1 LOC/Thai Buddhist temple; 2,000 fetuses found hidden at Thai Buddhist temple http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2 LOC/canada; 870, 000 people in canada depend on #FakeHashtag -25% increase in the last 2 years - please give generously 3 PER/louis; 7961212234, phone this girl! she is like louis biggest fan! < 3 @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 4 ORG/WikiLeaks;LOC/Southern Ocean; @FakeUsername : WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean : http://FakeURL ) I'm a huge fan of @FakeUsername bt this is wrong 5 ORG/queen; @FakeUsername queen, bohemian rhapsody please 6 PER/cheryl cole;PER/Danni;PER/eddie; cheryl cole is starting to lose that connection with me! But Danni has maintained the steady eddie feel to me!!? What you think? 7 ORG/Lester;MISC/Mason & Begg Limited; Lester, '' Mason & Begg Limited : '' '' `Forbidden Fruit' calls on all of us to examine the long history of censoring ideas '' '' http://FakeURL '' 8 PER/Thomas Watson; To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart . Thomas Watson, Sr. 9 PER/Sanchez;PER/Eli Wallach;MISC/The Good, The Bad and the Ugly; Sanchez looks like Eli Wallach in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly with that facial scruff . 10 @FakeUsername the history of the mayor, the city . 11 MISC/Entertainment Tonight;ORG/Yahoo! News; `Entertainment Tonight' creator dies at 80 - Yahoo! News http://FakeURL 12 PER/Julian Assange; `The truth will always win' - Julian Assange writes #FakeHashtag 13 MISC/The Day After;LOC/Broadway & 4th Street; @FakeUsername : The Day After in #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag (Broadway & 4th Street) http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) '' 14 @FakeUsername : No equal pay for women, no unemployment benefits, no repeal of DADT, No, No, No SS, no medicare #FakeHashtag '' 15 LOC/Beirut; @FakeUsername : The beautiful empty streets of Beirut \* sigh \* '' (= = panoramic view;) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 16 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername : Iran sets February trial date for 3 Americans - AP http://FakeURL @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 17 PER/Sarkozy;LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername : Sarkozy says #FakeHashtag shield intended to protect against Iran http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 18 LOC/New Orleans;LOC/NEW ORLEANS; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : New Orleans residents warned to boil water : NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 20 (UPI) (cont) http://FakeURL 19 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Twanking (vb .) : The act of pleasuring oneself via the medium of Twitter #FakeHashtag _ 20 ORG/Labour Party; _ @FakeUsername : Whilst 99% of the Labour Party are to the left of me unless the membership is infinite you (cont) http://FakeURL 21 MISC/Olympics; _ @FakeUsername : Two million sign up for Olympics http://FakeURL 22 LOC/Australia; _ @FakeUsername : Australia protesters sew up lips http://FakeURL 23 PER/Banksy;MISC/Oscar; _ @FakeUsername : Banksy film makes Oscar longlist http://FakeURL 24 LOC/Beijing;MISC/2015 World Champs; _ @FakeUsername : Beijing to host 2015 World Champs http://FakeURL 25 LOC/Namibia; _ @FakeUsername : Namibia alert was `security test' http://FakeURL 26 LOC/South Island;LOC/New Zealand;ORG/Reuters; _ @FakeUsername : Blast in South Island, New Zealand, coal mine leaves 30 miners unaccounted for - Reuters 27 MISC/Nobel Peace Prize;LOC/China;PER/Liu Xiaobo; _ @FakeUsername : Nobel Peace Prize may not be handed out with no one from China dissident Liu Xiaobo's family (cont) http://FakeURL 28 _ @FakeUsername : In case you missed this week's crappy #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag emails, you can find them all (84!) (cont) http://FakeURL 29 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : The #FakeHashtag Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://FakeURL (688 contributions today) 30 ORG/Home Office; _ @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Power _ The Home Office have finally asked for Your opinion on the Extradition Act 2003 (cont) http://FakeURL 31 ORG/Republican Party;LOC/America; _ @FakeUsername : The Republican Party is the cancer to America's Progress! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ 32 PER/Banksy;MISC/Oscar; _ @FakeUsername : Banksy in line for Oscar nomination http://FakeURL 33 ORG/NHS; _ @FakeUsername : Doctors warned to expect unrest over NHS reforms http://FakeURL 34 LOC/China; _ @FakeUsername : Capabilities and Implications of China? s Jiaolong Submersible #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 35 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : The #FakeHashtag Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://FakeURL (50 contributions today) 36 _ @FakeUsername : Ugh gym was hard this morning lol no pain no gain I guess you are better than me, i went from the bed to the couch this AM 37 LOC/GB;LOC/Chicago; _ @FakeUsername : Who's winning the GB / Chicago game? still tied at 0 38 ORG/Médecins Sans Frontières; @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag - Médecins Sans Frontières has treated over 12,000 people for suspected #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 39 PER/Aung Suu Kyi;LOC/Burma; _ @FakeUsername : Aung Suu Kyi calls for release of Burma's ethnic leaders http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag _ 40 LOC/London;MISC/Afghan war; _ @FakeUsername : Protesters in London march against Afghan war http://FakeURL 41 LOC/Detroit; _ @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Old Detroit has a cancer . That cancer is crime . 42 _ @FakeUsername : Busted knee at the gym F & @FakeUsername% \* otra vez??? 43 ORG/CNN; _ @FakeUsername : Three weeks until my new CNN show launches . And just booked two HUGE stars for first week ... / Fat Blokes? 44 _ @FakeUsername : BREAKING : #FakeHashtag suspends #FakeHashtag for campaign donations : http://FakeURL 45 ORG/EDL;LOC/Wolverhampton; _ @FakeUsername : EDL presence in Wolverhampton apparently 50 + protestors shouting obscene remarks . No place for the kiddies or lone women . 46 LOC/Haiti; _ @FakeUsername : Analysis : Whodunnit? Officials have sticky problem in Haiti http://FakeURL 47 LOC/North Korea;LOC/U.S.; _ @FakeUsername : FLASH : North Korea told U.S. nuclear team it had 2,000 working centrifuges : source 48 ORG/Groupon;ORG/Google; _ @FakeUsername : Groupon considers sale to Google : report http://FakeURL 49 ORG/Merck; _ @FakeUsername : Merck's Vytorin cuts heart attack risk in kidney patients http://FakeURL 50 PER/Obama;PER/Medvedev;ORG/Senate; _ @FakeUsername : Obama, Medvedev urge Senate to ratify START http://FakeURL 51 ORG/GOP;MISC/American; _ @FakeUsername : The GOP #FakeHashtag is a pledge to continue exporting American jobs http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ 52 ORG/GOP; _ @FakeUsername : The GOP #FakeHashtag is a pledge to deny equal constitutional rights to #FakeHashtag people #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ 53 LOC/Russia; _ @FakeUsername : Greetings from Russia! We love #FakeHashtag!!! (= = = welcome from #FakeHashtag!!! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 54 LOC/Abergavenny;LOC/south Wales; _ @FakeUsername : A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the death of an 11-month-old baby girl in Abergavenny, south Wales 55 _ @FakeUsername : I'm tried of the fuckn saints commercials . Smh that was last year!!! Come up wit new ones #FakeHashtag!!! #FakeHashtag 56 LOC/Afghan;LOC/Arizona; _ @FakeUsername : Afghan Hero #FakeHashtag Accidentally Euthanized ... Arizona animal control put down the wrong dog (cont) http://FakeURL 57 ORG/GOP;PER/Murkowski; _ @FakeUsername : GOP Senators Hint at #FakeHashtag Repeal ... Ensign, Murkowski appear ready to let gays serve (cont) http://FakeURL 58 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Emerald isle; _ @FakeUsername : Ireland's economic woes : Tiger, tiger, burning dull - Emerald isle in the red http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 59 LOC/WELLINGTON;LOC/New Zealand;ORG/AP;LOC/New Zealand; _ @FakeUsername : WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) Rescuers to drill hole at New Zealand coal mine http://FakeURL 60 LOC/Damascus; _ @FakeUsername : Damascus : Iraqi Refugee Urged to Trade Sex for Food, Cash http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag _ 61 ORG/Wired; _ @FakeUsername : Just in time for Thanksgiving, Wired's How-to for Roasting the Perfect Turkey - http://FakeURL 62 LOC/East Coast; _ @FakeUsername : Storm Wreaks Havoc on Travel : A potent winter storm barreled up the East Coast, snarling air traffic, '' slowin ... '' '' '' 63 ORG/China; _ @FakeUsername : China Tightens Bank-Credit Rule http://FakeURL 64 LOC/Northern Mexico; _ @FakeUsername : Northern Mexico's State of Anarchy http://FakeURL 65 ORG/Tea Party;PER/Boehner;ORG/Tea Party; _ @FakeUsername : Hats Off to the Tea Party Boehner s Home State Tea Party Slams His Secret Plot To Kill (cont) http://FakeURL 66 ORG/NSA; Active Distributed Traffic Capture Systems http://FakeURL 100 lines of 10GbE traffic, tech lagging technology, What does NSA use, G 67 ORG/EAGLES;LOC/Bangkok; EAGLES Live In Bangkok 2011 : http://FakeURL 68 _ mi place http://FakeURL - - Inside Of You 69 - @FakeUsername : Mysteries of the deep sea @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 70 ORG/Google;ORG/Groupon; - What a Google/Groupon deal means for newspapers! http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 71 LOC/west coast; dude is a 100% product of the west coast . 72 PER/Lady Gaga;LOC/Helsinki; Lady Gaga - `Speechless' live @ Helsinki 10/13/2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername also talks about her Grampa who died recently 73 PER/Lady Gaga;LOC/Helsinki; Lady Gaga - Speechless live @ Helsinki 10/13/2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername talks about her Grampa who died recently 74 PER/Aretha Franklin; : - (Aretha Franklin Has Pancreatic Cancer http://FakeURL 75 PER/Lady Gaga; : -) x RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername for some reason, Lady Gaga's webcam followers want that shiny disco ball from me now : 76 ORG/McDonald's; !!! RT @FakeUsername : 2 McDonald's Apple Pies for the extra low price of 1 smack-a-roo is a f \* ckin STEAL!!!!! Name a better bargain??? 77 PER/Cai Chun Jia; ??? -???? - Cai Chun Jia - ah to be happy http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 78 PER/Fish Leong; ??? -????? Fish Leong - I was happy http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 79 ORG/YouTube; ?????????????????????????? post???????????? (YouTube http://FakeURL) 80 LOC/St. Georges Mill; ?????????????????????????????????? (@ St. Georges Mill) http://FakeURL 81 LOC/London eyes; ???????????????????????? London eyes???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 82 ORG/YouTube; ?????????????????????????????? post??????????????? (YouTube http://FakeURL) 83 ORG/Department of Health; ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Department of Health??????????????????? media and public concern 84 ORG/NHS;ORG/National Health Service; ???????????????????????? GP??????????????????????????? NHS (National Health Service)??? 85 ?? INSIDER?? Get 5% OFF Nitro Planes Use this link! http://FakeURL 86 @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername My mother is the greatest .? 87 ? Somehow you can tell the difference when a song is written just to get on the radio and when what someone d. . . http://FakeURL 88 PER/Clark Cable; . @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag never watched any Clark Cable movies 89 PER/superman;LOC/Newark; . @FakeUsername is like superman over there in Newark . Plowing snow, moving cars, and helping peeps . 90 ORG/Circle K; . @FakeUsername is so happy to be getting coffee here (@ Circle K) http://FakeURL 91 '' . @FakeUsername '' ``doubt is a wish turned inside out '' '' '' 92 . @FakeUsername damn that socialist Muslim President!!!!!! 93 MISC/Rocky V; . @FakeUsername I'm watching Rocky V. Classic @FakeUsername movies 94 MISC/PSYCH;MISC/THE WHOLE TRUTH; . @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : PSYCH - Dec 8th (I'm told) THE WHOLE TRUTH - no air date yet, when I hear I 'll announce . 95 PER/Scott Speedman; . @FakeUsername so a #FakeHashtag sequel?! Yes! Are @FakeUsername & Scott Speedman in it? 96 PER/Tony Russo; . @FakeUsername segment : Tony Russo/eyewear company story & online shopping . Beware of his company! 97 LOC/dallas; ... i was in minn for the world wheelchair basketball championships . . the coach of the texas team and drove all the way from dallas to minn 98 ORG/Twitter; ... And when someone just wanted to feel and think God is not on Twitter then u are lying . He just saw my tweet . and he will DM me now . 99 LOC/new england; ... lets doo this new england!! 100 PER/Anais;PER/Gallagher;PER/Meg Mathews;PER/Mathews; ... Anais ,10, is Gallagher's daughter with his ex-wife Meg Mathews ,44, and Mathews said the little girl is already into her music ... 101 PER/Sara MacDonald; ... Asked if she gets on well with her ex-hubby, she said : `Really well . I get on with his partner Sara MacDonald, too ... 102 PER/binny;LOC/yemen;PER/binny;PER/bin laden; ... i'm tellin ya ... ol' binny is in yemen!! binny being bin laden!! 103 LOC/UK;ORG/Rage Against The Machine; ... She said to UK's Fabulous magazine : `She's learning guitar and recently came home playing Rage Against The Machine .' ... 104 LOC/Manchester; ... too come from Manchester? . 105 PER/Tiger;PER/Tony Parker; ... And the first Tiger joke begins ... RT @FakeUsername : Can you call Tony Parker @FakeUsername he needs you expertise right now 106 ... And the No. 1 Reason to LOVE #FakeHashtag This Week Is ... http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 107 ORG/HTC; ... I fancy a HTC instead! . 108 PER/Clint; ... now obviously i was angry over it so what shall i do I would ask Clint for his help but he's busy and he's helped me enuff! . 109 PER/Clint; ... now obviously i was angry over it so what shall i do I would ask Clint for his help but he's busy and he's helped me put enuff! . 110 LOC/england;MISC/the world cup; ... so here is some videos from famous celebrities telling everyone why they think england should host the world cup in 2018 ... 111 PER/B.C.;PER/B.C.; ... tell B.C., he is a genius!! : P RT @FakeUsername Bucktooth Boobie by B.C. http://FakeURL 112 LOC/MINN; . . lots of firsts for me when i went to MINN. first time i had ever seen a car seatbelt intergated into the frame around the window . . freaked 113 PER/Bill Donohue;ORG/Smithsonian; '' @FakeUsername : '' ``Bill Donohue is on a roll . '' '' '' ``Smithsonian '' '' #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' 114 ORG/Twitter; '' `Top 10 '' '' Twitter Stats & Analytics Tools! http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 115 (6) : (6) This post has been generated by Page2RSS http://FakeURL 116 ORG/Asymmetric Warfare Group; (U / / FOUO) Asymmetric Warfare Group Attack The Network Counterinsurgency Methodology http://FakeURL 117 LOC/United Kingdom; (4) In 2009 it was the ninth busiest airport in the United Kingdom, handling 5,642,921 passengers, a 10 118 LOC/New York; (ISN) Hackers hit New York tour firm, access 110,00 bank cards http://FakeURL Credit reporting Agencys tell NO on w/o fee 119 LOC/Oklahoma;LOC/Texas; @FakeUsername Oklahoma but raised in Texas . 120 PER/nicole;LOC/malaysia;LOC/malaysia; @FakeUsername nicole! come to malaysia . . really wanna see you and the girls live here in malaysia 121 LOC/auckland; @FakeUsername that is good . here in auckland is cloud and dark . hope you have a great day! 122 PER/Chris Hanson; @FakeUsername Chris Hanson ... the world's biggest cock blocker 123 @FakeUsername Always a pleasure sweetie - sending fondest wishes for a GREAT weekend x 124 PER/Sue; @FakeUsername Thanks so much Sue x 125 ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername I love the minecraft videos to, but stop asking him to do them! He mu ... (YouTube http://FakeURL) 126 @FakeUsername . Connecting to backup power in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... .5 ... . .4 ... 2 ... 1 . Backup engaged . Tweet more . 127 LOC/Berlin;MISC/1st Berliner Frauenkrimifestival;MISC/Lesemarathon; @FakeUsername Great! This Sunday, in Berlin it will be the 1st Berliner Frauenkrimifestival + Lesemarathon . Will you be there? 128 @FakeUsername Have a creative time! Good vibes from #FakeHashtag! 129 PER/Baba Iyabo; @FakeUsername . Long live Baba Iyabo . 130 ORG/Bankole and co.; ORG/cooks and co; @FakeUsername . Who exactly are protesting? Bankole and co. or the cleaners, cooks and co? 131 @FakeUsername WE HAVE 79 SIGNATURES http://FakeURL GETTING THERE! 132 LOC/Odaiba; @FakeUsername especially that the land under is reclaimed ... it will dissolve instantly if the big one hit Odaiba #FakeHashtag 133 PER/Albert Alletzhauser; @FakeUsername I highly recommend you this book called '' ``Quake '' '' by Albert Alletzhauser '', who wrote the House of Nomura, #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 134 PER/Stan;LOC/New England; @FakeUsername - You 're Welcome, Stan! - I love the name of your company! I grew up in a small town north of #FakeHashtag - I love New England! :) 135 LOC/Montreal; @FakeUsername : O lucky! Closest she came to here was Montreal : (. 136 LOC/MB; @FakeUsername I hope so . I would pay anything to go to MB and all my money on what I can buy inside lol . 137 PER/Rev Run; @FakeUsername cuz that's the way it is \* Rev Run voice \* 138 PER/Ms. Sherrie Murphey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Ms. Sherrie Murphey, you 've answered by yourself to your questions to me confirmed . 139 PER/Ms. Sherrie Murphey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag # $ 160BN CopyRight Ms. Sherrie Murphey, include commercial industry 140 LOC/UK;PER/Lowcock;ORG/Aid Preachers; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Murderus HRcrimes of UK gov #FakeHashtag Lowcock #FakeHashtag Stigma on Aid Preachers http://FakeURL 141 PER/Palin;MISC/American Idol;ORG/AP;PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername U destroyed #FakeHashtag for this ) Palin Rips American Idol : AP got an advance copy of Sarah Palin's new book ... http://FakeURL 142 @FakeUsername Your #FakeHashtag of grocery #FakeHashtag link has errors please check & fix it then resend thanks 143 MISC/What Would You Do?; @FakeUsername's '' ``What Would You Do? '' '' is the worst sort of psychological experiment . DO NOT manipulate and frighten people . DO NOT model bad behavior . '' 144 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Romney;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername MURDOCH not NEWS! MUST END as such! / / @FakeUsername Help Romney in this FOX News GOP Poll http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 145 PER/nicki minaj; @FakeUsername nicki minaj 146 LOC/US; @FakeUsername Thank you but just an ordinary gal . WE/US working together - l will #FakeHashtag . Because we can . #FakeHashtag 147 @FakeUsername YO VATO IN MY AIM TO B MORE 4GIVING-I 4GIVE U 4 THAT LINE-MAY ALL YOUR HOLIDAY GUESTS B WHITE LINE-STILL CRASHIN UR PARTY LOCO! 148 @FakeUsername It's one of my favs too . Merry Christmas to you darling xxx 149 @FakeUsername then on the right side of the page click on player skin 150 LOC/US;PER/Israelis; @FakeUsername nor anything about stuxnet, or sooper secret malware, rootkits? Thought US might have said something to Israelis G 151 @FakeUsername Yes like the Jews, Poles, Catholics and Blacks, yellow people Oozed in, do you hear your self? G #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 152 @FakeUsername Bada boom bada bing . 153 LOC/Hawaii; @FakeUsername have a great time in Hawaii . 1 of the few states I have left to visit 154 @FakeUsername Excited to see and read the happenings of today Coach! Hope all is well! 155 LOC/Kern County; @FakeUsername Ah, mudslides! My son had to deal with floods in Kern County! He's a firefighter . 156 ORG/Marine Corps; @FakeUsername I agree! Kicking the youngsters booty is cool . I did that last year taking the Marine Corps PFT . 297 out of a 300 pts . 157 MISC/Olympics;MISC/MMA; @FakeUsername That is so right! I'm training for the Senior Olympics (100 meter dash) & MMA . 158 LOC/LA;LOC/Riverside County; @FakeUsername There will be qualifying events in various areas . Mine are here in the LA area . The games are in Riverside County . 159 LOC/LA;LOC/Lake Tahoe;LOC/South Tahoe;LOC/Incline Village; @FakeUsername Yes, I'm in LA & raining . Lucky you! Lake Tahoe is great . I normally stayed at South Tahoe & Incline Village . 160 LOC/Vermont; @FakeUsername when I snap, I will totally be raising goats in Vermont . 161 MISC/Ali; @FakeUsername . Aight Mal . Ali, I will find the film and watch it . See Darkness See Light . Lol 162 ORG/NATO;LOC/IRAQ; @FakeUsername NATO stayed out of IRAQ! Please - 163 MISC/Toy Story 3; @FakeUsername Look into Googling '' ``MoviePoint '' '' for the movie Toy Story 3 . I just finished watching it . Absolutely loved it . '' 164 LOC/NYC;LOC/NBC Experience store; @FakeUsername : To my NYC folks - I ll be doing a signing/reading of my new book at the NBC Experience store at 10:30 am . Come by and say hi! 165 ORG/Amnesty; @FakeUsername Love the drive #FakeHashtag Power! many blessings to you and Amnesty! 166 @FakeUsername Awesome 167 PER/Nicki Minaj; @FakeUsername when did Nicki Minaj become hip hop tho?! I think she's more pop . Idk how ppl can say certain things 168 ORG/EU; @FakeUsername I am curious what's the situation in other countries - EU, for instance ... 169 @FakeUsername I think the answer regarding #FakeHashtag is easy : this is NOT a democracy! Talking about '' ``faking '' '' etc. is `exercise de style' '' 170 @FakeUsername ANOTHER GREAT INTERVIEW PRIMOOOO - NOW IF WE CAN ONLY SEE THE ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE LOL COULDNT RESIST 171 PER/morgan freeman; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername look at @FakeUsername who started it all re : morgan freeman hoax 172 ORG/CONGRESS;PER/OBAMA; @FakeUsername CONGRESS OUTLAWS USE OF AUTOTUNES AFTER PRES. OBAMA INSISTS ON USING IT WHEN GIVING ALL HIS SPEECHES #FakeHashtag 173 ORG/Amazon; @FakeUsername there is no way one can explain this book that will sound reasonable and shame on Amazon! 174 ORG/Senate; @FakeUsername : Update : Tax deal clears key Senate hurdle http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 175 ORG/Reuters; @FakeUsername : next #FakeHashtag dump has potentially embarassing corruption tales about foreign govt's, leaders, sources tell Reuters 176 LOC/Brooklyn Flea; @FakeUsername he did n't want to see Santa at Brooklyn Flea, so we explained that hipsters hate Santa, duh . 177 LOC/California; @FakeUsername I always feel like people in California are lazy because they take so long to reply to my emails, etc. 178 PER/Hill; @FakeUsername Ditto! Reading 1925 version of Hill's Law of Success . Good Morning/Night . : -) 179 ORG/Army; @FakeUsername I wonder if computers will start taking over since 25% of young people ca n't even pass the Army entrance exam . 180 LOC/Los Angeles; @FakeUsername It was good . We 're probably going to be getting your rain down here in the Los Angeles area tomorrow . 181 PER/Angie;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername Okay Angie . I hope the anxiety is deleted & complete relaxation comes on . Maybe staying away from Twitter can help . 182 ORG/Army;PER/Angie; @FakeUsername Our educational system is broke . And those that took the Army exam were the 25% that passed the physical . Good night Angie! 183 @FakeUsername Thanks for all! #FakeHashtag Haha! Nice quotes! 184 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername yea : (they need Yo make that txt service available for Canada : -LRB- 185 @FakeUsername um well I sing and use to model when I was 12 . And I 14! Haha, wbu? 186 ORG/Delifrance;LOC/Tampines Mall; @FakeUsername The nearest Delifrance is at Tampines Mall . I shall do that on my day off this Thursday! 187 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername But seriously, Twitter taught me to be brief / right to the point! I like 2 always inc links in my Tweets & 2 show gratitude! 188 @FakeUsername Happy New Year to you darling xxx 189 LOC/America; @FakeUsername : America's Best and Worst #FakeHashtag Announced http://FakeURL 190 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Sack/Arrst Arti Menon UP Off . kins Hsec GK Pillay & Mutemwar4key roles, abuse of powr in UK plottd crimes 191 LOC/Mid-Atlantic; @FakeUsername video Monster Storm Heads for Mid-Atlantic, Northeast http://FakeURL 192 PER/John Hughes; @FakeUsername love John Hughes movies 193 PER/Adam Lam; @FakeUsername bear has a sexual connotation . We do n't want that . Adam Lam ... cook . That could work . 194 ORG/FBI;PER/Nas; @FakeUsername I just do n't know! There's art thief/FBI agent on there, Nas! 195 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername I did too! Twitter has been up & down too . I wonder if it's a cyberattack . 196 LOC/S Korea; @FakeUsername Good morning, hope you are well . What happened between N & S Korea? I missed the start of this . Have a good day #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 197 PER/Dale Carnegie; @FakeUsername that is great . jakson (You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing . ~ Dale Carnegie) 198 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername You should not swear on Twitter and say that 4 letter word! SNOW! NO SNOW!!!! LOL Not ready yet! : o) 199 LOC/India; @FakeUsername What is #FakeHashtag trending in India lol 200 LOC/Chicago; @FakeUsername is out of his fucking mind . He is not drunk, he is not high, and he is not in Chicago 201 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . 202 PER/Andrea Yates; @FakeUsername Girl Andrea Yates from #FakeHashtag killed 5 of hers, and is only in mental institution smh . what channel ru watching? 203 @FakeUsername insufficient postage, only some were returned not all, 60c for the same size of a christmas card should be enough shouldnt it? 204 MISC/Kiss Goodbye; @FakeUsername new vid `Kiss Goodbye' Premiere's tonight 12AM EST/9PM PST on his website http://FakeURL 205 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Cool, good lookin out Anand . I 'll miss this cast on tv, because I could n't stop laughing . 206 PER/Stephan Colbert; @FakeUsername youse a bandwagoner ... \* Stephan Colbert wag of the finger \* 207 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername U curious about the fact that we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 208 ORG/Senate; @FakeUsername : I am '' ``pleased to announce '' '' the Senate is moving forward on a package of tax cuts that has strong bipartisan support #FakeHashtag '' 209 PER/Harris; @FakeUsername Watch this! Dr. Harris @FakeUsername defines morality correctly; asserts correctly that we can measure it . http://FakeURL 210 ORG/House of Representatives; @FakeUsername : '' ``I urge the House of Representatives to act quickly on this important matter . '' '' #FakeHashtag '' 211 LOC/Oxford; @FakeUsername '' ``fury '' ''? Really? '' ``wild or violent anger '' '' - per Oxford dictionary . Do you think so? Or are they just a bit politically annoyed? '' 212 @FakeUsername Indian electronic media r insane . 213 LOC/EU; @FakeUsername Irish `in bailout talks with EU' http://FakeURL)) It used to be individual banks now its become whole countries 214 PER/manas-chaudhuri; @FakeUsername QIPS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag manas-chaudhuri . http://FakeURL 215 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag energy Targets Published In Business Plan Page http://FakeURL 216 PER/manas-chaudhuri; @FakeUsername Solar Energy of QIPS energy also designing for Boa ... manas-chaudhuri . http://FakeURL 217 ORG/MS;ORG/Google; @FakeUsername : Joy! MS Office now syncs with Google Docs (well, in beta anyway) . We are soon to be one big happy collaborative Click family . Ric 218 @FakeUsername lol was just a joke ... The `Other Channel' does n't matter lol 219 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername also a big threat to human and animals in Korea . 220 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername It is also a big worry to human and animals in Korea 221 LOC/Nazi Germany; @FakeUsername being British seperated fathers are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany, I have n't seen my kids for 8 years . Compensate that . 222 PER/Blunt; @FakeUsername Is this anything to do with Mr Blunt making my dogs in to lesbians? 223 LOC/Ireland; @FakeUsername nice read on Ireland 224 PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername The world will be a sadder place without Leslie Nielsen . R.I.P. 225 LOC/Ghana; @FakeUsername : Shock in Ghana over gruesome death of `witch', reportedly involving a pastor : http://FakeURL 226 LOC/The West;ORG/al-Qaeda; @FakeUsername : The West `can not defeat al-Qaeda' : http://FakeURL 227 LOC/UK;MISC/Iraq war; @FakeUsername : UK man charged with terrorism offences over a blog listing MPs it claimed voted for the Iraq war 228 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks sparks anger in Europe : http://FakeURL 229 PER/Liam Fox; @FakeUsername Liam Fox is full of it . 230 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername WHO WON YELLOw YEAH?!!! 231 PER/Palmer; @FakeUsername Would u like Mr Palmer if a rocket carrying this radioactive package blew up & spewed radioactive particulates in yr back yard? 232 PER/Gavin Henson;PER/Barry chuckle;PER/will ferrell; @FakeUsername marry, kiss, kill : Gavin Henson, Barry chuckle, will ferrell? 233 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername so you dont work for the BBC? 234 PER/David Haye;PER/Audley; @FakeUsername what round will David Haye KO Audley? 235 @FakeUsername what would you rather do for a living, cheerleader or gardener? 236 LOC/Tooth Fairies castle; @FakeUsername where would you rather visit - your mother in laws or the Tooth Fairies castle? 237 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername you are Tweeting for the biggest sport site in the UK and dont know about Rugby ... poor form . . 238 ORG/Pirate Bay; @FakeUsername . Ooops . Thats the popular Pirate Bay . 239 @FakeUsername, I really hope it does n't have to come to that . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 240 @FakeUsername A Ghazal of Ghalib In English : A Ghazal of Ghalib Rendered ... http://FakeURL 241 MISC/MMA;LOC/Glasgow; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA in Glasgow 2011! 242 LOC/UK;LOC/UK;PER/JESUS; @FakeUsername the UK family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids taken from seperated fathers, thanks to JESUS, he is to return them . 243 LOC/America; @FakeUsername `DADT' - America still has a long way to go to get on the humanitarian list! 244 ORG/NATO;LOC/Afghanistan; @FakeUsername '' ``A man in police uniform kills 6 NATO troops during training session in eastern Afghanistan . '' '' . . Thats the thing about uniforms . '' 245 PER/jerry yang;PER/david filo; @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' 246 PER/Fiona;ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Fiona looks a bit Frumpy Tonight Watch out the BBC might ship in some Chinese News Readers to save Money! 247 PER/Breitbart;ORG/ADL; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Question : Why won t Breitbart report on ADL s sweeping condemnation of Beck? http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 248 LOC/US; @FakeUsername 350M US for a Trent 900 Each Naga? surely thats 10 times too Much! 1.4 Billion for for 4? 249 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername Action Plan for Econ Salvation of Pak : Security of Pakistan s future depends in its econom growth & d. . . http://FakeURL 250 LOC/North Korea;LOC/South Korea;MISC/Asian; @FakeUsername Alternatively could North Korea's attack on South Korea have an influence on Asian shares? 251 LOC/Australia;LOC/Blackwater;LOC/Christmas Island; @FakeUsername Australia s Blackwater update : Christmas Island detainees sew lips together http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag 252 LOC/Nazi Germany; @FakeUsername British seperated fathers are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany, I have n't seen my kids for 8 years . Compensate that . 253 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . 254 ORG/Coke;ORG/Pepsi;ORG/BRICA Group; @FakeUsername Coke vs. Pepsi in emerging markets - BRICA Group Weekly Episode 1 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 255 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . Children suffering mental torture . 256 LOC/UK;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . UK children suffering mental torture . 257 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL 258 LOC/Ariz.; @FakeUsername Final vote count : Ariz. ... voters OK ... measure legalizing medical marijuana - 259 LOC/Russia; @FakeUsername Fur flying ... Look to disable Sat lines look to work with Russia 260 LOC/US; @FakeUsername Global News US growth `faster-than-thought'??? That is fast! 261 PER/Sepp Blatter; @FakeUsername good we need to get rid off of all these corrupts people and Sepp Blatter should resign 262 ORG/fifa; @FakeUsername Good what are they scared of more corruption oozing out of the fifa `s mire, perhaps more investigations may come of it 263 ORG/Nato;LOC/Portugal; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Nato Destroys Everything will be the slogan of blocked anti-nato protesters in Portugal! 264 LOC/India;PER/Gandhi; @FakeUsername I hope India will come to an end with the cast system, it s so strange for the nation of Gandhi to maintain this awful system 265 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername In everyone's (i.e BANKERS) '' ``better interests '' '' for Ireland to '' ``see this through '' '' says Europe Minister as pressure grows 4 bailout '' 266 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername Is that really BBC Global worthy news? 267 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername Is that really BBC worthy news? 268 LOC/Nairobi Airport; @FakeUsername Is your chap really at Nairobi Airport http://FakeURL Bacjground? 269 @FakeUsername It is irresponsible of media to publish stolen files distributed by @FakeUsername . freedom of the press is not at issue . @FakeUsername 270 ORG/Labour;ORG/LABOUR;ORG/PARLIAMENT; @FakeUsername Labour `may back' detention cut http://FakeURL (THIS WAS LABOUR 'S '' ``AMERICAN PROBLEM '' '' ROUNDKY DEFEATED IN PARLIAMENT) '' 271 PER/MOZART; @FakeUsername MOZART, L'OPERA ROCK : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername MOZART FRANC MACON, FREE MASSON : . ET SUBLIME GENIE 272 PER/Sackur;PER/Courtney Griffiths;PER/Mugabe;PER/Taylor; @FakeUsername Mr Sackur In another life I could quite see Courtney Griffiths as Mugabe or Taylor? Pride & Prejudice? @FakeUsername 273 ORG/Turkish Airlines;ORG/BA; @FakeUsername News Nice AD for Turkish Airlines but ca n't you get BA to advertise with you? After all we have already paid for @FakeUsername 274 PER/Nick Oliver; @FakeUsername Nick Oliver, English fathers rights victim of '' family law holocaust '' is at day 51 of hunger strike ... 275 PER/Nick Oliver; @FakeUsername Nick Oliver the English fathers rights victim of family law holocaust is at day 50 of his Hunger Strike ... 276 LOC/north korea;LOC/north korea; @FakeUsername north korea is LYING, there are no human rights in north korea http://FakeURL 277 PER/Palin;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Of course Palin can do it, perhaps to let USA defeat itself . 278 PER/Simpson;LOC/Burma;LOC/Nairobi; @FakeUsername Perhaps you are catapulting Simpson from Burma to Nairobi to Great the Chandlers or Perhaps not? @FakeUsername 279 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag energy Targets Published In Business Plan Page http://FakeURL 280 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag of #FakeHashtag energy Targets are Published In Business Plan Page Find the New Energy in the Theme http://FakeURL 281 @FakeUsername The Devil's Prophet in 2011! If you 're not nervous about the state of the world now, you will be . http://FakeURL 282 LOC/UK;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername the English family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids snatched from seperated fathers, causing UK dads mental torture . 283 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername the English family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids snatched from seperated fathers so as they can make money . slavery 284 LOC/UK;LOC/UK;PER/JESUS; @FakeUsername the UK family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids taken from seperated fathers, thanks to JESUS, HELP is on the way ... 285 ORG/UN; @FakeUsername the UN is trying to kill off the Haitians! Its evident . . Why idk? Say resources? 286 LOC/Mogadishu; @FakeUsername There are no Tourists in Mogadishu it is a hell hole 287 LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername There's no peace to be had, for many Muslims, extermination of Jewish people & Islamic conquest of Europe are core aims . 288 PER/Mike Gardner;ORG/states; @FakeUsername trying to get an e-mail address for Mike Gardner - ca n't call from states . 289 LOC/US;LOC/America; @FakeUsername US companies report record profit-America back on track http://FakeURL 290 LOC/the West;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Whilst the West throws money at Arab Islamist garbage, black Christian people whose only crime was to be born poor in Haiti die . 291 LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername Why did North Korea attack? 292 @FakeUsername Why do n't u say ... '' ``Your reading World News Service '' '' '' 293 @FakeUsername wonder what her security code was i want to be president ha ha 294 LOC/Egypt; @FakeUsername : Egypt `police abuse' probe urged : http://FakeURL 295 LOC/Kenya; @FakeUsername : Kenya `gay crackdown' criticised : http://FakeURL 296 ORG/UK government;LOC/Guantanamo Bay; @FakeUsername : UK government to compensate ex-Guantanamo Bay detainees : http://FakeURL 297 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks releases more US files : http://FakeURL 298 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks under attack by hackers ahead of secret US document release : http://FakeURL 299 PER/Richard; @FakeUsername bloody awful at the moment, but I 'll probably get over it . What brings you to TWETT? Are you aware cousin Richard's on here? 300 MISC/Hemingway and Gellhorn;PER/Philip Kaufman; @FakeUsername Hmmm? February start date? Same period than the filming of '' '' Hemingway and Gellhorn '' '' by Philip Kaufman . Not sure accurate '' 301 LOC/Singapore; @FakeUsername Sorry to tweetjack; are you back in Singapore? :) @FakeUsername 302 LOC/columbia; @FakeUsername what were you doing in columbia mall? LOL ... 303 LOC/brazil;PER/Ozzy; @FakeUsername yeah 5 shows in brazil from Ozzy 304 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername Oooh thanks for the recommendation darling and I 'll bear in mind your comments re Twitter x 305 PER/Ronnie Corbett; @FakeUsername Are you related to Ronnie Corbett? tvoh 306 PER/Cutler;MISC/the NFC Championship; @FakeUsername I did n't say that at all . I said they should get rid of Cutler, he sat out of the NFC Championship . 307 PER/Justin;ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername RAD! Justin's new video that was pirated to YouTube this morning is smoking? See it for yourself @ http://FakeURL 308 PER/Sampson; @FakeUsername best pic : enjoying a sunny fall day with #FakeHashtag & my baby Sampson http://FakeURL 309 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . 310 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . 311 PER/Barbara;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Barbara! ~ Peace! - Jessica 312 @FakeUsername This is a little message to everyone planning on roasting me tomorrow at #FakeHashtag ... ... http://FakeURL ... #FakeHashtag 313 PER/Parker;PER/Richard Jefferson; @FakeUsername Damn ... A teammates wife though? The only worse in Parker's case would 've been if it were Richard Jefferson's male lover ... 314 LOC/GREAT BRITAIN; @FakeUsername YOOO CHULO YESTERDAY WAS BOXING DAY IN GREAT BRITAIN - BUT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FIGHTING LOL 315 LOC/Amherst, MA;ORG/UMass; @FakeUsername He meant alot to those of us who live in Amherst, MA as well and his longstanding affiliation with UMass . What a cool cat . 316 PER/Bob Harris; @FakeUsername Bob Harris is similarly puzzled . 317 ORG/Packers;MISC/superbowl; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I'm hoping the #FakeHashtag go all the way and beat those Packers! (still pissed that they are even in the superbowl) 318 LOC/Mecca; @FakeUsername after Mecca he was retracting NOI's methods, since they knew his stance on Islam shifted to a more mainstream belief 319 MISC/Da Vinci Code;MISC/Angels and Demons; @FakeUsername Da Vinci Code? Or or Angels and Demons? 320 PER/Malik El-Shabazz; @FakeUsername haha not even close El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz though? 321 LOC/RI; @FakeUsername my comment was on RI and my love for it, not the smallness of the state : - D 322 PER/Little Brother; @FakeUsername stop breaking my heart!!!! \* Little Brother \* 323 ORG/Illuminati;PER/Lucifer;PER/God; @FakeUsername the Illuminati is a group, with Lucifer at the head meant to control and distract human beings from the goodness of God 324 PER/Tom Hanks;PER/Robert Langdon; @FakeUsername Tom Hanks is so Robert Langdon whachumean? 325 LOC/France; @FakeUsername it was about France, and the cancellation of the MB there . 326 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername np : D I wish it was here in Canada lol 327 LOC/USA;LOC/Plymouth; @FakeUsername ours was last month lol . We celebrate the harvest and USA celebrates the pilgrims at Plymouth rock . 328 PER/Christina Hendricks; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername also you should see if any of your friends recognize Christina Hendricks in two episodes #FakeHashtag 329 LOC/Jaynestown; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername there is also that fermented milk the mudders drink in Jaynestown . #FakeHashtag 330 ORG/Mustafa Centre; @FakeUsername fuming away @ Mustafa Centre http://FakeURL 331 LOC/Butter Factory; @FakeUsername Looks like the butter cookies craze has infected the Butter Factory as well . 332 @FakeUsername i predict a different kind of award ceremony for next year's Brits! . 333 PER/India Arie; @FakeUsername India Arie ay? ... \* big smile \* 334 @FakeUsername It's all over the news - _ - 335 PER/Brittany; @FakeUsername aww . . Brittany!!! What did u done!? Haha . . Is ur school turning into a battlefield!? . . Stay Safe tho : - / 336 PER/Jay Cutler; @FakeUsername i 'd be cool with that cuz its not Jay Cutler . Plus you sent that at 14-7 . 337 LOC/US; @FakeUsername please could you explain the effects of the QE2 on the US economy 338 ORG/cnn;PER/teena marie; @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : cnn has confirmed from teena marie's manager that she has died . 