAPTER 262 An act to amend the charter of the town of Clayton. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said registrar shall be furnished by said county commissioners with registration books at the expense of the town, and it shail be the duty of said registrar to open his books at the time and place designated by said county commissioners in said town, at least thirty days before the day of election herein provided for, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote. It shall be the duty of the registrar to keep the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and he shall designate on the registration books opposite the name of each person registering the place of residence, and if such applicant for registration shall not disclose his place of residence, his willful failure to do so shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to registration." +1899_private laws_244_8,project experts,1,private laws,243,7,"CHAPTER 243 An act to revise, amend and consolidate the act of incorporation of the town of Louisburg, North Carolina, and the acts amendatory thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said registrar shall be furnished by said board of commissioners with a registration book and it shall be the duty of said registrar to open his book at such place in the town of Louisburg as may be designated by said commissioners on the first Saturday in April next preceding the election, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in the said town, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters and designating on the registration books opposite the names of each person registering the place of his residence in said town, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence his willful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register. Any person offering to register shall be required to take an oath that he has been a bona fide resident of North Carolina for twelve months, of the town of Louisburg for ninety days next preceding that date, and that he has not been convicted of any crime which, by the laws of North Carolina disqualifies him for voting. In said oath he shall specify the place of his residence. If any person shall willfully swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on consideration [conviction] thereof shall be punished as for larceny: Provided, that after the first registration shall have been made, as provided for herein,a new registration shallnot be held annually unless the board of commissioners shall at theirregular meeting in March determinethat the same is necessary, and by due advertisement give notice of the same and the place where the book of registration shall be opened; but a revision of the registration book shall be made, beginning on Saturday next preceding each election to be held for said town in accordance with the provisions of the general law." +1899_private laws_63_16,project experts,0,private laws,62,15,"CHAPTER 62 An act to amend the charter of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","By striking out section fifteen and inserting instead therof the following: Should there be more votes in the box than the recorders list shows have been cast, and the poll-holders shall be of the opinion that the excess was placed there fraudulently, and the result of the election is thereby affected, they shall certify such to the aldermen-elect at their first meeting, who shall declare the election in said ward void and proceed to fill the vacancy. But shold the excess appear to the poll-holders to be accidental they shall elect some child who cannot read to draw said excess from the box one vote at a time. Should two or more votes be folded together the poll-holders shall reject them. The ballots shall contain the name of only one person, printed or written, on white or colored paper, with or without device." +1897_private laws_195_3,project experts,1,private laws,194,2,"CHAPTER 194 An act to amend chapter two hundred and seventy-four of the 'private acts of the general assembly of North Carolina passed at the session of one thousand eight hundred and ninety- one, relative to the town of Southern Pines. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: '","By adding to said chapter the following sections : SEc. 26 That if any person elected town marshal shall refuse to be qualified, or there is a vacancy in the office after election and qualification, or if town marshal be absent from the town, or unable to discharge the duties of his office, the commissioners of said town shall choose some qualified person for the term or the unexpired portion of the term, or during his absence or disability, as the case may be, to act as town marshal, and he shall be clothed with all the authority and powers given under this charter to the regularly elected town marshal. SEc. 27 The commissioners shall have power to appoint such number of policemen as they inay deem necessary for. the good government of the town ; and said policemen, when appointed, and the town marshal, shall have power to execute any process, criminal or civil, in the county of Moore, which may be directed to them by the mayor of said town or other lawful authority ; it shall be the duty of the town marshal and the policemen to see that the laws, ordinances and orders of the commissioners are enforced, and report all breaches thereof to the mayor, to preserve the peace of the town by suppressing disturbances and apprehending offenders, and for that purpose they shall have all the powers and authorities vested in sheriff and county constables, they shall execute all precepts lawfully directed to them by the mayor or others, and in the execution threof shall have the same powers,which the sheriffs and constzbles of the county have, and they shall have the same fees on all processes and precepts executed or returned by them which may be allowed to the constables of the county on like processes and precepts, and also such other compensation as the commissioners may allow; the said policemen and town marshal snall have the t power when in pursuit of a criminal charged with the commis- _ sion of any crime within the corporate limits of said town of Southern Pines, to continuously follow him to anypart of Moore county and may arrest him; the said policeman and town marshal shall have the same powers and be bound by the same rules in this respect as constables of the county of Moore to apprehend all offenders against the state within the limits of the town and to carry them before the mayor or some justice of the peace, and for such duty they shall have the same fees as constables of said county. Src. 28 In all cases where an offender has been convicted ~ before the mayor of said town for a violation of any of the ordinances thereof and a fine has been imposed on such offender for said violation, the mayor of said town at the time of entering judgment against such offender therefore may order that, upon failure to pay such fine to the marshal of said town for the space of one day, such offender so convicted shall be by the marshal of Southern Pines put to work on the streets of said town for a term, to be fixed by the mayor, not exceeding tweneay days, when he shall be discharged. Sc. 29 The mayor of said town shall have the power to hear and determine all charges and indictments against any person or persons fora violation of the ordinances of said town, and in addition thereto shall all the powers, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace over all crimes and criminal offences committed within the corporate limits of said town. Sxc. 30 That all fines and penalties imposed by and collected under the judgment of the mayor of Southern Pines, sittingas a justice of the peace, shall belong to and used to the exclusive benefit of the town of Southern Pines. Sc. 31 That in order to raise a fund for the expenses incident to the proper government of the town, the commissioners may annually levy and collect the following taxes, namely: -1 On all real and personal property within the corporate limits, including money on hand, solvent credits, investments in bonds, stocks and all other subjects taxed by the general assembly ad talorem, except incomes, a tax not exceeding one dollar on every one hundred dollars value. -2 On all taxable polls, a tax not exceeding one dollar a poll, who may be residents in the town on the first day of June of each year, or may have been so resident within sixty days next preceeding that day. -3 On every hundred dollars value of goods, wares and merchandise purchased for re-sale by any merehant trading in the town within one year next proceeding the first day of the year which the same is listed, a tax not exceedingtwenty cents. -4 Upon all dogs kept in the town and which may be so kept on the first day of June, a tax not exceeding five dollars. -5 Upon every express company and upon every telegraph company doing business in the town a tax not exceeding one per centum of its gross receipts in the town to be given in upon oath by the mavaging agent of such company annually at the time when other taxes are listed and under the same penalties as that prescribed in the laws of the state. SkEc. 32 That in addition to the subjects listed for for taxation, the commissioners may levy a tax on the following subjects, the amount of which tax, when fixed, shall be collected by the tax-collector of said town instantly, and if the same be not paid on demand the same may be recoved by suit or the article upon which the tax is imposed or any other property of the owner may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same namely: -1 Upon allitinerant merchants or peddlers, offering to vend in the town, a license tax not exceeding fifty dollars a year, except such only as sell books, charts or maps, or works of their own manufacture, not more than one person shall peddle under a single license. -2 Upon every company of circus riders or persons by whatever name called, who shall exhibit within the town, a licensed tax not exceeding fifty dollars for each performance or exhibition, the tax to be paid before exhibition. -3 Upon every person or company exhibiting on the town stage, or theatrical plays, slight-of-hand performances, ropedancing, tumbling, wire-dancing or menageries, a tax not exceeding twenty dollars for every twelve hours allowed for exhibiting, fo be paid before exhibiting. -4 Upon every pawn-broker, sewing machine company or agent for such company, a license not exceeding twenty-five dollars a year. -5 Upon every permission by the commissioners to retail spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, a tax of fifty dollars a year. -6 Upon every lawyer, physician, dentist, photographer, street huckster, merchandise or produce brokers or ice dealers, a license tax not exceeding ten dollars a year. -7 Upon every hotel, restaurant or eating house, a license tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars. -8 Upon every other occupation, profession or business not herein especially named, a license tax not exceeding ten dollars a year. 1897._Private LawsCuHapter 194 . Sxc. 33 The commissioners of said town shall annually, on the first meeting after their election, appoint a tax-collector whose duty it shall be to collect all the taxes required to becol- lected under this charter. He shall give bond, payable to the State of North Carolina, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by said commissioners, in a sum double the amount of regular and special taxes levied for the current year. Said tax collector shall receive such compensation as the commis- sioners may allow, not exceeding the per centage allowed to sheriffs of the counties, and said commissioners may , in their discretion, appoint as said tax-collector the town marshal, who shall in that event serve in both capacities and have all the powers and authorities conferred upon each. ; Stc. 34 In case of a vacancy for any chuse in the office of taxcollector, the said commissioners shall fill said vacaney forthe ~ unexpired term by appointment, and the person so appointed shall give the bond and be subject to all the penalties and requirements of the regularly appointed tax collector. SEC. 35 The commissioners of the town shall appoint a treasurer whose duty it shall be to receive and disburse the funds of said town according to law. He shall give bond with good and sufficient sureties before entering upon his duties in a sum double the amount of the regular special taxes for the current year. His compensation shall be such as is allowed by the commissioners of said town, not exceeding the per centage ~ allowed to treasurers of the counties. Sc. 36 That the board of commissioners of the town of Southern Pines be and they are hereby authorized and directed toissue bonds to an amount not exceeding forty thousand dollars, tobe dueand payable thirty years from date of issue, which said bonds shall bear interest from date of issue at the rate of five per cent. perannum, payable annually on the first day of April of each and every year. Skc. 37 That said bonds shall be coupon bonds of the denomination of one hundred dollars each, and shall be designated as. series *A? and numbered from one upwards in accordance with the order of issue. They shall be signed by the mayor of said town, and countersigned by the clerk of the board of commissioners of said town and sealed with the corporate seal of said town and the coupons thereon shall be signed in the same manner. Src. 38 That said coupons shall be receivable in payment of taxes due the town of Southern Pines. Sxc. 39 That said bonds shall be sold at not less than par value and the proceeds of their sales shall be applied to the following purposes, to-wit: To defraying the expenses of providing and putting in a system of sewerage and water works in said town, and to defraying expenses of macadamizing, paving, grading, draining and otherwise improving the streets of said town and to purchasing ground fur public school purposes and erecting, equipping and furnishing school buildings. Src. 40 That the commissioners shall provide for the sale of said bonds and the money arising therefrom shall be paid to the treasurer of said town to be paid out for the purposes aforesaid according to law and as herein provided, and the bond of said treasurer shall be liable for said funds and increased so as to cover said amounts. Sec. 41 That the commissioners of said town shall have authority, and are directed to make and adopt plans for said system of sewerage aud water works and improvements of streets as contemplated in this act, and contract for putting in said system and doing said work, and can contract to let said work to the lowest responsible bidder or otherwise, or they may employ hands and have the work done. SxEc. 42 That for the purpose of paying the interest which shall accrue on said bonds and of accumulating a fund for the principal of said bonds as they shall mature, and for the payment of the same at maturity, and paying the incidental and running expense in keeping up said system of sewerage and water works, the said board of commissioners for said town shall have power annually to levy and collect in the manner and at the time prescribed for the collection of the general town taxes an ad valorem special tax not exceeding sixty cents on the one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of real estate, and personal property in said town, and said taxes shall be used for the purposes mentioned in this section and no other. Sxc. 43 That said special tax shall be collected by the town tax-collector under the same rules and regulations as are preseribed for the collection of the general town taxes, and shall be paid to the treasurer of the town, the treasurer shall renew his bond annually on the first day of June in each year. Said bond, together with the bonds of other town officers, shall be recorded on the minutes of the commissioners. The treasurer shall keep an account of the receipts and disbursements of the said special tax money in a separate book to be kept for that purpose, and he shall annually publish a statement showing the balance and condition of the special tax funds in his hands. Src. 44 That for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this act the commissioners of the town of Southern Pines 25 1897.Privare Laws.Cuaprer 194 are hereby authorized, empowered and required to cause an election to be held at the various polling places in said town at such time as said commissioners may appoint, at which said election the qualified voters of said town shall be entitled to vote for or against the issuing of the bonds of said town to an amount not exceeding forty thousand dollars; those favoring the issuing of such bonds and levying and collecting said taxes shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words for bonds thereon, and those who are opposed shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words against bonds thereon. 'The said election shall be advertised by the commissioners of said town by printed posters ,within the corporate limits of said town for thirty days prior to the day of_election, specifying in said notices the amount of said bonds, @nd said election shall be held by inspectors and judges under the same rules and regulation prescribed for the election of mayor and commissioners in the charter of said town and amendments thereto and the general law applicable to town elections: Provided, the commissioners of said town shall have authority to appoint the registrars, inspectors and judges of election. The result of said election shall be ascertained by the inspectors and judges of election of the respective polling places and certified and returned by them to the commissioners of said town of Southern Pines within two days from the day of election, who shall verify and also certify such result and cause the same.to be recorded in theirminutes. If amajority of the qualified voters of said town shall vote for bonds then the commissioners: of said town shall issue the bonds herein provided for not to exceed the amount specified herein. Sec. 45 If the result of said election shall be against the issuing of said bonds the commissioners of said town may at any time or times after one year from said election again submit to the qualified voters of said town the question of issuing said bonds. Said election or elections to be heid in the same manner as hereinbefore directed. Skc. 46 For the purpose of constructing and maintaining said system of sewerage and water works in said town, the commissioners of said town shall have authority to condemn lands for right of way or for the purposes of putting down and establish-. ingand maintaining said system in the same manner and under | the same law and proceedure as they are authorized to lay out and establish streets and they shall have the same authority under the same rules and regulations to condemn land for purchase upon which to erect the public school buildings contemplated in this act. SEc. 47 The board of commissioners of the town of Southern Pines are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said town at the time specified and authorized hereinbefore for submitting to said voters the question of issuing bonds, and under the same rules and regulations whether a tax shall be annually levied and collected therein for the support of the schools in said town provided for by this act. At the election held under the provisions of this act, those who favor the levying and collecting of such annual tax shall vote on written or printed tickets the words for schools, and those who are opposed to the levying and collecting of such annual tax shall vote on written or printed tickets the words against schools. SEC. 48 Said election shall be certified and declared in the same manner as the said election to determine whether the bonds hereinbefore provided for shall be issued, and if a majority of the qualified voters shall vote in favor of levying and collecting of such annual tax, the said annual tax shall be levied and collected by the town authorities under the same rules and regulations under which other taxes are levied and collected, and the tax: collector shall be subject to the same liabilities for the collection and paying over of said tax as he is or may be for other town taxes: Provided, the special annual taxes so levied and collected for said schools shall not exceed one dollar on the one hundred dollars valuation of property. The annual taxes levied and collected under the provisions of this act for sohools shall be applied exclusively to the suprort and maintenance of the public schools in the town of Southern Pines. The school committee, whose appointment is hereinafter provided for, may establish one or more graded schools in the town of Southern Pines, and all taxes levied and collected for schools under this act shall not be appropriated or expended for any other purpose. SEc. 49 For the purposes of this act the town of Southern Pines shall be and constitute a public school district for both white and colored. Skc. 50 If this act relating to said schools, shall be ratified at the election authorized to be held under it in section 47 of this act, the school committee of the town of Southern Pines shall consist of five members, to be elected by the commissioners of the town of Southern Pines, at their next regular meeting held after the election aforesaid. The said school committee shall be composed of citizens of Southern Pines, and freeholders therein, and shall be divided by said commissioners at the time of their election into three classes of one member of the first class, and two members of the other two classes. The term of office of the first class shall expire at the end of one year from the date of his election and the term of office of the second class shall expire at the end of two years from the date of their election, and the term of office | of the third class shall expire at the end of three years from the date of their election, whenever the term of office of any class shall expire as above provided, his or their successors shall be elected for the term of three years by the said commissioners. Whenever any vacancy occurs in said committee except by expiration of term of office, the vacancy for the unexpired term of the member or members shall be filled by the said committee! Src. 51 That the school committeeprovided for by this act shall have entire and exclusive control of the public school interests and property of the town of Southern Pines ; shall have power to select and purchase sites for the school buildings contemplated in this act and select and provide plans for the building of school buildings and contract for the building, equipping and furnishing of the same; shall prescribe rules and regulations for their own government not inconsistent with the provisions of this act ; shall employ and fix the compensation of officers, and location of the public school and graded public schools annually, subject to removal by the said committee; shall make an accurate census of the school population of the town as required by the general school law of the state, and do all other acts that may be just and lawful to conduct and manage the public schoo! interests in said town : Provided, all the children resident in the town of Southern Pines, between the ages of 6 and twenty-one years, shall be admitted into said school free of tuition charges ; Provided, further that persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may, in the discretion of said committee, attend the school from their homes or as boarders, on the payment of tuition fees to be fixed by the school committee. Sxc. 52 The school committee elected by this act may elect annually a superintendent for the schoois established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for whites, if the same shall be established. Thesaid superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in said schools and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the said school committee. Sxc. 538 The moneys which shall from time to time be apportioned under the general school law of the state to the publie school district or portion of districts embraced in the corporation limits of the town, and any moneys to which the said district or portion of districts may be entitled by reason of any special gift, grant, tax apportionment or otherwise, sha!l be received by the treasurer of the town of Southern Pines, who shall be ex officio treasurer of said school committee and whose receipts for such moneys shall constitute a sufficient voucher of such payments in the hands of any person paying the same, and the said treasurer shall report monthly, to the said school committee, his receipts and disbursements, with all vouchers paid the same. he moneys received as aforesaid shall be held by the treasurer as a separate fund to be disposed of under the direction of the aforesaid school committee, whose warrants signed by the chairman and one other member of the committee and countersigned by the secretary of said committee shall be the only valid voucher in the hands of the said treasurer for the disbursement of said moneys in any settlement required of them by the law. The said treasurer shall furnish annually, to the board of commissioners a statement in writing of his receipts and disbursements of the school money, properly and duly audited and approved by the chairman and secretary of the school committee. The accounts, books and vouchers of the said treasurer shall be open for the inspection of said school committee and the commissioners of said town at any time. Sc. 54 The school committee, provided by this act, shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Southern Pines, as shall be just to the white and colored races without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race. The beginning and ending of the school year shall be fixed by the committee. SkEc. 55 The school committee hereby created shall be a body corporate by the name and style of The School Committee of the town of Southern Pines, and by that name can sue and be sued, shall be capable of receiving gifts and grants, of purchasing and holding real and personal estate, and of selling and transferring the same for school purposes ; conveyances to said school shall be to them and their successors in office, and all deeds and other agreements effecting real estate shall be deemed sufficiently executed when signed by the chairman and secretary thereof, and the seal of the corporation affixed thereto. The corporation shall have a corporate seal which it may break or change at pleasure. Skc. 56 If, at the election herein provided for, a majority of the qualified voters shall be in favor of issuing bonds, and a majority of said electors shall be opposed to the levying and collecting of the special tax for schools, the funds arising from the sale of said bonds shall be appropriated wholly to the expense of providing and putting in a system of water works and sewerage in said town, and of macademiziug, paving, grading, draining and otherwise improving the streets of said town as provided in this act. SEc..57. The commissioners of said town shall have authority . to appoint five persons, resident in the corporate limits of said | town, who shall be styled the board of health of said town, said board shall have authority and power, and it shall be their duty to regulate the sanitary condition of said town, to abate ~ nuisances which they may deem injurious to the health of the citizens of said town, and shall hve all the authority with | respects to said town as is given to the county board of health and the county superintendent of health. Skc. 58 That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Src. 59 That this act shall bei in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 6th day of March, A. D. 1897" +1897_private laws_20_2,project experts,1,private laws,19,1,CHAPTER 19 An act to incorporate The Yanceyville Graded (colored) School. Lhe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That W. H. Burwell, W. L. Malone, G. &. Currie, L. Bigelow, A. Bigelow, R. R. Graves, Clem. Williamson, John L. Hill, F. R. Terry and R. C. Covington and their associates and successors, be and the same are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of Yanceyville Colored Graded School in the township of Yanceyville, County of Caswell and State of North Carolina, for the education of colored people, and as such they shall have all corporate powers, rights and immunities of trustees of similar academies in North Carolina. The said Trustees and their successors may sue and be sued, and acquire and hold such real and personal property as may be necessary and suitable to maintain said academy." +1895_private laws_162_5,project experts,1,private laws,161,4,"CHAPTER 161 An act to amend the charter of the city of Winston, North Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Strike out section eight and insert the following in lieu thereof: Said registrars shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with registration books, and it shall be the duty of said registrars to keep their books open from seven o'clock A. M. until sundown fifteen days preceding the second Saturday before the election on the first Monday in May, at such places in their respective wards as shall be public and convenient to the voters, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in the ward for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from the colored voters. Any person offering to register shall be required to take the following oath or affirmation: that he is or will be twenty-one years of age on or before the day of election, and has been a resident of the state of North Carolina twelve months, of the county of Forsyth ninety days, and of the ward of the city of Winston thirty days preceding the election in which he proposes to vote, and has not been convieted of any crime which, by the laws of North Carolina, disqualifies him from voting. Said registrars shall keep their books open for the inspection of any elector, and any elector may challenge the right of any voter to cast his ballot by filing with the registrar an affidavit, setting forth his reasons for challenge, and said registrar shall mark challenge opposite the name of the person challenged, and shall at once summon all the parties interested to appear before the judges of election of his ward on Wednesday before the succeeding election, between the hours of nine A. M. and five oclock P. M., to determine such voter's right to cast his ballot. If the judges cannot agree the registrar may decide, and if such challenge be sustained the name must be erased from the book. That justice may be done, the registrar is empowered to summon any witnesses that may be material, and shall make known in the summons to the party challenged the TRUE cause for which he is challenged, and the burden of proof shall lie upon the party challenging to show that the party challenged is not entitled to vote. All challenges shall be made before the books close on the second Saturday at sundown preceding the election on the first Monday in May. The registrars shall give notice ten days before they open their books, naming the place and time of opening and closing the books; such notice shall be posted in six conspicuous places in each ward; the board of aldermen may order a new registration or revision of the books by giving thirty days notice of such new registration or revision before the day the registrars are appointed, and shall allow such compensation to the registrars for their services as they may see proper, and shall order a new registration of voters for the election to be held on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. Any registrar who shall refuse to swear or hear any witness whose testimony is material in the determination of any voter's right of franchise, or shall abuse his trust as an officer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, fined one hundred dollars, or imprisoned for sixty days. Any person who may become a qualified voter after the books close, and on or before the day of election, shall be allowed to register when he becomes so entitled." +1895_private laws_86_16,project experts,0,private laws,85,15,"CHAPTER 85, An act to repeal the present charter of Elizabeth City and recharter the city. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","Should there be more votes in the box than the recorders list shows to have been cast, and the poll-holders shall be of the opinion that the excess was placed there fraudulently and the result of the election is thereby affected, they shall certify such to the commissioners elect at their first meeting, who shall declare the election in said ward void and proceed to fill the vacancy. But should the excess appear to the poll holders to be accidental they shall select some child who cannot read to draw said excess from the box, one vote ata time. Should two or more votes be folded together the poll-holders shall reject them. The ballots shall contain the name of only one person, printed or written, on white or colored paper, with or without device," +1893_private laws_388_7,project experts,1,private laws,387,6,CHAPTER 387 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the town of Wilson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the registrar shall be furnished by the said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty, after being qualified to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially and according to law, to revise the existing registration books of said town in such manner that said book shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in said town and still residing therein, without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also every day, between the hours of ten oclock a. m. and four oclock p. m. (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing within the corporate limits and entitled to registration whose names have never before been registered in said town or do not appear in the revised lists; and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and also their names, ages, place of birth and places of residence; and any person offering may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the state of North Carolina twelve months and in the town of Wilson and in the ward for which he offers to register ninety days next preceding the day of election, and that his place of residente is at .... in such ward, and that he is twenty-one years of age. If any person shall wilfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be guilty of perjury and punished as in like cases of perjury. The board of commissioners, upon thirty days notice, may direct that there shall be an entirely new registration of Priv38 voters whenever they may deem it necessary for a fair election or for the interest of the town." +1901_private laws_86_13,project experts,1,private laws,85,12,CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said Board of Trustees to establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said district. And said Board of Trustees shall appropriate and use the funds derived from said particular taxes, and from other sources, in such manner as shall be deemed just to both races, providing equal school facilities for each, due regard being paid, however, to the difference in the cost of maintaining said schools: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors." +1893_private laws_355_2,project experts,1,private laws,354,1,CHAPTER 3854 An act to amend the charter of the town of Shelby. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section forty of the laws of eighiteen hundred and seventy-four and eighteen hundred and seventy-five be amended as follows, Add after the last word in said section the following: That , out of the funds arising from any license tax on bar-rooms in the town of Shelby the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be applied to the maintenance of the white and colored graded schools in said town: Provided, only one such license for a bar-room shall be issued; but if two or more licenses for bar-rooms in said town shall be issued, then the sum of eleven hundred dollars arising from such funds shall be applied to the maintenance of said schools: Provided, that the balance of said funds, or if the said graded schools shall no longer be kept up then the whole of said funds, shall be applied to such public uses of said town of Shelby as the commissioners of said town may direct." +1893_private laws_63_2,project experts,1,private laws,62,1,CHAPTER 62 An act to incorporate Wadeville Academy. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That E. J. Bruton, J. W. Harris, T. B. Hurley, D. F. Robinson, A. J. Bruton, J. M. Robinson and J. B. Hurley, of the county of Montgomery, and state of North Carolina, and those who hereafter may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate and have perpetual succession by the name and style of Wadeville Academy, located in the village of Wadeville, and by such name may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure, and make and maintain such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the same and the orderly conduct of its affairs as may be deemed necessary, and shall be capable in law to take, receive and hold all manner of lands, tenements, rents, annuities and hereditaments which may at any time be granted, bargained, released, demised or otherwise granted, and that said academy and all real and personal property so granted, received or accepted and appertaining thereto shall be set apart forever for the exclusive purpose of educating the children of the white race and of assisting young men and young ladies in the education of themselves, and when in the _ judgment of a majority of the board of trustees a sale of any property acquired as aforesaid is necessary for the interests thereof such sale _and transfer is hereby authorized, and the proceeds thereof directed to be used as a general fund for improvements." +1891_public laws_580_2,project experts,1,public laws,579,1,CHAPTER 579 Ana act supplemental and amendatory to an act entitled An act to estab- lish the Agricultura! and Mechanical College for the Colored Race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That J. M. Early of Bertie county is hereby named as temporary chairman of the board of trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, to the end that he call said board together at such time and place as may be suitable for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization of said board of trustees: Provided, that this act shall not interfere with the several provisions of the act of which this is amendatory." +1891_public laws_550_14,project experts,1,public laws,549,13,CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the trustees of the said The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race shall be entitled to the same per diem and mileage as compensation for attendance upon the meetings of said board, as are now allowed by the law to the members of the general assembly." +1891_public laws_550_7,project experts,1,public laws,549,6,CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of trustees are empowered to receive any donation of property, real or personal, which may be made to the said College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and shall have power to invest or expend the same for the benefit of said college, and shall have power to accept on behalf of this college such proportion of the fund granted by the congress of the United States to the state of North Carolina for industrial and agricultural training as is apportioned to the colored race, in accordance with the act or acts of congress in relation thereto." +1891_public laws_550_3,project experts,1,public laws,549,2,CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the said institution shall be denominated The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race. +1891_public laws_537_2,project experts,1,public laws,536,1,CHAPTER 536 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Henderson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the commissioners for the town of Henderson, in the county of Vance, are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said town at such time and under such rules and regulations as the said commissioners may prescribe, whether an annual assessment shall be levied therein for the support of a graded school for the white children and a graded school for the colored children in said town; that at such election such qualified voters as are in favor of levying such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For school upon it, and such voters as are opposed to the levying of such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words Against school upon it, and the penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be in all respects the same as in the annual elections for mayor and commissioners of the said town of Henderson." +1891_public laws_524_2,project experts,1,public laws,523,1,"CHAPTER 523 An act to remove the colored norma! school now located in Franklinton, Franklin county, to Warrenton, Warren county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the state board of education are hereby directed to remove the normal school for the colored race now located at Franklinton, Franklin county, and establish it at Warrenton, Warren county: Provided, the citizensof Warrenton shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, suitable buildings in which to conduct the exercises of said institution and the sum of three hundred dollars per annum in addition to the state appropriation to defray the expenses of the same." +1891_public laws_404_10,project experts,1,public laws,403,9,"CHAPTER 403, An act in relation to the public schoo! in the town of Shelby, and pro- viding for it [the] levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Shelby as shall be just to the white and colored races without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the public schools of both races: Provided, separate schools shall be established and maintained for the white and colored races." +1891_public laws_404_7,project experts,1,public laws,403,6,"CHAPTER 403, An act in relation to the public schoo! in the town of Shelby, and pro- viding for it [the] levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for white children if same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said school and issue certificate to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school committee." +1891_public laws_331_6,project experts,1,public laws,330,5,"CHAPTER 330 An act to establish a graded school in district number one in Cherokee county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The school committee created by this act shall elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded schools for white children if the same be established. The superintendent of said schools shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, which certificates shall be valid for one year from date, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said committee. ." +1893_private laws_85_2,project experts,1,private laws,84,1,"CHAPTER 8&4, An act to amend chapter two hundred and forty-three -243 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and the charter of the city of Raleigh. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two -2 of chapter two hundred and fortythree -243 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one be amended as follows: Add to the end of said section two -2 the following: The tract of land conveyed to the city of Raleigh by R. S. Pullen, Esquire, by deed dated March the twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, as recorded in book ninety-five, page four hundred and sixty-three, register of deeds office of Wake county, and known as * Pullen Park, and all other territory which may be acquired by the city by purchase, or donation, or otherwise, for park purposes, and the cemetery for the burial of deceased white persons, located northeast of the city of Raleigh, known as Oakwood Cemetery, and the cemetery for the burial of deceased colored persons, located south of the city of Raleigh, known as Mount Hope Cemetery, shall also be included in | he corporate limits of the city of Raleigh, and all ordinances now in force or hereafter enacted by the board of aldermen of said city shall be applicable to the territory included in said Pullen Park or other parks, and in said cemeteries, as fully as if the said territory was embraced within the limits of the city." +1901_private laws_92_2,project experts,1,private laws,91,1,CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN HENDERSON TOWNSHIP IN VANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory embraced within the limits of Henderson Township, in Vance County, State of North Carolina, as now laid out and established, shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as Henderson Graded School District." +1901_private laws_123_8,project experts,1,private laws,122,7,CHAPTER 122 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSONVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the said school trustees to distribute and apportion the school moneys placed to their credit so as to give each school in the town, white and colored, the same length of school term as nearly as may be each year." +1901_private laws_142_8,project experts,1,private laws,141,7,"CHAPTER 141 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS AND AN ELEC- TRIC LIGHT SYSTEM IN THE TOWN OF ROCKINGHAM, RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of said board to establish a graded school for the white children and one for the colored children of said town, and to appropriate the funds derived from said special tax and all other sources for said graded schools for white and colored children so as to equalize school facilities between the two races, having due regard to the requirements of the two races." +1905_private laws_278_2,project experts,1,private laws,278,1,"CHAPTER 278 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the town of Beaufort, and also all the territory embraced and included as it is now laid out in the present public school district. number eighteen, in Beaufort Township, shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as the Beaufort Graded School District." +1905_private laws_262_2,project experts,1,private laws,262,1,"CHAPTER 262 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Morehead City, and all territory which may be included in any future extension of said town, be and the same is hereby constituted the public school district for the white and colored children, to be known as the Morehead City Graded School District." +1905_private laws_196_2,project experts,1,private laws,196,1,CHAPTER 196 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE FLAT ROCK SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The special tax school district of Flat Rock, Henderson County, shall be and is hereby constituted a graded school district for both white and colored schools." +1905_private laws_161_2,project experts,1,private laws,161,1,CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS AND TO IM- PROVE THE STREETS IN THE CITY OF RANDLEMAN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all the territory lying within the corporate City mad limits of the city of Randleman shall be and is hereby constituted SP! the public school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Randleman Graded School District." +1905_private laws_82_87,project experts,1,private laws,82,86,CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The aldermen of the city shall provide for the establishment and support of a system of graded schools under the following conditions, to-wit: First, no interest-bearing debt of the corporation shall be created for this purpose; second, the schools shall be open to all bona fide residents of the city of all ages between the ages of six and twenty-one, but the white and colored schools shall be distinct and separate buildings and departments, and the schools shall have separate apartments for the higher classes of males and females; third, the funds raised by ad valorem taxation shall be used only for the payment of the salaries of teachers; fourth, persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools from their homes, or as boarders, on the payment of tuition fees, to be fixed by the school commissioners; fifth, the aldermen of the city, at their first regular meeting in September, one thousand nine hundred. and five, and annually thereafter, shall appropriate a sufficient sum of money out of the general fund for the support of the graded schools, to be known as The Graded School Fund, the sum to be appropriated for this purpose to be determined by the graded school commissioners and approved by the board of aldermen." +1905_private laws_82_74,project experts,1,private laws,82,73,CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of aldermen shall have power to regulate the manner and terms on which bodies may be interred in the public cemetery and have said cemetery kept in proper repair. They shall also have power to forbid any and all interments of dead bodies within the limits of said city, or any part thereof, whenever they shall deem it expedient, and to pass ordinances for the protection of the cemeteries; may appoint and pay a keeper and compel the keeping and returning of a bill of mortality. The city of Winston is hereby authorized to purchase suitable grounds for cemeteriesone for the white people and one for the colored peopleto be under the supervision of the city, with power to make such regulations as may be proper for regulating the burying of the dead therein, and to have police jurisdiction thereon; that the cemeteries of the city of Winston as now laid off shall not be enlarged, nor shall the dead be buried within the corporate limits of said city other than within the boundaries as now laid off. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days." +1905_private laws_82_53,project experts,1,private laws,82,52,CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Winston commissioners of graded schools shall be and are hereby authorized to receive and use the money herein provided for, and to apply the same in such way as they may deem best for the benefit of the graded schools, white and colored, of said city, whether for suitable buildings and furniture for said schools or for repairs of the same, for salaries of teachers or for other incidental expenses." +1905_private laws_32_30,project experts,1,private laws,32,29,CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of aldermen shall annually turn over to the trustees of said parks for white people and colored people not less than the sum of one thousand dollars; that the said sum of one thousand dollars shall be distributed between the trustees or commissioners of said white and colored parks in such proportion as is just and equitable, all things being considered, and shall turn over any additional sum in the discretion of the board to the Charlotte Park and Tree Commission for trees, ete." +1903_private laws_162_4,project experts,1,private laws,161,3,CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of trustees shall, on the first Monday in May next ensuing, submit to the qualified voters of said district above created the question of establishing a graded school in said district. The said trustees shall give thirty days notice of said election by a notice thereof, published in some newspaper published in Alamance County, and by notices posted at four public places in said district. The said board of trustees shall select three men, qualified voters of said district, one of whom they shall appoint registrar and the other two poll holders to hold said election, and these three shall hold said election and shall be governed in their acts in all particulars as to the registration of voters, challenges, etc., by the same rules and regulations as prevail in the election of county officers; and the qualified voters of said district shall vote at said election on the first Monday in May next ensuing, tickets on which shall be written or printed the words For Graded School or Against Graded School, and the result of the election shall be declared by the same rules that govern the election of county officers; the said election shall be held at the school-house for the white race in said territory." +1903_private laws_107_12,project experts,1,private laws,106,11,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the proceeds of the sale of the bonds provided in this act shall be used exclusively for the erection and equipment of suitable buildings for the graded schools for the whites and such enlargement and equipment of the colored school buildings as may be necessary, and said buildings shall be constructed and equipped and said fund expended under the sole direction of said board of trustees of said graded schools. And to this end it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to determine the location and the character of the building for the white graded school and the needed enlargement, if any, of the building for the colored graded school. But if the said board shall deem it better to select another location for the colored graded school, the said board is hereby fully authorized and empowered to purchase a site therefor and erect and equip the necessary buildings thereon. And it shall be the duty of said board, as soon as possible after the ratification of this act by the qualified voters of the town of Greenville, to determine said location and to proceed as speedily as possible with the erection and enlargement of the buildings for said school.. The said board may have said buildings erected and enlarged by contract or in such other way as they may deem best, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said town to pay for the same out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds upon the order of the board of trustees, signed and countersigned in such manner and under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe. But said board of trustees shall keep a record which shall show in detail the manner in which the said fund has been expended by them. The Town Treasurer shall also keep a separate account of his receipts and disbursements of this fund, and he shall make a report to the Board of Aldermen from time to time of his dealings therewith, and he shall be allowed as his compensation in receiving and paying out this fund two and one-half per cent. commission on his disbursements." +1903_private laws_107_11,project experts,1,private laws,106,10,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if the trustees of the graded schools shall deem the present location of the public school building for the colored race 4 proper location for the graded school buildings for that race, they may locate the graded school at that point, and with the consent of the proper school committee and the County Board of Education use the public colored school building for that purpose, and make such changes and additions thereto as they may deem proper." +1903_private laws_107_8,project experts,1,private laws,106,7,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of trustees shall have the general control and management of the said graded schools, and they may determine the location, character and equipment of the buildings therefor, which shall not cost in the aggregate to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars, and they may employ such teachers and officers for each of said schools as they may deem proper and fix the compensation thereof. They may appoint an executive committee of their number, who shall have the more direct control and management of such schools under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe, and the said board, if they shall deem it advisable to do so, may appoint a committee of colored persons to aid the board in looking after the interest of the colored graded school under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe." +1903_private laws_105_6,project experts,1,private laws,104,5,CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF FREMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the special taxes levied and collected under this act shall be expended in keeping up separate schools for the white and colored children in said district between the ages of six and twentyone years. +1903_private laws_96_12,project experts,1,private laws,95,11,CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL FOR THE TOWN OF ROXBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if a majority of the qualified voters of said town shall vote For Bonds, then the Board of Commissioners of said town shall issue coupon bonds to the amount voted for in said election and in denominations of not less than five hundred dollars, bearing interest from the date of said bonds at five per centum per annum, and payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year until said bonds are paid. That the said bonds shall be payable after the expiration of thirty years from the date thereof. The bonds and the coupons shall be numbered and the bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of said town and countersigned by the treasurer of the Board of Commissioners, and a record shall be kept of all bonds, observing the number, amount and to whom sold. The coupons shall be received in payment of taxes, polls, and debts due said town; and the said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value, but the Board of Commissioners are authorized in their discretion to pay a commission not to exceed five per centum of the amount of the issue of said bonds, should it become necessary in order to effect a sale thereof; that the sales of the said bonds shall be used by the Board of Commissioners of said town for the exclusive purpose of buying a suitable lot and erecting thereon a building for the white graded school of said town and buy a suitable lot for the colored graded school, and if no suitable building on said lot to erect one." +1903_private laws_96_8,project experts,1,private laws,95,7,CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL FOR THE TOWN OF ROXBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said board to establish a graded school for the white children and one for the colored children of said town, and to appropriate the funds derived from said special tax and all other sources for said graded schools for white and colored children so as to equalize school facilities between the two races." +1903_private laws_69_13,project experts,1,private laws,68,12,"CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP OF SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CARO- LINA, IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all public school funds derived from the State and Hyde County for the use and benefit of the public schools in said graded school district shall be kept by the Treasurer of Hyde County separate and apart from all other funds in his hands for the use and benefit of the graded public schools in said district, and by said Treasurer disbursed in the manner provided in section 7 of this act. That the property, both real and personal, of the public schools embraced within the bounds of said graded school district, whether heretofore belonging to the white or colored public schools, shall become the property of said public graded schools, and shall be vested in said board of trustees in trust for said schools, and said board may sell the same, or any part thereof, if deemed necessary or advisable, and apply the proceeds of such sale for the benefit of said public graded schools." +1903_private laws_69_2,project experts,1,private laws,68,1,"CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP OF SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CARO- LINA, IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following described territory lying within Swan Quarter Township, Hyde County, to-wit, beginning at Oyster Creek Bridge and running with the Credle Road to the savanna; thence with the New Road to the Swan Quarter Road; thence with the Swan Quarter Road to the line of the land belonging to the Home for the Aged and Infirm; thence with the back line of the lands belonging to the said Home for the Aged and Infirm and along the back lines of the lands of the devisees of Thomas E. Harris, deceased, the lands of Mrs. Jennie Fisher, the lands of W. S. Harris, the lands of Homer Jarvis, John Jarvis, Foster Jarvis, Zacheus Jarvis, R. D. Harris, the heirs at law of Mrs. Sally Griffin, deceased, Mrs. Ida P. Berry and Samuel Weston, William Swindell and the lands of the heirs of George W. Swindell, deceased, to the line of the lands of the heirs of D. K. Credle, deceased; thence with the line of said Credle land to the public road at the Plank Bridge; thence with the line of the Benders Selby land to the leading ditch that empties into Swan Quarter Bay; thence with said ditch to the said bay and thence with the winds of Swan Quarter Bay to Oyster Creek, and thence with the said creek to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Swan Quarter Graded School District." +1901_private laws_264_10,project experts,1,private laws,263,9,CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of trustees shall apportion the money raised or received for the purpose of carrying on the graded schools in the town of Edenton, as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination between the races, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the schools of both races." +1901_private laws_264_8,project experts,1,private laws,263,7,CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of trustees shall provide for the procurement of separate school buildings for the use of the white and colored school] children of said town, either by erecting new buildings or by leasing from the trustees of the Edenton Academy the academy building for the use of the white children, and by using the school buildings now used by the colored public school for the colored children, or leasing such other buildings for the graded school as to said trustees may seem proper; and the said trustees shall have the right to engage, employ, pay and discharge teachers at any time, fix tne [amount] of their compensation and salaries, and have general oversight and control of said school." +1901_private laws_249_4,project experts,1,private laws,248,3,"CHAPTER 248 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 142 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1897, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CARTHAGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said chapter 142 is further amended by striking out section 3 thereof and by inserting and adding after section 47 sections numbered as follows: Sec. 48 That the Board of Commissioners of said town of Carthage shall have full power and authority to condemn land for the purpose of draining the town or any part thereof or any of the streets and sidewalks thereof, and to that end they, their servants, agents and employees are fully authorized and empowered to enter upon, lay off. construct and maintain any ditch or other water-way over, across and upon any tands of any person or persons or corporations within or without the corporate limits of said town not to exceed one-eighth of a mile therefrom in any direction they may consider necessary; and the damages in such condemnation proceedings shall be assessed in the same manner and under the same regulations as those prescribed in section 29 of chapter 32 of the Private Laws of 1881, with the same rights of appeal: Provided, that no appeal to the Superior Court shall in anyway delay, hinder or prevent the laying out, construction, final completion and maintenance of said ditch or other water-way during said appeal. Sec. 49 The Board of Commissioners may take such measures as they may deem effectual to prevent the entrance into town, or the spreading therein, of any contagious or infectious diseases, may stop, detain and examine for that purpose all things and persons coming from places believed to be infected with such diseases, may cause any person in town believed to be infected with such contagious disease, and whose stay might endanger the public health, to be removed to some place within or without the town limits; may cause to be removed or destroyed such furniture or other articles which shall be believed to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, or which there shall be reasonable cause to apprehend will propagate disease, and may take all such reasonable steps to preserve the public health as they may adjudge necessary. Sec. 50 Whenever an offender has been convicted for a violation of a town ordinance and a fine imposed, the Mayor of said town or other oflicer before whom he shall have been convicted, at the time of entering judgment, may order that on failure to pay the fine to the Constable of said town, or the officer having him in charge, such offender shall be by such officer put to work on the streets of said town for a time to be fixed by the Mayor or other officer rendering the judgment, not exceeding thirty days, when he shall be discharged. Sec. 51 Any and all persons who may be able to labor, who shall frequent said town and be found therein without any visible means of support, sauntering about without employment, or who shall be found sleeping at night, or spending the night in, or upon, the piazzas of the stores or the court-house in said town shall be deemed vagrants and guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine not exceeding $50 or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, said offense being cognizable before the Mayor, who may cause such person to be farmed out to work on the public streets or other public works of said town. Sec. 52 That tramps as defined and punished by section 3828, 3829, 3830, 3831 and 3832 of chapter 63 of The Code are subject to the same penalties, punishments and cognizance as vagrants as set forth in the preceding section. Sec. 53 That the Board of Commissioners of the town of Carthage shall have power to prohibit the interment of dead bodies within the corporate limits of said town, except in the cemeteries now used in said town. Said Commissioners shall have the power and authority to purchase and hold to them and their successors, within or without the corporate limits of said town, so much land as in their opinion they may consider necessary to be used by the citizens and residents of the town for the purpose of burying the dead, to be known as the cemetery; and said Commissioners are hereby vested with the control of all interments of the dead and to make rules and regulations, and to adopt ordinances in reference to the same. They shall have power to sell, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between them and their purchasers, lots in said cemetery to citizens and residents of said town and other persons, in their discretion, to make deeds to such persons in fee to be executed by the Mayor under his seal, reciting that said lots are to be held for burial purposes and no other; and the purchasers of said lots and their heirs and assigns shall have the exclusive right to said lots and no burial shall be made thereon without the permission of the owners thereof. That the proceeds of the sale of said lots shall be first appropriated to the payment of the purchase price of said cemetery, or in replacing such money as may have been devoted to said purpose, and then to the improvement of said cemetery. Sec. 54 The Commissioners shall have full control of said cemetery, make rules and regulations, and appoint such person or persons for the management of the same as they may deem necessary; they shall lay off said cemetery in lots of such size and dimensions as they shall think proper; number the same, fix the prices thereon and cause a suitable map of the same to be made and filed in the office of the Mayor; they shall also provide space within said cemetery for the burial of such persons as may not be able to purchase lots, and for that reason, or other reasons, be permitted by the board, or some persons authorized by it, to be buried in said cemetery: they shall grant or cause to be granted a burial permit for all deceased persons not owning lots in said cemetery or permitted to be buried on the lots of others, or otherwise permitted to be buried, and shall have discretion and power to charge a burial fee not exceeding $3 for each body buried, to be used for the purpose of keeping up and improving said cemetery. Sec. 55 The Commissioners shall provide separate cemeteries for the white and colored people of said town, and the fees paid and moneys accruing from the sales of the lots by the white people shall be used in the cemetery provided for them, and the fees paid and money arising from the sale of lots by colored people shall be used in the cemetery provided for them; both said cemeteries to cost not exceeding twelve hundred dollars. Sec. 56 That the real estate purchased for said cemetery and the burial lots and plots conveyed to individuals for the purpose of interment shall be exempt from assessment and taxation and from sale under execution. Sec. 57 That any person who shall carelessly _or_ willfully destroy, deface or injure any tombstone or other structure placed in said cemetery, or injure any shrub tree, plant or flower therein being shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. Sec. 58 That the Commissioners of said town may cause to be kept in the Mayor's office of said town a record of vital statistics containing all births and deaths occurring therein and such other statistics as they may deem useful and necessary. Sec. 59 Said Commissioners, in addition to their power to maintain a system of water-works, heretofore granted, shall have power and authority to contract and pay for water to be supplied by other persons or corporations to be used for extinguishing fire or other useful or necessary purposes in said town." +1901_private laws_244_6,project experts,1,private laws,243,5,"CHAPTER 243 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the special taxes levied and collected under this act shall be expended in keeping up separate graded schools for the white and colored children in said district between the ages of six and twenty-one years. +1901_private laws_233_2,project experts,1,private laws,232,1,"CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE YADKIN VALLEY NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY FOR THE COLORED RACE, AT WILKESBORO, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That R. B. Watts, N. A. Barber, R. W. Barber, E. W. Hackett, John Hunt, W. W. James, P. H. Wilson, A. B. Clark, A. J. Howard, D. P. Sherrill, C. Parsons, Irvin Parks, A. Parks and their associates and successors be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Trustees of the Yadkin Valley Normal and Industrial Academy for the colored race, and by that name to remain in perpetual suecession for the purpose of maintaining a school of high grade at or near Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, and in that name may acquire, hold and convey property, real and personal, may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, plead and be impleaded, and in their corporate capacity may exercise such rights and acts as may be deemed needful for the purpose of instructing the colored youths, male and female, in the various common school, academic and collegiate branches, the best methods of teaching the same and the best mode of practical industry as applied to agriculture and mechanic arts; may have and use a common seal; may make and alter from time to time such by-laws as they may deem necessary for the government of said institution: Provided, such by-laws shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of North Carolina. ," +1901_private laws_168_3,project experts,1,private laws,167,2,CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SELMA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said board of trustees shall have full power and authority over the schools for both races in said district, and as soon as practicable they shall establish a graded free school for the white race and a graded free school for the colored race. They shall have charge of the expenditure of all the public moneys available for school purposes in said district, and the following moneys shall be placed at their disposal: First. All moneys which by law they shall be entitled to receive from the commissioners of the dispensary at Selma. Second. All moneys apportioned to the said school district from the county school fund. Third. All moneys raised by a special tax in said district for school purposes. Fourth. All moneys which may be appropriated to said purposes by the town of Selma. Fifth. All moneys donated to said school or received in any way whatsoever. That the moneys shall be so appropriated as to provide the same length of school term for the white and colored schools." +1891_public laws_327_34,project experts,1,public laws,326,33,CHAPTER 326 An act to provide for the assessment of property and the collection of taxes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: POLL-TAX.,"The clerk of the commissioners on or before the first Monday in November after the lists are completed by the commissioners and deposited with him, shall return to the auditor an abstract of the same showing the number of acres of land and their value, and the value of town lots and the number of white and colored polls separately, and specify every other subject of taxation, and the amount of state and county tax paid on each subject, and the amount paid on the whole. At the same time the clerk shall return to the auditor an abstract of the list of the poor, county and school taxes paid in his county, setting forth separately the tax levied on each poll and on each one hundred doilars value of reai property for each purpose, and also the gross amount of taxes of every kind levied for county purposes. ea" +1917_public local laws_666_2,project experts,0,public local laws,665,1,CHAPTER 665 | AN ACT TO PROHIBIT FISHING IN ROCK FISH CREEK AND NORTH EAST RIVER IN DUPLIN AND PENDER COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to fish for Robin Redbreast Perch in the waters of Rockfish Creek and the Northeast River between the fifteenth day of May and the first day of August of each and every year with hook and line, gill nets, gun or rifle, or in any other manner whatsoever: Provided, this act shall not apply to fishing in deep waters with a seine not less than forty-five yards in length and ten feet in depth." +1901_public laws_450_12,project experts,0,public laws,449,11,CHAPTER 449 An act to incorporate the Montane Road and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said company for the purpose of transferring such power as it may generate from point to point, shall have the right to erect poles, and run wires either in the air or under the ground as it may elect: Provided, they shall pay to the owners of the land over which said lines are run, such damage as said owners may sustain therefrom, said damages, if they can not be agreed upon, to be determined in like manner as is hereinbefore provided for ascertaining damages caused by the construction of the roads mentioned herein." +1901_public laws_449_10,project experts,0,public laws,448,9,CHAPTER 448 An act to drain the bottom lands of Catheys and Hollands Creeks in Rutherford County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact.,"That said Creek Commissioners shall have power to stop all washes, cut and use timber off the lands of the various owners, open the channels of the creek, widen the channels or remove timber or other obstruction from the banks of the lands of any of the owners, and in short to do any and all things necessary to the proper drainage of said lands." +1949_session laws_767_3,project experts,0,session laws,766,2,196 CHAPTER 766 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CREATION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICTS AND TO AUTHORIZE SUCH DISTRICTS TO ISSUE BONDS AND LEVY TAXES FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Amend G. S. 131-126.18 by rewriting paragraph (c) of said Section so that said paragraph (c) shall read as follows: (c) Hospital facility means any type of hospital, clinic or public health center, housing or quarters for local public health departments, including relating facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, nurses home and training facilities, and central service facilities operated in connection with hospitals." +1925_public laws_88_4,project experts,0,public laws,87,3,CHAPTER 87 AN ACT RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL NURSING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"A joint committee on standardization, consisting of three members appointed from the North Carolina State Nurses Association, and three members from the North Carolina State Hospital Association, whose members shall serve for a term of three years, or until their successors are elected, is hereby created. The joint committee on standardization shall advise with the board of nurse examiners herein created in the adoption of regulations covering applicants for license and admission to examinations, and the stardardization, so far as possible, of the schools of nursing in North Carolina, and shall have the power to classify such schools with the assent of the board of nurse examiners, and prescribe rules and regulations for the classification of schools of nursing." +1931_public laws_130_6,project experts,1,public laws,129,5,CHAPTER 129 AN ACT TO ENABLE ANY TWO OR MORE COUNTIES TO ESTABLISH A DISTRICT HOSPITAL-HOME IN LIEU OF SEPARATE COUNTY HOMES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ,"That this board of trustees shall, as soon as possible after appointment, assemble and organize by the election of a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, which last officer shall be bonded. They shall proceed promptly with the purchase of a site for such hospital-home, including, if they deem it desirable, a farm of suitable size, location and fertility, giving due consideration to sanitary surroundings and transportation facilities, and shall then cause to be erected suitable plain, substantial, comfortable and permanent buildings for the accommodation of those for whom this act is intended, giving due regard to the separation of the sexes and races, and such other plans for segregation as their judgment and existing conditions may suggest. Said buildings are to be furnished with plain, substantial furniture, and such other equipment as conditions demand. Necessary hospital facilities may be included, but provisions for such facilities and equipment shall have the approval of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare and the State Board of Health." +1907_private laws_73_31,project experts,0,private laws,71,30,"CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO REVISE AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ALBEMARLE, STANLY COUNTY, AND TO AL- LOW SAID TOWN TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in order to raise funds for the expenses incident to the proper government of the town of Albemarle, the board of commissioners of said town are hereby authorized and empowered as in their judgment they may see fit and proper, not inconsistent with the laws of the State, to annually levy and collect taxes from circuses, shows, liquor dealers, theatres, and entertainments, musical or otherwise, artificial curiosities, venders of patent proprietary medicines, exhibits of any character for money or reward, peddlers of all kinds of goods, wares, merchandise, paints, polishes, varnishes, oils, draymen, liverymen, sales-stables, barbers, photographers, restaurants, and all other things and subjects which are now or may hereafter be taxed by the revenue laws of this State, not exempt by said laws from taxation by cities and towns." +1881_private laws_51_44,project experts,0,private laws,50,50,"CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO, IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the aldermen may require and compel the abatement and removal of all nuisances within the city, at the expense of the person causing the same, or the owner or tenant of the grounds whereon the same may be, and may regulate the same if allowed to be established, any slaughter house or place, or the exercise within the city of any offensive or unhealthy trade, business or employment." +1897_public laws_159_11,project experts,0,public laws,158,10,CHAPTER 158 An act to incorporate the Stone Mountain Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said company may subscribe to the capital stock of any other corporation now in existence or hereafter projected, in this State or elsewhere, and hold shares in same; it may buy, sell, own, hold and deal in real estate, standing trees, lumber, lumbermens materials and supplies, and in all other goods, wares and merchandise of any and all kinds; it may build, own, equip and operate saw-mills, planing-mills, stonemills, shingle-mills, dry-kilns, hotels, boarding-houses and all other buildings, mills, machinery and apparatus necessary and convenient for the conduct of any part of its business; it may also purchase, own, mine for and operate natural gas, oil, coal, iron and other minerals or ores." +1965_session laws_915_9,project experts,0,session laws,914,8,"CHAPTER 914 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR CURRENT OPERATIONS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENTS, INSTITUTIONS, AND AGENCIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The appropriation made out of the General Fund for the Prison Department includes funds to be transferred or paid to the Dorothea Dix Hospital at Raleigh and Cherry Hospital at Goldsboro for care, custody, and treatment of the criminally insane prisoners, and to the North Carolina Sanatorium for care, custody, and treatment of prisoners who have tuberculosis; with the amount of funds to be determined as follows: At the beginning of each month the Dorothea Dix Hospital at Raleigh, the Cherry Hospital at Goldsboro, and North Carolina Sanatorium shall render to the Prison Department a bill, on the basis of the per capita cost per day for 1225 the preceding fiscal year, as may be determined by the Director of the Budget, for the care, custody, and treatment, during the preceding month, of criminally insane prisoners and prisoners who have tuberculosis and who have been transferred from the Prison System to said institutions, and the Prison Department shall pay such bills monthly." +1955_session laws_888_14,project experts,0,session laws,887,13,CHAPTER 887 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CLARIFY CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAP- TER 122 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO THE OP- ERATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE STATE HOSPITALS FOR THE MENTALLY DISORDERED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Amending Section 122-63.2, of Volume 3B of the General Statutes, by adding another paragraph at the end of said Section, which said paragraph shall read as follows: The Hospitals Board of Control is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with other states for the purpose of fixing the requirements whereby a patient under commitment to a state hospital in such other state or states may be released and come into this State while still on conditional release or probation from the state hospital of such other state or states. The said board may also enter into reciprocal agreements with another state or states to fix and establish the requirements whereby a patient under commitment to a State Hospital in this State may be released and go into such other state or states while still on conditional release or probation from a State Hospital in this State. Any such patient so released from a state hospital or other mental institution in another state or states for the purpose of coming into this State shall not be considered to gain residence in this State by any period of time he resides in this State, and a person or patient released from a State Hospital in North Carolina will retain his North Carolina residence or legal settlement during his acceptance in the other state under agreements authorized under this Section. No members of the State Hospitals Board of Control or the General Superintendent or any physician, psychiatrist, officer, agent or employee of the State Hospitals Board of Control shall be held personally liable for acts done or damages sustained by reason of any official acts done or committed under the authority of this Section." +1879_public laws_109_2,project experts,0,public laws,108,1,CHAPTER 108 AN ACT IN REGARD TO PUBLIC WHARVES AND DEPOTS. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That it shall not be lawful for any railroad: or steamboat company, or owner, or other common carrier of passengers to make any discrimination for or gainst any hotel, or boarding-house-keeper, or baggageman, by excluding them or other agents, servants-or runners from any public wharf or depot, or other public lace belonging to such common carrier, and to which other persons of the same description may be admitted: Provided, that this act shall not be construed so as to prevent any common carrier of passengers from making such rules and regulations as may be proper and necessary for the comfort, safety and protection of its passengers, but such rules shall apply to all persons alike." +1933_public local laws_164_5,project experts,0,public local laws,163,4,"CHAPTER 163 AN ACT FIXING THE SALARIES AND FEES OF THE OFFI- CERS OF ALEXANDER COUNTY, ABOLISHING THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR AND THE RECORDER'S COURT OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Sheriff of Alexander County or his deputies shall be allowed the amount of their actual expenses for conveying prisoners to or from other counties, or to or from the State Prison, for taking insane persons to or from the State Hospital; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff to render to the Board of County Commissioners a monthly statement of the expenses herein provided for, showing the amount of expenses and date and purpose for which spent; and if satisfied that the amount is correct, said commissioners shall pay the same to the sheriff by order upon the treasurer, bank or banks holding the county funds, and the cost of conveying prisoners, where it may be recovered, shall be taxed in the bill of cost by the court when requested by the commissioners." +1927_public laws_52_37,project experts,0,public laws,51,36,"CHAPTER 51 N ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS; TO CREATE A STATE GAME COMMISSION AND THE OFFICE OF STATE GAME WARDEN; TO AUTHORIZE GAME REFUGES AND SANCTUARIES; TO LEVY LICENSE FEES; TO PROVIDE OPEN AND CLOSED SEASONS FOR GAME BIRDS, GAME ANIMALS AND FUR-BEARING ANIMALS; TO ABOLISH THE AUDU- BON SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO TRANS- FER ITS PROPERTY TO THE STATE GAME COMMIS- SION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Manner of taking game. No person shall at any time of the year take in any manner, number, or quantity, any wild bird or wild animal, or take the nest or eggs of any wild bird, or possess, buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, or transport at any time or in any manner any such bird, animals, or part thereof, or any birds nest or egg, except as permitted by this act; the possession of any game animals, except squirrels and rabbits; or game birds or part of such animals or game birds in any hotel, restaurant, cafe, market or store, or by any produce dealer in this State shall be prima facie evidence of the possession thereof for the purpose of sale in violation of the provisions of this act; but this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the person lawfully obtaining game from having it prepared in a public eating place and served to himself and guests: Provided, however, that for the purpose of this act any person hiring another to kill aforesaid game animals or game birds and receiving same, shall be deemed buying same, and subject to the penalties of this act. Game birds and game animals shall be taken only in the day time, between half an hour before sunrise and sunset, with a shotgun not larger than number ten -10 gauge, or a rifle, unless otherwise specifically permitted by this act. No person shall take any game animals or game birds or migratory game birds from any automobile, or by aid of or with the use of any jack-light, or other artificial light, net, trap, salt-lick, or poison; nor shall any such jack-light, net, trap, snare, saltlick or poison be used or set to take any animals or birds; nor shall birds or animals be taken from an airplane, power-boat, sailboat, or any boat under sail, or any floating device towed by a power-boat or sailboat; nor shall any person take any dove, wild turkey or upland game bird on any field or in any cover in which corn, wheat, or other grain has been deposited for the purpose of drawing such birds thereto. A person may take game birds and wild animals during the open season therefor, with the aid of dogs, unless specifically prohibited by this act. It shall be lawful for organized field trial clubs, or associations for the protection of game, to run trials for dogs at any time: Provided, that no game birds or game animals shall be taken during the closed season by reason thereof." +1925_public local laws_631_2,project experts,0,public local laws,630,1,"CHAPTER 630 AN ACT TO ENABLE LEE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, TO LEVY A TAX AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR, APPOINT HOS- PITAL TRUSTEES, MAINTAIN A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, ETC. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of Lee County, North Carolina, may, by a majority of said board, or upon petition of two hundred voters of said county, shall, after thirty days notice at the courthouse door and publication in one or more newspapers in said county for thirty days, order an election to be held at such time as they may fix, to determine the will of the people of the county whether there shall be issued and sold bonds to an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), to bear interest at not exceeding six per cent per annum, and to be payable, both principal and interest, when and where they may decide, and to levy a tax of not exceeding ten cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and thirty cents on the poll. The proceeds of said bonds to be used in securing lands and erecting or altering buildings and equipping same, to be used as a public hospital, and said tax to be levied to pay the interest on said bonds, and to Provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity, and for the maintenance of said hospital. If the majority of the qualified voters at said election shall vote in favor of the issuing of said bonds and the levying of said tax, then said bonds, or such part thereof as the said board of commissioners may determine, shall be issued and sold by said board, said tax, or such part thereof as shall be required, shall be levied. The hospital so erected from the sale of said bonds shall be known as Lee County memorial hospital in honor of the soldiers from Lee County in the world war and shall contain a tablet bearing the name of all who lost their lives in the service, as well as a suitable record of all the soldiers from Lee County who were enlisted in the service during the war." +1915_private laws_158_6,project experts,0,private laws,157,5,CHAPTER 157 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CHERRYVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TO PROVIDE AN ELECTION IN SAID DISTRICT AND TO EMPOWER THE AUTHORITIES TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board of trustees, annually, beginning with the first Monday of the month after the election hereinafter provided shall be held, provided this act is approved at said election by a majority of the qualified voters of the aforesaid Cherryville Graded School District, shall elect one of their number as treasurer and custodian of all public school funds and the public school money derived from the State for the benefit of said school district, and the same, together with the money arising from any special tax, gifts, grants, apportionments or otherwise, shall be paid to and received by the treasurer of said board of trustees, and the said treasurer shall report monthly to the said board of trustees his receipts and disbursements and vouchers for the same. The money so received shall be held by said treasurer as a fund to be disbursed only upon the order of said board and signed by its chairman and countersigned by its secretary. The said treasurer shall furnish annually to the said board of trustees a statement, in writing, of his receipts and disbursements of the school money, properly indorsed and approved by the chairman and secretary of said school board. The bond required of said treasurer shall be fixed by the board of trustees in an amount sufficient to secure all school money which may at any time come into his hands, and the compensation for such services as treasurer shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars annually." +1899_public laws_268_4,project experts,1,public laws,267,3,"CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : ",For the purposes and benefits of this act the town of Mount Airy shall be and constitute a public school district for both white and colored. +1925_public local laws_143_5,project experts,0,public local laws,142,4,CHAPTER 142 AN ACT TO PERMIT GUILFORD COUNTY TO VOTE ON THE QUESTION OF AN EIGHT MONTHS SCHOOL TERM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The special charter districts and the local tax districts of the county shall be permitted to retain such part of the special tax heretofore authorized as may in the discretion of the local school board be necessary for the said local tax districts and the special charter districts to extend the school term beyond the eight months and to provide for school activities not embraced in the budget of the county board of education for operating the schools for a term of eight months. +1909_public laws_862_5,project experts,0,public laws,861,4,"CHAPTER 861 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 792, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, RELATING TO THE DUNN ROAD DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the provisions of the general road law, except as modified by said chapter seven hundred and ninety-two, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and seven, or as modified by this act, Shall be applicable in all respects in working the public roads of Dunn Road District: Provided, that the duties therein prescribed to be performed by the township road supervisors shall be performed by the commissioners of said district, and the duties therein directed to be performed by any overseer shall be performed by the superintendent of said district, an overseer or agent appointed by the commissioners of said district." +1905_public laws_382_7,project experts,0,public laws,381,6,CHAPTER 381 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF LIBRARIES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE RURAL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school in which a library has already been established under the provisions of ghapter six hundred and sixty-two, Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one, and chapter two hundred and twenty-six, Laws of one thousand nine hundred and tlree, or in which a library has been established for one year under the preceding sections of this act, shall raise by private subscription and tender the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollars ($5) for the enlargement of the library, the county board of education shall appropriate from the money belonging to that school district the sum of five dollars ($5), and the State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollars ($5). The money thus collected and appropriated shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rules and: restrictions as govern the establishment of new libraries." +1893_public laws_377_74,project experts,0,public laws,377,73,"CHAPTER 377 An act to establish the state banking system of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I.GENERAL Provisions,","Injunction upon Receivership. Whenever a bank or individual banker against whom proceedings have been instituted on account of any alleged refusal to redeem its circulating notes aforesaid denies having failed so to do, it or he may, within any time within ten days after it or he has been notified of the appointment of a receiver, as provided in section seventy-one, apply to the judge of the judicial district in which said bank or banker is established to enjoin future proceedings in the premises; and such judge, after citing the comptroller to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and after the decision of the court finding that such bank or banker has not refused to redeem the circulating notes, when legally presented, in the lawful money of the United States, shall make an order enjoining the comptroller, and any receiver acting under his directions, from all further proceedings on account of such alleged refueal." +1889_private laws_152_2,project experts,0,private laws,151,1,CHAPTER 151 An act to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the town ; of Kings Mountaiu to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and their successors in office, are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a special tax, at the time other taxes are levied, upon the taxable property and polls of said town, for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, for the purpose of paying off the debt contracted by said town authorities in completing what is known as the Kings Mountain High School building; said tax shall not exceed in any one year twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property, and may be less according to the discretion of the board of town council; said tax to be levied from year to year until the above debt is paid, and to be levied and collected as other taxes, observing the equation prescribed by the constitution." +1917_public laws_178_8,project experts,1,public laws,146,7,CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"In codperation with the Supervisor of Teacher-Training and Superintendent of the State Normal Schools for the Colored Race and for the Cherokee Indians, said board shall plan, direct, and supervise the work of said schools, and shall have general direction and supervision of the work of all teachers associations and reading circles and of such other work as may be deemed necessary for professional training and home study for teachers." +1957_session laws_383_5,project experts,0,session laws,382,4,CHAPTER 382 AN ACT TO ENABLE EMPLOYEES OF COUNTY AND CITY ADMIN- ISTRATIVE SCHOOL UNITS OF ROBESON COUNTY TO PARTICI- PATE VOLUNTARILY IN A PLAN WHEREBY MONTHLY DE- DUCTIONS ARE MADE FROM SALARIES PAID TO BE USED FOR THE PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE BENEFIT OF SAID EMPLOYEES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Such agreement may be cancelled by the employee executing the same by giving written notice to the county or city superintendent of schools, who is ex-officio Secretary to the county or city board of education, not later than the 15th day of the month in which he desires such agreement to be terminated, and the county or city board of education may cancel any agreement herein provided for upon giving ten days written notice to the affected employee. Within ten days after the termination of the agreement, any surplus funds derived from such employee shall be refunded to said employee." +1947_session laws_232_2,project experts,0,session laws,231,1,"CHAPTER 231 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 346 OF THE PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS OF 1929 ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTAB- LISH KINSTON ELECTRIC SERVICE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Kinston is now enlarging its munici- pal power and water plants and expects to have available an abundance of surplus electric current and water for domestic and commercial use, the sale of which will materially enhance the profits from its said plants, which will be for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers of the said City of Kinston; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to use a portion of the revenue from said plants to develop a larger market for its surplus electric current and water: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Chapter 346 of the Public-Local Laws of 1929 entitled An Act to Establish Kinston Electric Service District, shall be, and the same is hereby, amended by inserting between Section 3 and Section 4 thereof a new Section, to be numbered Section 314, as follows: Sec. 3%. The City Council of the City of Kinston shall be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate annually, from revenue received from its municipal power and water plants, an amount not to exceed the sum of three thousand dollars ($38,000.00), to be used for advertising the facilities of the City of Kinston and in such manner as in the judgment and discretion of the City Council of the City of Kinston will promote and enhance the profits. from its electric light and water plants and be for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers of the said city, which undertaking is hereby declared to be for a public purpose. The money so appropriated may be expended either directly by the City Council of the City of Kinston or through the facilities of such agency as the said city council may select, and shall be used in such manner as will in the opinion of the said city council best serve the purposes herein set forth." +1903_private laws_56_3,project experts,0,private laws,55,2,CHAPTER 55 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOXAWAY COMPANY TO FUR- | NISH WINES AND LIQUORS TO THE BONA FIDE GUESTS OF ITS HOTELS IN JACKSON AND TRANSYLVANIA COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for every sale of any such vinous, spirituous an malt liquors contrary to the provisions of this or for any othe violation of this act by the said company, its agents or employees it shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for each and ever: such offense to the benefit of the school fund of the county in whicl such hotel is located, to be recovered upon the suit of the Board o Education of such county, or any other person suing therefor o1 behalf of such board; that a violation of this act by said company its agents or employees, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upo1 conviction fined in the discretion of the court: Provided, that thi act may be annulled by a vote of the people of Transylvania County if they so desire." +1911_private laws_253_10,project experts,0,private laws,252,9,"CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL AT DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of this act there is created a board of graded school trustees of the town of Davidson, which board shall consist of six members divided into three classes. The term of office of the first class shall expire at the end of two years; the term of office of the second class shall expire at the end of four years; the term of office of the third class shall expire at the end of six years; the term of office of each class to date from the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. It is further enacted that Dr. H. L. Smith and H. J. Brown be and are hereby named and appointed in the first class; Dr. J. M. MecConnell and M. H. Goodrum are hereby named and appointed in the second class, and that A. Currie and J. R. Withers are hereby named and appointed in the third class. And it is further enacted that upon the expiration of the term above named and fixed that the board of town commissioners of the town of Davidson shall elect thereafter successors in each class for the term of six years: Provided, that the term of office of no member of said board shall expire until his successor is duly elected: Provided, further, that when any vacancy shall oceur in said board except by expiration of term of office, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by said board of graded schoo] trustees." +1929_private laws_13_6,project experts,0,private laws,12,5,"CHAPTER 12 AN ACT TO RELIEVE THE PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, FROM THE PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","As evidence and public notice of the existence of such liens, and the postponement of the collection of the amount secured thereby, as herein provided, the said Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, shall cause notice thereof to be prepared and duly registered according to law, in Mecklenburg county, in substantially the following form: North Carolina {Notice of lien and postponement of Jcollection of amount secured Mecklenburg County Venereba? Pursuant to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly, as found in Chapter twelve of the Private Laws of 1929, notice is hereby given of the continued existence of a lien against the property of the Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, to secure the payment of the amount due the City of Charlotte for street and side-walk assessments, and the interest, costs and penalties, authorized in said act, the collection of which has been directed to be postponed under the conditions set forth in the said act, reference to which is hereby made. This notice, when filed, shall be acknowledged and certified to be correct by the Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, and it shall then be probated, registered and indexed as provided by law." +1917_public laws_67_28,project experts,0,public laws,66,27,CHAPTER 66 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SANITARY INSPECTION AND CONDUCT OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the inspector, upon ascertaining, by inspection or otherwise, that any hotel is being carried on contrary to any of the provisions of this act, to notify the manager, or proprietor, in what respect it fails to comply with the law, requiring such persons within a reasonable time to do or to cause to be done the things necessary to make it comply with the law, whereupon such proprietor or manager shall forthwith comply with such requirements." +1921 extra_public local laws_92_12,project experts,0,public local laws,91,11,"CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE NUMBER SIX TOWNSHIP, CLEVE- LAND COUNTY, TO ERECT AND OWN A PUBLIC HOS- PITAL AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said Shelby Hospital, the grounds of same, and all furniture, equipment, and property thereof, and the physicians, nurses, attendants, persons sick therein, and all persons approaching or coming within the limits of said hospital shall be subject to such rules and regulations as said board of trustees may prescribe." +1963_session laws_808_2,project experts,0,session laws,807,1,CHAPTER 807 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY OF WAYNE AND THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO ESTABLISH LO- CAL ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAMS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of County Commissioners of Wayne County, and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Goldsboro are hereby authorized to establish alcoholic rehabilitation programs within their respective jurisdictions for education as to the effects of the use of alcoholic beverages and for the rehabilitation of alcoholics. The respective Boards may establish separate programs or they may establish and operate a joint educational and rehabilitation program for alcoholics upon such terms and conditions as the two Boards may agree. The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Goldsboro are authorized to participate and co-operate with the Federal Government, the State Board of Alcoholic Control and the North Carolina Hospital Board of Control in the administration of the local community alcoholic rehabilitation programs. -" +1901_private laws_202_9,project experts,0,private laws,201,8,CHAPTER 201 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SOUTH AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said confpany shall have power to acquire and hold such lands as it may deem necessary for its purposes in the said city of Wilmington or Southport, and in any other town or towns, counties or townships along its proposed route, and shall specially have the right and power to acquire or guarantee the stocks and bonds, or either, of any inland, coast or ocean transportation company or companies operating to or from any point or points on its lines, and it may develop or aid in the development of its business by building piers, coal docks, elevat tors, ocean steamers, or by acquiring or guaranteeing the stocks and bonds, or either, of hotel, lighterage, wharf, elevating or other such enterprises convenient in connection therewith or as a part thereof." +1911_private laws_243_18,project experts,0,private laws,242,17,"CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RALEIGH, AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION,","The board of commissioners are hereby given, within the city limits, all the power and authority that is now or may hereafter be given by the law to the county superintendent of health or county physician, and such further powers and authority as will best preserve the health of the citizens. The board of commissioners is hereby given power to make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State, for the preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the city, as to them may seem right and proper. Said board of commissioners may establish and maintain, or inspect, regulate or prohibit a hospital, or hospitals, or pest houses, slaughter houses, rendering plants, incineries, and crematories in the city of Raleigh, or within three miles thereof; may stop, detain, examine or keep, in a pest house or houses of detention, persons having, or suspected of having any infectious, contagious or other communicable disease; may quarantine the city or any part thereof: may cause all persons in the city limits to be vaccinated; may, without incurring liabilities to the owner, remove, fumigate or destroy furniture, bedding, clothing or other property which may be found to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, and may do all other proper and reasonable things to prevent or stamp out any contagious or infectious disease, and to better preserve the health of the citizens; and all expenses incurred by the city in disinfecting or caring for any person or persons, by authority of this section, may be recovered by it from the person, persons or property cared for, and when expense is incurred in caring for property same shall become a lien on said property. That any person who shall attempt by force, or by threat of violence, to prevent his removal, or that of any other person, to the pest house, house of detention or hospital, or who shall in any way interfere with any officer while performing any of the duties allowed by the chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Said board of commissioners may elect a health officer and create such other offices and employments as to them may seem right and proper, and fill the same and fix their compensation." +1943_session laws_781_25,project experts,0,session laws,780,25,"CHAPTER 780 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE NECESSITY OF CREATING PUBLIC BODIES CORPORATE AND POLITIC TO BE KNOWN AS HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES TO ENGAGE IN HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AND/OR PROJECTS TO PROVIDE HOS- PITAL ACCOMMODATIONS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SUCH HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES; TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXERCISE OF SUCH POWERS, INCLUDING ACQUIRING PROP- ERTY BY PURCHASE, GIFT OR EMINENT DOMAIN, AND INCLUDING BORROWING MONEY, ISSUING REV- ENUE AND CREDIT BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGA- TIONS, AND GIVING SECURITY THEREFOR; TO CON- FER REMEDIES ON OBLIGEES OF HOSPITAL AU- THORITIES; TO PROVIDE THAT HOSPITAL AUTHOR- ITIES, AND CERTAIN PROPERTY AND SECURITIES THEREOF SHALL BE TAX EXEMPT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Appropriations by city and county. The governing body of any city or county in which the authority is located may appropriate each year, not exceeding five per cent of its general fund for the improvement, maintenance or operation of any public hospital or hospital project constructed, maintained, or operated by or to be constructed, maintained or operated by an authority, and moneys so appropriated and paid to a hospital authority by a city or municipality shall be deemed a necessary expense of such city or municipality." +1925_public local laws_552_8,project experts,0,public local laws,551,7,CHAPTER 551 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF MARTIN TO PLACE CERTAIN OFFICERS ON SALARIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sheriff of Martin County shall receive a salary of not less than six thousand dollars ($6,000), nor more than seven thousand dollars ($7,000) per annum, as full compensation for his service and the services of such assistants, deputies and clerks as he may appoint and jailer. The sheriff shall receive no other compensation whatever, except such fees as are now or may hereafter be allowed by law to the sheriffs for the seizure and destruction of illicit stills, and for actual necessary expenses for conveying prisoners to jail in counties other than their own, and to the States Prison, and insane persons to the State Hospital. It is expressly provided by the terms of this act to be the duty of the sheriff to furnish the necessary court attendants in the Superior Court and in the recorders court of Martin County, and convey all prisoners to the place of their imprisonment in Martin County without extra compensation, but where it is necessary to bring prisoners on the train to the county jail, the board of commissioners shall pay the actual railroad fare of the deputy and prisoner. The sheriff shall pay over to the county treasurer all fees, mileage, and other allowances paid to him by the State of North Carolina or by any State institution for performing any duty required of him by law." +1879_public laws_71_26,project experts,0,public laws,70,70,CHAPTER 70 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Every commission merchant or agent, or dealer, buying or selling for another, shall pay a tax of one per centum on his commissions: Provided, that when spirituous liquors, vinous or malt liquors are sold by commission merchants, they shall pay a tax of five per centum on their sales of said liquors. Any merchant, dealer or agent selling sewing machines otherwise than is provided specifically in section twenty of this schedule, shall pay a tax of ten dollars in each county." +1924 extra_public local laws_199_2,project experts,0,public local laws,198,1,CHAPTER 198 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF GOODS AND MER- CHANDISE ON SUNDAY IN THE COUNTY OF CLEVELAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That outside of the corporate limits of any town or city, no person, firm, or corporation in the county of Cleveland shall expose or offer for sale or sell on Sunday any goods, wares, or merchandise, except as hereinafter permitted; and no store, shop, or other place of business in which goods, wares, or merehandise of any kind are kept for sale shall keep open doors from twelve o'clock midnight, Saturday night, until twelve oclock midnight, Sunday night: Provided, that this act shall not apply to hotels, boarding or lodging houses for actual guests, or to restaurants or cafes furnishing meals to actual guests, where the same are not otherwise prohibited by law from keeping open on Sunday; and Provided further, that this act shall not apply to drug stores, nor shall it apply to newspapers or magazines, nor to stables and garages, nor to the sale of gasoline and oil used in the propelling and operation of automobiles and motor vehicles." +1909_public laws_392_14,project experts,0,public laws,391,13,CHAPTER 391 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A BETTER SYSTEM FOR WORKING AND MAINTAINING THE PUBLIC ROADS IN TRANSYL- VANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose provided in this act, as to the liability of any person to work on the roads, as aforesaid, his residence shall be deemed to be in the township in which he sleeps five days previous to the time set for working said roads: Provided, that a properly verified receipt from some road official or tax collector from any State, county, city or town or other district shall relieve any holder of same from an equal amount of work or sum of money due under this act as said receipt or certificate shall specify: Provided further, that no bona fide guest of any hotel or boarding house temporarily staying or boarding in Transylvania County shall be liable to road duty." +1923_private laws_28_2,project experts,0,private laws,27,1,"CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DUNN, HARNETT COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. That whereas the erection and operation of a hotel in the town of Dunn will greatly benefit the said town, the citizens and tax- payers thereof, and will in every .way work a public benefit: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Subject to a vote of the majority of the qualified voters of the town of Dunn, Harnett County, the board of commissioners of said town are hereby authorized to issue, at one time or from time to time, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, bonds of said town for the purpose of erecting and equipping a hotel within said town, and for the purchase of a site therefor, which said hotel is hereby declared to be a public purpose." +1927_public local laws_575_7,project experts,0,public local laws,574,6,CHAPTER 574 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CARTERET COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN REFER- ENCE TO ESTABLISHING A COUNTY GENERAL HOS- PITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,This act shall be liberally construed to the end that the board of county commissioners and hospital management hereinbefore referred to may avail themselves of any and all benefits to be derived from participatiom in the hospital fund of the Duke Foundation. +1925_public local laws_631_13,project experts,0,public local laws,630,12,"CHAPTER 630 AN ACT TO ENABLE LEE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, TO LEVY A TAX AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR, APPOINT HOS- PITAL TRUSTEES, MAINTAIN A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, ETC. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees of said hospital may establish and maintain, in connection therewith and as a part of such public hospital, a training school for nurses." +1913_public laws_103_8,project experts,0,public laws,102,7,CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF STATE BONDS TO MEET THE EXISTING DEFICIT IN THE STATE TREAS- URY AND TO MAKE CERTAIN PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The proceeds from the sale of said bonds are to be expended in accordance with the provisions of the general appropriation bill, enacted at this session of the General Assembly, as follows: To cover the deficit in the State treasury, six hundred thousand dollars; for equipping and painting the new administration building, seventy-five thousand dollars; for remodeling and refurnishing the Supreme Court building and furnishing the office of the State Treasurer, forty thousand dollars; for a central heating plant, forty thousand dollars ; for permanent improvements at the sevral state institutions, as follows: State Hospital at Morganton, fifty thousand dollars; State Hospital at Goldsboro, twenty-five thousand dollars; Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, twenty-five thousand dollars; University of North Carolina, one hundred thousand dollars; the Normal and Industrial School at Greensboro, fifty thousand dollars; the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race at Greensboro, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; the Appalachian Training School at Boone, fifteen thousand dollars; the Cullowhee Training School, fifteen thousand dollars; Bastern Training School at Greenville, forty thousand dollars; the State Hospital for the Treament of Tuberculosis at Montrose, twenty thousand dollars; for the purchase of land for the School for the Blind, near Raleigh, thirty thousand dollars." +1905_private laws_254_13,project experts,0,private laws,254,12,"CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO AMEND THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1887, CHAPTER 111, RELATIVE TO THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ","Strike out all of section forty-five of said act and insert in lien thereof the following: Section 45 That in addition to the subjects of taxation for State purposes, the commissioners of said town shall have power to levy and collect a fair and reasonable special or license tax on the following subjects, to-wit: All itinerant merchants, peddlers or auctioneers who shall sell or offer to sell privately or at public outcry within the city limits, whether by ascending or descending bids; ail drummers or commercial travelers, each express company, each telegraph office, and each railroad company having a depot within the city limits; each photograph artist and person taking likenesses of the human face by whatsoever art; each broker, bank or bankers office; each dealer in cotton futures ; each dealer in patent rights ; each sewingmachine agent; all commission merchants and commercial brokers ; each livery-stable; every resident or non-resident huckster or trader or agent of such who buys produce on the streets for sale in other markets; each gift enterprise and lottery; each dray; each hack: each omnibus; each hotel; each boarding-house; each barber shop; each advertising agent; each architect or person employed to superintend any building or buildings in construction ; each bag factory ; each baker and dealer in bread or other products of a bakery; each dealer in confectioneries and fruits; each baggage transfer company; each barrel and crate factory; each bicycle dealer or bicycle repair shop; each bill poster; each bottler of non-alcoholic drinks; each brick-yard each broker in stocks or bonds other than banks or bankers; each broker in produce; each broom factory ; each buyer and shipper of nayal stores; each buyer and shipper of cotton: each buyer or dealer in leaf tobacco; each earriage, cart, wagon or other vehicle repair shop other than bicycle; each manufactory of vehicles of any description: each furniture factory ; each agricultural implement factory ; each cigar manufactory; each coal or coal and wood dealer; each contract builder; each cotton compress; each cotton factory; each cotton gin, cleaner or press; each cotton-seed oil mill; each truck, each wagon, each cart: each electric light business ; each flouring mill; each gas company; each fitter and plumber; each grist mill; each dealer in hides and furs; each ice-house; each ice factory; each junk shop; each laundry; each marble and stone yard; each market: each mattress factory ; each merry-go-round, or flying ponies, blowing machines, lifting machines. or any other exhibition whatsoever of like character; each oil company, or wholesale dealer in lubricating and illuminating oils; each peddler and _ transient dealer; each piano and organ tuner and repairer; each rice mill; each sash, door, and moulding factory ; each sausage factory; each blacksmith shop; each tin shop; each shoe shop; each carpenter shop; each tailor shop; each gunsmith shop; each shuttle-block factory; each steam saw-mill; each telephone company; each tobacco manufacturer; each tobacco warehouse ; each undertaker ; each cabinet shop; each upholsterer and paper-hanger; each warehouse company; each wood dealer; each lightning-rod agent; each auctioneer ; on every agency for the sale of steam engines, boilers and machinery not manufactured in the town of Morehead City; every dealer in buggies, wagons or other vehicles not manufactured in said town; each fire or life insurance agent; each and every dentist; each physician and each lawyer. optician, civil engineer, real estate agent or broker, aurist, oculist and chiropodist; on every dealer in horses or mules sold, bartered or exchanged ; every cattle, horse or mule drover or dealer; and every agency for the sale of snuff, tobacco or other articles of merchandise not manufactured in the town: and all other subjects taxed by the State." +1907_private laws_428_37,project experts,0,private laws,425,36,"CHAPTER 425 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF PINE LEVEL, IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in addition to the subjects of taxation enumerated in section thirty-four, the commissioners may levy a,tax on the following subjects, the amount of which tax when fixed shall be collected by the tax collector instantly, and if the same be not paid on demand, the same may be recovered by suit on the articles upon which the tax is imposed, or any other property of the owner may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same, namely: 1 Upon every bowling alley, billiard table, pool table, bagatelle table, shooting gallery, skating rink or any other game allowed by law, and on every victualing house or restaurant, established, used or kept in the town, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars a year. II. Upon every permission by the board of commissioners to retail spirituous liquors, a tax not exceeding one hundred dollars. III. Upon every company of circus riders who shall exhibit within the town, a tax not exceeding thirty dollars for each separate exhibition, the tax to be paid before the exhibition, and if not, to be doubled. IV. Upon every company of stage or theatrical performers, every sleight-of-hand performer, rope or wire dancer or performer, every exhibitor of natural or artificial curiosities, every single person or company of singers, dancers, Ethiopian minstrels or performers on musical instruments who shall sing, dance, perform or play on musical instruments, for reward, five dollars for each exhibition. VY. Upon each show or exhibition of any other kind, and upon each concert or lecture for reward, a fine of five dollars for each exhibition. VI. Upon each vendor of cold drinks or vendor of coca-cola, or any drinks or substance containing bromidia, caffeine or any coal tar preparation." +1911_public laws_170_3,project experts,0,public laws,169,2,CHAPTER 169 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COMMITMENT OF A CERTAIN CLASS OF INSANE PERSONS TO THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE DANGEROUS INSANE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of the duly constituted authorities of the State Hospital for the Dangerous Insane to receive all such insane persons as shall be committed to said institution in accordance with the provisions of section one of this act, and to properly treat and care for the same until discharged in accordance with the provisions of law governing the discharged patients from the other State hospitals for the insane." +1937_public laws_50_11,project experts,0,public laws,49,10,"CHAPTER 49 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, AND CONTROL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said county boards shall each have the following powers and duties: (a) Control and jurisdiction over the importation, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within its respective county. (b) Power to buy and to have in its possession and to sell alcoholic beverages within its county. (ec) Power and authority to adopt rules and regulations governing the operation of stores within its county and relating to the carrying out of the provisions and purposes of this Act. (d) To prescribe and regulate and direct the duties and seryices of all employees of said county board. (e) To fix the hours for the opening and closing of stores operated by it. No store, however, shall be permitted to remain open between the hours of nine oclock P. M. and nine oclock A. M. (f) To require any county stores to close on such days as it may designate, but all stores in any county operating under the provisions of this Act shall remain closed on Sundays, election days, New Years Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. (g) To import, transport, receive, purchase, sell and deliver and have in its possession for sale for present and future delivery alcoholic beverages. (h) To purchase or lease property, furnish and equip buildings, rooms and accommodations as and when required for the storage and sale of alcoholic beverages and for distribution to all county stores within said county. (i) To borrow money, guarantee the payment thereof and the interest thereon, in such manner as may be required or permitted by law, and to issue, sign, endorse and accept checks, promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments and to do all such other and necessary things as may be required or may be convenient in the conduct of liquor stores in its county. (j) To investigate and aid in the prosecution of violations of this Act and other liquor laws, by whatever name called, and to seize alcoholic beverages in said county sold, kept. imported or transported illegally and to apply for confiscation thereof and to cooperate in the prosecution of offenders in any court in said county. (k) To regulate and to prescribe rules and regulations that may be necessary or feasible for the obtaining of purity in all alcoholic beverages, including TRUE statements of contents and the proper labeling thereof. -1 To fix and maintain the prices of all alcoholic beverages sold by liquor stores in said county and to prescribe to whom the same may be sold, and to purchase and have and fix the price of alcohol for scientific, pharmaceutical and industrial purposes, and to issue permits for the use of alcohol for scientific research, for industrial use, for medical purposes, for hospitals and sanatoria and the use of alcohol for any of said purposes shall be tax free. (m) To exercise the power to buy, purchase and sell and to fix the prices at which all alcoholic beverages may be purchased from it, but nothing herein contained shall give said board the power to purchase or sell or deal in alcoholic beverages which contain less than five per centum of alcohol by weight. (n) To locate stores in its county and to provide for the management thereof and to appoint and employ at least one person for each store conducted by it, who shall be Known as manager thereof. The duty of such manager shall be to conduct the said store under directions of the county board and to carry out the law applying thereto, and such manager shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum as may be fixed by said county board, with sufficient corporate surety and said surety, or sureties thereon, shall be approved by the said county board as a part of the qualifications of such manager for his appointment, and the said county board shall have the right to sue on said bond and to recover for all failures on the part of said manager faithfully to perform his duties as such manager, to the extent of any loss oeceasioned by such manager on his part, but as against the surety. or sureties, thereon, such aggregate recovery, or recoveries, shall not exceed the penalty of said bond. 0 To expend for law enforcement a sum not less than five per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total profits to be determined by quarterly audits and in the expenditure of said funds shall employ one or more persons to be appointed by and directly responsible to the respective county boards. (p) To discontinue the operation of any store in its county whenever it shall appear to said board that the operation thereof is not sufficiently profitable to justify a continuance of its operation, or when, in its opinion, the operation of any store is inimical or hurtful to the morals or welfare of the community in which it is operated, or when said county board may be directed to close any store by the State Board; Provided, that the liquor stores at Southern Pines and at Pinehurst in Moore County, shall be continued under the provisions of this Act, but no other stores shall be established or operated in Moore County unless and until an election may be had in said county under the provisions of this Act and a majority of the votes cast at such election shall have been For County Liquor Control Stores. An election in Moore County upon the question of the establishment or operation of liquor stores under the provisions of this Act may be called only after three years from the ratification of this Act. That all the powers and duties herein conferred upon county boards, or required of them, shall be subject to the powers herein conferred upon the State Board and whenever or wherever herein the State Board has been given power to approve or disapprove anything in respect to county stores or county boards, then no power on the part of the county boards and no act of any county board shall be exercisable or valid until and unless the same has been approved by the State Board." +1955_session laws_1275_3,project experts,0,session laws,1274,2,CHAPTER 1274 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 122 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER OF PATIENTS FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC TRAINING AND RESEARCH CENTER AT CHAPEL HILL TO A STATE HOSPITAL OR INSTITUTION UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HOSPITALS BOARD OF CONTROL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Article 3 of Chapter 122 of the General Statutes is amended by adding new Sections immediately following G. S. 122-46.2, to be numbered as indicated, and to read as follows: G. S, 122-46.3. Authorization of Hospital for Commitment. By this amendment the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill shall be authorized to receive allegedly mentally disordered persons committed for observation, for commitment, release or discharge in the same manner as a State hospital. The clerk of the court shall not make commitment to this Center without the approval of the Director of the Inpatient Service. G. S. 122-46.4. Clerk to Commit for Observation to the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital for Commitment, Release or Discharge. When the 1317 clerk of court has approval as provided in Section 122-46.3 he may make commitment of an allegedly mentally disordered person as provided in Section 122-46. Any two duly licensed physicians not directly connected with the Inpatient Service of this Center may serve as the certifying physicians. G. S. 122-46.5. Clerk May Make Final Commitment to Center. When the allegedly mentally disordered person has been observed for a period of thirty days the Director of the Inpatient Service shall report concerning the persons condition to the clerk in the same manner as the superintendent of the State hospital as provided in Section 122-46.1, the clerk shall then act on this report as provided in Section 122-46.1. G. S. 122-46.6. Commitment upon Patients Application. Any person believing himself to be of unsound mind or threatened with mental disorder may voluntarily commit himself to the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill as to a State hospital upon approval of his application by the Director of the Inpatient Service; the application for commitment shall be in the form designated in the General Statutes, Section 122-62. The patients application shall be accompanied by the recommendation of a licensed physician. Final commitment of voluntarily committed patients must proceed through the same channels as in the case of the involuntary commitment of an allegedly mentally disordered person." +1929_private laws_2_2,project experts,0,private laws,1,1,CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSONVILLE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR HOTEL AND OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Hendersonville at an election to be held in the manner hereinafter set forth, the board of commissioners of said city are hereby authorized and empowered to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the City of Hendersonville in the aggregate principal sum of five hundred thousand dollars; the said bonds to be issued and used for the purpose of authorizing the City of Hendersonville to lend its financial aid towards the completion of the Fleetwood Hotel, and also to authorize the city to acquire, own, operate and control lands to be used as a public park or public golf course. The said bonds shall bear interest at not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be in such form and in such denominations, and the principal and interest shall be payable at such time and place as the board of commissioners may determine. The said bonds shall mature in annual installments, payable at such time or times as the board of commissioners may determine; Provided, the first installment of said bonds shall mature in not less than ten years after the date of issue, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature not more than forty years after the date of said issue. The said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk of said city and shall bear the corporate seal, and the coupons attached to said bonds shall bear the printed, lithographed or engraved facsimile signature of said clerk. The said bonds shall be designated and known as Park and Hotel Bonds." +1929_private laws_81_3,project experts,0,private laws,80,2,"CHAPTER 80 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MORGANTON TO CALL AN ELECTION FOR BONDS FOR GRACE HOSPITAL, INCORPORATED. Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, is now and for many years last past has been a charitable and eleemosynary in- stitution in the Town of Morganton for the healing of the sick, and, Whereas, during such time Grace Hospital, Incorporated, has cared for the poor and needy sick of the Town of Morganton and by such charitable conduct has rendered unnecessary the erection of a municipal hospital in said town; and, Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, is now engaged in the construction of a new hospital building upon its lands in the Town of Morganton and has received for such purpose the total sum of eighty-eight thousand dollars ($88,000) or there- abouts from citizens of said town and other charitably-minded persons and institutions; and, Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, needs the sum of approximately ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in addition to the aforesaid sum in order to complete said building in accord- ance with the necessary plans thereof; and, Whereas, numerous citizens of the Town of Morganton de- sire that said additional sum should be paid by the Town of Morganton in consideration of the charitable services hereto- fore rendered to the poor and needy citizens of said town by said Grace Hospital and in consideration of like services to be rendered in the future; and, Whereas, the said Grace Hospital, while a private institu- tion, is not conducted for profit but for the charitable purpose of healing the sick; and, Whereas, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or there- abouts should be furnished in order to complete said new build- ings now in process of construction: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That at said election so held all voters in favor of the issuance of bonds for the purposes specified in the preamble to this act in an amount not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and of the levy of an annual tax on all property and on all taxable polls in the said Town of Morganton in such amount as may be necessary to pay the annual interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay the said bonds as and when the same mature and become due shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words For Hospital Bonds, and all voters opposed to the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said annual tax shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words Against Hospital Bonds. The said registrar and judges appointed to hold and holding the said election shall report the result of said election to the town council of the Town of Morganton, certifying under their signatures the number of qualified electors duly registered, the number of votes cast For Hospital Bonds, the number of votes cast Against Hospital Bonds, and the total number voting at such election, and the result of said election shall by the said town council be declared and canvassed and adjudged as aforesaid, and whether or not a majority of the qualified voters of said Town of Morganton voted in favor of or against the issuance of such bonds and the levy of said tax." +1911_private laws_243_85,project experts,0,private laws,242,84,"CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RALEIGH, AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION,","That in addition to the subjects listed for taxation, the commissioners may levy a tax in the following subjects, the amount of which tax, when fixed, shall be collected by the city clerk instantly, and if the same be not paid on demand the same may be recovered by suit, or the articles upon which the tax is imposed, or any other property of the owner, may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same, namely: -1 Upon all itinerant merchants or peddlers offering to vend in the city, a license tax not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars a year, except such only as sell books, charts, maps, or wares of their own manufacture, but not exceeding venders of medicine by whomsoever manufactured, and not more than one person shall peddle under a single license: Provided, that such itinerant merchants or peddlers shall comply with such rules and regulations as the board of commissioners may make in respect to the time, place and manner of vending under such licenses. -2 Upon every pool and billiard room, bowling alley or alley of like kind, bowling saloon, bagatelle table, billiard or pool table, or table, stand, or place for any other game or play, wheels of fortune or other games of chance, with or without a name, kept for hire, or kept in a house where liquor is sold, or a house used or connected with such a house, or used or connected with a hotel or restaurant, or contiguous or adjacent thereto, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars for each table or alley or other subject therein mentioned. -8 Upon every permission by the board of commissioners to retail spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, a tax of twelve hundred dollars; and for every permission to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors in quantities of one quart and less than five gallons a license tax of four hundred dollars, and in quantities of five gallons or more a license tax of four hundred dollars: Provided, that they may issue a single license for the sale of beer only and charge therefor not exceeding three hundred dollars a year. -4 Upon every company of circus riders or performers, by whatever name called, who shall exhibit within the city or within one mile thereof, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars for each performance or separate exhibition, and upon every side show connected therewith a license tax not exceeding ten dollars, the tax to be paid before exhibition, and if not, to be doubled. -5 Upon every person or company exhibiting in the city or within one mile thereof any stage or theatrical plays, sleight-ofhand performers, rope dancing, tumbling, wire dancing or menageries, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars for every three hours allowed for exhibiting, the tax to be paid before exhibiting or the same shall be doubled. -6 Upon every exhibition for reward of artificial curiosities (models of useful inventions excepted) in the city or within one mile thereof, a tax not to exceed twenty dollars, to be paid before exhibition or the same shall be doubled. -7 Upon each show or exhibition of any kind, and on each concert for reward, in the city or within one mile thereof, and on every strolling musician, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars, to be paid before exhibition or the same shall be doubled. -8 Upon every cow, goat or hog running at large in the city there may be levied a tax not exceeding three dollars, and upon every horse, mule or bull going at large a tax not exceeding ten dollars; and every such animal shall be seized and impounded in an inclosure which shall be established and kept by the city thereof, and if the owner, on being notified, will not pay the tax, the animal shall be sold therefor at the pound after three days notice at the court-house. -9 Upon every dog which may be kept or brought into the city after the first day of June to be kept therein, a tax not exceeding two dollars for the permission to keep such dog in the city, which permission shall not extend further than the last day of May next ensuing. -10 Upon every auctioneer or crier of goods at public auction, subject to the limitations provided in chapter six of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars a year. ; -11 Upon every stock and bond broker, junk dealer and pawnbroker, sewing machine or bicycle company or agent for such company, dealer in, or manufacturers agent of musical instruments, keeper of sales or stables or stockyards doing business in the city, a license tax not exceeding two hundred dollars a year. -12 Upon every Jawyer, physician, dentist, cotton broker, bill poster, street huckster, photographer, merchandise or produce broker, ice dealer, dealer in wood and coal or either, insurance company or imsurance agency for every company represented, and every skating rink or shooting gallery, a license tax not exceeding fifty dollars a year. -13 Upon every surface privy, as provided in this charter, a license tax not exceeding one dollar a year for each of said licenses. -14 Upon every other occupation, profession or business not herein specially named, a license tax not exceeding one thousand dollars a year. Sec. 84 The license year shall begin on the first day of June of each and every year." +1891_private laws_41_69,project experts,0,private laws,40,68,CHAPTER 40 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the town of Salem. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That if any person shall attempt by force or by threat of violence to prevent the removal to the hospital or place selected by the mayor as aforesaid of any person ordered to be conveyed thither, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay to the town one hundred dollars, and moreover be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor." +1949_session laws_768_2,project experts,0,session laws,767,1,"197 CHAPTER 767 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNING BODIES OF COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS TO PLEDGE, EN- CUMBER OR APPROPRIATE SURPLUS FUNDS, UN- APPROPRIATED FUNDS AND PROFITS FROM ALCO- HOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL STORES TO SECURE THE OPERATING DEFICITS OF PUBLICLY OWNED OR NON-PROFIT HOSPITALS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of county commissioners of any county or the governing authority of any city or town is hereby authorized, in its discretion, to pledge, encumber or appropriate funds from any surplus funds, unappropriated funds, or funds derived from profits of Alcoholic Beverage Control stores for the purpose of guaranteeing the operating deficit of any publicly owned or nonprofit hospital. The special approval of the General Assembly is hereby given to the above enumerated appropriations and authorizations for such special purposes." +1939_public local laws_602_4,project experts,0,public local laws,601,3,CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR GASTON COUNTY FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"In case a majority of the qualified voters of Gaston County approves the levying of the special annual tax for the support of public libraries of Gaston County, then said public libraries shall be under the control and management of a board of eight trustees, of which four shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Gastonia, and the other four trustees shall consist of the Mayor of the City of Gastonia, the Superintendent of the Public School System of the City of Gastonia, the Superintendent of the Public School System of Gaston County, and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for Gaston County. The trustees selected by the Mayor of the City of Gastonia shall each serve for a term of four years, except that the mayor shall select after the first meeting of the council subsequent to the municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, or as soon thereafter as practicable, two trustees to serve upon said board until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and in addition two trustees who shall serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-three, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and such trustees shall serve without compensation. Provided, that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Superintendent of the County Public Schools shall not be entitled to membership on said board unless the county contributes to the support of public libraries in the City of Gastonia and the County of Gaston with funds derived from taxation or otherwise." +1876/77_private laws_37_3,project experts,0,private laws,36,2,"CHAPTER XXXVI. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS ONE AND TWO OF CHAPTER THIRTY- SEVEN, PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO AND ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE, ENTITLED AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TRUSTEES OF OXFORD COLORED EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, OF GRANVILLE COUNTY.","That said board of trustees shall, on the first Thursday in May, one thousand eight hundred and seyenty-seven, and annually thereafter, hold a meeting of id association for the purpose of transacting such busiess as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of said association, and for the protection of theix school property." +1913_public local laws_255_5,project experts,0,public local laws,254,4,CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of education of New Hanover County is authorized and empowered to employ a superintendent of the schools located within the city of Wilmington, and also a superintendent of the rural schools, and to pay each of them such salary as the board may deem wise; or the said board of education may employ one superintendent, who shall supervise the entire school system of the county. The salary and expenses of such superintendent, or superintendents, shall be paid out of the contingent fund, and not charged against any of the schools, and the board of education is authorized to set aside a contingent fund sufficiently large to cover this expense and other expenses of the board of education." +1923_public laws_137_239,project experts,0,public laws,136,238,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS","Special school taxing districts. If a majority of the qualified electors in the special school taxing district shall vote in favor of the special school tax, then it shall operate to repeal all school taxes theretofore voted in any local tax or special charter district located within said special school taxing district, except such taxes as may have been voted in said local tax or special charter district to pay the interest on bonds and to retire bonds outstanding. But the county board of education shall have the authority to assume all indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, of said local tax or special charter district and pay all or a part of the interest and installments out of the revenue derived from the rate voted in the special school taxing district: Provided, the revenue is sufficient to equalize educational advantages and pay all or a part of the interest and installment on said bonds." +1921_public laws_171_5,project experts,0,public laws,170,4,"CHAPTER 170 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR STANDARD-WEIGHT PACKAGES OF GRITS, MEAL, AND FLOUR, AND TO PREVENT THE SALE OF SAME IN SHORT-WEIGHT PACKAGES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Board of Agriculture shall cause to be made from time to time such inspections as may be necessary to determine whether the provisions of this act have been violated. If it shall appear from such inspection that any provisions of this act have been violated, the Commissioner of Agriculture shall certify the facts to the solicitor in the district in which the violation was committed, and furnish that officer with the facts in the case." +1903_private laws_108_4,project experts,1,private laws,107,3,CHAPTER 107 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PIEDMONT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said corporation shall have and is hereby given the power to maintain and operate at or near the city of Charlotte, in the county of Mecklenburg, a school for the instruction of white youth of both sexes in the common school and academic branches, the best mode of practical industry and its appliance to agricultural, domestic and technical arts; and to teach and give instruction in all branches and departments of useful and industrial knowledge; and for these purposes shall be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts and make all such contracts as may be proper and necessary." +1967_session laws_487_3,project experts,0,session laws,486,2,CHAPTER 486 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE BUILDING OF A NEW COURTHOUSE IN WATAUGA COUNTY ON A NEW SITE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1951_session laws_279_3,project experts,0,session laws,278,2,CHAPTER 278 AN ACT AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN TO APPOINT AN ASSISTANT TAX COLLECTOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The assistant tax collector shall post a bond in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned on the faithful performance of his duty and accounting for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his office. The premium on said bond shall be paid by the board of aldermen out of the general fund of said town." +1895_public laws_411_2,project experts,0,public laws,410,1,"CHAPTER 410 An act for the relief of Mary Kate Thornton, a teacher in the public schools of Robeson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the treasurer of the board of education of Robeson county to be authorized, and he is hereby instructed, to pay to Mary Kate Thornton, a public school teacher, the sum of sixty-one dollars and twenty-five cents ($61.25), due her as services in the public schools of said county of Robeson, upon presentation by said Mary Kate Thornton of order for said amount duly signed by at least two of the school committeemen of said county." +1933_public local laws_7_4,project experts,0,public local laws,6,3,CHAPTER 6 A AN ACT TO LIMIT THE POWERS OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND CONSTABLES OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR OFFICES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That any constable or justice of the peace who wigs lates the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars to any aggrieved party who sues for the same. +1895_private laws_343_3,project experts,0,private laws,341,2,"CHAPTER 341 An act to authorize the commissioners of the town of Leaks- ville, North Carolina, to issue bonds for the purpose of pro- viding a system of public improvements in said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said bonds shall not be sold for less than par value, and the proceeds arising from the sale thereof shall be used by the mayor and commissioners of said town for the purpose of procuring a system of internal improvements, and for the further purpose of making such improvements on the streets of said town,and such other public improvements, as the mayor and commissioners may deem expedient for the general welfare of the citizens of said town: Provided, however, that this act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town for their ratification or rejection at an election to be held in said town, at such time as the mayor and commissioners thereof may appoint, within twelve months after their ratification of this act. The said election shall be advertised by the mayor and commissioners of said town for thirty days prior to the day of election in at least one newspaper published in said town, and also at some public place in said town; and the said mayor and commissioners shall cause a registration of the qualified voters to be made, as now required by law, and shall appoint three electors of said town as inspectors or supervisors of said elections. Those in favor of issuing said bonds shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words for bonds thereon; those opposed to issuing said bonds shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words against bonds thereon. The result of said election shall be ascertained by the aforesaid inspectors or supervisors, and returned by them, over their signatures, to the mayor and commissioners of said town, who shall verify the same and certify the result of said election, and cause the same to be recorded in the minutes of said board of commissioners of said town. If the majority of the votes cast be for bonds, then the mayor and commissioners of said town shall proceed to issue and sell said bonds, and shall apply the proceeds of such sale as directed in this act; but if a majority of the votes cast be against bonds, then this act shall be of no force and effect. The inspectors shall be appointed and the election held as all other elections are held in said town." +1919_public local laws_304_3,project experts,0,public local laws,303,2,"CHAPTER 303 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 453 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1913, WHICH IS THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY ROAD LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed in so far as they apply to this act. +1919_public laws_162_2,project experts,0,public laws,161,1,CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO MAKE ALL SCHOOLS ORGANIZED TO TEACH ADULT ILLITERATES A PART OF THE STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The State Board of Education is authorized to provide rules and regulations for conducting schools to teach adult illiterates, and said schools when provided for shall become a part of the public school system of the State and shall be supported as other schools of the State are supported as provided in An act to provide a six months school term in every public school district of the State in compliance with section three of article nine of the Constitution of North Carolina." +1951_session laws_244_7,project experts,0,session laws,243,6,"CHAPTER 243 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA TO APPOINT AN ADMINISTRA- TIVE ASSISTANT, AND TO PRESCRIBE HIS DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_223_10,project experts,0,session laws,222,9,"CHAPTER 222 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 8, CHAPTER 18, OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, SO AS TO PERMIT THE TRANSPORTATION, POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR PERSONAL USE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","There is hereby established a new Section, immediately following Section 51 of Chapter 18 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, to read as follows: G. S. 18-51.1. Exceptions. Notwithstanding the provisions of G. S. 18-51, the following provisions shall be applicable: -1 Exemption From Fees. No fee shall be charged by the State Board of Alcoholic Control for any permit issued under subsection -7 of G. 8S. 18-51 to any county or municipality, for any premises operated by said county or municipality. -2 Local Laws. Nothing in this Article shall operate to repeal any of the local Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina prohibiting the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages within any county, municipality, or portion thereof, and all such local Acts shall continue in full force and effect and in concurrence herewith, until repealed or modified. -3 Exemption of Counties. Until at least one county or municipal alcoholic beverage control store has been lawfully established within any county, no permit shall be issued by the State Board of Alcoholic Control for the purposes defined in subsection -5 of G. S. 18-51 to any person, association or corporation for premises located in said county." +1941_public local laws_408_2,project experts,0,public local laws,407,1,"CHAPTER 407 AN ACT TO AMEND SENATE BILL ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY RELATING TO TERMS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, RATIFIED THE FOURTH DAY OF MARCH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY- ONE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section eight of Senate Bill one hundred and fifty, relating to terms of the Superior Court of Rockingham County, ratified the fourth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words one thousand nine hundred forty-two and inserting in lieu thereof, the words one thousand nine hundred forty-one." +1893_private laws_114_4,project experts,0,private laws,113,3,CHAPTER 113 An act to incorporate The Atlantic and Ohio Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the capital of the said Atlantic and Ohio Railroad Company shall not exceed two million dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, Each share subscribed shall be entitled to one vote in all meetings of the stockholders of said company, and fifteen thousand dollars shall be the minimum subscription on which said company may be organized." +1933_public local laws_277_22,project experts,0,public local laws,276,21,"CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO CREATE THE OFFICES OF TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY, AND COLLEC- TOR OF REVENUE FOR THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, PRE- SCRIBING THEIR DUTIES AND SETTING FORTH THE MANNER OF TAKING JUDGMENT AGAINST DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That when any real estate is included in any tax return upon default by any taxpayer to timely pay any taxes or assessments within one year after the due date thereof, the Treasurer-Tax Collector, or in case of delinquent city taxes or assessments, the Collector of Revenue for the City of Charlotte, after thirty days notice to said taxpayer, given by mail to his last named address, shall execute and deliver to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County a certificate of such nonpayment running in the name of Mecklenburg County or the City of Charlotte, if for city taxes or assessments, as plaintiff and the person, firm or corporation in whose name the property was returned, taxed or assessed as defendant, with a description of one or more lots or parcels of land included in the tax return made by said defendant, or in case of a special assessment for local improvements on the land, upon which said assessment is a specific lien, together with all persons, firms, corporations or associations presently owning any of the said lots or parcels of land so included in said certificate and with all trustees, cestui que trust, and mortgages named in deeds of trust, mortgages or other recorded instruments constituting liens on any of said lots or parcels of land so included in said certificate, as additional defendants, with a reference to the book and page in which said instruments constituting liens on said property are recorded, also reciting the year for which said taxes or assessments were levied, the date of such levy, principal amount thereof, the date from which such principal amount bears interest, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, the date from which such lien was established, and such other information as may be pertinent thereto." +1891_private laws_60_4,project experts,0,private laws,59,3,CHAPTER 59 An act to amend the charter of the town of Salisbury. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said coupons shall be receivable in payment of taxes due the town of Salisbury, and the same shall be expressed on the face of each coupon." +1951_session laws_80_2,project experts,0,session laws,79,1,CHAPTER 79 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 105-345 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES WITH RESPECT TO PREPAYMENT DISCOUNTS ON TAXES COL- LECTED BY ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Section 105-345 of the General Statutes, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph at the end thereof to read as follows: In Robeson County the only discounts allowed for the prepayment of taxes due Robeson County provided for in this Act shall be as follows: (a) If paid during the month of September, a deduction of one per cent 64 (1%); (b) if paid during the month of October, a deduction of one-half of one per cent (% of 1%)." +1961_session laws_665_11,project experts,0,session laws,664,10,"CHAPTER 664 AN ACT TO CONTINUE THE INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GARNER AND TO REVISE, AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF GARNER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Authentication and publication of ordinances and resolutions. Upon its final passage each ordinance or resolution shall be authenticated by the signature of the mayor and the town clerk and shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose. Immediately after final passage, all ordinances shall be posted at the Town Hall and two other public places in said town for five -5 days." +1907_private laws_82_21,project experts,0,private laws,80,20,CHAPTER 80 N ACT TO CHANGE AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CAROLINA SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the principal office of said corporation shall be in the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, but the directors may establish branch offices at such other places as may be deemed advisable." +1951_session laws_1004_4,project experts,0,session laws,1003,3,"CHAPTER 1003 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE II, SECTION 13, OF THE CONSTI- TUTION OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO PRO- VIDE A MORE EXPEDIENT METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES OCCURRING IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The electors favoring the adoption of this amendment shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed: For amendment to fill a vacancy occurring in the General Assembly by death, resignation or otherwise by immediate appointment of the Governor, upon the recommendation of the executive committee of the county in which the deceased or resigned member was resident, being the executive committee of the political party with which the deceased or resigned member was affiliated at the time of his election., and those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed: Against amendment to fill a vacancy occurring in the General Assembly by death, resignation or otherwise by immediate appointment of the Governor, upon the recommendation of the executive committee of the county in which the deceased or resigned member was resident, being the executive committee of the political party with which the deceased or resigned member was affiliated at the time of his election." +1961_session laws_24_5,project experts,0,session laws,23,4,CHAPTER 23 AN ACT TO CREATE A CEMETERY COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF GARLAND AND DESIGNATE OTHER PURPOSES OF ITS EXISTENCE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said Garland Cemetery Commission shall have the right to accept any grant, lease, loan or device of real estate, or any gift or bequest of money, or any donation given for cemetery purposes to the Town of Garland or any gift or bequest of money or any donation to be applied, principal or income, for the use, maintenance and perpetual care of the cemeteries owned or controlled by the Town of Garland. If gifts are made, the principal of which is to be invested and income only used for the maintenance of the cemeteries owned or controlled by the Town of Garland, the board of town commissioners shall invest said principal only in such securities as are approved by law for investment of guardianship funds." +1919_public local laws_520_11,project experts,0,public local laws,519,10,CHAPTER 519 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE THE HEALTH DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"All ordinances passed by the board of health shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in some newspaper published in Fayetteville, and shall be recorded in a book of ordinances to be kept by said board, and either the book of ordinances or the printed copies of ordinances shall be legal evidence of their passage and effect." +1901_private laws_77_4,project experts,0,private laws,76,3,CHAPTER 76 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE STATESVILLE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The corporators above named or any three of them may open books of subscription, and whenever one hundred shares shall be subscribed, a majority of the above-named corporators may call a meeting of the subscribers to said stock at any time and place, and on such notice as they may deem sufficient, and may organize by the election of a board of five directors or more, who shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected, and said directors shall elect the necessary officers. The company shall have authority to transact business whenever one hundred shares have been subscribed and twenty per centum paid thereon, the balance to be paid in as called for by the directors. The capital stock may be increased from time to time either by additional subscriptions of stock or by application of the surplus earnings of the corporation. And if such increase shall be from the earnings of the corporation, the directors shall have the power to declare stock dividends to the shareholders pro rata. At all stockholders meetings each share shall be entitled to one vote either in person or by proxy." +1949_session laws_1296_2,project experts,0,session laws,1295,1,"1342 CHAPTER 1295 AN ACT TO AMEND COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 33, RATIFIED AT THE 1949 SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section 22% of Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 33, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of said Section the following: Tf the bonds authorized by House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 203, as amended, for the construction, repair and improvement of school plant facilities are not issued, the twentyfive million dollars ($25,000,000) appropriated by this Section shall be allocated to the various counties of the State on the basis of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) each. If the bonds provided for in House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 203, as amended, are issued, the twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) provided for in this Section and the proceeds of the bonds issued pursuant to said House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 203, as amended, shall be combined and the amount to be allocated in Section 2 of said House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 203, as amended, is hereby increased to fifty million dollars ($50,000,000). This fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) shall be allocated as provided in Section 2 of House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 203, as amended, on the basis of a two hundred fifty thousand dollar ($250,000) allocation to each county and a per capita allocation of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) as therein provided." +1923_public laws_137_335,project experts,0,public laws,136,334,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS","State committee on high school texrt-books; duties; reports to State Superintendent. The Governor and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall appoint a State committee on high school text-books, consisting of five members, who shall serve without pay except reimbursement out of the State Treasury upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for actual expenses incurred by attendance upon meetings of the committee that may be called by or under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. It shall be the duty of the State committee on high school text-books to make an examination of each book submitted by any publisher, under the provisions of this article, with a view to determining whether or not the contents, quality, and price of said book are such as to make it suitable and desirable for use in public high schools of this State; and the said State committee on high school text-books shall, every five years, except as herein otherwise provided, submit to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on or before the first day of January of each year within which county adoptions are to be made, a report of its findings, with recommendations as to the books that shall be placed on the State approved list, which list shall constitute the State adopted list for a period of five years, except as herein otherwise provided. (C. S. 5726, revised.)" +1963_session laws_923_10,project experts,0,session laws,922,9,"CHAPTER 922 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CARY AS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 80 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1870-71, AS AMENDED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 The Charter of the Town of Cary as contained in Chap- ter 80 of the Private Laws of 1870-71, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:","Registration and Registration Books. In all municipal elections in the Town of Cary, the Wake County Board of Elections shall use the registration books of Wake County, North Carolina for election precincts within the corporate limits of the Town of Cary, and all persons now or hereafter duly registered in such registration books who live within the corporate limits of the Town of Cary shall be entitled to vote in all general and special elections in the Town of Cary. All Town of Cary registration books previously used shall cease to be used in any Town of Cary election and shall be impounded by the Clerk of the Town of Cary. The registrars of the Wake County Board of Elections in the election precincts lying within the corporate limits of the Town of Cary shall register, in the Wake County registration books according to law all qualified electors in the Town of Cary whose names are not registered upon such registration books and who present themselves to such registrars for registration as by law provided. All electors who are now registered or who in the future may be registered by the registrars of the Wake County Board of Elections in registration precincts lying within the corporate limits of the Town of Cary shall be deemed duly registered for each and every Town, County, State and National primary and election. Such electors shall from time to time be transferred by said registrars from the registration books of one precinct to registration books of other precincts as is now or hereafter may be provided by law. The registration books of the Wake County Board of Elections for the precincts lying within the corporate limits of the Town of Cary shall remain in the custody of the Wake County Board of Elections, but such registration books shall be used by the Wake County Board of Elections in each and every election held in the Town of Cary." +1961_session laws_727_8,project experts,0,session laws,726,7,CHAPTER 726 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTION WITHIN THE NORTH ASHEBORO-CENTRAL FALLS SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE TOWN OF ASHEBORO ON THE PROPOSITION OF MERGER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"If merger is approved, the governing body of the Town of Asheboro shall determine the proportion of the district indebtedness which was incurred for construction of the water system, and the proportion which was incurred for the construction of the sewage disposal system. Upon making such determination the governing body shall send a certified copy to the Local Government Commission in order that the said commission and the governing body of the merged municipality can determine the net debt of the merged municipality as required by G. S. 160-383." +1909_private laws_301_11,project experts,0,private laws,300,10,CHAPTER 300 AN ACT TO REVISE AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF WEST HICKORY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the present trustees of the schools of said district shall serve until Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and ten, and until their successors are elected and duly qualified; that on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and nine, there shall be elected two schoo! trustees for the term of two years; that on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and ten, there shall be elected three school trustees for the term of two years, and at each annual municipal election thereafter trustees shall be elected to succeed those whose terms expire, to hold for a term of two years. Any vacancy in the board of school trustees shall be filled by the other members of such board, and the position of school trustee shall not be deemed an office or place of trust, within the meaning of article seven, section fourteen, of the Constitution of North Carolina. That the board of school trustees of said district shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate, under the name and style of Board of School Trustees of West Hickory, with the powers and privileges usually appertaining to such corporations, and shall have control over the funds and other property of said district, as well as the management of the schools therein, the employment of teachers, the dismissal and reinstatement of pupils, and shall make or adopt rules and regulations for the government of such schools. Said board of trustees shall appoint a treasurer, who shall enter into sufficient bond for the faithful performance of his duty as such, and who shall have the custody of the funds belonging to said district, and shall pay out the same on the order of the board of trustees, and not otherwise." +1899_public laws_50_2,project experts,0,public laws,49,1,CHAPTER 49 An act to amend chapter one hundred and five of public laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That chapter one hundred and five, public laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Strike out section two and put two in place of three in section three, and add to section one the following: At any time after a duly verified complaint is filed alleging facts sufficient to entitle plaintitf to the office, whether such complaint is filed at the beginning of the action or later, the plaintiff may, upon ten days notice to the defendant or his attorney of record, move before the resident judge ur the judge riding the district at chambers, to require the defendant to give said undertaking; and it shal] be the duty of the judge to require the defendant to give such undertaking within ten days, and if the undertaking shall not be so given, the judge shall render judgment in favor of plaintiff and against defendant for the recov ery of the office and the costs, and a judgment by default and inquiry to be executed at term for damages, including loss of fees and salary. Upon the filing of said judgment for the recovery of such office with the clerk, it shall be the duty of the clerk to issue and the sheriff to serve the necessary process to put plaintiff into possession of the office. In case defendant shall give the under. taking, the court, if judgment is rendered for plaintiff, shall ren. der judgment against the defendant and his sureties for costs and damages, including loss of fees and salary: Provided, that nothing herein shall prevent the judges extending, for cause, the time in which to give the undertaking." +1903_public laws_639_2,project experts,0,public laws,638,1,"CHAPTER 638 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 763, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1901, RELATING TO THE COMPULSORY SCHOOL LAW IN MITCH- ELL COUNTY. . The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section 2, chapter 763 of the Public Laws of 1901, entitled An act to compel attendance in the public schools in Mitchell County, be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following words: And it shall be the duty of the teacher or the principal of the public school to make report at the end of each month to the school committee of the district in which he or she is teaching, the names of all parents or persons in loco parentis who wilfully refuse to send their children to school, and it shall be the duty of the school committee of the district to take immediate steps to enforce the penalty prescribed in said section against any parent or person in loco parentis found guilty of wilfully refusing to send their children to school." +1941_public local laws_312_3,project experts,0,public local laws,311,2,"CHAPTER 311 AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, CHAP- TER ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, AS AMENDED, TO ALLOW THE COMMISSIONERS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY TO APPOINT THE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND TO PROHIBIT THE PAYMENT OF COMMISSIONS FOR COL- LECTION OF TAXES TO ANY COLLECTOR OR ATTORNEY AND TO REQUIRE THAT COMPENSATION THEREFOR SHALL BE ON A SALARY OR FIXED BASIS. Whereas, the cost of collecting delinquent taxes in Rutherford County for the past several years has been very high; and Whereas, it appears that the tax collector should be elected in the future by the board of county commissioners; and Whereas, it appears that the majority of the people of Ruther- ford County are desirous of having a more businesslike method of collecting taxes so that their tax rate may be reduced: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That from and after the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, it shall be the duty of the said appointed tax collector to collect all taxes, both current and delinquent, including fees, penalties and other revenues due the County of Rutherford. After the said tax collector has been appointed and qualified, he shall receive the tax books of the levy of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, and all the prior tax books and records; and all powers and duties now or hereafter imposed by law relating to the collection of taxes are hereby imposed and conferred upon him." +1949_session laws_454_2,project experts,0,session laws,453,1,"421 CHAPTER 453 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 7, SECTION 70 OF TH GENERAL STATUTES OF 1943, TO CHANGE TH TERMS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT IN CALDWEL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That portion of Section Jul-70 of the General Sts utes of North Carolina, fixing the terms of Superior Court f Caldwell County in the Sixteenth Judicial District, is here rewritten to read as follows: CaldwellFirst Monday before the first Monday in Marc second Monday before the first Monday in September, each continue two weeks; eleventh Monday after the first Monc in March, to continue two weeks, for civil cases only; twel Monday after the first Monday in September, to continue t weeks, for the trial of civil and criminal cases; the eighth M day before the first Monday in March, to continue two wee for the trial of civil cases only; ninth Monday after the f Monday in March, to continue one week, for the trial of and criminal cases; fourth Monday after the first Monday September, to continue two weeks, for the trial of civil c only; thirteenth Monday after the first Monday in March, continue two weeks, for the trial of civil cases only; first \/ day in September, to continue two weeks, for the trial of cases only. For the last five terms provided for above, Governor may assign a regular, special, or emergency ju when the judge regularly assigned to the district is unable to hold said terms for any cause set out in Article IV, Section 11, of the Constitution. If the regular judge holding the courts in the Sixteenth District is not available for any cause set out in Article IV, Section 11, of the Constitution, to hold any of the terms of court provided for in this Act, the Governor shall assign a judge to hold such term or terms from among the regular, special or emergency judges." +1915_public local laws_373_17,project experts,0,public local laws,372,16,CHAPTER 372 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH RECORDERS COURTS IN COLUM- BUS COUNTY AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION - THEREOF. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"When the recorder of either of the districts provided for in this act is unable to preside over the court on account of sickness, absence, or other cause, said recorder shall appoint some other person, who shall possess the same qualifications as provided herein for the recorder, to act as substitute recorder, and the person so appointed shall have all the powers and duties of the recorder of said district. The compensation for the said substitute recorder shall be paid by the recorder. Any vacancy occurring in the office of recorder of either of the districts shall be filled by the clerk of the Superior Court of Columbus County." +1925_public local laws_575_3,project experts,0,public local laws,574,2,CHAPTER 574 AN ACT TO PROTECT GAME AND REGULATE HUNTING IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners of Cumberland County be and they are hereby empowered to appoint a game warden for said county, whose term of office shall be fixed by them, who shall be empowered to issue hunting licenses for the annual open season under this act, and for which he shall collect from each resident of Cumberland County applying for license the sum of two dollars ($2), and for each nonresident of Cumberland County applying for license the sum of ten dollars ($10), one-half of which license fee shall be retained by him and one-half paid into the county school fund of Cumberland County: Provided, that no person shall be required to take out license to hunt on his own land." +1869/70_private laws_24_6,project experts,0,private laws,23,5,OHAPTER XXIII. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE YOUNG MEN'S INTELLIGENT AND ENTERPRISING ASSOCIATION.,"The capital stock shall be two hundred and fitty thousand dollars, with authority to the stockholders to increase the same to an amount not exceeding one million ; it shall be divided into shares of twenty dollars each, but when two thonsand dollars are actually subscribed and one thousand paid in cash, said board may proceed to business. The capital shall or may be invested in bonds and mortgages on unencumbered real estate, within this state, or in stocks or bonds of the United States or of this state, or in the stocks or bonds of the incorporated cities of this state authorized to be issued by the legislature, or in undoubted personal security approved by the board of directors. All the corporate powers of said association shall be exercised by a board of directors who shall be elected annually by the stockholders, and no person shall be elected a director unless they are a stockholder to the amount of sixty dollars at least. The board of directors shall elect annually from their own body a president. The certificates of stock and of money received in trust shall be assignable on the books of the association according to such regulations as the board of directors shall establish, but no alteration shall be made in the regulations so established unless by a vote of two thirds of the whole number of directors. The directors shall have a discretionary power of investing the moneys received by them in trust or on deposit in public stock of the United States or of this state, or in the bonds and stock of any incorporated city or town in this state authorized by the legislature, but the said association shall not hold stock in any private corporation beyond ten thousand dollars." +1911_public local laws_412_12,project experts,0,public local laws,411,11,"CHAPTER 411 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR BETTER ROADS IN LANESBORO TOWNSHIP IN ANSON COUNTY, PRECINCT NUMBER TWO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said board of supervisors shall annually at their August meeting divide the roads of their precincts into districts of two or more sectionsa road district to consist of such a number of road sections as the board may determine. They shall appoint superintendents of each district, they shall at the same time allot the road hands to each section and shall also designate the boundaries of each district, and shall within ten days after such meeting certify to such overseer or superintendent written notice of his appointment with list of hands assigned to each section under his charge, and shall give to each superintendent or overseer such written instructions as they may deem necessary as to the mode or manner of working the roads of his district: Provided, that the board of supervisors may at any time alter the districts and sections or allotment, but shall give notice thereof to the superintendent or overseer." +1893_private laws_335_8,project experts,0,private laws,334,7,CHAPTER 334 An act to charter Trap Hill Institute. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Provided, nevertheless, that in the event the property of said corporation shall be abandoned or cease to be used for school purposes for the term of five years, then in that event the same shall revert to the original stockholders, and they shall have the right to dispose of the same either at a public or private sale or by petition for partition, and the proceeds of said sale shall be divided among the said stockholders according to their respective stocks or interest." +1876/77_private laws_47_2,project experts,0,private laws,46,1,"CHAPTER XLVI. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE LIL- LINGTON ACADEMY, IN THE COUNTY OF PENDER.","The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That 8 8 Satchwell, Andrew J. McIntire, Gratton Williams, b. C. Bordeaux, Bruce Williams, L. Souther land and G. F. Walker, their associates and successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Lillington Academy, and in that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire, hold and convey, in their corporate capacity, property real and personal, such as may be necessary and suitable for maintaining a school of high grade; shall have perpetual succession; may have and use a common seal; have power to elect their officers, consisting of a chairman, secretary and treasurer, and to establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the cause of education and maintaining said school, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state." +1911_public laws_72_3,project experts,0,public laws,71,2,CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE ANY COUNTY IN NORTH CARO- LINA TO VOTE UPON THE LEVYING AND COLLECTION OF A SPECIAL TAX ON PROPERTY AND POLLS TO SUP- PLEMENT THE COUNTY SCHOOL FUND OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said election shall be conducted for the county as nearly as may be under the same rules and regulations governing district special school-tax elections, as set out in section four thousand one hundred and fifteen of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina." +1917_public laws_59_6,project experts,0,public laws,58,5,CHAPTER 58 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS IN THE STATE DEPARTMENTS AND INSTI- TUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all officers of the State and its institutions shall at the time selected by such board put into effect the systems of accounting procedures and control of funds and disbursement thereof, and begin the use of the sets of books and accounts devised and selected for them by such board." +1963_session laws_904_2,project experts,0,session laws,903,1,CHAPTER 903 AN ACT TO GRANT ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY TO THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE TO REGULATE PUBLIC SOLICITATIONS FOR CHARITABLE AND SIMILAR CAUSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The governing body of the City of Charlotte is hereby authorized to regulate, by ordinance, any and all public solicitations within the City for any charitable, benevolent, health, educational, religious, patriotic or other similar cause; provided, that such ordinance shall not apply to any solicitation made by any church or religious organization, school or college, fraternal or patriotic organization, or civic club when such solicitation is confined to their respective memberships. Such ordinance may provide for a separate board, body or commission to administer the ordinance in accordance with the rules and standards prescribed therein; may provide for regulation of the time, place and manner of soliciting; may require registration and permits and impose such fees therefor as may defray the reasonable costs thereof; may require and cause to be published such information as will tend to insure that the purpose of any solicitation will be free from any element of deceit or fraud; and may include such other requirements as may reasonably protect the public from fraudulent solicitations." +1915_public local laws_194_35,project experts,0,public local laws,193,34,"CHAPTER 193 AN ACT TO CREATE A SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT, INCLUD- ING OCONA LUFTY, CHARLESTON, AND NANTAHALA TOWNSHIPS, IN SWAIN COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be the duty of said board of road commissioners, before they apply any of the funds derived from the sale of bonds provided for in this act to the building or improvement of any branch roads within said district, to provide for the laying out and construction of a main trunk-line highway passing through said road district and extending from Bryson City to the Macon County line at or near the Shallow Ford of the Tennessee River, and from Bryson City to the Jackson County line at the most practicable. point; said route to be determined and settled upon by the board of highway commissioners under the direction of the State highway engineer, if there shall be such official; which said trunk-line highway to be a link in a through intercounty or interstate highway, if the adjoining counties to said special road district shall agree to connect with same in the building of such highway, the location of any through highway to be approved by the State Road Department; and the said board of commissioners in the building of said highway are authorized to construct the same in such manner as may seem to them best, using such material in the construction and surfacing of said road as they may deem best fitted to the conditions and traffic of the country through which said road passes. Said board shall also have authority to contract for material and to construct all bridges and culverts to carry said road over any stream or streams along its route. Said bridges and culverts to be constructed out of such material as said board may deem best; and the said board of commissioners shall have the right and authority to use any of the streets in any incorporated town in said county, through which said trunk-line road may pass, as an integral part of said highway, and shall be authorized to grade and surface the same in the same manner as any other portion of said highway." +1913_private laws_148_8,project experts,0,private laws,147,7,CHAPTER 147 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GLENWOOD GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said school committee shall elect one of their number as treasurer, and whose receipt for all moneys coming into his hands shall constitute a sufficient voucher in the hands of any person paying the same, and the said treasurer shall report to the said committee monthly his receipts and disbursements, with all vouchers, for the same; before receiving any moneys he shall execute and deliver to said committee a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as treasurer of said committee. The moneys received, as aforesaid, and all other money coming into his hands shall be held by the said treasurer as school funds to be disposed of under the directions of the said school committee, whose warrants, signed by the chairman and countersigned by the secretary of said committee, shall be the only valid vouchers in the hands of the said treasurer for the disbursement of said money in any settlement required of him by law. The said treasurer shall furnish annually on the first: Monday in July to the board of aldermen of the town of Glenwood, in said county, a statement in writing of his receipts and disbursements of the school money, properly and duly audited and approved by the chairman and secretary of said school committee: Provided, the accounts, books, and vouchers of the said treasurer shall be open for the inspection of the said school committee at any time, or to any taxpayer of said school district." +1963_session laws_1150_2,project experts,0,session laws,1149,1,"CHAPTER 1149 AN ACT TO REIMBURSE JERRY WELBORNE FINNEY FOR INJURIES RECEIVED IN A CHEMICAL EXPLOSION IN JONESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, YADKIN COUNTY. WHEREAS, on March 1, 1962, an explosion occurred in the chemical laboratory in the Jonesville High School, and as a result thereof Jerry Welborne Finney, age 18, a student in the said school was seriously injured and permanently disfigured, suffering loss of a part of his left hand, and a badly mangled left arm; and WHEREAS, the said student has been informed that he has no legal remedy against the Board of Education, or the Board of County Commis- sions of Yadkin County, or against any other person or municipal body; and WHEREAS, it appears there is no legal remedy whereby the said stu- dent may be reimbursed for his extensive hospital and medical expenses except by an Act of the General Assembly; and WHEREAS, a balance in excess of three thousand dollars ($38,000.00) is owed for past medical and hospital treatment, and anticipated further medical expenses exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00): Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The North Carolina Industrial Commission is authorized and directed to investigate the claim of Jerry Welborne Finney, of Yadkin County, arising out of injuries he received as a result of an explosion in the chemical laboratory of the Jonesville High School building, and upon production of satisfactory proof that the said injuries occurred in the manner herein set forth there shall be paid to the said Jerry Welborne Finney, or to the persons standing in loco parentis, such amount, not to exceed six thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500.00), as the said Commission may find that Jerry Welborne Finney has been damaged as a result of his injuries as herein set forth, the said payment to be made from Contingency and Emergency Funds. 