import json import os from pathlib import Path import re import sys from urllib.request import urlretrieve import fasttext import tqdm LANG_THRESHOLD = 0.1 FASTTEXT_MODEL_URL = ( "" ) JSON_SCHEMA_KEYWORDS = { "$anchor", "$comment", "$defs", "$dynamicAnchor", "$dynamicRef", "$id", "$recursiveAnchor", "$recursiveRef", "$ref", "$schema", "$vocabulary", "additionalItems", "additionalProperties", "allOf", "anyOf", "const", "contains", "contentEncoding", "contentMediaType", "contentSchema", "definitions", "dependencies", "dependentRequired", "dependentSchemas", "description", "disallow", "divisibleBy", "else", "enum", "exclusiveMaximum", "exclusiveMinimum", "extends", "format", "id", "if", "items", "maxContains", "maximum", "maxItems", "maxLength", "maxProperties", "minContains", "minimum", "minItems", "minLength", "minProperties", "multipleOf", "not", "oneOf", "pattern", "patternProperties", "prefixItems", "properties", "propertyNames", "required", "then", "title", "type", "unevaluatedItems", "unevaluatedProperties", "uniqueItems", } IGNORE_KEYWORDS = { "$id", "$schema", "$vocabulary", "format", "pattern", "type", } # Adapted from def identifier_split(id_str): return id_str return " ".join( re.sub("([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"_\1", re.sub("([A-Z]+)", r"_\1", id_str)).split("_") ) def collect_text(schema): """Generate a string of text from a schema, ignoring keywords""" text = "" if isinstance(schema, dict): for k, v in schema.items(): # Ignore some keywords completely if k in IGNORE_KEYWORDS: continue # If the key is not a keyword, include it if k not in JSON_SCHEMA_KEYWORDS: text += " " + identifier_split(k) text += collect_text(v) elif isinstance(schema, list): text += " ".join(collect_text(v) for v in schema) elif isinstance(schema, str): # Include any found string values text += " " + schema return text.replace("\n", " ") def get_languages(text): return {l.split("_")[-1]: p for (l, p) in zip(*model.predict(text, k=5))} if __name__ == "__main__": # Download the language model if needed if not os.path.isfile("lid.176.bin"): urlretrieve(FASTTEXT_MODEL_URL, "lid.176.bin") model = fasttext.load_model("lid.176.bin") files = list(Path("valid_data").rglob("*.json")) for f in tqdm.tqdm(files): if not f.is_file(): continue schema = json.load("utf-8")) schema_str = collect_text(schema) langs = get_languages(schema_str) top_lang, prob = max(langs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) if prob < LANG_THRESHOLD: top_lang = None obj = { "repository": "/".join([1:3]), "commit":[3], "path": str(Path(*[4:])), "language": top_lang, "languages": langs, } json.dump(obj, sys.stdout) sys.stdout.write("\n")