339 PER/roland martin;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername roland martin of CNN has confirmed it 340 LOC/canada; @FakeUsername yeah look at all that crap! thats how it is here in canada waist deep snow and alll that! and always cold . . i need to move!! 341 @FakeUsername She is not dead ... someone started a rumor 342 LOC/west coast; @FakeUsername that's how we do snow lol Except the west coast, they ca n't handle it : p 343 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername yes but here in Canada it's always Americans sneaking over the border;) 344 PER/Barry; @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Barry!! 345 MISC/the grammy; @FakeUsername just keep me in mind when you at the grammy's hahaha 346 PER/jaksoN; @FakeUsername Hi there . how ur day going great . My xmas ll be full of cadbury bar . love it . jaksoN Merry Xmas and best happy New Year . 347 LOC/Chicago;LOC/SC; @FakeUsername driving home from Chicago to SC . About 15 to 16 hrs :) 348 PER/Magne Hoseth;PER/Jonas Lunden;PER/Mark Kerr;PER/Eugen Bopp; @FakeUsername I only really know CM01-02; on there I 'd suggest Magne Hoseth, Jonas Lunden, Mark Kerr and Eugen Bopp . 349 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Romney;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername MURDOCH not NEWS! MUST END as such! / / @FakeUsername Help Romney in this FOX News GOP Poll http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 350 ORG/facebook;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Un jour . . facebook '', '' youtu ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 351 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername well it's not on CNN yet but other news outlets are reporting it 352 @FakeUsername The (pseudo) Science of Homeopathy http://FakeURL 353 ORG/Google;ORG/Google; @FakeUsername Geeze I hope not, still want to believe Google problem is rogue employee, I want to trust Google so bad, G 354 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername look forward to article on probable responses from Iran, say to Stuxnet, G 355 LOC/US;LOC/Iraq;LOC/Afghan; @FakeUsername no I think they have thought of it even planed it, Uncertain of counter attack, US took Iraq and Afghan . G 356 @FakeUsername but who else was writing at the time with his amount of publicity if your the only famous author it's easy to be the best 357 LOC/Charleston; @FakeUsername Fantasy in Charleston http://FakeURL 358 PER/Julian Sands; @FakeUsername This is clear the actor Julian Sands' comeback role . 359 PER/Jen Grey;PER/kyle massey; @FakeUsername u know Jen Grey's twitter handle is @FakeUsername & kyle massey's is @FakeUsername 360 PER/Mrs. Booze; @FakeUsername Recommend '' ``Rational Recovery '' '' to Mrs. Booze Police and to anyone who dislikes AA . http://FakeURL '' 361 @FakeUsername in the car singing pretty girl rock . lmao 362 LOC/US; @FakeUsername oh . thats about this thing that was all over the news in the US . http://FakeURL 363 MISC/Twink and Maureen Potter;MISC/Something Happens and an Emotional Fish;LOC/Baggot Inn; @FakeUsername They 'll go and see Twink and Maureen Potter in the Gaiety followed by Something Happens and an Emotional Fish in the Baggot Inn . 364 LOC/La County;PER/Hanie Yoon;PER/Leslie Moonves;PER/Steve Cooley; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag '' ``La County '', Snipers, ``Gangs . . will kill you Hanie Yoon '' '' Leslie Moonves '', Steve Cooley your criminal campaign 365 PER/Jay Cutler;ORG/jerseys; @FakeUsername : Nice . Bears fans did n't waste any time burning Jay Cutler jerseys : http://FakeURL ill piss on the muthafucka! 366 PER/Jenny Garth; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Jenny Garth 367 PER/jakson; @FakeUsername thats is good for you learning . jakson NZ hugs . send msg in english for me then ok . abracos celso . Manda msg em english dai 368 PER/Susan boyle;LOC/Halifax; @FakeUsername Susan boyle is playing in Halifax? I did n't know lol . 369 PER/Julian Rush;LOC/NZ; @FakeUsername Methane is '' ``the gas all miners fear '' '' writes Julian Rush as safety fears stall rescue attempts in NZ #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' 370 PER/Julian Sands; @FakeUsername I think the actor Julian Sands should also be careful . 371 @FakeUsername BLOODY HOPE SO! . XxX 372 MISC/Whitney Houston; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername example : The only thing `black' about '' ``Whitney Houston '' '' is the color of her skin #FakeHashtag '' 373 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername who won the NFL? 374 @FakeUsername I'm really good! I love training hard in MA . Your sensei is doing it right . I also push my students in the basics . 375 ORG/Bears;PER/Caleb Haine;PER/Haine;PER/Haine;ORG/Bears; @FakeUsername The Bears hung in there right to the finish . Vintage Caleb Haine, huh? Perhaps classic Haine? Upstart Haine? Luv the Bears . 376 LOC/Bangkok; @FakeUsername Bangkok? 377 ORG/Cisco; @FakeUsername . I am really enjoying this Cisco space router gist . How does it work actually? what if there is some damaged how's it fixed . 378 LOC/Miami-Dade County; @FakeUsername Miami-Dade County CERT in the house! 379 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Besides grades/GPA, Cathie Black's 4-page Bio is mostly redacted . What skeleton she's hiding? http://FakeURL 380 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Cathie Black Too Ashamed to Reveal her GPA? What She Hiding? http://FakeURL 381 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Notre Dame;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername If Cathie Black ca n't even inspire her own son NOT to drop out of Notre Dame, how is she going to inspire NYC school kids? 382 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Brooklyn Boro Hall; @FakeUsername Next Protest & Press Conference re : Cathie Black appt 11/15 Mon 10AM Brooklyn Boro Hall http://FakeURL 383 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Poll : Half Do n't Want Cathie Black, Worse among Pub Sch Parents http://FakeURL 384 LOC/NY; @FakeUsername yes girl . Moving to NY on Feb 13 385 ORG/Saks Fifth Avenue; @FakeUsername I 'd like to know if '' ``moisture on line '' '' is still available . I did not see it online at Saks Fifth Avenue Web site . Thanks '' 386 PER/Berlusconi;LOC/Italy; @FakeUsername We are waiting for confidence vote to Berlusconi on dec. 14 ... And markets are waiting the same ... God bless Italy! 387 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN! 388 PER/cooper;PER/cooper; @FakeUsername cooper cooper u speak what dialect hokkian, mandarin, or macau? indonesian speak hokkian i knew lil bit hokkian XDDD 389 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN 390 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN! 391 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN International; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN International . 392 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 393 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Tres Hombres CO2 zero sailing cargo vessel on the way AGAIN to Haiti http://FakeURL 394 @FakeUsername Your tweet is wrong - the article says they '' ``were food insecure at some point '' '' in 2009 not are food insecure - big difference '' 395 PER/B. Palin; @FakeUsername - Morning show host says '' ``What will B. Palin win '', just a little statue . I guess that means let her win even if she ca n't dance . Fixed 396 ORG/Peter G. Peterson Foundation; @FakeUsername - Please give us an expose' on the Peter G. Peterson Foundation . They seem to be a corporation set on running the government on tv . 397 PER/Charlie Rangel; @FakeUsername - Very classy of you to show a picture of Charlie Rangel sleep on the beach . After announcing the verdict of his trial . 398 @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' 399 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Great simple ideas with big pay-offs! Some good news4change : http://FakeURL 400 PER/Jessica;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Has Jessica from CNN ever been a high speed rail journey? Does she own a passport? Wtf @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag 401 PER/bush jr; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername history should show that bush jr should be in jail or at least never should have been president 402 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 403 LOC/California; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername we live in California . We Def Know What a 6.9 quake feels like! lol 404 PER/PALIN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername) WHO DOES N'T PALIN TRASH-SHE THINKS SHE IS GREAT/LOL '' ``OUTLOUD '' '' '' 405 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 406 @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag After almst a yr PM not taken action murderer KNath, Bhuria, SSP, Mutemwar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 407 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Be sure to read the new blog every Monday at Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 408 PER/Bruce Jenkins;PER/Gael Monfils; @FakeUsername Bruce Jenkins : Stylistic mystique of French tennis endures with Monfils : Gael Monfils' inspired run to the ... http://FakeURL 409 PER/obama; @FakeUsername dods is start i seen it on the tv and obama on my mama you a looser he said all americans is loosers bitch usher should i get him 410 ORG/Time Warner; @FakeUsername Do n't see any Time Warner movies 411 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL 412 ORG/Fed Ex; @FakeUsername Fed Ex R arguably the best . I suppose with the countless no. of packages daily, 1 package had 2 make news . Glad it was found . 413 PER/Federer;PER/Nadal;MISC/ATP World Tour;PER/Roger Federer;PER/Rafael Nadal; @FakeUsername Federer outlasts Nadal in finals of ATP World Tour : Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal submitted another entry ... http://FakeURL 414 PER/Federer;PER/Murray;MISC/ATP World Tour Finals;LOC/LONDON;ORG/AP;PER/Roger Federer; @FakeUsername Federer routs Murray at ATP World Tour Finals : LONDON (AP) Playing like the Roger Federer of old, the 16 ... http://FakeURL 415 PER/Francesca Schiavone; @FakeUsername Francesca Schiavone is my SI Sportsman of the Year : In an era where power players rule women's tennis, Ital ... http://FakeURL 416 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Give the figure CNN cited, that means approximately one in six Americans is food insecure . Figure sounds accurate . 417 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername GOP to unemployed-too bad http://FakeURL 418 PER/Sarah;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername I wonder if Sarah is doing this 4 political gain or promoting Alaska? 419 PER/Jon Wertheim;PER/Federer;MISC/Paris Masters;PER/Federer; @FakeUsername Jon Wertheim : Federer's match-point woes continue at Paris Masters : Should Federer's mental game be questio ... http://FakeURL 420 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Look for the latest blog on Monday from Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 421 LOC/Michigan's Lansing Community College; @FakeUsername Michigan's Lansing Community College downtown campus gets bomb scare ... http://FakeURL 422 PER/Mike Bloomberg;PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Mike Bloomberg's Approval Rating Lowest in 5 Yrs, Following Cathie Black Appt http://FakeURL 423 PER/Monfils;PER/Federer;MISC/Paris Masters; @FakeUsername Monfils beats top-seeded Federer to reach Paris Masters final : On the brink of defeat, courtesy of five mat ... http://FakeURL 424 PER/Michelle;PER/Sasha;PER/Malia; @FakeUsername Mr. President : Would you send Michelle/Sasha/Malia through TSA screening? Naked photos or invasive genital groping, you choose . 425 LOC/China;LOC/Koreas; @FakeUsername My latest blog on Monday is going to be a blockbuster . Be sure to read my analysis of China's role in the tale of 2 Koreas . 426 PER/Nadal;MISC/ATP tournament;LOC/LONDON;ORG/AP; @FakeUsername Nadal displays rare fit of rage at ATP tournament : LONDON (AP) Incensed and even a little indignant, Raf ... http://FakeURL 427 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN 428 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN International; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN International 429 PER/Michael Vick; @FakeUsername One more fellon rewarded) Michael Vick! 430 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 1 431 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 432 @FakeUsername PLZ help save a childs life . Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag PLZ RT 433 PER/sarah; @FakeUsername run sarah run we will not appoint you the countries leader 434 PER/Kym Rock; @FakeUsername Self defense Kym Rock xpert will do xhibition kickboxg against author of Pedophile guide need a promoter? raise money $ kids Saftey 435 PER/Monfils;ORG/Paris Masters;PER/Robin Soderling;ORG/Paris Masters; @FakeUsername Soderling downs Monfils to win Paris Masters title : Robin Soderling's first Paris Masters crown will pay of ... http://FakeURL 436 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername The 29 workers trapped after an explosion Friday in a New Zealand mine are confirmed dead, a police official says . 437 PER/Bush; @FakeUsername the solidors need to gear up, that he call back home Bush you know set up foolishand Now he with Macs damn why on amercia Court it up 438 PER/Jesus Christ; @FakeUsername third, you have to search with all your heart and soul for Him, and He 'll come, call on His name, Jesus Christ, and search for Him ... 439 PER/Anderson Cooper;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername this is not fair . Anderson Cooper is the only true hero this year . Just re run the video from Haiti for proof 440 @FakeUsername Why no discussion of the use of bomb-sniffing dogs instead of x-ray scans or pat-downs? 441 PER/Gibbs; @FakeUsername Wonder why we are so stupid! @FakeUsername Gibbs did say of #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag that the President '' ``would wish them well '' '' '' 442 LOC/US;ORG/Repubs; @FakeUsername - Why should the richest in the US get tax breaks while the Repubs . say '' ``NO '' '' to extend the unemployment payment '', 3rd world dictatorship . 443 LOC/Korea;ORG/defense department; @FakeUsername : If the Korea's go to war, then it is not time to cut our defense department! Because the war will escalate into something much bigger! 444 @FakeUsername's Top 10 tech failures for 2010! http://FakeURL What do you think? via @FakeUsername 445 LOC/Congo; @FakeUsername Bout never forget Congo : http://FakeURL 446 MISC/Americans;LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . 447 LOC/Billy James Music Store; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Support Our Troops via Billy James Music Store 448 PER/Bush; @FakeUsername I believe Bush when he says he has no regrets . Hard to have regrets when you do not remember much of what happened . Not being mean 449 LOC/Israel;MISC/arabs; @FakeUsername idon' t feel there ever will be peace as long as Israel bullies the arabs 450 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN World Sport! 451 PER/Rama;ORG/CIA;LOC/US; @FakeUsername - Be allowed Lord Rama to make a relation with CIA/US in the shape and image of Am \* Rita immediately so as to recognize Him a member . 452 ORG/CIA;ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - CIA/USgovernance policy can not work effectively by use of Wikileaks, if it shows male dominated image & Lord Rama's in its opposite . 453 @FakeUsername - CongressPresident has a sense to evaluate joyous statement of its PM at the time of deceitful enactment & involvement of his troop . 454 PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - Lord Rama is not forgot the joyous statement of PMO . His Lordship desires that PMO may also sustain pain of defame & captureofMaya . 455 PER/Sikhandi; @FakeUsername - Present governance is relied upon the notion of Har ~ lo ~ try which dummy players are led by Sikhandi . This is the time to put off it . 456 LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername `Merchant of Death' extradited to U.S. : Details about the prosecution of an accused interna ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 457 LOC/Scottish forest; @FakeUsername '' ``Authorities probe mysterious explosion in Scottish forest '' '' it was a VERY aged barrel of Glenfiddich Scotch i'm thinking; -) '' 458 LOC/N. Korea;LOC/Seoul;LOC/Seoul Korea; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername N. Korea Attacked An Island-Pyong-Yang is Closer to (Seoul) Why Did n't They Attack Seoul Korea Instead? 459 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername The Media is NCiting a Fight Btw Pres & Congress . . Would B Nice If they would Ncite Reconciliation . . WE Need it 460 ORG/Petagon;ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Agenda : Tax Cuts ONLY 4 Mid Class / / Petagon WILL MAKE Decision on DADT / / NO PAY RAISES 4 Congress . . Say it out loud 461 LOC/US;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Clegg #FakeHashtag using influnc in US Gov2 protect criminal UK bribed Khares http://FakeURL 462 PER/Kamal `Nath; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag GoI not taken `action agsnt Pop killrs Mins/MP Kamal `Nath, Bhuria, Mutemwar, SSPalaniikam .1 yr ,100 s of faxes gone 463 ORG/GOP;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Maybe the GOP should 've ended earmarks b4 ALL USA's money was spent! What a joke! @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 464 ORG/Military;PER/McCain; @FakeUsername Military's not permitted to have sex regardless of gender . Keep ur homophobic views to yourself McCain! @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 465 PER/GW Bush; @FakeUsername Oh great, Jeb & GW Bush ... CLICK! 466 @FakeUsername $ 129M lottery ticket bought at porn shop : A group of friends got lucky when they bought a w. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 467 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername 27 missing after New Zealand mine explosion : Twenty-seven miners were missing hours after a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 468 PER/Pablo Pica; @FakeUsername 270 previously unknown Picassos found : More than 270 previously unknown works by Pablo Pica ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 469 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername 29 trapped miners confirmed dead in New Zealand : All 29 miners trapped underground in a New ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 470 LOC/Ohio; @FakeUsername 3 still sought after Ohio teen found : The search for 3 missing people, including a woman wh ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 471 MISC/Cambodia festival; @FakeUsername 345 die in Cambodia festival stampede : The death toll from a stampede at a Cambodian festiv ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 472 LOC/Minnesota; @FakeUsername 400 wrecks in snow in Minnesota : While winter's start remains more than a month away, mu ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 473 LOC/India; @FakeUsername 5-story building falls in India; 55 die : At least 23 people were killed when a residential ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 474 LOC/India; @FakeUsername 65 dead after building collapse in India : The toll in the collapse of a five-story resident ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 475 LOC/Mexico; @FakeUsername 7 dead in Mexico resort explosion : Seven people, including at least one minor, were killed ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 476 @FakeUsername Abuse alleged at egg producer : A group that protects the welfare of animals has released an ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 477 ORG/Al Qaeda;MISC/Americans; @FakeUsername Al Qaeda article raises travel concerns : As millions of Americans prepare to hit the roads ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 478 PER/Colton Harris-Moore; @FakeUsername Alleged `barefoot bandit' enters plea : Accused '' ``barefoot bandit '' '' Colton Harris-Moore is exp ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 479 PER/Amanda Knox;PER/Amanda Knox; @FakeUsername Amanda Knox fights murder conviction : Former American student Amanda Knox went back to cour ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 480 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername And FBI agents producing these sham '' ``bombings '' '' are free to set up more kids '', and to spread more racism & terrorism against Muslims . 481 ORG/APEC;ORG/Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; @FakeUsername APEC leaders work toward free trade : World leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 482 LOC/Arizona;LOC/Arizona; @FakeUsername Arizona voters OK medical marijuana : By a narrow margin of about 4,300 votes, Arizona voter ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 483 LOC/Pakistan;LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername At Least 12 Killed in Pakistan Plane Crash, 3rd plane accident in Pakistan in 4 months, http://FakeURL 484 PER/Justin Bieber;MISC/2010 American Mu; @FakeUsername Bieber fever heats up AMAs : Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber dominated the 2010 American Mu ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 485 ORG/CONGRESS;LOC/US; @FakeUsername BIRTHERS/CONGRESS DECREE ONLY NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS RIGHTFUL US CITIZENS-GOLD PRICE SINK SEA SHELLS SOAR #FakeHashtag 486 PER/Holloway;LOC/Aruban beach; @FakeUsername Bone tested to see if it's Holloway's : A jawbone reportedly found on an Aruban beach will u. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 487 @FakeUsername Boxee Box now shipping : Boxee has announced that its Boxee Box a set-top box for streami ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 488 @FakeUsername British couple freed after year of captivity : A British couple kidnapped by pirates has bee ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 489 PER/Bush;ORG/Tea Party;PER/Obama; @FakeUsername Bush is as much an inspiration for the Tea Party movement as Obama has been . 490 PER/Kim Jung Il; @FakeUsername But why the son of Kim Jung Il is he so fat? 491 ORG/Facebook;ORG/Myspace; @FakeUsername by what? Facebook / Myspace spam? -LCB- #FakeHashtag under cyber attack . -RCB- 492 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername Cable tells of American's horseback escape from Iran : The tens of thousands of diplomatic c. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 493 @FakeUsername can someone please explain how a judge can do this when the people voted to pass this? #FakeHashtag 494 PER/Obama;PER/bush; @FakeUsername cant believe disrespect for President Obama from rightwing when during bush years any bad word about president was antiAmerican 495 PER/Chandra Levy; @FakeUsername Chandra Levy case in jury's hands : The jury is expected to begin deliberations Wednesday in ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 496 PER/Charles Rangel;MISC/Korean;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Charles Rangel : Decorated Veteran-Awarded-Bronze Star & Purple Heart-For His Service in the Korean War CNN Grow-A Damn Heart-Will Ya 497 LOC/Chile;LOC/CNN Heroes tribute;MISC/Chilean; @FakeUsername Chile miners to be at CNN Heroes tribute : The 33 miners who survived 69 days in a Chilean m. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 498 LOC/China;LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername China proposes emergency talks : As both North Korea's largest trading partner and a country ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 499 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Cholera outbreak `extremely alarming' : Doctors in Haiti say they are alarmed by the increas ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 500 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Cholera spreads to Haiti's largest prison : The deadly cholera epidemic that has claimed mo. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 501 PER/Clinton;PER/Hillary Clinton; @FakeUsername Clinton : We ca n't afford to wait on arms control : Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urg ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 502 Org/Coke;ORG/Pepsi;ORG/BRICA Group; @FakeUsername Coke vs. Pepsi in emerging markets - BRICA Group Weekly Episode 1 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 503 @FakeUsername cool so everyone he ripped off will get 35 cents 504 LOC/America; @FakeUsername cyber attack on America! 505 LOC/America; @FakeUsername cyber attack on America ... 506 @FakeUsername Diabetes drug linked to 500 deaths : A French health agency is recommending patients who too ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 507 @FakeUsername Does your airport have body-scanners? : Many Americans planning holiday travel have expresse ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 508 ORG/GOP;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Earmarks get ax from GOP senators : GOP senators face a tough vote Tuesday on whether to ban ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 509 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . Children suffering mental torture . 510 LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername Envoys : North Korean nuclear revelations confirm deceit : North Korea's latest revelations a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 511 ORG/Facebook; @FakeUsername Facebook overhauls messaging system : Would you like an e-mail address ending in '' @FakeUsername ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 512 LOC/Hollywood;LOC/Beverly Hills;PER/Ronni Chase; @FakeUsername Few clues in Hollywood publicist's death : Beverly Hills detectives are scanning Ronni Chase ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 513 @FakeUsername Fight like a Girl challenges Pedophile Peddler Author to Match Fighting 4 every victim of child molestation http://FakeURL 514 LOC/California; @FakeUsername Five killed in California crash : Five people were killed and six others seriously injured w. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 515 PER/Francois Fillon; @FakeUsername French prime minister resigns : French Prime Minister Francois Fillon resigned Saturday, set ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 516 LOC/Gaza;LOC/Greece;LOC/Gaza; @FakeUsername Gaza-bound ship in limbo in Greece : A Gaza-bound aid ship was in limbo Saturday after docki ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 517 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername GOP to unemployed-too bad http://FakeURL 518 LOC/Gaza;LOC/Gaza; @FakeUsername Greek commandos board Gaza aid ship : Greek commandos boarded a Gaza-bound aid ship whose ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 519 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti candidate's convoy attacked : The convoy of a leading Haitian presidential candidate c. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 520 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti cholera death toll passes 900 : The death toll from Haiti's month-old cholera outbreak ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 521 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti holds 1st election since quake : Polls opened early Sunday in Haiti as voters struggli ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 522 ORG/U.N.; @FakeUsername Haitians blame epidemic on U.N. : Aid agencies are calling for an end to violence in norther ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 523 ORG/House Dems;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername House Dems, GOP to choose leadership : Leadership elections for the Democratic and Republica ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 524 PER/Billy James; @FakeUsername How many soldiers could you get this to? http://FakeURL Billy James Show 525 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 526 @FakeUsername i HOPE SO 527 @FakeUsername I like him he is one of the best president in this world 528 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername In Haiti, too many cholera patients, not enough space : The capital of Haiti has seen a seve ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 529 LOC/Iraq; @FakeUsername Iraq parties agree to work out issues : Two days after Sunni-backed politicians walked out o. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 530 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Ireland; @FakeUsername Ireland bailout to be nailed down : Ireland is due Sunday to get the details of a bailout ex ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 531 @FakeUsername Jury weighs Gitmo detainee's fate : The jury is expected to resume deliberations Monday in t. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 532 LOC/U.S.;LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername Leaked documents lift curtain on U.S. foreign policy : Tens of thousands of confidential U.S. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 533 PER/Leslie Nielsen;MISC/Naked Gun;MISC/Airplane;PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername Leslie Nielsen of `Naked Gun, `Airplane!' fame dies : Leslie Nielsen, whose career as a dra ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 534 @FakeUsername let's all be friends :) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 535 ORG/GOP;ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername let's see if GOP will ask for a pay freeze in Congress if they are supporting a pay freeze for other federal employees 536 @FakeUsername Major reinstated after `do n't ask' ouster : A decorated flight nurse who had been dismissed ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 537 ORG/Marine;MISC/Toys for Tots;ORG/Marine Corps;MISC/Toys for To; @FakeUsername Marine stabbed at `Toys for Tots' drive : A Marine Corps reservist helping in a '' ``Toys for To ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 538 ORG/CIA;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername May CIA governane speak how many Amritpal is needed to put behind the bar so as to convince that LordRama is real contender of CIA . 539 LOC/Mexico;LOC/Mexico; @FakeUsername Mexico teachers threatened : A series of recent graffiti messages on school walls in Mexico' ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 540 ORG/Military;LOC/Rio; @FakeUsername Military sent to violence-plagued Rio : Authorities sent in the military to help quell viole ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 541 LOC/Haiti;ORG/Christian Motorcyclists Association;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Missionaries attacked in Haiti : The Christian Motorcyclists Association came to Haiti to di ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 542 PER/Brian David Mitchell;PER/Elizabeth Smart; @FakeUsername Mitchell : God `delivered' Smart to me : Brian David Mitchell told police Elizabeth Smart was ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 543 LOC/Ohio; @FakeUsername Mom, kids, family friend vanish : Authorities and residents in rural Ohio searched Saturday ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 544 PER/Murkowski;LOC/Alaska;PER/Lisa Murkowski;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername Murkowski to declare victory in Alaska : Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will decla ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 545 LOC/N. Korea; @FakeUsername N. Korea news agency spares no one : '' ``Running dogs '', imperialist lackeys, '' criminal gangs '' '' ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 546 PER/Nancy Grace;PER/Nancy Grace; @FakeUsername Nancy Grace talks about cancer scare : HLN's Nancy Grace announced on her program Monday nig ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 547 ORG/GOP;PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername New Palin book has GOP battle plan : Sarah Palin has yet to formally declare she will run fo ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 548 LOC/N. Korea; @FakeUsername No attack on N. Korea . 549 LOC/North Carolina;PER/Zahra Baker; @FakeUsername North Carolina community remembers Zahra Baker : North Carolinians hold a candlelight vigil ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 550 PER/Obama; @FakeUsername Obama's #FakeHashtag Squeeze : Worse than You Know http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 551 PER/Obama;PER/Joseph Farah; @FakeUsername Obama's a What? - Joseph Farah http://FakeURL 552 LOC/U.S.;LOC/Pakistan;LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername Officials : U.S. ca n't expand drone zone : Pakistan has rejected a U.S. request to expand dro ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 553 PER/Beck;PER/Soros; @FakeUsername Opinion : Beck's dangerous hit at Soros : Creepy medieval puppets hung from the ceiling on th ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 554 PER/Aya abu Mouwais; @FakeUsername Palestinian girl fights for life : The second Aya abu Mouwais opens her eyes she starts cryi ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 555 PER/Palin;ORG/Alaska Gov.; @FakeUsername Palin e-mail hacker may go to jail : The man convicted of hacking into former Alaska Gov. Sa ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 556 LOC/Georgia; @FakeUsername Pastor faces summer trial in sex cases : The prominent Georgia pastor being sued for sexual ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 557 @FakeUsername Pat-down backlash grows during holiday travel rush : The backlash against passenger pat-down ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 558 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Peacekeepers attacked in Haiti cholera outbreak : Violent clashes broke out in two Haiti cit ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 559 @FakeUsername Police : Gun-toting student holding hostages at school : A handgun-toting student is holding ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 560 @FakeUsername Police : Priest wanted boy accuser dead : A Catholic priest, facing criminal charges and a la. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 561 LOC/Washington; @FakeUsername prompting an international alarm? And that's somehow cool to do? Nice job, Washington . Now get your hands off my junk LOL 562 PER/Ronni Chasen; @FakeUsername Publicist shot dead after film premiere : Longtime Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen died whe ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 563 ORG/Qantas;ORG/Qantas Airways; @FakeUsername Qantas flight makes emergency landing : A Qantas Airways flight carrying 199 passengers was ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 564 LOC/Salvation Army facility;ORG/Salvation Army; @FakeUsername Roof collapses at Salvation Army facility : A roof collapse was reported at a Salvation Army ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 565 LOC/Saudi Arabia; @FakeUsername Saudis crack 19 active terror cells : Security forces in Saudi Arabia have arrested 149 peop ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 566 @FakeUsername Security protest could bring nationwide delays at airports : One of the busiest air travel d. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 567 PER/Kym Rock; @FakeUsername Self defense xpert Kym Rock wil do xhibition kickbox against author of Pedophile guide need a promoter? raise money $ kids Saftey 568 @FakeUsername Senators at odds on START treaty : The Republican senator who opposes ratification this year ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 569 LOC/Michigan mall;LOC/Michigan mall; @FakeUsername Shooting at Michigan mall injures 2 : A shooting at a Michigan mall left two people injured ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 570 LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Shopper accused of gun threat : A Wisconsin woman who cut in front of a long line of '' ``black ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 571 PER/Leslie Neilsen; @FakeUsername So sad to loose such talent . Leslie Neilsen was one of the best . 572 @FakeUsername Somali pirates free British couple : A British couple whose yacht was hijacked by Somali pir ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 573 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername Students march to protest UK tuition : A growing crowd of students was marching through cent ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 574 LOC/Boston airport;LOC/Boston Logan; @FakeUsername Suspect bags at Boston airport : Authorities evacuated a cargo facility at the Boston Logan ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 575 LOC/Rio de Janeiro;PER/Alemao; @FakeUsername Tanks roll into Rio de Janeiro slum : Authorities launched a massive sweep of the Alemao fav ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 576 LOC/Oregon; @FakeUsername Teen arrested over Oregon `bomb plot' : A 19-year-old has been arrested in connection with a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 577 LOC/Texas;LOC/Texas; @FakeUsername Texas firm recalls turkey breast items : A Texas firm has recalled about 2,600 pounds of ful ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 578 @FakeUsername The bottom-line for dieters : Eat less : There were no diet pills, shakes or detoxes . And no, ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 579 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername The FBI will always get ya . It may take time but they never give up . 580 LOC/Haiti;PER/Rene Preval; @FakeUsername The troubles in Haiti are catastrophic and the silence from Rene Preval is deafening - still 581 LOC/Arizona; @FakeUsername then u r dickheads Arizona . Enjoy ur mental health rise and increased crime rate . 582 @FakeUsername This Week on `The Hal Lindsey Report' http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag ... 583 LOC/Mississippi; @FakeUsername Tornado, severe storms hit Mississippi : State authorities dispatched emergency crews Tuesda ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 584 LOC/Wisconsin;LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Tornadoes reported in Wisconsin : At least one tornado ripped through Wisconsin, officials s. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 585 LOC/Aruba; @FakeUsername Tres Hombres CO2 zero sailing cargo vessel arriving Aruba http://FakeURL 586 ORG/TSA;ORG/Transportation Security Admini; @FakeUsername TSA chief to defend new security measures : As anger over the Transportation Security Admini ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 587 PER/Madoff;PER/Bernard M; @FakeUsername Two former Madoff employees arrested : Two former employees of disgraced financier Bernard M. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 588 LOC/U.S.;MISC/N. Korean;LOC/United States; @FakeUsername U.S. drills to follow N. Korean shelling : The United States said Wednesday that it will dis ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 589 LOC/U.S.;LOC/Israel; @FakeUsername U.S. offers Israel incentives : In a bid to jumpstart the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 590 ORG/UN; @FakeUsername UN should awake . 591 LOC/US;LOC/America; @FakeUsername US companies report record profit-America back on track http://FakeURL 592 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername was #FakeHashtag Most Recommended Celebrity this week on Twitter http://FakeURL 593 LOC/California; @FakeUsername well sure California is broke so the courts opt 2 educate illegals at citizens expense . & welfare 2 of course @FakeUsername 594 LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername what a lame reply by South Korea's President . Take action when it happened then yap afterwards . What's the point now . 595 LOC/S. Korea; @FakeUsername When Is S. Korea Going To Defend Itself? They Use Our Nation As Another Country Does . They Use Our Muscle-Yet Give Us No Concessions 596 @FakeUsername Why there's gold fever : There is at present a profound uncertainty about currencies . That i. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 597 ORG/WikiLeaks;LOC/U.S.;ORG/WikiLeaks; @FakeUsername WikiLeaks `surprised' by scale of U.S. espionage : WikiLeaks, the website sitting on a trove ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 598 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername Will lame-duck Congress settle differences or scores? : Lawmakers return today for a lame-du ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 599 LOC/Wisconsin;LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Wisconsin hostages free after gunman shoots himself : A 15-year-old Wisconsin high school st. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 600 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Child kicking seat dislod ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 601 PER/Obama;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Obama gets 12 stitches in ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 602 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``One of first #FakeHashtag compu ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 603 PER/Zsa Zsa Gabor;PER/Zsa Zsa Gabor;LOC/Los A; @FakeUsername Zsa Zsa Gabor home from hospital : Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor returned home Saturday from a Los A. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 604 ORG/CIA;PER/Sonia; @FakeUsername - CIA guided governance is surviving because it has a power center like Sonia who has no comprehension of Indian values & ethics . 605 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername - If a donkey (Sachchar) is nominated in PMO he can govern the nation better than Congress nominated PM in our polity . 606 PER/Mahavir Prasad Verma; @FakeUsername - In my sensual eye, Mahavir Prasad Verma, Ex-Minister is Jupiter in UP congress circle . I pay my homage for his depart . I knew him . 607 ORG/CIA;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - No one can say that he does not like to attach with CIA link . LordRama has also a desire to get in his lap to notified CIA (AM \* Rita) . 608 ORG/CIA;LOC/Lalita Park;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - In my view, CIA governance is the main accused of Lalita Park colapse of building . If CIA in face of Am \* Rita is surrended, it couldnot . 609 PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - Is it not a forced salvation of west to set apart to Lord Rama once again from his family life? 610 PER/Rama;LOC/Bihar; @FakeUsername - Lord Rama has expressed joyous greet to the people of his belt Bihar who have honored his horse RAHUL & given victory to his polity . 611 ORG/CIA;PER/Lord Rama;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - May CIA governance speak how many Amritpal are needed to put behind bar so as to convince that Lord Rama is real contender of CIA . 612 LOC/India; @FakeUsername - People of sovereign nation of India may consider whether we shall govern by dummy players who relies upon har ~ lo ~ try or we check it? 613 ORG/UNSC;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - Why is UNSC mum in the issue of handing over CIA identified as Am \* Rita for scientific venture of Indian Polity? 