1480" +1903_public laws_193_28,project experts,0,public laws,192,27,CHAPTER 192 AN ACT FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF PUBLIC ROADS OF BURKE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in case any person shall remove from any district to another who has, prior to such removal, performed the whole or any part of the labor aforesaid, or in any other way has paid the whole or any part of the amount aforesaid in lieu of such labor, shall produce a certificate of the same of supervisor (overseer) of the proper district. Such certificate shall be a complete discharge for the amount therein specified." +1915_private laws_277_129,project experts,0,private laws,276,128,"CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in order to equalize the assessments on real estate, for the purposes described, as elsewhere provided in this act, the board of aldermen shall, before the commencement of any such work or improvement, estimate the total cost of such improvement to be made throughout the entire length of such work or improvement, and shall then prorate the cost thereof on the real estate abutting thereon in proportion to the frontage on the street or portion of the street so improved, and charge to and assess upon each side of the street upon which said work is to be done its pro rata share of the entire cost of all such improvements as may be made under the provisions of this act: Provided, however, in order to avoid obstructing lot owners in subdividing and selling their property, by reason of the liens hereby created upon the same, such lot owners may subdivide their lots in such manner as they see fit, and shall file in the office of the city clerk and treasurer a plat of the subdivisions, making the lots fronting on the streets so paved or improved of any desired frontage, but not less than one hundred feet in depth; and the assessment made and the liens created by virtue of this act for street improvement shall thereafter affect and attach to such front lots only, not less than one hundred feet in depth ; and where in any such cases lands fronting on such improvements are so subdivided into lots, each of said lots fronting on such improvements shall be and remain chargeable with its ratable proportion of said assessments, and liens, according to its frontage. That the board of aldermen shall cause to be established a permanent grade on any such street, sidewalk, or public alley; shall cause said street, sidewalk, or public alley to be accurately surveyed, and a map to be made of the various lots and properties on such street, sidewalk, or alley, or portion thereof so proposed to be improved, showing the exact frontage of each lot, and also the subdivisions, if any; and the said map shall be filed with the city clerk and treasurer, to be subject to public inspection; and when the assessments and liens, as provided for in this act, shall have been made upon the various lots and properties on the streets, sidewalks, or alleys, the city clerk and treasurer, or other proper clerical city officer, shall write upon said map the amgunt assessed upon the same, and he shall keep a properly indexed record book showing such assessments and liens, and the date and amount of all payments made on any of said assessments and liens: Provided, that no section or district shall be ordered or declared a section or district for permanent street improvement under the provisions of this act until and unless one-third, at least, in frontage of the various lots or properties abutting on the streets or sidewalks of such district or section shall have been built up or improved for business or residential purposes: Provided further, that no assessment against any piece of property improved as in this act provided shall in any ase exceed the amount of special benefit to or enhancement in value of said property by reason of said improvements, or twenty per cent of the assessed taxable value thereof; and where permanent street improvements shall be made, the property bearing such assessments shall not be assessed again until after expiration of ten years from the date of the last preceding assessment: Provided Priv.49 further, that in case any street or part of a street laid out as a district for permanent improvement is of such unequal width as to render the plan of equalization of assessments, as above set out, unjust to any abutting property owner, then and in that case the board of aldermen is authorized to divide such district into subsections and to apply the rule of equalization of assessments prescribed herein to such subsections, instead of to the entire district or section; and the board of aldermen may make as many subsections as may be necessary to make a just distribution of the cost of permanent improvements made or to be made in such district. The cost of all such improvements for special benefits to property as estimated in the above manner shall be financed by the issue of bonds, and the levy of special tax to pay the same and the interest thereon, aS hereinafter provided." +1903_public laws_570_55,project experts,0,public laws,569,54,"CHAPTER 569 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR BETTEK ROADS IN MORVEN TOWNSHIP, ANSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of supervisors shall cause their secretary to make a copy, for each district superintendent, of the lists of the names of each tax payer, of the amount of road tax with which each stands charged in his district, from the lists hereinbefore required to be furnished by the Commissioners of Anson County to the board of supervisors." +1889_public laws_478_2,project experts,1,public laws,477,1,"CHAPTER 477 An act for the relief of Daniel G. McClellan, of Cumberland county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the treasurer of the school fund of Cumberland county be and is hereby instructed to pay out of any funds that may now or hereafter be in his hands to the credit of school district number three, white race, of Black River township, Cumberland county, to Daniel G. McClellan, for board during the school term of feur months ending twenty-fifth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, as per agreement between him and the committee of said district, the sum of twenty-eight dollars: Provided, the board of education of Cumberland county shall have power to inquire into the claim of Daniel G. McClellan, and allow the same, provided they are satisfied of its justice, and that the same or part be paid, and if so satisfied they may endorse their approval thereon, whereupon it shall be paid out of the school fund of the district | referred to." +1929_public local laws_450_5,project experts,0,public local laws,449,4,"CHAPTER 449 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 600, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1925, BEING AN ACT TO ENABLE LEE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section eight of said chapter six hundred be amended by striking out all of said section and by inserting in lieu thereof a new section, as follows: Sec. 8 That the hospital established under this act shall be for the benefit of the inhabitants of such townships of Lee County as may vote for said bonds-at said election, or at any subsequent election, and of any person falling sick or being injured or maimed within their limits; but every inhabitant or person who is not a pauper shall pay to such board of trustees or such officers as it shall designate for such hospital a reasonable compensation for occupancy, nursing, care, medicine, or attendance, according to the rules and regulations prescribed by said board, such hospital always being subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the said board may adopt, in order to render the use of said hospital of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said hospital any and all inhabitants and persons who shall wilfully violate such rules and regulations. And said board may extend the privileges and use of such hospital to persor~ residing outside of such townships in said county, upon such terms and conditions as said board may, from time to time by its rules and regulations, prescribe, provided a larger charge may be made for all persons residing outside such townships as may vote said bonds. That in the event said bonds are ratified by any township within said county, and said hospital is established, it shall be lawful for and the duty of said board of county commissioners to hold additional elections for the other townships, upon petition as herein provided, and if any other townships in said county shall vote for said hospital, then such township shall be included within the territory served by said hospital, and shall be subject to their proportionate portion of the tax to be levied for the payment of said bonds and the maintenance of said hospital, and its citizens and residents shall be entitled without discrimination to the use of said hospital." +1909_private laws_395_124,project experts,0,private laws,394,123,"CHAPTER 394 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHAR- LOTTE, AND REVISE THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","When any proceedings for appraisal of property or rights under this act shall have been instituted, no change of ownership or transfer of the real estate or any interest therein, or of the subject-matter of the appraisal, or any part thereof, shall in any manner affect such proceedings, but the same may be carried on and perfected as if no such conveyance or transfer had been made or attempted to be made." +1941_public local laws_290_13,project experts,0,public local laws,289,12,CHAPTER 289 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY BY PLACING THE SHERIFF AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS ON A SALARY AND FULL TIME BASIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That before any of the said full time deputy sheriffs including the jailer shall take office, it shall be the duty of the high sheriff, as director, and the judge and solicitor of the recorders court and county attorney, as assistants thereto, to organize, schedule, and direct and attend a school or training period for a week to ten days for the use and benefit of the said deputy sheriffs, whose duty it shall be to attend every class and session of the same. That in the said training period the said officers shall be taught and instructed as much as possible as to the use of firearms, the most commonly violated criminal laws and especially the traffic laws and rules of safety, first aid, laws and rules relating to criminal procedure, arrest, bonds, principal rules of evidence in trial of cases in court, and the main rules of courtesy and hospitality in dealing with and serving visitors and public in general, and along any other subject or course most needed by said officers. That it shall be the duty of the high sheriff, the county attorney, and judge and solicitor of recorders court to conduct for the benefit of said deputy sheriffs and jailer a similar training school at least for a period of one week or more every year hereafter. That at said training schools, it shall be the duty of the sheriff to invite the State highway patrolmen, the Superior Court solicitor and any of the judges thereof when available and any other competent and informed person to attend any of the sessions of said schools. That as far as possible the board of commissioners and the sheriff shall afford an opportunity to the said officers to attend and study, as they deem advisable, any course or training offered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the State Bureau of Investigation, and the Institute of Government." +1935_private laws_32_2,project experts,0,private laws,31,1,"CHAPTER 31 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE NORTHEAST FREE WILL BAP- TIST CHURCH NEAR MT. OLIVE, NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE COUNTY OF WAYNE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to open or to keep open on Sunday for the purpose of making a sale or to operate on Sunday any cafe, restaurant, cold drink stand, filling station for the sale of oils or gasoline, or other place of business where any article is sold or offered for sale, within a radius of one-half mile of the Northeast Free Will Baptist Church near Mt. Olive, North Carolina, and in Wayne County, between the hours of twelve-one a. m. on Sunday morning and twelve-one a. m. on Monday morning." +1957_session laws_1060_10,project experts,0,session laws,1059,9,"CHAPTER 1059 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 96, GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS AMENDED, KNOWN AS THE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY LAW, TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF ADDI- TIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS WITH RESPECT TO OVERDRAWN AC- COUNTS; TO MAKE CERTAIN CHANGES IN THE BENEFIT FORMULA; TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS UNDER THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT UPON AUTHORIZA- TION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND TO FURTHER CLARIFY CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF SAID CHAPTER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Article 2, Chapter 96, Section 96-9, subsection (c), paragraph (4), sub-paragraph (A), General Statutes of North Carolina as such apears in the 1955 Cumulative Supplement of Volume 2C thereof, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting after the word acquisition in line eight thereof and before the word to in said line the following: of the business." +1957_session laws_1032_9,project experts,0,session laws,1031,8,"CHAPTER 1031 AN ACT RELATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF HAMLET DIS- TRICT, RICHMOND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1939_public local laws_406_3,project experts,0,public local laws,405,2,"CHAPTER 405 AN ACT TO REPEAL SENATE BILL NUMBER TWO HUNDRED NINETEEN, RELATING TO RICHMOND COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1933_private laws_57_2,project experts,0,private laws,56,1,CHAPTER 56 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF MUNICIPAL STREET ASSESSMENTS IN INSTALLMENTS IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Enfield be and they are hereby authorized to readjust any and all assessments for street improvements heretofore made in said town, or any balance which may be due thereon by any property owner, by dividing the total amount due thereon, with interest, into ten equal installments, the first one of said installments to become due and payable October first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, and one installment to become due each year thereafter on the first day of October for nine successive years; and upon any such readjustment the time for the payment of said assessments shall be extended accordingly." +1929_public local laws_430_2,project experts,0,public local laws,429,1,CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- ' MISSIONERS OF DURHAM COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION OFFICE FOR SAID COUNTY AND TO EMPLOY A COMPETENT ELEC- TRICIAN TO ACT AS INSPECTOR FOR SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the board of county commissioners of Durham County shall establish in said county the office of electrica! inspector and to employ a competent electrician to act as inspector of said county. +1929_private laws_29_2,project experts,0,private laws,28,1,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 25, PRIVATE LAWS, EX- TRA SESSION OF 1913, RELATING TO THE TOWN OF FAIR BLUFF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section thirty-one, chapter twenty-five. Private Laws of the extra session of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words forty cents in line seven of said section, and by inserting in lieu thereof the words ninety cents." +1927_private laws_109_2,project experts,0,private laws,108,1,CHAPTER 108 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MANTEO IN DARE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section two of chapter sixty-six of Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine be amended so as to read that the boundaries and corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at Manteo or Doughs Creek at the south line of the land of Robert Wescott, thence westwardly the course of said line to the State highway, thence along the east side of the State highway southwardly to the Z. V. Brinkley north line, thence eastwardly and parallel with said Brinkleys line to the center of Scarboroughs or Doughs Creek or in line thereof, thence northwardly toward the center line of said creeks to place of beginning." +1925_public local laws_60_2,project experts,0,public local laws,59,1,CHAPTER 59 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS FOR JACK- SON COUNTY TO LEVY AND COLLECT SPECIAL TAX. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of county commissioners of Jackson County be and the same is hereby authorized, fully empowered and directed to levy in each of the years one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six the following special taxes on the property of the county: First. A special tax not to exceed ten cents on each one hundred dollars valuation for the purpose of paying off and discharging the cost and expenses incurred by the Superior and recorders courts and in maintaining the public buildings and grounds. Second. A special tax not to exceed ten cents on each one hundred dollars valuation for the purpose of paying off and discharging the countys bonded indebtedness. Third. A special tax not to exceed five cents on each one. hundred dollars valuation for the improvement of the county home and for the support of the poor in said county." +1925_public local laws_300_5,project experts,0,public local laws,299,4,CHAPTER 299 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAIN- TENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES IN DAVIDSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of county commissioners and their successors in office shall be empowered to provide for any bonds or other legal liabilities of the board of road commissioners of Davidson County in the same manner and under the same provision made for such obligations as may be transferred to the said board of county commissioners by the said board of road commissioners of Davidson County under chapter three hundred and thirty-four of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina for one thousand nine hundred and fifteen entitled An act to provide road commissioners and for road improvements in Davidson County, and the subsequent amendments and supplements thereto. ." +1925_private laws_38_7,project experts,0,private laws,37,6,CHAPTER 37 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF ROCKY MOUNT TO ISSUE BONDS OF THE ROCKY MOUNT GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the caption or other statement of the nature of this act shall be printed on the ballots to be voted in said election, below which shall be printed on two separate lines the words For school bonds and Against school bonds, respectively, with a square inclosed in ruled lines at the left. of each of said two lines. At the top of such ballot shall be printed the following words: Notice to voters: For a vote for the issuance of school bonds pursuant to the provisions of the act of the General Assembly mentioned below make an X mark in the square opposite the words For school bonds. For a negative vote make a similar mark in the square opposite the words Against school bonds. Every ballot containing an X mark in the square opposite the words For school bonds cast in said election shall be counted as a vote for the issuance of bonds and the levy of taxes as provided in this act, and every ballot containing a similar mark in the square opposite the words Against school bonds cast in said election shall be counted as a vote against the issuance of bonds and the levy of taxes as aforesaid. ;" +1957_session laws_1074_3,project experts,0,session laws,1073,2,CHAPTER 1073 AN ACT GRANTING CERTAIN ADDITIONAL POWERS TO BOARD OF EDUCATION OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,This Act shall apply to Mecklenburg County only. +1924 extra_private laws_23_4,project experts,0,private laws,22,3,"CHAPTER 22 AN ACT TO APPOINT A BOXING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any person or persons guilty of engaging in or promoting, aiding or abetting such sparring matches without first having the written consent of said boxing commission, and any person or persons violating the rules and regulations of said commission or refusing to obey orders of said commission controlling a sparring match, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than six months in the discretion of the court." +1923_public local laws_577_10,project experts,0,public local laws,580,9,"CHAPTER 580 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES OF THE SHERIFF, CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, REGISTER OF DEEDS, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, AND TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER OF ALEXANDER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That such bank or banks acting as financial agent for said county shall execute a bond, to be approved by the said board of county commissioners (not to exceed the bond required by law for the treasurer), for the faithful accounting for any and all funds deposited with it, and conditioned as now provided by law for the faithful accounting by the county treasurer: Provided, that said bank or banks shall be selected for a period of two years, unless some good grounds as to the financial condition of said bank or banks shall in the opinion of said commissioners warrant them to designate some other bank or banks; that such bank or banks so selected shall keep an accurate account of all moneys deposited with it, and shall keep separate accounts of the school funds, and any other funds as required by the saaid board of county commissioners, which said fund shall be paid out by said bank or banks upon the proper warrant that is now or may hereafter be provided by law in like manner as if the same was on deposit by regular depositing customer on funds subject to check. The said board may appoint one bank treasurer of the general fund and another bank treasurer of the school fund." +1919_public local laws_365_12,project experts,0,public local laws,364,11,CHAPTER 364 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A NEW HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR WAYNE COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR ROAD BUILDING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"For the purpose of constructing, improving or repairing public roads the superintendent of road work or other person engaged in or connected with the road work, after first consulting the owner or his agent, shall have authority to enter upon any land, to cut or carry away any timber except trees left for ornament or shade; to dig or cause to be dug or carried away any gravel, earth or sand which may be necessary to construct, improve or repair said roads, and enter upon any land adjoining or lying near the roads; to make such drains or ditches through the same as may be necessary for the benefit of the roads, doing as little injury to the land as possible; and any person wilfully obstructing such drains or ditches shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars for each day the obstruction remains. Any landlord considering himself damaged by reason of acts authorized in this section, may within sixty days from the commission of the acts complained of, present his claim to the highway commission, who shall pass thereon within twenty days thereafter, and the owner may, within ten days from the notice of the decision, appeal to the Superior Court. If the owner shall not recover a greater amount than that offered in the decision of the board, shall be taxed with all costs of the appeal." +1917_public local laws_617_5,project experts,0,public local laws,616,4,"CHAPTER 616 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 587, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1911, RELATIVE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND AUDITING THE BOOKS OF WILKES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That such auditing the books shall include the books and records in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, in the office of register of deeds, in the sheriff's office, in the treasurers office, the proceedings, records, and minutes of the county commissioners, the county board of education, and good roads commissioners of Wilkes County." +1917_public local laws_431_3,project experts,0,public local laws,430,2,"CHAPTER 430 AN ACT SUPPLEMENTAL TO AND AMENDATORY OF HOUSE BILL 246 AND SENATE BILL 308, ENTITLED AN ACT TO RESTORE THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER OF CLEVELAND COUNTY, APPOINTING A TREASURER, AND PROVIDING FOR INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, RATIFIED ON JANUARY 9, 1917 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. +1915_public local laws_537_3,project experts,0,public local laws,536,2,CHAPTER 536 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR WORKING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF KIRBY TOWNSHIP IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That J. B. Stephenson, B. F. Martin, and J. H. Sumner #NAME? hereby appointed and constituted the board of road commisTerms. Election of successors. Vacancies. Commissioners to qualify. Commissioners named to qualify. To meet and organize. Organization. Record of proceedings. Pay of secretary. Meetings. Pay of commissioners. Special meetings. Business at meetings. Incorporation. Corporate name. Corporate powers. sioners for said township. The first named of said board, towit, J. B. Stephenson, shall hold the said position of commissioner until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen; the next named of said board, towit, B. F. Martin, until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen; and the last named of said board, towit, J. H. Sumner, until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty... At the regular election in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixteen and regularly every two years thereafter there shall be one commissioner elected by the voters in said township at the same time and in the same manner as county and township officers are elected. All vacancies caused by death, resignation, or otherwise shall be filled by the remaining members of said board: Provided, that should more than one vacancy occur or be at the same time, the same shall be filled by appointment by the clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton County." +1915_public local laws_194_20,project experts,0,public local laws,193,19,"CHAPTER 193 AN ACT TO CREATE A SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT, INCLUD- ING OCONA LUFTY, CHARLESTON, AND NANTAHALA TOWNSHIPS, IN SWAIN COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",In acquiring any right of way for the relocation or establishment of any public road not less than thirty feet nor more than sixty feet in width shall be taken. But said commissioners shall only be required to use such part of said right of way for present construction as they deem necessary. +1913_public local laws_85_10,project experts,0,public local laws,84,9,"CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CATAWBA COUNTY, TO REVISE THE ROAD LAW FOR SAID COUNTY, AND TO VALIDATE CER- TAIN BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners, or the county superintendent of roads or the township supervisor with the approval of the county commissioners, may contract with any person, firm, or corporation for the construction, improvement, or maintenance of any public road or part thereof, and pay the cost thereof out of the funds of the township in which said road or part thereof is located, or apportioned between two or more townships if on the township line: Provided, any contract may be terminated at any time by the commissioners, or by the superintendent or supervisor with the approval of the commissioners, and in that case the county commissioners shall pay pro rata for the work performed under the contract." +1913_public local laws_285_8,project experts,0,public local laws,284,7,CHAPTER 284 AN ACT TO TAX DOGS IN ALAMANCE COUNTY AND MAKE THEM SUBJECTS OF LARCENY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That this act shall apply to Alamance County only. +1913_public local laws_142_3,project experts,0,public local laws,141,2,"CHAPTER 141 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAIN- TENANCE OF CERTAIN BRIDGES IN THE TOWN OF LYNN, POLK COUTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That this act shall not prevent the authorities of the town of Lynn from regulating the speed of travel over said bridges and of punishing offenders for the violation thereof. +1913_public local laws_117_2,project experts,0,public local laws,116,1,CHAPTER 116 AN ACT TO APPOINT CERTAIN JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR ORANGE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That W. M. Sugg of Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, is hereby appointed justice of the peace for said county for a period of two years." +1923_public local laws_580_5,project experts,0,public local laws,583,4,CHAPTER 583 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF CEMETERY TRUSTEES FOR CITIES AND TOWNS IN NORTH CARO- LINA. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board shall have the exclusive control and management of such cemetery; shall have the power to employ a superintendent and such assistants as may be needed, and may do any and all things pertaining to the control, maintenance, management and upkeep of the cemetery which the governing body of the town or city could have done, or which by law the governing body of the town or city shall hereafter be authorized to do." +1941_public laws_244_2,project experts,0,public laws,243,1,"CHAPTER 243 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION NINETEEN OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATING TO THE BONDS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section nineteen of the Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred and nineteen be rewritten to read as follows: 19. The Public Administrator shall enter into bond, payable to the State of North Carolina, with two or more sufficient sureties to be justified before and approved by the Clerk, or with a duly authorized surety company, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00), conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office and obedience to all lawful orders of the Clerk or other court touching the administration of the several estates that may come into his hands and such bonds, if executed by individual sureties, shall be renewed every two years. Whenever the aggregate value of the personal property belonging to the several estates in the hands of the Public Administrator exceeds one-half of his bond, if the bond is signed by personal sureties, or three-fourths of his bond, if the bond shall be executed by a duly authorized surety company, the Clerk shall require him to enlarge his bond in an amount so as to cover at all times at least double the aggregate of the assets of the estates in the hands of said Public Administrator if the bond is signed by personal sureties or one and one-third times the assets if the bond shall be executed by a duly authorized surety company. If the personal property of any decedent is insufficient to pay his debts and the charges of administration and it becomes necessary for the said Public Administrator to apply for the sale of real estate for assets, upon the signing of a judgment ordering the said sale by the Clerk of the Superior Court, or any other court, the Clerk shall include the value of the real estate proposed to be sold in the aggregate value of the property belonging to the several estates in the hands of the Public Administrator. Whenever the aggregate value of the personal property and the real estate that the said Administrator has been authorized to sell exceeds one-half of his bond, if the bond is executed by personal surety, or three-fourths of his bond if the bond shall be executed by a duly authorized surety company, the Clerk shall require him to enlarge his bond as hereinbefore provided as though the aggregate consisted only of personal property." +1957_session laws_135_4,project experts,0,session laws,134,3,CHAPTER 134 AN ACT RELATING TO DISCOUNT AND INTEREST RATES ON TAXES IN ANSON COUNTY The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,This Act shall apply only to Anson County and all cities and towns situated therein. 158 +1965_session laws_723_6,project experts,0,session laws,722,5,"CHAPTER 722 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF NORWOOD TO DETERMINE WHETHER ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL STORES SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN THE SAID TOWN, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE NET PROCEEDS THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Out of net revenue, five per cent -5% and no more than ten per cent -10% may be expended for law enforcement purposes. Any officers employed by the Board of Alcohol Control shall have jurisdiction throughout Stanly County. Out of net revenue, up to five per cent -5% may be expended for Alcoholic Education as to the effects of the use of Alcoholic Beverages. Out of the net revenue remaining after the payment of all costs and operating expenses and after retaining a sufficient working capital, the Town of Norwood Board of Alcohol Control shall on a quarterly basis pay fifty per cent -50% of said revenue to the general fund of the Town of Norwood, and fifty per cent -50% of the net revenue to the general fund of Stanly County; provided, if Alcohol Control Stores are established in the City of Albemarle then net proceeds shall be divided as follows: The Town of Norwood Board of Alcohol Control shall on a quarterly basis pay over eighty-five per cent -85% of said net revenue to the general fund of the Town of Norwood and fifteen per cent -15% of the net revenue to the general fund of Stanly County." +1885_public laws_167_2,project experts,0,public laws,166,1,CHAPTER 166 An act to provide for the sale of certain stock law fences in Stokes county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That whenever it shall appear upon petition and satisfactory proof to the commissioners of the county of Stokes that any stock law fence in said county has become useless, and will be of no further use as such in consequence of an adjoining territory having adopted the stock law, it shall be their duty to provide for the sale of the same, and for that purpose shall appoint some responsible person as commissioner to make such sale." +1885_private laws_58_7,project experts,0,private laws,57,6,"CHAPTER 57 An act to promote the objects of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company. Wuerzas, R. T. Arrington, 8 P. Arrington and Wm. | Mahone of Petersburg, Virginia, and J. D. Cameron of the State of Pennsylvania, became purchasers of the fran- chises, rights, privileges, works and property of the Roanoke Navigation Company, between the towns of Gaston and Weldon and at Weldon, at a sale made by the same under a decree of the superior court of the county of Halifax in the State of North Carolina, and in pursu- ance of the act of the Legislature of the said State, ratified on the eighteenth day.of March, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-five, entitled An act for the dissolution of the Roanoke Navigation Company; and whereas, said sale has been duly confirmed by said court and a convey- ance of said franchises, rights, privileges, works and prop- erty by Thomas N. Hill, receiver of said company, duly appointed by said court, has been executed to the said purchasers under the corporate name of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company, and the deed of conveyance of the said receiver has been duly admitted to probate and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Halifax county; and whereas, by the terms of said act of the General Assembly of this State and the said deed made in pursuance thereof, the said purchasers became a corporation by any name mentioned in said deed ; therefore T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That this act shall not materially interfere with the legal or vested rights of any persons owning or operating mills in Northampton county, or prevent any person owning land on Roanoke river from operating or erecting any mill or other structure to be operated by water power, aud using the water of said river for operating said mill or other structure: Provided, in so doing be shall not interfere with the legal or vested rights of any other person or corporation in any unreasonable manner." +1885_private laws_34_40,project experts,0,private laws,33,39,"CHAPTER 38 An act to repeal the general laws of the State in regard to towns and cities so far as the town of Kinston, in the county of Lenoir, is concerned, inconsistent with this act; to repeal all special laws and charters in relation thereto, and to re-charter the said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the police to see that the laws, rules and regulations of the board of commissioners are enforced, and to report all breaches thereof to the mayor; to preserve the peace of the town by suppressing disturbances and apprehending all offenders, and for that purpose they shall have all the power and authority vested in sheriffs and county constables; they shall execute all precepts lawfully directed to them by the mayor and other judicial officers, and in the execution thereof shail have the same powers which the sheriff and constables of the county have, and they shall have the same fees of all processes and precepts executed or returned by them which may be allowed to the sheriff of the county in like process and precepts, and also such other compensation as the board of commissioners may allow. |" +1885_private laws_34_20,project experts,0,private laws,33,19,"CHAPTER 38 An act to repeal the general laws of the State in regard to towns and cities so far as the town of Kinston, in the county of Lenoir, is concerned, inconsistent with this act; to repeal all special laws and charters in relation thereto, and to re-charter the said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the court of the mayor of the said town of Kinston is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such shall, in all criminal cases committed within the corporate limits of the town of Kinston, have all the powers, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace, and also to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town ; to enforce penalties by issuing executions upon any adjudged violations thereof, and to execute the bylaws, ordinances, rules and regulations, made or passed by the board of commissioners of the town. The mayors court shall further be a special court within the corporate limits of the town to arrest and try all persons who may be charged with a misdemeanor for violating any by-law, ordinance, rule or regulation of the town, and if the accused be found guilty, he shall be fined at the discretion of the court or mayor, not exceeding the amount specified jn the by-law, ordinance, rule or regulation, so violated, or at the discretion of the mayor or court trying the same, such offender may be imprisoned not more than thirty days in the town lock-up, or in the common jail of the county of Lenoir. And that in all cases where a defendant may be adjudged to be imprisoned by the said court or mayor, it shall be competent for the said court or mayor to adjudge also that the said defendant work during the period of his confinement on the public streets, or other public works of said town. :" +1885_private laws_28_6,project experts,0,private laws,27,5,CHAPTER 27 An act to incorporate the town of Keeversville in the county of Catawba. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That it shall be the duty of said commissioners to meet and organize within thirty days after their election or appointment and take the following oath: I, A. B., do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully discharge the duties of commissioner of the town of Keeversville to the best of my knowledge and ability for the ensuing year; so help me, God." +1885_private laws_20_5,project experts,0,private laws,19,4,"CHAPTER 19 An act to incorporate Asheville Division, number fifteen, Sons of Temperance of Asheville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",That any and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. +1883_public laws_409_3,project experts,0,public laws,408,2,CHAPTER 408 An act to change the time for holding the superior courts of the fourth judicial district. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : *,"That the January terms of Cumberland and Robeson, as above provided for, shall be held by the resident judge of the district, unless otherwise directed by the governor, and the judge holding said January courts shall receive as compensation therefor one hundred dollars for each court, to be paid by the counties of Cumberland and Robeson." +1883_public laws_205_2,project experts,0,public laws,204,1,"CHAPTER 204 An act to empower the board of county commissioners of McDowell county to compromise, commute and settle the debt of McDowell county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","The board of county commissioners of McDowell county are hereby authorized to issue coupon bonds of the denomination of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars; said bonds may be redeemable at the pleasure of the said board of county commissioners of McDowell county, after any period not less than ten nor more than thirty years, or if deemed expedient, may be made payable at any period of not more than thirty years from the date of said bonds, and bearing such interest as may be agreed upon by the said board of county commissioners of McDowell county, and the holders or owners of claims against said county of McDowell, not exceeding six per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually. And said bonds shal! be signed by the chairman of said board of county commissioners of McDowell county, and the clerk of said board." +1883_private laws_13_17,project experts,0,private laws,12,16,"CHAPTER 12 An act to incorporate the town of Germanton, Stokes county, North Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the board of commissioners.shall have #NAME? to levy a tax upon real estate to an amount not more than one-half of the state tax, and not more than fifty cents on the poll, whenever they, in their judgment, see it necessary to levy said tax for the improvement of the town, said taxes to be levied during the month of June of each year and to be collected during the month of September of each year. The constable shall be the tax collector for the town, he shall give an official bond to the town in the sum of two hundred dollars for [the] faithful performance of his duties, and for the collection of said taxes he shall receive five per cent. of the amount collected." +1881_public laws_3_3,project experts,0,public laws,2,2,CHAPTER 2 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF JURORS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,That the board of commissioners of Cherokee county shall set apart from the taxes collected for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one the sum of six hundred dollars for the payment of jurors for said county for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. +1957_session laws_681_2,project experts,0,session laws,680,1,CHAPTER 680 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF TARBORO TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN A CAPITAL RESERVE FUND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"In addition to all other funds now authorized by law, the Town of Tarboro is hereby authorized and empowered to establish and maintain a capital reserve fund in the manner hereinafter provided." +1881_public laws_117_44,project experts,0,public laws,116,4,CHAPTER 116 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Whenever the seal of the state, of the treasury department, of a notary public or other public officer required by law to keep a seal not including clerks of courts and other county officers, shall be fixed to any paper, the tax shall be as follows, to be paid by the party applying for the same: For the seal of the state one dollar, to be collected and paid into the treasury by the private secretary of the governor ; for the seal of the state department fifty cents, to be collected by the secretary of state and paid by him into the treasury; for the seal of the state treasurer, to be collected by him and accounted for as other public moneys, fifty cents; and for the seal of a notary public twenty-five cents, to be collected and paid over by said officers to the sheriff of the county where such seal is kept. Said officers shall keep an account of the number of times their seals may be used, and shall deliver to the proper officer a sworn statement thereof. Whenever a scroll is used, in the absence of a seal, by any of said officers, the said tax shall be on the scroll. Seals affixed for the use of any county or state or other government, or used on commissions of officers in the militia, justices of the peace, or any other public officer not having a salary, or under the pension law, or upon any process of court, shall be exempt from taxation. The officers collecting the said taxes may retain as compensation five per centum, except in the case of sheriffs, whose commissions shall be allowed by the auditor. Any person receiving taxes under this section, and willfully refusing or neglecting to pay the same as required, shall be guilty of embezzlement, and on conviction shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned in the state prison in the discretion of the court." +1881_private laws_75_11,project experts,0,private laws,74,10,"CHAPTER 74 AN ACT TO CHARTER THE BANK OF KINSTON, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That to aid planters, miners, manufacturers, merchants and other classes of persons, the said bank shall and may have power to advance or loan to a planter, farmer, miner, manufacturer, or merchant or other classes of persons, any sum or sums of money, and to secure the payment of the same, taking in writing a lien or liens on the crop or crops to be raised, even before planting the same; or upon the present or prospective products of any mining operations, upon any article or articles then existing or thereafter to be made, purchased, manufactured or otherwise acquired ; and any lien so taken shall be good and effectual in law, providing the same is duly recorded under the existing laws of registration, anterior to all other liens and mortgages, for securing such loans or advances; and the said bank shall have power to make loans upon mortgages of real and personal property, with power of sale inserted upon default of payment, and also to receive in storage or warehouse any cotton, wheat, corn or other produce, or any manufactured article whatsoever, as a pledge or pledges for the repayment of money or moneys loaned upon the faith of the same, the said lien, pledges or mortgages, being duly recorded or registered, as in the case of mortgages or deeds of trust, and any sales made thereunder, according to the trust therein recited, shall be good and valid in law." +1881_private laws_33_7,project experts,0,private laws,32,6,"CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CARTHAGE, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","At the close of the election the votes shall be counted by the inspectors; and of such persons voted for as mayor the one having the largest number of votes shall be declared duly elected mayor, and of such persons voted for as commissioners the fiye receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared duly elected; and the officers thus elected shall be notified of their election within two days after the same by the inspectors." +1881_private laws_102_4,project experts,0,private laws,101,3,"CHAPTER 101 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN, LAWS OF BIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR AND FIVE, ENTITLED AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF SHELBY, CLEVELAND COUN- TY, RATIFIED THE TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, AN- NO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- FIVE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section seventeen of said chapter be amended by adding after the word town, in the eleventh line, the following: that in all cases where a defendant shall be convicted before the mayor of any misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced to pay a fine and cost, and such defendant shal! refuse or shall be unable to pay the same, it may and shall be lawful for the mayor to order and require such defendant to work on the streets or other public works until, at a fair rate of wages, such person will have worked out the full amount of the fine and the costs of the prosecution." +1879_private laws_76_8,project experts,0,private laws,75,7,CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHAMPION COMPRESS AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"It shall be lawful for the said corporation to borrow money for any purpose connected with its business as herein defined, to make, have discounted, negotiate and dispose of its promissory notes, drafts or bonds given for the money so borrowed or given in liquidation of any debt due or owing from said corporation, or made for the purpose of raising money, and to secure the payment of any such obligations by a mortgage or pledge of any property belonging to said corporation, including its franchise." +1959_session laws_703_4,project experts,0,session laws,702,3,"CHAPTER 702 AN ACT APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE WILSON CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION, PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF THE MEM- BERS OF SAID BOARD IN THE FUTURE, FIXING THEIR TERMS OF OFFICE AND COMPENSATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",The members of said board of education appointed by this Act and their successors shall qualify by taking the cath of office on or before the second Monday in June next succeeding their election. 667 +1967_session laws_988_3,project experts,0,session laws,987,2,"CHAPTER 987 AN ACT TO AMEND THE SMALL WATERSHED LAWS WITH RE- GARD TO BORROWING BY COUNTIES FOR WATERSHED IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAMS; BORROWING BY COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES FOR WATER SUPPLY ASPECTS OF SUCH PROGRAMS; EMINENT DOMAIN POWERS; EXTRATERRITORIAL POWERS; LAND ACQUISITION AUTHORITY; RECREATIONAL EXPENDITURES, AND FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","G. S. 153-77 is amended by adding thereto at the end thereof a new paragraph, to be given an appropriate number, and to read as follows: ( ) Construction, reconstruction, installation, extension, alteration and improvement of watershed improvement works or projects installed or operated, or to be installed or operated, by a county under Article 3 of General Statutes Chapter 139 or any local act granting similar powers, including without limitation the acquisition of rea] and personal property, easements, options, or other interests in real property therefor." +1967_session laws_880_3,project experts,0,session laws,879,2,"CHAPTER 879 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 153-9 BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SUBSECTION TO AUTHORIZE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE SPECIAL PUR- POSE OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, RENOVATING AND FURNISHING COURTHOUSES AND JAILS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_55_3,project experts,0,session laws,54,2,CHAPTER 54 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 1040 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1945 RELATING TO COUNTY PLANNING BOARDS SO AS TO MAKE G. S. 153-9(40) APPLICABLE TO STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_1138_4,project experts,0,session laws,1137,3,CHAPTER 1137 AN ACT AMENDING ARTICLE 49D OF CHAPTER 106 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO COMPULSORY POULTRY INSPECTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_1060_11,project experts,0,session laws,1059,10,"CHAPTER 1059 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF EAST CAROLINA COLLEGE TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION AND IM- PROVEMENTS TO FICKLEN STADIUM AT EAST CAROLINA COLLEGE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PERMANENT SEATING FACILITIES; WITH APPURTENANCES AND INCIDENTALS, AND TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS THEREFOR WITHOUT A PLEDGE OF TAXES OR THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Trust Funds. All moneys received pursuant to the authority of this Act, whether as proceeds from the sale of bonds or as revenues, shall be deemed to be trust funds to be held and applied solely as provided in this Act. Any officer with whom, or any bank or trust company with which, such moneys shall be deposited shall act as trustee of such moneys and shall hold and apply the same for the purposes hereof, subject to such requirements as are provided in this Act and the resolution authorizing the bonds or the trust agreement securing such bonds." +1881_public laws_117_12,project experts,0,public laws,116,4,CHAPTER 116 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"On museums, wax works or curiosities of any kind, natural or artificial, on each days and nights exhibition, three dollars." +1937_public laws_366_5,project experts,0,public laws,365,4,CHAPTER 365 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND NOTES OF THE STATE FOR ERECTING A NEW STATE OFFICE BUILDING OR FOR MAKING ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO ENISTING STATE OFFICE BUILD- INGS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said bonds shall bear such date or dates and such rate or rates of interest not exceeding five per cent -5% per annum, payable semi-annually, as may be fixed by the Governor and Council of State, and shall mature in such amounts and in annual series, beginning not more than three -3 years, and running not longer than thirty -80 years from their date or respective dates of issue, as may be fixed by the Governor and Council of State." +1937_public laws_128_247,project experts,0,public laws,127,801,CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX,"Charter Canceled for Failure to Report. If a corporation required by the provisions of this Act to file any report or return or to pay any tax or fee, either as a public utility (not as an agency of interstate commerce) or as a corporation incorporated under the laws of this State, or as a foreign corporation domesticated in or doing business in this State. or owning and using a part or all of its capital or plant in this State, fails or neglects to make any such report or return or to pay any such tax or fee for ninety days after the time prescribed in this Act for making such report or return, or for paying such tax or fee, the Commissioner of Revenue shall certify such fact to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall thereupon suspend the articles of incorporation of any such corporation which is incorporated under the laws of this State by appropriate entry upon the records of his office, or suspend the certificate of authority of any such foreign corporation to do business in this State by proper entry. Thereupon all the powers, privileges, and franchises conferred upon such corporation by such articles of incorporation or by such certificate of authority shall cease and determine. The Secretary of State shall immediately notify by registered mail such domestic or foreign corporation of the action taken by him, and also shall immediately certify such suspension to the Clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the principal office or place of business of such corporation is located in this State. The Clerk of Superior Court shall thereupon make appropriate entry upon the records of his office indicating suspension of the corporate powers of the corporation in question." +1935_public laws_402_5,project experts,0,public laws,401,4,"CHAPTER 401 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN BONDS HERETO- FORE ISSUED AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS PURSUANT TO CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS HERETOFORE TAKEN BY MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING OR AIDING IN THE FINANCING OF ANY WORK, UNDERTAKING OR PROJECT TO FINANCE OR TO AID IN THE FINANC- ING OF WHICH ANY LOAN OR GRANT HAS HERE- TOFORE BEEN OR MAY HEREAFTER BE MADE BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATOR OF PUB- LIC WORKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in all cases where proceedings have heretofore been taken or begun authorizing bonds by any municipality for any improvements, the financing of which shall be aided by a loan or grant or both by the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, all such proceedings are hereby validated, ratified, approved and confirmed, notwithstanding any irregularity or defect in such proceedings, and notwithstanding any want of power of such municipality to take such proceedings or to authorize such bonds, and the issuance of bonds pursuant to such proceedings is hereby approved and authorized, and such bonds declared to be valid and enforceable obligations of such municipality." +1913_private laws_192_30,project experts,0,private laws,191,29,CHAPTER 191 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SALUDA IN THE COUNTY OF POLK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any policeman or other duly appointed arresting officer of said city shall have and is hereby given the right and power to arrest, in any part of either the county of Henderson or the county of Polk, upon a warrant issued by the mayor, any person or persons who may be charged with violating the laws or ordinances of said city, and such persons so arrested shall be brought immediately before the mayor of said city and dealt with as the laws and ordinances of said city may prescribe." +1911_private laws_10_3,project experts,0,private laws,9,2,CHAPTER 9 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON TO PAY ITS EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The principal of all said bonds shall be due and payable on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and fortyone." +1909_private laws_110_3,project experts,0,private laws,109,2,"CHAPTER 109 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN OF STOKESDALE, IN THE COUNTY OF GUILFORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1907_private laws_325_3,project experts,0,private laws,322,2,"CHAPTER 322 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF INDIAN TRAIL, IN UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: All that territory lying and being within a circle, the radius being one-half mile from a point at the center of the road crossing the track of the Carolina Central Railroad at said place." +1905_private laws_70_4,project experts,0,private laws,70,3,"CHAPTER 70 AN ACT TO CHARTER AARON SEMINARY AT MONTEZUMA, MITCHELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",The said trustees shall have the exclusive right to elect a president of said seminary and such professors and officers as they may deem proper. +1905_private laws_165_34,project experts,0,private laws,165,33,CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER Ol] THE TOWN OF MARSHALL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of providing a system of waterworks, a system of sewerage, electric lights and improving the streets and sidewalks of the town, the board of aldermen of said town are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds for that town from time to time, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of twenty thousand dollars, of such denominations and form, executed and transferable, payable at such time or times, not exceeding thirty years from the date thereof, and at such place or places as they may determine, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, with semi-annual interest coupons attached, payable on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year." +1901_private laws_295_3,project experts,0,private laws,294,2,CHAPTER 294 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE WESTERN CAROLINA POWER COMPANY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said company is authorized and empowered to supply to the public, including both individuals and corporations, within the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, power in the forms of electric current and hydraulic, pneumatic and steam pressure, or any of the said forms, and in any and all other forms, for use in driving machinery, and for light, heat, and all other uses to which the power so applied can be made applicable, and to fix charges, collect and receive payment therefor; and for the purpose of enabling the company to supply power as afore said, the company is authorized and empowered to buy or otherwise acquire, generate, develop, store, use, transmit, and distribute power of all kinds, and to locate, acquire, construct, equip, Maintain and operate from any place in the State where the said company may establish plants to any distributing points in the State where they may elect, and from the same to any other points by the most practicable routes, to be determined by the Board of Directors of the company, lines for the transmission of power by wire on poles or under ground, and by cables, pipes, tubes, conduits and all other convenient appliances for power transmission, with such connecting lines between the lines above mentioned, and also with such branch lines as the company may locate or authorize to be located, for receiving, transmitting and distributing power; and as appurtenances to the said lines of power transmission and their branches the company may acquire, own, hold, sell ore otherwise dispose of water-powers and water privileges in the State of North Carolina and elsewhere, and may locate, acquire, construct. equip, maintain and operate all necessary plants for generating and developing by water, steam or any other means, and for storing, using, transmitting, distributing, selling and delivering power, including dams, gates, bridges, tunnels, stations and other buildings, boilers, engines, machinery, switches, lamps, motors, and all other works, structures and appliances in the State of North Carolina; also, may build, own, control and operate electric railway lines, and may own, rent, lease or sell power for any other uses to which electricity, steam or water-power can be applied: Provided, that the amount of land which the company may at any time hold within Priv48 the State of North Carolina for any one water-power and other works, except the land flowed or submerged with water accumulating at any one dam, shall not exceed ten thousand acres exclusive of right of way: And provided further, that lines and appurtenances hereinbefore authorized for distributing power and light are to be constructed when on public streets or highways of any county. city or town under such reasonable regulations as the authorities respectively thereof shall upon application from the company prescribe." +1901_private laws_150_3,project experts,0,private laws,149,2,"CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MARION, The General Assemblu of North Carolina do enact:","That section 2 of said chapter be amended by striking out lines two, three, four and the word track in line five>and inserting in lieu thereof the words Beginning at the southeast corner of Billie Jones lot, on the old Bakersville road, and runs with said road to the northeast corner of Henry Leonards lot; then with the north and west lines of said lot to the northwest corner of W. W. Collins lot; then with the lines of said lot to the northwest corner of Rufe Dobsons lot; then with his north line to the road; then with the road to the southeast corner of the colored Baptist church lot; then with the south line of said lot, and further, to the Brown lot, now owned by D. E. Hudgins: then with his line to the northwest corner of said lot; then a direct course to the southeast corner of the Alex. Carson Hall lot; then a direct course to the top of Phenix Knob; then south with the outside lines of Wm. McD. Burgin, George J. Tate and Samuel Dobbins to a stake in J. L. Morgans line of the old Solomon lands." +1891_private laws_5_4,project experts,0,private laws,4,3,CHAPTER 4 An act to incorporate the regents of the Orphans Home of the Presby- terian church of the state of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the regents of the said home shall not exceed ten in number, all of whom shall be elected by the synod of the Presbyterian church of North Carolina, and the regents shall at all times be amenable to the said synod, and may be removed by such synod at any time for cause; that the regents shall be elected by the said synod under such rules and regulations as the synod may prescribe, and the term of office of each of the regents shall be fixed by the synod." +1889_private laws_66_8,project experts,0,private laws,65,7,CHAPTER 65 An act to incorporate the West Asheville Toll Bridge Company. The Generul Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That if said company and the owner of any lands which may be necessary for the location of a bridge or for the building of a keepers house, shall be unable to agree upon the price of the same, or for any cause the same cannot be purchased from the owner, the same may be taken by the company at a valuation to be ascertained as -follows, to-wit: according to the mode prescribed in chapter ninety-nine of Battles Revisal for the condemnation of lands needed for railroad companies incorporated under said chapter." +1915_private laws_205_14,project experts,0,private laws,204,13,"CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF RICHFIELD, STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the mayor of the town of Richfield shall haye the same jurisdiction as is now or may hereafter be conferred upon the justices of the peace in the trial of criminal matters, and that he shall hear and try all cases of violation of the town ordinances and the violation of the State laws within the corporate limits of said town, and for said purposes he is hereby constituted a justice of the peace." +1889_private laws_59_4,project experts,0,private laws,58,3,CHAPTER 58 An act to permit the town of Elizabeth City to issue bonds and levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in order to meet the payment of said bonds and the accruing interest thereon, the said board of commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect .each year a special tax not exceeding twenty cents on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of all property, both real, personal, choses in action and solvent credits, within the corporate limits of said town." +1887_private laws_98_3,project experts,0,private laws,97,2,CHAPTER 97 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville Real Estate Agency. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said corporation may buy, hold, lease and sell real and personal Bue at pleasure: Provided, it shall not own at any one time more than one hundred thousand dollars in value of real estate." +1885_public laws_175_8,project experts,0,public laws,174,7,"CHAPTER 174 An act to amend the public school law, chapter fifteen of The Code. The General Assembly uf North Carolina do enact:","Section twenty-five hundred and fifty-three of The Code is amended by striking out from lines three and four the words Tuesday after the first Monday in October, and inserting in lieu thereof the words first Monday in September, and by striking from line six the word December and inserting in lieu thereof the word October." +1885_private laws_28_4,project experts,0,private laws,27,3,CHAPTER 27 An act to incorporate the town of Keeversville in the county of Catawba. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The officers of said incorporation shall consist of a mayor, three commissioners and a constable, and the following named persons shall hold said offices until the first Monday of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, or until their successors are elected and qualified, to-wit: For mayor, M. A. Poston; for commissioners, R. M. Hoyle, James Keever and Dr. A. P. Keever; for constable, John Hamlet." +1883_public laws_420_4,project experts,0,public laws,419,3,CHAPTER 419 An act to make appropriations for the several insane asylums of the state. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per annum be and is hereby appropriated for the support and maintenance of the patients in the Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum at Goldsboro, and for the furniture and other necessaries for the same." +1883_private laws_28_3,project experts,0,private laws,27,2,CHAPTER 27 An act to incorporate the Charlotte Cotton Mills. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"The capital stock of said corporation shall be one hundred thousand dollars, with liberty to increase the same to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, as the stockholders may from time to time determine; said stock may be paid for in money, real estate, machinery, or materials as required by the company." +1881_public laws_195_3,project experts,0,public laws,194,2,CHAPTER 194 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE COMMISSIONERS OF MACON COUNTY TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the commissioners of Macon county are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of the county in sums of one hundred dollars or less, which bonds shall bear interest not to exceed the rate of six per centum per annum from date of their issue, and shall run and be due six years from the date of their issue, and said bonds shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of ten thousand dollars: Provided, The county authorities shall have the right at any time to retire part or all of said bonds before maturity." +1879_private laws_48_10,project experts,0,private laws,47,9,"CHAPTER 47 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TRUSTEES OF BALLS CREEK METHODIST CHURCH AND CAMP GROUND, IN THE COUNTY OF CATAWBA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enaet :","That the trustees of Balls Creek Camp Ground and their successors shall have full and ample power to appoint special police and to prescribe rules and regulalations for their government and remuneration, and may also elect an intendent of police, who shall hold his office for one year or until his successor is appointed." +1899_public laws_371_11,project experts,0,public laws,370,10,CHAPTER 370 An act to provide for the government of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of trustees shall meet inthe city of Raleigh on the second Monday in March, eighteen hundred and ninetynine, and elect of their number a president and an executive committee of three, one of whom shall be the president of the board of trustees, and it shall be the duty of the executive committee to meet at the call of the president and perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall thereafter meet annually at such time as they may agree upon. The members of the board shall receive their mileage and hotel fare while attending upon the meetings of the board, but no members of the board of trustees except the executive committee shall be allowed their expenses for more than five meetings in any one year. Ratified the 3d day of March, A. D. 1899" +1905_public laws_807_7,project experts,0,public laws,806,6,CHAPTER 806 AN ACT CONCERNING SALES BY DRUGGISTS OF INTOXI- CATING LIQUORS ON PRESCRIPTION AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of aldermen, or other governing body of the city of Charlotte, are hereby authorized and empowered to make such other rules, regulations and ordinances, and prescribe such other conditions and licenses for the further regulation of sales of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters for sickness upon the written prescription of a physician as said board may deem proper; and also to prescribe reasonable police rules, regulations and ordinances governing hotels, cafes, restaurants, clubs er other places of public entertainment or amusement: Provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be construed to allow the board of aldermen, or governing body of the city of Charlotte, to grant license to any person, firm or corporation contrary to existing laws for the purpose of making sales of such spirituous, vinous, malt or intoxicating liquors or bitters for any other purpose except for sickness, upon the written prescription of a practicing physician as prescribed in this act and in chapter two hundred and thirty-three of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, known as the Watts Act." +1923_public local laws_263_4,project experts,0,public local laws,262,3,"CHAPTER 262 AN ACT RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HOSPITAL OF NUM- BER SIX TOWNSHIP, CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of commissioners of Cleveland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to appropriate, out of the general funds of the county under their control, an amount sufficient to take care of the charity patients of Cleveland County in said public hospital of Number Six Township, known as Shelby Hospital." +1887_public laws_108_6,project experts,0,public laws,107,5,CHAPTER 107 An act to establish a turnpike road in Madison county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said board shall employ a superintendent and guard, whose compensation shall be fixed by the penitentiary board of directors and paid out of the funds appropriated for the same." +1895_public laws_343_2,project experts,1,public laws,342,1,CHAPTER 342 An act to authorize the superintendent of education in Robe- son county to approve voucher for payment of school teacher in district number thirty-six (36). The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the superintendent of education in Robeson county be, and the same is hereby, authorized to approve a voucher for the payment of sixteen dollars and fifty-two cents ($16.52) for services of school teacher in district number thirtysix (36), white race, for the year eighteen hundred and ninetythree." +1897_public laws_375_2,project experts,0,public laws,373,1,CHAPTER 373 An aet to repeal chapter twelve 12 of the public laws of 1895 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter twelve '12 of the public laws of 1895, entitled an act to levy a special tax to build a bridge across Tuckasiege river in Jackson county, be and the same is hereby repealed." +1899_public laws_486_2,project experts,1,public laws,485,1,"CHAPTER 485 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Waynesville, and to provide for the issuance of bonds for electric lights. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the town of Waynesville, Haywood county, shall be and is hereby constituted the Waynesville graded school dis. trict for white and colored children." +1931_public laws_146_38,project experts,0,public laws,145,37,"CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- ONE, AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND ADDITIONAL THERETO, RELATING TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM AND PUBLIC ROADS. OF THE STATE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In the event any section or any provision of this act shall be by any court of competent jurisdiction held to be unconstitutional, such construction shall be deemed to apply to such section or provision only, and shall not affect the validity of other sections and provisions of this act." +1931_public laws_103_7,project experts,0,public laws,102,6,CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Review. All orders, judgments and decrees under this act may be reviewed as other orders, judgments and decrees." +1927_public laws_81_116,project experts,0,public laws,80,300,CHAPTER 80 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE The General Assembly of. North Carolina do enact: : ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A 4 INHERITANCE TAX,Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as the income tax act of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. +1923_public laws_251_10,project experts,0,public laws,250,9,CHAPTER 250 AN ACT TO EMPOWER CITIES AND TOWNS TO ADOPT ZONING REGULATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Conflict with other laws. Wherever the regulations made under authority of this act require a greater width or size of yards or courts, or require a lower height of building or less number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than are required in any other statute or local ordinance or regulation, the provisions of the regulations made under authority of this act shall govern. Wherever the provisions of any other statute or local ordinance or regulation require a greater width or size of yards or courts, or require a lower height of building or a less number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied. or impose other high standards than are required by the regulations made under authority of this act, the provisions of such statute or local ordinance or regulation shall govern." +1921_public laws_114_2,project experts,0,public laws,113,1,CHAPTER 113 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 3923 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES INCREASING THE FEES OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section three thousand nine hundred and twenty-three be and the same is hereby amended by strikfihg out the first fifteen lines thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Justices of the peace. That justices of the peace shall receive the following fees, and none other: For attachment with one defendant, thirty-five cents, and if more than one defendant, fifteen cents for each additional defendant; transcript of judgment, fifteen cents; summons, thirty cents; if more than one defendant in the same case, for each additional defendant, fifteen cents; subpena for each witness, fifteen cents; trial when issues are joined, one dollar; and if no issues are joined, then a fee of fifty cents for trial and judgment; taking an affidavit, bond, or undertaking, or for an order of publication, or an order to seize property, thirty-five cents; for jury trial and entering verdict, one dollar; execution, thirty-five cents; renewal of execution, fifteen cents; return to an appeal, forty cents; order of arrest in civil actions, thirty cents; warrant of arrest in criminal and bastardy eases, including affidavit or complaint, seventy-five cents; warrant of commitment, fifty cents; taking depositions on order of commission, per one hundred words, fifteen cents; garnishment for taxes and making necessary return and certificate of same, thirtyfive cents." +1915_public laws_184_4,project experts,0,public laws,183,3,CHAPTER 183 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE TERMS OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be held in the said county the following terms of the superior court for the trial of civil actions only, viz: On the sixth Monday after the first Monday in March, said term to continue for one week; also on the third Monday after the first Monday in September, said term to continue for two weeks." +1909_public laws_882_3,project experts,0,public laws,881,2,"CHAPTER 881, AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 101 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, AND TO PROTECT THE STATEHS INTEREST BY AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF INTERNAL IMPROVE- MENTS TO REQUIRE AND TAKE SUFFICIENT BONDS OF CONTRACTORS ON PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the said board may appoint a clerk of the board whenever in its opinion the public service shall require it. +1909_public laws_851_12,project experts,0,public laws,850,11,CHAPTER 850 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARIES AND PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the custodian of any registration book in the county of Union shall, on demand, allow any person to make a copy of such registration books; and such custodian shall, upon demand and upon the payment of fifteen cents for each one hundred names, furnish to any chairman or manager of any political party a certified copy of the registration book of any precinct or of the registration book of any city or town in said county." +1909_public laws_306_23,project experts,0,public laws,305,22,CHAPTER 305 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SYSTEM OF CONSTRUCTING AND KEEPING IN REPAIR THE PUBLIC ROADS OF MONT- GOMERY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of road trustees of the several townships in said county be and they are hereby authorized to furnish plows, scrapers and other tools as they may deem proper for use upon the public roads of their townships, to be paid for out of any money of the township for road purposes not otherwise appropriated. The board of road trustees shall take a receipt from each supervisor for such implements as they may deliver to him, showing the number, kind and condition thereof, and such supervisor shall be liable for any injury or damage that may result to such implements or to any of them by improper use thereof, or by unnecessary exposure to the weather during the time the same may be in his possession, and he shall, on the first Monday in May, annually, return the same to the board of road trustees. The amount of which such supervisor may be liable for such improper use or neglect may be recovered by an action in the name of the board of road trustees." +1907_public laws_678_2,project experts,0,public laws,677,1,"CHAPTER 677 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 237, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA, RELATIVE TO WORKING PUBLIC ROADS IN PAMLICO COUNTY, AND ADOPT THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 IN LIEU THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do. enact:","That chapter two hundred and thirty-seven -237 of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby repealed, and the provisions of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina be and the same are hereby adeptd and made applicable for all intents and purposes as relates to public roads and bridges in Pamlico County." +1907_public laws_574_20,project experts,0,public laws,573,19,"CHAPTER 573 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH IN THE CITY OF WINSTON A SPE- CIAL COURT TO BE CALLED THE RECORDERS COURT, AND PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be the duty of the Clerk of said Court to keep | an accurate account and TRUE record of all costs, fines, penalties, forfeitures and punishments by said Court imposed under the ; provisions of this act, and said record shall show the name and | residence of such offender, the nature of the offense, the date of |! hearing or trial and punishment imposed, which said record shall at all times be open to and subject to inspection by the Board of Aldermen. or other persons having business relating to said Court. He shall provide a permanent docket for recording all the processes issued by said Court which shall conform to the dockets kept by the Clerk of the Superior Court. He shall also provide proper files to properly keep the record of all cases which shall be disposed of in the said Court and what disposition has been made of them." +1907_public laws_33_2,project experts,0,public laws,32,1,"CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO APPOINT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR WELCHES CREEK TOWNSHIP, COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That J. M. Smith, James M. Brown and J. L. McKoy be and they are hereby appointed justices of the peace for Welches Creek Township, Columbus County, for the period of six years." +1905_public laws_802_3,project experts,0,public laws,801,2,CHAPTER 801 AN ACT IN RELATION TO A LOT OF LAND NEAR THE CITY OF RALEIGH BEING CONVEYED BY THE STATE TO THE A. AND M. COLLEGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said corporation shall have power to dispose of the same as the board of agriculture, as trustees of the said college, shall think best." +1905_public laws_583_3,project experts,0,public laws,582,2,"CHAPTER 582 AN ACT TO RELIEVE WILLIAM H. WORTH, LATE TREAS- URER, OF THE LOSS SUSTAINED BY THE FAILURE OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE, THE WEST- ERN CAROLINA BANK OF ASHEVILLE AND THE BANK OF GUILFORD OF GREENSBORO. WHEREAS, William H. Worth, late Treasurer of North Carolina, did, in pursuance of the laws of the State, deposit in the First National Bank of Asheville, in the Western Carolina Bank of Asheville and in the Bank of Guilford, Greensboro, to the credit of the State, certain funds of the State, as was customary with his predecessors in office, the said banks having been depositories of the former State Treasurer, and all of said banks having failed; and after giving credit for all dividends paid by the receivers thereof there still remains unpaid of the funds deposited in the First National Bank of Asheville the sum of one thousand nine hundred dollars, of the funds so deposited in the Western Carolina Pub. 38 Bank of Asheville the sum of four hundred and sixty-seven dol- lars and fifty cents, and of the sum deposited in the Bank of Guil- ford, Greensboro, the sum of two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents: now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That any dividends hereafter paid on said deposits shall be paid to the State Treasurer and turned into the general fund. +1905_public laws_268_2,project experts,0,public laws,267,1,"CHAPTER 267 AN ACT TO PREVENT OBSTRUCTING OF PEACHTREE CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, BY FELLING TREES OR BRUSH THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct the waters of Peachtree Creek in the county of Cherokee by cutting, felling or putting any tree or trees or brush in said stream, unless the same shall be immediately removed." +1903_public laws_786_2,project experts,0,public laws,785,1,CHAPTER 785 ; AN ACT TO REGULATE THE DISCHARGING OF FIRE-ARMS IN AND AROUND THE TOWN OF COLUMBIA. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons | to discharge any fire-arms within the corporate limits of the town | of Columbia, or one-half mile therefrom, between the hours of sun- } set and sunrise: Provided, this act shall not apply to any person or Fops2 persons discharging same when necessary for the protection of life or property. 3" +1903_public laws_235_5,project experts,0,public laws,234,4,"CHAPTER 234 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY TO REFUND THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF OXFORD AND SALEM TOWN- SHIPS. Whereas, by virtue of the Public Laws of 1885, chapter 116, and the Public Laws of 1887, chapters 3 and 148, the Board of County Commissioners of Granville County, upon the vot of the majority of the qualified voters of Oxford Township, to aid in the construction of the Oxford and Clarksville Railroad, did issue the ecupon bonds of said township to the amount of twenty theisand dollars, payable in thirty years, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum; And whereas, by the Laws of 1891, chapters 63 and 300, the township of Salem was erected out of a portion of said Oxford Township, with the proviso that the property of said Salem Town- ship should still be responsible for its proportionate part of the debt incurred in aid of the construction of the Oxford and Clarks- ville Railroad; And whereas, the people of said two townships have paid off three thousand dollars of said indebtedness, and now wish to extend the date of the payment of the seventeen thousand ($17,000) still due on said bonded indebtedness, and refund the same at a lower rate of interest: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That after the expiration of ten years said Board of County Commissioners may redeem one or two thousand dollars of said bonds each year, if they deem it advisable, by giving netice to the holders of said bonds and paying the principal and interest up to date." +1903_public laws_156_26,project experts,0,public laws,155,25,CHAPTER 155 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MAKING AND WORKING OF PUBLIC ROADS IN HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ,"That at any time during the year when any public highway shall be obstructed, it shall be the duty of the Supervisor of the district in which the same may be, forthwith to cause such obstruction to be removed, for which purpose he shall immediately order out such number of persons liable to do work or pay tax upon the public highways of his district as he may deem necessary to remove such obstructions. If the person or persons thus called out shall have performed their six days labor upon the public highways, or paid their road tax, the Supervisor shall give to such person or persons a certificate for the amount of labor performed, and said certificate shall apply on the labor or tax that may be due from such person or persons the ensuing year." +1901_public laws_562_4,project experts,0,public laws,561,3,CHAPTER 561 An act for the protection of game on Bogue Banks in Carteret County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person violating any provision of this aet shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined twenty dollars, one-half of which shall be paid to the informant, and onehalf to the public school fund." +1901_public laws_282_20,project experts,0,public laws,281,19,CHAPTER 281 An act for the working of public roads in Graham County and Clay County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall apply only to Graham and Clay Counties, except as to section sixteen, which shall not apply to Clay County." +1901_public laws_278_3,project experts,0,public laws,277,2,CHAPTER 277 An act for the better protection of wild fowls in Currituck Sound. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Every game keeper shall be authorized and empowered to arrest all offenders against the hunting or fishing laws whom he may detect violating said laws and carry them before some Justice of the Peace in said county to be dealt with according to law. And he shall be authorized to execute any warrant that may be issued to him by any Justice of the Peace of said county for the arrest of any person offending against the laws regulating hunting and fishing in said county: Provided, that this authority shall not be in exclusion of like authority now conferred by law upon other officers to execute process." +1899_public laws_683_2,project experts,0,public laws,682,1,"CHAPTER 682 An act to review, lay out and amend the public road from Millers Creek Post-office, in Wilkes county, to Creston Post-office, in Ashe county. The General. Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the provisions of chapter three hundred and sixty-four, public laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, being an act to review, lay out and amend the public road from Millers Creek Post-office, in Wilkes egunty, to Creston Postoffice, in Ashe county, be and the same are hereby extended for two years from the ratification of this act." +1899_public laws_525_2,project experts,0,public laws,524,1,CHAPTER 524 An act to protect oysters in New Hanover county. \ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"It shall be unlawful for any person or persons or, corporation to gather or take or remove oysters from any of the waters in New Hanover county to be used in building or repairing any road or walk or for any use or purpose save that of ating or table use or for selling the same for eating or table use." +1907_private laws_180_6,project experts,0,private laws,178,178,"CHAPTER 178 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AN INSTITUTE TO PROVIDER CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AND MANUAL TRAINING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, AND TO DO OTHER INSTITUTIONAL WORK IN THE MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA. ; The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the annual meetings of said corporation shall be held on the first Wednesday in September in each and every year, at Plum Tree in one thousand nine hundred and seven, at 3anners Elk in one thousand nine hundred and eight, alternating these places each year thereafter successively." +1885_public laws_175_26,project experts,0,public laws,174,25,"CHAPTER 174 An act to amend the public school law, chapter fifteen of The Code. The General Assembly uf North Carolina do enact:",The treasurer of the county board of education shall attend at the office of the county board of education on the first Monday of each month and the Saturday preceding for the purpose of paying school orders. +1899_private laws_153_8,project experts,0,private laws,152,7,"CHAPTER 152 An act to incorporate The Troy Manufacturing Company at Troy, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said company shall have power to contract debts and borrow money for the legitimate purposes of the corporation, and to make and issue notes, and shall have power to issue bonds and other evidences of debt and indebtedness for any obligation incurred in the conduct of its business, and shall have power to execute a mortgage or mortgages or deeds in trust upon or conveying its property, franchise and income to secure the payment of any indebtedness of said company as it may deem expedient." +1893_private laws_102_12,project experts,0,private laws,101,11,"CHAPTER 101, An act to incorporate the Henderson Storage Company. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","Subject to the by-laws, rules and regulations of the company the board of directors shall have the management and control of its affairs and business. From their own body they shall elect a president, who shall preside at all meetings of the board and perform such other duties as may be prescribed for him by the stockholders or board of directors. His compensation, if any, shall be fixed by the board of directors. They may also choose a vice-president and an executive committee from their own number or from the body of stockholders and prescribe their duties. Said officers shall remain in office for the term of one year or until their successors are elected. The said board of directors shall also appoint such officers, agents, inspectors and clerks as they may find necessary for the management of the companys business, and they shall provide for the securing of subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, which they shall make payable at such times and in such installments as they or the stockholders in general meeting may determine." +1870/71_public laws_255_9,project experts,0,public laws,254,8,"OH ek ee OO LIT Y., AN ACT TO LAY OUT AND CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC ROAD THROUGH THE COUNTIES OF WILKES AND WATAUGA.","That when the said road provided for in this act has been constructed as herein provided, it shall be the duty ot the township board of trustees through whose township said road runs, to receive the same and report to the county commissioners that said road has been constructed according to law." +1931_public local laws_20_2,project experts,0,public local laws,19,1,"CHAPTER 19 . AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TWO, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, ENTITLED AN ACT TO CREATE A JURY COMMISSION FOR THE COUNTY OF JACK- SON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That that part of section six, chapter two hundred and two, Public-Local Laws, nineteen hundred and twentynine, beginning with the word that in line six -6 and ending with the word court in line fifteen -15 of said section be stricken out and in lieu thereof the following be substituted: That for each of the February and October terms of court there shall be drawn sixty-six -66 names respectively, the first forty-two of which, in each instance, shall be subject to jury service for the first week of each term, respectively, and the remaining twenty-four -24 shall in each instance be subject to jury service for the second week of said terms respectively. That for the May term there shall be drawn forty-eight -48 names, twenty-four -24 of whom shall be subject to jury service for the first week of said term and the remaining twenty-four -24 for the second week of said term." +1953_session laws_1087_2,project experts,0,session laws,1085,1,CHAPTER 1085 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 2 OF CHAPTER 143 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES SO AS TO REDUCE FROM SEVEN TO FIVE THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON THE STATE PERSONNEL COUNCIL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Subsection -2 of G. S. 143-35 is stricken out and the following is substituted in lieu thereof: (2) State Personnel Council. There is hereby created and established a State Personnel Council (hereinafter referred to as Council) for the purpose of advising and assisting the State Personnel Director in preparing, formulating and promulgating rules and regulations, determining and fixing job classifications and descriptions, job specifications and minimum employment standards, standards of salaries and wages, and any and all other matters pertaining to employment under this Article. The State Personnel Council shall consist of five members to be appointed by the Governor of North Carolina on or before July 1, 1953 The Council shall have the power to designate the member of said Council who shall act as chairman thereof. At least one member of the Council shall be an individual of recognized standing in the field of personnel administration and who is not an employee of the State subject to the provisions of this Article; at least one member of the Council shall be an individual actively engaged in the management of a private business or industry; not more than one member of the Council shall be an individual chosen from the employees of the State subject to the provisions of this Article. The Council shall meet at least one time in each calendar quarter of the year, or upon call of the Governor, or of the Director, or a member of the Council, or at the request of the head of any department or agency when necessary to consider any appeal provided for hereunder. Three members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. Notice of meetings shall be given members of the Council by the Director who shall act as secretary to the Council. The members of the Council shall each receive seven dollars ($7.00) per day including necessary time spent in traveling to and from their place of residence within the State to the place of meeting while engaged in the discharge of the duties imposed hereunder, and his necessary subsistence and traveling expenses. The member of the Council who is an employee of the State, as provided hereunder, shall not receive any per diem for his services but such member shall receive traveling expenses and subsistence, while engaged in the discharge of his duties hereunder, at the same rate and in the same amount as provided for State employees without any deduction for loss of time from his employment. One of the Council members shall be appointed by the Governor to serve for a term of two years. One member shall be appointed to serve for a term of three years. Three members shall be appointed to serve for a term of four years and upon the expiration of the respective terms, the successors of said members shall be appointed for a term of four years each thereafter. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring in any 993 of the appointments made by the Governor prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. A member of the State Personnel Council shall not be considered a public officer, or as holding office within the meaning of Article XIV, Section 7, of the Constitution of this State, but such member shall be a commissioner for a special purpose. The Governor may, at any time after notice and hearing, remove any Council member for gross inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office." +1953_session laws_904_3,project experts,0,session laws,902,2,"CHAPTER 902 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 456, SESSION LAWS OF 1947, KNOWN AS THE PENSION FUND FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE; TO PROVIDE FOR THE LIQUIDATION OF THE PENSION FUND; TO CONTINUE CERTAIN VESTED RIGHTS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE COVERAGE OF ALL CITY EM- PLOYEES EXCEPT POLICEMEN UNDER THE OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE PROVISIONS OF THE FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY ACT AS AMENDED; TO PROVIDE FOR FAYETTEVILLE POLICE OFFICERS TO BECOME MEMBERS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS BENE- FIT AND RETIREMENT FUND; AND TO ESTABLISH A FAYETTE- VILLE SUPPLEMENTARY RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF PENSION FUND FOR EMPLOYEES OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE","Until terminated pursuant to Section 19 of Article IV of this Act, the Board of Trustees of the present Fayetteville Pension Fund shall 796 be continued in order to provide for the payment of vested rights and the disposition of accumulated contributions in the Pension Fund for the employees of the City of Fayetteville." +1953_session laws_900_2,project experts,0,session laws,898,1,CHAPTER 898 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 166 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1949 AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 405 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1949 RELATING TO JAIL FEES IN STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 166 of the Session Laws of 1949 is hereby repealed and Section 1 of Chapter 405 of the Session Laws is hereby amended by striking out subsection 80 and inserting the following in lieu thereof: The Board of County Commissioners of Stanly County is hereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to fix the fee for the county jail prisoners at not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) per day per prisoner and a turnkey fee of sixty cents (60c), which fees shall be taxed against defendants in the County Recorders Court." +1893_public laws_350_2,project experts,0,public laws,350,1,CHAPTER 350 An act for the relief of Wm. M. Monroe. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of Guilford county be and they are hereby empowered to audit and pass a claim in behalf of Wm. M. Monroe for the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars as a part of the costs incurred in the prosecution of George H. Wylde for bigamy; and that upon such auditing and passing of said claim, the same may be paid in full to the said Wm. M. Monroe by the said county of Guilford from its general fund." +1887_private laws_95_7,project experts,0,private laws,94,6,CHAPTER 94 An act to incorporate the Lexington Female Seminary. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the capital stock of said corporation shall not be less than three thousand dollars, nor more than fifty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, and to be paid at such time and in such manner as the board of directors may prescribe." +1925_public local laws_20_2,project experts,0,public local laws,19,1,"CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 151 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1923, BEING AN ACT TO CREATE ADDITIONAL TERMS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR FORSYTH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of chapter one hundred fifty-one of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twentythree be amended by striking out, in lines five and six of said section, the following : First Monday before the first Monday of March, to continue for one week." +1913_private laws_128_18,project experts,0,private laws,127,17,"CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEW BERN. Whereas the Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company was incorporated by the Secretary of State on the thirtieth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twelve; and whereas letters of incorporation were duly issued by him to William Dunn, Clyde Eby, and T. A. Uzzell, their successors or assigns, and by said letters of incorporation they were authorized to do a general banking business, including commercial and savings business and all other banking business permitted by chapter seven of the Re- visal of one thousand nine hundred and five and the laws of North Carolina and amendments thereto, with a total authorized capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, which said letters of incor- poration were issued by the Secretary of State, bearing date the thirtieth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twelve; and under said letters of incorporation and the authority therein said parties named have duly organized and are now conducting the business authorized by the charter; and whereas the board of directors of said corporation have passed a resolution declaring that an extension of the corporate powers and privileges is ad- visable; and, whereas, at a meeting held on the .... day of steele , one thousand nine hundred and twelve, it was unani- mously resolved that the corporate rights and privileges of said Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company be changed and altered, as hereinafter set out: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the principal office of said corporation shall be in New Bern, but it is fully empowered and authorized to establish branches of its business at any other point or points in the State of North Carolina which may be decided upon by the board of directors, and such branch or branches, when so established, shall be and become as fully empowered for the transaction of the business herein authorized as is the original corporation." +1957_session laws_1281_2,project experts,0,session laws,1280,1,CHAPTER 1280 AN ACT RELATING TO THE AMASSING OF FUNDS WITH WHICH TO ERECT A NEW COURTHOUSE FOR HARNETT COUNTY OR TO IMPROVE THE EXISTING COURTHOUSE OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All delinquent taxes hereafter collected by Harnett County shall go into a special fund to be used under the direction and in the dis- 1232 cretion of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for the purpose of erecting a new courthouse for Harnett County or for the purpose of adding to and improving the existing courthouse. +1951_session laws_1204_2,project experts,0,session laws,1203,1,CHAPTER 1203 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 14 OF CHAPTER 160 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES SO AS TO MAKE ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND ITS POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Article 14 of Chapter 160 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new Section immediately following G. S. 160-181, to be designated as G. S. 160-181.1, and to read as follows: 1245 G. S. 160-181.1. All of the provisions of this Article are hereby made applicable to the erection and construction of buildings by the State of North Carolina and its political subdivisions." +1965_session laws_189_3,project experts,0,session laws,188,2,CHAPTER 188 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 53-67 RELATING TO THE ANNUAL MEET- ING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF BANKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1869/70_public laws_73_2,project experts,0,public laws,72,1,"CHAPTER LX Xie AN ACT TO ALLOW ROBERT LEDBETTER, TAX COLLECTOR OF RICHMOND COUNTY, TO COLLECT ARREARAGES OF TAXES,","The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That Robert Ledbetter, tax collector of Richmond county, have power and authority to collect arrearages of taxes due from the people of his county during the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight." +1919_public local laws_76_5,project experts,0,public local laws,75,4,CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SWAIN COUNTY TO ERECT A CONCRETE BRIDGE ACROSS: THE TUCKASEEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON OIE % The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said bridge shall be let to contract upon competitive bids or constructed upon a percentage basis as the county commissioners may in their discretion deem most advisable to the public interest, and if let to contract the said commissioners shall have the right to reject any or all bids or to let said contract to such bidder as is deemed most responsible." +1947_session laws_453_67,project experts,0,session laws,452,66,"CHAPTER 452 AN ACT DESIGNATING FEES, COMMISSIONS AND COSTS TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF SUPE- RIOR COURT OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Lis pendens, docketing notice of, indexing and cancelling, seventy-five cents (75c) for first page, plus fifty cents (50c) for each additional page or fraction." +1935_public laws_372_102,project experts,0,public laws,371,184,CHAPTER 371 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX,"Effect of change in name of firm. No change in the name of the firm nor the taking in of a new partner, nor the withdrawal of one or more of the firm, shall be considered as commencing business; but if any one or more of the partners remain in the firm, the business shall be regarded as continuing." +1939_public local laws_357_3,project experts,0,public local laws,356,2,CHAPTER 356 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF TAX FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE UPON VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the voters of the City of Charlotte upon the question of levying the tax as hereinabove set out, an election shall be held at all the voting precincts in the said city on the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine." +1907_public laws_262_4,project experts,0,public laws,261,3,CHAPTER 261 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZA- TION: FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF REAL ESTATE IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR TAXATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The secretary shall take and subscribe an oath for the faithful performance of his duties as such secretary ; he shall keep a record of the proceedings of the board. +1917_public laws_266_54,project experts,0,public laws,234,53,"CHAPTER 234 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 286, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1915, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS.","Refrigerator and freight car companies. Every firm, person, or corporation owning refrigerator or freight cars operated over or leased to any railroad company in this State or operating in the State shall be taxed in the same manner as hereinbefore provided for the taxation of sleeping-car companies, and the collection of the tax thereon shall be followed in assessing and collecting the tax on the refrigerator and freight cars taxed under this section: Provided, if it appear that the owner does not lease the cars to any railroad company or make any contract to furnish it with cars, but they are furnished to be run indiscriminately over any lines on which shippers or railroad companies may desire to send them, and the owner receive compensation from each road over which the cars run, the State Tax Commission shall ascertain and assess the value of the average number of cars which are in use within the State as a part of the necessary equipment of any railroad company for the year ending April thirtieth next preceding, and the tax shall be computed upon this assessment." +1917_public local laws_570_2,project experts,0,public local laws,569,1,CHAPTER 569 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF PITT COUNTY TO FIX THE SALARIES OF COUNTY OFFICERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty per cent of the qualified voters registered at the preceding general election in Pitt County asking that the salary or salaries of one or more of the county officers of said county be increased or decreased, and stating the amount of increase or decrease in such petition, the board of county commissioners of Pitt County is hereby authorized and empowered to set a day for a hearing on such increase or decrease of salary or salaries, and give ten days notice thereof in such manner as they shall deem best calculated to give the widest publicity to such petition for increase or decrease; and after a hearing, said board of commissioners shall be authorized to make such increase or decrease in the salary or salaries as it may deem just and proper: Provided, that any increase or decrease in salary shall be made only in those cases when, in the discretion of said board of commissioners the county revenues justify such increase or increases in salaries." +1967_session laws_239_2,project experts,0,session laws,238,1,"CHAPTER 238 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 9(43), ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 153, OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO TAX LEVIES FOR CERTAIN SPECIAL PURPOSES IN CERTAIN COUNTIES AS TO MAKE IT APPLY TO DAVIE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","General Statute 153-9(43), as the same appears in the General Statutes, Volume 3C and Supplements thereto, is hereby amended by inserting the word and comma Davie, following the word and comma Currituck, and preceding the word Edgecombe in the last paragraph thereof." +1911_private laws_376_5,project experts,0,private laws,375,4,CHAPTER 375 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF GRAHAM TO BOR- ROW MONEY TO BE USED IN STREET IMPROVEMENT AND TO CREATE A STREET COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That not later than the fifteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, the said street commission and the board of town commissioners for said town shall, at the call of the mayor of Graham, meet in joint session at which meeting the mayor shall preside and shall at said meeting select and finally determine what streets shall be improved and to what extent, prescribe approximately the grade to be maintained, the drainage to be made, designate the streets first to be improved, the width of the streets, the width of the macadam, and fix the compensation for the secretary and treasurer, which in no event shall exceed one per centum for all sums that he shall pay out with nothing for collecting any sum, and after these matters shall have been settled by said joint meeting the matter of having said improvements made, inspected, received and ordered paid for, shall be left entirely in the hands of said street commission. That the members of said street commission shall serve without compensation." +1874/75_public laws_185_25,project experts,0,public laws,184,24,"CHAPTER CLXXXIV. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES BY THE STATE AND THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF THE STATE ON PRO- PERTY, POLLS, ETC... KNOWN AS THE MACHINERY ACT,","Penalty on Clerk for default: If any clerk shall make a default of any of the duties preseribed in the preceding section, or shall fail to deliver to the Auditor a copy of the sheriffs return, made, sworn to and subscribed as required in section thirty-five of this act, he shall forfeit and pay to the State one thousand dollars, to be recovered against him and the sureties of his bond in the Superior Court of Wake county at the term next after the default, on motion of the State Solicitor, and it shall be the duty of the Auditor to inform the Solicitor of such default. L5" +1871/72_public laws_182_2,project experts,0,public laws,181,1,CHAPTER CLXXXI AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO PURCHASE AND HOLD LANDS IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR TITE PURPOSE OF. A NATIONAL CEME- TERY.,"Zhe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That it shall be lawful for the government of the United States, or any person under authority of the same, to purchase a tract, piece or parcel of land in the county of Rowan and state of North Carolina, now occupied as a national cemetery: Provided, Said tract or parcel of land shall not exceed ten acres." +1899_private laws_116_16,project experts,0,private laws,115,15,CHAPTER 115 An act to amend and consolidate the charter of the town of Greenville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the mayor of said town is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such, shall, within the corporate limits of said town, have all the power, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace to preserve and keep the peace, to issue process, to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town; to enforce penalties by issuing executions upon any adjudged violations thereof, and to enforce and execute the ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations made by the board of aldermen. And the mayor shall further be a special court, within the corporate limits of said town, to arrest and try all who are charged with. misdemeanors for violating any ordinance, rule or regulation of the town, and if the accused be found guilty, he shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the mayor or court trying the case. If the accused is dissatisfied with the judgment of the mayor, or court, he may appeal to the superior court in like manner as appeals may be taken from judgments of a justice of the peace. He shall also have all the authority of a justice of the peace to cause the arrest of any person charged with any criminal offense, and to detain, try and deal with them, within the corporate limits of said town, in like manner as a justice of the peace might do." +1913_public local laws_623_11,project experts,0,public local laws,622,10,"CHAPTER 622 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL CRIMINAL COURT IN BATH TOWNSHIP IN BEAUFORT COUNTY, AND TO PRE- SCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In every case of which the recorder may have final jurisdiction, the defendant, upon demand therefor, shall be entitled to a trial by jury, but before making such demand the defendant must have pleaded not guilty to the warrant or indictment, and such demand must be: made before evidence is offered. The procedure in said court upon demand for a jury, as aforesaid, shall be the same, as nearly as may be, as is now provided by law for a jury in the courts of justices of the peace, and the costs taxable against the defendant therefor shall be the same as in courts of justices of the peace, except that jurors shall each receive fifty cents per day and mileage; and in case of conviction, the defendant shall be taxed with a jury tax of three dollars, which sum shall be deposited when demand for a jury is made." +1925_private laws_109_5,project experts,0,private laws,108,4,CHAPTER 108 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF LAUREL PARK TO ISSUE BONDS TO INSTALL WATER AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the provisions of this act shall be in addition to the power and authority granted to the board of aldermen under the charter of the said town. +1891_private laws_308_77,project experts,0,private laws,307,76,CHAPTER 307 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the city of Winston. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That they may take such measures as they may deem effectual to prevent the entrance into the city or the spreading therein of any contagious or infectious disease; may stop, detain and examine for that purpose every person coming from places believed to-be infected with such disease; may establish and regulate hospitals within the city or within three miles thereof; may cause any person in the city suspected to be infected with such disease and whose stay may endanger its health to be removed to the hospital if the city have one, if not, where the mayor may direct; may remove from the city or destroy any furniture or other article which shall be suspected of being tainted or infected with contagious or infectious diseases, or of which there shall be reasonable cause to apprehend that they may pass into such a state as to generate and propagate disease; may abate by any reasonable means all nuisances which may be injurious to the public health." +1909_public laws_305_2,project experts,0,public laws,304,1,"CHAPTER 304 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF MT. GILEAD TOWNSHIP, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TO CREATE A ROAD COMMISSION FOR SAID TOWNSHIP AND WORK THE SAME BY TAXATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That O. C. Bruton, D. S. Hurley and Frank McAulay are created a road commission for Mt. Gilead Township, Montgomery County, and shall hold their said offices, respectively, for one, two and three years, in the order of their names as herein set out, and thereafter each of them or his successor shall be elected for a term of three years by the two whose terms do not expire, the Board of County Commissioners of Montgomery County, the board of town commissioners of the town of Mt. Gilead and the justices of the peace of Mt. Gilead Township. They shall meet on the first Monday in June previous to the expiration of any one term, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and elect_one commissioner to succeed the one whose term is about to expire. That only two of said commissioners shall belong to any one political party: Provided, that public roads for the purpose of this act shall also include that portion of all roads or streets passing through the corporate limits of the town of Mt. Gilead." +1876/77_public laws_294_2,project experts,0,public laws,293,1,"CHAPTER CCXCIII. A&N ACT SUPPLEMENTAL TO AN ACT PASSED AT THE PRESENT SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ENTITLED AN ACT TO DIVIDE THE STATE INTO NINE JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF THREE JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT, THREE JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS, AND NINE SOLICITORS.","Zhe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the county of Franklin, which, under the above entitled act constitutes a part of the second judicial district, be and the same is hereby transferred to the fifth judicial district." +1891_private laws_64_9,project experts,0,private laws,63,8,CHAPTER 683 An act incorporating the Stockholders of Sparta Institute. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the president of said corporation, with the advice and consent of the. directors, shail have power to call a meeting of the stockholders whenever he may deem it proper." +1895_public laws_287_2,project experts,0,public laws,286,1,"CHAPTER 286 An act to amend section two thousand eight hundred and forty so as to license non-residents to shoot in a portion of the waters of Dare county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That section twenty-eight hundred and forty -2840 of The Code, be amended by adding to the end thereof the following: Provided, that non-residents shall be allowed to shoot from any blind box, battery or float not connected with the land, in such waters of Dare county as lie south of a straight line from Manteo to the Nagshead life-saving station, when they shall have obtained license for said purpose; and the clerk of the superior court of Dare county is hereby authorized and directed to issue said license on the payment of twenty-five dollars per annum, and fifty cents fee for issuing said license, said money to be applied to the school fund of Dare county. Each license shall protect only the person whose name appears in said license, and each person so licensed shall,-on the demand of any justice of the peace or other officer of said county of Dare, exhibit his license to the inspection of said officer, and on failing or refusing so to do, shall, on conviction thereof, feit his said license." +1885_public laws_116_9,project experts,0,public laws,115,8,"CHAPTER 115 An act to prevent live stock from running at large in Goldsboro township, Wayne county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That any person unlawfully rescuing or releasing any impounded stock, or attempting to do 60, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days." +1953_session laws_319_4,project experts,0,session laws,318,3,CHAPTER 318 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY TO DE- TERMINE WHETHER CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SHALL BE AMENDED INSOFAR AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE NUMBER AND ELECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"This Act shall apply only to the City of Fayetteville in Cumberland County and Sections 1 and 2 shall not take effect until they have been approved by a majority of the voters participating in the next mu- 218 nicipal election held following the ratification of this Act. In the event a majority of the votes cast by the qualified voters in the election herein provided for shall be for the approval of Sections 1 and 2 of this Act, the next succeeding municipal primary and election, and all subsequent primaries and elections, shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of said Sections 1 and 2 insofar as the nomination and election of a mayor and members of the city council are concerned. The mayor and members of the city council so elected according to the provisions of said Sections 1 and 2 shall assume their duties on the date now prescribed by law for the members of the city governing body." +1933_public local laws_100_2,project experts,0,public local laws,99,1,"CHAPTER 99 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 381 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1923, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF FINANCIAL AGENTS FOR THE COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of chapter three hundred eightyone of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina, session nineteen hundred and twenty-three, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to said section the following: Provided, that in case at any time hereafter any such financial agent or agents shall be appointed as provided by this act, which said agent or agents shall be then acting as the County Depository of Scotland County and as such Depository shall have given the bond or bonds or pledged the collateral security required by the general laws of the State of North Carolina, then so long as said financial agent or agents shall act as such County Depository and shall keep such bond, bonds or pledged collateral security given and made as provided by law, such financial agent or agents may be appointed and may serve under the provisions of this act without being required to give any bond or other security required by this act." +1915_private laws_248_2,project experts,0,private laws,247,1,"CHAPTER 247 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTHR OF THE NATIONAL RELIGIOUS TRAINING SCHOOL AND CHAUTAUQUA FOR THE COLORED RACH, INCORPORATHD. Whereas the National Religious Training School and Chautauqua for the Colored Race was incorporated under the general laws of this State on June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and nine, and now desires its charter then granted to be amended as herein set out, and has duly published notice that it would apply for such amendment; and whereas the said charter was amended by an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the twenty-fifth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the Private Laws of the General Assembly of North Carolina at its session in one thousand nine hundred and eleven: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section six of the charter of incorporation as issued by the Secretary of State of North Carolina on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nine, is hereby repealed." +1929_public local laws_411_4,project experts,0,public local laws,410,3,"CHAPTER 410 AN ACT TO CREATE THE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF NUMBER FOUR TOWNSHIP, CLEVELAND COUNTY, AND TO ABOLISH THE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONS OF KINGS MOUNTAIN AND GROVER PRECINCTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The members of the said highway commission of Number Four Township herein created, before entering upon their duties shall each give bond in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) payable to the board of commissioners of Cleveland County and to be approved by the said board of commissioners for the faithful performance of their duties, and shall take and subscribe an oath for the faithful discharge of their duties as members of the highway commission of Number Four Township. Upon the taking of the said oath and the filing and approving of the said bonds the said highway commission of Number Four Township shall succeed to and have control of the roads and highways in Number Four Township and shall employ superintendents and laborers and maintain the roads and highways in Number Four Township." +1961_session laws_776_9,project experts,0,session laws,775,8,"CHAPTER 775 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE GRAN- VILLE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, THE NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF ITS MEMBERS, TO DEFINE IN PART THEIR POWERS AND AUTHORITY AND TO REPEAL ALL PUBLIC, PUBLIC-LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In 1964 and in each subsequent year, at the same time the other budgets are filed, the Granville County Board of Education shall file a supplemental budget and request that a sufficient levy be made by the Board of Commissioners of Granville County on all taxable property located within said Counrty not to exceed the rate voted by the people in said County. The Board of Commissioners of Granville County may approve or disapprove the supplemental budget in whole or in part, and shall levy such taxes as necessary to provide for the approved budget for supplemental purposes, not exceeding the amount of the tax levy authorized by the vote of the people. The expenditure of the proceeds of said levy shall be in accordance with the aforesaid supplemental budget as approved by the Board of Commissioners of Granville County. In the event of a disagreement between the Granville County Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners of Granville County as to the amount of the supplemental tax levy to be made, such disagreement shall be resolved by the procedure provided by the General Statutes of North Carolina, Section 115-87 and Section 115-88." +1915_public local laws_288_2,project experts,0,public local laws,287,1,"CHAPTER 287 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 96, PUBLIC LAWS 1909, FOR THE RELIEF OF THE TAX COLLECTOR FOR LOWER CREEK DRAINAGE COMMISSIONERS IN BURKE AND CALDWELL COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the tax collector for Lower Creek Drainage Commissioners, authorized by the provisions of chapter ninetysix, Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and nine, is hereby authorized and fully empowered to collect any and all arrears of taxes due under the provisions of said act as amended by chapter forty-six, Public-Local Laws one thousand nine hundred and eleven, for the years one thousand nine hundred and nine, one thousand nine hundred and ten, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, under such rules and regulations as are prescribed by said chapter. :" +1913_public local laws_203_5,project experts,0,public local laws,202,4,CHAPTER 202 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF WAKE COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY AND FUND THE DEBT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WAKE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said bonds shall be an indebtedness against the general fund for the public schools of Wake County, and no other." +1885_private laws_71_4,project experts,0,private laws,70,3,CHAPTER 70 An act to incorporate the Carolina Manufacturing and Transporta- tion Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the corporators above named,,or any three of them, are hereby authorized to open books of subscription at such times and places as they shall deem best, and under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, for the purpose of creating or increasing the capital stock of such company; and they may receive such subscription in any kind of property mentioned in section two of this act." +1913_public local laws_504_10,project experts,0,public local laws,503,9,"CHAPTER 503 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF HOKE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the judges holding the Superior Court of Hoke County and the judges of any criminal court held therein are hereby authorized, on the request of the board of county commissioners, to sentence to be worked on the public roads of said county, under the control and keeping of the said board and their agents and employees, all persons convicted in said courts who by the judgment thereof shall be punished by imprisonment or committed in default of paying costs and fines or either, except such as shall be convicted of murder, rape, or arson, and such other convicts as the said judges may in their discretion deem advisable to send to the State penitentiary as now provided by law: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit or in any way restrict the said judges from suspending or imposing fines only in such cases as to them shall appear right and proper." +1945_session laws_485_6,project experts,0,session laws,484,5,CHAPTER 484 AN ACT TO AID IN THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES AND PAVING ASSESSMENTS IN THE TOWN OF EAST FLAT ROCK AND TO DISPOSE OF REAL ES- TATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of Commissioners of the Town of East Flat Rock shall have the right to sell at private sale any real estate it now owns or has an interest in or may hereafter acquire, either through tax foreclosure or otherwise, upon such terms and conditions as the board deems advisable." +1955_session laws_1092_10,project experts,0,session laws,1091,9,"CHAPTER 1091 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE CITY OF DURHAM TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH A CAPITAL RESERVE FUND, AND TO MAKE CERTAIN APPROPRIATIONS TO SAID FUNDS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE WITHDRAWAL AND USE OF SUCH FUNDS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: WHEREAS, municipalities should be encouraged where possible to finance capital improvements from budget appropriations rather than from borrowing; and, WHEREAS, the authority to set apart and earmark current revenues in capital reserve funds for future improvements would enable municipali- ties to meet minor improvements on a pay-as-you-go basis where the cost of borrowing would be high in comparison to the cost of the improvement, and would enable municipalities to meet all or part of the cost of major improvements on a pay-as-you-go basis so as to conserve their borrowing capacity; and, now, therefore,","In the event that an emergency arises which in the opinion of the governing body involves the health, safety, or welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality, necessitating the immediate expenditure of all or any portion of such Capital Reserve Fund for one or more of the purposes for which the Fund was created, a withdrawal may be made from the Fund by resolution of the governing body without publication as provided for in the preceding Section. Such resolution shall declare that an emergency exists and set forth such facts as are necessary to show that such emergency does exist." +1903_public laws_354_7,project experts,0,public laws,353,6,"CHAPTER 353 AN ACT TO PROTECT GAME AND FISH IN CHEROKEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be unlawful for any person to fish in any of the waters of Cherokee County with net, seine, trap, basket, drag nets or drags." +1869/70_public laws_82_5,project experts,0,public laws,81,4,"CHAPTER LXXXI. AN ACT TO ENABLE THE WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTH- _ ERFORD RAILROAD COMPANY TO COMPLETE THEIR ROAD, _ AND TO AUTHORIZE THE RETURN OF STATE BONDS TO THE TREASURY. _","That upon the acceptance of this act by the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, within ninety days after its ratification, it shall become a part of the charter of said company: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the public treasurer, upon the surrender to him of five hundred thousand dollars of state bonds, from delivering the bonds. of the company now in the treasury as provided in section one of this act; and he is hereby instructed and required to make said delivery immediately after the ratification of this act." +1901_public laws_5_55,project experts,0,public laws,4,54,CHAPTER 4 An Act to Revise and Consoliaate the Public School Law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Sheriff of each county shall pay annually in money to the treasurer of the county school fund on or before the thirty-first day of December of each year, the whole amount levied, less such Sum or sums as may be allowed on account of insolvents for the current year, by both State and county, for school purposes, and on failing to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than two hundred dollars, and be liable to an action on his official bond for his default 1n such sum as will cover such default, said action to be brought to the next ensuing term of the Superior Court, and upon the relation of the County Commissioners for and in behalf of the State." +1913_public local laws_97_3,project experts,0,public local laws,96,2,"CHAPTER 96 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 718, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1911 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. +1935_public local laws_459_3,project experts,0,public local laws,458,2,CHAPTER 458 AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE AUSTRALIAN BALLOT IN WILSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The rules and regulations governing primary elections in Wilson County, except as herein provided, shall be the same as now provided by statute." +1885_private laws_133_3,project experts,0,private laws,132,2,CHAPTER. 132 An act to appoint a cotton weigher for the town of Louisburg. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said weigher to weigh all baled cotton sold in the town of Louisburg at its TRUE weight, making just and proper allowance or deduction for water or damage." +1923_public local laws_593_2,project experts,0,public local laws,596,1,CHAPTER 596 AN ACT RELATING TO DISCOUNTS AND PENALTIES ON TAXES IN WILKES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners of Wilkes County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt, by proper resolution duly passed at a meeting of said commissioners, the schedules of discounts and penalties on taxes in Wilkes County as now provided in the State Machinery Act, or in lieu thereof the following schedules: that on all taxes for the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three and in each year thereafter a discount of two per cent shall be allowed for taxes paid during the month of October and a discount of one per cent for all taxes paid during the months of November and December ; that on the first day of May in each and every year two per cent shall be added to all taxes unpaid for the next preceding year and an additional penalty of one per cent on the first day of each succeeding month thereafter that such taxes remain unpaid until the first day of October in said year, and that an additional penalty of four per cent shall be added on the first day of October in each and every year on all taxes for the next preceding year remaining unpaid." +1911_private laws_431_5,project experts,0,private laws,430,4,"CHAPTER 430 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY- ONE OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE, PERTAINING TO THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","By inserting between the words dollars and failure in line seven of section five the following: embezzlement of money, goods or other thing wherein the value thereof does not exceed one hundred dollars; retailing cocaine without a license." +1957_session laws_837_11,project experts,0,session laws,836,10,"CHAPTER 836 AN ACT FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY, FOR AN ELECTION IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF, FOR THE REPEAL OF THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF LONGVIEW, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","All taxes due by the property owners of the Town of Longview at the time the corporate limits of the City of Hickory are extended as herein provided, and all taxes which shall become due upon listings made during the year 1957, shall be collected by the City Manager of the City of Hickory at the same rate and under the same rules, regulations and with the same authority of distress and levy upon property, personal and real, as is now or may be given to the City of Hickory." +1935_public local laws_84_5,project experts,0,public local laws,83,4,"CHAPTER 83 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHT OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NINE- TEEN ELEVEN, SO AS TO TRANSFER DUKE TOWNSHIP FROM THE JURISDICTION OF THE RECORDERS COURT OF DUNN TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act, to the extent of such conflict, be and the same are hereby repealed." +1869/70_public laws_124_5,project experts,0,public laws,123,4,CRATER CX AIEL. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CATAWBA COUNTY TO SELL CERTAIN LOTS.,That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1963_session laws_811_4,project experts,0,session laws,810,3,CHAPTER 810 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 113 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO TAXES ON SEAFOOD FOR HOME CONSUMPTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 982 +1915_public local laws_789_3,project experts,0,public local laws,788,2,CHAPTER 788 AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE IMPROVEMENT AND MAIN- TENANCE OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF LINCOLN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the road commission shall meet in Lincolnton with the county commissioners on the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at which time said road commission shall turn over to the county commissioners all the funds in its hands, and all books, papers, documents, and all other property in its possession belonging to the county, and said road commission shall on said date publish an itemized account of receipts and disbursements since their last report, showing balance on hand." +1963_session laws_161_2,project experts,0,session laws,160,1,"CHAPTER 160 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 20 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO RAISE THE WEIGHT LIMITS OF PROPERTY HAUL- ING VEHICLES WHOSE OPERATOR IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A CHAUFFEURS LICENSE FROM 20,000 POUNDS TO 26,000 POUNDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","G. S. 20-6, as the same appears in the 1961 Cumulative Supplement to Volume 1C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, is hereby amended by deleting the figures 20,000 from the fifth line of the paragraph defining, and commencing with, the word Chauffeur, and substituting in lieu thereof the figures 26,000." +1909_public laws_527_17,project experts,0,public laws,526,16,"CHAPTER 526 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF UNION COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD, MACADAMIZE AND IMPROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That should the bonds hereinbefore provided for be voted, issued and sold, the chain gang for the county, as provided in section fifteen of this chapter, shall be under the supervision of the county commissioners of said county, but shall be subject to the same laws, rules and regulations as now govern the chain gang for Monroe Township. The property of the Monroe Township chain gang may be disposed of by the chain-gang commissioners, and the money received for the same and all other moneys belonging to the road fund of said township shall be used for the improvement of roads in said township." +1905_private laws_210_4,project experts,0,private laws,210,3,"CHAPTER 210 AN ACT TO RATIFY, CONFIRM AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE ASHEVILLE AUDITORIUM COMPANY. WHEREAS, the Asheville Auditorium Company has heretofore been duly incorporated and organized under the general laws of the State of North Carolina in force at the time, with the following articles of agreement, the names of the subscribers to its capital stock being omitted on account of their great number. to-wit: Private39 Articles of agreement entered into by and between the proposed incorporators, whose names are subscribed to these articles of agreement, for the purpose of the formation of a corporation pur- suant to the laws of North Carolina as contained in section six hundred and seventy-seven of The Code, and the amendments thereto, that is to say: That the subscribers to these articles of agreement have agreed and by these presents do agree to and with each other as follows, to-wit: T. That the name of the corporation shall be Asheville Audito- rium Company. TI. That the business proposed by said corporation is that of erecting, owning and operating for hire and profit, or otherwise, a public building or hall for the accommodation: of large assem- blages, commonly called an auditorium, in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, and to that end said corporation shall have the right, power and authority of acquiring, owning and holding, in fee or by less estate, all and any property, of whatsoever character, necessary or desirable for said purpose, to the extent allowed by the laws of North Carolina to corporations formed in like manner, with power to dispose of same. TIT. That the place of business of said corporation shall be in said city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina. TV. That thirty years is the length of time desired for the dura- tion of said corporation. V. That the following-named persons, firms and corporations have subscribed to the stock of said corporation, viz.: Asheville Hardware Company, M. Alexander and others. VI. That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, divided into twenty-five hun- dred shares of the par value of ten dollars each, with the privilege to said corporation of at any time increasing said capital stock up to one hundred thousand dollars by a vote of the majority of the shares outstanding at the time of such increase. VII. That the stockholders of said corporation shall not be individually liable for its debts, nor shall any stockholder be liable to any creditor of said corporation for more than the unpaid por- tion of his or her or its individual stock subscription. VIII. That the stock of said corporation shall be non-assess- able, nor shall any certificate of stock be issued until the par value thereof has been paid in full to the corporation. TX. Stockholders in said corporation shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock respectively held by them, upon which the installments upon the subscriptions have been paid as called for by the officers or authorized representatives of said corporation. X. That said corporation shall have the right and power of making such by-laws and regulations consistent with the laws of the State of North Carolina as to it shall seem proper, which by- laws or regulations may be amended, altered or added to at the pleasure of said corporation. XI. Said corporation shall be entitled to and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities granted to like corporations in the State of North Carolina. In witness whereof the said parties to this agreement have here- unto set their hands and seals, on this the twentieth day of Sep- tember, A. D. one thousand nine hundred. F (Signed) Jas. P. SAWYER, (Seal. ) GEO. S. POWELL, (Seal. ) W. T. WEAVER, (Seal. ) M. H. FLETCHER, (Seal. ) DuFF MERRICK, (Seal. ) CHAS. A. MOORE, (Seal. ) FW. W. W. GRAHAM, (Seal.) Hie 18 4M acorcan ry, (Seal. ) W. B. Gwyn. (Seal. ) Witness as to all of the above subscribers: LOLA K. TURNER. NoRTH CAROLINABuncombe Countyss: The execution of the foregoing and annexed articles of agree- ment for the formation of a corporation to be known as the Ashe- ville Auditorium Company was this day duly proven before me on the oath and examination of Lola K. Turner, the subscribing wit- ness thereto. Therefore, let the said foregoing articles of agreement for the formation of said corporation, together with this certificate, be recorded and a certified copy of the same sent to the Secretary of State in and for the State of North Carolina, that he may issue let- ters patent to said corporation. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed ny official seal, on this the (Official Seal.) twentieth day of September, A. D. one thou- sand nine hundred. (Signed) Marcus Erwin, Clerk Superior Court Buncombe County. AND WHEREAS, said corporation has heretofore increased its capi- tal stock to thirty-five thousand dollars, as permitted so to do under its original articles of agreement aforesaid ; AND WHEREAS, said corporation later desired to issue fifteen thousand dollars of preferred stock, no provision for which is made in the said, original articles of agreement; and for the purpose of amending its articles of agreement, or certificate of incorporation, the board of directors of said company and the stockholders thereof, severally, duly and regularly adopted the following resolu- tions, the resolution of the directors having been passed at a regu- lar meeting held on the second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and three, and the resolution of the stockholders having been duly and regularly passed by a two-thirds majority in interest of the capital stock of the company then outstanding, at a meeting regularly called and held on December the first, one thousand nine hundred and three: RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTORS. WHEREAS, the board of directors of the Asheville Auditorium Company, recognizing that it is the unmistakable sentiment of the stockholders of the company and the citizens of Asheville that the auditorium must be built as soon as possible, have heretofore, by a resolution duly passed at a called meeting of said board, held on the twenty-fourth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and three, decided that the auditorium shall be rebuilt; AND WHEREAS, it is the opinion of said board that from twelve to fifteen thousand dollars additional capital will be required to enable the company to so rebuild; AND WHEREAS, it is the further opinion of said board that such additional capital can be best raised by an issue and sale of pre- ferred stock, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars in amount: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the opinion of said board of directors, and they do hereby so declare, that it is advisable to amend the present certificate or articles of incorporation of said company so as to provide that the said Asheville Auditorium Company shall have the power and authority of increasing its capital stock at any time it may deem advisable to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars in excess of that now permitted, and of creating in addition to the common stock of the company at present provided for a class of stock to be known as preferred stock, not exceeding said sum of fifteen thousand dollars in amount, which shall have such voting strength and be entitled to such preferences in the payment of divi- dends and otherwise as the stockholders may determine. And a meeting of the stockholders of the company is hereby called, to be held at such time and place as the president of the company may designate, but not later than thirty days from this date, to take action on the subject-matter of this resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE STOCKHOLDERS. WHEREAS, the present certificate or articles of incorporation of the Asheville Auditorium Company provide, as set forth in article six thereof, that the capital stock of the corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, divided into twenty-five hundred shares of the par value of ten dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the capital stock up to one hundred thousand dollars by a vote of the majority of the shares outstanding at the time of such increase; AND WHEREAS, the stockholders of the company have heretofore regularly authorized the increase of such capital stock to thirty- five thousand dollars: AND WHEREAS, the board of directors of the company have here- tofore. to-wit, by a resolution duly passed by said board at a meet- ing held on November the second, one thousand nine hundred and tnree, recommended that the capital stock of the company be in- creased fifteen thousand dollars more, and that the certificate or articles of incorporation of the company be amended so as to pro- vide for a class of stock, to be known as preferred stock, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars in amount, to be issued in addition to the common stock of the company already provided for, as will more fully appear by reference to said resolution as the same is spread on the companys minutes: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the certificate or articles of incorporation of the Asheville Auditorium Company be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as followsthat is to say, article six of said certificate or articles of incorporation shall be stricken out and the following inserted and substituted in lieu thereof, to-wit: VI. That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be fifty thousand dollars, divided into five thousand [shares], of the par value of ten dollars each, of which thirty-five hundred shares shall be common stock and fifteen hundred shares shall be pre- ferred stock, with the privilege to said corporation of at any time or times hereafter increasing the common stock of the company as much as fifty thousand dollars more, whenever a majority in interest of the stockholders shall determine that it is advisable to make such increase. That the preferred stock above provided for shall be entitled to such preferences in the payment of dividends and otherwise. shall have such voting strength, and shall be issued upon such conditions as the stockholders shallhereafter deter- mine. AND WHEREAS, the board of directors, by a resolution duly passed at a meeting held on the twentieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and five, recommended that the issue of preferred stock provided for in the resolution above set forth be increased from fifteen thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars, making the total capital stock fifty thousand dollars; AND WHEREAS, on account of the large number of stockholders of said corporation, it is extremely difficult to secure a stockholders meeting for the purpose of acting upon said last-mentioned resolu- tion of the directors, and for the same reason well-nigh impossible to secure the written assent of two-thirds in interest of the stock- holders authorizing an amendment to its articles of agreement or certificate of incorporation, so as to provide for said issue of pre- ferred stock, and its increase to twenty thousand dollars, and it is therefore necessary that such amendment providing for said issue of preferred stock and its increase to twenty thousand dollars to be authorized by a special act of the Legislature: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said Asheville Auditorium Company be and the same is hereby relieved and exempted from the payment of all license taxes or charges levied or authorized to be levied by the State of North Carolina, the county of Buncombe and the city of Asheville against opera-houses or theaters, and all other special taxes, for and during the term of five years from and after the passage of this act." +1895_private laws_82_4,project experts,0,private laws,81,3,CHAPTER 81 An act to incorporate the Bingham School. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the Governor shall be empowered to grant commissions by brevet in not exceeding the grade of captain to the three most distinguished students in military science graduated each year from Bingham School: Provided, that commissions by brevet given under this act shall carry with them no authority except under an assignment to duty by order of the governor of North Carolina." +1957_session laws_960_2,project experts,0,session laws,959,1,CHAPTER 959 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE PLANNING AND ZONING POWERS OF THE TOWN OF SPENCER AND ITS GOVERNING BODY TO THE TERRITORY BEYOND AND SURROUNDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF SPENCER FOR A DISTANCE OF ONE MILE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of promoting the orderly growth, expansion, and development of the Town of Spencer and the surrounding territory hereinafter defined, and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the citizens of the Town of Spencer and of the territory and community beyond and surrounding the corporate limits of the said municipality, as hereinafter defined, the governing body of the Town of Spencer is hereby authorized and empowered, after first submitting the same to the zoning commission of said town for recommendation, to adopt such ordinances and regulations as may be considered necessary or expedient by the governing body of the Town of Spencer to regulate, control, and restrict the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of a lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population, and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, when specifically provided by the terms of any such ordinance, within the territory and community beyond and surrounding the corporate boundaries of the Town of Spencer, as now or hereafter fixed, for a distance of one mile of and beyond such corporate boundaries in all directions; and within the aforesaid territory, the governing body of the Town of Spencer is hereby authorized and empowered to 898 exercise any and all powers of planning and zoning conferred upon the Town of Spencer and vested in its governing body by the Charter of the Town of Spencer, or by the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended from time to time, including the provisions of Article 14 of subchapter 1 of Chapter 160 of the General Statutes, or by any other statute applicable to the Town of Spencer, to the same extent and according to the same methods of procedure as applicable to planning or zoning, or both, within the corporate limits of the Town of Spencer. Provided, that the jurisdiction and authority herein granted to the governing body of the Town of Spencer shall not be exercised. within the corporate limits of the contiguous City of Salisbury and Town of East Spencer, nor within any part of that territory adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Salisbury lying southwest of the prolongation of the existing corporate limits of said city North twenty-three degrees, twenty-nine minutes, and forty-two seconds West from a point in the center line of Seventeenth Street, between Spencer and Hudson Avenues." +1925_public laws_262_9,project experts,0,public laws,261,8,"CHAPTER 261 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PROFESSION OF PUBLIC AC- COUNTING IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AND TO PRESCRIBE ITS PRACTICE SO AS TO AFFORD PRO- TECTION TO THE PUBLIC; AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 157 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SES- SION OF 1913, ENTITLED AN ACT TO CREATE A STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTING AND PRESCRIBE ITS DUTIES AND POWERS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXAMINATION AND ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES TO QUALIFIED AP- PLICANTS, WITH DESIGNATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AND TO PROVIDE THE GRADE OF PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE FROVISIONS HEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation, not having qualified under this act, to assume or use the style of title of public accountant, or other means of identification to indicate that such person, firm, copartnership, or association or corporation is engaged in the practice of public accounting in the State of North Carolina: Provided, however, that the inhibitions of this section shall not be construed to apply to any person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation who at the time of the passage of this act was engaged in the practice of public accounting and maintaining an office as a public accountant in the State of North Carolina." +1941_public local laws_362_4,project experts,0,public local laws,361,3,CHAPTER 361 AN ACT TO CREATE THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR FOR THE COUNTY OF ASHE AND TO REGULATE SALARIES AND/OR FEES OF THE SHERIFF AND OTHER OFFICERS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of said commissioners shall require of such tax collector and/or tax collectors bonds conditioned as now required by law of the sheriff in his capacity as tax collector, said bonds to be executed by some reputable and solvent surety company, to be approved by said board, and the premium therefor to be paid by the county or by said tax collector in the discretion of said board." +1957_session laws_1369_2,project experts,0,session laws,1368,1,CHAPTER 1368 AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 20-140 AND 20-140.1 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES RELATING TO THE PENALTY FOR RECKLESS DRIVING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That G. S. 20-140 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out at the end thereof the words and figures as provided in 20-180 and substituting therefor the words by imprisonment not to exceed six months or by a fine, not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by both such imprisonment and fine, in the discretion of the court." +1883_public laws_94_2,project experts,0,public laws,93,1,"CHAPTER 93 An act making indictable the felling of trees in Muddy Fork ere k. Cleveland county, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That it shall be unlawful for any pegson to fell or cause to fall any tree into Muddy Fork creek, in Cleveland county." +1907_private laws_485_12,project experts,0,private laws,482,11,CHAPTER 482 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CARTHAGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if any person who shall be elected mayor shall refuse to be qualified, or there is any vacancy in the office after election and qualification by reason of resignation or otherwise, or if the mayor be temporarily absent from the town, or be unable to discharge the duties of his office from sickness or otherwise, the commissioners shall choose one of their number to act as mayor pro tempore, or to fill the unexpired term; and likewise in case of commissioner refusing to qualify, or in case of resignation or inability to act, the remaining commissioners shall elect some suitable person within the limits of said town to fill the vacancy." +1938 extra_public laws_2_9,project experts,0,public laws,1,8,"CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND NOTES OF THE STATE FOR PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS, DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Governor, with the advice of the Council of State, is hereby authorized and empowered to reallocate the sums appropriated in the foregoing section of this Act, and to provide that the same may be used and employed by the several institutions, departments and agencies of the State for purposes other than those defined and described in this Act, if such purposes are approved by the Governor, provided, it shall be found by reason of additional grants in aid made available through applications to any agency or agencies of the United States of America, or by funds otherwise provided, or by savings made, funds may be provided to complete the specific projects out of the appropriations mentioned in this Act and without requiring the full use of the funds herein provided for such purposes: Provided, further, that no expenditures by or for the State shall be approved or authorized by the Governor which shall be in excess of the total amounts provided in this Act for the respective institutions, departments and agencies as herein mentioned." +1917_public laws_65_3,project experts,0,public laws,64,2,CHAPTER 64 AN ACT TO ALLOW COUNTY TOWNSHIPS TO VOTE RAILROAD AID BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of commissioners of any county proposing to take stock, for the use and benefit of any railroad company, as mentioned in section one of this act, shall meet and agree upon the amount to be subscribed for such township or townships, and if a majority of the board shall vote for the proposition, this shall be entered of record, which shall show the amount proposed to be subscribed, and for what township or townships, to what company, and whether in bonds, money, or other property, and thereupon the board shall order an election, to be held upon a notice of not less than thirty days, in each and every township for whose use and benefit such subscription is made, for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to subscribe the amount agreed on by the board of commis sioners. And if a majority of the qualified voters of the township or townships for whose use and benefit such subscription is made shall vote in favor of the proposition, the board of county commissioners through their chairman shall have power to subscribe the amount of stock proposed by them, for the use and benefit of such township or townships, as was originally made and submitted to the voters of said township or townships, subject to all the rules, regulations, and restrictions of other stockholders in such railroad company: Provided, that the township or townships, in the manner aforesaid, shall subscribe from time to time such amounts, either in bonds or money, as they may think proper." +1915_public local laws_211_2,project experts,0,public local laws,210,1,"CHAPTER 210 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 196, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1913, BEING AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE DIVISION OF THE STATE INTO JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, AND FOR HOLD- ING THH COURTS THEREIN, REDUCING THE NUMBER OF TERMS OF SUPERIOR COURT IN LINCOLN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of chapter one hundred and ninetySix, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, is hereby amended by striking out paragraph nine on page three hun- \dred and thirty, beginning with the word Lincoln in line forty on said page and ending with the word September in line fortythree, and substituting for said paragraph the following: Lincoln County.Fifth Monday before the first Monday in March; seventh Monday before the first Monday in September; sixth Monday after the first Monday in September, this term to continue for two weeks, the second week for the trial of civil cases exclusively." +1901_private laws_345_2,project experts,0,private laws,344,1,"CHAPTER 344 AN ACT TO ALLOW THE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TOWN OF ALBEMARLE TO ISSUE BONDS, AND TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF SAID TOWN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Board of Commissioners for the town of Albemarle, in Stanly County, are hereby authorized and empowered to cause an election to be hela at the various polling places in said town at any time and as many times as said Commissioners may appoint, and to submit to the qualified voters of said town the question of issuing bonds not to exceed in amount the sum of twenty thousand dollars, for the purposes and under the provisions hereinafter named in this act, and levying and collecting annually a special tax to provide for the payment of the interest thereon, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds when they shall become due. And said election or elections shall be advertised by the Commissioners of said town for thirty days prior to the day of election in some newspaper published in said town, and shall be held under the same rules and regulations as is prescribed by law for the election of Mayor and Commissioners of said town. And said Commissioners shall specify in each advertisement for election on the issuing of bonds under this act the amount of bonds to be yeted for at such election, and the purpose for which they are to be issued; and those who are in favor of issuing the amount of bonds specified in any advertisement calling an election for said purpose, and levying and collecting said special tax, shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words For Bonds uhereon, and those who oppose shall vote a written or printed licket with the words Against Bonds thereon." +1913_private laws_109_18,project experts,0,private laws,108,17,CHAPTER 108 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF GRAHAM TO ISSUE BONDS FOR PAVING STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of town commissioners of the town of. Graham shall tax one-third of the cost of paving and curbing all such streets as shall be paved and curbed, making a finished street from curb to curb, against the property-owners on both sides of such streets, that is to say, the town paying two-thirds and the property-owners owning lots on each side of such street one-sixth of the entire cost of any given street that is curbed and paved from curb to curb: Provided, that the cost of paving the tracks between the rails and to a width of one foot on each side thereof. of any street car or railway company laid in any of said streets shall be paid by such company, and shall be excluded in making said estimates, and the paving and curbing of such streets shall be considered as finished for the purpose of this assessment, without the completion of such work as the street car company or railway company is bound and obligated to do; and the said board of town commissioners shall tax one-fourth of the entire cost of building such streets or roadways of any approved material as shall be built within said town which is not curbed and paved from curb to curb against the property-owners on both sides of such streets or roadways, that is to say, the said town shall pay threefourths of such cost and the property-owners owning lots or land on each side of such streets or roadways one-eighth of the entire cost of any given street or roadway that is built and not curbed and paved from curb to curb. The said taxes or assessments on abutting property as above provided for to be based on the frontage of such property upon the street improved in any given case, and to be a direct charge in favor of the town against such lots or tracts of land, and the owners of such lots or tracts of land shall pay to said town the said tax or assessment in ten annual installments, one installment thereof each year, the amount of money so advanced by the town of Graham, said annual installment to be placed upon the tax books as taxes upon said property and to be collected as other taxes are under the law. Upon the collection by the tax collector of said installments, he shall pay the same to the town treasurer, who shall keep a separate account of the said fund: Provided, that the board of commissioners of the town of Graham may use the said installment fund for the purpose of paving or otherwise permanently improving the streets and sidewalks of the said town, assessing and collecting from abutting property-owners their pro rata share of the cost of such work as provided for in the streets and sidewalks built by the street commission. The said taxes and assessments against abutting property shall be levied by the board of commissioners of the town of Graham at the first regular meeting of said board for levying municipal taxes for general purposes after the said street work shall have been completed, and the entire cost of any given street whereon assessments are made and prorated against abutting property shall be reckoned from the report of the street commission on the cost of said street. The said board of town commissioners shall cause to be made and filed upon its records a complete statement for each street that shall have been paved, showing the frontage of each lot in feet, the owners thereof, and the amount assessed thereon. The said taxes or assessments prorated against the abutting property on streets improved is hereby declared a benefit to the property affected thereby, and is assessed against the same as such benefit, and upon the amount to be assessed against the property affected being determined by the board of Commissioners, Such assessment for benefits shall be in effect a judgment against the property so assessed: Provided, however, that upon the payment during any tax year of one-tenth of the amount of such assessment the person whose property is so assessed shall have until the next tax year within which to pay another one-tenth, and so on until the assessment is paid, the time not to exceed ten years from the expiration of the current tax year after the assessment is made; but if one-tenth of the assessment shall not be paid during any year, then the tax collector of the town of Graham shall advertise the property assessed on which said assessment has not been paid as above provided, for sale at the time of making his sale for taxes, and shall sell the same, and shall make title as provided by law for tax sales: Provided further, that property-owners affected thereby shall have the right to appeal, after the notice of the assessment, directly to the next civil term of the Superior Court of Alamance County, from the amount assessed against any property, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the property affected by said assessment has been assessed for more than its pro rata share of the actual cost of such paving: Provided, that all nontaxable abutting property upon streets and sidewalks that are improved shall be exempt from this assessment." +1891_public laws_130_2,project experts,0,public laws,129,1,CHAPTER 129 An act to dispose of the unclaimed dead bodies of convicts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ',"That for the purpose of aiding and promoting the study of anatomy in this state the board of directors of the penitentiary are hereby directed to turn over to the state medical school estab- lished at the University. or any other medical institution or college in this state, under such rules as they may prescribe, the dead bodies of all convicts, except such as shall die of small-pox or scarlet fever or any other contagious disease, and which are unclaimed by relatives after due notice." +1909_private laws_359_2,project experts,0,private laws,358,1,"CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCA- TION OF WILKES COUNTY TO PAY J. J. HENDREN, A PUBLIC-SCHOOL TEACHER, AN UNPAID BALANCE OF SALARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the County Board of Education of Wilkes County be and is hereby authorized and empowered to pay to J. J. Hendren, for services as teacher in District Number Three, in Brushy Mountain Township, Wilkes County, for the year one thousand nine hundred and five, the sum-of seven dollars, the same being for a balance due under contract, and not paid for lack of funds; the contract, as appearing from the certificate of the county superintendent and the county board of education, filed herewith,.being in due form, and the mistake as to the funds being unavoidable on the part of the teacher and the school committee ; the said sum of seven dollars to be paid by the county treasurer, upon order of the county board of education, out of the school funds apportioned to said district for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and nine, or out of any other county school funds under the control of the county board of edueation for that year." +1959_session laws_919_7,project experts,0,session laws,918,6,"CHAPTER 918 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A PUBLIC LAW LIBRARY FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS, COURTS AND OTHERS IN CRAVEN COUNTY. WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of a law library for the use of the public and the officials of Craven County, the City of New Bern, judges, solicitors and other officers of the courts of said county is necessary and essential and in the interests of the most efficient adminis- tration of justice in the courts; and WHEREAS, it is desired to provide for the proper books, furnishings, supplies, equipment, furniture and records necessary for the establishment and maintenance of said library: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall also be the duty of the Clerk of the Recorders Court of Craven County and the Clerk of the Municipal Recorders Court of the City of New Bern after the effective date of this Act to collect in each and every case finally disposed of in his court, except in cases in which Craven County or the City of New Bern is adjudged to pay all costs, the sum of one dollar ($1.00), which amount shall be immediately paid over to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven County to supplement the aforesaid Law Library Fund, which shall be deposited as herein provided, and which shall be expended in the way and manner provided in this Act." +1913_public local laws_442_19,project experts,0,public local laws,441,441,CHAPTER 441 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A BOND ISSUE FOR THE PUB- LIC ROADS OF JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said bonds and coupons shall be exempt from all county or municipal taxation, and the interest thereon shall not be subject to taxation as for income, nor shall said bonds or. coupons be subject to taxation when constituting a part of the surplus of any bank, trust company, or other corporation." +1929_public local laws_379_2,project experts,0,public local laws,378,1,CHAPTER 378 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SYSTEM FOR RE- CORDING MAPS AND PLATS IN IREDELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners of Iredell County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to have prepared for use in the office of the register of deeds of said county, books on which all maps or plats of land or sub-divisions of land shall be recorded, as hereinafter provided, which books shall be designated as Plat Books, and numbered, and shall be bound in a substantial manner, and the leaves or sheets thereof shall be approximately eighteen inches by twenty inches and shall be made of tracing or linen cloth, suitable for tracing or making of such maps or plats, and that the same shall be as compact and convenient for use as possible," +1881_public laws_140_5,project experts,0,public laws,139,4,CHAPTER 139 AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION OF PORTIONS OF ROWAN COUNTY WHERE THE 8TOCK LAW NOW PREVAILS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That this act shall apply immediately to the following portions of Rowan county, viz: To the townships of Atwell, Mt. Ulla Locke and Franklin, to that portion of Scotch-Irish township, included within the limits of the boundaries which are defined in section two of said chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the public laws of the year one thousand eight hundred and seyenty-nine, to that portion of Salisbury township bounded on the north by Grants creek, on the south by the North Carolina Railroad, on the east by the Yadkin river, and on the west by the Salisbury town line and the Western North Carolina Railroad ; and to all those portions of said county where a stock law prevails, pursuant to section sixteen of the said chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the public laws of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. This act shall also apply to all those portions of said county where a stock law now prevails or shall hereafter prevail in pursuance of said chapter one hundred and thirty-five as aforesaid." +1907_private laws_427_47,project experts,0,private laws,424,46,"CHAPTER 424 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That they may establish all public buildings necessary and proper for the town, and prevent the erection or establishment of wooden buildings in any part of the town where they may increase the danger of fire." +1889_public laws_93_3,project experts,0,public laws,92,2,"CHAPTER Q2. An act to amend an act entitled An act to incorporate the East Carolina Land and Railway Company, being chapter 198 of the laws of 1887 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of aiding in the construction and equipment of the said railroad, it shall be lawful for the said East Carolina Land and Railway Company to issue its coupon bonds in such denominations and running for such time, not exceeding thirty years, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and payable at such times and places as its board of directors may direct, to be sold or hypothecated by the directors of the said company, and to secure the payment of the same the said East Carolina Land and Railway Company may execute a mortgage to such person or persons as their board of directors may select on its entire property, road-bed, stock and franchise, or, in case the road be divided and built in sections, which the said company is hereby authorized to do if they should so decide, such mortgage may be placed upon such separate sections in such manner as the company may direct: Provided, the said mortgage bonds shall not exceed the sum of twelve thousand dollars per mile, and the same shall be first mortgage bonds. 5" +1959_session laws_797_4,project experts,0,session laws,796,3,"CHAPTER 796 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 4 OF CHAPTER 119 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, REPLACEMENT VOLUME OF 1958, RELATING TO SAFETY REGULATIONS IN THE DESIGN, LOCATION, INSTALLA- TION AND OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES FOR STORING, HANDLING, AND TRANSPORTING AND UTILIZING LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS FOR FUEL OR HEATING PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","G. S. 119-53, Replacement Volume of 1958, is hereby rewritten so that the same shall hereafter read as follows: Sec. 119-53. Unlawful Acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to handle, store or distribute liquefied petroleum gas contrary to and in violation of the safety code adopted by reference in this Article or any amendments, additions or revisions of such safety code that may: be adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Agriculture, as provided in this Article." +1915_public local laws_200_7,project experts,0,public local laws,199,6,CHAPTER 199 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A COUNTY BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE FOR THE COUNTY OF GUILFORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the balance of the money arising from the sale of said bonds shall be expended by the board of county comumissioners in employing a competent architect to make plans and specifications for said county building and in building, constructing, equipping, furnishing, and completing for occupancy said building." +1939_public laws_321_2,project experts,0,public laws,320,1,"CHAPTER 320 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE ADULTERATION AND MIS- BRANDING OF FOODS, DRUGS, COSMETICS AND DE- VICES; TO PROHIBIT FALSE ADVERTISEMENT OF THE SAME, AND TO RENDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE STATE LAW AND THE ENFORCEMENT AND AD- MINISTRATION OF THE SAME UNIFORM WITH FED- ERAL LEGISLATION, ENFORCEMENT AND ADMIN- ISTRATION ON THE SUBJECT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That this Act may be cited as the North Carolina Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act." +1893_private laws_233_7,project experts,0,private laws,232,6,"CHAPTER 232 An act to incorporate the Credit Foncier Company of Lenoir, North Carolina. 4 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact -","Its principal business shall be the manufacture, buying and selling lumber, shingles, laths and any species of wood in the rough; the manufacture and sale of any and every article of merchandise, made of wood, stone, earth, animal or vegetable matter or metal, or a combination of any two or more such substances; the growing, buying and selling of every species of fatm products, and the manufacture of the&ame into any merchantable shape. It may loan money on real estate mortgages, on chattel mortgages, and on personal security, subject to the laws of North Carolina regarding interest and foreclosures, It may establish a savings bank for the use of its employees and such other persons as may choose to deposit with it. It may buy and sell real estate, and all deeds made to itas * Credit Foncier shall be good and valid, and all deeds signed for it in disposing of real estate shall be good and valid if signed with the corporate name and seal of Credit Foncier and acknowledged by the general . manager. It may purchase land and construct a boom at or above Catawba station, adjacent to the counties of Catawba and Iredell, and may charge toll on all logs caught in said boom, said toll not to exceed two dollars per thousand feet. It may float logs on the Catawba river and on all its tributaries that are by the laws of North Carolina open to the public for such purposes, and it may acquire by purchase, lease or gift the right to plant on any of said tributaries that are not so open, and when it shall have acquired such a right on any stream not open to the public it shall have the exclusive right to float over that stream. It shall have the right to construct tramways or railways from Lenoir through the Yadkin valley to Wilkesboro, North Carolina; from Lenoir to Linville and Cranberry, North Carolina; from Lenoir to Taylorsville, North Carolina, and from Lenoir to Morganton, North Carolina, under the laws of North Carolina now in force in such cases made and provided us regards rightsof-way and damages. It may remove the tracks of such of their tramways and railways as are not used for general freight traffic." +1919_public local laws_559_7,project experts,0,public local laws,558,6,"CHAPTER 558 AN ACT TO EQUALIZE THE FEES OF THE CLERK OF THE COURT, REGISTER OF DEEDS, SHERIFFS AND TAX COL- LECTORS OF HERTFORD COUNTY.. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in so far as they are inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. +1883_private laws_115_10,project experts,0,private laws,114,9,CHAPTER 114 An act to incorporate the Lightwood Creek Canal Company. the General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the board of directors of the said company shall issue notice to all parties whose lands the said canal shall pass through or cross over that the commissioners hereinafter appointed will proceed to lay off and condemn a right of way for said land, and to assess the value of the lands so condemned, and said notice shall state a day certain when the said commissioners will meet and enter upon the duties prescribed to them in condemning and assessing said Jands and the place of meeting: Provided, that if the said commissioners shall be unable to condemn and asstss the value of such lands in one day, they shall continue from day to day until they have completed the duties of condemning the lands and assessing the value of the same: And provided further, that the notice required to be given by this section shall not be less than thirty days." +1927_public laws_132_5,project experts,0,public laws,131,4,CHAPTER 131 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Upon certification to the Board of County Commissioners, or in case the territory in which the vote is to be taken lies entirely within a city or town, upon certification to the governing body of such city or town such board or body shall call and hold an election for voting a local tax to supplement the funds provided for the maintenance of the minimum school term under the constitution, at which election there shall be submitted to the voters of the entire new district the question of whether a maximum rate of tax, which shall not exceed fifty cents (50) on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, shall annually be levied upon the entire district: Provided, however, that in lieu of submitting such question to the voters of the entire new district at one election, there may be submitted to the voters of any component district or districts or component part or parts of a district separately or in combination the question of whether there shall be levied annually upon such district, districts, part or parts, a maximum rate of tax at the same rate, not exceeding fifty cents (50) on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, which was theretofore voted by any other component district or districts component part or parts of the new district." +1893_private laws_53_2,project experts,0,private laws,52,1,CHAPTER 52 An act to amend the charter of the town of Salisbury. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That subsection three -3 of section fourteen (14), chapter thirty-four of the private laws of eighteen hundred and eightyfive be and the same is hereby stricken out and the following substituted therefor, to-wit: The privilege tax on licensed retailers of spirituous or malt liquors shall be five hundred dollars per annum." +1909_public laws_647_6,project experts,0,public laws,646,5,CHAPTER 646 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A COURT STENOGRAPHER FOR GUILFORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"No person shall be appointed to the position of official stenographer without being first examined as to his or her competency by three members of the bar practicing in said court, said members to be selected by the chairman of the board of county commissioners, and if found competent shall report that fact to the said board." +1911_private laws_2_2,project experts,0,private laws,1,1,"CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO VALIDATE ANY SUPPOSED ERROR OF OMISSION OR COMMISSION IN THE ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF NEW BERN SEPTEMBER 8D, 1910, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW BERN TO ISSUE FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS OF BONDS TO MEET EXPENSES OF STREET PAVING AS SPECIFIED IN THE CALL FOR SAID ELECTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of aldermen of the city of New Bern are hereby authorized and empowered to issue fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars, five per cent coupon bonds, payable thirty -30 years after date of issue, to be expended in street paving as provided for in the election held in New Bern on September 3d, 1910" +1953_session laws_187_2,project experts,0,session laws,186,1,"CHAPTER 186 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 856 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1951, EXTENDING THE TIME FOR MAKING THE QUADRENNIAL REVALUATION AND REASSESSMENT OF REAL PROPERTY IN ROWAN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section 1 of Chapter 856 of the Session Laws of 1951 is hereby amended by rewriting Section 1 thereof to read as follows: Section 1 The Board of Commissioners of Rowan County is authorized in its discretion, to postpone until the year 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, or 1956 the quadrennial revaluation and reassessment of real property as required by G. S. 105-278." +1933_public local laws_255_8,project experts,0,public local laws,254,7,CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO CREATE THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR OF WATAUGA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Beginning July 1, 1933, the sheriff of Watauga County shall receive a salary of seventy-five dollars per month payable monthly out of the general fund of the county." +1931_public laws_62_2,project experts,0,public laws,61,1,"CHAPTER 61 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SIX- TEEN, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE, RELATING TO THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT IN WILSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter two hundred sixteen, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-three, be amended as follows: (a) Summons in civil actions shall issue out of the General County Court and be returnable thereto, as summons is issued out of and returnable to the Superior Court. (b) If the amount in controversy exceeds the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00), summons may issue out of the General County Court to any County in the State under the seal of the said Court. (c) Complaints shall be filed as is provided for the filing of the complaints in the Superior Court; answers shall be filed as is provided in the filing of answers in the Superior Court; provided, the judge shall not extend the time in which to answer, except upon an affidavit from the defendant or defendants showing good cause and such time shall not exceed twenty days from the time allowed by law, and only one extension shall be granted. (d) If a demurrer shall be filed to the complaint or to the answer or to any other pleadings, the same shall be heard and determined by the judge within ten days from the filing thereof. If the demurrer is overruled, the party demurring shall have thirty days thereafter within which to plead to the pleadings to which the demurrer was filed. (e) The judge shall of his own motion and as a matter of course enter judgment by default, final or inquiry, as may be proper, upon the expiration of the time within which to answer, demur, or otherwise plead if no demurrer, answer or other pleading has been filed. _(f) Either party shall be entitled to a trial by jury in civil cases upon demand made in his pleadings. If the plaintiff fails to demand a trial by jury in the complaint, it shall be deemed a waiver by the plaintiff of the right of trial by jury. If the defendant fails to demand a trial by jury in his answer, the defendant shall be deemed to have waived his right of trial by jury. If either party demands a trial by jury, it shall not be necessary for the other party to make demand, and failure to make a demand in such case shall not be deemed a waiver by said party, and the other party cannot thereafter waive the right of trial by jury without the consent of the adversary party. If neither party demands a trial by jury, or if trial by jury is waived by both parties, the judge shall hear the case, find the facts and render the judgment thereon. (g) Civil actions shall stand for trial at the second term next succeeding the filing of the answer, and shall be tried during that term unless good and sufficient cause shall be shown by affidavit for a continuance. The judge shall at such term call the cases for trial in their order and if the plaintiff is not ready for trial in the absence of good cause shown by affidavit, the action shall be dismissed as of nonsuit, according to the course and practice of the Superior Court. (h) The General County Court shall have jurisdiction to try actions for divorces, according to the course and practice of the Superior Court in such actions. (i) The judge of the Court shall appoint a Court Reporter who shall be a competent stenographer, said appointment may be made for a term or may be made from Court to Court. In all civil actions the Clerk shall require of the plaintiff a deposit of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50), which he shall hold as a fund with which to pay the Reporters compensation. In the event the plaintiff in a civil action shall recover judgment, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) required to be deposited shall be taxed against the defendant as part of the cost for the use of the plaintiff. The Court shall fix the compensation of the Reporter and at the end of each term shall issue an order on the Clerk for the payment of such compensation from the funds in the hands of the Clerk hereinafter provided for. The Judge, in the exercise of his discretion and upon consideration of the pleadings and the evidence may require an additional deposit, one-half to be paid by each party, for the compensation of the Reporter, which additional deposit shall be paid to the Clerk in the same manner as herein provided and shall be taxed as cost against the party against whom the cost is cast. In the event of an appeal to the Superior Court, the Reporter shall make and file a transcript in triplicate of said proceedings of the General County Court, which shall be filed with the record and for such services shall receive no compensation. The plaintiff or plaintiffs and defendant or defendants shall each be entitled to the use of one copy of such transcript and the other copy shall be for the use of the Superior Court. In each and every criminal action in the General County Court in which by the judgment of the Court the defendant shall be required, upon his conviction, to pay the cost of the Court, there shall be taxed against each of such defendants, as a part of the cost of the case, two dollars ($2.00), which sum shall be collected by the Clerk and held by him as a part of the fund from which the compensation of the Reporter is to be paid. (j) The Judge of the General County Court shall not practice in any of the courts of this State." +1939_public local laws_127_2,project experts,0,public local laws,126,1,CHAPTER 126 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF THE RECORDERS COURT OF CURRITUCK COUNTY AND TO REENACT CHAPTER FOUR HUN- DRED TWELVE OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN RELATING TO HIS SALARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Judge of the Recorders Court of Currituck County now holding that office shall serve in that capacity until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred forty-two, or until his successor is elected and qualified." +1957_session laws_769_4,project experts,0,session laws,768,3,"CHAPTER 768 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 162-6, RELATING TO THE FEES OF THE SHERIFF OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","When a fee to be charged for a service rendered by the Sheriff of Cumberland County is not set forth or fixed herein, such fees shall be charged as is now provided by law." +1935_public local laws_359_2,project experts,0,public local laws,358,1,CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED FORTY- TWO OF PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE RELATING TO THE COST IN CRIMINAL ACTION IN THE COURTS OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE IN RICHMOND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Chapter three hundred and forty-two of Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Strike out the proviso in subsection A of Section two and insert in lieu thereof the following: Provided that the County shall not be liable for or pay to any Justice of the Peace or Mayor a sum in excess of five dollars per month for cases in which he has final jurisdiction, provided further, that the County shall not be liable for or pay to any lawful officer any sum in excess of fifteen dollars per month for cases in which sch officer was the actual arresting officer." +1870/71_private laws_43_4,project experts,0,private laws,42,3,CHAPTER XLIT. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOMOLTA IRON COMPANY.,"The principal office of said company shall be in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, but the holders of three-fourths of the stock agreeing in writing, may change it to any other city." +1905_public laws_161_2,project experts,0,public laws,160,1,"CHAPTER 160 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF YANCHY COUNTY TO REFUND TO N. W. HORTON, EX- TREASURER OF SAID COUNTY, FORTY DOLLARS OUT OF THE GENERAL SCHOOL FUND OF SAID COUNTY FOR MONEY OVERPAID IN EXCESS OF THE SCHOOL FUND IN 1899 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the County Board of Education of Yancey County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to refund to N. W. Horton, ex-treasurer of said county, forty dollars for the amount paid by said Horton in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine to the public schools in said county in excess of the public school funds allotted to the public schools in said county." +1963_session laws_550_2,project experts,0,session laws,549,1,CHAPTER 549 AN ACT RELATING TO COUNTY OFFICIALS IN THE COUNTY OF CARTERET. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"From and after July 1, 1963, it shall not be lawful for any person holding county office in Carteret County, whether by election or appointment, to occupy or hold any other position of trust and responsibility, under the county government of the said county, whether or not for pay or profit, except as it now is or hereafter may be expressly authorized by 646 Statute or enactment of the General Assembly of the State, and the commissioners of said county shall have no authority so to appoint." +1965_session laws_186_2,project experts,0,session laws,185,1,CHAPTER 185 AN ACT FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF JURORS IN CALDWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Each juror in the Superior Court in Caldwell County shall be paid seven dollars ($7.00) per day and reimbursement for travel expense at the rate currently authorized for State employees, for each mile necessarily traveled from his place of residence to the court and return, each day." +1871/72_public laws_83_5,project experts,0,public laws,82,4,CHAPTER LXXXII. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BRUAS- WICK COUNTY TO ISSUER BONDS.,The coupons calling for the interest upon said bonds each year shall be received by the sheriff in payment of county taxes. +1927_public local laws_293_4,project experts,0,public local laws,292,3,"CHAPTER 292 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS, AND TO VALIDATE CERTAIN DEBT OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In each year while any of such bonds shall be outstanding, said board shall levy and collect a tax upon all taxable property within said county sufficient for the payment of the interest and principal of such bonds as the same fall due." +1933_public local laws_102_3,project experts,0,public local laws,101,2,CHAPTER 101 AN ACT TO FIX THE FEES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall be construed as supplementary to other laws, and the Clerk of the Superior Court shall collect all such fees that are not specifically set forth herein which may be prescribed by any other law or clause of law." +1917_public local laws_110_6,project experts,0,public local laws,109,5,"CHAPTER 109 AN ACT TO AUTORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF YADKIN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROAD PURPOSES, AND TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH A ROAD COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of Yadkin County to annually invest any and all moneys arising from said special tax for sinking fund in the purchase of said bonds, if the same can be bought at a price advantageous to the county, and if not, then to invest said funds upon approved security and upon terms advantageous to the county. Said funds to be invested in Yadkin County if satisfactory and safe investment can be had." +1907_private laws_395_4,project experts,0,private laws,392,3,"CHAPTER 392 AN ACT TO MERGE AND CONSOLIDATE RUNNYMEDE HOSIERY MILLS AND THE RUNNYMEDE LAND COM- PANY, TWO CORPORATIONS OF THE COUNTY OF EDGR- COMBE, INTO ONE CORPORATION. Whereas, on the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred, there was duly incorporated by the Clerk of the Supe- rior Court of Edgecombe County, under and by virtue of the laws of North Carolina, the Tarboro Knitting Mills, with the right from time to time to increase its capital stock to one hundred thousand dollars; which said corporation by due process of law changed its corporate name from Tarboro Knitting. Mills to Run- nymede Hosiery Mills on the twenty-ninth day of December, one thousand nine hundred; and whereas, there was duly incorporated by the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County by the corporate name of Runnymede Land Company, on the thirty- first day of July, one thousand nine hundred, another corporation with the power to increase its capital to one hundred thousand dollars; and whereas, both of said corporations were duly organ- ized under their respective charters. and are now doing business at Runnymede, in Edgecombe County, as such corporations, and have acquired property and franchises worth one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, of which the sum of eighty thousand dollars is the value of the property and franchises of Runnymede Hosiery Mills, and the sum of forty thousand dollars is the value of the property and franchises of Runnymede Land Company; and whereas, by a unanimous vote of all the stockholders of each of said corporations it has been desired that the said two corpo- rations be merged into one corporation, to be known and exist under the corporate name of Runnymede Mills, Incorporated, with a paid-up capital of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, divided into twelve hundred -1,200 shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, four hundred -400 shares to be issued to the stockholders of Runnymede Land Company in proportion to the interest each now has in said corporation and eight hun- dred (S800) shares to be issued to the present stockholders of Runnymede Hosiery Mills, in proportion to the interest each now has in the corporation. That all the property of every kind be- longing to Runnymede Land Company and Runnymede Hosiery Mills shall be duly conveyed to the said Runnymede Mills, Incor- porated, and all franchises and choses in action of Runnymede Land Company and Runnymede Hosiery Mills are to vest in and be the property of the Runnymede Mills, Incorporated, and Run- nymede Mills, Incorporated, is to assume and pay off all debts of the Runnymede Land Company and Runnymede Hosiery Mills, and have all the rights and appurtenances granted both corpo- rations in their said charters: therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The corporate name of the new corporation shall be Runnymede Mills, Incorporated, and its principal place of business shall be Runnymede, near the town of Tarboro in the county of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina; under the corporate name of Runnymede Mills, Incorporated, it shall have all the rights and privileges and appurtenances and shall be subject to all burdens and liabilities heretofore belonging to and resting upon the two corporations, before this known as the Runnymede Hosiery Mills and Runnymede Land Company, to-wit: (a) It shall have the power to sue and be sued in all the courts of this State, State and Federal; (b) It shall be liable for all debts now owing by the Runnymede Hosiery Mills and Runnymede Land Company, and entitled to collect, receipt in discharge of, sue for and recover judgment for debts and claims, choses in action, due or to become due Runnymede Hosiery Mills and Runnymede Land Company ; (c) It shall have the power to engage in the manufacturing of hosiery, underwear and all products usually manufactured from cotton, to buy, sell and rent real estate, own and operate dye plants, and all other things thereto appertaining or appurtenant; to erect tenant houses and rent out the same, to hold, own, transfer, lense and let out again both real and personal property, to build, equip and operate factory plants of any kind, to build, maintain and operate a store or stores of general merchandise: to develop in such manner as shall seem best all realty owned or controlled by it; to borrow money from time to time, issuing bonds secured by mortgage upon the property therefor; to invest the czpital paid in and all moneys accumulated in such manner as it shall deem prudent, and may buy real or personal estate, bonds, mortgages and stock securities and have power to resell and convey the same and to do generally all acts and things necessary and proper to be done in the judgment of its officers charged therewith, to expedite and successfully conduct the various businesses of said corporation." +1911_public local laws_235_35,project experts,0,public local laws,234,34,CHAPTER 234 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A BETTER SYSTEM FOR WORKING AND MAINTAINING THE PUBLIC ROADS IN SWAIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any road trustee, supervisor, or secretary-treasurer of board of road trustees who shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties herein required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the court, and it shall be the duty of the solicitor of the Sixteenth Judicial District to prosecute all offenses against this act." +1911_public local laws_692_3,project experts,0,public local laws,691,2,CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS TO SELL THE HOME FOR THE AGED AND. INFIRM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in case of the sale of said property the board of commissioners of Cabarrus County is authorized to purchase another tract of land at any place in said county selected by said board, to be used as a home for the aged and infirm, or in case of the sale of only a part of said land, the proceeds derived from said sale shall be used for the improvement of the present home for the aged and infirm." +1947_session laws_877_3,project experts,0,session laws,876,2,"CHAPTER 876 AN ACT TO PROMOTE PUBLIC HEALTH BY THE REGU- LATION OF BURIALS IN WILSON TOWNSHIP, WIL- SON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",The Health Officer of Wilson County shall not withhold such permit if it be shown to his satisfaction that such burial will be conducted in a proper manner and in a place not injurious to the health of the community. +1963_session laws_414_3,project experts,0,session laws,413,2,"CHAPTER 413 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF MORGANTON TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT BEER AND WINE MAY BE LEGALLY SOLD AND ALCOHOLIC BEV- ERAGE CONTROL STORES OPERATED IN THE TOWN OF MORGANTON. WHEREAS, more than fifteen per cent -15% of the qualified voters who voted in the last election for members of the governing body of the Town of Morganton have heretofore filed and signed with the town board of elections a petition asking that a vote be held on the question of legalizing the sale of beer and wine and the establishment and operation of Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores on the 13th day of July, 1963, for the purpose of submitting said question to the voters of the Town of Morganton; and 467 WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that such election be held on said date: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said election will be called and held on the date herein set forth notwithstanding the nearness or coincidence of said date with any other election. A new registration for voters for such election shall not be necessary and all qualified voters who are properly registered prior to registration for the election and those who register for said election shall be entitled to vote in said election. Said election shall be conducted by the town board of elections and the cost thereof shall be paid from the general fund of the Town of Morganton and except as otherwise herein provided this special election shall be conducted under the same statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to general elections for the Town of Morganton." +1935_public laws_460_8,project experts,0,public laws,459,7,"CHAPTER 459 AN ACT TO PROMOTE MORE SECURE OCCUPANCY OF FARMS AND FARM HOMES, TO CORRECT SOME PRES- ENT FORMS OF FARM TENANCY: TO PROMOTE RURAL REHABILITATION BY PROVIDING FOR THE CON- STRUCTION AND SUPERVISION OF SUBSISTENCE HOMESTEADS AND PLANNED RURAL COMMUNITIES FOR FAMILIES OF LOW INCOMES AND THOSE WHO DESIRE TO ACQUIRE AND LIVE UPON SUBSISTENCE FARMS, AND FOR THE SALE THEREOF ON REASON- ABLE TERMS: AUTHORIZING THE INCORPORATION OF LIMITED DIVIDEND AND/OR NON-DIVIDEND RURAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES AND CREATING A STATE BOARD OF RURAL REHABILITATION, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENCOURAGING, APPROVING, SUP- ERVISING AND REGULATING SUCH ACTIVITIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Board is hereby empowered to (a) study rural conditions and farm tenancy throughout the State, to determine in what areas unhealthful and insanitary conditions constitute a menace to health, and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the State; (b) prepare programs for correcting such conditions as may be relieved by the purposes of this act: (c) collect and distribute information relating to rural development; (d) recommend and approve the areas within which or adjacent to which the construction of rural community projects by limited dividend and/or non-dividend companies may be undertaken, and (e) co-operate with local officials and planning commissions or similar bodies in the development of projects they may have under consideration." +1965_session laws_351_3,project experts,0,session laws,350,2,"CHAPTER 350 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 10, OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA TO INCREASE THE MINIMUM LIMITS OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INSURANCE FOR TAXICAB OPERATORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1899_public laws_427_2,project experts,0,public laws,426,1,CHAPTER 426 An act for the protection of poultry and birds in Davidson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ,"That on and after the fifteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the superior court of Davidson county to pay to the bearer the sum of twenty-five cents for each and every hawk scalp taken in Davidson county: Provided, that sparrow and broad-winged or mouse hawks are exempted." +1951_session laws_613_2,project experts,0,session laws,612,1,CHAPTER 612 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE HENDERSONVILLE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TO CONVEY ANY OR ALL OF ITS PROPERTY OR ASSETS OR TRANSFER THE SAME TO A NON-PROFIT OR PUB- LIC HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of Directors of the governing authority of the Hendersonville Hospital Association, a corporation organized under Chapter 127 of the Private Laws of 1911, in the discretion of such Board of Directors or governing authority, is hereby authorized and empowered to convey all of the property of said association, including any hospital or assets of hospital operated by said association, real, personal or mixed, to any person, firm or corporation." +1919_public local laws_150_2,project experts,0,public local laws,149,1,"CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 129 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915, RELATING TO HUNTING IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That section two of chapter one hundred and twenty-nine of the Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen be amended by striking out the words March the first from line four and inserting in lieu thereof the words February the first. +1868/69_private laws_94_4,project experts,0,private laws,93,3,"PLE Boy xeiit: AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MIDDLE FALLS MANUFACTURING | COMPANY, IN RICHMOND COUNTY. )","That within ninety days after the passage of this act that any three of the stockholders in the Company may call a general meeting vf the Company at any convenient place in Rockingham, and proceed to elect three Directors, requiring a majority of the votes present to make a choice, and the Directors thus chosen shall from among themselves choose a President, provided that a majority of the stock be represented in said meeting, and annually thereafter the stockholders shall meet in Rockingham, at such place as the Board of Directors shall designate, for the pur- pose of electing three Directors, which Directors, thus chosen by a majority of votes present, shall appoint one of their number President ; the Directors having appointed a President, the President and the other Directors shall be termed the Board of Directors, which Board of Directors shall appoint the other officers who may be required, and make such rules, regulations aud by-laws for the same as may be deemed necessary, and manage the business of the concern for one year: Provided always, That a majority of the stock shall be represented at such meeting, and the Board of Directors shall be considered in oftice until other Directors are chosen. A majority of the Board of Directors shall be capable of transacting business, and in case of the absence of the President, appoint a President pro tem." +1915_public local laws_692_9,project experts,0,public local laws,691,8,CHAPTER 691 AN ACT TO PLACE THE OFFICERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY ON SALARIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners may make an allowance of not more than eight hundred and fifty dollars to the sheriff of Franklin County to be expended by said sheriff in collecting taxes, and for any necessary clerical assistance." +1933_public laws_205_38,project experts,0,public laws,204,508,"CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALU- ING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL, AND MIXED, AT ITS TRUE VALUE IN MONEY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I","Females or non-residents of the township where the property is situated, and persons physically unable to attend and file a list of their property, may appoint agents for the purpose of listing their property. Such agent shall be required to qualify by stating under oath that he knows the extent and has knowledge of the TRUE valuation of the property to be listed. The property of corporations shall be listed by the president, cashier, treasurer, or any other person appointed for that purpose. PRIVATE BANKS, BANKERS, BROKERS OR SECURITY BROKERS" +1876/77_public laws_95_5,project experts,0,public laws,94,4,"CHAPTER XCIV. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF GRIFFINSVILLE, IN THE ; COUNTY OF UNION.","An election shall be held the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, on the same day in each successive year, for mayor and three commissioners. All persons who have lived within the corporate limits of said town for ninety -90 days preceding the election, and qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, shall vote in the election tor officers of said town." +1913_public local laws_198_9,project experts,0,public local laws,197,8,"CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS IN FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, IN MACON COUNTY, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PAY THE EXPENSES THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said commission shall also have the power to employ such other persons and to purchase such supplies as in their judgment are necessary to carry this act into effect. They may purchase such machinery, tools, blasting materials, drain pipes, and lumber as may be necessary to build or repair any road; they may construct necessary drains, culverts, and footpaths and maintain the same. It shall be unlawful for any person on horseback to use any footpath constructed under the direction of the commission, and any one so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before a justice of the peace shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. The board of county commissioners shall put into the custody and control of the highway commission the road-working machinery and tools heretofore bought and now owned by Franklin Township; and in case a county convict force shall be provided for, they shall turn over to said highway commission such part of the county convict force as may not be needed for the work of constructing and repairing the public roads elsewhere in the county, and if deemed expedient may turn over the entire force to the said commission, and the convicts, while in the custody of the highway commission, shall be employed in the construction and repairing of the public roads under the jurisdiction of the commission." +1915_private laws_90_60,project experts,0,private laws,89,59,CHAPTER 839 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF DURHAM AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL AMEND- MENTS THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That at each voting precinct in said city at such election there shall be provided one box in which each person entitled to vote may deposit one ballot. That those wishing to vote that the foregoing provisions shall become law applicable to the city of Durham may vote a ballot on which there shall be printed or written the words For New Charter, and each of those wishing to vote against the foregoing provisions becoming law applicable to the city of Durham may vote a ballot on which shall be printed or written the words Against New Charter." +1903_public laws_365_13,project experts,0,public laws,364,12,CHAPTER 364 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE COMMISSIONERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY TO INAUGURATE A BETTER SYSTEM OF WORK- ING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person who shall, after being duly notified as provided in section four of this act, fail to appear and work as required to do (after having failed to pay the sum of two dollars), or any person who shall appear as notified, and fail or refuse to perform good and reasonable labor, as required by said Superintendent or Supervisor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than two nor more than five dollars, or sentenced to work on the public roads of the county for not less than ten nor more than twenty days." +1925_public local laws_624_10,project experts,0,public local laws,623,9,"CHAPTER 623 AN ACT TO CREATE A FISH AND GAME COMMISSION FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY, AND TO PROTECT THE GAME AND FRESHWATER FISH OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said board shall have prepared and furnished to each person who may secure license under this act, in pamphlet form, a copy of this law, the same to be furnished free of charge." +1907_public laws_175_3,project experts,0,public laws,174,2,"CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF SPIRITUOUS, VINOUS AND MALT LIQUORS IN McDOW- _ ELL COUNTY AND TO PREVENT THE IMPORTATION THEREOF INTO SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be unlawful for any druggist to sell in said county more than one pint of such spirituous, vinous or malt liquors to any one person at any one time, and then only upon the written prescription of a regular practising physician for a sick person under his charge when such prescription is given; and it shall be the duty of the druggist filling such prescription to file the same and to furnish to the Solicitor at each-criminal term of the Superior Court of said county a list showing the number of prescriptions filled, the date thereof, with the amount and the name of the person to whom and for whose relief such liquor was sold, and the name of the physician giving such prescription, and in no case shall any one of such prescriptions be filled a second time; and any druggist failing to furnish such list to the Solicitor as aforesaid, or filling any one of such prescriptions a second time, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor," +1933_public local laws_523_2,project experts,0,public local laws,522,1,"CHAPTER 522 AN ACT TO AMEND HOUSE BILL 1405 ENTITLED AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION OF CER- TAIN OFFICERS OF BLADEN COUNTY, RATIFIED APRIL 28TH, 1933 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That House Bill fourteen hundred five of the present session of the General Assembly, ratified April twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hundred thirty-three, the same being: An act to fix the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Bladen County, be and the same is, hereby amended by striking out and rewriting section one thereof so that said section shall read as follows: Section 1 That the sheriff of Bladen County shall receive the salary of twenty-one hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly, and, in addition thereto, shall also receive fees and commissions as sheriff and tax collector of said county as follows: The sheriff of Bladen County shall receive for his services in collecting all taxes, commissions at the rate of one per centum on the first fifty thousand dollars of taxes collected, commissions at the rate of two per centum of all taxes collected by him in excess of fifty thousand dollars up to and including but not in excess of, one hundred thousand dollars, and commissions at the rate of four per centum of all taxes collected by him in excess of one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that the said sheriff shall keep an accurate account of all commissions so received by him upon such tax collections, and make accurate report thereof to the Board of Commissioners of Bladen County at each regular meeting of such Board, covering such collections for the preceding calendar month, the said report to be audited and passed upon by the County Auditor or County Accountant, and all sums received by said sheriff from such commissions on taxes collected as hereinbefore set out, in excess of the sum of four thousand dollars per year, shall by said sheriff be paid over and into the treasury of Bladen County as a part of the general fund thereof, such ascertainment and settlement to be made as of the first Monday of December in each calendar year. The sheriff of Bladen County shall also receive, in addition to the compensation as above provided for, all fees and emoluments of his office which are, or may hereafter be, allowed by law for the service of process, including a fee of fifty cents for each levy made on personal property in the collection of taxes, and also all such fees allowed for his services in connection with sale or foreclosure of land for delinquent taxes, as allowed to the sheriff by chapter one hundred forty-eight, Public Laws nineteen hundred thirty-three." +1903_public laws_239_8,project experts,0,public laws,238,7,CHAPTER 238 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE COMMISSIONERS OF HENDERSON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD OR REPAIR COURT HOUSE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if the Commissioners shall decide to erect new buildings, they shall have the right to sell the present buildings, with the block occupied by them, as a whole or in separate lots, also the lot deeded to the county of Henderson by Alledge, after advertising the same for thirty days at the court house door and in all the papers published in the county, to the highest bidder, provided that any one shall have thirty days in which to raise any bid to an amount not less than five per cent, said sale to be made on such terms as the Commissioners may fix. The Commissioners shall also have the right and authority to select and purchase a new site for such public buildings as are herein contemplated, if they shall deem best so to do. ;" +1874/75_public laws_23_5,project experts,0,public laws,22,4,"CHAPTER XXII. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED AN AOT TO INCORPORATE THE CAPE FEAR AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, RATIFIED THE TWELFTH DAY OF APRIL, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE.","That the collection of rents for the use of the grounds, or any portion of them, for the privilege of any lawful exhibition held thereon, shall be legal before any court of competent jurisdiction." +1949_session laws_611_5,project experts,0,session laws,610,4,884 CHAPTER 610 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE AIR- PORT COMMISSION OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND PRE- SCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COM- MISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The officers of the Commission shall be a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, all of whom shall be members thereof. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held with any other office. Officers shall serve for a term of one year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 in each year, except that the terms of the first officers elected shall expire on December 31 next succeeding their election. Members and officers of the Commission shall serve without compensation unless such compensation is ordered and fixed by the county commissioners. The Commission shall have the power to elect an assistant secretary, and an assistant treasurer, who need not be members of the said Commission, and both of said offices may be held by the same person. The county commissioners may limit the payment of compensation to members and officers of the Commission out of funds derived from the operation of the airports and landing fields over which the said Commission has control. A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum." +1891_private laws_166_12,project experts,0,private laws,165,12,CHAPTER 165 An act to incorporate the Seven Springs Mineral Water and Improve- ment Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws or clauses of laws in conflict with this act be and are hereby repealed. +1913_private laws_134_26,project experts,0,private laws,133,25,"CHAPTER 133 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said board of commissioners shall have the power to purchase, acquire, hold, lease, manage, control, and ereate, and to sell, lease, and dispose of to such person or persons, corporation or corporations, and for such price or prices and on such terms and conditions as the commissioners may deem proper, water, electricity, water rights, powers, privileges, and appropriations for milling, manufacturing, domestic, and other uses and purposes; and to dvelop, control, generally deal in and dispose of to such person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, as to the commissioners may seem proper, electrical and other power, for the generation, distribution, and supply of electricity for light, heat, and power, and for any other uses and purposes to which the same are adapted, and to this end all purchases of property within or without the corporate limits which may hereafter be made for these purposes are hereby authorized. 4" +1929_private laws_58_14,project experts,0,private laws,57,13,"CHAPTER 57 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LEAKSVILLE TOWN- SHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO CREATE A BOARD OF TRUSTEES WITH POWERS AND DUTIES INCIDENT TO THE OPERATION OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE DISTRICT IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Should any section or part of this act be declared unconstitutional or invalid by court decision, such invalidity shall not operate to render the act as a whole invalid nor sha!] it apply to any section or part save that considered in the decision." +1925_public local laws_171_7,project experts,0,public local laws,170,6,CHAPTER 170 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE IREDELL COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The powers granted by this act are in addition to existing powers of said county. +1901_public laws_575_2,project experts,0,public laws,574,1,CHAPTER 574 An act to authorize the Board of Commissioners of Haywood County to convert the excess of special bridge tax to the general county fund. . The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the Board of Commissioners of Haywood County are authorized to convert the excess of the special taxes levied for bridges into the general funds of said county. +1887_public laws_88_25,project experts,0,public laws,87,24,CHAPTER 87 An act to incorporate the Roanoke and Southern Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"To provide for the payment of said subscription made as provided in this act, the board of commissioners of the county in which is situated any township, city or town making such subscription, shall issue coupon bonds to the amount of the subscription so authorized, and said bonds shall upon their face indicate on account of what township, city or town they are issued, and the conditions upon which they are issued. Said bonds shall be in denominations of not less than fifty, nor more than one thousand dollars, and shall run for not exceeding forty years, and bear interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, and payable at such time and place as the board of county commissioners may direct." +1927_public laws_68_3,project experts,0,public laws,67,2,"CHAPTER 67 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 42, VOLUME 1 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATING TO INNS, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall pay a fine not to exceed fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days. +1945_session laws_525_4,project experts,0,session laws,524,3,"CHAPTER 524 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE DEPARTMENT OF CON- SERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT TO CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP SMALLMOUTH BASS FISH HATCHERIES AND SUB-REARING STATIONS, AND CONTINUING FOR THE NEXT BIENNIUM THE UNEXPENDED AP- PROPRIATION THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1935_public laws_156_10,project experts,0,public laws,155,2,CHAPTER 155 AN ACT TO REGULATE AND CONTROL THE PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I,"The said board shall keep a record of its proceedings relating to issuance, refusal, renewal, suspension and revocation of certificates of registration. This record shall also contain the name, place of business and residence of every registered photographer and registered apprentice, and the date and number of his certificate of registration. This record shall be opened to public inspection at all reasonable times." +1967_session laws_577_3,project experts,0,session laws,576,2,CHAPTER 576 AN ACT TO APPROVE AND CONFIRM CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF RALEIGH AND THE TOWN OF CARY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF RALEIGH AND THE TOWN OF GARNER WITH REGARD TO THE PURCHASE OF WATER FROM RALEIGH BY SAID TOWNS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"No action based upon the invalidity of the contracts herein confirmed shall lie to enjoin the issuance of, or to contest, any bonds authorized by the Town of Cary, the Town of Garner or the City of Raleigh to implement their respective contracts." +1927_public local laws_351_2,project experts,0,public local laws,350,1,"CHAPTER 350 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN OFFICIAL ACTS OF F. E. SHUFORD, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That owing to the loss of the book containing the record of the qualificatiom of the said F. E. Shuford, as justice of the peace of said county, that it is necessary to validate certain official acts done and performed by the said Shuford from the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, tc the eighteenth day of February." +1915_private laws_233_3,project experts,0,private laws,232,2,"CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF CLYDE TO ISSUE BONDS AMOUNTING TO $20,000 FOR A WATER SUPPLY, SEWERAGE, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, AND OTHER NECES- SARY IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO MEET THE INTEREST TO PAY SAID BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That at any time within two years after the passage of this act, upon petition to the board of commissioners or aldermen of said town signed by one-fourth of the qualified voters of said town, the board of commissioners or aldermen of said town shall call an election at which they shall submit to the qualified voters of said town the question of whether or not the said town of Clyde shall issue the twenty thousand. dollars of bonds for the purposes aforesaid and shall levy a special tax, annually, to pay the interest on said bonds as it accrues and to create a sinking fund for the purpose of paying off and discharging said bonds when they become due; and those favoring the issuing of said bonds and the levying of said special taxes shall be permitted to cast one ballot upon which shall be written or printed the words For Bonds, and those opposing the proposition shall be permitted to cast one ballot, upon which shall be written or printed the words Against Bonds." +1911_public local laws_240_4,project experts,0,public local laws,239,3,CHAPTER 2309 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUB- LIC ROADS OF CATAWBA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of county commissioners or the county superintendent or township supervisor with the approval of the commissioners, may contract with any person, firm or corporation for the construction or improvement of any public road or part thereof and pay the costs thereof out of the funds of the township in which said road or part thereof is located: Provided, any contract may be terminated at any. time by the commissioners, or by the superintendent or the supervisor with the approval of the commissioners, and in that case the commissioners shall pay pro rata for the work performed under the contract." +1913_private laws_377_6,project experts,0,private laws,376,5,"CHAPTER 376 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE WAKE FOREST GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, WAKE FOREST TOWNSHIP, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. +1927_public local laws_617_3,project experts,0,public local laws,616,2,"CHAPTER 616 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 370, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1925, CHAPTER 602, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1913, AND CHAPTER 422, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915, RE- LATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section five, chapter six hundred and two of the Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words, fifteen in line ten of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words, twenty-four." +1915_public laws_116_13,project experts,0,public laws,115,12,"CHAPTER 115 AN ACT RELATING TO THE INCORPORATION. MAINTE- NANCE AND SUPERVISION OF CREDIT UNIONS, AND CO- OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Supervisory Committee; Audit and Report. The supervisory committee shall inspect the securities, cash and accounts of the corporation and supervise the acts of its board of directors, credit committee, and officers. At any time the supervisory committee, by a unanimous vote, may suspend the credit committee or any member of the board of directors, or any officer elected by the board and by a majority vote may call a meeting of the shareholders to consider any violation of this act or of the by-laws, or any practice of the corporation which, in the opinion of said committee, is unsafe and unauthorized. Within seven days after the suspension of the credit committee the supervisory committee shall cause notice to be given of a special meeting of the members to take such action relative to such suspension aS may seem necessary. The supervisory committee shall fill vacancies in their own number until the next regular meeting of the members. At the close of each fiscal year the supervisory committee shall make a thorough audit of the receipts, disbursements, income, assets, and liabilities of the corporation for the said fiscal year, and shall make a full report thereon to the directors. Said report shall be read at the annual meeting of the members and shall be filed and preserved with the records of the corporation." +1905_private laws_212_30,project experts,0,private laws,212,29,CHAPTER 212 AN ACT TO REVISE AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF NORWOOD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of commissioners shall have power to enact any ordinance or ordinances and to pass all laws and regulations not incorporated in this charter they may deem necessary for the better government of the town, not inconsistent with the general laws and Constitution of the State." +1911_public laws_51_38,project experts,0,public laws,50,37,"CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 440, PUBLIC LAWS 1909, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXBS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter four hundred and forty -440 of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine be amended so as here- after to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Boarp or State TAX COMMISSIONERS.","Penalty for not listing personal property. Any person, firm or corporation in this State owning or holding personal property of any nature or description, individually or as agent, trustee, guardian, administrator, executor, assignee, or receiver, which property is subject to assessment, who shall intentionally make a FALSE statement to the assessor or assistant assessor of his assessment district, or to the board of equalization thereof, for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the just and proportionate taxes thereon, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars for every hundred dollars or major fraction thereof so withheld from the knowledge of such assessor, assistant assessor, or board of equalization. It is hereby made a duty of the sheriff of any county, upon complaint made to him by any taxpayer of the assessment district, in which it is alleged that property has been so withheld from the knowledge of the assessor, assistant assessor, or board of equalization or not included in the said statement, to investigate the case forthwith and bring an action in the Superior Court in the name of the State against the person so complained of. All forfeitures collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the county treasury." +1945_session laws_128_4,project experts,0,session laws,127,3,"CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AMEND THE BANKING LAW WITH REGARD TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LOANS OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BANKS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF TRUST ASSETS FROM ONE TRUST TO AN- OTHER BY THE SAME TRUSTEE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section thirty-six twenty-nine of the General Statutes of North Carolina be amended by rewriting the same so as to read as follows: Sec. 36-29. Trustee selling from one trust to another trust. No trustee shall as trustee of one trust sell property to itself as trustee of another trust: Provided, assets of trust held by any bank or trust company under the supervision of the State Banking Commission may be sold or transferred from one trust to another trust if such transfer is expressly authorized by the instrument creating the trust from which the transfer is made, or if such transfer is approved by the board of directors by unanimous vote at a regular meeting, such action being recorded in the minutes." +1949_session laws_713_2,project experts,0,session laws,712,1,1047 CHAPTER 712 AN ACT RELATING TO THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The Board of Education of Washington County shall consist of five members to be named and appointed as hereinafter provided. +1929_public laws_76_2,project experts,0,public laws,75,1,CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CIVIL SUITS UPON NON-RESIDENT OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS GROWING OUT OF ACCIDENTS OR COLLISIONS IN WHICH SUCH MOTOR VEHICLE OWN. ERS OR OPERATORS MAY BE INVOLVED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the acceptance by a non-resident of the rights and privileges conferred by the laws now or hereafter in force in this state permitting the operation of motor vehicles, as evidenced by the operation of a motor vehicle by such nonresident on the public highways of this state, or the operation by such non-resident of a motor vehicle on the public highways of the state other than as.so permitted or regulated, shall be deemed equivalent to the appointment by such non-resident of the Commissioner of Revenue, or of his successor in office, to be his TRUE and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all summonses or other lawful process in any action or proceeding against him, growing out of any accident or collision in which said non-resident may be involved by reason of the operation by him, for him, or under his control or direction, express or implied, of a motor vehicle on such public highway of this State, and said acceptance or operation shall be a signification of his agreement that any such process against him shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served on him personally. Service of such process shall be made by leaving a copy thereof, with a fee of one dollar, in the hands of said Commissioner of Revenue, or in his office, and such service shall be sufficient service upon the said non-resident: Provided, that notice of such service and a copy of the process are forthwith sent by registered mail by the plaintiff or the Commissioner of Revenue to the defendant and the defendants return receipt and the plaintiffs affidavit of compliance herewith are appended to the summons or other process and filed with said summons, complaint and other papers in the cause. The court in which the action is pending shall order such continuance as may be necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action." +1895_private laws_3_9,project experts,1,private laws,2,8,"CHAPTER 2 An act to amend the charter of the town of Mount Airy, North Carolina, and to establish a system of graded schools therein. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","The school committee created by this act may elect annually & superintendent for the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for whites if the same shall be established. The said superintendent shall [examine] all applicants for teachers positions in said school, and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the said school committee." +1889_public laws_326_8,project experts,0,public laws,325,7,CHAPTER 3825 An act to drain South Deep creek in Yadkin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the said overseer shall work out the said stream on or before the first day of September in each and every year. +1899_private laws_18_2,project experts,0,private laws,17,1,"CHAPTER 17 An act to amend the charter of the town of Jamesville, Martin county. North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two (2), chapter one hundred and fiftyeight (158), private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one -1891 be stricken out, and the following inserted in lieu thereof: ) That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning on Roanoke river at the northern end of Smithwiclr street; thence southerly along Smithwick street to the northeast corner of W. T. Stallings dwelling-house tract of land, on said Smithwick street; thence westerly along said Stallings back fence to New street; thence southerly to Washington street; thence a southerly course continued one hundred and twenty yards -120 to a corner post; thence easterly to the southwest corner of Mrs. Fannie Lillys dwelling-house lot; thence southerly to the southwest corner of the A. J. Davis dwelling-house lot; thence easterly to the center of Maple branch; thence northerly along the center of said branch to Hardison street; thence easterly along Hardison street to the eastern end of said street; thence southerly one hundred and twenty yards -120 to a post; thence easterly to the Jamesville and Washington Railroad track; thence northerly along said railroad track to Roanoke river; thence up said Roanoke river along the waters edge to Smithwick street on said river, the beginning." +1908 extra_private laws_7_3,project experts,0,private laws,6,2,"CHAPTER 6 AN ACT.TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WEBSTER, IN JACKSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the corporate limits of said Town of Webster shall be as follows: Beginning at the bank of Tuckaseigee River in the line between A. W. Davis and J. M. Loves heirs, and running up the ridge with Davis line to Felix E. Alleys. line; thence with Alleys upper outside line to F. H. Leatherwoods line; thence with Leatherwoods upper outside line to L. L. Buchanans line; thence with Buchanans line to a point above the reservoir of the Webster waterworks; thence in an easterly direction, so as to include said reservoir and waterworks, crossing the lands of Tyler Buchanan, Mrs. R. F. McKee and W. D. Frizell to J. W. Terrells line; thence with Terrells line to C. W. Davis line; thence with the said Davis outside line to the line between the county farm and J. W. Davis; thence with J. W. Davis upper line to A. V. P. Brysons line; thence a straight line to Tuckaseigee River; thence across said river to a stake on the bank of. said river between D. M. Fullbrights and J. J. Wilds land; thence with said Wilds upper line to J. Robert Ashes line; thence in a westerly direction, so as to include the lands of W. L. Cowan, J. W. Cowan and William Self to Hannah Halls line; thence with her outside line to the bank of Tuckaseigee River; thence up the river with its meanders to the beginning." +1917_public laws_177_7,project experts,0,public laws,145,6,"CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF A ROSTER OR BLUE BOOK SHOWING THE OFFICERS AND EM- PLOYEES, AND THEIR COMPENSATION, IN EACH DE- PARTMENT OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That this act shall not be construed to require the publication of the names of pensioners, nor of school teachers or officers not employed directly by the State Department of Education or the Superintendent of Public Instruction; but the amount of such money paid out of the State Treasury to the various counties of the State for pensions or educational purposes shall be set forth in said roster or Blue Book by counties; nor shall this act apply to the officers or employees of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, nor local agricultural or fair societies, nor to the orphan societies to the support of which the State contributes; but all institutions or departments of the State Government shall be considered to be embraced in this act which receive any appropriation from the State Treasury, general or special, except those above excepted." +1933_public local laws_378_2,project experts,0,public local laws,377,1,"CHAPTER 377 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE ACTS OF CERTAIN JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN MACON COUNTY. Whereas, it appearing that the Clerk of Superior Court of Macon County, in the years nineteen hundred and twenty-eight and nineteen hundred and thirty, appointed certain justices of the peace, and that said justices of the peace, acting in good faith, passed on various and sundry papers; and Whereas, the Clerk did not have the authority to appoint said justices of the peace, and that it is now necessary that their acts be validated: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all the official acts performed by Onley Moses, I. V. Ramey, and any other justices of the peace in Macon County who were appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court in the years nineteen hundred and twenty-eight and nineteen hundred and thirty be and the same are hereby validated." +1949_session laws_647_3,project experts,0,session laws,646,2,"509 CHAPTER 646 AN ACT TO CREATE THE OFFICE OF TAX SUPERVISOR OF STOKES COUNTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF STOKES COUNTY, IN ITS DISCRETION, TO APPOINT A BANK OR TRUST COMPANY TO ACT AS FINANCIAL AGENT FOR THE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall have all of the powers and be charged with all of the duties pertaining to tax supervisors in Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, including but not by way of limitation, Subchapter II of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, as amended or as the same may be hereafter amended. That in addition to his duties as tax supervisor, the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall ex-officio be the Tax Collector of Stokes County and as such tax collector, his duties shall include the collection of all taxes of whatever nature, penalties, interest and costs due the county, both current and delinquent, the collection of which is now imposed upon the sheriff, auditor or any other person collecting any of the taxes of the county in any manner whatsoever and shall also include the duty of reviewing, and correcting where necessary, the tax listings and the discovery and listing of unlisted property. The Tax Supervisor of Stokes County, as ex-officio tax collector of the county, shall be required to report all uncollected taxes to the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County at their regular meetings on the first Monday of each month and in addition thereto to report and turn over to the county treasurer or the financial agent or depository designated by the board of commissioners under the authority of this Act all taxes collected at the time of each meeting on the first Monday of each month. If at any time the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall collect and have on hand a sum in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), it shall be the duty of the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County to immediately pay over the whole sum to the County Treasurer of Stokes County or to the duly designated financial agent or depository of Stokes County named by the board of commissioners under the authority of this Act. That all tax releases executed by the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County or by some agent or officer designated by the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County for the purpose of approving such tax releases. That except as herein provided, the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County, as ex-officio tax collector of the county, shall exercise all the powers, duties and obligations given to sheriffs or tax collectors by virtue of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, as amended or as the same may be hereafter amended, including but not by way of limitation, the powers, duties and obligations contained in Subchapter II of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes." +1917_public local laws_621_11,project experts,0,public local laws,620,10,CHAPTER 620 AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The various State departments are herewith authorized to codperate in every way possible with the said board of trustees in carrying out the purposes of this act, and at the request of the chairman of said board of trustees shall furnish said chairman with copies of the publications of their department in so far as they shall be available." +1957_session laws_369_4,project experts,0,session laws,368,3,CHAPTER 368 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NASH COUNTY FOR INDUSTRIAL DE- VELOPMENT AND OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said fund when made available and appropriated annually as authorized by this Act shall be used and expended by said board, in its discretion, for the purpose of obtaining or aiding and encouraging the locating in Nash County of manufacturing, industrial business and commercial plants and enterprises, the agricultural development of Nash County and surrounding territory, the advertising of the suitability of said county and the advantages it has to offer in connection with the foregoing and for such other purposes as will in the opinion of said board increase the population, taxable property values and the general and material welfare of said county. It is hereby found and declared that the annual setting apart and the raising and providing for the fund as herein set forth and the expenditure thereof as herein authorized for the purposes aforesaid constitutes and is for a lawful public purpose and that said expenditures are in the public interest and will promote the public welfare." +1909_private laws_2_9,project experts,0,private laws,1,1,CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CAROLINA BONDING AND GUARANTY CORPORATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That when the requirements of this act have been complied with, the Insurance Commissioner shall issue to the corporation a certificate authorizing and licensing it, the said Carolina Bonding and Guaranty Corporation, to execute all bonds, obligations and undertakings and fully to exercise all the powers and carry on and conduct the business provided for in section three -8 of this chapter." +1947_session laws_60_3,project experts,0,session laws,59,2,CHAPTER 59 AN ACT TO REGULATE FIXED FEES OF JURORS IN HERTFORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1885_private laws_86_6,project experts,0,private laws,85,5,CHAPTER 85 An act to extend the corporate limits and to amend the charter of the town of Greenville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the municipal affairs of said town shall be controlled by a mayor and six councilmen, who shall be known as the board of councilmen of Greenville. Each of the three wards shall elect two councilmen, who shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are qualified. The said officers shall be elected at an election on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and on the same day every year thereafter. In case of vacancies occurring in said board of councilmen from any cause, the said board shall fill the same by an election among themselves." +1919_private laws_167_2,project experts,0,private laws,166,1,"CHAPTER 166 AN ACT TO CORRECT AN ERROR IN HOUSE BILL 722, SEN- ATE BILL 781, RATIFIED ON MARCH 3, 1919, RELATING TO CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF AHOSKIE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section four of House bill seven hundred and twenty-two, Senate bill seven hundred and eighty-one, ratified March third, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, entitled, An act to amend chapter one hundred and fifty-eight, Private Laws of nineteen hundred and three, relating to the corporate limits of the town of Ahoskie in Hertford County, be and the same is hereby stricken out and repealed." +1869/70_public laws_39_4,project experts,0,public laws,38,3,CHAP TE Rs Xe Axe AN ACT TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO RESTORE THE CREDIT OF THE STATE AND TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF OUR UN- FINISHED RAILROADS.,"It shall be further the duty of every president or other officer of a railroad as provided in section first of this act, and every such president or other officer is hereby required to return to the public treasurer, subject to the joint order of the governor and superintendent of public works as hereinafter prescribed, all bonds of the state which have been issued under any authority of law and which remain in the hands of any such president or other officer unsold or undisposed of ; or in case any such bonds have been sold or exchanged for money [or] other securities, the said president or other officer shall deposit in the public treasury such money, proceeds or securities, or so much thereof as he has not actually expended upon his road." +1915_public local laws_84_2,project experts,0,public local laws,83,1,"CHAPTER 83 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR KEEPING A RECORD OF CROSS- - TIES PURCHASED, WITH NAME OF SELLER AND DATE OF PURCHASE IN PENDER COUNTY. |The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of all persons buying crossties to keep a record of the same, showing the name of seller, _date of purchase, and number purchased. " +1913_public local laws_198_14,project experts,0,public local laws,197,13,"CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS IN FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, IN MACON COUNTY, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PAY THE EXPENSES THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Any person who shall obstruct or interfere with the highway commission, the road superintendent, or any engineer, surveyor, or other employee of the highway commission in making any survey as aforesaid, or who shall interfere or obstruct the highway commission, road superintendent, engineer, surveyor, or other employee of said commission, or any contractor or contractors, or his or their employees, in the construction or improvement of any road, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conyviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court." +1901_public laws_44_8,project experts,0,public laws,43,7,CHAPTER 48 - An act to abolish fences in Nash County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That J. M. Baines, N. B. Finch, J. T. Jones, A. H. Ricks and W. L. Thorps be and they are hereby appointed fence commissioners, with power to fill such vacancies as may occur in their body by death, resignation, or otherwise; and this body is hereby constituted a corporation under the name of The Fence Commissioners of Nash County." +1949_session laws_11_5,project experts,0,session laws,10,4,CHAPTER 10 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A STADIUM ON THE SENIOR HIGH SCHCOL PREMISES IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Authority to expend funds donated for stadium purposes. The board of trustees is hereby authorized to expend any funds which have heretofore or may hereafter be donated to the board for use in connection with the building of a stadium, in such way or ways as in the opinion of the board will best accomplish the purpose for which such donations were made." +1923_public local laws_500_4,project experts,0,public local laws,499,3,CHAPTER 499 AN ACT TO RESTORE THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREAS- URER IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners of Johnston County are hereby directed to elect a treasurer to hold and occupy and discharge the duties of the office hereby created until the next general election, and the said officer shall'take his oath and qualify and enter upon the duties of his office first of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and hold the same until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five. That his successors in office shall be elected under the election laws of this State." +1947_session laws_505_4,project experts,0,session laws,504,3,CHAPTER 504 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO CORPORATE CHARTERS EXTENDING CERTAIN COR- PORATIONS EXISTENCE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"In no event shall the limitation provided in Section 2 hereof bar any action, proceeding, defense or counterclaim based upon grounds other than those mentioned in Section 2 hereof, unless the grounds set out in Section 2 hereof are an essential part thereof." +1899_public laws_55_19,project experts,0,public laws,54,18,CHAPTER 54 An aet to regulate fire insurance and other companies. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"Every insurance company, foreign or domestic, shall conduct its business in the state in its own proper and corporate name, and the policies and contracts of insurance issued by it shall be headed or entitled only by its proper or corporate name. When any such company publishes its assets it shall in the same connection and with equal conspicuousness publish its liabilities computed on the basis allowed for its annual statements, and any publications purporting to showits capital shall exhibit only the amount of such capital as has been actually paid in cash. NORTH CAROLINA OR DOMESTIC COMPANIES, ORGANIZATIONS, ETC." +1889_private laws_209_8,project experts,0,private laws,208,7,"CHAPTER 208, An act to incorporate the Henderson Electric Light, Water- Works and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said town of Henderson may, upon such terms as agreed. guarantee the payment of the interest upon not exceeding fifty thousand dollars of the first mortgage bonds of said corporation, and the commissioners of said town are hereby authorized, annually, to levy and collect such taxes as may be necessary for the due performance of said guaranty: Provided, that no such guaranty shall be entered into until approved by a majority of the registered voters of said town at an election ordered by the commissioners of the town for that purpose, which election shall be held and governed by and under the rules and regulations prescribed by the charter of said town for the election of town officers, so far as the same may be applicable; and ballots favoring the guaranty of said interest shall read, water-works bond.interestfor guaranty, and those in opposition thereto shall read, water-works bond interestno guaranty. Such election may be ordered at any time by said commissioners of their own motion, and shall be ordered upon the written application of twenty-five freeholders resident in said town and qualified voters therein, specifying the terms upon which the guaranty shall be made, together with the number and amount of bonds to which the guaranty shall attach." +1901_public laws_211_2,project experts,0,public laws,210,1,"CHAPTER 210 An act to repeal Chapter 94, Laws of 1899, and to amend Chapter 399, Laws of 1891 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter 94, Laws of 1899, is hereby repealed." +1917_public local laws_585_6,project experts,0,public local laws,584,5,CHAPTER 584 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARY ELECTION IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The time and the hours for holding said primary elections im said precincts, and the rules governing the same, not inconsistent with it, shall be prescribed by and carried into effect by the board of managers herein provided for." +1925_public local laws_624_13,project experts,0,public local laws,623,12,"CHAPTER 623 AN ACT TO CREATE A FISH AND GAME COMMISSION FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY, AND TO PROTECT THE GAME AND FRESHWATER FISH OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The open season for fish or game shall he as follows: Name of species Open season RSONUMORC ue eer tenets: slotec. sake, sie usr ecieha ress November ist to February 1st EVENN ME detatrepeirciet dle caches ec she cheva\ sl gi'sisas discon e pus wucesheedlions patioteusie suaame leas Open SOURS rete ohatateyere lalate inca ein evenspchelnneasiovere aeaet 15th to January ist Men sera terrence evar Lone e, tucnep ac afRMeM one Tete rane! ausia) Chenenere tae scone ekonete Open ESA COO Mere eleven aces sepagare casheee eee eae November ist to March 1st CWO SSUMM eiceap ite teeterets sts cus ere ceieiee seein November ist to March 1st AVIA AW EHO SETA SSIS. Minna es laisecs ctalorees elutes November ist to March 1st SSUSUETN STS Tame, RLS cen NE ASIP, OE, ORK, November ist to March ist Operra sy. Sve, Pe et Sey November ist to March 1st MV deabrins Sesh LS. ahh Ga SE ey SRP EES Se TY, Open INTER GAP asians wees ete ee vase eae tatateheta te ds November ist to March 1st GTA aA TEC AHO estates estate ters ales Seeks: eck alwe) Hateetete olla, 3 Open 48Public-Local. Name of species Open season QUT] Ae a Reis BRIS Se November ist to March Ist Wild turkey oN November ist to March ist Ducks (except wood duck and eider duck), geese, brant, Wilson snipe............... All migratory birds Cootigallinwlesin ewe Fe, Se November ist to March ist Wellow less. on 23k. eas. ieee November 1st to March ist Woodcock torso shes eet aie see ae Closed Dovel schists saa ees iste. SE November ist to March ist Swan, wood duck, eider duck and all shore and beach birds for which no open season is proVidedsiw No openriseasonzy. saciid): sews senlih: See. Bee Closed Bag limits. It shall be unlawful to take in the period of time set opposite each individual name of species in the following table a greater number of each species of bird or animal than is enumerated in the column of the said table headed Bag limit: Name of species Period of time Bag limit SOULITVEM I Fite cee eae sane: inone> Gay. eee eee sae 10 Deer Ce. ee Sh ds, See es inonie" +1941_public laws_236_3,project experts,0,public laws,235,2,"CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND NINETEEN, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO CREDIT UNIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1955_session laws_1195_3,project experts,0,session laws,1194,2,CHAPTER 1194 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS 62-121.8(1) AND 62-121.11 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION BY THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE TRANSPORTATION OF HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS WITHIN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Section 62-121.8(1) be amended by adding an unnumbered paragraph immediately following paragraph (1), the last subsection, to read as follows: Provided that none of the provisions of this Section nor any of the provisions of this Act shall be construed so as to prohibit or regulate the transportation of property by any motor carrier when the movement is within a municipality or within contiguous municipalities and within a zone adjacent to and commercially a part of such municipality or contiguous municipalities, as defined by the Commission; provided further that the Commission shall have the power in its discretion, in any particular case, to fix the limits of any such zone and that nothing herein shall be construed as an abridgment of the police powers of any municipality over such operation wholly within any such municipality. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the transportation of household effects of families from one residence to another by persons who do not hold themselves out as being, and are not generally engaged in the business of transporting such property for compensation." +1933_public local laws_58_3,project experts,0,public local laws,57,2,"CHAPTER 57 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY TO GRANT A MORATORIUM FOR TWO YEARS IN FORECLOSING DEEDS OF TRUST AND MORT- GAGES HELD IN THE SINKING FUND OF THE COUNTY. Whereas, the board of commissioners of Martin County hold several deeds of trust and notes against the property of citizens of Martin County, which said collaterals constitute a part of the sinking fund of the county, said notes being due April one, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three; and Whereas, foreclosure proceedings to enforce collection when due would work a great hardship on many honest citizens dur- ing these depressed financial times; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. _ +1965_session laws_441_3,project experts,0,session laws,440,2,CHAPTER 440 AN ACT TO PROVIDE COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BURKE COUNTY FOR A MAXIMUM OF FOUR MEETINGS PER MONTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1951_session laws_781_3,project experts,0,session laws,780,2,CHAPTER 780 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 50-12 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATIVE TO THE RESUMPTION OF MAIDEN NAMES OF DIVORCEES IN CASES WHERE DIVORCES ARE GRANTED IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1943_session laws_733_3,project experts,0,session laws,732,2,CHAPTER 732 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS OF BURIAL ASSOCIATIONS SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND NAVAL.FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ,"If a member of a burial association who is in the military or naval forces of the United States fails to pay any assessment, he shall be in bad standing, and unless and until restored, shall not be entitled to benefits. However, the said member shall be reinstated in the burial association upon application made by him at any time until twelve months after his discharge from the military or naval forces of the United States, notwithstanding his physical condition and without the payment of assessments which have become due during his service in the military or naval forces of the United States. Benefits will be in force immediately after such reinstatement." +1913_private laws_352_24,project experts,0,private laws,351,23,"CHAPTER 351 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER FOR THE TOWN OF DALLAS, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the town of Dallas to receive and faithfully keep all moneys which shall be paid to him for the use and behalf of said corporation, and disburse the same according to an order given in obedience to a direction of said board appearing on its minutes; he shall keep a fair and correct account of all moneys so received and disbursed by him in a book kept for that purpose, showing from what source the money was received and for what purpose paid out, and shall submit said account to the board whenever required ; he shall keep his accounts so that the tax levied and collected for each. fund shall be separate, and shall pay out of each separate fund such amounts as are due the same, and when proceeds are paid over to him by an officer of the corporation they shall be credited to the fund for which the tax is levied to raise revenue for the same; he shall pay to his successor all moneys in his hands belonging to said corporation of the town of Dallas, and faithfully perform all duties imposed upon him as treasurer by the law and ordinances of said board of aldermen; the treasurer shall give a bond, payable to the corporation of the town of Dallas, in a sum to be fixed by the board of aldermen, with sureties to be approved by said board. For his services he shall receive two and one-half per cent of all moneys received by him and two and one-half per cent of all moneys disbursed by him, received in the ordinary manner from taxes and other regular sources of the town revenue, but not to apply to such moneys as the board of aldermen may from time to time borrow for the conduct of the towns business. For this he is to receive no percentage. He shall make a report of the funds coming into his hands at the end of his term, and for his failure to make this last report he shall be fined two hundred and twenty-five dollars, to be recovered by suit in the Superior Court, for which his bond will be responsible." +1919_public local laws_151_16,project experts,0,public local laws,150,15,CHAPTER 150 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE ROAD LAWS OF MACON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any lumber company, corporation, person or persons engaged in the lumber business and desiring to use any of the public roads of the townships of Macon County, for the purpose of carrying on its or their business, of hauling either by its or themselves, or by hiring or contracting with other persons, mill logs, lumber or other heavy material with log wagons, log carts or other heavy vehicles, shall pay a license or privilege tax of two cents (2c) per mile on each one thousand feet of mill logs, lumber or other heavy material so hauled, said tax being payable to the secretary-treasurer of the road trustees or to the treasurer of the highway commission in the township in which said hauling is done, and it shall be the duty of any lumber company, corporation, person or persons engaged in the lumber business as hereinbefore set out to make a monthly report to the road trustees or highway commission of each township in which it or they are engaged in said business, said report to be made on the first Monday of each month of the number of feet of all lumber, logs, and other heavy material so hauled during the preceding month. Said report shall accurately state the number of feet of lumber, logs, etc., and be itemized and sworn to. That any lumber company, corporation, person or persons so engaged in the lumber business failing to make such report, or failing to make the same accurately and truthfully, or failing to pay the said license or privilege tax hereinbefore set out shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined fifty dollars ($50) for each and every offense. The failure to make such report and pay said privilege or license tax each month shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the fine herein provided for, such lumber company, corporation, person or persons shall likewise forfeit the sum of ten dollars ($10) for each day that said report is neg: lected to be made after the time specified in which the same shall be done. That said forfeiture shall be collected by proper proceedings instituted in a court of some justice of the peace for said county against such delinquent by the chairman of the board of township trustees, or highway commission and all moneys collected under this section shall be applied for the improvement of the roads in the township in which the same is collected." +1883_public laws_73_8,project experts,0,public laws,72,7,CHAPTER 72 An act to authorize Granville county to fund its floating debt. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,This act shall in no wise impair the obligatio of Vance county to pay her proportionate part of the debt of Granville county that existed at the time of the passage of the act to lay off and establish the county of Vance. +1919_public local laws_497_3,project experts,0,public local laws,496,2,CHAPTER 496 AN ACT TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF NASH COUNTY TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE NASH COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said highway commission shall consist of seven responsible citizens and freeholders of Nash County, who shall be elected by the board of county commissioners and shall qualify as soon as may be practicable after the passage of this act. The said highway commissioners shall hold office for a term of two years and until their successors are elected by the board of county commissioners and qualify; Provided, that in electing said highway commission the board shall, as nearly as may be possible, select representatives from the several sections of Nash County." +1965_session laws_1198_3,project experts,0,session laws,1197,2,CHAPTER 1197 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WARREN COUNTY TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF ALL ELECTED AND APPOINTIVE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of Commissioners of Warren County is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to fix the salaries, travel allowances, and other compensation paid to all appointive and elected county officers and employees of Warren County, including but not limited to the members of the Board of County Commissioners of said County; provided, that all salaries of said appointive and elected county officers and employees 1616 now fixed by law shall remain in full force and effect until said board of commissioners exercises the authority conferred upon it by this Act." +1911_public laws_26_3,project experts,0,public laws,25,2,CHAPTER 25 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER ENFORCEMENT OF THE LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS IN STATE BANKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the receiver of such bank shall be empowered to demand, sue for, and collect by lawful process all indebtedness due from shareholders of such bank, whether such shareholders, or any of them, reside within or without the State, and wherever they or any Of them or their legal representatives may be served with process, or wherever any property belonging to them, or any of them, or the estate of any of them, may be subject to attachment, garnishment, or other lawful process, and all indebtedness due from such shareholders, or any of them, their representatives or estates, shall be payable to the said receiver as corporate assets, and the title thereto shall be vested in such receiver, to be by him applied for the equal benefit of all persons entitled to share in the distribution of the fund and disbursed ratably under the orders of the court." +1913_public laws_204_50,project experts,0,public laws,203,49,"CHAPTER 203 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 50, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1911, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THH COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. BoarD oF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS.","Telegraph companies. Every joint-stock association, company, copartnership or corporation, whether incorporated under the laws of this State or any other State or of any foreign nation, engaged in transmitting to, from, through, in or across the State of North Carolina telegraph messages shall be deemed and held to be a telegraph company; and every such telegraph company shall, annually, between the first day of May and the twentieth day of May, make out and deliver to the State Tax Commission a statement, verified by oath of the officer or agent of such company making such statement, with reference to the thirtieth a of April next neers showing: First. The total capital stock of such association, company, copartnership, or corporation. Second. The number of shares of capital stock issued and outstanding, and the par value of each share. Third. Its principal place of business. Fourth. The market value of said shares of stock on the thirtieth day of April next preceding; and if such shares have no market value, then the actual value thereof. | Fifth. The real estate, structures, machinery, fixtures and appliances owned by said association, company, copartnership or corporation and subject to local taxation within the State, and the location and assessed value thereof in each county where the same is assessed for local taxation. Sixth. The specific real estate, together with the permanent improvements thereon, owned by such association, company, copartnership or corporation situated outside the State of North Carolina and not directly used in the conduct of the business, with a specific description of each such piece, where located, the purpose for which the same is used and the sum at which the same is assessed for taxation in the locality where situated. Seventh. All mortgages upon the whole or any part of its property, together with the dates and amounts thereof. Highth. (a) The total length of the lines of said association or company; (b) the total length of such of their lines as is outside the State of North Carolina; (c) the length of the lines within each of the counties and townships within the State of North Carolina." +1955_session laws_445_2,project experts,0,session laws,444,1,CHAPTER 444 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES OF OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Board of Commissioners of Henderson County is ordered and directed to increase by a flat fifteen per cent -159% the salaries now being paid by Henderson County to all officials, assistants, deputies, and regular employees of said county, such increase to become effective July 1, 1955" +1911_private laws_394_5,project experts,0,private laws,393,4,"CHAPTER 393 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TO ISSUE BONDS TO CONSTRUCT A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. Preamble: whereas, the town of Wrightsville Beach, in the county of New Hanover, has no inhabitants save summer residents and has grown greatly within the last few years, and the sewerage system at present existing is totally inadequate to the needs of the town, and is a serious menace to the health of the residents therein, and it is necessary to construct a modern system of sewerage: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Upon petition being filed before the said mayor and aldermen of one-fifth of the property holders in said town, ineluding corporations, each of which for this purpose shall be entitled to one vote and shall vote by resolution of the board of directors, the mayor and aldermen shall take a vote of the property owners of said town on the question whether the said bonds shall be issued and sold, and if a majority of the property holders shall vote in favor of the issuance of said bonds then they shall be issued and sold by the mayor and aldermen and their proceeds used for the construction of the sewerage system herein and hereby authorized." +1931_public laws_313_2,project experts,0,public laws,312,1,"CHAPTER 312 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section seven thousand three hundred and nine -7309 of the Consolidated Statutes, one thousand nine hundred nineteen, be and the same is hereby amended so as hereafter to read as follows: Section 7309 Department of Labor Established. A Department of Labor is hereby created and established. The duties of said department shall be exercised and discharged under the supervision and direction of a commissioner, to be known as the Commissioner of Labor." +1967_session laws_105_5,project experts,0,session laws,104,4,"CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEMBURG, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Continuance of Contracts. All contracts entered into by the town, or for its benefit, prior to the taking effect of this Charter, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements for which legislative steps have been taken under laws or Charter provisions existing at the time this Charter takes effect may be carried to completion in accordance with the provisions of such existing laws and Charter provisions." +1897_public laws_326_7,project experts,0,public laws,324,6,CHAPTER 324 An act for the working of the public roads of Halifax county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said supervisor shall appoint, whenever in his judgment one shall be necessary, a superintendent for the roads of each township, who shall act under the direction of the county supervisor, and whose compensation shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners." +1939_public local laws_390_6,project experts,1,public local laws,389,5,CHAPTER 389 AN ACT TO HAVE CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICERS OF CASWELL COUNTY TO RENDER SEMI-ANNUAL RE- PORTS TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SAID COUNTY AND TO HAVE SAID COMMIS- SIONERS PUBLISH SAID REPORTS AND OTHER REPORTS AND ALSO PUBLISH THE MONTHLY EX- PENDITURES OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the county commissioners shall publish twice yearly beginning on May first, one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine and every six months thereafter in a newspaper published in Caswell County the number of white persons and the number of colored persons, drawing an old age pension under the Social Security and Old Age Assistance Act." +1876/77_public laws_76_2,project experts,0,public laws,75,1,"CHAPTER LXXV. AN ACT TO ALLOW MILTON TOWNSHIP, IN THE COUNTY OF CASWELL, TO SUBSCRIBE FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PAYMENT OF STOCK IN THE MILTON AND SUTHERLIN NARROW GAUGE RATLROAD COMPANY.","The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the commissioners of Caswell county are authorized and directed to cause an election to be held at the ditterent precincts, in the Milton township, of said county, after due notice and publication in the usual manner of said election, and to submit to the qualified voters of said township the question of subscribing fifteen thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Milton and Sutherlin Narrow Gauge Railroad Company, at which election those in favor of said proposition shall deposit their ballots For subscription, and those opposed shall deposit ballots Against subscription." +1957_session laws_131_3,project experts,0,session laws,130,2,CHAPTER 130 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF DAVIE COUNTY TO ADJUST ALL DELINQUENT TAXES WHICH HAVE BEEN DELINQUENT FOR FIVE YEARS OR MORE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1919_private laws_25_4,project experts,0,private laws,24,3,"CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 336 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1905, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 177 OF THE PRI- VATE LAWS OF 1915, AND TO ENLARGE THE a GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if at said election a majority of the qualified voters of the said district shall cast a ballot for extension of the said boundaries of the Hertford graded school district and levy the tax as provided by chapter three hundred and thirty-six, Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, that said boundaries shall be those embarced in section one hereof. If the majority of the qualified voters of said district shall fail to cast their ballots for extension, then the boundaries of said district shall be those provided in chapter three hundred and thirtysix of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five as amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen." +1931_public local laws_336_3,project experts,0,public local laws,335,2,"CHAPTER 335 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE, RELATING TO THE RE- CORDERS COURT OF LEAKESVILLE TOWNSHIP, IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","On the first Monday in May, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, and each odd year thereafter the County Commissioners of Rockingham County shall appoint a clerk for said Recorders Court who shall begin his term of office on the first day of June thereafter and shall serve two years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The clerk for his compensation shall receive as follows: one dollar ($1.00) for all warrants issued within the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace, and two dollars ($2.00) for all warrants issued in matters above the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace; one dollar ($1.00) for all summons in civil actions and three dollars ($3.00) in all attachments and claim and delivery. If a vacancy occurs in the said clerks office the unexpired term shall be filled by the said Board of County Commissioners. The clerk shall have concurrent powers and authority with the several Justices of the Peace of Rockingham County to take affidavits to warrants and to issue warrants in all criminal matters originating in Rockingham County, and shall have power to affix the seal of the court to other writs and processes of the court and take appearance bonds of defendants in criminal actions, or witnesses therein, such amount or amounts as fixed by the court, and to fix the amount of all bonds in the absence of the Recorder, or when the Recorder fails to fix bond, and to issue all summons, ancillary remedies, and all other papers and processes in civil actions, that the Recorder or any Justice of the Peace in Rockingham County can issue." +1931_public local laws_4_5,project experts,0,public local laws,3,4,CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO REPEAL CERTAIN LAWS RELATIVE TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROHIBITION LAW IN POLK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1911_public local laws_45_17,project experts,0,public local laws,44,16,CHAPTER 44 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILD- ING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF WILLIAMS- TON TOWNSHIP IN SAID COUNTY AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the treasurers commission on all money received and paid out under this act shall be the same as is now provided by law for the school fund of said county. +1963_session laws_1089_2,project experts,0,session laws,1088,1,CHAPTER 1088 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF SERVICE OF PROCESS UPON NONRESIDENT OPERATORS OF AIRCRAFT AND UPON THEIR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES. The General. Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Article 8, subchapter V of Chapter 1 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new Section, to be designated as G. S. 1-107.3, to read as follows: 1-107.3. Service Upon Nonresident Operators of Aircraft and Upon Their Personal Representatives. (a) The operation, navigation or maintenance by a nonresident or nonresidents of an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State, either in person or through others, and the acceptance thereby by such nonresident or nonresidents of the protection of the laws of the State for such aircraft, or the operation, navigation or maintenance by a nonresident or nonresidents of an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State, either in person or through others, other than under the laws of the State, shall be deemed equivalent to an appointment by each such nonresident of the Secretary of State or his successor in office, to be the TRUE and lawful attorney of each such nonresident and the TRUE and lawful attorney of the executor or administrator of each such nonresident for service of process, upon whom may be served all lawful process in any suit, action or proceeding against such nonresident or nonresidents growing out of any accident or collision in which such nonresident or nonresidents may be involved while, either in person or through others, operating, navigating, or maintaining an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State; and such acceptance or such operation, navigating or maintaining in the State of such aircraft shall be a signification of each such nonresidents agreement that any such process against him or his administrator or executor which is so served shall be of the same legal force and effect as if served on him personally. 1420 (b) Service of such process shall be made in the following manner: -1 By leaving a copy therefor, with a fee of one dollar ($1.00) in the hands of the Secretary of State, or in his office. Such service, upon compliance with the other provisions of this Section shall be sufficient service upon said nonresident. -2 Notice of such service of process and copy thereof must be forthwith sent by registered mail by plaintiff or the Secretary of State to the defendant, and the entries on the defendants return receipt shall be sufficient evidence of the date on which notice of service upon the Secretary of State and copy of process were delivered to the defendant, on which date service on said defendant shall be deemed completed. If the defendant refuses to accept the registered letter, service on the defendant shall be deemed completed on the date of such refusal to accept as determined by the notations by the postal authorities on the original envelope, and if such date cannot be so determined, then service shall be deemed completed on the date that the registered letter is returned to the plaintiff or the Secretary of State as determined by the postal marks on the original envelope. (3) The defendants return receipt, or the original envelope bearing a notation by the postal authorities that receipt was refused, and an affidavit by the plaintiff that notice of mailing the registered letter and refusal to accept was forthwith sent to the defendant by ordinary mail, together with the plaintiffs affidavit of compliance with the provisions of this Section must be appended to the summons or other process and filed with said summons, complaint and other papers in the cause. Provided, that where the nonresident aircraft operator has died prior to the commencement of an action brought pursuant to this Section, service of process shall be made on the executor or administrator of such nonresident aircraft operator in the same manner and on the same notice as if provided in the case of a nonresident aircraft operator. The court in which the action is pending shall order such continuance as may be necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. (c) The provisions of this Section shall also apply to a resident of the State at the time of the accident or collision who establishes residence outside the State subsequent to the accident or collision and to a resident of the State at the time of the accident or collision who departs from the State subsequent to the accident or collision and remains absent therefrom for sixty -60 days or more, continuously, whether such absence is intended to be temporary or permanent." +1893_public laws_71_10,project experts,0,public laws,70,9,"CHAPTER 70 An act to authorize the commissioners of Henderson county to issue bonds. WHEREAS, The county of Henderson by order of her board of com- missioners entered, in pursuance of law, an ordinance in the year of one thousand eight hundredand seventy-four, authorizing an elec- tion by the voters of the county on the question of issuing her bonds in aid of Greenville and French Broad Railroad Company, afterwards changed to the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad; and whereas, in pursuance of said order an election was duly held and it was deter- mined by a majority of voters to subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad ; and whereas, the said county by her authorized agents sub- scribed to and issued in aid of said railroad her bonds amounting in the aggregate to one hundred thousand dollars with coupons attached drawing interest semi-annually at seven per centum, the principal pay- able in twenty years ; and whereas, the said bonds will mature as per their face on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five; and whereas, furthermore, it is desired to fund said bonds in accordance with law ; now, therefore, The General Assembly of. North Carolina do enact :","That should there be an excess in amount of bonds provided for by this act beyond the necegsary amount to pay off the said old bonds and interest and the expenses incurred in effecting the liquidation or funding of the same, then the said excess of bonds shall be speedily cancelled and filed in safe of county." +1903_public laws_455_2,project experts,0,public laws,454,1,CHAPTER 454 AN ACT TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX IN NASH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Commissioners of Nash County are hereby authorized and fully empowered to levy a special tax, if they find same to be necessary, during the years 1903 and 1904, for the purpose of paying off the debts accrued or to accrue against the county for the purpose of repairing the court-house and public buildings of said county: Provided, that in no one year, shall the tax herein authorized be levied exceeding 10 cents on the $100 worth of property, and 30 cents on the poll." +1911_public local laws_429_6,project experts,0,public local laws,428,5,"CHAPTER 428 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE EAST BEND TOWNSHIP, YADKIN COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS FOR PUBLIC ROAD IMPROVE- MENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The said board may purchase all such machinery and implements as may be needed for the proper working and construction of the roads and may employ a competent engineer or surveyor and may exercise such other powers and privileges as may be needed for the carrying out of the purposes and provisions of this act: Provided, that no person in said township shall be subject to road duty." +1897_public laws_51_2,project experts,0,public laws,50,1,CHAPTER 50 An act to incorporate the Moore County and Western Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That John C. Wadsworth, Rufus A. Brown and Morrison H. Caldwell, and such other persons as they may hereafter associate with them, or their assigns, and their successors, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the Moore County and Western Railroad Company, and by such name they and their assigns and successors may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the Courts of this State, and of the United States, may have a common seal, with the right to alter the same at pleasure, may make all by-laws and regulations, expedient or necessary, for the purpose of Incorporation, may purchase, lease, hold and convey all property real and personal, proper or requisite for their corporate purposes, and may have and enjoy all the rights, powers, franchises, immunities and privileges granted by the general laws of the State, not inconsistent with this act." +1907_private laws_345_98,project experts,0,private laws,342,97,"CHAPTER 342 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, AND TO EXTEND THE CORPO- RATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said board of public safety shall make all proper and necessary rules to govern its officers and employees and to regulate promotions and removals in accordance therewith; and no person shall be appointed or retained in any office, place or employment by said board who is incompetent, neglectful of duty or guilty of drunkenness or immorality." +1911_private laws_343_9,project experts,0,private laws,342,8,"CHAPTER 342 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE RALEIGH, WINSTON AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Whenever from any cause this company is unable to agree with the owners of the land over or near which it is proposed to extend its road for the purchase of such land for its depcts, roadbeds, station grounds, yards, shops, gravel pits, quarries, terminals or other purposes of the company, the said company may file a petition before the clerk of the superior court of the county wherein the land lies, specifying the objects for which the land is desired, with a description and plat thereof. A copy of such petition, with a notice of the time and place when and where the same shall be heard by the clerk, must be served on all persons whose interests are to be affected by the proceedings, at least ten days.prior to the hearing of the same, by the clerk, in the manner provided by law; and in the event that any of the persons interested in said land are unknown or nonresidents of this State, such notice may be served by advertisement, stating briefly the object of the application and giving a description of the land to be taken, published in a newspaper, if there be one published in the county in which the land to be taken is situate, once in each week for four successive weeks next previous to the presentation of the petition, and if there be no paper published in the said county, then in some paper published in the city of Raleigh, or such notice may be given in any other way provided for the giving of notices relative to the condemnation of land by chapter sixty-one -61 of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina. The clerk of the superior court shall thereupon appoint three disinterested freeholders, who shall be summoned by the sheriff to meet on the premises at a time to be fixed in the order of appointment, not more than ten days after the appointment, unless a later day be fixed by consent, to assess the damages to the land proposed to be taken. In assessing the damages the appraisers shall take into consideration the actual value of the land, together with the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the benefit and special advantages to be derived in respect to such residue from the work to be constructed. The appraisers or a majority of them shall make their report to the clerk of the superior court within ten days from the time of their meeting on the premises. Said report shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds, after approval by the clerk and payment of the damages assessed to the clerk or to the parties interested, and shall have force and effect of a deed conveying such property to the company in fee simple. Either party may appeal to the superior court in term from the approval or disapproval of the action of the clerk: Provided, such appeal be prayed within ten days from the approval or disapproval of the clerk, and on such appeal may present such evidence as they may desire, and have a hearing de novo before the court, but the burden of proof shall be upon the party objecting to the ruling of the appraisers. In the event that the TRUE owner of the property taken as above mentioned is not notified as above provided, then such owner may within two years, but not afterwards, petition the superior court of the county in which the land lies for assessment of the value thereof, as aforesaid, but no action of ejectment shall be brought by him nor the possession or occupation of this company in any way disturbed unless it shall within the time to be fixed by the court fail to pay such damages as may be assessed for the value thereof: Provided, however, that in case the TRUE owner be at the time of such condemnation and occupation under any legal disability, he may file a petition for the assessment of such damages within two years from the removal of such disability: Provided, that no powers herein enumerated shall . be construed to grant any condemnation powers in excess of the general law governing condemnation, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt this company from any and all of the lawful orders, rules and regulations of the corporation commission." +1955_session laws_947_11,project experts,0,session laws,946,10,"CHAPTER 946 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION FUND FOR POLICEMEN IN THE CITY OF GASTONIA, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 910 +1917_public laws_286_2,project experts,0,public laws,254,1,"CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 141, EXTRA SESSION, LAWS OF 1908, IN REGARD TO COMPULSORY EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter one hundred and forty-one, pertaining to the compulsory education of the blind, be so amended that after section five -5 the following be inserted: The sheriffs of the various counties of the State of North Carolina shall be required to enforce the provisions of this act in all cases of blind children reported to them by the superintendent of the said State School for the Blind and the Deaf; that said sheriffs shall have authority to reimburse themselves for such services and expenses as are entailed upon them in executing the provisions of this act. And further, in order to aid the superintendent of the said School for the Blind and the Deaf in securing the attendance of blind children upon the said school, that the various railroads operating in the State of North Carolina may grant him transportation without charge." +1885_public laws_177_2,project experts,0,public laws,176,1,"CHAPTER 176 An act supplemental to an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled * An act to raise revenue. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled An act to raise revenue, be amended by adding to section twenty-eight of said. act the following: That any manufacturer paying a drummers tax prescribed in this section shall be allowed a rebate of that amount upon his genera! taxes for the same time." +1885_public laws_319_2,project experts,0,public laws,318,1,"CHAPTER 318 An act to amend the charter of ** The Goldsboro, Snow Hill and Greenville Railway Company, which was ratified the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the act incorporating the Goldsboro, Snow Hill and Greenville Railway Company, ratified the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, being chapter one hundred and thirtythree, laws of one thousand eight hundred and seventynine, be and is hereby amended by adding to the end of the proviso in the end of section twenty-five of said act, the words, in any of the bonds authorized by this act." +1887_private laws_30_2,project experts,0,private laws,29,1,CHAPTER 29 An act to charter ** The Savings and Deposit Bank of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That The Savings and Deposit Bank of North Carolina shall be established in the city of Greensboro, the capital stock of which shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of five dollars each, and that for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for said stock, books shall be opened at any time after the ratification of this act, and remain open for the space of sixty days, at Greensboro, under the superintendence of the following persons or a majority of them, to-wit: Peter D. Price, Levi M. Scott, James M. Winsted, Wm. B. Bogart, A. P. Eckel, J. W. Scott, D. W. C. Benbow, D. F. Caldwell and W. E. Bevill, and at such other places under the superintendence of such other persons as said commissioners may direct." +1933_public local laws_536_2,project experts,0,public local laws,535,1,"CHAPTER 535 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE OFFICIAL ACTS OF W. A. BRAME, A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR MARKS CREEK TOWNSHIP, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FROM APRIL 1, 1931, UNTIL APRIL 21, 1932 Whereas, by chapter one hundred seventy-nine, Public Laws of North Carolina, enacted by the nineteen hundred and twenty- nine Session of the General Assembly, W. A. Brame was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Marks Creek Township, Wake County, for a term of two years; and Whereas, his said term expired April first, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, but he continued to act as a Justice of the Peace until April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two: Nov, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all official acts of W. A. Brame, Justice of the Peace of Marks Creek Township, Wake County from April first, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, until April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two, be and the same are hereby validated." +1933_public local laws_5_2,project experts,0,public local laws,4,1,CHAPTER 4 AN ACT TO GIVE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CLEVELAND COUNTY THE POWER TO ABOLISH AND CONSOLIDATE ALL UNNECESSARY OFFICES IN CLEVELAND COUNTY AND TO GIVE THE COMMISSIONERS OF SAID COUNTY THE RIGHT TO FIX THE SALARIES OF ALL COUNTY OFFICERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That from and after the ratification of this act the commissioners of Cleveland County shall have the power and authority to abolish and/or discontinue any and all offices, positions or jobs supported in whole or in part out of the funds of said county which are not required by the Constitution of North Carolina. And the said commissioners of Cleveland County shall have the further power and authority to transfer to any other county office or officer the duties performed by any person or persons holding any office, position or job which may be abolished under this act." +1933_private laws_4_5,project experts,0,private laws,3,4,CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE TO SELL THE CHESTNUT AND PULP TIMBER ON THE TOWN WATERSHED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1933_private laws_133_4,project experts,0,private laws,132,3,"CHAPTER 132 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 569 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL. LAWS OF 1913, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE MU- NICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF HIGH POINT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Chapter 569 of the Public-Local Laws of 1913, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: (a) By adding the following to the end of section 8 thereof as amended: The Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have the same power and duty as the Judges of the Superior Courts with reference to the transfer and removal of actions begun and pending in said Municipal Court to the Superior Courts of the various counties of this State, and the causes for removal shall be the same as prescribed by law for similar motions in the Superior Courts, in so far as same may be applicable to, and not inconsistent with, the provisions of this Act. ; (b) By further adding the following to the end of Section thereof as amended: Wherever by law it is provided that any action, matter or proceeding shall, or may, be brought in, removed to, or heard by the Superior Courts, the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have concurrent jurisdiction and power with such Superior Courts therein, if such action, matter or proceeding be one over which said Municipal Court would otherwise have jurisdiction as provided in this Act. And wherever it is provided by law that a judge of the Superior Courts shall, or may, perform any act with reference to any action, matter or proceeding, the judge of the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have like power and duty with reference to any such action, matter or proceeding properly cognizable by, or within the jurisdiction of, the said Municipal Court." +1931_public local laws_79_2,project experts,0,public local laws,78,1,CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF THE GARNER HIGH SCHOOL AND MT. AUBURN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED IN GARNER-MT. AUBURN SCHOOL DIS- TRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That from and after the ratification of this act the school committee of the Garner High School and Mt. Auburn Elementary School located in Garner-Mt. Auburn school district, St. Marys Township, Wake County, shall consist of seven members, whose names and terms of office shall be as follows: S. T. Mitchiner and N. L. Broughton, whose terms shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirtythree; Exum Sturdivant, L. C. Whitaker and C. L. Wrenn, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four; C. N. Allen and B. R. Buffaloe, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. At the expiration of the terms of office of the above-named committeemen their successors shall be appointed by the county board of education of Wake County as now provided by law." +1931_public local laws_286_6,project experts,0,public local laws,285,5,CHAPTER 285 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said court shall be open for the trial of causes on each and every Wednesday morning at ten oclock at the Courthouse in Marshall, North Carolina, and shall continue in session daily until the business before it shall be disposed of, the first session of said court to be held on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one: Provided the judge may continue cases to a day certain, and may, by agreement of parties, or whenever necessary, try cases at any time: Provided further, that no session of said court shall be held during the sitting of the Superior Court of Madison County: Provided further, that in the trial of civil actions the Clerk of the Superior Court, ex-officio Clerk to Recorders Court, shall together with the attorneys of the local bar prepare a civil calendar for each term, weekly." +1931_public local laws_285_3,project experts,0,public local laws,284,2,CHAPTER 284 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR BIENNIAL ELECTIONS IN CERTAIN CITIES AND TOWNS OF MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the provisions of this act shall apply to Moore County only. ; +1931_public local laws_182_4,project experts,0,public local laws,181,3,CHAPTER 181 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF A COUNTY ATTORNEY OF MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"After the selection of a county attorney, in the manner and form as provided in Section two, said county attorney shall be the legal advisor of all officers of the county for the ensuing year, except where the interest of any officer is opposed to that of the county and he shall be allowed such salary for the ensuing twelve months as the joint meeting shall vote, to be paid monthly out of the general county fund." +1931_private laws_54_18,project experts,0,private laws,53,17,"CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ROANOKE RAPIDS, IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed." +1931_private laws_52_3,project experts,0,private laws,51,2,"CHAPTER 51 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED THIRTY- TWO OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, RELATING TO DISCOUNTS AND PENALTIES ON TAXES LEVIED BY THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Section twenty-nine of Chapter two hundred thirtytwo of the Private Laws of North Carolina is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That, as soon as the Tax Collector shall have furnished the assessment rolls, as provided, and the same shall have been issued by the Board, the Board of Aldermen shall proceed to levy the tax on such subjects of taxation as provided in the charter, and shall place the tax list in the hands of the Tax Collector, who shall collect the same as speedily as practicable, and shall pay the moneys as they are collected to the Treasurer. The City Tax Collector shall, by virtue of his office, be vested with all power and authority within the City of Winston-Salem as is now vested in sheriffs." +1933_public local laws_540_2,project experts,0,public local laws,539,1,"CHAPTER 539 AN ACT TO PROTECT HUNTING AND FISHING, AND TIM- BER RESERVATIONS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon any hunting and fishing or timber reservations in Yancey County, without a written permission from the owner, and any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the discretion of the court." +1931_private laws_48_3,project experts,0,private laws,47,2,CHAPTER 47 AN ACT TO ALLOW THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE IN THE COUNTY OF BUN- COMBE TO AID IN RE-OPENING THE FARMERS AND TRADERS BANK OF WEAVERVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Governing Body of the Town of Weaverville shall retain the collateral and/or any guaranty it now holds securing its deposit in said Bank at the time said Bank suspended; provided, however, that as such collateral is collected by the said Governing Body of the Town of Weaverville, the amount so collected shall be credited against the deposit for which the collateral was given as security; provided, further, that nothing in this act shall relieve said Bank, or any guarantors, upon any bond or contract heretofore executed to guarantee the deposits heretofore placed in said Bank, nor shall it relieve said Bank from its duty to allow withdrawal of deposits in accordance with the terms and conditions of any contract which may be entered into pursuant to the provisions of this act." +1929_public local laws_250_5,project experts,0,public local laws,249,4,CHAPTER 249 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE DESPOILING OF THE NAT- URAL BEAUTY OF THE FORESTS OF BURKE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall only apply to Burke County, North Carolina." +1929_public local laws_122_3,project experts,0,public local laws,121,2,CHAPTER 121 AN ACT FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE IN AND THE HEALTH OF THE CITIZENS OF IREDELL COUNTY BY PROVIDING FOR THE MORE EFFICIENT DRAINAGE OF THE LOW LANDS ALONG THE STREAMS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"When any land or lands in any drainage district heretofore or hereafter established shall be included in a new drainage district and there are any outstanding bonds, obligations, or debts against said existing drainage district, it shall be the duty of the commissioners of such existing drainage district to make assessments, and to take such other action as may be provided by law, to raise funds to pay off and discharge said obligations and indebtedness, and from the funds so raised to pay off and discharge such indebtedness." +1927_public local laws_540_3,project experts,0,public local laws,539,2,"CHAPTER 539 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 415 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1925, RELATIVE TO ASSISTANT CLERK SU- PERIOR COURT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1927_public local laws_422_4,project experts,0,public local laws,421,3,CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE AND DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY IN THI CONTROL AND WORKING OF CONVICTS AND PRISONERS ON THE PUBLIC ROADS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of road commissioners of Granville County may, in their discretion, divide said prisoners and convicts into classes, such classification to depend upon the good behavior and satisfactory work of said prisoners and convicts. The said board of road commissioners may allow a commutation or reduction of not more than twenty-five per cent. of the time for which they are sentenced to such prisoners and convicts for good behavior and the performance of satisfactory work." +1927_private laws_202_5,project experts,0,private laws,201,4,"CHAPTER 201 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 275 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OF THE SESSION OF 1854-55, BEING AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WHITEHALL IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Amend said chapter two hundred and seventy-five of the Private Laws of the State of North Carolina of the session of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-fifty-five, further by adding a new section at the end of the new section 2 (b) to be known as section 2 (c) and which said section 2 (c) shall read as follows: Sec. 2 (c). That the board of commissioners shall appoint a town constable or marshall or policeman, who shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties in ,an amount designated by the board of commissioners and whose duties and power shall be those as are now imposed by law. The town constable or policeman shall be the tax collector of said town of Whitehall, whose duties shall be to collect the taxes as levied and imposed in said town and in the manner and under the provisions and regulations as prescribed in chapter fifty-six of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina and all amendments thereto." +1927_private laws_113_16,project experts,0,private laws,112,15,"CHAPTER 112 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF CASHIERS, JACKSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That if any officers appointed under this act shall for any reason, fail to serve, or if a vacancy shall at any time occur in the board of aldermen, then the remaining members of said board of aldermen shall elect or appoint some reputable citizem of said town to fill such vacancy: Provided, that if for any reason the mayor fail to qualify, or if a vacancy occur in said office, then the board of aldermen shall elect or appoint a mayor from the citizens of said town, who shall serve as such until the next regular election for town officers or until his successor is elected and qualifies." +1925_public local laws_461_5,project experts,0,public local laws,460,4,CHAPTER 460 AN ACT TO PROTECT GAME AND FISH IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or take any female deer or deer without horns at any season of the year: Provided, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit any person from taking any kind of deer from his, her or their 34Public-Local. own inclosed parks or reservations. It shall be unlawful to trap for bear or to run or hunt deer with dogs or to use while hunting any gum having a Maxim silencer or any other device thereon that will muffle the report of such gun, nor shall any gun be used that does not produce when discharged the usual and ordinary report." +1925_public local laws_331_3,project experts,0,public local laws,330,2,CHAPTER 330 AN ACT TO AMEND THH PUBLIC ROAD LAW OF MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That it shall be the duty of each of the boards of road commissioners and county commissioners to see to it that the taxes levied and collected in each township for road purposes shall be expended in the township where so levied and collected. +1925_public local laws_253_2,project experts,0,public local laws,252,1,"CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 95 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS, EXTRA SESSION OF 1924, FIXING THE SALARY OF THE SHERIFF OF AVERY COUNTY, AND TO REGU- LATE THE COMPENSATION OF THE SHERIFF OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter ninety-five of the Public-Local Laws, extra session, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, be and the same is hereby repealed, said act fixing the salary of the sheriff of Avery County, and in lieu of the compensation fixed in said act the sheriff of Avery County shall receive a commission of three per cent of all taxes collected by his office and in addition shall be entitled to the fees for his services as sheriff allowed by law." +1925_public local laws_241_2,project experts,0,public local laws,240,1,"CHAPTER 240 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF SCHOOL INDEBT- EDNESS OF COLUMBUS COUNTY. Whereas, the public school laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three directs that the board of county commissioners fund all school indebtedness outstanding as of December thirty- one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two; and Whereas, there was outstanding as of December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, in Columbus County a school indebtedness of approximately one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars to be funded under the public school law of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three; and Whereas, the various boards of county commissioners are directed by said public school laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three to borrow money to meet the amount called for in the budget where the levy is not sufficient to take care of the amount called for in the budget; and to increase the levy in the succeeding year to take care of the amount so bor- rowed; and Whereas, the board of county commissioners of Columbus County had to borrow fifty thousand dollars since December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, to meet the difference between the levy for school purposes and the amount called for in the budget of the county board of educa- tion; and Whereas, it was necessary to levy ninety cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property, real and personal, for the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four to meet the demands of the budget, not including the fifty thousand dollars borrowed; and Whereas, the school taxes for said county are burdensome without the additional Jews to make up the fifty thousand dollars as required by Sw; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of Columbus County is hereby authorized and directed to fund the school debt of one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars incurred prior to December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, and the fifty thousand dollars incurred since that time and to issue sufficient bonds in an amount not to exceed one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars with which to fund said indebtedness." +1931_private laws_37_3,project experts,0,private laws,36,2,"CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED NINE OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN, CREATING A POWER AND WATER COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF PLYMOUTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1925_private laws_92_2,project experts,0,private laws,91,1,"CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 194 OF THE. PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION OF 1901, SO AS TO EX- TEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF SHELBY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words threefourths of a mile, in line six of section two, and inserting in Se nn section two, and inserting in lieu thereof the words one and one-half miles." +1933_public local laws_87_5,project experts,0,public local laws,86,4,"CHAPTER 86 AN ACT TO VALIDATE AND AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES BY MUNICIPALITIES IN HAYWOOD, GRAHAM, SWAIN,. JONES, JACKSON AND CHEROKEE COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1935_public local laws_33_13,project experts,0,public local laws,32,12,"CHAPTER 32 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SOUTHPORT AND THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK TO ESTABLISH A PORT COM- MISSION FOR THE SAID CITY AND COUNTY, TO PRE- SCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE SAID COMMISSION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SAID CITY AND COUNTY TO CO- OPERATE WITH THE SAID COMMISSION IN CARRYING OUT THE PURPOSES AND INTENTIONS OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1965_session laws_927_4,project experts,0,session laws,926,3,CHAPTER 926 AN ACT RELATING TO THE SUSPENSION OF DRIVERS LICENSE FOR NONPAYMENT OF JUDGMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1965_session laws_910_2,project experts,0,session laws,909,1,CHAPTER 909 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 20 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION DE- CLARING IT UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS TO OPERATE BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS MORE THAN TWO ABREAST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by adding a new Section thereto to be designated as G. S. 20-146.1 and to read as follows: $ 20-146.1. Operation of Motorcycles. It shall be unlawful for persons operating motorcycles upon the public highways of the State of North Carolina to travel thereon more than two abreast. Any persons operating motorcycles upon the public highways shall operate the same as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Sec. 14 Upon conviction of the above offense, the punishment therefor shall be a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days for each offense." +1965_session laws_823_4,project experts,0,session laws,822,3,CHAPTER 822 AN ACT TO CREATE A GOLF COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD AND TO PRESCRIBE THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Upon the appointment of the commissioners, they shall immediately call a meeting among themselves and organize into a body, elect a chairman who shall serve for a one-year term and such other officers as may be necessary and the law may require of such commission generally for the transaction in carrying out the provisions of this Act. The commission shall have the further power to appoint any committees that it may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act, such committees to be responsible to the commission." +1965_session laws_1144_7,project experts,0,session laws,1143,6,"CHAPTER 1143 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 156,",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1965_session laws_1046_11,project experts,0,session laws,1045,10,CHAPTER 1045 AN ACT TO CREATE A LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"If any provision of this Act is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of the Act which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable." +1965_session laws_1010_3,project experts,0,session laws,1009,2,CHAPTER 1009 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES AND EXPENSES OF THE DISTRICT SOLICITORS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. Jul-45 as the same appears in the 1963 Supplement to the Genera] Statutes is amended by striking out in lines 2 and 3 the words and figures two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures three thousand dollars ($3,000.00)." +1957_session laws_745_3,project experts,0,session laws,744,2,"CHAPTER 744 AN ACT TO DEFINE, REGULATE AND LICENSE REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND REAL ESTATE SALESMEN IN NORTH CAROLINA AND TO CREATE THE NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE LICENSING BOARD AND DEFINE ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Definitions and Exceptions. (a) That a real estate broker within the meaning of this Act is any person, partnership, association, or corporation, who for a compensation or valuable consideration or promise thereof sells or offers to sell, buys or offers to buy, auctions or offers to auction, (specifically not including a mere crier of sales) or negotiates the purchase or sale or exchange of real estate, or who leases or offers to lease, or who sells or offers to sell leases of whatever character, or rents or offers to rent any real estate or the improvement thereon, for others, as a whole or partial vocation. (b) The term real estate salesman within the meaning of this Act shall mean and include any person who, for a compensation or valuable consideration is associated with or engaged by or on behalf of a licensed real estate broker to do, perform or deal in any act, acts or transactions set out or comprehended by the foregoing definition of real estate broker. (c) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to and shall not include any person, partnership, association or corporation, who, as owner or lessor, shall perform any of the acts aforesaid with reference to property owned or leased by them, where such acts are performed in the regular course of or as an incident to the management of such property and the investment therein; nor shall the provisions of this Act apply to persons acting as atterney-in-fact under a duly executed power of attorney from the owner authorizing the final consummation of performance of any contract for the sale, lease or exchange of real estate, nor shall this Act be 664 construed to include in any way the acts or services rendered by an attorney at law; nor shall it be held to include, while acting as such, a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, guardian, administrator or executor or any such person acting under order of any court, nor to include a trustee acting under a trust agreement, deed of trust or will, or the regular salaried employees thereof, and nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to require a license for the owner, personally, to sell or lease his own property." +1957_session laws_325_3,project experts,0,session laws,324,2,CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SYSTEM FOR RECORDING MAPS AND PLATS IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The County Commissioners of Surry County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion, to have any and all other maps, plats of land or blue prints thereof, whether attached to, or filed in any and all deed or plat books in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county, photostated to be not more than eighteen by twenty-four inches and placed within new books. 307" +1957_session laws_1282_8,project experts,0,session laws,1281,7,"CHAPTER 1281 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CORPORATE POWERS","Board of Aldermen Rules. The board of aldermen shall be the judge of the election and qualifications cf its members and the mayor, and in such cases shall have power to subpoena witnesses and compel the production of all pertinent books, records, and papers; but the decision of the board of aldermen in any such case shall be subject to review by the courts. The board of aldermen shall determine its own rules and order of business and keep a journal of its proceedings in a separate book used only for this purpose. The board of aldermen shall have, with respect to the biennial elections of the City of New Bern, all applicable powers and duties as are conferred upon county boards of elections by Chapter 163, General Statutes of North Carolina." +1957_session laws_1269_3,project experts,0,session laws,1268,2,"CHAPTER 1268 AN ACT TO RE-ENACT CHAPTER 559, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1985, RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS IN BEHALF OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND SPECIAL BOND TAX UNITS AND THE LEVY OF TAXES WITHIN SUCH DIS- TRICTS AND UNITS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SUCH BONDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND TO RATIFY, APPROVE, CONFIRM AND VALI- DATE ALL PROCEEDINGS TAKEN THEREUNDER AND ALL BONDS ISSUED AND ALL TAXES LEVIED AND COLLECTED PURSUANT THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","All proceedings heretofore taken under the provisions of Chapter 559, Public-Local Laws of 1935, as originally enacted and thereafter amended and made applicable to various counties of North Carolina in addition to Cleveland County, for the creation of school districts or special bond tax units and the calling and holding of all elections, for the purpose of voting upon the question of issuing bonds or notes and the levying of a sufficient tax for the payment thereof, and the issuance of all bonds and the levying and collecting of all taxes in any county of the State under the provisions of said Chapter 559, Public-Local Laws of 1935, as amended, are hereby ratified, approved, confirmed and in all respects validated." +1935_private laws_178_2,project experts,0,private laws,177,1,"CHAPTER 177 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIF- TEEN, PRIVATE LAWS, EXTRA SESSION OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN, RELATIVE TO THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do-enact:","That Chapter one hundred and fifteen, Private Laws, Extra Session of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section thirty-one of said chapter and inserting in lieu thereof the following: . Sec. 31 The Mayor and Commissioners-elect shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their office on the first Tuesday of July next succeeding their election, and said officers shall take the oath prescribed for public officers and also an oath that they will faitlifully and impartially discharge the duties imposed upon them by law, before some person authorized by law to administer oaths. The oaths of office severally taken and subscribed by said officers shall be deposited with the Town Clerk." +1957_session laws_1209_8,project experts,0,session laws,1208,7,"CHAPTER 1208 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER LIBRARY AND COURT FACILITIES IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act in any manner whatsoever are hereby repealed. +1939_public local laws_69_4,project experts,0,public local laws,68,3,CHAPTER 68 AN ACT REGULATING THE FEES OF THE SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1939_public local laws_567_4,project experts,0,public local laws,566,3,CHAPTER 566 AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Every justice of the peace shall be allowed only the sum of fifty cents for each subpoena issued by him regardless of the number of witnesses named therein, and the officer serving same shall be allowed the sum of thirty cents for each witness actually subpoenaed." +1939_public local laws_536_12,project experts,0,public local laws,535,11,CHAPTER 535 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS IN BEHALF OF SCHOOL DIS- TRICTS AND SPECIAL BOND TAX UNITS AND THE LEVY OF TAXES WITHIN SUCH DISTRICTS AND UNITS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SUCH BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,This Act shall apply only to Randolph County. +1939_public local laws_466_7,project experts,0,public local laws,465,6,CHAPTER 465 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SHERIFF OF STOKES COUNTY TO APPOINT A SPECIAL DEPUTY ON A SALARY BASIS AND TO PROVIDE A SCHEDULE OF OFFICERS FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EN- FORCEMENT OF THE STATE LIQUOR LAWS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1939_public local laws_423_47,project experts,0,public local laws,422,46,"CHAPTER 422 AN ACT DESIGNATING FEES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Judgment, docketing transcript or regular form judgment fifty cents; and ten cents per one hundred words additional for long form judgment or transcript." +1939_public local laws_422_2,project experts,0,public local laws,421,1,"CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO QUIET TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX OR STREET ASSESS- MENT FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS IN FORSYTH COUNTY, TO PROVIDE LIMITATIONS ON SUITS BROUGHT RELATING TO THE SAME, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","No action or proceeding shall be brought in which there shall be brought into question any title to real property by reason of any alleged defect in any tax foreclosure proceeding in which a deed to said property has been recorded after one year from the date on which the deed was recorded: Provided, that in cases of deeds recorded prior to the ratification of this Act, such action may be brought within one year after said ratification: Provided, further, that this Act shall not be considered as enlarging the time in which to bring any such action or proceeding." +1939_public local laws_226_5,project experts,0,public local laws,225,4,CHAPTER 225 AN ACT RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF TAXES IN GRAHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1941_public local laws_75_5,project experts,0,public local laws,74,4,CHAPTER 74 AN ACT TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF CALDWELL COUNTY AND TO FIX THE TIME FOR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1941_public local laws_56_2,project experts,0,public local laws,55,1,"CHAPTER 55 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THREE OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CARO- LINA, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- NINE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section one, Chapter two hundred and fiftythree of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words at least one of whom shall reside in each ward in lines five and six in the third paragraph of Section one thereof." +1935_public local laws_6_3,project experts,0,public local laws,5,2,CHAPTER 5 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A NEW REGISTRATION OF THE VOTERS OF WAKE COUNTY The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That on or before February first, 1935, it shall be the duty of the Wake County Board of Elections to deliver to the North Carolina Historical Commission all of said registration books heretofore in use in Wake County elections for the purpose of preservation by the said Historical Commission, and that said registration books shall not be available for public inspection for a period of five years from February 1st, 1935" +1957_session laws_1125_3,project experts,0,session laws,1124,2,CHAPTER 1124 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 160-346 RELATING TO THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1925_private laws_55_4,project experts,0,private laws,54,3,CHAPTER 54 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO SECURE SUITABLE SITES FOR SCHOOLHOUSES OR OTHER SCHOOL ee AND FOR PLAYGROUNDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Hither party aggrieved by the action of the appraisers may appeal to the Superior Court, but no appeal shall prevent the school commissioners from taking possession of the said lands and only the question of the value of the property taken shall be the subject of inquiry on the appeal, and if the owner or owners shall appeal, and shall fail to recover upon the trial a greater sum than the appraisers assessed them he shall pay the cost of said appeal. Upon final judgment the school commissioners shall pay to the owner or owners such sums as may be assessed, together with the cost of the proceeding, except as above provided." +1925_private laws_29_142,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Certain contracts in writing and secured. All contracts made by any department, board, or commission in which the amount involved is two hundred dollars or more shall be in writing, and no such contract shall be deemed to have been made or executed until signed by the officer authorized by law to sign such contract, approved by the board of aldermen. Any contract made as aforesaid may be required to be accompanied by a bond with sureties, or by a deposit of money, certified check, or other security for the faithful performance thereof, satisfactory to the board of officials having the matter in charge, and such bonds or other securities shall be deposited with the city treasurer until the contract has been carried out in all respects; and no such contract shall be altered except by a written agreement of the centractor, the sureties on his bond, and the officer, department, or board making the contract, with the approval of the board of aldermen. REPEALING CLAUSE All laws and clauses of laws conflicting with this act are hereby repealed; but it is not intended that any act or any provision of any act local or general be repealed by this act except where the same is in direct conflict with the provisions hereof, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 12th day of February, A.D. 1925" +1925_private laws_29_112,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Haclusive of bond taxes. The rate fixed for taxation in section one of this article shall be exclusive of all rates levied for the payment of principal and interest upon bonds or notes of the city heretofore or hereafter issued, as-to which taxes for bonds and notes there shall be no limit as to rate and for the payment of which the board of aldermen shall have authority to levy and collect upon all of the real and personal property within the city an unlimited tax as is set out in section eight of article six of this act." +1917_public local laws_87_2,project experts,0,public local laws,86,1,CHAPTER 86 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DONATE TO CHAR- ITABLE AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the board of aldermen or other governing body of the city of Durham and the board of county commissioners of Durham County shall have the power and auhority, and the same is hereby conferred upon said authorities, to make from time to time to the Young Mens Christian Association of Durham, N. C., or to the trustees of any church or other religious organization, or to any person, firm, or corporation or charitable institution such reasonable appropriations as they may deem advisable out of any funds not otherwise appropriated, or by way of concessions of water, lights, building materials, or otherwise, to assist in carrying out the objects and purposes of said organizations." +1917_public local laws_619_2,project experts,0,public local laws,618,1,CHAPTER 618 AN ACT TO DEFINE THE DUTIES OF THE COUNTY SOLICI- TOR OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in addition to the duties now required by law to be performed by the county solicitor of New Hanover County, the following duties shall also be performed by him: a. It shall be the duty of such solicitor to attend at his office at least one hour before the opening of court. b. All State witnesses subpcened by said court, and all witnesses for the State recognized or subpcned to appear before said court by any inferior court, shall appear at the office of said solicitor for examination at the time of the opening thereof, and not depart therefrom without leave of said solicitor, the purpose of such attendance being to facilitate the administration of the business of said court, and so that the solicitor shall, upon the convening of said court, give notice of those cases in which continuance may be necessary, and likewise the cases in which he will ask permission to be allowed to enter a nol. pros. It shall be unlawful for any other person, without the consent of said solicitor, to interview or communicate with the witnesses herein referred to on behalf of the State in any case pending in said court. ec. That warrants issued from said court shall be signed by the solicitor only." +1917_public local laws_508_4,project experts,0,public local laws,507,3,"CHAPTER 507 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 588 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915, PRESCRIBING A PENALTY AGAINST DE- LINQUENT TAXPAYERS SO FAR AS THE SAME RELATES TO ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. +1917_public local laws_278_3,project experts,0,public local laws,277,2,"CHAPTER 277 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 728, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1915, ENTITLED AN ACT TO REDUCE THE SALARY OF THE RECORDER FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR EXPERT AUDITING, AND TO AMEND CHAP- TER 243, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1911, ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COURT IN THE CITY OF SHELBY AND IN CLEVELAND COUNTY, AND TO PRE- SCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter two hundred forty-three, Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred eleven, is hereby restored and declared to be in full force and effect except as hereinafter amended." +1917_public local laws_226_2,project experts,0,public local laws,225,1,CHAPTER 225 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF A SALARY TO THE COUNTY TREASURER OF CALDWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That on and after the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the county treasurer of Caldwell County shall be paid a salary of fifty dollars per month in lieu of fees and commissions now received by him. One-half of said sum shall be paid out of the general county fund and the remaining one-half out of the educational fund of said county. Ratified this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1917" +1917_public local laws_131_13,project experts,0,public local laws,130,12,CHAPTER 130 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIPS IN RUTHER- FORD COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS AND TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of commissioners of Rutherford County, upon the demand of any highway commission may issue and sell the bonds herein provided for in series and provide for the maturity of the respective series at any time from twenty to fifty years from the date of issue." +1917_private laws_96_3,project experts,0,private laws,95,2,CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH CONOVER GRADED SCHOOL DIS- TRICT IN CATAWBA COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR A BOND ISSUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the special school-tax election held in the Conover Special School District, which includes all the territory within the town of Conover and the territory without the town as set out in the preceding section, except that portion added to said, territory by an order of the board of education of Catawba County on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, on the eleventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, under and by authority of the Public Acts of one thousand nine hundred and one, be and the same is hereby declared valid and legal in all respects; and the action of the board of education for Catawba County in taking off a portion of the St. Timothy Special School District and putting same in the Conover Special School District, the tax levy being the same, and which is included in the boundary as set out in section one of this act, be and the same is hereby declared valid and legal in all respects." +1915_public local laws_744_3,project experts,0,public local laws,743,2,CHAPTER 743 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL OF OBSTRUC- TIONS IN SOUTH FORK RIVER IN LINCOLN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the owner of each tract of land embraced in this act shall, as soon as practicable after the ratification of this act, cut and remove from the channel of the river all trees, logs, timber, stumps, and other obstructions which in any way interfere with the free and easy flow of the water in said stream, or which are calculated to catch drift in the river bed when the water is high, so as to open and clear from obstruction the entire channel of the stream." +1915_public local laws_586_7,project experts,0,public local laws,585,6,"CHAPTER 585 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 442, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1911, AND CHAPTER 674, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1913, AMENDATORY THEREOF, AND ABOLISH THE BOARD OF AUDIT AND FINANCE FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY, AND APPOINT AN AUDITOR FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","If any clerk of the Superior Court, sheriff, county treasurer, register of deeds, road commissioner or trustee, or any other public officer who may hold any county money shall fail to account for the same as provided by law, the auditor shall give such person ten days previous notice in writing of the time and place at which said auditor will attend to make a settlement, and every officer receiving notice and failing to make settlement as required by this act shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars, to be sued for by said auditor for the use and at the expense of the public school fund of Columbus County, and shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court: Provided, however, that the court may, in its discretion and for good cause, release any officer from said forfeiture." +1915_public local laws_503_7,project experts,0,public local laws,502,6,CHAPTER 502 AN ACT TO PLACE THE OFFICERS OF CASWELL COUNTY ON SALARIES AND TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the clerk of the Superior Court and the register of deeds of said county shall faithfully collect, account for, and turn over to the treasurer of said county, monthly, and they, the said clerk and register of deeds, shall be responsible on their respective official bonds for all fees, commissions, etc., collected or which ought to be collected." +1919_private laws_25_2,project experts,0,private laws,24,1,"CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 336 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1905, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 177 OF THE PRI- VATE LAWS OF 1915, AND TO ENLARGE THE a GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the boundaries of the Hertford graded school district, created under and by virtue of chapter three hundred and thirty-six of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, and amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, shall be all of that territory in the town of Hertford and all of that territory adjacent to the town of Hertford included within the boundaries of a radius of two and one-half miles from the present white graded school building in the town of Hertford." +1915_public local laws_452_9,project experts,0,public local laws,451,8,CHAPTER 451 AN ACT TO PROVIDE RURAL POLICEMEN FOR CERTAIN TOWNSHIPS IN THE COUNTY OF ANSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That before entering upon the discharge of their duties the said policemen shall take and subscribe to the following oath: I solemnly swear (or affirm) that during my term of office as policeman I will study the act creating the office and prescribing my duties, and will be alert and vigilant to enforce the criminal laws of the State, and to apprehend and bring to punishment every violator of the same, and will conduct myself at all times with due consideration to all persons, and will not be influenced in any matter on account of personal: bias or prejudice: so help me, God. The oath of office, after being taken and subscribed by said policemen, shall be filed with the clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, together with the bond provided for in this act." +1915_public local laws_383_2,project experts,0,public local laws,382,1,CHAPTER 382 AN ACT TO SECURE THE BETTER DRAINAGE OF KITTLE SHOALS CREEK IN GASTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That Charles W. Costner, John A. Friday, and R. L. Friday of Gaston County be appointed to supervise and enforce the better drainage of Kittle Shoals Creek in Gaston County, from the intersection of said creek, at the point where it intersects and empties into the South Fork River, at a point below the Harden Mills to the forks of the said creek at the Emmeline Costner tract of land in Dallas Township, Gaston County." +1915_public local laws_347_4,project experts,0,public local laws,346,3,"CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GOOD ROADS IN No. 6 TOWNSHIP, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to take control and management of the roads of said Number Six Township, and said trustees are hereby vested with all the rights and powers for such control and management as are now vested in and exercised by either the road commissioners for Whitakers Road District or by the county commissioners of Edgecombe County: Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to the bridges in said Number Six Township, the cost of repairing or building of which shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars in any one instance, the cost of repairing and building such bridges to be paid, as heretofore, out of the general fund of Edgecombe County." +1915_public local laws_280_2,project experts,0,public local laws,279,1,"CHAPTER 279 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF W. BH. JOHNSON, CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That W. E. Johnson, clerk of the Superior Court of | Ashe County, be and he is hereby permitted to be absent from his office one Monday in each month, not including the first Monday, provided said clerk shall have a competent deputy in said office on said Mondays when absent. . 7" +1915_public local laws_173_29,project experts,0,public local laws,172,28,CHAPTER 172 AN ACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES OF MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,Nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve any able-bodied citizen resident of Grassy Creek Township from working on the public roads of Grassy Creek Township as is now provided by law because of any issue and sale of bonds of said Grassy Creek Township as by this act provided. +1913_public local laws_85_27,project experts,0,public local laws,84,26,"CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CATAWBA COUNTY, TO REVISE THE ROAD LAW FOR SAID COUNTY, AND TO VALIDATE CER- TAIN BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the several township road commissions created by or under authority of this act may sue and be sued, make contracts, acquire real and personal property, exchange and sell the same, and exercise such other rights, powers, and privileges as are incident to municipal corporations, and any such township road commission, within and for the township for which the same was or may be created, shall assume all the responsibilities, perform all the duties, exercise all the powers and authority devolving upon, required by, or conferred upon the board of county commissioners by this act; and as applying to any such township, the hoard of county commissioners, board of commissioners, county commissioners, or commissioners shall be construed to mean the township road commission for such township: Provided, the board of county commissioners shall continue to exercise the powers conferred upon them by section one, issue and sell bonds, levy and collect taxes to pay interest and provide sinking fund sufficient to pay bonds at maturity, and elect township road commissioners: Provided further, the special road tax for any township may be used to pay interest and to provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds of such township, if sufficient, without levying the tax provided by the act authorizing the issuing of bonds: Provided further, that the county shall not be liable for the payment of the cost of any bridges, or any part thereof, without having first been authorized by the board of county commissioners, and the county shall pay for trunks and culverts only when authorized by the county commissioners." +1913_public local laws_787_5,project experts,0,public local laws,786,4,CHAPTER 786 AN ACT RELATING TO POLICE POWERS IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That every person found drunk on the streets or roads, or inany public place in said township, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than two nor more than ten dollars, or imprisoned not more than ten days." +1913_public local laws_740_2,project experts,0,public local laws,739,1,CHAPTER 739 AN ACT TO PREVENT DEPREDATIONS BY FOWLS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That upon affidavit from any person in Yancey County that he is being damaged by the depredations of fowls belonging to another in Yancey County, and that notice of such depredations has been given by the affiant in writing, and that the owner still refuses to prevent his fowls from running at large, any justice of the peace of said county, upon presentment of such affidavit, shall issue an order to any officer qualified to serve same, or deputize some competent person, to kill such fowls running at large: Provided, such officer or person shall find such fowls running at large." +1913_public local laws_715_7,project experts,0,public local laws,714,6,"CHAPTER 714 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF TREASURER, FIX SALARIES FOR COUNTY OFFICES, AND PROVIDE FOR APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR IN JONES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That on the first Monday of each and every calendar month a TRUE and accurate transcript shall be transmitted by each of the officers of Jones County, including the bank designated as financial agent for said county, to the board of county commissioners of said county, said transcript to contain and show in detail all the entries made upon said books during the preceding calendar month, which shall be sworn to and duly verified by the officer whose duty it is to make said entries and keep the books of accounts pertaining to his respective office mentioned in section five." +1913_public local laws_698_7,project experts,0,public local laws,697,6,CHAPTER 697 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AN INFERIOR COURT FOR WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The judge of said court may in his discretion, to suit the convenience of counsel, witnesses, and parties, adjourn said court during the sittings of the Superior Court of Wayne County." +1913_public local laws_585_9,project experts,0,public local laws,584,8,"CHAPTER 584 AN ACT TO TAX DOGS IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MAKING THEM SUBJECTS OF LARCENY, AND REPEALING CHAP- TER 6388, ACTS OF 1907 The General Assembly. of North Carolina do enact:",That this act shall apply to Montgomery County only. +1915_public local laws_407_9,project experts,0,public local laws,406,8,CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COUNTY COURT FOR GREENE COUNTY. The. General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person may upon complaint under oath, charging any other person or persons with the commission of a misdemeanor under the laws of North Carolina, before any justice of the peace of Greene County or before the mayor of any incorporated city or town in said county of Greene, obtain a warrant for the arrest and detention of such other person or persons as how provided by law and have said warrants made returnable to said county court of Greene County." +1919_private laws_33_4,project experts,0,private laws,32,3,"CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO ESTABLSH A HIGH SCHOOL IN WARRENTON SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT, WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the support and maintainance of said high school, including the present public school in Warrenton special tax district, in addition to all taxes and appropriations now received by Warrenton special tax district from both state and county, and any addition to the appropriations on the part of either, there shall be annually levied by the board of county commissioners of Warren County, at the request of the board of trustees, as hereinafter constituted, a tax of not exceeding fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars worth of real and personal property in said Warrenton special tax district. and a tax of not exceeding forty-five cents on each poll in said district, and said taxes shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes in said Warren County." +1919_private laws_93_17,project experts,0,private laws,92,16,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 96 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1899 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, RELATING TO THE KINSTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The original returns of said election shall be made by the election officers, or one of their number appointed by said election officer for the purpose, to the board of trustees of said district, and said board of trustees shall within three days after said election canvass the returns and declare the results of said election, and said results shall be inscribed upon the records of said district, also of the city of Kinston." +1919_public local laws_43_5,project experts,0,public local laws,42,4,CHAPTER 42 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO REGULATE AND FIX THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS OF DURHAM TOWNSHIP AND DURHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to provide the sheriff of Durham County with an extra or tax deputy for full time instead of for six months in each year as now provided by law, if in their discretion and judgment they deem proper." +1925_private laws_29_91,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Polling places. The board of aldermen shall designate a polling place, or as many polling places as it shall deem advisable, at which the municipal elections shall be held, and shall give notice by one or more publications in a newspaper published in the city of the polling place or places so designated, and of any change that may be made therein from time to time." +1925_private laws_29_74,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Qualifications for commissioners. The members of said commission shall be resident freeholders and taxpayers of the city of Fayetteville, and shall be men of recognized ability and good business judgment and standing who, in the opinion of the said board of aldermen, can and will perform their official duties to the best interest of said city and its inhabitants." +1925_private laws_29_42,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Aldermen qualify; when and how. On the Monday next succeeding the day of election the aldermen elected shall qualify by taking the following oath or affirmation, to wit: SS Depusats ih iaue cee PSE Ne wie ad CRUE SIA ds , do solemnly swear that I will truly and impartially perform the duties of alderman to the city of Fayetteville according to the best of my skill, ability and judgment; so help me God. Thereupon the aldermen shall organize as a board for the transaction of business and thereby shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the office." +1925_private laws_29_33,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Establish hospitals, pesthouses, quarantine, etc. The board of aldermen may acquire, establish, and maintain a hospital or hospitals, or pesthouses, slaughterhouses, rendering plants, incinerators and crematories in the city limits or within three miles thereof; may stop, detain, examine, or keep in a pesthouse or house of detention persons having or suspected of having any infectious, contagious, or other communicable disease; may quarantine the city or any part thereof; may cause all persons in the city limits to be vaccinated; may, without incurring liabilities to the owner, remove, fumigate, or destroy furniture, bedding, clothing, or other property which may be found to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, and may do all other proper and reasonable things tc prevent or stamp out any contagious or infectious disease, and to preserve better the health of the citizens. All expenses incurred by the city in disinfecting or caring for any person or persons, by authority of this section, may be recovered by it from the person, persons, or property cared for; and when expense is incurred in caring for property, the same shall become a lien on such property. Any person who shall attempt by force, or by threat of violence, to prevent his removal or that of any other person to the pesthouse, house of detention, or hospital, or who shall in any way interfere with any officer while performing any of the duties allowed by this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." +1925_private laws_29_29,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Resolution requiring sidewalks to be laid. The board of aldermen shall have authority to order and direct by suitable resolution that sidewalk or sidewalks be laid upon any street or streets or sections, or portions thereof, within the city in conformity with plans and specifications prescribed and fixed by the board, and to require, in the boards discretion, that the owner or owners of any lot or lots fronting and abutting upon any such street or streets or portion thereof shall lay such sidewalk across the frontage of such lot or lots at the cost of such owner or owners. When any such resolution is adopted by the board, it shall give personal notice to the owner or owners of any lot or lots affected thereby if such owner or owners can be found within the city, but if such owner or owners cannot be found within the city, then publication of such resolution once in each of two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the city shall be deemed and held to be sufficient notice. If the owner or owners of any lot or lots across the frontage of which it is required that a sidewalk be laid shall fail to comply with Private5 the terms of such resolution within the time therein specified, then the city of Fayetteville shall cause such sidewalk or sidewalks to be laid at its expense and the entire cost thereof and interest shall thereupon be especially assessed and collected from such lot or lots in the manner prescribed by chapter fifty-six, article nine of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina of nineteen hundred nineteen." +1925_private laws_29_11,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Condemnation proceedings. If the city of Fayetteville shall be unable to acquire by purchase, gift or otherwise, any real estate necessary for any of the purposes specified in this charter, it shall have and is hereby given the right to acquire title to the same in the manner and by the special proceedings herein prescribed." +1925_private laws_29_8,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","Enumeration of powers not exclusive. The foregoing enumeration of particular powers shall not be held or deemed to be exclusive, but in addition to the powers enumerated or implied herein, or appropriate to the exercise thereof, the city shall have and may exercise all other powers which under the Constitution and laws of North Carolina now or hereafter may be granted to cities. Powers proper to be exercised, and not specially enumerated herein, shall be exercised and enforced in the manner prescribed herein; or when not prescribed herein, in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance or resolution of the board of aldermen." +1925_private laws_29_3,project experts,0,private laws,28,2,"CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE","A body corporate with right of succession. The inhabitants of the city of Fayetteville shall continue as heretofore a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The City of Fayetteville and by that name shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, may acquire and hold all such property, real and personal, as may be devised, bequeathed, sold or in any manner conveyed to it, and may invest, sell or dispose thereof, and may have a common seal and alter and renew the same at pleasure, and may have and exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges necessary for its proper government or usually appertaining to municipal corporations." +1925_private laws_205_11,project experts,0,private laws,204,10,"CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL AND TO OUTLINE ITS ORGANIZA- TION, POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees are hereby authorized to establish a permanent endowment fund, to be loaned to needy and worthy students. The board may receive gifts and donations and may, after furnishing lights and power to the normal school, sell excess current, if any there shall be, at a rate approved by the Corporation Commission, to the people in the community, and set aside for said endowment any moneys coming to the institution from such sources. The board of trustees are hereby empowered to make rules and regulations for the proper safeguarding and loaning of said funds." +1925_private laws_162_9,project experts,0,private laws,161,8,CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF HAMILTON LAKES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION,"A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum. Its meetings shall be-public and the mayor, who shall be the official head of the town, shall if present preside, and shall have the same powers as the other members of the council to vote upon all measures coming before it, but shall have no power of veto. In the absence of the mayor the mayor pro tempore shall preside. The town clerk shall be ex officio the clerk of the council and shall keep records of its proceedings, but in case of his temporary absence, or in case a vacancy should occur in the office, the council may elect a temporary clerk who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties and may act as clerk of the council until a town clerk is chosen and qualified. All final votes of the council involving the expenditure of money or the enactment of ordinances shall be entered on the records." +1925_private laws_118_7,project experts,0,private laws,117,6,"CHAPTER 117 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ","Commissioner of finance. The commissioner of finance shall be the purchasing agent of the board of commissioners of the town and all property, supplies, and material of every kind whatsoever shall, upon the order of the board of commissioners, be purchased by him, and when so purchased by him the bills therefor shall be submitted to and approved by the board of commissioners before warrants are issued therefor; when such warrants are issued they shall be signed by the said commissioner and countersigned by some other person designated by the board of commissioners; he shall be collector of all taxes; he shall collect all water rents; he shall issue license or permits as. provided by law, ordinance or resolution adopted by the board of commissioners, or in the absence or inability of any commissioner to act he shall exercise temporary supervision over the department assigned to the said commissioner, subject, however, to the power of the board of commissioners to substitute some one else temporarily to perform any of such duties; he shall have control of all employees not by law, ordinance, or resolution of the board of commissioners apportioned or assigned to some other department; he shall have charge of and supervision over all accounts and records of the town, and accounts of all officers, agents, and departments reaquired by law or by the board of commissioners to be kept or made; he shall regularly at least once in three -3 months inspect or superintend inspection of all records or accounts required to be kept in any of the offices or departments of the city, and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept, and proper reports to be made, and shall, acting for the board of commissioners, audit or cause to be audited by an expert accountant, if he deems it necessary, annually, the accounts of every officer or employee who does or may receive or disburse money, and he shall publish or cause to be published annually statements showing the financial condition of the town; he shall examine or cause to be examined all accounts, payrolls, and claims before they are acted on or allowed unless otherwise provided by law or by order of the board of commissioners; he shall collect all license fees, franchise taxes, rentals, and other moneys which may be due or become due to the town; he shall report the failure on the part of any person, firm or corporation to pay money due the town, he shall report to the board of commissioners any failure on the part of any person, firm or corporation to make such reports as are required by law, ordinance or order of the board of commissioners to be made, and shall make such recommendations with reference thereto as he may deem proper. The assessor, auditor, town clerk, town attorney, and their respective officers of departments, and all employees therein, and all bookkeepers and accountants, are apportioned and assigned to the department of finance and shall be under the direction and -supervision of the commissioner thereof. He shall do and perform any and all other services ordered by the board not herein expressly conferred upon some other department." +1925_private laws_104_4,project experts,0,private laws,103,3,CHAPTER 103 AN ACT TO RATIFY AN AMENDMENT MADE BY THE CITY OF HIGH POINT TO THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. +1924 extra_public local laws_168_3,project experts,0,public local laws,167,2,"CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 102, SECTION 14, OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1919, AS AMENDED BY SECTION 13 OF .CHAPTER 10, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF EXTRA SESSION OF 1920, FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFI- CERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1923_public local laws_451_27,project experts,0,public local laws,450,26,CHAPTER 450 AN ACT TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF BLADEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the mayors of each incorporated town in the county of Bladen to report to the auditor of said county on or before the first Monday in June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and each and every year thereafter, the names of all persons in their respective towns who may be subject to the payment of what are known as schedule B and C taxes, and it shall be the duty of said auditor to inquire what other persons in said county, residing outside the towns, may be liable for the payment of such taxes, and it shall be the duty of the auditor to report to the sheriff of said county the names of all persons subject to such taxes: Provided, however, that this section shall not relieve the said sheriff of any duties connected with said taxes as are now or as may hereafter be imposed upon him by law. It shall also be the duty of said auditor on or before the first Monday in May in each year to mail to the mayor of each incorporated town in Bladen County a notice setting forth a copy of this section of this act and to call attention of such mayors to their duties under this section, and also to their duties under the next succeeding section of this act; and if any mayor shall fail or neglect to discharge the duties and make the report required by this_and the next succeeding section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court." +1923_public local laws_5_4,project experts,0,public local laws,4,3,"CHAPTER 4 AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. Whereas, owing to the growth of education in Transylvania County, and also by reason of the physical and geographic condi- tions of said county, so that adequate representation can be had from all sections of the county on said county board of education, it is deemed advisable to increase the number of said board from three members to five members; and Whereas W. H. Duckworth has duly resigned from said county board of education: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That A. E. England of Brevard, Route No. 1, and C. K. Osborne, of Brevard, N. C., be also appointed as members of the county board of education of Transylvania County, to serve until their successors are duly appointed or elected and qualified, according to law. _" +1923_public local laws_236_4,project experts,0,public local laws,235,3,CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE GASTON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY INDEBTEDNESS INCURRED IN CONSTRUCTING AND IMPROVING HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said bonds may be made registrable as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest under such conditions as may be determined by said board, and the board shall determine the method of execution thereof and of interest coupons that may be annexed to said bonds." +1923_public local laws_162_2,project experts,0,public local laws,161,1,"CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO PARTLY COMPENSATE BH. R. FERRELL FOR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY REASON OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY SAVING $30,000 TO $40,000 IN ABANDONING THE LOWRY ROAD AND LOWRY DRAWBRIDGE. Whereas in constructing the brick road from Hlizabeth City to the lower part of-Pasquotank County the road was run around by what is known as Old Weeksville; and. whereas about thirty years prior to the construction of said brick road the county took over a private road known as the Lowry Road, and in the construc- tion of the said road there is a very expensive drawbridge across what is known as New Begun Creek; that prior to any knowledge of the direction in which the brick road was going, E. R. Ferrell purchased from the Weeksville Ginning Company on the north side of New Begun Creek on the Lowry road a gin-house and wharf property, at a price of twenty-two hundred dollars; and whereas, since the construction of the brick road around by Old Weeksville, the county has abandoned the upkeep of the Lowry road and drawbridge above referred to, rendering the said prop- erty purchased by said Ferrell practically useless, leaving said property in a pocket where there is no travel nor traffic; and whereas, by reason of the construction of the brick road around by Old Weeksville, and not constructing said road in both direc- tions, it has saved the county some thirty thousand or forty thousand dollars, besides the cost of the upkeep of the expensive drawbridge in said road known as the Lowry Road, not having been paved and kept up by the county: Now, therefore, in order to partly compensate E. R. Ferrell for his loss by reason of the abandonment of said road and bridge by said county, and particularly so as the county has profited and saved between thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) and forty thou- sand dollars ($40,000), and for the further reasons as above set out, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of Pasquotank County, North Carolina, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered at their discretion to pay E. R. Ferrell a sum not to exceed eleven hundred dollars ($1,100) in full payment for any and all damages he sustained by reason of the facts set out above." +1923_private laws_8_4,project experts,0,private laws,7,3,"CHAPTER 7 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF TRINITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the town of Trinity shall have authority to combine with the county authorities and with the State authorities in charge of road building for the purpose of constructing a hard surface road through the town of Trinity to connect with the State Highway system at Archdale. +1923_private laws_186_3,project experts,0,private laws,185,2,CHAPTER 185 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSONVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the said board of water commissioners shall from time to time lay, build and construct in said city such system of waterworks, water pipes, sewerage and sewer pipes, and the extension of the same, as to it may seem advisable, or cause the same to be so laid, built or constructed, and shall keep the same in proper condition and repair, with proper connections, and make all necessary provisions for so doing, and shall control and regulate such system, and every part thereof, and may require the owner or owners of any improved lots or land in said city, or on any public street or alley in said city where such water and sewer pipes have been, or are conveniently accessible, or, on any line of pipes to connect such lot or lots with, such sewer and water pipes in the manner and at the places designated by said board of water commissioners, and if the owner or owners should . fail to make such connections after having been given ten days notice by the said board of water commissioners, the said board may enter upon said lot and make such connections, and charge the cost thereof against said lot, and such cost so charged shall be collected, and shall constitute a lien upon said lot, and shall be enforced and collected in the same manner as real estate is sold in case of delinquent taxes. -" +1921 extra_public local laws_207_3,project experts,0,public local laws,206,2,CHAPTER 206 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE HUNTING OF DEER WITH DOGS IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. +1921 extra_public local laws_184_9,project experts,0,public local laws,183,8,CHAPTER 183 AN ACT TO AMEND AND UNIFY THE PUBLIC ROAD LAWS OF CASWELL COUNTY AND AFFECTING THE EXPENDI- TURE OF THE PROCEEDS OF CERTAIN ROAD TAX LEVIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this act shall not be considered to amend, repeal, or in any way modify the collection or expenditure of any taxes authorized for the purpose of paying the interest on or retiring any bonds of Caswell County or of any township of said county ; and this act shall not be considered to modify or in any way affect the tax authorized and directed by section three thousand six hundred and fifty-four of the Consolidated Statutes." +1919_public local laws_535_23,project experts,0,public local laws,534,22,CHAPTER 534 AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"All special or local laws relating to the construction, improvement or maintenance of public roads or bridges of Halifax County or of any township therein, including special or local laws authorizing the raising of money for said purposes, are hereby repealed. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are also repealed. Nothing in this act, however, shall be held to invalidate any indebtedness incurred under any law hereby repealed, or to invalidate any act done under such a law, or to prevent the collection of any taxes levied under such law." +1919_public local laws_499_4,project experts,0,public local laws,498,3,CHAPTER 498 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A COURT STENOGRAPHER FOR SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Superior Court of said county to tax and collect said stenographers fee as he shall tax and collect other costs, and shall pay such money collected as stenographers fee as he shall tax and collect other costs, and shall pay such money collected as stenographers fee into the general fund of the county, taking the receipt of the treasurer therefor." +1967_session laws_1031_3,project experts,0,session laws,1030,2,CHAPTER 1030 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH FOR GRANTS-IN-AID TO PROVIDE DAY CARE AND RESIDENTIAL CARE FOR CERTAIN MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State to the Department of Mental Health the sum of forty-one thousand four hundred twenty dollars ($41,420.00) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1967, and ending June 30, 1968, and the sum of forty-one thousand four hundred twenty dollars ($41,420.00) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1968, and ending June 30, 1969, to be expended for additional personnel to administer and supervise the grants-in-aid program. 1967-68 1968-69 1 Social Work Supervisor II @ $8,424 $ 8,424 $ 8,424 1 Social Work Supervisor I @ $7,656 7,656 7,656 1 Nurse Supervisor I @ $4,980 4,980 4,980 1 Budget Officer I @ $8,424 8,424 8,424 1 Stenographer II @ $3,936 3,936 3,936 Travel Expense 8,000 8,000 $41,420 $41,420" +1913_public local laws_467_22,project experts,0,public local laws,466,21,CHAPTER 466 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF VANCE COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE VOTERS OF THE COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS TO MAKE AND IM- PROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any moneys that are raised by special tax or a bond issue or in any other manner whatsoever by the county officials of Vance County for the construction or improvement or repair or maintenance of the public roads of Vance County shall become a part of what is herewith designated as the good roads fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of the good roads commission, to be drawn upon as directed by the good roads commission." +1967_session laws_1067_2,project experts,0,session laws,1066,1,CHAPTER 1066 AN ACT TO AMEND G. . 28-105 RELATIVE TO THE PRIORITY OF FUNERAL EXPENSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 28-105, Second Class, 1965 Cumulative Supplement is hereby further amended by adding a new sentence at the end thereof to read as follows: The preferential limitation herein granted shall be construed to be only a limit with respect to preference of payment and shall not be construed to be a limitation on reasonable funeral expenses which may be incurred; nor shall the preferential limitation of payment in the amount of six hundred dollars ($600.00) be diminished by any Veterans Administration, Social Security or other Federal Governmental benefits awarded to the estate of the deceased or to his or her beneficiaries." +1967_session laws_415_8,project experts,0,session laws,414,7,CHAPTER 414 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 278 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1965 RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF THE APPEARANCE OF STRUC- TURES IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. +1957_session laws_231_4,project experts,0,session laws,230,3,CHAPTER 230 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF CERTAIN SUR- PLUS FUNDS OF GASTON COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- STRUCTING THE GASTON COUNTY WELFARE BUILDING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1909_private laws_314_7,project experts,0,private laws,313,6,"CHAPTER 313 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees of said district shall organize annually by electing a chairman and a secretary. The said board shall cause to be kept an accurate record of its proceedings. The trustees shall elect annually one of their number treasurer and custodian of all the school funds belonging to said district. The treasurer shall give bond in such sum as the board may require. The said treasurer shall receive and hold as a fund all moneys received from special taxes, gifts, grants, apportionments or other source, and shall pay out said moneys only upon the order of the board. The said treasurer shall furnish annually to the board of aldermen of the city of Hickory a statement, in writing, of the receipts and disbursements of school moneys, properly endorsed and approved by the chairman and the secretary of the board of trustees." +1899_private laws_216_49,project experts,0,private laws,215,48,"CHAPTER 215 An act to amend and consolidate the charter of the town of Lumberton, Robeson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all proceedings in the mayors court shall be the same as are now or may hereafter be prescribed for courts of justices of the peace, and in all cases there shall be a right of appeal to the superior court of Robeson county; that whenever a defendant or witness or other person shall be adjudged to be imprisoned by the said court, it shall be competent for the court to sentence such person or persons to imprisonment in the county jail or town guard house for a term not exceeding thirty days, and to adjudge also that such persons may be worked during the period of their confinement on the public streets or on the public works of the said town under the supervision of the town constable, policeman or other police officer." +1907_public laws_201_6,project experts,0,public laws,200,5,CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said tax, when collected, shall be kept separate and apart from all other taxes, and shall be used only for the purposes for which the same was levied and collected. Any Commissioner who shall by any means cause any of said taxes to be used for any other purpose than that for which they were levied and collected shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the Court: Provided, that if the taxes collected in any one year shall exceed the sum required to pay the interest accrued and due on said bonds so issued, the same may be applied to the purchase of any of the bonds issued under this act." +1919_private laws_43_7,project experts,0,private laws,42,6,"CHAPTER 42 AN ACT TO REGULATE MOTOR VEHICLES AND PUBLIC SERVICE CARS IN MARION, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the warrants of the mayor of the said town of Marion shall be valid within the three-mile zone around the said town, and the marshall of said town is hereby given the right to make arrests upon warrants issued by the mayor within the said zone. " +1911_public local laws_483_21,project experts,0,public local laws,482,20,"CHAPTER 482 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING, IMPROVING AND MAINTAIN- ING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY, AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR A HIGHWAY COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said highway commission shall have the authority to employ a physician at any time to assist the county physician in attending the convict working force, and shall also have the power to provide for the care and keep of said convicts, and to provide all things necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and, in addition to employing convicts upon the highways, herein provided for, the said highway commission, in its discretion, may employ such free labor and make such contracts for the building, repairing and maintaining of the highways of the county as it shall deem to the best interests of the county: Provided, that no free labor shall be employed to work on the same section of road on which convicts are employed: and Provided, further, that the employment of free labor shall be as hereinbefore specified." +1925_public laws_307_6,project experts,0,public laws,306,5,"CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two of chapter two hundred fifty-four of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-three, being section seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two (b) of the Consolidated Statutes, volume three, be amended so as to hereafter read as follows: Seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two (b). Trustees; appointments; terms; expenses. The Eastern Carolina Industrial School for Boys shall be under the control and management of a board of five trustees. The said trustees shall be appointed by the Governor of the State and the term of each trustee shall be four years from and after the date of his or her appointment. Within thirty days after the ratification of this act the Governor shall appoint three of the trustees and within six months after the ratification of this act the Governor shall appoint the remaining two. At the time of making the appointment the Governor shall designate which of the present trustees are to be succeeded by his appointees. All vacancies occurring in the board shall be filled by the Governor. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly the names of his appointees for confirmation. Each member of the board shall be entitled to receive necessary expenses for each and every day engaged in the business of the institution." +1891_private laws_238_33,project experts,0,private laws,237,32,CHAPTER 237 An act to amend the charter of the tewn of Randleman. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all persons liable to taxation of any kind in said town shall, on or before the first day of June in each and every year, make a return of their respective lists of taxable property, as assessed by the township assessors for the state, to the secretary or clerk of said board of commissioners; such lists shall give a description of the tracts or lots of land, the taxable poll and all other property liable to taxation by the persons returning the same, and shall be sworn to before some justice of the peace or before the secretary or clerk, who is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths required by law to be taken by persons making such returns. The said lists thus taken shall be filed with the secretary or clerk, who shall, after a levy of taxes are assessed thereon, in the same manner as tax-lists are made or required to be made for the collection of state taxes. The secretary or clerk shall also make out a list of all property and polls remaining unlisted in said town, which shall be subject to double tax. The usual tax-list, made as aforesaid by the secretary or clerk and placed in the hands of the marshal or taxcollector, shall have the force and effect of a judgment and execution for the taxes assessed and appearing on said lists respectively; and the same may be collected by levy and sale of the property of the party owning such taxes, on giving such notice as is required by law on execution from one of the superior courts of the state, and the officer charged with the duty of collecting such taxes shall have all the power vested by law in sheriffs or tax-collectors for the collection of taxes due the state." +1905_private laws_188_3,project experts,0,private laws,188,2,"CHAPTER 188 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF PINE BLUFF, IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the present government of said town shall continue as now constituted until successors to the present officials shall be elected and qualified as hereinafter provided, and all of the ordinances and by-laws theretofore adopted by said town shall remain in force until altered, amended or repealed." +1893_public laws_415_11,project experts,0,public laws,415,10,CHAPTER 415 An act to authorize the commissioners of Buncombe county to issue bonds for public roads improvement. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : 3,"That at any election on the question of issuing the bonds herein provided for there shall be elected by the said qualified voters of said county fourteen freeholders, one for each of the fourteen townships of said county, who shall be a resident of the township for which he is elected, all of whom, together with the five members of the board of county commissioners of said county, shall constitute and be known as the road improvement commission of Buncombe county, who shal! serve from the time of their election until the qualification of their successors, who shall be elected at the next succeeding general election and biennially thereafter in the same manner and for the same term as the sheriff of said county. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office the said road improvement commissioners shall qualify by taking an oath before the clerk of the superior court of said county faithfully and diligently to perform all the duties imposed upon them by the provisions of this act, which said oath shall be subscribed before said clerk and by him recorded in the same manner as is now provided by law for the recording of the oath of the sheriff of said county; said road improvement commissioners shall serve without compensation as such: Provided, that if at any election on the question of issuing the bonds hereinbefore provided for, a majority of the qualified voters of said county shall vote * Against public roads improvement, then and in that event the election of the said fourteen freeholders at said election shall be and void. If at any election under the provisions of this act a majority of the qualified voters of said county shall vote For public roads improvement, the fourteen freeholders elected at such election, together with the said five commissioners of said county, shall organize as said road improvement commission of Buncombe county. YThe chairman of the board of commissioners of said county shall be ex officio chairman of said road improvement commission. There shall be elected biennially by said road improvement commission a secretary to said commission, whose compensation shall be fixed by said commission; it shall be the duty of said secretary to keep an accurate record of all proceedings and doings of said commission, which said record shall be at all times open to the inspection of any citizen of the said county of Buncombe. The said road improvement commission is empowered and it is hereby made its duty to administer all funds that may be realized from the sale of the bonds herein provided for, to select the roads to be improved under the provisions of this act, to determine the character of the improvements to be made, to let contracts, to hire labor, and do every and all such acts and things as may be proper and necessary to carry into effect the purposes and intentions of this act; and no bill or account for labor done or material furnished in the making of the road improvements hereinbefore provided for shall be paid, except upon the warrant of the said road improvement commission, and no warrant shall be issued except upon the order of a majority of all said road improvement commissioners. Said road improvement commissioners shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in the body by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, until the next election of road improvement commissioners." +1909_public laws_812_3,project experts,0,public laws,811,2,"CHAPTER 811 AN ACT TO PROTECT GROWING CROPS IN RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, BEAUFORT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1931_private laws_26_5,project experts,0,private laws,25,4,"CHAPTER 25 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF REIDSVILLE, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE THIS QUESTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the city council of the said city of Reidsville is authorized and empowered to adopt an ordinance calling for an election in conformity with this act, the said ordinance to be published in a newspaper published in the city of Reidsville once a week for four weeks prior to said election. The said city council is also authorized, empa@wered and directed to provide for a new or special registration of the voters within said territory, to designate the precinct or precincts and polling places for such election, and to name a registrar and two judges of election for each precinct." +1917_public local laws_107_3,project experts,0,public local laws,106,2,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE ROADS IN PAMLICO COUNTY AND FOR THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE COUNTY AND THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That upon there being filed with the commissioners of Pamlico County a petition signed by one-fifth of the qualified voters in any township in said county asking for an election upon the question of issuing bonds for said township, under the provisions of this act, and stating in said petition the amount of bonds which it is desired to issue (Provided, however, that the amount of the proposed bond issue shall not be greater than five per centum of the total assessed value of all property in said township subject to taxation, as shown by the last assessment next preceding the filing of said petition), said petition to be recorded in the minutes of the said board, it shall be the duty of the said board of county commissioners to call an election to be held within sixty days after the presentation of said petition at the polling place or places in the township or townships petitioning, and present to the qualified voters of said township or townships the question of issuing bonds for the purposes of road improvement as provided for in this act; said bonds to be issued upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The said board of county commissioners shall for at least thirty days preceding the election give public notice of the same, in said notice stating the purpose of the election and the amount of bonds proposed to be issued by such township in which the election is to be held, said notice to be published in some weekly newspaper published in said county for at least four weeks." +1924 extra_public laws_91_3,project experts,0,public laws,90,2,"CHAPTER 90 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2116 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATING TO THE CLOSE SEASON FOR HUNTING QUAIL OR PARTRIDGE, AND PROVIDING A DIFFERENT CLOSE SEASON FOR MARTIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. +1939_public laws_358_36,project experts,0,public laws,357,35,CHAPTER 357 AN ACT TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PLAN TO ESTAB- LISH SPECIAL COUNTY COURTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Whenever the Clerk of the Superior Court shall transfer the papers in any case from the Superior Court to a special county court, he shall at the same time issue a notice to the accused person and his surety, informing them that the cause has been so transferred and requiring the accused person to appear at the next succeeding term of said special county court for trial, and, upon the service of said notice upon the accused person and his surety, at least five days before the beginning of the next succeeding term of the special county court, the case shall stand for trial at said term and the bond given by the accused person for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court shall in all respects be valid and binding to compel the appearance of the accused person at the said next succeeding term of said special county court, and in case said notice is not served on the accused person and his surety at least five days before the beginning of the next succeeding term of the special county court, then the case shall not be tried without the consent of the accused person until the following term of the special county court." +1907_private laws_230_8,project experts,0,private laws,227,7,CHAPTER 227 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VIRGINIA AND EASTERN| CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said company shall have the right to cross at grade or over or under, intersect, join or unite its railroad with any railroad now built or constructed, or which may hereafter be built or constructed within the State of North Carolina, at any point of its main line or branches, with the necessary turn-outs, sidings, switches and other conveniences, and, when necessary, to use the right-of-way of other roads, when the same is not occupied with tracks or buildings, and have the right to cross public highways, also streets in incorporated towns." +1891_public laws_586_3,project experts,0,public laws,585,2,CHAPTER 585 An act in relation to the county seat of Brunswick county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do.enact :,"That it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of said county, at least thirty days before said election, to appoint registrars and judges of election in the same manner as is now provided by law, which registrars shall perform all the duties required by [of] such officers in registering voters for members of the general assembly, in the same way and to the same extent as in said cases; and the judges of election shall be appointed and notified as in such elections, and shall conduct the same in the several townships as such elections are held and conducted for members of tke general assembly in all respects. : '" +1919_private laws_164_2,project experts,0,private laws,163,1,"CHAPTER 163 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE PERIOD OF COMPULSORY EDU- _ CATION IN THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, FOR THE FULL SESSION OF CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS EACH YEAR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That every parent, guardian or other person in the city of Winston-Salem having charge or control of a child between the ages of eight and fourteen years shall cause such child to attend regularly some day school (public, private or parochial), in which at least the six common school branches of reading, spelling writing, arithmetic, English and geography are taught in daily session of not less than four hours per school day, for nine school months in each calendar year, or for the full session of the public schools of the city of Winston-Salem; or shall provide such child at home or elsewhere with such regular daily instruction during the usual school hours as shall be in the judgment of the court substantially equivalent in kind and amount to the instruction given the children of like age in the public schools of said city: Provided, that occasional absence from such attendance by any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years not amounting to more than two unexcused absences in four consecutive weeks shall not be unlawful." +1899_private laws_119_4,project experts,0,private laws,118,3,"CHAPTER 118 An act to authorize the city of Fayetteville to establish and operate a system of electric lights and motive power. WHEREAS, a proper system for lighting public streets is a ne- cessity to the inhabitants of the city of Fayetteville and is con- ducive to the advancement and prosperity of said city; and WHEREAS, by reason of its revenues from other sources and because under the provisions of chapter one hundred and fifty- three -153 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- three -1893 and the act amendatory thereof, passed by the gen- eral assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine (1899), enti- tled An act to amend chapter oue hundred and fifty-three -153 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three (1893), etc., and ratified on January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, sufficient taxes are now levied and not other- wise appropriated to amply provide for the payment of interest on the coupon bonds hereinafter provided for as it falls due and the creation of a sinking fund sufficient to fully pay off said bonds, as well as to meet al] the other obligations and liabilities of the said city: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said coupon bonds shall be consecutively numbered and signed by the mayor and the clerk of the city of Fayetteville, and it shall be the duty of the said clerk to keep an accurate account of the same." +1915_private laws_168_14,project experts,0,private laws,167,13,"CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FUQUAY SPRINGS, WAKE COUNTY, AND TO ALLOW SAID TOWN TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the mayor may issue his precepts to the town constable. who may execute the same anywhere in Wake County, or to such other officer to whom a justice of the peace may direct his precepts. An indorsement by the mayor or court of the name of a witness upon a summons or warrant shall be an authority for the officer to execute the same." +1929_public local laws_44_3,project experts,0,public local laws,43,2,"CHAPTER 43 AN ACT REGULATING THE SETTING OF STEEL TRAPS OR LOG TRAPS IN THE COUNTIES OF PAM- LICO, GREENE, HALIFAX, CHEROKEE, AVERY AND PERQUIMANS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1957_session laws_1236_5,project experts,0,session laws,1235,4,"CHAPTER 1235 AN ACT TO AMEND THE TURLINGTON ACT, ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 18, AS FOUND IN THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CARO- LINA SO AS TO INCLUDE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS DE- SIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. +1917_public local laws_107_27,project experts,0,public local laws,106,2,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE ROADS IN PAMLICO COUNTY AND FOR THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE COUNTY AND THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said bonds may be issued from time to time and exchanged at par for the township bonds provided for in article one of this act; or said bonds may be sold as the said board of county commissioners may determine: Provided, none of them shall be sold or pledged in any manner for less than par value in cash or the above referred to township bonds; and no bonds shall be sold for cash until there has been deposited with the said board of county commissioners a like amount of the township bonds above referred to, and when so sold the proceeds shall be turned over to the treasurer of the road commission of the township whose bonds have been thus deposited." +1925_public local laws_257_3,project experts,0,public local laws,256,2,CHAPTER 256 AN ACT CREATING FIVE DISTRICTS IN WAKE COUNTY FOR THE SELECTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be elected one commissioner from each district and the districts shall be numbered one, two, three, four, and five, and shall comprise the following townships: (a) District number one shall be composed of Little River, Marks Creek, and St. Matthews townships. (b) District number two shall be composed of St. Marys, Swift Creek, Panther Branch and Middle Creek townships. (c) District number three shall be composed of Cary, Buckhorn, Cedar Fork, Holly Springs, White Oak and House Creek townships. (d) District number four shall be composed of Bartons Creek, Wake Forest, Neuse, Leesville and New Light townships. (e) District number five shall be composed of Raleigh Township." +1959_session laws_37_3,project experts,0,session laws,36,2,"CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO APPROPRIATE FROM THE CONTINGENCY AND EMER- GENCY FUND THE SUM OF $305,510 TO THE STATE HOSPITAL AT GOLDSBORO TO COVER A DEFICIT IN OPERATING EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1958-59. WHEREAS, during the fiscal year 1958-59 the State Hospital at Golds- boro has incurred a deficit as a result of increased operational expenses and loss of receipts in the amount of three hundred five thousand five hundred ten dollars ($305,510); and WHEREAS, appropriations made to the State Hospital at Goldsboro for the biennium 1957-59 are insufficient to cover this deficit: Now, there- fore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1893_public laws_214_6,project experts,0,public laws,213,5,CHAPTER 213 An act to establish the stock law in certain parts of Cumberiand; county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said tax so levied shall be collected by the sheriff or some lawful deputy and paid to the county treasurer under the same ryles, regulations and charges as may be prescribed for the sheriff in collecting other taxes, and the treasurer of Cumberland county shall receive and disburse the moneys so paid to him, retaining only his lawful commissions, upon the order of the fence commissioners for the purpose of providing and keeping in repair the fences and gates as above contemplated." +1925_public local laws_354_9,project experts,0,public local laws,353,8,"CHAPTER 353 AN ACT TO ANNEX BROAD RIVER TOWNSHIP OF Mc- DOWELL COUNTY TO BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Whereas, two hundred and thirty out of a total vote of two hundred and forty voters in Broad River Township of McDowell County have expressed their desire in writing that the said Broad River Township be added to, and become a part of, Buncombe County for the reason that said township is isolated geographically from McDowell County, and that all their social and business relations are with the people of Buncombe County; and Whereas, the public officials of McDowell County and Buncombe County have mutually agreed that the said Broad River Township of McDowell County logically and geograph- ically should be a part of Buncombe County and that the best interest and public welfare of the citizens of said township would be promoted and conserved by the annexing said town- ship to Buncombe County: Therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all the one thousand nine hundred and twentyfour taxes due from the people and property of Broad River Township shall be collected and retained by McDowell County. +1903_private laws_226_4,project experts,0,private laws,225,3,"CHAPTER 225 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ALEXANDER HOME OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the officers of the home shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and treasurer, and a board of managers to consist of the incorporators named in section 1 of this act, and their duly elected successors. In case of the death or resignation of any of the foregoing members of said board the vacancy shall be supplied by the remaining members thereof by election, in accordance with the by-laws of the home, to be adopted by said board, and the other officers of said home shall be elected by said board for such terms and upon such conditions as said by-laws shall prescribe." +1937_public laws_301_4,project experts,0,public laws,300,3,"CHAPTER 300 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED NINETY- FOUR, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND TWENTY-NINE, KNOWN AS THE PURE SEED LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section eighteen of the above chapter be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided further, that no farmer residing in North Carolina shall be required to procure a State seed license to sell seeds raised on his own farm. That all of section nineteen of the above chapter be stricken out and the following substituted in lieu thereof: Sec. 19 That the word approximate as used in this Act shall be interpreted as follows: For purity guarantees the tolerance allowed shall be twotenths of one per cent, plus twenty per cent of the lesser part of the sample. That is to say, a sample is considered as being made up of two parts, the Pure Seed (meaning the seed or seeds named on the label), and the balance of the sample (other agricultural seeds. weed seeds and inert matter). For example. if a purity of ninety-eight per cent -98.00% is claimed, the sample may test as low as ninety-seven and forty one-hundredth per cent -97.40% and not be deemed mis-labeled; if a purity of eightytwo and twenty one-hundredth per cent -82.20% is claimed, the sample may test as low as seventy-eight and forty-four onehundredth per cent -78.44% and not be deemed mis-labeled. For germination guarantees the following tolerance scale shall be allowed: Guarantee (%) Allowable Variation (%) OOM OT AD OV Caen aac stersecc eocees aS Soe a eee seater 6 S80 or above, but less than 90..................-. 7 70 or above, but less than 80.................-- 8 60 or above, but less than 70..............-----. 