diff --git "a/TweetsTrainset.txt" "b/TweetsTrainset.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/TweetsTrainset.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,2815 @@ +1 LOC/Thai Buddhist temple; 2,000 fetuses found hidden at Thai Buddhist temple http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2 LOC/canada; 870, 000 people in canada depend on #FakeHashtag -25% increase in the last 2 years - please give generously +3 PER/louis; 7961212234, phone this girl! she is like louis biggest fan! < 3 @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +4 ORG/WikiLeaks;LOC/Southern Ocean; @FakeUsername : WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean : http://FakeURL ) I'm a huge fan of @FakeUsername bt this is wrong +5 ORG/queen; @FakeUsername queen, bohemian rhapsody please +6 PER/cheryl cole;PER/Danni;PER/eddie; cheryl cole is starting to lose that connection with me! But Danni has maintained the steady eddie feel to me!!? What you think? +7 ORG/Lester;MISC/Mason & Begg Limited; Lester, '' Mason & Begg Limited : '' '' `Forbidden Fruit' calls on all of us to examine the long history of censoring ideas '' '' http://FakeURL '' +8 PER/Thomas Watson; To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart . Thomas Watson, Sr. +9 PER/Sanchez;PER/Eli Wallach;MISC/The Good, The Bad and the Ugly; Sanchez looks like Eli Wallach in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly with that facial scruff . +10 @FakeUsername the history of the mayor, the city . +11 MISC/Entertainment Tonight;ORG/Yahoo! News; `Entertainment Tonight' creator dies at 80 - Yahoo! News http://FakeURL +12 PER/Julian Assange; `The truth will always win' - Julian Assange writes #FakeHashtag +13 MISC/The Day After;LOC/Broadway & 4th Street; @FakeUsername : The Day After in #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag (Broadway & 4th Street) http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) '' +14 @FakeUsername : No equal pay for women, no unemployment benefits, no repeal of DADT, No, No, No SS, no medicare #FakeHashtag '' +15 LOC/Beirut; @FakeUsername : The beautiful empty streets of Beirut \* sigh \* '' (= = panoramic view;) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +16 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername : Iran sets February trial date for 3 Americans - AP http://FakeURL @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +17 PER/Sarkozy;LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername : Sarkozy says #FakeHashtag shield intended to protect against Iran http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +18 LOC/New Orleans;LOC/NEW ORLEANS; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : New Orleans residents warned to boil water : NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 20 (UPI) (cont) http://FakeURL +19 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Twanking (vb .) : The act of pleasuring oneself via the medium of Twitter #FakeHashtag _ +20 ORG/Labour Party; _ @FakeUsername : Whilst 99% of the Labour Party are to the left of me unless the membership is infinite you (cont) http://FakeURL +21 MISC/Olympics; _ @FakeUsername : Two million sign up for Olympics http://FakeURL +22 LOC/Australia; _ @FakeUsername : Australia protesters sew up lips http://FakeURL +23 PER/Banksy;MISC/Oscar; _ @FakeUsername : Banksy film makes Oscar longlist http://FakeURL +24 LOC/Beijing;MISC/2015 World Champs; _ @FakeUsername : Beijing to host 2015 World Champs http://FakeURL +25 LOC/Namibia; _ @FakeUsername : Namibia alert was `security test' http://FakeURL +26 LOC/South Island;LOC/New Zealand;ORG/Reuters; _ @FakeUsername : Blast in South Island, New Zealand, coal mine leaves 30 miners unaccounted for - Reuters +27 MISC/Nobel Peace Prize;LOC/China;PER/Liu Xiaobo; _ @FakeUsername : Nobel Peace Prize may not be handed out with no one from China dissident Liu Xiaobo's family (cont) http://FakeURL +28 _ @FakeUsername : In case you missed this week's crappy #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag emails, you can find them all (84!) (cont) http://FakeURL +29 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : The #FakeHashtag Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://FakeURL (688 contributions today) +30 ORG/Home Office; _ @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Power _ The Home Office have finally asked for Your opinion on the Extradition Act 2003 (cont) http://FakeURL +31 ORG/Republican Party;LOC/America; _ @FakeUsername : The Republican Party is the cancer to America's Progress! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ +32 PER/Banksy;MISC/Oscar; _ @FakeUsername : Banksy in line for Oscar nomination http://FakeURL +33 ORG/NHS; _ @FakeUsername : Doctors warned to expect unrest over NHS reforms http://FakeURL +34 LOC/China; _ @FakeUsername : Capabilities and Implications of China? s Jiaolong Submersible #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +35 ORG/Twitter; _ @FakeUsername : The #FakeHashtag Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://FakeURL (50 contributions today) +36 _ @FakeUsername : Ugh gym was hard this morning lol no pain no gain I guess you are better than me, i went from the bed to the couch this AM +37 LOC/GB;LOC/Chicago; _ @FakeUsername : Who's winning the GB / Chicago game? still tied at 0 +38 ORG/Médecins Sans Frontières; @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag - Médecins Sans Frontières has treated over 12,000 people for suspected #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +39 PER/Aung Suu Kyi;LOC/Burma; _ @FakeUsername : Aung Suu Kyi calls for release of Burma's ethnic leaders http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag _ +40 LOC/London;MISC/Afghan war; _ @FakeUsername : Protesters in London march against Afghan war http://FakeURL +41 LOC/Detroit; _ @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Old Detroit has a cancer . That cancer is crime . +42 _ @FakeUsername : Busted knee at the gym F & @FakeUsername% \* otra vez??? +43 ORG/CNN; _ @FakeUsername : Three weeks until my new CNN show launches . And just booked two HUGE stars for first week ... / Fat Blokes? +44 _ @FakeUsername : BREAKING : #FakeHashtag suspends #FakeHashtag for campaign donations : http://FakeURL +45 ORG/EDL;LOC/Wolverhampton; _ @FakeUsername : EDL presence in Wolverhampton apparently 50 + protestors shouting obscene remarks . No place for the kiddies or lone women . +46 LOC/Haiti; _ @FakeUsername : Analysis : Whodunnit? Officials have sticky problem in Haiti http://FakeURL +47 LOC/North Korea;LOC/U.S.; _ @FakeUsername : FLASH : North Korea told U.S. nuclear team it had 2,000 working centrifuges : source +48 ORG/Groupon;ORG/Google; _ @FakeUsername : Groupon considers sale to Google : report http://FakeURL +49 ORG/Merck; _ @FakeUsername : Merck's Vytorin cuts heart attack risk in kidney patients http://FakeURL +50 PER/Obama;PER/Medvedev;ORG/Senate; _ @FakeUsername : Obama, Medvedev urge Senate to ratify START http://FakeURL +51 ORG/GOP;MISC/American; _ @FakeUsername : The GOP #FakeHashtag is a pledge to continue exporting American jobs http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ +52 ORG/GOP; _ @FakeUsername : The GOP #FakeHashtag is a pledge to deny equal constitutional rights to #FakeHashtag people #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag _ +53 LOC/Russia; _ @FakeUsername : Greetings from Russia! We love #FakeHashtag!!! (= = = welcome from #FakeHashtag!!! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +54 LOC/Abergavenny;LOC/south Wales; _ @FakeUsername : A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the death of an 11-month-old baby girl in Abergavenny, south Wales +55 _ @FakeUsername : I'm tried of the fuckn saints commercials . Smh that was last year!!! Come up wit new ones #FakeHashtag!!! #FakeHashtag +56 LOC/Afghan;LOC/Arizona; _ @FakeUsername : Afghan Hero #FakeHashtag Accidentally Euthanized ... Arizona animal control put down the wrong dog (cont) http://FakeURL +57 ORG/GOP;PER/Murkowski; _ @FakeUsername : GOP Senators Hint at #FakeHashtag Repeal ... Ensign, Murkowski appear ready to let gays serve (cont) http://FakeURL +58 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Emerald isle; _ @FakeUsername : Ireland's economic woes : Tiger, tiger, burning dull - Emerald isle in the red http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +59 LOC/WELLINGTON;LOC/New Zealand;ORG/AP;LOC/New Zealand; _ @FakeUsername : WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) Rescuers to drill hole at New Zealand coal mine http://FakeURL +60 LOC/Damascus; _ @FakeUsername : Damascus : Iraqi Refugee Urged to Trade Sex for Food, Cash http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag _ +61 ORG/Wired; _ @FakeUsername : Just in time for Thanksgiving, Wired's How-to for Roasting the Perfect Turkey - http://FakeURL +62 LOC/East Coast; _ @FakeUsername : Storm Wreaks Havoc on Travel : A potent winter storm barreled up the East Coast, snarling air traffic, '' slowin ... '' '' '' +63 ORG/China; _ @FakeUsername : China Tightens Bank-Credit Rule http://FakeURL +64 LOC/Northern Mexico; _ @FakeUsername : Northern Mexico's State of Anarchy http://FakeURL +65 ORG/Tea Party;PER/Boehner;ORG/Tea Party; _ @FakeUsername : Hats Off to the Tea Party Boehner s Home State Tea Party Slams His Secret Plot To Kill (cont) http://FakeURL +66 ORG/NSA; Active Distributed Traffic Capture Systems http://FakeURL 100 lines of 10GbE traffic, tech lagging technology, What does NSA use, G +67 ORG/EAGLES;LOC/Bangkok; EAGLES Live In Bangkok 2011 : http://FakeURL +68 _ mi place http://FakeURL - - Inside Of You +69 - @FakeUsername : Mysteries of the deep sea @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +70 ORG/Google;ORG/Groupon; - What a Google/Groupon deal means for newspapers! http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +71 LOC/west coast; dude is a 100% product of the west coast . +72 PER/Lady Gaga;LOC/Helsinki; Lady Gaga - `Speechless' live @ Helsinki 10/13/2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername also talks about her Grampa who died recently +73 PER/Lady Gaga;LOC/Helsinki; Lady Gaga - Speechless live @ Helsinki 10/13/2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername talks about her Grampa who died recently +74 PER/Aretha Franklin; : - (Aretha Franklin Has Pancreatic Cancer http://FakeURL +75 PER/Lady Gaga; : -) x RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername for some reason, Lady Gaga's webcam followers want that shiny disco ball from me now : +76 ORG/McDonald's; !!! RT @FakeUsername : 2 McDonald's Apple Pies for the extra low price of 1 smack-a-roo is a f \* ckin STEAL!!!!! Name a better bargain??? +77 PER/Cai Chun Jia; ??? -???? - Cai Chun Jia - ah to be happy http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +78 PER/Fish Leong; ??? -????? Fish Leong - I was happy http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +79 ORG/YouTube; ?????????????????????????? post???????????? (YouTube http://FakeURL) +80 LOC/St. Georges Mill; ?????????????????????????????????? (@ St. Georges Mill) http://FakeURL +81 LOC/London eyes; ???????????????????????? London eyes???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? +82 ORG/YouTube; ?????????????????????????????? post??????????????? (YouTube http://FakeURL) +83 ORG/Department of Health; ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Department of Health??????????????????? media and public concern +84 ORG/NHS;ORG/National Health Service; ???????????????????????? GP??????????????????????????? NHS (National Health Service)??? +85 ?? INSIDER?? Get 5% OFF Nitro Planes Use this link! http://FakeURL +86 @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername My mother is the greatest .? +87 ? Somehow you can tell the difference when a song is written just to get on the radio and when what someone d. . . http://FakeURL +88 PER/Clark Cable; . @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag never watched any Clark Cable movies +89 PER/superman;LOC/Newark; . @FakeUsername is like superman over there in Newark . Plowing snow, moving cars, and helping peeps . +90 ORG/Circle K; . @FakeUsername is so happy to be getting coffee here (@ Circle K) http://FakeURL +91 '' . @FakeUsername '' ``doubt is a wish turned inside out '' '' '' +92 . @FakeUsername damn that socialist Muslim President!!!!!! +93 MISC/Rocky V; . @FakeUsername I'm watching Rocky V. Classic @FakeUsername movies +94 MISC/PSYCH;MISC/THE WHOLE TRUTH; . @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : PSYCH - Dec 8th (I'm told) THE WHOLE TRUTH - no air date yet, when I hear I 'll announce . +95 PER/Scott Speedman; . @FakeUsername so a #FakeHashtag sequel?! Yes! Are @FakeUsername & Scott Speedman in it? +96 PER/Tony Russo; . @FakeUsername segment : Tony Russo/eyewear company story & online shopping . Beware of his company! +97 LOC/dallas; ... i was in minn for the world wheelchair basketball championships . . the coach of the texas team and drove all the way from dallas to minn +98 ORG/Twitter; ... And when someone just wanted to feel and think God is not on Twitter then u are lying . He just saw my tweet . and he will DM me now . +99 LOC/new england; ... lets doo this new england!! +100 PER/Anais;PER/Gallagher;PER/Meg Mathews;PER/Mathews; ... Anais ,10, is Gallagher's daughter with his ex-wife Meg Mathews ,44, and Mathews said the little girl is already into her music ... +101 PER/Sara MacDonald; ... Asked if she gets on well with her ex-hubby, she said : `Really well . I get on with his partner Sara MacDonald, too ... +102 PER/binny;LOC/yemen;PER/binny;PER/bin laden; ... i'm tellin ya ... ol' binny is in yemen!! binny being bin laden!! +103 LOC/UK;ORG/Rage Against The Machine; ... She said to UK's Fabulous magazine : `She's learning guitar and recently came home playing Rage Against The Machine .' ... +104 LOC/Manchester; ... too come from Manchester? . +105 PER/Tiger;PER/Tony Parker; ... And the first Tiger joke begins ... RT @FakeUsername : Can you call Tony Parker @FakeUsername he needs you expertise right now +106 ... And the No. 1 Reason to LOVE #FakeHashtag This Week Is ... http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +107 ORG/HTC; ... I fancy a HTC instead! . +108 PER/Clint; ... now obviously i was angry over it so what shall i do I would ask Clint for his help but he's busy and he's helped me enuff! . +109 PER/Clint; ... now obviously i was angry over it so what shall i do I would ask Clint for his help but he's busy and he's helped me put enuff! . +110 LOC/england;MISC/the world cup; ... so here is some videos from famous celebrities telling everyone why they think england should host the world cup in 2018 ... +111 PER/B.C.;PER/B.C.; ... tell B.C., he is a genius!! : P RT @FakeUsername Bucktooth Boobie by B.C. http://FakeURL +112 LOC/MINN; . . lots of firsts for me when i went to MINN. first time i had ever seen a car seatbelt intergated into the frame around the window . . freaked +113 PER/Bill Donohue;ORG/Smithsonian; '' @FakeUsername : '' ``Bill Donohue is on a roll . '' '' '' ``Smithsonian '' '' #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' +114 ORG/Twitter; '' `Top 10 '' '' Twitter Stats & Analytics Tools! http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +115 (6) : (6) This post has been generated by Page2RSS http://FakeURL +116 ORG/Asymmetric Warfare Group; (U / / FOUO) Asymmetric Warfare Group Attack The Network Counterinsurgency Methodology http://FakeURL +117 LOC/United Kingdom; (4) In 2009 it was the ninth busiest airport in the United Kingdom, handling 5,642,921 passengers, a 10 +118 LOC/New York; (ISN) Hackers hit New York tour firm, access 110,00 bank cards http://FakeURL Credit reporting Agencys tell NO on w/o fee +119 LOC/Oklahoma;LOC/Texas; @FakeUsername Oklahoma but raised in Texas . +120 PER/nicole;LOC/malaysia;LOC/malaysia; @FakeUsername nicole! come to malaysia . . really wanna see you and the girls live here in malaysia +121 LOC/auckland; @FakeUsername that is good . here in auckland is cloud and dark . hope you have a great day! +122 PER/Chris Hanson; @FakeUsername Chris Hanson ... the world's biggest cock blocker +123 @FakeUsername Always a pleasure sweetie - sending fondest wishes for a GREAT weekend x +124 PER/Sue; @FakeUsername Thanks so much Sue x +125 ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername I love the minecraft videos to, but stop asking him to do them! He mu ... (YouTube http://FakeURL) +126 @FakeUsername . Connecting to backup power in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... .5 ... . .4 ... 2 ... 1 . Backup engaged . Tweet more . +127 LOC/Berlin;MISC/1st Berliner Frauenkrimifestival;MISC/Lesemarathon; @FakeUsername Great! This Sunday, in Berlin it will be the 1st Berliner Frauenkrimifestival + Lesemarathon . Will you be there? +128 @FakeUsername Have a creative time! Good vibes from #FakeHashtag! +129 PER/Baba Iyabo; @FakeUsername . Long live Baba Iyabo . +130 ORG/Bankole and co.; ORG/cooks and co; @FakeUsername . Who exactly are protesting? Bankole and co. or the cleaners, cooks and co? +131 @FakeUsername WE HAVE 79 SIGNATURES http://FakeURL GETTING THERE! +132 LOC/Odaiba; @FakeUsername especially that the land under is reclaimed ... it will dissolve instantly if the big one hit Odaiba #FakeHashtag +133 PER/Albert Alletzhauser; @FakeUsername I highly recommend you this book called '' ``Quake '' '' by Albert Alletzhauser '', who wrote the House of Nomura, #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +134 PER/Stan;LOC/New England; @FakeUsername - You 're Welcome, Stan! - I love the name of your company! I grew up in a small town north of #FakeHashtag - I love New England! :) +135 LOC/Montreal; @FakeUsername : O lucky! Closest she came to here was Montreal : (. +136 LOC/MB; @FakeUsername I hope so . I would pay anything to go to MB and all my money on what I can buy inside lol . +137 PER/Rev Run; @FakeUsername cuz that's the way it is \* Rev Run voice \* +138 PER/Ms. Sherrie Murphey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Ms. Sherrie Murphey, you 've answered by yourself to your questions to me confirmed . +139 PER/Ms. Sherrie Murphey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag # $ 160BN CopyRight Ms. Sherrie Murphey, include commercial industry +140 LOC/UK;PER/Lowcock;ORG/Aid Preachers; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Murderus HRcrimes of UK gov #FakeHashtag Lowcock #FakeHashtag Stigma on Aid Preachers http://FakeURL +141 PER/Palin;MISC/American Idol;ORG/AP;PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername U destroyed #FakeHashtag for this ) Palin Rips American Idol : AP got an advance copy of Sarah Palin's new book ... http://FakeURL +142 @FakeUsername Your #FakeHashtag of grocery #FakeHashtag link has errors please check & fix it then resend thanks +143 MISC/What Would You Do?; @FakeUsername's '' ``What Would You Do? '' '' is the worst sort of psychological experiment . DO NOT manipulate and frighten people . DO NOT model bad behavior . '' +144 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Romney;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername MURDOCH not NEWS! MUST END as such! / / @FakeUsername Help Romney in this FOX News GOP Poll http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +145 PER/nicki minaj; @FakeUsername nicki minaj +146 LOC/US; @FakeUsername Thank you but just an ordinary gal . WE/US working together - l will #FakeHashtag . Because we can . #FakeHashtag +147 @FakeUsername YO VATO IN MY AIM TO B MORE 4GIVING-I 4GIVE U 4 THAT LINE-MAY ALL YOUR HOLIDAY GUESTS B WHITE LINE-STILL CRASHIN UR PARTY LOCO! +148 @FakeUsername It's one of my favs too . Merry Christmas to you darling xxx +149 @FakeUsername then on the right side of the page click on player skin +150 LOC/US;PER/Israelis; @FakeUsername nor anything about stuxnet, or sooper secret malware, rootkits? Thought US might have said something to Israelis G +151 @FakeUsername Yes like the Jews, Poles, Catholics and Blacks, yellow people Oozed in, do you hear your self? G #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +152 @FakeUsername Bada boom bada bing . +153 LOC/Hawaii; @FakeUsername have a great time in Hawaii . 1 of the few states I have left to visit +154 @FakeUsername Excited to see and read the happenings of today Coach! Hope all is well! +155 LOC/Kern County; @FakeUsername Ah, mudslides! My son had to deal with floods in Kern County! He's a firefighter . +156 ORG/Marine Corps; @FakeUsername I agree! Kicking the youngsters booty is cool . I did that last year taking the Marine Corps PFT . 297 out of a 300 pts . +157 MISC/Olympics;MISC/MMA; @FakeUsername That is so right! I'm training for the Senior Olympics (100 meter dash) & MMA . +158 LOC/LA;LOC/Riverside County; @FakeUsername There will be qualifying events in various areas . Mine are here in the LA area . The games are in Riverside County . +159 LOC/LA;LOC/Lake Tahoe;LOC/South Tahoe;LOC/Incline Village; @FakeUsername Yes, I'm in LA & raining . Lucky you! Lake Tahoe is great . I normally stayed at South Tahoe & Incline Village . +160 LOC/Vermont; @FakeUsername when I snap, I will totally be raising goats in Vermont . +161 MISC/Ali; @FakeUsername . Aight Mal . Ali, I will find the film and watch it . See Darkness See Light . Lol +162 ORG/NATO;LOC/IRAQ; @FakeUsername NATO stayed out of IRAQ! Please - +163 MISC/Toy Story 3; @FakeUsername Look into Googling '' ``MoviePoint '' '' for the movie Toy Story 3 . I just finished watching it . Absolutely loved it . '' +164 LOC/NYC;LOC/NBC Experience store; @FakeUsername : To my NYC folks - I ll be doing a signing/reading of my new book at the NBC Experience store at 10:30 am . Come by and say hi! +165 ORG/Amnesty; @FakeUsername Love the drive #FakeHashtag Power! many blessings to you and Amnesty! +166 @FakeUsername Awesome +167 PER/Nicki Minaj; @FakeUsername when did Nicki Minaj become hip hop tho?! I think she's more pop . Idk how ppl can say certain things +168 ORG/EU; @FakeUsername I am curious what's the situation in other countries - EU, for instance ... +169 @FakeUsername I think the answer regarding #FakeHashtag is easy : this is NOT a democracy! Talking about '' ``faking '' '' etc. is `exercise de style' '' +170 @FakeUsername ANOTHER GREAT INTERVIEW PRIMOOOO - NOW IF WE CAN ONLY SEE THE ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE LOL COULDNT RESIST +171 PER/morgan freeman; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername look at @FakeUsername who started it all re : morgan freeman hoax +172 ORG/CONGRESS;PER/OBAMA; @FakeUsername CONGRESS OUTLAWS USE OF AUTOTUNES AFTER PRES. OBAMA INSISTS ON USING IT WHEN GIVING ALL HIS SPEECHES #FakeHashtag +173 ORG/Amazon; @FakeUsername there is no way one can explain this book that will sound reasonable and shame on Amazon! +174 ORG/Senate; @FakeUsername : Update : Tax deal clears key Senate hurdle http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +175 ORG/Reuters; @FakeUsername : next #FakeHashtag dump has potentially embarassing corruption tales about foreign govt's, leaders, sources tell Reuters +176 LOC/Brooklyn Flea; @FakeUsername he did n't want to see Santa at Brooklyn Flea, so we explained that hipsters hate Santa, duh . +177 LOC/California; @FakeUsername I always feel like people in California are lazy because they take so long to reply to my emails, etc. +178 PER/Hill; @FakeUsername Ditto! Reading 1925 version of Hill's Law of Success . Good Morning/Night . : -) +179 ORG/Army; @FakeUsername I wonder if computers will start taking over since 25% of young people ca n't even pass the Army entrance exam . +180 LOC/Los Angeles; @FakeUsername It was good . We 're probably going to be getting your rain down here in the Los Angeles area tomorrow . +181 PER/Angie;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername Okay Angie . I hope the anxiety is deleted & complete relaxation comes on . Maybe staying away from Twitter can help . +182 ORG/Army;PER/Angie; @FakeUsername Our educational system is broke . And those that took the Army exam were the 25% that passed the physical . Good night Angie! +183 @FakeUsername Thanks for all! #FakeHashtag Haha! Nice quotes! +184 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername yea : (they need Yo make that txt service available for Canada : -LRB- +185 @FakeUsername um well I sing and use to model when I was 12 . And I 14! Haha, wbu? +186 ORG/Delifrance;LOC/Tampines Mall; @FakeUsername The nearest Delifrance is at Tampines Mall . I shall do that on my day off this Thursday! +187 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername But seriously, Twitter taught me to be brief / right to the point! I like 2 always inc links in my Tweets & 2 show gratitude! +188 @FakeUsername Happy New Year to you darling xxx +189 LOC/America; @FakeUsername : America's Best and Worst #FakeHashtag Announced http://FakeURL +190 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Sack/Arrst Arti Menon UP Off . kins Hsec GK Pillay & Mutemwar4key roles, abuse of powr in UK plottd crimes +191 LOC/Mid-Atlantic; @FakeUsername video Monster Storm Heads for Mid-Atlantic, Northeast http://FakeURL +192 PER/John Hughes; @FakeUsername love John Hughes movies +193 PER/Adam Lam; @FakeUsername bear has a sexual connotation . We do n't want that . Adam Lam ... cook . That could work . +194 ORG/FBI;PER/Nas; @FakeUsername I just do n't know! There's art thief/FBI agent on there, Nas! +195 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername I did too! Twitter has been up & down too . I wonder if it's a cyberattack . +196 LOC/S Korea; @FakeUsername Good morning, hope you are well . What happened between N & S Korea? I missed the start of this . Have a good day #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +197 PER/Dale Carnegie; @FakeUsername that is great . jakson (You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing . ~ Dale Carnegie) +198 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername You should not swear on Twitter and say that 4 letter word! SNOW! NO SNOW!!!! LOL Not ready yet! : o) +199 LOC/India; @FakeUsername What is #FakeHashtag trending in India lol +200 LOC/Chicago; @FakeUsername is out of his fucking mind . He is not drunk, he is not high, and he is not in Chicago +201 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . +202 PER/Andrea Yates; @FakeUsername Girl Andrea Yates from #FakeHashtag killed 5 of hers, and is only in mental institution smh . what channel ru watching? +203 @FakeUsername insufficient postage, only some were returned not all, 60c for the same size of a christmas card should be enough shouldnt it? +204 MISC/Kiss Goodbye; @FakeUsername new vid `Kiss Goodbye' Premiere's tonight 12AM EST/9PM PST on his website http://FakeURL +205 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Cool, good lookin out Anand . I 'll miss this cast on tv, because I could n't stop laughing . +206 PER/Stephan Colbert; @FakeUsername youse a bandwagoner ... \* Stephan Colbert wag of the finger \* +207 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername U curious about the fact that we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +208 ORG/Senate; @FakeUsername : I am '' ``pleased to announce '' '' the Senate is moving forward on a package of tax cuts that has strong bipartisan support #FakeHashtag '' +209 PER/Harris; @FakeUsername Watch this! Dr. Harris @FakeUsername defines morality correctly; asserts correctly that we can measure it . http://FakeURL +210 ORG/House of Representatives; @FakeUsername : '' ``I urge the House of Representatives to act quickly on this important matter . '' '' #FakeHashtag '' +211 LOC/Oxford; @FakeUsername '' ``fury '' ''? Really? '' ``wild or violent anger '' '' - per Oxford dictionary . Do you think so? Or are they just a bit politically annoyed? '' +212 @FakeUsername Indian electronic media r insane . +213 LOC/EU; @FakeUsername Irish `in bailout talks with EU' http://FakeURL)) It used to be individual banks now its become whole countries +214 PER/manas-chaudhuri; @FakeUsername QIPS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag manas-chaudhuri . http://FakeURL +215 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag energy Targets Published In Business Plan Page http://FakeURL +216 PER/manas-chaudhuri; @FakeUsername Solar Energy of QIPS energy also designing for Boa ... manas-chaudhuri . http://FakeURL +217 ORG/MS;ORG/Google; @FakeUsername : Joy! MS Office now syncs with Google Docs (well, in beta anyway) . We are soon to be one big happy collaborative Click family . Ric +218 @FakeUsername lol was just a joke ... The `Other Channel' does n't matter lol +219 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername also a big threat to human and animals in Korea . +220 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername It is also a big worry to human and animals in Korea +221 LOC/Nazi Germany; @FakeUsername being British seperated fathers are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany, I have n't seen my kids for 8 years . Compensate that . +222 PER/Blunt; @FakeUsername Is this anything to do with Mr Blunt making my dogs in to lesbians? +223 LOC/Ireland; @FakeUsername nice read on Ireland +224 PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername The world will be a sadder place without Leslie Nielsen . R.I.P. +225 LOC/Ghana; @FakeUsername : Shock in Ghana over gruesome death of `witch', reportedly involving a pastor : http://FakeURL +226 LOC/The West;ORG/al-Qaeda; @FakeUsername : The West `can not defeat al-Qaeda' : http://FakeURL +227 LOC/UK;MISC/Iraq war; @FakeUsername : UK man charged with terrorism offences over a blog listing MPs it claimed voted for the Iraq war +228 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks sparks anger in Europe : http://FakeURL +229 PER/Liam Fox; @FakeUsername Liam Fox is full of it . +230 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername WHO WON YELLOw YEAH?!!! +231 PER/Palmer; @FakeUsername Would u like Mr Palmer if a rocket carrying this radioactive package blew up & spewed radioactive particulates in yr back yard? +232 PER/Gavin Henson;PER/Barry chuckle;PER/will ferrell; @FakeUsername marry, kiss, kill : Gavin Henson, Barry chuckle, will ferrell? +233 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername so you dont work for the BBC? +234 PER/David Haye;PER/Audley; @FakeUsername what round will David Haye KO Audley? +235 @FakeUsername what would you rather do for a living, cheerleader or gardener? +236 LOC/Tooth Fairies castle; @FakeUsername where would you rather visit - your mother in laws or the Tooth Fairies castle? +237 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername you are Tweeting for the biggest sport site in the UK and dont know about Rugby ... poor form . . +238 ORG/Pirate Bay; @FakeUsername . Ooops . Thats the popular Pirate Bay . +239 @FakeUsername, I really hope it does n't have to come to that . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +240 @FakeUsername A Ghazal of Ghalib In English : A Ghazal of Ghalib Rendered ... http://FakeURL +241 MISC/MMA;LOC/Glasgow; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA in Glasgow 2011! +242 LOC/UK;LOC/UK;PER/JESUS; @FakeUsername the UK family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids taken from seperated fathers, thanks to JESUS, he is to return them . +243 LOC/America; @FakeUsername `DADT' - America still has a long way to go to get on the humanitarian list! +244 ORG/NATO;LOC/Afghanistan; @FakeUsername '' ``A man in police uniform kills 6 NATO troops during training session in eastern Afghanistan . '' '' . . Thats the thing about uniforms . '' +245 PER/jerry yang;PER/david filo; @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' +246 PER/Fiona;ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Fiona looks a bit Frumpy Tonight Watch out the BBC might ship in some Chinese News Readers to save Money! +247 PER/Breitbart;ORG/ADL; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Question : Why won t Breitbart report on ADL s sweeping condemnation of Beck? http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +248 LOC/US; @FakeUsername 350M US for a Trent 900 Each Naga? surely thats 10 times too Much! 1.4 Billion for for 4? +249 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername Action Plan for Econ Salvation of Pak : Security of Pakistan s future depends in its econom growth & d. . . http://FakeURL +250 LOC/North Korea;LOC/South Korea;MISC/Asian; @FakeUsername Alternatively could North Korea's attack on South Korea have an influence on Asian shares? +251 LOC/Australia;LOC/Blackwater;LOC/Christmas Island; @FakeUsername Australia s Blackwater update : Christmas Island detainees sew lips together http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag +252 LOC/Nazi Germany; @FakeUsername British seperated fathers are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany, I have n't seen my kids for 8 years . Compensate that . +253 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . +254 ORG/Coke;ORG/Pepsi;ORG/BRICA Group; @FakeUsername Coke vs. Pepsi in emerging markets - BRICA Group Weekly Episode 1 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +255 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . Children suffering mental torture . +256 LOC/UK;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . UK children suffering mental torture . +257 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL +258 LOC/Ariz.; @FakeUsername Final vote count : Ariz. ... voters OK ... measure legalizing medical marijuana - +259 LOC/Russia; @FakeUsername Fur flying ... Look to disable Sat lines look to work with Russia +260 LOC/US; @FakeUsername Global News US growth `faster-than-thought'??? That is fast! +261 PER/Sepp Blatter; @FakeUsername good we need to get rid off of all these corrupts people and Sepp Blatter should resign +262 ORG/fifa; @FakeUsername Good what are they scared of more corruption oozing out of the fifa `s mire, perhaps more investigations may come of it +263 ORG/Nato;LOC/Portugal; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Nato Destroys Everything will be the slogan of blocked anti-nato protesters in Portugal! +264 LOC/India;PER/Gandhi; @FakeUsername I hope India will come to an end with the cast system, it s so strange for the nation of Gandhi to maintain this awful system +265 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername In everyone's (i.e BANKERS) '' ``better interests '' '' for Ireland to '' ``see this through '' '' says Europe Minister as pressure grows 4 bailout '' +266 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername Is that really BBC Global worthy news? +267 ORG/BBC; @FakeUsername Is that really BBC worthy news? +268 LOC/Nairobi Airport; @FakeUsername Is your chap really at Nairobi Airport http://FakeURL Bacjground? +269 @FakeUsername It is irresponsible of media to publish stolen files distributed by @FakeUsername . freedom of the press is not at issue . @FakeUsername +270 ORG/Labour;ORG/LABOUR;ORG/PARLIAMENT; @FakeUsername Labour `may back' detention cut http://FakeURL (THIS WAS LABOUR 'S '' ``AMERICAN PROBLEM '' '' ROUNDKY DEFEATED IN PARLIAMENT) '' +271 PER/MOZART; @FakeUsername MOZART, L'OPERA ROCK : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername MOZART FRANC MACON, FREE MASSON : . ET SUBLIME GENIE +272 PER/Sackur;PER/Courtney Griffiths;PER/Mugabe;PER/Taylor; @FakeUsername Mr Sackur In another life I could quite see Courtney Griffiths as Mugabe or Taylor? Pride & Prejudice? @FakeUsername +273 ORG/Turkish Airlines;ORG/BA; @FakeUsername News Nice AD for Turkish Airlines but ca n't you get BA to advertise with you? After all we have already paid for @FakeUsername +274 PER/Nick Oliver; @FakeUsername Nick Oliver, English fathers rights victim of '' family law holocaust '' is at day 51 of hunger strike ... +275 PER/Nick Oliver; @FakeUsername Nick Oliver the English fathers rights victim of family law holocaust is at day 50 of his Hunger Strike ... +276 LOC/north korea;LOC/north korea; @FakeUsername north korea is LYING, there are no human rights in north korea http://FakeURL +277 PER/Palin;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Of course Palin can do it, perhaps to let USA defeat itself . +278 PER/Simpson;LOC/Burma;LOC/Nairobi; @FakeUsername Perhaps you are catapulting Simpson from Burma to Nairobi to Great the Chandlers or Perhaps not? @FakeUsername +279 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag energy Targets Published In Business Plan Page http://FakeURL +280 @FakeUsername Solar #FakeHashtag of #FakeHashtag energy Targets are Published In Business Plan Page Find the New Energy in the Theme http://FakeURL +281 @FakeUsername The Devil's Prophet in 2011! If you 're not nervous about the state of the world now, you will be . http://FakeURL +282 LOC/UK;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername the English family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids snatched from seperated fathers, causing UK dads mental torture . +283 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername the English family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids snatched from seperated fathers so as they can make money . slavery +284 LOC/UK;LOC/UK;PER/JESUS; @FakeUsername the UK family law holocaust has seen millions of UK kids taken from seperated fathers, thanks to JESUS, HELP is on the way ... +285 ORG/UN; @FakeUsername the UN is trying to kill off the Haitians! Its evident . . Why idk? Say resources? +286 LOC/Mogadishu; @FakeUsername There are no Tourists in Mogadishu it is a hell hole +287 LOC/Europe; @FakeUsername There's no peace to be had, for many Muslims, extermination of Jewish people & Islamic conquest of Europe are core aims . +288 PER/Mike Gardner;ORG/states; @FakeUsername trying to get an e-mail address for Mike Gardner - ca n't call from states . +289 LOC/US;LOC/America; @FakeUsername US companies report record profit-America back on track http://FakeURL +290 LOC/the West;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Whilst the West throws money at Arab Islamist garbage, black Christian people whose only crime was to be born poor in Haiti die . +291 LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername Why did North Korea attack? +292 @FakeUsername Why do n't u say ... '' ``Your reading World News Service '' '' '' +293 @FakeUsername wonder what her security code was i want to be president ha ha +294 LOC/Egypt; @FakeUsername : Egypt `police abuse' probe urged : http://FakeURL +295 LOC/Kenya; @FakeUsername : Kenya `gay crackdown' criticised : http://FakeURL +296 ORG/UK government;LOC/Guantanamo Bay; @FakeUsername : UK government to compensate ex-Guantanamo Bay detainees : http://FakeURL +297 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks releases more US files : http://FakeURL +298 ORG/Wikileaks;LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks under attack by hackers ahead of secret US document release : http://FakeURL +299 PER/Richard; @FakeUsername bloody awful at the moment, but I 'll probably get over it . What brings you to TWETT? Are you aware cousin Richard's on here? +300 MISC/Hemingway and Gellhorn;PER/Philip Kaufman; @FakeUsername Hmmm? February start date? Same period than the filming of '' '' Hemingway and Gellhorn '' '' by Philip Kaufman . Not sure accurate '' +301 LOC/Singapore; @FakeUsername Sorry to tweetjack; are you back in Singapore? :) @FakeUsername +302 LOC/columbia; @FakeUsername what were you doing in columbia mall? LOL ... +303 LOC/brazil;PER/Ozzy; @FakeUsername yeah 5 shows in brazil from Ozzy +304 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername Oooh thanks for the recommendation darling and I 'll bear in mind your comments re Twitter x +305 PER/Ronnie Corbett; @FakeUsername Are you related to Ronnie Corbett? tvoh +306 PER/Cutler;MISC/the NFC Championship; @FakeUsername I did n't say that at all . I said they should get rid of Cutler, he sat out of the NFC Championship . +307 PER/Justin;ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername RAD! Justin's new video that was pirated to YouTube this morning is smoking? See it for yourself @ http://FakeURL +308 PER/Sampson; @FakeUsername best pic : enjoying a sunny fall day with #FakeHashtag & my baby Sampson http://FakeURL +309 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . +310 @FakeUsername The Torch is only $ 50.00 on http://FakeURL . +311 PER/Barbara;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Barbara! ~ Peace! - Jessica +312 @FakeUsername This is a little message to everyone planning on roasting me tomorrow at #FakeHashtag ... ... http://FakeURL ... #FakeHashtag +313 PER/Parker;PER/Richard Jefferson; @FakeUsername Damn ... A teammates wife though? The only worse in Parker's case would 've been if it were Richard Jefferson's male lover ... +314 LOC/GREAT BRITAIN; @FakeUsername YOOO CHULO YESTERDAY WAS BOXING DAY IN GREAT BRITAIN - BUT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FIGHTING LOL +315 LOC/Amherst, MA;ORG/UMass; @FakeUsername He meant alot to those of us who live in Amherst, MA as well and his longstanding affiliation with UMass . What a cool cat . +316 PER/Bob Harris; @FakeUsername Bob Harris is similarly puzzled . +317 ORG/Packers;MISC/superbowl; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I'm hoping the #FakeHashtag go all the way and beat those Packers! (still pissed that they are even in the superbowl) +318 LOC/Mecca; @FakeUsername after Mecca he was retracting NOI's methods, since they knew his stance on Islam shifted to a more mainstream belief +319 MISC/Da Vinci Code;MISC/Angels and Demons; @FakeUsername Da Vinci Code? Or or Angels and Demons? +320 PER/Malik El-Shabazz; @FakeUsername haha not even close El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz though? +321 LOC/RI; @FakeUsername my comment was on RI and my love for it, not the smallness of the state : - D +322 PER/Little Brother; @FakeUsername stop breaking my heart!!!! \* Little Brother \* +323 ORG/Illuminati;PER/Lucifer;PER/God; @FakeUsername the Illuminati is a group, with Lucifer at the head meant to control and distract human beings from the goodness of God +324 PER/Tom Hanks;PER/Robert Langdon; @FakeUsername Tom Hanks is so Robert Langdon whachumean? +325 LOC/France; @FakeUsername it was about France, and the cancellation of the MB there . +326 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername np : D I wish it was here in Canada lol +327 LOC/USA;LOC/Plymouth; @FakeUsername ours was last month lol . We celebrate the harvest and USA celebrates the pilgrims at Plymouth rock . +328 PER/Christina Hendricks; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername also you should see if any of your friends recognize Christina Hendricks in two episodes #FakeHashtag +329 LOC/Jaynestown; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername there is also that fermented milk the mudders drink in Jaynestown . #FakeHashtag +330 ORG/Mustafa Centre; @FakeUsername fuming away @ Mustafa Centre http://FakeURL +331 LOC/Butter Factory; @FakeUsername Looks like the butter cookies craze has infected the Butter Factory as well . +332 @FakeUsername i predict a different kind of award ceremony for next year's Brits! . +333 PER/India Arie; @FakeUsername India Arie ay? ... \* big smile \* +334 @FakeUsername It's all over the news - _ - +335 PER/Brittany; @FakeUsername aww . . Brittany!!! What did u done!? Haha . . Is ur school turning into a battlefield!? . . Stay Safe tho : - / +336 PER/Jay Cutler; @FakeUsername i 'd be cool with that cuz its not Jay Cutler . Plus you sent that at 14-7 . +337 LOC/US; @FakeUsername please could you explain the effects of the QE2 on the US economy +338 ORG/cnn;PER/teena marie; @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : cnn has confirmed from teena marie's manager that she has died . +339 PER/roland martin;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername roland martin of CNN has confirmed it +340 LOC/canada; @FakeUsername yeah look at all that crap! thats how it is here in canada waist deep snow and alll that! and always cold . . i need to move!! +341 @FakeUsername She is not dead ... someone started a rumor +342 LOC/west coast; @FakeUsername that's how we do snow lol Except the west coast, they ca n't handle it : p +343 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername yes but here in Canada it's always Americans sneaking over the border;) +344 PER/Barry; @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Barry!! +345 MISC/the grammy; @FakeUsername just keep me in mind when you at the grammy's hahaha +346 PER/jaksoN; @FakeUsername Hi there . how ur day going great . My xmas ll be full of cadbury bar . love it . jaksoN Merry Xmas and best happy New Year . +347 LOC/Chicago;LOC/SC; @FakeUsername driving home from Chicago to SC . About 15 to 16 hrs :) +348 PER/Magne Hoseth;PER/Jonas Lunden;PER/Mark Kerr;PER/Eugen Bopp; @FakeUsername I only really know CM01-02; on there I 'd suggest Magne Hoseth, Jonas Lunden, Mark Kerr and Eugen Bopp . +349 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Romney;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername MURDOCH not NEWS! MUST END as such! / / @FakeUsername Help Romney in this FOX News GOP Poll http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +350 ORG/facebook;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Un jour . . facebook '', '' youtu ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +351 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername well it's not on CNN yet but other news outlets are reporting it +352 @FakeUsername The (pseudo) Science of Homeopathy http://FakeURL +353 ORG/Google;ORG/Google; @FakeUsername Geeze I hope not, still want to believe Google problem is rogue employee, I want to trust Google so bad, G +354 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername look forward to article on probable responses from Iran, say to Stuxnet, G +355 LOC/US;LOC/Iraq;LOC/Afghan; @FakeUsername no I think they have thought of it even planed it, Uncertain of counter attack, US took Iraq and Afghan . G +356 @FakeUsername but who else was writing at the time with his amount of publicity if your the only famous author it's easy to be the best +357 LOC/Charleston; @FakeUsername Fantasy in Charleston http://FakeURL +358 PER/Julian Sands; @FakeUsername This is clear the actor Julian Sands' comeback role . +359 PER/Jen Grey;PER/kyle massey; @FakeUsername u know Jen Grey's twitter handle is @FakeUsername & kyle massey's is @FakeUsername +360 PER/Mrs. Booze; @FakeUsername Recommend '' ``Rational Recovery '' '' to Mrs. Booze Police and to anyone who dislikes AA . http://FakeURL '' +361 @FakeUsername in the car singing pretty girl rock . lmao +362 LOC/US; @FakeUsername oh . thats about this thing that was all over the news in the US . http://FakeURL +363 MISC/Twink and Maureen Potter;MISC/Something Happens and an Emotional Fish;LOC/Baggot Inn; @FakeUsername They 'll go and see Twink and Maureen Potter in the Gaiety followed by Something Happens and an Emotional Fish in the Baggot Inn . +364 LOC/La County;PER/Hanie Yoon;PER/Leslie Moonves;PER/Steve Cooley; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag '' ``La County '', Snipers, ``Gangs . . will kill you Hanie Yoon '' '' Leslie Moonves '', Steve Cooley your criminal campaign +365 PER/Jay Cutler;ORG/jerseys; @FakeUsername : Nice . Bears fans did n't waste any time burning Jay Cutler jerseys : http://FakeURL ill piss on the muthafucka! +366 PER/Jenny Garth; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Jenny Garth +367 PER/jakson; @FakeUsername thats is good for you learning . jakson NZ hugs . send msg in english for me then ok . abracos celso . Manda msg em english dai +368 PER/Susan boyle;LOC/Halifax; @FakeUsername Susan boyle is playing in Halifax? I did n't know lol . +369 PER/Julian Rush;LOC/NZ; @FakeUsername Methane is '' ``the gas all miners fear '' '' writes Julian Rush as safety fears stall rescue attempts in NZ #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' +370 PER/Julian Sands; @FakeUsername I think the actor Julian Sands should also be careful . +371 @FakeUsername BLOODY HOPE SO! . XxX +372 MISC/Whitney Houston; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername example : The only thing `black' about '' ``Whitney Houston '' '' is the color of her skin #FakeHashtag '' +373 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername who won the NFL? +374 @FakeUsername I'm really good! I love training hard in MA . Your sensei is doing it right . I also push my students in the basics . +375 ORG/Bears;PER/Caleb Haine;PER/Haine;PER/Haine;ORG/Bears; @FakeUsername The Bears hung in there right to the finish . Vintage Caleb Haine, huh? Perhaps classic Haine? Upstart Haine? Luv the Bears . +376 LOC/Bangkok; @FakeUsername Bangkok? +377 ORG/Cisco; @FakeUsername . I am really enjoying this Cisco space router gist . How does it work actually? what if there is some damaged how's it fixed . +378 LOC/Miami-Dade County; @FakeUsername Miami-Dade County CERT in the house! +379 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Besides grades/GPA, Cathie Black's 4-page Bio is mostly redacted . What skeleton she's hiding? http://FakeURL +380 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Cathie Black Too Ashamed to Reveal her GPA? What She Hiding? http://FakeURL +381 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Notre Dame;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername If Cathie Black ca n't even inspire her own son NOT to drop out of Notre Dame, how is she going to inspire NYC school kids? +382 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Brooklyn Boro Hall; @FakeUsername Next Protest & Press Conference re : Cathie Black appt 11/15 Mon 10AM Brooklyn Boro Hall http://FakeURL +383 PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Poll : Half Do n't Want Cathie Black, Worse among Pub Sch Parents http://FakeURL +384 LOC/NY; @FakeUsername yes girl . Moving to NY on Feb 13 +385 ORG/Saks Fifth Avenue; @FakeUsername I 'd like to know if '' ``moisture on line '' '' is still available . I did not see it online at Saks Fifth Avenue Web site . Thanks '' +386 PER/Berlusconi;LOC/Italy; @FakeUsername We are waiting for confidence vote to Berlusconi on dec. 14 ... And markets are waiting the same ... God bless Italy! +387 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN! +388 PER/cooper;PER/cooper; @FakeUsername cooper cooper u speak what dialect hokkian, mandarin, or macau? indonesian speak hokkian i knew lil bit hokkian XDDD +389 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN +390 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN! +391 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN International; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN International . +392 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +393 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Tres Hombres CO2 zero sailing cargo vessel on the way AGAIN to Haiti http://FakeURL +394 @FakeUsername Your tweet is wrong - the article says they '' ``were food insecure at some point '' '' in 2009 not are food insecure - big difference '' +395 PER/B. Palin; @FakeUsername - Morning show host says '' ``What will B. Palin win '', just a little statue . I guess that means let her win even if she ca n't dance . Fixed +396 ORG/Peter G. Peterson Foundation; @FakeUsername - Please give us an expose' on the Peter G. Peterson Foundation . They seem to be a corporation set on running the government on tv . +397 PER/Charlie Rangel; @FakeUsername - Very classy of you to show a picture of Charlie Rangel sleep on the beach . After announcing the verdict of his trial . +398 @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' +399 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Great simple ideas with big pay-offs! Some good news4change : http://FakeURL +400 PER/Jessica;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Has Jessica from CNN ever been a high speed rail journey? Does she own a passport? Wtf @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag +401 PER/bush jr; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername history should show that bush jr should be in jail or at least never should have been president +402 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +403 LOC/California; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername we live in California . We Def Know What a 6.9 quake feels like! lol +404 PER/PALIN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername) WHO DOES N'T PALIN TRASH-SHE THINKS SHE IS GREAT/LOL '' ``OUTLOUD '' '' '' +405 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +406 @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag After almst a yr PM not taken action murderer KNath, Bhuria, SSP, Mutemwar #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +407 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Be sure to read the new blog every Monday at Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +408 PER/Bruce Jenkins;PER/Gael Monfils; @FakeUsername Bruce Jenkins : Stylistic mystique of French tennis endures with Monfils : Gael Monfils' inspired run to the ... http://FakeURL +409 PER/obama; @FakeUsername dods is start i seen it on the tv and obama on my mama you a looser he said all americans is loosers bitch usher should i get him +410 ORG/Time Warner; @FakeUsername Do n't see any Time Warner movies +411 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL +412 ORG/Fed Ex; @FakeUsername Fed Ex R arguably the best . I suppose with the countless no. of packages daily, 1 package had 2 make news . Glad it was found . +413 PER/Federer;PER/Nadal;MISC/ATP World Tour;PER/Roger Federer;PER/Rafael Nadal; @FakeUsername Federer outlasts Nadal in finals of ATP World Tour : Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal submitted another entry ... http://FakeURL +414 PER/Federer;PER/Murray;MISC/ATP World Tour Finals;LOC/LONDON;ORG/AP;PER/Roger Federer; @FakeUsername Federer routs Murray at ATP World Tour Finals : LONDON (AP) Playing like the Roger Federer of old, the 16 ... http://FakeURL +415 PER/Francesca Schiavone; @FakeUsername Francesca Schiavone is my SI Sportsman of the Year : In an era where power players rule women's tennis, Ital ... http://FakeURL +416 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Give the figure CNN cited, that means approximately one in six Americans is food insecure . Figure sounds accurate . +417 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername GOP to unemployed-too bad http://FakeURL +418 PER/Sarah;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername I wonder if Sarah is doing this 4 political gain or promoting Alaska? +419 PER/Jon Wertheim;PER/Federer;MISC/Paris Masters;PER/Federer; @FakeUsername Jon Wertheim : Federer's match-point woes continue at Paris Masters : Should Federer's mental game be questio ... http://FakeURL +420 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Look for the latest blog on Monday from Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +421 LOC/Michigan's Lansing Community College; @FakeUsername Michigan's Lansing Community College downtown campus gets bomb scare ... http://FakeURL +422 PER/Mike Bloomberg;PER/Cathie Black; @FakeUsername Mike Bloomberg's Approval Rating Lowest in 5 Yrs, Following Cathie Black Appt http://FakeURL +423 PER/Monfils;PER/Federer;MISC/Paris Masters; @FakeUsername Monfils beats top-seeded Federer to reach Paris Masters final : On the brink of defeat, courtesy of five mat ... http://FakeURL +424 PER/Michelle;PER/Sasha;PER/Malia; @FakeUsername Mr. President : Would you send Michelle/Sasha/Malia through TSA screening? Naked photos or invasive genital groping, you choose . +425 LOC/China;LOC/Koreas; @FakeUsername My latest blog on Monday is going to be a blockbuster . Be sure to read my analysis of China's role in the tale of 2 Koreas . +426 PER/Nadal;MISC/ATP tournament;LOC/LONDON;ORG/AP; @FakeUsername Nadal displays rare fit of rage at ATP tournament : LONDON (AP) Incensed and even a little indignant, Raf ... http://FakeURL +427 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN +428 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN International; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN International +429 PER/Michael Vick; @FakeUsername One more fellon rewarded) Michael Vick! +430 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by @FakeUsername http://FakeURL 1 +431 PER/Arthur; @FakeUsername please see a beautiful story that began w the birth of my special son Arthur, indicated by #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +432 @FakeUsername PLZ help save a childs life . Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag PLZ RT +433 PER/sarah; @FakeUsername run sarah run we will not appoint you the countries leader +434 PER/Kym Rock; @FakeUsername Self defense Kym Rock xpert will do xhibition kickboxg against author of Pedophile guide need a promoter? raise money $ kids Saftey +435 PER/Monfils;ORG/Paris Masters;PER/Robin Soderling;ORG/Paris Masters; @FakeUsername Soderling downs Monfils to win Paris Masters title : Robin Soderling's first Paris Masters crown will pay of ... http://FakeURL +436 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername The 29 workers trapped after an explosion Friday in a New Zealand mine are confirmed dead, a police official says . +437 PER/Bush; @FakeUsername the solidors need to gear up, that he call back home Bush you know set up foolishand Now he with Macs damn why on amercia Court it up +438 PER/Jesus Christ; @FakeUsername third, you have to search with all your heart and soul for Him, and He 'll come, call on His name, Jesus Christ, and search for Him ... +439 PER/Anderson Cooper;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername this is not fair . Anderson Cooper is the only true hero this year . Just re run the video from Haiti for proof +440 @FakeUsername Why no discussion of the use of bomb-sniffing dogs instead of x-ray scans or pat-downs? +441 PER/Gibbs; @FakeUsername Wonder why we are so stupid! @FakeUsername Gibbs did say of #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag that the President '' ``would wish them well '' '' '' +442 LOC/US;ORG/Repubs; @FakeUsername - Why should the richest in the US get tax breaks while the Repubs . say '' ``NO '' '' to extend the unemployment payment '', 3rd world dictatorship . +443 LOC/Korea;ORG/defense department; @FakeUsername : If the Korea's go to war, then it is not time to cut our defense department! Because the war will escalate into something much bigger! +444 @FakeUsername's Top 10 tech failures for 2010! http://FakeURL What do you think? via @FakeUsername +445 LOC/Congo; @FakeUsername Bout never forget Congo : http://FakeURL +446 MISC/Americans;LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . +447 LOC/Billy James Music Store; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Support Our Troops via Billy James Music Store +448 PER/Bush; @FakeUsername I believe Bush when he says he has no regrets . Hard to have regrets when you do not remember much of what happened . Not being mean +449 LOC/Israel;MISC/arabs; @FakeUsername idon' t feel there ever will be peace as long as Israel bullies the arabs +450 MISC/MMA;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Octagon Blog : MMA on CNN World Sport! +451 PER/Rama;ORG/CIA;LOC/US; @FakeUsername - Be allowed Lord Rama to make a relation with CIA/US in the shape and image of Am \* Rita immediately so as to recognize Him a member . +452 ORG/CIA;ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - CIA/USgovernance policy can not work effectively by use of Wikileaks, if it shows male dominated image & Lord Rama's in its opposite . +453 @FakeUsername - CongressPresident has a sense to evaluate joyous statement of its PM at the time of deceitful enactment & involvement of his troop . +454 PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - Lord Rama is not forgot the joyous statement of PMO . His Lordship desires that PMO may also sustain pain of defame & captureofMaya . +455 PER/Sikhandi; @FakeUsername - Present governance is relied upon the notion of Har ~ lo ~ try which dummy players are led by Sikhandi . This is the time to put off it . +456 LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername `Merchant of Death' extradited to U.S. : Details about the prosecution of an accused interna ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +457 LOC/Scottish forest; @FakeUsername '' ``Authorities probe mysterious explosion in Scottish forest '' '' it was a VERY aged barrel of Glenfiddich Scotch i'm thinking; -) '' +458 LOC/N. Korea;LOC/Seoul;LOC/Seoul Korea; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername N. Korea Attacked An Island-Pyong-Yang is Closer to (Seoul) Why Did n't They Attack Seoul Korea Instead? +459 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername The Media is NCiting a Fight Btw Pres & Congress . . Would B Nice If they would Ncite Reconciliation . . WE Need it +460 ORG/Petagon;ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Agenda : Tax Cuts ONLY 4 Mid Class / / Petagon WILL MAKE Decision on DADT / / NO PAY RAISES 4 Congress . . Say it out loud +461 LOC/US;LOC/UK; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Clegg #FakeHashtag using influnc in US Gov2 protect criminal UK bribed Khares http://FakeURL +462 PER/Kamal `Nath; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag GoI not taken `action agsnt Pop killrs Mins/MP Kamal `Nath, Bhuria, Mutemwar, SSPalaniikam .1 yr ,100 s of faxes gone +463 ORG/GOP;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Maybe the GOP should 've ended earmarks b4 ALL USA's money was spent! What a joke! @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +464 ORG/Military;PER/McCain; @FakeUsername Military's not permitted to have sex regardless of gender . Keep ur homophobic views to yourself McCain! @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +465 PER/GW Bush; @FakeUsername Oh great, Jeb & GW Bush ... CLICK! +466 @FakeUsername $ 129M lottery ticket bought at porn shop : A group of friends got lucky when they bought a w. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +467 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername 27 missing after New Zealand mine explosion : Twenty-seven miners were missing hours after a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +468 PER/Pablo Pica; @FakeUsername 270 previously unknown Picassos found : More than 270 previously unknown works by Pablo Pica ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +469 LOC/New Zealand; @FakeUsername 29 trapped miners confirmed dead in New Zealand : All 29 miners trapped underground in a New ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +470 LOC/Ohio; @FakeUsername 3 still sought after Ohio teen found : The search for 3 missing people, including a woman wh ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +471 MISC/Cambodia festival; @FakeUsername 345 die in Cambodia festival stampede : The death toll from a stampede at a Cambodian festiv ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +472 LOC/Minnesota; @FakeUsername 400 wrecks in snow in Minnesota : While winter's start remains more than a month away, mu ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +473 LOC/India; @FakeUsername 5-story building falls in India; 55 die : At least 23 people were killed when a residential ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +474 LOC/India; @FakeUsername 65 dead after building collapse in India : The toll in the collapse of a five-story resident ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +475 LOC/Mexico; @FakeUsername 7 dead in Mexico resort explosion : Seven people, including at least one minor, were killed ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +476 @FakeUsername Abuse alleged at egg producer : A group that protects the welfare of animals has released an ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +477 ORG/Al Qaeda;MISC/Americans; @FakeUsername Al Qaeda article raises travel concerns : As millions of Americans prepare to hit the roads ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +478 PER/Colton Harris-Moore; @FakeUsername Alleged `barefoot bandit' enters plea : Accused '' ``barefoot bandit '' '' Colton Harris-Moore is exp ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +479 PER/Amanda Knox;PER/Amanda Knox; @FakeUsername Amanda Knox fights murder conviction : Former American student Amanda Knox went back to cour ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +480 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername And FBI agents producing these sham '' ``bombings '' '' are free to set up more kids '', and to spread more racism & terrorism against Muslims . +481 ORG/APEC;ORG/Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; @FakeUsername APEC leaders work toward free trade : World leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +482 LOC/Arizona;LOC/Arizona; @FakeUsername Arizona voters OK medical marijuana : By a narrow margin of about 4,300 votes, Arizona voter ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +483 LOC/Pakistan;LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername At Least 12 Killed in Pakistan Plane Crash, 3rd plane accident in Pakistan in 4 months, http://FakeURL +484 PER/Justin Bieber;MISC/2010 American Mu; @FakeUsername Bieber fever heats up AMAs : Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber dominated the 2010 American Mu ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +485 ORG/CONGRESS;LOC/US; @FakeUsername BIRTHERS/CONGRESS DECREE ONLY NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS RIGHTFUL US CITIZENS-GOLD PRICE SINK SEA SHELLS SOAR #FakeHashtag +486 PER/Holloway;LOC/Aruban beach; @FakeUsername Bone tested to see if it's Holloway's : A jawbone reportedly found on an Aruban beach will u. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +487 @FakeUsername Boxee Box now shipping : Boxee has announced that its Boxee Box a set-top box for streami ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +488 @FakeUsername British couple freed after year of captivity : A British couple kidnapped by pirates has bee ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +489 PER/Bush;ORG/Tea Party;PER/Obama; @FakeUsername Bush is as much an inspiration for the Tea Party movement as Obama has been . +490 PER/Kim Jung Il; @FakeUsername But why the son of Kim Jung Il is he so fat? +491 ORG/Facebook;ORG/Myspace; @FakeUsername by what? Facebook / Myspace spam? -LCB- #FakeHashtag under cyber attack . -RCB- +492 LOC/Iran; @FakeUsername Cable tells of American's horseback escape from Iran : The tens of thousands of diplomatic c. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +493 @FakeUsername can someone please explain how a judge can do this when the people voted to pass this? #FakeHashtag +494 PER/Obama;PER/bush; @FakeUsername cant believe disrespect for President Obama from rightwing when during bush years any bad word about president was antiAmerican +495 PER/Chandra Levy; @FakeUsername Chandra Levy case in jury's hands : The jury is expected to begin deliberations Wednesday in ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +496 PER/Charles Rangel;MISC/Korean;ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername Charles Rangel : Decorated Veteran-Awarded-Bronze Star & Purple Heart-For His Service in the Korean War CNN Grow-A Damn Heart-Will Ya +497 LOC/Chile;LOC/CNN Heroes tribute;MISC/Chilean; @FakeUsername Chile miners to be at CNN Heroes tribute : The 33 miners who survived 69 days in a Chilean m. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +498 LOC/China;LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername China proposes emergency talks : As both North Korea's largest trading partner and a country ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +499 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Cholera outbreak `extremely alarming' : Doctors in Haiti say they are alarmed by the increas ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +500 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Cholera spreads to Haiti's largest prison : The deadly cholera epidemic that has claimed mo. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +501 PER/Clinton;PER/Hillary Clinton; @FakeUsername Clinton : We ca n't afford to wait on arms control : Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urg ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +502 Org/Coke;ORG/Pepsi;ORG/BRICA Group; @FakeUsername Coke vs. Pepsi in emerging markets - BRICA Group Weekly Episode 1 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +503 @FakeUsername cool so everyone he ripped off will get 35 cents +504 LOC/America; @FakeUsername cyber attack on America! +505 LOC/America; @FakeUsername cyber attack on America ... +506 @FakeUsername Diabetes drug linked to 500 deaths : A French health agency is recommending patients who too ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +507 @FakeUsername Does your airport have body-scanners? : Many Americans planning holiday travel have expresse ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +508 ORG/GOP;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Earmarks get ax from GOP senators : GOP senators face a tough vote Tuesday on whether to ban ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +509 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername English family law holocaust sees millions of UK kids snatched from separated fathers . Children suffering mental torture . +510 LOC/North Korea; @FakeUsername Envoys : North Korean nuclear revelations confirm deceit : North Korea's latest revelations a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +511 ORG/Facebook; @FakeUsername Facebook overhauls messaging system : Would you like an e-mail address ending in '' @FakeUsername ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +512 LOC/Hollywood;LOC/Beverly Hills;PER/Ronni Chase; @FakeUsername Few clues in Hollywood publicist's death : Beverly Hills detectives are scanning Ronni Chase ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +513 @FakeUsername Fight like a Girl challenges Pedophile Peddler Author to Match Fighting 4 every victim of child molestation http://FakeURL +514 LOC/California; @FakeUsername Five killed in California crash : Five people were killed and six others seriously injured w. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +515 PER/Francois Fillon; @FakeUsername French prime minister resigns : French Prime Minister Francois Fillon resigned Saturday, set ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +516 LOC/Gaza;LOC/Greece;LOC/Gaza; @FakeUsername Gaza-bound ship in limbo in Greece : A Gaza-bound aid ship was in limbo Saturday after docki ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +517 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername GOP to unemployed-too bad http://FakeURL +518 LOC/Gaza;LOC/Gaza; @FakeUsername Greek commandos board Gaza aid ship : Greek commandos boarded a Gaza-bound aid ship whose ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +519 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti candidate's convoy attacked : The convoy of a leading Haitian presidential candidate c. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +520 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti cholera death toll passes 900 : The death toll from Haiti's month-old cholera outbreak ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +521 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Haiti holds 1st election since quake : Polls opened early Sunday in Haiti as voters struggli ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +522 ORG/U.N.; @FakeUsername Haitians blame epidemic on U.N. : Aid agencies are calling for an end to violence in norther ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +523 ORG/House Dems;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername House Dems, GOP to choose leadership : Leadership elections for the Democratic and Republica ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +524 PER/Billy James; @FakeUsername How many soldiers could you get this to? http://FakeURL Billy James Show +525 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +526 @FakeUsername i HOPE SO +527 @FakeUsername I like him he is one of the best president in this world +528 LOC/Haiti;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername In Haiti, too many cholera patients, not enough space : The capital of Haiti has seen a seve ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +529 LOC/Iraq; @FakeUsername Iraq parties agree to work out issues : Two days after Sunni-backed politicians walked out o. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +530 LOC/Ireland;LOC/Ireland; @FakeUsername Ireland bailout to be nailed down : Ireland is due Sunday to get the details of a bailout ex ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +531 @FakeUsername Jury weighs Gitmo detainee's fate : The jury is expected to resume deliberations Monday in t. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +532 LOC/U.S.;LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername Leaked documents lift curtain on U.S. foreign policy : Tens of thousands of confidential U.S. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +533 PER/Leslie Nielsen;MISC/Naked Gun;MISC/Airplane;PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername Leslie Nielsen of `Naked Gun, `Airplane!' fame dies : Leslie Nielsen, whose career as a dra ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +534 @FakeUsername let's all be friends :) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +535 ORG/GOP;ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername let's see if GOP will ask for a pay freeze in Congress if they are supporting a pay freeze for other federal employees +536 @FakeUsername Major reinstated after `do n't ask' ouster : A decorated flight nurse who had been dismissed ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +537 ORG/Marine;MISC/Toys for Tots;ORG/Marine Corps;MISC/Toys for To; @FakeUsername Marine stabbed at `Toys for Tots' drive : A Marine Corps reservist helping in a '' ``Toys for To ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +538 ORG/CIA;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername May CIA governane speak how many Amritpal is needed to put behind the bar so as to convince that LordRama is real contender of CIA . +539 LOC/Mexico;LOC/Mexico; @FakeUsername Mexico teachers threatened : A series of recent graffiti messages on school walls in Mexico' ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +540 ORG/Military;LOC/Rio; @FakeUsername Military sent to violence-plagued Rio : Authorities sent in the military to help quell viole ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +541 LOC/Haiti;ORG/Christian Motorcyclists Association;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Missionaries attacked in Haiti : The Christian Motorcyclists Association came to Haiti to di ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +542 PER/Brian David Mitchell;PER/Elizabeth Smart; @FakeUsername Mitchell : God `delivered' Smart to me : Brian David Mitchell told police Elizabeth Smart was ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +543 LOC/Ohio; @FakeUsername Mom, kids, family friend vanish : Authorities and residents in rural Ohio searched Saturday ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +544 PER/Murkowski;LOC/Alaska;PER/Lisa Murkowski;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername Murkowski to declare victory in Alaska : Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will decla ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +545 LOC/N. Korea; @FakeUsername N. Korea news agency spares no one : '' ``Running dogs '', imperialist lackeys, '' criminal gangs '' '' ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +546 PER/Nancy Grace;PER/Nancy Grace; @FakeUsername Nancy Grace talks about cancer scare : HLN's Nancy Grace announced on her program Monday nig ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +547 ORG/GOP;PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername New Palin book has GOP battle plan : Sarah Palin has yet to formally declare she will run fo ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +548 LOC/N. Korea; @FakeUsername No attack on N. Korea . +549 LOC/North Carolina;PER/Zahra Baker; @FakeUsername North Carolina community remembers Zahra Baker : North Carolinians hold a candlelight vigil ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +550 PER/Obama; @FakeUsername Obama's #FakeHashtag Squeeze : Worse than You Know http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +551 PER/Obama;PER/Joseph Farah; @FakeUsername Obama's a What? - Joseph Farah http://FakeURL +552 LOC/U.S.;LOC/Pakistan;LOC/U.S.; @FakeUsername Officials : U.S. ca n't expand drone zone : Pakistan has rejected a U.S. request to expand dro ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +553 PER/Beck;PER/Soros; @FakeUsername Opinion : Beck's dangerous hit at Soros : Creepy medieval puppets hung from the ceiling on th ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +554 PER/Aya abu Mouwais; @FakeUsername Palestinian girl fights for life : The second Aya abu Mouwais opens her eyes she starts cryi ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +555 PER/Palin;ORG/Alaska Gov.; @FakeUsername Palin e-mail hacker may go to jail : The man convicted of hacking into former Alaska Gov. Sa ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +556 LOC/Georgia; @FakeUsername Pastor faces summer trial in sex cases : The prominent Georgia pastor being sued for sexual ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +557 @FakeUsername Pat-down backlash grows during holiday travel rush : The backlash against passenger pat-down ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +558 LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername Peacekeepers attacked in Haiti cholera outbreak : Violent clashes broke out in two Haiti cit ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +559 @FakeUsername Police : Gun-toting student holding hostages at school : A handgun-toting student is holding ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +560 @FakeUsername Police : Priest wanted boy accuser dead : A Catholic priest, facing criminal charges and a la. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +561 LOC/Washington; @FakeUsername prompting an international alarm? And that's somehow cool to do? Nice job, Washington . Now get your hands off my junk LOL +562 PER/Ronni Chasen; @FakeUsername Publicist shot dead after film premiere : Longtime Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen died whe ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +563 ORG/Qantas;ORG/Qantas Airways; @FakeUsername Qantas flight makes emergency landing : A Qantas Airways flight carrying 199 passengers was ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +564 LOC/Salvation Army facility;ORG/Salvation Army; @FakeUsername Roof collapses at Salvation Army facility : A roof collapse was reported at a Salvation Army ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +565 LOC/Saudi Arabia; @FakeUsername Saudis crack 19 active terror cells : Security forces in Saudi Arabia have arrested 149 peop ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +566 @FakeUsername Security protest could bring nationwide delays at airports : One of the busiest air travel d. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +567 PER/Kym Rock; @FakeUsername Self defense xpert Kym Rock wil do xhibition kickbox against author of Pedophile guide need a promoter? raise money $ kids Saftey +568 @FakeUsername Senators at odds on START treaty : The Republican senator who opposes ratification this year ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +569 LOC/Michigan mall;LOC/Michigan mall; @FakeUsername Shooting at Michigan mall injures 2 : A shooting at a Michigan mall left two people injured ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +570 LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Shopper accused of gun threat : A Wisconsin woman who cut in front of a long line of '' ``black ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +571 PER/Leslie Neilsen; @FakeUsername So sad to loose such talent . Leslie Neilsen was one of the best . +572 @FakeUsername Somali pirates free British couple : A British couple whose yacht was hijacked by Somali pir ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +573 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername Students march to protest UK tuition : A growing crowd of students was marching through cent ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +574 LOC/Boston airport;LOC/Boston Logan; @FakeUsername Suspect bags at Boston airport : Authorities evacuated a cargo facility at the Boston Logan ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +575 LOC/Rio de Janeiro;PER/Alemao; @FakeUsername Tanks roll into Rio de Janeiro slum : Authorities launched a massive sweep of the Alemao fav ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +576 LOC/Oregon; @FakeUsername Teen arrested over Oregon `bomb plot' : A 19-year-old has been arrested in connection with a. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +577 LOC/Texas;LOC/Texas; @FakeUsername Texas firm recalls turkey breast items : A Texas firm has recalled about 2,600 pounds of ful ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +578 @FakeUsername The bottom-line for dieters : Eat less : There were no diet pills, shakes or detoxes . And no, ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +579 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername The FBI will always get ya . It may take time but they never give up . +580 LOC/Haiti;PER/Rene Preval; @FakeUsername The troubles in Haiti are catastrophic and the silence from Rene Preval is deafening - still +581 LOC/Arizona; @FakeUsername then u r dickheads Arizona . Enjoy ur mental health rise and increased crime rate . +582 @FakeUsername This Week on `The Hal Lindsey Report' http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag ... +583 LOC/Mississippi; @FakeUsername Tornado, severe storms hit Mississippi : State authorities dispatched emergency crews Tuesda ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +584 LOC/Wisconsin;LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Tornadoes reported in Wisconsin : At least one tornado ripped through Wisconsin, officials s. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +585 LOC/Aruba; @FakeUsername Tres Hombres CO2 zero sailing cargo vessel arriving Aruba http://FakeURL +586 ORG/TSA;ORG/Transportation Security Admini; @FakeUsername TSA chief to defend new security measures : As anger over the Transportation Security Admini ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +587 PER/Madoff;PER/Bernard M; @FakeUsername Two former Madoff employees arrested : Two former employees of disgraced financier Bernard M. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +588 LOC/U.S.;MISC/N. Korean;LOC/United States; @FakeUsername U.S. drills to follow N. Korean shelling : The United States said Wednesday that it will dis ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +589 LOC/U.S.;LOC/Israel; @FakeUsername U.S. offers Israel incentives : In a bid to jumpstart the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +590 ORG/UN; @FakeUsername UN should awake . +591 LOC/US;LOC/America; @FakeUsername US companies report record profit-America back on track http://FakeURL +592 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername was #FakeHashtag Most Recommended Celebrity this week on Twitter http://FakeURL +593 LOC/California; @FakeUsername well sure California is broke so the courts opt 2 educate illegals at citizens expense . & welfare 2 of course @FakeUsername +594 LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername what a lame reply by South Korea's President . Take action when it happened then yap afterwards . What's the point now . +595 LOC/S. Korea; @FakeUsername When Is S. Korea Going To Defend Itself? They Use Our Nation As Another Country Does . They Use Our Muscle-Yet Give Us No Concessions +596 @FakeUsername Why there's gold fever : There is at present a profound uncertainty about currencies . That i. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +597 ORG/WikiLeaks;LOC/U.S.;ORG/WikiLeaks; @FakeUsername WikiLeaks `surprised' by scale of U.S. espionage : WikiLeaks, the website sitting on a trove ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +598 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername Will lame-duck Congress settle differences or scores? : Lawmakers return today for a lame-du ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +599 LOC/Wisconsin;LOC/Wisconsin; @FakeUsername Wisconsin hostages free after gunman shoots himself : A 15-year-old Wisconsin high school st. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +600 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Child kicking seat dislod ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +601 PER/Obama;ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``Obama gets 12 stitches in ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +602 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ``One of first #FakeHashtag compu ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +603 PER/Zsa Zsa Gabor;PER/Zsa Zsa Gabor;LOC/Los A; @FakeUsername Zsa Zsa Gabor home from hospital : Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor returned home Saturday from a Los A. . . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +604 ORG/CIA;PER/Sonia; @FakeUsername - CIA guided governance is surviving because it has a power center like Sonia who has no comprehension of Indian values & ethics . +605 ORG/Congress; @FakeUsername - If a donkey (Sachchar) is nominated in PMO he can govern the nation better than Congress nominated PM in our polity . +606 PER/Mahavir Prasad Verma; @FakeUsername - In my sensual eye, Mahavir Prasad Verma, Ex-Minister is Jupiter in UP congress circle . I pay my homage for his depart . I knew him . +607 ORG/CIA;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - No one can say that he does not like to attach with CIA link . LordRama has also a desire to get in his lap to notified CIA (AM \* Rita) . +608 ORG/CIA;LOC/Lalita Park;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - In my view, CIA governance is the main accused of Lalita Park colapse of building . If CIA in face of Am \* Rita is surrended, it couldnot . +609 PER/Rama; @FakeUsername - Is it not a forced salvation of west to set apart to Lord Rama once again from his family life? +610 PER/Rama;LOC/Bihar; @FakeUsername - Lord Rama has expressed joyous greet to the people of his belt Bihar who have honored his horse RAHUL & given victory to his polity . +611 ORG/CIA;PER/Lord Rama;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - May CIA governance speak how many Amritpal are needed to put behind bar so as to convince that Lord Rama is real contender of CIA . +612 LOC/India; @FakeUsername - People of sovereign nation of India may consider whether we shall govern by dummy players who relies upon har ~ lo ~ try or we check it? +613 ORG/UNSC;ORG/CIA; @FakeUsername - Why is UNSC mum in the issue of handing over CIA identified as Am \* Rita for scientific venture of Indian Polity? +614 ORG/al Qaeda; @FakeUsername : 149 alleged al Qaeda members arrested in #FakeHashtag . http://FakeURL +615 MISC/U.S. Geological Survey reports; @FakeUsername : Magnitude 7.4 #FakeHashtag hits off #FakeHashtag, U.S. Geological Survey reports . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +616 @FakeUsername : South Korean president : #FakeHashtag will respond to future provocations from #FakeHashtag '' ``firmly '' '' http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' +617 LOC/Missouri; @FakeUsername : State of emergency declared in #FakeHashtag as storms batter state http://FakeURL Hang in there @FakeUsername & #FakeHashtag, Missouri +618 LOC/New zealand;LOC/Auckland;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername Afternoon from New zealand . lovely and sunny day here in Auckland, 16 Tuesday . jakson +619 ORG/CNN; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Dag mann, CNN reporting the airport debachle is ENUFF Already!! So much more 2 cover that's NCouraging 2 All of Us +620 PER/Sarah;PER/God; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah, shhh .1 of th things God hates is Sowing Discord among th brethren . It's all N Love +621 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Do GOP WANT2extend UnemBenefits? YESorNO . . Do theyWANT taxBrks 4ppl MAKING Over $ 1Million? YESorNO & WHY +622 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sites canBtemptin . ItsNOT aJOKE . . Need SELF-Ctrl, Respect, Communication & Trust . Obv there's an ISSUEat this church . . +623 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername & the news channels r reporting intended stalling until new election in 2012 when they can get more GOP's elected, shocked i am +624 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +625 LOC/Afghanistan; @FakeUsername no audio on Afghanistan briefing +626 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Ronald Reagan;PER/John McCain;PER/John McCain; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah Palin is to Ronald Reagan what John McCain is to the 2000 John McCain . +627 PER/Bush;ORG/Harvard; @FakeUsername Ask Bush what happened in economics at Harvard lol . Even my pet Dinosaur knows that no regulation breeds extreme greed/gluttony +628 @FakeUsername The life force is god, , do n't you know? Of course you do . http://FakeURL +629 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername PLEASE RT : MUSIC POWER TV's Birthday = 1 year = CONGRATULATIONS = CONGRATULATIONS = CONGRATULATIONS yeahhhhh +630 @FakeUsername I wonder what would happen if there was a show titled The Dr. Laura and Don Imus Show? +631 PER/Brad; @FakeUsername That is one talented artist . Keep the song flowing Brad . +632 LOC/Japan;LOC/Tokyo; @FakeUsername to Japan to attend a gathering among Tweepers living around Tokyo +633 @FakeUsername if not unfortunately will be leaving at shelter becz we ca n't keep him : -LRB- +634 LOC/Florida; @FakeUsername a friend of mine moved to Florida and didnt sai anything we thought they were on vacation +635 LOC/canada; @FakeUsername i feel sorry for yall in the states . . here in canada there's not much snow . and yall are getting the kinda snow we usually see +636 LOC/chicago;PER/TJ holmes; @FakeUsername Have fun in chicago . Ur missing TJ holmes on #FakeHashtag now! lol . +637 LOC/Ohio;LOC/Cali; @FakeUsername I live in Ohio ... lived in Cali ... I rather have Baja Fresh! +638 PER/Tony Robbins;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins (jakson) +639 PER/Tony Robbins;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins jakson +640 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' ''? Cn todo respeto '', '' Adivi ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +641 PER/Paul Bliss; @FakeUsername mr bliss reporting well though good job Paul Bliss +642 MISC/Wizard of Oz;PER/Glinda; @FakeUsername I really hated the adults in Wizard of Oz, but Glinda was badass . A BB kid's first exposure to the awesome power of fearlessness . +643 MISC/The Perfect Nanny; @FakeUsername Haha its a good one . . you shoulda seen The Perfect Nanny ... now that was a mental woman LOL +644 PER/Waka; @FakeUsername Police raided Waka's house and he got arrested . . the source did n't say why he was arrested ... will keep ya posted +645 PER/Ima; @FakeUsername Ima nerd, nerds aint tough right? +646 PER/Crystal;LOC/CA;LOC/NH; @FakeUsername good evening Crystal . I hope it's warmer in CA than it is here in NH . It's 11, which is higher than they said it would be . +647 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag +648 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Thanks for the rt's @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +649 @FakeUsername / representatives @FakeUsername / senators lists from @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Thanks for the rt's @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +650 PER/Jane;PER/POTUS;LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername Jane winning seats by 200 300 votes says what? Understand why POTUS did NOT sign the South Korea treaty? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +651 PER/POTUS;LOC/SOUTH Korea;LOC/USA;LOC/KOREA;MISC/KOREAN;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername POTUS did NOT sign SOUTH Korea TREATY annual 6,000 USA cars n KOREA v 600,000 KOREAN cars n USA GOOD #FakeHashtag DEAL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +652 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL +653 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag BARASSO idiot @FakeUsername You gotta love Dick Lugar! He's breathing fire! Watch him on YouTube http://FakeURL +654 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag EXPERT Dick Lugar rips all his GOP OBSTRUCTIONISTS a NEW ASSHOLE! IDIOT BARASSO knows more! http://FakeURL +655 LOC/Germany;LOC/MUMBAI; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Germany HIGH ALERT! Which Thanksgiving DAY was the MUMBAI ATTACK on for the WORLD to see? +656 LOC/TEXAS; @FakeUsername Are you on SOCIAL SECURITY? MEDICARE? OLD MAN from TEXAS? +657 LOC/OHIO; @FakeUsername CAN he not FIND work in OHIO? +658 PER/Jane;PER/POTUS;LOC/South Korea; @FakeUsername Does Jane understand why POTUS did NOT sign the South Korea treaty? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +659 ORG/FORD;LOC/SOUTH KOREA;PER/JANE SAYS; @FakeUsername FORD wanted CAR deal w SOUTH KOREA TREATY-SEE what JANE SAYS is a FAILURE! +660 MISC/AMERICA;LOC/VERMONT; @FakeUsername Guess the AMERICA PEOPLE spoke in VERMONT! +661 MISC/AMERICANS;LOC/GERMANY; @FakeUsername How many AMERICANS know - TODAY HIGH ALERT in GERMANY? +662 PER/MURDOCH;PER/Roger AIles;LOC/USA;LOC/KOREA;LOC/USA; @FakeUsername Intellect of MURDOCH Roger AIles thinks annual 6,000 USA cars n KOREA v 600,000 KOREAN cars n USA GOOD #FakeHashtag DEAL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +663 LOC/LISBON; @FakeUsername LISBON summt showed the WORLD what ASSHOLES @FakeUsername @FakeUsername are! #FakeHashtag +664 LOC/MS;PER/HALEY BARBOUR; @FakeUsername MS RANKS 50th in HEALTCARE & EDUCATION! HALEY BARBOUR 2012 OH BOY! SOemthing to look forward to! +665 LOC/MS;PER/HALEY BARBOUR; @FakeUsername MS RANKS 50th in HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION! HALEY BARBOUR 2012 OH BOY! Something to look forward to! +666 ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername NO TEA PARTY LEADER! SUCKER! @FakeUsername 2012! +667 ORG/TEA PARTY;PER/BOEHNER; @FakeUsername NOW when will ALL start DEMANDING the MEDIA that created this TEA PARTY to show us where the CHANGE IS? TEAPARTY BOEHNER? +668 ORG/SHELL OIL;MISC/IRAQ WAR;LOC/IRAQ; @FakeUsername SHELL OIL LET them pay for IRAQ WAR Tehy are drilling and profit in IRAQ off of AMERICAN PEOPLE BLOOD! +669 ORG/SHELL OIL; @FakeUsername SHELL OIL! How about they pay for UNEMPLOYMNET! +670 ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername so called TEA PARTY knocked out OLD REPUBLICANS! Who si their TEA PARTY LEADER? OLD REPUBLICAN! +671 PER/ROB;LOC/MURDOCH UNIVERSITY; @FakeUsername THANK YOU ROB! SPECIFICS! MURDOCH UNIVERSITY! +672 PER/Susan;ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Thanks Susan! There is no TEA PARTY! Period! Tea pArty ha always been 8 years of GOP Buyers Remorse! Media created TEAPARTY +673 ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername THE TEA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +674 ORG/TEA PARTY;ORG/TEA PARTY; @FakeUsername THERE is no TEA PARTY NO TEA PARTY Leader! +675 ORG/GOP;ORG/PDB;PER/GW BUSH; @FakeUsername What do the GOP suggest for AIRLINE SECURITY? IGNORE the PDB's like GW BUSH did pre 9-1-01? #FakeHashtag +676 LOC/IOWA; @FakeUsername woops CAN he not FIND work in IOWA? +677 ORG/CONGRESS; @FakeUsername WRONG CONGRESS LOOSE CHANGE !!! +678 ORG/TEA PARTY;PER/BOEHNER; @FakeUsername Yes caller - the SWAMP has not been drained LOOK @ TEA PARTY LEADER BOEHNER TOBACCO CHECKS! +679 LOC/Korea; @FakeUsername covering Korea today? It's big news . +680 LOC/Halifax; @FakeUsername low temp in Halifax . No rain here +681 PER/Shannon Brown; @FakeUsername o yes that wouldnt even be an argument ... now bball theres too many fine ones . . but I like Shannon Brown +682 @FakeUsername Why not try this - its working for me - http://FakeURL +683 ORG/FBI; @FakeUsername Risk of Death vs what the FBI already has, serves him right cretin, simpleton, dimwit . Do you think before you speak? @FakeUsername +684 PER/Pollyanna;PER/Philly;PER/Kris Kringle;PER/Pollyanna; @FakeUsername Pollyanna exch so Philly, it's Secret Santa or Kris Kringle gift exch . almost everyplace else, luv Pollyanna better 4 kids +685 @FakeUsername Thank you both so much for tonight we have a really lovely time ... Great food & company! +686 PER/Dan;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername Thanks for the RT, Dan!! Best wishes for a fantastic Christmas Holiday!! ~ Jessica +687 PER/Leigh;LOC/Bournemouth;LOC/London;LOC/b `mouth; @FakeUsername Leigh got to meet them after their Bournemouth gig! But we had London tickets & spent 2 days trying to get tix for b `mouth! +688 MISC/Any Human Heart;PER/Jim Broadbent; @FakeUsername Any Human Heart (DVD) DVD ~ Jim Broadbent http://FakeURL +689 PER/Darey; @FakeUsername . Darey I am wishing you and your family a Happy New Year 2011! May God's presence dwell with you people . Amen . +690 PER/Phil Collins;PER/Darey;PER/Phil Collins; @FakeUsername . Phil Collins . Darey please Collabo with Phil Collins . Have u not noticed u sing alike . +691 @FakeUsername added ya! +692 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? #FakeHashtag +693 @FakeUsername just got off the phone with some bigwigs @FakeUsername my future should be interesting . Sounds good man! #FakeHashtag needs talent . +694 LOC/China;LOC/United States; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername At what point in time does China fully own the United States? +695 LOC/U.S.A.; @FakeUsername The draft came back the minute the #FakeHashtag went down the drain . This #FakeHashtag is so not a real issue . What's with the U.S.A.? +696 @FakeUsername A laptop computer or iPad!!! +697 LOC/Egypt; @FakeUsername : I have an offer 2 go 2 Egypt but the guy may want me to show him something at night . #FakeHashtag +698 @FakeUsername And that's the best collection of all! RT I dont collect anything of Hers . just memories +699 LOC/Bristol; @FakeUsername Bristol is #FakeHashtag +700 @FakeUsername you done know sista! ... oh henry bars are the best frozen! +701 LOC/SINGAPORE; @FakeUsername There's no word that can express how I'm feeling right now . DEFTONES IN SINGAPORE . OMG . FINALLY! Ca n't wait for February! +702 @FakeUsername asks : What Are Your Holiday Travel Tips And Tricks? #FakeHashtag Mine is STAY HOME for Thanksgiving! And I mean than in a good way! +703 LOC/United States; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername, the people of the United States want low taxes and want passage of @FakeUsername's deal . Get it done, w/o delay . +704 PER/Randy;PER/Jessica; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername - Thanks for the RT, Randy!! Hope your day has been relaxing & fun! ~ Jessica +705 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername NFL Network! +706 ORG/U.N.;PER/jakson; @FakeUsername Oceans failing the acid test, U.N. says - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag Help save de Oceans!!! jakson nz +707 ORG/U.N.;PER/jakson;LOC/NZ; @FakeUsername Oceans failing the acid test, U.N. says - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag jakson NZ +708 @FakeUsername Here are the lyrics! - http://FakeURL +709 MISC/Cuban;LOC/Haiti; @FakeUsername : The current Hot Story @FakeUsername : Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame http://FakeURL ) Its so funny @FakeUsername +710 @FakeUsername lol do yu know this girl in the choir w/a Black & white bob?! +711 PER/Stefan;PER/Elena; @FakeUsername (laughs) Stefan and Elena are probably in the middle of a fuckfest . +712 ORG/SEC; @FakeUsername SEC Championship game +713 LOC/London; @FakeUsername super down for the fatcat, but i'm in London this weekend, wanna go next week sometime? +714 LOC/Canada; @FakeUsername it's messed up . He should of toured Canada, nothing would of happened here . +715 LOC/UK; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername cool I like u u give time is that UK 8 or black people timing 8 lol! +716 LOC/Manchester;LOC/sheff; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I 'M VEX GOT TICKET 26th Jan in Manchester found out can go sheff I could (cont) http://FakeURL +717 @FakeUsername No #FakeHashtag here in #FakeHashtag, but its starting to rain pretty hard . +718 @FakeUsername Very true . I ate some Cajun Gator in' 03' at the Taste of #FakeHashtag, and it really did taste similar to chicken . Good stuff . +719 MISC/A Christmas Story; @FakeUsername Your definitely watching' A Christmas Story .' Everyone should know that quote .;) '' ``Ralphie '', '' you 'll shoot your eye out . '' '' '' +720 ORG/WIBC;LOC/Indianapolis; @FakeUsername : Finally, the announcement : my M-F 2-4pm CDT show expands to WIBC in Indianapolis beginning January 10 . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Congratulations! '' +721 @FakeUsername anti-subliminal movement +722 LOC/Florida; @FakeUsername they are insane in Florida w fireworks and even shooting guns in the air +723 ORG/Dollar Tree; @FakeUsername (@ Dollar Tree) http://FakeURL +724 LOC/South Beach; @FakeUsername might have to go to South Beach to get a cork-screw ... +725 ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Agree ... sounds reasonable, except the GOP does n't do goals or principles, only platform and obstruction +726 @FakeUsername Thank you so much and Happy New Year to you too darling x +727 LOC/Borders cafe; @FakeUsername I was listening to it while sitting in the Borders cafe and had to keep myself from laughing out loud a few times . +728 PER/Amanda Cox; @FakeUsername I think you made that whole thing up . That I would have groupies is absurd . I'm no Amanda Cox . +729 LOC/New York; @FakeUsername one day I shall describe to my grandchildren the heady times when I was last in New York . +730 LOC/Columbia; @FakeUsername I'm a couple of hrs away in Columbia . It's gonna be 16 degrees Tuesday nite going into Wed. . But air's too dry to get any snow +731 ORG/Twitter; @FakeUsername your tweet '' '' '' ``Extrañarte no es sufici ... '' '' is now featured on Twitter's Home http://FakeURL '' +732 @FakeUsername I'm Good, having a Drink and watching the Game . Wbu? +733 @FakeUsername we are having the time of our lives - http://FakeURL love your boilermaker fans!!! Hail purdue +734 PER/Dr. Natalie; @FakeUsername You 're Welcome, Dr. Natalie! xo #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +735 @FakeUsername : Reading : '' ``Diario Horizonte - Colombiano '' '' (http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' +736 LOC/Japan; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername No Neslte Quick in Japan? Now thr R vanilla & Rolo Nestle Quick! But the original is still the best! Sweet!? +737 ORG/CNN;LOC/PUERTO RICO; @FakeUsername IM CHECKING CNN I DONT SEE ANYTHING ABOUT EARTHQUAKE IN PUERTO RICO YET PRIMOOOO +738 MISC/BAFTA;MISC/Academy Award; @FakeUsername been nominated several times / won once a BAFTA or an Academy Award . Tell me after that where is the '' '' poison '' '' '' +739 PER/Daniel Radcliffe;PER/Robert Pattinson; @FakeUsername What is interesting is to call these actors Box Office Poisons while, unlike Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson, they `ve +740 LOC/Palau; @FakeUsername I bet Palau was amazing +741 LOC/NJ; @FakeUsername preparing mentally for trip to NJ, will be a long winter for me? +742 PER/Ellie; @FakeUsername Have a WONDERFUL Christmas Eve Ellie darling xxx +743 @FakeUsername ohhh masa idol sports championship yaaa . . cdak sm k baju merah . uhuhuhuhu : DDDD +744 @FakeUsername dat dependz on the construction ohhh!!!! +745 PER/Clive Owen; @FakeUsername Look at the end of this Clive Owen interview http://FakeURL to have your answer +746 PER/usher;PER/r kels; @FakeUsername LOL, usher & r kels - same girl! +747 LOC/San Francisco;PER/Hemingway;PER/Gellhorn;PER/Philip Kaufman; @FakeUsername not sure this is accurate since he begins to shoot in San Francisco '' '' Hemingway and Gellhorn '' '' with Philip Kaufman in Feb 2011 '' +748 PER/Paul shaw; @FakeUsername all going great and you? hv you back to queenstown? any news from Paul shaw? +749 PER/Pam Ann;LOC/LA; @FakeUsername I went to see Pam Ann in LA last year . so great . i love her . do u know who is she? +750 @FakeUsername do you think today's penalty was the quickest ever conceded by an #FakeHashtag player? Definitely by a debutant surely?! +751 PER/Chris;PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Chris did U know we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +752 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; @FakeUsername they are going to protest at Elizabeth Edwards funeral . +753 PER/Leslie Nielsen; @FakeUsername they are recovering/mourning Leslie Nielsen : -LRB- +754 PER/Lindsay Lohan; @FakeUsername lol! Then that's why I do n't remember it well, and for good reason : p was Lindsay Lohan in it? +755 PER/Scott Mills; @FakeUsername '' '' like Scott Mills said '', '' it looked staged '' ''!!?? '' +756 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +757 PER/bieber;MISC/the golden globes; @FakeUsername holy fuck - . - THEY TURNED THE TVS OFF . What if bieber comes back on x_X NOOO it was behind the scenes of the golden globes +758 PER/Scott Norwide; @FakeUsername I hate Scott Norwide +759 PER/Scott Norwide; @FakeUsername Yes, 4 . Screw Scott Norwide! +760 ORG/Victoria's Secret; @FakeUsername FREE $ 250 Gift Card from Victoria's Secret for the Holidays! http://FakeURL +761 PER/Mariah Carey; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Mariah Carey has n't been able to sing live PROPERLY for yeaaaarrrs now . Let's not say its bc she's preggers +762 PER/Tony Robbins;ORG/google; @FakeUsername Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers . ~ Tony Robbins traduz isto no google para vc +763 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL +764 @FakeUsername Ooo a bit of #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag can never be wrong . +765 @FakeUsername I'm brilliant, I know! Now that will be $ 3,600 ... no refundes :) +766 @FakeUsername LIVE . LOVE . LEARN . Search for FREE and contact thousands of singles close to you! http://FakeURL +767 @FakeUsername It cost _ 42 for English shipping . No idea how much that is in euros . D : +768 PER/Clive Owen; @FakeUsername Well just for your information @FakeUsername is not Clive Owen . It's not even a verified account . Celebrities accounts are +769 @FakeUsername Thanks for organizing today's brunch, choosing the stellar location, and the fine food/drink suggestions! +770 LOC/st. Louis;LOC/chicago;LOC/usa; @FakeUsername st. Louis population bigger than chicago??? Lol bro we the 3rd largest city in the usa +771 @FakeUsername lol dat dvd hard to get a hold of now but I got somebody Dats go make u both of them for me da (cont) http://FakeURL +772 LOC/L.A.; @FakeUsername well he IS out in L.A. +773 ORG/NFL; @FakeUsername We engage in the NFL daily > > > claim http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL FOR FREE! +774 @FakeUsername nice web page! +775 @FakeUsername lol so just because of the classes you want to be a journalist anymore?? +776 PER/Chris Henry; @FakeUsername um I wrote Chris Henry dumbass +777 @FakeUsername or responding to media coverage - tail wagging the dog +778 PER/Dr K Khare;LOC/UK;PER/Pooja Khare;PER/Shalu Jindal;LOC/UK;PER/Sunita Khare;PER/SPillay; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Probe Dr K Khare in UK kin of Pooja Khare & Shalu Jindal-played key role as UK puppet . Arrest Sunita Khare sis of SPillay +779 @FakeUsername LIVE . LOVE . LEARN . Search for FREE and contact 1000's of singles nearby you! http://FakeURL +780 PER/Iris Gueller; @FakeUsername . Hi i just got a mail from; Iris Gueller . Who works with #FakeHashtag . Thank you for the whitepaper . +781 PER/Michelle Obama; @FakeUsername Lol . Do n't mind @FakeUsername she tried to put down Michelle Obama . Quite comical . . #FakeHashtag +782 ORG/Facebook;PER/Cris Collinsworth; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername : Thanks Facebook Fans for this old school #FakeHashtag pic of Cris Collinsworth .11 / 8/1981 http://FakeURL +783 @FakeUsername How come I did not think of that? http://FakeURL +784 PER/Betty White; @FakeUsername Betty White;) +785 PER/Betty white; @FakeUsername Betty white on top of the pyramid and doing high jumps lol +786 ORG/jets;PER/Sanchez;LOC/pittsburgh; @FakeUsername yeh that was pretty awful! Go jets! need Sanchez to bring his A-game tonight in pittsburgh #FakeHashtag +787 LOC/leeds;LOC/sheffield; @FakeUsername Can i have a goodnight tweet or follow pleasee;) Love u loads & whens the next time your going to leeds or sheffield x x x +788 @FakeUsername be glad it's just now sucking for you . It's been that way for me since ... Augusttt . Haha +789 LOC/south Africa; @FakeUsername south Africa?? U there?? +790 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Check this out! I wrote a song, and i really want your opinion please? xo +791 MISC/the super bowl; @FakeUsername they should push back the super bowl to WPPI . that would be a party . +792 ORG/Packers;MISC/Super Bowl; @FakeUsername The Packers are Super Bowl-bound . The party can now begin! #FakeHashtag +793 LOC/Florida;PER/Rudolph Valentino; @FakeUsername unless they live in Florida and were around with Rudolph Valentino : -) +794 @FakeUsername GARBAGE PAIL KID IN THE FACE!!!! http://FakeURL +795 LOC/southampton; @FakeUsername I'm sure there's quite a few people from southampton who follow you on here ... me being one of them :) +796 LOC/Rome; @FakeUsername they need the Rome offensive package in this game +797 @FakeUsername That last tweet was major failure . Haha +798 LOC/Tennessee; @FakeUsername is that Tennessee sentence construction? +799 PER/Jay Cutler; @FakeUsername ... unless you 're Jay Cutler . Then you just pull yourself . +800 @FakeUsername Amazin this music clip, SO COOL o : http://FakeURL +801 @FakeUsername this song warms my heart! THANK YOU! RETWEET IF YOU AGREE! http://FakeURL +802 PER/Justin D Bieber; @FakeUsername Do n't mess up with my Beliebers, they are more frightening then an army.-Justin D Bieber quote of the day . +803 LOC/indonesia; @FakeUsername hy you are the best ...!! thnx you want come in indonesia ... . lol +804 LOC/URUGUAY; @FakeUsername You say that dreams come true ... so please make mine true ... Follow Me :) or come to URUGUAY? 34 +805 @FakeUsername Read your tweet and figured you would want the Grenade ringtone too http://FakeURL +806 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae Katie; @FakeUsername Did U know we are paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae Katie? I got proof . +807 @FakeUsername just because they 're busy during weekdays . . owning a smartphone is the sexiest solution to read 'em instantly; -)) +808 MISC/SB;PER/Rex Ryan; @FakeUsername I would love to see LT win a SB ... also, love Rex Ryan . Not on any bandwagons ... still love my `Boys . We 'll be back . +809 @FakeUsername Merry Crhistmas to you dear friend xxx +810 PER/KYLE; @FakeUsername GO KYLE!!! Hope it went well :) +811 @FakeUsername It was my pleasure . I hope/trust that you are having a great week! +812 @FakeUsername I appreciate that gorgeous, good game ~ e-handshake +813 MISC/super bowl; @FakeUsername do you think we will b seein yall in the super bowl +814 ORG/Tayto;ORG/King; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Carlow, yes that sounds familiar . TK lemonade and Perri crisps (or Tayto, King)! As kids all thought King were best +815 MISC/NFL; @FakeUsername We engage in the game very much > > > go to http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL for 0 $! +816 MISC/Java; @FakeUsername Yeah the syntax is a bit awkward, ,, but I like to think of it as really what Java should 've been and that makes it a little easier . +817 PER/Roger; @FakeUsername . Sir Yes Sir . Roger that Boss . +818 PER/Holly;PER/Colin Cowie; @FakeUsername that has to be THE party, my friend Holly was also there, wish I was able to of attended Colin Cowie did it again, Fab +819 @FakeUsername Professor Spicy Pickle ... I 'll bring the ruler . : p lol +820 @FakeUsername . Hi son Merry #FakeHashtag to u too . wishing u the best of God's favors . +821 PER/Nicki Minaj; @FakeUsername Nicki Minaj +822 MISC/NFL; @FakeUsername We love football daily - now we can give back > > > go to http://FakeURL and get MADDEN NFL Gratis! +823 LOC/cambridge;LOC/cambridge; @FakeUsername not maybe, definately . cambridge is the place to be!;) and if you do n't make it to cambridge, follow me? x +824 PER/Christian Wigg; @FakeUsername Christian Wigg us my fav xD +825 @FakeUsername contrary to their belief, it would reduce crime and help healthcare spending . But why look at the benefits??? +826 ORG/Sol-Ice; @FakeUsername Thanks for the Follow! Check out more about Sol-Ice and out '' ``Green '' '' products @ http://FakeURL '' +827 PER/Sam;PER/Seth Levinson;ORG/Yankees; @FakeUsername he & his agents Sam and Seth Levinson came into our restaurant in 1995 right after joining the Yankees, small world +828 PER/Paul McCartney; @FakeUsername If I see @FakeUsername that will make it the best concert ever been to . Right now it's Sir Paul McCartney . That was a good 1 ^ _ ^ +829 PER/Paul McCartney; @FakeUsername Sir Paul McCartney was the same for me lol . So I imagine @FakeUsername will be so much better . And he's a beetle lol! +830 PER/Ann Murray; @FakeUsername yes, here we get blizzards, hurricanes and an occasional visit by Ann Murray . +831 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers;LOC/Green Bay;LOC/Chicago; @FakeUsername Hey ... are you as totally ambivalent as I am about the Bears/Packers lol? I live right between Green Bay and Chicago but I. . . +832 PER/Barbara Stanwyck; @FakeUsername I am of that generation, mom named me after Barbara Stanwyck . . her voice was so recognizable . . +833 @FakeUsername Be there or Be square, I will be there! +834 PER/Hayward;PER/Sloan;ORG/nba; @FakeUsername Is this a reward 4 Hayward, or desperation move2 shake things up? What leads Sloan 2believe GH is ready to face nba starters +835 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL, Jimmy and his friend +836 @FakeUsername : Dude Faces Felony For Reading Cheating Wife's Email http://FakeURL He should 've claimed she was a national security risk +837 LOC/Anguilla;PER/Mario; @FakeUsername my huband met you in Anguilla, Chef Mario, he says hello +838 LOC/WINSTON-SALEM;LOC/N.C.;ORG/AP;PER/Kyle Singler; @FakeUsername WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP)? Kyle Singler scored 24 points and keyed the run that helped No. 4 Duke pull ... #FakeHashtag +839 PER/Bruno Mars; @FakeUsername Bruno Mars' cd is one of my favs this year . The words speak volumes . Grenade is an amazing track! +840 PER/Wale; @FakeUsername : Im a real dog I wake up and chase the paper boi '' '' @FakeUsername who's fucking with this nigga??? '' '' - him & Wale in my top five . '' +841 PER/Tiger Woods; @FakeUsername I did live here, with future plans of doin so again \* Tiger Woods fist pump \* +842 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +843 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Did you know we are paying for Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +844 PER/Canibus; @FakeUsername 2nd Round Knockout was Canibus's Ether, all those LL disses were below that +845 @FakeUsername I DID THANKS! I can put it to good use . Bye the way did you model for this thing? I always thought yours was bigger . OH WELL :) +846 PER/Clive Owen;PER/Kate Middleton; @FakeUsername Well if this guy is Clive Owen, then I am Kate Middleton . The account is n't even verified +847 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername No it's not, things like female genital mutilation are gender discrimination issues that (cont) http://FakeURL +848 PER/Bush;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername and Bush did? stfu! i hope your not into Palin ... if so thennn you prob need to go back to school! or at least finish +849 @FakeUsername yep it's possible!! Even with dual boot; -) = =) iOS & Android!! . . For iPhones it's too risky upgrading iOS . . +850 @FakeUsername lol we can do that but when iWin iDont want no Team J's . Retro only +851 PER/Lee Burke; @FakeUsername it can be changed i.e. on the page about homosexuals I could put Lee Burke on it : -) : -) +852 @FakeUsername girl I laughed . I would have said Centric . You 're better than me LOL +853 PER/jay;ORG/denver;ORG/bears;MISC/NFC title; @FakeUsername what did you expect baby jay walked out on denver . Just walked out on a the bears during NFC title (cont) http://FakeURL +854 PER/Don Tomaso Dr.;PER/Chad Ochocinco Johnson;PER/Chauncy;PER/Paula; @FakeUsername Lived up Stocker at 4565 Don Tomaso Dr. above Chad Ochocinco Johnson, his brother Chauncy and his mother Paula . +855 PER/Ronny Turiaf; @FakeUsername is Ronny Turiaf ok? Saw him limp off the court #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +856 MISC/Heavyweights;MISC/The Goonies;MISC/Little Giants;MISC/The Might Ducks; @FakeUsername Heavyweights, The Goonies, Little Giants lmao oh shit The Might Ducks all of em! +857 LOC/The Palace StripClub;PER/DJ WALLAH; @FakeUsername '' ``The Wet T-Shirt Party '' '' This Monday @ The Palace StripClub Music by DJ WALLAH FREE ENTRY! http://FakeURL '' +858 PER/John Forte; @FakeUsername nah man I'm chilling that's the crazy part ... even crazier cuz I 've been looking for John Forte's music after my pc crashed +859 @FakeUsername Laidies ... The Worlds First Cash Multiplayer Fashion Tournaments Coming Soon Sign up NOW . http://FakeURL +860 @FakeUsername Agree! Haha +861 PER/Birdman;PER/Lil Wayne; @FakeUsername boo! hope he does ... good connection! he did Fire Flame with Birdman and Lil Wayne +862 PER/Dick Lugar;ORG/GOP; @FakeUsername Guess @FakeUsername knows) #FakeHashtag EXPERT Dick Lugar . rips all his GOP OBSTRUCTIONISTS fellow senators http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +863 PER/Niall;PER/Harry;PER/Louis; @FakeUsername hahaha Niall Harry & & Louis got it 2 trouble they called ur manger an '' ``ugly face fella '' '' cos they thought it was youu x '' +864 @FakeUsername please sign this http://FakeURL xxx +865 @FakeUsername Great Website! Thx FTF, look forward to your Tweets! I like to RT great, funny, musical & interesting things, def Tweethappy! :)) +866 @FakeUsername \* Method Man voice \* just keep feeding you ... and feeding you ... and feeding you +867 LOC/taiwan; @FakeUsername they 're all the same . made in taiwan . +868 PER/Sudha Pillay;ORG/DFID; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Mr #FakeHashtag Ample proof bucrat Sudha Pillay heading DFID's Lowcock ploted HR crimes agenda4yrs #FakeHashtag +869 PER/Sudha Pillay;PER/Dr RS Khare;ORG/UKgov;ORG/DFID; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Sudha Pillay & Kin Dr RS Khare used2 run UKgov DFID 9 yrs of HR crimes http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +870 MISC/Harry Potter; @FakeUsername Wow, free tickets to the new Harry Potter movie! http://FakeURL +871 @FakeUsername A Ghazal of Ghalib In English : A Ghazal of Ghalib Rendered ... http://FakeURL +872 LOC/Pakistan; @FakeUsername By repeat annonucements these Americans will make $ 7.5 billion KLB aid look like $ 750 billions assistance to Pakistan . +873 @FakeUsername Deficiency becomes art f artist #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag super heroes w sp needs . indicated by #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +874 MISC/Billy James Show; @FakeUsername http://FakeURL Every Day is Veterans day on the Billy James Show +875 @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername PEINILLAZOS DE @FakeUsername NOV 15 2010 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +876 PER/Tim Naftali;LOC/US; @FakeUsername We could 've had security measures in place in 1950's according to Tim Naftali's Blind Spot/US counterterrorism . Lobbies prevented +877 @FakeUsername ... Hummm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuffing, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes are standard fare at most Thanksgiving +878 PER/jerry yang;PER/david filo; @FakeUsername '' ``valleylist '' '' v135 r. 1 - - electricity (jerry yang and david filo) http://FakeURL '' +879 @FakeUsername ((((((HAPPINESS IS FREE!))))))))) http://FakeURL One stop shopping for HAPPINESS and it s 100% FREE! +880 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYT : News Papers Talk Of How The President Or Presidential Contender Won (After They Win) This W! tch Ca n't B-Serious +881 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Robert E. Lee; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Sarah Palin Laying Out Her 2012 Presidential Strategy-Is Like Grant Pony-Expressing His Win Strategy To Robert E. Lee +882 PER/Salvatore Giunta; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Salvatore Giunta's Medal of Honor is earned award, should have current living MOH recips at ceremony to whom he joins . +883 PER/Douglas H Shulman; @FakeUsername # $ 160BNCopyRight $ 83.5 BN APF $ 76.5 BN Ministry Funds reported Mr. Douglas H Shulman NOW +884 @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag Polcies4 chinese $ 2 invest in Infra, startups, tech, not cons loans 2 . Streamline Military 3 . after recession, encurge HH Sav +885 ORG/nytimes; @FakeUsername $ 83.5 BN APF focus on you nytimes, #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Spy Cameras, Hackers, Mics . Detected in My Friends +886 @FakeUsername A 90-Day Bet on #FakeHashtag Talks . Big gamble for #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag and #FakeHashtag . http://FakeURL +887 LOC/America;PER/Billy James; @FakeUsername America needs to hear the words . What say you Billy James http://FakeURL +888 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Be sure to read the new blog every Monday at Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +889 PER/mr. Calderon;LOC/africa; @FakeUsername Bravo mr. Calderon, like in africa? +890 LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +891 LOC/Moscow;LOC/Paris;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername Moscow Paris @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +892 LOC/Moscow;LOC/Paris;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername Moscow Paris @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +893 LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername Buy Art Today Love It Forever http://FakeURL 1500000.00 @FakeUsername @FakeUsername NYC @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +894 PER/Christina Milian; @FakeUsername Christina Milian + More Top 5 Tweets of the Week http://FakeURL +895 @FakeUsername Could it be that some businessmen view '' ``young '', '' do-it-yourself and arty '' '' as meaning '' ``a fool and their money are soon parted? '' '' '' +896 PER/RICK JOYNER;LOC/JIM BAKKER BUILDING; @FakeUsername FALSE PROPHET RICK JOYNER IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY AND WITH HIS JIM BAKKER BUILDING (cont) http://FakeURL +897 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Follow me on : http://FakeURL / prtaddei - brotherly hug JESUS CHRIST +898 @FakeUsername gets excited for the e-reader shopping season : http://FakeURL +899 PER/Dermot Ahern; @FakeUsername Given all that f8cking C8nt Dermot Ahern did for Islam with Blasphemy Bill why ca n't Allah put a few oil fields in IRL? +900 @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +901 @FakeUsername I want to know whwere is this f. . . cking government . Where are the media fo find it out??? +902 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Notre Dame;LOC/NYC; @FakeUsername If Cathie Black ca n't even inspire her own son NOT to drop out of Notre Dame, how is she going to inspire NYC school kids? +903 @FakeUsername In retail and services perhaps . In industry cant compete . +904 LOC/India; @FakeUsername India telecoms minister resigns http://FakeURL +905 MISC/iraqi muslims;LOC/olklahoma; @FakeUsername iraqi muslims bombed olklahoma . . republican guard +906 PER/Kristen Blackman; @FakeUsername Kristen Blackman : '' ``Palin is An Advocate For Conservative Christian Women . ``I Do n't Necessarily Want To See Her In Office '' She Said ``'' +907 PER/Edward Nigro; @FakeUsername Look for the latest blog on Monday from Edward Nigro is @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +908 PER/George W. Bush; @FakeUsername Looks like the declaration of the '' ``Axis of Evil '' '' made by President George W. Bush is starting to become more visible . '' +909 PER/Mary Kirkpatrick; @FakeUsername Mary Kirkpatrick : ``There's No Need 2Rush Right Now Because She's Doing Things Like This & Her Face Is Constantly On TV '' Over-Exposed +910 @FakeUsername new web application . +911 PER/Cathie Black;LOC/Brooklyn Boro Hall; @FakeUsername Next Protest & Press Conference re : Cathie Black appt 11/15 Mon 10AM Brooklyn Boro Hall http://FakeURL +912 PER/palin;LOC/iran; @FakeUsername palin would attack iran at the drop of a hat, , ., nuclear power stations bombed?? cancer leukemia for millions . . oh thier not american?? +913 PER/Jesus; @FakeUsername Post to headline the Lord Jesus is the sole and sufficient Savior . +914 PER/Jesus; @FakeUsername Post to headline the Lord Jesus is the sole and sufficient Savior . In the 1st page +915 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Publish : JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, only Savior, believe! +916 PER/JESUS CHRIST; @FakeUsername Teach : JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, only Savior, believe! +917 PER/George W. Bush; @FakeUsername The declaration of the '' ``axis of evil '' '' made by President George W. Bush starting to realize itself . '' +918 ORG/nytimes; @FakeUsername yup sounds like $ 160BN copy right law legal business focus on you nytimes ,99% commercial efficient #FakeHashtag +919 @FakeUsername : Delicate Choices Ahead for Myanmar Democracy Leader : http://FakeURL +920 LOC/US; @FakeUsername : Secret Papers Detail US Aid for Ex-Nazis : http://FakeURL +921 @FakeUsername : Zagat Aims to Regain Its Online Balance http://FakeURL +922 PER/Paul Strand; @FakeUsername Paul Strand is one of my favorite photographers . I was lucky enough to hear him comment on a slide show of his photographs . +923 @FakeUsername This coming Summer 2011Music Program http://FakeURL we will have a lot fun with '' ``The Sound of the Music '' '' West Side Story '' '' '' +924 MISC/English;MISC/Dutch; @FakeUsername I passed on the wrong web link before, , correct link is! : http://FakeURL in English & Dutch +925 PER/Bryan; @FakeUsername Mr Banker, did you really not know what figure Bryan wrote down before saying that would be the next offer? +926 PER/Ben Button; @FakeUsername Im no boy, I just have Ben Button disease ... not expecting you to look as so, sheesh +927 ORG/Youtube; @FakeUsername Destorm cheated on Youtube using http://FakeURL +928 PER/Montaigne;PER/Jack Beatty; @FakeUsername Monday : #FakeHashtag controversy over body scans w @FakeUsername; plus, wisdom of Montaigne, with @FakeUsername and Jack Beatty +929 @FakeUsername have u ever been in love with the enemy?? http://FakeURL (Watch & RT) +930 PER/Lou Reed Live; @FakeUsername : '' ``Sunday Morning Lou Reed Live '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +931 PER/Heidi Montag;PER/Justin Bieber; @FakeUsername Enough Heidi Montag & Justin Bieber, more humanity in the news +932 @FakeUsername just wana say ur the best we all < 3 u so much nd keep it up the gud work :) +933 @FakeUsername Good to see you back in form robin . Keep doin ya thing!! : -) +934 ORG/Netherlands;ORG/Feyenoord;ORG/Arsenal; @FakeUsername 19 for Netherlands, 15 Feyenoord and 78 Arsenal +935 @FakeUsername : The view from my new office is kind of cool or whatever . http://FakeURL that's hot +936 PER/Kay Ganda; @FakeUsername Pilipinas Kay Ganda nlang! +937 @FakeUsername whoa good lick with that! I love food way too much to live off 2 bowls of cereal a day, is it really healthy for you? +938 @FakeUsername no its not thats like me tellin u didnt u were a qb wen u were really a linebacker not the same!!!! +939 @FakeUsername Hello Princess! +940 PER/Ali;ORG/bears; @FakeUsername in the words of dr Ali : I think it is safe to say . . It's a rap 4 the bears +941 PER/Colbie;PER/Joss Stone; @FakeUsername LOVE Colbie!!! I 've been listening to Joss Stone all day! +942 @FakeUsername Hooray! #FakeHashtag Holibag it this year Take in http://FakeURL +943 ORG/Twitter;ORG/facebook; @FakeUsername Twitter all the way ... I'm on facebook but never on there! +944 PER/drew lachey;PER/emmit smith; @FakeUsername you 've had drew lachey and emmit smith on from @FakeUsername +945 @FakeUsername rahtid! +946 ORG/Bears;PER/Carson Palmer;PER/Carson Palmer; @FakeUsername Bears front office : Paging Carson Palmer, Paging Carson Palmer come to the front office please +947 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Why are we paying for Franklin Raines legals fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? #FakeHashtag +948 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Why are we paying Franklin Raines legals fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +949 PER/Franklin Raines;ORG/Fannie Mae; @FakeUsername Y are we paying Franklin Raines legal fees for committing accounting fraud at Fannie Mae? +950 @FakeUsername FantaZ has the most advanced technology in the online gaming world . http://FakeURL +951 ORG/Green Bay Packers;MISC/Super Bown; @FakeUsername How about Green Bay Packers all the way to win Super Bown #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +952 PER/Arnold;PER/Gerald; @FakeUsername \* Arnold and Gerald dap \* +953 PER/Buffy; @FakeUsername Omg I used to watch that! Was amazing! Miss Buffy so much : - -LRB- +954 PER/Messi;PER/Xavi; @FakeUsername the funny thing is, Messi and especially Xavi play like that consistently they are the brains and creativity of the squad +955 PER/Fergie; @FakeUsername bep can succeed without Fergie . +956 PER/Fergie; @FakeUsername had to be at a bep concert last summer . Fergie sounded horrible and 90% ofthe songs were not bep +957 PER/Jimmy Carr; @FakeUsername I thought it could never be boring over there . Not when you have Jimmy Carr to throw stuff at +958 ORG/Burger King; @FakeUsername : ROFL look what this guy found in his