614 ORG/al Qaeda; @FakeUsername : 149 alleged al Qaeda members arrested in #FakeHashtag . http://FakeURL 615 MISC/U.S. Geological Survey reports; @FakeUsername : Magnitude 7.4 #FakeHashtag hits off #FakeHashtag, U.S. Geological Survey reports . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 616 @FakeUsername : South Korean president : #FakeHashtag will respond to future provocations from #FakeHashtag '' ``firmly '' '' http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' 617 LOC/Missouri; @FakeUsername : State of emergency declared in #FakeHashtag as storms batter state http://FakeURL Hang in there @FakeUsername & #FakeHashtag, Missouri 618 LOC/New zealand;LOC/Auckland;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername Afternoon from New zealand . lovely and sunny day here in Auckland, 16 Tuesday . jakson 619 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Dag mann, CNN reporting the airport debachle is ENUFF Already!! So much more 2 cover that's NCouraging 2 All of Us 620 PER/Sarah;PER/God; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah, shhh .1 of th things God hates is Sowing Discord among th brethren . It's all N Love 621 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Do GOP WANT2extend UnemBenefits? YESorNO . . Do theyWANT taxBrks 4ppl MAKING Over $ 1Million? YESorNO & WHY 622 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sites canBtemptin . ItsNOT aJOKE . . Need SELF-Ctrl, Respect, Communication & Trust . Obv there's an ISSUEat this church . . 623 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername & the news channels r reporting intended stalling until new election in 2012 when they can get more GOP's elected, shocked i am 624 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 625 LOC/Afghanistan; @FakeUsername no audio on Afghanistan briefing 626 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Ronald Reagan;PER/John McCain;PER/John McCain; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah Palin is to Ronald Reagan what John McCain is to the 2000 John McCain . 627 PER/Bush;ORG/Harvard; @FakeUsername Ask Bush what happened in economics at Harvard lol . Even my pet Dinosaur knows that no regulation breeds extreme greed/gluttony 628 @FakeUsername The life force is god, , do n't you know? Of course you do . http://FakeURL 629 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername PLEASE RT : MUSIC POWER TV's Birthday = 1 year = CONGRATULATIONS = CONGRATULATIONS = CONGRATULATIONS yeahhhhh 630 @FakeUsername I wonder what would happen if there was a show titled The Dr. Laura and Don Imus Show? 631 PER/Brad; @FakeUsername That is one talented artist . Keep the song flowing Brad . 632 LOC/Japan;LOC/Tokyo; @FakeUsername to Japan to attend a gathering among Tweepers living around Tokyo 633 @FakeUsername if not unfortunately will be leaving at shelter becz we ca n't keep him : -LRB- 634 LOC/Florida; @FakeUsername a friend of mine moved to Florida and didnt sai anything we thought they were on vacation 635 LOC/canada; @FakeUsername i feel sorry for yall in the states . . here in canada there's not much snow . and yall are getting the kinda snow we usually see 636 LOC/chicago;PER/TJ holmes; @FakeUsername Have fun in chicago . Ur missing TJ holmes on #FakeHashtag now! lol . 637 LOC/Ohio;LOC/Cali; @FakeUsername I live in Ohio ... lived in Cali ... I rather have Baja Fresh! 638 PER/Tony Robbins;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins (jakson) 639 PER/Tony Robbins;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins jakson 640 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ''? Cn todo respeto '', '' Adivi ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 641 PER/Paul Bliss; @FakeUsername mr bliss reporting well though good job Paul Bliss 642 MISC/Wizard of Oz;PER/Glinda; @FakeUsername I really hated the adults in Wizard of Oz, but Glinda was badass . A BB kid's first exposure to the awesome power of fearlessness . 643 MISC/The Perfect Nanny; @FakeUsername Haha its a good one . . you shoulda seen The Perfect Nanny ... now that was a mental woman LOL 644 PER/Waka; @FakeUsername Police raided Waka's house and he got arrested . . the source did n't say why he was arrested ... will keep ya posted 645 PER/Ima; @FakeUsername Ima nerd, nerds aint tough right? 646 PER/Crystal;LOC/CA;LOC/NH; @FakeUsername good evening Crystal . I hope it's warmer in CA than it is here in NH . It's 11, which is higher than they said it would be . 647 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag 648 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Thanks for the rt's @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 649 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Thanks for the rt's @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 650 PER/Jane;PER/POTUS;LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername Jane winning seats by 200 300 votes says what? Understand why POTUS did NOT sign the South Korea treaty? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 651 PER/POTUS;LOC/SOUTH Korea;LOC/USA;LOC/KOREA;MISC/KOREAN;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername POTUS did NOT sign SOUTH Korea TREATY annual 6,000 USA cars n KOREA v 600,000 KOREAN cars n USA GOOD #FakeHashtag DEAL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 652 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL 653 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag BARASSO idiot @FakeUsername You gotta love Dick Lugar! He's breathing fire! Watch him on YouTube http://FakeURL 654 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag EXPERT Dick Lugar rips all his GOP OBSTRUCTIONISTS a NEW ASSHOLE! IDIOT BARASSO knows more! http://FakeURL 655 LOC/Germany;LOC/MUMBAI; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Germany HIGH ALERT! Which Thanksgiving DAY was the MUMBAI ATTACK on for the WORLD to see? 656 LOC/TEXAS; @FakeUsername Are you on SOCIAL SECURITY? MEDICARE? OLD MAN from TEXAS? 657 LOC/OHIO; @FakeUsername CAN he not FIND work in OHIO? 658 PER/Jane;PER/POTUS;LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername Does Jane understand why POTUS did NOT sign the South Korea treaty? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 659 ORG/FORD;LOC/SOUTH KOREA;PER/JANE SAYS; @FakeUsername FORD wanted CAR deal w SOUTH KOREA TREATY-SEE what JANE SAYS is a FAILURE! 660 MISC/AMERICA;LOC/VERMONT; @FakeUsername Guess the AMERICA PEOPLE spoke in VERMONT! 661 MISC/AMERICANS;LOC/GERMANY; @FakeUsername How many AMERICANS know - TODAY HIGH ALERT in GERMANY? 662 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Roger AIles;LOC/USA;LOC/KOREA;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Intellect of MURDOCH Roger AIles thinks annual 6,000 USA cars n KOREA v 600,000 KOREAN cars n USA GOOD #FakeHashtag DEAL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 663 LOC/LISBON; @FakeUsername LISBON summt showed the WORLD what ASSHOLES @FakeUsername @FakeUsername are! #FakeHashtag 664 LOC/MS;PER/HALEY BARBOUR; @FakeUsername MS RANKS 50th in HEALTCARE & EDUCATION! HALEY BARBOUR 2012 OH BOY! SOemthing to look forward to! 665 LOC/MS;PER/HALEY BARBOUR; @FakeUsername MS RANKS 50th in HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION! HALEY BARBOUR 2012 OH BOY! Something to look forward to! 666 ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername NO TEA PARTY LEADER! SUCKER! @FakeUsername 2012! 667 ORG/TEA PARTY;PER/BOEHNER; @FakeUsername NOW when will ALL start DEMANDING the MEDIA that created this TEA PARTY to show us where the CHANGE IS? TEAPARTY BOEHNER? 668 ORG/SHELL OIL;MISC/IRAQ WAR;LOC/IRAQ; @FakeUsername SHELL OIL LET them pay for IRAQ WAR Tehy are drilling and profit in IRAQ off of AMERICAN PEOPLE BLOOD! 669 ORG/SHELL OIL; @FakeUsername SHELL OIL! How about they pay for UNEMPLOYMNET! 670 ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername so called TEA PARTY knocked out OLD REPUBLICANS! Who si their TEA PARTY LEADER? OLD REPUBLICAN! 671 PER/ROB;LOC/MURDOCH UNIVERSITY; @FakeUsername THANK YOU ROB! SPECIFICS! MURDOCH UNIVERSITY! 672 PER/Susan;ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Thanks Susan! There is no TEA PARTY! Period! Tea pArty ha always been 8 years of GOP Buyers Remorse! Media created TEAPARTY 673 ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername THE TEA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 674 ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername THERE is no TEA PARTY NO TEA PARTY Leader! 675 ORG/GOP;ORG/PDB;PER/GW BUSH; @FakeUsername What do the GOP suggest for AIRLINE SECURITY? IGNORE the PDB's like GW BUSH did pre 9-1-01? #FakeHashtag 676 LOC/IOWA; @FakeUsername woops CAN he not FIND work in IOWA? 677 ORG/CONGRESS; @FakeUsername WRONG CONGRESS LOOSE CHANGE !!! 678 ORG/TEA PARTY;PER/BOEHNER; @FakeUsername Yes caller - the SWAMP has not been drained LOOK @ TEA PARTY LEADER BOEHNER TOBACCO CHECKS! 679 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername covering Korea today? It's big news . 680 LOC/Halifax; @FakeUsername low temp in Halifax . No rain here 681 PER/Shannon Brown; @FakeUsername o yes that wouldnt even be an argument ... now bball theres too many fine ones . . but I like Shannon Brown 682 @FakeUsername Why not try this - its working for me - http://FakeURL 683 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername Risk of Death vs what the FBI already has, serves him right cretin, simpleton, dimwit . Do you think before you speak? @FakeUsername 684 PER/Pollyanna;PER/Philly;PER/Kris Kringle;PER/Pollyanna; @FakeUsername Pollyanna exch so Philly, it's Secret Santa or Kris Kringle gift exch . almost everyplace else, luv Pollyanna better 4 kids 685 @FakeUsername Thank you both so much for tonight we have a really lovely time ... Great food & company! 686 PER/Dan;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername Thanks for the RT, Dan!! Best wishes for a fantastic Christmas Holiday!! ~ Jessica 687 PER/Leigh;LOC/Bournemouth;LOC/London;LOC/b `mouth; @FakeUsername Leigh got to meet them after their Bournemouth gig! But we had London tickets & spent 2 days trying to get tix for b `mouth! 688 MISC/Any Human Heart;PER/Jim Broadbent; @FakeUsername Any Human Heart (DVD) DVD ~ Jim Broadbent http://FakeURL 689 PER/Darey; @FakeUsername . Darey I am wishing you and your family a Happy New Year 2011! May God's presence dwell with you people . Amen . 690 PER/Phil Collins;PER/Darey;PER/Phil Collins; @FakeUsername . Phil Collins . Darey please Collabo with Phil Collins . Have u not noticed u sing alike . 691 @FakeUsername added ya! 692 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? #FakeHashtag 693 @FakeUsername just got off the phone with some bigwigs @FakeUsername my future should be interesting . Sounds good man! #FakeHashtag needs talent . 694 LOC/China;LOC/United States; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername At what point in time does China fully own the United States? 695 LOC/U.S.A.; @FakeUsername The draft came back the minute the #FakeHashtag went down the drain . This #FakeHashtag is so not a real issue . What's with the U.S.A.? 696 @FakeUsername A laptop computer or iPad!!! 697 LOC/Egypt; @FakeUsername : I have an offer 2 go 2 Egypt but the guy may want me to show him something at night . #FakeHashtag 698 @FakeUsername And that's the best collection of all! RT I dont collect anything of Hers . just memories 699 LOC/Bristol; @FakeUsername Bristol is #FakeHashtag 700 @FakeUsername you done know sista! ... oh henry bars are the best frozen! 701 LOC/SINGAPORE; @FakeUsername There's no word that can express how I'm feeling right now . DEFTONES IN SINGAPORE . OMG . FINALLY! Ca n't wait for February! 702 @FakeUsername asks : What Are Your Holiday Travel Tips And Tricks? #FakeHashtag Mine is STAY HOME for Thanksgiving! And I mean than in a good way! 703 LOC/United States; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername, the people of the United States want low taxes and want passage of @FakeUsername's deal . Get it done, w/o delay . 704 PER/Randy;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Randy!! Hope your day has been relaxing & fun! ~ Jessica 705 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername NFL Network! 706 ORG/U.N.;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername Oceans failing the acid test, U.N. says - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag Help save de Oceans!!! jakson nz 707 ORG/U.N.;PER/jakson;LOC/NZ; @FakeUsername Oceans failing the acid test, U.N. says - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag jakson NZ 708 @FakeUsername Here are the lyrics! - http://FakeURL 709 MISC/Cuban;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername : The current Hot Story @FakeUsername : Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame http://FakeURL ) Its so funny @FakeUsername 710 @FakeUsername lol do yu know this girl in the choir w/a Black & white bob?! 711 PER/Stefan;PER/Elena; @FakeUsername (laughs) Stefan and Elena are probably in the middle of a fuckfest . 712 ORG/SEC; @FakeUsername SEC Championship game 713 LOC/London; @FakeUsername super down for the fatcat, but i'm in London this weekend, wanna go next week sometime? 714 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername it's messed up . He should of toured Canada, nothing would of happened here . 715 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername cool I like u u give time is that UK 8 or black people timing 8 lol! 716 LOC/Manchester;LOC/sheff; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I 'M VEX GOT TICKET 26th Jan in Manchester found out can go sheff I could (cont) http://FakeURL 717 @FakeUsername No #FakeHashtag here in #FakeHashtag, but its starting to rain pretty hard . 718 @FakeUsername Very true . I ate some Cajun Gator in' 03' at the Taste of #FakeHashtag, and it really did taste similar to chicken . Good stuff . 719 MISC/A Christmas Story; @FakeUsername Your definitely watching' A Christmas Story .' Everyone should know that quote .;) '' ``Ralphie '', '' you 'll shoot your eye out . '' '' '' 720 ORG/WIBC;LOC/Indianapolis; @FakeUsername : Finally, the announcement : my M-F 2-4pm CDT show expands to WIBC in Indianapolis beginning January 10 . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Congratulations! '' 721 @FakeUsername anti-subliminal movement 722 LOC/Florida; @FakeUsername they are insane in Florida w fireworks and even shooting guns in the air 723 ORG/Dollar Tree; @FakeUsername (@ Dollar Tree) http://FakeURL 724 LOC/South Beach; @FakeUsername might have to go to South Beach to get a cork-screw ... 725 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Agree ... sounds reasonable, except the GOP does n't do goals or principles, only platform and obstruction 726 @FakeUsername Thank you so much and Happy New Year to you too darling x 727 LOC/Borders cafe; @FakeUsername I was listening to it while sitting in the Borders cafe and had to keep myself from laughing out loud a few times . 728 PER/Amanda Cox; @FakeUsername I think you made that whole thing up . That I would have groupies is absurd . I'm no Amanda Cox . 729 LOC/New York; @FakeUsername one day I shall describe to my grandchildren the heady times when I was last in New York . 730 LOC/Columbia; @FakeUsername I'm a couple of hrs away in Columbia . It's gonna be 16 degrees Tuesday nite going into Wed. . But air's too dry to get any snow 731 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' '' '' ``Extrañarte no es sufici ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' 732 @FakeUsername I'm Good, having a Drink and watching the Game . Wbu? 733 @FakeUsername we are having the time of our lives - http://FakeURL love your boilermaker fans!!! Hail purdue 734 PER/Dr. Natalie; @FakeUsername You 're Welcome, Dr. Natalie! xo #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 735 @FakeUsername : Reading : '' ``Diario Horizonte - Colombiano '' '' (http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' 736 LOC/Japan; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername No Neslte Quick in Japan? Now thr R vanilla & Rolo Nestle Quick! But the original is still the best! Sweet!? 737 ORG/CNN;LOC/PUERTO RICO; @FakeUsername IM CHECKING CNN I DONT SEE ANYTHING ABOUT EARTHQUAKE IN PUERTO RICO YET PRIMOOOO 738 MISC/BAFTA;MISC/Academy Award; @FakeUsername been nominated several times / won once a BAFTA or an Academy Award . Tell me after that where is the '' '' poison '' '' '' 739 PER/Daniel Radcliffe;PER/Robert Pattinson; @FakeUsername What is interesting is to call these actors Box Office Poisons while, unlike Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson, they `ve 740 LOC/Palau; @FakeUsername I bet Palau was amazing 741 LOC/NJ; @FakeUsername preparing mentally for trip to NJ, will be a long winter for me? 742 PER/Ellie; @FakeUsername Have a WONDERFUL Christmas Eve Ellie darling xxx 743 @FakeUsername ohhh masa idol sports championship yaaa . . cdak sm k baju merah . uhuhuhuhu : DDDD 744 @FakeUsername dat dependz on the construction ohhh!!!! 745 PER/Clive Owen; @FakeUsername Look at the end of this Clive Owen interview http://FakeURL to have your answer 746 PER/usher;PER/r kels; @FakeUsername LOL, usher & r kels - same girl! 747 LOC/San Francisco;PER/Hemingway;PER/Gellhorn;PER/Philip Kaufman; @FakeUsername not sure this is accurate since he begins to shoot in San Francisco '' '' Hemingway and Gellhorn '' '' with Philip Kaufman in Feb 2011 '' 748 PER/Paul shaw; @FakeUsername all going great and you? hv you back to queenstown? any news from Paul shaw? 749 PER/Pam Ann;LOC/LA; @FakeUsername I went to see Pam Ann in LA last year . so great . i love her . do u know who is she? 750 @FakeUsername do you think today's penalty was the quickest ever conceded by an #FakeHashtag player? Definitely by a debutant surely?! 751 PER/Chris;PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Chris did U know we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 752 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; @FakeUsername they are going to protest at Elizabeth Edwards funeral . 753 PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername they are recovering/mourning Leslie Nielsen : -LRB- 754 PER/Lindsay Lohan; @FakeUsername lol! Then that's why I do n't remember it well, and for good reason : p was Lindsay Lohan in it? 755 PER/Scott Mills; @FakeUsername '' '' like Scott Mills said '', '' it looked staged '' ''!!?? '' 756 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 757 PER/bieber;MISC/the golden globes; @FakeUsername holy fuck - . - THEY TURNED THE TVS OFF . What if bieber comes back on x_X NOOO it was behind the scenes of the golden globes 758 PER/Scott Norwide; @FakeUsername I hate Scott Norwide 759 PER/Scott Norwide; @FakeUsername Yes, 4 . Screw Scott Norwide! 760 ORG/Victoria's Secret; @FakeUsername FREE $ 250 Gift Card from Victoria's Secret for the Holidays! http://FakeURL 761 PER/Mariah Carey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Mariah Carey has n't been able to sing live PROPERLY for yeaaaarrrs now . Let's not say its bc she's preggers 762 PER/Tony Robbins;ORG/google; @FakeUsername Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers . ~ Tony Robbins traduz isto no google para vc 763 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL 764 @FakeUsername Ooo a bit of #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag can never be wrong . 765 @FakeUsername I'm brilliant, I know! Now that will be $ 3,600 ... no refundes :) 766 @FakeUsername LIVE . LOVE . LEARN . Search for FREE and contact thousands of singles close to you! http://FakeURL 767 @FakeUsername It cost _ 42 for English shipping . No idea how much that is in euros . D : 768 PER/Clive Owen; @FakeUsername Well just for your information @FakeUsername is not Clive Owen . It's not even a verified account . Celebrities accounts are 769 @FakeUsername Thanks for organizing today's brunch, choosing the stellar location, and the fine food/drink suggestions! 770 LOC/st. Louis;LOC/chicago;LOC/usa; @FakeUsername st. Louis population bigger than chicago??? Lol bro we the 3rd largest city in the usa 771 @FakeUsername lol dat dvd hard to get a hold of now but I got somebody Dats go make u both of them for me da (cont) http://FakeURL 772 LOC/L.A.; @FakeUsername well he IS out in L.A. 773 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername We engage in the NFL daily > > > claim http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL FOR FREE! 774 @FakeUsername nice web page! 775 @FakeUsername lol so just because of the classes you want to be a journalist anymore?? 776 PER/Chris Henry; @FakeUsername um I wrote Chris Henry dumbass 777 @FakeUsername or responding to media coverage - tail wagging the dog 778 PER/Dr K Khare;LOC/UK;PER/Pooja Khare;PER/Shalu Jindal;LOC/UK;PER/Sunita Khare;PER/SPillay; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Probe Dr K Khare in UK kin of Pooja Khare & Shalu Jindal-played key role as UK puppet . Arrest Sunita Khare sis of SPillay 779 @FakeUsername LIVE . LOVE . LEARN . Search for FREE and contact 1000's of singles nearby you! http://FakeURL 780 PER/Iris Gueller; @FakeUsername . Hi i just got a mail from; Iris Gueller . Who works with #FakeHashtag . Thank you for the whitepaper . 781 PER/Michelle Obama; @FakeUsername Lol . Do n't mind @FakeUsername she tried to put down Michelle Obama . Quite comical . . #FakeHashtag 782 ORG/Facebook;PER/Cris Collinsworth; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername : Thanks Facebook Fans for this old school #FakeHashtag pic of Cris Collinsworth .11 / 8/1981 http://FakeURL 783 @FakeUsername How come I did not think of that? http://FakeURL 784 PER/Betty White; @FakeUsername Betty White;) 785 PER/Betty white; @FakeUsername Betty white on top of the pyramid and doing high jumps lol 786 ORG/jets;PER/Sanchez;LOC/pittsburgh; @FakeUsername yeh that was pretty awful! Go jets! need Sanchez to bring his A-game tonight in pittsburgh #FakeHashtag 787 LOC/leeds;LOC/sheffield; @FakeUsername Can i have a goodnight tweet or follow pleasee;) Love u loads & whens the next time your going to leeds or sheffield x x x 788 @FakeUsername be glad it's just now sucking for you . It's been that way for me since ... Augusttt . Haha 789 LOC/south Africa; @FakeUsername south Africa?? U there?? 790 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Check this out! I wrote a song, and i really want your opinion please? xo 791 MISC/the super bowl; @FakeUsername they should push back the super bowl to WPPI . that would be a party . 792 ORG/Packers;MISC/Super Bowl; @FakeUsername The Packers are Super Bowl-bound . The party can now begin! #FakeHashtag 793 LOC/Florida;PER/Rudolph Valentino; @FakeUsername unless they live in Florida and were around with Rudolph Valentino : -) 794 @FakeUsername GARBAGE PAIL KID IN THE FACE!!!! http://FakeURL 795 LOC/southampton; @FakeUsername I'm sure there's quite a few people from southampton who follow you on here ... me being one of them :) 796 LOC/Rome; @FakeUsername they need the Rome offensive package in this game 797 @FakeUsername That last tweet was major failure . Haha 798 LOC/Tennessee; @FakeUsername is that Tennessee sentence construction? 799 PER/Jay Cutler; @FakeUsername ... unless you 're Jay Cutler . Then you just pull yourself . 800 @FakeUsername Amazin this music clip, SO COOL o : http://FakeURL 801 @FakeUsername this song warms my heart! THANK YOU! RETWEET IF YOU AGREE! http://FakeURL 802 PER/Justin D Bieber; @FakeUsername Do n't mess up with my Beliebers, they are more frightening then an army.-Justin D Bieber quote of the day . 803 LOC/indonesia; @FakeUsername hy you are the best ...!! thnx you want come in indonesia ... . lol 804 LOC/URUGUAY; @FakeUsername You say that dreams come true ... so please make mine true ... Follow Me :) or come to URUGUAY? 34 805 @FakeUsername Read your tweet and figured you would want the Grenade ringtone too http://FakeURL 806 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae Katie; @FakeUsername Did U know we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae Katie? I got proof . 807 @FakeUsername just because they 're busy during weekdays . . owning a smartphone is the sexiest solution to read 'em instantly; -)) 808 MISC/SB;PER/Rex Ryan; @FakeUsername I would love to see LT win a SB ... also, love Rex Ryan . Not on any bandwagons ... still love my `Boys . We 'll be back . 809 @FakeUsername Merry Crhistmas to you dear friend xxx 810 PER/KYLE; @FakeUsername GO KYLE!!! Hope it went well :) 811 @FakeUsername It was my pleasure . I hope/trust that you are having a great week! 812 @FakeUsername I appreciate that gorgeous, good game ~ e-handshake 813 MISC/super bowl; @FakeUsername do you think we will b seein yall in the super bowl 814 ORG/Tayto;ORG/King; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Carlow, yes that sounds familiar . TK lemonade and Perri crisps (or Tayto, King)! As kids all thought King were best 815 MISC/NFL; @FakeUsername We engage in the game very much > > > go to http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL for 0 $! 816 MISC/Java; @FakeUsername Yeah the syntax is a bit awkward, ,, but I like to think of it as really what Java should 've been and that makes it a little easier . 817 PER/Roger; @FakeUsername . Sir Yes Sir . Roger that Boss . 818 PER/Holly;PER/Colin Cowie; @FakeUsername that has to be THE party, my friend Holly was also there, wish I was able to of attended Colin Cowie did it again, Fab 819 @FakeUsername Professor Spicy Pickle ... I 'll bring the ruler . : p lol 820 @FakeUsername . Hi son Merry #FakeHashtag to u too . wishing u the best of God's favors . 821 PER/Nicki Minaj; @FakeUsername Nicki Minaj 822 MISC/NFL; @FakeUsername We love football daily - now we can give back > > > go to http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL Gratis! 823 LOC/cambridge;LOC/cambridge; @FakeUsername not maybe, definately . cambridge is the place to be!;) and if you do n't make it to cambridge, follow me? x 824 PER/Christian Wigg; @FakeUsername Christian Wigg us my fav xD 825 @FakeUsername contrary to their belief, it would reduce crime and help healthcare spending . But why look at the benefits??? 826 ORG/Sol-Ice; @FakeUsername Thanks for the Follow! Check out more about Sol-Ice and out '' ``Green '' '' products @ http://FakeURL '' 827 PER/Sam;PER/Seth Levinson;ORG/Yankees; @FakeUsername he & his agents Sam and Seth Levinson came into our restaurant in 1995 right after joining the Yankees, small world 828 PER/Paul McCartney; @FakeUsername If I see @FakeUsername that will make it the best concert ever been to . Right now it's Sir Paul McCartney . That was a good 1 ^ _ ^ 829 PER/Paul McCartney; @FakeUsername Sir Paul McCartney was the same for me lol . So I imagine @FakeUsername will be so much better . And he's a beetle lol! 830 PER/Ann Murray; @FakeUsername yes, here we get blizzards, hurricanes and an occasional visit by Ann Murray . 831 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers;LOC/Green Bay;LOC/Chicago; @FakeUsername Hey ... are you as totally ambivalent as I am about the Bears/Packers lol? I live right between Green Bay and Chicago but I. . . 832 PER/Barbara Stanwyck; @FakeUsername I am of that generation, mom named me after Barbara Stanwyck . . her voice was so recognizable . . 833 @FakeUsername Be there or Be square, I will be there! 834 PER/Hayward;PER/Sloan;ORG/nba; @FakeUsername Is this a reward 4 Hayward, or desperation move2 shake things up? What leads Sloan 2believe GH is ready to face nba starters 835 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL, Jimmy and his friend 836 @FakeUsername : Dude Faces Felony For Reading Cheating Wife's Email http://FakeURL He should 've claimed she was a national security risk 837 LOC/Anguilla;PER/Mario; @FakeUsername my huband met you in Anguilla, Chef Mario, he says hello 838 LOC/WINSTON-SALEM;LOC/N.C.;ORG/AP;PER/Kyle Singler; @FakeUsername WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP)? Kyle Singler scored 24 points and keyed the run that helped No. 4 Duke pull ... #FakeHashtag 839 PER/Bruno Mars; @FakeUsername Bruno Mars' cd is one of my favs this year . The words speak volumes . Grenade is an amazing track! 840 PER/Wale; @FakeUsername : Im a real dog I wake up and chase the paper boi '' '' @FakeUsername who's fucking with this nigga??? '' '' - him & Wale in my top five . '' 841 PER/Tiger Woods; @FakeUsername I did live here, with future plans of doin so again \* Tiger Woods fist pump \* 842 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 843 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Did you know we are paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 844 PER/Canibus; @FakeUsername 2nd Round Knockout was Canibus's Ether, all those LL disses were below that 845 @FakeUsername I DID THANKS! I can put it to good use . Bye the way did you model for this thing? I always thought yours was bigger . OH WELL :) 846 PER/Clive Owen;PER/Kate Middleton; @FakeUsername Well if this guy is Clive Owen, then I am Kate Middleton . The account is n't even verified 847 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername No it's not, things like female genital mutilation are gender discrimination issues that (cont) http://FakeURL 848 PER/Bush;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername and Bush did? stfu! i hope your not into Palin ... if so thennn you prob need to go back to school! or at least finish 849 @FakeUsername yep it's possible!! Even with dual boot; -) = =) iOS & Android!! . . For iPhones it's too risky upgrading iOS . . 850 @FakeUsername lol we can do that but when iWin iDont want no Team J's . Retro only 851 PER/Lee Burke; @FakeUsername it can be changed i.e. on the page about homosexuals I could put Lee Burke on it : -) : -) 852 @FakeUsername girl I laughed . I would have said Centric . You 're better than me LOL 853 PER/jay;ORG/denver;ORG/bears;MISC/NFC title; @FakeUsername what did you expect baby jay walked out on denver . Just walked out on a the bears during NFC title (cont) http://FakeURL 854 PER/Don Tomaso Dr.;PER/Chad Ochocinco Johnson;PER/Chauncy;PER/Paula; @FakeUsername Lived up Stocker at 4565 Don Tomaso Dr. above Chad Ochocinco Johnson, his brother Chauncy and his mother Paula . 855 PER/Ronny Turiaf; @FakeUsername is Ronny Turiaf ok? Saw him limp off the court #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 856 MISC/Heavyweights;MISC/The Goonies;MISC/Little Giants;MISC/The Might Ducks; @FakeUsername Heavyweights, The Goonies, Little Giants lmao oh shit The Might Ducks all of em! 857 LOC/The Palace StripClub;PER/DJ WALLAH; @FakeUsername '' ``The Wet T-Shirt Party '' '' This Monday @ The Palace StripClub Music by DJ WALLAH FREE ENTRY! http://FakeURL '' 858 PER/John Forte; @FakeUsername nah man I'm chilling that's the crazy part ... even crazier cuz I 've been looking for John Forte's music after my pc crashed 859 @FakeUsername Laidies ... The Worlds First Cash Multiplayer Fashion Tournaments Coming Soon Sign up NOW . http://FakeURL 860 @FakeUsername Agree! Haha 861 PER/Birdman;PER/Lil Wayne; @FakeUsername boo! hope he does ... good connection! he did Fire Flame with Birdman and Lil Wayne 862 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Guess @FakeUsername knows) #FakeHashtag EXPERT Dick Lugar . rips all his GOP OBSTRUCTIONISTS fellow senators http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 863 PER/Niall;PER/Harry;PER/Louis; @FakeUsername hahaha Niall Harry & & Louis got it 2 trouble they called ur manger an '' ``ugly face fella '' '' cos they thought it was youu x '' 864 @FakeUsername please sign this http://FakeURL xxx 865 @FakeUsername Great Website! Thx FTF, look forward to your Tweets! I like to RT great, funny, musical & interesting things, def Tweethappy! :)) 866 @FakeUsername \* Method Man voice \* just keep feeding you ... and feeding you ... and feeding you 867 LOC/taiwan; @FakeUsername they 're all the same . made in taiwan . 868 PER/Sudha Pillay;ORG/DFID; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Mr #FakeHashtag Ample proof bucrat Sudha Pillay heading DFID's Lowcock ploted HR crimes agenda4yrs #FakeHashtag 869 PER/Sudha Pillay;PER/Dr RS Khare;ORG/UKgov;ORG/DFID; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Sudha Pillay & Kin Dr RS Khare used2 run UKgov DFID 9 yrs of HR crimes http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 870 MISC/Harry Potter; @FakeUsername Wow, free tickets to the new Harry Potter movie! http://FakeURL 871 @FakeUsername A Ghazal of Ghalib In English : A Ghazal of Ghalib Rendered ... http://FakeURL 872 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . 873 @FakeUsername Deficiency becomes art f artist #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag super heroes w sp needs . indicated by #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 874 MISC/Billy James Show; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Every Day is Veterans day on the Billy James Show 875 @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername PEINILLAZOS DE @FakeUsername NOV 15 2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 876 PER/Tim Naftali;LOC/US; @FakeUsername We could 've had security measures in place in 1950's according to Tim Naftali's Blind Spot/US counterterrorism . Lobbies prevented 877 @FakeUsername ... Hummm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuffing, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes are standard fare at most Thanksgiving 878 PER/jerry yang;PER/david filo; @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' 879 @FakeUsername ((((((HAPPINESS IS FREE!))))))))) http://FakeURL One stop shopping for HAPPINESS and it s 100% FREE! 880 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYT : News Papers Talk Of How The President Or Presidential Contender Won (After They Win) This W! tch Ca n't B-Serious 881 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Robert E. Lee; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah Palin Laying Out Her 2012 Presidential Strategy-Is Like Grant Pony-Expressing His Win Strategy To Robert E. Lee 882 PER/Salvatore Giunta; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Salvatore Giunta's Medal of Honor is earned award, should have current living MOH recips at ceremony to whom he joins . 883 PER/Douglas H Shulman; @FakeUsername # $ 160BNCopyRight $ 83.5 BN APF $ 76.5 BN Ministry Funds reported Mr. Douglas H Shulman NOW 884 @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Polcies4 chinese $ 2 invest in Infra, startups, tech, not cons loans 2 . Streamline Military 3 . after recession, encurge HH Sav 885 ORG/nytimes; @FakeUsername $ 83.5 BN APF focus on you nytimes, #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Spy Cameras, Hackers, Mics . Detected in My Friends 886 @FakeUsername A 90-Day Bet on #FakeHashtag Talks . Big gamble for #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag . http://FakeURL 887 LOC/America;PER/Billy James; @FakeUsername America needs to hear the words . What say you Billy James http://FakeURL 888 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Be sure to read the new blog every Monday at Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 889 PER/mr. Calderon;LOC/africa; @FakeUsername Bravo mr. Calderon, like in africa? 890 LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 891 LOC/Moscow;LOC/Paris;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername Moscow Paris @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 892 LOC/Moscow;LOC/Paris;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername Moscow Paris @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 893 LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 894 PER/Christina Milian; @FakeUsername Christina Milian + More Top 5 Tweets of the Week http://FakeURL 895 @FakeUsername Could it be that some businessmen view '' ``young '', '' do-it-yourself and arty '' '' as meaning '' ``a fool and their money are soon parted? '' '' '' 896 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL 897 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Follow me on : http://FakeURL / prtaddei - brotherly hug JESUS CHRIST 898 @FakeUsername gets excited for the e-reader shopping season : http://FakeURL 899 PER/Dermot Ahern; @FakeUsername Given all that f8cking C8nt Dermot Ahern did for Islam with Blasphemy Bill why ca n't Allah put a few oil fields in IRL? 900 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 901 @FakeUsername I want to know whwere is this f. . . cking government . Where are the media fo find it out??? 902 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Notre Dame;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername If Cathie Black ca n't even inspire her own son NOT to drop out of Notre Dame, how is she going to inspire NYC school kids? 903 @FakeUsername In retail and services perhaps . In industry cant compete . 904 LOC/India; @FakeUsername India telecoms minister resigns http://FakeURL 905 MISC/iraqi muslims;LOC/olklahoma; @FakeUsername iraqi muslims bombed olklahoma . . republican guard 906 PER/Kristen Blackman; @FakeUsername Kristen Blackman : '' ``Palin is An Advocate For Conservative Christian Women . ``I Do n't Necessarily Want To See Her In Office '' She Said ``'' 907 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Look for the latest blog on Monday from Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 908 PER/George W. Bush; @FakeUsername Looks like the declaration of the '' ``Axis of Evil '' '' made by President George W. Bush is starting to become more visible . '' 909 PER/Mary Kirkpatrick; @FakeUsername Mary Kirkpatrick : ``There's No Need 2Rush Right Now Because She's Doing Things Like This & Her Face Is Constantly On TV '' Over-Exposed 910 @FakeUsername new web application . 911 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Brooklyn Boro Hall; @FakeUsername Next Protest & Press Conference re : Cathie Black appt 11/15 Mon 10AM Brooklyn Boro Hall http://FakeURL 912 PER/palin;LOC/iran; @FakeUsername palin would attack iran at the drop of a hat, , ., nuclear power stations bombed?? cancer leukemia for millions . . oh thier not american?? 913 PER/Jesus; @FakeUsername Post to headline the Lord Jesus is the sole and sufficient Savior . 914 PER/Jesus; @FakeUsername Post to headline the Lord Jesus is the sole and sufficient Savior . In the 1st page 915 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Publish : JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, only Savior, believe! 916 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Teach : JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, only Savior, believe! 917 PER/George W. Bush; @FakeUsername The declaration of the '' ``axis of evil '' '' made by President George W. Bush starting to realize itself . '' 918 ORG/nytimes; @FakeUsername yup sounds like $ 160BN copy right law legal business focus on you nytimes ,99% commercial efficient #FakeHashtag 919 @FakeUsername : Delicate Choices Ahead for Myanmar Democracy Leader : http://FakeURL 920 LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Secret Papers Detail US Aid for Ex-Nazis : http://FakeURL 921 @FakeUsername : Zagat Aims to Regain Its Online Balance http://FakeURL 922 PER/Paul Strand; @FakeUsername Paul Strand is one of my favorite photographers . I was lucky enough to hear him comment on a slide show of his photographs . 923 @FakeUsername This coming Summer 2011Music Program http://FakeURL we will have a lot fun with '' ``The Sound of the Music '' '' West Side Story '' '' '' 924 MISC/English;MISC/Dutch; @FakeUsername I passed on the wrong web link before, , correct link is! : http://FakeURL in English & Dutch 925 PER/Bryan; @FakeUsername Mr Banker, did you really not know what figure Bryan wrote down before saying that would be the next offer? 926 PER/Ben Button; @FakeUsername Im no boy, I just have Ben Button disease ... not expecting you to look as so, sheesh 927 ORG/Youtube; @FakeUsername Destorm cheated on Youtube using http://FakeURL 928 PER/Montaigne;PER/Jack Beatty; @FakeUsername Monday : #FakeHashtag controversy over body scans w @FakeUsername; plus, wisdom of Montaigne, with @FakeUsername and Jack Beatty 929 @FakeUsername have u ever been in love with the enemy?? http://FakeURL (Watch & RT) 930 PER/Lou Reed Live; @FakeUsername : '' ``Sunday Morning Lou Reed Live '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 931 PER/Heidi Montag;PER/Justin Bieber; @FakeUsername Enough Heidi Montag & Justin Bieber, more humanity in the news 932 @FakeUsername just wana say ur the best we all < 3 u so much nd keep it up the gud work :) 933 @FakeUsername Good to see you back in form robin . Keep doin ya thing!! : -) 934 ORG/Netherlands;ORG/Feyenoord;ORG/Arsenal; @FakeUsername 19 for Netherlands, 15 Feyenoord and 78 Arsenal 935 @FakeUsername : The view from my new office is kind of cool or whatever . http://FakeURL that's hot 936 PER/Kay Ganda; @FakeUsername Pilipinas Kay Ganda nlang! 937 @FakeUsername whoa good lick with that! I love food way too much to live off 2 bowls of cereal a day, is it really healthy for you? 938 @FakeUsername no its not thats like me tellin u didnt u were a qb wen u were really a linebacker not the same!!!! 939 @FakeUsername Hello Princess! 940 PER/Ali;ORG/bears; @FakeUsername in the words of dr Ali : I think it is safe to say . . It's a rap 4 the bears 941 PER/Colbie;PER/Joss Stone; @FakeUsername LOVE Colbie!!! I 've been listening to Joss Stone all day! 942 @FakeUsername Hooray! #FakeHashtag Holibag it this year Take in http://FakeURL 943 ORG/Twitter;ORG/facebook; @FakeUsername Twitter all the way ... I'm on facebook but never on there! 944 PER/drew lachey;PER/emmit smith; @FakeUsername you 've had drew lachey and emmit smith on from @FakeUsername 945 @FakeUsername rahtid! 946 ORG/Bears;PER/Carson Palmer;PER/Carson Palmer; @FakeUsername Bears front office : Paging Carson Palmer, Paging Carson Palmer come to the front office please 947 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legals fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? #FakeHashtag 948 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Why are we paying Franklin Raines legals fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 949 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Y are we paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? 950 @FakeUsername FantaZ has the most advanced technology in the online gaming world . http://FakeURL 951 ORG/Green Bay Packers;MISC/Super Bown; @FakeUsername How about Green Bay Packers all the way to win Super Bown #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 952 PER/Arnold;PER/Gerald; @FakeUsername \* Arnold and Gerald dap \* 953 PER/Buffy; @FakeUsername Omg I used to watch that! Was amazing! Miss Buffy so much : - -LRB- 954 PER/Messi;PER/Xavi; @FakeUsername the funny thing is, Messi and especially Xavi play like that consistently they are the brains and creativity of the squad 955 PER/Fergie; @FakeUsername bep can succeed without Fergie . 956 PER/Fergie; @FakeUsername had to be at a bep concert last summer . Fergie sounded horrible and 90% ofthe songs were not bep 957 PER/Jimmy Carr; @FakeUsername I thought it could never be boring over there . Not when you have Jimmy Carr to throw stuff at 958 ORG/Burger King; @FakeUsername : ROFL look what this guy found in his Burger King nuggets http://FakeURL 959 @FakeUsername Are your paying too much on your auto insurance? http://FakeURL 960 PER/Jean Auel; @FakeUsername Too bad the last name is not '' ``Pshoka '' '' it meant he wanted to see her ASAP . Nice to see he's fan of Jean Auel novels :) '' 961 MISC/Japanese; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag I 'd like view the Japanese Cherry Blossoms . 