9 OSS Chan GO ssccc. sissies ce set gals hace boca ndens fetetecs 10" +1923_public laws_95_5,project experts,0,public laws,94,4,"CHAPTER 94 AN ACT TO CREATE THE STATE SHIP AND WATER TRANS- PORTATION COMMISSION. Whereas, in order to further promote the public welfare, to provide cheaper transportation to the markets within and with- out the State of the products of the farms, the forests, mines, and factories of the State, and to effect cheaper transportation for commodities purchased by the people of the State, both within and without the State, it is deemed advisable to use more fully the navigable rivers, sounds and other bodies of water within the boundaries of the State: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of making the investigation required by section two of this act, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) is hereby appropriated out of the general funds of the State Treasury, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon vouchers approved by the chairman and secretary of said commission and by the Governor of the State." +1931_public local laws_350_4,project experts,0,public local laws,349,3,CHAPTER 349 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE THE ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE COUNTY OF FORSYTH AND THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Such Director of Public Welfare of Forsyth County shall have, under the direction of the above named board, authority to supervise, co-ordinate and direct all public welfare activities of Forsyth County and the City of Winston-Salem and shall have such other duties and powers as may be determined by the said Board." +1965_session laws_37_16,project experts,0,session laws,36,15,"CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FARMVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Corporate Powers","Duties of the Town Attorney. The town attorney shall be an attorney at law who shall] have qualified to practice in the State of North Carolina. He shall be the chief legal advisor of and attorney for the town and al] departments and officers thereof in matters relating to their official powers and duties. It shall be his duty, either personally 87 or by such assistants as he may designate to perform all services incident to the department of law; to attend all meetings of the board of commissioners; to give advice in writing when so requested, to the board of commissioners or the director of any department; to prosecute or defend, as the case may be, all suits or cases to which the town may be a party; to prepare all contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing in which the town is concerned, and to endorse on each, his approval of the form and correctness thereof, and to perform such other duties of a legal nature as the board of commissioners may require. In addition to the duties imposed upon the town attorney by this Charter or required by ordinance or resolution of the board of commissioners, he shall perform any duties imposed upon the chief legal officers of municipalities by law." +1923_public laws_79_2,project experts,0,public laws,78,1,CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO MAKE IT UNLAWFUL TO SECRETLY PEEP INTO A ROOM OCCUPIED BY A WOMAN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That any person who shall peep secretly into any room occupied by a woman shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. +1959_session laws_511_3,project experts,0,session laws,510,2,CHAPTER 510 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PART-TIME ASSISTANT CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT IN BURKE COUNTY AND TO FIX HIS COMPENSATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1913_public local laws_524_10,project experts,0,public local laws,523,9,CHAPTER 523 AN ACT TO AMEND AND ENFORCE THE STOCK LAW IN MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter two hundred and ninety-two of the Public Laws of nineteen hundred and one be and the same is hereby revived, except such part as may conflict with this act." +1895_public laws_99_2,project experts,0,public laws,98,1,CHAPTER 98 An act to establish Flatts township in Macon county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That a new township be and the same is hereby created in the county of Macon to be known as Flatts township, to be formed of a part of Smiths Bridge township." +1935_public laws_490_2,project experts,0,public laws,489,1,"CHAPTER 489 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTERS 385 AND 481 OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS OF 1933, RELATING TO THE NORTH CARO- LINA STATE THRIFT SOCIETY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section five of chapter three hundred and eighty-five of the Public Laws, relating to the incorporation of the North Carolina State Thrift Society, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 5 The officers of the Society shall be elected by the Board, and shall include a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and auditor. The treasurer of the Society shall be responsible for the funds of the Society, and shall furnish good and sufficient surety in such amount as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors." +1917_public local laws_121_19,project experts,0,public local laws,120,18,"CHAPTER 120 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ALLEGHANY COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF LAYING OUT, ESTABLISHING, BUILDING, CONSTRUCTING, AND REPAIRING PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN SAID COUNTY AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of paying the interest upon the bonds provided for in this act and providing a redemption or sinking fund for same, and securing a fund to aid in repairing the public roads of the county, and to pay damages to the owners of land or personal property condemned or purchased for road use or benefits under this act, the board of county commissioners of Alleghany County shall, annually at the time of levying the other taxes of the county, levy a special tax on all property and polls subject to taxation within the limits or jurisdiction of the county, of not more than forty cents and not less than twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation of real, personal and mixed property, and not more than one and twenty one-hundredths dollars and not less than seventy-five cents on each poll, observing the constitutional equation between property and polls. The tax so levied shall be collected by the sheriff or other person authorized by law to collect the other taxes of the county. The funds so collected shall be paid by the sheriff or accounted for by him to the acting treasurer of the county, and the proceeds of such fund shall be held by such treasurer and shall be used by said board of road commissioners and drawn upon by them for the purposes designated in this act." +1889_private laws_110_4,project experts,0,private laws,109,3,CHAPTER 109 An act to incorporate ** The Pender and Onslow Land and Improve- ment Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That whenever the sum of ten thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to the capital stock, and five per centum paid in, it shall be the duty of said corporators, or any five of them, to call a general meeting of the stockholders, and at such meeting to elect seven directors, one of whom shall be elected president by said directors, whose term of office shall be one year, and hold their offices until ofhers are chosen." +1895_private laws_6_6,project experts,0,private laws,5,5,CHAPTER 5 An act to incorporate the Swain Lumber and Boom Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said company shall have power to take by purchase, lease or other operation of law, any lands, tenements and hereditaments in the state of North Carolina to such an amount as to them shall seem proper, and to hold and convey same in fee simple, as provided in section six hundred and eighty-five of The Code and its amendments. They shall have power to sell, grant and convey, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal with, any part or all of the property of said company, in such manner as the said company may see fit." +1913_private laws_497_6,project experts,0,private laws,494,5,"CHAPTER 494 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH IN THE TOWNS OF ANDREWS AND MURPHY, IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The boards of aldermen of said towns shall have the authority to furnish material and fixtures for wiring houses and otherwise equipping them for the use of electricity from the municipal generating plants, and may collect for the costs and expenses of installing the same, and the said boards of aldermen shall have the same liens upon each piece of property improved, with the same rights of enforcing the said liens and collecting the amount due with interest, as are provided in section three of this act." +1939_public laws_359_32,project experts,0,public laws,358,29,CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Cooperation with Highway and Public Works Commission in Maintenance of Equipment. The State School Commission is hereby authorized to negotiate with the Highway and Public Works Commission in coordinating all facilities for the repair, maintenance, and upkeep of equipment to be used by the State School Commission in the school transportation system. In all cases where this is done, the State Highway and Public Works Commission shall be reimbursed in the amount of the actual cost involved for labor and parts to be determined by an itemized statement filed with the State School Commission." +1915_public local laws_199_4,project experts,0,public local laws,198,3,CHAPTER 198 [ AN ACT PROVIDING FOR WORKING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be the duty of said superintendent of roads to give his entire time to relocating, building, directing, maintaining, supervising, and repairing the public roads of the county, and he shall have (subject to the approval of said board of commissioners) charge of, supervision, maintenance, and direction of the building of all public roads in said county, including the supervising of the convict force, and shall submit a written monthly report concerning the work and progress, and shall submit semiannually a written report on the condition of the public roads and bridges of the said county, and also file plans and specifications for their improvement, which said semiannual reports shall include an inventory of the tools, implements, teams, and other property and equipments on hand belonging to the county for road purposes. The said superintendent of roads shall have direct charge, control, and management of maintaining and keeping in good repair all the roads of said county, and it shall be his duty to maintain, repair, and keep in good condition all the said roads, either with work by convict force or by employing some one under his direction to repair and maintain the same; and the board of commissioners of said county shall furnish to the superintendent of roads aS soon as convenient all necessary machinery to build and keep in good repair the roads, and also road machinery and other necessary machinery to build and maintain good roads for each township in said county; and if the superintendent of roads. with the approval of the board of commissioners of said county, shall Jet by contract any or all of the public roads of the townships, he or they may take into consideration the furnishing of such road machinery as the board of commissioners may have or may hereafter provide for the building and repairing of the public roads, and make their contracts accordingly." +1901_public laws_10_103,project experts,0,public laws,9,102,CHAPTER 9 An act to raise revenue. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SCHEDULE A.,"Unless prohibited, county may levy same license tax as State. In any case where a specific license tax is levied for the privilege of carrying on any business, trade or profession, the county may levy the same tax and no more: Provided, no provision to the contrary is made in the section levying the specific license tax." +1911_public local laws_275_6,project experts,0,public local laws,274,5,CHAPTER 274 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF McDOWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all male persons located or regularly employed in any township, as aforesaid, shall, after they have resided, been lacated, or employed in such township for ten days, be required to work upon the public roads as hereinbefore provided for in this act." +1965_session laws_838_2,project experts,0,session laws,837,1,"CHAPTER 837 AN ACT TO AMEND G. , 14-196.1 RELATING TO USING PROFANE, VULGAR OR INDECENT LANGUAGE TO A FEMALE OVER THE TELEPHONE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","G. S. 14-196.1 is hereby amended by striking the period in line 3 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: , or to repeatedly telephone any female person for the purpose of annoying, molesting or harassing such female person." +1893_public laws_15_2,project experts,0,public laws,14,1,"CHAPTER 14 An act to amend section 1865 of The Code, to repeal chapter 367 of the laws of 1889, and amend chapter 580 of the laws of 1891, con- cerning the duties of clerks of superior courts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section 1865 of The Code be amended by adding thereto except fees due witnesses and jurors, which shall be paid to the school fund." +1924 extra_public local laws_111_2,project experts,0,public local laws,110,1,CHAPTER 110 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF CASWELL COUNTY TO FILE CERTAIN INSTRUMENTS AS A RECORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the register of deeds of Caswell County be and he is hereby authorized that whenever any instrument of writing conveying personal property or conditional sales shall be presented to him in duplicate, the original may be filed in a book prepared for that purpose by the county, and when so filed with the endorsement of time of filing for registration thereon and signed by the register of deeds shall be a valid record of such instrument and the register of deeds shall certify under his hand and seal that the copy delivered to him with the original is a TRUE copy of the original on file in his office and giving the book and page in which the original is filed, and the said original so filed or the copy thereof duly certified by the register of deeds shall be received in evidence as is now provided by law." +1915_private laws_206_12,project experts,0,private laws,205,11,"CHAPTER 205 AN ACT TO AMEND CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BELHAVEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and seven, chapter two hundred and forty-six, be amended as follows:","That the title to any real estate, rights, privileges, or easements which has been condemned under the provisions of this act shall vest in the town of Belhaven upon its paying into court or to the parties entitled to receive the same the amount of compensation or damage recovered against it, together with the costs adjudged to be paid by it in the said proceedings, and upon its further complying in all respects with the judgment of the court." +1957_session laws_1168_5,project experts,0,session laws,1167,4,"CHAPTER 1167 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A COUNCIL OF FIVE MEMBERS AND TO AMEND G. S. 160-340, G. S. 160-341 AND G. S. 160-345 TO PRE- SCRIBE THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COUN- CILMEN OF THE TOWN OF GRAHAM IN ALAMANCE COUNTY AND OTHERWISE TO MAKE PLAN D FORM OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT APPLY TO SAID TOWN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","G. S. 160-345, as the same appears in Volume 8C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, that in the Town of Graham, the mayor shall be elected by the council from among its own members, and shall hold office as mayor for a term of two years and until his successor is duly elected and qualified." +1939_public local laws_289_6,project experts,0,public local laws,288,5,"CHAPTER 288 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER EIGHTY-FOUR, PRI- VATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE, AND CHAPTER NINETY-FIVE, PRI- VATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-THREE, RELATING TO THE ELECTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF AULANDER, BERTIE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the town convention method of nominating candidates for Mayor and Commissioners for the Town of Aulander be and the same is hereby abolished; and that candidates for the said offices shall be nominated by a primary election as herein provided. +1915_private laws_181_45,project experts,1,private laws,180,44,"CHAPTER 180 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WIN- STON AND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, AND TO ADOPT A CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF WINSTON- SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of aldermen shall have the power to enact ordinances in such form as they may deem advisable, as follows: for the protection of the water-works and water supply of the city of Winston-Salem; to grant to any person, firm, or corporation a franchise and right to own, control, and: operate. for a term of years or otherwise, street railways, telephone, telegraph, lighting, or heating systems, or any other business engaged in public service; to fix tolls of street railways; to contract as to compensation for such franchises, and to control, regulate and tax the same; to prevent vagrancy, and any person not engaged in any lawful occupation and who spends his time in gambling or loafing about the streets, without visible means of support, shall be considered a vagrant; to regulate and conduct all elections, to prevent interference with the officers thereof, and to preserve order thereat; to prescribe rules and regulations for the government and duties of police officers; to prohibit all trades, occupations, or acts which are nuisances; to define and condemn nuisances and provide for the abatement or removal of same; to grant permits for the construction of buildings and other structures, and to prohibit the construction of any building or structure which in the judgment of the board of aldermen may be a nuisance, or of injury to adjacent property, or to the general public; to regulate and control the character of buildings which shall be constructed or permitted to be and remain in any part of the city of Winston-Salem, with the right to declare the same a nuisance or unsafe, and cause their demolition or removal; to provide for the leveling, filling in, and drainage of all ponds, sunken lots, or other places in which water stands and stagnates, and to recover from the owner or occupant the expense of doing the same, which expense shall be a lien upon the lots so improved and enforced as liens for taxes; to prevent dogs, hogs, cattle, and other live stock from roaming at large in the city, and to regulate or prohibit the keeping of hogpens within the city limits; to define and establish the fire limits and prevent the location of wooden or other buildings within said fire limits and in any part of the city where they may increase the danger of fire; to regulate and prescribe what character of buildings shall be constructed within the said limits, and provide for the conditions under which buildings may be erected; to establish and appoint a fire commissioner or fire commission, and prescribe the duties and powers thereof; to prohibit the collection or existence in, on, or about any storehouse, warehouse, residence, or any private premises of inflammable or combustible matter or material; require the owner of such premises to remove or destroy same, and provide rules for the removal or destruction of such inflammable or combustible matter; and for purposes herein set forth to authorize an examination and inspection of all stores, warehouses, residences, or any private premises; to establish, regulate, and control the markets or market buildings; to fix the location of any market building, prescribe the time and manner and place within the city wherein marketable articles, such as meats, perishable vegetables, fish, game, and all other kinds of perishable food or diet shall be bought or sold; to appoint keepers of markets and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation ; to regulate the license of itinerant merchants or peddlers, and of those doing a temporary business; to establish, regulate and control cemeteries; to provide for the manner in which bodies may be interred therein or removed therefrom, and for beautifying, ornamenting, and keeping the same in condition; to provide suitable grounds for the enlargement, extension, or establishment of new cemeteries, providing separate cemeteries for white and black; to control and regulate the time and manner of burying the dead, the burial of any person within the corporate limits of said city not within said cemeteries, and provide for the punishment of persons violating the rules and regulations concerning the cemetery; to provide for the establishment, organization, equipment, and government of fire companies, fire commissioners, and firealarm system, and to adopt rules for the conduct, regulation, and terms of office thereof; to regulate the erection, placing, and maintenance of all telephone, telegraph, and other electric wires and to prohibit the same from being strung overhead in a public street, and to compel the owners and operators of telephone, telegraph, or electric wires to put Same underground; to prohibit or control the use of any gasoline engine, the making or repairing of boilers, the establishment or operation of any plant or business which is or may become a nuisance to any part of the community ; to prohibit or control the firing of firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes, or other explosive materials, and to govern the sale thereof ; to control and regulate the speed of all horses or other animals, automobiles, buggies, carriages, wagons, or other vehicles on the streets; to regulate the speed of railroad engines and trains or street cars within the corporate limits, or the stopping of engines or cars in the streets or crossings of the city; to specify the manner in which all stovepipes and flues and electric wires shall be put in buildings, and to control and regulate the arrangement and operation thereof; to control and regulate the place and manner in which powder and other explosives and inflammable substance may be kept and sold, and the place and manner in which commercial fertilizers are stored; to provide for the sanitary condition and keeping of all lots, cellars, houses, water-closets, privies, lavatories, stables, styes, and other places of like character; to provide for the examination and sanitation thereof; and for that purpose ordinances may be passed authorizing sanitary officers or policemen to enter the premises suspected of being in bad or unsanitary condition and have the same cleaned at the expense of the owner, or abate such places as nuisances and recover of the occupant or owner the expense thereof; to regulate the due observance of Sunday; to prevent the entrance into the city or the spreading of any contagious or infectious disease therein, and for that purpose may stop, detain, and examine every person coming from places believed to be infected with such disease; to establish and maintain quarantine against communities and territories where it is suspected prevails any infectious or contagious disease; to establish and regulate hospitals within the city or within three miles thereof, and may cause any person in the city suspected to be infected with such disease, and whose stay in the city may endanger public health, to be remoyed to the hospital or other place that the mayor may select; to prevent from coming into the city anysecond-hand clothing, bedding, or furniture; to remove from the city or destroy any furniture or other articles which may be suspected to be tainted or infected with contagious or infectious disease or in such condition as may generate and propagate disease; to abate all nuisances which may be injurious to public health; may vaccinate or otherwise subject to medical treatment all persons having smallpox or other contagious or infectious disease; to recover, by proper action against those who may cause the same, all costs and expenses of the moving and treating people having or suspected of having contagious or infectious diseases; shall have power, by force, to remove all persons from the city or to carry them to hospitals or other places selected by the mayor or board of aldermen and detain them therein; to prohibit the carrying on of any disorderly house or house of illfame, or gambling house or house where games of chance are being carried on or where liquors are illegally sold; to provide for the inspection and examination thereof, and for that purpose may enter upon said premises and make arrest of any person or persons violating the ordinances of the city in reference thereto; to prohibit the construction of cellars under sidewalks or the making of entrances into sidewalks, and to make rules and fix specifications for the construction of all cellars under sidewalks or entrances into sidewalks; to regulate and control motion picture shows and all exhibitions or places of public amusement and all exhibitions or performances given therein; provide a board of censors who shall have power to inspect and view all public places of amusement or exhibitions given therein, and prohibit such as, in their judgment, are immoral or against public interest ; and any violation of an order of the board of censors shall be unlawful, and every day an exhibition is permitted after an order of the board of censors prohibiting it shall constitute a separate offense. On behalf of the general welfare of the city of WinstonSalem, and for the good order and government thereof, the board of aldermen may, in addition to the foregoing powers, pass or ordain any resolution or ordinance, and enforce the same by proper punishment or penalty, which it may consider wise or proper, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State." +1917_public local laws_467_4,project experts,0,public local laws,466,3,CHAPTER 466 AN ACT TO AMEND THE ROAD LAW OF LEE COUNTY AND MAKE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX OFFICIO HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That all portions of chapter five hundred and eightysix, Public-Local Laws one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and chapter three hundred and fifty-five, Public-Local Laws one thousand nine hundred and eleven, providing for the election of a board of highway commissioners for Lee County, and all other portions of acts amendatory thereof of similar purport, are hereby repealed." +1913_public local laws_107_7,project experts,0,public local laws,106,7,CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIPS IN DUPLIN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A RAILROAD IN DUPLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That an election may be held under this act in any township, whether the board of county commissioners shall haye made any contract or not, and any contract made by them for the construction of said road shall be confirmed and made valid and binding, subject to the conditions hereinbefore set forth, upon the qualified voters of any township thereafter determining by election to issue bonds for said railroad construction." +1941_public laws_115_8,project experts,0,public laws,114,7,"CHAPTER 114 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF SEED SOLD, OFFERED FOR SALE, OR EXPOSED FOR SALE IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of providing a fund to defray the expenses of the inspection, examination, and analysis prescribed in this Act: a. Each seed dealer selling, offering or exposing for sale in, or export from, this State any agricultural, vegetable, or flower seeds, other than packet or package seeds, for seeding purposes, shall register with the Department of Agriculture the name of such dealer and shall obtain a license annually on January first of each year, and shall pay for such license as follows: -1 Twenty-five dollars ($25.00), if a wholesaler, or a wholesaler and retailer. -2 Ten dollars ($10.00), if a retailer with sales in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the calendar year. Each branch of any wholesaler or retailer shall be required to obtain a retail license. -3 One dollar ($1.00), if a retailer at a permanent location with sales not in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Provided: That if and when the seed sales for the calendar year shall exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00), application must be made for a ten dollars ($10.00) license, credit to be given for the one dollar ($1.00) license previously secured: Provided, further that no owner or operator of any harvester or threshing machine operating on a share basis and selling only the seed obtained in this manner shall come under the provisions of Section seven of this Act. b. A one dollar ($1.00) inspection stamp shall be purchased from the Department of Agriculture for each seventy-two -72 dozen packets or packages of vegetable or flower seeds, or fraction thereof. The said stamp shall be secured by the producer, grower, jobber or other person, firm or corporation shipping such seed into the State before shipment to agent or retailer, and shall be furnished to said agent or retailer for attachment to display case: Provided, also, that any producer, grower, jobber or other person, firm or corporation, residing within this State shall secure said stamp before furnishing any such seed to any agent or retailer within the State for resale. The said stamp or stamps shall be attached to the display case before the seed are offered or exposed for sale, and shall expire at the end of the calendar year for which issued: Provided further that in cases where package seed of one kind or variety are offered or exposed for sale in boxes or display cases not in excess of three dozen packages, a ten cent stamp shall be purchased from the Department of Agriculture and attached to said box or display case." +1913_public local laws_435_24,project experts,0,public local laws,434,23,CHAPTER 434 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN THE COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The executive committee of any political party by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the committee shall have the power and authority to make such other rules and regulations as they may deem advisable for the proper holding of any primary election in the said county of Haywood, and may, with a twothirds majority of all the members of the executive committee, refuse and decline to hold any primary election whatever, if they should desire: Provided, this act shall apply only to Haywood County." +1903_private laws_389_10,project experts,0,private laws,388,9,CHAPTER 388 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SPENCER SAVINGS BANK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said corporation shall have power to receive moneys in trust, and shall have power to accept and execute any trust that may be committed to it by any court, corporation, company, person or persons, and it shall have power to accept any grant, assignment, transfer, desire [devise] or bequest, and hold any personal or real estate in trust created in accordance with the laws of this State, and then to execute the same on such terms as [may] be established and agreed upon by its board of directors; and said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to act as trustee or assignee, and to receive on deposit all funds in litigation in the various courts in this State, and pay therefor such interest as may be agreed on, not exceeding the lawful rate. It shall have power and authority to receive for safe keeping on deposit all money, bonds, stock, diamonds and silver plate and other valuables, and charge and collect a reasonable compensation for the same, which charges shall be a lien upon said deposit until the same be paid; and generally to do and carry on the business of a deposit company; and any receiver, executor, administrator, assignee, guardian or committee of a lunatic, and any public officer is hereby authorized, in their discretion, to deposit with said company for safe keeping any money or bonds, stocks, securities or other valuables which have or may come into his possession or under his control by virtue of his office or appointment aforesaid." +1891_public laws_345_16,project experts,0,public laws,344,15,CHAPTER 344 Au act relating to roads and highways of Granvilie county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The owner of the timber or land thus used may file his petition, together with the certificate of the overseer of the road, before the board of commissioners of the county wherein injury is done, and for damages sustained thereby the board shall make the petitioner adequate compensation." +1921_public laws_93_2,project experts,0,public laws,92,1,"CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 3299 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATIVE TO PROBATE WHERE CLERK IS A PARPY. The Gencral Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section three thousand two hundred and ninety-nine of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, that nothing contained herein shall prevent the clerk of the Superior Court, who is a stockholder or officer of any bank or other corporation, from adjudicating and ordering such instruments for registration, as have been acknowledged or proven before some justice of the peace or notary public." +1929_public laws_51_2,project experts,0,public laws,50,1,"CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO CLARIFY SECTION 5 OF CHAPTER 66, PUB- LIC LAWS OF 1927, RELATING TO SUMMONS IN SPE- CIAL PROCEEDINGS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the following clause in section five of chapter sixty-six, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, be stricken out: The summons shall command the officer to summons the defendant to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on a day named in the summons, to answer the complaint or petition of the plaintiff, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: The summons shall command the officer to summons the defendant or defendants to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff within thirty days after its service upon the defendant or defendants, and must contain a notice stating in substance that if the defendant or defendants fail to answer the complaint within the time specified, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint." +1925_public local laws_303_2,project experts,0,public local laws,302,1,"CHAPTER 302 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FOLICE PENSION FUND OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON TO PAY A PENSION TO MRS. RHOADY A. GEORGE. Whereas, under and by virtue of chapter fifty-five of the Pri- vate Laws one thousand nine hundred and fifteen there was created a board of trustees of police pension fund of the city of Wilmington, which said board is vested with the authority and powers provided for in said act; and Whereas, section twelve, subsection two of said act authorizes said board, in its discretion, to provide for the payment of a pension in accordance with the stipulations contained in said act to the dependent parent, widow or child, as the case may be, of any member of the police force of the city of Wilmington killed within the city limits while in the actual performance of his duty; and Whereas, on the twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, Leon George, a police officer of the city of Wilmington, was killed in the performance of duties which he had been instructed to perform in the county of Bruns- wick; and Whereas, said Leon George had been a capable and efficient police officer of the city of Wilmington for more than twenty years immediately preceding his death; and Whereas, the said Leon George left surviving him his widowed mother, Mrs. Rhoady A. George, who lived with him and who was dependent upon him for support and who at the death of said Leon George was left in almost destitute circumstances: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of trustees of the police pension fund of the city of Wilmington be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to provide a pension, not exceeding twenty-five dollars per month, and to pay the same in monthly installments to the said Rhoady A. George during her life time, said pension to be paid from such funds that said board may now have or shall from time to time acquire under the provisions of chapter fifty-five of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen and acts amendatory thereof." +1925_public laws_52_3,project experts,0,public laws,51,2,CHAPTER 51 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN OF THE DANGEROUS INSANE FROM THE STATE HOSPITALS TO THE VETERANS BUREAU OR OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the directors and superintendents of the State Hospital at Raleigh and the State Hospital at Goldsboro are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to transfer from the wards in said hospitals set apart for the dangerous insane to the general wards any of the inmates or prisoners therein who, in the judgment of said directors and superintendents, have reached such a state of improvement in their mental condition as to justify such transfer." +1921 extra_public local laws_127_6,project experts,0,public local laws,126,5,"CHAPTER 126 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 467 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1919, AND CHAPTER 388 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1921, RELATIVE TO THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That L. S. Vannoy, V. L. Moretz, and J. H. Colvard, be and they are hereby appointed special commissioners to construct the roads provided for in section eleven of chapter thirtyeight of the Public-Local Laws.of session of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, from Bowie to Idlewild, with the additional power also to construct said road from Idlewild to the Watauga line by the way of Hopkins, North Carolina, said commissioners to construct said road in the same manner and upon the same conditions as provided for in section three of this act for the construction of the Laurel Township roads." +1959_session laws_896_2,project experts,0,session laws,895,1,CHAPTER 895 AN ACT RELATING TO THE COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT OF ACTUAL NECESSARY EXPENSES OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS IN GUILFORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Section 1 of Chapter 427 of the Public-Local Laws of 1927 as amended by Chapter 1186 of the Session Laws of 1953 and as further amended by Chapter 565 of the Session Laws of 1957 is hereby rewritten to read as follows: (a) Each of the members of the Board of County Commissioners of Guilford County shall receive a salary of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per month, except the chairman of the board, who shall receive a salary of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per month; in addition thereto each of the members of the Board of County Commissioners of Guilford County, including the chairman, shall receive the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) for attendance of any regular or special meeting of the board plus mileage of seven cents (7) per mile to and from such meeting. (b) In addition to the foregoing, Guilford County is authorized and empowered to pay the actual necessary expenses of members of the board of county commissioners together with mileage of seven cents (7) per mile, incurred by said members while engaged in performance of duties 921 on behalf of Guilford County, provided that the payment of such expenses and mileage shall first be approved by the board of county commissioners." +1959_session laws_827_3,project experts,0,session laws,826,2,CHAPTER 826 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said board is authorized and empowered to make such appropriations from any surplus funds, including funds in the sinking fund not needed for debt service, from surplus on hand in the general fund on June 80 of each year and not needed to finance regular appropriations in the general fund in the ensuing year, and from any source or sources of revenue coming into its hand other than funds derived from ad valorem taxation." +1959_session laws_640_14,project experts,0,session laws,639,13,CHAPTER 639 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 62 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"G. S. 62-65 (e) -2 is hereby amended by inserting immediately following the word compensation and immediately preceding the semicolon at the end thereof the following: provided, however, that the term public utility shall not include any person or company whose sole operation consists of selling water to less than twenty-five -25 residential customers;." +1959_session laws_506_7,project experts,0,session laws,505,6,CHAPTER 505 AN ACT TO CREATE A PEACE OFFICERS RELIEF FUND FOR THE COUNTY OF CHOWAN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Source of Revenue. In all criminal cases in Chowan County, North Carolina, brought in all courts wherein the defendant enters a plea of nolo contendere, a plea of guilty, or shall be adjudged guilty by the court or found guilty by a jury, wherein the costs of the action are paid by the defendant, there shall be taxed in the bill of costs a fee of one dollar ($1.00) to be known as the Peace Officers Emergency Fee, and shall be collected as other costs in criminal cases are collected, by the justice of the peace, clerk, or other officer of the court authorized to receive costs; such funds so received shall be accounted for monthly, a copy of which report shall be sent to the chairman of the executive board, and such funds turned over to the Treasurer of the Chowan County Peace Officers Protective Association to be held by him and securely kept for the purpose of the association. Provided, however, that such officers emergency fee shall not be taxed in the costs in cases where the cost is paid by the county. Donations and contributions to said Chowan County Peace Officers Protective Association may be received from any source approved by the executive board." +1959_session laws_1247_10,project experts,0,session laws,1246,9,CHAPTER 1246 AN ACT TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM ACT FOR SIMPLIFICATION OF FIDUCIARY SECURITY TRANSFERS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Tax Obligations. This Act does not affect any obligation of a corporation or transfer agent with respect to estate, inheritance, succession or other taxes imposed by the laws of this State." +1959_session laws_1131_3,project experts,0,session laws,1130,2,CHAPTER 1130 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 1115 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1953 RELATING TO ADVISORY MEMBERS OF THE NEUSE RIVER WATERSHED AUTHORITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1959_session laws_1126_3,project experts,0,session laws,1125,2,CHAPTER 1125 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 77-14 RELATING TO OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREAMS AND FARMLAND DRAINAGE DISTRICTS SO AS TO MAKE THE SAME APPLY TO OTHER LANDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1967_session laws_971_23,project experts,0,session laws,970,22,"CHAPTER 970 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION.","Town Treasurer and Town Tax Collector. That the Board of Town Commissioners shall appoint a Town Treasurer and a Town Tax Collector, but both positions may be held by one person. The person or persons so appointed shall be bonded in an amount to be set by the said Board of Town Commissioners. 1390 SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS AND GRANTING OF FRANCHISES" +1967_session laws_819_2,project experts,0,session laws,818,1,CHAPTER 818 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE AVERY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCA- TION TO CONVEY CERTAIN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE TO THE AVERY COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The Avery County Board of Education is hereby authorized, in its discretion, to sell at private sale to the Avery County Board of County Commissioners for a price of not less than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) certain property in Roaring Creek Township in Avery County, no longer needed for school purposes, and more fully described as follows: Those certain tracts or parcels of land containing nine and one-half acres, more or less, situate and being in Roaring Creek Township, Avery County, N. C., and being the identical land conveyed by Robert L. Cross, Jr. and wife, Nancy Pauline Cross to Harry Phillips and wife, Clara Phillips by deed dated May 1, 1951, which deed is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Avery County, in Book No. 47, page 405, to which reference is made for a full and complete description." +1967_session laws_75_22,project experts,0,session laws,74,21,"CHAPTER 74 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, THE SAME BEING CHAPTER 37, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1923, AS AMENDED, AND PARTICULARLY AS REVISED AND REORGAN- IZED BY CHAPTER 1137, SESSION LAWS OF 1959, AS AMENDED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","All proceedings of the City Council of the City of Greensboro and all work performed relative to local improvements, including street paving, sidewalk construction, water and sanitary sewer construction, including water and sanitary sewer mains, lines and laterals, and all work incidental to such local improvements and the assessments levied and assessed therefor, are hereby in all respects approved and validated. 111" +1967_session laws_665_2,project experts,0,session laws,664,1,"CHAPTER 664 AN ACT RELATING TO THE TITLE TO THE LAND TO BE BUILT UP AND CONSTRUCTED AS A RESULT OF CERTAIN EROSION CONTROL WORK, IN THE SEVERAL MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA BOUNDED IN PART BY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. WHEREAS, during the course of many years, in the several munici- palities and counties of North Carolina, bounded in part by the Atlantic Ocean, much of the land abutting and fronting on the Atlantic Ocean in the said municipalities and counties, formerly belonging to various prop- erty owners, has been, and is now being, washed away by successive storms, tides, and winds; and WHEREAS, the said municipalities and counties, separately or jointly, with aid from the State of North Carolina, the United States Government, and the Federal Agencies thereunder, and with their own funds, have made available, or will make available, from time to time, funds with which to control the erosion caused by the said tides and winds, and other causes; and to that end the said counties, and the said municipalities, located therein, separately or jointly, have entered into a contract in the future to place sand by hydraulic pumping, or by other means, from the waters, or from other sources within the nearby or immediate area, onto the sea- ward side of the said municipalities and counties, or certain designated parts thereof; and as a result thereof, there has been, is now, or will be made and constructed new lands on the ocean front of the said munici- pality, municipalities, county or counties, which may or will change the ordinary and usual] watermark or the waters of the Atlantic Ocean along the seaward boundary of the said municipalities and counties, and when the project or projects are terminated, the question will arise as to whom title to the said new land shall belong; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the authorities of the municipalities and the counties of North\Carolina bounded in whole or in part by the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the State of North Carolina, to fix and define the title to such new land, and to fix and determine its use, and to further define the littoral rights of the property owners abutting on the ocean front which will be added or taken by and through the making of such new made lands: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all land filled in, restored, and made, and to be filled in, restored and made, as the result of the recitals in the preamble to this Act, which will exist between the present seaward property line of the land or lot owners bordering on said ocean and the low watermark of the Atlantic Ocean after the work referred to in the preamble hereof is completed, shall be within the corporate limits of the municipalities or counties, or both, of North Carolina bounded in whole or in part by the Atlantic Ocean, and so much of said lands so filled in, restored, and made which will lie inland of the building line or project protection line, determined by Section 2 of this Act, is hereby granted and conveyed in fee simple to the land owner, to the extent that his land abuts thereon, 749 and the balance of said land lying seaward of said building line, to be fixed and determined by Section 2 of this Act, is hereby granted and conveyed in fee simple to the respective municipalities or counties, or both, wherein the land lies; provided, however, that no building or structure shall be built and erected on said made and built up land lying seaward of the building line, to be defined and set out in Section 2 of this Act, and provided further, that all made and constructed land lying seaward of the building line shall be at all times kept open for the use of the public, as the governing authorities of the municipalities or counties, or both, wherein the land lies, by ordinance shall determine; and provided, however, no streets or highways shall be constructed parallel to the ocean on said built up land, and provided further, that if any such property as is hereby granted and conveyed to the said respective municipalities and counties, or both, shall cease to be used for the purposes or in the manner prescribed in this Act, it shall revert and become the property of the State of North Carolina; and provided further, that the owners of the property abutting on said newly made or constructed land, shall, in front of their said property possess and keep their rights, as if littoral owners, in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, bordering on said newly acquired and constructed land." +1959_session laws_883_43,project experts,0,session laws,882,42,CHAPTER 882 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR ELECTIONS IN THE TOWNS OF HAZEL- WOOD AND WAYNESVILLE ON THE QUESTION OF CONSOLI- DATION OF SAID TOWNS AND SUBJECT TO SAID ELECTIONS TO PROVIDE A CHARTER FOR THE CONSOLIDATED TOWN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. ELECTION ON CONSOLIDATION,ORDINANCES: EFFECTIVE DURATION. That the ordinances and bylaws in force in the Town of Waynesville shall continue to be the ordinances and bylaws effective under the corporation hereby established until repealed or modified by the board of aldermen to be elected under the provisions of this Act. +1965_session laws_446_2,project experts,0,session laws,445,1,CHAPTER 445 AN ACT RELATING TO THE MEETING PLACE OF THE GUILFORD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Chapter 153, Section 8, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as the same appears in the 1964 Replacement Volume 3C of the General Statutes, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph to read as follows: The board of commissioners of Guilford County may adopt a resolution designating some public building in Guilford County as its regular meeting place, in lieu of the courthouse. In such case the public building so designated shall become the regular meeting place of said board of commissioners after such fact has been advertised in a newspaper having circulation throughout the county once a week for two successive weeks, and has been posted on the courthouse bulletin board for a period of two successive weeks. The board of commissioners may thereafter hold its regular, special, and adjourned meetings at such designated regular meeting place in accordance with the provisions of this Act. The board of commissioners is further authorized to hold an occasional regular, special, or adjourned meeting or meetings in any public building in the county upon posting notice thereof on the courthouse bulletin board at least two days prior to the day of such meeting." +1927_public laws_147_9,project experts,0,public laws,146,8,CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE FISCAL AFFAIRS OF COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the board of county commis sioners, not later than the fourth Monday in July in each year to adopt and record on its minutes an appropriation resolu tion, the form of which shall be prescribed by the county) accountant, which resolution shall make appropriations fo the several purposes of the county and subdivisions thereof upon the basis of the estimates and statements submitted by the county accountant, such sums as the board may deem suf ficient and proper, whether greater or less than the recom. mendations of the budget estimates: Provided, however, thai (a) no appropriation recommended by the county accountant for debt service shall be reduced, and (b) the powers giver by the general law to the county board of education and county commissioners jointly, in respect to the determination of the amount to be raised or expended for the maintenance of the six months school term, shall be observed by the county ac. countant and by the board of county commissioners, and (c) the board shall appropriate the full amount of all lawful deficits reported in the budget estimate not funded as provided by law, and (d) no appropriation shall be made in excess of the amount which may be raised under any constitutional or statutory limits of taxation." +1957_session laws_880_3,project experts,0,session laws,879,2,CHAPTER 879 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF BURLINGTON TO CONVEY CERTAIN LANDS AT PRIVATE SALE TO ANN MAY JENNINGS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1925_private laws_60_3,project experts,0,private laws,60,2,"CHAPTER 59 AN ACT TO ISSUE BONDS TO FUND THE DEBT FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF MAGNOLIA SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT IN DUPLIN COUNTY. Whereas, the board of education of Duplin County has in- curred an indebtedness of five thousand dollars which has been used in the erection of school buildings in Magnolia special. tax district of Duplin County, and the note of said board of educa- tion is outstanding for the same, with the promise that said debt shall be repaid by said district; and whereas, it is desirable that bonds of said district shall be issued to fund said debt: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The boundaries of said Magnolia special tax district are hereby defined as follows: Beginning on the Sampson line, at the run of Stewarts Creek; thence with the Sampson line southward to the lower corner of B. N. Williamss land, thence eastward with the line of said Williamss and J. M. Huffam land to the southeastern corner of said Huffam land to the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence down the said creek to the mouth of Murphys Creek, thence up Murphys Creek to the mouth of Bens Creek, thence up Bens Creek to L. C. Drews lower line, thence to and with the Rose Hill and Magnolia township line to the run of Maxwell Swamp, then down Maxwell Swamp to the State highway number forty, thence up said highway to Elder Swamp, thence up Elder Swamp to Alston Chestnutts southern line, thence with his southern line, and western line to the Kenansville and Magnolia public road, near the colored school house, thence northward to Clara Middletons land, thence along her line eastward to the old road leading to Warsaw, thence along the Warsaw road and the southern lines of L. H. Howard, J. A. Powell, and C. J. Hamilton, to the run of Maxwell Swamp, thence up said swamp to K. E. Hollingsworths northern line, thence his northern and western line to the public road, thence with the public road crossing the Atlantic Coast railroad near the fiftieth mile post to T. K. Torrenss southwestern corner, near old Carltons Chapel, thence northward with his line to the run of Kenan Branch, thence down the run of said branch to Stewarts Creek, thence down Stewarts Creek to the beginning." +1913_private laws_131_7,project experts,0,private laws,130,6,"CHAPTER 130 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MILTON IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the mayor and commissioners elected on the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, under this act, shall within ten days thereafter qualify by taking and subscribing an oath before some justice of the peace or some other person authorized by law to administer oaths, and all officers thereafter elected shall qualify in like manner." +1919_public laws_248_3,project experts,0,public laws,247,2,CHAPTER 247 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL OF STATE TO FIX THE SALARIES OF THE CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHERS IN THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The salaries in the Department of the Secretary of State shall not exceed the following sums: Corporation Clerk________--_---_-_------ $2,500 per year Grant Clerk2= 22 2e seen ee eee $2,250 per year Special Clerk and stenographer_______---$1,200 per year The Secretary of State shall also be allowed a contingent sum for other clerical expenses not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars per annum." +1909_public laws_556_8,project experts,0,public laws,555,7,CHAPTER 555 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR STANDARD-WEIGHT PACKAGES OF MEAL AND FLOUR AND TO PREVENT THE SALE OF SAME IN SHORT-WEIGHT PACKAGES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,The provisions of this act shall not apply to meal or flour on hand at the time of the passage of this act. +1929_public local laws_261_4,project experts,0,public local laws,260,3,"CHAPTER 260 AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN BONDS OF JACKSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the said board of commissioners of Jackson County is hereby authorized and empowered to sell said bonds at public sale at such time or times as said board may determine at a price not less than the face value of said bonds plus accrued interest from the date of the bonds to the date of delivery to the purchaser or purchasers. +1889_public laws_219_67,project experts,0,public laws,218,66,CHAPTER 218 An act to provide for the assessment of property and the collection of taxes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : POLL-TAX.,"The owner or occupant of any land sold for taxes, or any person having a lien or interest thereon, may redeem the same at any time within one year after the day of such sale by paying the sheriff, for the use of such purchaser, his heirs, or assigns, the sum mentioned in his certificate, with interest thereon at the rate of twenty per centum per annum from the date of purchase, together with all other taxes subsequently paid, whether for any year or years previous or subsequent to said sale, and interest thereon at the same rate from the date of such payment; and the sheriff shall enter a memorandum of the redemption in the list of sales, and give a receipt therefor to the person redeeming the same, for which he may charge a fee of twenty-five cents, and shall hold the redemption money paid subject to the order of the purchaser, his agent or attorney: Provided, that infants, idiots and insane persons may redeem any land belonging to them from such sale within one year (after the expiration of such disability, on like terms as if redemption had been made within one year) from the date of said sale and from the date of each subsequent payment of taxes thereon, at the rate of twenty per centum per annum on the several amounts so paid by the purchaser until redemption. Any redemption made shall insure to the benefit of the person having the legal or equitable title to the property redeemed, subject to the right of the person making the same to be reimbursed by the person benefited." +1941_public laws_268_8,project experts,0,public laws,267,7,"CHAPTER 267 AN ACT TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT AN ACT TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR, THE SAME BEING CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- EIGHT OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Section fifteen be and the same is hereby amended by inserting the word monthly and a comma between the words units and and in line two, paragraph five; by striking out the words distributed monthly by in lines two and three paragraph five, and inserting in lieu thereof the words it shall be the duty of; and by striking out the word each in line three, paragraph five, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: remit such funds monthly as collected to each administrative." +1937_public laws_408_28,project experts,0,public laws,407,26,"CHAPTER 407 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS, AND TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF FEES THEREON; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF TITLE THEREFOR, AND TO PREVENT THE TAKING, TRANSFER OF OR INJURY TO ANY MOTOR VEHICLE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OWNER; TO PROVIDE FOR THE OFFICE OF VEHICLE COMMISSIONER AND MOTOR VEHICLE BUREAU, AND DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF; TO REGULATE THE OPERA- TION OF VEHICLES ON HIGHWAYS; TO PROVIDE PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ACT, AND TO MAKE UNIFORM THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I","Sale of Motor Vehicles to be Dismantled. Any owner who sells a motor vehicle as scrap or to be dismantled or destroyed shall assign the certificate of title thereto to the purchaser, and shall deliver such certificate so assigned to the department with an application for a permit to dismantle such vehicle. The department shall thereupon issue to the purchaser a permit to dismantle the same, which shall authorize such person to possess or transport such vehicle or to transfer ownership thereto by endorsement upon such permit. +1897_private laws_37_6,project experts,0,private laws,36,5,CHAPTER 36 An act to incorporate Bertie County Confederate Memorial Association. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be a regular annual meeting of said association on the first Thursday in August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven (1897), and at each meeting, and annually thereafter, on each first Thursday in August, a president, secretary and treasurer and board of lady managers shall be elected, and at such annual meeting five persons shall constitute a quorum." +1897_private laws_208_4,project experts,0,private laws,207,3,"CHAPTER 207 An act to correct and amend chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws 1889, relating to the charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws of 1889, relating to charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians, be amended and corrected so as to read as follows: ,","That the election for principal chief and assistant (or vice) chief, shall be held on the first Thursday in September next, and every four years thereafter, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the council." +1893_private laws_167_10,project experts,0,private laws,166,9,CHAPTER 166 An act to incorporate the Newbern Steam Ferry Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That this corporation, formed under this act, shall exist for the term of sixty years." +1891_public laws_69_2,project experts,0,public laws,68,1,"CHAPTER 68 An act to provide where offences shall be prosecuted in cases where a mortal wound is inflicted on the high seas or without this state, and death happens in this state. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one thousand one hundred and ninety-nine of The Code be amended by adding the following: and if a mortal wound is given or other violence or injury inflicted, or poison is administered on the high seas or land, either within or without the limits of this state, by means whereof death ensues in any county thereof, said offence may be prosecuted and punished in the county where the death happens." +1891_public laws_405_4,project experts,0,public laws,404,3,"CHAPTER 404 An act to appoint E. T. Simmons a justice of the peace, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the appointment of the said E. T. Simmons, and his acceptance and qualification as a justice of the peace in and for said township and county, shail in no wise affect his right to practice as an attorney at law in the various courts of Beaufort county and the courts of the state, except in such cases as have been appealed from the courts of the justice of the peace over which he presided or took part." +1891_public laws_345_2,project experts,0,public laws,344,1,CHAPTER 344 Au act relating to roads and highways of Granvilie county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"[That] all roads and highways that have been laid out or appointed by virtue of any act of assembly or any order of court are hereby declared to be public roads and highways, and the justices of th peace in each township shall have the supervision and control of the public roads in their respective townships. They shall with respect to this work constitute and be styled the board of supervisors of public roads of such township, and under that name for the purposes aforesaid they are hereby incorporated the board of supervisors of public roads, and the board of county commissioners, as hereafter in this act set forth, shall have full power and authority to order the laying out of public roads where necessary and to appoint where bridges shall be made, to discontinue such roads as shall be found useless and to alter roads so as to make them more ~ Zo useful : Provided, that it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to have all roads laid out and constructed that have been heretofore or may hereafter be ordered as public roads before the duties of the supervisors as to such roads shall obtain ; and that the county commissioners are hereby vested with all the powers that the supervisors now have for having such road constructed and received." +1891_public laws_336_12,project experts,0,public laws,335,11,"CHAPTER 335 An act to incorporate the Carolina, Greenville and Northern Raiiroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",That the said railroad company shall have the right to construct its railroad across other railroads and other roads at convenient points in such way as to do the least damage and occasion the least inconvenience. +1891_public laws_263_3,project experts,0,public laws,262,2,CHAPTER 262 An act to incorporate the West Asheville and Sulphur Springs Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the capital stock of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to increase the same at any time, or from time to time, to any sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars as a majority of said stockholders may determine, the said capital stock to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each; and the said company shall have the right to borrow money, to make, dispose of, and negotiate its promissory notes, drafts or bonds, and to mortgage, its property, franchises and effects to secure their payment upon resolution of the board of directors of the corporation created by this act." +1891_public laws_157_8,project experts,0,public laws,156,7,CHAPTER 156 An act to authorize the commissioners of Harnett county to fund and pay the existing debt of said county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws or clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. _ +1891_private laws_170_3,project experts,0,private laws,169,2,CHAPTER 169 An act to incorporate the town of Jonesville in the county of Yadkin. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the corporate limits of said town be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Mill creek in J. H. Greenwoods bottom on the Yadkin river and running up said creek to Julius Hamptons spring branch; then eastwardly, crossing the Wilkesboro road at T,. A. Atkins northeast corner to Cable creek; then down said creek to the pond on the Boonville road; then northwardly to the mouth of the ditch in J. E. Johnsons bottom on the Yadkin river; thence up said river to the beginning." +1899_private laws_149_13,project experts,0,private laws,148,12,"CHAPTER 148 An act to amend the charter of the town of Gastonia, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The mayor of the said town of Gastonia while acting as such is hereby constituted an official court with all the jurisdiction and power in criminal offenses occurring within the limits of said town which now or may hereafter be given by law to justices of the peace, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all misfemeanors consisting of all the violations of the ordinances of the said town. The proceedings in said court shall be the same as now or hereafter shall be prescribed for courts of justice of the peace, and in all eases there shall be the right of appeal, and in all cases where a defendant may be adjudged to be imprisoned by the said mayor it shall be competent for him to adjudge also that such person work during the period of his confinement on the public streets or other public works of said town of Gastonia." +1891_private laws_125_5,project experts,0,private laws,124,4,"CHAPTER 124 An aet to incorporate the Phonix Hose-reel Company of Wilmington, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",That the number of members of said corporation shall not exceed fifty active members at any one time. +1889_public laws_170_8,project experts,0,public laws,169,7,CHAPTER 169 An act in relation to indigent and other apprentices. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Employers of apprentices shall be required in the indentures made before the clerk, tomake areport annually to him as to whether the stipulations in the indenture have been performed or not, as required in the same, in which shall be set forth the amount to be paid, and actually paid said apprentice and also the progress and general condition of the apprentice, including his moral, mental and physical condition, which report shall be required under the same pains, penalties and regulations as is required of general and testamentary guardians. The said employer shall also, at the end of the apprenticeship, make a final report to the clerk as to the apprenticeship as general and testamentary guardians are required to do." +1889_public laws_13_4,project experts,0,public laws,12,3,CHAPTER 12 An act to allow the county of Iredell to fund her outstanding rail- road bonds. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"When the board of commissioners of Iredell county shall notify any holder of any said new bond or bonds to present them at the office of the register of deeds for Iredell county for payment on a day certain, which day shall be after the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and the holder of said bond or bonds shall fail to so present the same for payment at the time and place specified in said notice, then all interest on said bond or bonds so notified to be produced for payment shall cease until said bond or bonds are produced for payment tothe register of deeds of Iredell county. The notice mentioned in this section may be given by service on the holder of the bond or bonds in person, or by publication in some newspaper published in Iredell county, N. C." +1889_private laws_73_7,project experts,0,private laws,72,6,"CHAPTER 72 An act to incorporate theSouthern Inter-State Exposition Society. In order to aid in the development of the natural resources of the Southern States and the fostering of a friendly feeling between the Northern and Southern people, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all vacancies in office shall be filled as the society may deem proper. 4 +1889_private laws_62_6,project experts,0,private laws,61,5,"CHAPTER 61 An act to incorporate The West End Kings Daughters, of Greensboro, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the corporators aforesaid and all members and officers of the corporation shall not be individually liable for its debts. +1889_private laws_236_2,project experts,0,private laws,235,1,"CHAPTER 235 An act to incorporate Sulphur Springs Baptist Church, Alexander county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That A. W. Lockey, J. R. Gwaltney, Wm. M. Lockey, W. P. Ingram, and their successors in office, be and the same are hereby incorporated under the name and style of Trustees of Sulphur Springs Baptist Church, in Sharps township, of Alexander county, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and shall have all the powers of like institutions," +1889_private laws_203_2,project experts,0,private laws,202,1,"CHAPTER 202 An act to incorporate the town of Argo, in the county of Nash. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the town of Argo, in Nash county, be and the same is hereby incorporated by the name and style of Argo, and shall have and be entitled to all the rights and privileges,.and be subject to the restrictions and liabilities as now provided by law for incorporated towns in this State." +1889_private laws_195_7,project experts,0,private laws,194,6,CHAPTER 194 An act to amend the laws of Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section twenty-four of said chapter one hundred and twelve be amended so as to allow the commissioners to suspend said section on the fourth -4 of July and Christmas day in certain portions of Fayetteville to be prescribed by them; and that said section be fur-. ther amended so as to include and make it unlawful for any person to use sling juvembers or other contrivance by which to throw or project rocks, pebbles, shot or other missiles of any kind that are destructive, dangerous or injurious to persons or property." +1887_public laws_149_6,project experts,0,public laws,148,5,"CHAPTER 148 An act to amend an act: entitled an act to incorporate the Ox- ford and Clarksville Railroad Company, being chapter one hundred and sixteen of the laws of one thousand ight hun- dred and eighty-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","In section eleven, lines eight and nine, strike out the words one thirtieth of the amount of the principal thereof and insert instead thereof the words after ten years from the issue thereof shall annually levy a tax sufficient to pay one-twentieth of the principal thereof." +1887_private laws_59_7,project experts,0,private laws,58,6,"CHAPTER 58 = An act to amend, revise and consolidate the charter of the town of Reidsville, and the amendments thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the mayor, immediately after the election, and before entering upon the duties of his office, shall, before a justice of the peace, take the following oath: I, A B, dosolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will diligently endeavor to perform faithfully and truly, aecording to my best skill and ability, all the duties of the office of mayor of the town of Reidsville, while I continue therein, and I will cause to be executed, as far as in my power, all the laws, ordinances and regulations made for the government of the town, and in the discharge of my duties I will do equal justice in all cases whatsoever." +1887_private laws_5_2,project experts,0,private laws,4,1,CHAPTER 4 An act to amend chapter forty-seven of the privaie acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter forty-seven -47 of the private acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one -1881 be amended by striking out the word one between exceeding and hundred in the eighth -8 line of section five -5 of said act and inserting in lieu thereof the word five. so that the paragraph shall read: 1st. On all licensed retailers of spirituous, alcoholic or malt liquors, a tax not exceeding five hundred dollars." +1889_public laws_265_2,project experts,0,public laws,264,1,CHAPTER 264 An act to authorize the commissioners of Columbus county to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the county commissioners of the county of Columbus are hereby authorized and empowered, by and with the consent and approval of a majority of the justices of the peace of said county, to levy a special tax for the years one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine and one thousand, eight hundred and ninety, at the same time other taxes are levied, upon the taxable property and polis of the county, not to exceed fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars worth of property and forty-five cents on each taxable poll for each of the years named, for general county purposes; said tax to be cgllected and accounted for by the sheriff or tax-collector at the same time and under the same rules and regulations as other county taxes." +1899_private laws_154_55,project experts,0,private laws,153,54,"CHAPTER 153 An act to amend, revise and consolidate the charter of the City of Ral- eigh, in the county of Wake, and state of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the clerk shall be particular to examine each person on oath as to whether he has other property than that stated in his return which he may claim is not liable to taxation. Such property, except bonds of the United States and of this state, shall be entered and noted on the tax list." +1899_private laws_187_57,project experts,0,private laws,186,56,CHAPTER 186 An act to amerd. revise and consolidate the charter of the City of Salisbury. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Whenever, in the opinion of the board of aldermen of said city, it is advisable to obtain land or right-of-way therein for the purpose of operating a new street therein, or widening or straightening a street therein, or making culverts or waterways for carrying water out of any street therein, and said board of aldermen and the owner or owners of such land or right-of-way can not agree as to the amount of damages consequent thereupon, as well as to the special advantage which may result to the owner or owners thereof by reason of such opening, widening or straightening of the street or making of such culvert or waterway, said board of aldermen may direct the mayor of said city to issue, and he shall thereupon issue his writ under the seal of said city, commanding the chief of police thereof to summon a jury of six freeholders of said city, unconnected by consanguinity or affinity with any of the persons supposed to be affected by said proposed improvements, in which writ the proposed improvement shall be fully described and the persons who are supposed to be affected thereby shall be named. Such chief of police shall, in obedience to said writ, summon a jury of six freeholders as aforesaid, and direct them to assemble at the mayors office in said city,at a time by such chief of police appointed, not less than twenty nor more than thirty days after the date of such writ. Such chief of police shall also serve notice of time of meeting of the jury upon all the persons who are named in such writ as supposed to be affected by such proposed improvement, at least fifteen days before the date appointed for the meeting of the jury. Such notice shall be in writing and signed by said chief of police and addressed to the person or persons upon whom service thereof is made, and shall state the time appointed for such meeting of the jury, and designate briefly the proposed improvement, and may be issued as a single notice to all persons named in said writ or as a separate notice to every one of them or to any two or more of them. Such notice shall be served upon the person or persons therein named, or his, her or their agent, by reading the same to him, her or them, and if any such person or his, her or their agent can not be found in said city, the mayor of said city shall, upon affidavit thereof made and filed before him by such chief of police, direct such notice to be served by posting a copy of the same at the court-house door in said county of Rowan, for at least fifteen days immediately preceding the time appointed for the meeting of such jury, and upon such direction of the mayor, it shall be the duty of such chief of police to so post the same, and such posting shall, upon the expiration of the time in such order designated, be a sufficient service of such notice and the party shall then be duly notified of such proceedings. Such chief of police shall duly return such writ and all such notices with his return thereon in writing endorsed, together with any such order of the mayor, to said board of aldermen at its next meeting after the time appointed for the meeting of the jury aforesaid. At the time appointed for the meeting of the jury such chief of police, or in case of his inability to do so, another chief of police or deputy chief of police of said city, shall fill any vacancy which has occurred from any cause in the number of persons theretofore summoned as such jury with other competent jurors, and shall cause the jury as then constituted, to assemble at the office of the mayor of said city, when every one of them shall be sworn by such mayor or other competent person to faithfully, truly and impartially assess the damages, if any, which in his judgment will be done to the property of every person named in the writ, and will also assess any special benefit, advantage or enhanced value which will be caused to the property of any person named in the writ. Immediately after the jury shall have been so sworn they shall proceed, accompanied by such chief of police or deputy chief of police, to view the land of every person named in the writ, and shall assess the damages, if any, to every one of the premises which they have viewed, and the special benefit, advantage or enhanced value, if any, which will accrue by reason of said proposed improvement to every one of the premises which they have viewed. Said iury shall forthwith return to said board of aldermen, by filing it with the clerk thereof, a statement in writing, signed by every one of them, or a majority of them in case they can not agree, setting forth distinctly a full itemized report of their proceedings, and stating separately the amounts of damages or special benefits, or both, as the case may be, which they have assessed to every one of the premises so viewed by them. The chief of police in charge of said jury shall keep them together until! they shall have agreed on all matters submitted to them, as aforesaid, and have made and signed their report as aforesaid, or in case of their inability to so agree, or twenty-four hours from the time of their return from reviewing said premises, to said office of the mayor, to which they shali so return in every case immediately for deliberation, and until they have ~~ en signed a report as hereinafter specified, upon any disagreement, if such jury shall be evenly divided so that they are unable to agree on their report, or any part thereof, they shall make and sign a report stating that fact and setting forth such items as a majority of them have agreed upon, if any such there be, And the names of the persons as owners and the particular premises in regard to the damage, special benefit or enhanced value of which they are evenly divided, or in regard to which a majority of them can not agree; which report shall be filed in the same manner as the report hereinbefore provided for. On receipt of any such report showing any disagreement of the jury, said board of aldermen shail, at its next meeting after the filing of such report, direct the mayor of said city to issue, and he shall thereupon issue under the seal of said city, his order to chief of police of said city to at once summon a new jury, qualified for such duty as hereinbefore specified, and of the same number as hereinbefore directed, to be composed of different persons from those who constituted the jury so disagreeing, and such new jury shall proceed immediately, after being duly sworn, as aforesaid, to take into consideration all parts of the report of the former jury, on which that jury was not able to agree, and to view the premises in regard to which such disagreements were had, in the manner hereinbefore directed, and shall make their report in the same manner as hereinbefore provided. Such course shall continue from time to time, until all the matters in such original writ directed to be decided shall have been determined. At the first meeting of said board of aldermen after a complete report or reports upon the matter in said writ ordered to be directed shall have been filed as aforesaid, said board of aldermen shall consider and pass upon such reports. If said board of aldermen shall determine that any item of damages so assessed is excessive, it may reject such report or reports and discontinue the proposed improvement, and in case of such discontinuance, no other proceeding shall within twelve months thereafter be commenced for a similar purpose in relation to any of the premises affected thereby or any part of the same without the written consent of the owner thereof. It shall be competent for said board of aldermen, in passing upon any such report or reports, to decrease or remit any item or items of special benefit, advantage or enhanced value therein contained, if it think proper so to do. If said board of aldermen shall think proper, it shall order such report or reports, or such report or reports so modified by it as to special benefit or advantages or enhanced value, approved, and the lands condemned in said proceedings shall vest in said city, so long as they may be used respectively for the purpose of said improvement, so soon as the amount of damages assessed to them respectively, decreased by the amount of special benefit, advantage and enhanced value so assessed against them respectively, shall have been paid as [or] tendered to the owner or owners of such premises respectively or deposited as hereinbefore provided. In case of an appeal on any item as hereinafter provided, such damages on the premises as to which such appeal is taken, decreased by the amount of special benefits, advantage and enhanced value assessed against the same, shall be deposited with the clerk of the superior court of said county of Rowan, to be disposed of as so assessed, or as upon such appeal adjudged, subject to be reduced by any special benefits, advantages and enhanced value against such premises, assessed as aforesaid, or on such appeal adjudged. Any special benefit, advantage or enhanced value so assessed against any premises, or on appeal adjudged against the same, unless paid or set off by damages assessed thereon, or on appeal adjudged on the same shall, upon such approval of the board of aldermen, in case no appeal is taken upon such assessments of special benefits, advantage or enhanced value or damages, or upon final judgment in case of any such appeal, become and be a lien in favor of said city on said premises on which it has been so assessed or adjudged, as of the time when the board of aldermen passed upon the report regarding the same when said approval was had or appeal taken, and shall be paid to said city in equal installments, one, two and three years respectively, after the completion of such improvement, or in case of appeal and completion of such improvement before final judgment thereon, after such final judgment, and if any such installments shall remain unpaid for thirty days after its maturity all such installments then unpaid shall become due, and the premises so assessed or charged shall be sold for the payment of the same and the expenses of:such sale and costs by the tax collector of said city, under the same rules, regulations, restrictions, rights of redemption, provisions and effects as are prescribed in this charter for sale of real estate for unpaid taxes. Any owner of premises mentioned in any such report who is dissatisfied with the amount of damages assessed therein, as done to said premises, or with any amount of special benefits, advantage or enhanced value therein assessed against the same, or said board of aldermen, if dissatisfied with any item in said report, any [may] appeal, on any item with which he, she or they are so dissatisfied, from such report thereon or the action of the board of aldermen on such report, to the next term of the superior court of said county of Rowan, by serving upon the adverse party a written notice of such appeal within ten days after said board of aldermen shall have so passed upon such report. On any such appeal, the appellate court shall have power to increase, affirm or diminish the amount of the item appealed on, but not to adjudicate the necessity of the improvement, and such appeal shall in no wise hinder or delay the board of aldermen in making or carrying out the proposed improvement, but ic shall be lawful for it to enter upon and use the property so condemned as and for such purpose at any time after the expiration of two days from the date when the amount of damages assessed by the jury, decreased BY special benefits, advantage and enhanced value, as aforesaid, shall have been paid or tendered or in case of appeal deposited as aforesaid. _" +1899_private laws_244_45,project experts,0,private laws,243,45,"CHAPTER 243 An act to revise, amend and consolidate the act of incorporation of the town of Louisburg, North Carolina, and the acts amendatory thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","They may also appoint a town engineer, a town attorney or attorneys, employ detectives, and to offer rewards for the capture and conviction of criminals, and to exercise like powers in the premises in order to bring offenders against the laws of the state and town ordinances, when the offense is committed in the town limits, to justice, and to use any funds belonging to the city not otherwise appropriated to carry out this purpose." +1905_private laws_67_13,project experts,0,private laws,67,12,CHAPTER 67 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE DOVER SOUTHBOUND RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the private railroad now used by the Goldsboro Lumber Company, from Dover, North Carolina, to Richlands, North Carolina, may be used and utilized in the construction of the road designated in this charter, if said stockholders shall adopt and purchase the same, and condemn the land upon which it crosses or passes." +1905_private laws_413_8,project experts,0,private laws,413,7,CHAPTER 413 AN ACT TO BUILD A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING IN THE TOWN OF ASHBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said taxes shall be collected by the Tax Collector of the Town of Ashboro at the time and in the manner that the municipal taxes are collected, and said tax collector shall pay the same to the treasurer of said town, and shall keep such money separate and apart from the municipal funds. And the treasurer shall pay out said taxes and other funds which may come into his hands for the use of said graded schools only upon the warrant of the chairman and secretary of said board of graded school trustees: Provided, that said tax collector and said treasurer shall enter into bond in such amounts as said board of trustees may direct for the faithful performance of the demands of their respective offices." +1905_private laws_404_5,project experts,0,private laws,404,4,CHAPTER 404 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF ROCKY POINT IN PENDER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That there shall be an election for the officers named in this act on the first Monday in July, one thousand nine hundred and five (1905), and each succeeding year thereafter, to be held under the same rules and restrictions that county elections for county officers are held, and all citizens who have resided within said corporate limits twelve -12 months and are entitled to vote for county officers shall be entitled to vote at said election." +1905_private laws_380_15,project experts,0,private laws,380,14,"CHAPTER 380 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THH GUARANTY, TRUST AND SECURITY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Said corporation shall have, and is hereby given, power to act as agents or brokers in the business of marine, fire, life, accident, fidelity, casualty, employers liability and every other form of insurance in all of its branches." +1905_private laws_38_3,project experts,0,private laws,38,2,CHAPTER 38 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the capital stock of the corporation shall be not less than ten thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, nor more than fifty thousand dollars. The corporation may commence business when a majority of the above-named incorporators accept this charter and when ten thousand dollars of the capital stock mentioned above is subscribed and paid in." +1905_private laws_371_5,project experts,0,private laws,371,4,CHAPTER 371 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section twenty-eight of said act be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: And all ordinances of the city of Greensboro now in force or hereafter enacted shall, unless otherwise provided by the board of aldermen, apply with equal force to the territory outside of the city limits for one mile in all directions from the city, and in Lindley Park, and upon the water and sewer lines of the city, and upon the right-of-way of the Greensboro Electric Company or its successor, and upon all property of the city outside of said incorporate limits." +1905_private laws_286_6,project experts,0,private laws,286,5,"CHAPTER 286 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE. WOMBLE HOOK AND LAD- DER COMPANY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the said corporation shall have one or more branches or teams in the [discretion] of the members of the said corporation. +1905_private laws_273_4,project experts,0,private laws,273,3,CHAPTER 273 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF DALLAS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section forty-one of the said chapter be amended by adding after the word mayor and before the word within in line one thereof the words or list-taker, and by striking out in lines five and six of said section the words on the first Monday of June in each year." +1905_private laws_135_43,project experts,0,private laws,135,42,CHAPTER 135 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF ANDREWS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Taxes for town purposes shall be levied on all real and personal property, trades, licenses and other subjects of taxation as provided in section three, article five of the State Constitution. All moneys arising from taxes, donations or other sources shall be paid to the treasurer, and no appropriation thereof shall be made but by a board constituted of a majority of all the aldermen." +1905_private laws_114_3,project experts,0,private laws,114,2,CHAPTER 114 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN TO ISSUE BONDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"For the purpose of properly carrying out the duty imposed by the preceding section the said mayor and board of commissioners are hereby authorized and fully empowered and directed to issue bonds of the denomination of five hundred dollars each, aggregating the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, the said bonds to be denominated street and sidewalk improvement bonds, to be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the secretary, bearing the corporate seal of said town, be written in the usual form, and bear interest from date until paid at five per centum per annum, which interest shall be payable semi-annually from the date of said bonds and shall be evidenced by coupons thereto attached, in the usual form; that said bonds shall mature at the end of thirty years from their date, and shall be fully binding upon said town and its property: that the mayor and board of commissioners shall issue said bonds in installments of five thousand dollars each as the work on the streets and sidewalks progresses and the necessity for payment thereof arises, but all of said bonds shall bear the same date, and bear interest as aforesaid, but the coupons for interest on the installments delayed shall be torn off before issuing, to the date of maturity of the coupons next preceding the date of such issue." +1903_private laws_86_13,project experts,0,private laws,85,12,CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CONCORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That the Commissioners of said city or Board of Aldermen shall have the right to increase the salaries of the policemen to a sum not exceeding sixty dollars per month. +1903_private laws_389_7,project experts,0,private laws,388,6,CHAPTER 388 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SPENCER SAVINGS BANK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The corporation is especially invested with the power and authority to carry on, conduct and operate a savings-bank business in all its branches, and may receive deposits in very small sums, the limits to be fixed by its board of directors, and may pay interest thereon by the way of dividends out of the net earnings or at fixed rates, according as it may be agreed between its [the] company and its depositors; and the board of directors are thereby to make all needful by-laws and regulations for conducting and carrying into effect the different features of this branch of its corporation, and shall also have a right to conduct a general banking business." +1903_private laws_345_4,project experts,0,private laws,344,3,"CHAPTER 344 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VILLAGE OF GLADSTONE, - STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the officers of said corporation shall consist of a Mayor, three. Commissioners and a Marshal." +1903_private laws_332_2,project experts,0,private laws,331,1,"CHAPTER 331 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BANK OF WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That H. L. Stevens, Charles F. Carroll, W. R. Newbury, L. P. Best, H. F. Pierce, S. E. Hines, J. Walter Johnson, T. B. Pierce, L. A.. Beasley, their present and future associates and successors, are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Bank of Warsaw, North Carolina, and shall so continue for the term of sixty years, with capacity to take, hold and convey real or personal estate, and with all the powers, rights and privileges granted to any bank or banking institution by this or any preceding Legislature of this State, together with the rights, powers and privileges incident or belonging to corporations as set forth or referred to in the first, second and third sections of chapter sixteen of The Code, entitled Corporations." +1903_private laws_204_3,project experts,0,private laws,203,2,CHAPTER 203 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE COLUMBIA AND FAIRFIELD TURNPIKE COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The capital stock of the said corporation shall be one thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of the par value of ten dollars each, with the privilege to said corporation of increasing the same to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars." +1903_private laws_181_2,project experts,0,private laws,180,1,CHAPTER 180 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE NEW RIVER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter 89 of the Private Laws of 1901, being an act to incorporate the New River Development Company of North Carolina, be amended as follows: Add after the words and figures $5,000,000 in line 5 of section 4 of gaid act the words: Whenever permission for such increase shall be given by the Secretary of State of North Carolina, which permission to increase shall be given upon the payment to said Secretary of State the fees required by chapter 2 of the Public Laws of 1901 in case of increase of capital stock. Add after section 12 another section, to be known as section 13, to read as follows: | Sec. 13 That this company shall have the power to organize under this act any time prior to March 1, 1906,.and to begin the usage of the powers and privileges herein conferred. Amend section 13 by changing the number of said section to read Section 14." +1903_private laws_173_7,project experts,0,private laws,172,6,CHAPTER 172 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE DURHAM LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That said corporation shall have and is hereby given power and authority to issue policies of insurance on titles of real estate and mortgages in guaranteeing titles, and to guarantee the payment of principal or interest of notes, bonds, bills of exchange, acceptances, checks or other securities or evidences of debt, including the obligations of such corporations as may have secured their payment by deed of trust made to this corporation, and to receive such compensation as may be agreed upon by the parties." +1903_private laws_149_19,project experts,0,private laws,148,18,"CHAPTER 148 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A DISPENSARY FOR LITTLETON TOWNSHIP, IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said dispensary commissioners shall have the right to place said dispensary either on any street of said town, or back from the same, as they may think proper, and any act or ordinance to the contrary is hereby repealed and annulled." +1901_private laws_330_2,project experts,0,private laws,329,1,"CHAPTER 329 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER SEVEN OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION OF 1895 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter seven of the Private Laws of North Carolina, session of 1895, be amended by striking out the word seven in line six of section four of said chapter, and inserting in lieu thereof the word twenty." +1901_private laws_200_4,project experts,0,private laws,199,3,"CHAPTER 199 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE YADKIN VALLEY INSTITUTE, IN YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said trustees and their successors are and shall be authorized to elect a chairman, a treasurer, a recording secretary, a principal and such other officers, as may, in their judgment, be necessary to serve the purposes and to carry into effect the objects of said Institution." +1899_private laws_38_2,project experts,0,private laws,37,1,"CHAPTER 37 An act to authorize the city of Fayetteville to receive one-fourth of the taxes listed in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, in full settlement, and fixing the tax year for said city. Whereas, the city of Fayettevile is now one year behind in the collection of its taxes, and much will be saved to said city by the collection of the taxes in the year for which they are listed, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the tax Looks of the city of Fayettevlie, containing tle taxes lisiel in June, eighteen dandced and ninetyeight, shall be placed in the hands of the tax collector as soon as possible, and not later than March first, eighteen Inndred end ninety-nine, and said collector is hereby authorized and empowered to accept twenty-five per centum of the poll and property taxes listed in June, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, in full satisfaction and settlement: Provided, said twenty-five per cenium of said taxes shall be paid before September first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, on and after which date said eollector shall collect said taxes of eighteen hundred and ninetyeight in full." +1899_private laws_286_2,project experts,0,private laws,285,1,"CHAPTER 285 An act to incorporate Caldwell Institute, Orange county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That R. N. Hall, Jr., D. S. Miller, Dr. A. C. Jordan, tev. J. H. McCracken, W. D. Villiner, W. J. Miller, J. D. Nichols, T. H. Wilson, T. J. Hall, J. T. Wilson, Weldon Hall, C. E. Wilson, J. T. Wilkerson, J. C. Rountree, T. J. Riley, R. N. Hall, Sr., Je R. Wilson, W. D. Woods, D. S. Allison, W. R. MeKee and Thomas T. Candler, be and they are hereby declared to be a body politie and corporate, to be known and distinguished by the name of the board of trustees of Caldwell Institute, and by that name they shall have perpetual succession and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded." +1899_private laws_248_6,project experts,0,private laws,247,5,CHAPTER 247 An act to incorporate The Asheville Savings Bank. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact,"That this corporation shall have power to receive and pay out the lawful currency of the country; deal in exchange, gold and silver coin, stocks, bonds, notes and other securities; to loan money to or receive deposits of money or other property or evidences of debt from corporations, minors, apprentices, femes coverts or other persons, on such terms and time and manner of collection as may be agreed upon between the parties; and for the use and loan of money may charge legal interest, and may take and receive such interest at the time of making such loan, free from all other eontrol, contract or liability whatever; to invest in the stocks, bonds or other securities of this or any other state of the United States, or of any corporation created under the laws thereof or any municipality of this or any other state, and to take such real and personal property, conditioned in such form for the payment of the principal and interest of money loaned, advanced or expended, as may be deemed most safe, expedient and beneficial." +1897_public laws_331_7,project experts,0,public laws,329,6,"CHAPTER 329 An act to authorize the county of Sampson to borrow money, issue bonds and levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said treasurer shall receipt for said taxes, and be liable upon his official bond for said taxes as for other taxes, and shall use the same for the payment of said bonds and interest when due and payable, and the funds arising from said taxes over and above the costs and charges incident thereto shall be applied to no other use than the payment aforesaid." +1897_public laws_362_5,project experts,0,public laws,360,4,"CHAPTER 360 An act to regulate the impounding of live stock in the coun- ties of Buncombe, Madison, Wilkes, Tyrrell, Surry, Hay- wood, Vance, Davie, Cumberland and Halifax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the provisions of this act shallapply only to the counties of Buncombe, Madison, Wilkes, Surry, Haywood, Vanee, Davie, Cumberland, Halifax and Tyrrell." +1899_public laws_2_12,project experts,0,public laws,1,11,"CHAPTER 1 An act to revise, consolidate and amend the insanity laws of this state. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _","Each board of directors at their annual meeting shall, on nomination of the superintendent, appoint a steward, and if they shall think proper to do so, a matron also, who shall hold their places for one year, unless sooner suspended or removed by the superintendent or board of directors for good cause, in which case their successors shall be nominated and appointed for the unexpired terms of those removed. The method of procedure for the suspension and removal of assistant physician, contained in the preceding section of this act, shall be followed in the suspension and removal of any stewardormatron. Thesteward, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall execute to the hospital a bond in the sum of two thousand and five hundred dollars, with sureties to be approved by the board of directors, conditioned for the faithful administration of his duties, and the proper accounting and disbursement of all money and property coming into his hands. The state treasurer shall be treasurer of said corporations. The state treasurer shall keep all accounts of the institutions, and shall pay out all moneys upon the warrant of the respective superintendents, countersigned by two members of the board of directors, under such rules and regulations as the respective boards may establish." +1899_public laws_167_3,project experts,0,public laws,166,2,CHAPTER 166 he An act to provide a permanent system of government for Craven county. 