Burger King nuggets http://FakeURL +959 @FakeUsername Are your paying too much on your auto insurance? http://FakeURL +960 PER/Jean Auel; @FakeUsername Too bad the last name is not '' ``Pshoka '' '' it meant he wanted to see her ASAP . Nice to see he's fan of Jean Auel novels :) '' +961 MISC/Japanese; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag I 'd like view the Japanese Cherry Blossoms . +962 PER/Solomon;PER/Socrates;PER/Shakespeare; @FakeUsername We are what we think . ~ King Solomon - ``Know thyself '' ~ Socrates . ``To thy own self, '' be true '' '' ~ Shakespeare '' +963 PER/Charles; @FakeUsername Prince Charles has been an environmentalist for circa 25 years & makes no secret whatever of talking/playing music to his plants +964 @FakeUsername : P haha typical mother for you! Ah dang I became engrossed in this fanfiction I am reading so I (cont) http://FakeURL +965 ORG/Hen Party; @FakeUsername how's ya day been? Are we going Venue after the Hen Party Saturday? +966 PER/michael jackson; @FakeUsername 6 yr old, michael jackson, he was actually quite godd, he got through +967 MISC/Super Bowl; @FakeUsername So that means you 'll have to be quarantined for the Super Bowl then? +968 PER/Joel Osteen; @FakeUsername as dangerous as Joel Osteen in their spreading their word of hate and harm : - -LRB- +969 @FakeUsername Lets make the Nokia N8 smartphone an option in 2010 . +970 PER/IMMA; @FakeUsername u know what, do you ... do you boo boo, CAUSE IMMA DO ME! #FakeHashtag +971 PER/Cris Collinsworth; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername : Thanks to Fans for this awesome old school #FakeHashtag pic of Cris Collinsworth .11 / 8/1981 http://FakeURL +972 PER/Caleb Hanie; @FakeUsername True or False : Caleb Hanie was the best QB on the field today +973 PER/Peter Onipe; @FakeUsername . Yes chick u could say that again . I am same Peter Onipe . The same guy . +974 ORG/ATL; @FakeUsername Hello!! U should check out & follow @FakeUsername! They 're a HOT music group from ATL and they talk to their fans! +975 @FakeUsername . I just Favourited that Tweet . Hello #FakeHashtag +976 @FakeUsername Want A FREE EVO 4G? Then Get yours before they 're all gone! Limited quantities only! @ http://FakeURL +977 @FakeUsername Haha gotta love twitterland! +978 @FakeUsername Haha right +979 @FakeUsername There is no scientific basis for claims that the planet will begin to cool in the near future http://FakeURL +980 LOC/Vietnam; @FakeUsername Good man . Now break down and get a gaming PC + BFBC2 + Vietnam and you 'll be good to go . +981 PER/OJ;PER/Bush;PER/Clinton; @FakeUsername man I was just about to say that . Pics of OJ, Bush, Clinton . Has me rollin +982 PER/Ed Lover; @FakeUsername read a tweet about it . Something about her joining the station where cthagod is . Ed Lover was fired apparently 4 her to take spot +983 PER/Rih Rih;PER/Katy Perry; @FakeUsername the charts claim Rih Rih's album wo n't even hit the top 3 this wk . Dah well . Love Katy Perry too! +984 PER/Sam Malone; @FakeUsername No sweetheart, thank you, and your welcome . Keepin it real . (Hah, I said sweetheart? Who am I, Sam Malone from Cheers?) +985 PER/steve hope;PER/mark watson; @FakeUsername sup steve hope shows going good about too watch the 2nd half/part of comedian mark watson you a fan? . +986 @FakeUsername all wish we could do that! http://FakeURL +987 @FakeUsername I will tomorrow I'm on my phone atm haha! xx +988 @FakeUsername I just might ppl calling my broker to make some purchases ... +989 PER/Taylor Swift;PER/Justin Bieber; @FakeUsername can we add Taylor Swift & Justin Bieber to that list of tired of : -) +990 ORG/NBA;ORG/NCAA; @FakeUsername I actually think college players are exploited by NBA more than NCAA . At least they choose their school . The draft is a joke . +991 ORG/Paypal; @FakeUsername they 'd love us my nigga, we could set up a Paypal account and everything . +992 LOC/spain; @FakeUsername im with my friends im going to your concert in spain please follow me +993 @FakeUsername Oh my god . You are officially amazing that's my favorite food ever . +994 PER/Toyin; @FakeUsername . Baby Toyin . Happy #FakeHashtag . +995 MISC/Love and other drugs; @FakeUsername : Love and other drugs =? +996 PER/Katy Perry; @FakeUsername I know) (it's like why get us to vote? Because she has a tour they do that? I blame Katy Perry : p +997 ORG/YouTube; @FakeUsername haha . we miightt (YouTube http://FakeURL) +998 PER/Sarah Palin; @FakeUsername I know, reporters, please get over Sarah Palin? A day not hearing about her is a day worth living . http://FakeURL +999 @FakeUsername i do 2 jud @FakeUsername . NET +1000 MISC/PHP; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername tweet TheBusyBrain re project needs freelance wordpress PHP wiz +1001 @FakeUsername Hi fellow youtuber! would you subscribe & give ur opinions on my new channel : http://FakeURL +1002 ORG/Disney;PER/Miley Cyrus;ORG/Disney; @FakeUsername wow lol! I guess that's the Disney version of the song . Just like Miley Cyrus is Disneys version (cont) http://FakeURL +1003 PER/Hitler; @FakeUsername In other news, I expect we 'll soon see how Hitler is really disappointed about the limited color choices for his bunker . +1004 PER/gareth brooks; @FakeUsername thought so someone labeled it as gareth brooks and i thought that ca n't be right ... love the shirt btw! . XxX +1005 PER/Dr. Ryan; @FakeUsername she says she has no money, I have a feeling she will sue Dr. Ryan's estate, accusing a dead man seems like a scam 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ +1006 PER/Marsha Ambrosious; @FakeUsername Marsha Ambrosious or suttin like that +1007 @FakeUsername but was n't the titanic made of metal?? +1008 LOC/UK;ORG/DFiD;PER/Khares-Ananya Khare;PER/Shagun Khare; @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag UK DFiD exploited4 HR crimes Brit married kins of Khares-Ananya Khare & Shagun Khare http://FakeURL +1009 @FakeUsername I'm lucky atm but I know how frustrating noisy neighbors can be . Are they having a party? +1010 PER/Tiwa; @FakeUsername man Tiwa, House was the best part of nightlife . I have n't clubbed since . Best bday memories were there! Remember Remix nite? +1011 PER/Jim Rohn; @FakeUsername U too! If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you . ~ Jim Rohn +1012 @FakeUsername Your a nurse? +1013 @FakeUsername Why not try this - its working for me - http://FakeURL +1014 PER/reggie bush; @FakeUsername screw reggie bush +1015 PER/Clive Owen;PER/Stanely Tucci; @FakeUsername Hmmm ... Can be wrong but Clive Owen is not featured in the virtual book of the Blue Key Campaign Only saw Stanely Tucci +1016 PER/DEVON SAWA; @FakeUsername OMG NOT DEVON SAWA LOL . Hahahaha +1017 PER/Madoff; @FakeUsername guy Madoff is only one person ... +1018 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks about his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL +1019 PER/Richard Branson; @FakeUsername tell @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag PROMOTES #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername Richard Branson talks his new high-speed rail project http://FakeURL +1020 PER/Cutler;LOC/the city of Chicago;PER/Cutler; @FakeUsername Not only did Cutler quit on the team he quit on the city of Chicago . Cutler can never show his face again . +1021 PER/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername No worries, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend . Everyone knows Palin's an idiot who's wrong about everything . wapo . st/eu4DfN +1022 PER/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend;PER/Palin; @FakeUsername No worries, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend . Everyone knows Palin's an ignorant idiot who's wrong about everything . +1023 PER/Mark;LOC/Wolverhampton; @FakeUsername keep it up Mark Wolverhampton loves you so far! . +1024 PER/Ty; @FakeUsername yey Ty ^ _ ^ +1025 PER/Christ; @FakeUsername . #FakeHashtag strong . Do u know why #FakeHashtag Christ was persecuted? +1026 @FakeUsername The fun - and the money - never stops with the Z. http://FakeURL +1027 PER/Oscar Wilde; @FakeUsername I think it was Oscar Wilde who said, '' '' ``We are all in the gutter '', '' but some of us are sniffing some quality markers . '' '' '' +1028 @FakeUsername Some great stories come out of that - \* Catch-22 \*, \* 1984 \*, \* Slaughterhouse 5 \* - all stories where bad ideas are the bad guys. : -) +1029 PER/Belle Amie; @FakeUsername '' ``Simon '', ``please give Belle Amie as much attention as 1 direction and you will have 2 acts in the final '' ''!! '' +1030 PER/Kevin; @FakeUsername Hey, would you mind taking a sec to vote for Kevin so he can win a shorty award? http://FakeURL +1031 @FakeUsername waaa3 cool!!! Who's the artist . . Glad u know henna!! It's typically oriental stuff;) . . Love the tattoo!!! +1032 PER/George Clooney;MISC/Inception; @FakeUsername yep . . I think watched some previews seems to be stunning with George Clooney as #FakeHashtag . . Or maybe Inception!? +1033 PER/Linda Hunt; @FakeUsername Linda Hunt rocks! Have always loved her +1034 ORG/paramore;LOC/Poland; @FakeUsername hayley i ca n't wait to see paramore in Poland! I hope it would be in this summer, haha .;) +1035 PER/Vince Young; @FakeUsername ol soft ass Vince Young lol +1036 @FakeUsername hugs and much love right back at u!!! I would like to write to a few peeps, I like writing it's (cont) http://FakeURL +1037 @FakeUsername married to an Exec Chef so we celebrate @ 3am when he gets home +1038 @FakeUsername Amazing Bangbus ... The Lady is Wonderful and she Loves Sex http://FakeURL +1039 @FakeUsername is harry and louiss okey i thinkk theyy are going to bee in big trouble http://FakeURL +1040 PER/Johnny Rockets;ORG/UTC; @FakeUsername You 're shopping! Did n't think you were serious about not allowing me to join ... I should have known : there's no Johnny Rockets by UTC +1041 PER/Oscar Goldman;PER/Steve French; @FakeUsername Oscar Goldman) Steve French lol +1042 '' \* DEAD \* RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag if your ponytail looks like the end of a '' ``BABY PAINT BRUSH '' '' '' +1043 '' \* makes whipping noise \* RT '' @FakeUsername : Is it bad that I wanna spend all my free time with her?! '' '' '' +1044 \* Please RT \* The key to an online career http://FakeURL +1045 PER/Dr Gratton; \* regrettably late \* Good morning . . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1046 \* Rza voice \* This shit is fuckin ridiculous #FakeHashtag +1047 PER/James Toney; \* shudders at thought \* \* runs away scared \* RT @FakeUsername Bitch look like James Toney +1048 \* waitin patiently, sipn my alomo \* RT @FakeUsername : We r coming up wiv a system where ull pay wiv ur atm via ur (cont) http://FakeURL +1049 o / cupcakes & clean H2O! RT @FakeUsername For every tweet that has #FakeHashtag I will donate 29 cents, up to $ 129 . @FakeUsername +1050 < b > Ways to Make Money < / b > Working at Home on the Internet http://FakeURL +1051 MISC/Davos; ``The Globocrats '' : Davos and the Bilderberg - http://FakeURL +1052 PER/Dr. Patsi Krakoff; #FakeHashtag Dr. Patsi Krakoff on `neuromarketing' : how to make your brand memorable, and how to avoid asking the wrong Q's to the wrong brains . +1053 #FakeHashtag where are you @FakeUsername is waiting for you on http://FakeURL +1054 PER/Dwight Howard; #FakeHashtag i do n't have a chance with Dwight Howard haha +1055 #FakeHashtag News & Notes is up! http://FakeURL Shout outs to @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1056 PER/Benedict XVI; #FakeHashtag : #FakeHashtag Benedict XVI approves condom use to fight #FakeHashtag epidemic . @FakeUsername +1057 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Reasons Business Owners Choose To Lease :? Car? and? leasing? are two words th ... http://FakeURL @ uae-autos . com +1058 PER/Miley Cyrus; #FakeHashtag `High off Life' Miley Cyrus +1059 PER/Brett Favre; #FakeHashtag `Eenie Menie' Brett Favre +1060 PER/Antoine Dodson; #FakeHashtag `Smell Good, Homeboy' Antoine Dodson +1061 PER/Jennifer Grey; #FakeHashtag Dirty Dancing with #FakeHashtag & Jennifer Grey @FakeUsername +1062 PER/ALLISON;PER/LAUREN;LOC/CHICAGO; #FakeHashtag SAY HELLO ALLISON AND LAUREN WE LOVE YOU AND WHEN R U COMING TO CHICAGO;;;; +1063 PER/Rebecca Leighton; #FakeHashtag shoutout to Rebecca Leighton? 143 xxx 4 +1064 LOC/Hawai; #FakeHashtag wen r u coming 2 Hawai? i??? cuz we wud TOTALLY go if u had a concert! (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) +1065 LOC/CONNECTICUT; #FakeHashtag Will you come to CONNECTICUT? :) (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) +1066 MISC/Australia Day;LOC/the Hills; #FakeHashtag Australia Day awards honor Hills residents : THE talent and generosity of some of the Hills Shi ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1067 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag An architect can design the aesthetics of a building and account for weather conditions ... http://FakeURL +1068 PER/O Cuiv;PER/Carey;PER/Brian Cowen; #FakeHashtag O Cuiv and Carey get vacant ministerial posts : The Taoiseach Brian Cowen has assigned the Departme ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1069 #FakeHashtag my fav drink is Mai Tai +1070 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername PLEASE EVERYONE, be ready to VOTE in 2012!!! +1071 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1072 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1073 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1074 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1075 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1076 PER/Linda Hunt; #FakeHashtag Linda Hunt on @FakeUsername for such a little thing, she sure packs a punch +1077 ORG/falcon; #FakeHashtag We 've got 3 RT @FakeUsername : So this is what it feels like to be a falcon fan ... SMH . At least we have a Lombardi trophy at home ... +1078 #FakeHashtag she knows her music, and hates spoiled girls according to her right now . http://FakeURL +1079 PER/David Bowie; #FakeHashtag doing Changes by David Bowie . \* sad face \* not feeling this one @FakeUsername +1080 MISC/Valley Girl;PER/Nic Cage;PER/Deborah Foreman; #FakeHashtag Valley Girl with Nic Cage & Deborah Foreman '' ``tubular '' '' '' +1081 PER/Stephanie Miller; #FakeHashtag Sparks on Stephanie Miller A Rousing #FakeHashtag Show http://FakeURL +1082 ORG/Microsoft; #FakeHashtag Microsoft #FakeHashtag on ur 25th birthday +1083 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername Couple arrested, 2 year old playing with methadone bottle - http://FakeURL +1084 PER/Lance Gross;PER/Boris Kodjoe; #FakeHashtag Lance Gross over Boris Kodjoe LOL +1085 ORG/Global Ind; #FakeHashtag - Global Automotive Chemicals Market to Reach US$ 3.9 Billion by 2015, According to a New Report by Global Ind http://FakeURL +1086 PER/Paul McCartney;LOC/appollo; #FakeHashtag RT : @FakeUsername : I'm taking my son and my mother in law to see Paul McCartney at the appollo on Monday!! +1087 PER/Sheldon;PER/Jim Parsons; #FakeHashtag I love Sheldon (Jim Parsons) from @FakeUsername . Sure way to give me the giggles +1088 #FakeHashtag West Is Still A Whiny Little ``B ''! http://FakeURL He's always been one! +1089 #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername : They bout to lose RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Nigga you dumb ... #FakeHashtag Enough said get the fuck boi +1090 PER/Chuck Norris; #FakeHashtag Chuck Norris ... someone had to say it +1091 PER/Katy Perry; #FakeHashtag fireworks from her chest ... then a year later Katy Perry stole it and put it in her new music video . +1092 PER/lady gaga; #FakeHashtag Johnny B Good after traveling to 1955 in a time machine invented by ... lady gaga +1093 PER/Ferry Corsten;PER/Corsten; #FakeHashtag Ferry Corsten presents - Corsten's Countdown 177 (17 November 2010) http://FakeURL +1094 PER/Kenny Rogers; #FakeHashtag ~ Twenty Years Ago; Kenny Rogers +1095 ORG/Huey Lewis & the News; #FakeHashtag Power of Love by Huey Lewis & the News is from what movie? +1096 PER/Angie Stone; #FakeHashtag Angie Stone-Remy Red +1097 PER/Van Hunt; #FakeHashtag Character-Van Hunt +1098 PER/Charlene-Anthony Hamilton; #FakeHashtag Charlene-Anthony Hamilton +1099 PER/Corinne Bailey Rae; #FakeHashtag Corinne Bailey Rae-Since I 've Been Loving You +1100 PER/Dudley Perkins-Flowers; #FakeHashtag Dudley Perkins-Flowers +1101 PER/Jill Scott; #FakeHashtag Jill Scott-Bedda At Home +1102 PER/Lauryn Hill; #FakeHashtag Lauryn Hill-Tell Him +1103 PER/Maxwell; #FakeHashtag Maxwell-Bad Habits +1104 PER/Raphael Saadiq; #FakeHashtag Raphael Saadiq-Doing What I Can +1105 PER/Remy Shand; #FakeHashtag Remy Shand-Take A Message +1106 PER/Vivian Green; #FakeHashtag Vivian Green-Emotional Rollercoaster +1107 PER/Hillary Clinton; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Hillary Clinton As Secretary Of Defense? Why It Should Not Happen : The most daunting piece of re ... http://FakeURL +1108 PER/Jefferson Feed; #FakeHashtag Volunteers needed to help with dogs at Whisker Wonderland Adoption Event at Jefferson Feed 12/18, (cont) http://FakeURL +1109 PER/Thomas Edison; #FakeHashtag Many of life's failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up . - Thomas Edison +1110 MISC/All about the Benjamins;PER/Ice Cube; #FakeHashtag '' ``All about the Benjamins '' '' via #FakeHashtag starring Ice Cube . When this movie is done '', I'm done for the evening . Good night all . +1111 ORG/He Is We; #FakeHashtag '' ``Prove You Wrong '' '' by He Is We - http://FakeURL '' +1112 PER/Roy Ayers; #FakeHashtag '' ``The Memory '' '' by Roy Ayers - http://FakeURL '' +1113 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag '' ``They Do n't really care about Us . '' '' by Michael Jackson . http://FakeURL This song speaks volumes . #FakeHashtag '' +1114 PER/Donnell; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag `Donnell A Rosie Christmas album +1115 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 345 official Podcast . . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1116 PER/Barry White; #FakeHashtag Barry White - Come On (Best of) . . +1117 PER/Frank Sinatra; #FakeHashtag Call Me Irresponsible by Frank Sinatra (3 +1118 PER/Claudette Ortiz; #FakeHashtag City High singing '' ``O Come All Ye Faithful '' '' & Claudette Ortiz sounds horrible . As @FakeUsername says MOOOVIN '' +1119 PER/Peaches; #FakeHashtag Fuck The Pain Away by Peaches +1120 PER/John Lennon; #FakeHashtag Give Peace A Chance by John Lennon +1121 PER/Isaac Hayes; #FakeHashtag Isaac Hayes - Dark and Lovely (You Over There) . . #FakeHashtag . . +1122 PER/Isaac Hayes; #FakeHashtag Isaac Hayes - Do n't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (Ultimate Collection) . . #FakeHashtag +1123 PER/Jay-Z; #FakeHashtag Jay-Z's Hard Knock Life +1124 PER/Gucci Mane; #FakeHashtag Making Love To The Money by Gucci Mane +1125 PER/John Lennon; #FakeHashtag Mind Games by John Lennon +1126 #FakeHashtag Mr. Brightside by @FakeUsername +1127 PER/Jann Arden; #FakeHashtag one of my fave songs : Jann Arden's Insensitive +1128 PER/Rick Astley; #FakeHashtag Rick Astley : Together Forever . FTW! +1129 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Another Day in Paradise ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag +1130 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Another Day in Paradise ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag +1131 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Ca n't Stop Loving You . Phil Collins . +1132 PER/Brian Adams; #FakeHashtag . Cloud No. 9 ~ Brian Adams . +1133 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag . Earth Song ~ Michael Jackson +1134 PER/Michael Jackson; #FakeHashtag . Michael Jackson and Friends - What More Can I Give? +1135 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Thats Just the way it is . ~ Phil Collins +1136 PER/Phil Collins; #FakeHashtag . Two Worlds ~ Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername +1137 PER/Yvonne Chaka Chaka; #FakeHashtag . Umqombothi ~ Yvonne Chaka Chaka . +1138 MISC/married with children;PER/tom brady;MISC/snl; #FakeHashtag married with children and lord tom brady on snl . +1139 PER/Cee-Lo; #FakeHashtag Cee-Lo Green : The LadyKiller . +1140 PER/Katy Perry; #FakeHashtag Firework by Katy Perry ... love this track! +1141 ORG/Culture Club; #FakeHashtag Karma Chameleon by Culture Club \* low key jammin at my desk \* lol +1142 PER/Sara Bareilles; #FakeHashtag King of Anything by Sara Bareilles +1143 PER/Nicki Minaj; #FakeHashtag still I rise by Nicki Minaj; this used to b ma shit +1144 PER/jason mraz; #FakeHashtag the remedy - jason mraz +1145 PER/Carrie Underwood; #FakeHashtag Undo It by Carrie Underwood (LOVE this song!!!!) +1146 PER/Bj Raji; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Bj Raji doing the BIG SEXY dance +1147 #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername on a break from the 9-5 to meet my babygirl at her bus stop & I must say this http://FakeURL +1148 #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag she needs us right now!!!!!!! keep her in your prayers ok +1149 PER/kanye west;PER/lady gaga;PER/Kurt Cobain; #FakeHashtag '' ``kanye west hates some lady gaga's pants o_O '' '' - Kurt Cobain '' +1150 PER/Oscar Wilde; #FakeHashtag '' ``what's up with twitter i miss you o_O '' '' - Oscar Wilde #FakeHashtag '' +1151 PER/Taylor Swift; #FakeHashtag I'm intimidated by the fear of being average . - Taylor Swift +1152 PER/Jennifer Grey; #FakeHashtag Jennifer Grey was in movies? Then she had a nose job and lost her career . +1153 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 346 official Podcast . . Still have a lot to read . . #FakeHashtag!! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1154 #FakeHashtag to #FakeHashtag we 've been holdin it DOWN since Thanksgiving Break began ... this shit is ... fuckin ridiculous \* Swizz Beatz voice \* +1155 PER/Doogie Howser; #FakeHashtag what ever happened to all those journal entries Doogie Howser M.D. typed into that old computer . @FakeUsername Tell us!!! +1156 #FakeHashtag Fantasymageddon! : An epic preview of the most anticipated #FakeHashtag matchup of all time : ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1157 #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag Ask the Internet Roundup (Hive Mind) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1158 #FakeHashtag her like a lady x +1159 PER/Hitler; #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . Thanks #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . The 2 hour #FakeHashtag program on plots to kill Hitler was amazing . +1160 PER/Cliff Lee; #FakeHashtag \* Deep sigh \* SMH RT @FakeUsername : Hey Cliff Lee, u couldve saved us a lot of time & speculation ya `know . . Fag ass nigga +1161 PER/Emily Dickinson; @FakeUsername : v @FakeUsername Forever is composed of nows . - Emily Dickinson '' +1162 @FakeUsername : Omfg my gf is crazy!!! I f \* cken love this women!!! : D '' (= = I'm jealous Damn!!! Haha +1163 PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Michelle Obama; @FakeUsername : Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' +1164 PER/Michelle Bachman; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Why do republicans like Michelle Bachman lie so much #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag / / She learned frm the best . '' +1165 PER/Cheryl Cole;PER/Cowell;PER/Wagner; @FakeUsername : Cheryl Cole and Cowell bullying Wagner, very unedifying #FakeHashtag '' +1166 PER/Michele Bachmann; @FakeUsername : Just watched Rep Michele Bachmann on Newsnight . God help the world if she ever becomes President . Both thick and dangerous . '' +1167 PER/Gary Mckinnon; @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : end the war of Terror against Gary Mckinnon - #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername '' +1168 LOC/US;PER/Mr Clegg; @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername This does not help my wife & I facing Illegal US extradition Mr Clegg, we have (cont) http://FakeURL +1169 PER/Brian_Howes;PER/Brian Howes;LOC/U.S; @FakeUsername : Brian_Howes Brian Howes #FakeHashtag and clear human rights violations in the U.S http://FakeURL @FakeUsername ? '' +1170 @FakeUsername : Regular Exercise May Ward Off Dozens of Health Problems http://FakeURL +1171 ORG/GOP;PER/Bob Inglis; @FakeUsername : GOP Rep. Bob Inglis slams his party on climate change denial . http://FakeURL +1172 PER/Mitch McConnell; @FakeUsername : Mitch McConnell ramps up anti-health care reform rhetoric . http://FakeURL - by @FakeUsername '' +1173 PER/Mark Zuckerberg; '' @FakeUsername : '' ``Move Fast . Be Bold . '' '' - Mark Zuckerberg '' '' +1174 PER/Jim Bunning;PER/Obama;PER/Berwick; @FakeUsername : wow . Jim Bunning comes out and basically calls Obama a liar and a cheat in the Berwick hearing yesterday . what a douche . '' +1175 PER/Rosalind Franklin; @FakeUsername : Rosalind Franklin and sexism in the theater of science http://FakeURL +1176 PER/Joe Biden;PER/Sarah Palin;PER/Obama;PER/Joe Biden; @FakeUsername : Joe Biden : Sarah Palin a force but would lose to Obama, Joe Biden says - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' +1177 ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Julian Assange; @FakeUsername : Wikileaks : Defend Julian Assange : http://FakeURL This guy has cajones . '' (BALZ?!) +1178 PER/Anni Dewani;LOC/Cape Town; @FakeUsername : A third person has been arrested in connection with the murder of newlywed Anni Dewani on her honeymoon in Cape Town +1179 ORG/Labour;PER/Eric Joyce;LOC/Grangemouth; @FakeUsername : Labour MP Eric Joyce is arrested on suspicion of drink driving after an incident in Grangemouth, police say . '' +1180 PER/Larry King; @FakeUsername : If you do something, expect consequences . - Larry King #FakeHashtag '' +1181 PER/Murkowsk;LOC/Alaska;PER/Lisa Murkowski;LOC/Alaska; @FakeUsername Murkowski to declare victory in Alaska : Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will decla ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1182 @FakeUsername : I guess the next time I'm lonely on a Saturday night, I can just go to the airport . (LOL FOR A NICE PAT DOWN) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' +1183 PER/Anne Hathaway;PER/Jake Gyllenhal;PER/Anne;PER/Jake; '' @FakeUsername : Is it just me or are Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhal the 2 most overrated '' ``beauties? '' '' Maybe Anne but Jake is hot!! '' +1184 PER/Anne Frank; ``How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world . '' - Anne Frank #FakeHashtag +1185 PER/Oscar Wilde; ``I love talking about nothing . It is the only thing I know anything about . '' - Oscar Wilde +1186 PER/Karl Lagerfeld; ``I really do n't think women want to go around looking like a Saint Laurent shopping bag . '' - Karl Lagerfeld +1187 PER/Frank A Clark; ``If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably does n't lead anywhere . '' Frank A Clark #FakeHashtag +1188 PER/Jack Dixon; ``If you focus on results, you will never change . If you focus on change, you will get results . '' ~ Jack Dixon +1189 PER/John Churton Collins; ``In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends '' - John Churton Collins +1190 PER/Victor Borge; ``Laughter is the closest distance between two people . '' Victor Borge +1191 PER/Albert Einstein; ``Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow . '' - Albert Einstein +1192 PER/Irwin Federman; ``People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel '' - Irwin Federman #FakeHashtag +1193 PER/Irwin Federman; ``People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel '' - Irwin Federman #FakeHashtag +1194 PER/Michael Jordan; ``Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen . '' - Michael Jordan +1195 PER/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; ``Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week '' - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow +1196 PER/Mark Twain; ``When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained . '' Mark Twain #FakeHashtag +1197 MISC/Asian;LOC/Oye's Restaurant and Bar; $ 15 for $ 30 worth of scrumptious sushi and Asian fusion from Oye's Restaurant and Bar http://FakeURL +1198 07563346443 ;) @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1199 07729205835 @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1200 07751701622 I know all the words to the Barbie song x @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1201 07813349520! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1202 10 users scored today and @FakeUsername finished 1st with 20 pts! Who's next tomorrow? Rules & Tops Players here : http://FakeURL +1203 LOC/WOODS RD; 10:54 WOODS RD, #FakeHashtag - OTHER SAFE (region 22) http://FakeURL +1204 MISC/British;PER/Chris Davies;ORG/1st Battalion Irish Guards; 100th British soldier to die this year in #FakeHashtag named-Chris Davies ,22, from 1st Battalion Irish Guards (TOTAL WASTE OF A LIFE) +1205 12 Things You Might Not Know About Background Checks http://FakeURL +1206 13 nations meet in #FakeHashtag to save wild #FakeHashtag from extinction, #FakeHashtag to headline . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +1207 13-Year-Old Saves Baby Brother From Bullet After Mom's Boyfriend Shot Family ... +1208 PER/Damien Guillon;PER/Dorothee Mields; 14/11 matinee #FakeHashtag Collegium Vocale/Herreweghe : Magnificat, #FakeHashtag . . KIPPEVEL! Damien Guillon/Dorothee Mields : both heaven sent! +1209 15800 cops are guarding VIPs : He said the police were in the process of boosting detective services and that a t. . . http://FakeURL +1210 PER/Tony Gonzalez; 161st consecutive game with a reception for Tony Gonzalez (@FakeUsername) #FakeHashtag +1211 1st coat of garage floor painted! 16 hrs before i can do coat 2 ... I hate enamel based paint : -LRB- +1212 ORG/freelondon; 20 ARTICLES IN ITALIAN by freelondon : We are looking for ITALIAN professional content writers with ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1213 LOC/Mandalay;LOC/Myanmar; 2010 - my favorite photograph from last year . A link to the story behind the image from Mandalay in Myanmar : http://FakeURL +1214 2011 Free Agent Preview : QB? s and RB? s Gridiron Experts http://FakeURL +1215 ORG/Pirelli;PER/Karl Lagerfeld; 2011 Pirelli calendar presented by Karl Lagerfeld Autoblog : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1216 25 Commandments For #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +1217 2K : KS_SmithRT @FakeUsername : After this game, who tryin to get on some 2k or COD on PS3 +1218 PER/SEAN FALYON; 2NITE IN ATL!!! Come out to the Composition of CHAOS : ART BATTLE : 8PM : Hosted by SEAN FALYON @FakeUsername); more info : http://FakeURL RT +1219 3 Reasons Why I Found The Best Cleanser For Acne Period! : Cleansing your skin is still one of? http://FakeURL +1220 PER/John Lennon; 30 years ago John Lennon was shot this very day may he R.I.P. +1221 31 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed : The cold snap may not have? snapped ,? but all that winter ... http://FakeURL +1222 31 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed : The cold snap may not have? snapped ,? but all that winter ... http://FakeURL +1223 PER/Jan Von Holleben; 33 Inspiring Photos From Jan Von Holleben : http://FakeURL +1224 ORG/twitter; 3840388 #FakeHashtag The way of getting free twitter fans http://FakeURL . +1225 PER/William A Ward; 4 steps to achievement : Plan purposefully . Prepare prayerfully . Proceed positively . Pursue persistently ~ William A Ward via @FakeUsername +1226 PER/Eddie Guerrero;PER/Guerrero; 5 Years ago this day Eddie Guerrero passed! RIP Guerrero #FakeHashtag +1227 LOC/Great Lakes;LOC/Expo Center; 68th Annual Cleveland Home & Garden Show - Great Lakes Expo Center ... http://FakeURL +1228 PER/Usher;PER/Usher; 7 . When you see Usher in #FakeHashtag yell `yeaaaaah man' in the Usher voice < 3 +1229 PER/Kevin Muscat; 73% of Age poll voters say Kevin Muscat should be suspended for rest of the season (inc. finals) . As a Victory supporter I agree . #FakeHashtag +1230 75B just left types fast . Claims to be YHOO-DUH . Been using a word processor or type-writter, and snail mail for the last 8,10 years? +1231 PER/Russell Crowe; 8 Milestones in the Evolution of Russell Crowe Movieline : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1232 ORG/Google;ORG/Bing; 89% of all computer users trust Google and Bing : A recent survey announced that 89% of people at large trust sea ... http://FakeURL +1233 LOC/Jeddah; A celebration of reading at Jeddah event http://FakeURL +1234 MISC/A Charlie Brown Christmas; A Charlie Brown Christmas' comes on at 8 on #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1235 MISC/Grey Gardens;PER/Eva Mulvad;MISC/Good Life; ``A Danish '' ``Grey Gardens '' ''? Eva Mulvad On Her '' ``Good Life '' '' : The Danish have been making a significant mark in the wo ... http://FakeURL '' +1236 A Degree In Hospitality Can Lead To Exciting And Adventurous Careers http://FakeURL +1237 LOC/Washington DC;LOC/Reagan National Airport, VA; A Few Clouds and 23 F at Washington DC, Reagan National Airport, VA Winds are North at 8.1 MPH (7 KT) . The pressure is http://FakeURL +1238 PER/Graeme Taylor; A Gay Teenager Stands Up for His Suspended Teacher : You may have already heard the story about Graeme Taylor, bu ... http://FakeURL +1239 MISC/Jersey Shore;PER/Mark Sanford; A grandmother reacts to? Jersey Shore ,? Gov. Mark Sanford fails at romance, Mr. T gives us? http://FakeURL +1240 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) +1241 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) +1242 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) +1243 PER/Juvenal Roman; A healthy mind in a healthy body . Juvenal Roman poet & satirist (55 AD - 127 AD) +1244 PER/John F. Kennedy; A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy (1960) http://FakeURL +1245 PER/John F. Kennedy; A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy (1960) http://FakeURL +1246 PER/paul weller;LOC/brum; a lot is happening tonight pretty green going and paul weller in brum and i'm missing out on them both ... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! . +1247 PER/Charles Darwin; A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life Charles Darwin +1248 PER/Henry Ford; A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one . ~ Henry Ford +1249 PER/Vybz Kartel; A newly pecan-faced Vybz Kartel dropped withaquick message in response to the furor folks into after he compared his freshly lightened skin +1250 PER/Ken Wisdom; A person determined never to be wrong wo n't likely accomplish much . - Ken Wisdom +1251 A simple trick that will keep your readers eyes glued to the screen and force them to read every word http://FakeURL +1252 LOC/Quincy;LOC/Palmyra;LOC/Hannibal; ``A single band of snow has decided to set-up over the tri-states today . Up to 3 '' '' being reported in Quincy '', Palmyra to Hannibal . +1253 PER/Dan Rather; A tough lesson in life that one has to learn is that not everybody wishes you well . Dan Rather +1254 A tribute to modern day #FakeHashtag & happy anniversary to The #FakeHashtag . Truth hurts . http://FakeURL +1255 A TrUe FaNtasTic LiFe : Never There-CAKE music video http://FakeURL +1256 A very Merry X-mas to all of you out there! Eat, drink, share, enjoy! +1257 PER/David Caruso;MISC/Rambo; A VERY young @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : David Caruso was in Rambo?! How did I miss that? +1258 PER/Cynthia Rowley; A Week With Cynthia Rowley : http://FakeURL +1259 PER/Aaron Rodgers;PER/Aaron Rodgers; Aaron Rodgers is the man, ya 'll talking about rootin' for underdogs, Aaron Rodgers is a TRUE underdog story +1260 PER/Aaron Rodgers;PER/Cutler;PER/Collins; Aaron Rodgers QB rating 59.2 ... seems terrible ... Cutler 31.8 Collins is 0 for 3 and his is 39.6 +1261 PER/Aaron Rogers; Aaron Rogers it will be a dream come true if u LOSS the super blow!!!!!! +1262 MISC/The Last Song; ``About to watch '' ``The Last Song '' '' . '' +1263 PER/Russell Crowe; Accidental Sexiness Russell Crowe grabs a bite with his mates http://FakeURL +1264 LOC/United States; According to http://FakeURL, the median salary for a graphic designer in the United States is $ 45,704 . #FakeHashtag +1265 MISC/Ace Ventura Pet Detective; Ace Ventura Pet Detective #FakeHashtag +1266 Across the school / office the freedom to access the network http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1267 PER/Leonard Cohen; Act the way you 'd like to be & soon you 'll be the way you act . ~ Leonard Cohen RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername +1268 Actual value of WS6 vs. Firehawk??? : Ok ... well my G35 was totaled and now im looking to get back in the f-body ... http://FakeURL +1269 PER/Adam Sandler; Adam Sandler movies #FakeHashtag +1270 Additionally teachers need to be `creative _ French Country : resources and schemes of work in order to assist wi ... http://FakeURL +1271 Admittedly, I am looking at flats with a rental of _ 1000 + . Not sure why . +1272 PER/Adolfo Castelo;MISC/GRAFONAUTA; Adolfo Castelo en GRAFONAUTA (2000) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername Genio . Creador . +1273 LOC/United States; Advancing the clean energy partnership between the United States ... http://FakeURL +1274 PER/Cilla Black; AEG LIVE peeps suppose to call ne bak ASAP!! it's Cilla Black surprise surprise NO CALL!!! +1275 aelyea RT @FakeUsername : Manusia hutan RT @FakeUsername : Jangan-jangan elu itu ... ... ... (Fill in the blank) +1276 Affiliate Marketing Suggestions that Work The Board Magazine http://FakeURL +1277 PER/Peter Weir; After a long hiatus, '' Peter Weir finds '' ``The Way Back '' '' '' +1278 PER/Mandela; After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb . ~ Mandela +1279 PER/Tracy Morgan; After watching a new Tracy Morgan Standup, I wanted him to stand down ... +1280 PER/Allison Dubois;MISC/RHOBH; after watching the real Allison Dubois on RHOBH I am no longer sad the show was canceled @FakeUsername +1281 PER/Kid Rock; Agree #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : i think Kid Rock killed it tonight . had to add that ... thanks . bye . +1282 PER/Christina Aguilera; ``Agreed! RT @FakeUsername : Loving that '' ``Castle Walls '' '' T.I ft Christina Aguilera '' +1283 LOC/Dallas;MISC/the Super Bowl;ORG/Cowboys; Aint it funny the year Dallas is hosting the Super Bowl the Cowboys play like crap??? Talk about letting your state/city down lol +1284 ORG/AJC;ORG/Clayton State; AJC : Chancellor to speak at Clayton State graduation http://FakeURL +1285 ORG/AJC;LOC/East Cobb; AJC : East Cobb schools on lockdown as police search for burglary suspects http://FakeURL +1286 ORG/AJC; AJC : Girl ,10, helps police find accused molester http://FakeURL +1287 ORG/AJC;LOC/Kennesaw; AJC : Kennesaw fundraiser benefits brain tumor foundation http://FakeURL +1288 ORG/AJC;LOC/DeKalb; AJC : Superintendent : Inequities at DeKalb schools http://FakeURL +1289 PER/Al Habsi; Al Habsi, is keeping rather well . +1290 PER/Alexis Cares; Alexis Cares . . @FakeUsername : Still stumped on what to call my Advice Column ... '' +1291 PER/Alicia Keys;PER/Swizz Beatz; Alicia Keys was SO BAD pre-Shock G, I mean Swizz Beatz SMH +1292 All Dat Bullshyt For Da Birds Throw Some Bread Out! +1293 PER/Eugene Ware; All glory comes from daring to begin - Eugene Ware . Happy Tuesday tweeples! x +1294 PER/Charles Schulz; All you need is love . But a little chocolate now and then does n't hurt . ~ Charles Schulz #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername +1295 ORG/YouTube; All your Social Networking sites can become capture sites with these floating forms . Look at my YouTube channel . http://FakeURL +1296 PER/D-Rose; Almost time for The #FakeHashtag 8pm Practice Session against the my #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag at least D-Rose will be fun to watch +1297 PER/Aloe Blacc; Aloe Blacc's Good Things is such a genius album +1298 Alright need to get my ass moving . Gotta go to 5 stores & be done by 2pm to get xmas tree . Tweet along the way +1299 Amazing that they have the energy to beat about the thesaurus . Are they underemployed? @FakeUsername +1300 ORG/David Guerra Architecture; amazing . . (hope you 're awake to see) @FakeUsername : Mountain House by David Guerra Architecture - http://FakeURL +1301 ORG/Amazon;ORG/Sister Hazel; Amazon has Sister Hazel album (11 songs) available for free download. : Linky : This is a content summary only ... http://FakeURL +1302 ORG/DEG; http://FakeURL - Software Retailer of the Year : http://FakeURL collects the Software Retailer of the Year award from DEG ... http://FakeURL +1303 LOC/Clemson, SC;ORG/Honda; AMBER ALERT : Clemson, SC VEH :1996 Tan4D Honda Accord TAG : SC GAT461 CHILD :12 yoHisp F 4' 0 85lbs Hair : Blk SUS :26 yoHisp ... http://FakeURL +1304 ORG/AMOC;ORG/Aston Martin; AMOC Forum Update Re : Aston Martin Cygnet : Quote from : Gusto on Today at 09:27:45 PMErm, we 've been thinking abo ... http://FakeURL +1305 PER/Amy Winehouse;LOC/Brazil;PER/Amy Winehouse;LOC/Brazil; Amy Winehouse Brazil Tour : Amy Winehouse has confirmed a short burst of dates in Brazil early next year . Amy ... http://FakeURL +1306 PER/Chris Brown; and Chris Brown is still at it ... like 5 hours later lol +1307 And do n't wear those fkn mail shorts if your just gonna wear tights under them ugh! . . Shes employed . . and im not . . Aint this a bitch? +1308 LOC/madagascar; and if i see one more person quote i just had sex i will cut someones dick off and feed it to starving lemurs in madagascar +1309 PER/Ellen;LOC/Hawaii; and now for the encore! . . the ultimate in suggestivness lol ) Ellen with her Hawaii Chair http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1310 PER/dave berry;PER/jack davies;LOC/wolvo;LOC/high wycombe; and when when they announced i was winner dave berry said congrats jack davies from wolvo who now lives in high wycombe i'm like ... do i? . +1311 MISC/Super Bowl; And with that, @FakeUsername will be starting in the Super Bowl as a rookie . +1312 PER/Haney;ORG/Bears;PER/Aaron Rodgers;ORG/Packers;MISC/Superbowl; And with that interception on Haney, Bears lose and Aaron Rodgers' Packers are headed to the Superbowl and have won the George Halas Trophy . +1313 PER/Andre Johnson; Andre Johnson fucked that nigga up #FakeHashtag +1314 PER/Andy Cohen;PER/Andy; Andy Cohen should be renamed PeeWee Andy after seeing the New Year's promo, he does already have the PeeWee clubhouse @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +1315 PER/Ang Lee;PER/John Woo;PER/Lee; Ang Lee & John Woo suck fucking cock! Why do you think they did another Hulk? I hated that fucking homo Lee! +1316 Angara - Oval Ruby Deep Red 0.71 Cts . 6 X 4 MM : 0.71 carat weight Oval Deep Red Ruby . This Ruby i. . . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +1317 Anonymous asked : ohh dear jesus, thats really Hot . http://FakeURL +1318 PER/Joan Jett; Another FTW song : Joan Jett's Crimson and Clover #FakeHashtag +1319 PER/Erica Jong; ``Another great response to Erica Jong's (non) '' ``parenting '' '' advice . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername '' +1320 PER/Michael Bloomberg; Anyone notice what an outrageously misguided asshole Michael Bloomberg is? I like his news, though . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +1321 Anyone want to exchange Christmas cards? +1322 PER/Henry Ford; Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty . Anyone who keeps learning stays young . ~ Henry Ford +1323 anything to ask me? . http://FakeURL +1324 Apparently, the chinese place messed up my order so they gave me extra . Anyone want anything? Haha +1325 Are There Any Loopholes Left? http://FakeURL +1326 PER/Yo Gotti; Are you going to be in the building Sat @FakeUsername for Yo Gotti concert? +1327 Argh is party! Have to be up at 8:30 though! Whoops! +1328 LOC/Arizona; Arizona auctions : Plenty of bidders are willing to buy : - http://FakeURL +1329 LOC/Arizona; Arizona auctions : Plenty of bidders are willing to buy : - http://FakeURL +1330 PER/ARMAND VAN HELDEN; ARMAND VAN HELDEN - You do n't know me (1999) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1331 ORG/Twitter;ORG/Myspace; Artists . It's important that you brand your name . Make yourself available in every outlet possible . Website, Twitter, Myspace, etc. +1332 ``as i lay down for my massage ... i hear '' ``Hatred is an affair of the heart; contempt that of the head . '' '' ... nicely said ... oh i can not wait;) '' +1333 LOC/wales;PER/gary speed; as if wales need gary speed as their new manager! . +1334 PER/Kate; asikk liburrr RT @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag and Kate #FakeHashtag to marry on April 29 . http://FakeURL +1335 Ask me anything http://FakeURL +1336 Ask me anything http://FakeURL +1337 At my cuzzins! RT @FakeUsername Where u at toots? RT @FakeUsername : I'm not easily impressed but this place niiiccceee! +1338 PER/Erik Hayden; ``Atheism does n't try to win '' ``converts '' '' . @FakeUsername attacks atheism as being '' ``racist '' '' . http://FakeURL by Erik Hayden @FakeUsername '' +1339 ORG/Atl Business Chronicle;PER/Neenah Paper; Atl Business Chronicle : Neenah Paper CEO to step down in May http://FakeURL +1340 LOC/Atlanta; Atlanta is showing off tonight!!! #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +1341 Attention : The #FakeHashtag Food Bank needs turkeys for Thanksgiving . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag Please retweet #FakeHashtag +1342 PER/Auburn;PER/Julio Jones; Auburn woke up ay? This nigga Julio Jones is playin shook +1343 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . love you! i m very happy . +1344 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi;MISC/Nobel Peace Prize; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . Should be great @FakeUsername intreviewn her for NZ . the Nobel Peace Prize +1345 PER/Aung San Suu Kyi;MISC/Nobel Peace Prize; Aung San Suu Kyi you are amazing and example for the world . Should be great @FakeUsername intreviewn her for NZ . the Nobel Peace Prize! +1346 PER/Sandy; Aunt Sandy fun time begins in 15 minutes . . dinner, playtime, baths/showers, pajamas, BED! Props to all my Mom friends out there! XO +1347 LOC/Austin; Austin broke this rails virginity http://FakeURL +1348 Australian homes among least affordable : Now travel back to 1990 & ask yourself would you enter the market at a ... http://FakeURL +1349 Auto Loans in the Economic Downturn 9to6 Blog : Auto Loans in the Financial Downturn Applying for an car mortga ... http://FakeURL +1350 Awake! . . Time for a hotty #FakeHashtag . . The ultimate solution for my overheating #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1351 PER/Bruno Mars; Awesome song @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag GRENADE by Bruno Mars +1352 PER/Bill Wright;MISC/Baby Face Nelson; Awesome story w my friend Bill Wright about 1 of Baby Face Nelson's co-gangsters who later cleaned up & helped others http://FakeURL +1353 PER/Paul McCartney; Awesome! @FakeUsername classic channel is doing xmas videos 6 to 10am . 1st up : Paul McCartney +1354 AWW, thxs prillz . RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername awwww that's messed up . Glad u r safe :) +1355 PER/Obama; Aww congrats to our First Lady and President Obama!!!!! Pregnant at 46 whoooweee +1356 Awww #FakeHashtag set was so fukin cool!!!! Thx @FakeUsername!!! Plz RT IF U LIKED IT #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1357 ORG/Falcons;PER/Josh Freeman; Awww man . Come on Falcons defense . Ca n't let Josh Freeman run all willy nilly like that . Smh +1358 Awww thank you < 3 yeah defo . . if it was only one of us to meet the sats itd be u!! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1359 Baby Black Hole Found http://FakeURL +1360 ORG/The Flaming Lips; ``Back on the road . '' ``Mr. Ambulance Driver '' '' by The Flaming Lips on my iPid . '' +1361 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers; Back-To-Back Interceptions : In a wild sequence of plays, the Bears and the Packers both score key interceptions ... http://FakeURL +1362 Bandh is an illegal way of protest : SC http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : Bandh is an illegal ... http://FakeURL +1363 LOC/Bangkok;LOC/Thailand; Bangkok, Thailand http://FakeURL +1364 LOC/Bar Reis; Bar Reis ... 2hrs ... See ya there . +1365 PER/Barbara Hulanicki; Barbara Hulanicki collection creates a buzz http://FakeURL +1366 http://FakeURL - DonnaKaranHosieryA19 The Nudes Control Top : The Nudes collection matches yo ... http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +1367 PER/Bart Scott;PER/Big Ben; Bart Scott makes me want to beat the shit out of Big Ben . Not proud of it, but it's the truth . +1368 MISC/Battlestar Galactica; Battlestar Galactica - Reviewing `The Science of Battlestar ... http://FakeURL +1369 PER/Paulo Coelho; Be brave . Take risks . Nothing can substitute experience . ~ Paulo Coelho +1370 PER/Paulo Coelho; Be brave . Take risks . Nothing can substitute experience . ~ Paulo Coelho +1371 PER/Oscar Wilde; Be yourself; everyone else is already taken . Oscar Wilde +1372 ORG/BEADY EYE; BEADY EYE SOON! . +1373 ORG/BEADY EYE;LOC/MANCHESTER APOLLO; BEADY EYE TICKETS FOR MANCHESTER APOLLO WILL BE # 27.50! . +1374 ORG/Beatles;PER/John Lennon; Beatles #FakeHashtag; John Lennon #FakeHashtag; s Letters And Drawings To Be Turned Into A Book - http://FakeURL +1375 ORG/Meadowlawn Golf Club; Beautiful day! I think I 'll go check out Meadowlawn Golf Club . Hopefully they 're good . +1376 Beauty Is A Woman? s Most Prized Possession http://FakeURL +1377 BEEEEEEE!!! RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername AAYYYEEEE!!! +1378 MISC/Monsters Inc.;MISC/Buck Rogers;PER/Gil Gerard;PER/Buck; Before Monsters Inc. we watched a couple episodes of Buck Rogers for Gil Gerard Birthday . What is up Buck Indeed +1379 PER/Tim Ferriss; Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action . ~ Tim Ferriss +1380 PER/Tony Robbins; Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy . ~ Tony Robbins +1381 PER/William James; Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact . William James #FakeHashtag +1382 PER/Ben Affleck; Ben Affleck to Direct New Movie! : The actor, who won huge critical acclaim with his directing skills for? The To ... http://FakeURL +1383 PER/Ben Rothlisberger;ORG/Jets; Ben Rothlisberger is about to RAPE this Jets defense lmao +1384 ORG/Bertuccis; Bertuccis bread and oil = orgasmic +1385 PER/Erik Hayden; Best Tweets : TSA Body-Scanning Edition http://FakeURL by Erik Hayden @FakeUsername +1386 PER/noahgraham; Big boss man by noahgraham via #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +1387 PER/Khali; big daddy Khali is the name . +1388 ORG/Pats;ORG/Colts;PER/Peyton;PER/Brady;ORG/Pats; BIG game today . Pats vs Colts!!!! Love watching Peyton and Brady go at it!!! I got the Pats in this game +1389 PER/JOHN ABRAHAM; BIG JOHN ABRAHAM BABY!!!!! I love it!! +1390 PER/Claire Denis;MISC/Made in Dagenham;ORG/indieWIRE; Big Screen This Week's Top 5 : IDFA, Claire Denis, '' '' ``Made in Dagenham '' '' and More : Each week here at indieWIRE '', fi ... http://FakeURL +1391 PER/Bill blair; ``Bill blair defense is '' ``lawyers made me do it '' '' hahahahahahaha '' +1392 PER/Bill Cosby; Bill Cosby is alive and doing alright . +1393 PER/Bill Cowher;PER/Coughlin;LOC/NY; Bill Cowher? RT @FakeUsername : Still believe Coughlin has run his course in NY, burned out his team . Time for him to go . +1394 PER/Bill Maher; Bill Maher is hilarious!!! Love his #FakeHashtag for his season finale +1395 PER/Bill Nye;MISC/2010 Humanist of the year; Bill Nye acceptance speech for 2010 Humanist of the year . http://FakeURL +1396 PER/Billie Holiday; Billie Holiday - My Man http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1397 PER/Bing Crosby; Bing Crosby - Silent Night http://FakeURL +1398 MISC/Black Swan;PER/Natalie Portman;LOC/UK; Black Swan poster Natalie Portman (http://FakeURL UK) : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1399 ORG/BMW; BMW : A must see 2004 325i bmw - (atlanta) $ 7000 : This car has been pampered, have ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1400 PER/Bob Marley;ORG/MSN; Bob Marley chills baby MSN Video http://FakeURL +1401 PER/Bobby Heenan;PER/Harley Race; Bobby Heenan and Harley Race have been invited to Wrestlemania . +1402 Bored? Come video chat with me and 82 others at http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1403 LOC/u.s.a.; born and rasied in da u.s.a. where my president iz b.l.a.c.k. Where my president iz b.l.a.c.k. #FakeHashtag +1404 PER/Kid Rock; BORRRRN FREEEE! Get it Kid Rock! +1405 ORG/Boston Celtics;MISC/Nba; Boston Celtics Nba : Beauty of Basketball http://FakeURL +1406 PER/Bow Wow; Bow Wow needs some professional help ... he is not mentally stable +1407 Brandi sister ain raw, lol The king of the jungle +1408 PER/Brandon Flowers; Brandon Flowers and crossfire! . (3 +1409 PER/Brandon Jacobs; Brandon Jacobs for the great run #FakeHashtag +1410 Breakfast Strata Rockin Chef http://FakeURL Nice for a Sunday Brunch or Holiday Breakfast . . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1411 PER/Nancy Pelosi;ORG/Democrats; BREAKING Nancy Pelosi elected House minority leader by Democrats in a 150 to 43 vote . +1412 PER/Brett Favre; Brett Favre has been done since ummm 2006 #FakeHashtag +1413 PER/Brett Favre;ORG/Lions; Brett Favre inactive today against the Lions +1414 PER/Brian Eno;PER/Brian Eno; Brian Eno Praises Warp Records : Renowned producer Brian Eno has spoken of his respect for electronic label Wa ... http://FakeURL +1415 PER/Brian Pumper; Brian Pumper wears fake jewelry #FakeHashtag +1416 PER/Leon Powe;ORG/the Celtics; Bring Leon Powe back to the Celtics +1417 Bring on the New Year! We are not afraid of you or your resolutions! http://FakeURL +1418 PER/Greg Inglis; Broncos, Storm wo n't consider Greg Inglis return if Rabbitohs deal falls through Courier Mail : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1419 ORG/Leggo;PER/Michael Johnson; BROOKINS BITCH! RT @FakeUsername : Leggo Michael Johnson!!! +1420 PER/Noel Gallagher; btw Noel Gallagher is on talksport now! . +1421 PER/Polamula;PER/Hines ward; Btwn him and Polamula they the only ones I'm worried bout RT @FakeUsername : Hines ward in da cut quiet focused +1422 ORG/Packers;MISC/superbowl;ORG/Jets; But congrats to the Packers for making it to superbowl . They 'll be playing the ... Jets . Right? Here the consistency is pretty much back again . +1423 PER/Brandon Jacobs;PER/Charles Woodson; But I remember Brandon Jacobs running Charles Woodson the FUCK OVER! Then again, who has n't gotten run over by that guy +1424 ORG/the steelers;MISC/super bowl; but if the steelers win the super bowl this year thats 2 more then us . . so i can root against a team +1425 but it says 4am-7am (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) +1426 LOC/El Toreador Restaurant; by @FakeUsername : I just checked in at El Toreador Restaurant on #FakeHashtag and earned the Mexi-Can badge! http://FakeURL ... #FakeHashtag +1427 C-Money getting competitive with the GreenMonster . Took off the jacket and the hat is on backward . Oh snaps . http://FakeURL +1428 ORG/Steelers;MISC/super bowl; C'mon Steelers! Gotta make it to the super bowl again +1429 ORG/Cabinet Office;PER/Nick Clegg; Cabinet Office denies conflict of interest over payments to Nick Clegg's wife's firm (PIGS NOSE IN THE TROUGH) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1430 PER/Saddam Hussein; Cable reveals details about Saddam Hussein's `hastily run' execution - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag ( ITS COMMING! IF NOT ALREADY HERE! +1431 PER/Caleb Hanie;LOC/Forney;LOC/Chicago; Caleb Hanie from Forney may go from nobody to God if he leads Chicago to a comeback and further show how bad 2006 QB class was . +1432 PER/Caleb Hanie;PER/Jay Cutler; Caleb Hanie might not have won the game, but he definitely has bigger balls than Jay Cutler . +1433 LOC/Cali; Cali weather is krazyyy; time to pull out the cargo shorts!! +1434 LOC/California;LOC/Delta-Mendota canal;LOC/Patterson; California : 5th vehicle recovered from the Delta-Mendota canal near Patterson in search for boy http://FakeURL +1435 PER/Cam Newton;PER/Auburn; Cam Newton can ball man, Auburn needs this win though +1436 PER/Cam Newton;ORG/the Bengals; Cam Newton is NOT going to the Bengals ... +1437 PER/Adrian Chiles; Can Adrian Chiles get the fuck off my TV!?! He's fucking everywhere!! +1438 PER/Richard Bach; ``Can miles truly separate you from friends . . If you want to be with someone you love, are n't you already there? ~ Richard Bach / / @FakeUsername '' +1439 yer only trying to go back on what ye said to stop getting hate @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1440 ORG/Bears; Ca n't ask them to do anymore . RT @FakeUsername Bears D is ridiculous right now, giving the offense consistent chances to come back +1441 PER/brandon flowers; ca n't believe I missed brandon flowers live! . +1442 Candlelight - With recovery in sight . http://FakeURL +1443 Caring Process of Cell Phones http://FakeURL +1444 PER/Carly Simon; Carly Simon - You 're So Vain (with lyrics) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1445 PER/Carly Simon; ``Carly Simon talks about '' ``You 're So Vain '' '' http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' +1446 LOC/Casa Corazon; Casa Corazon is one of the best units available for vacation rentals http://FakeURL It has it's own private beach #FakeHashtag +1447 Casual dresses to wear to a wedding : by nimboo As a minor woman? or very same now? I am confident that you dec. . . http://FakeURL +1448 PER/Catherine Zeta-Jones; Catherine Zeta-Jones where art thou, fair maiden? So I can smasheth thee #FakeHashtag +1449 PER/Chace Crawford; Chace Crawford #FakeHashtag +1450 PER/Denis Waitley; Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable . - Denis Waitley +1451 PER/John D. Rockefeller; Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it . - John D. Rockefeller +1452 PER/Charles Woodson;LOC/Michigan; Charles Woodson is one of my favorite Michigan players ever +1453 PER/Charlie Murphhyyyy; Charlie Murphhyyyy +1454 Check out all the health benefits of tea visit Adagio teas ~ http://FakeURL +1455 PER/Sananda Maitreya; Check out music from Sananda Maitreya http://FakeURL +1456 ORG/Timex;ORG/Timex; Check out this Amazon deal : `Timex Kids' T89001 Hearts and Butterflies Stretch Band Watch' by Timex http://FakeURL +1457 Check out this awesome site : 5 In 1 - http://FakeURL @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag +1458 Check out this great item : Earth Standard for Casio Exilim EX-Z30, EX-Z40, EX-50 http://FakeURL +1459 check out this juicy #FakeHashtag! http://FakeURL +1460 PER/Holly; Check this new video on Tubeminator : Holly gets tickled by Mistress Red . wmv http://FakeURL +1461 PER/SANANDA MAITREYA; Check this video out 3 I Never Know - SANANDA MAITREYA & The Nudge Nudge http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1462 PER/Aretha Franklin; Check this video out Aretha Franklin Just My Daydream http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1463 ORG/Black Eyed Peas; Check this video out Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1464 Check this video out Exodus (1960) - theme http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1465 Checked in the Renaissance!!! Bouta head out n do some quick shopping for this chick!! +1466 ORG/Chicago Bears; Chicago Bears you 've got some splaining to do! +1467 LOC/Chicago; Chicago got that td outta no where!! Lol +1468 PER/Dean Martin; Chill Sunday ... on that Dean Martin music flow +1469 ORG/Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong; Chilling out listening to Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong, My fav band of all time!! +1470 PER/Cheng Jianping; Chinese Woman Jailed Over Single Tweet - Cheng Jianping is to spend 1 year in a labor camp http://FakeURL +1471 PER/Chris Brown;PER/Bow Wow; Chris Brown and Bow Wow need rehab ... maybe the same one? haha +1472 PER/Chris Brown; Chris Brown is about to be media porked ... his career has had a dead line +1473 PER/CHRIST BLINK; CHRIST BLINK 182 TICKETS ARE SELLING OUT FAST! . +1474 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Mother Teresa; Christopher Hitchens @FakeUsername on Mother Teresa, Nazism, the hungry search for knowledge vs. the poison chalice of religious dogma ... +1475 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL Is that first ass Munk? +1476 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL Who is that first ass? +1477 PER/Christopher Hitchens;PER/Tony Blair;PER/Tony; Christopher Hitchens versus Tony Blair (video) . I like them both; regret that Tony went goofy . http://FakeURL +1478 PER/Christopher Hitchens; Christopher Hitchens : `You have to choose your future regrets' http://FakeURL +1479 PER/Christopher Walken; Christopher Walken's 3 little pigs : http://FakeURL - LOL! +1480 ORG/Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers; ``Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers '' ``Ashley's Roachclip '' '' http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' +1481 ORG/Bears;ORG/Packers; Classy . - > RT @FakeUsername : Bears season over . Tough loss . Congrats to Packers and their fans . Good luck on the big day . +1482 Clothes Wash/Microwave : 10W, Office Lights : 46W, Basement Bath Rm : 0W, Rec Room : 87W +1483 Clothes Wash/Microwave : 199W, Office Lights : 44W, Basement Bath Rm : 0W, Rec Room : 86W +1484 Coda : All things Dismemberment Plan; Odd Future's future; Metro, remixed! : Check the blog on Monday for a review o. . . http://FakeURL +1485 Cody < 3 (#FakeHashtag live at http://FakeURL) +1486 ORG/Wikileaks;PER/Julian Assange; Coincidence or conspiracy? Wikileaks founder Julian Assange faces new warrant : http://FakeURL +1487 come check me and my gz out in the studio (Broadcasting live at http://FakeURL) +1488 ``Come to '' ``Magic the Gathering for Beginners '' '' Tuesday '', January 25 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm . Event Details : A class ... http://FakeURL +1489 PER/Henry Ford; Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success . ~ Henry Ford +1490 MISC/SUPERBOWL; Congrats, hope you play well :) RT @FakeUsername : WE ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!! +1491 ORG/SI sports;PER/Drew Brees; Congrats @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : SI sports figure of the year : Drew Brees +1492 PER/Elton John;PER/David Furnish; Congratulations to Elton John and David Furnish as they welcome their Baby Boy +1493 Congratulations! You and your team pulled off this big job . For your troubles you 've earned $ 468,109.00 ... #FakeHashtag - http://FakeURL +1494 PER/Giffords;LOC/Texas; Congresswoman Giffords on road to rehab in Texas - http://FakeURL (Like it? http://FakeURL) +1495 PER/Connolly;PER/Connolly;PER/DeSean Jackson; Connolly for sure! RT @FakeUsername : Which was more impressive - Connolly's or DeSean Jackson's? +1496 Consider yourself no longer `randomised' 8 -) RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Haha, just making the connection :) Nice ... +1497 PER/Oscar Wilde; Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative . Oscar Wilde +1498 PER/Bernard Berenson; Consistency requires you to br as ignorant today as you were a year ago.-Bernard Berenson +1499 PER/Manuel de la Torre; Continua llegando gente de Manuel de la Torre a Cocoso, se espera la salida del titular . +1500 Controlling Pests in your Organic Garden : One of the main concerns of gardeners considering switching to organic ... http://FakeURL +1501 cool brand-new emo boy animated gifs http://FakeURL +1502 Cool science of the week : Cats draw jets of fluid into their mouths with the tips of their tongues . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +1503 MISC/Coronation Street;PER/Jenny McAlpine; Coronation Street's Jenny McAlpine passes on acting tips to kids - http://FakeURL +1504 PER/Glenn Beck; Countdown : Glenn Beck, the communist? http://FakeURL +1505 Crap . Iheartradio apparently has a steelers blackout . Advice for online audio streaming of the game? +1506 Credit Reports http://FakeURL +1507 ORG/Crystal Castles;PER/Jimmy Kimmel; Crystal Castles is performing on Jimmy Kimmel . Reminds me how I really want to see them again live, maybe more sober so I remember it haha . +1508 Currency Majors Technical Perspective : EUR/USD Current price : 1.3605 View Live Chart for the EUR/USD Majors star ... http://FakeURL +1509 Currently reading http://FakeURL +1510 PER/Stephen Hawking; Currently Reading : Stephen Hawking - The Grand Design, the Mother in Law is coming I think I am reading all night . +1511 PER/Curtis Mayfield; Curtis Mayfield - Right On For the Darkness http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1512 ORG/BluEyes One;PER/Diego Redd;PER/ClintonPlace; Cut the Check Featuring BluEyes One & Diego Redd by ClintonPlace http://FakeURL via #FakeHashtag +1513 ORG/BluEyes One;PER/Diego Redd;PER/ClintonPlace; Cut the Check Featuring BluEyes One & Diego Redd by ClintonPlace http://FakeURL via #FakeHashtag < song of the day +1514 Cute dress RT @FakeUsername http://FakeURL : seen on the scene http://FakeURL +1515 PER/Cutler;LOC/Chicago; Cutler, you have to realize what city you 're playing in . If you even TRIED to play injured, Chicago fans would love you for it . +1516 Cuz baby now I realize that I was wrong When I said I did n't need you so Miss you b. . . : http://FakeURL +1517 PER/R. Kelly; Cuz I'm a jerk \* R. Kelly voice \* +1518 PER/Daigo Saito; Daigo Saito is the man!!!!! http://FakeURL +1519 ORG/Rolls Royce; Damage Worse Than Thought in @FakeUsername Jet Engine Blast - http://FakeURL Black eye for Rolls Royce Engines #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1520 Damn my own niggas do n't believe me RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername nah I used 2 give u Da benefit of the Doubt but nah! U dat Nigga blacc +1521 Damn this nigga just backed into this bitch car at the gas station +1522 PER/Barack obama; Damn ... Never seen Barack Barack obama like this hahah http://FakeURL Hotnas Brothers +1523 MISC/Dateline NBC;PER/William;PER/Kate; Dateline NBC is showing William & Kate A Royal Love Story! #FakeHashtag +1524 PER/David Hasselhoof; David Hasselhoof on @FakeUsername @FakeUsername tomorrow, why, he's a has-been, he is freakin creepy & a Narcissist +1525 PER/David Hasselhoof; David Hasselhoof on #FakeHashtag tomorrow, why, he's a has-been, he is freakin creepy & a Narcissist +1526 PER/David Suzuki; David Suzuki makes more sense on the economy +1527 LOC/Davos;ORG/Bloomberg; Davos Excludes Half the World in Global Agenda as Women Miss 30% Threshold - Bloomberg http://FakeURL +1528 Day 8 - Most Difficult Boss Battle - UGH I have two answers for this? Oh hey, I found a nice picture with ... http://FakeURL +1529 PER/Dean Radin; ``Dean Radin @FakeUsername discusses '' ``the stupidity hypothesis '' '' versus the '' ``invisible college '' '' of psychic phenomena research . http://FakeURL '' +1530 PER/Thomas Paine; ``Dec. 1776 vs. Dec. 2010 . Check out this #FakeHashtag edition of '' #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag '' '' by Thomas Paine . http://FakeURL '' +1531 Deep Space Network's Goldstone Antenna Overhauled http://FakeURL +1532 MISC/Super bowl; Defense won the game for the Packers today . Super bowl bound +1533 definitely gonna go for another fish in the seaaaa (YouTube http://FakeURL) +1534 PER/SHEMAR MOORE; definitely not random RT : @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag SHEMAR MOORE is so fine!! +1535 ORG/Department of Homeland Security; Department of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009 +1536 MISC/Desperate Housewives;PER/Rochelle Aytes;PER/Keith; Desperate Housewives Casts Rochelle Aytes As Keith's Ex Movieline http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1537 ORG/Destiny's Child; Destiny's Child @FakeUsername @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername Sistas Forever! I Love they very much! http://FakeURL +1538 PER/DiCaprio;PER/Putin;ORG/NZ Herald News; DiCaprio's efforts for tigers impress Putin - Entertainment - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1539 PER/Dick Butkus;PER/Bart Starr; Dick Butkus would have quit the game before ever being tackled by Bart Starr . #FakeHashtag +1540 http://FakeURL RT @FakeUsername : Hey @FakeUsername I kno ur feelings hurt cuz of the points I put up ... but it's ur turn http://FakeURL +1541 PER/Jake Gyllenhall;PER/Jimmy Fallon; Did anybody catch Jake Gyllenhall on Jimmy Fallon last night?, he busted out some serious moves . . & Mad Skillz??, who knew? luv both Caans . +1542 LOC/Nepal;LOC/KATHMANDU;LOC/Nepal; Did you hear? 140 tourists stranded at airport in Nepal : KATHMANDU, Nepal - More than 140 internat ... http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1543 PER/Allison Dubois;MISC/RHOBH; did you see Allison Dubois on RHOBH? if not it's a must, on Bravo 6pm tonight . would love your opinion on her appearance @FakeUsername +1544 ORG/Diddy-Dirty Money;MISC/Paris Fashion Week;ORG/Diddy-Dirty Money;LOC/Paris; Diddy-Dirty Money Does Dior at Paris Fashion Week : Diddy-Dirty Money caught the last train to Paris earlier toda ... http://FakeURL +1545 Didnt get job and happy about it . They wanted a cross between a super hero and jesus christ . Not a psych nurse . +1546 Die for my nigga 4real if anything happen to him i would n't know what to do http://FakeURL +1547 PER/Dimitar Berbatov;ORG/Premier League;ORG/Manchester Un; Dimitar Berbatov grabbed his third hat-trick of the season to guide unbeaten Premier League leader Manchester Un ... http://FakeURL +1548 ORG/Direct Action;ORG/Twitter;ORG/Brighton Uncut; Direct Action training via Twitter tomorrow, 2sessions from Brighton Uncut http://FakeURL http://FakeURL +1549 PER/William S. Burroughs;PER/William S. Burroughs; ``Director Turns to '' ``William S. Burroughs '' '' For Debut Feature : If William S. Burroughs's work seems different '', his ... http://FakeURL +1550 Discount Down Coat : Anything You Wish To Know : She basically buys discount designer clothing . One of the web sit ... http://FakeURL +1551 PER/Lady Gaya; ``Discover the actual Modification in Lady Gaya '' ``Previously and After '' '' Cosmetic Transplantation http://FakeURL Demi Tomato '' +1552 PER/Heather Mills;MISC/Happy Foot; Disney have announced that Heather Mills will be touring in the musical version of their hit film, Happy Foot . +1553 PER/Sam Shields; Ditto!! RT @FakeUsername : If there's anyone I'm okay to see picking off cutler, it's Sam Shields ... @FakeUsername +1554 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Do not go where the path may lead, go instead to where there is no path and leave a trail . - Ralph Waldo Emerson +1555 do you have to rt every single mention you get a shoutout? +1556 PER/Hank Scorpio; Does Hank Scorpio have a twitter account? @FakeUsername does he? +1557 PER/Norman;PER/Norman; Does it get any cuter then this?? Yesterday was Norman's 90th BDay . Happy 90th birthday Norman!! http://FakeURL +1558 Does playing the guitar make your fingers grow? Professional ... : I have recntly started playing the guitar, a. . . http://FakeURL +1559 Doing a video chat with 2 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1560 Doing a video chat with 45 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1561 Doing a video chat with 65 other people - click the link to join > http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1562 PER/Leslie Nielsen; Doing nothing is very hard to do - you never know when you 're finished . - Leslie Nielsen +1563 PER/Wayne Dyer; Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life - Wayne Dyer +1564 LOC/Han River; Don? t butt in, did you throw away your common sense in the Han River?? Or did you sell it in the market?? Why are you stick your nose in - +1565 Don? t Let it Pop Up! Computer Repair Companies Tackle the Malware Predicament http://FakeURL +1566 ORG/Packers; Do n't become an enemy RT @FakeUsername : Hahaha \* happy dance \* RT @FakeUsername : Packers take that celebrating across the border please +1567 PER/John Lennon;PER/Barbara; do n't forget John Lennon Barbara #FakeHashtag +1568 PER/Greg Behrendt;PER/Liz Tucillo; Do n't give your heart to ANY guy who makes you wonder about ANYTHING related to his feelings for you .' Greg Behrendt & Liz Tucillo +1569 PER/Jim Rohn; Do n't just read the easy stuff . You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it . ~ Jim Rohn +1570 PER/Woody Allen; Do n't knock masturbation - it's sex with someone I love . ~ Woody Allen +1571 LOC/Green Bay; Do n't know they named `Green Bay', but I guarantee it was n't about efficient energy . That leaves algae, moss, or St. Patrick's day dye . +1572 PER/Nicki Minaj; Do n't miss #FakeHashtag with host @FakeUsername and performances with @FakeUsername Nicki Minaj and more tonight at 9 PM! +1573 ORG/ITV1;LOC/London; Do n't miss The 40 Year Old Virgin, ITV1 (London) . Starts in 10 mins . http://FakeURL +1574 Do n't step on the graves! It's bad luck . (@ Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills) http://FakeURL +1575 Do n't subtweet me RT @FakeUsername : < 3 < this is gay even for a girl to do +1576 PER/Albert Camu; Do n't wait for the last judgment . It takes place every day . - Albert Camu +1577 PER/Napoleon Hill; Do n't wait . The time will never be just right . ~ Napoleon Hill +1578 LOC/Chicago; Do n't worry Chicago we 'll get there next year +1579 PER/F. Scott Fitzgerald; Do n't write because you want to say something, write because you have something to say - F. Scott Fitzgerald +1580 PER/Donald Trump; Donald Trump eyes 2012 presidential run Raw Story http://FakeURL +1581 PER/Donald Trump;PER/Sarah Palin; Donald Trump : I Like Sarah Palin, `But I 'd Take Her On' In 2012 (AMERICA CORNERS THE ALTERNATIVE DEMOCRACY MARKET) http://FakeURL +1582 PER/Keith Olbermann;PER/Jeff Zucker; Dont know about Keith Olbermann but if Jeff Zucker approved this show (i'm sure he did), He deserved to be shown the door . +1583 PER/Montana voice; DOUG, whachu know about it \* French Montana voice \* +1584 PER/Henry Killinger; Dr. Henry Killinger http://FakeURL (one of my favorite Venture Brothers characters) +1585 Dumb Cheese-Heads!! RT @FakeUsername Dutch soldiers `blew up own car' http://FakeURL +1586 Dutch to Ban Tourists from Buying Pot http://FakeURL +1587 Easter only a few months away ... luckily it's easy as spring is here already; easier to get in the mindset . http://FakeURL +1588 PER/Bruno Mars; ``Easy come, easy go . . thats just how you live ... oh take take take it all, but you never give #FakeHashtag Grenade by Bruno Mars '' +1589 Eat responsibly . http://FakeURL +1590 PER/Ed O'Neill;PER/Kanye;PER/Jane Lynch; Ed O'Neill pulling a Kanye about Jane Lynch . Not cool at all! +1591 PER/Napoleon Hill; Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought . ~ Napoleon Hill +1592 PER/Mandela;PER/jakson; Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world . ~ Mandela I love that quote . my best - jakson +1593 PER/Stephen Covey; Effective leadership is putting first things first . ~ Stephen Covey +1594 ORG/Twitter; Egg-xactly . @FakeUsername : Shut up . It's Twitter RT @FakeUsername : i think until we actually find out what's wrong (cont) http://FakeURL +1595 eid al-adha is in two days . now listening to raya songs +1596 Eid Mubarak - Eid Mubarak; Happy Eid al-Adha (tomorrow, November 17 2010) to all Muslims all over the ... http://FakeURL +1597 PER/ELEANOR SMEAL; ELEANOR SMEAL : Senate Republicans Tell Women : You Are Mere Pawns http://FakeURL +1598 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; Elizabeth Edwards died Tuesday afternoon after a six-year battle with breast cancer . +1599 PER/Elton John; Elton John has never owned a parrot, but he has had a Cockatoo . +1600 PER/Elvis Costello;MISC/The Impostors;LOC/Brasil; Elvis Costello e The Impostors far_o show no Brasil em abril http://FakeURL +1601 ORG/Emirates;PER/Clark;ORG/R-R; Emirates' Clark Confident R-R Will Nail A380's Trent Problem http://FakeURL +1602 PER/Emma Watson;MISC/Harry Potter; Emma Watson Offers To `Take Off' Her Dress At `Harry Potter' Premiere http://FakeURL +1603 PER/Emma Watson;MISC/Harry Potter; Emma Watson Offers To `Take Off' Her Dress At `Harry Potter' Premiere http://FakeURL +1604 PER/Larry King; End of an Era : Larry King Signs Off http://FakeURL +1605 PER/Eric Church; Eric Church just irritates the crap out of me . +1606 PER/Ernie Hines; Ernie Hines - Our Generation http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1607 LOC/UK; Estate Planning : Pension particulars : what changes to legislation mean for UK expats http://FakeURL +1608 PER/George Vlosich III; Etch A Sketch Art by George Vlosich III : Anyone who ever turned the knobs of an Etch A Sketch toy knows how hard ... http://FakeURL +1609 LOC/Nederland; Europarlement wil Nederland straffen' : http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1610 ORG/Jets;PER/Sanchez;PER/Brady;PER/Manning;PER/Big Ben; Even If The Jets Do Win, Sanchez Will Not Be In Discussion With Brady, Manning, Or Big Ben Sorry . +1611 even if the sky is falling down \* qdm, nois minha linda :) @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +1612 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equa . . Napoleon Hill +1613 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit ~ Napoleon Hill +1614 every morning you come town?!?! (Like it? http://FakeURL) +1615 PER/Napoleon Hill; Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat . ~ Napoleon Hill +1616 PER/Donald Trump; Every time you walk down the street people are screaming, `You 're fired!' ~ Donald Trump +1617 LOC/AZ;ORG/the Steelers;MISC/Super Bowl XLIII; Everyone in AZ going for the Steelers or what? Did they go for them in Super Bowl XLIII as well? Hah +1618 PER/John Barth; Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story . - John Barth +1619 PER/Leo Tolstoy; Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself . - Leo Tolstoy +1620 PER/Alan Cohen; Everything will change when your desire to move on exceeds your desire to hold on . - Alan Cohen +1621 LOC/Miami;ORG/Hurricanes;ORG/Green Bay;PER/Sam Shields;ORG/Packers; Ex-Miami Hurricanes WR now Green Bay DB Sam Shields has been huge for the Packers today . +1622 PER/Micheal Turner; Exactly RT @FakeUsername : Micheal Turner do n't need to be on any plays on the goal line I see lol +1623 PER/Henry Ford; Exercise is bunk . If you are healthy, you do n't need it : if you are sick you should not take it . ~ Henry Ford +1624 Explosion victim to be transferred to burns unit http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1625 Eyah RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername : The best things about a enemies is that his tells the true about you . +1626 ORG/Facebook; Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months? iPhone applications hit 1 billion in 9 months . http://FakeURL +1627 ORG/Facebook;ORG/Twitter; Facebook is more interesting that Twitter tonight . And that's saying something . +1628 PER/Chevy Chase;PER/Steely Dan; FACT : Actor Chevy Chase occasionally played pick-up drums for one of the original lineups of Steely Dan, known as The Leather Canary . +1629 PER/George Brett;ORG/the Royals;MISC/Pine Tar Game; FACT : As part of his 1984 contract extension, George Brett agreed to give the Royals the bat he used in the `Pine Tar Game' on July 24,1983 +1630 PER/William Moulton Marston; FACT : Dr. William Moulton Marston, the man who created Wonder Woman, also designed an early lie detector . +1631 PER/Lisa Kudrow;PER/Roz;MISC/Frasier;PER/Peri Gilpin; FACT : Lisa Kudrow was the original Roz on Frasier . During rehearsals before the pilot episode, however, she was replaced by Peri Gilpin . +1632 PER/Louis Armstrong; FACT : Louis Armstrong played the trumpet so much that he got callouses on his lips so he cut them off with a razor blade . +1633 PER/Orson Welles;MISC/Transformers : The Movie; FACT : Orson Welles' last film role was as the voice actor for the character ``Unicron '', in ``Transformers : The Movie '' (animated), in 1986 . +1634 PER/Paul McCartney;ORG/the Beatles;PER/Ringo; FACT : Paul McCartney played bass left-handed, but he was n't the only southpaw member of the Beatles . Ringo is a lefty as well . +1635 PER/Jesus Christ; Father forgive them . For they know not what they do . ~ Jesus Christ +1636 PER/Richard Horton; Fear is the true counterpoint to reason . Richard Horton @FakeUsername +1637 PER/Brandon Roy; Feel bad for Brandon Roy, his knee injury sounds like what @FakeUsername had to deal with at the end of his career +1638 PER/Felix da Housecat; Felix da Housecat - Madame Hollywood http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1639 PER/Tiger Woods; Filbert episode! \* Tiger Woods fist pump \* +1640 MISC/Sundays at Tiffanys;PER/James Patterson; finally getting around to watching @FakeUsername in Sundays at Tiffanys by James Patterson +1641 PER/Richard Gere; Finally tuning into the OWN network 4the first time (hangs head in shame) & an Officer and a Gentleman is on! Richard Gere = swoon ok? +1642 MISC/Super Bowl;ORG/Packers;ORG/Stillers; ``First part of Super Bowl Prediction of '' ``Packers vs. Stillers '' '' confirmed ... '' +1643 PER/Charlize Theron; First prize : Charlize Theron auctions herself off at a charity event : http://FakeURL +1644 ORG/House Republicans;PER/John Boehner; FLASH : House Republicans pick John Boehner to serve as speaker when they take control in January Balle balle +1645 Folk Tales of the World http://FakeURL +1646 Following @FakeUsername because @FakeUsername told me to!!!! :) +1647 PER/Fonda Rae; Fonda Rae - Over like a fat rat 1982 http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1648 ORG/Belgian First Division;ORG/Genk;ORG/Racing Genk; Football News Belgian First Division wrap : Genk back to winning ways : Racing Genk snapped a run of four draws in ... http://FakeURL +1649 PER/Tony Robbins; For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins +1650 PER/Tony Robbins; For changes to be of any true value, they 've got to be lasting and consistent . ~ Tony Robbins +1651 For only $ 4 million, this mansion could be yours http://FakeURL +1652 MISC/the NFC Championship;PER/BJ Raji; For those watching the NFC Championship game, what a play by BJ Raji +1653 MISC/Oscar; For Your Consideration : The 10 Worst Original Song Oscar Snubs of the Past 10 Years : In honor of the six-days-an ... http://FakeURL +1654 PER/Jim Rohn; Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune . - Jim Rohn +1655 PER/Jim Rohn; Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune . ~ Jim Rohn +1656 PER/Dwayne Johnson;MISC/Fast and the Furious;MISC/Fast Five; Former #FakeHashtag star Dwayne Johnson, aka `The Rock', talks 5th `Fast and the Furious' film, `Fast Five' http://FakeURL +1657 ORG/OWC; Found the missing 19% of OWC shares! I left them in my pants pocket and sent them through the washer . Oops! #FakeHashtag +1658 PER/Fran Fine; Fran Fine time #FakeHashtag +1659 PER/frank turner;ORG/birmingham; frank turner will you ever play birmingham again? . +1660 ORG/Marie Claire; Free film preview tickets Celebrity gossip Marie Claire : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1661 Free Nature Sounds #FakeHashtag Nature Of Sound Nature Of Sounds Sound Of Rain Nature Sound http://FakeURL +1662 MISC/Super Bowl;LOC/The Golf Cave; Free Super Bowl beers! (@ The Golf Cave) http://FakeURL +1663 PER/Sorkozy; French prime minister resigns - http://FakeURL Go get `tem Sorkozy +1664 Friends are family you choose for yourself . ~ Author Unknown +1665 PER/Samuel Butler; Friendship is like money, easier made than kept . - Samuel Butler +1666 LOC/NYC; From a NYC guy : `How About We ... go to a local playground and pretend we 're kids ...' See who he is at http://FakeURL +1667 MISC/AvWeek Intelligence Network; From the AvWeek Intelligence Network : Trent Shortage Prompts Rolls To Plunder A380 Line +1668 MISC/Tim & Eric Awesome Show; ``Fuck that show! Boooooooooo lol RT @FakeUsername : The '' ``Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job Crimbus Special '' '' will go down in infamy '' +1669 Fucking hate riding in this stupid car . This trip just needs to end already . +1670 PER/Soulja boy; ``funny song actually #FakeHashtag - RT @FakeUsername : Am i really listening to '' ``Hey you There '' '' by Soulja boy right now - - \* Shakes the ipod \* #FakeHashtag! '' +1671 Furminator - The best tool for dog owners http://FakeURL +1672 PER/Julia Durly; Future lady (Julia Durly), if you ca n't get along with my fam, we wo n't last +1673 ORG/GA;ORG/NC;ORG/SC;ORG/CO; GA, NC, SC, and CO banks added to the Failed Bank Map, raising 2011 failure total to seven : http://FakeURL +1674 PER/Garnet Mimms; Garnet Mimms - Stop and Check Yourself (1972) http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1675 ORG/Gas Station Angel;ORG/GSA; Gas Station Angel - Week One Dramaturg's Blog After weeks, even months of preparation, the first rehearsal of GSA w? http://FakeURL +1676 PER/Thomas Edison; Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration . ~ Thomas Edison +1677 PER/George Bush; George Bush Book `Decision Points' Lifted From Advisers' Books http://FakeURL +1678 PER/George Bush; George Bush plagurized his memoirs : http://FakeURL +1679 PER/George Michael; George Michael has been banned from his local pub today for having a sneaky fag in the gents . +1680 LOC/Georgia; Georgia Voters Agree To non-compete Agreements http://FakeURL +1681 PER/Geraldine Hoff Doyle;PER/Doyle; Geraldine Hoff Doyle obituary : Doyle inspired `We Can Do It' poster - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1682 PER/BETTY WRIGHT; get the funk up and dance damit! BETTY WRIGHT - CLEAN UP WOMAN http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1683 GHoops - GNO; Hoover, Al 28 - Norcross 25 at the half . O. Anderson 7 Hov and D. Hamby 9 Ncr . DeShields 3 fls . +1684 PER/Gillian Anderson;ORG/Telegraph; Gillian Anderson : `People are pigeonholed too much' - Telegraph : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1685 PER/Girl Talk;PER/Girl Talk; Girl Talk Releases New Album : Girl Talk has released his new full length sample epic as a free download from ... http://FakeURL +1686 Girl!!! Me too! I thank him every chance i get!;) chance RT @FakeUsername : God has been so good to me . +1687 PER/Michelle Obama; GIRLS NIGHT : Michelle Obama And Girlfriends Attend Award-Winning Broadway Play http://FakeURL +1688 PER/Jim Rohn; Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process . ~ Jim Rohn +1689 PER/Martin Freeman; Glad I did n't have @FakeUsername tweet that Martin Freeman had died . +1690 PER/Glenn Beck;PER/Hitch; Glenn Beck, '' '' ``a tear-stained semi-literate shock jock ... of lies and defamations '' '' . http://FakeURL by Hitch @FakeUsername @FakeUsername '' +1691 LOC/Brooklyn;PER/Jay-Z; ``go Brooklyn! @FakeUsername : Jay-Z : '' ``It's all about art '' '' http://FakeURL '' +1692 PER/Henry David Thoreau; Go confidently in the direction of your dreams . Live the life you have imagined - Henry David Thoreau (via ... http://FakeURL +1693 PER/Aretha Franklin; GOD Noooo Aretha Franklin?!? +1694 PER/Noah;PER/John Shimkus; ``God said to Noah (and House Republican John Shimkus, Ill) : `Do n't fret about global warming' http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername '' +1695 Goddamn! RT : @FakeUsername : Goddamn my friend is so goddamn clingy to his goddamn girlfriend . Its goddamn obsessive . #FakeHashtag +1696 ORG/Godiva; Godiva Chocolate chilled sounds real good now +1697 Going in this social network is too #FakeHashtag for people +1698 PER/HARRY; going now I LOVE YOU HARRY! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1699 going to see her in march!! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1700 ORG/mexican league; gonna watch some mexican league soccer now, fuck this game . +1701 Gonna watch the Friday movies, kinda chilled dis Saturday +1702 PER/Gratton; Good moring . . \* sipping coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1703 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* catching a yawn \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1704 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* picking at mince pie \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1705 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* reaches for coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1706 PER/Gratton; Good morning \* reaching for coffee \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1707 PER/Gratton; Good morning . . \* sipping beer \* RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Good morning to you too, Dr Gratton . (sips tea) +1708 ORG/ManU;ORG/Bir;ORG/the gunners;ORG/liverpool; Good show by ManU against Bir . . btw good comeback by the gunners and liverpool ... +1709 Good thing barbershop quartets do n't perform national anthems . There is always the constant threat of Coney Island Baby +1710 GOOOOO! RT @FakeUsername : come on #FakeHashtag, lets get this win! +1711 ORG/GOP;PER/Obama;ORG/Republicans; GOP lawmakers look for signs of new Obama approach - AP : MSNBCWASHINGTON - Republicans say they want to hear les ... http://FakeURL +1712 Got 5/28 playing Mythical TV Musicians . Try to top that : http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1713 PER/Caleb Haine;PER/Jay Cutler; got to give it to the kid Caleb Haine, he nearly pulled of the victory ... damn you Jay Cutler +1714 PER/Grant Bradley;ORG/NZ Herald News; Grant Bradley : Miners inhabit a deep, dark, dank world - National - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1715 ORG/ESPN; Great week to be a longhorn! 300 million dollar deal with . ESPN and we just beat the number 2 team in the country . +1716 LOC/Green bay;MISC/Superbowl; Green bay to the Superbowl ... So I guess they 're dope? Lol +1717 ORG/Green Day;MISC/Reading Festival; Green Day - We Are The Champions - Live at Reading Festival 2004 : http://FakeURL +1718 Grow! : Secrets of the Real Law of Attraction http://FakeURL +1719 grr i need adobe to watch on my ipod and it wont let me download it : -LRB- +1720 ``Gym Time ... '' ``Pain is my motivation . '' '' '' +1721 HA _ legal : D The MixeR http://FakeURL +1722 PER/Kanye West; Ha RT @FakeUsername : Listening to the new Kanye West album . I might be reading too much into it, but I think he likes pussy . +1723 PER/noel gallagher; had a dream las nite i saw/met mr noel gallagher at a train station that can not name cuz there was n't one with a name but anyway it was fun! +1724 PER/Fergie;ORG/BEP; had no idea Fergie from BEP peed herself at a concert becz she was too drunk to go to the bathroom +1725 PER/Will Smith;MISC/the Matrix;MISC/Wild Wild West; Had no idea Will Smith turned down the role of Neo for the Matrix trilogy becz he wanted to do Wild Wild West +1726 ORG/the Bears;MISC/NFC championship; Had the thought cross my mind about all the Bears NFC championship hats, shirts, etc now headed to 3rd world countries . < eye roll, sigh > +1727 Haha im having a pretty good time down here with the other people from the hotel +1728 Haha nobody got it I think +1729 PER/Ginuwine; Haha ohhh Ginuwine ... +1730 haha tdr dek RT @FakeUsername : Ciiee : p RT @FakeUsername : ure welcome sist RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername thanks udah dateng ya ~ (??? ~) ~ +1731 ORG/the jets; Haha the etrade baby is on the jets side woooo +1732 Haha! @FakeUsername, your an adorable one are n't ya . Hey @FakeUsername, your a lucky one . She has a great smile & is bright . Take care of her . +1733 Haha! #FakeHashtag looks so desperate . He' rambling about social networking now? #FakeHashtag +1734 Haha! I fell back to sleep and missed #FakeHashtag, after all that hype . Oh well, I'm going grocery shoppping instead then .;) +1735 Haha! It looks so cool to see my archived tweets . I wish I 'd known about this sooner . @FakeUsername is da bomb!;) +1736 LOC/minnesota;MISC/american idol; Haha! Music is my life!!! To bad I'm stuck in minnesota though and 13 so I ca n't even try out for american idol on other person in the world +1737 Haha! RT @FakeUsername : I'm currently having a @FakeUsername TL Birthday takeover . Might as well make her a #FakeHashtag . #FakeHashtag +1738 Haha! We wish that too! +1739 PER/Mike Vick; Hahahaha RT @FakeUsername : God loves Mike Vick . His story might need to be added to the Bible . +1740 Hahahahaaaa RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername Yo u remember out DC AT3 was break dancin 4 them honkies +1741 Half Way Home - I am trying to quit smoking with LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach for the iPhone/iPod touch and just won this award . +1742 MISC/Half-Life; Half-Life is : C : . A decent, albeit glitchy experience . I had to redo one of the levels because the boss would n't jump onto the spider-web . +1743 PER/David Hasselhoff; ``hands down is David Hasselhoff '' ``Hoff : '' '' he trips over his unwarranted EGO LO @FakeUsername '' +1744 Hangover headache @ tht ... SMH . +1745 PER/Hanie;LOC/Chi Town; Hanie gon get all that Chi Town ass he pull this one off +1746 PER/Hanie;PER/Tom Brady;PER/Bledsoe; ``Hanie starting to have that '' ``Tom Brady takes over for Bledsoe to be the Hero '' '' swag . '' +1747 PER/Hanie;PER/Knox;PER/Chester; Hanie steps up in the pocket and delivers to Knox . Chester punches in the TD . This game is far from over +1748 PER/Dale Carnegie; Happiness does n't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude . ~ Dale Carnegie +1749 PER/ELLIE;LOC/LIVEERPOOL; HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY ELLIE FROM LIVEERPOOL xx @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1750 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE FOR NEXT MONTH; D @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1751 PER/Harry Potter;PER/Voldemort; Harry Potter' College Courses - Yes, You Can Earn Credit for Studying Voldemort : http://FakeURL +1752 PER/harry;PER/matt;MISC/x factor; harry why do n't you ring matt and ask him how much pussy he's had since x factor? @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1753 PER/harry; harry you have the best taste in music @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1754 has anyone ever sexted you?? nope . thank god . http://FakeURL +1755 PER/Akon; Has anyone seen Audio (old name B5) new video feat . Akon? can you say pinkys up? +1756 ``Have you ever seen that '' ``what? '' '' '' ``A colt stand up that fast '' '' ... awe in the room Welcome Secretariat!! '' +1757 PER/Juicy J; ``He was n't on the one I downloaded RT @FakeUsername : Juicy J went in too on '' ``make it rain '' '' '' +1758 PER/Jeremy Irons;MISC/SVU; He's awesome RT @FakeUsername : Working with Jeremy Irons right now on SVU . . +1759 Health : Arthritis Pain Relief? Natural Tips And Treatments That Work Fast : I got rid of my arthritis and arthri ... http://FakeURL +1760 LOC/US; healthcare in the US is so shit +1761 ORG/Hershey; Heck yes ... it's time for Candy Cane Hershey's Kisses! LOVE CHRISTMAS! +1762 PER/Chris Bosh;LOC/Georgia Tech; Hehe RT @FakeUsername : What sorority did Chris Bosh pledge for at Georgia Tech? +1763 PER/Heinz Ward; Heinz Ward just got clocked . +1764 Hello my sisters . I apologize for my lack of tweets this year . I 've joined so many TG/CD (cont ...) http://FakeURL +1765 PER/David Copperfield; ``Hello Police? It's David Copperfield, My car's disappeared! '' ``Should I report it or clap '', '' sir? '' '' '' +1766 MISC/Henry's Crime;ORG/Moving Pictures Film & TV;PER/Malcolm Venville;PER/Henry; ``Henry's Crime Heads To Screens Via Moving Pictures Film & TV : Malcolm Venville's romantic comedy '' ``Henry's Crim ... http://FakeURL '' +1767 MISC/Montreal Gazette; Here comes the Russian bear - Montreal Gazette http://FakeURL +1768 ORG/Facebook; Here's a link to our Facebook FanPage . _ Hope to see you there! http://FakeURL +1769 PER/Lamar; Here's proof that I voted for Lamar ... http://FakeURL +1770 Hey, I just reached Lvl 16 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL +1771 Hey, I just reached Lvl 19 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL +1772 Hey, I just reached Lvl 4 in #FakeHashtag Beat me in the game! http://FakeURL +1773 Hey check out this vid chat room with 76 people in it - http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1774 PER/Mike Rankin;PER/Natalie Nicole Robles; Hey Citadel Family! Here is the link to the pictures from Mike Rankin and Natalie Nicole Robles's wedding shower ... http://FakeURL +1775 ORG/Hotnas Brothers;ORG/Taylor Pork; Hey Dudes do you think this is simply fantastic you must see yourself http://FakeURL > Hotnas Brothers Taylor Pork #FakeHashtag +1776 Hey i love u of course i miss u didnt include u cause it hurts to think about it RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername no? #FakeHashtag you +1777 hey sean thats a sexyy pilllow you have; D @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1778 Hey sometimes I read things that are n't buttsex, part 1 : http://FakeURL +1779 MISC/HGTV Dream Home 2011 Giveaway; HGTV Dream Home 2011 Giveaway : Thank You #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +1780 ``Hi you!! Ty for following ^ _ ^ ('' '') '' +1781 PER/Hiedi Jones; Hiedi Jones' career is OVER . Why would you lie about being raped? Such a horrible thing to do . +1782 ORG/Green Bay; High Five Green Bay! Aint been in the man bowl since the 80 's +1783 HIGH FIVE! @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1784 MISC/High Stakes Poker;ORG/GSN;ORG/Poker News Daily; High Stakes Poker Season 7 Debuts February 26th on GSN : Poker News Daily can independently confirm that the seve ... http://FakeURL +1785 Highs and lows of property familiar ground http://FakeURL +1786 PER/Hilary Duff;LOC/England; Hilary Duff, Haters! Have n't listened for 5 years but man I love this song ... An entire day listening to it during a school trip in England +1787 PER/Kareem Amer; History's Longest Imprisoned Blogger, Kareem Amer, is Free : The man believed to have been imprisoned longer than ... http://FakeURL +1788 PER/JONATHAN BROOKINS; HIYOOOOO JONATHAN BROOKINS WINSSSS!!!!!! WHOOHOOO #FakeHashtag!!!!! +1789 PER/charles;PER/diana;LOC/brunei; hmmmm its gonna be the biggest wedding since charles and the late diana . havent seen any royal wedding since brunei's crown prince +1790 PER/michael jackson; holy shit, i miss michael jackson you just lost the game! #FakeHashtag +1791 ORG/TLC;PER/Sarah Palin; Honestly i think TLC is setting Sarah Palin up for her failure ... well shes been on that path since 2008 lol +1792 PER/Sanchez; Hope Sanchez expands his learning experience tonight against the black and yellow @FakeUsername +1793 PER/Wiz; Hope Wiz do n't fall while he perform . #FakeHashtag +1794 MISC/the Steve Wilkos show; horrific story on the Steve Wilkos show on livingit now! . +1795 ORG/FDC; Hosting news : Any providers that can compete with FDC for bw pricing? http://FakeURL +1796 PER/Sloan;LOC/Collins; How about a mention tonight that coach Sloan's high school is playing Collins' HS tonight in S. IL at same time? Symmetry = fun @FakeUsername +1797 PER/Danielle Staub;MISC/RHONJ; how about Danielle Staub from RHONJ w her sex videos & so much more trash? +1798 How an unexpected gap year can offer unexpected bonuses Travel ... : While you _?? ll need to save your pennies i. . . http://FakeURL +1799 PER/George Elliston; How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it! George Elliston - thank you all for sharing the LUV today x +1800 MISC/Power of Few;PER/Christian Slater; ``How cool! RT @FakeUsername : Had an awesome time taking pictures on set today of '' ``Power of Few '' '' starring Christian Slater . '' +1801 PER/David Booth; How did David Booth get such great tickets for this #FakeHashtag game? He must know someone very important . +1802 PER/Dylan Ratigan;ORG/MSNBC; How did he get a show anyways! RT @FakeUsername I ca n't stand Dylan Ratigan . They need to kick him off MSNBC #FakeHashtag +1803 ORG/the Bears;ORG/the Lions; How different would the Bears season have been had they lost to the Lions first game of the year? #FakeHashtag +1804 How do u build trust ... with somebody that is fucking the nation . . #FakeHashtag +1805 LOC/CHICAGO; HOW DOES THAT TASTE CHICAGO!!!! +1806 How dumb do you think I am? Haha jokes on you! +1807 MISC/Cheese Lobbying Story;PER/James McWilliams;ORG/The Atlantic; How Journalists Got the Cheese Lobbying Story Wrong - James McWilliams - Food - The Atlantic http://FakeURL vía @FakeUsername +1808 PER/Paulo Coelho; How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it . ~ Paulo Coelho #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername +1809 How to Break Through a Fitness Plateau http://FakeURL +1810 PER/Dwyane Wade;PER/Dwyane Wade; How to Dress Like You 're Dwyane Wade : We 'd like to take full credit for what Dwyane Wade wore for our new fashio ... http://FakeURL +1811 How to Increase your #FakeHashtag Battery Life : http://FakeURL +1812 How To Make Massive Commission As An Affiliate! http://FakeURL +1813 How To Put In and Take Out Nose Rings . http://FakeURL nose rings +1814 LOC/CHICAGO;ORG/Starbucks; How Via Steamed Up the Instant-Coffee Category : CHICAGO (http://FakeURL) When Starbucks entered the instant-coffee ... http://FakeURL +1815 http://FakeURL +1816 http://FakeURL +1817 http://FakeURL +1818 http://FakeURL SOMEONE GIVE ME THIS MAG!!! +1819 http://FakeURL Zone Therapy +1820 http://FakeURL And here I sing Valerie and Fire;) +1821 http://FakeURL Really? Natural gas prices going to zero, get real! +1822 http://FakeURL < ~ Now you can ride this train with me - add all & Join at the end Post to stay on daily! +1823 http://FakeURL one more of the car in the garage now . +1824 http://FakeURL my favorite f 'n shorts man I need some needle and thread +1825 http://FakeURL The latest news in cinema and movies . +1826 PER/Jay-Z; ``http://FakeURL check out this video and make your decision about Jay-Z '' ``On To The Next One '' '' Music Industry Exposed . '' +1827 LOC/United States;LOC/U.s.; http://FakeURL The United States Will Benefit From The New Trend Of Globalization? The U.s., Transp ... http://FakeURL +1828 http://FakeURL is the way I made 275 dollars yesterday +1829 http://FakeURL is the way I made 275 dollars yesterday +1830 http://FakeURL / COOL QUOTES / 4 Blessed ways of living : 1st, Look back #FakeHashtag; Thank God . 2nd, Look forward #FakeHashtag; Trust God 3rd +1831 http://FakeURL @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1832 http://FakeURL TONIGHT AT #FakeHashtag THERE WILL BE NO LINE FROM 10 - 11 CAUSE EVERYONE WALKS STRAIGHT IN FOR FREE TILL 11 < +1833 http://FakeURL - its SEXYYYY : P lol x if only i had the guttsss lol x +1834 http://FakeURL - #FakeHashtag was the #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag I 've seen on #FakeHashtag . His funniest antics in ep . 1 & 2 . #FakeHashtag! +1835 ORG/myspace; http://FakeURL < < Get wit the hottest on myspace top list quality here . . Share! +1836 http://FakeURL Want to ask me something? I do n't bite . Unless of course, you want me to? +1837 http://FakeURL Streaming again, this time doing colors! +1838 PER/Carlos Xuma; ``http://FakeURL Beware The Alfie by Carlos Xuma http://FakeURL '' +1839 PER/Bob Marley; http://FakeURL Bob Marley +1840 PER/peter kay;LOC/blackpool; http://FakeURL how about a classic clip from peter kay's old tour in blackpool! . +1841 http://FakeURL < Rev Theory _ mais legal do que pensei' - ' +1842 PER/noel gallagher; http://FakeURL noel gallagher singing (3 +1843 PER/Bob Marley; http://FakeURL ... another one for the beautiful people of #FakeHashtag Bob Marley One Love +1844 PER/Hu;PER/Obama;PER/Andy Borowitz;LOC/White House; Hu Presents Obama with Counterfeit DVD : Fake news by Andy Borowitz In a moving White House ceremony today, President ... http://FakeURL +1845 LOC/Amber Buffet & Hibach; Hungry!! (@ Amber Buffet & Hibachi) http://FakeURL +1846 Hurricane simulator : pay $ 2 to stand in a glass booth and get wind blown on you . This is real . +1847 PER/RODDY WHITE; HWHOOOOHOOOOO RODDY WHITE IS SO DAMN ILL!!!! DID YA 'LL SEE THAT?! MY GOD!!!! #FakeHashtag +1848 ``I? this! had to copy & paste ... '' ``If u live to b a 100 '', I want 2 live 2 b a 100 minus 1 day, so I never have 2 l. . . http://FakeURL +1849 PER/Reggie Bush;ORG/the Falcons; I agree . RT @FakeUsername : Reggie Bush is doing his best to help the Falcons out . +1850 i also need this tshirt in my life http://FakeURL +1851 I am an atheist, yet I believe in grace, and am thankful for all these moments of grace with my family and friends . Happy Thanksgiving . +1852 PER/mustafa shakur; i am delighted that a young man named mustafa shakur was just called up by the wizards today . +1853 MISC/Java; I am going to create a website that aggressively teaches the basics of the Java programming language . +1854 ORG/Tumblr; I am off to eat supper then read PoA . - Seeya later Tumblr . I LOVE YOU FOLLOWERS . Even though you hate me . http://FakeURL +1855 I am so fed up of crying . +1856 PER/britney spears; i am some britney spears! #FakeHashtag +1857 PER/Howard Jones;MISC/Music Choice channel; I apparently know more trivia about Howard Jones than the Music Choice channel does . #FakeHashtag +1858 MISC/chicago; I ate a cow right now and chicago is coming back, oh ya +1859 PER/Brett Favre;PER/Caleb Hanie; I believe Brett Favre has the game ending INT trademarked, Caleb Hanie . +1860 PER/OBAMA;ORG/Hotnas Brothers; I bet you that you Never Witnessed this Picture of OBAMA Before http://FakeURL Dying out of Giggling Hotnas Brothers +1861 I call this ... Coffee Chill Love! +1862 PER/lyannette; I camme with my parents and lyannette to see it! But we will go again all the sisters woo hoo hahah! RT ... http://FakeURL +1863 PER/Desmond Elliot;PER/Ini Edo; I can hear Desmond Elliot Screaming on top of his voice at Ini Edo #FakeHashtag film . +1864 PER/Brad Maynard; I can punt it further than 24 yards . Fuck you Brad Maynard . +1865 PER/Nicki Minaj; I can see it working out RT @FakeUsername : Nicki Minaj would be cool on some Missy beats . +1866 PER/Rhianna;PER/Drake; i can tell by ur BBM status . lol RT @FakeUsername : Pretty much obsessed with Rhianna song featuring Drake right now ... +1867 PER/Caleb Hanie; I ca n't believe I'm saying this . But can we put Caleb Hanie in now?! #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1868 i cant go to bed until i know they 're defo not comin back? i'm gna cry if they dnt LOL @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1869 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL +1870 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL +1871 ORG/YouTube; I commented on a YouTube video http://FakeURL +1872 ORG/YouTube; I could listen to this song over and over again (YouTube http://FakeURL) +1873 PER/Schroder; I dig Ms. Schroder's (sp?) accent, like it a lot! +1874 PER/Nicki Minaj;PER/Santa; I do n't care for Nicki Minaj's music, but I will do naughty things to her \* adjusts Santa hat \* +1875 LOC/Asylum;LOC/Asylum; I do n't want to live in Asylum, I 'll live a lie . Do n't think I live in Asylum, I am a lie . +1876 I dont recall tweetin that Rt @FakeUsername +1877 ORG/YouTube;ORG/DJ Mitsu the Beats;PER/Jos;PER/James; ``I favorited a YouTube video DJ Mitsu the Beats '' ``Promise In Love feat . Jos _ James '' '' http://FakeURL '' +1878 PER/Heidi Montag; I feel so bad for Heidi Montag but she knew she overdid the plastic surgery in the first place +1879 PER/Jacqueline Bisset; I finally realized who you remind me of, Jacqueline Bisset when she was way younger @FakeUsername +1880 PER/Jacqueline Bisset; I finally realized who you remind me of, Jacqueline Bisset . @FakeUsername +1881 ORG/YouTube;PER/Justin bieber; I go on YouTube & all I see is hate comments for Justin bieber; like why the fuck r u kids hating on him? (cont) http://FakeURL +1882 I go to see my nail girl Moon & she tells me my sis @FakeUsername stopped by today!!! I love me some Moon! Nails always fresh! +1883 I had such a nice dream about this guy yesterday (more like this morning lmao) ... I blame the story that I'm writin http://FakeURL +1884 I hate the internet police . +1885 ORG/Amazon; I have as of today canceled both my Amazon +1886 PER/Thomas A. Edison; I have not failed . I 've just found 10,000 ways that wo n't work . - Thomas A. Edison +1887 i have the number but im not using it :) @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +1888 ORG/Packers;PER/Favre; I have n't rooted for the Packers since that Monday Night Game when Favre's father died +1889 i just ate so much mexican food . i think i defeated the whole purpose of my 2-hour hike . f-ing fabulous . +1890 LOC/Spoerer; I just became the mayor of Spoerer's on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL +1891 ORG/Jets;ORG/NFL; I just checked Jets shop & NFL shop Anyone know where to buy The flight boys tee Tone wore to press conference I want one +1892 PER/Christian D.;LOC/Target; I just ousted Christian D. as the mayor of Target on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL +1893 LOC/Atlanta; ``I just took '' '' (ALL PARTS)) Your a Model and you get flown out to a studio in Atlanta - ... '' '' and got : Part 1 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1894 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ''? U came from a poor family and u 're now a maid at Justin's house . What h. . . '' '' and got : Part 2?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1895 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ''? U came from a poor family and u 're now a maid at Justin's house . What h. . . '' '' and got : Part 8?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1896 PER/Justin Bieber;PER/Bieber;LOC/Paris; ``I just took '' '' (SEASON 2; ALL PARTS + ADDING) You hate Justin Bieber ... '' '' and got : Part 23 : Bieber In Paris! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1897 LOC/The Bahamas; ``I just took '' '' -LCB- All parts so far -RCB- 1-20 Your Brother Takes You To The Bahamas For Your Birthd ... '' '' and got : Part 1! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1898 PER/Justin Bieber; ``I just took '' '' -LCB- ALL PARTS! -RCB- What if Justin Bieber asked you to babysit hi ... '' '' and got : Read below! PART 22! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1899 LOC/Atlanta; ``I just took '' '' \*\* SEASON 1!!! \*\* You just moved to Atlanta '', '' and you can g. . . '' '' and got : Part 9 What . A. Day .! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1900 PER/justin bieber; ``I just took '' '' \* SEASON 2 \* : What if justin bieber asked you if he could please you in a cer ... '' '' and got : part 8 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1901 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``Justin and the crew love picking on u because ur ugly . they dec. . . '' '' and got : part 15 -? OMG!?! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1902 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``Justin and you hate each other . Its summer . You guys are in the m. . . '' '' and got : This is akward! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1903 PER/Justin Bieber;PER/Taylor Lautner; ``I just took '' ``Justin Bieber and Taylor Lautner were UR best friends They left to become ... '' '' and got : Part 2 :)! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1904 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER; ``I just took '' ``PART 4 YOU + JUSTIN BIEBER = SUPER HOT S. . . '' '' and got : I THINK YOU 'LL LIKE PART 4 ... ... ... . .! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1905 ``I just took '' ``What happens when you are forced to spend the summer ... '' '' and got : Part five '' ``I want to go home . '' ''! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1906 PER/Rayray; ``I just took '' ``Which mindless boy would make there next song about you? '' '' and got : Rayray! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1907 PER/justin; ``I just took '' ``You and justin are to a beach and hes bored and you say come to my roo ... '' '' and got : Rated r! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1908 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``You are part of the un-noticed group of your school . Justin an ... '' '' and got : Part 2 Close Call! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1909 PER/Justin; ``I just took '' ``You are the new girl in school and Justin and his crew are major players! Whe ... '' '' and got : Part 2! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1910 PER/JUSTIN BI; ``I just took '' ``your a vampire ... and in love ... an illegal love ... with JUSTIN BI ... '' '' and got : part 2-Vampires `R `us! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1911 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER;PER/JUSTIN; ``I just took '' ``YOUR JUSTIN BIEBER 'S TUTOR AND NEXT THING U KNOW HE STARTS TO FALL F. . . '' '' and got : PART 18 - JUSTIN! Try it : http://FakeURL '' +1912 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Adventurer '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' +1913 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Adventurer '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' +1914 ``I just unlocked the '' ``Bender '' '' badge on @FakeUsername! http://FakeURL '' +1915 PER/Zanessa; ``I just voted '' ``Zanessa '' '' on '' ``Who Is The Best Couple? '' '' Vote now : http://FakeURL '' +1916 I just voted for this photo http://FakeURL +1917 ORG/PACKERS; I JUST WON $ 1,000 WOOOOOAAAAAA PACKERS GOING TO BIG SHOW NIGGA!!! AYE IM COMIN TO COLLECT MY DAMN MONEY ANSWER THE PHONE NIGGAS LOL!!! BOWL +1918 MISC/Gulliver's Travels;PER/Jack Black; I knew the Gulliver's Travels movie with Jack Black was n't good ... just did n't see it with the previews +1919 PER/JESSE GREEN; i know its early but here is the song of the day ) JESSE GREEN flip http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +1920 I know this sounds bad but theres something about my mom that just annoys me whenever Im with her . +1921 PER/George Clooney; I know!!! Was thinking the same! RT @FakeUsername : Even with Malaria George Clooney looks amazing ... +1922 PER/Brandon Flowers; ``I li this too . . good choice . keRT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Brandon Flowers '' ``Crossfire '' '' @FakeUsername ~ I love this song http://FakeURL '' +1923 PER/Chris Ciffatti; I like Chris Ciffatti's tie +1924 PER/Jamie;PER/Ramsey;PER/Jamie Oliver; I like Jamie . What do you think of Ramsey? RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername good job keep pushing through! Jamie Oliver is on tele I much ... +1925 PER/Noel Coward; I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me . Noel Coward +1926 PER/Charlie Murphy; I like my smiley faces to have noses #FakeHashtag ... cuz bitches love smiley faces \* Charlie Murphy voice \* +1927 I like this video by @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +1928 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video Blind Lets Play : The MineCraft Diary - Day 20 (The Quest for ... http://FakeURL +1929 ORG/YouTube;ORG/Combichrist; I liked a YouTube video Combichrist - Today I Woke to the Rain of Blood http://FakeURL +1930 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video Disturbed - Inside The Fire (video w / dead card) http://FakeURL +1931 ORG/YouTube;PER/Eminem;PER/Rihanna; I liked a YouTube video Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. . Rihanna http://FakeURL +1932 ORG/YouTube;ORG/Metallica; I liked a YouTube video Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar : Official Music Video (1080p) http://FakeURL +1933 ORG/YouTube; I liked a YouTube video This Bitch With Couponz http://FakeURL +1934 PER/Amber Rose; I love Amber Rose! she is too funny +1935 PER/Blair; I love Blair! She has a great personality & she is so pretty! < 3 +1936 LOC/Harbour Bridge;LOC/The Opera House; I love cross the Harbour Bridge only to see The Opera House and the ocean . Beautiful!!! +1937 PER/don;PER/edward cullen; i love don the vampire king's voice . very deep & manly . his skin is so white, pale & clear . too bad he doesnt sparkle like edward cullen : P +1938 PER/Patti LaBelle; I love Patti LaBelle! one of my fav soul town voices +1939 PER/Sally jessy Raphael;ORG/NBC;ORG/universal; I love Sally jessy Raphael that's messed up how NBC/universal fired her +1940 I love these girls RT @FakeUsername : Another fab day wit my ladies @FakeUsername and @FakeUsername . . wedding planning . . lunch . . and shopping +1941 PER/Chelsea Lately; I m just watching the Chelsea Lately show HD . lovely +1942 I managed to sneak a pic of big dream whilst he wernt lookin lol http://FakeURL +1943 PER/JUELZ SANTANA;LOC/CLUB ROUGE; I may make a surprise return 4 this one RT @FakeUsername : OPENING FOR JUELZ SANTANA JAN 30TH INSIDE CLUB ROUGE! http://FakeURL +1944 PER/Kim;PER/Kourtney;LOC/New York; i meant Kim & Kourtney Take New York haha +1945 LOC/Delux;LOC/Ossington; I might be addicted to Delux on Ossington - ca n't stop going back wknd after wknd . Their Cuban breakfast is amazing http://FakeURL +1946 PER/Melina Kanakaredes;LOC/NY;PER/Sela Ward; I miss Melina Kanakaredes on #FakeHashtag - NY Sela Ward is too arrogant 4 a new guy as she is in every role #FakeHashtag +1947 PER/Norman Wisdom; I miss Norman Wisdom! . +1948 I named my iPhone `Phoebo' . For this of you that watch friends, you know what this means . :) +1949 PER/Phillip;PER/Chloe;PER/melanie;PER/Nathan;PER/Stephanie;PER/daniel; I need Phillip and Chloe together NOW as well as melanie and Nathan too, Stephanie and daniel find somebody else #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +1950 I nominate @FakeUsername for a Shorty Award in #FakeHashtag because ... she wear's beutiful clothes http://FakeURL +1951 LOC/Utah; I own a timeshare, and I agree . @FakeUsername That 3rd-down end around was the dumbest thing I 've ever seen . And I 've been to Utah . +1952 ORG/Facebook; ``I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album '' '' -LCB- Project 365 -RCB- 2011 '' '' http://FakeURL '' +1953 ORG/Facebook; ``I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album '' ``Whats New at KiD to KiD of Cary? '' '' http://FakeURL '' +1954 ORG/Blackpool;ORG/Wolves;PER/Jody Craddock;ORG/Wolves; I predict that Blackpool will lose to Wolves (0-2) at odds of 14/1, with Jody Craddock scoring first for Wolves #FakeHashtag match predictor +1955 PER/Oscar Wilde; I put all my genius into my life; I put only my talent into my works Oscar Wilde +1956 PER/Edward Appleton; I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill . - Sir Edward Appleton +1957 PER/Rihanna; I really enjoy Rihanna's new album . Great songs and a job well done +1958 ORG/the Bengals;PER/Jesus;ORG/Falcons; I really NEED the Bengals to pull out a win today . PLEASE baby Jesus, give me this . Signed, a Falcons fan +1959 PER/Dorothy Day; I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least . - Dorothy Day +1960 I recently lost 3 followers, and I know who they are thanks to http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +1961 PER/Harbaugh;PER/Mike Tomlin; I ride with the #FakeHashtag to the end . . but if we could trade Harbaugh for Mike Tomlin #FakeHashtag, we 'd be on another stratosphere . +1962 PER/cory monteith; i say this so much but cory monteith is absolutely beautiful (L) +1963 ORG/YouTube; I subscribed to TheNewWonderWoman's channel on YouTube . http://FakeURL +1964 ORG/YouTube; I subscribed to thesowhat's channel on YouTube . http://FakeURL +1965 PER/Kevin Hart; I swear, @FakeUsername and I can go back and forth all day w / quotes from Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny lol +1966 PER/Charlie Rangel; I think he should go ahead and retire RT @FakeUsername Leave Charlie Rangel alone ... He's 80! Come on ... clearly he's (cont) http://FakeURL +1967 PER/Rita Rudner; I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage . They 've experienced pain and bought jewelry . Rita Rudner +1968 PER/Chad Johnson; I thought Chad Johnson was engaged and it's not going to last but why is he still following models/video vixens? +1969 LOC/America;PER/Stan Marsh; I thought this was America \* Stan Marsh voice \* +1970 I took a nap and dreamed about getting an iPhone, it felt so real . +1971 PER/George St Pierre; ``I trained myself to fight an army of men, so that one man ca n't defeat me - George St Pierre '' +1972 PER/Kristen;PER/rihanna;PER/Anne hathaway; I tuned in and saw Kristen wig with red hair thought it was a rihanna skit lmao ps Anne hathaway is gorgeous #FakeHashtag +1973 ORG/YouTube; I uploaded a YouTube video The Chicken goes Moo . Day 181 (01-22-2011) http://FakeURL +1974 PER/Stanley Tucci; I voted for Stanley Tucci & @FakeUsername & @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +1975 PER/Steve Nash;LOC/Phoenix;MISC/2011 NBA All-Star Game; I voted to send Steve Nash from Phoenix to the 2011 NBA All-Star Game . http://FakeURL +1976 I wanna kick my teacher in the face! +1977 PER/Susan Boyle; I wanna shoot Susan Boyle with a shotgun! . +1978 ``I want some . . RT '' '' @FakeUsername : I'm printing some '' ``SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!! '' '' cards . '' '' '' +1979 ORG/Twitter;PER/Jay Cutler; I want to see the reaction on Twitter if Jay Cutler suddenly decides to come back in . +1980 ORG/NFC;ORG/the Steelers;ORG/the Jets;PER/Sanchez;ORG/Pittsburgh; I was correct about the NFC Title Game . Now the Steelers will beat down the Jets . Sanchez wo n't know what hit him . Pittsburgh D is nasty! +1981 I was thinking the same thing RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername LoL!! Nice answer ma! +1982 I was trying to be nice but if you are not even willin?? DONT YOU THINK I HAVE MADE AN EFFORT . IVE ASKED MY BES? http://FakeURL +1983 PER/Mead; I went to get a yearly planner like I do every year and when did they go up to $ 9? Thanks, Mead . +1984 PER/Olivia Munn; I will make Olivia Munn my wife +1985 PER/Joni Mitchell; I wish I have a river I could skate away on - Joni Mitchell +1986 ORG/Steelers;MISC/Super Bowl; I would n't mind seeing the Steelers at the Super Bowl . #FakeHashtag +1987 LOC/England;LOC/Japan; I 'll be in England #FakeHashtag I will be in Japan on the 4th of July ... So wrong . http://FakeURL +1988 PER/noel gallagher; i 'll never stop loving noel gallagher no matter how cocky or arrogant he tends too be at times! . +1989 LOC/new York; I'm a new York kinda nigga, fuck that black and yellow . +1990 LOC/Shinagawa; I'm at??? (Shinagawa Sta .) (?? 3 /?? 2 ,??) w / 15 others http://FakeURL +1991 LOC/Escazu;LOC/Escazu; I'm at Multiplaza Escazu (Escazu) w / 2 others http://FakeURL +1992 LOC/Yatenga;LOC/New York; I'm at Yatenga (2269 7th Ave, 134th, New York) http://FakeURL +1993 PER/Dwight Schrute; I'm changing my name to Dwight Schrute . +1994 LOC/North Koreas;PER/Miley Cyrus; I'm glad to see people are talking about North Koreas attack more then Miley Cyrus Birthday ... shows the world is n't totally lost ... +1995 PER/Julie Bowen; I'm going w @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : Which Modern Family cast mate does Julie Bowen says has the dirtiest mouth? #FakeHashtag +1996 I'm in a Tinychat with 120 other people @ http://FakeURL (http://FakeURL +1997 PER/Vincent; I'm jealous of them heels that carry your feet, if only they could walk right up to me . I'm psycho on you . #FakeHashtag Vincent - Miss Blue . +1998 PER/Noel Gallagher; I'm like a young Noel Gallagher! . +1999 PER/Smash Mouth; I'm listening to All Star by Smash Mouth . #FakeHashtag +2000 PER/Kim Mitchell; I'm listening to All We Are . mp3 by Kim Mitchell . #FakeHashtag +2001 PER/FatMan Scoop;PER/Faith Evans; I'm listening to Be Faithful by FatMan Scoop (Ft. . Faith Evans . #FakeHashtag +2002 PER/John Lennon;PER/Yoko Ono; I'm listening to Dear Yoko by John Lennon & Yoko Ono . #FakeHashtag +2003 PER/Rihanna; I'm listening to Disturbia by Rihanna . #FakeHashtag +2004 PER/Gil Scott-Heron; I'm listening to Home Is Where The Hatred Is by Gil Scott-Heron . #FakeHashtag +2005 PER/Phil Collins; I'm listening to In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins . #FakeHashtag +2006 PER/Cory Lee; I'm listening to Lover's Holiday by Cory Lee . #FakeHashtag +2007 PER/Kid Cudi;PER/David Guetta; I'm listening to Memories (Feat . Kid Cudi) by David Guetta . #FakeHashtag +2008 ORG/Culture Beat; I'm listening to Mr. Vain by Culture Beat . #FakeHashtag +2009 MISC/Requiem For A Dream;PER/Paul Oakenfold; I'm listening to Requiem For A Dream (Leama's Dream Mix) by Paul Oakenfold .????? #FakeHashtag +2010 PER/Eminem;PER/Nicki Minaj; I'm listening to Roman's Revenge (Feat . Eminem) by Nicki Minaj . #FakeHashtag +2011 PER/Eminem;PER/Nicki Minaj; I'm listening to Roman's Revenge (Feat . Eminem) by Nicki Minaj . #FakeHashtag +2012 PER/Rihanna;PER/Lady Gaga; I'm listening to Silly Boy by Rihanna ft Lady Gaga . #FakeHashtag +2013 PER/Haddaway; I'm listening to What Is Love by Haddaway .????? #FakeHashtag +2014 PER/Britney Spears;PER/Lily Allen; I'm listening to Womanizer (Britney Spears Cover) by Lily Allen . #FakeHashtag +2015 PER/Bob Sinclar; I'm listening to World, Hold On by Bob Sinclar . #FakeHashtag +2016 I'm n the hood tho! http://FakeURL +2017 MISC/the grammys; I'm predicting that @FakeUsername will win song of the year on the grammys +2018 I'm so tired I ca n't get up off my chair . I think I'm going to have to crawl across the floor and find the energy to climb into bed +2019 I'm talking about the offense miss curry . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername they scored once +2020 I'm thinking about changing my URL to freak out my followers . http://FakeURL +2021 I'm tryna get a chick like this RT @FakeUsername : Legs in the air +2022 LOC/Residence Inn-North;LOC/Stone Oak; I'm very tired, and I have to change rooms because of a thermostat problem . (@ Residence Inn-North/Stone Oak) http://FakeURL +2023 PER/Bobby Flay;MISC/Thanksgiving Throwdown; I'm watching the thunderstorm roll in RT @FakeUsername : Watching Bobby Flay's Thanksgiving Throwdown '' +2024 ORG/LG; I 've added a tip : LG DBRH198 Region Free Fix http://FakeURL http://FakeURL < - to my list +2025 I 've only had the strawberry shortcake one and it does n't taste too bad . http://FakeURL +2026 PER/Ian S.;PER/feerschneider; Ian S. is the best! : WHAT 'S THE MOST EMBARASSING THING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU AS A MODEL? - feerschneider : http://FakeURL +2027 Ice Ice Baby has the WORST music video ever! +2028 ORG/YouTube;PER/Ron;PER/Hermione; Ich mag ein YouTube-Video . Here in the dark (Ron/Hermione) http://FakeURL +2029 Idk But I Think Sara wanted to be Maid Of Honor . Just a Hinch . +2030 PER/Kevin Hart; Idk how @FakeUsername did n't think Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny was comedic . Blasphemy +2031 LOC/pittsburgh;ORG/steelers; Idk how u can live in pittsburgh and hate on the steelers +2032 PER/Sara Underwood; Idk who Sara Underwood is but she is a cutie +2033 ORG/the Bears; Idt the Bears winnin dis one; and for those who followed me, I will follow yuh guys back wen I get on the PC :) +2034 PER/Thomas Henry Huxley; If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger? - Thomas Henry Huxley +2035 PER/edward; if edward punched you in the face what would you do?? Throw a fucking rock at his face http://FakeURL +2036 PER/Mel Brooks; If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets . Mel Brooks +2037 If I dont get married ima join the army and if I have kids then I dont : D +2038 PER/Ted Turner; If I only had a little humility, I 'd be perfect . Ted Turner +2039 PER/Ted Turner; If I only had a little humility, I 'd be perfect . Ted Turner +2040 If I'm on the phone and keep walking that means two or more things I see you not interested I see you I'm not ... http://FakeURL +2041 PER/Kate Garraway; If Kate Garraway ever goes topless, I want to be the first person to know . +2042 ORG/Sprint;ORG/ATT&T; If Sprint get the iPhone 4, ATT&T is goin outta business lol +2043 ORG/the Bears;PER/Caleb Hanie;MISC/SuperBowl; If the Bears win Caleb Hanie should start in the SuperBowl! +2044 ORG/the Bears;LOC/Chicago;PER/Hanie; If the Bears win with a 3rd string QB I will move to Chicago and open Hanie's Gym and Dating Service +2045 MISC/Aaliyah; ``If there was 2 ever be an '' ``Aaliyah '' '' movie '', I think @FakeUsername would be perfect for the role . +2046 IF U CA N'T HANDLE THE TRUTH #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername If you feel offended or having any problemWith what I say roll the fuck out +2047 PER/Jim Belushi;PER/Jerry O'Connell; If u have n't yet check out #FakeHashtag : Jim Belushi & Jerry O'Connell are just plain hilarious @FakeUsername +2048 PER/Simon Baker; If ur referring to Simon Baker : I agree RT @FakeUsername : that guy from the mentalist is a hottie! :) +2049 PER/Abigail Van Buren; ``If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we 'd all be millionaires . ~ Abigail Van Buren '' +2050 PER/Steven Harper;PER/Bush;PER/Blair; If you are Canadian, and do not like Steven Harper/Conservatives then RT? He's the last of the Bush/Blair era) _ -LRB- +2051 PER/avril lavinge; If you could attend any concert, what would it be?? avril lavinge http://FakeURL +2052 PER/Dave Barry; If you have n't yet read Dave Barry's @FakeUsername) Tips For Writers, now's the time for that to transpire . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +2053 PER/Dave Barry; If you have n't yet read Dave Barry's @FakeUsername) Tips For Writers, now's the time for that to transpire . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername +2054 PER/Dale Carnegie; If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it . Go out and get busy . ~ Dale Carnegie +2055 Iiih risa aku tau yg menang u, u RT @FakeUsername : hebat!!! RT @FakeUsername yg menang aku _ -LRB-' -') _ RT @FakeUsername Ehehehe . _ . RT @FakeUsername : iya tau wk ... +2056 PER/JUSTIN BIEBER; IM DMING JUSTIN BIEBER FOR THE NEXT 10 PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW @FakeUsername TELL ME IF U DID! GO GO GO :) 4 +2057 Im Going to Be Talking About The Roll of Online Videos In Internet http://FakeURL +2058 PER/Albert Einstein; Imagination is more important than knowledge ... - Albert Einstein #FakeHashtag +2059 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight . http://FakeURL +2060 PER/Venus;MISC/the Australian Open; In other sports news i ca n't believe Venus was forced out of the Australian Open due to injury . PISSED . Anyone's game . . smfh +2061 ORG/Fox;ORG/NFL; In the off-season, the Fox NFL robots ruin golf games . +2062 PER/John Lilly; In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true . - John Lilly +2063 PER/Toni Braxton; In the words of Toni Braxton `Just be a man about it ' +2064 LOC/India;LOC/India; India? A promising destination for Heart Valve Surgery : India? A promising destination for Heart Valve Surgery ... http://FakeURL +2065 ORG/Injinji; Injinji socks RT @FakeUsername (blog post) Funny Feet http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2066 PER/Helge Schneider; ``Interessant! Helge Schneider in '' ``300 '' '' - http://FakeURL Thumbs up! '' +2067 International Adoption - The Know How's http://FakeURL +2068 ORG/WikiLeaks;PER/Julian Assange; International arrest warrant issued for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Raw Story http://FakeURL +2069 PER/Rob Shields;PER/Rob Shields; Interview With Rob Shields : Design Rob Shields has found much success in his style of artwork, his dark inspired ... http://FakeURL +2070 PER/Nanice El-Gammal;LOC/Egypt; Interview : Cairo-based Yoga Teacher, Nanice El-Gammal, on yoga lifestyle in the wonderful country of Egypt? http://FakeURL +2071 PER/Nick Williams; Investing more energy and attention in your dreams than your fears opens the door to miracles ~ Nick Williams +2072 is a VIP on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone! Click the link to join my gang http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2073 MISC/World Championship; is celebrating the double, having led his Fenerbah_e team to success in the Club World Championship . #FakeHashtag +2074 MISC/the Battle of the Basement Bands; is hitting that stage at 8:50 tonight for the Battle of the Basement Bands . http://FakeURL +2075 Is It 200 Million Or 500 Million? And Who's Counting Anyway? http://FakeURL +2076 Is it possible to network with business leadership? http://FakeURL +2077 PER/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Is not the core of nature in the heart of man? - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe +2078 PER/Mark Watson; is on the bus too town too see Mark Watson! . +2079 PER/Mark Watson; is out later on too see a comedian called Mark Watson at thee wulfrun hall in my local area of wolvo ... +2080 PER/Braylon Edwards; Is stone hands Braylon Edwards going to show up today? +2081 Is the the building method of the future? The prototypes sound like an angry swarm of mosquitoes . http://FakeURL +2082 Is there a sale in the mall I did n't kno about ... else why is it so packed!!!! +2083 PER/Joe;PER/Jim Royle; is this a poem or a menu Joe!? . Jim Royle #FakeHashtag +2084 PER/Tony McCarroll; is this close to meeting Tony McCarroll ... http://FakeURL +2085 PER/Isaac Hayes; Isaac Hayes - Breakthrough http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2086 PER/Isaac Newton; Isaac Newton and a Scientific Revolution http://FakeURL +2087 PER/Isabelle Huppert;PER/Claire Denis; Isabelle Huppert on Claire Denis, What Intimidates Her, and Dealing with the Press : French cinema siren Isabelle ... http://FakeURL +2088 PER/Francis Bacon; It always makes me smile at the knowledge that Sir Francis Bacon was a `friar' : -) LOL +2089 ORG/FB;PER/Donny;PER/David Cassidy;PER/MJ; It appears that most of my FB friends are all at the Biebs concert w/their kids . If only Donny, David Cassidy or MJ toured when I was a kid +2090 PER/Alicia Keys; It could 've been you Alicia Keys, but you had to go fuck around with Humpty Hump +2091 it didnt say it on twiiter or faceb so idont think so (live at http://FakeURL) +2092 PER/W. Churchill; It is no use saying, `We are doing our best .' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary . ~ W. Churchill +2093 PER/Gertrude Stein; It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.-Gertrude Stein +2094 LOC/America;PER/Barack Obama; It is time for us to Change America . (Words of Barack Obama) #FakeHashtag Obama +2095 It is too frequent that I stumble on a web site that is worthwhile telling my buddies about, this one is just like that ... http://FakeURL +2096 It looks like it's night night niggas!!! For the bears!!! Haha +2097 PER/Caleb Hanie; It seems safe to say that this is Caleb Hanie's five minutes of fame, judging from tweets, anyway . +2098 PER/Tony Blair;PER/Herman;ORG/twitter; It should 've been Tony Blair cc @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : Dear Herman @FakeUsername, good you are on twitter . Now see what it ca ... +2099 ORG/NFL;ORG/NFL; It takes 5 yrs to get a pension in the NFL . This 3rd string QB is in his 3rd NFL year . He's playing for his life salary rt now . +2100 PER/Napoleon Hill; It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project . ~ Napoleon Hill +2101 PER/George Burns; ``It takes only one drink to get me drunk . The trouble is, I ca n't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth . - George Burns #FakeHashtag '' +2102 LOC/UK; It's a bloody disgrace, I'm very disappointed; mine is the only phone in the UK that has n't been hacked +2103 It's a Sunday . I 've been dealing with cash since 11 am . It is now 5.45 pm, and I think I might be able to leave by 8 . FML +2104 MISC/King of the Hill;PER/Willie Nelson; It's amazing how the #FakeHashtag operates . I just watched episode 4 of King of the Hill, featuring Willie Nelson, who is currently trending . +2105 PER/Mike Tyson;PER/Jordan;PER/Chuck Norris; It's awesome going down to my Dad's office and seeing photos of him with Mike Tyson, Jordan & Chuck Norris . #FakeHashtag Ask about Him!! +2106 It's gonna be a good Christmas http://FakeURL Way to go #FakeHashtag +2107 PER/Joni Mitchell; It's life's illusions I recall - I really do n't know life at all - Joni Mitchell +2108 it's not working : (@FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +2109 PER/Harry Hill; It's Saturday and that can only mean several things : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername - ah, Saturday night TV! +2110 PER/Harry Hill;PER/Harry Hill; It's Saturday and that can only mean : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername . . my Saturday night starts with Harry Hill . +2111 PER/Harry Hill; It's SATURDAY and you know what that means : Harry Hill's TV Burp, Merlin and @FakeUsername . . Saturday night TV at its best! +2112 PER/Cutler; Its best that he did n't RT @FakeUsername : Cutler know he coulda got back on that field +2113 PER/Marc Anthony;ORG/Dolphins; Its clear that Marc Anthony owns a part of the Dolphins . They play' I Need To Know' by him at EVERY break . Smh +2114 LOC/Jville; Its super duper boring in Jville . . That's why I catch the planes out of here +2115 ORG/packers;MISC/super bowl; Its the packers going to super bowl +2116 PER/J Kidd;PER/T Parker; J Kidd is an ungrateful prick . The #FakeHashtag greatest player crapping on them . I will never forget how old T Parker made him look in the Finals +2117 PER/J. Johnson; J. Johnson looking for someone in the middle, alumni is there to pick it up and the ensuing drive leaves the goalie scrambling +2118 PER/Jacques le Glou; Jacques le Glou dies at age 70 News Screen : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2119 PER/Jake Cutler; Jake Cutler? The Tin Man phoned . Says you have something in common ... +2120 PER/James Franco; James Franco is returning to #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2121 PER/jay cutler; jay cutler get back in the game!!!!! +2122 PER/Jay Cutler;LOC/chicago;PER/kanye; Jay Cutler . Worst thing related to chicago since kanye's last two albums . +2123 PER/JAY JUDY; JAY JUDY MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I 'M THE ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD +2124 PER/Jay Schafer;ORG/Tumbleweed Tiny Houses;ORG/Yahoo! News; Jay Schafer, owner of Tumbleweed Tiny Houses - Yahoo! News Photos http://FakeURL +2125 PER/Jeff Dye; Jeff Dye #FakeHashtag +2126 PER/Jennifer Love Hewitt; Jennifer Love Hewitt is an underrated actress . . #FakeHashtag ... she's getting better roles +2127 PER/Jenny Eclair; Jenny Eclair - about as funny as the trots . +2128 jer freaked out cause the cookie was $ 7 hahaha @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername LOVE it! +2129 PER/Jessica Simpson;MISC/Regis/Kelly; Jessica Simpson us on Regis/Kelly and she sounds horrible! Maybe get some sleep before you go live) _) +2130 PER/Jesus; Jesus Saves!!! Praise be to God! His Glory! and His Grace! AMen! +2131 PER/Jesus; Jesus told us to love everybody . He never said it had to be consensual . +2132 ORG/JETS; JETS HAVE TO WIN . WORTHLESSBURGER IS A PIECE . AND I'm SICK OF HEARING THAT DAMN BLACK AND YELLOW SONG . Let's put em in their GRAVE . +2133 ORG/jets;PER/LB calvin pace; jets LB calvin pace slipped on the turf, otherwise he would 've stopped ben short . ugh +2134 PER/Jim Bell;LOC/Mars; Jim Bell : `Postcards From Mars' : 15 Amazing Pictures Of The Red Planet From New Book (PHOTOS #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2135 PER/Jimmy Clausen; Jimmy Clausen is an IDIOT!!! Lol . Thank yooooou!!!! +2136 PER/amelia;PER/Haleyy; JK! that wasnt me that was my amazing cousin amelia! i love her . but i do love my sister Haleyy!! Shaking my booty playing just dance 2! bye +2137 PER/Joanna Yeates; Joanna Yeates' Landlord Held Over Murder : http://FakeURL +2138 ORG/USC; JOB @FakeUsername looking 4 IT business analyst Req # 006530 see USC jobs website +2139 PER/Joe Biden;PER/Larry King;PER/Hillary Clinton; Joe Biden Tells Larry King He And Hillary Clinton Wo n't Switch Jobs http://FakeURL +2140 PER/John A. Smolin; John A. Smolin's pretty kitty . http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2141 PER/John Key; ``John Key says the Govt will give support to the #FakeHashtag miners and their families : '' ``Our hearts and thoughts go out to them . '' '' '' +2142 PER/john larroquette; john larroquette did such an amazing job on @FakeUsername . @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +2143 PER/John Lennon; John Lennon's voice in war is over! . (3 +2144 PER/John Tyner; John Tyner, now infamous traveler who resisted TSA pat-down, glad his moment of fame is nearly over http://FakeURL http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +2145 PER/Johnny Depp; Johnny Depp is 47 and #FakeHashtag ... age is nothing but a number ... I would hit it +2146 PER/Johnny Depp; Johnny Depp is 47 and #FakeHashtag ... I would hit it +2147 Joint bank account with your boyfriend at 17?? #FakeHashtag +2148 PER/Jordan;PER/D-wade; Jordan had the flu and still scored 38 ... And D-wade ca n't play cause of a headache?? ... They do n't makem like they used to Smh!! +2149 PER/Juan Silva Meza;ORG/SCJN; Juan Silva Meza nuevo presidente de la SCJN +2150 PER/Judith Herman; ``Judith Herman '' ``Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator's first line of defense . If secrecy fails '', '' he attacks the credibility of his victim . '' '' '' +2151 PER/Julia Durly; Julia Durly, I want you to have my children . +2152 PER/Julian Assange; Julian Assange is a textbook narcissistic paranoid . http://FakeURL @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +2153 PER/Julius peppers;PER/Angela Simmons; Julius peppers smilin after the loss cuz he fuckin Angela Simmons +2154 PER/Mark Watson; just finished seeing Mark Watson (comedian) at thee wulfrun hall now time too go home rating out of 10 ... 7 and a half! . +2155 Just Got In From The Store, 52nd Street Desert 'd . . Wasup WP .! +2156 Just got out the MRI machine and it caused excruciating pain . . #FakeHashtag +2157 Just guess who's names under that ... http://FakeURL +2158 Just installed @FakeUsername on my mobile phone - it's a free navigation app with fun gaming & social elements! http://FakeURL +2159 PER/Carlos; just listened to Carlos? The Silmarillia (radio edit) http://FakeURL +2160 Just made my reverb nation music profile . Give it a visit http://FakeURL beats and more music @ http://FakeURL +2161 just reached level 20 on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone! Click the link to join my gang http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2162 ORG/Amazon;ORG/LG;ORG/LG; Just saw this on Amazon : `LG 32LE5400 32-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED LCD HDTV, Black with Internet Applications' by LG http://FakeURL +2163 ORG/Amazon;ORG/Sony; Just saw this on Amazon : `Sports Champions' by Sony Computer Entertainment ... for $ 39.75 http://FakeURL +2164 PER/Grover Washington Jr.; JUST THE TWO OF US??? - Grover Washington Jr. . http://FakeURL +2165 PER/Scott; ``Just took '' ``What is the name of the man you 'll marry? '' '' and got : Scott! Try it? http://FakeURL '' +2166 Just tweet him to death with questions . LolRT @FakeUsername : Cool . Let me know class is in session . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername I 'll give you a +2167 MISC/How Drugs Work;ORG/BBC;LOC/Bristol;LOC/Bristol; Just watched all the `How Drugs Work' documentries on BBC . Funny to see the Bristol coke girl and boy I 've seen at many events in Bristol . +2168 PER/Justin Bieber;LOC/England; ``Justin Bieber has just said '' ``I Could n't Live In England '' '' nobody wants you hear anyway so fuck off! . '' +2169 PER/Justin Bieber; Justin Bieber hates the weather here we hate you full stop! . +2170 kangins : LIKE A LITTLE KID THE WAY HE RUNS OVER TO TAEMIN OMFG . Also the last one :? But hyung I was gonna ... http://FakeURL +2171 PER/Kanye West;PER/Beaver; Kanye West should of jumped on stage when they said Beaver won . +2172 PER/Karina Pasian; Karina Pasian = wifey lol +2173 PER/Katy;LOC/the Gold Coast; Katy is back on the Gold Coast, Fresh and ready to play Ph 0420519515 20 yrs bust blond size 12 OUTCALLS from $ 20 http://FakeURL +2174 PER/Katy Perry; Katy Perry #FakeHashtag! +2175 Keep in eye on your inbox soon for Annual Meeting information! The plans are in high gear and the dates to save ... http://FakeURL +2176 PER/Keri Hilson; Keri Hilson was dancing like a ho, singing ho-ish shit, lookin like a ho soooo ... \* does math calculations \* she equals to ...? +2177 PER/Patti Smith; Kids Stays In The Picture : Her fashion stock has rarely been higher than in the last year, when Patti Smith's pu ... http://FakeURL +2178 PER/Kim Jong-Il; Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things http://FakeURL +2179 PER/Ted Thompson; Kind of bummed they did n't interview Ted Thompson! Go! Pack! Go! +2180 ORG/Jets;ORG/the Giants;ORG/GreenBay;ORG/the Jets; Kinda nervous about this Jets game . Felt the same way when the Giants played GreenBay that Superbowl year . Really hope the Jets win ... +2181 PER/kirsten dunst; kirsten dunst is amazing (3 +2182 PER/Kitaro; Kitaro - The Silk Road http://FakeURL v_a @FakeUsername +2183 Knowing The Difference Between A License And A Franchise Makes A Difference : : If you know the difference betwee ... http://FakeURL +2184 LOC/Asia; Korean Wave' of pop culture sweeps across Asia - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +2185 PER/Kourtney;PER/Kourtney;LOC/New York;PER/Kim; Kourtney & Kourtney Take New York : : : I knew Kim was going to date her bodyguard #FakeHashtag +2186 PER/LADY GAGA; LADY GAGA IS A BITCH YOU THE QUEEN @FakeUsername +2187 PER/Larry Moore; Larry Moore recording a late promo ahead of @FakeUsername 9 News at 10 http://FakeURL +2188 LOC/Wolcott Rest Area; Last stop before home! (@ Wolcott Rest Area) http://FakeURL +2189 Latest Couture Bridal Gowns Auctions : Feel free to check out these auctions : http://FakeURL +2190 PER/Charlie Pace; Lawls, there is an overweight Charlie Pace at rain right now . #FakeHashtag . +2191 PER/Stephen Covey; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall . ~ Stephen Covey +2192 PER/Stephen Covey; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall . ~ Stephen Covey +2193 PER/Norman Schwarzkopf; Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character . But if you must be without one, be without the strategy . Norman Schwarzkopf +2194 PER/Leah Marie Grimshaw; Leah Marie Grimshaw ahhhh has a gd ring to it dnt ya think;') +2195 PER/leah remini; leah remini is on ... she has the same birthday as me +2196 PER/Lee DeWyze;PER/Jim Cornelison; Lee DeWyze Defers To Jim Cornelison : Will Sing At Bears-Packers Halftime, Cornelison Takes Anthem - Huffin ... http://FakeURL +2197 leganddairy : He is just so incredible . That hair? . spectacular . http://FakeURL +2198 PER/Leonardo DaVinci; Leonardo DaVinci invented the Scissors . +2199 ORG/Les Anis de Flavigny;LOC/Vancouver;LOC/Bosa Foo; Les Anis de Flavigny rose candy in Vancouver? : I have purchased the lavander and the anise versions at Bosa Foo ... http://FakeURL +2200 PER/Leslie Nielsen; Leslie Nielsen has died . I was waiting for another Naked Gun sad day today, and tomorrow +2201 Let him stay where he is, he? s the king? He? s my son +2202 Lets hear it for Sunday Roast - Embracing the customs of your new country is good . Sharing some of the ... http://FakeURL +2203 PER/Charles R. Swindoll; Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it . - Charles R. Swindoll +2204 PER/Marcus Tullius Cicero; Life is nothing without friendship . Marcus Tullius Cicero +2205 PER/Paulo Coelho; Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act . ~ Paulo Coelho +2206 Like finding ways to ether ya \* Ice Cube mean mug \* +2207 Like it! Fan Fiction ebook Peeta's Story - The Hunger Games #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2208 PER/Tim Mcgraw; Likes @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag OVER AND OVER by @FakeUsername ft. . Tim Mcgraw +2209 PER/Mia; ``Likes the quote '' ``Please Mia '', '' he implores . Do n't make me write a song . '' '' http://FakeURL '' +2210 ``Listen to '' ``NWO and TFL night '' '' hosted by bill122460 on #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL Call (646)929-0610 '' +2211 ORG/TNT & Karess;ORG/Low The Legacy; ``Listen up!! New Single '' ``NOW U MAD '' '' by TNT & Karess Produced by Low The Legacy - http://FakeURL song_6894400 '' +2212 PER/David Bowie; ``listening to '' ``Absolute Beginners - David Bowie '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2213 PER/David Essex; ``listening to '' ``David Essex - A Winter #FakeHashtag; s Tale '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2214 PER/Diana Ross; ``listening to '' ``Diana Ross - Reach Out And Touch '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2215 PER/Barbara Streisand; ``listening to '' ``Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (O-God Remix) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2216 ``Listening to '' ``Hungry For The Word Of God 1-23-2011 The Holy Spirit Par ... '' '' hosted by hankonfire on #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL '' +2217 PER/Felice Taylor; ``listening to '' ``It May Be Winter Outside (But in My Heart It #FakeHashtag; s Spring) / Felice Taylor (1967) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2218 PER/Lionel Richie; ``listening to '' ``Lionel Richie - Im_Comming_Home '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2219 PER/Lionel Richie; ``listening to '' ``Lionel Richie - Im_Comming_Home '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2220 ``listening to '' ``Sea of Bees - Pale Skin '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2221 ORG/The Black Keys; ``listening to '' ``The Black Keys - Tighten Up (OFFICIAL VIDEO) '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2222 PER/Huey Lewis; ``listening to '' ``WINTER WONDERLAND - Huey Lewis And The News '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2223 PER/craig mack; listening to craig mack rap hangover . . bass lines are soo sweet! +2224 PER/David Suzuki; Listening to David Suzuki's talk `The legacy' Culmination of a life's work . Listen, learn and act . Tipping point is almost passed and past . +2225 PER/Patti Lacy; Literary Wonders! gives The Rhythm of Secrets by Patti Lacy a 5 Star rating . http://FakeURL +2226 Little brothers http://FakeURL +2227 ORG/NHL; Little Women on DVD . Sweatpants from @FakeUsername's NHL collection . Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight! +2228 LMAO @FakeUsername : Do n't! Mite recognize it! RT @FakeUsername : IM TEMPTED TO TWITPIC THIS NAKED PIC OF (cont) http://FakeURL +2229 PER/Vanessa Carlton; LMAO at Vanessa Carlton playing randomly somewhere in the crib +2230 PER/Bobby Boucher 'd; Lmao how this dude Bobby Boucher 'd his ass . +2231 Lmao RT @FakeUsername I think Harry Potter is getting a little too old to believe in magic . Is n't he like, 35? +2232 ``Lmao RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername '' #FakeHashtag : @FakeUsername) @FakeUsername ( SECURITTTTTYYYYYYYYY '' +2233 Lmao RT @FakeUsername I loaned @FakeUsername $ 7 +2234 Lmao RT @FakeUsername Ive made the decision 2move on w / my life and part with my true love ... ... CARBS!! haha +2235 PER/Prince; Lmao!! RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername she wanted to sing like teena and look like Prince!!! Hahahahahaaaa!!!! +2236 Lmfao love that movie RT @FakeUsername : Do n't have sex, 'cause you will get pregnant . And die . +2237 PER/Kevin hart; LMFAO RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I mean damn what did Kevin hart do to u?? (she does n't watch blck movies or shows) +2238 Lmfao This Girl Is An Moron!!!! RT @FakeUsername : Damn you the? and I will rip my? out and? you the? +2239 LOC/Chicago; Lmfao . . Chicago ai n't going out like no hoe though! that was quick +2240 lmfaoo omg stfu RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername you my friend was the highlight of the night lol +2241 ORG/twitter; Lmfaooooo RT @FakeUsername : i swear i think people go take pictures in they best outfit just for an avitar on this twitter shit +2242 LmfaoRT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : You know its cold when the africans stay inside < < lmfaooooo +2243 Local Mom Makes $ 6,500 / mo. . Work At Home Jobs Providing 1000's of Jobless Americans a Secure and Reliable Income . http://FakeURL +2244 PER/Nicole Scherljfadhaohd; Lol at the way u spell her last name RT @FakeUsername : Nicole Scherljfadhaohd on #FakeHashtag is wearing a purty dress . +2245 ``Lol hell yeah! RT @FakeUsername : '' @FakeUsername : I stay smokin weed that be super smelly '' '' yeah we were in the same rotation lOl '' +2246 PER/Todd Collins; lol How old is Todd Collins? +2247 Lol I was there left bout 1 RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername where were YOU last nite!? @FakeUsername was (cont) http://FakeURL +2248 PER/Chris Bosh; Lol RT @FakeUsername : I bet money Chris Bosh got clear nail polish on his finger and toenails . +2249 PER/Peyton Manning;ORG/the Colts; Lol RT @FakeUsername : Peyton Manning has n't been right all season . Even before the injuries impacted the Colts he (cont) http://FakeURL +2250 PER/Lauryn Hill;PER/Lauryn Hill; LOL RT @FakeUsername : what's the over/under on how many of these Lauryn Hill shows actually features Lauryn Hill? +2251 LOL RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Women have to be in the mood . Men just have to be in the room . #FakeHashtag +2252 Lol RT @FakeUsername : S/O to all the men tweeting that #FakeHashtag shit but stay breaking bread on a Bad Bitch!!!! +2253 PER/Clay Matthews; Lol . I thought u missed that RT @FakeUsername : Girl do you know i will fight you?!?!! Lol RT @FakeUsername : I want to marry Clay Matthews . +2254 ``Lol . RT @FakeUsername What happened to u wanting to be my alarm '' ``cock '' '' ctfuuuu smh I'm still waiting babes ... '' +2255 ``Lol . These grown ass men are tryna play us . Lol . '' ``I did n't have someone stand outside the store And buy me alch '' '' '' +2256 PER/Leanne Malcolm;LOC/Queenstown;MISC/tv3 news; Long time didnt see Leanne Malcolm Tv3 report from Queenstown . she doing a great job! Nice to see u today on tv3 news!!!! +2257 Look at this Guy . lol http://FakeURL +2258 Looking for Things to Do? Bored & Broke! http://FakeURL +2259 MISC/Harry's Law;PER/Kathy Bates; Looking forward to Harry's Law with Kathy Bates on @FakeUsername +2260 looks like bubba is going to the vet . i think presciption cream is the only answer . he's not hurting and is soooo ... http://FakeURL +2261 MISC/THE BAY;PER/Real Andrews; Lose Weight Easy THE BAY Series Interviews? Real Andrews Part Three : It is with the world's most appropriate ... http://FakeURL +2262 PER/christine lahti; Love christine lahti on @FakeUsername . She rocks! @FakeUsername +2263 PER/Adele Ashworth; Love expands your soul with something inexplicably fulfilling . ~ Adele Ashworth #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername +2264 PER/Paulo Coelho; Love is a trap . When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows . ~ Paulo Coelho +2265 PER/Jeff Bridges;PER/Jeff Bridges;MISC/2010 Oscars; love Jeff Bridges rt @FakeUsername VIDEO : Jeff Bridges reveals whether he was high during his 2010 Oscars acceptance (cont) http://FakeURL +2266 PER/Matt Czuchry;PER/Alan Cumming; Love Matt Czuchry from @FakeUsername & Alan Cumming who is just the greatest +2267 PER/Keith Urban; Love some Keith Urban . He pulled out that classic track at the end!!!! Great half-time set! +2268 Love this song, but do n't exactly understand the 1-minute intro : http://FakeURL +2269 PER/frank turner; love this track by frank turner! . +2270 Love this! RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2271 PER/Doloris Van Cartier;PER/Whoopi Goldberg;MISC/Sister Act 2; Lovin me some Doloris Van Cartier aka Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2 for the 150 x LOL #FakeHashtag +2272 PER/Ian Brown; Loving the monkey in time for #FakeHashtag music Monday? My Star by Ian Brown +2273 ORG/Fishing Tackle Supplies; Lucky Craft Real Fishing Tackle Supplies : Listen im sure most of you people would think that it would be nice ... http://FakeURL +2274 PER/Phil Taylor;PER/Gary Mawson; lucky taylor! . RT @FakeUsername : RESULT : Phil Taylor 3-0 Gary Mawson #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2275 LOC/Diamond Star of the East;LOC/Zanzibar;LOC/Luxury Diamonds Star of the East;LOC/Zanzibar; Luxury Hotels : Diamond Star of the East, Zanzibar - Luxury Diamonds Star of the East is a five star resort Zanzibar ... http://FakeURL +2276 Mad asFuk at tha Gas Prices SMH http://FakeURL +2277 Magic in me too \* dancing \* RT @FakeUsername : ive got the MAGIC IN MEEEEEEEEEE +2278 Majestic Ship and Boat Photographs CreativeFan : Ships are some of the most majestic vessels on the planet . _ Fr ... http://FakeURL +2279 make one for me in 5mins please :) RT @FakeUsername : So my house mates are all drinking on the Rose and Captain (cont) http://FakeURL +2280 Making teaching load & department staffing projection spreadsheets . Envy the glamour of being department chair! +2281 MakingOf Interviews at Sundance http://FakeURL +2282 PER/Delonte West; Man Delonte West is gon be missed, hope he has a speedy recovery #FakeHashtag +2283 Man Has Camera Implanted In His Head For Exhibit . http://FakeURL +2284 PER/Samuel Beckett; Man my thoughts are garbled and fragmented at the minute . I'm like Samuel Beckett if he had a lobotomy . +2285 LOC/la;LOC/cali; Man wrk was so slow but that's part of life need that dough nah mean ca n't wait till I move to la in cali hometown baby +2286 LOC/Manhattan;LOC/NYC Manhattan Apartment;LOC/Times Square;LOC/Theater District;MISC/Real Estate Rentals; Manhattan NYC Manhattan Apartment for Rent in the Heart of Times Square/Theater District - ... http://FakeURL Real Estate Rentals +2287 PER/Drew Brees; Mannnn Drew Brees . I'm in awe that he was even able to release that ball . #FakeHashtag +2288 PER/Marion Appel; Marion Appel, #FakeHashtag GfK over effectiviteit relatiemedia . #FakeHashtag +2289 PER/Mariska Hargitay;MISC/The Ellen Show; Mariska Hargitay on The Ellen Show - http://FakeURL +2290 PER/Mark sanchez;PER/Joe mcknight;PER/clay Matthews;MISC/superbowl; Mark sanchez, Joe mcknight, and clay Matthews all bout to be in the superbowl thas crazy! #FakeHashtag +2291 PER/Mark Zuck;MISC/the Time Mag Person of the Year; Mark Zuck is the Time Mag Person of the Year . I will be the next . +2292 PER/Martha Stewart; Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes : Turkey, Stuffing, Side Dishes +2293 PER/Marvin Austin; Marvin Austin, late of #FakeHashtag, scored a touchdown today in Shrine Game . Highlights at 11 @FakeUsername +2294 PER/Marvin Gaye; Marvin Gaye - Just like Music http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2295 PER/Mary Landrieu; Mary Landrieu @FakeUsername, '' the '' ``Obama-McConnell Plan '' '' is not '' ``morally corrupt '' '' - it's the smartest thing he's done . Most people agree . '' +2296 PER/Matt Dodge; Matt Dodge ... why did n't you kick it out of bounds like a fuckin sane person? +2297 PER/Matt Flynn; Matt Flynn played a hell of a game though for his 1st start!! +2298 PER/Thomas Edison; Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very frequently is most unjust to youth . ~ Thomas Edison +2299 PER/Wallace;LOC/Alabama; Maybe Ex-Governor Wallace from Alabama was right when he said, '' '' ``segregation today '', segregation tomorrow, '' segregation forever . '' '' '' +2300 PER/Heidi;PER/Ryan; maybe Heidi is gonna sue Dr. Ryan; s estate now that he is gone and she is broke, he ca n't defend himself #FakeHashtag @FakeUsername +2301 ORG/The bears; Maybe not RT @FakeUsername : The bears need an adult as qb . +2302 PER/Mcgriddle;PER/Mickey Ds; Mcgriddle is making my side hurt, crazy taste and flavors ... I feel like I'm dying fuck Mickey Ds +2303 PER/Diana Vreeland; ``Me 3 '' @FakeUsername : Me too!? '' @FakeUsername : This photo of Diana Vreeland in her red apartment just makes me happy! http://FakeURL '' '' '' '' '' +2304 Me and @FakeUsername are clutch in the kitchen http://FakeURL +2305 PER/Noel Gallagher; me and Noel Gallagher's voice are very similar! . +2306 PER/Keith Urban; Me too! RT @FakeUsername : Now finally something at the #FakeHashtag stadium I can cheer for : Keith Urban #FakeHashtag +2307 PER/Lillian; Meet the iGran : 103-year-old Lillian becomes world's oldest Facebooker (and updates from her iPad) : http://FakeURL +2308 ``http://FakeURL tries to sell our atheist group a '' ``spiritual counseling session . '' '' ... http://FakeURL via http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag '' +2309 Mega Cocks Housing policy and the gay community http://FakeURL +2310 PER/Mehcad Brooks; Mehcad Brooks #FakeHashtag +2311 PER/Kanye West;PER/Kanye West; Men's Style Icons : Kanye West : Editor Introduction We have featured Kanye West on site before, as he was picked ... http://FakeURL +2312 PER/Annie Lennox; Message From Annie Lennox - World AIDS Day 2010 http://FakeURL +2313 metal detectors long range 2011 : To Long Range Twin antennas with a length of 16 centimeters, the company, is ... http://FakeURL +2314 ORG/Metallica;PER/Ozzy Osbourne; Metallica & Ozzy Osbourne Iron Man + Paranoid live in the Rock N Roll H. . . http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2315 Methods To Keep Cash On Tires http://FakeURL +2316 PER/Michael Bolton; Michael Bolton @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag - this one's for the fans! What was the first concert you ever experienced? +2317 PER/Michael Ealy; Michael Ealy is very handsome to me +2318 PER/Michael Jackson;LOC/Vegas; Michael Jackson video from Labor Day Weekend in Vegas . http://FakeURL +2319 PER/Michael Jackson; Michael Jackson's album sales not a patch on This Is It ... http://FakeURL +2320 PER/Michael Vick; Michael Vick says a new dog will help his rehabilitation : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername (- video +2321 PER/Michele Bachmann; Michele Bachmann's Popularity Puts Republicans on the Spot - http://FakeURL / why do Americans like screaming mean lying bitches? +2322 PER/Michelle Obama; Michelle Obama is NOT preggers ... stop the rumors! +2323 PER/MICHELLE OBAMA; MICHELLE OBAMA PREGNANT! : http://FakeURL +2324 PER/Mick Hucknall; Mick Hucknall says `sorry' to the hundreds of girls he loved and left - http://FakeURL +2325 PER/Miley Cyrus;LOC/Brazil; Miley Cyrus going to Brazil soon . Help her choose the best succer t-shirt - Futebol #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2326 ORG/Journal of Public Health;PER/Amy Hagopian; Military recruiters in public schools a threat to health of adolescents Journal of Public Health http://FakeURL @FakeUsername Amy Hagopian +2327 Mine is going to be a lot more biased . :) http://FakeURL +2328 ORG/Verizon;ORG/AT&T; Missed it?? Verizon? s Off-Contract iPhone 4 Will Cost $ 50 More Than AT&T? s? http://FakeURL +2329 mod pink save the date announcement : retro pink, save the date cards, A complete online wedding store We Offer : ... http://FakeURL +2330 Mom and Daph attended the lovely affair! http://FakeURL +2331 Moments that you wish can last forever can end within one second http://FakeURL +2332 Moms and grandmas never cease to amaze me with their strength and resilience RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername From a purely (cont) http://FakeURL +2333 PER/Dave Matthews;ORG/Death Cab;ORG/The Fray; Moms and Loratab Rock : - Baby by Dave Matthews . - A Lack of Color by Death Cab . - How to Save a Life by The Fray . - ... http://FakeURL +2334 Monetary Policy Decision - Nov 2010 (ENGLISH) download PDF file : Of the Rs308 billion? http://FakeURL +2335 PER/Jeffrey Goldberg; Money spent on airport security could be better spent on intelligence collection & breaking up of terror cells overseas . Jeffrey Goldberg +2336 PER/Monica Bellucci;ORG/COED Magazine; Monica Bellucci Drops Trou for New Photo Book (50 Photos) : COED Magazine http://FakeURL +2337 PER/Morris Chestnut; Morris Chestnut #FakeHashtag +2338 Movie night with the clones! http://FakeURL +2339 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Ted Sorensen; msnbc tv : A tribute to Ted Sorensen http://FakeURL +2340 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Bush; msnbc tv : Bush rewriting WMD history http://FakeURL +2341 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Bush; msnbc tv : Bush warned to keep book tour domestic http://FakeURL +2342 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Karl Rove; msnbc tv : Countering Karl Rove http://FakeURL +2343 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Elizabeth Edwards; msnbc tv : Elizabeth Edwards dies from cancer http://FakeURL +2344 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Leslie Nielsen; msnbc tv : In memoriam : Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL +2345 ORG/msnbc tv;PER/Rand Paul; msnbc tv : Video of Rand Paul's anti-Obama comments found http://FakeURL +2346 MISC/NAMM; Music News : Three Days Of The Coffin Case Condor At Winter NAMM 2011 ... http://FakeURL +2347 PER/Isaac Hayes; Music opens up minds to dream great dreams about where you can go & what you can do . Isaac Hayes #FakeHashtag '' RT @FakeUsername +2348 My aunt put the money in the machine so she kudd get sum quarters - \* Ily \* R.i. p_Ebony +2349 My book is coming soon! Losing everything? is this it forever? http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2350 My cousin bet me $ 20 he could out shoot me from 200 yards and I kicked his ass! With his gun lol +2351 my dad is a big fella, we called him cucumberpants! he's in the hospital though, put a catheter in it!! +2352 LOC/Germany; ``My dad is back from our reality show '' ``When Elliotts take over the world '' '' this week's episode : Germany! '' +2353 My dad is blasting christmas music in his car . His windows are up & I can hear it from the outside . Awesome : D +2354 My father is one of the few good black guys left . He would never treat my mom like you treat me . Do n't ever (cont) http://FakeURL +2355 My friend actually expects me to go stay with my elder aunt and uncle for a weekend just cause it would make ... http://FakeURL +2356 LOC/NBA store; My friends and I went to the NBA store and played basketball . And we even competed with these really cute Chinese guys . +2357 my friends birthday is the 21st February! :) xx @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +2358 my hair is getting so long! i want to re-layer it but i am skeptical . . http://FakeURL +2359 PER/George; My husband George created this skiing design . http://FakeURL +2360 My king he's next to me +2361 PER/Keyshia Cole;PER/Nicki Minaj; my new favorite track -) I Aint Thru-Keyshia Cole feat . Nicki Minaj http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2362 My one consolation from this game is that the #FakeHashtag & T commercials practically guarantee #FakeHashtag will be 4G +2363 my president is black, my head coach too . ooh +2364 My shit real it came frm tha actual jewelry store http://FakeURL +2365 ORG/Packers;LOC/Dallas; My ticket is booked . I 'll be seeing the Packers in Dallas . +2366 ORG/The xx;ORG/Mew;ORG/Phoenix; My Top 3 Weekly #FakeHashtag artists : The xx (87), Mew (57) & Phoenix (46) http://FakeURL +2367 ORG/Twitter; My Twitter value is $ 5.35, according to http://FakeURL ... What about yours? #FakeHashtag +2368 ORG/Myspace;ORG/myspace; Myspace : What is the code to put a border around the white thing in your myspace profile .? http://FakeURL +2369 PER/Nafizwan Adnan;PER/Alan Clyne; Nafizwan Adnan and Alan Clyne are scrapping it out in the other semi as we speak . +2370 PER/Beady Eye; nah i know you did thou! . RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Did you manage to get tickets for Beady Eye? +2371 NASCAR 2011 The Game `Car Setups' video game trailer - PS3 X360 Wii http://FakeURL +2372 PER/Natalie Portman; Natalie Portman : Her Evolution From Eerily Mature Child Star to Girlish Grown-Up - The Moviefone Blog : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2373 ORG/Nature Sounds; Nature Sounds Music #FakeHashtag Pro Sound Effects Rain Sound Sounds Of Rain Pro Sound Effects http://FakeURL +2374 Need 2 put music on my ipod b4 I get on this plane tomorrow +2375 PER/Pacquiao; Need I say more? RT @FakeUsername Bruising Win by Pacquiao Pits Speed Over Size http://FakeURL +2376 PER/aaron rodgers; Neither team deserved to win that game lol aaron rodgers played like hot buttered ass +2377 MISC/super bowl; Never doubt the #FakeHashtag ... super bowl here we come! +2378 PER/Trisha Erskine; Never stop believing in what you love . ~ Trisha Erskine #FakeHashtag RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername +2379 PER/Paul Henry;ORG/NZ Herald News; New Breakfast host diplomatic after Paul Henry's gaffe - National - NZ Herald News http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2380 PER/Anne Hathaway; New #FakeHashtag Anne Hathaway and it better be good +2381 ORG/Scribblers; New at Scribblers this month for all fledgling artists It's fun to draw #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2382 PER/Snoop Dogg;PER/Cameron Diaz;PER/Snoop Dogg; New Entry Snoop Dogg : : El Lay - Cameron Diaz's admission that she bought marijuana from Snoop Dogg when they attend ... http://FakeURL +2383 ORG/Organix; New Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy & Moroccan Argan Oil collections http://FakeURL +2384 New question posted! - Please anwser this ... I need more anwsers!? . Answer this now at http://FakeURL +2385 ORG/Windows; New Rootkit Bypasses Windows Code-Signing Security http://FakeURL +2386 PER/Joe Cocker; new song of the day ) Joe Cocker Woman to Woman http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2387 LOC/New york; New york here's to the +2388 PER/Eneramo;ORG/The Nation Newspaper; News : Eneramo moves at cut-price - The Nation Newspaper http://FakeURL +2389 PER/Harry; News : Harry Wins At @FakeUsername - all the details @ http://FakeURL +2390 ORG/NFL;ORG/NBA; NFL refs ruin games when the stakes are higher . Only terrible officiating I can remember from NBA refs during the playoffs were 06 Finals . +2391 MISC/NFL;ORG/The Peppers; NFL's a joke . The Peppers hit was legit . +2392 nice hats : D x @FakeUsername live on http://FakeURL) +2393 PER/Nick Oliver;MISC/hunger strike; Nick Oliver, English fathers rights victim of '' family law holocaust '' is at day 51 of hunger strike . . @FakeUsername +2394 ORG/tumbler; Nicked it :) Do it :) Ask me anything :) - Name : Age : Meaning behind tumbler url : Where you live : ... http://FakeURL +2395 PER/Nicki Minaj;PER/Marshall Bill; Nicki Minaj = Fire Marshall Bill #FakeHashtag +2396 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj is cool! I love da wigs gonna get one for sur-waaah x +2397 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj is on @FakeUsername tonight! +2398 PER/Nicki Minaj; Nicki Minaj lyrics are a little wild . +2399 LOC/Nigeria;MISC/primary election; Nigeria is having well organise primary election, means the future is bright for the coming April election . +2400 PER/Jeffrey Goldberg; Nightmarish trauma, '' questionable safety . '' ``Why Cavity Bombs Make the #FakeHashtag Irrelevant '' '' . http://FakeURL by Jeffrey Goldberg @FakeUsername '' +2401 ORG/Nike; Nike 2010s for the summer? I feel it! +2402 PER/Nimrod Laments; Nimrod Laments http://FakeURL +2403 ORG/Nissan; Nissan Leaf, '' because we all know that all electricity is '' ``clean '' '' energy . '' +2404 PER/Mike Pence;PER/Mitch McConnell; No, Mike Pence, No Mitch McConnell, you can not have your TAX CUTS, so quit your Whining, Shut up and Sit down . +2405 ORG/AJC;PER/Mark Richt; NO @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : AJC's fan blog : Is Mark Richt capable of making the `changes' he says (cont) http://FakeURL +2406 PER/Barack Obama; NO doubtly the Incredibly best PIC of Barack Obama http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +2407 PER/Napoleon Hill; No great enterprise will even begin if all obstacles must first be overcome . ~ Napoleon Hill +2408 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; No great man ever complains of want of opportunity . - Ralph Waldo Emerson +2409 No i dont RT @FakeUsername Ladies only (do you have what it takes to pull these off) #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2410 PER/Ryan Reynolds; No offense to Ryan Reynolds but @FakeUsername was robbed! +2411 No one makes a Rice Krispy cake like my Mom!!! Thanks Tatanne! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE TO MEEEEEE!!!!! +2412 No real surprise . . Honeymoon Murder Victim's Husband Arrested : http://FakeURL +2413 PER/Eleanor Roosevelt; Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission . - Eleanor Roosevelt via @FakeUsername +2414 PER/Noel Gallagher;PER/Anais; Noel Gallagher's daughter Anais is becoming a rock star like her dad and has started playing the guitar ... +2415 Noord-Korea schiet op Zuid-Korea' http://FakeURL +2416 not even half of the books i have to tackle this semester : (http://FakeURL +2417 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm . - Ralph Waldo Emerson +2418 PER/Ellen Glasgow; Nothing in life is so hard that you ca n't make it easier by the way you take it . ~ Ellen Glasgow RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername +2419 ORG/TSA;ORG/TSA; Noticed i was filing stories on TSA patdowns under terrorism - It is, authorized by BigSis & TSA di-k head who wo n't fight against real enemy +2420 Now, the grand distinction drawn between officer and man at sea, is this? the first lives aft, the last forward +2421 MISC/Housewives of Atlanta; Now that the game is over I can catch up on episodes of Housewives of Atlanta!!! +2422 PER/Palin; Now the gloves are off . I will be writing about Gov. Palin for the 1st time ever; I 'll publish it on Monday more than likely . So #FakeHashtag +2423 PER/Keith Olbermann; now watching the second airing of Keith Olbermann +2424 Now with pic : - s http://FakeURL +2425 ORG/NOWNESS; NOWNESS - Fantastic Food : The Winner @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +2426 Nth to do Bt actually not coz I'm waiting for my sketch book coz I really want the glitter dry so that I cn draw the other page lol!!! +2427 LOC/UK; Number 1 one #FakeHashtag fan from the UK!!!!!! +2428 MISC/Keeping Up With The Kardashians; NW : Keeping Up With The Kardashians +2429 PER/Amber; Nylon Blogs _ Blog Archive _ Song + Site of the Day : One Response to? Song + Site of the Day? . Amber Says : Janua ... http://FakeURL +2430 PER/Chris Hanson; o_O \* texts Chris Hanson \* +2431 ORG/oasis;PER/Neil young; oasis live forever for me! . RT @FakeUsername : One song I 'll always take to the grave with me, Neil young heart of gold +2432 PER/Obama;ORG/CNN International; Obama says jobs will be? main topic? of Tuesday? s State of the Union? CNN International : Ne ... http://FakeURL America Latest News +2433 PER/Obama;PER/Bush; Obama split his lip playing basketball . It's better then when Bush split his because he did n't know how to use a Segway . +2434 PER/Obama; Obama Urges His Party Not to `Run for the Hills' :) http://FakeURL +2435 PER/Bill Cowher;ORG/Steelers; Of Bill Cowher is gonna pick the Steelers duhhh +2436 PER/Cam Newton; Of course Cam Newton likes white girls thanks #FakeHashtag lol +2437 MISC/muslims; off to bed now . eid mubarak to all muslims all over the world . happy eid al-adha, may His barakah and rahmah shine upon us all . goodnight :) +2438 ORG/Twitter; Officially started this essay . Thank god for full screen applications . Farewell, Twitter . +2439 PER/Roddy White; Oh, and damn you Roddy White for talkin all that trash to the media . I swear, stuff like that messes us up every time UGH +2440 PER/Homer Simpson; Oh, so they have Internet on computers now! - Homer Simpson +2441 PER/Urban Meyer; Oh, Urban Meyer retired?! Yeah, I do n't care #FakeHashtag!!!! +2442 PER/Joe Johnson; Oh and the mediocre player I was referring to was Joe Johnson . He's trash! +2443 Oh good!! I'm glad you were aware of using turnout and applied it = D? YEYA!!! : D < 33 http://FakeURL +2444 Oh I will I gatta tell u the dumb shit thesr niqqas out here b on smh RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername keep me posted +2445 PER/Emmanuelle Chriqui; Oh man Emmanuelle Chriqui is so BAD! #FakeHashtag +2446 PER/Tom Brady;PER/Suh; Oh my goodness Tom Brady got sacked by Suh . Smh +2447 ORG/AT&T; Oh my I love that AT&T commercial lol +2448 LOC/Wisconsin; Oh oh ... lookout! Everybody that yall know is or they cousin is from Wisconsin or from whoever wins this next game ... #FakeHashtag +2449 Oh ok RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I WRESTLE GATORS ... I was gone jump out and save u. ... I wanted to be your HERO! +2450 PER/Michelle; Oh so lovely . Aunt Michelle is pregnant; http://FakeURL +2451 Oh the things you see when you work in #FakeHashtag . Crazy day! +2452 PER/Paul McCartney; ``Oh Woman, Oh Why By Paul McCartney http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername '' +2453 ORG/steelers; Ohh and cause they got a black coach ho looks like he dot play, lets go steelers! +2454 PER/Austin Collie; Ohhh NO not Austin Collie . Poor guy . Wow #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2455 PER/Tony Romo;ORG/Cowgirls; Ohhhh so Tony Romo found the time to get engaged huh?! Next season Cowgirls fans will be blaming that on why he STILL SUCKS! +2456 PER/Aaron Rodgers; OHHHHH TOUCHDOWN PATS!!!!! What a play! Aaron Rodgers face was priceless just now! +2457 Oilers No Longer, Where are They Now? #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2458 LOC/Chicago; Ok, I was way off on the Chicago sports prediction! +2459 MISC/The Sopranos;MISC/the Goodfellas; ok, so turns out The Sopranos shared 27 actors with the Goodfellas . +2460 OK I tried it out and it does work http://FakeURL +2461 OK I tried it out and it does work http://FakeURL +2462 Ok . . And Now = =) #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag 346 official Podcast #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag . . +2463 OK kids-you MUST see this great Veterans Day tribute video done by @FakeUsername : http://FakeURL Kudos! Have tissue nearby . +2464 Ok onr more : if You listen close enough You can hear the Ocean :) http://FakeURL +2465 PER/George Harrison;PER/George; ok RT @FakeUsername : Since tomorrow is the 9th anniversary of George Harrison's death, my tweets will just be about George . Sound good? +2466 PER/Kevin hart; Ok?! Its too funny to not watch RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername @FakeUsername @FakeUsername I mean damn what did Kevin hart do to u?? +2467 PER/Matt Ryan;PER/Manning;PER/Brady; Okaaaay? Smh LOL RT @FakeUsername : Ok number one rule Matt Ryan never throw across the field . U ai n't Manning or Brady smh +2468 PER/Aston; OMG i looove the end question of this video!! http://FakeURL - LOOOOOOOOL Aston is a Legend! :') @FakeUsername +2469 Omg this girl jus fed this dude some cocoa puffs in octagon like he's some sort of animal +2470 PER/Kimberly Locke; omg YES . i get that all the time . lol RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername Hey has anyone ever told you that you look like Kimberly Locke? +2471 PER/Todd;PER/Mercedes; Omw to the mall wit Todd and Mercedes +2472 On @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Enhanced Pat Downs : The Screeners Point Of View http://FakeURL +2473 MISC/The WBAI Evening News;MISC/Counterspin;ORG/WBAI; On Now : The WBAI Evening News followed by Counterspin at 6; 30 pm EST. . WBAI 99.5 fm and streaming live @FakeUsername +2474 ORG/Bloomberg;PER/Jay-Z; ``on that Bloomberg '' ``game changers '' '' Jay-Z '' +2475 On this day 12 years ago - Jan 23, 1999 http://FakeURL +2476 On World Diabetes Day, '' Learn How to Avoid Diabetes : In the past 30 years '', the prevalenc ... http://FakeURL +2477 Once the clothes are out of the dryer, I have to virtually fly out of here . Haha! I never buckle under the pressure . #FakeHashtag +2478 PER/David Allen; Once you 've taken inventory, you can start to make sense of your runway . ~ David Allen +2479 PER/Michelle Obama;PER/Oprah; One day I will have dinner with Michelle Obama and Oprah! +2480 PER/Michelle Obama;PER/Oprah; One day I will have dinner with Michelle Obama and Oprah! #FakeHashtag +2481 PER/Ivana Santilli; one of my fave canadian singers ) Ivana Santilli Deserve Official Music Video http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2482 One official does not a cleansing make . @FakeUsername +2483 ORG/Valencia;ORG/Malaga; Only got the 5 games in today finishing up with a ding dong game Valencia 4-3 Malaga ... Now for MOTD #FakeHashtag of Football +2484 PER/Jay Cutler;ORG/NFC championship; Only Jay Cutler knows what he can and can not do, but you 're in the NFC championship game! +2485 only uploadin it cos i like it but it aint my pic nomore =) http://FakeURL +2486 MISC/Fresh Prince;PER/Tisha Campbell; Ooooh my fav episode of Fresh Prince is on . The 1 with Tisha Campbell and the earthquake +2487 ``Oooohoooo '' @FakeUsername : herh u ppl dey sleep too early ... y `all just leaving like the way a ghanaian party ends '' '' '' +2488 Oooooh! My iPod lists Superpop in such a way that once it's over Hung Up starts . Aah . +2489 Open Question : Does anybody recognize that song? and more ... : ... http://FakeURL +2490 PER/Thomas Edison; Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work . - Thomas Edison +2491 PER/Oprah;LOC/Sydney; Oprah's Sydney Shows http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername It was amazing! check out . Awesome . +2492 PER/Oprah;LOC/Sydney; Oprah's Sydney Shows http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername It was amazing! check out . Awesome . jakson NZ +2493 PER/Reagan; Or worse!!! Hear bout how great Reagan was!!! \* shudders \* +2494 Or would For WhomThe Bell Tolls be a better addition? +2495 Our bodies are at once the receiving and transmitting stations for life itself . It is the highest ... http://FakeURL +2496 PER/Ralph Waldo Emerson; Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail . - Ralph Waldo Emerson +2497 Our team earns the most in the world http://FakeURL you will have to join us to find out why we 're the best +2498 Out Of Control Chinese Medicine - Enough Is Enough!? - What can be ... http://FakeURL +2499 PER/Sharon;PER/Steve; ``Out of Office reply '' ``I will be out of the office for the 2 weeks for medical reasons . When I return '', '' please call me Sharon instead of Steve '' '' '' +2500 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; Overall, today was bittersweet . Personally, I had a good day, but when I heard about Elizabeth Edwards, that gave me some pause . +2501 LOC/New Bern;LOC/Craven County Regional Airport; Overcast and 29 F at New Bern, Craven County Regional Airport, NC Winds are North at 9.2 MPH (8 KT) . The pressure is 10 http://FakeURL +2502 LOC/Orange County Airport; Overcast and 57 F at Orange County Airport, TX Winds are East at 8.1 MPH (7 KT) . The humidity is 72% . The wind chill is http://FakeURL +2503 ORG/packers;MISC/superbowl;PER/aaron rodgers;PER/brett favre; packers going to superbowl with aaron rodgers . it must suck to be brett favre right now . #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2504 LOC/PARIS;ORG/Reuters;PER/Nicolas Sarkozy; PARIS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Sarkozy will spell out his plans for reforming the intern ... http://FakeURL http://FakeURL +2505 Part 3 - http://FakeURL - tell me what you think :) +2506 PER/Patrick Jane; Patrick Jane is SO smart @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag +2507 PER/Pau Gasol;PER/Ron Artest;ORG/Denver Nuggets; Pau Gasol goes playmaker no look assist to Ron Artest in the break for the lay up vs Denver Nuggets #FakeHashtag http://FakeURL +2508 PER/Paul Haggis; Paul Haggis puts mad love into new crime thriller - CTV News http://FakeURL +2509 PER/Paul McCartney; Paul McCartney laffing his arse off ... http://FakeURL +2510 PER/Paul Simon; Paul Simon - Kodachrome http://FakeURL +2511 PER/Paul Simon;PER/Oprah;LOC/Uluru; Paul Simon told Oprah to see Uluru http://FakeURL +2512 PER/paul weller; paul weller is at the @FakeUsername tonight! . +2513 PER/Penelope Cruz; Penelope Cruz looks so fine in this perfume commercial +2514 MISC/Scarface; People always tryin to take credit that rightfully belongs to me ... but it's OK \* Scarface voice \* +2515 PER/Tim Ferriss; People are smarter than you think . Give them a chance to prove themselves . ~ Tim Ferriss +2516 LOC/Old Trafford;MISC/WW2; People died, you prick RT @FakeUsername : Whichever German dropped the bomb that hit Old Trafford in WW2 is a true legend . #FakeHashtag +2517 PER/Napoleon Hill; Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel . ~ Napoleon Hill +2518 PER/peter kay; peter kay live from the top of the tower is such an amazing dvd! . +2519 ORG/PGA;PER/Mark Wahlberg; PGA Star Punches Mark Wahlberg - http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2520 PER/phil taylor; phil taylor looks pissed off ATM! . #FakeHashtag +2521 PER/Philip Rivers;ORG/Twitter;PER/Jay Cutler;PER/Cutler;PER/Philip; Philip Rivers is trending on Twitter and Jay Cutler is not . Think Cutler will use that as another reason he hates Philip? +2522 PER/Phillip Noyce;MISC/Salt; Phillip Noyce Not Directing Salt Sequel - http://FakeURL : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2523 PER/Cat Stevens;PER/Cat;PER/Steven; Photo-find of the day - Cat Stevens (or should that be Cat & Steven?) http://FakeURL - LOL! +2524 ORG/Andrew; Photo :? (19/9/2002)? Photograph taken at the last know whereabouts of Andrew (Name removed) before his ... http://FakeURL +2525 Photo :? Feel it . Breathe it . Believe it . And you? ll be Walking On Air Go try it . Go fly . So high . And ... http://FakeURL +2526 Photo :? holy shit these abs http://FakeURL +2527 PER/Jake; Photo :? Jake? s niece? s reaction when she ate pancakes he made for her . http://FakeURL +2528 Photo :? REBLOG if you love this BROMANCE! http://FakeURL +2529 Photo : ashleathesmiths : http://FakeURL +2530 Photo : forevercountingthestars : http://FakeURL +2531 Photo : give me your hand http://FakeURL +2532 Photo : hold on tight . http://FakeURL +2533 Photo : i curled my hair today :) http://FakeURL +2534 ORG/Newsweek;PER/Stephen Dorff;PER/Dave; Photo : I have a Newsweek print article with this picture of actor Stephen Dorff in it . It? s not Dave, but ... http://FakeURL +2535 Photo : I love this pic http://FakeURL +2536 Photo : I want the AluceRing .! (: http://FakeURL +2537 PER/Paris Hilton; Photo : klondyke - : the next Paris Hilton, goddamn shit http://FakeURL +2538 Photo : living-death : http://FakeURL +2539 Photo : nyjroadtothesuperbowl : http://FakeURL +2540 Photo : paintmegreeen - : see if your shitting me! there will be hell http://FakeURL +2541 Photo : parawhore4lifebitchez : THE BUTTERFLY OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH http://FakeURL +2542 Photo : photojojo : I don? t know if I should think this is the best invention ever or the beginning of the ... http://FakeURL +2543 Photo : Read my mind! http://FakeURL +2544 Photo : Shower me with your love all of everyday . You make the red rose sun shine on me . Lift me up so high ... http://FakeURL +2545 Photo : So I came across this great article from a retired player/sportscaster about the potential Lockout ... http://FakeURL +2546 Photo : thaisabrantes : http://FakeURL +2547 Photo : thatbieber : http://FakeURL +2548 Photo : The best . http://FakeURL +2549 Photo : therunaway - : http://FakeURL +2550 Photo : This is amazing, lol http://FakeURL +2551 Photo : Tomorrow is Monday . http://FakeURL +2552 Photo : totally want this xD http://FakeURL +2553 Photo : Using the portion of the stencil that I cut out for the first one, I came up with this . I really ... http://FakeURL +2554 Photo : whatascandal :???? http://FakeURL +2555 Photo : Whoever made this is skilled . . It looks so good? http://FakeURL +2556 MISC/PHP; PHP for Beginners : Part 2 _ Making Decisions and Loops : Over the past part I have shown you the basics of text i. . . http://FakeURL +2557 PILIPINAS win na win + Umagang KAY GANDA = PILIPINAS KAY GANDA! +2558 Plan And Search For Wholesale Baby Gifts : The price of the wholesale baby gifts is a very important consideratio ... http://FakeURL +2559 LOC/Sri Lanka;LOC/Goa; Planning last week of the trip - Sri Lanka or Goa?? +2560 MISC/the mercury prize; Plans of rattled lucille winning the mercury prize 2012 are in motion +2561 PER/Deborah Cox; play count 754 -) Beautiful U R - Deborah Cox http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2562 PER/W. Churchill; Play the game for more than you can afford to lose ... only then will you learn the game . ~ W. Churchill +2563 LOC/Lagavulin; Play this Thanksgiving out, Lagavulin . +2564 ORG/Playboy;PER/Hugh Hefner; Playboy's Hugh Hefner engaged to 24-year-old former playmate This Just In - http://FakeURL Blogs http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2565 Playful teen tiff has a little fun fucking with the camera man ... http://FakeURL +2566 Playing Call of Duty : Black Ops . http://FakeURL +2567 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! +2568 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! #FakeHashtag / AIDS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2569 please RT, Tomorrow is World Aids Day! #FakeHashtag / AIDS #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2570 ``please vote @FakeUsername for '' ``Musician of the Month '' '' http://FakeURL '' +2571 Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime . +2572 Podcasts, blogs on life-limiting illness, how to avoid medical futility & embrace the life in your days http://FakeURL +2573 PER/Paul Valery; Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them . - Paul Valery +2574 LOC/Texas; Pork chops, dirty rice, steamed vegetables, & Texas toast tonight ... A lady once told me that women love a man that can cook, fuck wit me! +2575 PER/Chris;PER/Tommy; ``Posted a new blog entry '' ``Hello hello hello ... we 're the Chris and Tommy Folk Rock Good tim ... '' '' http://FakeURL '' +2576 Power-Walking does n't involve any power, only the simulation of you walking through a hurricane ... Interesting . +2577 Ppl I'm high thinking a weed nap ... ohhhhhhhh yeah +2578 PER/Tiger Woods;PER/Tiger; ``ppl r too scared . lol RT @FakeUsername : Hey what happened to the '' '' I am Tiger Woods '' '' commercials '', . . nobody wanna be Tiger these days? +2579 MISC/Practical Magic;PER/Nicole Kidman;PER/Sandra Bullock; Practical Magic with Nicole Kidman & Sandra Bullock . Love this movie! +2580 LOC/Guantanamo; President's Guantanamo strategy in disarray : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2581 PER/Diana Ross; Putting the Christmas tree up with the wiff @FakeUsername); she's a little tearful especially with Diana Ross playing in the background . . +2582 Q : After a long day of working, would ... A : By myself then go out with friends : http://FakeURL +2583 Q : Have you ever tanned in a tanning bed? A : Nope . I use a self tanning spray in the s. . . : http://FakeURL +2584 Q : If you had to spend $ 1,000 in one hour, how ... A : I 'd put it in the bank and save it for later :) : http://FakeURL +2585 PER/DeMaurice Smith;ORG/NFL; Quarterback for a Team of 1900 : DeMaurice Smith, head of the NFL players' union, spoke to players after a practi ... http://FakeURL +2586 Questions - My iPod is lame and won? t let me answer them? So as soon as I can get onto my computer all your ... http://FakeURL +2587 Qui that's messed up that man got a fam to feed < < RT @FakeUsername : I def got the security guard fired!!! He mustve thought I was playing +2588 ORG/Qwiki; Qwiki : Much bigger than `search with a voice' http://FakeURL +2589 PER/R. Kelly; R. Kelly new album is going to be off the charts! #FakeHashtag +2590 PER/Leslie Nielsen; R.I.P Leslie Nielsen +2591 PER/Ingrid Pitt; R.I.P. Ingrid Pitt . : -LRB- +2592 PER/Raj Patel;MISC/World Hunger Year Event; Raj Patel at World Hunger Year Event http://FakeURL +2593 PER/joe montana; random thought : where's joe montana when ya need em lol +2594 PER/George Bush; ranked in order from most to least trusted by americans : Jewish, Bankers, Politicians, Muslims, George Bush, Athiests +2595 rawr! this is y we get in 2 fights lol http://FakeURL +2596 PER/Ray Davies;LOC/100 Club;PER/Ray Davies; Ray Davies Plea For 100 Club : Ray Davies has revealed his support for the campaign to save the historic Londo ... http://FakeURL +2597 Re : CP5 slider that doubles whole the time http://FakeURL +2598 Reading SEOULFM on http://FakeURL (via @FakeUsername) +2599 Real food . Real people . +2600 Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time . #FakeHashtag +2601 Realize the QUEEN that you are ... and maybe they will to!! +2602 PER/Cheryl Cole;ORG/Apple;PER/Cheryl Cole; Really, not Cheryl Cole! Apple gives away Cheryl Cole single for Free today http://FakeURL +2603 ORG/Toyota; Really Toyota? A polar bear that hugs a guy for driving an electric car? WTF?! +2604 PER/Kevin Williamson;MISC/Vampire Diaries Companion Series; really? here we go . . @FakeUsername : Kevin Williamson Developing Possible Vampire Diaries Companion Series - http://FakeURL +2605 Realshit > RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag do n't no where I been . #FakeHashtag usually was right there with me +2606 REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO EAT HERE . http://FakeURL +2607 PER/Roddy White; Reception number 100 for Roddy White!!!! Good job sir!!! @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag #FakeHashtag +2608 PER/Debra Zimmer; Remember, their called? Action Heroes?, not? sit-on-your-butt-and-dream-about-it? heroes . Debra Zimmer +2609 PER/David Allen; Remember, you 're the one who creates speed, because you 're the one who allows stuff to enter your life . ~ David Allen +2610 PER/Dale Carnegie; Remember happiness does n't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think ~ Dale Carnegie +2611 PER/Pence; Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work http://FakeURL +2612 PER/Rebecca Okoro; Replacing it with a piece of hers . Thank God that I found you at the right time . Love you so much #FakeHashtag Rebecca Okoro . +2613 Report : `Cooler' version of iPhone 4 coming soon http://FakeURL +2614 ``Reports and Articles : Reports and Articles http://FakeURL '' +2615 PER/Reagan; Republicans have been deliberately sabatoging the economy since Reagan . The entire world is living with the fallout now . @FakeUsername +2616 MISC/Revenge Of The Bridesmaids; Revenge Of The Bridesmaids - Stills http://FakeURL +2617 PER/Ralph Fiennes Kipling; Review : Ralph Fiennes Kipling (Audio CD) Fantasy Book Review : http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2618 PER/Rex Grossman; Rex Grossman is trash . What was the point of that rexy?! Smh +2619 PER/Ricardo Lorenzetti;PER/N. Kirchner; Ricardo Lorenzetti habla de la muerte de N. Kirchner . http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2620 PER/Rich Franklin; Rich Franklin might be the toughest math teacher who has ever lived . +2621 PER/Richard Branson; Richard Branson on taking chances : http://FakeURL +2622 PER/Rick Ross; Rick Ross' album was how many tracks? lol wth? +2623 PER/Ricky Martin; Ricky Martin giving a voice to exploited children - http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag +2624 Riding in my old hood but I'm in my new whip!! +2625 PER/Brent Grimes; Right? RT @FakeUsername : Brent Grimes is surprising me ... Actually, ALL of the #FakeHashtag secondary is surprising me . They 're short, but athletic . +2626 PER/Matt Cardle; Rightly so . @FakeUsername Matt Cardle Tops Xmas Pop Charts : http://FakeURL +2627 Righttt!!!!! Youre 22? And theres two dude on cronaldoteam tweetingg?? there's 3 of us all girls http://FakeURL +2628 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RIP Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL +2629 PER/Blake Edwards; RIP Blake Edwards Incredible memories will remain in the hearts of so many +2630 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; RIP Elizabeth Edwards +2631 PER/Freddie Mercury; Rip Freddie Mercury . If you were alive today you would be impressed how things have changed . +2632 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RIP Leslie Nielsen +2633 PER/Pete Postlethwaite;MISC/Inception;MISC/The Town; RIP Pete Postlethwaite, Actor, (Inception, The Town) +2634 PER/Reuben Studdard; RIP Reuben Studdard +2635 PER/Ron Santo; RIP Ron Santo . When I saw he was trending this morning, I knew it was n't great news, but @ least his suffering is no more . +2636 PER/Teena Marie; RIP Teena Marie +2637 PER/Rob Thomas; Rob Thomas fan? RT @FakeUsername : he's mad . http://FakeURL +2638 PER/Robert De Niro;MISC/SNL; Robert De Niro will host SNL Dec 4 @FakeUsername +2639 PER/Robert Downey Jr; Robert Downey Jr totally rocks as Tony Stark! @FakeUsername +2640 PER/Roe;ORG/Roe Nurseries Landscaping Inc.; Roe is trending . Which is bull . I thought it was for Roe Nurseries Landscaping Inc. . Turns out it's for some old obscure court case . +2641 PER/Roman Polanski;MISC/European picture award; Roman Polanski wins best European picture award http://FakeURL +2642 PER/Audrey; Romance Wrapped in Soft Pink and Soft Yellow - A Lovely Artfire Collection Curated by Designed by Audrey http://FakeURL +2643 PER/Ron Marenelli;PER/Luke Skywalker;MISC/Return of the Jedi; Ron Marenelli looks like that ogre that Luke Skywalker fights against in Return of the Jedi +2644 PER/Ron Mueck; Ron Mueck's Amazing Surrealistic Sculptures : http://FakeURL +2645 PER/Ron Paul; Ron Paul is the man! How he lost the Presidential race in' 08' shows more proof that we need better #FakeHashtag in our country . #FakeHashtag +2646 PER/Ronaldinho;ORG/Milan; Ronaldinho comes in for Milan : D??? +2647 PER/Roots Manuva; Roots Manuva - Again & Again http://FakeURL via @FakeUsername +2648 PER/Valentino;PER/Kate Middleton; Royal Dos And Do n't s : Valentino's Advice For Kate Middleton : She's been officially affianced for all of about 24 ... http://FakeURL +2649 PER/Leslie Nielsen; RP Leslie Nielsen http://FakeURL +2650 RT I was blown away by this powerful article . Please read! http://FakeURL +2651 RT @FakeUsername : Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, hey, floating around in space forever seems pretty cool .? +2652 ``RT '' @FakeUsername : Thinking of a master plan!! '' '' '' +2653 PER/Canard; ``RT '' @FakeUsername : Canard out front in 450 timed quali '', '' clearly he's not taking this '' ``no ferry '' '' thing hard . '' '' '' +2654 RT @FakeUsername I only weight 110 pounds . : / < oooo thicker then a snickers lol +2655 PER/Noel Gallagher;PER/Miles Kane; RT @FakeUsername : NEWS : Noel Gallagher `working on album' : Miles Kane has confirmed he's played guitar on new material written by ... ... +2656 PER/Naomi Campbell; RT @FakeUsername : Naomi Campbell is accepting her achievement award with a heartfelt, emotional speech @FakeUsername http://FakeURL +2657 RT @FakeUsername YOu follow #FakeHashtag I see @FakeUsername / / / / DOZENS +2658 PER/Merril Hodge; RT @FakeUsername : Merril Hodge is a piece of shit lol +2659 PER/Jay-Z; RT @FakeUsername : LMFAO RT @FakeUsername : WTF I look like wishing Jay-Z a Happy Bday? Fuck him and his couch! You hear me now? Good ... +2660 PER/Danon; ``RT @FakeUsername : MKs call for investigation into '' ``War Criminals '' '' website : Danon demands police investigation and c `tee debate o. . . http : / / ... '' +2661 RT @FakeUsername : Walked up to my house and could smell the the food from outside yummmm :) Sunday dinners are my fav +2662 RT @FakeUsername Did n't win our random giveaway? Have no fear! Once we hit 1,100 fans we 'll be giving away another . Spread the word! +2663 RT @FakeUsername : Who is @FakeUsername? < me +2664 RT @FakeUsername RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag females are motherly, caring, and comforting that personify the word w-o-m-a-n . +2665 LOC/Dunwoody Prep;LOC/Mt. Vernon; RT @FakeUsername : Man Shot In Front Of Dunwoody Prep; Police looking for silver Dodge Minivan with no tag last seen WB on Mt. Vernon #FakeHashtag ... +2666 PER/Christina Applegate; RT @FakeUsername : Spreading the word about Christina Applegate's auction for Breast Cancer Awareness . Will benefit her org http://FakeURL ... +2667 MISC/the Graham Norton show;ORG/BBC1;ORG/bbc; RT @FakeUsername : Was on the Graham Norton show on BBC1 last night so if you were out partying and want to see it today, check bbc ip ... +2668 MISC/Austin Powers; RT @FakeUsername : Hang on, did @FakeUsername just say @FakeUsername reminds her of Austin Powers on @FakeUsername? #FakeHashtag situation ... +2669 PER/Charles Woodson; RT @FakeUsername : Really Charles Woodson? #FakeHashtag > They did n't even try on that one . +2670 PER/Sacha Goldberger; RT @FakeUsername : Sacha Goldberger used photography to help his grandmother with her depression : http://FakeURL +2671 PER/Stephen Harper; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag confirms - Everyone hates Stephen Harper #FakeHashtag +2672 RT @FakeUsername : Mantra of The Day OM BUM BUDHAYAY NAMAH OM AIM KILEEM SHREEM BUDHAYAY NAMAH OM BRAM BREEM BROM SAH BUDHAYAY NAMAH +2673 RT @FakeUsername : @FakeUsername zulke peki's, hard2get? Jaa man true story . The are betta things #FakeHashtag +2674 PER/Sarah Palin;ORG/White House;PER/Obama; RT @FakeUsername Exclusive : Sarah Palin tells @FakeUsername she's seriously considering a White House run, that she could beat Obama : http://FakeURL +2675 PER/Chris Brown; RT @FakeUsername : I feel bad for Chris Brown ... If you know him, and he needs a publicist, tell him to contact me ... +2676 RT @FakeUsername : Tweet ... for a cure +2677 ORG/Absolute Classic Rock;PER/John Lennon; RT @FakeUsername : Absolute Classic Rock plays out John Lennon's final interview tomorrow night at 9pm . 2 hours of amazing, unmissable ... +2678 ORG/CBC;PER/don cherry; RT @FakeUsername : ABOUT TIME CBC STOP BEING RACIST AND REACTIONNARY BY SUPPORTING don cherry's COMMENTS GET RID OF THE OLD TART AND BOYCOTT ... +2679 PER/James May;MISC/Top Gear; RT @FakeUsername : I have James May's actual jacket on from Top Gear on Tuesday . Tried to find one could n't, so he leaned me his . +2680 PER/Tom Brady; RT @FakeUsername : Tom Brady's foot injury really looks like it is hampering him . +2681 PER/DeSean Jackson; RT @FakeUsername : DeSean Jackson's 65-yard, game-winning, punt return is the only game-winning punt-return touchdown as time expired in ... +2682 PER/Todd collins; RT @FakeUsername Todd collins is good . And by good I mean the worst . +2683 ORG/NHL;PER/Ryan Miller; RT @FakeUsername : Sending out my support for @FakeUsername - it's hosted by NHL star Ryan Miller in support of those affected by ch ... +2684 LOC/Las Vegas Strip; RT @FakeUsername : `See-through' casinos blight Las Vegas Strip : But the casino mogul's research so far shows there might be little ... http : / / ... +2685 PER/Bob Bennett; RT @FakeUsername : Bob Bennett is voting Yes on the $ 1.1 Trillion 1974 page Omnibus Bill 202-224-5444 Let him know what you think of him & ... +2686 PER/Mike Smith;PER/John Fox; ``RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag coach Mike Smith on John Fox : '' ``I admire the way he coaches . He does a very good job . He always has his teams pr ... '' +2687 PER/Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Ryan has a 10-12 record on the road . He's not off to his best start passing, 3 of7 for 35 yards . +2688 PER/Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag Ryan is not sharp . He's had three near interceptions . +2689 ORG/Falcons;PER/Garrett Hartley; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag 3, Falcons 0 Garrett Hartley on a 52 yard field with 1:02 left in the first quarter . Drive : 8 plays, 37 yards ... +2690 MISC/Chick-Fil-A Bowl Parade;LOC/Pine;ORG/RDA;PER/Ivan Allen;LOC/Peachtree; RT @FakeUsername : Closures for Chick-Fil-A Bowl Parade begin at 10:30 a.m. along W. Ptree near Pine, and RDA/Ivan Allen near Peachtree . ... +2691 PER/Julian Assange;ORG/Time magazine; RT @FakeUsername : HOLY FUCK! Julian Assange removed from Time magazine's man of the year award (he was at no. 1) http://FakeURL #FakeHashtag ... +2692 PER/Alicia Keys; RT @FakeUsername : Congrats to Alicia Keys on her baby boy - do n't know her but had a few sherries and feeling sentimental +2693 PER/Elton John; RT @FakeUsername : Elton John is editting the independent tomorrow for Worlds AIDS day lets tweet him our support @FakeUsername - go on - do it!! +2694 PER/The Alan Titchmarsh show; RT @FakeUsername : Doing The Alan Titchmarsh show today!! I'm Super duper excited!! Performing the Silence! Make sure you all tune in!! xx +2695 RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : Come and check out my new blog! http://FakeURL / / Love it . . esp the pics of your family . Beautiful! / / Thanks +2696 PER/Patti Smith;MISC/National Book Award; RT @FakeUsername : The @FakeUsername has unlocked a 2002 profile of Patti Smith from the archives, in honor of her National Book Award win ... +2697 PER/Sananda Maitreya; ``RT @FakeUsername : listening to '' ``Who is Sananda? - Interview 2005 - Sananda Maitreya '' ''? http://FakeURL '' +2698 PER/Don Cherry; RT @FakeUsername : #FakeHashtag I do n't understand what Don Cherry is doing at the swearing-in . I guess those blue collar millionaires gotta sti ... +2699 ORG/Apple;ORG/Verizon;PER/Gene Munster; RT @FakeUsername : Apple Will Sell 9 Million Verizon iPhones Next Year, Says Gene Munster, But He Hints It Cou ... $ VZ $ AAPL $ T by @FakeUsername ... +2700 PER/Ryan Reynolds; ``RT @FakeUsername Congrats to my homie Ryan Reynolds getting '' ``Sexiest Man Alive '' '' by People magazine . Good thing for him I turned it down . '' +2701 RT @FakeUsername : Time to pray at dawn..self-help resting, , known He as my pills fo any pain and suffer-ing, , Here I come Lord, , open ur arms widely +2702 RT @FakeUsername : I'm convinced that if users had to post comments w real name, email, & self-portrait avatar things would be much more civil . +2703 PER/Jeff Kennett; RT @FakeUsername : Jeff Kennett is in trouble for saying he uses Kool Mints to foil breathalyzer devices ... +2704 PER/John Lennon;PER/John; RT @FakeUsername : Coming up John Lennon The Final InterviewThe Team w / the last known interview w/John before he died share memories . List ... +2705 PER/Stan Rice; RT @FakeUsername : On this day in 2002, Stan Rice died . We 'd been married for 41 years . He was my lover, my mentor, my best friend, . . ... +2706 ORG/Congress;LOC/Penn State;PER/Joe Paterno; RT @FakeUsername : Congress passed resolution this morning honor Penn State's Joe Paterno for his 400th win . +2707 PER/Cortland Finnegan; RT @FakeUsername : Haha . Oh . Yeah . RT @FakeUsername FYI Cortland Finnegan Wishes He Looked Like Me ... Thankyou +2708 PER/Bridget Riley; RT @FakeUsername : A photo tour of Bridget Riley's new show, which offers her Op Art works alongside the masterpieces that inspired them ... +2709 PER/Rumi; RT @FakeUsername Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it . - Rumi +2710 RT @FakeUsername : Aurora Borealis as I will forever paint it in my dreams . Almost time to return home ... no regrets ... but mixed emo htt ... +2711 RT @FakeUsername : Good news on Khandro, my dog, no more blood in her urine so do n't need ultrasound . Pls #FakeHashtag it stays that way . #FakeHashtag +2712 PER/Corey Peters;PER/Clausen; RT @FakeUsername : DE Corey Peters notches his first sack of his career when he dropped Clausen for a 4-yard loss . #FakeHashtag +2713 PER/Matt Ryan; RT @FakeUsername : QB Matt Ryan now 15-0 in career when he notches QB rating above 100 . Ryan was 24-28 for 198 yds, 1 TD & 0 INTs w/QB ... +2714 PER/Curtis Lofton; RT @FakeUsername : The forced fumble on the goal line was Curtis Lofton's 3rd of the year . #FakeHashtag +2715 PER/Bill Hicks; RT @FakeUsername : Bill Hicks would have been 49 today #FakeHashtag +2716 PER/Palin;ORG/WikiLeaks;PER/Sarah Palin; RT @FakeUsername : Palin likens WikiLeaks to al-Qa `ida : American Conservative standard bearer Sarah Palin has compared the founder ... http ... +2717 RT @FakeUsername : RT @FakeUsername : When I was little, I would close the fridge door really slow to see if the light ... http://FakeURL +2718 PER/DMX; RT @FakeUsername : Rough ride for rapper DMX . He's back in #FakeHashtag jail . Police say he violated probation by acting the fool up in here . ht ... +2719 PER/Julian Fantino;PER/Fantino; RT @FakeUsername : Julian Fantino is so tough that #FakeHashtag no longer wants to build new prisons . Instead Fantino will glare at criminals and t ... +2720 PER/Julian Fantino;PER/Omar;LOC/Guantanamo; RT @FakeUsername : Julian Fantino's so tough Omar #FakeHashtag wishes he could just stay in Guantanamo forever . +2721 ``RT @FakeUsername @FakeUsername i likee the '' ``Sex '' '' oneee (: haha '', the beat is fly sky; P! THUMBS UP; D +2722 RT @FakeUsername : In these challenging days, we ca n't afford earmarks items inserted into spending bills without adequate review . http : / / ... +2723 PER/Elizabeth Edwards; RT @FakeUsername : Our country has benefited from the voice Elizabeth Edwards gave to the cause of building a society that lifts up all th ... +2724 PER/Julian Assange; RT @FakeUsername Julian Assange will be having a lonely Xmas in a police cell . This is for him : let it leak! http://FakeURL +2725 ORG/Beatles; RT @FakeUsername : After three hours, the Blue album is the highest charting Beatles album on iTunes, at no 38 . Hey Jude is the top-sell ... +2726 ORG/Beatles;ORG/The Beatles; RT @FakeUsername : On the 6Music site : Beatles on iTunes : After a ten year stand-off, The Beatles are finally selling their tracks ... h ... +2727 ORG/Airbus; RT @FakeUsername : Airbus prepares safety warnings http://FakeURL +2728 ORG/British Gas; RT @FakeUsername : British Gas to raise bills by 7% http://FakeURL +2729 PER/Obama; RT @FakeUsername : Obama warning over Asian exports http://FakeURL +2730 RT @FakeUsername : Parents `face benefit sanctions' http://FakeURL +2731 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL +2732 PER/Lady Gaga;PER/Russell Howard; ``RT @FakeUsername : '' ``Lady Gaga looks like a Jedi prostitute '' '' - Russell Howard on @FakeUsername #FakeHashtag '' +2733 PER/Craddock;ORG/Wolverhampton Wanderers;PER/Jody Craddock; RT @FakeUsername : Craddock ruled out until new year : Wolverhampton Wanderers defender Jody Craddock is ruled out for two months with a ... ... +2734 PER/Gerrard;ORG/Red;ORG/Liverpool;PER/Roy Hodgson;PER/Steven Gerrard; RT @FakeUsername : Gerrard on course for Reds return : Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson is hopeful Steven Gerrard will make his return from ... htt ... +2735 RT @FakeUsername : Brain cooling `could save lives' http://FakeURL +2736 RT @FakeUsername : Concerns over increase in rickets http://FakeURL +2737 PER/Robert Daley; RT @FakeUsername : 15-year-old boy gets life sentence for murdering suspected paedophile Robert Daley +2738 PER/Robert Daley; RT @FakeUsername : A 15-year-old girl was sentenced to six years detention for Manslaughter of Robert Daley +2739 ORG/Airbus; RT @FakeUsername : Airbus prepares safety warnings http://FakeURL +2740 ORG/Apec; RT @FakeUsername : Apec leaders call for trade area http://FakeURL +2741 RT @FakeUsername : Baby and girl ,2, found in city http://FakeURL +2742 RT @FakeUsername : Brain cooling `could save lives' http://FakeURL +2743 PER/Christopher Hitchens; RT @FakeUsername : Christopher Hitchens on his `living' cancer http://FakeURL +2744 RT @FakeUsername : Concerns over increase in rickets http://FakeURL +2745 PER/David Cameron;LOC/Cornwall; RT @FakeUsername : David Cameron on Cornwall floods : we stand by to help in whatever way we can +2746 PER/Suu Kyi; RT @FakeUsername : Freed Suu Kyi addresses followers http://FakeURL +2747 PER/Suu Kyi; RT @FakeUsername : Global reaction to Suu Kyi release http://FakeURL +2748 PER/Haye;PER/Harrison; RT @FakeUsername : Haye stops Harrison to keep title http://FakeURL +2749 PER/Iain Duncan Smith;ORG/Office of National Statistics; RT @FakeUsername : Iain Duncan Smith admits figures he used in Commons housing debate came from property website not Office of National Statistics +2750 RT @FakeUsername : Literacy standards `fall short' http://FakeURL +2751 RT @FakeUsername : Live - Saturday boxing http://FakeURL +2752 RT @FakeUsername : Man found dead after explosion http://FakeURL +2753 RT @FakeUsername : New phone hack file handed over http://FakeURL +2754 RT @FakeUsername : Official figures for October show the Consumer Prices Index increased to 3.2% but Retail Prices Index inflation was unchang ... +2755 RT @FakeUsername : People `denied' die at home wish http://FakeURL +2756 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL +2757 RT @FakeUsername : Scots revenue powers `to expand' http://FakeURL +2758 RT @FakeUsername : Scots ski season gets under way http://FakeURL +2759 RT @FakeUsername : Seven people die in French fire http://FakeURL +2760 ORG/SNCF; RT @FakeUsername : SNCF `sorrow' over Holocaust role http://FakeURL +2761 RT @FakeUsername : Students plan non-violent tactics http://FakeURL +2762 RT @FakeUsername : War dead remembered at services http://FakeURL +2763 PER/Pamela Anderson;MISC/Indian BB;MISC/Baywatch;PER/Pamela Anderson;MISC/Big Brother; RT @FakeUsername : Pamela Anderson to join Indian BB : Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson is join the Indian version of Big Brother . http://FakeURL ... +2764 RT @FakeUsername : Businesses concerned by water use http://FakeURL +2765 RT @FakeUsername : Butterflies on the brink http://FakeURL +2766 RT @FakeUsername : Dino's oldest embryos unearthed http://FakeURL +2767 RT @FakeUsername : Earth's pull `shaped Moon's surface' http://FakeURL +2768 RT @FakeUsername : Science of how cats get the cream http://FakeURL +2769 RT @FakeUsername : Snow bear fight as pair meet up http://FakeURL +2770 RT @FakeUsername : Top computers `to fit sugar cube' http://FakeURL +2771 RT @FakeUsername : Turtles breathe in for buoyancy http://FakeURL +2772 PER/Hamilton;PER/Alonso; RT @FakeUsername : I want Hamilton on pole - Alonso http://FakeURL +2773 PER/Pacquiao;ORG/WBC; RT @FakeUsername : Pacquiao wins WBC title on points http://FakeURL +2774 ORG/Tottenham;ORG/Blackburn; RT @FakeUsername : Tottenham 4-2 Blackburn http://FakeURL +2775 RT @FakeUsername : The thief in your pocket? http://FakeURL +2776 RT @FakeUsername : `Ignored' http://FakeURL +2777 RT @FakeUsername : Activists win `integrity' award http://FakeURL +2778 PER/Adams; RT @FakeUsername : Adams `to contest Irish election' http://FakeURL +2779 ORG/Apec; RT @FakeUsername : Apec leaders call for trade area http://FakeURL +2780 ORG/British Gas; RT @FakeUsername : British Gas to raise bills by 7% http://FakeURL +2781 ORG/MI5;LOC/Guantanamo;PER/Binyam; RT @FakeUsername : British MI5 officer will not be charged over claims he was linked to alleged torture of former Guantanamo detainee Binyam ... +2782 ORG/Chelsea;PER/Wilkins; RT @FakeUsername : Chelsea part company with Wilkins http://FakeURL +2783 PER/De Niro; RT @FakeUsername : De Niro to receive lifetime Globe http://FakeURL +2784 RT @FakeUsername : Dutch soldiers `blew up own car' http://FakeURL +2785 ORG/Rolls; RT @FakeUsername : Engine fault to hit Rolls profits http://FakeURL +2786 PER/Berlanga; RT @FakeUsername : Film-maker Berlanga dies aged 89 http://FakeURL +2787 PER/Suu Ky; RT @FakeUsername : Freed Suu Kyi addresses followers http://FakeURL +2788 ORG/French cabinet; RT @FakeUsername : French cabinet quits ahead of reshuffle http://FakeURL +2789 RT @FakeUsername : German Interior Minister : heightened threat of terror attack +2790 PER/Haye;PER/Harrison; RT @FakeUsername : Haye stops Harrison to keep title http://FakeURL +2791 PER/Haye; RT @FakeUsername : Haye unfazed by weight difference http://FakeURL +2792 PER/Haye; RT @FakeUsername : Haye unfazed by weight difference http://FakeURL +2793 RT @FakeUsername : Live - autumn rugby internationals http://FakeURL +2794 PER/Murray;PER/Monfils; RT @FakeUsername : Live text - Murray v Monfils http://FakeURL +2795 RT @FakeUsername : New phone hack file handed over http://FakeURL +2796 ORG/APEC; RT @FakeUsername : No local `costumes' for APEC leaders http://FakeURL +2797 RT @FakeUsername : Nobel laureates make nuclear call http://FakeURL +2798 PER/Pacquiao;MISC/WBC title; RT @FakeUsername : Pacquiao wins WBC title on points http://FakeURL +2799 LOC/DR Congo; RT @FakeUsername : Police `killed DR Congo activist' http://FakeURL +2800 ORG/Pontin; RT @FakeUsername : Pontin's goes into administration http://FakeURL +2801 RT @FakeUsername : Schools facing funding overhaul http://FakeURL +2802 RT @FakeUsername : Seven people die in French fire http://FakeURL +2803 ORG/SNCF; RT @FakeUsername : SNCF `sorrow' over Holocaust role http://FakeURL +2804 ORG/Manchester United; RT @FakeUsername : The Glazer family, who own Manchester United say they are to use their own money to pay off # 220m of high interest loans . +2805 RT @FakeUsername : Urban v rural http://FakeURL +2806 RT @FakeUsername : Urban v rural http://FakeURL +2807 PER/Palin; RT @FakeUsername : Year in custody for Palin hacker http://FakeURL +2808 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/UK; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's first UK dates sold out in 30 minutes this morning #FakeHashtag +2809 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/Casino de Paris; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's gig at the Casino de Paris is now sold out! #FakeHashtag +2810 PER/Beady Eye;LOC/Brussels; RT @FakeUsername : Beady Eye's gig in Brussels has now sold out! +2811 LOC/Britain;PER/John Lennon; RT @FakeUsername : On this date in 1969 : As a protest against Britain's military involvement in foreign conflicts, John Lennon returns his ... +2812 RT @FakeUsername : A good friend understands you even when your thoughts arent fitting into words . +2813 PER/Michael Jordan; RT @FakeUsername : A pop-up experience celebrating Michael Jordan and his namesake Air Jordans : : http://FakeURL +2814 PER/Hugh Hefner; RT @FakeUsername : Hugh Hefner is 84 and engaged to a 24 year old? She's not a gold digger . More like a grave digger . +2815 RT @FakeUsername : Want to make this Thanksgiving one to remember for years to come? Tell your parents that you 're gay at the dinner t ...