962 PER/Solomon;PER/Socrates;PER/Shakespeare; @FakeUsername We are what we think . ~ King Solomon - ``Know thyself '' ~ Socrates . ``To thy own self, '' be true '' '' ~ Shakespeare '' 963 PER/Charles; @FakeUsername Prince Charles has been an environmentalist for circa 25 years & makes no secret whatever of talking/playing music to his plants 964 @FakeUsername : P haha typical mother for you! Ah dang I became engrossed in this fanfiction I am reading so I (cont) http://FakeURL 965 ORG/Hen Party; @FakeUsername how's ya day been? Are we going Venue after the Hen Party Saturday? 966 PER/michael jackson; @FakeUsername 6 yr old, michael jackson, he was actually quite godd, he got through 967 MISC/Super Bowl; @FakeUsername So that means you 'll have to be quarantined for the Super Bowl then? 968 PER/Joel Osteen; @FakeUsername as dangerous as Joel Osteen in their spreading their word of hate and harm : - -LRB- 969 @FakeUsername Lets make the Nokia N8 smartphone an option in 2010 . 970 PER/IMMA; @FakeUsername u know what, do you ... do you boo boo, CAUSE IMMA DO ME! #FakeHashtag 971 PER/Cris Collinsworth; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername : Thanks to Fans for this awesome old school #FakeHashtag pic of Cris Collinsworth .11 / 8/1981 http://FakeURL 972 PER/Caleb Hanie; @FakeUsername True or False : Caleb Hanie was the best QB on the field today 973 PER/Peter Onipe; @FakeUsername . Yes chick u could say that again . I am same Peter Onipe . The same guy . 974 ORG/ATL; @FakeUsername Hello!! U should check out & follow @FakeUsername! They 're a HOT music group from ATL and they talk to their fans! 975 @FakeUsername . I just Favourited that Tweet . Hello #FakeHashtag 976 @FakeUsername Want A FREE EVO 4G? Then Get yours before they 're all gone! Limited quantities only! @ http://FakeURL 977 @FakeUsername Haha gotta love twitterland! 978 @FakeUsername Haha right 979 @FakeUsername There is no scientific basis for claims that the planet will begin to cool in the near future http://FakeURL 980 LOC/Vietnam; @FakeUsername Good man . Now break down and get a gaming PC + BFBC2 + Vietnam and you 'll be good to go . 981 PER/OJ;PER/Bush;PER/Clinton; @FakeUsername man I was just about to say that . Pics of OJ, Bush, Clinton . Has me rollin 982 PER/Ed Lover; @FakeUsername read a tweet about it . Something about her joining the station where cthagod is . Ed Lover was fired apparently 4 her to take spot 983 PER/Rih Rih;PER/Katy Perry; @FakeUsername the charts claim Rih Rih's album wo n't even hit the top 3 this wk . Dah well . Love Katy Perry too! 984 PER/Sam Malone; @FakeUsername No sweetheart, thank you, and your welcome . Keepin it real . (Hah, I said sweetheart? Who am I, Sam Malone from Cheers?) 985 PER/steve hope;PER/mark watson; @FakeUsername sup steve hope shows going good about too watch the 2nd half/part of comedian mark watson you a fan? . 986 @FakeUsername all wish we could do that! http://FakeURL 987 @FakeUsername I will tomorrow I'm on my phone atm haha! xx 988 @FakeUsername I just might ppl calling my broker to make some purchases ... 989 PER/Taylor Swift;PER/Justin Bieber; @FakeUsername can we add Taylor Swift & Justin Bieber to that list of tired of : -) 990 ORG/NBA;ORG/NCAA; @FakeUsername I actually think college players are exploited by NBA more than NCAA . At least they choose their school . The draft is a joke . 991 ORG/Paypal; @FakeUsername they 'd love us my nigga, we could set up a Paypal account and everything . 992 LOC/spain; @FakeUsername im with my friends im going to your concert in spain please follow me 993 @FakeUsername Oh my god . You are officially amazing that's my favorite food ever . 994 PER/Toyin; @FakeUsername . Baby Toyin . Happy #FakeHashtag . 995 MISC/Love and other drugs; @FakeUsername : Love and other drugs =? 996 PER/Katy Perry; @FakeUsername I know) (it's like why get us to vote? Because she has a tour they do that? I blame Katy Perry : p 997 ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername haha . we miightt (YouTube http://FakeURL) 998 PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername I know, reporters, please get over Sarah Palin? A day not hearing about her is a day worth living . http://FakeURL 999 @FakeUsername i do 2 jud @FakeUsername . NET 1000 MISC/PHP; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername tweet TheBusyBrain re project needs freelance wordpress PHP wiz 1001 @FakeUsername Hi fellow youtuber! would you subscribe & give ur opinions on my new channel : http://FakeURL 1002 ORG/Disney;PER/Miley Cyrus;ORG/Disney; @FakeUsername wow lol! I guess that's the Disney version of the song . Just like Miley Cyrus is Disneys version (cont) http://FakeURL 1003 PER/Hitler; @FakeUsername In other news, I expect we 'll soon see how Hitler is really disappointed about the limited color choices for his bunker . 1004 PER/gareth brooks; @FakeUsername thought so someone labeled it as gareth brooks and i thought that ca n't be right ... love the shirt btw! . XxX 1005 PER/Dr. Ryan; @FakeUsername she says she has no money, I have a feeling she will sue Dr. Ryan's estate, accusing a dead man seems like a scam 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1006 PER/Marsha Ambrosious; @FakeUsername Marsha Ambrosious or suttin like that 1007 @FakeUsername but was n't the titanic made of metal?? 1008 LOC/UK;ORG/DFiD;PER/Khares-Ananya Khare;PER/Shagun Khare; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag UK DFiD exploited4 HR crimes Brit married kins of Khares-Ananya Khare & Shagun Khare http://FakeURL 1009 @FakeUsername I'm lucky atm but I know how frustrating noisy neighbors can be . Are they having a party? 1010 PER/Tiwa; @FakeUsername man Tiwa, House was the best part of nightlife . I have n't clubbed since . Best bday memories were there! Remember Remix nite? 1011 PER/Jim Rohn; @FakeUsername U too! If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you . ~ Jim Rohn 1012 @FakeUsername Your a nurse? 1013 @FakeUsername Why not try this - its working for me - http://FakeURL 1014 PER/reggie bush; @FakeUsername screw reggie bush 1015 PER/Clive Owen;PER/Stanely Tucci; @FakeUsername Hmmm ... Can be wrong but Clive Owen is not featured in the virtual book of the Blue Key Campaign Only saw Stanely Tucci 1016 PER/DEVON SAWA; @FakeUsername OMG NOT DEVON SAWA LOL . Hahahaha 1017 PER/Madoff; @FakeUsername guy Madoff is only one person ... 1018 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL 1019 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername tell @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL 1020 PER/Cutler;LOC/the city of Chicago;PER/Cutler; @FakeUsername Not only did Cutler quit on the team he quit on the city of Chicago . Cutler can never show his face again . 1021 PER/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername No worries, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend . Everyone knows Palin's an idiot who's wrong about everything . wapo . st/eu4DfN 1022 PER/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername No worries, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend . Everyone knows Palin's an ignorant idiot who's wrong about everything . 1023 PER/Mark;LOC/Wolverhampton; @FakeUsername keep it up Mark Wolverhampton loves you so far! . 1024 PER/Ty; @FakeUsername yey Ty ^ _ ^ 1025 PER/Christ; @FakeUsername . #FakeHashtag strong . Do u know why #FakeHashtag Christ was persecuted? 1026 @FakeUsername The fun - and the money - never stops with the Z. http://FakeURL 1027 PER/Oscar Wilde; @FakeUsername I think it was Oscar Wilde who said, '' '' ``We are all in the gutter '', '' but some of us are sniffing some quality markers . '' '' '' 1028 @FakeUsername Some great stories come out of that - \* Catch-22 \*, \* 1984 \*, \* Slaughterhouse 5 \* - all stories where bad ideas are the bad guys. : -) 1029 PER/Belle Amie; @FakeUsername '' ``Simon '', ``please give Belle Amie as much attention as 1 direction and you will have 2 acts in the final '' ''!! '' 1030 PER/Kevin; @FakeUsername Hey, would you mind taking a sec to vote for Kevin so he can win a shorty award? http://FakeURL 1031 @FakeUsername waaa3 cool!!! Who's the artist . . Glad u know henna!! It's typically oriental stuff;) . . Love the tattoo!!! 1032 PER/George Clooney;MISC/Inception; @FakeUsername yep . . I think watched some previews seems to be stunning with George Clooney as #FakeHashtag . . Or maybe Inception!? 1033 PER/Linda Hunt; @FakeUsername Linda Hunt rocks! Have always loved her 1034 ORG/paramore;LOC/Poland; @FakeUsername hayley i ca n't wait to see paramore in Poland! I hope it would be in this summer, haha .;) 1035 PER/Vince Young; @FakeUsername ol soft ass Vince Young lol 1036 @FakeUsername hugs and much love right back at u!!! I would like to write to a few peeps, I like writing it's (cont) http://FakeURL 1037 @FakeUsername married to an Exec Chef so we celebrate @ 3am when he gets home 1038 @FakeUsername Amazing Bangbus ... The Lady is Wonderful and she Loves Sex http://FakeURL 1039 @FakeUsername is harry and louiss okey i thinkk theyy are going to bee in big trouble http://FakeURL 1040 PER/Johnny Rockets;ORG/UTC; @FakeUsername You 're shopping! Did n't think you were serious about not allowing me to join ... I should have known : there's no Johnny Rockets by UTC 1041 PER/Oscar Goldman;PER/Steve French; @FakeUsername Oscar Goldman) Steve French lol 1042 '' \* DEAD \* RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag if your ponytail looks like the end of a '' ``BABY PAINT BRUSH '' '' '' 1043 '' \* makes whipping noise \* RT '' @FakeUsername : Is it bad that I wanna spend all my free time with her?! '' '' '' 1044 \* Please RT \* The key to an online career http://FakeURL 1045 PER/Dr Gratton; \* regrettably late \* Good morning . . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1046 \* Rza voice \* This shit is fuckin ridiculous #FakeHashtag 1047 PER/James Toney; \* shudders at thought \* \* runs away scared \* RT @FakeUsername Bitch look like James Toney 1048 \* waitin patiently, sipn my alomo \* RT @FakeUsername : We r coming up wiv a system where ull pay wiv ur atm via ur (cont) http://FakeURL 1049 o / cupcakes & clean H2O! RT @FakeUsername For every tweet that has #FakeHashtag I will donate 29 cents, up to $ 129 . @FakeUsername 1050 < b > Ways to Make Money < / b > Working at Home on the Internet http://FakeURL 1051 MISC/Davos; ``The Globocrats '' : Davos and the Bilderberg - http://FakeURL 1052 PER/Dr. Patsi Krakoff; #FakeHashtag Dr. Patsi Krakoff on `neuromarketing' : how to make your brand memorable, and how to avoid asking the wrong Q's to the wrong brains . 1053 #FakeHashtag where are you @FakeUsername is waiting for you on http://FakeURL 1054 PER/Dwight Howard; #FakeHashtag i do n't have a chance with Dwight Howard haha 1055 #FakeHashtag News & Notes is up! http://FakeURL Shout outs to @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1056 PER/Benedict XVI; #FakeHashtag : #FakeHashtag Benedict XVI approves condom use to fight #FakeHashtag epidemic . @FakeUsername 1057 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Reasons Business Owners Choose To Lease :? Car? and? leasing? are two words th ... http://FakeURL @ uae-autos . com 1058 PER/Miley Cyrus; #FakeHashtag `High off Life' Miley Cyrus 1059 PER/Brett Favre; #FakeHashtag `Eenie Menie' Brett Favre 1060 PER/Antoine Dodson; #FakeHashtag `Smell Good, Homeboy' Antoine Dodson 1061 PER/Jennifer Grey; #FakeHashtag Dirty Dancing with #FakeHashtag & Jennifer Grey @FakeUsername 1062 PER/ALLISON;PER/LAUREN;LOC/CHICAGO; #FakeHashtag SAY HELLO ALLISON AND LAUREN WE LOVE YOU AND WHEN R U COMING TO CHICAGO;;;; 1063 PER/Rebecca Leighton; #FakeHashtag shoutout to Rebecca Leighton? 143 xxx 4 1064 LOC/Hawai; #FakeHashtag wen r u coming 2 Hawai? i??? cuz we wud TOTALLY go if u had a concert! (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) 1065 LOC/CONNECTICUT; #FakeHashtag Will you come to CONNECTICUT? :) (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) 1066 MISC/Australia Day;LOC/the Hills; #FakeHashtag Australia Day awards honor Hills residents : THE talent and generosity of some of the Hills Shi ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1067 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag An architect can design the aesthetics of a building and account for weather conditions ... http://FakeURL 1068 PER/O Cuiv;PER/Carey;PER/Brian Cowen; #FakeHashtag O Cuiv and Carey get vacant ministerial posts : The Taoiseach Brian Cowen has assigned the Departme ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1069 #FakeHashtag my fav drink is Mai Tai 1070 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername PLEASE EVERYONE, be ready to VOTE in 2012!!! 1071 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1072 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1073 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1074 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1075 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1076 PER/Linda Hunt; #FakeHashtag Linda Hunt on @FakeUsername for such a little thing, she sure packs a punch 1077 ORG/falcon; #FakeHashtag We 've got 3 RT @FakeUsername : So this is what it feels like to be a falcon fan ... SMH . At least we have a Lombardi trophy at home ... 1078 #FakeHashtag she knows her music, and hates spoiled girls according to her right now . http://FakeURL 1079 PER/David Bowie; #FakeHashtag doing Changes by David Bowie . \* sad face \* not feeling this one @FakeUsername 1080 MISC/Valley Girl;PER/Nic Cage;PER/Deborah Foreman; #FakeHashtag Valley Girl with Nic Cage & Deborah Foreman '' ``tubular '' '' '' 1081 PER/Stephanie Miller; #FakeHashtag Sparks on Stephanie Miller A Rousing #FakeHashtag Show http://FakeURL 1082 ORG/Microsoft; #FakeHashtag Microsoft #FakeHashtag on ur 25th birthday 1083 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername Couple arrested, 2 year old playing with methadone bottle - http://FakeURL 1084 PER/Lance Gross;PER/Boris Kodjoe; #FakeHashtag Lance Gross over Boris Kodjoe LOL 1085 ORG/Global Ind; #FakeHashtag - Global Automotive Chemicals Market to Reach US$ 3.9 Billion by 2015, According to a New Report by Global Ind http://FakeURL 1086 PER/Paul McCartney;LOC/appollo; #FakeHashtag RT : @FakeUsername : I'm taking my son and my mother in law to see Paul McCartney at the appollo on Monday!! 1087 PER/Sheldon;PER/Jim Parsons; #FakeHashtag I love Sheldon (Jim Parsons) from @FakeUsername . Sure way to give me the giggles 1088 #FakeHashtag West Is Still A Whiny Little ``B ''! http://FakeURL He's always been one! 1089 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername : They bout to lose RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Nigga you dumb ... #FakeHashtag Enough said get the fuck boi 1090 PER/Chuck Norris; #FakeHashtag Chuck Norris ... someone had to say it 1091 PER/Katy Perry; #FakeHashtag fireworks from her chest ... then a year later Katy Perry stole it and put it in her new music video . 1092 PER/lady gaga; #FakeHashtag Johnny B Good after traveling to 1955 in a time machine invented by ... lady gaga 1093 PER/Ferry Corsten;PER/Corsten; #FakeHashtag Ferry Corsten presents - Corsten's Countdown 177 (17 November 2010) http://FakeURL 1094 PER/Kenny Rogers; #FakeHashtag ~ Twenty Years Ago; Kenny Rogers 1095 ORG/Huey Lewis & the News; #FakeHashtag Power of Love by Huey Lewis & the News is from what movie? 1096 PER/Angie Stone; #FakeHashtag Angie Stone-Remy Red 1097 PER/Van Hunt; #FakeHashtag Character-Van Hunt 1098 PER/Charlene-Anthony Hamilton; #FakeHashtag Charlene-Anthony Hamilton 1099 PER/Corinne Bailey Rae; #FakeHashtag Corinne Bailey Rae-Since I 've Been Loving You 1100 PER/Dudley Perkins-Flowers; #FakeHashtag Dudley Perkins-Flowers 1101 PER/Jill Scott; #FakeHashtag Jill Scott-Bedda At Home 1102 PER/Lauryn Hill; #FakeHashtag Lauryn Hill-Tell Him 1103 PER/Maxwell; #FakeHashtag Maxwell-Bad Habits 1104 PER/Raphael Saadiq; #FakeHashtag Raphael Saadiq-Doing What I Can 1105 PER/Remy Shand; #FakeHashtag Remy Shand-Take A Message 1106 PER/Vivian Green; #FakeHashtag Vivian Green-Emotional Rollercoaster 1107 PER/Hillary Clinton; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Hillary Clinton As Secretary Of Defense? Why It Should Not Happen : The most daunting piece of re ... http://FakeURL 1108 PER/Jefferson Feed; #FakeHashtag Volunteers needed to help with dogs at Whisker Wonderland Adoption Event at Jefferson Feed 12/18, (cont) http://FakeURL 1109 PER/Thomas Edison; #FakeHashtag Many of life's failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up . - Thomas Edison 1110 MISC/All about the Benjamins;PER/Ice Cube; #FakeHashtag '' ``All about the Benjamins '' '' via #FakeHashtag starring Ice Cube . When this movie is done '', I'm done for the evening . Good night all . 1111 ORG/He Is We; #FakeHashtag '' ``Prove You Wrong '' '' by He Is We - http://FakeURL '' 1112 PER/Roy Ayers; #FakeHashtag '' ``The Memory '' '' by Roy Ayers - http://FakeURL '' 1113 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag '' ``They Do n't really care about Us . '' '' by Michael Jackson . http://FakeURL This song speaks volumes . #FakeHashtag '' 1114 PER/Donnell; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag `Donnell A Rosie Christmas album 1115 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 345 official Podcast . . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1116 PER/Barry White; #FakeHashtag Barry White - Come On (Best of) . . 1117 PER/Frank Sinatra; #FakeHashtag Call Me Irresponsible by Frank Sinatra (3 1118 PER/Claudette Ortiz; #FakeHashtag City High singing '' ``O Come All Ye Faithful '' '' & Claudette Ortiz sounds horrible . As @FakeUsername says MOOOVIN '' 1119 PER/Peaches; #FakeHashtag Fuck The Pain Away by Peaches 1120 PER/John Lennon; #FakeHashtag Give Peace A Chance by John Lennon 1121 PER/Isaac Hayes; #FakeHashtag Isaac Hayes - Dark and Lovely (You Over There) . . #FakeHashtag . . 1122 PER/Isaac Hayes; #FakeHashtag Isaac Hayes - Do n't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (Ultimate Collection) . . #FakeHashtag 1123 PER/Jay-Z; #FakeHashtag Jay-Z's Hard Knock Life 1124 PER/Gucci Mane; #FakeHashtag Making Love To The Money by Gucci Mane 1125 PER/John Lennon; #FakeHashtag Mind Games by John Lennon 1126 #FakeHashtag Mr. Brightside by @FakeUsername 1127 PER/Jann Arden; #FakeHashtag one of my fave songs : Jann Arden's Insensitive 1128 PER/Rick Astley; #FakeHashtag Rick Astley : Together Forever . FTW! 1129 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Another Day in Paradise ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag 1130 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Another Day in Paradise ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag 1131 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Ca n't Stop Loving You . Phil Collins . 1132 PER/Brian Adams; #FakeHashtag . Cloud No. 9 ~ Brian Adams . 1133 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag . Earth Song ~ Michael Jackson 1134 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag . Michael Jackson and Friends - What More Can I Give? 1135 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Thats Just the way it is . ~ Phil Collins 1136 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Two Worlds ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername 1137 PER/Yvonne Chaka Chaka; #FakeHashtag . Umqombothi ~ Yvonne Chaka Chaka . 1138 MISC/married with children;PER/tom brady;MISC/snl; #FakeHashtag married with children and lord tom brady on snl . 1139 PER/Cee-Lo; #FakeHashtag Cee-Lo Green : The LadyKiller . 1140 PER/Katy Perry; #FakeHashtag Firework by Katy Perry ... love this track! 1141 ORG/Culture Club; #FakeHashtag Karma Chameleon by Culture Club \* low key jammin at my desk \* lol 1142 PER/Sara Bareilles; #FakeHashtag King of Anything by Sara Bareilles 1143 PER/Nicki Minaj; #FakeHashtag still I rise by Nicki Minaj; this used to b ma shit 1144 PER/jason mraz; #FakeHashtag the remedy - jason mraz 1145 PER/Carrie Underwood; #FakeHashtag Undo It by Carrie Underwood (LOVE this song!!!!) 1146 PER/Bj Raji; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Bj Raji doing the BIG SEXY dance 1147 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername on a break from the 9-5 to meet my babygirl at her bus stop & I must say this http://FakeURL 1148 #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag she needs us right now!!!!!!! keep her in your prayers ok 1149 PER/kanye west;PER/lady gaga;PER/Kurt Cobain; #FakeHashtag '' ``kanye west hates some lady gaga's pants o_O '' '' - Kurt Cobain '' 1150 PER/Oscar Wilde; #FakeHashtag '' ``what's up with twitter i miss you o_O '' '' - Oscar Wilde #FakeHashtag '' 1151 PER/Taylor Swift; #FakeHashtag I'm intimidated by the fear of being average . - Taylor Swift 1152 PER/Jennifer Grey; #FakeHashtag Jennifer Grey was in movies? Then she had a nose job and lost her career . 1153 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 346 official Podcast . . Still have a lot to read . . #FakeHashtag!! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1154 #FakeHashtag to #FakeHashtag we 've been holdin it DOWN since Thanksgiving Break began ... this shit is ... fuckin ridiculous \* Swizz Beatz voice \* 1155 PER/Doogie Howser; #FakeHashtag what ever happened to all those journal entries Doogie Howser M.D. typed into that old computer . @FakeUsername Tell us!!! 1156 #FakeHashtag Fantasymageddon! : An epic preview of the most anticipated #FakeHashtag matchup of all time : ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1157 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Ask the Internet Roundup (Hive Mind) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1158 #FakeHashtag her like a lady x 1159 PER/Hitler; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . Thanks #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . The 2 hour #FakeHashtag program on plots to kill Hitler was amazing . 1160 PER/Cliff Lee; #FakeHashtag \* Deep sigh \* SMH RT @FakeUsername : Hey Cliff Lee, u couldve saved us a lot of time & speculation ya `know . . Fag ass nigga 1161 PER/Emily Dickinson; @FakeUsername : v @FakeUsername Forever is composed of nows . - Emily Dickinson '' 1162 @FakeUsername : Omfg my gf is crazy!!! I f \* cken love this women!!! : D '' (= = I'm jealous Damn!!! Haha 1163 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Michelle Obama; @FakeUsername : Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' 1164 PER/Michelle Bachman; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Why do republicans like Michelle Bachman lie so much #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag / / She learned frm the best . '' 1165 PER/Cheryl Cole;PER/Cowell;PER/Wagner; @FakeUsername : Cheryl Cole and Cowell bullying Wagner, very unedifying #FakeHashtag '' 1166 PER/Michele Bachmann; @FakeUsername : Just watched Rep Michele Bachmann on Newsnight . God help the world if she ever becomes President . Both thick and dangerous . '' 1167 PER/Gary Mckinnon; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : end the war of Terror against Gary Mckinnon - #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername '' 1168 LOC/US;PER/Mr Clegg; @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername This does not help my wife & I facing Illegal US extradition Mr Clegg, we have (cont) http://FakeURL 1169 PER/Brian_Howes;PER/Brian Howes;LOC/U.S; @FakeUsername : Brian_Howes Brian Howes #FakeHashtag and clear human rights violations in the U.S http://FakeURL @FakeUsername ? '' 1170 @FakeUsername : Regular Exercise May Ward Off Dozens of Health Problems http://FakeURL 1171 ORG/GOP;PER/Bob Inglis; @FakeUsername : GOP Rep. Bob Inglis slams his party on climate change denial . http://FakeURL 1172 PER/Mitch McConnell; @FakeUsername : Mitch McConnell ramps up anti-health care reform rhetoric . http://FakeURL - by @FakeUsername '' 1173 PER/Mark Zuckerberg; '' @FakeUsername : '' ``Move Fast . Be Bold . '' '' - Mark Zuckerberg '' '' 1174 PER/Jim Bunning;PER/Obama;PER/Berwick; @FakeUsername : wow . Jim Bunning comes out and basically calls Obama a liar and a cheat in the Berwick hearing yesterday . what a douche . '' 1175 PER/Rosalind Franklin; @FakeUsername : Rosalind Franklin and sexism in the theater of science http://FakeURL 1176 PER/Joe Biden;PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Obama;PER/Joe Biden; @FakeUsername : Joe Biden : Sarah Palin a force but would lose to Obama, Joe Biden says - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' 1177 ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Julian Assange; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks : Defend Julian Assange : http://FakeURL This guy has cajones . '' (BALZ?!) 1178 PER/Anni Dewani;LOC/Cape Town; @FakeUsername : A third person has been arrested in connection with the murder of newlywed Anni Dewani on her honeymoon in Cape Town 1179 ORG/Labour;PER/Eric Joyce;LOC/Grangemouth; @FakeUsername : Labour MP Eric Joyce is arrested on suspicion of drink driving after an incident in Grangemouth, police say . '' 1180 PER/Larry King; @FakeUsername : If you do something, expect consequences . - Larry King #FakeHashtag '' 1181 PER/Murkowsk;LOC/Alaska;PER/Lisa Murkowski;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername Murkowski to declare victory in Alaska : Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will decla ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1182 @FakeUsername : I guess the next time I'm lonely on a Saturday night, I can just go to the airport . (LOL FOR A NICE PAT DOWN) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' 1183 PER/Anne Hathaway;PER/Jake Gyllenhal;PER/Anne;PER/Jake; '' @FakeUsername : Is it just me or are Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhal the 2 most overrated '' ``beauties? '' '' Maybe Anne but Jake is hot!! '' 1184 PER/Anne Frank; ``How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world . '' - Anne Frank #FakeHashtag 1185 PER/Oscar Wilde; ``I love talking about nothing . It is the only thing I know anything about . '' - Oscar Wilde 1186 PER/Karl Lagerfeld; ``I really do n't think women want to go around looking like a Saint Laurent shopping bag . '' - Karl Lagerfeld 1187 PER/Frank A Clark; ``If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably does n't lead anywhere . '' Frank A Clark #FakeHashtag 1188 PER/Jack Dixon; ``If you focus on results, you will never change . If you focus on change, you will get results . '' ~ Jack Dixon 1189 PER/John Churton Collins; ``In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends '' - John Churton Collins 1190 PER/Victor Borge; ``Laughter is the closest distance between two people . '' Victor Borge 1191 PER/Albert Einstein; ``Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow . '' - Albert Einstein 1192 PER/Irwin Federman; ``People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel '' - Irwin Federman #FakeHashtag 1193 PER/Irwin Federman; ``People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel '' - Irwin Federman #FakeHashtag 1194 PER/Michael Jordan; ``Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen . '' - Michael Jordan 1195 PER/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; ``Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week '' - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1196 PER/Mark Twain; ``When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained . '' Mark Twain #FakeHashtag 1197 MISC/Asian;LOC/Oye's Restaurant and Bar; $ 15 for $ 30 worth of scrumptious sushi and Asian fusion from Oye's Restaurant and Bar http://FakeURL 1198 07563346443 ;) @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1199 07729205835 @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1200 07751701622 I know all the words to the Barbie song x @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1201 07813349520! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1202 10 users scored today and @FakeUsername finished 1st with 20 pts! Who's next tomorrow? Rules & Tops Players here : http://FakeURL 1203 LOC/WOODS RD; 10:54 WOODS RD, #FakeHashtag - OTHER SAFE (region 22) http://FakeURL 1204 MISC/British;PER/Chris Davies;ORG/1st Battalion Irish Guards; 100th British soldier to die this year in #FakeHashtag named-Chris Davies ,22, from 1st Battalion Irish Guards (TOTAL WASTE OF A LIFE) 1205 12 Things You Might Not Know About Background Checks http://FakeURL 1206 13 nations meet in #FakeHashtag to save wild #FakeHashtag from extinction, #FakeHashtag to headline . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 1207 13-Year-Old Saves Baby Brother From Bullet After Mom's Boyfriend Shot Family ... 1208 PER/Damien Guillon;PER/Dorothee Mields; 14/11 matinee #FakeHashtag Collegium Vocale/Herreweghe : Magnificat, #FakeHashtag . . KIPPEVEL! Damien Guillon/Dorothee Mields : both heaven sent! 1209 15800 cops are guarding VIPs : He said the police were in the process of boosting detective services and that a t. . . http://FakeURL 1210 PER/Tony Gonzalez; 161st consecutive game with a reception for Tony Gonzalez (@FakeUsername) #FakeHashtag 1211 1st coat of garage floor painted! 16 hrs before i can do coat 2 ... I hate enamel based paint : -LRB- 1212 ORG/freelondon; 20 ARTICLES IN ITALIAN by freelondon : We are looking for ITALIAN professional content writers with ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1213 LOC/Mandalay;LOC/Myanmar; 2010 - my favorite photograph from last year . A link to the story behind the image from Mandalay in Myanmar : http://FakeURL 1214 2011 Free Agent Preview : QB? s and RB? s Gridiron Experts http://FakeURL 1215 ORG/Pirelli;PER/Karl Lagerfeld; 2011 Pirelli calendar presented by Karl Lagerfeld Autoblog : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1216 25 Commandments For #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 1217 2K : KS_SmithRT @FakeUsername : After this game, who tryin to get on some 2k or COD on PS3 1218 PER/SEAN FALYON; 2NITE IN ATL!!! Come out to the Composition of CHAOS : ART BATTLE : 8PM : Hosted by SEAN FALYON @FakeUsername); more info : http://FakeURL RT 1219 3 Reasons Why I Found The Best Cleanser For Acne Period! : Cleansing your skin is still one of? http://FakeURL 1220 PER/John Lennon; 30 years ago John Lennon was shot this very day may he R.I.P. 1221 31 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed : The cold snap may not have? snapped ,? but all that winter ... http://FakeURL 1222 31 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed : The cold snap may not have? snapped ,? but all that winter ... http://FakeURL 1223 PER/Jan Von Holleben; 33 Inspiring Photos From Jan Von Holleben : http://FakeURL 1224 ORG/twitter; 3840388 #FakeHashtag The way of getting free twitter fans http://FakeURL . 1225 PER/William A Ward; 4 steps to achievement : Plan purposefully . Prepare prayerfully . Proceed positively . Pursue persistently ~ William A Ward via @FakeUsername 1226 PER/Eddie Guerrero;PER/Guerrero; 5 Years ago this day Eddie Guerrero passed! RIP Guerrero #FakeHashtag 1227 LOC/Great Lakes;LOC/Expo Center; 68th Annual Cleveland Home & Garden Show - Great Lakes Expo Center ... http://FakeURL 1228 PER/Usher;PER/Usher; 7 . When you see Usher in #FakeHashtag yell `yeaaaaah man' in the Usher voice < 3 1229 PER/Kevin Muscat; 73% of Age poll voters say Kevin Muscat should be suspended for rest of the season (inc. finals) . As a Victory supporter I agree . #FakeHashtag 1230 75B just left types fast . Claims to be YHOO-DUH . Been using a word processor or type-writter, and snail mail for the last 8,10 years? 1231 PER/Russell Crowe; 8 Milestones in the Evolution of Russell Crowe Movieline : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1232 ORG/Google;ORG/Bing; 89% of all computer users trust Google and Bing : A recent survey announced that 89% of people at large trust sea ... http://FakeURL 1233 LOC/Jeddah; A celebration of reading at Jeddah event http://FakeURL 1234 MISC/A Charlie Brown Christmas; A Charlie Brown Christmas' comes on at 8 on #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1235 MISC/Grey Gardens;PER/Eva Mulvad;MISC/Good Life; ``A Danish '' ``Grey Gardens '' ''? Eva Mulvad On Her '' ``Good Life '' '' : The Danish have been making a significant mark in the wo ... http://FakeURL '' 1236 A Degree In Hospitality Can Lead To Exciting And Adventurous Careers http://FakeURL 1237 LOC/Washington DC;LOC/Reagan National Airport, VA; A Few Clouds and 23 F at Washington DC, Reagan National Airport, VA Winds are North at 8.1 MPH (7 KT) . The pressure is http://FakeURL 1238 PER/Graeme Taylor; A Gay Teenager Stands Up for His Suspended Teacher : You may have already heard the story about Graeme Taylor, bu ... http://FakeURL 1239 MISC/Jersey Shore;PER/Mark Sanford; A grandmother reacts to? Jersey Shore ,? Gov. Mark Sanford fails at romance, Mr. T gives us? http://FakeURL 1240 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) 1241 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) 1242 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) 1243 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) 1244 PER/John F. Kennedy; A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy (1960) http://FakeURL 1245 PER/John F. Kennedy; A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy (1960) http://FakeURL 1246 PER/paul weller;LOC/brum; a lot is happening tonight pretty green going and paul weller in brum and i'm missing out on them both ... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! . 1247 PER/Charles Darwin; A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life Charles Darwin 1248 PER/Henry Ford; A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one . ~ Henry Ford 1249 PER/Vybz Kartel; A newly pecan-faced Vybz Kartel dropped withaquick message in response to the furor folks into after he compared his freshly lightened skin 1250 PER/Ken Wisdom; A person determined never to be wrong wo n't likely accomplish much . - Ken Wisdom 1251 A simple trick that will keep your readers eyes glued to the screen and force them to read every word http://FakeURL 1252 LOC/Quincy;LOC/Palmyra;LOC/Hannibal; ``A single band of snow has decided to set-up over the tri-states today . Up to 3 '' '' being reported in Quincy '', Palmyra to Hannibal . 1253 PER/Dan Rather; A tough lesson in life that one has to learn is that not everybody wishes you well . Dan Rather 1254 A tribute to modern day #FakeHashtag & happy anniversary to The #FakeHashtag . Truth hurts . http://FakeURL 1255 A TrUe FaNtasTic LiFe : Never There-CAKE music video http://FakeURL 1256 A very Merry X-mas to all of you out there! Eat, drink, share, enjoy! 1257 PER/David Caruso;MISC/Rambo; A VERY young @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : David Caruso was in Rambo?! How did I miss that? 1258 PER/Cynthia Rowley; A Week With Cynthia Rowley : http://FakeURL 1259 PER/Aaron Rodgers;PER/Aaron Rodgers; Aaron Rodgers is the man, ya 'll talking about rootin' for underdogs, Aaron Rodgers is a TRUE underdog story 1260 PER/Aaron Rodgers;PER/Cutler;PER/Collins; Aaron Rodgers QB rating 59.2 ... seems terrible ... Cutler 31.8 Collins is 0 for 3 and his is 39.6 1261 PER/Aaron Rogers; Aaron Rogers it will be a dream come true if u LOSS the super blow!!!!!! 1262 MISC/The Last Song; ``About to watch '' ``The Last Song '' '' . '' 1263 PER/Russell Crowe; Accidental Sexiness Russell Crowe grabs a bite with his mates http://FakeURL 1264 LOC/United States; According to http://FakeURL, the median salary for a graphic designer in the United States is $ 45,704 . #FakeHashtag 1265 MISC/Ace Ventura Pet Detective; Ace Ventura Pet Detective #FakeHashtag 1266 Across the school / office the freedom to access the network http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1267 PER/Leonard Cohen; Act the way you 'd like to be & soon you 'll be the way you act . ~ Leonard Cohen RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername 1268 Actual value of WS6 vs. Firehawk??? : Ok ... well my G35 was totaled and now im looking to get back in the f-body ... http://FakeURL 1269 PER/Adam Sandler; Adam Sandler movies #FakeHashtag 1270 Additionally teachers need to be `creative _ French Country : resources and schemes of work in order to assist wi ... http://FakeURL 1271 Admittedly, I am looking at flats with a rental of _ 1000 + . Not sure why . 1272 PER/Adolfo Castelo;MISC/GRAFONAUTA; Adolfo Castelo en GRAFONAUTA (2000) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername Genio . Creador . 1273 LOC/United States; Advancing the clean energy partnership between the United States ... http://FakeURL 1274 PER/Cilla Black; AEG LIVE peeps suppose to call ne bak ASAP!! it's Cilla Black surprise surprise NO CALL!!! 1275 aelyea RT @FakeUsername : Manusia hutan RT @FakeUsername : Jangan-jangan elu itu ... ... ... (Fill in the blank) 1276 Affiliate Marketing Suggestions that Work The Board Magazine http://FakeURL 1277 PER/Peter Weir; After a long hiatus, '' Peter Weir finds '' ``The Way Back '' '' '' 1278 PER/Mandela; After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb . ~ Mandela 1279 PER/Tracy Morgan; After watching a new Tracy Morgan Standup, I wanted him to stand down ... 1280 PER/Allison Dubois;MISC/RHOBH; after watching the real Allison Dubois on RHOBH I am no longer sad the show was canceled @FakeUsername 1281 PER/Kid Rock; Agree #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : i think Kid Rock killed it tonight . had to add that ... thanks . bye . 1282 PER/Christina Aguilera; ``Agreed! RT @FakeUsername : Loving that '' ``Castle Walls '' '' T.I ft Christina Aguilera '' 1283 LOC/Dallas;MISC/the Super Bowl;ORG/Cowboys; Aint it funny the year Dallas is hosting the Super Bowl the Cowboys play like crap??? Talk about letting your state/city down lol 1284 ORG/AJC;ORG/Clayton State; AJC : Chancellor to speak at Clayton State graduation http://FakeURL 1285 ORG/AJC;LOC/East Cobb; AJC : East Cobb schools on lockdown as police search for burglary suspects http://FakeURL 1286 ORG/AJC; AJC : Girl ,10, helps police find accused molester http://FakeURL 1287 ORG/AJC;LOC/Kennesaw; AJC : Kennesaw fundraiser benefits brain tumor foundation http://FakeURL 1288 ORG/AJC;LOC/DeKalb; AJC : Superintendent : Inequities at DeKalb schools http://FakeURL 1289 PER/Al Habsi; Al Habsi, is keeping rather well . 1290 PER/Alexis Cares; Alexis Cares . . @FakeUsername : Still stumped on what to call my Advice Column ... '' 1291 PER/Alicia Keys;PER/Swizz Beatz; Alicia Keys was SO BAD pre-Shock G, I mean Swizz Beatz SMH 1292 All Dat Bullshyt For Da Birds Throw Some Bread Out! 1293 PER/Eugene Ware; All glory comes from daring to begin - Eugene Ware . Happy Tuesday tweeples! x 1294 PER/Charles Schulz; All you need is love . But a little chocolate now and then does n't hurt . ~ Charles Schulz #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername 1295 ORG/YouTube; All your Social Networking sites can become capture sites with these floating forms . Look at my YouTube channel . http://FakeURL 1296 PER/D-Rose; Almost time for The #FakeHashtag 8pm Practice Session against the my #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag at least D-Rose will be fun to watch 1297 PER/Aloe Blacc; Aloe Blacc's Good Things is such a genius album 1298 Alright need to get my ass moving . Gotta go to 5 stores & be done by 2pm to get xmas tree . Tweet along the way 1299 Amazing that they have the energy to beat about the thesaurus . Are they underemployed? @FakeUsername 1300 ORG/David Guerra Architecture; amazing . . (hope you 're awake to see) @FakeUsername : Mountain House by David Guerra Architecture - http://FakeURL 1301 ORG/Amazon;ORG/Sister Hazel; Amazon has Sister Hazel album (11 songs) available for free download. : Linky : This is a content summary only ... http://FakeURL 1302 ORG/DEG; http://FakeURL - Software Retailer of the Year : http://FakeURL collects the Software Retailer of the Year award from DEG ... http://FakeURL 1303 LOC/Clemson, SC;ORG/Honda; AMBER ALERT : Clemson, SC VEH :1996 Tan4D Honda Accord TAG : SC GAT461 CHILD :12 yoHisp F 4' 0 85lbs Hair : Blk SUS :26 yoHisp ... http://FakeURL 1304 ORG/AMOC;ORG/Aston Martin; AMOC Forum Update Re : Aston Martin Cygnet : Quote from : Gusto on Today at 09:27:45 PMErm, we 've been thinking abo ... http://FakeURL 1305 PER/Amy Winehouse;LOC/Brazil;PER/Amy Winehouse;LOC/Brazil; Amy Winehouse Brazil Tour : Amy Winehouse has confirmed a short burst of dates in Brazil early next year . Amy ... http://FakeURL 1306 PER/Chris Brown; and Chris Brown is still at it ... like 5 hours later lol 1307 And do n't wear those fkn mail shorts if your just gonna wear tights under them ugh! . . Shes employed . . and im not . . Aint this a bitch? 1308 LOC/madagascar; and if i see one more person quote i just had sex i will cut someones dick off and feed it to starving lemurs in madagascar 1309 PER/Ellen;LOC/Hawaii; and now for the encore! . . the ultimate in suggestivness lol ) Ellen with her Hawaii Chair http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1310 PER/dave berry;PER/jack davies;LOC/wolvo;LOC/high wycombe; and when when they announced i was winner dave berry said congrats jack davies from wolvo who now lives in high wycombe i'm like ... do i? . 1311 MISC/Super Bowl; And with that, @FakeUsername will be starting in the Super Bowl as a rookie . 1312 PER/Haney;ORG/Bears;PER/Aaron Rodgers;ORG/Packers;MISC/Superbowl; And with that interception on Haney, Bears lose and Aaron Rodgers' Packers are headed to the Superbowl and have won the George Halas Trophy . 1313 PER/Andre Johnson; Andre Johnson fucked that nigga up #FakeHashtag 1314 PER/Andy Cohen;PER/Andy; Andy Cohen should be renamed PeeWee Andy after seeing the New Year's promo, he does already have the PeeWee clubhouse @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 1315 PER/Ang Lee;PER/John Woo;PER/Lee; Ang Lee & John Woo suck fucking cock! Why do you think they did another Hulk? I hated that fucking homo Lee! 1316 Angara - Oval Ruby Deep Red 0.71 Cts . 6 X 4 MM : 0.71 carat weight Oval Deep Red Ruby . This Ruby i. . . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 1317 Anonymous asked : ohh dear jesus, thats really Hot . http://FakeURL 1318 PER/Joan Jett; Another FTW song : Joan Jett's Crimson and Clover #FakeHashtag 1319 PER/Erica Jong; ``Another great response to Erica Jong's (non) '' ``parenting '' '' advice . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' 1320 PER/Michael Bloomberg; Anyone notice what an outrageously misguided asshole Michael Bloomberg is? I like his news, though . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 1321 Anyone want to exchange Christmas cards? 1322 PER/Henry Ford; Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty . Anyone who keeps learning stays young . ~ Henry Ford 1323 anything to ask me? . http://FakeURL 1324 Apparently, the chinese place messed up my order so they gave me extra . Anyone want anything? Haha 1325 Are There Any Loopholes Left? http://FakeURL 1326 PER/Yo Gotti; Are you going to be in the building Sat @FakeUsername for Yo Gotti concert? 1327 Argh is party! Have to be up at 8:30 though! Whoops! 