4 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : oe,"That that part of The Code and the acts amending the same passed prior to eighteen hundred and ninety-five, which were repealed by said chapter one hundred and thirty-five, public laws eighteen hundred and ninety-five; are hereby re-enacted." +1933_public laws_384_5,project experts,0,public laws,383,4,CHAPTER 383 AN ACT TO AMEND THE PREAMBLE AND THE SEV- ERAL SECTIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the election upon this amendment shall be conducted in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as provided by the laws governing general elections; and, if a majority of the votes cast be in favor of the amendment, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to certify the amendment under the seal of the State to the Secretary of State, who shall enroll said amendment so certified among the permanent records in his office, and the same shall be in force, and every part thereof, from and after the date of such certification." +1933_public laws_324_3,project experts,0,public laws,323,2,"CHAPTER 323 AN ACT TO AMEND HOUSE BILL NUMBER 1338 RATI- FIED APRIL 21ST, 1933, ENTITLED AN ACT TO ALLOW THE COUNTIES, MUNICIPALITIES, AND OTHER GOVERNING AGENCIES TO REFUND TAX SALE CERTIFICATES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That said act be further amended by striking out in line twenty of section one thereof the words in their discretion and inserting in lieu thereof the words and directed. +1933_public laws_306_4,project experts,0,public laws,305,3,"CHAPTER 305 AN ACT TO AMEND HOUSE BILL NUMBER 158, EN- TITLED AN ACT SETTING UP AND ESTABLISHING THE METHODS, PROCESSES AND PROCEEDINGS BY WHICH A LIEN MAY BE ACQUIRED UPON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND THE SAME SOLD AND THE TITLE THEREON CONVEYED FOR FAILURE TO PAY TAXES, RATIFIED THE 18TH DAY OF MARCH, 1933, SO AS TO PERMIT CLEVE- LAND COUNTY TO BE EXEMPTED FROM SAID ACT, TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR BRINGING TAX FORE- CLOSURE SUITS, AND TO SIMPLIFY THE METHOD OF FORECLOSING SAID CERTIFICATES IN CLEVE- LAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in the foreclosure of all tax certificates by Cleveland County, or any city or town in said county, it shall be lawful to proceed under the provisions of Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-one of the Public Laws of Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, and all laws amendatory thereto, which were in force and effect prior to the ratification of House Bill One Hundred and Fifty-eight, enacted by the General Assembly of Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-three: Provided, however, that in all said tax foreclosure suits it shall not be necessary to name any person as a party defendant in the summons or complaint, except the one in whose name said property was listed for taxation, and in the event said person should be dead, then the proper and only necessary party to name as defendant shall be the administrator or executor of the person in whose name said property was listed." +1933_public laws_282_2,project experts,0,public laws,281,1,"CHAPTER 281 AN ACT TO AMEND SENATE BILL NUMBER 313 EN- TITLED AN ACT RELATING TO THE FEES FOR REGISTERING FEDERAL CROP LIENS AND FED- ERAL CHATTEL MORTGAGES, RATIFIED THE 20TH DAY OF MARCH, 1933, BY EXEMPTING THE COUN- TIES OF HAYWOOD, JACKSON AND MACON FROM THE PROVISIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Senate bill number three hundred and thirteen, entitled An act relating to the fees for registering Federal crop liens and Federal chattel mortgages, ratified on the twentieth day of March, be and the-same is hereby amended by inserting in line seven, section one, following the word Richmond and before the word counties the words, Haywood, Jackson, and Macon." +1933_public laws_265_3,project experts,0,public laws,264,2,"CHAPTER 264 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 1443 OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES FIXING THE TERMS OF COURT IN THE SEVERAL COUNTIES, THIS ACT RELATING ONLY TO THE TERMS OF COURT IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the Governor shall assign an emergency or any other judge to hold any of the terms of the Superior Court of Rockingham County when the judge holding courts in the eleventh district is unable to hold said terms. +1931_public laws_428_22,project experts,0,public laws,427,21,CHAPTER 427 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX,"Foreign Executor or Administrator Transferring Stocks Shall Pay the Tax on Such Transfer. Whenever any foreign executor or administrator or trustee shall assign or transfer any bonds or stocks in this State standing in the name of the decedent, or in trust for a decedent, which shall be liable for this said tax, such tax shall be paid on the transfer thereof; otherwise the corporation permitting such transfer shall become liable to pay such tax. The Commissioner of Revenue is given authority to make appraisal of such stocks or bonds and settlement of taxes due under this section. Tax shall be computed as provided in this act, and receipt or waiver issued by the Commissioner of Revenue shall be complete protection to any such corporation for the transfer of such bonds and stocks." +1931_public laws_175_2,project experts,0,public laws,174,1,CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES PERTAINING TO THE STATE BOARD OF EMBALMERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That section six thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven of the Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred nineteen be amended by striking out after the comma at the end of line two, the following: three of whom shall be members of the State Board of Health, the other two shall be and inserting in lieu thereof the following: all of whom shall be licensed and." +1929_public laws_58_2,project experts,0,public laws,57,1,"CHAPTER 57 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 45, SECTION 2312, CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1919, RELATING TO JURY LISTS AND REVISIONS THERE- OF, APPLICABLE TO YANCEY COUNTY ONLY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two thousand three hundred and twelve, Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, be, and the same is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: The Board of Commissioners of Yancey County shall make the jury list and revision thereof as required by this section on or before the third Monday in February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine and every two years thereafter." +1929_public laws_275_4,project experts,0,public laws,274,3,"CHAPTER 274 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE PAYMENT TO ANY COUNTY SHERIFF, TREASURER OR OTHER COUNTY TAX COL- LECTOR OR FISCAL AGENT OF ANY AMOUNT AS COMMISSIONS OR OTHERWISE OUT OF THE FUNDS RECEIVED BY ANY COUNTY FROM THE STATE EQUALIZING FUND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1929_public laws_116_2,project experts,0,public laws,115,1,CHAPTER 115 AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAW IN REGARD TO THE RECORDERS COURT IN CRAVEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That sections fifteen hundred and _ fifty-five (1555), fifteen hundred and seventy-two (1572), fifteen hundred and ninety-two (1592), fifteen hundred and ninety-three (1593), fifteen hundred and ninety-four (1594), and fifteen hundred and ninety-five -1595 of the Consolidated Statutes, shall not apply to the county court heretofore organized in Craven County." +1935_public laws_260_4,project experts,0,public laws,259,3,"CHAPTER 259 AN ACT TO INCREASE THE PAY OF THE ELECTION OFFICIALS OF ASHE COUNTY AND TO AMEND CHAP- TER FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-SEVEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY- THREE, RELATIVE TO ELECTIONS IN ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the unit of the county organization for the nomination of county officers in the county of Ashe shall be the several townships in said county. In each township there shall be an executive committee composed of at least five active Democrats, who shall be elected by the democratic voters of said township or the county convention in mass, as hereinafter provided, and said committee so elected shall elect one of its members chairman of said committee, and the chairman of the several township executive committees shall constitute the County Democratic Executive Committee. That each township may elect more than five members of the executive committee, but the combined number when elected shall vote only the strength of the township as provided for in this act." +1927_public laws_72_44,project experts,0,public laws,71,44,"CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALU- ING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL, AND MIXED, AT ITS REAL VALUE IN MONEY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I.","Duties of township list-taker and assessor as to assessing and listing property. Each township list-taker and assessor appointed under the authority of this act shall advertise in five or more public places within the township not later than the twentieth day of April, notifying all taxpayers to return to him all real and personal property which each taxpayer shall own on the first day of May, and said return shall be made to the list-taker during the month of May under the pains and penalties imposed by law, and naming the times and places at which he will be present to receive tax lists. The township list-taker and assessor shall obtain from each taxpayer a full, complete and detailed statement of each and every piece and kind of property, real, personal, and mixed, which said taxpayer shall own on the first day of May, together with, as near as possible, the TRUE value in money of all such property owned by him, or them, or which may be under his or their control as agent, guardian, administrator, or otherwise, and which should be listed for taxation; and it shall be the duty of said township list-taker and assessor to ascertain by visitation, investigation, or otherwise the actual cash value in money of each piece or class of property in his township, and to list such property at its actual value for taxation. He is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths in all cases necessary to obtain full and correct information concerning any taxable real and personal property in his township." +1927_public laws_262_20,project experts,0,public laws,261,18,CHAPTER 261 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORM WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Whenever any commodity if sold on a basis of weight, it shall be unlawful to employ any other weight in such sale than the net weight of the commodity and all contracts concerning goods sold on a basis of weight shall be understood and construed accordingly. Whenever the weight of a commodity is mentioned in this act, it shall be understood and construed to mean the net weight of the commodity." +1927_public laws_257_6,project experts,0,public laws,256,5,"CHAPTER 256 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE EQUALIZING FUND FOR CERTAIN COUNTIES. Whereas, the Constitution directs the General Assembly of North Carolina to provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of public schools for the State; and, s Whereas, there appears to be marked difference in the as- sessed valuations, the tax rates, and the types of schools in the various counties; and, Whereas, the county commissioners in many counties can- not secure the funds necessary for the support of the six months school term from county revenues alone without making the taxes burdensome and the tax rates grossly unequal among the several counties; and, Whereas, State aid is necessary in order more nearly to equalize both the tax rates for schools and the school advantages in the different counties; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","For the purpose of making the apportionment of the equalizing fund for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred twenty-eight, and also for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred twenty-nine, the State Board of Equalization shall cause to be checked by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction the approved November budget of the last preceding year of each and every county in accordance with the salaries, actually paid, not in excess, however, of the State salary schedule; and in accordance with the number of teachers actually employed, not in excess, however, of the number allowed by law; and shall determine therefrom the necessary cost of maintaining the six months school term in each county, including the salaries of teachers, principals and superintendents, and including in addition thereto the actual amount expended for current expense other than salaries, not in excess, however, of fifteen per cent of salaries according to the State salary schedule. The amount due any county from the equalizing fund shall be the amount by which the necessary cost of the six months school term as herein calculated exceeds the amount produced by the levy of forty cents on the valuation of said county as determined by the State Board of Equalization as provided in section four of this act." +1925_public laws_191_9,project experts,0,public laws,190,8,"CHAPTER 190 AN ACT TO PROVIDE LAWS GOVERNING THE SALE OF STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Application for authority to sell, filled with commissioner. The commissioner shall receive and act upon applications to have securities admitted to record in such register of qualified securities and the commissioner may from time to time prescribe forms on which such applications shall be submitted. All applications shall be in writing and shall be signed and dated and sworn to and shall thereafter be filed with the commissioner. Such applications may be made to and filed with the commissioner either by the issuer of the securities in question or by any person desiring to sell the same in the State of North Carolina; the application must show in full detail the plan upon which the issuer of the securities in question or the person desiring to sell same proposes to transact business; copy of all applications for and forms of contracts, securities, bonds, or other instruments, which it or he proposes to make with or sell to its or his contributors; a statement which shall show the name, location, and head office of the issuer or person desiring to sell such securities, and an itemized statement of its financial condition, and the amount of its or his property and the liabilities, and such other information and in such form touching its or his affairs as the commissioner may require. If a foreign corporation, it or he shall also file with the commissioner a copy of the laws of such state, territory, or government under which it exists and is incorporated, and also a copy of its charter of its home state and certificate of the proper officer of such state that it has authority to do business therein, articles of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws, and all amendments thereof which have been made, and all other papers pertaining to its organization, and enter into an agreement as a condition precedent to being registered and licensed that stock or other offerings shall be sold only for cash or for notes or bonds payable to the company, and that said notes or bonds will not be sold or discounted with an endorsement without recourse or obligation not to be responsible for the same by the owner in a general sale or canvass, or by any agent on salary or commission. Every note given for stock sold under the provisions of this act must have appearing upon its face the following: The consideration of this note is stock in the.............. cor poration, and this note is not negotiable under the negotiable instruments law. The contract of subscription or of sale shall be in writing and shall contain a provision in the following language: No sum shall be used for commissions, promotion and organization expenses on account of the sale of any securities offered for sale by this company in excess of five per centum of the amount actually paid upon separate subscriptions for such securities." +1925_public laws_156_8,project experts,0,public laws,155,7,CHAPTER 155 AN ACT TO AID VETERANS OF THE LATE WORLD WAR IN OBTAINING HOMES AND TO SUBMIT THE PROPOSITION THEREFOR TO A DIRECT VOTE OF THE PEOPLE AT THE GENERAL ELECTION IN 1926 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The administration of this act shall be under the direction and control of a board of advisers consisting of the Secretary of State, who shall be chairman, ex officio, of said board; the Commissioner of Agriculture, the Attorney-General, the Commissioner of Labor and Printing and the Treasurer of the State of North Carolina, of which board the Treasurer of the State shall be, ex officio, the treasurer. Said board, as soon as possible after the ratification of this act as hereinafter provided, shall appoint a competent person to be known as Commissioner of the Veterans Loan Fund, who shall hold his said office at the will of said board, and who shall receive an annual salary, payable monthly, of thirty-five hundred dollars. Said commissioner shall maintain his office in the city of Raleigh, space for which shall be provided in the same manner as space for other State offices is provided." +1925_public laws_150_3,project experts,0,public laws,149,2,"CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 120, PUBLIC LAWS, EXTRA SESSION, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- FOUR, SO AS TO INCLUDE JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That all laws or clauses of laws in conflict herewith, and especially all of chapter five hundred eighty-one of PublicLocal Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-three in conflict herewith are hereby repealed." +1925_public laws_102_37,project experts,0,public laws,101,36,CHAPTER 101 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SCHEDULE A,"Dealers in horses and mules. On all persons, firms or corporations who buy and sell horses and mules as a business or for profit and who in each and every May list a poll tax or property for taxation, in the State, an annual license tax of twenty-five dollars. The foregoing tax shall be for the privilege of selling not exceeding one carload of horses or mules, and for each additional carload of horses or mules, bought, an additional tax of five dollars per car shall be paid semiannually to the Commissioner of Revenue. For the purpose of computing this tax, twenty-five horses or mules shall be considered a carload, and for cars containing more or less than this number the tax shall be twenty cents per head, and the tax herein imposed shall apply to all purchases by dealers, whether shipped by freight or otherwise. And if such person, firm or corporation aforesaid does not list a poll tax or property for taxation, the annual license tax shall be one hundred ($100) dollars, which tax shall be for the privilege of selling not exceeding one carload of horses or mules, and for each additional carload of horses or mules bought, an additional tax of ten dollars per car shall be paid semiannually to the Commissioner of Revenue. For the purpose of computing this tax, twenty-five horses or mules shall be considered a carload, and for cars containing more or less than this number the tax shall be forty cents per head, and the tax herein imposed shall apply to all purchases by dealers, whether shipped in by freight or otherwise. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in this business shall keep an accurate record of invoices and freight bills covering such shipments until such invoices and freight kills shall have been checked up by a deputy commissioner of revenue. The license for conducting said business shall be issued by the Commissioner of Revenue. A separate license shall be required in every county where a separate place of business is maintained: Provided, that any person, firm or corporation doing or desiring to do business in more than one place may, upon the payment of two hundred and fifty dollars, be issued a license good in any county in the State. No county, city or town shall levy or collect any tax under this section. Any person required to take out a license under this section who shall sell or attempt to sell any horses or mules without having obtained such license shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, the fine to be paid into the State Treasury for the general school fund. No person shall feign or pretend to be partners when they are in fact not bona fide such, in order to evade the tax to which they would otherwise be liable under the provisions of this section, and a violation of this provision shall make the offender guilty of a misdemeanor. All persons, firms, or corporations operating under a livery stable license who buy horses and mules for sale shall be classed as horse dealers, and in addition to their livery stable tax, shall be required to pay such tax as he or they shall be liable for under this section: Provided, that this section shall not apply to persons dealing solely in horses or mules of their own raising." +1923_public laws_5_99,project experts,0,public laws,4,98,CHAPTER 4 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SCHEDULE A,Construction of Revenue Act. (Repealed.) +1923_public laws_216_3,project experts,0,public laws,215,2,CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN REGISTRATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in every case where it shall appear from the records in the office of the register of deeds of any county in this State that any instrument required or allowed by law to be registered, bearing date prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, executed by any person or persons residing in any of the United States, other than this State, or in any of the territories of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, has been proven or acknowledged, or the privy examination of any feme covert taken thereto, before any officer or person authorized by any of the laws of this State in force prior to the said year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five to take such proofs, privy examinations and acknowledgments, and the said instrument has been registered in the proper county without the certificate of the Governor of the state or territory in which such proofs, acknowledgments or privy examinations were taken, or of the Secretary of State of the United States, when such certificate or certificates were required, as to the official character of the person taking such acknowledgment, proof or privy examination, as aforesaid, and without an order of registration made by a court or judge in this State having jurisdiction to make such order, then and in all such cases such proofs, privy examinations, acknowledgments and registrations are hereby in all respects fully validated and confirmed and declared to be sufficient in law, and such instruments so registered may be read in evidence in any of the courts of this State." +1921_public laws_39_105,project experts,0,public laws,38,104,"CHAPTER 38 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 92, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1919, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I BoarD OF STate Tax COMMISSIONERS","In every cause of failure by the sheriff or other accounting officer to settle his account within sixty days from the time prescribed by section one hundred and one of this act for such settlement, and to take the oath required in his settlement and pay the amount due to the Treasurer, the State Auditor shall forthwith report to the Treasurer the account of such sheriff or officer, as shown by the abstract of listed and unlisted taxables furnished by the register of deeds or auditor for such county, deducting therefrom for commissions, but adding thereto one thousand dollars and ten per centum of the amount of taxes with which said sheriff is charged for the amount of taxes supposed not to appear in the list transmitted by the register of deeds or auditor, and furnish him a copy of the official bond of the said officer, and his sureties; and if the whole amount be not paid, the Treasurer, on motion of the solicitor in the Superior Court of Wake County, before the clerk thereof, within thirty days after default shall have occurred, shall recover judgment against him and his sureties; without other notice than is given by the delinquency of the officer ; and to the end that obligations and names may be known, the clerk of the Superior Court shall, on or before the second Monday in each year, transmit to the State Auditor a copy, certified under the seal of the court, of the bond of the sheriff and his sureties, upon pain for his default of forfeiting to the State one thousand dollars, which the State Auditor shall and is hereby specially charged to collect in like manner and at such times as is provided in this section." +1921_public laws_35_120,project experts,0,public laws,34,404,CHAPTER 34 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Blank forms to be kept on file with Register of Deeds. For convenience of all parties liable for making a return of income, and who may not receive blank forms by mail for this purpose, the State Tax Commission shall keep on deposit with the Register of Deeds in each county a supply of blank forms for distribution." +1927_public laws_42_2,project experts,0,public laws,41,1,CHAPTER 41 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS CAPE FEAR RIVER AT WILMING- TON AND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ERECTION OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to build a bridge, or bridges, across the Cape Fear River and the North East River at a location to be selected by the State Highway Commission and connect the same with the street system of the City of Wilmington and the State system of highways in the most practical manner, which bridge or bridges shall be and become a part of the State Highway System." +1935_public laws_419_7,project experts,0,public laws,418,6,"CHAPTER 418 AN ACT TO EXEMPT NEW HANOVER COUNTY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE EIGHT OF CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX OF VOLUME THREE OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, KNOWN AS THE TURLINGTON ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","No member, officer, agent or employee of the Board shall directly or indirectly, individually or as a member of a partnership or of an association, or as a member or stockholder of a corporation, have any interest whatsoever in the manufacture of or in the dealing in alcoholic beverages, or in any enterprise or industry in which alcoholic beverages are required, or receive any commission or profit whatsoever from, or have any interest whatsoever in the purchase or sale of alcoholic beverages by the Board, or by any other person whatsoever, or have any interest in or mortgage on any land or building where alcoholic beverages are manufactured for sale, kept for sale, offered for sale, or sold, or any personal property used therein, or in any contract other than this contract of employment made with the Board." +1935_public laws_457_23,project experts,0,public laws,456,22,"CHAPTER 456 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE NECESSITY OF CREATING PUBLIC BODIES CORPORATE AND POLITIC TO BE KNOWN AS HOUSING AUTHORITIES TO ENGAGE IN SLUM CLEARANCE AND/OR PROJECTS TO PROVIDE DWELLING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS OF LOW INCOME; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SUCH HOUSING AUTHORITIES; TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF HOUSING AUTHORITIES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXERCISE OF SUCH POWERS, INCLUDING ACQUIRING PROPERTY BY PURCHASE, GIFT OR EMINENT DOMAIN, AND IN- CLUDING BORROWING MONEY, ISSUING REVENUE AND CREDIT BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS, AND GIVING SECURITY THEREFOR; TO CONFER REMEDIES ON OBLIGEES OF HOUSING AUTHORI- TIES; TO PROVIDE THAT THE BONDS OF THE AU- THORITY SHALL BE LEGAL INVESTMENTS; TO PROVIDE THAT HOUSING AUTHORITIES, AND CER- TAIN PROPERTY AND SECURITIES THEREOF, SHALL BE TAX EXEMPT AND TO DECLARE THAT THIS ACT TAKE EFFECT FROM THE DATE OF ITS RATIFICATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Foreclosure Sale Subject to Agreement With Government. Notwithstanding anything in this Act to the contrary, any purchaser or purchasers at a sale of real or personal property of the authority whether pursuant to any foreclosure of a mortgage, pursuant to judicial process or otherwise, shall obtain title subject to any contract between the authority and a Government relating to the supervision by a Government of the operation and maintenance of such property and the construction of improvements thereon." +1935_public laws_462_3,project experts,0,public laws,461,2,"CHAPTER 461 AN ACT TO AMEND CONSOLIDATED STATUTE NUM- BER 6055, SUB-SECTION (a 26) AND CONSOLIDATED STATUTE NUMBER 6055, SUB-SECTION (a 27) AS AP- PLICABLE TO HOLDING GENERAL ELECTIONS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Consolidated Statute Number 6055, Sub-section (a27) be amended by exempting Cherokee County from the said act, and that none of the said act shall apply to Cherokee County." +1913_public local laws_221_10,project experts,0,public local laws,220,9,"CHAPTER 220 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF MANNINGS TOWNSHIP, NASH COUNTY, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS FOR THAT PURPOSE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the said road supervisors are hereby authorized to purchase such material, machinery, teams, etc., as may be deemed necessary to carry on said work, and to pay for the same out of the Mannings Township road fund." +1913_public local laws_205_4,project experts,0,public local laws,204,3,CHAPTER 204 AN ACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Said highway commissions shall have the same supervision, powers, and rights in respect to all the public roads in their respective townships as has heretofore been vested in either the board of supervisors of public roads or in the board of county commissioners of Cherokee County, except as such laws are modified herein. They shall have full power and authority to order the laying out of public roads where necessary, in its judgment, and to discontinue such as shall be found useless, and to alter roads so as to make them more useful. They shall also have power and authority to lay out cartways, church and mill roads, and to alter or discontinue the same in the way and manner provided in the general law, except as such laws are modified herein." +1913_public local laws_20_9,project experts,0,public local laws,19,8,"CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE REFUNDING BONDS OR NOTES FOR A PORTION OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF WINSTON TOWNSHIP ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAN- OKE AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Whereas Winston Township, embracing the cities of Winston and Salem, North Carolina, was authorized by an act of the Legislature, chapter two hundred and seventeen, Acts of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, ratified March seventh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to vote a subscrip- tion of one hundred thousand dollars in bonds to aid in the con- struction of the Roanoke and Southern Railway; and whereas the board of county commissioners of Forsyth County, by virtue of said act of the Legislature ratified March seventh, one thousand. eight hundred and eighty-seven, did submit to the voters of Winston Township the question of subscribing one hundred thou- sand dollars to aid in the construction of the said Roanoke and Southern Railway ; and whereas said subscription was duly sub- mitted, voted on, and ratified by the voters.of Winston Township ; and whereas, by virtue of the acts of the Legislature ratified March seventh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the board of county commissioners did on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, issue one hundred thou- sand dollars in bonds of Winston Township, to fall due July first, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen; and whereas the sinking fund accumulated under said act for the purpose of paying said bonded indebtedness amounts to be about seventy-five thou- sand dollars ($75,000), but this amount is insufficient to pay off the entire indebtedness of one hundred thousand dollars: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the board of county commissioners of Forsyth County shall keep or cause to be kept by the clerk of the board a book showing the number of bonds or notes issued under this act, with the date of issuing and to whom sold, and at what price and when the interest falls due." +1913_public local laws_137_2,project experts,0,public local laws,136,1,"CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2802 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, RELATIVE TO THE PAY OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF WILSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two thousand eight hundred and two of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following words, to wit: The fees of the county surveyor of the county of Wilson shall be five dollars per day for all services rendered by him in his official capacity: Provided, that the clerk of the Superior Court shall approve the same." +1913_public local laws_114_31,project experts,0,public local laws,113,30,CHAPTER 113 AN ACT TO PLACE THE OFFICERS OF SAMPSON COUNTY UPON A SALARY BASIS AND TO CREATE AND ESTAB- LISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"It shall be the duty of the said auditor to inquire into and investigate and file a detailed and itemized account of the condition of all county finances, the accounts of all public officers, including the board of education and road commission, or their successors, and to make a TRUE report thereof, and record the same in a book to be kept for that purpose and to be known and designated as the Record of the Auditor of Sampson County. He shall within ten days after the first Monday in December in each and every year publish a statement of the financial condition of the county of Sampson, showing by itemized statement the permanent and floating debt of the county, when contracted, for what contracted, and when due; and shall also publish a statement of the receipts and disbursements of all the public funds of the county, showing the total amount received and disbursed for each particular purpose, which said report shall be published at the courthouse door and also in some newspaper in general circulation published in the county, once a week for at least two weeks immediately following the filing of said report, and the expense of such publication shall be paid by the board of commissioners of said county out of the general county fund." +1911_public local laws_633_16,project experts,0,public local laws,632,15,CHAPTER 632 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any person who shall obstruct the engineer, road superintendent or other agent, subordinate or employee in making a survey or engaging in any road work under authority of the highway commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court." +1911_public local laws_452_30,project experts,0,public local laws,451,29,"CHAPTER 451 AN ACT FOR BUILDING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS IN THE DIFFERENT TOWNSHIPS IN NASH COUNTY. Whereas, certain townships and certain parts of other townships of Nash County, have already provided for working their public roads by a system of taxation and by the issuance of bonds; and, whereas, the other townships in Nash County, together with the excluded parts of those townships already partially embraced in the road law, desire to provide for the working of their public roads in like manner, without, however, disturbing or in any wise interfering with the districts already created, or with the grant of legislative powers to them, except as may be hereinafter expressly provided for; now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the road commissioners of the several townships hereinbefore named shall have power and authority to make such rules and regulations as they may deem expedient and necessary for the carrying out of the provisions of this act as relates to their respective townships not inconsistent with or superior in authority to the provisions of this act. They shall have authority to employ counsel in all matters wherein they deem it necessary, and pay such counsel out of any funds that may come into their hands." +1911_public local laws_407_7,project experts,0,public local laws,406,6,"CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO SECURE COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IN THE BISCOE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, MONTGOM- ERY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That any parent, guardian or person having control of a child between the ages of seven and fifteen years who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be warned as aforesaid, as soon as possible after the beginning of the school term of said district of each year and also at any time thereafter when such violation shall be discovered by the attendance officer herein provided for, to place and keep such child in regular attendance at some day school within three days of the service of such written or printed notice of warning, and upon failure to comply with this act after a lapse of three days from the date of service of said notice of warning, said parent, guardian or person having charge or control of said child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars, or be imprisoned for not less than two days and not more than thirty days: Provided, that said sentence of fine or imprisonment may be suspended and finally remitted by the court, with or without the payment of costs, at the discretion of the court, if the said child be immediately placed and kept in regular attendance in some day school as aforesaid, and such fact of regular attendance shall be subsequently proven to the satisfaction of said court by a properly attested certificate of attendance from the superintendent or teacher of said day school: Provided, further, that every day any parent, guardian or other person shall willfully and unlawfully keep such child from school after the expiration of three days from the service of such notice on such parent, guardian or other person having control of said child shall constitute a new and separate offense and shall subject such parent, guardian. or other person having control of such child to the penalties herein prescribed." +1911_public local laws_397_14,project experts,0,public local laws,396,13,CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND EIGH- TY-SEVEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE PROVIDING FOR THE LAYING OUT AND WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF GUIL- FORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Cerolina do enact:,"Said board of county commissioners and said township commissioners, their agents and employees, shall have the power to cut and take any timber, stone or gravel for the purpose of making, improving or repairing any road, bridge, or crossway in the county. They shall, on the demand of the owners of the lands, their agent or agents or the guardian of any ward or the executor or administrator having lands in charge from which timber, stone or gravel were taken as aforesaid, give a certificate showing the quantity of such timber, stone or gravel with the value thereof respectively, and the time and purpose for which the same were taken." +1911_public local laws_347_14,project experts,0,public local laws,346,13,CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO CREATE-AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROBESON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said auditor shall have the right from time to time to prescribe the manner of keeping all the public accounts of the county, and the power to prescribe for each of the public officers of said county the form of books to be kept by them in the receipt and disbursement of all funds which may come into their hands by virtue of their office. It shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of said county to furnish to each of the various public officers of said county the necessary books prescribed for such office by said auditor." +1911_public local laws_344_14,project experts,0,public local laws,343,13,"CHAPTER 343 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COURT IN THE TOWN OF PLYMOUTH, AND THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",The clerk of the recorders court shall provide a permanent docket for recording all the processes issued by said court which shall conform to the docket kept by the clerk of the superior court. He shall also provide proper files to properly keep records of all cases which shall be disposed of in the said court and what disposition has been made of them. +1911_public local laws_316_2,project experts,0,public local laws,315,1,"CHAPTER 315 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GOOD ROADS IN LOUISBURG TOWN- SHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That F. B. McKinne, J. R. Collie, W. H. Allen, John H. Uzzell, C. B. Cheatham, E. A. Kemp, Herbert H. Harris, W. T. Wilder and A. W. Wilson, Jr., are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the public roads of Louisburg Township, in Franklin County. The first three shall hold the said position of trustees for six years, the next three for four years, and the last three for two years. At the expiration of the terms of any, their successors shall be elected for six years by the board of county commissioners of Franklin County. All vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal from the said township shall be filled for the unexpired term by the remaining members of said board: Provided, that the position of trustee shall not constitute an office within the meaning of article seven, section fourteen of the Constitution of North Carolina." +1911_public local laws_162_3,project experts,0,public local laws,161,2,"CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FIVE; AND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY- SEVEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE, AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY COM- MISSION OF VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP, IN CHEROKEE COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Whenever the highway commission shall deem it expedient, they are authorized to erect and maintain automatic gates, when building new roads through enclosed lands or fields, at the entrance and exit thereof. Any person who shall leave open any gate which may have been constructed across any public road or shall interfere with or injure any such gate, its fastenings or appurtenances, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Such gates may be discontinued at any time by agreement between the landowner and the highway commission. In the laying. out of cartways and church roads the manner of procedure shall be followed as laid down in sections two thousand six hundred and eighty-nine to two thousand six hundred and ninety, both inclusive, Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five." +1911_public local laws_155_3,project experts,0,public local laws,154,2,CHAPTER 154 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY TO LEVY AND COLLECT SPECIAL TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the tax herein authorized shall be levied and collected in the same manner as State and county taxes are levied and at the same time and place, and, in making said levy, the board of commissioners of Rutherford County shall observe the constitutional equation between the property tax and the poll tax." +1941_public laws_52_7,project experts,0,public laws,51,6,CHAPTER 51 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIAL JUDGES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the special judges so appointed shall receive the same salary and traveling expenses as now are, or may hereafter be, paid or allowed to judges of the Superior Court for holding their regularly assigned courts, and they shall hold all such regular and special terms of court as they may be directed and assigned by the Governor to hold, without additional compensation: Provided, that no person appointed under this Act shall engage in the private practice of law." +1941_public laws_237_3,project experts,0,public laws,236,2,CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN OF VOLUME TWO OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN RELATING TO CREDIT UNIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1939_public laws_391_10,project experts,0,public laws,390,9,"CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO PERMIT COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS TO PROVIDE OLD AGE SECURITY FOR OLD AND INCA- PACITATED LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A RETIREMENT FUND THROUGH THE JOINT CONTRIBUTIONS OF EM- PLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES, AND TO PROVIDE MA- CHINERY FOR THE PROPER ADMINISTRATION OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees shal] be the trustee of the several funds created by this Act as provided in Section ten, and shall have full power to invest and reinvest such funds, subject to all the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions imposed by the laws of North Carolina upon domestic life insurance companies in the making and disposing of their investment; and subject to like terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions, said trustee shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer and dispose of any of the securities and investments in which any of the funds created herein shall have been invested, as well as the proceeds of said investments and any monies belonging to said funds. -2 The board of trustees annually shall allow regular interest on the mean amount for the preceding year in each of the funds with the exception of the expense fund. The amounts so allowed shall be due and payable to said funds, and shall be annually credited thereto by the board of trustees from interest and other earnings on the monies of the Retirement System. Any additional amount required to meet the interest on the funds of the Retirement System shall be paid from the pension accumulation fund, and any excess of earnings over such amount required shall be paid to the pension accumulation fund. Regular interest shall mean such percentum rate to be compounded annually as shall be determined by the board of trustees on the basis of the interest earnings of the system for the preceding year and of the probable earnings to be made, in the judgment of the board, during the immediate future. -3 The secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees shall be the custodian of the several funds. All payments from said funds shall be made by him only upon vouchers signed by two persons designated by the board of trustees. The secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees shall furnish said board a surety bond in a company authorized to do business in North Carolina in such an amount as shall be required by the board, the premium to be paid from the expense fund. -4 For the purpose of meeting disbursements for pensions, annuities and other payments there may be kept available cash, not exceeding ten percentum of the total amount in the several funds of the Retirement System, on deposit in one or more banks or trust companies of the State of North Carolina, organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, or of the United States: Provided, that the sum on deposit in any one bank or trust company shall not exceed twenty-five percentum of the paid up capital and surplus of such bank or trust company. -5 The board of trustees shall select a bank or banks for the deposits of the funds and securities of the Retirement System in the same manner as such banks are selected by the Treasurer of the State of North Carolina. Such banks selected shall be required to conform to the law governing banks selected by the State. The funds and properties of the North Carolina Governmental Employees Retirement System held in any bank of the State shall be safeguarded by a fidelity and surety bond, the amount to be determined by the board of trustees. -6 Except as otherwise herein provided, no trustee and no employee of the board of trustees shall have any direct interest in the gains or profits of any investment made by the board of trustees, nor as such receive any pay or emolument for this service. No trustee or employee of the board shall, directly or indirectly, for himself or as an agent in any manner use the same, except to make such current and necessary payments as are authorized by the board of trustees; nor shall any trustee or employee of the board of trustees become an endorser or surety or in any manner an obligor for monies loaned or borrowed from the board of trustees. METHOD OF FINANCING" +1939_public laws_359_2,project experts,0,public laws,358,1,CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"(a) Purpose of the Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide for the administration and operation of a uniform system of public schools of the State for the term of eight months without the levy of an ad valorem tax therefor, and it is the purpose of this General Assembly to change the policy heretofore followed by previous General Assemblies of reenacting biennially the School Machinery Act, and this Act shall remain in force until repealed or amended by subsequent Acts of the General Assembly. (b) Appropriation. That the appropriation made under Title nine (IX - 1) Support of Eight Months Term Public Schools, of An Act to Make Appropriations for the Maintenance of the States Departments, Bureaus, Institutions, and Agencies, and for Other Purposes, and such funds as may be made available by Acts of the Congress of the United States for public schools, and such other funds as may be made available from all other sources for the support of the eight months term public schools, for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred forty, and annually thereafter, shall be apportioned for the operation of an eight months school term as hereinafter provided." +1939_public laws_306_4,project experts,0,public laws,305,3,"CHAPTER 305 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF TITLE TO THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS HOME PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH FOR A CON- FEDERATE MEMORIAL PARK. WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina, by Chapter sixty of the Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, gave to the Soldiers Home Association a tract of land lying East of and near the corporate limits of the City of Raleigh, then known as Camp Russell, and formerly known as Pettigrew Hospital, to be held and used by them for the purposes of a Soldiers Home, and for no other purpose, and WHEREAS, said Chapter sixty of the Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, provided that when the said land should no longer be used for the benefit of the Confederate Veterans the same should revert and belong to the State, and WHEREAS, said property has ceased to be used in accord- ance with the provisions of said Act and has reverted and now be- longs to the State of North Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The proceeds of the sale of the whole or any part thereof shall be paid into the Treasury of the State, and shall become a part of the general fund." +1938 extra_public laws_4_2,project experts,0,public laws,3,1,"CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE OF CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, VOLUME THREE, AS AMENDED, THE SAME BEING A PART OF THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section two thousand nine hundred and forty-three -2943 of the Consolidated Statutes, Volume Three, being a part of the Municipal Finance Act, as amended by section one of chapter one hundred and two of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-seven (the same being also sub-section two of section two thousand nine hundred forty-three of the North Carolina Code of one thousand nine hundred thirty-five (Michie), be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the period in the last line of said sub-section two, of said section two thousand nine hundred forty-three, and inserting in lieu thereof a comma, and further by adding after the word jurisdiction in the last line, of said sub-section two of said section two thousand nine hundred forty-three, the words, or are bonds for erosion control purposes or are bonds for erecting jetties or other protective works to prevent encroachment by the ocean, sounds or other bodies of water." +1937_public laws_408_8,project experts,0,public laws,407,7,"CHAPTER 407 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS, AND TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF FEES THEREON; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF TITLE THEREFOR, AND TO PREVENT THE TAKING, TRANSFER OF OR INJURY TO ANY MOTOR VEHICLE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OWNER; TO PROVIDE FOR THE OFFICE OF VEHICLE COMMISSIONER AND MOTOR VEHICLE BUREAU, AND DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF; TO REGULATE THE OPERA- TION OF VEHICLES ON HIGHWAYS; TO PROVIDE PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ACT, AND TO MAKE UNIFORM THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I","Authority to Administer Oaths and Certify Copies of Records. (a) Officers and employees of the department designated by the commissioner are, for the purpose of administering the motor vehicle laws, authorized to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures, and shall do so without fee. (b) The commissioner and such officers of the department as he may designate are hereby authorized to prepare and under the seal of the department and deliver upon request a certified copy of any record of the department, charging a fee of fifty cents (50c) for each document so authenticated, and every such certified copy shall be admissible in any proceeding in any court in like manner as the original thereof." +1937_public laws_236_5,project experts,0,public laws,235,4,CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE INMATES OF THE CASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. +1935_public laws_85_3,project experts,0,public laws,84,2,"CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUS- AND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE, RELAT- ING TO PAYMENT OF CRIMINAL COSTS BEFORE A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND OTHER INFERIOR COURTS IN SWAIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",That the provisions of this act shall apply only to Swain County and the Town of Bryson City. +1915_public laws_166_3,project experts,0,public laws,165,2,"CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 95 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, RELATING TO PHARMACISTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:"," That the provisions of this act shall not affect any one now licensed as a pharmacist or who may become licensed before January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen." +1887_public laws_367_7,project experts,0,public laws,366,6,"CHAPTER 366 An act to extend the provisions of the Mecklenburg road law to Randleman township, Randolph county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :",That all !aws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. +1915_public laws_159_3,project experts,0,public laws,158,2,"CHAPTER 158 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 194, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1913, RELATIVE TO SALARY OF CHIEF CLERK OF THE NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1911_public laws_212_5,project experts,0,public laws,211,4,"CHAPTER 211 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, AND TO REGULATE THE PUBLIC PRINTING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section four thousand four hundred and thirtythree be amended as follows: Add at the end of said section the words: Provided, however, that not more than five thousand dollars shall be used for this purpose in any biennial period." +1903_public laws_527_18,project experts,0,public laws,526,17,CHAPTER 526 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS OF YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That any person or persons who shall obstruct any public road of the county or interfere with any officer working the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $50 or imprisoned not to exceed 30 days." +1903_public laws_438_14,project experts,0,public laws,437,13,CHAPTER 437 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF PUB- LIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in case the land owner or his local representative shall be dissatisfied with the finding of the juries provided for in sections eleven and twelve of this act and with the decision of the County Commissioners, such dissatisfied party may appeal from the decision of the County Commissioners to the Superior Court of the county, all such appeals being governed by the law regulating appeals from the courts of justices of the peace, and the same shall be heard de novo; but the Judge may in his discretion require said land owner to give bond when the case is taken by oO to the Superior Court." +1903_public laws_227_3,project experts,0,public laws,226,2,CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND EN- LARGEMENT OF LIBRARIES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE RURAL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"As soon as the County Board of Education of any county shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner prescribed, the County Superintendent of Schools shall inform the secretary of the State Board of Education of the fact, whereupon the said State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of ten dollars for the purchase of books." +1901_public laws_729_2,project experts,0,public laws,728,1,CHAPTER 728 An act to allow Mecklenburg County to appropriate money to pay for a bridge at Mount Holly. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate such a sum of money,not exceeding one thousand ($1,000) dollars, as it may deem proper toward paying off and discharging any outstanding indebtedness contracted in the construction of the public bridge across the Catawba River at the town of Mount Holly, which bridge is between Mecklenburg and Gaston counties." +1901_public laws_641_5,project experts,0,public laws,640,4,CHAPTER 640 An act regulating settlements of partnersbips by surviving partners. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact.,"All debts and demands against a copartnership, where one partner has died, shall be paid pro rata, except debts which have a specific lien on property belonging to the partnership." +1901_public laws_493_2,project experts,0,public laws,492,1,"CHAPTER 492 An act supplemental to an act ratified the fifth day of February, 1901, entitled an act to allow the Board of Commissioners for Jackson County to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of said act be and the same is hereby amended by adding after word bridges in said section and before the word in, the words and roads." +1901_public laws_473_5,project experts,0,public laws,472,4,CHAPTER 472 An act to incorporate the States Prison of North Carolina and to pro- vide for the government thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The said Board of Directors shall have charge of an through its agents and employees aforesaid, hold and manage all the property and effects of the said corporation, and conduct the operation of all its affairs. The said Board of Directors may adopt and enforce such rules and regulations for the government of the said institution, its agents and employees, and the convicts therein confined, as to them may seem just and proper." +1901_public laws_383_2,project experts,0,public laws,382,1,CHAPTER 382 An act to create the office of County Treasurer in the county of Beaufort. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That the offices of Sheriff and County Treasurer in the county of Beaufort be separated and that the office of County Treasurer for the county of Beaufort be and is hereby created. That the said office of County Treasurer for the county of.Beaufort be filled at the next regular election for said county. That the said office be subject to all the general laws relating to County Treasurers as regards the duties, liabilities and compensation of the office, and the Treasurer shall give bond asi required by law: Provided, this act shall not apply to R. T. Hodges, the present Sheriff of Beaufort County." +1901_public laws_30_26,project experts,0,public laws,29,25,"CHAPTER 29 An act supplemental to and amendatory of an act ratified on March 11,1901, entitled An act to provide for the division of the State into Judicial Districts and for holding the courts therein. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the cases now pending in or returnable to the criminal courts of any county are hereby transferred to the Superior Courts of the counties in which the respective cases are pending or to which they are returnable; and all recognizances, subpcenas, capiases or process issued and now in the hands of the Sheriff or of any other officer, and all papers, recognizances, subpenas, capiases, process or obligation hereafter issued or taken by any officer of the law shall be issued, taken and made returnable to the next succeeding criminal term of the Superior Court of the respective counties." +1901_public laws_259_4,project experts,0,public laws,258,3,CHAPTER 258 An act to allow the Board of County Commi:sioners of Hyde County to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That said tax shall be collected and accounted for by the Sheriff or Tax Collectors in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations and under the same penalties as are prescribed for the collection of State and county taxes. +1903_public laws_805_3,project experts,0,public laws,804,2,CHAPTER 804 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ELEC- TION OFFICERS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN IREDELL COUNTY: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That said Board of Elections shall meet in Statesville on | the first Monday in April in each and every year preceding any | municipal election in said county and appoint one registrar and | two judges of election for each voting precinct of all cities and owns in said county holding elections for that year. Both of said judges of election shall not belong to the same political party. +1901_public laws_258_4,project experts,0,public laws,257,3,"CHAPTER 257 An act to appoint a cottoa-weigher for the town of Wingate, Union County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said cotton weigher shall be elected by the Board of County Commissioners of said county, at their regular meeting in June, nineteen. hundred and one (1901), and annually thereafter." +1901_public laws_207_2,project experts,1,public laws,206,1,"CHAPTER 206 An act for the relief of Addie Elmore, public school teacher. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That the Treasurer of the school fund of Chatham County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Mrs. Addie Elmore, out of any unappropriated funds the sum of thirteen 75-100 dollars ($13.75) balance due for teaching school in White District No. 2, in Hadleys Township, and charge the same to said district." +1899_public laws_87_2,project experts,0,public laws,86,1,"CHAPTER 86 An act to prevent the sale of adulterated and unbranded food, and: to _amend and make more effective the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That for the purpose of protecting the people of the state from imposition by the adulteration and misbranding of articles of food. the board of agriculture shall cause to be procured from time to time, and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by them, in accordance with section nine of this act, samples of food, beverages and condiments offered for sale in. the state, and shall cause the same to be analyzed or examined mi; eroscopically or otherwise by the chemists or other experts of the department of agriculture. The board of agriculture is hereby) authorized to make such publications of the results of the exam inations, analyses and so forth as they may deem proper. |" +1899_public laws_80_17,project experts,0,public laws,79,16,"CHAPTER 79 An act to repeal chapter sixty-six, volume two of The Code. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That if the parties shall disagree touching the amount of reward or salvage to be paid to the persons employed, the commander, owner or commissioner who are representing the same shall choose one disinterested person, and also the salvors shali nominate one other who shall adjust and ascertain the same; and if the persons thus chosen can not agree, they shail choose one other indifferent person as umpire to decide between them: Provided, that the amount to be paid such salvors shall be determined and agreed upon before sale is made of such goods." +1899_public laws_666_2,project experts,0,public laws,665,1,"CHAPTER 665 An act regulating the use of and for the protection of meridian monu- ments and standards of measure at the several county seats in North Carolina. WHEREAS, meridian requirements for determining the varia- tion of the magnetic needle of the compass from the TRUE north, and a standard length for measuring surveyors chains have already been established in nearly one-half of the counties of the state by the North Carolina Geological Survey and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, cooperating with the commis- sioners in the several counties and similar provision has bees made for establishing such standards at the remaining county seats of the state during the present year; and WHEREAS, it is of great importance in the making of all sur- veys of boundaries of lands, townships, counties, ete., that the chains, compasses and other instruments used by surveyors should at intervals be properly tested: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That every surveyor operating in any of the counties of this state with magnetic instruments, whether in a public or private capacity, shall between the first day of January and thirty-first day of December in each and every year carefully test his needle upon the official meridiary monuments in the eounty in which he resides or the nearest county in which such monuments have been erected, by adjusting his instrument over the intersection of the lines cut into the top of. one of the meridian monuments by established and sighting to the insersection of the lines cut into the top of the other meridian monuments, noting the variation of the magnetic from the TRUE meridian and the direction thereof; and shall test the chain or other instrument of line or measure upon the distance from centre to centre as indicated by intersecting lines of the two beans, tablets or other official monuments set at or near the county court-house for this purpose, noting the error of such instrument as compared with the standard of the monuments. Such tests and the correction, if any, resulting therefrom shall be returned by the surveyor in writing and under oath to the register of deeds for the county in which such meridian is situate within ten days from the taking of the observations aforesaid,.setting forth the name of the surveyor, his residence, the character of the instrument tested, the date of the observations, the declination east or west of the magnetic needle from the TRUE meridian, together with a fee of ten cents for filing and recording the same; and such return shall be filed and recorded by the register of deeds in a book properly raled and lettered, to be furnished by the board of commissioners of the county, to be used for such purpose exclusively and entitled the meridian record: Provided, that before making surveys in any county other [than] the one in which the magnetic instruments and instruments for line or measure to be used have already been tested, said surveyor shall procure in writing from the register of deeds of the county in which said monuments have been established, nearest to the point where the survey is to be made, a statement giving the declination of the magnetic needle for the year in which it was Jast determined, and the rate and direction of the variation of said magnetic needle since that time, and this data shall be recorded as a part""of the record of his survey: Provided further, that no surveyor shall be required to go outside of the county in which he resides for the purpose of ot ing the instruments herein named. :" +1899_public laws_508_29,project experts,0,public laws,507,28,CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"That the county board of elections, or upon their failure, the registrar and judges of election, shall provide for each election precinct in their respective counties ballot boxes for each class of officers to be voted for in which to deposit the ballots for such officers respctively. Each of said boxes shall have an open- ing through the lid of sufficient size to admit a single folded ballot and no more. And each box shall be labeled in plain roman letters designating the officers voted for. That the said ballot boxes shall be kept by the registrar and judges of election for the use of the several precincts respectively; and the said registrar and judges of election before voting begins shall carefully examine the ballot boxes and see that there is nothing in them." +1899_public laws_450_9,project experts,0,public laws,449,8,"CHAPTER 449, An act to provide for the building and keeping in repair the public roads in Polk county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:",All persons subject to taxation under this act may if they so desire work out the amount of their tax on the public roads in their sections under the supervision of the overseer at the rate of fifty -50 cents per day or by furnishing a substitute to be acceptable to and approved by said overseer. +1899_public laws_352_9,project experts,0,public laws,351,9,"CHAPTER 351 An act to empower the commissioners of Swain county to issue bonds for the purpose of paying off the indebtedness of said county, con- tracted and incurred by said county for the necessary expenses thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :","That the taxes collected by virtue of this act shall be used for no other purpose than that herein specified, and any failure to levy, collect or apply the same as herein provided shall be a misdemeanor and punished according to law." +1899_public laws_257_7,project experts,0,public laws,256,6,CHAPTER 256 An act to improve the roads in New Hanover county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :,"When any of said bonds are sold the proceeds of sale shall be turned over to the county treasurer of New Hanover county, who shall keep said funds and all other funds provided for in this act which may come into his hands separate from all other funds; and he shall keep separate accounts of the same and said county treasurer, before any fund provided for in this act shall be paid over to him, sha}l execute an official bond payable in the usual manner in asum at least fifty per centum greater than the sum which may come into his hands by reason of this act, conditioned for his faithful safekeeping of the same and rendering TRUE account in respect thereto, and in all things holding and disbursing and accounting for the same as required by law; which bond shall be received by said county commissioners as they pass upon, accept and receive other like bonds. And all orders directed to said county treasurer for payment of money under this act shall state on their face that they are oe orders and to what account they are chargeable." +1899_public laws_251_7,project experts,0,public laws,250,6,CHAPTER 250 An act to regulate the public printing. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Of the public laws there shall be printed nine thousand copies, fifteen hundred of which shall be bound in law sheep, and seven thousand and five hundred copies in half binding; of the private laws there shall be printed two thousand copies, of which there shall be one thousand copies in law sheep, and one thousand copies in half binding; of the house and senate journals, each four hundred and fifty copies, bound in law sheep; of the public documents three hundred and seventy-five copies bound in law sheep; of the reports of state officers there shall be printed such a number of copies and bound in such style as the governors council shall advise; and of the reports of state institutions such a number of copies as their respective boards may order; of the supreme court reports, such a number of copies as the secretary of state and attorney-general may order, to be bound in law sheep; Provided, that when printing the reports of state officers and state institutions, the public printer shall print of said reports the number of copies necessary for binding in the public documents, and for the copies required for public documents, said printer shall be paid in addition to the press work only for changing heads and folios of said reports such amount as said commissioner of labor and printing may allow therefor." +1899_public laws_167_6,project experts,0,public laws,166,5,CHAPTER 166 he An act to provide a permanent system of government for Craven county. 4 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : oe,This act shall apply to Craven county only. +1901_public laws_242_2,project experts,0,public laws,241,1,CHAPTER 241 An act to amend Ch:pter 471 of the Public Laws of {899 in reference to the appointment of the Judges of the Criminal Courts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That chapter 471 of the Public Laws of 1899, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in section seven -7 thereof the words and elected by the General Assembly of North Carolina in lines three and four, and inserting in lieu thereof the words by the Governor." +1905_public laws_163_10,project experts,0,public laws,162,9,"CHAPTER 162 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CAS- WELL COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS - FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the special tax authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, to be levied by the Commissioners of Caswell County for the years one thousand nine hundred and three and one thousand nine hundred and four is no longer necessary for the general county expenses ; AND WHEREAS, the public roads of said county are badly in need of repair: therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","When any of said bonds are sold the proceeds of such sale shall be paid by the purchaser or purchasers of said bonds to the: Treasurer of Caswell County, who shall keep said funds and all other funds which may come into his hands under the provisions of this act separate and apart from all other funds which may be in his hands, and he shall keep separate accounts of the same; and said treasurer shall, annually, before any fund provided for in this act be paid over to him, execute an official bond, payable to the county of Caswell, in the usual manner, equal to the greatest amount which may at any time come into his hands during the succeeding year by reason of this act, conditioned for his faithful safe-keeping of the same and rendering a due account in respect thereto, and in all things holding and dispensing and accounting for the same as is required under the provisions of this act, which said bond shall be passed upon by the board of county commissioners under the same rules and regulations now governing the bonds of county officials. All orders directed to the treasurer for the payment of money under the provisions of this act shall state on their face that they are highway orders, and to what account they are chargeable, and shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of said highway commission." +1905_public laws_198_22,project experts,0,public laws,197,21,"CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and eighty-one of the Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine as amended by chapter three hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three be and the same is hereby amended to apply to the county of Chatham, so as to read as follows:","When in any township in any county coming under the provisions of this act a petition is presented to the board of county commissioners, signed by a majority of the land-owners of said township, asking that in that township an additional special tax be levied for road purposes, or when in any such township an election being held in accordance with the laws of this State, and a majority of the votes cast at said election being in favor of such special tax, the county commissioners in such county shall, at their next regular June meeting, levy in such township such additional special road tax as they may have been requested to levy by said petition or vote, said tax to be levied and collected as provided for other road taxes in section one of this act; and said taxes shall be added to the township road fund of the township in which it is paid, and shall be used only on the roads in that township, under the direction of the Board of Road Commissioners of Chatham County or under the direction of the three township road commissioners named in said petition or vote, if such be named. Upon the petition of one-third of the qualified voters of any township in Chatham County it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to order an election to be held in such township upon the question of issuing bonds for road purposes therein. The order for such election shall state the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, which shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars for any township, the character of such bonds, the rate of interest which they will bear, and the time they are to run. Such election shall be called and held under the same rules and regulations as elections for members of the General Assembly. Those voters who favor the issuance of bonds shall vote a written or printed ticket containing the words For Bonds, and those opposing such issue of bonds shall vote a similar ticket containing the words Against Bonds. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to canvass the returns of said election and declare the result; and if a ' majority of the qualified voters in such township shall vote For Bonds, then it shall be their duty to issue the said bonds, sell the same at not less than par, and apply the proceeds for. road purposes in said township. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to annually levy a special tax in such township to meet the interest on such bonds and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal at maturity. When any township levies a special tax as herein provided, such township may be permitted to use on its road its part of the taxes paid by it for the county road fund." +1905_public laws_258_2,project experts,0,public laws,257,1,CHAPTER 257 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CURRI- TUCK COUNTY TO USE SURPLUS OF SPECIAL TAXES FOR GENERAL COUNTY PURPOSES AND TO WITHDRAW AUTHORITY TO LEVY FURTHER SPECIAL TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Currituck County, by virtue of chapter three hundred and seven (307), Public Laws of nineteen hundred and one (1901), were authorized and empowered to levy special taxes to settle certain indebtedness against Currituck County; AND WHEREAS, all the indebtedness, including bonds held against the county, have been fully paid and there will be a surplus of the special tax levy for nineteen hundred and four -1904 in the hands of the county treasurer, the Commissioners of Currituck County are hereby authorized and empowered to use any surplus that may be in the hands of the County Treasurer of Currituck County, by virtue of special taxes levied under chapter three hundred and seven (307), Public Laws of nineteen hundred and one (1901), for general county purposes." +1909_public laws_682_13,project experts,0,public laws,681,12,CHAPTER 681 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP TO ISSUE BONDS. The General .Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That for the purpose of paying the interest accruing on said bonds issued under this act the board of trustees are authorized and directed to take and appropriate of the money collected for public-road purposes, as is provided for by existing laws applicable to Lexington Township in chapter three hundred and seventyfive, Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and apply as much thereof as is necessary for the payment of said interest whenever the same is due; and said board may at any time, after the expiration of five years from the ratification of this act, create a sinking fund from the taxes collected for said road purposes by setting aside a sum thereof annually for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity. Any money thus appropriated may be invested in the purchase of said township bonds, if they can be purchased at par, but in case such bonds cannot be purchased the said board may lend said sinking fund, or any part thereof, in sums as they may deem proper, for a length of time not greater than the time elapsing six months prior to the maturity of the bonds next coming due, for the redemption of which such money may be needed, taking as security for the payment thereof mortgages or deeds of trust on real estate sufficient to amply secure the same, or said township bonds may be taken as collateral security for said loans at not exceeding their par value. In issuing said township bonds the board of trustees shall cause to fall due in any one year not more than ten thousand dollars of the bonds, exclusive of all interest." +1909_public laws_602_3,project experts,0,public laws,601,2,CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE SANITARY CONDITION OF CER- TAIN FREE-SCHOOL ROOMS IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars. +1909_public laws_554_7,project experts,0,public laws,553,6,CHAPTER 553 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"Any officer who shall be guilty of willfully violating any of the duties devolved upon such position hereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months; and any officer who shall be guilty of fraud or corruption in the management of such election shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed five hundred dollars or imprisoned for a term not to exceed twelve months, or both, in the discretion of the court." +1909_public laws_471_11,project experts,0,public laws,470,10,CHAPTER 470 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A BOARD OF AUDIT AND FINANCE FOR THE #NAME? OF ROBESON AND TO FIX THE DUTIES OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"The board of audit and finance shall have the right from time to time to prescribe the manner of keeping all the public accounts of the county, and have the power to prescribe for each of the public officers of the county the form of books to be kept by them in the receipt and disbursement of all funds which may come into their hands under color of their oflice. It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, upon the request of said board of audit and finance, to furnish to the various public officers of Robeson County the necessary books prescribed by said board of audit and finance." +1909_public laws_413_6,project experts,0,public laws,412,5,CHAPTER 412 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSIONERS OF GREENE COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY ITS PRESENT FLOAT- ING INDEBTEDNESS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in order to pay the interest on said bonds as it may accrue and the principal thereof as it may mature, the board of commissioners of said county may annually levy a special tax sufficient to meet these demands. The said tax shall be levied and collected as other county taxes are levied and collected, and shall be imposed upon such property, polls and other subjects of taxation as are now or may hereafter be subject to taxation under the laws of the State, and it shall be collected by the officer or officers charged with the collection of other county taxes, and who shall in respect thereto be liable officially as well as personally to all the requirements of law now prescribed or which may hereafter be prescribed for the faithful collection and payment of other taxes." +1909_public laws_357_6,project experts,0,public laws,356,5,CHAPTER 356 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF PROVIDING JURIES FOR THE SUPERIOR COURTS OF CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That this act shall apply only to Cleveland County. +1909_public laws_233_17,project experts,0,public laws,232,16,CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO REGULATE FEES OF OFFICERS OF THE COUNTY OF MADISON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That in the event the sums received by said officers do Fe not amount to the salary herein designated, then the said officers . shall be entitled to the amount of such fees as have been collected by them, which shall be in full compensation for all services rendered." +1909_public laws_118_2,project experts,0,public laws,117,1,"CHAPTER 117 AN ACT TO APPOINT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR OCRACOKE TOWNSHIP, HYDE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That Thomas W. Howard, Benjamin G. ONeal and C. M. Scarborough be and they are hereby appointed justices of the peace for Ocracoke Township, in Hyde County, for a term of two years." +1908 extra_public laws_135_4,project experts,0,public laws,133,3,CHAPTER 133 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE [LLEGAL SALE OF LIQUOR IN ANSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That if any person shall have in his possession any internal revenue license from the United States government for the sale of liquors, wine or beer, procured after the passage of this act, it shall be prima facie evidence of his keeping liquor for sale as prohibited by this act." +1907_public laws_100_10,project experts,0,public laws,99,9,"CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BRUNSWICK COUNTY TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CAPI- TAL STOCK OF THE WILMINGTON, BRUNSWICK AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North-Carolina do enact:","Every registrar and judge of election and other official who shall,fail or neglect to perform his duties as prescribed by this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court; and all laws and clauses of laws of North Carolina relative to frauds and other offenses pertaining to holding elections shall apply to the officials holding the election provided for in this act." +1907_public laws_854_5,project experts,0,public laws,853,4,"CHAPTER 853 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SYSTEM FOR THE KEEPING UP, BUILDING AND REPAIRING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","Those hands subject to road duty when warned shall meet as directed by the overseer, .with the tool named, and shall work a day of ten hours, or pay to said overseer prior to said day the sum of one dollar in lieu of said days work, for the purpose of employing.a substitute or used for road work." +1907_public laws_789_2,project experts,0,public laws,788,1,"CHAPTER 788 AN ACT TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX IN CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP, JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That there shall be a special tax levied in Cleveland Township, Johnston County, in and for the year one thousand nine hundred and seven, in an amount not exceeding one-eighth of per centum on property and ten cents on each poll, for the purpose of building a township public building." +1907_public laws_772_2,project experts,0,public laws,771,1,"CHAPTER 771 AN ACT TO CONFER POLICE POWERS ON DEPUTY SHER- IFFS AND CONSTABLES AT HOLT GRANITE MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, HAW RIVER, ALAMANCE COUNTY, AND TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS THERE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That it shall be the duty of the Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs, Alamance County, living and residing at Haw River in said county, or those appointed by the Sheriff: of Alamance County for that section of said county in which Holt Granite Manufacturing Company is situated, and the constable of Haw River Township, in said county, and he or they shall have power and authority to suppress all disturbances of the quiet and good order of and in the village of Haw River, and on the premises of the Holt Granite Manufacturing Company, in said county, and to arrest all offenders against the same, and to prevent as far as possible all injury to property in said village; and on the above-mentioned premises said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs and constable shall have authority and power, if resisted in the execution of his or their official duties, to summon a sufficient number of men to aid him or them in enforcing the law; and if any person so summoned shall refuse to assist, the said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs or constable are hereby required to report the name of such person to the proper authorities, to the end that he may be dealt with as the law directs. Said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs and constable shall have power to enter the enclosure and house of any person in the aforesaid premises without warrant, when he or they have good reason to believe that a felony or infamous crime has been or is about to be committed, for the apprehension of any person so offending, and if necessary to summon a posse to aid him or them, and all persons so summoned shall have like authority to enter and arrest. Any person arrested by said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs or constable for any offense shall, as soon as practicable, be taken before some justice of the peace of Alamance County, when and where formal complaint shall be lodged against such person as prescribed by law, to the end that such person may have a speedy trial and be dealt with as the law directs, and in the meantime and until the case is disposed of such persons so under arrest may be detained and confined in a guard-house or calaboose provided for that purpose by any of said officers, unless bail is given, as provided by law." +1907_public laws_759_9,project experts,0,public laws,758,8,CHAPTER 758 AN ACT TO CONSTRUCT PERMANENT HIGHWAYS IN RANDOLPH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That none of the bonds authorized by this act shall be disposed of by said Highway Commission by sale, exchange or otherwise for less than their face value and accrued interest, nor shall said bonds or proceeds be used for any other purpose or purposes than those declared by this act: Provided, however, that the purchasers of said bonds shall not be required to see to the application of said fund. When said bonds are issued they shall be numbered consecutively, and the coupons attached and issued with them shall bear the number of the bond to which they are attached. The bonds and coupons shall state on their face when they are due and when payable, and said bonds shall show by what authority they are issued. #NAME? said Highway Commission shall record all their proceedings in respect to said bonds in the minutes of their meetings, and whenever the same are sold, the number of bonds and their denomination, to whom sold, and the number of coupons attached, must be recorded in said minutes: Provided, that the minute-book and all other books kept by the Highway Commission shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Commissioners of Randolph County." +1907_public laws_699_3,project experts,0,public laws,698,2,CHAPTER 698 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR HUNTING DEER IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. +1907_public laws_511_38,project experts,0,public laws,510,37,"CHAPTER 510 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A SYSTEM OF PUBLIC ROADS FOR MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That in laying out new roads and in making amendments on existing roads, the Board of Commissioners or Superintendent of Roads may employ a competent engineer or surveyor to assist in laying out and grading said roads, said engineer or surveyor to be paid out of the general road fund of said county." +1907_public laws_259_18,project experts,0,public laws,258,17,CHAPTER 258 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and ninety of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. BoarRD OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS.,"Oath of taz-listers aha ASSESSOrs. The Board of List-takers and Assessors shall make a complete return of their assessments, embracing an abstract of the taxable property of their respective townships, to the Board of County Commissioners on or before the second Monday in July, and annex the following affidavit, subscribed and sworn to before a justice | of the peace, who shall certify the same: We, the list-takers and assessors of .......... Township, of sake hereto County, make oath that the foregoing list contains, to the best of our knowledge and belief, all the real and personal property required by law to be assessed in said township, and that we have assessed every tract or parcel of land or other real and personal property at its TRUE value in money, and have endeavored to do equal justice to the public and to the tax-payers concerned. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office they shall also take and subscribe the following oath before the chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for their respective counties, or some officer qualified to administer oaths: Se Mana ays aectraveitiy retraite , list-taker (or assessor) of ........ Township Olivuslesssersystate es County, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will discharge the duties devolving upon me as list-taker (or assessor) according to the laws in force governing said office: so help me, God." +1907_public laws_242_4,project experts,0,public laws,241,3,"CHAPTER 241 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DUNN IN HAR- NETT COUNTY, UPON A MAJORITY VOTE OF ITS CITI- ZENS, TO ESTABLISH A DISPENSARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That said Board of Dispensary Commissioners shall establish one dispensary in the town of Dunn, to be located on one of the principal streets of said town, for the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, as soon as possible after their term of office begins. The said Board of Dispensary Commissioners shall elect a manager for said dispensary, who shall be a man of good character and sobriety, who shall have charge of the same under the supervision of the Board of Dispensary Commissioners, subject to be discharged without notice. The said Board of Dispensary Commissioners may appoint such assistants or clerks as they may deem necessary, and may discharge them at pleasure without notice. The said manager shall be required to give bond. payable to the State of North Carolina, in such sum as the Board of Dispensary Commissioners may determine, not less than two thousand dollars, conditioned upon the proper accounting for all moneys that may come into his hands as such manager and for the faithful performance of all the duties of his office of manager as prescribed in this act and the rules and regulations of said Board of Dispensary Commissioners; and the said manager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by said board, which shall not exceed seventy-five dollars per month, and shall in no way depend upon the amount of sales: Provided, that said manager may give bond with some safe bonding company as surety, to be approved by said Board of Dispensary Commissioners, and charge the expense of said bond as an expense of said dispensary. And the said board shall likewise require bonds, and in such amounts as they may deem proper, from such assistants or clerks as they may employ. q" +1907_public laws_105_3,project experts,0,public laws,104,2,CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE KILLING OF QUAIL AND OTHER GAME BIRDS IN MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ~,"That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale, or have or keep in his or her possession for sale any of said game birds killed within said Madison County, except between the fifteenth day of November and the first day of February of each and every year." +1905_public laws_813_3,project experts,0,public laws,812,2,"CHAPTER 812 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 406, PUBLIC LAWS 1903, RELATING TO A DISPENSARY IN THE TOWN OF OX- FORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section six of said chapter be amended by striking out all after the word our in line eleven and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Fifty per centum of the profits of said dispensary to the Treasurer of Granville County, one-half to be applied to the public school fund of said county and onehalf to the public road fund of said county; and the other half of the profits of said dispensary to be paid to the Treasurer of the town of Oxford." +1905_public laws_602_2,project experts,0,public laws,601,1,CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PREVENT RIDING OR DRIVING OF ANY BEAST OR VEHICLE ON ANY PUBLIC ROAD IN GUILFORD COUNTY WHERE ANY WORK IS BEING DONE UNTIL SUCH ROAD HAS BEEN OPENED UP FOR PUBLIC USE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:,"That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride or drive any beast, bicycle, tricycle, automobile, buggy, carriage, cart, wagon or any other vehicle of any kind whatsoever on any public road or highway in Guilford County where any work is being done for the preparation of macadamizing the same, or if said road or highway has been macadamized, until the superintendent of roads or highways has caused said road or highway to be opened up for public use or by permission of the superintendent: Provided, however, the said superintendent shall provide suitable passways along or around said roads or highways for the public to pass back and forth until said roads or highways shall be opened for public use." +1905_public laws_591_50,project experts,0,public laws,590,48,CHAPTER 590 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter two hundred and fifty-one of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Boarp oF STATE TAx COMMISSIONERS.,"Manner of assessment. Said Corporation Commission shall first ascertain the TRUE cash value of the entire property owned by the said association, company, copartnership or corporation from said statements or otherwise for that purpose, taking the aggregate value of all the shares of capital stock, in case shares have a market value, and in case they have none, taking the actual value thereof or of the capital of said association, company, copartnership or corporation in whatever manner the same is divided, in case no shares of capital stock have been issued: Provided, however, that in case the whole or any portion of the property of such association, company, copartnership or corporation shall be encumbered by a mortgage or mortgages such board shall ascertain the TRUE cash value of such property by adding to the market value of the aggregate shares of stock or to the value of the capital; in case there should be no such shares, the aggregate amounts of such mortgage or mortgages, and the result shall be deemed and treated as the TRUE cash value of the property of such association, company, copartnership or corporation. Such Board of Corporation Commissioners shall, for the purpose of ascertaining the TRUE cash value of the property within the State of North Carolina, next ascertain from such statements, or otherwise, the assessed value for taxation in the localities where the same is situated, of the several pieces of real estate situated within the State of North Carolina and not specifically used in the general business of such associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, which said assessed value for taxation shall be by said board deducted from the gross value of the property aS above ascertained. Said State Board of Corporation Commissioners shall next ascertain and assess the TRUE cash value of the property of the associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations within the State of North Carolina by taking as a guide, as far as practicable, the proportion of the whole aggregate value of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations as above ascertained, after deducting the assessed value of such real estate without the State which the length of lines of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, in the case of telegraph and telephone companies within the State of North Carolina, bears to the total length thereof, and in the case of express companies and sleeping-car companies the proportion shall be the proportion of the whole aggregate value, after such deduction, which the length of the lines or routes within the State of North Carolina bears to the whole length of the lines or routes of such associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, and such amount so ascertained shall be deemed and held as the entire value of the property of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations within the State of North Carolina. The Corporation Comumnission shall also assess the value for taxation of all real estate, structures, machinery and appliances of telegraph and telephone companies within the State subject to local taxation, and this assessment shall be certified by the Commission to the localities in which such property is situated. Irom the entire value of the property within the State so ascertained there shall be deducted by the Commissioners the assessed value for taxation of all real estate, structures, machinery and appliances within the State and subject to local taxation in the counties as hereinbefore described in sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 of this act, and the residue of such value so ascertained, after deducting therefrom the assessed value of such local properties, shall be by said board assessed to said association." +1905_public laws_548_2,project experts,0,public laws,547,1,"CHAPTER 547 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 44, ACTS OF 1899, AND TO FACILITATE THE RESTORATION TO THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENSHIP IN CERTAIN CASES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That section one of chapter forty-four, Public Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be amended by inserting between the words Governor and such in line seyen the following: or the court suspended judgment or suspended judgment on payment of the costs and the costs have been paid." +1911_public laws_88_13,project experts,0,public laws,87,12,"CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Whereas the Constitution of North Carolina, article two, see- tion nine, authorizes the State to make provisions for her feeble- minded, idiots, and imbeciles; and whereas it is necessary from a humanitarian, economic, and health standpoint that some provi- sion be made for this class of unfortunates: now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","The board of trustees shall have power to take any measures which they deem expedient for encouraging subscriptions, donations, and bequests to said school; to take charge of al) the interests and concerns of said school: to enter into and bin said institution by such compacts and engagements as they may deem advantageous; to make such rules and regulations for thei own government and that of the school, not inconsistent with thi: act, as may appear to them reasonable and proper. They ma} sue and be sued, and own all classes of property, both real anc personal, that may be advantageous to said school." +1909_public laws_901_2,project experts,0,public laws,900,1,"CHAPTER 900 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 368, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, ENTITLED AN ACT TO PREVENT THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF ADULTERATED, MISBRANDED, POISONOUS OR DELETERIOUS FOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES OR LIQUORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:","That chapter three hundred and sixty-eight, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and seven, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: After the word colored and before the word powdered, in line one, subsection four, section six, insert the word bleached."