1328 LOC/Arizona; Arizona auctions : Plenty of bidders are willing to buy : - http://FakeURL 1329 LOC/Arizona; Arizona auctions : Plenty of bidders are willing to buy : - http://FakeURL 1330 PER/ARMAND VAN HELDEN; ARMAND VAN HELDEN - You do n't know me (1999) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1331 ORG/Twitter;ORG/Myspace; Artists . It's important that you brand your name . Make yourself available in every outlet possible . Website, Twitter, Myspace, etc. 1332 ``as i lay down for my massage ... i hear '' ``Hatred is an affair of the heart; contempt that of the head . '' '' ... nicely said ... oh i can not wait;) '' 1333 LOC/wales;PER/gary speed; as if wales need gary speed as their new manager! . 1334 PER/Kate; asikk liburrr RT @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag and Kate #FakeHashtag to marry on April 29 . http://FakeURL 1335 Ask me anything http://FakeURL 1336 Ask me anything http://FakeURL 1337 At my cuzzins! RT @FakeUsername Where u at toots? RT @FakeUsername : I'm not easily impressed but this place niiiccceee! 1338 PER/Erik Hayden; ``Atheism does n't try to win '' ``converts '' '' . @FakeUsername attacks atheism as being '' ``racist '' '' . http://FakeURL by Erik Hayden @FakeUsername '' 1339 ORG/Atl Business Chronicle;PER/Neenah Paper; Atl Business Chronicle : Neenah Paper CEO to step down in May http://FakeURL 1340 LOC/Atlanta; Atlanta is showing off tonight!!! #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 1341 Attention : The #FakeHashtag Food Bank needs turkeys for Thanksgiving . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag Please retweet #FakeHashtag 1342 PER/Auburn;PER/Julio Jones; Auburn woke up ay? This nigga Julio Jones is playin shook 1343 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . love you! i m very happy . 1344 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi;MISC/Nobel Peace Prize; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . Should be great @FakeUsername intreviewn her for NZ . the Nobel Peace Prize 1345 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi;MISC/Nobel Peace Prize; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . Should be great @FakeUsername intreviewn her for NZ . the Nobel Peace Prize! 1346 PER/Sandy; Aunt Sandy fun time begins in 15 minutes . . dinner, playtime, baths/showers, pajamas, BED! Props to all my Mom friends out there! XO 1347 LOC/Austin; Austin broke this rails virginity http://FakeURL 1348 Australian homes among least affordable : Now travel back to 1990 & ask yourself would you enter the market at a ... http://FakeURL 1349 Auto Loans in the Economic Downturn 9to6 Blog : Auto Loans in the Financial Downturn Applying for an car mortga ... http://FakeURL 1350 Awake! . . Time for a hotty #FakeHashtag . . The ultimate solution for my overheating #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1351 PER/Bruno Mars; Awesome song @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag GRENADE by Bruno Mars 1352 PER/Bill Wright;MISC/Baby Face Nelson; Awesome story w my friend Bill Wright about 1 of Baby Face Nelson's co-gangsters who later cleaned up & helped others http://FakeURL 1353 PER/Paul McCartney; Awesome! @FakeUsername classic channel is doing xmas videos 6 to 10am . 1st up : Paul McCartney 1354 AWW, thxs prillz . RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername awwww that's messed up . Glad u r safe :) 1355 PER/Obama; Aww congrats to our First Lady and President Obama!!!!! Pregnant at 46 whoooweee 1356 Awww #FakeHashtag set was so fukin cool!!!! Thx @FakeUsername!!! Plz RT IF U LIKED IT #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1357 ORG/Falcons;PER/Josh Freeman; Awww man . Come on Falcons defense . Ca n't let Josh Freeman run all willy nilly like that . Smh 1358 Awww thank you < 3 yeah defo . . if it was only one of us to meet the sats itd be u!! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1359 Baby Black Hole Found http://FakeURL 1360 ORG/The Flaming Lips; ``Back on the road . '' ``Mr. Ambulance Driver '' '' by The Flaming Lips on my iPid . '' 1361 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers; Back-To-Back Interceptions : In a wild sequence of plays, the Bears and the Packers both score key interceptions ... http://FakeURL 1362 Bandh is an illegal way of protest : SC http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : Bandh is an illegal ... http://FakeURL 1363 LOC/Bangkok;LOC/Thailand; Bangkok, Thailand http://FakeURL 1364 LOC/Bar Reis; Bar Reis ... 2hrs ... See ya there . 1365 PER/Barbara Hulanicki; Barbara Hulanicki collection creates a buzz http://FakeURL 1366 http://FakeURL - DonnaKaranHosieryA19 The Nudes Control Top : The Nudes collection matches yo ... http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 1367 PER/Bart Scott;PER/Big Ben; Bart Scott makes me want to beat the shit out of Big Ben . Not proud of it, but it's the truth . 1368 MISC/Battlestar Galactica; Battlestar Galactica - Reviewing `The Science of Battlestar ... http://FakeURL 1369 PER/Paulo Coelho; Be brave . Take risks . Nothing can substitute experience . ~ Paulo Coelho 1370 PER/Paulo Coelho; Be brave . Take risks . Nothing can substitute experience . ~ Paulo Coelho 1371 PER/Oscar Wilde; Be yourself; everyone else is already taken . Oscar Wilde 1372 ORG/BEADY EYE; BEADY EYE SOON! . 1373 ORG/BEADY EYE;LOC/MANCHESTER APOLLO; BEADY EYE TICKETS FOR MANCHESTER APOLLO WILL BE # 27.50! . 1374 ORG/Beatles;PER/John Lennon; Beatles #FakeHashtag; John Lennon #FakeHashtag; s Letters And Drawings To Be Turned Into A Book - http://FakeURL 1375 ORG/Meadowlawn Golf Club; Beautiful day! I think I 'll go check out Meadowlawn Golf Club . Hopefully they 're good . 1376 Beauty Is A Woman? s Most Prized Possession http://FakeURL 1377 BEEEEEEE!!! RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername AAYYYEEEE!!! 1378 MISC/Monsters Inc.;MISC/Buck Rogers;PER/Gil Gerard;PER/Buck; Before Monsters Inc. we watched a couple episodes of Buck Rogers for Gil Gerard Birthday . What is up Buck Indeed 1379 PER/Tim Ferriss; Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action . ~ Tim Ferriss 1380 PER/Tony Robbins; Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy . ~ Tony Robbins 1381 PER/William James; Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact . William James #FakeHashtag 1382 PER/Ben Affleck; Ben Affleck to Direct New Movie! : The actor, who won huge critical acclaim with his directing skills for? The To ... http://FakeURL 1383 PER/Ben Rothlisberger;ORG/Jets; Ben Rothlisberger is about to RAPE this Jets defense lmao 1384 ORG/Bertuccis; Bertuccis bread and oil = orgasmic 1385 PER/Erik Hayden; Best Tweets : TSA Body-Scanning Edition http://FakeURL by Erik Hayden @FakeUsername 1386 PER/noahgraham; Big boss man by noahgraham via #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 1387 PER/Khali; big daddy Khali is the name . 1388 ORG/Pats;ORG/Colts;PER/Peyton;PER/Brady;ORG/Pats; BIG game today . Pats vs Colts!!!! Love watching Peyton and Brady go at it!!! I got the Pats in this game 1389 PER/JOHN ABRAHAM; BIG JOHN ABRAHAM BABY!!!!! I love it!! 1390 PER/Claire Denis;MISC/Made in Dagenham;ORG/indieWIRE; Big Screen This Week's Top 5 : IDFA, Claire Denis, '' '' ``Made in Dagenham '' '' and More : Each week here at indieWIRE '', fi ... http://FakeURL 1391 PER/Bill blair; ``Bill blair defense is '' ``lawyers made me do it '' '' hahahahahahaha '' 1392 PER/Bill Cosby; Bill Cosby is alive and doing alright . 1393 PER/Bill Cowher;PER/Coughlin;LOC/NY; Bill Cowher? RT @FakeUsername : Still believe Coughlin has run his course in NY, burned out his team . Time for him to go . 1394 PER/Bill Maher; Bill Maher is hilarious!!! Love his #FakeHashtag for his season finale 1395 PER/Bill Nye;MISC/2010 Humanist of the year; Bill Nye acceptance speech for 2010 Humanist of the year . http://FakeURL 1396 PER/Billie Holiday; Billie Holiday - My Man http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1397 PER/Bing Crosby; Bing Crosby - Silent Night http://FakeURL 1398 MISC/Black Swan;PER/Natalie Portman;LOC/UK; Black Swan poster Natalie Portman (http://FakeURL UK) : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1399 ORG/BMW; BMW : A must see 2004 325i bmw - (atlanta) $ 7000 : This car has been pampered, have ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1400 PER/Bob Marley;ORG/MSN; Bob Marley chills baby MSN Video http://FakeURL 1401 PER/Bobby Heenan;PER/Harley Race; Bobby Heenan and Harley Race have been invited to Wrestlemania . 1402 Bored? Come video chat with me and 82 others at http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1403 LOC/u.s.a.; born and rasied in da u.s.a. where my president iz b.l.a.c.k. Where my president iz b.l.a.c.k. #FakeHashtag 1404 PER/Kid Rock; BORRRRN FREEEE! Get it Kid Rock! 1405 ORG/Boston Celtics;MISC/Nba; Boston Celtics Nba : Beauty of Basketball http://FakeURL 1406 PER/Bow Wow; Bow Wow needs some professional help ... he is not mentally stable 1407 Brandi sister ain raw, lol The king of the jungle 1408 PER/Brandon Flowers; Brandon Flowers and crossfire! . (3 1409 PER/Brandon Jacobs; Brandon Jacobs for the great run #FakeHashtag 1410 Breakfast Strata Rockin Chef http://FakeURL Nice for a Sunday Brunch or Holiday Breakfast . . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1411 PER/Nancy Pelosi;ORG/Democrats; BREAKING Nancy Pelosi elected House minority leader by Democrats in a 150 to 43 vote . 1412 PER/Brett Favre; Brett Favre has been done since ummm 2006 #FakeHashtag 1413 PER/Brett Favre;ORG/Lions; Brett Favre inactive today against the Lions 1414 PER/Brian Eno;PER/Brian Eno; Brian Eno Praises Warp Records : Renowned producer Brian Eno has spoken of his respect for electronic label Wa ... http://FakeURL 1415 PER/Brian Pumper; Brian Pumper wears fake jewelry #FakeHashtag 1416 PER/Leon Powe;ORG/the Celtics; Bring Leon Powe back to the Celtics 1417 Bring on the New Year! We are not afraid of you or your resolutions! http://FakeURL 1418 PER/Greg Inglis; Broncos, Storm wo n't consider Greg Inglis return if Rabbitohs deal falls through Courier Mail : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1419 ORG/Leggo;PER/Michael Johnson; BROOKINS BITCH! RT @FakeUsername : Leggo Michael Johnson!!! 1420 PER/Noel Gallagher; btw Noel Gallagher is on talksport now! . 1421 PER/Polamula;PER/Hines ward; Btwn him and Polamula they the only ones I'm worried bout RT @FakeUsername : Hines ward in da cut quiet focused 1422 ORG/Packers;MISC/superbowl;ORG/Jets; But congrats to the Packers for making it to superbowl . They 'll be playing the ... Jets . Right? Here the consistency is pretty much back again . 1423 PER/Brandon Jacobs;PER/Charles Woodson; But I remember Brandon Jacobs running Charles Woodson the FUCK OVER! Then again, who has n't gotten run over by that guy 1424 ORG/the steelers;MISC/super bowl; but if the steelers win the super bowl this year thats 2 more then us . . so i can root against a team 1425 but it says 4am-7am (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) 1426 LOC/El Toreador Restaurant; by @FakeUsername : I just checked in at El Toreador Restaurant on #FakeHashtag and earned the Mexi-Can badge! http://FakeURL ... #FakeHashtag 1427 C-Money getting competitive with the GreenMonster . Took off the jacket and the hat is on backward . Oh snaps . http://FakeURL 1428 ORG/Steelers;MISC/super bowl; C'mon Steelers! Gotta make it to the super bowl again 1429 ORG/Cabinet Office;PER/Nick Clegg; Cabinet Office denies conflict of interest over payments to Nick Clegg's wife's firm (PIGS NOSE IN THE TROUGH) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1430 PER/Saddam Hussein; Cable reveals details about Saddam Hussein's `hastily run' execution - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag ( ITS COMMING! IF NOT ALREADY HERE! 1431 PER/Caleb Hanie;LOC/Forney;LOC/Chicago; Caleb Hanie from Forney may go from nobody to God if he leads Chicago to a comeback and further show how bad 2006 QB class was . 1432 PER/Caleb Hanie;PER/Jay Cutler; Caleb Hanie might not have won the game, but he definitely has bigger balls than Jay Cutler . 1433 LOC/Cali; Cali weather is krazyyy; time to pull out the cargo shorts!! 1434 LOC/California;LOC/Delta-Mendota canal;LOC/Patterson; California : 5th vehicle recovered from the Delta-Mendota canal near Patterson in search for boy http://FakeURL 1435 PER/Cam Newton;PER/Auburn; Cam Newton can ball man, Auburn needs this win though 1436 PER/Cam Newton;ORG/the Bengals; Cam Newton is NOT going to the Bengals ... 1437 PER/Adrian Chiles; Can Adrian Chiles get the fuck off my TV!?! He's fucking everywhere!! 1438 PER/Richard Bach; ``Can miles truly separate you from friends . . If you want to be with someone you love, are n't you already there? ~ Richard Bach / / @FakeUsername '' 1439 yer only trying to go back on what ye said to stop getting hate @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1440 ORG/Bears; Ca n't ask them to do anymore . RT @FakeUsername Bears D is ridiculous right now, giving the offense consistent chances to come back 1441 PER/brandon flowers; ca n't believe I missed brandon flowers live! . 1442 Candlelight - With recovery in sight . http://FakeURL 1443 Caring Process of Cell Phones http://FakeURL 1444 PER/Carly Simon; Carly Simon - You 're So Vain (with lyrics) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1445 PER/Carly Simon; ``Carly Simon talks about '' ``You 're So Vain '' '' http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' 1446 LOC/Casa Corazon; Casa Corazon is one of the best units available for vacation rentals http://FakeURL It has it's own private beach #FakeHashtag 1447 Casual dresses to wear to a wedding : by nimboo As a minor woman? or very same now? I am confident that you dec. . . http://FakeURL 1448 PER/Catherine Zeta-Jones; Catherine Zeta-Jones where art thou, fair maiden? So I can smasheth thee #FakeHashtag 1449 PER/Chace Crawford; Chace Crawford #FakeHashtag 1450 PER/Denis Waitley; Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable . - Denis Waitley 1451 PER/John D. Rockefeller; Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it . - John D. Rockefeller 1452 PER/Charles Woodson;LOC/Michigan; Charles Woodson is one of my favorite Michigan players ever 1453 PER/Charlie Murphhyyyy; Charlie Murphhyyyy 1454 Check out all the health benefits of tea visit Adagio teas ~ http://FakeURL 1455 PER/Sananda Maitreya; Check out music from Sananda Maitreya http://FakeURL 1456 ORG/Timex;ORG/Timex; Check out this Amazon deal : `Timex Kids' T89001 Hearts and Butterflies Stretch Band Watch' by Timex http://FakeURL 1457 Check out this awesome site : 5 In 1 - http://FakeURL @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag 1458 Check out this great item : Earth Standard for Casio Exilim EX-Z30, EX-Z40, EX-50 http://FakeURL 1459 check out this juicy #FakeHashtag! http://FakeURL 1460 PER/Holly; Check this new video on Tubeminator : Holly gets tickled by Mistress Red . wmv http://FakeURL 1461 PER/SANANDA MAITREYA; Check this video out 3 I Never Know - SANANDA MAITREYA & The Nudge Nudge http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1462 PER/Aretha Franklin; Check this video out Aretha Franklin Just My Daydream http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1463 ORG/Black Eyed Peas; Check this video out Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1464 Check this video out Exodus (1960) - theme http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1465 Checked in the Renaissance!!! Bouta head out n do some quick shopping for this chick!! 1466 ORG/Chicago Bears; Chicago Bears you 've got some splaining to do! 1467 LOC/Chicago; Chicago got that td outta no where!! Lol 1468 PER/Dean Martin; Chill Sunday ... on that Dean Martin music flow 1469 ORG/Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong; Chilling out listening to Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong, My fav band of all time!! 1470 PER/Cheng Jianping; Chinese Woman Jailed Over Single Tweet - Cheng Jianping is to spend 1 year in a labor camp http://FakeURL 1471 PER/Chris Brown;PER/Bow Wow; Chris Brown and Bow Wow need rehab ... maybe the same one? haha 1472 PER/Chris Brown; Chris Brown is about to be media porked ... his career has had a dead line 1473 PER/CHRIST BLINK; CHRIST BLINK 182 TICKETS ARE SELLING OUT FAST! . 1474 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Mother Teresa; Christopher Hitchens @FakeUsername on Mother Teresa, Nazism, the hungry search for knowledge vs. the poison chalice of religious dogma ... 1475 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL Is that first ass Munk? 1476 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL Who is that first ass? 1477 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL 1478 PER/Christopher Hitchens; Christopher Hitchens : `You have to choose your future regrets' http://FakeURL 1479 PER/Christopher Walken; Christopher Walken's 3 little pigs : http://FakeURL - LOL! 1480 ORG/Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers; ``Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers '' ``Ashley's Roachclip '' '' http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' 1481 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers; Classy . - > RT @FakeUsername : Bears season over . Tough loss . Congrats to Packers and their fans . Good luck on the big day . 1482 Clothes Wash/Microwave : 10W, Office Lights : 46W, Basement Bath Rm : 0W, Rec Room : 87W 1483 Clothes Wash/Microwave : 199W, Office Lights : 44W, Basement Bath Rm : 0W, Rec Room : 86W 1484 Coda : All things Dismemberment Plan; Odd Future's future; Metro, remixed! : Check the blog on Monday for a review o. . . http://FakeURL 1485 Cody < 3 (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) 1486 ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Julian Assange; Coincidence or conspiracy? Wikileaks founder Julian Assange faces new warrant : http://FakeURL 1487 come check me and my gz out in the studio (Broadcasting live at http://FakeURL) 1488 ``Come to '' ``Magic the Gathering for Beginners '' '' Tuesday '', January 25 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm . Event Details : A class ... http://FakeURL 1489 PER/Henry Ford; Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success . ~ Henry Ford 1490 MISC/SUPERBOWL; Congrats, hope you play well :) RT @FakeUsername : WE ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!! 1491 ORG/SI sports;PER/Drew Brees; Congrats @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : SI sports figure of the year : Drew Brees 1492 PER/Elton John;PER/David Furnish; Congratulations to Elton John and David Furnish as they welcome their Baby Boy 1493 Congratulations! You and your team pulled off this big job . For your troubles you 've earned $ 468,109.00 ... #FakeHashtag - http://FakeURL 1494 PER/Giffords;LOC/Texas; Congresswoman Giffords on road to rehab in Texas - http://FakeURL (Like it? http://FakeURL) 1495 PER/Connolly;PER/Connolly;PER/DeSean Jackson; Connolly for sure! RT @FakeUsername : Which was more impressive - Connolly's or DeSean Jackson's? 1496 Consider yourself no longer `randomised' 8 -) RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Haha, just making the connection :) Nice ... 1497 PER/Oscar Wilde; Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative . Oscar Wilde 1498 PER/Bernard Berenson; Consistency requires you to br as ignorant today as you were a year ago.-Bernard Berenson 1499 PER/Manuel de la Torre; Continua llegando gente de Manuel de la Torre a Cocoso, se espera la salida del titular . 1500 Controlling Pests in your Organic Garden : One of the main concerns of gardeners considering switching to organic ... http://FakeURL 1501 cool brand-new emo boy animated gifs http://FakeURL 1502 Cool science of the week : Cats draw jets of fluid into their mouths with the tips of their tongues . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 1503 MISC/Coronation Street;PER/Jenny McAlpine; Coronation Street's Jenny McAlpine passes on acting tips to kids - http://FakeURL 1504 PER/Glenn Beck; Countdown : Glenn Beck, the communist? http://FakeURL 1505 Crap . Iheartradio apparently has a steelers blackout . Advice for online audio streaming of the game? 1506 Credit Reports http://FakeURL 1507 ORG/Crystal Castles;PER/Jimmy Kimmel; Crystal Castles is performing on Jimmy Kimmel . Reminds me how I really want to see them again live, maybe more sober so I remember it haha . 1508 Currency Majors Technical Perspective : EUR/USD Current price : 1.3605 View Live Chart for the EUR/USD Majors star ... http://FakeURL 1509 Currently reading http://FakeURL 1510 PER/Stephen Hawking; Currently Reading : Stephen Hawking - The Grand Design, the Mother in Law is coming I think I am reading all night . 1511 PER/Curtis Mayfield; Curtis Mayfield - Right On For the Darkness http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1512 ORG/BluEyes One;PER/Diego Redd;PER/ClintonPlace; Cut the Check Featuring BluEyes One & Diego Redd by ClintonPlace http://FakeURL via #FakeHashtag 1513 ORG/BluEyes One;PER/Diego Redd;PER/ClintonPlace; Cut the Check Featuring BluEyes One & Diego Redd by ClintonPlace http://FakeURL via #FakeHashtag < song of the day 1514 Cute dress RT @FakeUsername http://FakeURL : seen on the scene http://FakeURL 1515 PER/Cutler;LOC/Chicago; Cutler, you have to realize what city you 're playing in . If you even TRIED to play injured, Chicago fans would love you for it . 1516 Cuz baby now I realize that I was wrong When I said I did n't need you so Miss you b. . . : http://FakeURL 1517 PER/R. Kelly; Cuz I'm a jerk \* R. Kelly voice \* 1518 PER/Daigo Saito; Daigo Saito is the man!!!!! http://FakeURL 1519 ORG/Rolls Royce; Damage Worse Than Thought in @FakeUsername Jet Engine Blast - http://FakeURL Black eye for Rolls Royce Engines #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1520 Damn my own niggas do n't believe me RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername nah I used 2 give u Da benefit of the Doubt but nah! U dat Nigga blacc 1521 Damn this nigga just backed into this bitch car at the gas station 1522 PER/Barack obama; Damn ... Never seen Barack Barack obama like this hahah http://FakeURL Hotnas Brothers 1523 MISC/Dateline NBC;PER/William;PER/Kate; Dateline NBC is showing William & Kate A Royal Love Story! #FakeHashtag 1524 PER/David Hasselhoof; David Hasselhoof on @FakeUsername @FakeUsername tomorrow, why, he's a has-been, he is freakin creepy & a Narcissist 1525 PER/David Hasselhoof; David Hasselhoof on #FakeHashtag tomorrow, why, he's a has-been, he is freakin creepy & a Narcissist 1526 PER/David Suzuki; David Suzuki makes more sense on the economy 1527 LOC/Davos;ORG/Bloomberg; Davos Excludes Half the World in Global Agenda as Women Miss 30% Threshold - Bloomberg http://FakeURL 1528 Day 8 - Most Difficult Boss Battle - UGH I have two answers for this? Oh hey, I found a nice picture with ... http://FakeURL 1529 PER/Dean Radin; ``Dean Radin @FakeUsername discusses '' ``the stupidity hypothesis '' '' versus the '' ``invisible college '' '' of psychic phenomena research . http://FakeURL '' 1530 PER/Thomas Paine; ``Dec. 1776 vs. Dec. 2010 . Check out this #FakeHashtag edition of '' #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' '' by Thomas Paine . http://FakeURL '' 1531 Deep Space Network's Goldstone Antenna Overhauled http://FakeURL 1532 MISC/Super bowl; Defense won the game for the Packers today . Super bowl bound 1533 definitely gonna go for another fish in the seaaaa (YouTube http://FakeURL) 1534 PER/SHEMAR MOORE; definitely not random RT : @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag SHEMAR MOORE is so fine!! 1535 ORG/Department of Homeland Security; Department of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009 1536 MISC/Desperate Housewives;PER/Rochelle Aytes;PER/Keith; Desperate Housewives Casts Rochelle Aytes As Keith's Ex Movieline http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1537 ORG/Destiny's Child; Destiny's Child @FakeUsername @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername Sistas Forever! I Love they very much! http://FakeURL 1538 PER/DiCaprio;PER/Putin;ORG/NZ Herald News; DiCaprio's efforts for tigers impress Putin - Entertainment - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1539 PER/Dick Butkus;PER/Bart Starr; Dick Butkus would have quit the game before ever being tackled by Bart Starr . #FakeHashtag 1540 http://FakeURL RT @FakeUsername : Hey @FakeUsername I kno ur feelings hurt cuz of the points I put up ... but it's ur turn http://FakeURL 1541 PER/Jake Gyllenhall;PER/Jimmy Fallon; Did anybody catch Jake Gyllenhall on Jimmy Fallon last night?, he busted out some serious moves . . & Mad Skillz??, who knew? luv both Caans . 1542 LOC/Nepal;LOC/KATHMANDU;LOC/Nepal; Did you hear? 140 tourists stranded at airport in Nepal : KATHMANDU, Nepal - More than 140 internat ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1543 PER/Allison Dubois;MISC/RHOBH; did you see Allison Dubois on RHOBH? if not it's a must, on Bravo 6pm tonight . would love your opinion on her appearance @FakeUsername 1544 ORG/Diddy-Dirty Money;MISC/Paris Fashion Week;ORG/Diddy-Dirty Money;LOC/Paris; Diddy-Dirty Money Does Dior at Paris Fashion Week : Diddy-Dirty Money caught the last train to Paris earlier toda ... http://FakeURL 1545 Didnt get job and happy about it . They wanted a cross between a super hero and jesus christ . Not a psych nurse . 1546 Die for my nigga 4real if anything happen to him i would n't know what to do http://FakeURL 1547 PER/Dimitar Berbatov;ORG/Premier League;ORG/Manchester Un; Dimitar Berbatov grabbed his third hat-trick of the season to guide unbeaten Premier League leader Manchester Un ... http://FakeURL 1548 ORG/Direct Action;ORG/Twitter;ORG/Brighton Uncut; Direct Action training via Twitter tomorrow, 2sessions from Brighton Uncut http://FakeURL http://FakeURL 1549 PER/William S. Burroughs;PER/William S. Burroughs; ``Director Turns to '' ``William S. Burroughs '' '' For Debut Feature : If William S. Burroughs's work seems different '', his ... http://FakeURL 1550 Discount Down Coat : Anything You Wish To Know : She basically buys discount designer clothing . One of the web sit ... http://FakeURL 1551 PER/Lady Gaya; ``Discover the actual Modification in Lady Gaya '' ``Previously and After '' '' Cosmetic Transplantation http://FakeURL Demi Tomato '' 1552 PER/Heather Mills;MISC/Happy Foot; Disney have announced that Heather Mills will be touring in the musical version of their hit film, Happy Foot . 1553 PER/Sam Shields; Ditto!! RT @FakeUsername : If there's anyone I'm okay to see picking off cutler, it's Sam Shields ... @FakeUsername 1554 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Do not go where the path may lead, go instead to where there is no path and leave a trail . - Ralph Waldo Emerson 1555 do you have to rt every single mention you get a shoutout? 1556 PER/Hank Scorpio; Does Hank Scorpio have a twitter account? @FakeUsername does he? 1557 PER/Norman;PER/Norman; Does it get any cuter then this?? Yesterday was Norman's 90th BDay . Happy 90th birthday Norman!! http://FakeURL 1558 Does playing the guitar make your fingers grow? Professional ... : I have recntly started playing the guitar, a. . . http://FakeURL 1559 Doing a video chat with 2 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1560 Doing a video chat with 45 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1561 Doing a video chat with 65 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1562 PER/Leslie Nielsen; Doing nothing is very hard to do - you never know when you 're finished . - Leslie Nielsen 1563 PER/Wayne Dyer; Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life - Wayne Dyer 1564 LOC/Han River; Don? t butt in, did you throw away your common sense in the Han River?? Or did you sell it in the market?? Why are you stick your nose in - 1565 Don? t Let it Pop Up! Computer Repair Companies Tackle the Malware Predicament http://FakeURL 1566 ORG/Packers; Do n't become an enemy RT @FakeUsername : Hahaha \* happy dance \* RT @FakeUsername : Packers take that celebrating across the border please 1567 PER/John Lennon;PER/Barbara; do n't forget John Lennon Barbara #FakeHashtag 1568 PER/Greg Behrendt;PER/Liz Tucillo; Do n't give your heart to ANY guy who makes you wonder about ANYTHING related to his feelings for you .' Greg Behrendt & Liz Tucillo 1569 PER/Jim Rohn; Do n't just read the easy stuff . You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it . ~ Jim Rohn 1570 PER/Woody Allen; Do n't knock masturbation - it's sex with someone I love . ~ Woody Allen 1571 LOC/Green Bay; Do n't know they named `Green Bay', but I guarantee it was n't about efficient energy . That leaves algae, moss, or St. Patrick's day dye . 1572 PER/Nicki Minaj; Do n't miss #FakeHashtag with host @FakeUsername and performances with @FakeUsername Nicki Minaj and more tonight at 9 PM! 1573 ORG/ITV1;LOC/London; Do n't miss The 40 Year Old Virgin, ITV1 (London) . Starts in 10 mins . http://FakeURL 1574 Do n't step on the graves! It's bad luck . (@ Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills) http://FakeURL 1575 Do n't subtweet me RT @FakeUsername : < 3 < this is gay even for a girl to do 1576 PER/Albert Camu; Do n't wait for the last judgment . It takes place every day . - Albert Camu 1577 PER/Napoleon Hill; Do n't wait . The time will never be just right . ~ Napoleon Hill 1578 LOC/Chicago; Do n't worry Chicago we 'll get there next year 1579 PER/F. Scott Fitzgerald; Do n't write because you want to say something, write because you have something to say - F. Scott Fitzgerald 1580 PER/Donald Trump; Donald Trump eyes 2012 presidential run Raw Story http://FakeURL 1581 PER/Donald Trump;PER/Sarah Palin; Donald Trump : I Like Sarah Palin, `But I 'd Take Her On' In 2012 (AMERICA CORNERS THE ALTERNATIVE DEMOCRACY MARKET) http://FakeURL 1582 PER/Keith Olbermann;PER/Jeff Zucker; Dont know about Keith Olbermann but if Jeff Zucker approved this show (i'm sure he did), He deserved to be shown the door . 1583 PER/Montana voice; DOUG, whachu know about it \* French Montana voice \* 1584 PER/Henry Killinger; Dr. Henry Killinger http://FakeURL (one of my favorite Venture Brothers characters) 1585 Dumb Cheese-Heads!! RT @FakeUsername Dutch soldiers `blew up own car' http://FakeURL 1586 Dutch to Ban Tourists from Buying Pot http://FakeURL 1587 Easter only a few months away ... luckily it's easy as spring is here already; easier to get in the mindset . http://FakeURL 1588 PER/Bruno Mars; ``Easy come, easy go . . thats just how you live ... oh take take take it all, but you never give #FakeHashtag Grenade by Bruno Mars '' 1589 Eat responsibly . http://FakeURL 1590 PER/Ed O'Neill;PER/Kanye;PER/Jane Lynch; Ed O'Neill pulling a Kanye about Jane Lynch . Not cool at all! 1591 PER/Napoleon Hill; Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought . ~ Napoleon Hill 1592 PER/Mandela;PER/jakson; Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world . ~ Mandela I love that quote . my best - jakson 1593 PER/Stephen Covey; Effective leadership is putting first things first . ~ Stephen Covey 1594 ORG/Twitter; Egg-xactly . @FakeUsername : Shut up . It's Twitter RT @FakeUsername : i think until we actually find out what's wrong (cont) http://FakeURL 1595 eid al-adha is in two days . now listening to raya songs 1596 Eid Mubarak - Eid Mubarak; Happy Eid al-Adha (tomorrow, November 17 2010) to all Muslims all over the ... http://FakeURL 1597 PER/ELEANOR SMEAL; ELEANOR SMEAL : Senate Republicans Tell Women : You Are Mere Pawns http://FakeURL 1598 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; Elizabeth Edwards died Tuesday afternoon after a six-year battle with breast cancer . 1599 PER/Elton John; Elton John has never owned a parrot, but he has had a Cockatoo . 1600 PER/Elvis Costello;MISC/The Impostors;LOC/Brasil; Elvis Costello e The Impostors far_o show no Brasil em abril http://FakeURL 1601 ORG/Emirates;PER/Clark;ORG/R-R; Emirates' Clark Confident R-R Will Nail A380's Trent Problem http://FakeURL 1602 PER/Emma Watson;MISC/Harry Potter; Emma Watson Offers To `Take Off' Her Dress At `Harry Potter' Premiere http://FakeURL 1603 PER/Emma Watson;MISC/Harry Potter; Emma Watson Offers To `Take Off' Her Dress At `Harry Potter' Premiere http://FakeURL 1604 PER/Larry King; End of an Era : Larry King Signs Off http://FakeURL 1605 PER/Eric Church; Eric Church just irritates the crap out of me . 1606 PER/Ernie Hines; Ernie Hines - Our Generation http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1607 LOC/UK; Estate Planning : Pension particulars : what changes to legislation mean for UK expats http://FakeURL 1608 PER/George Vlosich III; Etch A Sketch Art by George Vlosich III : Anyone who ever turned the knobs of an Etch A Sketch toy knows how hard ... http://FakeURL 1609 LOC/Nederland; Europarlement wil Nederland straffen' : http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1610 ORG/Jets;PER/Sanchez;PER/Brady;PER/Manning;PER/Big Ben; Even If The Jets Do Win, Sanchez Will Not Be In Discussion With Brady, Manning, Or Big Ben Sorry . 1611 even if the sky is falling down \* qdm, nois minha linda :) @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 1612 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equa . . Napoleon Hill 1613 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit ~ Napoleon Hill 1614 every morning you come town?!?! (Like it? http://FakeURL) 1615 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat . ~ Napoleon Hill 1616 PER/Donald Trump; Every time you walk down the street people are screaming, `You 're fired!' ~ Donald Trump 1617 LOC/AZ;ORG/the Steelers;MISC/Super Bowl XLIII; Everyone in AZ going for the Steelers or what? Did they go for them in Super Bowl XLIII as well? Hah 1618 PER/John Barth; Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story . - John Barth 1619 PER/Leo Tolstoy; Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself . - Leo Tolstoy 1620 PER/Alan Cohen; Everything will change when your desire to move on exceeds your desire to hold on . - Alan Cohen 1621 LOC/Miami;ORG/Hurricanes;ORG/Green Bay;PER/Sam Shields;ORG/Packers; Ex-Miami Hurricanes WR now Green Bay DB Sam Shields has been huge for the Packers today . 1622 PER/Micheal Turner; Exactly RT @FakeUsername : Micheal Turner do n't need to be on any plays on the goal line I see lol 1623 PER/Henry Ford; Exercise is bunk . If you are healthy, you do n't need it : if you are sick you should not take it . ~ Henry Ford 1624 Explosion victim to be transferred to burns unit http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1625 Eyah RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : The best things about a enemies is that his tells the true about you . 1626 ORG/Facebook; Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months? iPhone applications hit 1 billion in 9 months . http://FakeURL 1627 ORG/Facebook;ORG/Twitter; Facebook is more interesting that Twitter tonight . And that's saying something . 1628 PER/Chevy Chase;PER/Steely Dan; FACT : Actor Chevy Chase occasionally played pick-up drums for one of the original lineups of Steely Dan, known as The Leather Canary . 1629 PER/George Brett;ORG/the Royals;MISC/Pine Tar Game; FACT : As part of his 1984 contract extension, George Brett agreed to give the Royals the bat he used in the `Pine Tar Game' on July 24,1983 1630 PER/William Moulton Marston; FACT : Dr. William Moulton Marston, the man who created Wonder Woman, also designed an early lie detector . 1631 PER/Lisa Kudrow;PER/Roz;MISC/Frasier;PER/Peri Gilpin; FACT : Lisa Kudrow was the original Roz on Frasier . During rehearsals before the pilot episode, however, she was replaced by Peri Gilpin . 1632 PER/Louis Armstrong; FACT : Louis Armstrong played the trumpet so much that he got callouses on his lips so he cut them off with a razor blade . 1633 PER/Orson Welles;MISC/Transformers : The Movie; FACT : Orson Welles' last film role was as the voice actor for the character ``Unicron '', in ``Transformers : The Movie '' (animated), in 1986 . 1634 PER/Paul McCartney;ORG/the Beatles;PER/Ringo; FACT : Paul McCartney played bass left-handed, but he was n't the only southpaw member of the Beatles . Ringo is a lefty as well . 1635 PER/Jesus Christ; Father forgive them . For they know not what they do . ~ Jesus Christ 1636 PER/Richard Horton; Fear is the true counterpoint to reason . Richard Horton @FakeUsername 1637 PER/Brandon Roy; Feel bad for Brandon Roy, his knee injury sounds like what @FakeUsername had to deal with at the end of his career 1638 PER/Felix da Housecat; Felix da Housecat - Madame Hollywood http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1639 PER/Tiger Woods; Filbert episode! \* Tiger Woods fist pump \* 1640 MISC/Sundays at Tiffanys;PER/James Patterson; finally getting around to watching @FakeUsername in Sundays at Tiffanys by James Patterson 1641 PER/Richard Gere; Finally tuning into the OWN network 4the first time (hangs head in shame) & an Officer and a Gentleman is on! Richard Gere = swoon ok? 1642 MISC/Super Bowl;ORG/Packers;ORG/Stillers; ``First part of Super Bowl Prediction of '' ``Packers vs. Stillers '' '' confirmed ... '' 1643 PER/Charlize Theron; First prize : Charlize Theron auctions herself off at a charity event : http://FakeURL 1644 ORG/House Republicans;PER/John Boehner; FLASH : House Republicans pick John Boehner to serve as speaker when they take control in January Balle balle 1645 Folk Tales of the World http://FakeURL 1646 Following @FakeUsername because @FakeUsername told me to!!!! :) 1647 PER/Fonda Rae; Fonda Rae - Over like a fat rat 1982 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1648 ORG/Belgian First Division;ORG/Genk;ORG/Racing Genk; Football News Belgian First Division wrap : Genk back to winning ways : Racing Genk snapped a run of four draws in ... http://FakeURL 1649 PER/Tony Robbins; For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins 1650 PER/Tony Robbins; For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins 1651 For only $ 4 million, this mansion could be yours http://FakeURL 1652 MISC/the NFC Championship;PER/BJ Raji; For those watching the NFC Championship game, what a play by BJ Raji 1653 MISC/Oscar; For Your Consideration : The 10 Worst Original Song Oscar Snubs of the Past 10 Years : In honor of the six-days-an ... http://FakeURL 1654 PER/Jim Rohn; Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune . - Jim Rohn 1655 PER/Jim Rohn; Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune . ~ Jim Rohn 1656 PER/Dwayne Johnson;MISC/Fast and the Furious;MISC/Fast Five; Former #FakeHashtag star Dwayne Johnson, aka `The Rock', talks 5th `Fast and the Furious' film, `Fast Five' http://FakeURL 1657 ORG/OWC; Found the missing 19% of OWC shares! I left them in my pants pocket and sent them through the washer . Oops! #FakeHashtag 1658 PER/Fran Fine; Fran Fine time #FakeHashtag 1659 PER/frank turner;ORG/birmingham; frank turner will you ever play birmingham again? . 1660 ORG/Marie Claire; Free film preview tickets Celebrity gossip Marie Claire : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1661 Free Nature Sounds #FakeHashtag Nature Of Sound Nature Of Sounds Sound Of Rain Nature Sound http://FakeURL 1662 MISC/Super Bowl;LOC/The Golf Cave; Free Super Bowl beers! (@ The Golf Cave) http://FakeURL 1663 PER/Sorkozy; French prime minister resigns - http://FakeURL Go get `tem Sorkozy 1664 Friends are family you choose for yourself . ~ Author Unknown 1665 PER/Samuel Butler; Friendship is like money, easier made than kept . - Samuel Butler 1666 LOC/NYC; From a NYC guy : `How About We ... go to a local playground and pretend we 're kids ...' See who he is at http://FakeURL 1667 MISC/AvWeek Intelligence Network; From the AvWeek Intelligence Network : Trent Shortage Prompts Rolls To Plunder A380 Line 1668 MISC/Tim & Eric Awesome Show; ``Fuck that show! Boooooooooo lol RT @FakeUsername : The '' ``Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job Crimbus Special '' '' will go down in infamy '' 1669 Fucking hate riding in this stupid car . This trip just needs to end already . 1670 PER/Soulja boy; ``funny song actually #FakeHashtag - RT @FakeUsername : Am i really listening to '' ``Hey you There '' '' by Soulja boy right now - - \* Shakes the ipod \* #FakeHashtag! '' 1671 Furminator - The best tool for dog owners http://FakeURL 1672 PER/Julia Durly; Future lady (Julia Durly), if you ca n't get along with my fam, we wo n't last 1673 ORG/GA;ORG/NC;ORG/SC;ORG/CO; GA, NC, SC, and CO banks added to the Failed Bank Map, raising 2011 failure total to seven : http://FakeURL 1674 PER/Garnet Mimms; Garnet Mimms - Stop and Check Yourself (1972) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1675 ORG/Gas Station Angel;ORG/GSA; Gas Station Angel - Week One Dramaturg's Blog After weeks, even months of preparation, the first rehearsal of GSA w? http://FakeURL 1676 PER/Thomas Edison; Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration . ~ Thomas Edison 1677 PER/George Bush; George Bush Book `Decision Points' Lifted From Advisers' Books http://FakeURL 1678 PER/George Bush; George Bush plagurized his memoirs : http://FakeURL 1679 PER/George Michael; George Michael has been banned from his local pub today for having a sneaky fag in the gents . 1680 LOC/Georgia; Georgia Voters Agree To non-compete Agreements http://FakeURL 1681 PER/Geraldine Hoff Doyle;PER/Doyle; Geraldine Hoff Doyle obituary : Doyle inspired `We Can Do It' poster - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1682 PER/BETTY WRIGHT; get the funk up and dance damit! BETTY WRIGHT - CLEAN UP WOMAN http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1683 GHoops - GNO; Hoover, Al 28 - Norcross 25 at the half . O. Anderson 7 Hov and D. Hamby 9 Ncr . DeShields 3 fls . 1684 PER/Gillian Anderson;ORG/Telegraph; Gillian Anderson : `People are pigeonholed too much' - Telegraph : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1685 PER/Girl Talk;PER/Girl Talk; Girl Talk Releases New Album : Girl Talk has released his new full length sample epic as a free download from ... http://FakeURL 1686 Girl!!! Me too! I thank him every chance i get!;) chance RT @FakeUsername : God has been so good to me . 1687 PER/Michelle Obama; GIRLS NIGHT : Michelle Obama And Girlfriends Attend Award-Winning Broadway Play http://FakeURL 1688 PER/Jim Rohn; Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process . ~ Jim Rohn 1689 PER/Martin Freeman; Glad I did n't have @FakeUsername tweet that Martin Freeman had died . 1690 PER/Glenn Beck;PER/Hitch; Glenn Beck, '' '' ``a tear-stained semi-literate shock jock ... of lies and defamations '' '' . http://FakeURL by Hitch @FakeUsername @FakeUsername '' 1691 LOC/Brooklyn;PER/Jay-Z; ``go Brooklyn! @FakeUsername : Jay-Z : '' ``It's all about art '' '' http://FakeURL '' 1692 PER/Henry David Thoreau; Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . Live the life you have imagined - Henry David Thoreau (via ... http://FakeURL 1693 PER/Aretha Franklin; GOD Noooo Aretha Franklin?!? 1694 PER/Noah;PER/John Shimkus; ``God said to Noah (and House Republican John Shimkus, Ill) : `Do n't fret about global warming' http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername '' 1695 Goddamn! RT : @FakeUsername : Goddamn my friend is so goddamn clingy to his goddamn girlfriend . Its goddamn obsessive . #FakeHashtag 1696 ORG/Godiva; Godiva Chocolate chilled sounds real good now 1697 Going in this social network is too #FakeHashtag for people 1698 PER/HARRY; going now I LOVE YOU HARRY! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1699 going to see her in march!! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1700 ORG/mexican league; gonna watch some mexican league soccer now, fuck this game . 1701 Gonna watch the Friday movies, kinda chilled dis Saturday 1702 PER/Gratton; Good moring . . \* sipping coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1703 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* catching a yawn \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1704 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* picking at mince pie \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1705 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* reaches for coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1706 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* reaching for coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1707 PER/Gratton; Good morning . . \* sipping beer \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) 1708 ORG/ManU;ORG/Bir;ORG/the gunners;ORG/liverpool; Good show by ManU against Bir . . btw good comeback by the gunners and liverpool ... 1709 Good thing barbershop quartets do n't perform national anthems . There is always the constant threat of Coney Island Baby 1710 GOOOOO! RT @FakeUsername : come on #FakeHashtag, lets get this win! 1711 ORG/GOP;PER/Obama;ORG/Republicans; GOP lawmakers look for signs of new Obama approach - AP : MSNBCWASHINGTON - Republicans say they want to hear les ... http://FakeURL 1712 Got 5/28 playing Mythical TV Musicians . Try to top that : http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1713 PER/Caleb Haine;PER/Jay Cutler; got to give it to the kid Caleb Haine, he nearly pulled of the victory ... damn you Jay Cutler 1714 PER/Grant Bradley;ORG/NZ Herald News; Grant Bradley : Miners inhabit a deep, dark, dank world - National - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1715 ORG/ESPN; Great week to be a longhorn! 300 million dollar deal with . ESPN and we just beat the number 2 team in the country . 1716 LOC/Green bay;MISC/Superbowl; Green bay to the Superbowl ... So I guess they 're dope? Lol 1717 ORG/Green Day;MISC/Reading Festival; Green Day - We Are The Champions - Live at Reading Festival 2004 : http://FakeURL 1718 Grow! : Secrets of the Real Law of Attraction http://FakeURL 1719 grr i need adobe to watch on my ipod and it wont let me download it : -LRB- 1720 ``Gym Time ... '' ``Pain is my motivation . '' '' '' 1721 HA _ legal : D The MixeR http://FakeURL 1722 PER/Kanye West; Ha RT @FakeUsername : Listening to the new Kanye West album . I might be reading too much into it, but I think he likes pussy . 1723 PER/noel gallagher; had a dream las nite i saw/met mr noel gallagher at a train station that can not name cuz there was n't one with a name but anyway it was fun! 1724 PER/Fergie;ORG/BEP; had no idea Fergie from BEP peed herself at a concert becz she was too drunk to go to the bathroom 1725 PER/Will Smith;MISC/the Matrix;MISC/Wild Wild West; Had no idea Will Smith turned down the role of Neo for the Matrix trilogy becz he wanted to do Wild Wild West 1726 ORG/the Bears;MISC/NFC championship; Had the thought cross my mind about all the Bears NFC championship hats, shirts, etc now headed to 3rd world countries . < eye roll, sigh > 1727 Haha im having a pretty good time down here with the other people from the hotel 1728 Haha nobody got it I think 1729 PER/Ginuwine; Haha ohhh Ginuwine ... 1730 haha tdr dek RT @FakeUsername : Ciiee : p RT @FakeUsername : ure welcome sist RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername thanks udah dateng ya ~ (??? ~) ~ 1731 ORG/the jets; Haha the etrade baby is on the jets side woooo 1732 Haha! @FakeUsername, your an adorable one are n't ya . Hey @FakeUsername, your a lucky one . She has a great smile & is bright . Take care of her . 1733 Haha! #FakeHashtag looks so desperate . He' rambling about social networking now? #FakeHashtag 1734 Haha! I fell back to sleep and missed #FakeHashtag, after all that hype . Oh well, I'm going grocery shoppping instead then .;) 1735 Haha! It looks so cool to see my archived tweets . I wish I 'd known about this sooner . @FakeUsername is da bomb!;) 1736 LOC/minnesota;MISC/american idol; Haha! Music is my life!!! To bad I'm stuck in minnesota though and 13 so I ca n't even try out for american idol on other person in the world 1737 Haha! RT @FakeUsername : I'm currently having a @FakeUsername TL Birthday takeover . Might as well make her a #FakeHashtag . #FakeHashtag 1738 Haha! We wish that too! 1739 PER/Mike Vick; Hahahaha RT @FakeUsername : God loves Mike Vick . His story might need to be added to the Bible . 1740 Hahahahaaaa RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Yo u remember out DC AT3 was break dancin 4 them honkies 1741 Half Way Home - I am trying to quit smoking with LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach for the iPhone/iPod touch and just won this award . 1742 MISC/Half-Life; Half-Life is : C : . A decent, albeit glitchy experience . I had to redo one of the levels because the boss would n't jump onto the spider-web . 1743 PER/David Hasselhoff; ``hands down is David Hasselhoff '' ``Hoff : '' '' he trips over his unwarranted EGO LO @FakeUsername '' 1744 Hangover headache @ tht ... SMH . 1745 PER/Hanie;LOC/Chi Town; Hanie gon get all that Chi Town ass he pull this one off 1746 PER/Hanie;PER/Tom Brady;PER/Bledsoe; ``Hanie starting to have that '' ``Tom Brady takes over for Bledsoe to be the Hero '' '' swag . '' 1747 PER/Hanie;PER/Knox;PER/Chester; Hanie steps up in the pocket and delivers to Knox . Chester punches in the TD . This game is far from over 1748 PER/Dale Carnegie; Happiness does n't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude . ~ Dale Carnegie 1749 PER/ELLIE;LOC/LIVEERPOOL; HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY ELLIE FROM LIVEERPOOL xx @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1750 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE FOR NEXT MONTH; D @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1751 PER/Harry Potter;PER/Voldemort; Harry Potter' College Courses - Yes, You Can Earn Credit for Studying Voldemort : http://FakeURL 1752 PER/harry;PER/matt;MISC/x factor; harry why do n't you ring matt and ask him how much pussy he's had since x factor? @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1753 PER/harry; harry you have the best taste in music @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1754 has anyone ever sexted you?? nope . thank god . http://FakeURL 1755 PER/Akon; Has anyone seen Audio (old name B5) new video feat . Akon? can you say pinkys up? 1756 ``Have you ever seen that '' ``what? '' '' '' ``A colt stand up that fast '' '' ... awe in the room Welcome Secretariat!! '' 1757 PER/Juicy J; ``He was n't on the one I downloaded RT @FakeUsername : Juicy J went in too on '' ``make it rain '' '' '' 1758 PER/Jeremy Irons;MISC/SVU; He's awesome RT @FakeUsername : Working with Jeremy Irons right now on SVU . . 1759 Health : Arthritis Pain Relief? Natural Tips And Treatments That Work Fast : I got rid of my arthritis and arthri ... http://FakeURL 1760 LOC/US; healthcare in the US is so shit 1761 ORG/Hershey; Heck yes ... it's time for Candy Cane Hershey's Kisses! LOVE CHRISTMAS! 1762 PER/Chris Bosh;LOC/Georgia Tech; Hehe RT @FakeUsername : What sorority did Chris Bosh pledge for at Georgia Tech? 1763 PER/Heinz Ward; Heinz Ward just got clocked . 1764 Hello my sisters . I apologize for my lack of tweets this year . I 've joined so many TG/CD (cont ...) http://FakeURL 1765 PER/David Copperfield; ``Hello Police? It's David Copperfield, My car's disappeared! '' ``Should I report it or clap '', '' sir? '' '' '' 1766 MISC/Henry's Crime;ORG/Moving Pictures Film & TV;PER/Malcolm Venville;PER/Henry; ``Henry's Crime Heads To Screens Via Moving Pictures Film & TV : Malcolm Venville's romantic comedy '' ``Henry's Crim ... http://FakeURL '' 1767 MISC/Montreal Gazette; Here comes the Russian bear - Montreal Gazette http://FakeURL 1768 ORG/Facebook; Here's a link to our Facebook FanPage . _ Hope to see you there! http://FakeURL 1769 PER/Lamar; Here's proof that I voted for Lamar ... http://FakeURL 1770 Hey, I just reached Lvl 16 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL 1771 Hey, I just reached Lvl 19 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL 1772 Hey, I just reached Lvl 4 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL 1773 Hey check out this vid chat room with 76 people in it - http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1774 PER/Mike Rankin;PER/Natalie Nicole Robles; Hey Citadel Family! Here is the link to the pictures from Mike Rankin and Natalie Nicole Robles's wedding shower ... http://FakeURL 1775 ORG/Hotnas Brothers;ORG/Taylor Pork; Hey Dudes do you think this is simply fantastic you must see yourself http://FakeURL > Hotnas Brothers Taylor Pork #FakeHashtag 1776 Hey i love u of course i miss u didnt include u cause it hurts to think about it RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername no? #FakeHashtag you 1777 hey sean thats a sexyy pilllow you have; D @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1778 Hey sometimes I read things that are n't buttsex, part 1 : http://FakeURL 1779 MISC/HGTV Dream Home 2011 Giveaway; HGTV Dream Home 2011 Giveaway : Thank You #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 1780 ``Hi you!! Ty for following ^ _ ^ ('' '') '' 1781 PER/Hiedi Jones; Hiedi Jones' career is OVER . Why would you lie about being raped? Such a horrible thing to do . 1782 ORG/Green Bay; High Five Green Bay! Aint been in the man bowl since the 80 's 1783 HIGH FIVE! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1784 MISC/High Stakes Poker;ORG/GSN;ORG/Poker News Daily; High Stakes Poker Season 7 Debuts February 26th on GSN : Poker News Daily can independently confirm that the seve ... http://FakeURL 1785 Highs and lows of property familiar ground http://FakeURL 1786 PER/Hilary Duff;LOC/England; Hilary Duff, Haters! Have n't listened for 5 years but man I love this song ... An entire day listening to it during a school trip in England 1787 PER/Kareem Amer; History's Longest Imprisoned Blogger, Kareem Amer, is Free : The man believed to have been imprisoned longer than ... http://FakeURL 1788 PER/JONATHAN BROOKINS; HIYOOOOO JONATHAN BROOKINS WINSSSS!!!!!! WHOOHOOO #FakeHashtag!!!!! 1789 PER/charles;PER/diana;LOC/brunei; hmmmm its gonna be the biggest wedding since charles and the late diana . havent seen any royal wedding since brunei's crown prince 1790 PER/michael jackson; holy shit, i miss michael jackson you just lost the game! #FakeHashtag 1791 ORG/TLC;PER/Sarah Palin; Honestly i think TLC is setting Sarah Palin up for her failure ... well shes been on that path since 2008 lol 1792 PER/Sanchez; Hope Sanchez expands his learning experience tonight against the black and yellow @FakeUsername 1793 PER/Wiz; Hope Wiz do n't fall while he perform . #FakeHashtag 1794 MISC/the Steve Wilkos show; horrific story on the Steve Wilkos show on livingit now! . 1795 ORG/FDC; Hosting news : Any providers that can compete with FDC for bw pricing? http://FakeURL 1796 PER/Sloan;LOC/Collins; How about a mention tonight that coach Sloan's high school is playing Collins' HS tonight in S. IL at same time? Symmetry = fun @FakeUsername 1797 PER/Danielle Staub;MISC/RHONJ; how about Danielle Staub from RHONJ w her sex videos & so much more trash? 1798 How an unexpected gap year can offer unexpected bonuses Travel ... : While you _?? ll need to save your pennies i. . . http://FakeURL 1799 PER/George Elliston; How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it! George Elliston - thank you all for sharing the LUV today x 1800 MISC/Power of Few;PER/Christian Slater; ``How cool! RT @FakeUsername : Had an awesome time taking pictures on set today of '' ``Power of Few '' '' starring Christian Slater . '' 1801 PER/David Booth; How did David Booth get such great tickets for this #FakeHashtag game? He must know someone very important . 1802 PER/Dylan Ratigan;ORG/MSNBC; How did he get a show anyways! RT @FakeUsername I ca n't stand Dylan Ratigan . They need to kick him off MSNBC #FakeHashtag 1803 ORG/the Bears;ORG/the Lions; How different would the Bears season have been had they lost to the Lions first game of the year? #FakeHashtag 1804 How do u build trust ... with somebody that is fucking the nation . . #FakeHashtag 1805 LOC/CHICAGO; HOW DOES THAT TASTE CHICAGO!!!! 1806 How dumb do you think I am? Haha jokes on you! 1807 MISC/Cheese Lobbying Story;PER/James McWilliams;ORG/The Atlantic; How Journalists Got the Cheese Lobbying Story Wrong - James McWilliams - Food - The Atlantic http://FakeURL vía @FakeUsername 1808 PER/Paulo Coelho; How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it . ~ Paulo Coelho #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername 1809 How to Break Through a Fitness Plateau http://FakeURL 1810 PER/Dwyane Wade;PER/Dwyane Wade; How to Dress Like You 're Dwyane Wade : We 'd like to take full credit for what Dwyane Wade wore for our new fashio ... http://FakeURL 1811 How to Increase your #FakeHashtag Battery Life : http://FakeURL 1812 How To Make Massive Commission As An Affiliate! http://FakeURL 1813 How To Put In and Take Out Nose Rings . http://FakeURL nose rings 1814 LOC/CHICAGO;ORG/Starbucks; How Via Steamed Up the Instant-Coffee Category : CHICAGO (http://FakeURL) When Starbucks entered the instant-coffee ... http://FakeURL 1815 http://FakeURL 1816 http://FakeURL 1817 http://FakeURL 1818 http://FakeURL SOMEONE GIVE ME THIS MAG!!! 1819 http://FakeURL Zone Therapy 1820 http://FakeURL And here I sing Valerie and Fire;) 1821 http://FakeURL Really? Natural gas prices going to zero, get real! 1822 http://FakeURL < ~ Now you can ride this train with me - add all & Join at the end Post to stay on daily! 1823 http://FakeURL one more of the car in the garage now . 1824 http://FakeURL my favorite f 'n shorts man I need some needle and thread 1825 http://FakeURL The latest news in cinema and movies . 1826 PER/Jay-Z; ``http://FakeURL check out this video and make your decision about Jay-Z '' ``On To The Next One '' '' Music Industry Exposed . '' 1827 LOC/United States;LOC/U.s.; http://FakeURL The United States Will Benefit From The New Trend Of Globalization? The U.s., Transp ... http://FakeURL 1828 http://FakeURL is the way I made 275 dollars yesterday 1829 http://FakeURL is the way I made 275 dollars yesterday 1830 http://FakeURL / COOL QUOTES / 4 Blessed ways of living : 1st, Look back #FakeHashtag; Thank God . 2nd, Look forward #FakeHashtag; Trust God 3rd 1831 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1832 http://FakeURL TONIGHT AT #FakeHashtag THERE WILL BE NO LINE FROM 10 - 11 CAUSE EVERYONE WALKS STRAIGHT IN FOR FREE TILL 11 < 1833 http://FakeURL - its SEXYYYY : P lol x if only i had the guttsss lol x 1834 http://FakeURL - #FakeHashtag was the #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag I 've seen on #FakeHashtag . His funniest antics in ep . 1 & 2 . #FakeHashtag! 1835 ORG/myspace; http://FakeURL < < Get wit the hottest on myspace top list quality here . . Share! 1836 http://FakeURL Want to ask me something? I do n't bite . Unless of course, you want me to? 1837 http://FakeURL Streaming again, this time doing colors! 1838 PER/Carlos Xuma; ``http://FakeURL Beware The Alfie by Carlos Xuma http://FakeURL '' 1839 PER/Bob Marley; http://FakeURL Bob Marley 1840 PER/peter kay;LOC/blackpool; http://FakeURL how about a classic clip from peter kay's old tour in blackpool! . 1841 http://FakeURL < Rev Theory _ mais legal do que pensei' - ' 1842 PER/noel gallagher; http://FakeURL noel gallagher singing (3 1843 PER/Bob Marley; http://FakeURL ... another one for the beautiful people of #FakeHashtag Bob Marley One Love 1844 PER/Hu;PER/Obama;PER/Andy Borowitz;LOC/White House; Hu Presents Obama with Counterfeit DVD : Fake news by Andy Borowitz In a moving White House ceremony today, President ... http://FakeURL 1845 LOC/Amber Buffet & Hibach; Hungry!! (@ Amber Buffet & Hibachi) http://FakeURL 1846 Hurricane simulator : pay $ 2 to stand in a glass booth and get wind blown on you . This is real . 1847 PER/RODDY WHITE; HWHOOOOHOOOOO RODDY WHITE IS SO DAMN ILL!!!! DID YA 'LL SEE THAT?! MY GOD!!!! #FakeHashtag 1848 ``I? this! had to copy & paste ... '' ``If u live to b a 100 '', I want 2 live 2 b a 100 minus 1 day, so I never have 2 l. . . http://FakeURL 1849 PER/Reggie Bush;ORG/the Falcons; I agree . RT @FakeUsername : Reggie Bush is doing his best to help the Falcons out . 1850 i also need this tshirt in my life http://FakeURL 1851 I am an atheist, yet I believe in grace, and am thankful for all these moments of grace with my family and friends . Happy Thanksgiving . 1852 PER/mustafa shakur; i am delighted that a young man named mustafa shakur was just called up by the wizards today . 1853 MISC/Java; I am going to create a website that aggressively teaches the basics of the Java programming language . 1854 ORG/Tumblr; I am off to eat supper then read PoA . - Seeya later Tumblr . I LOVE YOU FOLLOWERS . Even though you hate me . http://FakeURL 1855 I am so fed up of crying . 1856 PER/britney spears; i am some britney spears! #FakeHashtag 1857 PER/Howard Jones;MISC/Music Choice channel; I apparently know more trivia about Howard Jones than the Music Choice channel does . #FakeHashtag 1858 MISC/chicago; I ate a cow right now and chicago is coming back, oh ya 1859 PER/Brett Favre;PER/Caleb Hanie; I believe Brett Favre has the game ending INT trademarked, Caleb Hanie . 1860 PER/OBAMA;ORG/Hotnas Brothers; I bet you that you Never Witnessed this Picture of OBAMA Before http://FakeURL Dying out of Giggling Hotnas Brothers 1861 I call this ... Coffee Chill Love! 1862 PER/lyannette; I camme with my parents and lyannette to see it! But we will go again all the sisters woo hoo hahah! RT ... http://FakeURL 1863 PER/Desmond Elliot;PER/Ini Edo; I can hear Desmond Elliot Screaming on top of his voice at Ini Edo #FakeHashtag film . 1864 PER/Brad Maynard; I can punt it further than 24 yards . Fuck you Brad Maynard . 1865 PER/Nicki Minaj; I can see it working out RT @FakeUsername : Nicki Minaj would be cool on some Missy beats . 1866 PER/Rhianna;PER/Drake; i can tell by ur BBM status . lol RT @FakeUsername : Pretty much obsessed with Rhianna song featuring Drake right now ... 1867 PER/Caleb Hanie; I ca n't believe I'm saying this . But can we put Caleb Hanie in now?! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1868 i cant go to bed until i know they 're defo not comin back? i'm gna cry if they dnt LOL @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1869 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL 1870 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL 1871 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL 1872 ORG/YouTube; I could listen to this song over and over again (YouTube http://FakeURL) 1873 PER/Schroder; I dig Ms. Schroder's (sp?) accent, like it a lot! 1874 PER/Nicki Minaj;PER/Santa; I do n't care for Nicki Minaj's music, but I will do naughty things to her \* adjusts Santa hat \* 1875 LOC/Asylum;LOC/Asylum; I do n't want to live in Asylum, I 'll live a lie . Do n't think I live in Asylum, I am a lie . 1876 I dont recall tweetin that Rt @FakeUsername 1877 ORG/YouTube;ORG/DJ Mitsu the Beats;PER/Jos;PER/James; ``I favorited a YouTube video DJ Mitsu the Beats '' ``Promise In Love feat . Jos _ James '' '' http://FakeURL '' 1878 PER/Heidi Montag; I feel so bad for Heidi Montag but she knew she overdid the plastic surgery in the first place 1879 PER/Jacqueline Bisset; I finally realized who you remind me of, Jacqueline Bisset when she was way younger @FakeUsername 1880 PER/Jacqueline Bisset; I finally realized who you remind me of, Jacqueline Bisset . @FakeUsername 1881 ORG/YouTube;PER/Justin bieber; I go on YouTube & all I see is hate comments for Justin bieber; like why the fuck r u kids hating on him? (cont) http://FakeURL 1882 I go to see my nail girl Moon & she tells me my sis @FakeUsername stopped by today!!! I love me some Moon! Nails always fresh! 1883 I had such a nice dream about this guy yesterday (more like this morning lmao) ... I blame the story that I'm writin http://FakeURL 1884 I hate the internet police . 1885 ORG/Amazon; I have as of today canceled both my Amazon 1886 PER/Thomas A. Edison; I have not failed . I 've just found 10,000 ways that wo n't work . - Thomas A. Edison 1887 i have the number but im not using it :) @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 1888 ORG/Packers;PER/Favre; I have n't rooted for the Packers since that Monday Night Game when Favre's father died 1889 i just ate so much mexican food . i think i defeated the whole purpose of my 2-hour hike . f-ing fabulous . 1890 LOC/Spoerer; I just became the mayor of Spoerer's on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL 1891 ORG/Jets;ORG/NFL; I just checked Jets shop & NFL shop Anyone know where to buy The flight boys tee Tone wore to press conference I want one 1892 PER/Christian D.;LOC/Target; I just ousted Christian D. as the mayor of Target on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL 1893 LOC/Atlanta; ``I just took '' '' (ALL PARTS)) Your a Model and you get flown out to a studio in Atlanta - ... '' '' and got : Part 1 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1894 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ''? U came from a poor family and u 're now a maid at Justin's house . What h. . . '' '' and got : Part 2?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1895 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ''? U came from a poor family and u 're now a maid at Justin's house . What h. . . '' '' and got : Part 8?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1896 PER/Justin Bieber;PER/Bieber;LOC/Paris; ``I just took '' '' (SEASON 2; ALL PARTS + ADDING) You hate Justin Bieber ... '' '' and got : Part 23 : Bieber In Paris! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1897 LOC/The Bahamas; ``I just took '' '' -LCB- All parts so far -RCB- 1-20 Your Brother Takes You To The Bahamas For Your Birthd ... '' '' and got : Part 1! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1898 PER/Justin Bieber; ``I just took '' '' -LCB- ALL PARTS! -RCB- What if Justin Bieber asked you to babysit hi ... '' '' and got : Read below! PART 22! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1899 LOC/Atlanta; ``I just took '' '' \*\* SEASON 1!!! \*\* You just moved to Atlanta '', '' and you can g. . . '' '' and got : Part 9 What . A. Day .! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1900 PER/justin bieber; ``I just took '' '' \* SEASON 2 \* : What if justin bieber asked you if he could please you in a cer ... '' '' and got : part 8 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1901 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``Justin and the crew love picking on u because ur ugly . they dec. . . '' '' and got : part 15 -? OMG!?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1902 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``Justin and you hate each other . Its summer . You guys are in the m. . . '' '' and got : This is akward! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1903 PER/Justin Bieber;PER/Taylor Lautner; ``I just took '' ``Justin Bieber and Taylor Lautner were UR best friends They left to become ... '' '' and got : Part 2 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1904 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER; ``I just took '' ``PART 4 YOU + JUSTIN BIEBER = SUPER HOT S. . . '' '' and got : I THINK YOU 'LL LIKE PART 4 ... ... ... . .! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1905 ``I just took '' ``What happens when you are forced to spend the summer ... '' '' and got : Part five '' ``I want to go home . '' ''! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1906 PER/Rayray; ``I just took '' ``Which mindless boy would make there next song about you? '' '' and got : Rayray! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1907 PER/justin; ``I just took '' ``You and justin are to a beach and hes bored and you say come to my roo ... '' '' and got : Rated r! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1908 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``You are part of the un-noticed group of your school . Justin an ... '' '' and got : Part 2 Close Call! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1909 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``You are the new girl in school and Justin and his crew are major players! Whe ... '' '' and got : Part 2! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1910 PER/JUSTIN BI; ``I just took '' ``your a vampire ... and in love ... an illegal love ... with JUSTIN BI ... '' '' and got : part 2-Vampires `R `us! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1911 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER;PER/JUSTIN; ``I just took '' ``YOUR JUSTIN BIEBER 'S TUTOR AND NEXT THING U KNOW HE STARTS TO FALL F. . . '' '' and got : PART 18 - JUSTIN! Try it : http://FakeURL '' 1912 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Adventurer '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' 1913 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Adventurer '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' 1914 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Bender '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' 1915 PER/Zanessa; ``I just voted '' ``Zanessa '' '' on '' ``Who Is The Best Couple? '' '' Vote now : http://FakeURL '' 1916 I just voted for this photo http://FakeURL 1917 ORG/PACKERS; I JUST WON $ 1,000 WOOOOOAAAAAA PACKERS GOING TO BIG SHOW NIGGA!!! AYE IM COMIN TO COLLECT MY DAMN MONEY ANSWER THE PHONE NIGGAS LOL!!! BOWL 1918 MISC/Gulliver's Travels;PER/Jack Black; I knew the Gulliver's Travels movie with Jack Black was n't good ... just did n't see it with the previews 1919 PER/JESSE GREEN; i know its early but here is the song of the day ) JESSE GREEN flip http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 1920 I know this sounds bad but theres something about my mom that just annoys me whenever Im with her . 1921 PER/George Clooney; I know!!! Was thinking the same! RT @FakeUsername : Even with Malaria George Clooney looks amazing ... 1922 PER/Brandon Flowers; ``I li this too . . good choice . keRT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Brandon Flowers '' ``Crossfire '' '' @FakeUsername ~ I love this song http://FakeURL '' 1923 PER/Chris Ciffatti; I like Chris Ciffatti's tie 1924 PER/Jamie;PER/Ramsey;PER/Jamie Oliver; I like Jamie . What do you think of Ramsey? RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername good job keep pushing through! Jamie Oliver is on tele I much ... 1925 PER/Noel Coward; I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me . Noel Coward 1926 PER/Charlie Murphy; I like my smiley faces to have noses #FakeHashtag ... cuz bitches love smiley faces \* Charlie Murphy voice \* 1927 I like this video by @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 1928 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video Blind Lets Play : The MineCraft Diary - Day 20 (The Quest for ... http://FakeURL 1929 ORG/YouTube;ORG/Combichrist; I liked a YouTube video Combichrist - Today I Woke to the Rain of Blood http://FakeURL 1930 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video Disturbed - Inside The Fire (video w / dead card) http://FakeURL 1931 ORG/YouTube;PER/Eminem;PER/Rihanna; I liked a YouTube video Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. . Rihanna http://FakeURL 1932 ORG/YouTube;ORG/Metallica; I liked a YouTube video Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar : Official Music Video (1080p) http://FakeURL 1933 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video This Bitch With Couponz http://FakeURL 1934 PER/Amber Rose; I love Amber Rose! she is too funny 1935 PER/Blair; I love Blair! She has a great personality & she is so pretty! < 3 1936 LOC/Harbour Bridge;LOC/The Opera House; I love cross the Harbour Bridge only to see The Opera House and the ocean . Beautiful!!! 1937 PER/don;PER/edward cullen; i love don the vampire king's voice . very deep & manly . his skin is so white, pale & clear . too bad he doesnt sparkle like edward cullen : P 1938 PER/Patti LaBelle; I love Patti LaBelle! one of my fav soul town voices 1939 PER/Sally jessy Raphael;ORG/NBC;ORG/universal; I love Sally jessy Raphael that's messed up how NBC/universal fired her 1940 I love these girls RT @FakeUsername : Another fab day wit my ladies @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername . . wedding planning . . lunch . . and shopping 1941 PER/Chelsea Lately; I m just watching the Chelsea Lately show HD . lovely 1942 I managed to sneak a pic of big dream whilst he wernt lookin lol http://FakeURL 1943 PER/JUELZ SANTANA;LOC/CLUB ROUGE; I may make a surprise return 4 this one RT @FakeUsername : OPENING FOR JUELZ SANTANA JAN 30TH INSIDE CLUB ROUGE! http://FakeURL 1944 PER/Kim;PER/Kourtney;LOC/New York; i meant Kim & Kourtney Take New York haha 1945 LOC/Delux;LOC/Ossington; I might be addicted to Delux on Ossington - ca n't stop going back wknd after wknd . Their Cuban breakfast is amazing http://FakeURL 1946 PER/Melina Kanakaredes;LOC/NY;PER/Sela Ward; I miss Melina Kanakaredes on #FakeHashtag - NY Sela Ward is too arrogant 4 a new guy as she is in every role #FakeHashtag 1947 PER/Norman Wisdom; I miss Norman Wisdom! . 1948 I named my iPhone `Phoebo' . For this of you that watch friends, you know what this means . :) 1949 PER/Phillip;PER/Chloe;PER/melanie;PER/Nathan;PER/Stephanie;PER/daniel; I need Phillip and Chloe together NOW as well as melanie and Nathan too, Stephanie and daniel find somebody else #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 1950 I nominate @FakeUsername for a Shorty Award in #FakeHashtag because ... she wear's beutiful clothes http://FakeURL 1951 LOC/Utah; I own a timeshare, and I agree . @FakeUsername That 3rd-down end around was the dumbest thing I 've ever seen . And I 've been to Utah . 1952 ORG/Facebook; ``I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album '' '' -LCB- Project 365 -RCB- 2011 '' '' http://FakeURL '' 1953 ORG/Facebook; ``I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album '' ``Whats New at KiD to KiD of Cary? '' '' http://FakeURL '' 1954 ORG/Blackpool;ORG/Wolves;PER/Jody Craddock;ORG/Wolves; I predict that Blackpool will lose to Wolves (0-2) at odds of 14/1, with Jody Craddock scoring first for Wolves #FakeHashtag match predictor 1955 PER/Oscar Wilde; I put all my genius into my life; I put only my talent into my works Oscar Wilde 1956 PER/Edward Appleton; I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill . - Sir Edward Appleton 1957 PER/Rihanna; I really enjoy Rihanna's new album . Great songs and a job well done 1958 ORG/the Bengals;PER/Jesus;ORG/Falcons; I really NEED the Bengals to pull out a win today . PLEASE baby Jesus, give me this . Signed, a Falcons fan 1959 PER/Dorothy Day; I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least . - Dorothy Day 1960 I recently lost 3 followers, and I know who they are thanks to http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 1961 PER/Harbaugh;PER/Mike Tomlin; I ride with the #FakeHashtag to the end . . but if we could trade Harbaugh for Mike Tomlin #FakeHashtag, we 'd be on another stratosphere . 1962 PER/cory monteith; i say this so much but cory monteith is absolutely beautiful (L) 1963 ORG/YouTube; I subscribed to TheNewWonderWoman's channel on YouTube . http://FakeURL 1964 ORG/YouTube; I subscribed to thesowhat's channel on YouTube . http://FakeURL 1965 PER/Kevin Hart; I swear, @FakeUsername and I can go back and forth all day w / quotes from Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny lol 1966 PER/Charlie Rangel; I think he should go ahead and retire RT @FakeUsername Leave Charlie Rangel alone ... He's 80! Come on ... clearly he's (cont) http://FakeURL 1967 PER/Rita Rudner; I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage . They 've experienced pain and bought jewelry . Rita Rudner 1968 PER/Chad Johnson; I thought Chad Johnson was engaged and it's not going to last but why is he still following models/video vixens? 1969 LOC/America;PER/Stan Marsh; I thought this was America \* Stan Marsh voice \* 1970 I took a nap and dreamed about getting an iPhone, it felt so real . 1971 PER/George St Pierre; ``I trained myself to fight an army of men, so that one man ca n't defeat me - George St Pierre '' 1972 PER/Kristen;PER/rihanna;PER/Anne hathaway; I tuned in and saw Kristen wig with red hair thought it was a rihanna skit lmao ps Anne hathaway is gorgeous #FakeHashtag 1973 ORG/YouTube; I uploaded a YouTube video The Chicken goes Moo . Day 181 (01-22-2011) http://FakeURL 1974 PER/Stanley Tucci; I voted for Stanley Tucci & @FakeUsername & @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 1975 PER/Steve Nash;LOC/Phoenix;MISC/2011 NBA All-Star Game; I voted to send Steve Nash from Phoenix to the 2011 NBA All-Star Game . http://FakeURL 1976 I wanna kick my teacher in the face! 1977 PER/Susan Boyle; I wanna shoot Susan Boyle with a shotgun! . 1978 ``I want some . . RT '' '' @FakeUsername : I'm printing some '' ``SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!! '' '' cards . '' '' '' 1979 ORG/Twitter;PER/Jay Cutler; I want to see the reaction on Twitter if Jay Cutler suddenly decides to come back in . 1980 ORG/NFC;ORG/the Steelers;ORG/the Jets;PER/Sanchez;ORG/Pittsburgh; I was correct about the NFC Title Game . Now the Steelers will beat down the Jets . Sanchez wo n't know what hit him . Pittsburgh D is nasty! 1981 I was thinking the same thing RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername LoL!! Nice answer ma! 1982 I was trying to be nice but if you are not even willin?? DONT YOU THINK I HAVE MADE AN EFFORT . IVE ASKED MY BES? http://FakeURL 1983 PER/Mead; I went to get a yearly planner like I do every year and when did they go up to $ 9? Thanks, Mead . 1984 PER/Olivia Munn; I will make Olivia Munn my wife 1985 PER/Joni Mitchell; I wish I have a river I could skate away on - Joni Mitchell 1986 ORG/Steelers;MISC/Super Bowl; I would n't mind seeing the Steelers at the Super Bowl . #FakeHashtag 1987 LOC/England;LOC/Japan; I 'll be in England #FakeHashtag I will be in Japan on the 4th of July ... So wrong . http://FakeURL 1988 PER/noel gallagher; i 'll never stop loving noel gallagher no matter how cocky or arrogant he tends too be at times! . 1989 LOC/new York; I'm a new York kinda nigga, fuck that black and yellow . 1990 LOC/Shinagawa; I'm at??? (Shinagawa Sta .) (?? 3 /?? 2 ,??) w / 15 others http://FakeURL 1991 LOC/Escazu;LOC/Escazu; I'm at Multiplaza Escazu (Escazu) w / 2 others http://FakeURL 1992 LOC/Yatenga;LOC/New York; I'm at Yatenga (2269 7th Ave, 134th, New York) http://FakeURL 1993 PER/Dwight Schrute; I'm changing my name to Dwight Schrute . 1994 LOC/North Koreas;PER/Miley Cyrus; I'm glad to see people are talking about North Koreas attack more then Miley Cyrus Birthday ... shows the world is n't totally lost ... 1995 PER/Julie Bowen; I'm going w @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : Which Modern Family cast mate does Julie Bowen says has the dirtiest mouth? #FakeHashtag 1996 I'm in a Tinychat with 120 other people @ http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL 1997 PER/Vincent; I'm jealous of them heels that carry your feet, if only they could walk right up to me . I'm psycho on you . #FakeHashtag Vincent - Miss Blue . 1998 PER/Noel Gallagher; I'm like a young Noel Gallagher! . 1999 PER/Smash Mouth; I'm listening to All Star by Smash Mouth . #FakeHashtag 2000 PER/Kim Mitchell; I'm listening to All We Are . mp3 by Kim Mitchell . #FakeHashtag 2001 PER/FatMan Scoop;PER/Faith Evans; I'm listening to Be Faithful by FatMan Scoop (Ft. . Faith Evans . #FakeHashtag 2002 PER/John Lennon;PER/Yoko Ono; I'm listening to Dear Yoko by John Lennon & Yoko Ono . #FakeHashtag 2003 PER/Rihanna; I'm listening to Disturbia by Rihanna . #FakeHashtag 2004 PER/Gil Scott-Heron; I'm listening to Home Is Where The Hatred Is by Gil Scott-Heron . #FakeHashtag 2005 PER/Phil Collins; I'm listening to In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag 2006 PER/Cory Lee; I'm listening to Lover's Holiday by Cory Lee . #FakeHashtag 2007 PER/Kid Cudi;PER/David Guetta; I'm listening to Memories (Feat . Kid Cudi) by David Guetta . #FakeHashtag 2008 ORG/Culture Beat; I'm listening to Mr. Vain by Culture Beat . #FakeHashtag 2009 MISC/Requiem For A Dream;PER/Paul Oakenfold; I'm listening to Requiem For A Dream (Leama's Dream Mix) by Paul Oakenfold .????? #FakeHashtag 2010 PER/Eminem;PER/Nicki Minaj; I'm listening to Roman's Revenge (Feat . Eminem) by Nicki Minaj . #FakeHashtag 2011 PER/Eminem;PER/Nicki Minaj; I'm listening to Roman's Revenge (Feat . Eminem) by Nicki Minaj . #FakeHashtag 2012 PER/Rihanna;PER/Lady Gaga; I'm listening to Silly Boy by Rihanna ft Lady Gaga . #FakeHashtag 2013 PER/Haddaway; I'm listening to What Is Love by Haddaway .????? #FakeHashtag 2014 PER/Britney Spears;PER/Lily Allen; I'm listening to Womanizer (Britney Spears Cover) by Lily Allen . #FakeHashtag 2015 PER/Bob Sinclar; I'm listening to World, Hold On by Bob Sinclar . #FakeHashtag 2016 I'm n the hood tho! http://FakeURL 2017 MISC/the grammys; I'm predicting that @FakeUsername will win song of the year on the grammys 2018 I'm so tired I ca n't get up off my chair . I think I'm going to have to crawl across the floor and find the energy to climb into bed 2019 I'm talking about the offense miss curry . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername they scored once 2020 I'm thinking about changing my URL to freak out my followers . http://FakeURL 2021 I'm tryna get a chick like this RT @FakeUsername : Legs in the air 2022 LOC/Residence Inn-North;LOC/Stone Oak; I'm very tired, and I have to change rooms because of a thermostat problem . (@ Residence Inn-North/Stone Oak) http://FakeURL 2023 PER/Bobby Flay;MISC/Thanksgiving Throwdown; I'm watching the thunderstorm roll in RT @FakeUsername : Watching Bobby Flay's Thanksgiving Throwdown '' 2024 ORG/LG; I 've added a tip : LG DBRH198 Region Free Fix http://FakeURL http://FakeURL < - to my list 2025 I 've only had the strawberry shortcake one and it does n't taste too bad . http://FakeURL 2026 PER/Ian S.;PER/feerschneider; Ian S. is the best! : WHAT 'S THE MOST EMBARASSING THING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU AS A MODEL? - feerschneider : http://FakeURL 2027 Ice Ice Baby has the WORST music video ever! 2028 ORG/YouTube;PER/Ron;PER/Hermione; Ich mag ein YouTube-Video . Here in the dark (Ron/Hermione) http://FakeURL 2029 Idk But I Think Sara wanted to be Maid Of Honor . Just a Hinch . 2030 PER/Kevin Hart; Idk how @FakeUsername did n't think Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny was comedic . Blasphemy 2031 LOC/pittsburgh;ORG/steelers; Idk how u can live in pittsburgh and hate on the steelers 2032 PER/Sara Underwood; Idk who Sara Underwood is but she is a cutie 2033 ORG/the Bears; Idt the Bears winnin dis one; and for those who followed me, I will follow yuh guys back wen I get on the PC :) 2034 PER/Thomas Henry Huxley; If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger? - Thomas Henry Huxley 2035 PER/edward; if edward punched you in the face what would you do?? Throw a fucking rock at his face http://FakeURL 2036 PER/Mel Brooks; If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets . Mel Brooks 2037 If I dont get married ima join the army and if I have kids then I dont : D 2038 PER/Ted Turner; If I only had a little humility, I 'd be perfect . Ted Turner 2039 PER/Ted Turner; If I only had a little humility, I 'd be perfect . Ted Turner 2040 If I'm on the phone and keep walking that means two or more things I see you not interested I see you I'm not ... http://FakeURL 2041 PER/Kate Garraway; If Kate Garraway ever goes topless, I want to be the first person to know . 2042 ORG/Sprint;ORG/ATT&T; If Sprint get the iPhone 4, ATT&T is goin outta business lol 2043 ORG/the Bears;PER/Caleb Hanie;MISC/SuperBowl; If the Bears win Caleb Hanie should start in the SuperBowl! 2044 ORG/the Bears;LOC/Chicago;PER/Hanie; If the Bears win with a 3rd string QB I will move to Chicago and open Hanie's Gym and Dating Service 2045 MISC/Aaliyah; ``If there was 2 ever be an '' ``Aaliyah '' '' movie '', I think @FakeUsername would be perfect for the role . 2046 IF U CA N'T HANDLE THE TRUTH #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername If you feel offended or having any problemWith what I say roll the fuck out 2047 PER/Jim Belushi;PER/Jerry O'Connell; If u have n't yet check out #FakeHashtag : Jim Belushi & Jerry O'Connell are just plain hilarious @FakeUsername 2048 PER/Simon Baker; If ur referring to Simon Baker : I agree RT @FakeUsername : that guy from the mentalist is a hottie! :) 2049 PER/Abigail Van Buren; ``If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we 'd all be millionaires . ~ Abigail Van Buren '' 2050 PER/Steven Harper;PER/Bush;PER/Blair; If you are Canadian, and do not like Steven Harper/Conservatives then RT? He's the last of the Bush/Blair era) _ -LRB- 2051 PER/avril lavinge; If you could attend any concert, what would it be?? avril lavinge http://FakeURL 2052 PER/Dave Barry; If you have n't yet read Dave Barry's @FakeUsername) Tips For Writers, now's the time for that to transpire . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 2053 PER/Dave Barry; If you have n't yet read Dave Barry's @FakeUsername) Tips For Writers, now's the time for that to transpire . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername 2054 PER/Dale Carnegie; If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it . Go out and get busy . ~ Dale Carnegie 2055 Iiih risa aku tau yg menang u, u RT @FakeUsername : hebat!!! RT @FakeUsername yg menang aku _ -LRB-' -') _ RT @FakeUsername Ehehehe . _ . RT @FakeUsername : iya tau wk ... 2056 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER; IM DMING JUSTIN BIEBER FOR THE NEXT 10 PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW @FakeUsername TELL ME IF U DID! GO GO GO :) 4 2057 Im Going to Be Talking About The Roll of Online Videos In Internet http://FakeURL 2058 PER/Albert Einstein; Imagination is more important than knowledge ... - Albert Einstein #FakeHashtag 2059 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight . http://FakeURL 2060 PER/Venus;MISC/the Australian Open; In other sports news i ca n't believe Venus was forced out of the Australian Open due to injury . PISSED . Anyone's game . . smfh 2061 ORG/Fox;ORG/NFL; In the off-season, the Fox NFL robots ruin golf games . 2062 PER/John Lilly; In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true . - John Lilly 2063 PER/Toni Braxton; In the words of Toni Braxton `Just be a man about it ' 2064 LOC/India;LOC/India; India? A promising destination for Heart Valve Surgery : India? A promising destination for Heart Valve Surgery ... http://FakeURL 2065 ORG/Injinji; Injinji socks RT @FakeUsername (blog post) Funny Feet http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2066 PER/Helge Schneider; ``Interessant! Helge Schneider in '' ``300 '' '' - http://FakeURL Thumbs up! '' 2067 International Adoption - The Know How's http://FakeURL 2068 ORG/WikiLeaks;PER/Julian Assange; International arrest warrant issued for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Raw Story http://FakeURL 2069 PER/Rob Shields;PER/Rob Shields; Interview With Rob Shields : Design Rob Shields has found much success in his style of artwork, his dark inspired ... http://FakeURL 2070 PER/Nanice El-Gammal;LOC/Egypt; Interview : Cairo-based Yoga Teacher, Nanice El-Gammal, on yoga lifestyle in the wonderful country of Egypt? http://FakeURL 2071 PER/Nick Williams; Investing more energy and attention in your dreams than your fears opens the door to miracles ~ Nick Williams 2072 is a VIP on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone! Click the link to join my gang http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2073 MISC/World Championship; is celebrating the double, having led his Fenerbah_e team to success in the Club World Championship . #FakeHashtag 2074 MISC/the Battle of the Basement Bands; is hitting that stage at 8:50 tonight for the Battle of the Basement Bands . http://FakeURL 2075 Is It 200 Million Or 500 Million? And Who's Counting Anyway? http://FakeURL 2076 Is it possible to network with business leadership? http://FakeURL 2077 PER/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Is not the core of nature in the heart of man? - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 2078 PER/Mark Watson; is on the bus too town too see Mark Watson! . 2079 PER/Mark Watson; is out later on too see a comedian called Mark Watson at thee wulfrun hall in my local area of wolvo ... 2080 PER/Braylon Edwards; Is stone hands Braylon Edwards going to show up today? 2081 Is the the building method of the future? The prototypes sound like an angry swarm of mosquitoes . http://FakeURL 2082 Is there a sale in the mall I did n't kno about ... else why is it so packed!!!! 2083 PER/Joe;PER/Jim Royle; is this a poem or a menu Joe!? . Jim Royle #FakeHashtag 2084 PER/Tony McCarroll; is this close to meeting Tony McCarroll ... http://FakeURL 2085 PER/Isaac Hayes; Isaac Hayes - Breakthrough http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2086 PER/Isaac Newton; Isaac Newton and a Scientific Revolution http://FakeURL 2087 PER/Isabelle Huppert;PER/Claire Denis; Isabelle Huppert on Claire Denis, What Intimidates Her, and Dealing with the Press : French cinema siren Isabelle ... http://FakeURL 2088 PER/Francis Bacon; It always makes me smile at the knowledge that Sir Francis Bacon was a `friar' : -) LOL 2089 ORG/FB;PER/Donny;PER/David Cassidy;PER/MJ; It appears that most of my FB friends are all at the Biebs concert w/their kids . If only Donny, David Cassidy or MJ toured when I was a kid 2090 PER/Alicia Keys; It could 've been you Alicia Keys, but you had to go fuck around with Humpty Hump 2091 it didnt say it on twiiter or faceb so idont think so (live at http://FakeURL) 2092 PER/W. Churchill; It is no use saying, `We are doing our best .' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary . ~ W. Churchill 2093 PER/Gertrude Stein; It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.-Gertrude Stein 2094 LOC/America;PER/Barack Obama; It is time for us to Change America . (Words of Barack Obama) #FakeHashtag Obama 2095 It is too frequent that I stumble on a web site that is worthwhile telling my buddies about, this one is just like that ... http://FakeURL 2096 It looks like it's night night niggas!!! For the bears!!! Haha 2097 PER/Caleb Hanie; It seems safe to say that this is Caleb Hanie's five minutes of fame, judging from tweets, anyway . 2098 PER/Tony Blair;PER/Herman;ORG/twitter; It should 've been Tony Blair cc @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : Dear Herman @FakeUsername, good you are on twitter . Now see what it ca ... 2099 ORG/NFL;ORG/NFL; It takes 5 yrs to get a pension in the NFL . This 3rd string QB is in his 3rd NFL year . He's playing for his life salary rt now . 2100 PER/Napoleon Hill; It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project . ~ Napoleon Hill 2101 PER/George Burns; ``It takes only one drink to get me drunk . The trouble is, I ca n't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth . - George Burns #FakeHashtag '' 2102 LOC/UK; It's a bloody disgrace, I'm very disappointed; mine is the only phone in the UK that has n't been hacked 2103 It's a Sunday . I 've been dealing with cash since 11 am . It is now 5.45 pm, and I think I might be able to leave by 8 . FML 2104 MISC/King of the Hill;PER/Willie Nelson; It's amazing how the #FakeHashtag operates . I just watched episode 4 of King of the Hill, featuring Willie Nelson, who is currently trending . 2105 PER/Mike Tyson;PER/Jordan;PER/Chuck Norris; It's awesome going down to my Dad's office and seeing photos of him with Mike Tyson, Jordan & Chuck Norris . #FakeHashtag Ask about Him!! 2106 It's gonna be a good Christmas http://FakeURL Way to go #FakeHashtag 2107 PER/Joni Mitchell; It's life's illusions I recall - I really do n't know life at all - Joni Mitchell 2108 it's not working : (@FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 2109 PER/Harry Hill; It's Saturday and that can only mean several things : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername - ah, Saturday night TV! 2110 PER/Harry Hill;PER/Harry Hill; It's Saturday and that can only mean : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername . . my Saturday night starts with Harry Hill . 2111 PER/Harry Hill; It's SATURDAY and you know what that means : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername . . Saturday night TV at its best! 2112 PER/Cutler; Its best that he did n't RT @FakeUsername : Cutler know he coulda got back on that field 2113 PER/Marc Anthony;ORG/Dolphins; Its clear that Marc Anthony owns a part of the Dolphins . They play' I Need To Know' by him at EVERY break . Smh 2114 LOC/Jville; Its super duper boring in Jville . . That's why I catch the planes out of here 2115 ORG/packers;MISC/super bowl; Its the packers going to super bowl 2116 PER/J Kidd;PER/T Parker; J Kidd is an ungrateful prick . The #FakeHashtag greatest player crapping on them . I will never forget how old T Parker made him look in the Finals 2117 PER/J. Johnson; J. Johnson looking for someone in the middle, alumni is there to pick it up and the ensuing drive leaves the goalie scrambling 2118 PER/Jacques le Glou; Jacques le Glou dies at age 70 News Screen : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2119 PER/Jake Cutler; Jake Cutler? The Tin Man phoned . Says you have something in common ... 2120 PER/James Franco; James Franco is returning to #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2121 PER/jay cutler; jay cutler get back in the game!!!!! 2122 PER/Jay Cutler;LOC/chicago;PER/kanye; Jay Cutler . Worst thing related to chicago since kanye's last two albums . 2123 PER/JAY JUDY; JAY JUDY MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I 'M THE ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD 2124 PER/Jay Schafer;ORG/Tumbleweed Tiny Houses;ORG/Yahoo! News; Jay Schafer, owner of Tumbleweed Tiny Houses - Yahoo! News Photos http://FakeURL 2125 PER/Jeff Dye; Jeff Dye #FakeHashtag 2126 PER/Jennifer Love Hewitt; Jennifer Love Hewitt is an underrated actress . . #FakeHashtag ... she's getting better roles 2127 PER/Jenny Eclair; Jenny Eclair - about as funny as the trots . 2128 jer freaked out cause the cookie was $ 7 hahaha @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername LOVE it! 2129 PER/Jessica Simpson;MISC/Regis/Kelly; Jessica Simpson us on Regis/Kelly and she sounds horrible! Maybe get some sleep before you go live) _) 2130 PER/Jesus; Jesus Saves!!! Praise be to God! His Glory! and His Grace! AMen! 2131 PER/Jesus; Jesus told us to love everybody . He never said it had to be consensual . 2132 ORG/JETS; JETS HAVE TO WIN . WORTHLESSBURGER IS A PIECE . AND I'm SICK OF HEARING THAT DAMN BLACK AND YELLOW SONG . Let's put em in their GRAVE . 2133 ORG/jets;PER/LB calvin pace; jets LB calvin pace slipped on the turf, otherwise he would 've stopped ben short . ugh 2134 PER/Jim Bell;LOC/Mars; Jim Bell : `Postcards From Mars' : 15 Amazing Pictures Of The Red Planet From New Book (PHOTOS #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2135 PER/Jimmy Clausen; Jimmy Clausen is an IDIOT!!! Lol . Thank yooooou!!!! 2136 PER/amelia;PER/Haleyy; JK! that wasnt me that was my amazing cousin amelia! i love her . but i do love my sister Haleyy!! Shaking my booty playing just dance 2! bye 2137 PER/Joanna Yeates; Joanna Yeates' Landlord Held Over Murder : http://FakeURL 2138 ORG/USC; JOB @FakeUsername looking 4 IT business analyst Req # 006530 see USC jobs website 2139 PER/Joe Biden;PER/Larry King;PER/Hillary Clinton; Joe Biden Tells Larry King He And Hillary Clinton Wo n't Switch Jobs http://FakeURL 2140 PER/John A. Smolin; John A. Smolin's pretty kitty . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2141 PER/John Key; ``John Key says the Govt will give support to the #FakeHashtag miners and their families : '' ``Our hearts and thoughts go out to them . '' '' '' 2142 PER/john larroquette; john larroquette did such an amazing job on @FakeUsername . @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 2143 PER/John Lennon; John Lennon's voice in war is over! . (3 2144 PER/John Tyner; John Tyner, now infamous traveler who resisted TSA pat-down, glad his moment of fame is nearly over http://FakeURL http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 2145 PER/Johnny Depp; Johnny Depp is 47 and #FakeHashtag ... age is nothing but a number ... I would hit it 2146 PER/Johnny Depp; Johnny Depp is 47 and #FakeHashtag ... I would hit it 2147 Joint bank account with your boyfriend at 17?? #FakeHashtag 2148 PER/Jordan;PER/D-wade; Jordan had the flu and still scored 38 ... And D-wade ca n't play cause of a headache?? ... They do n't makem like they used to Smh!! 2149 PER/Juan Silva Meza;ORG/SCJN; Juan Silva Meza nuevo presidente de la SCJN 2150 PER/Judith Herman; ``Judith Herman '' ``Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator's first line of defense . If secrecy fails '', '' he attacks the credibility of his victim . '' '' '' 2151 PER/Julia Durly; Julia Durly, I want you to have my children . 2152 PER/Julian Assange; Julian Assange is a textbook narcissistic paranoid . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 2153 PER/Julius peppers;PER/Angela Simmons; Julius peppers smilin after the loss cuz he fuckin Angela Simmons 2154 PER/Mark Watson; just finished seeing Mark Watson (comedian) at thee wulfrun hall now time too go home rating out of 10 ... 7 and a half! . 2155 Just Got In From The Store, 52nd Street Desert 'd . . Wasup WP .! 2156 Just got out the MRI machine and it caused excruciating pain . . #FakeHashtag 2157 Just guess who's names under that ... http://FakeURL 2158 Just installed @FakeUsername on my mobile phone - it's a free navigation app with fun gaming & social elements! http://FakeURL 2159 PER/Carlos; just listened to Carlos? The Silmarillia (radio edit) http://FakeURL 2160 Just made my reverb nation music profile . Give it a visit http://FakeURL beats and more music @ http://FakeURL 2161 just reached level 20 on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone! Click the link to join my gang http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2162 ORG/Amazon;ORG/LG;ORG/LG; Just saw this on Amazon : `LG 32LE5400 32-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED LCD HDTV, Black with Internet Applications' by LG http://FakeURL 2163 ORG/Amazon;ORG/Sony; Just saw this on Amazon : `Sports Champions' by Sony Computer Entertainment ... for $ 39.75 http://FakeURL 2164 PER/Grover Washington Jr.; JUST THE TWO OF US??? - Grover Washington Jr. . http://FakeURL 2165 PER/Scott; ``Just took '' ``What is the name of the man you 'll marry? '' '' and got : Scott! Try it? http://FakeURL '' 2166 Just tweet him to death with questions . LolRT @FakeUsername : Cool . Let me know class is in session . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername I 'll give you a 2167 MISC/How Drugs Work;ORG/BBC;LOC/Bristol;LOC/Bristol; Just watched all the `How Drugs Work' documentries on BBC . Funny to see the Bristol coke girl and boy I 've seen at many events in Bristol . 2168 PER/Justin Bieber;LOC/England; ``Justin Bieber has just said '' ``I Could n't Live In England '' '' nobody wants you hear anyway so fuck off! . '' 2169 PER/Justin Bieber; Justin Bieber hates the weather here we hate you full stop! . 2170 kangins : LIKE A LITTLE KID THE WAY HE RUNS OVER TO TAEMIN OMFG . Also the last one :? But hyung I was gonna ... http://FakeURL 2171 PER/Kanye West;PER/Beaver; Kanye West should of jumped on stage when they said Beaver won . 2172 PER/Karina Pasian; Karina Pasian = wifey lol 2173 PER/Katy;LOC/the Gold Coast; Katy is back on the Gold Coast, Fresh and ready to play Ph 0420519515 20 yrs bust blond size 12 OUTCALLS from $ 20 http://FakeURL 2174 PER/Katy Perry; Katy Perry #FakeHashtag! 2175 Keep in eye on your inbox soon for Annual Meeting information! The plans are in high gear and the dates to save ... http://FakeURL 2176 PER/Keri Hilson; Keri Hilson was dancing like a ho, singing ho-ish shit, lookin like a ho soooo ... \* does math calculations \* she equals to ...? 2177 PER/Patti Smith; Kids Stays In The Picture : Her fashion stock has rarely been higher than in the last year, when Patti Smith's pu ... http://FakeURL 2178 PER/Kim Jong-Il; Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things http://FakeURL 2179 PER/Ted Thompson; Kind of bummed they did n't interview Ted Thompson! Go! Pack! Go! 2180 ORG/Jets;ORG/the Giants;ORG/GreenBay;ORG/the Jets; Kinda nervous about this Jets game . Felt the same way when the Giants played GreenBay that Superbowl year . Really hope the Jets win ... 2181 PER/kirsten dunst; kirsten dunst is amazing (3 2182 PER/Kitaro; Kitaro - The Silk Road http://FakeURL v_a @FakeUsername 2183 Knowing The Difference Between A License And A Franchise Makes A Difference : : If you know the difference betwee ... http://FakeURL 2184 LOC/Asia; Korean Wave' of pop culture sweeps across Asia - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 2185 PER/Kourtney;PER/Kourtney;LOC/New York;PER/Kim; Kourtney & Kourtney Take New York : : : I knew Kim was going to date her bodyguard #FakeHashtag 2186 PER/LADY GAGA; LADY GAGA IS A BITCH YOU THE QUEEN @FakeUsername 2187 PER/Larry Moore; Larry Moore recording a late promo ahead of @FakeUsername 9 News at 10 http://FakeURL 2188 LOC/Wolcott Rest Area; Last stop before home! (@ Wolcott Rest Area) http://FakeURL 2189 Latest Couture Bridal Gowns Auctions : Feel free to check out these auctions : http://FakeURL 2190 PER/Charlie Pace; Lawls, there is an overweight Charlie Pace at rain right now . #FakeHashtag . 2191 PER/Stephen Covey; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall . ~ Stephen Covey 2192 PER/Stephen Covey; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall . ~ Stephen Covey 2193 PER/Norman Schwarzkopf; Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character . But if you must be without one, be without the strategy . Norman Schwarzkopf 2194 PER/Leah Marie Grimshaw; Leah Marie Grimshaw ahhhh has a gd ring to it dnt ya think;') 2195 PER/leah remini; leah remini is on ... she has the same birthday as me 2196 PER/Lee DeWyze;PER/Jim Cornelison; Lee DeWyze Defers To Jim Cornelison : Will Sing At Bears-Packers Halftime, Cornelison Takes Anthem - Huffin ... http://FakeURL 2197 leganddairy : He is just so incredible . That hair? . spectacular . http://FakeURL 2198 PER/Leonardo DaVinci; Leonardo DaVinci invented the Scissors . 2199 ORG/Les Anis de Flavigny;LOC/Vancouver;LOC/Bosa Foo; Les Anis de Flavigny rose candy in Vancouver? : I have purchased the lavander and the anise versions at Bosa Foo ... http://FakeURL 2200 PER/Leslie Nielsen; Leslie Nielsen has died . I was waiting for another Naked Gun sad day today, and tomorrow 2201 Let him stay where he is, he? s the king? He? s my son 2202 Lets hear it for Sunday Roast - Embracing the customs of your new country is good . Sharing some of the ... http://FakeURL 2203 PER/Charles R. Swindoll; Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it . - Charles R. Swindoll 2204 PER/Marcus Tullius Cicero; Life is nothing without friendship . Marcus Tullius Cicero 2205 PER/Paulo Coelho; Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act . ~ Paulo Coelho 2206 Like finding ways to ether ya \* Ice Cube mean mug \* 2207 Like it! Fan Fiction ebook Peeta's Story - The Hunger Games #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2208 PER/Tim Mcgraw; Likes @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag OVER AND OVER by @FakeUsername ft. . Tim Mcgraw 2209 PER/Mia; ``Likes the quote '' ``Please Mia '', '' he implores . Do n't make me write a song . '' '' http://FakeURL '' 2210 ``Listen to '' ``NWO and TFL night '' '' hosted by bill122460 on #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL Call (646)929-0610 '' 2211 ORG/TNT & Karess;ORG/Low The Legacy; ``Listen up!! New Single '' ``NOW U MAD '' '' by TNT & Karess Produced by Low The Legacy - http://FakeURL song_6894400 '' 2212 PER/David Bowie; ``listening to '' ``Absolute Beginners - David Bowie '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2213 PER/David Essex; ``listening to '' ``David Essex - A Winter #FakeHashtag; s Tale '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2214 PER/Diana Ross; ``listening to '' ``Diana Ross - Reach Out And Touch '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2215 PER/Barbara Streisand; ``listening to '' ``Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (O-God Remix) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2216 ``Listening to '' ``Hungry For The Word Of God 1-23-2011 The Holy Spirit Par ... '' '' hosted by hankonfire on #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' 2217 PER/Felice Taylor; ``listening to '' ``It May Be Winter Outside (But in My Heart It #FakeHashtag; s Spring) / Felice Taylor (1967) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2218 PER/Lionel Richie; ``listening to '' ``Lionel Richie - Im_Comming_Home '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2219 PER/Lionel Richie; ``listening to '' ``Lionel Richie - Im_Comming_Home '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2220 ``listening to '' ``Sea of Bees - Pale Skin '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2221 ORG/The Black Keys; ``listening to '' ``The Black Keys - Tighten Up (OFFICIAL VIDEO) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2222 PER/Huey Lewis; ``listening to '' ``WINTER WONDERLAND - Huey Lewis And The News '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2223 PER/craig mack; listening to craig mack rap hangover . . bass lines are soo sweet! 2224 PER/David Suzuki; Listening to David Suzuki's talk `The legacy' Culmination of a life's work . Listen, learn and act . Tipping point is almost passed and past . 2225 PER/Patti Lacy; Literary Wonders! gives The Rhythm of Secrets by Patti Lacy a 5 Star rating . http://FakeURL 2226 Little brothers http://FakeURL 2227 ORG/NHL; Little Women on DVD . Sweatpants from @FakeUsername's NHL collection . Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight! 2228 LMAO @FakeUsername : Do n't! Mite recognize it! RT @FakeUsername : IM TEMPTED TO TWITPIC THIS NAKED PIC OF (cont) http://FakeURL 2229 PER/Vanessa Carlton; LMAO at Vanessa Carlton playing randomly somewhere in the crib 2230 PER/Bobby Boucher 'd; Lmao how this dude Bobby Boucher 'd his ass . 2231 Lmao RT @FakeUsername I think Harry Potter is getting a little too old to believe in magic . Is n't he like, 35? 2232 ``Lmao RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername '' #FakeHashtag : @FakeUsername) @FakeUsername ( SECURITTTTTYYYYYYYYY '' 2233 Lmao RT @FakeUsername I loaned @FakeUsername $ 7 2234 Lmao RT @FakeUsername Ive made the decision 2move on w / my life and part with my true love ... ... CARBS!! haha 2235 PER/Prince; Lmao!! RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername she wanted to sing like teena and look like Prince!!! Hahahahahaaaa!!!! 2236 Lmfao love that movie RT @FakeUsername : Do n't have sex, 'cause you will get pregnant . And die . 2237 PER/Kevin hart; LMFAO RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I mean damn what did Kevin hart do to u?? (she does n't watch blck movies or shows) 2238 Lmfao This Girl Is An Moron!!!! RT @FakeUsername : Damn you the? and I will rip my? out and? you the? 2239 LOC/Chicago; Lmfao . . Chicago ai n't going out like no hoe though! that was quick 2240 lmfaoo omg stfu RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername you my friend was the highlight of the night lol 2241 ORG/twitter; Lmfaooooo RT @FakeUsername : i swear i think people go take pictures in they best outfit just for an avitar on this twitter shit 2242 LmfaoRT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : You know its cold when the africans stay inside < < lmfaooooo 2243 Local Mom Makes $ 6,500 / mo. . Work At Home Jobs Providing 1000's of Jobless Americans a Secure and Reliable Income . http://FakeURL 2244 PER/Nicole Scherljfadhaohd; Lol at the way u spell her last name RT @FakeUsername : Nicole Scherljfadhaohd on #FakeHashtag is wearing a purty dress . 2245 ``Lol hell yeah! RT @FakeUsername : '' @FakeUsername : I stay smokin weed that be super smelly '' '' yeah we were in the same rotation lOl '' 2246 PER/Todd Collins; lol How old is Todd Collins? 2247 Lol I was there left bout 1 RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername where were YOU last nite!? @FakeUsername was (cont) http://FakeURL 2248 PER/Chris Bosh; Lol RT @FakeUsername : I bet money Chris Bosh got clear nail polish on his finger and toenails . 2249 PER/Peyton Manning;ORG/the Colts; Lol RT @FakeUsername : Peyton Manning has n't been right all season . Even before the injuries impacted the Colts he (cont) http://FakeURL 2250 PER/Lauryn Hill;PER/Lauryn Hill; LOL RT @FakeUsername : what's the over/under on how many of these Lauryn Hill shows actually features Lauryn Hill? 2251 LOL RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Women have to be in the mood . Men just have to be in the room . #FakeHashtag 2252 Lol RT @FakeUsername : S/O to all the men tweeting that #FakeHashtag shit but stay breaking bread on a Bad Bitch!!!! 2253 PER/Clay Matthews; Lol . I thought u missed that RT @FakeUsername : Girl do you know i will fight you?!?!! Lol RT @FakeUsername : I want to marry Clay Matthews . 2254 ``Lol . RT @FakeUsername What happened to u wanting to be my alarm '' ``cock '' '' ctfuuuu smh I'm still waiting babes ... '' 2255 ``Lol . These grown ass men are tryna play us . Lol . '' ``I did n't have someone stand outside the store And buy me alch '' '' '' 2256 PER/Leanne Malcolm;LOC/Queenstown;MISC/tv3 news; Long time didnt see Leanne Malcolm Tv3 report from Queenstown . she doing a great job! Nice to see u today on tv3 news!!!! 2257 Look at this Guy . lol http://FakeURL 2258 Looking for Things to Do? Bored & Broke! http://FakeURL 2259 MISC/Harry's Law;PER/Kathy Bates; Looking forward to Harry's Law with Kathy Bates on @FakeUsername 2260 looks like bubba is going to the vet . i think presciption cream is the only answer . he's not hurting and is soooo ... http://FakeURL 2261 MISC/THE BAY;PER/Real Andrews; Lose Weight Easy THE BAY Series Interviews? Real Andrews Part Three : It is with the world's most appropriate ... http://FakeURL 2262 PER/christine lahti; Love christine lahti on @FakeUsername . She rocks! @FakeUsername 2263 PER/Adele Ashworth; Love expands your soul with something inexplicably fulfilling . ~ Adele Ashworth #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername 2264 PER/Paulo Coelho; Love is a trap . When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows . ~ Paulo Coelho 2265 PER/Jeff Bridges;PER/Jeff Bridges;MISC/2010 Oscars; love Jeff Bridges rt @FakeUsername VIDEO : Jeff Bridges reveals whether he was high during his 2010 Oscars acceptance (cont) http://FakeURL 2266 PER/Matt Czuchry;PER/Alan Cumming; Love Matt Czuchry from @FakeUsername & Alan Cumming who is just the greatest 2267 PER/Keith Urban; Love some Keith Urban . He pulled out that classic track at the end!!!! Great half-time set! 2268 Love this song, but do n't exactly understand the 1-minute intro : http://FakeURL 2269 PER/frank turner; love this track by frank turner! . 2270 Love this! RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2271 PER/Doloris Van Cartier;PER/Whoopi Goldberg;MISC/Sister Act 2; Lovin me some Doloris Van Cartier aka Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2 for the 150 x LOL #FakeHashtag 2272 PER/Ian Brown; Loving the monkey in time for #FakeHashtag music Monday? My Star by Ian Brown 2273 ORG/Fishing Tackle Supplies; Lucky Craft Real Fishing Tackle Supplies : Listen im sure most of you people would think that it would be nice ... http://FakeURL 2274 PER/Phil Taylor;PER/Gary Mawson; lucky taylor! . RT @FakeUsername : RESULT : Phil Taylor 3-0 Gary Mawson #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2275 LOC/Diamond Star of the East;LOC/Zanzibar;LOC/Luxury Diamonds Star of the East;LOC/Zanzibar; Luxury Hotels : Diamond Star of the East, Zanzibar - Luxury Diamonds Star of the East is a five star resort Zanzibar ... http://FakeURL 2276 Mad asFuk at tha Gas Prices SMH http://FakeURL 2277 Magic in me too \* dancing \* RT @FakeUsername : ive got the MAGIC IN MEEEEEEEEEE 2278 Majestic Ship and Boat Photographs CreativeFan : Ships are some of the most majestic vessels on the planet . _ Fr ... http://FakeURL 2279 make one for me in 5mins please :) RT @FakeUsername : So my house mates are all drinking on the Rose and Captain (cont) http://FakeURL 2280 Making teaching load & department staffing projection spreadsheets . Envy the glamour of being department chair! 2281 MakingOf Interviews at Sundance http://FakeURL 2282 PER/Delonte West; Man Delonte West is gon be missed, hope he has a speedy recovery #FakeHashtag 2283 Man Has Camera Implanted In His Head For Exhibit . http://FakeURL 2284 PER/Samuel Beckett; Man my thoughts are garbled and fragmented at the minute . I'm like Samuel Beckett if he had a lobotomy . 2285 LOC/la;LOC/cali; Man wrk was so slow but that's part of life need that dough nah mean ca n't wait till I move to la in cali hometown baby 2286 LOC/Manhattan;LOC/NYC Manhattan Apartment;LOC/Times Square;LOC/Theater District;MISC/Real Estate Rentals; Manhattan NYC Manhattan Apartment for Rent in the Heart of Times Square/Theater District - ... http://FakeURL Real Estate Rentals 2287 PER/Drew Brees; Mannnn Drew Brees . I'm in awe that he was even able to release that ball . #FakeHashtag 2288 PER/Marion Appel; Marion Appel, #FakeHashtag GfK over effectiviteit relatiemedia . #FakeHashtag 2289 PER/Mariska Hargitay;MISC/The Ellen Show; Mariska Hargitay on The Ellen Show - http://FakeURL 2290 PER/Mark sanchez;PER/Joe mcknight;PER/clay Matthews;MISC/superbowl; Mark sanchez, Joe mcknight, and clay Matthews all bout to be in the superbowl thas crazy! #FakeHashtag 2291 PER/Mark Zuck;MISC/the Time Mag Person of the Year; Mark Zuck is the Time Mag Person of the Year . I will be the next . 2292 PER/Martha Stewart; Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes : Turkey, Stuffing, Side Dishes 2293 PER/Marvin Austin; Marvin Austin, late of #FakeHashtag, scored a touchdown today in Shrine Game . Highlights at 11 @FakeUsername 2294 PER/Marvin Gaye; Marvin Gaye - Just like Music http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2295 PER/Mary Landrieu; Mary Landrieu @FakeUsername, '' the '' ``Obama-McConnell Plan '' '' is not '' ``morally corrupt '' '' - it's the smartest thing he's done . Most people agree . '' 2296 PER/Matt Dodge; Matt Dodge ... why did n't you kick it out of bounds like a fuckin sane person? 2297 PER/Matt Flynn; Matt Flynn played a hell of a game though for his 1st start!! 2298 PER/Thomas Edison; Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very frequently is most unjust to youth . ~ Thomas Edison 2299 PER/Wallace;LOC/Alabama; Maybe Ex-Governor Wallace from Alabama was right when he said, '' '' ``segregation today '', segregation tomorrow, '' segregation forever . '' '' '' 2300 PER/Heidi;PER/Ryan; maybe Heidi is gonna sue Dr. Ryan; s estate now that he is gone and she is broke, he ca n't defend himself #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername 2301 ORG/The bears; Maybe not RT @FakeUsername : The bears need an adult as qb . 2302 PER/Mcgriddle;PER/Mickey Ds; Mcgriddle is making my side hurt, crazy taste and flavors ... I feel like I'm dying fuck Mickey Ds 2303 PER/Diana Vreeland; ``Me 3 '' @FakeUsername : Me too!? '' @FakeUsername : This photo of Diana Vreeland in her red apartment just makes me happy! http://FakeURL '' '' '' '' '' 2304 Me and @FakeUsername are clutch in the kitchen http://FakeURL 2305 PER/Noel Gallagher; me and Noel Gallagher's voice are very similar! . 2306 PER/Keith Urban; Me too! RT @FakeUsername : Now finally something at the #FakeHashtag stadium I can cheer for : Keith Urban #FakeHashtag 2307 PER/Lillian; Meet the iGran : 103-year-old Lillian becomes world's oldest Facebooker (and updates from her iPad) : http://FakeURL 2308 ``http://FakeURL tries to sell our atheist group a '' ``spiritual counseling session . '' '' ... http://FakeURL via http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag '' 2309 Mega Cocks Housing policy and the gay community http://FakeURL 2310 PER/Mehcad Brooks; Mehcad Brooks #FakeHashtag 2311 PER/Kanye West;PER/Kanye West; Men's Style Icons : Kanye West : Editor Introduction We have featured Kanye West on site before, as he was picked ... http://FakeURL 2312 PER/Annie Lennox; Message From Annie Lennox - World AIDS Day 2010 http://FakeURL 2313 metal detectors long range 2011 : To Long Range Twin antennas with a length of 16 centimeters, the company, is ... http://FakeURL 2314 ORG/Metallica;PER/Ozzy Osbourne; Metallica & Ozzy Osbourne Iron Man + Paranoid live in the Rock N Roll H. . . http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2315 Methods To Keep Cash On Tires http://FakeURL 2316 PER/Michael Bolton; Michael Bolton @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag - this one's for the fans! What was the first concert you ever experienced? 2317 PER/Michael Ealy; Michael Ealy is very handsome to me 2318 PER/Michael Jackson;LOC/Vegas; Michael Jackson video from Labor Day Weekend in Vegas . http://FakeURL 2319 PER/Michael Jackson; Michael Jackson's album sales not a patch on This Is It ... http://FakeURL 2320 PER/Michael Vick; Michael Vick says a new dog will help his rehabilitation : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername (- video 2321 PER/Michele Bachmann; Michele Bachmann's Popularity Puts Republicans on the Spot - http://FakeURL / why do Americans like screaming mean lying bitches? 2322 PER/Michelle Obama; Michelle Obama is NOT preggers ... stop the rumors! 2323 PER/MICHELLE OBAMA; MICHELLE OBAMA PREGNANT! : http://FakeURL 2324 PER/Mick Hucknall; Mick Hucknall says `sorry' to the hundreds of girls he loved and left - http://FakeURL 2325 PER/Miley Cyrus;LOC/Brazil; Miley Cyrus going to Brazil soon . Help her choose the best succer t-shirt - Futebol #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2326 ORG/Journal of Public Health;PER/Amy Hagopian; Military recruiters in public schools a threat to health of adolescents Journal of Public Health http://FakeURL @FakeUsername Amy Hagopian 2327 Mine is going to be a lot more biased . :) http://FakeURL 2328 ORG/Verizon;ORG/AT&T; Missed it?? Verizon? s Off-Contract iPhone 4 Will Cost $ 50 More Than AT&T? s? http://FakeURL 2329 mod pink save the date announcement : retro pink, save the date cards, A complete online wedding store We Offer : ... http://FakeURL 2330 Mom and Daph attended the lovely affair! http://FakeURL 2331 Moments that you wish can last forever can end within one second http://FakeURL 2332 Moms and grandmas never cease to amaze me with their strength and resilience RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername From a purely (cont) http://FakeURL 2333 PER/Dave Matthews;ORG/Death Cab;ORG/The Fray; Moms and Loratab Rock : - Baby by Dave Matthews . - A Lack of Color by Death Cab . - How to Save a Life by The Fray . - ... http://FakeURL 2334 Monetary Policy Decision - Nov 2010 (ENGLISH) download PDF file : Of the Rs308 billion? http://FakeURL 2335 PER/Jeffrey Goldberg; Money spent on airport security could be better spent on intelligence collection & breaking up of terror cells overseas . Jeffrey Goldberg 2336 PER/Monica Bellucci;ORG/COED Magazine; Monica Bellucci Drops Trou for New Photo Book (50 Photos) : COED Magazine http://FakeURL 2337 PER/Morris Chestnut; Morris Chestnut #FakeHashtag 2338 Movie night with the clones! http://FakeURL 2339 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Ted Sorensen; msnbc tv : A tribute to Ted Sorensen http://FakeURL 2340 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Bush; msnbc tv : Bush rewriting WMD history http://FakeURL 2341 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Bush; msnbc tv : Bush warned to keep book tour domestic http://FakeURL 2342 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Karl Rove; msnbc tv : Countering Karl Rove http://FakeURL 2343 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Elizabeth Edwards; msnbc tv : Elizabeth Edwards dies from cancer http://FakeURL 2344 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Leslie Nielsen; msnbc tv : In memoriam : Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL 2345 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Rand Paul; msnbc tv : Video of Rand Paul's anti-Obama comments found http://FakeURL 2346 MISC/NAMM; Music News : Three Days Of The Coffin Case Condor At Winter NAMM 2011 ... http://FakeURL 2347 PER/Isaac Hayes; Music opens up minds to dream great dreams about where you can go & what you can do . Isaac Hayes #FakeHashtag '' RT @FakeUsername 2348 My aunt put the money in the machine so she kudd get sum quarters - \* Ily \* R.i. p_Ebony 2349 My book is coming soon! Losing everything? is this it forever? http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2350 My cousin bet me $ 20 he could out shoot me from 200 yards and I kicked his ass! With his gun lol 2351 my dad is a big fella, we called him cucumberpants! he's in the hospital though, put a catheter in it!! 2352 LOC/Germany; ``My dad is back from our reality show '' ``When Elliotts take over the world '' '' this week's episode : Germany! '' 2353 My dad is blasting christmas music in his car . His windows are up & I can hear it from the outside . Awesome : D 2354 My father is one of the few good black guys left . He would never treat my mom like you treat me . Do n't ever (cont) http://FakeURL 2355 My friend actually expects me to go stay with my elder aunt and uncle for a weekend just cause it would make ... http://FakeURL 2356 LOC/NBA store; My friends and I went to the NBA store and played basketball . And we even competed with these really cute Chinese guys . 2357 my friends birthday is the 21st February! :) xx @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 2358 my hair is getting so long! i want to re-layer it but i am skeptical . . http://FakeURL 2359 PER/George; My husband George created this skiing design . http://FakeURL 2360 My king he's next to me 2361 PER/Keyshia Cole;PER/Nicki Minaj; my new favorite track -) I Aint Thru-Keyshia Cole feat . Nicki Minaj http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2362 My one consolation from this game is that the #FakeHashtag & T commercials practically guarantee #FakeHashtag will be 4G 2363 my president is black, my head coach too . ooh 2364 My shit real it came frm tha actual jewelry store http://FakeURL 2365 ORG/Packers;LOC/Dallas; My ticket is booked . I 'll be seeing the Packers in Dallas . 2366 ORG/The xx;ORG/Mew;ORG/Phoenix; My Top 3 Weekly #FakeHashtag artists : The xx (87), Mew (57) & Phoenix (46) http://FakeURL 2367 ORG/Twitter; My Twitter value is $ 5.35, according to http://FakeURL ... What about yours? #FakeHashtag 2368 ORG/Myspace;ORG/myspace; Myspace : What is the code to put a border around the white thing in your myspace profile .? http://FakeURL 2369 PER/Nafizwan Adnan;PER/Alan Clyne; Nafizwan Adnan and Alan Clyne are scrapping it out in the other semi as we speak . 2370 PER/Beady Eye; nah i know you did thou! . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Did you manage to get tickets for Beady Eye? 2371 NASCAR 2011 The Game `Car Setups' video game trailer - PS3 X360 Wii http://FakeURL 2372 PER/Natalie Portman; Natalie Portman : Her Evolution From Eerily Mature Child Star to Girlish Grown-Up - The Moviefone Blog : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2373 ORG/Nature Sounds; Nature Sounds Music #FakeHashtag Pro Sound Effects Rain Sound Sounds Of Rain Pro Sound Effects http://FakeURL 2374 Need 2 put music on my ipod b4 I get on this plane tomorrow 2375 PER/Pacquiao; Need I say more? RT @FakeUsername Bruising Win by Pacquiao Pits Speed Over Size http://FakeURL 2376 PER/aaron rodgers; Neither team deserved to win that game lol aaron rodgers played like hot buttered ass 2377 MISC/super bowl; Never doubt the #FakeHashtag ... super bowl here we come! 2378 PER/Trisha Erskine; Never stop believing in what you love . ~ Trisha Erskine #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername 2379 PER/Paul Henry;ORG/NZ Herald News; New Breakfast host diplomatic after Paul Henry's gaffe - National - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2380 PER/Anne Hathaway; New #FakeHashtag Anne Hathaway and it better be good 2381 ORG/Scribblers; New at Scribblers this month for all fledgling artists It's fun to draw #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2382 PER/Snoop Dogg;PER/Cameron Diaz;PER/Snoop Dogg; New Entry Snoop Dogg : : El Lay - Cameron Diaz's admission that she bought marijuana from Snoop Dogg when they attend ... http://FakeURL 2383 ORG/Organix; New Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy & Moroccan Argan Oil collections http://FakeURL 2384 New question posted! - Please anwser this ... I need more anwsers!? . Answer this now at http://FakeURL 2385 ORG/Windows; New Rootkit Bypasses Windows Code-Signing Security http://FakeURL 2386 PER/Joe Cocker; new song of the day ) Joe Cocker Woman to Woman http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2387 LOC/New york; New york here's to the 2388 PER/Eneramo;ORG/The Nation Newspaper; News : Eneramo moves at cut-price - The Nation Newspaper http://FakeURL 2389 PER/Harry; News : Harry Wins At @FakeUsername - all the details @ http://FakeURL 2390 ORG/NFL;ORG/NBA; NFL refs ruin games when the stakes are higher . Only terrible officiating I can remember from NBA refs during the playoffs were 06 Finals . 2391 MISC/NFL;ORG/The Peppers; NFL's a joke . The Peppers hit was legit . 2392 nice hats : D x @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) 2393 PER/Nick Oliver;MISC/hunger strike; Nick Oliver, English fathers rights victim of '' family law holocaust '' is at day 51 of hunger strike . . @FakeUsername 2394 ORG/tumbler; Nicked it :) Do it :) Ask me anything :) - Name : Age : Meaning behind tumbler url : Where you live : ... http://FakeURL 2395 PER/Nicki Minaj;PER/Marshall Bill; Nicki Minaj = Fire Marshall Bill #FakeHashtag 2396 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj is cool! I love da wigs gonna get one for sur-waaah x 2397 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj is on @FakeUsername tonight! 2398 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj lyrics are a little wild . 2399 LOC/Nigeria;MISC/primary election; Nigeria is having well organise primary election, means the future is bright for the coming April election . 2400 PER/Jeffrey Goldberg; Nightmarish trauma, '' questionable safety . '' ``Why Cavity Bombs Make the #FakeHashtag Irrelevant '' '' . http://FakeURL by Jeffrey Goldberg @FakeUsername '' 2401 ORG/Nike; Nike 2010s for the summer? I feel it! 2402 PER/Nimrod Laments; Nimrod Laments http://FakeURL 2403 ORG/Nissan; Nissan Leaf, '' because we all know that all electricity is '' ``clean '' '' energy . '' 2404 PER/Mike Pence;PER/Mitch McConnell; No, Mike Pence, No Mitch McConnell, you can not have your TAX CUTS, so quit your Whining, Shut up and Sit down . 2405 ORG/AJC;PER/Mark Richt; NO @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : AJC's fan blog : Is Mark Richt capable of making the `changes' he says (cont) http://FakeURL 2406 PER/Barack Obama; NO doubtly the Incredibly best PIC of Barack Obama http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 2407 PER/Napoleon Hill; No great enterprise will even begin if all obstacles must first be overcome . ~ Napoleon Hill 2408 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; No great man ever complains of want of opportunity . - Ralph Waldo Emerson 2409 No i dont RT @FakeUsername Ladies only (do you have what it takes to pull these off) #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2410 PER/Ryan Reynolds; No offense to Ryan Reynolds but @FakeUsername was robbed! 2411 No one makes a Rice Krispy cake like my Mom!!! Thanks Tatanne! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE TO MEEEEEE!!!!! 2412 No real surprise . . Honeymoon Murder Victim's Husband Arrested : http://FakeURL 2413 PER/Eleanor Roosevelt; Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission . - Eleanor Roosevelt via @FakeUsername 2414 PER/Noel Gallagher;PER/Anais; Noel Gallagher's daughter Anais is becoming a rock star like her dad and has started playing the guitar ... 2415 Noord-Korea schiet op Zuid-Korea' http://FakeURL 2416 not even half of the books i have to tackle this semester : (http://FakeURL 2417 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm . - Ralph Waldo Emerson 2418 PER/Ellen Glasgow; Nothing in life is so hard that you ca n't make it easier by the way you take it . ~ Ellen Glasgow RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername 2419 ORG/TSA;ORG/TSA; Noticed i was filing stories on TSA patdowns under terrorism - It is, authorized by BigSis & TSA di-k head who wo n't fight against real enemy 2420 Now, the grand distinction drawn between officer and man at sea, is this? the first lives aft, the last forward 2421 MISC/Housewives of Atlanta; Now that the game is over I can catch up on episodes of Housewives of Atlanta!!! 2422 PER/Palin; Now the gloves are off . I will be writing about Gov. Palin for the 1st time ever; I 'll publish it on Monday more than likely . So #FakeHashtag 2423 PER/Keith Olbermann; now watching the second airing of Keith Olbermann 2424 Now with pic : - s http://FakeURL 2425 ORG/NOWNESS; NOWNESS - Fantastic Food : The Winner @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 2426 Nth to do Bt actually not coz I'm waiting for my sketch book coz I really want the glitter dry so that I cn draw the other page lol!!! 2427 LOC/UK; Number 1 one #FakeHashtag fan from the UK!!!!!! 2428 MISC/Keeping Up With The Kardashians; NW : Keeping Up With The Kardashians 2429 PER/Amber; Nylon Blogs _ Blog Archive _ Song + Site of the Day : One Response to? Song + Site of the Day? . Amber Says : Janua ... http://FakeURL 2430 PER/Chris Hanson; o_O \* texts Chris Hanson \* 2431 ORG/oasis;PER/Neil young; oasis live forever for me! . RT @FakeUsername : One song I 'll always take to the grave with me, Neil young heart of gold 2432 PER/Obama;ORG/CNN International; Obama says jobs will be? main topic? of Tuesday? s State of the Union? CNN International : Ne ... http://FakeURL America Latest News 2433 PER/Obama;PER/Bush; Obama split his lip playing basketball . It's better then when Bush split his because he did n't know how to use a Segway . 2434 PER/Obama; Obama Urges His Party Not to `Run for the Hills' :) http://FakeURL 2435 PER/Bill Cowher;ORG/Steelers; Of Bill Cowher is gonna pick the Steelers duhhh 2436 PER/Cam Newton; Of course Cam Newton likes white girls thanks #FakeHashtag lol 2437 MISC/muslims; off to bed now . eid mubarak to all muslims all over the world . happy eid al-adha, may His barakah and rahmah shine upon us all . goodnight :) 2438 ORG/Twitter; Officially started this essay . Thank god for full screen applications . Farewell, Twitter . 2439 PER/Roddy White; Oh, and damn you Roddy White for talkin all that trash to the media . I swear, stuff like that messes us up every time UGH 2440 PER/Homer Simpson; Oh, so they have Internet on computers now! - Homer Simpson 2441 PER/Urban Meyer; Oh, Urban Meyer retired?! Yeah, I do n't care #FakeHashtag!!!! 2442 PER/Joe Johnson; Oh and the mediocre player I was referring to was Joe Johnson . He's trash! 2443 Oh good!! I'm glad you were aware of using turnout and applied it = D? YEYA!!! : D < 33 http://FakeURL 2444 Oh I will I gatta tell u the dumb shit thesr niqqas out here b on smh RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername keep me posted 2445 PER/Emmanuelle Chriqui; Oh man Emmanuelle Chriqui is so BAD! #FakeHashtag 2446 PER/Tom Brady;PER/Suh; Oh my goodness Tom Brady got sacked by Suh . Smh 2447 ORG/AT&T; Oh my I love that AT&T commercial lol 2448 LOC/Wisconsin; Oh oh ... lookout! Everybody that yall know is or they cousin is from Wisconsin or from whoever wins this next game ... #FakeHashtag 2449 Oh ok RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I WRESTLE GATORS ... I was gone jump out and save u. ... I wanted to be your HERO! 2450 PER/Michelle; Oh so lovely . Aunt Michelle is pregnant; http://FakeURL 2451 Oh the things you see when you work in #FakeHashtag . Crazy day! 2452 PER/Paul McCartney; ``Oh Woman, Oh Why By Paul McCartney http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' 2453 ORG/steelers; Ohh and cause they got a black coach ho looks like he dot play, lets go steelers! 2454 PER/Austin Collie; Ohhh NO not Austin Collie . Poor guy . Wow #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2455 PER/Tony Romo;ORG/Cowgirls; Ohhhh so Tony Romo found the time to get engaged huh?! Next season Cowgirls fans will be blaming that on why he STILL SUCKS! 2456 PER/Aaron Rodgers; OHHHHH TOUCHDOWN PATS!!!!! What a play! Aaron Rodgers face was priceless just now! 2457 Oilers No Longer, Where are They Now? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2458 LOC/Chicago; Ok, I was way off on the Chicago sports prediction! 2459 MISC/The Sopranos;MISC/the Goodfellas; ok, so turns out The Sopranos shared 27 actors with the Goodfellas . 2460 OK I tried it out and it does work http://FakeURL 2461 OK I tried it out and it does work http://FakeURL 2462 Ok . . And Now = =) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 346 official Podcast #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . . 2463 OK kids-you MUST see this great Veterans Day tribute video done by @FakeUsername : http://FakeURL Kudos! Have tissue nearby . 2464 Ok onr more : if You listen close enough You can hear the Ocean :) http://FakeURL 2465 PER/George Harrison;PER/George; ok RT @FakeUsername : Since tomorrow is the 9th anniversary of George Harrison's death, my tweets will just be about George . Sound good? 2466 PER/Kevin hart; Ok?! Its too funny to not watch RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I mean damn what did Kevin hart do to u?? 2467 PER/Matt Ryan;PER/Manning;PER/Brady; Okaaaay? Smh LOL RT @FakeUsername : Ok number one rule Matt Ryan never throw across the field . U ai n't Manning or Brady smh 2468 PER/Aston; OMG i looove the end question of this video!! http://FakeURL - LOOOOOOOOL Aston is a Legend! :') @FakeUsername 2469 Omg this girl jus fed this dude some cocoa puffs in octagon like he's some sort of animal 2470 PER/Kimberly Locke; omg YES . i get that all the time . lol RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Hey has anyone ever told you that you look like Kimberly Locke? 2471 PER/Todd;PER/Mercedes; Omw to the mall wit Todd and Mercedes 2472 On @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Enhanced Pat Downs : The Screeners Point Of View http://FakeURL 2473 MISC/The WBAI Evening News;MISC/Counterspin;ORG/WBAI; On Now : The WBAI Evening News followed by Counterspin at 6; 30 pm EST. . WBAI 99.5 fm and streaming live @FakeUsername 2474 ORG/Bloomberg;PER/Jay-Z; ``on that Bloomberg '' ``game changers '' '' Jay-Z '' 2475 On this day 12 years ago - Jan 23, 1999 http://FakeURL 2476 On World Diabetes Day, '' Learn How to Avoid Diabetes : In the past 30 years '', the prevalenc ... http://FakeURL 2477 Once the clothes are out of the dryer, I have to virtually fly out of here . Haha! I never buckle under the pressure . #FakeHashtag 2478 PER/David Allen; Once you 've taken inventory, you can start to make sense of your runway . ~ David Allen 2479 PER/Michelle Obama;PER/Oprah; One day I will have dinner with Michelle Obama and Oprah! 2480 PER/Michelle Obama;PER/Oprah; One day I will have dinner with Michelle Obama and Oprah! #FakeHashtag 2481 PER/Ivana Santilli; one of my fave canadian singers ) Ivana Santilli Deserve Official Music Video http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2482 One official does not a cleansing make . @FakeUsername 2483 ORG/Valencia;ORG/Malaga; Only got the 5 games in today finishing up with a ding dong game Valencia 4-3 Malaga ... Now for MOTD #FakeHashtag of Football 2484 PER/Jay Cutler;ORG/NFC championship; Only Jay Cutler knows what he can and can not do, but you 're in the NFC championship game! 2485 only uploadin it cos i like it but it aint my pic nomore =) http://FakeURL 2486 MISC/Fresh Prince;PER/Tisha Campbell; Ooooh my fav episode of Fresh Prince is on . The 1 with Tisha Campbell and the earthquake 2487 ``Oooohoooo '' @FakeUsername : herh u ppl dey sleep too early ... y `all just leaving like the way a ghanaian party ends '' '' '' 2488 Oooooh! My iPod lists Superpop in such a way that once it's over Hung Up starts . Aah . 2489 Open Question : Does anybody recognize that song? and more ... : ... http://FakeURL 2490 PER/Thomas Edison; Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work . - Thomas Edison 2491 PER/Oprah;LOC/Sydney; Oprah's Sydney Shows http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername It was amazing! check out . Awesome . 2492 PER/Oprah;LOC/Sydney; Oprah's Sydney Shows http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername It was amazing! check out . Awesome . jakson NZ 2493 PER/Reagan; Or worse!!! Hear bout how great Reagan was!!! \* shudders \* 2494 Or would For WhomThe Bell Tolls be a better addition? 2495 Our bodies are at once the receiving and transmitting stations for life itself . It is the highest ... http://FakeURL 2496 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail . - Ralph Waldo Emerson 2497 Our team earns the most in the world http://FakeURL you will have to join us to find out why we 're the best 2498 Out Of Control Chinese Medicine - Enough Is Enough!? - What can be ... http://FakeURL 2499 PER/Sharon;PER/Steve; ``Out of Office reply '' ``I will be out of the office for the 2 weeks for medical reasons . When I return '', '' please call me Sharon instead of Steve '' '' '' 2500 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; Overall, today was bittersweet . Personally, I had a good day, but when I heard about Elizabeth Edwards, that gave me some pause . 2501 LOC/New Bern;LOC/Craven County Regional Airport; Overcast and 29 F at New Bern, Craven County Regional Airport, NC Winds are North at 9.2 MPH (8 KT) . The pressure is 10 http://FakeURL 2502 LOC/Orange County Airport; Overcast and 57 F at Orange County Airport, TX Winds are East at 8.1 MPH (7 KT) . The humidity is 72% . The wind chill is http://FakeURL 2503 ORG/packers;MISC/superbowl;PER/aaron rodgers;PER/brett favre; packers going to superbowl with aaron rodgers . it must suck to be brett favre right now . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2504 LOC/PARIS;ORG/Reuters;PER/Nicolas Sarkozy; PARIS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Sarkozy will spell out his plans for reforming the intern ... http://FakeURL http://FakeURL 2505 Part 3 - http://FakeURL - tell me what you think :) 2506 PER/Patrick Jane; Patrick Jane is SO smart @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag 2507 PER/Pau Gasol;PER/Ron Artest;ORG/Denver Nuggets; Pau Gasol goes playmaker no look assist to Ron Artest in the break for the lay up vs Denver Nuggets #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL 2508 PER/Paul Haggis; Paul Haggis puts mad love into new crime thriller - CTV News http://FakeURL 2509 PER/Paul McCartney; Paul McCartney laffing his arse off ... http://FakeURL 2510 PER/Paul Simon; Paul Simon - Kodachrome http://FakeURL 2511 PER/Paul Simon;PER/Oprah;LOC/Uluru; Paul Simon told Oprah to see Uluru http://FakeURL 2512 PER/paul weller; paul weller is at the @FakeUsername tonight! . 2513 PER/Penelope Cruz; Penelope Cruz looks so fine in this perfume commercial 2514 MISC/Scarface; People always tryin to take credit that rightfully belongs to me ... but it's OK \* Scarface voice \* 2515 PER/Tim Ferriss; People are smarter than you think . Give them a chance to prove themselves . ~ Tim Ferriss 2516 LOC/Old Trafford;MISC/WW2; People died, you prick RT @FakeUsername : Whichever German dropped the bomb that hit Old Trafford in WW2 is a true legend . #FakeHashtag 2517 PER/Napoleon Hill; Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel . ~ Napoleon Hill 2518 PER/peter kay; peter kay live from the top of the tower is such an amazing dvd! . 2519 ORG/PGA;PER/Mark Wahlberg; PGA Star Punches Mark Wahlberg - http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2520 PER/phil taylor; phil taylor looks pissed off ATM! . #FakeHashtag 2521 PER/Philip Rivers;ORG/Twitter;PER/Jay Cutler;PER/Cutler;PER/Philip; Philip Rivers is trending on Twitter and Jay Cutler is not . Think Cutler will use that as another reason he hates Philip? 2522 PER/Phillip Noyce;MISC/Salt; Phillip Noyce Not Directing Salt Sequel - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2523 PER/Cat Stevens;PER/Cat;PER/Steven; Photo-find of the day - Cat Stevens (or should that be Cat & Steven?) http://FakeURL - LOL! 2524 ORG/Andrew; Photo :? (19/9/2002)? Photograph taken at the last know whereabouts of Andrew (Name removed) before his ... http://FakeURL 2525 Photo :? Feel it . Breathe it . Believe it . And you? ll be Walking On Air Go try it . Go fly . So high . And ... http://FakeURL 2526 Photo :? holy shit these abs http://FakeURL 2527 PER/Jake; Photo :? Jake? s niece? s reaction when she ate pancakes he made for her . http://FakeURL 2528 Photo :? REBLOG if you love this BROMANCE! http://FakeURL 2529 Photo : ashleathesmiths : http://FakeURL 2530 Photo : forevercountingthestars : http://FakeURL 2531 Photo : give me your hand http://FakeURL 2532 Photo : hold on tight . http://FakeURL 2533 Photo : i curled my hair today :) http://FakeURL 2534 ORG/Newsweek;PER/Stephen Dorff;PER/Dave; Photo : I have a Newsweek print article with this picture of actor Stephen Dorff in it . It? s not Dave, but ... http://FakeURL 2535 Photo : I love this pic http://FakeURL 2536 Photo : I want the AluceRing .! (: http://FakeURL 2537 PER/Paris Hilton; Photo : klondyke - : the next Paris Hilton, goddamn shit http://FakeURL 2538 Photo : living-death : http://FakeURL 2539 Photo : nyjroadtothesuperbowl : http://FakeURL 2540 Photo : paintmegreeen - : see if your shitting me! there will be hell http://FakeURL 2541 Photo : parawhore4lifebitchez : THE BUTTERFLY OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH http://FakeURL 2542 Photo : photojojo : I don? t know if I should think this is the best invention ever or the beginning of the ... http://FakeURL 2543 Photo : Read my mind! http://FakeURL 2544 Photo : Shower me with your love all of everyday . You make the red rose sun shine on me . Lift me up so high ... http://FakeURL 2545 Photo : So I came across this great article from a retired player/sportscaster about the potential Lockout ... http://FakeURL 2546 Photo : thaisabrantes : http://FakeURL 2547 Photo : thatbieber : http://FakeURL 2548 Photo : The best . http://FakeURL 2549 Photo : therunaway - : http://FakeURL 2550 Photo : This is amazing, lol http://FakeURL 2551 Photo : Tomorrow is Monday . http://FakeURL 2552 Photo : totally want this xD http://FakeURL 2553 Photo : Using the portion of the stencil that I cut out for the first one, I came up with this . I really ... http://FakeURL 2554 Photo : whatascandal :???? http://FakeURL 2555 Photo : Whoever made this is skilled . . It looks so good? http://FakeURL 2556 MISC/PHP; PHP for Beginners : Part 2 _ Making Decisions and Loops : Over the past part I have shown you the basics of text i. . . http://FakeURL 2557 PILIPINAS win na win + Umagang KAY GANDA = PILIPINAS KAY GANDA! 2558 Plan And Search For Wholesale Baby Gifts : The price of the wholesale baby gifts is a very important consideratio ... http://FakeURL 2559 LOC/Sri Lanka;LOC/Goa; Planning last week of the trip - Sri Lanka or Goa?? 2560 MISC/the mercury prize; Plans of rattled lucille winning the mercury prize 2012 are in motion 2561 PER/Deborah Cox; play count 754 -) Beautiful U R - Deborah Cox http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2562 PER/W. Churchill; Play the game for more than you can afford to lose ... only then will you learn the game . ~ W. Churchill 2563 LOC/Lagavulin; Play this Thanksgiving out, Lagavulin . 2564 ORG/Playboy;PER/Hugh Hefner; Playboy's Hugh Hefner engaged to 24-year-old former playmate This Just In - http://FakeURL Blogs http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2565 Playful teen tiff has a little fun fucking with the camera man ... http://FakeURL 2566 Playing Call of Duty : Black Ops . http://FakeURL 2567 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! 2568 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! #FakeHashtag / AIDS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2569 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! #FakeHashtag / AIDS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2570 ``please vote @FakeUsername for '' ``Musician of the Month '' '' http://FakeURL '' 2571 Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime . 2572 Podcasts, blogs on life-limiting illness, how to avoid medical futility & embrace the life in your days http://FakeURL 2573 PER/Paul Valery; Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them . - Paul Valery 2574 LOC/Texas; Pork chops, dirty rice, steamed vegetables, & Texas toast tonight ... A lady once told me that women love a man that can cook, fuck wit me! 2575 PER/Chris;PER/Tommy; ``Posted a new blog entry '' ``Hello hello hello ... we 're the Chris and Tommy Folk Rock Good tim ... '' '' http://FakeURL '' 2576 Power-Walking does n't involve any power, only the simulation of you walking through a hurricane ... Interesting . 2577 Ppl I'm high thinking a weed nap ... ohhhhhhhh yeah 2578 PER/Tiger Woods;PER/Tiger; ``ppl r too scared . lol RT @FakeUsername : Hey what happened to the '' '' I am Tiger Woods '' '' commercials '', . . nobody wanna be Tiger these days? 2579 MISC/Practical Magic;PER/Nicole Kidman;PER/Sandra Bullock; Practical Magic with Nicole Kidman & Sandra Bullock . Love this movie! 2580 LOC/Guantanamo; President's Guantanamo strategy in disarray : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2581 PER/Diana Ross; Putting the Christmas tree up with the wiff @FakeUsername); she's a little tearful especially with Diana Ross playing in the background . . 2582 Q : After a long day of working, would ... A : By myself then go out with friends : http://FakeURL 2583 Q : Have you ever tanned in a tanning bed? A : Nope . I use a self tanning spray in the s. . . : http://FakeURL 2584 Q : If you had to spend $ 1,000 in one hour, how ... A : I 'd put it in the bank and save it for later :) : http://FakeURL 2585 PER/DeMaurice Smith;ORG/NFL; Quarterback for a Team of 1900 : DeMaurice Smith, head of the NFL players' union, spoke to players after a practi ... http://FakeURL 2586 Questions - My iPod is lame and won? t let me answer them? So as soon as I can get onto my computer all your ... http://FakeURL 2587 Qui that's messed up that man got a fam to feed < < RT @FakeUsername : I def got the security guard fired!!! He mustve thought I was playing 2588 ORG/Qwiki; Qwiki : Much bigger than `search with a voice' http://FakeURL 2589 PER/R. Kelly; R. Kelly new album is going to be off the charts! #FakeHashtag 2590 PER/Leslie Nielsen; R.I.P Leslie Nielsen 2591 PER/Ingrid Pitt; R.I.P. Ingrid Pitt . : -LRB- 2592 PER/Raj Patel;MISC/World Hunger Year Event; Raj Patel at World Hunger Year Event http://FakeURL 2593 PER/joe montana; random thought : where's joe montana when ya need em lol 2594 PER/George Bush; ranked in order from most to least trusted by americans : Jewish, Bankers, Politicians, Muslims, George Bush, Athiests 2595 rawr! this is y we get in 2 fights lol http://FakeURL 2596 PER/Ray Davies;LOC/100 Club;PER/Ray Davies; Ray Davies Plea For 100 Club : Ray Davies has revealed his support for the campaign to save the historic Londo ... http://FakeURL 2597 Re : CP5 slider that doubles whole the time http://FakeURL 2598 Reading SEOULFM on http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) 2599 Real food . Real people . 2600 Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time . #FakeHashtag 2601 Realize the QUEEN that you are ... and maybe they will to!! 2602 PER/Cheryl Cole;ORG/Apple;PER/Cheryl Cole; Really, not Cheryl Cole! Apple gives away Cheryl Cole single for Free today http://FakeURL 2603 ORG/Toyota; Really Toyota? A polar bear that hugs a guy for driving an electric car? WTF?! 2604 PER/Kevin Williamson;MISC/Vampire Diaries Companion Series; really? here we go . . @FakeUsername : Kevin Williamson Developing Possible Vampire Diaries Companion Series - http://FakeURL 2605 Realshit > RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag do n't no where I been . #FakeHashtag usually was right there with me 2606 REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO EAT HERE . http://FakeURL 2607 PER/Roddy White; Reception number 100 for Roddy White!!!! Good job sir!!! @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 2608 PER/Debra Zimmer; Remember, their called? Action Heroes?, not? sit-on-your-butt-and-dream-about-it? heroes . Debra Zimmer 2609 PER/David Allen; Remember, you 're the one who creates speed, because you 're the one who allows stuff to enter your life . ~ David Allen 2610 PER/Dale Carnegie; Remember happiness does n't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think ~ Dale Carnegie 2611 PER/Pence; Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work http://FakeURL 2612 PER/Rebecca Okoro; Replacing it with a piece of hers . Thank God that I found you at the right time . Love you so much #FakeHashtag Rebecca Okoro . 2613 Report : `Cooler' version of iPhone 4 coming soon http://FakeURL 2614 ``Reports and Articles : Reports and Articles http://FakeURL '' 2615 PER/Reagan; Republicans have been deliberately sabatoging the economy since Reagan . The entire world is living with the fallout now . @FakeUsername 2616 MISC/Revenge Of The Bridesmaids; Revenge Of The Bridesmaids - Stills http://FakeURL 2617 PER/Ralph Fiennes Kipling; Review : Ralph Fiennes Kipling (Audio CD) Fantasy Book Review : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2618 PER/Rex Grossman; Rex Grossman is trash . What was the point of that rexy?! Smh 2619 PER/Ricardo Lorenzetti;PER/N. Kirchner; Ricardo Lorenzetti habla de la muerte de N. Kirchner . http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2620 PER/Rich Franklin; Rich Franklin might be the toughest math teacher who has ever lived . 2621 PER/Richard Branson; Richard Branson on taking chances : http://FakeURL 2622 PER/Rick Ross; Rick Ross' album was how many tracks? lol wth? 2623 PER/Ricky Martin; Ricky Martin giving a voice to exploited children - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag 2624 Riding in my old hood but I'm in my new whip!! 2625 PER/Brent Grimes; Right? RT @FakeUsername : Brent Grimes is surprising me ... Actually, ALL of the #FakeHashtag secondary is surprising me . They 're short, but athletic . 2626 PER/Matt Cardle; Rightly so . @FakeUsername Matt Cardle Tops Xmas Pop Charts : http://FakeURL 2627 Righttt!!!!! Youre 22? And theres two dude on cronaldoteam tweetingg?? there's 3 of us all girls http://FakeURL 2628 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RIP Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL 2629 PER/Blake Edwards; RIP Blake Edwards Incredible memories will remain in the hearts of so many 2630 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; RIP Elizabeth Edwards 2631 PER/Freddie Mercury; Rip Freddie Mercury . If you were alive today you would be impressed how things have changed . 2632 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RIP Leslie Nielsen 2633 PER/Pete Postlethwaite;MISC/Inception;MISC/The Town; RIP Pete Postlethwaite, Actor, (Inception, The Town) 2634 PER/Reuben Studdard; RIP Reuben Studdard 2635 PER/Ron Santo; RIP Ron Santo . When I saw he was trending this morning, I knew it was n't great news, but @ least his suffering is no more . 2636 PER/Teena Marie; RIP Teena Marie 2637 PER/Rob Thomas; Rob Thomas fan? RT @FakeUsername : he's mad . http://FakeURL 2638 PER/Robert De Niro;MISC/SNL; Robert De Niro will host SNL Dec 4 @FakeUsername 2639 PER/Robert Downey Jr; Robert Downey Jr totally rocks as Tony Stark! @FakeUsername 2640 PER/Roe;ORG/Roe Nurseries Landscaping Inc.; Roe is trending . Which is bull . I thought it was for Roe Nurseries Landscaping Inc. . Turns out it's for some old obscure court case . 2641 PER/Roman Polanski;MISC/European picture award; Roman Polanski wins best European picture award http://FakeURL 2642 PER/Audrey; Romance Wrapped in Soft Pink and Soft Yellow - A Lovely Artfire Collection Curated by Designed by Audrey http://FakeURL 2643 PER/Ron Marenelli;PER/Luke Skywalker;MISC/Return of the Jedi; Ron Marenelli looks like that ogre that Luke Skywalker fights against in Return of the Jedi 2644 PER/Ron Mueck; Ron Mueck's Amazing Surrealistic Sculptures : http://FakeURL 2645 PER/Ron Paul; Ron Paul is the man! How he lost the Presidential race in' 08' shows more proof that we need better #FakeHashtag in our country . #FakeHashtag 2646 PER/Ronaldinho;ORG/Milan; Ronaldinho comes in for Milan : D??? 2647 PER/Roots Manuva; Roots Manuva - Again & Again http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername 2648 PER/Valentino;PER/Kate Middleton; Royal Dos And Do n't s : Valentino's Advice For Kate Middleton : She's been officially affianced for all of about 24 ... http://FakeURL 2649 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RP Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL 2650 RT I was blown away by this powerful article . Please read! http://FakeURL 2651 RT @FakeUsername : Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, hey, floating around in space forever seems pretty cool .? 2652 ``RT '' @FakeUsername : Thinking of a master plan!! '' '' '' 2653 PER/Canard; ``RT '' @FakeUsername : Canard out front in 450 timed quali '', '' clearly he's not taking this '' ``no ferry '' '' thing hard . '' '' '' 2654 RT @FakeUsername I only weight 110 pounds . : / < oooo thicker then a snickers lol 2655 PER/Noel Gallagher;PER/Miles Kane; RT @FakeUsername : NEWS : Noel Gallagher `working on album' : Miles Kane has confirmed he's played guitar on new material written by ... ... 2656 PER/Naomi Campbell; RT @FakeUsername : Naomi Campbell is accepting her achievement award with a heartfelt, emotional speech @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 2657 RT @FakeUsername YOu follow #FakeHashtag I see @FakeUsername / / / / DOZENS 2658 PER/Merril Hodge; RT @FakeUsername : Merril Hodge is a piece of shit lol 2659 PER/Jay-Z; RT @FakeUsername : LMFAO RT @FakeUsername : WTF I look like wishing Jay-Z a Happy Bday? Fuck him and his couch! You hear me now? Good ... 2660 PER/Danon; ``RT @FakeUsername : MKs call for investigation into '' ``War Criminals '' '' website : Danon demands police investigation and c `tee debate o. . . http : / / ... '' 2661 RT @FakeUsername : Walked up to my house and could smell the the food from outside yummmm :) Sunday dinners are my fav 2662 RT @FakeUsername Did n't win our random giveaway? Have no fear! Once we hit 1,100 fans we 'll be giving away another . Spread the word! 2663 RT @FakeUsername : Who is @FakeUsername? < me 2664 RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag females are motherly, caring, and comforting that personify the word w-o-m-a-n . 2665 LOC/Dunwoody Prep;LOC/Mt. Vernon; RT @FakeUsername : Man Shot In Front Of Dunwoody Prep; Police looking for silver Dodge Minivan with no tag last seen WB on Mt. Vernon #FakeHashtag ... 2666 PER/Christina Applegate; RT @FakeUsername : Spreading the word about Christina Applegate's auction for Breast Cancer Awareness . Will benefit her org http://FakeURL ... 2667 MISC/the Graham Norton show;ORG/BBC1;ORG/bbc; RT @FakeUsername : Was on the Graham Norton show on BBC1 last night so if you were out partying and want to see it today, check bbc ip ... 2668 MISC/Austin Powers; RT @FakeUsername : Hang on, did @FakeUsername just say @FakeUsername reminds her of Austin Powers on @FakeUsername? #FakeHashtag situation ... 2669 PER/Charles Woodson; RT @FakeUsername : Really Charles Woodson? #FakeHashtag > They did n't even try on that one . 2670 PER/Sacha Goldberger; RT @FakeUsername : Sacha Goldberger used photography to help his grandmother with her depression : http://FakeURL 2671 PER/Stephen Harper; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag confirms - Everyone hates Stephen Harper #FakeHashtag 2672 RT @FakeUsername : Mantra of The Day OM BUM BUDHAYAY NAMAH OM AIM KILEEM SHREEM BUDHAYAY NAMAH OM BRAM BREEM BROM SAH BUDHAYAY NAMAH 2673 RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername zulke peki's, hard2get? Jaa man true story . The are betta things #FakeHashtag 2674 PER/Sarah Palin;ORG/White House;PER/Obama; RT @FakeUsername Exclusive : Sarah Palin tells @FakeUsername she's seriously considering a White House run, that she could beat Obama : http://FakeURL 2675 PER/Chris Brown; RT @FakeUsername : I feel bad for Chris Brown ... If you know him, and he needs a publicist, tell him to contact me ... 2676 RT @FakeUsername : Tweet ... for a cure 2677 ORG/Absolute Classic Rock;PER/John Lennon; RT @FakeUsername : Absolute Classic Rock plays out John Lennon's final interview tomorrow night at 9pm . 2 hours of amazing, unmissable ... 2678 ORG/CBC;PER/don cherry; RT @FakeUsername : ABOUT TIME CBC STOP BEING RACIST AND REACTIONNARY BY SUPPORTING don cherry's COMMENTS GET RID OF THE OLD TART AND BOYCOTT ... 2679 PER/James May;MISC/Top Gear; RT @FakeUsername : I have James May's actual jacket on from Top Gear on Tuesday . Tried to find one could n't, so he leaned me his . 2680 PER/Tom Brady; RT @FakeUsername : Tom Brady's foot injury really looks like it is hampering him . 2681 PER/DeSean Jackson; RT @FakeUsername : DeSean Jackson's 65-yard, game-winning, punt return is the only game-winning punt-return touchdown as time expired in ... 2682 PER/Todd collins; RT @FakeUsername Todd collins is good . And by good I mean the worst . 2683 ORG/NHL;PER/Ryan Miller; RT @FakeUsername : Sending out my support for @FakeUsername - it's hosted by NHL star Ryan Miller in support of those affected by ch ... 2684 LOC/Las Vegas Strip; RT @FakeUsername : `See-through' casinos blight Las Vegas Strip : But the casino mogul's research so far shows there might be little ... http : / / ... 2685 PER/Bob Bennett; RT @FakeUsername : Bob Bennett is voting Yes on the $ 1.1 Trillion 1974 page Omnibus Bill 202-224-5444 Let him know what you think of him & ... 2686 PER/Mike Smith;PER/John Fox; ``RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag coach Mike Smith on John Fox : '' ``I admire the way he coaches . He does a very good job . He always has his teams pr ... '' 2687 PER/Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Ryan has a 10-12 record on the road . He's not off to his best start passing, 3 of7 for 35 yards . 2688 PER/Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Ryan is not sharp . He's had three near interceptions . 2689 ORG/Falcons;PER/Garrett Hartley; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag 3, Falcons 0 Garrett Hartley on a 52 yard field with 1:02 left in the first quarter . Drive : 8 plays, 37 yards ... 2690 MISC/Chick-Fil-A Bowl Parade;LOC/Pine;ORG/RDA;PER/Ivan Allen;LOC/Peachtree; RT @FakeUsername : Closures for Chick-Fil-A Bowl Parade begin at 10:30 a.m. along W. Ptree near Pine, and RDA/Ivan Allen near Peachtree . ... 2691 PER/Julian Assange;ORG/Time magazine; RT @FakeUsername : HOLY FUCK! Julian Assange removed from Time magazine's man of the year award (he was at no. 1) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag ... 2692 PER/Alicia Keys; RT @FakeUsername : Congrats to Alicia Keys on her baby boy - do n't know her but had a few sherries and feeling sentimental 2693 PER/Elton John; RT @FakeUsername : Elton John is editting the independent tomorrow for Worlds AIDS day lets tweet him our support @FakeUsername - go on - do it!! 2694 PER/The Alan Titchmarsh show; RT @FakeUsername : Doing The Alan Titchmarsh show today!! I'm Super duper excited!! Performing the Silence! Make sure you all tune in!! xx 2695 RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Come and check out my new blog! http://FakeURL / / Love it . . esp the pics of your family . Beautiful! / / Thanks 2696 PER/Patti Smith;MISC/National Book Award; RT @FakeUsername : The @FakeUsername has unlocked a 2002 profile of Patti Smith from the archives, in honor of her National Book Award win ... 2697 PER/Sananda Maitreya; ``RT @FakeUsername : listening to '' ``Who is Sananda? - Interview 2005 - Sananda Maitreya '' ''? http://FakeURL '' 2698 PER/Don Cherry; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag I do n't understand what Don Cherry is doing at the swearing-in . I guess those blue collar millionaires gotta sti ... 2699 ORG/Apple;ORG/Verizon;PER/Gene Munster; RT @FakeUsername : Apple Will Sell 9 Million Verizon iPhones Next Year, Says Gene Munster, But He Hints It Cou ... $ VZ $ AAPL $ T by @FakeUsername ... 2700 PER/Ryan Reynolds; ``RT @FakeUsername Congrats to my homie Ryan Reynolds getting '' ``Sexiest Man Alive '' '' by People magazine . Good thing for him I turned it down . '' 2701 RT @FakeUsername : Time to pray at dawn..self-help resting, , known He as my pills fo any pain and suffer-ing, , Here I come Lord, , open ur arms widely 2702 RT @FakeUsername : I'm convinced that if users had to post comments w real name, email, & self-portrait avatar things would be much more civil . 2703 PER/Jeff Kennett; RT @FakeUsername : Jeff Kennett is in trouble for saying he uses Kool Mints to foil breathalyzer devices ... 2704 PER/John Lennon;PER/John; RT @FakeUsername : Coming up John Lennon The Final InterviewThe Team w / the last known interview w/John before he died share memories . List ... 2705 PER/Stan Rice; RT @FakeUsername : On this day in 2002, Stan Rice died . We 'd been married for 41 years . He was my lover, my mentor, my best friend, . . ... 2706 ORG/Congress;LOC/Penn State;PER/Joe Paterno; RT @FakeUsername : Congress passed resolution this morning honor Penn State's Joe Paterno for his 400th win . 2707 PER/Cortland Finnegan; RT @FakeUsername : Haha . Oh . Yeah . RT @FakeUsername FYI Cortland Finnegan Wishes He Looked Like Me ... Thankyou 2708 PER/Bridget Riley; RT @FakeUsername : A photo tour of Bridget Riley's new show, which offers her Op Art works alongside the masterpieces that inspired them ... 2709 PER/Rumi; RT @FakeUsername Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it . - Rumi 2710 RT @FakeUsername : Aurora Borealis as I will forever paint it in my dreams . Almost time to return home ... no regrets ... but mixed emo htt ... 2711 RT @FakeUsername : Good news on Khandro, my dog, no more blood in her urine so do n't need ultrasound . Pls #FakeHashtag it stays that way . #FakeHashtag 2712 PER/Corey Peters;PER/Clausen; RT @FakeUsername : DE Corey Peters notches his first sack of his career when he dropped Clausen for a 4-yard loss . #FakeHashtag 2713 PER/Matt Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : QB Matt Ryan now 15-0 in career when he notches QB rating above 100 . Ryan was 24-28 for 198 yds, 1 TD & 0 INTs w/QB ... 2714 PER/Curtis Lofton; RT @FakeUsername : The forced fumble on the goal line was Curtis Lofton's 3rd of the year . #FakeHashtag 2715 PER/Bill Hicks; RT @FakeUsername : Bill Hicks would have been 49 today #FakeHashtag 2716 PER/Palin;ORG/WikiLeaks;PER/Sarah Palin; RT @FakeUsername : Palin likens WikiLeaks to al-Qa `ida : American Conservative standard bearer Sarah Palin has compared the founder ... http ... 2717 RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : When I was little, I would close the fridge door really slow to see if the light ... http://FakeURL 2718 PER/DMX; RT @FakeUsername : Rough ride for rapper DMX . He's back in #FakeHashtag jail . Police say he violated probation by acting the fool up in here . ht ... 2719 PER/Julian Fantino;PER/Fantino; RT @FakeUsername : Julian Fantino is so tough that #FakeHashtag no longer wants to build new prisons . Instead Fantino will glare at criminals and t ... 2720 PER/Julian Fantino;PER/Omar;LOC/Guantanamo; RT @FakeUsername : Julian Fantino's so tough Omar #FakeHashtag wishes he could just stay in Guantanamo forever . 2721 ``RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername i likee the '' ``Sex '' '' oneee (: haha '', the beat is fly sky; P! THUMBS UP; D 2722 RT @FakeUsername : In these challenging days, we ca n't afford earmarks items inserted into spending bills without adequate review . http : / / ... 2723 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; RT @FakeUsername : Our country has benefited from the voice Elizabeth Edwards gave to the cause of building a society that lifts up all th ... 2724 PER/Julian Assange; RT @FakeUsername Julian Assange will be having a lonely Xmas in a police cell . This is for him : let it leak! http://FakeURL 2725 ORG/Beatles; RT @FakeUsername : After three hours, the Blue album is the highest charting Beatles album on iTunes, at no 38 . Hey Jude is the top-sell ... 2726 ORG/Beatles;ORG/The Beatles; RT @FakeUsername : On the 6Music site : Beatles on iTunes : After a ten year stand-off, The Beatles are finally selling their tracks ... h ... 2727 ORG/Airbus; RT @FakeUsername : Airbus prepares safety warnings http://FakeURL 2728 ORG/British Gas; RT @FakeUsername : British Gas to raise bills by 7% http://FakeURL 2729 PER/Obama; RT @FakeUsername : Obama warning over Asian exports http://FakeURL 2730 RT @FakeUsername : Parents `face benefit sanctions' http://FakeURL 2731 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL 2732 PER/Lady Gaga;PER/Russell Howard; ``RT @FakeUsername : '' ``Lady Gaga looks like a Jedi prostitute '' '' - Russell Howard on @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag '' 2733 PER/Craddock;ORG/Wolverhampton Wanderers;PER/Jody Craddock; RT @FakeUsername : Craddock ruled out until new year : Wolverhampton Wanderers defender Jody Craddock is ruled out for two months with a ... ... 2734 PER/Gerrard;ORG/Red;ORG/Liverpool;PER/Roy Hodgson;PER/Steven Gerrard; RT @FakeUsername : Gerrard on course for Reds return : Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson is hopeful Steven Gerrard will make his return from ... htt ... 2735 RT @FakeUsername : Brain cooling `could save lives' http://FakeURL 2736 RT @FakeUsername : Concerns over increase in rickets http://FakeURL 2737 PER/Robert Daley; RT @FakeUsername : 15-year-old boy gets life sentence for murdering suspected paedophile Robert Daley 2738 PER/Robert Daley; RT @FakeUsername : A 15-year-old girl was sentenced to six years detention for Manslaughter of Robert Daley 2739 ORG/Airbus; RT @FakeUsername : Airbus prepares safety warnings http://FakeURL 2740 ORG/Apec; RT @FakeUsername : Apec leaders call for trade area http://FakeURL 2741 RT @FakeUsername : Baby and girl ,2, found in city http://FakeURL 2742 RT @FakeUsername : Brain cooling `could save lives' http://FakeURL 2743 PER/Christopher Hitchens; RT @FakeUsername : Christopher Hitchens on his `living' cancer http://FakeURL 2744 RT @FakeUsername : Concerns over increase in rickets http://FakeURL 2745 PER/David Cameron;LOC/Cornwall; RT @FakeUsername : David Cameron on Cornwall floods : we stand by to help in whatever way we can 2746 PER/Suu Kyi; RT @FakeUsername : Freed Suu Kyi addresses followers http://FakeURL 2747 PER/Suu Kyi; RT @FakeUsername : Global reaction to Suu Kyi release http://FakeURL 2748 PER/Haye;PER/Harrison; RT @FakeUsername : Haye stops Harrison to keep title http://FakeURL 2749 PER/Iain Duncan Smith;ORG/Office of National Statistics; RT @FakeUsername : Iain Duncan Smith admits figures he used in Commons housing debate came from property website not Office of National Statistics 2750 RT @FakeUsername : Literacy standards `fall short' http://FakeURL 2751 RT @FakeUsername : Live - Saturday boxing http://FakeURL 2752 RT @FakeUsername : Man found dead after explosion http://FakeURL 2753 RT @FakeUsername : New phone hack file handed over http://FakeURL 2754 RT @FakeUsername : Official figures for October show the Consumer Prices Index increased to 3.2% but Retail Prices Index inflation was unchang ... 2755 RT @FakeUsername : People `denied' die at home wish http://FakeURL 2756 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL 2757 RT @FakeUsername : Scots revenue powers `to expand' http://FakeURL 2758 RT @FakeUsername : Scots ski season gets under way http://FakeURL 2759 RT @FakeUsername : Seven people die in French fire http://FakeURL 2760 ORG/SNCF; RT @FakeUsername : SNCF `sorrow' over Holocaust role http://FakeURL 2761 RT @FakeUsername : Students plan non-violent tactics http://FakeURL 2762 RT @FakeUsername : War dead remembered at services http://FakeURL 2763 PER/Pamela Anderson;MISC/Indian BB;MISC/Baywatch;PER/Pamela Anderson;MISC/Big Brother; RT @FakeUsername : Pamela Anderson to join Indian BB : Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson is join the Indian version of Big Brother . http://FakeURL ... 2764 RT @FakeUsername : Businesses concerned by water use http://FakeURL 2765 RT @FakeUsername : Butterflies on the brink http://FakeURL 2766 RT @FakeUsername : Dino's oldest embryos unearthed http://FakeURL 2767 RT @FakeUsername : Earth's pull `shaped Moon's surface' http://FakeURL 2768 RT @FakeUsername : Science of how cats get the cream http://FakeURL 2769 RT @FakeUsername : Snow bear fight as pair meet up http://FakeURL 2770 RT @FakeUsername : Top computers `to fit sugar cube' http://FakeURL 2771 RT @FakeUsername : Turtles breathe in for buoyancy http://FakeURL 2772 PER/Hamilton;PER/Alonso; RT @FakeUsername : I want Hamilton on pole - Alonso http://FakeURL 2773 PER/Pacquiao;ORG/WBC; RT @FakeUsername : Pacquiao wins WBC title on points http://FakeURL 2774 ORG/Tottenham;ORG/Blackburn; RT @FakeUsername : Tottenham 4-2 Blackburn http://FakeURL 2775 RT @FakeUsername : The thief in your pocket? http://FakeURL 2776 RT @FakeUsername : `Ignored' http://FakeURL 2777 RT @FakeUsername : Activists win `integrity' award http://FakeURL 2778 PER/Adams; RT @FakeUsername : Adams `to contest Irish election' http://FakeURL 2779 ORG/Apec; RT @FakeUsername : Apec leaders call for trade area http://FakeURL 2780 ORG/British Gas; RT @FakeUsername : British Gas to raise bills by 7% http://FakeURL 2781 ORG/MI5;LOC/Guantanamo;PER/Binyam; RT @FakeUsername : British MI5 officer will not be charged over claims he was linked to alleged torture of former Guantanamo detainee Binyam ... 2782 ORG/Chelsea;PER/Wilkins; RT @FakeUsername : Chelsea part company with Wilkins http://FakeURL 2783 PER/De Niro; RT @FakeUsername : De Niro to receive lifetime Globe http://FakeURL 2784 RT @FakeUsername : Dutch soldiers `blew up own car' http://FakeURL 2785 ORG/Rolls; RT @FakeUsername : Engine fault to hit Rolls profits http://FakeURL 2786 PER/Berlanga; RT @FakeUsername : Film-maker Berlanga dies aged 89 http://FakeURL 2787 PER/Suu Ky; RT @FakeUsername : Freed Suu Kyi addresses followers http://FakeURL 2788 ORG/French cabinet; RT @FakeUsername : French cabinet quits ahead of reshuffle http://FakeURL 2789 RT @FakeUsername : German Interior Minister : heightened threat of terror attack 2790 PER/Haye;PER/Harrison; RT @FakeUsername : Haye stops Harrison to keep title http://FakeURL 2791 PER/Haye; RT @FakeUsername : Haye unfazed by weight difference http://FakeURL 2792 PER/Haye; RT @FakeUsername : Haye unfazed by weight difference http://FakeURL 2793 RT @FakeUsername : Live - autumn rugby internationals http://FakeURL 2794 PER/Murray;PER/Monfils; RT @FakeUsername : Live text - Murray v Monfils http://FakeURL 2795 RT @FakeUsername : New phone hack file handed over http://FakeURL 2796 ORG/APEC; RT @FakeUsername : No local `costumes' for APEC leaders http://FakeURL 2797 RT @FakeUsername : Nobel laureates make nuclear call http://FakeURL 2798 PER/Pacquiao;MISC/WBC title; RT @FakeUsername : Pacquiao wins WBC title on points http://FakeURL 2799 LOC/DR Congo; RT @FakeUsername : Police `killed DR Congo activist' http://FakeURL 2800 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL 2801 RT @FakeUsername : Schools facing funding overhaul http://FakeURL 2802 RT @FakeUsername : Seven people die in French fire http://FakeURL 2803 ORG/SNCF; RT @FakeUsername : SNCF `sorrow' over Holocaust role http://FakeURL 2804 ORG/Manchester United; RT @FakeUsername : The Glazer family, who own Manchester United say they are to use their own money to pay off # 220m of high interest loans . 2805 RT @FakeUsername : Urban v rural http://FakeURL 2806 RT @FakeUsername : Urban v rural http://FakeURL 2807 PER/Palin; RT @FakeUsername : Year in custody for Palin hacker http://FakeURL 2808 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/UK; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's first UK dates sold out in 30 minutes this morning #FakeHashtag 2809 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/Casino de Paris; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's gig at the Casino de Paris is now sold out! #FakeHashtag 2810 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/Brussels; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's gig in Brussels has now sold out! 2811 LOC/Britain;PER/John Lennon; RT @FakeUsername : On this date in 1969 : As a protest against Britain's military involvement in foreign conflicts, John Lennon returns his ... 2812 RT @FakeUsername : A good friend understands you even when your thoughts arent fitting into words . 2813 PER/Michael Jordan; RT @FakeUsername : A pop-up experience celebrating Michael Jordan and his namesake Air Jordans : : http://FakeURL 2814 PER/Hugh Hefner; RT @FakeUsername : Hugh Hefner is 84 and engaged to a 24 year old? She's not a gold digger . More like a grave digger . 2815 RT @FakeUsername : Want to make this Thanksgiving one to remember for years to come? Tell your parents that you 're gay at the dinner t ...